Introduction to Astro-Knights
Astro-Knights is one of the newest adventures in Poptropica and it is one of the longest and most involved. The basic story is that you must rescue a princess who has been kidnapped. To rescue her, you need to assemble a spacecraft and then go on an intergalactic quest to bring her back and save the Kingdom of Arturus. The kingdom of Arturus is a medieval kingdom in the style of King Arthur and his knights of the round table, but with space-age technology. This Poptropica mission is a lot of fun, but very difficult. Fortunately, there are some great Poptropica cheats and secrets to help you along the way. Here is a complete walkthrough for Astro-Knights island in Poptropica.
Video Walkthrough
Here is the complete video walkthrough of Astro-Knights Island on Youtube. If you like the videos, please rate them and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you!
Text Walkthrough
Here is the complete walkthrough in written form for those of you who’d rather read how to do it or can’t view the videos for some reason.
Arrival in Arturus
You’ll arrive by ballon in Arturus. When you land, the first building you will see is the House of Mordred, although it’s now called Mordred’s Museum. It was once occupied by a powerful and mysterious sorcerer named Mordred and it contains a number of things that he used while he lived here. Next to the house is a large fountain with a spaceship statue in it and the statue and fountain are dedicated to Mordred for bringing technology to the kingdom. The remaining two buildings are the planetarium and the Crop Circle Inn. This final building is a multiplayer room where you can battle other players and chat.
What to Do in Main Street
Proceed immediately to the fountain. In the water near the base of the spaceship you will see something sparking and shiny. Jump up to get it and you will discover that it is a coin. It will go into your backpack. Now go back to the first building, the House of Mordred. Talk to the man you see when you enter and get the pamphlet. Then use the coin in your backpack and he will tell you that you are free to look around. Next, click on one of the books. The guy will ask you not to touch them, but will give you a library slip. This library slip is a clue to a hidden area. Pay attention to the underlined parts: McM.

What to Do in Castle of Arturus
Next, go outside and run all the way to the right to the end of the area. Pass through the short road and go right again. You will arrive at the Castle of Arturus. Walk to the right and then go through the large double wooden door. Now go to the right and enter the small wooden door. You will be inside the castle library. There are two books to get. To pick them up, just walk over them. One is a green book on the far left side of the room in the Fiction section. It is called, Mystical Weapons of Arturus. The second book is The Life of Mordred – A Cautionary Tale. It is down the stairs in the non-fiction section on a book stand. After you get the second book, look at the nameplates on the shelves. One is labeled McM, just like the underlined section of the library book slip you got earlier. Click on the brick behind the nameplate and a secret staircase in the floor will open up.

Go down the stairs and you will arrive in an underground room. Walk over the moldy cheese on a plate right near the entrance. Then walk a little farther to the right and click on the wooden handle on the wall. This will open up a small grate near the ground over to the right, but not the one between you and the robot in the cell. Click on the robot and he will say some long binary numbers (all 1’s and 0’s). This can be translated and the correct way to translate it is “bard”. Go back up the stairs.
When you return to the library, the librarian is there with two guards and is unhappy with you for snooping around. Run out the library and return to the main part of the castle. Go to the left and then enter the door by the staircase. There is a robot mouse on the ground and a very unhappy girl here. Go to your backpack and use the moldy cheese. The robot mouse will go for the cheese and then you will capture him. Now go to the right and jump up on the chest next to the bed. There is a letter on it. It is a secret message that says, We must change our password! I feel my parents will find out what we are doing and put an end to it!
Now leave the room, go up the stairs and enter the door at the very top. This is where you’ll find the King and Queen, who are distraught over the kidnapping of their daughter. Ask the Queen if she can think of anything else that might help you and she will give you the coordinates of the three knights who left in search of the princess. The coordinates are: X-73 Y-83, X-15 Y-15, and X-83 Y-20. Go back outside the castle and run to the right. Keep going right until you reach a new area, Ye Olde Rumour Mille
What to Do in Ye Olde Rumour Mille
Talk to the hooded guy near the entrance and he will give you a Bag of Manure (gross!). Then jump over the two hay bales and run up the hill to the door for Ye Olde Rumour Mille. Go inside. Now walk to the left and jump up on the hay bales. Then jump on the shelf and then up onto the gears and cogs. When you get near the top, jump to the right to land on a small platform in the middle. You will see a piece of rope hanging to the right. Jump onto this rope and this will lift the wooden rod so that it is no longer attached to the gears. Slide down the rope and you will land on a platform next to a very pale dark haired girl. Click on her. She will ask to trade secrets, and will take the secret message you found in the castle. In return, she will give you a piece of paper with three cosmic symbols on it. It is the new password for the Secret Order. Jump down off the platform and go outside.
To the right of the mill is the big wheel in the mud. On top of that wheel is a coil of rope. Jump up on the wheel to get the rope. Now walk over to the left and stand underneath the Ye Olde Rumour Mille sign. Jump up on top of the sign and then jump up on top of one of the windmill blades to get it to start spinning. Keep moving around and jumping on the blades to spin them around until the little glass bubble on the roof is completely open. When it is open, go inside it.
Inside the windmill you will find a broken hover craft. It needs something to power it. Fortunately, you have something. Open up your backpack and Use the bag of manure. The hover craft will fly out of the roof and land in the mud outside. Go back out of the ceiling to leave the windmill. Before you use the hover craft, though, there’s work to be done back at the castle.
What to Do in the Princess’s Tower
OK, head back to the castle and then stand in front of the large oak door. Jump up onto the windowsill and then jump onto the platform with a large bow and arrow on it. Then go to your backpack and select Use on the coild of rope. The rope will be attached to the arrow. Now point the arrow in about a 45 degree angle to the left and click to shoot the arrow and rope. If you aimed correctly, the arrow will stick into the door of a nearby tower. Now walk across the rope and enter the door in the tower.
Go to the left past the bed and you will see some brown paper sticking out of a chest with scrolls and parchment inside. The brown paper says,
The order believes the Great Inventor kept many of his secrets under his bed, but the order dare not come out of their hiding place to seek them. I will do my best to aid them in their search because I believe Mordred is alive! I’ve detected a veacon on a faraway planet, and I believe it may have come from him. I have sent a return signal, and…
Once you have the paper in your backpack, head back outside of the tower and then go left until you reach the fountain in the middle of the square.
What to Do in the Secret Entrance
Now that you’re back near the fountain, walk into the middle of it and click on the plaque on the wall that has the space symbols. Select the symbols in this order: Crescent Moon, Planet with Rings, 5-pointed star. Then click on the large Sun in the middle. A secret door will open and the water will drain out of the fountain. Go inside the entrance.
You’ve found a secret order. There are several people here wearing purple robes. Walk to the right and talk to the boy with buck teeth and pimples. He will give you a small key. Now get back on the rope and head out of this secret room.
What to Do in Mordred’s Secret Hideout
When you’re back standing next to the fountain, walk left to Mordred’s Museum and go inside. Go up onto the top floor and then click underneath the bed. You’ll find a missing page from Mordred’s Journal. It says:
I have found a nearby moon with much activity that I believe to be alien life! I have found that animal waster makes decent fuel, and there is just enough manure in Arturus to bring my flying craft to the moon. The coordinates are 56,52
Leave the museum and go back to the guy with the shovel who gave you the manure. Next to him are two bales of hay. Push them all the way to the right and then jump on top and stand between them. You should fall down to the ground. Then push the left bale back to the left side and you will reveal a secret locked trap door in the ground. Use the small key in your backpack to open it and go down.
Slide down the rope and then walk up to the mechanical owl. It will fly outside. Go back up the rope to follow the owl. Release the mechanical mouse from your backpack and the owl will fly down and eat it. CHOMP! Now the owl will be your friend and follow you around. If you click on the owl you can tell it where to fly.
Go back down the trap door and then walk left. Pick up the book that is sitting on the chair. This is Mordred’s Journal. Then walk all the way to the left and keep pushing against the wall. After a few seconds it will crumble into pieces. Go all the way to the left and you will see a small hole. Go through it to enter the cell where you found the robot. He will self-destruct and a fuel rod will fly to the left beyond the bars. You can’t reach it by yourself, but your new friend the owl can! Click on the owl and then click on the green rod and the owl will retrieve it for you. Click on the owl and then click on yourself and your owl will give you the rod.
What to Do with the Space Craft (Excalibur)
Go back through the hole and exit the secret hideout. Go to the right until you get to the windmill and you will see the hover craft that you found earlier. Jump onto the hovercraft and head to the right. You will find a spacecraft named Exaclibur. Click on the spacecraft and you will see a control panel. Drag the green fuel rod in the bottom left corner to the bottom right corner where you see a broken one that is dripping. Then enter the coordinates for the moon that you found earlier. They are 56-52. You enter the coordinates by spinning the two dials on the right. Once you’ve done that, press the red Launch button to take off!
What to Do on Pewter Moon
Your new spaceship will run out of fuel and crash land on the nearby moon. Go to the right and jump on the platform in the middle of the Astrozone building and then go inside. Talk to the guy on the left. Ask him how to get off this planet. He’ll tell you to leave your ship for scrap and then build a new one on the holopad.
Go outside and click on the Holopad machine to the left. There’s a big sign over it that says, Build Your Own Rocket Here. You can design your own rocket anyway you like. The most important thing is to balance your speed and shield. It will probably help to have a little more speed than shield, but you can probably survive the other way too. When you like your ship, click on the Done button and your rocket ship will be waiting for you on the launch pad nearby. Enter your new rocket ship to continue your adventure.
What to Do in Your Rocket
Click on launch to take off into space. There are three planets to visit and you can do them in whatever order you like. To fly the ship, just move your mouse cursor around. You can shoot your weapon by clicking. Pay attention to the coordinates in the bottom left. When you get into alien space, watch out because other ships may start to attack you.
Jungle Planet
The coordinates for Jungle Planet are 15,15. When you get near, an alien ship will start attacking you, so click on the planet as soon as you can. Once you arrive on land, exit your ship onto a platform and then drop all the way down onto the ground. Walk to the right and you will see a small platform with a weapon in a spotlight. Walk over to it to pick it up and put it into your backpack. It is a laser lance and it can release a destructive burst of energy when fully charged.
Next go to the left and jump on top of one of the flowers. They will catapult you into the air. Keep jumping until you reach your spaceship again. Up above you is a little green bug with yellow electrical charges shooting between his arms. The will zap you if you get too close. Watch for the swinging pendulum to your right and jump on it as it’s moving away from you (so that you don’t get zapped). Wait for the platform you’re on to go all the way to the right and then start swinging back. Then jump and you will land safely on the next platform. Keep doing this until you get ot a platform on the right and then jump off it. It might take a few tries to get this right. When you’re on the platform, go all the way to the right.
Next, you’ll find a knight in green armor. He is Sir Cador and he has failed in his rescue of the princess and he will tell you that you should try to get into the cage to rescue the princess. Click up the rope and then wait for the first egg to open. Then jump and if you timed it well, you will land on the egg when it closes again. Wait here until the next egg is open and then jump again. On this egg, jump immediately because it opens again very quickly. Jump onto the next egg and then jump onto the cage with a winged unicorn inside. Click on the cage to open it and then click on the Unicorn again. The mother phoenix will approach and you will play a game where you must defeat it with the laser lance while riding the flying unicorn.
This game can be really hard. You need to avoid the flying bugs, rocket missiles and lightning clouds. You can shoot the bugs but just get out of the way of the storm clouds and the red phoenix missiles that come at you. After a while, the mother phoenix appears. She will open her mouth and then you need to shoot a fully charged shot from your laser lance and hit her in the head. To do a fully charged shot, click and hold your mouse button until the tip lights up green and then fire. It’s helpful to charge up your lance before she arrives each time so that you’re ready to shoot. After you shoot, get out of the way of her rocket missiles. Also, be careful because sometimes instead of appearing on the right side of the screen, she will sneak up behind you.
After you hit her three times in the head with a fully charged shot from your lance, she will destruct and you will return to the green knight. He will now accompany you on your mission. Once you are back in your ship, click Launch and then press the Teleport Home button.
Fire Planet
Go to the upper right to head towards the fire planet. It is located at the coordinates 83,20. Watch out because along the way you will encounter a black hole that you must navigate around. And just like with the Jungle Planet, the area around the Fire Planet has space aliens who will attack you. Once you land on the planet, exit your rocket ship.
You will be standing outside on a platform surrounded by hot lava. If you fall into you you will be sent back to the starting platform. Move to the right, jumping from platform to platform. Note: it is always easier to jump to the next platform when it is moving downwards. This is especially true for the last platform. When you get to the final platform, wait for it to get to the top of the volcano and then jump off to the left. You’ll land at the top of the volcano crater and can then go down inside.
Once you’re inside the volcano, you need to make your way through the caverns while avoiding the yellow steam that goes by. If you are touched by the steam, you get sent back all the way to the beginning and have to start over again. They key here is patience. There are little alcoves along the way where you can wait safely for the steam to pass. As soon as it disappears, make your move to the next safe spot. Once you get to a larger open area, the steam stops coming. But now there is a rolling rock creature that blocks you from passing. Time your jump to go over him just as he’s rolled up into a circle and you should be able to get by. Once you get past him, you’ll meet up with the Red Knight, named Sir Pellas. He will tell you that he failed and that a beast is holding the princess. He will give you an ice arrow to slay the beast.
When you enter the room to the left, move quickly to the first chain and jump up and climb it to the top. Then move from chain to chain until you reach the end. Drop down and run under the dropping spike ball from the dragon’s tail. Then click on the lever to temporarily shut down the robot dragon. Move quickly to the right so that you have a clear shot to the dragon’s open mouth. Click on your ice arrow and shoot it into the dragon’s mouth. If you hit him successfully, he will turn orange and red and start jumping up and down. This will cause stalactites to start falling from the ceiling, but the dragon will stop shooting fireballs at you and his spike tail will stop working. If you move quickly enough, you can go across the chains again (just watch out for the stalactites) and get under him before he reactivates. Then just flip the lever, move, and shoot him again. Tip: after you flip the lever, don’t wait for the spinning cursor to stop. Move to the right immediately so you will have enough time to position and shoot the ice arrow before the dragon moves his mouth. Shoot the dragon three times to defeat him.
Once you beat the mechanical dragon, the red knight will come into the room with you and join you on your mission. Return to your spaceship and teleport home.
Ice Planet
Head southeast to coordinates 73,83. When you arrive, you will find space sharks guarding the planet. You need to lure them into a trap. Shoot all of them to get them to follow you and then lead them to the black hole located to the north. The coordinates for the black hole are approximately 84,47. When you’re luring them away, keep them close enough to stay on screen or they will go back to guarding the ice planet.
Once the space sharks have been dealt with, you can land the ship on the Ice Planet. When you exit the ship, you’ll be standing on a platform above ice water. Just like the lava from the Fire Planet, if you fall into the water, you’ll be teleported back to your ship. Move from platform to platform while watching out for the flying robot fish. It’s a little tough to move from platform to platform and you will slide a bit because it’s ice. You should aim for the middle of each platform when jumping so that you don’t slide off when you land.
In the next part, jump up on the platforms to climb the mountain while avoiding the giant snow balls. This part is much easier than the ice platforms from before. Sir Gawain, the blue knight, is standing at the very top of the moountain. Talk to him and he will give you a special force shield. You will then have to fight a giant tiger-shaped helicopter that drops snowballs on you. Using the force field, you can bounce the snowballs back at him to damage the helicopter. You need to hit him three times. From time to time, ice shards will fly towards you and they will damage your shield, so watch out. If the shield runs out it will need to recharge and you will be defenseless for a while. Just avoid everything when this happens. After you defeat the tiger helicopter, the blue knight will appear and he will join you.
Go back into your ship and teleport home. Now you can go to the Crystal Gate…
The Crystal Gate
The Crystal Gate is an asteroid at the coordinates 11,82. You can go there once you have found all three knights. The the Crystal Gate is surrounded by an asteroid belt, so you need to be careful when you get near it. Once you land exit the space craft. Climb up the crystal mountain to the top where the 3 knights are waiting. Click on the sword that is stuck in the stone. You will open a small vortex that you can enter.
You arrive at the castle of the Binary Bard. Jump down to the bottom of the castle and speak with the princess. She will ask for the three powerful weapons you have brought and then she will take them from you. But once she does, she will reveal herself as the Binary Bard in disguise! He will then laugh at you and disappear.
There is a wall next to you. Click on it and it will become a puzzle. When you click on a square, it will stay the same but flip over the adjacent squares. The goal is to turn over all of the pieces. It’s a little tricky, but you should be able to do this puzzle with a little experimentation and practice.
The Final King Mordred Battle
Welcome to the final battle. This is really hard and takes place in two parts. Your health meter doesn’t reset between them, so you need to do the first part as carefully as you can. In the first part, you will fly around as Merlin the robot owl. Be careful to avoid the spinning discs and Mordred’s zaps and robot arms. The goal is to pick up the black bombs that Mordred drops on the ground and then fly above him. When they start blinking red, wait a few seconds and then release them so that they explode on him. When you get two bombs on Mordred he will zap and kill Merlin. (Sob!) Goodbye, Merlin!
Now comes the really hard part. Try to get Mordred close to the platform where the real princess is trapped. Then jump up on him and then up onto the platform. Stand on the edge and then do a big jump to either the left or the right. If you timed it right, you’ll land on one of the chandeliers. Now move yourself so you are in the middle. He will go underneath the chandelier and fire his laser at it. It will fall on top of him. Repeat this on the other chandelier and then you will destory Mordred. He will emerge again but the princess will finish him off.
Once that’s complete, the mission is finally over! You have rescued the princess and will receive the Astro-Knights medal. Congratulations!
Hi Could you do a walkthrough of big nate
how do you get through the puzzle door?
this is good help
how do i spin the mille around
Finally, a full run throughof the island. Your the only person with sense around here.
anyway thanx for the info, U ROCK!
thanks. it helped alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
umm.. you dont need to do 1 of big nate no more unless u want to
hey i just wanted 2 say this place is kewl also on the wind mill thing make sure u go 2 the left cause i was going on and on on the right
this place has a bunch of info this is the only place i seen who acctually gives all the info u really need
i am wondering on forest island that help you gave me was bad on the unicorn i kept shoting all of the and i kept dieing
for f planet how did u get there I hate that part
hi yeah umm… when u mentioned the puzzle door could u tell us how 2 get through it? I’ve tried really, really hard (i even stayed till like 10:30 P.M. last nite!) but i just can’t do it! so ya.
You should add a way to pass the puzzel door! I can’t do it! FYI my name realy isn’t milk I just don’t want to say. Other than the puzzel problem good job!
Why isnt there Nabooti
can you show me how to get throw the puzzle door
Thanks… but I keep slipping off the ice any help?
how do you get through the blocked door and how do you turn the mill??
it helped a bit.
thnx anyway
thanks for the great info, but could u do a walkthrough of big nate
Hey thanks for doing this site! It has really helped me! I’ve tried many others but this one actully makes sence! All the others say go to fire planet and they’re talking about ice planet!?! What the heck? But you are good at explaining
very useful. should make the game a little more easy.
hey i dont get how ur supposed togo through the metal bars?! u make that part soo confusing!!
i dont understand how you are supposed get through metal bars in the lab. please help me with this
please tell me how to get through the metal bars in the lab
i cant get thru space and find planets! help!!
This is great but, I need help getting to the chandelires and getting him under me!
this is cool it helps me if I’m stuck in any problem
ok to get through the puzzle one here is the cheat/walkthrough:
Due to a flaw in the game program, you can begin the final battle WITHOUT solving the door. When you arrive, ignore the “Princess” and select “enter” instead, which bypasses the puzzle. (This doesn’t help if you’ve already talked to the “Princess”.)
To solve the puzzle, you have to press 10 of the panels exactly once each. They are arranged in 5 rows of four cards each. The easiest way is to press each card in the 2nd row exactly once (1,2,3,4 or any order). Then press only the middle two cards of the 3rd row. Then press each card in the 4th row. (for a numbered version see below)
The puzzle door is made of twenty panels; 4 in each row, and 5 rows. Numbered from upper left they are:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
Press the panels in this order: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16. As long as you press each one of the cards in the 2nd and 4th rows, and the middle ones of the 3rd row, the result is the same.
click the squares on the door in this order– 5,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,15,16
(Jojo please don’t copy the answers right from WikiAnswers)
Note on the PHOENIX BIRDS : you can use that Power Shot
(hold and release) to knock out bunches of little birds, and the
red “torpedoes” if you are fast enough. Just don’t try to hit the
Mother when she comes from the left side…
what is a chainderliers
to get though the metal bars is click on your bird then click on the green thing
does anyone know what chainderilers is??
and how to get the robot under them??
How do u get past the last platform in fire planet in astro knights??? its IMPOSSIBLE!!!
H, you can see how it’s done in the walkthrough video I posted. Basically you wait until both the platform you’re on and the last one you want to jump to are both traveling downwards. Then you jump. You’ll safely land on the final platform. Then just wait and ride it up until you get near the top of the volcano and jump off to the left.
um thanx for the help in all. but how in the world do you get past the puzzle? its sooooooo hard!!!
for the people wondering how to move the wind mill you just step on the blades
merlin whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?? the game is just never going to be the same! ;(
thanx! this was rlly helpful!
any more tips on getting thru the last big battle tho?? cuz no matter how hard i try mordred always ends up “being too much for me”…..
thanks so so so much there would have been no way for me to complete astro nights if it wasn’t for this website, i still had a tough time though! i think it’s a little to hard for the people who don’t know about this website! thanks again! by the way i completed every other island without this website!
i got all three knights an went through the portal to the fake princess but i am so fustrated with the puzzle can i have directions on that?
i beat astro knights an im so happy
WOW Thanks Alot I Couldn’t Have Been It Without You!
This is so cool! Thanks to other people for posting how to get through the door. I was so stuck on that!
P.S. My name is really Marissa
Im having trouble with the last plat form mybe some edvise
it is impposblem H
i know it is impossoble
i see alot of people who’s face is half robot and half human. i defeted astro knights and i thought i would get it 4 winning… i guess i was wrong. So does anyone know how to get it?!?
hi, i am really stuck on that part where u have to flip the tiles around to see the picture. i have got down to 2 squares. pah-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaase help!
a chaindelair is a fancy light covering thing by the way, ussually made of glass
thank u soooo much lazychick!!!! the door is now open!!!! =)
Astro Knights is the hardest so thanx 4 the help it rocked. The puzzle door took 4eva. Here’s some help on it.
So the door has 20 panels and there are 5 rows of 4. Like this:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
Click the panels in the order of 7, 8, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 15, 14, 13
and your in! YAY
how do i get in aic planet?????????????????????????????????
My daughter prematurely returned to Earth. She landed her rocket next to the windmill. She signed out. When she signed in she was at the castle. She went over the the windmill and the rocket was gone. We have no way to finish the stage. Can anyone help please?
whenever i try to lure those sharks, i get caught in black hole. how do you do it!?
thanx for your help im nearly finishing it beacause of u! u rock so hard!!!!!!!!!!
and how do u get on aic planet and fiyer planet????????????????????????????
jerromie the rocket is on top of the castle
thnx so much this really helped.
Thanks for the help i only used them when i was stuck though
it really helped!
how do i find the green knight
Wow! This really helped me though I’m not done yet…
Lovely good game I would say in the least… Yeah who’em I kiddin’ its frickin’ awesome.
I can’t beat the mother phoenix. Someone! A few more helpful tips.
how do you lure the sharks away? and yes my name really is arizona
the potropica is so cool!!!!
thanks for the help..!!!this is really cool..
this was soo good i am soo close i just cant beat mordrid in the last challenge any hints
omg this helped so much i am almost done i just cant do the last mordrid challenge any extra hints or tips
how do you get through the tunnle in his secretlair it is blocked
and the owl does nothing to help it
I just cant beat any of them.Would you do a walkthrough for them all?
omfg how do jump to te last step on fiyre 1 i keep fallin in
I only need to beat the monster where the green night is then i need to go to morderd.
um i dont know were the golden gate i dont know wittch planet its on
i have a small problem…i stopped outside of the fire dragon thing and then i logged out. when i logged back in, the red knight had disappeared and i dont know how to keep going. (i havent defeated the dragon yet) can you please tell me how to solve this?
i launched the spaceship numbers 56 52 but i didnt go with it , why… i cant get into space like everyone else. or have i still got to do something else first?
nevermind got to the moon …..yeppie, very good lucky everyone on making it to the end…. : )
Well thxs very much but why did he kill Macy-Merlin- ? And Why is poptropica getting harder? And Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i forgot but u guys ROCK
Giant Pear -find me in the crop circle in-
I try to get the sharks attention my shields are gone and when I got attention I lost the attention when I was near the black hole
I almost finished defeating the mother phenix then it logged e out. I logged back in and i couldn’t get back in space.
what do you need help with
I’m finding it difficult to jump when i go to the fire planet. Will you please help me
and also the last platform. It’s sooooo difficult. HELP ME. I’M STUCK ON THE LAST PLATFORM.
i just need to kill the dragon and i am almost to the princess! to get on the last platform and into the volcano you need to go back one platform and jump to the last 1 and enter the volcano!
I just cannot finish the last battle with modred. Any hints or tips??
omg, im still trying to finish the very last battle, its sooo hard i keep getting knocked out, PLZ HELP!! (p.s my character is friendly snowball lol) ya i cant believe i dont have much life left cause i keep getting hit w/ lasers & knives and bombs(oh my)this is the last island i hav 2 complete sooo S.O.S!!!!
to get on the last platform go on the 4th one and when the 5th one is all the way down jump on the 6th
thanx but im still noy finish
how do you make the robot dragon die?
i beat the dragon on fire planet and i beat the helecopter tiger on ice planet.but i didn’t beat the bird on jungle planet yet.
Any Tips to get past the yellow steam in the volcano?
Dangerous Leopard
Fave places to hang out:
The Hair Club – Spy Island
Party Time Tower – Time Tangled
Coconut Cafe – Shark Tooth
(When reality Tv is out I’ll definetly be in the hang out there).
Hey all you guys are soo stuck arent you? I carnt belive you’ve not finished poptropica!! I LOVE IT! It’s true I AM the No#1 poptropica fan AND ALWAYS will be! ANYways you have to go and do early poptropica and 24 carrot street when your done because there is a well good thing you have to do on 24CS ( 24 carrot street )!
Oh and I only recomend people that are not afrid of spiders go on these! Oh and that are not afrid of gaints! I think the rest of you will have so much fun! Renember I AM THE NO#1 FAN OF ……durmrooolllle please……… POPTROPICA!!!! Well hope it all helps you on your journey to save poptropica towns! Byebye xx
P.S: Need any more help just address me and I will be at your service! Byebye ( again )! *TeeHeeHaaaa* =]
I love your walkthrough instruction.
To get the sharks inside the black hole ,you must go around the black hole but stay a little close to it and the sharks will be destroy!
I love your walkthrough!
To get the space sharks in the black hole is to go around the black holeuntil the script says “all sharks destroy”{the trick is to be a little close to the black hole when you go around it}
i don’t know how to beat the mother phonix and the alians keep shooting at me because i’m trying to get past him to get to fire planet and jungle planet.i alredy know how to beat the robot dragon but i just can’t get to the planet.
i just need to beat the mother phonix on jungle planet.
im trapped on the 2nd last platform HELLPP!!
awesome thanks
help in defeating merlin????? i cant do it!!! the chandelier never falls on him
can somone help. I can’t get through the puzzle door
I just can’t do the dragon and lure the space sharks.HELPPPP
I just can’t do the dragon and lure the space sharks.HELP
How do you get past the robot fish on the ice planet? i keep falling into the water
nevermind did it!
ty for help!
Thanks for the help. Without it, I would have never finished Astro Knights. The info rocked! It was very…A-W-E-S-O-M-E, AWESOME!
Thanks again!! 🙂
2 hits I die from mordored??
thnx for the help your walk thros are the best!
how do you get thru the door thing at moudreds castle?
helo i need a little help with this walkthrough please. i’m on fire plant and i trying to
beat the robot dragon. but the robot dragon trying to kill me. show me how
this walk through is ah-mazing
Hey I like hit the dragons mouth 7 times but he’s still alive
like boredstiff guy said, how do you get past the robot fishes?! i keep getting ‘chomp’ed! but thanks for all the help!
Hi. That sounds awesome
I can’t get to the underground room in the library, or the room in the fountain.:(
how thank you so much i coudnt have gotten passed this if it wasnt foor this cheat sheet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much i’ m done with this whole thing know!!!
mordred himself was actually quite easy ~ty 4 da help~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
thanx so much i had to go to another site to find out the puzzle door thing though
does this site tell u when there r goin to b new lands and missions? thanx
I can’t get the puzzle 🙁
thx for the help i would have never found out where to go after i did the princesses room, and now i’ve beat all islads except big nate!!!!!!! -:)
I cant find the owl! please help me!
How do you find the planets? ive been there for a couple of days and i cant find them! i fly around everywhere and there are no other planets than earth and the pewter moon! PLEASE HELP!thnx
Thanks! I really needed it!!!
i cant get an further like i have the space ship and i can zoom around i need help with the sharks and the other things blocking the planet please help!!!!
I am stuck on the Binary Bards puzzle can you please help me.
i love this game
best game ever
with the space simbles i can’t seem to get it i’ve put in Cresent moon, planet with rings, 5 pointed star and the sun in the middle but it pops back up
PLease help me!!
can u help us get the sharks in zu black hole write back when you know how and we even need help on nabooti on finding the last jewel
can you help us on passing nabooti and astro nights
OMG i finnished mordred and then it automaticaly goes to the castle again when i spoke to the king he said find my daughter again
omg! i just cant get the windmill blades to move when i jump on them help!
there is some glitch in mine that makes the opening to the the mechanical dragon impossible to get in
I can’t get into the volcano on Fire Plannet! It’s impossible.
This is sooooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant find the planets
THE BEST WALKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it helped me ty and for the dude that said he couldnt get past the door u click on the all the ones in the second row then click on the two middle ones in the 3rd row and the ones in the forth row. that should do it or if u want a cheat just dont talk to the princess and hit enter u will keep the wepons but u cant use’em so do what u want
Cool!!! It can help me though.
Hello. I am Peace. I would like to say thank you for taking your time to make this blog.
I defeated this island.
I just wanted to say that there are no such thing as a winged unicorn.
there are ponies-with out a horn, no wings
there are unicorns-with a horn, no wings
there are PEGAUSAS- a pony looking thing with a horn and wings
Just saying
~ the little devil
i cant get to the ice planet! whenever i try to get there the sharks get me! i lured one to the black hole but i ended up in the black hole instead
could you like show a vid. from youtube or something? thanks 🙂
i cant get pass the lava rock things!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Malissa, thank you for replying. You may say there’s no such thing as a winged unicorn, but if you look closely at the picture in the game, that unicorn and wings and a horn.
I beated it!, it was so fun!
This game made my little sister cry since she could never beat him. They shouldn’t make a childrens game so hard.
THE CARD TRICK (just to save time)
Press each of the four cards in the second row, just once.
Press ONLY the two middle cards in the third row, once
Press each of the four cards in the fourth row, once.
(That’s here somewhere)
i need help with how to get passed the guards and the librarian to get the lauch ful. HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i passed every thing this is so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first i needed help but i got the hang of it and besids its really easy
how did you do it?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I love it ……….but even know don’t I know how to do it.but………I can still practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?.
Thnx sooooooo much i dont know what i would hav done without your walkthroughs 🙂
This webby is SO hard.
It gives ya brain a workout though!lol
Jordz out.
this is hard but i am hopfuly going to win!
I think poptropica is easy little bit. sometime I ues help little bit from youtube and i like poptropica because is the best game EVER.
were are the planits i can only find jungle moon thing and earth and the moon (and the stiped black hole)
yay not i’m still not finshed 🙁 😮 🙂 backspace 🙂
how do you get past the puzzle door at mordreds castle? i have tried 100 times and i still cant do it
Thank you! I have beat Astro knigts! =D
this is so hard! how do you get past the last part? 🙂 🙁 :>
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
marlin is not my robot bird 🙁
ohhhhhhhhhhh! 🙁 how do you chisel out the ice in the fridge on the haunted house? i can’t figure out!!!!!!!!
could someone help me??? haunted house -stuck on fridge – need help – answers anyone!!!!!!!! 🙂
thanks for the guide. very helpful!
0mg dude if it wasnt for you i wouldnt had beated astro knight like seriously but now i goota buzz kk byez thnxz for the helps!!:) 🙂
hey you are no specific noodle!!!
This is easier then easy i beat the whole game in like 5 hours (and not all at once) and it is so boring!!! i dont understand why i waste my time on such things.
i like spy becase!!!!! is funny
i like astro knight and spy and shark tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
i buy and the things and i have too much stAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a girl friend at poptrpica name iss ladf
i have 3 grils friends i love them so so so much!!!!!!
i cant get pass near the end after da owl goes i dont know wat 2 do next its hard ive gotten dis far and cant figure out wat 2 do
hey med all u have 2 do iz jump on da knight head dat has da chisel then pick it up and go to da fridge i didnt know wat to do until i looked at da hounted house walk through
I cant get past the puzzle of Mordred
hey how do u get that bag of manure from that hooden guy?
i cant find fire planet help where do i gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i spent two day try to look for it i still am trying ,though help anyone pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Astro Nights is very hard :[
How do you finish the game where you have to avoid the mother phenix? I have a trouble time with the unicorn game. HELPPP!!!
thanks bunches!!!! 🙂 it helped me out a lot!!! thanks agian 🙂
lol, this is fun 🙂
i lost the spaceship!!!!
I got my owl buddy but have to find a way in that little door because my person says it’s blocked!
its so easy now i really can thank youuuuu your sooooo kind
Thanks! You saved my life! You really helped me get through the whole of Astro Knights Island. The Phoinex Game was pretty hard. Poptropica is the best! Have you completed the Haunted House: A Halloween Special? I have! It’s easy. I have also completed Ice Age 3 and TinkerBell mini Quests. They are easy peasy. I have completed Shark Tooth Island, Early Poptropica, Big Nate Island, Spy Island and Time Tangled. See you all later! Thanks again.
HEY I CANT DEFEAT THE DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t get past the phoenix it won’t budge
I got it!!!
this was so very easy
send me this page pleese
in our district’s elementary skool they use this poptropica 4 second graders lol and even i couldn’t get through this w/o a walkthrough. lol peace outz
This was easy.
mordred= lame. He has zappy thingys, we have………..?
I cant beat mordred he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard pleeeeeeese help me????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
OMG! this isnt that hard. Fride in Haunted House… OMG IMPOSSIBLE. But i guess ill just have to crash my cpu
when battling mordred, you know that mordred zapped that owl named merlin. mordred is a freakin’ MEANIE! but i
when battling mordred, he zapped that owl named merlin and he laied on the ground, poor merlin, so thanks a lot to mordred. mordred is a FREAKIN MEANIE! ! ! ! but when you pass astro knights and get the medallion, merlin will be still ALIVE!!!!!! and the princess repairs him, yay princess, and yay merlin! !
Yo, this is easy!!! I havecompleted: Early poptropica, time tangled, shark tooth, super power,spy,and 24 carrot.
Completed: Early poptropica, Big Nate, 24 Carrot, Shark Tooth, Super Power, and I’m almost done with Spy Island. But i aint EVA gonna complete this island, Nabooti, TIME TANGLED (NO WAY!), umm thats it! i CANT find the planet 15, 15 (coordinates)! (forgot the name) and i keep finding the ice 1 but cant get past the sharks
i cant find the jungle or fire planets oh and how do you ring the school bell on big nate island?
Hmmm…i cant figure out tha puzzles in tha crystal gate…..KING MORDERED IZ INZIDE!! in need tha puzzle F.A.S.T!
how do u get on the last platform? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hellow guys follow the instructions and try until you succeed , i have done t myself
I accidentally teleported to the haunted house right before i went to battle with mordred. Now I cant get back up there!!!!!!! please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can’t bet mordred, when ever i get to the chandelier he doesn’t get under it, help what should i do?!?!
darn he keeps killing me
I can’t beat the part when I have to fight Mordred! AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never mind I beat it lol
2 guards and the bald dude that works at the library wont let me go down the secret passageway!!!
PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you win the puzzle i need a vidio
i can’t get on the last platform on the fire planett!!!!! the thing said jump wen it go down but the next 2 last platform is lower!!!! wtf?
shut up!
thxxx a looooot i defeat the island! but i clouldn’t do it without you! thx!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skye_iz_here the puzzle is all on second row the 2 middle ones on row 3 and then all in row 4
Feh! I have completed everywhere except for the Haunted House~ Like this ^^ says, just try enough times, maybe look for a pattern, and you’ll get the puzzle. o3o
I apsolutely love playing this and its 4:00 in the morning!!!
oh, and the haunted house is so easy !!! i have compleated all but two islands that im on right now!!!
I am 12 years old and I beat all the islands. i just finished astro nights this morning
hey i’ve done all the islands on poptropica execpt for astro knights it’s
very hard i’m on the puzzle for mordred just to give you guys some
advice you can always look on wiki or yahoo thats where i get most of my anwers by
i just pasted it i was so happy!
Please help me. I will give u my account. I am stuck on the Mother Pheonix Game and it’s killing me!
i can’t get through thehole in modreds secret place it says its blocked
how the hell do u get thru the puzzle once u get out of the vortex
its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy i finished everything and im explaining it to my 2 best friend
its sooooooooooooo easy i finished all the islands and im showing my second bffl how to do them
its hard 2 find the cordiants
i cant find the reason 2 go undr the bed in the museam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!i finished all of the islands but i didnt finish astro knights!
HARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i cant even do jungle planet I cant even fly the rocket, oh dear! im sooooo behind i got 6 medals (600c) along with the completeon of Haunted House (50c) But im stuck on this………………… help. my username. Hypnotised password. GUESS MY PASSWORD! it sorta has something to do with hypnotising hint;;; it starts with the letter t ;l. kayyyy honestly poptropica’s hard. #1 hardest island = astro-knights #2 nabooti #3 spy Top 3 hard ones to those ppl who started DONT DO ASTRO KNIGHTS DO IT LAST!!! MY FINAL WARNING! its hardd ;D kay
——- signed,
Lizard Face
-submitted from Wayside (mental ppl)
Moss, Haunted House is easy
1. Get the key from the bat and unlock the door 2. As soon as you enter, assemble the pipes so that they fit together. Jump on the steam and on the platform and get that bottle. 3. Go to the third level upstairs and click on the spider. It’ll drop the broom. Get it and fly. Go to the second level an jump on the second knight’s head. He’ll drop an axe. Get it. 4.Go to the first level and open the freezer. Click on the ice to get it. 5. Go to the third level and to the right. Use the broom to fly up. Keep going left till you see a chest. Click on it. assemble the puzzle. Get the trophy. then blah blah.
I cant crack the puzzle its ssoooooooooooooooooooo hard
Ican’t beat the other planets on the island astro-knights and that is the last island for me because i use the cheats to help me with the siland
I beat all the games in millsbery haaaaaaaaaa but if u ned ane help ican halp :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
go to my place in millsberry my code for the clubhouse thing is
nah im not gonna tell cause no one replie d c ya
boo boo boo boo boo boo boo
will someone HELP on the ice jumps. my account: user: quiet239 pass: rocker
how can you get your space ship back after you left the land? i accidentally left the island and now i’m stuck on the begining!
HEY HEY! THEBOY1909! calm down! i beat astro knights before and ill get on your account and beat it ok?
will anyone give me their password so i can beat astro knights for you, seriously?
i think omgitsleeann need to tell me his user name and password
theboy1909 i’m now in the cold planet and i destroyed all space sharks and i’m going to do the boss in a minute
are u there pppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppppllllllllllleeeeeeee
theboy1909 i’m on the golden key now
theboy1909 i’m on the asteroid stone where the princess is and the stone where the key says-
“when four knights are gathered the Chosen One may pull the key from the stone”
i’m going to beat the puzzle and the boss!!!!
oops theboy1909 i just forgot to put “of the quest” between are and gathered but there is no “are” in that message
theboy1909 on your account i finished the puzzle now i need to do the boss
GO TO YOU ACCOUNT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEATED ASTRO KNIGHTS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx who saved my life of helping me getingg me pass those space sharks!
who ever did it,i opreshiatid.sooooooooooooooooooo thanx alottttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey theboy1909 i helped you pass the sharks and beated stro knights for you
this really helps cuz i got it!!!!
This really helped cuz i got it but wuz hard:)
heilped kinda but stuk in between specially fire planet!!! HARD!!!!
How many people play poptropica
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stop using my pass u ugly white morddered knights and ass and bitch
I’ve finished it!!!!! 🙂 I beat every island but spy. 🙁 COULD SOMEBODY TELL ME WHERE IS THE 3RD SPY ?!?!?!
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..I found the 3rd spy but how do i get her???
nevermind i got her and did it spy i mean.
i finished astro nite except the mordred killing bit. can somebody help me? if you can write that you can help me. THANKS
woooooooooow who gives away their password?! u seriously trust the people here lol
nice walkthrough
hey this helped me alot. i am almost done. ( with the whole poptrpica). i just need to finish this and big nate.
kayyyyyyyyyyyyyy first of all astro knights is hard darn it darn it darn it gr gr gr gr gr i need serious help im sooo behind i got to da Jungle planet (yay) got the laser lance and avoided the caterpillars that electrify got to the right did the egg part rescued Pegasus the unicorn and i cant defeat the mother phoenix i need help!!! lol kay my username (:D)
NOT TELLING ahahaha u were owned tubbys!
person to get back to astro knights cuz u left ur spaceship and went to a different island? EASY! just jump to the top of the castle in astro knights it will be balanced frail straight and delicate parked still for you
I can do every thing apart from the stupid puzzle on the door heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I left the island and now i can’t go back to jungle,ice or fire island. Can somebody please tell me?! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!!<3
How to get to the haunted house?????????
whoah they give thier passwords maybe some one might hack them
exactly. mine got hacked b4 but i repaired her. she’s young typhoon but now my main acount is lucky heart.
i finished all the planets but i need help on defeating modred. (its so sad that meriln died) and i know how to deafeat the space sharks. you have to let them follow you 1 at a time to the black hole but do not go to close to the black hole.
i can help. your ship is where the big arrow is to go to the princsess castle
ps. i am not a boy!
astro knite is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!!
how do you get that dragon in fire planet.
come on tell me how to open the door
sob!poor merlin,he was awesome!
how do u do tha mordred puzzle?!?
does anyone want to defeat astro-knight for me? me dont feel like doin it 😛
i need help with the fire planet and the sandsharks
It took me 3 weeks and 2 days to beat Astro Knights.
i can’t get past the dragon
i really need help
i can not get past the sharks or in to the volcano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can some one tell me detail by detail how do you find mordred and where is the princess
how do i power the machine with manure in astroknights?
wat u do if you went to haunted house wen u wer n haunted house ad excaliber isnt there anymore i cant get to pewter moon
pewter moon (not gonna help you on main island until later :P)
OK now your in pewter moon right? OK you have to talk to the boss before you use that holopad. go in “astro-zone” (by the holopad). then talk to the boss and say the last box where you talk to the boss, click on it, then wait till he stops talking then leave and use the holopad click on it and you can create your rocket whenever you want! if your done click “done” on the top right corner then go in your rocket then click on the square of planets click on one to see its bio if your ready click close and then click launch and blast off!
jungle planet:
the coordinates of jungle planet are X=15 Y=15 click on the planet (the jungle planet is a mechanical planet XD) click on the planet then once you get out of your rocket go down and go until you see a green weapon called “laser lance” get it then go on the flowers and then wait till you leap and go on one another then go where your rocket is and go to the platforms (make sure to watch out for the caterpillars, too) then when you get to a big floor click on go right and get on the easter eggs (order 1,3,2,4 to pop out) then watch out for them and go to the cage and click on the lock on the cage where the unicorn is click on the unicorn, too and then the unicorn flies there is bugs and you try to shoot them and if you see a missle hold left on your mouse when its FULLY CHARGED and then let go and on the boss try to do fully charged too and keep on doing it until the boss dies and if she is, the knight in the jungle planet will join you then launch when you get in your rocket!
fire planet:
the coordinates in fire planet are X=82 Y=73 (this island can be hard but not to me :D)
go to platform to platform and when you get to the last one wait till its on the volcano then jump and wait till you get in the volcano then when you get it there will be a steam that will bring you to the top of the volcano and start all over. try to get in safe places then when its all over you’ll see a square creature, try to get passed it then you’ll see a knight when you talk to him click on the last box and then he’ll give you a “ice arrow” then go right and then you’ll see a dragon (he is mechanic, too) you try to go to chain to chain then go behind him and click on the lever that’s on him and then as quickly as you can go to him and then click on the ice arrow on the bottom-left corner and point it at his mouth then do it 2 times again (if your out of body tempature, you have to start all over) when you do it 2 times, he’s dead and then the other knight will join you on the quest then launch again to the last planet!
space sharks:
the space sharks are blocking the planet of ice click on the shark to shoot him and he’ll follow you, when you see the box on the bottom-middle corner, it will say “black hole ahead”and when you see the swirl go around it to let the shark go in the balck hole then go get the other ones and put them in there, too and then go to the last planet called “ice planet” and its coordinates are X=73 Y=83.
ice planet:
this planet is short and easy 😀 jump on iceburg to iceburg without getting chomped on a robot fish then go right and then go on top of the mountain when you go right and then click on the knight and choose the last box and he’ll give you a weapon called “force shield” then you’ll see a tiger helicopter (which is the boss) you’ll see tree yellow orbs he’ll shoot out snowballs and try to bounce them with the shield to hit them 3 times and when your done the knight will join you and click on go launch to go to where the princess is!
the dragon part is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)
when u get mordreds or whateva his name is’s journal on the chair Then walk all the way to the left and keep pushing against the wall. After a few seconds it will crumble into pieces. Go all the way to the left and you will see a small hole. Go through it to enter the cell where you found the robot. but i cant find the hole the only 1 is when u r in that area and u go to the end and u can c like drain pipe bars where u can;t enter and i clicked on it and it said enter but it said the way is blocked. please help me is there something i am doing wrong or am i in the wrong place.
i saved and went traveling elsewere and i cant find my spaceship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This help me a lot thanks!!!!!!!
destroyed the dragon NEED HELP WITH SPACE SHARKS
how do i beat the man who captured the princess
HOW DO YOU SOLVE THE MORDRED PUZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
princess wassup dude can you help me get on to the ice planet
password haoli
username hobff
Hey, Hobff i tried, im stuck on the EXACT same part as you, i share an acc with my bezzie, My only prob is, i cant shoot the sharks, they get me first!!
Astro knights island is definitely the hardest island i’ve done so far
Also if u get stuck with the mordred puzzle look on you tube for help. It sure helped me with that part. But this website is much better than any video site!
i only need to be on THE ICE PLANET!
same haze
i usally get sucked into the black hole
ACE I GOT PAST THE ICE PLANET!!! (i cant fight modred as the owl tho!!!) I didnt do the sharks, my friend did, she said just shoot one, and the rest will follow, and tip for ice planet, start at the top platform and just JUMP AS FARRR as you can!!!! hope this helps hobff
It took me ages to pass the modred puzzle, but i did it IN THE END!!!
i went on my acount and im past the puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant get past modred
i went on my account and was on spy in camaflage mode?
I’ve beeten every part in Astro knights but I can’t beet the puzzle!!
Pleaze help me!!!
completed astroknights!!!!! il be on spy walkthrough now thx guys
bet all islands but can’t bet dragon or phinox.
best cheats ever!
beat astronots it is hard as hell!
As stated in the walkthrough, to get rid of the sharks, lure them into the black hole. It took me some time to get it right as I kept on forgetting where the black hole was or I kept on getting sucked in it while the sharks were safe. If luring three sharks at the same time is hard for you, may I suggest you lure them one at a time? And don’t worry if you and the shark get sucked in at the same time, the number of sharks will not reset.
Listening to music while doing the platforming parts really helps. 🙂 I usually play the Mission Impossible theme song. 😀
beat mordred:
phase 1
you play as merlin.bombs will drop from the robots on them to pick them up.then drop them on mordred when they turn red.repeat this untill he is dead.mordred will shoot merlin and merlin dies.
you are yourself.jump on mordred then the platform.then you must jump on a chandilier.mordred will shoot the chandilier and it will fall down on his head.repeat this untill the robot blows up.mordred will try to take the orb.the princess finish’ him.
thats how you beat mordred
I’m stuck at the puzzle! Can anyone explain completely and clearly which tiles to flip over. I tried really hard and I tried like 15,000 times and I started ripping the hair of my head and scratching myself in the face because I was so frustrated!
ive completed the hole poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also please E-mail me some cheats for Time-Tangled,24-Carrot,Super Power and Nabooti Island….IM SO STUCK ON THEM
My email is just above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
yah,great whatever
how do you open that hole in the dungeon?????
i cant get past the whole “final battle” thingg!!! please help can anyone go on my account and finish it? pleaseee 😉
Where is the coin at?
i cant beat the bird lady
well i can not get pass were you fly on the unicorn
i don’t know hau to go over the machine
thanks to you i have got the medal
I got parst the owl bit, in the final battle, I can get to 1 chandelier, but i never reach the other before it zaps me!!
sorry i ment past not parst!!
i cant get the water to drain by the foutain
you are cooleo
Ah I’m stuck. This is the only island I haven’t completed!
PLEASE PUT A VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve completed counterfeit island.MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey im back completed the hole poptropica
this is not helpful!!!! well it is but not detailed!!!ahhhhh
how do you do the door puzzle?!ahhhhhhh
I saved & and quit astro-nights, and switched places. When i returned, the alien ship (the crashed one in the swamp) disappeared. I don’t know what 2 do. Please Help!!!
iam stuck on the owl part its hard because i can not go down the thing in the library its hard hhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppp=-]
PLEASE PUT A VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhhhhhh people!!!!!i cant open the door that gets you to the robot!!!!i need more detail!!!!!!!
um ya i axidentaly went back to exabilcbur in my spaceship and now its gone!!!!!!!!
I can’t get through the lava platform thingies you should write about how to do that . (just a suggestion.)
what fuel rod?? im sooo freakin` confused!
how can i get free credits?
Thanks soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hobff is ur pass really Haoli?
Ugh I can’t do the arrow part. You know with the 45 Degree angle?
Thanks for the help!!!
this is like seriously like really absolutly hard!!!!! sorry about that,i love using words!!
i can`t get passed the stupid sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh I’m stuck on the fire planet and ice planet. Jungle planet is really hard, I tried 27 times before I kill the phoenix! This is the only island I haven’t completed (well, at least is was until Counterfeit Island come out)!
you need to climb on the chains and go to te end of the fire dragon. there is a switch in the fire dragen. pull it . when the dragon is asleep run to the begining and then shoot the dragon with the ice arrow. you have to do this 3 times.
(ps: the third time he has a spike that shoots out at you like a rocket!)
i CAN’T GET INTO THE VOLCANO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t defete the dragon it is so hard
But I have defeted the other two planets. Oh, and it is the only island I haven’t defeted. I have defeted all the other islands including counterfit. That proves this is super hard . But to some of you it is not that hard. The problem is my computer keeps pausing when I am trying to defete it and it messes me up. But when I go on my laptop the mouse is too easy to move
and i can’t controll it
the mech-mouse wont move and the owl wont eat him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do you go to find your ship if u have already been to some of the planets but had to save and quit?
AHHH ive got to the ship and was on it but then i left to go back to poptropica and now i cant find out how to got back
gahh. can’t get through the lava/steam part in the fire planet.
please help. this part is frustratingly annoying.
freakin’ hard for a child game.
i found out how to get your spaceship back go to the top of the castle and it should be there
I cant get past the sharks i have been shooting them but they regain their power and chase me ,what should I do???
you just hit the sharks and lead them to the milky way
i was mistaken lead them to the black hole
you just hit the sharks and l e a d t h e m t o t h e b l a c k h o l e
Counterfeight island is the easiest level ever!!!! Took me 30 minutes to complete!!!!!!
how am i to do this it is hard i havent got all bloody day!LOL
how cool
Hi Alison the ship is on top of the castle
please defeat the dragon for me
Arg arg arg arg can’t get past sharks
I like Chicken noodle soup with fried monkey and fish eyes
are there any cheats where you dont die?
please defeat the dragon for me i cant pass it i really need your help or else i cant finish astro knights island please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on the fire planet i cant get to the final platform the girl wont jump high enough how do u do this?
Your website is so helpful!!!!Thank you!I used it for the hard astro-knights level.
i need help!!! my sister and i both play on the same girl but yesterday when i was gone she went to a different island and when i came back to astro knights this morning i was back at the mill and my ship is still at mordreds castle! how do i get back there?!
hey poptropicasecrets could u go onto my account to get back to the ship?
can someone help me beat the last part of astro knights?!!!!! the part where u hv to drop the chandeliers?! ill give u the password and stuff if u can do it for me?!!!
HELP!!!!! In the middle of fighting the griffan on the jungle planet i was mad because i kept lossing so I opened my haunted house card and when i was done with the haunted house quest and i went to return to the griffan battle on the jungle planet I ended up on the knights island I couldnt get back to the moons. the space ship is gone and im stuck on the island and i cant finish the quest because my spaceship is still in outerspace…HOW DO I GET BACK TO THE JUGLE MOON OR GET MY SHAPESHIP BACK??????????
Thanks for the help i really am so happy because i finished all of Poptropica Islands including Counterfeit!!!
how do you get on the final platform on the fire planet???? please help!
my god! astro knights is so hard! folow my tip, BE CAREFUL!
how do you gent on to the final platform on fire moon?
i cant jumt on the platforms in fire planet do it for me i think sharh tooth island is the easyest
hey u guys out there cant ya solve poptropica on ur own?& on top of that u guys give ur passwords & username to other people who can solve them.
I completed Counterfeit in 15mins in the early access period.
Soooooooo easy!
i think i’m not geting the fast walkthourg i like the slow one
the fire planet is so so so so hard the bird is berrt than the dagron and i like the tigger too.
how do you get rid of the sharks by the ice planet???????????????????????????????????
People on the fire planet who need help with final platform-
When the last platform gets to the top- jump after about 1-2 seconds . Because it is at its lowest straight after it was at the top. Hope this helps.
Its really hard 2 explain it.
If you look around you find a blackhole at 84-47 lead the sharks there and go as close as you can to the blackhole to lure them in .
Try not to get sucked in as well!
I need help with the puzzle door on Astro Knights it’s so hard plzzz help me!
For the space ship . Go on the castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then Go up:) (I am Lazy dolphin)
OMG i cant get the figting bit at the end it is sooooooo hard someone help me plz!!!!
how to get my rocket again!!! as i am in the poptropica planet but not in the astro knight island
Please help me and PLEASE RESPOND! I need help! I can’t get to the final platform on Fire Planet. My character won’t jump high enough! I even waited until the platform started moving downwards, but it won’t work. PLEASE HELP ME AND RESPOND TO THIS COMMENT ASAP!!!
on the fire planet i cant get to the final platform the girl wont jump high enough how do u do this? INDEED IM TIRED OF THIS CRAP IM CRYING CUZ IM FRUSTERATED AnD ILL GIVE SUM PERSON MY CRAP IF TH’ll DO THIS 4 ME
on the fire planet i cant get to the final platform the girl wont jump high enough how do u do this? INDEED IM TIRED OF THIS CRAP IM CRYING CUZ IM FRUSTERATED AnD ILL GIVE SUM PERSON MY CRAP IF TH’ll DO THIS 4 ME
Hey! I finished. Defeating Mordred is easier than it sounds. The Volcano I found after jumping onto the last platform you should curve your person. The yellow air you have to find all the nooks. The hardest robot to defeat is the griffon/pheonix. Just dodge everything and keep moving. Post “I need help, Please”! for help
Thanks!! The walkthroughs are great! I have a question though. I didn’t do the the things in the order like you did in the walkthroughs and I broke the stone wall before I had the owl as my friend. And now the hole you are supposed to go through is still blocked. What do I do? Can you restart a level?
How to get thier
I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so doomed. this is SO hard. nobody asks help for this but- i cant get the mother phoenix. oh, sounds easy. IS NOT! i’ve only met her twice and everytime she hits me first and oh i need help someone help please
i cant get mother phoenix! what to do???
man i can’t get to the last plat form on fire planet
this is soooooooooooooooooooo hard 🙁
Thank you so much!Without this walkthrough i would have never made it past the moon!I really think it was very nice for you to leave this up!YOU ROCK!
i cnt get the wind mill to go any where. it wont move at all.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Mordred is not as hard as I think I beat him in my third try.
Now I’ve completed every island on Poptropica!
man! where’s that dang gold coin
when i jump on the windmill blades they dont move at all!
the spaceship is supposed to be docked on top of the castle in astroknight island
This is sooo easy. except the dragon is kind hard but with my 4th try i beat him.
how do you get back in your spaceship if you didn’t go back to earth and traveled through the haunted house?
it’s the exact same problem as hannypurple
Like I said: I Need Help, Please!
Respond quickly! Astro-Knights is the last island i need to complete (including Reality TV Island).
how do you get the spaceship to flyout of the mud
4 hose of u who saved their game b4 going 2 battle go to astro nights island’s castle on top there should be ur ship waiting to totake u into space
hace you noticed that the poptropicans are like super human or something?
oops! i ment HAVE not hace!
Well its 4:56 pm and i have been working on this thing sence 10:00 am!!!!! well before i couldnt get it done in a day so thank you
Ahhh! I can’t get to the final platform on fire planet!!!
This is the most hardest poptropica island ever! Thank you sooooo much for this walkthrough! I ♥ it!!!!! 🙂
heh, i cant get on the last rock lava thingy and i always fall of when i try but the videos are good 🙂
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baaaaaaaaaad to get passed the thing on jungle planet
I JUST CAN’T GET PAST THE ROBOT FISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m having trouble with beating Mordred !
wow i can finally do this and won the game
UGH I couldn’t get past the dragon in the astro knights…. but now i can thnx alot to the website… Hope u love this website to…
what the stupid things…..
What happens when you get to the dragon, and retreat, and then when you try to go back in the room, you CAN’T??
I need help!!!!!! This is me again. I pushed RETREAT, and when I tried to go back into the dragon room, the “GO LEFT” sign just disappeared! Tell me what to do! I really, really don’t want to start over becuz I’ve already done 6 islands!
Oh ya if u need help anybody with 24 Carrot, Half of Astro Knights, Superpower, Spy, Big Nate, Shark Tooth, and Counterfeit, I can help you. Just post.
Oh yeah in Astro Knights, to get to the last platform, click the green arrow as FAR as you can (without clicking on Customize), and immediately after the last platform comes down, click on it.
To get the spaceship out of the mud, you have to go to the library, and in the Nonfiction center, click on McM. Click on Go Down. You will pick up some cheese. Click on the lever. Go to the princess’s tower and feed the cheese to the mouse. Then give the mouse to Merlin. In the Ye Old Rumor Mill, beside it is two haystacks. Push the two haystacks apart, and then go down (the key is inside the fountain), and go down. Go left and push the brown thing. It will colapse. Then go through the now opened gate thingie. Click on Merlin, then click on the Glow-thingie. Merlin will give it to you. Then go to the spaceship, and put the glow-thingie in. Hope that helps!
These r awesome cheats for defeating poptropica!!
But I wish that it would tell u how to get pase the puzzle…
So to defeat the puzzle u go to the 5th then go across then go all the way to, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 hope this helps!!!
I am so sorry that the one on the top does not work sorry!! 🙁
It is actually 7, 8, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 15, 14, 13 actoss to get it!! Are you happy now?! 🙁 or 🙂
i love astro knights! i keep making accounts just so i can do astro knights. the hardest part for me is finding the fire planet and the jungle planet.
i cant get past the last paltform in fire planet!
it’s simple if you think about it. you jump on the chains and climb from one to one. then you get off at the last one. walk over pull a lever on the dragon’s base. it will go to sleep and you will shoot the ice arrow into the dragon’s mouth. you do this three times. the dragon will get angry and jump up and down. then it will fall.
(Hint: avoid the spikey ball that falls from the dragon’s tail)
I NEEEEEEEED HELP PLZ! Can you help me because I have all the knights but I can’t get to the crystal gate. I know how to but I just CAN’T!!!!! Pretty plz help me!!
i wish is was in words instead of a video.When its written in words its much easyier.
I finished each planet and then the green knight went back to the jungle planet! What do I do?
PHEW!That was a relief I just finished beating astro-knights it’s 9:59 right now those clocks you see next to your comments that is wrong looks like its
10:01 right now good knight!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!
SUNNY YOU AGAIN IV’E SAW YOUR NAME 3 TIMES TODAY!It’s 10:03 good night I mean for real!
is it you zoe huang from my class or is it that i got it wrong??
no, merlin doesnt die. if you acully paid attention, he was right by you at the end when the king was talking. by the way, you did help me alot when i got stuck. so thanks for that. didnt want to be mean, just wanted to let you know…..
On the FirePlanet. The last platform to the volcano is IMPOSSIBLE to jump up on. It moves up when the second- to last platform starts to go up.
Help >.<
heyy can any one tell me if you can get the owl out of your spaceship and how?
to danial: when you get to the room with the dragon quickly run left and jump on the chains and work your way to the tail. Avoid the spiked ball on the tail and get on the dragon platform with the switch on it , flip the switch and quickly run as fast as u can to the front and shoot a arrow in its open mouth. If did correctly then he will flash orange and jump up and down. Avoid the falling stalagtites and do the process over 2 times again, then the dragon will fall and the knight will join you. It is one of the more difficult missions…..he pissed me off alot too….. maybe that will help =-)!
I did the same thing.Exept for the fact that I raced all over that stinken island and found my rocket sitting on the top of the castle. Same with both of my friends!! I BET 50$ THATS WHERE YOURS IS 2!!!!!!!!!
(If not your not getting any cash!) Later!
im stuck at the robot thing when mordred attacks the player not the owl im really stuck there please help i cant do it!
i cant jump on the dang things 2 kill mordred HELP DAM COMP!
i can’t find cheat code thatbeats the whole game on my acount.
i can’t find a cheat code that beats the whole game.
this is very……………… long…
Thank LOt I’m stuck on fire plant At least you helped me out.thanks…. thanks …thanks thanks…… thanks ……. you …you …you…… you…..
I accidental didnt click on the robot and he exploded!!! What should I do??? Please answer on this page!
I finished every island exsept for 24carrot and reality TV
wow, thanks a lot for the help but im having trouble with the part where you have to do this puzzle of mordred in the binary bard’s castle. please help me.
oh never mind my last comment i passed it
yipeeeeee! i passed! all thanks to you! thank you thank you thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx for the help, u should advertise this website more, ’cause the other one i went 2 was NO help… but thanx alot for the help… I LOVE POPTROPICA!!!!
once you beat it how do you go back into space
my wind mill will not spin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me !!!
never mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry!!!
IM STUCK! How do I get past the dragon?
That was way cooler then any island u get to build a rocket and go into space.Even though it took 3 hours to do atleast i did it evently anyone need help ask me cos i know every single tip for every single island.
The One The Only
I love this game. My username is saranyajuly16. My name is Serious Beetle.
This island was a little hard but i complete it but when you complete it . where does mordred/Binary bard go. I check EVERYWHERE on the island because i want the robot part of the head.where is mordred/binary bard
The comment with Sten:). When he completed every island except 24 carrot and reality tv.I have to complete those islands too
I can not steer my ship and those ice sharks are EVIL!
i can’t beat the sharks
thank you so much i was stuck on the fire planet last platform and thanks to you i made it
hey this really works
i finaly finished it 2 weeks ago, but i cannot finish it for anyone else
how do u get to the final platform on the fire planet
WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH ASTRO KNIGHTS? I’ve come in to help my daughter with some of the harder parts of Poptropica, and have been able to get through with minimal difficulty. Astro Knights is next to impossible. What is the reason for having such a hard level in a game targeted to young kids?
i will help you on 24 carrot
help me pleassssssse i dont know how to get back on my ship… i logged off and i cant find my ship! please help me 🙁
I need help on the puzzle thingy
everybody knows how to lead the sharks in to in the black hole
plz help i’m stuck where you get up to the volcano i can’t do the last big shooter rock lava thing
so much thanks for the walk-through.Now,i’m havin’ 1075 credits.Thank you verrrrrry much.
hello! commented that u nd hlp on astro… in this you’ve go 2 the castle and climb up 2 the castle & you’ll find it
grr. My Poptropica won’t load very fast. Oh well. This is a neat one. I named my owl Beanie! XD
can you help me i got strait back home where is the jungle planet
i will help you ac if you let me see your pass and use ok =)
archie that is that is hard but i
beat it
i wonder where the castle is though
cant get the controle thang on the space ship
Thanks so much for your cheats! It was a big help, lovin’ the hints because they helped out the most we would’ve still been stuck if you just told us straight out what to do!!! Thanks again, keep on keeping on.
i love poptropica
this is hard for god seak pls help me
i’m rly confused! how do you shoot the mother phoenix fully charged???!!?!?!?!?!
oh. got it. cool!
for fire planet, when i saw, “the key here is patience” i was was like, “oh god. something i don’t have.”
uh oh. i don’t think i’ll like this planet!!!!
its soooooooo easy!!!
its kinda hard & confusing!!! 🙂
Fire Planet:
suppose i go in there with the dragon then turn back around how can i get back in there
Fire Planet
what if the man isn’t right there
This Was So Easy!!!!!!!!!!!! I Had No Idea That It Was That Easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Would Recomend This The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This quest is super hard!!! I can’t get the winged unicorn out of its cage at the Jungle Planet!! Somebody help me, please!!!
iI never go in that island is so dificult!
Hey u were alot of help thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!
you were a lot of help but i am stuck on the part were the mother phinex is behind her.
hey ellie i need help since u said u would help on anything. Im stuck on the part were the mother phinex thing bird is behind u help me pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse.
i think if you ever make a another world on poptropica mkae it easyer so we can bet it and not cry all night.
dis game is 2 hard i’ve ben on here 4 like hours but it is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!!!!
[Puzzle Door Help]
In order, click the panels 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
im still trying to get on Ice Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i cant lower the sharks into the Black Hole!if u wanna help my user name is kay3932 and my password is heart .
i can’t get to the last lava thing without falling off
this is fun but how do you geet past the space sharks
hey i still dont know how to do it
I can’t fly because the stupid computer keeps saying “runtime error”Plz help me!!
how do u get past the last lave rock
How could i complete this island without you?? Thanks
how do you open the dungeon? i can’t open it. when i click it it doesn’t do nothing!!
I need help
how do u get past the thing that wips you every time u go near it???
P.S. in the volcano (its my last island!!!!).
at the castle on the astriod planet it is soooo hard to open the gate
😀 Thanks!
yo this game is noobish
what? I dont have the rocket anymore 🙁
well i tink arsot knigts is the hardest island ever how do you beat it
how do you beat the hunted house it is so hard can you help me out
whos hannah
I NEEDhelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nabooti is so easy
reality tv is the eazyest island ever
i can knot tack my eys off of him……… lol
my cuzen loves mashon
I came back from pewter moon and i dont know how to get back there
please please please help im desprate
astro knithgs is hard help
grrr i got that secret princess note, but some how its not in there anymore! this is so weird e.e
all the dark haired girl says is ” MORDRED LIVES”
do anyone know planet too dang hard
P.S. i just destroyed my flatscreen.cuz i was so mad
i agree wit zoe astro knights is too hard
I really need help with battling Mordred! I can’t seem to get it! Can anybody help me???
hi for the part in the library what if it doesnt appear
this help me alot
I can’t get past the Mordred battle!!! I can do the owl part without losing any health, but the chandeliers won’t fall on Mordred’s robot! Can anybody help me? Please reply if you can! Thanks!
This is my 3rd comment!!! Anybody? Seriously?
how do you solve the door puzzle to Mordred ican’t get passed it
Aaah! can anyone help me past the fire planet? first on to answer me can help but they need to not go on it again…
that puzzle isHARD!!! how do u do it?
ive gotten pass the fire planet…now i need help passing the sharks! who can help me?
its been easy so far but now i cant get on this one part! but im addicted!!!!!!!!!!<3
I cant do it whenever i try i get killed by aliens i dont know where the planets are
uuuhhh! now i need help with the mordred battle!
Ooooh I’m so glad Merlin is alive again!!!I luved the little owl!!!:D
hey if anyone can’t cross that last platform i will give u a cool idea. at first i too can’t cross that last one . so i have a cool idea for u….go to mythology island and finish it fully.
after finishing u will have the crown of hades and poiseedon’s trident wear both of them and click spacebar and u will become big. now go to astronights island and go to the fire planet and click space bar again u will become big now since u r big it is easy for u to cross the platforms.
Man I cant get past that stupid monster on the fire planet!
I know all you have to do is click the bones and spell the word ten with the bones
i just beat this island and i found a trick that lets you skip the puzzle. instead of talking to the “princess” u just hav 2 click on the door without talking to her at all. 2 the people who want to work the puzzle out, then just make sure that you click all the squares on rows 2 and 4, and then click the 2 middle ones in row three
poptropica is awesome and someone help me get past the final battle
poptropica is awesome and someone help me get past the final battle i love it
i need help finding lava planet
I quit playing this island, then started on new one’s. Can I get my data back?
All the pale girl at the mill says is “Mordrid lives!” HELP!
i can get the blades to spin at the old romer mill some one help me
yes!!!!!! my wittle birdie merlin did not die!!!!
i need help on the puzzle i finished it but i have 1 square left. what do i do????
I’m soooo confused! I defeated the dragon, then POOF my computer shut down. I turned it back on and had to defeat it again. When I logged on today, I’m stuck in the volcano! I can’t go to the place where I fought the dragon and I can’t exit through the beginning where you’re by the steam! I’ve logged out multiple times and seen if that helped, but it didn’t! What should I do? Ugh!
so hard!
this island is the hardest ever
i have beaten all of the poptropica islands yay!!!!!!!! it took me about a day though
i cant defeat mordred! :[
I beated all of poptropica’s Islands thakes to this website
i cant get to the six rock help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve beaten all of the islands 2.YAYYYY.Finally.
i need help on the last platform can u give me some help?
go to reality TV an stand on the middle of the helicopter (if its came yet) and watch
betty jetty is harder than the mother phoenix i still don’t complete that island
look at me
Thanks. I shlouldnt cheat though.
you have to press your mouse long then fire on the mother phoenix’s mouth (:
help i left astro knights to play at another place and then i came back. How do i get back in Space????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!
dang the quest is hard i need to defeat all the boss dang
I complete all the island thanks to you yeepee
astro kights is like impossible!!! 🙁
lol whenever i log in to poptropica my guy keeps running left until he hits a wal any ideads what i should do?
I cant beat the mother phoniex mother it is too hard some body help me.
i cant even finish it can somone gimmy there passwords plzcause i suck mabe ad old acount
It’s really easy when u watch the videos. Thanx Poptropicasecrets!
help!!!!!!!!!! the space sharks are impossible pls do my astro-knights e-mail me
for my information
it is hard
I stand on the chandelier and mordred knocked them both down but it didnt hit him
poptropicshem how do ya beat 24 carrit
people with memberships is skullduggery easy or hard
mordieds stupied
zerostar jump on the vocano
AHHHHHH!!!! BLIMEY! A MOUSE! CRIKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t get past the fire dragon on the fire planet!!!!! plz plz plz help!!!!!!!!!
I am at the the door.(puzzle door).If you want to listen you selena gomaz, youve foud her. Its me! someone is trying to help for the door. on you now youtube please some help me! my username is cm144o7 password is lent85. if you compelte asrtokinghs please go to my login. i just it down there. ok please get up go! gog gog go!tnx!
AHH!!! Can’t get past the ICE SHARKS! SO ANNOYING. HELP.
please pleae, i can’t get into the volcano! someone help!
it really helps me through the astro knights
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!giant dragon trying to kill me.oooohhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!EAT YOUR PANTS YOUNG ONE .P.S. If you are wondering why I put that on here go see shark tooth walkthrouh I should be at the bottom……
okkkk! im on the last part on where u try to save the REAL princess, and instead of being my own character im the owl!!!!!!!!!!!! and i can’t figure out how to save her with the owl!! plzzzzz help meeeeee!!!!!!!
Someone give meh Ice Planet Tips!!!!!!
A good tip is to go faster than the robot fish do .
this is a great game but it is hard!
why dont u tell us how to do the puzzle!?!?!?!
i have a problem.i was at the part where u defeat modrid and then i wanted to go back to defeat a different world thing and when i came back to astro knights the space ship wasnt there help help help
ooh that stinks
i cant beat the jaguer thing on ice planet is there anymore tips u could tell??????
HELP what happened to the unicorn? I was riding him and didn’t defeat him I am now the cage again and no unicorn help me
OMG!!! I just found the dragon, some1 plez plez help!! 🙂
I can’t beat the Crystal Gate one. It’s so hard. Can you help me?
The chandelier falls but it didn’t fall on Mordred’s head….
poptropica was able to FORGET my 1st account.i dunno how.
someone passed nabotti for me THANKS 🙂
poptropica ROCKS i go on every day i wonder what islands will come after skulldugery i hope there”re fun what am i saying of course they”ll be fun its poptropica who ever created poptropica is a genius astro knights was through the hard meter but that shouldnt be enogh try to make a harder island poptropica creater i <3 the avatar studio it rocks i just type random names and its someone cool poptropica rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)
how do you get onto the last platform on fire island!HELP!
i hate this game now cuz its so freakin hard >:(
i just need 2 islands couterfeit and skullduggery 😀
BTW i figured out how 2 get on it
to hi person if you c this : it helped me
i cant get on the volcano in fire planet!!!! someone heeeeeeeeeeeeelp
i can’t get on top of the last moving thingy i watched the video and it still doesnt help wat do i do!!!!!!!!!!
this island is so cool
Thanks for the MCM thingy! I kept pressing on the MCM label in the library, not knowing why it wouldn’t work! 🙂
i yell at the screen. it helps most of the time.
thx it helped but put in how to drop the bomes
I went back to the planet where I first started the world, but then i couldint find the rocket to get back into space!!! what do i do!?!?
Awesome! These walkthroughs are really helpful. Thanks!
i logout to eat and now i dont see the spaceship
it’s asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssume
i have completed every island on poptropica
poptropica rules
i only have 2 islands left!!!!! astro-nights and skullduggery. But i cant figure out the light thing on the golden harbor.
a message for the owner of this blog~
hey,how to win 24 carrot island?
So everyone doesn’t feel bad…Merlin doesn’t die because at the end where you get your medal he’s flying over the princess. If you click on him it says ” Merlin took a bad blow but the princess had him repaired.” Happy Ending lol
grrrr ive been at this for months
sweet strawberry, i was just thinkin that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please give us information for 24 carrot island!
I GIVE UP ON THIS ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X|
why in the world do you you give up if you do then meet me in my multi verse and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to bad it rained and my code is DUE19
sup peeps so listen i only need 3 more islands and im DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need help ask moha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know how to do @4 carrot island
It’s really easy
i love poptropicasercets videos thank you
whiteprincess i beated astroknights and i worked hard
cutecat what about this want to come to my mutliverse room pprreettyy ppllzz
there is sumthing wrong with the last moving platform in fire planet! i cannot get onto the last one and into th volcano at all!
i completed astro knights from poptropicasercets video thank you this website is the best.
aminalsa : i barely made it it was really hard
i think you have to complete jungle planet first
Ok so does anyone know how to get past the door to get to mordred?exactly!?
niceseahorse can you tell me please.
I hate astro knights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this site to!!! Were’re through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To some point I agree with you ngozi this site doesnt tell me how to get through that door.
oops i didn’t see where they put the answer lol sorry.
my cat is a mom with 3 babies
hey!my horse is baby
i cant get pass fire planet
i cant get pass those sharks on astro knights
reply to:brown horse
my horse is brownie
amalisa when you get 2 the next 2 last platform jump right before the platform and land.
getting the princess is hard on astro knights
i love brownies
to cutecat:
Tyler where are you at on astro knights
how do you get past the steam!
i’ve completed 24 carrot its sooooooooo easy
thank you!!!!!!ganondarkajdmoron7
hi cute cat and tyler
what steam red boot?
your welcome cutecat
hey Tyler on 24 carrot to launch the robbot what do you write and do you hit enter after?
nevermind i got it
I only have 2 islands left !!!!!!!!!Confeit and skulldugery.
i ned 1 mor island spy
when i click on the brick it dose not work
scratch that 1
i have 1 island left i so curoius scullduggry 😀
i cant wait!
i finished all the islands except astro nights
Ican’t get enough doubleoons to buy the Pheonix Warbird
merlin dies lexi
OMG over here in the video with the 4th part it shows that to beat mordred u have to fight him but the one i’m playing u r on the side u can’t fight him instead ur controlling the Merlin (owl) not urself
what if you made a mistake and know you don’t have your ship too finish the quest?
I love Poptropica. It is my favorite game to play on line!
I finished all the islands.(thanks to your help)
Astro – knights island is soooooooooo hard to finish. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I deafeted this island 3 times just if ur having trouble on the door theres a thing on that here
I FINISHED ASTRO – KNIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there is cheats for 24 carrot island type in at google (poprtopica cheats for 24 carrot island) then click (wiki answers for 24 carrot island) u’r welcome! 🙂 ♥
to:dangergirl and ganadarkaajaon7
do you love astro knights
i hate that stupid fire stuff its hard o and the light thingy on golden harbor is easy
mtliverse is awensome
i beat every island except skullduggery
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant get past the chick-bird-things!!!! Can some1 tell me how???? Plz and thank you!!!!! 🙂
I only have skullduggery to go! It is so long! Astro nights is easy peasy lemon squeasy!
heyy, on astro-knights the walkthrough vid, the little hole that leads to the cell with the robot in, on the video you walk straight through to the cell, but on my game you the hole is blocked by bars? how do i get through? thanks xx.
I went to the middle of the chandelier but he didnt go under it
How do i get him to go under the chandelier?
How do you lead the sharks intothe black hole without killing yourself??
im stuck on land without the excalibur thingy. how do i get back to the jungle planet.
oh wait i forgot that the other space ship is on the castle.
i need help with that door >.< i cant get past it!!! plz help!!! peace
dang it no ones on -.-
This wasnt helpful.My daughter doesnt go on poptropica and she tried all these things when she’d go on and none of them worked.I have 10 children that go on poptropica and they were not happy when this did not work.So this was NOT helpful
I couldnt find the passegeway this really sucks @#$ !&**
You have to kill people to get enough doubloons.
wheres the 24 carrot island
its missing
nevermind i found it
how do u get the rope stupid head
i hate the stupid jumps
stupid lava jumps
i hate this astro knights
Hey ppls i need help see i wanted to get of astro and didnt know which way to go see i went to the Haunted House and knoe i dont know where to find my spaceship can u guys tell me where to find it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and thank you!!!!!!!!
*now (srry)
hey, yeah i’m really stuck on the steam part on the fire island..
i’ve tried quite a lot of times now, but i still fail.
it’s like i’m not running fast enough? :/
please help me! 🙂
all i need to do is to defeat morded
ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! but i cant find the castle
GO 2 REALITY TV ISLAND AND GO ON THE MIDDLE OF THE HELICOPTER’S BLADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it ‘s sosososososososo………………….. COOL!!!!!!!!!! lolz :p
I love the ice planet!!!
hey cutecat how do you get the pheonix warbird on skulldudgery?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEEEEES!!! i finished astro knights! thx PoptropicaSecrets!
OWEN can you teach me how?
i nerly finished astro knights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this place!!!!!!
tell me about a trick in poptropica
and i will tell you
finally i finished astro knights
bye!no one is on
really bye!bye!
what island cutecat?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSRRRRRRRRROOOOOOO KKKKKKKKKNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
go to ………………………………….. enjoy!
gO To…………………………..………………….eNjOy!
thank you
you have helped me a lot
i cant get back into space! i left it to go complete other islands and when i went back i couldnt get back. astro night is the only island left for me to complete and i cant cuz im stuck! has anyone else had this problem and gotten through it?!?!?!
anyone home?
could sombody please tell me how to do the fountain puzzle?
i need help with that puzzle door!!!! plz help!!!
oi! anyone here?????
tch -_-
im going now but can someone plz tell me how to get past that puzzle door??????
puzzle door:First u click on the fountain,click on the cresent moon,then click on saturn,then the star.If this is not what your talking about then write anouther comment about what your talking about. Thank you!
its hard :()
I am trying to beat Astro Knights for the second time on a different account. BUT I destroyed Modered but now I think I am amazing to destroy him -_-
loved everything aew
okay well b4 i completed then space planets parts i left space to go work on other islands like crazygurl & now i cant get back to space o inish tha islands so help!!! plz.
space sharks are hard
u did not help me : P
After (literally) YEARS of trying, I have finally defeated Mordred! Yay!!!!!!!!!!
thanks a lot
I accidentally led them to the moon and everytime I get hit by them I get transporeted and then they’re still there and then I get hit again and over again!
all right who gots the pheonix warbird?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what do i do to get the stupid owl off my mouse when i am trying to destroy mordred?????????????????????????
I CAN”T BEAT THE DRAGON BECAUSE MY COMPUTER IS TO SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO I DO?????!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?
When this first came out and early passes were available I managed to get through it once on a temporary account. Then when it came to do it on my main account when it was on regular release it took me forever to get through that last battle.
i dont think merlin rly dies. they wouldnt let that happen. i think hes just paralyzed or shut down or somethin’. ( i hope! )
need cheats on realit tv show
ok i cant beat the boss on the end can someone help me??
That was soooo easy!I completed it in 45 minutes. do-l<l:
i have watched all the walkthruoghs (btw it think whoeva it is that makes them is totally awesome!!!) but i cant get over the last platform on the lava!!! :'( !i no how ( wait till it goes down a little! but i keep missing it!!!) but i jast cant do it!!! im not great with computers and it took me litteraly hours to get past the pheonix thing. can any one help me???
i have watched all the walkthruoghs (btw it think whoeva it is that makes them is totally awesome!!!) but i cant get over the last platform on the lava!!! :’( !i no how ( wait till it goes down a little! but i keep missing it!!!) but i jast cant do it!!! im not great with computers and it took me litteraly hours to get past the pheonix thing. can any one help me???
just afta i posted that (^) i got it!!!
yay me!!!
ok now these space sharks are making me … well really grumpy!!!!
they wont follow me to the black hole or they just kill me b4 i can get away!!! 🙁
ive tried 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
This puzzle door is hard for me to complete, any suggestions?
there’s gonna be a new island called great punpkin island plus there’s a new map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same prop as crazygirl
I HAte astro knights island! so hard!
lol all these islands are so EASY i mean literally the Early Poptropica took me 10 minutes 😀
astro knights island is so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!happy ice its so easy jeez!!!!!
I cant get past the dragon for The fire planet
have the same proplem as funnyjumper and crazygirl
how do you get get through the the puzzle.
i can NOT get past the mordred door
I can’t get passed the alien! He tells me to talk to his boss when I all ready have!
atlast i defeated mother phoenix! and i also the sharks yeay!!!!!!!!! it’s not hard for me anymore!
i need more help on the puzzle
duhh zizi allison the founttain puzzle is the easiest !! all u have to do is click palce where theres the moon n stuff click on the moon then the star then the sun n it opens up
happy ice !! how do u beat mother bird ????
Merlin lives!
where is the green knight
I can’t get to the fire planet.=(
i cant get to the entrance of volcano
pity me! i can’t get any birthday balloon.. i tried it for like 30 minutes straight and still …. NOTHING .. ughh.. any other tips? 🙁
the steam puzzle on steamworks island is soo hard
i couldn’t have done this without ur videos
thanks guys that realy helped literaly
how do you go through the blocked path?
The mother pheonix is so hard its like she wants to hurt u and its not nice!
ARGHH i just tried what u said and she just blasted me out of the sky
yay i defeated mordred in two tries woot thats awesome!!!!!!!! 🙂
I need u over here! This mother is hard to defeat!!!
that game is hard
This level sucks! Way too hard
I am grateful for this guide, could not have done it with out it
That yellow stream keeps getting me!
Pisses me off! Pun intended
How do you go through the path in Modred’s hideout?It’s blocked!
stop talking about steamworks island! my god this is about Astro-knight island!
hey all your tips are awesome right now im facinng the dragon arggg the stead was pretty easy im actually getting kind of bored with astro knights
THIS IS TOO HARD!!!!!!IM NEVER GOING TO GO ON ASTRO NIGHTS AGAUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your tips are sick im at tha part where w have to fight 2 times and if my friend didnt show me this site i would have never went on astro knights again i literally stopedgoing on it for a year
well actually for about 3 monhs but i didnt go on it for a long time
i finished it and im ony 8 years old so take take that teenagers
i cant get past that one puzzle door
help me
i cant get past the fire dragon
you can kill the red phoenix missles with a fully charged shot.
the ice part is soooo hard i keep getting hit by a fish or sliding!!!!!
maybe i try that again…and do the ice planet…any hints? the shark is SUPPER ANOYING!!!!
Guys!!!! i got a hint!!! the steam in the vocanoe will come EVERY 3 SECENDS so be fast!
and it stays for 6 secends so be patience. don’t give up
how the flipping hell r u supposed 2 get onto the last rock
IT DONT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
those space sharks r DORKS AND TEIR LIKE SUPER HARD!!!!!
I got to agree this is the longest/hardest island yet! Even harder then Steamworks
AIEIEEE the volcano is hard!
If any of you can’t get to fire planet the you’re officially stupid.
this was sooo easy it took 30 min to get passed it it was cool i♥y poptropica
I am stuck in poptropica because I don’t know how to do Astro-nights
i luv poptropica IT ROCKS U ROCK THX FOR YO HELP 😉
Please help when I was fighting the mother bird I quit out of anger and went to the Haunted House. I beat it but now I just traveled to Astro-Knights and now the spaceship is gone and all my progress is there but not the spaceship. Please help.
And I did subscribe to your channel. It’s either from IGoesGaGa4Glambert or GuidettePrincess.
I’m still trying to get past those pesky sharks!
I went to the libaray and went to the secrets place and then I got the cheese but I foregot the key and now the knights won’t let me go in again. What should I do know ?
on the astroid rock when you go to the secong galaxy and the guy tricks you how do you pass the door plz help
Mackenzie, are u new?
Nope!!! I’ve been playing for a while. But I’ve done like almost ALL islands…EXCEPT Skullduggery. Cause I really DO NOT like pirates. They’re ugly and freaky and some only have one eye or leg.
PS: Do you like asking if someone’s new??? Cause I saw you asking lots of people. Well, not SAW but…saw your message. :o)
Oh, not really, because if I see a new name, I will always ask.
can anyone help i cant get past the ice platforms the dumb fish keep knocking me off
Wow ,poor Merlin…I never thought Mordred would have the brave ,anti feeling skills to kill his own bestfriend. After what they’ve been together. Well ,I never thought that…ohh ,villains are definitely what you call “off course”(not of course ,OFF COURSE). Yes ,I’m sure of it. Well ,it’s depending to all the suspects and calculation–let’s start counting again ,I think I’m wrong…
Tis is BOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this island is the LONGEST island ever (in my opinion.) also i think skullduggery is harder than astro nights. except the puzzle is ANNOYING on this island!!
I finally did it! I’ve completed it! By the way ,when I defeat Mordred as Merlin ,it didn’t cost me a single 0,1 mm of life! And when I battle him as my character ,it didn’t took me half or more than that for life. Thank you ,Jesus!
Cool Stomper you UNSENSITIF!!!!!!!!!!!!
There should be a walk-through for wimpy wonderland!I am stuck on how to get to the window to enter the school!Anyone know?
I have a major problem! I’d like to pause my work on this island, but I can’t figure out how to get back from Pewter Moon to earth so I can get to my balloon! Help!!!
R to get in the window u need to send the trash can up there from the see saw it takes a little while but it works
can someone please do Astro-knights for me?
well it is kind of hard um you know the plants and the other stuff oh just forget it
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!I finally did it .it took 2 long years.i`m serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I USE THIS THING ON ONE OF MY persons and it like messed up most of the account (with the map and astro knights)
P.S I have every thing in the store
what is de easiest poptropica island? besides shark tooth & early poptropica OF COURSE! those took me like 10 min, and i started poptropica like, when i was 5 yrs old! 😛
Where can I find the candies in Hop’s Candy Hunt?
i can’t get the windmill to start working 🙁 any help
this is my problem.
i was trying to kill the mother phoenix in astro knights, except i couldnt beat her. so i quit astro knights and went to do some other island. i finished that island, and i went back to astro knights. BUT THEN MY SPACESHIP DISAPEARED! now i can’t go anywhere else! HELP ME PLEASE! what should i do?
friendly ghost, really? you think reality tv is the easiest? it’s so hard! i can never win anything except the turtle shell toss.
Incredible thunder, you find the spaceship on the ruined castle.
green grape thanks!
i keep on falling in the lava, trying to get to the last platform. what do i do?
@Incredible Thunder: I think Reality TV is one of the easiest 🙂 I’ve won it 5 times, it’s a little hard the first time but once you get used to the stuff it’s really easy.
@Maxine Valero: You just have to time it right. Try to wait until it’s at the lowest point it gets then jump on it, with a really big jump.
maxine valero, you’ll have to be patient. position your mouse so that the green arrow points to the very top right corner. wait till the last platform reaches the very top, and as soon as it starts moving down, click. and.. you made it to the last platform! to grt into the volcano, wait till your platform reaches its highest point, then jump to the right.
zany tornado, um…. ok.
curse that mother phoenix! any tips for defeating her?
i keep running out of life, and when the mother phoenix finally show up, i hardly have any life left, and i go down easily.
maybe i’ll go back to skullduggery and try to be a billionaire.
but i need to deefeat that darned mother phouenix. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i defeated the mordred dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Incredible Thunder…yeah, those stupid buzzy things kept getting my way. they were really, really annoying. and I hate how the mother phoenix kept coming up behind me 😛
every thing was easy when i saw the cheats but i suck at the dragon part i need help i alway die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way i am new!! so if u can help just write a commet plzz thanks ! how did u defeated mordred incredible thunder
I was up in space flying around, and I had to log out out, now I’m at the main area, were is my spaceship????!!!!!!!!!! I cant find it!!!!!!
green flyer, it should be on top of the ruined castle somewhere.
how come the video cheat doesn’t show the part where you have to be merlin and drop the bombs on mordred?
I haven’t been able to get passeed the stupid dragon, every time I almost defeat him he always has to kill me. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for the cheats :]
i can’t get trough the puzzle at the cystal gate!!!
yes! i just got trough it! first thing is to believe u cant do it then think that u can do it
invisible whale, as soon as you fire the ice arrow, start climbing again. DO NOT PAUSE.
Merlin dosen’t die! He’s in the final scene!
i beat it i was stuck on the dragon for a while i kept running out of power.
i was stuck on the puzzle at crystal gate but i made it
cool eagle i know. if you click on him it says that the princess fixed him. oh, im so glad.
easy. except for the stupid mother phoenix.
Easy. Except for the rabid fire-breathing dragon.
the hooded man didn’t give me bag of manure! help me asap please
who is the hooded guy?
where do you get the mouse? You do not have to answer my other question because I figured it out.
on the letter in the princesses chest it mentions mordres messages were under his bed i looked
under his bed and there was a message it was not inlcuded on this guide but i thank you for
at least making this guide
Ok…I’ve been looking up how to get through the whole island but…the stairway in the library, idk how to get the stairway activated!(And I clicked the ball of paper and that label thing so don’t tell me to do that and there was no hand there but I tryed anyway) So…anyone that knows how to open the secret stairway, please answer.
Do you need to have a certain item to open the stairway?Idk.If you know that if you need a certain item, contact me about what item it is and tell me how to get it please.(And please explain well or I won’t understand.)
i hate this island. i have a billon accounts and only beat it once, and it took a lot of screaming and cursing.
i can help you on it a little bit.
and i have my space ship and im to afraid to leave the poptropican world please somone help me!
i cant defeat the phonix bird! somone help me! ill give you my user and pass if you promise to not hack my game and do not change my character!
I kept getting killed by space sharks!
popularhart310 i will exchange my knowlodge when you tell me how to beat wild west or skulldugery i promis to help you, i don’t break my promises
p.s i don’t exchange password or usernames
soooooooooooooooooooo hard and also very boring but the cheats helped a little
I left the game and when i joined back i cant find the rocket anywhere and its not where it was in the beginning
When all the chandalires were down, and the princess went to finish the evil dude off, she was in mid air, at the stain glass windows!! :S
Artemis, why are u playing poptropica? no offense, but your a GODDESS! should u be doing other things? like trying 2 kill titans or percy jackson?
I love all the islands except this one!! :(((
green grape Aelous is not really a god but Aeolus is a god of 1 of the winds.
Ugh I hate this island its sooooo hard. The only reason i didn’t skip is because the costumes are really awesome! 🙂
2 get the windmill to budge u have to make it spin counter clockwise. Then this blue door will open and u go down there and click on the hovercraft and use manure to power it
Stinkin space sharks!
I love hard islands. this 1 took a long time to beat. it was easy except for the atomic phoenix the dragotank and the tigercopter. But as they say no pain no game so since this is a game i guess there has to be pain. Haha!!
yay!!! i finished it! but the final battle was so much for me… i don’t remember if i did 5 or 6 tries to defeat mordred. but don’t worry, you’ll defeat him soon with a little practice. 🙂
Wow…. The three mini-boss battles on the jungle, fire, and ice planets were reallly hard. I was a little surprised that after all of those battles the Mordred battle seemed kinda easy.
Ashley, all u have to do to get the secret staircase to activate is to click on the slightly different colored brick in the Non- Fiction section of the library in the section of ‘McM’. This will cause a secret staircase to appear, leading into a underground room. UR WELCOME! 🙂
ok i can help you on skull a little bit and on wild west all the way thorough. ok people its ok if somone else hacks my game. ok. user popularheart310. pass 310227. im sorry for giving away my user and pass so call me stupid and dumb. i need help on this island and skullduggery and steamworks.
oh dont change my clothes
This is the hardest island ever!!!!!!!!! P.s. It’s really scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres no guy on the left on the moon where is he??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!?
popularheart310: my friend youshi said he changed your password to another number but dont worry, im going to have him change it back
okay wait nevermind, populargirl310. he was lying to me! now im mad at him, but still i hope ur game will be okay and i think u shuld delete ur comment saying ur user and password
i am trying to get the fuel rod from the owl but it won’t and it won’t let me drag the broken one to the bottom right corner.
OMG. I cant beat Mordred! I can do the owl part easily, with a full health bar after. But I don’t get the last part! I can’t jump up him, his sword thingies wack me everytime! 🙁 This depresses me 🙁
Here’s a tip for the Mother Pheonix:
When you’re on the unicorn, and you fire at the bird, it’ll drop. Then, look in the background, where all the clouds are. You’ll see the pheonix flying. If its head is pointed to the left, then it’ll sneak up behind you. If its head is pointed towards the right, then you know that you’ll be able to shoot it in FRONT of you. Hope that helps anyone!
On the Ice Planet:
If you shoot the space sharks by clicking in their direction, then you will catch their attention quicker and safer than if you go really close to them. Also, try to get two space sharks at a time; you’ll destroy them both at the balck hole two times faster than if you go back and forth for every shark. To do that, sneak up close to the Ice Planet. The sharks are circling around the Ice Planet. Shoot a space shark as another comes into view on the screen. Guide yourself towards the middle of the two space sharks, but don’t actually go in there. Just be in the line of the middle. Then lead them to the black hole and their doom! It works!
i will help you on the Phionx if you can help me on Wild WEST
i cant kill with unicorn]
@poppoppop: Watch the background very carefully. After you shoot the Mother Pheonix, she’ll fall down. Then, she’ll fly back up. If you see her head pointed to the left in the background, then you have to be careful and duck, because that’s when she’ll attack you from behind. If her head is pointed to the right, then you’ll know that you’ll have a clear shot of her from the FRONT. Hope that helps!
thanks Boss, but im stuck on fire planet now on last platform
@poppoppop: Wait for the last platform to go to the very top. Then jump by putting your cursor at the farthest right-hand corner just as it goes down about one inch on the screen (real measurements, not what you think the subsitute is for an inch on Poptropica). Hop that helps!
never mind but now stuck on ice planet
not really but getting in i know how but i need actually need more tips
now im stuck on the ice planet robot fish keeps killing me!!!
never mind now im stuck on final battle
@ poppoppop- Merlin: When the robot emits a red flying razor disk, fly all the way to one side of the room, then drop down the middle of the room hieghtwise and fly in the other direction. Good Luck!
Thx for the walkthrough! I just finished Astro Knights…… By the way, Ice planet is the easiest.
You just have to make the sharks follow you to the black hole!
The only hard thing about that island was the Modred Puzzle… It is hard, but you have to be patient. 🙁
If you need help, ask me! 🙂 😀
oh come on. this is so easy.
need help?
ask me, TP!
@ Risha DeGamia
I can’t get the windmill blades to spin 🙁 HELP!!!
the blades? you just have to keep jumping on all the blades continuously to open the attic \doro
sorry, i mean door. Not doro.
oh come on Alice29…….
i just beat astro night need help ask me but some of the parts are hard but the easiest for me is the puzzle:)
hey i accidentally left the planets and returned home before i finished them how do i get back into outerspace??
hey my page isnt loading………….it says’ ERROR WHILE CONNECTING THE DATABASE OCCURED. TRY A BIT LATER’ 2 hrs isnt enough??????
Longest island ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s really hard. I’m only up to the um….. I only finished the fire planet!!! help! xD
Need HELP! I can’t get onto the next platform on the fire planet.
Everytime I try to jump I just keep falling into the lava.
Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Har de har har so easy….
my ship hase gone sand i cant get it back what do i do?
If u cant get to the volcano, u must be dumb. all you have to do is jump when the platforms are moving down
If any body wants to finish the astroknights islands i would love u!!!! my user name: kaitlin2092
password: peewee23599
I went into te place to talk to the boss, then went outside and the guy said ” you have to talk to my boss before you touch that stuff.” so i went in again and it still doesnt work!
Okay CS, I’ll try…
Umm CS, I checked your stuff then I saw the Gulliver’s Travels Ad prizes. They were still there even though that was a long time ago!
I finished Mythology for you
sorry……that zeus was very hard to defeat…so sorry..
To beat the Phoenix, click for a while to have a stronger shot, then shoot her. Do this thrice(This will take FOREVER!!!!!!).
To beat Fire Planet, Jump on the platform to your right- you may have to wait until it sinks down. Repeat this process until you get to the fourth platform. Wait until the platform to your right sinks down, then jump over it and hopefully land on the last platform. If you miss, just go back to the start and try again. (* Alternately, jump to the 5th platform, and you can easily jump to the 6th when they are both moving downward.)
Once you land successfully on the last platform, wait until it gets to its highest point and enter the volcano.
You will quickly notice that there is a stream of hot air that pushes you back. However, there is a break of 3 or 4 seconds when you can run. Just follow the passageway and duck into the nearest nook before it blows again.
Eventually, you will drop into a place where there is no current. There is a guardian, though. Just wait until it rolls into a ball heading towards you and jump over it. It might take a few tries.
Talk to the knight and get the Ice Arrow.
Continue to the left.
Immediately jump on the chain in front of you and climb up. Swing to the next chain, and continue left until you are behind the dragon.
Avoid the spikey mace tail thing, and jump up to the lever. Pull the lever, it should make the dragon go to sleep then jump forward and shoot the arrow into the dragon’s mouth. Repeat two more times.
@ hdugies
try going the other way on the blades. try going right, if that doesnt work, go left. spin the blades the other way!
Looks like a long island :/ Hey! My Poptropica name’s Nice Icicle! Chat or Battle with me ^^
i cant find my ship help!!!!
omg i cant even play the game with the unicorn because i keep accidently clicking on that stupid advertisment on the side
It took me 5 times to beat Modred….
…So sad…
LOL Just kidding
i cant beat the phoenix!!! beatingthe phoenix is sorta like galaga
can someone please help me with the last major battle???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can beat the part with the owl, but I just can’t get the last part with the chandeliers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sombody help!
tp, did u chang my password because i cant get on?
tp, i love u 4 finishing the island 4 me!! ur awesome; )
help stuck on fire island that planet hates me soooooo much i mean it
I’ve tried to defeat Mordred probably 50 times. I can do the owl part, but I need help with the person part. Any tips?
okay I need help i got out the first planet cuz of my slow computer the like 2 months later i got a new computer then i went back to Astro knight and i couldn’t go back where i was before? any one plez help me.
no i didnt change it
i only change ur clothes because i really want the original rock star outfit
A lot of people have posted this and I’m all hoping we can get an answer when we ask where did our ships go? I was on the fire planet when I logged off and now I’m back on Earth with no ship and everything already completed! Help?!
cant jump on the windmill blades pleez help!
I am soooooo happy that we have cheats
there is no hole to the robot cell
I do alot of text walkthroughs since I don’t have to pause and do that part and go back to the video
I couldn’t have finished this island if I didn’t have cheats
These cheats hav helped alot because they don’t take as long as they would take 2 figure it out urself 🙂
haha in the note kinda near the begining of the text walkthroughs it says veacon
On the room where you find the owl, there is a poster on the wall and the owl’s name is Merlin 😛
the volcano is realy hard (fire planet) i cant get passed it any ideas
I got really frustrated because I couldn’t win the final battle with Mordred, so I left and went to a different island. But now I decided I needed to try again, but I can’t find my spaceship. Where did it go? Please help me!!!
need help! i can’t get to mordred’s secret hideout in the library.
I am totally STUCK ON THE VOCANO PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If out get out of the island and come back and lost your rocket you should check on top of the castle.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I CANT BELIVE HE KILLED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every single time i try to hit mordred with the chandeliers he zaps me FROM A DISTANCE! he wont get under it and i have to keep reliving the horrible death of merlin.
YAY YAY YAY 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 merlin gets better at the end!!!!! yay!! but i will still plot revenge on Mordred.
HELP!! i cant click on the brick thingy to get on the secret staircase to get the cheese to get the mouse to get the owl to get the fuel to move the space ship to beat the island HELP ME!!!!!!! SOS!!!
i already finished this.and tall speck te space ship is on top of the castle roof.
can some 1 help me get pass the wall puzzle its gettin on my nerves if u help me i can help u do another island except skullduggery
PLEASE help me do the brick thingie on the biniry bard planet thingie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i shut the dragon off over five times and i can’t get under him hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeellllllllpppppppppppppppp
yay done and dusted LOL OMG wait is this for wimpy sonderland
Hey Tall Snowball and Tall Speck and everyone –
If you log out and return and can’t find your rocket, check on top of the castle.
It is always waiting for you there if you log out or go to another island.
Just climb to the top of the castle and you can enter your rocket and go to the other planets.
hit him with the ice arrow three times
this island was easy.took me 10 minutes
Help I Can`t Pass Those Lava In Fire Planet THE LAST PLATFORM IS THE ONE THAT I HATE
The space sharks keep chomping me and i keep getting sucked into the black hole!
please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me at my last platform at the fire planet. i will give u my pass. pleasee!!
Thank sooooooo much for the cheats! It’s really hard and annoying trying to figure it out youself!
Shy Bird ,it took me FOREVER then I finally got it today,and its hard yah,but you gotta concentrate it had took me 4 WEEKS.I forgot how i did it thogh srry.:(
nevermind,i got it on the serpant ,FORTH TO THY ICE PLANET!!!!!
I left the island during spacetravel!!! how do i get back to the other planet?
binary bard was really easy to me
is binary bard mordred?or is mordred a nice one and binary bard is the evil one?
Thanks, Bashful Cloud! i finished it
the 14 island that i beat was astro knights
if anyone needs help on fire planet just give me ur pass. ^^ no hacking, i promise! xD im really good at it lol
poor poor merlin! he got a boo-boo! 😥 🙁
Poptropica is the coolest website ever! I love Poptropica!
o yeah! thank you cheats!!! muah :*
for the last platform on the fire island, you jump when its at its highest point and it goes down and u land on it
To all the people who cant open the dungeon in the Library. Make sure you got the slip of paper out of the book in The Museum!( in the start, the first house?) ( sorry for bad spelling)
the cage with the winged unicorn says its sealed shut!!!! how do i get in?!?!?!?! hellllp!!!
how you get past the 1st part of the ice?
u guys are the best EVER! i would of never figured this stuff out if it wasn`t for u guys!
mine froze when i tried to reach the ice planet, so i refreshed it and when i went to check which island to do next, all my medals were gone!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skittle girl,go to your left and go all the way down to the left and youll see a shiny laser thing and get it
I beat 14 islands these cheats really help. : )
they helped
UGH! I can’t get to the final platform on Fire Planet! Someone help!
How come on the fire planet you can’t get to the other side no matter how many times you try? :@
Thank You I finally finished it!!!!!!!
OMG! does anyone fancy doen me wild west, nanabooti and cyrpotonights for me? xxxxx
Where can you find your rocketship if, you accidently teleport home in the when you havent finished defeating the planets ?
i almost ripped my hair out trying to kill that dang dragon.
he didn’t kill merlin, the princess fixed him up… took me forever to finish…
Nevermind. i found it .
GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This windmill is driving me crazy! But it seems so simple… I JUST CAN’T DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Hi people I’m back to finish Astro Knights!!
When I am in my rocket in space, I tried to go to a plaet. I tried to go to one with space sharks around it, but when I got past the sharks, the game said that the island was unsafe to go to, and then the sharks attacked me! What do I do?
Username Hotspotroc
Passowrd buttons
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
HELPPPPP!!!! i cant find my spaceship
after i left this island!!! PLEASEEEEE HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!
It says in the text walkthrough that beating Mother Pheonix can be hard, but I beat on my first try it was really easy! Oh well some people are better at things than others… though I’m usually really bad at those types of things……..
Hyper Cheetah, I’m going to give your person a make-over. That big swoop on her head is everywhere and it annoys me. No offense or anything, i just don’t understand it. So if you don”t like it change it back, or not i don’t care. Welllllll that”s pretty much it. And really, you should use appropriate language and not show your little fights to the whole world. Oh, i thought of something! I find it really funny you guys are up at nine and posting stuff, to me it just seems really early.
EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!!!-j.t.h.c. , one of the best teachers in the world.
how do i solve the puzzle?it’s impossible!HELP SOME 1!
Excuse me, but honestly, I am the REAL Hyer Cheetah and I have NOT been posting bad language anywhere. I don’t see the point. So please don’t accuse me. I bet some other people have been causing trouble. That is not what that account was made for. I will change the password if things like this carry on.
I’m on those platforms above the lava on Fire Island now…
By the way, who is on club penguin? Has anyone met me on club penguin? are anyone of you my friends? tell me if you are cool yeah
hello iam Hoja de Palmtree wat meens Palmtree Leaf in Spanish and i like website! it has good cheets and things on it. i think the wolkthrouh is very help (sory if my spellng is bad or my sentces do not go togefer, its becos iam Spanish not englandish.) iam on my compoter on the beach!
woe, thats not what i meant. i meant the other ppl who have been doin that stuff. this is the first time ive seen you on here so im not talkin bout you. and sorry if i did whatever the account was not meant for. i didnt change the password. but i am sorry, im a little confused tho. o, and the 5′) by my name is an alligator! or a crocodile! the world will never know…!
i compeleted Astro Knights in a day and a half thanks to the cheats!
i already finished this one year ago.but i got the cheat anyways
please help me!!ive no idea how 2 get the last platform on the fire planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really need help defeating Merlin! Can ANYONE help me? I’ll give you mi username and password. Thankxs
how do you turn the windmill?
great just as i defeated black widow in counterfeit and i start this island A MOTHER PHOENIX?! y do i choose the HARD islands????
i got the rocket and everything but then exited the island. now i’m back and can’t find my rocket plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help!
uh why is my pathway blocked??? in that secret room where mordred’s journal is, after the dirt wall, theres a cage in my way.
i can’t get pass the robot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This island is the hardest
this island is easy
You forgot to say that MERLIN LIVES!!!! The princess had him repaired. (I <3 you, Merlin!)
i cant fid merlin after iexited the island cause i got sick of being stuck
Bashful Cloud: Do you spell out the alt or the press the one on your keyboard?
Yeah! Now I have 375 Coins!
wow……this island is i finished this two years ago and they didnt even give me a knight outfit>:(
Thanks to the cheats I finally finished this island. The Astro Knights Guide that the Creators are giving out also helped too. It was fun, and hard (Mostly hard.)
Ima fail at this island. e.e On my old account [Before it got deleted] I only got to the part where you jump on the eggs. Dx
Okay..if anyone can help me pass this island. then just say @ Angry Tiger I can.
I’ll give you my username and password.
Oh cool. o_O
One of the eggs cracked open and bumped me onto the cage. [The edge, and I fell down. D:]
Nuu..stupid last egg. -.-
YES!! Got to the uni. -pets eggs-
Astro Knights isn’t any harder than Steamworks. (My opinion.) If anyone needs help on the battle, ask me! (Don’t say your username and password right here!)
On the final battle first you’ll be playing the role of Merlin. When Binary Bard throws flying discs at you, dodge it. Then pick up the bombs he drops and pick them up, drop them on Binary Bard when it’s blinking red. You need to do this 3 times.
The second part is your turn! All you have to do jump on the robot (Avoid the spinning blades) and jump on the platform to talk to the princess. She’ll say jump on the chandeliers. Jump either left or right. Make this count. Do this 2 times and you’ll win. 🙂
I mean 2 times for playing the role of Merlin
this modred puzzle is hard -_-
yeah i think this is the easiest island i ever did.i like the battle.its really fun!!
Grr help me with the mordred puzzle!!!
that was awesome
somebody help me finish astro nights!
i have beat all but wimpy wonderland,counterfeit,and skulldugery.if anyone needs help ask me!!!
i also found it really hard, by the way Lazy bones u can get the knight outfit from time tangled island.
the girl named cassandra (first commenter) asked such a SMART question, HaHaHa!
I hav beat all but skullduggery!
yeah I know.skulldergy is hard(I don’t know if I spelled it wrong but I don’t care)
i luv poptropica started playing 1 month ago and now i’m hooked
can someone tell me how to jump high in the platform in fire planet?
Skullduggery is SUPER hard. My least.
In the end i have an owl not my character!! -.-
OMG i cant even get past the fire planets high platform! any tips?
How can I get back to my spaceship after I went on another island??? (I forgot and I went all over the island but I just cant find it!!!!)
Oh my god!!!! I just finished the island…. YAYA!!!
It is so hard! It took me like, 3 months to finish it!!! You can ask me for help, people!
when i fight mordred i play as the owl not my character
this island is SOOOOOOO hard, but I beat it too!!!!
You get the coiled rope from on top of the ladder, the ladder is by the mud lake place
im getting pissed off right now
help me im stuck when ur beatin the mother pheniox help
\nm jus finished no i need help at the part on the fire planet platforms
nm jus finished that 2 hahahha
excuse my french but fricken’ advertisments! I was in the miidle of beating the mother phoniex I accidently clicked one! Frinken things! excuse my french
btw, that was this is the second time Ive completed this island! i will help anyone on any island!
omg soooo easy!!… but couldnt have dun it without u secrets…..
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Binary Bard and Dr. Hare are the best villians of Poptropica! (The best villian ever its the Joker)
idk where the owl went. as soon i got in his hideout, it left the hideout and disappeared
Hey Guys THeres an official book guide in the main street ok?Did’t you guys saw it?Are u guys blind?
hey is muneeb there ?
im waiting for your comment
im not a girl dont see the picture
I can’t beat the tiger/helicopter thing its sooo annoying hahaha!
I can’t get through the small hole it’s blocked with bars! This is really annoying!? :E
Thanks so much! I finally completed his island!
shaggy shells please help me
can anyone help me?? i have some island i cant finish they are wild west mythology astro knight and skullduggery. maybe theyre a re more if u wnt to do them plz do. if u can help i will give u my pass n username
kiwikirl don’t post your pass n username, you might get hacked
hey ive beaten every island i can help you guys with anything. mythology is a piece of cake. the best island is cryptids
i agree with moss u cood get hacked and idc if u do
oh ya hey everyone join and look up vampiresha
and im single ;P
shaggy shell how did u get ur pic up on there i cant dp it 🙁
oh i ment i cant DO it not i cant dp it srry bout that shaggy
i hate space sharks
i hit the dragon three times in the mouth on the fire planet and it didnt work?!?!?! y didnt it work u said it would??
btw my name on there is friendly tiger
the ice part were you have to defeat the tiger thing is completely impossible!!!!!!!>:O
Nikki, yes it does.
im stuck on the dragon part
my name on poptropica is funny panda
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Just completed the island.
i vant get the paper from under the bed. It tells me that i have no reason going under there
I Cant get the paper from under the bed. It tells me that i have no reason going under there
this was really helpful!!! thx fierce moon! lol?! :):
shaggy shell can u help me on the dragon part pwease
Skullduggery Island is much harder .This island is easy.Thanks Fierce Moon.:)
* Chews bubble gum * * Listens to music * OOHH! GENIE IN A BOTTLE! LOL 😛
I really like your website but i dont get somethings!
how to get back my ship if i paused and closed poptropica and i opened again? i really can’t get my ship
grrrrrrrrr. i really don;t like fire planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE dragon part is really hard!!!
i dont like the fire planet either i cant get past the rock jump help1
hay guys has eneyone past two places cuz i have
hi there
im having trouble defeating the dragon on the fire planet. could someone please do it for me pleeeeeeeease? my username is Nadiiney and my password is nadine
dont worry about it i did it!!!
i love this world
Wow the walkthrough makes this island so much easier!
And @Nadiieny Now everybody can hack onto your account.
WHAT GREG WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the last part of the princess….i get that owl merley….wat shud i do??
thanks a lot i thought ou would help people out
could you tell me my password pleease?
space aliens make my computer freeze up
I still can’t figure out how to do this freakin wall puzzle!! >:(
@niyas5 watch the video and you’ll work it out
Who cares about this walktrough I got the in game walktrough book
@gagakiller can u help me?
Man, i left space and i cant go back up HELP ME XD
Notice how in the word walk-through the spelled mountain wrong.The dragon Part is EXTREMELY HARD!!!!!Help!
ahhh!! its so easy even whithout the walkthrough
hey want me to help out send your password and email to me
astro nights island is so AWSOME!!!
HARDEST island EVER!!!!
if you cant do it let me do all the work for you just write your email and password and i will do it for you 🙂
🙁 🙂 :O
hey nadiiney i was trying to open your account but it saids nadine was wrong password
Merlin isn’t dead! The princess gets him fixed! Yay!
This was the hardest island I’d ever done!
What do you do for the puzzle part?It is SOOOOOOO HARD!!!HELPPPPP!!!!!!!!
THIS IS TOO HARD DUDE! LOL! 🙁 when i finish doing the other islands i’ll make this the last! 🙂 Heheh
the lady didnt come with the guards
Okay, so guys. First of all, if you left Poptropica after getting the spaceship, its parked at the top of the castle. For the dragon part, just try and jump on the ropes as fast as possible when the screen loads, before the dragon starts shooting fire. Then when you’re behind him, watch out for the bouncing spike ball on his tail and time it right. Quickly click on the lever and run to the front and click on the arrow button on the bottom left and shoot when the dragon’s mouth is open. Then repeat two more times. The main thing here is time, not your health as there is no health bar.
Doing the The Final Battle Cuz I haven’t Been on Poptropica forever!=( =0 =)
#Mixed Feelings……
hey everyone party in soda pop shop today!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:30 only way to join is if youve got the coolest clothes!!! talk t o green club shell be there!
I jumped off the building in jungle planet but i am not seeing a dude/knight.HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
@ Shy leopard get a life when people offer you free information you take the chance and you don;t waste your money on a walk though. People these days wasting money
I <3 this websiteit has helped me on pretty much every island!!!! 🙂
“you shall be knited” im a girlllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomboy though
Thx sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
You Rule!
But I cant get past the sea sharks.
On Friday I’ll probely do it!
the bomb and owl thing never happened
If any of you girls or guys have that avatar thingy (Witch is free at the poptropica store) if you want to see my character enter ” Annamia16″ and make sure you don’t press space between Annamia and 16. P.S Poptropica is my life!
will someone beat the fireisland for me
where is the library? i cant see it!
please is there someone i can trust that will help me finish my islands and not like cheat or something? can you give me your email and i will email you. please!! i need help
P.S. u have to be trustable
can’t get the windmill to spin. someone help!
can anyone help me?
sorry about your problems, but how do you do the puzzle of mordred?
btw, here’s my email address: [email protected]
someone help me on the windmill i cant get it to spin!
Can someone PLEASEEEE HELP ME!!!I can’t get past the Battle where your the owl….I’ll email you…
plz help, how do u get into space because i went there then i went back and played a different level and then i came back and couldnt get there.
astro-knights is the hardest island! its so scary!
your website rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can somebody help me get past STEAMWORKS ISLAND and WIMPY WONDERLAND
give me your e-mail and I will e-mail you!
In return I will help you with any other island besides STEAMWORKS ISLAND and WIMPY WONDERLAND
But you have to be trustworthy!
Please don’t hack!!!!!!! 🙂
Okay just make that STEAMWORKS ISLAND!!!!!
Please Help!!!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
The bag of manure thing was wrong… all you have to do is push the yellow things
BTW… Other than that… I love this quest… It made me a better person…
wen i try to click on the bick in the library nothin happens pleeze help
usrename batman_dc
Someone please talk to me!
Please help me with steamworks please 🙁 🙁
i’ll help you but you gotta help me with steamworks island????
I couldn’t do the puzzle, help!
Astro Knights was a LONG island. It took me a week to beat it. One of the hardest parts was the last jump on Fire Planet. I could never make it high enough. The space sharks guarding Ice planet was hard too. I let my hamster try. I was using a laptop and I put him on the mouse.
omg iv lost the ufo
i cant get the windmill to work!
Great tutorial! But you COULD include how to play the games specifically because it took me like a half an hour to beat the mordrid puzzle thing. And also…the owl doesnt die. Duh.
PS…. that mordrid guy was a little hard but i got this iskand done in like a day
PS. best reacord is like an hour on that tv island THAT WAS THE EASYEST EVR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If u log off and then go back to the island, where is the ufo (:-¡
theres a glitch i went bk 2 astro nights and i cant find ma rocket halp
Wahhh!!! For such a hard quest they only give us 50 credits!! D: D: So MEAN!!! :((
I can’t seem to get past the 5th Lava Geyser to the 6th Lava Geyser!! 🙁
I have the same problem as you, trish311. Then, I had to restart island. 🙁
someone help me with the unicorn part and the dragon part!!!!
i need help on astro knights!!!!!! help plz really confused bout the puzzle part.
How do you give the girl the message in the Rumour Mille? She won’t take it!!!
i can defeat all islands except this, counterfeit and skullduggery
i cant pass the flying unicorn part!!! >:(
to get the wind ,mill spinning go inside the building to the top and jump up a gear and if u see a rope drop down it and pull it down and u can spin the mill
The kind Mordred battle was the hardest part ever and the tiger helecopter to but the dragon is the easiest won ever
i spelled king wrong ops
it is was hard!! except the the Mordred battle and the tiger helecopte and my favorite battle was the king Mordred battle
qwertyuiop i can defeat skullduggery and counterfeit thanks to this website
HELP!!!!! I can’t get the windmill to spin to open the hatch Please help
I HATE this FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
the easty island is my butt
This is a great cheat. It’s just a tad bit challenging.
Plus, I never get 100 credits.I always get 50.
Plus, I never get 100 credits.I always get 50 credits. wHY IS THAT?!?
This is a wonderful walkthrough!!!!!!
I can’t get on to the stupid last fire platform on the fire planet! HELP! People say just hump high and right but does that work? NO!
I love poptropica! It can entertain me for hours! (I mean that literally! I will sit in front of the computer for hours doing poptropica! I can do many islands in one day! : D)
jump went the platform is going down
this island was very easy thanks to the walkthrough! 🙂
I LUV POPTROPICA!!!!!! this walkthrough was really helpful! i couldnt get to the last platform on fire plant either, and i literaly tried 150 times, but i kept trying and got it finally, and i was like “WOO HOO!!!”
queen puppy chill out. And PuppyLover101 its because 100 credits was how many they gave out long time ago now days its 50 credits.
🙂 i made the game so yea
x( 😀 🙂 🙁
it was easy but a little hard
mordered is but princes is brain game
help me pls
i think deafeating mordred is easier than the tiger chop and the mech dragon
i played this island wearing my knight costume XD
i usally finish 1-3 islands a day
i also talk to others to see what will they say
calm down queen puppy. sheez!!!!!
I have many answers for how ask me, so ask me what you need to know!!!:)
you dont exactly need to click the fountain in the rght order you know?
help another glitch!!! the time i get merlin the owl, whe i go back past t o the castle merlin stop and stays at the manure guy and stays stuck!! and when i move away to the left he looks away!!! Pls tell poptropica about this please!!
I need help. I was on the fire planet, and I left the island for a short while, to try Vampire Curse and play some mini-games. But when I came back to the main land, like I knew I would, the rocket was no where to be found. Has this happened to anyone? If so could you please post how you fixed it? I really do not want to start the island over.
AHH! I hate those Space Sharks. I can get one of them, But I get chomped the second time. I couldn’t get on the last platform on the Fire Planet,too, But i read the note (text walkthough) and it totally helped. 🙂
@cool skull, I also played with my astro-knight outfit :D. The heart one, not the dark one.
i am a ladybug i have my polka dots i et pizza and ride my bycicle all over town falalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
lol randomness B)
Poptropica Owner:
I don’t think you are the owner of Poptropica. Why don’t you prove it?
I’m not sure that was randomness since it was copying off of Austin & Ally. (I know because my brother Golden Brain loves that show and he sang OVER and OVER again.)
How exactly do you get back to the spaceship after you haven’t played this island in a while i sorta forgot!!?!?!?!?!?!?! 🙂
shaggy eagle:
You need to reset the island there’s no other way!!! I know from my experience.
i love poptropica
need help with ice planet! can’t get through with all these stupid fishes and the slippery ice!
1 of 3 Sharks eliminated… The hard thing about this part is (No, not being chomped, although it’s hard) not to get sucked in by the blackhole before the Space Shark is.
Yippee! I finally completed this island! 😀 Now I have to wait for Twisted Thicket… 7 more days! 🙂
In the end, Merlin revives. *Smiles* 😀
There should be a sequel!
aww I’m sooo glad Merlin gets repaired at the end =)
what island should i go next? any suggestions?
This is a good cheat websit i go threw the levels fast
Yeah, I’m glad Merlin gets repaired. In the sequel, I think the island would revolve around rescuing Merlin’s friends. Fast Sky, I think you should do either Super Power or S.O.S, since both are fast and easy.
When I said Merlin’s friends, I meant other robot animals.
On the fire planet on the last platform its quite hard! I got stuch for ages! just go to the one before than jump from there to the last 1! and I cant beat mordred at the end! 🙁 some one please help!
i cant find the hole i only found a hole with bars over it which i a cant go through and Alfred (the mechanical owl) cant do it either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please hurry I dont have time for this so HURRY UP YOU SLOWPOKES SORYY FOR THE INSULT BUT REALLY WHY ARE YOU SOOOOOOOOOO SLOW?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRRY UUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pleae hurry im sorry im stuck and i need help sorry…. can you please help me instead of moderating …… sory for being mean
Grace, the owl’s name is merlin.
ive got trouble getting to the fire planet help D: please
I am Sorry Thats My Account Not Yellow Heart.
user: Melody_Music_Musa
pass: melody
This Is My Account Because Me And Yellow Heart Are Using The Same Computer
Sorry About That.
at the end you dont even get the chance to defeat him i tried probably 12 time, and why do you have the same health as the owl, their two different things,
your cheats and walkthroughs has helped me on many adventures, THANK YOU!!!!! but i think this walkthrough is the most difficult one yet to understand…
a fully charged shot can distroy a missle!Try it!
I can not stay on top of the chandeliers!…. anyone have any hints or tips for me?
I got the chandeliers down…. but they didn’t fall on him??
Because he needs to be below them.
i need help with the mother phoenix because its too hard….any tips or hints???
Hey every1!! Since I have only 2 more islands left to complete (skullduggery and twisted thicket) does any1 have any games that r just like poptropica because i love poptropica!!! Thanks!!
Hi, i`m having trouble with my spacecraft. I logged off in space and ended up on the home planet. where is my spacecraft?
In a way, astro knights makes NO SENSE AT ALL. How do you have midieval mixed with technology? what the heck?! The creators of poptropica have big imaginations bc some islands make no sense… I like it (^-^)
Can someone help me ive been trying for 30 mis bc i cant beat hte pheonix
Hi peoples i think these cheats are really awesome first i couldnt even finish one now im done like 8 islands so thank you tutorial person!!! 🙂
i need help on the last part with mordred………. ive tried a thousand times and i just cant get it!!!
Hey Poptropicans!!
I started doing this island, then got bored trying to beat the part with the unicorn,
so I got the free game Shrink Shot. I played it, then when I decided to try the unicorn again, I returned to the island from the map. Then, I went back to the swamp with the hover craft and the UFO, but when I returned, the UFO wasn’t there any more.
Any suggestions on how I get back onto Jungle Planet? 😉
i hate the mother phoenix one and isnt the lance susposed to kill the bird? and its useless because a pheonix is reborn from its ashes! completely pointless :/
2kool4you, her name is Fierce Moon.
I finished every island.
Lots of people have. Do you have every photo?
Sleepy sun has a good point. If the mother Phoenix caught on fire it would come back to life again…
Can you help me!?I can’t do the stupid Mordred Puzzle!
Nevermind…I did it!Sparky has a point though,this island dosen’t make any sense!
Ive finished a lot of islands thanks to you guys at Poptropica Secrets! 😉
if this helps grace, when you go down into the prison earlier from the library, there is a switch on the wall, and you click on it.
astro knights is easy
That’s weird all the hard parts just took me one try to defeat like the three beast and mordred and his puzzle.
Actually, Busy Cheetah, Fierce Moon is the only one at Poptropica Secrets.
uh what do u do at the very last if ur an owl??????????
To find your ship if you left, it’s on top of the castle.
sorry moon for not speeling your name right
firece moon forget that comet saying sorry for speeling your name wrong i meant to say sorry for spelling your name wrong
Q. do you think i.m weiad peace out
GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!Calm down i know i’m having trouble too
you know the horse with horn and wings thing is a Alicorn both horn and wings
Hi Fierce Moon! i Really need your help. Im stuck at the Ye Olde Rumour Mille, and for some reason when I jump on the mindmill blades, it doesn’t start spinning. Can you please help me. (your website is really cool and helped me finish a lot of islands).
no one gave me the bag of manure when i was in the ye olde rumour mille. help!
never mind i find the man
Hi! how do you get the windmille blades spinning, because ive tried jumping on them but it stayed still. Thanks!
i was wishing i could get to the fire planet and then i kept trying and i got tere yeppe thnx for u cheats to FIERCE MOON! p.s. U ROCK!:P
To move the windmill you need to pull the string inside and the man you see first when you enter the area gives you the manure.
If this doesn’t work it’s a glitch
~~Golden Shadow
i love this game it is so fun but i cant dystroy they robot things on the horse
^^ 1) Go inside the windmill 2) Jump on the shelf to your left 3) Jump on the platform to your left 4) Jump on top of the upright gear that is on the platform 5) Jump on the platform to your right 6) Then you should see a rope. Jump and pull on it to release the gears to the windmill 7) Then you can go outside and turn the windmill blades to open the top.
(P.S make sure you talk to everyone, even bystanders, because they can give you useful info that can help you in the game. The guy outside the windmill would have told you what was wrong with the windmill if you asked)
how do you beat the puzzle in binary bard on astro knights island its so hard!!!!!!!!
sly sleck you keep jumping on the very middle of the windmills and they will go fast so you can beat it!!!!!!!!!
The windmill is not opening the bubble….and I’ve been doing this for 7 minutes straight!
i friended fierce moon, if you want to friend her, she is popsecrets(no number!!!)
i wish i knew her password…
does anyone know it?
nope just her plus she wouldn’t give you it if you asked
~~Golden Shadow
Hey… In the written walkthrough she wrote that the owl thingy (Merlin) battled Mordred and died, but the battle wasn’t in the video >.< and he was still there when you got back to the kingdom. Stuff isn't clear in the videos so I couldn't tell if they were saying they repaired him :/
i can not find the trap door when i jump on the bayels of hay they do not seperate help
The puzzle was easy but Mordred, oh man!!
Can any one give me tips on what to do after Merlin is zapped?
The puzzle was easy but Mordred, oh man!!
Can any one give me tips on what to do after Merlin is zapped?
The puzzle was easy but Mordred, oh man!!
Can any one give me tips on what to do after Merlin is zapped?
i dont mean to nag, but i saw so many spelling errors!
I cannot defeat the dragon. Cheats anyone?
Hey, I’m having trouble with Fire Island! Any help, greatly appreciated!
@Wazup, just keep jumping. I kept doing it and it worked. But if you keep jumping and they still can’t separate, you probably pushed them too close together, and you can undo it by going to another room then going back. (I think that’s what happens anyway)
Alright, about to attempt Astro Knights. Will comment when i’m done. I can’t wait!!
Who wants to be my friend im caity1357911 sooooooooooooooooooo please
cant get passed mordred.
Add me bathroompop (no spaces)
This is a long and hard island.I hope I beat it in a short amount of time.Someone please help me!!!
Where is the jungle planet? I’m trying to find it.Can someone please help me?
I’m on the fire planet.But I can’t defeat the dragon and i’m shooting the ice arrow at the mouth when I shut it down but it’s not working.
I cannot get into the volcano on the island! Any help please I am so desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i played a game on a diferent island, but i was in the middle of a planet!! now i cant find space ship!! what do i do?!?
watch ho to do it on the free walkthrough you can get at the beginning of the island!
Sly Speck , you have to go inside Old Roumour De Mille and jump up on the hay and get on the rope and then you have to slide down . click on the girl with the haircut from the pop star which also appears on poptropolis games. then she says “what’s your secret ?” then automatically the secret parchment gets handed to the girl. she gives you the password to the secret club.
I’m eating a sandwich so I can’t give away parts of walkthroughs 🙂
how do you get past the phenix birds and missles? is there a cheat or something?
I cant get on to the last platform, I keep missing it! Please help me get on the platformso i can get the ice arrow!
Or… You’re spinning them the wrong way … Try the other way. I wish i could nod an emoticon like king Fergus in brave the movie 🙂
i realy think that poptropilis games is hard dont you?!?!
i dont like that astro nights is hard .
i finished thirteen islands on my acount.and i have 111 friends and thats alot to me.i say that i finished sos because i really did
i have 14 islands done
I won this thing it was relly easy! But to the people that didint win yet I wish you good luck! But I have to admet that the space shark part and ther merline part was relly hard but the rest were easy! And my real name is Kalia prenonce Ka-lee-ya! And you can find my cousin on facebook and she has a picture of me and her! And her facebook name is Kay Jhuss Doit! And I AM YOU #1 FAN LAUREN KINNY AS SOON AS I WENT ON TO FUNBRAIN AND SAW POPTROPICA I SIGHN ON! >:) >:( 😉 ;( 🙂 🙁 ;O P.S I JUST LOVE MAKEING FACES!
for some reason when i play the part where you battle Mordred I’m always the owl
I can’t beat the mother phoenix!!!!! Ä Any tips? They would be really helpful Ü thanks ü
| |_________/)
| | | | | | | |
@ @ @ @
A puppy
Sorry that didn’t come out right.
Thank you beyond belief. It took me about eighty tries to finally land on the last platform, and that was only because I used your tip. Thank you again, for the wonderful help that allowed me to finish the game!
I paused my game and didn’t come back for a couple days and som how i returned back 2 earth and now there is no ship!!!! I can’t complete the goal anymore!!!
I know what you’re thinking: “Well, you already have.”
i am able to do that mordred puzzle………..
Dear Sly Speck,
You need to go inside the mill. Then go to the top. jump on the rope the cogs will be able to turn and you can open the hatch outside
-Maroon Snowball
Wow the Astro Knight Guide Was Very HelpFul
Dear sparky
Charge Shoot Three Times in the Mother Phoenix Mouth.
thanks so much, this helped A LOT! 🙂
i cant find my ship
This is a very long island.
I can’t get through the small hole. It says its blocked. How do i get through it?
Thank You For Helping Us Pass The Poptropica IsLands
u 4got 2 say to open small tunneln gate u have 2 go 2 castel dungeon and flip large switch so there!!!!!!!!!!!!1 u dont know every thing bitch
thanks so much!!! I would have failed without you!
OMG!! Thanks you sooooo much I could not have done it without your help!! I got stuck on those lava rock things at the start of the fire panet i swear i spent like 10mins just on that!!
can not get pass this island need some help
Please help i can not get part those lava rock things i don’t know wht to do!! PLEASE help me!!!!
how do u get in the dungon
this is the solution to Mordred’s puzzle (door puzzle)
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
click 7
click 8
click 5
click 6
click 10
click 12
click 11
click 13
click 14
click 12
click 15
click 16
please who knows a website where i can leave comments about poptropica and the creators will see it and consider the opinions?
Grr Mordred keeps shooting the chandeliers before he is under them
thx it’s helpful… It helped me finish my blog (i didn’t copy paste it) just it helped me played so typed it to my blog 🙂
hey roxy99 get on the 2nd to lastfire pedastal then jump high to the right corner bottom and you will reach the top 🙂
I forgot to click the robot and now i cant get bak down there HELP PLEASE!!!
You left out so many things this wasn’t that helpful
i want to find my rocket i have defeat all but i lose in modred puzzle i go to home and back to island again but where is my rocket ? answer this now
this island is easy if you have a slow computer 🙂 except for the fire dragon part…
no one ever talks again when i start talking 🙁
no one ever answers my questions 🙁
no one ever talks to me 🙁
look at this
/\/ / /\/ _/ /\
what does that spell…
i talk too much 😛
HELP!! Somehow i got back to the blimp and i dont know how to get back into outer space i cant find my rocket and the alien ship in the mud isnt there anymore. What do i do???
I finnaly passed this island
ugh theres no fuel rod and icant go to the right on the flying manure thingy
thx so much feirce moon!
the door wont open to the princess tower!!!
i tried reloading the page but it doesn’t load!!!
Why is my computer so stupid!!!
sorry 🙂
false alarm
i messed up, it does work now.
whoops 🙂 i accidentally put on caps lock on my last comment. sorry guys i totally didn’t mean to.
Grrrr… i cant get on the 2nd pendulum!! >:(
first i get shocked
then i don’t go fast enough
then i fall off it
then i jump to far and go over the 2nd pendulum!! why can’t i do anything right???
Booo! I don’t like astro-knights island at all. It’s so hard! My sister beat it but I can’t! Though this walkthrough does make things a little easier.
@eva and tigerluv…
you might have to restart the island because once you get into space, you’re either supposed to drive your spaceship back home. But you can try this: Go to the broken castle where you shot the rope arrow to the princess’s room, and it should be around the ruins somewhere.
Defeated the fire planet. I think that one’s the easiest.
now i cant get past the yellow steam in the volcano!!
Guys! Don’t freak out! The island is just hard! i beat it without help!♪
your rocket is on top of a building tigerluv and well im bored 😛 and al1956 how did u do that music note?
one again evolution of smileys 🙁 😐 😉 🙂 😀
I hav kno idea how 2 pass the 2nd to last platform on the fire planet. Plz help!!!:)
HELP!! I cant get those stupid shark robot things to follow me to the Black Hole! I try shooting them, but they keep on damaging my shield before I can turn around! Please Help!!
ok i got my rocket and go to go on my first ride and BOOM my computer freezes so now im stuck on the planet were you get the rocket and dont know how to get to the blimp PLEASE help 🙁
HE DOES NOT GO UNDER THE CHANDELIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAH! i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO angry! seriously!
I DID IT! its such a coincidence when i comment on here all angry and then on poptropica i defeat the thing im fight and im so happy! lol
Hi i need help with the code puzzle
The fire planet is SOO!!!…UUGHH!!IT’S SUPER FRUSTRATING!can someone help me and do it?my username is SadieKane57 password is whisteria.thanks.
If anyone wants to be my friend it’s poptart6513
it was hard, yet awesome
I HATE THE STUPID SHARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok im still stuck on the island were you get the rocket and i updated my “Name” could some one PLEASE tell me a way to get off the PLANET i REALLY dont want to get a new accont HELP please
I CAN”T GET PASSED THE FIRE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can’t get 2 the ice planet. whenever i do, the space sharks DESTROY me. what should i do? signed, ur lady in waiting, moody bird.
to get to ice planet make the sharks follow you by u zapping them and leadthem into the black hole but u dont go in there
perfect cheetah what part u on fire planet
you have to make a new account i think u should not have updated your name
dear vagence,
thanks dude![or dudet.] i o u big time………………..
im stuck on fire planet
I can’t find my space ship. I went to Pewter Moon but then I came back to Astro Knights Island and now I can’t find a way to go to the other planets. Please help me.
The pale black-haired girl only says ‘Mordred lives!’ to me. WHAT DO I DO? 🙁
Never mind, I got pass through that part but now I’m on Fire Planet and I can’t get past the yellow steam!
I keep shooting the dragon while his mouth his open and I’ve shot it three times already and nothing happens except that the dragon turns red and he keeps breathing fire? What to do? 🙁
how do u spin the windmill
It took me awhile to get past the fire planet but I conquered Astro-nights!
Oh yeah any body friend me. I really don’t care who does because I already have thirty friends and 16 island meddalions so anybody please friend me. P.S: my username is bethymac.
Hi every body!!
I cant get past the last platform on fire planet!!!!!!!!!!!
What space sharks!
i need help figuring out the door puzzle
hey does anyone know anything about dolly madison and i still need help
sorry all in favor the princess talks to much
I have tried for two days now to finish the fire planet on Astro Knights and I am stuck at the first section after you get in the volcano in the first hole and have tried everything to make it to the second hole and I barely get there then the sparks come and pick me up and take me back to the beginning. Is there a way to get into the second hole??
if u need help on the fire-robot thingymobob u climb the chains then go bieind the thingymobob then pull the lever then quickly get the ice arrow then shoot (it) then repeat that 2 more times
trust me i beat ALL the levels (with this website)
I can’t get past the fire planet.. I’m having a hard time with the sixth platform HELP!!
i exited out of everything and went to another planet and now i want to get back on the hovercraft but i cant find it anyone know how i can get back to atleast making my spaceship???
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
sorry bout that. any who i am stuck on ice planet
The part when your on the unicorn is so hard!!!!!
what r u guys talking about. what fire planet and what ice planet? i haven’t started astro-nights yet. i still haven’t got passed the end part of counterfeit!!!!!! i’m not that patient. 🙂 o do any of you know what wizard101 is? it is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! but once you download and play a lot it won’t let you play any more and you might get a virus. it’s just a warning. and one more thing i started my first year of middle school yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m so awesome. u guys r gr8 2. thanks to fierce moon 4 the cheats. friend me: candypie96
Someone, please help me. When i jump onto the chandelier at the Final Battle, how long do i stay there? I ask this question because when i jump and land onto the chandelier, i stay on there and jump back onto the platform where the princess is, and Mordered’s robot shoots me with his laser! Someone, please help. Thank you, and have a good day.
~Super Ghost
Super Ghost, on the chandeliers, right before he shoots the lasers jump onto a different chandelier. I hope that’s right, I finished it a long time ago so I forget.
I seriously cant beat mordred!!!!!!!!
if u needa find ur space ship it is at the tippy top of the castle.
good luck!!!!
lol i jumped on egg 1 for the ground i got thrown to 3 then to the cage i did this on accident but it was so cool
Thanks 4 all the help with my islands u rock!!!!!
Thanks friend me on poptropica bonyheart54
my space ship leaves me and now, i don’t know wat to do!
hello ppl im back my computer wouldnt let me comment!
too hard;gave up on this island. too long and complicated and difficult. Give up now if you value your life and your sanity.
i cant get past mordred
the small hole is caged up
You make it look so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone help me with the ice planet??? I’m stuck on the part where they hav the tiger helicopter thing and i cnt get passed it!!
Those platforms on the fire planet -_- Geesh.. I got through them once.. I regret leaving the island now :/ lol
What’s weird about this island is that after you defeat Mordred the asteroid disseapears…
jhnbnnm i won
my owl wont follow me i dont know why like it follows me around at the windmill place and all but them it wont when i go to th castle??
i think that island should get easyr.
the ice plannet is hard to get to whenever i try to bring the space sharks there when i shoot, NOTHING happens! so i get closer and CHOMP! its too hard!
will ANYONE help me?
im only gonna give my username hint and password hint
Username: (daughter of a queen & king)_(15th letter of the alphabet then the 6th letter of the alphabet)_the_(a portion of the ocean)
Password: (god of the ocean but spell it non capital and 2 s)
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! Zeus had destoyed poptropica
who knows what all the letters mean??? huh? huh? huh? do ya know??? huh? huh? huh?
tell me if ya no them all (hint: one of them is a band thats really weird and famous
please please please please please please please (100 years later) please please please please please please please please friend me at guardian125 🙂 🙁 😛 😀 😉
Can you help me with the last platform on the fire planet? I just can’t get my timing right. Can you please e-mail me a response, Or add me @samansabowen, then you can chat with me too help me..
Please I really need help! -.-
haha little ring, i added u! hey please friend me @ racquelfry1 thankkks
Astro island is really hard!!!!!!
Massive Hippo me to no matter how hard I try! add me loghome1
I can go on the last platform, but can’t beat the dragon
By the way do you guys know where i can find a black skirt, hair with a triangle in it and a shirt with a skull on it thanks
I started the island 5 months ago, and can’t seem to be able to find excaliber. Help! ):
Please! I used to be able to finish each island within a hour… no cheats. Help! 🙁
Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not funny! Yes, this island is harder than stemworks. YIKES!
Ok, this is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0
Hair with a triangle- mill. Other than that you’re on your own.
Black skirt- mil. hair with triangle- Mordred’s follower’s.Black shirt- mill.
i finaly beat it
You may have seen my other comment saying I have the Poptropica Guide. Now I’m writing some hints or tips.
1. You’ll need to climb the rope inside the mill before you can turn the windmill blades
2. A rocket with a good balance of speed and shields will be able to travel through space more effectively
3. Getting through the obstacles in space can be hard on your spaceship’s shields. They will recharge automaticly after a short time as long as you avoid getting more damage. But if you need to take them up quickly, you can always transport back to the Pewter Moon to recharge them
4. Use the force shield to bounce the snowballs back at the tiger copter. If your shields get damaged, you’ll need to dodge the snowballs until they’re back up.
5. A laser works best when it’s fully charged
6. There is a lever on the bottom of the dragon that opens the dragon’s mouth. The ice arrow will do the damage if you can get it inside the dragon’s body.
Little rink is as perky as me
Thanks for nothing guys… my cousin helped me beat this island…fearless dolphin or perfect snowball whatever you like to call him.
O MY GOSH! I am completely STUCK on this island!!! My poptropican lacks advanced motor skills and CAN NOT get across the volcanoe/steam thingy!!! OH NO!!! :0
I mean, OH NO!!! 😮
Ohh God pls somebody help me… i can’t beat the puzzle it is sooooo anoying….S.O.S
help me ! i cant jump into the volcano my password is tarun and username kannan176
OMG!!! This island was EXETREMELY hard!!! It took me 2 whole days to finish it!!! >:O
don’t sweat kannan176 i did it for you you are next to the fire knight
I finally passed this island!! 😀 It took way too long though -_- lol
never trust me to do the island for you ill never complete it too hrd. ha ha. ask some one else.
hey, young typhoon, I would really like it if you could get me across the volcano steam thing, but there are a couple people on the Wimpy Boardwalk comments page who hate me, and I don’t know why, and I am not sure if they come on here or not, so I am not that keen on giving out my username and password, just in case they get it and hack my account…could you give me some tips instead??
is completing Astro-knights very hard or very easy? it’s medium to me.
It is VERY hard!!! I am still stuck on that volcano thing. I give up. I have been defeated by the Poptropica game makers. I don’t give a skittle if Short Leopard (you probably don’t know him) gets my password, SOMONE HELP ME!!! my username is T123kitty and my password is pink101
argh, I keep doing that… 😮
HELP! I can’t get to the last lava platform!
yes i know its kind of hard. you just have to wait until it seems like the platform is close enough then jump.
in fire planet can’t get on the last platform it’s soooooooooooooooo hard:(
no it’s so easy i’ve beat it twice already!!!!!!!!
did anyone get me through the steam thing yet? If you do, you have to tell me. I am actually on her a lot, so chances are I will respond with a thank you or something along those lines.
I meant here, not her, that sounds really awkward… whoops.
hey little comet i could do it for u but when i get u onto the platform should i leave u there or go inside and do the volcano part cause thats kinda tough too
does anyone have any tips for me for the jungle planet? i am stuck on the unicorn thingy. ;|
never mind, i beat it now, but can someone resbond to me!?[sorry i spelled resbond wrong]
on the lava island if your stuck get onto the 4th platform and wait until the 5th platform is all the way down then jump from the 4th to 6th platform.
Hope this helps.
hey i am new to this website but i agree with all of you this is a hard one can u guys help me if i need it? I have only gotten past the mother phonoix it was HARD!
does anyone know how to get onto the last platform on fire island? i cant get it and cant get to the volcano!
ARRGH! i cant beat mordred at the end.
This was super hard! I started in August and I finished on Halloween.
dear short thunder jump when its going down
someone help me!!! these puzzle are confusin arrrrrgh!!!! friend me at arielbell11
If anyone is wondering why im saying jack about jeff kinny is because he made this game and it is so hard and we fricken half to look up cheat websites to pass an island!Its a bunch of crap,but the game is pretty fun.
Jeff Kinny is full of bull crAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP! How do you get past the space sharks!?
carly why you o bad ass
um carly… thats is kind of rude to say. yes i am mad at jeff kinny because of this hard island, it doesn’t mean you should say crap about him. not to be mean or anything
I don’t know how UFOs Crashed into the kingdom…
Yes, I agree with fearless owl, this is a kind of a little bit lengthy and maybe say boring island.. But the choice is on you, whether to play or not, so you shouldn’t blame Jeff Kinny.
Boring, The Fire Planet’s Cavern is more harder than S.O.S Puzzle like Fire Planet’s Cavern. >:( I restarted the ISLAND! >:O
to wild berry
I am not stuck on the platforms, I am stuck on the thing INSIDE the volcano, it is very hard and ya gotta help meh!
my password is 1pink and username is T123kitty
I SAID HELP MEH!!! and come to my multi verse RIGHT NOW for a secret reward…
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
little comet i could help you easily, i have completed every sing island except for 3 counting the new island zomberry just give me your user and pass.
nevermind im working on it right nw for you, next time you log on the entire island will be done for you. To little comet
It is finished, i left your poptropican at your blimp.
and short thunder you have to lure them into the black hole.
Oh and little comet i made your poptropican realy pretty. 🙂
Need help give me your username and password I’m poptropica’s frist fan I’m not kidding thank you! ^_^ this is funny $_$
0_0 um Carly that freaked me out for real ^_^ I need you SHUT UP ON THOSE BAD WORDS!!!!!!!!!!
To Massive Storm, um, sorry but not to be rude…
1. There is no medal or anything, and it doesn’t look like you completed the island at ALL, you just took me out of the volcano and took me back to the blimp.
2. Those vampire teeth are KINDA gross and I liked my own outfit, thank you very much.
Sorry it is just I am supposed to be typing a report that is due tomorrow and I risked my beauty sleep to go on poptropica and check if you really did do what you say you did and you didn’t! Sorry I get mad about fakers.
um.. masive storm I am SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so confused, I didn’t have a medallion but the dude standing next to me kept saying THANK YOU BRAVE NIGHT!! ANd I was like oh crap what have I done maybe I am blind and I totally insulted massive storm and she did actually do it, so I logeged back out and went back in and the medallion suddenly was there so THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH PLEASE FORGIVE MEH FOR THE LAST COMMENT IT WAS MY IDIOT EYESIGHT FAULT AND YOU HAVE SAVED MY LIFE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YA!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE MY NEW BFF!!!!!!!!
PS I still don’t like the vampire teeth though… I just don’t like vampires as a whole…
Massive Storm, please don’t hack my account now that you no my pass word. Also I nNEDD your username so I can friend you and don’t complete anymore islands unless I am stuck or else that wrcks the fun its just aastrio nights is sos hard that it is not fun AT ALL you agree???
Seriously it is no problem ive been so bored cus ive completed all the good islands, and i promise i wont hack you im not like that thats not cool, And my username Sairahjune and my poptropicans name is obviously massive storm. Your welcome BFF!
and no problem about the insulting, some people have diffrent style, i just have a weird one :3 lol
oh and nvm about friending i hope you dont get mad but i went on ur account and we friended eachother on poptropica but thats all i did so please dont be mad :/
You guys seems troubled i can’t believe that, I completed this island in just 1 day (3 Hours). And i completed every islands and i completed most of them more than 1 times.
OK!! Hey, do you have a google + account? I do!!! Maybe we can friend each other!!!!!!!!!
IT IS SOO MUCH FUN! I will email you an invitation to go on there.
OK :)!
Im stuck on the beggining of the fire planet. the last jump is soooooooooo hard
Hi sporty bear if you want i can help you, i have helped alot of people, little comet is one of them, then another goirl whos name i cant remember, but the point is i can help you just email me your user and pass my email is [email protected]
minus one of the h’s on sairah typo
And tough sponge it took you 3 HOURS to complete this?!?!?!?!? are you like mentally ill??????
omg Massive storm I could really use your help with astronights I haven’t even made it to space yet and im so lost!
My friend Fearless Fox is weird she keeps texting to me this hey hey hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yip yp yip yip yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she’s weird
Why does the mill outside Ye Olde Rumour Mille didn’t move when I jump up on top of one of the windmill blades to get it to start spinning?
Hey Massive Storm, could you help me with the last jump of the platforms? It’d be a big help. My username is vanilla10271027 and my password is complicated00. Thanks!
Oh, Massive Storm, never mind. I’ve figured it out.
hey little comet, i beat counterfiet island for you
Can anyone help me XD on astro knights only hehehe 😀 especially the wolf boss… my user name is volcano893 and my pass is spartaaagh
I was sooo sad when Merlin “the owl” got hurt but then at the end he was ok and I was like YEESSS!!
I know he was so cute.
want to be friends spooted lepord?:
the boss battle is too hard and finally beated him.
Oh man, I was kinda hoping to complete that one myself. 🙁
Will someone please see me in multiverse? my code is bht65
Hey people, logging into people’s accounts when you didn’t give them permission is not cool. Just to any other hackers out there, I’ve changed my password, so good luck getting in.
Also I changed my password.
Massive Storm can I have ur username? i wanna friend you….(:
i can’t beat the guy at the very end and i can’t find my blimp to leave… please help!!
quiet fang? can you pass the end of astro knights for me?
Carly, I like Jeff Kinney, And YOU HURT MY FEELINGS! I like his idea for poptropica and he writes great books, so do not say anything that is not nice. Ok?
i hate you,smart flame for hating me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:_(
Massive Storm is awesome! Little Comet you have to be friends with Angry Chicken! My username is foxy1217 my password is fox1217!
Angry Chicken is my sister!
Um, okay.
Since when was I so popular???
omg i was so stressed with the lava rocks like seriously but im done with the island now so im happy!! 😀
AND HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
i dont know little comet u tell me
no matter how hard i try i can never pass the final platform on the fire planet, does anyone have any tips. please. this stuff is tough
little comet u are popular becuz i think u stoped a fight and you are just a person who is nice and goes on poptropica alot like me!! 😀 just guessing
Okay, someone is in BIG trouble!!!!!
I went on my poptropica account today and ONE OF YOU PEOPLE GOING ON MY ACCOUNT HAS CHANGED MY PASSWORD!!!!!!
If you don’t tell me the new password NOW I am going to be so angry because I completed SO MOANY ISLANDS ON THAT ACCOUNT!!!!
if Anyone wants 2 c me goto
little ghost,i’ll beat asto nites 4 u if u tell me your password and user
WILL 1 OF U BE MY FRIEND???!!!(cry)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are ANY of ye going to comment or somthin
i got into your password,little comment!:(
on the part with the space screen only has the broken one that is dripping?what do i do?
OMG!!! Why did you do that??? Give me the new password!!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU CHANGED MY PASSWORD?????????
😡 😡
I always thought that this was one of the harder islands but it turns out its not that bad
Ok so I got stuck on Astro-Knights Island. I went back to Earth then went to another island. Today I went back to Astro-Nights to try it again. The problem is, I can’t go back to space anymore. The hovercraft I used to go to the moon is gone and I can’t find my rocket anywhere. I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help me?
Nevermind I got it.
just kidding i just said that you could comment!!!!
i hate you all!!!!!!!
I got into your password,little commet!:)
little comet i would desperately enjoy it if you could help me with astro island but i dont want to post my info on here so my email is [email protected]
ok, but, I’m not a very good poptropica player and I had to have someone else do this island for me. I… um… am not the best person to ask for help.
a better person to ask is Massive Storm. her email is [email protected]
What the heel is wrong with you quit fang!?!?!!
little comment,you can have my acount:)
don’t call ME quit fang,golden peers!:(
If you don’t want your account stolen, don’t post it online. 😀
Hello! I am sort of new to here but I really need help!!!!!!
@ Massive Storm… well, you are a nice person and I don’t think you would try to change my password. Most likely, it is someone trying to pretend to be you to aggravate me. 😡
anyway, if it is really you, just in case, I will check right now to see if you have cahnged it back…
also, @quiet fang… well, I don’t know your pass word or username… I can’t have your account :rolleyes:
Massive Storm I was wondering what your email address is because I need help on a few islands!
I posted it a couple posts ago. here it is again… [email protected]
my user is:awesomeonme.password:jocky
also,how did ye make the yellow face?
I don’t want to be your BFF anymore,little commet:)
jilor means IT IS NOT NICE TO SAY,MASSIVE STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
I’m from Ohio where is everybody else from? Is it true on January 24,2013 Poptropolis Games is sinking back underwater?
yes,its true!:_(
I FINALLY completed Poptroplis games! YEAH!
I get onto the last platform on the fire planet!!! any tips??
??? *runs away to forum*
I don’t think Massive Storm would say those things.
Because Massive Storm doesn’t swear, and she doesn’t spell my name wrong…
This website really helped me. Thank you. ^.^
she did not spell yer name wrong,little commet:(
little comet,I do not want to be your BFF,anymore:)
do not comment me anymore!!!
stop it!!!!!!!!
@till then…i cant make a yellow face…SO CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????
@ Little Comet,I hate to be an empty pool,but I think popular fang like you so I think you should ask him if he/she does like you or not if he does, good luck:|
aguadolphin said he likes ye!:)
Little Comet is a motherfu**er:)
omg i got into space but then i left the island… where is the spaceship i made?!?!?!?
never mind… i found it! its on top of the castle
Likes me? what are you talking about??? :confused:
i mean THEY LIKE YE!!!:)
like like or like as not an enemy?
like like
fatty?! massive storm,yer mean!
what the el is a fatty? I’m not overweight, you know.
i know,little commet
little comet is a bitch!!:)
MASSIVE STORM!!!!!!!SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!
im not kidding!!
massive storm,what in gothics is wrong with ye?? i think ye need to STOP yer commenting!!!!!!!
loo loo loo
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
this is getting weird.
Quiet fang, I don’t get what your talking about them ‘liking’ me. How do you know? Who are they anyway??
Massive Storm… this is just weird. I thought you were a normal little girl. Obviously i was wrong. This is just cr-azy
popular fang LIKES know
HHHMMM……Are ye sure yer DEAD???!!!
is anyone gonna comment???!!
i want someone to comment:cry:
😥 😥
👿 😡
80 😮 😈
Um I saw the drama and shouldnt we talk about if the website works or not. Not cussing so yeah somthing to think about -_- yall are stupid hmm
wow… that’s a lot of emoticons.
😥 I can’t do most of them!!!
litte commet,just type :mrgreen:jjuust dont cry:cry:
Whatevs 🙄
hehe! look what I can do…
and I don’t know if these will work but…
😈 👿 😉 😛
how do you do the devil one?
wait i think I got it…
no, I don’t got it.
i’ll tell ye how to do the devil one…first hit the : button.then, type twisted or evil. and then hit the : again.
I can’t figure out the part with the picture gate! You guys need to show a picture or explain which squares to click on! >:(
They changed the “robot self destruct and you grab the energy rod” part! When you get to the cell, it is locked! SOS!
Merlin Comes Back To Life At The End….
can ye do this,little commet?
and these 2 ➡ 💡 80
or was it… 8o
maybe it was 80 80 8o 😯
little commet,ye are a nice person,would ye like me to tell ye how to do some of my emotions? 🙂 😀
little comet is stupid 😀
OK,massive storm,ye are as mean as a bull!!!!
passcode is….*****gfghjfvhbdbbbdrgtvzfyutvf ugfjghjbfdhgfhesbgsdygf ygfdgfrhgfjaegfyuragjbgt trgersugbiuestutvygrutsyulhgueskgtkstufbgfgjgufiwosydgendgcnfnnfkdldsedskhpzgaposfbgvnvhfarthfgfhghooteoehgkddkdfhhihthjkthurrhgozossiruurfjdhfjfhgtugtkhrtvgb, b bggyndhhjlrgybgisexerdccvfgbhnjoikujjhygfdsddfgyio hnjkmjnhbgfttd lokjhgfdbnjm,./;l,mnjhbgvfcdssxdgfvbnhjmklllkgfdswdefrgthyjukiopp[[\][pokjhgfrdes|}{“”??:::PLOKIJHGFDDSZZWAQ!@#$%^&*()))(*&^%$#@!vfhggbrbstjubgdhtrjhtrggtbh bridsyh ibyotyhbebpwpqygfyvrrrhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaesiiiiiiiiiiiiiijrgyhyfdhyugfcgtf67eTTT%%R#R%$########CVVVVVVVVVVVHY&Ustrrrrrdfiuhryvn iuq00w89dufjfjhhfyrgtygfyevtfauycUUEIro*******&&&&&&^^^^^^^%%%%%%%$$$$$$$#########GTYVTUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777HY6UBSANP 9TU GNI ZA;;;hkudgfvk avliwviutrs iu;r nyhghkuebtkugig sjooooooorklvjfgughutguurghughjhjfhrfhhghrgfhjgrfrdhdghjcjghjvhvslghsl.kghilzfhgszlshyltrshlxlhhtukhtuyt
little commet,ill tach ye
by the way, you have accidentally written “moountain”.
i thought i should warn you! 🙂
little commet,do ye want me to teach ye some emotions?
MASSIVE STORM,YE SHALL BE HAAAAAUUUUUUUUNNNNNNTTTEEEEEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhhhuuuuuhh 🙄 . anyway,little commet,would ye be happy 4 me to teach ye some emotions?
I dont really get it cuz when you watch the video you cant start from where you left off in the video
my avatar cant reach the last platform on fire island! she can never get to the fire geyser/platform rite before u enter the volcano! I don’t know if she cant jump enough, or if I cant make her jump enough, or if its a glitch on my computer, or what. please help meh!!! I cant…go on…like this…need…help…s…o…s… 🙁
at quiet fang: I would like to learn some emotions! 😀
OK,what emotions do ye want to learn?
ok. I will learn some emoticons.
I think this might be one…
or not.
All this emotion stuff
ooooh.i’ll tell ye how 2 do this.hit the : then type in mrgreen then hit the : again
Katzi, the way i do it is i get on the platform before the last one and i jump STRAIGHT UP and click on ‘enter’, not the one on the keyboard but above the volcano and it will make my poptropican automatically jump really high but still straight up. then all you need to do is click way to the right. tada!
who wants to learn more of my emotions? ➡ 💡 😉
you’re my only hope! 🙂
More! More! More!
i’ll tell ye how to do big eyes.first,hit 8,then hit caps or shift.then hit the o.and ye get 😯 😯
and these.hit the : then type idea. then hit : and this one.hit : then type in arrow then hit :
little commet,are ye gonna comment or something?!
These walk throughs are very helpful. Thank you for posting them all C:
how do you get the rope?
on the last part when you have to defeat the guy to get the princess, its only letting me do it with my owl and not my person! i dont know what to do! help me!
WTF?!quiet fang,little comets stupid and so are you
my robot owl will not go in the place with the robot I don’t know what to do HELP?
Thank you, thank you lucky crush. I don’t think I could have gotten to the volcano without you!
i cant get throught the last platform
the volcano part was eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssyyyyyyyy
how do u do the the windmill part? Sorry, but I still couldn’t get it after reading the walkthrough and watching the video. I even timed the jumping but I still couldn’t get it. Please leave a comment as soon as possible!
Thanks! 🙂
P.S. Please no rude comments anyone else. Thanks again
Actually, at the end, Merlin is fixed.
I can’t open the unicorn cage! ;(
cool, bros but wwe is cooler!!!!
actually, with the windmill, you have to go inside and to the far top-right and there will be this rope. jump on it to free the gears, then go outside and you ca jump on the windmill blades.
with the unicorn cage, you have to go to the start and get the laser lance at the floor.
little comment, where are ye
I left the island but now i came back and i cant find my spaceship!!! somebody plz help!!!
this was so easy =.=”
umm can one of u people help me with the puzzle? my password is lillylolla don’t do anything else or else!
nevermind! don’t do anything! nothing at all!
okay,who got on and whats my password now?!?!?!?! i can’t get on >:[
im stuck on the part where you have to kill the tiger its really hard, oh and my name is
MyPaddlesKeenAndBright if you want to add me 🙂
umm do u know who took my password?if so tell her what i did was dumb and please tell me what my password is changed to
sorry dude i dont know who took it,thats why i never give out my password, and when they ask you for your email at the beginning of the game you should use it if you really want to give out your password
it was mabe sumone hoo acs strange
Oh and my other username is Poptropicad101
been trying to defeat Mordred for hours and can never get it. this game is VERY frustrating
How do you do the tiger helicopter part?
Please, help? In the part where you’re supposed to go to the “secret” underground place under the hay bales, I broke the wall to the left, but the little hole is still barred! Please, help?
Someone please help! When I try to shoot the sharks surrounding ice planet, the just eat me again. I shoot them and lead them to the black hole but then they just catch up to me and kill me. Someone, please respond fast!!! I don’t really email so you can send a reply on KIK my username is skittlez19. I really really really need help from someone please!
I cant beat it.
You ALL should know that if you give out your password, people WILL use it and find where you live and kidnap you and demand, like, a BAZILLION dollars from you’re parents as ransom. And bazillion really IS a word! The little red squiggly line doesn’t show up!
I like chocolate milk.
Because I am Cheese.
sorry about your account. 🙁 NEVER NEVER give out your password. :c JUST NO WAY.
Oh and about the tiger helicopter (late, I know,) duck in the corner while it is throwing iceicles. c; Got it on my first try. c:
The harderst part for me was the sharks. o.o (lame) Mordred was easy, sharks were hard. :’)
I hit the dragon 3 times but it still didn’t die. What’s up with that?
I’ve been working on the puzzle forever and I can’t get it! Could someone help me?
yer supposed to shoot the mouth
seriously i don’t get the final battle,Volcano planet,and Ice planet……. But, the Jungle planet was very easy….. next time make it a little harder
Man! i have been trying and trying and trying on this puzzle please someone who knows it tell me please (cool)
wait? Silver clown….. how can the sharks be hard and Mordred easy?…. now that would seriously be weird?
Well good luck Silver clown (with the sharks)
Hey! Silver clown, can we chat. (If u are on Wildfire Tribe) please can we chat?
Goodbye Merlin! 🙁 (SOB!)
I LOOOOVED that owl
Okay maybe i have conquered Fire Planet but the rest are still hard
i am really confused on this puzzle. change to fire tribe and u can tell me about the puzzle. If u want to add me, my name is Sonicblast1132.
>insert bad word here< ANNOYING
finally i have finished the puzzle it was SO hard for me but i got it seriously should be counted 1 by 1
Heh. I beat it a long time ago. c: Now doing it on my other account. AND FOR SOEM STUPID REASON I CANNOT DO THE STUPID TIGGER HELICOPTER. Yeah, Mordered took me like 3 tries. o_o
eh! nothing new
hi, guys…. helperguy i need your super help.. actually, i cant get rid of the mechanical dragon… please somebody, please help me….. by the way, if this is the secrets of fierce moon, she didnt even say that there is body temperature in this part!!!!!
i can’t get to the green night at the jungle planet! i keep on falling and getting zapped by the bugs. : (
two words: what evs 🙄
I know who got into yer passwords little commet and small eel
@helperdude im having trouble with the dragon on fire planet any tips??????
@bashful catfish: you should jump on the chains as soon as you get to the dragon’s area. also, when you hit the lever the stalactites will start falling. jump on the chains and wait until you see a stalactite hanging over your head, then jump to the other chain to avoid getting hit.
crazy onion yer AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. or what ever thanks quiet fang 4 the emotions thang
and many more:-)
are there any others ye do not know?
really,little commet where are ye<
I can’t get passed the boss lvl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this island is so hard! any ways, thanks for thy help i could have not done without thy help and i guess thou should enter a detailed walkthrough for the puzzle game
oh my gosh that is such a long island…
Does anyone have more tips to go to the Volcano in the last one?
i just got the owl but the jail door is still over the whole….what do i do!!!
never mind fixed it 🙂
well fart
poptropica is so awsome i love poptropica
i cant pick up the bombs!!! what the nut?! >:[
sorry about that that comment was from erika
it all done: my friends are: legolover366 massive storm little comment and much more.
I got into YER account small eel 🙁
Whenever i jump on the mill it won’t spin!!!!
Arggg! I shot the fire planet dragon in the mouth five times, and he keeps shooting more fireballs at me and then i die of exposer to high temperature. What do I do?
why is ice planet SO hard?!
this was very similar to Lunar Colony island but i dont know which ones better?? add me sportyfeather39………
i wonder if there is ever gonna be a Wipeout Island like reality tv island…. creative, huh?
when i save the game and leave it and then come back i cant find a way to get back t the spaceship i made
add at : ro72402
I keep shooting the ice arrow thing at the fire planet dragon thing but it keeps shooting at me what do I do?
after you land your ship on earth, where is it? i accidentally pressed an ad and i cant find my ship.