Shark tooth island is one of the earlier and easier island adventures in Poptropica. In this mission, you have to rescue Professor Hammerhead and a young boy who have been trapped on an island in Booga Bay. A giant shark is blocking the way so you’ll need to get the help of the local medicine man to come up with a plan to take care of the shark and perform the daring rescue. This video shows you how to do the full island very quickly. If you want the written instructions, keep reading below!
Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough
When you arrive on the island, head immediately all the way to the right and follow the sign to the Ancient Ruins. You can stop by and visit some of the buildings like the Shark Museum on the way, but they’re not necessary for completing the mission. Go through the next short room and head to the right. You’ll arrive in the ancient ruins. Go all the way to the right and watch out for the dropping coconuts as you go. Go to the end and you’ll see a sign for Booga Bay. Go right again and head for the bay.
Go right through this short room and then you’ll arrive in lovely Booga Bay. Talk to the first guy you see at the Grass Skirts stand. He’ll give you a grass skirt so that you will look like a native islander. Put on the grass skirt and then head back left to the ancient ruins. When you arrive in the ruins, jump over the big stone in the middle so that you are standing on the left side of it and then push it to the right until it is underneath the vine right next to the palm tree. Now jump up on the top of the block. Watch out for falling coconuts and then jump up again to catch the vine.
Continue climbing up the vine and jumping up on the platforms on the tree until you get to the very top, where you’ll find a medicine man. He will talk to you because you look like an islander in your grass skirt. Click on him and ask him, “What else can you tell me?” He will tell you that deep in the temple there is a wall carving that will show you what you need to bring to him so that he can make a potion that will put the big shark to sleep.
Jump off the platform and keep going down until you reach the ground. Walk a short distance to the left and you’ll see the entrance to the temple. It is in the mouth of the big statue and has spider webs in it. Go inside and then jump down the platforms in the first area.
Soon, you’ll be standing on a platform and there will be a swinging platform to your left. Time your jump so that you land on it and then keep moving to the left. You’ll reach a wall and then will need to go all the way to the bottom. Watch out for the purple bats, who will knock you over. Once you get to the bottom, go left and then jump all the way up again. Soon you’ll see a big green control panel in the upper left corner. Jump up onto that platform and click on the panel.
This panel will open the door to the left, but only if you press the correct teeth in the mouth. Counting from the left, you need to click on the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th teeth. Then press the big triangle above the teeth and between the two eyes. The door will open and you can go through it to the left. Keep going through the next passage and you’ll arrive inside a large chamber with a green vine hanging down. This one works a lot like the chamber before. Just jump onto the vine and drop all the way down to the bottom. Go left some more and you’ll come up to a big golden statue of the shark. Jump up on top of that statue and then over it. At this point, you can either jump up onto the swinging panel above you and keep going left, or just head straight across. If you jump up, you’ll get to a small pit with spikes in the walls. Jump down here and you’ll land next to an old skeleton with a bone in its mouth. Walk over to the bone to pick it up.
Now head right and go back to the shark statue. Climb back up to the top and jump on the swinging platform and go left until you get to the pit with the spikes in the walls. Wait here for the sliding platform to come close and then jump on it. Ride it to the other side of the pit and then jump off and exit to the left. Go through the passageway and you’ll arrive in another chamber with a green vine. Just jump down here and run across the floor until you get to a giant pedestal with an urn holding some green stuff in it. Jump up on top of that and you will get the Key Ingredient. There’s a vine here. Jump up onto it and climb up to leave the chamber. You’ll be in a small room with platforms. Keep jumping up to the top and then exit.
You’ll appear out of a hole in the sand right at the beginning part of the island next to the guy selling shark fins. You can get one from him if you like, but you don’t need it to solve the mission. Now walk to the right a little and talk to the guy standing next to the booth outside the Coconut Cafe. He will give you some carbonated coconut milk, which is the 3rd and final ingredient you need to bring to the Medicine Man.
Now go to the right and head for the ancient ruins. Push the stone in the middle back underneath the vine next to the tree and go back up to visit the Medicine Man. He will take all of the ingredients and create a potion for you. You’ll get the Calming Potion from him, which can be used to calm the Great Booga Shark. Jump off the tree to the right and head to Booga Bay.
After you arrive in Booga Bay, go to the right until you pass a fisherman and arrive at a cannon with a sign next to it that says, “Feed the Shark.” Click on the cannon and point it up in the air and then click again to launch the coconut with the potion in it into the bay. As soon as it lands in the water, the great Booga shark will appear and eat it. He’ll turn green and then fall asleep below the water. Click on the “Back” button in the upper-right corner of the game to return to the main screen. Now you can safely cross the water while the shark is sleeping. Cross the island and you will come to a small island. Go right at the end and you will then arrive next to Professor Hammerhead.
Talk to Professor Hammerhead and he will thank you for rescuing him and the boy and ask you to lead them back to the mainland. Head to the left again and back across the water. Both the professor and the boy will follow you. When you arrive back to where the crying woman is standing, she will thank you for rescuing her son. Professor Hammerhead will then give you a gold medallion and you have completed the adventure. Congratulations!
thanks so much i finshed it in one day without having to save!
thanks so much i finished it in 15 minutes
thanks, same with me and it was my first medal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
though i was still pretty scared about the bats ^^
Your website is great! Thanks
this the coolest website !! i had five acounts and i finis each of them in 5 mins! i know this because my sister set the timer. and i did it from 4 o’clock to 8 o’clock
sorry i met 4 o’clock to half past 5…… even ways thanxx!!!!!!!!!
but…………. where do you get the time capsule again??????????
This walkthrough was easy to fallow! I finished it in like 5 minutes! thxs!
fin. in 5 min!
thank you so much for the cheats! I did it in like 10 mins! the walkthrough really works!
for some reason, at one point it keeps on bringing me back to where i was before.
great tutorial thought.
it was really easy.i beat in one day.
Thanks! I finished it in only 15 min.!
I am finding it really hard can somebody help me
Thanx that helped ALOT!
3 accounts finished them all in 1hour!
You guys that leave comments spell words wrong…no offence.:)sry if i did offend u gize!
awsome i like this
thank you so much i finshed it in 30 mins
Hi! Thanks for the tutorial, really easy. Great website, right away I put it on my favorites. Bye! Good luck with this website.
I finished it in 2 minutes! Beat that!!!
this like way helps u i finised it in 5 minutes!
i love this place!
thank you so much! great site!
thank you sooooo much it worked perfectly
hey girl gentry how do u beat 1 min. and 55 seconds
Thanks 4 helping me out i finish the SHARK TOOTH ISLAND in 30 minutes thanks again…=)
Why dosn’t this have a video walkthrough???????????????????? It would be REALLY easier!!!!!!
wow!thanks man!apreciate it!this is my 2 medalion i got becuz of u ! thankyou!
awesome game i played it again
that was great i got credets and a mouse costume . thanks so much.(:
thanks i really ow u one!!! lol
How did you get the code for the temple door?
thank i passed it and really easy before it was hard and i got the medallion
ok, u talk to the man but he doesnt make it for me. i have the coconut milk and the mushy thing but he wont make it,y?
how do you get to counterfiet island
That was so fun even turning booga green.
Thx I finished it 15 mins!!! yay! 🙂
Ur missing the old bone ,thesilencer.
could u pls email me on how 2 get a never closing mouth?
i beat all the islands!!!
shark tooth is so easy…….
hey your awesome 4 medal
it is so easy
Thanks! You’re walkthroughs Are really clear. Its Easy As pie Now, Thanks Again!
I have all ready defeated this island like 30 times already.
just finished this mission just now thx 😀
OMG ur web is amazing! ive finished every one, now!! thankyou sooo much!
It took me 3 minutes and 34 seconds to beat shark Tooth.The worm sort of scared me though.
why wasn’t there a worm in the video? lucky…
you idiot trystan!!!! Your scared of a game!!!!
Wow it only took me 2 minutes and 39 seconds to complete this island!
Actually i beat all of the islands even astroknights.So HA Jeff.
I have so much purchased items i have 5 pages of it. Ive been a member sience august 13.
super easy i finished it in 9 minutes
i beat 5 islands in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beat early poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys are crazzzzy!!!!!!
it took me about 20 minutes to get this done.
hey,im new to
That giant worm was a little weird!Like what is the point of it?
the catterpillar was the toughest part though…
now i have only 3 islands to go!
is anyone here anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay like Anthony said is anyone here?
obviouslly not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don’t people write anything?
it’s like a ghost website.
I’m new to poptropica.
I beat Early Poptropica
I finished it exactly in 2 minutes and 1 second! I have enough credits for the early trial of countferrit island!!!!!!
i think yall r all stupid. COME ON!!! y would somebody wonna waste their life doing this??? ya, i did it 2, but at least it wuz only cuz im waiting 4 my sis 2 get ready so we can go 2 orlando to go christmas shopping! get a life. and who cares if tht guy trystan couldnt get it the first time! at least we no he dosent throw HIS life away like u, jeff. and ive finished all of the islands 2. but it wuz wit my NEPHEW! jjeeezee pepz get a life!
EWW , the worm kinda freaked me out .
i just cannoned the potion to the shark … but i don’t see the son anywhere , and where is Professer Hammerhead located ?
please help me ! 🙁
Ohhh nevermind ! I found it .
Lol , i might’ve read a little bit too fast , and thought that i was supposed to head left .
I found out that you go right , past the cannon . 🙂
Thanks anyway ! n.n
I beat and bought everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha ha , beat that
i am loud horse dressed like a ninja
i hang out at astro knights,crop circle inn
change guy/girl
hold ctrl+shift+r costume change
hold ctrl+shift+s skin change
hold ctrl+shift+h hair change
only works at spy
I already beat 4 islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am working on astro knights!!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i live in the phillipines it’s only 8:38
ok this is so putnam
I don’t know what you are all talking about. I read everything.
What are you talking about Nikki?
I tried the hair change but my computer history keeps coming up, so how do you explain that, HUH?
i am so bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a question,in early poptropica there is a giant spider and in shark tooth there is a giant worm.What’s with all the mutated creepy things?
counterfeit is so hard i cant get past the guards
im going to retire
is anyone on right now?
This Is very useful I’m making a poptropica guide book I’m going to use this web alot.
LOL how dumb am I,I don’t Need To use your website I’ve completed every island there is available including counterfeit but your web is cool.
i love poptropica is the best that’s the best place to relax.
I beat ALL the islands already. Sheesh, can they come up with a new island every month? I mean, they could just put all the names of the islands on the map. THAT would be easier!P.S.- my real name is Kiara (kee-are- uh)
Animal Crossing-Texas’s Message of the Week
Say this to agitate people:
I like pie.
I said that for no freakin’ reason.
i have beaten all of the islands and have memorized how to beat them.
i have over 15 accounts, and have beaten all the islands on all of them. So there
This was one of the easiest island ever!!!!! I beat it in 1 minute n’ 7 seconds! I beat the whole Poptropica in 27 minutes n’ 49 seconds! Poptropica is SO easy, fun. Thanks for the guide it really helped many people, but I did it on my own.
i like pie 2
Hi Guys,
We all love Poptropica right?! So we should be giving tips to other players instead off bullying them(jeff). I’m sure we all have good tips to share. We must all have had trouble completing some islands. So, why not help others.
this site is a LIFESAVER i got this done in no time at all whoever made this website is a true hero 😀
I agree that person is a TRUE HERO !!! But i wonder why they didn’t add Big nate.
This island is super easy. My favorite islands is Spy and super power island and btw JEFF SHUT UP!!!! UR THE IDOT!!!
This website made everything so much easier , but i agreee they should add big nate!!!
im still tryna figure it out but im almost there, that calipillar is annoying !!!! omg!!!…
its good that i found all of da ingredients to calm the shark lol!….
🙂 awesome
poptropica is easy.does anyone know about a new island?write me back
does anyone know when the next islands are comming out?? please tell me!!
Thanks a milkshake! This was very helpful!
uh..they DID add big nate-it is SUPER EASY
yes counternifit or whatever and buy the haunted house it’s cool
google it im done with all of the islands!!!!!
ok people need to stop posting mean comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx!!!! this helped me alot! it was soooooooo easy! Though u should add all the islands
thanks the walkthrough for thee shark tooth island really helped me.
im stuck on the vine also i can not go in the temple
16 minutes!!!!!
yin-lin-They mean a big nate walkthough you dumb ass!
Omg this helped me soo much thanks i just need to know the stuff to get coz i dont understand the writing
i did Shark Tooth without the walktrough
it is super easy
i have done it for so many accounts
it is very fantastico!!!!!!cool….but i never complete them…
Easy peasy eleven squisy that island is so easy
Hey stop stop stop I went on the characteres of my friends because I help them:)
umm i finished a island but it wont let me go do another one so how do i do another one?
*yawn* This shark tooth island i finished it so easy oh and the great booga was like poisoned or something
thanks for the help!!!!!
what the Hell O.o
it’s so easy!! i can do That ~ But how Will i Open the Thing
i Can Make cookies!!!!
Thanks for Opening the thing Now i Can do Now
Hey i Narghen Nice to Meet you everyone
Hey everyone i got a suprise for Risa-Bunny
Hey Hengern What is some presnt for me’
do you Have some Bread or What
Thanks for the Help
thanks a lot!!! it’s really useful!!!
how do u kill the shark someone tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(please) =)
Anyone here who’s seen the movie Cast Away (I’m 11, and I’ve seen it, it was made in 2000) should notice Wilson the Volleyball on top of a barrel of sticks on the island where you find Professor Hammerhead and Little Boy. I love Wilson, he just made that whole movie, and to me he made the whole island. 😀 WILSON!!!! I’M SORRY, BUDDY!! *cries* LOL
I love poptropica my cousin showd me this website and it`s awesome but people have to stop swearing
so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
There’s a big catepillar?
Um….Will it knock you down or sometihng?!
this is the best game in the world
So easy.. Crazy!!
I was just sitting there like… “what?”
Lol! You guys rock, yeah??
If it’s okay with this website, I will make a Poptropica guide based on this website and most of my friends will read it. BTW, I finshed this island in 5 minuits!! And I’m under 9!
Something werid happened to me when i did it. I waited for the caterpillar to come so i could figer out a way to do it but it never came!
this is cool i can complete the poptropica eisodes
patrice they r not episodes they r islands
Thanks so much! It wsas easy and it helped me…
its was eseay but like u need 2 to know its just dumb info 🙁
thank u ! 😀
It waz so freakin easy!!!!!!
he says that i am not a native islander (the medicine guy)
thnx it really helped…now i need to complete the other island 😀
THX SO MUCH i could never figure out the code to get passed the gate but you really help so THX
thank for telling me now i dont have to wate a long time to beet it
thank u for this
OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOGA KEEPS BITEING ME!!!!
Dear, DumB PERSon you are dumb,strange,wierd and cukoo.
Thanks So Much!
If i neva Saw This i would Have neva gotten this Far:D So Thank you
thx you helped me a lot
this is the best website ever!without this website I would die trying!
you would die trying to what??(suggestions)
1.trying to potty 🙁
2.trying to give someone a weggie 🙂
3.trying to eat your pants :0
Pick one!!! >:( Or else!!!
where do u get the counut milk?
my sis is now nagging at me 24/7 to come on this website to tell her what to do on the islands and thts kinda annoying. and ur missing spy island.
hello anybody
bow chicka bow wow chicka chicka choo wa
to easy!
yo this is easy
So easy beat it with less then 3% of me brain cells
but catterpillers scare me out of my wits:)
have anothor account tara but can u call me samantha?(samantha is my real name)
easy at first then BOOOOOM!!!! HARD!!!!
omg this island is sooooooo easy
poptropica is addicting popular socks is my poptropica and they really should have a promtropica
it is sooooooooooooo easy
There is always one thing about this island that bothers me, when I figured it out by myself, i hadn’t done so in my two previous tries!
You helped me so much!!! Now I am one step closer to beating the whole thing!!!
Im a huge fan of your youtube videos and the ones you have on this site!!!
I am going to tell all of my friends that your website ROX MY SOX OFF!!!:)
That cheat really help.
i finished it in2 minutes and 2 seconds
anyone here aannyybbooddyy hheerree
i have a robot that was a limited item in store only
ima get da cheats to every island!
this one is easy make one even harder
lol its easy
if need help plz ask me
i need help
what on?
time tangled
yes how do you know
because lots of people need help on that island
This island is so easy to finish!
Thank you a lot!!!!!!!
I can pass the islands quickly now. 😉
do you got a big idea?
about mutliverse
lets start a band in mutliverse
Guys you here yet, the Steamworks page was filled up. I had no choice.
Hey if anyone sees a character named shiny tomato it’s probably me. So say hi!
i’m here/ransom/
me to
reply to:ransom
Thank God, I mean seriously, I checked the Steamworks page no one left a comment about they would meet me here but thank god, also this dude posted like 20 comments, this may be awkward but it reallly actually scared me, call the mental hospital for this dude was my only thought, I am seriously, it was friggin creepy!!!!!!!!!!
someone is my fan
because it says
reply to:allison
hi!allison i saw you
I finished all the islands thanks to Poptropicasecrets!
Okay, guys, this isn’t going anywhere, maybe we should just stopo it, because I have more things in my life I want to do.
ransom,your leaving poptropicasecrets
i took over because i’m CUTEQUEEN
ps:i’m going to spy spy island walkthrough
bye! bye! shark tooth walkthrough
cutequeen,are you here
i saw your message
so i guess your not here
ps:i saw ransom’s too
so bye! see ya at a different page
ransom,are you leaving?
i still will be your friend
I am not leaving, I’m just going ona vacation for three days in Savanna! I’m gonna go on the ghost tour (awesome), the fort, the museum at the lighthouse, then the air musem. And I’m going tomorrow, well, I’ll see you in three days, I go tommorrow! Well, hasta la vista!
Okay, i’m back to take it over now, and I changed my mind, I can’t leave you guys, your my only friends other than Drew, who’s mom and grandmoher are too much of jerks to let him come over often! Thanks for filling in shortly cutequeen, in fact, if you want to, you can be my co leader!
Um, guys, let’s go to spy island!
i am
are you sill here
yea!lets do it
i completed astro knights
f need help
i will helpYOU because i amGOOD AT IT!
i need help
busy bee girl
hey!and whiteprincess firends
i’m on astro kinghts
thanks to poptropicasecrets
comeing back from vacation
woo hoo
and i take over all of poptropica for last three days
and it always takes a while to find a fiend
i’m back from my vacation
go back to skulldugery
no dont gho back
i awaiting grigory
whats up
i heard that ransom is leaving
i was his co leader
until he had this message
ps grigory take over!
grigory not back still
oh no!!!
he must be playing a trick on me????????????????
+grigory are you playing a trick on me+
cool! easy to finish~
Hello i beat all of da islands.
grigory, HAX!
shut up! steamworks island is Here!
Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough
When you arrive on the island, head immediately all the way to the right and follow the sign to the Ancient Ruins. You can stop by and visit some of the buildings like the Shark Museum on the way, but they’re not necessary for completing the mission. Go through the next short room and head to the right. You’ll arrive in the ancient ruins. Go all the way to the right and watch out for the dropping coconuts as you go. Go to the end and you’ll see a sign for Booga Bay. Go right again and head for the bay.
Go right through this short room and then you’ll arrive in lovely Booga Bay. Talk to the first guy you see at the Grass Skirts stand. He’ll give you a grass skirt so that you will look like a native islander. Put on the grass skirt and then head back left to the ancient ruins. When you arrive in the ruins, jump over the big stone in the middle so that you are standing on the left side of it and then push it to the right until it is underneath the vine right next to the palm tree. Now jump up on the top of the block. Watch out for falling coconuts and then jump up again to catch the vine.
Continue climbing up the vine and jumping up on the platforms on the tree until you get to the very top, where you’ll find a medicine man. He will talk to you because you look like an islander in your grass skirt. Click on him and ask him, “What else can you tell me?” He will tell you that deep in the temple there is a wall carving that will show you what you need to bring to him so that he can make a potion that will put the big shark to sleep.
Jump off the platform and keep going down until you reach the ground. Walk a short distance to the left and you’ll see the entrance to the temple. It is in the mouth of the big statue and has spider webs in it. Go inside and then jump down the platforms in the first area.
Soon, you’ll be standing on a platform and there will be a swinging platform to your left. Time your jump so that you land on it and then keep moving to the left. You’ll reach a wall and then will need to go all the way to the bottom. Watch out for the purple bats, who will knock you over. Once you get to the bottom, go left and then jump all the way up again. Soon you’ll see a big green control panel in the upper left corner. Jump up onto that platform and click on the panel.
This panel will open the door to the left, but only if you press the correct teeth in the mouth. Counting from the left, you need to click on the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th teeth. Then press the big triangle above the teeth and between the two eyes. The door will open and you can go through it to the left. Keep going through the next passage and you’ll arrive inside a large chamber with a green vine hanging down. This one works a lot like the chamber before. Just jump onto the vine and drop all the way down to the bottom. Go left some more and you’ll come up to a big golden statue of the shark. Jump up on top of that statue and then over it. At this point, you can either jump up onto the swinging panel above you and keep going left, or just head straight across. If you jump up, you’ll get to a small pit with spikes in the walls. Jump down here and you’ll land next to an old skeleton with a bone in its mouth. Walk over to the bone to pick it up.
Now head right and go back to the shark statue. Climb back up to the top and jump on the swinging platform and go left until you get to the pit with the spikes in the walls. Wait here for the sliding platform to come close and then jump on it. Ride it to the other side of the pit and then jump off and exit to the left. Go through the passageway and you’ll arrive in another chamber with a green vine. Just jump down here and run across the floor until you get to a giant pedestal with an urn holding some green stuff in it. Jump up on top of that and you will get the Key Ingredient. There’s a vine here. Jump up onto it and climb up to leave the chamber. You’ll be in a small room with platforms. Keep jumping up to the top and then exit.
You’ll appear out of a hole in the sand right at the beginning part of the island next to the guy selling shark fins. You can get one from him if you like, but you don’t need it to solve the mission. Now walk to the right a little and talk to the guy standing next to the booth outside the Coconut Cafe. He will give you some carbonated coconut milk, which is the 3rd and final ingredient you need to bring to the Medicine Man.
Now go to the right and head for the ancient ruins. Push the stone in the middle back underneath the vine next to the tree and go back up to visit the Medicine Man. He will take all of the ingredients and create a potion for you. You’ll get the Calming Potion from him, which can be used to calm the Great Booga Shark. Jump off the tree to the right and head to Booga Bay.
After you arrive in Booga Bay, go to the right until you pass a fisherman and arrive at a cannon with a sign next to it that says, “Feed the Shark.” Click on the cannon and point it up in the air and then click again to launch the coconut with the potion in it into the bay. As soon as it lands in the water, the great Booga shark will appear and eat it. He’ll turn green and then fall asleep below the water. Click on the “Back” button in the upper-right corner of the game to return to the main screen. Now you can safely cross the water while the shark is sleeping. Cross the island and you will come to a small island. Go right at the end and you will then arrive next to Professor Hammerhead.
Talk to Professor Hammerhead and he will thank you for rescuing him and the boy and ask you to lead them back to the mainland. Head to the left again and back across the water. Both the professor and the boy will follow you. When you arrive back to where the crying woman is standing, she will thank you for rescuing her son. Professor Hammerhead will then give you a gold medallion and you have completed the adventure. Congratulations
armaghan youre mean
im just copying and pastying ill stoptommorow
thanks from all this i completed 5 islands already.
wow my daughter luvs this thingy majig
this is awesome thank you very much yay now i got this off my shoulders you are awesome!!!!!!! (but you know im awesomer!)
wow this really helped. i cannot believe i didn’t see that vine 🙂
This is a really easy now! It helped me already when I just one sentence and also I am glad this exist! 😉
Chloe. Daughter?
thx you helped me alotttttt
thx you helped me alot
awsome help thanks
this was abunch of help i thank u allot except i couldnt find anything on early poptropica so maybe u could put sumthin up there plz
Hi your website and youtube account vids helped me loads!!! Thanks!
I have loads of islands left to do but only cuz i started a new account.
thamks that was great i completed it (:
There’s been an error in this walkthrough. Not many people have seen it.
The: “counting from the left, click the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th teeth and then the triangle” is wrong.
This will not work if you dont have the translation key!
In poptropica, you need certain items for the adventure to actualy happen like it should, they don’t put it there for nothing. You need the right items so you can complete the island. It’s very important.
When I looked at this walkthrough, I tried the right teeth as ordered counting from the left, and it didn’t work. Why is this? You haven’t gotten the translation key. It’s the only problem. Even if the code is correct, it wont work.
1. Exit the ancient ruins.
2. Push the rock-block next to the palm tree. Get ontop of it.
3. As usual, get the vine and climb up to the SECOND platform.
4. Once on the platform, throw yourself off DIAGONALY (going left).
5. You should land ontop of the Ancient Ruins room. If you didn’t, try again.
6. After getting on top of the room, you should see a piece of paper.
7. Get the paper. It will go into your item’s box.
8. Go back into the ruins room and go onto the green-panel face platform.
9. Don’t click it. Go into your *item box* and get the translation key.
10. You will see symbols, and then letters.
11. OK, here’s the trick. The word you enter into the panel is ‘OPEN’.
12. You will see a letter, and the symbol of the letter in the ancient language.
13. Memorize the right symbols that spell out the word OPEN.
14. After you know the symbols that spell out the codeword, click on the panel.
15. Enter the word open in symbols.
16. After entering open, press the triangle nose (inbetween the two eyes)
17. The eyes will turn green and then the panel will dissapear. You will see your person again.
18. The door will slide open, and you can now go left.
The rest of the walkthrough will help you with the adventure past the face panel.
this helped me! only 24 Carrot Island!
that was easy thats!
thank you so much for helping me out on this one. I appreciate it allot.
Thank you! THis helped me so much now i have my poptropica Multiverse card thanks to this!
lots of work
This is an great website keep it up
thanks it really helped
THNX!!!! i couldn’t have done it without u! I wood give a hug if u were here!
after you showed me the heroglyphics i did the rest by myself. you were alot of help!
oh and if u do email it give me a message too cuz i dont have that much emails so yeah email it if u need help on any island at all.
who has facebook if u want it go to lol 🙂
that was so so so easy
Ha! i did it easily…..It was 10 mins. before school and i have to finish it b’coz randy (class bully) is trying to challenge me at shark tooth island….when i looked at this website..WEW! Inever knew it wuz that easy…
the man wont give me the potion and i have the key ingredient and the bone
you help me finish two stages so far
you helped me alot! if we ever meet in poptropica my name is Rough Octopus
Even with the translatoin key it didint work
this was so easy.
rough octopus??? ur friend, green grape…
im very amaze in poptropica
so, ok liam. i won’t start a swearing competition with you. go figure.
thaz, it was esay
im finaly done with the island it was fun i liked it i hope all of you like it to
i love this site thanks so much,you where so so more help OH YEAH,BITCH I HAVE NOT FINISHED YET SO DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING.
its cool but you should be more under standing plz thanks bye
i think this is the best cheat site ever but could you help me by telling me how to get that page from the roof of the temple i saw it but jus couldnt reach it any hints
ps.i tried the big rock no use
that island was ssssssssooooooooo easy
thx 4 the help!!!!!!!!!!!!
to liam and kandee do u not realize that little kids use this website and im hoping for an apolagy but i doubt thats going to happen
sorry i spelt ur name wrong kaydee
oh and thanks green grape for not swearing back
party at dye94 pls come ps its not a party cuz its just me
i love to play shark tooth island
Thanks for the guide! It really helped! My friend, Micah said that youtube video walkthroughs were slow, and were not that good, so I checked here. Thank you! You did a really thurough job! This is my 5th island completed (on this account), because I had like 2 other accounts, but I forgot the password… Nabooti and Super Power island took me forever and were really hard. Now I have to do them again 🙁 And I had to quit at the very, very end of Steamworks, because the bosses were completely impossible, and I just quit Astro Knights on the boss of the Fire Planet, because it was to hard (evil body temperature). I’ll definitely check here for the rest of the islands! Thanks again! – Ventetian Princess
Thanks a lot.But I agree with Popular Monster.He’s right because it isn’t 3rd 4th 6th 7th!It’s 3rd 6th 7th 4th.Anyways,in the video,it even SHOWED it was 3rd 6th 7th 4th!Oh well.But even though you typed it wrong, you still helped me.Thanks!
– Lillian
Ugh liam and kaydee please don’t swear it gets on my nerves. Plus maybe adults will come on so…eep
PS: In some other island cheat thing I posted a comment with ‘mabe’ on it. It’s ‘made’. 😉
thanks for helping me out MacKenzie
I wonder if Early Poptropica, Shark Tooth and Time Tangled are as easy as everybody says?
i had a hard time jumping around especially in the dungeon
Hi! I hear you want cheats to wimpy wonderland! Well, here they are!
When you enter, talk to Greg. He will tell you Manny is missing.Go all the way to the left to Surrey Street. Go into Greg’s house(the first one) .Go upstairs and into the right. Jump on the table and get the adress book. Then go into Manny’s room. Go to the left and out the window. Follow the footprints.Talk to Rowley. Then Manny will come down the hill. Follow him to Main Street. On the way, pick up Rowley’s Rumble bike. (Manny took it) Follow him up the tree. He will jump down and crush a snowman. Go a little to the left and pick up the carrot. Go to the school. It will show Manny jumping up. Go to the seesaw and jump up the tree. Pick up the piece of paper. The go Back to the front and go to the right. On your way, there is a trash can. Push it on the left side of the seesaw. Jump on the right side. This may take some tries. Then it will land on the second floor. Jump up and push it to the left. Than jump on it and into the school.Manny will run out the door. Do NOT leave yet. Go to to the bottom of the banner SCHOOL SPIRIT. Then click on each locker until one shows up. Remember the numbers on the paper. 9.37,15. Click on the locker. You will have to make the combanation, The locker will open. It will give you a twisted wizard game cheat guide. Go to Greg’s house. He will be playing Twisted Wizard. Give him the twisted wizard game cheat guide. Then he will be done. He will ask you to give it back to Rowley. Go to Rowley’s house. Jump on the car then quickly go hide in the bush. It will say HIDE. When Rowley’s dad comes out, sneak into the house. Give the game to Rowley. He will give you his Joshie Membership Card. Go to gregs house. Go in. Go to the left. Use the card. It will unlock the door. Click the control panel. Turn Rodrick’s power off. Then you can go into his room. Pick up the dog dish that says SWEATY . Go out of Greg’s house. Rodrick left so go in the Garage and get the leaf blower. Go out and over to the snowman on Surrey Street. Put the carot on him(optional). Then use the leaf blower on him. He will give you a troll.Once you get the troll from Fregley, go to the school. Then go to leisure towers. Go past it. If you get past enough of the Whirley kids, you’ll get a shovel. Go to surrey street. Go left. Go to grandma’s house. Use the shovel. Play the shoveling mini game. Go to leisure towers. Go up on top. Press go up. You need to jump on windows and avoid it shutting and falling objects. Get to 33c. Press enter. Click on grandpa. You’ll have to click super fast. Then he’ll show you Manny. Ignore it. It’s no use, really. Then go out(not the window). Go down to L (lobby) in the elevator. Use the troll. Win bingo and get a music disc. Go to main street. Go in the convenience store. Use the disc. The Manager will give you Wiper Freeze Fluid. Go to the school. A guy will be at the truck. use the fluid. Do the game. Go to surrey street. Go the way to Grandma’s house. Once the Manny thing is done, go in the laundromat. Greg will come. Sled to his house. You get the Medal. Congratulations!!!
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
is there another world if u finish the first one? Because my sis is working on the last island.
once you get to the shark fins guy, there’s a little shaded on that. it will take you to the urn quicker
This is by far, the easiest for me 🙂 Thanks so much for the walkthrough 🙂
hey! any of you guys from singapore?
@INVISIBLE CATFISH: just so you know, the first three islands are the easiest islands EVER!!
if you need help on ANY island please e-mail your password and user name to [email protected]
this waz da easiest island! THANX FOR DA WALKTHROUGH. The walkthroughs are how i beat all the islands. ive only beaten 5 but still….
I can help anyone with the following islands:
Early Poptropica
shark tooth
time tangled
24 carrot
super power
big nate
reality tv
graet pumpkin
Okay… What the heck are those green snake-like things, when you go to the statue of the shark? ‘Cause they’re not letting me go past..
I can help anyone with: shark tooth island,realaty tv island,some parts of wimpy wonderland and some parts of nabooti
…you should make a video of a person doing it. I mean, I love the walkthrough and stuff, but I’m one of those people who avoid reading whenever possible.
This was an easy island.
The first 5 islands are on poptropica, super easy. Then Spy Island comes along. All of the poptropica players are probably stunned because they’re used to islands that they can finish in 5 minutes
finished island in 5 minutes >),
i have no money and i want free membership
man,the caterpillar freaks me out
I have no idea how to get past all of the ninja people or whatever in the dungeon place on red dragon island!!!!??!!??
i have enough cedits to buy a room go to the store and enter my code it says friends promo code its:BFQ56
i will do it for you
the spider in early poptropica scares me
the huge green spider
if anyone needs help with an island email me or tell me on this website.but you have to give me your username and email is [email protected]
who has a life and does stuff other than play this game thats found on fun brain (which is for KIDS)
or just type in wendy scraching her blancet
I can send invites to any body that has gmail for Google Plus. click in my name to find out what google plus is.
that was easy,thx fierce moon!
next stop 24 carrot!
The only ones that I can beat are 24 carrot,and shark tooth. I FEEL RETARDED!
I can help anyone with all of the islands
I beated all of them
That was the fastest island i have ever done…
Whoa liam calm down… green grape cant be that bad. . . .
wow this island.but the caterpillar freaks me out!
i will never do this island again! the caterpillar is the only thing in Poptropica that i just can’t dare myself to try to get past.
just complited 9 islands!
im done with every island
Bc would u help with Steamworks because im having trouble defeating the plants! here is my username and password: user: mary17525 password :garyyy
i can help people with these islands:
early poptropica
shark tooth
time tangled
24 carrot
wimpy wonderland
reality tv
big nate
email me at [email protected],but i’ll need your username and password
i’ve completed 12 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○
im so cool
it took me 5 hours to beat SHARK TOOTH ISLAND
it took me 10 min to finish this, why 5 hr? do you stare at the screen mostly
Hey guys there is a translation key on the top of the shark museum entrance ! The teeth given in the walkthrough have to be pressed in order –
1) 3rd tooth
2) 4th tooth
3) 6th tooth
4) 7th tooth
the teeth mean ‘OPEN’
there is only a torn piece of paper there but the meanings are there of the teeth which u have to press.
i have already finished twenty islands…….but i need help on skullduggery and red dragon island….HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
I finished all island except for SKULLDUGGERY and STEAMWORKS!!!! help!
I can help you on red dragon, lazy bones!
are skulldegery and steamworks that hard? oh… what i was thinking when i tried to solve it as my first island
it took me like 4min to pass
Im stuck on Skulldigury too!!! I just nee dto beat captain crawfish!!! Has anyone beat him yet??? The rest is pretty easy.
NOOO!!!!!! Me too, perfect tomatoe, I CAN”T FINISH IT!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…. I need help
After you calm the shark keep shooting cocanuts and you will fill up the water.
i’ve completed skullduggery island!!!!!!man,i admit that island was tough!after trading traders for 90+ dayss……
if any of you need help on shrink ray island tell me!!!!
i do, im stuck on the part when i run away from mr.whatever
this island is so darn easy
i need red dragon,skulldugery,astroknights,nabooti,and cryptids.
shark tooth freaks me OUT!!!!!!!! thats why i hate completing shark tooth island……..coconut!
It’s easy 2 pass this island.Pretty cool 2!!!
@Quick Runner 2 I passed nabooti.Maybe I can help u!Which part r u on?:) ;D
oh,never mind!!!! i passed it . i need astroknights,skulldugery, cryptids, and red dragon .
i beat every single one so i’ll help you
ive completed 8 islands but i havent solved nabooti island is there anyone who could help me?…….PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….well at least i got a phone( i realy want help)
i got a mistake about my last comment the hate shark tooth thing? i lied sorry but i think ive beaten mystery train island YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………yikes! tesla coil
hee hee… NABOOTI IS EASY.. sry, but it is way too easy… Ask me, if you need help…
alwayz the sweetest grl around, risha♥
nora, THX! u r sooo sweet… what is ur email? i want to see you!!!
wow this is awsome
sry cant tell u my e-mail in public
@Quick Runner 2 I think I can help you in cyptids and astro knights,but have u completed mystery train?Can you help?Because I collected the prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list! 🙁
Finishing this seems really fast.
wheres part 2
I have finished all of ther islands. I would say that i could help anyone, but i cant because dad is in the hospital. His liver and kidneys failed. He might not make it. So i wont be on for either the rest of this month or 2-3 weeks. bye everyone. You all are so nice and great friends! I will miss you guys!- shelly
@*Shaggy Shell* Hope your dad gets well soon!
I need help for skullduggery and wimpy wonderland PLEASE
i have a question that where did fierce
first island i completed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with no cheats
who did this island with no cheats i did
hope ur dad gets better shaggy shell
Ummmm That Cheat Doesn’t Make Any Sense I Tried It And You Lied It’s Hard CAN SOMEBODY HELP ME ON BOOGA BAY TO HELP SAVE A WOMENS CHILD IT HARD!
There is a secret for the phone in NABOOTI ISLAND- you can get some costumes for free HERE IT IS:
For the phone you get in Nabooti island type the following numbers and you get this:
411 – Brain-in-a-jar hat
911 – Police hat and gun belt
1225 – Santa hat and sack
1337 – Ned Noodlehead outfit (Nerd costume)
Hey everyone!!!
I’m throwing a party!! It lasts Oct. 29 to Nov. 1. The room code is BNE19. Make sure you bring a costume!!
Hey anyone who needs my help?I already finished all exept mystery train.can any1 help me!ill help u 2
Ive fineshd all of them quite easy ive now got 10 fully completed accounts cant wait till new island comes!!
this island is soo easy, it took me ten minutes! less than that! i just wanted credits. lol i have kinda just made my account but i finishe 3 or 4 islands on it.
Now Fierce Moon great now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looked great at other walkthroughs
Soccer STAR outfit! Only 75 bucks!
Get the soccer uniform, and wear an island medallion! Or for a cheaper version…..
Wear tee shirt, pants or shorts (coordinating for the uniform look) and a medalion with Messy or ponytail hair! Doesn’t it rock?
Find Hawaiian shirt (usually on pedestrians in early poptropica) grass skirt from shark tooth cool shades (mythology surfer or from another character) and any hair! Tourist from the tropics! ( tan skin with pigments or colorizer optional)
Girl Scout:
Tour Guide from Counterfeit has perfect outfit!
No cookies…… Sorry 🙁
Figit costume with any color pigment or hair (matching) from Early Poptropica And 24 carrot.
shark tooth island is piece of shit but super easy peasy I was past in last 20 minutes
Free credits basically.
It was easy!!!!! My first level beat without cheats and I have playd almost all of them. Oh! and if you need help send me a messige.
i know right!!! shark tooth island is sooo easy! what i need help w/ is astro knights island. its tough! im stuck trying 2 get rid of the space sharks…
i remember when there was 5 islandsXD
OMGosh this walk through totally helped me get to the end of this island! I am so happy this website is real!
This island is way too easy. Why would you need help with this?
If you guys say it is so easy, why are you looking up walkthroughs?
Wow thanks for making this. This really help me defeat all the island.
i ended up on a glitch here where we went in at the same time and i wuz playing as them now.
thanks for helping me complete every single island
when the new island comes out i’ll be able to complete it with ur help :DDDDD
i didnt use this nguide to complete shark tooth tho so i cant say thanks for that 😛
ugh D:<
i agree with billy bob. if its so easy why did you look up a walkthrough for it?not so easy huh?:)
i agree with myya. the walkthoughh really helped me do he island.
hey is it just me or is everyone girls on this website?
Thanks for this website its really helpful, although shark tooth island was REALLY easy.
i beat this level 3 times before i just forgot mi old passwords 😀 lol
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✖ ✗ ✘ ♒ ♬ ✄ ✂ ✆ ✉ ✦ ✧ ♱ ♰ ♂ ♀ ☿ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ™ ® © ♡ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ☄ ☾ ☽ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☻ ☺ ☹ ۞ ۩ εїз ☎ ☏ ¢ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ✍ ✌ ☢ ☣ ☠ ☮ ☯ ♠ ♤ ♣ ♧ ♥࿂ ე ჳ ᆡ ༄ ♨ ๑ ❀ ✿ ψ ♆ ☪ ☭ ♪ ♩ ♫ ℘ ℑ ℜ ℵ ♏ η α ʊ ϟ ღ ツ 回 ₪ ™ © ® ¿ ¡ № ⇨ ❝ ❞ ℃ƺ ◠ ◡ ╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ★ ☆ ⊙¤ ㊣★☆♀◆◇◣◢◥▲▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓ 回 □ 〓≡ ╝╚╔ ╗╬ ═ ╓ ╩ ┠ ┨┯ ┷┏┓┗ ┛┳⊥﹃﹄┌ ┐└ ┘∟「」↑↓→←↘↙♀♂┇┅ ﹉﹊﹍﹎╭╮╰ ╯ ∵∴‖︱ ︳︴﹏﹋﹌ ♂ ♀ ♥ ♡ ☜ ☞ ☎ ☏ ⊙ ◎ ☺ ☻ ► ◄ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◐ ◑ ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ☼ ♦ ▀ ▄ █ ▌ ▐ ░ ▒▬ ♦ ◊ ◦ ☼ ♠ ♣ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ぃ◘ ◙ ◈ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ の ☆ → あ £ ❤ 。◕‿◕。 ✎ ✟ஐ ≈ ๑۩۩.. ..۩۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✲ ❈ ➹ ~.~ ◕‿-。 ☀☂☁【】┱ ┲ ❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ☣ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ➸ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖ ㊚ ㊛ *.:。✿*゚’゚・ ◊ ♥ ╠ ═ ╝▫ ■ ๑ » « ¶ ஐ © † εïз ♪ ღ ♣ ♠ • ± ° •ิ. • ஐ இ * × ○ ▫ ♂ • ♀ ◊ © ¤ ▲ ↔ ™ ® ☎ εїз ♨ ☏ ☆ ★ ▽ △ ▲ ∵ ∴ ∷ # ♂ ♀ ♥ ♠ ♣ ♧ ♤ ♧ ♡ ♬ ♪ ♭ ♫♪ ﻬ ஐღ ↔ ↕ ↘••● ¤ ╬ ﹌ ▽ ☜♥☞ ♬ ✞ ♥ ♕ ☯ ☭ ☠ ☃ 유 ♥ 웃 ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h ij kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z α в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ νω χ у z ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ á b ć d é f g h í j k l m ń ő p q ŕ ś t ú v w x ý ź Á ß Č Ď Ĕ Ŧ Ğ Ĥ Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ М Ń Ő Р Q Ŕ Ś Ť Ú V Ŵ Ж Ŷ Ź zʎxʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ ﴿ *^_^* ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^ ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ε(̮̮̃•̃)з ๏̯͡๏ =_=| ๏̯͡⊙ (◣_◢) (◕_◕) ($_$) ♥‿♥ O_o ¬.¬ -.- (•̪●) (●̮̮̃•̃)●̮̮̮̮̃̃•̃̃) (>’_’)> (=’.’=) (>’.’<) ◠◡╭╮╯╰ ╟╚╔╩╦ ╠═ ╬╧╨╤ ╥╙╘╒╓ ╫╪┘┌ ┊╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭╮╯╰ │┤╡╢╖╕╣ ║╝╜╛ ┐ └┴┬├─┼ (◕^^◕)№☆⊙¤㊣ ★☆♀◆◇ ▆▇██■ ▓回□〓≡ ✌☢☣☠☮☯ ♠♤♣♧♥ ♨๑❀✿ ψ☪☭♪ ♩♫℘ℑ ℜℵ♏ηα ʊϟღ回 ₪™ ©®¿¡½⅓ ⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞℅ ╝╚╔╗╬ ═╓╩ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓┗┛┳⊥ ﹃﹄┌ ┐└┘∟「 」↑↓→ ←↘↙♀ ♂┇┅﹉﹊ ﹋﹌♂♀ ♥♡☜☞☎ ☏⊙◎☺☻ ►◄▧▨ ♨◐◑↔↕ ▪▫☼♦▀ ▄█▌▐ ░▒▬♦◊ ﹎╭╮╰╯ *^_^* ^*^ ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^∵∴‖ ◦☼♠♣▣ ▤▥▦▩ ぃ◘◙◈♫ ♬♪♩♭♪ の☆→あ £❤。◕‿ ︱︳︴﹏ ◕。✎✟ஐ ≈๑۩ ۩.. ..۩۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✲❈➹ ~.~◕ ‿-。☀☂☁ 【】┱┲❣ ✚✪✣ ✤✥ ✦❉ ❥❦❧❃ ❂❁❀✄☪ ☣☢☠☭♈ ✓✔✕ ✖㊚㊛ *.:。 ✿*゚‘゚・ ⊙¤㊣★☆
♀◆◇ ◣◢◥▲ ▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆▇ ██■▓
回 □〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓╩ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓┗┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑↓ →←↘↙ ♀♂┇┅﹉ ﹊﹍﹎ ╭╮╰╯ *^_^* ^*^ ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^∵ ∴‖ ︱︳ ︴﹏﹋﹌ ▌▐░▒▬ ♦◊◦☼ ♠♣▣▤▥ ▦▩ぃ◘◙ ◈♫♬♪ ♩♭♪の☆ →あ£❤。 ◕‿◕。 ✎✟ஐ≈ ๑۩۩.. ..۩ ♂♀♥♡☜ ☞☎☏⊙ ◎☺☻►◄ ▧▨♨◐◑ ↔↕ ▪▫ ☼♦▀▄█ ✔✕✖㊚ ㊛ *.:。✿*゚ ‘゚・ ◊♥╠═╝▫■๑»«¶ஐ©† εïз♪ღ♣ ♠•± °•ิ.•ஐஇ *×○▫
♂•♀◊©¤ ▲↔™®☎ε їз♨ ☏☆★ ▽△▲ ∵∴∷ #♂♀♥♠♣
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ª ↀ ↁ ↂ Ↄ ↄ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ ↉ ↊ ↋ ▲◣◢ ◥▼△▽ ⊿◤◥ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽
thanks for helping me with this and other islands next island Big Nate
i just finished this island for 30 min or less
Gah, that big green caterpillar climbing that shark statue REALLY creeps me out… O.o It doesn’t help that I have entomophobia…
Most of the things on here we already knew so it is not much help but ashley is like a pro. She gets it from a kid named “Justin”. NOT BIEBER!!!
I hate Skull Duggery Island because i still have to raise up 50,000 freakin dubloons! but since i discovered this website ive completed half of the islands… 😀
I feel sorry for you, Clean Crab.
come to my room now i need poptropicans at my multiverse room code arq58 i have a blonde ponytail big black bangs darkish reddish brownish lips and a blue cheerleader out fit from the poptropica store please bring something for the big party bring fortune cookies,springs,splat cans,silly streams,prank cans,fireworks,shrink ray guns,there will also be a big candy cane on champion will have a secret surprise but i cant tell you what it is also there will be a concert so please one girl bring a pop star outfit boys bring a guitar from the alvin and the chipmunks game where you compete for chipmunks v.s chipettes it will make people dance cheerleaders will also be there including me half blue other red other pink winner team gets big pranks by everyone at the party we will all chat and battle each other and dont ask me why i put all this stuff thank you! love,pricklyice
i put that extra stuff just to make the party more perfect!hope you can come!
my room is crystal caverns
i changed my room code its arq58
come to my room now roomcode dbs84 i have a blonde ponytail a blue cheerleader outfit from the store some big bangs like you nora but mine are black darkish brownish reddish lips everyone please bring stuff for the party like shrink ray guns,fire works,prank cans,fortune cookies,silly streams,and the snowfall thing.there will be a big concert so one girl you PricklyDolphin wear that outfit to my party or someone else who has that pop star outfit and boys bring a guitar that makes people dance from the alvin and the chipmunk game and there will be cheer off only for people who have a cheerleader outfit red blue and pink will compete to know the winner poptropicans have to jump which team gets the most jumps wins when someone from the crowd gets mad at a team that team is out also bring bubble gum whoever blows the most bubbles gets a free fortune cookie party starts right now to 5:00 make sure to bring stuff to decorate and chat and battle and have the time of your life my room is a crystal cavern. thanks,pricklyice
i hate once you get out of your multiverse room you can’t come back so you have totally different my last comment with room code thats the real one
hurryup and come tell your mom you do not want dinner
Heyyyyyyyyy come party with me in my room!! My Code: AST77 itzz gonna be sooo much funn!!:D
Hey friendly ghost where did you find that really weird symbols from?
I completed this island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some know the villans and some do not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant complete time tangled
nice game◕ܫ◕
don’t you people have school
who here heard about Shaggy * Shells dad sad isn’t it someone here named Super Star posted this on her comment {why you guys care about Shaggy Shell why you like her just tell her “yo that aint our prob so get out of here” she’s really mean but i agree with her i mean she maybe just wants attention (SHAGGY SHELL)i mean ever since she posted that comment everyone kept talking about her she may just be so sad everyone feel bad for her even me but i hope he gets better shag no offense on what i wrote ) oh i got the book i wanted for christ mas and a shiny purse that comes with a matching clutch it was so pretty and i got a new bed set thats reversable and is pink or brown with different color flowers oh also claires club nail polish (yellow,orange,and green) scented. love, prickly ice
this site has the wrong time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just past a island i just beat a level in tour face
must have been a prank by the creators
Finally done!!! Thank you for the walk through it helped me a lot :)))))
BC r u here
Now I am. Wat time Saturday?
cant today maby randomly today or tomorrow. ….just tell me here plz to make it easier
Excuse me i put the code in and it said, (WRONG) And i kept doing that. Is it a giltch or something?
i dont no Beameandcool……how do u make tht stuff any ways
。◕‿◕。☮♫㉧☆๑◕ܫ◕๑♪♫ツツツ☎ ( ̃•̃)з ღα в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ ν ω χ у z
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ✖ ✗ ✘ ♒ ♬ ✄ ✂ ✆ ✉ ✦ ✧ ♱ ♰ ♂ ♀ ☿ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ™ ® © ♡ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ☄ ☾ ☽ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☻ ☺ ☹ ۞ ۩ εїз ☎ ☏ ¢ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ✍ ✌ ☢ ☣ ☠ ☮ ☯ ♠ ♤ ♣ ♧ ♥࿂ ე ჳ ᆡ ༄ ♨ ๑ ❀ ✿ ψ ♆ ☪ ☭ ♪ ♩ ♫ ℘ ℑ ℜ ℵ ♏ η α ʊ ϟ ღ ツ 回 ₪ ™ © ® ¿ ¡ № ⇨ ❝ ❞ ℃ƺ ◠ ◡ ╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ★ ☆ ⊙¤ ㊣★☆♀◆◇◣◢◥▲▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓ 回 □ 〓≡ ╝╚╔ ╗╬ ═ ╓ ╩ ┠ ┨┯ ┷┏┓┗ ┛┳⊥﹃﹄┌ ┐└ ┘∟「」↑↓→←↘↙♀♂┇┅ ﹉﹊﹍﹎╭╮╰ ╯ ∵∴‖︱ ︳︴﹏﹋﹌ ♂ ♀ ♥ ♡ ☜ ☞ ☎ ☏ ⊙ ◎ ☺ ☻ ► ◄ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◐ ◑ ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ☼ ♦ ▀ ▄ █ ▌ ▐ ░ ▒▬ ♦ ◊ ◦ ☼ ♠ ♣ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ぃ◘ ◙ ◈ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ の ☆ → あ £ ❤ 。◕‿◕。 ✎ ✟ஐ ≈ ๑۩۩.. ..۩۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✲ ❈ ➹ ~.~ ◕‿-。 ☀☂☁【】┱ ┲ ❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ☣ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ➸ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖ ㊚ ㊛ *.:。✿*゚’゚・ ◊ ♥ ╠ ═ ╝▫ ■ ๑ » « ¶ ஐ © † εïз ♪ ღ ♣ ♠ • ± ° •ิ. • ஐ இ * × ○ ▫ ♂ • ♀ ◊ © ¤ ▲ ↔ ™ ® ☎ εїз ♨ ☏ ☆ ★ ▽ △ ▲ ∵ ∴ ∷ # ♂ ♀ ♥ ♠ ♣ ♧ ♤ ♧ ♡ ♬ ♪ ♭ ♫♪ ﻬ ஐღ ↔ ↕ ↘••● ¤ ╬ ﹌ ▽ ☜♥☞ ♬ ✞ ♥ ♕ ☯ ☭ ☠ ☃ 유 ♥ 웃 ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h ij kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z α в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ νω χ у z ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ á b ć d é f g h í j k l m ń ő p q ŕ ś t ú v w x ý ź Á ß Č Ď Ĕ Ŧ Ğ Ĥ Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ М Ń Ő Р Q Ŕ Ś Ť Ú V Ŵ Ж Ŷ Ź zʎxʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ ﴿ *^_^* ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^ ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ε(̮̮̃•̃)з ๏̯͡๏ =_=| ๏̯͡⊙ (◣_◢) (◕_◕) ($_$) ♥‿♥ O_o ¬.¬ -.- (•̪●) (●̮̮̃•̃)●̮̮̮̮̃̃•̃̃) (>’_’)> (=’.’=) (=’.’=) (>’.’
✖ ✗ ✘ ♒ ♬ ✄ ✂ ✆ ✉ ✦ ✧ ♱ ♰ ♂ ♀ ☿ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ™ ® © ♡ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ☄ ☾ ☽ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☻ ☺ ☹ ۞ ۩ εїз ☎ ☏ ¢ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ✍ ✌ ☢ ☣ ☠ ☮ ☯ ♠ ♤ ♣ ♧ ♥࿂ ე ჳ ᆡ ༄ ♨ ๑ ❀ ✿ ψ ♆ ☪ ☭ ♪ ♩ ♫ ℘ ℑ ℜ ℵ ♏ η α ʊ ϟ ღ ツ 回 ₪ ™ © ® ¿ ¡ № ⇨ ❝ ❞ ℃ƺ ◠ ◡ ╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ★ ☆ ⊙¤ ㊣★☆♀◆◇◣◢◥▲▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓ 回 □ 〓≡ ╝╚╔ ╗╬ ═ ╓ ╩ ┠ ┨┯ ┷┏┓┗ ┛┳⊥﹃﹄┌ ┐└ ┘∟「」↑↓→←↘↙♀♂┇┅ ﹉﹊﹍﹎╭╮╰ ╯ ∵∴‖︱ ︳︴﹏﹋﹌ ♂ ♀ ♥ ♡ ☜ ☞ ☎ ☏ ⊙ ◎ ☺ ☻ ► ◄ ▧ ▨ ♨ ◐ ◑ ↔ ↕ ▪ ▫ ☼ ♦ ▀ ▄ █ ▌ ▐ ░ ▒▬ ♦ ◊ ◦ ☼ ♠ ♣ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▩ ぃ◘ ◙ ◈ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ の ☆ → あ £ ❤ 。◕‿◕。 ✎ ✟ஐ ≈ ๑۩۩.. ..۩۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✲ ❈ ➹ ~.~ ◕‿-。 ☀☂☁【】┱ ┲ ❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ☣ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ➸ ✓ ✔ ✕ ✖ ㊚ ㊛ *.:。✿*゚’゚・ ◊ ♥ ╠ ═ ╝▫ ■ ๑ » « ¶ ஐ © † εïз ♪ ღ ♣ ♠ • ± ° •ิ. • ஐ இ * × ○ ▫ ♂ • ♀ ◊ © ¤ ▲ ↔ ™ ® ☎ εїз ♨ ☏ ☆ ★ ▽ △ ▲ ∵ ∴ ∷ # ♂ ♀ ♥ ♠ ♣ ♧ ♤ ♧ ♡ ♬ ♪ ♭ ♫♪ ﻬ ஐღ ↔ ↕ ↘••● ¤ ╬ ﹌ ▽ ☜♥☞ ♬ ✞ ♥ ♕ ☯ ☭ ☠ ☃ 유 ♥ 웃 ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h ij kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z α в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ νω χ у z ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ á b ć d é f g h í j k l m ń ő p q ŕ ś t ú v w x ý ź Á ß Č Ď Ĕ Ŧ Ğ Ĥ Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ М Ń Ő Р Q Ŕ Ś Ť Ú V Ŵ Ж Ŷ Ź zʎxʌnʇsɹbdouɯlʞɾıɥƃɟǝpɔqɐ ﴿ *^_^* ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^ ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ε(̮̮̃•̃)з ๏̯͡๏ =_=| ๏̯͡⊙ (◣_◢) (◕_◕) ($_$) ♥‿♥ O_o ¬.¬ -.- (•̪●) (●̮̮̃•̃)●̮̮̮̮̃̃•̃̃) (>’_’)> (=’.’=) (>’.’<) ◠◡╭╮╯╰ ╟╚╔╩╦ ╠═ ╬╧╨╤ ╥╙╘╒╓ ╫╪┘┌ ┊╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭╮╯╰ │┤╡╢╖╕╣ ║╝╜╛ ┐ └┴┬├─┼ (◕^^◕)№☆⊙¤㊣ ★☆♀◆◇ ▆▇██■ ▓回□〓≡ ✌☢☣☠☮☯ ♠♤♣♧♥ ♨๑❀✿ ψ☪☭♪ ♩♫℘ℑ ℜℵ♏ηα ʊϟღ回 ₪™ ©®¿¡½⅓ ⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞℅ ╝╚╔╗╬ ═╓╩ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓┗┛┳⊥ ﹃﹄┌ ┐└┘∟「 」↑↓→ ←↘↙♀ ♂┇┅﹉﹊ ﹋﹌♂♀ ♥♡☜☞☎ ☏⊙◎☺☻ ►◄▧▨ ♨◐◑↔↕ ▪▫☼♦▀ ▄█▌▐ ░▒▬♦◊ ﹎╭╮╰╯ *^_^* ^*^ ^-^ ^_^ ^︵^∵∴‖ ◦☼♠♣▣ ▤▥▦▩ ぃ◘◙◈♫ ♬♪♩♭♪ の☆→あ £❤。◕‿ ︱︳︴﹏ ◕。✎✟ஐ ≈๑۩ ۩.. ..۩۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑ ✲❈➹ ~.~◕ ‿-。☀☂☁ 【】┱┲❣ ✚✪✣ ✤✥ ✦❉ ❥❦❧❃ ❂❁❀✄☪ ☣☢☠☭♈ ✓✔✕ ✖㊚㊛ *.:。 ✿*゚‘゚・ ⊙¤㊣★☆
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ª ↀ ↁ ↂ Ↄ ↄ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ ↉ ↊ ↋ ▲◣◢ ◥▼△▽ ⊿◤◥ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽
hy bc……..tell me here instead of on the chat
hy garrett it will be a while till i come on sry
Same here, Garrett. 🙁 Im sorry
BC just write wht u think about him here…he will see it latr…it is the easiest thing to do
i believe that shark tooth island is one of the best islands there are 🙂
i believe game show island is the best island ever
Ok, well.. Anyways, Garrett, if yu want us to start goin out again, I need some real sign that you actually love me and don’t just want to use me. I have fallen for you way too many times, and I’ll only do so this time if I know it’s real.
That’s the deal.
ok bc…..i think of u all the time……i love talking to u…i miss talk to u since yhe blog qont work…any other questions ask
As soon as Crystal gets her blog up, I’ll try to talk to you every day. But it won’t be easy. I have a busy schedule, but I’ll try…
ok does this mean we r goin out yet… u have any more questions…i will answer them…i have nothing to hide from u
I guess, yeah. Well, when the chat starts working again.
so yes or no r u dasting or not…and wht other questions do u guys have 4 each other??
Now, how do you get those figures for the chat picture Bashful Cloud?
Oh, Strawberry, to get a pic, you have to go to a site called Gravatar, and make an account there.
the code for that green thing dosent work i tried it 17 times
listen brittany, there was a typo. use the picture, not the words.
whats the promo code and how do u get the gold pan
hy hy hy whts up ppl
angryhawk i have 2 talk 2 u
Hey Angry Hawk, we need 2 talk, its important, I kinda….. well just reply soon.
ok iam hear whts up
do you know me luke or angry hawk lover???
Ummm, not really…. i think your nice, are you a boy or girl?
im a girl…r u a boy….then y did u say tht we need to talk its kind of important…????
Umm… who are you? Im BC, angry hawk’s friend….
I just think Angry Hawk’s nice, cute, and sweet. I like you , Angry Hawk. I’m a boy, by the way. I think your really sweet for helping out BC and Garret……
i’m a boy…. angry hawk i think your really nice, sweet, and cute. I like you.
i confuzzed
ohhh makes since…BTW: i got a boyfriend 🙂 answer the following questions plz!
1. How old r u?
2. Where do you live?
3. How do u no i am cute?
4. Do u no any thing about me?
(the hardest one of all)
5. What is my favorite color? (only one guss) (its hard to guss)
And…. you have a boyfriend…. then y r we either trying to get to know each other ?………….. 🙁
answer the questions…..i want to see how much u no about me…plz answer them…before i get mad
Trust me. You dont wanna see her mad. 😛
shark tooth island is soooooper easy.poptropica rules!
i rather you answer the questions and not make me mad..u dont wanta see my bad side TRUST ME
im waiting until they come up with a feature where you turn in unwanted costumes and stuff and get your money back
pl….r u mad or something….is tht y u wont write anf answer my comments
no im not mad…. its just.. if you have a boyfriend…. then why are we even trying to get to know each other?
y r we even trying this?
…? Wait.. you wanna actually go out w/ AH???? ❓
1. i just want to get to no u (i no alot about BC )
2. be a geltmen and answer them
3.plz or ill die
luke wanna go on a date
with me
angry hawk leave him your being very unkind to him you no how would you feel if someone did that to you so stop it your hurting his feelings.xO :,C ps kiss kiss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkissxxxxxxxxfor you luke
sry luke if i hurt ur feelings….but we can be just friends…i dont evn no wht u look like or were u live…so how could we date?
lets just keep it as friends and only friends
wht is ur real name luke…or is it really u have a facebook
……….. 🙁 I am sensing the beginning of an era of online drama >~<
me to bc lol on my way to school i love thursdays
I ♥ FRIDAYS MORE THN ANYTHING!!!!
I don’t have school friday OR monday! Weeeee!!!!! X3
i have it friday but not monday…..i also love my boyfriend more though
happy friday
I Thought You will recieve 100 Credits when you complete an island. :/
I guess we can be friends, and I don’t have a facebook sorry. :(………. ttms
Ooh la la luke and angry hawk up a tree
K. I .S .S .I .N .G!!!
Angry Hawk? Y aren’t you answering me? 🙁
nope i got a boyfriend….and i live in tenneessee
that was tooo easy 😀
sry takes most of my free time….where do u live luke
shortest island I’ve ever done took 10 minutes
testing testing 1 2 3… um, is this thing on?
Well I guess we can be online friends…….. cuz I live in New York,and anyway I guess….. soccer takes up most of my time
cool luke basketball takes most of my time…tht and school and my phone time
whts wrong bashful boa
i thought you got 100 gredits not 50
i know that’s weird for all islands u get 50 see most of my comments at wimpy kid island 🙂
Thanks, because of this I beat it in 15 minutes 😀
Well I’m going to post my poptropica’s information because I want to quit. Here it is:
Name: GlitterShine56
*Don’t ask, my sister intervened.
Password: allyssa
Truly Yours,
The leaving Friendly Ghost.
By the way, the character’s a girl.
kool 🙂
NUU!!! poptropica’s rippin us off! 🙁
why BC
Yay… I’m so happy. I finished this Island in like 15 minutes. (:
free hynotic oufit
lol lol
agen, i didnt need the cheets for this island
Luke, how old r u cuz i wanna know your grade in skool
and what city do u live in in NY n i am 9 yrs old n im in 4 grade and i live in Chesterfield, Michigan…………………………………………………………… bad noows for ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I live neer Detroit, Michigan
go on a airplane and go to MICHIGAN Luke 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
<3 <3 <3 <3
u guys wouldnt make a good couple
how do uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu know, Garret
I think it was really easy because it was short.
Early poptropica sucks!
cuz im a boy dugh
jus cuz ur a boy,th@ duzint meen th@we wood not mak a good cuple cuz me n luke wood mak a perfect cuple n it depens on wat he looks like
Lazy starfish, sporty feather, and popularchic39, I’m in 6th grade and im 12. I have green eyes and have light brown hair, but…… lets all just try to get to now each other becauz when I liked Angry Hawk, she shot me down so I dont want that to happen again
“it depends on wut he looks like”
Im sorry if Im bein rude, but I have experience w/ online relationships and I KNOW one thing– they never work out.
Just sayin. It’s a fact.
Oh excuse me BC? You fell for Garret, and plus……its kinda mean to imitidate someone. Also popularchic39, I barely know you, lets like….. get to know each other!:)! Oh yeah and BC, one prob, you and Garret ( if THATS what you mean by your “experience”) just didn’t work out, its not a PROVEN fact that they NEVER work out, be careful of what comes out of your mouth.
i hate poptropica
you know i am only 10 and almost in 6th grade
Shark boy is my favorite named NPC ( by the way where the penut brittle us shark boy on shark tooth
luke i need to talk to u….ill post wht i have to say 2morrow or the day after tht..
i might have a ????? on you?! i dont no im confuzzed
latr ill explane
luke i need to talk to u….ill post wht i have to say 2morrow or the day after tht..
i might have a ????? on you?! i dont no im confuzzed
latr ill explane
Hey guys i know i retired but i decided that i’m back on!!!!!!!!! would any1 like 2 congragulate me or how you spell that? does any1 like 2 con-graj-u-late me?
congrates mistfield24….lol
Angry Hawk, u crushed me down and told me you had a boyfriend. I have moved on from you I’m sorry. Just cuz other girls are intrested in me now doesnt mean u have to like me. I’m sorry if I am hurting ur feelings, but I don’t think that you really mean what your saying.
Probably the Shortest And Easiest Island ! Why Isn’t There A Harry Potter Themed Island ? I Would Like That !! Whats Going ON Between Luke And AngryHawk ?
sup!!! im havin some problems with a lot of islands………. ive only completed like 4 islands or so
i agree with griffindork i looooooooooove harry potter [theres a dedication to my aunt in the third book] so why isnt there an island about it?
HEEEY i live in michigan 2 😀
What’s up with Luke and Angry Hawk?
I’d like to be with luke!!!
Youre soo mad! angry hawk leaving luke!
BTW, i’m silver skull on poptropica and i finished all islands!
..(\ (\
o((“)(“) ok…
I made a cute little bunny to lighten up the mood here…
To Lucy, me and Angry Hawk were actually never together, at one point i wish we were, but no, we never were. Sorry for all the misunderstandings…..and most of all, I’m sorry to Angry Hawk, who I put on the spot. Dont worry that will never happen again, 🙁
P.S, nice bunny bc
whys everyone like “OMG ME AND LUKE IS GONNA MAKE A PERFECT COULE!!!11!!” seriously u guys are like…… 10, 12 ect! btw im not an old lady im 13 but seriously!
not ok luke…im 13 too Selina…and i already have a boyfriend dugh…i dont no wht luke looks like or where he lives
Um..Bashful Cloud,how do ya put I mean insert a picture next 2 ur coment?
Shiny Brain I tried 2 enter your room,but theres no code like that.
Since im on a DSi, i cant post links– yu get the pic by goin to a site called Gravatar(yu need an email adress) and follow the instructions there, ok?
ok..c ya latr peace
Whats not ok angry hawk…..?
wait im confuzzled with Luke and Angry Hawk then,there’s some girls like Luke well in his info he does look kinda nice so well based on comments, i sorta like Luke (Im like sporty feather grade 4 but im 10)
when ppl say we wee together…nevr in a million and two years…i have a boyfriend and its not luke…..and not evn past then…im leaveing this comment page…and if u need me go to red dragon walkthrough…peace out
OMG i defeated that all by my self its the easiest island ever more easy then early poptropica
2 things:
1.stop swearing
2. if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything
i can swear if i want to…dont make me call u something robenki
im just gonna say it…..robenki…ur a bitch..and i dont evn no u
i love evry one of you…april fools
angry hawk ur meen and need an adittude check sweety
i may be smaller than u im 10 but that dont meen u have to swear and call robenski a bitch
he/she is only saying stop.she/he dont rule ur life and u dont have to listen to him/her
but that dont meen you have to be meen sweetheart……………..
im just sayin
lmfaoooo!!! yall dumb A’F on here trynaa flirt widd eachhh autherrr lmaooo!!!! (:
dont be calling me sweetheart…
1st of all im 13yrs old
2nd of all im in 6th grade
3rd of all u or any body eles doesnt tell me wht and wht not i can do
4th STOP DRINKING ALL THE HATE-A-RADE……and save some for when u really need it the most cuz all of u guys will lose aginst me and if i have to ill send ppl 4 u guys so dont mess with me cuz im not kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!
thts all i really have to say inless u guys say something eles to make me mad…OR PISS ME OFF…………thts right i cursed got a problem with it…tell me to my face!!!!!!!!!
AND LUKE STOP SWEARING (my dad keeps looking in on me D:)
you too angry hawk
Bashful Cloud,is there any other way 2 insert ur pic?I dont understand the steps.
P.S.,I am Hyper Heart
P.P.S.,I made a new character
P.P.P.S.,DONT ASK me why and heres the reason:
My characters lame.
1 more thing,nice fish! ; )
^ ^
( ‘ o ‘ )
(0)S* I made this cat 4 u 2.
luke and angry hawk just leave the stupid swear words out of it 7 year olds could read these you know
Thk yu, my fish was a fail, though… cuz those carrot symbols wouldn’t show up >_<
omg!!!that is so easy i am 19 and i am preagneat
omg!!!that is so easy. i only am 7 and so got it ! thank you!!!
Powerful Heart you are right. I am 18 years old but I have a little brother that reads these comments ALL the time. He is 7 years old!!
get over it people!!!! go do something else with your lives like:
1 pick your nose
3 SHUT THE h-e-double-hockey-sticks-up!!!!
lol cs!!!!!
i like that cuddly sun lolz B
What?? I have never sweared on this. I dont no were you ppl get this info. Go check through ALL my comments. Sorry for all the misunderstandings, plz leave me out of this bad word stuff 🙁
Sumtimes I even wonder if this site is 4 coments or 4 just chatting?BTW if u dont
wanna see bad words why cant u not seeit?
you guys are so funny im 13 too and if angry hawk wants to cuss cool who cares i dont so u shouldnt either just saying!!
thks *dont hate me cuz im beautiful* get out of my grill cuz u werent invited to this was from CS…thks haters
I have 17 Islands finished thanks to this website 🙂
I dont really care either but ppl r makin such a big deal out of thissss. Whats the point, if u dont like bad words dont keep looking at this. And Angry Hawk, if u r still mad at me, i am sry for evrything. Cant we b friends and forget evrything tht happend?
I always ignore bad words,its easy:all u need2 do is scroll down reel fast.
yeah wht luke said…we can be friends but ill nevr forget about this….goin to bed nitgh
Ok,sorry again I just said wat I felt. Dont worry I dont feel that way anymore… btw, did any of u guys see the hunger games movie??? Even me, a boy, I have to say it was really good! 🙂
i bought something at the end, but it isn’t in my store items! 🙁
yayy! I found it 🙂 😉
i might friday with my boyfriend..see the hungry games
The hunger games is amazing! Too bad fox face has to die(she rules).
ANGRY HAWK DON’T READ: ikr!!! I also think Rue should have totally not died! She was awesome!
how do you get the bone
It worked thx again 😛
ugh knee hurts look on red dragon ot find the details
h ppl whts up
how is every body on this fine friday?!?! 😆 random
how do you get th poison coconut to make the shark go to sleep
it is really easy to find
were is evrybody..
Hey,, come to my new blog:
I’m hoping that Fierce Moon will let it be part of her site.
Tell me what you think in the comments! (On the site)
Hey its not really 3rd 4th 6th and 7th, the 3 is a 2 dumb people……….XD
im invisible flame HI!
im awsome and i cant get through the gate!!! WHO ATE THE PIE!!!!!!!!!!
im confused but i finished the island!
It took me 5 mins! literally!
Oh yea! i finished the island!
it took me 3min and 35seconds
This is easier than early poptropica
hello but is anyone willing to give me some hints on how to finish skullduggery.pls add me,im trustyleopard and my email in poptropica is phantom1492
this took me about 3mins
i cant finish shark toothed island
y cannt u finish this
Man, this helps! Beat it! Yay! 🙂 Thanks!! 🙂
i cant believe i did it.
i did it so i got to get 50 credits i have 150 credits
You know, there’s a bat guy in the second chamber who tells you the bone is nearby. You don’t have to talk to him to complete the island, but then again, he has a cool outfit you can copy…
Yeah,we know.
This took me 2:45seconds and baily parker you get milk when u first get on the island from the guy.
yeah…lier Laurie
i found a glitch!after you finish it,go to the island where they were.hammerhead and the boy are still there not removed and hammerhead is on the main island to!
thank you this works and the one for early poptropica
thank you this works and the one for early poptropica
I have beaten all the islands
Hey thanks this website is awesome it really helped me with Spy island:D
hy Hungry Scorpion r u a girl…cuz i wanta see u naked!!!
How to you get out of the shark mouth place thing?
You are the most disgusting guy ever Garrett and if it is a joke,so not funny.
That actually took me like 6 minutes. It would have been 10 minutes without the walk-through!
ferice moo u rock it helped me pass all island even poptroplis
thx for the help
Visit my sweet room the room code is : DXP26
you get to the bone in the cave the place with the thorns
who has played sherwood
bravestar it wont let me on your bog
dont be jelous..u no u want me 2…lol
i finished it
dear fierce moon, can we be friends what is your username mine is caity1357911 im a member with 19 medallions please tell me what you think.
i finished it in 1 minute ,i even timed it .my best time yet . yay . thx 4 all the help !
😉 thx . did anyone read the 1 “garret” comment – nudity is involved . i was looking 4 some1s help and i saw it . now i regret looking 4 help so high up on the comments . barf !!!!!!!
i still feel sick 2 the stomach . some1 bring me a pepsi before i start blowing chunks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
hi barefoot wing my username is rittelgirl i wanna add u 2 my friend list on poptropica !!!!!!!!!!!
shark tooth island is the easiest island ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
That was so simple. :3
no early poptropica is the easiest in early poptropica you only have to do three things!
Why did we need the medicine mans help. We could have found a coconut and put all the ingredients in it and shoot it out the cannon. I’m just saying we can do stuff to!
I dont know want i am doing at shark tooth walkthrough
My real name is Lilia,
and i’m 12!!!!
i have blue eyes and long blonde hair!!!!!
They are BOTH really easy. I beat em both.
Why am I here anyway?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so eazy and super fun
this is a sex talk site gotta a prob with it…….LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!
Did Fierce Moon forget to mention that at the shark statue there’s a long green caterpillar trying to stop you from getting over?
hey everybody I have multiverse and my room code is: AKX92
Theres a big worm! i cant get past it!
shut up garret your stupid take that freaky moron
Brave Star, you need to chil out man
Really? Garrett’s saying this is a sex talk site, and I’m the one you tell off?
Garret shaddup it no sex talking site man its walkthroughts for poptropica but jade that post in red dragon she talk and she dossent miss out the gossip she is not talkin about this garret if u wnna join join
i made my user a bat using the fruit bat guy on shark tooth island
hey lucy i dont think you should be giving out personal info
this island was easy i completed it in like 5 minutes
thanks,it was really easy
This only took me 5 minutes when it took me an hour and a half to do Mystery Train Island.
i know it is easy but i hate shark tooth!
Hello! This helped a lot because i had an lost account and made a new one and this helped me a lot. I forgot how to do it because i have stopped playing for years! Thank’s this really did help.
man i could do this in my sleep it was that easy
it took me 2 min
to fin i fast jk
Garret this isn’t a sex talk site this is for walkthroughs not for talking about sex if you want to talk about that then go on IMVU they talk about that stuff go to facebook,twitter,myspace or anyother site with other users like vampire so you could just SHUT YOUR FAT @$S MOUTH! I’m sorry little kids about the curse word and the other thing that I said but he needs to know that this isn’t a site for anything else but walkthroughs and could you all just for give me about that and this comment?
how old r u 101newmoonlover cuz im almost ten n if ur below ten then u r not alowed to do that ever agen n i know im not ur mom but if ur below ten then ur alittle kid n ur mom n u mite hav problems
if ur older then its perfectly ok but ur mom cud see that or she mite cath u swearin to other people
101ML was telling Garret to stop saying this is a sex talk site, and you tell him off?
Oh & SP wasnt trying 2 b mean!
well im not tryin to be meen i just wanted to know cuz sum peeple i know that r yunger then me they always get into truble n i dont tell on peeple eny more cuz u cen ask popular owl if she ever go on
ps. y do peeple fight on this site it isnt right n this is not a sex talk site that is a lie
mama just made up anew rap
Oh for goodness sake WHAT KIND OF EASY ISLAND IS THIS!?I CAN DO THIS WHILE I’M DEAD!Ok,maybe I over exaggurated a little bit but THIS ISLAND IS TOO EASY!!!!!!!!
did anybody notice the vollyball with a face made of blood i watched that movie i almost cried when the vollyball floated away his only friend for at least 20 years harrison (tear)
Hey People Im a friend Of Nature So Add me on Poptropica =3
Hey ppl, this site rocks! I’m ten and i’m so gonna use this site from now on……Shark Tooth Island was too freaking easy, bruh!
add me my user name is koushin00
omg your walkthough was like amazing i really want to add you please add me thats my usename love ya bye.
this is just a cheats website for poptropica Garett thats just it just a website for cheats
username is sophiakitten101
All islnd easy because this walkthough XD
Oh, before someone thinks I’m upset again :blush: I was going in caps cuz she was, just joking, but it really wasn’t funny. :blush:
…Even before I made the shark sleep, I kept throwing coconuts at it for sheer fun. I’m so weird, you know. Anyway, I know I gave my account before, but I’m making a new one to finish the islands and giving it for free. :3
The Old Friendly Ghost
P.S. I’m not joking about giving an account for free.
This was the first island i beat.Took me 2 months!
um ok
this took me 30 minutes! the only one that was faster was early poptropica, and that took 10 minutes. WOW!
Hyper Eel-Was this island HARD for you?
It looks relatively easy, but I really don’t like the bats. D<
This island is easy because you don’t need to fight anything.
hi i am new please call me JJ.
that was easy lololol!!
This island was pretty fun
It took me 5 minutes to complete this island
i hope this island is good cause im playing it right now
That was so much fun!! I love leopard gecko!!! i hjave 3 geckoz!!!!!! who’s with me??!! (eerie silence) oh common really no on elikes lg”s!!!
its really good sticky panda
hey its chilly owl how it goin 😀
what about the journal paper that was missing
hey did you see the bat that flies in circles around you ha ha ha
its on top of the building.
:blush: This is the EASIEST island EVER!
PS How do you put your avatar by your coments, and how did irce moon get he pop star outfit gold?!
this is 1 of the easiest islands EVER!!!! thanks
This is so easy! I didn’t even need the walkthrough to finish it! Shark Tooth is the first island I completed on my own. 😛
theres a glitch if you go back to yhe island whereyou got dr. hammerhead and the little boy they’ll still be standing there
How can you change your username? anybody know?
go to account settings and it will ask you to change your name
it only asks me if i want to change my password Bony catfish instead of my username.
it only asks me if i want to change my password instead of my username Bony catfish
The hardest part was geting the last poshin.
Ok thanks soo much this really help!
whoops. i used the wrong username sorry.
That’s the easiest island!!!
Who want to add me, my name is Myyy29. 🙂
Hello! You know luke,
You have the same name as the villain boy , son of Hermes, as in Percy Jackson!!! But he died in the end and that’s sad 🙁 .
But FYI, I am Lucy and I have talked to you before.
Hi, does anyone know how to get the guitar that the guy has? I have seen poptropicans holding it. So please tell me if you know do NOT email me I’m having problems with it.Comment i will be watching for it. 😉
the walkthrough really helped thank u
1. say your name ten times.
2. say your mom’s name five times. … See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See more… See more… See more… See more… See More… See more… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See more… See more… See more… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More… See More
3. say your crushes three times
4. paste this to four other groups.
If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.
But if you read this and do not paste this, then you
will have very bad luck.
this island was so easy. it was also my 2nd completed island. friend me i’m rocky23492.
I’m trying to win evry single world in poptropica
This helped me so much.
… 0_0 weird
1.jump on the vines on the right of the cave 2.climb on the last plaform a big jump on the left (don’t do all the way) 4.walk to the left until you see a ripped paper pick it up you read it YAY THE CODE!
No credits! Not fair! I wasted 5 minutes of my life for this island and no credits!
Lol! I was kidding about the credits! Fooled you!
how do u figure this stuff out
If this was one of the easiest island, then why did yous need this…?
Thanks for your tips.I’ve completed the island because of you.Thanks.
This island is so easy! Add me: iwontletchagetawaywithit
Long username but catchy!!!
I like that this island is simple, but it’s kinda easy. There were no hard challenges or anything!
what if Booga ate the whole island ?
To madjinga Z : That would be bad
When I first tried this island out, I was so confused about feeding the shark, kinda thing, since I didnt know who the Medicine Man was. Then, when I looked at the walkthrough, I noticed that he was up in a tree! Thank you so much, Fierce Moon. I wish that you could actually talk to us…..
Sup Fierce Moon, thx for all the walkthroughs, u rock dude! xD
fierce moon what’s your poptropica login name? I want to friend you 🙂
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
Oh my gosh…did you spam every frickin page with that nonsense?
Just take away the parenthesis.
wow redwing that was really creepy. . .
why do ye all hate me 😥 😥
Thank you so much, it’s really helped me. I have actually completed the mission. I’ve been using all your other walkthroughs, they’ve all worked. THANK YOU!!!
its the only island i havent beat
it is easay
Thanks so much.I have got so many different costumes thanks to the walk through’s.I am so happy and I can’t wait to get more after I fulfill my goal to complete all of the islands.
Thank you so much!!
OMG!!!!! Thank you SO much!!!! It really Helped me get through this island!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I won the was easy
I wonn WAS easay
I wish there was a Shark Boy costume! So unfair!
On behalf of my studies, I’ve managed the capability of concluding many theories of such, some I’ve most definitely found to desire, though some would consider me lying if I said I fancied them all. Some are just plain rude (honestly), and are able to speak on bahalf of all their representation. Odd, yes, but humanity does such. Nevertheless, I’d like to apologize for my rudeness that you’ve probably noticed: I’ve not even mentioned what I’m studying. Sorry for my absentmindedness, but do not be discouraging to me; I’m only human. Anyway, within my next posts, such will be mentioned of the subjects concluding my studies, or shall I represent them as beginning, perhaps, so tomorrow, or possibly within hours, will I continue this post. Thank you for reading.
i went into the magazine kiosk on night watch island and when i got out i was a stinkin CAVEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am a GIRL!!!!!!!
OK, “The croods sucks
I have completed all of the islands and I am getting bored.And I need you to make more island faster.
oviously you wont am i that dumb enough for that to to happen and im in the third grade and im 9 realy? im a boy boy are not scared of anything
Awesome! Thanks a lot! I am attempting to complete all the islands by walkthroughs. Except Big Nate. I know that one by heart 😉
Very energetic post, I loved that bit. Will there be a
part 2?
Love your walkthroughs need help on wimpy wonderland eating salad with old guy.
Thanks. 🙂
Hey Emily u need to put a fake name if u learned that.So they don’t go after u or something.
I complet on shark tooth islang and my bother is not going to stay home tonight
ang he is funny LoL
Hi Emily!!!!! I know a few people with that name!!!!!!
whatevs 🙄
quiet fang you’re always going to be my friend
IT keep sticking at the same aprt. The potion mixing. I have done it like 20 times. HELP?
just got done
thx 4 helping me
thanks im done with it
I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure I just added Fierce Moon as a friend. At least, that was the name…
I think your from my school… wait, you are!!!
that spam crap isnt real
day later im still here
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Your walkthroughs are so helpful to me, I wish I could friend you! You’re awesome and I think you’re like the only person better at poptropica than my best friend Chloe, otherwise known as Giant Octopus.
okay @Happy Panda that is outstandingly creepy and fake, if you are dead ,WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU PLAY POPTROPICA… OR GO ONLINE AT ALL!!! no offence, but at first you creeped me out so thumbs up on that ,because i am fearless…