The latest island on Poptropica is called S.O.S. Island. In this new quest on Poptropica, a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg and begins to sink. You need to rescue everyone on board the ship before it sinks into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic.
The island became available for members on Thursday, January 26, 2012 and for the public on February 16, 2012.
The storyline of S.O.S. Island sounds a lot like the real story of the Titanic, one of the most famous disasters in history. The ship sank after hitting an iceberg on April 14, 1912 — almost one hundred years ago! It was made even more famous by the huge movie from 1997 starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
In the Poptropica version, instead of a luxury liner crossing the Atlantic, the ship is a whale-watching pleasure cruise. And from the screenshots, it appears that the name of the ship is the Pequod, which is also the name of the fishing ship in the famous novel, Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Other than what we’ve been able to see in the sneak peeks and screenshots, little else is known about the new island.
Video Walkthrough
S.O.S. Island Trailer
Before the island was released, the Poptropica Creators posted an official S.O.S. Island trailer on YouTube. Check out that cool intro!
Bonus Quest
The creators announced that S.O.S. Island will have a bonus quest for members. After you complete the main island adventure and collect the medallion, you’ll have the chance to participate in a special bonus quest for members only. In this extra mission, you’ll go deep underwater to stop a dangerous oil leak. Plus, members will get a special costume pack and powers. Sounds cool!
S.O.S. Members Gear Pack
The special gear pack available to members at the launch of S.O.S. Island includes the following items, all of which can be purchased at the Poptropica Store:
- Sonar Power
Get the drop on anyone who’s trying to sneak up on you. - Fishing Pole
Perfect for well, fishing! - Sea Captain
Gives you that classic seafaring look with a white jacket and hat.
S.O.S. Island Screenshots
A few screenshots have been posted in the Sneak Peeks section and on the main Poptropica site showing what the island will look like. Take a peek!
wheres the written walkthrough!!!!!????
Where is the written walkthrough?!?!?!?
Where is the hints/ walkthrough in wordsss!????! :l
idk i thnk she also erased the comments!!!!!!!!
uh…meggie you seeing ok…it’s up there. did that sound to hurtful? Poptropica Is Cool and Krazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does the caps make any words??
ur walkthroughs are so helpful to me and my friend teetee577 oh and my poptropica name is joylovepeace44 and i like urs too this website is really nice i subbed on youtube!!!
wait did you figure this island out??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
wow the creaters must me gettin lazy this was the easiest so far
i HATE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT IS SO ANNOYING!
where did the written walkthrough go?
sos island is a danger island it the ship takes on water things take a turn for a worse the ship takes a nose dive things are looking down
written walkthrough please
Where the crap is the written walkthrough?? I think they had it once, maybe they deleted it? BTW, I’m watching Fred: The Show. It’s a new episode. 🙂
I already rescued the chef and the rest I just need the captain!!!!
Hey!The bonus quest was not for members only!I have already played that and I wasn’t a member!I just sank down,ran out of oxygen and poof!I’m on a submarine and trying to get inside the ship and I got inside,played the game and I’m done!
can SOMEONE write me back on how to get the cat face
Oh, Lauren, I have not finished this island yet, so um…. idk how to help, sorry
do you guys know selena gomez plays poptorpica
Do you know Selena Gomez break up with Justin Bieber?
I didnt get the wrench… what do i do
Where is the written walkthrough!?!?!? And everything YOU do i try 2 do but it doesnt work……….
Why did she erased the Written Walkthrough?! 🙁
srry risha! i didnt know. i could help u if u want i finished the island
Dear Lucky scorpion YES!!! They broke up ages ago and i think selena made a googd choice i cant stand justin bieber and im a girl…. I hate him Selena is awesome and when i found out i thought selena made the wrong choice!!
Excuse me, Fierce Moon, you appear to have forgotten the written walkthrough. I had been using it the past few days, and found it angering that you took it off.
wheres the rest
How do you get the bonus membership mission without membership?!?!? I can’t do it right!!!!!
i need a walk-through
I agree with meggie where is the walkthrough
wheres the walkthrough????
Hey Jessica did you Figure it out
What the Crap I just Need The walkthrough to complete the island and the bonus quest
and I was watching A new power rangers Episode 🙂
where is that writen walk through ?
hey every body i cant wait untill the vampire island comes out
Which question? This page is all about asking questions and getting help, who agrees?
i agree with risha anyone else.
Where is the written walkthrough????
pls cn u write the written walkthrough
omg who likes that shit wierdos!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you get the woman that is hanging from the chandler?
🙂 ^^) :0 :0
ARRRGGGG i always fail at islands….. cause im a kid…….. lol…..! anyway guys stop asking wheres the written walkthrough and stuff some people do know some people dont…. sooo whats the point asking? because nobody KNOWS! and dont fail like i do nearly every time. I only compled 3 island….. DAMIT
Videos and Written walkthroughs are both helpful, but to me, i find Written walkthroughs helpful for GUIDES and Directions.. but for games and puzzles, I prefer Videos 😛 Wierd 😛 lol
The face, u mean the faces on this page?
the written walkthrough is gone on my screen. but i still like it better. with the video, i follow the video for like three seconds, and then i’m good for a while on my own. then when i get lost i have to find where i am in the video again, which can take even longer because i don’t really use the video–only when i’m completely lost.
oh, and yeah risha: how do you make the faces? This is the most i can do 🙂 and 🙁
oh, it does the faces automatically! never mind. Laureniscool, you just have to make the signs like how you do it in a text.
Happy= colon, hyphon, right parenthese : – ) 🙂
Sad=colon, hyphon, left parenthese : – ( 🙁
“Duh!”= colon, uppercase “p” : P 😛
omg, i'm emoticon crazy now!!!
how do u make the yellow smilely faces???
you should leave the word format cheat.
i just finished s.o.s. island, and i only got 50 credits. what a ripoff!!!! i almost died, and *spoiler* almost got eaten by a whale!!!!
not fair. 🙁
here it is perfect crush:
Happy=colon, hyphon, right parenthese : – ) 🙂
Sad=colon, hyphon, left parenthese : – ( 🙁
Happy (mouth open)=colon, uppercase “p” : P 😛
Awesome! Great videos! Keep it up!
i don’t understand just one thing… when you find starbuck, the cruise director, she’s not moving off the chandelier cause she can’t swim, blah blah blah. then when you save her, she swims to the surface outside to get on the iceberg.
if she can swim up to the surface, how come she couldn’t swim across to a simple door?
doesn’t make sense.
Messy Drangon,
Act like you pulled her up or something.
please help peolpe guide them so they know what to do
love , saige singer and the singer familly :)))
Does anyone know where I can find a wriiten walk-through? : – (
Can u PLZ WRITE the walkthrough? cos it takes me ages to find the place where i was up to on the videos an i dont like the videos very much
OMG! @Messy Dragon I so agree! If she apparently couldn’t swim, then how could she swim back to the surface!? WTH?
OMG! @Messy Dragon I so agree! If she apparently couldn’t swim, then how could she swim back to the surface!? WTH?
Hey, do you think maybe you could WRITE a walkthrough? It would make everything SO much easier.
I just almost finished this island.can you please write the walk through like Quiet Bite said? thanks! and also more power to poptropica secrets and Fierce MOON!!!!
@Curious Star- You have a picture on your earlier comments, but some other ones u don’t have a pic 😐 I wonder? 😛
ha weres my picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love Poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is anyone online :{
what picture selenalovesbieber1104
i,ve already completed s.o.s island.i,m soooooooooooo proud!!!!!!!!!!
No idea where the written walkthrough is ninja girl.but i would,nt worry about it. because i have never seen it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saved the Day xD
I LOVE ALL HER VIDEO WALKTHROUGHS!!!!!!!! I think it’s better than when she writes them. When she does the video, it shows me EXACTLY where to go! So HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 (P.S. Love the website)
ugggggghhhhhh i cannot beat this game. HELP!!!!!!!
im juststarting toplayit now but I was searching for a walkthrough…NAYN
too easy but i also play harder games so yea but also fun hard to get past the giant crab
I love your name “Mrs. Bubbles” It sounds cute 😀
wha the wha????????
i just finished S.O.S island it only gave me 50 credits that’s some butt and they cheated
I prefer the written walkthroughs I don’t have time to wait for the videos to load. Please write one!!!!!
Type ‘Stormy’ if you agree! 🙂
Do you want a written walkthrough? Well here it is. First you go to the ship and jump up the iceburgs. They will tell you that it is too slipery so you will have to find another way up. You will need to break the big iceburg. You have to jump on the iceburgs. I know. I know. They are too slipery. But not all the iceburgs are slipery. Then you finish jumping on the nonslipery iceburgs. After that you reached up to the big iceburg so you push the iceburg down and it his the big iceburg. Then you go in the entrance. You will see the captain while you are saving Ishmael, one of the passenger’s brother. You go left and then up. Don’t waste your time trying to open all the room doors because they are locked or broken. When you go up to the captain you will ask him to leave but he will refuse. Don’t bother to get to leave. He will tell you to unlock all the room doors. Go down to the door with the number 6 on it. Open it. You will see someone in there with junk on his leg. Click on the junk to free him. Then you and Ishmael will get off the ship in a hurry. Now you just sabed a person off the ship. I will type more tomarrow so you people will solve s.o.s. island. Or will I ? Remember to read my comments everyday because I type a little bit everyday. Oh, and s.o.s. island was sooooo easy. I don’t know if you people will even be // this close to even solving it. Leave me a message soon with my email adress!
Thank you soooooooo much for the written walkthough Sunshine Sings. I can totally beat this s.o.s. island game now. I love you Sunshine Sings!
OMG NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONLY 50 FREAKIN CREDITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Risha its because i have two different emails so then i use them both lolz 🙂
Hey peoples!
im on S.O.S Island on level 2
im on the last part
“Stormy” 🙂 I do agree, i mean written walkthroughs are step-by-step. VIdeos are fine, but you never know HOW to do something rather than looking at a video
OMG I totally need help with SOS Island can someone help me
Risha , I SO agree written walkthroughs are easier vids bbbblllllllleeeeeeeccccccccccchhhhhh$?)?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?)?!???!?!?!!$$!
stormy!!!!!!!!!! soooo happy that u made these walkthroughs!1 thx!
Where is the WRITTEN walkthrough?!!!!?!?!!!!?!!?!!?!?!?
Ohh, dont worry Lucky Noodle… it takes time, but it will come soon! Just wait, i am waiting too 😐
Yea u know, i just watched the video, and it says USE… I am sure something is wrong 🙁 Dont worry, i am trying to help
ack, sorry, that was for Wimpy Wonderland 😛
stormy! thx snshine sally! 🙂
it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P
it is cool 😛
I’m stuck way at the begaining when you have to get into the enterance! How do you do it!!!
Wahhh! at the part wth the crabs i lose oxegen all of the sun
this is no help for people who are not members
how do you unlock room 6????
I can get past the crab part its so hard!!!!!! ):
i could so easy beat it
i…….could………..beat…………..10000000000000000000000 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im 12 and i finish this
Im 9 and i finished this in 40 minutes
the second video stops working for me at 2:00 and I don’t know what to do!!! ;(
never mind it worked after I posted that 😀
I think that everyone should be able to do the extra part of SOS island and Vampire`s Curse island and whatever future islands have the extra part. Its not fair only the members get it and I`m not a member so I`m sad and if you`re not a member I feel your pain :(. If you agree, comment next and type in tacos and then maybe the guy who invented Poptropica will see this comment and all of you guys that said “tacos” and let us non-members do it 🙂 and also you members should say tacos too so you (maybe) might be able to get a reward and so PLEASE support us and help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TACOS!!!!!! I so agree wit u Ellie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TACOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SO FEEL U ELLIE!!!!!!!!!!! ;(
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
siyaam are u back 4 more do u remember me and if u hate fierce moon so much why are you here
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttt
Ellie idon’t know why they have a membership???????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no walkthrough? im not a member and i dont hve one notion how to do this! >:(
OMG this is the hardest island i have defeated the hardest one to me is the boiler room one AWG i kept falling from the platforms
hat do mean yemimah
i’m sorry hat means what
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….. when ever i get 2 the crabs, my computer glitches and says that im out of air!
I can’t get the girl out of the ballroom! Help please???
@calm bones
I don’t think poptropica is shutting down. yeah i know it says that on the homepage, but, if you notice, all the writing is set out in paragraphs. the first letter of each paragraph is in bold. if you read all the bold letters out together it spells APRILFOOL. so maybe fierce moon was just april fooling us into believing that. but i am not sure if that is true, i think it is, but i hope im right, because i don’t want poptropica to shut down! if you don’t believe me go look on the homepage.
i can’t freakin do this! someone plz help. im stuck at the end part when i keep having to dodge the jelly fish and steam under water.
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bit trying to get the captan was way hard i kept running out of oxygen. but, counterfeit island still remains my favourite….. (don’t ask me why, i just love it) i like shrink ray and red dragon too, and wild west and nabooti are quite fun. reality tv is cool too! this island is ok….. but at least I DID IT!!!!!! WOHOHOHYADADADADADADADADADAHEY
if you look at the jelly fish, they shake when they are about to leap forwards, so go when they come back in so yor person does not touch one and fall. or you could just make a swim for it :). but all you do at the end is touch the captain and you’ll talk for a bit, then you get the whale song thing, then you’ve basically finished! good luck
lame this site sucks ive checked theres no walkthroughs i hate u fierce moon
ArGhHhHhH! SoS iSlAnD iS tHe OnLy IsLaNd ThAt I hAvE lEfT tO fInIsH, oUt Of AlL tHe OtHeR iSlAnDs 🙁 😥
OMG!!! I FINISHED IT!!!! :O 😀
YAY, I finished all the islands!! NO more islands!! (Celebrating!) 😀 😆 🙂
Still ppl, the mechanic didn’t give me a wrench, tried to find them on the iceberg, they aren’t there
my parents blocked youtube so the written walk through was better. Please help!!!
Tacoooos!!! I totally agree members are lucky , one more thing how do u get da girl to come down from the 2nd room , my walkthrough is buffering like CRAZY!!! Tacoooooooos!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 and Happy Easter everybody!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
@pippippipy1- same here
hey wheres the typing
i just completed vamps curse and sos in 1 day . these things are like mini quests . they are too easy ! the videos really help .
Tacos ! i wanna be a vampire in the vamps curse and then cure myself and the other dude . did anyone else feel like barfing when katya and her boyfriend kissed in the end of vampire curse island . that was gross ! their lips stretched out and met .blech !!!!!!!! also i want to clean up the leaked oil but i dont want to have to pay to do something good in the game . seriously why do they have to be so greedy and make us pay to get bonus stuff . if i didnt love poptropica so much i would go on strike and not go onto it ever again . but im addicted to it . i wouldnt be able to survive if it ever shut down or something . its so fun but also some islands are super challenging but that makes them extra awesome . are there any other islands that have a bonus . whats up with them only giving us 50 poptropica coins instead of100 . thats really cheap . it doesnt cost them anything to give us all 100 coins so give the right amount and stop being cheap poptropica creators !!!!!!!!
this is scary and im scared to complete it
My character looks almost exactly like Katniss from The Hunger Games.
Why is it that in the ballroom scene she can’t control her character?
Does anyone realize that Katya and her boyfriends kiss was the first one on poptropica! Like EVER. But then again vampire games and movies are always really romantic! And yah golden thunder I know that was gross! Having them stretch out their lips and kiss! >: 0
IKR Natassja!!!! It was liek teh first time! 😛 gross, but funny 😀
Can we have a written walkthrough, please? cos this video takes a lot of time to load.
i weigh 432 lbs.
mmmmm esaster bunny e.b candy chicks rock`n` roll hop egg esater
It sounds like Doobus is a Doofus. hehe. I haven’t even started on vamp curse so
don’t give anything away. I’m doing the islands in order, and vamp curse is next .
BTW, I haven’t even SEEN it yet, and the kissing already sound gross!
vampire curse is easy. i thought it was gonna be scary. it wasnt
haven’t done vamp’s curse yet but seen the walkthrough. I think the kiss was kinda sweet and romantic (I’m one of the older peeps on here so……………… yeah). I’m gonna do sos next then………dunno. maybe finally finish red dragon.
I don’t know how to pass in the boat because the ice is very slippery.
i havent finished red dragon yet
Fearless Axe, I took a whole bunch of parts rom different costumes and now my avatar looks EXACTLY like Katniss. I saw the movie, have all 3 books, AND have the soundtrack! All I need are the 3 guides to the world of the Hunger Games, the tributes guide, and the other guide that I can’t remember. I also took a quiz and signed up to get a poster signed by 3 main cast members! Also, I’m on the 3rd book!
i put the book page in the fire and nothing happend
on vamp curse i mean
pleas can we get back to the subject of s.o.s. island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean please not pleas. sorry!
the captain guy looks like captain john smith
Cuddly sun: Which islands u have left to finish? I think i got all finished 🙂 just twisted thricket 😀 hehehe
i cant do this!
I completed this is one hour. but i hate how you only get 50 credits and you HAVE to be a member to complete the island!!!!! its really annoying, this whole member thing.
Risha- ive only completed like 10. im slow.
Cheerful Fox- that aint very cheerful language!
Massive runner- the reason they have membership is so they have money. thats where all there money comes from
Hmmm, true about members CS… Speaking about members, I am sure in the future this poptropica company will make membership money less so many people can get membership 🙂
need one now work write
Written walkthrough pweeze 😀
I meant “A” written walkthrough. SORRY
i completed it and it was not scary at all
look and see, they messed up the walkthrough for red dragon island(I think part 3).
i wish it was the titanic
Why did Starbucks say she couldn’t swim, but after you rescue her, she SWIMS with you to shore? I don’t get that!
i no she can swim shes jus stoopid aand lazy busy hopper
I FINALLY finished S.O.S island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😀 😛
But what happened to getting 100 CREDITS after beating an island!!!!!!!!! >:O 🙁
Also i’m not a member…………
this is really cool it helps allot thnx soooo much!!!
is the boat the titanic !!!! # TEAM POPTROPICA
Add meh! ^^^
And also when you go to get the captain, how do you get to him? Because i am stuck where all the doors are 🙁 i can’t get passed that! please help thanks!
HEY!if any1 needs help with this island then ill tell u my email and email ur pass and username….promise i wont do anything bad with it
Everybody friend me also if you friend monstercarnival2012 welll then you get this guy and his poptropicans name is poptropican very weird if you have any more info about monstercarnival2012 well then post it here.
can someone tell Jeff Kenny to stop make the puzzles so hard!!!!
Please make a written walk through. I can’t view videos on my laptop!
i beat all the islands on poptropica
can somebody please tell how to play poptropica
That makes no sense. Why brag about beating all the islands, then ask how to play?
this doesnt make sense help me i dont see the unbrella at all!
What umbrella?
I have to do the WHOLE thing over because the engineer (or whatever she was) cave me the crowbar thingy, but when I logged back in, it was gone and I didn’t notice until I needed to use it on the whale calling thingy HELP ME!!!!!!!!
Ps does anyone else wonder why poptropica randomly gives us silly names and other websites let you type it out or do the name generator so you end up with a name like professor ruby gem?
I wonder how to use the whale caller….. found the whale…. I’ll be, It was that fishy tail sticking up of the whale…. SLEEP OVER 2 MORROW
Where’s the written walkthrough? otherwise cool
yeah where is the written walkthrough
I Need Help On The |D When the ship is | Where is the crowbar
is this island really hard? if so which do think are the easiest to hardest island?
where is the real walkthrough? It is out now!
They really need to write a walk me Reality T.V. Island is the easiest.Just vote the people farthest from you off.Note: if the one farthest from you can’t be voted off,then vote off the one second farthest from you.
They really need to write a walk through.To me Reality T.V. Island is the easiest.Just vote the people farthest from you off.
Note: if the one farthest from you can’t be voted off,then vote off the one second farthest from you.
Spotted starfish… It was hard for me. Didn’t they used to have little labels on the islands once that listed easy, medium, or hard? O_O
Second Easiest is SOS Reality TV is easiest
lol add a written walkthrought im tit
how do you get the captain out of the s.o.s?
what crowbar i am at resquing the chef!
i nead writen walk through!
The Games are here and i cant wait!!!
this game is a little hard
Gosh, A written walk through would really help me right now! =p I havn’t really started the island and i am stuck!! A written walk thru would help with subtitles. XD
How hard is it to write a WRITTEN walk through?? =/
Me need written walk through! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is hard !!!
Awww…come on! I really need the written walk through! I’m like totally lost without it! I’m gonna be stranded on this island forever! OMG, i really really really need help! SOS! (JK) <3 😉 =)
this island is so easy.I completed it in 2 days.2 use the whale caller use the u need the crowbar that you get from the engeneer who is the 3rd person 2 is a limerick by big nate aka me.poptropica is great’just like big nate’who is a great mate’in i hate big nate.pps my mum and dad will kill me.pppsi won every island.pppps name is Daniel Evans and i live in UKRAINE next to Russia
won everything this is 5 i liv in UKRAINE next to russia
S.O.S please someone help me! need a written…potropica s.o.s cheat
@Mad Hawk ( in poptropica) nobody cares about your dumb sleepover…
Giant Thunde, why are you so mean?
i totally with all of you! WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!
I can not finish this inland.It is very hard!
hey everyone it’s claire
also can’t get passed this game
2nd start disney create! it’s super fun that’s why im never on anymore
3rd got this sweet new song
I beat S.O.S without a walkthrough.
I am only here to talk good day ladies and gentlemen.
user is not turles17 my friends
sry if that was not nice fierce moon but i had to give them what they wanted.
do you know how i can apply to also write walkthroughs? p.s im not trying to replace you.
I really need a S.o.s island written walkthrough cos this is proper hard p.s add me my username is piduman
i didn’t put the lettus down and now the cheif is stuck what do i do!
eish, make a written walkthrough pops/mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s not so friggen’ hard 2 make a written walkthrough U demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sticky Brain, Fierce Moon owns this site, so you could just ask her. But I’ve asked her before, and she doesn’t reply often. Good Luck anyway!
I ALMOST completed S.O.S Island but it’s hard az at the end how u get the crowbar? How u get in to the cheff place if u can’t get crate outta the way?! How do u save the captain if u don’t know how to keep up ur OXEYGEN! Coz im this -_- 🙁 ?_? whoeva knowz how to complete SOS islandplease help me !!!!!!
hey this too cheating !!!!! no written walk through!!….
SOS island is really tough
me can’t save 3rd person thingy p.s. my username is munch111332
I have used many of your cheat videos and have all the islands completed even wimpy boardwalk and so does my brother and the picture on the home page is of the shougun statue on red dragon.
HEY!!! EVERYONE DO ALL OF YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MY CRAZY SISTERS SLEEPOVER? well when they brake things I sadly get the blame :[
massive wolf umm do you need a doctor.
How do you do it if you don’t have the member’s gear pack and aren’t a member!? THANKS!!!
You don’t need the member’s pack. Those are extra items.
where is the written walkthrough
whats the SOS stand for?
@comicalcrab SOS stands for Save Our Souls
SOS Stands for save our souls
Save Our Souls. You really don’t know that?
brave star do you know fierse moosn wordpass
sos stands 4 someone special or someone help me duh and brave star u are wrong!!!!!
so annoying
SOS stands for help
i beat this island and come to my party my roomcode is byw23
i have a party because this is my faverite island and i have completed the island ! so please come!!!!!!!!!!
sos means survivors on shore
This island is my absolute favvv omg so in love lets party at my house guys because ive almost completed this island its really hard but omfg i love it soooo much
i go here to this web site for writen walk throughs because my computer freezes with the videos and i go for the sos walk through and poof nothing so i waste my time coming here and waste more time writing this but my time would not be wasted if you had a WRITTEN WALK THROUGH !!!!
sos means save our souls
sos stands for save our ship.
lilac: No, I don’t.
Cuddlymonster102: Okay, are the initials for that SOS? No. Duh…
White Hamburger: How could that make any sense?
Calm Owl: That would make sense, but the people are more concerned about their own well-being rather than their ship.
SOS is Save our ship. and ALSO Save our souls.
I thought sos stands for save our ship. SOS is the commonly used description for the international Morse code distress signal (· · · — — — · · ·) also.
If you save the ship, you protect the people in the ship. Get it?
I agree with Calm Owl. SOS does stand for Save our Ship.
~The Friendliest Bubbles
when i’m in the room where all the pipes are with the girl behind the steam, it won’t let me turn the wheel underwater. i got all the rest of them except the one underwater. How do you get that one?
~The Friendliest Bubbles
i accidentally forgot to put my stinkin name and email and i wrote this really long comment so now i have to write it again. STUPID COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!! has anyone talked to CS recently?
and how do you get ur picture on here? for the profile pic next 2 ur comment?
Where is the written form?
sos stands for save our ship or save our soles. it was normaly done in morse code in where it would of been like this …___…
yea i agree with me where is the written walkthrough
I finished the island yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
s.o.s stands for save our ships it was used in the times of pirates when your group of ships was in trouble. 😉
SOS stands 4 –
1. Save Our Souls
2. Survivers On Shore and
3. Save our Ship
s.o.s can stand for many things. its primarily meant to say “Save our Ship.” it was commonly used in Morse code a long time ago to send messages to other ships through light signals when one ship was endangered. but i guess it can stand for other things nowadays. such as “save our souls,” “save our souls, ” “survivors on shore, ” and anything else that can match with the letters s.o.s.
where is the freakin written walkthrough!!!!!!(;
i beat about ten islands!
and sos means someone help me, dudes and dudettes. i beat shrink ray,wimpy boardwalk,sos,time tangled,wimpy wonderland, gameshow,spy,poptropolis, mystery train,great punkin, super power, big nate, magic tree house, early poptropica, shark tooth, and reality t.v.more like 16 islands! i beat most with this.
thanks! avery frank 9
Uh, really? S.O.S. Someone help me would be SHM. Why is everyone doing that?Like me and JOtough said, it stood for alot of things. So let’s just forget it.
can i be one of your friends on here???
I’m stuck on the part where you save the Captain! It doesn’t talk to him and then I run out of oxygen! 🙁
every body quit with the whole “what does sos mean?,” Can’t we just leave it at help!?!
We already said that SOS stood for alot of things to mean help, but, yeah, we need to stop.
dear readers,i can actually answer some of ur questions. just ask me.signed, the know it all, moody bird.
i’ve heard that s.o.s. ONLY means“save our souls.“ and brave star ur right. we need to STOP. LoL.
p.s. i’ve listened to every thing u guys haf said. p.p.s. it’s 6:26 p.m. in bruceton,tennessee, which is where i live.
u guys are soooooooooo kool! if u want to know more about me, check on “red dragon island cheats“ written chat room.
it’s 8:13 a.m. in bruceton.
u r u guys okay or do u just talk to people in the afternoon? it’s 9:07 a.m.
please be my friend? sorry i’ve just had an awful day. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease forrrrrrrrrrrrrrgiiiiiiiiive meeeeeeeeee? signed, ur most beloved, moody bird.
dear brave star do u know anyone named “mighty melon“?
it is 4:16 p.m. here.
wheres the written walkthrough!!!!!!
I tried so hard to do this, but when I logged back on, the tool whatchamacallit wasn’t in my inventory! 」(u_u)
Wheres the written walkthrough! they help better than the videos!
Dear S.O.S. Island,
You suck.
Sincerely, RedWing.
P.S. People, you can friend me on Poptropica, my usrname is chipmu1
did u guys hear the big news? i hear Dr.Hare is coming back! but sadly no one knows when……………all we know is that it’s soon………………
ill tell u who is responsible for the sinking of Titanic .
1) the telegrqpher starts with john was to busy receiving orders from people on the ship that he did not bother about the warning of ice from the S.S. Californian
2) during the construction of the Titanic they had used a machine to tighten the ribbets in the outside of the Titanic but they were done by hand inside… also when they were producing the ribbets they had changed the chemical properties by adding ironitrate and reheated it and it became weak .. during testing it was found that it could only handle about 8000 PSI when the collision was about 12000PSI so they could not handle the pressure … and they cracked and had let in water.
This is why i say National Geographic Channel ROcks!!!!!
CALM OWL is right S.O.S does stand for save our ship and not save our souls or survivors on shore or anyting like that and if u dont believe me look it up
Wow, hamza, I never knew that!
Happy Wolf: I did look it up, and I found out IT MEANS ALL OF THOSE THINGS, AND WE ALREADY SAID WE SHOULD DROP IT.
dear hamza,
i am ten years old AND a fifth grader…………..
Hey you guys,I have terrible news.I saw on the poptropica creator’s blog and I saw that Black Widow is coming back!
That’s not really “bad” news… I think it’s kinda cool. I bet they’re doing an island were you fight alot of the best villains in Poptropica!
Five bucks says the next one is Captain Crawfish.
moody bird : wht does tht mean? im a eight grader and 13 years old and live in dubai ??? Titanic is awesome …. i just finished wrtiting a 14 page report on it for school holiday homework …… cause im a Nerd @.@ …;p and…. National Gepgraphic Channel rocks!!!! And happy Indian Independence Day to all Indians on!!!!
Maybe the next island after lunar coloy should be something like jurassic island then after that,super-villian island(just like super power island)
The next one looks like it’s going to be based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There’s definitely no “Dinosaur Island”. That mask was a hidden item in Legendary Swords.
Dear Brave Star,
sorry………never heard of it……………um………….hey…………u ever heard of someone named “Mighty Melon.“?
hey guys! did u know that Dr.Hare is coming back?!!!!!!!!!!
I did this on Cryptids, and I am going to do it again :
actually,no ! leave it
It’s the Pequod from Moby Dick! You know, whale’s the mortal enemy of the captain, hunts it down, whale destroys ship. It even has the name written across the ballroom!
ok brave star sorry but i havnt been on since school started
my hair color blends in with the sky
i got one direction infection… i got it bad i love u Niall
happy wolf August 25, 2012 at 1:47 pm
ok brave star sorry but i havnt been on since school started
So, you look back to where Comical Crab asked what SOS stands for, but you don’t look at my comment? And then you just say that you’re right and everyone else is wrong?
I didn’t find a frozen guy after breaking the fruit boxes. Did I do something wrong?
sorry 🙂 im not going to watch it 🙁 i just want/ like written walkthroughs
@Shy Heart- I’m not sure….I did the island a LONG time ago…maybe it’s just a glitch, that happens often with Poptropica.
yo brave star the next island is called super villain island it has Captain Crawfish, Black Widow,Dr.Hare,and Binary Bard
-.- I know that. How stupid do you think I am? 🙄
redwing is cute date me
redwing my user is oglosports love fearless eagle p.s your my hotie goodby sweet lips
she is hot, prety dreamy,sweet,and kissable,and atractive
i will cudle and pass every island for her
Shut up, freako. She’s already beaten every island, and she’s not gonna date someone online for what they think about her Poptropica account.
shut up i like to date friendly mosquito now
i am blushing cuz i love you to and we are in the same class so date me
ok sexy
-.- How about you shut up for once in your life of miserable rejections from girls? 🙄
hey! lets all be PLUR!
Sos island is cool!!!!
Hey, I just noticed something! Fearless Eagle said “ok sexy”, when there was no comment! It was probably in moderation.
But you can’t see a comment in mod unless you mad it.
You know what this means?
He’s pretending to be his own girlfriend to make RedWing jealous!
Yeah, right. Good luck with that.
Nice web and walk- throughs!!! 🙂
6 islands completed!
S’up everyone. Who knows this saying? ” Once a greyhound, always a greyhound!!!” If you do, write back! 😀
I love the supervillan island
i made up a name for my character i think well i post it later…..
well scence i got the southern bell for Rough Lion i thought i’d call it the Parosal.
u suck
i love pizza!!!!!!!!
your stuipid smallfart
wheres the written walkthrough?
dear S.O.S you suck VERY VERY sincer
Please. Stop. RW will not fall in love with you. 🙄
i know i have a crsh on someone in my class thank you
No one cares. And we all know you’re pretending to be friendly mosquito. 🙄 Just shut up.
mama-mia! Can you try to write the Walkthrough sometime? 🙂
Oh and, Stop being rude Fearless eagle -_-
I’m the newbie,but can you remind me of Fearless Eagle’s evil plan?
ok first of all im awesome amd seconed of all never ever play this island is sucks!!!!!
poptropica is a good place to play games!if you dont like poptropica then you are a loser!
i am poptropica dillards sister and lets not talk about boyfrinds and girlfriends because this is poptropica idiots!
help me!
im trapper in the place where all the pipes are.
what is up! like is there a written walkthrough or not? the videos confuse me! 🙂
corrupted Eagle……. u do this in S.A. (a country)…………. you will be hanged……. be lucky and dont take advantage of it.
i need help! but on here pretty much every thing is notes other people have left, pics., and vidios. i need actual text like im writing in right now.
Grumpy Paw
what is up yall………. im a new change boy…………. but not yeminahogs………… but do americans need popcorns??……. any austrian knows how to jump………. but can a parrot dive…..?? we all say many things will happen……….. but nothing has changed here……………… never,,……… Hamza
P.S. – dont take it as an insult its actuallyt a 80 word poem …. srry about what i said
Why is there no written walk through?????? I alsays read them and the videos just confuse me!!!!!
need a written walkthrough!
what you doing guys and ladies
omg peps just quit tallking trash about eachother ok? its like pointless! it makes me mad so i just want every one to be nice if you hate that person just dont talk to them
please write a written walk through it would make it soo much easier
hey ya’ll stop leaving mean comments ok?
Where’s the written walkthrough?
i don’t get what you do it just says what you need and what its about. i really need help on it, I’m stuck on the part where the guy says to help all the other passengers and he gives you the whale caller. i don’t get what you do after it says that the rod is stuck. please help.
SOS Island is my favorite island on Poptropica so far.
this aint helping at all
just forget it im doing a other island peace s.o.s
No written walkthrough? Smh.
awesome i love the cold
i think this island DOES NOT SUCK also im going to eureaka later next week on friday see if u can top this comment also my partner is my BESTEST FRIEND jack also hes single so i might have a chance
all of you are idiots bcause only idiots don’t understand videos
come on! ever heard of a written walkthrough?
i was able to complete this island without the written walkthrough.
your right friendly heart and if you want to friend me my user is fox.com27 except the peeps that said that this island stinks
need a written walk through…………………………………………………………………
hi i have never done this before!my real name is……..never mind!btw fearless eagle u
hey squeezy brain we’re not idioits we just get stuck on videos but u don’t cuss at me im only 7
I’m with ya curious eel
i think you should make a full written walk through instead of videos for S.O.S island!
this may be hard. wish me luck
can some one help me PLEASE AND talk to me
Jeez, stop fighting!
Brave Star, you should not fight with Fearless Eagle! You may be right, but you are being really mean about it! Stop! Fearless Eagle, you are being really annoying, and if Brave Star is irritated, she will be really mean! Stop!
Now quit fighting! Everybody will start to join in if you keep fighting!
if u guys want a written walkthrough type “poptropica s.o.s island written walkthrough” in google, then wait and see what comes up! 😀
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
i do not no how to pass s.o.s iland
ill help you if you want, just email me your user and pass, i swear on my familys life i wont hack you, even ask little comet.
This island was pretty easy compared to Willy Wonka. That dang Willy Wonka. *-*
can someone help me? i finished helping everyone in Willy Wonka’s factory and i don’t know what else to do or how to get the medallion.
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
Why don’t you have written text ?
I don’t know if its a glitch or something, but the Poptropica gave me 300 credits! And I could play all the bonus quests! And I could buy all the member items! Is that normal or not? Because I never bought a membership :/. HELLLPPPPP. Cause I feel like they are charging my credit card. O_o
@quick dragon u have to go back to the chocolate room and when you do, talk to willy wonka, then charlie will fall off the land or platform, then theres going to be a minigame, when youre finsed, you get your credits and medilon
you are so cool you should add an island named cool mix
Smart Flame is back! Have you seen the Poptropica Movie? LOVE IT
How about an island called celebrity island after zomberry island
please stop saying bad words and stop acting inappropriately
girf fudge
Huh? Guys i beat this island in a day when it came for members. Happy early new year!
I’m still single and i don’t think i’m ready to date a girl yet
I’m 13 years old
Say yes if one of you guys live in Gainesville, Florida in Mentone
I always get stuck on Poptropica but now I can just go on here and follow the directions!!
i still couldnt beat sos.have more written walkthrews
I need some cheats for S.O.S island PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i won sos island
ive beaten it before but lost that profile ps if you friend me its blahblah8571
this website always helps 🙂 I’m really glad I found it. But just a suggestion, can you make a written walkthrough for S.O.S island?
U ALL R AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Except icy spinner!
s.o.s island is awesome to play!!!xD
hey guys if you need a written walkthrough you can get one if you search how to beat sos island on poptropica. worked really well for me
I got in SOS but how do you get to the people aboard and where are they
Can you PLEASE do a written walk through? The vids are great but I prefer the written steps 🙂
too hard but got it!
anyone else who’s 12yr here? if u r pls answer me asap.
ill be back in 3 hrs 4 u.
I like fearless eagle and no im not pretending to be someone else i looked at all the pass comments and add me plz my user is ladygaga12304 plz dont make fun of me
can someone put up the written walkthrough please?????? :I
I love dis gme wen im n a gud mood!!!!!!
I hate that moment when you completed that island like so many times then when you come back to it your compeltely clue less! I guess i do have to use this walkthrough again!
your cheats help me a lot in my game when i am stuck(:
the game was easy peasy lemon squeezy i am king y’all
y’all are losers i shall rule all of poptropica by hacking in the poptropica owner’s secret credit generator and poptropica membership creator see ya on the flip side suckers
who are ye callin losers & suckers SUCK-BAG JACK 👿
you are right quiet fang
RIGHT I AM ABOUT YE,SUCK BAG JJJJAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOS Island is the 24th island of Poptropica. The members full version and demo version was released on January 26, 2012. The object is to rescue trapped survivors from a sinking cruise ship. There is an additional short quest for Poptropica’s paid monthly members only, but it is primarily a costume game.
This is the simplified list of steps to complete the quest. For more details and background, see the solution at the related question below. This contains spoilers. When underwater, get extra oxygen from large bubbles, or anywhere you see streams of bubbles.
The cruise ship is the Pequod, sailing in Arctic waters. Some of the crew and passengers are still aboard while others have safely abandoned ship.
First rescue
1. Enter the ship by breaking the ice block at the forward door. To do this, swim over and climb up the lifeboats at the left side, cross the top deck, and shove the round ice chunk down to break the block.
2. Enter the ship, then go up to the next deck, the bridge, where the Captain will tell you how to unlock the automatic doors. Turn the lever he indicates.
3. Go back down to the hallway, and to cabin 6, which is now unlocked. Go inside and talk to the Whale Fan kid and take him back out to the surface. He gives you his Whale Song device (creates various sounds to call whales).
Second Rescue
4. Leave the rescue camp and swim to enter the ship again. Go down the hallway, push the floating crate away and enter the Ballroom.
5. Pick up the champagne bottle and climb onto a floating chair at the right side. Fire the champagne cork at the weak part of the glass pane (aim, hold mouse button down, and release at the maximum power).
6. Cross to the left and repeat this with the other glass pane. The Tour Director is now on the raft, which you can push (while swimming) left to the exit door.
Third Rescue (Ship is bow down)
7. Climb the antenna, ropes and porthole covers to reach the smashed stern of the ship (top) and enter through the hole. You can bounce on the umbrellas.
8. Fall to the bottom (was right side) of the hallway, and turn the valve at right to let more water in. The crate will float up revealing an open vent to the Ballroom.
9. In the ballroom, swim up to the surface for air, avoiding the stinging jellyfish. Climb the columns, rails, and bar to reach the pipes at upper left.
10. Beginning from the first open pipe, turn each swivel valve to direct the steam through closed pipes until it reaches the expansion joint at the upper left, which explodes. Enter the Boiler Room.
11. Climb the center section to the upper right, and avoid the steam there. The Engineer will show you how to stop the steam: she turns the Green valve, which is connected to another valve at the far left. Go there and turn that valve. 12. Repeat the process for the other three pairs of valves:
Blue : middle right and then lower left
Orange : bottom right and then middle left
Red : bottom left and then middle left
13. Climb up and convince the Engineer to leave the ship. She gives you her pipe wrench.
Fourth Rescue (Ship going down by the bow)
14. Enter through the hole again, and into the Boiler Room. Avoid the steam and head right, where you push the large pile of broken machinery off the platforms until it plummets into the water at bottom right.
15. Swim left and shove the fallen propeller down the hole into the ballroom.
16. Cross right and exit into the Hallway.
17. Use the lights to climb to the top of the hallway (was the left end) and to the open vent.
18. In the Galley, find the chef frozen in his freezer. Break the boxes and push the big block he’s in out into the passageway.
19. In the lower galley, shove his block to reach the heater at the bottom. You will have to push the first wooden crate ahead of him to the first junction, and just ONE crate and a lettuce box at the second junction (you can slide him past a crate or just go first and get rid of one crate). You can go up and down on the side pipes.
20. The heater thaws the chef and you exit.
Fifth Rescue (Ship upside down)
21. Enter the ship (very easy now) and cross the Boiler Room (go down and right, then left, then up, avoiding the big fish).
22. Swim across the middle of the ballroom to the vent at the upper left (avoid streams of steam bubbles, and stinging jellyfish, but collect large air bubbles).
23. In the Hallway, go right to the other vent.
24. Swim left down the twisted passageway while avoiding the hermit crabs. The easiest path is to stay at the top twice, then go down and back up to the exit at upper left. There are air bubbles along the way.
25. On the bridge, swim to reach the Captain without hitting any sparks or either of the giant crabs. The proper way is to wait and slip past the first crab directly below you — the other path is blocked by sparks.
26. After the Captain admits his lie, use the Wrench to turn the Whale Song device 1/4 turn to the right, to the White Whale setting.
27. The Whale breaks into the bridge and swallows you and the Captain, but then pops you out on the surface through his blowhole. The Captain awards you the Island Medallion
ok i know
How do you beet S.O.S island
i know how…
1. its all out now!!!!!
2. quiet fang, can you tell me, e-mail me the ballroom part?
Please,almost every island is CREEPY!
I can’t help it. It’s getting creepier than ever! I can barley beat any islands without my best friend’s brother,Jeremy
I see…
i can’t watch the video walk through can you email me a written walkthrough
So I completed the island up to 10:50 on the second video and swam past the wheel but I can’t get the captain to talk to me. I’ve clicked on him but my avatar gets stuck. The captain won’t automatically talk to me as I swim towards him (like on the video) either.
How old are you?
if anyone want to add me here is my username : lawdeen
this is so confusing i cant get past getting the chef out of the freezer! 🙁
the shark part was hard but i managed to get passed them.
iiiiiiiiiiiii won hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh ya oh ya oh ya wwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooo
I beat 22 other islands just now! Oh if anyone wants to add a friend type dudewhat4f8. OUT!
can any one help me with this island its confuzing me
Theirs no cheats here and its been a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wut do ye need help with
if ye saved the boy, push a box out of way
omg someone help im at the part were the enterence is underneth the water!HOW DO I GET IN!
why don’t you have the written cheats I thought they were always there you let me down!
if anyone wants to friend me my username is winxrule0404
i hate you pierce poon(just a name calling) such an M.R.I
Ok, so I have saved the girl in the ballroom and the entrance is underwater, WHAT DO I DO PEOPLE?!
this is the best one yet since i already beat mythology and nate and time tangled!!!!!!!!!!
who wants me to be yer friend no one likes me 😥
@ Quiet Fang: Add me! Username: poptester44
I’ll be your friend Quiet Fang!
i dig this town
looks awsome
cant wait to pass
thanks nice panda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O: 😮 :O :0
Can you e-mail me a written walkthrough?
All of you do realize that there’s a HUGE gash at the back of the ship that you can Enter through, right?
add me quiet fang! : world922
OMG it doesn’t give me anything for the Bonus quest!
anyone who wants to add me its epleysa !!!!
@ Quiet Fang: No prob, gimme yur username and I’ll add u 2!!!
this island is already out
but weres the written part? its all videos and my computer isnt workin right when i get on youtube
ur supposed to do the walkthrough in writing too….. cuz i dont do videos its long.
this is the worst website ever made!!!
i agree with avena almost all island is creepy i cant do it without my brother
Can you e-mail me a written walkthrough?
add me quiet fang! you are cool.
I cant email but to get to the ballroom boxes
Hi! Thanks for the cheats. It’s really helpful.
Little Shadow
hey quiet fang friend me user is legolover366 if you want to friend me
I friend you…
err im sooooooooooooo frightened
oh no !Betty Jetty! joke;)
huh! serious? members only? ;.(
This is AWSOME!!
nice panda my username is apple19812
betty jetty what IS YER username
when you get to S.O.S island a lady will tell the ships sinking and people are inside.
get to the top of the ship and click on a HUGE snowball and it will drop on a big block of ice and it will be gone. Now enter. look for the captain door.
Umm..what about a written walkthrough?
so I’ve gone down the door where it says freezer, then I accidentaly (I don’t know how to spell it) fell down right to the bottom, now I don’t know how to go up again, it doesn’t let me. Can someone tell me how?
Seriously?! Where’s the written walk through?
how many islands have you completed
can you please write a written walkthrough for this island?
it is kind of hard but you’ll get the hang of it, it’s actually really easy come to think of it. but usually it always is.!!!! XD XD
what do i do after the ballroom part
quiet fang please add im kittypride29
fun and is the boat the titanic it seems like it
where r the cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to the cheats!?! I don’t know how to get anywhere!!!!