The Bag of Wind will be the last item that you will get in Mythology Island. This is the final item that you will need to be able to fight Zeus. Use the bag of wind to get onto the mountain and then climb and jump your way to the very top, where you’ll see Zeus’ throne.
How to get the Bag of Wind
Use the mirror one more time to travel to the gates to Olympus on Main Street. The gates are locked, but Hercules will open it for you. Hercules will travel with you to Olympus but he is stunned by the Medusa and turns him into stone. Using the drachma that you earned from cleaning up the temple to buy a bag of wind from Aeolus at the base of the mountain.

Where is Aeolus?
what if you use your windbag but fall after and you have no money to buy a new one and you have no way of getting back up
Click on the guy with blue hair again he’ll give you one
You get infinite refills but mine just doesn’t work