Spy Island is one of the most popular and entertaining quests in Poptropica. In Spy Island, you are a secret agent who is given the mission of attempting to put a halt to the notorious and evil criminal organization, B.A.D. They’re up to no good, using lasers and a satellite to zap off the hair of Poptropicans all over the island. Your goals are to locate and rescue fellow agents and infiltrate B.A.D.’s HQ to stop them from carrying out their nefarious plans.
Video Walkthrough
Text Walkthrough
Arrive at Spy Island by balloon and then run to the right and enter the Headquarters building. Jump up to the top until you see a guy wearing a white jacket at bow-tie. This is Director D, the head of your secret agent organization. He’ll give you a Decoder Kit.
Leave the Headquarters and run down the street to the right. Enter the Spyglass Eyewear building. Walk to the left and talk to the guy standing next to the eye chart. Ask him to give you an eye exam. When you take the exam, choose the exact opposite symbol as the one he points to. By choosing the opposites, you’re giving him the secret code letting him know you’re an agent. He’ll leave and tell you to meet him upstairs.
Go outside the exit and then jump up on the outside of the building. There is a small door in the upper left. Go inside it. Talk to the eye exam guy here and he’ll reveal that he’s the scientist for secret operations. He’ll give you a special item that he has just developed: the chameleon suit. Go ahead and put this suit on and you’ll blend into the background whenever you are standing still. Leave this room and run left through Main Street. Go to the Docks.
When you arrive at the docks, start making your way up to the top onto the roof. Avoid the guards by standing still. When you’re not moving, your chameleon suit will make you invisible and the guards cannot see you. Run across the roof until you reach a small doorway. Then go inside.
Head down through the floors in this room the same way. You can avoid the dogs whenever you stand still. When you get to the bottom-left corner of the room, you can drop down an opening into a smaller room. One of your fellow secret agents is lying on the floor, tied up with rope. Click on him to set him free. He’ll give you a laser pen, which is an ordinary looking pen that can cut through certain types of metal. He’ll also give you a satellite clue card before he runs off. Next, jump out through the hole in the roof and this time run to the right along the floor until you reach the exit. Then go through and you’ll be back out on the docks. Run back to the right to Main Street.
Run right through Main Street to Balding Avenue. Then keep going until you get to the B.A.D. Bistro. If you’re still wearing your chameleon suit, it will automatically be removed when you enter. Run through the restaurant past the B.A.D. operatives at the table and go into the kitchen. Talk to the chef and apply for the job.
When you apply, you’ll take a test where you have to remember the order of ingredients that the chef points to with his wooden spoon. After you pass the test, you’ll be hired and get a chef hat. Put it on. Then go back out to the table and talk to the B.A.D. operatives. One of them will ask you fill up his glass. He’ll give you a wine glass that has his fingerprint on it. Run back into the kitchen and then jump up above the stove into an opening in the ceiling. Leap across the lights hanging down to cross back over the restaurant area without the B.A.D. operatives seeing you leave with the glass. When you reach the end, drop back down and then leave the restaurant.
Once outside, run right until you see a guy in the bushes wearing camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you a folder called File X. Open up your backpack and examine the file. Slide the paper back into the file so that only one row of letters can be seen. You can now read a secret message from top to bottom that says:
Don’t Trust Director D
Uh-oh! Could Director D be a double agent? We’ll soon find out. Continue running right to Toupee Terrace. You’ll come to a house with an alarm system on all the windows. Keep jumping up the windows and side ledges while avoiding the lights that turn on. Go all the way up ad across the house until you get to the roof. At th e very top there is a grate. Click on it and use the laser pen to cut the metal bars, then go inside.
Once inside the attic, walk to the left and you’ll find another fellow agent tied up. Click on him to release him. He’ll give you a special item: a grappling bow-tie, one of the coolest items in Poptropica. Using this tie, you can swing from building to building with ease. Kind of like Spiderman. He’ll also give you another piece of the Satellite Clues. Go back outside the attic and jump down. Then head left back to Balding Avenue.
Put on your grappling bow-tie and stand on the ledge next to the guy in camo who gave you the file. Then click on the bow-tie icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. Aim straight up. The bow-tie should catch far above and carry you up to a sign that points to the rooftop. Click it to head up there.
Jump up to the top of the roof and stand on the very edge over on the left. Click on the bow-tie again and aim at about a 30 degree angle to the left. The bow-tie should attach to the radio tower with red lights on it. You’ll jump all the way to it. It can be tricky to land on it cleanly, so if you miss, just keep using your bow-tie to get yourself to the very top of the radio tower. Once there, aim your bow-tie out to the right at about a 20 degree angle and you should end up on another glass rooftop. There’s a metal air vent up here. Click on it to go inside.
Now you’re in a big greenhouse. Run to the far right, where you’ll see a cherry bomb tree with a large cherry bomb growing in it. Click on the cherry bomb to make it drop. The fuse starts, so quickly push it to the left onto the top of the plant nearby. This is a spring plant and it will shoot the cherry up onto the platform above. Use your bow-tie to jump up there as well. Push the cherry bomb again to the left until it drops down. Then push it on the next plant and follow it up. Now push it in front of the door to a cage where another fellow agent is being held captive. Wait for the bomb to explode and destroy the door then click on the agent inside. She’ll give you some ultra vision goggles and the remaining piece of the satellite clues. Then she takes off.
Put on the ultra vision goggles and then drop down to the left and exit the greenhouse. Jump down and off to the right until you land on the ground in Balding Avenue. Head right again to Toupee Terrace and run past the house with the security alarms. Go all the way to the right through a hole in a fence with a sign saying that it’s the B.A.D. control center.
This area has a series of lasers that you need to avoid by timing your moves across. First go all the way to the right and then go up the slanted side of the building. You’ll get to a moving platform, jump on it and then go to the left onto another platform that goes from left to right. This part is kind of tricky. Jump again to another up/down platform on the left and then up to the platform above. There’s a door there with a fingerprint scanner. Since you have the wine glass with the fingerprint on it, you’ll use that to sneak inside.
Jump up while avoiding the lasers until you get to a platform with computers. You’ll get trapped inside a cage and then Director D will come out and save you. He’ll ask you to get the teleporter working. Use the satellite clues and place each clue on top of each other. They’ll spell out a code: LASER HAIR REMOVAL. Enter those three words once by one into the computer. The teleporter will turn on and then Director D will step inside. Follow him through the teleporter.
Director D will reveal two things: one, he’s wearing a toupee and two, he’s behind the B.A.D. organization. He’s a double-agent after all! He’s got control of his satellite back and plans to vaporize the hair off everyone in Poptropica. He’ll step inside his rocket and then some mini-bot robots will appear out of the wall.
Now it’s time to test your bow-tie grappling hook skills to the max! Your goal is to lure the mini-bots into the gold power speheres located around the room. The first two are really easy because they’re on the ground. The next two are tough, because they’re up high. The goal is to place yourself on the opposite side of the sphere from the mini-bot. It will go on a straight line to get you but electrocute itself when it hits the sphere. When all the mini-bots are destroyed, Director D comes after you in his rocket satellite thing. Using the same technique, try to get him to smash his ship into the ceiling several times while avoiding him. Once he smashes up his ship, he’ll surrender and be put in prison. You’ve finished the island and won the medallion. Congratulations!
Spy Island Glitch
Note: some people are saying that this glitch with Director D does not happen for them and that he only appears in the cage. It might just be a random thing.
Wow, you read this far? Good for you. You get a nice reward. Did you know there’s a story line glitch in Spy Island? If you finish the island and then return to Headquarters you can meet and talk with all the agents that you freed, as well as the secretary of the agency (the guy who gives you the island medallion). But if you go all the way to the top of the HQ, guess who’s still standing there? That’s right, Director D! The Poptropica Creators forgot to remove him from HQ after he reveals he’s actually a double agent and the mastermind behind the B.A.D. plot.

First to comment! Well done with the walkthrough 🙂
wat its confusing can u do it for me??
Thx this helped me a lot
hold alt then type the abcs å∫ç
climbing up the building is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh, whoever you are, I have a little bit of news, I read your entire thing and I went back to see if Director D was really still standing on top of the platfom, I only saw him in the cage, not on the platform, not that you were lying but just that I think they fixed it up.
P.S, Thanx (:
HEY THERE I COMPLETED IT AND It was scary with the mini robotS! (good thing freand helped me!) AND WHO THINKS THER COOL NED TO TRANLATE THIS!
ÐЩГ ВШВ ШЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I won it without the walkthrough.
I won’t done the island without this post!
@Ransom, thanks. I think maybe this only happens for some people.
director d isnt moving on his weird satalite thingy y wont he move!!!!!!!! 🙁
I think spy island is one of the hardest islands to complete, right along side with Time Travel island. Your information really helps us all.
Me and my brother are playing spy Island and whoever made this walkthrough great job you got us far
my friend just completed spy island and she got the medallion and all but DIRECTOR D WAS NOT IN HIS CAGE AND PEOPLE’S HAIR WERE STILL GETTING ZAPPED OFF!!
the bomb goes to a different spot and i keep getting bitten so i cant push it to the cage.plz HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
PS it is hard.
i did it in 5 hours
poptropica sercets your videos are awensome
Thanks awesome walkthrough! :0
lol this is easy i finished it in 30 minutes
i did it in 25 minutes
It says he made it in november but he made it recently?Why?
I after I get to the first up and down platform, I cant find the side to side platform! Help!
This walk through really helps! Thank you! and I wanted to tell you, when my friend was completing this island, she typed in some random letters on the decoder (I’m not sure what they were) and it gave her an outfit. Just thought you might want to check that out!
i beat it in 20 min lol
I can’t get the bomb to the cage because of those stupid things that go *CHOMP!* :@
when i went back, director d was in a cage
free poptropica accounts
the first 6 to say
i want a free account will get 6 poptropicans
not a limited time only
Thanx Poptropica Secrets. Your walkthroughs help ALOT. Im kidding; they help MORE than ALOT. probably becuz im not the SHARPEST pitchfork in the barn but….
p.s. poptropica secrets person: do you go on poptropica regularly? you know, just to play? cause im sure LOTS of people would LOVE to be your friend on poptropica
ugh… I can’t get the stupid bomb to the cage. I hate venus flytraps… AND the freaking bow tie.
I love spy island!!!!!!!!!!
to all of you this is a cheat for spy island when you are going to rescue the first agent try to customize their costume and they will not hurt you promise.
There is a problem in my game. Director D is in the big robot thing and he is not moving. I go over all the places with the bow. But when I get under him I get zapped and Director D is not moving. Can you help me please?
Ok I done it! Thanks for the walkthrough!!!!!!!!
yea i do
plus i got 5 friends on poptropica already
and i want to be poptropicasecrets friend shes awensome
and i want to be your friend eagle
Thank you so much for helping me with spy. I’ve tried to complete this island and I have never gotten passed the part where you have to get passed the lasers. And I’ve never rescued any of the agents and I didn’t know director d was bad. Well thanks anyway I’m off to big nate.
i got a account to sale
its hey!bye!is user
if like it plz ask me
mutliverse code:afy31
come join
anybody can join
its so weird nobody really gets on here anymore
on the spy walkthrough anymore
bye! i will see ya later
why is it so weird
not nice
busy bee girl
it’s weird
yea it is
because nobody is commenting on this page
there was a comment by
busy bee girl
and now its gone
i’m new
plz don’t be mean
you need to be nice
are you here yes
ps:i’m on
I have my leadership back right now cutequeen! But, I’ll be gone for three days tomorrow, so you take over for three days, oh and no moving from this page, I won’t have any Idea where you are when i come back if you do that.
i’ll will be right here ransom
so don’t worry
i’ will be right here
are yuo still here
lets chat
cute queen i ll chat with you
grigory lets talk
are you a boy or a girl?
im a boy
is that okay?
and im russain
i’m back
its cutequeen
ps:i dont see hes back
that was before he went on vacation
im here
hello im back
cuteprincess is back meet me at shark tooth
g to shark tooth
to ransom:
i met a new friend grigory
and we got in the same battle room
he wants to meet you
you might have a new friend
you had a good vacation now
you need to meet friends
nice friends
hello im here
i’m back
hi ive been waiting
i completed every island except 4 astro knight nd skullduggery island when i was reading thiz i went bak 2 spy island 2 c wut the glitch iz all bout then Director D was out nd wasnt in prison but i completed the mission of spy island nd i even have the medal itz so freakin wierd so i wnet bak nd did half of the mission again nd now hez in prison
Well, grigory, nice to meet you, just make sure to enjoy your life here in America, because when you grow into an adult in this country, you can be anything you want, you can even have more than one job.
ransom i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!11
Guys, I have to quit, my computer’s messing up because of all these comments, cutequeen you are now the leader, when you go to a new page do not forget to mention that I created this, I know you won’t lie, that you made it, it’s just that people will be wondering who the heck made it, put down my full name Jacob Ransom Flanders.
i quit
quit quit
i will leave spy page
lool i hit director d once and know hes just there and wont move
Spy Island Guide:
First,go to the headquarters,talk to Director D.,and he’ll give you a Decoder Kit.Then, get off the headquarters,go to the Eye Doctor,get inside,talk to the eye doctor and he’ll give you an eye test.Then,the eye doctor will say:
“I see Director D. has been sent you.Meet me up stairs”.
Now,go out this room and go up the stairs.Then,go inside the roof of the eye doctor’s building.Talk to the eye doctor,and he’ll give you a Spy Gear.You can wear this item! Then,go off this roof of the eye doctor’s building,go left to the docks.Avoiding the B.A.D guards,go up to the top.Then,go inside the Secret Entrance.Avoiding the dogs,go down to the bottom left room.Careful,there is B.A.D. guard there at the bottom of the warehouse! Now free the First Spy.He’ll give you a first satellite clue and your laser pen.Now go up the bottom left room and get out this room.Again,beware of the B.A.D. guards! Now go right to Balding Avenue.Go right till the B.A.D. Bistro.Now take off your Spy Gear(The Spy Gear is not allowed in B.A.D. Bistro)Now go right till you see your chef to pass a test.Once the test is done,he’ll give you a chef hat.Then go left to see the B.A.D. angry man.Talk to the angry man,and he’ll give you a fingerprint.now go right to the kitchen,jump on the refridgerator,jump on the heaters,jump from lamp to lamp,hit the ground and get off the B.A.D. Bistro.Now put on the Spy Gear.Then go right to Toupee Terrace.Now avoid the yellow zappers! Then go up to the attic,cut with the laser pen,and go inside the attic.Then free the second spy.He’ll give you a second clue and your grapping bowtie.Then put on your Grapping Bowtie! Now,get off the attic and go left to go to the roof tops(If your wearing the Grapping Bowtie,just click on the bow tie on the bottom left corner of the screen)Now go up the roof tops.BE CAREFUL! THERE IS A B.A.D. GUARD THERE! Now go to the greenhouse.Then go to the upper level.(WATCH OUT FOR THE FLYTRAP!!!!!)Now free the last spy and she’ll give you a Utra-Vision Goggles and your last clue.You could wear this item! Then get out your greenhouse and go down the roof tops.Then go right,right,right to B.A.D. control center.Beware of the red zappers!!!!!!! Now go up to the top of B.A.D. control center.Then use your fingerprint to unlock the door.Then go in.Again,avoid the red zappers and go to the upper right level.Now click on the computer and Director D. will come here.Then click on the computer again to enter your passcodes.They are:
Now go the yellow door.Then Director D. will take out the hair.Then the small bots will come here to get 4 yellow orbs.Then use your grapping bowtie to go up the levels.Then,when the vehicle goes up the ceiling 4 times,it will go CRUNCH! Then once you defeat Director D.,It will say AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I GIVE UP! I GIVE UP! Now it will return to headquarters automatically.Director D. will be in the prison at the headquarters.Now it will be the new director! Congradurations! You completed Spy Island! It will be a new director called Director (Your Chararater’s last name)For example,if your a director when you defeat Director D.,it will be Director Hamburger.BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my last comment, please, I want everyone to remember me, Jacob Ransom Flanders!
he wont follow me to the celling
cool i won by cheating
baby i got a member
finished steamwork
exapt astro-night
Jump up to the top until you see a guy wearing a white jacket at bow-tie. This is Director D, the head of your secret agent organization. He’ll give you a Decoder Kit.
Leave the Headquarters and run down the street to the right. Enter the Spyglass Eyewear building. Walk to the left and talk to the guy standing next to the eye chart. Ask him to give you an eye exam. When you take the exam, choose the exact opposite symbol as the one he points to. By choosing the opposites, you’re giving him the secret code letting him know you’re an agent. He’ll leave and tell you to meet him upstairs.
Go outside the exit and then jump up on the outside of the building. There is a small door in the upper left. Go inside it. Talk to the eye exam guy here and he’ll reveal that he’s the scientist for secret operations. He’ll give you a special item that he has just developed: the chameleon suit. Go ahead and put this suit on and you’ll blend into the background whenever you are standing still. Leave this room and run left through Main Street. Go to the Docks.
When you arrive at the docks, start making your way up to the top onto the roof. Avoid the guards by standing still. When you’re not moving, your chameleon suit will make you invisible and the guards cannot see you. Run across the roof until you reach a small doorway. Then go inside.
Head down through the floors in this room the same way. You can avoid the dogs whenever you stand still. When you get to the bottom-left corner of the room, you can drop down an opening into a smaller room. One of your fellow secret agents is lying on the floor, tied up with rope. Click on him to set him free. He’ll give you a laser pen, which is an ordinary looking pen that can cut through certain types of metal. He’ll also give you a satellite clue card before he runs off. Next, jump out through the hole in the roof and this time run to the right along the floor until you reach the exit. Then go through and you’ll be back out on the docks. Run back to the right to Main Street.
Run right through Main Street to Balding Avenue. Then keep going until you get to the B.A.D. Bistro. If you’re still wearing your chameleon suit, it will automatically be removed when you enter. Run through the restaurant past the B.A.D. operatives at the table and go into the kitchen. Talk to the chef and apply for the job.
When you apply, you’ll take a test where you have to remember the order of ingredients that the chef points to with his wooden spoon. After you pass the test, you’ll be hired and get a chef hat. Put it on. Then go back out to the table and talk to the B.A.D. operatives. One of them will ask you fill up his glass. He’ll give you a wine glass that has his fingerprint on it. Run back into the kitchen and then jump up above the stove into an opening in the ceiling. Leap across the lights hanging down to cross back over the restaurant area without the B.A.D. operatives seeing you leave with the glass. When you reach the end, drop back down and then leave the restaurant.
Once outside, run right until you see a guy in the bushes wearing camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you a folder called File X. Open up your backpack and examine the file. Slide the paper back into the file so that only one row of letters can be seen. You can now read a secret message from top to bottom that says:
Don’t Trust Director D
Uh-oh! Could Director D be a double agent? We’ll soon find out. Continue running right to Toupee Terrace. You’ll come to a house with an alarm system on all the windows. Keep jumping up the windows and side ledges while avoiding the lights that turn on. Go all the way up ad across the house until you get to the roof. At th e very top there is a grate. Click on it and use the laser pen to cut the metal bars, then go inside.
Once inside the attic, walk to the left and you’ll find another fellow agent tied up. Click on him to release him. He’ll give you a special item: a grappling bow-tie, one of the coolest items in Poptropica. Using this tie, you can swing from building to building with ease. Kind of like Spiderman. He’ll also give you another piece of the Satellite Clues. Go back outside the attic and jump down. Then head left back to Balding Avenue.
Put on your grappling bow-tie and stand on the ledge next to the guy in camo who gave you the file. Then click on the bow-tie icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. Aim straight up. The bow-tie should catch far above and carry you up to a sign that points to the rooftop. Click it to head up there.
Jump up to the top of the roof and stand on the very edge over on the left. Click on the bow-tie again and aim at about a 30 degree angle to the left. The bow-tie should attach to the radio tower with red lights on it. You’ll jump all the way to it. It can be tricky to land on it cleanly, so if you miss, just keep using your bow-tie to get yourself to the very top of the radio tower. Once there, aim your bow-tie out to the right at about a 20 degree angle and you should end up on another glass rooftop. There’s a metal air vent up here. Click on it to go inside.
Now you’re in a big greenhouse. Run to the far right, where you’ll see a cherry bomb tree with a large cherry bomb growing in it. Click on the cherry bomb to make it drop. The fuse starts, so quickly push it to the left onto the top of the plant nearby. This is a spring plant and it will shoot the cherry up onto the platform above. Use your bow-tie to jump up there as well. Push the cherry bomb again to the left until it drops down. Then push it on the next plant and follow it up. Now push it in front of the door to a cage where another fellow agent is being held captive. Wait for the bomb to explode and destroy the door then click on the agent inside. She’ll give you some ultra vision goggles and the remaining piece of the satellite clues. Then she takes off.
Put on the ultra vision goggles and then drop down to the left and exit the greenhouse. Jump down and off to the right until you land on the ground in Balding Avenue. Head right again to Toupee Terrace and run past the house with the security alarms. Go all the way to the right through a hole in a fence with a sign saying that it’s the B.A.D. control center.
This area has a series of lasers that you need to avoid by timing your moves across. First go all the way to the right and then go up the slanted side of the building. You’ll get to a moving platform, jump on it and then go to the left onto another platform that goes from left to right. This part is kind of tricky. Jump again to another up/down platform on the left and then up to the platform above. There’s a door there with a fingerprint scanner. Since you have the wine glass with the fingerprint on it, you’ll use that to sneak inside.
Jump up while avoiding the lasers until you get to a platform with computers. You’ll get trapped inside a cage and then Director D will come out and save you. He’ll ask you to get the teleporter working. Use the satellite clues and place each clue on top of each other. They’ll spell out a code: LASER HAIR REMOVAL. Enter those three words once by one into the computer. The teleporter will turn on and then Director D will step inside. Follow him through the teleporter.
Director D will reveal two things: one, he’s wearing a toupee and two, he’s behind the B.A.D. organization. He’s a double-agent after all! He’s got control of his satellite back and plans to vaporize the hair off everyone in Poptropica. He’ll step inside his rocket and then some mini-bot robots will appear out of the wall.
Now it’s time to test your bow-tie grappling hook skills to the max! Your goal is to lure the mini-bots into the gold power speheres located around the room. The first two are really easy because they’re on the ground. The next two are tough, because they’re up high. The goal is to place yourself on the opposite side of the sphere from the mini-bot. It will go on a straight line to get you but electrocute itself when it hits the sphere. When all the mini-bots are destroyed, Director D comes after you in his rocket satellite thing. Using the same technique, try to get him to smash his ship into the ceiling several times while avoiding him. Once he smashes up his ship, he’ll surrender and be put in prison. You’ve finished the island and won the medallion. Congratulations!
Spy Island Glitch
Note: some people are saying that this glitch with Director D does not happen for them and that he only appears in the cage. It might just be a random thing.
Wow, you read this far? Good for you. You get a nice reward. Did you know there’s a story line glitch in Spy Island? If you finish the island and then return to Headquarters you can meet and talk with all the agents that you freed, as well as the secretary of the agency (the guy who gives you the island medallion). But if you go all the way to the top of the HQ, guess who’s still standing there? That’s right, Director D! The Poptropica Creators forgot to remove him from HQ after he reveals he’s actually a double agent and the mastermind behind the B.A.D. plot
poptropica was only a game tome but its so cool wid the walkthroughs!
kool those walkthroughs really make a difference hey does any1 no how 2 get that kool outfit u see those members wearing without bein a member???????????it looks so kool an i want it but mum an dad wont let em b a member, or is that outfit a reward?
This so cool! Now I might do …… maybe time tangeled…. isn’t that hard?
I love it but I don’t get the bit when your on the roof and I want to catch dd!(Director D)
i love poptropica i have almost beat all the islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ihave 50 creadets in my store your suits cost 75 creadets
poptropca,s spy island is so hard.i have completed the island july 4th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2010
pink jeans are you a boy or a girl
if you get a file from a guy in a bush put it back in the file not all the way but enough to see the beginning of each sentense. it says dont trust director d.
IF only he would not lie cuz I hav beaten it 400 times ({:(
boy spy island was sooooo eazy
hi-jack his brain
aming a 30 dreggre is hard
this stuff really works and i use it every time i log onto poptropica thanks you guys for making an presenting this website to me and everyone else who likes to use this
how can i be a souper hero
on mine in spy island directror d is sposed to chase me in his ship and i have to try and make him bump into the ceiling whilst avoiding him, but, hes just sat in his ship thingy at the bottom of the scene, i can see him in there and when i stand under the ship he zaps me but hes not chasing me???? why???? help!!!!!!
That glitch where Director D stayed out of the cage happened for me too and I got to battle him again xD! I wish it would’ve glitched so I could also get the 100 credits again, but oh well, it was just fun to redo the boss-battle.
thank for helping me out but dhat was kinda easy
I can’t get up the windows. Its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard.
Once your on the building with the B.A.D. guard, where do your bow tie grapling hook?
this sucks the moving platform thing wont come
that was awesome!!
Thanks alote.this was hard,on poptropice im curious fox.lol,odd name right? better than purple goop.
fab steps =)
i had people to do it for me! if u see eelow on comments for big nate, look at me saying to
be my slaves.
bow to busy scorpion!
and why did they name the smaller dogs with tough names and the huge dog fluffy!!!????
no sense!
Decoder does not work…
Nearly done to perfection!
how do i get thru the bad headquarters
its hard
i dunno when i do the eye exam thing it doesn’t work for me.
spy island is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beat every island ecsept spy and skulldugry
poptropica is hard
when i tried to get on to the radio tower with the grappling bow tie, it’s really hard! i can’t! soooooooooooooo difficult!
hey, i’m on the rooftops..
how can i go to the radio tower if there is the laser that protects the radio tower???
help me! i can’t! :'(
hurray! i can do it! 😀
it was like not hard it is like the easys thing ever (=^_^=)
I love it.I like it because it tells you step by step.*
*Even for the hardest thing!!!:):):):):):):):):):)
the glitch is that d.d froze and didnt keep following so he froze what do i do now
Maybe he’s under house arrest?
when you’re fighting him, you can get crushed and it doesnt matter
um…. how do you do the teleport thingi??? do u have to leave space???? if u do,,, then how do u leave space????????????????????? :(((((
finish this part alrdy…. :)… going to go to the next island now… wish me luck
I know how to complete spy island!I bet you fools do not!So na na na boo boo on you!And if you do know how to complete the island still na na na boo boo on you!P.S:I am really kidding about all the mean things,so actually I want to be your friend.Back on the subject.Spy island is wacky,silly,scary,and hard.I like spy island because there is so many surprises.The hard parts I do not really want to talk about.Director D. tries to be good,but reallyhe is a bad guy.He is an evil little man,so do not get fooled by his tricks.He tries to kill you,but you are an alive,free,and a really good boy or girl.He starts good and ends bad.I am going to start good, and end good.And I want to give a message to you grigory,you do not need to type in a long message,and you do not need to tell every person in the world how to complete spy island.I figured how to complete spy island by myself!Not everybody needs to know that message.Love,Owen. Back to the subject again.Remrember those three big dogs?(You need to get the camilion(I am sorry I spelled that word wrong it is pronounced like this:kam-ill-e-on)suit.I to going to do this tomorrow. Good night!Part two:comming tomorrow!!!
I like poptropica spy island!!
Ilove spy island sooo much!
i like potropica its my favorite game i already pass all potropica so good luck people
i like potropica its my favorite game i already pass all potropica so good luck people
OMG so hard thank you love you guys:D
Justin Drew Bieber
what do u use the ultra vision goggles for??
i’ve only just started but, am enjoying it. Anyone else enjoying it?
spongbob,poptropica isn’t hard. i already beat 4 ilands
What the I bought the Mythology Surfer and it said it was in my items but I can’t find it. Please help me.
In Poptropica I finished eight islands
the glitch is no longer there. =(
i know how to do like a sling shot with the big telephone wire thats next to the moon at spy island
I didnt know this website before my brother told me.this is very cool.Iwill tell u all of the poptropica codes and secrets and the places.it’s so fun. this is Deidra James.I am the present of the south carolyna.THANK U EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
yes i finally completed spy island yipee! B)
There is a secret native mask in the city area of spy issland.
HOW TO GET:grab the bow tie rope thing and jump around for a little while. If you are able to stop falling and land under it then jump up to collect it yellow words BONUS will pop up.
It is simalar to the mask on the withdoctor of sharktooth island but alot wierder.
Yay! I finished it in 30 minutes now, I finished all islands! 🙂 Good Job! More Power to You Poptropica Secrets!
omegosh i hate this island i cant to the cherry bomb place
question!!!!! WHERE IS THIS SECERET OPENING QHERE U GET TO THE FELLOW AGENT!?!? someone plzz tell me b kuz i am confused!!!
nevermind… i found it .!
IM DONE!!!:) YAY!!!
A tip for in the greenhouse, instead of using the rgappling hook it is better to map out a route without it then just jump. GH makes it hard to get to the cage with your cherry bomb
There was a Nabootie island warrior mask that you could find on one of the buildings by jumping around via bowtie but it was removed when Nabootie was realesed.
If ya got it by falling or jumping nothing happenes but if you stood under it and jumped the word bonus apperaed for a second.
Na bootie my skull is in the duggery with the gate punkin
on spy island i cant get past the door to get to the agent PLEASE HELP!
i found out when he gives you the cup in the bistro, justtake off your hat and he won’t bother you 🙂
I am finally solving islands, and it is all thanks to you!
The Hair Club is so fun! I just got done throwing a concert with Wild Melon and Incredible Skull.
lol. I just finished Spy Island but the Poptropica Creators must’ve fixed some things because Director D. is no longer standing there, he is now in a cage. The glitch is fixed. Also, there is no longer a mask for a bonus. Awwwwwww, I wish it were still there. Just like I saw a video on YouTube where a guy found these glasses on Time Tangled Island but it is no longer available so everyone called him a liar and his vid a fake. Shame on them, they WERE there! But yah, fun island. Thanks for the help! Oh, and btw, there are easier ways to do some of these stunts with the lasers in the control center and getting up to the vent on the rooftops! I figured them out quickly cause these ways were a bit hard for me. lol! wooowwwwww…… thanks, anyway! oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 45 MIN. LEFT, ENJOY THE REST OF 2010!!!!
I got out of the bad bistro and talked to the camo guy, and he gave me some satallite clue instead of the X files!!! Will someone help me?
when i went to rescue the fellow agent tied up down there, it wouldnt let me
i clicked on him, and all my girl did was push the door and nuthing ever happened.
Ok, so I was trying to get two poptropicans to meet up and exchange outfits in the hair club. It was going fine at first, but then it started acting odd. At the bottom left of the hair club, my two characters were facing each other. Another Poptropican was jumping in front of one of my two characters, and another Poptropican was coming toward the characters from the door. Now, all their heads are the frozen, but the rest of the characters are doing stuff like dancing, using the Anti-power handcuffs, swimming, using air guitars, getting squashed flat, using the skull shovel from skullduggery island, taking pictures with a yellow camera, using a crowbar, knocking, and MORE!! The worst part is, I can’t catch it on video!
ummm what can i do if i fall down and the spy agent see me with the glass?
On Reality TV Island i wonder if you keep doing that Airplane game thing i wonder if you do that game 10 times that you can get 200 or 100 Credits. 🙁
Another song coming up real quick here lol just going to play a quick game here then i will put that other song down for ya’ll!! 😉
LOL! the glitch isn’t there anymorl. wish i could have seen it. 😉 hahahah. just beat spy island today. ugh. always got stuck at gettin to the greenhouse entrance.
It works but was confusing when i had to get to the vent……………………………………….:)
my director d is in a cage crying it’s not fair!
see you guys around!!! (I mean Tommorow) 😉 🙂
Why do I find the poptropica creators like balloon boy so much???
hey i already beat spy island, it is kinda easy, if you get the 5 inventions, it will be a piece of cake you need a camouflage suit, code decoder, weird glasses, a laser pen, and the bow tie
Get the bow tie first. Then the toupee terrace building will be much easier to climb, since you can just grapple up the side.
never mind you get it when you go up toupee terrace
i swung to far trying to get to the tower thing and i went all the way from the right side of the screen to the left and straight back down to the street! LOL!
you guys luv the bowie.
i hate this island this is the only way i got through
it was cool i’m hafe way done i just need to beat drecrtor d and i will finish the iland
i cant log in. 🙁 i wish i could so i could finsth the island.
u kno, u sgould add Dr.Hare’s secret lab. its in the store. like the haunted house, u can buy it. costs 250 credits
<(") :42:
(^^^) shark eats 42 penguins :'(
OMG i luv this island!!!! definitly my fave one!!!! great job making the shortcut!!! so much easier!!!!
super power island song:
LOL J\J (means just joking)
When I go through the door on the top, it won’t let me go UPSTAIRS!
It just takes me downstairs…
By the way.
Can you or someone please save a girl character for me?
When I try to save, it took forever and didn’t even save.
(If you’re wondering, it took a whole day.)
And also when I tried to go to Balding Avenue, it takes my back to Poptropica home.
:'[ HELP ]’:
How do you get the laser pen!?!?!?!?!?!
i was playing and my computer got stuck so i logged on again but the bad boss won’t give me his cup
Thanks for the advice, I really needed it!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
hey go on poptropica
How can you get up toupee terrace?so hard……. 🙁
When u r useing the bow tie i can get to the radio tower thing but then wen i try to get to the nxt buildin tht u hav to go to i keep getting hit with a lazer how do i get pst the lazer
wierd.at the end of the mission he was in the cage.no glitch
i dont get where 2 find the cheats!!!!!!!
in the spy island , i was wearing one of the glasses in spy wear when i got bald !! how can i get my hair back ??
whats the code to activate the teleporter
I hat e the freaking bite me plants. I wish the person who made the freaking site would put that freaking thing away!!!! I can’t get past the freaking last one!
u don’t need to use the bow tie to get up to push the cherry bomb. you can just jump up on the flowerpots
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
is it okay u guys give some of ur codes? i just got multiverse and dont know how to get 2 other ones.
How can you make spaces on poptropica?
if you use the bowtie in the plant place, the venus flytraps keep getting you. so jump on the flowerpots and use them to jump up. it does take a little longer, true, but it’s less annoying. i hate those plants.
i finished spy island
the hardest was shock lites, plants, cherry bomb and saving the agents i wis h i could laf at director d wen u finsh ur the leader of hq
yea…. how do u make a space coz wen i try to put in laser for passcode 1… it doesnt work..
amazingness, press enter/return after you put in the first passcode, then you can type in the next one. (which is hair, BTW)
When i was doing spy and your by the building where it has the shock thing i try to get up to the top building it won’t let go to a platform can you help me please?
songlistena101, you have to time your moves very cerfully to get up the building. jump immediately after the yellow light blinks out. first, run all thw way to the right side of the building. wait till the rightmost window light blinks off, and then jump on it, and then immediatley jump to the little ledge to the the right of it. form there, continue up the right side of the house. then jump on to the right part of theroof. there will be a line of windows to your left. jump across these to the left. it’s easier if you stay on the top row and keep jumping continuously to the left as soon as you land. once you get the the left end, jump onto the left part of the roof. there’s another line of windows leading to the right. using the same technicqe, jump across to the left. then you can jump onto the topmost roof. use your laser pen that you obtained earlier form rescuing the first agent to cut through the bars at the top. just click on the barred window and use the pen to slice neatly through at the bottom. and then you can go in!
be patient on this one. it’s kind of hard. i had to try a few times before i finally got to the top.
hope it helps!
wow it took me a long time to write the complete steps to get on top of the building
if anybody needs help with spy, just call me. I can help you!!
by the way, the story line glitch has been fixed for me. director d is not there after i had completed the mission thanx for the help!
thanks for the tips! i completed it thanks to u!
hi everybody if youre a fan of justin bieber or usher chat with me here
did you know that sometimes when you are walking past the hairspray building
a laser will come and take of youre hair at least i think so
poptropicasecrets, actually it doesn’t. i tried standing there for a while. sorry.
the advice was great how old are you guys iam only 11 and this was easy
HEY!!! Here’s A cool Glitch for Poptropica! First You need to get the “Lemonade Mouth” Gituar, then Go into A Place with Maniqins, then press spacebar with the Gituar on and the Maniqins will Dance! and when There done dancing They’ll Breathe Like a Real Poptropican! Hope This Works For You!!! Enjoy!!! From Nice Socks
BTW, after you win the island and are at headquarters, look at the screen with your character on it. It’ll call you “Director *Name*”!
Thanks for the advice. I really needed it!!! I got the medal! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tip: get on top of doctor D’s rocket thing and he’ll just keep going up. When he hits the top you fall off but it’s still easier than grappling around like mental
i cant get passed the gaurded house on the top part where you go across down up etc. it hard ive tried 90 times. i counted
this is the funnest island tho the part with the cherry bombs is hard but i beat it.
Isn’t it strange that the last dog, Fluffy, is also the largest and meanest? IRONIC!!!!
you can have the cat follow you. i forgot how though!
hey nice socks it works!!!
thanx sooo much! this was a BIG help to me 😉 keep it up!
pls pls PLS!!!!!!!!!!! help me i cant get past the eyeglass part he always sais you might need glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey bia that is the excat same thing that happeaned to me
Just do the oppisite of what he says
yay! i finally finished this island,thanks!i even got the glitch
(though if you know me,you would know i ALWAYS get glitches)
pls can u help with the cherry bomb? i’m finding it very hard. pls can u give me a cheat 4 it
i’ve got a glitch!!
when u see a guard and ur in camo (and right opposite), if u click on them it says “chat” and “battle” like in the multiplayer rooms!
p.s. u need 2 be skilled
Hey! Director D is locked up IN HQ!?!?!?!☺
This was a nice island.
How’d you do the tiny smiley, Sharlin??
To do a smiley
1) :
2) Then put smiley
3) Then another colon
or is it 😀
No it’s : then “grin” then another colon.
😀 ,
OMG! Thanks For All Of The Help. And Yeah I Cannot Believe That Nice Man Was Evil! I Was Like OMG! Haha It Was So Much More Fun With Your Help 😀 That Was Cool! Oh And THANK YOU, Again 😀
turn out director d is wering a wig!:D
That is so cool! I like the island. And after you beat Director D. You become the Director. I’m Shy Dolphin, so I’m the Director D. Now! But I’m not evil… Or am I??? 🙂
I kinda like this island, BTW, i wonder who made this website???!!!@!
sry for coming here this is our back up
Happy 4th Of July
😀 lol did it work?
🙂 lol it works 😀 😀 😀 i am so happy i passed my mission
Hey, how come I have blue skin.Can somebody please tell me how to remove it?Thanks!
Here’s how:
Go to Early Poptropica Island. Go left and click on the baloons at the pigments stand.
Oh yeah, TheLACHSETER1 hope my last post helps!
?? It does? I didn’t know that. Cool. And What does BTW mean, anyway???
what happens when the game is loading and you can’t do anything because it froze.please help.;( Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey i love the cheats cause when ever i cant get something i go to the cheats then i no how to do it and win the game i think getting the boom to the agent is hard!!
this island is terrific!!!its so easy!
i love these cheats they give so much info thanks:)
Another glitch is that people on the main street’s hair is still getting zapped off, even after you get rid of the satellite and complete the mission. Some spies are even still acting like they were when you first came to the island! Almost like you never completed the thing!
this is so cool i finished spy yes the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
I don’t think these things are glitches. I think it’s the island’s ability to reset manually, so you can complete the island more than once.
thanks a lot for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is much easier to get into the green house if you wear the chameleon suit and get onto the roof with the bad agent and grapple the edge of the platform and boom your done
love this island 😉 🙂 so fun! 😉
If you’ve ever heard of a super secret nabootie island mask hidden in the spy island city, I can tell you it is true but after the release of nabootie island it was removed. When you get the mask if you did when it was there the words bonus popped up, but no the tiki mask is unacviable.
The greenhouse part is so hard. I keep on being chomped on by venus fly traps. ARGH!!!
I used the cellphone and unlocked some costumes but when I got that nerdy costume, I can’t take the freckles out. I tried pigments but it won’t work..can you please help..Thanks..☻☺☻☺
Chilly Snowball,
Take off your bow tie and jump the classic was so you don’t get chomped!
<3 this island!!!
i beet this island and i never knew about the vents in the bistro
I beat director d in my old file by smashing his ship’s with the bow tie and my poptropican’s body , all i had to do was smash the lights on top of his ship while grappling the top of his ship. But the walkthrough said I had to smash his ship to the roof. Weird.
P.S thanks forshowing me how to do this: 😀 tiny penguin
P.P.S I’m new to leaving comments here, but i’m not new to this website and poptropica (only seven islands to go)
OMG tht was so suprising thx for all ur help dude i was sooo lost without u
you’re welcome
I still have 12 islands to go..:(
Did u know that on the Hair Club, u can jump onto the bottle & spray hair spray?:)
( The red thingy…)
i have finished all islands without anyones help
How come afterI completed this island it still makes the people on main street lose their hair?!
Can you finsh all the island here is myn
Username skaryboy9
Passworrd 123789
If ifnsh all the island what happend next
i only need three more island which is steamworks and skullduggry and mystery train
i only need two more to finish which is mystery train and skulldergry
i couldnt find the radio tower…. the cherry bomb isnt working(cuz my internet is slow)… I give up on this island!!!
make that three islands to go
I think the glitch is a lie. He cold have put the medalion on in the picture with Director D.
I think the glitch is fake. He cold have had the medalion in the picture.
HA! PoptropicaSecrets doesn’t have any subcribers
director d is in some sort of cage in HQ
oops i mean 5
and i think that ,that poptropican finished the island but then restarted it
this is dumb. u know bout the glitch right, it happened 2 me xcept that theres no cage with the bald director inside
this is really easy.i restarted this more then twelve times:)
how do u restart?
da eye sight guy is just sayin ”your vision is perfect” and not sayin anything else or leavn
i like spy but the dog names fluufy for the biggst dog it y not thunder not fluffy the like cat name ans a girl dog name right
you gotta do the eye exam in the oppisote way:)
oops i forgot to put the s.
hey peoples! tornado here
well I have a new account and the person’s name is thirsty bear 😛
so I’m changing my name to thirsty bear 😀 😛 🙂 😉 😆
pls.! help me! director d stopped but he’s still shooting lazers pls! finish it for me my user is soda2285 and my pass is cake2345 ok
i love this Island!!!!
Spy island is awesome! It is weird that Director D has a wig or toupee though!
Peace out suckers
friendly snowball i can finish it for u since mi computer is fast if u want me too
thanks so much luv u
i have 9 to do….
do u know that if u’re on the show in Reality TV island, you’ll see “Baldy” competin’ sometimes.
with the i docter u have to do evrything oppisit form wht he says in the eyexam
hope i helped!!:)
i cant jet to the bars on the house next to bad hq hellp me
pasword sachacat1 username sk5f can you complete it for me
I cant do the par5t in where u hv to go to the other greenhouse……..:((
Can any1 help me?
i need help with all the iland i havent even done one
it my sister birthday
il love poptropica it rocks (L)
I am sooo bad at this island, I finished it but yet i am soo bad… It took me such a LONG time!
liston up “jade townsend” we are not suckers your fat nose is!
Thanks again! I finished this island in about an hour thanks to your website! 🙂
Yeah! I ♥ this website… I CHECK IT EVERYDAY!!! *whoops* sorry for caps lock.
kk! I’ll try and be there! Angry Hawk, r u a girl or a boy??? Just asking
ohhh, now i see!!! Don’t worry, cause now i no that!
yes happy betle i can
your welcome happy beatle
I beat the greenhouse 2 4 u happy beatle if u need me just post it
Ugghhhh! Can someone help me during the laser part of this island? I keep getting shocked!
how do you get inside wear the tied up guy
Nvm, I gave up and decided to “mega-jump” the way across, but luckily the laser wasn’t on then, and I passed it. ;D
PoptropicaSecrets roxs. I luv de walkthroughs.
I love poptropica but sometimes its really hard to get past parts. At the moment im doing Time Travel Island but a few mins ago I was stuck on a really hard part on Spy Island.
Director D. is in his office too .-. …..
Spy island rules!! I completed all islands and none were too hard!! 😛
if dr.d wont follow you up to the ceiling and he only hit it once, how do you get him 2 do it again?
thanks i just finished spy island
thanks for using poptropicia secrets any one can see me at early poptropicia
I hate this island!!!!
Hi, Angry Hawk!There is so much to talk about. Silly Dragon, it is not dumb! Sorry, I just caught Silly Dragon RED HANDED! Thumb’s up if you love Poptropica!
Angry Hawk, how do you make cry face?!?!?
ok one thing it will not let me pick up the glass please help
I hate this island it wasted my time
Awesome! You helped me with so many islands…
how do you get past the fly traps they keep “chomping” me when i swing past
lovely. as judy moody would say, THRILLADELIC!
Thanks Fierce Moon! It really worked I give you thanks. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I luv u fierce i like ur walkthroughs!
if ur on reality tv island when ur on the show sumtimes he’ll be there too
AH, you said 911 in every page.. what happened???/
btw… how do you do italic??? please answer.. waaaa _HOW DO YOU DO ITALIC??_
she was testing 2 c who was paying attention LOL
oooooohhhhhhhhh!!! thx nora!
I got the coolest costume ever!!!! you need the rock star 2,and the midnight ninja. First you need to go to spy island’s HQ and get the hair,sunglasses,mouth,and suit. Then go to the docks and get the belt from the B.A.D guy that trys to ram you. how to get to him is let him ram you to the trash can guy. then when the B.A.D guy is thinking, quickly press the the shirt button and get the belt. Then go to the ninja which you got from the store and get the nutchuks and sword.Then go to the rock star 2 and get the jacket with the lighting bolt neckeles. And now the hardest part. You have to get the mechanic half-face or the half face from the evil guy from asto knight island.You can also get the half face in the players room like the hair cut building from spy island. Now you have the coolest costume ever. PS don’t get somthing else.
I got the coolest costume ever!!!! you need the rock star 2,and the midnight ninja. First you need to go to spy island’s HQ and get the hair,sunglasses,mouth,and suit. Then go to the docks and get the belt from the B.A.D guy that trys to ram you. how to get to him is let him ram you to the trash can guy. then when the B.A.D guy is thinking, quickly press the the shirt button and get the belt. Then go to the ninja which you got from the store and get the nutchuks and sword.Then go to the rock star 2 and get the jacket with the lighting bolt neckeles. And now the hardest part. You have to get the mechanic half-face or the half face from the evil guy from asto knight island.You can also get the half face in the players room like the hair cut building from spy island. Now you have the coolest costume ever. PS don’t get somthing else or it’ll mess it up.
ops i accidentely press it 2 times. FOLLOW MY ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont read long comments unless its some1 popular, sry
I don’t care. As long that some people saw it?
Arrg I accidentaly put a questions mark
if that was rude then… whatever i dont really know u, if it wasnnt rude then i have nothing 2 say
ok then. That’s settle.
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
i herd bout yu and sry people call you cuss names. yu a boy or girl ? your poptropican a boy or girl? and my poptropican’s name is Quiet Flyer! be friends?
sry that was for Angry Hawk
Im the girl with the bloody hand five minutes away from killing nora.
On final battle, just jump on top of Dr. D’s ship and he’s so dumb he’ll fly up to the ceiling and you’re safe except when it hits the ceiling you fall but idk.
when i type laserhairremoval in i cant do no spaces and it wont let me through
Keep trying, I know sometimes that passcode is hard… i don’t remember though, sorry 🙁
Hey everyone!!!
I’m throwing a party!! It lasts Oct. 29 to Nov. 1. The room code is BNE19. Make sure you bring a costume!!
u have to type laser enter hair enter removal enter
Oh, right… yea SARON is right… 🙂 thx
Its hard to defeat the mini bots cause they shock you so muck
Its hard to defeat the mini bots cause they shock you so much
yahooo i finished it thank you very much for help
Hint: When you type in laser hair removal go….
and that should get u in
i made another poptropica person named spotted starfish!! wahahahaha!! dont know why i said that – i got soooooooo much candy 2nite! its halloween for u guys 2 rite?
made another person named spotted starfish with the username iluvjustinbieber654…. justin if ur reading this…. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wahahahahahahahahahaha a guy named james looks just like u
I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT WAIT 2 GET HIS CHRISTMAS ALBUM…. WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISTLETOE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!! (AND U 2 JUSTIN!) IM HIS #2 FAN (HIS MOM IS HIS 1ST) ALWAYS THINKING BOUT U JUSTIN!
Hey, i dont usually comment but i have got to say how pathetic it is that you are so obsessed with this retard justin beiber. ive met him and hes an idiot
Rachel, so I guess its ur opinion and I cant really change that so idc. (u spelled his name rong2, btw) and i dont think uve met him, but im not gonna start a fight so if u do turn this in2 a fite, its not my fault
and im not pathetic – im just 1 of his adoring fans 😛 down w/ jb’s haterz!
I have the awsumest clothes – youll need the fairy wings, black skirt, black belt, black denim vest thingie, blue over the shoulder top, hair flip (goth guy in Reality TV island), wavy hair, pop star bangs (white earrings), pink glossy lips
go to the avatar studio and type in iluvjustinbieber654 or chinchillasrock3
wait no chinchillasrock3 – im in my angel costume
i apologize 4 rachel, justin!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!
nice. I passed! love you fierce moon you are a expert im lucky bubbles and i have been playing poptropica for 10 years
poptropica is only 4 years old kate
i love this site
In Poptropica today, Director D is in jail near his office :DD
http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bbkpWcVRaZEhKcGJsOW5hWEpz everybody look at mah avatar i just came from mythology island
I didn’t have the glitch when i won but that is really funny! 🙂
well not really a dumb azz, just dumb. Jennifer in my school is the dumb azz, even though she thinks shes cool, she is 100 percent stupid
i am thinking it makes it easy to beat levels with cheats!!!!!!!!!
the small door is lock
field trip tomorrow
omg yesterday i found a MAGGOT in my dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
pfft i hate my character especially at the laser light windows. it keeps on going down
for the passcode u have to type in laser then enter then type hair then enter then type removal and enter and there u go
I have been on for thirty minutes trying to connect to the radio tower. The stupid guy comes and kicks me off. Every time i do connect, it just comes right off.
How do you u separate the words in laser hair remover
Peoples! I have an account i just made, my first boy account cause i wanted 2 see if boys could wear mustaches. they can’t. So anybody who wants a boy poptropican with a Super Power Island medal, type in “hersheyskissing1” for the username and the same thing for the password
Are u serious tiny tornado?As they say big head tiny brain.
for the laser hair removal, go…
@cuddly bubbles, this isnt the website to be expressing your jovial opinion about JB.
i hatespyisland those pesky b.a.d agents at the docks wat does it lead to any way?
Ahahahahah I just defeated Director D! It was so funny to see him crash into the ceiling! All I did was jump on top of the ship and he went up and *CRACK* bye bye ship lol
Agggghhh I can’t get past the greenhouse bit where there are SO many Venus Flytraps. As soon as I jump up to the platform with the cage, it gets me and I have to start all over again. Added to that, I keep clicking on the STOOPID Alvin and the Chipmunks ad, then I have to go back to Early Poptropica, then the map, then Spy Island main street, then the Balding Ave, then climb up with the tie, and start ALL over again. As you can see, it’s frustrating.
I finished this so easy on my last character, but Poptropica decided to reset that one, so I have to start again. And it doesn’t help when the ad takes you to a map instead of taking you to a page on a seperate tab like it used to.
OK, i c the brown door, when i try to go in it i’m not on the upper floor. HELP!
。◕‿◕。☮♫㉧☆๑◕ܫ◕๑♪♫ツツツ☎ ( ̃•̃)з ღα в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ ν ω χ у z
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ª ↀ ↁ ↂ Ↄ ↄ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ ↉ ↊ ↋ ▲◣◢ ◥▼△▽ ⊿◤◥ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽
ummm……the comment on top has nothing to do with POPTROPICA… hahaha:)
Cheats r so helpful 😉
Although it’s kinda not fair…… but they ROCK!
Okay. Incase someone get confused by the time when I posted, let me make this clear. I live in Somewhere Asia! (And I can’t tell you guys where the “Somewhere” is.
Cuddly Coyote will be having a party on Christmas Eve in the time tangled common room about 8:30AM bring your best clothes so we can costumize . OMG must get dressed
Ok umm yeah the secret agent is in a vault how do i get him out???
I just played this island and they removed Director D… I was kinda looking forward to that. :_(
I just started poptropica so i am just a beginner
thx hepled alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello peoples i like turtles
press ctrl+shift+p and you get a pumpkin head do it again to take it off
it didn’t work.
I have just finished Early Poptropica and I need an Easy Island,
I have already finished mystery train island and wild west island
which island should I do next????
Meet me in the Shrink Ray place where all the players can go (common room?) dress as a favorite book character! (same gender as you please) It’s a New Year party tho. I WOULD dress as Gale from the Hunger Games, but he is male, so I’m being Katniss. 🙂 @ 3 o clock. HOPE YOU ALL CAN COME! P.S. it’s today!!!
RSVP…. uh here. You don’t have to but it would help….. so I kno who came by their clothes.
Orange Peanut-
Go to Reality TV. Super Easy! 🙂
Come to my multiverse!!!!
Come to my party!!!!!!!!
It will be @: Jan 3rd
@: 4:00-4:30
I’ll tell you the code on that day!
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much for yor help.
Anyone want to come? Please 🙁
anyone wanna join m party i have lots of people
can someone complete this island for me?
Lol, thank’s for this! 🙂 I just love your cheat code’s >:D
i love my bowtie it grapples
The mini-bots were actually kinda easy to defeat….
hey i need help
neia, what do ya need help with??
wow it sooooooo hard and it kinda looks easy
I’ve completed this island like, ten times!! way to easy!! if ya need help, anybody…
spy island is kinda hard for me and i only completed 8 lsland.Can somebody help me and tell me when S.O.S island comes out??
thanks to u I got only 1 more island to complete then its hello s.o.s island
to love on spy island
all the islands are so easy <3 ^_^ T_T
so easy!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhh Director D is stuck in the corner in his spaceship thing…. he only will fire his lasers and that’s it… What do I do?
thanks for the help ^ ^ when i started poptropica i wonder what spy island was like so i started it today and i had no idea what to do i was so confused i need help!
so thanks alot for this walkthrough if you never made this website i would be needing great help thanks alot! also when you said about the glitch about when you get the directer back he isent their anymore! the people who made poptropica must of noticed. ^ ^
What outfit are you wearing, Fierce Moon?
having Party on feb 14th everyone invited
will post code feb 12
I like the text better than the videos
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! what happend to my hair!
I don’t know if this is what you meant by Director D still standing in HQ, but when I go to the top he’s in a big wire cage.
-_- Stupid mini-bot I’m failing the last one.. argh.
i stuck in this lvl……
I cant get past that dog!
im waiting until they come up with a feature where you turn in unwanted costumes and stuff and get your money back
Come to my party! The code is ARA32.
My poptropica name is Tiny Panda. And my user name is girlsrock3280.
this sucks………. i”m still stuck in the eyewear shop.
yes now i got 2 badges because of this…………………………………………………….YES YEAH YAHOOOOOOO
yalls cheats are all awesome except the time tangled island . i didnt ever get it :(:(:(:(
All you have to do for Director D is grapple onto the ceiling above the satillite thingy and he’ll probably crash about the same number of glowing lights are on the front of his satillite. Then, when you go back to HQ and speak to all of the agents you freed, hop up the second platform on the right then hop left, right, left, and left. You’ll end up at the top level, where Director D is in a cage (HAIRLESS! It kinda creeped me out..) and click on him. He’ll say: ‘I’ll get you next time [Well, this is what he said to me, anyways] Silver Arrow! Bwha ha ha ha!’ And I said, : “SAID THE GUY IN A CAGE!!!!!!” Ah, revenge feels good!!
🙂 Silver Arrow 🙂
If you catch a man a fish, they eat for a night, but if you teach a man to fish, he can eat for a lifetime.
i want friends on poptropica
Ugh, I hate the plants in the greenhouse….whenever I try to push the cherry bomb right next to the cage, they chomp me. They’re starting to piss me off.
Thank U Sooo Much 4 Those Cheats, But There Is Another Way 2 Go With The Wine Glass Without Him Knowing Here’s How It Works, When He Asks U 2 Fill Up His Glass Go 2 The Kitchen And Take Off Your Chef Hat Then Exit Without Hanging On The Lights I Did It One Time It Worked, But If You Want 2 Hang On The Lights Just 4 Fun Then Do It I Think Thats a Fun Way 🙂
the glitch always happens to me and the first time director d was on the loose and i had the medal weird
thanks 4 these cheats
this waz so helpful b4 i had no idea how 2 do it but now i know. and btw, the glitch did not happen 4 mee. just so u know. kk l8er!! 🙂
i cant get past these effin plants @ the stupid greenhouse!!
if those stupid plants go CHOMP! at me again i will go to the peoples who made up these wacked up plants and go CHOMP! on thier heads!!! yeah poptropica people i hope your lookin at this message!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
ok ive got every thing right up until where you type in the LAZER HAIR REMOVAL code….umm it wont let me in n im bout to smash the freakin computer.
oh its laser hair removal CRAP IT!!! it still didnt work. this island is jack
i did the island.i found him in the (mini) jail cell,but no glitch!! hmmmm?? 😀
Done it so awesome no cheats! Lol the window jumping part is like soo hard i did it thousandz of times anywaye…. But i got there so im glad
xxx Skyler *stunningmermaid* xxxx
i love your cheats!! they make my life easier. :]
that island was awesome
Wow. Thanks! I SO CAN’T play Poptropica without these cheats!
I hate Spy Island!!!!!
quiet dragon, y wood u evin say th@, if u dont hav enything nise tu say, thin dont say it @ all
this was kinda fun 3 island finsh just the rest 2 do haha XD
I found out that if you finish Spy Island and go to another island then come back again, Director D will not be in the cage. So the glitch works! 🙂
Everyone has big hair I noticed it when I finished the island.
I finished this island w/o cheats 5 min world record right everybudy? I never get a glitch?
Btw can somebody please show me how too do the glitch!
@Mistfield: Finish the island. Go back to HQ to the top floor. Director D will still be there! 🙂 So funny.
Has anyone else noticed how the times are all messed up? It’s almost 7 and it says it’s almost 4. Weird…
Note to everyone, please use nicer language! My little sis comes on this site, and I don’t want her to see some of the language that’s used. Thanks,
Quick Tiger
I’ve never cheated in games like these before but thanks any way now I know Where to look for awesome and easy-to-do cheats! THANK’S AGAIN!!!
Sorry about the other comment I didn’t know that it was already there PEACE!!!
Please Add Me On Poptropica It’s Icy Dragon THANK’S!!!
Please tell me your room code mine is AUN79 Thank’s Again
Please come to my sister’s multiverse on poptropica
The code: BMW56
plz come to my multiverse room in poptropica plz. the code is……dpj22 plz come!!!!
Thanx for these awesome cheats,secrets, and glitches! 😀
soooooo hard !!!! through the laser part
Poptropica is not closing its April fools joke.If you look closely it says… APRIL FOOLS!!!! Hope this makes you happy!
I love poptropica secrrets its so awesome i have gotten four medals from it please respond now im om too cryptids island
POPTROPICA is hard at first but wen u have the cheats its not:)
this island is so easy
I have finshed 7 islands because of u your awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Fierce moon im only 9 and the things that people are posting r really mean they are searing and fighting so please turn off the comments 🙁 =(
this is freakin stupid i HATE THIS ISLAND
HOW the heck do change the ugly look of my charcter???????????????
this ilksind iz ezey
Heh. This island was cool. That’s ’nuff said.
how is 30 degrees angle??? i’m not good at geometry…
I hate those stupid chompy plants
Thank you! Now I finished the island! It’s very challenging and it shows you what spies do!
this is hard! im stuck on the cherry bomb part 🙁
thank you much i have now finshed this island (: time for me to conquer another one (: much love sarahlovescookies <3 xxxx
The secretary won’t give me the medal! Is this another glich?
it is a glitch cause i researched it online so yea it is Purple Burger
Hey,, come to my new blog:
I’m hoping that Fierce Moon will let it be part of her site.
Tell me what you think in the comments! (On the site)
fierce moon’s a boy actually i know HIM he’s in my class
they don’t give me the medal
i <3 this island!! 🙂
You know, since the lady outside there said a spy’s work is never done, shouldn’t you like make a sequel or something??
Cassandra, nobody on this site works for Poptropica, but there SHOULD be a sequel.
Spy Island is hard to bet me and my brother r having a contest who ever finishes the moth islands before school is out and he has done 6 island already help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yaaaay i finished it 😀
thanks for that
sup just finished the island : P
Lots of people beat the island before you. There’s no reason to brag.
Whoa…whoa. Wait a second. FIERCE MOON’S A BOY?! Oh my holy holy macaroni!
brave star does your blog have how to beat sos
Awesome site! but you say fierce moon’s a boy?!? D:
Golden Icicle, no, Squeezy Catfish was making it up.
Messy Crush, my blog is for Poptropica Mysteries. Fierce Moon has helped me beat many islands, and I don;t want to compete with her for being a help blog, especially since I would lose!
yay for me!! for once in my life i concured over my computer fantic siblings who are ay younger then me! yay :}
This island is awesome. I think the hardest part was the cherry bomb part
this is sooooooo useful that i finished shirnkray island! i even saved this website to favorites on the top of my screen! im going to use this website untill all of the worlds are completed!!!!!!!!! 😉
thanks very good instructions!
Wow! I love this site now i am on mystery train but i have 2 accounts and i needed a refresh on spy island lol. They shoud make an ancient egypt island because i LOVE cleopatra!! My user names are Cleoptra0906 and Cleo0906 if anyone wants to friend me ( i also had one that was Kaykay0906 but i forgot the password and never get on it anymore, i havent got on it for years)
i did not finish the island, but i just read the whole entire written walkthrough.
this game is AWSOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t get get past the mini-robots!!
It that a g or a 9 because I want to friend you
firece moon is 22 so he/she is not in anyones class, squeezy catfish
hi this is cuddley bubbles
i just finished spy island it took me 2 months 2 finish
Fierce Moon is 22? She IS a girl, though.
Did anybody go to the roof of HQ and see the dude their? he give you a hint about dr. d but it was too late for be cause when i found him i had already bet the game
It’s really how they hid the secret message in file X. If you read the whole thing it tells you about how great director d. is, yet the main thing is to tell you not to trust him. Anyway, my friend helped me get into the greenhouse, but I can’t get past the cherry bomb in time >.< it sounds yummy, but I dont want my mouth to explode
Btw I meant to say it’s really funny
I left the island and tried to go back to greenhouse, but now I can’t get back! >.< the bow tie is too swingy. And even when my potropican aims and misses, she shouldn't move should she?????!
Ok nvm, I completed it yay! 😀 defeating director d was fin 😛 I was all like Smashy! 😀 and the b.a.d. Ppl are still at the docks. Is that a glitch or no?
i have completed this island
Is this a glitch? When I have 2 cross the light bulbs with the glass i keep getting dragged down and then the loading symbol comes on my mouse so i cant move then my poptropican starts bouncing for eternity. it happened on both acounts & it bounced for 2hours straight so then i deleted my account ):
i hate this island it made me delete my best account!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey,its ZENDAYA COLMEN,i luv pop. i finshed all the islands thanks to you jeff kinney your remarkable please come to my consert if i have one u dont have to get a ticket come without one tell the doorman zendaya say that i can come without one if he dont believe you i will come and tell him.
i can not get pasted the security alarm btw no arguments im married to harry edward styles 4 eva no arguments if so i will not read them so suck on that 😛
I just started this island and i am in LOVE with the customizer i just found out how to use it and am dressing up like spys!
help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
director d is in a corner and doesnt move.i cant get him out of the corner
prickly 615: i agree lol.
use costimizer and change ugly look of your ugly character.
ps: does your character look like you?
i hate this iland more less than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps:its not quiet dragon its quick dragon
At the beginning part at the docks when I click on the agent nothing happens except I keep pushing against the wall!
Never mind. 🙂
Today’s my birthday!
i hate spy island in the whole world
I HATE SPY ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
sorry about mke saying i hate spy island its an ok island but i was just stuck on something and got annoyed
Ooo, it’s amazing how easy the island seems when you’re watching the video. (sorry people who are stuck, I got stuck, too. I just mean that Fierce Moon makes it looks easy)
The cherry bomb tree part is super hard, troublesome, challenging, problematical, and arduous
you first have to go head quarters and talk to director d then go to spy glass wear…
I feel like I should wear my cool cop guy outfit for this island…. mhmm..
Sweet I got to Complete spy Island So Easy
I frekkin love poptropica! =)
Yehey competed spy island yes lucky rider is right
Like it was so easy=) But you need to be very fast to get the gogles. And be careful, and geuss Dr.D is bald!!!!
Hell I love Spy Island because I completed it! Oh, and yea your right about the cherry bomb I got it stuck and it kept blowing up 🙁 But I completed Spy Island! 😀
Oh and Fierce Moon, some people are right about Director D appearing in a cage because that happened to me too! But who cares, I am now the new director, Director Walker! 😀
Oh and people tell me if this happened to you:
Director D is still there at his chair! Why is that villian still there!
Director Bad Guy is in a cage! Yay!
Sorry if I keep on making comments but I am bald! So I’m behind the B.A.D! But I’m not arrested!
Harvey , by any chance do you know how to speak Serbian (Srpski) I do 🙂
I dont know if this happened to you but on the third video it kept not playing after a few seconds. This is not my favorite island. It was challenging. If anyone who reads this add me (:
We can’t add you without a username. You don’t need a walkthrough to beat it.
I did it with half the walk-through 🙂
ur stupid Speedy Bean !!
So confusing!!!! Why do the b.a.d. agents still see me with the invisible gear on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????
Noleko: What did Speedy Bean do to you?
L.: You need to stand still to activate the gear.
I hate spy Island so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who likes to eat at Happy Dragon XD
Spy Island is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude icant even get the bomb over to the cage without the stupid plants hitting me
When i put laser in the passcode it doesn’t work for me any one help?
spy island is so easy
I hate the grappling bow when I’m with the cherry bomb. It won’t turn off! It makes me want to spit!
I keep bouncing off on the second plantform and then I get chomped, then chomped again, and bounced, and then Im on the other side of the room, and then the cherry bomb explodes. It’s impossible for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You still haven’t beat this island? or are you just getting photos??
due to the showings of user name and password im deleting comments for spy island
Never mind I got passed them
@little comet:That happened to me too but then i refreshed the page an i completed the whole island.
i love this island! its so awesome! 🙂
PS Lucky Rider, you must have studied your vocab!! 😀
SHUT UP! now where was I…..yes spy island.
Anyway, if you guys are having trouble, that’s what the cheats are for.
due to the showings of user name and password im deleting comments for this island im the real fierce moon
its hard when you have to get the mini bots to the yelow ball looking thingy!! i HATED that part but the rest was fun!!
can anybody tel me their username bc i want to friend them! 🙂
due to the showings of user name and passwod im deleting comments for spy island
hey im the real fierce moon and im deletingcomments!
can someone help with the spyglass one because he says you pick the oppsite one and i did that and nothing happen he does not show what the key is can someone help me please…
Please stop. Fierce Moon has her comments outlined in blue, capitalizes her name, only deletes one page at a time, uses good grammar and punctuation, and doesn’t need to say “hey im the real fierce moon”. Brave Star quit because of these imposters. Please stop.
due to the showigs of user name and password comments will be deleting in ten secands
Stop lying, fake Fierce Moon!
BTW, use capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spell “seconds” and “showings” right, and then you STILL don’t seem like Fierce Moon! Look, Fierce Moon has her comments outlined in blue, has a gravatar, doesn’t delete comments “in ten seconds” doesn’t delete comments for username and password, and only deletes one page at a time. Why should you believe me? I’m still commenting!
Agreed. I’m sorry, whoever the fake Fierce Moon is, but we would appreciate it if you just stopped all this. Thanks. By the way the bow tie seems to want to be my enemy…I can’t get to the greenhouse without the bow tie flinging me halfway across the island. :\ Anyone else have a bow tie for a nemesis?
Spy Island was sort of easy but this is my 3rd time doing it my accounts kept getting hacked this is my last one
so what invisible dragon.
this was so easy i finished it i think in 1 or 2 hours that means less then a day
YAY!!! I completed it!!!!!!
also, there was this glitch at the end where I had 2 do it all over again cuz when Dir.D came out in his little space ship thingie he got stuck and stayed there. Poptropica should slow down on making new islands and concentrate on fixing the glitches
comicalcrab obviously forgot to drink is morning coffee.
i got a bow tie glich that made it so i was on the ceiling but dident fall it was funny to watch him slam in to where i was agin and agin
Ok now i need help with director d. he’s evil! Oh and my password is the answer to the hint with an s.
in you’re face DirectorD!!
Spy Island is a little hard, but the battle at the end is fun! ( I really want to rely on someone to play the island before the battle, and leave the battle in the end to me!
@skinny shadow thanks for telling me by the way cuz I completed it YAY!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
what is a grate?!
I didn’t want to do this at first, because I thought it was like when you had to sneak past those guards on the magic tree house island. (really hard I just restarted and still don’t want to do it) but it was fun and really easy. =-)Cool island.
do u hold on the the wine glass forever ’cause im still holding it even on a diff island….
You guys,! Those fake Fierce Moons probably do this because they might not have membership , have not completed all the islands, don’t have a website and are not poptropica superstars . They just want to have a chance to be famous for 5 mins.
And plus ,I remember whoever I played with on poptropica, When I heard of Fierce moon on this website I remembered that when I just started poptropica I think I might have played with Fierce Moon when we were still at the same battle ranking, and I might have beat her and she lost.
Its hard rescuing the second damn spy
hi…i completed it! also im new here!
It’s really hard getting the 2nd spy.
thank u it really helped ps i love puppies
thank u it really helped ps i love dogs
Thnxx sooo much i use ur website for almost every island!! I did get that bow tie glitch where it would take me to a place so when i tried to move the bowtie was still activated… well thnx anyway!
i agree with fearless shark plus the glitch is not real
im mad that they made the dogs evil i love dogs! they r so cute i have 3 at my house i love them so much
i like this island super easy! took me like 30 minutes to complete
anyone muslim here
the last two steps were really hard.spy island.
does anyone have any cheats for passing the second agent part? (AKA the laser house?)
I hope the people who is not a membership will get lucky someday….
It’s much more easy than the other islands. The hardest part for me was when I tried to get to the antennae tower and get into the greenhouse, I kept falling off the buildings! The battle with DirectorD was surprisingly easy, I just had to jump on top of his machine and he kept crashing into the ceiling. It was funny when I kept losing my hair 😀
i don’t get this because he wasn’t there at the end so what glitch???
hey serious lizard i am
the 2 last steps. that what i’m on. last 2 steps r: killing 4 robots and destroying director d. these 2 things aren’t easy. whenever i get 2 the last robot, i can never destroy it.
dear… whoever,
it’s easy to get the 2nd spy. just jump, swing, blahblahblah. a.k.a. miss getting stung. c? totally easy.
p.s. happy flame. sorry, i just forgot ur name……………
dear speedy bean, i just heard of ur troubles.
if u want 2 know more about me, check on the chat room 4 “red dragon island“.
i live in Bruceton,Tennessee. it is 2:36 p.m.
man it was super easy
got it in i think one hour i dont really know……..
what about the guy hiding in the bushes by the bad bistro
what about the guy hiding in the bushes on balding avenue by the bad bistro
Hey mine doesnt do tha glitch. Director D is on the left side on tha top platform in a cage. He’s crying nd if u click on him he says that this isnt fair. aAnd frind me pls. The name on here is my user name. shyswagga is all caps and mc is lowercase.
there is another glitch thogh. if you look u can see that some ppl hair is bigger than its supposed 2 b. and if yuo try 2 customize w/ them their hair looks nomal.
Could Director Dee be a agent of of The villians? Could He or Not? Play the Islan. Be my Friend and ill tell you if he is or isnt? GOOD BYE,
Little Fly
that’s kinda weird………………
p.s. my username is morrowaj
Look at the sexy boobs
Look at the sexy girls naked
Look at the naked girls look at my sexy boobs
I’m pretty sure xbox is hyper shadow, right Brave Star?
Definitely. He sent the same stuff to me from the forum’s e-mail program. It’s gotta be him. Notice how he’s stopping xbox on his own? And telling us about him? Then there’s the fact that he’s on the forum now, and he has to stop cussing. Plus he’s acting like he’s changed…
I am not xbox !!!! And I said sorry after cussing xbox!! Xbox is not me I am not xbox. Please I don’t want to keep say ing this brave star I emailed you so you will know about my new threat I made!!! I said to forgive m. e on my language!!!
I need you help to stop xbox i cant do it all lone!!!!!!
Yeah, I’m so sure you’re not xbox. 🙄 The first comment xbox posted had OFFTOPIC’s pic. Only two people know how to get that; OFFTOPIC and you. Then you e-mail me the exact same thing. Coincidence? No.
STOP SENDING ME E-MAILS. I’ll find out about your threads soon enough, without any help from you.
I can’t stop xbox. News flash, I don’t own this site. I’m not Fierce Moon.
Totally agree
Okay, I don’t usually post comments about poptropica, but this HILARIOUS thing happened when I was beating this for a friend! When I was in the bistro, I fell of one of the lanterns on the ceiling and landed on the table! Then, my friend’s character just kept slipping and slipping! Trying to get back on the table! It just kept running and slipping and running and slipping! The most HILARIOUS thing! It seems to happen quite a lot on Spy Island! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hyper Shadow seems to have changed … something isn’t right! :0
I don’t think this is hyper shadow.
You know, this could be OFFTOPIC. I will tell you why on the planet poptropica.
(The article)
HS is not me to be completely honest why would i ever want to do this I have been here for a year and know nonsense like this ever happened.
oh yeah the email!!
but this isn’t me talking tho.
Hyper shadow I had to take away my pic because of you.
ok you know what forget this I tired of being called HS and I’m tired of you HS.
And I mean Dr hare returns, not planet poptropica. Sorry everyone!
Shiny Tiger Hyper shadow just hacked OFFTOPIC’s email, it’s him not OFFTOPIC. And by the way xbox is hyper shadow, (big surprise huh?)
yo Drake I’m glad you don’t think I’m hyper shadow thanks.
Ur welcome kid
… I’m not a kid I’m a teen. 🙄
so is feirce moon
omg i am sitil holding the wine glass
U have to be 13 or older to be a teen kid, ur only 12
the director d glitch didnt work for me.. the first time i played it was there though 🙂
I am 13
heck you don’t even know my birthday.
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
1. Please don’t post chain comments
2. Guys, we cant blame everything on hyper shadow. But it was suspicious how HS was saying “I am not xbox and xbox is not me.” I mean HS would more likely be posting about stabbing and shooting, but you never know.
Very Helpful <3
the passcode for me isnt working
It doubt it would work greekyosicle, that’s just spam
heres a way to defeat d jump to the highest floor jump up and d wil keep on crashing into the wall as you jump
i have to say this is an awesome website and without cheats i could never pass any island well i guess some though hahaha
poptropica is so awesome… like me
well i maneged to do the whole island i didnt get the glitch but were i am you get 50 credits and i also agree with shiny tigerand i tried that poptropica cheater and i do not like greekyosicle and i dont think that hyper shadow is Xbox i dont even know who Xbox is
Does anyone need help with this Island? Just post what you need help with here and I will do my best to help you.
Thanks for your helpful walkthrough thanks to you i finished spy island and 24 carrot for the first time so thanks heaps =D
part 3 was like, man! that was soooo terrible. no offense, she did awesome but, me, that was totally garbage. but she did a great job! if you agree add my character type in: Kristycute4.
Hi there.
Its’s too hard…U: Princess_Of_The_Sea P:possidon too hard th…
I DID it!
ive got two people… foreverarellik and foreveracynic
for some reason i wrote in LASERHAIRREMOVAL and it didn’t work
Put in LASER, then HAIR, the REMOVAL.
This island is sooo cool!!! I love it!!! Im Orange Bear on Poptropica if anyone wants to friend me. 🙂
i rock man beacause i finish it
hey you bloody fools stop this xbox non sense.you are very big fools who do not know anything about poptropica!!!!
this is lame. i need the new poptropica not the old one
hello happy halloween even tho it’s not halloween!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!I finaly passed spy island.Its such a hard island. Thanks 2 u,it was easy!Friend me!Im ellablue8.
Hey orange bear,I just friended u!friend me at ellablue8
When I did this, I found that if you stand on top of his ship, Director D will just smash it into the ceiling over and over. zit’s handy if u can get there.
I gave up twice and at last, I completed it.
You know, if you reach the top of the room where the second-last bot chased you,
you can jump and crush Director D’s ship.
Hope this helped!
They removed the glitch! Director D is in his cage and now im the director! Friend me my name is small pear
OMG! I just past Spy island. you make it look so easy! At first i thought i could not pass the island, But then my sis showed me the cheats and i was like WOW!
the memory part took me months but i finally compleate!
please friend me i am hyper popper
yeah sure, THANKS FOR RUINING THE ENDING! ya know some people like to read ahead without a spoiler alert! ( also thanks i havn’t finished yet but you where a great help i am stuck on the cherry bomb part!)
When you are trying to smash his ship,you can use the bow tie to attach to the ceiling and he just bangs it over and over. (Friend me! I’m Lulyblue20)
Easy a little!
Some Body friend me at C.Tom Please!
thanks for your help fierce moon
i didn’t have the glitch. he’s in a cage where he belongs! i finished the island SECONDS ago.
please help me on spy island
i need help with the footprint part i only 8! tell your friends to help me back!
hey girl you friend max wants to see you
no ben! thanks a lot!
well i should come to that par later!
thank you friend!
girl i know thats you! tech me how to do it1
I can’t get past the cherry bombs~
this island is so hard i cant complete the red light tower part
passing the chef test in spy island was very hard. i had to get a piece of paper to complete it.
now my name is quick dragon instead of wild dragon.i hated my username for wild dragon. my username is dragonfury100 if you want to friend me.
passing the chef test was so hard.i had to use a piece of paper to complete it.
it was glitch in the game and he started to roll i have to quit poptrica for moment but when i came back it was gone
This island is hard espicaly the chery bomb part. i have completed.
i beat spy island two times and there has not been a glitch but friend me!! i am bannana-split!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey scary flyer im 8 to but i beat it TWO TIMES!!!!!!!
help! on the last part dr d ship just wont chase me anymore
plz help
wow this island was hard, lol im director now!
hey can anyone tell me the easiest islands? thanks
Add me [tropicalfruitz] i do not know why such strange username i chose..
fearless owl, easiest island is Early Poptropica of course.
hey smart boa you’re not hte only one who beat spy island 2 times. But i’m 11
so hard!!!PLEASE FRIEND ME i don’t have any friends huskies332
Spy island is good good and hard hard hard!
wow i did not know DIRECTOR D. was a ass who knew right?
The island is so out of date! why is it so hard? shame on all of you!!!!!!
Oh,when i mean by you i mean the commenters because the island is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!!
btw,freind me im my username right now
i cannot get up those windows its sooo hare
Yay thanx this worked so well for me! 🙂
Hey can someone get past the window alarms for me? Thankies!
I can’t pass the laser part. What does it mean by timing your moves? AHHH HELP ME PLEASE?!
I can’t up those laser window it was so hard
Wow, in the end we get to be the director!! Isn’t that like, cool?? 😀 Thanks Fierce Moon, the walk-throughs you create are very helpful. 😉
thanks! i’ve completed almost every island thanks to your advice.
cant pass the platform part!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!! p.s. Happy New Year!!!
what oppisites do u mean by the eye exam?
cherry bomb is soooo hard
hey there i got the glass from the guy and followed the other instructions but every time i try to talk to the guy al he says is im keeping an i on the bistro what do I do?
How do you put down the password for the teleporter?
Where is the dock?Still can’t find it…Just went shopping at the London mall.:)
You know… Cheating (lke this) isn’t a great idea althogh this helped me on 2 island. Add me, I’m called Tomi0808. I won 29 medals!!!!!!(for now).
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in the..next 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
that was so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
than you so much for your advice!
On Super power island i just completed! My sister doesn’t know it but I completed it for her too!
Adventurous One! :p
there is no need to do all that platform climbing grappling hook was enough
This island is super thrilling! Everyone agrees with me, right? Anyway, have anyone here finished this island? Me, I’ve just started in part two. Please comment back as immediate as possible. XD
who needs help?Just tell me what ye need help with, and i’ll help
oops…forgt m signtur
happy panda,how how did ye do that fingure thing?
happy panda,are ye gonna answer me?!
cant get past lazurz!!! i just like, GOSH GIMME A BREAK POPTROPICA!!!!!
if u guyz need help with lazurz i just figured it out! firs you equip yur x ray goggles u got from da third spy and go through when they r off
man,ye all are like boar bores
cutegirl55,how did ye do that finger thing?
Hi im Greenbird Ive been playing poptropica for alot of years.
i am the directer socks lol!
Happy Panda nobody cares! You cant just go around threatening people! its mean! If you try to do this again I swear I will call the police ! So PLEASE stop it!
Hi every one i am Mighty Heart.I have been in the hospital for 2 weeks.I have been diagnosed with cancer.I am going to die in the summer.If I dont live until then I want to let every one know that I love Lane.He is my age and he is in all of the plays that I do.He is nice and sweet and cool.And I want his girlfriend to SUCK A LEMON! SE IS A JERK! I love you Lane.
Hey i’m Renee Mahl and i hope that when people who play poptropica is awsome because i played it ever sense i was 5 years old and i’m 13 right now that is 8 years that i was playing poptropica! and i’m at level 22 and that is hard but i made it through all of those levels and someday i hope one of you can beet that level because this is the day that i’m not playing poptropica. i’m Quiting poprtopica and that is sad 🙁 and i hope you can beet me! love Renee mahl p.s. good luck!
thx for the tutoriol anyways how many times do u have to do the test thing just wondering not curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha i love how descriptive you are at explaining whats going to happen next XD!
Dear,Firece Moon The Part About He will still be not in jail is fixed….
nah!! flip one direction!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cherry bomb bit is soo hard! Read it all through just now and the end bit sounds really tricky, just want to say thanks because I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you! And btw my bow tie skills are really really bad!
There was no glitch on my computer : ). BTW, thanks for ALL 34 (and counting) walkthroughs! They help ssoo much!!
wow the cherry bomb part is reaaally hard. i tried it over and over again for almost an hour!
hey, just got a membership Yay!! and finished the island! tried your glitch thing, and I guess they fixed it :'( thaks for all the walkthroughs!! (helped me in backlot alot!)
Hey it’s ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 We just wanna see all complements on this website to see if we have any fans and it looks like only 1 fan. 🙁 D:
The cherry bomb thing was easy. 🙂 all you people are crazzy by saying it is hard
people why have you not been talking lately 🙁 🙁
I HATE one direction and the are BAD singers and rrrrrrrrrrr I just HATE them!!!!!!!!!
one direction is so totally weird
ugh i cant pass that grappling bow tie to the red light i just totally cant since yeah i dont get it.
@ one direction, i think you are playing a trick on everybody bcuz you spelled compliments wrong and the real one direction is old enough to know how to spell correctly……. if you took this the wrong way and is offensive, im so so sorry i just cant help correcting ppl i have OCD not jking so its a habit of making sure things are perfect…. its really sometimes annoying…plz try to understand….
Sporty Feather
add me!
I only have 4 medals. My goal is to beat all the levels. So far I’ve gotten all my medals today because of your tutorials fierce moon. So I wanted to say thanks!
It took me like an hour to compleat the cherry bomb thing its really hard
give me a break venus fly traps
I hate this freaking game I get shocked everytime