One of the best parts of Poptropica is all the costumes you can get in the game. There are plenty of options available in the Poptropica Store, and you can use the costumizer feature to copy almost any costume you see in the game. Plus, if you’re feeling creative, you can mix and match a lot to get some really great outfits. Here are two great outfits that use some clever mixing. Both of these were submitted to the comments section by magicwind. If you’ve got a great costume idea, add it to the comments section below and if we like it, we’ll feature it as a costume of the week.
Cute Girl

This costume combines some gear from Mythology Island with a few items from the store. You’ll need to use up 225 credits on the items or be a paid member in Poptropica. Here are all the steps you need to get this really cute item. Credit for putting this costume together goes to magicwind.
- Visit Aphrodite in Mythology Island and copy the top part of her toga and her heart necklace.
- Use the Gamer Girl’s hair from the Poptropica Store (75 credits).
- Use the black jacket from the original Rocker Girl outfit in the Poptropica Store (75 credits).
- Get a black skirt from any of the Poptropicans that are wearing one.
- Use the bangs from the Prom Queen costume in the Poptropica Store (75 credits).
Queen of the Underworld

This creative outfit is mostly a copy of the Goth Girl from Astro-Knights Island, but with some clever twists to appear large without having to have that ugly Hades’ hair.
- First go to Ye Olde Rumor Mill in Astro-Knights Island and copy the entire outfit of the Goth Girl inside. She’s up top in the upper right inside the mill.
- If you don’t already have Hades crown, you’ll need to complete Mythology Island. Wear the crown, which is inside the Mythology Island section of your backpack.
- Put on the Hades amulet from the Mythology Surfer costume from the Poptropica Store (75 credits).
- Press the space bar to grow large in size.
- Change your hair to the same style you had before by using the hair from the Pop Star outfit from the Poptropica Store (75 credits).
The last part of this (using the Pop Star outfit) is what lets you stay at the large size without having to actually wear Hades’ crown/hair. It’s a great costume and clever trick with credit to, magicwind
Got your own Poptropica costume ideas? Post them in the comments section below and I’ll pick a costume for next week’s feature. Be sure to write out all the steps you need to do to put the outfit together.
I like the goth one and pink one
i’m gonna wear the cute girl. great website. your sense of style is cool.
I am real close to beating mythology I am stuck on the Zeus fight
Click on my name to see my coustume it’s called midnight master replace the wings with the ninja sword
Also I’ll add another one
5th comment!
if you think super thunder has great style, say I.
i changed my gravatar. it looks like victoria Justice
thanks super thunder!!
now its showing
not on here??
now its showing!! 😀
To make a ghost king of the underworld with a black sword(suppose the black is Stygian iron the material from which Hade’s sword is made) you will need
at least 400 credits(you can use 500 more for a cooler effect)(adding up to 700 credits)
the completion of mythology island and the completion of the haunted house quest(this quest is available as a gold card in the store and is free!) .Note: this costume is expensive for non-members and you will have to save up credits for a while sorry!
what you need:
use the credits to buy (if a * is present the item is necessary if not it is optional)
phantom power* (250 credits)
dark astronight costume*(75 credits)
Mythology surfer boy costume*(75 credits)
spooktacular gum(250 credits)
followers spook pack(250 credits)
travelling to astro-nights island*
how to make the costume
turn on the phantom power to your desired setting
wear your hades crown
apply the sword from your dark astronight costume
after you finish the haunted house quest copy the clothes for the grim reaper excluding his hood and his blade
turn the mythology surfer boy to Hades and copy the skull amulet
make your mouth a simple line or frown(you can copy hades’s face from mythology island)
copy the skulls around the waist from the goth girl in the mill on astronights island
for additional effects you can
turn your follower into a skull and chew your spooktactular gum
hope you like the idea and it gets chosen for costume of the week!
I am fifth yahoo
um…popular jumper, u talk A LOT
hey, i was messing around with mythology items, and i found out that if you use the touchscreen mirror on another island, poptropica apparently freaks out and sends you back to the home page…
also, the trident is a pretty cool electrifier without buying it from the store.
its not fair on mythology i cant beat he zues fight cus at the end he keeps on powering up and you cant shoot him.
well im not sure how to submit the avi but anyway ok you need to go to 24 carrot and get the guy at the fuel stations hat.
Then u need to have that pirate costume and put on the earings and scar.
Then u need to buy/have the folowing first rocker out fit,ninja outfit and the second rocker out fit.
then u just need some green top and greenpants…….dats it i think
also you put on on the ninja sword ninja nunchuks and 1st rocker outfit jacket and 2nd rocker belt…
HI! I’m DizzyDee or, if my name is too long… Dizz or Dee either way…
I’m Purple Knuckle on Poptropica
Click my name to see my FBI Agent- Female Outfit…
Here are the details…
The FBI Agent- Female Outfit
This is a free outfit.
You do not need any items from the store but you need the Ctrl+Shift+R cheat which might not work with Apple computers, use another comp while doing this.
1) Use the Randomizer cheat till you get the mobile phone
2) Costumize the guy next to the helicopter on RTV Island to get the glasses, shirt and pants
3) Go to Skullduggery Island
4) Costumize the lips of the lady trader at Dragon Port there
5) You will have to search around islands for the jacket, hair and the bangs. Costumize them.
Anyone can use it, just don’t take credit for it…
I have a really nice costume. Type applesauce1711 in the avatar studio to see my avatar Red Heart. I just love my outfit, but it takes a lot of running around.
First go to Mythology island. You will see that lady who says ‘May the gods watch over you stranger’. Copy her one strap top.
Then go to Aphrodite and copy her earrings.
Then go to the goth girl in the windmill in Astro-Knights, or the meeting under the fountain there and put on the star necklace.
Use the popstar outfit(blue, purchased with 75 credits) for the skirt and belt.
You can find the side fringe with the goth boy on Reality Tv Island.
It will be a little hard to find the Tinker Bell wings, but they are not very important. You could find them on girls in Multiplayer rooms (You may even find me!).
Buy Vampire Girl 2(75 credits) for the hair, or customize them from someone who has them in Multiplayer rooms.
You can get the lips from the Fairy Queen (Pink, 75 credits), or use any light pink lips.
I hope you like my costume!
yoda costume: first, go to the haunted house and costumize the robe from the grim keaper. then, buy the werewolf costume and costumize the ears and head but not the mouth. then, buy the sky hawk costume and costumize the sword and make your body the colour of green by going to the cafe in 24 carrot island. done!
sounds cool!!
Miss me?
Hey guys!!! R u a member? If so, you know the chomping bubblegum? Buy that or click on your bag and find it in there. Put it on. Then if you have firecrackers turn it on too or buy it. Click on the hot air balloon and go back to the game. Then press spacebar and whalla! A nice trick for Halloween..
grigory, the yoda costume rocks, thanks for the idea!
p.s. i didnt use the werewolf face because i don’t think that yodas face is that hairy, just saying!
Hey guys! Go to to do cool things. Like explore the islands of the wide sea and create your own version of the dawn treader! And more!!
p.s. did any one miss me? maybe not, who needs a Raptor
I now how to make a Susan Pevancie costume: (the susan from narnia.)
First, you need to get the lipstick from the girl in front of the Ye Old, Poptropica store in astro knights island.
Then go to that lady in the purple dress (she is in front of the castle on Astro Knights) and copy her shirt, dress, belt, and necklace.
Than go to the goth girl and copy her hair and bangs.
Then buy the robin hood costume (75 credits) and put on the bow and quiver of arrowes.
Finnaly get black hair from the 24 carrot island cafe.
To see the complete costume click on this:
Or go the the avatar studio and type in my username: BlueRaptorGirl
P.S. the costume looks better with tan skin
COOL IDEA, Blue Raptor!
hey, my outfit is just awesome.
i don’t know what to call it though…
just put swimmer_23 in the avatar studio to see what you think.
hey, its my birthday tommorow! what do you think my big present is gonna be? i think it’s a wii!
Make A Porn Star Costume
First, go in the Comic Shop at Super power Island and customize the shirt, pimples and pants that the nerd is wearing.
Second go to Spy Island and go inside the glasses store where you saw Dr. Spyglass and customize the bald head on one of the dummies.
Third go to Early Poptropica and colour your skin yellow.
Last, on any island, try to find someone with a bucktoothed smile.
It’s… SPONGEBOB! This works on both boys and girls.
I got an outfit!
Hawaii Girl Outfit:
How to get this outfit: Go to Shark Tooth Island. See that guy selling coconut milk? Costumize his flower necklace. If you want, costumize his pants too. Then, go to the tourist center. When you go inside, on the top is a section called Tourist Info. There’s a girl standing there. Costumize everything on her. If you want, customize her skirt too. Then, come out of the tourist center and go to Booga Bay. (It’s the place where you see a woman crying and a man selling grass skirts.) Press on the man selling grass skirts. After he talks, a card saying Grass Skirt will pop up, unless you finish the island already. 🙂 Put on the grass skirt. Yay!!! Hawaii girl outfit is complete!!! 8)
Hi, long time no see!
I got an outfit!
Hawaii Girl Outfit:
How to get this outfit: Go to Shark Tooth Island. See that guy selling coconut milk? Costumize his flower necklace. If you want, costumize his pants too. Then, go to the tourist center. When you go inside, on the top is a section called Tourist Info. There’s a girl standing there. Costumize everything on her. If you want, customize her skirt too. Then, come out of the tourist center and go to Booga Bay. (It’s the place where you see a woman crying and a man selling grass skirts.) Press on the man selling grass skirts. After he talks, a card saying Grass Skirt will pop up, unless you finish the island already. 🙂 Put on the grass skirt. Yay!!! Hawaii girl outfit is complete!!! 8)
I got an outfit!
Hawaii Girl Outfit:
How to get this outfit: Go to Shark Tooth Island. See that guy selling coconut milk? Costumize his flower necklace. If you want, costumize his pants too. Then, go to the tourist center. When you go inside, on the top is a section called Tourist Info. There’s a girl standing there. Costumize everything on her. If you want, customize her skirt too. Then, come out of the tourist center and go to Booga Bay. (It’s the place where you see a woman crying and a man selling grass skirts.) Press on the man selling grass skirts. After he talks, a card saying Grass Skirt will pop up, unless you finish the island already. 🙂 Put on the grass skirt. Yay!!! Hawaii girl outfit is complete!!! 8)
Oh wow Lin. Nice! Now, my turn.
1930’s Style Airplane Pilot Outfit Ghost (for girls, also known as Amelia Earhart’s Ghost):
How to get this outfit:Actually, this outfit is basically from that guy in Nabooti Island. If you aren’t there already go! Run until you see a man standing next to a plane. Costumize everything on him. If you have the phantom card from the store, use it to give a creepy, ghostly appearance. There! The guy version is finished.
Now, girl’s version. Copy all the steps above. If you can find a person wearing blush, costumize her blush. Finish! 😉
Amelia Earhart’s Ghost:
1930′s Style Airplane Pilot Outfit Ghost:
hi i love all of your comments. i think that u r 2 cool 2 B 4t 1(41) jokes sorry about that but have to go keep in touch
That’s great Viv! Well l8ter. Have to eat dinner.
Thx Lin! Bye.
glam diva pilot
Mystic Dragon, It was not showing.
Hi guys! So I got these three outfit thingy I want to share. It’s a Hunter of Artemis, Liutenant Hunter of Artemis, or Artemis Goddess of the Hunt. Artemis Goddess of the Hunt goes like this:
(Note: You will need active Mmbership or 350 credits)
1. First, get a short white ruffled dress, which a lot of girls wear in a common room.
2. Then, go to 24 Carrot Island and get your hair auburn.
3. Now go to Early Poptropica and get your skin very pale.
4. Now customize Alice Cullen or Vampire Girl 3’s hair and bangs.
5. Now use Robin Hood’s Bow and Arrow. (only the bow and arrow)
6. You can use the simple smile, which is a cuved line.
7. Don’t forget Hades’s crown.
8. Finally, get Phantom Effect and use it a tiny bit. It is only for a silvery glow effect.
Here is the link:
Artemis is very simple, because most of her Hunters do her job. If you want something more complex, try Artemis’s Hunter Lieutenant.
Artemis’s Liutenant: ( You will need active Membership or 750 credits)
1. Your hair and skin can be any color. I will do caramel skin and blond hair.
2. Get the Prom Queen Outfit and choose white. Customize the robes only.
3. Use the Robin Hood Outfit and customize the knife in his belt and the Bow and Arrow and the backpack with arrows in it.
4. Now use the Biker’s outfit to get the ponytail and the simple red lips.
5. Get the Fairy Queen outfit and get the bangs which includes the tiarra.
6. Use the Phantom Effect to get that silvery glow arround you.
Liutenant Hunters of Artemis are one of the most difficult costumes. To get something nice and easy, try Hunter of Artemis (not Lieutenant).
(Note: You will need active Membership or 875 credits)
1. Your hair and skin can be any color. I will do peach skin and blond hair.
2.Use the Angel costume and customize the robes and the sash.
3. Use Robin Hood’s Bow and Arrow and his backpack of arrows.
4. Now use Pirate Captain and customize the knife hung on the chest.
5. Now you can use the Mythology Surfer hair (the braid).
6. Use Alice Cullen or Vampire Girl Three’s bangs.
7. Use any pink lips.
8. Now get the Phantom Effect and make it light, only enough to see a silvery glow.
9. Use the Follower Hummingbird.
The Hunters of Artemis are simple, but they are ready to help Artemis, if needed.
I hope you liked them! I am sorry boys, but since you cannot use these, I will come up with clothes for you too!
ha i batted zues already it was HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOps! This is the link for Artemis Goddess of the Hunt:
🙁 boo hoo u hate meeeeeee!!!
Hi guys! So I got these three outfit thingy I want to share. It’s a Hunter of Artemis, Liutenant Hunter of Artemis, or Artemis Goddess of the Hunt. Artemis Goddess of the Hunt goes like this:
(Note: You will need active Mmbership or 350 credits)
1. First, get a short white ruffled dress, which a lot of girls wear in a common room.
2. Then, go to 24 Carrot Island and get your hair auburn.
3. Now go to Early Poptropica and get your skin very pale.
4. Now customize Alice Cullen or Vampire Girl 3′s hair and bangs.
5. Now use Robin Hood’s Bow and Arrow. (only the bow and arrow)
6. You can use the simple smile, which is a cuved line.
7. Don’t forget Hades’s crown.
8. Finally, get Phantom Effect and use it a tiny bit. It is only for a silvery glow effect.
Here is the link:
Artemis is very simple, because most of her Hunters do her job. If you want something more complex, try Artemis’s Hunter Lieutenant.
Artemis’s Liutenant: ( You will need active Membership or 750 credits)
1. Your hair and skin can be any color. I will do caramel skin and blond hair.
2. Get the Prom Queen Outfit and choose white. Customize the robes only.
3. Use the Robin Hood Outfit and customize the knife in his belt and the Bow and Arrow and the backpack with arrows in it.
4. Now use the Biker’s outfit to get the ponytail and the simple red lips.
5. Get the Fairy Queen outfit and get the bangs which includes the tiarra.
6. Use the Phantom Effect to get that silvery glow arround you.
Liutenant Hunters of Artemis are one of the most difficult costumes. To get something nice and easy, try Hunter of Artemis (not Lieutenant).
(Note: You will need active Membership or 875 credits)
1. Your hair and skin can be any color. I will do peach skin and blond hair.
2.Use the Angel costume and customize the robes and the sash.
3. Use Robin Hood’s Bow and Arrow and his backpack of arrows.
4. Now use Pirate Captain and customize the knife hung on the chest.
5. Now you can use the Mythology Surfer hair (the braid).
6. Use Alice Cullen or Vampire Girl Three’s bangs.
7. Use any pink lips.
8. Now get the Phantom Effect and make it light, only enough to see a silvery glow.
9. Use the Follower Hummingbird.
The Hunters of Artemis are simple, but they are ready to help Artemis, if needed.
I hope you liked them! I am sorry boys, but since you cannot use these, I will come up with clothes for you too!
This is what I had…
And this is the real link, too, for a normal Hunter of Artemis:
Except on here, the hair is auburn!
It took me a long time to make these!
i think this is a great post
How to get this outfit : The hair is a little pricey say about… 150 credits?
Any ways.. to get the top part of the hair you have to purchase Rock star… If you want to dye it, you would have to buy the colorization tool. The side bangs you can purchase with the POP star. Now the braids can be found by one of the girls on the beach with Aphrodite. The blush and lipstick can also be found with Aphrodite. The top part of the outfit can be found with Athens (the shirt and belt). The skirt can be found using the time machine ( on time tangled island) going back to the Roman/greek days. It is on one of the girls.
I hope I win 😀
hey guys, i really like my head/face.
i don’t really like the rest of my outfit though…what do you think?
Okay, I’ve made a cool costume- it’s all free!!!If you want to see this awesome costume, type in icyfire848 into your Avatar Studio. Otherwise, here’s how you make it:
1) Go to Mythology Island. The first person you see will be a girl in blue with lots of fruit on her head. Customize ONLY her earrings and top. There is also a girl by the Musical Temple or whatever who is in orange. She will work the same, but I prefer the blue girl, she is faster to get to. Duh, she’s the first person you see!
2) Try to find someone who is wearing a black skirt or black vest. Customize them ONLY for the black skirt or black vest.
3) Now, onto hair, you can buy Vampire Girl #2 and use her hair (75 credits), or you can find someone with a slightly smaller and less puffy version on a poptropican ( That way is FREE!). Customize them. ( Vampire Girl #3’s hair can work as well. She is 75 credits. There is also smaller and free version as wel. You have to customize it.)Still on hair, find someone with that little flip/ bang halfway covering one eye. Customize that. Change your hair color BLACK!
4) Try to find a darker tan skin on Early Poptropica Island. The balloon man should have that color. The Colorizer can’t make that shade of tan.
5) Last step, yah! Use the lips of the Mythology Surfer Girl (75 credits), or get the smaller version from someone who is wearing them. ( If you get the smaller version from someone, it’s free!)
I hope you try this costume out and like it! Thanks for reading! Icy Fire
Sorry! On step two, you need both the Black Skirt and the Black Vest!!!
Peter Pevancie: (boys only)
First, buy the Templar Knight costume (75 credits) and put on everything exepped the helmet.
Then, go to the 24 carrrot cafe and color your hair brown.
Then go and find an on the side smile and slicked back hair any were you can.
To see the complete costume click here:
Or go to the avatar studio and type in PopularRingBoy.
I don’t like them very much but hey! what do I know? 😆
? sorry?
first defeat mythology island and wear hades crown
next find some purple wings
next get a metal face thingy
next defeat the haunted mansion and get the grim reaper costume only therobe belt and the top part no hood.
next get white skin
buy the surfer costume and buy the gamer geek costume you need the surfer necklace and have the gamer geek glasses.
to see costume go to
there is no jacket on the first costume
go to avatar studio and type in psophia.tell me what you think of my costume.
ps.its called glam diva pilot
i tried it and it was easy because i had all the castumes and even boy castume and gold cards
Did anybody look at or like mine?
Didn’t andy one like my costumes?
look up z2169 on the stuido i made a overlord robotic eyed peg leged flying demen shrinker
+______ cheack it out welp peace oh wait btw if u hve a fb add me im duncan nitro
This is a costume that I thought up 5 minutes ago and is FREE if you are a super cheapster like me. Sadly, I was not able to include a link to my avatar, because the avatar studio has a glitch on this computer.
mad scientist costume:
1. go to reality tv island and go into mike’s market and get the shirt that the clerk is wearing. NOT the apron, just the shirt.
2. go to spy island and go into Spyglass Eyewear. Get the jeans on the dummies wearing glasses.
3. Go to the storeroom above Spyglass Eyewear and get the white labcoat. Also, if you’re a boy, get the guy’s hair.
4. go to time tangled and travel into the future. Get your future self’s glasses.
Optional: For the real “mad” look, find someone with the hair sticking up all over the place. Costumize with them.
Optional #2: Get the april fool’s costume from the store, if you’re not cheap like me. Get the spritzer bottle, and pretend that it’s a vial chemical. For super cheapsters like me that are also collecters, get the bottle of chocolate milk from that fitness advertisement that was like a year ago (I don’t even understand how I still have it). Anyway, with the milk bottle, convince people that it’s not milk, it’s a vial chemical, and astound them by drinking from it.
Mmk, I have four costumes I usually wear that I find very cute:
1. The first one is very simple, and costs only 150 credits. I call it: Wannabe
You need the Pop Star outfit, and Vampire Girl 2’s hair. From the Pop Star outfit, (you can use either Blue or Pink, as you’ll need a blue or pink leather vest to complete it.) Take the hat, microphone, mouth (if you want), the bangs, and the belt. Go to Spy Island and inside the optometrist (glasses dude) click on any of the stands and copy the white shirt. The last piece is a white skirt you can take from any Poptropican wearing it Link:
2. Goth Girl (kind of): For this, you only need 75 credits for the Pop Star outfit, and you just need the whole hair. Then, you’ll need these random pieces of clothing from any Poptropican wearing them: The grey and white striped shirt with a skull on it, the black leather vest, the plaid skirt, and the black belt with the gold buckle on it. Sunglasses are optional. Link:
3. Teenager: This one is completely free! No credits required, unless you want a fancy hair. Outfit: You’ll need the black and white shirt (kind of like a blazer), a solid pink skirt, pink tie, pink newsboy hat, and polka dot belt. Link:
4. Barbie Girl (with a twist): This one requires no credits (unless you wnat different hair, but I suggest you keep consistant, because it looks weird with out barbie’s headband.) Outfit: Barbie’s dress (you’ll need to copy her ponytail, but complete the mini-quest and get the bangs), white newsboy hat (if you want) and a pink tie. Link:
I love them all, and I hope you all do to!
Another costume:
Purple Pirate Patricia: This is all found on Skullduggery island, by the way. Go to Bouffant Bay, and all the way to the right, ducking behind a plant, is the girl you’ll copy from. Just take what you see fit to take, and you have become the Purple Pirate Patricia! I kept my mouth, but took everything else. I believe on the same island, there is a male pirate with a purple pirate HAT, I took that too.
heres mines: first go to counterfiet island.go to the guy outside web broser internet cafe.coustimise his brown jacket go to reality tv island after you beaten it.go to the man next to the helicopter and copy his hair only.
then go to 24 carrot island and go inside the carrot king dinner and die your hair super red like as much as red you can drink
next go to one of those places were you can chat and play minie games like paint war and star link and wise path and hoops those places yeh so go too one of those and look for sombody that has that red shirt with the lighting on it or go too super power island and go too mask and capes and get the blue one instead,but the red one looks cooler.
you know that smile the friendly smile like how you would take a photo in a class picture,yeh one of those get a mouth like that
then go too the poptropica store and buy the magician. so coustimise his cape only.then you go and copy sombody that has that metel on thir face and also get that robotic eye.
last get that friut loops staff at the fruit loops advertisment place.and get the blue and black striped pants.and wwwooooohhhlllaaahhh your done!! you could also get that torch and light your self on fire or elactricfy yourself. what ever you want!
please tell me if you like the coustume.
Punk Star: Needs 75 credits, and a lot of patience. Get the Rock Star 2 from the store, and get the black one’s hair and shirt. Then find any poptropican wearing these: Black leather vest, plaid skirt, and black belt. Copy these, and VOILA! You’ve got yourself a Rebel-Ready avatar, people will be copying you in the mulitplayer areas! (I know they did for me!)
Good advice! 🙂 I got the cute girl and so many people ask: Where did u get that outfit?!
Check out my avatar. Go to
Miss Santa Claus
Places you go to: AstroKnights Island and Mythology Island
1. Go to Mythology Island
2. Use the Mirror to get to the beach. Customize Aphrodite earrings and then customize the beach girl in the pink lips.
3. Go to Astro Knights Island.
4. go to the castle and see the king and queen
5.Costmize the queens top the king’s cape and the red kights pants.
5. use the phone from Nabooti Island and dial 1225
6. there You go! Miss Santa Claus
You can go to avatar studio and type in yancyestacio for the username. You can see the costume. Merry Christmas in advance. Or happy hanukah or whatever you celebrate.
Oh. And my costume does not require any credits.
I can create more.
Helllllooooo!!! Does any one like my costumes!!??
I have a few outfits too. One of them is cop girl.
Here is the link:
It goes great with Counterfiet Island.
I have 5 outfits I simply adore:
1. The first one is very simple, and costs only 225 credits. I call it: Wannabe
You need the Pop Star outfit, and Vampire Girl 2’s hair. From the Pop Star outfit, (you can use either Blue or Pink,
as you’ll need a blue or pink leather vest to complete it.) Take the hat, microphone, mouth (if you want),and the
belt. The last credit item you need is the Prom Queen, this is used for the bangs that go over your eye. Go to Spy
Island and inside the optometrist (glasses dude) click on any of the stands and copy the white shirt. The last
piece is a white skirt you can take from any Poptropican wearing it
2. Goth Girl (kind of): For this, you only need 75 credits for the Pop Star outfit, and you just need the whole hair.
Then, you’ll need these random pieces of clothing from any Poptropican wearing them: The grey and white striped
shirt with a skull on it, the black leather vest, the plaid skirt, and the black belt with the gold buckle on it.
Sunglasses are optional.
3. Teenager: This one is completely free! No credits required, unless you want a fancy hair. Outfit: You’ll need the
black and white shirt (kind of like a blazer), a solid pink skirt, pink tie, pink newsboy hat, and polka dot belt.
4. Barbie Girl (with a twist): This one requires no credits (unless you wnat different hair, but I suggest you keep
consistant, because it looks weird with out barbie’s headband.) Outfit: Barbie’s dress (you’ll need to copy her
ponytail, but complete the mini-quest and get the bangs), white newsboy hat (if you want) and a pink tie.
5. Rebel-Ready avatar: Requires 75 credits. Buy the Rock Star 2, and use the black hair and the shirt. Then, copy these
items from any poptropican (NPC or PC) plaid skirt, black leather vest, and black belt, and VOILA! Rebel-Ready avatar, hold the onions.
I’ve passed every island and have run out of credits!!! Just kidding, I have 15 left. Not much you can do with 15.
Sassy Spy: This outfit use only 150 credits for the Pop Star Outfit and the Royal Ball. Use the top, jacket, and hair pieces from the Pop Star, and the lips from Royal Ball. Then, go to Spy Island and find someone wearing the glasses with the microphone attached. Wear these. Then find any poptropican wearing a black skirt WITH black tights (so that weird leg over skirt doesn’t happen.) and Voila! You’ve got one sassy spy, and people copying you left and right in the multi-player areas! Have Fun with this.
P.S. I used the Barbie Ponytail and matching blonde pop star bangs. It looks great either way!
For My little costume< You have to spend 75 credits for…SURFIN' HADES!
1. Put on Hades crown
2. But on the hades surfboard guy's clothing, surfboard, and sunglasses and only that.
3. Since the game doesnt allow you to get topless, find a guy with a tank top and customize.
DONE! type tall rider11 to see it on the avatar customiser
oh and change your skin white and hair black for the final touches
Hot Nerd: This is free. You need the pink headband hair, the magenta-ish wrap shirt, a pair of jeans (spy island mannequins) Pink glasses, and purple backpack.
Feedback is appreciated!
Back-To-School: No credits needed. Find the pink headband hair, and some simple bangs. Find the purple backpack, the pink glasses, the pink sequin vest thing, and the pink/white/gray tie. Also, go to spy island and use the jeans on the mannequins in the eyewear store. And you are ready for school!!!
Casual: Needs 150 credits. Buy Gamer Girl and Prom Queen. Use the shirt and pants from Gamer Girl, and the bangs pieces from Prom Queen. Find any poptropican wearing the black vest. If you want to spend another 75 credits on Southern Belle for the lips, be my guest, it looks fabulous. Link:
My Casual seems to be a big hit. People without Gamer Girl and the other necessities are trying to copy me, and all they end up with is a black vest over whatever else they already have on. It’s hilarious! People are doing the mad face all over!
yet another costume
The Scene scene: No credits, unless you want cool hair (must be black, though. Rock star 2 black looks great.) Go to reality TV island and copy that emo looking dudes sweater. Find any poptropican wearing a white tie and take it. Use the generic mannequin jean, and find some sunglasses you like. Voila, you are fit for the Scene scene. (Upper case scene: dress emo, but you aren’t emo)
This seems very popular, but I don’t like it:
I call it; Evil Tinkerbell: Don’t know if it needs credits, but here; You need that weird red leaf-like dress and black vest. Add a black belt, or the polka dot one, which seems to overpower the more classy choice. Add also the white newsboy hat. Looks weird, but it’s popular.
My Version: Go to Reality TV and play until you get Sarah Snooty, I believe. Copy her dress, add a white newsboy hat, and boom, simple, and cute! Who woulda thunk it?
Hey everybody, I am magicwind. I submitted those two outfits. The Queen of the Underworld was my original idea! My Poptropica name is Bronze Flame. I’m usually hanging out in the billiards hall on Reality TV island. If you happen to run into me, challenge me to head to head skydive. It’s my favorite mutliplayer game. Hope to see you!
Just so you know, I am wearing a hippy outfit with magenta hair. TTYL!
Wow! I can’t believe the number of costumes you can make with just a little creativity!!!! By the way, I love the costumes of the week!
Did anyone like the costume I created? It’s in the previous comments.
Feedback on my outfits are appreciated. I’m always at the hair club on Spy Island! Hope to see you. I’m Strange Moon, obviously! I LOVE soupwords. See you there!
The Ulti-Punk: This is pretty much the same as my Rebel-Ready avatar, but with the Queen of the Underworld twist. You use the Hades Crown effect, and put the Rock Star 2 back hair on again.
**QOTU credit goes to magicwind**
I have the best Hades costume
Does anyone like my MANY outfits?
i love the hair of the ocean god in mythology , the curly front section of hair and earrings from the woman in the B.A.D bistro in spy island, a white dress that puffs out a little at the bottom that i found on someone in one of the cafe’ things where you see other people,and then you put on a purple waist bow thingy on the chinese girl in the show for reality T.V. (you compete against her) , I wear the lips from the pink fairy queen, but you can wear any lips.
oh by the way if you want to see it, go to the avatar studio and type in – born2bme97
Hey guys, it’s me, magicwind. I have another outfit for the girls. Here is how to look like the goddess Hera. (requires 150 credits)
1. Buy the Prom Queen outfit and customize the white color. Keep her hair but no bangs. (75 credits)
2. Get the curly bangs from any Poptropican wearing them
3. Get the Zeus amulet from the Mythology surfer outfit (75 credits)
Hope you like it!
magicwind here. Here is how to look like Queen of the sea. (requires 150 credits)
1. Get the Mythology Surfer and customize the light blue color. Get everthing except the sunglasses and surf board.
2. Get the Fairy Queen and customize her bangs.
3. Complete Mythology island and use Hades crown to grow in size.
4. Change your hair back to the way it was using the Mythology surfer.
5. Get Poseidon’s trident but do not press spacebar.
Hpoe you like it!
I like those, magicwind! Do you like mine? It’s the result of 3 days. Here are all 13:
1. The first one is very simple, and costs only 225 credits. I call it: Wannabe
You need the Pop Star outfit, and Vampire Girl 2’s hair. From the Pop Star outfit, (you can use either Blue or Pink,
as you’ll need a blue or pink leather vest to complete it.) Take the hat, microphone, mouth (if you want),and the
belt. The last credit item you need is the Prom Queen, this is used for the bangs that go over your eye. Go to Spy
Island and inside the optometrist (glasses dude) click on any of the stands and copy the white shirt. The last
piece is a white skirt you can take from any Poptropican wearing it
2. Goth Girl (kind of): For this, you only need 75 credits for the Pop Star outfit, and you just need the whole hair.
Then, you’ll need these random pieces of clothing from any Poptropican wearing them: The grey and white striped
shirt with a skull on it, the black leather vest, the plaid skirt, and the black belt with the gold buckle on it.
Sunglasses are optional.
3. Teenager: This one is completely free! No credits required, unless you want a fancy hair. Outfit: You’ll need the
black and white shirt (kind of like a blazer), a solid pink skirt, pink tie, pink newsboy hat, and polka dot belt.
4. Barbie Girl (with a twist): This one requires no credits (unless you wnat different hair, but I suggest you keep
consistant, because it looks weird with out barbie’s headband.) Outfit: Barbie’s dress (you’ll need to copy her
ponytail, but complete the mini-quest and get the bangs), white newsboy hat (if you want) and a pink tie.
5. Rebel-Ready Punk: Requires 75 credits. Buy the Rock Star 2, and use the black hair and the shirt. Then, copy these
items from any poptropican (NPC or PC) plaid skirt, black leather vest, and black belt, and VOILA! Rebel-Ready Punk.
6. Sassy Spy: This outfit use only 150 credits for the Pop Star Outfit and the Royal Ball. Use the top, jacket, and
hair pieces from the Pop Star, and the lips from Royal Ball. Then, go to Spy Island and find someone wearing the
glasses with the microphone attached. Wear these. Then find any poptropican wearing a black skirt WITH black tights
(so that weird leg over skirt doesn’t happen.) and Voila! You’ve got one sassy spy, and people copying you left
and right in the multi-player areas! Have Fun with this.
P.S. I used the Barbie Ponytail and matching blonde pop star bangs. It looks great either way!
7. Hot Nerd: This is free. You need the pink headband hair, the magenta-ish wrap shirt, a pair of jeans (spy island
mannequins) Pink glasses, and purple backpack.
8. Back-To-School: No credits needed. Find the pink headband hair, and some simple bangs. Find the purple backpack,
the pink glasses, the pink sequin vest thing, and the pink/white/gray tie. Also, go to spy island and use the jeans
on the mannequins in the eyewear store. And you are ready for school!!!
9. Casual: 150 credits. Buy Gamer Girl and Prom Queen. Use the shirt and pants from Gamer Girl, and the bangs pieces
from Prom Queen. Find any poptropican wearing the black vest. If you want to spend another 75 credits on Southern
Belle for the lips, be my guest, it looks fabulous.
10. The Scene scene: No credits, unless you want cool hair (must be black, though. Rock star 2 black looks great.)
Go to reality TV island and copy that emo looking dudes sweater. Find any poptropican wearing a white tie and take
it. Use the generic mannequin jean, and find some sunglasses you like. Voila, you are fit for the Scene scene.
(Upper case scene: dress emo, but you aren’t emo)
11. The Ulti-Punk: This is pretty much the same as my Rebel-Ready avatar, but with the Queen of the Underworld twist.
You use the Hades Crown effect, and put the Rock Star 2 back hair on again.
12. Evil Tinkerbell: Don’t know if it needs credits, but here; You need that weird red leaf-like dress and black
vest. Add a black belt, or the polka dot one, which seems to overpower the more classy choice. Add also the white
newsboy hat. Looks weird, but it’s popular.
13. My Version: Go to Reality TV and play until you get Sarah Snooty, I believe. Copy her dress, add a white newsboy
hat, and boom, simple, and cute! Who woulda thunk it?
14: Asian Barbie: Copy Barbie’s dress outside the Ad Building, and go to Reality TV and keep trying until you get Merry Muse, copy her waist bow. Do whatever else you want… Yeah.
15: Something Old, Something New: Go to Mythology Island, and use the mirror to get to Aphrodite’s realm. Copy her mouth. Then, go to the restaurant place outside, copy the blue girls shirt ONLY. Then, buy the biker outfit and use the jacket, OR with your a cheaper, you can find someone wearing the black vest. You can use the infamous mannequin jean, or the plain black skirt. Finally, use Rock Star 2’s black hair. It’s simple, but pretty.
With that last one, you can use any Mythology girl’s shirt.
The Real Deal: This is my 100% true Reality TV Islander outfit! No credits, just a lot of patience! You’ll need: The girl in the blue and pink jacket/dress combo’s hair; Sarah Snooty’s dress; and Black Widow’s mouth! Enjoy! I’ll make a boys outfit soon. Maybe. If I don’t get inspired for another girls’ outfit…
Sorry, boys costume has been postponed… I was inspired by the pilot’s scarf from Nabooti.
The Classic: 75 credits for the Pop Star shirt! Not jacket, SHIRT. You need the bangs from the girl in the blue and pink dress thing from Reality TV. You can use any kind of back hair (I use Gamer Girl or Vampire 2) any mouth you want (I used Black Widow’s) the pilot scarf, and finally a simple black skirt (no tights or black tights), and to tie it all together, a white newsboy hat!
Boys outfit
The Freddie Benson: Grey and red striped sweater w/collar, generic mannequin jean, white tie, smirk (side smile), rectangle glasses (half-way under your eyes), slick back spikes.
Those sound really great Strange Moon! Here is my “casual” outfit. (costs 225 credits)
1. Buy the Gamer Girl and customize her hair, bangs, and pants.
2. Buy the original Rocker Girl and customize her jacket
3. Buy Rocker Girl#2 and customize her shirt in any color (I prefer green)
I think it is cute. Hope you guys like it
Sorry. You need the Prom Queen’s bangs, which will cost you an extra 75 credits.
Fun Teenager
1.get the bangs from the prom queen
2.get the braids from the girl in the ancient ruins in shark tooth
3.get aphrodite’s top
4.get the vest from rock star1
5.get poseidon’s belt
6..go to counterfeit and get the tour guide’s skirt
7..chew the pop gum
here is a
The Girl from Under: Go to Early Poptropica and go into the sewer. Copy the girl’s bangs and outfit. Use vampire girl 2’s hair, and the biker jacket. Make your hair orange.
And prom queen eye bangs!!!
The Super Hero Guy From OuterSpace….: Go to Mythology Island and Get the Hades Crown on yourself. Next go to Poseidon’s place and go to the beach where triton is. Copy Triton’s front hair. NOT back hair. Then Buy ( if you already haven’t ) the singers shirt and only customize the shirt. ONLY THE SINGERS SHIRT. Next buy ( if you already havn’t ) the angle. Copy the angles wings. Also Buy the elctrify and put and color. ( I think yellow is the best! ) Now any kind of gum. I think The mint gum is the best!!! If you don’t have it then buy a follower. But use the apple jacks followerand pick any follower. Apple or Cinamon. ( or any other follower that you have if you don’t have the apple jacks follower.) And last you need Ned Noodle Head’s Glasses. Thanks people!!! Also this is for boys ONLY. BOYS ONLY PEOPLE!!! Sorry girls. It would look weird for you guys.
The True Angel: 75 credits for the Angel Costume. Wear the white ruffled dress you can find on girls in the multi-player areas. Then, use the angel outfit for lips, hair, etc…
My Magic 20th Outfit!: You’ll need: The red shirt (lined with dots on it and white under, no clue where it’s from), mannequin jean, tan shoulder purse, bubble gum mouth, Gamer Girl hair, pop star bangs, prom queen side bang. Looks fabu! Great for my 20th outfit!
1.get a braid with a head band with bangs from reality tv
2.bucky lucas shirt jeansblack vest from any poptropican
4.shades from rock star1
5.chew pop gum
sassy sailor
1. turn your hair black
2.get pop star bangs
3.get counterfeit sailor’s blue coat
4.get the 24 carrot diner server’s pink top
5.get a white skirt with blue leggings
6.get rock star lips
7.get a white newsboy cap
1.turn your hair brown
2.pony tail with bangs or wavy hair
3.get a black neck tie or peace necklace
4light pink skirt
quirky worker
1.get popstar bangs
2.get a bun from the fairy queen costume
3. get the pop star shirt
4.get a black vest from any poptropican
5. get a polka dot belt skirt
i hope you like my outfits:)
snobby celebrity
1.get wavy hair with aphrodite’s bangs and side bands from multi player rooms
2.purple rock star1 shades
3.chew pop gum
4.get a red dress with black jeans
school girl
1.get a blue back pack
2.bangs and two braids
2.peace shirt
4.chew pop gum
edgy angel
1.gamer girl hair
2.ruffled white dress
3.biker vest
4.electricity effect
1.yellow electricity effect
2.gamer girl’s lips
3. queen of egypt’s necklace
4.ghost follower
5.white shirt
6red skirt widow or betty jetty’s hair
hit in poptroppica___Wedding of the century use 150 credits buy angel out fir and fary good mother out fits copy the white dress frm angel and wings,
crows and wand frm fairy
Enviornmentaly-friendly Popstar
1)Get the Dont be an energy hog quest from the Poptropica store, complete it (0 credits)
2)Buy the popstar from the poptropica store (75 credits)
3)Put on the Recycle Tee you get for completing the quest
4)Put on everything from the green popstar except the shirt
Nice Cursed outfit Silver moon!
I have made a total of 20 outfits in a matter of four days! I’m putting them all here now, feedback is always welcome!
All 20:
1. The first one is very simple, and costs only 225 credits. I call it: Wannabe
You need the Pop Star outfit, and Vampire Girl 2’s hair. From the Pop Star outfit, (you can use either Blue or Pink, as you’ll need a blue or pink leather vest to complete it.) Take the hat, microphone, mouth (if you want),and the belt. The last credit item you need is the Prom Queen; this is used for the bangs that go over your eye. Go to Spy Island and inside the optometrist (glasses dude) click on any of the stands and copy the white shirt. The last
piece is a white skirt you can take from any Poptropican wearing it.
2. Goth Girl (kind of): For this, you only need 75 credits for the Pop Star outfit, and you just need the whole hair. Then, you’ll need these random pieces of clothing from any Poptropican wearing them: The grey and white striped shirt with a skull on it, the black leather vest, the plaid skirt, and the black belt with the gold buckle on it. Sunglasses are optional.
3. Teenager: This one is completely free! No credits required, unless you want a fancy hair. Outfit: You’ll need the black and white shirt (kind of like a blazer), a solid pink skirt, pink tie, pink newsboy hat, and polka dot belt.
4. Barbie Girl (with a twist): This one requires no credits (unless you want different hair, but I suggest you keep consistent, because it looks weird with out Barbie’s headband.) Outfit: Barbie’s dress (you’ll need to copy her ponytail, but complete the mini-quest and get the bangs), white newsboy hat (if you want) and a pink tie.
5. Rebel-Ready Punk: Requires 75 credits. Buy the Rock Star 2, and use the black hair and the shirt. Then, copy these items from any Poptropican (NPC or PC) plaid skirt, black leather vest, and black belt, and VOILA! Rebel-Ready Punk.
6. Sassy Spy: This outfit uses only 150 credits for the Pop Star Outfit and the Royal Ball. Use the top, jacket, and hair pieces from the Pop Star, and the lips from Royal Ball. Then, go to Spy Island and find someone wearing the glasses with the microphone attached. Wear these. Then find any Poptropican wearing a black skirt WITH black tights (so that weird leg over skirt doesn’t happen.) and Voila! You’ve got one sassy spy, and people copying you left and right in the multi-player areas! Have fun with this.
P.S. I used the Barbie Ponytail and matching blonde pop star bangs. It looks great either way!
7. Hot Nerd: This is free. You need the pink headband hair, the magenta-ish wrap shirt, a pair of jeans (spy island mannequins) Pink glasses, and purple backpack.
8. Back-To-School: No credits needed. Find the pink headband hair, and some simple bangs. Find the purple backpack, the pink glasses, the pink sequin vest thing, and the pink/white/gray tie. Also, go to spy island and use the jeans on the mannequins in the eyewear store. And you are ready for school!!!
9. Casual: 150 credits. Buy Gamer Girl and Prom Queen. Use the shirt and pants from Gamer Girl, and the bangs pieces from Prom Queen. Find any poptropican wearing the black vest. If you want to spend another 75 credits on Southern Belle for the lips, be my guest, it looks fabulous.
10. The Scene scene: No credits, unless you want cool hair (must be black, though. Rock star 2 black looks great.) Go to reality TV island and copy that emo looking dudes sweater. Find any poptropican wearing a white tie and take it. Use the generic mannequin jean, and find some sunglasses you like. Voila, you are fit for the Scene scene. (Upper case scene: dress emo, but you aren’t emo)
11. The Ulti-Punk: This is pretty much the same as my Rebel-Ready avatar, but with the Queen of the Underworld twist.
You use the Hades Crown effect, and put the Rock Star 2 back hair on again.
12. Evil Tinkerbell: Don’t know if it needs credits, but here; You need that weird red leaf-like dress and black vest. Add a black belt, or the polka dot one, which seems to overpower the more classy choice. Add also the white newsboy hat. Looks weird, but it’s popular.
13. My Version: Go to Reality TV and play until you get Sarah Snooty, I believe. Copy her dress; add a white newsboy hat, and boom, simple, and cute! Who woulda thunk it?
14: Asian Barbie: Copy Barbie’s dress outside the Ad Building, and go to Reality TV and keep trying until you get Merry Muse, copy her waist bow. Do whatever else you want… Yeah.
15: Something Old, Something New: Go to Mythology Island, and use the mirror to get to Aphrodite’s realm. Copy her mouth. Then, go to the restaurant place outside, copy the blue girl’s shirt ONLY. Then, buy the biker outfit and use the jacket, OR with your a cheaper, you can find someone wearing the black vest. You can use the infamous mannequin jean, or the plain black skirt. Finally, use Rock Star 2′s black hair. It’s simple, but pretty.
16: The Real Deal: This is my 100% true Reality TV Islander outfit! No credits, just a lot of patience! You’ll need: The girl in the blue and pink jacket/dress combo’s hair (she’s on the roof if you’ve already won, on the ground if you haven’t; Sarah Snooty’s dress; and Black Widow’s mouth!
17: The Classic: 75 credits for the Pop Star shirt! Not jacket, SHIRT. You need the bangs from the girl in the blue and pink dress thing from Reality TV. You can use any kind of back hair (I use Gamer Girl or Vampire 2) any mouth you want (I used Black Widow’s) the pilot scarf, and finally a simple black skirt (no tights or black tights), and to tie it all together, a white newsboy hat!
18: The Girl from Under: No credits, unless you want a different back hair. Go to Early Poptropican and go into the sewer. Copy that girl’s bangs and outfit. Get the biker jacket, and you are good to go! Easy, and if you are cheap, free!
19: The True Angel: 75 credits for the Angel Costume. Wear the white ruffled dress you can find on girls in the multi-player areas. Then, use the angel outfit for lips, hair, etc. Simple, cheap, and actually pretty! 🙂
20: The Magic 20th Outfit: You’ll need: The red shirt (lined with dots on it and white under, no clue where it’s from), mannequin jean, tan shoulder purse, bubble gum mouth, Gamer Girl hair, pop star bangs, prom queen side bang. Looks fabu! Great for my 20th outfit!
Oh, and I’m pretty much always in the Soda Shop on Early Poptropica. If I look funny, it’s because I’m in the middle of any outfit. And I’m the one with the carrot top.
21. The NPC: Free, duh, unless you want cool hair. Just find a pink skirt, no tights, a plain white shirt (long) and black vest. Add a white newsboy cap, and you’re good to go!
this outfit is for girls it cost 75 creidts go to the store and buy the pirates captin outfit and customize the PANTS ONLY then anybody with the following wavy bangs, wavy hair. full boyish front bags, peace necklace, red leafy dress, fairy wings ,polka dot belt,any kind of lips. and there you have the peaceful fairy
Everyone wears that. It makes you look like an evil version of Tinkerbell. :-/
my version is way way diffrant than yours
this outfit costs 150 creidts go to the store and buy the crazy roster costume and the puppy dog costume. then costumize the the dog`s body and bone and then the rosters head then you have the crazy dog
Taylor swift
1.get the white ruffled dress
2.get wavy hair
3.turn your hair blonde
4.get prom queen bangs
5.get a peace or pearl necklace
Does anyone even like my outfits?
I like your twentieth outfit strange moon
Who likes mine pls comment:):D
Your costumes are great silver moon!!!! Who woulda thought anyone could make such wacky/cool outfits in poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!
The same thing goes for Strange Moon.
Thanks! I love all of them, but I usually wear Casual!
also on mwa costume u need a candy cane!!! also does any one like mwa costumes????? :o( i bet u people don’t like them :o(:'(
i mean 🙁 🙁
Movie Star
1. Any old ponytail
2.Aphrodite’s curly bangs and earrings
3. Popstar outfit except for the jacket
4. Triton’s necklace
5. Mythology Surfer girl’s red sunglasses (75 credits)
Ta da! You’re officially a movie star!
You are bad
Bad words
why are all the costumes listed here by girls?I am apparently the first boy to post one!Anyway, for all you dudes out there that want a cool outfit for FREE, check out my costume tips:
1.if you want to completely randomize your character, press ctrl+shift+r. NOTE:THIS IS NON-REVERSIBLE (unless you customize).
2.if you want to change your character’s hair, press ctrl+shift+h. THIS IS ALSO NON-REVERSIBLE (unless you customize).
3.if you want a pumpkin head, press ctrl+shift+p.This is reversible, and to get rid of it press the keys again.
4.Call these numbers on the nabooti cell phone:
911 = police hat
1337 = ned noodlehead
1225 = Santa hat and bag
411 = brain hat (To take off, try editing and getting hair.)
super spy
1.go to super power and go to the meteor get the guy’s metal thing on his back
2.get a black skirt
3.get a striped skull shirt
4.get a black skirt and get a polkadot belt
5.get spy shades and side bangs and a pony tail
maw’s a dude costume Quick Axe
and im a dude
Princess Leia-
-get the two side buns without the hair bands
-get the white tank top
-get the long white skirt from someone in the bank on the india island in skullduggery island
-get the white cape and mouth from athena in mythology island
-buy the space sentry outfit and costumize the gun
–Princess Leia–
-get the two side buns without the hair bands
-get the white tank top
-get the long white skirt from someone in the bank on the india island in skullduggery island
-get the white cape and mouth from athena in mythology island
-buy the space sentry outfit and costumize the gun
Princess Leia pic
the last post was a pic of a christmas girl
if u like mine commant
My name is SO cool!!! Just think, I’m icy, but also fire! That is my real poptropica name!
I don’t even GET kiara’s comment
I’ve made another cool costume- The Snow Maiden! ( Sorry boys, not for you!) This costume can be free, or it can cost 150 credits. If you want it free, you need LOTS of patients and time, but it’s worth it in the end! Type in icyfire848 in your Avatar Studio (Free in store) and take a look at the costume. If you like it, then here are the steps to get it!:
1) Press CTLR-SHIFT-R until you get the white vest. Stop pressing CTLR-SHIFT-R when you’ve got it.
2) Go to Counterfiet Island and get the white skirt. The girl by the statue will have it.
3) Go to Mythology Island. The first girl you see will be in blue and will have fruit on top of her head. Customize ONLY her earrings and top.
4) Find someone with the little bang/flip covering one eye. Customize that.
5)Get Vampire Girl #2 from the store (75 credits) and use her hair. You can get a slightly smaller version for free, but it’s VERY hard to find.
6) Change your hair color white.
7) Go to Early Poptropica Island and go to the balloon man. He will have a dark tan skin. Get it. (The Colorizer doesn’t make that color)
8) Get lips from the Mythology Surfer (75 credits) in the store, or get a smaller version for free.
TaDa! You have The Snow Maiden!!!
do they choose costumes every week?:)
gothic people are ugly
gothic people are ugly like omg people lol
now if u watch that clip you can grow or shrink and when u walk through doors you still are big/small
it is mostly in early poptrooica and others not great pumpkin
I have discover: The Rosalie Hale!!!
1.Go to Mythology Island and find the green girl (I believe she’s in the restaurant) Copy ONLY her shirt!!!
2.Get Vampire 1’s hair
3. Use the bangs and hat from Pop Star
4.Use the Mannequin Jean from Spy Island, or a white skirt
5. Top it off with the black vest you can find on a RP (Random Poptropican)
And **VOILA!!!** You look JUST like Rosalie Hale!
theres another way 2 turn big. watch the gullivers travels movie thing and u get those powers
Clawdeen Wolf ( Monster High )
1) get the werewolf costume (75 credits)
2) get any of the vampire costumes ( 75 credits )
3) find any curly bangs and a cute purple skirt, pink top, and black vest
4)use the werewolf ears and vampire lips from the costumes mentioned b4
and u have clawdeen wolf from monster high!
Hey! My name is Speedy Spider! i usually hang round random clubhouse in poptropica and if u find me, my hair would be usually lime green. if u see me invite me to a game of star gazers or whatever its called… if my hair isnt green, im usually a were wolf or somthing
Type in SpeedySpider939 in the avatar studio
Quick Axe is the stuff you said for boys and girls write back
hey if any one like the god posidon then try this!!!!!!!
(1)at mytholgy island go by hercs hero hut copy the dress and get the bangs from the girl by musem of olmpus
(2) turn ur hair color blackish blueish more of black thoughtthen put on the crown of posdion and the staff
Now u got posidons wife!!! amphirtrite!!!!
if you like Jared leto in the video of the kill type visorman22 in the caracter studio
if u want to see me, type in avatar studio (free) firestar110900.
for hunger games fans:
katniss everdeen!
brown hair with braid, either the red happy smile or mad smile, light blue pants (jeans)
buy the robin hood outfit and customize the knife, bow and arrows and if you want the shirt
hope you like it! 🙂 🙂
cute Santa girl:
get the nabooti phone and type 1225, you can keep the Santa sac if you want but i don’t
go to mythology and customize the green girl’s shirt whose in the herc’s hero hut
you can wear a white skirt but i like the dark jeans
buy (or if you got it free last year) the candy cane and wear it
get the black and white polka dot belt and if you find a little white or black jacket ( i like the white)
here’s the link:
from katniss everdeen costume:
OOPS! here’s the real link for the katniss everdeen costume:
1: Get the palest pink skirt that regular poptropicans wear
2: Get the pale pink shirt again of any regular poptropican
3: Tinkerbelle wings (this one may be hard to find it’s kind of old. Go in the multiplayer rooms eventually someone will be wearing one)
4: Vist Aphrodite in Mythology island and get her heart necklace.
5: Get the top of any toga ( you can use Aphrodites pink one but i prefer the white one that some citizens wear; it gives contrast)
6: The poufy pink lips (lots of charecters wear them I got mine somwhere on Skullduggery Island)
7: The updo with white pearl earings (there is a woman wearing them inside the B.A.D bistro on Spy Island)
8:Turn your skin and hair pale pink (You can do this easly using the colorizer)
9:Hold the bow from the Archer costume in the store ( 75 credits)
10: Get the electrify gold card from the store and set it to pink (75 credits)
11: Use either the the Gulliver’s Travels Grow n’ Shrink card from the advertisment or the minimizer from the store (75 credits) This is optional but I always thought of cupids as small and fairy like.
If you want to see this outfit complete type broadwaygirl12 into the avater studio. I will try to wear this outfit untill the next costume of the week is picked.
This is another outfit that one of my other poptropicans wears:
Preppy Party Girl:
1: Go to reality TV island and get the hair that the girl in the street wearing pink and blue has and make your hair blonde
2: Get the pink pleated skirt of any common poptropican
3: Get the black and white polka dot belt of any common poptropican
4: Get the pink tie of any common poptropican
5: Get the poufy pink lips and blushing cheeks from the barbie add
6: Get the white shirt that has a black sweater atched.
7: Get a cup with black juice inside this is kinda trick here’s how:
-Travel on the Blimp to 24 Carrot Island.
-Enter the Carrot King Diner.
-Go to the “Change Your Hair Color” Section of the Diner. Click on it, which will open up a screen with various colors in containers.
-Fill the cup with white.
-As your Poptropican drinks it, press down on Ctrl+Shift+S.
-Your mouse should become a swirl. Close down the tab.
-Re-enter your account. Your Poptropican should be holding a cup with black liquid in it!
The easiest way to get all the iteams from common poptropicans is to hold down ctrl+shift+r and as you find each iteam save it in the costume creater (25o credits). You can add extras to this costume for example my charecter wears pink glasses.
If you want to see this outfit complete type broadwaygirl2010 into the avater studio. I will try to wear this outfit untill the next costume of the week is picked.
Well, here’s something that *might* be Amphitrite.
1. Get a Mythology Surfer Girl Outfit and get the Poseidon Edition–copy the top, bottom, lips and necklace.
2. Get the main hair of Gamer Girl
3. Get the bangs of Pop Star
4. Go to Poseidon and copy his belt, skin color and hair color.
5. Put on Poseidon’s Trident and if you don’t have it yet, finish Mythology Island.
>.> I have no idea if this has been submitted before…sorry
Meep I forgot this part of the costume…Gulliver’s Travels that makes you bigger or Hades’ Crown then change the hair back.
Thalia Grace from Percy Jackson
1. The bangs of Rock Star 2(black)
2. The main hair of Rock Star
3. Shirt, pants and Belt of Biker Girl
4. Necklace and lips of Mythology Surfer Girl Zeus Edition’s
5. Blue or Yellow Electrify
Cool Girl
1. get vampire girl 1 costumize vest, shirt and hair
2. get jeans
3. get queen of egypt and costumize eyeliner
4. get cowgirl and costumize lips
Tada a cute and cool girl!
Emo angel.
1.the hair from rockstar 2 (white)
2.the pale skin from the vampire
3.the shirt from rockstar 2 (black)
4.the skirt and wings from the angel
5.the jacket from pop star
oh and to see if you like this or not go to avatar studio and type SilverHawklovelycity into the thing.
For emo angel i use the purple belt from rockstar 2 and the purple lips from rockstar 1
nerd costume
1.get nabooti phone and dial 1337 to look like ned noodlehead
2.go to cryptids island preview and climb up the string with a bucket. copy the guys braces
3. go to reality tv and keep entering the contest until u get freddy fry then get his shirt and pants
4. make sure your hair is black or brown
I have one: Cali Reject for girls
1. Aphrodite’s bangs/earrings/blush
2. Red Side Smile
3. Red Mythology surfer girl top (75 creds)
4. Vampire girl 1 hair (75 creds)
5. Any guitar
6. Plaid skirt (blue or red u choose)
7.Polka dot belt
8. Black vest
9. Side bangs
I have one for guys too
1. Any dirty t-shirt (or mannequinn tank)
2. Brown leather pilot jacket (from Nabooti)
4. Rockstar 1 shades (75 creds)
5. Triton’s Hair (or vamp boy hair)
6. Dark Jeans
7. Any mouth will do
8. Stubble
U like it? I’m a kid and this is what I wear (the girl) and the guy I made up. It takes a little jumping around.
CHEAT! If you do ctrl shift s regularly ur poptropican’s skin will shuffle color!
U can also use busy bobs shirt and pants for a better effect i like them bettr
sorry forgot 2 parts make sure your skin is pale and the cost of this outfit is TOTALLY FREE.go to avatar studio and type nerdgirl6000 to see the costume
Harry Potter-
My first Boy costume!
1. Go to 24 Carrot island and turn your hair to black.
2. Go to Astro Knights island.
3. Go to the Library and costumise the older man’s robes.
4. Buy the Surfer Boy costume *75 credits* and put on the hair
Dressy Punk-
A punky guy who likes to look good (credit goes to shiny shell, a person who I randomly saw in the Mythology multiplayer room.)
1.Buy the biker costume *75 credits* and put on the shirt and pants.
2. Got to Herc’s Hero Hut in Mythology Island and cotumize his smile, armor, (the belt on his chest.) and hair.
A totally Free outfit for already tanned or darkly colored Female Poptropicans
1. (If your avatar’s hair is already black, skip this step.) Change your hair color to black in 24 carrot island.
2. Go To Aphrodite’s Realm in Mythology Island.
3. customise the purple swimsuit and mouth from the black haired girl.
4. Go to Main Street in Astro Nights Island.
5. Costumise the blush (without bangs) from the girl who owns the Small Poptropica Island store. (Ye Old Poptropica store.)
hi check out what im wearing…if you like it then you need to buy
Rockstar: get the hair
Rockstar 2: and make it black and copy the top part only
Biker Girl: custmerize the shirt pants and belt
Mytholgy Sufer: make sure its zeus edtion and custermize the necklece
your done cost around 300 credits
Here is my design:
Runaway princess:
you will need 75 credits for this!: )
1.Buy the prom girl dress and it will be 75 credits.
2.use the dress and the skirt from the prom princess oufit.
3.Go to skull duggery island.
4.Get to golden harbour a.s.a.p!
5.coustimize any women wearing a turban!Also the veil.
6.Copy the man on the ship wearing a striped shirt.
7.copy the man’s belt.
8.Wha la! You’ve got a runaway princess! : p
ohhhh! and i forgot to tell you to copy side bangs/curly bang/ sickly skull’s hair(optional)/pirate’s knife on skulldudggery island
1) get richie rebel’s leather jacket/jeans(guy’ s version)
2) get helen hiker’s pouch/backpack
3)get sickly skull’s tattered skirt(girl’s version)/spiky necklace
4) dye your hair brown or black
5) get waist knife from pirate at skullduggery
bingo and your indiana jones
sometimes i forget that i even have a follower
congrats congrats magic wind. by the way what is your avatar name
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok? i gotta a better idea!!!! XD for girls only!!!!!!!!!! get the black with pink barbie dress. add the brown shoulder bag and wings. gets any kind of pretty hair and die it dark blue. add a necklace any kind! i’ve tried it and i lokk awesome!!!!!!!!!! XD
LOLZ I HOPE CUTE FAIRY GIRL IS A HIT! that is the name by the way………..
Okay heres one…(or two)
Cool Girl:Get the biker girl(if you don’t have it).Put on the black vest.Now get the mythology surfer outfit.Get either the red or purple braids.Then go to mythology island,go to Aphrodite.Get her top.Go to Posiden’s place and get his belt.Buy the Gothic Cheerleader Outfit and just get the skirt.Then get any bangs with earrings.(Hair color has to be black or blonde).Finally add pop gum Hot Cheerleader:First get the Pop Star outfit,get the vest(has to be pink).Now buy the Cheerleader outfit.You only need the top and the pompoms.Get the Gothic Cheerleader outfit and get the purple pants.Enjoy!:D
Okay heres one…(or two)
Cool Girl:Get the biker girl(if you don’t have it).Put on the black vest.Now get the mythology surfer outfit.Get either the red or purple braids.Then go to mythology island,go to Aphrodite.Get her top.Go to Posiden’s place and get his belt .Buy the Gothic Cheerleader Outfit and just get the skirt.Then get any bangs with earrings.(Hair color has to be black or blonde).Finally add pop gum
Hot Cheerleader:First get the Pop Star outfit,get the vest(has to be pink).Now buy the Cheerleader outfit.You only need the top and the pompoms.Get the Gothic Cheerleader outfit and get the purple pants.Enjoy!:D
O right and type in alycats2 in the avatar studio thingy.
do any of u have a cheat 4 a pumkin head? i saw one on youtube but it didnt work please find out one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I’m trying to come up with a cute sailor girl outfit, so tell me if you have any suggestions. If you do decide to tell me, I often check the Hunter Of Artemis costume comments.
I hate it so ugly and unfashonable it makes me want to throw up but it looks like someone already did!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
🙁 I can’t find my comment!!
I LOVE this queen of the Underworld costume, but i found a way that is entirly free.
1. Go to the drinks at 24 carrot island and color your hair (Any old girl hair) black.
2. Press ctrl+shift+s over and over until your skin is pale white.
3. Go to Mythology island and copy Hades full outfit (all you can except the hair) and put on Hades crown.
i made an alien costume u will need any robot costume and a copy of the alien from astro knights island….. first put on the antennas from the alien then put on green skin and then put on robot pants and t-shirt then you’re done, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Have NO IDEA WHAT TO NAME THIS OUTFIT:First press Ctrl+shift+h and keep clicking until your hair color is yellow or blonde.Go buy the vampire girl one(if you don’t already have it!).Now only the the shirt.(which means NOT THE JACKET!!!)Next go buy the Gamer Girl outfit and get the hair and the pants.Go to Mythology Island and go to Aphrodite to get the bangs.Get a black spotted belt from any poptropicans wearing them.Now go to Spy Island and go in the HQ.Get the black sun glasses.And lastly go to Counterfeit go to that Clown store.Go to the person(girl) and costumize the thing over her shirt.And there you have it.And please help me name this outfit!!!!
I LOVE Strange Moon’s outfits!(i’m 2 people on poptropica so…)
LOL when you press ctrl+shift+r you look REALLY REALLY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
ummmmmmm anonymous i typed that in and it just said INVALID USERNAME and sum other blah.
Where can you get the polka dot belt? it’s sooooooooooo hard to find! oh, and i have an outfit for girls- here goes
it helps to be a member for this 😀
get the vampire girl #1 belt, jacket, pants and hair, vampire #2 shirt/top, Rockstar bangs, in the green colour, ( it looks best when you have black or dark brown hair) and last of all the queen of egypt lips (or the ones off the girls with the baskets on their heads in mythology island) If you want to know what it looks like, search lorinkate (my best friend’s name! 😀 ) in the avatar studio. works best with droopy eye lids.
ANOTHER NO NAMED THING(plz help me name this!):First go to Spy island If your not there.Go to ANY spy who has the spy glasses.(idk wut its called!!!)Buy the Vampire Two costume and get the neck thingy and the shirt.Get Gamer Girl’s hair and any bangs with blush and earrings.
Get black pants and the polka dotted belt.AGAIN NO NAME GRRRRR
i’ve got one (for girls):
1.go to cryptids and go to the girl left of the kite store and costumize her hat thing
2.costumize the pop star’s microphone(75 credits)
3.costumize the rock star’s sunglasses and jacket replces any necklace(75 credits)
4.go to the lady right of the kite store in cryptids islanda nd costumize her dress any frowning lips.
you look like a(cool) teenager!:)
I already posted this on Cryptids section but I’m going to post it again so you can read it here.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Find someone wearing a black and pink dress.(This is really hard to find but you can find this on multi-player rooms.It’s really black with pink lines)
2.Find someone with white cap and curly long hair.
3.Buy Pop Star outfit and pick color pink.
4.Get the bangs,jacket and belt.
Here’s the photo:
Oh!I forgot to put the name.The name of my outfit is Music Girl.I hope you like it!
Oops!Don’t click that!Click this:
I made too much mistakes! :'(
Oh!And get the Pop Star’s lips,too.
Click the second one and not the first one.
Another one!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Mythology Island and find the girl with a basket of fruits.
2.Customize her bangs and her lips.
3.Run right until you see Herc’s Hero Hut.There’s a girl standing in front of it.
4.Customize her hair ONLY.
5.Buy Swan Ballerina and pick color blue.
6.Get her dress and her pants.
7.Make your hair black.
The name of this outfit is the Perfect Girl!Sorry,it was just my new character so I didn’t get pictures of it!
And if you want to,get a fairy wings.It’s more cute,I think.
Another outfit!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Find some one with gray blouse.
2.Buy Prom Queen and customize her hair with crown and her long skirt.
3.Go to Superpower Island and go to the top of the Daily Paper building.The old superhero is there.
4.Customize ONLY his eyebugs thing.
5.Make your hair gray.Any old lips will do.Just don’t use the Prom Queen lips or any lips from the store.Find a natural lips on Early Poptropica.
Look!It’s the Old Beauty Queen!
Outfits I created(The others are in the Cryptids section):
1.The Manager
2.The Investigator
3.Music Girl
4.The Mailman
5.Perfect Girl
6.The Old Beauty Queen
I will make more outfits,I promise!I hope you like my outfits!
go on emilylotr in the avater stodio
This is the best outfit I ever created!This outfit looks like the Vintage Glam Rocker but this is easier to find.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Mythology Island and get the bangs of the woman with a basket of fruits in her hair and use the lips,too.
2.Use the hair of the woman who is standing in front of Herc’s Hero Hut.
3.Find someone wearing a blue music note top.(You can use pink,too)
4.Find a black RP vest.
5.Get a black skirt on Early Poptropica.
The name of my outfit is Super Star!So far it’s free…
The Princess(This outfit doesn’t look like the princess in Astro-Knights Island):
1.Go to Mythology Island and go inside Herc’s Hero Hut.
2.Customize the ONLY crown of the girl in violet/purple.
3.Find someone with curly long hair.(You can find this on Cryptids Island)
4.Buy Prom Queen outfit and get the dress and lips.
5.Buy Southern Belle and pick color red.
6.Get the umbrella and necklace.
This outfit is so much different than the real Astro-Knight’s princess.
The Princess’ Evil sister(This is totally free and easy to find!)
1.Go to Early Poptropica and go down the hole.
2.Customize the girl’s headband ONLY.
3.Find someone with long straight hair.
4.Make it black.
5.Go to Reality TV Island and copy ONLY the top of the man in front of the TV store.
6.Go to Astro-Knights Island and go to Ye Old Rumor mill.
7.Copy Goth Girl’s long skirt and lips.
8.Make your skin white on Early Poptropica.
Isn’t it cute?
Fashion Time!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Get a white ruffled dress.
2.Get a black RP vest.
3.Get a black tights.
4.Use a long straight hair.
5.Buy Prom Queen and get the bangs with no blush and the lips.
Awesome!Isn’t it cool?
The Teenager:
1.Go to Mythology Island and pick any color of top you want(I used blue so it will be partnered with the blue Pop Star we will use)
2.Get the mole of the woman in blue.
3.Buy Pop Star and pick color blue.
4.Get the cap,hair,lips and skirt with blue tights.
5.Buy Biker girl and get the jacket and the belt.
Cute and simple:
1.Gamer girl hair
2.Blown wind bangs
3.Pop star bangs
4.Pink blouse
5.Pop star belt(Pink)
6.Pop star skirt with tights(Pink)
7.Pink Glossy lips
Zeus’ Daughter:
1.Buy Gamer girl and get the hair.
2.Go to Mythology Island and go inside Herc’s Hero Hut.
3.Get the crown of the woman in violet/purple.
4.Visit Aphrodite and get the top part of her toga,her necklace and her gown.
5.Buy Prom Queen and get the lips and blouse.
I kinda like this outfit.I named it Hannah Montana:
1.Get a white ruffled dress,a black RP vest,a polka dot belt and a white news boy cap.
2.Get the Pop Star bangs.
3.Get a long,curly hair.
4.Make it blond.
5.Get a pink,glossy lips
Simple but cute
Super Spy Girl:
1.Go to Reality TV Island and go to the man in the helicopter.
2.Copy his entire outfit except his hair,of course.
3.Use a Biker Girl hair.Make it black.
4.Get the camera from the girl on the roof.
5.Get any frowning lips.
To make it cooler,get a sunglasses with a microphone attached.
Is your poptropica name,cool clown?Just asking.Your outfit’s cute!
Hey, I tried out your “Zeus’s Daughter” outfit! It totally rocks this world!
Hey!Here’s a cute outfit
Buy the prom queen and make it white
customize the top
go to mythology island and go inside hercules heros hut and customize the crown from the girl in violet
Next go and find Athena on mythology islan and get her hair (without the helmet), her skirt and belt
go get Aphrodite’s heart necklace for a finishing touch
I call this outfit “The Gold Goddess”
P. S…This outfit was inspired from Mighty Drummer.Credit goes to her.
P . P . S…I don’t actually know her,I just saw her costumes. I love that Princess’s evil sister costume a lot by the way!
Another adorable outfit!
1) Go and buy the prom queeen
2) Customize her top only!
3) Go to Counterfeit island
4)Find the tour guide girl
5) Customize her skirt
6)Buy the pop star and customize her jacket
7) Go to mythology and go in Hercules Heros Hut
8) Customize the girl in violet’s crown
You have your outfit.I call this outfit ” Princess Buisnesswomen”
A costume just came into my brain!
Go to conterfeit island and customize the mime’s stiped top
Now find any black skirt
Get the biker girl and customize the hat and the lips
Get the pop star and customize the earrings
Customize the biker girl jacket and belt.
Make your hair black
Now you have it!I call this one “Biker Mime” …more biker,less mime
Simple but cute!
Get any black skirt
Find a diary of a wimpy kid t-shirt
Get gamer girl hair
Get biker girl jacket and lips
Find some messy bangs (those bangs in the tinkerbell advertisement)
Get gold hoop earrings
Voila!I call it ” Preppy Casual”
Another costume!
Get angel wings,hair , and harp
Get vampire 3 lips
get vampire 1 coat and top
get side swept bangs
get black pants and vampire 3 belt
Yay! This is the Angelic Vampire !
Your outfit’s cute!You rock,Cute Daisy!
Thanks Mighty Drummer! Yours are cute too!
Here’s a nice outfit I came up with!
Go to cyiptids island and find the girl with the whit tank top with tiny blue flowers
Only customize the top
Get the pop star outfit and customize the hat,skirt ,coat and belt
Get the angel outfit and only get the wings
Get the long curly hair
Make your hair ice blue (this works better with the colourizer)
P.S Make the pop star outfit blu
I call this outfit “Winter”
Cool outfit!
Customize the pop star’s hat, coat belt and skirt (pink)
Make your hair lime green
Get the earth day t-shirt (you need to finish the earth day thing to get it)
Find that hair that has the pink flwer in it(can be found on shark tooth)
voila!I call it “Pop Star goes retro (and green) !
P.S Get the pop star earrings and lips too!
I have a new outfit!It’s not that beautiful but creating more outfits will make it beautiful!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Cryptids Island and find the man(in front of Kitty’s Kites)with dirty clothes.Customize his shirt ONLY.
2.Go to 24 Carrot Island and go inside the restaurant.Get the chef’s dirty apron.
3.Go to Astro-Knights Island go the man who gave you manure.Get the long skirt of the woman beside him.
4.You can use any old hair,lips and bangs.
Ta Dah!You can use it for the boys,too.Just change the long skirt to a brown pants!
Oops!I forgot the name!The Messy Cook.
Cool Outfit!
1)Go to reality t.v and customize hippie harry’s top only
2)Customize Black Widow’s hair (not the bangs!) also in the reality tv challenge
3)Get her lips too
4)Get Hippie Harrie’s peace necklace
5) Go to crytids and get the blue hat from the girl on main street
6)Find any DARK purple skirt
Get some side swept bangs
Yeah! It’s the ” Energized Hippie” !!!
Ok I know you think this is the worst costume I’ve ever thought of but I kind of liked it
Get the princess’s hair (from astro knights)
Get side swept bangs and hoop earrings
Get the Southern Belle’s whole outfit(green) except for the hair
Voila! You have the Belle of Artius!
Very basic costume
Go to cryptids and find the guy with the big beard in mew’s backyard and get his grey hat
Find a grey blouse
Find a grey skirt
get the grey belt from the Vampire Girl 3
Ta daa!I call it” grey mischief”
Another easy outfit!
Get the whole gothic cheerleader outfit except the pom pom and bangs
Get the pop star earrings
Get the biker girl hat
Get the rock star 1 coat and belt
Cool!It’s called “Adorable Evil”
Hey!I just wanted to say that i know that i’m not coming up with great outfits anymore. Mine are kind of boring now compared to others.I’ll try to make mine better!Don’t worry! By the way, is there anyone else who’s kind of new here?I’m new.I was looking for a site that has poptropica fashion tips and i stumbled on this.IT’S REALLY AWESOME.I think this is where i’m going to express my love of poptropica. Sorry if I sound too mushy here.I’m kind of on the mushy side so i’m always talking about love.I know this is getting too long but one thing.Please can someone tell me if my outfits are really any good or are they just rubbish?Once again sorry if i’m getting too mushy. I’m just a bit crazy about love.Sorry that this is super long and takes up too much space. ….
Hey,Cute Daisy!Why don’t we work together to make a beautiful outfit?You’ll be the one who will name the outfit and we are going to design it.Please?We create awesome outfits so we have to work together to make it more beautiful!Who wants to join?(Everyone can join!)
Join me and we will create the most beautiful outfit!Agree?
This will be the most trusted outfit store ever created!I’m a nice girl and can be trusted.It will be free and we will design a costume for you!Just give me your user name and password.Like what I said,I can be trusted!You will give us the name of the outfit and we will think what to use for the outfit.You have to wait for 2 days before the outfit will be completed.Also,we will create awesome and cool outfits that you can pick and we will create it for you so you don’t have to do it yourself.I’m hiring some new designers for the outfits we will create.Hope you read this!Don’t give me your user name and password if you are playing a hard part like the plant monsters in Steamworks island because we will find some new outfits from the store and from other players and do not open your account until we tell you that the outfit is finish.Okay?
And also,save some credits for the outfits!
ok but just explain it a bit more please!
What do you mean?We will work together to make beautiful outfits!I’ll take care of everything.
Hmmm….Uhh,Cute Daisy,what name we are gonna use for this outfit?
I know!We should name it The Bad Girl!
1.Get Richie Rebel’s shirt.
2.Get Sickly Skull’s spike necklace.
3.Get a black skirt.
4.Get any frowning lips.
5.Buy Rock Star 2 and pick color white for the bangs and black for the hair.
It’s really simple!Okay,everyone!Think of a name of an outfit and we will create it for you!
Hey Mighty Drummer!That outfit is so cool!Bad Girl is a great name.I’m trying to work on an outfit that includes a bunch of cool colours that actually look nice together.Sort of like a wild rainbow.Can you think of anything?
Okay!I’ll think of something!
Strange Moon,where are you?I wanna ask you something.
Cute daisy: get the swirling clote from the poptropica store. I work with Mighty Drummer.
So, You’re hired (Cute Daisy)?
Cute Daisy: Your costumes are cute. AND your Not that mushy… 😮
Thanks Green Grape! I underestimated myself with the mushy stuff right?The swirling top really helps.And yes, I’m hired. I really love putting together cool outfits!When did you start going on this site anyways! (green grape and mighty drummer)
oh… last year i found this out. I suppose you ,me and mighty drummer can chat here.
I’m currently saving for a multiverse. After I buy that, I will save money for the costume-creating.
username: starrynight2ooo (It’s o not zero)
what about Thalia, Daugther of zeus:
get Aelous’s hair in mythology,dye it black.
get the ligtning necklace in the mythology surfer
get richie rebel’s jacket, sickly skull’s ratty skirt.
frowning lips.
Demeter, Goddess of the Wheat:
Nabooti pilot scarf
wavy hair and mighty drummer’s bangs
any mythology robes(orange ones are great, but you can pick any of them)
You guy are nuts, but the creative nuts that rocks
crazy ice cream maker:
Get the pretzal store guy’s hat(super power)
get the dirty apron
stupid grinning grin
any dirty shorts.
mighty drummer speak to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are you??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What?I’m always here everyday!Maybe on October or November,I will not be here for a week. 🙁 It’s our family week.You’re the first two members of our outfit creating!Anything else?
Wow!Cute!I mean your outfit,green grape! 😀
I can’t believe it!Wild West Island is going to pen on March 14!But it’s March 15 for us.Green grape,what date did Cryptids open on your place?
Can you add some thing to this outfit?Seriously,I really need some help.I think you have an idea.Just open the account that I gave you.
TQVM(thank you very much). Same opening date as yours. Asia, huh?
what are you talking about
Mighty Drummer, please forgive me. I just opened your account and it changed into MY account. Sorry. You can throw me out.
What do you mean?My username is ynnaruvien29.Password:pinkrose
What if I don’t want to?I really can’t do that to my bestfriend!
My birthday is April 29 and I will create multi-verse.We’ll have a party: 2:00-4:00.I wish you could come,green grape.I’ll invite all our friends here in Poptropica Cheats and Secrets.
And my name there is Speedy Plug.My name is pretty funny.
Hey guys!
I have an idea.Make an outfit with everything black and white and then just out of the blue, add a random neon necklace or hairdo.You can call it “Simply Neon”
Mighty Drummer:Oh my gosh!You have multiverse!I can never save enough credits for that.I always end up buying costumes!By the way, am I invited to your potropica party?You don’t have to invite me if you don’t want to.I was just wondering because you said all of your friends on poptropica cheats and secrets.You don’t have to think of me as a friend.I was just kind of thinking. I am so sorry if I’m being nosy by the way.
Green Grape: Love your outfits!Could you help me think of one for the one above(the Simply Neon outfit).I can tell just by looking at your costumes that you’re a really creative person.Can I ask you something?Are you and mighty drummer best friends?I was just wondering .Sorry if this is once again just too nosy.
Both:Are you guys members on poptropica?I’m not.
Do you guys live close by each other?Thats cool.
Sorry if this is too long guys.I was just wondering.
P.S… Who is silver moon?
By the way,sorry I couldn’t give you my password and useename.I’m on the hard part of skullduggery island and I don’t want to lose it!
You don’t have to.Besides,you are invited,too.I wish you two could come.Green grape live in Malaysia and I live in the Philippines.Malaysia is near the Philippines.I wish I could be a member.I can’t buy membership nor credits here in the Philippines.And that’s saddening. 🙁 Where do you live,Cute Daisy?
I’m trying to finish Skullduggery Island!
Maybe tomorrow I’ll create an outfit…
Thank you! but please… just check it. It may have changed… I don’t have membership. what is the room code? Cute Daisy, you could add the disco queen hairdo.
1. Get your cabin boy’s hair and hat(skullduggery)
2. get a dirty apron and gown
3.get the angry lips. this gives you a overworked look.
4. change your skin colour to dark brown
Cool !I live in Canada!
I’ll tell you on my birthday of course!I’m playing it right now and nothing changed.Maybe you opened two
Mighty Drummer: Thanks. Cute Daisy: Cool!
Lava Girl:
1. get mighty drummer’s bangs.
2. get wavy hair. the power ranges advertismant and costumize the bottom part of the uniform only.
4. dye your hair flaming red.
Amazing Outfit!
I don’t like the queen of underworld outfit, but i like the cute girl.
Mighty Drummer: add the polka dotted belt.
Cute Daisy: You have snow! Cool! What is your favourite island in Poptropica? both of you?
my name is Quick Grape. Green Grape was my last acount.
but I like green grape more
Simply Neon:
1. Get the Dico queen’s hair.
2. Get the black shirt off anyone.
3. Get a white skirt.
You’re done!
room code: BBU14
check out my current costume!
perhapes not now… still playing a hard part.
do not open my account. i’m scared it change into your accout.
Green Grape:Yup, we have a lot of snow here in Ontario (Thats the province where I live) Canada.But it’s too cold.My favourite island is Astro Knights Island.It’s really fun!I’ve finished it.Thanks for making my Simply Neon outfit for me !By the way, I can’t get your room code to work for me!
Mighty Drummer & Green Grape:
I found this amazing dress on poptropica.I havn’t seen it before.
It’s red and black. The skirt part is long and red with black feathery trim at the bottom. The top part is lacy black and red with black feathers on the top too.The middle part is black lace.It could make a nice outfit is you pair it up with the vampire girl 3 hair and bang (make it black) I’m wearing it right now.Check it out on avatar studio.
Username: Soupy70
d’you want a full screen?
Yeah! I just saw that clothe.
Wow! Cool!
eww! my orange is completely FROZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the process of 24 carrot, but i don’t like the surounding.
super celebrity:
1. get the bobby type of hair
2.get a black skirt
3.get the top of apfrodite’s toga
4. get the scarf from the nabooti pilot.
5.get the southren belle lips.
6.get the side bang
7. get the thick bangs.
8. dye your hair black.
You can change 6. for shades.
Cute Daisy;Yeah.I saw that too.I wonder where they got it.Hmmm…………………………
How are you green grape?
I’m fine. How do like my last outfit? I think it’s the best I created.
Why aren’t you commenting lately?
I like it.If you are really wise,what is 100 divided by 6?
I really hate Skullduggery!I just logged it out but my ship and doubloons go to 0 and raft again!I’m getting mad!
I’M GONNA DIE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother wants me to finish Skullduggery Island on his account but I haven’t finish it on my account!
I have an outfit but it’s not really beautiful.Just wanna try it out.I call it Rock Star Goes Blue!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Counterfeit Island and go inside Bobo’s Clown Store.Get the girl’s skirt ONLY.
2.Next,go to Mythology Island and copy the girl’s tank top.(The girl in blue in front of the restaurant.)
3.Buy Mythology Surfer costume and get the hair.(Turn it in to Poseidon Mythology Surfer)
4.Buy Prom Queen costume and get the bangs with no blush.
5.Buy Biker girl outfit and get the jacket,belt and lips.
This is only a temporary name.Can you guys give me a better name?
How about Blue Beauty a a name?
Or maybe you could call it Fashion Blues!
Here’s an outfit I kind of like.
1.Get the vampire 3 bangs ONLY
2.Get some braids!
3.Go to reality t.v and find the girl with the pink and blue dress and get
her dress.
4.Dye your hair brown or blond
Voila!I call it “School Girl” 🙂
Oops!Messed up the happy face!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Ooops!I wrote in all capitals
Ok!What a good name!First,got to,create an account.(Make sure you have a Yahoo! account.)After you confirm it,select add picture on the upper left.Pick a photo,crop it,then save.Then rate it G so you can use it here!
oh my god…i don’t know how to use a multiverse. some please teache me.
I mean Teach.
I’ll give a signal when its safe to see my acount.
hey that’s not fair!!!!!
The police of super bpower has such gratitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
x2 ughh!
Sorry!I don’t know how to use it but I’m trying to understand it!
Ookay! now you can see my account! But don’t disturb anything!
It’s freezing here in Canada. We are having a gigantic windstorm!
It’s surprising the computer actually works!
What’s the weather where you live guys? (Green Grape and Mighty Drummer)
Oh by the way, Check out my latest outfit! Tell me if you like it!…Username : Soupy70
Okay, then! I have no idea what to write so I’ll update on what I’ve been doing on Poptropica!
I went into early poptropica and found these long gold earring that I haven’t seen before.They’re in my current outfit.I’ve also been trying to work on an outfit that combines the Prom Queen and the Surfer Girl.
Can you think of anything?
Okay,I have to get off!The wind is kind of really loud up here (there’s a storm outside) and it’s getting a bit scary up here all alone!………………..
I have one!It’s a bit expensive but you can work on it!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Mythology Island and enter Herc’s Hero Hut then find the woman in green.Get her lips, hair and cape.
2.Buy the Fairy Queen outfit and make it green.Get the whole outfit EXCEPT the hair,necklace and lips.
2.Use the follower Hummingbird.
Really simple,isn’t it.I call it:”Queen of Nature”.
And don’t forget to dye your hair brown!
What a hot sunny day!
Hey!Check out my cool outfit!Username:ynna_ruvien
I think its about to drizzle. Who made me eat gum?!
just as i predicted! its drizzling right this instant!
1.herc’s hut green girl get her cape,lips,dress
2.dye your hair a slightgreen
cool it is cool it was.
Wow! that was cool!
And for thalia daugther of zeus, you can electrify. Blue.
This is a beautiful outfit!
1. Go to Mythology Island and find the lady in blue in front of Hercules Hero Hut
and get her hair
2.Find any white necklace
3.Buy the Southern Belle and get her whole dress (not the necklace ,hair of lips)
4. Buy the Pop Star and get her earrings
5.Get side swept bangs
6. Find any pair of natural coloured lips
Ta Daaaa!It’s the Belle of the Ocean!
Check it out on Avatar studio
Username: soupy70
Another outfit!
1.Find the red dress that looks like a tinkerbelle dress
2.Find the hair in a red ponytail (it’s the best way I can describe it)
3.Find blac pants to go under the dress
4.Find a long skull belt
5.Get the black necklace type thing from the vampire 2
Get thick bangs and side swept bangs
There you go! It’s the Evil Version of TinkerBelle!
Check it out on my other acount on avatar studio
Oh I forgot to mention, get frowning lips
ANYONE HERE??????????
Strange moon, where do you get the southern Belle lips? I love them!
I have an outfit and I call it “Winter Goddess”.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Nabooti Island and get the scarf from the plane guy.
2.Buy Pop Star,Pirate Captain,Biker Girl and the Graduate.
3.Get the bangs from the Pop Star.
4.Get the belt from the Pirate Captain.
5.Get the hair from the Biker Girl.
6.Get the dress from the Graduate(white)
7.Buy Winter Blast Flavor Popgum.Chew.
8.Wear Hades’ crown and Poseidon’s trident.Make yourself big and semi-invisible.
9.Now,remove it and change the hair to the Biker Girl hair.
Great outfit mighty drummer! you too cute daizy!
mighty drummer: you xcould do with the electrify.
If you want to save more credits,use the white lips from the woman in front of the museum(Mythology)
I have one!It’s the Thief!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Get Copy Cat’s hair.Get the lips,too.
2.Get Betty Jetty’s bangs.Get the black skirt.(Take the blouse,too for one variation.)
3.Get the Nabooti phone and dial 1225.Remove Santa’s hat.
The winter goddess is a great outfit!
Smart Rock: I’m not strange moon but I got the southern belle lips from the costume of it. Sorry if I
gave the wrong answer.
Do you work with mighty drummer too. So do i
oooh! Thanks! I never looked for the costume! I saw them on the black widow on counterfeit island already.
Smart Rock: Okay. You can findthem on the thangled in lights costume too, but they are a pink version.Or you could always take anylips of your choice and then find the mole and Voila!Now you have them.
Hey Green Grape! I like the idea of electrifying everthing to make it the right colour.Too bad I don’t have enough credits for it 🙁
: p
yo yo yo creator of the cute girl and queen of the underworld here!!! how is everyone??? 🙂
I’m fine!Love the cute girl costume by the way. Hey!Maybe you could electrify the goth girl to make it better!
Sorry!Not goth girl!Queen of the Underworld
Where’s mejellybelly? And mighty drummer?
Yo, everybody! Anyone got membership? And, hey, I’m a simple gal!
we should name our club!
I have another outfit!I named it Cute Maid!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Get the blue dress from the mother of Balloon Boy(Make sure you are in the start of the island!)(Counterfeit)
2.Get the apron from the waiter in the restaurant.(24 Carrot)
3.Use Magic Mervin’s mouth.(Reality TV)
4.Get the hair from the woman beside the man who gave you manure.(Astro-Knights)
Walla!There you have it!It’s really cute with Magic Mervin’s mouth!
Uhh…Can you help me for a better name?
How about “Adorable Housekeeper” or ” Higher Class Maid” or even “Beautiful Servant”
Yeah!We can name it The Fashion Squad or Super Styles Team or maybe The Fashion Police!
Sorry green grape.I don’t have membership.Do you?
Oh by the way,all my names like super style team and stuff are for our club,not the outfit.
Or maybe we can name the club Col Clothes Crew or even
the Fashion Game Gang! You could also call it, The Pretty People Of Poptropica!
Sorry,cool clothes crew, not col
Too Cute!
1.Find any white top
2.Get any white skirt without leggings
3.Get the black and white polka dotted belt
4.Get a short bob haistyle
5.Get the vampire 3 bangs
6.Get the popstar jacket and lips
Yay!It’s Lola from Hannah Montana!
Oh by the way,Dye your hair light purple
Another one!
1.Get the popstar lips,belt,hat,hair,bangs and coat.
2.Get a pink skirt without leggings
3.Get the pink blouse
4.Dye your hair Dark pink
Voila!It’s the Pink Princess!
Okay!This is another outfit.It’s like the first one.I think I’m going to make a series of outfits called the rainbow series!
Here’s the next one!
1.Get the popstar Blue jacket,hair,hat,skirt and belt.
2.Go to mythology and get the girl’s blue top and earrings
3.Make your hair sky blue
4.Get any natural lips
Now you have”The Blue Belle”
The next in the rainbow series!
1.Get the barbie ponytail
2.Dye your hair the same colour as the ponytail
3.Get the popstar earrings
4.Get the white pageboy cap
5.Get the white ruffled dress
6.Get white pants under the dress
7.Get natural lips
8.Get the grey star necklace
It’s the White Wonder! Yeah!
Next in the rainbow series!
Get a black rp vest
Get a balck skirt
Get a black top
Get a black belt
Get the biker girl cap
Dye your hair black
Get the long curly hair
It’s the black beauty!
Next in the rainbow series!
1Get rock star 1 green dress and bangs
2Get popstar green belt,hat and coat
3Get long curly hair
Dye it green
Get any natural lips
Voila!It’s the Greenie Girl!
Next in the rainbow series!
1.Get red tinkerbelle type dress
2Get Aprodite’s Hairdo
3Dye hair red
4.Get gold hoop earrings and side swept bangs
Yay!It’s the Red Rose
Wow!It took a LONG time typing all of those outfits!And I still have more!
Now I got two versions of the Housemaid!The first one is the dress from Counterfeit Island which belongs to Balloon Boy’s mother with the hair from Astro-Knights from the woman beside the man who gave you manure.The second one is the dress from Cathy Codex in Reality TV and the hair with violet headband on it.These costumes have an apron from Carrot King Diner.And don’t forget,get a face markings to make yourself really a housemaid.Use Magic Mervin’s mouth.Well!See you later!
Wahoo!Another outfit!This is Artemis!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Press Ctrl+Shift+R and stop if you found a braid with a yellow ponytail.
2.Go to Mythology Island and enter Herc’s Hero Hut.Get the lady’s crown.She’s in purple/violet.
3.Get Athena’s belt thingy.
4.Buy the Robin Hood costume and get the bow and the pack of arrows.
5.Buy Prom Queen and pick white.Get the blouse.
6.Get a white skirt.
7.You can use any old lips you want.
I don’t have membership. How old are you people?
I am Fearless Drummer now!Just joking!That’s my name on another account!
Green Grape,can you teach me to collect a thousand doubloon?I’m really getting in trouble.Why would the computer hung this time?Every time it hung,I have to reload it and then it came back to 0 doubloons and my wrecked ship!
i am working a new out fit
Green Grape: Hey!I’m ten and I don’t have membership
Mighty Drummer:I love the maids and Artemis outfits
Green Grape:Can you help me get dubloons too
Mejellybelly: Hi! I’m cute daisy.I havn’t seen you online before
Does anyone like my rainbow series outfits?
Hey!Check out my outfit!
1.Get long curly hair
2.Get the biker girl cap,vest and lips
3.Get the popstar microphone and top and earrings
4.Get the polka dot black and white belt!
Yay!I call it “Teen Goth Superstar”
I’m working for a new outfit by the way.Can you help me guys think of an idea for the outfit?I named it Bigtime Superstar.It is colored blue.Guys?
Can you tell me guys what is your best outfit ever created?We’ll have a contest for that!
Sorry… I don’t dare to to your accounts…
My best outfit:
1. get a light tan.
2. colour your hair abdocious auburn. the instruction is on Hair Colors.
3.Get a plaid dress fro the girl in main street(cryptids)
4.get the wavy hair too.
5. get some light bangs.
6.get light pink lips
7.get the percy jackson coat from any poptropican.
8. get the purple flower shirt.
I call it Urban Climax Teen!
This is my best outfit.I call it “Hunter of Arturus”.Here’s what you have to do:Go to Astro-Knights Island and get the hat and dagger from the man in front of the sign of Arturus.Get the blouse from the the lady in front of the Planetarium.Get a brown pants.Buy the Robin Hood outfit and get the bow and the pack of arrows.You can use any lips you want.There you have it!The Hunter of Arturus!What’s yours,Cute Daisy?
what’s yours mejellybelly and magicwind?
mighty Drummer, what do think of mine?
Yeah mighty drummer. we’ll have a contest. but who will judge:?: ❓
the super star outfit you asked me to make.
get pop star’s hat, bangs and coat
get a blue shirt from any RP (random person) or poptropican.
get a blue skirt with the darker blue stripes.
electrify blue
get the purple lips from herc’s hero hut.
dye your hair a light blue
get bobby type of hair with the pink headband.
mejellybelly is our judge!
If you answer these blanks,you’ll find a cool outfit!
1.Get a ____________ hair.
2.Get the ____________ bangs.
3.Buy the____________ and get the jacket and belt.
4.Get a _____________top.
5.Get a____________ with blacktights.
6.Use the ____________ lips,too.
❓ Clue:It’s blue.
❓ My clue is blue and you will name it,too.
If you guess,you will get a dress.
Rhyming is my word and I will share it through the world.
Hey!Here’s my best outfit!
It’s called California Girl!
1.Get the popstar (blue) skirt and earrings
2.Get the Southern Belle necklace
3.Get the blue flower print shirt from nabooti
4.Get the rock star 3 hair and bangs
5.Dye your hair light blond
6.Get a tan
7.Get natural coloured lips
Here’s a nice outfit!
1.Find the curator from counterfeit and get her top,skirt,glasses and hair and lips
2.Get the graduation girl and get her scarf thing
3.Get the popstar earrings
Yay!It’s the Substitude Teacher!
Do you guys even like my costumes? 😕
Now I have 3 versions of the Housemaid and this is a kind of spooky.Buy the Haunted House.Finish it,then you will see a witch in black.Get her dress and hat.Get the mouth from Dracula beside her.Now you need to use the apron from Astro-Knights Island.
Let’s party!Room Code:ACE86.I’ll be waiting!
My name there is Speedy Plug.
Room Code:ACE86
Maybe we’ll have the party a little bit later.
Room code:DWV97
Oops!Wrong code!Don’t type!
So… outfit is also cute too
Anybody here?Hello?
I’m sooo here.
No classes on Friday!(Today is Friday.)
You are SOOOOO lucky.
This is a simple but nice outfit check out starrynight2ooo (o not zero)
Um… yeah, it’s kinda cute.
Where did you get the top?(With an ID)
Mighty Drummer:You get that top from the curator on Counterfeit Island.You have to be finished or almost finished the island to get it.If you’re almost finished,go to Early Poptropica and find her.If you are finished, just go to the art museum in Counterfeit and she is in the lower right wing!
Green Grape: Great outfit!You really are a talented person.You should create outfits more often.You would be awesome at it! 😀
You can name the outfit Cute Casual or Styling Storekeeper!
Both:Yeah !I saw the ICC Criket world cup!Pakistan won the match between Sri Lanka! (I’m Pakistani 🙂
I think Sri Lanka is indonesian? Anyway, I call the outfit Super Stylin’ Shopkeeper.
o-kay, but I’m not really creative. Give me 1 title each. I’ll help you make it.
here’s another: Sailing mistress
1.get the dress from the man’s wife in bouffant bay
2. get the vivid red mouth that’s on dragon harbor. (it’s on the trader)
3.get any pirate hat.
4. get any peace necklace from golden harbor.
oh… get a splash of freckles too.
super stylin’ shopkeeper that stabs coustumers? Uh… Bad idea.
I mean really really BAD idea. Maybe I should change the kinife to polka dot??
Let’s party!!!Room code:ARA23
Where are you?
I just logged on.
your room code’s not working!
I accidentally clicked exit and my father said turn off the computer!Why don’t you create multi-verse anyway.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Maybe tommorrow. Tought of any costumes you want me to make?
Green Grape:Why don’t you make an outfit called Eco Fairy?That would be cool.Oh by the way,Sri Lanka is a whole country.It’s not in Indonesia.It’s singhalese (I think I spelled that right)
Mighty Drummer:Your room codes don’t work for me either.Maybe because we are in different countries?
Saw cricket again .India VS England.It was a tie game. 50/50
Cute Daisy:Remember,different time,different country.Green grape can come because Malaysia is near the Philippines.Where do you live?
I have an outfit!I cost 150 credits!
What you need to buy:
1.Rock Star(Original)
2.Pop Star
What you have to do:
1.Go to Reality TV Island and visit Bucky Lucas.
2.Get his white jacket.
3.Go to Skullduggery Island and get the cook’s striped T-shirt.
4.Go to Mythology Island and enter Herc’s Hero Hut.Get the lady in green’s lips.
5.Go to Counterfeit Island and get the tour guide’s hat with bangs.
6.You can use any hair you want.
7.Get the skirt with green tights and the belt from the Pop Star.(Green)
8.Finally,get the shades from the Rock Star(Green)
P.S I can’t think of a good name that fits for the outfit so can you help me guys?
Green Grape:Your costumes looks fabulous!
Great! Eco fairy:
1. get the fairy wings. (this is a must)
2.complete the earth day thing and wear the shirt.
3. get a blue skirt or a black one.
4.get the hummingbird or bee as your follower(optional)
5.get any coat you come across (a nature colour is best, something like blue)
5.get the polka dotted black.
6.this is a PS: get the phantom thing and make a shimmery glow over your self.
Now, that’s one offer completed. Mighty Drummer, where’s yours?
and anyways, where’s mejellybelly and magicwind?
OH, forgot the hair style:
1. go to the herc’s hero hut and costumize the green girl’s hair and lips.
Why don’t you create something for boys?I thought of an outfit that is really cool.It’s Romeo and Juliet you know!And of course,can you make an outfit with a mix up from every Islands?
They’re not really active you know.By the way,can you name my outfit?
Thanks for the compliment.
Umm… Rock Cook?
I’ll try to think of something mighty drummer. But now, i’m off. i need to do revision for school.
Mighty Drummer:I live in Canada.I don’t think I can come.Canada is in the north and Philippines is near the south.Oh well…
Green Grape:Your Eco Fairy outfit looks great! I love it.
I came up with anothe outfit called Eco Chic.It’s a bit like Eco fairy but in
girl version!Here it is.
1.Get the blue popstar hat
2.Get the green popstar belt and coat and skirt
3.Get any blue top
4.Get any long or shoulder length hair that looks good
5.Get the blue hoop earrings
6.Get the green lips from Hercules hut green lady
Mighty Drummer:You can name your outfit “Trendy but Messy”
Philippines is in South East Asia.
Poptropica Twister (a costume using outfits from all over Poptropica):
1. Get the hairband with the skull on it from the girl in Early (early Poptropica)
2. Get the vivid red mouth on the trader in dragon port (yeah, i think that was it)
3. get the native skirt from shark.
please continue until step 5.
after you (anybody) continued until step 5, i will continue it until it’s done.
Eco Fairy is a girl.
Nice outfit Green Grape.
hi im new and i created a cool poptropica outfit
first buy vampire girl 1 and use her hair and fangs
make your skin white and hair black
go to super island and go in the mask and cape store and get the purple costume top and bottom
if you want get the belt
if its unlocked go to wild west island and get the soloon girls necklace
when your done you get a Elite vampire force uniform
I have an outfit!It’s the Island girl and Island boy!Here’s what you have to do:
Go to Shark Tooth Island and get a flower necklace.Get a flower print shirt from any of them.Get a green pants.Wear your grass skirt.You can use any mouth,bangs and hair you want!Every thing is the same because boys can wear grass skirts too!
somebody continue until step 5, then probaly i can i think of a way to continue it.
hello? this is the first time nobody replied.
Green Grape:Hey!Sorry I didn’t reply.I had to do revisions for school exams.I can’t think of how to continue your outfit!Sorry.Maybe Mighty Drummer knows how.
Mighty Drummer:Where are you?I havn’t seen you for almost forever online.Are you busy?
Keelyn:Hi!I’m Cute Daisy.I’m a bit new on this site too.Your outfits amazing!Why don’t you make some more.
Cute Daisy, my exams are almost up, but I DO Not bury my head in piles of books, insted, I relax. 🙂
The internet is really slow!I was busy preparing for our exam last Monday and Tuesday!Yesterday,my home work was so hard and I used the computer late evening! exam is done now so I can use the computer every time!
Hey, what’s with the Wimpy Wonderland, and where did Manny go? (i speak like an american,he he he 🙂 )
The internet is SUPER slow!
my username: starrynight2ooo (o not zero) my password: 98765
cute daisy is very busy preparing for her exam. mine is next monday.
I like nabooti because it is beautiful and unpolluted. i want to be an enviromentalist and an adventurer when i grow up.
Though getting hit by a mountian goat is not my choice of a vacation.
Studies are boring…
Did any of y guys finish that new easter candy hunt on poptropica?I found all except 2.
I love the new advertisement on Poptropica!And there will be a Poptropica’s Got Talent!
Um… plese explain.
I don’t read that much on Daily Pop. So I don’t get Around.
Okay, not AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green Grape:Ok.So basicly,they’re having a new advertisement on Poptropica call HOP.It’s the same as any other ad.You can win it.But then, the HOP people have hidden easter candy everywhere and you have to find all 7 pieces .It’s fun!Believe me.
Hey guess what!Exams will be over on Monday so I can come back on !!!!!……:-(…..just kidding 😀
I’m not kidding about exams I am kidding about the sad face I tried to make.
Hi!Here’s an outfit I made up called Dragon Slayer.
1.Go to Astro Knights and get the manure lady’s dress (skirt and top)
2.Go and find someone with a knife/sword in thier belt
3.Get a hair with green ribbon in it from the lady you can hire on skullduggerey
5.Get vampire Girl 3 bangs
Any hair colour or lips works for the outfit.
P.S I thought of this outfit by looking at the Hunter of Artemis costume.
I tried this but every time I went to a new area i shrank 🙁 and i had to do the whole hair process again 🙁
I have a joke for you guys!
One day,John came from school and his father came by and said…
Father:Hey there,son!How’s school today?Anything good?
John:Father,I was outstanding today.
Father:Good job,John!We’ll go out tomorrow!
John:Actually,that’s a bad news.
John:My teacher sent me out and let me stand for 4 hours!
Nice joke,Mighty Drummer.
Okay, seriously, Poptropica Creators. This is NOT funny. I’ve been commenting for 2 years already! Are you guys still, goin to moderate?!
OK, i’ve oredi che3cked the email adrres. it’s perfect!
Filnally! its funny1 mighty drummer. sorry for the outburst. someone messed with my poptropica password! i could not enter my account.
If anyone know what the password is, please tell me.
Blue Wolf:Hi!Are you new here?
Green Grape:Wasn’t your password 98765?I think you wrote it here once.I think someone visited the blog (None of us probably) and saw your password.They typed it in and messed up your account.But they have never commented here before so we don’t know who it is : (
Thats just what i think though so don’t believe me completly.But if your account is still not working,I suggest you make anothe account.Sorry.There’s nothing you can do about a stolen account.Or maybe if you want,you can have my other account.
I don’t use this account though so I haven’t won any islands.Sorry about your account by the way.
Mighty Drummer:Havn’t seen you in a while.Do you still have your exams?Mine were over today.
I think i’ll try usi ng your account.
Yeah my password IS 98765. But its invalid now.
Oh, cute daisy, the new password I mean.
On march7 at 1608.
My mom knows how to make ice-cream. Its delicious!
Mighty drummer, what poptropica got’s talents?
I will review for the contest tomorrow,guys.I think we should name our club “Super Fashion Gals”club.
Mighty Drummer: Great name!We can call it S.F.G for short form.
Poptropica’s Got Talent!
Ok!I am not able to beat Poptropica’s Got Talent!!!I’m furios!Why did they have to make it so HARD!
I always get my thing in the yellow area,But you need to get it in the GREEN area!
I CAN’T DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone help me!
Uh, no one has explained what it is yet and whrer do you find it??
OK, and WHY do you need to yell out my name? Is it really necessary??
Ooops!Sorry green grape! I don’t mean your name.In the HOP ad there is a ne thing called poptropica’s got talent.It’s a really hard game!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t mean your name when i say GREEN.
Okay, I forgive you then.
Mighty Drummer:Do you still have exams?Where are you?
I finished your Poptropica’s Got talent,Cute daisy!
No classes on Monday!Yipee!Woo-hoo!
I finished it,Cute Daisy!
My exams are done! I got 82.5% in Bahasa Malaysia, our local langue. No school for a whole week!
Yippie do-do!
Serously, not again!
My Exam are well and completely done! no classes for a whole week!!!!!!!!!!!!
*ahem* Wichien Maat, A name called moon diamond. Am i right mighty drummer?
Kamusta Mighty Drummer?
Tayo salita Ingles, Mighty Drummer!
PS; Got it from wikiepedia.
*ahem* *ahem* Excuse me, sore throat.
Mighty Drummer, your country is within range of the earthquake in Japan! I heard it at the news today! Please be safe…
There is a tsumani alert in The Philippines!
Hope you stay safe Mighty Drummer!
Yes we have March Break!No scool for ten days !
Is that what you have,green grape?
No school for a week.
Green Grape:Ayos lang.(I’m okay)
Cute Daisy:Good thing we are safe and far from the sea.
Both:I’m trying to finish Wild West Island!
Yeah, but what use is that if I lose a pal?
You’re safe?? Yes! Yes! I am going to wild west too!
At least all of us are safe.
I finished it!Yeah!
I have 9 gold nuggets!
Soo fast?! You must be talented!
I like playing slap jack!
Both: Malaysia’s currency: Rinngiy Malaysia= RM
Nasional anthem: Negaraku
I mean Rinngit! hit the wrong button.
It’s almost midnight in our time. So don’t expect mighty drummer to be on. she’s probaly asleep.
both: who’s your favourite author??
AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HEELLPP!!!!!!!!!!! I need help on the gears part!
I’m off! by the way, whitewinter2ooo (o not zero) password, poptropicarulez
Green Grape:My favourite author is Lemony Snicket.He writes great novels!
Mighty Drummer:I am so glad you’re okay!
For a minute I thought you were in danger!
Both:Nobody has been posting outfits for a while.Can you think of anything?
I finally got to play wild west!My litttle brother has been hoggging the computer all of yesterday (the 1st day of wild west) so I finally get to play right now.
It’s around 1:00 right now in Canada by the way.
Oh! By the way, Mighty Drummer (because she has finished the island) help me finish the parts at the gear there?
My favourite author is Rick Riodan
Green Grape:Okay!
Cute Daisy:I have one but I’m thinking for a name.
Green Grape:It’s really easy,you know.
OK, now, I’m, Having, probelm, with , the train, bandits!
Hey thanks Mighty Drummer! You were the one who help me!
Wait! Don’t enter my account yet1 I’m still in it!
Next time call me GG
You can enter my account now!
Well, about the gears, every one was sparkly when I turn the gear!
Anybody here?Hello!
Oh,come on,guys!Anybody here to talk to?HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im here mighty drummer
sorry about not being here. my mum took the laptop to her very important meeting. i’m back now! did you beat those bandits mighty deummer?
Please do NOT moderate my comments.
DO do NOTTTTTTTTT moderate my comments.
I said do not moderate my comments. I’ve been posting for 2 year already!!
It was a lonely time talking to nobody!Where have you been guys?! *HUGS*
Why does this always happend to ME?!
I won’t trust anybody anymore!
Those bandits are really tough.I was playing that on my account and it took me an hour to finish it.Me and my brother made a deal.My mother said that after 30 minutes,we’ll take a rest so I did not get enough time to finish it.I’m really sorry for that.Maybe I’ll do it later…
I did not mess with your account,GG.I swear! *CRYING*
What happened to your costume?It’s not supposed to be like that!
Alright I dibn’t blame anyone. I’m just angry.
Don’t get on my account now. i’m still playing.
That exactly right! someone messed with it.
Are you still mad?
Nope. Ok, maybe a little. This is the second time that happened.
Please give me some tips about the bandit thing.
Join me in my very first party on Poptropica!Room code:BXC91
I opened 2 poptropica accounts but you can play with either of them.
OK. Enter my account now.
Room code:BXC91
Mighty drummer: how do you make a profile picture? i already made an account but they said my username isinvalid.
Oh.And don’t forget your party dress!Anything goes!
Tell ya’ later.
I acidentally exited my poptropica account. anyway, i don’t feel like playing. after what happened today.
Come on,GG!
My only account that has mutiverse is the one that i can’t use. Such luck!
Oh man!
Just click the “Friends” button in the top right corner.It’s the one with the face.
Yeah, oh man…
Room code BXC91
Enter the room code now! 😉
Oh please!
Ok. Logging back to poptropica.
Ok, Ok. And wait! this is my other account.
OK! I’m there now! Just waiting for it to load.
You’re battle ranking is awesome.
Hey! that room was not available!
Where are you?It looks like you vanished to thin air!
Oh man!Could this day get any worse?!Bah!!!!!!
Do you still watch cartoons?
sorry about that. poptropica creators said the room was not avalable.
I waited so long for this!
Ok.Maybe tomorrow is the day…
Yes. some cartoons. 🙁
This day is horrible!
Worst day in the history of GG.
Who do you think is guilty:?:
Oh, never mind… Think optimistic. Some days could just get worse.
OK. Get comment from other Poptropicians.
Find out:
1. who they gave their passwords to.
2. was their account ransacked?
3.did they trust that person?
I just won’t stand for injustice!
What is your favorite cartoons?Mine is Spongebob Squarepants and Fairly Odd Parents.
Mine is Mr Bean and Kampung Boy (Malaysian series).
*sigh* i’ll go and complete other islands first…
Sorry to hear aabout your account GG.
Do you want to use the account I gave you?It still works.
My fave cartoon is Fairly Odd Parents too !
Spongebob is okay…
I’ve seen Mr.Bean.IT’S FUNNY!
*Sigh* Cute Daisy, I think I’ll try… The other cartoon is a Malaysian Series cartoon.
Mighty Drummer: Did you like my outfit yesterday anyway….
I have a costume: High School Teen
1) Get the black/ white coat
2) go to early poptropica and get the blue swimsuit from the guy in the well
3) get a news boy hat
4)Take the black belt
5) take any black skirt/pants
6)Get any hair.
I’m wearing that rightnow, but i still have’t bought avatar studio so you can’t see it.
Mighty drummer, you’ve seen my messed up costume haven’t you? I wonder how I could costumize that handphone?
Now I look like goth girl.
OOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THERE NO ONE HERE??
Mighty Drummer, have you completed the bandit part? Sorry to trouble you…
Yeah!I finished wild west!It’s awesome!
GG:nince outfit!
Hey !I have an idea!I will be a fashion adviser!That means you guys will post outfits and I will tell you how to make them better or I will compliment them!I promise I won’t be rude!What do you think?I willreview your outfits and we will have fun!You guys could help too!
Also,maybe we could make outfits for boys.We havn’t made them so lets start!
Actually,we could do lots of things.
For example …
-hair adviser
-island fashions
-makeup club
-colours and designs
and so much more!
What do you think?
We don’t have to do them all.Maybe just 1 or 2.
Green Grape:I know you are sad abut your account but this would help you have fun!
Or you could do what I did.You can make 1 account for playing islands and another one for creating outfits.You are also very creative and that would help a lot.
Mighty Drummer:You are extremely creative and could help us a lot too.On top of that,you have already made 1 boy outfit so you already kind of know how to do it.
I know we already have a fashion club (The super fashion gals)
but maybe this would be nice too.What do you think?
Sorry about how long this is.
I just thought this was a brilliant idea.
You decide what you guys think.
Thanks for reading this!
Maybe I sort of over-did it with the super long paragraph…..
Ignore the messed up symbols…..
Guys!If you are reading this,please go on the previos page so you can see it!
Cute Daisy that wuz awesome! And ignore the messesd up langue. I always do that if I’m excited.
Utec Aidys (unscramble this) i antedw ot sak hyw i cuold cstmizeuo hatt andhhonep.
mmmhm…. i onwedr…
” Slowly, little by little,
The tears fell…
Her heart so weak,
Drop by drop,
The tears fell…
The wind blew,
Whispering secrets of the past….
Clouds turn grey,
Moving across desolate plains….
Warning of falling rain….
Sunlight shining so gloriously to the eyes…
She was a fallen hero…. “
” The valley so peaceful,
So quiet and calm…
Birds chattered,
So melodius…
Animals take shelter,
So nature may not harm…
Though nature,
So violent and calm…
May not harm,
This peaceful land….
Ratings please?
Oh, and if you were asking since when I was interested int these things, it was since i was nine.
Hmmm…. What should I call them?? Literature (did i spell that right?), perhapes?
Hey, that last two paragraphs were supposed to be linked together.
I mean what’s up?
Oh,guys.Are you guys an outfit creator?I heard about you on Hunter of Artemis section!I’m new here so can you create an outfit for me?Please post some.Who is Mighty Drummer?Me and my friends will have a party on Saturday on multi-verse so I need a party dress.
Welcome,Dangerous Berry!Welcome to the Super Fashion Gals Club(S.F.G).You are the first customer on our outfit creating so you will have a prize!It’s an extra super outfit for you!
Cute Daisy and Green Grape:I’m afraid I will not be here until Sunday morning so you take care of our customer.And remember,teamwork so no one is boss here,okay!I’m really sorry!
Just joking,guys!
I mean Dangerous Berry.She is just a joke!
Hey, MD (Mighty Drummer may I call you that?) why are you away??
GG:Nice poems!
Rating : 5 star!
MD:Cool joke!I actually believed it !
(silly me)
By the way,you guys can call me CD {Cute Daisy} if you want!
Hi. I’m Sandy.
I call this costume Purple with White Ladie.
Hey, Sandy.
MD, CD: This is Sandy, my friend.
Sandy, that wuz great! Please post the insructions online.
And according to my powers, the color coordination was great!
I’m really proud of my country. The world number one in badminton, Lee Chong Wei, come from my country.
Anybody anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to Mythology island. Go in the restaurant, copy Purple’s shirt and bun. Copy Green’s blush. Go outside and copy Blue Fruit Basket’s lips. Get skirt and white thing from RPs.
Simple and easy, right?
Yeah! And yet it’s beautiful!
Sandy:Why don’t you join our club?Everybody is welcome here!
Thanks CD! 😆
MD, I asked Sandy here! If you accept her, then GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
She’s accepted!
You are wonderfullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy, do you accept the challenges of the S.F.G club? Do you accept and become very trustworthy?
Sandy:Welcome to the Super Fashion Gals!
Love the outfit you made!
Join our club and you will experience more fashion taste then ever!
As MD said,will you accept the challenges of the club?If so, you are officially in the gang!
GG:You are very welcome!I think you and MD both did a great job finding a new club member!
We reallt needed one!
MD:Great job fibding a new member!
Actually I think we should have things like an oficial club
MD,I nominate you as president!
GG,I nominate you as vice president!
I,Cute Diasy (CD) nominate myself as …??? …I’m not so sure!
Sandy,I nominate you as our Colour Cordinator! (your first outfit was good!)
What should I be nominated as?
Guys,Do you even like the idea?
Your Truely,
I accept!
Yay!Sandy accepts!
Welcome to the club Sandy!
You are now one of use!
Ok.I have to go to bed now.It’s almost midnight here in Canada.
Where do you live Sandy?I live in Canada.GG lives in Malaysia and MD lives in the Philippines
(I hope I spelled that right)
I mean one of US not on of use
I’m from California. It’s rather sunny outside. Even if it’s 9.
Wow! California-a!!
CD: I love the idea, but I think I should be Colour Coordinater Because my mom is Iris. You know, goddess of the rainbow. I’m a minor demigod.
So Sandy is vice president, and you, CD hmmm….
Yes! I know! You make our costumes look better. Sorry I don’t have an offial name.
VP? Me?
Yeah! Anyway, I always become president at school. I’m tired of power. I should have a rest.
LOL, anyway, be grateful it’s not VIP!
climbing Leisure Tower sure was hard!
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! help me get past mr jefferson!!!!
I don’t know what to do next in Wimpy Wonderland!It’s really hard!But the hardest part was the part that you have to click rapidly before your stomach gets full!
MD: Ohhh…. That part is quite hard. I almost puked!
Melinoe, Goddess of Ghosts:
Get the phantom thingy and vanish almost until the end. Then, get the Rocker girl two and costumize the shirt. Get Biker’s girl jacket. Get any black shorts. Get the long hair and get the big bangs. Dye your hair black. (This costs 400 credits). To save credits, Get the jacket from the guy in front of the internet cafe on Counterfit.
Am I the only one who lives in a boring,old place?
The Philippines and Malaysia are amazing and California (it’s in the United States) is mind blowing.
Canada is just plain, old, boring, cold, snowy, windy, and wet.
Wimpy Kid is too HARD!
So GG is the color coordinator now?Ok.Sandy,You are the VP.
I wonder when we actually get some customers…
I am happy to announce that I am recruiting spies. If you would like to be one, please tell me on any posts that I am commenting on. By the way, sorry that I have not been on for awhile.
Sandy?Are you here? You were here a couple of minutes ago!
Hi Athena ! I don’t know you.I’m still a bit new. i think I joined the club this December or January?
Are you a part of the super Fashion Gals?
What do you mean by recruiying spies?I don’t get it.
I’m bored!!!!Are you here???????????????????????????????????????
Or anyone else
I’m here now.
California time isn’t so different from Canadian time.I think it’s only 3 hours back or something
think it is.
Outfit name:Winter adorable
Type in Soupy70 to see on avatar studio
1.Get biker girl hat, and hair and lips
2.Get vampire firl 3 coat and top
3.Get popstar earrings
5.Get Gothic cheerleader skirt
6.Make hair brown with colourizer or drink machine in 24 carrot
Cute outfit!
Type in zippyred3 on avatar studio
1.Get fairy qeen and get her hair(green)
2.Go to mythology and go in herc’s hero hut and get green girl’s top and blush
3.Get white r.p vest
4.Get white skirt
I call it Greenie’s Greatest
Thsi is like sandy’s outfit in green version
@Cute Daisy. I have a league of human spies that help me know certain things about the world. I am in need of new spies though, because unfortunately, almost all of the old spies except for 4 were killed in a horrid battle with an ugly cyclops the size of the empire state building. Really, it was quite sad. Anyways, I am looking for people on this site to become spies. I am not a part of the ‘Fashion Gals’. Anyways, you are welcome to be a spy if you would like.
I’ll be a spy
Hi I’m not that new I started playing on Poptropica a little before I started first grade. I am in third grade now. I just started getting on Poptropica secrets about March 1.
I’ll gladly be a spy.
CD: No! I live in the most boring town in all of Malaysia. 🙁
You do?
Who knew?I thought I lived in the most boing place ever
Let me see, Hmmm….
🙂 🙁
🙂 😮
😆 😳
😮 😳 😆 😮 🙂
I wanna be a spy,Athena!
Wuz it beautiful?
Sandy, do you think Melinoe liked that outfit?
🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁
😮 😮 😮 😮
I mean :P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Half-Blood Profile:
Name: Rihanna McChagall
Parentage: Iris
Features: Pretty, Large multi-colored eyes.
Life Story: has a cabin at Camp Half-Blood, closest friend is Piper Mclean
Fav. animal: Pegasi. Likes Guido specially.
Name: Syuki Ijiro (Japanese)
Parentage: Aphrodite
Life Story: Determined daugther of Aphrodite after being stuck in the Hermes cabin for a year. She feels resentful towards her mother for not claiming her earlier. Her closest friend is Thalia Grace, daugther of Zeus. She met Thalia after joining the Hunters. she migrated to New York after her dad swicthed jobs.
Fav. Animal: The BUNNY!!!!
PS: Just typed this for fun.
Quite interesting Green Grape. Did you see the moon?
I honestly have no idea.
My Profile:
Name: Cassandra Evans
Parentage: Hades
Features: Beautiful in a dark way
Life Story: Goes to Hogwarts as a Slytherclaw
Fav. animal: Tiger
My profile:
Name: Sumiyah Maharaj
Parentage: Athena
Features:Narrow,with a fiesty smile and asian appearance
Life Story: Was raised in the Valleys of The Queens and was tragically orphaned by both her parents when they lost their jobs and could not afford to keep her.Was taken in by the Ragimani’s but wanted to keep her last name as a memory of the past
Fav. animal: African Wild Dog
My profile:
Name: Lilly Stag
Features: Tiny frame, fragile, pink lips, pale skin, thick, dark brown hair, wide green eyes.
Life Story: Grew up in New York but was taken to camp Half Blood at the age of 14(She’s 16 now). She joined the hunters a two years later because she was sick of the way boys treated her and hated that Aphrodite kids only care about shoes and makeup. At the moment she is at Olympus, reporting the case of Zeus ‘accidentally’ killing a young hunter who was wounded by his master bolt.
Hey! I have an idea! We could write stories using the charaters from our profiles.
Oh, I forgot her fave animal. A wolf.
I just noticed that the past four comments have been by me. Is that wierd?
That’s a good idea, psophia.
More detailed:
Name: Cassandra Lynn Evans
Parentage: Hades
Features: Flowing, curly black hair. Big brown eyes. Flawless pale skin. Natural dark pink lips, blue eyeshadow, rosy cheeks. Normally wears a corset minidress, ripped skinny jeans, and ankle boots.
Life Story: Lives a nice life of wealth and love.
Fav. animal: Tiger
Lilly usually wears fitted wild print blazers, dark wash skinny jeans, funky tank tops, wacky hats and high top sneakers, and lots of cool vintage pieces. Her favorite color is a deep, midnight purple.
Sumiyah wear flair jeans,long sleeved flowy tops,open toe sandals. Her fave colour is a nice spring green and she wears her long brown hair open and loose
Any new fashions on poptropica people???????????????
I want to know!
Can somone help me on the salad on wimpy kid…
PS do not mess with my account
isn’t anyone there???
I havn’t seen GG or MD in a bit.
I havn’t seen Sandy either.
Here is a quote from a Lemony Snicket novel:
“Most people say that appearance isn’t impotant; it’s whats on the inside that matters.But if that was true,then people who are good on the inside wouldn’t have to take baths or comb their hair and the world would smell worse than it already does today.That’s why it’s so important to present yourself well”
Isn’t it a great quote? I personally LOVE Lemony Snicket novels.They are sad and the endings,yet funny and happy at the same time.You can never go wrong with a good book,that’s what I always say.
Aurum Est Potestas
Do you still need help Cute Daisy? I won’t help unless you want me too.
im reading all your comments and im concluding: you guys must love rick riordan’s books. am i right or what?
I have a joke!
What did the banana said after the monkeys stepped on it?
Nothing!Bananas can’t talk!
I have an outfit!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Get a pink music note top.
2.Get a white jacket or a white vest.
3.Buy the Pop Star and get the skirt,the belt and the lips.
4.Buy the Rock Star 2 and pick the color purple,then get the pink guitar.
5.The Gamer girl hair looks great but you can use any hair you want.
6.Dye your hair blond or brown.
Now you have the Glam Rocker!It’s nice.
GG:Apa khabar?
CD:My exams started yesterday so I didn’t get to see you. 😀
You might gonna try this outfit!I got it from Artemis and it’s not mine.I’m just sharing it.Artemis called this Aphrodite’s Dryad.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Herc’s Hero Hut and get the girl in green’s hair,chest accessory and cape.
2.Get the girl in purple/violet’s lips.
3.Now,visit Aphrodite and get her bangs,dress(top and bottom) and her necklace.
It’s really cool.
It’s an amazing color combination!
Hey,guys!Are you guys an outfit creator?Me and my friends will have a party on Friday evening on multi-verse so I need a party dress.We will have a contest,too for the best outfit.Please help me!I’m a girl.
Anybody here?Hello?! *crying*
MD: Love the outfit! The glam rocker is cute.
Oh my Gosh!!!
Who finished Wimpy Wonderland for me? Whoever did it is so helpful! Tell me if you did it!
I just wented in to my inventory and I saw the island medellion.
Whoever did it, I am so grateful and I will design an outfit just for you.You will be the lucky prize winner of a custom-made outfit!First,tell me if you did it,tell me right away.
I will post the outfit on this website and then you can tell me if you like it or not.If you like it,I will dedicate the outfit to you and you can wear it all around poptropica.If you don’t like it,I will make a new one, all for you!
I didn’t do it.I was busy creating the glam rocker outfit.
Hey! did’nt see you guys for a longgggggggggggg loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggggg time!
Khabar Baik! And, ayos lang!
Cool joke!
GG:Where have you been.My exams are almost finish.Our only exam left is Makabayan(It’s about the Civics and Culture of the Philippines)Do you have any outfit?
GG did you do it?
CD:Do you have any outfit?
Winning only happen once!
@Cute Daisy I helped with part of it, or at least the part that I knew how to get past. I’m glad you have your medallion though 🙂
Is anyone on?
Hi. Can someone complete some island for me? Please? Please do not change the costume, unless it is required to complete the island.
Sandy:I finished Great pumpkin for you!
get the blue wearing girl at main street on cryptids island ‘s hair and skirt.go to the jazz cafe on counterfeit and click on the worker.copy her shirt and on the smart looking guy on the left of your ballon at counterfeit.get his glasses. you made the blue smart girl!
Thank you, MD!
I finished early poptropica for you.
Do you think Kesha was being reasonable last night?
Is anyone even on?
Thank you! And no, I do not.
I’m here. Psophia, what is something that you have always wanted to know about yourself?
Well, I’ve always wanted to know if Aphrodite likes me as her demigod daughter. Ever since I joined the hunters, I have wanted to know if she hates that I don’t like romance.
Why, do you want to talk to Aphrodite herself? I can get her here in a flash.
Huh? Really?
Hello. Why am I here? I’m supposed to be on a date at Olympus’s fanciest restaurant at 4, so make it fast.
Ohmigod! Athena, you are awesome! The best goddess ever!
Watch it! I thought you were my daughter Lilly, right? By the way, I like your haircut. The short and shaggy style is cute on you.
Short and shaggy?!?!?!?!? That is not me!You are thinking of my sister Mellisa My hair is long and brown and silky smooth. Do you even know who I am actually? Why does my godly parent have to be you, Aphrodite? I mean, you are not even that pretty.
Oh, that’s it! If your future wasn’t so important. I’d blast you to bits and pour your ashes into the depths of Tarturus! Lilly, if you ever say that I am not pretty again, then say goodbye to the world.
Important future???
See ya Aphrodite! I have to go destroy some monsters.
I meant to say Sandy too. You two are going to do something very important for our society. Now, goodbye!
Wow, I didn’t expect her to say that much.
Phsophia: I’m dedicating this poptropica outfit to you!
1.Get blue swan ballerina pants and dress
2.Get vampire girl one hair (the long curly one)
3.Get the green lips from hercules hero hut
4.Get rock star 1 belt and coat
I calll it Eco Fairy!
Sandy:Sorry I couldn’t finish any islands for you yet.I’ll do it soon!
Aprodite is stubborn!
Do you really think she isn’t pretty?…Well,mmaybe she isn’t.
Her “Romantic Fashion ” is a little too much for me.
By the way,my character is Sumiyah!
Hi. I’m a bit shy and I don’t talk much.
But Aphrodite,you really need a haircut.
I’m Athena’s niece by the way.
Thank you so much Cute Daisy. The outfit is adorable. Sandy: Ohmygods too! That was, like, totally unexpected. Aphrodite is really stubborn though, CD. She is kinda vain. No offense.
I think that she is pretty, I just think that she cares about being pretty too much.
Psophia, you should be careful with what you say. Even though Aphrodite said that your future is important, you shouldn’t press her buttons. She can do a lot of things to you that are much worse than dying.
Sumiyah, you will do great things too, along with psophia and Sandy. I will tell you this: When you turn 17, you will all make a choice that will determine the fate of the world. That is all that I can say right now. Anyways, is the song Crazy Train popular with mortals these days? It is being played by the receptionist at Olympus right now in the middle of the lobby.He keeps bobbing his head up and down and letting out piercing shrieks and wails. I am not sure what I should tell him. Another question: Is tea making a comeback in the mortal world? I had a cup of peach ginger the other day and it was delicious. I’m wondering because I see at least 107 people carrying cup of it outside the Empire state building per day and most of those beings are human, although I do occasionally see a demigod or some sort of monster.
You are my favorite goddess,Athena!And I can’t believe you have many sisters and brothers!
No, I did’nt do it… Been busy. Always study, study and study. now i’m doing my homework.
Athena, you’re not my favourite godess, but certainly you are the wisest.
I didn’t see GG for a while.Where is she!?
Athena, may I ask you something? Don’t Artemis have a grudge with Hera and Aphrodite cause they’re the godess of love and marraige?
MD: Ummm…. I’m right here??
Romantic Fashion (dedicated to CD because she inspired me):
1)Get Aphrodite’s toga, necklace
3) Get the lips of the girl at the beach with Aphrodite.
4)get the red surfer girl’s skirt.
PS: It’s not very good. Please add something to make it nicer.
Thank you Mighty Drummer. Green Grape, you are right. Who is your favorite goddess?
Athena: Yu’re my favourite goddess!
Well,Sumiyah’s favourite too!
Sumiyah doesn’t like anyone saying her last name because it reminds her of her birth parents who abandonned her when she was only 9 years old.
Then she was taken in by the Ragimani’s.
Now she’s 12 and. She has never giggled ever since.
Hestia’s my favourite godess, apart from my mom (Iris) anyway.
Athena is my favorite goddess. My favorite god is Hades. Oh, and some idiot wrote a story where Athena and Ares were a couple.
Εστία είναι η θεά το αγαπημένο μου
My favourite god is Poseidon. Sorry Athena.
I’m here.
I don’t mind. Sandy, I agree that the person who wrote that story is an idiot.
My friend and I are having a contest. If I lose, my “friend” will tell my crush that I like him. If I win, she has to be my maid for a day.
So, my friend says that looks are much more important than wisdom. I say that wisdom is more important than looks. So we decided to do a survey.
Who do you think is right?
Oh, and the same person made Artemis and Apollo get married.
Gross! Aretmis and Apollo are brothers and sisters! What’s all this about getting married anyway?
Help me beat those awful train bandits!
whitewinter2ooo (o not zero)
Artemis and Apollo are twins!
Yeah! Anyway, MD, naiintindihan mo Filipino?
GG:Syempre!Pilipino kasi ako!(Of course!I’m a Filipino!)
Looks are nice but wisdom protects you from doing something idiotic like jumping off a building.
Take Aphrodite and Athena for example.
Aphrodite chose looks and Athena chose wisdom.
Athena is wise and sensible, while Aphrodite is stubborn.
The looks don’t matter. If you really care about looks, just be a nice person.It makes you look good all the time.
Looks will abandon you but your wisdom will stay forever and always.
And about those gross stories,
That’s just wrong.
You are very smart, Cute Daisy.
I agree about those wierd stories. Nothing from what I’ve heard is true. Sandy, may you post the link to the stories? I’d like to see them.
It’s not on the internet, unfortunately. My idiotic friend wrote it in her notebook. She asked to me review it.
That’s an interesting way to describe your friend. Does she know that that stuff never happened or will happen?
Unfortunately, no.
Looks doesn’t matter.Even if you are ugly but you are so talented and smart.I ignore people that is insulting me and I focus on my education.Wisdom is more important looks.You will not get anything from looks only.How will you get your job without wisdom?
She said that Athena and Ares were a couple? Hmmm. I believe that that won’t ever happen because I am way prettier than the goddess of wisdom. No offense, but the truth hurts Athena.
MD: Ko alam na maunawaan mo. Dahil ikaw ay isang Filipino
I agree with Sandy, Athena and MD. Aphrodite, altough you look from a different point, I agree also. Ares likes you for his own reasons. YOU like him for your own reasons. Either way, I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m on top of the gate.
That took a while to type. I don’t care that someone insults my look, because I look from my own point. Looks are good to have, but knowledge and wisdom are important too. I create my own fashion, my own crazy ideas (but not as crazy as Frankenstine) and try to study as hard as I can. But I think that we DO agree on something: LIFE is the MOST important.
Somebody!!! Help me with those STooooooooooooooopid bandits!
Athena and Ares can’t be a couple!They are brothers and sisters!
Aphrodite:Hey!You and Athena are sisters,right?Why do you have to say that to your sister?
MD, help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!
I am now a Huntress.
GG:Settle down.What is it?The train robbery game is now done.You are in the final battle now.
It is good to have beautiful looks but sometimes you have to choose what is best for you.
Mighty Drummer, thats just what siblings do. They tell the truth.
Hey everyone!
A couple of months ago,I thought I was ugly.
I had long brown hair, tan skin and one of my eyes looked smaller than the other.
I tried to change myself by looking pretty to cover up my natural beauty that I never knew existed.But then,one day I asked myself, does it really matter?Will changing myself really be the right choice?I decided no.And I was right.The whole time I was trying to look good, it wasn’t working.
Now, when I look at myself in the mirror,I just see a beautiful smiling girl looking back at me.Sometimes it’s hard to look past our looks.But we will gradually.Sure some people look way more sophisticated and
fashionable than I do,but I bet almost 75% of those people are cruel on the inside.
I stopped trying to look pretty because wisdom told me to.That is the reason wisdom is better than looks could ever be.
There was also a time I wanted brilliantly curly hair.Everyone at my school has it and I wanted to fit in.My hair was long and stick straight.But I realized curly hair wasn’t for me.Our looks reflect our personality but our wisdom reflects our choices.
And even if others think you are ugly,you will always know yourself best so never care what others think and be yourself
Okay,lets admit it.We’ve all wanted to be something we aren’t . But that person we wante to be was just not us. This is why we are so wise inside.We can realize that people are naturally meant for some things.
I wasn’t meant for curly hair.And I learned the hard way.Maybe if we took the time to realize our actions,we will have time to change back befor it’s too late.
That is totally true, Cute Daisy. It has happened to all of us.
My favorite thing to drink is tea, so every morning I bring a cup to school. Anyways, one day, someone called me wierd for bringing it. I really wanted to fit in. Pretty soon, everyone started teasing me. I was so upset, I stopped drinking tea for awhile to avoid the taunting. It was really hard, and I began to get crabby in the mornings with out the beverage. Then one day, I realized that it didn’t matter what the kids at school said. Call me an old lady all you want, I thought. I am and always will be a rabid tea drinker.
Being different is good. You don’t have to be a normal, straight haired Sue if you don’t want too. That is why I think wisdom is more important than looks and fitting n.
Final battle?! Final battle?! I’m going nuts and untamed!!!
OK, I want to tell my own story too. Twice in the past two weeks, someone (I think I know who it is: My rabid wild fire breathing “friend”), wrote some bad things about me on the blackboard. I just shrugged to myself and tought, “Oh well.” And erased the idotic message. I knew that person hated me and I just told teacher. No use getting all mad and hot. Anyway, It’s no use at all to get in a fight and get a “present (cane)” from the principal. But Aphrodite, don’t blast me just because I said this. Both the suggestions are OK.
I once thought that having sraight hair was perfect for me, because I always had horns at the edge of my fringes. But then my mum said, ” Sraightening your hair does not only spoil it, but it disturbs your natural looks, because God create it nice and well, with your own fashion. So why change it?” I thought well and proper about this, and I reliaze having horns are one of my trademarks. It’s great to be once in a while diferent from others. Anyway, cased closed. No more debets.
PS: Sorry if I were unsensitif about the God part.
MD, you mean the part where you catch Mustachio?
Wow Green Grape!You just made my day.I came home from school feeling down today because my straight hair was having a malfuncion.It was a windy day and straight hair gets messy in the wind.
But I realized that I was made this way and I should treasure my looks.Life is short and we don’t have to waste it worrying about our appearance.
Phsophia:I know how you feel.I LOVE JUNK FOOD!
People told me that if I didn’t stop,I would be fat and gross.That really scared me so I stopped.
Then I realized that there was no point in listening to them because when I wasn’t looking,they were eating choclate behind my back.How rude!So I decided to go back to eating some junk food but not too much.I have some cookies at the afternoon and some candy once in a while.But what I really learned was to be myself no matter who says I can’t.
That is the power of wisdom.
Always be yourself and soon others will see who they’re messing with!
I am so bored!
I have some new costumes. Five, actually.
Ooh! You should post them!
The first one is called Cypress Taylor. It’s just the main character in my novel in Poptropica form.
I’ll post the directions later.
Can someone finish Cryptids for me?I am kinda stuck.
P.S Do not change my password or else!
Here’s a nice outfit that I made.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Cryptids Island and go in front of Kitty’s Kites.Get the girl’s skirt.
2.Next,buy the Biker girl and get the jacket.
3.Now,buy the Rock Star 2 and pick color black.Get the hair,bangs and top.
4.Get a black belt(This maybe a little hard to find so you can use Biker Girl’s.
5.You can use any old lips you want.
I call it “Emo girl”
Here’s the guy’s version:
1.Get Sir Rebral’s hair.(Super Power)
2.Next,go to Reality TV Island and get the emo guy’s side swept bangs(It will look like a spiky hair)Get the top,too.
3.Get a white jacket.
4.Get a black tights.
5.Use any frowning lips.
It’s called “Emo Dude”
Really simple,isn’t it?
Thanks MD!!! You’re awesome! I’ll help you finish Cryptids!
Which of the things do i need to shoot first?
Nice outfit MD!
Sandy,did you change your name to SDandy?
To see the girl’s version,type ruvien in the Avatar studio.For the guy’s version,type delmundo
Justice is served. Mustachio is back behind bars.
Thanks to MD too :)!
For romantic fashion, i add the saloon lady’s hair and bangs. MD, did you like my outfit? I have not changed it yet.
Ok, now i’ve changed it.
Tomorrow there’s gonna be a cricket match!!!
Pakistan .vs. India!
Who will win?Just ramdomly guess who will win!!
I’m Pakistani so I’m going for Pakistan.
By the way,what religion are you guys? (christian,muslim,buddist etc)
I’m muslim and we follow islam.Are any of you guys muslims too???
By the way,about the match,I am praying that Pakistan will win!!!!!
Go Pakistan!!!
🙂 🙂
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🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy Face Explosion!
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🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
GG:I don’t like it.I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GG:If you visit my account,you will see that I’m wearing it!
GG:My brother said it’s cute!
I found this rare outfit from an RP!To see it,simply type ynna_ruvien in the Avatar Studio!
I Christian girl. Follow The Saviour. (Well me anyway.)
MD, you’re like my brother.
🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂
🙁 🙁 🙁
🙁 🙁
💡 💡 💡
💡 💡
The person whoi said winning isn’t everthing probaly lost!
I use Gmail.
MD, you’re at WW island. I can’t help you on Cryptids.
ON my honour, I vouch for Pakistan. CD, I thought you lived in Canada?
I am an atheist.
Ashlyn Taylor is a major character in the the novel Mystique.
Her style is described by her sister as “comfortable, yet fashionable.”
She is a trendsetter and a slave to fashion. With this new costume, you’ll look exactly like her!
I do live in Canada.But I’m Pakistani!
Like,I was born in Canada,but my parents are from Pakistan so we follow the muslim way.
Cool, eh?
Sandy:I didn’t know you were ateist!
MD that is cool.
Meet Sukey Kohano, the japanese goth girl in my latest epic novel, Lost but Never Found. She is shy yet not afraid to speak up for herself and her family, she has absolutely no idea who she really is, and she is 17 years old.
Tell me what you think! BTW, I liked yours Sandy.
Now, meet Lacey Delaney, a quiet, smart girl who is invisible to all students at her high school, Grizzly Peak High. She is 16 years old, one year younger than Sukey. This character is also from Lost but Never Found.
I will keep posting the characters from my books if you guys don’t mind.
This is Lily Stag. She is from a fantasy story that I had to write in school:
In the story, she wore a different gown each day and never wore one more than once, so I’ll post an outfit update of her daily.
Here is Ben Woods, moody guitar player in the Death Slayers band. He is a lonely 18 and part of the story Lost but not yet Found.
Hope you like! Ask if you want directions on any of them.
Lacey is my favorite.
I’ll post Rosalie Chang and Lola Gonzales later.
CooL! Phsophophia!You rock!
Pakistan Lost. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
oh well.
I can’t believe it’s the middle of spring and it’s SNOWING!
I hate the cold!
Oh……………………….. I love the cold.
Ben Woods is a moody guy? Here’s an emocon that suits him. 😡
MD?! MD?!
– The biggest planet is formed from the smallest star.
-the person who said winning isn’t everthing probaly lost.
-Love is your heart.
-You will know love when you feel it.
-Keep the world green!
-Water is life. Don’t waste it.
-Love sings our praises.
O constellation
sparkling in the night sky
shining brigther as it gets darker…
The Great orion with its belt
Hunting in the skies
The dangerous Scorpion
Deadly poison barbs
The Big Dipper
Forever pointing towards the North Pole
Her is 11 year old Anne Marie:
What do you think?
No… Ijust not used to you not posting comments.
psopsia, good looking! Where did you get the side bang anyhow?
AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! That Mr Jefferson!!!! I hate him!!
Uhhhh, did you mean psophia GG? I got it off of a RP.
My house was burned down.Only a few remains are left.I’m using the library computer.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
Happy birthday! 🙂 I won’t be around so much next year*groan*. I’m in full swing studying for UPSR(like a major exam for year six students in Malaysia).
Happy Birthday Sandy!
🙂 🙂
GG: I won’t be around either.I’m going to a new school next year and the kids there do a lot of studying there.
🙁 🙁
By the way,your a six year student?So am I!We have these major exams in year 3, year 6 and year 9.I’ll have to study for that too.
India won the world cup.Oh well.Pakistan has anothere chance in 2015.
It’s actually not my birthday until the 22.
I’m an April fool? Hard to believe. I have major exams in Year 6, Form 3 ( year 9 ), And Form 5 ( year 11 ).
This is soooo boring to study, study and study!
Tell me about it.
MD:Where are you???
Candyland if you care.
I want a bucket of fried chicken.
I have school tomorrow.
that definately was NOT me! I only commented until the study thing. Who used my name!!! I’m 😡 ❗
that definately was NOT me! I only commented until the study thing. Who used my name!!! I’m 😡 ❗ angry, nuts… enough adjectives.
Who faked me? Whoever you are…. You don’t who you’re messing with. I am an expert in 5 types of martial arts. 4 of them potentially dangerous!!
At least if you wanna use my name, comment politely.
GG:We have another mystery on our hands!
Lets see..
Who are the people that havn’t been on alot for a while?
These are the suspects.
If I said your name but you didn’t do it,tell me right away!
I don’t want to acuse anyone!!
Cute Daisy (CD)
It was not me! I don’t even like fried chicken! It is sooooooo icky and greasy!
I must admit that it was not me. Whoever did it is quite rude. I’m sorry that I have not been here for awhile. I won a bet with Aphrodite, and because she lost, she was assigned to become my personal servant for a few days. Very fun! Anyways, why is everyone calling psophia phsophia?
Hi, Athena, CD, MD, psophia! Really…
Hey GG! Long time no see! I wonder who is impersonating you. Any idea?
Hey, does anyone here watch the show Victorious?
I watch it.
No more classes because it’s our vacation time!
Yes, i do have quite a view. Ke$ha perphpes.
you are way too smart for aphrodite anyway.
Am i the oldest here? besides Athena, anyway. She’s 1063 years old.
How old are you guys????
I’m ten years old.
Mystery update.
Now we have no suspects.
Maybe it was some weird person?
So who was inpersonating Green Grape?
First onte to figure it out will get a customized outfit made by moi (me in french)
Omigod ohmigod omigod! I figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turns out that my ex-friend Kincaid came on here, thinking that it would be funny to impersonate GG!!!! I showed her this website when we were still friends!!!!!!!!! I know because today at school, she came up to me and goes “Why are Kesha, psophia, and Sandy such big bratz?” I’m like”How do you know them?” and she goes “Duh. I’m Green Grape.” There was this voice in my head screaming, Omigod, what a mean person. She always did eat too much fried chicken. After Kincaid said that, she walked away and flipped her hair in a super snobby way. Ugh. I am so glad that she isn’t my friend anymore.
I know, right?
We are NOT bratz, but maybe Kesha kinda is. Well, Kesha is.
Yeah, Ke$ha is a brat.
Agreed. I hate the icky stuff that she says.
Oh, I’m 10 1/2 years old CD.
Ooh! Stupid friend, I say. I’m 11.
I wanna hit Kincaid’s head until she doe’st feel like herself.
Psophia, have a debet with her, she how SHE can handle that. If she loses, she becomes your maid for a week. if you lose, she can be me for A DAY only.
What happened to MD? She is not on so much so lately.
I’m really bored!Besides,when I feel unhappy,I wear GG’s romantic fashion outfit.And it really makes me smile!
I just turned 10!
So i guess I might be the youngest.
Your stuck up friend is a jerk.
Psophia,stay tuned for a super special outfit!!
CD:Nope.You’re not the youngest.I am the youngest.I am just 8 years old.I will turn 9 on April 29!!!
Nice outfit MD!
Happy early B-day!
Cute outfit MD!!!!!!!!!
cute!! 🙂
Can someone tell me how to post the link for avatar studio???
This is way easier than tell someone to type in a username to see an outfit!
Please tell me!!!
By the way, I’m going on vacation to Singapore this month!!!
Singapore is close to Malaysia and the Phillipines so I’ll be in the same time zone as you guys(GG & MD)
Maybe I could get my mom to let me bring my laptop!!!
Great CD! click view link, and then copy it here.
Great, CD!!!! Awesome!!
Thanks for helping GG!!
You rock!!!!
*Blushing* Ummm…. Thx!
You are so lucky by the way. I’ve never been on out-of-the-country trips before. 😥
GG:Don’t feel lucky.
I’m always moving to new countries.
So far, I’ve lived in Mexico, Japan, India, Italy and of course Canada.
My parents are constantly travelling. So don’t be surprised if I move to Singapore.
The problem is,I don’t know how to speak any of those languages!I never have time to learn because I’m always moving.The only fluent language I know is English.
Both my parents are one of those people who are constantly saving the enviroment in other countries.
It’s lucky I was born in Canada.
The Punk Rocker
Feedback is appreciated!
Here is dorections:
1. Hair is from Rockstar costume, and huge bangs are found on Poptropicans wandering mainstreet.
2. Shirt is from Maegashira costume that can be won on the preview of Red Dragon Island.
3. Sunglasseses are from Rock star costume and jeans and tie are found on RPs in common rooms.
You’re parents have the same ideas as me. I like saving the environment.
I wonder if they would like to employ me?
HeeHee GG!
I know you think it’s a good idea but would you like it if you could never have a true friend?Or if you don’t know a language properly???
Does anybody like it?
I love it Psophia!!!
Do you like mine???
1.Get the Giesa outfit from the store and get the purple top, her bow and the bangs (not the hair)
2.Find a purple skirt
3.Get some side swept bangs
4.Get a piece necklace from reality Tv or from the multiplayer rooms
5.Get some clear lips
6.Optional——– Get the Giesa girl guitar
Cute; I like it.
Sorry!I posted the wrong one!
Oh, yeah, it’s super rocking. The travelling thing, I mean. I haven’t seen the outfits yet.
The outfits are good! My colour powers states that that is the best colour coordinations anyway.
Packing for Singapore today. Surprisingly, I’m only leaving for two days.
Monday and Tuesday.
Hey guys?
Where’s Md and Sandy?
Sandy= ????????????????????????????????????
MD: ????????????????????????????
Shadowprince: Who are you??
Sandy and MD are our friends.
Bye guys!
I’m gonna be catching the next plane to Singapore in about 2 hours.
But guess what!I’m bringing the family laptop with us so I can still be with you guys!
Have to go!Bye!
Have fun CD!!!!! I hope that you have a nice time 🙂
You are soooo lucky to be going on vacation.
SP: H-h-how dare you?!
Get out of here, NOW!
Hi guys!
I’m not used to the time here in Singapore!
Shadowprince:I may be in a whole new place but I’m not afraid to shout
I have no respect for crazy people.
You’re saying I’m lucky but I don’t even know you well.
So first,
give us some proof that I should talk with you in a friendly kind of way.
Sorry for being rude but this is how I know you’re not crazy.
Well, I’m liked by lots of people. On this post:
Whatever you do, never let Shadowprince on this page!
I went to his link!
Apparently,it’s an extremly wrong page so don’t go on it if ya can help it.
Hey. *humps Kesha*
Shadowprince: Get out of here!
When I come back from Singapore , I’m gonna bust y’all outta here and make sure you never return!
How much of a nitwit are ya?
That goes for you to Ke$ha!
What Idiotic people there are in this world?
Hi!I really missed you,guys.Sorry for not commenting these days.I just went to my home town and I can’t visit this page!I’ll post an outfit later!
Oh!Thank you,guys!
Hey MD!
Hey MD!!! I missed you.
Mighty Drummer?
There’s one thing ya need to know.There is some sick-minded person who’s calling himself shadowprince.If ya go on his link,it has some idiotic things on it.
He and Ke$ha are evil people, ya know?
By the way..
I’m packing!Singapore is fun but I’m going back to Canada tomorrow!
Yay!Home sweet home!
Hi CD!!!!!!!
Shadowprince and Kesha are sick, gross minded drones who do not have a life.
Hey Psophia!
CD??????? Still here??????
OMG!!!!!!!! Look at Shadowprince’s latest post!!!!!!
Of course I am silly!
Shadowprince!!!!!!!!! Leave now, you dumb sick drone!!!!
Ewwww, Shadowprince. You are so sick!
CD, did you see it?
HELP ME!!!!!!
Ummmm, let’s go to a different page: Costume of the week; Hunter Of Artemis
CD???????? I want to apologize for what I said.
Me and Shadowprince are at War. And Kesha is sick. We should go To Hunter of Artemis
I now you are the imposter: Ben Nickson, 11 years old, Ocupation: Being a slog
MD: Make the slog leave pleaze? He is in love with CD.
I think I like the old Shadowprince better than this inmposter. Even thouh we are at war.
Coming back from Singapore!
Now I’m home
Everyone in the club:No one will comment until the imposter leaves!GG,you are right.Shadowprince and Kesha are sick!CD,let’s go to another place that no one can bother us!We will go back here when we are in peace!
I am not like that anymore. I’ve made friends with psophia, GG, CD and WS.
I know you’re nice but Shadowprince is a giant idiot who ruins people’s lives!
I know that. He ruined my life when, I kissed him last night. He just hated me.
You are completly right.
But don’t mention Shadowprince and kissing please.
It all sounds so wrong!
Shadowprince just got so mad for no reason when I didn’t tell him about Hell.
Why does he even want to know?It’s my belief,not his.
Anyways,I should tell Psophia and MD it’s safe to come here.It’s so lonely.
Kesha:Ok,then.Can we be friends?It’s okay if you don’t want to.Are you good creating outfits?If you are,please join the club!
Here’s the directions for the Chinese Student:
1.Go to Nabooti Island and enter the museum.Get the dress of the woman by the statue.
2.Go to Reality TV Island and keep entering the contest until you get Merry Muse.Get her hair.Get the bangs from the girl with pink and blue dress up the roof.
3.Go to Dragon Cove in Skullduggery Island and run right until you see a woman with a neck tie.Get her necktie.
4.Glossy lips works best but you can use any lips that is cute to you.
Hey guys! I was wondering what every one’s fave song is? Also, could you recomend some music to me? I am really into Christina Perri and Paromore, bands like that. I am also a HUGE Taylor Swift fan.
Do you like my outfit?Can you please name it?I can’t think of a good name!
Here’s an outfit.I think It’s my best creation yet!I call it Hot Girl:Summer Edition.First,buy the Pop Star and get the bangs.(You can use Aphrodite’s bangs,too if you want.)Next,buy the Mythology Surfer and get the sunglasses.(Zeus Edition)(You can use the sunglasses,too from the girl near Aphrodite.)Next,get the pink blouse with a heart on it.(Just like the one used on Cute Girl.)Get a pink skirt with a black tights.(If you cannot find one,you can use a plain pink skirt.)Get a polka-dot belt.You can use the Vampire 1’s hair or the Barbie ponytail.(If you used the ponytail,dye your hair same color as the ponytail.)And if you want add a white pearl necklace.And now for the final question,do you like it?
I love it MD!!
Foe your other outfit, (the purple on)
you can call it Violet Voila
or Beauty in Purple
or A single Shade of Violet?
Oh!I forgot to say that you have to chew pop gum
California Girl:
Get the blonde hair, the bangs from Aphrodite, the girl’s top to her bikini, a jacket, jeans and possibly to spice it up, get a cute necklace (the heart one) from Aphrodite and boom! California girl!!!
Ke$ha’s costumes:
Guitar Hero.
Hawaii Fever.
Cali Girl.
Nice Ke$ha!
Get the purple bangs. This is my costume. I’ll call it Kaity Vally. So, get the bangs and the red-yellow hair. Good? Okay. Then, go and get the biker jacket. (75 credits) And any flirty shirt. Cuz, yeah, I’m flirty. You need the pop gum and the black skirt. And you’ve got a version of me, (Kaity Vally). Thank you and goodbye.
LOL! All of us are like, BFF’S exvept for SP!!!!
I’m on my iPod so, I can’t see that.
Go on this link…
You will see my outfit..
1.Get the top from vampire girl 1
2.Get popstar green skirt
3.Get gamer girl hair or if you happen to find the same thing in a multiplayer room,go for it!
4.Get popstar earrings
5.Get prom queen bangs
6.Get southern belle lips
7.Get the peace necklace thingie
8.Dye your hair Audacios Auburn located in hair colours
I call it “Sweet Summertime”
Shadowprince was a jerk.
He thinks he’s all that but he really isn’t.
I know, right?
He thinks he’s the best thing that happened. He thinks he’s so hot and he’s so not.
Dracula’s Daughter:
1.Get the Dracula girl outfit and get her hair and dress
2.Get the side swept bangs
3.Get the purple bat wings
4.Find some gold hoop earrings
5.Use any lips you want
Dracula’s Daughter!
Nice outfit. It rocks!!!
Posted the wrong one…
This is the right one!
Shadowprince is a jerk 😀
I hate the guy.
I wonder what he’s doing now.
Probably hating you…(No offense,but he hates you..)
Eh, I hate him too.
How old are you Ke$ha?
__________________________My School Essay__________________________________
I’m 18.
Your telling me that you go on poptropica and your eighteen?
I’m ten.
That means you have pretty younge friends.
I’m ten.
Psophia’s ten.
Mighty Drummer’s eight.
Green Grape’s eleven.
And you’re…eighteen?
Dude, so what?!
I didn’t mean that in a bad way.
I was just amazed.
But I still like you.
Thanks. Yeah, I’m only 10. I lied. Sorry.
Are you still here?
This is the tale of strangers who become friends.
I am 18. Lol.
Are you ten or 18?
18. *pant* I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran back because I was late late late late late for this blog blog blog blog blog blog and passed a hobo who hit me with a log log log log log log. And he smacked it. He chucked it.
If you don’t wanna hear my rap then it sucks for you cuz I’m gonna rap. Dudes around me running after me like a hobo, sitting on the street street no one really cares or gives a chapstick to him. His lips are dry and I am tall. Nobody thinks that I am tall. If you don’t wanna hear my rap then it sucks for you cuz I’m gonna rap. Katey on the streets yelling hey I’m over here here. I ignore her, cuz I don’t know her. Davedays and nerds are my idols. If you don’t wanna hear my rap then it sucks for you cuz I’m gonna rap. Floor to the ceiling, Ceiling on the floor when Haylee comes knocking at my door. Hey sky I said I’m not sky whatever. If you don’t wanna hear my rap then it sucks for you cuz I’m gonna rap. Indian’s in China. Chinese in India. Cowboys says heehaw. OMG. If you don’t wanna hear my rap then it rocks for you cuz I’m done
I’m writing a novel. Ember, Edmund and William are the main characters.
GG,I didn’t see yuo for a while!
I miss Sandy.
I think she left forevr. *Wipes tear off of cheek, winccing as more drops slide out of my eyes*
GG:HELLO!I missed you.Even for a while! 😀
Psophia:I think so,too.She’s really good at creating oufits!
Ke$ha:You rock!
CD:Can you post some outfits?
Thanks. Could not be around because i’m studying that day.
Avatar: whitewinter2ooo (o not zero)
Its called Princess of Aviation and Hunting.
You guys thing of a shorter name please…
Do you know that Kedah, a part of Malaysia, is called “Tempat Di Bawah Bayu”, The Land Beneath the Wind?
Do you know that Sarawak, also a part of Malaysia, is famous for people from different religions and races? It is called ” Bumi Kenyalang”, Land of the Hornbills.
This is why i like Malaysia soooooo much.
The pricess of aviation:
* get the hair from zack’s sister
* get the bangs from the lady on the roof of the motel in reality tv
*get the pilot at nabooti’s scarf and jacket
* get the belt, bow and quiver from Robin Hood.
Bye, I guess?
My rap is so weird. I have it stuck in my head.
The Art of Living:
Lesson number 1:
We’ve all been raised to believe that what we’ve been in the past makes us who we are. No matter what our past has been, we have a spotless future. Lesson: When your horse dies, dismount.
2) When we identify ourselves in terms of what we do, instead of who we are, we become a human doing instead of a human being. If lasting happiness is what we seek, we must realize we are not our bodies, our sports car, our houses, or our country club memberships. Lesson: We must be more than those superficial things.
Hi, MD.
Someone talk to me!! *sobs*
MD, you were here a moment ago!!
*wipes mascara of face* Goodbye then…
A-n-y-on-e h-e-r-e?! *trough gritted teeht.
Here, at 11:30 A.M.
People missed me?
Well, I have two brand new costumes!
I cannot find the costumes. :cries:
Oh, and my b-day is in five days.
Sandy:Oh,boy!I missed you,Sandy.Can you post your outfits?
GG:My mother didn’t let me use the computer.And hello.
CD:Can you post some outfits?
Sandy:I’m just joking about the sorry!Peace! 🙂
This one is called “Wear Whatever Gal.”
Sandy!!!!!! You are finnaly back!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep. I’m finally back.
I’m making a new outfit.
It’s gonna be called “Lady GaGa”.
It’s just crazy!!!!
You should post it, Ke$ha.
Anybody here? *Echoes*
Pirate Captain – Revised
Hope you like it!
It’s me again.Mighty Drummer is my friend.Can you create some outfits for me?Because I hate my old outfit.I not really good at creating one.Please,guys?
Dangerous Berry:We can do it but I’m afraid that I gotta leave for a while to visit my grandmother so I think the others can help you because they got talent and potential!Do you want to join the club?It’s okay if you are not good but the most important is you did your best.
Everyone from the club:Can you comment?!I’m getting impatient here!You should work together for a wonderful and beautiful outfit.If you don’t comment until later,I’ll leave forever!It’s getting lonely here!And remember guys,teamwork!
Alright.I’ll join.But don’t blame me if I didn’t make a good outfit.Yeah,where’s the others you are talking about.I want to meet them!
I’m here. My name is green grape(with no capitals) you can call me GG.
DB:Please don’t kill me! Since your name statea so.
I’m Sandy. I like: death, other morbid things, feminism, fashion, rock and metal music, and jewels.
I’m psophia. I like: Being rebelious, neon yellow nail polish,foriegn stuff and different languages, books, and anime.
Just to let you know, Dangerous Berry, I fear that I am certafiably insane, or at least it seems like that at times. So, I will apologize now for anything I might say later on that points towards me being crazy.
Hello. Its a beautiful morning in my home town. Its in Malaysia.
And now its a dark night. about ten pm.
My least favourite subjects:
bahasa malaysia
My head is ki9nda huge. I just realized this.
I’m goth.
Great, Ke$ha. Anyone seen CD lately?
I got this:
You definitely have some gothicness going on, but you’re far from being a stereotypical goth.
You enjoy certain elements of goth culture, but you’re not going to be into something simply because it’s goth.
It’s likely that you’re the type of person who totally defies labels. Good for you!
If you are into something, it’s because you sincerely love it. Not because it projects a certain image.
OMG! Let’s just not hope our group is breaking apart. I don’t see much of you people now…
I know. It’s sad rthat we are not together as much.
Hello? G-G-Guys?
Anyone? i’m really, REALLY worried now.
BTW: I’m a ruler in Olympus now…. Anyone want to be my spy?
Green Grape, how do you have your own spies when you are a spy already?
Anybody want to be my spy?
Help Athena! She is going to quit her role as an Olympian goddess!! Please, I don’t know what to do for my poor Sister.
Please! I-I’ll do anything if you can help!
You, know, like if I’m too busy, I’ll get them to do it. Aphrodite, calm down. Which sister?
Okay, Athena wants to be a normal goddess, not an Olympian? That’s easy then. Get Athena to choose who she wants to replace her, then she can be one of the minor gods.
No, she just wants to dissapear and quit being a goddess.
She will never be replaced. She will NOT be a minor god, either.
Athena! Poor Athena1!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry Athena.
I wonder why she do’snt want to be Goddess.
This is sorry news. Then if Athena quits, won’t there only be 11 Olympians? It unbalances the Council.
The real worry: Athena wants to call it quits.
Our club is breaking apart. I’m leaving forever.
Now I’m sure I’ll be leaving forever. Unless you guys comment.
I might leave Mythology vs Counterfeit forever.
I’m going to play Petpet Park, now. See ya later.
You play Neopets too?! This is too great. Would you be my friend? I’m winter_princess820.
I love playing it.
Whatever happened to Dangerous Berry, guys?
this is boring–on wild west island go to the man with a horse play the the minigame and win the horse then get the the letter from the tired looking girl go to diamond plains saloon (using the horse) win the bubble gum mini game read the letter to the sheriff obtain the badge go back to the place with the guy with the camera (using your horse-the guy is in the town with the blimp) get your picture taken go to the sheriff’s place (diamond plains-using your horse) trade your portrait for a pea shooter– jail break- get on your horse and chase the bad guys then go to the rock place talk to the girl with all the cattle speak to her and do what she says then you obtain a saddle the second part is optional you obtain a cowboy with a snake as a lasso the rest will be later im running out of space bye
oops did i disrupt your little chat this is just BBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRIINNG
dus any one like its for teens i think
i got a lame name from now on i’m tiny dragon 890
meli. you seem to be not that nice.
The imposter green grape, get off this site, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your huge ass out of my life!!!!!!
For everyone’s information, green grape@ april30, 2011@12:24 pm is an imposter.
Green Grape.
MALAYSIA: 1 May: Green Grape, 15, an online commenter was faked by an unknown person. Grape, in an interview said that the imposter loves to eat fried chicken while she does not. These were Grape’s exact words: “She likes to eat icky and gross fried chickens.” Grape had launched a police report after the crime was committed. Witnesses are advised to report to the nearest police station.
-Poptropica News
See, imposter green grape? I launched a police report. The cops will be chasing your puny little ass now.
boom! lets see. mmmm. hmmm, oh, all right police officer. He owns you 3 million fee of money! Hooray! Green Grape, you’ll be rich!
and the imposter will be broke!
And you will be able to do nothing about it, you dumb ass imposter.
hmmm… oh geez, really police officer? A JAIL BREAK? Hmm? Ohhh kay….. hey green grape! jail break! though the imposter was caught in the the middle of the jail break…. Hmmm? Okey, extra security for the imposter. He said, “Just in case.” Hmmph green grape you are in luck!
I beleive you are gone.
Where is CD?
I don’t know.
Stop acting so tough! In truth you are a coward. Only able to fake others. You maybe able to fake me, but you’ll never be able to take my spirit to use it! Is it worth it? I don’t think so. You are just a brainless coward. Is it so hard, I ask you, to make your own account? You can be me, but you will never be able to steal Shadowprince! he is mine!!!
Dumb imposter!!!!!!!! Get off a here now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are the dumb imposter!!!!!!!!!!!
Who’s the imposter here?
Tell me the truth!
The one at May1 At 7:45. MD believe me… I was your friend.
Okay.The real green grape knows my birthday!The first one to answer the question is the real green grape!Another one.How old am I if it is my birthday?
MD, ask me some things the imposter might not know.
You are nine if it were your birthday!
GG:Where did we first met?
Again.When was my birthday?
I met you at the Cryptids walkthrough and you are Ynna. Your parents are lawyers. You are a Fillipino. This comes from the mouth of the real GG.
Now you know its me…
GG:I believe you now.I was just joking about my parents.They are not lawyers.My mother is a nurse and my father is a minister.I just said that because I don’t want my account to be hacked by others.But I really believe you now.
Ynna? Mighty Drummer?
I turned 9 on April 29.
Ohhh!!! Thanks! *cries with relief*
Whenever I post I would place this: ~GG under my comment. You will know that it is me.
Imposter Green Grape, I’ll make a deal with you. Promise me that you will accept it.
Me friend very wise.
Click my name to see the outfit I made!
it’s so cute!
i have my own outfit too.its name is alien girl.
1.braid with yellow ponytail
2.hercules’ skirt
3.pumpkin head:leaves and shirt(75 creds)
4.closed side smile with no lips
skin colour:baby blue
hair colour:dark blue(recipe:6 seconds blue 2 seconds black
do yo like it.
I really need to go to bed now.I feel very sleepy!Good bye….
Now I’m serious!
Anybody here?Hello?! * Echoes* :*
Hey. I am here.
Give ma a chance now, imposter! 😈
Wow. A LOT has been happening. Wanna just abandon Mythology vs. counterfeit, guys? I’m getting sick of that post.
I won’t be here next week. I have BIG tests.
I like California. Just not today.
It’s hot. Way too hot.
Today was entertaining.
Preppy Casual:
1.Go to Cryptids Island and find the girl with a blue hat(Main Street,Cryptids)Copy her entire outfit.
You can change the plaid skirt to a black tights from the mimes in Counterfeit Island,
Also,if you don’t want her lips,you can change it to a highly-glossed lips from the Mythology Surfer(75 credits)
I’m wearing it right now.Type ynnaruvien29 in the Avatar studio to see it.
S.F.G Club(Super Fashion Gals Club)
Club Members:
1.Mighty Drummer
2.Green Grape
3.Cute Daisy
4.Sandy,the Mad Dragon
5.mejellybely(Not Active)
6.magic wind(Not Active)
Total:8 members
Newest outfits:
Preppy Casual from:Mighty Drummer
S.F.G Club:News Update by:Mighty Drummer
Club Project:Let’s invite the others to join our club because more members means more fun!
My name is Icy Fire!
I’m Cute Daisy’s big sister.
Cute Daisy will be on here too.But she will use my profile.
My outfit:
Blue and Beautiful!
Here’s the instructions:
1.Get the blue ponytail/bun like hair from the blue girl in mythology
2.Get her tank top too.
3.Find a light blue skirt (or if it’s too hard to find,get a white one)
4.Find the long gold earrings
5.Get the messy Tinkerbell bangs (it’s hard to describe)
6.Get the scarf form the graduation girl
7.Get some angel wings and her harp
8.Find a white belt
9.Dye your hair light blond
10.Make sure you have pale skin
This is a bit long but I just love it!
My other outfit:
Fashion Fairy
1.Get the black dress from the B.A.D lady
2.Get the prom queen hair
3.get side swept bangs
4.Get curls WITHOUT earrings
5.Get pink and white starfish necklace for some extra fun!
I call this School Gal:
Icy Fire:Do you want to join the club?Cute Daisy is a member,too.
Of course I would!
CD and Me LOVE creating cool outfits and I will gladly join the club!
By the way Mighty Drummer,
Ummm…how come GG isn’t here so much anymore?
She’s always on that fruit loops page.
I want to meet her.The only time I met her was when I was talking to Ke$ha.
But I think she doesn’t like me..
oh well
Hey Icy Fire!
Didn’t know my sister would join the club!
Bed time.
By the way,I’m eleven.
My birthday is on May 2nd.
Now I gotta go to bed for school.
IF:You mean the fruit loops temple of selfish fruit master page?Uh-uh!I think that’s not the real GG.GG told us that she and Shadowprince are at war!
IF:Green grape likes everyone EXCEPT Shadowprince!
I’m using IF’s profile beacause SOMEBODY…(I mean IF)…deleted my profile!\
I’ll post instructions later!!!
There is no clone GG MD. alright?
No I’m not CD.
I’m her sister IF.
CD is ten.
I’m eleven.
CD is using my profile sometimes.
And Ke$ha,
CD uses my profile because I messed up hers (BY ACCIDENT!) and so whenever she’s on here,she writes down if she is CD.
Hi, IF! I’m Sandy. Nice to meet you!
Hi Sandy!
I’m CD’s sis!
Nice 2 meet you too!
Come to mythology vs counterfeit.
We’re playing Truth or Dare!!!
HELLO? DOES ANYONE KNOW I’M HERE? I’m not allowed on the weekdays! Pretty please with a cherry on top please don’t forget me!
i coming
I think I really messed up.
Now Shadowprince and GG both hate me.
I feel bad and very upset.
But,I wish Shadowprince and GG wouldn’t hate me.
I want to be their friend.
But they don’t.
I feel like I’m an outsider.
Tell me the truth:
Do you hate me?
Am I weird?
Do I have a rude personality?
Because I feel so…alone.
I had a chance to make new friends and I ruined it.
No, I don’t think you’re weird or rude.
I don’t hate you, either.
And I’ll always be your friend.
Thanks Sandy!
I think your a great friend!!!
(Sorry if I sound so weird right now but I feel so relieved that at least SOMEBODY likes me!)
Thank you. 🙂
And you’re welcome. 🙂
Do you want to be a member of my new club, IF?
IF:Everyone in the club are friends forever.The real GG doesn’t hate you.I can feel it!And I’ll be happy to be your friend!
MD is right. I don”t hate you. I will be your friend if you want.
Thanks GG! 🙂
Then, I have one question.
Are you really in love with SP?
Or is it the clone?
I call it “Trendy with a touch of Orange”
1.Get the Swan Ballerina and customize her dress (orange)
2.Get a white Jacket type thing from any poptropican (or a white RP vest)
3.Get the white newsboy cap from any poptropican
4.Get a white belt (optional)
5.You can have any lips but I found some orange/red lips to match
I call it “Extra Fun”
1.Get the surfer girl and get her braid (blue) and necklace (blue and pink)
2.Get a white cropped top
3.Get white pants
4.Get a black and white polka dot belt
5.Get any old lips
The necklace and belt add some extra fun!
P.S: This outfit looks better on darker or tan female poptropicans.
“The Cute Nerd”
1.Get some pink glasses.
2.Get the hat from the girl on Cryptids island
3.Get a blue dress from that lady on Counterfeit island
4.Get a blue backpack
5.Get any belt
6.Get a necklace for a finishing touch!
You can get any hair or lips for this costume by the way!
I am really in love with SP. Not the clone. BTW, I will stop the ~GG thing cuz the imposter has not been on for a while.
Okay GG.
Let me face the facts.
*The real green grape is in luv with SP.
*The real GG is 15, not eleven?
*The real GG is getting married to SP.
I feel confused.And a bit dazed.
But congratz on your wedding GG.
Thanks IF. I am sorry that yopua re confused.
*you are*
I know…
The Poptropica Gazette.
Costume News:
On Saturday May 7th,Icy Fire produced 3 new costumes.
Ms.Fire is a member of the Super Fashion Gals and has recently just joined.The costumes are called “Trendy with a Touch of Orange”Cute Nerd” and “Extra Fun”.
Go to the Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld page to see these costumes.
We are hiring new members to post their own stories on the Poptropica Gazette.
Contact Icy Fire to get your free job as a reporter today!
I’d like to have a job on the Gazette.
Me too.
GG:Hello.Apa khabar?
Hi MD.
psophia:Hello.It’s a bit quiet here. 🙂
Hi MD, do not be psophia’s friend. She impersonated me!!!!!!!!!
GG:Apa Khabar?
Wait, what? Psophia?
GG, that was not me! I swear on my grave, and the River Styx.
Please believe me! I mean, it is true that I did it to Athena once.
I’m Icy Fire.I’m CD’s big sister.
But are you sure it was not you?
You have your job on the Gazette.
I am positive that it wasn’t me! Someone keeps pretending to be me on random days and times. I don’t know who, though.
I believe you Psophia.
But you may be right.
Lot’s of people have been cloned.
Shadowprince (A.K.A ,Maniac) and GG have been coned before.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Breaking News!
On Sunday May 8th, Green Grape has officially found out who cloned her.Or did she?
GG was on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Master Page when she saw a post written by Psophia.
psophia May 7, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Thanks SS. You can’t be a bridesmaid if you enjoy ruining SP and I’s life.
These were her exact words.GG’s theory is that Psophia has been cloning many people.
But Psophia claims that she has not.
Who is the clone?Is Psophia innocent?
Find out in the next edition of the Poptropica gazette!
I swear on my grave that I am innocent.
Okay Psophia.
Thanks for that information.
I can write about it in the poptropica gazette!
Thank you for believing me, Icy Fire. You have a kind soul. May the gods bless you.
I believe you, too, psophia.
Thank you Psophia.
And I will always believe you,no matter what.
You seem innocent anyways.
Thank you too, Sandy. I really appreciate you guys for having my back. Do you think that the guy Ben, I think, who cloned Shadowprince is cloning everyone else? That might make sense.
What happened to the old S.F.G club?Why is it so messed up now?It’s so cold here in the Philippines.I think I’m gonna freeze!
GG:You look……weird.Whatever.Do not let Shadowprince in this page ever again!
Your right.
SP has ruined our club!!!
You have great fashion sense.Want to join the Super Fashion Gals?
We’re a club of fashion miracles!
Whatever happened to Cute Daisy? I miss her. We used to be good friends. *Sighs*
GG really looks weird!
Hey!The real GG is 11 years old,not 15!
click link below… 🙂
1.get dark pink skirt (with or without black tights)
2. use rockstar 2 pink shirt and belt
3. use rock star 1 or 2 pink guitar
4. popstar lips
5. bang from emo guy in reality tv
6. bangs from girl w/ braid in reality tv
7. gamer girl hair
“Cute Rockstar”
Love it TP!
CD has major exams.
Since I’m a year older and don’t have any,I’m on this site.
When CD finishes her exams (in June) she’ll come back.
Where did you get the white dress, Tiny Penguin? I loveyour outfit.
um… it’s not a dress… it’s a shirt from the lady in counterfeit main street
to get this outfit,
1. vest blue popstar
2.emo dude bang reality tv
3. lips from french lady in cryptids
4.skirt from blue popstar
5.gamer girl hair
6.bangs from braided girl in reality tv
THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY OUTFIT! I might come up with other pretty outfits so just find “Tiny Penguin” in comment pages. 🙂
MD? Are u in the Philippines? where?
about the costume i posted…
there are three versions:
pls choose ur fave color and use it!
Tiny Penguin:
MD is in the Philippines.
I live in Canada.
GG is in Malaysia.
Sandy is in California.
And Psophia is in Elk River.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Daily News.
On Monday May 9th,it has been confirmed that Icy Fire and Sandy the Mad Dragon are on Psophia side of the fight.
Thank you Psophia.
And I will always believe you,no matter what.
You seem innocent anyways.
These were Icy Fire’s exact words.
Sandy agrees too.
I believe you, too, psophia.
These were her exact words.
We don’t have enough information to confirm this yet,but Psophia seems innocent.
She was also seen to be defending GG and SP when Bendy Turtle was talking to GG.
Tune in on the Poptropica Gazette to learn more.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Down Lover’s Lane.
Hello folks!
Welcome back to our official newspaper,the Poptropica Gazette.
Today,the founder of the Gazette was reading the other newspaper, “The Poptropica Secrets Official Gossip Newspaper” when she saw something.
It said that blogger, Shadowprince and Green Grape are in hot love!
We have official evidence.
To see the proof,go on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Fruit Master page and click previous comments until you see the ~love~.
But Ke$ha, is seeing sparks fly when she writes the paper.
Read Ke$ha’s paper, the Gossip Blog,to learn more of theses juicy secrets!
Aku berbicara Malaysia!
Saya menggunakan google translate sebenarnya …
It’s Malaysian!!!
Yay me!!!
The official language of Malaysia is Malay.
Evil Flower:
1.Go to Early Poptropica and go down the first hole you will see.Get the girl’s headband.
2.Go to Shark Tooth Island and get a flower necklace.
3.Go inside the tourism center.Get a flower print shirt.
4.Go to the third level and get the hair with a flower on it.
5.Go to Counterfeit Island and go inside Bobo’s Clown Store.Copy the girl’s skirt.
6.Go to Astro-Knights Island and go inside the Ye old Rumour Mill.Copy Goth Girl’s belt.
The GG who has been commenting lately is not me. But I’m not mad, cause she can impersonate me. Just, whatever.
Your not in love with Shadowprince??????
I call it ” China Teen”
1.Get the prom queen and get her long skirt (White!)
2.Get the prize from Red Dragon Sneak Peak and get the top and belt
3.Get the biker girl and get her lips and coat and hat.
4.Get the angel and customize her wings
5.Get the pop star and get her hoop earrings
Hi IF, ever get the feeling that someone is watching you, studying your every move, preparing to pounce on the first chance they get to steal your identity?
Whatever do you mean Psophia?
Where’s DB?
Click my name to see the cute outfit I made!
I like it.
it’s pretty. 🙂
Thank you,guys! 😀
TP(Tiny Penguin):Where do you live?
uh…i sorta don’t wanna share that info….coz uhhh…i don’t really memorize it. p.s. go to strange moon’s post “costume coming soon and i enlist ur help” read godzilla2000’s last comment which is “tiny penguin will you marry me” and i said “no i wont you idiot”. >:s grrrrrr…..i hate you godzilla2000!!!
help! godzilla2000 has plans of making me his bride!
Yeah, true, TP… It’s… just, I’m bored to death being teased by someone.
Oh, bye. G2G.
*sigh* i am getting tired seeing those disturbing comments of godzilla2000.
I know how you feel TP.
Long time ago,
Shadowprince messed up my mind by doing some disturbing…things to me.
I’m still afraid of him.
Cute Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH! Where have you been? *Smiles hugely and shrieks with joy at CD*
ok. i get it. 🙂
Hi Psophia!!!
My exams are over!!!
I hope I passed…
Anyways,I am so happy to be back!!!!
I love this site!!!!
Hi Tiny Penguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm…I’ve been gone for a while.
I was reading Ke$ha’s paper (and Icy Fire’s of Course!!!) and I heard that there is tension between GG and Shadowprince.
What’s it all about?
Well…GG and Shadowprince are dating.
I thought GG hates Shadowprince!!!!
Noy anymore,apparently. I hope you did well on your exams, although I already know you did. You are very smart.
Thanks Psophia!
I hope I did too.
But you are probably way smarter than I am.
My Description:
I’m more on the nerdy side with a childish appearance
I wear glasses.
I have long hair.
My hair is brown.
I’m short.
Icy Fire’s description:
She is TALL!
She is more on the fashoionaable side
She has hair to her shoulders.
No glasses.
Psophia’s description:
Butt-length golden-blonde hair
Greenish blueish eyes
HUGE, women’s size 10 feet!
Oh, and I have side bangs
My description:
Really dark brown hair
Big brown eyes
Fairly pale
CD:I missed you!Oh!I think that’s not the real GG.The GG who’s dating Shadowprince?I don’t believe that’s the real GG!There’s an imposter GG!
I missed you too!You are one of my good friends on here!I’m glad to be back!!!
Did you meet Icy Fire?
She’s my big sister.
My friend GG would never date Shadowprince!
The GG I know isn’t so sappy.
She’s tough!!!
I agree.This is a fake!!!
And can Icy Fire join the club?
She has super fashion sense!
Look at her outfit:
We all did. She’s super nice.
hi CD and everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Yeah, TP! He has the nerve to go on the site where SM nearly killed him.
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Triple woohoo for the friend who has come back!
My description:
Looooooong straight hair
Multi-colored contacts
Nice tan
high cheekbones
Oh, and I’m tall.
CD:IF already joined the club,sis’!
GG:Are you the real one?Because Sandy said you and Shadowprince are dating.
I see you’ve met CD!!!
My baby sister!!! (no offense sis)
I’m not a baby Icy.
I’m ten years old!!!
I’m CD btw!
Forgot to change the name!!!
a woman ask a man to describe her.
Man: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
woman: what does that mean?
man: adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fabu, grand, hot.
woman: awwwww, that is soooo sweeeet! but what does I, J, K stand for?
man: I’m Just Kidding
The Icy Fire on that link is not me!!!!
I promise!!!!
ohhhh kayyyy…..:ask:
sorry for the “ask” its not part of the comment!
Hmmmmmm…………………………………………….. Weirdly, a lot of people are getting cloned.
French Cutie:
I know, GG. Itis wierd. Who doyouthink is behind it all?
Well, I know who cloned me. It was Maddie.
Newest member:Tiny Penguin
Quite, psophia. athena should give you a new quest: Find out who’s cloning who.
Unfortunately though, athena is not here anymore. can’t find her.
Here’s an outfit you might like.Here are the directions:
1.Go to Counterfeit Island and copy the shirt and skirt of the girl with the blue vest.She’s in front of the bench beside the dry fountain.
2.Buy the Gamer Girl and get the hair.
3.Buy the Prom Queen and get the Front and side bangs.
4.Buy the Vampire Girl 1 and get the coat ONLY.
5.Use any old lips you want or you can use the Mythology Surfer lips.
6.Light skin and blond hair works best for this
And now you’re done.I call it “Executive Attire”.
And here’s the photo:
GG:Where do you live again?
i know.i will be the news reporter!
Alright then.
Ma- wait! you already know where I live!
Has this got something to do with Athena? *suspicious*
I think, well Kesha’s sis is behind it all.
I do not believe Ke$ha has a sister.
she does have ont ten year old sister. Ashley.
Oh. Ok, 5then.
Is anybody here?
hi Sandy!!!
Yay. No Imposter. =)
I’m here.
I’m on my back-up account.
I think that the imposter is gone.
😆 Hi, guys!
Cruel IF imposter. Just checked out the Poptropica Smackdown. Well and proper CRUEL! :shocked: I’m so shocked!
Can you create some outfits.Coz’ I’m so bored. :\ >:(
Here is an outfit callled Ryleigh Rebel:
This is a nice outfit!
I call it “Glam in Green”
1.Get southern belle and customize her top (green) and necklace
2.Go to Counterfeit and find the lady with the green hat
3.Get the prom queen and get her front bangs
4.Get the Pop star and get her skirt (green)
5.Get any lips (I used the cheerleader lips)
6.Get any hair (I used some hair that I found in a multiplayer room)
Your outfits are very super cool!!!What do you think of mine?The “Executive Attire” one?
wow MD and psophia ur outfits look cute! (i wish i had the southern belle outfit….) 🙁
Yeah, it’s cute!
Who has ever eaten se-et? Malaysian’s favourite worm food!
PS: and I littelerly mean WORM!
Pronounce it si-et.
I have to go to sleep!!!
It’s 10:28 in Canada!!!
You eat worm?
Everyone says that people who eat worms and snails are weird,but it’s just there cultural food.
I bet people in Africa would say the same about…spaghetti!!!
wow. well at least everybody tries new food.
Nope, I don’t eat it. My grandma does. And it IS a cultural food. It has a black head, and milky white body and it is lumpy. You fry it with garlic then eat it with sago, another cultural food.
WS is hilarious!!!!
ohhh kayyy… sago jelly? i eat it here in the philippines.
Do you live in the Philippines?
Nope. It’s not jelly. It’s more like a really, really tiny sphere biscuit. Well, at least it’s crunchy.
O o
O o
You live in the Philippines?
Cool!So does MD!!!
yes its in my post in the froot loops temple ad walkthrough. and so does silver moon.
TP:What channel do you watch?GMA or ABS-CBN?I love GMA.I LOOOOOOOVVVEEEEEEEEE Secret Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodnight Everyone.
I’m going to bed now.It’s 10:33 and I’m pooped!
Cindy said that I have to stop complaining when I wake up in the morning.But still.I’s hard.
Dad says my bed’s to comfy to get out of.I agree!!!
Oh well.
I have to go.Cindy said she’s going to get cross if I don’t get off soon.
Cute Daisy’s already in bed.That girl is a heavy sleeper!!!
Dad says that if my mother saw us,she would be on our side!
Okay.Now I have to go!!!
Cindy says that I take up too much time online.
Goodnight everyone!!!
BTW:Cindy is our housekeeper.
Our mom is dead so she’s like a mom to us.
I suggest you don’t talk about her much.I get really upset… 🙁
MD: i like ABS-CBN. especially “My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho” oh yeah MD, where in the philippines? im in manila. pls tell me!
oops sorry MD my post was in the hunter of artemis page.
Hi TP!!!
You are so lucky!!!
I live in boring old Canada!
Tips to getting a noticeable costume:
* Get a catchy name like: Pacific Princess or something like that.
* Colour coordination
* Go with your own fashion. Punk, goth, urban, whatever.
Tips from…:
Green Grape: The colour coordinator.
Pacific princess:
Get everything blue. And then, turn your hair raven bleck.
I don’t go on Pop to much anymore. It’s sad…
Opps! Sorry IF, CD. Aku memberi takziah.
The last three words were malay.
ok…:) thats ok CD
TP:Can you please invite silver moon to our club?
IF:Can I join the Poptropica Gazette?
uh….what club?
TP:You don’t know the name of our designers’ club?The name of our club is Super Fashion Gals club.And you are the newest member!
TP:I’m in Manila,too.Kamusta na?
ahh kalimutan ko eh…. gets ko na….. ok lang me oo nga pala saan sa manila?
(translated: ahh..i just forgot it!..i get it…i’m ok oh yeah, where in manila?)
TP:Ikaw?San ka sa Manila?
Of course you may join!!!
You guys don’t even bother talking to me! i wonder why I was dumb enough to come on this site.
Goodbye. FOREVER.
whaaaaaa???your’e leavin 4ever GG? BTW MD, ok i always pass there when i go to malls.
uh….do you believe that it’s the end of the world tomorrow? (May 21) I don’t.
GG:Don’t leave!I was just amazed that someone lives in the Philippines like me!Please don’t leave!Pretty please?????????????
IF:Really?What do I do first?
TP:Sometimes we go to SM Marikina…
Don’t leave!!
And FYI: To those who think that the world will end today, they are wrong!
It is Saturday May 21 in Canada and it is a beautiful, sunny morning.
Nothing will happen today!
yeah, us too have u been 2 SM Masinag? i have been. tomorrow, we’re going to SM Megamall just 2 buy supplies. BTW MD, what grade r u in?
Don’t leave GG! Please don’t!
GG, if you are going to leave, then you must give up your position as a spy. I am sorry, but that is the way it has to be.
TP:I’ll be in Grade 4 this coming June.
Athena:I missed you!
I’ll be in the 6th grade this September.
IF will be in 7th.
Hello Athena!
Hello, Mighty Drummer and Cute Daisy. I feel bad about letting Green Grape go, but that is how things must be.
Oh well.
If Green Grape has made up her mind, then there is nothing we can do about it.
I will miss her terribly. We were good friends.
GG, if you are reading this, please listen and don’t go.
Also, we try to talk to you.
But there’s so many people, it’s too hard.
But sometimes, I don’t talk to MD or Sandy for a long time.
I just forget. Nothing personal.
Not many people talk to me anymore either.
But I don’t mind.Try to make the beat of it! 🙂

Shut up. I’m leaving and that IS IT.
I mean it this time.
MD: i will be in grade 5 this coming june.
good bye….
GG,if that’s your decision,fine.I can’t do anything about it!Well,good-bye!
GG:Wear this costume to remember me!
1.Go to Mythology Island and go visit Aphrodite.Copy the top part of her toga.
2.Go to Wild West Island and copy Saloon Lady’s necklace.
3.Get a Barbie Ponytail.
4.Go to Super Power Island and go to the Mask and Capes Shop.Copy the pants of the pink costume.
5.Buy the Fairy Queen and pick purple.Get the blouse and crown.(Dye you hair the same color as the ponytail.)
6.Copy Biker Girl lips.
I call it “Ice Princess”
And for the last time,good-bye!
Don’t tell my sister to SHUT UP!!!
You were never like this before!!!!
So don’t hold your anger out on CD!!!She’s trying to help!!!!!
Go ahead and leave, GG. See if I care!
If you are going to tell my friend to shut up, then you deserve to be ignored. (Even though you never are ignored)
Thanks for standing up to CD psophia.
GG, I don’t mean to be rude but What is wrong with you?
If something is bothering you, then tell us. But don’t take out your anger on us.
Cute! CD, that is cute. Where did you get that big bang with the highlights?
Oh those?
I randomly found those bangs in a multiplayer room.
Pretty cute, eh?
That bangs is from the Lemonade mouth Ad.It’s really cute if you pair it with Vampire 1’s hair.
Oh!And here’s my costume!:
I call it Queen of Pop!Tell me if you like then I will post the directions!
u look soooo cute MD in that ice cream suit! i have one too!
Ice Cream suit?Oh!My avatar.Thanks!But that’s really simple!All you have to do is buy the Ice Cream suit and copy the whole outfit except the mouth.Use Mythology Surfer lips.Then color your skin as light as possible but not lighter than white.
yep im wearin it too search Ena253 on avatar studio
P.S. wha-aaaa!!! wow i just turned for a moment then POOF! you already commented!
see! i look just like YOU!!
Yeah!Wait…Can you please help me enter my account?I’m kinda stuck for a moment.My user name is ynnaruvien29 and my password is pinkrose(But every time I press letter P,the game pauses.
MD, same with me! I type in psophia, and I can not do a thing.
Vampire Rock Star:
1.Vampire 1 hair,fangs and pants.
2.Rock Star 2 face markings,shirt and guitar.(Black)
3.Biker girl Jacket/Vest and belt.
4.Big bangs from the Lemonade Mouth Ad.
But that’s not fair!My account that I’m telling you about has many costumes from the Poptropica Store!
huh…?what happened? i posted 4 comments a while ago then they were gone! so does MD and Sandy’s comments! WEIRD!
I’m so glad.
But I really should be sleeping..
it’s 2 hours pest my bedtime! ( yes. You can stop making fun of me. I have a bedtime, like any other “sensible” person)
hey! (Mighty Drummer and those who had problem for signing in in Poptrpica)I know how to open ur account in Poptropica. Just copy and paste ur username or password if it had a letter P
TP:I know.It’s really weird. ❓
Can you help me log in again?I forgot what to do.
gone again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is the world so cruel? I mean,it feels as though everyone hates me some days. I have never done anything wrong either (I am definitely not the teacher’s pet, either)
I think it has to do something with Nargles.
Why does it always says “Sorry,your password is incorrect”?! But pinkrose is my password.Maybe someone changed it?!
finally! they fixed the pausing problem!
Do you know who changed my password?Please tell me the truth!If you don’t ,I’ll leave forever!And the club will be ruined!
I honestly don’t know. Sorry, MD.
MD: I’ll help you with the password.
I am so sorry about your account MD.
I’ll help you fix it. But honestly, Nobody could change your password.
Either you messed up the username or the Poptropica people are crazy.
Thanks for the help!I’m sure nobody here would change my password.
well it wasn’t me, because when you told me to help you log in, i wanted to see your medallions. i didn’t click “password settings” or anything else. after that, i logged you out.
maybe the caps lock is on in your keyboard.
BTW, i didn’t copy and paste the wrong username, MD. i’ll help you recover your password.
look! rocker girl as my pic!!!!!!!
Guys, I miss GG.
Now, it’s so hard to keep track of everything.
Plus, we have so many club members.
I miss GG,too.
Newbie coming through…
OMGosh. How long is poptropica gonna moderate my account? Be fair to newbies!
yea…me too….no wonder why he quit.
I’m Cute Daisy!!!! Welcome to Poptropica Secrets!
And by the way TP: GG is a girl.
Hi Cassandra. Welcome to the glorious Poptropica Secrets Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld post. BTW, I am psophia.
‘Ello, Cassandra. Did you know that you have the same name as me?
Hello,Cassandra!You see,we’re looking for new members in our club(Super Fashion Gals Club).So,would you like to join?Well,it’s all about fashion and friendship,you know.
Hello Cassandra! May I call you “Cassie”? Hi! Oh yeah MD,jade,psophia,CD and Cassie (if u want) to go to the godzilla problem page just search “Strange Moon” in the search bar on the upper right. Click the first topic then read our comments. Glad to be your friend, Cassie!
oh…..k CD. sorry!
I have spotted Balloon Boy in Cryptids! If you see the Judy Moody building, go inside the screaming monster building. build your rollercoaster. (use the mountain) then when you are going over the mountain track, you’ll see balloon boy floating up in the sky.
Uh, actually, my real name is not Cassandra. You may call me whatever you want ecxept for probaly : You piece of dung.
Things like that. hm.
ok. 🙂
Great. Tell me the terms and conditions of this club…
I hate being teased.
BTW, random comment, totally.
BTW, MD and me are from the Philippines! 🙂
uh…please ask MD for the rules.
Oh, yeah? Totally cool, man. I’m a little hyper, if you don’t mind.
The rules are:
1.Never say rude names to others.
2.Always be trusted.
3.No boys allowed!(But we’d love to create cool outfits for you,boys!)
i don’t mind…i just really like having someone new in our club!
yipee! first on page!
New Costume for the Super Fashion Gals club!
“The Rebel” (girls only!)
1.copy Richie Rebel’s top
2.biker pants or emo dude’s pants in reality tv
3.rockstar 2 black bangs and back hair
4.bangs from braided girl reality tv island
5.color your hair dark red. (mix red with some black)
6. use biker girl lips
click da link!
OH! i forgot biker girl belt.
good thing I’m not interested in love. Otherwise I would have found the no boys rule difficult to keep.
Sorry I can’t see you guys’ costumes, cause my laptop will block the link.
oh…..just search Ena253 in avatar studio
Here’s a cute costume I made:
1.Go to Astro-Knights Island and copy Amish girl’s hair and apron.She’s in front of the Planetarium.
2.Next,go to Wild West Island and copy Saloon Lady’s bangs.
3.Go to the Judy Moody Ad and copy Judy’s skirt.
4.Get the blouse from the Gnome Outfit from the Gnomeo and Juliet Ad.
5.Use Biker Girl lips.
I call it ” Higher Class Maid”.
P.S. The name is from Cute Daisy so thank you,Cute Daisy.
Oh!And I have my account back!Yipee!
Hey, caught ya!
Mighty Drummer, do you read me? Do you read me? *walkie-talkie slang*
Do you read me, Mighty Immigrant Good High Tight Yoke (Mighty) Drummer Runner Umbrella Mumble Mighty Elephant Roll? (Drummer)
Sigh. What is your religion, MD? I”m Catholic Christian
Hi Cassie!!!!
I’m CD!!!!
Jeez. You haven’t bothered talking to me at all!!!
I’m Muslim, and I HATE LOVE!!!!!!!!!
It’s a waste of time.
My sister IF says that she hates love, but I don’t believe her.
I look:
-I have dark brown chocolate eyes and hair
-Pink and brown glasses ( square frames)
-my long, brown hair is usually in a french braid
You are welcome MD!!!!!!
I had to play Ke$ha and Psophia’s boyfriends !!!
It’s not my best talent but it’s fun to make a friend happy.
Cassandra:I’m a Church of Christ.
My account is safer than ever!
That is awesome, MD! Didn’t you win that contest on Super Thunder’s blog?
BTW, TP, I love the picture. Perry rocks 🙂
Perry the platypus!
Oh, sorry CD. You were’nt on that time. MD just vanished. Hello everybody.
Yes, Icy. I’m rude and I check past comments. Don’t cheek me. (No offence, BTW)
Well, anyways, ain’t good to have a rude comment on everybody, since I’m a newbie.
Use this account for boy’s costume:
User: GoldenFire2ooo (o not zero)
Pass: whatever1
This for girl’s:
User: silversnowball2thousand
Guys, anyone who is my friend, my true sincere friend, I’m am leaving beacause of the way I have been treated recently. I am sorry to leave you guys, but I have no other choice. But I shall always be with you, reading your comments. *voice breaks, and tears flow)
I am Red Heart. Chat if you meet me in multi player…
Cassandra, I am sorry. I didn’t really know that we were acting so rude and selfish. I think I am going to leave for awhile, too, and maybe I will realize what big jerks we were (and that some of us still are) . Someday, Cassandra and GG, please try and forgive me for the way I have treated you. I was just looking at the past comments, and I now realize how right you are, Cassandra. The only reason I even try to act nice to Ke$ha is so she won’t hate me, and that I won’t be ignored by everyone else because of how she feels toward me. That’s dumb, though, because GG hates me with all of her gut, and I bet you do, too. You know, I am still not sure why Ke$ha even scares me that much, and why I even liked her. She lies, says inappropriate things, and does inappropriate stuff. Sure, she just recently admitted the “truth”, but telling the truth all of the sudden does not make all her troubles go away, and it certainly does not allow people to forgive and forget her about all the lies that she has told. So, once again, I hope that someday I will be forgiven for my rudeness by you and GG, and anyone else that I have offended on this website. Goodbye, PoptropicaSecrets, I hope that we might once meet again.
Goodbye, Sandy.
Goodbye, Jade.
Goodbye, Cassandra.
Goodbye, Icy Fire.
Goodbye, Cute Daisy.
Goodbye, Tiny Penguin.
Goodbye, Mighty Drummer.
Goodbye, Speedy Singer.
Goodbye, Shadowprince. (In case you happen to read this).
Goodbye, Athena.
Goodbye, Jeall, Infernape, nutmeg, Nicholas. (You met me a few times.)
Goodbye, Green Grape. Please forgive me someday.
I am not sure if anyone was missed, and if they were, than I am sorry. Now, goodbye, Poptropicasecrets. I will always remember you all, even if you do not remember me.
Like Cassandra, I will read your comments and be here, even if you don’t know.
I feel bad too.
I’m sorry everyone, for how stupid I am.
I’m so dumb. I’ve been rude to Cassie and lots of other people.
I’m a bad person and I feel the pain.
Please forgive me. I think, that if you guys don’t want me, I can just leave. I am sorry for being a jerk.
thanx guys!!!!!!!! he’s soooo cuteeee!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 <3
Icy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!
Bye, TP.
bye psophia! 😉
I don’t care!!!
I would die if I could!!
I’m a dumb little kid who could never be anything.
Cassandra is making me miserable!!!!!!!!!!
I’m apologizing, I’m trying!!!!!
But she won’t listen!!!
I don’t WORSHIP Ke$ha.
I’m just defending her!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops. ignore my first comment. bye psophia.
huh…? *taps chin then walks away*
Psophia:Yeah.I won the contest.
I feel bad but I don’t why.
GREEN GRAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
“Cassie” seems so like a cute nickname.
Why are you so glad to see me? I don’t care for any of you filthy people!
huh…? why…? *voice ends then tear goes down cheek*
If I apologise now, I know that you won’t forgive me! I will be ignored again and the process will start all over again. If everybody forgives me, I will return and try to be nice.
See, you are ignoring me even now. I am sad that I am fighting with someone I don’t even know but…
But… YOU DON”T WANT ME!!!!!!!!!!!
i like you!!!!!!!!!! please, just stay. i forgive you. it’s just the first time……
…..cross my heart.
GG: you’re just confused. In the middle of many people in this blog, you’re just confused.
*pats GG on the back*
New Costume for SFG club! (Super Fashion Gals)
“Another Avril Lavigne look”
1. bangs from braid girl in Reality TV
2. emo guy’s bang
3. shirt from french girl in cryptids
4. mannequin pants or gamer girl
5. blue tie
6. popstar mic
I’m so happy!!!!!!!
GG, at least everyone doesn’t hate you. I liked you, and I still do, it just made me angry when you said you were beingg angry. I wish that I could take beack everything I’ve done, but life doesn’t seem to work that way for me.
If you ever want to talk to me again, just tell me and I mighjt tell you where I will be posting comments.
I honestly, am not feeling any bit of sympathy for you.
You hurt my sister’s feelings, and you don’t care a bit.
So why should I be sorry, if you are being rude on the other post?
Like my sister said, you are not a goddess, or a queen, or anything like that.
You don’t deserve to. You told us we were ignoring you, but if you had told us kindly, we would have not.
So for that very reason, I will not feel sorry for you, no matter how much you weep.
What you’ve done has hurt others and I will not accept you to be rude to my friends ( and sister)
You’re lucky, for Psophia and TP to like you.
Because unlike some people, you are wanted.
But you can’t think about how considerate others are being?
All you are caring about is yourself.
This link proves it.
It is offficial : Goodbye 🙂
Don’t leave psophia!
GG really isn’t a very nice person.
thanx IF! don’t leave psophia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think so too. ❓
oh…i feel so bad right now…..
….and i don’t know why….
Goodnight everyone.
IF, I want you to click the link in CD’s post. Please read. Goodnight IF.
New Outfit for SFG club
“Goth Girl” (Version 2)
1. Rockstar 2 hair
2. Gothic Cheerleader top
3. Biker vest and belt
4. Black Skirt w/ black tights or G. Cheerleader skirt
5. G. Cheerleader lips
i have account too! i’m TP253.
no wonder how GG turned out like that…..
1.Black hair and bangs from Rock Star 2.
2.Bangs from braided girl at Reality TV.
3.Aphrodite’s top.
4.Triton’s bottom.
5.King of Arturus’ necklace.
6.Dagger from the man near him.
7.Lips and sword from Pirate Captain
ah…! uh MD, can we create the official SFG club paper? There will be lots of costume ideas there. Maybe we should call it: “The SFG Gazette”. Maybe you should assign the Writers from the SFG club.
(I only post these during Mondays and Fridays.)
Try to make a really cool outfit using ONLY clothes from RP’s and 1 costume you bought from the store.
TP:Good idea!But first we need more club members for the election so our mission is to invite more members!
I have good news guys!I’m going to create a blog and it’s all about the Super Fashion Gals club!The name of the blog is The Super Fashion Gals’ Blog.Wait,Can you think of better name for the blog?
I know.
How about…
– Fashion Fever
– SFG Gang
– Rocking, Fashion Gals Paper
Great suggestions, guys! So good! ^3^~
is SS part already? how many more members we need?
oh yea, suggestion about the blog, in the part where we post who are part of the SFG club, can it be our avatar studio pics? that would be so cool…<3 oh yea teach me how to post in a blog do we have our own usernames and passwords?
thanks MD.
how about
“The Official Poptropica Fashion Reporters”
then the address is:
if u like
oops dont click the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wrong!!!!!!!! it was just an example!!!!!!!
I’ll join the club! and what is an RP?
Innocent or Deadly?
1) Use the hat, pants, & belt from Biker Girl
2) Use the shirt, eyes, bandanna, & gun from Outlaw.
3) Use the braid from Mythology Surfer (or any other ponytail/braid)
random poptropican.
Mighty Drummer: do you read me *keeesssshhhh* New member joined: Speedy Singer *over.*
nice SS!
Can I join? I know I’ve just come out of the blue, but still?
ok Friendly Dragon!!!!! 🙂
Hey!I’m done creating our blog but first,give your real email.Then after that always check your Yahoo!.
ah! whats da address?
mine is [email protected]
ooh! i cant wait to post my first blog post!!!!!!!! *jumps for joy*
Can I join? The truth is, I am just leaving the Island Smackdown page.
Sure!Everyone can join!
TP:I already sent an E-mail to you and you need to confirm it within 2 days,I think.
Do you want to check it out?Here’s the link:
Here is my email: [email protected]
MD, that is so cool! I love the way you have it set up.
What the heck just happened??????????????????? I have two of every store item!!!
Punk Rocker
1. Get Rockstar (the original one) lips, hair, and sunglasses. Pink, green, or purple.
2. Buy Biker Girl and get the jacket.
3. Costumize Vampire 3’s black shirt.
4. Find dark jeans off of an RP, although I prefer Gamer Girl’s.
5.To complete the look turn your skin the palest shade possible, but make sure that it is not white.
6. OPTIONAL: Get a microphone or guitar.
What do you think? Here is the link:
Well,it’s not done yet and I really need your E-mail address!
TP:I made you an Administrator of the the blog.You can do anything you like and you can downgrade users.
Psophia:I made you an Editor so you can Edit our posts.
Oh!Check your Yahoo! account to confirm it!
Blog Update:There’s a new feature in the SFG Gang:The Members Only Page.It’s Password Protected so I’ll send all of the club members the password.But give your real E-mail address first!
Reminder:Check your Yahoo! account!
I already E-mailed you the password!
uh….wats my username and so as the password? pls email it to me i saw our blog cool! where should we post?
OMG MD! THANKS!!!!!!! :))
i tried logging in but no luck. invalid username it says. hope strange moon would visit this!!! 🙂
So sorry but i don’t have an email! Boohoo! 😥 🙁 😥
want me to make you one?
oh MD! about the pic beside the link, what about…if….we gather our avatar studio pics then we combine it together then put a caption in the middle: “Super Fashion Gals”
please email me the password!!!! please!!!!!!!!
yes plz!
Hi. I went to the antique store earlier.
ok. and hi psophia!
Any costumes?
TP:I E-mailed the password and Administrator request to the [email protected].
yep 3 posts! check it out!
oh! i know now how to post new blog posts. i just logged in w/ my gravatar account.
oh! new outfit: cute highschooler:
it might be 10 fashion points.
hey strange moon, visit the SFG blog!
Can someone make me an E-mail?
huh…? why? you don’ t have one? please ask your parents to make you an email.
hey ppl i posted complete Red Dragon walkthrough on:
for those who need complete walkthrough
Okay TP.
i like the cute girl costume……………..
heya 🙂 this sfg thing sounds interesting. more info plz?
OK Gentle Singer.
in this club you get to design and post your own costume ideas at our blog. you will be given Fashion Points every time you win a contest or join the club.
Red dragon island is here!!!!!!!!!!
yipee! im helping my little sis finish it!
Sorry…I just had to do that.
You guys still want me? I’m not very hopeful…
I wanted you.
But you didn’t want me.
You gave me misery.
So, if you mend your ways ( And by that, I mean to stop holding grudges)
I will like you.
But I want to like you.
I really do.
But I can tell that you never wanted me.
And FYI:
If I am such a loser to you,
just say it.
If you think I am a worthless s piece of trash, think it.
But I told you.
I want to be your friend.
SO BOO-YA!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry…I am really hyper right now…
….I just came up with a tune!!!
The Super Fashion Gals! Hooray!
Always at service Everyday!
We supply the outfits you will need!
Of all of the stores, we take the lead!
My Blog!!!!!
My blog is a place where you can visit to learn all about poptropica.
I am going to post walkthroughs, cheats and fashion advice!
It’s not completely ready yet, but I’m working on it!
Thanks Icy. You probaly think I’m a useless person, but I feel abandoned, even by my own family. They spoil my brother and take no notice of me.
I’m leaving Poptropica Smackdown.
OH MY GOD, I AM GONNA GO TO THE BIG TIME RUSH CONCERT TOMMOROWW!!!!!!!! WE WON BACKSTAGE PASSES TOO! (I am sorry for the letters, it is just really exciting!)
hey hey creator of these outfits here
It was at Bunker Beach.
Sorry, I know the capatiliziation was not nesscesary.
uh huh……
I hate Big Time Rush! 😡 They are SO GAY! Even in their songs! “Looking 4 a boyfriend” why r they looking 4 a boyfriend?! 😈
Sfggang: This is my outfit for the contest!
“Cute Little Nerd”
I only used RP (and jack)
Boyfriend is about being in love with a girl. “Looking for a boyfriend” refers to them asking a girl if they are “looking for a boyfriend”. Not them looking for one.
And, besides, what’s wrong with homosexuality?
Nothing at all is wrong with homosexuality.
Angelina Jollie married Brad Pitt, then ended up getting divorced. That’s what I mean about love.
That is “B”that’s””right
Hello? And Psophia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Cassandra. Are you saying my name in an excited way or mad way?
Hello, Cassie.
Hey I was experimenting goddess costumes on my poptropican and made a cool outfit!You know how there’s the hunter of Artemis? Well this is Artemis herself!Customize the green wearing girl in Herc’s Hero Hut.Don’t customize the cape though. Then use the bow and the quiver on the Robin Hood costume.Lastly, use the green Electrifier on your poptropican.We’re done!
Like your cool man! way, Psophia. Do you still like GG? You don’t sound too glad, StmD.
Guys, would you get mad if I confess? I did some sins lately and I would like to get them off my shoulders. I did and old sin and I am sorry. Second, I’m not 17. I’m nearly 11. And I lied about being a newbie. I was here a long time ago.
I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t accept me, so I changed my name. I am actually…
GG… Sorry.
Yes, I’m actually GG. i missed you ppl, though you won’t have known it. Sorry, I’m an outcast.
YOU’RE GG??????????????????????
GG:We can still be best friends,right?I really missed you!
Does anyone here know where CD and IF went? I have no clue whatsoever. And, CASSIE, YOU ARE GG????????????????????????????????????????????
I don’t. 🙁
No, MD. We can’t be friends. I have said too much and hurt too much. I would like to ask for your forgiveness though. I will come back when I have a better attitude….
I don’t deserve to have you guys. Cute Daisy would not accept me as a friend anymore. Kesha, Shadow Prince and Jade would not even think about me anymore. Icy Fire loathes me. They don’t miss me…
Thanks a lot, Jade!
GG:We just want you to apologize and we didn’t say we will not forgive you.We can still be friends!Nobody wants this problem!We really forgive you and you have to forgive me,too for all I said.Please GG!We can still build this up!
I agree.
My sister is a crazy lunatic.
Jade: Thanks!!!
GG: Hmm….I don’t loath you.
Look, GG, I don’t think I could forgive you. Not right now. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now.
You must really love your sister, Icy!
I do.
She’s a bit annoying sometimes, but I still do.
GG: But I don’t forgive you. You made me miserable. It’s too hard to forgive someone when they’ve done that to you.
IF:This will end if you…forgive her!How can you live with an anger in your heart!
Fine. I forgive.
Oh. BTW: I won’t be on for nearly a year, my dad’s thinking about moving to Egypt ( always traveling) with CD and Cindy.
Gawd, no, Icy. I will miss you guys so much! Can CD come on for a bit to say goodbye? You can, too.
hello! i have been grounded for a week 🙁 but i am back!! hi guys!!
Why were you grounded, TP?
I am glad you are back, though!!!!!
IF:Goodbye,Icy!Have fun!
TP:I’m glad you’re back!
If you are, then bye.
i skipped lunch and supper so i got grounded AND hungry.
Hallo!!! Here again, the mighty Vamp Ninja Gurl!! (Another nickname 4 me that I invented)
(Okay please don’t ask me why I really LOVE these! I am a bit boyish, k? :))
What the heck?? Cassie?? You’re GG?? I can’t believe it!! I must be dreaming!!! *slaps own cheek*
Banned from Poptropica. 15 more days. Why?? WHY??
Its true. Bye.
Huh…? I don’t get it Cassie…
Look at this. WHAT THE HECK!! GG AND SP ARE DOING SEX!! AWK-WARD!! This is much MORE worse than godzilla2000.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:10 pm
Lick me.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:11 pm
yes baby YES!!!
*grabs head and starts sucking on her neck*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:13 pm
yeah this is sweet *sucks his penis*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:14 pm
Rubs himn hard
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:14 pm
yes baby I never want you to stop that
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:15 pm
*starts sticking tongue into her mouth*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:17 pm
sucks hard and licks it
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:17 pm
Whoa! I can never stop this
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:17 pm
*licks her belly then goes up to inbetween her boobs*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:17 pm
Babe, suck my boobs more
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:18 pm
ok baby *starts sucking on her nipples*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:20 pm
AWwwwwwwwww yes*Licks his penis and sucks more*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:21 pm
Baby you rock at this
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:22 pm
*rubs hands up and down her legs*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:23 pm
You rock too. *Shivers with pleasure and sucks more, rubbing hands along his legs and torso*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:23 pm
Toch me more.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:24 pm
Hey baby how about I start sticking this in you???
It’s been my turn for awhile
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:26 pm
Okay. Start.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:27 pm
Do you want it in your ass or between your legs?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:28 pm
In my ass.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:29 pm
ok baby *starts sticking hard into her beautiful ass*
*leaves room throwing up and disgusted*
So that’s why they were in LOVE. Dirty Love! Bad Romance!
Very inappropriate to look at. Here is the proof that they were dating online.
SP, If you’re reading this, YOU’RE A F*CKING JERK!!
Grossest Comments ever: Part 2
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:47 pm
I love you.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:47 pm
*sticks penis into her mouth*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:48 pm
This is so awesome, babe.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:48 pm
8Rubs his ass*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:49 pm
* Slides hands up and down his body, moaning*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:49 pm
now where do you want it?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:50 pm
In my hands.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:50 pm
ok baby start grabbing
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:51 pm
*Rubs penis, sliding hands up and down it while I stick my tongue in Sp’s mouth*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:51 pm
*Pauses, licking lips* This feels amazing.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:52 pm
awwww yes don’t stop touching it
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:52 pm
You are seriously hot.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:53 pm
I won’t. *Keeps rubbing, stroking it* Can you stand it?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:54 pm
Touch me, too. I’m doing all the work here.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:54 pm
oh yeah baby
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:54 pm
Rub my boobs, would you? **Keeps stroking his hot, velvet penis*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:54 pm
ok *rubs hands along her hips then starts rubbing her ass*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:55 pm
Wow, you have amazing eyes.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:55 pm
My ass feels so good right now.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:55 pm
you have amazing lips
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:57 pm
Thanks. Your penis is awesome. *Keeps rubbing it, sticks tip between my legs*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:57 pm
*rubs face in her boobs*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:57 pm
Awwwwwww man.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:58 pm
Kisses him really hard*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:58 pm
*Takes his penis out and strokes it*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:58 pm
What’s wrong?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Touch me more, babe. I need you to touch me everywhere.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Nothing is wrong.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Why would you think that?
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:00 pm
ok baby *rubs hands all over her back*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:00 pm
SP? *Kissses him again*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:01 pm
yes baby
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:01 pm
*Tangles hands in his hair, moaning as I lean into his chest*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:01 pm
*squeezes her ass*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:01 pm
I love this. We should never stop.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:02 pm
I know
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:02 pm
Never, ever stop. *Rubs his ass and stics tongue in his mouth*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm
*rubs tongue against her tongue*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm
*Grabs his penis and rubs it*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm
Oh wow *Rubs tongue against his, licking it*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:04 pm
suck on it baby suck on it
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:05 pm
*starts rubbing her boobs*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:06 pm
8Sticks it in mouth and sucks hard*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:06 pm
Rub them, rub them good. suck on my boobs
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:07 pm
aaaawwwww YES!!!!!
*start squeezing her ass hard*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:08 pm
ok baby *sticks boobs into mouth and sucks on them*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:08 pm
*Sucks it more*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 7:09 pm
yes yes yes YES!!!!
lick it my goddess lick it
green grape May 2, 2011 at 7:09 pm
Licks it, and sucks it. AWWWWWWWWW yeah this is awesome
Grossest Comments: Part 3
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:35 pm
*Takes off clothes*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:36 pm
Do you like what you see?
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:36 pm
*does the same*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:36 pm
I really like what I see
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:36 pm
I like whatI see. *Rubs Sp’s penis*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:37 pm
*Smiles naughtily*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Where do you want me to put this?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:38 pm
Wow. You feel good.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:40 pm
So do you
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:40 pm
Where do you want it?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:40 pm
Put what? You can touch my boobs if you want.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:41 pm
Is my butt okay?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:41 pm
Yours is defnitely okay.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:41 pm
my you know and I really do want to touch them
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:42 pm
Sp, say it.Put what? *Smiles again and kisses him*
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:42 pm
Oh and I just love your butt seriously I never want you to leave
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:42 pm
Where do you want to put your you-know-what? You choose, baby.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:43 pm
Thanks. I never want to leave either.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:43 pm
my penis where to you want me to put it?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:44 pm
You choose. You can touch my boobs. Just touch them if you want.
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:45 pm
*Lays in bed, on top of SP*
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:46 pm
Still here, babe?
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:46 pm
I need you to do something to me.
Shadowprince May 2, 2011 at 6:46 pm
ok *touches her boobs*
and open up your mouth it’s coming
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:46 pm
green grape May 2, 2011 at 6:47 pm
*Opens mouth*
and ppl: wrong order of the story! its part 3-1.
That was not me. I wasn’t on that point of time. The Imposter was. MD is right. I would never like SP.
*stares at cassandra thinking ‘i dont think so…’*
Cassandra, change back to your real name.
Yeah! That’s right…
(I feel this problem is just like Counterfeit Island…..where you will view the Surveillance Camera vid…. awesome!!
Hello?? *voices echoes* Anybody here? *voice still echoes*
*sigh* No one’s on. Oh well…..
Please, Cassandra. We (or I) need proof if that was really the imposter. Please change back to your real name. We don’t want lies on this blog. Tell us the truth, Cassandra.
Look! I finished Red Dragon!!
This is all that you guys know about me:
I was originally GG. I changed my name to cassandra because i missed you people. then i went to blackbeard and posted rude comments. then i throwed a tantrum at icy because i was mad. i am 11, i like poetry, i pretended to be the daughter of iris. my account was always hacked by strangers. i was the first to know md. i live in malaysia. in a boring old town. cd would never forgive me. i first met md at the cytids post. My computer went haywire for about 14 days in april or may. md is 9, cd is 10, the two keshas are 10 and 18 respectively. sp is 16. i was a spy for athena.
pls trust me this time.
…h-h-how c-can w-we trust you for now?
But…there was this ‘green grape’ in the Froot Loops Temple Ad that was having ‘sex’ there with SP. It’s neither the imposter or you. It seems to me that the ‘green grape’ there looked like it was you. We (or I) can’t tell the difference. Admit it GG. Are you really it or it was really an imposter.
Please tell us the truth, GG.
hi yall im tough comet im a werewolf in real lifeits hell when we change for de first time
I am going to tell the trueth (PLEASE NOUTE THAT THIS IS THE IMPOSTER IMPOSTER IMPOSTER) The GG on the Fruit Loops was indeeed the imposter, me. I will never pretend to be GG or SP or psophia again. I promise! (I am the one who has impersinated you all) I have been reading these commments and feel terrible for ruining your guyses lifes. Kay, I am never gonna come back, so bie. I will never reveal my iddentity.
I (The imposter) had awesome sex with SP.
w-what the heck……………????
OMG!! you… are t-the imposter?? omg…
The P:mrgreen:ptr:mrgreen:pica Paper:
GG Finally admits it!
While Tiny Penguin was browsing PoptropicaSecrets, she decided to view the recent comments on the Froot Loops Temple Ad Mission that GG was having disgusting (blech!!) “sex” with SP GG said it was the imposter. GG said that she had impersonated most of us here. And in the previous comments on this page, she said that she wasn’t online at that times of: 9:14 pm, 6:55 am, 6:57 am, 7:24 am, 8:36 am, 6:43 pm, 6:50 pm, 12:44 am, 12: 56 am, 12:57 am, 1:00 am, 6:33 pm, 6:34 am, 6:35 pm, 6:36 pm, 6:37 pm, 6:38 pm, 6: 40 pm, 6:41 pm, 6:42 pm, 6:43 pm, 6:44 pm, 6:45 pm, 6:46 pm, and 6:47 pm. And GG says that she was the imposter.
Stay tuned!!!!
oops it says: Poptropica
yeah thats right
hey guys I made a blog for the official Poptropica Gazette:
Give your real email first so you can post!!!
And can someone change the header pic????????? thanks!!!
Happy bday TP!
Dear everyone,
Hey guys! I have been telling you a few days before that it’s gonna be my birthday next week. I am not gonna be here for 2 days. (July 2 & 3) So I’ll be here from June 23- July 1. So, bye! And have a nice day!!!
P.S. Please report to me godzilla2000’s comments about me so I can know ASAP. (As soon as possible)
Sincerely yours,
Tiny Penguin 🙂
Hello!I missed you,guys!I haven’t for 3 days because I was really going to school now.It was really really fun!I love my new school!So,hello,guys!
Hello MD!!
Dear dumb diary,
Today was bad!! It had been raining all day. Rain, rain, rain. No sun, sun, sun. But on the bright side, Next week is my 14th B-day!!
Yay!! But, at least, the internet wasn’t down. I got to watch Poptropica videos of Ke$ha was Poptropica-nized. But, as soon as I have a YouTube account, I might make a vid of me singing “Tik Tok” or “Blow”. So watch out!!!
Love, (not!)
TP :p
oops ignore the part when i said i was turning 14….that was rong….i was turning 12….
sorry people!!
i was thinking how many ice cream cups i was going to buy. so thats why i accindentally typed 14.
TP:I know.Our roof is leaking because it’s raining.Well,I heard Marikina River is on its spilling now.Hope you stay safe! 😉
Ay kawawa ka naman MD…. nag- overflow na daw?? At TY ha!!
(Translated: Aww….poor MD…it overflowed? And TY!!)
Look MD I posted a vid on SFG Gang!
Beat the ‘ol Shark Boy NOW!
Oh! And MD, Friendly Dragon is the winner of the contest! What will be her prize?
Hey Y’all! Read my 3 Comments here!
PARTY HARTY!! (If you’re reading this godzilla2000, You are not invited.)
Let’s meet at this page on July 1!!
<3 Ciya!!
TP:You’re the one who started the contest.You will have to decide what the prize will be!
Okay….Well I thought it should be 50 Fashion Points but we don’t have the store yet. But…I will just feature it as Costume of the Month!
Hey guys!! This is a very funny thing that just happened today.
It was suppertime and my little sis doesn’t want to eat. So I did to make her eat is I scared her by saying “Oh no!! The Bougie Man!! He’s gonna catch you if you don’t eat!!”. So she got so scared and said: “Mummy!! Help me!! *covers ears* Sis is scaring me!!”that I was rolling on the floor laughing and I told her it was a joke then she believed me then I told her again: “Oh no! It’s behind you!!” Then she ran to our housekeeper then cried. Haha that was so funny!! So, every time she won’t eat, I’ll scare her!!!
hey creator of these outfits, haven’t been on here alot so could someone PLEASE explain what is going on with these ‘imposters’ and one of them having ‘sex’ on the froot loops ad im confused
hello im tough comet and i will claw at sps heart then eat it the ill slam his spirit back into his decomposing corpes and beat de crap out of him thank you for listening to what i want to do to sp and tp u rock
oh magic wind de imposter was having sex with sp in froot loops thank you for reading
*gets drunk*ill kill sp if i can i dont care*falls to ground**turns wolf**stumbles to get to paws**stands by tp**green eyes glow in de dark*
Thanks guys!!! Well, hey! You’re invited to my party at the Strange Moon is Back post!!!
I have another task for you, TC. (I would like to call you Cerbeus.)
Rip Angry Hawk’s heart out and eat her.
At the Red Dragon walthrough page.
tp i dont eat people i eat theyre hearts
(P.S. I am not mad.)
And Jade, fine!! If you want, then don’t be my friend! (I am really really not mad)
I will go to the Red Dragon post but I will not post even a single comment there. I will just read it.
…And I will not ask TC to go “Coo-coo” again just like last time!
Now, can we be friends again? I was too tired so I became pretty cranky.
Okay! Meet me at the Strange Moon is back post.
With what, Jade?
Anyways, I made a new costume!~ (for girls,of course!)
Anyways,Copy the WHOLE Prom Queen outfit. (75 credits, any color,must be blond hair.)
Anyways, Also get the Outlaw costume (100 credits.) and get the scarf thingy.
Anyways,Get the microphone of the Pop Star costume. (75 credits.)
Anyways,This costume,(causing 230 0r so?) is called Critic.
Anyways,A critic is a person who reviews stuff and kinda rates stuff. (For example, a food critic.)
Nice FG!!
I didn’t betray you.. what do you mean Jade? I really want to still be your friend.. we just havn’t had time to chat. I still want to be your friend!
Huh..? I don’t get it…Anyhow, I made a new costume:
1. Get Vampire 3’s hair only.
2. Pop Star green’s vest and belt
3. Shirt and pants from guy in Counterfeit (Near the museum)
4. Emo dude and Braid Girl’s bangs
5. Green Girl’s lips in Mythology Island (Herc’s hero hut) OR green Fairy Queen lips.
6. Renegade Robot laser
7. Turn your hair into a simple yellowish- green and use the Colorizer. (Or, you can dye your hair in 24 Carrot island.)
I checked my email then i saw emails from “timmy burdick”, “jmoney burdick”, “the burdicks” i saw it contained profanity…maybe it’s godzilla2000!!
hey guys im new to poptropica to if someone could my friend i would really apreaciate it!!!!!
hi tp please talk to me
TP, how did they get your email?
hey tp i’m the one first created killjoy you just copied
hi psophia can we b friends?
no i found it first on the net then i told you about it
and psophia, I’M SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK!!! And I don’t know how they got my email.
oh wait…BYE!! I’m gonna watch this drama show!! bye!!
oh fine…….what drama show?
Mula Sa Puso….(Translated as: “From The Heart”) On ABS-CBN
I’ll be your friend, Bronze Penquin.
thank u psophia. BTW TP i watch that drama show also what happen? HI MD!
That is really cute, Icy!
Well Selina has a plot to kill Magda, Via, Fernando, and Gabriel. If they have killed Fernando, she will pay her henchmen a million Pesos for that.
Umm MD, Have you picked some outfits for the Fashion Store and have you opened it yet..?
oh k TP
I try not to come here. Trying to avoid it. But sometimes, I can’t help it….
I’m in some other country right now (my parents travel lots)
I think it’s Sri Lanka.
For Fashion Store.
heres how you make the girl next door outfit: 1. Go to shrink ray island and copy CJs moms yellow shirt and get CJs sweat jacket 2. get Jeans off of some RP. 3. Get the pigtails off of the girl with the soda science experiment. 4. Dye your hair dark brown. There you go i’m going to make one for boys next. ENJOY:) 🙂
Hi everyone I am new here so first I wanna get some friends any volunteers
Heya!! I’m back now!
Hi TP what is the iPad drawing for?
Queen of the underworld is perspehone, goddess of spring time
ah kkk
Really?! Are you sure Jade?!
Hello Sophia. I have gotten your emails but no replies. Please reply and check your email constantly.
Tofu, i HAVEN’T go to ur haus bcas we have visitors sorry 🙁 !
hi BP
thank goodness
heh heh… 🙄
well my dog is insane when we give her some water in her feeding bowl. She will just spill it and when the water is on the ground then she will drink it (the water on the ground).
Here’s my fav outfit:
it costs 150 credits
get the mythology surfer outfit and use her hair. then use the origanal rockstar jacket. go to cryptids island and copy the sunglasses and shirt from her. I did her pants too, but any pants will do. it looks awesome! if you have the avatar studio, type PrincessP1656 to see the outfit on me. I call this outfit “Nessie Girl”
Uh… is this the backup post? ‘Cause it seems like it has the most comments.
Um… whatever.
Click my name!
Oh and I didn’t know your birthday was on August 2nd, J***.
CLick my name!!!!!!
:mrred: ?
Here’s a cool outfit: I have no name for it, but it is cool. It only costs 150 credits. Get fairy queen for girls, then prom queen. Use the white skirt and both bangs from prom queen, and the hair with purple bands and earrings, purple lips, and purple shirt.
I saw the headlines I made.
I’m a jerk. I don’t deserve faithful friends…………….
Oh, and imposter, I will forgive and forget I you truly regret your actions.
Guys, please, please (I’m pleading you guys) come on now….
Hi Cassandra nice to meet u!
TP ur lying about ur age. Ur just 10 on July 3, 2011. Ur a Liar
Cassandra a.k.a. green grape:Please forgive me that I ignored you…and for all that I said to you that isn’t right.
S’okay… I don’t blame you…. I’m the drama queen. And MD, you don’t need to be upset at Icy cause she did not forgive me. She was right. I hurt everyone that I came across.
MD, i don’t mean to be defending the imposter, but it really is her who commented.
Let’s start on a new foot all put all those misfortune behind us. Call me CGG.
Hi CGG!What are you doing right now?
I’m Black Rose ( duh?) I remember my pal Cute Daisy showing me this site like…one year ago?
You people have changed.
I fEEl sO aWkWArd.
Hey,guys!I’m kinda new here.Can you show me around?
I just did something a little naughty…
you are NOT stupid, BR.
I’m just sitting here, making friendship bracelets….
Uh?…. What happened? Why are there sudddenly so many strangers here?
Hey, MD… Since I have Facebook, may I have your facebook name?
It’s me,MD!I just changed my name because somebody hated me!Please don’t tell anybody!My name is Ynna Ruvien Del Mundo(I’m the only one in facebook that has that name).Please add me!
Cassandra,still here?Anybody?!Huhu!!!
Back to the old name!
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i have a costume called beach babe get gamer girl hair (75 credits). Go to mythology island and go to the red girl and get her shades, top, and bottom.Then go to to early poptropica island and go in the well and get the boy’s floatie! Now your a beach babe!
Hi, long time no see…
When you’re using the avatar studio, there’s a trick you can use to see other people’s avatars–type a random username in the box, and if it actually belongs to someone, you’ll see the name on the box on the right. But sadly, most people don’t have the avatar studio, so most of the people I saw did not actually have an avatar 🙁 Oh well
MIGHTY DRUMMER!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! STUCK ON POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add me 😀 KateyGurl << My name on poptropica. Anyways, I need a new costume for girls! can you do new ones pleasE?
Gosh,how I missed this place!I miss Cute Daisy,green grape and the other Gals! *cries* I wish we could all get back together and start over! *cries more loudly*
Green grape!Get back here NOW!!!