The full video walkthrough of Poptropica Counterfeit Island is now available. There are four parts because it’s a pretty long island. You can watch them in order to see how to beat Counterfeit Island, including the big finale scene where you take on the criminal mastermind behind a nefarious plot to steal the museum’s art treasures. Follow this walkthrough and you’ll be able to learn all the cheats for Counterfeit Island and stop the plan from succeeding.
Counterfeit Island is now open for everyone to play. It was originally available in Early Access mode via an Early Access pass from the Poptropica Store. The pass cost 500 credits.
Counterfeit Island Walkthrough, Part 1
Counterfeit Island Walkthrough, Part 2
Counterfeit Island Walkthrough, Part 3
Counterfeit Island Walkthrough, Part 4
Here’s a bunch of additional screenshots and highlights from Counterfeit Island.

Full Poptropica Counterfeit Island Walkthrough
Here is the complete walkthrough in text format for everyone who doesn’t want to watch the videos. It’s pretty long and took a while to write so I hope you like it. Please leave feedback in the comments section. Thank you!
Your Arrival On Counterfeit Island
Follow the map to Counterfeit Island. You’ll arrive by balloon right next to the museum. Start running all the way to the right and head to the Downtown area. When you arrive, the first store you’ll see is called Bobo’s Clown Store. Go inside. You’ll see several colored balloons inside. Click on the green one to pick it up and then leave the clown store.
EXTRA: you can jump up on the roof of the store to talk with Bobo the clown. He’ll tell you why he’s up on the roof. It’s not necessary to talk with him to complete this quest.
Now head all the way to the right and enter the Countryside zone. Walk a little bit further to the right and you’ll come across a crying boy and a young woman holding a red balloon. Click on the crying boy and you will give him your green balloon. Once he has it he’ll fly up and away into the air. Poor balloon boy! Oh well, he’s not your problem right now. Head back to the left to go Downtown and then run all the way to the left of that zone and go into Main Street. When you arrive at Main Street, go inside the Web Browser Internet Cafe. Once you’re inside, walk to the right and talk to the bearded guy wearing the hat and camera. He’ll tell you that he lost his tunnel tour tickets and that if you can find them, he’ll give you one. While you’re talking to him, look up at the TV behind you. It’s balloon boy on the news! Head back out of the cafe and then go to the right and go to Downtown.
Your next stop is the garbage can just to the right of the entrance to the underground tunnel tour. Click on the garbage can and a screen will appear showing all garbage inside. Click on each piece and drag it away from the center. Soon, you’ll reveal the lost tickets that are buried inside. Click on the tickets and they’ll go into your backpack.
OK, now run back to Main Street and enter the Web Browser Internet Cafe again. Go inside and stand next to the man who lost the tickets. Open up your backpack and find the tickets and then click on “Use”. The guy will thank you for finding them and just as he promised, he’ll give one back to you so that you can use it to take the underground tunnel tour. And that’s exactly where we go next!
EXTRA: On your way back Downtown to go to the underground tunnel tour, you can stop in at Bobo’s Clown Store again to pick up another balloon. I think it makes getting the torn picture in the tunnel a little bit easier, but this is optional.
OK, head back Downtown and go to the entrance to the underground tunnel tour. There’s a woman standing outside wearing a green beret. Stand next to her, then open your backpack and click “Use” on the ticket inside. Next, click on the gate behind you to start the tour.
The tunnel tour is very easy to do, because there’s just one path to follow. When you get to the bottom, you’ll see a lightbulb hanging down from a cable in the middle of the tunnel. Jump up onto this cable and climb to the top. You’ll see a torn piece of paper on top of another cable just to the right. This is part of the torn picture that you’ll need to unlock the secret door to the museum later in the quest. Climb all the way to the top of the cable and jump to the right. This is really easy if you’re carrying a balloon from Bobo’s Clown Store. When you pass over the torn picture, you’ll pick it up. Keep following the main tunnel until you see a stone staircase heading up out of a door. Follow the stairs to leave the tour.
The Mysterious Guy
Right after you exit the tour, you’ll meet a mysterious man standing next to the exit. He’ll tell you a story and ask you to get a job at the museum, then meet him in this same spot after nightfall. Now head up the sand to the right and you’ll see another torn piece of the picture. Pick this one up. Before leaving this area, run across the docks to the left and jump up to the top of the mast on the fishing boat to find your third piece of the torn picture. Now head back to Main Street and enter the museum.
Inside the Museum
Talk to the security guard inside the museum and he will tell you to go speak with the assistant curator. The assistant curator is up the stairs right above the entrance. Go up and talk to him. He will tell you that four paintings have been placed in the wrong wings of the museum and that he needs you to put them in their correct spots. In each wing, you can pick up one painting on the wall (the others won’t move) and take it somewhere else. Here’s where all the paintings should go.
- Move the painting from the cubism wing to the impressionism wing.
- Move the painting from the impressionism wing to the expressionism wing.
- Move the painting from the expressionism wing to the realism wing.
- Move the painting from realism wing to the cubism wing.
When you’re done placing all of the paintings, go back and speak to the assistant curator. He’ll tell you that you are hired and will take you inside the Forgery Detection Lab to begin your training. Speak to him and then he’ll tell you to select a station to begin your training. Click on the first desk to get started. Use the X-Ray device over each of the paintings until you find the one with the sketch marks underneath the painting. Use the arrows at the top to switch between the paintings and then click on the one you think is the real painting below.
In the next test, you’ll use a magnifying glass to try and figure out which painting is a fake. Look in the corners of each painting to find the signature and figure out which one is different than the others. That is the forged painting.
The third test is a photograph and you need to click on the area that shows it is a fake. Move up to the left to where the moon is and click on the dark side of the moon to prove that this photo is a fake. If this was really a picture of the moon, there would be no stars on the dark side of it.
Now move to the next station, where the museum does chemical analysis of paint samples. In this test, you select a paint sample and then it drops into the beaker. A red bar moves across and when it reaches a square, that square lights up with a color. Click on that color beaker above while the square is lit to add it into the test solution. If you do it correctly and in time, a green check mark will appear over the square. Keep going until all four squares are done correctly. Now repeat the whole process for the remaining two paint samples. Once you finish this test, your training is complete and the assistant curator will give you a key to the supply room.
Leave the forgery detection lab and walk right and then follow the signs to the statue room and security office. Walk left past the statues and follow the sign to the security office and supply closet. Walk all the way to the left and you’ll find the door to the supply closet. Use the key from your backpack to unlock it and get inside. Once you walk in, you’ll find the sixth and final piece of the torn picture, which will complete to form the image of a gargoyle head.
Now walk back to the right and go back through the statue room. Follow the sign to the main hall and then exit the museum. Now it is night time outside. Head left and go to the city docks. The mysterious guy in the had and sunglasses will still be standing where you left him. Go inside the gate to the underground tour area and then follow the tunnel back to the wooden ladder. Climb the ladder and then click on the hatch at the top. The hatch cover will appear on screen and it has a gargoyle face on it. Re-arrange the pieces on the hatch to match the version you see in the torn picture. All of the features have to match the picture exactly. When you’re done, the hatch will open and you can proceed up through it.
You’ll arrive inside the supply closet in the museum. Use your supply room key to unlock the door from the inside and then go into the hall. Watch out because the shadow of the security guard will walk by the window to the security office. Wait for her to go by and then run past the window all the way to the statue room door. Go inside and then move across the room carefully, avoiding the laser beams. You are safe from being spotted by a laser beam when you’re hiding behind something, like a statue or potted plant. Once you arrive at the far end of the room, exit to go to the main museum hall.
From here, go up and to the left to where the painting of the Scream is located. Click on the top of it and you will jump up onto the light hanging above it. All of the sudden the museum alarms will go off and the police will arrive. You’ve been framed! You’ll be placed in jail and then questioned by the police. You will take a lie detector test which is very easy to pass. Then you’ll be asked to join the chief inspector over at the museum security office.
On the way back to the museum office, stop inside Bobo’s clown shop, where you’ll find the security guard from the museum. Ask him what time he left his post and he will give you his time card. After you get it, head to the museum and go up to the security office. Once you arrive, walk to the right and click on the big computer. You’ll automatically check the security camera footage and because you have the time card from the security guard, you’ll know where to look. You will see the mysterious guy appear and walk up to the painting. Press the print screen button to get a surveillance video screen print. Then go over and talk to the investigator. She will tell you to show the picture to the people in town. Leave the museum and head right towards Bobo’s Clown Shop.
When you arrive outside the clown shop, show the surveillance video screen print to one of the mimes. The mime will pretend to play music, which is a clue that the mysterious guy you’re looking for is hiding in the jazz cafe. Go right and then enter the cafe. When you arrive inside the cafe, walk to the right and the mysterious man will be there. He will run away from you. Follow him to the right to begin a big chase.
During the chase scene, you’ll be riding on a scooter trying to catch the mysterious guy. You don’t really need to catch him during this part. All you need to do is avoid the different obstacles that appear in the road as you go by. The chase lasts for a minute or two and you’ll arrive at the Docks. The thief will escape in a waiting motor boat but will drop a key card which you will pick up.
EXTRA: keep an eye out in the beginning of the chase for Balloon Boy. He will appear up in the sky between the buildings in the background.
Your next stop is the museum. When you arrive in the main lobby, the assistant curator will be waiting for you and give you a package that arrived addressed to you. It’s a painting of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night, and there’s also an x-ray device included. Open your backpack and click on the Examine button on the painting to take a closer look. Drag the x-ray device over the painting and you’ll see a secret message from the curator telling you to meet at the Pop Art Museum in Early Poptropica island. This is a fun part where you now have to leave Counterfeit Island and go to Early Poptropica. Head back outside and return to your travel balloon, which is just to the right of the museum entrance. Choose Early Poptropica on the map.
Walk left to the Pop Art Museum and then go inside. Walk a little bit to the left and you’ll find an older woman wearing purple clothes. Talk to her and she will explain a little bit about what is going on and give you a key. Exit the museum, go back to your travel balloon, and head back to Counterfeit Island.
When you arrive back in Counterfeit Island, run all the way to the right to the Countryside. You’ll see the Inspector’s house here and you can use the key that the Curator gave to you to get inside. Head upstairs and you’ll see a painting hanging on the wall. Click on it to remove the canvas and you’ll see that it’s hiding the stolen painting from the museum! But then the lights will go out. and you’ll be knocked unconscious.
When you awake, you’ll be deep inside an underground hideout. Both you and the mysterious thief will be tied to chairs and you are captives of the Black Widow, the world’s greatest art thief. The Black Widow will leave the room and then you and the mysterious guy will talk about how you were both set up by her. He’ll tell you to move your chair close to him so that he can untie you. To move your chair, click and drag your mouse to the left. It will slowly move towards the guy. Once you get next to him, you’ll both escape the chairs and he’ll suggest that you both go after the Black Widow. Head out of the room to the right.
You’ll arrive in the next room. Run all the way to the left and then jump up on the boxes while avoiding the guards. The hardest guard to sneak past is on one of the platforms right above you. You need to wait until he gets all the way to the left and then turns and starts walking right. Jump up immediately and follow him a few steps until you see a couch. Jump onto the couch and the springs will propel you to the platform above and to the left. Here you’ll see a special access panel. Use the key card you found when you were chasing the mysterious guy before to open the door. Go through the door to enter Black Widow’s private gallery. Then walk to the left to begin the final confrontation with Black Widow.
The mysterious guy will run and jump onto a platform with a handle. You need to turn the handle to raise the platform up so that he can catch her. But once he does that, the Black Widow will start dropping art onto the ground, destroying it. You need to catch the art to keep it from breaking while continuing to try and turn the handle to raise the platform. This is a really tough part to finish! If more than one million dollars of art breaks, you’ll fail and have to start this part over again. But after every four pieces you save, she’ll get really mad and then you have a few seconds to run over to the platform to turn the handle. But watch out because after a few seconds, she’ll throw a bomb towards you. You need to avoid getting hit by the exploding bomb and then return to the middle to try and catch four more pieces of art. Keep repeating the cycle until you raise the platform all the way to the top.
Once you’re done, the Black Widow will be captured! You’ll appear inside the Internet Cafe and the Curator will be there. She’ll tell you to meet her at the museum. Go there and then the Curator will show you that the museum has been the secret hiding place for some of the most famous works of art in the world. You’ll receive the medallion for finishing Counterfeit Island. Congratulations!

this is so cool i cant wait for yall to come out with the walkthrough cuz i really want those 200 credits!
How do you get past the security in the museum?
i cant beat it!
come out with a walkthrough then put it on youtube
its probably goin to be really hard, and practically no one will finish on time to get the 200 credits… sigh… then we will all cry in despair and have wasted 500 credits!!! thats why i wait!!!
Note: I am a fan of poptopica
it sucks that the early access passes cost 500 credits!!!!!!!!!
I need to know what to do with that red key with a spider on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP ME
Tell me your Username for Poptropica and I think I can help you get the Early Pass(No Hack) This isn’t a scam.Its just that I have $5 left and I wanna help someone get it I just need a username
can anyone tell me where the tickets for the underground tour are? i’m stuck!
i created a new account then bought the island and beat it within two hours with no walkthrought.
i think all these popropica islands are too easy and i could finish all of them in like 2 hours but it looks likethe creator has been woring on it because now im stuck.
i meant working on it not woring on it
i dont know what the red key with the spider on it is for either. i acually need help on a island for once.
How do I get the card scanner on the top floor???? PLEASE HELP.
ha ha ha stars on purpose not a bad word thou.lolz with roflcopters on top
hey how do you get the pop star outfit gold plz tell me because its really pretty like that 🙂
oh thank you sooo much
hey brianna the idiot was on mick’s blog! She swore!
I’m gonna copy this blog and you’ll never find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Lots of people already have!
Hey Nice Outfit.
How Can U Get That?
I Can’t Find It In “Cool Stuff”
Can you post a text version walkthrough?
Sarah, the tickets are in a opened rubbish bin at Downtown. Drag the rubbishs and you should find them at the bottom, they are red.
go to the edge of main street at night then you will find the construction guy.
omg! i bought the early acess pass, it was worth the 5 bucks! its the only island that you have to go to another island to complete it! 100% pure awesomeness!
plz tell where you got that outfit and thanks for the walkthrough
Could someone please tell me how to change it to daylight since I am stuck and none of the walkthrough videos can open from where am at? Some written explanation would help out a lot
who needs help with getting the early access pass. DATDUONG1 i will help you
i mean my password is 379582
I just beat the counterfeit island but what heppened to balloon boy and the construction worker? Weird.
I was framed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
But please wait. Some of the islands are hard to beat.
Ah I guess my computer has some problems I can’t beat Shark Tooth Island with all these problems!
But I will try again.
2 easy! 100% AWESOMNESS this is how i want the rest of the island 2 b.
I’m almost there! You now have 375 Credits. Just two more islands and you could go to Counterfeit Island.
Hi ‘Moshi Monsters Rule! 1#Fan!’. I helped you to get the Early Access for Counterfeit Island, you are there right now.
Good luck!
i really need help on completeing it
Me two brylee!
hey my password is 50309 and my username is 123computer1.please help me.comment back when you finish it.thanks!
hi bilen i have just completed time tangled 4 u i’ll tell u if i’ve done another island 4 u.
good new bilen! u have now done counterfeit island..
note: u have also done haunted house and 24 carrot
thanks really much!I appriciate your help purple princess11
ur welcome 🙂
this is one of the most sweetest things anyone has ever done for me
Anyone know how to save ballon boy?????????
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i am stuck on the part were you try to save the artwork and i just cant do it!!!)
ya,how do you save ballon boy??
Thanks for helping Bilen Purpleprincess11 but what about Super Power and Spy? And Astro-Knights?
i did’nt say i would do evry island 4 her i only did some islands and the haunted house to get that pass those islands take some time 2 do anyway i’m sure the person that has made this website has walkthroughs. plus if i helped u do evry 1 that would pretty much take the fun out of it.
I LOVE poptropica I would probably be on The Black Widow BWA HA HA 🙂
did anybody notice that the black widow in the picture lookz kinda like the chief inspector 4 the police. i mean if her hair was messy. is she the black widow? just questioning…
hey purpleprincess11 ur really nice to finish other people’s missions, but those people giving out their passwords and stuff, u guys r really lazy and not the smartest people. 1 person (that person being purpleprincess11 [seriously u really are generous], obviously) has probably 5 other accounts that aren’t even hers. plus it takes out the fun of being on poptropica. is all u wanna do is dress up and play games, u guys would be better off on IMVU, or Zwinky, or MySpace, or any other social network. or just get sims 2, or sims 3 or urbz in the city, its kinda like this.
oh purpleprincess11 i need help finishing off the Black Widow and Mordred. With the Black Widow, i need big time help tryna save the painting and getting the Shady Guy up to her. And for Mordred i can’t get Mordred in the right place so that the chandeliers can hit him. Those are the only things i can’t do and i just need u or someone else finish it for me, if its ok. My user is Musiclover2089 (with the “M” capitalized) and my password is 308254. This is opened to anybody who wants to help. Please don’t change my outfit at all, especially the bangs and the lips, those took me 4EVER to find [again], u can change the spaceship.and don’t use my money, i mean credits. it may sound bossy, but i think u would be the same way too, if u took time to make ur person [avatar] look good.
if the avatar looks like the following picture (that should appear, if i doesn’t i’ll try again), and the name is SILVER CRUSH, then u got it.
this should be it if it doesn’t work i’ll just post the link, if u see a black (african-american) geish girl, its me. yea it kinda weird but i luv the outfit
so it didn’t work so i’mma send u the link:
… or this:
never mind the last one, thought it would show the embed pic
and i take back what i said about those people not being smart and being lazy, that was so rude, and mean, and i had no right to say it. now i a big loud mouthed hypocrite. i apologize. but i can see why they did now. what a fool i am.
iCandi the black widow IS the chief inspector she has red earrings like the chief inspector.
yea i know [now] but it since i have beat her, i can’t use the customizer and i don’t know if i can get her earrings if she’s in jail, if i ever get her.
u can’t where is she anyway? she’s not in the jail. u could have costumised her b4 u beat her.
thinks for the veido anglelove500
how to save the ballon boy
she’s in her little “lair”, and i can’t beat her because everytime she does get a chance to bomb me, its always at ther last minute right b4 i can crank the lever to bring him up to her. and its FRUSTRATING!
what about the balloon boy? guess they are gonna leave him flying and DIE on the ground or the sky. the sky has to be right cuz it dosin’t take long for him to go to HEAVEN.
i feel so sorry for balloon boy:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(.
after i defeted the bw i checked the police statin she was not there!!!
R U SERIOUS?!?!?! thats ridiculously CRAZY! after u defeated he (on your account), did she end up in jail and did she also show up in the newspaper like it shows in the photos of the conterfeit island walkthrough?
check the police station!!!!
i just did. that’s crazy! she not friggin there! u know what i did next, i went back to her gallery and she was there. and i tried trying to stop her myself again. but after 5 tries i gave up.
I completed the Island, but I wanna know where the Black Widow is held after her arrest so I can laugh at her from my insides. And I wanna know if her hair is wearable. I know that Betty Jetty from Super Power Island has it. But it looks so great on the Black Widow!
I love the golden outfit!
hi iCandi i just helped u defeat the bw 4 counterfeitim not 2 sure if i can finish mordred4 u.
okay i just beat mordred 4 u.
Thank u SOO much! ur soo nice. Happy New Year! 2010 is here! WHOOOOOOOOO!
where did u get the bw hair i defeated her 4 u but she isn’t anywhere or did u costumize it from some1 else?
This video walkthrough was way helpful 🙂 THANKS! As far as I know, it’s the only walkthrough on the Internet so far, so congrats!
Happy 2010 everyone!
PS. A text walkthrough would be helpful as well 😉
can you save balloon bot or not?
I am happy I have completed and won the medallion at counterfeit island!!!
iCandi..i tried to log in to help but they said account locked…have you changed the password??
I want to save the boy that I made float in the air is there a bonus part on the new island Counterfeit Island. Why is the fountain dry. How do I get the water in the fountain. How do I open the chest in the house.
the dry fountain and the chest r no relations 2 completing the mission and we can’t save balloon boy 2 bad.:(
purpleprincess11 sorry, its working now.
huh? whats the sorry 4?
this one is a hard island
oh sorry i mixed u with iCandy
how do you defeat the black widow?
i really need credit..i have completed every island and all my credit is gone..I dont know why my dad does not want to give me his credit card..sniff sniff..can anyone help me?
little doll u my lil sis..why didn’t u ask…well we both share the same users so we both need credit
I CAN’T GET PAST BLACK WIDOW!!!!!!!!!!!! : (
Like why does she HAVE to drop art
i beat counterfeit island during early acess.
purpleprincess11, i need you’re help. on i used the cheats for counterfeit island, and inbetween the part 3 & 4 videos, they get a key,all this stuff , and i don’t know how to get all that stuff, do u know how, or at least a website that shows u how, because i’m in a real fix here.
purpleprincess11 , since u helped icandi defeated the bw , can u help me defeat her 2?
to: icandi
just letting you know she is the chief thats why she asked if you knew about black widow she was trying to make sure you wouldnt figure it out.
Wow alot of you guys want a type-out of Counterfeit Island…………what part do you want?I did Counterfeit Island many times because all my friends told me to do it for them……………………………..
I finished it in harf a hour it was pretty easy!!
hey how does it come night
early poptropica is to easy
oh by the way I alredy deafeted super power and spy so you don’t need to worry
did sum1 cahnge my password?!?!? cuz i can log in!
wasn’t me.
wat about the treasure chest in the house at country side and the balloon boy?
wasn’t me
icandi report to poptropica’s email address which is…tell them d username and tell them,someone had changed the password..he/she will create a new password 4 u n dont give it to anyone..u can have people u trust here …get their email address n send it to them to help u..☻
🙂 🙂
😮 can any one help me with credit..i dont have a credit card ♥♥plssssssss
🙂 YES :(NO
[email protected] this is the poptropica email
iCandi …d person who changed the password has change ur look completely…have a look at
I dont see the lady with the gray hair at the gallery
how do you pass spy and nabooti island
🙁 🙂 😀 😛 :I :K :C :X
what does that mean?
can someone beat black widow for me. ill give you my account just to pass it
i already beat counterfeit
nikita please answer icandi?
Wht happened to balloon boy?
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE IT THROUGH WITHOUT THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I<3 U
i know what happened to ballon boy to find out go to the mistery of the ballon boy and costuctoin man
ur welcome 😀
Counterfeit island is very hard.
I cant get into the museum :0 what do i do!!!?????
2 amyia: u must find ur tickets in the dustbin andtake green balloon 2 get ballon boy flying talk 2 guy in cafe hand ova the tickets go 2 underground tour come out getta job in mueseum
ok… I only just started but um… when is it gonna b put in writing 4 what u do?
were is the key 2 da supply room??
bob29…pls can i know what to do for icandi?u can give me ur email address…u can give me the username and password and i can help u with counterfeit island…mind email address starts with “naa”… pic is a red rose
omg this is so scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need help! Anyone got a text-only walkthrough of the game? I know it’s a hassle to have to write it down and such for some people, but my computer won’t play videos cause its got it blocked. I’m in the Black Widow’s lair and I HAVE NO IDEA of where to go. We’ve escaped and got into the cellar with all the gards but I’m still w/o some information.
Can anyone post it on a website and then give me the link or something? THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!! -Cazine10
what do i do with the card he left behind after the scooter race
please answer!!!!
How did you get that outfit? I have the same one in green, blue, and pink, how did you get it in GOLD???=)
it was a limited edition
i think you should type wat we should do!!!!
I love your outfit in the pictures (the limited edition popstar outift). How do I get it?
how do you get a balloon at night or am i stuck?
wow its limited nice costume i really like the umm well i really likes
purpleprincess pls can i know your username 4 poptropica…i jxt want to see ur look plssssssssss
what happend to the balloon boy what do i do
No Way! sry but i really don’t like giving passes if ya wanna look 4 me,look 4 lucky heart,a girl in purple
fine ma username is gingersnap1190
why do you want my email
i cant find the torn painting on the boat
me to really kinda easy i got lots of accounts to i it on thought i only did 2 so far
where can i find the right time in the museum (the time where the painting was stolen)
nope,my username is REALLY gingerbread156,type this on the avatar studio and u should see me
hey nikita can u help me with counterfeit island
first give a green ballon to the sad boy
bob29…i said u can…i ‘m not forcing u…i have no pro with yes or no..
purple princess…how did u get that outfit?It’s really NICE!
i am trying to finish conterfit but i cant get the dragon thing open……………..HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thx i got the shirt from the person outside the astro nights castle the purple skirt from the girl working in the carot king diner the jacket, hat and curl was from some other poptropican
hey this is serious starfish (thats my poptropica name) anyways i’m having trouble with counterfeit so just read this message from me and you’ll find my troubles hope u can help and if you want to help just send like 1 of these messages and i’ll give you my poptropica username
ugh this is so hard i need help getting past these black widow guards i need help with the 1 near the sofa once you get to the black widow door you can just save & quit (if you’re going to help me) and if i need anymore help i can just post another comment thingy. so i hope you can help
hoping for help,
serious starfish :p
darn poptropica ain’t workin’ right now gee i was just having a moment of luck
LORD HAVE MERCY! WHO THE HELL CHANGE MY PASSWORD, MII AVATAR, AND EVERYTHING! THE BITCH WHO CHANGED MY PASSWORD NEEDS TO TELL ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO PISSED! THAT OUTFIT IS NOT ME, THAT, HAIRDO TOOK ME 4EVA, AND THE DO THEY CHANGED IT TO IS DEFINITELY NOT POPPIN! ESPECIALLY THE BANGS. AND I’M NOT WHITE, I’M BLACK. I’m not racist, i’m just saying it isn’t me, who ever took it was probably a little bastard who is tired with their life so they have to steal or copy (or do both) other people’s lives.
why don’t u just create a new account? i can help u with it but nevermind
Conterfeit was pretty easy, just catching black willow was the hardest bit 🙂
did you know that the french lady actually says ‘My son wants a ballon green’
And why does the tour guide act like shes drunk?
..iCandi…i can give u one(dash)of my users which has completed some islands(if u lik/appreciate it)
how do you get past the guy with the sofa? I always get cought by him.
to jiamy: “counterfiet quest” and “counterfeit medal” are just names to call the quest and the medal it’s not fake it’s real go have a look in your counterfeit island inventory and you will see that you have a medal.(if you completed it that is)
ICANDI I STOLE UR ACCOUNY HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
HELP ME!!!! ok, so i just found this site and now i realized i didnt get all the torn pieces before i got the job!!!!!! now i dont know what to do because i cant get them becase of the guard, and i cant get into the muesem w/out the pieces!!!! HELP!!!
So…what about Bobo the clown? Are we supposed to get rid of the mimes or something?
sure that would be great. except this time, give me ur yahoo, msn, hotmail, or gmail. then email me the password and user, thank u soo much.
at least this time no one will no mii password. is..wait…I think if i give my email address..someone else might send me an email that it is u..i think u have to give me urs name is Naa Oodey..I am on hotmail ,yahoo, when i send it to u..u will see my name..♥☻
check the avatar studio..what i am coming to give u is adwoa2010 do u like her….she looks just like ur stolen girl but the skin colour is not the same..♥♥
she has 250 credit
really wait i dont belong to this thing sorry nikita
That was easy! 🙂
silverheart or whatever,well,i wasn’t writing to you.It was iCandi i was writing to..pls don’t annoy me..ok?
iCandi i think i can give you my email address is you register for My name is Nikitaz Register and look for me.So we can send messages secretly..♥♥
oh plz i was polite u on the other hand u are rude. and i dont annoy u well not yet anyway and ………… never mind: ).
anyone agree? i do. thank goodness u dont go to my skool nikita.
To: purpleprincess11-
you look awsome where did u get the outfit?
oh sorry nikita that was my step sister this is the real me. nd i really am sorry
i won’t mind u silverheart..don’t allow anyone to do anything in your name…i would have INSULTED you cos I hate it when people piss me off on the net..I DON’T BELIEVE BUT I WOULD JUST ACCEPT IT..
?????????????????or whatever your name is
thanks nikita i promise i wont let her use my name any more and i really am sorry. thanx
meant to write any instead of and in the second line, l8rz u pussy ni99a (yea i’ll go all out, when i’m pissed, no holding back)
iCandi have u checked the avatar studio??I said I wanted to give u..the username is adwoa2010 check it whether u like it…her name is orange peanut…
oh im sorry nd i am not into nikita you can have that person to ur self i have no intrest. so there i said it . y0u are as worse as my step sister always telling me what to do. well no i dont listen to her so im a nice person see so ill back off l8er. oh yea i said it .
to:??????????????(or whatever the name is)
not me if thats wat u think.maybe.;). but who knows.hehe
yea nikita, i like the avatar. i’ve already completed 2 of the islands that u didn’t (nabooti, and big nate) and already the changed how the avatar looks like. how the hell do u complete spy island, and how come they have made a walkthrough for that yet. i mean, that was like 6 islands ago, REALITY TV IS OPENED 2DAY! I’M SO FRIGGIN EXCITED!
p.s. mii avatar is has purple electricity. yea i bought the electrify card, so friggin cool. wish i could conduct electricity, and make it change any color. i’d be so freakin filthy
oh crap, never mind reality tv doesn’t open 2day, so friggin retarded, lolz =P
to purpleprincess11: do u by any chance go to schofield middle school.?
to silverheart:no sry
O am sorry austin..It didn’t appear to me..
Which part do u need help at
silverheart…i just dont get u/////what do u mean by::oh im sorry nd i am not into nikita you can have that person to ur self i have no intrest. so there i said it . y0u are as worse as my step sister always telling me what to do. well no i dont listen to her so im a nice person see so ill back off l8er. oh yea i said it .
thats and super duper game to play
well idk i cant talk to u any more im sorry but if i do icandi will be mad sorry if more info talk to icandito let me talk to u
to pupleprincess11, its okey do u know any one who dose
ok look nikita im sorry but i have a question are u a boy or gurl cuse my sis wont tell me
this is her step sis. nikita im sorry for that. nd i want to know wether you are a boy or gurl
Where are the other 2 torn pieces
The other 2 torn pieces are in main street one is on the museum roof and the other is on a window at the inn. control your language. also, ????????????????????? you are so mean
ummm… what do i do if i left the meusem and it won’t let me back in???
to silverheart: u can say whatever u wanna but if it’s about my account because i can’t shake the feeling that ur step sis, or u stole my account, not getting mad, just trying to sound rational. and whatever u say that u think will get me mad, just say it. and i give you my word that i won’t try to get mad. i’ve dealt with thing as bad as this and my first reaction is to get mad, then just be like whatever a treat you like crap, and (usually i find a solution to my problem)then to forgive and forget
so go ahead and say whatever u wanted 2 say, but this isn’t a threat or trying to pressure u in a bad way, just remember that ok? =)
nikita my email adress is [email protected]
oh sorry than and neither one of us know what ur account is. mostley i need help an astro knights island. can u help icandi? if so ill give u my password and username.
i have 2 go to clq92 on the multi universe thing thats my room
sorri i can’t help u on astro nights, cuz on my old account i only got to the part where i meet up with mordred and i could make the chandeliers fall directly on mordred. i’m always a second off, and then he ends up destroying me. this is when i ask for help from purpleprincess. and sorry for accussing u and ur sis.
Ok Bob…will email ya…silver heart i am a gal…iCandi miss ya..
what do ya mean by miss ya, cuz when i’m talk 2 all mii bestiez we use miss ya in like 2 or 3 different was
ok oh then i know how to pass that in my old account but for some reason someone changed password. so i need help on getting the fire thing. to nikita: this is her sis oh ok thanx. i only wanted to see. now the real me: do any of u have a dog named snoopy? i miss him.*cry,wail,sniff*
hahahha iCandi…i said that be4 u sent me d message…silver heart…i have no pet
Ive Completed the island!!!!!!!!!!It was sooooo hard cathing the painting and trying to wind the thingy-ma-bob up but i did it in the end:p
i miss him he was like my only brother.
hello? nikita…….icandi?
Yep..silver heart..I am here…i am now browsing at school…my dad has disconnected the internet at home
hey hey hey, i’m here 2 silverheart, i’m at school rite now using my laptop that we get 2 take home (mii school is so friggin awesome, but no laptops in high school nxt yr, *tear*). i’m in hmwk help for a couple of hrs. (totally random info). anywho…….. hows it going??
P.S: SUCK ON THIS BITCHES! NIKITA HELPED ME GET MY ACCOUNT BACK! HAH! whatever crap u made mii avi dress in is, (don’t mean to offend u in the next the next sentence but…), ur outfit is too crappy and like raggedy crappy. she looks 2 grunge, emo’s look better than that (OMG, emo’s have totally cool hair tho,sumtimes……. depends on who it is). anyways, BYOTCH GET A DAMN LIFE, CUZ I GOT MINE BACK (actually never lost tho)! L8RZ DOUCHE! Smell my ass! lolz XD
oh that is sad i got grouned. : (
that sux. 4 what reason did u get grounded 4
I am wondering…. Do you need to save the Balloon Boy?
skool i was talking to much nd i go a parent teacher confrince. by the wat how old r u 2?
sorry i meant by the way how old r u 2
😀 i go on poptropica. i finished superpower,shark tooth and spy.
ummm i cant pick the paintings up??
My former school they cane..i remember when i was in grade 3..i don’t remember wat i did…they caned me..i couldn’t sit down….i was scratching myself on the chair…herrrhhh but that teacher is wicked…he is a male soo u can imagine..
i can beat counterfeit island in one day.
Lionrozzer i beat more islands then you!
Wow. I go and get the rest of the paper and the museum closed. Crap.
how old r u 2 ?
um hi?
did i enterup?
um hellooooooooooo?
im ALONE 🙁
iCandi is older than me..this year july 18th..i will be 12yrs
Thank you! Where did you get your costume
im 12 yrs old in middle school where do u go 2 skool? how do u make the smiley faces?????????????????????????????????????????????
HAPPY SPRING BREAK TO ALL THAT HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to make a smiley face u do a colon and a bracket…like this : ) but it has to be together 🙂 i skool at …..OK….Join and i will tell u abt ma self 🙂
or u can do this : D…but it has to be together else it wont work 😀
no those other smiley faces like the one at the end of your sentence
how do u save balloon boy????????????????????????????????????????????????
p. s this is my new signature:
silver x breeze (my mate)
like : )
Finished all islands except reality t.v island
only got 2 islads left this and reality 😀
make angent : key island ! it’s fun!
This is sooooooooooooo cool with the 100 coins I got the April Fool!!
i finished all the islands exept astro knights
oooo sorry silver heart but I still do not get u… 🙁
the faces at the END of ur sentence. the confused face
never mind found out how 🙂 :p
I cant pick up paintings
… what if ur a member? (which i am) do you still get 200 credits if u finish before it comes out!!!!??????
YAY! i finished it!!! awesome!
Why does the black widow want to stole the art painting for?
one word: M-O-N-E-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nikita icandi i havnt heard from u in a while where r u? im getting lonely
I finished the rest of the islands except astro knights,and nabooti
(astro knights was ver hard oh and nabooti too)
* sits and waits for her friends.* ps im a gurl
to:silverheart .i didn’t mean to …sorry…i was ill 4 long is it this confused face :0 i am not sure of what u are talking of..i havent heard of iCandi…but i am here 4 you…♥♥♥
herrrh ngozi…i know u are a Nigerian….aint i right??
is this missing a piece of picture coz i dunno wher last one is
where are all the torn pieces of paper??
thank nikita i just finished my homework what a drag i hate hw. but still i only had 3 problems
oh and hope ur okay i havent seen i candi either i wonder were she is
I can’t get through the guards!Whats SO great about this anyway!?Tell more imformation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Chilly Singer:Click on it to swicth it.
any luck ?
am okay now…tell me the 3 problems….well i haven’t finished my homework:vacation package…I am working on it….
ur on vacation? well i just got off it O.o. ill be right back
kim back sorry i leaft the y cleaned my carpet
SORY!!!!!! i ment kk
Silverheart Please join Look 4 me …ma name there is Nikitaz. I am lonely now..I don’t know where iCandi is.. 🙁
awwwww ill try dose it it need an e-mail?
ill try to see where i candi is i wonder………..
can anyone help me icant find the assistant curator
yes it needs an email…i know iCandi is happily playing with her lost n found poptropican…she’s soo soo HAPPY:D
u found it 4 her? how
hey guys im back and guess what… i got my old account back 🙂
yayyyyy i missed u me and nikita were getting lonely without u. did u read the other posts?
yayyyyyy no hw
silverheart i have a lot of connections.iCandi I have missed u..♥♥♥
to:silverheart n iCandi, i jxt wish i could get membership..there is no way my parents will let me be a member n am really sad.
u guys guess what..i went to a website…and i saw a lot of peoples usernames n passwords..i kept on trying but they were fake..i tried one n it went..that person had the membership..i was so so happy…but the next time i tried it someone had changed the password 🙁
i wonder if they knew that u went in maybe thats y. safty first thats wat i say i chang my password some times but only one person knows it
i solved all the islands!!!!!!!
yayyyyy i log off at 8pm darn but oh well. ps are u 2 in middle skool?
Yes am in middle…but in my country we don’t call it middle school… :D..i don’t live in U.S.A….ARE U SURPRISED???Where do u live..which country..It’s only iCandi who knows where i live…. 😀
i live in the usa as well i live in las vegas nv horrayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait..i made a big mistake…i am not in middle school…primary…grade 6…ma last year..well i did not know what middle school was..don’t be ma country we don’t call it that…i am SORRY
We have
class/grade 2
im in 6th grade
ur walkthroughs helped me like beat the whole game!!!!!!!! and i subbed u on youtube. thnx so much =D
yo can sum1 beat astro knights 4 me ill give u my password/username write back thanks!
How do you get to that couch!?
silverheart i am soo happy now….i want to know about u 4 me
my real name…… it hard to say but ok
school:schofield middle school
where i live: las vegas nv
what eles do u want to know ill be happy to answer. 🙂
also i think some one changed my account
*starts to cry* no really
how can u get the balloon kid down?
u dont
Thx for the walkthroughs. I finished everything on my own, but someone hacked my account so I made a new one and used them for that.Lol.
i think i know who but i wont tell u
oh, so you think your’e pretty enough to be on i don.’t think so. i like to be mean that’s the tenth reason i live for.
me no i just dont want to say anything
name ………. grade……….. age……………. school midlakes talent doing flips on my trampeleen and singing house like a reguler house class…………….
if any body knows me answer but do not ask more
but state usa.
i mean new york
hi cc123!!!!!!!!!!
send a message cc123
shes not on.
hi what is the order of the paint to see if is fake can you tell me because i can not get right
nope BTW NO ONE STEAL MY PERSONALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jk jk jk haha who would want to say i
oh one more thing there was a fight at my school and every one was like “yeah ” and claping i was so ****** scared. i had to hug one of my friends ( who was a boy). it was so scarey
every one who think that is scary say: scare to see im not the only one
Thanks for all the help! Couldn’t have go 100 credits without you.
I also live in Las Vedas, Nevada. I go to Saville Middle School.
in school at lunch me and my 2 best friends were pulling my pants and saying shes my best friend no shes my best friend.
oh its ao cool that u live in las vegas jennelle i go to schofield middle school
nikita im lonely 🙁
I’ve finished every island! Twice! Some 3 times! At one point I had 725 credits!
um wow thats a lot
i like this island…because…ummmm…i like it for no resaon
i nevr miss 1 art,well.. ony the first 1
ill do it for you brianw27 no problem ive done it for 5 people already so i dont mind!:)
um first try?or …….
this island is soooooooooo long 2 finish
no its not i can finish it in 10 to 15 min
silverheart..i can get ur account me at 123peppy ok….how come someone got it…did u post it here..????have u heard of the new island??really cool.
How will I get the paper in the tunnel if I didn’t have a balloon with me? Help me, please? :(((((((((
well its a long story i cant explian but i cant right now b/c im grounded stupid math grrrrr anyways i’ll try 2 c u wen i can nikita sorry if i dont respond earlier 🙁 oh and if u see icandi say hi to her for me k?
silverheart ok i will..why do u always get grounded??..i am sorry 4 u♥
thanks its okay ill miss u i can only get on wen they (my mother and father) are not here
stu*pid math thats y
i will so sorry for you silverheart
it’s okay though its really boaring not talking to all of u 🙁
* screams in surprize* guesswat
WHERE ARE THE OTHER TwO Pecies to the little map ??
i had 1200 points when i completed all the islands
hey silverheart…iCandi says how is it going??
tell her fine just sad and board 🙁
HEyy, first time being on this website!! Well anyways, you know how theres a locked trunk near the front door on the inside of the inspectors house? Yeah, where do you find the key for that, and whats inside of it?!
thank you u helped me soooo much i luv u
2 words the creator
i knot wanna do time tangled so many places to go some bady elp me!!
ur the best
how many months are u grounded 4…that’s bad…they shouldn’t have grounded u…ok..i am now ready to tell u where I live…i live at the center of the earth…check ur map
umm africa ? idk i just guessed. 🙂 well i think im not grounded any more my computers internet crashed and now im useing my moms computer
Good…You are really really smart!I like that!
anyway..u haven’t finished… the center….do u like africa anyway…well i don’t…I have never travelled to ANY country in my life before! 🙁
anyway u haven’t the center…do u like africa anyway..well i dont…
um ive never been there so idk and thanks 🙂
well i havent been there so idk
in the trash can there is also a puzzle. move the bits of paper around and it will make the same pattern as the can. you also get a prize.
how d u get the golden pop star outfit so cool and pretty! 😀
I like a girl named angela.she is hot.
shes in ms.greens class,in cesar chavez martin school.
shes at cesar chavez martin scool, in ms. greens class
Middle school ? Any way I digested frogs today: )
Hi Nikita guess wat I’m using my moms iPod to talk to u and I digested a frog it was cool and gross at the same time
umm………O.o okay then nikita guess wat im not grounded any more yay i dont think ill be on 2 marrow b/c i have an awards cerimony at 6 pm so sorry but i promice to try 2 b here wen i have time
couterfeit island (sing along song) by glitterpatty
MOMMY I WANT MEMBERSHIP so i can go on to couterfeit island.or 200 more get early acsess. i would just love my credits. i think i just wanna cry. and the flower power outfit just don’t worry. i love my chareter just the way i t is___________.
nikita? im back
Ok so How did you get that gold outfit cuz that is so cute!
”Gal” yat policeman iz gonna put ya in ze slammer if yer gonna stand on his desk.
I just completed this island . The last stage was so hard to do ! But in the end I managed to do it , 😀
i just love this island, especially the last part. it’s like soooooooooo cool. i’ve finished it millions of times. but i love to do it again and again!!!!!!!!!
how do you pass the first secuirity person?
every time i do it he says “stop right there!!”(in the black widdows hideout)
i cannot do the chair part
um me? nvm hi me is back
I cant beat the black widow ong i bout to freaking cry
i know its so frea.kin hard though i already finished
it is a great walkthrough but it’s way tough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait until scullduggery island comes out for nonmembers.
Why does your Poptropican wear an Candy Cane?!
notice that the curator and the haunted house are the same.
why is there only 2 torn picture and now you told that its the 6th and final piece of torn picture?!?! >.<
i want that outfit it is so awesome and stylish
How do you get that gold popstar outfit?!?!
I need help on getting the gargoyle face torn picture pieces. I have all of them but it says it don’t. I am already out of the museum and can not get back in in case I need to go in! The mysterious guy says about time the person is going to strike. Somebody tell me that I can reset the game so I can restart the island some how. Please help me!
What happens when you are facing the black widow what happens if you press give up?
I really think the comment I am about to put down has news for whoever wrote the walkthrough.
You forgot to put in that you——–
Go get that torn out page of a French English dictionary (which is in the internet cafe) and go back to the crying boy, his mother says he wants a green baloon in French, and you find out with the page. Then you go get the baloon from that shop and give it to the little boy, he flies away and then you see him on Television in the cafe.
Hey, jakeman435 to open that door here’s all you have to do, look at the paper and try to make the gargoyle face look exactly like the paper, nothing to it. (!
P.S leave a comment so i can fix it up if it was too confusing.
visit me at facebook i play poptropica alot and i dont know how to save balloon boy! please help
Anybody going to answer my question? Its the third last one from the bottom!
OMG person who created this awesome site Most of the islands had been completed using this site on my login u must be some awesome person or sumthin.
Oh, sorry jakeman435, I thought you needed help on putting it together, here’s what you do, you go in the tunnel and jump up above those skeletons and then you can see that last parchment, climb up the lamp cord and you’ll be able to reach it.
Please leave a comment. (:
Uh, ashton, you don’t save balloon boy, he isn’t vital to the island, believe me, i’ve passed and i didn’t even have to save him.
Help meeeeee! I’ll let somebody get on my account to help me with the secret passage thing! I can’t get the gargoyle face right. 🙁 I’m saddd.
Hey, anthony I have to agree with your comment.
OMG!!! It’s so hard to pass the cards because of that one first guard not turning the other way EVER!!!
i meant guards :l
Hey Ransom I still need help because I did get all of the papers but it still says I don’t have any. I am already out of the meuseum. Mysterious guy still says the guy is about to strike. Help me please! P.S. Thanks for reading my questions and answering them!
Ransom, could you tell me all the places you can get the torn picture pieces?
Sorry Ransom it shows I have a couple of the torn picture pieces
this is cool first when you reach the nighttime go in the tunnle mess with the draggons face(this is if you dont have all the paper.) exit the window then log back in and you will be in the closet dont save!
I also agree with you anthony!
i cant find all the pieces of the picture
this is one of the best islands
i agree with whiteprincess
I can’t Find 1 piece (the upper-right one)
and I am sad 🙁
Help me! I’ll let somebody get on my account to help me with the secret passage thing! I can’t get the gargoyle face right. 🙁 I’m sad. Please!
I need help! i realized i only had four of the torn pieces and had to get out of the museum. But it turned into nightime and although i got the two other pieces i cant get back into the muesum cause its close wat do i do 🙁
I only have four picture pieces and the fourth I found was in the storage closet! Help anyone?
free poptropica accounts
the first 2 to say
i want a free account
will get 3 free accounts that are nice
hurry limited time only
I can’t get all the pictures and keep winding the thing. How do I do it?
u did a realy good job explainingit
Any body who needs help with the torn picture pieces I will give you a short list. There is on at the very top of the meuseum, a window ledge of the Moldy Baguette Inn, On the fishing boat at the City docks, on the long cable of the underground tunnel tour and in the storage closet. I hope this helps any one who needs it. I knew I did but I found the ones I needed. (P.S. leave a comment if you would like to!)
Hey, Ransom! I don’t need your help with the torn picture pieces anymore! Thanks for your other help!
I hate the black widow. When I saw the cop,I knew it that it was the black widow. She’s also on reality TV island.
Ransom, you might not have to save him, but you do have to give him the balloon because the news will be on inside the Internet Cafe, so you can give the tourist his tickets.
i think this is easy
if need help plz ask me
im soooo bored i finished all the islands
mutliverse code:afy31
come any any costume
but no devil outfits allowed
its easy if need help plz ask ME
what is it?
ps:are you my fan
because it looks like it?
you know ransom is my best friend
lol i got a fan,and,friend
I can’t complete Skulduggery and its driving me nuts
i didnt expect a fan
grigory is from canada
who been to canada
he lives in ontario canada
not me i never been
silverheart i miss internet is not working…for abt 3 months i am sorry it will be difficult 4 us to communicate…by chance dat am using my dad’s laptop…seeya!love u
I’ve done all the islands and have membership, so i can help anyone who needs it.
Hello? anyone here?
hi Dangergirl
this is so hard!!! i cant beat the black widow!!!!!!! plus i cant get past gards!!!!!
K bye
is anyone even there
I knew it no one is there
they never r
brooke u there i need help
i cant belive shakira is guest starring on dora
i dont watch it, it just come on comercials
Hey anyone want 2 chat
finaly i got a house
i like the candy cane one
i got to go to bed
Briana hope you playing your sister Brooke
opps i mean from your sister
love you
i need help i am in the tunnel at night i need to get thru the hatch thingy and i am missing a piece and i cant get to it please SOMEONE HELP ME!
My name is Icy Bubbles oon Poptropica and I just want to say your walkthrough really helped me and Im so happy so thank you for helping. ♥♥IcyBubbles♥♥
this is sukish maybe you should show where the whole picture is
Where is the 4th and 5th piece???
I found a piece on the top of the Museum.
i love this you really helped me
i finished this island before this site
I did the gargoyle pic but its not opening
Poptropica Secrets is awesome! Can’t wait for Steamworks to open to non-members.
hey i got a cheat during the chase put yr guy up to the very top and go do something else for a min when u come back u should be at the dock.
Website dudes, I think you should add the island maps to the walkthroughs. It makes it a bit easier to understand were to go. Anyone who agrees, leave a comment saying so.
Here is the complete walkthrough in text format for everyone who doesn’t want to watch the videos. It’s pretty long and took a while to write so I hope you like it. Please leave feedback in the comments section. Thank you!
Your Arrival On Counterfeit Island
Follow the map to Counterfeit Island. You’ll arrive by balloon right next to the museum. Start running all the way to the right and head to the Downtown area. When you arrive, the first store you’ll see is called Bobo’s Clown Store. Go inside. You’ll see several colored balloons inside. Click on the green one to pick it up and then leave the clown store.
EXTRA: you can jump up on the roof of the store to talk with Bobo the clown. He’ll tell you why he’s up on the roof. It’s not necessary to talk with him to complete this quest.
Now head all the way to the right and enter the Countryside zone. Walk a little bit further to the right and you’ll come across a crying boy and a young woman holding a red balloon. Click on the crying boy and you will give him your green balloon. Once he has it he’ll fly up and away into the air. Poor balloon boy! Oh well, he’s not your problem right now. Head back to the left to go Downtown and then run all the way to the left of that zone and go into Main Street. When you arrive at Main Street, go inside the Web Browser Internet Cafe. Once you’re inside, walk to the right and talk to the bearded guy wearing the hat and camera. He’ll tell you that he lost his tunnel tour tickets and that if you can find them, he’ll give you one. While you’re talking to him, look up at the TV behind you. It’s balloon boy on the news! Head back out of the cafe and then go to the right and go to Downtown.
Your next stop is the garbage can just to the right of the entrance to the underground tunnel tour. Click on the garbage can and a screen will appear showing all garbage inside. Click on each piece and drag it away from the center. Soon, you’ll reveal the lost tickets that are buried inside. Click on the tickets and they’ll go into your backpack.
OK, now run back to Main Street and enter the Web Browser Internet Cafe again. Go inside and stand next to the man who lost the tickets. Open up your backpack and find the tickets and then click on “Use”. The guy will thank you for finding them and just as he promised, he’ll give one back to you so that you can use it to take the underground tunnel tour. And that’s exactly where we go next!
EXTRA: On your way back Downtown to go to the underground tunnel tour, you can stop in at Bobo’s Clown Store again to pick up another balloon. I think it makes getting the torn picture in the tunnel a little bit easier, but this is optional.
OK, head back Downtown and go to the entrance to the underground tunnel tour. There’s a woman standing outside wearing a green beret. Stand next to her, then open your backpack and click “Use” on the ticket inside. Next, click on the gate behind you to start the tour.
The tunnel tour is very easy to do, because there’s just one path to follow. When you get to the bottom, you’ll see a lightbulb hanging down from a cable in the middle of the tunnel. Jump up onto this cable and climb to the top. You’ll see a torn piece of paper on top of another cable just to the right. This is part of the torn picture that you’ll need to unlock the secret door to the museum later in the quest. Climb all the way to the top of the cable and jump to the right. This is really easy if you’re carrying a balloon from Bobo’s Clown Store. When you pass over the torn picture, you’ll pick it up. Keep following the main tunnel until you see a stone staircase heading up out of a door. Follow the stairs to leave the tour.
The Mysterious Guy
Right after you exit the tour, you’ll meet a mysterious man standing next to the exit. He’ll tell you a story and ask you to get a job at the museum, then meet him in this same spot after nightfall. Now head up the sand to the right and you’ll see another torn piece of the picture. Pick this one up. Before leaving this area, run across the docks to the left and jump up to the top of the mast on the fishing boat to find your third piece of the torn picture. Now head back to Main Street and enter the museum.
Inside the Museum
Talk to the security guard inside the museum and he will tell you to go speak with the assistant curator. The assistant curator is up the stairs right above the entrance. Go up and talk to him. He will tell you that four paintings have been placed in the wrong wings of the museum and that he needs you to put them in their correct spots. In each wing, you can pick up one painting on the wall (the others won’t move) and take it somewhere else. Here’s where all the paintings should go.
Move the painting from the cubism wing to the impressionism wing.
Move the painting from the impressionism wing to the expressionism wing.
Move the painting from the expressionism wing to the realism wing.
Move the painting from realism wing to the cubism wing.
When you’re done placing all of the paintings, go back and speak to the assistant curator. He’ll tell you that you are hired and will take you inside the Forgery Detection Lab to begin your training. Speak to him and then he’ll tell you to select a station to begin your training. Click on the first desk to get started. Use the X-Ray device over each of the paintings until you find the one with the sketch marks underneath the painting. Use the arrows at the top to switch between the paintings and then click on the one you think is the real painting below.
In the next test, you’ll use a magnifying glass to try and figure out which painting is a fake. Look in the corners of each painting to find the signature and figure out which one is different than the others. That is the forged painting.
The third test is a photograph and you need to click on the area that shows it is a fake. Move up to the left to where the moon is and click on the dark side of the moon to prove that this photo is a fake. If this was really a picture of the moon, there would be no stars on the dark side of it.
Now move to the next station, where the museum does chemical analysis of paint samples. In this test, you select a paint sample and then it drops into the beaker. A red bar moves across and when it reaches a square, that square lights up with a color. Click on that color beaker above while the square is lit to add it into the test solution. If you do it correctly and in time, a green check mark will appear over the square. Keep going until all four squares are done correctly. Now repeat the whole process for the remaining two paint samples. Once you finish this test, your training is complete and the assistant curator will give you a key to the supply room.
Leave the forgery detection lab and walk right and then follow the signs to the statue room and security office. Walk left past the statues and follow the sign to the security office and supply closet. Walk all the way to the left and you’ll find the door to the supply closet. Use the key from your backpack to unlock it and get inside. Once you walk in, you’ll find the sixth and final piece of the torn picture, which will complete to form the image of a gargoyle head.
Now walk back to the right and go back through the statue room. Follow the sign to the main hall and then exit the museum. Now it is night time outside. Head left and go to the city docks. The mysterious guy in the had and sunglasses will still be standing where you left him. Go inside the gate to the underground tour area and then follow the tunnel back to the wooden ladder. Climb the ladder and then click on the hatch at the top. The hatch cover will appear on screen and it has a gargoyle face on it. Re-arrange the pieces on the hatch to match the version you see in the torn picture. All of the features have to match the picture exactly. When you’re done, the hatch will open and you can proceed up through it.
You’ll arrive inside the supply closet in the museum. Use your supply room key to unlock the door from the inside and then go into the hall. Watch out because the shadow of the security guard will walk by the window to the security office. Wait for her to go by and then run past the window all the way to the statue room door. Go inside and then move across the room carefully, avoiding the laser beams. You are safe from being spotted by a laser beam when you’re hiding behind something, like a statue or potted plant. Once you arrive at the far end of the room, exit to go to the main museum hall.
From here, go up and to the left to where the painting of the Scream is located. Click on the top of it and you will jump up onto the light hanging above it. All of the sudden the museum alarms will go off and the police will arrive. You’ve been framed! You’ll be placed in jail and then questioned by the police. You will take a lie detector test which is very easy to pass. Then you’ll be asked to join the chief inspector over at the museum security office.
On the way back to the museum office, stop inside Bobo’s clown shop, where you’ll find the security guard from the museum. Ask him what time he left his post and he will give you his time card. After you get it, head to the museum and go up to the security office. Once you arrive, walk to the right and click on the big computer. You’ll automatically check the security camera footage and because you have the time card from the security guard, you’ll know where to look. You will see the mysterious guy appear and walk up to the painting. Press the print screen button to get a surveillance video screen print. Then go over and talk to the investigator. She will tell you to show the picture to the people in town. Leave the museum and head right towards Bobo’s Clown Shop.
When you arrive outside the clown shop, show the surveillance video screen print to one of the mimes. The mime will pretend to play music, which is a clue that the mysterious guy you’re looking for is hiding in the jazz cafe. Go right and then enter the cafe. When you arrive inside the cafe, walk to the right and the mysterious man will be there. He will run away from you. Follow him to the right to begin a big chase.
During the chase scene, you’ll be riding on a scooter trying to catch the mysterious guy. You don’t really need to catch him during this part. All you need to do is avoid the different obstacles that appear in the road as you go by. The chase lasts for a minute or two and you’ll arrive at the Docks. The thief will escape in a waiting motor boat but will drop a key card which you will pick up.
EXTRA: keep an eye out in the beginning of the chase for Balloon Boy. He will appear up in the sky between the buildings in the background.
Your next stop is the museum. When you arrive in the main lobby, the assistant curator will be waiting for you and give you a package that arrived addressed to you. It’s a painting of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night, and there’s also an x-ray device included. Open your backpack and click on the Examine button on the painting to take a closer look. Drag the x-ray device over the painting and you’ll see a secret message from the curator telling you to meet at the Pop Art Museum in Early Poptropica island. This is a fun part where you now have to leave Counterfeit Island and go to Early Poptropica. Head back outside and return to your travel balloon, which is just to the right of the museum entrance. Choose Early Poptropica on the map.
Walk left to the Pop Art Museum and then go inside. Walk a little bit to the left and you’ll find an older woman wearing purple clothes. Talk to her and she will explain a little bit about what is going on and give you a key. Exit the museum, go back to your travel balloon, and head back to Counterfeit Island.
When you arrive back in Counterfeit Island, run all the way to the right to the Countryside. You’ll see the Inspector’s house here and you can use the key that the Curator gave to you to get inside. Head upstairs and you’ll see a painting hanging on the wall. Click on it to remove the canvas and you’ll see that it’s hiding the stolen painting from the museum! But then the lights will go out. and you’ll be knocked unconscious.
When you awake, you’ll be deep inside an underground hideout. Both you and the mysterious thief will be tied to chairs and you are captives of the Black Widow, the world’s greatest art thief. The Black Widow will leave the room and then you and the mysterious guy will talk about how you were both set up by her. He’ll tell you to move your chair close to him so that he can untie you. To move your chair, click and drag your mouse to the left. It will slowly move towards the guy. Once you get next to him, you’ll both escape the chairs and he’ll suggest that you both go after the Black Widow. Head out of the room to the right.
You’ll arrive in the next room. Run all the way to the left and then jump up on the boxes while avoiding the guards. The hardest guard to sneak past is on one of the platforms right above you. You need to wait until he gets all the way to the left and then turns and starts walking right. Jump up immediately and follow him a few steps until you see a couch. Jump onto the couch and the springs will propel you to the platform above and to the left. Here you’ll see a special access panel. Use the key card you found when you were chasing the mysterious guy before to open the door. Go through the door to enter Black Widow’s private gallery. Then walk to the left to begin the final confrontation with Black Widow.
The mysterious guy will run and jump onto a platform with a handle. You need to turn the handle to raise the platform up so that he can catch her. But once he does that, the Black Widow will start dropping art onto the ground, destroying it. You need to catch the art to keep it from breaking while continuing to try and turn the handle to raise the platform. This is a really tough part to finish! If more than one million dollars of art breaks, you’ll fail and have to start this part over again. But after every four pieces you save, she’ll get really mad and then you have a few seconds to run over to the platform to turn the handle. But watch out because after a few seconds, she’ll throw a bomb towards you. You need to avoid getting hit by the exploding bomb and then return to the middle to try and catch four more pieces of art. Keep repeating the cycle until you raise the platform all the way to the top.
Once you’re done, the Black Widow will be captured! You’ll appear inside the Internet Cafe and the Curator will be there. She’ll tell you to meet her at the museum. Go there and then the Curator will show you that the museum has been the secret hiding place for some of the most famous works of art in the world. You’ll receive the medallion for finishing Counterfeit Island. Congratulations!
This island was really hard.
i lost the key card is there anyway to get the key card back?!?!?!?
Best Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!I finished!!!:) 😀
i need help by catchn the art -.-”
i’ts very hard doing it
it takes a long time to do itvhow do you go to where black window is.
i know that island, i finished it once
how do u save balloon boy
I CAN”T GET PAST THE GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!!! HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black Window? Sorry, no offence.
catching the paintings is IMPOSSIBLE!! im shaking cuz i cant do it. my mum is asking me why im shouting out “WANNA PIECE OF ME, BLACK WIDOW” omg plz help
so BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its really good thx i really needed ur help 🙂
where is all the pieces of the picture cuz i dont no but sorry i not good of this island
TIP- black widow is hard 2 beat on realty tv
the first time, i won by myself. the second time i forgot and thx for everything. you are so awesome
why ant’ the ballon boy and the girl there?
thanks for helping me through all of it so far!:P our youtube dosent work that good so the written out info really helped me!! im on my way to bein captured by the black widow…wish me luck 🙂
idk but this is the coolest island ever.
its so hard but I finished it xD !!!!!!!!!!
this is also joko
I have MANY MANY solutions to all your problems and here they are:
Everyone who has trouble with the gargoyle face,heres a guide on what you need to
-both of the eyes
-both of the horns
-the mouth and thing hanging with the mouth (remember to change the mouth first)
-the eyebrows
Did I miss anything?
Also heres a tip on beating the Black Widow:
Always stand in the middle so you can catch the art more easier and when her face becomes red (she is angry)she is going to throw a bomb so wind the lever for about 2 or 3 seconds and run away and back to the middle because your gonna miss the art that way (because you need to recover).The key here is patience.
For people stuck on the guards:
The last guard you must be patient and wait for him to turn around then you quickly jump on the platform,to the right, and jump on the couch (be quick on the couch because hes going to turn around in like 5 seconds after your at the couch), and finally onto the platform on the left.For the other guards just wait until they turn around so that they arent facing you and jump onto the next platform.
The Torn Pictures
The walkthrough did not say but there actually are 2 more pieces of torn picture.I will list all 6 though and here they are:
-inside the underground area (on the wire for the light bulb)
-at the mast of the fishing boat at the docks
-on the rock at the docks
-inside the supply room
-on the highest spot you can get to on the roof of the museum
-on a windowsill of the Moldy Baguette Inn
Hope my tips are useful for you!
and for Emily,i can give you the names of all the places (P.S *means that theres a short advertisment walk)and the ones below another name means the places connected
docks*—–>main street*——->downtown——->countryside
underground internet cafe clown shop inspectors house
museum jazz place
and for Emily,i can give you the names of all the places (P.S *means that theres a short advertisment walk)and the ones below another name means the places connected
docks*—–>main street*——->downtown——->countryside
underground internet cafe clown shop inspectors house
museum jazz place (also where you meet balloon boy)
ooops i never realised it would be like this.Let me make some changes
and for Emily,i can give you the names of all the places (P.S *means that theres a short advertisment walk)the dock means 1. main street is 2. downtown is 3. and so on.Heres an example (1.underground)that means the dock is connected to the underground place.the ( and ) separate the groups,the number represents a main area and the words say the name of a place connected to the main area.The first diagram shows how the main areas are connected.I call those main streets because these are places that play an important part in the story.The dock is where you try to catch the guy and where you first meet him.Main Street is main street.Downtown includes places you went in at least once and had a connection to the story.The countryside is where balloon boy first takes off and where you see black widow for the last time and plays an important part in the story( the boss battle).The museum is not on my main street list because it is connected to main street.Also these places are in a straight line if you look on the poptropica counterfeit map (in the corner beside the customizer) you will see they are in a straight line.
1.docks*—–>2.main street*——->3.downtown——->4.countryside
(1.underground)(,moldy baguette cafe,and internet cafe)(3.Bobos clown shop,underground,jazz cafe,and police station)(4.inspectors house aka black widows house)
Oh and if your thinking of doing this island and is not sure here is a summary:
At the beginning a mysterious man tells you the Scream is about to be stolen.Then you try to catch the thief in action but is framed.Later on you find out that perhaps the mysterious man is the thief.You go over to early poptropica to pick up a mysterious key from the museum curator.Close to the end you find out both you and the mysterious man were played around with and that a girl named Black widow is undercover as a fake police officer and the real stealer of the Scream.At the end you finally find her and the boss battle is confronting her.You need to lever the mysterious man to the top while catching precious art thats dropped by black widow and if the art cost passes 1 million you have to restart the battle
hey how do i move the paintings
I can’t click on the garbage
thanks.if it weren’t for the cheats i wouldn’t beat any of these islands.
This helped me so much cuz i stink at poptropica!
~a very desperate person
yay i finished this island personally the end is easy 🙂
dude there are two missing parts, ne is up the museom and other is up the cafe where tht guy with camera was(not all up in the middle)
oh no its up the moldy place the place righ of the cafe
if you go to the internet cafe and click on the book there is a page torn out and you can pick it up and if you click on the computers you can play a mini-game
thanks for the help I would have never passed.
thanks for the help i would have never passed that island.
I LOVE your website and youtube channel. Without you, I never would have passed this island, spy island, and/or lots of other islands. I’m sure glad you made this website or I would still be on Nabooti Island!
omggg thank uuu!!! ur a life saverr, 🙂
im stuck on moving the chair! any one have any ideas?
where r all the torn peices
I just wanted to add that you forgot that the fourth and fifth in the chest. The fourth is on the muesuem and the fifth is on another building. Im sorry I forgot where the fifth is!! But Ihope your not made at me for saying this!!! But please contact me from my e-mail if I did not see where the fourth and fifth picture is on this!!
Thank You!!
I CANT GET PASSED THE GUARDS HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
no fair i acidentaly went into the measeum at dark and it wont let me back out 🙁
Why won’t anybody tell me there user and password because i have finished all the islands and I could do them all for u
OMG! Thx $ooooo much I’ve pa$$ed like 10 i$lands thx 2 u!! U roque(rock) thank$!
this really helped me but i cant stop black widow
OMG you are a lifesaver where do you get it all from?
The last torn peice is on one of the winow ledges on the moldy bauette inn! =-)
omg what are with all the birds on this island???????????? is there any reason at all for them????
I did it Lol
only one part is pretty hard…. its the arrangement part… i tried like 10 timez n could not really get it right… i moved the mouth,tounge,eyes,eyebrow and hair… do i still have to move anything else?? PLS HELP ME!!!!
WAIT!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY i got it…. cant believe i got it!!!! i achually pulled the mouth all the way down… LOL…. its suppose to be only a quarter… weird i did not see that… THANKS 4 UR HELPZ
i just want you to no YOU R0CK!!!!!!!!
OMG! u r the best, k? The BEST! r0ck 0n
Hey how do u make those screen videos? plz email me if u know how 2. i have a mac if needed.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! i think that your website has the best info and cheats on this game! You explain things so nicely in the written walkthroughs. You make your viewers feel like your friends!!! I just wanted to say thanks because as of today, i have completed all of the poptropica islands available. You rock!!!
I wonder what happend to the boy after finishing this island?
please help!!! i’ve collected all the torn pieces!!! n’ i’m out of the museum and it’s already night!!! how can i enter the museum??? HELP!!!
@the pretty gal: are y0u sure you wanna help me in counterfeit?
Umm.. i just started and i hav just come back from the tour but no mysterious guy… what do i do?! Am i blind or something?! I cant seem to find him :\ HELP!
Nevermind! exited at the worng place…. DURRR
hellos! just like to say, if you go on reality tv island and change the channel theres balloon boy!
There’s a paper when you jump up and look by one of the windows that has a light turned on at the muesem. By the way the eyebrows are oppisite on the creature. Wieird, right?
oh sorry not the muesum the moldy baguette inn
Wow that wus hottastic i saved a really hard island i <3 this site
<3<3<3<3 hot 107.9
Heyy uhhm I can’t find the 5th one…..can you please help? Tyvm 🙂
how did you get the orange popstar?
omggg i hate 93.1 they suck
ARRGH! I have 3 torn pieces. One of the eyebrow and eye, one of the eyebrow and eye, and one of a horn. WHERE ARE THE MISSING PIECES?!
omg this helped alot thankss 🙂
thx so much i couldn’t of done it with out you. thx
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant find the all of the pieces of the picture!!!!!
where are they???????????????????
the written walk through only gave 4 of the ripped picture!!
u r the best. when ever i don”t know what to do i come to this website
Thaaanks ! :))
Thank U Sooo Much!!! Btw… What With The Balloon Boy?? Can You Really Find Him?? And If You Can.. How??
yes can find balloon boy give me your email adress and i will tell you
LOL! I was so dumb. at the end when I need to collect this art thingy and it can reach up to a million dollars , I was like “When Is this going to finish??????” and i looked back on the cheats and it says like turn the red thingy when she is throwing _the bomb_ to make that lift grow up
i did it i cheated but i still won because im smarter than anyone lol
excuse me… where can u find the missing pieces of the gargoyle picture?… I already found the left horn, left and right eye, and 2 pieces of the mouth… please reply.
i find a glitch thts so cool. Get a baloon, go to the underground tunnel. Near the very steep path (near the secret entrance to the museum), take few steps back and then do a running jump. you’ll go through the wall!!!!!! U can also just jump and float straight to the steep path.
Thanks you so much! 🙂
Before the underground tunnel does it matter what baloon it is
How did you made your costume sparkley?
How did you get your vostume to be orange and sparkly?
I wanna have it!
ugh. i wish she could make it easier. i cant catch all those paintings at the end!!! : x thats the only hard part fortunetlly!!!!!! 😀
XhanYin12, you actually don’t need to find all the missing pieces of the gargoyle picture. Right after you’re outside the closed art place, hit the back button at the upper left side of your screen and you’ll be where you need to go.
Another EXTRA**
When you are in the Cafe (at the end after you defeated Black Widow) Go to the dictionary and there’s a loose leaf paper for you to practice your French.
Can’t do it with out ya! It is so amazing i now look for for all my islands thanks!!!
man i am still on the part when u have to not be caught by black widows guards man someone plz help me plz reply or comment this stuff is hard on this part
never mind i won now i have completed 4 islands bout to complete 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how u get all the pieces of the gargoyle??? plz help me
I love the little cheats but i do kinda feel bad cheating:(
the last part is hard:(
poptropica is soo fun and addicting 🙂 lol haha i go on it 24/7
Yeah, I’m frankly confused as to where all the pieces are. I’m just missing the upper right horn thingy.
what if the security person says that the museum isnt open yet????????PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply SOON!!!!
but i must admit, he will feak me out to! mimes. THEY SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS EARTH!!!!!
thanks finally done!!!
i didnt do it in the right order. ugh…
I Dont Know What is the left eye can you help me its already nighittime though so idk where it is..
Grrrr the guards keep getting me they are not moving at all. Are the suppose to? I feel so dumb im 13 wow im dumb 😀
Oh yea and peopless if you have a weeworld account on add me my user is xxlexiluvzyouxx
i luv this island. the hardest parts are finding all the pieces and the end game/thing
What happened to the balloon boy?
when i click on the garbage can to find the tickets…the cursor to click on it wont appear so i cant dig inside!!!
HELP!! what do i do?
what ever happened to the boy with the balloon?
how do you get the gold sparkely pop star outfit?
hi! yeah sure, the last part was the hardest.
Hey, Thanks for the cheats couldn’t do anything without it!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 XD
The last part was the hardest but I made it through YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for your help and ps what hapend to the baloon boy
Q: what should i do after i finished this isle
Can someone help me with Counterfeit and Steamworks?
My username:UPAY12
the two missing pieces that this website misses out on are:
the one above the painter on a windowsill
on top of the mueseum
I got stuck on the part where the Black Widow throws down the
paintings and stuff.But, I created a new account…. again. 🙂
i love your clothes can you give me tips
Do we HAVE to complete the picture of the…whatever it is?
The guards are freaking me out!Every time I try it,I always shout and fall from the chair!I can’t see them anyway… :,( Huhuhu!!!!!!!!
i think u r missing one of the pieces because i read this page like 20 times and i could mot seem to see where it is
i cant find the right horn
FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think you forgot to put 2 of those picture pieces down because i couldn’t find two of them until i searched the whole island.
What about the balloon boy!?!?
Uhh, i can’t do the catching the painting bit :L
if i give you my password and username, do you think you can do it for me? :3 <3
Speedy Hippo,I’m missing that piece too!
URGGGGH, I can’t get the piece in the tunnel cuz I don’t have a balloon! Tips please?
Never mind, I just got it. Cursed picture…lol, Poptropica is so addicting!
Easy Peasy Lemon SQUEEZEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black Widow battle is so easy!
Dear Lisa,
The thing about the French page, its actually how you really have to find out to bring the green balloon to the boy.
I am ranirana too! But call me Flora
I found a Glitch! In Counterfeit go to The Moldy Baguette Inn and go past the painter guy.There’s a door styled window or whatever you call them. Jump on the window above it, and jump in the middle of the trees, and you are walking in air! I don’t know if this works for everyone at everytime.
You forgot to mention the piece of paper on top of the museum in your written walkthrough
how do u get ballon boy do u get extra credits???
To kellsie: No you don’t get extra credits if you get ballon boy. 🙂 From MacKenzie 🙂
hey i cannot click the garbage can
Nyi, click on the one that is OPEN, not the closed one.
i can’t find all the peices to the picture of the gargoyle!! please help!
the guards are so flippin hard to get by
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
I can’t find all of the pictures?
I really need that sparkely gold outfit i told my friend i could get it for her and now i dont want to be a lier! Plz help!
help i can’t get past the shadow inspector or whatever its called!!!!! help me please!!!!
The missing torn picture pieces:
City Docks:
1. on top of the mast on the ship.
2.after the underground tour go to the right of the mysterious man and you’ll find it on the sand.
3.on the top near a flag. the supply closet.
Underground Tour:
5.Near a barb wire.climb it and jump right so if you pass it,you’l get it.
Moldy Baguette Inn:
6.On one of the windows.(outside)
I need help finding the supply closet on counterfiet can someone help.
I need help finding the supply closet on counterfiet can someone help.When someone can please tell me so I can do it at school my computer is having technical diffulculties im on my dsi and phone at the moment.
please help i did it out of order my mistake and i still need the picture from downtown, but now it is under construction and i can’t get through. is there any way to undo this or something?
there’s a sign over the inspector/black widow’s house that says “inspector veuve-noire”. veuve noire translates into black widow.
how do you get the sparkly gold pop star outfit?
I need help with the paintings. they wont move.
twisted wizard sucks.
Yes!! I finally finished!! Hooray, hooray!
it is really hard to keep spinning the handle how do you do it
Thank you for the aweswome walkthrough! I appreciate that you took the time to write all that! Thanks again!
I need to get one more piece of the puzzle but I need to get down town to do so,but the constuction is in the way, so how do I?
the frame catch is so much to me and it is very hard at the same time you need to catch the frames and roll the mysterious guy over!!!
I can’t defeat Widow!! I’ve tried a million times already! 🙁
magic sword, for most of the time, just catch paintings. Catch as many as you can, and every four paintings you catch, the black widow wioll get mad and do the angry emote. this will give you time to run over and crank then handle a few times. when the balck widow’s done being angry, jump clear, because she’d going to throw a bomb at you. dodge the bomb and go back to catching art. after a few times of this procedure, you’ll have cranked the the mysteriuos guy to the very top, and he’ll run over a knock out the black widow. and as the mysterious guy says, “case closed.”
or you can just run overto the very left and crank like mad and hope that you get the mysterious guy to the top before she destroys more than a milllion dollars of art, but that’s a lot harder. you’ll have to crank really fast.
anyway, good luck! hope it helps!
Its easier if u bring a balloon when u r going to the stronghold. Just jump through the ceiling!
I want the sparkley gold outfit. 😐
i can help you with the whole island! just tell me if you need help! im only an eight-year old you know!
oh and the sparkly gold outfit(popstar outfit) is gone and is ONLY for members
i finished this island already,but there’s one thing I’m confused at. why is the fountain dry?
thanks that really helped =)
WHAT!? Popular heart, you’re saying the gold popstar outfit is GONE!? I REALLY LOVED THAT COSTUME!!! I MEAN, I HAVE THE OUTFIT, BUT ONLY IN 3 COLORS!
🙁 and, my parents dont allow membership
@ Mighty joker: which fountian?
yep. its gone.
Finally finished counterfeit island. still need more credits
2 get an outfit, go 2 the star icon on the right top corner of the screen. when u get there, you go 2 the top of the screen where it sez “store”. select an outfit. then, return 2 the game. clik ”items” and press the arrow with the name of the island that yr on. u should see in yellow writing ”store items”. u r supposed to clik the purchased item and clik customize. there u go!
WAHT THE POP STAR OUTFIT IS GONE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For people who are struggling with the “Catch Art/Pottery/Statue and turn handle” “game”:Ok, This is how I got through that. Just catch for art a time Black Widow get so mad her head pops off her head (lol) spin the handle, and watch out for the bomb she throws at you after she get’s mad. Be patient and you’ll win the game. Just keep doing this repeatedly:catch,catch,catch,catch, spin handle, avoid bomb. that’s it.
the mysterious guy will do the rest with the whole black widow POW thing
Incredible Thunder:Well yeah the popstar outfit is GONE. I’m trying to figure out which season it’s out though. I’ll be looking out though. (I think the popstar outfit is for members but i’m not sure yet)
I got a little of the hang of it…but I just can’t finish the whole thing! I need like a glitch or something I want them slower. (Plus if I use the Concentracion Carbonate only when I need to reload my gun, I’ll lose ’cause I’m not fast enough.) I’m gonna try it again though!
Hey, for people who want the outfit:Well, I found out that there’s a popstar outfit just like it! But the only diffrence is color. But if you risk not buying it, the popstar outfit the sparkly gold one might not be there all year! So, wanna buy? If you like either of these colors:Blue, Pink, and Green, If you like those colors then buy the suit in the line of people wearing diffrent suits like a vampire girl or something. It’ll take awhile to actually see it. HINT:The suit’s by the suit called Southern Belle.
Ok, Need Help On Train Robbery was me, I meant to do Icey on my name but forgot to.
(\_/) (.o.) (/\)
Huh? How’d I get on Counterfeit Walkthrough? Anyway…I’m going back to Wild West Walkthrough
how do you do smilies
it didn’t work!
i hate da part where u mix the color samples.. >:s but i finished this.
If you want to learn more about balloon boy, go back to Google and type
poptropica balloon boy. Also check out the letter. This balloon boy is crazy!!! How could something like this happen?????
yeah ur right! maybe he really lost a lot of weight so he can float on a balloon
Oh goodness, getting through the laserbeams is increddibly hard.
-scream- Can you get out of doing the minigame (the one where you save the art, and crank up the shadowy man) once you’ve started it? I want to go to another island, ’cause I pulling out my hair. 😛
Tiny Cloud,I can do it for you!I won’t change your password cause i don’t know how to!
i hate it when you have to save the art and do the crank! i cant get it. can anyone help?
Do any of you guys know how to save balloon boy????? I wanna save him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will someoe go on my account and do some islands for me please
@maroon socks which islands?
TO CONNIE wild west island and wimpy wonderland
I USE TO HAVE THE KEY THEN BOOOM THE NEXT DAY I DIDNT!!!!!!IM STUCK IN THE STOREROOM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHE IS MY NUMBER ONE!!!!(the others are c**p)sorry bout the voilence little ones…if there is….lol.
Where do you find the top right hand corner of the gargoyle pic? I can’t find it.
uh yeah, he lost a lot of weight so that’s why he can float around in a balloon.
WILL HE COME DOWN????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
I only found four pieces of the torn picture and you videos and text say nothing about two of the pieces! I looked everywhere! Where are they?!?!?!?!?!?!?
P.S. Im still angry!!!!!!! >:(
Lol if you get hit by bomb you just face a tiny knockout so yeah.
p.s. anyone need help on wild west train email me at [email protected]
2 on main street. on the highest point of the museum and on one of the windows of a building to the right. The is one in the supply room in the museum ( you have to do the tour and talk to the strange man on the bottom speachbubble). 2 on the docks. 1 on the highest place of the boat and the rocks to the right of the strange man. The last one is in the tunnel when you get to a light bulb going up,climb it. jump off to the right to get the last piece!
Hope this helps!!!
if i had the robin hood costume, i’d shoot the balloon then i’ll catch him on a trampoline then land safely in his mom’s arms.
im stuck because in counterfeit island it turn night time but i forgot to get the key from the old lady in the pop art museum.WHAT DO I DO????!!!!!
The hatch in the tunnel doesn’t open even though I made the gargoyle face exactly the same as the one in the picture but it still doesn’t open…what shall i do???????
u musta made a mistake chocaltefreak, u can quit and start again ;D
serious rider, ure dead, i think u should quit and start again too…or try and get the key from the lady or stuff up…
do u know what to do for my part ?
also click on the little symbols at the top of the gargoyle face.
My all time favorite island!
That’s one part of the Island.
Angry, Ive got the same probelm.
Angry, never mind about that last one, im actually missing one.
Gosh! I hate the part when you have to save the art that she’s throwing! I can never get it, I’m on my 11th (I’ve been counting) try!!
just beat the island !!!!! WOOT WOOT !!!
hey bashful cloud , have u seen funny icicle ???
hey i defeated this island only two more to go icluding shrink ray island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this website only has the awnsers
i need to finish skulduggery, wild west and shrink ray
this website rocks!!!! and has all the anwsers to what your looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Cant Find the last peice of the Picture!!!! the right hand corner….. Please Help
I am having trouble getting through the gargoyle lock because when I went to the storage room and got the last piece it does not show up someone please help me!
Im almost done im at the last game im a almost at the top i just wish he could at all.
I finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i’ve finished every single island in poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love my life hey! i love my life hey!
Happy 4th OF JULY
Hey,I`ve Completed The Haunted House But Why When I Open My Backpack I See Undenifined And Underground Ticket?
Please Comment At Me
this soooooo helped! know im finally done! yay me, yay me. plus i forgot my old acount which all my finished islands were on including this one so this really helped!
thank you!
it is vey hard for me!
i went to pick up the piece from the storage closet but it didnnt show up in my bookbag
so i only have 5 pieces
Wait i just found it srry
And, “em” I don’t want anyone who’s stupid, but can anyone help me?
Claire 😉
And this walk-through helps, expect some parts….
and is the time wrong? because I’m in MI and the time is…
9:45 am not 6:44 am!
Claire 🙂
PLEASE!!!!!! Someone, please help me!
🙁 🙁 🙁
Now I passed……………..
this help me very much but i cant pass the end part to get all the paintings tht black windoeww is throwing plzzz help me 🙂
what about torn pieces 5 and 6???? please reply
finally i beat all 20 island thnx so much i would`nt of beat it without this!!!!!!!!!
Where is the 6th photo?
btw the 6th photo is outside of the museum on the dome. thanks for not helping me find that
Perhaps i didnt read a part but i only have 2 pieces of the picture.1 from the tunnels and 1 from the city docks.Can anyone tell me witch one i missed.
yeah whoo you guy are losers i fienshed the island in one day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
umm what happend to the guy with the ballon! did anybody think of that? :p
I know this may sound strange but the security guard on the inside won’t let me in. Is this because its not the right time or have I missed a step?
Wait nevermind, but I only have five pieces of the puzzle. Does anyone know where the sixth one is?
2.Museum dome
3.Storage closet
4.Fishing boat
5.By the Main Street sign
The other piece is on a window above the internet cafe!
i finished this island in 5 minutes!!:)its soooo easy!oh and if anyone needs help,tell me!
oh and to get past the guard in the art museum,first you need to get tickets for the tour and after the tour you will meet this strange looking man and he will tell you to get a job at the museum
I”m stuck in the underground tour thing trying to figure out that picture device. I forgot one of the scraps of the picture. Can I restart the island??………………………. The place under the museum.
I went to all the places to find the scraps of paper but I”m still missing a piece. Can someone help me?? ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
When you make an account on poptropica, you would rather say that you are six because then all the stuff that you have to do is much easier. Hope this helped =)
Can ANTONE hear me!!??? stupid island…..
I’m new here.
Fine!!! I’ll figure it all by myself… Thanks a lot for your help!
Found it…………..
I won it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
without anyone’s help! hah!!! in your face’s people that didn’t help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is my favorite island!!! 😀
ummmm no one really helped
Yeah! no one helped me! Lazy bones I’ll help you.
This is my favorite island
Where do I find the last torn piece? I found four of them when I got the Supply Key, and when I used the supply key to open the door, and got the torn piece thats supposed to be the last one, but it wasn’t, it was the fifth one. Where do I find the last one?
Please help me!
Oh, nevermind. I got the last torn peice. It was on top of the museum xD
Thank you for the great walkthrough tutorial!!
when i was in the black widows hide out, I felt my heart pumping. i always get too into it. Thanks for the walkthrough!
i luv the outfit on ur poptropican where did u get it i want it
Hey twirps! I’m back.
thank you awesome website, thanks to this i only have for more islands!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
hey guy you must not of worked on it enough because one of the gargoile pieces is missing it is on top of the roof of the meausem for those who agree
this gargoilething is annoying
if anyone needs help in poptropica, ask me.
(*_ * )
I could only find 4 pieces of the gargolye picture throught the text walk through. Some one help me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
your walkthroughs REALLY help
The bottom left piece is on top of a boat on the docks if you don’t have it guys
hey can sum1 tell me how to get the art and raise the bar in counterfeit island THE END
please help me coz im findin it really!!!!!! reallly hard
I can’t find the sixth piece of the torn page! Whoever came up with Counterfeit Island, you’re a s**t!
I could only find 5 out of all 6 gargoyle pieces I got the supply closet one the one on the big white building the one on top of the museum the underground tunnel one and to be honest I have no idea where I got my other one I think at the docks somewhere… could anyone tell me where I can find the last piece?
I can’t find the middle piece of paper on the right hand side of thetorn up picture!!!!!!!!! Could someone help please??
I got a package and theres are message on it telling me to go to Early Poptropica island?! But thats not Counterfeit island! Do you go back to Counterfeit?
ya go 2 early poptropica then go into the art musem go 2tha left talk 2 tha lady in purple then go back 2 counterfit
I knew it! I KNEW IT!!!!!!! That cop with black hair looked like black widow – I saw black widow on the TV show of Reality TV island!! And now I find she really IS her! Oh I knew that from the start! Honestly, she looked like her dont you think?
yea 😕 🙁 🙂 😀 😛 😉 ;D ;P
Thanks!!!! Without this walkthrough I would never have completed this island. I didn’t use the whole walkthrough, just when I was stuck!
By the way, what was the point of having that boy floating off with the balloon in it anyway?
when i went into the supply closet and got the paper i still didnt have all the pieces. why? tell me where to find all the pieces i need 4 more
how do i open the hatch in the tour i have all the pieces now and the face looks like the face on the paper but it wont open plz help me
can u do all my islands? il give u my pass and user name but plz PROMISE dont hack my account and can u make a private chat so i can private chat u cuz i put my trust in u 10000000% plz plz plz plz i love this site its the only thing i use for poptropica i only use the best thing ever made and i always always always use this when ever im stuck i always open another tab and go to google then i always type Poptropica then i always click here so plz plz plz plz plz plz plz can u do them all!!!! i rlly trust u with my whole world!!!
thanks for the help i appriciate it!!!! i will keep this site in mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……..
btw i knew that she was the black widow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i saw her on another island….. thx again byeee!!!!:)
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 the person put continued in part 3 at the end of walkthrought part 3! xD
that’s hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLOL ROFLOL ROFLOL 😆 😆 😆 ROFLOL ROFLOL ROFLOL 😆 😆 😆
ok….ok…ok….ok…. i’m done laughing……. but seriously that’s hilarious
I found the last piece of the torn picture on one of the higher windows on The Moldy Baguette Inn. Hope this helps someone.
thank u!!now if i complete two more islands i canvisit the haunted house!!!oh i can’t wait!!!
i think i can help u missfriendly i think its because of the mouth fix the mouth
this i kinda my fav island so yah iloveyoupoptropica!!!!!!!!!
WOW! Some people need to learn to NOT SWEAR!!! 🙁
Blf get use 2 it. From the way it sounds either u r home shoo led or u r 2or3 so just get use 2 it
You left out an extra 🙂
when u first arrive go right and u can paint whatever you like!
the sign thing says “Create your own masterpiece!” its very fun,i think its why ive never done this island completely yet cause i get distracted xD
this island is hard
how Does poptropicasecrets get that yellow glittery popstar outfit?
Who knows a ShadowPrince here? Anyone knows the actors Morgan Colin and Bradley James? They both are kinda cute…
You skipped the fourth and fifth pieces of the gargoyle picture! It went from three immediately to six
If anyone doesnt no where the 6th torn piece is it’s on top of the moldy baguette inn
BTW how do you take videos of your Poptropican like that? I am just dying to make a music video…
haha not a music video.a walkthrough
Yah, I know but I was thinking I could make a music video instead! It would be BOMB!!!!
haha.are you new here?
help !!!! i cant finish it
help! i really want to look like the black widow, but i already completed the island and at reality island, where one of the competeters could be the black widow, you can only where her pants!!! please someone help me!!!
For anyone that couldn’t find 2 of the 6 peices that she left out, one is on the top of the moldy baugette, and the other is on the balcony type thing of the web browser cafe. Hope this helps someone! (btw I loved this site. It helped a ton!)
The two missing piece are on the dome of the musem and on a windowsill on the Moldy Baguette Inn! 🙂
its easy though
Does anyone need HELP?
hiiiii can someone plz tell me where all the peices of the gargoyle picture are?????
what about that kid in the air with the balloon?
if you are having trouble with the iland then contact me at [email protected]
For people who cant find all of the gargoyle pieces:
Two at the docks
One on top of the museum
One on a window sill of the large white building
One in the supply closet in the museum
and one in the underground tunnel
since when do you go on poptropica lazy bones?
what are the 6 easiest islands with LEAST amount of TIME?
Early Poptropica, Shark Tooth, Great Pumpkin, Big Nate, Timetangled (well its a bit longer, but really easy), and 24 Carrot. Thats what I think anyway.
THIS IS THE BEST ISLAND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! IVE NOT COMPLETED ALL THE ISLANDS YET BUT I KNOW THIS ONE WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVOURITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also love the way you have to go to Early Poptropica Island!
But what on EARTH does that balloon boy have to do with it? I mean, he’s nothing to do with the theft, and you don’t rescue him or anything…. Its funny when your on the scooter catching the thief, and you can see balloon boy in the distance.
Wow! I just realized if you looked at the Inspector’s name (Veuve-Niore), it is a distortion of veuve noire, or black widow, in French. Very clever, Poptropica. Very clever indeed…
but i solved only those islands so far
(i only started 2 weeks ago and thats why im behind!)
Hey has anyone noticed on Reality TV Island when you go into the TV shop place, and you have to watch the TV to find out the application address, before you change the channel, the story of Balloon Boy is on the screen!!!
what do i do if im missing a piece of the picture on counterfiet island?
thanks for the walkthrough. 🙂
though, do u know what happens to the boy with the balloon? im pretty sure it doesnt show it but its good to ask. :3
i have the gargolye pieces all of them, but when i do the underground entrance why wont it open after i hav placed the picture correctly? plz help!
i cant find the mysterious man in the jazz cafe 😐
Ugh… I forgot that part…. Hold on… I’ll tell you, Maroon Heaart when I remember it! kk?
wait…. where do I find tow more pieces of the picture???????
thanks Might Coyote !!!
Then u probably already done it ,maroon heart,and he ran out to the docks ,i think havent re-done this island in a while, all-well!:) im getting ready to do it anyway!:3
ps. HoPe I HeLpEd!~KJ ROX!!
Hmmm, I agree with BRONZE SNOWBALL! I think you did help him.. 😀
Isnt it funny that you could see the balloon boy from a distance at times/
This island is sooooo easy!!!
I wish they would make islands harder….
I noe, i wish they would amke islands harder!!!!
thats not what i ment! some islands are already hard enough♥
yeah… NORA is right, lot’s of islands are hard enough to beat!!! I like poptropica! <3
It helped me a lot.Who cares that child will be dead by now.You can see that child flying in the air when we are chasing the right hand of Black Widow.
i cant find the pictue (torn) in the tunnel and i cant get back in!!!!! help!!!
tee hee
Oh, *sigh*. I like counterfeit! It is mysterious, fun, and sometimes weird!!!
THANK YOU! i hate the videos
how is it mysterious????
and how is it weird?
Whoops… not weird…. sorry….
It is mysterious to finding out who is the villian, how it is a surprise Black Widow it is… For me, it is! 😛
I love these textwalkthroughs! I hate where i get to a part of an island and i get stuck and have to watch certain videos until it gets to where i want! The text is sooooo mucheasier!
hey i just done this game so if your sitll on it when ha ha is hard good luck
its the funnest island on poptropica
Im having trouble with the guards the last one is harder
me frendrly turtle i complete all island
why is the paint sample test said it”s wrong
Though I cant seam to pass it,I’ve gotten some of the the idea on how to pass it.I think ur supposed to catch enough art to make her angry,& when she throws the bombs,thats when u crank the handle to raise the platform,rite?Btw, thank u Fierce Moon!!!W/o the cheats or Poptropica Secrets,I’d nvr pass as many islands as I did!
Did fierce moon actually written ALL of these walkthroughs??? if she did, Well done! 😀
ya, well done fierce moon 🙂
hi my name is olivia i love poptropica i finished every iusland execpt game show as it has not came out yet email me if you are stuck
how do u like pass the evil woman?! 😡
cansomeone help me on thia island name-poppoptropicanashly pasword-sv77099
Everytime I go onto poptropica I always open up your website and read/watch your walkthroughs.
I am stuck on the great pumpkin island on that piano minigame at the halloween party!
You are an awesome poptropica player and what ever you where on the videos I buy!
hey i love poptropica cheats its so awsome ive passed almost every level now
Thanks! These cheats help me beat islands almost in a day.
hello. LOL
i <3 poptropica secrets
I can’t find the last piece of the dragon picture. I got the two on the dock. One on main street and one in the supply closet and it still says I am missing one. Where is the last piece?
Hey where is the fourth and fifth piece of paper for the gargoyle picture? I was reading the written walkthrough because i wanted to restart this island and after you said how to get the third piece of paper, the next time you talk about getting the last piece of paper. I will check the video walkthrough though, but i can never find the other two pieces of paper. Thanks!
Never mind i found a page saying locations. sorry!
Well, there are 6 pieces and you have only mentioned 4. One is under the museum – in the underground tour thingy, another is on top of the museum, on the dome at the very top. Hope this helps!
look in the items section and click on Torn Pictures, it will tell u where to find it, I’m So Mad!
does it help u?
Thanks a lot now I can finish up to two islands in a day. The only thing is that on some of the cheats there isn’t a whole written version and I like to read it instead of watching a video. Thanks anyways though!
hey fierce how do u get ur clothing like that?
Awwwww…. I really hate it when people say what they hate about another person.. It makes me feel like there is another fight gonna come… OMG! please, not even ONE more fight.. k? ❓ ❗
wah i said was is NOW the bottom of the screen doesnt tell me who wrote the last coment and where
Where do the paintings go?! I tried without cheats and I’m mixed up. 🙁 Can someone help?
I logged out and it reset. Good for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
: P
I like Poptropica, but you should try Interactive Buddy at
P.s. THere is no P.s
I just beat da last island. (Mystery Train). It was OK. My favorite one so far though, was Skullduggery.
P.s. if you give me your username and password, I can beat an Island for you.
I’m stuck in La La land too, with teletubbies. It is SO annoying! God have mercy on me, please!
I should have it beat in at least 1 week. ^
hee hee, I like your name RASBERRY PLASTIC TICKLE BEAR! lol
What ever happend to balloon boy??? Oh, by the way, your walk through worked!!
And why was down town just randomly under construction?
Ohmigosh! You will never ever ever EVER gues what?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I forgot…. OH WELL 🙂
That was random. Sorry peoples. Will you forgive and forget? (Even though it’s there forever… CURSE YOU INTERNET!!!) *Makes puppy dog eyes* Please?
Oh! I feel sooooooooooooooo bad for the black widow. Widow. Her husband died. 🙁 if u agree………..
Garg! I keep accidentally clicking on those side commercial things………
how do we get the peice at the museum ?
Raspberry Plastic Tickle Bear, i TOTALLY agree with u, my 3 year old brother is obssesd with it! he laughs so hard when he sees them, lol
Someone’s name iz lalaland…. BUT THATZ MY NAME!!!! *hypervenilates*
Beefy nobody’s guna fall for that oh btw i’m verrelle
add me on mabi if u play~
well when they let u
lets all go on poptropica and enter somebodys room so we can see each others characters!
um i like the guide it helped me beat counterfeit thank you for not telling me where all the pieces are.
i agree with tulorox2 i like the written walkthroughs
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
the written walkthrough is incomplete!!!!!! you forgot to put in the places of the 4th and 5th piece of the picture !!!
phew… catching the black widow is a big chunk of hard work 😀 😀 😀
Can’t find the one in the Q!
OMG ur videos helped me out alot! i watched all of them to finishe every plc! LOL
ad to restart island because of glitch i had been stuck on for years now i can restart the island though…..YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brothers (kids of the world)
Everyday in
im not in school but im bored and i dont think schools stupid just bored lol truth
incomplete walkthrough………..:P
meet at bert’s bed and breakfast in cryptids on this saturday, 7:30 to 9:45 if u ♥♥♥ poptropica and want a halloween party………… and ppl w/ 3 or more stars are definitily invited though if u have 3 or less u r still invited, too. and BTW if u r stuck on mystery train or anything that is not this island pls don’t spam this island walkthrough thing up w/ requests. o and how do u get to the avatar studio????
where is the last torn picture i only have five!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye guys. I’m leaving. I MIGHT not be back. Hugs! You guys are all great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP StuckInLaLaLand!
Hi guys! I’m new here. And I’ll TRY to be nice, but I sometimes am trying to be funny or sarcastic and It’s hard to tell on the computer. Ratchet! There’s a place on here (Poptropica Secrets) that tells you all of them. Just search torn picture. Good Luck! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Is my name conceited? Or funny? Or something else? I’m kinda worried it sounds conceited……………….
Actually I’ll stay. Never mind. I was angry at my bro when I wrote it and for some reason I thought this would tick him off. 😳
Ratchet, the last piece is on top of the museum.
Another piece is on a windowsill at the Moldy Bagutte.
First on a new page!
R- You mean second on a new page… hee hee lol 😆
My favorite part is when I was trapped and she says…”Man I Can’t Stand Anyone In Here!! Except Me,Me ….I like.”
I agree. I DO like me… *fluffs hair* JK
I agree too Megan! It is sooo random-like, but true 🙂
Wow this website is really helpful thanks for all the walkthroughs. 🙂 😀
Thank you 4 this i knew it all exept 4 the last part! what should i buy? a costume or save up?
Do we ever learn about balloon boy? 🙂
The last part was hard;when the black widow tried to throw bombs, i always get hit then i end up missiing the stuff she throws
hello? people? Megan I agree with you!
OMG LOL Fierce Moon wore the gold pop star outfit
I wore the regular pop star outfit for this island I was playing music and singing at night
can anyone give me the name of the place to find all the torn paper?
how do i make friends on poptropica
Did anyone else think it was weird when the women at the art musem say that some one was whatching you? I got really freaked out. Think about it its a little bit creepy.
you don’t. You just talk to poptropicans in the multiplayer rooms. Sprocket (from Steamworks Island) was your new friend when you found him.
I love when my girl got put to jail and then they found out that it wasn’t her because the painting got stolen after she was put in jail later that night! LOL
You can make friends here
I agree with Megan… And I still haven’t defeated the Black Widow… Now, I’m stuck in Counterfeit Island!!! 🙁 I REALLY NEED HELP!!! (sorry ’bout the caps!)
This is perfect thanx 4 the help
i like fierce moon
Hey pplzzzzzzzzzzzzz . im tottaly new here. pz be nice *bats eyelashes and puppy dog eyes* . im gonna be on an off.
my avatar name is speedy lobster and i <3 to hangg out at mythology island
if u guyz go on fantage u can catch me in the blue tiger server. my user id 23364
Hi, i need help getting on the couch from the black widows house! please help me!!!
Fierce Moon you rock!!!! Thnx so much for the help! Anybody like tacos! I raise my tacos to Fierce Moon!!! If any one likes this comment on it
If you like my comment, in less then 2 days you will have the BEST day ever! So comment on this and your wish is granted
can you please make a video and a written walkthrough for dr.hares secret lab
What about the fountion in the park? will it flow? No dissing my spelling!!!!!!
Fierce Moon??? do you ever comment on any pages?
Does anyone know how to dance
where is all the torn pieces???
I like tacos! But I haven’t ate them in a long time! I don’t think Fierce Moon comments on these pages. She doesn’t even read them.
the 2 other pices of paper are on top of the museum and on a widow sill of moldy baggot sorry about my spelling
Oh… Did she make this page? If she makes this page, she is meant to check it a lot… Fierce Moon, If you are here, “Hello! Nice cheats, and thank you” 😆 😀
Easier way not to desttroy paintings at end-When she gets mad,quickly turn the lever.
What About The Water Fountain? Arent you supost to do something with that?
Can someone do the part which you defeat Black Widow please, emailme ferriskaitlyn(at)hotmail(dot)com 🙂
The password to the computer in Shrink Ray Island is “m4r13 SPACE cur13!Your welcome if this helped u!
i got a membership…he he he
How do you complete Conterfiet Island?It is sooo hard i am stuck when u are suppose to put in the scream picture.
How do you open the safe with the dragon on it? It is not working i have all the pieces but still….. Can someone help plzzz…… 🙂
Nevermind i did it
I looooove this island♥
i loved it it waz so cool
i’m on the security camera review,but it says that it doesnt know what to look for. what do i do?
hey i not finished but i think the so called “chief inspector” or the women standing in front of the musium is…THE BLACK WIDOW!
lol i only have 2 more islands to complete!!!!!!!!!!! im so proud! “sheds tear”lololol
Why wont it show up on the camera wen the theif iz there??? dumb stuff
i havw only seven more island!
Um you didnt tell u about the other puzzle pieces to see where it was. guys the other ones are at the top of the museum, and the windowsill of the moldy baguette inn. hope this was help.
where’s the 3rd and 4th torn picture?
Did anyone notice that when the cops come in when you are hanging over the Scream that the cop on the left has a scar in the same place as the guy who sets you up?
Hi! I have all of the peices of the torn paper, but I can’t get the dragon open! I look over it and all the details look correct. Help!
What’s with balloon boy? There should be a island with rescuing him in the process of earning the medal!
hey i was doing this island and accidently clicked on an ad now i have no idea how to start! help someone!
Wow! I’m glad you wrote all of that because my computer won’t let me watch video’s longer than 5 minutes and I was stuck on this island so you helped me a lot! Thx
I<3 balloon boy. even this island helped me learn some french.Merci veave noire.
i cant move the paintings…..>lol help me!
I accedentaly skipped the talking to the security in the museum, and it is night already. How do I fix it?
Poptropica know it all December 10, 2011 at 6:12 pm
Um you didnt tell u about the other puzzle pieces to see where it was. guys the other ones are at the top of the museum, and the windowsill of the moldy baguette inn. hope this was help
THANK YOU!!!!! i went thru this island b4 but i forgot
Two of the torn picture pieces were not included in the walkthrough, they’re found on the roof of the art musuem and the Moldy Baguette Inn’s windowsill. I had accidentally caught this just flopping through the air with my balloon, but I’m pretty sure it was the windowsill.
I went through this island before but still need a walk-through. -.-I I’m gonna try again.
Um you didnt tell u about the other puzzle pieces to see where it was. guys the other ones are at the top of the museum, and the windowsill of the moldy baguette inn. hope this was help
THANK YOU!!!!! i went thru this island b4 but i forgot
lame bitch
she is the black wid
widow i mean
ummm…… somehow the boy that was crying with the lady nest to him wont show up……there not there……. …………. …… thats kind of all i have ta say
both of them arent there….. i’ve already reloaded page….still not there
Ok this was the longest island to complete out of all of them! NO I HAVE NOT COMPLETED ALL OF THE OTHER ISLANDS.
I have finished all islands, BUT i need to only “finish” Mystery Train, Skullduggery, and Ghost Story (when it comes out) 🙂
red dragon and skullduggery is the worst.they give me a headaceD;
i always get stuck when i already get off from the chair please help me
Do i have to get the green balloon, cant i pick the blue one instead
i found a better way to untie the guy:
move right, then immediately move left. keep doing it, but DONT FALL DOWN.
Hi! Do you know if there is a way to make the clown on top of the store happy???
Please tell me on this site
(too many emails on my site)
Maroon Foot
I am here with advirtisement!! You guys have to buy the POPTROPICA OFFICAL GUIDE!!! It holds so many details on the islands and unlocks promo codes!!! They can be bought at Borders book store and on amazon. Both online
Thank you and Goodbye,
Remember to buy this!!!!
What happened to balloon boy, and the mysterious man??
I beat it on my other account like a month ago, its a long island!
I went out of the house of the inspector when I was not supposed to what should I do?
can someone tell me what to do?
I figured ou bt what to do I am 03lila03.
I have a question–how do you know where the hardest guard to pass is if you can’t even see him?
HEY thanx for the walkthrough i finish all my islands good luck everyone!
When you’re in Early Poptropica, go to the right and enter the Soda Pop Shop. You can copy some of Poptropica’s best outfits there, just like I did! 🙂
omg pmg ,i just starte couterfeit island and im cheating tee-hee .
hey its school an im in the priceipals office cause im alwys suppose to come here after im going back to poptropica
wow this walk though will really help. thanxe who ever you are im 9 too. ok im going to poptropica really!!perfect+bird=perfect bird .prbs see ya tomorrow
doo-doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tee-hee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!your confuuuuuuuuuuused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats random but not more random then this: peanutbutter jelly time!
completely off topic! beat that
you want to battle !!! ok bring on!!!
fan blows ocean crash ………………………………………………………………………………………………gemmie ya cash
lalalalababaaaaaaaarandom things ok!!BEAT THAT
Hey perfect bird and bashful boa,
SABBER-TOOTH SQUIRRELS EAT DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx very much, Fierce Moon!! Before I found this website, I could not figure out how to complete the islands!
what,super lobster we are in a random battle so SAY SOMETHING RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok
sincopatitita dorayme sola random music notes ;P
Mary had a little lamb…………………………………………………BUT I ATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mary ha a little lamb that stocks her everywhere she goes one day the lamb was hungry was hungry was hungry,then he…………………….GOBBLE, GOBBLE ,GOBBLE!!!!!!!!!!!
hey where is bashful boa?
thanks fierce moon this reallllly helped 😀
SAY SOIN RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey sneaky moon, can you find a judge for our random battle. so we can see who won!!!!!!!!!!!!
u cant judge randomness…but perfect bird won.
help! i 4got 2 get 1 of the peices 4 the dragon puzzle and im sneaking into the mueum! wat do i do?????!!!!??!!!!!
piff u all i will die
where did you get those clothes
I CANT DO THE DRAGON THINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this island is so easy!!!
How do you save balloon boy once you are finished with the whole island?
but wheres the 4th and 5th peices of torn paper
Isabelle go to the map and click restart island
i need the last pieces of the puzzle!! you didnt tell me where they r so now im stuck!!!!!!!
oh yeah at the party i going to have contests. The contests are going to be game contest for each game, costume contest, and a island contest. I’ll fill you in with details. OK. Costume Contest – I will tell you to put on a certain costume like your best costume. Game Contest – I will tell you to play a certain game against people like paint war, if you loose you have to say no to anyone that asks you to play that game, if its a different game its OK, oh yeah I’ll be competing in this contest. Island Contest – U will have a certain time limit to go to different islands and beat the island without any cheats I will compete in this too. OK so everyone will go on this website called ecobuddies (go on then to virtual worlds and look for ecobuddies) and look for someone name prettyprinces35, VAMPIRESS, or seamonkys. They will tell you what to do on Poptropica. OK I hope this makes things more clear to you!
Bye Silver Berry out
Omg i love how you do your website love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you HAVE to get a GREEN balloon?
This one was scary, fun, funny, cool, and well awsome! Though I do want to play SOS Island….. waiting waiting.
U help me alot I only need help with the ending 🙂
Look at my name.
Ilove poptropica but I also love this island
You should show us where the last pice of the picture is
This only tells us 4 peices of the painting. 🙁 Please help quick.. 🙂
Hey.. I really needed help to find the last pieces… Soooo I went out and found them myself! Here they are… One is on the window seals of the moldy Baguette Inn.. Next is on the VERY top of the roof on the museum.. 🙂 Okay I hope this helps LOTS and Yup Comment.. Oh and thanks for the great walkthroughs!
Thanks Mustard!That helped Alot….Kinda.I already knew where the one on the Moldy Baguette Inn was.Well. Thanks Alot!
Thanks! This really helped! And I’m gonna end the competition with something random…hmmm..
lol My comp edited and sent that comment ^ 😛
I’m back yo!! and I couldn’t have been as popular as I am without the help of Calm burger!! (how we did it is a secret) And if any of you happen to see her , YOU ARE LUCKY!
Hey all! I want to thank Calm burger once again for making me who i am! YOU ROCK!
and if any of you happen to see her , YOU ARE LUCKY!!! 😀
And thanks a Loooot calmm burger :*
awwwh! Thanks bashful boa! love you too
Best friends forever. :*
epicepicepic face and rainbow unicorns with jetpacks!!!!
thnx for the pics , i made a background out of them … oh and its weird i reconize most of these following names ,silver hawk , calm buger,bashful boa,gentle heart
i need the last piece 2 the pic.PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you forgot the 4th and 5th torn pieces in the written walkthrough, I found another one of them, but I’m missing one and I’ve looked everywhere!
Narwals Narwals
Causing a commotion, Swimming in the ocean
Because they’re really awesome.
I don’t know why but I can’t find Balloon boy! I went to the same place that you went and there i no one there! I have never played this island before which is so weird!
how many credits do you get?
It won’t let me pick up the painting when i’m trying to get the job!!!!!!!!!! Please help!!
Where is the last piece of the dragon thingy? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
•At the top of the boat at the Docks
•On the beach to the right of the Docks
•On the roof of the Museum
•At the Inn (window near the upper right of the roof)
•In the underground, inside the “dome” of the cavern, where the extension cord hangs down.
•In the Supply Room of the Museum. (last one, usually)
how do you move the paintings? my person just keeps jumping.
never mind
You are my go-to person for help when i am stuck on an island. thx 4 keeping posting these.
where are the other 3 or 4 pieces of paper?
stupid stupid STUPID island
this is not a STUPID ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Mustard thanxs for tellin me where the peices were. I’m almost done with the island.
I saw balloon boy when I was chasing the guy with the scar on my moped scooter! LOL 🙂
im in the random contest: Look,circling birds! There gonna eat our corpses. and then the worms are gonna come out. and then little critters are gonna come and make furnicher out of our bones.and then sit on them. and have lovely dinners.AND THEN THIS WHOLE THING WILL BE A DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do u get the 6th peace of torn picture
How did you get your outfit yellow
thank you so much CREATOR (yeah, I think Ill call you that now) for typing. Im too lazy to watch the videos so yeah 🙂
:p(Lazy crew)
Where do you get the yellow outfit?
Someone help! i cani get past the gards.PLEASE HELP!!!
Ok,ive done the gards but now i cant get the guy up there in time! HELP!
This website is so helpful. thanks!
Thank you soooo much. you have no idea how many islands i would be stuck on if it were not for you! they are great.
I’m havin some issues.. when I leave the tour there is no mysterious man.. Any helps?
Well, poor balloon boyy. Thank yhuu very much
where the heck is the piece on the fishing boat
plzs tell me
it is n thu telefone pole if th@ duzint help, thin comment bak
by the way Hyper Bee its not on the fishing pole, its on top of the musuem
u r welcome, i was wonderin 2
My brother saw balloon boy during the scooter chase and I spotted him on Cryptids Island. LOVE YOU BALLOON BOY!!
how did u see balloon boy on CRYPTIDS cool comet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found 4 pieces using the walkthrough.The other 2 are at the main street on top of the museum.
Hey, yeah, you left out 2 pieces of the orn picture. You went from piece 3 to piece 6. What a stupid mistake. Way to go.
lol u were FRAMED?!?! he he i am wayyyyyy not done this island cause im crazy and plus i dont really care much
where did my key card go? did black widow take it? the computer didnt set me up as an unknown like its done before. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
you have to click on the corner of the canvas just thought id say that as I got stuck there for a moment
baloon boy !!!!!!!
marty: da da dada circis da da da afro-circus afro circus afro poka dot pocka dot afro!
Hey if you want to see my avatar stodio pic my user name is kendallbendall3 plz vist it!
How can i get inside the museum
I almost finished! I got to the fight with Black Widow when se drops the art. I tried like 20 times! Finnaly I hit r4estart and gave up and left. Talk about all that work for nothing!
help can not find other piece of torn page
sneaky goast click the door and how come 50 poptropica tokens ? i had to travel to early poptropica
famous eal 1 piece is on the musem
Ok Im stuck where I have the tickets for the guy playing the game but each time I check what hes dsoing he still playing that game! how do I make him stop?
where is the last torn puzzle piece i can`t find it and in the video you skiped to show us and the written you didn`t tell where they were????????????????????????????????????????????
can someone tell me where all the pieces are please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t really rmeber you saying anything about where the ripped papers were…
this is definately my favourite island but i dont know why i like it so much! but does anyone know the point of having that balloon boy in it? cuz he doesn’t do anything! he isn’t involved why does that even happen?
the torn pieces of papaer are: inside the underground tour tunnel on the light bulb. on the fishermans boat. on the very top of the museum. on a rock below the truck in city docks. on one of the window sills on the moldy bagette inn. hope i helped you and other people who are stuck on that!
my favourite part in this island is the way you have to go to early poptropica to finish it. its the only island ever where you have to go to a different island! (i think)
ok i like the island
u jump on top of the museum to get the last piece
Thanks!I love this website so much!It helps me almost all of the islands!!Whoever the Creater is,THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!(:
There is one part of the torn picture on top of the museum and the next one is on one of the windows outside “The Moldy Baguette Inn.” 🙂
Omg, I use your website all the time, and your walkthroughs are always the best. I recommend it to all of my friends who play poptropica. I love the april fools joke that you put, and I really fell for it!
do you know where that mysterious guy goes to after you finish the island? did he get captured or no?
This is really helpful…
But I did half of it
so i had to read alot
But it is a really good help 🙂
were are the pieces of torn picture?
your walk-through was AWESOME!! i use it all the time. GOOD WORK FIERCE MOON! <3 ilyyzz
You’re walkthroughs are the best. Every time I go on poptropica I go to a new tab and go to poptropica secrets! Can you come for my multiverse party. If it’s yes brilliant then no maybe another time. OMG do you remeber your prank for spril fool’s day… IT WAS COOOOOOOOOL!!!!
Love Daniella {or CC, Crazy claw
hi everyone ok guys i have an excellent island its a sequel to counterfiet, Baloon Boy island …. kind of like vampires curse: first you end up at the location of the boys house, France go inside the house and you will see baloon boy’s parents arguing and ofcourse theyll be speaking some kind of foreign language… a minute or two the mom is kicked out.. go outside and talk to her she will speak english she will give you a report to the police, a newspaper, binoculars, and a donut.
2: go right and keep going until you reach the police station click on the guard, HE WONT LET YOU INSIDE UNTIL YOU GIVE HIM THE DONUT!!!!!! so give him the donut and the report he will call his support team in the helicopter
3: get inside the helicopter but before you go the guard will give you a cookie… just hold on to it!!!
4: HOLD ON TIGHT!!! you should use the binoculars to look for Baloon Boy … no sight try again THEIR HE HIS!!! you found him but the island isnt over yet … no no no it is not it!! catch him and a GIANT storm will come give baloon boy the cookie after a second or two youll crash in the middle of nowhere!! get out of the helicopter the boy and crew are too frightened to get out by yourself and say ( what crybabies!!!) stay tuned for part #2!!!!!!
Part 2: stage 5: dont you remember that mysterious guy? well in my imanginary island he is there again!! talk to him he will give you a cell phone and a number on a scrap piece of paper dial the number you will get baloon boys dad on the phone but he doesnt know english so you hang up and get into a last chance dollar store talk to the store clerk at the far right end give him the cellphone and number he will transalate his words he saying FIND BALOON BOY!!!!! arcording to what the clerk said tell the clerk to say that i already found him but crashed into a mysterious place the clerk said that he hung up and the clerk went home!!!!!!!!!! but did he realy hang upp???? no!! you will see the phone saying…. BONJOUR??? BOUNJOUR!!!! you better not hang up but look at the door baloon boy rushed in grabs the phone and says PAPA PAPA!!!!
6: baloon boy will start crying so grab the candy bar on the left and give it to him go outside back to the helicopter the leader of the crew fixed the helicopter but he doesnt know how to go home!!!! get out of the helicopter and go past the last chance dollar store you will find a map next to it is the store clerk sleeping with a sweater on the ground he will wake up and say( ill give you this nap if you give me a ride on that helicopter) go to the helicopter and explain everthing to the crew they will say yes so you ,baloon boy ,the man clerk guy, and the crew ride off but uh oh !! theres a problem!!
7: you ran out of gass so land go to the gas station and tell the manager its an emergencie he said only three gallons for a penny find the penny at the far end of the land at right youll see a shiny thing grab it and give it to him he changed his mind and said four since it was really a nickel. you will find yourself after the ride at baloon boy’s house the mother said thankyou three times and gives you a medallon you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you like, love, dont like, or hate this island let me know!!!!! PS if you have a island you like to share please do!!! =D
Wow, Crazy Flame, tell that to the Creators here!
I love the idea!
nice island idea crazy flame i like it!no-i dont like it,i luv it!!!
thank you all i really want Fierce Moon to make a voting page!!!!
Awesome Walkthrough! Mean az!
the curator might be married or weird
I’m worried…
I checked my medallions and there was only 1, it was reality TV, the island I was on at the time. I looked in my inventory and my medallions were still there, only when I looked at the stats they weren’t there!!! I had earlier been trying to use a Gift Card (not from poptropica but from VISA), It didn’t work and instead I used it to buy a poptropica guide and the Dr.Hare plush. The message on the screen said something like DON”T SEND THIS OR YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE BANNED!!! in red, so I quit the tab and hoped that I hadn’t wrecked my account!!!
Fierce Moon, Poptropica Players, ANYBODY, HELP ME!!!!!!
P.S. anybody know where I can contact the poptropica administration???
Cross Your Fingers!!!
me too orange peanut!!! it seems that i have lost my medallions but it was in my inventory! i think it was a hack
i cant believe shes going to break the picture of Mama Mary!!! how dare she do that!!!
Orange peanut, here is the link to report glitches to the creators:
Also, you probably should have refreshed.
I’m not trying to be rude at all
but on the written walkthrough you messed me up because you didn’t wrote down the piece of paper on the mueseum so i had to make a new person and start all over 🙁
i am on Counterfeit islan & i always get stuck with or without the cheats!!!!!!!!!HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the chemical part is tricky i love the challenge
OK, that Mysterious Guy, freaked me out! I screamed and my Mom, was like “whats wrong?” then came to the computer, saw the guy and said “someone need a plastic surgeon…” then my dad and 6 little sisters and brothers came in and screamed at the top of there lungs (my sibs, not dad)
My dad then asked if it was me… NO! I said that and he said, “I’d worry if it was”
That was awesome!! :O your walkthroughs are the best. I’m never going anywhere else for Poptropica “secrets.”
The Balloon Boy totally cracked me up. It was hilarious xD
@smudge172 the torn pieces are:
* City Docks: look up on top of the mast on the fishing boat
* City Docks: lying in the sand by the Underground exit
* Museum: outside on the roof dome
* Museum: in the supply room
* Underground: in the domed archway (you need to climb the wire and jump right, on the light cord)
* Moldy Baguette Inn: outside near the roof at the top right side.
Hope I helped! 🙂
@Crazy Flame I really liked your idea for “Balloon Boy” Island, although I have to tell you that the house Balloon Boy is standing in front of (at least on Counterfeit Island) isn’t his. It’s the Inspector’s (the Black Widow’s) house.
Silver Icicle I passed the island bcuz u helped me thank you ssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3 <3 <3 (3 (3
Crazy Flame,I like the idea of ‘Balloon Boy Island’.Sounds exciting! Maybe I should make an island too!How about ‘Sea Horse Island’? It could be about this kid named Kaylie and she secretly is a water kelpie*.Then,one day her parents couldn’t find her,but she left a note and her special locket, which gives you the power to breathe under water! I should think about the cheats and secrets and walkthroughs as I go on.
kelpie8-a water fairy who mostly appears in the form of a horse
I wonder what eventually happens to the balloon boy. He does re-appear on the tv on Reality Tv Island.
i wander wat balloon boy is doing now he’s probably still flowing in the sky :/
Now I have to restart the whole island because I went out of the museum to get the other pieces (that you left out) and since its nighttime, it won’t let me back in the museum. I like you’re website and I use it a lot but I am disappointed about this.
how do i find all of the pieces to the picture
Hey,, come to my new blog:
I’m hoping that Fierce Moon will let it be part of her site.
Tell me what you think in the comments! (On the site)
What happened to balloon boy?
can someone help me? im trying to pass the guard part. it wont let me. whoever knows how to do it well, im gonna give u my password and username. thnx!
DON’T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks! This site is a lot of help!!!
Thanks! This helped me a lot!
Poptropica should make a private message to your friends and a send message feature in multiverse, though.
I use this website all the time to aid me
And this is my screen name on Poptropica if you want to add me to your friends list.
wow crazy flame, image iland sonds so col!!!!!!!! did u finish yor image iland?!?!?!
ornge peanut i no wat hapened… it would erase yor progress and leve the last one u did left alone. so NEVER trust something in red writing so don’t do that again OK?
thanks for the walk trough you really helped me
help me i cant open the hatch
Thanks it helped me a lot i still think that guy that told me to get the job at the musiam in the first place i think he is still the bad guy and that he is creepy!
If you’re wondering about balloon boy, I posted about him on my blog.
Am i the only person that realized that the museum in early poptropica has the scream painting there on the wall??? Its on the first floor to the right lol hilarious
Awesome april fools joke! I fell for it! My cousin said I was stupid. 🙂 LOL
I cant get the tickets because when I click on the bins my screen just goes grey! 🙁 Im sad now!
How do you turn the handle so fast, It keeps turning slow. Last time i did this island It took me at least 30 mins just to beat the Black Widow. Please help
Im NOT doing during early accsess
please be my friend on poptropica my user name is 76red
me mine my username is Golden Shadow
~~Golden Shadow
in the part where you have to get in the trash can to get the tickets its not letting go in
Wait… The fifth one is on top of the museum.
It’s taking me ages to get the end. How do you turn the handle so fast? Help!
Friend me: jellybeanskittlez
I left because i did not have all six so i had to restert boring!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you go from 3 pieces of torn paper to 6? Just asking
this is so fun i love you poptropica !!!!!!!!!!
my favorite sport is softball i play games every single day!!!!!!!!
i love this game too its so much fun !!!!!!!!!!!
i only have 15 more islands to beat to finish the entire game!!
oh i am so excited for the new diary of a whimpy kid island thats coming soon are you????
ok its dark and i only have 5 pecies of paper rather than six and cant get back in the museum! what do i do? 🙁
how do people figure this out on their own…
I can’t get past the guard near the couch! Everytime i walk behind him, he turns around! ARRRRRRGGH! SO AGGRAVATING!!!!!!!!! >_<
where r the ripped pieces?!
AAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH the last mini-game is so hard!
why won’t the stupid guy just jump instead of standing there and saying” Oh, no, the pieces of art!!”, or try turning it yourself!
also, 2 torn pieces are on the musem
on poptropica it said tht the boy tht is sucked into the game is a girl
Locations of the 6 piecses of torn Picture:
1.The Underground : in the arch where the bulb is hanging down
2.The City Docks : top of the boat mast
3.The City Docks : in the sand to the far right
4.The Museum : on top of the museum
5.The Inn : above the street artist, near the roof
6.The Museum : in the Supply Room (must get job and get key)
Your Welcome 😉
wah.wah .ah the boy float into the air holding a vert balloon,vert means green
Ooo I’m looking at list of islands and I just realized how old counterfeit is :O HOLY FLAMES counterfeit came out before mythology?!?!?!?!??????! EEE!!!!!
whre r the trn pics locted? can smeone plz hlp me? thx
I forgot when conterfeit came out
How do I get the other pictures?
By the way, this is really Carly Rae Jepsen:)
I use this website for just about every island
AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! This islands sssooo confusing! help! please…
omg this is great thank you
there is 2 invisble walls one in the hideout and one in the coffee shop friend me mikakat9
omg thank you where is the black widow now where is the jail for her?
this is so hard wats up wit that last mini game i cant believe that guy im spposed to be trying to catch art while turning that thing
Hi! Thanks to Fierce moon, I finish these islands! So thnx a ton!=) If u would plz add me anyone, my username is NickiMalst
Gentle Fire
wheres the mysterious guy?????? Hes not there…..
help :c
NEVERMIND lol I kept using the wrong stairs
when im going in the tunel at night,i put the right combination but it DOESN’T WORK!!!!! :p
i did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you much for this walkthrough
What about Balloon Boy!
hi my name is Coolgirl. i would love it if you guys would be my friend on here. I only have 1 friend. My Poptropica name is Fierce Cheetah (so you know who to look for) i have the hair from the prom girl, the shirt, necklace, and glasses from the surfer girl, the the earrings, skirt and belt from the blue singer, and i am wearing fairy wings. i go in order of the islands above, so soon i will be on Reality TV Island. I will be really greatful if you friend me. 🙂
Thank You,
– Coolgirl
Oh and my username is ANGEL63226
@coolgirl I added you on poptropica!!
you’re the greatest with the videos graser10 sucks but you don’t keep doing you’re videos
add me tootymbomb
Hi! If anyone is having trouble locating the torn pictures follow the guide above. It will give you four of them. The guide failed to locate the other ones which are the top of the musuem and on the windowsill of the common room (the moldy something inn.) Hope this helps! 🙂
Friend me ! LALO3
It actually has a glitch ! I won 27 islands and my poptropican’s name is Speedy Bean
I really love and appriciate the written walkthroughs. they are very helpful, and much better than the videos. thanks so much, Julia Kirby.
I would really love for you to friend me. I h
ave two accounts, but i most often use Animals!13. You are really awesome! thank you again for the written walkthroughs, Julia Kirby
P.S. I’m Irish:)!
omg i cant get to the last picture piece where the inn is. it wont let me get down town guess i will have to start over:(
Well , did You Try going right because you don ‘t have to go through Poptropica loading page to get there .
There’s actually a glitch,if you give the green balloon to the boy and pop it while you are talking to him,the boy will float up with a red balloon!Then on the screen at the cafe the boy is holding a green balloon!
My name is Tall Star on my User Redsea789 and for Loud Shark my User is cookiemcookie
There’s another glitch with the balloon boy: Today, I was playing the island and his mom was already holding a green balloon! Did this happen to anyone else, or was it just me?
Hey guys! If your showing the photo of the strange man, the best way is to show it to the mimes outside the clownstore. WHY? Because they will act like MUSIC. Go to the Jazz Cafe, there he is! Makes any sense right? Mimes-Music-Jazz. Good luck!
Got a question. How do you create your own photo next to your comment? Anybody knows?
This was maybe my favorite island………well………next to spy, mythology, shrink ray, and 24 carrot, but other than that, yeah! It was my favorite island!:)
this kinda’ sucks cos i cant find the part were you can help me find the torn pieces of the picture are found, but hey, no offence man,or woman, well whatever!!!!!!!
Thanks so much, this really helped me. 🙂
The guards just would not move.. I keep getting caught by them?? Does this only happens to me??
Pls reply!!
how do turn the handle fast it would take me 30 minutes to do that!!!!!
I was doing great with most of the island at first, but then at the end when you have to save the art, I tried it a bunch of times and couldn’t do it. Like, idk 10 months later (from the time it came out for non-members [i was a member then] to a few weeks ago) I did it in one try!!!?????????!
Hey guys! Can you add me? I’m Magic Snowball, I have blonde hair and am wearing a ninja suit from red dragon
hey Im perfect bird ,and I have on a college suit on from the poptropica store. I love all the islands from poptropica .I have to go Bye
hey magic snowball is that your character name or your username?
i ask because it needs the username not the character name
Add you to what? There are a lot of things that could be added to, right? O.O
I don’t really get the purpose of the part about Balloon Boy.
can someone please add me as their friend of Poptropica?
my name is silverbird, thanks 🙂
Balloon boy is on TV, and that distracts the man playing the game. Then, the man will talk to you and give you the tunnel tickets.
Thx it helped me i like it and it helped me finish my blog (I didnt copy and paste it!)
thank you the cheats really helped me beat conterfed island
i completed a lot of islands thanks to these walkthroughs
can someone get on my acount my username is cleapatrathequeen my password is readforever
can anyone befriend my username is popsecrets
that fierce moon is fake 1 why would she give out her username and 2 i befriended when someone told me her username 3 she only has 10 friends
that was a fact from me
where are the torn peices!?!?!?!?!?!?sorry…….frusterated
sorry about that 2 hours looking 4 them does that
for those who cant find the ripped picture pieces here, are the locations:
City Docks: look up on top of the mast on the fishing boat
City Docks: lying in the sand by the Underground exit
Museum: outside on the roof dome
Museum: in the supply room
Underground: in the domed archway (you need to climb the wire and jump right, on the light cord)
Moldy Baguette Inn: outside near the roof at the top right side
I forgot one of the torn picture peices, and now I can’t go back and get it. It’s already night in my game. What do I do?
dont worry u can still find it at night
still can’t find one piece of the gargoyle
by the way, my username is blujeenz1 please friend me
hey im a werewolf wearing a blue pop star outfit.
Dose anyone know how to get out of the building and stop Black Widow it’s sooooooooo hard >:(
I just finished Counterfeit Island so here’s my message : Thank you Fierce Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your’e epic!!!!! 🙂
im always caught! arrgh!
Hey ,! Come to my website http/ I want MY website to be the best.about what I said about fierce moon on great pumpkin island comments. I lied. o_O BTW she’s not awesome.I ‘m not an imposter.
part 4 worked! the guards actually worked on my first try!
the FIRST guard worked on my first try. BOO HOO FOR ME. waah
hey every one come to my website! i want my website to be the best about what i said about fierce moon on great pumpkin island comments i lied o_0 btw she’s not awesome i’m not an imposter.
Does anyone know where to get all the pieces to get in the musem at night?It did not have how to get ALL the six pieces,Only 4. >:L
ok who is the real brave star because im confused
The one without the pic that says “fake”, spells their name right, etc.
awesome you write and make the best poptropica walkthroughs ever totally better than some of the ones on you tube!!!!!
i love one direction p.s add me my user name is zarishmalik
cant get hatch open, but design is exactly the same. somebody help.
HA!!! I burst all the balloons in the clown store!!! HA!!! 🙂
omg! i love your walkthrough’s! i always use yours! love your help!
It is best to get the first five pieces in the daylight,or else the construction guy wont let you pass.
today i made a band!with fierce lightning short plug and speedy ice were called the rockin babes and me and speedy ice sing and fierce lightning plays guitar and short plug plays bass so we just got booked by golden fly shes having a party with snacks bubble blowing flirting dancing and she is buying a chocolate fountain with marshmallows and strawberrys popcorn hotdogs and cotton candy golden fly will comment tommorow for where the partys going to be so she will be waiting
Ummm… does anyone else notice that the written walkthrough only tells you how to get three of the four torn picture pieces? Cause she goes from ‘get the third one’ to ‘get the sixth and final one’. Can anyone tell me where the last three pieces are???? PLEASE???????
haha what about the balloon boy
He’s flown to ALOT of different islands. Last was Cryptids, I think.
also i completed this island
hey smart ant i think your a faker.
idk but hes like a legend on poptropica
The part where we have to go to another island IS fun!
Fierce Flower: What makes you think he’s a faker?
I got stuck in the middle of the ground in the tunnel!!
how do you move the paintings?
if you can help with how to move the pictures heres my email: [email protected]
can you do a picture for the tied up to the chair part?
whats smart ants email?
is there a time limit 4 the tied up?
Thanks, this was really helpful. The bit where you need to save the paintings is really hard.
hey very won!! not an imposter i made a new video for wimpy board walk but its dont 2 times faster and ya hoo!! thanks for watchinng my videos guys!!! i am not an imposter.
Hi Fierce Moon, But she let Brave Star post a walkthrough so , and Fierce Moon capitalizes her name , the times you “fierce moon” said I’m not an imposter. Her comments are outlined In blue, and she has grammar , spelling , capitalization ,and punctuation .
and a Gravatar.
in the Hanging out with a mime in Poptropica Counterfeit Island
picture your eye was close the camera was bright right xD
dear fierce moon i love this website but people say mean comments can you fix this?and also fierce flower smart ant is not a faker
fierce moon can you make a bonus quest so everone can save ballon boy? please!
How come smart ant is a faker and how do you even know O.O
Super Tooth, Smart Ant isn’t a faker. He said he beat this island, and Fierce Flower thought he was faking.
Pepper lover: That would be a great idea, but Fierce Moon doesn’t work for Poptropica.
if you get a baloon and jump off the rope on your blimp you’ll fly like baloon boy
Come on people smoking cigarettes is good for you smoke¡¡¡¡¡ come on people taking drugs is good for you take drugs¡¡¡¡¡ my dad sells cigarettes and drugs my dad sells drugs to kids to so come to my dads yard sale so kids take drugs and smoke now¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
OMG hypershadow!! What a sicko you are!!!
Why do you have the same gravatar as OFFTOPIC…?
Switch to oxi clean oxiclean cleans way better than the regular laundry detergant so switch to oxiclean my step father is the oxiclean company
Ops i spelled detergent wrong please forgive me for spelling that word detergent wrong
Please dont be mad at me
Try new oxiclean dish washing boster it cleans dishes way better than the regular dish washing detergent oxiclean strucks up stains better than the dish leading liguid please forgive me on my spelling
But fierce moon likes me please dont tell her that i take drugs please dont tell her or she wont be my friend any more please dont tell her i will do any thing
You take drugs?
Um, excuse me, how old are you?
hyper shadow August 10, 2012 at 10:51 am
Switch to oxi clean oxiclean cleans way better than the regular laundry detergent so switch to oxiclean my step father is the oxiclean company
hyper shadow August 10, 2012 at 10:57 am
Ops i spelled detergent wrong please forgive me for spelling that word detergent wrong
hyper shadow August 10, 2012 at 11:01 am
Please don’t be mad at me
hyper shadow August 10, 2012 at 11:13 am
Try new oxiclean dish washing booster it cleans dishes way better than the regular dish washing detergent oxiclean strucks up stains better than the dish leading liquid please forgive me on my spelling
hyper shadow August 10, 2012 at 11:39 am
But fierce moon likes me please don’t tell her that i take drugs please don’t tell her or she wont be my friend any more please don’t tell her i will do any thing.
How can we believe you?
the 2nd imposter could’ve copied and pasted it dork! also known as matthew. my little brother.
I am 22
Ha i lied about being 12 i am not 12 ha i tricked you i am 55 55 is my real age there are no more lies i have stoped lieing i said i am a kid so i wont go to jail i totaly tricked you guys
What i am not 22!!!! dont say of i am lie ing cause you all dont know that
I tricked you i am not 12 im. 50 you idiots dont k.ow if its a lie or not you cant even prove that only i know my age you all cant even tell if i am lie ing and there are no lies you idiots dont even kn
I tricked you i am not 12 im. 50 you idiots dont k.ow if its a lie or not you cant even prove that only i know my age you all cant even tell if i am lie ing and there are no lies you idiots dont even know that so shut the fuge up only i know what age i am and brave star every won even grown ups MAke mistakes you stupid!!!!!! and you dont know me you all dont know of i am lie ing or not stop thinking wrong you dummy your brain is not even fully grown yet i Am 50 you ass whole you dont frrakingly know if i am lj
Please post all my comments please ill do any thing
See? THIS is why we don’t trust you!
First you’re 22 then you’re 12 then you’re 55 then you’re 50? DAFUQ is wrong with you? I highly recommend you go and see a physiactrist because you’re coming along as crazy in my opinion. Answer me this: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS HYPERSHADOW?
And, about the “grown ups make mistakes” thing: FOR THE BAZILLIONTH TIME, I FUDGING KNOW THAT! BUT WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE NOT AN ADULT!!!!!
About the “you don’t know who I am”: THAT’S WHY YOU COULDN’T MURDER ME, DORK!!
But I agree with Misha, you can’t change ages 😛 Wha’t is wrong with u?
Here are some quick questions for Hyper Shadow:
!. Hyper Shadow, is your stepfather PAYING you to advertise here? If not, get out of here, there’s no reason for you to be here. If so, then still get out of here. Go spam another site. FOR GOSH SAKES, KIDS GO ON THIS SITE!
2. Where is your mother? Do you hate her or something? She would never let you do this. I’m just going to predict the answer you’ll say: “I KILLED HER YOU DUMB B****!” I mean, that’s pretty much all you ever say.
3. How many grades did you get held back? Not enough. Chances are, I’m two grades ahead of you, and I’m younger than you. Well, that’s actually rational because, well, I skipped two grades. (I don’t want to rub it in your face, I just said it to prove a point.) I don’t care how old you ‘really’ are because you’re just going to go ahead and change it later.
Didn’t you say that you’re twenty-two, but you’re brain isn’t fully developed? If you’re normal, your brain should mature at twenty-one. If you’re not (this is the category you fall into), it may take longer, which it most certainly has. i don’t really care how old you are. I’m only repeating it to get it through your thick skull. Do you understand? I. Don’t. Care. So please. Don’t.
Check out what Smart Knuckle said about me on the Reality TV Island comments. He said I’m crazy and to “just get out of here”. No, Hyper Shadow is crazy. I am the opposite of crazy because I post completely sane things and I don’t bully or lie. Brave Star, didn’t you say a while ago that Smart Knuckle was one of the reasons why you were leaving?
Wow, Dizzy, two grades?
Anyway, SK was one of my reasons, but I thought he’d changed. Guess not.
Oh, well, thanks. Brave Star and RedWing, if you want to chat or something, my email is [email protected].
I can sit here all day calling out you flaws, but here are some of the majors:
You are a sick freak who lies, fakes, and bullies little kids.
You are a hacker.
You can’t make up your mind about your age.
You post inappropriate, vulgar, threatening, and obscene comments on a site made for kids.
You like to pick fights.
You think any kind of attention is good attention, whether it is good or not.
You spam comments.
You hate everyone. Everyone hates you.
You are obnoxious.
Repost this onto an email draft and send it to [email protected] if you hate Hyper Shadow. Do it as many times as you please and tell your friends to do it to. The more the merrier.
Ok, so first ur 44, H.S., then 12, then 22, then 50, ok dude u got some serious problems, anyways just to clarify things, Hyper Shadow, is a 12 year-old no-life. So remember the magic word,(12……)
About the age thing: That’s what I said, and oh He also said he was 55 before 50 *facepalm*
I find the sign in front of the Investigator/Black Widow’s house very conspicuous. In French, veuve-noire means black-widow! And that’s on a signpost in front of her house! It practically says, “Hi, I’m the Black Widow”!
I knew he was 12
We all knew. None of us ever doubted it.
Did you sign up for the forum?
Yes, Short Leopard, I did. BTW, has anyone sent Hyper Shadow that comment mentioned above?
I did!
Good, keep it up.
I sent… maybe four copies? I’m sending more now.
Wow. I only sent two. I’ll send more too.
I’ll try to
Hey Dizzy Carrot! Wait…are you a boy? O_O
Wait guys….
hypershadow WANTS attention!
Look at this–> hypershadow August 10, 2012 at 6:11 pm
Please post all my comments please ill do any thing
He’s trying to say that he wants you to post his comments on the forum and stuff, which is what we’re doing, which is what he wants. So we’re pleasing him.
Okay, from now on, do not even SAY his name! If he posts, ignore it. I’ve seen that makes him mad.
i finally bet the black widow and my competer crashd!!!!
Lol, whatever we’re just picking on him
LOL ikr?
Sometimes I feel like the stuff we say combined is worse than what he says…
Brave Star, I thought you were taking a break?
RedWing, no. 😛 My avatar and name are for a boy, but that’s because my brother quit playing his game and I had to play it for him.
I kept track of how many copies I sent Hyper Shadow: twenty-seven. I guess it worked. Or not. I don’t know what drove him away. Anyone who’s still sending them, you can stop now. Don’t make matters worse.
Short Leopard August 14, 2012 at 5:41 pm
Brave Star, I thought you were taking a break?
I tried to. Didn’t work.
Too many issues.
its so hard to beat black widow omg.
hey i need help and who is this hyper shadow
im sorry not this is my sisters acount so ha dizzy carrot in ur face by smart knuckles
hi knuckles sis i need help
Uh, excuse me? Do you even know who I am? The smart people who just saw this site will actually take their time to look through past comment pages if they don’t know who Hyper Shadow or I am. What SK said about me on Reality TV proves to be my stereotype, so if you’re smart, look back a few pages. And if you’re not, don’t even bother trying to figure out whether or not I’m nice.
Ask Brave Star, RedWing, or anyone else on this page besides Hyper Shadow and SK. They’re bound to say something, how do you say, WRONG.
hey im srry bout my brother he just came back from juvy sooooooooooooooo soorrryyyyyyyyyyyy he needs help
omg hyper shadow is crazy and did he/she do all that stuff plz answer
PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
Seriously, Cheerful Eel? Stay out of other people’s stuff. You made Dizzy Carrot mad, and that made him get a little mean to your “brother”, if SK really is your brother. Why can’t you learn to be nice?
ahaam,cheerful eel ! I’m not your brother ! you’re lying !
NOTE : this is my friend from school…give it up to MASSIVE DRAGON he will be here from now on .
cherful eel i recommend you don’t come here smart knucke is commenting at lunch
Thank you so much, this website totally helps!
Did you know the inspector’s name, Veuve-Noirre means Black widow! 🙂 LOL
What a fail for the police
What makes you say that?
They couldn’t find the Black Widow, who was disguised as their official and whose name means “Black Widow”, while a 6-16 year old kid could do it.
Hey,that woman standing close to the museum looks like Black Widow.
I NEED HELP! where is all the torn pieces of the picture?
One is in the underground tour,one is on the top of the captain’s boat,one is inside the storage room is the museum,one is one a window.that’s all I remember for now.Sorry
The part trying to collect all the pieces the Black Widow throws at you is so hard!! Can’t get pass it, and @Massive Fire, the woman standing close to the museum is Black Widow.
Dear Counterfeit Island,
You are MY FAVORITE! J’adore!!!
Dear Super Villain Island,
Game on!!
These are SO fun!
If anyone needs help with Counterfeit, ask me! I defeated it SO MANY times, although ALL on different accounts. Back then, the ‘restart’ button was not available.
Friend me: chipmu1
Oh yeah! I was right about all the villains teaming up. Look back in the comments and you’ll see.
4 me the end of counterfeit island is the hardest. I just can’t seem to get the pictures not broken
Yep but it would’ve been a lot cooler if they had like 10
who is hyper shadow? i think he sounds like a freak!!! 🙂 🙂 can you guys give me your usernames so i can friend u but not hyper shadow he has metal problems!!!!!!! no affense!!!!!!!!!!! friend me: candypie96
facing black widow is so hard i was so so so so close and……i lost anyways friend me my user is delcar2002 if u need help with some other islands ask (but im stuck on a few myself) i do them for the credits
i think carrot is right just saying
hyper is scareing me i think im going to cry
i think ive seen brave star b4 and maybe misha115 i cant really tell (p.s. im calm coyote) and y is hyper being rude brave was just stating the facts if he can’t deal with itthen he should go and cry about it to his mom also im turning 14 this november 8th i cant wait i can finally go to movies without my parents
Hyper Shadow is done for. Boo-yah!
carrot 2 questions 1) how do u know and 2) should i be scared. Also i think i’ve seen u in poptropica b4 the character looked like yours but i didnt see the name it was probably on my old account skinny bean
how do u delete an account bc i couldnt delete my old accounts bc i didnt kno how to im trying o delete green rock if no 1 knows i guess ill give it to my lil cousin it works out either way
Where are all the torn pieces to the gargoyle image???
Never mind I found the torn pieces
Slippery Starfish, and others who may not have all the pieces of puzzle, one is on top of the museum, one on top of the inn, one in the underground tunnel tour, one on the sand at the city dock, one on the fishing boat, and the last one is in the supply room at the museum. Hope that helps!
i saw someone talk to black widow during the battle and i am serios go on youtube and see for yourself
Oh guys, don’t be worried about Hyper Shadow. He got banned from the forum, and Zippy Turtle is taking more control over the comments. He won’t be coming here anytime soon 😉
Trust me, I KNOW this stuff.
now im terrified! please don’t kill me red wing
the woman standing next to the meusum is black widow
Calm Coyote- Uh, wha?
Beffy dolphin- Most of us know that, those who don’t just had the ending spoiled.
I haven’t been on in a while, sooo….. Here I am! xD
I got the the birthday costume… guys can’t get it fools!
uh…do you need the green balloon boy for the level?
I love this island. It is soo easy :’) XD
Rough Bite- As big a jerk as always. I got it. My friend got it twice. Point taken?
hi- Yes.
did you know that the island totally forgot about balloon boy and friend me ladygogo91
dude you only gve us directions for three pieces of the scraps of paper
cool! i’ve finished this island! i love you poptropica
I love this island
What happens to Balloon Boy? Does he just… never come back down?
This is my fav website 2 go 2 4 walkthroughs!
Who’s Hyper Shadow? Sorry if this is a really weird question.
Hey thats my name!!!
The Inspector is Black Widow. I KNEW IT! I suspected because the hair and eyes are the same. And my suspicions were right. 😀
Also, Veuve-Noire means Black Widow in French!!! I just realized that! Detective Shaggy Heart has solved the case! Black Widow must’ve had that mysterious guy as a henchman to steal it for her.
Thank you sooo much! I love this website!
Hey, does anyone know where mystery man is after finishing the island? CAN you even find him? Or do you have to restart?
….aaand… how do you restart an island? 😛
Also, you can see Balloon Boy in Reality TV island.
my person wont remove the painting in the ladys house wtf?!
poptropica is the best and the BOMB
hey serenity i added u add me im ladygaga12304
Theres some building called Jazz and Jazz is my name in real O_O
everybody make sure u friend me-skinnylightning10110
dizzy carrot and brave star how do u put the pic of ur poptropican next 2 ur comment cuz i want that
Can somebody help me with the boss part? i cant beat it.
Where Does The Boy With The Green Balloon Go ? lol
can someone email me a picture of what the gargoyle is supposed to look like??? uh, i just can’t get it right!
i have a problem with the website because when you have to put the pictures in the right place i cant pick anything up and when your in the common rooms i think yyou should get to write what you want.Also i think on the streets there should be everyone who is on that street and their should be cetain servers we can choose from please reply back if you know why they havnot done this or know whats happening to the website
Omg! i cant get pass the black widow
what happens to the boy ,is he important to anyone anyway
omg has anyone else noticed that on reality tv island bb( balloon boy ) is on theyr news 🙂
Thnx for the video
Umm… I don’t watch the walkthrough so I read it, but it does not say anything about getting the 4th and 5th pictures, so I’m stuck there. I’m not really allowed to watch the video, so can anyone help me?
Oh wells, I found my answer a few moments later… Never mind
you could always after you find the tickets just use them after all finders keepers losers weepers
OMG! Catching the art is soooo hard! I have only ever been able to get him up half-way before $1000000 worth of art breaks. Can anyone help me please? I have been doing this one part of the island for almost a week now and it sucks!
im having a hard time with the black widow 🙁
i passed it but i made another acount so gotta do it again
Help! I couldn’t find the fifth and sixth puzzle pieces so I went out of the Museum and now it’s locked and I can’t get in anywhere because it’s night! What do I do? Help? Anyone?
Balloon Boy to the fly away!
maybe you should start the island again shaggy toes.
I here u all talkin about baloon boy, I know huh isnt it strange!!!How could this be im so confused!where does he go?Does he survive!Curious!
Hey I cant get the dragon to unlock the hatch.I need a nother peice.
i have another question. what happens to the mysterious character after you complete the island?
i love the walkthrough and were did balloon boy go do you know and i think this is cool send more emails to us 🙂 lol
in the written walkthrough it doesnt say where the 3and4 papers are. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the boss part is har-dd get better intructions
ive done the siland before . this is my 3rd time so easy…
To beat black widow wait until her head turns red and explodes 2 wheel him up.
Super easy once U get the hang of it.
Blue Momma, Shaggy Toes, and Watrulookngat.
I have found both of the papers you are looking for. One is on the very top of the museum, and the other is on a window ledge. Just look around. Neither of them are in the museum or anywhere else. They are all outside, so you have to look, but you can get them. ALSO……. the guard part is tricky. Plus, don’t carry a balloon unless you have to. They make you move slower and can really hurt you in the final boss level.
You’re welcome, guys. Oh, and by the way, anyone want to play me in Brace For Impact or Soupwords? I am killer at those.
Does anyone know where the torn pieces are (besides the mentioned ones)? I don’t know where they might be:(. Thanks!
This island is so easy!
It is such a long island!
Is the black widow really the inspector?
OMG! Catching the art is so hard! I have only ever been able to get him up half-way before $1000000 worth of art breaks. Can anyone help me please? I have been doing this one part of the island for almost a week now and it sucks! Ok i did it 😀
Best island! im having a difficult time with black widow though…..Its okay, ill just have to try again
Counterfeit was hard but I actually managed it!
The guard part was easy with a ballon, you know, Bronze Tiger.
i know one of the peices is at the top of the still looking for the other one.
Yeah, the written walkthrough left out the part about picking up the other pieces of the dragon. For those who do not wish to watch the video, the pieces of the gargoyle head picture are here:
1. in the underground tunnel tour (above the light fixture in the middle opening of the tunnel)
2. in the City Docks, at the top of the fisherman’s boat
3. after you meet the mysterious guy, walk to the right in the sand and you will walk across the piece
4. in the supply closet in the museum
5. JUMP to the very top of the museum building until you get to the red flag at the top. A piece of the picture should be below here
5. JUMP to the right of the Internet Cafe building, and the last piece of the picture should be atop on of the lower windowsills to the right of this building.
Hope this helps 🙂
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
O hey massive storm! I didn’t know you where on here too! (In case you don’t know Massive Storm is my BFF)
Is this island really hard or is it medium. The beginning intro to the walkthrough makes it sound like its tough…
Well here I go I am going to try to BEAT THIS ISLAND!!
huh i cant beat widow its no help when my sister says its easy and when she plays it she gets mad at me for staring she says it gives her badluck
@speedy kid : your sis is like my sis ! my sis said that when im no there watching her she can finish the game easily
Hi Little Comet! 🙂 been a while since weve talked!
Can anyone tell me where all the torn pieces of the picture are? I’ve checked almost everywhere that i can think of, but I cant find all the pieces! Help needed STAT! :I
Massive Storm can you help me on the islands that i didn’t finish plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzz
0_0 people keep sending me pictures of middle fingers
Hey… The create your Painting is fun… Hehe!
If anyone knows hiya guy, tell her/him that they are a big phony.
Thanks a lot for making me think that my crush, B.T. was going to kiss me!
OMG now I’m crying and listening to my SAD playlist. Now also listening to my B.T. playlist. BUT STILL!
Thanks, hiya guy
Peace out,peep buds. What do you want for xmas?
Did you know that in the board near the inspector’s house, it is written ” Inspector Veuve Noire” “Veuve Noire” in French means BLACK WIDOW!!!!!
Super easy island!
i wish more islands included activities on other islands
Aloha (The ‘hello’ not the ‘goodbye’)! I was just wondering, what is the point was of the kid with the balloon? And where does he go? I have ANOTHER question….can you actually fly with just a balloon? I just REALLY wanna fly…THX!
Oh, Hannah. Have you been on this site a long time???
Some peeps were talking about you on the wimpy boardwalk
u guys all suck and no u cant fly, idiot tiger
Dear Fierce Moon,
I really enjoy your walkthroughs and find them very helpful. I really don’t know how I would play without your guidance!
Sincerely, Purple Melon
where are all the torn pieces in the island? PLEASE HELP !!!!!
All the tron pieces for Counterfeit island is: The city docks the sand and the boat mast. outside the on the roof of the museum. the moldy baguette inn on the outside on the on the roof top to your right. the underground trail in the domed archway. and the museum in the supplies room.
Aww, my cousin has finished 19 islands and me just 13 (counting this one) . But still….I joined like..a month ago and she joined 2 YEARS ago.
Dear Fierce Moon,
I really enjoy your walkthroughs and find them very helpful. I really don’t know how I would play without your guidance!
Sincerely, super flame
Dear Fierce Moon,
Aloha (The ‘hello’ not the ‘goodbye’)! I was just wondering, what is the point was of the kid with the balloon? And where does he go? I have ANOTHER question….can you actually fly with just a balloon? I just REALLY wanna fly…THX!
Okay, just one thing I noticed.
You get the Starry Night, and if you click on the assistant curator again, he says, “Van Gogh’s Starry Night?! That can’t be the real thing!”
Well, obviously. Esprcially because the real one is hanging right next to the expressionism room, like, right across from the assistant curator of that very mueseum.
He’s pretty bad at his job,
Then, when you go talk to head curator on Early Poptropica, Van Gogh’s Starry night is there, too. I would guess one is counterfeit. Probably the Counterfeit Island one, considering it’s, like, in the name. Just found it interseting, that’s all.
i cannot defeat the chemical part at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(( ;(
Creators,let me know if I’m close.
What happens if you fail the lying test?? I really want to know but im scared to try it myself. I was just wondering if any one had already tried it.
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
I was wondering if we could change our name. Into our real name or something else. Also thanks a billion for the walk through!
I can not get past black widow’s guards!
i really dont like yoy lainey… sorry.
Finally got past the guards but now I have another problem! I can’t get past the Black widow!
Thx Fierce Moon. I
Oh by the way Crazy pelican. A tip for getting past the black widow. Just stay in the middle and jump into the paintings don’t let them come down to you. Then count the painings and once your on 4 sprint to the guy and spin the handle 🙂
make an easy mode for the final minigame with blackwidow. for example you get an extra second for evevrything or something
I once tried to fly with a balloon, ahhh did NOT turn out well.
i know how to fly with balloons
You only mentioned 3 out of 6 pieces
Thanks a million for the walkthrough Fierce Moon, I couldn’t have done it without you!
this is soo hard the guys keeps saying “stop right there!”
ye all are awesome!
The gargoyle part is hard. It won’t let me move it where I want.
dude im still trying to get past the paint samples test thing
Who looks wierder, Mimi and Mike, the mimes,or Bobo the clown?Respond for the mimes ignore for the clown.the girl that catches you and throws you in jail is the black widow in disguise( hint for those who dont watch the walkthrough)!!!!!!!!!!!!The lie detector test is really E Z to pass and just say no i dont know the black widow on that question,ok cuz i dont want any one to fail that island,pwease??!and i dont what happens after that i havenot gotten that far yet !
Happy Panda that stuff is for FACE BOOK ONLY, STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During the scooter chase, just stay to the right to avoid obstacles, ok?
After you get the ballon click on the ballon again to pop(tropica) it!
i can help with that
Hello you never said all of the places of the pieces of torn paper and Dillon only said 5. What are the 6 pieces?
WAHOOOOOOOO! 31 island past, 2 to go. Can anyone tell me how to catch the red eyed snake in mythology island? PLS!!!!!! my name is called Tomi0808. Add me.
this is soooooo easy!!! I don`t even need a guide to finish it. I am dead serious. If I were a friend of yours, I will help you on any island except Mythology and Skullgery. But I still cannot believe some of you cannot even finish it with the guide. But still, poptropica secrets? seriously? I just found out this yesturday and I feel alittle cheaty. I live in China but I am from japan so that`s why I send this in a very wierd time.
I love poptropica, and the walkthrouths really help on the difficult parts…THNX!
I just want to point out that you’ve only incorporated how to find four of the six pieces to the gargoyle picture. You have the third on the beach near the docks, then the next thing about the torn paper says ‘the sixth and final piece’.
Not degrading you – your walkthroughs are a lifesaver for this game – but I just figured I’d let you know.
what exactly happens to balloon boy?
You forgot lots of gargoyle parts
I don’t know your name BUT you only told us in your walk threw, 4 of the pieces of the torn picture. Can you for me PLEASE screen shot *type snipping tool in your search bar in the start menu and do that* all of the places of the pieces OR just how the face is supposed to look please. I would like that because I followed your instructions and I only got 4 pieces of the picture because that is how many to told us how to find. I hope you can fix that mistake for newer people who use you because I use you all of the time for cheats and how you consider this….
Lucy Leopold
P.S. I LOVE your walk threws but I want to know where the best pieces are. Like some other people.
Defeating Black Widow is so hard I almost threw my laptop out my window
hello how do you restart your island??? if you arent finished it yet???
totally off subject but i have a blue face (i didn’t put it that way) how do you change your skin colour?!
SPIKY TIGER YE ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗
I completed counterfeit island all by myself but the counterfeit art in the country was the counterfeist island in the world.Get it,counterfeist?Har Har!
what happened to the balloon boy?
verry nice ,is so easy .I am won .yahoo
Where do you collect the 4th and 5th pieces of torn picture?
On the trash can part i can’t click on it,so can you put the awnser to the problem?
i need help finding the top right piece pleae?
srry, i can’t make it past the downtown part for night work. how do u get past? please anwser.
Where do you find the fourth and fifth pieces of the picture?
Dear Fierce Moon,
I really enjoy your walkthroughs and find them very helpful. I really don’t know how I would play without your guidance!
Sincerely, Lucky Cheetah
WHERE DO YOU FIND THE FIFTH PIECE?! I found the fourth piece on a roof but where is the fifth one?
WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE???!!!??? I gave the kid his balloon, got the tickets, talked to the guy outside the cafe, but THE TOURIST GUY WILL NOT STOP PLAYING HIS COMPUTER GAME!!!!! Does anyone else have this problem? And what should I do about it?
Cheerful Hopper, if you fail the lie detector test, they just ask you the questions again.
The inspector’s name is veuve noire. That means Black Widow in french. In an island full of French people, don’t you think someone would have figured out that the inspector was Black Widow?
OK i’m confused where is the old lady at the early poptropica island IT IS NOT THERE
please comment lazyies jk
Exactly what I was thinking!
I dn’t know how to move the paintings please help
it won’t let me pick up the pictures please help
I think the boy’s balloon is already exploded.
the fifth piece is on a window above the moldy baguette inn
Where do you find the FIFTH PIECE???????
what happens if the painting correction doesn’t work?
what happens if the painting correction doesn’t work?
I love this island! Remember it coming out when I was younger, I was so excited:)
PS: The name I put is my Poptropica username!!
@ delaneytheangell i did not know that the inspector was Black Widow….. @ jada you dont need to worry about the balloon boy.. but i believe he is in another island……
gosh getting pasrt the security is so hard
wheres the bottem right piece and the left one too
People having trouble finding pieces, here are the locations (not in necessary order):
1. On the highest roof of art museum.
2. One of the window sills or balconies of the Web Cafe and Mouldy Baguette inn.
3. Mast of fisherman boat in the docks.
4. Rock ledge in the docks.
5. Cable in tour tunnel.
6. Supply room.
I hope this helped as I found people were having problems finding certain pieces of the puzzle!
well i am goin’ to bust the black widow!
also get a medallion…
🙂 yay this will be my first one!!!