Aaar! It be official. The lucky thirteenth island for Poptropica, also known as Skullduggery Island has arrived for everyone in Poptropica to play. If yer longin’ for high seas adventure, get yerself to Poptropica now! What follows are all the tips you be needin’ to learn how to beat Skullduggery Island, find out all the cheats and secrets, and have a great time playing this new adventure.
Skullduggery Island is about pirates. You get your own ship, assemble a crew and try to build wealth through trade at different ports. You’ll also help the island get rid of a pirate nuisance, led by the dangerous and dastardly pirate, Captain Crawfish. This new island will be more complex than previous Poptropica quests and among lots of other things it will include a very cool top-down view as you travel from place to place. And to keep it interesting, you’ll have to fight other pirate ships and even sea monsters.
The adventure begins at Fort Ridley, an island in the middle of a small archipelago that has been ransacked by the notorious pirate, Captain Crawfish. When you arrive on the island, you will need to help the islanders, who are living in extreme poverty due to Crawfish’s plundering. After you help the islanders, you’ll discover the legend of a valuable treasure map. Soon, you’ll get your own ship and a small crew and set sail to find the pieces of the map and ultimately try to defeat Captain Crawfish and his crew of dastardly pirates.

Fort Ridley Walkthrough
The first part of the Skullduggery Island quest is to help the people out at Fort Ridley. Here’s a video walkthrough of all the cheats and secrets for Fort Ridley. After you solve this part of the quest, you’ll get your own ship and start sailing from port to port.
Getting the Map Pieces
In part two of the video walkthrough for Skullduggery, you’ll embark on your high seas adventure. At first, it’s just you and two crew members aboard a dinky little raft. You’ll go from port to port looking for the missing pieces of the treasure map and trading goods to make more money along the way. Check out this video to see how to find the map pieces in the first four islands you visit: Bouffant Bay, Parrot Port, Golden Harbor and the dark and mysterious Pirate Cove.
Build Your Crew, Battle Captain Crawfish and Find the Treasure!
In part three of the video walkthrough, you’ll finish the map, earn doubloons to buy bigger ships and even battle Captain Crawfish. Finally, with the completed map, you’ll uncover the incredible treasure of Skullduggery Island!
Here’s a trailer that shows a preview of all the action!
Don’t forget to check back here on Thursday, May 20 for the Poptropica Skullduggery Island walkthrough, and all the secrets, tips and cheats for Skullduggery Island. Aaaar, me mateys! We cannot wait!
While you be waiting for the brand-new island to arrive, here’s a few things to take a gander at.
- Get ready for some pirate action by getting your free pirate costume (members only, ends on 5/17)!
- Practice how to talk like a pirate.
Want to learn a little more? Here’s what the Poptropica Creators said in the email announcement of the island:
Embark on a new adventure to save Skullduggery Island from the wicked Captain Crawfish. Once a thriving port, the island is at the mercy of pirates who steal its goods and prevent merchants from trading there. In order to restore the island, you and your crew will have to defeat the pirates and assemble the pieces of a hidden treasure map.
Get the Poptropica Secrets Newsletter
Still stuck on Skullduggery Island? Sign up for the Poptropica Secrets newsletter and get totally exclusive secrets and cheats for Skullduggery Island.
I can’t wait until May 20!!!!Because I’m a member!
Wow! I can’t wait. But I’m not a member 🙁
Members get everything. Thats not fair!
yipee i was the 3 one to say any thing
urux x
Cool!I cant wait to see how ships sink in this island!And i wanna lure Captain Crawfish into the tentacles of the Kraken!THAT’LL BE EVAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait to explore . i like intresting islands ,like spy which are hard to beat but i hate things like early poptropica which are TOO easy.LOL.
astro nights is one of the hardest too, i can belive i missed that !
I cnt wai til’ it comes out this Thursday! I do wanna know sumtin though… Y r people complaining about membership?!?!?!?!?!?! It’s really cheap, and u get a lot of stuff from getting it! I mean, c’mon! If u guys dnt wanna pay for membership than ur not worthy of it. -VidGamesRuleMyLife
I have membership too. 🙂 Also when you go to the blimp and get to the map there’s a chance to win acsess to Skullduggery Island! (It’s sponsered by Goldfish.) There’s a spinner and if you click the button you could win. But if not you get a crummy Goldfish shirt for your Poptropican for free. And you can come back every day! I have multiple accounts and only one has membership so I keep on trying to win.
Also I saw people on Poptropica wearing pirate clothes and assesories that wasn’t part of any costume I’ve seen. That also happened with Reality TV Island too. How did they get those clothes and assesories?
why cant non members go to new islands to before its released to ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Im suprised mythoman didnt leave a comment yet.
Hes usually the 1-6 to post
Even though I’m not a member, I’m happy about the release date for everyone because it’s on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! 😀
You people should unlock all the islands on Poptropica do you agree.
Candy island, Skullduggery, The Beatles Island, Elvis Island, Doctor Spyglass TV those should be the islands unlocked choose a custom or one of these islands.
Aww… I’m not a member! I beat counterfeit now I’m bored =3. So I’m anxious, too!
i wish you cant wait it just opens for all
well all u people who dont have memberships shut up and stop complaining u are the ones who chose not to get it so deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is like sooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
magic hopper, it’s spelled E-V-I-L .
yes, i agree jefrey.
i was thinking the same thing cassandra
but i can only be on the island once a day starting tommorow (MAY 20)
lol u all have one more day to win or u can have early access
:O 😀 🙂 😛 C: :0 o: LOL
i mean u cant have early access u nonmembers
i agree with u jeffery though put there is a way but u have to win LIKE I WON THE GRAND PRIZE FOR THE SNEEK PEAK FOR THIS ISLAND
Hey purple snowball, what if we really want membership but we can’t get it because our parents won’t let us? you shouldn’t call us unworthy then. And I totally agree that it’s unfair for people who pay extra money for a virtual world should get extra stuff and early access. And GoTrees, you are so lucky. My school still has 3 weeks left of school. It gets out on June 3. But four of those days I go on field trips. Tomorrow I’m going to the Civic Center and the bowling alley. Then a different day we’re going to a school to read some books we wrote to little kids. Then we’re going to Ludington Park. Ludington Park is this park I live by. It’s almost 1 mile long. It’s also right next to Lake Michigan. Seriously, I only live about 11 blocks away from the Lake. I live in Michigan in the U.P. (upper penninsula.) Usually there would be about a foot of snow on the ground, but this winter was really really short especially for the U.P. It got up to 72 degrees today which rarely ever happens. Most of the time we’d be getting a snowstorm around now. But we were very fortunate. Oh and in Poptropica I”m stuck in Reality T.V. Island. Literally. I’m on my last challenge but whenever I click begin today’s challenge, it just brings me back to the login page. It’s getting really annoying.
OMG Icant wait for this island it looks so awsome! I espesally (excuse my spelling) love the backround music in the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m a member, so I can play today!
I am actually Mythoman, and I jsut changed my name to this because I thought is was approiate for the release of Skullduggery. So guess that means I have to tell you about pirates now! Uhmmm, lets’s see….. Oh, I know! Doubloons were not acutually the standard currency for pirates. Coins called peices of eight were the acutal currency.
wow! u r sooo lucky! I’m not a member.
Membership is not cool because they get every thing every island I like every thing wha do you say yes or no
I can’t complete the lamps in Golden Harbor because you didnt film the beginning of it
thanks man anothe rgreat walkthrough Im only 8 and I like your website dude
Wow, i am so glad you put these videos on i would hane never gotten through the island wit the gods and stuff SPANK YOU
Hey blaech437 are you trying to act cool or do you really talk like that?!?
oh by the way if your wondering who mj is witch means you have never lived means Michael Jackson and if you dont know who that is LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m srry Lemon-lime. I shouldnt hav said unworthy. But, its just, hav people not cn wht this word is coming too? The only way to hav fun online anymore is to pay for membership i.e. CP, Poptropica, Habbo, Tht new one wit the flyin squirrel dude thing. If ur parents do not understand then tht is pretty sad and pathetic. I hav an idea though for u, hav u shown ur ma’ and pa’ tht Poptropica is tottaly safe?!?! There’s nutin bad on the website and it’s all pre-chat It’s toattly safe!!! Tht’s my idea, good luck. C yaz! -VidGamesRuleMyLife
I got on the third piece of my pairite map!
where’s part 3?
THank you so much I got stumped at the coin part.
where is part 3 and 4
Lemon-lime, my school gets out June 17th, which is when it comes out for everyone, you are lucky because you get out on JUNE 3RD!!! But since it’s coming out for non-members on June 17th, the last day of school for me, I won’t have to do homework first (cause there is no homework, OH MY GOSH THANK YOU) there won’t be homework after that, or after that, or after that…. well, you get the point.
i am a member! 🙂 there is know part 3! 🙁
my last day of school is tommorow [may 21] so thts awsom. plus im a member
i can already play skullduggery its real fun because you can buy a ship to ride and it has cannons so you can destroy other ships and you also get topay workers to work on your ship.oh if you are on skullduggery try and get the ship called the warbird and tell me when you got it but its hard to get because its like a million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so not fair!!!!only d members get everythin’
The only stupid reason they do that is so you will buy a membership so they can retreve some stopd money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry tiny claw but its just the way life is.
that or their playing favorites:-)
oops! I spelled STUPID wrough;-9
How Did U Get So Much Money I Want That Much Money
how she get 4000,ooo money?
IT IS SOOOOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!! Non-members should be able to play the new island,too!! Why do the members get special treatment? Shouldn’t we be treated the same?!
Well, the game was a little challenging, but not as complicated to figure out as Astro Knights. Some people will be frustrated by the ship fighting action, which is either too easy or too hard. Losing a ship is a pretty costly exercise. The ending is a bit disappointing in its scripted depiction of Captain Crawfish. I was hoping for a DUEL or something on Skullduggery, maybe not as tough as the Binary Bard. But instead you just get a video. :-p
This one gets an A for effort, but a C for game play. It is long and can be tedious, and I wonder if all the younger players will master the economics lessons.
Gargh! I hate having to get doubloons. And I’m also sad because I was so determined to defeat the island and be on the top 10 players like I was on Mythology Island. I did learn a cool trick though, always save b4 searching or fighting, and if u get sunk go back to the homepage of Poptropica then login again and u won’t lose any of ur $Ca$sh$!!!
YAY YAY! I can not wait till it comes out for all!!!! on june 17 WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
poptropica is mean because when theirs a new island members go first i try to get in poptropica members and it do not work only silly little pictures in poptropica members i want to get membership now.
did you said june 17 now way june 17 is my birthday i will be 9
how long did it take u to get a million $ on skullduggery island in poptropica.
ive beat skullduggery island ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 🙂 🙁 😕 😛
MAY 21ST???? Wow you get out early. It’s almost hard to believe!!! 😛
first that is alout of ! and tiny claw i am on your side i sked my mom she always says yes,no,maby so!it is just soooooooo NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I beat the island because to you thanks!!
i finish all the island but not skulldugger thanks for your help i finish it and yes i will keep using this website thankyou very much
@ Tiny Claw.
I Agree, But Im One. I Just Payed My Mum Back =]
cool skullduggery island is v.coo but i just am in Bangalore the date is the 22:10
you could get membership, dumbhead!
how cn you defeat crawfish if his life reheals every frikin time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want them to bring bck the passes that you can by
how did u get so much money
This was a great trailer but it is no fair that members get to do it only. My mom hates poptropica so she will not make me a member. I think that if I were her I would give my son membership.
is there a faster way to get doubloons in skulduggery island???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why, oh why did they create membership?
How did you get so much money? I’ve followed your directions and I’ve been at sea for 66 days!! And I only have 20,000!! HELP!
how do u get a lot of money
i hate it not s good AS THE OTHERS
i love iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii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I haven’t completed this island yet. Thanks for telling me how to!!!!
Stupid members……………
Not fair.
i discovered an easy way to get the warship! you need to have a ship that’s speed is at least 14 knots. then, just go to golden harbour and buy the maximum amount of grain. then, go to pirate cove and sell the maximum amount of grain. if you have spice or medicine or silk, just sell them at the golden harbour trade center. just keep repeating until you get enough money for the warship, then defeat captain crawfish
True tiny claw members get everything!!!!!!!!And credit points to keep forever, I already have 1,235 credit point because I dindt waste them.
ok forget everything i said
I know, right! What if somebody doesn’t have enough money to buy anything nice on the computer for their kids, huh?! I wish there was a site that didn’t have bonuses for members.
🙁 its hard to get 1 million coins:(
You rock!I have a koi already in 2 days because of you!
next time don’t skip the trading
I lost my character. 🙁
i got warbird for 977,550 because of trade in boats that you buy lowers the price!
really i don’t know hate when they created membership that’s a waste of money + skull duggery island woth come out untill june thats way too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ jadah
sory u lost ur charecter i did to 🙁 🙁 i created a new 1 and made look acatly lik the 1 i lost all u need to do is create a new crarecter and buy avatar studio and cpy the same 1 u lost 🙂 🙂
that boy
any1 else need advice check back in 2 days for reel tips and tricks
i hate membership reply if u think so
}:( }:(
i hate gitterpatty!
I got the bird ship, its so stinkin fast.
and has a heck of alot of cargo. 9,000
hey people, i can’t even get on skullduggrey! someone help me with astro nights!
the new island is hard
what the heck 🙄
so the VOTING thing is finished so i will announce the winner. the winner is…………………………………………..TO BE CONTINUED IN NEXT COMMENT.
THE WINNER IS………………………………. LADYS AND GENTLEMEN, LETS GIVE A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO………………………………. Be-A-Klone Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iz toetaly fare. me a membrr. sckuldugry z ahsum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait until Skullduggery comes out for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s gonna’ be really hard. BUT I STILL CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
walktrough confused me >:(
y aint nobody sendin comments anymore!?!?!?
has anyone defented skullduggery yet?
Yeah members get evrything so become a member 🙂
mama mi
mjjshot is right. membership is sssooooooooooooooo unfair!
i wish skullduggery island had early acess free for unpaid members, oh well 🙁
I’m A Memeber Its SO cool i defeated captin crawfish i went to another island the island name is captin crawfish secret lair omg!!!!! :O
so fun
😀 😀 I am soooooo excited for Skullduggery Island to come out!!!!!!!!
To bad I am not a member… 🙁
Oh well… Guess I have to wait…
<3 Dizzy Star (thats my poptropica name!!!!!!!!!!)
today in Indiana sucks loud thunder and :c
if u live hear…than yall better move somewhere else noooooooooo;c
Membership IS fair. We pay for it because we chose to. You chose not to, so don’t go saying it’s not fair! Get this everybody- LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Ok? Nothing will always be the way you want it!
@that boy i always use the same poptropica character too! helmet hair that’s ed with skull shirt and black pants (super black ones after brown pants)!
i’v got membership for my birthday. when you think about it, the membership/gold is fair, because it earns money for the people who work hard to make the site.
i can’t believe you have to wait because you are poor!!!
money doesn’t buy everything, but it buys everything else…..
i like icecream
if you knew that
i like you too
I have the Steaming Fury boat. And I have 1,793,715 doubloons.I have all of the crew members and all of the map pices.
If u people are so smart answer my questions.
1. What do u get when u complete an island?
2. When is Skullduggery coming out for everyone?
3. What 3 kinds of bubblegum are there in the store?NO CHEATING OR I WILL BAN YOUR ACCOUNT!SERIOS!
4.On which island where do u get a pig?
5. How many islands are there?
Back for more questions already EH?
6. Name 6 islands.
7. Name 7 villians.
8.On what island do u have to find jewels?
9. Name 9 people from Time Tangled island.
10. How do u turn gold?
oh blizzard kind cinnamon kind and reguler kind
of gum
how do you plat……………………
The Jimmy Bark is so stinkin’ cool
Yeah! i know I HATE!!!!!! MEMBERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I hate member ship too!
You know whats mad unfair? Skullduggery doesn’t open till 6/17 and I hate the everything in the store free part of membership, but the early access is just unfair. P.S. Can anybody spell but me?
@that boy: how else are they going to make money? In every website that you can play on they WILL make memberships, P2P, or items that cost real money sooner or later. Be glad it’s not a pay-to-play website and that the island will be available to everyone later.
How do you get so much money????!!!!
why do you have to pay for membership? it’s so stupid
Hey guyss!!! I haven’t even commented on Skulldugery Island yet!! I’m sure everybody missed me didnt thay!!!?????!?!? 🙂
I missed you, CandyCotton. 😆 (Inside joke)
i sooooooooooooooo hate the membership but atleast its not like somesites like you can get money and get thoose things and you will always go on the upcoming island so its the best membership ive ever seen
my last day of school is june 8th
i lv membership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄
i didnt miss u candycotton i hate u
😆 🙄 👿 😀 🙂 🙁 😛
hey guys if u really want membership send me your info i ave like 90$ left on it so i can pay for 30 of u i mean ill buy u it then cancel the recurring subscription so u have 1 month to beat skulldugery and if theres a new map u might be able 2 beat it also
don’t say that glitterpatty is stupid that will hurt her feelings
how come you have a golden tooth?I love the outfit!!!!!!!!!!
i haaaaaaattttte membership
i hate wating owell ive been beging my mom for membership we just dont have enouph money
hi poplove is in the house
I HATE MEMBERSHIP THEY WANT CREDITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE! STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙄 so 🙄
SAY SOMTHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… ANY THING! k
(yawn)……………i dont know
that is nice because i just got the membership!
I won all of the islands except skullderry and for your information patrick my last day of school was may 21 i go to ashland park robbins
I love poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am cuteyyrudumb check me out at avatar studio
I Jennelle!!! Ya that is an inside joke!! 🙂
whatever carter2058 u know u missed me stop being such a party pooper
i mean hi not i
I thought so. 😉
so sad…….be-A-Klone star isn’t commenting anymore. 🙁 🙁 🙁 Be-A-Klone star was so fabulous. 🙁 (But she won the contest!) 🙂
sooooooooooooooo whos gonna answer me…ummmmmmmmmm
rich popotropican. i am very happy because u r giving membership. if u r not telling lies my user name is NEEZA44 and my password is glittergirl. can u pls make me member of poptropica!!!!!!!ppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllssssssssssssssssss
im so that i cant play skullduggery
Ok I’m very glad be a klone star isn’t here and Tom u randomly stopped commenting in the first place so why are you all of a sudden back on!???
becuz no one can stop me. Get the point!and your just jelous that be-a-klone is famous!!
i can not defit the captan! i am so mad!can you give me any advise?i have everybody i need to make a crew. i was so close to beating him but yet so far! please give me some advise. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Be a klone is not famous! He is a *****.
he Jennelle why do u talk to everyone?????
I beat Skullduggery Island! I’m not a member! I won the Goldfish contest, and I must say that it was easy to beat Captain Crawfish.
You might be able to beat him without a warship if you have a full crew, if you avoid his cannons, and if he doesn’t ram you.
Hi! I love poptropica,but I have a question. Should you buy all the ships or just save up for the warship?
An idiot?!?
wow im reporting Super Thunder
Ok tom………. Go ahead. And I meant be a klone is a icksi. I invented the word. It means infamous evil person. But in my made up language it is a bad word so you CAN report me. 😀 👿
every is gonna love this island it’s so adventureious
(=|.|) ‹-bunny 😉
♥ . .º. . .•. . .º. . .•. . .º. ♥ dont ask XD
cool I love it
Why are some people saying they hate somebody called glitterpatty? I saw one person who;s name was i hate glitterpatty!!!! What did she (or he) do exactly?
😀 ):( 😉 🙂 🙁
oooooooooooooooooooooooo superthunder is jelous.dont worry she is just like that all the time
i hate membership since it came out
I love poptropica it’s the best game in the world p.s i love membership
Hi u guys i’m gonna be a new friend of yours. i hope you’ll like me.
ok dude wats up with the fries costume i know pirets r sopposed to be salty but this is whay over board hehehe 🙂 🙁 😛 >:(
I Am like that all the time. But…………….. tom, do you love be a klone?
glitterpatty/starry didn’t do anything. She’s a nice someone . 😆
😳 👿
how much money do you need for the ship?
no,but be-a-klone webshows are funny and theres not anything bad in them. And thats not really their real name.There are two be-a-klone stars but im not telling their real names.
AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are TWO be a klone stars? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m gonna have nightmares. Ohno. TWO?
Why do you guys (tom, Super Thunder,CandyCotton.) keep posting and why do you get up real early? I LOVE POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no i’m not crazy
Who’s Klone Star? I keep hearing about him/her.
Skullduggery releases to non-members on the same day I start summer vacation. Now I got two things to look forward to!
Skulldegery iz md easy..all yall is sum dumb bytchz LOL!
Mackenzie, you know who is a ***** who annoys me. A lot.
I already completed it, because i’m a member of course. Don’t worry everyone it’s really easy. And fun!
Wow Tom I can’t believe u would report somebody for a made up language that’s just pathetic. How old are you anyway???
Thank you, CandyCotton! Finally somebody who gets it!
thats wat my moma say heheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!
party at the coconut shak on shark tooth island! bottom floor all the coool looking peple can come if u dont look cool get out. party starts at 7:50pm ends at 8:35pm i will be my 2nd poptropica character, red shadow.
tht party was good it was alot of girls there evreyone left at 8:30
i live in saint louis missouri so the time is 8:35 here but 6:35 on the west
im noodle
y dosent anyone come on here huh! ill be BACK!
i hate those poptropica food costumes
im drinking hot sauce im goin to change my () name to PrinceR.The rstands for RANDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
dude where r u?
hey taylor
when skullduggery comes out iam on summer vaction
Ugh nobody ever gets on anymore it’s just like facebook and myspace ugh!!!!’
HELLO!!!!!!!!! omg nobody EVER gets on anymore!!!!!
i know right
huh poptropica secrets sucks nobodys ever on here someone respond A.S.A.P!!
I’m on CandyCotton.
Hey Christopher!!!!!! 🙂
Wow nice “poop”
Heyvtom do u have a website or a facebook or a myspace or some other way we can see ur pictures??
people tell me how to make money fast for a bigger ship!!!!!!!!!!!:):(:):(:(:):):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:):(:(:):(:():():()
laalaaaaaaallaaallllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalallalalallalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaallalalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalaalalalallalallalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalal everyone superthunder and cottancandy are
i don’t have membership but now i have to go out and buy it now
hey! im new
hey did any of you skullduggery iland
i don’dt get it????
candycottan is only like 10 years old.and she acts like shes all that.i saw pictures and i can prove it! :^*
whos tom?
i wonder if anyones posting stuff onmythology island
Nope no one
i beat skullduggery island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
good to now im still tryna get on membership
WOOHOO! only 2 more days!
im so exsided
What’s with the food outfits?
is it possible to lose skulldugary island or to not win as much as you could?
-zombie girl
wat do ya got any other cheats than skulldugurry
i hate those food outfits
Exactly,where did you get your membership?How did you get it?Is it free?
How can I get a membership?
How can I get membership please?……..
Sounds like fun, though I would never pay to get a membership. I prefer to wait it out for free.
Here is how to get Membership:
Go to poptropica
click on where it says”membership & credits”
choose on how long you want to keep your membership
Then get your mom and dad to do the rest.
And no, it is not free.
SO cool. I really can’t wait ’till it comes out. They said that it is HARDER than Astro Knights!!! But it DOES NOT look HARDER. Drama Queens!!!! Plus Sullduggery Island comes out when it’s the last day of school at my school. So this is going to be my beginning of summer party!!!!!
Nope none suits that are food a free and actaully only one ois free on my other account i have an icecream suit for the movie Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs if you played the aadd on then you would have it . Its easy to have a membership too and if your wondering just click Poptropica Membership for free stuff and all that then choose month or 6 months 2 months or that and then Choose card if you knw what card your mother or father has and then if you know their pin use it and if they say no then ask when they have more money on their credit card or ask if they can send cash or if they can use that pay pal thing but i suggest you dont make them pissed by Saying :PLEASE ILL DO ANYTHING:ILL WASH YOUR CAR AND BRUSH THE DOG AND CLEAN THE BATHROOM AND YOUR ROOM AND MY ROOM EVERY DAY AND ILL GIVE MY ALLOWANCE TO MY LITTLE SISTER!So remember if you piss them off your really not gonna have a membership.ByeBye Cya ttake the info as a Tip.
And if you know how to post some vids up id be glad to tell my friend to put your vid up with a name you like so ByeBye!:D
Eh and for thev record anything you didnt want happend then tell it to y friend
rich popotropican. i am very happy because u r giving membership. if u r not telling lies my user name is NEEZA44 and my password is glittergirl. can u pls make me member of poptropica!!!!!!!ppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllssssssssssssssssss
Oh, I thought you should know this, rich popotropican was lieing. I know so because underneath his membership post he put JK, wich is the abb. for just kidding.
im almost about to beat it.
oh hi im slipery pear.
hi i just wanted 2 no on the 12th people said 2 days to go but skullduggery comes out on the 17th 2 days untill what also I dont think you should ask for someone to get you a membership or let people go on your account because they change the password I dont its just mean because the person trusts you and you just change there persons password who they made I just want someone to get me a website hacker website to get a membership please tell me someone
I totally need it
c Izzi someone changed your password I tried it
yohoho thank you
i just tried the password to and it didn’t work . so laura is telling the truth
Me three
i trid that 2 n it didnt wrk. make a new person n dnt tel yr password 3 anyone
Yo, Laura the animal goddess,I changed your password to…
_ _ _ _ _ _ Ha ha!!! Not telling!!!
whoever chnged the password jst tll the password 2 hr alredy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh
Why are so many people dead?
the 1st day of summer skool suked hhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh 14 more days left
i liken laura the animal godess shes nice and apparently loves animals
I beat skulldugger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Cheese out!
ummmm uhh IZZI? someone hacked into your account and changed the password. just wanted to let you know that is what you get when you share your pass with THE WORLD duh.
no need to be mean and just to let you know never share your name and pass again cause people can hack into your account and change the pass so until you get that pass figured out you lost a poptropican
just to let you know.
your freind,
cool panda
yeah, i am really cool panda
thank you!
MEMBERSHIP IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish,on the walkthrough,that he showed all of it instead of skipping!
hey i found cool panda’s password and changed it! lol and btw this rocks
Me too Shiny Wolf.
Hey, when you people say that you can’t get a membership, there is not a ship on skullduggery that is the member ship!
it wont let me on there either GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ok now jeff kinney let us play! Its June 17th!!
it is june 17 and i cant get in skullduggary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I Play Poptropica Skullduggery Island Please Ok If You Let Me I Will Gave You A Game
i Love skullduggery island i have a member ship
WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : (
i need help on big nate
It’s 11 oclock and the island won’t work! 🙁
its working yeah! 😀
I can’t believe the new island is out!!! OMG
I need help!!
good jod
What Did Yuuh Trade Soz Buh I Cnt See Ih B ..,xx
man, this island is super hard!!!! >:(
I’m in the middle of the game.
It’s so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go on parrot port and talk to your cook(the old man with the beard) He says somthing funny.
i beat it
this was easy when’s the next island coming out?
i just noticed the time is different…
it’s 2:15 not 11:14
do you live in CA or something?
How do you catch the Parrot?
does anybody know how to get money faster?
how do you earn doubloons fast on skullduggery island?
katrina do you know how to beat this this is not easy
These islands are so easy,mostly skullduggery island!
THAT IS A COOL ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How and where do you get the bigger ship????
dude, are we suppose to sell all of our items and buy 1 of those items??? D:
Hello, I love the walktrough! I am getting step by step how to defeat the new island.For some reason the Island unlocked for me already. 😀 🙂 😉 WOOT!
hey were we supposed to sell all our items for another set of items?? im confused =/
this is freakin hard i AM not going to pay 1,000,000 for anything! besides 1,000,000 >_<
i fainaly got on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can u change ur password? 😀
i suck at this island it take soooooooooooooo long to beat
Sculludarry island is so HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can someone help me now!
I just beat Skullduggery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet in real life that would be REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY loud( by the way, I left out a lot of E’s.
i want part 3 🙁 ;( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I agree, this is much too tedious for the younger players. Poptropica is an action-game packed with colors to attract them, lightning-fast. If we wanted a strategy game we’d go somewhere else. It takes much too time to assemble 1 Million Doubloons. This will be the only island I won’t complete. Thanks alot Poptropica, looks like after Mythology Island you had to make a bad island because you couldn’t bear to be fun and exciting.
yay! its out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! There is something wrong!!! I was at the end of the game (right before defeating You know) and i logged out to go do something and then i logged back on and it didn’t remember me! I had Koi and all the crew but,then i had The first ship and The cook and cabin boy!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This stinks i cant figure any thing out!!! >:(
Ooh, I just got the beautiful Phoenix Warbird. She’s lovely. 🙂
I hate skullduggry island
i dont have enough coins and i got a small ship soo WHWT TO DOO!!!!!
My crew went away when i logged off. Oh no!
Yeah. My crew went away too!
Hey! I can’t beat Captain Crawfish! Anyone got tips for me please?
P.S. I got everyone and the warship!
well this is what you do to get money. you first go to bouffant bay and sell all silk and buy all medicine then you go to Parrot port and sell all medicine and buy all spice or silk next you go to golden harbor and sell all silk or spice just pick one and buy all grain then you go to pirate outpost and sell all grain and buy all spice finally you go to dragon cove and sell all spice and buy all silk if you keep doing this over and over again you will soon have enough money to buy the biggest boat and hire all of the crew and there is how to get money :]
PLEASE HELP ME ON SCULL DUGGY ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$!$!$!
you guys that lost your ship and crew and stuff when you logged off probabaly just didnt save. if you did, then i dont know what happened.
how do u get all that money???
why cant any one tell me how there getting to fight crallfish in the ocean or on land:(
I saved the game and then when I logged on I lost my two crew members, now I am on my own.No!!!!!!!! Can anyone help?
My Crew Dispearred too!
I just bought the Steam Boat!
And,When you are fighting Capt.Crawfish,when his life is down to the end,
does it shoot back up,To the middle?
Someone answer!!!
I really need help!!!!
parrot island on skullduggery I have a cracker and i got lot’s of map pieces!
i lost my crew to but igot them back and to go to skullduggery island put the map under the blue light .
Where do u find the parrot?????????????????????
at parrot post. You have to jump in nthe water then jump out and look for the parrot.
What happens if your crew goes away. mine went away when i logged off
i beat skullduggery don’t worry if your crew is gone, get more money to hire them back!
Use the cracker and the parrot will come to you!
Yeees! I finally finished Skullduggery! And it took me about two days to finish it! WOO HOO! Oh and it’s true if you have the Phoenix Warbird and have the full crew, it’s SUPER easy to defeat Captain Crawfish. I bumped into the guy’s ship and kept on shooting and it only took ten seconds! I thought it would take me ten tries to defeat him.
oh also how do you get all that silk and medicine and stuff
what is the secret to gettin the million doubloons on skulldgery island on poptropica ?????
super Hard Actally the hardist thing in the world!!!
Are you sure it took 10 seconds cause tommarrow i am mabye gonna try again! 😛
yeah but when we logged off it says save and quit 😮
ok so i finelly figered out how to get some money ok.. here it is : one you colect the cago and you can’t get more you go to golden harber sell all of it to the lady it to the
and go to the bank to get a lone. so the n you get more cargo and sell it. go back to golden harber pay your lone and get a nother one. keep doing this and soon you will have the money. 🙂
opps sorry i ment once not one :p
ohh and cargo not cago
sorry i ment go to the bank
how am i supost to get that much money!!! i mean,the crew is expensive,BUT THE WARBIRD!?!?
how do you get the Phoenix Warbird?
and ughh! its so hard to get all the Moneeyyyh!!!
UGHH IS SO HARD can anyone help meh!!
Oh and i thing when i went out to sail there were lighting clouds destroying me and it wasnt fair cuz i died and lost my dobulooons >:O
hi i like pie but not as much as poptropica
Hey guys, I’m really stuck on where the map is hidden at Dragon Cove 🙁 Done so well with all the others but not this one! Any helpful hints? 🙁 xx
how do you get all that money ????
Heyy Guys. PLEAS READ! Follow Katrina’s tip up above, It worked for me,, PLEASE READ!~
I haz finished it :3
i finished all 12 except astro knights…..i couldnt get past thru the volcano
yo i finished skullduggery in 1 hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey guys i have another easy method 2 get more n more money$$$$ it’s simple. first sell all ur goods in ur ship n now concenterate on any one item Example medicine to get more money using medicine follow these steps,
1. go to BOUFFANT BAY n go to the trading place there n get medicine (buy medicine for ur ship’s full capacity i.e. if u had a ship capacity of 60 then buy for full 60 it will just cost some hundreds) .
2.then go to parrot port n sell ur medicines there u wll get doubles of money
3.repeat this process again n again n u wll get more and more money$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Hey Brave Bean here i have a good way to get $$$ so you know the salvage near golden harbor?Make sure your cargo is zer0 and get the salvage that get’s your cargo full.Then when your cargo is full sell all of it it works.Trust me Ibought a ship that way.Hope you do it!
Hey,I am almost done beating the Island!!!! I have 600,000 and i need 925,000 to get the Pheonix warbird and to beat Capt. Crawfish! and…go to the governer and all that!!!
I have a boat with cannons and I got more than 100000dobloons and i exit without saving how annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i finsh every thing but 3 more islands
grigory can you help me w. skullduggery it confuses me :/ i wanna know how to get millions of dubs. on thaaa 😐
i need more money bra, i only got 7,8 71;and i cant aford nobody to b on my crew! dangit
wat do i do on the hidden island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skulldugery is Xtremly hard and I cant even get a new ship and I,m kind of wondering if 1 of u guyz can hlp me?
this island is pretty hard after all i guess i thought it was real easy i guess not but it was fun
i don’t have that much money to buy a big ship T_T and i need to pay the lady who loan me money waaaa
The trading might get 977,500 doubbloons but i have the steaming furry now!
that other comment i sent was wrong but the steaming furry was not a joke
my friend jem was the one who exit without saving how anoing
well bella you need to get the fonix wardbird, go back to main land then go to the house at the back of the main land. then he`ll give you the skull spade and the map to the hidden islend then look at the map then, go to the hidden islend then do what the map tells you to do. thanks for reading bella.
i want alot of money
i am a helper at a school
i really want money b cause i am just on 50 credits and i want to complete skullduggery. it’s hard. so far i hav completed 3 levels. 1 was super power, early poptropica and last and not least shark tooth. just that skullduggery has bits when you go on ships, get the pieces of the tresure map and killing captin crawfish. any 1 who reads this message is going to be killed by your parents. Not i was only joking around but the people that starts with the letter in there first name x,y,or z is not allowed to read it. any way did you know that i start with the b because b is for brillient. any way i am so sorry for people that start with the letter x,y and z. good luck on skullduggery. bye bye. from brandon.
i think this is really cool but where do you get the big boat from ?
guys where is the hidden island all it says is under the arch where is the arch ??????? please HEEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(
Hard Hard!! Very hard.. But with the work of this i finish it…. I <3 poptropica secrets… 🙂 :).. 😛 THANKS :P… 😀 😀
:/ please like this… :/ :/
weird glich beat crawfish with raft.
weird glich finishd sculdugery and said i have all medals.
weird glitch,wg,hav membership but didnt pay for it.
how do you catch the parrot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what? The makers of Poptropica should let us vote for an island. They could come up with a couple of ideas and have us vote to see which one is best. Which ever wins would get to be made an island. I’m serious, they should do that.
Your awsome!
Its actully very easy to get money if you dont know how all you have to do is go in a circle basically I started at Dragon Cove and bought silk because its the cheapest you buy all you can carry then go to Bouffant Bay sell all the silk and buy all the medicine you can carry. Once you do that go to Parrot Port and sell all the medicine but buy nothing. Then head down Golden Harbor and buy all the grain you can carry and you can sell all the salvage that you fond if you want just make sure that all you have is grain because your going to go down pirate outpost and sell all the grain buy all the spice and sell that to the merchant at Dragon Cove. What your doing is buying all the cheap stuff and selling it were its most exspensive. Usually if you do this two times around will get you the next ship but you might want to do it three times so youll have plenty of money to continue. Now does anyone know how to get the map piece on Dragon Cove?
I agree with Emily,
there should be one where you get to ride a horse and save a farm or something!
I cant get any1 2 come on my ship and it wont let me go in2 dragon cove.HELP meeee!
Perhaps..I’ve been LONGING for an island where there isn’t always the loading ball when u meet the boss,you can’t customize!I wanted crawfish’s golden eyepatch and stuff,u know?
Or where you create ur own items besides the tools given…
hi guys. i like the game poptropica. it is alright but just some of the levels crack me up. cool game though.
hay every1 umm who knows what neighbouring islands i have to go to to find the tresure maps?
hurry up and write the written walkthrough! i can’t watch the videoss. ‘ -‘
Um… Hello. What do I do on the part where you are on that island with the golden tooth? And just HOW do you use that barrel of explosives? =( Thanks. oh, and, I’m talking to YOU, grigory…
This island is hard as pie!:(
This island is hard as pieeeeeeeeeeeeee! 🙁
STUPID ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ()_ 0
omg i don’t get it at all
hey wat do i do 2 help the people out?
It’s the EASIEST island, it just takes a long time, sorta like Astro Nights. I LOVE this island because there is no FIXED way to do this, just sort of a guide. All the other islands, you just do this, then that, then this.
P.S. cutekirbyforever, what are you stuck on? I might be able to help.
You have to get the cannon starter kit for that island (I am not grigory though…)
To get the map piece at Dragon Cove, you first jump on the dragon in the water. Next, get the wooden stick/mallet. Then, push the fisherman by the giant bell. After that, hit the bell with your mallet. He will give you the map piece.
i meant big crabs!!!!HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many days does it take you to finish I AM ON DAY 52
You should start at dragon cove, buy silk, and to get the paper, you have to jump onto the abandoned dragon and stay until you see the mallet. Then you move the fisherman about an inch right to the bell and use the mallet on the bell. If the fish lands on the hook he gives you a piece.
i got the foneix warbird and im left with 257,000 dubs
This island is sooo hard! i can’t get enough money to get the whole crew and get just one other ship! sooo annoying!
P.S I can’t watch the videos
we are a band……..called egrandom 🙂 peace
we will be famous one day & you will bow down t0 us!!!!
you can find us on egrraince trampoline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol 🙂 we sing too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :~))))))))))
where do you find the broken mirror?
where is the best place 2 sell grain? P.S i completed steamworks ask 4 help if vids dont work
i cant get a bigger boat,it wont let me:( SO FRUSTRATING
Hi um.. Can I ask a quick question to PoptropicaSecrets? What do you use to record and edit Poptropica videos? I really want to know.
*** oh and also visit my Multiplayer room
Room Code: DHX79
when i look at the telescope thing for a ship all i can see is the sky
PPPPPPPPLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found out it dont work on my computer but it work on laptop
HA HA! u sucky suck in skullduggery island in poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!no…im just joking.
Skullduggery island is sooooooooo hard,I cant do it just because im a lazy piiiiiiiicccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{pick}u dummy!
the only hard island i completed is spy island!!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT IM STILL SOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY OF MY SSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t know how to do the proper combination in light in golden harbor in skullduggery island
Tell me what ur user name is and password and I would give you mine
How can you get that much money? I mean i have the jimmyroger or whatever but is there a cheat?
i once saw a red cloud shaped like an X, and when i clicked on it, i got 5000,000 doubloons!
P.S.What does the red * supposed to mean?
ALSO P.S.I just started and I’ll tell you how many days it takes me to win if
you want to know, Dchaplin.
another way to get the phinox boat is to go above dragon cove island and kill stuff that will showup.P.S. HAVE A STRONG SHIP LIKE THE KOI.
i have 699,089,453,218,089 doubloons by going above dragon cove and killing stuff P.S. HAVE ASTRONG SHIP LIKE THE KOI TO DO THIS
how do you get a bigger ship im watching the video but i dont get the order
when do u use the broken mirror????
Could someone help me figure out how to win the map piece in Golden Harbor? I have dial up, so I can’t really watch the movie, and the written form isn’t out yet. Please, someone help!!!
this is a cool website i lost my poptropica account but i maade a new one and completed 11 islands just working on this one ugggggggg … so long
I don’t get it, like, I’ve found the hidden Island, but then I go and talk to the people in the house next to the grave, but their like, “you need to have a full ship with people and everything”, so, that’s why I’m confused. P.S. I have no idea how I get lots of doubloons, I’m broke!!!!!!
Never mind about Golden Harbor. I figured it out. But now I’m stuck on Pirate’s Cove or whatever. Please, someone help me with THIS one!!
I have 257,000 doubloons, but i need more ! Please respond and help !
U stupid morons!I was going to tel 2by4poptropica how to get mor dubloons but now youre in da way GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but im still going to tel him/her:to get mor dubloons u need to embark on thru the seas,if u see salvage,go near it and u wil get mor dubloons and cargo!:D.
tellme ho to get a lot of money
I love Skullduggery!!! Right now I am doing it on another character. Has anyone seen the new price on the Haunted House? I tried to buy it on the character I am on right now but it said it was 350 credits!!! The Poptropica creators are REALLY starting to tick me off.
It won’t tell me the 1,000,000 dubloons cheat and I signed up! =(
Hey HiyaGuys I have a battle tip. just keep him in your tallons and shoot as many cannonbals in FRONT of him. he will sink but ther wnt be any savage.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
how get lot of money by killing monster and ship. and i have 475,744 money in all at12; 32
any ideas on how to get 1,000,000 doubloons?anyone?anyone?
how do you sell cargo?
Hi, I was wondering if you could write a written walkthrough
this helped thnx
Um… can u plz do a written walkthrough!!!! Thx that would help alot!!!!
how do you get a million doubaloons
ok whats the deal with the stupid parrot who says jump in the sea and come find me that what the frick are you supose to do??? i need help!!!
How do you get a bigger boat???? PLEASE i need help!!!!!!!!!! you should totally write the insturctuions
For the parrot you have to jump in to the ocean then look for him, easy as 1,2,3
Once got the biggest ship and crew, just shoot cannons at the ship will crashing into him.
how do i get the last map piece and where is it?
im having trouble with killing captain crawfish
I hate Skullduggery island. I don’t even know what to do!
hey were is the bird after it flys away
ahhhhhhhhh i cant find that dumb bird its getting annoying! can someone tell me were it is. PLEASE!
yes i found the bird
hey whats the fastest way to get money because i keep losing cargo and money because of other ships
For all your stupid questions, just watch the video! That’s WHY they made it. If you cannot figure out one part and you’re stuck, just watch the seven minute videos! It’s not that hard people! Here is all three videos put together in a few, short sentences. I wrote it because many people have requested a written walkthrough. I don’t have all the time in the world, so I didn’t go into details. If you have more problems, WATCH THE VIDEO.
Written Guide:
Use your raft to swim to different islands. In each island, there is a puzzle to figure out. There are clues to help you, and once you figure it out, you get one piece of the five pieces of the completed map. Once you get all five of them, click “examine” on the map in your inventory. They will magically squish together into one whole map, and another island (Skullduggery) will magically appear. Don’t get too excited; this is only half the story. You must travel to the other islands once again, to trade and get rich. Once you feel like you have enough money, go to Dragon Cove and find a little shop where a man is a ship merchant. He will give you a list of ships, and you can buy the coolest one you can afford. You also might want to use some cash to hire more crew. Then, travel to Skullduggery and battle Captain Krawfish. Then you save the island, blah blah blah, and you get a medal and 100 credits to spend in the Poptropica virtual store. There ya go. Arrrrrrrr, mateys!!!!
how do u get a million doubloons. I only need to kill captain crawfish and hes hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow……… i just battle 2 monsters and two ships at the same time…….
AND IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used steaming furry. 400 thousand doubloons for the phoenix ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE MEDALION!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!
AND I GOT THE PHOENIX SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many crew members are there? I am in Dragon Cove and am not sure if I should purchase a new ship because I want all the crew members first.
please hheeeellllppppppppp me how tooooooooooooooooooooo get 1oo% of skullduggery island!!!!!!!!!!!!!:{
i want duoblebubbles
how do you get a new improved boat
Skullduggery is super simple if youn know the right stuff. I finished it in only 20 Poptropican days. Here’s something for those frustrated enough to use profanity: Since ships and monsters follow you mindlessly, you can easily make them crash into stuff, including each other! And salvages are easy to find near the red rocks, too.
Also, caitlyn kyser, you sell cargo by clicking on a person at a trading post.
Once had a crab monster, the Kraken, and two pirate ships chasing me all at once. What did I do? Thank Poseidon. I sunk all of them and got more salvage than my ship could hold.
To attract a pirate ship, hang around the pirate place. To attract a monster, hang around the northern waters. Lure them into the red rocks or natural disasters. This is simple enough, except you must keep just ahead of your prey while dodging cannonballs or flailing monster parts.
Also, Monsters are slower than ships and last longer. If you can get a ship to run into a monster from behind, they will pretty much be beating each other up.
wow i only took two days to finish it was my record
once i got one million, all you do is buy the three thousand ship, then skip the koi, wait until its time to buy the steaming fury, buy the cheapest thing in dock except for parrot port, then there you go it took me two days but two hours first day then ten minutes sedond day and im also emmy!!!
ill try to make a website and do the written walkthrough ill announce the website name when im done but i cant put video sorry
any ideas how to get 1 millon wat ever you call them i need ship and crew here those poeple dat finish this island are lucky
Help me! I bought a bad (and small) boat, and whenever I have money and want to buy another pops up: you seem to have bad credit. try repaying your loan first. What do I do to get another boat? and pay that loan?? and where??
how can i defeat the monsters or boats?it is so frickin hard:(
does anyone know how to get 1,000,000 doubloons????? anyone????????
IM ON THE 80th DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED 1,000,000 DOUBLOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you beat Captain Crawlfish????? its sooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many crew are there? Where get em’ all?
@person you just keep going clockwise trading items~ 😀
1. Bouffant Bay: sell silk and buy medicine.
2. Parrot Port: sell medicine and don’t buy anything.
3. Golden Harbor: sell whatever you picked up in salvage and buy grain. Visit the bank to repay existing loan and get a new one.
4. Pirate Cove: sell grain and buy spice.
5. Dragon Cove: sell spice. Visit the ship builder and upgrade your ship if you can. Buy silk.
you just keep going clockwise trading items~
1. Bouffant Bay: sell silk and buy medicine.
2. Parrot Port: sell medicine and don’t buy anything.
3. Golden Harbor: sell whatever you picked up in salvage and buy grain. Visit the bank to repay existing loan and get a new one.
4. Pirate Cove: sell grain and buy spice.
5. Dragon Cove: sell spice. Visit the ship builder and upgrade your ship if you can. Buy silk.
ok this island is so boring now that you get the 5 pieces you get doubloons i mean what happens when your in the black hole between 200,000 and 900,000. you know there are so much islands that came out after check the other guys blog google it wiki answers probably has it written out
yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE PHOENIX WARBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I COMPLETED SKULLDUGGERY!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST NEED 1 MORE ISLAND- CRYPTIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i don’t have membership)
PEOPLE, if you need so much help with getting doubloons and sinking ships, READ MY OTHER COMMENTS!
i completed this in just like 2 hours… thankiez poptropica walkthroughs…
IT HELPS DO IT MAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got more than 1ooo000 true very true it is very true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skullduggery’s easy i killed captain krawfish in one go!
i have 111,649 doubloons
Cant get a new ship can someone help me??
Ohmygawshh lol I love this mothertruckinnnn islandoo x33
i wnat to learn it anyway… that’s have a part4… huh lol
captaincrawfish did you deafit..?
can you please teach me…!
Ugh! I NEED help! I can’t get enough money no matter what i do!!!! HELP!!!! Please!
can you tell me a cheat in skull dugerry a cheat to get lots of coins
I finally figured out how to finish dragon cove!
In my opinion, BEST ISLAND POPTROPICA EVER CREATED. i swear, i am debating whether or not to create a new profile just to do this island again.
duhh… i already finish it. anyway, bananas come from my country…8-)
anyone older than ten that have not finish this island is DUMB!!!!!
been a while 4 me 2 post
Here’s a cool cheat that I want to tell you: Go to Early Poptropica at the tower’s and go the second green one! Hop up to second window! On the top left corner (or right) the hand will go. Click it and a thing will say,” You’ve found a hidden item!”
Chat with me everybody say eh,oh,eh,oh,eh,oh!
I’m NOT dumb because I’m just 8 years old!I think I have a problem here in this island…Huhmmmm……………….
How many days do we have to complete the island?
@helen: alright,alright… i will NOT be mean. you heard that??????????????????????????????
i got blacklisted so im scared to go bak to that island now…….
hello. how come you guys are so weird!!!!!you guys dont know anything about poptropica!!
i just can’t figure it out how it goes?
i am 1o years old this march i’m going to be 11
how do you get the treauser map that you go throw the cavity in the cove and how d0 get all of the lights on at golden harbor.
in walktrought his money is change become 300.000 doublons, but how !!!!!!
Hey Ke$sha, can you be more specific? I tried to find the hidden item, but nothing showed up.
SHANIYA:Where do you live?
Cryptids is easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can someone help me collect all the money
i’ll tell u my user name and pass
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SHANIYA ur 11 u should b single gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!people start dating way to early these days
Hey you guys , I do agree, you should start dating when ur at least 14. Duh
um I know I even contributed to this discussion, but why are we talking about dating?
help meh sooo stupid cannot beat skullduggery
1. Bouffant Bay: sell silk and buy medicine.
2. Parrot Port: sell medicine and don’t buy anything.
3. Golden Harbor: sell whatever you picked up in salvage and buy grain. Visit the bank to repay existing loan and get a new one.
4. Pirate Cove: sell grain and buy spice.
5. Dragon Cove: sell spice. Visit the ship builder and upgrade your ship if you can. Buy silk.
where is the writen part? I can’t find it
When your trading in a circle just sell all of what sells for most and buy 25 of what cost the least
that is all ya have to do PS there is a glitch with my cpu and i can’t complete criptids island because of it. it happens when i try to get in the jeep
i’m not dum bein 8 and a half but please help me!
i need serious help! i can’t beat skullduggery!
hey u guys did u know that you can fly on any island and shaniya im looking for a girlfriend are u free
hey need some help
crazy stomper how do u fly?
hey emily all you have to do to beat skullduggery is have time and patience
trust me, i’ve been working for like 2 days straight
oh and time, yeah i odn’t have a lot of that
i swim every day except sun and tues for 4 hours so….
I’m free and I’m a girl. 8)
Was talking to crazy stomper.
My real name is Ashley.
how do you geat a lot of money
Basically, you kill monsters and sink pirate ships. Then you get the salvage from them.
uh… man this place doesn’t really change. Artemis, green grape, you are basically the only two I see everywhere. I RESPECT YOU man i am a loner
sooryyy wow lalalallalalalalaalLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! SORRY I had a suger rush..
You treat me with respect, you are repayed with respect, I will not stand for injustice, anywhere, anyhow.
Ps: that’s my motto. 😆
Hey how do you get those smiley face things?
Never mind I found out how. 🙂 🙁 😉
total sum of money: 12,422,543
i almost died luckily i made it to dragon’s cove in time.
i am chinese that is why my sister and i always lurk around dragons cove
this is a very very reckless way for defeating captain crawfish
1. Go to captain crawfish and ram your ship into his(drop anchor). non-stop until he sails away.
3.if your health goes below 25%, sail to the nearest island and stay out of trouble as you do so.
sometimes if it gets really hard to shoot stuff, go near the monster, weigh anchor and fire.
warning: this does not work on pirate ships.
if you see a monster and a pirate ship, wait for the monster/pirate ship to get torn up before attacking the other one. remember: you’re always on the offensive
watever this dosent even help out!!!!!!
i cant get enough money to hire people! can anyone help me?
hey, when u are trading how much should you buy and sell????????????????????????
you should not buy, just sell. i know it takes a long time, but that’s the fun part. And i’m sorry that my previous comment didn’t help.
i want to be a billionaire, so fricking bad,
buy all of the things i never had,
i want to be on the cover of forbes magazine,
smiling next to oprah and the queen,
oh every time i close my eyes,
i see my name in shining lines,
a different city every night for life, i swear,
the world better prepare,
for when im a billionaire!
too bad, i only have 13, 283, 505
SUNK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 million. Maybe i have enough poptropica for a day. Signing out. Adieu.
Oh, Busy Panda…… I found out how you make the smiley things……………….
emily, are youstill here?
i need help! im in debt but i cant figure out how to pay my loan back cause it keeps multiplying every time i dock to trade!!!
I have to travel in a circle?!?!?
Argh……that’s gonna take a LONG time xD
I only have 5,000 now and i have to circle around the Map like 10 times? D:<
I have an advice: You have to sink pirate ships/monsters and collect the salvage they drop or if you don’t have cannons yet,collect salvage you find.
and sell your goods if your cargo is full
how do you defeat captain crawfish? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im done. 🙂
this island is almost impossible and invisible cat dont lie i hav seenur account many times
u also black thunder
dont try to get the secret, it dosent work
buy the cheapest thing the go clockwise and sell the item you just bought do not buy from parrot port
when you have enough money to buy a ship buy a ship
ugh i hate being patient this island sucks and its my last island to beat
an easy way is to sell everything you have whenever you get to an island and don’t buy
oh and never get a loan because if you do when you return it u hav less money than wat u strat with
on parrot island now! stayin up till i finish skulldugary!!! then im done with the whole game!
for eveyone who’s having trouble getting enough money through trading:
the phoenix warbird rocks!
Hi, everyone!
Bye, everyone!
Hi, everyone! Wow, I entered a new page!! Now, bye!
it takes about two circles around the islands to upgrade to the next ship. with the cargo master, you can probably make it in one trip.
hey who booted off my other comment?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
: D
cool!lots of people cant beat it!WOW!i beat it alredy!and super mario 64 ds with my brother ilya,who is 21!ENTER THIS AND SEE IF I BEST IT!USER:sasha9253 pass:bestyarovoy, ok?and beat mytholgy for me, and the rest islands,i have not completed.i will comeplete skullduggery island for you.OK!DEAL!
i need a written walk through…. please post!
how can you restart an island?
im on my way to get the phoenix warbird!
sitara, you can’t.
i know it’s so hard i just hate it since it’s the only island i can’t complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i have to do is get a crew and the phoenox warbird.
Sorry for the cuss words. The imposter is just nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…Wow this Skullduggery island is sorta easy when you get the map parts. I havn’t reached the part where you get a warship and confront Captain Crawfish though. It is easy so far though.
Ok, This is for people who wants to know how to NOT get blacklisted on your loan while your circling clockwise: Ok, You circle one time go to the loan place and return your loan. Get a loan again. You have 20 days now. Keep doing that and you won’t get blacklisted. Hope that helps! 🙂
Yahoo!!!! I have the Steaming Fury!!!!!
I tried your username and password, and it says that the password was incorrect.
@ mighty joker,
how far are you on this?
Both of you, plz respond, or else I can’t help you guys.
Oh, and anybody looking for a written walkthrough? There are tips on the pages of comments before this.
Hi i’m really bored, tell me if anyone has trouble finishing this island. i finished it in a few days and i can help you get the phoenix warbird and the crew.
7qq12 i can help you finish this island if you want me too whats yur username n password?
i already completed it-all you have to do is kill those little bloat-fish and you get 13,000 to 16,000 doubloons!!! or you can buy a lot of things for a cheap price and sell it where its expensive- i got 100,000 doubloons this way! i got the phoenix ship and when you battle captain crawfish all you do is circle him and shoot then you ram him and keep shooting until he sails away(YOU NEED THE PHOENIX WARSHIP TO DO THIS!!!!!!)
(the video really helped explain)
it takes less than 100 days to defeat captain crawfish
also captain crawfish takes less than a 5 minute to defeat
i had everything to beat crawfish, but i docked at skullduggery and everything went back to the start! help!
can someone help me beat crawfish?
I can’t defeat captain crawfish!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!
umm to anyone who can help i am basicly STRANDED at Parrot Port on Skulldugry my ship wont work. PLEASE HELP ME IVE BEEN STUCK THERE FOR 2 DAYS!!
K, so beating Captain Crawfish is actually really easy. The trick is that when you get close to Crawfish you should put your anchor down and spaztically hit the spacebar. Make sure you have the Pheonix Warbird and six crew members.
Tip for beating Captain Crawfish:
Try ramming him into the reefs at the Golden Harbor place.
The piece of map at Est. 1718 isnt in the 2nd plant box Please help!!
I only have 5,068 Doubloons How do I get more? Sell all my cargo?
Hello, I am back after a six-month hiatus. The exams are coming. But after they finsh, i will be the happiest boy in the whole wide world!!!
Anyway, back to business.
Captain Crawfish: get phoenix warbird and a complete crew, shipwright is essential. Then, pour cannonballs into him and make sure they all hit him!!!:) When he fires back, run away but not for too long bcos the bloody asshole also has a shipwright. if his health decreases to below 1/4, ram your ship into his and fire at a slower rate. He will die. Rest assured. BUT he will not rest in peace, rest assured.
Another very dangerous way to beat the ship is to ram the Phoenix Warbird into him and fire at full speed. It got rid of him in less than 30 seconds when i tried with grey ant but my health decreased to below 1/5:(
Getting the Big Bucks.
Depending on what you are interested in.
Monsters: Dragon’s Cove
Pirates: Pirate Outpost
Salvage: Golden Harbor. Unfortunately, you have to watch out for the rocks because they can sink Phoenix Warbird upon impact.
An easier way will be to get a few friends from Pirate outpost and get to Dragon’s Cove, letting Monsters destroy Pirates. Don’t get involved, but remember to pick up treasures before they disappaer.
The crab is the easiest, then the pufferfish andthen finally the squid.
If you find it useful, plesae comment
And yes, sell all your cargo oncethe tank is full.
ok. i feel really stupid but i cant seem to get the ship to move!! help?
ok. i finally got it to move, but i cant get to the island!! help?
ugh!!! ok, so i got to all the islands but i still dont have enough money and my computer is super slow!! can someone help me beat this island??
@Cody. you have to hit the 3rd hanging fern. then, hit the 1st fern. then hit the 2nd fern. also, sell all your cargo. when you are sailing, you can collect savage, and then sell it at any island
Does anyone know which island to sell certain items? Anyone?
i have carabelle and have all crew lol
Any way does any body play webo?
Hey anyone Tried the sail through land glitch go to begining island dont know name sail through the middle
I don’t buy anything from any other islands, I just collect salvage and sell it. It really works.
I haven’t but this island takes the longest to complete I think!
what the heck is webo anyway?
some 1 plz help me i dnt know how to get the parrot map piece cuz dat the only piece i need and i cant get the war bird ship so help if u help me i can get on ur name and complete all the islands u havent done cuz i have completed all of them except Skulldergury on different names
@ beffy ring
i really need help plz help me i cant get nothing on this stupid island
This island took forever.
hey can u help me i dnt know how to get the parrot
can u help me plz i can defeat islands u havent
Hey i cant pass this one soo if you have trouble on any other one i will pass it for you if you pass skulldugery for me!! 🙂 username:obabaluga password:maggie
I think i was glitched on this island.I helped the old man get the fish in Dragon Cove but i didnt get the map piece.Im not sure what to do about it.Anyone have a suggestion?
never mind, my problem was now solved
it took forever to load in my map pieces though
this sux that bloatfish kills me ALWAYS!! IMAGINE THAT!!!
it takes forever to get the 1 million..isn’t there a way to get it faster??
if you sign up to poptropica cheats and secrets theyll send you an email that tells you how to get a million doubloons its very easy actually you just have to buy a lot of stuff and sell stuff too
how do you get the old mans fish? i tried but i dont think that there is a way to pick up the guy i mean really atleast i should be ablse to offer the help then take his rod then on pirate outpost on that island i cant get up to the cannon it gets annoying but then the fire just is stupid it makes me mad )=
can anyone finish this 4 me? i just cant beat crawfish, ill give u my username and password if u promise not to hack my account……
can someone help me with the lights? i have tried every thing:(
Hey, no words like that are meant to be used on the page CUDDLY SUN! 😡 sorry
I think I have seen the name, “Chelsea” on this page before
Hey risha, you should look on previose pages if you want to see words that shouldnt be used on this page >(P.S. WHY R U SAYING SORRY??????????
Does anyone know where the Navigator is?
check out the outfit by clicking on my name.
don’t you know anything, Cuddly Sun? Watch the video.
How do you get a new boat already and the pirate ship keeps following me and everytime it gets faster so how do i out run it with the raft?
why does it keep saying day 1 day 2 day 3 at the top everytime i go somewhere i paid the loan lady
the vidios r on utube and i cant get on utube dumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >(
thx for every thing i needed it
hey! maybe u could defeat captain craw fish by the boat or ship you have try to kill him….i almost killed him with my 30 something thousand doublons! have a try! plz comment on my website! thnx!:)
yo some one gimmy your room code i have some pretty cool stuff and cheats
hey can some1 do skullduggery 4 me?? i’ll give ya my user n’ pass
the easiest way to make money is to buy grain at The Golden Bank island and sell it at the Pirate Outpost island.
can some 1 help me on skulduggery if u do i can get on ur name and finish islands u havent i promise no hacking if u dnt hack mine ill tell who evr helps me my user and pass l8ter
Sporty Diamond, I’ll do it!
.3. I forgot my poptropica last name.
ok, i gave my friend my password and he got me the pheonix warbird! 😀
hey can someone help me on islands i have not done that you have if you will then i will help you on islands that i have done that you havent
someone help with skullduggery island its so hard i cant get 1 million dubilons HELP!!! Ill givwe u my password if u dont hack it ill also pass others islands for you
how do you shoot canons
um…. do you keep going in circles to get money?
and were do you find the blow fish?
does anyone have captain crawfishs costume if you guys dothen type back on this website and in return ill give you binary bards costume
@ small popper: u no u shouldn’t b giving otha ppl ur user and password details…besides, u shouldn’t b so lazy. y not practise n do it urself? no offence.
make a text walk through please. the videos arent coming up on my cpu
U guys could just sign up for the cheats it doesn’t cost anything. i took me one day to finish this island
this island is super hard!!!!!
im not lying!!!
i’ll try to help any one
DOes any one want a dr hare costume
i cant pass skullduggery i signed up for poptropciasecrets and it still hasnt told me hoe to get the million doubloons
Skullduggery is hard CD! One day, i dont blieve you
do any of u know how to get alot of doubloons?
i got all the map i just need the war bird and to beat cap crawfish i have the carabelle pls help me and pls DONT hack
no,but cuddly whale, can you help me.Answer as soon as possible
my username is b12003 and my password is dadio
THIS island is so hard when ever I get out of to the sea my boat always gets damaged.
skulldugery island is so hard its not even funny
cc ill help u
umm… u gave me the wrong password.
cc why did you give us your password?thats weird.anyways,this island is hard but im almost done!as soon as i earn some doublooms to hire people
but seriously,the password is soo wrong!!1
can somebody do skulldergery for me?i will give you my user and pass later….
there is no word walkthru on skullduggery!!!!!!! that makes me MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) : can any one help me with this?!?!?!?!?!
user: mercedezbenz11800
pass: carpenter
pls dnt hack my account i still have 2 finish alot of islands
do you want me to finish spy island for you mercedezbenz?
i already finished spy island.its easy
i can finish it for u
Hey if anybody needs me to finish some islands i will do it and i promise no hacking I SWEARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
i need help i cant find the raft i need to signal. tne vidios wont work.HELP
im almost finished with skulldergery island as soon as i get the warship boat and fight captain crawfish
i hope i win when i battle captain crawfish.but im sooooooo close for getting the warship because i have 74128 doubloons!!!!
where do you get dubloons from
can someone help me with spy island
why does everyone ask me to play games with them
if anyone wants me to i can do cryptids island for you
do you want me to do spy island for you?its very easy for me!:)
I have an awesome outfit for skullduggery island (girls only). You only need 75 credits (Prom Queen costume) and bits and pieces from skullduggery and shrink ray sneak peek. Go to dragon cove (skullduggery) and get the trader’s hart and hair. Then go to golden harbor (skullduggery) and get the first girl you see’s necklace. (you don’t need to use this specific necklace you could use whatever necklace you want) Get the cook’s belt (you have him right when you start sailing so you don’t have to buy him) Go to shrink ray and go to the boy who did the chocolate volcano and get the chocolate from his face. Then go in front of C.J’s apartment and copy the girl’s skirt. Finally copy the top of the prom queen dress in white.
uugghghh this one is hard!!!!!!!!
whats the chicken for??/
wait this island isnt so hard in the beginning 🙂
do you think it’s safe 2 click on thing that says”how to earn a thousand doubleens”?or is it just bull?
who do i talk to to learn about the treshure map on skull whatever island?
pls can some 1 any 1 help me i hate this stupid island pls help me
user: barbie_BREEZY#1
pass: mclyte
pls dnt hack im almost done with every island i just need to finish skullduggery and shrink ray when it comes out HELPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if u complete skullduggery 4 me i can complete any other island 4 u pls DO NOT HACK MY ACCOUNT I HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF 2 COMPLETE ALMOST EVERY ISLAND OK
uugghhh i hate this island!!!!
ok some 1 hacked my thing im so sad they change my pass word and now i cant get in
where do u find the map piece at boffet bay
i won skullduggery island
when u get 2 boffet bay go 2 the left until u c 3 hanging plants jump up and hit the 3 one then hit the 1 one then hit the 2 one and the map fall out
srry im really mad right now
@ lazy bones sure u can if u want
Where do you get the larger boat after the raft?? please can someone help me!!!! the videos dont show where you get it from!!!!!!!!
barbie breezy do you think you typed in the wrong password?i was trying to help you pass skulldergy and the password didnt work.or did someone change the password?
I got the warbirdthing and I can n
ot beat caption
no lazy bones i think some 1 changed it wont let me in mclyte was the password but…….. ):
cuz i went on avatar studio typed in barbie_BREEZY#1 and some change all my clothes!
pls who evr changed my pass word pls tell me im dieing noT 4 real over here okay i want my account back i knew i shouldnt gave it out cuz some one hacked any way
@ lazy bones do u know my password since u helped me earlyer it wont let me on
OK, seriously, this is the hardest island so far! But all the other islands are tricky too, and without Poptropica Secrets, I wouldn’t be able to complete ANY island at all… Seriously.
@ Shaggy Shell
I will not be able to get Mythology island done for you though. I can’t get past the red eyed snake part so yeah. If you can get past the snake part please email me. Do not finish the whole island just the red eyed snake part please. If you email me I will give you my username and password. Please do not change Shaggy Shell at all! I worked really hard to get her to look like that. Do not spend my points either. Just do the snake part and that’s it plz. Here is my email [email protected]
i deafeated skullduggery about a year ago
and i got that warbird phoeneix thing.a nerd/moron/jerk that tries to beat skullduggery goes like this:OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T BEAT SKULLDUGGERY ~!!!!!!,I CAN’T EVEN BEAT EARLY POPTROPICA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).that is how they act.
Arr. Me be trying tar fix me ship. Must get out of here.
Hey blablaneedshelp you get the battleship from the Chinese island.
this is my last is land untill the newest one train something opens up
umm can u help me jumpy eel i really cant defeat skullduggery and im a freakin girl not a boy so dnt ask me that question and my real name is charlotte aka charlie call me charlie
mercedezbenz,im sorry you dont know your password but i never changed it.all i did is finish spy island
thx lazy bones il try again& can u finish skullduggery 4 me i can get on urs and finish any island except skullduggery and mystery train
i just beat stupid captin crawfish an crush his ship with my phoenix warbird.
and mercedezben11800,i beated all the islands exept shrink ray and mystery train because my stupid computer won’t let me go to poptropica but i can give you cheats,you go southwest ,and when you see captin crawfish’s ship go up and turn to ship his ship when you missed you get close to his ship a shot and go away when your life is low and refill you life and go back to acttack around the hidden island when he is on the other island side shoot at him until his life runs low you finish him of go next o the ship and attack util he has no more life and you won and go back home to get the bone shovel and the small map at the the end of the place of fort riddely, go back to that hidden island and go to the spot on the small map and click on the spot and use the bone shovel to dig up the treasure and captin crawfish will show up with his crew and ship and if you had the phoneix warbird, your ship will attack crawfish’s ship and then you go back home and you will found your self at the end at fort riddely and you will get your medellion! 🙂
do the same thing as mercedezben11800,small moon.
i just wanted to help people on islands even if they ask someone else even if mercedezben11800 ask lazy bones 🙂
i still like to duplicate comments stupid computer!
hey @ jumpy wats my pass word ?
and thats okay if u helped me i just wanna know if u change my password cuz it wont let me on on with my password carpenter
i need money!!! wanna help me with trading and stuff?!
Day 62 of me being shipwrecked.Built a house.Out of my ship.Arrgh.
This be bad. =(
Arr. I be able to swim to the nearest island.Me pirate buddies hate me. Cant imagine why.
Hey everybody!!!! one of the hardest for me
i realy hate this island
could some one help me
little claw
I can help i promise no hacking just give me ur user name and password lata and i can help u but after i help u make sure u hav a email address on ur name so u can get ur lost password if some 1 hacks and change ur pass word
It’s kinda easy if you always go back to port if you get the green health bar up there i just cant get enough money…..
This island is taking WAY to long to finish. How come they didn’t put in a spot where you can colect 1,ooo,000 dubloons to buy the Phinox Warrbird because its alot easier to to earn money when your trying to hire people. It only took me one day to hire everyone for my crew.
Please use my account I gave out because anyone is able to use it! You can do any island you like and dress the person in any clothes you want!
oh my god i don’t know hwo to trade or buy where do you get money?? little help please!
I’m doing quite well, I’ve got two map pieces!! Actually I’m a failure. I just looked at my computer clock and I’ve been working out at sea on my raft for over one hour…
I wanna go to a Chrs Brown concert when he does one nearby but mum will SO not let me!
I’m going on my other account with my screen name as Shiny Moon. On that account I’m halfway through Reality TV Island but I can’t win the TV show!!!!
…..Or maybe not cuz I can’t log in CUZ its so freaking SLOW so I’ll just search up Chris Brown songs on YouTube and watch them another billion times (I’m SUCH a big Chris Brown fan). I’ve listened to Yeah 3x like 5 times since then so I’ll listen to Gimme That from his latest CD I have got.
Or I could watch my Murder Story which I recorded in my field with my camera of my self getting murdered but I don’t die so I’m not exactly getting murdered and te second episode is so funny I scream and my face looks wierd and I fall over and on the first bit my foot is on the camera OH MY GOD I’m giggling just writing this!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it’s still me Cool Horse but I’ve changed my screen name. OMG I’m not normally SO obsessed over Chris Brown as I am tonight yeah it’s like five past ten at night here in the UK mum and dad are watching a movie so I’m down here on my PC MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Skullduggery island is really hard and mysterious and fun and I love it!
Wow skullduggery is so darn fun!! I beat the thing twice!
Jelly pickles
August 7, 2011 at 1:50 pm
Wow skullduggery is so darn fun!! I beat the thing twice!
@ jelly pickles
can u pls help me
user name: SHYSWAGGAmc
i will give u my pass word l8ta 😀
can some one pass skulldugery island for me and ill pass any island for them except skullduggery
Argh I hate captain Crawfish he let whole crew down so i be a good pirate!
Day 74 of me being shipwrecked. Built a small ship and is sailing to dragon cove to plunder.Got a bit of salvage,so me be selling for dubloons. Arrrr… Man named bard got here. He nicknamed himself King Mordred. He said his robot needed something by the name on the “orb of arterus”.
Strange Guy.
Got bigger ship. need crew. Bard helped me build thar ship. Arrgh… He freaks me out. He said he comes from ‘outer space’. Realy strange.
Argh Crawfish i outta get revenge on ya someday!
does any1 know what happens when u dont pay back loans cos i wanna find out
i dont know maybe u get in trouble if u dont pay back ur loans but hope it helps sea lion
can someone pass skulldugery they can coztumize the character and everything and ill pass a level on there account
my account is tutifruti<3 i no its bad name
Chris brown fan are you a girl or a boy?
its taking for ever i have the steam boat and all the crew and los of money but not enough to buy the birdship……
and if you dont pay back the loan in time youll have to pay them more money every time you dock at any port….
pirate girl and captain crawfish we all know that you guys are not did know that?right?
because it feels like their not real
lazy bones, let them they r probable like 4/5 years old
lazy bones how did get a picture of ur poptropica chacter because i want a picture
to get the pic:
go to
make an account
then after you make an account you will see words that saids oops!you dont have a picture!click here!so you click, click here.
then click computers hard drive.
then click browse
then click a photo you want.
then click d or g.if there is no g then click d.if there is no d then click g
then click on the picture.then click confirm
then it will take a couple minutes to put on your thingy
i hope you have a pretty picture!
thanks lazy bones i am gonna do that later!!!
haha your welcome
jumpy eel,did you said that you can crack any password?
can you crack mine?
thx lazy bones now i can finally have a picture! =)
How are u able to get 155,000 gold dabloons by just going around all the islands once? I did and I only ended up with 5,000 gold dabloons.
Please help me!!!!!!!!!
your welcome pirate girl
the bad thing that ever happened to me was i lost my password.a hacker changed it.(sniffs)
I’m sorry :(.
Tip on skull Something:
If your attack by monsters,JUST FRIKKIN CRASH EM TO ROCKZ
this morning when got on Poptropica someone finishes skullduggery for me. thank you for whoever finished skullduggery for me! it was taking me forever
i am also happy they change my outfit! : )
david your a real dectectve!!:)
but who was the hacker?
how do you know?
im going to teach russel a piece of my mind
i m done
oh ok.Happy. Birthday
what do you mean?,ivan the winer?
you know what would funny? that if you all you had to do to complete skullduggery island was rescue that merchant/husband guy!!!
haha!i wish that was actullay real:D
stupid little russel just turned my skulldergry doublooms into 55 55 thousand something
does my new pic work?- Shaggy Shell
lets check again
it worked!
I know!
you need a bigger ship to get 155,000 doubloons
haha your outfit is all purple,shaggy shell!i think purple is cute!
hey lazy bones i have another question about the picture. HOW DO GET A PICTURE OF UR POPTROIPCAN?
read my comment at the top
oh your poptropican?go to then you type in your username and then you need to upload it
im your documents
oh i mean in the documents
Hey, Lazy Bones? Can I ask you something? I have solved Skullduggery island and I need to pay back a loan. Do I have to pay back the loan? If I have solved the island and don’t need crew, ships, or money, I shouldn’t have to pay it back, right?
hey does anybody know if you need a certain size ship to beat the island
well,when the loan lady gave me money,i just took the money for a few days or weeks.but if you want to buy a ship,then you need to pay it back because the man who owns the ship will say that you have to pay back the loan
On The Second Video How Much Grain,Spice,Medicine,Silk Do We Need ???
-Can Anyone Answer This Question ??
this island is the stupidest island i ever saw
Did any one else get attacked by a giant crab at sea?
the ship never comes!
i already found the secret item
if i get enough money (like get a loan for it) to just buy the biggest ship can i?
oops.i mean secret island
when you guys beat the island what kind of boat did you use
phoenix warbird.
but you have to get all the previous ships first (because then you can earn money faster. bigger ship=larger inventory=more stuff to trade=faster completion)
when i do it, i go to the ports clockwise. every other time, i have enough money to buy the next ship
hope this helps!
neat hopper you are going to be the reason i get past this level! u da bomb!!!
haha that reminds me of captain underpants!
anybody agree???
I used the Phoenix Warbird. It is WAY easier to battle with against Captain Crawfish and all I did was crash into Captain Crawfish’s ship and shoot bombs while at it.
why arent there any written walkthroughs?i like to read:D
I agree with lazy bones, written walkthoughs are sooooooooooo much easier!!!!!!
especially when you’ve already figured out some of the island and you just can’t find out what to do next, then you have to find exactly where you’re at in the video and it’s SO HARD!
Thanks u guys helped me a lot. I was trying to save my money until i had enough for the warship. I still have the dingy. 🙂
@Lizzy- I agree. I haven’t even beaten it yet because of how long i is!!! Why hasn’t anybody made a written walkthrough for this island?!?!?!?!?! This is the only island i have left to beat, (other than mystery train, but im not a member) and it’s super difficult!!!i would make a walkthrough for all of you people if a) i had finished this island in the first place!!, or b) i knew how to. Anyone agree????
I love how lazy bones keeps starting conversations!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
(If I were rich enough), I would dress like this:
Hair tied back, with a loooong fringe in front, mascara, black and purple makeup, colourless nail polish, leather jacket, tight-fitting purple/maroon/pink T-shirt, leather black combat boots, knife belt wuth a knife. Wow…
@Cassandra Aren’t you going to wear pants?
what is a good way to get the phoenix warbird
when i got the loan i changed computers with my brother and all my money was gone
does anyone know a way to get more doubloons without cheat engine? i really need more money! i’m on the 2nd last ship and i need like 600,000 more doubloons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah! i wish it was shorter anyway…
it easy you just stay at golened harber
i’ve got over 4,000,000 dublins
OMG!!!!!!!!! i cant figure this island out how can i get enough money!!!!!!!! is there a cheat or somthing!!!!!!!!plzzz help me!
someone pass this 4 me plzzzzzzzz so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!! my account name tutifruti<3 i`ll give my password later
It takes AGES to get just the correct boat
i am not going to lie but i havent really tried to COMPLETE this island yet, the way people talk about it maakes it feel so hard!!! is it
sorry i was in a rush, SPELLING MISTAKES
omg im just whizzing though this sooo quickly anyone need help just ask 🙂
how do u get alot of money to get a person from a island
Yeah this island is really hard, I keep trying certain ones and just giving up for a year or so…hahahaha. is there a way to get a money cheat?
I am not really king anymore because I can’t even defeat this island. I only got the first ship and now I have 1000 doubloons again! I hate this island I dont really care if I get hacked but I need help go into username is:Selenabieber10 Password is:David.kathy.nguyen
Just joking
my username is correct but my password is wrong
AHHHH!!!! How do you get so much money to buy the Pheonix Warbird???? HOW!!! ❓ ❗
sail around the islands and buy the most of the stuff that cost least. then go to the island that charges the most for that island. thats how you get more money
i agree with green panda
lazy bones how do you get it on here
Lazy Bones is the greatest conversation starter!!!! I agree with both of you, green panda and vannah11402! 😆
thanks Risha DeGamia
i am changing my name to Fergie Fan
What order should you buy goods ”from which island to which island?”
What order should you buy goods ”from which island to which island?”
i am almost done
all the people how are saying your money goes down are right to prevent this from happening to you save BEFORE YOU LOGOUT
did anyone finish this island?isnt it hard??!
lol thanks guys:)
Yeah… i know… I can’t even finish this island… I am trying to find more douballons for getting the pheonix warbird!!! you, Lazy bones which part are u on???
I don’t know bout you guys but i used to play this game back in 2009 … it used to be so darn boring then … but now they edit some changes to this games its better and fun 😀 …. without poptropica cheats and secrets i don’t think i’ll ever be able to complete all 21 islands 😀 …..
Have you completed all of the islands, SAMANTHA$$00??? I have finished all except for steamworks and skullduggery… hee hee, I LOVE POPTROPICA! 😀
I cant beat Crawfish! Can anybody help???? Email me @zhenyany2002!!! I will give you username and password if you promise NOT to mess with my stuff!
im not there yet
I am on the boos part! BUT I CAN’T GET THE PHEONIX WARBIRD!!!!! ahhhhh…… *sigh*
Wow it is Awesome
SOMEONE HELPPPP!!!!!!!!!! How do you get sooo many douballons?????? ❓ 😕 ❗
they realy need some WORDS
how much money do you have to get to upgrade the boat and once you have enough money where do you go to get the boat? pleazz help:(
yeah i havent even passed fort ridley yet… -_-
its alot easier with a written walkthrough, i bet it may take alotta time to make, but its worth it. i cant watch utube while one poptropica here and it takes too much time going back and forth…
and yeah, lazy bones does tsrt coolie conversations. :3
i meant “start” not tsrt.
YEAH, she does!!! hee hee! 😀 😆
im crashing into captian crawfish and shooting cannons but my health goes away faster than his and the healing is SO SLOW!!!!!!!!!! what do i do?!
if u stuf up a island can restart that island if so how?
How do you do a heart???
help, me stuck on m.t 🙁
I am on the Dragon Cove Island and I hit the bell and got the oeice and I went to the menu to put the map together and the peice wasn’t there!I went to every island looking for it but alas I failed!Cann You Help Me?!?!?!
This is taking preety long, but I already have the navagator & the cargo guy.I,however, save doubloons very differently.To save money,I just get shipwreck cargo and sell it all at the islands,then repeat it.But I understand y she did wut she did.I don’t get loans all the time,though.I don’t want to pay back the interest.
i cant even figure out how to get the dingy to go to other islands!!! Help me plz!!!!
cant help never started here
can you fierce moon get a written walkthrough please
hello.. i am on chat!!! hi! 😀 u no, i say hello a lot!
IL help, first u get a bigger ship in Dragon cove , too remember to save after u get a map piece (cause sometimes they make u do it quite a lot) dont press the space bar unless u r gonna leave an island , U cCANT BEAT CAPTAIN CRAW FISH WITH THE TINY ship. Tip-Ill take u hours or even a day or so to finish this island and get the smallest ship first then start upgrading ur ship . ;D k
hey can someone do the island for me?
username: BubbleGum26
password: 95799579
But i found out it’s easier to get a walkthrough book at Skullduggery Island and almost finished!!!!
@ thirsty wolf: did u make sure 2 move the guy over first and then did he say he found the paper in the fishes mouth
@Thirsty Wolf Blue Heart’s rite.U gotta make sure u do that so u can get the map piece.
How do you get the Shovel?! The directions make no sense!
and Where’s the Written walkthrough!?
total. vid good but written walk through please…
could someone do this island for me? My username is stich7123456. And my password is Waffels.
If you do get onto my account, answer this question.
Don’t I look HOT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
um… don’t be mad… but… Your hair is ok.. i mean it doesn’t go with the outfit, especially the purple part… Maybe change the color of ur hair… sorry
Are you ok?? i don’t mean to say THAT…
sorry 2 say this but… i agree with risha,
id give it 5.5/10
PS: really sry
its unusal that the guy is giving a chicken to you
but it is cool!
I DEFEATED CAPTAIN CRAWFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANX 4 HELPIN ME PASS SKULLDUGGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea.. I am sorry Busy Joker… i bet nora is, too…. 🙁 hope u are ok with that..
it is just the purple part of ur hair, that u might wanna change, that is all 😐 sry
why isnt it wrote down
I got the coolest costume ever!!!! you need the rock star 2,and the midnight ninja. First you need to go to spy island’s HQ and get the hair,sunglasses,mouth,and suit. Then go to the docks and get the belt from the B.A.D guy that trys to ram you. how to get to him is let him ram you to the trash can guy. then when the B.A.D guy is thinking, quickly press the the shirt button and get the belt. Then go to the ninja which you got from the store and get the nutchuks and sword.Then go to the rock star 2 and get the jacket with the lighting bolt neckeles. And now the hardest part. You have to get the mechanic half-face or the half face from the evil guy from asto knight island.You can also get the half face in the players room like the hair cut building from spy island. Now you have the coolest costume ever. PS don’t get somthing else.
I wonder what happen if you din’t pay back the bank after the 20 days.
BUSY JOKER, I beat the island for you so you better thank me. I’m Gentle Shadow.
Busy joker, Next time you get a acount make sure you buy what you want. If you keep spending on stuff you don’t want and stuff you want but not use them, you will go bankrupt. THIS IS NOT A INSULT,I’M TRYING TO BE HELPFUL.
U know? Some people just buy stuff just cause it looks great and all that, but you better think before you spend a lot of coins/money! it is TRUE!
Its TOOOOO Hard!!!I have never seen anyone finished this.How do you get so much doubloons to get the last ship!!!TOO Hard now i have skipped it and moved on to steamworks island. 🙂
How do you buy the bigger ship???
dont talk 2 risha that way, by the way, DO-NOT-BUY-THINGS-BECAUSE-THEIR-GREAT-THING-JUST-BECAUSE-YOU’LL-GO-BANKRUPT. how do u like that GS?
OH FLIPPING SHOOT!!!!!! I accidentally went to Skullduggery island instead of Pirate Cove and ran into Captain Crawfish…now my cheap little raft keeps sinking and I can’t get away!!!! >(
that’s what I just said earlier
I GOT THE PHONIX WARBIRD YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I got that mostly I hang around the rocky part of the islands. Then if a ship arrive I can shoot them and add a little bit of more damage. I got the steam ship before so thats thats
EXCACTLY GENIUESS! omg u jst noticed! nevermind
WHAT! I din’t just noticed. I stay there 3/4 of the time I played skullduggery. Then I’d do the circle. Before when I have full cargo, I just sell all at one time!
I COMPLETED SKULLDUGGERY ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was medium hard. I just don’t like sinking my ship thats all
busy joker,your a queen of egypt:))
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
What the HECK!!! can someone help me?!?!?!?
i’m going to upload a pic soon
wut is with this thing?
the arabian costume would be good for halloween 😀
only found on skullduggery island 😀
Then th debt must we return th loan ?
iDK, go tell the ppl on mystery train. We don’t give a shit here
Sinking Crawfish was easy. The hard part was the trading…. AAARGH >:O
how about when you have finished skulldugery island you can choose whether to have the blimp or the ship which you have in skulldugery island and maybe even the cryptid island helicopter
erm icy claw is wrong as the arabian costume can be found all over the headress is nabooti island the short and robes are available all over and the sword can be found in the poptropica store
I like all of the costumes in the store, except for all of those “non-human” stuff… LOL 😆
ok i got my crew before i upgraded my ship so the hole crew was crammed together it was hilarious espicialy since one of them had nothing to do
erm whos cool monster captain crawfish said curse you cool monster when you defeated him who is cool monster
i think that is a glitch and the game thinks you r another plr…… or u r logged in as some1 else!!! 😮
they need the written walkthrough already. they need it 4 criptids,too. 🙁
Will they ever get the written walkthrough for Skullduggery Island?
OK guys, I might need your vote for this, just like that… Type “YES I DO” if you need a written walkthrough. Type “NO I DO NOT” if you do not need one. When you type this, then the poptropica comment page can know whether or not to put a written walthrough… JUST AN IDEA… hope it is good 😐
this is a very fun island, i never have needed a loan! 🙂 if u just salvage and salvage and salvage some more,then sell to the highest bidder, u get rich without loans!:D
highest bidder 4 medicine- parrot port
grain-parrot port (i think…. ;))
spices- the dragon place
o and dont get the shipright if u have a slow boat…. 🙁 he is expensive and repairs ur ship v e r y s l o w l y 🙁
grain-pirate outpost
yea… for me… V E R Y S L O W !!!!!
yea… but, what about it? I mean, maybe you can wait… hee hee 😆
hey guys you should think about it. I finished Skullduggery island about two months ago its not that hard if you know what to do 🙂
Favorite ISLAND YET! When ever I go on the island I always dress up like a priate to blend in 🙂
Just a couple minutes ago, two pirate ships and a giant crab ganged up on me! I was like ^^”
A few months ago this year, My computer was slow and it keeps freezing and I was very very mad. IT WON”T LET ME COMPLETE THE ISLAND!!!! Then I just completed after the problem was fixed. But my computer keeps freezing. Don’t worry, that was on my member account.
haha i played this island wen it 1st came out but i nvr finished it
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! i need help!!!! how do get the thing to signal the ships with?
i cant get youtube on my comp so can you write a written walkthrough!?
you get it in the store STINKY TIMS GENERAL STORE, @ Cuddly Bubbles
cool island! Alittle hard! P: (: LOL D:
IDK- you saidu got the prune juice? And it doesn’t appear on your clues? Double check that 1. By prune juice do you mean the stains by edison’s room? mrgreen
I know what the secret island looks like… I collected all of the papers and I went there and it’s empty. it is mysty(very)… I can’t get out of that place then i got out! I decided to not go back to that place anymore. Very hard…
its was alright you needed to know wich thing an island valued and youfor more time you go in a big circle around the islands overall i did it in 132 i would have taken longer if i didnt have 3753 bread
I love poptropica
Tradin’ is hard.. I haven’t even paid ma loan yet.. :S
The stupid octopus pink thingy keeps on following me! I can finally blow it up with my warship cannons:)
i am a bit confused with this whole walkthrough plz help
“Yes I DO ” plz write a written and please give us some cheats to get money faster
🙂 everyone likes written walkthroughs, hehehhe 🙂
some one help me with beating Captian Crawfish plz
my computer wont watch the videos, i need a written walk-through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED HELP 🙁 🙁 🙁 😥 😥 😥 😳 😳 😳 I CAN”T DEFEAT THE MEAN CAPTAIN!!! waaaaaa
i mean mean please katherne elizabeth gray
Why isn’t there a written walk through??? I NEED THAT TO SURVIVE… 😉
I really need a written walk through
i dont know how to get the map on the island wear you buy boats
where are all the map pieces????
the captin can eat my scat
What’s the easiest way to get a lot of money? It’s benn taking me practically FOREVER to get 1,000,000 doubloons!
Can some help me where did the parrot go and where are the map pieces??????
Oh and yea at the chinese place how do you find the map???
How do u get the big ship???? I need a written walkthrough….
somebody PLEASE give me some cheats to how to get the money REALLY FAST
to get money raelly fast get a loan and a big boat or hire the guy in the hay shop thing and then trade everything at parrot port and then distroy small ships than you or ships your size. But where do you find the parrot and the map pieces someone help and i need a WRITTEN WALKTHROUG SOMEONE HELP!
somebody throw a party im bored
How do u get the big ship????HEEEEEEEELLLP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Cant Get The Phoinex Warbird
im cooler th
lucky number69
my favorite number is 69
ps i like to
I passed all the islands ha ha ha ha
ALL of the islands??? waaa, I need to finish SKULLDUGGERY and GAME SHOW, and MYSTERY TRAIN 🙁 waaaa it is ok though, I am trying! 😆
i have 2200 credits and Im not a member.
im aboy only this dumb picture they gave my is horrible have any of you went to the cool site I showed you guys
you guys just go back and forth in islands to get money
i just need to finish red dragon and skullduggery
I finished all islands… Except Skullduggery! I want 10,000,000 doubloons D:
only need to finish red dragon and skullduggary and game show!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you get that stupid parrot to go to his friend?
he just keeps flying around my head!
u have to go to the pub and go to the upper left corner and you’ll find a cracker. how do you get a shovel
How in the world do you finish skulldugrey island!!!!!??????
If one more person says some thing rude about the Lord Jesus Christ i’m gonna scream any way i could give tons of advise to someone to defeat every island yet because i have finish everyone but skulldogery i can’t light the cannon where is the macth or thing i need to light them with waaaaaa.
hey savvanah i dont think you get a shovel but if there is then go to youtube and search cheats for skulldogery island it works like a charm on any island
Can you please write a written walkthrough? It would really help.
Why is this island so impossible?!
Why isn’t there a written walk-through. My computer won’t play the video.
hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very hard to me…
Who else agrees that they should make a written walkthrough for this? Duh, everyone. Lol. 🙂 Honestly, if they have enough time to write walkthroughs for the newest islands, how come they can’t find the time to write one for this island? It’s a bit shameful, don’t you think?
Can you continue to make written walkthroughs please? Pretty please with a cherry on top????!?????
They’re easier when you wanna do it by yourself but REALLY REALLY need help
But you don’t have to go through the trouble!
Please give me a written one the video takes for ever to load 🙂
i can do it but it takes too long.;( anyone help????????
what do you do with the cracker
I defeated captain crawfish but where do I go to get the island medallion??? HELP
I’m having trouble getting money to buy the pheonix warbird ship. Can anyone tell me the fastest was to get money please?
I’m having trouble defeating Captain Crawfish. I have Phoenix Warbird Ship and am in the area of the island, but I can’t defeat Crawfish. Can you give me advice?
To get more money, you just need to keep doing the cycle around… it takes a long time! Took me an hour.
i cant get enough money how does the person on the walk through get so much money.
u get it from the guy who was lost at sea the one who gave you the 1st boat …well at least i think i’m not Albert Einstien
I can’t finish this hard island! ALL because i can’t get enough money for a Pheonix Warbird!!!!!!!! 😡 👿 🙁 😳 😥 😯 (yes, a lot of faces showing how I feel right now) 🙁
SAMEE, i agree with you 🙁 i need to get A LOT of them :O
I Need HELP!! i went to the missing island, skull duggery, and i havent gotten the biggest ship or crew members yet! every time i try to leave the island Captain Crawfish keeps attacking me! What do i do???!?!
if you all buy ships you’ll get discount on the phoenix warbird
😡 👿 🙁 😳 😥 😯 :angry: GRRRR stupid island!! how can you get doubloons!!!!!!!!!! 😡 :whine:
i h8 this island!
yes it is hard to get doubloons, my ship is only the jimmy bigger i can not afford any other ship or crew or anything im poor on poptropica HELP LEND ME DOUBLOONS PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU I`LL DO ANYTHING PLEASE HELP ME I WISH I WERE RICH ON POPTROPICA HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP
that`s rude lazy bones u text your mother with that phone?????????????? I know it`s hard but keep trying and keep working on deafeating captin crawfish i know u can do it!!!!!! PS this island is great
oh, and that was for you too friendly monster who is not-so-friendly
This game isn’t to hard when you get a warbird boat.But I dont know where to get the treasure map a shovels.
ohh me too!!!!! but just the ppart where you need to get the bigger ship.. so hard 🙁
fill up your cargo hold with the best selling stuff
AHHH! So hard im kinda gettin bored
Yes, yes, it’s hard getting doubloons but if you kill the sea monsters by Dragon Cove island that gives you a lot of cargo and doubloons, I also recommend that you scour the sea for any abandoned cargo that you find….start small!!! get the crew first with the one that costs the least and keep defeating monsters and you’ll then b able to focus on buying the ships…..well…that’s my advice…just saying..
someone beat Captain Crawfish for me plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
After you defeat Captain Crawfish you go back to the main island and talk to the guy with the hat again who you gave the blue candle to earlier. He’ll give you the map and shovel and you go back to the secret island and shovel it out. Then just go on from there. I think you can figure it out. Ask if you need any more help
Feed it to the parrot.
what do u do to get the last treasure map . cheers.
all i can say for getting a bigger ship is if u put enough effort trading clockwise selling the higher priced items on the different islands and buying the cheapest items and doing that over and over im sure that u could get the bigger ships and crew members
Tip: Stay around Golden Harbor. I don’t know why but there is a lot of salvage there.
Awww 🙁
Why didn’t you make a written walk-through?!?!?
The videos are SO SLOW on my computer!
The way I won the island is I traded for about half an hour, then just stayed around Golden Harbor collecting selvage until i had fifty thousand doubloons. Then I put a loan for another fifty thousand doubloons. Then I bought the Phoenix War bird and beat Captain Craw-fish. There is SOOOO much salvage around Golden Harbor!!!! 🙂
Yellow Wing you need to find the secret island!
This island is pretty easy. So on each island, except for parrot port, there is one item less than 20. Buy the max for that and go clockwise. They will be worth a lot on the next island. Sell out all of it and buy the cheapest item. You’ll eventually make a lot. I just did it for one hour and I defeated Captain Craw-fish. It just takes a long time.
I have no idea what to do 🙁 i’m just proud of my achievement on shrink ray island!! if you haven’t done that yet do it!!! but u need the cheat, or else i think it’s impossible, good luck!
hey, caroline. how do u get a million doubloons by registering?????????
Egh, I have to triple my money before I get the better ship :/
Im not ready to defeat captain crawfish but, he’s attacking, HELP ):
k, i have the crew but i dont know how 2 upgrade my ship! HELP ME PLEASE!
o, and 2 all u first starters- if u get attacked, go 2 golden harbor and defeat them by getting them stuck in the rocks 🙂
How can i get the warbird ship?I have enought doublons(4023)…please help me!!!!
PLease type a written one
hi im new this is my first comment heres a tip the ship thats 200`000$ if you get that you have more storage space to get more money then you can get the war ship
i hoped my other comment helpd!!
I keep sinking when Captain Crawfish is around! (It doesn’t help that octopuses come around too.)
If you need more money keep getting bigger ships, that made it quicker for me.
I FINALLY DID IT! THIS WAS THE LAST ISLAND I NEEDED TO BEAT TO GET ALL OF THE MEDALS! I EVEN GOT GHOST STORY ISLAND! (i got a poptropica membership for Christmas…so i beat Ghost Story Island!) BUT I DID IT! and i did have problems beating captian crawfish. SO NOW I BEAT ALL OF THE ISLANDS for now…Thanks for all of your help Fierce Moon!
heres what you do if the outopus or captain crawfish sinks you justs comes out of now where just doge it.
I use all the walk-throughs on his website and I love them! I find very useful.
IS ANYBODY LISTENING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow u could’ve said to upgrade ur ship BEFORE hiring the cargo master, now i have like 2OOO doubloons, do u know how LONG THATS GOING TO TAKE to upgrade my ship? i have like no cannons and i need more cargo, ugh, i hate this island
i dont like the vids. i like the typed walkthrough
yea hate the ids
im mean vids
rain3382, im with you to. i like the written walkthroughs better. i love to read, and my computer doesnt load vids.
i hate this island.. took me two weeks to have The Koi and two weeks more to have the Phoenix Wardbird.. Now i cant defeat Captain Crawfish!! I REALLY hate this island ¬¬
me tooooooooo
I hate this island cuz I can’t defeat Crawfish :'(
I hate Skullduggery Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
i finished all the worlds in poptropica
wow! it took me exactly 3 days to get the Koi and Im sure I can get the Phoenix Warbird but Im not so sure about the fight with Captain Clawfish…… either way, this island is not so bad. But seriously I got the Koi in just three days along with all the crew mambers (and consedering I’m pretty ok at electronic games all is going well!)
P.S- If you want to steal tresure from other evil ships go over near golden harbour with all the rocks and when a ship attacks hide behind a rock and shoot your cannon at them!
how many dubloons have to take to have a crew!!!!!!!!!!!
how did u get the better ship?
I like skulldugerry because I am AWESOME BLOSSOM. Not to brag, I am good at everything. I play the flute, piano, trumpet, violin, guitar, cello, and fiddle. I am good at dancing and I love ballet so much. It is fun. I love it. I defeated so much islands in poptropica. I love being a kid really much. I have my own mac laptop and I am very spoiled. I like that way.
I like skulldugerry because I am AWESOME BLOSSOM. Not to brag, I am good at everything. I play the flute, piano, trumpet, violin, guitar, cello, and fiddle. I am good at dancing and I love ballet so much. It is fun. I love it. I defeated so much islands in poptropica. I love being a kid really much. I have my own mac laptop and I am very spoiled. I like that way. I am from fisler.
yeah, totally not to brag blossom
how do you get more dubloons without having selling supplies?!!!!?!1?!?!?!?!?! please help me!
Also, for a tip on how to defeat Captain Crawfish~
If he’s moving, he’s nearly impossible to hit. Get the Phoenix Warbird, and when you see him, remain stationary (or still). He’ll ram you, but don’t worry. As soon as you stop, fire away and have no mercy! You’ll have really low HP after it’s over, so flee quickly, because other pirates might spawn and attack you.
P.S. You’ll definitely need Crawfish’s former Gunner on Pirate Island, as he will maximize cannon speed.
does anyone have a written walkthrough?
this island is so easy i just finished it for the 8th time took me one hour to finish the first time took 50 days the most recent time poptropica days
i really REALLY hate this island. i hate it as much as i hate Justin Bieber, which is a LOT!!!!!!!!
i <3 the written walk through.
I REALLY hate this stupid island!!!!!!
i have 4 islands im stuck on this one haha 🙂
i meant i have 4 more
Ugh!!! I really hate this island cos I got stuck because I didnt enough money so i couldn’t continue, so i had to make a NEW account and now i have to do all the islands again!!!!!!!!!! HATRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it took me 5 days to get the first ship and that is a good video
I love this island because i am earnig money so fast
GUYS I CAN’T GET ENOUGH MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have been playing this island for almost a year now and i still can`t afford the phoenix warbird.ugh,i HATE this island.but it can be fun,if you like hard work.and it pays off.
Oh gosh. I HAAAAAAATE this island. I’ve spent like a month on it and still I haven’t finished it. The creators should make it more interesting…this has to be my least favorite island.
And why is Poptropica now awarding 50 credits for finishing an island, I’d like to know? Because if you finish Skullduggery, you deserve practically THREE HUNDRED.
I HATE THIS! Why? My cousins have defeated Crawfish! But not me! I need to lean on my dooodolls shoulder (xD).
how do you deafeat him ask your cusins to help !!gentle skull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
if you are that spoiled you’re also dumb. Don’t you know that there are many many children who don’t even have food to eat ? And you’re definitely not good at everything. You can’t even spell ‘Skullduggery’! And people aren’t as dumb as you. They don’t think that everybody is dumber than you and types it two times to make sure everyone knows you are AWESOME BLOSSOM. And if you love being a kid, act like a kid when you grow up. Get everyone else to take care of you, to serve you, to buy you food, to give you a home…… Everyone else will eventually die and you’ll have to take care of yourself. Don’t come whining to me if nobody will take you in anymore. Nobody is as dumb as you. Don’t you know that?
whats up guys
It took me 2 weeks to beat this island and all you need to do is trade in a circle though it takes most of my time. And to get a lot of doubloons try trading like this:
Parrot Port:
Buy:Spice/Silk (this one doesn’t really work though)
Sell: Medicine
Golden Harbor:
Buy: Grain
Sell: Spice/Silk
Pirate Outpost:
Buy: Spice
Sell: Grain
Dragon Cove:
Bouffant Bay:
Buy: Medicine
Sell: Silk
After that you do that you just keep on collecting it’s also best if buy your crew members first.
@bryce: Uh-huh, like that’s easy. It’s hard to dodge an octopus and a really good ship throwing bombs at you at the same time. The trick I’ve learned is to keep saving your game and just exit Poptropica whenever you sink, and then log back on again.
I just got the Koi…but I’m up to 106 days by now. It’s gotta be some kind of record. Fierce Moon finished it in 58 days. It’s gonna take me forever to get the Phoenix Warbird..
@Quiet Wolf, that’s what I did, but now, ugh, I’ve only got 97,898 doubloons left.
It’s probably the best to get the Expert Shipwright first. If your ship gets damaged, he can fix it at sea, although the process is kinda slow.
@Peyton: Salvage.
Thx 4 ur hard work fierce moon, but is it poss 2 get a written walkthrough? thx. v.c
xylo i think ur sooooooooooooo right.i bet shes just a big faggot.
blossom im sooooooooo better then u.i play the drums,violin,flute,clarinet,cello, guitar, and of course the piano.i have my own ipod touch gene. 4,an ipad 2,imac pro my own tv and a spoiled but i care about others.i i luv dance.i do hip hop,ballet,jazz, classic,blues,and everything else.i can sing jazz,classic,blues,rap,karaoke,and good at the sport tennis,volleyball,bowling,bicycling,kick ball,soccer,football,hockey, and obviously good at poptropica,deal or no deal,moshimonster,super mario,and temple run on my ipod the awesome blossom not u.atleast im not a faggot like u.i give charity every year to donations.everybody at my school tells me im nice and kind.ur just stupid and jealous everyone is better then u so ur just trying to improve ur odds.honestly i think ur the dumbest,stupidest,most idiotic loser on earth.u cant even spell “skullddugery”.wat the hell,ur a fat faggot,whos a loser but a cool kid on the internet but a total slacker or faggot in real life.
Okay, I’ve got the Phoenix Warbird, but can anyone teach me how to defeat Captain Crawfish? I’m sailing in circles with him around here.
@Chilly Claw, yes, but the only place I can keep stationary is ramming myself at Skullduggery Island. He doesn’t try to butt me though, he just shoots at me, and I sink that way.
i like the typed walkthrough way better.
“Easy”? The fight with Captain Crawfish should be “easy, ‘if I have all the crew members'”? Why is it that, when I ram him, my HP gets lower than his? Can we skip the Captain Crawfish-fighting part please, and go on to digging up the treasure? I mean, at the end, in the video, they still get beaten–automatically.
@bravewhale234 Do you want to fight fire with fire or do you want to fight fire with water? You and Blossom shouldn’t get into a contest about who’s better. Can you please stop insulting each other? And same with you, Xylo, although of course, I don’t like Blossom as more than you two do.
And Blossom, please save your bragging for the toilet. And make sure to flush it after you finish 🙂
Tough Claw, they’re scattered over each of the small islands around Fort Ridley. If I remember correctly, you go to where there are those hanging plants. Jump up to the third plant first and knock it once, then go to the first plant and knock it once, and finally the second plant. That’s in Bouffant Bay.
In Parrot Port, you play “games” with this rainbow-colored parrot, and he’d lead you to a pirate who gives you a map piece.
In Golden Harbor, you light lamps–first the fourth one, then the second one, then the first one.
In Pirate Outpost, you get the cannon-starting kit, and then you push the Dangerous Explosive right under the gold tooth of the huge skull you see right next to the trading post. Go to the cannon left of the skull that’s lowest to the ground and click on it, and then it’ll shake out the map piece.
In Dragon Cove, you jump on this stone dragon’s head that’s in the water, and his hand will slowly rise up to have a mallet in it. Collect that. Then you push this guy who has a fishing pole and push him to the right, until he’s next to the stairs. Then you hit the bell with your mallet, and he’ll catch a fish. He’ll find the last piece of the map in the fish’s mouth and he’ll give it to you.
How do i upgrade my ship?
i hate this island it is really long and annoying i like the original islands some of them nowadays arent as fun:(
hey blossom why dont you shut the hell up and learn to be more lessbraggy
you say you dont want to brag but realy just becuz you say i dont mean to brag doesnt mean its okay to brag
geez its funny u said ur spoiled
even tho ur name rymes with awesome it doesnt mean you are
and brave whale you are bragging just as much as she is
your both spoiled little brats
have a nice life bitches
excuse my language but i dont like braggy people they make me very MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
To scary comet: Depending on the prto ex: Parrot prot sell the most expensive product and buy the most cheap product repeat to all ports until you have enough money for a new ship
Atleast I care about the people out there whose families and children are dying of hunger.
Tell that blossom that she’s the bitch u faggot.
Oh shut up brave fox in obviously better then her.
Personally, actually, I agree with sleepybubbles. You two aren’t better than each other. Saying you are obviously better than her is making yourself just as mean as Blossom. -.- Can’t you figure that out?
FINALLY finished this stupid island. Urg. Took me a long time, but my good friend had to help me defeat Captain Crawfish. Her strategy is to be the one chasing him, and ramming him from behind, all while shooting at him really quickly.
Actually, my strategy was getting all the way to the side of him, then shoot him with a few cannonballs in the hull, then swerve to the right while he’s still turning, then, finally: Move to the right, front, and back and shoot him from behind. Still, congrats on completing this stupid thing!
🙂 Silver Arrow 🙂
If you catch a man a fish, he can eat for a night, but if you teach a man to fish, he can eat for a lifetime.
please make a written walkthrough please please please please
@Silver Arrow
Yeah well, everyone has different strategies, and for them their own strategy works best 🙂
And I remember that quote. My grandpa used to say it to me when I was little, but a lady was saying that too in Dragon Cove. I think it was the one who was right outside the building the Expert Shipwright was found in…
Um, I know that this is totally unrelated to the topic, but how do you post Poptropica videos on Youtube? Is it some key combination?
hi quiet owl!
Dear Fierce Moon,
Can you please make a written walkthrough? I Really need it!
— Dangerous Star
whos ‘scurvy sam’?as in the lady in the root beer restaurant in parrot port asks you find anyone named scurvy sam??
im gonna get 1,000,000 doubloons all over again!!!:D mainly beacause i like sinking the peoples ships and the monsters and that….and the salvage……
@Brave Fox:
Righty-o! I agree with you, Brave Fox.
They do have a point.
stupid STUPID island
i totes hate this island
blossom you don’t need to brag about things that have nothing to do with poptropica so you can fix it so it has something to do with the island itself rather than your own spoiled life and nobody wants or needs to have a spoiled life not everything in life gets handed to you get that in your swollen head thank you very much
ok well anyone seen bendy?
oh sorry i am here……………. :opps:
nevermind…………….. any way lets talk on four cool outfits for guys at the bottom1
@cuddly leopard: You don’t need to go find him. I don’t know him either. It’s just…uh…to make it fun.
who is blossom
its actually quite easy i finished it in one day and i finished all the poptropica islands
you you make a written walkthrough plz!!
>little ghost<
wheres the written walkthrough????!!!! 🙁
if we make u mad quit coming to this website then!
btw that was for sleepybubbles the nerd who has no life.
multiverse AAD54
guys multiverse???????????
u people forgot about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who made this island .why you ask . CAUSE I WANT TO KILL THEM .get the picture.
Y’all all be ingnorant like seriously if u wanna be cussin and all dat then go to facebook cuz no body wanna be seeing dat kinda language on a kid website
Hey! It’s Prickly Spinner! Come to the Spy Island hairspray common room at 12 for a hang-out! Dress up in your best and get ready to compete for your rating stars! 😛 *Warning, I’m a master at sky diving and hoops.* 😀
I CAN’T BEAT THIS ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well sleepy bubbles how would you like it if i made your mouth into a fishing ride and then you would say nothing at all yah and guess what you messed with the wrong girl i am going to find you and punch you intill you say uncle and say i want my mommy and i am not stuck up you are the one who has never heard of mc donalds arbys bk and don’t let me forget dairyqueen have a stupid life stupid i think you like me and you don’t wanna tell ha ha ha loser i’am a beatiful girl and your not a handsome boy i no your playing hard to get don’t even try i don’t love you little horny boy if you got fucked you would not even wanna talk to me like this PEACE
you wanna do any thing else replie
wow blossom u sure are big mommy`s girl…everyone knows all those restaurants! their all over the states.i don`t think u`d like it if someone swore at u.since no one has i will.u`r as much of a fucked up loser as sleepy bubbles but your also a bitch.a gay faggot that really wants to IMPRESS guys like me.idiot.
blossom that what you said to sleepy bubbles is VERY mean to that person so stop that attitude you are useing. oh sleepy bubbles do you want to be my friend but blossom im not talking to you on this sentence so dont bother reading this
i really think u 2 shood just sav thu language n cuntinu this on face book cuz u do know th@ little kids look @ these coments u posted n u cant change or delete on here either n u 2 shood rite now apolojize tu eech uther n sav ur stupid bragging for enythin else th@s not public
P.S: i aggree w/ every werd th@ sleepy bubbles had sed
Sorry for the language
I almost got this island down because when u get all the pieces to the map just go clock wise from island to island,buying the cheapist selling the highest u start in bouffant bay then go clock wise to island to island then tada DONE DONE DONE
i’m a morbidly obeise 40 year old man who lives in his mothers basement has a cellphone but its a really cool razor dated in 2004 i dont play any instruments except the tambourine when im drunk i have a mp3 player with 50 songs on it and i also dont play any sports oh and i forgot i also like to tell my life story on a public website for a bunch of eight year olds cause it makes me feel really special
You exclamations are off the page
i do wanna replie for wat you said i wanna know how old you are oh haha i just called you an old person!thats ssssssssssssoooooooooooo funny! and everybody stop THE BRAGGING!
I just upgraded my ship again! Now I have the sea sulton.
fine Aliena.
im sorry blossom that ppl like u were ever born.
im sorry sleepybubbles that ur a bitch.
im sorry bravewhale234 that ur a stuck up loser.
im sorry morbidlyobeiseman that u live in ur mothers basement.
im sorry popularchic39 that u know nothing about a MODERN life.
im sorry all u losers on this website that u have no life.
im sorry Aliena that u think i,adam the emo-freak,can appologize to a bunch of GIRLZ.
Btw morbidyobeiseman im 12.
ps. yes i am wat the fuck is wrong with different?!
fine Aliena.
im sorry blossom that ppl like u were ever born.
im sorry sleepybubbles that ur a bitch.
im sorry bravewhale234 that ur a stuck up loser.
im sorry morbidlyobeiseman that u live in ur mothers basement.
im sorry popularchic39 that u know nothing about a MODERN life.
im sorry all u losers on this website that u have no life.
im sorry Aliena that u think i,adam the emo-freak,can appologize to a bunch of GIRLZ.
Btw morbidyobeiseman im 12.
ps. yes i am wat the fuck is wrong with different?!
U can call me Adam u know.I’m not gay just to tell u.cuz that is wat a faggot is.really I don’t find myself lame like u.Petrice ur a fucked up stupid idiotic bitch.did u hear about Ryan halligan?he got bullied to death…he was such a good friend.ever since he died ppl pick on me even more.I’ve been bullied since the 2nd grade and now u know why I have a mean streak.u can pick on me too if u want.I’ll just imagine this: who cares wat poptropica thinks I’m good enough to have a friend.
Thinking about bullying it reminds of my brother Shane.he committed suicide few months ago. He would be 17 today…ppl called him (a). Bitch faggot gay emo stupid idiot retard whore jack ass loser too skinny brat slut skank. He couldn’t take it any more and he shot himself with Dad’s gun ( he’s in the army so yeah ).
RIP Shane Drew Westley.
O_O what’s with the language!?! it’s not like only you look at these you know!!! 🙁
Hey guys just joining :]
I’m sorry for your loss Adam
Quiet Horse thx.I miss him…
And he wasn’t even gay!
hey i feel for u dude i bet u miss him tons…. i know i would miss my sis if she died… srry man
and this island sucks MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have them all done but i cant get past this one its SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im really sorry for your loss bro i know what it feels like i had this girlfriend when i was 33 and she dumped me it was bullet to the wound. stay strong my brother from another mother
most definately but how is a girlfriend like a brother???????????? just wondering kuz my boyfriend just dumped me and it was nothing compared to what i it would be like to loose a brother or sister……… just saying and yes i am a girl im not a gay guy….. but i know one
im not trying to be mean or nuthin but a brake up is sad but not tha sad….. and thats coming from a girl and girls hate brake ups… girls think that brake ups are the worst thing in the world…. but lossing a brother is MUCH worse i bet…. im sorry adam westley 🙁
Thx ppl,& if ur one of the ppl I made fun,sorry.Now ppl say my bro did a good thing and it helped them all and I should just do the same.Die?!No really I think that was a stupid move. Break up isn’t as sad as losing a sibling but good luck finding a new girl friend.Must be hard, going on with life and ur love treats u like a nothing.Thx ppl I really appriciate that and I think Shane would too.U guys really have wat they call empathy.
So wats up?I’m literally being bored to death.I dont think march break is when u get dumped at ur grandma’s house while ur parents go to watch a movie and stuff.Wanna here something worse?My grandma really disapproves to having an electronic but Dad (thank god) talked my grandma into letting me bring my iPod along.She thinks I’m a “bad influence”.She has nosy neighbors and they spy on ppl with telescopes.My birthday is coming up in exactly 42 days.I’m turning 14.I don’t know wat the hell to do now.
Bye. 🙂
I am lazzylizard… but on a different computer…. and im very sorry but hey happy birthday…. so what do you look like????? just wondering kuz im goth to and you might be cute
ok i just had to use my other computer… this is me now… but hey adam, what do you look like??
ok so whats up with the days when u go to an island on this island????????
hey adam are you RRREEEAAALLLLYYYYY emo/gothic????????????????
I wish they had the written directions.. :/
Happy Early Birthday Adam!! <3
😉 Adam. Happy B-day
Relax it’s like 42 days away.April 21st.Thx though.I look okay-ish.I am emo.And I’m good with it.Grandma’s torturing me with stupid lectures about responsibililty.If anyone of u saw me u’d be like “whoa,u do NOT look responsible at any angle.”U think I might be CUTE?Ok umm soo I think I should describe myself then.
I literally have no clue wat the color of my eyes is.Their like this really weird grayish-deep blue. I have jet black hair.I’m really pale (atleast that’s wat grandma’s lecturing me about).My eyelashes,are freakishly GIGANTIC.I’m skinny.I do NOT have DIMPLES.Thank God.My cousin Cheryl has them and they just look…ehhh.I usually wear black.Sometimes red or white but mostly black.I guess I’m one of the extremely weird kids.But let tell u,jocks are always gonna be Under the Radar.I like ghost stories,I play the violin,I suck at math,I love to read,I hate school dances,and blah blah blah.
So really I don’t think I’m “Cute”.My friend Lawngenue (try saying it) says I’m funny but I know better then to believe HIM.
Bye 🙂
Wat about u :)???
shygirlly101 thx but I’m good… 🙁
This island SUCKS!!!! It’s like 2 years now and I’m stuck with the stupid “Sea Sulten” or watever that ship is called! Nothing I’m just killing time now a days. My friend came over yesterday (Lawngenue) and we were on YouTube for like 5 hours or something,my dad said we better get out and cuz of the good weather,we went to mr.fitch’s house to hear more of his World War 2 stories and stuff.We went to Barnes and Nobles, and then I was asked a random question.”Dude,how do u manage being so cute?” by Lawngenue.I was like wtf.School was just the same.I got hit on head with like 30 balls in Phys. Ed. Got teased a bit.
That’s how everyday is.
I hate captain crawfish. It is so hard to defeat him!!!!! D:<
typical python,how do u look and wats ur name?I guess I THINK u might be Cute.So umm wats up?Today was just like yesterday.Wat about ur school life?Wats happening wherever u go to school?:( I’m bad at this.I’ll bet ur just like ” OMG!He really thinks THAT?!”
Id better leave and do something else.
Small Glove I agree with u full on.I guess ur new here huh?
morbidlyobeiseman u drink?Bad habit!Watever happened to achoholism awareness?!?!
hi I was wondering if ud reply.Will u?I mean can u give me ur email?
Mine is [email protected]
Oops sorry I forgot my password and the security question answers.See I am stupid.So I guess I’ll wait for a reply then.Im kinda hoping u reply.I’ll make a new account and tell ya.
I can’t find captain crawfish. I have the whole shibang the crew and ship, but he wont show up!!
i dont get this island!
Jessica me either.
Hey!!! OMG UR SO HOT!!! (in the emo kinda way) im so sorry adam i havent been near my pc. but hey i think u sound cute do u have a phone if so gimme ur # ppppppppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz and ill text u……
i think i look like an idiot but i guess i have glasses and hate them im getting contacts next year. i wear skulls all the time and my dad hates it. my hair was REALLY black untill i put dark blue in it then it faded and i was left with horrid blonde in my hair.. i suck at math to i used to have my EXboy friend help me so im all on my own now. ummm i love vampires, werewolves, zombies and ghosts… i wish there were more goth boys at my shool and not as many jocks… i mean really they never get tired of tauting my about my way of life like come on really… but um i think u should gimme ur # adam and ill send u a pic of me…. um i sometimes get forced to wear colors sometimes by my parents and i hate it but ppl say i look good when i wear colors (i dont thk i ever look “good” butwhat ever. i hope u give me ur # and hey i ask alot of questions but 1.what state do u live in? 2. what school do u go to? 3. do u believe in god? (i dont) 4. whats ur “type” of girl? thanks and if i dont reply im probly not near my pc kuz i dont have a freaking pc at my house i have to use the ones at school… good thing one of my parents works there haha no it really sucks but PLEASE GIMME UR #!!!!!!! then we can text and see what eachother looks like… work for u????
oh yah and u can call me C. my real name sucks so i have every one call me that…. just C….<3
….!!!!!!!!!!!! and again im so sorry ive been trying to get my EXboy friend away from me and he wont leave me alone!!!!!!!:( cant wait to talk to u:)
hey and oh yah i play basket ball and LOVE it!!!!!!!!
Are u hitting on me?!?!Thank you,for saying I’m hot.I had a phone but I over did my text limit and I had to beg my mom to pay for that and she said “if I pay for u,u will give up ur phone.Deal?”.I guess I shoulda just begged Lawngenue cuz now I’m phone-less and that guy gets a HUGE allowance just for taking out the trash…I don’t really share my pics online.Hey,ur name isn’t weird (even though I don’t know it) and u shouldn’t be embarrassed by it.Trust me I know wat its like to have ur hair change color suddenly.I had red high lights and when they faded my hair was literally BROWN.I had to DYE it black again.Now it’s back to normal or I looked so weird.Now I put blue in it.Wanna get rid of ur ex huh?U got the perfect guy cuz I got a lot of tips.For u this is wat:
Tomorrow write a note to him saying: Hey ______ check this song out on YouTube!This is just wat I wanna say to u!It’s called Taken by 1 Direction!!!
Kiss- C
______ means write his name there.But if he’s gonna commit suicide or something just tell him he’s a sweet guy and and all but he just deserves someone better. If he’s the one that broke up with u then give him the note.But if he’s gonna die or something just take him back.
My type of girl huh?Umm a hardcore/nice-ish honest girl,maybe.A goth or emo person. Her looks don’t really matter to me.Wats inside makes her beautiful.Like u,probably.Some one who’s not afraid to be open,embarrassed,laughed at.None of the girls in my school are like that.I mean the wear all this make-up and stuff and guys, they chose girls with looks.I’m just not that person.I dont care if shes ugly or has a weird name.She’s just gotta be-u know the one.Some one I feel for.U know about the loves touch right?Some one who makes u tingly when u touch.C I think I don’t have a type but it’s weird talking to some one about this stuff.I’m stupid enough to think about this but I don’t wanna tell u but,ur cute even if ur name is weird and ur hair is bad.I like u.
Im Christian but I’m not that close to the cultural me,like I just don’t know much of anything about Jesus or Church and stuff.
Btw um check this song out.It’s called What makes You Beautiful by One Direction.I kinda guess it’s wat I wanna say to u know who.
Wow me too.I <3 basket-ball!!!!
U know wat,since this website called won’t let me have another account I’ll just use my step-moms instead.My parents split when I was like 9 so yeah.Plus my step-mom is Muslim so her name is this: Naimah Fatima.It sounds nice though.
Email (I’m using my step-moms): [email protected]
Give me ur email plz!!! C tell me ur name too.I live in Ireland.I guess I have BIT of an accent(British).Ppl say it sounds nice but, I won’t listen to ppl who call me retarded.
Okay fine I DO have an accent!!!! Who do I care???
Ur on??
C where are you????
;'( where are u?
how many items do u buy from the trading places on each island??/
im still not telling u my name and… holy fuck u live in Ireland!!! OMG! did i read that right??????????????????? ok well i dont have an email acount so idk but i will check out that song and i was just wondering what ur type of girl was kuz well lets just say that… u just descrided me really well…. and one of my friends told me that sense i was having problems with my stupid x tht i should try asking u out so i guess that yah i was kinda hitting on u kuz…. i like u to….. but u should see when u get ur phone back then gimme ur # but hey im not sure if u would really be interested in me im…… very weird well i wouldnt call it weird i would call it different but like i never read the same book and i cant wear matching socks when i play basket ball and i never thought that i would fall for a guy that lives in Ireland…. my mom was born on St. Patricks day its really cool… what do u do for St. Patricks day? have u ever been to the US? and i so know what u mean about the whole touch thing i had that with my X but he was just a fucking jerk and he kept flirting with other girls…. but i so wish u had ur phone :'( kuz then u could send me a pic of u…. could u borrow someone eles???????????????? im sorry if u think im pushy im just trying to….. well i guess im trying to ask u out but im not so sure it would work very well… idk what do u think????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:)
sorry i was gone for so long i had a game and brb ttyl i have to go whatch my stupid x play now:(
hey im back they are sucking so yah i aint watching…….. i would rather be talking to u
hey i emailed u
ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
Hey don’t be shy tell me! I like u too. I guess we could go out,u know over the Internet. I can’t believe I fell for a girl in the STATES!!! But I fell,I fell for her. Now I just hope I get my phone back before we’r done.I mean it’s the Internet.We’ll get lost…Never see each other…Should I make an account for u?I cant say this but I really mean every word of that song,even if I’ve never even had a peek at you.Holy fuck why does it matter?!?! I fell for YOU!!! I told u I don’t care about ur looks!!! Being the way u are is enough…for me atleast.I know I’m sorta flirting. Sorry.U should tell ur ex how u feel.If he does flirt tell him to go to that fucking girl and leave u alone. I mean if he’s such a loser,then dump him! I have an ex gf who I just told I didn’t like her trying to make out with other guys and she was all “no don’t leave me!I love u!”. Now she wants me back cuz I’m taken…Ur ex only wants to see u cry!every ex does! I mean really just go tell him!That’s wat I did and now stupid Bella just ignores me. Tell him. Let ’em have it! I know I’m being extra pushy but tell him.C I liked falling for u. And u ARE my type. I was just trying to describe u pretty good and I guess I did. I never had a type until u came along. If we wanna make out together we need a private website.One that we’ll always check. Hey, there’s NOTHING wrong with different or weird. I’m weird,I’m different. Extraordinary ppl can’t help but be different. Extraordinary ppl like u. I know true loves touch but I’ve experienced true loves words over the Internet. Thanks. A lot.You made my heart feel again.
I <3 you C , I really do.
Tell someone close to u about how u feel about me.Heck, tell me. How do feel about me? I told u and it’s ur turn. I feel u just think “OMG he fell for me!wat a stupid idiot”, behind ur computer screen and that this is just a prank.Plz tell me how u feel! I lost everything that mattered to me! My mom,my brother,my reputation, and my oldest friends! Am I freak? Yes I am! Am I an idiot? Yes I am! Ur the only thing left.Tell me,do u want NeverLand? With a freak? However u are ur better then me. Why does it seem like u laugh at wat I post on this with ur friends and ex? I fell for u. Tell me am I wat the say I am?!?
they say I’m an idiot,a born loser,wimp,whore,stupid,retard,bitch and their just warming up.friendless,loner is it all true?is it?they cant see it see it hurts,cuz I put on one of these: :). they treat me like nothing.they say I’m different they say I’m an out cast.a hurts.I don’t show it to anyone not even family.the bullying started in 6 grade.
6 grade: being under-weight.was it really my fault?
7 grade: no friends.ppl I knew my whole life just ignored me.wat was wrong with me?
8 grade: my mom.she died cuz of cancer.they called me an orphan.I still have my dad.
High school (now): my bro’s death.they call me the reason.they don’t know THEY are.
Were these things my fault?Haven’t I been through enough?
I just wanted u to know.I wanted to tell someone.My eyes are tearing now.Was it my fault?I had to tell someone.I cry a lot.Thanks to them.Am I a crybaby?I’m a guy.Guys dont cry.I feel like I can breathe easier now.I just had to tell someone.I chose u.Cuz ur the only one that listens.Thanks.For listening.For everything else.
My dad re-married my step-mom.she tries to love as much as possible.but she knows it doesnt work.I try to appriciate it but I can’t be happy.I can’t smile anymore.I don’t remember how.If I can’t be happy,how do I smile?I barely talk anymore.I just nod or say a few words.It’s like they just closed me up in box of loneliness and sorrow.And I didn’t do anything.I hate school.I try to avoid ppl as much as possible.They just come pick on me.Worst yet, they even email me that stuff.The pain is unavoidable.Mr.Fitch passed away last week.I lost another good friend.
Ppl just know my name.They don’t know wat my life is like.
I hate life.Cuz it Sucks.
Okay Adam I am a slut.I admit it.Ur so cute.Atleast that’s wat it sounds like.Deep blue huh?Neat! Will u make out with me?!?! Forget typical python she’s classic.
popularchic39 get lost and don’t play sweet!
It’s 4:05 in Ireland.I can’t sleep.I keep thinking about tomorrow.What they will say to me,how they will treat and so on.It’s raining.Spring…I’m bored.I feel like what they call me right know.I wanna fade from here…Fade for on a planet where no one picks on anyone or anything.Like heaven.But I don’t wanna die.I wanna live to see where I’ll end up at.Maybe I’ll finally see you.I want NeverLand.Where Captain Hook is dead.Where being different doesn’t matter.But I can’t have that.4:09 I’m still awake.School in 4 more hours.God help me… Please! I can’t take it anymore! I’m gonna tell even if they call me a snitch! I don’t wanna take anymore abuse from these morons! But I can’t tell…I don’t want to be beaten up.I talk more here then in real life.Cuz of me,Lawngenue has to listen to this stuff too! Why?! Wat did I do?!?! Someone tell me please!!!I know half of u are one of my classmates!
4:20 I can’t sleep.My head is aching.I feel sick.I never wanna get better.Id never have to go to school.I feel worse.Even more worse.I don’t feel like puking wat so ever I feel faint.Like I’m gonna faint.Even worse,bye.My head is spinning.
Bye 🙂
i love u to and ur not an idiot i swear ur not i love every thing about u and i want to try to go out with u over the net we can try it for a while……………………………… yah i fell for a guy in ireland!!!!!!!!!!
popular chic ur just jelous kuz i got adam kuz im not a bitch!!!!!!! and hey adam its 4:50 here and i wanna talk to u im so sad right now and confused r we going out or not?
and popular chi ur a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least i really care about adam and wat hes going through and i dont just want to make out with him i love him ur a dirty slut y would u think he would want to make out with u any way????????????? 🙂
i wish none of u freaks lived in ireland! but mostly, u adam <3
This is the “hard island”
weowolf it’s not the hard island it’s the stupid most idiotic island ever!!!
i hate you mother fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont start relationships online. stupid kids.
watz up cuzzyz anyone from nz new zealand
im finished with this island almost…. 🙂 yah and that newest island with vampires…. DONE 🙂
errr this is hard!!! tipcal python & adam u guys have this there.little coyote its not stupid its cute.hope u guys stay together for long!!!!
cyber looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
im so happy 4 u guys and will be by ur side so leeve them alone popularchic39
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.’D
yemimah thx
um,’ shouldn’t there be a written walkthrough
thanks guys and ill stop on here sorry ill just email him and adam by the way adam thank ur friend for me hes sound really awesome so yah and by the way yemimah and candy monster u guys rock for the suport 🙂
awwww this is totes cute! (((:
Lovelace we’r like 1,00,00 miles away from each other.But thx alot for ur support yemimah,candy monster, and lovelace.I hope we meet some day.
Heyoo peoples i don’t like captain crawfish i mean he sunk me two times and i didn’t even get to an island yet.
hi adam westley you sound like a really nice guy and all……but i know your going out over the internet and all but i love guys from other countries and stuff like you……
hey adam i wish we could meet soon though im SOOOOO disapionted about the whole fact of we live billions of miles away and stuff but theres nothing we can do….. my friend said that if she ever finds her family in ireland she would take morgan and i with her and we said HELL YAH YOU ARE TAKIN US WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS eve stay off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he is mine so yah just stay off of him ok eve…. leave adam and I alone!
this island is really idiodic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just wanna finish it ive finished all the other islands in poptropica
This is a really hard island.
hey adam westly and typical python y dont u guys like face time or skype or something and i understand how u feel adam westly that happend to me all the ay to 5th grade and then i found my best friend whose poptropican name i cant remember and then in 6th grade the guy i liked asked me out so me and my bff arnt going to the same high school and my bf might not be going to it either but who cares we can still be friends right!?!?!?!?!
gd luck u 2 hope this young love lasts!!!!!!
oh and adam westly life can turn around at any time i would kno cause i used to cry every night too but by the sounds of the way u and typical python r talking it sounds like its just turning around 4 u!!!
and also popular chick and eve its not cool to try and take smeone elses guy and NEVER ABSOLUTLY NEVER call someone a clasic cause thats just rude and mean.
UGH, this is the only island i need to finish :L Oh, and SOS island… Just 2 islands 🙂
Never mind…. I finished Skullduggery..; I meant I have Ghost Story and SOS left 😐
Poptropica can’t be finished!!! :'( it was going so well! It’s the best game on the Internet! :'( fierce moon don’t close down this website!U worked hard so let it be there.What on earth happened?Why are the closing?Im not done skulduggery yet!
Fierce Moon is LLLLAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………JUST KIDDING!She is cool oh and APRIL FOOLSSSS!!!!!!!!!
I just need to pass skullduggery island and I’m finished
I just past skullduggery island!
I past all the islands of poptropica for know so I’m just waiting for twisted thicket!
You got a part wrong. At Parrot Port, Spice will make more money than Silk.
hey risha ,ghost story and S.OS. is so easy.
I think its a prank.
Haha ppl can be soo gullible!!!It’s not closing.She’s trying to prank us.Look closer at the first letter of each paragraph.It says April Fool.She even put it in bold letters.Oh umm guys guess what,my step-mom is a scientist and she got home yesterday from her lab at she told that the worlds gonna end pretty soon cuz there so much famine (food shortage) and harsh weather condition and the earth is rlly close to the moon now.I’m really nervous.I’m pretty sure she’s messing with me but I keep getting a tingly feeling…I’ll keep my head up just in case…
Well, if anyone trusts me with thier username and password, I’ll complete this thing for you.
@ Adam westly
i dont think that the earth is too close to the moon cause the moon moves an inch away from the earth every year or somthing like that. 😀
UGH i finnally finished this on the 31st or the 1st im not sure which one hehe…….. im gonna go now so bye………….. o_o
I am angel!I’m happy I passed all poptropica
thissss stupidd island hates meeee!!!
April fools!!!I was just trying to get some homework answer.
you people are nuts and by the way just to up date you on adam and i….. we r done…. he took back his x, bella she is wack and i dont care if adam or bella read this… who cuts them selves??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is freaking NUTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yah so it was a sad weekend but im ok i guess :'( not really but im trying to lie to myself and say that im ok with it… its not really working :'(
heellllo people ummmmm
can someone be my friend
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh i got an idea any one who wanna play listen say the meenest things about me and ill come back here tommorrow and if u win u can be my friend if u play and have comments type in yemimah game in the top right hand corner this is to help u make a comment
im 10
a girl
live in california
born in india
were glasses
need friends but not desperate
fav colors lavender and mahogony
am tomboy
fav animal bunny
enjoy p.s. i wont get offended but if u really mean something about me put 10 t’s next to comment enjoy p.p.s. yomama jokes or any joke or offensive riddles or any thing works enjoy
arr i need one islands
somebody help
yemimah hey where desame fave color lavender
arr me Hungry LOEPARD if your desame with account arrrr
im sorry adam… what i said was mean and i get it if you dont ever wanna talk again :”(
i can make a profile too!
im 12 (am i too old for poptropica? i love it though!)
im a girl
i live in uk
born in uk
wears glasses
favourite colours dark (very very very) purple and black
am tomboy
creativity is writing
favourite animal is horse
is there some kind of cheat or special way where you can get doubloons quickly? cuz i need to hire some people and i need to give something like 15000 doubloons, and i only have about 600! does anyone know a way to get doubloons fast? please help me soon!
yes! one piece of the map achieved from golden harbor!
look in the top left corner and defeat what ever bad guy is there you get lots of $ fast like that thats what i did… still sad now my boyfriend that loved me forever b4 i even knew adam broke up with me i cant even smile i wanna just cry and cry but i cant seem to
soo no one played…………. wwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@ Yemimah
thats because no one wants to say bad things about people
@ Typical python
thats so unfair im going to my first funeral today so im definatly going to cry
fierce moon sucks she promises written walkthroughs and yet,you get videos
@emo panda are u emo? Cuz I am….
eye dnt gt t.
So happy I finaly finished.Althought I got tired of constantly sailing around and trading.
This island is fun buuut it’s really hard to beat Captain Crawship or what ever his name is! And one question do u HAVE to get that last ship that costs ALOT???
yah thanks…. he is super nice and so is his mom….. haha she talked to me… and no one is gonna tell adam what she and i talked about…. even though she was just tellin me all the great things ive done to him… and the great things about him………… I<3 ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha my !’s are off the page!! haha thats funny 🙂 😛
yah thanks…. he is super nice and so is his mom….. haha she talked to me… and no one is gonna tell adam what she and i talked about…. even though she was just tellin me all the great things ive done to him… and the great things about him………… I<3 ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a little prankster him and his best friend but they were pranking me when they said that he took back bella!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i was so happy when i found out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although if we ever meet im gonna
1: hit him hard in the shouldier
2: kiss him
3: rap my arms around him and never let him go………. I LOVE ADAM WESTLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yemiah u are such a little kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get over it that was just stupid!
hey ppl whats going on i hate this island but i only have one more ship b4 the biggest one so i can kill the pirate…. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA YAH RIGH TTHERE IS NOTHING HAPPY ABOUT A DAY FULL OF COLOR, LOVE, JOY AND HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!! I WISH THE WORLD WOULD JUST FALL IN A HOLE AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EASTER IS SOO REDICULUS!!!!!!……………….. what is it any way?????????
this island is so easy just beat every island no0w have to wait for twisted thicket on april 12 im a member
hey typical python im 10 so i am a little kid so um it was for just fun
It was stupid!!!
can there be a writen walkthrough
It looks like a cool island to me but I like the written walkthroughs better than the vids too
Just this island left to go! man when you don’t play for a long time, you come back and theres a bunch of islands added! To think I was done everything, can’t wait to finish them all!
how did you get1,000,000 D?
How do you get enough money 2 hire all the random people for the boat?!?!?! since that loan i’ve been in debt on Skulldugery for over 8000 doublins and i only hired 1 person. i only have 5000 doublins left… HELP
dude…. loans are bad news… dont do it… not a good thing
this island wazzz so looooooooong and stupid
Not fun. This is wierd.Can you add a written walkthrough????? Please!!!!!!!??????
hey um? firce moon i got 4 ships and i beat it i did not need the 1,000,000 douboons i got the 300,000 ship i and i beat crawlfish and i pwnd all the badguys lol
i hate the videos!!!!
You know u guys don’t have to be sooooooooooooo cruel and negative. Aren’t these videos better than nothing?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean like really, u can go find some other site rite now. Actully I have one that I don’t use any more ’cause I found this one and it’s called {} The reason I don’t like it is besause it has all written out instructions. (I bet u haters would luv it….xoxoxo) Well of course you don’t have to listen to me I was just saying that it would be better to go to a different site than be haters on one!
Ur stupid tipcal python!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey,ppl the bullying stuff is starting up again.Stop it.Words can hurt.I learned that the hard way.Sure this island has only has a video walkthrough but at least it has something.Justina Beiber there’s no point saying that ppl r stupid cuz I’m pretty sure every1 (including me) is is okay compared to this.
Ps. tipcal python is a good b quiet.
How do you buy the bigger boat?!!?!
Is this island for members only?
u know….. thanks adam and i thought we agreed to be more then just friends?! im so freaking confused but jusitina beiber….. adam is right…. dont judge me!!! im a freak and im weird and im crazy and sometimes i can be a bit of a bitch but u shouldnt judge me without knowing me first!! now if adam were to say that i would believe it kuz he has known me for like almost a month now
i feel like such a mean person right now….. im so sad though…. is it bad when u can go the whole day at skool singing and not one person hears u???????????????????
yo can you put a written walk through on here?
can anyone be my friend here
Look, this Island is cool but the new Island, Twisted Thicket, Is the new cool. I mean this Island was by FAR the most easy Island in all 26!
typical python a mounth is soooooooooooooooo not a long time like duh
ZAYN PENGUIN ikr a month is only 4 weeks…She doesn’t get it.
tipical python you make me crack up xD anyway heres me profile:
Fav Color:Green
Is:Girly Girl
Status:Single (but has crush!!!! ^_^)
Previous boyfriends (xD): 3
Fav animal: Cats
Grade: 6
Fav Subject: Art
Country: Australia
Born: Australia
Fav Island On Poptropica: Ghost Story!!! (by the way Ghost story is not scary!!)
Hates: Show offs, Bullys, and the i think i’m so cool type person.
Also Is: Cry baby, Drama Queen, (Not the i want this i want that type).
Specialty: Falling over (>_<) singing, irish dancing. (i don't care if you think that sucks)
Color of hair:Brown (My hair is actully blonde just dyed my hair brown)
lool i think i gave heaps of info for you guys soo if you want to be my friend let me know and start to get to know eachother! 🙂 – Chilly Dragon also known as Nice Socks (i have two accounts)
this iland is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long i mean it is getting boring anyone want to do it for me? but i have to trust you!
ok the profile thing started from me so just putting it out there
i irish dance too and i like singing i like your name mines so lame!!!!!!!!
i want to be your frined (im teribele at spelling) 🙂
im talking to chilly dragon by the way i think the profile is cute
someone please hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok poptropica people please stop making me loose 100,000 just because my ship sank because of a rock
hi chilly dragon. i think we should be friends cuz we hav so much n common. i had 3 boyfriends too, am single, fav color is green, fav animal is cat, and have been 2 sydney before it is so beautiful. i wanna chat. u should know i am 11 and in 7th grade
where is the written walkthrough!
The creators aren’t on this site.
oh. Brave star do u want to do the iland for meeeee?
chilly dragon could you tell me your real name?
ok red sponge and chilly dragon i also do irish dancing
Hi…I’m bored…Finally 13…Whts so good bout being a teenager?Nothing at all.U get bullied and harassed…Nothing good bout life…Nothing good at all…Jesus, rlly WHY DID U GIVE ME SUCH A PATHETIC LIFE?!?!?!?!?
@shiftypingiun and @chilly dragon I’m irish…Tap dancing???Rlly?
to tinygamer first of all how old are u second of all i could help u
ive only got 353,363 doubloons
how do you um get the ship???? i mean seriously!!!
chilly dragon we have so much in common and im a guy so freind me
@Red Lightning dude r u hitting on her???Cuz tht doesn’t work trust me. My best friend knows…R all u ppl sunshine and rainbows here???Cuz it seems like this NOT a place for a emo or goth person…
you are all on wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok guys not bieng mean but who cares if you had 3 or 7 or evenn a 1110000393234343433 boyfriends, were here to talk about poptropica
just lke to say i kno first hand bullying is not gd for anyone and i my best friend and i kno we r wierd and can turn almost anything into a compliment…..btw i love being me cause i am wierd and no one can change me cause i like it
Yeah! Way to stand up for yourself, Hungry Leopard! 🙂
@tipcal python haha I know.2day my friend was like “y do ppl pick on u?Wht do u have?!?!” and I was like “idk I’m a weird freak,I have bad marks,I’m emo and I let them bully me” so he was like “do I rlly have to flunk Spanish and math?” haha he’s such a nerdy buzz kill cuz he’s the only one who still does his homework!He says soap operas r fun to watch but in the REAL world it’s basically crying and luv.I’m freaky awkward idc!!!I feel so weird right now…Idk y…Usually always do….
@Hungry Leopard ikr I’m so weird and freaky and I like it!!!! 🙂 haha I luv being weird. It’s fun u ppl should try it!!!
@Hungry Leopard yeah great job! Wish I was u… I can barely say “stop it” to bullies.Percy is a weird name for a guy…. It’s true.
Im freakishly awkward…Not just weird but FREAKY.I hate it.
im tor smore and i know it plus im am a crazy squirrel
How many times did Fierce Moon go clockwise to every island?? And how did she get so much doubleloons??
I just defeated Captain Crawfish but now I don’t know what to do!
Hi idk how many times she went clockwise….Urg this is taking 4ever!!!! Y can’t the Phoenix warbird cost a little less?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I just watched the movie “The Toothfairy”. Derek reminds me of my step-dad.He has no “what if” in him. That has gotta b 1 boring life….It is…
u are still trading
why do you like the fry costume so much??
URRRRGGG!!! how do i get the map peice on 312 hanging fern way. i tryed shaking the plants in that order but nothing happens!!!!
what is the signal to guide the raft back to shore and where can you find it?
On this fifth day of October, October 5 is my birthday!
did anyone notice the bull in the general store? its eyes move and thats creepy… right?
here is some advice so you dont have to do much trading.find savage(trash such as barrels and paper and wood)in the your ship right over it and colletcet to a 100 or more doubloons!i found alot so maybe you will to.
he only prob is that sea monsters will try to get you as well as enemy ships like C.C.avoid em so you dont lose the work youve done!
and you want to dock at an island if you get damaged to much before you you loose your money.
to get the map piece on 312 haning way you have to do this,HS:you will see 3 ferns hanging upside down.the adress is 312 so first you hit the first last one(right)and then the first one(left)then the second(middle)and wah-lah!hope this helps HS
a good way to defeat other ships(NOT monsters)is to lure them to the rocks surrounding golden harbor,so they wreck.
They should have a Hunger Games island on poptropica!!!! Who agrees???
They’re doing Poptropolis Games instead. Poptropica is ages 6-16, so they couldn’t show killing.
I still would have like the Hunger Games. Poor Rue!
YAAR matey this is cool
it was good not my stinken favorite one
They should do the Hunger Games island, that would be so cool!
how cool is this site i luv it dont u
luv poptropica please luv it like me and remember i im the star here
How do you get so much doulbeloons???? I keep on crashing into rocks!!!
Ash Bash i soooooo agree with you because i loved those books but its so sad when Rue dies
please someone respond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you absolutely have to get crew members for your ship i have the jimmy rigger ship
my username is abab162 if anyone wants to friend me
love this one
some people r wierd
where is the walktrough.
how do you earn a thousand of doubloons
ding517 you havent even completed skulldugery yet, so how can you say all your tips with confidence?
i would really like a written walkthrough.
I completed the island twice so I will give you my two top tips.
1. If you start at Golden harbour buy grain. Then sell it at pirate outpost and buy spice.
Then sell it at Dragon cove and buy silk.
Then sell it at Bouffant bay and buy medicine.
Sell it at parrot port and buy silk and spice.
Then go to golden harbour to sell and keep doing that.
Tip 2 You can defeat captain crawfish with the steaming fury but if you still want the Phoeneix warbird do tip 1 until you get 500,000 pounds {or dubaloons} and then get a loan. Hope this helps. Add me benstiller9
This is my tip,it may seem a waste but might be worth the trouble (D is Doubloons)
1. Go to dragon cove and buy max silk.(if u buy 60 silk, it will only cost 780D)
2. Go to bouffant bay and sell the silk.(likewise, u will get 2,100D or more.)
Repeat this at least 250 times to get 500,000D then get a loan. It might take less times to do this if u manage to find savage containing a lot of silk and doubloons.
What time is it in your country? In England its 7:40pm
Fierce Lizard, sometimes you can get more MONEY by selling other things, such as medicine can sell as much as 44 dubaloons for just one
The steaming fury cost 300,000 dubaloons and you can still defeat Captain Crawfish with it, it’s just a bit harder
Massive Octopus, you do and you have to get a larger ship too, such as the steaming fury
will someone please inform me on how you get the 1 million doublons please? Thanks 🙂
thanks for helping me passing the island
this island is so hard and i finllay pass it thx
ferice mooooooooooon sucks you asssssssshoooooollllllleeeeee
To me, Fierce Moon or Fierce Lizard
Who are you saying thanks to, me, Fierce Moon or Fierce Lizard Sulemaj?
Did anyone experiment to see what would happen if you didn’t pack back the doubloons for your loan in time? And we should get extra credits for this one because we found a whole lot of loot -.-
OMG i cant be in the ocean for 5 seconds before someone attacks me can i? >:( >:O the cracken and giant crab thingy are BOTH following me?!?!?!? how come the squid didnt get sucked into the whirpolol? 🙁 this game is so unfair 🙁
can somebody tell fierce moon to write a written walkthrough?
ooo, fierce moons way of trading to earn money helps alot. Im making lots of money
🙂 😀
i finished the island all i nee dis the poptropolis gamez to finish and i am dun wit poptropica if ya need help on anything u may ask me or fierce moon thank you!
where do you get the coin
fierce moon does alot to even have these cheats you shouldn’t be so critical
i know whats your username moody crush i want to add you
sell lot of cargo
don’t loan
save up for the war bird (for more lives)
do the first 2 again
hire the cargo master
hire the one that makes your ship faster
lure the ship thats attacking you into rocks
then you understand why buy the war bird
This is one of my FAVORITE islands. I beat it with the Pheonix Warbird and every crew member. When I was fighting Crawfish, I kept pushing against him and shooting his ship, and it worked XD
Thanks for the hint Thunder you made it easy to get the war bird and lots of coins
OMG!!! I luv ur vids!!!! They helped me SOOOOOOOOO much on the islands! Thank u! Thank u!!! Ur the BEST POPTROPICA PERSON EVER!!! Thx to u, i finished 20 islands!!!!
And Spotted Panda, UR the assssssshooooolllle!
I did the same thing noisy sword
the hardest part was when the pirates kept throwing canon balls at me
i read about a secret (earn a million doubloons quickly).does anybody know it?
i have very few doubloons.. 🙁 i need some cheats to earn doubloons.. 😐 can any body help me!? 😉
Can u include a written walkthrough???
Visit my sweet tooth room the room code is: DXP26
This the only island Ive ever given up on. Thanks, Fierce Moon….
@ adam westley…. dude your soo flipping awesome… tell the gang hey for me.. u rock 🙂
I just started in this island.
where did u get the broken mirror?
UGH!!! This is THE hardest Island YET!!! ARRGH!! It’s taking me forever to buy a better ship!!!
Do you have to trade stuff?
Some people should really use better language, I mean there may be little kids on here!
how can i defeat Captain Crawfish? !!! i can’t defeat it!!!!!!!!!!
this island is easy[no offence to people who find it hard].
Where do I buy a better boat? I don’t know where to go and I can’t pass the island! >:(
im gay.
got a problem with it?
its not all that fun being gay… it kinda sucks… i wish i wasnt… but i just cant help it… can anyone relate?
Nite ppl
dragon cove
someone help me i need 2 know how 2 get the broken mirror.plz plz plz tell me 🙁
i dont have enough money to hire my FIRST member of crew!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO! HELP!
How do you get the shovel, I mean im looking at all the poptropica cheats and i cant find anything!!!! D:
Only 19,549 doubloons till my next ship 😀 /\_/\ =^—^=
Lol I found the skullduggery island before I finished the map (i thought: where else would It fit on the map? Duh) and landed there. But then I tried to leave and captain crawfish blew my ship to smithereens. 😉
Help I am stuck in a friend’s multiverse!! I can’t get out! Also please friend me. The name above is my poptropica name 🙂
I got over 4,000 before Fierce Moon was even at 2,000
I need a written walkthrough for skullduggery!! and other islands that dont have one!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need your username, not your Poptropican name, and I’m pretty sure you mean 400.
This is da worst island EVER!!!!!!I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!! And btw some ppl out there,stop being such critics…some1 put a lot of work into this site.Not to start a fite but dat is just plain stupid.i bet most of da criticizers didn’t even finish at least 5 island without this site.
so annoying just trying to get the phoenix warbird
and the crew members at the same time
^ ^. Thank goodness for this walkthrough. Before I had to do it on my account without it but now i can watch it while helping my brother one it. 😀 😀 😀 😀
I kind of disagree with a wee bit of the walk through. You should probably get 10,000 doublones and use it to get a ship. Next get the crew members. Then finally save up money for the war ship.
Lol. If crawfish ( what kind of a name is that … then again my name is weird too, … anyways!) wants to blow you up to smutheriens try running to any near island and avoid flying rocks ;D.
Has anyone ever tried to get a loan for 500,000 coins when you have 500,000 coins so you can get 1,000,000?
Where do you buy the warship? and wheres the bank!!!!!
yes i just got the treasurer beat that captain craw fish
Big tip!: this helped me a lot, there’s a lot of treasure floating around golden harbor (the rocks might have caused shipwrecks and golden harbor is like, the richest place) so go there and just keep selling everything
What happened to the literary walkthroughs 🙁 I liked those better.
Omg I have tried to beat this island SOOOOOOOOOO many times but I can’t do it someone Plz tell me how to get around 925,000 really quick!! Pllzzzllzlzlzlz
The written walkthroughs? She just hasn’t written any for this island.
1.all crew members complete
2.still need phoenix warbird
wow! i am with 147 doubloons
I know but for other islands she wrote walkthroughs, but none for this island, but I still got through, so thanks for everything fierce moon
Im ceartinly not u…. I HAVE COMPLETED MORE THEN 7 ISLANDZ u shouldn’t say that to plp that’s rude 🙁 B-)
the easiest way to get savage is to look aroen golden harbor
When i went to get the note out of the pot holder nothing came out!!!
can sum1 tell me how 2 get tha dang parrot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 🙁 😛
I know how to finish dis island!!!
U have 2 do the stuff first, then get the ship (raft) go to golden harbour and sail around the rocks alot. THERE IS REALLY GOOD LOOT THERE!!
Then, When u have enough, buy the CREW members first then get the ship.
Worked 4 me!!!
See ya soon
Add me!!! 😉
do you have to have the phoinex war bird to deaft captin crawfish
can someone tell me who i can hire and where to find them?
the bank is in golden harbor Cuddly heart and the ships are in the chinese ships.tell me how do you get 50,000 doubloons
small moon the first time the parrot is on top of a roof then on top of a tree in the corner then go on the tower
spotted pada plese have appropiate language i’m only 9
I know a really fast way to earn doubloons! First go to Dragon Cove in it’s upper side and wait until a monster comes. Then make the monster follow you to Golden Harbor and stay behind a rock. The monster will try to get to you, but it will hit in the rock and when it dies, it gives a lot of doubloons and cargo! This way works for me. You should try, it’s worth a shoot.
i can not found the peice of map in bouffant bay please help?
that picture is taken in vampires curse island
Thanks for all the cheats! They are helping me so much!! THANKS! =)
I play this island while listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. 😛
i love this page it help me a lot! but i can’t defeat captain crawfish! i’m so angry. i only need that island to complete all in poptropica.
it’s true worst island ever done in poptropica! the creator what was he thinking about earning 925,000 doubloons only by trading and taking salvage to get the biggest ship!
Okay, so I beat the island for my little bro but i can’t do it again:(
How do you get the boat bigger
Pineapple penguin is awesome
i cant find the parrot!
got all the crew and going for the phoenix.
so stop talking and start pirating
Where is the 2nd parrot? Mine was on a barrel and I can’t find the other?
look i have 5,442
This stink this island have something uncool .
i am really confuzzled ( my new word ) because i have all five map peices and i know where skullduggery island is but i dont have that warbird ship because i dont have enough doubloons.. and i REALLY want to hurry up and finish this island.. and WHY IS IT SO LONG?!?!?!?!?!?!?! and i really want to finish it because its my 2nd to last island i have to complete 🙂 i only have twisted thicket to go after this one 🙂
How do you get more than 1,952 doubloons and reach 20,000?
Can the raft go any faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make a writen walkthrough for sd island plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grrr I got stuck on the bog level on twisted thicket so i gave up and restarted…now im trying this island and i cant do it cause i dont like the videos!!! I hate when its buffering.. So i prefer written walkthroughs… Add me on Poptropica Freinds im KnockKnock36… Also any tips?
I have a tip: Buy a ship in shipshape,dragon cove. I know you think your just wasting your money but no, you’ll have big cargo and get a lot of doubloons, even if you buy the cheapest one. Look at me, I spent 300 db and I got 200% of it back just in I hour.
F.Y.I. I am not lying, trust me.
THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 SHIPS WERE ATTACKING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where’s the written walkthrough!!!!!!?????……….. Add Me!
someone get on my acount and beat all islands for also iam in 4thgrade
..We need a username to add you, and she doesn’t have a written walkthrough.
Wow, this island takes a lot of patience to finish it…
Where’s the written walktroughs :'( I need them to finish
OMG a lobster,octopus,blowfish and 3 ships were attacking me!
Add me,
Oh,everybody is attacking me in poptropica.Like as if Im wanted or their my enemies…EVEN THOUGH I DONT KNOW THEM!!!!
I DID IT! it took forever but i compled all 28 islands. Tip, don’t buy from Parrot Port and upgrade your ship whenever possible. A crew is important as well, and you may want to try and build yours up early on.
beat it!! felt so good afterward
Weird Glitch:
every time I defeat Captain Crawfish,His health goes up.
1 ships,2 octopus and 1 lobster were attacking me!
I defeated Captain Crawfish ! 😀
thanks to these tutorials i just finished my last island, so stop your HATING!!!!!
wheres the written walk through!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
“fierce moon” u need to give us the complete video this helped me to nothing!!!!(angry)
(rolls eyes)
i cant do it!
yay i did it!
🙂 🙂 🙂
when i was going to pirate outpost to trade my grain, i got misleaded by a nearby ship and when i went to attack it,i saw it was no ordinary ship,it was CAPTAIN CRAWFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is probably the most longest game i ever played it took me 1week to finish it
Hi Fierce Moon! I followed your walkthrough up to the part where you list the best places to buy and sell cargo, but then when I watched the part when you bought your first employee I saw that you had 100,000+ doubloons. Well, I only have around 7,000 doubloons and that was after selling cargo, buying cargo, picking up salvage, and taking out a 2,000+ doubloon loan. Anyway, I just wanted to find out how you made so many doubloons and how long it took you to get so many, because I actually quit this island and moved on to the other islands for a while since I couldn’t make enough doubloons. If I sell all my cargo it won’t really make a difference because I don’t think it will really add much to my doubloon balance, and I still have to pay the bank 2,000+ doubloons. If you think it will help though, I have 5 spice, 5 medicine, 5 grain, and 5 silk. Please help me make as many doubloons as you so I can finally finish this island, and move on to Steamships Island knowing I defeated Captain Crawfish! Thanks in advance!
P.S-Sorry this letter was so long :}
I bought the Koi and i accidently re-bought the Sea Sultan!!!! How Sick!!!! I have the whole crew (which is good) but i raather have the Koi back that a ship held together by rope (and possibly duck tape) Lol!!!!! Add me!!!!! Knockknock36!!!! Oh and one more thing!!!! I painted my nails!!! Green hahahahaha! That was not funny…
can someone tell me where the bone shovel is
the written walk through is better. Where is it. I cant get the governor guy to give me the shovel. I have gotten all the ship mates and ships. I am almost done with all the islands. This game is soooooooooooo fun
how can i get the piece of the archipelago map?
There was a large lobster trying to attack me and there’s some stuck-up ship calling me names, ugh.
This is kinda like school, when you think about it. Huge monsters attack you, and stuck-up ships call you names.
I don’t know how to shoot the cannons properly. They keep misfiring, help?
The last battle is soo freaking hard! Argh, any tips on beating Crawfish? Every time I manage to shoot his ship (which is like every 20 minutes or something) he goes off screen and his health goes up.
Oh my! I just made it to the next port using my RAFT and 2!!! TWO pirate ships were after me and a third close behind! That was scary close XD and I survived!! lol. Talk about luck
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can’t finish this. I like can’t pass this
can you please make a written walkthrough? The video doesnt load fast enough!
ok where is th written walkthrough it so much better u know what i can do by myself *angry* >:(
i cant afford to buy the crew i need help! please help me get enough money to buy the crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
add me on poptropica
i just got the phoenix warship and it is my 58th day. i didn’t use the videos, just sailed around, buying and selling cargo and trying not to die. wish me luck in the final battle!
friend me jthorr4243
i hard as i try with this island it is so darn hard!
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
any body who don’t know how to beat Captain Craw fish, here the tip its kinda hard but you have to have the war bird phonex ship
I had 3 ships on me and i had no cannons Crazy
I was heading to Pirate Outpost in my pitful little Koi-and then Captain Crawfish started attacking me!
If anyone needs some dubloons, head to the area around Golden Harbour. I find that area pretty good.
I’ m so proud! I just killed three pirate ships, two pufferfish, two crabs, and one octopus! All with my brand-new Phoenix Warbird while trying to sail to Bouffant Bay! I think that just spoiled all my glory.
Dude, I got chased by 5 boats. 2 crabs, 3 jumping fish and 4 octopus!
So annoying
can’t fierce moon ever watch other walkthrough and get some ideas?
I can’t figure out how to upgrade my ship.
…. You can’t “get an idea” for walkthroughs. 🙄 And if she took someone else’s walkthroughs, that would be plagiarism.
hey!what do you do first in skulls…whatever PLEASE HELP :] :]:]:]:]:}
Can you please post a written walkthrough? My laptop is really slow and I can’t watch videos on it.
this needs a written walkthrough. i spent lik 20 mins goin thru the video tryin 2 find which island i was on and i cudnt without watchin the whole video so i left the island.
This island is SO hard. I spent like months trying to finish it since I dont really go on Poptropica everyday! But its actually really cool, but you need to sail A LOT to finish it. Thanks for the cheats!!
This island is super hard! Once if finish is (if ever) i’d finish all islands!
This island is hard I get ganged up by pirates and fish!!!!!!!! what the hay man! This walkthrought is good but it needs it written out but thanks for taking out your time and doing it! 🙂 Add me my user name is davedysgirlah 🙂
sorry forgot the a its davedaysgirlah 🙂
I have finished all the island but 2, and this one I have been working on for over 3 months, and I am stuck on it. Please put it on wrighten righting. Make it simple for people out there.
how do you get the monny on skullduggery island?!
i think that all of the islands should have better walkthrough
I am in a crisis,guys.My friend is horrible at using electronics and he only has 3 medallions.He had to have help just to beat Early Poptropica.The bad thing is,we’re both 12 and he should know how to use a computer.Help!
This island really needs a written walkthrough…I’v been trying to defeat this iosland for a long time now and i know others have too. Please do ALL of us a favor and wright one?!
every on my username/ID is korawfea17 please add me!!!?!?!?!
That wasn’t Quiet Hammer!It’s me,Fearless Eagle.I love framing others!I LOVE YA,FRIENDLY MOSQUITO!!!
Who wants their best friend to miss out on the internet?
this game is ok i mean its treaky and the piret creeps me out. and quiet hammer i suggest that insted of freaking out you give him an hour of electronic training once every 2 days for 4 weeks and if that doesnt work than no affence to him but hes hopeless. sorry…………
I have already defeated Captain Crawfish but it’s not yet finish I don’t get it
I don’t mind helping you all so I will give you guys some walkthrough
Golden Harbor.You just have to light the lanterns 1st,2nd and 4th and then the peice of the map will be revealed.
Bouffant Bay.Go right until the end and you will see three pants hanging hit the plant in this kind of order 3,1 and 2 and the other peice of the map will fall.
Dragon Cove.Move right until you see a dragon statue in the water stand on the dtatue and it will sink letting the other rise and get the mallet move the fisherman to the right next to the barrel and then use the mallet to ring the gong and see what happens.
That is all I remember.I hope it will help
HOW DO YOU GET THE SHIP????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please add me! am iluvmiself and linuxrules linuxrulz
i thought we were friends well we are iover
dont talk to me tommorow
im 8 and im a pro at using a computer!!!!!!!!!!!!
i tried signing up for the newsletter but it won’t let me!!! 🙁
p.s if you want to be my friend I’m: hannah<3bailey (baileys my DOG not a person!!) 🙂
why do not tell you how much to trade ?
u n me
leave a comment on 26 oct
n the anser shd b yes
>:( no written walkthrough?!?!?!
Why isnt there a written walthrough ;[
I personally like the written walkthroughs better
I mean no written walkthrough? you have got to be kidding me
I luv u guys! Thks 4 the cheats!!!!!!!!
Where is the written walk-through?!?!?!
Hay can you guys tell me some cheatz for skulldugery island.
what up ya’ll i beat this island if you need help but this doesnt help you i can look me up on poptropica my username is twixie:D so text me if u need help
this is really cool but it needs a written walkthrough
I think this was the hardest of all the islands!!!…. well, that’s only my opinion…
The parrot’s not on the window sill even though I did it!!!!!!
well i clicked on him and it said go in…..blah blah
Spotted Flame: After you defeat Captain Crawfish,you have to go to the governor at Fprt Ridley.He will give you a map and shovel. Go to Skullduggery Island and follow the map and dig.
Lol over 10 minutes of video walkthrough…
Ain’t nobody got time fo dat!
Hey, do you guys know how to get alot of money cause I’m like dying epicly!!!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂 😆

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Please write a written walk through. They are so much easier.
Hey, how do you buy or…whatever to get the ship? I don’t get the video… 🙁
I beat the island! Yeah! Add me I’m loghome1 and you can also add my brother who I am helping, he is swpsw[psa
Tips for getting Doubloons on Skullduggery island. Collect LOTS of salvage, you can get lots around the rocks at golden harbor. Then go to the island that sells it the most and trade. My tips is to ONLY get loans in the beginning, so you don’t have to pay in the end. Hope that helps,
how do you get alot of salvage and dubloons?
hey popsecrets couldn’t you make the walk through written my laptop isn’t good with computers. my user is sexygirl3301
It would be quite helpful if you please did a written walkthrough of this island
this is an awesome website
Can you please write a walkthrough for this island? Watching videos isn’t really my thing. Thanks, anyway! 😉
I’ve watched the first few videos and I guess they’re kinda helpful. But my sisters are complaining about the slow internet because of the buffering videos. Plus, it would really save us more time if you posted a written walkthrough. We would all appreciate it if you did.
Sincerely Yours, Perfect Tooth 😀
P.S. Sorry for the long comment.
umm, could you please add a written walkthrough. Thanks 🙂
okay you’ve probaly heard about the skull pirate costume the promo code for it is =:
skullbook no caps lock on and no space
where do i go? It doesn’t show or tell where to go first when im on the ship!
you need to write a walkthrough cuz when I’m playing poptropica, it’s easier just to go to another tab and read about what I need to complete then to find it in a video. Thanks! 🙂
Why doesn’t skullduggery island show up on my map? It’s not even selectable as an island to visit…
arrr!! this trading takes too long !!!
hey, um could you PLEASE put a written walkthrough??? Its getting kinda annoying now that ive been trying to beat this island for months! about 89% of people that use this website rely on written walkthroughs! LIKE ME! just plz put a wtitten walkthrough, PLEASE?
Man, Skullduggery Island is too damn hard! I never thought it was so complicated. Maybe I’ll try again once I’ve finished all the islands.
this island is sooo cool and easy. i want to play it again!!!
I know many people will agree with this but PLEASE WRITE A WRITTEN WALK THROUGH FOR THIS ISLAND! My computer doesnt let me watch videos!
And how many should i buy/sell at the trading post?? cuz its like i keep ending up with the same amount of money???!!!
To get doubloons, trade circle!
Thanks for the walkthrough! 🙂
I finished this island!! 😀 Finally! lol
Please write a written walk through because I’m frustrated with the videos,they take a lot of time to load
This is hard, but not as hard as cryptids
gosh, that’s hard
ya know, if you defeat a ship, they leave behind a huge salvage.
u know wat forget wat i said here is a written walkthrough for people who prefer the written kind (click on the link below or copy paste it to google search if that does NOT work)
Poptropica Skullduggery Island Walkthrough
sadly it did NOT work so dont be a lazy a** and copy paste :0
Plz write a written walkthough Otherwise i will
I love poptropica! <3<3<3!! Skullduggery Island is so hard but once u watch the video it becomes much easier
I have achieved obtaining the largest ship, the War Ship, and I have beaten Captain Crawfish, where are the map pieces?
How do I get the little roof-thing off the smoky chimney?
Thnks for the video wakthrough… really helpful. thanks again.
anybody know how many crew members is the maximum?
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
Everybody wants a written walkthrough, and not to be mean, but I do not think they are going to put one up!
How many days can you have on the game? Do you attack after a certain one?
what happens when you get a loan from the bank and never return it?
How do you get cannons for the ship? I didnt upgrade my ship because it’ll take too long to trade and get the money. This island is hard. Help please?!? 🙂
As Perfect Tooth said a written walkthrough is needed!
What happens if I already chase to captain?
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
I dont like to trade I cant earn money
written writeout please
how do i get the treasure
how do i get the treasure map and were is it
Facepalm. How to get doublons: Savage it all around the map. There is mostly more treasure around the north east of fort ridley (the Indian type place) Also you get a lot of stuf from killing pirates and sea monsters. How to get new ships,crew and cannons: You can buy new ships at the China based place in an archway,round the back. Every ship you buy after the raft has at least one cannon. There is someone who can heal your ship on the go in the same place. The navigator (+speed) is at parrot port in the bar. The warehouse at bouffant bay has a man (+cargo). The person at the top at pirate port (+cannon reload speed) I highly reccomend, people thinks he gives you cannons,he does not. If this advice helped,add me on Poptropica, here is my username: TheSlaveGran. Please add me if I helped. Your welcome,Poptropicans. =D =D =D
Like everyone, please write a written walkthrough. It’s easier to follow and I won’t have to go back and forth to watch the video and play the game. Thanks; by the way, if anyone wants to add me, my username is jessicahsueh.
One more thing. Can you tell us the secret of trading and how to earn money fast? If you can, I’d really appreciate it.
no one should give user away! understand?!
Hi! I was just wondering when you were going to put the written walk through up. You said it was the 13th island on Poptropica and there is only, like, 32 islands! You need to put it up because this is like one of the hardest island (it takes days)!!! Please put it up!
I never buy anything from the trading posts, and here’s why:
Once you get a large enough ship, sail into the back regions of Dragon Cove and drop your anchor. after a while, a monster will come after you, and all you need to do is kill it, and the salvage after the death will completely restock your ship and give you a lot of money.
Where do you get the map piece for Dragon cove?? is there a way to get it out from the fish? I only know that the wind blew it away and i THINK a fish ate it. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!! 🙁
Help! when I try to damage other ships my cannons wont work and same thing when other ships try to damage my ship… I cant defeat Captain Crawfish if this is happening… help please 🙂
Where is the written walkthrough!?:(
This took me forever to do and I couldnt beat Captain Crawfish at the end but somehow I made it! c: Thanks for the cheats again…:)
I Thanks he does not quite blecaute it takes to long
Where IS the written walkthrough? I hate this island. It is SO hard to ME. Help! Someone with a walkthrough. THX. 😉
What’s up with the stupid hide and seek parrot?
PLEASE HELP! Somone who can help i need to upgrade my ship i upgraded it to the next one but thats not gonna work i need to sell and buy stuff im stuck at this part someone help me please or give me some tips because i cannot get past this part or island! I also need enough money to hire good people to be apart of it! If anyone gives me tips i want a ship with atleast more than one cannon
Guys, I need an answer ASAP. Where do you upgrade your ship there isn’t any place on Dragon Cove. 🙁
Never mind, I just found it. Sorry for the trouble. 🙂
helpin is da rite ting to do
i cant beat captin crawfish!!!!! i keep getting him to nothing and bam he is up to half!!!!
If you need the written walkthrough go to this:
PS That solution contains spoilers. Just saying!!!
How Do You Get The Fish,I Can’t Figure It Out.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only need to finish one more island and this is it! I can’t get enough Doubloons to buy the big ship. I keep going around and I just lose a lot and gain a little. Can someone please finish it for me?? Please!?!?!?!!?!?!?! If you can email me at [email protected]
i love this website now my enemy is losing hahaha
I had just started skullduggery island… and guess what? They don`t have the written walkthrough! Thanks a lot! 🙁
there is the written walkthrough
whatn happens after you defeat crawfish
what do I do if the loan officer wont let me pay my loan lust because I went over 20 days? now the ship shape guy wont let me get a new ship because a have “bad credit” just cause I need to pay my loan
where do you get the ships?!?!?!?!?
it’s me Aislynn evans just to tell you i am Speedy Bones or Aislynn Evans ok just so you know
already have 24 islands including this one
;( 🙂 😉
You have to buy the cheapest and sell it in an other island for a higher price. Attack small ships and get their salvage.
You get ships at dragon cove. Right after the trading post there is an open aree where you can enter
quiet fang please help me please
Hi! Please dont share THIS TO ANYONE!!
man you guys suck a lot this island is the hardest and you need loads of patience suckers
u need to put more info on the island
HELP! XO !!!! someone please i need dubloons how do i get lots of dubloons? if u help i will give you a poptropica promo code! (tell me your user so i can friend you and then i will tell)
hey guys i need SRS HELP! i need a way to get HEAPS OF DUBLOONZ! thnx whoever helps me
I need some money. I sell everything that my ship has.
-Incredible Ghost
no one wants me to be there friend,weIl,they cant be MINE!!! 🙁 😥
fearless tiger! try buying supplies and selling them elsewhare. they cost different in different places!
Heyyyyyyyy Random peeps that are reading this! I accidentally got too close to Skullduggery Island (Not the Poptropica one, the spooky one IN the Poptropica one) (sorry if that was a spoiler) and now I’m stuck near there and Captain Crawfish is killing me over and over again and it sucks. 🙁
its all true!!!!
One Technique to defeat monsters or pirates..
If you see yer energy bar, and saw a monster, just go flow in circles while it follow you. Just shoot it with cannons while going in circles..
I hope ye understand
So Long Mateys!
Friendly Hawk
hey i cant figure out how to get a ship to signal!!!!!!
fierce moon is my friend!!!!!
Please write a walkthrough, PLEASE!
Where do I get a shovel?!?!
where is the written walkthrough!
dode like totally need written walkthrough. i mean it is 2013 right!
I found all the map pieces its just I need 1,000,000 money to get the biggest ship and i have like 15,854 right now -.-
In the boat part how to let the boat move
I’ve already watched the video walk-through i can’t
still don’t know how too
pls.. leave a comment
&and pls friend me i am popmeup39
pls don’t write rude or bad comments.
fearless tiger: buy stuff then go to different parts of the island and sell it and when u see stuff when sailing grab it
p.s username:lego14297 password:12345
wheres the written walkthrough???
why isn’t there a written walkthrough ?????????????????????
how come there isnt a written walkthrough?
i cant move my dinky little raft! help!
p.s. add me im animelover695
i keep getting hit by other pirates!!!!!!
Actually, if u are getting hit by pirates u can avoid them. First, when u see a bar on top just click on the docks and the embark again and the bar will be gone so will the pirate ship. P.S. How do u get a larger ship i don’t get it. 🙁
They really have to update their website and put the written walkthroughs on here.
How do you do this island……SO CONFUSED!
Ugh.. I hate having to use so much time getting such a small amount of money. Is there a cheat to get you lots of doubloons?
To Young Dolphin,
Remember to hit the SPACE bar to pull up the anchor.
Hey guys 🙂 I have had a poptropica account for a long time time now and i started this island when it first came out. It was hard so i saved it where it was and did other islands. There are 33 islands in the entire poptropica and i have completed 29. I was look to see which ones i need to complete and saw this one and now im completely stuck. I have 4 of the map pieces and i have no idea where to go. I only have 5,000 db -.- so please help!! Thanks you 🙂
This island is so wierd. It’s hard to figure out. Ain’t ya glad we have cheats? 🙂
Aw no! Wheres the written walkthrough??? I went back to this island because i couldn’t beat it before and i remember seeing a written walkthrough here for skullduggery but now it’s gone. 🙁
how do you get the big boat
how do you get the large boat and where do you get it?
thx a million i finally finished the island
how do you get the big ship i don’t know how to get it
wtf!!! why didnt you show how to upgrade the ship!!!!!
can’t get the paper in boufant bay jumping on the plant doesn’t help!
happy bean actually the ships prices go down as u buy bigger ones believe me
popular bubbles i already know that now but thx anyway
i hate poptropica very very much…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
@dina rubina you have to hit the right plant,left plant, and then the middle one
I do not know the trading part
Every time i try to go to Dragon Cove…Captain Crawfish finds me and destroys my little raft. *sob*
frendily berry, press the space bar
how do you get rid of crabs and blowfish
my user name is supop11 friend me
Here’s a few tips: DON’T take any loans because you’ll have to pay it back and it will just cost you money later and if you don’t pay it back in a certain number of days, you’ll have a hard time upgrading your ship cause of “bad credit”. Watch out in the upper left corner, there’s a lot of storm clouds and whirlwinds that will damage your ship. The bottom right corner and the upper left corner have a lot of cargo floating around so go there often. Watch out traveling through the water between the bottom two islands, that’s where Captain Crawfish will attack. Stay close to the middle island when going through that area. Go to all the islands clockwise, and when you get to each one sell ALL your cargo, you’ll make money faster. If ships or see creatures attack, fight them if you want too (you’ll get loads of cargo) or don’t, it won’t matter. Don’t forget to hire people to help you on your ship they really do come in handy and you will need them. There is one person to hire for each island. When upgrading your ship don’t buy every one. Upgrade every two or three ships and save up your money for the Pheonix Warbird, that’s the one you need to beat Captain Crawfish. And lastly, BE PATIENT. This island takes time but you will get there. It gets easier as the days go on. Good luck.
How to get more money: defeat ships , pufferfish , squid , and crads. when you kill them you get A LOT of money. I’ve gotten at least 3,000 before.
Where on the entire planet EARTH is the written wlk-through!!!! >=(
-PS: friend me- I’m madieroses
If you want the written walkthrough go to
if we get a loan from golden harbor, do we have to pay it back
i’ve upgraded to the ship after the koi and decided to do the battle against captain crawfish. i just cant defeat him… after a few tries. harder than i thought.
its my 200th day and i currently have 493,356 doubloons.saving up for the biggest ship. wish me good luck!
the big boat is in dragon cove. go inside the building on the right and talk to the guy standing near a board with photos of boats pinned on the board.
Read this everybody
To buy bigger ships you need to go to dragon cove.
To bceat captain crawfish you need the biggest ship, the phoenix warbird.
It costs a million doubloons so you have to make a lot of money
Hope i helped.
Put a written walkthrough!!! >:(
@ happy storm i dont think you are sounding very happy at all……. maybe nothing new is happening maybe because when you bought the ship maybe you just have to change the ship, i dont think it just pops up by itself…….. or another case maybe its also because a glitch on your computer….. idk alot about this island because i have tryed this island b4 but it was really hard so now i have to restart it, and i havaent beat it and i really want to so bad hope this helped… if it did friend me my username: sportyfeather39 if it doesnt work then just comment back but even if you did not get it to work its up to you to friend me……….. thanks hope this helped ttyl add me!!
where is the written walkthrough? come omn!!