There’s now a Night Watch Island Tour page, complete with a new description of the Night Watch Island Bonus Quest! First up is the official description of Night Watch Island:
After the stores have closed and the shoppers have all gone home, the mall is your playground. But are you alone on the night watch… or is someone watching you? From escaped animals to creeping cat burglars, get ready to find out what really happens after hours!
And here’s the description of the Bonus Quest:
A training robot has gone haywire and scattered valuable collectibles around the mall. You’ll have to explore every nook and cranny of the building in order to bring them all back!
Escaped animals, cat burglars, and training robots gone haywire…Night Watch Island sounds like it’s going to be great! Also, a reminder that the Night Watch Island Gear is available in the store now for members! They’ve also got new teaser images of locations in and around the Twin Palms Mall where Night Watch Island takes place. Check them out below.
Hip Clothing Store – looks like we’ll be able to choose headphones and a cap. Cool!
Jolly Good Time Candy Store – yum, yum, yum!
Eau de Toilette Perfume Kiosk – sniff, sniff…what’s that lovely smell?
The Twin Palms Mall Parking Lot! – Who knows, maybe we’ll get to drive that sport’s car. Car chase, perhaps?
Sports Memorabilia Store – is the cat burglar after something from here? Maybe he or she is a huge River City Rodents fan. Only time will tell…
First! Can’t wait. This is exiting and this island is promising.
They are working on 2 movies. Awesome!
This is an awesome Island. Hi Kat! Long time no see. Plz don’t leave me!
Fascinating 🙂
Nice…you guys track Daily Pop like a hawk..
Hi RedWing! I was on your blog today, congrats for getting first on the report cards averages!!! 😀
Hello Kat, long time no see! 😀 😀 😀 😀
Sorry wasn’t commenting lately!
My dad took my computer 2 gateway 2 do something.
Well when I got on my computer something said 2 restart it–what did they do 2 my computer?
Anyways, I want a new computer; a Windows 8 computer!
Awesome! 🙂
Cool, I can use that word in all my comments!
Awesome! 🙂
Oh and Giant Eagle, I friended u a long, long, long, time ago.
Whups! 4got somethin’
Awesome 🙂
Still no comments? Then check out my costume on the previous post!
Awesome 🙂
Fierce Moon, you don’t recognize the “sportscar”??!! It’s the DeLorean from Back to the Future!! Also, the mall’s name in the movie is “Twin PINES Mall” and Poptropica has named their mall “Twin PALMS Mall”!
@Brave Sky: Hello, dear Mang. I have dearly missed you, as well.
@RedWing: …Hi.
Who is Mang?
FA, probably just an expresion
Awesome 🙂
@Tha. G. (Thalia Grace)-I friended u a very long, long, long, time ago. And I saw that u were a contestant for Costume Contest #3! I <3 that Thalia costume! Though she was never the daughter Zeus. o_O
@brianna hatcher-What happened 2 u?! I miss u! O_o
@World-'Sup! BTW what is fangirling?
4got it again!
Awesome 🙂
Ugh, leaving again. No one else…I dunno, who have been around since at least…September are on here except for…well, Brave Sky and Short Leopard, RedWing as well. RedWing doesn’t come on, often, tho.
Um Grey Feather, fangirling is… well, a fan talks abouts/posts/looks at pictures of/whatever their favorite, um, band or YouTuber or cat breed. So say someone liked munchkin kittens, if they were to fangirl over munchkin kittens they might search images of munchkin kittens or talk about the origin of munchkin cats.
Mang is…. well in a way it’s hard to explain. Um…….
I hope the island will come soon. How old are u, Happy Bubbles.
Oh and Happy Bubbles too.
@Happy Bubbles-I don’t really care what fangirling is. :\
@World-Is it spring or winter?!
Awesome 🙂
Hey world!
I checked on the internet and…
IT’S SPRING!!!!!!!!!
Awesome 🙂
I think my computer is gonna get taken 2 gateway again. :/
Awesome 🙂
Grey Feather, you asked what fangirling is. Happy Bubbles was explaining what it was so you would understand and then you said you do not care.
“Don’t be a douche canoe.” -MattG124
I was no longer interested Kat.
Awesome 🙂
But, you could have tried instead of bluntly saying, “I do not care”.
Kat, everyone has their own way of expressing themselves.
Awesome 🙂
Yes, I understand but, you could have put that in a nicer way.
Then, um, do u know why brianna hatcher isn’t commenting anymore?
Probably got banned. Or got sick of this place, like me.
It would be really cool If we had another costume contest! We could do a villain, a director, or even a neutral fan. (but fans who do nothing are kinda boring.) Who thinks that will be good idea? Or maybe a chef who brings out snacks, OR a security guard?! All the ideas!
Never stop creativity! Who knows where it could lead 🙂
I agree with Kat. I mean, if you didn’t care, than why would you ask in the first place? 😐
Brianna got probably really busy or something.
Whoever puts another habit word on this is going to pay! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Not Fascinating 🙂
As for the fangirling thing, um, I was just answering your question….. but whatever.
And as to where Brianna is, probably got busy or distracted. I often get distracted from here due to daydreaming. Seriously though, sometimes the highlight of my day is lying in bed and daydreaming. It’s weird. Some sort of craziness D:
Putting habbit words is MY HABIT! Not yours, MINE!!! You here me world! MINE!
Fascinating 🙂
@ GF- You are the person who started copying my idea, weren’t you. And now that you started it, everyone thinks that its ok to put habit cos you thought ‘oh CK won’t care’? Well I do care cos used to be unique but not anymore cos of you! I am seriously offended! 🙁
Fascinating 🙂
CK,what time is it your house?
@Cool Kid-I am going 2 tell ur teacher, um, fierce moon, Zippy Turtle, and, um, everyone who knows u! And u’ve always been my poptropica friend, and I will trash u because of meanness and not shareing an amazing habit with the world!!!!!!!!!!
@Fierce Moon & Zippy Turtle-ban CK ’til she learns how 2 share the amazing habit!!!!
Awesome 🙂
Please stop
Hey everyone and Cheerful Singer and Brave Sky!
😀 Brave Sky, thanks sooooooooo much! 😀 😀 You’re awesome! d(^o^)b
Oh and Brianna Hatcher probably got banned just like the rest of us or she is just busy
Ooooohh… sh** just got real! 😀 What’s so “amazing” about putting an adjective and then a emoticion at the end of every comment anyways? Grey Feather, how are you gonna tell Cool Kid’s teacher? Is “meanness” even a word?
Hello RedWing!!! Thank you very much, I also go on your Tumblr pretty often too!
Oh…LOL Brave Sky at first I didn’t know what you were talking about and then I saw….!!!
Woah…intense! 😀
Aww…!! Thanks! Sooo much! Y’see, this is the reason I do what I do 🙂
Brave Sky, I’m not really gonna tell her teacher but at least I told Fierce Moon and Zippy Turtle! 😀 😉
Awesome 🙂
This is the best moment of my life! I got membership!
Awesome 🙂
Cool GF! I’m getting mine tomorrow! Member Hot five! lol
A crazy Coincedence!
@ GF- I’m sorry for all the things I’ve said to you. I just want to be unique but I can’t anymore cos everyone is copying me. 🙁
Fascinating 🙂
@ GF- What is your username on poptropica? I keep on forgetting it when I want to add you.
Fascinating 🙂
I don’t have anything on my Tumblr.
Which is strange because, I’m on it like…every day.
Anyone who wants to friend me I am pamela2860
Cool Kid, I just wanted to do your habit because I think it’s so great and why not share it with the world? I wanna friend you again, whats your username?
World, get your membership NOW! It will be the most awesome expirience of your life! Get your membership now to get all the items you want in the store for free, get the ability to do bonus quests, and so much more! Get your membership now!
*Requires a credit card and a parent*
Sorry for the commercial!
Aweso–wait, I don’t know if it’s okay with Cool Kid yet. :/
As for this habit word thing, IDK what I’m thinking. Cool Kid did start it, and she wanted it to be her unique little thing, and then suddenly everyone was doing it. But Grey Feather just did it because she thought it was cool and wanted to share it, and I’m not sure who I’m believing right now.
Taking care of a small child is very difficult, under 1 year old.
@ happy bubbles
i had planned on doing before i had even seen CKs comments. i had seen it on the warrior cats site forums, everybody has a habit word, sometimes a habit paragraph. and im on there all the time, thats were i got my idea, and i was already doing it when ck was commenting, but none of my comments had made it in yet. in fact, im not sure if ANY of them made it in.
Audit first, Edit later. :`
@ coolkid
i am not copying, you, if you think that. i had already seen habit words on somewhere else, and i was doing it already, but none of my comments made it through. know this, I AM NOT TAKING CREDIT. i think it was *fascinating* when you did it, but ppl have been doing it before for a long time. just not on here. i dont know if GF was copying you, or if she did it on her own, but i don’t think she should be banned,(i think i am and it stinks!) she probably didn’t know that you felt so strongly about it. most of the time she probably would have said awsome anyway.
if you were copying her, than you should apologize, since she DOES feel strongly about it.
i usually put my thing at the end because my comments are sometimes pretty heady like this one, and i try to give ppl something to laugh about. or be confused about.
Audit first, Edit later. :`
@fierce moon
PLZ unban me!
Audit first, Edit later. :`
@ cheerful singer
Audit first, Edit later. :`
why do ppl get banned? }:(
Somebody help!!!!!! It me , does anyone remember me? It is someone you don’t talk about!!!!!!!
I got banned or something ,but maybe Thalia remembers me where is she any way??
Hey world!
Fascinating 🙂
@ GF- I’d really prefer you not to do the habit thing BTW. My username is rubyjane28. I’m glad we are not fighting anymore.
Fascinating 🙂
Hello my name is youngtiger I’m new here but ive been reading this blog sine forevah plz. Friend me username youngtiger232 hope we can become friends
@ YT- Plz don’t put habit words. Pretty please with a cherry on top.
Fascinating 🙂
…Is that a DeLorean? And the twin pines mall…wait, I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I’m not even going to say it. I might jinx it!
ok, i know u dont know me that well, but everyone, quit arguing about habit words, I mean really? And cool kid, I know that you dont want anyone to do habit words, I know how you feel. But to be fair, a lot of people did that before u.
I’m sorry, but what are habit words????/
Hey Youngtiger same thing with me 😀 although I only started about a month ago
amazing 😀