The Poptropica Creators revealed a few hidden cheats and secrets in their latest blog post on the offfical Poptropica blog this week. They showed how there are some hidden clickable objects in the world that do funny things. We’ve seen a few hidden things before, like when they released the Hypnotic Costume and hid it on one of the buildings in Early Poptropica.
In this post, they show you how you can click on some bugs and stuff in different parts of the game. One example they give is the crab at the very beginning of Time-Tangled Island. When you click on him, he hides in his shell. If you click on him several times, he explodes into tiny pieces. Gross! But he re-appears shortly, so no crabs were harmed in the making of this game.
In Reality TV Island, when you go into Bucky’s room or into the Motel Office, you’ll see tiny cockroaches darting around on the walls. If you click on them, they will get smushed. Yuck.

I know that when I first entered Poptropica….thanks to the creators any way lol 😀
Second comment! Yea!
well yeah but it isn’t real i mean what crab resurrects??
Yeah! 4th to comment! It’s pretty cool.
5th to comment! Anyone here
I figured that all out by just the urge to click on anything that can be clicked on Poptropica. You know, when that finger cursor shows up.
me too i mean im really really really really really really really super curious so every time i see a hand pointing cursor unless it has a travel or a enter under neath i will click
any one here 9th to comment
Hi!I get 10 minutes on the computer now so BOM!
any one 10th to comment here?
Haha. I knew about the Cockroaches, but I’m trying out the crab right now. 😀
BLOG CALLED ”Eye On Poptropica”! E.O.P. TEE-HEE
I just realized something on Nabooti island! so after the statue is gone, u can still stand on where its head should’ve been, even though its invisible! u just need to go on one of the high side shelves and jump near the middle and you’ll land on something! if it doesnt work for u, sorry, cause it worked for me…
heyy gis wazz up its meee 😉
heyy wazz up its me teanna im alsome right??? 😉 🙂 :)) 😀 😛 o:)
Your an ideot!You didnt notice that before! I completed the island 1 year ago!I found that out 2 weeks after I copleted the island!oh!Ideot!
haha lol u r so funny haha lol but im funnyer 😛 bla bla bla wat now:)
is enny 1 on??
sorry i just found that out
Wow! Reall dumbo!
Hi everyone!
Jeall no meaness please
Hey, go to the avatar studio and type in captaincrawfishcrator. I’m sure it works.
jeall thats my 7 year old cousin with LEUKEMIA. he just got out of the hospital 2 months ago! oh and i found him crying on the bed! u know he cant go on the computer too much cause of his parents, they’re afraid he might not stay safe online or he might get sick (the leukemia thing) so this is about his 10th time in his entire life he got to go on the computer, and now he says he hates the computer and will never go on again
oh yeah im talking about GoTrees
I can be mean! And,leme see!
I don’t care if you be mean, just don’t use bad words.
;)! U my Best friend! K! Mwer!?
Ugh ok but no cursing at all please
Good Morning.
u guys r so a mean to echother i like it hahah lol 😉
heyy is enny 1 on?? 🙁
bullys are only bullys cuz the yare insecure 😉
hahaha i love that u gu
s r so funny
guys r so a mean to echother i like it hahah lol l 😉
I can’t believe the Poptropica creators used a swear word (B*g**r) on their post.
Aug 1
hey isn’t ned noodlehead a pest?? cause you can make him real angry by pressing his bell quite a few times!!
i tried typed in captaincrawfishcrator didnt work
ned noodlehead is a dork
eewwww!! lol funny 🙂
omg cool but i already new that
i can kill all of them
whos has myholgy surfer meet
me at poptropica tips and tricks
being a pest control can be really fun!
yea jack is right
and no grigory
was here
i never been here in a while
if see noisy paw on poptropica
make sure to say hi
is anyone still here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m here.
Man i wish i could beat the whole game!!!!!
Hey, after the crab explodes, why do I bend down? :question:
i don’t know. unknown, you are so awesome
hey if u c yellow walker on poptropica make sure to say hi!!!
i like chicken!
roman gangnam style hahahahahahahaha i’m just kidding i have 22 maddaleons in poptropica. my favorite island is early poptropica.i played the game all night til i took an arrow to the knee— : < ])