The fourteenth island on Poptropica is called Steamworks Island and it has launched in early access for Paid members on Poptropica! Everyone else will need to wait nearly a month until September 9 when it becomes available for the public. As with many other island releases on Poptropica, the Creators have been posting some sneak peeks and screenshots on the official Poptropica Blog. So far, we don’t know too much about the new island, except that it will involve lots of machinery. There’s a rusty robot, some kind of giant plant monster and special tools that you’ll use in your inventory. Probably the biggest difference in Steamworks Island will be the lack of Poptropica citizens. Part of the story is a mystery about where everyone has gone. Instead of seeing people walking around, you’ll find only machines and robots. The complete walkthrough below will show you how to beat Poptropica Steamworks Island
Video Walkthrough
Part One of Steamworks Island
Part Two of Steamworks Island
Part Three of Steamworks Island
Poptropica Cheats and Secrets Newsletter
Stuck on Steamworks? Sign up for the Poptropica Cheats and Secrets Newsletter to get exclusive tips, tricks, cheats and hints for all the islands on Poptropica.
Written Walkthrough
Here is a full written walkthrough for Steamworks Island for those of you who don’t want to or can’t watch the videos. It gives you all the steps you need to beat Steamworks Island and earn the medal at the end.
Main Street
- Walk over to the Clockwork Cantina and complete the gear puzzle. Place the two brown gears on the ends and the three blue gears go in the middle. Turn the crank when they’re all in place. Now pick up the Multi-Tool that just appeared on the ground.
- Now walk to the right and you’ll see a garbage bin. Jump up on it to get the Steam Battery.
- Walk to the right again and go inside the Museum. Run to the right and you’ll see a big yellow machine. Click on the blue lever to raise the arm. Then jump up on the platforms and make your way to the upper-right corner. Watch out for the darker platforms which will crumble and fall when you step on them. Grab the dirty beaker out of the display case in top right. Then exit the museum.
- Go back to the Clockwork Cantina. Jump up and click on the blue lever here. A mechanical ramp will extend. Run up it and then jump onto the steam chutes to fly up and over the tower. You should land on top of a glass dome. Use your multi-tool to open it and then go down inside.
- You’re now inside the Mayor’s office. Check out the painting and the note on the typewriter, which give you an important number to remember for later: 0516. Leave the office, jump back down to the street and run to the left to enter the next zone.
Gear Alley
- Pass by Sully’s shop and go to the blue building in the middle. This is the living quarters. Jump up the platforms on the left side and then run past the door. You’ll see a robot crab here. Jump up and land on top of him to make him bounce and flip over. When he does, he’ll drop Sully’s key. Pick up both the key and the robot crab.
- Drop down to the street and go to the next building on the left. Jump up on to the steam chute and leap up to the roof. You’ll find an old vine here. Pick it up to place it in your backpack.
- Run to the right until you get in front of Sully’s Steam Powered Paraphernalia store. There’s a Steam Terminal here. Use the steam battery in your backpack. You’ll get a puzzle here where you have to regulate the steam pressure in the terminal. The starting pressure is 10 and the ending pressure needs to be 5. You need to adjust the valves so that the pressure will lose five points as it travels to the end.
Sully’s Shop
- Once you get inside Sully’s you’ll find a robot in the right corner. It’s Sprocket! Ring the bell on the desk next to him to wake him up. Then go pick up the rubber mallet from the junk box in the left corner.
- Leave Sully’s and Sprocket will follow you. If you click on him you can ask him some questions. He’s not very talkative right now but you’ll hear a lot more from him later.
- Head to the right to return to Main Street. Run all the way to the right side and then proceed onto the next zone, known as the Hub.
The Hub
- When you arrive in the Hub, run along the ramp until you get to a metal hatch that is glowing red-hot. If you try to click it, you’ll see it’s much too hot to touch. Walk up to it and use the robot crab in your backpack. Sprocket the robot will take it from you and then drop the poor crab on top of the hatch. The water from the robot will cool down the hatch so that you can open it up.
- Go down the hatch. When you get to the bottom of the ladder, Sprocket will look pretty scared. Make your way down the pipes until you run into a plant monster living inside them. Use the old vine from your backpack underneath the sign that says, Caution: Hot Steam. This will spray steam onto the plant monster and kill it. Move along to the bottom left of the room and you’ll find the bottom of an elevator. Click on the round hatch above.
- Now you’ll need to solve three levels of a ball tilt maze game that’s a lot like the classic wooden box Labyrinth game. Spin the wheel either clockwise or counter-clockwise with your cursor to get the ball to the center. After you complete all three levels, the elevator will power up.
- Go back up out of this area to the street. Go a few steps to the right and jump up onto the spring. After three jumps, you should land up next to another blue lever. Click the lever and the giant Hub wheel will start to move.
- Go back down onto the street and run to the left. Jump up and grab the vines and climb up to a platform. Wait for the moving platform on the Hub wheel to come around and then jump onto it. Then jump off in the upper right corner (aim for the yellow pipe). Walk to the right and use the steam valve to jump up and to the left. Continue moving until you get to the elevator entrance to the Captain’s Cabin. Then go inside.
- A soon as you enter, Sprocket will be captured by some plant vines. Go down and click on the metal window shutters to snap the vines and free him. When you do, he’ll speak to you for the first time and say, “Thank you.” Now you can talk to him and ask him questions and hear his story.
- Run to the right and use the moving platforms to get up to the large painting. It’s a copy of the painting you saw in the mayor’s office.
- Click on the dial at the bottom of the picture. This is a combination lock. The combination is the number from the mayor’s office: 0516. Starting with the innermost ring, click on each triangle to get the wheel to spin. Then click on it again when it’s pointing to the right number. The rings get faster so this can be tricky.
- When you get the combination right, a secret door will open. Go inside and you’ll be in Captain Ziggs’ room. Go to the left and pick up the bridge key (on the floor) and the Weed Whacker (up on the wall). Then leave the room.
- Go down and to the right and jump off the patio to return to the Hub zone. Go right until you get to the Steam Terminal at the end. Use the steam battery and then solve the puzzle. It’s just like the first one, but now you need to adjust the pressure from 10 to 16 (+6). Once you’re successful, the bridge will lower and you can run across.
Production Zone
- Take a few steps to the right and jump on the spring to get to the platform above. There’s a control panel here with three red levers and a green button. Move all the levers to the down position and then press the green button. The giant wrecking ball will drop and hit the ground, creating a hole.
- Jump down and go through the hole. Make your way down and to the right and you’ll enter a mechanical room. First, press the three red pressure pads on each side of the machine. Then you’ll need to press the two remaining pads (the ones on the machine) at the same time. Sprocket will offer to hold down one while you get the other.
- The machine will turn on and the moving platforms above will start turning. Use this to get up to the top of the room. There’s a lever on the left wall. Click it to get another platform to move up and down. Then jump up to the right and use the platforms and vines to get to a moving conveyer belt. Here you’ll need to avoid blobs that drop from a plant monster.
- Continue across the vines and soon you’ll find the Mech Steam Motor, one of two parts you’ll need to repair the Mech in Sully’s shop garage. Continue up on the vines and go up to the Greenhouse.
- Walk to the left and you’ll find an area for mixing Herbicide. Pay attention to the chart on the wall. Use the dirty beaker from your backpack and then fill it with three parts blue, two parts green and four parts red. When you’re done, you’ll have some Herbicide Mixture.
- Go to the right and then up to the platform above. Use the herbicide on the plant monster. It will shrink and disappear, revealing a maintenance closet. Go inside.
- There’s an old custodian robot here. He’s holding onto the Living Quarters Access Key. Take it from him and then he’ll wake up and the alarm system will go off. You can’t leave the way you came because the security system has a pressure hose that knocks you back. This is where I got stuck on this walkthrough. Special thanks to DR3 from the community who provided the next step.
- Go back out of the maintenance closet and then climb the vines above. Go to the left and you’ll see that the glass dome has some tiny white cracks here. Use the rubber mallet from your backpack to smash a hole in the dome and escape.
- Now run all the way back to Gear Alley, which is on the left of Main Street.
Gear Alley Redux
- When you arrive, go to the bottom of the living quarters building (blue) and jump on the right platform of the lever on the gear. This will raise the one on the left.
- Take a few steps to the left, then jump up the platforms to arrive at the doorway to the living quarters. Use your steam battery on the terminal and then solve the steam valve puzzle again. This time, you need to adjust the steam by -3 to get it from 10 to 7. The door will open. Go inside.
Living Quarters
- Go click on the blue lever on the left to make the platform rise. Use it to get up to the next level and continue making your way up. Jump on the blue button on the floor to make the ladder rise. You’ll need to quickly jump up the ladder because it falls back down a second or two later. When you get to the top left, there’s another door leading to Zack’s room. Go through it.
Zack’s Room
- Go up to the top left corner and click on the wall to solve the next puzzle, which is a timed game where you have to get the steam to move safely from one corner to the other. You must click on the squares to reveal pipes underneath and then swap the pipes around to create a clear path. There are three levels to get through.
- Go outside and then cross over the vine that acts as a tightrope all the way to the left, where you’ll find the Mech Crank which is the second piece you need to repair the Mech in Sully’s Garage.
- Jump down to the street below and then go to Sully’s Garage.
Sully’s Garage
- Use both the Mech Crank and the Steam Motor from your backpack on the Mech. It will be repaired and now you can walk around in the Mech. Is this the coolest thing ever in Poptropica or what? You’ll also get a teleporter device that you can use to instantly travel back to the Mech from anywhere you go on Steamworks.
- Walking in the Mech, head out of the garage and over to the left. There’s a big doorway covered by vines. Attach the weed whacker from your backpack to the Mech and then use the spacebar to smash all the vines. Go through the door when it’s clear.
Storage Room
- Now you’re inside a storage area. Make your way through, using the space bar to smash plant monsters that attack. At one point, you’ll need to leave your Mech and power up one of the lifts. Then get back in the Mech and ride it up to the next platform.
- Continue through this zone, killing plant monsters as you go until you get to the final plant monster in the room and get rid of him. Go through the doorway to the next zone.
Wind Zone
- Go down the ramp to the left and you’ll find a giant windmill. Walk all the way up to the blades and then Sprocket will offer to help.
- Exit the Mech and stand on the blades as they spin to ride almost to the top. Then jump onto the platform above. Use your multi-tool to stop the blades. Sprocket will open the door.
- Get back in the Mech and go through the doorway.
Hibernation Center
- And now we finally learn the secret of what happened to all the inhabitants of Steamworks Island. First, exit the Mech and go to the machine. Use the multi-tool on it and the room will light up.
- Zack will emerge from hid hibernation chamber and he and Sprocket will be re-united. How sweet!
- The mayor will also appear and tell you the story of what happened. Then you’ll see and hear bumps from below. There’s still work to be done.
- Jump up to the platforms on the right and get the Toxic Blaster. Then get back in your Mech and attach it.
- Take the elevator down to the next zone.
Tunnel System
- Move through the room and shoot down the attacking plants by aiming with the mouse and using the spacebar to fire. Kill all the plants.
- You want to end up on the platform just above the floor. If you miss it, you’ll need to stand on the bolt/screw thing and spin it to raise yourself up.
- There’s a moving platform here. Wait for it and then ride it across to the doorway and prepare for the final battle…
Plant Hive
- You’re now in the final boss battle. There are three boss monsters to kill and to make things even tougher, acid starts to fill the room from below. If you touch the acid, you lose and have to start over. You only have a short time to defeat each boss monster.
- The basic technique for all three monsters is to get up close enough so that they try to strike you with their heads. It’s kind of like the Hydra from Mythology Island. When they do, you can shoot them, causing a splat. Each monster needs to be splatted three times and then it will disappear and you can move on. There are some basic moves for each monster: move into position so that he starts to attack, then duck and wait for his head to snap back, then shoot. For the second and third monsters, you need to avoid the seed pods and bombs they hurl at you. If you’re still having problems with this, read my complete Final Boss Cheats Guide for Steamworks, which has a step-by-step video.
- After you defeat the final plant monster, you’ll re-appear next to the mayor, who will present you with the island medallion. Congratulations!
The official Poptropica Steamworks promo page is also available and it has a short teaser summary of the plot, which is as follows:
The silence of empty streets welcomes you. Metal and machines fill the lonely halls, and a growing mystery lurks behind a shroud of steam. Can you uncover what happened to the inhabitants of this ancient island? Gear up for a steam-powered adventure you will never forget!

The Creators posted the official trailer for the island on August 4, 2010 and it reveals a few more details about the soon-to-be-released quest including the names of some of the buildings and the different machines you’ll encounter along the way. Here are a few screenshots from the island:

Maybe it’s Structure Island! By the way I discovered a new face: 😈
Thts a kewl devil face!
I hope its called Mechanical Island!
this is incredible, awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder why it would be called Steamship Island if there still is that picture of a plant that was released earlier this month. Maybe its a cross between the Jungle Planet on Astro Knights and has a traveling around sort of theme like Skullduggery. Btw I’m new to the commenting but have always lookedat this website for secrets. I love this site!!!!!! 🙂
I really dont think it will be called Steamship Island.
If anyone needs help on an island and can’t find an answer, you can ask me i’m in comments.
I found a goldfish video in my inventory.
Whats up people!
jeall? u there i voted 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Cab!
Hi Cabby!
I voted for Jeall too.
I dont think it will be called steamship island either…I think because it has plants the island may be about plants going wild or something, since theres saws and sharp stuff on the Multi-Tool.
Anyone here? I know how to get 1 000 000 doubloons on Skullduggery. It’s an interesting cheat. You just press something on the keyboard and it works! I need someone to tell this to!
I also voted for Jeall. And, By the way, Welcome Crazy Axe!
Hey Crazy Axe!
You can tell me, My Dog Rover! 😀
Crazy Axe: Is that your poptropican name?
Dog Rover: Is it really that easy?
I think so. 😉
Are you still there, My Dog Rover?
I wish I did that in the first place. I did something different. I didn’t use the cheat on this website though.
Nicholas:What did you do?
Cuddly W.: Are you still there?
What’s up?
Nothing much.
Smart Paw: I went to two islands. The Baquette place and Dragon Cove.
DC:Buy max silk
BP: Sell max silk. Buy max medicine
DC: Sell max medicine. Buy max silk
Nicholas! That was the same strategy I used!!
i’m still your friend
it looks so cool
I know. She used to call me “CW”.
what up peeps?
is anybody here
im leavin if not
Give me Steamworks island! NOW! Who wants my membership?
Steamworks island should be before 14 august.
Otherwise I will never play poptropica for 6
Steamworks island is with membership on August 12th and to public on Setember 9 2010.
members Augut 12th for steamworks island and on public on setember 9 2010.
I can’t WAIT for steamworks! Can you?
i can
hmmmmmmm i changed mii name
i changed my name bak
i geuss my other comment didnt sho up
on my other comment i changed my name
nobodys chatting im leaving deuces
Steamworks island was in poptropica .
I think that sprocket(the lil robot) might somehow fight at end
can’t wait for steamworks if anyone didn’t know when it will come out it’ll come out for members august 14 and to the public on september 9
in approximately 2 days and 6 hours i will be awake and playing steamworks
ur right it is stupid but y r u doing it if typing like that is stupid
you guys are kookoo :!
i agree with you sneaky wing. hey factmonster what is your name in the poptropica game?
huh lol
you know what i was watching youtube and there was kids playing guitar hero and there was an eight year old playing on expert i am the the same age as him and he is better than me i am playing on medium! people were calling him names and everything and they were acting like extreme wierdos they were saying that he should be outside and he needs to pick up a real guitar and this and that. if i had a youtube account i would tell them to shutup. maybe they need to put down the controller and stop being mean to kids i swear all of you 13 year olds 10 year olds and 12 year olds need to stop insulting kids we have feelings too this is off the subject of poptropica but i dont care. if you want to be mean go ahead but why won’t you be mean to someone your age enstead we like to play with alot of stuff i am am in third grade this year. all you 12 year olds just need to grow up. i am glad i finally said something about it . anybody that agrees with me please tell me so i am not the only one please. anybody we don’ t need to be treated like this by people we don’t know. so who is with me!!!!!!!!!! 😀
yes i am and everyone else is koo koo
I’m totally excited for Steamworks! I’ll be there when it has early access!
NOOO!! it comes out the day school starts so i wont be able tp play it sniffle* :'(
I can’t wait for it to come out but it’ll be hard without people on the island to tell you wat to do 🙁
i want membership
but nobody will let me
too bad 4 u
can’t wait for the new island
If any one wants to join me in my multiverse room the room code is DWA16 😉
on reality tv island before you vote off the other people hold ctrl+shift+4 and you’ll freeze but dont worry your poptropican will be able to move when you start the next challenge i forgot to mention that if you get voted off u slide instead of walking its a cool trick
i forgot to tell u that your sopposed to let go of 4
Uh… That’s not me!
i cant wait! i can even put my head in the tolite if i can play right now!
new.Hey is Jeall here? Because i want her to say that she is not lying!
i been here for a month now
really Cutequeen……
really by:cutequeen to tristan
i have membership
if you want to see my comments, there are some in steamworks sprocket.
yo make a video already
i am not a member but make the video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and strawberrys not all of the older kids are being mean and some of the younger ones are. i am in the middle(11) i do agree that we should all be semi nice atleast to each other.
HELP ME! SOS! EMERGENSEY!!! I need help finding a walkthrough for steamworks island,and I tried doing it myself but I am FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Could ANY of you give me some tips?Thanks.
You’re right sneaky wing they did say that they also said it would be here shortly but its been FOREVER!!!
its stupid
Gr. I can’t get past the Windmill in the “Wild Zone” area of Steamworks >..< I can;t figure out how to get the wrench since the multi-tool doesnt work on it. Or at least get some kind of a vaseline to… hey I just thought of sumtin…
Steamworks island has arrived for members like me were are the poptropica cheats for it?
wheres the walkthrough for steamworks
Yay! Just completed Steamworks, now that one was fun. 🙂
i dont know????
i need to finish because i got mebership
where is the wench crank?
ha purplesonwball how?
please post the waikthrough
im waiting for the waickthrough
where is the waikthrough
im here
i dont have membership
I THINK i need to leave
ps:i still thinking about it
oh where is the waikthrough
NO ONE is a person
and she does
i log on her accout but is keeps going until its complete full with vines
i thnik i really need to eave
everybody is being mean to me because my friend has mebership
At the end you fight this giant plant thing, 3 monsters on one trunk. U need to watch out for the acidic acid… wait is acidic acid redundant? lol, but yeh its kinda like the dragon from astro-knights and like the hydra from mythology island. i dnt wanna giv the rest away but thts the last monster u fight, i hope tht answers ur question grigory.
everyone is mean to me now
ps:no leaving yet
can i go get a drink
i’m gonna get a drink form the 118 degree heat
i guess you left
yes i know
and hello purple snowball how are you
going to get a cold drink
coming right back
im leaving
im not
ill stop waiting so bye
come back!!!
thes guys wants my account and mebership to my freinds account
its supposed to be keep safe
i stop waiting
going to steamworks island has arrived
ill come later i need to eat and i eat slow but ill come so dont worry
5 4 3 2 1 0 bye
i am stuck! please post walkthrough
i mrs>helper i would help
psophia wht do u need help wit?
going to houston bye!!!
taking my moms laptop too
on steamworks
purple snowball do you have mebership
yes… thats how i was able to beat it, i mean u hav to hav membership to get on it rigt now, so yes i do hav memebrship
Hey purple snowball,how do you get past the alarm system in the greenhouse? I cant get the living quarters key out
bwhere is everything in the pics
im gonna wait all day for this freakin waikthrough
yes ALL day
im getting bored
okay i give up
purple snow ball how do you get the flying robot?
>:-( im stuck
this island is super hard
GRRR i completed all the other islands why not this one
is anyone in poptropica NORMAL???????????????????????????
/. .\a face of a bunny
has members finished steamworks island yet? i’m stumped!!!!!!!!
i’m in livingston
can wait till i get to splashtown
tuna565 you jump on the robot crab and the key for the shop pops out!!! YOUR WELCOME!!
IT TOKE ME SO LONG FIND THAT OUT!!!!!!!!!!! WALKTROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will they finish making the steamworks walkthrough?
they dont have one
named myself after my character… waiting for walkthrough because i’m stumped
i under stand. i hope there done soon. i hope you have a good day!!
hey fast bug.I just beat steamworks island right now. It was sort of hard. but its super will like it when you beat it!
i’m new at commenting here. are there any rules?
hurry! post the rest of the walkthrough! because i’m not a member 🙁
um hey guys you know the mech bot thing well i cant get the mech wrench or something but i do have the steam motor so i was wondering if you could tell me how to get it
whats spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
I beat it in one night on the first day it came out! can everyone else who beats it tell me on here???
where do you find the weed wacker?
umm can you make the TEXT walkthrough
nvm i got the hammer but when i try to use the weed chomper(YES IM CLICKING ON IT!)my guy only says “these enourmous weeds are blocking th eentrance” PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
My mom is buying membership for me right now! Can’t wait for steamworks! 😀
i’m a meber like unknown
i’m watching the part 1 walkthrough
i need help on the puzzle thingy
in steamworks
because i bought mebership two days ago
stemworks is so much fun!!
good job to the people how beat it!!!
lazy fang my poptropica name is sporty crown! i like your name to!!!
tuna565 good job!! i got mebership the DAY BEFORE STEMWORKS CAME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chat room a on pictochat
where did you get the weed whacker??
why is it that members are all ways first
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i hate poptropica ppl because i cant get member ship and now i need to wait till sept.9th and i watched all the walk thoughrs also how do u get the multi tool cause i didn’t watch u get it.
im almost done, just have to kill creepy thing (for those who have gone this far, the ”root of the problem”.)
y do u hate poptropica, lilly, cuz ur not a member???? well maybe some parents dont want to spend any money on computer games???!!!
theres no water cannon, well at least not for me!!
theres no water cannon, well at least not for me!!
I already beat steamworks island I was the 11th to beat it I also have member ship I look awesome look me up I used the mech piolet outfit just for steamworks so I look diffrent but look me up my username is fatrat8
Dizzy dolphin look up steam works island walk thru
I can’t get past the final battle
PS poptropica room multiverse code is AJN44, please come!!!!!
i give membership to ppl who show up
I also give cheat codes for secret outfits
I will be hosting this room, because I know massive rider. I am a famous moderator and it is rare to see me! you get a free item when u do!!!!!!
Her room is closing because u r noshows
I’m stuck under the steam terminal in Gear Alley!!! Anyone have this happen to them? How do I fix this and play?
nooooooooooo i beat the first and second but got swallowed by acid on the thirddddddd wahwawhawhawhawha
too cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG ive been looking for cheats on steam works island and it only tells me how to beat the islad not any cheats i rly like to make and do all cheats …….. thats why im a cheatmaster/glitchmaster but i havent found any glitches with poptropica other that the phone one! aww they need to put more cheats in it dont you think?? but anyway……. igot an idea for poptropica ppl: why dosen’t poptropica have something that you can chat with not pre made chats like ” do you like tv” i mean custom things that you type, press enter, and it appears on screen! that would be coool almost as cool as cheats……. 😀
🙁 2 hard
I just beat Steamworks and it was so EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love poptropica!
who were all the top ten people who compleated steamworks island ?
i realy nead help on steamworks but it is a good island so plz help me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!peace out
I am getting a membership once the game cards are in stores
GMTA (has someone been looking over my Wiki-shoulder??)
The hardest part for most players may not be getting out of that Closet, but actually FINDING it in the first place. You can avoid the flytrap plant and reach the roof, and never even SEE the chemical room or the maintenance closet! The mallet was a no-brainer, but I realized I must have missed something and went back through the labs.
you are al so lucky! my dad won’t even let me watch the walk through and i am not a member any way! I WANT TO WATCH THE WALK THROUGH!
Thanks for posting these they’re life savers!!!
But I am stuck on the stone thing where you have to click in the combination!!!
I need a surefire way to beat it!!!!
Please help so I can move on!!!!
i can’t get the windmill to move!!!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!
i posted earlier but wasn’t specific…
i NEED help with the stone wheel where you click in the combination 0516 right before Captian Ziggs room
HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nvermind… u use weed wacker
is there a way to get out of the island if you can’t beat the last boss monster? TOO HARD.
Tried like 50 times!
i beat poptropica its so fun but hard thx cheats
HELP!! Defeating last plant monsters and fell out of mech on second landing. Now I can’t recover it. Any clues???
Thankies! I can not wait till the 9th!
People who are stuck on the boss monsters: 1. WATCH THE WALKTHROUGH. 2. KEEP TRYING UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT.
Eh. Fact Monster is right! XD
Is this anything like Club Penguin? Can you talk to people on it? or is it a single person game?
send m emails and that island wasso haard and thank u so much Icy Bubbles i would not done it without her and go to and type in cuteblue35 she helped me thru this island
im so the prettiest poptropican in all of life so don’t waste ur breath ):(
Icy Bubbles, stop your bragging.
ohhhhhuh plzzz who needs help in mythology gust give ur id and pass ill finish it tnkzzzz i love to help i will not cjhange anything just finish the island and please someone help me on skullduggery island tnlzzz and i cant wait for steamworks and icy bubbles dont be so proud about your poptropician huh because that is bad !!!!!
poptropica is beasty
not really
i just made a new person called golden shadow
now i have three people: super fire, red shadow, and golden shadow
im at super power island right now
BL means Back Later. At least that’s my guess.
o ok
i never herd of it
anyone here?
I’m here.
sorry i said i was the prettiest poptropican. i wuz just mad at icy bubbles
by the way go ahead and say i dont know anything, but wat does STFU stand 4???????
i deafeated steamworks you rock poptropica!!!!!!!
wow i cant wait!!!!!!!!!
u dont wana kno
i just went off cuz i hate wen ppl brag
thx 4 the video!:-) it helped a LOT! u rock!
Liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s not the right code 4 ur multi verse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just tried it and doesn’t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x-(
all who think the ball puzzle should use the arrow keys not moue say i
yeah people always say thier supposed room code and NONE of them work for them!!!!!!!!!! D:( sooooooooo anoying
sorry 4 my spelling 😉
i love popys it so fun. but no membership it stupid go celtics uk wildcats nd bardstown Kentucky USA sawyer. lol
go popys
I defeated Steamworks a long time ago ❗ 😉
Here’s how to beat the three boss plants: 1st one: jump towards it and you will bounce back. The monster will slam its head towards you and you can shoot it, causing a SPLAT. Repeat 3 times.
2nd and 3rd ones: Shoot down the pods the throw at you and do the same as above. (note: after you defeat the 2nd one, you have to wait for the sliding thing to come over here, then jump on it and you can move safely across.)
(note 2: the 3rd monster hits you back very short, so try to jump backwards or something. And watck out for the things that fall from above, they cause a BOOM and you’ll be shot backwards.)
Hope you’ll find the information useful when you play. 🙂
if anyone wants to come to my multiverse room the code is DGB17
i’m a ckicin i thought you where going to die!!!!!and i’m slow !!!!ackkk!!!!!!!help!!!help!!!help!!!(only saying that because my baby sister sat on my face and my scaert of hateing my life got out today)WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks easier then skullduggy island …
uhhhhhhhhhh, what the heck are u saying?
AWESOME! Thanks for the help!!! XDXD
Yeah hi.
I’m not allowed to be a member but I want
Is there a cheat for it!
i dont know how to get membership
wats up
The Poptropica blog has a new official trailer for Steamworks Island. It looks really amazing and if you watch the whole trailer closely you’ll see a lot of things that they haven’t revealed about the new island yet. I really like the machines and especially the monster plants
Main Street
Walk over to the Clockwork Cantina and complete the gear puzzle. Place the two brown gears on the ends and the three blue gears go in the middle. Turn the crank when they’re all in place. Now pick up the Multi-Tool that just appeared on the ground.
Now walk to the right and you’ll see a garbage bin. Jump up on it to get the Steam Battery.
Walk to the right again and go inside the Museum. Run to the right and you’ll see a big yellow machine. Click on the blue lever to raise the arm. Then jump up on the platforms and make your way to the upper-right corner. Watch out for the darker platforms which will crumble and fall when you step on them. Grab the dirty beaker out of the display case in top right. Then exit the museum.
Go back to the Clockwork Cantina. Jump up and click on the blue lever here. A mechanical ramp will extend. Run up it and then jump onto the steam chutes to fly up and over the tower. You should land on top of a glass dome. Use your multi-tool to open it and then go down inside.
You’re now inside the Mayor’s office. Check out the painting and the note on the typewriter, which give you an important number to remember for later: 0516. Leave the office, jump back down to the street and run to the left to enter the next zone
When you arrive in the Hub, run along the ramp until you get to a metal hatch that is glowing red-hot. If you try to click it, you’ll see it’s much too hot to touch. Walk up to it and use the robot crab in your backpack. Sprocket the robot will take it from you and then drop the poor crab on top of the hatch. The water from the robot will cool down the hatch so that you can open it up.
Go down the hatch. When you get to the bottom of the ladder, Sprocket will look pretty scared. Make your way down the pipes until you run into a plant monster living inside them. Use the old vine from your backpack underneath the sign that says, Caution: Hot Steam. This will spray steam onto the plant monster and kill it. Move along to the bottom left of the room and you’ll find the bottom of an elevator. Click on the round hatch above.
Now you’ll need to solve three levels of a ball tilt maze game that’s a lot like the classic wooden box Labyrinth game. Spin the wheel either clockwise or counter-clockwise with your cursor to get the ball to the center. After you complete all three levels, the elevator will power up.
Go back up out of this area to the street. Go a few steps to the right and jump up onto the spring. After three jumps, you should land up next to another blue lever. Click the lever and the giant Hub wheel will start to move.
Go back down onto the street and run to the left. Jump up and grab the vines and climb up to a platform. Wait for the moving platform on the Hub wheel to come around and then jump onto it. Then jump off in the upper right corner (aim for the yellow pipe). Walk to the right and use the steam valve to jump up and to the left. Continue moving until you get to the elevator entrance to the Captain’s Cabin. Then go inside.
A soon as you enter, Sprocket will be captured by some plant vines. Go down and click on the metal window shutters to snap the vines and free him. When you do, he’ll speak to you for the first time and say, “Thank you.” Now you can talk to him and ask him questions and hear his story.
Run to the right and use the moving platforms to get up to the large painting. It’s a copy of the painting you saw in the mayor’s office.
Click on the dial at the bottom of the picture. This is a combination lock. The combination is the number from the mayor’s office: 0516. Starting with the innermost ring, click on each triangle to get the wheel to spin. Then click on it again when it’s pointing to the right number. The rings get faster so this can be tricky.
When you get the combination right, a secret door will open. Go inside and you’ll be in Captain Ziggs’ room. Go to the left and pick up the bridge key (on the floor) and the Weed Whacker (up on the wall). Then leave the room.
Go down and to the right and jump off the patio to return to the Hub zone. Go right until you get to the Steam Terminal at the end. Use the steam battery and then solve the puzzle. It’s just like the first one, but now you need to adjust the pressure from 10 to 16 (+6). Once you’re successful, the bridge will lower and you can run across
I wonder who were in the other pods
for all of the people that have beaten steamworks island beware because when i was about to go to a certsin part of the map i fell on the lower level of the ground and couldn get out until like 3 weeks after then it took me a couple more days to finish the island because my 12 year ol brother kept playing with his gi joes and i couldnt finish because he kept making these stupid sound affects .so thats about it so im done bye
i can’t get early access pass i’m not a member
dude! i cant get past the steam pipe thing in zac’s roooooommm……….HELPPPP!!!!! 🙁
i’m stuck in this part before i can get 2 the factory hellllllllllpppppppppppp
I need help, i’m in the hibernation center..something was sade about using the multi tool on the “machine”…I can’t find it.. can sum1 help me please… Thanx
🙁 🙁
hey……………anyone there
how do you get out of the factory if you don’t have the mallet and the alarm goes off?
The room codes don’t work because of any of the following reasons:
**They just want to make a prank.
**You don’t have a multiverse card (Poptropica said that you cannot access other multiverse rooms if you don’t have a multiverse card. I hope this is wrong.)
**They aren’t in the room anymore (Poptropica also said that if the owner of the room leaves, the room code will become invalid. And the next time, the owner builds another multiverse room, another code will be generated. NOT the same one from before.)
yeah finally i can go on steamwork island looks pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!
@garfield howard
just return the key to the janitor and go back to get the mallet
Hardest part is Boss fight T.T
finally… it’s open for public!
ive been working on steamworks for 1 houre and im already on boss battle 1 no offense
but still stuck on numba 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
thx soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i got member ship i day before caz a codent wait!!!!
my other accounts are:chilly leaf,bendy star,busy paw.
the one you went on was bendy star.
If you’re stuck without the mallet in the factory, is it possible to ever get out??? And where does that mallet come from in the first place?
I see…it comes from Sully’s Shop…is it possible to get out without it, though? Will my Poptropican be stuck forever????
Mozart nerd : put the key back !!!!!!!1
@mozart nerd return the key, go out and get the mallet, then go back for the key
im werd how do you do with the number 0516 in steam work how
its awsome and awsome cheats
I’m Scared i want to go to a diffrent island but it won’t let me what do I DOOOOOOOOOO???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just go to the typewriter in the Mayor’s office. Click on it, it says to remember 0516
I keep on running into the windmill but Sprocket(or whatever his name is) isnt helping me. What do I do?
I beat the game in two SO EASY!!!! I thought it was easier than astro night
hey go on my multy – thing code is: bjc39
@ MN-
no, you’re not stuck. put the key back, then go get the mallet.
i am having trouble on the last boss any tip i can beat the fisrt 2 easy just the last one
how do u do the combo number o516???????
I hate the last part where you have to defeat 3 plant monster or whatever you want to call it!It’s soooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody!Do you know that if you click on Zack’s telegram,you can wear his clothes?
how do i get sprocket to move the sail in the wind zone? DS
this island was defently wuz my favorite!!!
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I CAN’T FINISH THE PUZZLE IN ZACK’S ROOM!i finished the first 2 puzzles in that puzzle but i can’t finish the last one!
yeah the last boss is hard but not the second boss in steamwork. For the second boss you shoot its attack and when its try to attack you, you duck then hit it. When you do it three time he’ll die. Anyone out there who past steamworks of the last boss, please leave a comment. And if anyone have a sneakpeak video of “Charlie Brown, and the great pumpkin” please copy and paste on leave a comment.Also if you need help on any island in poptropica just ask me
someone please give me a cheat code or a glitch to get through the puzzle please
Zander,Just go out of the greenhouse and go to sully’s! Im stuck on the 3 bosses…*moan*
sprocket wont help when i push on the windmill
can anyone tell me how to beat those huge plants at the end. there are 3 of them and i cannot beat the third one!!!
I don’t see anyone else having this problem, but I have a problem trying to defeat the last boss, you know the three giant fat plants in the brain you have to defeat in order to finish Steamworks island? Yeah, the method of tapping the monster and then shooting it when it’s mouth is open DOES NOT WORK ON THE LAST FAT PLANT. And it’s nearly impossible to get that guy to open his mouth no matter how many times I tap him! He usually stretches his neck and he’s perfectly fine and I try to shoot him down, doesn’t work! Can somebody please help? I’ll offer waffles XD By the time after all the useless tapping on his head and having him streatch his neck and he doesn’t open his mouth, I am soaked with… Acid DX
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINISHED IT &NOW I CANT GET BACK TO THE BALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
never mind i figured it out
well for the last boss i suggest u use weed whacker because u can hit those things he shoots at u easily. try to lure the bombs to not hit u then get the boss 😉
if you are stuck without the mallet just go back into the closet and put the key back
if u finish and u wanna show the mech off how do u get it back cause i cant jump high enough to go to the club
ooh and if u cant beat the last one its like a pattern the middle thing shoots then the upper one shoots then the head shoots at u when it does try to duck then when it opens its mouth shoot but watch out for the falling things above kk? hope this helps ya elyssa and everyone else who doesnt get it… the pattern too with all of them
i didn’t know u could duck in the final
those little pipe things when u conect them are so freakin stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know in the room just before the three boss monsters? I can’t get up the screw thing! I run on it and it just stays there! I am really close to finishing the island, but I can’t get into this last room. Please help!
— Quiet Rider
Quiet rider, There is a yellow thing on the ground next to the mayor.Click it.
hey guys!!!! i finished steamworks. oh yeah. i can show off my mech aswell. bam
Help with boss…
How did you know if it is acid filling in the Plant Hive (where you will fight the final boss….)?????!
can somebody plz help me.i finished the island but i cant get back to the ballon.if u know what to do plz go on my account. my user name is princess25957 and my password is spoiled.thx. 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i sooo need someone to do it for me.if you have completed steamworks and you are willing to do it and you finish it i will do you haf of astro knights.p.s and maybe another.
HELP dudes I’m Stuch in the water cannon room WITH OUT the Rubber MAllet HELP!!!!
im stuck in zacks room doing that puzzle its REALY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its inposible!!!
somebody help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jump in it and youll find out! im almost done with steamworks!
does it matter if its acid or not? you get damaged so thats all
Once you finish steaamworks and you get the award and coins how do you get back to the blimp??? I can find where it lets me go back.
i finished the island but now the comp doesnt let me got to the balloon it the screen wont move anymore than sully’s garage! HELP! im stuck here!!!
can u help me wid steamworks ?
Help!!! The last boss doesnt knock me back when I tap him, so I cant shoot him!!
is anybody on
i cant find the 7 steam thingy key can anyone help me
yeah you do not need to continue my poptropica. cause my friends have finished it for me
gad u all stink!!!!! DAMMIT this thing is hard :(( but hey, thanks to the dude or dudess who posted the walkthrough… its bloody difficult but at least u tried to help, TEN stars for being helpful :D… btw, i know this might sound demanding… but hey, when is the NEW island coming out? they come out real fast nowandays. i cant keep up, quite – i havent finished skullduggery yet. OK guys im in a good mood now 😉 gtg, lova ya ppl…(oohiminaveryVERYgoodmoodnow!) xxxxooooxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxooxoxxooxxooxooxoxxooxoxoxoxoxxooxoxoxoxoxox
the last part is HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the things the plants shoot makes it TOO hard
i finished steamworks but now i cant figure out how to get out……………………………………………………………………………………..HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE
HOw do you get to main street on poptropica?
you go to this place and there is this circle thing with four boxes next it, click it and try and get 0516,jess
help! i cant get past the third level of the pipe puzzle in zacks room, and i was wondering of someone else could do it for me? reply to this comment and ill maybe give you the info if you cant JUST finish the pipe puzzle.
Hi how do u get the mech to main street? I soooo much want to go into the multiplayer rooms with it!!!
If you don’t have the mallet and your in the factory you can give the key back and the alarm will stop. 🙂
I’m having trouble with the game in Zack’s room. I’ve finished it multiple times, but nothing happens when I click the Finish lever. It’s unresponsive. Help!
A New side ad! HO!
Left side:
Disney’s CT Transit:The Movie 3
Right side:
Premires October 1st at 7/6c on Disney Channel!
Play fun and games at
A New side ad! HO!
Left side:
Disney’s CT Transit:The Movie 3
Right side:
Premires October 1st at 7/6c on Disney Channel!
Play fun and games at!
Hey guys I was wondering if you can do the last boss for me i have spent a week on it….
Please let me know as soon as possible!!!
Thank you
how do you kill the second monster im stuck
i di d it first try!
when the monster tries to strike,you measure its length of its neck andwhen it leaves its mouth open shoot it.
can somone do the boss plant part on steamworks for me? PLEASE!!!!!
I will give my password and user to you so you can do it!
hey i can’t do the factory bit!!!
plzz help me coz i want to get the coins
how do u do the puzzle in zacks room?? im now stuck on that
someone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in the final battle when i accidentaly clicked and got out of the mech then fell backwards into the acid and when i clicked try again,i wasnt in the mech! so i got out of the room and tried using the teleporter,but it just put me back in the battle room standing alone,still no mech! i can’t get up to my mech, you can’t get past the plant monster! HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!
after you attach the weed wacker to the mech how do u get it to cut the weeds?
If the puzzle in Zack’s Room doesn’t turn red, try going out Zack’s room and going in again. If you do a mistake, repeat.
hey guys i am at the final step i am tired how do i get out?any one please its a 2#^% on steam works island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont go on poptropica anymore but i remember that party i threw at shark tooth island those were good times
hey how do you get in the MECH thingy
How do you exit out of Steamworks Island after beating it ?
steamworks island iz sooo hard!!!!!!
I’m stuck on the island i beat the boss but i cant get off
how do you get the MECH to main street there is a wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, how to you get back to the balooon thing because i can’t figure out how to get out. Help me please!!!
I am done with the island but for some reason i cant get off it.
I found this all very useful! Only thing is, they forgot to add that when you reach the windmill, you must punch the sail blocking the door with the weed whacker. It was really hard to defeat the 3 plant bosses!!! Got a Prom Dress with the points I won. =)
please beat this island for me but when you do buy the cowboy suit
I have a answer for toucan:tell poptropica or something
==’ this island is so annoying…….
can anyone help me on the last monster i can get past the first 2 easily but i need help on the third because all the roots above fall and when i try and spalt him it doesn’t work its ridiculas. i’ve been on it for ages helppp mee!!!! anyonne??? xx
i cant help u
im stuck in zacks room doing the line thin ok
Hey, I need help with the wall puzzle in Zack’s Room Its really frustrating on the third one and the next time i try to play it wont finish!
killing the monsters is sooo e-z i did it first try!
I can finsh at the 2nd boss ……….3rd still a mystery
I am stuck her,It won`t let me leave
Stupid 3rd Monster…>:\
Hey… I ‘ve been doing that stupid Zack puzzle… I don’t get it… do you have to use ALL the pipes? PS- Ifound a cool cheat. When sprocket shows you a hologram, click it. You can wear what the hologram was wearing!!! COOL!
bony moon September 11, 2010 at 8:55 pm
can somebody plz help me.i finished the island but i cant get back to the ballon.if u know what to do plz go on my account. my user name is princess25957 and my password is spoiled.thx.
Thanks, I just beat this! The last three monsters are SUPER EASY!
where is the glass dome (the mayor’s office) everybody????
bony moon i need you i was gona reply to your coment but i wanted to help i saw all you madalons i need you i used to have all of them till my old loser boyfriend made me forget if you want to do it my username is laneygirl17 my password is peace33
i figured out how to get passed zacks maze after fail once!!! just exit the room and come back in it. you can go do the maze again!!! comment back about it
How to finish second boss?.please help me
Help! Feeling dum can’t get past first monster!! Repeat I AM FEALING RRREEEAAALLLYYY DDDDDUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(>:/>:\
Never mind I got it. :):):):););)
for the puzzle you have to wait for the steam it comes quickly so watch out but you don’t have to use all peices if the team doesn’t come and you’ve got it well i tried to pull the finished bar thing and it didn’t work so i just hit close, went out of the room, came back in, and tried it again it came kinda quickly for me but it hould for you too but if your on the third level and you mess up you have to start 2 over so DON’T BLAME ME;) good luck
This island is so STUPID!
the third boss is so hard ps please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im stuck in zacks stupid room…… GRRR i can do all the pipe bits but the freakin’ stem just wont come no matter how hard i try!!! :@
🙁 PLEASE HELP ME AND MESSAGE ME ASAP!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i try to use ur 3 ballon cheat it just take long why?????!!!!!
i dont see anyone else having this problem but where is the elevator!!!!!!(im using the written walkthrough and it does not say)HELP ME SOMEONE
also i have a tip for people stuck on the puzzle in zacks room:uncover only a little section (if ur on the last stage)because its really likely that there will be repeats and if the steam does not come out,go out of the room and try again.
oh i think i found it
moan*i cant get past the last monster.i can only splat him twice before i fall
tip on 3rd monster:duck underneath the monster and u wont get hit by anything,only the head when it comes back but thats actually good because it rebounds u and u can splat him.
by the way guys,there is no way for u to get the mech to main street because of the thing between sullys shop and garage and the way for you to get back is use a mini quest (e.g the haunted house or the energy hog thing)
toughgreg did you already notice that the glass dome is in the right side of the tower???
how do u do that puzzle in zacks room with the pipes
where is the mech???I can’t find it!!! Help !!!
i’m stuck i put my mech on the flipy thing then it;s stuck plus when i try to go in it i push on the flipy thing
Ella, or anyone else stuck on 3rd monster: instead of being bounnced back automatically, you will be stuck and Ouch!, you will be bounced back. So, jump really close to the monster and jump back. the monster will stick his head out anyway and zap with toxic blaster. repeat 3 times and voila. If these explicitly detailed directions were unclear please say… or rather, type. Hope this helps.
help im stuck on cutting the huge weeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate this island. can It get past the puzzle in ZACKS room!
Somebody help me!:(
sorry i ment i cant get past the puzzle in zacks room
okay im a member trying 2 get 2 the new island but im lost in the storage area!!!
plz help!!!!!!!
Can someone please help me! I’m at the Wind Zone right by the propeller…and i don’t know what to do!! I need to get the propeller to move, what do I do??
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I know this has been asked like six times but I dont care I dont know how to get off the steamworks island please help!!!!!!!!!!!!
the island steamworks is sooooooooooooo easy.I don’t know why you shoud have any probloms.
i can’t belive that everyone is stuck on an island.
(PS.most of the islands are easy!)
I Sent This To My Mom.On Your Video She Covered Up How To Do That Little Puzzle.I Was Wondering If U Maybe Should Have Made That Part Over.It Is Very Diffilcult.PLEASE HELP IM A FREAKING 10 YR. OLD SO HELP!!! anyway im stuck on that stupid part so u need to do a better job with your video next time. thanks u
Nvm. Got It But … Ill Be Back
PLEASE!!!!!!!! help me beat skulldugery!!!!!!!! aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!… now i lost dobloons.
Okay,did Steamworks Island a second time on my other character and found out 3 tips:
1.For people having trouble with getting back to the blimp,when you get to the plant monster you cannot get past,its because you have the toxic blaster equipped!If you use the weed wacker you can wack him away!
2. For people stuck on the 3 bosses,duck! (i mean the bend over duck not the quack quack one) Stand right in front of them and just duck!This tip is very very useful for the last boss because of the spiky things falling down.But beware of the things the monsters shoot (the 2nd and 3rd ).You can hit them and they will disappear though.
3.For people stuck on the pipe puzzle in Zacks room,the first level is quite easy.Just uncover one to 3 rows,and keep on building.The second level has more pieces.Just uncover 10 blocks and build the first bit (if you need a special block just uncover 5 quickly) and uncover 10 more and you will get most of it done.Repeat for the 3rd level.
Hope you find my tips very useful!
ahhh, i finished but that last boss was hard!! Can any one tell me if i can get the mech over to the blimp (not out of steamworks but on steamworks) i mean like , can I get the mech past the big thick metal pole!!! i want to walk around it soooooo bad!!!
What’s a good costume to buy?
It needs:
– Big pink or red lips
– Nice shirt
– Amazing hair with earrings
– Outer jacket or necklace
Someone help me find the living quarters on steamworks island!! Tried the cheats and still can’t!
P.S. Samdy, Southern Belle is a good choice!
you have to go to the weed wacker place
God I hate steamworks! I cant get past Labyrinth!
skullduggery is harder!! it is so hard, no matter what, i can never win cuz its so hard!
I can’t get out of the wild zone and am frustrasted. I just want to get to my balloon to get to a knew island since I think this island is hard.just the boss part.)
hey your written walkthroughs are way better than the video walktroughs
I cant get that 3rd boss and the 2nd one is so hard ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
you go to main street and find your rope to the blimp. it should be far left. you’ll see it right before you seee the go left thingy
i finish the island but now i am stuck here and i need to get out of steamwork now helped me i can i leave the island and visit other island so i can get a new adventure in poptropica please tell tell me nowwwww
the only problem i have (i already got past) is fighting the monsters in the pmant hive.
I am stuck on this island because of a bug. I am in the room before the final room. When I run on the screw thing, I don’t go up! Can you, or somebody in comments, please help me?
the labyrinth puzzle was soooo hard
the rest was easy though
the last boss seems easier than the 2nd one
how do you qett back to the blimp after you beat the island ??
wow you’ve cleared a lot of islands
i cant get back to the blimp when i finish thi island what do i do??
i dont know how to get back up through the screw/bolt thingy you have to do when your trying to kill the plants.. i get stuck and it wont let me go up and then i keep getting knocked back to down by the monsters!! please help !
i still can’t get past the 3rd boss in the plant hive. can anyone tell me a trick?
I can not get past the last boss. I make good time on the first two bosses giving me a gap between me and the acid of the third boss. As hard as I try I can not blast him. His head with the combination of the pods and bombs send me flying back and sometimes into the acid. I need help with this one!!! I need a CHEAT!
I’m done with the island, but can someone tell me how to go back to Main Street? I mean, like from the Storage Room on? I’m stuck there! HELP!!!!!!
i’m a girl who iz 9 yrs old and im in a awesome band called EGRANDOM!!!! me & my friend r people who write totally awesome songs!!!! i like people & animals heres part of 1 of songs i wrote………………………… were making a CD with some of our songs!!!
Sparks Fly
when sparks fly i see u with me, looks like were going for our dream, sometimes i just wanna fly away with u……
The stemworks island is sooo hard I can’t figure the flippen thing out!!! It is so frusterating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where is sully’s garbage ?PLEASE SHOW ME A PICTURE!!!!!!!!!
do any of yous know how to beat skull duggery its so hard. i’m hopeless lol p.s ive tried the cheats and almost finished all the islands (GREAT CHEATS)
i cant go back to my blimp!!! i am so freakn stuck!! someone help me!!!
where is the Wind Zone?
I’M 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hellpp i cant figure out how to get back to mainstreet on steamworks island i finished but it blocked me out
i finish all the other island but not steamwork so please help and i will help u to finish the other islands
@ ??? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!
@ ??? and your picture is UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didnt get the rubbber mallet what do i do
Real hard
ha!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am stucked in the greenhouse because i forgot to take the mallet what is the way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help!!!!!!!!! im stuck!!!!!! i need help getting past the monster in factory. SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes thank you thank u i finished this island abut a week ago dint know how to get off but now i doooooo thank u thanks for the guidyayayyyyyyyyy this is so awsome! i know how to get offf!
uggh… i need to put in more effort im boared. write again presaya
when the garbage can says the end is near,put on a space suit like time capsule to saveyou just in case.
@ella* ur ugly LOL
can you hlep me?
no matter what i do i cant get past the boss level! i can’t even get one splat one the monsters. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click on the dial at the bottom of the picture. This is a combination lock. The combination is the number from the mayor’s office: 0516. Starting with the innermost ring, click on each triangle to get the wheel to spin. Then click on it again when it’s pointing to the right number. The rings get faster so this can be tricky.
i dont get that part???
thanks guys
i cant get past the laberinth ball thing!
lol it is making me mad
OMG thhis is makeing me crazy i can not get passed the weeds every time i click it says these enormos weeds are blocking the way!!! what should i do?
it wont let me do the bridge terminal thing all that happens when i click on it it says ” This Must Be The Terminal For Powering The Bridge ” !!!!!!!! please please please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can someone please get past the monsters for me???
I got stuck in the greenhouse because I didn’t get the mallet! Is there any way to get out (the security system already went off)?
can someone get past the monster part in the end if they alredy have done it? but just that part . PLEASE
how to get out of steamworks island after you defeat the monsters?
I cannot get past the second monster it is soooo hrd! someone please do it 4 me.
UGGHH! It is so super duper hard to complete the boss(es)! I’m still on the stupid first one! I’m following your trick, but he is just being stubborn and not moving! UGGH!
I am so super frustrated! (Sorry, I tend to have issues when coping with stuffz like this) Steamworks Island is o hard!
my username is carstarr89 and my password is penny
PLEASE get me past the monsters and let me know! I’ve been there forever! Thanks!!!!
carstarr89, i got past the first monster, so if someone can help you get past the 2nd thats where im stuck.
i dont know how to power up the lift in the storage room HELP
HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET DR3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
carstarr89 , if you are where you think you are I can help. When you find this message , type OK then I’ll see what I can do.
Ok , THAT’S IT!!!!!!!! I AM TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOU , carstarr89!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON’T ANSWER ME WITHIN THE WEEK , I’M LOGGING ON ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok , I’m not that impatient but if you answer me I’m going to freak and I’ll let you know when I do.
Alright , screw those last two things but you can answer me if you want to
P.S. I am logging on at this time (look next to my username.) .
Got carstarr89 on a headstart, at least. I’ll finish.
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now go to the next island, carstarr89.
help!! wheres the elevators im in my little brothers account help!!
never mind…
can someone do the boss in the last level for me??? >_<
i can not get the robot to bounce or flip over help me!
HELP i cant get to the windmill part with the blades an when i cah sproket wont help i cant get thee in the mesh
wow streamwork island is SO EASY!!!!! i cant believe you do not know how to do it!!!!!!!!! i got it right in one day and i did not even look once at the cheats!!!!!!!!!but i can help you if you give me your username and password. and do not worry i will not sell it or steal it … when i am finished with it then i will tell you …well see ya and i will check to see if anyone replied each day….
wait…what happened to Sully? O_O
put the key back to the robot then get out of the greenhouse and get the mallet then you go back
plz someone help i cant get passed the last boss!!!!!!!
forget my first comment btw
yup 10;28 and im STILL trying im sooooo bored and frustrated stupid mystery game let me win plz plz plz plz plz…
I can’t get past the steam thing! Can someone help me?
For those who dont have a rubber mallet just go back to the robot and return the key…just click on the loop weare the key was
i dont understan the part wher it said “Go outside and then cross over the vine that acts as a tightrope all the way to the left, where you’ll find the Mech Crank which is the second piece you need to repair the Mech in Sully’s Garage.”
neva mind
Thank you!they really work!
Geez, this island is soooo long. But it is cool. It kind of reminds me of the factory part of 24 Carrot island. You know the first plant monster you defeat, with the steam and vine? OMG, that thing scared me when it popped out.
Ok, I just got the Mech, and I have a comment and a question about it. First, that teleporter thing, can it be used more than one time? And the comment, did anyone else notice that the Mech isn’t really much of a jumper?
OMG! I just finished this island! Whoo Hoo! I have a tip for you people who can’t get past the 2nd and 3rd bosses because of the flying nuts: YOU CAN SHOOT THEM.
i need help with the steam puzzle in zachs room
HELP! I can’t get past the windmill because sprocket won’t offer to help!
how do i get off the island
its sooooooooooooooooooooo frustating
help pls
where got water on super power island?
How do i get out of steamworks when i finish???
Hey if youre stuck in the green house because you forgot the rubber mallet, you can just give the key back to the robot!
Umm hate to break it to ya but the steam battery was SUPER easy
omg i beat steamworks but i dont know how 2 get baq 2 main street can some one help me
its easy when u know what to do
i loved having a walkthrought to help!!!!
I need help so bad please because the battle is to hard
Please help me!!! I am really stuck at steamworks. Please sent me if you can help with it at [email protected]
Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please help me as soon as you can!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget to sent me if you can help me in steamworks.
By: kogulan
aww gosh when i’m on the part where ihave to solve the puzzle at gear alley i canTTTTTT
Arggg! I stopped the blades so now they’re blocking the door. And I can’t move them!
Hey at the windmill part sprokcet is not helping!!! What do I do???
Er.. I was stuck on the terminal place , it said i have the wrong key to open the place and blablablabla…
I Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove YOUR CHEATCODES REALLY REALLY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY, THEY HELLLPED ME OUT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR #1!
THXXXX! steamworks is the most confusing island and u helped me out a lot!
how do u diffet the island?
omg my weed WONT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i clicking but it just jumps away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANY HELP ????????? PLEASE????? PORVAPOR????
rumaisa: ok my little bros account is USER: josediaz59 his password is orangelollipops
ok then thanks if you beat it 4 me!!!( btw hes 5 and i have to beat the islands for him except 4 the simple ones)
dont judge me by the password T=
i love poptropica.
for people stuck on the windmill part – CLICK ON SPROCKET TO MAKE HIM HELP!!!
if you want me to do an island for you comment your info.
what do you do when you have finished steamworks island??????
because it won’t let me go right and there’s nowhere else to go!
if you buy a mini island, go to that, and then when you get there, find where you came from and then you should be able to travel again.
lol on the third walkthough: A HOT DOG ON A ROBOT OMG SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA!!
haha oh wow my mech keeps on leaving me when i try to enter it runs away WHAT THE HECK lol
the boss wuz, like, SUPER EASY!!!
really!! how can you do this to us.
I am totally amazed at you people. Sure, I expected a website like this, with all the cheats and walkthroughs, but I can hardly imagine how many people use this! I mean, I understand if you’re stuck and need some tips, but entire walkthroughs? Doesn’t that just ruin the entire game for you? It’s no fun if you don’t do it yourself! I was stuck on Steamworks awhile ago, but I had gotten pretty far without the items I needed. I got 2 tips at the beginning of the walkthrough, how to get the multi-tool (I thought myself soo stupid when I realized, lol) and how to get the combination for the mayor’s painting. After that, I finished the entire island by myself. It got much easier after that. Sure, still a little difficult, but I loved it. And I got through it in less than a couple of hours total. Maybe you should try harder into doing these islands yourself. If it’s so hard that you resign and use the whole thing, I don’t think you should be playing Poptropica.
I am 8 years old . and it 7;58
i love poptropica
if you read this , you are very smart , know why, because you must 6 year s – 15 year to play and best , if you are 8 years old like me , pleasure to read it.or plz . don]t for get to play steamwork island , if not , hurray it up, because the new island is coming, not the GREAT PUMKIN . IT STAT WITH A C. PAUSE IT AT PART 2 , 1;53, IT LOOK LIKE SHE/HE IS KISSING THE MACHINE. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H A HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA .THIS REMIND ME OF 24 CARROT THE FACTORY . NICE,NICE,NICE,NICE. THEY SHOULD BE Poptropica ISLAND called the rember island in 2011 in may . do you think people ,i means smart people. i am biggest fansss of P.O.P.T.R.O.P.I.C.A. AND WHAT DO .POPTROPICA MEANS . AND I WISE THE WO0RDS WERE PUT IN SOND FOR 6-8 YEARS OLD. GET IT AND THE COMMET IS SO LONG. GOOD FOR YOU TO READ THIS COMMMMET AND MY WORDS WRE SPELL WRONG BECASE MY SISTER IS 17 AND TELL ME TO SPELL IT. AND THIS IS WROST BECASE I AM WRIEING WHAT YOU SAYING AND THE SPELL WRONG WORDS. AND YU DONT KNOEWK HOW TO SAYI T RIGHT OHH SORRY SMART PEOPLE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
HI everyone because it nice to speak to you and the poptropica daiy pop is awsome right and the store to, i watch T,U.F.F P.U.P.P.Y HE IS SO FUNNY
all u guys havin trouble with ur weed whacker…….. press spacebar to make it work
Im havin trouble with the windmill coz im looking at something which looks very much like a windmill which is blocking a door……. 1 prob though. it never moves and sprocket won’t help. plz tell me what to do.???
If you dont wait you can still get out the way you came in with the matanence closet… or maybe i just have a glitch…
I’m stuck in the windmill ! Sprocket doesn’t help me! What do I do?
im confused
help i forgot to get the hammer now i’m stuck:(
the puzzle in zack’s room is stressful n annoying!!!!! im on the 3rd level n i cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhhhhhhhhh
i did every thing and now i cant get to the blimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
how on earth r u supposed to find the blimp once you complete the island?
I just completed Steamworks Yo!!!!Thans Poptropica Secrets you help me with the STeam Battery thingy because I didn’t get that at all and some more stuff. I usually try to do everything on my own , then I get pretty far but on the stuff that I can’t get , this stuff helps me alot.
umm yeah ,…. I completed Steamworks but now I’m a bit stuck and I don’t know how to get back to Gear Valley. PLEASE HELP ME!
I FINALY BEATEN THE BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Blugrl1: Use your mech and your weed whacker to push the windmill blocking the door then when the windmill turns, Sprocket will help. Then go up click the thingy and the windmill will stop. Hope this helps…
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help me with the steam puzzle!!!!!!!!
Help!!!! Im stuck at factory and the pressure pads wont move! What should u do?
Steamworks is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard but Tommorroww popular jumper at 6:30 let’s have a party
cuddly drummer s my name on poptropica. Does anyone have a multi player room code I can use, to get into a multi player room thingymajig???
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CANNOT GET PAST THE BOSS MONSTER #2!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or, the Hydra for that matter.)
And on the steam puzzle just click a piece to make the wrapping peel off then drag it to a spot thats not blocked to put it there.
Hey!!This is sorta confusing I finished the whole quest but how do i leave?When i try to go back to the blimp the finger and the ‘Go Right’ don’t pop up now im stuck at Steamworks forever…Unless the Genuis behind this stupid glitch game can help.
you only told us the location of four of the map pieces on counterfit island . but how do you rescue balloon boy. oops sorry wrong page for the wrong island i am so embarresed
. this has been a real help thank you i have used this website for /spy island/steamworks island/
counterfit island/and a little bit of the charlie brown island. i even have this website on my favorites bar so who ever made this website thank you very much
the way to make sprocket help is click on it it will go way up you have to jump on the moving
windmill thingy to get to the top and do the motor thingy and they wil stop
this on the door where on the comments page every one said sprocket would not help but it does help
here is a good idea when anyone writes a new comment
on the part where it say NAME
use youre poptropican name
like i did
i am bored does any one even reads the coments or just write there own comments
if you read the comments then after my coment has passed moderation
write that you do read the comics BUT only write that if you read the comments
by by every body i have to log off now
I have the same problem as you! but what i did was to refresh the page…
😛 😀 🙂 🙁 O:) :’) (THOSE R HAPPY TEARS)
How do i get by the monster????Please halp me!!!
Meelo meep how did u ge people 2 do that??
Thank you soooooo much :D. i have passed almost all of the levels thanks to this site..
i need help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is anybody on so they can help me please??????????/
meelow meep can you help me please
Fun lives friend ship for life
Get the steamworks robot costume and you blend right in.
I can’t find the final plant monster in the storage room. HELP.
girly-y: same thing happened to me! it sucks, i want to do other islands… and when i use the mirror from Aphrodite on Mythology island, it logs me out, but then i log back in and it puts me back there! i went to the map, and i think your supposed to exit through the storage room, but theres no door. >:(
ok i heard to get to the blimp you go right, fall, and go left in the storage room, but there is no exit!! 🙁
Okay yeah, i really didn’t need to hear/see all those curse words, but i agree. But i am having the same problem, i finished the island but now i have no way out, and using Aphrodite’s mirror just logged me out! can anyone tell me how to leave?
Okay, i figured it out. you have to go into the building on the far right, then go up the hill. after that, you have to jump over the gap, and into the next one. you should fall almost to the bottom. then go to the left, and look for a hexagon shape in the wall, and move your mouse around until you see the exit button. after you leave, it’s pretty easy to get out.
Random Subject that you wouldn’t know: Whats does the computer code 09970983 mean?
Okay, lots of people r confused on how 2 get out, so heres how 🙂 The place where Zack is, leave that area. Go to the only other place with a door and enter. Go all the way to the right (this direction >>) But! Stop at the thing that takes you up and down. Jump over that to the other platform, and jump all the way down from that plat form. and when you land on the platform at the very bottom, you will know, cause there is a giant bush. Walk a little to the left (<<) then you should see the door. Then exit and go to your blimp 🙂
That’s mean Pnutdeb.don’t let that get to you Meelow Meep. Pnutdeb it’s not shame on Meelow Meep it’s shame on you Meelow Meep has a right to do that because he/she is happy to have finished the island.Pnutdeb your just gel-us , and your just a big fat hater.So suck on them apples Pnutdeb.
no offense, this is one of the WORST ISLANDS EVAAAAAR.
dear katelynn
i too got stuck like you.go to maintanence closelet and click the robot again.the key will be returned.then go to sully’s garage and take the rubber mallet
wow this island probaly took a long time to make due to its size and design.
@ mellow meep…..
well, ur such a big jerk! ur bragging about finishing an island,
when you didn’t. I think you have some mental issues………
well….. good luck at not being a big B!@#$ and #%^!@
and @!!)&%$ and @#$)( and $%^& and the list could go on and on….
Y’ALL shouldn’t use full walkthroughs and cheats for Poptropica. I mean sure, for a tip when you’re stuck is fine, but some people don’t even try! They just use this! Sheesh. Before you go to a site like this, actually TRY to finish ONE island all by yourself. You think you can handle that? Well, come on. Go and do it. If you can’t, you didn’t try hard enough. I was once stuck on a puzzle for three weeks. Well, I finally did it. All by myself. Sure, it was amazingly annoying and frustrating, but when I got done, I was very satisfied.
omg! i have such a hard time in steamworks connecting the pipes in zacks room!!!
now im on the 3rd level with the pipes! its sooo hard!
this is hard!!
omg! when i try to get out of this island, i cant ! helpppp!!!!
how do you get out of steamworks!!!! i cant find a way out!!!
ok i found a way out. go back into theplant building. NOT the building with the people, the other building. and go all the way down, jump up the flower thing and jump across to the door and youre out!! hope i helped 🙂
this is making me freakin mad i cant leave and im stuck i contacted them and they said they did not know someone better tell me how to get out of here!!!!!! WHO KNOWS? WELL IF YA KNOW WRITE IT CUZ IM MAAAAAAAD
I beat Steamworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
calm down pnutdeb geez
Hi! I REALLY REALLY NEED HELP on the final boss thing! I’ve now tryed over 24 times…. i counted 😉 And can some one please do it for me ;( ;( ;(
user: chay97229
pass: paige10
Please im begging 🙁
You helped me soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this place is awesome i love it because i got through 8 islands and heres my accont user horny123 pass daddy 123456789mommy123456
if u have a promblem u can duck when he stick his head out u get the two balls and shot dem then duck asnd then shout his month
at the beggining when you go down the hatch & spocket looks scard I was SUPER scared.
Peace Out!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i completed the steam puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
yeah!!!!!!!! i just completed steamworks!!!!!!!!!!=) =) =) =) =) =) =)
i want 2 leav steam works but the ADDOARABLE robot makes me feel bad if i do cause then he just sits and wates and wates and wates>:( 🙁 😉 😀
shark bites, you can leave steamworks by going through the plant place. Climb to the top until you see an opening. Go down through it. When you land, go a little to the left and go out through the door. Then go all the way to Main Street. You will see the blimp.
just need 2 more islands- skullduggery&cryptids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Have Been Using These Walkthroughs And They Really Help Me!
I Want To Subscribe To You, But Idk Your Name…Lol
Thank You For Making These….I Would Be Stuck Without You! ♥
i beat steamworks for ya your welcome
your welcome i was glad to help
im stuck at the end wherethe place where theres a windmill thing on it
The plant monsters are creepy. Don’t play this island on a full bladder.
umm…. this sounds stupid but i cant leave the island, i cant find my travel balloon thing…
it says i dontt hav the right keyy for the terminal thinggyy helpp
Urrgh. How do I get past those plant monster creeps?
how do u get into the mech? i click on it but i only talk to the robot. plz help
beat all the islands:)
green grape how did you beat skullduggery?!
I CANT BEAT THE BOSS! I TRY FEW MORE TIMES THEN ON TO SKULDUGGERY! then i have to wait cause i not a member so i have to wait…6 MORE DAYS!!!! UGH!
hey! i really like ur help w/ these islands! i literally cant do these by myself! thx! 🙂
I love Steamworks!
im having trouble getting out of steamworks someone help my user is gio34706 my password is king1 if it dousint log in i dont know wat hapend beacous some times it hapens to me
oh sorry gave wrong user . my user is pope38 my pass is asdfghjkl
Wow this island was hard but i couldnt believe that the hardest part was getting off the island. The bosses were hard but getting off the island was harder :p
The pipes are so hard!
It won’t let me get in the Mech!!! Why isn’t it working?? Grr
Hey! Where’s the video walkthrough foe Steamworks island cause i can’t find it anywhere on this page so where is it?
This sight is real helpful when you get stuck somewhere on poptropica and don’t know what to do! Thx whoever made this website it’s a real lifesaver. Cutos to the person who made it. Thx
@ anonymous: I changed the outfit of your character!
@nora:umm…i just sailed here and there…..
Its 4 parts blue you need to fill the beaker up all the way or it wont work
Note: when you walk up to the windmill in the wind zone, you have to hit it with the weed whacker first or the robot won’t help you out.
OMIGOD!!!!!! just beat the big plant thing WITHOUT that blaster thing!!! i forgot to get it!! haha! i had to run back and forth and hit the monster with that puncher thing!!! well, now that im done, i can figure out how to get to the blimp!!!!! uh oh!
i ment can’t, not can get out!
meant, i meant
im inside the mech and i cant find the wood whacker! how come?
Wow I am going to play poptropica right now.
steamworks is beaten for ya
This is most definetly the hardest island out of all poptropica. I’ve been trying to kill the plant monsters for like, a week and have made little progress. I’ve beed able to kill the 1st and 2nd plant monsters if I get lucky, but that has happened only twice. I’m kind of losing intrest in the game and am in desperate need of some pointers.
Thank You,
Quick Fox
@nutmeg help me! plz do da island 4 me! i cant find da weed wacker!
i need your username and password to bet the island
i mean beat oops
quick fox,
if you want i can beat it for you
help i keep hitting the monsters right before the boss level but i cant seem to kill all of them i am in need of help and allot of it
please help!
How do u leave the island after u beat the game???
my serves are offered
thanks you nutmeg you the best! 🙂
I just want to know where can you guys keep the Mech without wearing it off??? Please I need your helP!!!
thanks if you need help on any other islands just contact me
nutmeg I can’t log in anymore why not did you change m password? :/
i didn’t change your password
maybe someone else saw it and changed it
that would be a really mean prank
I’m stuck in Steamworks island in the green house.
I don’t have a rubber mallet and the alarm went off!
Please help.
hey peeps wanna now my acount it pope38 password 12345
hey another is lilycow1 password mulkern
help i cant get back to the blimp
PUT THE KEY BACK! go get the mallet where you find the “sprocket” robot get the mallet then get the key, smash the glass and your home free!
never mind
It won’t let me use the weed waker i’ve got it on the mech but it won’t do it will u please help?!
Why is everyone showing there password and username someone else could see it and go on to it!!
were do you find the weed wacker
how do u get off steamworks
tell or i can email u my user and pass
someone is meein with these accounts ;(
Dear Poptropicans,
I really need help for Steamworks Island and I will give a reward to the one who can finish it.My reward is a cute outfit or you can join our outfit making.My user name is pinkrose2904 and my password is ynnaruvien.Tell me if you finished it and go to Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld section and I will confirm the papers.And also,I need a can be trusted person who can design outfits.We’ll have an election tomorrow.I wish you could finish it.
Yours Truly,
Mighty Drummer
(A message from the Outfit Store designer.)
Whoever changed Help ME!!!’s password will be sent to jail with Black Widow!I’m serious!Put his/her password back!!!We are begging for help because the island is so hard but we didn’t say you can hack it or own it!I have a lawyer(my parents)!I can request a new password because my parents have Yahoo!.I wish you could learn a lesson!Don’t make something bad or else your bad attitude will come back to you someday!
mighty I am a girl and very depressed that someone would do this and i hope they change it back or I will call police or maybe I will give a complain to the website! 🙁
who knows the the email or address of the owner of this website
Help ME!!!:I am a girl too.Those guys are so bad!Can you create outfits?I’m looking for new designers but I only accept a trusted person.See you there!
mighty do u mean on poptropica a cute outfit?
oh yeah i can do it for you maybe today
maybe in a week
hey mighty drummer
OK so ON PURPOSE i changed your password to emilyrocks
hope u don’t mind
um if it dooesn’t work i’l change it back
i just don’t want anymore hacked accounts
i’m doing it so others who read your post wont be able to access it hope u don’t mind AGAIN
oh i can help u with reality tv also 🙂
can u help me with astro knights mighty drummer?
Thank you!I’m sorry I can’t finish it for you.It’s just that my cousin created my account and he already finished for me before I knew that he created my account.Sorry again!Can you create outfits?Just asking!
emily:Where do you live?I wanna invite you for a celebration on my birthday.I’ll create a multi-verse so you can come.Actually,my birthday is on April 29.
hello? can somebody help me got out of the steamworks island? I mean im already finished with the island but i cant go back to the main street…i cant even go on my balloon because im stuck in the windzone….if i go right it wont show an arrow pointing right.plz help !!!!
oh nevermind heheh i found how i could get off this island..sorry..heheheh
please i finish the island but i dont know how to get back to my ballon
its not leting me use the steam battery to power the temanal help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
create outfits where
i live in the us btw
i mean how do you create outfits
and i’m live in the central time range
scary lizard it’s finished
scary lizard can u help with cryptids for me?
Help! When I get to the propellers at the “Wind Zone,” Sprocket is not in my screen while I’m in the mech! I get out, and it’s just random talk. I can’t get past that part! help?
(@:the people who cant get out) after u beat the final boss u go back to the hibernation center and the mayor gives u the medallion.then u go out of the hibernation place and go back through the garage and go out the other side. then u go through gear alley.when u get to sulleys garage,u get out of the mech andgo over the pipe then u go right.after u go through the thingy between the streets,u are in main street!now u r free to go to a new island!=D
what part are you on emily? and whoever did the island for me thank you thank you thank you!
i mean emily, im sorry i did not see that.
Crap! I can’t even defeat the frickin’ first monster!!
Its saying my password is different!
I cant log in!
my frickin password is different!!!
WHAT! i didnt change it 🙁
@Smart Rock email meh your user and pass on this junk emial i use sometimes: [email protected]
did poptropica do it?
i have a backup account, but i blew all my money, and i did all the good islands!
i guess i could use it…
i know it wasnt you emily, but someone else could have seen it, and im thinking that was what happened.
i’m really sorry 🙁
going to c what i can do
But thats what its for, right, beating islands. its not that bad.
what part of criptids are you on?
oh just started really
urm i have just spotted “Nessie’s humps” i’m in the jeep in puerto rico randomly driving around looking for the goat eater
already saw the giant’s footprint and nessie’s humps
that’s all
yeah i’m not really far…
mighty drummer i livee in the us central time zone
how do you create outfits?
oh and scary lizard
i’ll probably work on it some more tonight so i’ll probaby be at nessie for the second time u know with the big one the real one
Please help! I’m stuck in the greenhouse with out a mallet!
emily:Ok.There will be 2 parties.What is the time there?The first one is 2:00-4:10.The second is 6:00-8:10.Oh!I forgot.Go to Cute girl and Queen of the Underworld section to star making outfits!Or you can suggest a name of an outfit,give us your user and pass,and we will do it for you!
ok, so you need help on new jersy and peurto rico?
in puerto rico after you give the guy the seed, then you should find the tuft of fur on a fence at his farm. then when you come back from testing it, the farmer will be mad, and he will say that he wants to catch the chupacabra once and for all. then you go back to the star right above the main farm, and the farmer there will tell you what to do.
sorry its kinda choppy!
how many island s do you have 2 do after this 1?
scary lizard
oh i know i found a guide lol
just saw nessie
urm i haven’t finished cryptids,astro knights or skullduggery
that’s all
mighty drummer where is cute girl or queen of the underworld section?
2:00 to 4:10 what day and what time zone is that in? i live in central
scary lizard i finshed cryptids huzzah! :)-
great! how did you do spy?
oh sorry i changed meh name cuz i still can’t beat skullduggey!
wait that makes no sense
scary lizard u beat spy with skill and awesomeness lol
what part r u on?
i was stuck on mthe bowtie part, but i so happened to just beat it. I got it in one shot. now i just need to beat pretty much everything else!
i can never beat astro nights.
so u got yur pass back right?
u changed it i hope…
i will NEVER be able to beat astro knights its so SAD 🙁
i did not get my pass back, but oh well… not that bad. ill naver beat astro knights either. i beat it out of luck once, but that did not last long at all.
Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld section!Just type it in the search! >:(
That’s nothing
mighty drummer
yeah i can create outfits
i have an egyptian rockstar right now 🙂
scary lizard
did u beat spy
I can help you on Astro-Knights Island,emily!I thought I can’t finish it by my self!What is your username and password?
mighty drummer
urm i really don’t wanna say meh password to the whole wide world
do u have an email? mine is [email protected]
so yeah…
i cna tell u then
I am still so sad that some changed my password I am trying to change it but poptopica doesn’t send me the email can someone tell me why please.
scary lizard the same person could of done it to you too I feel so bad
I am still upset somebody would do that :..(
Help Me
i’m soo sorry
i really wish i could help you 🙁
thanks emily but I found out why I can’t reset my password the email they sent me when I first joined told me to click on the little tab so if I forget my password it will send me the email but any ways I made another player and I am way better on this player then the last one. 🙂
YAY good for you!
if u need help i can help u i’ve finished all the islands except wild west (i don’t have membership) and astro knights 🙁
party tonight on universal poptropica stay tuned at 6 i’ll give ya’ll the code
I just finished it! but now how do i get out of the island?
well im almost done
its ok emily I don’t have membership either and i do need your help 😉
emily do you have email so I can tell you because I will not let that hacker strike again ok?
i made a new account too< and its way better than the last one!!!!
I wish I new you too in person 🙂
oh ok urm yeah i have an email its [email protected]
ja i wish i knew u too
emily did you get email
I know you did because you emailed me back
ja i did lol 😉
mighty drummer or scary lizard do u have an email?
i have an email. its [email protected]
scary lizard I going to email you my email is [email protected]
srry my mom does not want anyone i dont know 2 email me. Srry! i really mean it!
niether does mine:(
it ok i guess nutmeg you haven’t been on in long time why? this makes me feel that you are getting suspicious
if i disapear for a long period of time it either means:
a) my computer is broken
b) i’m on a vacation
c) i forgot to check
i’m so NOT getting suspicious
also i don’t want freaks e-mailing me ‘cuze anyone could be reading
this ya know?
ya’ll want get together on multiverse 2nite???
I not talking about email and I don’t give my email just to anyone how do you know that even my real email OOO.
plus you are a little
i’m a little what???
do ya’ll wanna know why i use the name nutmeg??
i can guess
but i don’t really care…
u can’t really get anything out of meh first name
oh and do u have to pay 350 credits to be able to multi verse?
No, you can meet other people how bought it for free
i meant who bought it
well i didn’t buy it…
so nutmeg i can multiverse with u if its free and can we do it tomorrow?
around 1 pm central time?
oh my user name is kokojue951753
um i’m not sure if i’ll be home than.
i live in az so ’round two her would be one centrel
where do you live? i’ll be on tomarrow and i’ll tell you if i can make it ‘kay
oh……… acually it would be 12 in az sorry i’m not gonna make it
maybe l8r 2day but i might be AT THE POOL you read correctly
its hot here so i’m going swimming with my buds!
sometimes I hate myself because I forget to check and then I feel bored and then I play islands and usally pass them except skullgerdy because i need to buy the warship and it alot of money.
ok so maybe tomorrow not sure its HOT here in texas also
we r goin to da rodeo tomorrow so idk if i can make it 🙁
Amy i can help u, but i wouldn’t just say yur user and pass to anyone
Molly, to leave go back to da greenhouse, go all da way to da right, fall
then move a bit to da left, there will be a door but its built into da wall
click on it and keep goin right,
u will be back at your balloon after.
ok tomarrow sounds good i’m sorry we couldn’t do it today i fell bad:(
i mean feel
I wish I had my old player I almost beat all the islands but somebody stole it and I wish I knew who did it. 🙁 p.s. can somebody help me beat steamworks again plz but only if you have email I don’t trust certain people.
p.p.s and that doesn’t mean you nutmeg.
i’ll help if you want my email is [email protected]
its okay i TOTALLY understand i
was surprised people put their account
info online anyho
would you also like to join us for multiverse
yeah sure but I going to change the name on here.
ok turns out i didn’t go
i can multiverse later
i just don’t know how ;(
mighty drummer
urm hi ja i’ve created outfits…
ok you can name the time!
you just click on the “friend” icon up by the
picture of a house and click join
hey guys it me Help ME!!! I changed the name I got sick of it and I got mulitverse today but to go in your mulitiverse I need the code.
guys do you know if my cooment came out cause idk anyways, if anybody is on my room code is BXQ22
in new jersey after getting the cutters open the trash and get the bathroom door then go to the jersey devil house
nutmeg omg it is like everyone has gmail and can anyone I trust help me with steamworks again but only if you have email.
i’ll help ya if you want my e-mail is
[email protected]
(this does not mean you help me!!!)
sorry i missed your multiverse:(
it ok nutmeg I will email you.
kk i can never multi verse on weekdays EXCEPT for tuesday… around 6 to 7
i swim for like 4 hours every day mon, wed, thur, fri, sat,
so yeah i don’t have much time….
tuesday if possible 🙂
What if sprocket doesn’t offer help with the windmill
umm… i think its REALLY easy and anyways whats multiverse i am in 7th grade and i havent heard of it
Yes!!! Completed!!!
why do you always dress up in food items?
How do i use the weed whacker to clear the weeds out?!?!?!
has anybody completed Wild West yet?
Scary Lizard:Me!
mighty drummer can u help me?
i think this island is LONGGGGG
Hey great Walkthroughs!! I don’t know what i could have accomplished without them!! Now, how do I get out of Steamworks…
i can help u invisible catfish
I’m stuck on the windmill how do you get past?
Please tell moi!
How do you get out when you’re done?
BTW to start the windmill use the weed whacker
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
Hiya! Sprocket wont offer me4 help!
green flyer,
you need to ring the bell
ok y is the diary of a wimpy kid on here
Sprocket won’t move the sails for me at the windmill. Help?!
Never mind, I’m kinda stupid sometimes. xP
Help I need help where do u find the steam battery that opens da bridge?? Plu Poptropica is down now it suks !!
@people who are having trouble with sprocket not offering help:
i was wondering why he wasn’t offering too, but apparently you’re supposed to click on him. then he will offer to help with whatever. or at least he’s supposed to.
@to pretty to look at: multiverse is 350 (?) credits in the store, it’s like the Soda Pop Shop in Early Poptropica or like any of the other buildings like that in Poptropica. It’s where you can chat/battle other players, except you create a new one every time and they give you a code which you can tell other people so they can join your room.
SAUSAGES, you have to use the Weed Whacker to push the windmill blade. Then, Sprocket will offer you help.
I hate skullgerdy!
i am soooo confused this island is the only island i’m not confused on i beat all the other ones except wild west
i’ll help anyone who needs it please e-mail ur info to [email protected] thanks:)
@ whovever makes the videos and anyone who hasn’t reached the last part of this island yet: I think it’s easier if u duck the monster’s head when it comes at you. It worked for me.
the whole “love pat” thing is nonsense
damsel in distress- have you read the walkthrough?
yeah the “love pat” is a hunk of ejiet
nutmeg omg sorry last month i sent e-cards to the people on my list and what ever you do delete them when you get them and what do you mean I emailed you?
i am confuesed with you nutmeg serouisly.
@ your truly
it says to duck right there on the walkthrough
Multiverse………..Mi cose if AYA72
hey can any of you people help me i cant find my way back to main street and i kept on going in and out of the storage room to find the exit. pleease help me!!! 🙁
i really need help. i dident take the mallet so im stuck and cant get out with the alarm going please help!
tiny penguin,
heres a cheat go to the “home” page and click to visit wimpy wonderland you’ll land in wimpy and can go on from there
I think nutmeg ignoring me!!!!!!!
i am not i’m just not allowed to e-mail you!!!!!
thats okay i deleted them
and thats ok i’m a confusing person people from arizona are like that!
need help on the steam battery for living quarters SOS
why do you need help???
The steam battery in the brigdge one is hard…can anyone help me on how to get the bridge and the steam battery started?(I don’t get how to get to 10 to 16 -.- plz help
🙁 I can’t get past the steam battery on the Living Headquarters! 🙁
you should get more credits for finishing longer islands like steamworks…
are you mad at me samie???
i passed the island but how do u get out
thanx thta did the trick!!!! =)
after youget the medal how do you get back to the blimp to travel again?
This walkthrough is very helpful 😀 !!!
i’ll help just email your info to [email protected]🙂
i’m done so never mind……………
hanks for trying to help,anyway,but i don’t e -mail info to people i don’t know.
FG: tip: just move the labyrinth carefully.
GGGRRRR!!!!! I can’t get past the plants monsters and I always end up in the yellow acid!!!!
thats okay i don’t either
what if the pressure pads in the factory are green, not red????
I think the valves part is HARD. Is there ANY cheat of how to do it?!
Oh my gosh. Getting the number wheel thing to 6 on the picture in the Captain’s Quarters (I think) is extremely hard. D:
i cant get the weedwacker to work! help? please?
@Connie Press the Spacebar on your keyboard
HAHAHHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT!
if it wont let you leave that means you have to defeat the bosses again
this took me two days to finish it. ugggghhhhh i hate those boss monsters! 😡
I think it was easy.But the third boss is pretty tough,though. 😉
yeah the third is the hardest it took me three trys to beat it my first time!
For the valves for the steam battery:
The first meter always starts at 10. You have to click the valves until they get to the 2nd meter’s blinking blue arrow. If you can’t figure out the valves, then you must be bad at math. Bye!
i tried once to defeat the first and second boss, then i read the special walkthrough and all of them were sooooo easy!!
um……how do i get off this dang island?!
go to the home page and click on the ad for red dragon island then you’ll be on the map!:)
thanks i guess i changed it…..
hi guys so sorry I haven’t in secrets it’s because my life is a HUGE mess right now I will try and check in when I can.
HI I’ve missed you samie! i tryed e-mailing you but no such luck.
do you need help???
and samie how is your life a mess?
I am stuck on this island… literally….
Because in the boss game I was on the 2nd floor/level, and I accidentally jumped out of the Mech… I hit the yellow ooze, and it said try again/exit (or whatever it says).when i went back in, you could see that the mech was still sitting on the second level… I try to get to it,but you cant walk past that first plant monster..or jump to that second level…
Help me Please?
P.S. This was a few months ago.. soo…
P.P.S. I really overuse the whole three periods thing… i just have to trail off my thoughts that way….
If u can help me,plz do, thanks,
Blue Heart AKA Bree
Oh,by the way, this is what i look like now, click my name.
cute avatar! I can help you if you want!
e-mail [email protected]
my problems are getting problems I just have been in depression lately and finding out something that broke my wittle heart. 🙁
Help please!!! Where do you get the rubber mallet? It’s not in my backpack…
was it some guy or something?
okay where you get the little red robbot thingy that follows you around there is a box of “free junk” or something and just click on the box and you’ll get the mallet! the bow is in the far left of the room!
yeah it was my friend told me to ask him if he likes her back and he said a little ( i know that means he doesn’t like her he he)
oh so how does that mess up YOUR life?
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
with what???
at the end of the third video. i keep losing.
I could help you if you want
It scars me and I have other problems that make my life so depressing
If you and the mench get separated,use the teleporter in your items to teleport you to it!
Oh okay I guess I’m just nosey………. Going out for pizza!
ya gotta love pizza and bfs!
that not really nosey nosey is like what the name of the guy and how cute is he. that is nosey i feel a little better though
ah so your friends not the only one whos sweet on someone! I guess its good that you’re feeling better. Well I’ve got early swim practice this morning at 7:30 so I guess not really early but we normally we have it at 4 and we are so I have two practices today!
yeah my friends always create so much drama in my class it is always the boys that start it though i find that kinda weird the girls are usually are the ones that start it.
yeah girls tipically like to draw attention to them selves (I know WEIRD) me personally I try NOT to draw attention to myself but hey who knows *shrugs* so how have you been?
I went on my poptropica game and went to my game and I was in the exact place I was before but with my brother’s character and items. I went on my brother’s game and it was all normal. I tried going into my account three times but it still had my brother’s character and items.
I’m worried because we have the same passwords. But, we have totally different usernames.
(Sorry if this is confusing, I’m hopeless at explaining things)
Bonjor! Hellow! Olha! Ola!
im gonna go watch the 12 dogs of christmas!
okay have fun
hello, bonjor, benos dias, the day, vinkintaka, michiwai, chow, shalong, dobredian
I know a lots of hellos! My personal fave. is hillo!
oh also aloha!
it won’t let me cut the weeds down ! 🙁
have you ever done mythology?
I defeated the island but I don’t know the way back to my airship. Help please?
I defeated the island but I can’t find my way back to my airship. Silly question I know but anyone know? Help please!
I have, but can’t finish it.So hard!
i dont understand steamwork cheats
I know right!
how do i get past the windmill?! im doing what your saying, BUT I CANT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Its fun!
i can’t get past the windmill. i keep clickin it and walkin up to it but the little robot wont help me.
mayflower and liz i can help!
gosh i haven’t been here for a while!
Haha! I have beaten 16 out of the 20 Islands! And Steamworks sucks! (literally)
cool! I have almost beaten them all just not red dragon
Ugh. I hate Red Dragon Now.
i beat every island besides skullduggery and steam works workin on it right now
I can’t go past Fortress Level 3 (For now.) But Cute Daisy finished it for me!! Thanks Cute Daisy!!
so i’ve done most of this myself, but i’m having trouble beating the third of the boss monsters, so i tried to do what you say here, but when i do the bumping thing, i don’t bounce back, which means i can’t shoot the head.
is it possible that i’m doing something wrong, and if so, what?
ahhh i cant get pass the third plant monster!!! every time i bounce at him he hits me back nd then im thrown back into the acid!!!!!! 🙁 🙁
the next puzzle is very hard help
I beat Steamworks!!!!!!! now i’ve beaten every island!!!!!!! that puzzle where you have to balance the water preasure with the positives and negatives was too hard for me. I asked my mom for help but she couldn’t figure it out. Then i asked my Dad and he finally figured it out. Thank God!!!
I need help on the last part. my username is be4guh my password is********
I can’t get past the windmill either! I keep clicking the windmill, but Sprocket won’t help me.
Please HELP!
Nevermind, I just realized that you use the weedwhacker to get it moving. DUH! 🙂
The puzzle in Zack’s Room is HARD!!!! 😡 👿 🙁 I need help!!!
I beat the island, but, I’m stuck again, I can’t get out of the island for some reason.
I also can’t view the videos, so I have no clue how to get back to main street, can anyone help?
Nevermind, i just played the shrink ray game, and it took me out of the island.
thanks so much for helping me on the islands. they are really hard. they are SUPER ANNOYING
to. ugggg. well thanks! (oh and why do you need my email? r u going to talk to me or something?)
oh and can you email me your website page address? thanks so much. 😉
HAHAHA one more thing. does it cost any money to get the email news letter thing? please tell me!!!!!
thanks 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’ll help anyone on this Island I’ve done it SOOOO many times I could do it in my sleep!
i LOVE walking in the mech 🙂
This is the best computer game in the UNIVERSE !!!!!!!!!!
Right now I’m at Steamworks Island
Omg!!! It’s VERY VERY hard to defeat the third monster! I can’t do it! I think I will give up!
I love steamworks too!
Hey meg!!
i REALLY need a lot of help with defeating the boss plants. Do you think you could help me??
This was really difficult but fun! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without PoptropicaSecrets!
I can’t figure out what the mech looks like, so I can’t find it!! Will someone pleeeeaaaase help me and tell me exactly where in Sully’s garage the mech is or post a picture pleeeeeeaaaase!!
Never mind! I found it, I just hadn’t been in the right section of the garage, sorry!! 🙂
my favorite part is when sprocket follows you around! he is SO cute!!!
i need help at the very end to defeat those giant monsters i can`t defeat the second one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bashfullcloud i need your help with the boss monsters badly HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
i cant defeat the second one either it throws those seed things and knows me into the acid. also when i try to go up thoses elavator things i accidenaly jump and it gose two the bottom
the three monsters at the end made me sooooooooo mad. when my friend tried to do it they made her cry. the second one is ssooooo annoying!
hey i passed almost all the islands and i am really annoyed by the monster plant bosses so i am taking a break and i am just bored does anyone want to meet me up on poptropica in like a chat place or sumthing like on great pumpkin tht snoopy place my character is creep lizard and i am wearing a bright blue christmas ball or like in multiverse i need a code
I cant get past the windmill bit…every time i go up to the blade, Sprocket does nothing. Is there something you have to do before you go up to the blades?
yeah I’d LOVE to help you sorry i didn’t respond earlier! I haven’t been on in a while!
email your stuff to [email protected]! thanks!
-<3 meg!
Meg can you help me???
Anyone need help how to get back to ur blimp? I know. The power thingy, jump up from it then to the right. then EXIT. Then go to ur blimp!
yeah I’m free at the moment!
WOW! how original!
hey can you help me? Please who ever responds first I’ll let help me but I think Meg would be better anyways!
cant figure out how to get back to my blimp… stuck in the storage room
ok go to the poptropica “homepage” that you automadically go to when you log in justclick on the ad for shrink ray and you’ll be in your blimp!
sure I’ll help you just email your info to [email protected]!
can someone help me?? meg??
i swear this island bears so much resemblance to Portal 2. All we need now is portals.. and glados… and wheatley…
yeah they do smash it…
how do i get back to my balloon
ok, go to the “home” page that when you log on you go to click to go to shrink ray and you’ll be in your blimp!
How do i get back to my balloon!!!!! lolz 🙂
my weed whacker won’t work on getting rid of the weeds at the place in Gear alley HELP! it won’t work!
theres some glitches when you finish the island.
the vines are blocking the way to Zack and the rest of the people… when in the Mech.
the crab still lives right???
i cant get to my balloon!!!!!! can someone tell me how!!!!!!
omg i dont know how to do tis some one tell me now!!!!!! 🙁
where in the world are my comments about angry people about assholes !?
i must had gone back time 🙂
wait i posted that at skull. HA
i finished this island.and if you guys want to go back to the blimp email [email protected]
well,it cant be a YEAR to get to your blimp
I’ve set off the alarm in the greenhouse, but I don’t have the rubber mallet to break out and the water splatter stops me from getting out the way I came in. I’m stuck. What should I do?
how do I get the herbicide stuff on the monster plant?
Well, to get to your blimp, you’ll need to exit the place where the inhabitans are. Then got to the right and enter. Once you enter, go to the third platform that moves. Then, go on it, and go to the right. There should be a large door somewhere, it can blend in the background so its pretty easy to miss. Once you go outside, go to the left, pass the short road, you will see a rope. Climb on that rope and you will be on your blimp 😀
is it hard
its easy
Can you take the mech to different islands? Please reply thankz
i just started lol
I need help on the wall puzzle, Meg!
hey, quickrunner2, do you want do do a mutiplayer room? i have a code: DJC37
i need someone i here!
PLEASE! JUST A SIMPLE MUTI-PLAYER CODE: DJC37! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if your stuck with the rubber mallet press the guy you took the key from and the alarm will stop
i’m stuck on the last steam thingy in zacks room!
help! im at the part where i have to stop the wind mill. but when i go to my inventory, i cant find the multi tool. plzz help!
I need help with the Boss. Could someone please do it 4 me? I’ll give you my Username and password. My email is dcrazygal195Bain ( Aol account ) Thank you so much!
my computer says down for maintenance ??
is that good?
im finished with 20 islands!!
i cant get into the living quarters!!! it says i dont have the right key for it!!! did i miss something? can someone help me please!!!!
Hey, alexa! I helped you on the island but I can’t get past the pipes puzzle. I had to have my aunt do it for me 🙁
when you finish steamworks how do you get to the blimb
alexa, someone did the puzzle and i went to the part where you find people.
alexa someone hacted my account so i wouldnt put ur username and password on this website. there’s people like deven who will steal ur account
if you talking about alexa’s account, it worked for me right now. You might be typing wrong
i have a question how do u get back to the poptropica ballon in steamworks island wen ur done defeating the 3 NASTY plants
how do you finish astro nights island huh?
you know wat alexa i thim u should start another account cuz there is NO way u cud get them OFF
ps. or wait i think there is let me think of the solution ok wait ill b on soon OK!
my account is hacked too i think cuz when i looked at it i was in the middle of astro nights island and im wondering how did i get there, but like u know idid not give MY password to anybody so does anybbody hav a guess of ????HOW???? it just seem to happened????
getting 2 the ballon is easy
maybe people, is they want people to help, email accounts instead of putting it out there publicly
I need help beating the monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ ^ I don’t need help on the puzzle anymore!
Never mind, I’m finished!
I can’t defeat the monsters!
hey alexa you know what i think u should do , you should either start a mew account or change the password or either you can just reset the acoont by pressing on one of those “TABS”
MAYBELLE you said you need help fighting the monsters “the plants right????” if you need help just tell me k okey dokey bye bye!!!
Counterfeit island is the best and Wimpy Wonderland is the worst!
pig popppre ? weird name
hey if anybody is currrently reading these messages then lets PARTY yayme
suite life
pig poper is a cute name,not weird
just finished the island! woo-hoo!!!
so i have 5 almost 6 islands complented
pig poper is so right thumbs up for him
You made a mistake in the typed walkthrough. Very important. Walk up to the blade blocking the door, and whack it with the weed whacker. THEN Sprocket offers help.
how do you get past that over grown alive weed thing under that hot twisty thing???
help me please?
i like this website!! btw im from austalia
guess what i completed 12 islands (will be 13 when i do this one) and ive only had poptropica for LESS than 2 months!!!
aaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is almost the MOST CONFUSING thing i have EVER SEEN! i dont get it @ all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :[ >:(
im planning to leave steamworks, skulldegery and astroknights 4 last! (their not that easy)
but i am almost finished astronights!
I NEED HELP WITH STEAM WORKS!!!!!!!!! there is this pipe game, which i cannot finish!
Someone help me….please 😥
When your meant to lower the bridge im clicking on the terminal to do it but all it says is ” this must be the terminal controlling the bridge”.
HELP!!!! waaaaa
ohh ohh ohh!!! wow!!! I am now on the Boss part!!! Where do you find the boss??? 😕
this island takes SOOOO long!! Can someone help me????
Well, I can try… but not the boss part, cause I am on the boss part.
Which part are you on, Perfect Tomatoe???
i finished this.its boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but if people are free now,why arent they going outside when their free now?dont they miss the outside world?
I am outside EVERYDAY… then i cou\me back and check this page… And TA DA!!!! ♥
It wont let me put on the crank for the mech… it says that i have to be in the mech to put it on. HELP ME
wait…. u mean the people in STEAMWORKS, or the people right here??? I am confused…
Hay can somone help meeeeee!!!!! Im stuck on the pipes grrrrrrr.
Need help bridge won’t go down !!!!!!!!!
— = (
Hey, Alexa
I didnt hack your account but I’m the one who completed the pipes puzzle for you and I tryed to get most of the island done.
‘Ellos this website has changed alot since ive been here on help me 😛
tee hee i changed my name from help me bc i play potc and my pirates name is samantha sassy so i changed my name to sassy mcsass : P
Nice name 😀
tell me who cs is! >:(
thnx risha degamie 😀
degamia * TYPE FAIL
When You are at the windmill room, to make Sprocket ask to help, Hit the sail with the weed whacker
yvvhnbthrhnyjtr RANDOM!!!!!!!
Random question time!!!!!!! : Whats your fave subject?????????
OKAY!! um…. i have 3/4… If it is school subjects, they are PE (phisical education), art, science, and Band ( i am learning the flute! 🙂 )
Hobbies subject…. Dance, art, star gazing, chatting… EVERYTHING!!!
okay okay people…. one thing you should know about me on this chat page… I TYPE A LOT!!!!! IDK why… lol 😆 🙂 😛 😀
WTF I hate skullduggery
thats ok lol i type alot too
i love History and Art
hey can someone finish the minigame for me?
username: BubbleGum26
password: 95799579
I’m STUCK! whenever i try and go into the next zone, that is, The Hub, i end up on Main Street AGAIN!
thank gosh, it finally works!
I LOVE your site! 🙂 It has helped me a lot! I’m having trouble on the second plant monster boss. Is there a way to avoid the seed bombs he throws? please help me! 😀
i cant find my baloon at the end. WHERE IS IT? CAN SOMEONE HELP OUT COMICAL JUMPER HERE?
Thanx a bunch Fierce Moon.I COULDN’T HAV DUN IT W/O U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Btw,I <3 Sprocket.SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D =3 🙂 🙂 d:0
there is a glitch I still have the Mech Parts, but there’s no Mech!
GRRR!! why does it have to be so hard to say i love you to someone you love so much…….. but not a relative -_-
I DON”T KNOW!! maybe we feel too nervous to say it… maybe not sure
??? we don’t know ???? we can ask our head and heart… It depends.. i guess…
cuz we r afraid of the responce; im facing it right now!
? u r?? u mean, u want to say someone you love them?? or, do u mean something else…? just asking 😐
not “LOVE” i barely know this person!, its more of a “like”, ive heard this person talking and watching from FAR away, and i really like that person but im 2 shy 2 say it
Give him good hints so they know how u feel w/o tellin him urself.And try not 2 b nervous or else they might think somethings wrong.Who knows?The person might like u back.
how do u know its a “him”? ok ur right, its a he
hey how do u get out after u beat the plants at the end? plz help
i cant get past the number thingy that leads u to Zack’s room with the picture of the guy and the girl
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
To get out you go to the store buy the the “Japanese wrestling match game” click “play the game” when you are there go to your hot air balloon and go where ever you want. If you already have the game go to items and above where it says what island you are on click it and click store items and find it.
I’ll help you!!!! I passed mystery train three times already!
Just send me an e-mail at [email protected]
~ Sass 😀
HAY PPL. HELP THE BOSS THING ON STEAMWORKS???? i’ve completed this island before, now i reset it, and i CANT KILL THE DEAMONIC PLANTS? help please?
ps sproket is soo cute <3
hey, would some complete skullduggery island for me and the end of mythology island??? i need someone who wont hack my account xx 🙂
OMG OMG IM SOO HAPPY!!!! i found my old file that someone stole from me!!!!! That person that took has no sense of style to see that avatar use the link and type samiesunshine ( my cousins nickname ) and you will see her!!!! That player is dead to me though because now I’m a member and passed almost all the islands so if that person still comes to this website i just have one thing to say to them IN YO FACE!!!!
~ Sass 😀
help me no way out from this island……i have completed it but now i’m stuck in that big no way
woudnt it be good if when you enter a multiplayer room you could select to bring in the mech or the horse from wild west island so you could walk or gallop around yeah
oh yea… Sorry I haven’t been on the page people, I was on a holiday. 🙁
So, What happened while I was away? just asking 🙄
meet at bert’s bed and breakfast in cryptids on this saturday, 7:30 to 9:45 if u ♥♥♥ poptropica and want a halloween party………… and ppl w/ 3 or more stars are definitily invited though if u have 3 or less u r still invited, too.
hey oct. 26 was my b-day! yay! 🙂 too bad i forgot. 🙁
how do u get a picture on here? i don’t know how… well anyway can somebody complete this for me? i am at the boss part but i can’t get it done! pls help!
I can’t beat steamworks, i’m stuck at the Gear Alley. At the “Living Quarters” you have to use the Steam Battery to the Steam Terminal to open the door at Living Quarters, Right? But my Poptropican kept saying: “Looks like I don’t have the right battery key attachment for this terminal.” PLEASE HELP.
Um… which boss TRUSTY LIGHTNING? all, or just one of them?
TRUSTY LIGHTNING, how will we help you if you dont tell us your username and password!
Sprocket isn’t offering me help at the blades! Why isn’t he????
umm…… today on the “daily pop” thing on the over th hedge comics there are three of the exact same strips
o it is cjhonson4 and tier3 ( from portal: still alive in 1 of the ratman’s dens on the wall)
o nev im not on monster part but i am nreally close so can some1 finish it 4 me? i don’t have time this week so i really need help. thx! o and if u mess up my account or something, i will find u. u know where ur pressure point is? if not, doesn’t matter. i know where.
My username is be4guh
ahh… never tell your username and password to people, some people can come and hack your account (it is true) … just a warning 😐
where is clockwork catina? i cant find it anywhere plz help me
I’m at the big widmill place and sproket is not offering any help. Can anyone tell me what to do?
Got it you have to hit the sails with your weed waker thing (on the meca) by pressingf the space bar. Before Sproket offers to help
this island is creepy…………………….and its very hard
i like french sassy mcsass
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big plant monster is scaryyyyyyyyy
THIS GUIDE IS ALSO ON POPTROPICA HELP BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just type in Poptropica Help Blog – Steamworks Island (this is a search) and click on it. After it loaded, it will say written by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They actually had a guide by Lone Bones but that was too confusing. They found PoptropicaSecrets and asked to copy it. They asked for it because they need the guide (a guide that is not confusing).
i cant do the boss part when acid fills the room:(
im at the very end to beat the 3 huge plant cores! its really ticking me off! im about to just quike the whole site because im so mad and then to top it all off no one has a REAL CHEAT on how to CHEAT on it! This site is not a flipping CHEAT AT ALL!
i have passed this level many times on different accounts but i still need help!!!!!
Hee hee… love your name.. GODDESSOFEVERYTHING 😀 lol 😆
…I left Steamworks Island and came back after awhile… Found out I was restarted somehow other then with just two items from that island… Is that even possible?
(Oh, and btew, I never even had finished that island. I left during the boss battle area?)
That reallu helped me but at some bits I went on my own 🙂
I found something really cool at the end of the game. When you get to the place where you finally find the inhabitants of the island, customize the dude on the second floor with the helmet and tank. With his helmet on, you can push the spacebar, and a monocle pops out of the helmet over your poptropican’s left eye.
Thank god, after failing it months ago, i finally decided to try it again, AND FINALLY GOT IT ON THE THIRD TRY! People, for the second boss, jump on it, and you’ll fall back, the monster will attack you, and then rapidly shoot. For the last boss, it’s easier to wait for the plant bombs to all explode before attacking the monster. Be colse, wait for it to attack, and then rapidly shoot again.
hello, again 🙂
on my poptropica when is zacks room the values dont do anything.. any help???
I’m trying to finish the one where you have to connect the pipes pieces from one corner to the other. But I don’t know if your suppose to connect all of them. But when I connect just a a bunch of them (leaving some out) it won’t work. Help?
Oh wait never mind. I got the answer. Your suppose to connect ALL the pipes from the top corner to the bottom corner.
The steam won’t come in the pipe game. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me! D:
the pipes in zaks room i click the finish thing and i even put the pipes together but no steam comes out
wat do i do
CHEAT: Zack’s Room
“Go up to the top left corner and click on the wall to solve the next puzzle, which is a timed game where you have to get the steam to move safely from one corner to the other. You must click on the squares to reveal pipes underneath and then swap the pipes around to create a clear path.”
MY PROBLEM: I start the puzzle, click on square, and connect the pipes completely. The issue I have is that no timer starts, no steam moves through the pipes, and nothing happens when I “pull” the Finish” lever.
poptropica rocks
The steam wont work i tried a millon times when is any one gonna help me ps its in zacks room
The steam does not turn on in the puzzle! How do I continue?
yeah its true it did not even work for me at first
there is one problem with poptropica (for non paid members) i suppose. it is really slow .
Siyaam – did it work for you? Eventually?
Awesome!! XD Thanks for all your help I also wanted too say I KNOW NOT HAVE the walkthrough for game show island ITS graser 10’s NOT MINE
siyaam sup . i too agree . they should give non members the ability to play atleat one island a year before members . those who agree say iii
when i get to the puzzle in zacks room the steam doesnt come nothing happens when i click on the gear named finished pleeeeeeeeeeease help
who are u me gee
me gee i thought u were talking about the steam terminal but this confounded pipe stuff in zacks room doesnt work for me either :()
i am throwin a party on 27november be there by 8 o clock in the evening
multiverse no BUC33
How do you beat the game in Zack’s room??? 🙂
can someone complete this island [ steamworks] ?
if you have completed the island coment big people eat wierd and i will give you what you need to get on my account but i will change my password afterwards so nobody will hack me
siyamm how are u allowed to sit on the computer at 4 in the mornin , i mean we have test at scholl and u sit 4 in the mornin . u will get revenge in class.
ps. ur room does not work
How do you get the game to work in Zach’s room???? Everytime I try to beat it, the steam won’t turn on like it’s supposed to do!!!
Im at the part in Zacks room where there are the parts for the steam but whenever i play it the steam doesnt come out? HELP!?
Who really needs help with this island? cause i JUST finished it 😀 😀 😀 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😆 😆 😆
i dont get the puzzle in zachs room the steam wont show
why does the part of the beat the time thing there’s nothin’ happen??? It’s makin’ me more frustrated!!! Can u help me dear Fierce Moon?
i cant get past the steam part ion zachs room cos the steam wont come
ppls d game in zacks room has a glith it wont get on, i did it loads of time…… but wat u do is, go out of d livin quarters then go back in, and get 2 d room without dropping any weak platform, this worked for me! could be a coincidence, or could not. 🙂 check it out guyz !
hey hamza first check the spellling of words and i was sittin at 4 in the evening.
and dont overact
when i got to the big sail i cliccked on it but sprocket didnt offer to help??don know why pls help??!!!
man steam worksisland is sort of hard it toke me 5 trys to defet the bosses
I just finished the island of steamwork but now I can’t get back to main street to my balloon.. somebody please help
Listen, who needs help? If one of you needs help, u CAN write “to risha degamia…… (and your question) so I know that you need my help! Thank you, but you don’t have to do it
i beat this place already how do i catch the ghost
ok Maddie go to home and look at the box with new stuff somtimes there is somthing like legendary sword go now or somthig click it then go home to get somewhere new OR get honted house go and leave
:@ it’s a baby sucking its pacifier!
lol. ;0 are fun to make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone go to my website,
what do you mean STUCKINLALALAND??? i dont get it lol 😆
you are not the boss mr cabin fever book bringer boy
i am stuck on wind zone
Who needs help with this island? I can help, but I will TRY! so go on………. ➡
I’m on the third andd final boss dude at the very end but I jumped out of the mech by accident and now it wont let me back in. Help??
THis didn’t work. i was at the final boss thing, and i had to hit them like 7 times EACH, not three!
to risha degamia. i am having some hard times trying the puzzle in zack’s room. do you know any cheats? tell me if you do or don’t. if you don’t ill tell you somthing
risha degamia where is sullys shop wher do u get the crab and sullys key plz help me thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????????
it is past the rope when you get in
the island
oh thats easy oliva well the first two r
. Sullys shop is on gear alley one left of main street
. the crab is on th living quarters
i still cant find it it muddy wolf risha degamia help me plzzz
So, I am stuck on the floor of the tunnel place before the bosses. I can’t figure out how to screw myself up. Whenever I try, a monster crashes into me before I can actually get up. I also have no idea how to spin myself up. Any tips?
Hey…I want to say some people are using this name as their name, “Risha DeGamia” I just want to say that that is not a good sign to, please do not do that to be honest, it is a warning to yourself also. Sorry….
and also… a tip….. First read the written walktrhough/video, and then ask the question to people. It is a tip 😉
I cant even get past the 2nd Boss monster err plant 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
somebody HELP!!! I cant get back to my balloon!!!
The walkthroughs are awesome this is a great website.This is the only website I go to to figure out how to get through things on poptropica islands.
Ahhh, same for me. Well, this may be the only site really good for me for poptropica 😀
help!!!!! when i walk up to the windmill sprocket does not say anything!!! what do i do????????
Messy Bug- I had the same problem but you have to hit the sail with your weed whacker. Hope it helps!
Thankyou so much!! This has helped me to pass every difficulty without fail!
big people eat weird
Im back!!!!!
i finished but i clicked on the lever and the game restart:(
I’m stuck here!:(
Risha DeGamia,How do you get back to yr blimp wen u finish? I can’t figure it out.(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:()
Risha DEGamia,I can’t get back 2 my blimp.
Sprocket isn’t offering me his help with the windmill. : (
where do u get the toxic gun please reply
can anyone get back on the blimp please reply 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383934041424344454647484950 :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):):)::)
hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihiihihihhihihihihihiihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihihi a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
i know how to get back 2 the blimp at the end reply if u want 2 no
rishedegamia sucks , i can help too u know
hazma that’ s mean
: D
how do u leave the actual smiley face on the comment thingie??????
plz ansr meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
in responce to loudrock click on him
You get past the windmill by pressing the space bar and the plant killer thingy BOOMS it to move around in circles, the you have to climb to the top of the building and turn the wheel with the multi tool.
Um.. hi, and you can get out of the storage room (if you are stuck there) if you are above the platform with the flower that lands you on the next platform just jump to the left without falling down the previous platform…..
that reply was for comical boa and wierd761
i had trouble in the begining but i manage with the websites help
how do u get to the blimp after you finish the game?
hey comical boa! how do you get back to the blimp?
this is so usefull i lost my girl password so i had to restart
omg you know the date on the pictureand the combination? thts my birthday!!!!
you get back to the blimp useing the teleporter. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This island reminds me of the book ” The city of Ember ” :))
i am kinda comfuzed cause when i see you do something i don’t see it on my screen
wassup??? i want to do this island is it hard?
that, my friend is a very usefull crab
sadly theres no peeps to take there clothes…i mean get :OOO
i usally went to this website when i dont know what to do but now i dont the imformation here is not clear enough. sorry for the spelling and grammmar i am in a rush
this island is hard
i am stuck here how do i get off of this island i beat it already
never mind 🙂
UUHHHHH!!!!! i cant get past the circle maze thing:( .yes its hard friendly tiger
(btw Lucy my name is Lucy too !! 😀 )
my most favorite part out of all this is squishing all the plants like bugs..:DDDD
How to get back:
GET TO THE HEXAGON DOOR AND FIND THE EXIT. dont worry. u killed the plants any way.
i finished the island for the 15 time and finished early poptropica 50 times . woohoooooo. first person to do it .
fuck you all u suck and fierce moon is a lazy good for nothing who thinks he is sooo great . all of u go and eat your meatballs you asses of fierce moon .
were iz elavator????
Fuck u happy ghost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much! I had a lot of trouble with this island and now I finished! Thanks! 🙂
i curse u and my curse is to be what you already are
every1 above this line is an idiot
when u see my username, shockwave443 on avatar studio u will no how cool i am
ps to get back try to hug wall when at top platfurm
normally ide go down any website and find creative insulters but not here. it is people like you who spread swear words. people arent even useing it i curse you that the minds of the next poor person you see and yours will swap
oh and i no ur shifty crumb. now theres nowhere to hide
what is crumb you baboshka ( thats not a swear , its a word in arabic which u dont know because i do ) so there u gabbi (male cow)
what is crumb????? you baboshka !!!!!
i got the meaning u gabbi
help the robot sprigot wont help on the preser pads
wut r u talking about im not indian
every1above this line is stupisd and a dead magikarp
and siyaam da stupid, u got the word wrong
happy ghost and fierce moon have porn and like to do all sexes on youtube you pathan and sala and gandhu and we indians made kolaveri di u dumb american copycats . you dubo americans also copied our sport cricket which is way better than baseball (cheap game)
THANK YOU so much fierce moon for creating poptropica and the answer site (plus that last coment was realy grose)
hey and i ment every word of that last comment
u watching the new p&f tonight eva?
yeah siyaam is a idiot . PHINEAS AND FERB ACROSS THE 2ND DIMENSION .
found someone funny on avatar studio evababee7!
Where’s the elevator you speak of?
At ‘the hibernation room’ part.
Sprocket wont offer me help with the windmill and do you need his help to get the sail things turning cuz i cant turn those either.
Hey all those swearers out there, you just earned yourself a ticket to H-E-L-L. Love the Lord!
um im indian an i find this highly
u bloody shamamah(watermelon)
i cant fight the mosters its sooooooooooooooo HARD!
siyaam imalso indian and proud to be it but
1st fierce moon is a great person
2nd i understand ever word you rote
3rd im takin fierce moon side cause your pushin it
4th i was born in india so i reaaaaaaaallllllllllly think your pushin
tu bohth bolra hai tu chup rai varna mai gusa ho jaongi
5th ur racist
and 6th wat did fierce moon ever do to you
u creep me out siyaam :{
i went on poptropica ceorters blog to check out the news and i saw a white funny looking bat i think its a bat… looks like that will match to like another spooky boring island again AGAIN? i becta millon dollors its a spooky freakin sccary island that just trys to freak u out like crazy and u just go ARRGGGGGG AHHHHH! sorry guys that i did that it just i hate poptropica cause i got bored alot and i nearly the little borning cheats cause im bad??? Lol okay okay over with that im just gonna say this then im finshed im not a poptropica fan but im a poptropica workthrough fan sometimes but sometimes when i yawn at a video i found out when i yawn at a video im bored lol bye
hardest island ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLOOPATYBLOOP! I’m doing “homework” right now…
ill tell u yeminah what that racists fierce fool is my problem . she never replies , she is a pornography and u mind ur own bussiness u gandhu
hey ur talking to a ten year old girl and u dont no wat is in fierce moons life u retarded staker i wanted to be nice but ur a retarded fatso who says nothin but rumors have a nice life u spoiled fat retarded brat
i need HELP! with the steam pipe puzzle!
Im beside the windmill and sprocket is not asking me do i need help
siyaam stop cussing,telling rumors about fiece moon and happy ghost and bulliing(or how ever you spell it )and yemiimah i totally agree with you about siyaam
oh yemimah what did to bohth bolra hai tu chup rai vurna mai gusa ho joangi mean
fuck you , u fools i dont care about any ten year olds and that fierce moon rapes all of poptropica , she should join the “le rape du conde ” group of rapists in france and she can have all the porn she wants and have all the sexes she wants !
litle kids r watchin this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah be kind or ull pay , i mean it
siyaam , i dont think indians visiting this site ll b proud of you 4 such words.i dont know about the enemity btwn u n fierce moon , yet u should control ur anger as there r other small kids too who visit this site n i guess u too use this site for cheats , right ??
siyaam you must be drop a few times when you were a baby because your just nasty
yemimah im ten too!
All the retards on this site need to stop being little spoiled retarded pussies and u indians (or dark eyes as i call em) need to shut up or nut up and stop being disrespectful
poptropica fan i agree with u
siyaam you use to be so nice in your previous comments…why bad now? :*( i dont mean to be mean but why now make nasty comments about firce moon having s*x?(i just dont like to say s-e-x,okay?)
How can swearing be moderated and put as good?
Please stop fighting people as young as six come on to this thing.
What is wrong with the people on this site?! Let me sort it out! Fierce Moon is a great person! She made this great site to help us!And U people insult her saying she does s*x?! She doesn’t do s*x! And Pop master stop it! Im indian! I know! I know! Some people may be disrespectful, but there r many out there who r not like them! And, everybody should stop using cuss words. Fierce Moon, I want to make a suggestion to u, why dont u moderate this site? I mean the comments? Its just a suggestion.
I have beat all the islands in Poptropica and they were so easy well not SteamWorks…waiting for new updates and new islands to beat P.S I beat SteamWorks with out looking at youtube or walkthroughts on how to beat it bye 😛
siyaam….you have a VERY big problem with your life. Stop hating fierce moon. You don’t even know her. I bet you’re just jealous ‘coz fierce moon is famous. :Þ
You’re saying she’s a sex girl? Maybe you’re the one who does it….STOP BEING SOOO I DUNNO… DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!!!! >.<
i am a new guy here so can u show me around
i read the comments above and baboshka is a type of sandwhich
and the words tu bohth bolra hai tu chup rai varna mai gusa ho jaongi mean “u say too much and if u dont shut up i will be very angry”
ghee thx serious lizard for telling them at i sayed now every one hates me i have no friends
I beat the island, but I can’t get out to the Main Street! Help!
I completed this Island, but I can’t get out to the blimp!
ooh! for all you people who need 2 know, I fuigured out that if you go to the map and restart the island, your completion has alrdy been saved, so you can get 2 the blimp!! 😀
siyaam is a basketcase guy so iddiot with 0 IQ
i am an indian muslim boy
i live in saudi arabia in jeddah
i have a multiverse room it’s code is ABC94
Come join my multiverse the code is DZJ44
Fierce Moon is the best. But i still dont get the Boss final thing video couldnt find it.
Poptropica’s up!,
Deline O.
y loved it y want to playt again but is yust cool
U mind ur own bussiness serious lizard , go and eat that dumb moon
and u americans think that u all are great with that cheap sport baseball , what is sooo great ” OHH I HIT A HOME RUN , WHAT IS THAT ?!” atleast in cricket u can run and field instead of u whities think u are great , just dont act smart u fools of ameridumb or hollycopycats of bollywood . AND IM SRRY FOR WHT I SAID BUT MOON NEVER REPLIES TO THE 46 MAILS IVE SENT HER . IM VERY SRRY.
and chuff lizard boy , boos is the hard .
Whaaat? I can’t get up on those platforms. 🙁
TO REMOVE THE WINDMILL ALL YOU HAVE O DO IS PRESS SPACEBAR WITH THE WEEDWHACKER WHEN YOU ARE NEEXT TO THE SAIL I have no idea what Fierce Moon was doing in the video or what they were trying to say to do in the walkthrough
i found out how to get to the blimp it is so easy
umm…does anyone know how to get to the blimp cuz i thought people were saying stuff about that
All of you shut up epessihly serious lizard
LOL 😆 in part one when that bot was following that guy it had a mouth like he was scared and he was running fast
guys stop fighting about your country there is good stuff and bad stuff everybody is different so stop arguing about baseball cricket so ya
soooooo what everyone knows baseball is only played for showoffs u americans copied evrythng of us indians even ur cricket
Thank Popular Shell,Shiny Kid,Yemimah and Serious Lizard for proving my point.I no Idian,(I’m Vietnamese, a poor country)but I don’t care if they do bad stuff or not because I’M NOT RACIST!!!This world is supose to be like this!Look at the world.American,Idian(sorry if I spell it wrong),Vietnamese,Chinese,Japanese,Mexican,African! Love the world the way it is!
P.S Isonic58 that was rude
theres a glich when i teloport back to the mech, i get stuck and cant get in, or move!
i agree but tell this idiots that , not me . im only proving a point
PS its Indian (not Idian)
To: Hyper Bee,
I really agree with you when you said that Isonic58 was being rude.
When I said, “Sorry if I made you angry”, I ment that I was sorry if my comment made you angry. (Just making sure that you know what I ment. I don’t want to insult anyone, alright?)
ok whats going on why is everyone fighting. someone please tell me! or do i not want to know.
ALL of these are new . uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhh……………………………..
(MUMBAI INDIANS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Okay, if we don’t stop fighting here, then Fierce Moon will shut this page down like the Super Power page.
whats going on
fierce moon close this page please
eveyone piz be nice and katniss why close this page?
HELP!! i can’t beat the bosss! i will give u my usename and passwored,as long if u don’t to nothing bad,well here it goes. usename:abilol3,password:ilovedc12.
piz just beat the boss’s, don’t do nothing bad on my poptropica peasen:)
good life fan DON”T GIVE UR USERNAME and pass out!!! there are some people who are bad and do sneaky things. plus i tried helping you beat the boss but the login said incorrect password… trust me i was only wanting to help. not do anything else.. just next time don’t do it.
thanks for the spelling tip!!
@chilly dragon,ok srry and weird it’s the right paasword.. some change maybe and if they did tell me piz and thx
ok guys stop making comment that are racist. oh and hi siyaam and dont ttalk about wite people like that because i may be born in india but in cricket all you do is run to a stupid line and back before someone hits a pole with a ball. and dont say anythin mean to me. rememeber the last time we fought i left you speachless, pwned u, and also wooped yo ass. oh and i started the profile thing
yemimah (which is my real name)
wat is a mech??????????????????????????????????????????????
kidding its dummy1036
This is sooooooooooooooo hard. (I can’t even start it!) Thanks Fierce Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so you guys know after you complete the island? Well, yea um I CANT GET BACK TO MY BLIMP!
Why did they have the mech???!!!
its the problem why I cant stop the boss
congradulations if you think think this is one of islands thats sooooo boring but if you beat it people will be like wooaaahhh dude you beat steamworks, awesome
i CANNOT beat the third monster becase what i do is jump at him/her and it knocks me backwards then it’s head strikes comes back at his body and it’ll be hurt for a second and then i “splat” it but i jump at the third monster but i dont go back and end up punching the computer PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I beat the island, (probably the hardest island), Steamworks, BUT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET BACK TO THE BLIMP> I WORKED SO HARD ON THAT ACCOUNT. DON”T MAKE ME LOSE IT! Help!
I know it is sooooooooooooooo boring. But I NEED to beat my sister who plays Mighty Eel at ONE island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s almost finsh with this island.
ok listen those who cant get back to there blip go ack to the video and whach how she got in then try to find it.
you get back to the blimp from the monster by going to the building before the one with the monster then go to the exit close to the ground under the ground then you exit the door and leave the mech and and go strait than you will be at the blimp
You can just click HOME then click where it says ”Oh baby!” Twisted Thicket Vampire’s Curse and S.O.S. island.Then pick from Twisted Thicket,Vampire’s Curse, or S.O.S. island. Then you go on a island. (P.S. Add my girl to your friend’s list her name is Magic Starfish.)
Stop saying bad words.
hi the monsters part is so hard
It is impossible tried so many times still can’t do it!!!!!
Sorry, Magic Starfish’s username is Sydney19276 remember NO spaces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Sorry I put a one in the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’s Sorry!
i can’t get the 2nd plant monster. curse you acid! and those seed bombs are holding me back i keep getting hit i cant focus on shooting them and distracting the monster and ducking and UGHH………………….
to magic starfish: u r now my friend and your girl is really pretty! great swan lake costume.
woah i cut it close!!!! acid almost got me as i shot third shot at least monster!
Thanks,I change Magic Starfish’s outfit all the time. Thanks again!
Friendly Spider just so you know it’s a angel costume. What’s your username? Please tell me!!!!!!!!!! I really what to be your friend on Poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wind mill keeps on turning
help meeee….
OMG!! This is like the hardest island EVER! if it wasn’t for these cheats, i would totally like, die! Oh! And everybody if you want to, add me as a friend! My username is; Cheezytaco1….. my person’s name is Lazy Penguin…. 🙂
OMG!! This is like the hardest island EVER! if it wasn’t for these cheats, i would totally like, cry! Oh! And everybody if you want to, add me as a friend! My username is; Cheezytaco1….. my person’s name is Lazy Penguin…. 🙂
Need, (human!), help. Cannot get help from sprocket at windmill sails. Have even re-started the game, (grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!), but exactly the same thing has happened. He just will not offer to help me and windmill sails won’t budge, therefore I can’t complete the game!! Anybody got any advIce – PLEASE !!
All of the comments here make no sense this is suppose to work lol
OMG So many little monsters!!!
To Cyrus the great pinoy:
There should be a wheel were you can turn it off. Climb the windmill things, and you’ll see it.
I wonder what it would be like hibernating for a century or so while plants and robots took over the earth o_O ok it would be awkward
Its so hard to defeat the last two bosses
I’m stuck in Zack’s room:$
I can’t pass the third level of the puzzle game :@
The other two were so easy but this…
Why is it so hard? -.-”
I am in the greenhouse,i was checking my bag for the rubber mallet but it disappeared!!!! HELP!
I’m stuck. I’m at the windmill room but Sprocket won’t help me!! WHAT DO I DO!!!
@Lazy Penguin: I added u. omg ur avatar looks so pretty!
@anyone: add me! Person name: Red Lizard User name: asdfghjkytr6778
OBSERVATION: the whole robots thing on this island is kinda like game show island. not the layout or the point of the island, just the robots thing. just an observation.
-ISA 🙂
For those who cant go back to the blimp, go to the haunted house quest card. Once your there you can leave and head to a different island 🙂
i cant get back to the blimp!!!
I forgot to get the rubber mallet and I’m stuck with the alarm on in the greenhouse! What do I do?
what do i do if i cant get sprocket wont help me at the wind zone?
i have finished steamworks island but i cant get back to my blimp thingy to go to another island. i am currently stuck outside the windmill. HELP!
I cant get past the 3rd monster on the last part!!! This is sooo hard!!!!!! I cant believe some people get the monster on the 1st try! I NEED HELP!
For all of you that are having trouble in the Wind Zone: If Sprocket won’t offer help, attach the Weed Whacker and press the spacebar to whack the windmill. Then he will offer to help you.
Hope this helped 🙂
anyone can add me user is mauriceh and thanks for the walkthough!
@ things i hate the ads because they always mess me up with and somebody hasked into my account
i meant to say the ads mess me up alot i wish they could take them off
After I beat the boss and I’m presented with the Island Medallion, I CAN’T GET BACK TO THE BLIMP!! 🙁 PLEASE HELP!
how do you get to the storage room?
So when I’m at the Wind Zone, and I try to get Sprocket to help me he won’t. I don’t know how to move it! Pleaaase help me! This is where I got stuck last time, and I am stuck again. Ergh.
how do you get out of the island
Steamworks is a good island,but they shold make island’s about the Incas and George washington.
if u ask the robot why his arms are so skinny, he asks you why your head is so big!
Many thanks to Fearless Owl for your suggestion about the Weed Whacker – the sails did start to move and Sprocket has now offered to help!! Yiiiiippppppeeeee!!!!!!
Hopefully, I can now finish the Island!!
Thanks again Fearless Owl.
If you restart an island do you lose you medallion for that island if you had already finished?
how do you get off the island?
To Loud Bug:
No, you do not lose the medallion.
i beated every island from early poptropica to poptropolis games
Golden Brain, many people have. Please stop bragging. Also, don’t brag about being a member. (I saw you do that on a different page)
I cant get past the steam battery puzzles!!!!!!! AAAARRRGGGG! please help me.
i cant get the large sail to move! what do i do!?!?
Hey, I thought Poptropica was shuting down last month.
WOW!!!!!!!!!! Fierce Moon, you outdid yourself! That was amazing!! Thank you SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!! You’re the best!!!!!!! Also, Golden Brian, It’s BEAT not beated…….
I love Ur walkthroughs thank u for helping me I’ve beaten 17 islands with Ur help thanks
The three creatures are little tougher on the last place you know.
can anyone give their username so that i can add you on poptropica please help me
i cant open the 7 tirminal
help me pretty please
ok mine Busy Tummy
sup American Showoofs im back!!!!!!!!!!!! Chap Bengali!!!!!
to hamza
are u indian
and can u give me ur username in poptropica so that i can add you
these mini-games are so hard! i think the poptropica creators should watch a “kid” do these islands, so they know how hard they are to “us”.
YAY!! I finished…. the written walkthroughs helped soooo much, I can’t watch videos for some reason thanks fierce moon!
Hi Fierce Moon. You have helped me with SO MANY ISLANDS! I would like to know if I could join you and Zippy Turtle to help everyone else on Poptropica. I would love to add you as a friend If you want my user it’s Gr8t123. I think my email is going to be posted so you can email me what you think. I hope to help you and Zippy Turtle. Thanks again for all that you have done!
when I go to the windmill, the blades aren’t spinning. Did I do something wrong?
hamza are you bengali like me?
Hey everyone you can costumize from a hologram. 🙂
AGH, I can’t get past the acid evil plant bosses! It’s not faaair…T.T (toldja crybaby=me)
btw Fierce moon could you post a written walkthrough for Game Show and Cryptids Islands please? That would help a lot. All your other walkthroughs are awesome! Thanks!
@bob It helps if you whack the windmill blade in front of the door with your weed whacker. I had that problem too; once you try and whack it with the weed whacker, Sprocket will offer to help you.
How do you actually get off the island? help meeeeeeee!
bloody hell i need help !!!!!! and also add me my name is spotted panda
How do I get off the island?
Add me!! my name is Muddy Sponge!
if you go to the wind mill wack it with the weedwacker
im on the last level of the ball game and im stuck on the one when you have to go in a line or you won’t finshed it
this is how i got off the island. do u see were your backpack is? well click on the map near it. the map shows u were u are and were u need to go to get to your balloon.
hope this helps the people wondering how to get off the island! 🙂
Dear Fierce Moon,
I just wanted to say thanks to all you have done for us. You are a real big help. Thanks to you I have completed 12 islands. I wish I could do something to repay you. Without you we would all be stuck on what to do. Thank you so much for what you have done.
P.S.: Oh and one more thing: how did you know all this stuff? Did you get it from someone else? Or did you figure it out yourself?
I can’t get past the third monster plant thing at the end! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Fierce Moon or Zippy Turtle or other people:
I thank you for all the walkthroughs so I finished 27 islands. But when I got out of the Storage Room to the Gear Alley, there’s something sticking out of the ground, right? I coudn’t get my Mech over it! So I had to abandon it and leave. I’m frustrated. Do you know a way? To get over the thing? Please help! I miss the Mech!
Btw my username is nippleguy. Add me please!
What is this’mech’ thing?
my user name is wwfu1
add me please
anyone indian here
i cant leave the island help meeee
indian here writing to all americans who are showoffs and are 2/3 fat! fierce moon copies from my blog (some things) my username is hamzasmack
who says ameicans are all fat and showoffs?
guys,who all are fans of harry potter?
you are all crazy but mostly cool girl poo poo poo but cool girl you are a but but you help me say something
those plant monster are really hard to defeat
oh i can do this all island 2 times faster and better than fierce moon!!!!!!!!!
sorry im just jell ous
Hazma: That’s spamming, cyberbullying, and racist.
Hyper Shadow: How exactly do you know how fast Fierce Moon can beat the island? And how could you do it “better”?
Haha the date for opening the secret room in Captain Zigg’s place is easy for me to remember because it’s my birthday
Fierce moon copies from my blog(really) some things she asks me!
Yes, hazma, I’m SO sure. 🙄 Why don’t you show us your blog and prove it?
am stuck at the fan area because the robot did not offer to help me…..plsssss someone tell me what to do!!!!!
When I completed the island I got to my blimp just fine I don’t know what you guys are complaining about.
By the way my username is yellowstonefear-no spaces or caps.
great job to whoever made the walkthrough but you actuly have to push 6 buttons and you said 3 so it took me about an hour to figure out your mistake
i got the mech and weed wacker but it won’t let me cut the weeds someone help me please
The plant monsters took only two tries because of the guide. Thanks! 😀
f.y.i. if u duck in the final boss battle the head misses you, then shoot. it makes it much easier the tapping and running away!
to brave star… Here is my blog.. and its hamza not hazma!!!!
I don’t care how you spell it.
*checks site*
A. How can you prove that it’s yours?
B. I don’t see anything that Fierce Moon “copied”. In fact, a lot of the walkthroughs are hers, and you did give her credit.
C. The blog hasn’t been updated since Twisted Thicket. You might want to change that.
And, anyway, that doesn’t give you the right to be cyberbullying Americans here.
I can`t get off the island I`am in the wind zone and when ever I try to go right and get off the section I can`t can. Somebody help me.
Go to the home menu and click on the ad for Wimpy Boardwalk. Then you’ll be taken there, and out of Steamworks.
bleh. don’t have the stamina to do it.
ok brave star ill stop if u think its cyberbullying but what about me…… even though i get cyberbullied how do u think i feel?? just because im living on the other side of the planet…. and the blog its not mine i gave it to someone else… ill stop and be nice but tell me could u do something about it like when i was bullied yeminah???? okay
I didn’t see you get cyberbullyed at all. But most of your posts were calling Americans “fat” and “showoffs”.
As for the blog, that means it’s not yours, so why were you going on about her copying from your blog?
Thanks Fierce Moon, you helped me so much with this (somewhat difficult) island!
To jelly queen: She said 3 on EACH SIDE, so yeah, six!
well the fat part is true! 2/3 of americans are fat according to National Geographic Channel. And it is my blog but i gave it to my friend on an agreement . And i dont get cyberbullied here (i got bullied on this site by yeminah) but on other sites i do . OKK Ill say sorry .. we’ll abandon this topic and just go back to normal . i’ll be nice too. ok
attention all people (if there are any Indians here) the worlds Cheapest car is Tata Nano which cost a cool 100,000 Rupees which is about $2100 and about 1300 Euros how Awesome!!!!!!!
K, for your first comment:
It doesn’t matter if it’s true. There are alot of Americans here that AREN’T fat, and that has nothing to do with Poptropica anyway.
I still don’t see where it says it’s your blog. And if you gave it to your friend, it’s your friends blog now.
If you were being bullied on other sites, how was I supposed to know?
For your second comment:
That’s spamming and advertising. Why don’t you make a blog for that kind of stuff instead?
what?????? how is telling that a Tata Nano cost $2100 spamming and advertising??? im not advertising.. im just sharing information .. if ur not interested fine but if there are any indians here( and there are) they take an interest… im just trying to increase our knowledge?? whats wrong in that?
It’s spam because that has nothing to do with Poptropica. This is a cheats site for Poptropica. If you’re talking about a car and how much it costs, that’s spam.
I think it’s advertising because it’s talking about a car, which would be a company’s product, and how much it costs. Like I said, you could make a blog for that, and I don’t think it’d be too wrong if you told people about that, so long as you didn’t nag at us to come.
what does a car have 2 do with poptropica ?
i got all the way 2 the part before the final boss and i am starting to think fierce moon is a frod and never finished the island and only got the the part i am on
no offense fierce moon but i think your lying but then again you helped me on the island sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much thanks keep posting cheats for hard islands and people will start going on this site more
and please post for skullduggery island tips because im stuck and i finished a bunch of islands
brave star do u always leave a commet
and i cant get past the code part
you know what im proud that us americans are fat because being skinny is bad too because that means you are poor and cant afford to buy and eat food so thank you hamza for that very nice compliment
hey brave star hamza is not spaming. and by the way if u really want to know whats spaming click previous comments on this site and check siyaams comments
jumpy flyer August 18, 2012 at 12:48 pm
i got all the way 2 the part before the final boss and i am starting to think fierce moon is a frod and never finished the island and only got the the part i am on
jumpy flyer August 18, 2012 at 12:54 pm
no offense fierce moon but i think your lying but then again you helped me on the island sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much thanks keep posting cheats for hard islands and people will start going on this site more
and please post for skullduggery island tips because im stuck and i finished a bunch of islands
And you would know this how? Have you friended her at popsecrets? That shows that she has completed ALL islands.
the pipe part is so hard! I need proper help! Why is it soooo hard!?
hey hamza i think ur jealous of americans.
why would i bee??? I just say this……. Because if u read very early comments .. Im insulted… So i said ths…. And like i said to brave star….. I stopped!!! Im normal…..
Brave Star. Hamza. You guys keep fighting a lot and please chill out
Im not jealous….. i only say tht because … first : iits true 2/3 of americans are fat…. and second: i get cyberbullied….. on this site…but like i told brave star…. im done… im sorry and im normal… so leave this
Ball tilt game is killing me.
Never mind.
Leevee2 We’re over it. Get outta our face.
Look, guys, hamza said he’s gonna stop, so let’s leave it alone, K?
yeah …. i guess it happens…. leave it and just get back to normal…… cant wait for lunar colony this friday (cause im a day ahead ) finally releases….. plz captain crawfish….let supper villans island also be for non member on the first day… like wimpy wonderland…… plz… and zippy…. dont u have any contacts with Fierce moon tht u can ask her??
Hi peeps!! Just finishing duh island!!! (I’m bored :PP) luv yall!!! 😀
I’m from Germany!! BUt I used ta live in CANADA!!!
if u want more poptropica islands to do, than just make another person. thats what i did
im sorry i said amercans are fat cuz there really not i was just jealous
For anyone stuck in the greenhouse with the alarms on: Click on the robot again. You’ll give him back the key and he will go to sleep again, turning the alarm off.
I’m stuck at the windmill, Sproket hasn’t offered to help me yet! PLEASE HELP!
Some people forgot the mallet. That’s just how to get out to get the mallet when the alarms are on.
Dizzy Chicken-Hit the windmill blade with the weedwhacker. Worked for me.
Thanks Shiny Ring!
This is the HARDEST ISLAND EVER!!!!! >:(
I am a HUGE Poptropica nerd! I even have my own Poptropica binder that has Sketches, Maps, and Villians. 😀
What are you having trouble with Happy Turtle?
How do you get past the first plant monster?!?!?!?! I’ve tried EVERYTHING and can’t get past!
This island is to lonely. 🙁
Brave Star: Stop posting comments on basically every island correcting everybody!!!
Like when you said Hamza: your sorry and were over it. You don’t need to post that. That is only reminding people of what they did wrong and they feel guilt!!!
Add me anyone: Popgirlz38
WTH?!!?!? I’m NOT correcting everybody! Geez! What’s your problem?! News flash, YOU’RE correcting ME. And you have no power to just tell me to stop commenting! I’ll comment whenever and wherever I like, and I don’t give a skittle to what some jerk who doesn’t KNOW me thinks!
If you’re THAT screwed up, here’s my tip: You see that “Previous Comments” above where you post a comment? Yeah, well, YOU CAN CLICK IT. Next time, you might wanna check THERE before you go accusing people! Hamza was saying he was sorry, and THAT was “reminding us about what he did and making him feel guilty,” and I was telling him he shouldn’t!
Seriously, what’s wrong with you?
Any help needed guys? Ask me. I have all the medallions except Super Villian!!
Well Brave Star, I am sorry for correcting you. I was angry and in a very bad mood that day. 🙂
Alright, I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I was in a bad mood then, too.
There.Now we’re all friends!
I finished the island and I’m stuck because I cant find my way back to the blimp!HELP!
“Don’t give a skittle”?
Ha ha.
That’s awesome.
I need help really badly! I forgot to go get the mallet from Sully’s shop. What do I do????
Can’t get past the acid part >:(
it is so sad that you cant take the mech to another island:(
you know that zidane and quick tummy are one???
This site is pure AWESOMENESS!!! 🙂
i love fat poos
Please help! I couldn’t finish the final plant. But that’s ok. I want to move on to Super Villian but i can’t. How do I get out of this island???????
ugh….. saturday was fun but tmrw…. i have english exam , then monday history and geo exam and last exam tuesday science after which im gonna have a pool party…… (since im 1 day ahead)…….. i know ill 80+ out of 90 cause well……… i am a nerd!!
P.S. – Whoever you are stop using my name….. because i ner write “cuz”….. but tht does not mean im the opposite…… soo stop using my name…… bloody basket!
ok im at the windmill and sprocket hasnt asked to help yet…….. he still hasnt…….. what did he forget waht ”helping” is???? gosh! someone help!!!!
Hamza- I thought you might have been impostered…
poop- Oh, shut up.
zidane- Yeah… That would be awesome!
Can anybody help me with the first plant?
I was stuck on the acid part for two months… I finally just barely got through
if youre talkiing about first boss………. then if u have tht weed wacker…… attach it to the mechanism (the walking thingy)……then when he shoots his tongue out u have to jump a bit early and land on the tongue…… do it for about 3 times and he will die………. hope it was helpful…………..cant wait for next weeks report card day ;=)
So I finished the island, but how do I get back to my balloon?
Same here… i finished but im stuck not funny, add me @ Knockknock36
Anyone there
how do you restart a island
umm when i go to sally’s shop theres so sprocket… is it a glitch or is other people havin that problem too?
hey Shy Kid i won Super Villian ask me for help freind me username is creaky4
Thanks! Really helpful!
ok i got to the “root of the problem”. acid is rising, and i know its weakness is in its mouth cuz i keeps blasting toxic bck at me. looking at video to see what to do. i wonder what happens when acid rises to much… UH OH lol
Guess what? hey hazma? I seriously am(NOT fgoing to get colorful with my words) angry that you called 2/3 of americans fat and showoffs!
a.What are you jealous about?
b.Please, bake a batch of brownies,fix yourself some lemonade, and get over it!
c.I logged off of poptropica and now i cant get to the steam terminal puzzle!
i have to admit: steamworks was my least favorite island on poptropica so far.
Steamworks island is pretty creppy. 😐
Hey I Love This walkthrough but it may get a little hard-.-
rockyvamp- Oh, please don’t start that again! It turned into a bad fight, and he did apoligize, so we don’t need to dwell on it anymore, okay?
if you have questions ask me too i get all the island medallions,i am just waiting for new island.
sooooo quick shadow you wont finish charlie and the chocolate factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to everybody that neede help getting off the island- you have to
1.) go back through the storage area and back to your ballon or,
2.) if oyu have the haunted house store item, go to it, then go to the island map from there.
to Superman- go to the map of the island and click restart island.
Hi I am having trouble with the Steam Terminal…. I can’t get it to 5 any tips…… Plz add me, my username is JIMHAWKINSTP Thanky you very much for your time and consideration!
Interesting and superfun!! 🙂
Steamworks is kind of creepy,but its also cool.
mad flame can you teach me how to kill the brain plant?
u guys freakin lie….its impossable to beat the monstors at the end….
Where do you get the mallet?? In the step to get out of the green house??
Cant find it!!
I struck the monster 3 times (and it made a face so I know I hit it) but it didn’t disappear! Help!
if u cant find your way back to the blimp and u have the metal just restart the island. which is the map up in the corner.
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
Help!!! I didn’t use the cheats from the begining, so I went down into the tunnel system without the Mech. I know, stupid, right? And now I’m being attacked and I can’t get back up to get the Mech. Do I have to restart the whole island? D:
I use the telleporter to get to my MECH quickly but i couldn’t move because i was stuck. need help ask me i have 24 island medallions
I just beat the island, but can’t get back to the blimp! HELP!
after i stole or took the key i never knew that was the part you use the mallet. i just push the back button and i ended to where the underground tunnel was
i cant even hit the monster once! i cant do this!!! help!
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
ive finished all the islands.
u guys r such thickos and saddos coz im the cutest sexiest boobpooping girl so like push off!
hi im brave star im a total faggot and a nerd and loove correcting stupid people and do not care when people say stuff that i done i say stuff back and make them feel stupid and upset coz im the best i completed every island so that means im the best in the whole of poptropica city so like yh
Lol that island probably lasts like three hours without a walkthrough!!!!!!
I’m doing this right now thnx i’m planning on beating all the island except for two because mythology is glitched (Hercules won’t let me fight Zeus T_T) and my sisters messes up super villain island (they made my poptropican leave the island and now i can’t get the helicopter to take me back ‘:( )
i wan’t money to buy some costumes
oh yeah, those this website have accounts
I’m at the Wind Zone, but Sprocket won’t help me push the windmill blocking the door… ?!?!
i am really scared of brains. does the final plant actually look like a brain?
How come Sprocket won’t help me at the place of the windmill?
I keep on telling him that it won’t budge and he is ignoring me…-_-
Help would be appreciated! 🙂
Does anybody live here? it looks so empty.
i have gone straight up to the wind sails and i have jumped around on them and pushed them and said that the door is blocked but sprocket isnt helping me! y not? is it glitched or am i doin something wrong?
in Gear Alley redux I cant use the steam battery!!! please help!
red coyote? i wun this there is no brains ok? CAT CHAT HA HA
If you need help on an island, I can help. Just tell me. Also, if you want to friend me my username is tinkybell40
At wildfox:
Just hit restart island on your map for Super Villian.
hey im nine i need help finding the robot crab
I really like your walkthrough it’s really detailed! But I’m stuck in the Wind Zone because Sprocket doesn’t offer his help when I go up to the blades. Have any sugestions??
who wants me to be yer frend
Thanks for your help.Because of you I completed every island on Poptropica!
I can’t really figure out how the steam terminals work…is there a method to their madness? I’ve been guessing but I can never get over +4.
can you be my friend quiet fang?
hmmmmm….i guess…you could be my friend
what elevator I searched every where in and around the hibernation place and still no elevator!!!!
I cant talk to anyone in the hibernation place either are you suppose to be able to talk to them when I walked in zack sprocket and some girl talked to me but that’s it now I cant talk to anyone for help in that room I exited so many times but it doesn’t work
I wanna just quit and go to a new island but I can’t back and I really don’t want to restart this island isn’t there another way????
what do ye need help with
To make the windmill move, hit it with the weed whacker Mech attachment.
I freed Zach, the mayor, and a bunch of other people from the hibernation chambers, but I can’t go on to the boss battle because the mayor won’t tell me anything about what happened! I can’t talk to any of the characters, actually. Could someone please help me? Thanks 🙂
I can’t talk to the mayor and I already restarted the island 3 times and it never kets me! Some times this game gets on my nerves. (ALOT!)
Uhm, I can’t get the weed Wacker to work… help please?
when i get to the windmill, sprocket wont offer to help me! what do i have to do? help!
How do u get out of the island i am stuck
you have to get to the top and use the mixed tool
in the ball to the middle maze when you close, you have to start all over again
I want to wear the robot pants thing
I love all your tips but where do you find the key to the headquarters that leads to zach’s room? I can’t find it.Hey but thanks so much for helping me on so many other islands
password jillo user apple19812
i hate that i cant do anything cool without a membership. and i really hate that i cant beat that last monster on the 3 floor on this island!!! i figured out how to get the 1st 2 its just the last one.
When I’m at the Bridge Steam Terminal, it won’t let me use the key. It just keeps saying, “This must be the steam terminal powering the bridge. I have the key but there’s no sign that says use. PLEASE HELP!!!
Okay, nevermind. I’m good. :#)
pls help noway to get out of the hole i made in the 3rd zone, its pitch gray! no exits, no mech room, just a robot following me saying”wow! never been here before.” but what else can i do?
Every time I try to hit the boss, he hits again. How?
THIS ISLAND IS SOOOOOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!and long!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have a long list about what this island is!!!!!!!!!!!
I just found out somethin none of u people like me:-( 🙁 D:
How do you get back to Main Street from the place where you defeat the boss?
How does Sprocket offer to help you!?!? All it does for me is,”Wow! I’ve never been down here before!” SOMEONE PPPLLEEEAASSSEEEE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YYYYYAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!! Silly me! I didn’t do the left panels!!!!!! GA-DOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
legolover366 don’t talk like that I like ye
This is one of my favorite islands, especially because of the decor. It has the steampunk era look to it. Do any of you guys agree? 🙂
2) Fierce moon whats your username? I WANT TO ADD YOU!
3) Good job 🙂
UGH i can’t beat the stupid labyrinth tilting ball game!!! >:( on the 2nd level I’m trying to tilt the thing and when I’m RIGHT over the last curve it glitches over it!!! EVERY TIME!!!
ummm… hehe. never mind..
where is the Mech?
If you can’t get back to the blimp once you completed the island and got the medallion, you can press restart on the map and you will return to main street (Where the blimp is). If you click on items it will say you have no items for this island after you press restart, but if you go to your profile it still says you completed steamworks island and you still have the medal.
i cant get past the final battle i cant shoot
i cant get off the island and i already got the medal !
this island can be very confusing and get on your nerves alot, but all you have to do is to just try very hard to keep fighting the power! just have fun with it, i know you may want to beat it (like me) but even if you do lose, you can get frustrated if you almost had it, butnot if you just started…. just say in your mind “hey, as long as i can try again and again….. practice makes perfect… so calm down…. that is all add me sportyfeather39
How/where do you find the old vine used on the pipe with “Caution: Hot Steam” ?