It’s now official. The next island on Poptropica is called Wild West Island. The island was released to paid members on Poptropica on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2011 and to the public almost a month later on March 11. It followed the release of a sneak preview edition, featuring a mini-game called Round ’em Up. This island features lots of mini-games, high-speed chases and even a shoot-out on board a moving train. Your goal is to capture the notorious outlaw, Mustachio Grande, who has been terrorizing the citizens of Wild West Island along with his gang.

We first heard about Wild West Island when Poptropica released a video featuring Jeff Kinney talking about Cryptids Island. You could see lots of Wild West sketches on the wall behind him. There are also some Wild West Island sketches in the sneak peeks section of Daily Pop.
Video Walkthrough
Wild West Island Part 1
Wild West Island Part 2
Wild West Island Part 3
Wild West Island Part 4
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Written Walkthrough
For those of you who don’t want to (or can’t) watch the video walkthroughs, here’s a written version that tells you step-by-step how to beat Poptropica Wild West Island.
Dusty Gulch and Diamond Plains
- As soon as you arrive in the entry place (Dusty Gulch) run to the right until you get to Rusty’s Ranch. Talk to the guy to help him train the horse.
- In this mini-game, you need to move your blue mouse cursor left and right to try and stay close to the white cursor that is moving around. This will keep the horse balanced and after a while you’ll win and get the horse and a special horse whistle to call him.
- Click on the horse to ride him and then head to the left to talk to the woman riding the horse near the beginning. She will give you a letter to deliver to Marshal Taylor in Diamond Plains.
- Go to the left and leave town.
- Now you’re on the overhead map. There’s a small mini-map in the upper-right corner that will show you where you are. Ride to the right towards Diamond Plains and go over one of the yellow badge stars on the ground to enter the town.
- Your first stop is the Marshal’s office. Talk to the deputy inside and he’ll tell you that Marshal Taylor isn’t here. He tells you to check the Saloon. Head to the right to go to the next area, where you can find the saloon.
- Go inside the saloon and walk to the right where you’ll find two guys spitting chewing gum into a bucket (gross!). They’ll let you play.
- In this mini-game, called Spit-N-Time, the object is to get your gum into the bucket. You move the arrow to select the angle and hold the mouse button down for more spitting power. A small arc appears and moves. Release the mouse button when it hits the center of the bucket. If you beat the other player, you’ll win and the guys will point you to Marshal Taylor who is sitting on the left. Note that if you try to talk to Marshal Taylor before winning this game, he’ll just be asleep.
- Go over and talk to Marshal Taylor. Read him the letter and he’ll give you his Marshal’s Badge. Congratulations, you’re now the Marshal!
- Now you need to go back to Dusty Gulch and talk to the guy at the photo booth. Because you’re now the Marshal, he’ll take your picture. Use the mouse to try and keep the camera steady and straight and when you do, you’ll have your very own photographic portrait.
- Now ride back to Diamond Plains and go inside the Marshal’s office. Click on the portrait in your backpack and select the Use button. Your picture will appear above the door and the deputy will give you the pea shooter gun that belongs to the marshal.
- As soon as that happens, there will be a jail break. It looks like Mustachio’s gang has arrived!
- In the next scene, you’ll need to chase the gang on the overhead map, but they’ll get away in a train tunnel. For now, it’s on to the next town in Wild West Island!
Dos Cactos and Rock Ridge
- Look at your map and head for the town of Dos Cactos. When you first arrive, you’ll be at the shooting contest.
- In this game, you compete against other shooters to hit targets. There’s a timer and whoever gets the most points in the time allowed wins. The first opponent is the Man With No Name. The next opponent is Young Kid. If you beat both of them, you’ll take on the Gunslinger. After him, it’s on to Old Gunslinger. Finally, you’ll go up against Miss Annie Oakley, who is a tough and fast opponent to beat.
- Once you beat Annie, you’ll win the competition and they’ll give you an upgraded gun, the Spud Gun. Potatoes are way better than peas!
- Now head to the right and jump up the huge cactus. At the top is a casino. Go inside.
- Walk upstairs and talk to the guy up there. He’ll tell you to play a game of Slap-Jack.
- If you’ve never played it before, the game is simple. You take turns putting cards in the middle of the table. Whenever a Jack appears, the first person to slap their hand down on it wins all the cards in the pile. If you slap another card by mistake, you lose one of your cards. Whoever evnds up with all the cards at the end is the winner.
- After you win, the guy there will give you a treasure map showing where to find gold.
- Leave the casino and go down to the right. Talk to the guy with the big head. He’ll tell you he needs the rare blue tulip to shrink his head down to normal size.
- Now leave town and ride southeast to Rock Ridge. When you arrive, talk to the guy with the cows. He’ll tell you that he needs you to find and catch his calf. He’ll give you a lasso to help.
- Leave town and follow the trail of horseshoe marks. You’ll see the calf shortly. Now chase after him and lasso him when you can. This is just like the sneak preview round ‘em up game. Press the space bar once to start twirling the lasso and then press it again to release. Once you catch the calf, lead him to the ranch (it’s on your map) and then return to the guy in Rock Ridge.
- He’ll give you an old saddle as a reward. He’ll also ask you for another favor, which is to capture five cows that have wandered off. This is how you get the rare Rattlesnake Wrangler outfit. But we’ll get that a little later…
- Run to the right and you’ll see R.J. Earl’s wagon, where he’s selling elixirs and mixtures. Watch as he gives a guy a vanishing potion. Then run to the right and talk to the guy at the bank. He’ll tell you that El Mustachio Grande is planning to rob his bank. Now leave town and ride back to the ranch. Look around to find the five cattle and rope them the same way you did with the calf. Lead each one back to the ranch. When you have caught all five, go back to the guy in Rock Ridge and he’l give you the Rattlesnake Wrangler outfit.
- Leave town again and ride all the way back to the starting town, Dusty Gulch.
Trading for Gold, Oil and Elixirs
- The first stop here is the trading post. Go inside and jump up to the top. Trade your old saddle for a Gold Pan.
- Leave town and ride to the spot in the East on the treasure map you got from the guy in the casino.
- When you get here, you’ll use the gold pan to try and find gold nuggets in the river. All you need to do is to pick a spot that is sparkling and click on it to put your pan down. Then move your mouse cursor slowly back and forth many times to shake out the rocks and dirt. It may take a few tries, but eventually, you’ll find a gold nugget.
- Ride back to Dusty Gulch and go inside the Trading Post again. Now trade the gold pan for the oil can.
- Now ride East to Diamond Plains. Go to the right and jump up onto the clock tower. Go inside (the entrance is next to the guy repairing it). Work your way to the right and then up and over. You’ll need to click on the rope pulleys to drop the red iron girders so that you can pass. Once you make it all the way through, use the oil in your backpack to loosen up the gears. Click on each gear inbetween the two main gears and drop just enough oil so that each one is sparkly-clean. Then click on the turn gears button in the lower-right and the clock will be fixed!
- Leave the tower through the exit and then head right to the train station. You’ll see the train has arrived and it’s ready to go. But we’re not going to take it just yet. We need a little something from R.J. Earl first.
- Ride down to Rock Ridge and go speak with R.J. Earl. Open your backpack and use the gold nugget you found in the river. He’ll sell you all of his potions for the gold nugget.
- Now ride out of town and return to Diamond Plains.
Train and Mine Cart Rides
- Board the train and head for Dos Cactos. The first time you ride the train, you’ll play the Train Robbery game. This one is tough but the idea is pretty simple. You need to shoot the bandits that are attacking and prevent them from reaching the front of the train. They also shoot back, so you need to avoid them when they point their guns at you.
- The key to winning is to use the Concentration Carbonate in the lower left corner. This freezes everything until your next shot, making it very easy to hit the target. Use it, but do so sparingly because it will run out.
- After you defeat all the bandits, the train arrives safely.
- Now ride the train again and this time go to Rock Ridge. Go straight to the right to the mine.
- Before going into the mine, walk to the left and click on the canary. You’ll shoot your gun and frighten him, making him drop a key. Use the key to enter the mine to the right.
- Walk to the right and jump into the mine cart. This will start a long mine cart ride.
- During the ride, all you need to do is wait for the signal flags to appear and then click on them to shoot them. When you do the track will correct itself so that you avoid some nasty obstacles in your way. After several of the signals, you’ll arrive at the end of the mine track.
- Jump up onto the hill and you’ll find a Blue Tulip. Then a cave-in will start and you’ll appear at the bottom of a rope. Climb up the rope. Pay no attention to the cow in the mine cart.
- You’ll be up on the other side of Rock Ridge. Run over to the bank and jump up above the door frame, where you’ll find half of the map to the bandit hideout.
- Now ride your horse to Dos Cactos and speak to the guy with the big head. Use the blue tulip in your backpack to give it to him. His head will return to normal size and he’ll give you the second half of the map to the hideout.
- The hideout now appears on your main map. It’s on the left side, near the bottom. Ride out of town and head for the hideout.
The Bandit Hideout
- When you arrive, you’ll see the bandits nearby on lookout. Use the transparency tonic in your backpack to sneak past them and go inside the building.
- Inside, the bandits are all hiding behind things and can’t be shot. You need to shoot at the items above them, which will knock things from the wall down and force the bandits out of their hiding spots. For example, shoot the candle to light the rope on fire and shoot the shortgun on the fireplace mantle to force two of the bandits out. Then you can shoot them out in the open to knock them down.
- When you get all of the other bandits, El Mustachio Grande will jump out of his hiding place and flee. Now you can chase him on horseback.
- Follow him closely until you get to the river and then use your lasso to capture him when he stops.
- Lead him all the way back north to Diamond Plains. When you arrive, he’ll be in jail and Marshal Taylor will be there to congratulate you and give you the island medallion. Great job!
Screenshots and Previews for Wild West Island
If you go to the sneak peeks section of Daily Pop, you’ll see lots of in-progress screen shots for Wild West Island. Here’s a look at a few of them:

dAMN, AIMING FOR FIRST. SECOND’S BETTER. I was the first one to play it!
it said membership gets to go in Feb. 😥 im not a member
l>o I’m bored. But at least I got to be third person to comment. How do you subscribe? I’m doing this at 12:00!
5th and man this is so easy
Hello: no your not the first to play this
@ 7:00 in ET…. i got the sheriff hat and sombrero hat….
first was sombrero
then sheriff
Yeah, I know speedy singer. We can’t be a member right? But I’m half member, half not. I am a member but I still have to buy with credits. It’s not fair.
How can you be a member and still have to pay with credits? I don’t know much about membership, mainly because my Dad doesn’t like paying for games and stuff (he always says we’ll do it in the summer)
I have no idea.
thats so cool i dint even know untill i came to this sight 🙂
What’s so cool?
And I’ve noticed that White Sword hasn’t been around for a while . . .
why dont you make an island called explore island
horrayyyy!!!! new island!!!! so fast…. tht one last was very new too 😛 lol cool!
😥 I got the 1st outfit and I can’t find it!!!!!
idk how but i have 1st & 2nd outfits and got both from yesterday
@cheerful beetle: wat do u mean by that?
i mean, go check on Art students/private school students and not so normal citizen site. im there the whole time!
I got the sombrero on my first try
I meant on this post!
Speedy Singer on the home page below the but membership and credits icon there is a membership tour button and learn more about membership there.
and if artimis is reading this i would like to say shouldnt you be celabrating that you won the city of troy?! i would be
Cheerful Beetle: Oh… but still…
Hello everyone!
Now for the update on news:
Many of you poptropicans may have already noticed, but the Island Smackdown is still cheering and congratulating the famous and popular Spy Island.
#1: In the first place, we have Spy Island in the lead, with 1,134 votes and a percentage of 65%.
#2: In the second place, we have Time Tangled Island, with a total voter of 617 and a percentage of 35%, but good job Time Tangled! You are still a really great island!
Besides the Smackdown, we have a sudden rumor of a new island coming out.
#1: The mysterious island’s name will be Wild West Island. So, speaking of the wild west, many of you will instantly think of cowboys and cowgirls, incluuding ranches, horses, cows and other cattles that ranchers breed. And, you were right. On the Poptropica Map, an island with the words “Sneak Preview” is between Nabooti and Mythology. So, this island isn’t a rumor. This is REAL.
OK Poptropicans, we still have more! Well, the Poptropica Creators must have thought about how small the Poptropica Store is, so…
#1: The newest costume available in the store is a fabulous but simple one, called the “Disco King” if your poptropican is a boy. Don’t worry, girls. For you, there will be one called “Disco Queen”.
#2: The Creators must have done a pretty decent job on coming up with the “Bigfoot Costume”, or whatever it’s called, because I have seem lots of people wearing and showing off with a fake Bigfoot on their heads. That’s the whole costume, really, though, except for a T-shirt and black pants. So, I’m not saying that the T-shirt and the black pants are decent, but mainly because of the awesome, fantastic Bigfoot hat!
Well, that’s the latest report for The Weekly Surprise: White Sword the News Reporter. Thanks for listening and reading, have a wonderful, happy and fabulous Chinese New Year on Jan. 3rd!
Wait til next week…
i cant find my cowboy costume igot 3 onn but cant find it… help
hello white sword when ya going to do the next update?
HEY i cant find my comments
Blue rider: the next update is this saturday, Feb. 5th!
I got 3 prizes.
i didn’t get 3 prizes! 😡 🙄 😥 🙁 👿
All right,
Let’s hear for our interview with the Weekly Surprise Intersiewer White Star!
Hello White Star! Anything new for us to hear?
WS: Why of course.
#1:OK then! I want to know about the Island Smackdown, first thing of all.
WS: Well, first thing is that Mythology is winning! With a total vote of 666 votes, Mythology has a percentage of 70%.
#2: Oh! That’s great. Why is it winning?
WS: Well, of course, Mythology Island is an awesome one!
#3: *roll eyes* Oh, well, OK I get it White Sword, but, is something particularly awesome that makes it awesome?
WS: Well, it allows you to actually meet some of the greatest gods and goddesses in the world.
#4: Can you name some of them?
WS: Sure! Athena is my favourite, Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hestia, Hermes, Ares, and, of course, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.
#5: All right, then! What about the also very popular Counterfeit?
WS: Oh yes. Counterfeit is one of the most popular islands on Poptropica, our world. With a percentage of 30%, it has a total vote of 288. I know exactly why it is not winning, and almost failing to win. That is because, at least this is what I think, Mythology has a more exciting background and story. Of course, thieves are all around us. But, really, no poptropican can ever see a god or goddess that often.
#6: All right then! Thank you very much, Star.
Well, this concludes our interview with the Weekly Surprise! Thank you for listening and reading, and happy Chinese New Year today! The people in China are already celebrating today! 新年快乐! (Happy New Year!)
oh hooray! im on all day! u know why? want to know? tis a snow day! what will happen? school is canceled! is this great? i think so! oh hooray! this is great! oh yeah yay!
i need room codes ROOM CODES
rooooooom cooooooodes
Where is White Dragon? I haven’t heard from him/her in a while.
looks intersting! :}
umm how can u get in the island weird peeps these days
what isnd will be after wild west island one person saidit would be virutal island but i want 2 be sure
and when will this island come out some one said feb 20-26
room codes no ones awsering me
guys daily pop sneak a peak has a winter scene what does that has to do with ww island?
room code: BEN97
room code bef68
Hi IM NEW to the chat thing and i was reading the stuff on u guys commet and i loved it i just wanted to say something, omg im so neurvus and i wanted to say that i have a room
code and its DTL25 and its february 7 2011 at 5:15 please come i like metting new people.
please do come im realy anchous to meet u guys please come im lonley and i put the date wrong its february 8 2011 at 2:20.
this is poptropica live report with your amazing host: Orange sponge. first we have wild west island coming up soon. we have a speial guest big turtle on the show tonight . bt: on wild west sneak peek we are on our last prize. os: oh really what is it? bt: its the wonder bubble tonic, you drink it and you change colors. os: thats cool bt : after this last prize wild west comes out 4 members. os: thats even more awesome, well thats all the time we have tonight i’ll see u on Feb,12 2011 PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um hello anybody on?Hello?Yello?Yello?OK I`m leaving this website 4 now.Tata bye so long whatever!
O my gosh orange sponge(whatever your name is,)you didn`t show up!Your totalty a rip off!BOO ORANGE SPONGE!
I love wild west island
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 13th, 2011. Welcome to the Weekly Surprise: News Report. Today we will have a report with News Reporter White Star!
Today’s subject will be: El Mustachio Grande
#1: Hello White Star.
WS: Hello White Sword. What would you like to ask about Grande?
#2: Well, I do have something to ask. First of all, who is El Mustachio Grande?
WS: That’s an interesting question. Grande is the main villain of the suddenly-popped up Wild West Island. In the paragraph describing Wild West Island, it said that a dark shadow was lurking around on Wild West. That dark “shadow” is El Mustachio Grande.
#3: That’s some nice informations, Star. Do you know what he looks like?
WS: Well, the Poptropica Creators printed a very blurry picture of Grande, so nobody knows for sure what he’ll look like. The Weekly Surprise predict that he has a big mustache, and a some how “evil” pair of eyes.
#4: Oh! Well, what do you think his proffesion is?
WS: According to our prediction, Grande is most likely to be a cowboy or a rancher. Except, no matter what he is, we know for sure that he will be evil.
#5: Well that’s some shuddering news. My last and most important question is, do you think Grande will become a popular villain, like, for example, the popular Dr. Hare on 24 Carrots Island, Black Widow on Counterfeit Island, Betty Jetty, or Zeus?
WS: We must know this: it is only after an island comes out that we know for sure what it will be like. Therefore I am sorry to say that I don’t know the answer.
#6: Thank you very much for the fantastic info, Star and have a good day. Happy Valentines Day!
WS: Wish you a happy Valentine too!
OK well this concludes our report with Star.
i want wild west cheats
does anyone know what to do with the oil can?
when are you going to put part 3?
justin bieber is awesome!!!!!!!! and i want a bieber island
nice report White Sword
if your having trouble on the gun showdown part heres how to catch them all: guy with black cowboy hat: shoot the candle and the rope will burn and the bag will fall on him then shoot him purple girl: shoot the right side of the money bag and then shoot her sombrero man: shoot the root beer then wheel will roll towards him then shoot him you have to catch el mustaschio out in the desert just keep folling mustaschio and when he stops use the rope and throw it at him then go to diamond plains and then get the medallion and you win!
when it was the end i said ; in your face, who in jail, prison or crimal nation, that right you .
also if you noticed when the bank is destroyed something says CHILLIES RULE!
sorry i couldnt make it on the 12th, I had to work on a progect but Im back. todays latest news is Wild west island is out 4 members but sadly I am not a member but it comes out4 non-members on March 14 2011. Also El Mousachio Grande robbed a wild west bank in the town of Rock ridge . some other wild west towns are: Dusty Gulch (main street), Diamond Plains and, Dos Cactos. How do I know this? our trusty freinds @ poptropica secrets of course! One last comment is you get to pan for gold and get rich. next Poptropica news flash will be on the17th of Febuary 2011. this is Orange sponge signing out!
I found the cow and now it ran away somewhere!! …
I think the next island should be about karate or Kung Fu or Dinosaur island. What do you think?
To find the calf again, go back to Rock Ridge, then leave and follow the trail of hoof prints again.
I am having trouble with the moving train, since the spacebar seems to let the concentrate run out too soon. 🙁
On the train robbery, my gun seems so slow—-I can’t seem to nail the guys. Also, there doesn’t seem to be time to reload—have tried on 3 computers. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated-thanks!
I can not get past the train part with the bandidts!!! HELP!!!
Its me, Orange sponge bringing you the latest poptropica news. First, if u r a member and have alredy completed wild west and youre thinking about the next island, if u have ideas for the next island please comment below. next, on poptropica news flash we have a new associate his name is: green starfish, he will give the next report live from Dusty gulch on wild west and here he is: gs: here on wild west island it is dry and hot also the local bank blew up today. os: ok and who is the suspect. gs: the moustachio gang! os: well that wraps up the show the next post will be on feb 19 2011 this is Orange sponge from poptropica news flash sighning out, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the next island might be in a chinese version or with karate or maybe you need to fight those fat chinese people, if you know what i’m saying.
The video, while helpful, could have been improved for sequencing. The many wrong turns
and back-tracks could be confusing to the players. Maybe an improved one could be done
now that the exactt sequence of play has been established.
does anyone know how to get the lily for the guy with the big head. Also does anyone know how to get a gun?
OMG I’ve been looking everywhere for the mining pan and the oil can! can someone help?
If anyone awnsers this question simply and non-geekily i will thank you!
It’s sooo hard to Get Mustathio and his gang at their hideout!
When does wild west island come out for non members?
Me too, but I have a different problem. My computer runs slowly, so it is pretty hard to control and the bandit dudes goes FAST.
Even though I completed wild west island why can’t you put up a word walkthrough just like you did not put up a word walkthrough for cypitds island.
I do happy starfish. You have to go unserground in one of the ranges I think it is in rock ridge. Once you done with a cart thing get a blue tulip to cure the man with the big head. then go to the clock tower and it has a hole go in it. Then find some mancicercy and use the oil can.
hey yall! 🙂 this here website is awesome. i’ze lovez this here new wild west izland! i’ze from the country me-self! but, don’t mezz with me. i can nuter a bull with my bear handz. you herez? well, c-ya. o, bye the wayz, whoz everz likez justing beiber… that’s so dumbz.
hello poptropicans Im orange sponge bringing latest poptropica news . our newest associate, green starfish is in the radar room getting ready to show us the weather live radar. here he is! gs: hello, we have no weather disterbinces in poptropica today on the live radar today. back 2 u orange sponge. os: we have breaking news! Mr Harold Mews finished his Bigfoot reservation program in the pacific northwest. locals say that it is protecting bigfoot greatfuly. also locals say that bigfoot is ugly! also a new associte joined, his name is slippery dolphin, he will report the traffic. the next report will be Feb. 23 2011. that is your poptropica news flash! Orange Sponge sighning out, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, bob! Justin Beiber SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, hey! Can I please join the news team?
hey bob justin bieber sucks dick
SOMEBODY is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE WWI [wild west island] I AM NOT PLAYING ITTTTTTTTT! grrrrr
Umm hello everyone i need help on a serious problem…
So I was doing Wild West before bed last night and got about halfway through…then I had to go to bed, so I rode back to dusty gulch, got off my horse, and went to my home island, Cryptids. This morning I got on to play again. I got onto my blimp and flew to Wild West, and it dumped me in Wild West. I clicked left to leave town, but it wouldn’t let me. My horse was nowhere to be seen. Help, please!
hey somebody I agree with you on that one he does suck
See ya peeps be back tomorrow.
The bandits on the train are so hard
OK maybe I wasn’t coming back tomorrow.
HEY! Bob did you hear what liam said I bet you’re really mad.but I have to agree on her with that one
hey liana go to your items and look for a whistle click on use and it will call your horse.
Nobody’s talking to me I feel sad 8[
Hi guys! Cool island Eh?
Who likes lord of the rings? I do!
this is poptropica news flash, Im orange sponge bringing you the latest news headlines. on the sneek peek sec. of daily pop there are some snow- covered scenes so I think the next island is snowflake island. also on counterfiet island The Scream was stolen. here we have green starfish with the weather. gs: overnight, on wild west island there was 65mph winds that whipped up some sand and caused a sandstorm. on shark tooth island there are warm temps,and balmy breezes. next we have slippery dolphin with traffic. sd: on skullduggery there is a lot of ships sailing and may cause shipwrecks also since it is still morning there is low air balloon traffic. back to you orange sponge. os: our next report will be feb.27 2011 this is orange sponge sighning out,PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LIKE LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 🙂
If you agree, type
( : mrgreen : )
Wild West Island is totally the BEST ISLAND EVER!!! 😉
Ohh… GREAT! Another difficult AND extremely LOOONG island. But I suppose I’ll likie it…
this island is amazing. I can’t believe I’ve got all the medallions . . . so far anyway.
how do you get the beepin gun
how do you get the beepin gun
those tonic things look so fun! one even turns you invisible!!!!!! i wonder what the other ones do!?!?!?
those tonic thingies look so fun!!!!!!! i wonder what the other tonics do!!!!!!??????
they are fun!
I can’t wait to play it!
this is poptropica news flash saying that our show is being discontinued until our technical difficulties are fixed we will return on Mar. 11 2011 (same day wild west public release) this is orange sponge sighning out PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really need to shoot those bandits please be more clearer on that part
wild west rocks because you get to ride a horse
i never been to wild west island beacuse im not a member
hey i want to commet
i’ve started it can someone help me please!
i finished everything on there except i couldnt find the 1st part of the map…is there a time limit to finding it?
Hey, terrence8802, (and non-members) The Creators are unfair. They should let us play too!
PS: I’m a non-member.
Oh, and no disrespect intended.
OMG!! can’t wait till Friday 4 this island 2 come out!!! looks lik so much fun!!!
*………*! Nobody is replying! *………*
No four letter word translate exactly.
OMG! This island is, like, SO FUN! So if you say it’s not…you’ve gone CRAZY…! And,BTW, I H-A-T-E crazy people. So GET A GRIP!!! PS: Being a member is so fun. So many things are free! Also you get early acsess which is like the BEST.
PS: You should have SEEN what some girl was wearing!!! I mean, green and dark pink…?! EWW!!!
when is wild west island coming out i cant wait!!!!! :} i almost beated all the islands exceped spy,superhero,and skulldugery.I also i cant wait intil wimpy wounderland. I CANT WAIT INTIL THEY COME OUT!!!!!!!!!>:()
😀 I love this island.
aww ww is sooo awesome shooting people isnt excatly FUN, but it is so grosss for the spitting thingie
Poptropica’s got talent!
wild west comes out today! not the fourteenth! and does anybody think unicorns are real? beacause i think they are NOT REAL.
Wild west should be out by now!!!! But its not. ::(: Sorry if that didn’t work. And ………
How Dare You Suggest That Those Amazingly Beautiful And Honest Creatures Are Not Real!!!!! You Sicken Me!!!! I, Artemis Now- (Shut up Apollo she insulted the unicorn!! Huh? The last one just died? Apollo!!!!!! How can I make my point now!!!!)
Sorry. This is a recording and records everything I say. Now where were we……Yes….
I, Artemis Now Curse You. You Will Forced To Retreat Every Night And Transform Into A Hideous Beast. Forever Shall You Do This And Forever Shall You Live!!!!
I reall enjoy this game even though I am supreme and I wish Wild West would come out where I am!
I was listening to my favorite song, “Raise Your Glass” by Pink, when I beat this island!!! Coinsidence, huh?
i cant get passed the shooting on the train stuff!!! its so hard!
how do you tame the freakin horse this is like so hard someone please help me
Hullo peoples! Wild West came out around noon today and it is sooo awesome! Im not a member and ive been waiting for a really long time! One question: I can’t get a gold nugget! I tried like 15 times!!!!!!!!!!! :p
I LOVE Wild West. It is the BEST island ever made!! Especially the part where you get a horse. I named mine Felix. He is a great natured stallion. Good luck future riders 🙂
HELP! Where do you get the pea shoter?! i idn’t play the bandit game for some reson?!
Artemis!! You’re always on the run!!
yo check out my new poptropican name! COOL EH? ( LAFFING MY FRICKING BALLS OFF AKA PENIS)
were do u get the gun ?
I’m done of this island and I want another!
I’m playing on west wild island write now and its awesome!!
wild west…is cool anyways how did you guys get it so early are use members ?
@mighty drummer…I bet you wanna try The snowy thing island (sorry forgot the name)
hi gys lisen i cant beet the tren can u help mi PLEEEEEEEAS!?!?!?!?!?!?
@greedy ghost: if you really wanna chat with mighty drummer, join our club at cute girl and queeen of the underworld section.
Chatperson232girl, i hve’nt reach that part yet.
i’ve nearly finished it, but i can’t get past the train grrrrr
I just can’t seem to beat that annoying train level! I know how to do the level and everything but it’s too hard! How do I beat it! Is there a cheat or something that will help me?
how do you get past the train robbery with a very slow reacting computer?!?!?!?
i cant find the first bit of map, are you sure thats where it is?
I need to shoot the bandits!
Sweet Artemis, do not doom this ignorant mortal to a life of suffering, both physically and emotionally. She did not know that mortals are not alone in their love of Poptropica, and was unaware that you were Poptropica’s biggest immortal fan. Forgive her, I’m sure she will understand how offensive it was to you.
does anyone know how to find the calfs?
Now, does anybody else have anything to say about rare or extinct animals?
i like this island a lot. does anybody agree? and how do u make those smiley faces?
Okay, no matter how hard I try, I can’t shot the bandits on the train! I’ve done it about twenty times so far and Nothing!
how are do u do those smiley faces? i know i already said that on my last coment, but i am just DYING to know how. =)
i am giving away my account user name mydadisanazzhole pass is idk
you keep going around the place circling over and over again till’ you find a calf.
i need help how do you beat the bandits on the train
dont be mean, nobody! btw, i just got a hidden item!!!!
hello… i have been following this website for a while now. just like to say mars needs mom is the new advertisemnt, not HOP. btw, thank you for everything . I LOVE CHEATS!! thank you
Slippery Coyote: what is the hidden item.
Kentboydlove:*sigh* You again? Follow the hoof prints!
MICHAEL: scroll over to see how I made them.
😮 ❗ ❓
this is a bit hard in the hideout was hard
Please can some one help me.I have the horse but when i talk to the girl that is supossed to give me the letter she says i need a horse of my own but i already have the horse and cant dismount either can someone help please
Trusty Bubbles: 😛
Tayo salita Ingles.
P.S: This langue is Tagalog.
hey green grape i speak tagalog to but i do not know how to spell any of the words
Hey! I can’t avoid the bandits! I keep away nothing happens!
I know how to shot accurately. Okay ,in another word ,bull’s eye. There’s a target bill or stuff just place your circle thingy that goes horizontal in the right middle up of it .You are surely gonna shot correctly.PEACE OUT ,YO!
Where do you find the other cows?
What do you do when your lasso breaks when you are leading El Mustachio Grande to Diamond Plains and you lose sight of him?
Can you please tell me if there is a cheat for how to beat the train thingy because i have spent hours trying…. or do i even have to beat it or if i can forget it?
whenever i am on the train trying to shoot bandits my computer mouse is sooo slow that i always miss and can never get the 1st piece from the bank!
Do you have to beat the train thing because i just can’t do it….
I can’t stop the train roberry. The computer is messing up and the bandits go to fast and the potion is going away after one second of use!
I beat the train robbery without using the Concentration Elixir!
It doesn’t really help as much as I thought it would.
Oh and I forgot to mention that the only way to stop
the bandits from shooting you is to shoot them 3 times,
if you are shooting at a faster bandit then aim your shots
right in front of their horse.
how do you beat the train bandits?!
I tried 10 times.
What do you do with the gold nugget?
Help! My Space Sentry costume DOES NOT fit the Marshal’s badge! Any suggestions?
The train Part is sooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know how to get each gear sparkly clean. I want help!
Invisible Catfish,Can you just change your outfit?
I beat that train part!!!
Oh! now I k now know your supposed to oil the gears that are in the middle whitch leads to the large gear on the other side. 🙂
Really? Everyone is saying the train part is sooo hard but it only took me two tries! I guess I have a really fast computer but…I just pressed the spacebar and it kind of froze it so I just shot then!
Good luck everyone
Help! I ran past the cow by mistake and I can’t find him anymore!
I can’t beat the train robbery! Any hints or tricks that will help me? I really want to somplete this island! 🙁
i cant beat the train thing where you shoot the bandits evey time i try to my mouse becomes stupid and like freezes up is there some kind of cheat or something please help me.>:|
wait??? do you have to finish the train to get the first bit of map
invisible cat fish. mix and match so that you have a gold belt or something so the badge dosn’t clash
shokie: wait??? do you have to finish the train to get the first bit of map?
YOUNG STORM: Yes, you have to do that.
OMG that was really easy I just needed to learn how to do the candle with rope ya!
Check out also awesome games!
Hey, guess what? If you go to the Poptropica store, there are 2 new costumes: A cowboy Outlaw and a cowboy Sheriff. The Outlaw one is cool because it comes with a bird hat and a rifle.
will u beat the train part for me my user is AgentG.83 and my password is 123456
im gonna get my 100 credit
UGHH! I can’t do the part on the train when you have to shoot them. I can’t to do that, why did Poptropica have to make us do this when some ppl struggle to complete it?
Help! I can’t dismount my horse, but the game acts as though I don’t have it. I can’t get out of the town until I help the girl with the tired horse, but I’ve already done that. I can’t tame the horse because I’m already on it and it won’t let me get off. Please help!
stay in the middle piller hide there when they come shoot them quickly refill thats how i got pass the train robbery 🙂
7qq12: Talk to mighty drummer(she speaks Tagalog) at the cute girl and queen of the underworld section.
HOW TA BEAT THE TRAIN RIDE…?! It’s sooooooo hard!!! ( To certian individuals: Please DO NOT make fun of me!!!! I tried, like, a billion million trillion zillion and other ‘illion’ times!!! 🙁 )
dear poptropica I’ve tried to keep the bandits from getting to the front of the train like 10 times and I can’t stop them. What should I do?
sir cheetah would you mind doing the train robber for me ill give you my login
Help me!!!!!!!!!!! When I got out of the mine, I wasn’t on the other side of Rock Ridge and I even collected the blue tulip and I didn’t went straight to the bank, I went to the noggin- head kid and I gave it to him and his head went all the down to normal size.When I rode the train to Rock Ridge and headed to the bank and it wasn’t robbed and I did it again and the blue tulip was there and again I went straight to the bank, this time and it didn’t worked.So, here this: Whoever idea to help me with this island will I will give them credit for capturing the gang , so make so ideas, people. And ThankYou!$$$$
can somebody help me?
What do ya need help with, Scary Lizard?
Yoo-hoo? Are you there?
i cant finish shooting the bandits! Help! Its so hard, ive been trying for half an hour!
I know it is hard. That’s the thing I’m not good at.
Hello, anybody? Am I invisible or something? If anyone replys, they’re AWESOME.
Hi, Busy Panda! I just logged on this site.
You need to shoot the bandits three times before they… Well, DIE!
7qq12 i know how to speak tagalog
Icy Claw:What country do you live in?
Anyone can help me?I can am not able to shoot the bandits in the train!I will give my name and password, but do something naughty with my account and you are so dead! But seriously, dont do it.It’s rude and unrespectful. Also if you can please finish my Steamworks Island! I can’t seem to do the boss battle! My Username: rana88888888 My password(don’t make me regret this please!)Password :kitapkurdu
Don’t make me regret this! If you want to play the other islands again for fun, though, I made a new account! But do not, I repeat DO NOT USE THE CREDITS(MONEY) IN ANY OF THEM!NEVER EVER EVER!!!!! The other account is this: Username: rana4444 Password:kitapkurdu
Flora, seriously, DON”T post your password online!
The last TWO times I posted my password, someone ransacked it!!
I pulled the cattle along to the ranch, but after awhile of riding, the cattle just disappeared!! Did I accidentally click space again? But I would’ve noticed…
Help!I can’t play the game against the bandits!It takes me right to my destination!Please help me!
ok. where did the calf go? i followed the tracks, but the calf is gone. can someone help me, please?
i cant do the game where ur in their hide out place and today is my birthday!
YES!!! I finally beat the train bandits!! It took a million tries but I DID IT!!! 😆
Okay you say you only have to shoot them three times, but for how long? Until the the meter things is on red?
can anyone help me? I decided that I thought the bandits on the train thing was annoying and stupid so i just did the stuff by travelling on my horse but now when the bank is apparently supposed to be burned down its not… I have no idea what to do i’m on the train at the moment trying to succeed, but does anyone have any suggestions….
You have to follow the steps ihearttart225.
I followed the steps , but it does not work!
People, calm down. About the Bandits,stay at the 3rd window and keep your gun loaded. it will taKE 3 shots to “kill” a bandit so after each one is defeated, reload your gun. the concentration carbonate is of no use at all, except if the bandits approach before you can reload. then, use the concentration carbonate and reload your gun b4 continuing.
the saying is”practise makes perfect”, so you have to try about 30 times at least.
ps i live in a small insignificant country called singapore and my initials are JY
YES! I caught Mustachio!
back to the high seas, on my billionaire campaign
Flora, you should TOTALLY trust green grape!!! I mean, not that anyone would DO that, it’s just that when you post it online some loopy old person might read it and USE THE CREDITS!!! One time I told my BEST BEST BEST FRIEND my old account password and username (I have a new one now) and when I went on I CHANGED APPERIANCE(how to spell?!) and all my credits were GONE!!! So please DON’T post personal info online!!! 🙁
YES!! I won Wild West Island!
Im stuck on the bandit bit,everyday I have tried it about 30 times,but I keep on losing! HELP ME
im awesome because busy panda said i was and i need help on this i almost got it but then i died so can someone help
OMG I TRIED AMILLION TIMES FOR THE TRAIN ROBBERY!!!!!!!!!! I STILL CANT BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY RELLEY NEED A GLITCH FOR THIS OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if you NEED help on some on some of it i can help you!!!!!!! and im not new here.
I accually killed the calf on accsident and then when I talked to the owner of it she gave me the item i needed. yep thats right i killed a calf in wild west island. and thanks for the tip happy wing.
How do you get both pieces of the map? I’ve only gotten one half from the guy with the big head…please help! I think I’ve done all the challenges….
I can’t find the bottom half of the map for Mustachio’s secret hideout.
i need help wih getting fregly out of the snowman on wimpy kid island please tell me how to do it!!!
OMG Wher r the cows ????? I cant Find the Last 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PPPPLLLLLZZZZZ HEELLLLLLPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really Weird Just as I Put that I Found IT LOL
I need help with the part where we find the first map piece for the secret hideout map i am new at this!
This is annoying!! Those train bandit- argh!
MacKenzie, my appearance changed too!
where is manny on the wimpy wonderland!? PLEASE ANSWER!!
hmm. how do you get both halves of the secret hideout map? im sorta confused
this island is was pretty only took me an hour.
I have a suggestion for those stuck in the bandit game. Try waiting for your enemies in the third window from the left and reload immediately.
I havent done this island but i have the horse i think its going to be hard
like the islands the first to last are also the easy to hard!
Bravewhale, you really are talented! I played for more than a week! those train bandits are dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!
love the walkthrough thanks soooooo much!
thanks for your comment greengrape.your also talented if i do say so myself.
help me! I was giving the guy a blue flower then me and Elmer fell into this thingy and all I could see were those round grass thingies and I couldn’t get out! PLEASE HELP ME!
Hi!! I need help!!! Please help me!! On steamworks! My username is: Li162 Password:Thanksforhelping
I mean counterfeit island
Don’t change my clothes!!!!!!!!!
Help… in the Wild West Island I did something wrong in the clock tower and ended up in between 2 of the rails and it wont let me leave, and i forgot to save… how do i get out???
If you need help on an island, then I can help.
Well, at least most of them. Here are the islands I would be glad to help you out on.
Counterfeit Island
Early Poptropica Island
Shark Tooth Island
Time Tangled Island
Mythology Island (it might take me a while to defeat Zeus though)
Reality TV Island
Nabooti Island
Big Nate Island
Super Power Island
P.S. By the way if you do need me to help you my email is [email protected].
And Crystal, I’m helping you complete Counterfeit Island right now. 🙂
Really needing help,
P.S. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! >:(
can someone help meh?? i’m stuck!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate those stupid train robbers! Some people say that hiding behind the big middle pillar helps. Anyone have ideas?
Help! Ican’t finish the boss part!
You’re welcome bravewhale.
I need help with the bandits on the train can someone help me please
The kid at rocky ridge with the cows is a girl not a boy! See the girly eyelashes.
i need help!
i couldnt defeat the bandite on the train so i just rode my horse, but when i went to get the map piece, it wasnt there! does that have anything to do with me not completing the minigame?
after 2 and a half hours of trying, i finally beat the train bandits part. im not lying, i really spent 2 and a half hours on it
Hi! I hear you want cheats to wimpy wonderland! Well, here they are!
When you enter, talk to Greg. He will tell you Manny is missing.Go all the way to the left to Surrey Street. Go into Greg’s house(the first one) .Go upstairs and into the right. Jump on the table and get the adress book. Then go into Manny’s room. Go to the left and out the window. Follow the footprints.Talk to Rowley. Then Manny will come down the hill. Follow him to Main Street. On the way, pick up Rowley’s Rumble bike. (Manny took it) Follow him up the tree. He will jump down and crush a snowman. Go a little to the left and pick up the carrot. Go to the school. It will show Manny jumping up. Go to the seesaw and jump up the tree. Pick up the piece of paper. The go Back to the front and go to the right. On your way, there is a trash can. Push it on the left side of the seesaw. Jump on the right side. This may take some tries. Then it will land on the second floor. Jump up and push it to the left. Than jump on it and into the school.Manny will run out the door. Do NOT leave yet. Go to to the bottom of the banner SCHOOL SPIRIT. Then click on each locker until one shows up. Remember the numbers on the paper. 9.37,15. Click on the locker. You will have to make the combanation, The locker will open. It will give you a twisted wizard game cheat guide. Go to Greg’s house. He will be playing Twisted Wizard. Give him the twisted wizard game cheat guide. Then he will be done. He will ask you to give it back to Rowley. Go to Rowley’s house. Jump on the car then quickly go hide in the bush. It will say HIDE. When Rowley’s dad comes out, sneak into the house. Give the game to Rowley. He will give you his Joshie Membership Card. Go to gregs house. Go in. Go to the left. Use the card. It will unlock the door. Click the control panel. Turn Rodrick’s power off. Then you can go into his room. Pick up the dog dish that says SWEATY . Go out of Greg’s house. Rodrick left so go in the Garage and get the leaf blower. Go out and over to the snowman on Surrey Street. Put the carot on him(optional). Then use the leaf blower on him. He will give you a troll. Sorry, can’t givemore cheats! But send a email to [email protected] for more! SSORRY
Ahhhhhh!!! The train part is hard!!! D’:
hhheeellppp!! how can it seem easier??:o
Were do I find the blue flower for bug head guy?
Well, I was catching the calf, and all of the sudden; when it was on the side beside the tunnel, it disappeared! 🙁
I can’t pass the train bandits!!! Anyone I can have do that for me???
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME WITH HE DUMB TRAIN BANDITS!!!!! PLEASE~!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 thank you to whoever helps me oh and by the way if you do want to help me email me and I will send you my password and username thank you!
Padfoot 🙂
Can anyone PLEASE help me with the oil and all?!?
User: meghan.maine02
password: 031201
Nevermind. My main problem now is the bandits! I almost had EL Mustachio Grande! But he just shot me just out of my hands!
Please help me with the train robbing part
im in wimpy island at the school for the locker part and there is a locker there which it openes but has nothing in it and the others u cant click on them HELP! what should i do?!
lolz, you have to complete the mini game so the bandits will burn down the bank.
lolz, you cant get the first map piece without defeating the train game
Hi,has anyone left their game and when they came back,their horse was gone?that’s what juts happened to me…..I need a horse
im having trouble with finding the first half of the map whenever i try to find it above the door frame it isnt there
i need help ith bandits 2 they are really hard my user is kyle6263011 my number i have to rember for school and pass k1y2l3e4
Hey! I’m the peep who gave wimpy wonderland cheats. The rest is… Once you get the troll from Fregley, go to the school. Then go to leisure towers. Go past it. If you get past enough of the Whirley kids, you’ll get a shovel. Go to surrey street. Go left. Go to grandma’s house. Use the shovel. Play the shoveling mini game. Go to leisure towers. Go up on top. Press go up. You need to jump on windows and avoid it shutting and falling objects. Get to 33c. Press enter. Click on grandpa. You’ll have to click super fast. Then he’ll show you Manny. Ignore it. It’s no use, really. Then go out(not the window). Go down to L (lobby) in the elevator. Use the troll. Win bingo and get a music disc. Go to main street. Go in the convenience store. Use the disc. The Manager will give you Wiper Freeze Fluid. Go to the school. A guy will be at the truck. use the fluid. Do the game. Go to surrey street. Go the way to Grandma’s house. Once the Manny thing is done, go in the laundromat. Greg will come. Sled to his house. You get the Medal. Congratulations!!!
Hey spiritstorm! I’m doing wild west for ya! And i’ll finiish wimpy wonderland!!
If you wouldn’t mind helping me with the trian part can you please email me at:
[email protected]
*the two o’s in “holy” and “shortz” are zeros*
Hey Crystal………where is manny? i went to grandmas house but the manny thing isn’t done. help pls!
IM GONNA GO CRAZY IF I DON’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO WIN THE SHOOTOUT!!!! Hey, people, did anyone mess with your accounts? I think i need someone to do that for me, too
everyone here needs help on the train robbery part!
Hey… Icy Drummer (no joke), that’s my username!!!!!!!!
hi i keep riding the train but the game wont come HELP ME!!!!!!
i could help on any island exept for sculldugary<<i think thats how you spell it
Since someone booted my previous comment off, I’m going to tell you how to finish the two shootouts:
1) Aboard the train
You need a fast computer to finish this, and even then it might not work. Please stay at the third window and fire at anything that comes by. Reload everytime a bandit “drops dead” I did not use the Concentration Carbonate, but if there are too many bandits, use it and take the extra time to reload, and if you really think you should, concentrate to make the perfect shot.
2) In the hideout
These are the stuff you have to shoot from left to right :sack of money directly above the safe, candle, shotgun TRIGGER, beer bottle, and wheel. This means you can shoot everybody except that loser MUSTACHIO.
If there are any questions or requests for me to give some help, just post it on this reliable blog.
-Invisible Catfish
Wow, most Poptropicans here like seeing death, robbery, arson and other crimes being committed by the Mustachio gang. Get this: they actually WANT the bank to burn down.
Oops, that should be murder.
I wonder if I should create a Blogspot Account with Poptropica Walkthroughs on it. I will have to be secret from my parents of course. :):):):):)
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
My room code is APA62. Spread it around!
i always use walkthrough because im too lazy to do the island myself
i need help on poptropica. ilands are wild wild west and wimpy wonder land. email me to get my user and password
yay!! thank you so much!!
it’s real fun!
This island is absolutely hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t know where to find the first piece of map?! could you help me? and great job on the videos! they rock!
Can anyone give me there email so i can send them my username and password so they can finish wildwest island plezzzzzz its so hard!!!!!!!!
email me to get the username & password my email is [email protected]
Is it crucial to complete the train ride game? Because it really isn’t connected to anything…
i cant beat wild west island but i beat wimpy wonderland
Erm, who is changing my character when going onto my account?! Speak up! Cause your messing with the wrong girl here!
Lydia: Ikr?! Even when shooting the bandits! They’re too fast!
I need help with the Train Robbery Game part… can you do it for me? Email me for my username and password
How i Meet Hera! …Ruler of Poptropica! Please, Put Hera in any advertisement. And I want a Green Lantern Island! I have many Green Lantern island desighn.
Ilike this island.
I beat Skullduggery Island on my first account, but I need help with my other 2. Plus, need to beat Steamworks on 2 accounts, Wimpy Wonderland on 2 accounts, and Wild West on 3 accounts.
The problem is that you have to hit each robber like 3 times to stop them. The Concentration Carbonate only freezes everything for 1 shot, then the robber gets away. I’ll have to wait until Spring Break or Christmas for my cousin to come over and help me.
OMG, the Slap Jack was so easy i put a jack SLAP! then they all come after me. Ya don’t need skill but patience and concentration
i just did wild west island and it was EASY .
hah i beated all of them and its no joke i did to easy
i might help dappends i already beated most of my brothers and some of my friends
I need help wifth wild west island. i need to find the picture pieces to the hideout and beat the bandits on the train. and on wimpy kid wonderland i can’t get in to rowleys house and i can’t find manny. email me for my username and password. please!
someone my hint of the day is jump on the car
go in he bushes hat say hide and if the door is open then head in side
Can all the creators just temporarily shut down the wild west island, so they can edit the train robbery shoot out, it’s to hard! Or… since when your playing the train robbery, how you have a limited amount of power sucks, in other words, cut out the bar completely, make to where you don’t have to refill the gun, and instead of having about 50,000 criminals, just have 3.
i need help om the train robbery part please help im going crazy!! @_@
does anyone know how to get past the Shootout game?!
hey nevermind i beat it…
here is how to do it….
1) shoot the candle tip to catch it on fire
2) shoot the money bag (above the safe) many times till it burst
3) shoot the gun (above the fireplace)
4) shoot the root beer bottle (on the shelf by the door)
Omigosh! I kno i’ve been gone forever, but, Nikita where ever u r, can u tell me my username for 123peppy? I remember my password but forgot my user name *sheep-ish smile*…….. 😛
there’s something wrong. when i click “ride”, atom power automatically switches on.
im doin wild west i did it for me friend and he gave me 30$ just for doing that!!!
thats wat i call a bargain
all you 30 year old living in your mommas basement need to get a life
Thank God i finally finished the train robbery
Uggg. I cant find that first piece of the map. Isnt it supposed to be above the bank door?? >.<
I don’t understand how to pan for gold!
hi. Who hs any outfits hat they can make out of the virtual peoples outfits on wild west iland? i do. ill post spome aother time!
help.i can’t beat the train game
Just like the title and as soon as I catch it and bring it back there’s no calf there help!
thank you so much your cheats are amazing!!!!! so detailed!!!! loved them
then what r u doin on here, ur a Flamer? Wouldn’t that also make u a 30 yr-old loser.
oh, its been so hard when you get to the train robbery!!!
im in a fast computer, but still i cant!!!
help please!!!
i can’t get my computer 2 load the casino.
What happens if you capture Mustachio and then he escapes? Do you have to restart or something? btw thanks for the walkthrough it really helped me 🙂
whats up?lo someone its ur computers fault that happened.
🙂 :p
I can’t get the hang of the gear oiling thing..
Someone help, I can’t get the bank robbery part… i’ll email my account details if i have too….
to defeat the train robbers, stay at the window on the very right. whenever a robber comes into view, freeze the scene with concentration carbonate, take swift aim, and fire. you have to hit each robber more than once; i think it’s 2 or 3 times. if there are two or more robbers in your window, deal with the rightmost one first. once that one dies, freeze the scene with concentration carbonate again, and then shoot him/her. use the concentration carbonate sparingly. save most of it for when there are two or more robbers in your window, because it does run out.
um how am i suppose to fix the clock
jhalyn, first you have to get an oil can, which you can trade the old saddle for in wild west’s “main street.” (that would be… rattlesnake flats?) Then get to the top left of the inside of the clock tower. click on the big collection of gears. you can use the oil can to oil them. Only oil the gears that run in a straight line from each of the motors. and… you pretty much fixed it!
I can’t finish the bank robbery part!! Please help!! Dx
i should have had better practise at the train robbery
the mine cart ride seems fun: like what you would have in an amusement park.
my sister said that there are bats in all caves wheter they are “mine or yours”.
like you guys are so stupid! the train robbery is easy! all you hav to do is shoot the bad gus!
thanks so much for the cheats!!! 🙂
oi you have a correction its a she not a he in the cows……
i cant get the oiling right on the clock its so hard it wont work can anyone help me
Umm , you know how the bank explodes in yours ? Mine never explodes is it because i need to do the train game because i cant pass it for the life of me! Helppp !
i can not play the robbery game on the train it wont let me
the train thing is a wreck, it should have like ten hearts more or something. It’s really tough, I’ve been playing for like a week and I haven’t finished that stupid mini game. UGHHHH!
i need some help on when you’re oiling the machine which movie is it in?
the gear oiling thing, you just have to oil the gears in a row from the bottom left to top right, in the diagonal. if anybody’s still stuck on this, i found it helps to move the oil can to the next gear exactly after the previous one ‘squeaks’ or something with silvery cleanliness. (sorry I really don’t know what to call that ‘pop’ effect they use on the gears when they’re clean)
umm hey i cant find the first piece of the map. when i finished the cart ride i went right up to the guy in dos cactos and gave him the tulip. when i looked up a walkthrough, it said that i needed to go to the bank in rock ridge first and i would find the map piece. well i went back to the cart ride, got the tulip again then went straight to the bank and found no map piece above the door frame. now i have no idea what to do and i cant access the gang’s hideout without the other piece of the map. HELP PLEASE!!
Ths island is so easy! I will soon be done with this and then i’ll be done with all of the island! any suggestions on what outfit i should get with the credits?
Excuse me but did you post the part for the train robbery?
PLEASE HELP ME WITH WILD WEST ISLAND ON THE PART WITH THE TRAIN ROBBERS AND IF YOU CAN FINISH THE REST FOR ME! username:popularheart310 password 310227. if you do an island for me payback ill do an island for you i also need help on:steamworks conterfeit wimpy wonderland spy mytholigy astro knights reality tv and skullduggery. you dont have to do all of them for me thank you!
The guy with the big head looks like Walter Kovacs!
Of course, I like him with the mask better.
Oh, Rorschach and his grapple hook and meat cleaver~
So romantic, right?
ahh i cant capture that cow
I KNOW HOW TO GET PAST THE SHOOTOUT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I CAN HELP YOU THORUGH HALF OF THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AND IF YOU NEED HELP ON THESE ISLANDS I CAN HELP YOU: early poptropica time tangled shark tooth 24 carrot and a little bit of super power
oh and cryptids to!
and big nate!
yo! if u need help to get gold nuggets, try sifting by the gold shines on top of the cracks! that always worked for me 🙂
and nabooti! thats ALL i have to say
everyone to get the first piece go trade for the old saddle oil can and fix the train and then the train minigame you go to rock bridge and you got to shot the gang,dont lose all your lives until time runs out ok. the second piece is to get a key andplay a other minigame and get a blue lilly and give it to the guy that has the fat head in dos catos ok.
and then you get the rj’s can and use the first one when you get to the hideout on your map.then pass them and a minigame comes after that you have to chase el mustachio then press spacebar to the lasso and bring him to DIAMOND PLAINS THE ONLY STAR ON YOUR MAP.ok then you get a medal
this is just the very end and the first parts you could look in a video
the ads between make the train robbery game ssssssooooooooooooooooo much harder
ummm I was lookin at other comments and umaima makes a good point. I dont really get why u HAVE to do the train robbery game. I mean what does it really do cuz I know thats no the end of it. (It being the island)
OMG!!! I keep clickin on the STUPID advertisment 🙁
hey! i jus mad up a new face!:s
its a grumpy face!
its ALSO a work in progress, so dont judge!
P.S. i meant IF ur gonna help me
that means to everyone!;)
also, how do u get a pic on the little side thing on the right?—————–>
hey popularheart310, i finished the game for you!
do you need help with any other Islands, cause I have finished all of them except Mythology, Skullduggery, Steamworks, and Cryptids…
That train game literally took me 100 tries. At LEAST. And like 5 times, I was 10 SECONDS away from winning when some stupid bandit reached the front. BUT I finally BEAT IT 😀
And its reaally easy after that!! 🙂
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this walkthrough 🙂
Oh, and check out my Poptropican 🙂
What is your poptropican’s name?
I LOVE the slapjack game.Really,i played like 20 times,and every game i win!!!
But one of the 5 cows got stuck to a rock,i couldn’t get him.what made it worse,he was the only one i didn’t get. -Friendly Ghost
I didn’t play that island yet. -Cuddly Bean
ummmm anyone know where athenas at??
I cant get the first part of the map. It mustn’t have loaded
thanks!! the trainthing is really hard plus that guy with a saddle is a girl!!
I love the conterfeit island!!!but,unfortanutely they thought i was the theaf and i did a lie prospector Quiz and I passed it!!!!I got the gold medallion and beat the darn thing!!!!!!!!
does anyone know how to complete mythology island???It’s SUPER hard!!!!:(:)
everytime i play the shooting game i click a link. im sick so im already mad and the stupid game is making me scream! can anyone find a way to get rid of the ads
Ok did someone do the train robbery thing for me or did I not save my game cuz I went on my game and I was at Dos Cactos. So if you did do it for me THANKS a whole LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
You saved me alot of trouble and time!(If you did for me)
Most easiest island i ever did!!!!!!
I got stuck in the clock tower. Like, literally. Somehow I got somewhere I can’t get out of. xDD 😛
this island is so annnoying!!! I can’t finish the robbery train game no matter how HARD I try. screw this, I’m gonna do the wimpy wonderland instead.
Thanks for the walk through! you guys rock or is it one person?
what do you do if you traded the saddle for the oil first?
um Hera this one is not mytholigy
Has anyone gotten stuck in Dusty Gulch? I t says I need to talk to the “exhausted rider” , but I’ve already talked to her. In fact I already have the gold pan, but now it won’t let me leave Dusty Gulch. Any ideas?
does someone have tips to finish the train robbery game?
i have the same problem as nice fire.please help!
I also have the same problem as nice fire and tiny claw! help!
i dont know how to pass it. i have da same problem as nice fire(great name, my name is so WEIRD) HOW DO I GET OUT
I have the same problem as nice fire and tiny claw!!! I try to get out of Dusty Gulch but they say that i should help an exhausted rider but i already talked to her and helped her.
I have the same problem as nice fire too!
cans someone please help me on the train robbery game? I mean what does it even do?
after I finish the mine cart game(so funnn!) when I try and go back up on the rope, it wont let me go up!!!>:(
Tiny claw, Nice fire. I’m so relieved!!!!! We have the same prob. I thought I was the only one… Pls help!!!!!
I have the same problem as Nice Fire (and everyone else). Also I can’t access my itms while on the horse. Is this normal?:/ On Wimpy wonderland I can only go left, so keep getting stuck. Everything is going wrong!!! Please help anyone who can!! 😀
If you got stuck in the clock tower trying using the free earth day game (from the store). Worked for me, hope it works! 😀
I have a problem in the Dusty Gulch town. I traded the gold pan for the oil can but when I headed east of the town there’s this thing that says “Perhaps i should see if i can help that exhausted rider before i head out.” i really don’t know what to do! I keep asking the lady in the pink dress and the other two guys. I went all over the town and there’s no exhausted rider! HELP ME PLEASE. I really wanna finish this island!
I waited for 2 days and then tried to leave again and it let me. I think it might be a glitch in the system, but if you leave it alone for a day or so and then try again it might let you leave. It worked for me. I went in and out a few times and it still worked so hopefully it doesn’t ever ask me to talk to the exhausted rider again.
It worked for me to now! Maybe it was just a temporary glitch!? 😀 (And on wimpy kid I had accidentally zoomed in FAIL)
OHHHH!!!!!!! Now I see what the train robbery game does! but I still need help on it:*(
ok for the train robbery thing, here are my steps:
1. Wait at the pillar and hit the bandit like 3 times
2.Press the spacebar to use the concentration carbonate so you can reload
3.hit the next bandit
There you go! As easy as 1,2,3! Although it is kinda difficult!
My fren beat it for me.
i cant get the calf to go to rock ridge! i caught it, dragged it all the way to rock ridge, but whenever i clicked “enter town”, the calf’s gone! please help! i did it over for 16 times already!
The chewing gumgame is gross! who would wanna play that, Ik I wouldn’t!
@pat: the exhausted rider is the one with the blue hat and she’s sitting on a horse wearing a hat
she’s the first person you’ll see from your blimp
@tiny claw and nice fire: talk to the rider after you get your horse. Click the bottom thought baloon and youll get a letter to send to the marshal in diamond plains.
Hope that helps!
@MIGHTY JOKER: you take the cow to the RANCH, not the town.
hope that helps!
My favorite island is Mythology 🙂
I found the train robbery game really hard my computer kept freezing and i just couldnt do it.until my little sis had a go and she did it yay!!
When it says “I’d better go help that exuasted rider.” u go get the letter and deliver it to the marshal.
What does it mean by door w/ the frame?
the robbery game sucks i rather just take the horse
what door frame i only got the piece from the poptropican with the big head plz help i don’t get it
Give me ten top tips on how to do the train robbery game. The video makes it look soooooo easy!!!
If I do the robbery game then it will be really easy later on!
How do u get the 2nd piece of the map? I only have the piece thet the kid gave me.
to Incredible Dolphin: I think if you do the train robbery game then you can find the piece of the map on the door fram cuz i have the exact same problem
help me! i cant get through the train robbery game!!!
GrumpyCrab: You have to complete the train robbery game so that when you’re gone the El Mustachio Gang can rob the bank. Then you come back to the bank and collect the map. Hope that helps!
yup i finally completed it the robbery game is hard tho
I can’t seem to find the last cow on the round-up thing, can anyone help me please???
me too!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!! the train robbery game is soooooooo hard! But I’m getting better at it:)
ya know what they should do for this game? they should shut poptropica down tempararily to modify that train robbery game, with one outlaw at a time, you dont have to reload, and they arent so far away.
The first piece of the map you get from the big head boy after you make his head small again. The second piece you get in Rock Ridge in the ruins of the broken safe after you complete the train robbery game and realize you’re too late.
OMGG. How the heck do you do this train robbery game? (plus, I think Poptropica is going a little overboard. I mean, they have a casino. 6 year olds play this game.) Who ever did the walkthrough video, I congratulate you. It seems impossible to do the train robbery minigame. xD
how do u reload ur gun at the target shooting game?
I agree
Will somebody give me cheats for the train robbery PLEASE?!?!?
If anyone is having a hard time with the target shooting contest on wild west island, then here is a tip:You know the bigger targets are worth more points, so hit as much as you can before your opponent!!!!!!!!!!
The train robbery game is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard. My computer is really slow so that makes it a lot harder. It goes slow fast slow fast.
I’m stopped at the shooting contest because my computer is kinda slow I cant seem to defeat man with no name
HELP!! when i try to round up the ladys cow, it just stops!! it wont move!!! what do i do!!
thanks for the tip popular bones!!! That really does help.
UGH! Ikr Cheetah! Earlier was my last shot! I give up!
I can’t complete the robbery game are there any tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aw! so close! i almost got it! i almost got to the red part! but i keep trying! practice makes perfect as they say! it’s true! i was horrible at it at first. but i kept tying and got much better! keep trying ppl who are struggling with train robbery!
Oh, my gosh, man!!! I hate the train robbery game! Try singing or whistling or something while playing. It helps take your mind off the stress and improves accuracy. 🙂
By the way, I’ve only found one of the five bovines, and the calf and the cow both walked out of the ranch. Any ideas…? Please?
is there a way to get the second piece above the bank without doing the train robbery game
I think you have to play the game and beat it to get the second half of the map. They should make it so u dont have to reaload, one at a time, unlimited concentration carbonate, and slowly, not so fast. then it would be easy.
How to i get both parts of the map to the Secret Hideout? i need help! PLEASE Tell me how, i wanna do the thing by myself but I need help with some parts. Oh yeah and what should i trade my gold nugget for?
this game is really fun but i know som tips
my horse is just standing theere elmer wont move
Ugh!! i’m sixteen and got pulled into poptropica by my 10 year old little sister, i get so frusterated when i can’t complete a games quickly, and the train robbery is killing my mood!! i’ve only got 2 more islands to beat (at least untill they release more) and i’d love to be able to finish so i can stop being so addicted to the challenges :/ is there a special way you should shoot the bad guys, or do you just fire away??
Im stuck on the five cows!!! I found all but one and it annoys me!!
Help!! I need help with beating the bandits on the train part in return I can help you with any other island
i wish the bandit game was easier.
i can help you but you need to figure out the last shooting game at the end
jinx what about astro knights skullduggery and steamworks
on man with no name how do you beat him i shot most targets and still
me no win
For some reason i didnt finish the train robbery game so i just went away with my horse and when i came bak, the bank was robbed! well i completed it anywayz… 🙂
i saw the calf and then it just vanished and i ant find it
i cant get past this island because the first time i rode the train i didnt pla the robbery game so i dont have a gun or anything!! it just didnt work!!!! can you help?
if someone will log on on poptropica on my account (i will give you my name and password)
and do the train robbery game i will give you a reward
TO WILD DRAGON so you dont have to beat the train robbery game to beat
the whole island
i can help you on cryptids and i was like what the crap somone hacin my game! and now somone else is hackin my game! was it you sticky flame!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!??
unicorns are not real ill curse you! your insulted! you might as well take back YOUR words! and you might as well want to call the police on me! if you do then ill call them on you!
thats to atremis and i commented on mytholigy!
hey, i really need your help!!!! How can I finish the game if I didn’t chase the gang from diamond plains up to the train tunnel? I accidentaly clicked the star that says “ENTER TOWN”. What will I do? Please help me!!!!!
I can’t get past the train robberey game! The bandits are too fast and I always run out of the concentration stuff! Got any helpful secrets?
The gang shooting thing on the train is soooooooooooooooooooooooo difficult
P.S. I finished Wimpy Wonderland
P.P.S. Need any help? Leave a comment for me!
I HATE THIS ISLAND I NEED HELP. HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still can’t pass the part where the bandits are in the train and then I have to shoot them with the potatoes! I understand how to play the game, but its reallly hard to pass it! D: help!
Does anyone like the train robbery game???? Cause I played it and won then It logged me off and I had to play again so yeah Im mad and dont waanna try again so If anyone is willing to play for me then I will give you my username and password
help how do u make the twisted wizard game guide on wimpy wonderland island say the word ‘use’ instead of ‘examine’? help me.
@Red Carrot
click The wizard on the * click to start* click the wizard first before you start the game
Hey guys! Like I said on the Wimpy Wonderland page, ask me for help! I’ll help out ASAP!(as soon as possible which is REAL soon)I’m not doing it for prizes, just to be helpful and help out! I know most of you need help with the train robbery! Well, I can help! If you need my help, email me at: [email protected]! And I’m willing to help with ANY island and ANYthing! Just email me and BAM! I do it for you! See ya soon!
Did u no that, the indian girl in the Diamond Plains is a mother??? That thing on her back is holding a baby.
I’m getting so mad! I can beat the stupid train robbery game. God I HATE THIS HFDJGHBSIUDKBSHUJKS< ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone tell me if you have to beat the train robbery game because the map piece by the bank isn’t there!!!
Help! I can’t find the map piece by the bank.
But i didn’t defeat that mini game with the train robbers. (Is this why?)
Help me!
lol i cheated on train ride i just skipped it and did the mine cart
how did ya do that poppoppop
@ Sneaky Kid I’m pretty sure it’s Sacagawea (from Time Tangled Island)
I cheated and cant find second map piece (I cheated so is that why?)
need help on shootout in hideout NEED HELP SOS emaIL [email protected] to help me then i give password and username then me change it
Nice Dolphin, how do I get the Map Piece that is at the bank?i’ve played the cart game sevral times and it is still not there
uhhhgggggghhhhhh!!! i hate the train robbery part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡
yeah, me too jade.
uh.. it’s simple. just do this stuff below:
type this symbol– :
then type mad next to it
add another : next to it
Try to Shoot the bandits in one frame , i mean the glass frame , three times . if they get out of that one frame use the concentration carbonate !
I finished the island! You don’t always need to use the carbonate on the train just shoot them and when they get close to the front of the train, use it! For the shooting in the hideout, you have to shoot objects, I shot the gun, the candle on the left, a money bag on the very left and an old bicycle wheel towards the right. Hope this helps!
nikita, i really need help. im not allowed 2 use email so i cant do that. just write me back and ill give u my username and password so u can help me with the train robbery part!!!! Thx in advance!!!
ya welcome!
I’m having trouble. My person/avatar is stuck in the clock tower. Literally stuck. I mean I can’t get out.
Please help!
i am going to recommend this to my friend
This was an aggravating island.
i know
why were you on at 5 am
this clock’s demented
you were really on at 7:41, right? and i was on at 3 :50 now i am on at six 27
This is to Pepper: where exactly in the clock tower are you stuck? I suggest using the horse whistle thing and you’ll probably unstick yourself and go outside to meet with Elmer. Hope this works!
oh,and, if it doesn’t work, i’ll try it myself :happy:
sorry just wanted to do that random 🙂
there should be a civil war costume
Please help me i seriously need help with wild west island. I am on the chase. HELPPP
ok who needs more smileys? i got some
ok, done!
there is something wrong, i found the calf but then when i was taking her to the ranch she wasnt there on ma rope anymore, what should i do?
Do you have to beat the train ride, because even with the c.c. I can’t seem to beat it.
um did anyone notice that the person who gave you the rattlesnake outfit is a GIRL?
Guys u don’t need to go to dos cactos then play the game then go to rock ridge… can play it on the way to rock ridge
i cant get out of the one place in the wild west where you are suppose to get out of it when you are suppose to unhook the ropes to get the top but i am stuck in the square can you help me please on part 3
you know what? there is this guy called martin bourdev hacked into my account and i had beaten every island! he changed my password and i couldnt get into it
of course iknew it was a girl its pretty obvious actually
of course!!
ARGHH! How do you beat the bandits on the train! I’ve tried 10000 times! And how do you dodge the guns?!
The bandit game is impossibly difficult. The controls lag so much that it’s really hard for me to shoot at them- even with the Concentration Carbonate.
-: mad
How do you get the cows? It’s hard and I wanna get that outfit!!!
were are the 5 cattle
please help
is anyone willing to help me with the train game? in return, i’ll help you with anything… except Twisted Wizard on wimpy wonderland! email me at [email protected]
what objects do u shoot to get them out?
I can’t play the train game. I’ve rode the train 500000 times and it hasn’t come up. What did I do wrong? I followed the walkthrough exactly.
I hate the part where you have to shoot at the bandits.
@Curious Cheetah
I noticed she was a girl.
@Smart Lion
I agree with you.
it’s so hard to get past the spitting game
Okay, I was taking the calf to the ranch and the calf got stuck on the rocks at the end of the screen and when I lasso-ed it it backed up and now I can’t find it! Heeelp!!
HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WON WILD WEST ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 🙂 😛
Um, the game you play on the train is impossible to beat. The Concentration Carbonate has late reactions with my computer. The game makes my mouse/gun go to the left. It’s the most annoying thing ever. Just thought I would share. K.
can anyone help me?the calf got stuck on a hill and i cant get it out
TRAIN ROBBERY!!!!!!!!!! I need help!!! 🙁
Oh no… I tried and failed, tried and failed, tried and failed… And I can’t find the right way
Want to know how?
1. type :
2. type mrgreen inside it
3. enclose w/ :
and people read the stuff on the top please or watch the videos to figure things out
let me try…
oh no!!
For those who need help on Wild West Island, just email me. I’ve beaten the Island for many of my friends and for myself. My email is [email protected].
The train game is so hard!!!
Especially when you have to reload and you accidently press on the ads and you’re doomed.
Hey guys! GG is back!
Here’s the link to prove it:
i beat any oakly on 1st shot
thats not possible
you dont need to beat the bandits at all! actually all you need to do is ride your horse to rock ridge and climb the rocks all the way to the top. next to the train station is the mine
thanks for the walkthrough i just completed the island it was my last incompleted island
i also agree with people who dont like the train robbery game. i defeated it but i could not do it a normal computer i had to borrow my sisters macbook because it is faster. when i played on the mac it was way easier it took me one try and i didnt even use the carbonate potion thing. its very easy on a fast computer
do u have to do the train robbery ? ca
do u have tp do the train robbery? cause i cant beat it ive trided so many times 🙁
when your suppose to get the cow and your start chasing it I lost it and I cant find it what do I do to find it again and take it to the ranch Plz Help!!!!!!!!!
Train robbery is so easy, i didnt even have to use the concentration thing!!!
Hey wait…Train robbery IS easy!
Thanks to my slow computer, it’s like you need to hit the robber at least 4 times to beat 1.
Good I used another computer 😀
I have trouble shooting the guys before they get to the front of the train. Any tips?
That ‘guy’ with the cattle, is a GIRL!!!!!
I didn’t even need the Concentration Carbonate. That’s just how awesome I am. 😀
Thanks For The Help,I Hope You Have One For Shrink Island 🙂
Your Support For Us Poptropicans Has Helped us complete Islands that us ourselves could not.
So I must say your very good.
And Again,Thank you.
Do u people like to brag or wat though i gotta agree with u
i love how since its a kids game they use peas and potatoes instead of bullets 🙂
Of course, bullets and gunshots are really ‘scary’ and a ‘bad influence’ because sooner or later they might kill someone because of that.
WELL random wolfie IM AWSOMER THAN U COZ I COMPLETED THE ISLAND IN 50 MINUTEZ sorry am i bragging to much 🙁
I’ve finished this island today!
It was so easy,but sometimes quiet hard.
I’ve only left 3 islands!
i just compleeted it! wow i love my horse!
how do you get past the bandit with the big red hat on???????????????????
I think I’m starting to hate this island. I’ve done everything up to the Bandit Game, and now I’m stuck on said game. It’s difficult to do since the game controller lags so much on my computer and I won’t be able to get to a different computer until Saturday. 🙁
How do you get the first piece to the hideout?
omg i think that if i didnt have the cheats i would be on island one any way this is the 11th island that i finished i love this web but it doesnt have thw wimpy kid island
I FINISHED yesterday and only have to do super power counterfeit astro knights skullduggery steamworks and shrink ray but i am not a member
Hey, im on the final part where i have to catch el mastashio… and i lead him to the river but my rope wont work anymore… i kept pushing space and nothing happens. Any ideas?
I cant get passed the guy next to the man in the big sombrero. Aka the guy with the sack of potatoes above his head! Please help!!!
wild west is so easy
well you shoot the root beer can and it knocks him out of his hiding place then you shoot him.
where is the first half off the hide out map? and i already have the second part from the big headed boy
Okay…I KNOW everyone says that the train bandit thingy is really easy but I am really stuck on it! I need help!
PS: I won’t give my username and pass away, just to le you know!!!
can someone help me my password is aaaaaa my username is assa200. I cant get past winpy wonderland soup thing.
Can anyone help me?
I cant defeat all the bandits in the final game thing! I dont know what to shoot at!! :'(
Please help!!!
— Charlie.
The train robbery is SO hard!!! Thank you super fast computer!!!!!
I’m stuck on the bandits final game thingy or whatever.
Yes!!!!!! I finally beat the robbbery game!!!! WooooHoooo!!!!!!!!!!
TO TRISHA If you beat the train robbery go on the train to Rock Ridge ( you dont have a robbery game ) the banker is crying there is a paper above the banker get off elmer and jump to get it
After i finished the island, i played with another potions
I chased El Mustachio and lassoed him but then I accidentally let go and I can’t find him again! What do I do?
wow…that was actually pretty easy 🙂 now all i need is to complete one island >:D
i’m not a member so i can’t play on shrinkray island yet.i keep on asking my mom if i can have membership but she keeps on saying no.i can’t wait any longer i have to play this island it looks so cool!
i’ve beat every island so i have nothing 2 do.i’m soooooooooo board!
yo massive bird for shark tooth go on top on the grey rock thing and theres the translater spell open with it go get the bone, the key ingrediant… ya u get the rest look for cheats!!>:D
It was in ways so hard and so easy now i just want to complete poptropica so people won’t szay i’m a failure at life
wild west is super easy!i finished it in 30 minutes.i finished all the islands exept for skulldergery,red dragon island,(im fighting the red dragon)and shrink ray island.(of course because im not a member)
I can’t do the train robbery for some reason.
wheres the first part of the map?!!!
OMG thank u so much for the website it helped so much if u have club penguin or moshi monsters i will be glad to add you as a best friend
u hv to agree with them.i tried it and it worked
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!
hey!!!! i REALLY need help in the island ‘skulldugery island ” and i’m SO in need of help!!!!!!! anything to sa ’bout it??? please consider and email me if possible!!!
I cant get past the train robbery on wild west island and i tried like… how many times? i lost count.
anyone got any tips????? i just need to do shrink ray island, steamworks island, wild west island… and i think thts it.
someone save me!
I cAn’T pAsS!!!!!
ThAt PaRt Of ThE tRaIn AnD aLl ThAt ShOoTiNg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can help you!!!just give me your password and username!!i won the shooting contest a thosand times!!!
HA! Pay no attention to the cow in the mine cart! That’s funny! *cracks up laughing* Though it is true, there is a cow in a mine cart. (Why would someone put a cow in a mine cart, anyway?!)
LOL!! what happenes if u beat the whole thing
so im at the part where your shooting in the hideout i did the candle the rootbeer and the shotgun but i cant figure out the other 2 what r they????????
Glitch alert!
If you go back to Dos Cactos and go in the casino you’ll find the girl in purple from the hideout.
can someone help me with wild west island its a pain in the ass
i beat it in one day lol suckas what up now
omg the shooting is so easy until i got to the old guy with the girl it took one try yay!
thanks for the cheats!ive completed so many more islands with them!
where do you get the first half of map to the bandits hideout?
i followed the cow calf’s footprints but then they just disappear and i can’t find the calf! i’ve been waiting for so long… im going to give up… 🙁 someone plzzzzzzz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmph…. i feel like giving up…… can’t get past that stupid clock thingy…. someone help!!!!!! oh and little claw i can help you with that that part was so easy for me 😀
oh sorry it wasnt little claw…. little dragon
i love your website!!! ive done soooo many islands with them!!! super power island cheats were veeeery helpful. THX!!! 🙂 😀
How do you get the last guy to come out? I swear that I’ve tried EVERYTHING!! >:( Plz help.
cant beat train robbery, why is it so hard!!!
they should make star wars island, LOL that would be so epic!
how do you make those smiley/frowning faces?
what do you do with the oil can when you’re in the clock tower
i help the kid get his head back to normal and i get no map from him 🙁 i am so mad can some1 plz help me?
I beat it in a half hour.
aaaahhhh!!!!! cant find the first part to the map got the one from the dude with the big head wheres the other one!!??!?!?!?!? someone HELP!!!!
KK the island is really easy!!!!!!!
I finished the whole ISLAND
i need the first or second part of the map to the hideout
I lost el Mustacho guy in the desert after I lasso’d him. Help!
I lost el Mustacho guy in the desert after I lasso’d him. Help!!
i cant find the stupid hideout 🙁
oooohhhh!!! the other part of the hideout map is in the bank door frame or whatever!! ok ,i didnt read that part o_o
😯 jk 😳 =.=
im so sorry 😳 😥
you are wrong spartan shark star wars is the BEST EVER
can someone please help me on the train robbery i just cant do it
im the worst person ever 😳 😥
i need help with the train can someone help me if i give them my username and password
AHH! I need help! i cant shoot these people from the train its too hard!!! UGH I tried like a BAZILLION TIMES!!!!please help me some one any one!!!
Shrinkray island was easy but this is sooo not WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?! (dang those RETARTED CREATORS) GOSH!!! $Her!E16
Ct no ur not my fith grade teacher is!
WHAT DO I HAVE TO SHOOT TO GET THE DUDES OUT!!! i got all of them exept one, the one below the flower vase!!!! HALP POPTROPICANS!! HELP
if you need help with any part exept that one, i am willing to help 🙂
that’s a smiling face not an evil face. GOSH IT LOOKS LIKE AN EVIL FACE. AHHH
Sofi POPTROPIC here, i changed me name to my poptropica name. LOOK 4 ME! 😀 xoxo
The train part was easy
i finished this island ever since it came out!!!
who wants to help me with the bandit shooting game on the train?
Wow I need help, past the hide out how do you get them?
this is one of my favs
1: Red Dragon
3:Wild West
how the heck can you fix the clock
what did you hit to get the blue out? i cant get that one D=
green grape where are you????!!! and everybody can you help me find him or her
i dont get the half of the map to the hide out from the bank…
i really don’t get the last part cuz whenever i leave the bandit hideout to chase Mustachio my horse always appears in Diamond Plains…
Can you help me past skullduggery
cant find the last cow…:(…stupid cow….
i need information. how do you get the first pice? i have the second one.
where is the first pice to the hideout?i have the second one.
how do u get the gold pan?
Where is the FIRST half of the map?!?!?
i keep trying to “leave town” but it wont let me. the screen goes white and a gray question mark pops up…whaaa?
now im just stuck in dusty gulch…
I have the second piece of the hideout but the first piece is not where you said it was!
Can someone help me find the first piece of the hideout,Pretty please with marshmallow cream on top?
Now im gonna be honest, Poptropica is just a game, a very good game no doubt,
but still just a game. So please try not to get so stressed about it, anyway isn`t
getting good grades at school more important than spending 4 hours each night staring at a computer-screen making the Great Booga settle or infiltrate a evil carrot factory run by a pink
rabbit going by the name of Dr. Hare. More over, Poptropica is all about puzzles and obsticles
so by going on this website, your not only cheating, but you are ruining the game for yourself.
Hope I have helped you see the light. Fierce Moon thinks she`s some kind of guru but she`s a loser with to much time on her hands.
If you need the gold pan you need the paddle and then go into the trade shop and trade him it.
I am a dumbass
soooo easy!!
i have a name for my horse.its nickname is rocket and his real name is elmer!
i followed ur instructions EXACTLY but when i got to the bank the other half of the map was not there plz help :-/
i cant find the half of the map by the bank?!?!?!
I defeated those varmints & now Dusty Gulch <3 me 4ever!! 🙂
Funny how the prev guy who had Elmer said that he wasn’t gonna send him to the glue factory. Get it? Elmer, glue, Elmer’s Glue!
I want to start wild west in cheats
i cant save my game so i lost all my medals[i beat all islands exept wild west. nooooooooo
this helped me so much! thanks a latte! get it? latte? anyone?
can someone help me? i need to win the shooting username is lollyma22 and password is cabayita.
Im in the wild west wearing my outlaw outfit. “i ain’t helpnig nobody” lol
Thank-you so much for your help! 😀 this walkthrough really helped me! 😀
Fierce Moon
YOU ROCK THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean for all the islands
everyone,pay no attention to little dare he said those stuff:o
i have the first piece of the hideout where do you get second half
anyways we dont even have to study or do somethin anymore.because the world is gonna end
im dad said the world wont end for another billion years
How in the world dp I get the cow…
sure…i found the tracks…..
but when she ran away
There’s a glitch for me when I try to tame Elmer he stays still
Plese someone help me with the train robbery.
“little dragon” i dont agree about almost everything you said! ok, first of all feirce moon is a great person who uses her free time on helping people to make this website! without her imagine how many people (including me) and YOU TOO would still be stuck on island and hard levels!!!!!!
maybe feirce moon does have a bit of axtra time but at least she uses it to help others unlike who types bad comments about people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fierce moon has dfinetly changed poptropica to us
jade (and anyone who gives away password and username so people they could complete levels for you) shouldnt be giving away their username or password to anyone, then they may not login again cause people are not just going to complete a level for you and leave your acount you know!
by the way “david” your the coo coo head
wild west island is so easy, (no hard feelings) but astro night is HARD. I <3 poptropica!!!!
can i change my picture from THIS site???
is it true the horses actual name is elmer?
hello!? anyone? ok
friendly hello to any person who sees this comment
i talk too much here than playing the actual game
Can someone help me in catching the calf……..?
Im not giving anything yet
yeah i also had some trouble with that, and it took me 10 min to do that!!!!
david reeks!
wow….one of the towns is named dos cactos thts 2 cactus in spanish i believe
what is so wow about that?
i speak english u know
hey i’m a newbie
whos this nora girl.
what does stfu mean?
Hello??? I finished wild west!!!!! Recently! It is hard, especially the Train Robbery!!!! ANy help??? ❓
what does stfu mean anway?
People say “stfu” can be a bad sentence… I never say it, but i hear it from lot’s of people… ugh..
liston up Unbelieveable if i found out u that stfu isnt a good word then ill cut of ur fingers that typed that word u hear me u unblievably stupid person!
PS; sorry about that but seriously!…i finally think david is nice now you show up!?
Yes, BC…. it means “I” That……..
Whoops… why did i put an “I”?
forget that “I”
BC the swearing was not neccesary! heres the weird thing u insult me and now you say sorry if i insulted you! this makes no sense…(jerk) oh wait a minute! sorry if i insulted you
guys why is u talking about swearing? poptropica is a nice game! just like mai kitteh ovr here who’s a cute kitteh? WHO’S A CUTE KITTEH! ok i dont do that to him but still you get the point chow!
brave monkey,dont say bad things at bashful cloud.shes nice:)
the shooting contest is quite hard!
Again!!! No fighting!!!! Huh? Yeah, I say both of you guys are sooo nice!!! SO don’t fight! Please
what does rofl mean and who has a boyfriend
i broke up with my girlfriend who wants to be mine in Poptropica?just tell me where you are now whoever is reading
Um…. Rofl means Rolling on the floor laughing…. hee hee
Rg wanna be my girlfriend in poptropica
unbelievable youre a stupid person in the whole world and no sorry for you
I just want the member my dad right he said they could get mony from the credet cart
Who is Rg???? huh? Who are you talking to Darryl??? ❓
huh??? oh nO!!!! thx BC
PS: Darryl… I can be your friend, but not “that”…. I just have never had one before….. SORRY
it’s okay rish where are you
it’s okay risha where are you
sorry it’s a spelling mistake
Oh! I am in India! you?? I am very sorry, but we can be very great friends!
Have I ever bben in wild west walkthrough? I dont think so… Im usually at red dragon…
Bc when does your school get out?
Have u seen cuddly sun recently? Jw.
There was a Oz play tryouts,sry for tha grammer im in a,rush , and this girl abby, she dresses up in a dress and brings a stuffed BEAR in a basket. Im like, what the heckkkkk?
It was wierd… Btw, its Oz as in tha wizard of oz.
I cant wait! I didnt audition, cuz id rather watch.
See yaaaa! This,is probably tha last time ill coment hereee….
P.s. Im alwayz at red dragon. Not 24/7 but pretty often.
ok, crystal! I understand…. Are you doing the play???
awww…. poor BC, sry!!! hmmm… you seem like a really great friend to me! What is your email, BC???
ok…. I am free anytime… But it must be Indian time, if u don’t mind…..
risha it was pretty clear ur indian
hi peopls!
hey all♥
Sure!!! But can it be in the morning???
I am Australian, but also indian… that’s all i can say!
your indian?thats korean.i thought you were american
You are indian? BC??? I didn’t know??? wow! 😀
OMG! i am canadian though, beautiful surprises are hidden in everyone! my dads grandfather was 100% indian though
what you guys are funny i’m American from, state Minnesota my parents are 100% Kenyan they speak in another language called Kisii only me and my sister are American
Risha I meant in Poptropica
genius darryl, if ur parents are kenyan then u are 2 no matter where ur born!
that was helpfull be more specific when shooting the peaple in the house plz
i dont like obama
Hmm…. Well, I don’t know much about Obama… sry
But I know he is a president… hee hee
Darryl… I said that we can be really GREAT friends, but I just can’t afford being your, “that”
i domt mean that anymore risha okay
iJUST WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND OKAY WHICH ISLAND ARE YOU?sorry capital letters are mistakes
eww!!!!!!!!! darryl u want someone on the internet to be your “that” u should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok sorry sorry
i ♥ obama and yes BC kenya is in africa
Um.. Darryl, that’s a “yes” for me, being your FRIEND!!! I am struggling on Steamworks and Skulduggery people!! That’s all… 🙂
peeps dont fight ho now how to beat skulldugery
awesomeness if u have shrink ray and u shrink your horse then u ride it then you get shrinked
Hii I’m English, and I’m stuck on a bit! How do I trade the old saddle?
And how do I get the shooting gun and the gold pan?
I think that Obama’s brave that he ran for president. Last year we wrote a letter to him and got a autograph in return.
Lazy Bones, your korean? I’m chinese! Well, my parents are.
Yup.. and BTW that’s really me.
u look like ur japanese
or anyother smalleyed countrys
Nah im chinese.
WOW!!! crys! You are chinese, I love chinese people! wow, never knew that… 😀
Im just boring english
HEY does anyone know how cuz i just fixed the gears in side what the clock towerr and how do i be get out again i mean that i cant find the what exit where was that
forget about what my question i have been found the the exit now so forget what my question
hmmm… ok….. Who had trouble with the TRAIN ROBBERY??? I did, but i passed it after a few trys!!! 😀 🙄
o and this face gosh i write to much anyway heres my last face 🙄
o yea crystal srry about the racist thing my sister was typing it she took over my laptop :'(
I kindu have truble with that train but i got it undr my control.
im almost done this island but im 2 lazy 2 complete it
how do get the faces???????
ME??? r u talking to me, nora? well, see every smiley face… then click on it, and it will give you the answer for how to use it! TA DA!!! 😀 😛 😆 🙂
Hey peoples im pure jain
🙂 😀 😆 😛 🙁 😥 😡 👿 ➡ 😯 😳 🙄
That’s all i know!
Hello People’s Bye People’s
why are your words capitalized? ❓
where do you get a treasure map???
But theres not enough oil in the can
yo,fierce moon,how am i supposed to make all the gears shiny when theres not enough oil in the can.
yo,nora kid
meet meh at wild west island in the multi player room.
dont call me “nora kid” or ill show u “nora kid”
so shut the hell up weird person!
almost forgot! thx 4 the offer though,
how do i get a close shot on grande in the cabin
hey, I cant find E.J Earl
to darryl: i would be your gf on poptropica but it depends on how we can meet, buy a multiplayer room and give meh the code
n idc what people think of meh either
hee hee! there is a chat page… somewhere… wait… I will give you the website… 🙂
Here Krista Levington and everyone! :
i beat dis level already
Multiplayer rooms are free now. Just tellin ya.
Hey everyone! Hyper Monster and Small Cheetah here! I HAVE DEFEATED THE ISLAND! All I need now is Skulldugory. Thanks to Fierce Moons blog, she’s really helped. I have one more island to complete.
~Hyper Monster~ & ~Small Cheetah~
Hey everyone! Hyper Monster and Small Cheetah here! I HAVE DEFEATED THE ISLAND! All I need now is Skulldugory. Thanks to Fierce Moons blog, she’s really helped. I have one more island to complete.
~Hyper Monster~ & ~Small Cheetah~
P.S, I forgot my website. It’s my youtube.
Yo people join my room my code is AYH24
My Multi-player room # is BRP42
just conect the gears like the small ones in the center to the grey ones and see if that helps.
Hi nora! <3
yo pepolpe! my code is AAF19
and if u join me i’m not a red head and my name is brave hopper
Dudes i cant beat this bandit shooting game, this sucks, and its an epic fail!!
and thats not how i look in poptropica! wheni try it goes epically slow! Ahhhhhhhhh!
these are brian buster games for kids that don’t do their homework.-meeh- can someone give meeh an easier way to beat the bandit shooting game?!!!
have defeated the island. now must get skulldiggory and cryptides. please help me by posting a walkthrough for it. please?
Heyyo people… i realized once u make a multiplayer room, does it get saved? or do u keep making a new one???????? help me???!!!
IDK, never got 2 use it, ( only yesterday)
hee hee lol! I have friends, and they always invite me to a room! it is fun!
oh!!!! right… If you wanna come and play with me… I will see all of you in the MYSTERY TRAIN multiplayer room… I am “Little Biker” who are you guys??
Hyper Monster is not that the picture of dj candece on cp
if you are talking to me nora, they are my school friends (some of them have poptropica, that’s why) ! yea… 😀
How do i multi player? I got the card.
hey Angry Hawk. what s your player name?
People,if you need help i’m here casue this was easy for me.
on multiverse room code BJE52 come and visit
risha, i ment some1 else not u,
I’m stuck on the part when you need to get the bandits out of their hiding places in their hideout. The candle isnt lit
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
@Golden Fire You have to shoot the candle tip with your gun to get it lit.
Where’s the first part of the hideout map?
never mind, found it
i looked at this for the WHOLE game
thanx 4 the help.
Who are you asking then , nora???? sorry though….
oh yea… Sorry I haven’t been on the page people, I was on a holiday. 🙁
So, What happened while I was away? just asking 🙄
meet at bert’s bed and breakfast in cryptids on this saturday, 7:30 to 9:45 if u ♥♥♥ poptropica and want a halloween party………… and ppl w/ 3 or more stars are definitily invited though if u have 3 or less u r still invited, too.
What date is saturday, i mean that party date??? i am confused… sorry
Hey what do I do if one of the five cows gets stuck on the reddish rocks and I cant get it off of the rock? HELP!!!!!! Please respond im stuck on that.
Sorry on my last comment it might help u to help me if i tell u that instead of it being a reddish rock it is a dark tan (the on that u and ur horse cant get up on)
As of today at 6:01 P.M I have finished every Poptropica Island except Game Show Island, I’m not a member so ya.
Really ICY DRAGON? I need help on Mystery Train, I mean I am confused… 😥
SUPERGIRL45- do you use the rope? I mean the lasso? If you can’t get it of, try waiting for it to go off… yea…. If that doesn’t work, please tell me!
Hi Risha i’ve been lost because our computer crashed and died.:)
OH NO!!! then what happened, darryl?
I just shrunk me and my horse!!!
I gotta remember to put away that gun!!
Yea, u must… I have done the same thing too! Just log out, and log in again! 🙂
risha it’s a joke ha ha you fell for it 😀
risha my multiverse code is DWZ78
Hey, thanks darryl… To be honest, you seem like a good friend 🙂 When are you on multiverse everytime? Like often, once?
Darryl you are 3:)
??? darryl, are you 3?????? ❓ 😕
o wait im soupoused to be in nabooti
hi guys it is hungry horse just like this name say i if you like it. i
Darryl, are you 3???? huh?
nope i’m not 3 Risha i’m 10 Iturned ten last month month 10/10/11
I’m on right now
Ohh…. someone said you are 3… lol
how u complete counterfiet island 🙁
I actually lost my poptropica HEAD!!!!!!!!
Okay, now that i have no head, i can’t ride my horse which is dumd
Yay, i got my head back!! 🙂
hmph, wierd thing!
BC where did you see it was he nude no clothes no nothing ?
??? Where did you see that BC??????/
that’s disgusting
I wish for the one game i’ve been waiting for christmas everybody can say what they want even if i don’t know you the game is ben 10 ultimate alien cosmic destruction.It’s the 1 thing i didn’t get last year
Krista my multiverse kode is DWZ78
My Old Saddle vanished what do I do?
if yur saddle vanished,could u trade a gold pan or oil can?P.S,i cant figger out how to use the oil can!
i just love poptropica… holler if u love the teen titans!!!!
Darryl, your multiverse room isn’t there anymore, it is expired 😐
What I didn’t know that :l
how the heck do u get the deputy guy to take ur picture?!?!?! all he does to me is say i need a portrait and then he doesnt do or say anything!!!!!!
hey how can i win or tame the hores
Try to keep your blue arrow in the center (or follow the white arrow at the bottom). You should be able to tame it then! 🙂
Tiny Tornado:
Go to Dusty Gulch after you have your golden marshal badge and the photographer guy will take your picture. Then, go to the deputy in the Marshal’s office and he will know you are the Marshal and let you have the pea shooter. 🙂
hee hee… make a new mulitiverse code. and tell us that you will be on it the WHOLE time 😀
Yay i won wildwest island waho ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good, I think this island was pretty simple!!! Just the bandit hideout.. so hard! 😯
I don’t know what the code is.
risha listen i was in cryptids when i went down from the attic the jersey devil was peekin i gasped so loud(i’m a boy)and became so scared call me anything you want people but i won’t care
hi can you go out with me darryl
not you daryl
darry you are so hot well you sound hot i dont know about looking hot. can you send me a picture of you on facebook do you have a facebook please email me back .xoxoxox mindless girl
omg i was rounding up cows and the badits aperd!!!!!!
Really Darryl, same i got scared a bit lol! 😆 But you know, the Jersey Devil looks like a horse 🙄
i ♥ this island! btw i found more symbols
alt 20= ¶
alt 21=§
alt 22=▬
alt 23=↨
alt 24=↑
alt 25=↓
alt 26=→
alt 27=←
alt 28=∟
alt 29=↔
alt 30=▲
😯 how do you even make the symbols?? type them? use the keys? which alt do i use? the one on the right, or left/??? wa, I am so confused 🙁 😥 😳
This island was FUN!
I can’t do this!!!When I went on the train for my first time I didn’t have the train robbery game to play.All it was was a 3 second train ride.I keep riding the train,but the game never comes!Also when I go to the bank(I did every thing they told me)It wasn’t robbed and I tried to get the piece of the map,but It didn’t appear.Is this because the bank wasn’t robbed yet?Is this because I didn’t have the train robbery game to play on the train?My laptop(which is what I’m playing on)has been having alot of glitches lately…is that why I can’t finish Wild West?Now I’m just sitting here with half of a map and a bad laptop.PLEASE REPLY AND HELP ME if you know the answer…!!!!!!!
i tried following the footsteps of the calf but when i get to the area , my character just goes “now i’ve tracked you down” or something like that but the calf is NO WHERE to be found . #help
i tried following the footsteps of the calf but when i get to the area , my character just goes “now i’ve tracked you down” or something like that but the calf is NO WHERE to be found . #help
OMG! so i was transporting the bad guy through the desert to the city (i cant remember any of the proper names for anything) when i realized he wasnt on my lasso anymore!!! i have been searching for him for two hrs and i cant find him. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!
CUTIEFLAME…. you could just refresh your page, then you might need to start all over again. But at least you get to use it.
ok i made a new room! the code is BEG72. plz come!
Hey, I’ve posted a help request on Youtube but there’s no reply on it, so here I go –
Whilst playing the train robbery, I didn’t use the carbonated soda thing and I don’t have it! And I’m at the hideout, but I don’t have the soda. Any help?
guys im stuck on the small cow thingy he keeps pulling in the opposite direction help
never mind turns out i have to go slow
Who needs help? sry, I try my best to help people 😛
Hey Risha DeGamia, if you don’t mind – would you mind answering my question?
It’s up above, if you look for it carefully.
I don’t understand what you mean really. Try to read the cheats carefully, and see where you can get the soda. Sorry… but i finished the island like such a long time ago, DO NOT GIVE UP, ok?
Thanks for the help .. -_-
Looks like I’m going to have to restart the island then – unless anyone can help me!
Ah! I’m at the gang’s hideout and I finished the Train Robbery, and I was past the Robbery part on this video, I hadn’t known anything about the Concentration Carbonate then, so when I looked at what to do on the video before arriving at the hideout, I found out I hadn’t got the Concentration Carbonate – is there any way of getting it now or is that it, I have to start again?
Guys, I really need some help here –
I didn’t use the Concentration Carbonate that we use to sneak past the El Mustachio gang and get into the house, and I really don’t want to restart the island because I’m afraid I might not get money even though I haven’t finished this island before, and also that there MIGHT be another way but I don’t know it.
Fierce Moon, I really need your help on this!
And everyone else, if you think you can help me – please help me!
Guys, I really need some help here –
I didn’t use the Concentration Carbonate on the ‘Train Robbery’ game so I don’t have it and now I can’t use to sneak past the El Mustachio gang and get into the house, and I really don’t want to restart the island because I’m afraid I might not get money even though I haven’t finished this island before, and also that there MIGHT be another way but I don’t know it.
Fierce Moon, I really need your help on this!
And everyone else, if you think you can help me – please help me!
how can you go to the clock? it’s so hard i’m stuck after i release the rope. :'(
hey everyone! I’m having a party on poptropica on December 9th, @ around 5:00. Anyone is welcome to come- bring costumes! The room code is DLP11.
~nice turtle
Alright, Im new to this page. ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Here is how to do this train robbery thing:
Start the Train Robbery now. Click start. Then, when you see someone, shoot right at them. Try again if you miss. Keep doing this over and over and remember to reload your spud gun as quickly as possible. Remember to use the sode or whatever it is thats at the bottom at the screen when needed. There. You got your tip and walkthrough for the train robbery game
it’s so hard to do the robbery game! can anyone help me? i play it more then 30 times! it’s so hard!
can you help me prirkly dolphin?
can we skip the robbery game?
risha can you help me play the game?
umm… to STAR 🙂 I had the same problem as you. But I did not GIVE UP, just keep playing it.
Here is a TIP:
Try to always hide in the middle hiding place, so then you can see where the robbers are heading clearly.
Use your Concentration Carbonate soda only when the robbers are near the END of the train!!!!!!
Please use that advice, thank you everyone! Please gove compliments if all of that helped or not, cause i want to know
um…i knda lost El Mastashio… what do i do? like i got him, then the lassoo got lose..what do i do?
i lost el mustachio where is he now? i try to even refresh it but he is nowhere to be found! help me risha!
when i’m trying to go to the diamond plains i went to the fence and el mustachio say
“i lock you up for good” but when i saw it on youtube i supposed to say that not him! what should i do? i’m so confused 🙁
unless no one help me i will start the island all over again
STAR:) you need to be patient with this island. It is only one in a million to get this done in one try. Try the lasso thing again, El mustachio is really fast. Just follow him all the way, uuntil he says he gets lost or something. Hope that helped… 🙂
I Have the same problem as you Fishiee I cannot see a calf is the calf invisible or what?
What do you do if you lost the calf??? 🙁
。◕‿◕。☮♫㉧☆๑◕ܫ◕๑♪♫ツツツ☎ ( ̃•̃)з ღα в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ ν ω χ у z
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ª ↀ ↁ ↂ Ↄ ↄ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ ↉ ↊ ↋ ▲◣◢ ◥▼△▽ ⊿◤◥ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽
Thanks Friendly Ghost for those 😉
Those are some weird symbols. I have never seen them before
Hmm, really? I wonder where you get them from.. DO YOU MAKE THEM? or do you just copy paste it from somewhere…? 🙄 😐 😕
Hey all Poptropicans! Add me on Facebook! Name is Danielluvsowlcity! Add me!
if u lost the bad guy then what u do is: dont refresh the page just go back a page
We are not poptropicans, we are poptropica players!!! The people in poptropica are poptropicans! lol 😉
Hi my poptropican’s name is: Small Heart. btw, where do u put codes in?? 😛
OMG I just beat the Train Robbery game in like, I don’t know, 5 tries! 🙂 😀 YES!!!!!
OMG I just beat the Train Robbery game in like, I don’t know, 5 tries! 🙂 😀 YES!!!!! 🙂 By the way I think I cleared every Island that is not member-only including Game Show Island, so if you need help I’ll help you. 😉 Bye~!
~Snowy Fox~
hey guys cool girl here. if you need help read this:
all you really need to do is read carefully and CONCENTRATE. TRUST ME IT WORKS I DID THAT AND I BEAT THE ISLAND. if this doesn’t work, then report back to me on December 18, @ 5:00 P.M. and for those of you who are older than 10 years old and you haven’t beat the island, then that means a 10 year old (me) beat this game before you. (oh and I’m also in grade 4).
sup girl talking. if anyone goes to Mull School then you may no me. my real name is Haley Ipock. i no stupid last name laugh
all you want. 🙁
DO NOT GIVE UP ON THE TRAIN ROBBERY Star:) be patient with this island and remember to use the concentration soda .
Heres a tip for all you guys stuck on the lasso cow part . What i did was you have to keep the cow in sight and make it go in to something so it can’t move, scoot back so the lasso goes over it and click the space bar at the right time .(Fierce Heart how did you turn your Pop Star costume yellow?reply ASAP!!!!!!!)
haha Slippery Cyot (you spell it coyote)
Thanks people i was having trouble and u all helped 🙂 thank you
😀 Wow, everyone can beat the train robbery pretty quick 😀 good job people 🙂
got a IQ, where are the five cattle? plz reply ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you get El Mustashios horse?
Wait… the map for the gold?
Don’t laugh at haley
what about the other potions. dont we get to use them?
I bet I could of really tamed that horse. My pony is named Rocco and I ride hunter.
yea you do…. The concentration one for the train robbery, the invisible one for the bandit hideout, some more others for other things… 😛
This crap was super hard. Especially the bandit part. it took me FOREVER!!!!!!! >:( But other than that this worked out well!!!! X)
for every island i read the treats
How do you get the tranceperecy tonic thing on there dumb peoples!
risha, we can use only 2 potions in the game. what about the remaining ones??? can i just use them for fun in multiplayer rooms or something?
I don’t think so…. wait, you can use them in the ISLAND, but I am not sure if you can use them in other islands… TRY IT 🙂 thanks for asking, it was a great question
These cheats are so helpful! I have defeated all the islands! Until they come out with more!!! : )
kc, you have to give the person that used one of the potions to make his head big a special flower. To do that you have to go thruogh the mine then once you done with the mine ride you”ll find it! Then use your horse wistle and get your horse and ride to Dos Cactos then find him. Then go to your backpack and click on it then it will give it to the boy then his head will shrink then he will thank you and then he will call the map piece a scap then he will give it to you!
hey poptropica peoples was up wild west is not hard ok so if you cant do it the first time keep trying ok little kids happy halloween
Anybody know how to get back to the blimp at the end? xD
Nevermind.. *click* >:3 got it!
first half of that mappp????
I can’t get a gold nugget! Is there some trick I don’t know??
oh never mind my sister found one for me (:
happy new year everyone!!!!! 🙂
Where is the first part of the map? i cant find it
please help
never mind i read the instructions
I can’t get the last cow into the ranch!!! Is it hiding somewhere??
I found the last cow but it’s stuck on top of a rock. Should I start all over or should I try to get it down. But I can’t get it down though. WHAT DO I DO!!
Never mind I figured it out. YES!!!!!!!!
Um… ‘the guy with the cows’ is really a girl. You can tell because she has eye lashes.
I can’t find the bank!!!! What city is it in???
really tricky island!!!
This Island Is Trucked Up! The Stupid Bank Isn’t Destroyed! It Was Before >.< Now I Cant Get The Flipping Map But I Have The Other Half! Help? :'(
How do you get the second half off the map ? D: ive got the first half off the boy with the big head so how do i get the other half ,help me please!
to silver berry the bank is in rock ridge
OMG this was just about the easiest island! The games were a piece of cake, I don’t see how people are having trouble with them
i love that in this island we get to ride
horses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a horse named chocolate caramel on my familey ranch
how do you gwet in the mine and where is the canary? plzz help me i know that some of you people have finished this so plzz help me!!
hi i am maria leary lots of people say my last name is like hairy
Why? to me, not really 😛
I freakin love this island its sooo easy
i cant find the secret hid out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got thru this island with no help!
dallon. did u find the blue tulip? if not,go to the lady with the cows(the one that if u git the cows into the ranch, she gives u a rattlesnake wrangler costume,)thin go to the right.shoot the canary. u tiger out the rest.
Argh! Why did I restart the island when I was all the way to being stuck on the train part! I can’t remember how the heck I slipped past Annie Oakley!!!
Never mind, I got her.
Slap Jack is SO fun! I never lose!
GLITCH if you chew gum and go to the marshal place the portrait of you chews too!
glitch! if you ride the train ride again you get another tulip! i gave one to the guy and i still have two!
Glitch if you give the guy another tulip his head swells back up and you get another map!
i need help on the clock gears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can someone finish it for me laylahannanxox 123qwe
Thanks a lot in this walk through! I always look in here when I need some huge help! Thanks a lot Fierce Moon for having this website!
-_Massive Spinner_-
i absolutely CAN’T beat the Train Robbery mini game! Any tips?
how can u get the rattllsnake wrangler. ik you have to get the cows but i already got them btu the guy just says thanks. whyyy????
I hate wild west. It wont show me the star after I give the kid the blue flower!!!!
when i saw the map, i didn’t see the bandits’ hideout
@layla it says there are no users with that name
How do you get the transparency tonic?? I’m so close to the end!! I just need that to sneak past those people.
I completed this island
This island is damn hard to complete!
that island was fun to complete!!! i completed it like, 5 mintues ago and now i’m onto S.O.S. only took me ’bout, half an hour!! need help? i can give advice
Silver Berry, go to R. J. Earl, in Rocky Ridge. He’ll give you that Tonic. He has an old looking horse, a superbly decorated carrige, and an Eyepiece. Tell me if that helps!
Random Person, have you tried shooting a little early? I know hard it is, in fact, I nearly gave up ’cause it was so hard!!! Tell me if that helps!!
uhmm….. i just got done with this island and i only got 50 poptropica credits. Is this suppose to happen? o_o 😐
Magic Sinker, thanks for your help but he just says, NICE DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU, FRIEND, any advice
I had to go through hell just to beat this dang island. do you know how infuriating that is. uhhhhhhhhhh!……Thank God I beat it though!:)
i actually did have the tonic in my bag but i didnt know it was a bottle
i had to eat my poop before i finished this island it was so hard to beat it but poop tastes good 🙂
@icy storm WTF?!?!
which one of you watch Avatar:The Last Airbender
Icy Storm are you crazy
Hey 0:23 prt 1 fierce moon doesn’t say it!!!!!!!! 😕
i cant find the second prt of deh map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes ive already gotten the one from the guy with the big noggen.PLEASE HELP ive scanned thru the walkthru but I cant find it! PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aka Evil Blueh
this island is pretty hard
Rebecca, I will tell you how to get the other part of the map. First, go to the place where you trade stuff, then get the oil pan. Then,go to the Diamond Plains and go inside the clock el mustacho grande ( I know spainish and that means the big mustache) made it not work. Afterwords,go NW (NORTH WEST) and click on the big round thing and you will try with your oil pan,to fix the screws you will see 2 big screws and other little screws. ( they are stuck) and fix all the small screws with the oil, when you are done go to the train and ride it to dos cactos ( meaning two cactus) and during the way you will play a game to keep el mustaco grande of the train so he can’t rob the train. When the ride is over, go to rock ridge and you will find out, you’re too late!!!! You will the see the person who runs the bank, crying ( poor guy) and on top of him that was the bank you will see a piece of paper with is, the othe piese of the secret hideout. Then it would be added to the other map you have, go there defeat the bad guys army put him in jail and save the day! Hope it worked out Rebecca, if you want to see my charechter (if you have the avatar thing) Enter Annamia16 don’t press space between annamia and 16. 😀
If you need help on these islands:Early poptropica, 24 carrot,counterfeit, reality tv, great pumpkin, or wild west island I can help you, or just watch the walk throughs.
man, i wish u could a diffrent horse! i would want a black one with a white star on its head, kinda like black beauty! oh and chilly crown i was wondering if u did mythology island,the battle with zeus is hard,mabye u could help me? thanks.
**fierce walker**
peeps do u think the gum spitting game is gross? i think so
helpppppppppppp!! im stuck on the train robbrey part! please give me tips!
never mind, i beat it
how do u wrangle the cows
the gum spitting thing is so hard! when i win they do nothing
lies on the train it does run out before u get all da guys how log it take?
xoii, the timer on the train robbery means that when it runs out, you are finished, but you have to survive until it runs out. this takes about 1-2 min, although im not sure
The island was so easy but so fun! 😀 oh and you get the cows by pressing the spacebar. so ya…. :D. Train Robbery is soooo fun!
nice avatar chilly crown
oh and i need help on time tanglled
usename batman_dc
password yemimah
it wont give me the second half of the map and ive gave him the blue flower twice
If anyone needs eny help ask me, sporty feather, then i wil give u sum tips on eny island and yemimah, tel me wut prt u r on, then i cin help u wit eny ting:) <3
This island was pretty hard:P!!!!.
i need to know how to wrangle the cattle
I finished this island with the Poptropica Guide Book. This island is hard.
OMG THIS WAZ SO HARD but some how i beat it 😉
cool melon your right it is hard!!
My Noble Steed!
it won’t let me play the robber game
i mannaged to lose the cow when i was chassing him if u can help me tel me how plz
I don’t think I ever would have finished this island without looking at these “hints”. Thanks so much for them!
I h8 this island
is the person with the cows a he… or a she? LOL
how do you get the first part of the bandits hidout map?
i hate the shootout game i just can’t beat it
the “guy” that heard the cattle is actuly a girl
urgh where is that fifth cow ?!! dag nab it, this is one reason why i hate this island…..
Quick Melon, to determine the gender, look at the eyes. If there are eyelashes, then it’s a she. 😀 That means, Fierce Moon was wrong.
de ‘guy’ wit de cows is a girl!!! (look at the eyelashs)
Where did you get the bullet belt. I want it!!
this island is my favourite, along with counterfeit island! them two islands ROCK!!!!!! i love red dragon as well and sos!
funny….. you take the calf to the ranch but theres no gate in the filed so it can easily get back out again….. lol
who watches the video walkthrough and who reads the written walkthrough? i like written better, fierce moon makes it easy to understand!
omigosh the bit in the mine carts where you hav to hit the targets, i cant even get past the first one!
lol HILARIOUS cow in the mine cart!!!!
I dont like this islands quest very much but i love all the places you can go and all the clothes people wear so you can steal them!
” ‘MINE’ NOT YOURS!!!!!” Ha ha ha ha ha…………
a cow in a cart…. thats buried underground…wearing a hankercheif …….what? );/
OMG! i left my horse in rock ridge and took the train to dos catos, then when i used the whistle to call my horse he came in 2 sec. why when i am riding him he doesn’t go that fast?
Seriously, i think there might be a hideout at a place with a big sign that says NO SECRET HIDE OUT HERE!!!!
just say’n
Fierce Moon, where is the first half of the bandit hideout map? I didn’t see it anywhere in the written or video guide.
If you would like to see my outfit I am saving for Twisted Thicket Island, here is the link:
If it wasn’t for fierce moon i would’nt have 15 islands done.
Ahhh thx Im fierce moon.
I won the island and Is Easier
@Magic Spider
It is at the door frame at the broken bank. Or the other half is with the kid with the big head. You first have to get the kid a blue tulip though.
Hope I was helpful,
Super Brain
rough melon (me) does not know what to do if she runs out of oil
I cant kill the robber in the right. he wont come out… any tips?
never mind, beat it…
i found something cool,
if you jump up to the top of rubys root beer saloon there is a bearded lady
really neat
shut your trap
cheerful sun
@Calm Ice
I just need to finish wimpy wonderland too… 😛
hi persons
Why the heck won’t mustache man (my nickname for him) come out?! I shot the other three… 🙁
Cassondra- OMG THERE IS 😀
….. that is so weird….. O_O
I somehow managed to lose mustachio on the way. :*(
Hey, Where’s the first part of the hideout map?
i already beat wild west i while ago
hmmm i love the challenge islands and try them without walkthoughs but for this…have no clue looks like its soo hard i need the walkthough. 🙁
i love riding the horse its fun xD
i don’t know what you guys are talking about this is fun!! 😀
can somone help me find a gold nugget
my character looks like KATNISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone meet me at party place on time tangled tonite at 5 and see!
Im stuck in a corner with my horse and i cant get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant pass the hideout place!!! everyone just shoots me before i get a chance to shoot them!!! #help
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did it <3
Who here thinks riding the horse (Elmer is the name) is soooooo fun and sooooooo awesome?? I think riding the horse was the most best thing that ever happened to me in Poptropica!!!
I cant get the calf to go in the stupid town!!!!!!!!argh
How to do shoot out the purple bandit in the bandit hideout game !?
Hi Pplz! I just <3 this game soo much I wish I had a website like this!!! Ps, Angry Peican when she comes out shoot her mabey in the face too.
Dear Jazzstar waz here
Wat Does ‘omz’ mean?P.S.Elmer Is My BFF (best friend foreva!!)
From Big Lizard and friend Short Burger.
@red goose: you bring the calf inside the ranch
this place is EASY PEASY,thanks you fierce moon and i added you in popfriends!
idk how 2 get past th part where its rite after u fix th clock. (More lik i dont get it.)
angry peican, u shoot the bag of gold on top of the safe
Almost all the islands are easy!!! I use the book so it can help me. If only Poptropica can be alittle bit harder…
How do you get the bandits out from their hiding places????? Please help, I’ve almost finished this island!!!
I can’t get the bandit with the black hat, next to mustachio, out
i really like poptropica
love ittt and plus this really works tank u cheat codes and poptropica everywhere lol <3
i can’t beat this HLP!
AHHH! it just made me restart
You know if you talk to the girl with the cows again and do her a favour shell give you a costume
Thanks a lot!!!
Question: near the beginning, why couldn’t we chase the mustachios gang into the tunnel?
Oh, and fierce moon, the person who needed the calf back was a her. I saw eyelashes
okay in the last part with shooting the bandints i need help with the red headed bandit HELPP!!!
soo coool
fierce moon closed off comments on super power island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a
fierce moon closed off comments on super power island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg fierce moon is so right!!!! there should be a moderation queue!!!!!!!!
Okay, Gentle Spider. That happened a while ago.
I completed all the islands besides Skull Duggery and Wimpy kid! How do you pass the wizard game?!
Gentle Spider: What do you really mean here?
i cant get past the train robbery game!!!!!!!!!! its soo FRUSTERATING!!!!!!!!!!!!! does it just take practice?
i did it thank u for everything thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
how do u get the 1 piece of the secret hideout plz answer people
argh!!!!!!!!!!! this island is so hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go crazy if i dont beat the stupid shooting contest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its too hard and ”young kid” is so sure of himself -i wanna strangle him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you need to have another gun to the potato gun coz when i shoot the candel it dont light! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where’s the first piece of the map?!!
I finally passed that train game after 6 months. Yay!
my character is awesome i finished all islands
i became the sheriff now
sorry, i mean marshal
@perla I thought those were the same thing.
Other stuff: rawr! It’s hard to catch that calf when you got computer lag and a mouse thats running out of batteries >.<. ~.~
Never mind, I got it. It glitched. I thought it was gone then it popped up out of nowhere and I caught it? Eh?
By the way, how did that cow get in the mine cart anyway????
sneaky fox:shoot black tip of candle on left.
to sneaky fox,
the girl in purple you shoot the bags of money on the safe enough times, the guy in blue you shoot the candle wick( the top black part ), the orange beard guy shoot the long gun on the fireplace, and the guy with the sombrereo you shoot the root beer which will knock over the wheel
to incredible panda,
to get the first piece of the map, you go to rock ridge and go to the bank guy who got robbed. then, you jump on the frame above him and the first piece of the map will be there. to get the second piece, go to dos cactos and find the guy with the HUGE head. he will say to get a rare blue tulip. then go back to rock ridge and get the canary key by clicking on the bird. go to the right and use the key there. here you will have to keep clicking on different things and go up and click on the blue flower. go up and go back to dos cactos and talk to the guy with the huge head. he will give you the second part of the map
THis island is so hard it is like i cant do anything
Where do you get the first half of the hideout map?
red dragon: get blue tulip and give to big head guy
what do we do if the cow won’t walk?
What if the map doesn’t show up?
Is getting the rattlesnake wrangler thing absolutely necessary to complete the island?
where do you find the first part of the secret hideout?
At that part before you round up the 5 cows, when i walk up to R.J Earls, it doesnt show him giving someone a disaperring potion. Yes, i did round up the 1 cow.
i never got the mission where you shoot from the train all i got was the ability to use the train and never receved the misson please advise
I can’t get passed the train robbery.
how do u fix the clock
The potato shooter game is WAY TO HARD!!!!! It’s impossible I have tried it like 50 times!
Can somebody please help me with the train robbery 🙁
The part where you need to chase is complicated. Help! 🙁
Thank You So Much Poptropica Secrets but I am kinda sad I only have 1 more island til I finish the whole thing.
The hideout doesn’t show up on my map
The firt time i rode the train i never started a robbery game???
I WON THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jenna:one is in the bank(after you did the train robbery game)and the other one is in dos cactos when you found the blue tullip [ Fearless Bird:no it isn’t ] Robert:your’s the same as Jenna
if you need help with this island,
just ask me!
P.S. i completed the island!
wild west island is easy! (because i completed the island)
I finished the part that you shoot the people from going to the front of the train
i can’t fix the gears on the stupid clock!!! >-<
I NEED HELP! the train robbery is so hard 🙁 I CANT DO IT! someone help me?
to fix the clock make sher the middle gears are shine
Where is the other half of the map? I cannot find it and it won’t appear on the map unless I do!
Where is the other half of the map? I cannot find it and it won’t appear on the map unless I do! Please help!
the last shooting game is hard
The first shooting game confused me at first, but then i figured out that u just have to aim slitely above the targets. this island is sooo fun. u get to ride a horse everywhere!
And its annoying cuz wen u r cattle ropin’ if u put 2 much stress on the rope it breaks
I cant get the calf to the rancher. I catch him and lead him back, but he never shows up at the ranch with me. I talked to the ranch owner, but it doesnt show i had any success. Can some one please help me.
The Train angers me.
i made itttttttttttttt well basicaly you have to be at the last so the bandits slow down and you have much more chance of shooting them easier
thers a secret map you go to the blown up bank and jump
i love poptropica but it can be boring ALOT!! I think in my opinion that they need to make the islands better.
i finished it it isn’t that hard if you can’t read the cheats just watch the walkthrough
I can’t find the first half of the map! I went through the mine twice, and even got the second half of it but it still won’t show up!! What am I doing wrong?? Please Help!
I love this island! Any questions please ask me =)
gentle fire will you beat this island for me and other islands for me my username is cleapatrathequeen my password is readforever
How do you get the bank to burn?
can someone beat this island for me my user cleapatrathequeen and password is readforever
Smart Ant, your character is awesome! and I have completed it for you anyone else need help? my username is nickimalst ( I know its weird but its my dogs name and the word malt with s in it somewhere, but hey, I’m kinda crazy) =)
~Gentle Fire
aug, too many things to do so i’m not going to do it.
Where did fierce moon get her vest?
The lady really Needs to take care of her cows. Helped alot. Had difficulties with the cow cathcing lol thanks! (:
I CANT GET HIM WHEN HES IN THE DESERT! i tryed to catch him with the rope but then he ran away!!!!! HELP!
to those who are asking how to get the first part of the map,i already did it so i going to help you.go to the bank and do you see the banker crying?go to him length on face-to-face and jump up.apparantly,you’ll see a piece of parchment those who are having trouble with the calf/cows,i suggest that after you caught it,be firm and you’ll know when it will go when it stops strugling.after it does,go a few paces to the destination but wait for the calf/cow to catch up.otherwise,it will break the rope.those who have difficulty with the train robbery,you’ll need the carbonic thing in case you are going to use it but i didn’t so it’s up to you.i would suggest that after you press close of the instructions,you point your mouse straight to the left until you get to the last window.but if you see a robber before going 2 the back,you have to aim the mouse a few paces from the figure.keep doing so until game those who have trouble fixing the clock,when you reach the clock gears place,(make sure you have the oil)click on the gears and the picture of the gizmos come out.if you’ll analyze the picture,it seems there are 3 ways to try fixing the clock.i suggest you choose the middle,keep clicking one of it until it sparkled(once)…and keep doing so until the whole path has sparkled. GOODLUCK!:)
really where did she get the vest? ANSWER MY QUESTION!
Aaah! I’m having real trouble in the boss one! I can’t shoot at them when their walking side ways
PLEASE! I´m begging!
The bankers not crying and there’s no map!!!!!!!
ok forget that ,i´ll be a good friend my username is:tanker279.
So awesome. I completed the island! Here, my Username is trianer11. Friend me!!!
sup everyone my character is zany feather and im sfarmer13 add me if u want and ebony death he is crying after u shoot them on thr train and u go back then jump on the door trust me also if anyone wants a fun island choose skullduggery island
if anyone wants to be in my multiverse code is DDB71
@Chrome Arachanid I added you. 🙂
& this walk through is amazing.
@sfarmer13 I thought Skullduggery waould be a fun island, but I’m stuck on it… I’m not the sort of person who is good at buying things cheap and then selling them for a high price, which is how I’m told you get the Phoenix Warbird.
I’m going to write more stories. 😀 🙂 😀
Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!
I like writing. 🙂
Hey, HB.
🙁 I still can’t get thru the train robbery game. I keep losing and the video isn’t helping since it’s not loading.
I´m a boy:I don´t know how to change the picture on here.
im stuck the calf is not where it is apost to be
can someone anser
i just beat it
I completed it months ago.
So, my horse just randomly disappeared. What do I do?? I still need it!
Try using the horse whistle.
Guys I´m a member!
My cousin and I laughed our heads off when we saw the cow in the mine cart and this website at the same time XD
Friend me:tanker279
hard man
im stuck at the tower clock, oil isnt enough
thank u SO much! i completed the island!
I really wish this told me where the cows were
It,’s really hard and I’ve played Poptropica for 3 years now
guys. the potatoshooter is impossibly easy. is your problem that you keep dying or that you cant shoot them before they get to the train? i might be able to help.
O.K so I was chasing the calf and it got away. Now I can’t find it. Does anyone know where it is?
When I am oiling the wheel, I keep running out of oil. How do I keep enough to finish oiling the gears?
HELP ME PLEASE!!! I have been stuck on this part fr a month.
* for
I am having the same problems as you Samantha. I wish someone would answer you.
I know Spotted Paw. I also wish people would answer me. I really need help.
wat part are u stuck on samantha tell me i remember everythin from the island
whoever needs help can ask me as i completed the islan.
ask away
how do i open the mine door???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Waz up with the Yellow Sparkled Pop Star costume of yours? I did NOT have it just pink blue and green >:(
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
you rock i just passed this island!friend me at ellablue8
omg have a b-friend he is cute and crazay 4 me
…Somehow…after I jailed the robber….and went back to the blimp…the horse won’t let get off…WTF!
Somebody please help me!
You all rock
hi its so cool im cool too but poptropicasecrets is coolits
uh guys i cant find bottem peice, cant beat train, and been stuck for 2 months!
that he with the calf is a she…
i’ve been trying so hrd to say something cuz it wont accept my dad’s email, so i tried my mom’s and changed it to friendly shark2 (friendly shark was my origanal), and it worked! now i can let my voice out so u can hear (or read) my comments. now i can say hi, bye and what i noticed. so, how do you get the last 2 pieces of the secret hid out?
duh people you see the middle path of gears? use ur oil for a hear one-at-a-time, until you get to the other big gear. watch the video! oh by the way chrome something i friended you.
im a girl so dont think im a boy. if you werent noticing…
I had to make an ENTIRE NEW account because of this island!!!!
there are only 2 pieces and one is if you give the guy with the big head, a blue tulip, he will give you half of it. Second is to go to the bank and it will be destroyed your see a ripped like piece of paper get off your horse and get it. POOF! You have got the two pieces of the map to the “secret hideaway”
PS. I like wimpy boardwalk better the wild west.
Hey Fierce Moon!!! Please, please put this comment somewhere everybody can see. Look, at my book fair, I had no idea but, the Poptropica Official Guide was there!! You see, in my book it said Annie Oakley was a REAL person! It said:
Annie Oakley was a real sharpshooter who was born in 1860 in Ohio.She learned how to shoot when she was a young girl. When she was just 15, she competed against Frank Butler, a sharpshooting chaimpion, and beat him! Frank & Annie soon married and she joined his traveling show. She soon became famous all over the world for her acurate skills. Her aim was so acurate that she could shoot out the flame on a candle without hitting the candle at all!!!!
P.S thank you for helping me pass Wild West
dua! the first part is on the bank!
thanx friendly snake but i already did that! appreciat it, though. it helps other people. friend me. user: prettypop44.
ps: tell me if i spelled appreciate wrong cuz i think i did.
ummm. nice i guess…
i love poptropica, but i suggest that in wild west island you put the cows on the map so it is not hard for us to find the cows when they ran away.
love Bashful Fish (thandiwe)
The last part is so hard! Help plz
I love poptropica, the wild west is my favorite island, add me loghome1 THANK YOU FIERCE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg this was the first time some one replyed to me! im not so lucky on nabooti NO ONE would reply to me idk why but those people are mean. but not you guys. let me know if you friended me!
P.S you all brightened up my day now im smiling see! 😀 😀 ;D 😉 =^o^= cat face lol.
well this was an o.k. island not the best but thanks for the wlak throught and thnk you feirce moon for making this website
woops i said last 2 pieces. i ment 2nd piece. dor di dor! haha.
ok i changed my name to the most awsome nerd ever cuz thats one of my users. im still friendly shark2. still friendly shark. 😀 i am so weid. but i like being weird dont mind me im crazy today. O.o 🙂
you know what forget i said that. thats not me. not me. not me. not me. not me. not me. mot not. not me. there’s another person with that name. i just stole it cuz i liked it. srry everybody. 🙁
OHHHH YA! I have beet all of those shooters in 1 try. {Even Miss Annie Oakley!} BOO YA!
I’m at the train, trying to go to there hideout, but it won’t let me. I’ve done everything. I’ve beaten the train robbery, given the blue tulip to the guy with a giant head, and any other thing you can think of. I have both pieces of the map but for some reason it won’t show up on my Desert Map. I fear that I’ve not gotten one of the items I should’ve gathered for the game and it won’t let me pass. Please help me by specifically telling me how to fix my problem, giving me a piece of information, or just giving me advice. Anything would help.
-Gulchy Englishmen.
I got the second half of the map but there’s no new star! help! add me :throwanutatme
Has anyone know what the computernerd01 is?cause i do!
Hey super awsome chick,and big mamma,wats up with the crazy comments?You should use fierce moons comment spaces useful.
@brooke i <3 the computernerd!
@Friendly Snake Thank you!
hi people….soooooo…….who likes the big band theory? if you do,read on……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur!!!!
lol im so random .3.
i cant beleive that i finished 3 islands in a row in my birthday!
Happy birthday Speedy Lion! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’m just busy with stuff, like school 🙁 😆 :blush: add me loghome1
I have got the Lawman costume and it is so cool, dudes.
Ugh. Pretty hard.
Congrats, speedy lion! Although I am not your friend, just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Good job on your three islands in a row! I´m sorry I was 2 days late, if you know what I mean.
OMG!!! thanx i have been stuk on this forever!! it took two days, then at one part, i gave up
hey i wanted to say thanks 4 posting this walk trough its soooo awesome!!!!
i love this game.once ibeat willy wonka level,ill have beat allthe levels,lol XD
Hey…I can’t find the first peice of the map to the bandit hideout. You said that it was above the bank doorway. I looked everywere aad could’nt find it… Please help me Feirce Moon.
so e-z p-z noodle head [i am not trying to be offensive]
xchamber is my club name so i just go by it so call me that,k?
woo thx fierce moon but i cant get past the VERY LAST PART of all things ps whats ur username mine is magellan20
What was the meaning of the second reward for getting the 5 cows
Dear, all do be troubled by Wild west island it’s not that hard to find the two pieces the first is on top of the door frame of the exploded bank if it is hard to find *scavenge the entire bank on any place higher than the ground and you will see or stumble upon it the next is at Dos Cactos (remeber the guy with the *enlarged head?) go to a man with a big head and use the blue tulip near him (he is at the top of the cliff near the shooting contest past the casino!) with that he will give you “scarp” but this is just the other half of the map and now with that they link together and in the items description it tells you its been added to your map now go open your map and look in the bottom-left corner and you will see a newly added star (i hope i helped)
*Enlarged:Increased past normal capacity
*Scavenge:to search for supplies or item(s)
Yup. Club Penguin has always been a great game.
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
Oh! Actually did it! I finished Wild West Island
This island is sooooo coooool!!! i love fighting villains.
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
I see that when they put El Mustacheo Grande in jail, they let him keep his gun and ammo
hi i got all the way to the end and caught mushacio when my lasso broke and he was gone! what now?
please help,
zany lightning
*How dangerous*
and why
hey guys have u guys watch any think noodles videos to help u on beating islands
I finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, zomberry island sucks
Smart Flame,I’ve seen you in the “Road to Captain Thinknoodles” videos.he says you look a lot like him! 😀
omg this island was kind of hard, i only used the cheats, after i gave the big headed guy the blue tulip. crazy
wow what a blast, i was really easy to catch those bandits, i completed all the worlds execpt for two, this aught to be interesting. i cant wait. ; )
here’s a tip i found for the train ride without using the concentrate carbonate
just stay at the first window and as soon as they ride in front of you shoot them!
if you do it fast enough you won’t even lose any hearts!
y’know if you go to the top right corner of the casino you’ll find a slot game and if you pull the lever…
(i made it rain peppers!yay! 😀 )
P.S. im new here
d guy behind d brown bucket with cutlasses in it, wat du u shoot to fall dat u will be able to kil him in the bandit hideout
yes im not hyper shadow 🙂
I only completed this Island :'(
I found 4 of the cattle but I can’t find the last one. What do I do?
very cool won it easyliy
Hey sneaky boa you don’t need get the 4 cattles because you just get a rattlesnake wrangle costume you don’t actually need the rattlesnake wrangler costume for the island you can get it for fun just to wear. But you do need to get the first cattle near the tree after exiting rock ridge (You can just follow his footprints) then talk to the cattle keeper and she will give you a saddle!
This.Will.Be.Awesome. Zomberry Island is probally gonna be epic, *i havnt tried it yet* umm my sister played Wild West it was amazing, ghost story is epic and Mystery Train wraps the group together. Its the list of………………………………………..
EPIC ISLANDS!!! *:o they should make an island call Epic Island :o*
enter one of the towns then leave and find the cattle
it was easy i only needed this to find out how to get the clock working
Thanks so much for the cheats!
Finally I will soon finish my 26 island and counting! 😛 😀
Cheats makes the islands way, way easier to play!
^_^ Ive beaten 20 islands now and im very happy 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
ps i cant beat zues on super villan island even when i used the cheats :'(
-.- the guy with the lost calf is a GIRL fierce moon… ( no offence meant, i love your walkthroughs!!!!! ) XD
O_O there is zeus on super villian island????? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! (it should be kronos or gaea though, becuz zeus is good!)
i agreee with shaky moon ZOMBERRY SUCKS!!! DX
🙁 the clock gear thing didn’t work for me. I don’t have enough oil to make each one “sparkly clean”.
how tolead the calf and lasso her?:(
Awesome!This REALLY works!I already finished 14 island and this is the 15th,thank you Fierce Moon..
Best Smile,
Lucky Snowball 🙂
Im stuck on the clock part! i dont know how much to oil put on!!!!!!! Any advice on how much??? PLZ HELP!
I personally love this world! I think I loike it so much because of the horse, Elmer or something like that. I love how he is way bigger than the poptropicans, and i love riding him throughout the town. I just thought that was fun. Anyone else agree?
@Lillylunapotter – Just follow the calf and use your lasso (press spacebar to activate and press spacebar again to realease the lasso), then lead the calf slowly back to the ranch, because if you go to fast the lasso will break. Hope that helps!
I agree that the Zomberry island could have been better. I think that the creators’ imangined something so big and spectacular, (What with The Walking Dead and all right now.) but they couldn’t follow through with their plans. So sad though, because I believe that it could have been a very well put together island…
Does anybody know how to get the first half (the one that doesn’t come from the guy with the big head)?? Please help me. 🙁
tell he where is the bottem half of the secret hide out paper?!!?!?!?!? help
what was the snake wrangler suit for?
How do you get the first half of the map to the bandit’s hide out? I’ve looked for it everywhere!
Thanks for the written walkthrough. I like them way more than the video which can take forever to watch. I finally completed this island, but it took nearly an hour straight to do it. It’s one of the longer islands I’ve been avoiding to complete.
Danke, Orange Seal
waht to shoot so that the bandits will come out please help.
To get the first half of the map you need to go back to Rock Ridge to the guy that was going to have his back robbed. The bandits robbed the bank and taken pretty much everything. Above the bank owner is a sheet of paper.That is half of the map.
you do know that after you catch the calf and talk to the guy he will also tell you that 5 of his cows have gone missing but you have to come back later for him to tell you
i can hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllpppppppppppp!!!
this was so awesome. it helped beat a lot of islands
cool ;D
please help in the gears thingy
this easy&hard!!
:hello: :X ❗
😡 ❓ 🙁
wow :wow:
sheesh :bored: man,this isn’t my day
😡 😡
i’m playing right now and it’s glitching, no one will talk o.O
HELP! I got to the part where you trade elixirs and all that. But when I go to the boy with the fat head and click on him, nothing happens. I tried using the Blue Tulip but it just starts loading never-endingly. Please give me a solution for this.
Thanks guys, but I found the answer myself. For anyone else having this problem, note that you have to ride your horse while talking to anyone, or it won’t work
this is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄
i am stuck at the oil part!!!!!!!!!!
How do ou get the first half of the hideaway map?
@freindlybean u get it at rock ridge AFTER el mustachio robs the bank. it is just above the bank owner/whatevers head.
HA HA! At the part where you exit Diamond Plains to chase the gang, I glanced over at the “Marshal” sign. It was spelled “Marhsal”.
It took me FOREVER to get a gold nugget while panning!
im sad. Poptropica won’t load for me….
K, all fixed. It took me more than 50 TRIES to get past the train part! Gosh it was hard!
WOW I had my BROTHERS to help with the train part.
im a rockstar
i use this website like all the time, and i love it but i wonder, where does this Fierce Moon get all these cheats for the islands???:-/
Fierce Moon, I LUV UR VIDS!! they have helped me so much! I have passed Night Watch Island, Zomberry Island, Super Villan Island, Wild West Island, AND LOTS MORE with help from ur videos. if u wants to add me as a friend on Poptropica, my username is “purplescissors”. One word. THX! 😉 😀
I hate El Mustachio Grande! It only means “The Big Mustache”!
If you’re havin’ trouble with the Mustachio Gang on the train, DON’T USE THE CONCENTRATION CARBONATE!!! You can aim for the spot right in front of their horses to hit them, and I GUARANTEE that you will stop the bandits!
katiness-whatever that’s just wrong gaea is good (unless u read the heros of olymius)
The shooting game isn’t that hard if you get 100 points every shot!
hey guys what are your room codes?i want to visit someone.
can i have some more room codes getting bored.i have nothing to do
I’m sorry my real code is bdt13
I got the cow lassoed but it won’t stay!! D:{ PS my username is bubblesheep add me
It wont let me go into the mine!! I’m there, but there isn’t any star that I can click on to go into it. You can send me an e-mail with the directions to go into it! thanks!! 🙂
– Gentle Coyote 🙂
I cant get passed the end where its a shootout between El Mustachio and his gang in there secret hideout!! if anyone has any advice, please email me @[email protected] !!! Thanks!!
-Gentle Coyote
super shadow the same thing happened to me you have to go a little bit at a time to get to the ranch
i clicked on the boy with the big head and it loaded never endingly i tried talking to him while riding my horse but it still wont work!
rhanks but i found the anser myself i need to click him and then click on the items and click the blue tulip and it will work! yal see
dude this took me like 20 minutes to do he easiest part was the train.
Funnest game eva look up my username
im pretty sure that person with the cows is a girl lol
OMG, like, I got this new pair of shoes which are super cute! It’s got little pink stuff all over it and is SO adorable. And no, I’m not talking about REAL shoes, I mean shoes in Poptropica! I even got blue and purple shoes. If you want some, all you gotta do is go to Mega Byte Island and go to Funk Punk Pop and click on the third cashier, the blue-with-green-stripes-haired girl with glasses. She’s a bit grumpy, but whatever. So she’ll tell you to pay up or scram, and you gotta give her a gold nugget from Wild West Island! Yes, you can use items from other islands now, as long as it’s not major stuff. Okay, so once you’ve given her the gold nugget, she’ll examine it then give you a Funk Punk pass for one outfit, and you can just choose whatever outfit you want. Then if you want more outfits, just get more gold nuggets from Wild West Island and trade them for outfit passes. The outfits in Funk Punk Pop change every week, and if you’re a Member, you can exchange two outfit passes for a Special Pass, which allows you to get a Members-only outfit from Funk Punk Pop. It’s so fun! I got four outfits now, including one Special outfit. And to know how to get free membership, just e-mail me. =)
im confused, how do you get your own poptropica room?
ps wheres mega byte island???