Yes, I know Big Nate Island has been around for a while, but I never wrote a walkthrough and guide for it. So here, finally, is the one missing walkthrough from this site. Enjoy!
Welcome to Big Nate Island, which looks very different from all the other quests in Poptropica. It’s drawn in the style of the Big Nate comic strip by Lincoln Pierce. In Big Nate Island, you’ll help find a time capsule that was hidden a century ago. The time capsule is rumored to have a valuable treasure inside and everyone on the island is searching for it. You’ll help Big Nate uncover the treasure and save the school on the island, which is falling apart.
Video Walkthrough
Text Walkthrough
- Once you arrive at Big Nate Island, head to the right and go inside the Comic Book store (called Klassic Komix) and talk with the guy to the right in the tan shirt and blue jeans. He’ll tell you he needs help finding all the missing pieces of a comic.
- Go outside and walk to the left. Go into the Pop-In Shoppe. You’ll find one of the comic strip pieces on the couch on the top floor of the shop.
- Head outside and run to the right until you get to the photo store. Go inside and you’ll find another comic piece on top of one of the lights to the right.
- Head back outside and go a few steps to the right. Climb up the telephone pole to the top and you’ll find another piece of the comic.
- Go to the right until you arrive at the school. It looks pretty broken down and there’s a lot of unfinished construction going on. Go inside the school and walk up the stairs to the right. You’ll find another piece of the comic on one of the broken loudspeakers in the wall.
- Now go into the Science Lab and walk to the far left of the room. You’ll see a model of the solar system suspended from the ceiling. There’s another piece of the comic up there. Grab it and leave the Science Lab.
- Go outside the school and then jump up the windowsills. You’ll see some scaffolding to the right and one of the comic pieces is sitting on top of a bile of bricks. Grab it and jump back down.
- Next, head right to the playground. Jump all the way up to the top of the playground structure and you’ll find a comic piece on the left side. It’s floating around a little bit in the air above the two green and yellow flags. Jump up and grab it. Then jump down off the playground structure.
- Go right and you’ll arrive in Puffin Point. There’s a lighthouse here. Jump all the way to the top of it and you’ll see another comic piece on the top of the pointed roof. While you’re up here, take a peek through the telescope next to the guy who is painting. Move the telescope to the right until you see a piece of paper trapped between some big rocks.
- Now jump down on the left side of the lighthouse. As you fall, you’ll see a black and white photograph floating around. Try to grab it. If you miss, climb back up the lighthouse and try again until you get it.
- Now you have all the comic pieces. Click on the comic book item in your backpack and then re-arrange the pieces so that they all fit in the right order. You’ll see some writing on the edges, and that writing should end up in the middle. Once you’re done, you’ll see that the writing gives out a locker combination, which is: NINE THREE ZERO FIVE (9305).
- Head back to the left and return to the Comic Shop. Go inside and click on the guy. He’ll be very happy that you found it and will give you some chewing gum as a gift.
- Leave the Comic shop and go inside the Photo shop again. Talk to the guy on the left and offer to trade the old photograph for his Scuba Gear. Once you have it, leave the shop and head to the right.
- Go back to the school and go inside. Go into the Science Lab again. This time, click on the burner on top of the desk next to the test tubes. Turn the dial on the burner to 3. Now fill half the beaker with the blue liquid and then half with the yellow liquid. Once the beaker fills up, you’ll get a stink bomb!
- Walk outside the lab and go to the left where you’ll see a row of lockers. Click on the one with all the stuff sticking out of it and enter the locker combination from the writing on the comic: 9305. When you open the lock, the locker explodes from all the stuff packed inside and you get knocked down. Walk back over to the locker and pick up the papers that are on the floor. It turns out they’re a school blueprint.
- Head outside of the science lab into the hallway below. You’ll see a sign that says, No Gum Chewing. Hey, we don’t play by the rules! Open your backpack and use the gum that the comic store guy gave to you. As soon as you blow a bubble, a woman will come out and send you into detention.
- Use the stinkbomb in your backpack. The detention lady will leave the room because of the bad smell. When she’s gone, go over to the green filing cabinet on the right and click on it to reveal a secret ladder leading down. Click on the ladder to go inside.
- Climb down the ladder. It’s pretty dark, but there’s a power switch at the bottom of the ladder. Click on it to turn the lights on. Walk to the right and you’ll see a bronze thing hanging on a hook above the workbench. This is the bell clapper for the schoolbell. Grab it and then head back up the ladder.
- Go outside the school and run all the way to the lighthouse. Walk out onto the dock and put on your Scuba gear. Then jump into the water and click when your cursor says Dive.
- You’ll be underwater and you have only a little bit of oxygen so you need to move really fast. Just swim all the way to the right and then go straight down. Pick up the lobster trap on the ocean floor and let your oxygen run out. You’ll re-appear at the start and then you just need to swim back up to the dock. When you’re there, give the trap to the sailor at the dock. He’ll give you the lobster that was inside and the keys to his jet ski.
- Climb back up the lighthouse and use the lobster on the light. It will act as a wrench and turn the light to face the school. This will scare the seagull who is there away. If you haven’t looked through the telescope next to the guy who is painting up here (see above) then look through it now and move it until you see the paper on the rocks.
- Jump back down and get on the Jet Ski. Big Nate will jump on the other one and challenge you to a race. You need to beat him to the island. The best way to do this is to move as far to the right as possible so that you stay ahead of him and avoid the eggs that the seagull drops. Every few seconds, an obstacle such as a buoy will appear in the water and you’ll need to jump over it to avoid getting knocked down. Since you’re all the way on the right you won’t see the obstacles in time. Just jump up every few seconds and try to get the timing right. New objects in the water appear about every three seconds.
- Once you beat Nate to the island, jump up on top of the rock and push the two seals over to the left side so that the rock tips up. Jump off and run down below the rock to the piece of paper and grab it. It’s a map to the time capsule!
- Now run to the school and jump all the way to the bell tower at the top. Open your backpack and use the bell clapper to replace it. This will ring the bell, which sends the girls in the playground back inside.
- Now run back to the left to the playground and go inside the clubhouse at the top with the “Kids Only” sign. Once you’re inside, click on the piece of paper that says “Go to Jail.” This is a simple hangman game and Big Nate will challenge you to a game. Once you solve the word, he’ll give you some old peanut butter crackers as a prize.
- Leave the clubhouse and jump straight down. Go to the spot in the middle of the ground where the girls were standing. If you forget where that way, it’s the empty space between the two wooden boards in the middle of the structure.
- Open your backpack again and use the peanut butter crackers. This will summon the dog and he will dig right where you dropped the cracker. When he digs his hole, the time capsule appears!
- Click on the time capsule and you’ll zoom on it. Click and drag it to lift it out of the hole, and then click on the yellow latch to open it.
- You’ll find a pearl inside the time capsule, which is worth enough money to save the school. A newspaper will appear with the story. Click on the close button and the detention lady arrives. She will give you the island medallion. Congratulations!

That wraps it up for Big Nate Island. You’ll get 100 credits for finishing it along with your island medal.
WAHOO! Finally a walkthrough! 😀 😀 Thanks Poptropicasecrets! 🙂
2nd 2 comment! That’s cool.
First to comment!
… just mentioning.
i already beat it like 4 months AGO and im still on skullda.. watever ppl say astro nights in hard but its not
I beat it when i first started but man it wus hard. Ill send this 2 my friend hes having sum truble Thx
i will finish this island for any1 who needs it . all u need 2 do is give me ur username and password.thnkyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥ ☺☺☺☺☺☺ ♫♫
um yeah about time u did
astro knights was fun too
i beat this island a long time ago. it was easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I beat this island already. Well, I was looking for this island’s walkthrough for my friend and now its here.
do you have a walk through 4 the spy island yet?
There are to walkthroughs unavaleble and they are: Spy and 24 carrot.
umm poptropica cheats and secrets is the awesome! 🙂 YOU ROCK POPTROPICA CHEATS AND SECRETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im happy,Whys Popsecrets awsome?
I already know how to complete big nate island……. SO DON’T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So does everyone else! 🙂
Am sorry Cabby.I am your friend. I only kinda agree.
Yah kinda. I completed it months ago. I think its good that your trying to help people but I dont like giving out my username and password, so mabye other people dont. I still Respect u. Cross my heart and dont hope to die. 😉
Heeeyyyy, I was talking to Zaid Mohammed Qais! Not you Cab! Unless that was you… but either way I was joking (with the smiley) but still, very very sorry! 🙁
Yah Im sorry too!!!!!!! Very Sorry.
Big nate is so easy I’ve beat a long time ago and early poptropica,shark tooth,time tangle,24 carrot,super power,nabooti,reality TV,and mthylogy. EASY.
Hello there anyone
no one .
I am soooooooooooooooooooooo bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every time I’m no one else is
sorry i got grounded yesterday thats wy i coodnt meet anyone yesterday
This isnt cheats this is a walkthrough
Kinda late, isn’t it… Maybe there was nothing else to post about…
Yah…. *ckick click* thats my catchfrase. you like?
What’s ckick? Or is that click…
FiNALLY im donee with this ! yay ! . . . im gaLd now
I figured it out before you even wrote it, slowpoke! what took ya so long??????????!!!
Iv’e been trying to beat this for like months i got stuck because i didnt know there was a switch on the dark room below the detension
Me too Drew.
wow..I can’t believe they just made this I beat it when it came out
Last to comment! 🙂
Detention lady AKA Mrs. Godfrey
i love poptropica secrets, but this person needs to update their walkthroughs
I think Popsecrets is doing a great job with updating…the problem is too many things happen at the same time in life. Let me remind you that Popsecrets is not a CREATOR so she doesnt spend all here time updating. Things are getting a little slow…probably because of homework
But schools out.
i made this island bur for me was hard when you drive the jet ski
succers I beat every island and im just 10 years old and i started when I was 7 years old!!!
I just look at walkthrough and I ask my friends!
I don’t like Big Nate very much because it’s all comic-style, there’s no one to costumize new outfits from. 😥
Big Nate Island is very simple and easy.
big nate was so easy i did it on my first try
such a coincidink!! me 2!!!im serious no joke, this is kind of creepy
This is easy
Hmm. In fact, the first island I ever completed on Poptropica is Big Nate!! It’s very hard for a new-comer, as you see…it took a month. XD
Yes, that’s probably why they made Early Poptropica simple and easy. Don’t you think the islands get harder and harder?When I first came to Poptropica,(the only islands were Early Poptropica and Shark Tooth)I thought no biggie! But boy did I prove myself wrong when I worked on Skull-Duggery!
I like ur name, Gentle Singer. 🙂
Wonderful I’m proud of you!!!!! It ‘s wonderful!!
sunny can i tell ya something
do you know how to complete astro knights?
sorry without the full stop.
on the username.
no fair
i got a question to cutecat
why cant you get other costumes from big nate
i dont know ask someone else
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I LOST MY BALLOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohmygosh Beating Nate to the island is soooooooooooooooooooooooo hard!
it is easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whiteprincess, I know how to complete, I did it on 4 accounts, but which part are u stuck on? xx
i never been on there in a while
i think jungle planet
reply to:sunny
Which part on jungle planet? xx 😛
reply to: whiteprincess
I finaly completed all of the Islands I have!!!!!!
I say the “I have” part beacuse I am not a member who pays I just play!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Big Nate Island, which looks very different from all the other quests in Poptropica. It’s drawn in the style of the Big Nate comic strip by Lincoln
Pierce. In Big Nate Island, you’ll help find a time capsule that was hidden a century ago. The time capsule is rumored to have a valuable treasure inside and everyone on the island is searching for it. You’ll help Big Nate uncover the treasure and save the school on the island, which is falling apart.
how do you clock astro knights?
the horse part
poptropicarules thats my websites name
Try staying on the very top left of the screen and hold your laser lance ready for a fully-charged shoot in case any of those phoenix’s followers (they’re red and looked a bit like a fish) crash into u
When the phoenix arrives for the first time move to the bottom of the screen, middle but a little bit left since the phoenix could sneak up on u from the left side and when she does that all u can do is to get out of her way
and shoot a fully-charged laser into her mouth when she arrives from the right and open her mouth…
repeat 3 times and try to not lose all ur lives…
and ur done
Hope this helps
reply to: whiteprincess
It’s quite strange ppl still call me Sunny
I’ve changed my name and stays with the one on here lol 😆
???? ….
~Ruby out 🙂 😉
i love it 🙂
:0 🙁 🙂 :/
free poptropica accounts
the first 4 to answer
i want a free account
will get 1 poptropican
hurry!limited time only!!
i want a free account
😀 😆 😛 🙂
but what is easier to most people, video or text????
its so hard for me to pass islands, without my cousin, she already passed all of the islands
i dont know wat 2 do???!!!!!
It all seems that video is easier to people, but not for me because I can’t watch. 😐
reply to: EMILIA
Why is big nate island so different sunny?
i just followd al da walkthrough nd it really works!!!!
cause i just finished it 5 minutes ago!!!!!!
sunny you got the accounts
ps:your account……….is being made right know
account for sale…………plz say/i want your account
has completed out 7 of 13
has a goldfish follower and outfit
and has a ramona and beezus paintbrush
has/ pop star,robin hood,cheerleader,renegade robot,pumpkin head,….and more
ps:this is costumes above
mutliverse code:afy31
plz come
come chat and battle with other people you never have saw before
What day is it?
nevermind i got it
i love
stink bomb!
is awensome on big nate read it
yea kinda good
and big nate your the owner of the island
i’m pasted big nate because it was a comic island
so i’m on nabbotti
Um…….. any shorter ones?
I have never read the book or anything but this mission was kinda boring! The only thing that was fun was finishing it! What got me upset was when he took all the credit that you have done! ALL Nate did was walk around stand around and run around!! I love the other missions but NOT this one!!!! Im sorry for sounding rude it’s just this was the most dull, boring, and STUPIDEST mission I have done in Poptropica! Also im shocked that Poptropica has put such a stupid game in here!! Im very dissapointed in
Poptropica! But for the other missions they were all……. FUN!!!! I have a couple of more to finish and then I’ll be done!!!! Thx for seeing my opinion!
– ChilenPrincess;) 🙂
Also please leave me a comment if you agree or disagree with me!! Thx!!
-ChilenPrincess 🙂 😉
This is boring.
I did this before I even found a walkthrough. And the stink bomb you can actually do whatever you want.
i forgot how to find da keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was alright not the best!
Hey! In paragraph 14 in the last sentence the word ” get ” has two g. Be careful next time!
this was alright knida boring……….. lol!!
this was alright knida boring……….. lol!!
Yes, that’s probably why they made Early Poptropica simple and easy. Don’t you think the islands get harder and harder?When I first came to Poptropica,(the only islands were Early Poptropica and Shark Tooth)I thought no biggie! But boy did I prove myself wrong when I worked on Skull-Duggery!
Yesterday, we introduced a handy tool that you will need for the next Poptropica island, called the “Multi Tool.” I can imagine that you may be thinking, “Multi Tool?…Hmmm…It must be used for multiple tasks.”
It’s true that this device will do more than open a can of soup.
Ahoy! We’ve been sailin’ the high seas for more Poptropica adventures! Arr…what be this new port?i always wonder…say…im bored
i played big nate island and it is fun i know how to complete this island
I can’t open the ladder! Ah! haha. Help please? Thankies!
Hey i find it really boring i don’t see why they put it on poptropica but i guess some people may like it so i can’t argue with that. And ChilenQueen I find that you are wrong because Big Nate is not stupid or the worst Island ever. I agree it’s quite boring but you try and make an Island on poptropica. Would you like it if everyone said your Island was Dull,Stupid the worst island EVER IN THE LIVING HISTORY OF POPTROPICA. No you wouldn’t i’m guessing so there. 🙂
🙄 watch part of the video and use the lobster as a wrench to blind the seagull.
i like your name sunny. super thunder you are so awesome!! no one is cool.
Yea! I am cool.
omg i love u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u rock that must have been sooo hard tp make cheats for evrey single detail but yea and are u a member but whoever reads this THIS GUY ROCKS I FINIDHED IN LIKE 5 mins with this websites help
i finished big Nate isand.
Big Nate Island is now online in Poptropica!
ummm anyone know how 2 defeat the seagull, i have tried everything and it wont work!!!!!
arrgggh!!! i just defeated the seagull and found the capsule, but big nate takes the credit, it is sooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!!:(
man… docter hare is at large.
i’m on poptropica on a diifferant tab
big nate island is easy. if anyone has a hard time, look at the walkthroughs that Super Thunder made. 😉
this island is easy i have done it at least 4 times.
the only thing is the ladder won’t open for me ( or duckie ) plz help.
I copleated big nate island without this cheat and i have a question. wat happens when you win the paper plane game in the treehouse that says “KIDS ONLY”?
its all just a big fat lie im on it and my big nate iland does not look like that
hi ilove poptropica
wierd, my friends have been on poptropica for 2yr. , and they still did not finish big nate island!
she thinks she’s a star, she yells @ me a lot, and………………………..i got nothin’.
i’ve finished 6 or 7 islands! i’m busy scorpion! i made my friend a prisoner, and i’ll make you prisoners if you don’t be my slaves! u will be trapped in a room of monsters forever! so if u see me, cry 3 times in front of me and make your head blow off!(a sign of surrender in the multi-player room)
bwa ha ha ha ha! >:)
LOL THISS game iss soo difficult
OMG This takes forever !!!
what do you use to grip the handle on the telescope?
please tell me how do you defeat the seagull to ring the bell
Big Glitch!
When you get to the secret room, walk over to the right and you will see a big box-and no one there. Turn on the light and walk back over there. Poof! A person is there!
i accidentally put the peanut butter crackers in the wrong spot, so what do i do?
Why did I get 100 Credics after I completed Big nate?
the ladder in the detention room won’t open!!!!!! I got this on mine without a cheat sheet, but now it doesnt want to open on my little sisters!!!! Help me please! Is there a special position you have to be in? The computer doesn’t even recognize that there’s a posibility to open it!
geez… I forgot to pick up the blueprint from Nate’s locker explosion
I just beat it!! U guys rock. I couldn’t of done it without u! 😀
Dancernpink: Did u get the blue print yet? U have to then u go back into detention & go down the
ladder! Hint: The power botton is HUGE!!! 🙂
emma bemma24: U spelled Awesome wrong!! 🙂
i hate it when big nate follows you
Why would a camera man have scuba gear? That’s stupid 😀
this is so..cccoooollllll!!!!!!!!!but i didn’t watch the vid. just read the words…er more easier
omg!! that tottaly helped and all i needed to know was how to drive the teacher out of the detention room
it was me all the way . LOL .
Omg thnx so so so much!
i beat this game
all of the poptropica islands have some kind of violence except this one, so i love it!!
my bad. the segull hits you, so no.
if big nate follows you 1 more time
i will kill nate
This island scares me.
I can’t get the ski keys. I got the other thing but he won’t give me the keys to the ski get keys all he says is, “Thanks for the help, matey!” Pleasee Help ME!!!!!!!
I think it’s kinda sickening to see nate get a bunch of credit for my work. 🙁
…Along with Early poptropica this island can be finished in around…maybe 10 minutes or so?
beat ALL the islands……… yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should be the one in the newspaper
i did all the work, and all nate did was follow me around
nate is so freakin annoying, and he shows up everywhere i go!
and HE all the credit?
hey i know this. it’s easy yall just call my forreal phone number is 643-7034 OR 295-1594.THIS IS MY REAL PHONE NUMBER.
the freakin big nate…i agree with eli… and nate gets all the credit… DDDUUUUUHHHH!!!!!
great game find me on Facebook, Myspace, and yahoo. love you all mwah
@Arianna:You flirt.
WHEN WILL WILD WEST ISLAND COME OUT??????!!!!!!! I NEED A NEW ISLAND TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MEMBER SHIP THAT I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT YOU SEE NO MEMBER SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Arianna:You still flirt.
It’s so odd how Nate and everybody else looks different then me!!!! I feel like a whacko
ikr it is ssssssssssssoooooooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know that when playing the hangman game it changes? But still I got. Thnx anyway.
If you hold your cursor between your avatar’s eyes, they go cross-eyed.
arianna u dont need to to say mwah for all u know green grape are someone might b a serial killer or something
ps sorry green grape its just u were the person that told her(or him we will never know) that shes a flirt and she probably likes u
sorry i ment to put or not are
How do you get the segal away?
*ahem* kentboydlove, i’m a girl. so is arianna! I’m going to kill you with a White Sword, freeze you with a Lucky Ice,doze you off with a Dizzy Paw and make you follow me curiously with a Curious Cloud!
I have Big Nate books!
How to get the lobster without hitting the bubbles?!
How do I get the seagull away from me?? I can’y get the bell to ring unless this seagull flys away! GOD! Please can somebody give some advice?
Hey OzzyGirl, sure, I can help. To get the seagull away you have to use the bell clapper. If you don’t have it then blow bubble gum in the school. The teacher will ask you to go to detention, and then when you’re inside, place a stink bomb on the desk. The teacher will go away, and then press her file cabinet. Go inside and get the bell clapper.
Nate: A pop quiz!
Nate: So many zeroes!
Francis: I hear you’re quiet the trash talker.
Nate: About romance,perhaps?
green grape ur a liar you didnt coplete all the islands
can somone tell me where i get the keys
omg me and BLUE FIRE were bonding so romantic ,but then DANGEROUSE BEAN JUST HAD TO INTERUPT US shes gonna steal my man
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
hey this is good advice you shoud put poptropica on the tv and on the tv i ment to say wii so that people can play on wii to make it more interesting! 😀
thanks alot i was all worth watching 2 vids.
Secret, glad dangerous Bean iterrupted. You don’t deserve anyone!
when at the treehouse you can click on the table football and you can try to win a prank guide by nate Really Cool!
when at the treehouse you can click on the table football and you can try to win a prank guide by nate Really Cool!
when at the treehouse you can click on the table football and you can try to win a prank guide by nate Really Awesome!
i beat all the islands!
If you need to get past the seagull, follow this.First,go to Puffin Point.Then go up to the light of the lighthouse.Get the lobster from your items and you can use it as a wrench.The light will turn in the school’s direction,scaring the seagull away from it’s nest.Then get the bell clapper.The girls will come back to the school.Hope that helps!
WOAH, wanna know what is weird? when ur down in the basement in the detention room u turn the light on and Author is there right? but when u turn it off, he’s not there!!!! To be honest, i think he’s Camflauge-Dark Boy DEF: who blends into the darkness…..
:I what now????????? hmmmmm
🙂 i got an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH i lost it, to many exclamation marks probably made me forget 🙁
🙂 got an idea im going to wimpy wonderland.
golden feather is right thats how i passed this island
thats why captain gives you the lobster in the first place. to turn the light around to scare away the seagull.
I got all the big nate books and beated the island. 😀 , 😛 , 🙂 .
Alexia: I don’t understand Arthur either!!!!!!
Note to the person whom does the actual walk-throughs:
I like your Poptropican! It’s cool 2 thumbs up in the department of excelence!!!! I hope we can meet! 🙂
Oh and ty for the walk-throughs, I really need them some times! 😀
I thought that the big Nate comic was awsome!!!!!
The person who made the walkthroughs:Hey, if you see this, I need some help on the Train Robbery in Wild West and in Astro Knights, so if you wana help me out, I can give you my non-member account. (Not giving away my member account)
it wont let me click on the file cabinet… what shood i do??
Ha i passed all thiz! 😛 😉 thi was the second easiest i complited it in 7 mins! 😉
The dog’s name is Spitsy!!!! Pretty funny huh??
I got the Lobster but not the keys to the jet ski. what do i do?
Omg thanks for the walkthroughs. You legit helped me with the first 6 islands. they are the easiest and if anyone wants to meet in a multiverse room, ive got one if you wanna hang out. Ill be lurking around this site once in a while to look at the awesome cheats. ( p.s i love your character, whoever makes the cheats 😀 )
TO EMMY you go to the locker at the top floor that has junk spilling out and enter
the code and you will get blasted now walk to the pile of junk and click on it it will give you blueprints then place the stinkbomb in detention and now you can click it
I did this for less than six minutes 😛
I’ve got an idea…………………………………………. I’m going to wimpy wonderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I’ve got to check out the “Rodrick Rules!” movie!!!
Can’t miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When i tried to find the ladder it didn’t work but I clicked on the green file cabinet!!!!!
i think ur lying i rock. some people can’t finish this in 7 minutes .
how can i get red of the seagulls
Golden Feather thank you for your cheat how to get rid of the seagulls
I didn’t like this island.
Okay i can’t click on the Green File Cabnet in the Detetion room!!!! I knoow what to do after that though, but i just can’t get the finger/clicker to pop up!!! I really need help!!!
@ Golden Feather
Thanks for the help, the walkthrough didn’t mention it! 🙂
everybody lies here including me, you and everybody
It’s really really easy! You don’t need a walkthrough to beat it!
i know what you mean Jonny cash.When poptropica cheats and secrets tells you something to do and it doesn’t happen.I hate it when that happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I yell at the computer when it does that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
summeraisle if it is easy why are u in this website
thanks for the answers 😀
finished this island in 5 minutes
softballrocks, u need to get the map of the school
i cant put the bell clapper with tht crazy seagull
it wont let me click on the greenfile cabneit
it wont let me click on the green file cabneit what should i doo
look for a blueprint of the school in a locker
t0 emmy you need to get the blueprint from the locker
this is the very first island i ever went to and i beat it in 5 minuets
beat this island in 3 minutes:),
helps so much
i beat this and shark tooth, 24 carrot, super power, spy, and nabooti in one day
hey wat happens if i get into the ladys office, set off the bomb and then it wont let me clik the cabinet? did i do something rong? or is it just my computer?
my game let me leave detention. is that a glitch?
random wolfie it is not a glitch all computers do that
my game won’t let me go to the school
funny leopard, I got that too. Does anyone know how to sort it out?
To Maddie, u have 2 get the blue print of the school
how do u put the bell thing in the right place? the seagull gets in the way!!
nevermind, i worked it out!
Thanks for all the help with the islands i could never beat them without you!
Uh oh poptropica isent working and i havent saved yet! DX
mayrightapple: go to the light house put the lopster in the light and it will turn to the bell and the seagoll will go away
Big Nate island was so easy, I wish they had harder ones! XD
i need help with what to do with the on top of the school house.
tyler brady,ill help you cuz my name is I Help you And i GET things right!! wel no atchully…..oh and go to the bacoongo under water find the crab witch is all way to right get back up go all wayt to top where light is get the crab put use and there yall go….laterz aligaterz
my email is [email protected] if you need help then you should really tell me.i like doing islands:D
my email doesint have a so in it
it still wont let me at the school i did everything rite i spoke to nate and he said he was going to school but it still wont let me in
Thank you so much, I’m clueless without you! (don’ t you find it rude that Nate takes partial credit when we found the capsule?)
This island is so easy to beat! got it all on 20 mins. (%5 on checking the steps) with all your help!
I <3 poptropica 😀
omg i passed it
help i cant click on the cabinet
wait i did it wooooooooooooooh
well, this cheat really helped me in completing this island
i could not have done 24 carrot island or big nate without the cheats!
1 <3 this site!!!!!!!!!
hey i have a question i don’t know where the last comic piece is and i do not want to start all over again what do it do?
sincerely jelly is good!
it depends on witch comic peices u collected
HI PEOPLE!!!!!!!! i am new and very kind and friendly but not 4 david
i past spy world,24 carrot, big Nate island,and
shark tooth island.
Brave Monkey!!! Um… what is wrong between you and David??? Do you both know each other???
when i click on the filing cabnit it wont work! 🙁
y dose big nate keep following u????
What happens if you can’t click on the burner?
‘~’ COOL SMILEY!!! 😛
risha, i think they know each other only from this site but they dont get along very well togather♥
I find it creepy how nate follows you everywhere!!!! 😐
its annoying how nate jumps on a jetski and tries to beat you there when you were the one who did alll the hard work to get the keys to the jet skis!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Big Nate was my BIG MATE in the beggining, but turned out to be a bit evil when that “ski game” started… then he turned to my big mate again in the end…!!! 🙂
hey here is the cheats how you can beat nate:::::::
just click click until you are beside nate
😐 Huh?? Didn’t get that… I mean I finished the Island, but I didn’t get what you said… sry 🙄
hi everybody i’m Alaina’s brother
What do u mean, “i am on all of the cheats?” Oh…. i see!!! I can chat with you, ANGRY HAWK… you asked that question on every page!!!
Hey Risha you are on all the cheats can we talk anytime?
Um… I need help someone I don’t understand what u mean by in the light can someone tell me EXACTLY WHERE IT IS!!!! plz
If you’re lucky, go into a multiplayer room and see if you can find somebody wearing the scuba diving suit. Costumize yourself and you can SKIP finding the photograph and trading!
If you’re lucky, go into a multiplayer room and see if you can find somebody wearing the scuba diving suit. Costumize yourself and you can SKIP finding the photograph and trading!
COOL KNUCKLE- sure we can.. what time?
i hate nate! he is so unraised!
I passed it and got richer in credicts. With Battine across my side!:):):)
2nd on new page!!!!!
i can’t get it
Um… i just wanted to sadly say… THAT THIS IS THE BEST!!! and because of that your on my desck top 😀
hello people… what is going on?
…nothing…im BORED!!!!!!!!!!!
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
i beat it, i beat it..i feel speciall!! 😉 hehe we alwayss play this during computerr!! 🙂 funn timess! our teacher tells us to shut our facess!! :/ haha!!
I beat the island!
Hey scary drummer come to my multiverse room to hang the code’s AZF71 can’t wait to see you there Becxx
I’ve completed 10 islands 1000 credits Whoo hoo you guys all should come to my multiverse room!!!! AZF71
this is so easy i can memorize this game:)so i konw where the comics are i know where the time capsole is easy!
OMG! Lone Mosquitooo!! 🙂 (aka: Juliaaa!) ur teacher does that so does mine I go WOOOOO HOOOOO! in class then I get sent to the office haha! 😀
(it was worth it hehe)
the dog didnt dig up the time capsle.
???????? looks crazy in here !!!!!!!!!! whoo hoo! just saying whoo hoo randomly! whoo hoo WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😆 🙂 😉 :’)
So I’m NOT the only one who wore a Mythology Island costume here! I’m dressed as Athena.
Normally when I go to an island, I just costomize anything from the island… so yea, I have worn a Mythology island costume (I believe Aphrodite).. Now i changed it… sorry ICY ICE
Hey everyone!!!
I’m throwing a party!! It lasts Oct. 29 to Nov. 1. The room code is BNE19. Make sure you bring a costume!!
hey nora you should keep your fucking asshole shut and you should keep your damn comments to your fucking self
What did nora do? she writes no bad comments… ? just asking
I FINISHED ALL tHE ISLANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk this is the third island i finished
its back a lot previous comments cause she caused a giant fight
big nate ROKZ!
I’m gonna throw a party 4 EVA
code is(NOT PROMO):dnz22
anyone there?
what do u do about the eagle
i cant click on the cabnet evfa
Hey everyone
this is my very last island!!!!!
This is my first island I had trouble with 😛
good for you 😀
do you eaver save? NO DISSING MI SPELLING
when I get the lobster trap, It doesn’t send me back to the dock when my oxygen runs out, advice?
This is an Awsomazing web site
it wont let me go in the filing cabinet 🙁
Sorry, but… This island its SOOOOOOOOO boring for me D:
the file cabinet didnt reveal a ladder!
it shouldn’t. when u get the trap and it sends u in again, simply click up and the finger should say “docks”. hope this helps
fierce peanut, i agree
HEY EVERYONE! for the green filing cabinet, u simply click the middle drawer. hope this helps!
Click on the middle drawer on the Green Fileing Cabnet FRIENDLYPANDA 0927
How do you get rid of the sea gull on the bell tower?
I have done 2 islands only! my multiverse room is BQN35
I’m having a party. The room code is AEE92. Easy enough 🙂
Oops! Sorry. The code is AJC38. I accidentaly clicked “exit”, not knowing that it would cancel my room. 🙂 Please come!
Darn it! Never mind. Apparently I just cannot stay in a party room long enough. Any other parties I can go to? 😉 Thanks.
how do i get rid of the seagull?
thanks i got this done i one day cause of you
to eliminate the seagull, get the lobster, go to the top of the lighthouse and use it. It will turn the light and get rid off the seagull.
It wouldnt let me click on the green filing cabnet! what do I do now!
Help please! 🙁
Im creating a party room now! I will make one everyday from now on. I will post a new party room code everyday!
Todays Room Code is:DMV12
I may leave this room soo Im gonna change the code if i do
Thanks for the walkthroughs, without it I would be a failure at Poptropica. 🙂
I cant get the file cabinet to open!! I used the stink bomb though
you have to get the school blueprint from nate’s locker to open it
but first u have to find the comic pieces
It is so brilliant and fantastic
@L i agree
thanks for the cheats
thfank yfou ffor thfe chfefats
that is in the languageof the fs
you just add the f in front of a-e-i-o-and-u
really gumdrop. language of the fs. please tell me you are joking
I’m having a multi-verse party. My room code is AHE66. Make sure you bring a costume!
I cant get to the right side when im racing nate to the island. please help.
My room code is ALX71, come any time, please!!!!!
Yay I Got This Island twice the reg. and my new 1
My room code is ATW57. Come NOW, please!!!
how do i get the gum.
i cant get into anyones room!
i love POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks fierce moon… I always had been stuck in many places like skullduggery and astro-knights, but now.. i finished them all.. so thank you..
how do i get rid of the seagull
how do u get rid of the seagull
that was tricky but i finished
mighty ghost hi
did u know ghost story is now to everyone mighty ghost?????
help!!! i cant click the green filing cabinet!!!!!!!
i figured it out!! you have to move the seagull then you can get to the ladder
I can’t go to the right after I collect all the comic strips in main street.
i did it in 20 minutes lolage 🙂
Much Love
Jemima (Perfect Coyote) xxxxx
it said that i got 50 credits but i earned 100. thats just messed up
Why Does that stupid Little boy in the blue and yellow keep following me through-out the whole island?=/
I have finished it! 😀
Oh thx so much! Because of you I have finished 5 islands in only 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks! Thanks to you I have finshed this island,but when you said you get 100 credits,I only got 50.
@Brave Sword,I think Poptropica changed the CREDITS we won (100) into (50) in 2012.This made me curious,I think all of us needs to win 2 islands to get our 100 back!
@GentleSkull I agree so glad I noticed!
does the dog stay there or does it owner if it goes to the owner how do i get it to the owner
ugh! nate keeps beating me a the jet ski race!
lol i cant get gum or locker number
uhh how do you get the gils to go away?
sor thats my name
wow it gave me my ass :O
i only got 50 credits not 100
mine is bhm74 come or youll regret not comin im in the pink night suit
if u wanna help me on this mine is batman_dc (username) and my password is very well lets just say u ar lokin at my pasword
@I don’t really care: Use the lobster to make the light-thingy at the top of the light house point at the school.
dear yemimah, i finished the pumpkin game for you on great pumkin island. you are welcome.
thanx so much!! I got so stuck on the seagull part!! SPITSY IS SO ADORABLE!!!
trhanks i now got the capsule
I don’t like the way Big Nate follows u everywhere he’s like a stalker!
invisible panda, Spitsy has a stupid name and he is not adorable
@ the end i figured it all out by myself
i think spitsy is really just stupid and he should have just accidentally dug up the capsule by himself no treats
OMZ. This was so easy! I only needed help for the beaker part and I finished the whole island in like 20 minutes.
Thanx sooooooo much because I was totally stuck on the stinkbomb part
and that part where u climb down the ladder and get the clapper and it was totally
worth it! 🙂
how do you pass that stupid seagull right there?
Thanz for the cheats! But, I can’t pass the seagull
Eventually I need help so I could pass the dumb seagull it pecks at me like crazy. I don’t have a bait or else something to distract it.
u need to get thu lobster tu, um, shine thu lighthouse light tu thu nest so u cin ring thu bell
i knew all of this except the stink bobmb part
al u haf tudo is fill it up hafway then thu rest iz yellow
BTW, im sporty feather its just th@ i chanjed it
yea!i finished dis 1!!
is like the seagulls are kissing when i push them to the left!
do you mean seals if so then yes they do
this island is SO-O-O-O-O easy,I didn’t even need the cheats.
i love thiese cheats wow iam wining every game he he
People, for the part of the seagull you need to take your lobster and go to the top of the light house. There, you need to go to the jammed light and use the lobster to un-jam it. It’s that simple… Then the seagull moves. WELCOME!
Please come to my sister’s multiverse on poptropica
The code: BMW56
i got the thing
I hate how Nate gets all the credit
Anyone wanna come to my poptropica multiverse party? Code: DZD14
I welcome anyone!
i cant do this
I don’t get multiverse cuz none of the codes work! i can never get into the rooms cuz it says there are no rooms matching that code! does that happen to anyone else?
dyb96 is my multiverse
i can’t click on the filing cabnit help me!!
This guide is useful, yo! But I had to find one of the comic strips myself. Did I miss one line of instruction or what? Oh, and I agree that Nate getting all the credit is irritating but then he doesn’t get the credit(Poptropica $$$).
@ lone wolf I cant do it either
to lone wolf
Walk outside the lab and go to the left where you’ll see a row of lockers. Click on the one with all the stuff sticking out of it and enter the locker combination from the writing on the comic: 9305. When you open the lock, the locker explodes from all the stuff packed inside and you get knocked down. Walk back over to the locker and pick up the papers that are on the floor. It turns out they’re a school blueprint.
Wow!!! Thanx soooooooooooooooooooo much!!! This is sooooo SUPER AWSOME!!!
I can’t believe how much this worked for me!! I was really stuck on the part where you have to get the dog to dig up the capsule, but then when I read it it was actually was so easy.
Like I said thanx alot!!!!!!
~Justina Bieber
This was BIG time awsome!!! 😛 Thnx soooooooooooooooo soooooo much I would have never been able to do this without your help!!!
spitsy is so charming
I got stuck on the comic book bit! i still nedd 1 more peice but i cant find it! 🙁 :'( can sum1 pls help!?!
why is nate following me when im on the playground?
i hate that part. he does it to impress his “lady friend”
i am fierce skull and i need help on red dragon island were you have to do those level things cuddly sun you suck
@candyfloss: Check everywhere to see if you have missed out anything.
Thx it helped a lot. (BTW why does Nate follow u around?It scares me O-o)
It’s so irrating! I can’t find one more comic strip !! >_<
looking for a party? mine is ADE37. it should work!
im in there right now just to say.
how the heck do u get the seagull to go away
how come big nate gets all the cred ._.
@zany penguin to get the segull away you need to go to the top of the lighthouse and use the lobster to turn the handle to make the light flash on the segull and it will go away. look carefully in feirce moons walkthough to get more details.
it didnt give me the time capsel what a waste of peanut butter crackers and time
It wont let me click the green cabnet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do i do???????????????
i saw that one of the people called himself ‘Justin Bieber’. if u really r Justin Bieber i just wanna say that u suc. u think that if u flip your stupid hair around, every girl should fall all over themselves for u. ugh. if i ever see u i will slap u. i think u r sexist. i am a girl who lives in nigeria.
BTW. ‘Somebody to Love’? Oh please. Stop with the loverboy act. There are millions of (stupid) girls all over the world who would die just to see you. Get over yourself, go date one of them, and SHUT UP!
Thanks!!! I’ve used this site for this island and the ones before this and it’s helped sooo much! I plan to keep using this site!
Big Nate is soooo jealous of us finding the capsule.
Hey,, come to my new blog:
I’m hoping that Fierce Moon will let it be part of her site.
Tell me what you think in the comments! (On the site)
Hey, when I get to the green filing cabinet it won’t let me click on it. What do I do?
how do u get past the seagull at the belltower
to get past the seagull you have to go to the lighthouse then go to the tippity top not the artist over it
then use the lobster and the seagull flyes away. cus of the light
you said we would get 100 cred. but I got 50
Actually, you only get 50 credits for completing an island. But now i can get a costume (2, actually)!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks this walkthrough really helps!! 🙂
Dis is so ANNOYING! I am trying to go right but there is no sign post pointing right where there should be one. It’s completely disappeared! I cant get to the school to continue the island. I wonder what caused the glitch….
This was easy… Btw, why is he called BIG Nate? He looks like A pip-squeak!
it doesent let me click on the file box.please help!
Hi Poptropicans this is Funny Crush. I have just created a multiverse room if you would like to join the code is BXF92 . If you see a boy with goggles a helmet soda on his face and he is holding a soda bottle then that is me, Funny Crush. Hope you can come! It would be a blast to get to know you and chat and friend and battle together! Hope to see you soon!
This Funny Crush again I just wanted you guys to know that multiverse room is the candy room.Im going to tell you the code one more time BXF92. HOPE TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sry one more thing I may not answer because im going to play on my other account but ill look every 3 minutes or something please come
Whoops my code is really BMY35 sry i left and i cant get on my old one
Hi Poptropicans this is Funny Crush. I have just created a multiverse room if you would like to join the code is BMY35 . If you see a boy with goggles a helmet soda on his face and he is holding a soda bottle then that is me, Funny Crush. Hope you can come! It would be a blast to get to know you and chat and friend and battle together! Hope to see you soon!
hi , i’m cuddley bubbles i finishedbig nate island
i love this world its awesome and the cheats help a lot if u need it
i love this i finished it in like 10 min 😀
i passed the island now i have 5 medallions
I can’t go down the green cabinet! It won’t let me click on it! The little door won’t open! HELP!!!!
Do you need the clapper thing from the file cabinet? Because I can’t get the file cabinet open.
Hey people who need help getting into the green cabinet, here’s a tip, go into the green cabinet AFTER you shoo the seagull away.
How do we get past the gull on the bell tower?
i cant beleiv it i passed all islands now im gonna spend some credits
Wheres the light switch?!?!? It isnt there! Its like the stupid green cabinet 4 the rest of u peeps.
How do I get the bird off the bell tower?
how are we supposed to shoo the seagull on the bell tower away?
OK um Fierce Moon… I gave the crackers to the dog in the wrong place now I can’t find the time capsule 🙁
🙂 never mind luv ya Fierce Moon this is my 6th island! :*
This island made me go crazy wanting peanut butter crackers >_<
hey can u tell me how to get the last Peace of the strip pleases oh and thx!!!! 🙂
Hey!The “combination” does NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come to my multiverse room! The code is AVC48
Do you seriously think Justin Bieber would play Poptropica? And actually leave a comment? And also, you’re an idiot if you think he would actually care about your insults.
To get the Segull away u need the thing that needs to move the light (on the lighthouse) around so the segull will go away -_- there if there is any problems RESTART THE ISLAND OR SAVE THEN LOG OUT AND BACK IN
hi peeps i need your help with something. As u guys no, its June 14, 2012 and its summer. i have a bf that lives not to far from here, and i want to visit him, but he lives with his dad and his dad doesn’t like me. : ( i mean, i have my bf’s number, but thats to his phone and his phone is dead and i have to call his DADS phone 2 talk 2 him. i really miss him. A lot. So how do i see him? Please give me an answer! Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssee
x (
when i say from here i mean from were i live
oh and im talking about in REAL life not on the computer
Thank you who ever did this video
i had 250 credits after big nate and spent it all for Phantom
woo who
on my newest girl acount
I know I left a comment but.. IT’S NOT HERE!!!!!!
Thanks for all your help
this was a graet island. and the walk through was clear and straighforward. Thanks for the help.
the big nate thing was not helpful it did not show you how to get threw the seagule!!!!! )-:<
thanks for the help you’ve helped me alot! 😀
It DID show you how. After you find the lobster trap, talk to the guy on the dock. He will give you a lobster thingee. Go up the tower and youll see something that looks like a satalite. Go into your backpack and click USE below the lobster thingee. The satalite looking thing will be cranked and shine light on the seagull. The seagull will fly away. TA DA.
Thanks for the help! It worked really well ;p
i love big nate island it was fun and before i read the walkthrough i had a hunch that the stuff was nder the girls
Big Nate island is far too easy, but I didn’t go and ride a speedy water bike with Nate because he drives me insane! Don’t need to get that piece of paper, but I beat the island!!!
but im not trying to hurt anyone’s feeling
come to my party my roomcode is byw23 you can dress up as people from mythologey island too!! when hercules is a statue click on custumazer and then him, you can change into his outfit then!!!!!
yay wimpy boardwalk is out for everyone tomorrow 😀
i will be thefirst to complete it ive already done the demo anyway we’ll see 😛
for the second time look at evolution of smileys
🙁 😐 🙂 😀
i mean in two days but where i am its the 17 of July 2012 7:37AM
i love doing this (and talking 😛 ) /\/ //\/ _/ /-\
i talk too much 🙂
o.O lol
Geez, will you just SHUT UP? You’re a cyberbully, an idiot (not everyone online lives right next door to you), and why on earth would we listen to you, a stupid 8-year-old cyberbully, about drugs, while the rest of the world says it’s bad? Stupid… :rolleyes:
Sorry, wrong emote. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
Omigosh miss Godfrey gave meh a detention?!?!?!!? *spazzes out* RRRRAAAAWWWWWWWRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:O anyway I love this island and the comics and books are sssooooo funny 😀 (wait hyper shadow is on this comment page too? Oh boy. //_ /-\ /\/\ E
hi everyone its me, Little Comet!! 🙂
I am about 2 try 2 complete this island.
Someone pleeeeez tell me, is there some
superduper hard bit in this island cuz i really
hate those bits 😉
to hyper shadow take your bottom lip and stick it 2 ur top lip and super glue it there. drugs are NOT good for u fool. atleast, thats what they say in D.A.R.E class and i belive them!!!
I just completed the island:) It was so easy though, i expected it 2 be was almostas easy as early poptropica:o
im sorry and its true that im 44 and im sorry!!!!!!!! bad guys have to regreat what they said and what they did i dont sell drugs or cigarettes i lied i dont do that and im really 44
You’re not 44. I’m glad you’re sorry, but apologizing while saying you’re 44 isn’t right. That’s still keeping up the lies, and, if you’re really 44, why are you here, and why are you going as Hyper Shadow?
grown ups go in this site to like in toon town grown ups play it to not just kids Fierce moon is 22 8 year olds dont have email adress not all of them and i watch kids shows cause and i was born in 1968 and in that time and now i watch kids shows i watch Tom and Jerry and i watch regular show i watch all kinds of kids shows and ima grown up and i messed up i should of said im 44 after i said that or before and im 22 years older than fierce moon and i im not trying to be mean when i said this message im just trying to prove that im 44
the thing im having trouble with is the seagull at the bell on top of the school i cant get past it how do u do it ????????
thx hyper shadow u really told the truth
Saying you were born in 1968 doesn’t help. Anyone can figure that out, and adults would type better. BTW, adults know the difference between “to” and “too”, and “contact” and “contract”. Just tell the truth.
Damy: What makes you think he told the truth?
Oh, a few more things:
Saying you’re 22 years older than Fierce Moon doesn’t prove anything. I could say I’m 33 years older than her. Does that make me 55″ No.
Grown-ups might go to POPTROPICA, but they wouldn’t go here, especially not to lie and pretend to sell cigarettes.
How would you know how old Fierce Moon is?
I’m so mad. The’ve changed the 100 reward points to just 50 so now you have to beat too freaking islands.
So what? There’s plenty of islands, and lots of items are free. Not to mention the fact that when you make a new account, you get 75 credits. It’s not that bad.
how do u get the segull away!!!!?????!?!?!?
I’m gonna try to do a rolling eye emote :rolleyes:
or is it like :ROLLSEYES:
or,: :Roll:
I did it!
Yay! That was easy, thanks 😀
love you for your secrets fierce MOON ! 🙂
I met fierce moon in reals shes hot i might date her fierce moon you are pretty¡¡¡¡¡
🙄 First you said she was dead, then you went on a hating spree about her, then you trashed er website, then you called her a ***, then you said she was 22….
Do I even need to say anything about this?
i hate the part where NATE STEALS the capsule… i mean we found him not that turd
I will now take a break from Twisted Thicket and the Nokken(I HATE YOU NOKKEN!!!) and try this
Oh, and kiki? High five, ’cause some of my friends call me kiki: )
Has anyone acctually managed to beat Table Football?
Any one want to come to my chat room n Poptropica? My room code is: AKG46
Oops in
There’s nothing to do! So Imma go and try some emotins. :rolleyes: 🙂 😉 :laugh: 😥 :sleep: uhh… that’s all that I can think of
Hey guys do you want a poptropica account? Well I have like 10 accounts so i’ll give all of them to you but i’m going to log in as them every now and then and there are all in caps and so may not exist so if they don’t plz forgive me so here is account #1 User: Twlightpeacecat Password: Password123 account #2 User: 101Newmoonluver Password: Password account #3 User: 101Eclips Password: Emmadivlo Account #4 User: Breakingdawngirl101 Password: Part one I have two of the same accounts but the User is: Luvbreakingdawn Password: Part two Account #5 User: Bella Password:
Opps accdently pressed submit but forgive me because the last two accounts need to be crated I’ll create them later and my room code is AKG24 not AKG46 srry to all
I can’t click on the green file cabinet! 😡
Hee hee never mind… 🙄 silly me!
i love you
I cant click on the green file cabinet! Why isnt it working? I reloaded it and everything! And then i closed it then reopened it. It still wont work! I really dont want to restart this level! HEEEELLLPPP!!!! What did you do Bony Socks?!?!?!
Ahahahaha! I beat Table Football!
It’s paper football, idiot.
i finish it
I have almost finishedthis part of the game anyone need help!
i have almost finished this part does anyone need heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
i love poptropica 🙂
what world r u on ‘:)
im on big nate and its alot easier than 24 carrot island 😀
heyyy i finished this island and go to the locker open it then see their is some trash there click it and their will be a blueprint then go to the file cabnit and click on the last file slot then it will open dah
This island is easy…but its fun!! Oh yeah if you cant open the file cabinet try checking to see if you actually did everything you were supposed to before that because then everything gets messed up afterwards if you dont. 😀
how do i get to the top there is a seagull!!!!
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
-.- Just how gullible are you?
I don’t think that actually works. Besides, my crush would not kiss me. I AM TEN!
Hey thanks for all the help, it was nice of your to do this kind of stuff when ppl needed you to help them. Well thanks again ^^
i love this island i finished three islands in one day thaks to you fierce moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love fierce moon
You only get 50 credits now 🙁 I use to play when I was around 7-8, now I’m almost 12. It sucks, since they introduced this whole ‘membership’ thing. 🙁 Thanks for the help! Poptropica is so much more easier! Thanks! 😀
To Those who cant open the filing Cabneit
Go to the Lockers and Click on it then do the combination which is 9305
When done it has alot of junk and it will push you away once your up go the detention room and Press the Middle File Cabneit and Your Done
I have already finished this island it was easy.
This has got to be one of my fave islands :3
I finished the island! Oops. My little sister Macy wants to know how old i am again. She thinks im 14 but im really 13.
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS.
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS?
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS…
lie dont do it as u see i did it and it dont work
i can’t click the green file cabinet!
This island is so easy and so fun!Thank you
Fierce Moon!
omg i go on this website every single time i need help for an island its totally the most awesomest site EVER
oh and friend me on poptropica-skinnylightning10110 and also madsnowballcooliecool i want max friends so please do it!!!!!
and to click the green file cabinet….. make sure u set off the stink bomb so the teacher leaves and also make sure u have the blueprint of the school otherwise ur poptropican doesnt know the secret hidden room is there and nothing will happen
but i do have one question……….how do u put a little pic of ur poptropican next to ur comment?
Help! How do I get the capsule?
Ice Cheetah, if you are using google chrome reload the website ( the arrow beside the forward arrow) then click confirm in confirm form resubmission
sooooooooooooooooo easyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
how can anyone find it hard
Thanks for all your walkthroughs. Sometimes I’m sooo stupid, and these really help!!!!
ive found the capsule! so easy!as lunar colony!
if you want to be my friend my user is:Bowwow1727 and my password is:*********
yes my name is Sneaky Panda and yes i am very pretty thank you for being my friend
why does every one get stuck on the cabinet part its so easy i think the easiest one is super power island and 24 carrot
yeheha I finished it. It only took me 10 min. Thank you so much. I typed this without looking!
I LOVE u so much! My favorite island has to be Vampire’s Curse island. It really gives you a clear look at how hard a cursed vampire’s life REALLY is! (P.S. To those of you who are wondering what team I am in the twilight saga, GO EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
i didn’t get the keys
i didn’t get 100 credits
Nevermind, guys. I’m an idiot.
Help me there is an seagull in my way
you missed a lot of key things, like how to get the lobster
the only way i’m getting through all of these places is because i have been looking at the answers!!!!!!!!!! X D
THANX FIERECE MOON!!!!! You totally rock!!!
you need to have the school blueprint from nates locker to enter the green file cabnet
Without this I couldn’t complete this island!!!!!!
When I opened the locker, I only got pelted with papers, ad there wasn’t a blueprint on the floor….. WHAT DO I DO!!??
Cool, this helped me a lot. Thanks! 🙂
hey who exactly knows how to get past the seagull
i copied all of the instructions and sold it to my friend for fifteen dollars thanks so much!
I can’t get the comic paper under the rock help!!!
Who is Hyper Shadow?????
Who is Brave Star?????
1. say your name ten times.
2. say your mom’s name five times. … See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See more… See more… See more… See more… See More… See more… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See more… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More
3. say your crushes three times
4. paste this to four other groups.
If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.
But if you read this and do not paste this, then you
will have very bad luck.
I CAN’T FIND THE COMIC STRIP IN THE MIDDLE ABOVE “FOOM” AND TEDDY & NATE! I WENT TO ALL OF THE PLACES TOO! Can you tell me where that piece is so I can find it?
You only get 50 credits and a medal. :L
Please add me, I’m FluffyGreenUnicorn
The big nate ski racing thing is so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who didn’t spot how to go through the seagull here you go:
Climb back up the lighthouse and use the lobster on the light. It will act as a wrench and turn the light to face the school. This will scare the seagull who is there away. If you haven’t looked through the telescope next to the guy who is painting up here (see above) then look through it now and move it until you see the paper on the rocks.
@ fluffygreenunicorn, I ADDED YOU!!!
PLEASE ADD ME: OneDirection6343
I solved Big Nate Island all by myself :3 My friends and I tried so hard .. We had actually waited for it to come out lol I remember when Poptropica was only Early Poptropica and Shark Tooth …Add me ! My poptropica name is of course Quick Bubbles and my username is marielaines !!
Help me there is an seagull in my way
Guys, I’m a bit confused, Fierce moon says that you get 100 credits for completing the island. But all I got was 50 credits. :\
Young Starfish when you got 100 credits was a long time ago, the islands only give 50 credits now.
To get past the seagull, go to the top of the lighthouse, and, using the lobster, turn on the light. 🙂
Love the cheats!!
I can not ring the bell because it’s a seagul.I tried to use the lobster but it’s not work.Probably the island was edited long time ago when the islands brought you 100 credits.
Fine,I can’t ring the bell.
But I try to do what Shoeless Goose said.
Hiya Guy !What are you doing is horrible!These are lies but think somebody will do that!
It’s horrible like I say on a 5-3 years old children site “get a knife and put it on you”
Ehh…think the children do that! OMG.
Help me Fierce Moon I didnt get the jet ski from Captain Salty and i cant travel in the jet ski and i cant complete the island
why can’t I find the time capsule?
hey guys can someone help me get the time capsule under the rock???????
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
O.K. Happy Panda that is so stupid.I mean come on! I don,t believe your dead.
Hey there! I’m at work surfing around your blog from my new apple iphone! Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the excellent work!
i can help
i believe
Thanks Fierce Moon! You totally helped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE POPTROICA SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
I love poptropica and Fierce Moon!! But i don’t knw who i like the best, lol. anyways, thank you for the awesome walkthrough!!
whatevs 🙄
u dont get 100 credits!!!
I KNOW!!!!
Appreciation to my father who informed me on the topic of this website, this webpage is truly amazing.
somebody add me as their freind i am kikttt
seriously haya guy love although i do have a crush but realy???????????????????????????????????????????????/i think it is a great idea!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need help! The lobster dude only gave me a lobster. He didn’t give me keys. What do I do?
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001.
how do you get rid of the sea gull?
How the heck do you get the seagull out of the way?!
do ye have lobster. if ye did, go 2 top of litehouse and use it(lobster)
I think this was helpful, but when I click on the box tho pick it up, nothing happens!!!
Hey! I know how to get past the seagull. When you use the lobster on the lighthouse light, you scare the seagull away.
I already have gum from the game shrink shot
hey I love Ross lynch too
sorry about previous comment I was pretending to be fierce moon on a different island thing and forgot to switch it back
you dot get 100 credits you get 50.
I know how to do this now i thought it was so hard at first 🙂
HEY! they were supposed to give me 100 credits, but they only gave me fifty!
how do i get the bird away
How Come Nate Gets All The Credit???!!!!!! We Do All The Hard Work.So Unfair!!!!!!!:(
ok, so, i did beat the island but i also think that why should you ring the bell to get the stupid girls inside when the principal cant do it???? answers plz… if anyone agrees, friend me im sportyfeather39
and also why do the girls just have to stand right above the time capsule….. sry if i spoiled the place…. but still….. these islands are very fun but also very confusing….. add me!!
i just finished this island, and i think this is the 2nd shortest one on Poptropica. Obviously early poptroica the first one. 🙂 add me i’m jackysuperbear11
why r these so old ?
(yes, I know “are” is spelled wrong I typed this quick!!!) 🙁
hey i think i know a way to get rid of the seagull… you go in the science lab in the school and click on the on the glass. make the color green by mixing blue + red. it will create a stink bomb. ( but i do NOT know if this works… O-o)