Vampire’s Curse Island has arrived in Poptropica. It’s the 25th island in the game and it is dark, spooky and fun. In Vampire’s Curse, a young citizen of a small mountainside village has been kidnapped by the vampire, Count Bram. You need to save her and at the same time figure out how to break the curse of the Vampire.
Vampire’s Curse Island Video Walkthrough
Having trouble rescuing Katya and solving the Vampire’s curse? Check out the complete video walkthrough. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you find these videos helpful!
Written Walkthrough for Vampire’s Curse Island
Arrival in Vampire’s Curse Island
When you first arrive on Vampire’s Curse Island, talk to the woman crying right next to where you land. She will tell you that her darling daughter Katya is missing. She and her boyfriend both disappeared. You’ll see a pop-up message telling you that two teenagers have been kidnapped by Count Bram and that you need to go to his castle to rescue them and win the island medallion. You can talk to the villagers here to learn more of the story behind Katya and Christopher’s disappearance. You’ll also discover that the teenagers in this village are obsessed with vampires. But hey, who isn’t?
Run to the right and leave this area to go to the cliffs and Bram’s Castle. Head to that area and walk to the right, where you’ll find Christopher sitting on a rock. Talk to him and he’ll tell you that Count Bram took Katya away. He claims he tried to fight Count Bram off, but he couldn’t stop him from capturing her. Christopher doesn’t seem too upset–instead of offering to help with the rescue, he decides to go hang out with other cute girls in the village. So much for romance!
Attack of the Werewolves
Jump up onto the rocks above. Suddenly, you’ll see a werewolf appear to the left. He will jump and knock you down. To fight him off, you need to first hide in the tree to the right and just below you. Go inside and then when the werewolf appears again, click on the branch on the left. The werewolf will be knocked out. Click on the tree again to exit.
Run to the right and jump up the steps. Make your way to the left by jumping from rope to rope. When you land on the large tree branch, another werewolf appears and knocks you down. You both fall, but when you land you’ll get a piece of the branch (a log) in your inventory. It will come in handy later on. For now, go back up the steps and cross over the ropes one more time. When you reach the upper-left area, a third werewolf will appear and knock you down before running off to the right. He stops on the rope bridge and blocks your way. Run to the right until you get to the bridge and then click on it. You’ll cut the rope and the werewolf will plummet to the rocks below.
Jump down and to the right and then jump up the rope bridge, using it as steps to reach the top of the cliff. Then run to the right to reach the next area, the Castle Grounds.
The Castle Grounds
You’ll be in a graveyard outside the castle. You can click on the graves to see who is buried there if you like. The interesting one is the tall tombstone. The inscription reads, here lies Lucy Westenrna. Lucy is a fictional character from the original novel, Dracula by Bram Stoker. Vampire’s Curse Island has a lot of references to the original novel and this is one of them. In the novel, Lucy was the victim of Count Dracula, who was slowly draining her of blood.
There’s a tomb with an open doorway here that leads into a mausoleum. Go inside and pick up the book and the crowbar. The book is a Teen Vampire Novel. It may have been left behind by Katya. No one knows why there would be a crowbar inside this tomb, but it’s going to come in very handy several times later on in this quest. Once both items are in your backpack, head back out of the tomb.
Go to the right and you’ll see a large ditch that cannot be crossed. We’re going to solve that problem. Walk a few steps back to the left and click on the drain pipe attached to the building. It will come off and you can carry it. Now place it down on the ground underneath the gargoyle statue by clicking again. Then jump up on the pump handle under the statue. This will cause the water to shoot out of the gargoyle’s mouth and into the drainpipe and then fill up the ditch below. You may need to move the pipe a little to the left or right to get the water to fall into it. Once the pit fills with water, you can swim across to the right. Then go through the stone arch to enter the next area.
The Castle Entrance and the Great Hall
When you arrive, the first thing to do is to push the rocks on top of the fountains outside the castle. By blocking off three of the jets, you’ll cause the water pressure on the last jet to be strong enough that you can ride it to the window ledge above. Two of the rocks are to the left. One is easy to push. The second requires you to use the crowbar to pry it out first. The third rock is up on a ledge to the right. Once all three rocks are in place, you’ll see a large jet of water. Jump on it and ride your way to the top. Wheeee!
Go inside the open window to enter the Great Hall. It’s very dark in here (remember that Vampires like it that way) and when you arrive you’ll be standing next to a glowing fireplace. You need to re-light the fire. Fortunately, you have everything you need in your backpack: the teen vampire novel and the log. Click on both to use them and place them in the fire. They will quickly burn and you’ll have enough light to see around you.
There are some candles next to the fireplace and some bookshelves. There’s also a ladder here that you can push. To complete this area, you’ll need to re-light each of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with the candles The process is simple. First, push the ladder over to the bookshelves on the left side. Then grab a candle and light it in the fireplace. Now, moving quickly, climb the ladder and get on top of the book shelf. Run and jump to the left and you’ll land on a ledge. Head to the far left and jump up again to the small ledge above it. Now jump as far as you can to the right and you should land in the middle of the first chandelier. Stand in the middle of it and your candle will light it up. Unfortunately, the candle has now melted so you need to go get another one.
Go back down and repeat the process. This time, when you reach the chandelier you just lit, jump up and to the right again to reach the second one. Light it and return for another candle.
For the third and fourth chandeliers, do not light the candle in the fireplace. If you do, it will melt before you reach the chandeliers. Instead, take it with you unlit to the first chandelier. Stand in the middle and it will light itself. The last two chandeliers are on the right side of the room. To reach the third one, step off gently to the right from the second and you’ll land on a small platform. Then jump as far as you can up to the right to reach the third chandelier. The fourth chandelier is up and to the right from there.
Whew! That was a lot of jumping and candle-lighting, but once you have all four chandeliers lit, the room will be bright and you can see everything inside. Now jump to the bottom and run to the left, past the fireplace and bookshelf. Walk a few steps to the left and you’ll find and pick up a Glass Eye that has fallen onto the floor. Jump up the ladder to the top of the bookshelf and there will be a tiger’s head mounted on the wall. It’s missing an eye! Use the Glass Eye from your backpack and the tiger’s mouth will open, revealing a key to the Armory. Click on the key to put it in your backpack. Jump down and run to the left to the door to the Armory and use the key to unlock it. Then go inside.
The Armory
As soon as you arrive inside, jump up to the left to grab the Crossbow. Then walk over to the large cannon on the left and click on one of the three cannonballs on the ground. You will load it into the cannon.
If you thought you were done with candles, you’ve got a surprise! Head back out to the Great Hall and grab a candle. Light it in the fireplace and return to the Armory. Walk over to the wick at the end of the cannon and it will light and fire the cannonball out of the window. The force of the explosion will cause the cannon to flip around and point to the right. Load another cannonball inside and then run back out to get and light another candle.
Now return and light the cannon again. It will fire the cannonball out of the Armory and through the doorway into the Great Hall. The cannon will shift again, this time pointing straight up. Load the last cannonball inside and then return to get one more lit candle.
On your way to the fireplace, push the cannonball as you go. When it stops in front of the fireplace, the heat will make it glow red-hot. You can leave it for now. We’ll deal with it later.
Light one more candle in the fireplace and return to the armory. Light the cannon and it will fire the last cannonball through the roof above. Jump up onto the top of the cannon and then up into the room above you. There’s a small bucket here. Pick it up and place it in your backpack.
Now comes some clever climbing. Equip the crossbow and then aim it up and down the wall to the left, pressing the space bar to shoot arrows into the wall. Make sure you get plenty of arrows stuck in the wall at several different heights. Now jump up on the arrows, using them as steps to climb the wall. You have to jump quickly each time because your weight will pull the arrow out of the wall when you land on it. Get all the way to the top into a small room above, where you’ll find a tiny plant.
Use the crowbar on the boarded window to open it up and let sunlight in. The plant will respond well to the light, but it also needs water. Go back down through the armory and into the Great Hall. Run to the right and use the crowbar on the chained door to open it and go outside. Use the bucket while standing next to the water jet to fill it up. Then return to the Armory and use the arrows to scale the wall one more time. Use the filled bucket on the plant and sit back and watch.
Wow! That plant grew pretty big. It’s kind of like a giant beanstalk. Go outside the window to see where it went. Jump up the steps on the castle walls to the right and then jump onto the leaves of the beanstalk to get to the tower window. Once there, go inside to reach the Laboratory.
The Laboratory and Count’s Chamber
Once inside, walk to the right and click the lever to the dumbwaiter. It will rise and the hot cannonball will roll out and come to a stop underneath the wolfsbane in the beaker. This will cause it to wilt and when it does, you can click on it and put it in your backpack. Click on the papers on top of the desk to get Count Bram’s Notebook. You can examine it to learn about the other ingredients you’ll need to complete the anti-vampire potion to break the curse. They are garlic extract and mandrake root. If you read the complete text, you’ll also learn that Count Bram has been trying to figure out how to turn back from his curse of being an immortal vampire and to return to his wife, Annabelle.
Jump up on the desk and again up to the shelves to get the Garlic.
For fun, click on the faucet of the jar on the desk to briefly turn into a tomato-head vampire bat!
Leave this room through the wooden door and then cross over the castle wall to get to the next area, the Count’s Chamber.
Once inside the chamber, jump up on top of the empty coffin and then to the left. Run and jump to the right to land on the golden cage hanging above the room. Here you’ll finally find Katya, who has been kidnapped by Count Bram. She’ll tell you what happened and then tell you that a book you need to find one of the ingredients can be found back in the Great Hall library. Leave the chamber and jump down to the right all the way to the ground. Go back through the doorway or window into the Great Hall.
Gathering the Mandrake Root for the Serum
Once inside the Great Hall again, push the ladder to the book shelf on the right side. Jump up until you are able to grab the book, Root Causes. If you examine the book, it will show you a picture of where to find the Mandrake Root, which is outside on a ledge in the Castle Grounds area. Let’s go get it!
Leave the Great Hall and then go through the stone archway to return to the Castle Grounds. Run to the right and you’ll see a wooden wall. Use the crossbow again to shoot arrows into the wall and then jump up, using the arrows as steps. When you get to the top, jump up onto the stone ledge and you’ll get the Mandrake Root.
Now return all the way back to the Laboratory (you’ll need to go through the Armory and make an arrow-ladder again). Once you arrive, it’s time to mix up some potion!
Creating the Serum
Click on the microscope on top of the desk to begin putting together the potion. You’ll see three vials containing Mandrake Root, Wilted Wolfsbane, and Garlic Extract. Use the eyedropper to assemble the potion. Use one drop of the Mandrake and three drops each of the Wolfsbane and the Garlic. Then click on the cells in the microscope. They’ll turn into healthy cells. You’ve found the right formula!
You’ll get a syringe with anti-vampirism serum inside. Now exit out of the door and return to Bram’s chamber. Walk to the far right, where you’ll see a cane sticking out of the umbrella stand next to the gate. Odd, that wasn’t there before! Click on it to pick it up and then use it to grab the key from inside. Once you have the Cage Key, jump back up to where Katya is imprisoned and use the key to unlock the cage and set her free.
Count Bram Arrives
You have freed Katya, but Count Bram now returns to the chamber. He’s confused and thinks that Katya is his long-lost wife Annabelle. Katya leads you on an escape route out of the room and across the castle walls.
Once outside, simply do as Katya says and follow her moves exactly. You can use the garlic in your backpack to keep Count Bram away from you as you make your escape. When you reach the top of the castle wall, Katya will had you the serum and you’ll need to shoot at Bram, who has turned into a bat. Aim carefully and shoot him to inject the serum. He will knock into you and you will all fall back down into the Great Hall, where he will turn back into a human.
After thanking you for saving him, Count Bram disappears into a cloud of dust and re-emerges in the painting above, standing beside his beloved Annabelle.
At this point, Christopher charges into the room announcing he has returned to “save” Katya. She rushes to him and they kiss. I think this is a Poptropica first!
After that romantic moment concludes, you will pick up the island medallion from Count Bram’s clothes on the floor. Congratulations! You have solved the quest in Vampire’s Curse Island!
Bonus Quest
Paid members can now do the bonus quest, in which you need to escape the vampire hunter Cactus Von Garlic and re-assemble the ingredients for the serum to cure yourself and Christopher of the Vampire’s Curse.
(bonus quest walkthrough coming soon!)
Vampire’s Curse Map

More Vampire’s Curse Island Fun
Here’s what the official information page has to say about Vampire’s Curse Island:
For centuries, a truce has existed between the people of a remote mountain village, and the vampire who lives in the castle high above. Now, that truce is shattered, and Count Bram has captured a young villager. Can you rescue her from his evil clutches — and avoid being struck by the vampire’s curse?
Vampire’s Curse Island Trailer
Before the island was released, the Creators posted the official trailer for Vampire’s Curse Island. Take a look:
Vampire’s Curse Cards
These special items will be available for members only for use in the new island. The items include:
- Vampire Count Costume (Boys)
- Vampire Countess Costume (Girls)
- Garlic Breath
- Vampire Bat Gum

I can’t believe it… Busy Seagull from the forums guessed it right! Well, it can’t be too scary but I think it’s going for more of a “Twilight” look. Werewovles and Vampires… I think that’s the big hint. Seems like the trend of Vampires has now spread to Poptropica.
I love vampires! they’re so cool…… breaking dawn is the fad right now. anyway… I’M SECOND!
it should be wizards! sephanie meyer sucks edwards a pedo and bella is stupid. i have a song, jingle bells twilight smells edward ran away, bella dies jacob cries and POTTER ALL THE WAY!
third…by the way, you’ll end up liking twilight sooner or later…. when you run out of books to read.
HEY just because its a vampire island doesnt nesceseraly mean its twilight vampires if anything its going to be the original vampires. anyway i saw a few pics back and its going to take place in Romania (the character designs) where the original vampire the famous Dracula was found
is this suppose too be a island?
gosh,i swear if this island has too do with ”twilight” i think im gunna shoot my self in the f*ckin face 🙄
i rather the old school dracula….
but i seriously think my idea for the island Atlantis,would be awesome!
since no one ever found it,yu would have too go on the other islands,or specific ones,and try tooo get clues,i would totally explain,but i write tooo much,so it would had been like reading a book,lol
oh yea and i have a other great island idea,the davinci code (but with a more creative name) i think these 2 islands would be the most exciting and hardest!
I hope its not Twillight,I really hate Twillight also,even if I ran out of books to read…I still can read manga’s (Comics by Japan peepz).If I ran out of manga’s…I’ll maybe watch Rosario+Vampire..??? Well,I hope it aint Twilling. >o<
i hope they would make transformer island but hey arent and the next is just a stupid dryad island
and how to change picture??
click my name^
OMG jade,s back
abia astept insula vampire s curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT HARRY POTTER ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!harry potter fans click this link
Ugh…I was seriously hoping there would be some sort of fairy-dragon-dryad-troll type of thing, not this Twilight crap– I read the entire series twice and didn’t like a single thing about it!
Oh well…maybe it’ll still be fun 🙂
Dracula theme is better than Twilight theme.. i prefer gory vampires than ”sweet vampires in love” … therefore i don’t like so much Draculaura
jades BACK? return of the devil lol
i want a harry potter island
and tiny panda thats funny
omg cant wait i love vampires n i love breaking dawn i saw all of the twilight movies soooo far
my dad’s a vampire! hahahahh
poptrofan yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should’ve known. when they showed that large statue of the woman (called rest easy) in the daily pop, i tried google translate on detect language and it said it was french. but one word wasn’t translated. i’m like, what the heck is this? must’ve been translyvainin or or how ever it’s spelled lol
could be dracula’s crypt.
Wow jades back where’d u go jade
zippy how old you?
jade unlike others idc what u say or do
i m so sykd!!!
i hope the vampires aren’t disco balls!
P.S., twilight sukz
wait she is the one who watched r-rated movies
poptrofan you are so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who is online right now?
kpotaj i am and poptrofan i have no freinds [except the one,s i don,t see very much]
My stomach turned when I saw her gravatar =[
My stomach turned when I saw Jade’s comment she’s back ={
oh mine too ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ubhhhhhhhhhh ughhhhhh
well she has not comment for couple hours it might just those two
Eva, you weren’t even here when Jade was commenting. You don’t know who she is 🙄
zippy dolphin youre on to something this takes place in Romania and thats where Transylvania is located ….. the home of Dracula which would explain the traditional Romanian clothing
I hope it’s like Twilight. It would be so much more exciting. But a twist from Dracula would also be cool.
kpotaj I think Twilight is awsome!
hi is eva the 8 year old kid here on line
eva heres part 2 eva phineas :FERB FERB ferb: what phineas: isabella tryed to k k kiss me ferb: awsome howed it go? phineas: oh it was great i love the the part where IT DIDDNT HAPPEN ferb: WHAT? why not phineas: ive neverd kissed a girl and i asked isabella to the dance what im gonna do if we kiss ferb: um idk
I hope this is not a really creepy island. i dont care if it is Twilight or Dracula, i just kind of like that they are doing the mythological things like the mythology island. i still cant get past that one by the way.
o wow but wat is about vamiper island
love it poptrofan
thxx and jade has not commented in 12 hours i think shes gone
what,s your name on avatar studio?
roseydoggy for one of them
great about jade
gtg bye
i like your avatar
anyone want to talk?
i can talk till 10 or 9
this is going to be awsome!!!!!
well let,s be freinds
ummm, actually im right here lol…
and ive been back 4 a couple of days
and how the fuck do you all knoee me?!!
i never heard of anyone of you,lmao
Cae315 February 8, 2012 at 2:42 pm
Eva, you weren’t even here when Jade was commenting. You don’t know who she is
lmao,well i dont knoee yu either
and how do you guys knoee me,this is fuckin weird!
did yu guys go on old post and stalk the shit out of me,if yu did yu guys r creepy,lol
anyways,i dont act like that anymore thats 2011 jade.
i hang out on the red dragon post with people,I ACTUALLY USE TOO TALK TOO.
Your back.and they know you because of me
I’m infernape,if you left before I changed my name,i dont remeber
I think it’s going to be more like old school Dracula.
i know you jade! but thats just a weird thing to say
jade u still cuss so you have not changed and infernape told us about you thats how we know u ps U SUCK THERE IS A 8 YEAR OLD HERE AND IF MAKE HER CUSS U R JUST MEAN
and im not going to stop commenting cuz of u
What the hell Jade is really back, and I’m 100% sure she has no clue who I am, oh this is going to be so fun!
P.S. Cae315, Ryuzaki and me did a pretty good job at explaining to Eva who Jade is, by the way. By the way Jade Ryuzaki is Infernape.
P.S.S. No one tell Jade who I am, until I say so, it’ll ruin it
Too bad Bashful Cloud and Neat Hopper aren’t here right now, their missing out
look at me im jade i cuss im so cool cuz i watch r rated movies rofl
and i am that 8 year old
and jade why do you cuss
can someone get past shrink ray for me i can,t get on the ballon username evababee pass scooter
oh and is someone giveing away a account
iam so exited about the vampire curse island
anbody there?
who is giving the acount
eva i finished it for u
but it didn,t give me credit,s
i know p.s. i love your story,s
so let,s talk ok?
hey it would be funny if a 2nd girl liked phineas and she gave even more hints that she liked him but he was stll clueless and isabella fought with her and phineas was like ?
did you change the pass?
oh yeah LOL
it said my pass is wrong…
lol i would luv it if phineas fainted if he got kissed
well anyway i think someone should be in love with ferb
100th comment
what about vanessa
oh and you are really funny
well he,s in love with her i want somebody to be in love with him and yay 100
“shiver” i hope jade won,t come
yh hopefully shes his age
maybe they will make her
idk she might she might not
what is idk
hey btw im puting my ideas on youtue
ok what,s your youtube name?
its i dont know
babvideos its my intallas
is that your name or you don,t know
its my name
mine is ansbea and my brothers the yellow hat
oh when can we talk what about after dinner or before
before bye
bye just talk when you come back
i already did my homework at 5:00
bendy dragon hey want to talk
hey how do you do face,s
like that?
🙂 🙁
bendy what do you like?????????????????????????
click my name ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
um are you there???????????????????????????????????????????///
hi guy,s
ok are you still there??????
Can’t wait!, This will be one of the best Poptropica islands there is!:D I hope it comes out soon :), Maybe it will be something along the lines of Ghost Story Island. I’m not too sure but as I said before I hope it comes out soon !:-)
zoe is your your name zoey
anyone there????????????????????????????????????????????
ryu, i feel sorry for u, reading all this chatter.
and eva, y should anyone tell anyone they meet online their age? they could be lieing, for all u know. but of course, i have a feeling that you, probably a 2nd grader, didn’t learn anything about internet safety yet.
on the other hand, you could be a very smart creepy person.
evamarie rockstar, Yeah my name is Zoe but I don’t spell it like Zoey. I spell it like Zoe :-).
oh and silver um i am 3rd grade
Bored, Is anyone online that I can talk to?^_^
i am i can talk till 7
are you there?…………
if you are not there i can,t talk to you
GRRRR people stop all this chatter and hogwash lets get to the subject of the island!!
Yes! I’m really into vampires!
this is gonna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am gonna read twlight when i get older
jade back!?!
yes and it,s really bad
Oh yeah it’s bad, a lot worse than you think
oh it,s 100% bad
wow she like an outlaw, everyone sure hates her.
So who is this jade, everyone been fussing about?
i know oh you got a pic and i hate her 100%
yes u mention that twice.
i just hate her that,s why and she probaly reading the comments right now
shiver it feels like she,s watching me……………
so can’t wait to find out what this island is going to be about.
who is this jade everyone been fussing about?
um look up jade,s comments on poptropica secret,s
okay…….i guess that explains it she cuss alot.
Ryuzaki February 8, 2012 at 8:35 pm
I’m infernape,if you left before I changed my name,i dont remeber
i havent seen yu in like,FOREVER!good 2cu!
yu remember when yu BLEW UP when i called yu INFER?that was halarious….
and ‘drake’ i have no clue who u r (SP?)
INFER & SP,was the ony guys i knew on here,accept this other guys…he was weird,4got his
and yu guys hate me cuz i cuss?seriously?
thats dumb,yu dont even know me
everyone does!
your parents,teachers,okay i dont know anyone who doesnt…
and seriously never said watching R rated movies were cool,i just like PG-13,and RATED-R,their more interesting,thats all 🙄
oh ya i putted like 29 viruses on my computer cuz i went on a fake website,lol
but my sister fixed it,THANK GOD MY DAD DIDNT FIND OUT! 😀
well maybe next you should go to websites u trust then your computer won’t have 29 VIRUSES!. OH AND THE other thing is you should stop cussing and try to be a little bit more nicer i mean i’m just sayin its not like i’m telling you what to do or anything……………
i agree night longer and why doe,s she cuss?
yu know what im just gunna ignore yu guys,cuz YOU GUYS OBVISOULY DONT KNOW HOW TO READ! 🙄
sorry to bother outlaw
um you need to make freinds start with me
eva, why do you write words like ” She’s ” “She,s”? It SOOOOO annoying!
omg,i have friends!
SS(she left),ICY (she left),crystal,CD (she left),SP(he left)AH is cool,risha,im sure im forgetting people…oh ya meg..
wait did my gravatar change?
Wat about me, Jade? 😛
BTW What is all this about a Vampire’s Curse? Im missing alot! 😐
uhh yeah..
Ya,looking back on it,it was somewhat amusing,I think We have all become more mature though,so I hope we can avoid having such an ugly fight again
“Lying monsters are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it. Because in truth, I am that monster.” L
wow. okay i dont know what to say but…………
hes saying were all monsters but in truth we cant help its our mind our mind is like the maze Daedalus built to keep the Minotaur in if you take a wrong turn in that maze you can get lost forever and there is always an urge to kill inside all of us and thatis one thing that people locked up in the maze.
Mino ( King Minos) taur (Tauros= bull)
Minos’s bull
jade return of evil sneeky devil ROFL
jade i dont care what u say im never gonna be on your side ps eva going to a dance tonight
Wow, Bashful Cloud you haven’t been on forever, have u seen Neat Hopper?
P.S. Like I said Jade has no clue who I am, this just can’t get better than this
P.S.S. Jade you were telling me a billion times about that movie, (the curious case of benjamin button), like that’s such a cool movie, NOT!
It was rated R, and it was horrible
Hmm, what is this island gunna b about?
yea,ur the only one who thinks that ‘drake’ that movie got 14 OSCARS that year!
everyone luved that movie,it was SO original!
and i luv brad pitt,and that movie made me cry,lol
Bashful Cloud February 9, 2012 at 7:53 pm
Wat about me, Jade?
BTW What is all this about a Vampire’s Curse? Im missing alot!
i havent seen yu in forever,also!
yea me too INFER,lol i was looking at older post of ME,yea i was so immature,lol
i cussed at people if they said i typed something wrong (not really,btw)
i cant belive people got their feelings hurt cuz of that ❓
ok drake yu might be kesha?
hi poptrofan how was your dance?
they did and its really mean if u did change then say sorry for once
its tonight i cant wait 🙂
i got a red dress and lots of make up
oh i thought you said that yesterday and how did the note in the locker thing go
oh you are going to look so pretty i can see you now
er diddint have time
ill show u pics
ok maybe you can do it after lunch if you have time
yeah who are you going to go to the dance with
u see we were bffs till i told him he never said if he likes me to or not
just friends
yeah i would have done that to and you are going to look gorgeus i did not spell that right
okay,i have lots more guesses….
Nicholas(called her Nicky)?
Icy Lightin’?
Tiny Penguin?
yea im gunna stop guessing…
this page is BACK!
this is where ALL the drama started,the fight between me and psophia,kesha,i think sandy,lol
and SP dating kesha,SP dating GG,SP and me making fun of people,lol
that page was SOO FUN!!!!
if yu guys read it yu guys would SO HATE ME!
BUT YU GOTTA say its VERY interesting!
its ok ps working on the vid for phineas and isabella
btw,this page has the MOST comments on poptropica secrets,thats why it broke,i guessed they fixed it…
that was the hangout….lol
but you are going to look great i can see you know (even though i do not know what you look like)
jade i like your gravatar
i was just trying to be nice and i do like it
jade why did you come back?
i know i just dont want u to belike jade
i am so not going to cuss
and probley
i dont no lol eva im done with my video for youtube
ok um my mom is takeing pics of a flower and my brother is watching a replay of american idol and my sister is doing a heart craft
and what was your youtube name?
cool how old ur bro
Jade we know each other a lot more than you think, and I’m not any of those people you guessed
P.S. Poptropfan and Evemarie, that’s kind of harsh, lol, well I can’t say that I blame you……..
he is 17 and his birthday is in dec. 14
i no im over dramatic
oh and his name is william but he will not play poptropica……………..
i wish time would hurry up my dance is at 7 to 10
i wish i knew selena gomaz
well just talk all day and time flys for me
oh i wissh that to and big time rush…………………………. ohhhhhhhh big time rush i am wearing a big time rush shirt that says i heart big time rush big time and i am wearing black pants
i wanna be a singer what do want to be
watching cops
really cool i want to be a singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
search tell me something i dont know
hm you do not know my birthday hint i am 8 guess the month year and day
and i was almost born on a holiday
i am the middle child of the family
december 23 2004
no may 6 2003 and it was cinco de mayo (the 5th)
are you the middle child?
no the oldest
oh i am the middle my sister has blond hair i have brown and so does my brother and my mom black and my dad blond
gtg lunch
ok just say back when you come
so jade i still like your gravatar
By the way Jade, Im pretty sure that Ryuzaki or Infernape or Peter or whatever you want to call him would agree with me about how bad that movie was, no matter how many ratings it got
drake how old are you.
drake i agree
click my name^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
thanks evamarie rockstar,wow thats a long name
and im not gunna cuss yu out,and postar person popfan (sont know ur name,lol)
i dont care if yu dont like me,cuz i dont know from now on im gunna ignore yu 🙄 actually ive been doing that 4 a while now 😀
and Drake ur creeping me out,i dont know anyone out of poptropicasecrets,so i want yu too leave me alone….. *creeped out*
oops i said sont imeant dont
and eva yu didnt even watch the movie,and i dont think it was RATED-R ithink it was PG-13…..
EW,yu like BTR,they suck!
and they cant even sing,dance,and their SO ugly!
i like adele,nicki minaj,Drake (the rapper),chris brown,rihanna
Wow, Jade creeped out from a relative, what is this world geting to……..
P.S. Uh June 2, one of the worst days of my life…….
i am tiny penguin
why is june 2 bad?
Cuz it’s Jade’s birthday (Duh)
P.S. I’m 13
my little sister is 6 and my brother 17
I thought you had a sister that was 8
um yes i just thought you already knew that.
Oh you have 2 sisters, lol, srry gtg
P.S. You guys are free to tell Jade who I am, she seems pretty confused
i do not know who you are…..
well jade i saw a girl on a tv show and her name was jade and she was mean
poptrofan are you done eating lunch yet?
yeah,know one knows who you are…lol
1st of all,NONE of my relatives are named ”drake”
so your obviously a STALKER,and your scaring me,if you dont tell me who yu are im gunna report you,IM SERIOUS.
hey every body so if u want some time i might be able to put promo codes on texts if moon aproves
Ok so Drake claims that he’s your cousin
cool island
i swear this guys crazy…
he IMAGINES that hes related too me,but he ISNT
and none of my cousins,or relatives go on POPTROPICA!
i dont have kid relatives!
only a 5 year old,2 yr old,and a 1yr old,and their all too small too know what poptropica is!
the rest are like 19,20s,or in their 30s
i wonder why fierce moon dosnt coment on her own page. she realy shoud
This Is Awesome
FairyTail is amazing… to those who dont know what that is it is an amazing anime/manga…. youtube has the first season of the anime… WATCH IT!
hi person named jade. i’m zippy.
all i said was hi. nothing more.
end of discussion. that never even started.
newbies give me a headache.
but ryu, i’m pretty sure you’d say, “well you were a newbie once too” i get that.
but right now i’m just gonna lurk around the internet….so yeah. bye.
im watching bridemaids its pretty funny,lol
lol,she just had sex with a cop,ya he’s so creepy!
i think…idk,im gunna finnish watching it
evamarie rockstar February 10, 2012 at 10:07 am
i am tiny penguin
@ evamarie rockstar: I AM THE REAL TINY PENGUIN, IMPOSTER! (just gone for probably 3,4, or 5 months!)
p.s. not that i’m mad at u or anything. just surprised. 😳
(@ evamarie rockstar)
jingle bells, twilight smells, edward ran away! bella dies, jacob cries AND POTTER ALL THE WAY!!!!!! actually i havnt read twilight yet
tee hee. ok that was a dumb yet imbecilous laugh. never mind.
but anyway, TP (tiny panda) nice song! very funny……
click my name ppl!!
I sure hope its not like Twilight, cuz that type of vampire is waaaaay overdone.
@Tiny Panda, (love the name by the way) I think what u wrote is very funny:)
whoa whats with this stalker stuff u guys r weird!!! :0
I think it will be a mixture of both Twilight and old school idk i hope so 😛
Hey uglies from statue micracle
click my nameplz
hi,havent seen yu in 4ever!
OMG!!!! 0_0 jade r u KITTZYKK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
TP how u get da hair?????
Twilight. duh!
0_0 kittzykk…….
hey. i think the reason their doing this island is beacase they found monster carnival island in their old files. so they r getting into the death thing…
Yeah i think so too
TP: nice song! That song is kinda trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay! Go harry potter! Twilight sux! Well anyways…vampires do suck blood…..but yeaaaaa
umm,i dont even know who that is….
I love the name of the new Poptropica Island: The Vampire’s Curse! Love it just love it, and it will be so cool if they do Twilight movie thing going on in this new Island.
hey jade! long time no see.
@ mewmew: i dont know. just found it in a common room.
sup i have finished every island
join my room
code: AGD26
say ‘ollo’ when ur there
Wait, hi TP, is the room still there now?
oh, the room doesnt exist… hmph 😐
oops… impatient waiting….sorry! 😳
well jade u have her pic. T_T
loud fang here
i love this site
i’ve beaten everything except for s.o.s. cuz i’m not a member
my favorite island’s mystery train
it’s so f-ing fun
y isnt anyone on?!?!?!?! >:(
hey tiny penguin wanna b friends???? 😕
ya um im mewmew
poptropica is aaaaaawwwwwwwsssssssssoooooommmmmmmeeeeeee
anyone like poptropica secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Party on poptropica code: DHU51 HOPE YOU GUYS CAN MAKE IT 😀
I’m stuck on zack’s pipe thingy!! ☺
i would hate it if they did a twilight thing
How do you make those animated smiley faces???
Hope you like my moshi monster on my link!
tiny penguin: luv ur gravatar!
finally,my real favorite island!
edward is an idiot,the reputation of vampires is destroyed because edward has born,the vampires is not an adolescent dream,vampires are superiors,vampires are great creatures.
my dream is create a game where you be a vampire or werewolf and make your own path,an vampire and werewolf mmorpg,imagine this my dear poptropicans,dracomancers,necromancers,pyromancers and millions other “mances” with sharped teeth and red eyes,or with lupin characteristics and humanoid charateristics.
(and an message,in my game,”edward vampire types” will be hunted for money and exp.)
i agree that edward is dumb….but this island sounds soooo cool!! =D
hey who’s read skulddugery pleasant?/ iLOve the book im on to dark days almost finished it to its SOOOOO good…..!!!!!!!????
I would prefer an written walkthorugh for SOS and this Vampire Island… Anyways but party at my room.. The room is BAH23!!
Ya this time I’m on the iPad so u can’t click my name :.(
My dream game would be so complexe that i couldn’t type it all here so i will name a few people you could play as. 1 An archer* 2 gladeater 3 elf* 4 super hero * 5 princess
6 king 7queen 8 knight 9 warriar 10angle
* means that they could be male or female
tp were did you get that pic?
how o u do the haunted house mini game thing free at store!?
The codes NEVER work!!!!!!!
omg can’t wait for it to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 yay
purple hero: what would the angEL (sorry, that typo annoys me) gender be, anyway? with the * u said it could be male or female….wouldn’t it make more sense for all of them to have that option?
male/female option….yea that’s kind of a necessity.
my room # thingy is DDB86
wasup peeps!!
wow i cant wait for vampires curse island to come out
thanks zippy dolphin. @ mewmew: its ok! 🙂
Zink about it:the cheetz started posting neer valentinez
therefore ze vampires are populating ze island and are terrorized by ze werewolvez
ze were wolvez are innnocent to when interrogated and you zide withz ur choicez
you alzo get either vampire or werewolf powerz and uncover a love ztorie
ppl i love poptropica but i cant beat steam works skullduggery and astro knights. they make it look so easy , plus this doesnt help on those islands.
add me guys plz im green hamburger.
ze happy ghost haz been watching ze twlight.
but it might have something to do with love. but ghost story did….
poptropica is making my head hurt.
happy valentine’s day, everyone.
From the Sneak Peeks i’v seen, I’m guessing there’s going to be a game where you have to put in the right ingredients to make a certain spell.
<3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
you have no idea! ;D
cool-looking forward to playing
happy valentine’s day peeps
PS.answer this question, did someone or the one has a crush on u told u could u be mah valentine or could you be my girlfriend
(only girls can answer this)
what the freak y wouldn’t be a heart?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
or some face?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Awesome!!! Can’t wait!!! When is it gonna come and be a full game. When is the demo coming out? The full game?
i get to accsess it early when it comes out!
OMG this is gonna be AWESOME and yet i’m still waiting for SOS island grrr
OMG i just saw it while i was going to ghost story island i cant wait til it comes out 😀
Can’t wait!
I think it will be draclura themed.
i cant wait till it comes out
I love it! It’s like ”Underworld”! (Vampires vs Werewolves movie)
Dracula it’s better
oh i cant wait to the new island…poptropica is spicing up and i love the new islands from past few months ….
OMG! I am sooooo excited! I want to play this island sooooo much! TEAM VAMPIRE!
I can’t wait I <3 Vampires and poptropica this is going to be a really good one
u should soo make it old-skool dracula! that would be awesome
hmmm i think its the curse is scary
i hope it is scarier than ghost story island
i hope it is much scarier than ghost story island…i hope there will be some surprise!lol 😉
me too! i can not wait for it! 🙂
I can’t wait for this new island to come out. But I also think poptropica needs to take some games of a few islands and make them easier to beat. : p
party at the sweet shop on shrink ray!!!!!!!!!
please come and the theme is………….*drumroll*……………….
coolest outfit you can find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wierdest, coolest, craziest, JUST WEAR AN AWESOME OUTFIT!!!!!!!!!
come on let’s PARTAY!!!!!!!!!
WAIT NEVERMIND……..sorry…………
it is at 6:00… not yay 🙁
well same thing as last message PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe a costume contest can be going on at the same time…..:)
winner gets……………
NOTHING!!!!!!!!!but winning is still fun right? 🙂
It’s my B-day tomorrow!I’m so happy! 🙂
OMG! I can’t wait to this island comes out! I ‘m so going to vampire’s cure island after S.O.S island!
im bored just got bak from school. i watched a movie thar, but it was a boring movie. T_T
HEY BABY HEY BABY HEY!! lolz i <3 that song! its on utube its soooo awsome!!! XD 🙂 😀
i thnk it will be modern but not to twilighty and whats the song called that you were singing mewmew?
so I want to go to vampire’s curse like you do guys but you have to wait.
my favorite is vampire’s curse I love it.
so I want to go to vampire’s curse like you guys but you have to wait.
cant wait to open the Vampire’s Curse Island!
I could clone there on that island!
i bet that the island will be super awsome i love poptropica
What exactly is this island about?
lol i cannot wait for the VAMPIRE ISLAND to come it is goning to be awsome p.s hope scairyer then ghost island 😉
can’t wait for the new island to come
This is going to be the best poptropican island ever!… I hope.
I wish i knew what this island was about and please , someone tell me why 1st ghost story ( then sos) and now vampires curse island. Whats with the theame?
This coming island is for me i am all about “myths”, yea i believe in them i am a werevamp : werewolf and vampire. i will tell you this: you get to choose which you are on your 10th – 18th bdays i suggest 12-18
wassup peeps!!
the island is gonna be more scarier than ghost story 🙁 👿
i think it will be kinda like where theres a werewolf and at night it goes to the village killing people and a vampire goes to try to stop it and you have to help the vampire.
it’s going to be big!!!!!!!!!
hey im new but cant wait for vampires cruse island. just wachen the traler makes me me want to click it
This island reminds me of the game ad Thirst of Night since I see it EVERYWHERE.
I can’t wait for the island to come out! That is the only island I didn’t complete at least one time! I was getting bored playing the same island all over again. I wish it would come out soon! I also want to be a premium member so I can get early access and complete the bonus quest on S.O.S. Island.
It’s about Dracula. I saw the trailer… 🙁
Hey how do you put your pichter in the box
I will not stop planing poptropica. its so awasome.
purple hero i know what te theme is about. its traing to give you the willes.
going back to plaing poptropica
i wish no body was a member so we could all play
Hey poptropica peoples,I was wondering when they are gonna make an island about a unicorn
And like name it The Lost Unicorn Adventure?
wares the movie,i mean,um,ah,cheat.i want to see something NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p 🙂 >:( ♥ 8)
My friend, Busy Heart, is soooo excited!
But, also me! It is awesome!!!
um ok
something im gonna try…
It’s going to be nothing like the Twilight Saga!!! The video showed Draucla or someone that looked like him. And the vampire captured someone and her bf. But I still can not wait till this island comes out! I wish it had Edward in it….. 😀
use the costumizer button on the top right corner, the window will be loading, roll ur mouse in the loading page and at some point it will have the walking arrow, when u have the arrow click. the page will come u will walk on the page to where u clicked.yea it is dumb.sry if it didnt make sence, this is why i need this
who hates it that u cant type talk 2 other guys!
fierce moon are u a member???
I CAN’T WAIT!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Besides, I have a friend who “think” she’s a “vampire”. Weird, she’s so crazy I hate I her. Hahah!
i know about that island. my dad let me try it out, since he’s Jeff Kinney!
i agree with iachiquita3 it should be fair that everyone gets to play the game not just the demo.
I haven’t been on poptropica for a time, but,A NEW ISLAND IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never herd about this!
what is it with the current vampire,werewolf fad?still,AWESOME!!!!!
mtlittle16, me too! Ghost Story was, umm… Well it was nice, but the scariest part was only Fiona.It was more of a love story. I was expecting something a LOT scarier than THAT. I love vampires, but ones that are kind, not crazy and mean and cruel.They can be mean though, if they were misunderstood. For instance (by the way this will be TOTALLY of topic, but I want to make people meet with an awsome game) Anton from Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box/Diabolical Box (name changes by where you live) even =SPOILER ALERT==SPOILER ALERT==THIS SPOILER ALERT HAS ENDED==YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED= though he wasn’t REALLY a vampire. Anyway, bye!
it’s so old school! i saw the trailer i wish it was more like twilight i like the more modern vampires then old classics
Dear Golden Lightning,
I agree! the only scary part was fiona, when she snuck up behind u. Since i am both werewolf and vampire, and i have tried it, i LOVED IT!
Any of you out there! Ask me what its about!
im gonna beat this island because i finished reading all the twilight books:)
I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait to do this island. hopefuly the dont do anything from twilight. :rollingeyes:
Yo is anyone there?
Plz talk 2 me ppl
Is it like twilight or something is bella going 2 b on there? i hope not
i hope this island is GOOD.if it isn`t then i quit poptropica. just kidding i LUV poptropica.
i think its a mix of twilight,dracula,frankinstein, and cryptids island.
cant waait till it comes out i finished all the islands and read all the twilight books
can anyone tell me their name on poptropica?
do you think that ghost story island was easy?
why is there cheats for early poptropica? its so easy.
going on poptropica see ya.
this island looks so awesome!!!
Dear Thirsty Sky,
No, it takes place in Russia, and you must find a girl named Katya and her boyfriend. They were taken away from Count Bram, a vampire! Save them while avoiding obstacles, and adventures!
Ciao for now,
PS: If you guys have any questions, go ahead and ask me!
i wish they make a battle in space and earth.p.s. its a war
hey lauren kinney how does count bram die?
why isnt anyone talking?
there is no way your dad is jeff kinney lauren
why at the homepage of poptropica at the end of the video for vampires curse island
it says”now available with membership not amember play the demo”meanwhile its
not out for members?
Dear laurin kinny, how do u kno all th@?
sorry for the spelling error it shoud realy say a member.
lauren kinney can you please tell me how he dies
somthing very weird happend to me i found a brand new cabin fever book infront of my house
i luv poptropica
post comments please.
im sad
y isnt any1 talking
i will answer your question fierce moon: Saw the trailer, poptropican creators r definitely going old school
if you guys dont know me im actually lazy bones.and lauren i dont think your jeff kinneys daughter because on the back of the diary of a wimpy kid book,it says he has two sons and a wife
poptropica rules when is this island coming out
this clock is wrong the real time is 11:15
really everyone has a bedtime its winter recess
i cant believe that you cant say anything on potrpica
poptropica rules cant wait till new island i get early acess.
is everyone at school?
i beat ll the islands
i have of for 9 days
off for 9 days
poptropica new island vampires nothing can get better than this
which island is better astroknights or skullduggery?
poptropica rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poptropica is so cool
העלא, איך בין דער ביגאַסט פאָכער פון פּאָפּטראָפּיקאַ אלץ
why are you typing in japenese
everyone stops talking when i come online
sos island was not hard at all
im all alone
do you think lauren kinney is jeff kinneys daughter?i don’t
if poptropica was a show what channel do you think it would be on?
i wish it was a show
oh i cant wait until this island comes out. it will be the best island ever but not really because every time a new island i always say its going to be the best island.but i’m really going to try to make this the best island but i can’t help it.but i really think it is the best island because it has count Bram the vampire, werewolf’s and i think i’ll love this island because in the review the music was really scary and i love scary islands
or whatever except haunted houses or haunted rides.i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove poptropica
yours truly,
silver seagul
Who would like 2 talk 2 me plz
Gtg by
poptropica SUCKS!!no just kidding
im gonna leave poptropica foreever if this island doesnt come out soon.
it should be forever
can people please come online
p.s i have fangs
i cut my tounge
they should have a justin bieber character on poptropica
poptropica is sooooooooooooo awesome
poptropica is like the best
poptropica is so cooooooooooool
can some1 plz talk to me
i sad
team edward!!
poptropica fun other websites lame
Hi first coment im silver ice and i cant wait for vampiers curse to come out yay!! i am not new i play this alot and i come on here alot lol because i uesaly cant firgure it out my friend showed me the cheats and iv been on here ever sence i found out…finaly beat game show island last month…yay!! or maby 2…oh well i beat it and i have got alot of costumes i typed alot so <3 popatropica!!
HELLOOOOOOO Im yellow monster lol and too bad if every1s at school if they are i feel srry for them
12:00not tired at all
poptropica yay!
poptropica is so cool and fun
hi guys!!
i have played this island before you all so i can test its out (y’ know, too scary or too silly). it has good dialouge, and a nice adventure. and it is NOTHING like twilight.
Ciao for now,
poo not out yet
Lauren kinney you are not jeff kinneys daughter you just got that from the video
by the way he doesn’t have a daughter.
on cabin fever it says he has a wife and 2 BOYS
Poptropica is the best thing on earth
poptropica is my life almost like the poptropica movie on youtube without all the
poptropica is the best over 75000 people go on poptropica
poptropica is the best and th kids in my class never even heard of poptropica
poptropica is soooooooo cool and awesome
i agree with icyrock25.lauren kinney,you are not jeff kinneys daughter.on the back of the diary of a wimpy kid page,it said he has two sons and a wife.sorry if im being rude but its true that your not his daughter
rose the twilight girl do you have off today?
dear lauren kinney
if your really jeff kinneys daughter which your not what day does it come out?
ciao for now
its fun to go on poptropica when nobody talks to me
iceyrock25 is the name of my poptropican
rose the twilight girl is the only person that ever agreed with its very sadning.
if poptropica was a show it would be awesome. right?
I agree with Icy Rock too
poptropica is so cool cant wait for island
its really 5:30 so why isnt anyone on because you should be done with your homework if you had school today
0905490831 Try to decode this heres a hint i use the letters under those numbers it
has to be in order
its very easy
i totally agree with every thing on here!!!!
some people just lie for attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plz start posting comments
Hey this rocks!!! I’m a member and I can’t wait for the island to open!!!
Hey you!! Yea, that guy who said IM NOT HIS DAUGHTER which I AM!! How rude!!
Anyway, how am I supposed to know? He keeps secrets from me about it! Ive only played the game! I am not saying that I do not know its just that he says “Ooh, you just wait and see!!” which really bugs me!
Bye meanie,
That was from the books he created, he’s the author. Btw, you’ve never met him before! How do YOU know that he has a daughter, which he does.
Rose, I’m sorry ;( you all are just making me cry!! This is a true fact about him: one he had another wife but she left him and when she did they were married. Later on, she had ME. I am now 12, and I met him in 2006. That is the REAL story. Ps: he also might’ve said that on his books, it’s just because he didn’t believe me when I met him.
;( I really don’t mean to say this, but Im really starting to hate you now.
poptropica is like the most bestes website ever!!!!
Icyrock25 and 23,
My apologizes. I didn’t mean to make you mad. I just want to be friends, that’s all. I’ve never been on this website before and I need some other peoples help. I am so sorry.
Please,please,PLEASE be my friend it seems like no one really thinks I’m his daughter. :'(
:””( I am rely sad rite now I’m crying
lauren i apologize im really sorry will you ever forgive me?
can we be friends? im realy sorry
LK-Its fine!Are you stuck on an island or what? I can help you!Just tell what you need to know and if it’s in my power I’ll do it! If I don’t come back just wait. P.S. I can’t give you any personal contact info. See you soon!
Lauren!!!!! Please come out We want to be friends w/ you, not enemies!!!!!!*huff*
[exasperation]=3 Uh Oh I have a mustache now!! Laughing yet?
the reason that i couldnt get to you earlier is because i think i wrote to much and it
wouldnt post my comments on the screen. the comments were all apologizes to you.
there is no icey rock23 you probably mistakend my name. the reason i said that was
because i thought it was only gonna be you,rose and me. and nobody was talking to
me so thats why i said that
ciao for now
you really didnt need to apologize.
so so sorry to make you cry.
cant belive its after 12:00
Oh thank you!! It is ok icy. I want to be friends too. I am so sorry I said that stuff too! I was just mad. Everyone makes mistakes
I can also tell you where I live. Or my phone number.
Ciao for now,
i live in new york
you live all the way in massachusetts
i live in st louis missouri
no wait i messed tht up
yea i do live in massachusets, im staying here with my uncle and aunt in missouri
email me sometime my address is [email protected]
whats your name on poptropica?
its lucky lion whats urs
oh ive gtg soon i will see you at 3:00!!
you have school today i have off
Oh ok I can still write to you while I’m going to school
poptropica rules so much
hai all 😀
cn’t w8 for the realse of vampire curse island
its rock in roll i love spooky games : ]
can anyone come talk to me
i thought you were coming online lauren
lauren you said you were coming online at 3:00.its 4:00 now.
Oh sorry
I’m done so hi
In my time it’s 3 now
Icy rock hello
Do you know for sure that there are going to be werewolves to? Because two things: 1. There are a lot of references to the Dracula novel, and Dracula was known to turn into a wolf as well as a bat. Also, Romania is known for it’s high wolf population. 2. If there were werewolves, they would look more humanoid. The one in the trailer looked more like just a wolf. A diabolical-looking wolf, but a wolf nonetheless.
lauren do you know when the islans is coming out
if you dont can you ask your dad
nobody is talking.
Lauren can you please come back online and tell me when vampires curse island is
coming out.Please.
please tell me when the island comes out
Sorry I was going out with my dad
And my dad likes to keep secrets from me he always says “oh you just have to wait and see!” that really bugs me:/
can somebody please come online PLEASE!
so you dont know when the island comes out?
sorry if im bugging you
that stinks for you to doesnt it?
yea it sure does, and ur not bugging me
hello,uh,hi, any1 there?
hey icy
Do u play animal jam
Based on the Trailer I think that A werewolf stole Katya
any1 here
icy come back plz
if its ur bedtime i understand
so can’t wait to take a bite out of Vampire Curse Island!!!! it’ll be a fangtasticly assome!!!! i can almost taste the garlic and steak!
It must be 10 there rite now it’s 7
Goodnite icy cul8r
hi guys I’m back…(you might recognise me from posts earlier than shrink ray island…) One year has passed because fierce moon banned me :X
What is up with the bans? pleuzz I viewed you for three or four years…
well duh im online going soon
Icy r u there
I get to go to the park for the whole day for school
lastnight it wasnt my bedtime for some reason my comments wouldnt be posted i
dont have school because its winter recess.
im on all day so can someone come online?
Dear lauren
is vampire’s curse island gonna be like sos? like if you get struck by the vampire’s
curse would you have to start the letter over?
Vampire’s Curse Island begins at Feb. 29 O.O
can anyi come online and talk to me
why do people post 1 comment then go off?
SO SO SO GLAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Lauren,
Did you finish the island?Was it hard? Did you like it? How does count bram die?Was it scary? sorry if im asking you to many questions.
from iceyrock25
do you guys think the pictures on here are a little inaproprit
people on youtube are saying club penguin is BETTER than poptropica can you belive that
do you guys watch big time rush? if you do have you ever heard of the song world wide?
I really do doubt that, DragonAgent. First of all, it says right in the trailer that Count Bram took Kattya away. My point is the same as it was in my last post: Count Bram, not a werewolf, kidnapped Kattya and is shown in wolf form about to attack your Poptropican. Hey Lauren, back me up! Or is your dad still not letting in on anything?
club penguin is just people talking to eachother and you dont have any games to
i agree with bony mosquito.
hello,hi,um,anyone here?
I only know the game, and lemme tell ya, it ain’t like twilight or Dracula or any stupid crap. Dads STILL keeping the secret on when the thing will come out for all you members out there. I’m starting to wonder if… umm.. I’m not sure. But i need to sneak up on dad tonight to see if he’ll tell mom.
HA! I finally found out! It’s Feb. 29
Hello Lauren when i wasnt on line it was because my comments wouldnt get posted
vampires curse is coming on mar 12012
lauren you dont have membership your dad is the creator of poptropica you should
tell him its only $20 for 6 months
r u sure? i cant wait until it comes out!
it looks cool
lauren come back plz
On Firefox, it will say that Vampire’s Curse is ready to play! It’s only a glitch, though. But the items are already in the store!
the hint to decode this is the first 8 letters r on the first row the ninth letter is on the last row and the tenth letter is on the second row
cool! i dont have firefox tho. i ave google chrome.
Ummm… I don’t really have Firefox either. I have Internet Explorer. Can’t wait till Vampire’s Curse Island!!! 🙂
Also, I went to a ski trip for a field trip today. So fun!!! 😀
Where I live, it’s like, 6:oo now. Almost 7:oo.
Vampire curse island sound awesome !!!!!!!!!!
Today for the whole day we went to the park. and rite now its like 8:30 where i live
we also will watch harry potter and the deathly hollows part 2 XD
hi its 9:40 where i live
How do you get the smiley faces on your posts
Wats up? GTG. Bye.
hi anyone online
hello can someone come online i understand if your still asleep
Its 9:00 really nobodys online
icerocks know youve been waiting so im gonna actualy BE YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!! XD
oh actualy i just woke up. ya um last night i usauly sleep on the other side of the bed so my cat got right on my chest!!!!
its not actualy 9:00 its 6 in the morning. probaly just you computer being wako my computer does it all the time!!! >:(
omg now ur not online!!!
OMG please come online
hi im so exided for vampiers curse iland but im not a member
helo is anybody on line
Still…. Nobodys on?!?!?!?!
lauren u r lieing jeff kinney only has sons not daughters i searched it
The Vampire Beauty (members only) :
Members vampire dress, cape, skirt
garlic power
bat follower
vampire girl 1 2 3 face
vampire girl 2 lips
vampire girl 1 hair
vampire girl 3 bangs
she is his daughter poptropfan
Iceyrock25 I can’t believe ur not on!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
Hey guyz um earlier I saw random colors every time I blinked. Is something happening to me?!?!?!?!?! 😕
Tell me plz! It doesn’t happen to any of my friends! Am I some magical creature or something?!?!?!?!
iceyrock25 omg your so annoying like can you like shut up and stop posting so many comments !
this happened to icyrock25.
ask him why no one believes it. but now we r friends
icyrock come online
im srry i couldnt reach u friday was crazy
proably be a mix of twilight and dracula
Hey guys, it’s me, Brave Sky!!! Oh, cae315, I clicked on the link to the Vamp Beau
costume! Absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!!
hey does anyone know to get membership
hey its supergirll i changed my name because its AWKWARD!!!
poptropica party tomorrow come wear a vampire costume to celebrate the new
island i will tell you more tomorrow bye
I’ll be there
Where is the party
Will it involve monsters like vampires and werewolfs anyway?
Yes,it will still involve vampires and werewolfs
poptropica is so so so so so so cool i want to see the new island right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any one out there
Nice can’t for it to open
i want it up now please because i am loseing interest a new island is what will make me play or i will play wizard 101 again
wassup ppls????????????
bye gtg now
ur rite I, i get soooo bored doing all the islands i started all of them but only finished may b like 4 or 5 islands but its still fun
can you make it fair so every body can have what members can have
poptropica is so…AWESOME i want to go to the new island one more quesiton do,s vampires cause island inclode werewolfs because i love werewolfs there AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
were is the party
is it on poptropica?
member ship is AWESOME!!! i’am dancing rightnow!!!
I loooooooooooooooooooove poptropica all the cheats for the island are still here
i love poptropica and i cant wait for the vampire island to come out fierce how old r u and what is your name
heyyyy peeps do any1 kno wen this island comes out???
mewmew is it dots or shaped like any thing cause i have somthing like that
i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove vampires.and i could scream like a ghost.
heyy i luv vampires!!!!!!!! cant wait wish i had membership 🙁
@silver spider: on March 1st (tommorow!)
game show ,mysery train ,ghost story…and now vampires curse ?!?!?! wow i luv poptropica
the tune in the trailor was a little scary right?!?!?!
no the tune in the trailor was not creepy
Count Bram is so ugly! If he has a wife… well, let just say that it’s ugly!
mn, today is mar. 1. no walkthrough??!!
Hey Neat Moon, the island hasn’t come out yet. I try to be fast with the walkthroughs, but I’m not THAT fast. 🙂
Um, MewMew, It is just the color of the light sort of staying on your eyes, it will go away, just don’t look at bright lights, or it will get worse. Don’t rub them either. It happens to me all the time. Just let them fade. You probably just looked directly at a lightbulb or something.
Now three hours left! WOOHOO!
The new island is off the hook
i am really happy about the show i was about to win but this voting thing in tv island stoped me
HEY! I played the game!
just got on vampires curse and ya its more like twilight but im stuck on one part right now so….
i need help on vampires curse!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s out right now. I don’t wanna play it w/o a walkthrough. Aren’t you a member and did it early?
omg why do i love poptropica
how old are you guys? and mewmew: it happens all the time and its normal. if anybody thinks you’re weird tell them that you can see the future from the colors.
y cant i get past the wolf plzz help
That theme song for the trailer sounds like harry potter. They should seriously make a harry potter island.
Where’s the walkthrough feice moon?
fiercemoon wen will u give the walkthrough
im new does anyone like Justin Beiber?
Alright now I’m stuck. Just opened the chained door. What do I do now?
Hey Fierce Moon where are the walkthrough to that island that is out Today?
this awesome Vampires!!!whhhhoooo!!!!
Amelia Epperson you dont gotta be so mean she probaly just wanted to say those that dosent mean u gotta be rude just because you think that its called holding it in
help how do I get past the wall after the gargoyle that spits water ? xx
I was looking for the walkthrough
I was looking for the walkthrough.And I hated this. I mean that I strongly dislike this.
finished the demo!
When is the walk through going to come out ?
i can’t beat the room were u have to light all the shandilers
help Me ?
how’d you do the demo?????
wat do u do in the graveyard? after u got the book& crowbar?
I CANT FIND THE ROOT! * im a meber*
Ok Im NOT a member but BUT I finshed the demo!=DIts gonna show the creepy video at the end with that song.But what sucks is that I REALLY LOVE vamps and I didnt see Bram.
I’m a member. I can’t figure out how to light the Wolfsbane
fierce moon give us the walkthrough already
Its still Vanessa I just chaged the thing Oh fiercemoon I LOVE the vids I dont know why people want the write ones anyway they take FOREVER 2 type do you like doing the videos or the wirteing ones?
never mind. i finished the demo and i want more! :)>
I dont think its fair that you always have to play the demo until it opens unless ur a member! some people dont have the money or a credit card!!!
tank is in the house hoora
I’ve already done that. I need to know how to wilt the wolfsbane
Found the root to all u mebers the potion is 3 w 3 g the rest is root
How do yo uheat up the wolf plant thing?
stupid it doesn’t say full walkthough
My poptropica player’s name is Prickly Spinner so watch out fir me! I will be at the Spy Island common room tomorrow at six, meet me there fir some fun! 🙂 Have fun poptropicans on the new islandA! (or demo, if you’re not a member)
i dont no whaere to find all the ingredints can some one plese help me
Does anyone know how to wilt the wolfsbane?
hey wheres part two of vampires curse
how do you do the cells part
Does anyone know?
umm cuz fierce moon didn’t finish writing da written walkthrough i think.
How do u make the little smilely faces??
I beat it!!!
P.S. The count has a vampire cat!
Nice walkthrough! Is Annabelle Katya’s mom? Why else would Count Bram be confused? And I wonder what Christopher was doing? Thought he said there were other “cute girls”? Oh well. And that poptropica kiss shouldn’t have had water!
if u want the rest of it go back a page and look at my posts! I DARE U TO CLCK MY NAME! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!
Where be the cat at?
I HATE STAR WARS i fell asleep…so yeah…i HATE IT
i really want membership.Oh yah and my poptropican’s name is besy hammer
When is the next walkthough because I need were the heck is the things for the curse ending potion.
im already finished… and laureniscool… is lauren your name or do u think im cool?
hi, fierce moon,
we should talk sometime… i wish i could meet you in poptropica
what about the bonus quest
i have finished it to but i still dont get the bonus quest
Already beat the island so easy took 10 minuets
AGGHHHHH WHY CAN’T POPTROPICA MAKE ALL USERS EQUAL? Now I have to wait practically a month to be able to play the rest of Vampire Curse 🙁
they forgot the extra part
The Christopher dude said he’s gonna find other cute girls and not save the girl, but when you were done, he came in and said that he came 2 save her. Then they kiss?! I don’t get Christopher…
AHHHHH i got up to the part where the wolf was AND I GOT FREAKIN SCARED poptropica is too spooky at the momet TOO SPOOKY! lol but fun scary island BUT WHY DOSE LET MEMBERS FINSHED IT FIRTS BUT NONS? NO never………
Count Bram is fallen into his own curse. ;D
Those poptropica creators are so meesy with things! I don’t get it, why did count Bram think that Katya was his wife?
Where do you find the garlic extract for the BONUS QUEST, because i am a bat, and i cant find the garlic extract
dear Bashful Sword,
If you look at the painting of Count Brams real wife, she kind of looks like Katya. I mean, you dont always wear the same clothes? He thought that Katya was his wife in different clothes
I need help with vampire’s curse island
@Hyper Rider: I’m 11. And I’m not a member.
Does anyone know how get to count brams castle ??????????
It doesnt say so on Poptropica Secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when first time i played it the wolf kicked my but
party my multi room
wow so easy done in 10 min the kiss is so romantic
btw im a member so fun being members
done all islands got 25000 credits got all costumes and gold cards name im poptropica: white kid
so awsome being members and im a member in clubpenguin moshi monsters and fantage all member but poptropica rules
i have 11 poptropica accuonts but only three have member
btw im 10
are u still there
well being alone and immortal can make people very dillusonial and mental so Count Bram might be mental
i love vampires curse and everything but how come u dont have the cheats for the bonus quest for the members! cuz u r a member so how come u dont have it!!! cuz it is really confusing and im pretty sure im not the only one who doesnt get the bonus quest!!!
why would u say that
”I wish my boyfriend was a vampire… They are so romantic” LOL i have a friend who says that
hi lauren sorry about not typing back. amelia epperson you had no right to be saying that. that shows that you are a dumb idiot that only cares about themselves
its me meanie i hate you and never come online again im having a party on poptropica and the room code is bqp15 its at 3:00 be there
wow cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll instead of turning into a bat my poptropican turned into a pretty vampire
Hey Fierce Moon. Do you remember when you light that cannonballs? How are you supposed to get it into the dumbwaiter?
Lol christopher is a jerk XD
When you are near the cage look to left painting you will understand why he thinks She is his wife!
arghhhhhhhhhhh I can’t get to the 4th Chandelier.
hello can someone talk to me please please please
Is any one out there. come on you guys your not making a great first impression.
I Like the sound Effects. 😀 I L O V E P O P T R O P I C A
lauren is cool are you lauren kinney?
vampires curse is like sooooo you know that thingish thingy
Im not a real ghost.I am in the castle on Vampire Curse Island.
visit my room my code AFV57 come with me and party!!!
come party with me
Where’s the wolfsbane????
@Friendly Snowball, the Wolfsbane is in the Laboratory. You need to heat it up with the cannonball to wilt it. Once it wilts, click on it to put it in your backpack.
LOL. 25 Islands on Poptropica Already? :DD
fierce moon you are so brave to finish all the islands
how do you do that oh and are you a member because i am one
come meet me on poptropica
what happened to christopher? Who had turned into a vampire, which I saw in the part 3 walkthrough?
i didnt expect christopher turned into a vampire!
that kiss is ponitless and dumb no offfense
When i come out of the window after watering the plant, i just come out by the rocks and the water. Not by the steps! HELP!!!
he bites you
what christopher?
I found the kiss gross
@ Bashful Sowrd,
he doesnt show up again, neither does the girl
and he IS a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After I watered the plant and went ito the labratoryi tried pressing the lever but it wont let me!!!!
dose any body know how to get in the laboratory on vampire curse
hello is one going to talk to me here
Please check out my youtube channel by clicking my name!!! thanks 4 reading this <3
i agree with you on that one.
first, he gets the honor of “rescuing” katya
then, he goes and turns you into a vampire. jerk.
what gratitude.
Gyah…My 1st comment on here 😀 I have completed 3 Islands So far..My friend completed all of them PLUS this one DX
what was the kiss for???!!!! he did`nt even come to help he just left in the beginning
and then just walks in at the end(when she is SAVED already)……..weirdo.
@zippy dolphin: totally. christopher=HUGE jerk.
anyone on? hello?
Im lonley!
come on people talk to me i dont bit
im on.
like, way l8r than u were.
WHY!? WHY!? Why can’t non-members play the game fully? It’s unfair. WHY CAN’T THERE BE A MEMBER FOR A DAY IN POPTROPICA!?
Truly Yours,
Friendly Ghost
Loud Rock sorry i wasnt on @ 7:08 pm i wuz watching afv (americas funniest home vids). yeah we watched 3 1/2 hours of it because @ 3:30 i had to go to bed. 🙁
Oh srry i meant with my dad. we laughed like crazy! it wuz awesome! XD 😀
>:( now ur not on i wake up early! like i woke up at 6:00 am then read then got on the computer!!!!
How do you beat the bonus quest?
firce moon why do cristphoer and karta kiss
christopher is katya’s boyfriend @white brain
ITS DUMB HOW POPTROPICA HAS MEMBERSHIP I wish they didnt have it in the 1st place.anyone on rite now?
i found out how 2 get vampire fangs! if u go 2 shark tooth and go in the temple ruins, the guy who says he’s a fruit bat has fangs.
>:( >:)
It won’t let me bring the cannonball up to the laboratory.
wow any one want a account it is mimi22808 pass if u want it u should do a task i mean riddle
the riddle is what animal is pink and spends time in water and on land but mostly on water first person who gets it right wins the account ( it is a girl )
but i will give a boy accuont soon
ps: i am a girl
oh and the first person has to give me thr email address so knowone else gets it and i will anonce the winner when they all put there answers
and the answers should be in by march 10 late entries are not exepted
remember NO LATE ENTRIES ALLOWED MARCH 9 IS THE FINAL DAY TO ANWSER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOD LUCK 🙂 !!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops typo 🙁
sorry i wrote ^: 🙁
:(:):(:):(:):(:):(:) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
ok bye i will see the anwsers all week and let u know bye 🙂
man typotypotypo urgh
good night
When I get into the lab it doesnt let me click on the lever. Does anyone know what has happend?! Please help
there is another way to get pass the werewolf on the bridge. if you have the minimiser from the store, shrink yourself then RUN straight at the werewolf and just before he bits you ROLL across the ground. it might not happen at first but it does work. i used it cos i didn’t think of cutting the bridge. after you have done that the werewolf is still looking at where you were before and then you can just walk away and make yourself normal height. 🙂
no anwsers still i have 6 girl and 6 boy accounts and only three have member
I have wanted to say this for a long time so hear goes fierce moon, you rock.
You know, it’s kinda weird how Christopher turned into a vampire. Really, who kisses their girlfriend(or boyfriend) then tells them that they’re a vampire? And how could Cactus Von Garlic actually want vampires to be cured? Why would he kill them in the first place? And I wonder why he has his own movie? Shouldn’t every vampire know to stay away from him then? And I think I said this, but why would Christopher leave to go to the village to find other “cute girls” then come back for Katya? Christopher and Cactus Von Garlic are weird for sure. Anyways, awesome walkthrough!
@Friendly Ghost
I know rite! On this website called Panfu(I now think it’s suckish cause even if you have member stuff, you can’t use it when your membership expires) you would get free membership for a day first, then a week, then a week and a half! And in the older days of Poptropica, everyone was equal to each other! I officially loathe the person who created membership.
u don t pay anwser this and it is yours
what animal is pink?
oh and i need email so nobody else gets it and it is a girl for u
and i cant give member mom won t let me but can give u reguler
and i am talking you laureniscool
um, my first question is, how far are all the accounts? if they are mostly done, ill have one
thanks for coming back! im srry i wasnt here the last few days! and amelia epperson, what were you saying about me????
u want a account
what animal is pink
I wish our characters could kiss!
im a hopeless romantic lol
whitekid a flamingo!!!
when can non-members play?
i wish they could make your character into a plush and or action figure
a pink animal is a flamingo
ps last message is for trusty boot
i like romance i thought it was sweet and funny there was a kiss! poptropica is growing up!
I think Catus Von garlic, vampire slayer/saviour should be called Catus Van Garlic the weirdo
mighty wing u win and is it girl or boy ? and i need your email to give u it so nobody gets it
panda girl get one too and i need your email to mail u
well i still have to finish most of the islands but when i done i tell u
That guy totally says “There are tons of other cute girls in the village” what a jerk! AND I SO HAPPY!!! They put sound to the lightning and the rain and stuff!!! SO AWESOME
@anybody who is complaining about the membership:
I KNOW!!!! I was so furious when i only got 50 credits for SOS island!!! I was SOOOO MAD My blog “Kenster’s Korner” I posted about it to. Every website has a membership now days, it’s not fair!
hi u know its so hard i tried every way plz help
I hate the membership I watched this cheat video even the part after the end of the demo and i know exactly what to do. URG!! In my frustration i opened up my computer library. UZirue hsdfrkdfhfjdgfhdkgjfdjkfhkjfdhgkiryd urn8khhjf4we544gtukrh!!! Thats how angry I am!!! /:(
And Mighty Dolphin, Calm down!! Like a notch or two, or twenty…
how the heck do you get to the second wewewolve its hard help me please !!!!!!!!!!!
wow its hard to get past vampire curse island i sould just start all over AGAIN
I know!!!! Membershipes suck!
One question:
who sent me the monsterhigh card? if you did, thx for sending me tht!
Hey, have you guys noticed there have been more and more Poptropica sounds?
even tho i dont kno wat th@ conversation was about, i agree th@ membership duz suck.
yes i hav
crazy lightning i mean
🙂 🙁 😉 :X 😛 😀 8)
ow th@ sucked
bye guys
I might get a membership for three months. Thanks for all the awesome walkthroughs!
~ Red Lion
I an cool like my name
fine user: mimi22808
pass: funfun1
when does the island come out?
sparks fly whenever i see katya & christopher.
hi im new at this can somone tell me how it works?
hi, sombody tell me how this place works!
Grate island right
Ewwwwwww Them Kissing?? GROSS! grostest endeing i ever hardly seen AHHHHH! ITS REAAAALLLLYYYY FREAAAAAKINNNNN SCARY!
Why do they have to make it Members Only when it starts to get good?? Ugh! Can’t wait for March 22nd!
perfectcrush ill help!
p.s. im female.
OMG nobody haz been on since yesterday!!!!!! 🙁 :.(
im zee master of zee yo-yo! oh ya! 😀 lolz!
Ooh Zee Yo-Yo Flashed Zome Light! lolz
You left out the part about using the FIREPLACE POKER to move the red-hot
cannonball into the dumbwaiter. Too bad you can’t use it to reach that key, too.
I wish i wuz a member so th@ i cood beet it n i dont wanna wait for it tu be on for non members
XD I will not look at that last walkthrough again
that was a kiss? AWWWW…
Somehow, Poptropica seems to get boring as you get older… It’s quite sad actually. I used to be a major fan of this when I was 10 🙁
How do you make those animated smiley faces??
Please help! I did everything it says to do and it won’t let me pull the lever in The Laboratory! I have tried 3 times!
I’m not a member but I still enjoy doing the non member part.
♥I hope anyone who is viewing my avatar likes it!!♥☺
Sorry, forgot to save it if it dosen’t work.
shaky it dosent work at all. try mines! it works ya im a vampire there T_T
im on youtube! im lil9kitty6 watch my vid but u need permission
i keep on begging my mom4 more quesadillas! lolz
their yummy! soooo good!
🙂 🙁 😉 8) 😡 😛 😀 :/ :@ :#
:X :@ :#
it still didnt work?
anyway, how do u do the animated smiley face?
i watched the walkthrough but i didnt do the was nothing like me,i read twilight and it was nothing like it….
When I got up to the castle, I don’t know how to get back down! How can I get back down!?!
why do they have to make it members only when the island starts and why is it only members that could do the bonus quests at the end and why only members can get the items and why only the members at the best in potropica im tired and sick of waiting potropica is 20 favorite game in the universe this is my complain.
silver seagull, i do know th@ ur sick n tired of the members gettin everythin but, its just th@ the members r kinda like heros but th@ duzint meen th@ we r not heros cuz we r, n hooever plays poptropica from california, to NYC, r al heros im too, so, if this advise didnt even help, then coment back so i cin try to understand
i kno i dont undastand but i agree w/ silva cgull
sorry 4 the abbreviations i dont like 2 spell the real thing
i <3 2 b unda the stars
Er, I found a typo. When it said “When you reach the top of the castle wall, Katya will had you the serum,” shouldn’t it be “When you reach the top of the castle wall, Katya will hand you the serum,”? Not to be a prefectionist…
Does anyone know where the mandrake is ? -in the bonus quest ?- plzz help
Silver Seagul, two things: they give members epic stuff cuz they pay. It is not fair man… even though I got membership, I don’t like seeing other people treat un-fairly…. ~_~
I wanted tosay that it was unclear to how to do the cannon ball thing but i got it i didnt use the video because it took to long to load.
And Can i make some walkthroughs and how? and would someone want tochat! “_
Hi everyone! Right now I am currently wearing the Gamer Girl outfit! AND, I went to the Carrot King Diner and died my hair BLUE to match my lips! So cool! Plus I costumized someone’s fairy wings so now I look totally wackylicious! check it out:
Whoops! Must’ve typed it wrong!
wheres my comment?
i just posted the link for my outfit…
i just TRIED to post the link for my outfit…
whaddya think?
btw, this website rox!
I always went on it for advice and walkthroughs (till I got the Guide)!
Here are some really cool glitches:
1. Hold down Ctrl and Shift, then press S. Your skin will change colors! Keep pressing it until you get satisfied!
2. Hold down Ctrl and Shift, then press R. Your looks will change totally! Keep pressing it until you get satisfied!
3. Hold down Ctrl and Shift, then press P. Your head will turn into a pumpkin! Press it again to make your head go back to normal! Warining: Glasses, hats or bangs will disappear!
*Make sure you save before doing these so you can go back to normal!
my room code is :DNQ58
whoops! its: (dont type the spaces)
th@ is veeeeeryyy cool
was th@ sarcasm or wat?
yeah, i kno, i suck @ it
but u cant really tell if sumthings sarcasm on the internet right?
its easier in real life or in books
those who agree w/ me say ‘I’
i agree
ok tell me if u used the account i posted because i am so happy that u did
I’m bored any one want to come to my Common room? the number is:Ang76
Please come.
My name is Katya! Finally, someone uses it!
Guess what! I completed Vampire’s Curse Island and I am soooo proud! Uh, no I didn’t. This game is so hard. How do I complete it. Here’s my personal walkthrouugh: First you go to the island and you complete it. After that you get your medal. That’s pretty much what I got. Well it’s a better commet than all of your stupid ones.
when is the next new island coming to poptropica?
Check out my poptropican. I Hope you Like her!
My username is Dangerous_Star_5
@dangerous star:
I think you put in the wrong address because i don’t see your Poptropician. Here is how to make sure you do it right:
do Poptropica Secrets on one tab, and the avatar studio thing on another. Highlight the address for avatar studio, and drag it over to Poptropica Secrets. The page will switch to Poptropica Secrets. Now drag it to the comments box. Done!
Dizzy Snowball
I hate waiting for non-member access to the new islands. It’s so unfair! Membership is so dumb. I hate membership because you ahve to pay and after you don’t have it anymore it doesn’t let you use your items. I think it’s just cheap.
Oops, I meant have, not ahve.
Can you please post the cheats for the bonus quest soon? I’m stuck!
Hello is anybody on today?
My room number is Bee36 hope to see you there
user: natalie1235458
pass: funfun1
Whitekid I used your poptropican.
Oh,Whitekid I like you.
The inscription on the tomb where you get the crowbar means “Lovers remember all”
Hey, anyone on poptropica? I wanna make a multiverse room with someone… Fed up with lame demos..
hey omg first vampire curse was the only one this year now twisted thicket !!!!! i just cannot believe this ……….well actually i can but whatever i just wish that there was a island topic related to well maybe some movie or book other then red dragon and the others like maybe a invasion of zombies!! wouldn’t that be hard and cool !!!
how do u do the heart?
i dont kno how u do it.
cuz this isnt it
oh, and white kid, i dont kno y u put ur user and pass on here but u shouldnt
oh wat gender r u and S runner r u male or female?
but i guess th@ if u used whitekid’s poptropican ud kno…
and thx 4 agreeing w/ me dizzy snowball
im very sorry 4 th@ but i do think th@ S runner is craz, those who agree w/ me say ‘I’.
Im using dizzy sky’s acout since he retied & to prevent him from becoming a distraction to any more poptropicans (hope he has membership so i can dress him in the count coustume & forget that swarey pants)
anyone know when vampires curse becomes available to everyone??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
how do you get $ fast on the pirate island??????????????????? help im stuck I only have this and the plant one left to come pleet the others were so easy!:-)
s runner are u using the accounts because if u did i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY 🙂 🙂 🙂
ur on
are u girl s runner cuase i am
check this out
first oh yeah
Does anyone know when Vampire’s Curse is available to non-members? I beat the demo, and once it got to the end I got all excited.. 🙁
yah i know righ i so want to know to:( the demo was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i loved that too i cant wait for it to come out!!!!
y does nobody EVER want 2 talk 2 me?
it makes me soooooooo sad…*sniff*
exaggeration is awsome, yeah?
talk 2 u l8r
gtg now
oh, mighty cheetah, vampires curse comes out fully this thursday
Yeah has anyone noticed the island after Twisted Thicket- the one they’re showing in the daily pop- looks awful Roman?
OH. MY. GOD. REALLY???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!! ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
hello….. i miss talking to people……:(
Thanks Loud Rock~
i wish I was a member 🙁
Mighty Cheetah, the island will be available to non-members starting tomorrow, March 22. The Poptropica creators haven’t announced the exact time yet.
What time does it come out,its the 22nd and it wont let me contine !
how do u do the cannonball thingy?????????????/
Help! I accidentally already pulled the dumb bell and now I cant get the cannonball into the labratory!
i cant find the glass eye where is it?????????????????????????????
Love it! ♥
storm girl Its right next to the lever on the floor, and fierce moon I pulled that lever before i went up and now it wont let me hit the lever to get the cannonball to come up like you said.
how do u get the dung waiter up mine wont do anything
Stormgirl. After you are done lighting all the chandeliers go bye the door that’s locked and you will find it…
Who is up for a conversation?
My dung won’t either! I say’s it’s to hot too touch!!
I don’t have the three cannonballs, what do i do.
i completed the whole island and right when my character said “looks like he dropped something” i accidentally pressed the forward button and i can’t get the medallion! Help!
i beat it its not that hard really. at the end the vampire dies and kattya and her bf kiss
what are you doing
my dog snuk out to the buyo today
what do you think of that.
I LOVE VAMPIRE’s. ( i am one ) My weakness is the sun, not that i hate it but i get extra hot so i stay in the shade and read.Or play with my pals in the shade.( Note:Never bring out a private jump rope ppl will just come without asking )
shygirlly101- you have to take the flour-de-lis top poker from by the fire- the thing that looks like a spear- and roll it with that. (BTW, you have to click on the poker to pick it up, that threw me)
i cant click the second lever. help!
stormgirl the glass eye is in the cobweb by the suit by the d-waiter
Can’t pull lever in laboratory! HELP!!
i finished it!!! it wasnt that hard really, its just hard when ur trying to hit count bram with the syringe when hes a bat…but i did it!
i cant get the medallion i did something wrong HELP
i always use ur walkthroughs but i never finish . can you help?
here”s how to get the cannonball in the laboratory when you get in the great hall pull the lever in the dumbwaiter and put the hot cannonball inside and go back to the laboratory and pull the lever… how EASY!!!!!!!!
for the second lever it wouldnt move 4 me but if u click on the stick by the fire place and push the ball into it then go back up to the second lever it should work
well, the only way to touch that hot cannonball is to use that stick thingy near/on the fireplace. simple. lolz X3
oh, and Friendly Gamer,i think it’s a glitch on your computer that it won’t give you the medallion…
i just finished the island. again, i only got 50 credits. what’s up with that? i got that on s.o.s. island too, and you can see i commented on that there too.
by the way, why is there spit going everywhere when katya and christopher kiss? and why does katya even kiss him when i just saved her WITHOUT Christopher?
maybe the vampire did something to her brain.
i can’t get the candle to light! (the one for the last candleir) and actually you can do the thrid one with the fireplace, i did it
that kiss was horrible i was expecting something better like walking toward then like moving the heads toward or somthing…
ugh i wish i could do the bonus quest! you only get 50 credits now if you are a non-member 🙁
vampire’s quest island is awesome, though!! 😀
that kiss was horrible i thought it would be better
i wish i could still watch the vampire movie after completing the island. by my scaredy cat character, when i knock on the door, says “I’ve had enough of vampires, thanks.” But I would’ve liked to see that movie. 🙁
maybe the creators of this island didn’t have any ideas about how the movie might go, or thought it would be too similar to twilight.
you don’t light the third candle, fast fire, it lights by itself when you enter the armory.
Snowflight that is very true… my freinds keep wanting 2 do it alone but ppl just come and come and come and then once we leave they leave and it happens all over again 😀
I GOT IT, you can use the fireplace you just gotta know what ur doing!
wasn’t talking about the armory… 😀
oh, ok. sure you weren’t.
LOL… I Thought her name was Katya, but it was Annabelle!
i pulled the lever before i was supposed to… NOW what do i do?
WAIT!!!!!!!!!! It’s okay! Even if you pulled the lever, that “wall” Is really the thing for the cannon ball
her name is Katya. the vampire’s dead wife is annabelle
How do you get the cannonball in the “WALL” thing?!!?!?!?!?
I got 50 things for winning?! wheres the 100?!
Hey, check out the short story i wrote after finishing the island today:
The Vampire’s Revenge
Everyone’s attention was on Harriet, who was coming through the double-doors of the chapel. Her dress, made of the finest silk in the town of Wilkshire, was as soft as a pillow. Her arm was through her father’s, and although he retained the serious look he had worn throughout most of his adult life, inside, he was jubilant as ever. Harriet’s fiancé was not only rich, but a very respectable young man.
You didn’t find many of those these days.
Her future husband, Jonathan Burke, stood at the altar with the bishop who would wed them. He wore a black suit, with a white lily in the right pocket of the jacket, already starting to slightly wilt. He was beaming at Harriet. He couldn’t see whether she was smiling back at him through her thick white veil, but he knew that no matter what, her beautiful face would be under there, just waiting for him to pull the veil back so everyone could admire her slender face. Her eyes always glittered like jewels, and her wavy brown hair smelled like flowers.
Finally, she reached the altar. Jonathan could faintly see her face through the veil. She had been smiling, and he could see her bright white teeth through her veil, as radiant as ever.
After saying their vows, the bishop told Jonathan to take off Harriet’s veil. Jonathan was excited to finally see his fiancée, and had to literally force himself to slow down before he tore off the veil by accident in his hurry to see Harriet.
Only when the veil came off, the bride wasn’t Harriet.
It was one of his servants, Reyna.
Jonathan gasped, backing away. Reyna smiled evilly at him.
“You,” Jonathan said. “What have you done with her?”
Reyna said nothing, only pulled Jonathan back by his hand. In a flash, she was holding his hands behind his back, and had a knife by his throat. The knife was so sharp that as Reyna applied the tiniest bit of pressure on it, Jonathan felt a slight stinging on his neck and could feel a drop of blood slowly trickling down.
“Everyone down,” she yelled at the people in the pews. Immediately, the people crouched down under the pews in front of them. Not one stayed up and tried to help Jonathan. So he had no choice but to follow Reyna as she dragged him out of the chapel and to the graveyard just across the street from the church.
Reyna pulled him behind a giant gravestone for Tricia Davis. She threw him on the ground. Jonathan knew he should get away, run as far as he could, but his shock prevented him from doing no more than staring at Reyna.
“Why?” Jonathan finally croaked. “Why did you do this?”
Reyna rolled her eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? I crashed your wedding, I pretended to be your bride… don’t you get it?”
Jonathan shook his head. He was very far from understanding anything; in fact, he was hopelessly confused.
Reyna sighed in frustration, then leaned down close to Jonathan, who stiffened. “I love you, Jonathan,” she whispered.
Now Jonathan definitely couldn’t move. She loved him? Jonathan had barely paid attention to her—she was no more than one of his servants—but how could he not have noticed something like that?
“You can imagine my jealousy when it was announced that you were to marry Harriet,” Reyna continued. “Naturally, I had to do something. My anger at you had made me mad, very mad, and I had become evil inside. So I thought to solve this problem was to go to the only person who was as, if not more, evil than me.”
Jonathan pondered over her words for a moment. Someone as evil as her? There wasn’t anyone like that in Wilkshire, except for…
Jonathan looked at Reyna, his eyes wide as he realized who she meant. “No,” he whispered. “You wouldn’t have dared…”
“But I did,” Reyna replied. “And he promised me that I would get my revenge, as long as I joined him for dinner. Only I didn’t realize that I was the main course…”
As Reyna said this, her top canine teeth slowly extended and grew pointed until they stopped.
But by then, it was obvious that she had visited Count Graham, who couldn’t but help himself to another innocent victim who had simply sought him out for help.
Jonathan inched away, but with vampire speed, Reyna went up to him and grabbed him by his collar. She pulled him to his feet with as much as ease as Jonathan would have had picking up a sack of five copper coins.
“Oh, you’re not getting away that easily,” Reyna growled.
She walked over to an open coffin and threw him with so much force that his vision went blurry for a second. But before he could recover, Reyna had waved her hand at him, causing strong silver chains to wrap around him and secure him to the coffin. No matter how much he strained against the chains, they didn’t even budge a quarter of an inch.
Jonathan stared at Reyna. “I don’t understand; why did you do this? Could you not have just told me about how you felt about me?”
Reyna laughed. “Do you really think you would’ve taken me seriously? I wasn’t any more than one of your maids. Now, enough stalling.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment too long.”
Reyna leaned down to Jonathan’s face. At first she looked like she was going to kiss him, but then she opened her mouth wide and leaned towards his neck. As her fangs sank into Jonathan’s neck, he felt the worst pain he’d ever felt in his entire life.
He screamed.
Reyna pulled away, and as her face came into Jonathan’s view, he could see her vampire teeth were red and dripping with his blood.
“Have a nice rest, Jonathan,” Reyna said, smiling with her red and white teeth. “For the next two hundred years!”
With that, she slammed the lid of the coffin on Jonathan, and his world went black.
Jonathan’s eyes opened, but he couldn’t see anything. He tried to sit up, but found himself restrained. He pulled his arms and legs up, breaking whatever his bonds were easily. He pushed up on the cover of wherever he was, and sat up.
He was sitting in Wilkshire’s graveyard, but everything was wilted and broken down.
Jonathan got up and headed to the church across the street. It was very different—boards on the windows, the wood of the walls eaten up by what looked like termites, and no one in it.
He was confused. Shouldn’t there have people there for his wedding? He was getting married to Harriet today, soon. He could just imagine her in her beautiful white dress, and him pulling of her veil and seeing her beautiful face…
But as he pulled off her veil in his imagination, he saw the face of his servant, Reyna. Why was he seeing her?
Then he remembered. About Reyna, how she ruined his wedding, how she had pulled him to the graveyard and bitten him his neck, making him a—a…
Jonathan walked up to a young woman coming down the street. She had long blond hair, a light blue dress on, and blue streaks in her hair. What looked like wires were on her teeth.
“E-excuse me,” Jonathan said to her. She turned to him.
“Could you tell me what year it is?” he asked her.
The girl looked like she was about to burst out laughing, but kept her composure as she said “1987,” then kept on walking.
Jonathan gasped. 1987? Harriet was no doubt dead by now, and he would never get to have his special day with her. But Reyna was probably still alive. She was a vampire now…
And apparently, so was he.
And he would get his revenge.
To Be Continued…
Comment on what you think of it (and yes, this is an original).
um i finished 10 islands BUT i have a question.
look down
i cant get the cannonbal in the labratory
nvm i finished and that was the weirdest kiss ive ever seen
great story. can I write a ending for it?
Hey people!!! Well…does anyone know how to get the thingy that pushes that hot cannon bomb thing? You know, like, with that metal rod Fierce Moon (a.k.a. the person suppling poptropica secrets) use a metal rod to move it. And I KNOW for a fact that its not the crowbar. Does anyone know? If you can answer my question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (with a cherry and chocolat sauce and sprinkles on top) PRETTY PLEASE answer!!!!! Thank you!!! You have my most sincere gratitude! (not kidding either! Thanks!!! 😀
I accidentally clicked the lever thingy when I wasn’t supposed to! Now when I’m in Bram’s laboratory, I can’t press the lever, so the cannonball won’t come up! What do I do now?
where’s the cane you said fierce moon?
I can”t wait for chapter 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yes, but if you shoot more than 4 arrows, one will stay permanently after you climb the Armory wall. I checked and it is pretty well imbedded, directly in the dot on the wood. Trying to see if this works at the Mandrake at all.
Why was there no clue to the 3-3-1 (1-3-3) formula? All you knew for sure was that the total was 7 drops, and the images (garlic, wolfsbane) do seem to have 3 parts to them.
Re: Don from WiKi
If you try testing one ingretiant at a time, the garlic will remove the wiggly things from the vampire cell, For the wolfspine, if you have noticed in the notes, the healthy cell is bigger than the vampire cell. If you drip more than 3 drops, then the cells would be distroyed. And as for the Mandrake, 1 drop would be enough because if you try one drop, the cell would turn from the “pie shaped” into a “flower shaped” cell but if you dip 2, it will be a “flower shaped+pie shaped”, but if you dip more than 2, you will find yourself saying “the cells are destroyed…” Believe me, I have tried this many times and I ended up saying that again and again.
thanks gentle spider.
and thanks bashful sword too. i never understood why we actually needed the ingredients, i just made the formula. 🙂
OMG!! I can’t get the lever down in the lab!
i cant even find the root! PLEZ HELP!
How do you get the wilted wolfsbane?
i heated up the cannonball and everything in Bram’s castle. left of the fireplace i pulled the lever of the dumbwaiter. then when i went to the laboratory it wouldn’t let me pull the dumbwaiter handle! what gives?!
im with Bwinnie the Twilight Freak
the root is outside on a ledge in the castle grounds area. i dont know why u couldnt find it…
that was to lazystarfish?Aliena
i found the root! i found the root! go to the door that is the entrance to the lab. go to the left and fall down to the ground. there is a big archway that says enter if u put your mouse over it. go through there, then youll see a wall to your right once you get out. it will have the little dots on it, this is what the walls look like if you must use your arrows to climb. shoot arrows and climb up until u get to the top. you will see a ledge with what seems like just a pile of roots and plants. but if you jump up there by the roots you get the root ingredient!
I cant get the lever down wat to do…..pls help sme1..
It’s not letting click the lever so the cannonball will come up. HELP????
i got the wolfsbane to late now i dont know how to get it.can you be late to get the wolfsbane? plz answser.
Can you be late to get the wolfsbane? plz answser.
the lever incident happened to me to all you have to do is go back over to the candles and on the left of the candeles is a spike for the fire place you pick it up and move the cannonball with it over to the dumbweighter and push the lever then put the cannonball in front ofit and you can pull the lever in the labratory.
What was so hard about this island? I finished it in a couple minutes.
If you pulled the lever in the great hall (i did) then take that pointy spear like thing by the fireplace (on the right) and push the cannon ball in the dumbwaiter then go to the laboratory and pull the lever. It worked for me.
Seriously, what’s up with the raining sound? It’s driving me crazy.
@Noha—Me neither. I had to restart the island. *crosses fingers* I haven’t gotten to that part yet, but I’m sure that I can’t get the lever down either…
Yes–I was right. THe dumbwaiter didn’t work–for me, at least. Um Fierce Moon, you might want to edit this…
i went to the Great Wall,but i dont have the log yo light the i have to get out and take the log but,how do i get out the Great Wall?
I am so mad right now I cant figure out how to get the second lever to work someone help me 😛
uhh for anyone stuck on the dumbwaiter in labratory: PLS READ. if you go back to the fireplace where u put the cannonball, you can push it with that little poker leaning on the fireplace. u walk to the dumbwaiter and it will go in. now u go back to the lab and there! u can pull lever! (ps. i got this from several other people) 😀
i lit up all 4 chandeliers with the fireplace
I heard a lot of things about the lever not working, so I just want to say: you’re supposed to pull the dumbwaiter to the bottom in the beginning. In fact, you have to, in order to get the cannonball in there. Then, once you have gotten the cannonball into the dumbwaiter, you can go to the labratory and click on the other lever for the dumbwaiter. The cannonball will be brought up and make the wolfsbane wilt.
Hope this helped! 🙂
I found a glitch! After I turned into the tomato head bat in Bram’s laboratory and turned back I got a brain hat!
Ok, so i have tonlight the candle to fire the third cannonball to break open the ceiling. And so i pushged the cannonball in front of the fire on the way to light my candle, just like it said to do. DONT DO THAT! if you push the cannonball in front of the fire before you light the candle, you wont be able to light the candle becaue your poptropican will think the cannon ball is too hot. so now i have to restart the island. GRRRRRRR D:
for the people who say the dumbwaiter isn’t working, you’re supposed to push the hot cannonball into the dumbwaiter in the great hall (next to the armory door) first using the poker next to the fireplace. then when the cannonball goes in, you should be able to use the dumbwaiter in the laboratory
@Messy Dragon,
HELP it’s not letting me click the dumbwaiter in the lab 🙁
i figured out how to pull the lever. I think. anyway down in the grand hall by the fire theres a poker. pick it up and push the cannonball in front of the dumbwaiter
How are you supposed to move the cannonball into the dumbwaiter?!?!?!
GAHH!! It won’t let me pull the stupid lever! >:(
Ughhh! I pushed the cannonball right in front of the fireplace and now i can’t light the candle. Do I have to restart?
Nevermind i got it
i figged out da level 2 get ingerdients u get da root stuf from da ledge u get out from da lokd door dat u unlokd and u run right 2 da bumpy wood thingo and u shoot arrows and jump up them. its kinda hard but i finaly got it. da anoyin thing is if u leav da arrow thingies 4 2 long they drop out. wot is super anoying thong is u only get 50 credits wen in normal islands u get 100. DARNN
thanks epic rush. i’ve always considered becoming a writer. but i always seem to start writing stories, and then i never finish them.
but what rocks is that i’m only twelve years old.
where should I put in the code, mighty cheetah?
never mind, i got it mighty cheetah. thanks a lot!!
@Strange Carrot
You don’t have to light the candle after you push the cannonball in front of the fireplace. it just automatically lights up when you enter the armory, or at least mine did.
I love this website:)
i tried to push the cannonball in to the dumbwaiter with the poker but it won get in!
in the armory if you shoot the arow in a specil place it stays in
I accidentally clicked the lever in the Great Hall and now I can’t do it! Help!
False alarm!
@Mighty Cheetah
the code doesn’t work
Hey, guys, I know a lot of you are having trouble with the dumbwaiter and the laboratory. Here’s what you’re supposed to do: First, pull down the lever located in the Great Hall. Then, use the poker to roll the hot cannonball into the dumbwaiter compartment. (Even though it looks like you blocked it off when you pulled the lever, you’ve actually opened the compartment.) After that, simply pull the lever that’s up in the laboratory to wilt the wolfsbane. 🙂
So, I got all the way to the end last night… Then I couldn’t get the elevator thing to come up (in the lab). So, I read what everyone else had to say about it and restarted and logged off for the night. Then, @asdf says to move hot cannonball in first… So What I am understanding is I restarted for nothing?!?!
@mighty cheetah how did u get thet far i quit
i cant reach the fourth chandelier!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher: Katya, my darling, I’ve come to save you!
Katya: Oh, Christopher, my prince!
Christopher & Katya: *smooch*
Me: Sheesh.
@Small Moon: What you do is, when you get to the third chandelier with your unlighted candle, light it on the third chandelier, then jump up and right as far as you can go. You should land on a bigger platform, similar to the one under the first one, and then the chandelier’s above you, so you jump on a smaller platform sticking out of the wall to the right, and light the candles in the fourth chandelier.
Never mind
very funny, paziki1.
but i actually found that kind of gross. there was spit going everywhere… *shudder*
@Messy Dragon: I just found that funny. I know about the spit, and I would’ve preferred it to be less messy. But the things they said…lol Christopher you liar, that was what I was thinking.
here’s the “chapter 2” of the vampire’s revenge
Jonathan kept walking down the street in the direction of where his mansion had once been. It had to still be there—it just had to! If it wasn’t still here as the house of someone in this time, then it was probably a historical landmark.
After about ten minutes of walking, Jonathan reached his house. The only problem was that it was across the street, and there were strange machines that kept going past him at speeds even a horse couldn’t fathom. Then Jonathan remembered: he was a vampire now. He had the speed and strengths of one as well. He’d seen Reyna show off her new talents before—it couldn’t be that hard, could it?
Jonathan concentrated hard, and then ran as fast as he could across the street. In less than a second, he was on the opposite curb. He smiled to himself.
Maybe this vampire thing isn’t too bad, he thought. Being immortal was pretty sweet, and he had all these new powers too.
A chubby lady passed by him right after that, and he felt a sudden urge to sink his teeth into her neck. He had to force himself to calm down before he ended up draining the whole town.
Okay, maybe this isn’t too cool, he thought. He continued on to his old house. Jonathan noticed that as he got nearer to it, he saw less and less people. When he was at the end of his driveway, the area was completely deserted.
There was a little sign in front of the driveway. Jonathan leaned down to read it. It said:
The Burke Mansion
This lavish house once belonged to Jonathan Burke and his very successful parents from the years 1764 through 1787. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Burke had developed a different version of the new thermometer recently invented by Anders Celsius. They literally became millionaires overnight, but both sadly died in 1785, Mr. Burke from a bad fever and Mrs. Burke from sorrow over her husband’s death. Their son Jonathan owned the house by himself until 1787, when he announced his engagement to Harriet Kinley. But on their wedding day, both bride and groom disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Since then, the mansion has been kept a historical landmark in celebration of the few achievements of this small town, *Wilkshire.
*Wilkshire was renamed Burkeskin in 1789 in memory of Harriet Kinley and Jonathan Burke.
Jonathan stepped back in shock. So Harriet had gone missing as well—probably the work of Reyna too.
Well, perhaps Reyna had made Harriet a vampire too, and there was a chance they could still be together.
Or perhaps Harriet was long dead, and Reyna was just waiting for Jonathan to awaken so he would realize that she should be Jonathan’s wife, not Harriet.
Either way, Jonathan was going to be with Harriet, even if he had to search the world for a way to become mortal again. He kept walking on to his house. When he finally arrived, what he saw was nothing like what he imagined it would be:
The windows were all either broken or were so dirty you could barely tell them apart from the walls; the walls of his mansion had all been eaten away by termites or had become homes for tiny woodland creatures; the tallest tower of his mansion had almost fallen down, and was hanging on by no more than just a few bricks; his once blue house had faded to a gray color; and his fence around his house had fallen down almost entirely. Only a few spokes poked up here and there above the weeds which had grown to monstrous heights over the past 200 years.
Jonathan kept walking past all these horrible things that had happened to his house. When his hand brushed the door, it fell in.
Jonathan sighed.
He had a lot of work to do.
oh, by the way paziki1, if you want to read the beginning of this story, go to the comments page before this one. you’ll understand what all of this is about
You need to try to do it I guess in many angles, and click exactly on the red handle. Sorry that you got stuck and if you need anymore help, just say.
@Messy Dragon I <3 it i love writing but i dont feel like typin but keep the spirit up and high cuz u deserve it cuz its gr8t
Hey all…
i can’t finish this island 🙁 cause i can’t get Katya to move from the third landing on the towers….she jumps 3 times then just stops and won’t move…am i doing something wrong or is it a glitch?? I REALLY want to finish the island!!
ha ha ha it turns out that it was cause i had a minimiser application on my character…as soon as i took it off it worked….great game but i can’t complete the extra quest cause im not a member..:-( Thanks for the game!!!;-)
i finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even though i’m not a member im still happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo what up people the name is not real 😀 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Jeez, Christopher is a terrible boyfriend. First he abandons Katya when she needs help, then he attempts to bite her in the bonus quest. He technically did come back and try to save her, but I think that was just to impress her.
Thats so sad Annabell died but Bram didnt go crazy Katya DOES look like annsbell a lot expect the that Katya has purple and Annabell has red.
what? ?:(
where is no. or part 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this the chapter two WITHOUT typos
Jonathan kept walking down the street in the direction of where his mansion had once been. It had to still be there—it just had to! If it wasn’t still here as the house of someone in this time, then it was probably a historical landmark.
After about ten minutes of walking, Jonathan reached his house. The only problem was that it was across the street, and there were strange machines that kept going past him at speeds even a horse couldn’t fathom. Then Jonathan remembered: he was a vampire now. He had the speed and strengths of one as well. He’d seen Reyna show off her new talents before—it couldn’t be that hard, could it?
Jonathan concentrated hard, and then ran as fast as he could across the street. In less than a second, he was on the opposite curb. He smiled to himself.
Maybe this vampire thing isn’t too bad, he thought. Being immortal was pretty sweet, and he had all these new powers too.
A chubby lady passed by him right after that, and he felt a sudden urge to sink his teeth into her neck. He had to force himself to calm down before he ended up draining the whole town.
Okay, maybe this isn’t too cool, he thought. He continued on to his old house. Jonathan noticed that as he got nearer to it, he saw less and less people. When he was at the end of his driveway, the area was completely deserted.
There was a little sign in front of the driveway. Jonathan leaned down to read it. It said:
The Burke Mansion
This lavish house once belonged to Jonathan Burke and his very successful parents from the years 1764 through 1787. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Burke had developed a different version of the new thermometer recently invented by Anders Celsius. They literally became millionaires overnight, but both sadly died in 1785, Mr. Burke from a bad fever and Mrs. Burke from sorrow over her husband’s death. Their son Jonathan owned the house by himself until 1787, when he announced his engagement to Harriet Kinley. But on their wedding day, both bride and groom disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Since then, the mansion has been kept a historical landmark in celebration of the few achievements of this small town, *Wilkshire.
*Wilkshire was renamed Burkeskin in 1789 in memory of Harriet Kinley and Jonathan Burke.
Jonathan stepped back in shock. So Harriet had gone missing as well—probably the work of Reyna too.
Well, perhaps Reyna had made Harriet a vampire too, and there was a chance they could still be together.
Or perhaps Harriet was long dead, and Reyna was just waiting for Jonathan to awaken so he would realize that she should be Jonathan’s wife, not Harriet.
Either way, Jonathan was going to be with Harriet, even if he had to search the world for a way to become mortal again. He kept walking on to his house. When he finally arrived, what he saw was nothing like what he imagined it would be:
The windows were all either broken or were so dirty you could barely tell them apart from the walls; the walls of his mansion had all been eaten away by termites or had become homes for tiny woodland creatures; the tallest tower of his mansion had almost fallen down, and was hanging on by no more than just a few bricks; his once blue house had faded to a gray color; and his fence around his house had fallen down almost entirely. Only a few spokes poked up here and there above the weeds which had grown to monstrous heights over the past 200 years.
Jonathan kept walking past all these horrible things that had happened to his house. When his hand brushed the door, it fell in.
Jonathan sighed.
He had a lot of work to do
@Calm Bones you move the cannon ball with the lance on the side of fireplace.
They should make it so that you can keep tabs on your friends and free-chat on poptropica. That would be awesome.
i also rte stories im a sixth grader one to hear the classroom games say yes and ill write it
write not rte sorry about that
My school won’t let me watch the cheats! :0
i put in both the log and the book in the fireplace and it wont burn !! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It won’t let me burn the book!
You skipped a step in the written walkthrough. After you push the cannonball in front of the fireplace, you have to use the whatcha-ma-thinger to the right of the fireplace to push it into the dumbwaiter.
@Funny Pear
thx so much!!!!!! it’s awesome to get good reviews!!!!!!
@ awesome
i’m a seventh grader, but i’ve liked to write since i was really little. and when i say really little, i mean really little.
@bumbule numbers
i wasn’t sure if you were talking to me, but if you were, the first part of my story is on the comments page before this one.
@zebra lover
you have to jump on the fan next to the fire three times to make the fire grow big enough. i forgot what it’s called but it’s shaped like this: >. The pointy part is facing the fire, and it’s on the left side of it.
HELP! I can’t click on the lever in the laboratory.
huh it says do not light the third and fourth candle in the fireplace, well I did and i made it to the last two chandeliers. If you mive fast enough you can make it! Anyone remember me?
Dear Friece Moon,
On where you have to go throught Amory again to make it to the lab, you dont have to go that. You can do this instead:
1. Run all the way to the left till you get to where the ledges on the pink stone ( its right above the wilted plant)
2. Jump up those until you get to the tower
3. Jump to the left and you will land on the ledge with the giant bat on it.
4. Now here, you have to be careful, jump towards your upper left once you are over the stairs, let go of your mouse button and you should land on the stairs.
5. Go up the leaves on the vine
6. go through the lab window
Thats how i always make it up to the window when im outside. Then with making the arrow ladder, if you jump on the leaf on the plant where you found the bucket, then jump to your upper left you will land on an arrow that is stuck up there, then you can make it up to the plant.
Hope you found my tips helpful!
– Shaggy Shell
@ White Tiger
Make sure that you pushed the red-hot cannonball into the dumbwaiter down into the Grand Hall! Then it should work!
– Shaggy Shell
Can someone help me? I can’t get the cannonball to the tower. I can’t click the lever.
its hard trying to get to the third chandeleir without the candle burning out
you’re supposed to jump on that blower thingy 3 times to light the fire in the fireplace early in the quest
Plz come to my Multiverse. CODE: DWU85. More than 5 ppl and it’s a chatting party and you chat here.
@silver skull im having the same problem.
pl2 join in my multiverse CODE: DUJ34
how do you get the cannonball into the dumbwaiter? Then I will be done
put the log in and the book. if you don’t have the book find it [i have no idea what its called, something to do with teenager’s falling in love vampires][i think]. after that, press the thingy that looks like this,>. pump it 3 times and that your fire. if it dosen’t work i can’t help you.
Awesome but check out my comment on SOS island and you will see what I am talking about!
i beat the island but after the people kissed i didnt get the island medalion so i went back to the village and they were still talking about Katya being stuck in the tower. how do i get the medal?
how do you get the count’s clothing
help i finished the island but i dont know how to get out!!!
Help! I can’t click the lever in the lab plus i just have one vital and that is the mandrake root how do I get the other two – garlic extract and wilted wolfs-bane… And I think that the reason why I can’t click the lever is that I think I clicked the lever before even lighting the chandeliers ( Might have happened in the dark 🙁 ).
Can anyone help me or am I supposed to restart the whole thing?
By the way, thank you so much Fierce moon for the incredible walk-through!!
u can light a candle in the armory with 1st 2nd or 3rd chandelier
This was such an easy island!!!
GO TO MY CHAT ROOM AT BNM39!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you get a pic by your Name?????????????????????
i’m going to have a party in poptropica at 12:00 am be there or be poor
I have a problem, I don’t know why but the hot cannonball won’t roll out, I don’t know what to do, I can’t touch it because it keeps saying it’s too hot and the finger pointing thing doesn’t come up when I click the lever next to dumbwaiter in the laboratory What should I do? I think I’ll have to start all over, but I did as you had said, when I went to get the third candle to light up the third cannonball through the roof, I had pushed the second cannonball near the fire and it started to become hot, later when I came back it was where it had been before I pushed it but it was glowing red so I couldn’t touch it. Now I can’t wilt the wolfsbane and complete the potion
Once inside, walk to the right and click the lever to the dumbwaiter. It will rise and the hot cannonball will roll out and come to a stop underneath the wolfsbane in the beaker.
I dont get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is a stone archway?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! 🙁 :|]
Here are my room codes
i have written books and told them to my class and everyone liked it to messy dragon but you write good to
im just awesome
to get the hot cannonball inside the dumbwaiter, go to the fireplace in the Great Hall. click on the poker. then jump over the cannonball to be on its left side. slowly walk the cannonball towards the dumbwaiter opening; the poker should roll the cannonball until it goes inside the dumbwaiter. hope that helps!!
I gotz a problem… Ya know that… that… whatcha’ ma call it? the.. thing where you put the cannonball….yeah that… i clicked it on acident… so ima kinda stuck…
I am just in the part where those black wolves are trying to attack me!!!! 😐
dodge the wolves
Lol! First poptropica kiss! that rocks!
vampires arn’t real guys so stop i hate vampires
Yea now I am in the fountain part… where there are 4 fountains 😐
Lol i am going Step-by-Step 🙂
WAAAA, the lever for that dumbwaiter part (Labratory) is not working 🙁 😥
what wooden wall?!?! i cant find the mandrake root!
Dear who ever needs to do the potion here you go
1-click 1 on the root on the far right
2-click 3 times on the bottle with the dog’s
3-then click the garlic 3 times
4-click in the boll and the cells will turn into what you want!
there you go!!
Trusty thunder
oh wait i found it… you skipped the going through the stone arch step
How do you get back to the blimp in Vampie’s curse?
this whole thing grossed me out
how do i complete the the bonus quest? its hard!
purple bird vampires aren’t so bad.I mean read their stories their wicked awesome!But not the romantic ones cuz rlly those are just akward.
thnxs this helped me alot
@ Messy Dragon
hey ur story is the best im twelve 2 and i also like to write but im not that gd people say i am but i dont think so cant wait 4 chapter 3 andd well the rest!!!!!!!!!!!
necer ever give up on writing and when u finish a story this person is a publisher im my mother is going to get her to pulish my book when im done :
Rachael Bermingham
the lady from 4 ingredents!
can you help me? i can’t find the wolfsbane 🙁
Oh, the wolfsbane is in the labaratory… It is in a glass, i think a green color one… Yea, it is in a green beaker 🙂
nevermind -.-
Did ya find it?
OMG I finished it 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 YAY
Now I can help people, as usual 🙂
😆 😉
How do you find your way back to the blimp? I made an account, completed the first four islands, completed the last island, Vampire Curse Island, and now I can’t find my way back to the Main St., aka the Blimp! Help!
how do i warm the wolfsbane?? i am not able to bring the dumbwaiter up..
help how do u do the members quest
Hi, I can’t figure out how to leave the island. I’m stuck in the area where the werewolves attack. Can anyone help?
HELP!!! I can’t get the cannon ball to come up to the wolfsbane!!! Somebody HELP!!!!
ugh!!!!! can anyone help me!? every time i try to use the crossbow i jump instead
i cant get the lever to push. it just wont work! help please! <3
i walked into the lab and then i grabbed the book and the lever for wolfbane wont pull!!! help did this have something to do with it?
WAZ UP WAZ UP WAZ UP! I luv this island it is sooooooooo fun!
anyone need any help?!
For the dumbwaiter part: you need to go to the Great Hall, there will be that hot cannonball waiting. Take that tool which is near the fireplace (The tool to push stuff when it is hot) and push the cannon ball to the dumbwaiter that is in the great hall. A.k.a to the left corner there is a dumbwaiter.
When you finish pushing the cannonball there… Then you go to the labaratory, and push the lever
And ya-da-ya-da-ya-da, you got the cannon ball!!! 🙂 Hope that helped
Risha where do u need help?
thanks a lot, Risha! couldnt have finished without ur help!!!!!! thanks again. 🙂
get in there!
im glad you like the island it was fun guess what im fierce moon too!
Oh yes, by the way I am a writer too.
Yo, never mind. I just needed to disable and enable my follower again and again. Don’t ask me why, but I have to turn it on and off many times–without even thinking about my preference. The candle just disappears when I change rooms. And I already beat the game–for non-members. Anyone noticed how the credits you are awarded with when you complete an island has dropped 50% of it’s value?
Yesterday, I lit the first chandelier then I had to get off the computer. So I save and stuff. Then I come back today and I click on the candles to go light the second one, and It won’t let me pick up a candle! I don’t know what to do. Someone please help me!
ok everyone that cant fuigure out the cannon ball thing,
Next to the fireplace is a pointed thing click it.
You can now push the cannonbal
push it over to the dumbwaiter
then go up to the lab
click the dumb waiter and the cannonball should roll out
your welcome people!
HELP!!!!!!!! I know how 2 get the cannonball 2 move to the dumb waiter BUT
my STUPID computer wont show the thing by the d=fire place that u move it with 🙁
BTW i cant get the stupid cannonball 2 move 🙁
HELP!!!!!!! i did all that stuff and i got the book and all that ahead of time and now i cant move the cannonball at all!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 what do i do???!!!!??????
ahhhhhhhhh i can’t find the mandrate root ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cna someone help me please?
if anyone needs help ask me 😀 😛 🙂 :3 (^^^) :*
why can’t i pick up the candles and light them in the fireplace? i just cant pick it up!
But serious i cant pick it up.
aahhh please help me to get the candle i cant get it
i need help why cant i get the candle light up when going in the armony
help me im in the great hall trying to light the 3&4 th chandeliers. but for some reason there is no candle in my hand when i click on the candle pile ahhhhhh help HELP!!!!
never mnd i fixed it by dialing 411 on the nabooti cell phone (for some reason, that always helps me)
Can you please upload the bonus quest walkthrough?
I’m having trouble
sorry didn’t see
never mind -_-
Hi, whenever i try to bring a lighted candle in to the amory it wont let me.. i aslo accedentlly clicked on that lever in the great hall and i dont know how to lift it back up.. could that be my problme
im online join my room its DDQ31
I can’t get to the 4th chandelier for some reason. Can someone help?
Hey guys! Lauren here.
If any of you have trouble with this island, I’ll help you, ’cause I finished it.
Ciao for now,
just had a thought and here it is not that any1s going to care but
was this island made because of the twilight release????
btw i absoulutly HATE and i mean HATE!!!!! twilight although i do like mythical stuff like that
um… HELP! i pushed the cannon ball to the dumbwaiter but when in get up into the labortory i there is nothing to click near the dumbwaiter. i need help ASAP!
never mind i figured it out 🙂
p.s i have a follower that i didn’t even get/buy and when i search my bag i can’t find the card to deactivate it! i want to deactivate it cause it is getting annoying. plz help
p.p.s why are the creators only giving u 50 instead of 100 credits when you finish any island?
Warsaur — None!!! I finished this island!! In fact, i finished ALL of them!! Like you! 😀 😀 😀
I can’t get the key. -_-
can anyone help me find root causes? i can’t find it!
Thx to Hungry Dragon (and thx for the advice. My dad works in the building of a publishing company, but your mom could help).
And congrats to lo. Never stop writing!!!!! 🙂 😉
Your welcome
Finished!!!!! thanks to the walk-through and Risha!!!!! thanks y’all
somebody go to my multiverse room the code is bwt42 and my potropica name is friendly bird and some one invite me in there multiverse room number and poptropica name
went to a funeral it was sad but i tried my hardest not to cry during it gtg now
yay i finish the island i can help other just ask me if u need help
need help , cant push the hot cannon ball into the lift , the stick becomes invisible so i cant push the ball , please advise or help , dont want to restart again!!!!!!!!!!!!
plz help me ranbowunicorn
I’m not ranbowunicorn, but i think you’re game possibly has a glitch.
i wouldn’t want to start over either, but that’s the best advice i could give you right now. with me, the stick didn’t become invisible.
are you sure you’re clicking in the right place? there’s a bunch of those sticks (they look like big metal spears) stacked vertically to the right of the fireplace and to the left of the table of candles, and you just click on the group of sticks to get one.
now, if you’ve been doing that and it still becomes invisible, there’s probably either a problem with the game or with the computer.
sorry, that’s the best i could tell you right now. 🙁
Omg!!! I cant click the dummy water handel please help 🙁
How do you move the cannninball after its red hot?
when i am at the room with the ingredients when i click on the lever nothing happens!
omg i was way scared when the lightning struck!
hey the old woman stood by the sign to brams castle has a mouth JUST like fiona in ghost story island! RIGHT?
can someone help me plzzz i pushed the canon ball to the fire before i light the candle and now it turned red and i cant go near the fire place to light it i tried the chandelier but they wont click 🙁 plz help me….
never mind -_-
Thanks for the awesome guide, it helped mebeat the island
hey u dont really need a page from the book! 🙂
😛 B) <3
i need help when i get 2 the laboratory the dumbwaiter wont move the lever wont let me click on it help plz i dont want 2 restart 4 the 5th time ive tried and tried and tried… help!!!!
Chesney 1234 ar yew sure dats iszz yewr room number???????
I need help. The lever in the lab is visible, but i cant pull it! plz help!
I can not find the book?
This island is creepy.
i cant get da ladder for the great hall thing
I need help. how do i escape and what do i do when the vampire slayer tries to kill me. need info back now.
hey guys i made a multiverse! the room code is:ATD32
I love vampires!they r.o.c.k!
Hurry up with chapter 3 messy dragon!!!!
For the record I have completed 16islands. Does anyone care? Probably not. Oh,by the way,club penguin rocks!!!!!(but not as much as poptropica!)
I AM NOT A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!’!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come to my room! The code is: AKX89
I’m bored, so i might exit my multiverse. Join me next time in the techno room! 😉
does any1 wanna come over to my brand -new multiverse ? its a enchanted forest -the code is BAG24 . i’ll be in a tree !
oops ,sorry i was bronze crush i meant golden thunder but the passcode is still BAG24. my mistake of names . im so dumb !
hey poptropicans 🙂
im soooo bored 🙁
i love poptropica is so so so good and at my stoule i dide a pragiete on poptropica and i got a A and i rokte it
i saw kittys today
Parker: You are welcome… btw: Are you Cuddly Sun? The pic for Cuddly Sun is the same!! 😀 cooll,…
um…i clicked the thing that brings up the cannon b4 it told me to…now wat? wat do i do???
i can’t seem to light my fire when i get into the dark room!! 🙁 can anybody please help me?
i hate wen ur being chased by dat estupido bat its so hard i kept falling but its all kool now im good ive now played it 6 out of 7 times i didnt use this the first time i used this
I finished the bonus quest but got no free items!
Why? plz awnser my question!!
HELP!!! When I got to tha great hall, I put tha log and book in and it didnt burn!!
Annoying much ?!
Any tips? Advice? Help? ANYTHING!?
😀 <3 :3
Pleeeaasee answer my question!!!
Jus’ sayin………
anone want to join my room
it is enchanted forest
code is brg57
i already pulled the lever before the cannon what sud i do
BluLightning u need to do the paper then log i think or its the other way around i hope its right and good luck
You have to jump on the thingy to the left of the fireplace. i forget what its called, but it’s kind of like a fan.
It’s shaped like this: > The pointy part is facing the fireplace. (And yes, you have to jump on it three times.)
“chapter 3” of The Vampire’s Revenge (just for you, Red Dragon. and i am a girl, even though you may not be)
Jonathan was greatly frustrated at first. Everything he touched crumbled to pieces, and how much gentler could he get? He was a vampire after all, and they are pretty strong.
But after remembering why he was even doing this in the first place, for his dear Harriet, he pushed on.
Often Jonathan would use his new vampire powers to get what he needed. He used speed to sneak into a store to get bricks and such, invisibility to get arouond without being seen, and he even used his own face to scare all the animals out of his house.
Filthy creatures, he thought once he was done.
After two weeks of hard labor and a lot of elbow grease, Jonathan was finally finished. (He used his speed to make the process of fixing the house go by faster.)
Now his mansion looked even better than it had before, and the lawn was actually a respectable height. The new materials they had these days worked wonders.
Jonathan entered his old home after surverying the outside of it for a few minutes. Reyna had never cleaned the house this well… and she was the one who was supposed to know how to! Everything was sparkling clean, and Jonathan was so busy admiring his handiwork that he didn’t see the hooded figure come through the door. Nor did he hear it silently come up behind him.
In fact, he didn’t realize that anyone was there until the figure hit him on the head with a brick, and he blacked out.
After making sure Jonathan was actually unconscious, the figure removed its hood, revealing the identity of the intruder.
It was Reyna.
A Couple of Hours Later…
Jonathan’s eyes slowly opened. He looked around. He was in a dark room, and he couldn’t see anything. The last thing he remembered was being hit in the back of the head, but nothing until he woke up just now.
He could feel a faint throbbing on the back of his head.
Who had that been? And why would they just come and attack him like that?
Maybe they were a robber, and had come to steal all his valuables. The minute that thought came into his head, Jonathan knew he had to go check and see if his things were still there. He tried to get up, but found he was securely bound to whatever he was sitting on.
The moment he stopped struggling, a door opened right next to him, and light flooded into the room as a person with . Right before the door closed again, Jonathan saw he was in his wine cellar under his house, and that he was tied with strong chains to one of his wooden chairs from the old stable he used to have.
“Ah, so you’ve finally decided to wake up?” the person asked Jonathan.
Jonathan recognized that voice. He had heard it almost every day of his life before he became a vampire. Only it had asked him whether he wanted sugar in his tea, or if he preferred a hot towel or a warm one.
“Reyna,” Jonathan said.
Reyna laughed. “Yes, my dear Jonathan, it is me. I have returned, after waiting for you to wake up for the past 200 years. I have waited for you, longing for the day when I could be with you once again.”
Reyna snapped her fingers, and candles all around the room lit up. Once it was light enough, Reyna took off her hood so Jonathan could see her face.
It hadn’t aged a day (although he was expecting as much, since she was a vampire too). Her brown hair was wavy and beautiful, and reminded him so much of Harriet’s…
No, no, no! Reyna was trying to trick him, she was not Harriet! She merely looked like her.
“You may have waited for me to awaken, Reyna, but that time I spent trapped in that coffin has not made me love you more. It has merely made my hatred for you more powerful.
“And I miss Harriet much more as well. My love for her has not died as of yet, and you still have a long way to go before you will be able to make me love you.”
Reyna frowned. “Then you have left me no choice.”
She squeezed the air with her fingers, causing Jonathan’s bonds to grow tighter and tighter until he could barely breathe.
“Please, Reyna, you…don’t have to… do this,” Jonathan gasped.
“I’m afraid I do, Jonathan. Because if you refuse to love me the way I love you, then there’s no reason for you to be on this earth anymore.” As she said this, her grip grew tighter.
Jonathan gasped for air, while looking into Reyna’s face, contorted with anger. Then he had a brilliant idea.
“You know, now that I… look at your… face,” he said, “I can… begin to see… the wonderful beauty you have.”
Reyna’s expression softened. “Really?” Her grip loosened.
Jonathan sighed as air entered his lungs. It was working. “Yes, and you’re eyes are just so bright and glistening wonderfully. They are even prettier than Harriet’s ever were.”
Reyna let go of the chains completely. “Oh, Jonathan, I knew you would see! I was meant for you, and you were meant for me!”
She ran towards Jonathan to hug him, but when she was almost there, Jonathan punched her with all his power and knocked her out.
“I am really sorry,” he said, “but I will always love Harriet.”
And with that, he ran out the door and into the town. Where he would go, he wasn’t sure yet, but he would find a way to get rid of Reyna and get back to Harriet.
yes, i know there are a lot of mistakes, but oh well. just ignore them.
push/ step on the pump!
im on the bonus quest
im a guy
@awesome: wat’s ur point? 😛
@RanBowUnicorn-HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DO U GET THE CANNOBALL IN THE LIFT? its red hot so i cant push it!!!!
i shot the cannon ball, it heated up by the fire, and then i went to the laboratory and pulled the lever. guess what? NO CANNONBALL!!!!! i think i puled the downstairs lever by accident. but i dont want to start over!!!!!!!!
everybody join my multiverse! code is bkq23
what do i do if i pulled the lever before the cannon
BluLightning, you have to step on the thing near the fire.
the dumb waiter wont wotk in the lab!! why not ???! i need help !!1
plz help me!
I can’t pull the lever. Can someone help me? I keep going in and out of the room but it won’t have the big hand.
how do u pull the lever????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh u have to go downstars put the cannonball in the thing with the lever next to it with the pointy metal rod.
Hey Friendly Spider u take the poker next to the fireplace and poke the cannon ball into the dumbwaiter it confused me at first too
This is so Twilight -.-
(Btw im a girl) I love these cheats they are super easy to follow thanks!
what do you do with all the small holes all around the island?
to risha nothing
heres what i dont get: you open the window to let the sunlight in, but when you water the plant and go outside… ITS NIGHTIME?!??!!?!? WHAT THE HECK?! first sun then POOF moon!
To push the cannon ball use the spear thing next to the fire to push it
lol Sparky
Risha u have to be a member it’s impossible to beat those goblins or anything
I have a huge problem!! Please answer!! I seriously need help! After completing Vampire’s Curse Island, I can’t get out of the Werewolf place! I managed to get out of the castle, but now I’m stuck in Werewolf Place thingy! I cant get out of there! Can someone tell the the way out? PLEASE answer!!
Oh and my room name is ASY87. It doesn’t have to be capitalized. When you type it, it’s already capitalized.
for super cheetah, just click restart to go to the begginning. (dont worry you will still have the money and the medallion will be in the stats)
the room name it wont let me in super cheetah please help me
wat u do is jump back to where you entered the place
OMG I can’t light the 4th Chandelier!
great job messy dragon its so gdi check this site every week just to make sure that i dont miss anything!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
i got the cannon ball red hot but its to close to the pokey stick! i cant touch!!!!
Come to my multiuniverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DHP37
lol tis is nothing like twilight…
On Vampires Curse I got to the laboratory and when it won’t allow me to press the chamber. Then inside of the castle thing the chamber is closed!!!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!A.S.A.P
I have the same problem as Destiny Waz Here
@friendly spider: I did the same thing…do you have to restart or wat?????????This is frustrating!!! PLZ help me
ohhhhh i found out how you use the pointy stck thing and push the cannon ball to the lever area
Anybody wanna join my multiverse? Code: bwt34
please help me!! i cant find Root Causes!! i looked in the right side bookshelf and it isnt there! i didnt put it in my bag either! Help Me!!
oh. i got it!! i had to find Katya first!! 😀 now i feel dumb tho….
Thx to Hungry Leopard. Only, don’t get your hopes up too high. i’m not that fast a writer
thats was funn
OK! I admit! this Island is a lot better then S.O.S. Island but still this Island is really fun. I have completed it six times!
it aint workin! :'( 🙁 (:
You had forgot to mention in order when you put the book and the log into the fire ( log goes first and then the book ) cause im doing this level step on the fire puffer thing TO MAKE THE FLAMES POINTING THAT OUT cause i got stuck and i was like ummm… but yea theres a tip and i think you then pump it three times and then you get the thing on the right on the fireplace… lower right.. cant miss it it looks like a mini long stick black though hope this helps cheers 😀
oh and to point out u CAN I REPEAT CAN USE THE CANDLE ON THE 3RD AND FOURTH from the 2nd just jump to the 3rd and then 4th REALLY FAST I CAN SEND IN PROOF -.- ( if i do it again) but it worked for me if it dosen’t justt listen what they say up there! 😀 but anyway it just worked so fast and easy 😀 RUNNN GO GO GO!
wat if u hit dumbwaiter before cannon ball
ur welcome
sorry!!!! i have alot of pressure on me to get my next chapter out too…every time i see them so hows the book going, so whens the next update???
again really sorry messy dragon
here is a free user and pass user:speedykite1pass:pop365
hope you like
this game is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do u get from casle grounds to main street
Christopher became a vampire and bit me!!!
Hey who remembers the cannonball we shot outside? It landed on the man with a feather on his hat
Hey Katniss!!! I’ve started 24 Carrot Island for you…..Don’t worry I haven’t changed your pass or anything….!
anyone knows how to push the dumbwaiter on the laboratorium? I can’t push it 🙁 please, i really need your help guys thanks before
Help!! how do you get the wolfsbane to wilt??
Who reads the morganville vampire series and if u do what team do u support? team MEVE or team CLAIAN?
Smart wings you have to go back and put the hot cannon babll into the dumbwaiter downstairs then go up and press the lever. The maker of this forgot to imput thatyour welcome. 🙂 😛
I am confused again wit the dumbwaiter thing. 🙁
You can just go climb the tree and then the bean stalk after getting the root i hate the arrows
thanks cheerful joker
someone changed the pass im not giving out anymore accounts
someone changed the pass im not giving out anymore accounts grrrr
hey if you need help the levers:1.pull the one by fire place 2.poke the ball with the stick thing by the fire palace to the box thin 3.go to the lab and pull lever
hope it helps!(^^^)
i figured out a quick way to lab. go to foutians then go all the way left keep jumping up on thing ull end up at lab window
Grrrrr. I have a problem. Ok, so I light the end of the cannon on fire, but it doesnt flip to th right Dx Please help!!!
Ok, I see a lot of people struggling with the dumb waiter part. This is how you do that part :
1.Make sure the Cannon ball in the grand hall is red hot
2.Click the pointy stick thingy next to the fireplace
3.Push the cannonball over to the dumbwaiter and it should go into the dumb waiter
4.Go to the lab and click the dumb waiter lever and th ecannon ball should roll out
There you go! I had troubles with this part too! Hope this was helpful!-Shelly
Umm….Katniss!!! I hope you don’t think I have changed ur pass,bcause I just wanted to help you,and I’m done with 24 carrot island in your account!! You’ve won the medallion!!! WooHoo!!!! Congratulations!
Thanks a ton,Shaggy Shell!!!
Um……..cheerful joker 24 carrot island is the easiest island and why were you all happy that you won?
It’s been a while since you commented, Shaggy Shell!
Chapter 4 of The Vampire’s Revenge
At Jonathan’s Mansion…
Reyna’s eyes slowly opened. Immediately, she remembered how Jonathan had used her undying love for him to an advantage.
She remembered how he had betrayed her.
And she would get him back.
Reyna sat up slowly, feeling her cheek where Jonathan had punched her. It was painful at the slightest touch, and she could already feel it swelling up. There would no doubt be a big purple bruise there later, if there wasn’t one already.
Reyna’s feelings were conflicting within her. She hated Jonathan for using her like that, for punching her without a thought and then leaving her out cold on the ground.
But at the same time, she loved him. How could anyone not adore his bright eyes, always so beautiful? How could anyone ever hate the sound of his laugh, his sweet voice that flowed like silk?
Ah, forget it, Reyna thought. He’ll never love me the way he loves Harriet. In fact, no one ever has.
At this, Reyna broke down crying. Why did Count Graham do this to her? Her life was already horrible enough, being a servant to a master she was in love with, but he never noticed her. All her family had died years ago, after being trampled by a crazy carriage driver.
And then, after all that, she became a vampire.
The most hated and feared creature in all of Wilkshire—well, Burkeskin.
How Reyna hated that new name. “In memory of Harriet Kinley and Jonathan Burke,” the sign said. What memory? Nobody cared. It was a new age, a new generation of mindless adults, adolescents, and kids who cared nothing of history.
Reyna knew only one thing that could possibly cheer her up now. She got up and went out of the wine cellar. She went out the house and became invisible. Looking up, Reyna saw a full moon.
My powerful friend, she thought.
She walked through the town, all the way to the graveyard where Jonathan had woken up in. She walked up to his coffin, and became visible once more. She lifted it up, through it to the side, and stepped on the dirt that was beneath it.
Automatically, the dirt beneath her disappeared, leaving a gaping hole that Reyna went down through.
After a few minutes of falling, Reyna landed on rock. It was the start of a labyrinth that she had dug out herself, and only she knew the way through.
Reyna navigated through a maze of twists and turns, finally getting to the end where a person was imprisoned.
The person was chained to the dirt wall by their hands and ankles. They had on a tattered wedding dress, and their dirty brown hair was covering their face. On the side of their neck were two tiny holes where Reyna had bitten them.
The person, hearing Reyna’s footsteps, lifted their head.
It was Harriet.
“Ah, hello, Harriet, my dear,” Reyna said.
Harriet scowled at Reyna. “You monster! You ruined everything, and then you hid me down here, turning me into a vampire just to fulfill your own sick wishes.”
Reyna laughed. She walked up to Harriet, and without warning, grasped a chunk of her hair and pulled it.
“AAAAAAHHHHH!!” Harriet screamed.
Reyna let go. “Your misery is the only thing keeping going these days, Harriet,” she said, an evil grin on her face. “And when you finally decide to let go of Jonathan, and let him be mine, I promise I will let you go free. You just have to say he can be mine.”
Harriet glared at Reyna. “Never, you sick woman. I love Jonathan, and he loves me.”
Reyna pulled Harriet’s hair again, harder, causing her to scream even louder. “Okay, your choice. But just know that while you sit here and suffer, Jonathan is out there, searching endlessly for you. The more you say no, the longer it will take for him to find you.
“And I know you want to be with him.”
Reyna let go of Harriet’s hair. “Well, I must be off now. My future husband is awaiting me.”
Harriet gave Reyna an icy look. “You won’t get away with this.”
Reyna glanced back at Harriet. “Oh, won’t I?”
And with an evil cackle, Reyna swept back through her labyrinth, leaving Harriet alone in the dark to wait for Jonathan to find her.
And he would find her.
He had to.
ohhh i see for those of you who just read the walkthrough if u r stuck with the dumbwaiter and things on tht stage go if ur lever wont go, go down back to the caste and put the cannon ball in the place where the other lever is in the castle
Awesome, Messy Dragon!
You tips are super helpful thx so much. (this is no sarcasem)
your tips really helped.Thx again,(this is no joke or sar…)
Messy Dragon: Thats amazing! Thanks!!!! 😀
how do you escape the vampire hunter
You don’t. Just get the cure.
brave star im sorry very sorry
Tanks for parts 3 and 4!!!
also for mentioning me!!
become a writer, i will buy your books!!!!
thanks again!
And i knew(or thought) you were a girl.
when poptropica freinds gets here i will be your freind!!!!!!!
hi can all friend me on poptropica friends please ill friend all of you
Yeah, when it comes out! 😀 😉
Wait. IT’S HERE!!! What your username?
Mine is Jace999608
Hey Katniss!!! I’m not happy that I won,its just that I feel good that I have done SOMETHING for someone. 😀 By the way,do you want me to complete more islands 4 you? I can do that if I have your username and pass….I promise I won’t change!
mines larose118! so add me!
wait, i accidentally switched the switch in the room with the candles and chandeliers, how do i switch it again???
oops feather!
ignore my question
I am sooo happy i finished this island… Twisted Thicket is the only island i need to finish 😐 😐 😐
this is confusing and it keeps saying that i haft ta heat it up
I need to follow the steps!
It’s not letting me get the cannon ball in the shaft? I heated it up then pull the lever but then when I go into the lavatory it will not let me pull it!?!?!?
i switched the lever for the cannonball too early! how do i change it!!
I LOVE reading your stoies messy dragon!!!!!!!!!!! i had a dream last nit that i was a vampire i think it was because i read your stories so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Err…. I can’t get the hot canon ball up to the laboratory. Help, please?
ok i need the bonus quest, and my user is clawsome! add me!
the crow bar was there to open the tomb like in the book
i have made the plant grow but now the plant covers my way back and i clicked on the lifting thingy an the cannon ball wont come up HELP!!!!!!
it wont let me pick up the cannonball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine is massery4~
I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO HEAT THE FUDGING WOLFSBANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha… shift…
OMG! How do you get the ball to move because on mine it is stuck and the stick wont appear with me or even work!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW my username is hollow3492 if u want to add me anyone
hey do you all play poptropica?
hey have any of you beat wimpy wonderland yet? I think that island is soooooo easy!!!!!!!!! And btw thoso of you that have watched the hunger games how is it is it awesome!!!!!!!!! Give me some details 🙂
add me as a friend username is dot10018
to MONSTER: i hav seen the hunger games it is good but when the games start all the tributes start stabbing each other and that may sound funny but ITS NOT. its just sick and i am glad that katniss just ran in the other direction. case dismissed. oh and katniss and peeta kiss and get all pg 13… gets kinda mushy gushy love stuff
to messy dragon: that story u keep telling? the vampire’s revenge? isnt that just the story line for that new movie Dark Shadows? im pretty sure it is… has johnny depp as jonathan 🙂
i just finished vampires curse island!! i figured out the cannonball part with the dumbwaiter and this island is my new fave. it was twisted thicket (which i completed like a half hour ago in like 15 minutes!) but the vampires curse is so cool! also in twisted thicket u cant keep the magic amulet. darn…..but u get the bow and arrow in vampires curse!!
@blueberryslushy, @bendy melon and @tiny walker you have to take the stick in between the fireplace and the candles.
thanks to this website i have completed more islands than any of my friends :D!!! i love this website because the walkthroughs are easy to follow and when i get into trouble, i just go onto this website, check out the walkthrough, and have a duh moment.:)
If you want to add me my name is Moonlight1880
i just need twisted thicket and red dragon but my stupid computer wont work
omg…..just finished the island! Thanks for the walkt
hrough, Fierce Moon!
i also caught snapshot of the “kiss” towards the end! (and added some comments!)
Here, take a look!
Ok, I may be crazy, but in the beginning she said we need to block the fountains with the rocks, and we need to get one of them out with the crowbar. But..I never got a crowbar. She never mentioned a crowbar. Did she? pleeaaase help cuz this is where I’m stuck.
The crowbar is in the same place where you get the book.
Wher is the wooden wall? I went thru the stone archway, went to both the right and the left, no wooden wall. Where is it?
Seirously what do you do to get the cannon ball to work again
i cant get the freakin cannonball thing to work! and it is really bothering me! HELP!!!!!
Hurry up with the story messy dragon!!!!!!!!!
I need some help. When I left poptropica the canon ball moved from in front of the fire place to nere the door to the where the plant grows. I can click on it but i go right through it. Please Help!!!!!
to wilt the wolfsbane, go to the library( heat up the cannonball if u didnt!) get the spear thing by the fireplace, push the cannonball in the dumbwaiter. then go back to the lab , click the lever, the heated cannonball will roll right under the wolfsbane, thus causing it to wilt.
Hope it helps!
ps add me cupcakepeace7
thxs feirce moon! without u i woul have only completed like 3 islands you help me complete like 6 islands with this website THANK UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
I’m almost finished with this island!! Thanks so much! And also, for those of you who don’t know how to move the cannonball, click on the sharp metal thing on the wall next to the fireplace and push the cannonball towards the dumbwaiter. Hope this helped!
why does in armory when i enter my candle dont have fire already always??
many people are asking how they get the canonball into the other room. here’s how:
u have to go back to the fireplace and push the cannonball with the poky thing on the fireplace into the dumb waiter, then u need to go back into the other room and pull the lever. it worked for me even though i still pulled the lever before the cannonball was in the dumb waiter
My Candle Won’t Stay Lit When iSwitch Between The Great Hall And The Armory >~<" Add Me Tho Same User As Here ^_^
@Messy Dragon you’re really good at writing! I like to write, but I’m always shy when people read my stories, and I’m only in third grade.
Don’t let your shyness put you down, Happy Bubbles. I have horrible stage fright too. I once wrote a poem (this was only a few days ago), and I was so shy of reading it out loud that I had one of the teachers read it! I still got applause and everything, but I was so scared to read it!
@ Friendly Dragon
I know it sounds very similar, but I saw the trailer for Dark Shadows way after I started writing the story. They stole my idea. I know it doesn’t sound very convincing, but it’s the truth!!
i made a multiverse room on poptropica the multiverse code is DUZ45 PLEASE JOIN =D
also do any of you know an AVAILABLE RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT promo code? pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssseeee tell me and join the room
when the ball is on fire click on the fire poker that’s by the fireplace. hold the poker in front of you and walk forward to push the cannanball. keep pushing it until you reach the part with the lever. if you have already pulled the lever then woopy-doo for you because you wont have to do it again just push the ball in front of the shaft and it automatically goes in ( if you havent pulled it already thenn do so and push it in). Now just go to the lab and pull the lever that is there and you have yourself one wilted wolfsbane :O 😉
To everyone who is freaking out about the cannonball and the dumbwaiter lever not working… go back to the room with the hot cannonball, next to the fireplace is a stick/bar. click it and use it to drag the cannonball to the dumbwaiter. Your welcome
I love your cheats : D they help me A LOT
I keep on having the candle stick burn out probley I’m to slow? and I’ll be honest
i thoue a big fit about it its just so hard
@Messy Dragon
Stole your idea? What are you, an imbecile? Dark Shadows was an American gothic soap opera that aired from June 27, 1966, to April 2, 1971. Mr. Art Wallace was the writer of the said show. If you were born in those years I bet you wouldn’t be here by now or maybe if you had watched the replays or the remake on 1990 and not the 2012 movie, you wouldn’t be claiming that they copied your story.
BTW, the director, Tim Burton, of the 2012 Dark Shadows film was a fan of the show and so was Johnny Depp and so they made a film of it. Get your facts straight before you post something. Please search on Google, or Wikipedia. The internet was made for this purpose.
On topic : Thanks for the walkthrough, crew.
Hey i need help 🙁
When i go light the candle and go back to the armory, the candle stick [which was lit before] isn’t lit anymore, though the stick is still there… what did i do wrong? Dx
someone friend me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my username is the name on the comment
Same here…
when i go from the great room to the armory my candle wont stay lit
@ bloo
wikipeidia isnt always reliabe and if u where born in that time you would just be a grand parent not dead!!!!!!
You know when you in the bedroom and you use the cane to get the key in the closet. How come i don’t have that cane to use? Dos anybody else have this problem? How do we get past it?
i cant believe you guys waste your time with vampires
Can’t believe you just said that, have you even Read the Morganville vampire books?
They don’t waste your time.
The first book is called The Glass House and its by Rachel Caine.
It starts with the main character Claire getting pushed down the stairs near her dorm. In TPEwwwww (Texas Praire University)
when I go into the armory with my lit candle it doesn’t stay lit. This is really making me extremely angry. I almost took it out on my computer because I thought it was slow; but once I saw that a few of you were having trouble with it, it made me feel better….. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
we’ll i just got sick of it so i restarted the island…
maybe now the stupid candle will lite and stay lit in the armory…
@ Crazy Flame: Promo codes come with Poptropica items that you buy in real life, like the blimp or the plush figures, so no codes are available unless the code came with an item YOU bought yourself. Hope this helped!
@ everyone who wants friends and thinks you use you Poptropican name and not your username: You use your username, not your random name like Hungry Snake or Cheerful Cheetah(Mine! XD)
P.S.My username is Ashlyn200000 for anyone who wants to friend me!
i not done vampire curse
@Messy Dragon they didnt steal your idea that movie is based of a soap opera called dark shadows from the 1960’s. i doubt you were even alive then.
@Isabella: You have to light the candlestick the first time with the fireplace, the second time with the first chandelier, the third time with the second chandelier, and so on.
Hope this helped!
Does anybody else have the problem where at the very end, you Katya and Vlad are falling and you land on the ladder, but they don’t and they freeze? It frustrates me so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is awsome i know exactly what to do after i read the hole thing!!
this is the best there is defenutly nuthing beter then this site its great!!!!
i will always come to this site first and last!!!
the altemet site!!!
How do you get out of the Cliffs? I have already finished the island, and I need to get out so I can go back to the Blimp.
guys just lay off of messy dragon its not his/her fault s/he didnt know i didnt know and i can bet many people didnt know
people add me on poptropica friends my user is
I finished this island at school (I finished it like, a day after it came out for non-members and I’ve been out of school for 3 weeks now, but still)
well instead of using first chnadleer i figured out you can use any of them as long as they are lit
how do i get back to main street?
MAN i beat almost every island ecxept this one and poptropils
when is the bonus quest coming out??
you rock messy dragon! I am an aspiring writer too and I know how hard it is and you are amazing!
Is this a really hard island??
Clean Sinker- me 2!! almost anyway haha add me
<3 Brave Flame
The dumbwaiter didn’t work for me. It said “whats the point of raising the dumbwaiter with nothing in it?”
Thank you so much! Before, I couldn’t get past but then I found your walkthroughs! Thank you!! Add me at: Annabelle2942
Tip: When you light the fire in the castle, you have to jump on the triangular air-blower
I’m sorry, but you are incredibly unclear. I have no idea what to do in order to light up the chandeliers and I’m very irritated.
Am… Sara you’re right ! And about the man who did this you’re not clear :$
HEY!!!!! I NEED THE BONUS QUEST WALKTHROUGH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx soooo much this was actually a lot easier than i thought
How did you guys make the serum? I followed the walkthrough but if didnt turn out, can someone help me?
I know how to get a cheat candle! What you do is you get a candle, light it with the fire and go all the way to the right, there is a door, use the crowbar to open the door, then make sure your candle hasn’t gone out (if you need to get a new one, get one) then go outside then back in and you have an unburning candle that sheds light!
@popular dolphin
you probably didn’t heat the cannonball at the fireplace first
help! my candle wont stay alight when i enter the armory from having already lit it from the fireplace! what is wrong? it worked once after a while and then stopped working again! :C
hey, I can not keep the candle burning … It turn off when i change of room…!!! im so angry!!!!!
This island is full of glitches, I’m still stuck at the cannon and I have a photo of me blasting the cannonball…someone fix it…
It’s kinda funny… I kept trying to do the fourth chandelier and I couldn’t do it. And I was like ARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! How did she do that?! Then I read the walkthrough. And then I was like ooo you gotta used the other chandeliers XD
And btw, I thought the island and the bonus quest over and I came to a conclusion: 1. I. Hate. Christopher. 2. Why do I hate him? Because Christopher. Is. A jerk. First he acted like a wimpy player by leaving katya and looking for other girls, second he acted mean by turning US into vampires! I hope katya breaks up with him!!!!! I
I can’t pick up the stupid candles! What do I do???????????
I just finnished the bonus quest! A wierd glitch happened with the tomato head thing: it forgot the head! Wierd, right?
When ever I go into the armory to light the cannon my candle goes out…what am I doing wrong?!
why dont they make a twilight island?
When I enter the Amory with a lit candle, the fire goes out but the candle is in my hand and the length is the same as when I picked it up. What happened?
jump on the air thingy next to the fire to light it. You need to jump on it 3 times for it to get light enough.
When I pull the dumbwaiter switch, nothing comes up. How do I get the hot cannonball into the dumbwaiter?? It’s still in front of the fire, and I can’t move it. Help!
Emily you click on the fire when have the candle
i still cant find where the root canal thingy is
i just love poptropica soooooo much that every day i have to go on it
I can’t get off the island… what do I do, I’m finished but I can’t leave the courtyard can anyone help me?
How do i push the hot cannon ball? With what? Where do i get it?
i can’t mix the thingys together to make health cell if any body knows what to do please help me
When I enter the Amory with a lit candle, the fire goes out but the candle is in my hand and the length is the same as when I picked it up. What happened?
I think the fire is going out because we switched the little switch
this island took me 3 monthes
3 things:1:Why don’t they make a pizza land island? 2:in case you didn’t notice pizza is my favorite food 3:Jessica, you only have a little amount of time to light the cannon!
hey messy dragon have u stopped writing i miss reading your story
the candle wont stay lit when i go to the armory! someone help!
Jessica and Oliva that happened to me so just wait and try again towmorrow.
so what can i do to un-switch the switch and light the candle???? ……. is there a way to reset the island, if thats necessary
Ok the candle just goes out when I reach the armory! I restarted the island twice and its still not working!! HELPPP!!!
Yay!! I’m making a poptropica secret’s acount!!
Hey with the Armoury thing when I walk into the armoury with the lit candle, on mine the candle stops burning. What do I do?
i can’t seem to get on the fourth chandelier from the third or from the ladder help me?
i will never gonna finish this vampire curse!! my efforts lost ! i even didnt clean my room just to finish this!
I can’t jump onto the fourth chandelier. duuudeee. help me >:| my poptropican just can’t jump that far. -refrains from cursing-.
yeah, when i go in the armory, my candle burns out, does anyone know why???
How do you get back to your travel balloon?
It is soooooo easy just use the spere near the fireplace ,click on it like the candle and roll the cannon ball.
help!!! i cant reach the 4th chandelier!!! what do i do?
@Rough Typhoon
to get the cannon ball into the dumbwaiter you use the fire poker thing and push it along until you get to the dumbwaiter.
oh yeah i figured it out there’s a ledge u have to jump on to. anyways, my candle stops burning when i step into the armory. what is wrong now????
@ Messy Dragon
Messy Dragon???????? i miss ur story so much, dont stop writting!!!!!!!!
in my opinion books are better than movies and this book is yours not some famous persons its ur imagianation not theirs u can make it any thing u want and dont let anybody stop u!!!!!
Why won’t my candle light? Is this some sort of glitch? Please help me!
Your candle should not stop burning when you walk into the armory. Maybe you are going too slow?? That never happened to me.
The wolfsbane and mandrake root automatically made me think of Harry Potter. 😀
Everything else made me think of Twilight. XP
I didn’t know to put the hot cannonball into the dumbwaiter! You should’ve put that in there somewhere. :/
Hey this helped me alot! 🙂 for people who are stuck i will help 😉 ok for the fire u take the log in your bag then u take the book and a page will be taken out for you!then there is a object next to the fire place and its like a fire starter that helps it get the fire going you are gonna jump on it a few times 🙂 i don’t have alot of time to wright other people that need help i hope this helps youstart the fire 🙂
hey i use to have problems with the candle in the armory, but when i played on a computer with the latest version of adobe flash it worked…. but it took me a month to get to someone with that …. hopefully its not that long for anyone else!
I’m wit hungry leopard, I come to the comments here everyday just to see the story. Where r u messy dragon?!??! ;A; please keep writing! Or do we have to wait till you publish it or something?( ._. )
Rough Typhoon and Valkyrie Cain —
You go to the right side of the fire. There should be a silver metal stick with a sharp end. Click on it to pick it up. Then walk towards the cannonball and you will start pushing it. Ta-da!
— Cool Cactus
I went to get the root canal book thingie and it wasnt there.
Hey can someone pleaseee help me. Before i lit the chandeliers i push that red lever for the dumbwaiter in the great hall and now in the labrotory my characters saying ” no point in raiseing the dumbwaiter with nothing in it” So pleaseeeeeee help me if you do i’ll owe you big time. This is how i passed Wimpy Wonderland because of you awesome ppl so please please help me!!!!!!!!!!
Love,Brave Flame!
OMG I LOVE YOU ANGRY LIGHTING YOU JUST MADE MY DAY! 😀 ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! THANKZ FOR HELPING ME YOUR AMAZING 😀
Fierce Moon is an awesome person!! She does the best walkthroughs!! I’ve been thinking about making my own website and use it for Poptropica but I don’t think i’ll be able to stand up to Fierce Moon….. 🙁
Thanks for the help!
To Emily
To light the fire you must keep putting the pages from the book into the fire. Once you’ve lit it there should be like a pump thing a little to the left of the fireplace, you’ve got to keep jumping on that and then hopefully the fire should light.
I couldn’t light it at first but i walked around a bit and then found the pump.
I hope this helped.
if u need to move the cannon ball into the dumbwaiter, use the poker thing by the fireplace and move it in with that.
it is pretty cool all thes islands but i hav a lot of favorites. mostly my number #1 is poptropicalis island it rocks! i luv ze challenges they r fun. try it if u havent. 🙂
it is pretty cool all these islands but i have a lot of favorites. mostly my number #1 is poptropicalis island it rocks! i luv the challenges they R fun. try it if U havent. 🙂
ok this is for brave flame, if with the dumbwaiter u will have to go back to the great hall and put the grey cannon ball in the fire when it gets hot then on the right side of the furnace there is a pointy grey thing, click it and u will be able to hold it.push the red hot ball to the dumbwaiter and it should take it in if it dosent then first press the red lever then push the red ball in. after u will have to go up to the vampires little test room and go to the far right, then press the dumbwaiter and the firery ball will come out under the flower and burn it up then u will be able to take it. by the way the garlic ( if u didnt already get it) is on the top on shelfs use the tomatohead bat to majicly fly there. Well thats it. if u need more help ask me or anyone else or just usepoptropica cheats. 🙂 ur welcome byeee 🙂
HELP! i am a vampire now and cant find the garlic or wolfsbane. HELP!
Hey!!! This island is so much fun, that I completed this island 8 times!!! LOL. But of course, I never met Christopher at the begining… and the wolf… I kept playing and I only saw me running away, from nothing! But, besides that I had no problems with Vampire’s Curse Island.BTW, their kiss was cute and ROMANTIC!!! First kiss on POPTROPICA!
hyma, you click on the map icon, and on the bottom left it should say restart.
their kiss is only disgusting because christorper has brown mud lips!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP! when I tried to fire the cannon, I couldn’t get the lit candle in the armory!
i could light the third and fourth chandeliers using the fireplace
i have just enough time for the last one
Mad Lizard, the candle goes out quickly if you take too long. Get the candle, then click on the fire place. as soon as you see the flame on your candle, run like there is a vampire chasing you.
And this island is so awesome! I LOVE the trailer. Its so cool!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone needs help I have finished like 20 islands now and most I know by heart. Add me and you can see which ones I’ve done. Username is lalaloopsy1331 and I noticed that nobody has been on this page in like three days!
How do I fill the bucket with water it won’t work?HELP
Hey Friendly Spider!!!! How did you complete the Red Dragon Island when you are trying to rescue Annie and Jack. I’m stuck! help?
I hate the stupid member thing like’ oh sorry only members can buy this’ or ‘ oh only members can do the bonus quest’ it’s so annoying .Not the members just that regular people can’t have or do it!
I LOVE this island so much!!!!!!! I have completed like 26 islands and my username is boston1081 so if u need help just ask
when i click the wooden door to the counts chamber it sends me outside!!!!!!! what do i do!!!!! and when i try to go in thru the window it send me to the armoury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone please help me!I’m stuck on the bit where after you get the book for the special plant thing,And When I go outside,And go to the right,There is no stone or any wall to shoot arrows into.PLEASE HELP,IF YOU HELP,I OWE YOU BIG TIME☺♥☺♥
HELP MEEEEEE im in the great hall place and iv already used the log now for the book i have it but it keeps on saying ill need something more substantial to keep the fire going what do i do
i can’t fgure out the stupid recipe!!!!!!! – –
_ /:( ???
i got stuck to light the fourth candle!
what the heck!! i was almost finished then i went through a door and it started the whole island over 🙁 that happened to me on ghost story island too!! 🙁
i hop you got money members rule
….All islands are free. You’re talking about a “micro quest”, and it doesn’t really need a walkthrough. Just collect the cards and get out.
Hyper Octopus,
Here’s a contact page for the Creators. Hopefully it’ll help.
Ewww they just kissed. aNYWAYS. For some reason when i walk over to the clothes it deoesnt give me the medal
dear perfect cheeta,
u r soooooooooooooo right. i hate it 2. i’m not a member so it’s awful. and nowadays it’s even worse. they have bonus quest, which ONLY members can get do. lol. talk 2 u latr.
dear purple fog,
u have 2 use the book. hint: by the graveyard. go through the door. if u can’t find it, leave the hall and go 2 the graveyard. and wait till ur cursor says enter.
dear purple fog
it always works 4 me. maybe u didn’t do it right. ur supposed to use the log FIRST. then the book. do u c the thing beside the fireplace? jump on that a couple of times. hint: it’s to the left. p.s. why did i send u that thing above. i don’t mean this thing.
wait!maybe u just need 2 use more paper.
guys,you dont actually believe in vamps do you?
cuz thats bad…
God does not like that…
it is so easy i you want to know my username it is kittymac996 tell me if you type it in on any island i have a friend who is devel1112 his password is turkey1112
hi again i you need any help just type it down on this page
how do you get the candles to light the chandeliers in the first place? and how do you light them?
hey guys…………..i just got saved yesterday………….LoL……………..
dear creepy runner you light the candles by taking one of the candles from the fire place and you have to have the latter from the farthest book shelf then you take the candle click on the fire and jump on the latter quickly jump on the first candle do the same with the next but not with the third and fourth talk to me when you want to know how to do the third and fourth
fierce moon can you tell me how to get on with you i have beaten every thing like you did
This is probably my least favorite island.
Creeper Runner, the candles are to the left of the fireplace and after you get them click on the fire.
i mean right side
You actually don’t get on here by beating all the islands. Zippy Turtle, for example, is pretty new to Poptropica. I doubt he’s beaten many islands. To get on this site, she’d have to give you permission to post here.
heyyyy brave star
Hi Everyone!!! I Haven’t been on in like a week…..I got grounded! Anyhow I finished 20 Islands!!!!!! Im a huge Harry Potter Fan so when my mom told me to clean my room (it was already clean!) I tried to jinx her! It wouldn’t have worked cause i was waving a spoon around (like a maniac)! Well my Username is Knockknock36! Long live Poptropica!!!!! (or jeff kinney the genius who created poptropica)!!!!!! Bye Love ya all!
brave star can you think of any imfromation
can you ask her brave star oh do you know any of the creators usernames and what is your username and do you also know what fierce moons username is
My username is Jace999608, Fierce Moon’s is Popsecrets, and there’s alot for the creators. To get you started, there’s drharecreator, captaincrawfishcreator, and blackwidowcreator.
thanks so so so so so so so so much want mine
I’m about to throw the computer out the window since I can’t reach the fourth chandelier. HELP please?!
no you dont liht it in the fire you light it on the first chandelier
sorry i ment light
brave star do you know any other creators
I’m stuck on the wooden wall part, it’s not on the right or left, not even on the inside of the castle or outside!
How does the hot fire cannonball roll out of the dumbwaiter? My character says that it’s not worth pulling up with nothing in it. I accidentally pressed on the button that locked the dumbwaiter next to the armory enterance. Is there a way I can undo that so I can put the cannonball in? And if I can, how do I roll the cannonball in! Because it says it’s too hot to touch. Help me please!
I can light my last candle because the hot cannon ball is in the way!!!!!!!
I’m stuck trying to heat the wolfsbane, because I lowered the dumbwaiter right after I lit the fourth chandelier…. HELP! 🙁
Ok never mind I got past that, but where do you get the Mandrake Root?
Hi Red Tiger,
What you need to do is jump on top of the fireplace to the other side, light your candle, then jump back up and over the fireplace again to avoid touching the hot cannon ball.
~Lone Spider~
hey if anyone needs help leave me a comment
I’m trying to put the Teen Vampire Novel in the fire, but whenever I do, it shows my character putting it in and it doesn’t do anything and stays in my backpack. How to get rid of this?
Never mind, I got passed that part. It must have been the internet connection.
@angry bird how did you do that I’m stuck at that part
@Silly there is a poker thing on the right of the fireplace just click on it and use it to move the cannon ball into the dumbwaiter then go to the other side and click on the lever
you mean me
Help me. i can’t light my last candle because the hot cannonball is in the way… please help me fast..:(
use the poking stick by the fire click on it and you can jump over the cannonball too
that was hard for me too. i just beat the island! what you have to do is light your candle on the third chandeleir and the just walk down the the ledge below the fourth. then there will be a little ledge popping out of the wall right of you. jump on that
hey guys i found this pretty easy.its awsm that they have the cheats but it takes the fun out of it.sozz guys.anywayz if anyone needs to ask me Q’s feel free >_<
P.S if you want 2 add me type
It was hard to get the formula 😀
I finished the quest Iam so happy it took me a week 😀 If you need help ask me 😀
i cant find the glass eyeball can someone help me please?
I beat the island, but I can’t leave!!!!!!
Hi Red Wolf,
I can’t find the wooden wall. Can you help me please?
Shoeless moon,
To find the woodern wall, you have to be in the place where the dam is and outside the stone doorway and you should see a tree next to it go to the right of the tree and there’s the wooden wall.
Golden Star the teen love novel stays their no matter what you can’t get rid of it…
fierce moon,
i dont care if you ban me from this site ok? you just keep never putting my comments up ok? and i i just dont like it im not saying your bad but you you just are supposed to treat us as equals were going on your site when we dont have to i also go on poptropica cheatz so treat me equally k?
christi if u want 2 get off d island, go to the map and click restart
Little Peanut
Your comments were probably in moderation. 🙄 She’s not aguainst you or anything. She’s not being mean. It doesn’t matter if you go on another cheats site. And don’t tell her what to do, you didn’t make this site.
I keep putting the novel in the fire place but it’s not working. Help?
i like the bounus quest 🙂
🙂 Awesome job!
I had a hard time with the candles though xD
on the
vampire curse island 😛
what do u mean by me
Well,what happened was i messed up the thing with the hot cannonball and now i dont know ow to get it to shoot through tho dorr because i dont know how to open the door back and the ball is passed the door and i cant even push it!!!!What to do,I believe i can never finish this island beacause of one problem.I just have to heat the beaker but i cant!!! 🙁
Nevermindabout the first thing.But when I try to mix the ingredients,its says the 1 drop of the root and three drops of garlic and wolf isnt right. Help me please!!! 🙁
Happy Heart- you have to jump on the fan next to the fireplace 3 times.
I LOVE this island!!!
I can’t leave the island but i don’t want to restart it. how do i get back to main street? please help me someone!
Omg this island was so easy it took me 60 min. If anyone needs help plz reply
Dear Kennedy,
That parts easy heres the way to mix them
1. 1 drop of mandrake root
2&3. 3 drops of the wolfsban & the garlic
i cant get 2 the 4th chandelier!!!!!!!!!!!! its frusturating!!!!!!!
JORDAN, just start over…… or u can
happy heart- put the log in 1st
so confused we lifted the wolfsbane after the candles help please
Redwolf help
asap if your there i want to converse with someone
I hope this island is good, because i’m now on it 🙂
how do you mix up the ingredients!
you don’t mix up the potions, you do this thingy were you test the vampire cells and then you have an eyedropper where you inject the stuff into the vampire cells. It’s in bram’s labratory thingy
i cant get the candles
where is the cannon?!
WHEN I GET THE CAndles and go to fire the cannon the candle’s flame extinguishes!
to do the potions use the ingredients in one bottle
I don’t want to do it any more and now I can’t get out Please help me
The music at the start of the trailer sounded a bit like Harry Potter
the cannon is to the left in the armory which is the room in the castle and its filled with armor and weapons
click on the candles to equip them
the cannon balls dont go in the thingy that pulls up??? help? its near it but not on it
The circus tent ad sure is an odd sight on this island…
i cant get the last chandelier 🙁
i need help :-0
how do you leave when you have completed the island
Hey isn’t mandrake root from Harry Potter?
stupid cannon ball wont go in the stupid dumbwaiter >:-(
if anyone needs help with this island i will help! i just need to think of a way u can tell me your username and password so no one else will see it. i don’t know but if your desparate u can post it on here and i will complete it. I DON’T SCAM I SWEAR!!!!!!! cross my heart! pinkie swear! i promise! slap swear! ankle swear!!!!!!!!! i don’t scam!! if u need proof then post your username and password and after about a week check your account and see if i did anything to your account and i WON’T!!! I PROMISE!!! i completed it on my best friends account and Poptropica means EVERYTHING to her! she wouldn’t let anyone do anything to her account but she let me and i completed it and logged off and never logged on her account again! she was mad and happy. mad because she couldn’t believe that she let me her account but happy because Vampire’s Curse was completed. once again, I DON’T SCAM!!! thank u for reading this. 🙂
to: Mad Ice:
what in the the world r u talking about??????????????
to: pooplop:
use the stick thingy next to the fireplace and move it to the dumbwaiter and go to the labratory at the far right and there is another stick thingy. click it and the cannon will roll out!
see i’m a big help! 🙂
last comment!
to:the editor! 🙂
I love Poptropica and I would love everything if u made an island and the theme was a ZOO! 😀 u should definatlly include pandas, flamingos, and koalas! because i love those animals! i don’t think u will ever read this though……. 🙁 oh well. might as well post and hope for the best! 🙂
HELP!!!! i can’t pass the bounus quest!!! i already got the wilted wolfesbane but i can’t pass anything less!!! Cactaus von jerk keeps on shooting me!!!!
Ok they forgot to say how to get the cannonball in the dumbwaiter. Here is how: Go back to the fireplace and pick up the poker thingy then use it to push the red-hot cannonball to the dumbwaiter and it will automatically go in. Either do this when you make it hot or go down later and go back up. Your choice.
Okay who noi=tices that when Katya and Christopher kissed spit was dripping gross!!! and while im commenting I just wanna say i felt like drop kicking Christopher!!! Wimp thats what he is…2 the start he said he would find a diffrent girl wish I could tell Katya!!! Add me…knockknock36
I notced it it was so gross
I’ve completed the island but I can’t get off it! HELP!
If you can’t get out of the cliffs once you’ve completed the island, use the crossbow!
those are not the same amounts needed to be added cause i tried add me HeyGirl173
oh i get it u have to do it all on the same vial oh hahaha im dumb
can somebody help me i pressed the lever to early and now i cant put the cannonball in the dumwaiter
sorry everybody i watched the walkthrough but now its not letting me use the sticky thingy
never mind im good
I just finished the game and somehow.. i can’t get out >///< how do I get out from the cliffs to the blimp? HELP!
To the people who can’t get off the cliffs after completeing the island.
This is what I did to get onto main street:
Start by the Broken Bridge if you arent already there. Then, jump to the left onto a platform being held up by a dead tree. Jump to the left again, but this time land where the first wolf’s cave was in the area, and go down past the dead tree. You are in the right area if you can stand on one of the tree’s branches. Once you are there and past the tree, you should be able to go left back to main street from there. Hope this helps!
-Zany Thunder
I cant’s get off the island! How do you get out of the cliffs?!
wow!!! maybe it was hard for you but easy for me!!!! but i’m sad because i didn’t get to do the bonus quest because i’m not a member
Thangs Zany Thunder!! that really helped me get off the island!
how do you light the damn fireplace?! u know, the one that u see when u just go into the window?
hey funny cheetah, i have the same problem! uh, what do we do? somebody find a solution!!
I love poptropica:) 😀
To lucky dragons: When you do the normal quest, you go to the place where you find the book about vampires that is Katya’s right? So next to that, there is a place that has a hole on the top. Go in, and avoid the vines to get the flower thing. I do not know how to get the garlic though!
ha ha speedy bubles siad stick thingy lol.
oops did i say speedy bubles? i ment slipery bubbles. so dumb like the dumb waiter. ha ha ha! see what i did there?
Also, lucky dragons, you get the garlic in the main castle room. You must go in between the second and third chandeliers and there is a crack in the ceiling. Go in and then avoid the spiders and go to the left and you will find the garlic. After that, you go to the room where you made the anti vampire serum with all three ingredients and bam! U are back to normal. Congrats, you completed the bonus quest! If you cannot find the flower, look for my comment about it. The mandrake root is in the place with the wolves in the door that can only fit small people/bats. Go in there and go all the way to the right to get that. The door is right by the broken bridge.
stupid cannon ball wont go in the stupid dumbwaiter >:-( ha ha thats with copying. lol
Thanks so much these cheats helped!!!
by the way i did those anoying things to get your attention. so some one would reply. so you can show that you read them unlike the people leaving comments on NABOOTI play it the ending is so messed up! they didnt leave replys to me. by bthe way you owe me 100000 credit if you dont reply. so you better reply. let me see if that will work on getting nabooti people to reply. wish me luck! bye bye!
Hi i think i accidently put to much ingredints for the poiten, and i need to know how to restart it.Please!!!????
The ingredients is not working and i need to pass this island!It keeps saying that i don’t have it right!No offense but you make youre instructions realy confusing.Please repley back to me,cause I’m getting anoiyed.Do you realy wan’t to see me angry?
I’m on vampire’s cure island at the moment and im at the part when you are supposed to get the hot cannon ball to the labortary room, but unfortunaetly i went to the main hall and shut th dumbwaiter and the cannon ball in not rolling into the labortary and Now i cant proceed ahead because its not comming up.
Does any one have any suggestions??? Please help
Use one drop of the Mandrake and three drops each of the Wolfsbane and the Garlic.
not much comments up front feirce moon if u r out there plz reply to brooke i dont wanna see here angry it must be like the werewolfs
Frindly heart i passed the island so i wont be getting angry:)
Hey everyone,post a comment on wich poptropica island is your favorite!Please ill be fun.
Okay,since i was the one who posted the comment to tell your fave islan on poptropica,i, ll tell u mine:WILD WEST ISLAND because it is super fun.
If any one has got any q’s for vampires curse island u can ask me!I have passed this island so u can ask me any q’s:)
DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF anyone wants to friend me,i am ellablue8 on poptropica.FRIEND ME!!!!!!!!
That island was way too easy!! Easier than Shark Tooth or Big Nate…But it was fun.
Thanks to whoever helped make this walkthrough!!!
Oh and my favorite island is probably Mystery Train! It is so much fun! I think I used this site to beat it. (along with most of my other islands!) Next question!: Have you read the Warriors sires by Erin Hunter? I HAVE AND THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!!
Hello? Do people still use this site?
Hey Brooke,barefoot sun,watev u r both the same people,so i was just wonderin did u brake up with me becaus kate keeps on sayin that u did,cause i did mean it when i said i love u.
hey eric (zippy misquito)doint put my bff on the spot.
Hey,Brooke my fave island is cryptids
Mine would havve to be MYTHOLOGY I love meeting the Greek gods and the satyrs are so funny :,D
i love this person for making this walkthrough. thanks
Hey,Brooke my fave island is wimpywonderlan because i luv diary of a wimpy kid.
Hey”PHYSICSIST”haney told me u said that zack doesnt like me
Hey brooke my fave island counterfiet
hey just so you know, to get the hot cannon ball into the dumb waiter there is a firepoker!
Thank you so much Tall Bite!!!! I finally got past that stupid idiot and competed the bonus quest!!! That guy was a werido though. Thanks again!!!
Mic! you know where the fireplace is in the grand hall? Right next to the fireplace and candles, there is a metal like stick you can use to push the hot ball into the dumbwaiter.
@Mic , I did the same thing as you, and had to start all over. (start over by clicking on the map and press the “restart island“ button. Remember, don’t shut the door until you’ve went to the other door. Oh and, when I did the same thing, I did it again >o<!
whats the door thats blocked in the werewolves part?
when you click on it it says you need to be smaller to get through. i wanna find out whats behind it.
I just became a member, so I wanted to do the bonus quest. I already did the “free” before I was a member, so how do I do the bonus quest WITHOUT starting the whole island over? If I have to do that I will I just wanted to save some time so I could do other islands.. :/ Any hints or tips???
Thanks -<3MissThang14<3-
Is there maybe a “special” person I go to in the games? I’m going back to the ones that have a bonus quest in them so all island will be complete!
Thanks -<3MissThang14<3-
Party in the multi verse code Bxr42!
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
How do you return to main street after winning vampire’s curse?
Okay, is it possible to get count bram’s costume i really want his hollowed out cheeks
Really help me! thanks, Fierce Moon.
My Poptropican is called Silly Pear.
Ayoooo!!!!!!!! My fave has to be Lunar Colony.
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
hey can anyone tell me the username of zippy turtle?,and my fav islands are skulduggery
ghost story
and vampires curse.
and guys good luck in finishing all the islands.:)
my favorite island is counterfeit
im on vampires curse island and it says that i am putting to much ingredients in and i really need to pass the island if anyone can help please give me an answer. Thanks
You can ask me any questions because i have passed almost every island like a billion times! I know this game ever since its made and every step to beat it practicly. If youve got a question, im sure ive got an answer. If not, I will suggest you to another site that will have your answer! Have fun and play on!
gyus you know the with cannonball in the experiment room. the cannonball is not coming even whem i lift the lever. somebody pls tell me WHAT TO DO HERE.
Guess what i got all of those costumes and it was so easy we don’t need Fierce Moon
Who ever agrees with me add me[ username Fastgirl1010 ]if not you suck. and total bich.
Brooke, i added u, and my fav island is super villian island
how do u get out of the cliffs in order to go to main street in the vampire;s curse island.
help plzzz
hey when im running away from count bram i keep on falling off how do i not ???????
whenever i get to the labartory it won’t let me pull the lever. help plz.
i cant get back to my blimp! anyone know why?
when i go to the castle grounds if just takes me to this place with arrows on the floor i dont know what to do i have restarted it but it still does it
is vampire count scary?
ooh oh oh i’ve been warroirs
i mean been reading =^_^= (cat face)
I found it you add what they said together and put it in all at once *add me*~Jumpy Horse
u all r soooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH! I have compleated 20 islands!!! 🙂 AWESOME!
If it starts to rain it acually makes noise.
Thank You SOOOOOO Much for your help!!! 🙂 16th island finished!Yeah!!:)
Sweet Smile,
Lucky Snowball<3
How do you make the hot cannonball go into the dumbwaiter on vampires curse island?
:$: a warm welcome for ye all!
i was ale to get to the 3rd chandelier in vampires curse with a fireplace lit candle
I do not think Katya’s boyfriend should have gotten the kiss from her i think the boy poptropican who actually saved her should have been kissed
As a warm welcome to ye all,I’m goin to tell ye all a secret:being a vampire isn’t all that matters also this might be the last time i might comment 😥 :worry:
Thnx so much fierce moon uv got the best website! 😀
Hey when I click on the lever in the The Laboratory in Poptropica in Vampire’s Curse island it says no point in raising th Dumbwaiter with nothing in it.Why?
Where’s the walkthrough? I can’t get away from the hunter in the bonus quest! HELP!!
^^ mine did the same thing. i think its cause i hit the lever before i fired the cannon…in the room to see what it did. i had to restart the island D;
i figured it out. u gotta make the bomb hot then hit the lever in the first room u are in the one with like the book cases and stufff. then it will work xD
You never told us what to do with the canon ball to get it up stairs! You need to roll it with the poker.
Hey guys! Thanks for the help with the island! P.S. I’m Rough Octopus (well, used to be) the reason why I’m using Blue Gamer (blue_gamer26) is because somehow I can’t log into Rough Octopus. I finished 24 islands using Rough Octopus (mika62602) so I lost all my progress. When I tried to log in (with the correct password) it wouldn’t work. I went to help and it said if you haven’t played in 6 months, your account will be deleted -_-. I don’t know how many months I haven’t played so I’m not sure if it’s deleted. Please help me get back my account. Thanks again! Bye!
Katana Perry! u r supposed to use the tool by the fireplace thats metal! i just figured that out!
I don’t know if anyone’s said this before, but all three of the tombstones you can read are related to Stoker’s Dracula. Renfield and Morris were both in the novel.
@Katana Perry: u have 2 go to the Hall where the candles are and grab the pointy thing on the wall because the cannon ball is 2 hot 4 u 2 touch. then push it with the pointy thing into the dumbwaiter.
the movie near the vampires in love ones is the hunter in the bonus level. Cactus von Garlic.
you dont have to light the candle, just click the fireplace and run away, without lighting it…sure helps…
I know how to move the fire ball. You have to go to the Great Hall and get the crowbar next to the fire. Then you move it into the mini elevator then it goes up to the Lab.
:O) ~Happy Cheetah <3
i just finished my last island! yay! my username is b3b26 so add me!
you can light the 3rd and 4th candles with the fireplace because i did it haha!
Hey I Don’t know how to push the cannonball to the dumbwaiter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Scary Scorpion
That’s nothing I’ve completed 28 islands
not sure if this has been mentioned before, but the latin under the statue in the greenhouse translates to “I remember all lovers”.
Oh, and bronze hawk, i’ve beat everything exept poptropolis games and skullduggery
OMFG I went back to the great hall thing to find the mandrake root book thingy but it wasnt at the right side of the shelf! Somebody SOS 911 help meee!!!! *clears throat* Thank you…lol
to bronze hawk: Scary scorpion posted that comment for a long time now so he/she mustve completed even more islands, and my guess is that wouldve been the same for you
how do u put the hot cannon ball into the dumbwaiter ??? it is not written !!!!!! 🙂
I need it !! write answer !!! please!!!!!
I TOLD YOU A MILLION BILLION TIMES quiet fang I will always be you friend and to friend me my user is legolover366
OK THAT WAS A FLIPPEN LONG TIME AGO YER STILL ON THAT CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cnt get passed the first prt of the castle-no matter how far I jmp I cnt get 2 the pier!
friend me- madieroses
Nvr mnd- I did somthin’ wrong
-but still friend me
What is the cell potion.
I can’t get to the main street after completing Vampire’s Curse Island. Why??????
i can’t get back to main street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
Ok, I have a dilemma: I was walking back to the candles to fire the cannon a third time into the roof, but I rolled the cannonball with me (I was eating breakfast at the same time; I didn’t notice.) . So when I walk over to the candles, I realise I’ve gotten the cannonball red hot, and in front of the poker. Now, If i go for the poker, I end up somersaulting like I’m at a gymnastics meet. 🙁
help? I saw someone mention the crowbar up there.
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
To get the hot cannonball into the dumbwaitor, click the poker thingy to the right of the fireplace, then you can push it to the dumbwaitor.
how do u the dumbwaiter go back up i accedently pulled when i wasnt supposed to!
Someone add me im estowe1
Hey people i love poptropica more than anyone else plz add me im kittypride29
Silver Knuckle you trully are the the supreme lord of all poptropica, and is better than me in every single way.
I LOVE SILVER KNUCKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi guys im friends with fierce moon and she has completed 27 islands has 10 friends has 39 pics has 2 dresses in her closet she is a member completed big nate 2 times nabooti island 2 times …………………………. oh forgot poptropilas island 4 times one of her dresses is popcorn and the second 1 is the golden dress shes waring and her user name in popsecrets
The dumbwaiter will not lift my cannonball into the lab. How can I get it to work?
PS I really don’t want to restart the island but if I have to how do I do it? (I’m new to poptropica you see)
Just in case you are wondering I’m Magic Fang and I’ve completed 15 islands. Thanks! 🙂
Even if no one helped me I got it! For those who needed help with this here’s what you have to do:
1. Grab the metal bar near the fireplace
2. Use it to push the cannonball into the dumbwaiter
3. Follow the walkthrough!
I know that this was mentioned but I was confused, I apologize for all my posts.
Thank You!:D