Red Dragon Island is a brand-new Poptropica quest that takes place in ancient Japan. It was released to paid members in early access on May 5, 2011. The island features the main characters from the Magic Tree House book series. In this adventure, you travel back in time in the magic tree house with them to help save a village from the rule of a mean and terrible shogun.
Video Walkthrough for Red Dragon Island
Here is the full video walkthrough for this quest. Follow the video and you’ll see step-by-step how to beat Red Dragon Island on Poptropica.
Walkthrough Part 1
Walkthrough Part 2
Walkthrough Part 3
Text Walkthrough
Arrival on Red Dragon Island
Once you arrive on Red Dragon Island, run to the right until you see a tire swing in the background. Place your mouse cursor over the tire swing and click when it says, ENTER. You’ll see a short animation of sparkles going past the roof of a house and then you’ll see Jack and Annie (the characters from the Magic Tree House books) head to the tree house. Walk over to the right until you get to the tire swing. Click on the rope to cut it and make the tire drop to the ground. Now push the tire to make it roll along the ground. Keep pushing it while heading to the left of the screen. Push the tire through town and head to the next area to the left. Then push the tire over the hills all the way to the far left until it’s underneath the wooden ladder heading up the tree.
You’ll see a pair of red glasses on the ground. Pick them up. Once you have them, jump up on top of the tire to get a nice bounce and then land up in the tree house or on the ladder. Climb up and enter the tree house. Inside you’ll find Jack and Annie. Click on the glasses in your backpack and then click on Use to give them to Jack so that he can see. Now walk over to the left and pick up the Frog Creek Pennsylvania: Home Town USA book. Next, talk to Annie and ask her how the tree house works. Then a book will appear to her right. It’s called, A Journey to Old Japan. Pick it up and then click on it in your backpack to Use it and begin the trip to ancient Japan!
Arrival in Ancient Japan
The Magic Tree House will zoom off into the air. Hang on! In a few moments you’ll arrive in ancient Japan. You will all appear outside. Jack and Annie are already wearing kimonos and run off to start their adventure. I can’t believe they’re ditching you! Jack gives you a magic amulet that you can use to return to the tree house anytime. Follow them by running to the left. You’ll soon approach two samurai guards. Click on them and then they’ll arrest you for having no passport and throw you in a jail cell. Good thing we have that magic amulet! Use it to return to the tree house. Run left again, but this time the door to the Bonsai Shop will be open. Go inside and talk to the woman there. Ask her about a kimono and she will let you have one of hers. Choose whichever color you like: red, yellow or blue. When you put it on, you’ll find a passport in the pocket.
Now that you look like a citizen in your kimono and have a passport, you can walk past the guards. Go to the left to enter the next zone.
When you first arrive, Jack and Annie will be here and they look a little scared. The samurai guards have caught them without passports and take them away. Now you’ve got to rescue them!
More Coming Soon!
The rest of the walkthrough with all the secrets and cheats for Red Dragon Island will be posted here shortly! You can also post a question in the Poptropica Secrets Forum if you’re having trouble with any of the specific parts of the island. Be sure to visit the Island Help section.
Sneak Peek Version

Before the release of the island, players were able to visit a special sneak peek edition, which featured a Sumo wrestling tournament. Players were able to compete against other players to see who could push the other out of the ring. The competition was very simple. Whomever clicked first when the referee shouts, “Begin” won the match. If you clicked too early, you were disqualified. When you got five wins, you advanced to the next rank.

Red Dragon Island Sneak Peeks
The Daily Pop section of Poptropica has been filled with sneak peeks and screenshots from the upcoming Red Dragon Island. Here’s a look at some of them.

1st! I beat the sneak peek. EEEAAASSYYY!!!
I hate being fat though…
Ooops. 2nd!
3rd person to comment.
I hate being fat too! My legs go past my belt, and the pster on top has angry eyes and smiley lips! It looks kinda weird. But the match is really easy
I hate being fat!
Why can’t non-members go to the next three ranks! Curse Poptropica! We are citizens! Not slaves! I want a civil war!
Augh! It makes me look fat! The sneak peek makes me look fat!!! D:
Non-members cant’t go to the next three ranks? That’s unfair.
i knew it was going to be a magic tree house island!
yay,im nineth,cant wait till it comes out
Wow they are making islands very fast.
Let’s see Crytpids,wild west , wimpy winderland,and now coming up Magic tree house red dragon.
Check this link out! This is an Red Dragon themed costume.
It uses the lady’s dress from red dragon island. The bangs and hair are from ramdom poptropicans.
Good job. (loose the wings though)
Here’s mine:
-The shirt and belt from the angel
-The ‘skirt’ from the samurai
-Sword on back from the ninja
-Guitar from geishia
Who wants a civil war against the creators of poptropica for not letting non-members going to the next three ranks! Say nay if you want one!
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nay! I sooo want to wrestle more!
One of my characters is a member so I got to continue the sumo matches… I ended up with 4 costumes! after you beat the last rank,it gets extremely hard to beat an opponent… they’re much faster than the earlier ones… I wish my other nonmember characters could get the 4 costumes… I have one with a chinese beard and it would go very well with some of the member costumes…
Haveyou ever noticed how your body bounces so much? Besides, I’ve actually been to a sumo wrestling fight. It was 248 lbs. v.s. 262 lbs. And you would have been shocked by there fatness. They’re size? Don’t know, but they’re enormous. Oh, and they looked like they were wearing a XXXXX-adult-large diaper.
Pomeranians are sooooooo cute!!!
I didn’t do it yet…
Ohmygosh you turn fat???
I don’t wanna be fat! 🙁
Oh well,
im sorry to all poptropicans but………………..WARNING: IF YOU DONT TELL ME WHO IS HACKING MY GAME THEN IM GONNA HAVE TO HACK YOUR GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im sooooooooo sorry to all poptropicans ill NEVER do it again.$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!
I like the first outfit.
And the hair on the girl in the island.
I can’t wait until it comes out!!!
Amazing outfits, hairs, faces, quests, and more! 😀
What are you talking about popularheart310?
If you put up your password here,
or gave it to someone,
then that person should be hacking your game.
Unless you aren’t using your account anymore,
never give away your password and username here.
I know people on here find it amusing to hack and change other poptropican’s accounts.
But I still don’t get what you mean, so I may be wrong… 🙁
Being fat is amusing!
But it makes me look all irregular.
My hair looks shorter,
The shirt is all streched out,
and it’s all so weird.
But it’s funny!!!
Okay, I don’t know what to do! Due to some weird Glitch, my account Red Heart is now a boy. Anyone interested in a boy account with store Girl costumes. If so, please tell me in these comments.
Credits- 25
Stars- Almost 5 completed
Ummm…. It’s got lots of Girl store Costumes, but PLEASE take it off my hands. If there is any way of turning it back into a girl, please tell me.
*Leaves, crying*
well, it’s not THAT bad, but I really need someone to take it from me.
i’ll take it and i bet the “sneak peek” in like 5 minutes its so super easy i told my lil bro that it was gonna be a “magic tree house” island 4 days ago and i was right!!!!!:)
so red dragon please e-mail me the username and password at [email protected] please nobody send me spam or else!!!!!!
p.s htis does not mean you red heart:)
So far,6 non-members.
how do i pass red dragon island? please! someone tell me.
Why are we so fat and unnormal! I don’t think unnormal is a word either!
Jeesh, where did that guy get a WHITE ninja outfit?
And I’m also a non member! Add me to the list! 😀
I love this island! The sumo wrestling is really easy! The only thing is that i can’t make my person skinny again?!?!! Any answers on how to make my person skinny agian? Thankz-you! 🙂
And the white ninja costume was limited edition. I have it.
nay!im a rebel too!
@Quick Hawk- I tried that billiions of times. It didn’t happen.
So, ok, I’ll give you the acount, nutmeg.
it seems sort of cool
does anyone have a wizard101 account that they dont need. PLZ I REALLY NEED A ACCOUNT!
also can some one help me beat wild west island. I need to beat the train robbery i get half way through and then i lose. 🙁
i want to get the white ninja outfit =)
The sneek peek is the easiest one yet.
YES!!!!! First on 2nd page!
Why are people fat? I know we’re supposed to be sumo wrestlers, but give us some self-esteem, huh? You guys just shattered the spirits of tons of overweight kids everywhere.
I haven’t gon to this island yet but wen i find it i will see why are they faaaattttt
Its not fair that we don’t get to do the next 3 levels D:
@White Dragon B: Why don’t you just make one? I have an account,but im not giving it away D:
hi guys,i still have not tried the sneek peek yet,cause i’m a busy,busy,girl!lol
seriously people love new islands but we havt to wait like a month just cause of membership its not fair
I TRIED THE SUMO WRESTLER THING,IT SUCKS,hat was a waste of my time,im kind of smart cause i made a new one for i wont be fat,it worked lol soo im not fat.and you dont win anything so y real acooun is not going to bother going on red dragon island.AND IT IS EASY.LOL
I MEAN ACCOUNT AND Pretemd the y is not there,lol
oh ya and i mean pretend lol
i dont get it bendy dragon,wowwwwww you have bad luck lol
ohhhhhhhhhhh y meant my lol,im kinda slow lol
you should know, know it all. lol, JK. Try somehing like the creators birthday or something.
lol bendy dragon good for you (that your computer (i mean laptop)is working,lol)
how is that funny?
true dosen’t seem any funny to me……..
And I have the wizard101 accout too. Private!
because i was being sarcastic,gosh don’t have to be so mean! (and sometimes i laugh i laugh for no reason,lol) BUT STILL.
see that thing on top of my comment somone tell me what it means
12(the two guys on the newpost are rebels too)!
i ment to put two d’s i did it on purpose,yea,i do that
im talking to you popularheart310!
I Love Life Smile
Your smile shows that you consider life to be your playground and nothing can put you down.Use that smile power to make others feel the same way. Keep smiling!
My science teacher let us play “amily feud” on her laptop XD lol!
={ ]
😳 “family fued” >.<
Hey,Can we work (write) in this blog ? it’s awesome and I Love poptropica so I wish you can make me a writer..?
i can’t wait for the new island to come out… i’m already done with all of the other ones and I’m super bored. i don’t have membership so i’m not allowed to go past the rank of maegashira. i’ve done all i can on the sneak peek… now show me the REAL island!
WOW,for a while i actually thought i was the only person without membership!!! WHEW!!!!!
I can’t what till the new island comes on it should open today I will be the first one too win the ” Red Dragon Island”
I don’t think so.
Yeah. It didn’t come out.
when is it going to come out? i finished everything else ad now im really bored
magic tree house red dragon china island is a biggg name.
@ new1786: Technically it’s “Magic Tree House, Red Dragon Island” -> No China.
I just got the miltiverse room but I only have one person to play with. If someone wants to play with me go to friends which is the two heads of the poptropica characters, then write dap19 and click on join. If you dont get in i probably left or you took too long to sign in. And by the way for those of you that do not know about the multiverse room, every time you or a person with the multiverse room signs in there is a new code. So dap19 will only work before I sign out or get out of the multiverse.
SO PLEASE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woops i mean BNV89, SORRY
Im not a member. I clicked on this island, and now i’m on it! so cool!
to get into the new island you dont have to be a member because it is just a sneak peak at the island.
how to cheat that you have member n you are member
thanks for the help,next time you should type it and tell people how to get there.
there in china duh speedy singer!!!!!!!!! china worships dragons NOT JAPAN!!!!!!!!
I hate the sneekpeek D:
snneak peek makes you fat instantly… but its not permanent. i hope.
my gosh! i hate sneek-peaks! why cant we just go online and do when ever we want!!!!!!!!!!! cant u just tell us theres a new island when its ready!!!!!!!!!!!! love, ashleigh(blowin’ a kiss)
my friends r being so mean epecially maria. sophia is such an annoying person! first, we r hangin’ out but then she moves rite next door to maria! so now i have to hang out with maria but whenever i do hang out with her she just “strolls” over to sophia. but this other girl,christina, shes awesome and all, but she has a friend (alexa) and i dont like alexa AT ALL!!!!who should i choose? i need your help deciding!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if i shood choose maria, sophia, or christina!UGG!!! by the way, i am so good at making friends with my enemies. i made friends with this girl,nicole (she used to be my enemy), but i am not too thrilled about anybody who thinks they can help (even a boy) plzzzzzzzzz hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeellllllppppppppp me now!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know How to Train your “dragon”? here’s a funny quote, “Trolls, they steal your socks. But only the left ones! What’s up with that?”
If you read the book like me, you would know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ BRITTNEY COFEILD!!!!!!
It’s Japan you guys. I think the book was “Dawn of the Red Dragon” I think it’s that one where the samuri and where Annie get’s to do her poem on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And where those sumo wrestlers fight. And where the big fire was and they used the wand and met Cloud Dragon. So, I think it’s definatly Japan. (Gross, If China had sumo wrestling ew…totally gross. And I vote for China not Japan. Plus, Japan has stuff like that. Gross.)
Oh and btw, anyone know how to get through the “Basho went to town to get some eggs” thing? I can’t get past it. Any help?
I was on poptropica and it said it would come on 6-2-11 its 29 days or 5 weeks from now.
there’s something very weird that happened to me on red dragon.
i know that my current rank is “maegashira”, then after a few days i logged in, i saw my character by the rank of “ozeki” !!! (i was still in red dragon when i signed out) (i cant access to the other two ranks coz i dont have membership!) 🙁
the island is freaked hard plzz help me is you can find basho if ur a member
Heres a walkthrough for how far I got, quite far………. Ok well you go to Jack and Annie’s backyard in Frog Creek. Then you follow them to the tree house. Go inside the tree house and grab the Frog Creek book, talk to them and grab the Japan book. Use the Japan book. Once you land in Japan exit the tree house (duh) and walk until you see the Bonsai place, walk in there. Then talk to the lady and get a kimono which will have a passport in it. Then go all the way left. You will see the Shogun capture Annie and Jack, go all the way left again. Then climb up the stairs and you will enter the gap in the building (hard to explain but you will see it when you get there). Go all the way right, a parchment will fall from the sky and land on you. Oh ya and I think you will have found the rotten fish by now. I will post more in half an hour gtg.
Hey!! I know the magic tree house! The book is called ‘Dawn of The Red Dragon’ and there’s Jack and Annie. I’m a fan of thoses books! I have nearly ALL of them. My fav is Moonlight of the Magic Flute. Oh. And thanks for writing the cheats! 🙂 I would of NEVER finished ANY of them, if I haven’t came here! ~Shy Rider~
Oh and, for those poptropicans who think it’s CHINA, it’s not, it’s JAPAN. I should know because I am chinese. And I read the book of it! ~Shy Rider~
u wanta talk about it on chat?
we can talk about it if u wanta?
ok we there just explain
this talk betwen me and BC must be confussing 4 some of yall
i g2g watching kids agin i might be on 2morrow dont no 4 sure
Well, yu already know Im not gonna be on tomorrow bcuz of auditions.
So SYS until Wednesday… WAIT!! I have an orchestra concert on Wednesday! 😆 So I cant be on Wed. either!
Ok. Nice pic BC 😀 cute 😆
i cannot be on 4 awhile 2
ok i cannt be on 4 about 2 days cuz i have 2 watch kids and practice basketball
I am waiting for a long time for the rest of the cheats
get over it Sritew they r above lol 😆
im on chat 4 about 5 min
I cant defeat the red dragon!?
How do you defeat it?
How do you beat this island
I might be gone tomorrow.. and Saturday…AND Sunday…and maybe monday… it’s gotten really busy since I tried out for the school play.
ohh, do’n’t worry BC, when you come back I will tell you what has happened. Deal?
Nice pic BC btw 😀 🙂 😀 🙂 😉
THX Risha! 😀
No problem! 😀
ok i wont be on saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, and probley wendesday not 4 sure on tht one…i will be on chat though
wht u wanta tell her Risha
i g2g any ways tell us lats
Oh, AH i meant that BC will be away for a few days. So when she comes back, I can tell her whatever has happened on this page or anything. Like, interesting news or something. Like that…… 😛
Busy. Way.Too.Busy. ON A SUNDAY! I’m confused can someone plz tell me what the HECK is going on here? And why can’t we just forget about you-know-who and ignore him? Oh, BC, i love your flipnotes! They’re awesome. I’m gonna try to come on more often, but i haven’t been on for a super long time. I just got a iPod so i’m gonna try to take better pics but until then- CYA! 🙂
BTW, I’ll B on chat
My name goes to the website with the chat.
Oh yeah, where’s Paris? And CS? TP? WHERE’S EVERONE??
Incredible Thinder, where are you??? I need to see you again! 🙁 waaa 😥 and everyone else! 😯
Nice picture Crysttal 😀 😀 😀 🙂
YeAh where’s IT?!
I know right? Now a days, people are very busy to come on this page. I just guess we need to wait 😐 🙄
Busy indeed Risha… I’m not gonna be on tomorrow either!
And guys… probably until like January, I cant come on. My mom banned me from my PC bcuz I got a bad grade in S.S., so.. I’ll sneak on sometimes, but SYS until then! 😥
LOL Crystal that looks like my sis! Cute
hehehe, love your pic crystal 🙂 awesome… 😀
help me when i didnt defeated the dragon i saw that i was in early poptropica and i have to start over.
I feel bad for u bashful cloud 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I just finished this last 5 months and this island is quite enjoyable and easy. ^_^ = enjoying my caramel vanilla sundae from Mcdonalds!! Love Poptropica 4EVER!!!
omg so my life is really al;some and tht is why i am not on evry day like i used to…being 13 is the best time of my life
nice pic crystal u r pretty….i have hair almost like yours but i dont have bangs…ill be on chat
i wont be on until next yr cuz of school and stuff like tht but i will try bto be on at least a little bit….basketball season is over 4 me and i cried at the last game…i 4 got to say something MERRY CHRISTMAS EVRY BODY
sry but i have to go now…..
Crystal how did u get your name to go to the chat
hmm, yea Crystal, how?
Agreeing with Angry Hawk: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! 😀 have a nice day with gifts, card, presents, everything!
In our country, we have 6 MORE DAYS LEFT until xmas 😀 🙂 (excited) 😉
Oh, i know the website so i just put the link in website under leave a comment. That sucks BC. Thanks AH! And Risha! Well, i guess it’s just me and Risha. BTW, you might not see me at the end of January next year, cuz i got a 5 day field trip to the PRETTIEST AND AWESOMEEST science camp called Walden West.
PS. here’s this weeks sched.
Tuesday- Swmming, Piano, HOMEWORK(GROAN)
Wednesday- 3 preformances of this singing thing for the 5th grade AND at 6:30
Thursday- Tech Mueseum./MALL! (YAY)
Ohk, i’ll try to come on ften but i defenitly NOT be here new years and christmas. I will prob. be shouting HAPPY 2012 at 12:01 AM though… it depends.
PEACE and other stuff….CYA!
ohhh, nice! Have fun Crys!!! Do not stress 😀 cya to you 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 YAY!!!!!!

I finished all my homework for winter break and I can use my laptop again!!!
hahah, SAME 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 I use my laptop ALL the time lol 😆
I can’t get the dragon fight at the end. How do I defeat the fire dragon? HELP!!
how do you reach the blue ribbon ????????????
ugh …. all the questions ……. I am getting a head ache …… sleepy …….. its crystal ……. reach the blue ribbon at the tree with the grappling hook on the tree ……. that’s all for today
dude can you tell us what happens next plz
can someone complete this island for me? just dont use my credits to buy stuff
Who needs help? If anyone seriously needs help with the boss part, you’re just gonna have to try hard, k? Just just don’t give up!
I CANNOT AND WILL NOT EVER COMPLETE RED DRAGON ISLAND!!! it’s just too hard!!! I’ve tried 34 times to do the boss level and have not completed it yet!!! GRRRR!!!
how old are all of you like 9?
huh? Why do people need to know how old people are on this website? sorry, just asking 😕 😐 😛
well this island is pretty hard i have to defeat the red dragon 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
2 more days until Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Well Yeah Duh Girl Power !!!! Ah I have to go pee
I can’t get past the samurai guards even with the smoke bombs. Anyone know how to escape fast enough?
Also, one more question: What’s the trick with vaulting? I can’t get it right, and therefore I can’t get to the last room.
i dont know how to defeat the red dragon! HELP ME PLEASEEE! 🙁
OMG XMAS TOMORROW 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 merry xmas to all 🙂
2 more days un til x mas !!!!!!!!!
oh i mean christmas is tomorrow!!!!!!
merry christmas to you too!i hope i get a present from santa!
🙂 😀 🙂 😀 🙂 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 🙂 😀 🙂 😀 🙂
It is christmas here 🙂
OMG, AH… there was an imposter of you on chat today!! I know it wasn’t you, this person was really mean and was in a VERY bad mood.
Our conversation went like this:
(Angry Hawk has joined the room)
Me:Hi AH!
Me:How r u?
“AH”:Y do you care?
Me:It’s me, Crystal. From poptropica secrets…
Me: I never said that. If now is a bad time.. i’ll come on later.
“AH”:No. I got something to settle with you.
Me:R u okay?
(Angry Hawk lleft the room)
(DJ Vibe joined the room)
(Angry Hawk joined the room)
(DJ vibe left the room)
(Angry Hawk left the room)
(Crystal left the room)
SO….yup. Oops, i mean So
Please tell me tht wasn’t you, although i know it wasn’t.
Oh wow, uhh Crystal, I don’t think it was AH…. Someone else might have typed the same name????
i just wanna say that when your in the second thing of the ‘Ninja’ stuff i couldn’t reach up the green thingy!! you know where you are supposed to put the ‘password’ 🙁
i seriously need help in the dragon
guees who i am
i need help to see who is the criminal
I know, it was an imposter….
New multiverse room DJV64… Come!
who am i do any of you know?
your so dramatic crystal it doesn’t matter get over it 😈
Yea… Mean imposter if I might add… Don’t worry Crystal, forget about that. I know it was mean, but it happened to me a few times too, but you have to let it go away 🙁
ok well, this is stupid the island has been on for a long time now and there are no cheats. Islands that were released after this one have already got cheats .
yea its okay. was AH kinder before risha and crystal?
how the heck did the ham burger ninja jump from the platform to the door at 7:18 …wow what a ninja O.o
oh i mean at the part 3 video!!
tht was not me crystal i wont be on offten….but i got a kindle for christmas so ill be on more….ill be on 2morrow too TTFN evrybody
hy BC i got a name now…..i miss you bsbby….but we need to talk…ill be on chat all day 2morrow
sys baby
p.s. if some of u guys dont no eho i sm i am dating (gotta talk about tht) BC
p.p.s it is hard to type on a kindle fire….it is easier on a kindle
g2g bye
wht does Ga* stand for?
ill tell you guys when i go on chat so u no if i am on chst or not………..does snybpdy no how to listen to accu radio on a kindle………..and i cant go on chat either…….crap garrett is here….i hope no cray starts now….and the best thing about haveing a kindle is nobody can hack in it and i always have it with me so my sidter cannot get on it….and i have 3 passwords you have to unlock just to see the time…..i love it anfd i have been on it all day 2day
it is 9:34 pm here in TN so i am goin to go to bed
nite-nite 🙂
Night night! Happy new year everyone also 🙂
and thanks for telling us Garrett about what you need to say, if that was ok.
i cannot find my computer or my my moms and this kindle wont let you go on chat….so ill be on this chat evry now and then but for now i got to gp
hello agin……judt here to say hi and tht since BC is really busy i well tell evrybody tht i am breaking up with her….you can ask why if you want and i well answer why…but 4 now Risha will you go out with me (yes or maby)
p.s. i love you Risha
uhhhh, Garrett? You know, I am not allowed to go out with someone I don’t really know. But we can be great friends, I don’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings, but I might say no. But again we can be really good friends and get to know each other… sorry 😳
and… BC or Garrett, whyyy?? sorry, don’t mean to ask so much about this
can we talk about something else beside ROMANCE?!i cant listen to this stuff!im 8!
sorry guys.i just dont like to talk about these stuff:(
I need to agree with Lazy Bones, we should talk about this on another site, not on a “Poptropica” page. I mean, sorry but this is not only for me but for others… I have to see if you guys agree
SUPER SUN!!!! ummmmmm, Yes I am your bff, but half of it is not true. WEENIE (what i call her) you are in big trouble! Why are you lying!
uhh, sorry guys… some misunderstanding here 😛 She is my bff, so we joke a lot when we get mad at each other. Sorry guys 😳 but Super Sun didn’t mean everything she wrote 😐
ummm witha yeah i did
But not everything 🙁
Ok, everyone, this was just a small (ish) like a dare for my best friend to write on this page 😛 so, don’t worry about it… Garrett if were reading what she wrote, it was a dare for her to be so suprised. Sorry 🙁 hope all of you forgive me 🙁
i forgive you:)
Garrett– If you still come on, trust me– it’s over.
Risha–what happened here? Plz tell me. I wasn’t on because I was busy posting animations and doing nomework and hanging out w/ friends cuz of my B-day.
happy birthday
How do u beat all of the guards??????????????????
ok tht was werid
ok school is startin up agin for me monday so ill be busy……cannot wait 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
happy birthday BC…….happy new yrs evrbody spend it with the guy/girl you like and something good will happen…..last yr something good happend to me and i hope it happens agin but a little different
going to bed………..cuz im watching Impact Werstling at the moment 🙂 love it
im confuzzed risha about wht you and LB r talking about EXPLAIN PLZ
BTW, my school starts Tuesday!!
i have a day off!
And thx lb. my bday was 2 weeks ago, though. 🙂
ok i will tell you…. BC, Garrett asked me out but u no, i said “no” sorry… and then Super Sun (my bffffffffffffff) came on, and she just for fun wanted to write some crazy and wierd comments about what happened…. And i thought it was rude, so i am asking almost everyone to forgive me and i am sorry that i was a bit rude on this page 🙁 yea, that’s it
ohhhhh, Happy Bday BC 😀 😀 😀 belated bday 😀
dont worry about it Risha….no bigy….does anybody like wrestling??????????????
ur missin out BC & Risha…….im sexy and u dont get me at all…….hy Crystal you wanta go out with me?!?
i g2g
p.s. i love you Crystal, Rishs, Angry Hawk, and BC 😉 🙂 😉
Garrett… ur asking so many people. If you want a gf (even though u hav BC) then why don’t you ask someone at your school or something?
How old are you anyway?
thanks AH for forgiving me 🙂 appreciiate it 😀
Garrett, how old are you anyways? Just asking….
oh and sorry i didn’t realise that BC dumped garrett… but even then the same thing.
🙂 I am like best best friends with Super Sun.. hi Super Sun 😀
Hi Little Biker/Risha DeGamia 😉
Hey Garett. Seriously, how many years old are you?
Hi, Warsaur, just saying hi 😛 and hi Super Sun bff 😀
ohh, Warsaur!!! I know you! 😀 😀 😀 hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hey hey hey!!! im bac my ppl!!! HI BC & Risha & AH & evr1 else i 4got 2 mention. it has been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long since i got on…….. so wats new???????????????????? & do ani of u remember me????
im 12
i rember you… prob Risha
Oh um ok. Sorry if u are offended Garett… 🙁 BTW Smelly WITHA BUNNY!!! LOLZ k sry. 😛
ok what i did before was nothin
hey i remember u small moon you won candy and clyde 4 the year! your so awsome!
🙂 😀 😉 ;D
Hey Risha…I am lonely…K dont tease me…Who likes cinnamon pancake?
HIIII SM!! of course i still remember you. how r u? 😀
I like every single pancake there is.
I will not be on cuz my bff is coming over. she needs help w/ homework.
why would i be offended????
some times i dont understand wht ppl say
im asking agin……wht did you guys get 4 christmas……..happy new year
i have a question, when i was watching this walkthrough … well god damnit how do you get through the door with out getting poked by the spikes?i have no idea i tried everything:(
i hate pancakes thy taste weird…..i wouldnt eat them if my life depended on it!!!!!!
heheh, I like pancakes, 😀 but not cinnamon pancakes 😛
Hey, I realized there are 2 new pages… SOS island and Ghost Story Island.. cool 😀
and… Thanks AH 🙂 and I also think I remember you Small Moon… And thanks Garrett for answering how old you are… idk 😛
Well um Garett, I might have said it in a way that might have offended you…IDK
Hey Risha, How many islands do u have left?
“hey warsaur, I know you! you are my bff 😀 😀 hii!!! Well, I need to “finish” Mystery Train, Ghost Story, and Skullduggery 🙂 You wanna help me with Skullduggery? Cause I know you finished that island 😛
Finished them all…k sure 2moz…
BTW true friends 4ever, right?
😀 yes we are 😀
Hey guys, I want to say that TOmorrow, I am going for a five day trip somewhere. So it means that I won’t be able to reply to every page here. Can someone/a few people like tell me what has happened when I get back? I would really appreciate it. Hope I am not being mean, thanks 😀
UMMMM Heyyo Super Sun…we r bff’s remember me??? Banana girl… DO NOT SAY MY NAME…BTW plz dont say u like cinnamon pancake…u of all people shud no… because i like chocolate pie a lot… 😉 DONT TEASE ME
Hey Risha!!!
why r u doomed
lol AH! Warsaur is saying she is doomed because she likes typing it, and she is saying it for random 😛 and that she likes a lot of things (chocolate pie, and cinnamon pancake) and she doesn’t want anyone to tease her for likeing them… she is so funny 😀 my best friend 🙂 but yea
Man! When is the “written” walkthrough gunna be finished????? Thats like my last Island! >.<
Oh, it is? hmm…. I wonder too, but I finished the island already. Need help, crystal?
ohhhh makes more since Risha…….crystal you wanta go on chat
crystal ur name has two L`s COOL
i g2g for now
hy Crystal there was a imposter on chat a few minutes ago this is how it went…..
(Crystal enterd room)
ME:hy crystal
imposter:wht the fuck do you want
me:ill come bk if ur in a bad mood
imposter:no i want you to stay so i can tell you want u wanta hear
me:wht u wanta tell me?
imposter:tht i want to fuck you and BC all night & then have a 3 some
me: tht is just rude and gross and mean to say
imposter: well its the truth 🙂
me: im goin to leave now
imposter:no dont…i wanta
(Angry Hawk has left)
imposter: NO DONT LEAVE ME….i was goin tell you a screct!!
(Angry Hawk has joined)
me:wht secret?
imposter:tht i am gay and i am a pervert
me: bye crystal
imposter: plz fuck me plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
(Angry Hawk has left)
tht was all sry 4 the cursing…tht was word 4 word cuz i copied and pasted
it wasnt me i dont like crystal tht way….and i would nvr say tht to u AH
honest as hpnest Abaham Linkcon
You do know u people are having this conversation on the WWW, right?
ill be on chat evrybody
BC there is an imposter on right now
Imposter? weird……….
i no…do u go on chat little cheetah
yeah imposter once when u come on hear ppl like to take ur name and act like there u but there not and they like to start up crap
happy new yr. i was going to stay up till 12 but our time is different from some of u guys
same here AH my time is 1 hour before ur time……hy have u noticed nobody has told u wht thy got 4 christmas….i got a kindle clothes games a 4wheeler some movies and some cds…..and no i dont belive in santa clause……gtg
thks for answering garrett….i got wii games makeup nailpolish a braclet tatoes wrestling postets clothers shoes slippers a kindle (on it now) and a few more stuff….tht was just off the top of my head i can rember….i dont beleive in him eaither..and if u do ask ur parents if he is real….bye for now pece
hmm, there are a lot of imposters coming like a lot. Try to change your password every week/month… just an advice
yay, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and HAPPY 2012 😀 😀 😀 (well it is 2012 already here 😛 )
Hey Waursaur? BFFS <3
I don't like cinnamon pancake!!!!!!!!
Whoo… i just had the time of my life! I went to Navy Pier, and we watched fireworks, AND we rode on the ferris wheel. And we got popcorn..
Happy New Year evry1!
Hm.. i wonder who’d be dumb enough to impostor me? bcuz i don’t go on chat anymore. it takes too much time out of my homework, and my parents would kill me if they caught me chatting online. 🙁
So unless I SAY ill be on chat, be aware that there’s an impostor…
Happpy New Year to you too BC 😀
happy new year evrbody…i am goong to go out to eat for breakfast so i wont be on
happy new year evrbody…..cannt talk right now
i like red gragon
going to bed……school is 2morrow….gtg peace
school tomorrow for me so i am going to bed night
goin to bed school is 2morrow
school starts 2morrow for me to…..night AH……i like red dragon too wahai
happy new year everyone!!!!!my puppy was scared of the fireworks
LOL Lazy Bones soo cute!!!
I’m lucky. My school opens up tomorrow.
Im bored.. 😐
i have no idea where 2 find d 3rd piece of the password!!!!!! where is it??????
lol BC……it is snowing here crazy and i hope i dont have to go to school 2morrow….but i want to see my friends….gtg
kk BC plz take me bk even though i dumped u……i miss talk to you and talk ing about (you no wht) together…..WELL U GO OUT WiTH ME 4 the 6th time!!!!!
i no wht some ppl r thinking “wow six times tht is to many” but my answer to tht is tht true love doesnt matter about how many times u date someone it is wht is deep inside of u….so ill wait for ur answer BC
ily BC
p.s. ily means i love you
ily BC
sigh… I want to actually talk to you about it before deciding… :|
I might not be on Tues. thru Thurs. cuz of rehearsals… maybe Friday at 5:30?
SYS until then..
Honestly, i think it’s hard to manage a relationship when you’re doing High School work. No offense
And I have to say, what you just said may be the wisest thing u ever said.
° w °
Wait Garett’s 12 and BC is in Highschool??? Woah a big gap in age…
Wait… Garrett 12 and BC’s in HIGH SCHOOL?! that makes no sense, Jeez, internet couples are CRAZZY.
And are you guys in the same school???
BTW how do u change ur profile pic?
BC is 12 she jst is realy smart and she does high school home work sometimes….no offens but stay out of other ppl binusse!!!!!!!!
why is the chat working away more???
Guys.. im sorry if i confused u… 😆 BTW, i just got back.
hy BC i might not be able to talk thursday mabe saturday or sunday…sry school…just explain here
can i jump into this? i know what you mean by school gets in the way we JUST got back into school today! it was so hard! 😀
LOL Lucky Lion! No, I dont mind at all! Welcome to PS!
Anyways, Im alittle depressed, I got a PM schol 4 not doin my homework 🙁 … Well, i gotta go now.
Oh that does make sense now Garett and BC! BTW how do u change ur profile pic?
PS-Does anyone need help poptropica? Cuz I finished the islands and am bored with nothing to do.
And Garrett if you want people to mind their own business then don’t post your business on a PUBLIC PAGE!
Oh, it dosen’t? I didnt notice. How exactly is it not working?
well i go bk till i find the link….and i click on the link….and it says this bog doesnt work or sonething like tht…..
bc just explain to me here or tell me onanother cite
Warsaur– go to Gravatar and make an account there. I’m on my DSi so I can’t put up a link.
AH–Why not just go to the chat site itself? :/ Or maybe it’s just tech difficulties. Try again tomorrow.
Garrrett–maybe somtime on Sat., if I have time,k? My life has become very busy. (sigh) So overwhelming…
I’m not crystall with tithe two l’s it’s an imposter no garrett I’m 10 and that chat imposter is crazy I would never say that I’d rather eat cinnamon pancakes(which I HATE)sry I haven’t been on lately happy new year merry x mas hope u get better soon AH what else did I miss? And Nicholass that’s rude I was just telling AH u get over it I’m in a bad mood tell u later but Im allowed to tell AH about her own imposter I’ll check out ur flip notes 2 morrow bc i love them gotta go im tired do any of u have school i don’t gotta go bye
I really need a written walkthrough for the island.Can somebody please write one for me? I’m also too scared too do the ninja part. 🙂
lol GH thts funny and BC can u post the chat maby it might work
Hi angry hawk and happy late new year
oh and what chat ?
hy LC just a normal chat were anybody with a PC and is aloud to chat around the woeld with friends and ppl u dont no
hy bc tell me on nabbiot
Is it safe? I’ll only go on it if it’s safe. And what kind of site is it?
I like your website nice display its cool :)!
i just can’t beat the light part in red dragon island when is the full written walkthrough coming,i don’t like video walkthroughs
yes BC nabooti is safe and it is a poptropica cheat page….evrybody other than BC and Garrett dont go on the cite we r talking about
can u spost the chat link BC
OH, Nabooti… thx. 😆 And AH, Im on mi DSi cuz my sis is using my laptop, so maybe latr, AH..
bc ill see u at nabbooti…….tell me how u feel about me
ok i saw the posr bc and so did garrett
ok bc i saw the post and so did garrett
i can’t beat interior level 3 can someone please send it to my email it’s [email protected]
Ok Garett and BC just talk about this stuff on a different site pleaseeee…
HIIII everyone 😀 I just came back from my trip 😀 😀 😀 sooo… What has been up on this page? Someone can tell me, if you don’t mind…? sorry 😛
Hey Risha! How was the trip?
And not much happened, really…
The trip was awesommeee, thanks for asking. And thanks for telling me about what happened 😀 (Cute profile pic btw, BC! 😀 )
Crystal!!!! Why did yu remove ur blog?
now u see my problem
hy bc look wht garrett put on nabooti about us
Hey, I am confused…. How do you meet people on Nabooti? Do you mean the island? or, what? A website? huh? ❓ 😕 😐
Crystal::::: Why is that blog removed? huh? I mean I went on the page, and it says “Blog has been removed” or something like that. hmmm… sry though
can anyone help me with something ???? The guard with the betting slip won’t appear!!! I did everything but the guard won’t appear!!!! Can anyone help me??!!!?!!?!??!||\\\!!????
🙁 🙁 🙁
BC garrett told me to tell u tht he cannt get on chat without the blog crystal has ( or had) Crystal we need tht chat really badly…plz
sry moss we r at a crisest….somebody make a blog and put tht chat on it plz
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i am board now tht i dont have tht chat
were r u Paris…im baord without talking to u
This island is so hard..I’m stuck without this site!
hy bc…school starts agin tomorrow….but u can still tell me wht u want to
i can’t beat interior level 3 can someone please send it to my email it’s
Hey, Garrett? Do you and BC like go to the same school? Sorry to ask, but I am curious 😐
no….i live in indiana
so easy cant wait 4 new islands
Do you think you could put up a full written walkthrough? it would be really helpful.
oh, nice, never been there 😛 -to Garrett
Hey guys, sorry been busy lately…Sooo what’s going on?
Nothing much, Warsaur 😛
OMG, so it’s happening to yu guys too??! I tried to get on my blog but it said that too!! This Friday I’ll make a new blog. My friend is over her names Emma shes gonna try to make a comment later I’ll let her type now
From Emma: Hola! My poptropica name is Tiny Sunshine, so I might put Tht down.. Nice to meet u bc, risha, and AH
Emma had to go.. I forgot to click submit
Emma!I told u if it say ur comments awaiting moderation 2 just wait Also, you just texted me to go on here. And very funny.emma just texted me this:
How ya doin “croostal”?
One of my friends Trent gave me and Emma names. I’m croostal and shes ooma
Same to u, ooma!
Hello Emma! Nice to meet you! Welcome to PS, aka our chat site. 😆
hahhaah 😀 so funny Crystal 😀 Hiii Emma, I have a friend named Emma too 😀 hehe 😆 yea, welcome to this site
hi Emma….ill be on latr maby
OMG ya RIsha you are right!!! Well welcome Emma (or Tiny Sunshine). What do you prefer we call you?
heheh, yea warsaur 😀 Emma, do you want to be called ooma, Tiny Sunshine, or Emma? heheh 😀
Turns out it won’t let Emma post it keeps saying its moderating, so I gave her my email she’s gonna use it
Okay i hope dis works.. Me and crystal r gonna change the pic in a sec.. To a smiley face she says ?? I like Emma but you guy can call crystal croostal
NO! Don’t do it! I’m at her house (little devil)
Ohkay, we r gonna try dis
Okay it says it’s waiting so w r just gonna share my comment thingy she will tell u if it’s her
Omg I downloaded this truth or dare app and now she’s doing the chicken dance!!!
I don’t even play poptropica anymore i just like this page!
I do Super Sun!!! Ghost Story came out so now I am doing it!!!
Oh, I think Crystal: It is becuz when someone is new on a page, the first time they post, it keeps awaiting moderation 😛
Yes I know Super Sun, You hardly play poptropica but you love this page so much 😀 heheh
Yeah that’s what I think too risha
Yea Crystal… Hey, why was that Poptropica secrets chat blog deleted???
Crystal did u make the new blog yert
o-Oh, I wonder why the blog got deleted 😕 I really want another one 🙁
how do get out of the island???
hi angry hawk =D
tell me if you like this song
long weeks still to come
Hey!im new here and can u peeps give me the 411 on what yall is talking about…..
im like so happy that i beat ghost story island right now
Little Cheetah: I do like the video, but I don’t understand the language half of it 🙁
Garrett- What do you mean by long weeks still to come? Just out of curiousity 😛
im meant the weeks r long and more r coming…..also means busy on lots of the days
cant get pass the 3rd door to get to jack and annie.
little cheetah-that song is awesome
Help! I can’t figure out how to leave the island!
Oh, nevermind. I got it.
yay! you like it ! oh and its korean
i love red dragon!
Oh, i get it Garrett 😛 same, i mean people get busy a lot now a days on this page 😐
Plz tell me y this island doesn’t have a a FULL walk through!!!
lol when is the chat gonnna work or the blog
yea, I wonder too AH 😐
This island is okish, I did it be4 then i restarted it… i have no idea why so, now I’ve got 2 do it all over again *sigh*
AH told me to tell u guys tht she has basketball 2day-to sunday……she has tonurments coming up and she has to practice after and before school….still busy…need chat desperlty
Hey crystal. Um, I hope we’re not bugging you too much about the chat 😐
hey. im new. u guys sound lik fun 😉 nice pic bashful cloud 😀
tell me if you like the songs i put
more time to go dont ask
Crystal… Are we asking you a lot about the chat? I mean the blog?
i thiink we r
hmm maybe… Sorry crystal if it is making u sad 🙁
my fav song is Not over you by Gavin DeGraw…>3…….
go to howrse. com and make an account its free add me as a friend..tell me ur name i ndont add random ppl BTW
put the .com next to the howrse…it wont show up on my computer if i put it together…and it is spelled right to
and set a fire to the rain by Adele…i might sing it in my talent show coming up this yr.
What’s it about, AH? Is it like Tumblr?
Emma here…
Crystal’s SUPER busy, and we have science camp as “Junior” Counslers at the camp so she’s really busy because she’s got the boys cabin and we need to pack and stuff. It’s not that, she just hasn’t had time to make one.. she’ll try though
ohhhhhh, got it Emma/Crystal! Thanks for telling, I will be patient 🙂
Why is everyone chatting on this page more than any other pages? Risha, I didnt know u were patient… JK 😉
TO Crystal/Emma:: ok i well wait
TO BC:: just go on it and try things out i dont no a lot about it i just started it
AH: I hav been on howrse it gets really BORING after a while 😛
Warusar, my friend.. 🙂 This page is a very important page 😉 that is why people chat here
Very, very important. We’ve been on this page ever since it came out. We had many downsides, but we survived them. This page is a place of online memories.
I agree with you, BC 🙂 This is a really really important page, we want NONE of it to go away, right?
RIGHT!!! That makes sense…thx guys! Hey Risha how many islands do u have left?
BTW how do u change ur pp (profile pic)?
OMG Risha check out the SOS island chat page!!! We have a “friend” named Owen too, right? Remember?
oh wow, seriously WARSAUR? There is not only one Owen in the world, there are tons!
Warsaur: I only have to finish Skullduggery… and Ghost Story…. I think.. 😛 😕 😐
party at my multiverse room! come everyone! no theme! the code is: DWS91
no not dws91. the code is dcx71
spread the word about my party on other pages
ok forget it no party
im goin crazy
huh? is there a party?
Seriously Risha…I was just STATING the fact that we know an Owen too…SERIOUSLY
no party risha i cancelled it
now im thinking about a party at soda pop shop ( early poptropica )
btw my poptropica name is bashful boa
i want to know the names of you guys so i know when your here
ok then Bashful Boa… In Poptropica, my name is “Little Biker” 😀 lol, wierd 😆
my poptropica name is little cheetah
I can’t wait ’till the rest comes!!!!!!!! 😀
i like the red dragon island but there’s is no full walktrought
how do i jump high with the stick?
how do you beat the red dragon cuz i lose everytime
MAN,i havent seen yu guys in 4EVER!
God its aready 2012 and i havent done that island its just too DAMN hard for me i guess….. im just crazy! and cool videos!!
Omg!! Hey jade!! I have a friend named Angie… Random
Jade! Well…
It’s been ages. What up?
you need to post the rest! 🙁 :O
well,im living with my dad,4 sum apparent reason..
Hey Jade 😀 Long time no see 🙂 🙂 😉 Where have u been?
Hey Bashful Cloud, did you have your party yet? If so, how was it?
Where do you find the key for the bad ninja?! It’s driving me nuts!! 🙁
Hy basketball is coming up agin so dont have lots of time to talk
crystal did u get the new blog started yet?
p.s. hi Jade
4 got to tell u guys the most important thing in my life….i got a boyfriend he is the best we have been dating for about 6 days…2morrow is our 1 week anvericy…
ahhh good for you Angry Hawk 😀 Wait, sorry to ask, which is rude… but how old are you Angry Hawk? so sorry 😳
im 13….i have cried 4about 2hours ….long story dont wanta explain
Oh Soo sorry Angry Hawk. You don’t have to explain if u don’t want to. Hope you feel better soon!!! “Be Happy, Don’t Worry” and “Write your sad times in sand, and you good times in rock”
Haha, I agree with those quotes Warsaur 😀
Oh, I am very sorry AH 🙁 Don’t worry about anything… Remember, you have this big page to help you here.
ok now tht im done crying 4 now i can tell u guys the short way…1st rerason- is cuz my boyfriend is moving to Hawiia at the end of the year 😥 the second reason-cuz i fouled out my 1st time in basketball and it was 4 another champion ship, but i got ovr tht cuz 3 other ppl on my tean fouled out…..but i am still sad about my boyfriend…BTW: he is moving there cuz his dad is in the army and his dad is going to be stationed there for 3 yrs. 😥 but i will be happy 4 him so he can see his dad…he has not seen his dad for about 1 yr. but he is calling me latr and i still cry about it evry day
g2g he is calling now 🙂 😥
p.s. here come the tears 😥
Whatup jade anything new goin on
oh hey guys!
nope,not life is
RANDOM,brad pitt is sexy,lol
Um… So when is SOS island gonna come out?
Jade i think my boyfriend is sexier than brad pitt lol RANDOM
I cant reach the blue ribbon
lol AH and Jade 😀 how many RANDOM comments 🙂 this is fun lol 😀 random again 😆
random… BLOB BLOB BLOB or BAZINGA, Risha?
I am stuck at the beggining of this Island because when I go to the tree house Jack and Annie are invisible. I can give Jack his glasses, but I still can’t see them. Somehow I appeared in Japan when I came to the island the first time and so I have the Frog Creek Book and the amulet, but not the Japan book. I went back to the beginning and now I can’t get back to Japan. Any ideas? What I really need is the Japan book.
BAZINGA! Big Bang Theory is amazing <3 random lol 😆
YES! Big bang theory IS amazing!!!!!!!!!
your obviously crazy AH (does that make sense?,even if i dont know how your boyfriend looks,lol)brad pitt is BEYOND sexy!OK?!! *crazy look in eyes*
oh,yea and i like big bang theory its funny,but i rather ”how i met your mother”
man,im by polar,lol
(is that how you spell it?)
no homo or anything but angelina jolie is sexy AF!
BTW,megan fox is a wanna be,smh
thts true Jade…..superboll is on lets go Gaints
Where is the rest I do not know where Basho is?!
It has been a week! hows evryone?
I heard about yur new bf, ah.. congrats!
I never had a party..? ❓
Crystal, is ur chat working yet?
(mostly becuz Tom Brady is hot,lol)
(oh yea and Chad ochocinco,hehe)
tom brady is cute….lol….im good bc…..on my way to school
Anyone likes Maroon 5? I like them a lot, they are great singers 😀 what about u AH and Jade or anyone? 😀
Aww that is a cute family Jade 😀 🙂 <3
and the song made it even CUTER!
my fav pic is when their in that photo booth,TOO CUTE!
yea,i guess maroon5 is good,adam laviene is cute (is that rite?lol)
but i use too think he was gay,lol
its cuz how he sings,but i like their music 😀
omg,THERE was a HUGE fight in lunch 2day!!!
it was scary!!
(it was a white guy vs a black guy,btw white guy ,lost badly,smfh)
well theres been actually ALOT fights in my school this year,i think 8……
wow,thats a big number,at least i wasnt in none of those *relieved*
oh yea madonna rocked the stage yesterday in halftime,that was amazing!!!
Its Emma….Wut up
Anyways, Something’s up.. Cuz crystal has been super sick lately and I don’t see her… I don’t hAve a hold of her.. Oh yeah hey jade you don’t know me but I know u( random) cause crystal was wondering where u were and told me about u.. I was going for da stinkin patriots too,(sry AH) and I was so mad when they lost
My friend was scared to go home cuz her dad is SO MAD! lol
So… Yeah… I’ve been super busy and 4got about u guys(no offense) 🙂
Ps. Science camp was torture! I got boys too and it was HORRIBLE crystal got the cabin with boys too they were like 5, totally scared of her lol
They must’ve made a mistake cuz I got 4th graders ..
Gotta go I’ll probably 4get about u guys again tomorrow, jk
See ya
cant wait till saturday!
hi guys:Di havent seen you bashful cloud in a long time
i love maroon 5 he is alesome..maroon 5and adam laviene is the same person IF u dIDNT NO THT..duh evrybody nos tht
got to go
p.s. jade if u were in a fight u would wop there ass..just a guss
hehe,i know 😳 lmao
actually no not really AH,maroon5 is actually a group with that guitar dude i think theres more,but idk
but i know that its not only adam leviene
yea i was pissed tooo crystal/emma, (im SO confused,lol)
but oh welll yu know wat i really wanna see in a superbowl,is the
Miami Hurricanes vs the Saints!
i like both of them,but i would go for the SAINTS!
huh,that smiley face didnt match my expression,it was suppose too be a smiling blushing expression,NOT a embrassed look,lol
lmfao…..thts wht i ment Jade…i guss i need to be more clear
man there are some creepy kids on the home page,lol
4 sum unknown reason they ALL know my name!
wht do u mean Jade
😛 I know rite BC? I mean, people are busy with school and some other things 😐 it is just like abandoning this page for a while, but I still go on 🙂
can someone catch me up on things because im lost over here
and i can only check this wedsite on fridays saturdays and sundays
😉 It is my birthday today!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 <3 soz 😛
Happy B-day Risha! So yur 12 now, right? 😀
happy b day!
i am so sad : (
I am SO SORRY risha!!! Happy belated b day!!!! Aughhhh!!!!
AH, I Thot that u r in 7th grde
This is crystal
I was in Carmel yesterday wich is a city
OH YA, my brothers heel got like um, ran over.. Long story.
Okay I gotta go I’ll be rite back
Back. And I am soo unhappy and scared. I’ll tell u later
I am having trouble, on my way into the woods with the tire. When I leave town and exit left to the woods in the “in between”, it won’t let me get through with the tire. Please help!
OMG Jade! You’re right! She really does know how to dress!!! 🙂
i cant wait till vampire’s curse comes out
OMG Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt lokked AWESOME AT THE OSCARS!!!!!!!!!
im kinda pissed that Brad Pitt didnt win,but oh well
i give you guys the video tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
oh and ke$ha is back
Jade: i didnt get to watch the Oscars last night
Risha: HAPPY BIRTHDAY sry im late
Crystal: Im in 6th grade..i didnt go to kindgartend and my mom heled me bk in 1st tht didnt happen i would be in 7th grade
BC: dont no wht time ill be able to go on tht chat cite i gave u lol
still dating my boyfriend..gave him a hug 2 day
g2g peace out
The eyes of my poptropican Really looks funny after the sumo match O.O
HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!
Awww, thanks crystal, BC, AH, Jade and everyone else 🙂 Yes I am, BC 😀
Well, anyways.. congrats, Risha!
IDK when I might go on, either… I spend most of my time on Hatena’s chatroom XD
You should make a Hatena Account! 🙂 -AH
Hatena? What is hatena? soz lol 😛
Hatena is a site where you post animations online from your DSi.
i need help on how to defeat fat guy on sumowrestling on red dragon island.
im kinda new so i need help reel bad
is it in english at all
yes but still i need help i need to go
Hi I’m Perfect Singer. I’m 11 and a newbie on this comment stuff. Look, I’ve benn struggling at 2 things…… 1. I always depended on the written walkthroughs. WHAT HAPPENED 2 THEM???!!! And 2. I am struggling to find time to play Poptropica under this mountain of 5th grade homework! How do I find time? PLZ chat back I dunno what to do!!!
It’s in English, AH. And about 5 other languages. Why? 😕
Ohhh THats so cooool BC, what an awesome site is that?! 😀
cuz i think it was in chinese…hi perfect singer…r u a good singer
Yeah I am nice 2 meet U angry hawk. I gotta few questions 4 U. Are you a boy or girl? What school do U go 2? What state? plz answer.
PS – Do U think Fierce Moon should go back 2 doing the written walkthroughs? I think Fierce Moon simply think MAKING the videos are funner. I agree they’re funner, but we need written ones too!
PPS – sorry my comments are so long! I talk too much.
Hi, Perfect Singer!
Everyone here calls me BC… 😛
i live in Teneessee im 13yrs old…i have a to play sports deffently a girl…most ppl ask me if im black or white cuz i have white and black both cuz my bad was white and my mom is black…im also adopted..and voth parents r more white than black though…i dont really play poptropica tht much cuz basketball takes most of my time..g2g peace out bye
p.s. its 7:58 pm here in teneessee
Hey Perfect Singer!!! I talk alot too! Long distance High five! BTW can we call you PS for short or something? Welcome!
Ahh, Warsaur.. PS already means something, like when u write PS: it will mean a message 😛 sooo idk 😐 OOH, maybe we will call Perfect Singer P. Singer 😀 idk 😛 lol
Warsaur, we are badminton and basketball buddies, right? 😀
Yep Risha we are! 😀
Hey Perla.
Hi Perla, like ur name 😀
Hey Crystal or BC or whoever, is that blog still deleted? Or is there another one like we had before?
Hey Perla, what is ur poptropica name?
LOL Risha, whoever? (Bepo l it e) The code remember? 😀
I need help! how do u get into the jail/fort on the side of the mountain?? plz respond!!
oh wvr. I am really bored right now. I hate it when ur bored! Time goes by sooooooooo slowly! GRRR!!! 😐 🙁
GOSH,i am SO BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*calms down*
my poptropica name is cuddly bubbles
Ooh I like that name. IKR Jade being bored is just so…….FRUSTRATING!!!
hi what happernd to the writtern wallk throght
ok is bad to be board
where is the rest of the walkthrough!!!??? Oh come on, youve got 2 have it here!!!!! where is the other walkthroughs???!!! what is wrong with u
i cant find basho!somebody help me
need help almost got it but can’t go to the last door can’t jump high (how do SHE jump higher than me)
Basho is in the very very right you face the screen
this pic is me in poptropica>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
too much
you guys STILL havent beated red dragon island,it was SO EASY!
Sooooooooooo….yeah. I am suffocating under this mountain of homework. What else is new? LOL. Anyway, quick Q. What is everyone’s plans for spring break? I’m going to Durango ( In Colorado 🙂 ) to ski. Going somewhere or staying home with your stanky feet up? Tee Hee. 🙂 Chat back plz!
PS. Thx for chatting me back AH, BC, and Risha!
PPS. You can call me P Sing. Yeah, I like that! LOL
PPPS. I gotta BF too. Ima girl.
PPPPS. DANG IT! i STILL talk too much!
Not really gotcha didn’t i hehehehe :):):)
lol P am going to Indinana and then i might be going to my boyfriends house 4 his birthday party 🙂 i have nevr been to his house…i have always dreamed about it though…im very happy and excited..i dont no wht to get him!!!!!! any ideas for a coming 13 yr. old hott boy…the other “t” means he is really hot!!!!! lol sry i got a little carried away..but its still true
Lovey Dovey much? hehe. OK, now let’s get serious. hehe I can’t. I’ll just be less ridiculous. I’ll need the date of the party and info on the hot dude. Does he like books? What kind? Does he like sports? Does he play one? What one? Give me info and I’ll give U advice.
PS. If U don’t trust a 10 yr old bout your romance then, well, yur loss
Lol Perfect Singer, I like how you write “PS, PPS, PPPS, PPPPS” and on 😀 it is just funny 🙂
IKR Jade i finished Red Dragon like in a day 😛 Seems easy 🙂
Warsaur- What code?
It’s raining insanely down here in Texas. Wats it like over there with U guys?
Hey I need to switch walkthroughs so everyone plz chat on shrink ray island’s chat page. PLZ!
ok..P Singee he loves to read but he is not a nerd..loves sports and plays basketball..ohh forgot he likes all kinds of books..ok ill put this on shrink ray to but ill still come here….
BC do u have any advice wht to get a 13yr old hott boy…the extry t is because he is really hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😉 >:) 😆
i dont under stand why their having such a hard time too finish it,when there’s a WALKTHROUGH!
wait i finished shrink ray now. I decided I’m gonna keep posting here sorry if i’m confusing U.
BTW, get him either a collection of a series he likes but doesn’t have or a book about basketball. Also, the book ‘football genius’ is good I hear. It’s by tim green. Those are some good Ideas. And maybe, if there’s a series he is reading but doesn’t have all the books to, give him all the books in the series he DOESN’T have.
PS. If you couldn’t tell, I am kind of a nerd when it comes to books. OK, I’m a MAJOR book nerd.
LOLz.. um.. ………………..
Ok. So he’s a hot boy, right? And tht hot boy shares interests with you, right?
So I was thinking….. yu should get him something yu 2 could both enjoy! Like a ….
.. um…. something yu 2 both like.
Im sorry I have very little experience w/ boys, much less hot ones XD
I had another idea. Listen up. OK, so he likes books and reading, right? Simple. Get him a gift card to a bookstore. Chances are, he’ll like it. Make sure the bookstore is near his house, so he can get there easier, and that the store is a big one, so he has lots of choices. Hope i am helping!
hey i gotta quick question. Does anybody on this chat page actually PLAY Poptropica anymore?! I mean, U all chat so much, do you ever actually PLAY it???!!!
My favorite island is Red Dragon island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect Singer I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like the idea of a gift also taking him bowling and out to eat…….lol..i dont play poptropica
P Sing no I dont I have finished all the islands. Risha-Silly person. I will teach you the code again. LOL
hi sry i havent been on 4 evr BC…sry but i ment to tell u tht we have been over since like the second day we dated..i justed used u to get another girl..BTW it worked..thks
Garrett out peace
this wasnt really useful
wht r u talking about nika
Tht’s ok, Garrett. Yu weren’t much of a bf anyways… 😐
thanks i finnally passed it i was expecting the full walkthrough but i had to look at the video but anyways thanks XD
LOL, pretty funny the way u said it Jade 😀
ahhha, nice pic jade 😀 😆
LOL Jade… >u< tht'd be so awesome to see tht!
Oh well… no use geting upset over a online presence…BTW, Garrett, tell tht girl i feel sorry for her. She dosen't know wut shes gettin into XP
how doyou jump up to the green platform in the last part
i tryed the ninja suit when Basho gave me but the mission is HARD!!!!!!!!!!! i got arrested by smaurai and i quit!
lol…i like ur pic jade…i have nvr thought about it till now but we almost look alike…lol not kiddin……i no who garrett is dating bc…she is a how bag…lol
ur just up-set BC….i have abbs..6 pack..not kidding
Oohh, she sounds Smexy!! XD -AH
Yu know wut? I AM upset.. Im upset cuz yu think im stupid enough to believe yu… tht’s sad. 😛 -Garrett
he isnt joking bc….i have seen it before…how many does tht make 6 times u have been used…u just sould go lesbian bc….lol u would get more help
Garrett if u hack my computer agin im gona hack ur….tht was garrett on the last post…
fuck u garrett..just leave this fuckin cite…if u both us..jade wull beat the fuck out of u
wont u jade…tell him to bk off…if u dont jade will cuss u out like its preschool work for her… so leave this cite garrett
this is really AH…forgot to say tht he does have abbs thy r not six pack thy r a four pack
but my bf has a six pack i have a five pack…once when u get abbs its hard to loose them… me and my bf r sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy lol nk
the first post was me…did mean to put tht…yes i did its sexy when AH gets pissed lol
Pfft. Wutevs. Im going on Hatena Chat now.
Peace out!
I believe yu AH… lol
Yu are a PLAYER, Garrett. Tht’s not gonna change.
BTW, Hatena is a site where you can post online animations.. my username is SmrtyArty.. just type tht in teh search box to see my animations/pictures.
dont leave BC just ignore him
I din’t say I was leaving PS.
I just said I was gonna go on Hatena.
LOL COOL 2010 i beat poptropica
On Red Dragon Island I looked at the videos so much but on fortress level three I tried to jump onto the cannon but it didn’t work so many times.I thought I would beat the level, but it didn’t work.I still play on poptropica.Thanks for poptropica cheats and for every island yoy guys make.Tour awsome.
lol my bad
hmm… a lot of hacking going on?
Is there an argument between BC, AH and garrett? aargh, i am confused 😐
Someone help with the fight with the red dragon!!!!!!
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 <3
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 <3
Oh yah… It’s st.Pat’s day today lol
c I finally have at LEAST a C in S.S! so happy
IM BAC PPL. hey evr1.. hop u rember me cuz i can get on here mor often cuz im bein homskooled!!!!!! and happy ST. pats day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mum now thinks pub skool aint saf no mor cuz sum prisnor frum the jail across the freakin street broke out and wuz in our court yard wid a knife. duh pub skool nvr wuz saf. cuz a freakin 5th grader commited suicide in tha bathrm………. wow my skool crazyy…….. but i c ALOT mor stuf haz been happini here.
Tht’s not true for ALL public schools XD The school I go to is one of the top 10 in the nation… but tht dosent stop ppl from makin out in the halls >~<
Hello SM!! Of couse I remember yu :3
aw nuts…i cant beat red dragon…
hehe:D i think the ninja costumes are cute:D
hi P. Sing i talk alot too!no wonder i sometimes get a B on writing LOL
P.S wahhh!!!!!!!!!! im only in third grade.
P.P.S blah blah…wah?oh im reading im a book nerd too 😉
P.P.P.S I live in Texas.yee hah!
my name for poptropica is my my name here Hyper Bee.
MUST HAVE WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!im 9 turning ten in August!!!!!!!!
P.S P sing whats your birthstone mines peridot purfect for st p day…
Hey! I’m just about to finish it thx for your help!
Omg, heyyy Small Moon 😀 I still remember u 🙂 hehe
Yea, Happy St Patricks Day 🙂
yeahh. i wuz acepted 2 1 of tha top 10 skools in CA. i wasnt going cuz den i wuz acpted 2 a skool wer i liv (SOUTH CAROLINA Go gamecocks, booooo clemson, lol). but okay now im going on tha other pges 2 c wwat happin so i could b caught uph.
hey AH im black and white 2! but in SC we call it mixed…. but i prefer the term biracial…….and guys go on you tube they hav a couple of vids that r popular rite now in SC… they r called she ratchet, why you asking all them questions, still getttin whoppins, and i need a pencil. OMG they r hilariuos.. guys u need 2 c them……
will you please put the compleate written walk through on? i dont like the videos
I love poptropica but, it’s hard once u get to where u uh have to uh on Red Dragon Island on part 2 and 3 after training where u are going to save Jack and Jill.
im actually Cheerful Wing ply with me im weird ain’t i
ummmmmm her name is annie not jill………;)
cool i call it mixed….im getting a gift card to books a million for my bf…we r also goin to the movies to see i forget the name but its the first book of the moking jay..ill post it in a min…but aftet the movie we r gonin swimin then having a bonfire…happy late st. patric day..good thing i had a gree bra on Staurday cuz i forgot whn it was lol…..i rember u SM..gtg
ttfn…ill post the movie in the nxt post
cool i call it mixed…im hetin my bf a gift card for books a million..we r also gona go to the movies ad see the hunger games…i hate the book the movie should be better..then th next day we r goning swimin thn haveing a bonfire..happy late st. patricks day..good thing i was wearing agreen bra cuz i for got i was Saturday cuz i forgot wht dy it was..i reber u SM
i gtg
me a my bf almost kissed but his brother came and caught us…we were inthe moment and his brother wanted to play hide in seek so m and my nf hid in a realy small spot and he looked at me and i looked at him and we were about an inch away to kiss bu his brother found us…evr since then we just give each other a kiss on the in goodbye…..i get to see him tomorrow tht is the good thing about school
ok it says i am runnin out of room..but i think we might kiss on his birthday…or close to
kk peace out..tell wht u think about his post
first post lol random
good 4 u AH
bad 4 me
OMG.. sounds like yu two had a good time! lol -AH
I have a musical performnace tonight
the dragon part when you battle the red dragon is hard
I have the written walkthrough for the Island
1. Hover your blimp over to your newest adventure, Red Dragon Island. When you arrive, head all of the way to the right until you see a swinging tire. Move your mouse towards it and click ENTER. You’ll see a bunch of stars fly through the air, and eventually you’ll see Jack and Annie.
2. Jack and Annie will leave the area. Head over to the swinging tire, and jump on it until it snaps. Roll the tire all the way to the left and click GO LEFT. You’ll notice the tire came along with you. Roll it all the way to the right until you reach the end, and once again click GO LEFT.
3. Roll your tire over the green hills until you reach a ladder hanging down from a tree. Before you climb up, pick up the red sunglasses. Now, hop on to the black tire and bounce on to the ladder. Climb up the ladder, and meet Jack and Annie.
4. Annie will explain that Jack is cranky because he lost his sunglasses. Go in to your inventory, and hand him over the red sunglasses that you had picked up earlier prior to climbing up the ladder.
5. Jack will thank you for handing him back his glasses. Now, walk to the very left side of the tree house and pick up the green book entitled ‘Frog Creek Pennsylvania: Home Town USA’. Now, walk up to Annie and select ‘How does it work?’. She will then lead you to a red book entitled ‘A Journey to Old Japan’. Pick it up. Now, go to your inventory and select USE.
6. Your tree house will start shaking, and then after a while will actually start moving. After a couple of seconds, you’ll be in Ol’ Ancient Japan! Exit the tree house. Jack and Annie will give you a Magic Amulet that transports you back to the tree house whenever needed. Now, walk all the way to the left until you see two security guards. They will throw you in to prison for not having a passport.
7. Talk to the old guy in the prison. He’ll explain to you that you cannot get out as the security is very tight. Go in to your inventory, and select USE on the Magic Amulet that was given to you by Jack and Annie.
8. Exit the tree house. This time, go all the way to the left until you reach a red bridge. The gate will be open, so ENTER. Talk to the lady inside the building until she offers you a Kimono. Choose whatever color you’d like, and then go in to your inventory. Select COSTUMIZE under the Kimono, and put on all of the clothing. After you’ve done so, you’ll find a passport hidden in one of the pockets. Exit the building.
9. Go all the way left towards the security guards again. This time, since you have a passport, they’ll let you proceed. When you enter the next room, you’ll witness Jack and Annie getting caught with no passport. They’ll be taken away by security guards.
10. Go across the red bridge, and enter the next room. Walk all the way left until you spot a rotten green fish sitting on a large staircase. Pick it up, and head right towards the bridge again. Walk all the way across the bridge again, until you reach the other side. You’ll notice a stairway that goes lower in to the ground.
11. Go down to the water. There, you’ll notice a boat. Hop on to the boat, and select USE under your Rotten Fish. The guy on the boat with encourage you to capture the Kappa. This game is a bit tricky, as it differentiates. What I did was shoot the bees from the beehive toward the tree. After that, I pushed the big rock on to the hole. I then lit the wood on fire. Place the frog in the middle, and point the beehive down at the net. This should catch the Kappa.
12. The man on the boat then takes credit for it. Head on over to the hill where you came from (to the right), and climb up to the bridge again. Walk across the bridge, and in to the room again. This time walk passed the staircase in which you found the Rotten Fish. Walk all the way to the end, and click GO LEFT. Walk left until you pick up the Bag of Mortar. Head all the way back to the red bridge.
13. Walk up to the person on the bridge. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under the Bag of Mortar. You will now be required to fix the bridge. Place the pieces on the bridge until they are all in the correct position. After you fix the bridge, you’ll notice sumo wrestlers beginning to walk across it.
14. Walk left back to where you came from. Head all the way to the left until you’ve reached the staircase in which you found the Green Rotten Fish. Head up the staircase, and talk to the girl. She’ll explain that no one has seen the Ninja Master in a long time. Go to the right until you reach the rock wall. A Parchment will fall. Pick it up. Go to your inventory, and click EXAMINE under the Parchment.
15. The Parchment will say that the Ninja Master’s name is Basho, and that he is most likely to be located on the West side of the island. Close your inventory, and go back down the rock staircase. Head left all the way towards the location in which you found the Bag of Mortar. Enter the house again, and speak to the old man. He’ll tell you that Basho was last located in the market buying some eggs.
16. Head back to the market. Go right until you locate a security guard. Walk up to the security guard and ask to help. In this game, you’ll need to find the guilty one by using what they say as clues. The order that they should go in is as follows (from first to last):
1. The person that claims he/she was not next to anyone with a hat.
2. The person that claims he/she was not next to anyone with glasses or a mustache.
3. The person that claims he/she was next to somebody with a mustache.
4. The person that claims he/she was next to the person in the middle.
5. The person that claims he/she was behind someone with a hat.
The fifth person is claimed guilty and taken away by the security guards. Before leaving, the security guard asks you to bring his betting slip to the sumo match.
17. Head right and go across the red bridge again. Pick up the Bonsai Sissors located in the middle of the bridge. Keep walking right and click GO RIGHT. Head right until you reach the building in which you got the Kimono suit. Talk to the lady again, she’ll mention that her Bonsai Trees need trimming. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under your Bonsai Sissors.
18. This game is tricky. You’ll need to trim the leaves off of the Bonsai to match the example picture exactly! One mistake will cost you a loss. After successfully trimming the Bonsai Tree, a man in a black suit will walk in and ask how much the Bonsai are. The lady will sell them for 100 Yen, and he’ll walk away.
19. Head right all the way to the market. Keep heading right until you reach the sumo match. Walk up the staircase. This time the gate will be open, walk in. Walk right until you reach the sumo-wrestler and the guy in the black suit. He’ll ask you to copy notations for him. This game isn’t difficult, just match the picture on the left. This doesn’t have to be exact, but if you’re to far off it won’t count. There’s several notations that you need to do before proceeding on with the island.
20. When you’re done copying notations, head all the way right until you meet the other sumo-wrestler. This sumo-wrestler is too scared to be in the ring with Yokozuna. Select ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’, and take his place in the ring. Facing Yokozuna is quite easy, just keep avoiding his attacks. Eventually, his face will turn red and he’ll charge towards you. Avoid this, and he should miss you, resulting with him falling out of the ring. You must time this right, however!
21. When you beat Yokozuna, security guards will come and ask to see your passport. The old man you saw earlier, Basho, will come and defend you. The security guards asked that it don’t happen again, and they walk off.
22. Basho asks that you meet him at his house. Descend from the sumo area, and head left until you get to his house. He’ll be standing at the front door. Your ninja training will begin.
23. First, he’ll ask that you put on your ninja clothing. Click COSTUMIZE under the Ninja Outfit in the bottom right corner, and put all of the clothing on. He’ll first explain to you the Shuko. This can be used for climbing walls. Now, you need to reach the red ribbon. Walk up to the second tree, climb up and then jump on to the first branch. From there, getting the red ribbon is a piece of cake! Just do a slight jump from the branch up to the ribbon.
24. Next, he’ll explain to you the Throwing Stars. To bring down the bag, simply point your arrow to the support string and click space. To bring out the candle, point your arrow at the flame and click space. Now, he’ll explain the Smoke Bombs. These can be used for temporarily blinding guards, which you’ll need later on in this island. Climb up the second tree, and jump on to the first branch once again. From here, this should be fairly easy. Just point your arrow at the dumby and click space.
25. Second to last, he’ll explain the Bo Staff. Jump down from the branch, making sure you are on the ground. Tap the space bar and defend yourself from all of the objects he throws your way. The run and tap objective is a bit tricky. Simply go all the way to the right. Now, tap space bar and run towards the blue ribbon. Release space bar right before you reach the first tree. This should launch you up to the blue ribbon. Lastly, he’ll tell you about the Grappling Hook. This is by far the easiest to use. While on the branch that holds the blue ribbon, click the metal ring on the branch above.
26. Your training is complete. Head on outside, until you reach Basho. He’ll ask you to fix his wall as your final training exercise. Just place the pieces on the wall correctly, and exit. This wasn’t really a training exercise, he just wanted his wall fixed!
27. Basho will ask that you bring him the Shogun as the two have unfinished business with eachother. Head right, back to the staircase in which you found the Green Rotten Fish. Head back up, and go right until you reach the rock wall. You can now climb it, so hop on and climb up!
28. When you’re at the top, click GO RIGHT. Climb up the walls. This could get tricky, so don’t get fustrated if you can’t seem to pull it off — keep trying! When you reach the top of the first set of climbing, jump to the other side and climb up the rope. When you’re at the top of the rope, slide to the right and fall on to the climbing wall. Climb up some more. At a certain point you’ll have to dodge moving logs. This can be very hard, so make sure your timing it right.
29. When you reach the top, click GO LEFT. This room is very easy. Walk forward and drop. Take out your Smoke Bomb and blind the security guard. Run past him, and climb up the back wall. At the top of the wall, jump on to the window ledge and then enter the window.
30. You’re now at Level 1. Walk up to the blocking green obstacle, and throw a Spike at the support rope by pointing your arrow at it and clicking the space bar.
31. Proceed further until you reach the first security guard. You’ll need to use your Grappling Hook in this situation. Simply click the metal ring. When you’ve reached the other side, keep going left until you reach a piece of paper on the ground. Pick it up, and turn back. Go towards the security guard again. This time, you’ll need to knock him out with a Smoke Bomb. When he’s blinded, descend. You’ll be on a lower support panel. Throw a Smoke Bomb at the security guard in the long hall, and run towards the other side. Climb up the wall, and grab the key. Head back, blinding the security guard once again, until you reach the low support panel. Throw a Spike at the support string holding up the giant barrel. Jump on to the barrel. Now, click the metal ring and use your grappling hook to get to the other side. Climb up the wall and enter the gate.
32. You’re now at Level 2. In this level, you’ll need to throw Spikes at the lighting objects to put out the light. Put out the most light possible, avoiding all security guards. Make it to the bottom. Blind the last security guard and head right until you reach the little hole. Go down the hole, and use your Grappling Hook by clicking the metal ring. Grapple across the room and grab the key. Grapple back, and descend to the guard. Blind him with a Smoke Bomb and run past him. Climb up the panels, and grab on to the rope. Make sure to pick up the piece of paper on the ground located on the right panel. Grab it, and head back on to the rope. Go all the way up, and blind the security guard using your Smoke Bomb. Run quickly past him, and climb up the wall. Grapple by clicking the metal ring, and hop off when you’re body is the farthest left it can go. Go down the hall, and enter the gate.
33. You’re now at Level 3. Blind the first security guard, and put out the first light using a Spike. Go right and down the hole. Blind the second security guard, and go all the way left, grab hold of the wall, and jump over and land on the ground. Walk up the ramp (make sure to avoid the spikes from the machine), and throw a spike at the green obstacle’s support rope. Blind the security guard located right past the green obstacle, and proceed. Blind the next security guard, and run past (grabbing the piece of paper on the ground). Climb up the wall, and throw a Spike at the support rope of the large crate. This will block the path of you and the security guard. Climb up, jump on the support panel and grab the key. Hop back on to the wall and climb all of the way up. Blind the security guard at the top, and throw a Spike at the support rope of the green obstacle (this may take a couple of tries as you can’t really see it). When successful, move across to the open hole. Go down the hole, and land on the wall that shoots out spikes. Grapple by clicking the metal ring. While you’re in the air, throw a Spike at the support rope of the green obstacle blocking you and the gate’s way. When successful, hop off of the rope and enter the gate.
34. You will now meet Shogun. He will tell you not to touch him or Jack and Annie will be locked up forever. Simply throw a spike at the support rope of the cage in which they are trapped. The cage will fall, allowing them to escape. Shogun will attempt to use the magic wand to his advantages, but fails by getting the Red Dragon’s attention.
35. Climb up the mountain until you reach the top. Climb up on to the Blue Dragon, and defeat the Red Dragon. To defeat the Red Dragon, click and hold your mouse button down while moving until he dies. Make sure he doesn’t destroy all of the buildings first!
36. Shogun and Basho will be talking. Go in to your inventory, and click USE under your Medallion. Transport back to the tree house and finish Poptropica Red Dragon Island.
thks BC
yeah….. im postin my congrads early b4 it happens….. so CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. and has ani of ur bfs tried tha old * fake yawn put their arm around u move*???? i think its romantic in a cheesy kind of way….. now im nervous cuz i gotta a date wit 1 of my *guy frends* sat and evr1 lik hes liked u since u first were frends and i wuz lik i didnt kno(LOL)….. and were goin 2 c tha lorax by dr.suess…. wish me luck…… its my first date since 6th grade………..
omg good luck SM…yes my bf has done tht put now he just puts his arm around me when evr…wht grade r u in SM
i love my gf………..thk god its not BC…i wish it was u AH 🙁
7th… but im actually 1… i wuz moved uph a grade and now im taking another test that way if i pass it next year i will be in 9th!!!!!! wat grade r u in AH??? 🙂 😛 :X 😀 😉
OMG srry i meant i wuz 13 i turn 14 in ap….. im older than tha ppl in my clas their all 12……… and srry bout sum of tha faces i 4got most of them..
im in 6th grade and im 13…im older than evry body in my class too
butt i dnt think i will pass it……… 🙁 :*(
do u guys have an email tell me urs and ill yell u mine
im in 6th grade and im 13…im older than evry body in my class too 🙂
do u have an email
i bet u will SM…………were r u crystal
no but im gonna get 1 soon cuz my moms computer crzy and she dnt want me doin new stuff on there… i will give u mty thing wen i get 1 though…. well i gottta go c u guys 2morrow…
o3o im in 7th and 13 ….
I can’t use mi pc 4 a loong time. just thought i’d let yu all know…
I’ll be gone probably 4 ever until I do something … moral. v_v
Normally, 13 year olds are meant to be in 7th grade? I am in 6th 😛
hey guys………..oh yea….. how bout my moms gonna put me bac in pub skool.. i hate bein homeskooled!!!! and i hav my date 2mrrw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AYE………….. dnt kno wat 2 wear… i think im gonna go wit capris or my fav tutu, my fav new swag shirt and my new boot converse….. u kno tha ones were they go 2 ur knees?????? i got them in yellow my fav color and my tutu iz blu, my swag shirt has a variety of clrs and i hav yellow knit gloves and blac nerd glasses….. do u think thats over tha top……. but i dnt kno wats cool in ur state but datz wat hot here.
Yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!! my date wuz awsome!!!! we went 2 Sonic 2 eat and We shared a jumbo milkshake!!!!! and then we went 2 tha movies,kinda embarressed bout wat happened i will tell u guys l8r, and then we went 2 skate land 4 couples nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it wuz so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
II thank you
How do you use the ‘Easy Move’? Hold down your mouse??
wht happened at the movies SM
Wow Small Moon!!!!! You probs had a GREEAATT day 🙂
Can’t get passed the defeating the Red Dragon! Someone help please!!
Gr8 Small Moon! If you had to give a number on how much fun you had, then what would it be?
OMG I am soooooooooo bored! I will probably die of BOREDOM!!! I have finished all the islands and have ntg to do! Suggestions?
PS-Just curious. What do you guys wanna be when u grow up?
i wanta be a basketball player and if tht dont work i want to be vet…anybody eles
go to shark tooth island to see why im pissed off………u have to start at the begining to see y though
Thanks AH. I love basketball too! Risha and I are badminton and basketball buddies. I wanna be:
1) President of the USA
2) Doctor
LOL a lot of choices. I am trying to be all of them. 😀
ah!!! the dragon battle is so hard!!!
WARSAUR 😀 😀 Hey, badminton and b-ball buddy!! 🙂 I wud be an astronomer or someone who works in a space center! 🙂
hehe, i <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 learnin about SPACE 🙂
Same Risha…I know I dont talk about space everyday but I do find space fascinating and I love to learn about space. Oh and I forgot I wanna be a Scientist as well 😀 lol
hmph, lol 😛
I am right now focusing on Vampire’s Curse 😐 Oh and warsaur, when you are free for badminton.. Call me, k?
invisible ice lov ya soooooooo much xoxo
i had a g8t time but wat happened wuz wer had a accident kiss!!!!!!!! it wuz soooo funny!!! c this elderly lady wuz getting up to go sumwere and wen she did she pushed me over 2 him and he wuz reaching down 2 get his popcorn so yea…… it wuz lik funny 2 us but this girl bside me wuz lik AWWWWWWWWWWW HOW ADORABLE!!!!!!!! and it would b rated a 9.5….. and i want 2 b a lawyer wen i grow up….
Cool, a lot of people wanna be a lawyer 🙂 Nice choice, SM
OH MY GOD. I JUST READ LIKE, 6 PAGES. Okay, i skipped 2 pages and that GIGANTIC walkthrough. Ummm… Let me organize myself.
Urgghhhh, i am SO mad at myself. Um, S Singer(i think, okay?)- I’m 10 too! Only i’m in 5th grade. What grade r u in? Wait, did you mean you are ten or… i ‘m confused. Anways, HI! I’m Crystal( my real name) Yes, i play poptropica, i live in california.
Jade- Not much to say. You’re still Jade.
Uploaded my GRAVATAR! It should appear soon. I wanna be an artist. I <3 ART! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Sorry i wasn't on lately. BTW , Emma is over, so she's (of course) going , "LET ME TYPE ALREADY, DUMMY!"
Okay, okay, i did say that. But only cuz my computers been all "WHIRW HIR" and its like, broken now. Hi S Singer! My name is Emma, I live in california too.
Everyone- I hate this Garrett dude now. WILL HE EVER LEAVE? Hey AH, you know the guy, right? Punch him for me. Too bad Jade doesn't live in Indiana. She could DEFENITELY sock him. Okay, i'm getting a LITTLE mean. Just a little. Just a TEENY BIT… (OKAY WE GET IT! – CRYSTAL) Jeez, lady. Erm… back to crystal!
Yeah, yeah. Um, hi? Look, i already posted earlier.
You did?
Okay, let's just talk to eachother.
COuple mins later:
Yeah, our conversation went like this.
C: Hey.
Me: Sup.
C: You're really wierd, yaa know that?
Me. Yup.
C: Yup.
Me: Hey, you're a dummy.
C: Thanks.
GTG she is in the b- room and i wasn't supposed to post that. See ya!!!!:)
Well, i guess it’s not THAT personel. My tool is raising eyebrows and being really sarcastic.
YA SHE IS. I’ll make her post a picture of her doing weird crystal stuff later.
Good luck, emma, good luck.
We talk too much.
wellllll… we’re not really TALKING soo…
okay, we’re leaving now.
OMG thx! i havent defeated it yet but atleast i got the ninja stuff on it! (BTW the guards ib it scare me) LOL
BOOYAH! just need the written cheets
all i like is climbing stuff 😀
i already have punched him in the eye Emma
crystal…we r not really talking about boys…but tht is allwe really talk about on this chat anyways…..
Monday is when i have to go bk to on spring break right this week…..
gth peave
Well, thanks for showing my how to play this, but I am scared when I inside the Ninja’s house.
Lol it is so wierd seeing you post after reading like 6 pages, crystal 😀
OMG, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
TO EVERYONE: Watch out for jokes, ok? Cuz its april fools dayy!!!
Happy April Fools Day! How many of you have seen Wrath of the Titans? I gonna go see that movie now 😀 Woops, g2g bye.
k byeee warsaur 🙂 😉 Pleassseeee be free for badminton, k?
Oh yeah! April fool’s day!
Happy april fool’s day!
I hate all of you! (it’s april fools day)
It was funny when you have to escape from prison. – uses magical amulet – – takes out staples EASY button and presses – That was easy.
i have a question.does anybody on here just say a bunch of weird stuff here or chat?
btw i live in Texas.Yee-hah!
APRIL FOOL’S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!watch out for jokes like the on about poptropica shutting down. i almost cried.
i have eveybody im leaveing this site forevr…..
Hahaha AH but we all know none of us would do that. I miss cuddly sun aka Kaitlin. Anyone with me?
April Fools lol gotya
did u get ur new blog with the chat yet crystal???
Yeaa, where is cuddly sun gone? 😥
Happy April Fools day 😉 Watch out for da jokes!
Yea, crystal did u put up the new blog yet?
Heyy guys! Risha sry was out till like 2:00 am so ya. April Fools Day is over!!! Finally no more tricks on me! 😐
lol i need tht chat
Warsaur — WhOa! TiLl 2 o’ ClOcK iN tHe MoRnInG?! Where were ya? 😛
Aughim so sorry I’ll get it going as fast as possible it’ll be redy tomorrow at 5:00 California time I promise
Do you know anyone that you met in person who is on this page, Crystal?
I was at the movies and at hypercity. Does anyone live in LA or even in California here? I am from there 😀
Oh and crystal is really sick so she won’t be on for a while
Sor again BC hatena is like fcbook : ( my prnts wont alow tht.
lol got to go to school…i just did a small sigh lol…..and i have basketball practice today so i wont be on latr…ok bus is here peace..btw emma tell crystal i said get well
that stinks its not completed its been out for months!!!!
Okay I don’t have school til Monday
O M G, emma.. you are like so pretty, and even crystal!!! EVeryone here is so pretty, i want like everyone to have a pic!! 😀
Oh, Crystal!! Hope you get better soon!!!!!!!!!
get better soon crystal!!!
hi its been like months since i’ve commented
how long has it been since i made a comment?
Heyyy Little Cheetah!!! Well, not that long… About 4 comment pages away 🙂
What is ur pic Little Cheetah?
Umm… Cuddly Sun… saw what you wrote about being a little kid and playing poptropica. Yeah well I am 14, and I play poptropica, nothing stupid about that. Dont judge people. If we acted like you are, you would immediatly be labelled as stupid, ugly, and moronic. Please get a life.
When will you come out with the written walkthrough? I like those walkthroughs way better.
Fay rose im 13 and i still play poptropica. i have an imposter on here. so please leave me alone. luckly he/she has left so get out of my grill, cuz u were NOT invited this Bar-B-Q
BTW, dont call me ugly. thats happening at school. besides, MOST people on here r my friends. or they will cus u out. and dont call me dumb wen i get all A’s.
u tell them CS …lol
CS, u r not ugly… or dumb! I think you are good 🙂
thanks u guys
risha you know its my bday yay 😀
happy bday!
happy bday lol
1st coment lol
my picture is some of the characters from a korean drama called king 2 hearts you should watch its great!
Joshlyn: Ahh my friend, happy happy happy birthday!!! 😀
whos bday is it?well, whoever it is,I wish u a happy bday!BTW,how old r u now?
; D
(Angry Hawk, is BC ok?she hasn’t been in l8tely…)
finally, the imposter has left!
:3 O:)
i dont no were bC is…she is usulaly really busy everyday…does anybody no wht Impact Wrestling is..cuz its on today lol
Awww thank u risha! And I barely know cuddly sun, but she is not ugly and I bet u wouldn’t call her that if there was no imposter. Am I right? ( of course I’m right) no jk I’m almost always wrong
Don’t ask me how I got your email, just know that Cuddly Sun IS UGLY. I’m back, baby!
NOT KIDDING. NOBODY KNOWS MY EMAIL, not even CRYSTAL! I only made it for here!
Im okee, Im just really busy, like AH said~ opo
o3o WTF…. tht’s just creepy. Really creepy~
Emma, it wasnt me. i was at a soccer game all day.
AH, who was that one dude i used 2 call rapist? i t=hink thats him 😯
:3 >:( 😉

bye y’all, i gotta go. probably wont be on 2morrow.
Ikr? To bc
maby its Garrett Emma…i wont be on tomorrow cuz i have basketball practice..goin to bed night
Emma – are you sure you don’t like give your email in any website? 😛
Heyy BC, haven’t seen ya in a while. Things going ok?
Heyy! Sup? What did I miss?
Im glad ur ok BC,but can u tell me sumthin I missed?BTW izzit H/W ur busy with?
Man,I ask 2 much qstions!
goin to school now…peace out
btw..i get to see me boyfriend!!!!!!
😛 nice AH 😀
Oh, nothin much Warsar 🙂
thks Risha…lol basketball here i come
Yah, HW~ but it’s finishing up now so I’ll be on more frequently(maybe)
ewe I got a BF too…. -AH
You did to bc and no I shut down my email but it’s [email protected] huh
: O didnt no u had a boyfrnd AH!bet u 2 r cute…: D
yes we r a very cute…we r more of a hot couple!!!…..bc when did u get a boyfriend
Ummmm….Why is everyone talking about um things that they have…? (Just a question) 😐 k nvm. What island are you all on? Like, up to?
Cool Emma, who were u givin the email to?
im comfuzzed..can anybody help me….byw i cant come on friday cuz im goin to the movies with my boyfriend then saturday i have lots and lots of basketball games and i might not be on sunday i. really busy lost this week..dont foget me lol
on my way to school agin…bye
peace out
im soooooooooooooo bored!!!!
me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
who is not board
My cousin dont send an email she’s very erm private
Hi guys! It’s crystal I’m at Emma’s house and I’ll comments later of tomorrow! I’m better and feeling great 🙂
my fav. song is Whiskey Lullaby by brad paisley…….look watch and love the video
what did i miss?
anybody here? no? well ill leave then.
by the way emma did you check what the e-mail was or was the email blocked or something?
My favorite song is Amen by kid rock
thts a good song too……..i wont be on Thursday-Sunday…really busy..friday im goin to the movies with me boyfriend and our friends and thn out to eat….ok get to u in the morring with me details… peace out
OMG I LOVE whiskey lullaby AH 😀 Its awesome 🙂 thxxx
thts a good song too…i wont be on thursday-suday…really busy..friday im goin to the movies and out to bat with my boyfriend and a nother friend..ok ill tell u what happens sooo exicated lol peace out
Are you on facebook or something
me no i dont like facebook
tweet me on name is Butterworth41..ok c ya monday
See ya AH 🙂 lol i have no topics to talk about 😐
I just came back from a field trip to James Madison University! it was great! i got to be in a group with Luke! yes, we are dating again! he asked me out during the field trip. look up JMU in virginia. its a really cool, local collage.
Wow, I wonder people get to visit colleges?
it was awesome friday with my bf….we went to golden carlo…thn we went ro walmart and held hands…then we went to the mpvies and saw Lockout…good movie…he put his arm around me and there was a couple in front of us and thy were kissing an thy nvr took a was crazy..we through popcorn at them and thy didnt care cuz thywere kissin…now i have softball games.. and basketball games all today so this is all will here from me gtg pece out
its really fun! you get to get out of school
Hey guys, do you know any good games that my class could play for PE? Thx, g2g. Bye!
well, octopus tag is fun. here r the insructions:
1.pick 2/3 people to be the taggers out catigories the the other people have on there outphits.
3. if you get tagged, then stay where u r and try to tag people by twirling your arms around
4. if you r the last 2/3 players left, then you becom the player.
Cuddly sun@ THANKS, warsaur and i are best friends and we needed some games for our classes (P.E) and thats an awesome game 😀 thankss
Any time. if you need any other, just tell me!
Sure, thx a lot Cuddly Sun! I’m sure my class would just love that game! 😀 THANKS!!!
No probs CS, i can ask u anytime heheh 🙂
OMG I am soooooooo bored! I will probably die of BOREDOM!!! 😐 WHAT SHOULD I DO???
Guys, suggestions?
HUG a cow!
S i had to g to the ER today cuz of my knee…last night in basketball…my knee started to hurt really bad after the thrid game i had..i have to take medician nd wear a knee brase in praxtices ad games…but soner or latr i gona have to get it looked at cuz i might have to get survury but probly not…..wont be on tomorrow got.more basketball…..and i have TCAP all this week ugh gtg
pea e out
AH, that happend 2 me at soccer once. it really hurt. now i have to wear a knee brace 4 a long time. at least until im done growing. 🙁 😥
just made a multi-verse room! im gentle jumper. the code is AUU47. i should be there 2morrow between 6 & 8pm except 4 moday and wednesday
thks for the support cs…gtg
peace out
hello poptropica i love your games you rock!
Whoa, AH i hope u r ok 🙁
Hope you get better soon AH!
PS-Cuddly Sun, was “HUG a cow!” a suggestion to my question? 😀
Hey Sweet Mango, you’re new here right? Well, if you are then WELCOME!!!
thks evrybody…how is life??
usually somebody will answer me b now……………ugh hurry up ppl
how goes it ppl?!?! IM BK
m new favorite song is Think like a man by Jennifer Hudson ft Ne-Yo & Rick Ross
Warsaur, yes it was. my new favorite song is Mean, by taylor swift! 2morrow during study hall i get to play trumpet with my boyfriend! :happy:
lol cs
second favorite song is Sexy Love by Ne-o………………..i love him related
I <3 PICKLES!!!!! 😀
Omgkaitlin ur going CRAZY! But in a good way I guess
red dragon island is a very intresting island
thank you jeff kinny
Heyy Garrett!! Where u been?
HeY Warsaur: Yeaaa, hug a cow!!! 😀
just places!!!!! haha 😆 lol 👿
so how come it’s been 4ever and theres nothing added??? i dont get it i kinda need the guide here!
Hmmm…Hey Risha! Go show me how to HUG A COW!!! 😀
Emma- thats wat my friends tell me!!
best wesite-
another cool site
K I will show u soon 😀
My Name on Poptropica is: Short Cloud, but im using my brother’s Poptropica, so my name is: Happy Flame xD lol<3
just sitting at home.. on the phone with my bf.. 🙂 😉
eatting pizza and watching tv too lol wht r u guys doin on this fine friday
Hmph, at sleepovers for the whole weekend. 😀
I am hosting a sleepover and on sunday (tomorrow) I will be going to the movies. Risha, I wish you could come. 🙁 What about you AH?
Warsaur: Sorry, can’t come 😐 But i will spend time with you 🙂
my dad has softball games and im talking aboit tht he is coaching…thn some of our friends came don from Indiana to vist us in Tennessee…..and we might do some other things to but i dont no wht…..othr thn tht habe a good wekend to evry body
go to mutiverse room # AEF41 asap
were r these rooms evrybody talks about all the time??
im will be on 6:00 pm my time Tenessee time…ill be chattin with who evr wants to chat
till thn c ya latr
hy ppl wht up??!?!?
ok im here anybody wanta chat with this awesome girl
im leavin im sooooo tired…sry goin to bed really really really early
OMG I have had the best weekend EVA! First on Saturday, I go to the mall, then come back and have a sleepover, then today, sunday, I go to the movies and watch the AVENGERS. Awesome movie, recommend it to all. What about you guys? 😀
just been sleepin alot tht and textin ppl on me cell wht fun…goin bk to sleep
go to my room asap the room number is ddu72
im awake now its 12:05pm here in im gona atch a movie then go bk to ned agin!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Loll, spend ur time sleeping AH? Come on, do somethin!!!
IKR Warsaur?! The sleepover was awesomeee, thanks for inviting me 😀
ok now im up and its 2:52pm…i need to catch up with my sleepin cuz last week was TCAP for me and it was all last wek…and i nevr got to get any sleep so today was the day to catch up….now im watchin tv fo the rest of today..thn school tomorrow
Hey ah um how did u post exactly ONE minute after garrett
my computer told me tht i posted to much to fast and i had to wait till someone eles posted…thk god he did or it would have been who knows how long till i could say something…….makes since?
Sorta cuz when it says I post too fast I dont have to waitt
ohh well my computr is weird soo tht is what mine says….wht eles can we talk about
😛 well thats weird. When i post and it says i post fast, i just go back and type again 😛 no waiting 😕
ok i get it u guys think something crazy…i am done with this convosation…think of something to talk about plz…cuz ur makeing me uncomfuterable..goinn to school
peace out for
Sorry AH, I just got confused. Well, idk wat to talk abt….
I got something…. Whats your favorite movie guys?
IDK they are all really good-I have a ton of fave movies. What about you guys?
Grrr, I wish that they would release islands sooner! 😐
i like Jac Ass 3…love it
Jack Ass 3…and my fav. show is Ice Loves Coco!!
Haha cool AH. One of my tops is “The Last Song” 🙂
tht a good movie too Risha……….wonder were BC is???? anybody no??
im on this cite howrse. com and this person named Animalfriend……..she is pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
going to bushgardens in VA. itll take 3 and 1/2 hours 🙁 itll b fun though
i wish this girl would finish red dragon cuz i need to finish it made a bet with my bro.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow Cuddly Sun, I wish I could go there. Maybe if I visit the US…
I will probably ask my parents if we could visit US again… 😀
Warsaur: where u goin for da summer??? 1 month left of school warsaur, then off we go to break!! 😀
Warsaur: I am going to spain and turkey!! oooooh yeaaaah 😉
I am going to Singapore, Cambodia and Thailand…I am also gonna visit Angkor Wat!
What about you guys?
I dont no………..but today was NERD DAY at school and i was the BESTEST NERD there!!!!! I ROCKED………me and my friend talked like a nerd all day..and we walked up to this random person in school and thy walked away and thought we were some phyicos >>>>hope you no wht i said cuz i can spell very BEST DAY EVR……..
and my bf`s mom saw me she got out her camra and took soooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many pics of me!!! BEST DAY EVR
hey people! fill me in on news!
Well, Little Cheetah, we’re basically just talking about random stuff. 😛
AH-That’s great! 😀
Gosh trying to beat Twisted Thicket island…So fun!
little cheetah: Ahhh, just talking about our lives and whats happened lately!! How is you Little Cheetah?
AH: Haha coooll, we dont have stuff like “Nerd Day” and those in our school, but cool 🙂
and today we had a ALL SPORTS PICINIC….its were only the ppl who have played sports this yr. get to miss school and go to the park..thn at the end of the day go home……its really fun..wht evrybody doin
im gonna be in a group with my boyfriend!!!
im still dating luke. yesterday i had a band concert, and this one kid who I hate was threatening to hit me, and instead of hitting me, he squeezes my face. band kids are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wierd
-w- Internets been down and I’ve been busy w/ schoolwork….
How is everybody? 😀
haveing trouble with my best guy friend. i dont know wats wrong. any advice?
BC-ok how r u
wht seems to be the problem–CS
BC: Yay u r back!!! 😀 Nothing much, just talking about our lives 😛
CS: You can try to talk to him or wait a few days… But wat is the problem right now?
wht the problem CS
It doesnt show and i cant use youtube!?!?!
me and my best guy friend figured it out 2 day. luke sayed something to him and he took it the wrong way. boys :rollingeyes:
lol CS boys do tht a lot…i get use to it
lol that’s funny…I don’t think that happens around here, in my school. 😀
Warsaur: Sometimes it happens in our school… Remember last year??? 🙄
last year was the worst year in my entire life…so much GOSSIP!!! Couldn’t anyone leave people alone? *sigh* 😐
PS-How do you do that face again? 😀 sry
IKR warsaur, there was so many secrets i couldnt handle!!!
im bac ppls.. my skool (7th grd only!) went on a trip 2 washington 4 2weeks and i lost my fone so i couldnt do mobile updates on here but i found it again… and i think tha new frends thing iz kinda cool.. but ani way wats been goin on? ❓ ❓ ❓ 😀
oh nd i learned all tha faces..
😳 😀 😥 🙄 ❓ ❗ 💡 😆 👿
🙂 🙁 😉 😡 :O 😮
oh nd evr1 frend me @:
sweetiepieswaggn and,
Small Moon: Welcome backk!!!! Heh, how do u do that lightbulb face? Is it: :lightbulb: ?
AHhhh i cant do that face 😛
OOoh oOOohh OOOOh, I Figured it out!!!!!!! Its like this 💡 Yayyy
😐 Hello? Help me learn those faces 🙁 lol sry
Okk warsaur: Idea thingee is
: idea :
Yayyy 🙂
heheheh, i have to teach u more warsaur my friend 😛
I need to know how to do a mysterious face on google docs…is that possible? HELP!!! 😐
Lol Risha
the band did awsome at busch gardens we got first place in everything! 😀
I know the whole walk through! Go on this link for whole written walk through:
lol wont be on alot just thought ill tell u guys…kinda mad at my bf and my best friend but it should be better tomorrow if not it wont be good for either one of thm g2g peace out
Hey Fast Fire, Um…that’s the same link as we are on now… 💡 😐
whoaa, hope u r ok AH!!! Wat happened though???
Why on google docs warsaur??? 😛
Hope you are gonna be okay AH?
Risha: HEH? What do you mean?
I went to that website. it does tell the whole walk through
we r better now me and my bf and my friend….my bf touched my butt then grabed it…onl cuz i was kickin him in the butt 🙂 tomorrow im gonna touch it 😆 hehehhe
uhhh… AH, for me thats crazyyy!!!!!! 😛 lollll weird 🙂
Warsaur: Heh?? I dont get u either!!!!!
OHHH i see warsaur!! Here u wrote:
“I need to know how to do a mysterious face on google docs…is that possible? HELP!!!”
So……. on google docs?????
oh ya…nvm…you know the science thingie? the one where you choose a place and then write down info? Ya well, I did Cameroon, West Africa and for the question the said: What were the source of these pollutants? I wrote IT’S A MYSTERY!!! so I wanted a mysterious face
Yesterday I kinda tripped the dude I HATE WITH FEELINGS!!!!! yeah, lets just say he couldnt run track the next day. it was during gym. we were playing soccer on the football/soccer field. I can get a little agressive
CS: Ahh thats ok… everyone is like that
Warsaur: Ohhh i get it… wasn’t the science quiz a little hard, especially that line graph 😐 😐 anyways I am happy i got a perfect grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol a bite confussed???
Well, ya Risha…I guess…But it is possible that you could have gotten 1 wrong but bcuz of the extra credit you got 100%…I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! 😀
PS-Do you remember what I wrote down for the INDOOR AIR POLLUTION? lol 😛
AH-Wait, are you confused about what Risha and i are talking about?
Warsaur-yes im very confussed of wht u and Risha r talkin about!!!!!
p.s. wht dose this sign mean €
I HATE line graphs. i got my year book yesterday, and my friends put a heart a round the dude i hate. the same dude i tripped.
Cuddly Sun-lol 😀
AH-We had a science quiz and I wrote down something really silly…and RIsha got 100% so ya. 😀
AH-I think that sign mean euro isn’t it guys?
AH: That sign means euro sign 😛
Warsaur: NO WAY, i did not even do the extra credit!!!! I can’t believe i got a 100 🙂 heheheheheheh mwahahaha 😀 lol
AH and CS: sorry to confuse u guys.. but warsaur and I are in the same school/grade and we just talk abt school here 😛 U can join in too, abt ur school!
grrr Risha… you can be so annoying in the good way of course 😛
BTW that’s not very smart to not do the extra credit…you could have gotten like 105%
Warsaur: yeaaaa, but i didnt no the answer!!! And you also got a good grade 🙂
So AH, CS, BC, everyone.. what’s up?
well its raining here in TN…and i have one more week of school yeahh…..Happy Mothers Day to all the moms…soo and tomorrow i am graduating from D.A.R.E its gonna be fun next week..i think i migh just take a shower bcuz im soo happy…lol jk about the shower
my sister is a dumb ass..sry but it is funny wht she did..she even addmits it to lol
hhahahahahahahahaha………….my sister you no the one who hacks me all the time put the one aboue this wow ill get her bk for tht
I need to come here more often~
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there!
well risha, i had a soccer game today and injured my left ankle. and im basicly the only left footed kid on the team. stupid fire dogs
there was this question on facebook and it asked: do you think Kaitlin Grace Parker (thats me) has ever played strip poker? this one dude answered yes. wat is wrong with middle school boys?
omg wht is strip poker..and wht is pole dancing…plz tell me
AH: uhhhhhh there is no way someone can explain??? ughh 😐
CS: Ahhh noooo! 🙁 Hope your ankle gets betta
HAPPY Mother’s Day to the mothers 🙂 Me is happppyyy 🙂 hehe
Happy belated Mother’s Day mom, and other moms! 😀
Risha-gr I hate it…I am so sick…Hope I get better soon
CS-Hope you get better! PS-What’s a fire dog? PS again- what is strip poker?
Do you really not know what that is just what it sounds like and btw post the rest of the walkthrough
the firedogs are a soccer team. im pretty sure strip poker is when instead of betting with money you bet with close. im not sure.
pole dancing is when you dance on a pole.
how do u do the rolling eyes face?
my sister wants to no wht stripping is som onw tell her
wow,i constantly disappear from this website…..
CS: You type : roll : and it shud b without those spaces.. so 🙄
Warsaur: If you want to know what strip poker is…. uhh, talk to me in schoool?
Jade: O M G heyyyy 🙂 Where have u been?
OMGG Jade…whts up
Hi Jade! How often do you come to this site? 😀
Risha: Well by helping CS in the rolling eyes face you have helped me as well! lol (BTW I might come back to school 2moz! :D) like this isn’t it? 🙄
YES! I KNOW HOW TO DO THAT FACE!!! 😀 lol sry guys…acting as my random self..must mean I feel better… 😀
I was having SO much trouble beating the red dragon. Finally I set it to easy. It still took two tries but now I HAVE BEATEN THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!
at first when i caught the fish and didn’t get anything, i thought the man would help me later on in the game but i’ve finished the game and the guy didn’t repay me! >:I
He doesn’t.
dont creak out but …..i passed out today
AH: WEll, i dont usually freak out… but… How?!
Warsaur: Yeah saw u in school yesterday 🙂 So, anything new wid french waursaur?
Jade: You there? Are u gunna cum on this page often?
Risha= i think i over heated….and i didnt eat breakfast…and i was at the park all day
AH: Whoaa… well dehydration stuff can lead to passing out… but dont worry, you are totally fine 🙂
Angry Hawk: U should drink more water and why u not eat breakfast? it good 4 u!
Hey people for those in the western side of the us or in japan and maybe asia there is going to be an eclipse today but it is one of those rare ones that u need glasses for but ya…”ring of fire”
Wow!A lot of running for a wolf ya think.
becuz breakfast make me throwup
y? iz it 2 nasty or not well made or wat?
Im sorry I haven’t came on I kind of just found out I have diabetes
Oh emma… How did you find out? From the doctor? 🙁 its ok, dont worry
Emma, it’s fine. You’re gonna be fine, really, don’t worry.
AH-I don’t get why you don’t like breakfast… 😐 what if you had pancakes for breakfast?
Risha: I am going to KILL YOU FOR PULLING ME INTO THE SWIMMING POOL! (lol guys…Risha and some of my other friends just pulled me into the swimming pool WITH MY CLOTHES!!!)
PS Risha: Also about the french thingie… 😀
Well I started feeling really sick and throwing up which is how it starts. Thanks warsaur
its ok risha…..and i dont like pancakes or waffles
umm not much…..
this site is pretty boring noe (mo offense)
and im usually at the movies or at the mall.
so i barely get too gon here so maybe ill decide too come back if anything interesting happens…..well see ya! 😀
oopps now*
how do yall do a rolling eyes face????
about my first comment she makes her own websites so i was trying to help her….she wasnt at skool and i dont have her # but i kno she goes on here a lot……………………………………………………. 🙁
where is the rest of the walkhrough i cant remember how i arested the guy in the dragon costume the first time someone help!!!!!!!
Kenna, it’s really easy. I’ll help if u want 😀
1. The person that claims he was not next to anyone with a hat.
2. The person that claims he was not next to anyone with glasses or a mustache.
3. The person that claims he was next to somebody with a mustache.
4. The person that claims he was next to the person in the middle.
5. The person that claims he was behind someone with a hat
In the front, there are 2 people who have no hats. Then behind the second one, there is the guy with the hat but without a mustache or glasses. After him, there is teh guy with glasses and lastly there is the guy with the mustache…no glasses.
PS-Sorry Kenna, but you will have to arrange the first 2 people (without hats) by yourself since they look so similar I can’t tell.
Wow, first on the page 😀
2morrow is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😛 🙄 ❗ :/ ❓ :* B)
:S S:
Happy B-day in advance!!!

Happy Birthday CS!! Have a great time!!!
OOoooh Happy Bday CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw: How did you do that super cool face there, CS? WHoaaaaaa 🙂
Warsaur: You deserved falling in the pool 😛
AH: Dont worry, you betta now? Cuz tons of people have this once in a while… i think*
Risha- yeah better now
CS- happy bday
how old r u now!>!>!>!>!>/
stupid computer!!!!!!!!!!!
wait.what did i miss?
ntg much
Cool AH 🙂 Glad to see ya better
Little Cheetah: Nothing much.. just the usual, talking about our lives and school.
im 13. i thnk the face is : cool : no spaces 😎
It’s also 8 ) w/ out the space …
I think…
School lets out in 6 days!!! Can’t wait!!!
8) and 😎 hahaha thanksss 😀
OMG BC, same here!!!!! 6 days left 😀 whoaaaa
you guys are so lucky
i get out of school i think june 19
i have so much trouble with the levels of the prison
we release in 5 days! do this website
i get out in 8/9 days! im gonna miss my friends!!!!!!
Omg CS, i am going to miss so many people, like tons 🙁 😥
Same…There are many people leaving…Most of them my gr8 friends…
I kinda wish that school doesn’t end
So…How’s life?
Warsaur: You know who I will miss most right? 🙁
Ah, no meaning to hows life… but so far, its fine 😛
Risha: Ya…sad rn’t u? They are my gr8 friend too though. 😉
Well, exams and tests coming up, I hope that I do well! Well, so far I am…wish me luck guys!
PS- and Risha
Well, exams and tests coming up, I hope that I do well! Well, so far I am…wish me luck guys!
PS- and Risha!
Warsaur: Uhhh not many tests :L I mean almost the school is ending, so not much i think!!!
yeah the sumo thing? it doesnt open for me. its EXTREMELY annoying :L
oOh, I am gunna miss alll my friends!!! And i’ll b away for about a month, so I will not b on the page for long in June.. Just heads-up 🙄
school is out in TN and it is 95 degress out side for the past week…
my b-day is gunna be on this SATURDAY!
And what a coincidence Angelina Jolie’s Birthday is 2 days after MINE!!!!:D 8)
(mine~Jun2,Hers Jun4)
TEAM GEMINI RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and today is Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s BIRTHDAY! (now 6)
(Brad Pitt & Angelina jolie’s kid)
So true Angry Hawk!!! I live in Memphis, and its burning up over here! it depends on what part of TN you live in!
my computer must suck cuz the cloud dragon only was still half in the sky!
Jade you are HOT!!!!! 😉
Haha Jade, happy birthday to those people 🙂 and you 🙂
Jade: You ever watched Mr and Mrs. Smith??? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in that movie! Its sooo coool 😎
ya I agree, Risha. Happy b-day in advance Jade! 🙂
Gosh, I am so sick…I guess what happened was funny but still…I am feeling better now…
even thinking about school ending i get tear-eyed. but thats why i go to summer band to see most of my friends. and camp. i was flirting when i went to natural chimneys on saterday though. there were some REALLY cute guys there
this is so hard
Haha CS, everone talkin abt cute guys here.. huh? 😉
I dont blame yu ppl talkin about cute boys… X’)
Eeeek!! I love One Direction
i would date all the boys from One Direction!!
Seriously Jade u are HOT.. 😉
anyone help me with the dragon part it is soooooooooo hard!
I NEED! the red dragon hints, but I enjoy your other posts 🙂 Me and my friend have defeated most of the islands all thanks to your hints 🙂 thank you <3 love the hints
Little Dragon: Lol? 😛 That’s random 🙂
Umm… I have a glitch.
In the ninja training, in the end when we have to use the grappling hook, it doesn’t come in the bottom-left corner ninja inventory thingy. Only an eye comes. It’s in my backpack but i can’t select it. Please help fast!!! 🙁
Wild Penguin
so had the best time of my life me my girlfriend my dad and his girlfriend all had sex….we all loved it…anybody eles had sex before…ME and BC have
eww garrett and i dont think BC would evr do tht to u…hit me up on facebook…name Bob Xollins
Never Mind my previous comment.
I got it. 😛
um…Garett that’s kinda weird…
Gosh, 1D is gr8 BUT I don’t think they are that cute…my friends are like, CRAZY about them 😀
WHoaaa Garrett, seems quite weird to share it on this page :L
Warsaur: Yeah right, One Direction is a good band.. but yeah my friends are super crazy in love wid them.. soooo funny 😀
this is my favorite island of all!!! cause its the most adventurous one!
But I miss all my friends now, even a few people who had to leave school 🙁 😥
hy ppl how goes it..well my bf is in Delaware and when he comes bk next week we r goin to the movies and he plans on kissin me 🙂 i cant wait
u have to put the cock in the girls pussy and make her screem!!
Ok, so Iwas just checkin this page cuz I got bored, and stuff…
It’s stupid how in my school district, we have an extra hour of school on Monday…
Technically, the last day was today.
Weeeee!!!!!!!!!! >w<
(its getting alot of attention cuz every where i go people add me 🙂 and try too copy it )
Risha May 27, 2012 at 11:57 pm
Haha Jade, happy birthday to those people 🙂 and you 🙂
Jade: You ever watched Mr and Mrs. Smith??? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are in that movie! Its sooo coool 😎
are you kidding me?!
AMAZING! (especially the sex scene & fight scene FAV!)
all i want for my b-day (tomorrow) is FOOD!
LMAO (but im serious,im a fat ass okay? but i never get fat im average….)
i wanna go too T.G.I Fridays,with my friend Chad <3
(yea we are just friends,but i really like him 😀 )
(im 1 year smaller than strange moon)
@AH:1 more thing how old are you?
And this Garrett guys is SO whack like seriously?
if you were getting some ”pussy” (hate that term) (and i am SURE YOU’RE NOT!) you wouldn’t been bragging about it on POPTROPICA SECRETS!
like come on GET A LIFE!
you weird perve…..
if you guys haven’t noticed he’s either 60,or a 4rth grader (i am sure he’s in 4rth grade)
and the guy who said im hot?
lol i know. but you’re kind of creepy…..
*narrows eyes than starts too laugh*
im gunna com on here more btw
since school closes on THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jade: Ikr!!! I love those 2 scenes in that movie… They are sooo cute for each other 🙂
Love ur pic jade 🙂 And happy birthday to u
BC: I had my last day of school too! Lot’s of hugging to say good-bye to people, so sad 🙁
*gives a air high five*
i got my best friend too watch it and now she’s obsessed with them too!
And thank you so much! 😀
*Gives another air high-five* Yeahhh!!!! So, what’s up people?
Garrett, your a perv. U need to fall down a flight of stairs or something. Btw we all no your pillows name is bashful cloud
AH I just friended u on facebook
Jade- im 13 and its not the 1st time i have kissed a boy
CS- ok got it
No my pillows name is sexter and im goin into 7th grade…dont believe me ask AH she used to date my brother…and she talks to him every day..and i want BC`s boobs more than urs Jade..idk if i want u more thn her though..u would be fun to play with!!! 🙂 😛
Jade-sry for the delay Jade..HAPPY BDAY…wht all did u eat 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
GArrett- u need to leave this cite cuz nobody wants to have sex with u..u need to leave be4 u piss me off more..and when tht happens i will say some words u nevr herd before…SOO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y do i always post before and afterr him tht is creepy?!?!?!?!? :~) lol tht looks cool
No shocker about your pillows name!!!! You should try falling down a flight of stairs! Maybe your learn something btw leave my friends alone. If u mess with them a bitch is coming out of me!
😎 🙂
me too CS…dont push me!!!!!
Sigh 6th graders are such perves
Garrett do u have a facebook
be quite angry hawk
Garrett June 2, 2012 at 9:40 am
No my pillows name is sexter and im goin into 7th grade…dont believe me ask AH she used to date my brother…and she talks to him every day..and i want BC`s boobs more than urs Jade..idk if i want u more thn her though..u would be fun to play with!!! 🙂 😛
what the i just retyped my comment like 10 times why wont it SHOW! 😡
wow but this one shows! 🙄 😡 *annoyed*
hy jade u got a fb
jade u could be a MILF…and no fb
ok. i dont have to block u. wats a milf
@Ah:yeah i use too but i deactivated it 🙁 it got REAL boring…
now i am a Instagram fan,Twitter fan,and Tumblr fan! 😀
Ang @Garrett? ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
lol CS a milf is a old but hot lady.
he’s a TOTAL IDIOT im only 15.
the only way you’re a milf is if you’re in you’re 40s or 50s 🙄
(1st comment) i meant *And minus the @ lol
and Garrett this is how you look in my opinion…
*falls too the floor and starts too laugh…HARD*
*wipes tears*
omg i just laughed my ass off! 😆
Not for me.
Heat vs. Celtics game tomorrow i hope WE WIN!
watching the Notebook….
talk about amazing….
well i am bored…
my friend is staying at my house for 2 or 1 week,she and her sister is coming on Sunday (tomorrow) CAN’T WAIT!
Wow Jade, tons of comments u gave 😛 Jade, i think you like watching a lot of movies (cuz so do i!!!!!) which movie is ur fav?
Garrett, why are u typing rlly differently now???
WOW, i expected summer break to be like so fun and awesome! Instead…,…. I have nothign to do! I am soooo bored 🙁
i hate summer break and i love it. here r my reasons:
cant see my friends 😥 NO HOMEWORK!!!!! 😀
spent too much time with family vacation
i dont want tht jade…not for me…:) but Bc has a blue waffle..i have seen thts y i broke up with her
I am just gonna totally ignore yu now -u-
Actually, yu can still see friends if yu exchange phone numbers and stuff….
Garret, just dont use this site please because you have already said so many disgusting comments, Fierce Moon dont let him use this site please
How do you arrange the people in the dragon after one stole the fish?
umm my favorite movies are…(ALOT)
Fight Club (AWESOME,Brad Pitt & Edward Norton)
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt)
Madea movies 🙂
Girl,Interrupted (Angelina Jolie)
Gia (awesome lesbian sex scene lol,Angelina Jolie)
The Notebook (Ryan Gosling,and Rachel Mcadams)
Avatar (speechless)
Se7en (GREAT ending,Brad Pitt))
Legends of the Falls (omg Brad Pitt is soo sexy in this movie)
Mr & Mrs Smith!!!!!
Black Swan (Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman)
Moneyball (Brad Pitt)
White Chicks
Thirteen (horrible kids,lol)
Changeling (MUST SEE!I CRIED SO BAD,Angelina Jolie)
Original Sin (should be Rated X NOT Rated R,lol Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas)
Shark Tale (Will Smith & Angelina Jolie)
I Am Legend (Will Smith)
The Crazies
The Ring
Dream House
Resident Evil
Wanted (Angelina Jolie)
Think Like A man
Snow White & The Huntsman
OK,i am gonna stop here cause this list is NEVER gonna stop! 😆
Garrett, u need to get rock disease and die in a hole. while your at it, fall down a flight of stairs. cuz honestly, no 1 cares how much u LOVE bc. ur just some dumb, pervy 6th grader.
OK,this is now BULLYING,i get it you guys don’t like this kid cause he’s a pervy 6th grader (NOT disagreeing with you)
but telling the kid TO GO DIE?
You guys are saying that he’s bringing grossness too the site (which he is.)
I am not gonna lie i was a bully too (only when i need too,but not ALL THE TIME!)
so just STOP,it’s not lady like…you’re mother raised you better,and you guys know if y’all mom saw this she would had been pissed. 🙄
(and i’m not sticking up for you Garrett,it just got REALLY ANNOYING)
Cause if he actually does do it….it sure wasn’t me CYBER BULLYING!
so don’t come running too me…(don’t know why you would anyways)
I DON’T REALLY CARE. Wait, you are a sixth grader? You still play Poptropica? Ok, ok. I’m also in sixth grade and I kinda like Poptropica. Ok, I LOVE it.
Oh-em-gee wow Jade, tons of movies…. Whoaaaaaaa :L i like some of ’em too!
Jade have u heard of “The Last Song” its a great love movie 🙂
Jade- i forgot all about tht…and thts y i havent been postin lately cuz it was goin to far
Garrett- sry…but tht doesnt mean im on ur side either…
Jade- i was nevr gonna go tht far i was gonna give it a few more days to c how far i wz gonna push thm…well u bluw my plan 🙁
AH- i no cuz u talked 2 my brother last nite AGIN AND NVR ME!!!! Y NOT ME TOO!?!?!?
had a HORRIBLE day 2day. this guy who i thought was my frfiend sayed no one likes me and i have no friends. middle school is really so u can tell who ur real friends r.
and cuddly sun is that your real face? (no offense)
and Risha,yes i do it was really cool.
and uh Garrett,okay?
yes jade it is my real face.
*stares awkwardly*
………………………………..uhhhhhh nice face???????????
Omg, Lazy Bones!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally u came on, plssss reply to those emails I sent ya!
Cuddly Sun: You in 6th grade, or 7th? Middle School is a lot of things, so many, been through it (ish)
can someone do the blue ribbon 4 me
im going into 8th grade next year. TOP DOG!!!!!! my last day is 2morrow o_o
jade, wat is that supposed to mean?
CS: Haha cool for you, and good luck for ur last day 🙂 I’m gunna be in 7th grade next year :L
CS:………………..uhhh,it means you have a nice face?
*narrows eyes,and starts too talk slow* lets talk about something else….
@Risha you’re in the 6th grade (well now in 7th)
omg,sorry if you got offended when i was making fun of 6th graders…
i thought you were older,you’re really mature
Happy last day of school for you cuddly sun. I still have 8 days left 🙁
I made a count down in my locker, and everybody loves it! ♥
OMG JADE I LOVE THE MOVIE WHITE CHICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
its ok jade.
wow you guys have LOCKERS?!
are school is so badd that they BANNED us from having lockers!
Because some kids put/hide drugs in their,lol
Jade: Nahh its fine 🙂 A lot of people say stuff like that, but I’ dont get offended very much 😛
cuddly sun:RIGHT?!
and does anyone remember Jeall?
and just too let you guys know my name was Bendy Turtle at first,my poptropican name.i hate it 🙄
ok back too the story…
(i’m gonna show you all the post i commented on,if i can remember all of them)
(it’s a SLOW DAY OKAY?)
oops wrong post…..
lol,scratch what i said that was meant for a other group of people lol
oh jade
That was confusing jade 😛 but uhhhhhh?
jade whats ur name then tell me i got my friends clothes like e girl but im a girl
Okay this Garrett dude is kinda freaking me out.
garret do i no u????? u go to manatee right? last year teacher was mrs. back? if so y r u talking like that??? its GROSS and sick? omg no r u garret f. or garrett u?
Well there are so many names in the world, and there are tiny tiny chances it can be the person you know… just be a little bit careful 😐 It’s what i have heard from others
no im from Indiana yes my last name starts with an F…and i anit gonna tell u my last name….SO TASTE THE RAINBOW….LOL
Jade, is your team the heat or the celtics?
Warsaur i completly agree.. they are a good band but not cute.. and garett what is wrong with you? This is a site where children go!!!!!!!!!11
Garrett Fisher?
Wow I love this island! Want to know why….. only 2 reasons sumo, ninjas, and dragons. Well 3 reasons! |:3 I smart! XD
this walkthrough sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jade: U no Garrett??? (Confusseeeeddd) :/
this is not a helpful website but just to tell you i need help on the red dragon part on defeating him!
wait ur website is a little helpful on the first part of the game… its just how did i get to the red dragon part if there’s MORWE COMING SOON???!!!!
Risha:NO.i dont,i just guessed he said is last name starts with a F right?
that’s all.
(btw i dont know anyone called Garrett,but i don USE too know someone called Garnet 🙂 )
Devils SHOULD have beat the kings yesterday. I have 19 medallions and I`m trying this one and It`s hard for me! Add me on poptropica my username is Mik2234.
Add me on poptropica I`m Mik2234. Go NY!
I go on poptropica atleast an hour a day. I`m 4 stars. I win like every match I play. See if you can beat me, I`ll be on Red Dragon Island on Friday June15th at 4:00 pm. No one will beat me lol
um damy y r u telling us to shut up?
how am i telling you guys too shut up????
please tell me.
*crosses arms*
OMGG! Long time no um type! Hey jade wats up? Omg yes i remember jeall she was that stupid girl that kept type-yelling at u jade, rite?emma is u know going through with the diabetes stuff… Soo yup I am fine just busy but not anymore cuz its
Oh and uhn….
PS hiya lazy bones how ya doin
Omg so yup I am soo glad I m posting a gain oops no space p
I have a new haircut! I’ll try to get a pic soonnn
Kaitlin ur NOT bad looking. I think your pretty. And we r still ur friends no matter how u look
Oh Heyyy Crystal! Long time no “type” 🙂 Wow can’t wait to see ya haircut 🙂
Lol crystal, lots of ‘PS’s’ 😆
I know! So u r going In to 7th grade rite, Risha?
My haircut is my bangs I got them put to the side.
In the fall I’m gonna be in 6th grade
Hey AH do u remember Paris?
OMGG CRYSTAL ITS BEEN 4EVR I HAVE MISSED U LOL…..yeah i rember Paris wonder were she at???
*starts wondering*
jade, we r not yellign atu to shutup. im yelling at damy. my mom almost hit this kid i HATE WITH A PASSION. he said i have no friends and no one likes me.
Yeah I wonder too
Cs, for real? Omg that’s SOOO mean that kid
So anything new in ur guyses lives?
Not much with me
Omg I still remember me and cs were fighting over like nothing and I almost left the site 4 good
Anyone want the link?
Hey guys, went on vacation got back yesterday…Risha I need ur help…its really important…its about candy
I know that you guys are thinking, “Candy??? How is that important???” But it is. To tell you, its a “language” that my friends and I have 😛 thats y
YAY!! thank you i complete the island!!
Warsaur: Yeah what about Candy?
To the people: U know that warsaur and i are great friends and we use random words as this ‘language’ sooo yeah 😕
Crystal: Yeahhhh 7th grade soon, and i got bangs too 😀 hehehe, got a haircut today
Try to go on gt as much as possible tmrw, k?
Warsaur (i always have 2 look at how 2 spell tht, can i just say W?)- I thought candy wuz a person! Hehe.
Risha- COOL! My pic SHOULD be up soon!
News update! A new blog will be up soon and i’ll have the link. Chat box, here we come!
CS: 😳
* 😮
Aww thanks jade!!
I missed u 2
Crystal: tht’s ur new pic? Thats so Coooolll 😀 😀 😀
Warsaur: Ok, i’ll be on gt all day long
Wow Crystal (Mind if i call u Crys?) I love that blog 🙂 like the old one, but better
CRYSTAL u look sooooo pretty….and idk whn ill be on chat but we no garrett will be there alot…ugh
ill be on whn i can
im on rigth now
im on tht chat rite now…gonna be singin a little bit
I will be on chat soon
chat here i come!!!!1
I am awesome lol
ok i am soooooooooooo confussed
ok my moms cell wont work crystal so ill try some ti,e this year lol
Omg sO
1. There was an imposter
2. There was this guy who asked me if Angry hawk (ah) was my pet.
I’m SOOO sorry ah he is my cousin no jk w u
Haha but I do feel sorry 4 u
( ppl I will explain latr)
C u at 1:30
haha Crystal…tht waz funny whn i waz about 2 leave i looked at all the things tht he put and one of thm said Crystal Meth…i waz like wth!?!? lol but tht imposter crystal waz my sister u no the one who is anyoning…lol jk w u Crystal…my sister dont live with me any more..thank
C u at 1:30 i guss my time lol witch is in like less thn and 1 hour lol
I’ll be there in a sec
i sry i couldnt come on crystal…had 2 clean my brothers car…so if i leave without sayin bye thts y
im singin 4 awhile
Crystal: Imposters come on that blog thing? I thought these things have stopped for a while :\
ohh-emm-gee cool pic you got there jade 😀
Risha- yeah me too but obviously not
OH to everyone here: I am going to be travelling for the summer for about 20 days, so i wont reply.. when I cum back, can someone pleeeasseee tell me what happened before? Thank you very very very much guys 🙂 Have a nice time
nice pic jade
and do u guys remember whn i told u guys about my bf…welll i waz thinkin an dwhn he moves 2 hawaii i wont be able 2 c him intill 3yrs….so we r just friends 🙁 and the worset thing is tht it waz my idea and tht we both still like each other…but yeah we kissed on our last date and before he leaves we r playin on 2 do it agin if we think its ok but yeah soo he is gonna call me 2nite…im gonna miss him alot 😥
thankss AH 😀
thanks Risha 😀
are you talking about me?
(i will be posting RANDOM COMMENTS,that i made up 🙂
would you rather sing when you talk or dance when you sing?
“Saw a homeless man sleeping in a box surrounded by bubble wrap. Must be his new alarm system.”
When you start to hate someone, everything they do begins to annoy you… Them: *Cough* You: “OOOOHHH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDD ”
Guys!!!!!!!! I missed yu all so much!!!
Well, its hard to sneak on my pc now… o_o
And whut chat is everyone talking about?
Garret, please leave. Nobody wants to here your nasty, inappropriate comments.
Watching the Brady Bunch! I’m at the beach in NC!!!
Sorry. The past cuddly sun is me. I forgot to put the correct email.
It looks the same to me CS. BTW How r your holidays everyone?
Hey Crystal (Sorry for late reply) But sure. You guys can call me W or something. 😀 And yeah Candy is a person…I think I made that bit a little too obvious
BTW Do people tell their parents that they have bfs and gfs???
Warsaur: I’ve never said a word oxo
And I’ll probably think of a creative nickname for yu overtime… 😛
I NEVER tell my family anything about my love life. I come from a comedian funny.
not trying to sound like a bad ass but… sometimes at Walmart I enter through the exit door.
jade- me too…but i do it to annoy ppl
i tell my parent who i m dtin only ifbi habe been datin thm for at least a month….to make sure its gonna last a lomg time
Jade, I do that all the time. I also walk REALY slow when I’m on the cross walk
funny funny funny….i take a 4evr time to pay to..its funny
okay sure risha
omg jade i loveee tht one the cough ohh myyy gooodd one thts hilarious
whenever i do that my mom lectures me on where u enter im like ommmgggh lady!!
W, im curious about candy
tell me more plz
hold on bc , u were grounded? gosh i m so late
Um Crystal….Candy is…someone….who….is my….hmmm how do I put this? Gr8 friend? No. Somebody who I want to be closest to…
PS-A boy
Sry guys that was my friend!!! She is right though… 😐
umm… i don’t understand the part in the ending of interior level 3 where you have open the bridge to get to the door
I am sooooo bored!!!!!!! :*
Same CS…First time I am completely alone…no sibling, nothing….IDK what to do
what the hell everything changed here
lol Warsaur…and idk whn ill be on cjat lolz
ohhhh ok W, 😛 Everyone has crushes right?
yeah im might have another bf lolz
Crystal: well, yeah. i was groundedd. and now i gotta go to ssummer school for a month…. ill try to coome on…
y BC..just realy curcous
I have never went to summer school
oh my god go here:
this is sooo hilarious
AH: It’s like a religious summer school where I have to *gag* wear full-sleeved shirts and jeans -.-
And it’s ok lol
CS: omg… luckee~
Oops. If ya see a comment w/ a blank pic under my name, it’s mine 😳
NNg! There are no impostors…I just did an email address typo~
‰. Eh. This island in DRVING ME CRAZY!!!¡!! >:O. •_•.
Btw, ik were trying 2 save Annie and jack, but I hope those guards ar payed well, it’s a very good security system
Is it just me or does the whole computer get laggy when I get to fighting the Red Dragon?
Crystal tht is funny…i watched tht the last day of school in my class and everybody waz rotf..lolz
i gotta know what she’s writing soon! i’m having lots of trouble with the island!
i finally got the guy i have wanted..and we r datin thnk u parents anit gonna no..haha im mean tho lolz jk
Ah:lol oh wow 😛
Unng, the summer school I go to makes meh wear full-sleeved shirts and jeans… it is TORTURE. -.-
THE MIAMI HEAT WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
ahhhh,i remember when i said the LOST the championship.
and now THIS YEAR THEY ARE THE 2012 CHAMPIONS(in the NBA)!!!!!!
WE BEATED OKLAHOMA CITY’S ASS (excuse my language)
series:miami wins championship 4-1 😀
I guess you’re right Crystal…The thing is this is gonna be my 3rd yr liking him… 😐
i have read this book
yah i knw rite jade
did u see him in after the game?
yeah wasaur i liked this guy through all fourth and fifth but now im going 2 a private school
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Ya but it’s gonna be the third year… 😐
im in Speedway Indiana..hello my hometown..well near my home town
@Crystal:yup,it was soo cool!
they were like throwing champagne EVERYWHERE!
Miami was so LIVE,everyone was making TONS of noise and there was ALOT of people on the streets!
well theres gunna be a PARADE on MONDAY!
(you guys might think its TOO MUCH,but we havn’t won a championship since 2006!)
(and plus miami LOVES basketball,LOL)
Does anyone know who Zayn Malik is?
well if you don’t (don’t know how you wouldn’t)
but he’s GORGEOUS!
i cant wait til’ they come on July 1st too Florida!
im totally getting those tickets!
OMG he is just BEAUTIFUL!
check out this Tumblr page!
it’s not mine! (lol)
its this girl’s,i think she’s from AUSTRAILIA.
he’s in One Direction.
i like Harry Styles too,but Zayn is sexy.
And Harry looks like he’s 5 yrs old,lol.
okay creepy info lol:
his full name is Zayn Javadd Malik
his name is ACTUALLY spelled ”Zain” but he changed it too a Y
he’s 19 yrs old 🙂
he’s from Bradford,England
He’s the ”Bad Boy” of the group 😀
umm he smokes and has a bunch of tattoos (which makes him even DREAMIER)
He’s 5,10 just like harry 🙂 (and im 5,5!)
He’s MIXED (just like ME!) he’s half British (his mom) & half Pakistani (his dad)
(except im not pakistani,lol)
His eye color:is auburnish but some people say its hazel (basically is eyes are dreamy)
he has 3 SISTERS one is 19 just like him,and the other two are 10 & 8
favorite color is blue
he has BLACK hair
and is born January 12,1993!
(isnt it creepy that i know all of this?)
oh yeah and his ears are pierced!
oh yea he says ”Vas happenin’ ?” ALOT,lol
It’s SUPER cute cause of his British Accent!
and he’s a bit shy,at times.
And he’s trying to stop smoking,cuz of his sisters and his fans.
i really dont care if he stops or not!
(that’s cause he makes it looks so SEXY!)
OMG, i know, right? obviously zayn is ur fave, but idk who is my fave. maybe liam…..but hey, dont hate me cuz u AINT ME!! (that was on my friends t shirt. im still trying to figure it out…) anyway who wants to be my friend? username is lalaloopsy1331 and my multiverse is AHM32 . and i am really good @ poptropica so if anyone needs help i am more than happy to! ok Spidergirl out 😉 ha. dats funny cuz i really wanna see the amazing spiderman and my name is friendly spider. ha.
—–Friendly Spider >0<
yeah liam is cute too,he has the 6 pack!
lol,and his accent is so sexy!
im not big into 1Direction any more. i love Chris Rene. he sings Young Homie
i am a fan of 1D…..i love thm watching the Simpson
(when i say real i mean like their not afraid too be their selves)
OMG,let me show you a example:
Zayn dancing with his friends (not one direction) LUV this video!
btw,check this guy out!
i found this song cause of the COMMERCIAL of ”Internet Explorer9”
Alex Clare~Too Close
1D just got annoying. in virginia we r more into the country music
CS…i listen to all kinds of misic..nd 1D helps my mood some times
CS:ewwww 😐
Where do you find hakiu?
This island is pretty cool. Book is really neat too. But, where is the other walkthroughs? 2-?
I, CANNOT get past the second level of breaking Jack and Annie out! I can’t click on the guard or anything! HEEEELLLP!!!
Guys, if you need help, go to this page:
Well, hey! Back after a long time…well not that long though… 😀
Come too my ROOM:AZX32
(im bored)
how do u get there Jade
AH do you have multiverse from the store? If you dont, then get one. 😀 You will see the options there 😀
Anyone notice that if you lose the fight with the red dragon you cab put it on easy mode? (you dont need water refills)
Hi guys! I just want to tell u I can’t go on very often cause I am in china.
hey Crystal can we be friends? I am nine.
By the way Jade I was wondering why you are always saying sexy. It’s not the only good band in the world you know. (No Offense)
This is my favorite island out of all of them! Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading a lot of historical fiction set in ancient China. 🙂
Hey! Ya I won’t be able to come on anymore after 6th July 😐 (going for vacation)
i love got misterys and more.make your own character.and more!!!! see you there
hy guys lost of ppl not gonna be on and sry 2 tell yall this but me either…sry 🙁
Okay guys…Let’s change the subject…
What song are you obsessed in right now? I just keep on listening to Ordinary Girl by Miley Cyrus for some reason 😀
my song is young homie by Chris Rene
Hmm…Never heard of that song…I’ll look it up… 😀
And I am now also obsessed in Barefoot Cinderella by Miley Cyrus AGAIN 😀
artists of all time
1 eminem
2 slim shady
3 rabitt
4 the guy from d-12
you got one day to figure out who they are after reading this
oh yea hi
in new york were all mixed up with different types of music…
my favorite song is cinnderella man by eminem it goes against the time he was illuminati
Cool David! 😀
Happy Independence Day, Everyone!!! 😀
Happy 4th to you too, Warsaur! P.S. I am a GIRL, even though i am Big Raptor!!
thx warsuar happy independence to you ahh its good to be back .
hey uh waurser were are you giong for vacation cause im giong to hershey park
but what exactly is 1D???
because that’s my sister’s class!!
or is it one dimension???
or is it a band???
or is it something related to space???
(I’m really mad about space, i am the overall topper for science stream!!!)
Ask me any questions related to space!!!!!!!!!!
oh um actually I am going to 3 places: Cambodia, Singapore and Thailand…what about u guys?
It’s soooo boring…I have finished all of the islands and have played the demo in wimpy boardwalk….grrr
HAPPY LATE 4th evrybody…..i love the song Think like a man
im giong to colombia and russia
im watching say yes to the dress. i just wanna ask the girls: what type of dress were you looking for?
mine is a short dress with a camo belt and cow girl boots.
This IZLAND needz a WALKTHROUGH and a text of it < PLEASE fierce Moon make a text and walkthrough of red dragon island 🙁
Why don’t the guards notice a hamburger in a ninja suit snooping around?
umm david?
you know that enimen is ”slim shady” right?
i’m a girl and I know that 🙄
and btw your missing The Beatles and MJ on your list..
and who the heck is this ”david”?!
maybe it’s cuz i’ve haven’t been here in 2 weeks or so….
i was ussaly on in 2o11 remember i started out mean but then i even became friends with rayzuki (or the guy with the avatar logo)
i dont know him either.
i all ready completed this because of you fierce moon
hyyyy whts been happening….Jade fill me in on who is the annoying one and stuff like tht
Hi! Sure Sneaky whale!! I’m ten so that’s fine with me.
Is this the David Tht called me a:
And lots more others
Anyways…. How was your guyses fourth of July? I spent mine eating and watching tv, while my brother Wuz on a cruise with his friend(hmph)
Yup… Welll
Can you (Fierce moon) update the written walkthrough PLEASE?! They are my poptropican savior mainly because i’m too lazy to watch the videos.
and yes this is me and crystall that was an imposter and cuddly sun just so you know that i was on before youre nameis Charlotte or that is wat i a told and jade theyre all eminem iwould ussaully use the emote 😈
were is the written passage i cant find the master nija or i dont know what to do with the tickets
im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crystal wht waz the blog agin
Oh okay sorry David
Unmmmm I’ll get it in a min
Um ok? Wat ever!
the BLOGGGGGG plz!!!!!!
i dont care about the stupid pictures or the sumo wrestling thing, just post it!
The answer to #4 is Vampire’s Curse Island.
Add me I’m nickimalst
wht evr nvr mine…nobodys listening 2 me anyways
I seem to be missing one photo from this island…I only have three (out of four)…
Anyone have a clue about this?
-Fearless Owl
make a written walkthrough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate red dragon island it was boring and plus i dont get how firce moon made a perfect jump!!!!!
I know i ‘ve looked at walkthroughs for red dragon on this blog and I read it 1 year ago and it’s still not there !!!!!
where are all of the password peices because i only have the first 2
why are jack and annie so messed up looking?
OHH I am back! Hiiii 🙂 Came back from an amazing amazing trip… If some of ya are curious, i went to Spain, Turkey and England 🙂
So how’s life everyone? What has happened while i was gone, if i may ask? 😛
Uhm, Warsaur…… did you, um, just talk about Candy??? Well, that’s ok… I hope we both can meet up soon when you come back from your holiday!! 😉
hi everbody! i am having some problems with vampire curse. can you help me out? also i posted something about red dragon, on how they didnt post the rest of the blog. tell me what you think about that.
if you want to meet my poptropica person, meet me in the frog creek library.
see you there
i want to be a member.
it so cool.
it lovely
HHHHYYYYY RISHA…..nothing much…just ppl r really busy and dont come on alot..nd I LOVE BEING SINGLE 4 now….yeap soo o and ppl have been ingoring me to so yeap
Friend Me my user is Sky25625
Friend Me my user is Nallely557
wow,i haven’t been on in ages O.0
*shrugs* i think I’m just gonna move on and not come on here…..
its pretty boring now anyways…….so yea……bye!
Angry Hawk: Oh thanks for telling me, ahhaa i see what ya mean but I am not ignoring u!!
Jade: Um, never ever come on here at all???? starting from now? ❓ 🙁
Risha- welcome && u been?
Jade- i no u will be bk soon && u will be loooking on here all u can.. 😆 i no u jk not really
who wants to be my friend i am a boy my name is mighty lobster my username is harry0258
I have trouble on the pole vaulting part
Jade: Ahaha i remember one time you said you won’t come here anymore but you came on after a while 🙂 no big deal, just pointing out
ok i got a little farther go up the steps to the temple looking place and get a rotten fish then go under the brige and give it to the man fishing then a mini game will come up in it try 2 block all the ways the kappa can steal the fish block the tree with the bees move the frog over the lilly pad with bubbles roll the boulder over the hole in the grass click on the fire to light the latern and then click on the fish 2 move it on top of the net you should have caught a kappa you wont get any thing but im sure it will pay up latter
🙂 🙁 😀 😛 :’D :'(
Grrrrr. They need to finish this walkthrough!!
hey were r the walkthroughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Risha… I did…well read your emails Risha…
Hey guys! I’m back! What have I missed? 😀
This really helped me. I got the ninja master to train me so now i have to save jack and annie
Warsaur-nothin much.. && Jade says she is gonna leave lolz YEAH RIGHT!!!!!
Hey Wazzzzz zzz upppppp1$!’nnnnm!!!!!!!! N.
were do i go i dont know were to go please help me fierce moon i need walkthroughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey guys!
Warsaur: Heyyyy 🙂 Yeah i replied… You didn’t miss much, just random chats 😛
really AH? 😐 like 4ever???
Crazy Panda: Go to this website:
Risha: Okay well 😛
jade give up we ALL know yu wont quit oh yea am i the only person with internet where ever i go cuase im in russia ad the only reson i quit was becuase i joined club penguin and its WAY bettr than poptropica i only come ere to see what you guyz say 😛 😈
thanks warsaur i will go there
No prob Crazy Panda…wait for short can I call you CP? 💡
Warsaur-yeap tht is wht she said
Does anyone know how to beat the 2 level of the place? I can’t 🙁
I HATE the part where I have to fight the red dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t beat and cause of the ads if I click on it. It goes there!!!!!!!!!! And the computers slow so it takes
FOREVER to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
😐 I know those ad things and when computers are slow perfect cheetah… do u have any other computers/laptops around?
omg this island is like 1 year old allready its like there never ganna post the rest of the walkthrough 🙁
I’m stuck in the place where I have to dress up like a ninja and pass the person on patrol.WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME
David: IKR Clubpenguin IS fun but I still play both 😛
AH: aw I’ll miss her 🙁
Jade if you’re there: Are you leaving or not? Cuz David said you aren’t but AH says you are… Im sooo confused
How do you get to the secret door? :/
You know, since there isn’t much to talk about on this page.. that’s pretty much why people leave this page :L
I guess so… 😐
Yeah 🙄 Anyways, Warsaur, i won’t probably free that much for this week… just read your mail 😛
Yeap and i might just end up leavin 2 so if i dont post in awhile thn PEACE OUT….i will look on here tho 2 c if any1 is talkin bout me tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jade got herself a boyfriend
Well AH we’ll miss you if you DO leave!
Risha-Let me no when u r
that stinks they need to finish it off
Warsaur: After the 4th or 5th 😐 Cuz you know, this week’s pretty packed for me 😕
Wow………….. I missed a LOT! I’m watching Olympics I LOVE MICHEAL PHELPS!! He just won heat 1… Wait does anyone here know anything about swimming?
Anywayyyy…. Really AH,Jade?
Well…. I know Risha, It IS a bit boring….
I’ll stay til the end of summer my school starts August 20th, so-HOLD ON WATCHING SWIMMING GIVE ME A SEC!! Oh nevermind it’s not Phelps or Lochte(another swimmer) So did anyone see the opening ceremony oops as I Wuz sayin I will stay on til school. Maybe a weekly or monthly post with huge update… But I’m starting this private school called Oakwood, so I will be very busy. But remember its my FIRST YEAR OR MIDDLE SCHOOL. I might post telling about the day.
So today I will say something to everyone.
Jade-Bye cya in maybe 5 months
David-Sorry barely know you
Risha-We should get somewhere new and more fun to post?
W- When does your school start?
Ummm should I make another blog with like weekly polls and stuff??
Wait I forgot Risha,W, where do u live?(continent not address I’m not a stalker.)
Crystal: Warsaur and I both live somewhere in Asia, not to be so specific 😛
Oh and there already is a blog that u made right?
Hehehe Warsaur, and everyone else if you want to see my avatar 🙂 Just made it a while ago
okay i saw your avatar and she is beautiful
red dragon is awsome! it has ninjas and dragons i am like so amazed!
Thanks curious panda… 😆
Crystal, we live in Asia, and our school starts on the 13th of August 😀
this is so hard >:(
hy ppl im not leaving now..but im be on nabooti most of the time…and Crystal were is tht othr blog u made with the chat??????????
Really Risha and W? My parents are from china but I was born here. We have a house in China. Its for when we go and it’s for my grandparents. Yes I did make A blog but I have totally forgotten it.thats really early to start school… What is that a…Monday? Tuesday?
13 August??? Our school ended on the 1st of June so… ya. It’s a Monday. When does ur school end?
Lot’s of people start and end school differently..
Yep. W: Mine ended June 1st, but I am in a WAY different school so…..
R: Yup. Two of my friends start early Thursday same week as urs mine starts one week later than urs…
where do u put the ticket? poptropica. red dragon island. signed, ur lady in waiting.
i read 73 books. i wrote them all down and my mom counted. i luv craigon joyner!ttylxox! lol! xox! i’m going to be a fifth grader on august 6, summer vacaiton started on may 18, 2012. we went swimming in a lake on friday, july 13. this year.
i luv wimpy wonderland! goooo hefffllllllleeey!!! stertched out words. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mom teaches 6th grade. in our school 6th grade starts middle school and 8th grade ends it. i’m going to 5th grade.i live in bruceton,tennessee.p.s. i’m 10yrs old and in just 2 months i’ll be 11.
dear bronze wolf, u r so right.i have a million questions about the moody bird, out.
can u guys let me be ur friend?
Fierce Moon Your website is really Kool 10/10 I love your walkthroughs
Sure Moody Bird! Of course you would become a friend by coming often here especially. For all other indians out there Happy Raksha Bandhan!
hy..ppl woops g2g had school for an 1hr 2day go bk Monday and start completly…ugh so wont be on here oftn && i gotta go 2 this teacher thing 2day so g2g love ya byee 🙂 >3
dear waursaur, thanks. oops! haf to go. lol. mody bird,out
u guys are so kool! ttylxox poptropicans!
it’s 5:01 in tennessee.
u guys r sooooooooooo kool!i get on club penguin sometimes. my penguin is only a week old. her name is “Real Dudet.“ i have a blue puffle. i am not a member. i’ve been to a couple of cadence’s concerts. is that her name? did u know that bella is cheating on edward? LoL! moody bird, out.
it’s 5:59 p.m. in tennessee.
i hope guys don’t mind that the people in indiana say i talk like a hillbilly. even though i really don’t because here people say i talk completely normal. p.s. it’s 6:31p.m.LoL. moody bird,out.
sorry that i’ve put so much stuff on here. signed, extremely sorrrrrrrrrrrry, moody bird.
i’t’s 7:o6 p.m.LOL POPTROPICANS. p.s. i luv club penguin.
moody bird i think anyone from the south has an accent, but you probably think the same for others too. like I say TA instead of TO. ” I am going ta the store.” that is just an example but tha tis how I talk.
Moody Bird- Sure anyone is friends on here with anyone else 🙂
i used to think that people from new york had accents, but i don’t anymore. i don’t know why people think people from the south have accents, because we don’t. or at least i don’t THINK so.
did u here about the chic-fil-a thing in gorgia? i hope u don’t mind that i’m a CHRISTAN. people now a days act like that’s a bad thing. but i’m already saved. and i know EVERY story in the bible. no really. i have a bible and i read it every day. do u think it’s weird that i say the word “a“ funny? i say it like i’m saying“ uh.“ u pronounce my real name like this: a-ddi-sun. but it’s spelled“ addison.“ but say the “a“ like ur supposed to. not like“uh.“
did i tell u that both patrick willis AND dr.seuss went to my high school in bruceton? even though i’m in elemantry, our school is connected. elemantry, middle, and high school. all conected. and my mom teaches 6th grade language arts.
my mom and robert got divorced 8 yrs ago. my little brother was born with seizers. he’s getting better though. he’s getting better at talking, and reading. i’m the middle child. my older brother,andrew, has seizers. we found out a month ago. my grandma passed away july 7,2011.if she was still alive, she’d be 62. my grampa just turned 60. he’s still alive.
alex a.k.a. little brother. age:8. he’s going to 3rd grade. andrew a.k.a. big brother. age:11. going to 6th grade. addy a.k.a. me. age:10. going to 5th grade. because andrew has seizers, he may not be able to get a car. he and alex have 2 different kinds of seizers.
it’s 8:11 a.m. in tennessee.
i just left club penguin. so whos side r u on? fire or ice? it’s 8:22 a.m. in tennessee. u wanna know how well i knew robert? when i was 4 yrs old, a man came up to me and hugged me. i was at my grandpa’s house. i ran inside the house crying and said“ mommy, there was a man outside and he just hugged me!“ my mom went outside. and when she came back she looked pained. “ addy, that man was ur father.“
i am a christan and three poptropicans. my names avery and i am 9. i have two sisters,a dog named lady bug, and two friends at school (they live beside me).i live in lakeville,OH and my papaw takes me EVERYWHERE and will buy me me. ITS AN AWESOME LIFE!
tsk. tsk. i heard moody bird and mighty melon r the same person
dear happy crown, those r my favs TO. no really. i luv ALL of those things.
Wow. A girl is gone for 1 day and she misses a WHOLE PAGE!!! Thanks for filling my time!!! 🙂
Hi Moody Bird!! I’m crystal( noooo, I’m bob the donkey).I am 10 too but I will be going into 6th grade. I turn ten in November. You are really talkative, like mE,you should sit next 2 me in class lol. I live In the western part <- of the US….lol did I say I turn TEN in November! I turn ELEVEN, lol! I'm not that smart!!
Um I'd have to say I am on water but only cuz my name is Crystal:) (and it's safer)
Wait what do u mean your high school??
Lol Crystal you are funny 🙂
Oh hey angry hawk its me charm school : )
it’s 11:36 a.m. here.“ a present to crystal“ a 5 page play script. coming to the Dixie soon. will be in theatres summer 2013. LoL! ttylxox. p.s. me too. p.p.s. u r cool.
When will they post the rest of it in text? I’m stuck. 🙁
it’s august 7,2012. yesterday was the school orientation. i am now offically a ……… 5th grader! today makes offical. 6:55 a.m. and school doesn’t start ’till 8. LOL! p.s. did i mention that my mom teaches 6th grade? so that’s how i get to talk 2 u guys………since we don’t have a computer at home.
Hey guys! I have been gone for a fews days…so…sup? How’s life? 😀
take a look at my avatar:
Warsaur: That’s a spy…. right?
ya i guess… 😛 I can’t wait…my bday’s coming soon!!! 😀
it’s 3:14 p.m. and i luv 5th grade………………all we do is: color,read,and watch the magic school bus allllllllllllll day.LOL!
Yeah Warsaur… tomorrow 😀 😀
Ps i was totally cracking up reading all Moody bird’s comments. you talk alot….just like me! I’m nine and in a month i’m going to be a fourthgrader!!
my school is coming soon im going to path academy a.k.a worst school ever im going to 6th grade i went their for summer school and my friend is too but i have to get on a bus (yawn)
grr i cant do it agian >:(
🙁 maybe i can:)
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
i want the rest off the written walk through
Thanks! I will try to say happy b day to u w, but I am in LA! 🙂 talk to ya later !
Oh oops, happy early b day!!
Thanks Cyrstal! I’ve spent my day with RIsha so far and right now she is saying, quote, “HEY! i SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!!!” 😀 Well Risha TOO BAD!!! 😀
😆 Lol yeah that was funny
dear Warsaur
it’s actually 3:12 p.m. here.
I’ve been looking at the comments why is moody bird keep on commenting on this web
so……………….how wuz ur day?
it’s 3:13 p.m. here people!
dear yo mama,
also because i’m bored.
Thanks Moody Bird, can I call you MB?
School’s started, its gr8. Well to Indians out there, Happy Independence Day! (Sorry that I don’t wish other religions and countries their holidays, but well, I am really close to India so I just know more about those holidays than other places)
sure pal! LoL! ttylxox………
Warsaur: Ahaha, remember the cat? 😛
HA! lol that was funny. It took my mewing seriously. I am surprised it didn’t rip you apart though… 😀 It looked like it was about to attack! 😛
Look at my sexy boobs
look at the sexy girls naked
Kiss my sexy boobs put your face in my boobs
Look at the naked girls
look at the boobs
Kiss my boobs
will u guys hurry up and post the rest for it dudes! sheesh kabab…..
xbox, I suggest that you don’t talk like this on this page. There are young children here too, and most of us DO NOT want to look or hear ANYTHING about those types of things. Please stop that.
Warsaur, u r soooooooooo right………I’m ten yrs old, AND a fifth grader……… i’m a girl.
3:05 p.m.
moody bird, i agree with u. did u see the post from watermelony in great pumpkin island?
Kiss my sexy boobs put ur face in the boobs
Look at my boobs
look at the sexy girls being naked
Wanna kiss my boobs
No, I really don’t.
xbox, There are young children here too, and most of us DO NOT want to look or hear ANYTHING about those types of things. We will have to ban you from this page if this continues.
Hi Fierce Moon.
I am fourteen years of age and I want to make a simple request.
When there is a conversation between poptropicans, please select all three.
I hope that this request isn’t offensive to you, so please be online friends!
i totally saw that post
What have I missed !? I been at school !
Fast Spinner August 4, 2012 at 2:21 am
Oh hey angry hawk its me charm school : )
im sorry but i dont know you !!?? who are you !!!!!!!!
whats up guys
hey pals! ‘sup. hows the fam’ ?
look at my boobs look at the sexy girls look at the sexy sexy boobs kiss my boobs kiss the sexy girls butt
wanna kiss my boobs wanna see the sexy naked girls?
look at my boobs look at the sexy butt look at the sexy girls kiss my sexy boobs kiss the girls butt look at the naked girls
wanna look at me naked put your face in my boobs
look at fierce moons boobs
eww thats gross and this is a kids site and 4 year olds go on this site and if you keep saying that ill ban you
look at fierce moon naked
xbox whoever you are, GET OUT jeeze first hyper shadow now you I don’ think can keep up with this.
anybody know someone named mew mew?
look at fierce moons boobs look at her naked look at my sexy boobs look at fierce moons sexy butt look at my sexy butt
LOOK AT MY SEXY BOOBS KISS MY SEXY BOOBS put your face in my boobs put your face in fierce moons boobs look at her butt
look at the naked girls look at the sexy girls naked look at the sexy girls boobs look at the sexy girls butt
is anayboday home
Okay xox, SHUT UP!!! I am sorry to be mean, but now you’re getting on EVERYONE’S NERVES!!! JUST SHUT UP, WILL YOU?
i meant xbox
i dont think your fierce moon
firstly,fierce moon would talk nicely
secondly,your name should be underlined if you were fierce moon
plus,you should have a picture of fierce moon on your right center
ok im leaving this is gross xbox you act like Garrett !!!!!!!!!
Angry Hawk, good idea. It’s not safe to be around creeps such as xbox.
‘Fierce Moon’, I know you’re not the real one, but I agree.
Ughhh xbox, seriously?
i guess xbox is a teenager…
hey ahh finsh the writen walkthorgh
who in the world is x-box a…. gross mean ugly teen?????? sereously do u people know what ur talking bout
u guys talk about xbox i will talk about… ok now u got my lost!!!!
poptropica secrets is da best!!!!!!
im so sorry but what are you talking about?
huh what u mean wendy??
and anyway can someone help me on the cloud dragon part , it sound like could patrol from skylanders lol!!!
a famous cat,
dangerus wing
by the way wendy im talking about what the other guys are saying bout ( xbox???)
omigosh red dragon is hard!
okay guys, forget about xbox. So, sup?
sup is all u say warsaur??? well whats up is that … well…. BE QUIET AND DONT GET INTO CONVERSATIONS LIKE THESE K!!! OR I MIGHT CALL U XBOX
and not its not wendy its just soooooooooooooooooooooooo long
oh and redwing the first comment person who is angry hawk and why did u bring up (xbox?????)
a famous cat,
dangerous wing
oh and ps the next comment i post i will tell u all wendy warsaur and all u other people my name. never mind i will tell u it right now but u all have to post ur name mine is Anna
My poptropican is Magic Gamer!!!!!!!! My name is Candice!!!!!!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!! I think i’m gonna try to beat Red Dragon?! ~Candy~ PS Candy is my nickname , my friends call me that!! 🙂 🙂
i started red dragon but never finished it now i don’t know where i was!!!! 🙁 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I completed this island , thank you!
hello hello again i was wondering something…. CAN U PEOPLE STOP…. nevmind i yell too much
dont people look at the comments before they are posted to make sure there appropiant? (did i spell that right?) xbox you are a creepy stalker
fearless eagle is in my class and he is sooooooooooooooo cute
i really need to know how to beat the red dragon on red dragon island please help me i can’t beat that dumb dragon i’ve played it like 100 times and can’t get any where help me
Hey Alexis !!!!! I always look at the comments but not to see if there inappropiate. I look at them to see what people are talking about. ~CANDY~
Listen Dangerous Wing. I don’t care who you are who you think you are. But I won’t tolerate you talking like that to me. And btw, you are more like xbox so how about this…SHUT UP.
Everybody else-Heyy! Where’s AH and everyone?
I hate xbox ugly teen how can you say like the kiss sexy boobs
Okay guys…calm down! Let’s get back to normal talk…So how’s life? Hey where are you guys who used to chat here? (AH, Risha, etc)
friendly miquito is hot really date me mlady
I wish there was a easier way to get up to the third door. I hate the vaulting!!!! T-T
um feircemoon i dont need a vedio i need something that help me like reading so do the i need and want to win and get poptropica creadits!$
im a girl too i will whoop your ass xbox i will tear your hair out and put it in a sack while my uncle puts a gun in your face while you say nasty stuff and you willbe dead by me got that by the way little kids i say you dont read this coment and by the way im an police officer and i own and a-k47 and bombs so be careful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i meant an
Haha. I think it’s funny that in these walkthroughs, the people dress as a food like ice cream or hamburger 🙂
IKR Clean Peanut…hey can I call you CP for short?
can someone please help me out here? i don’t know how to rescue Jack and Annie! i’m completely stuck! if you can, that would be great. thanks!
and this bonsai tree trimming thing? is REALLY HARD!!!!!! if one leaf is out of place they fail you. i’ve done it 8 times already!!!!!!
Help!!! like,puhhhh-leaz finish da walkthru
uh what
And, by the way… Fierce Moon, when will you finish the written walk-through? I don’t know why but for some reason I like reading the instructions better than watching a video… So, yeah…Please tell us when you’re going to write it..:)
Nobody will remeber me here….
Hi guys!! 😀
Uh, how do you arrage the suspecs for the dragon costume?
Magic Gamer, have you tried restarting the island its in the map its a big button
i will always remember you bashful cloud
WHAT DO YOU MEAN XBOX!Either tell me or SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND THAT ONE COMMENT ABOUT BOMBS AND AK47 WAS SO UNREASONABLE.There are children reading!I know i am 14 but c,mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this island!
where is the rest of the written walkthrough?
Need some help!!!!!!! 🙂
ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
Come on, Fierce Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
OMG…. I have a friend named risha. do u live in ontario?????
omg!!!!!!! i haven’t been on here since August!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annie and jack is not ditching me when we arrived at japan. it’s the same problem that i have from the old one. help please!
how doyou move the latern to catch the karpa
Guys, Hard mode is actually easy mode, and easy mode is, UNDEFEATABLE!
squirrel is out
i luv Dick Grayson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate superman!!!!!!!!!!! he is such a dork…he isn’t even cool!!!!!!!!!!! LoL!!!!!!!!!!!!
superman is way awesomer
im throwing a party today on multiverse my room code is, bcj59
are you kidding?? this is pathetic! U DON’T REALLY KNOW how to write the rest of it down
*ps i am not yelling my computer is crazy
Everyone come to my party! bzu42
messybug do you know I also have a friend named risha? 🙂
omg i love red drogon island but its soooooo hard:D
Hard in my Life!
HELP! can you defeat the dragon for me username:zelda20139 password:poptropica
I have defeated this island in 3 hours I promise!
Hey Fierce Moon, did you ban xbox because I don’t want to read his comments. My sister found it very upsetting.
hey when u have to cut the bonsai tree are there any tips u can tell me that will be very helpfull thanks for the help this site is cool
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!
i do not know were key is in red dragon
I just need to know how to beat th dragon. is really hard 🙁 I’m NOT letting anyone know my username or password since I dont know you guys. So just help!
hey everyone come to my poptropica party room code aer25 multiverse
I luv “Young Justice“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heeeeeyyyyyyyy puhleeeeezz post back if you see this!!! i get reallllly bored so
talk to me ppl!!! ;D
young justice is sooooooo dumb!!!!!!
if u want to join my multiverse, type in AFN27.
Hope to see you
Thank you so much but can you do a written walk through for red dragon island
i needs help defeating the dragon. Please include tips and actually pay attention to these comments!
to catch karpa you must put the bees in the tree trunk put the frog over the lily pad with the bubbbles under it light the camp fire and click the rock to move it over the last hole.
Hey I dont get how to get anny and wats his face back!
i love reading Jack and Annie books,but there is only one problem.The books are too short.
come on ferice moon i love your website but why cant you post the rest of them?
Come on, Feirce Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know we’re waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to complete this island, and you’re dawdling like a pig who doesn’t wanna leave its pigstie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*
what r u supposed to do after u catch the kappa?
they need to make a walkthrough for this already because i’m doing this island and don’t know what to do next
when is the rest of the written Walkthrough coming?
when is the rest of the written Walkthrough coming?I DID THIS ISLAND,AND IT TOOK ME,LIKE,DAYS!to finishe it!i restarted it!
This island is to hard I need to defeat the Red Dragon
HEY!!! How do I find the Ninja master???
hey boys!anyone gotta tip?: )btw first who rights back gets invited 2 my party!
Quick Dragon you are sooooo right!: )lol
please everyone who is readin this say what grade you r in
i’m quick dragon rsully03husky jsully03
Hello all. I agree with Ms. Irene as well. I do think that you should post a written walkthough as well for those of us (including me) who find the written walkthrough preferable. Thank you for the time you spend posting this online, however.
I do admire your avatar. Congratulations on getting your avatar to look so wonderful.
I would insert a smiley face… but I’m feeling a bit too refined. Sorry.
Ah. I believe that i am going to attempt to start a conversation.
[rather awkward pause]
Anyone? I am desperate for conversation.
[more awkward pauses]
Please rescue me from the silence around me.
Thank you, and goodnight.
I’m sorry for posting so many times in a row. I’m blathering.
Sorry, sorry. I’m stopping for real now.
I hope I don’t get any hate for babbling.
i love poptropica!
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
the video doesn’t help! do you jump to get to the room???? i tried it 50 times,but NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!
why did they stop the walk through? so not fair so now jack and annie are taken away and i cant get them back. COME ON MAN!
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
how do you jump to the room?video doesn’t help an i can’t rescue the cute kids! ;(
wheres the video pof the first part i cant find it
help!! i am stuck on thedragon mini game!!! [not really a mini game to me!]
FINSIH THE WALKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finish the walkthrough, Fierce Moon! It’s been a LONG time since this island came out.
put in the writen walkthrough its been halh a year already
i cant do the writing part
I hated the part were you had to put on those ugly costumes!
I am a member for 12 months.
tha reason tha walkthru aint done is cuz Fierce Moon never finished Red Dragon Island b4 she left and im guessing Zippy Turtle either doesnt kno, doesnt care, or doesnt have time 2 do it.
Im close to finishing it!!!
when i jump on the tire it bounces but i hit the ladder and bouce off
ok so im trying to jump but cant jump like that or that high so when i dont complete or die then im blaming you hope you like that
i won it
I agree bronze pear.
I want to know the rest!!!!!!!!!!
To cut the tree is so hard…
when will the rest be out?
super star 3,000 is right,but you don’t have to be so rude and say that we’re stupid…and your apology is kinda an angry apology,that’s really wrong and I don’t wanna sound all mothery n stuff so nvm….
I restarted this island because it was hard and when I jumped on the tire it made me jump away to the left and the tire rolled away!! Urgh!! I’m also stuck on that Red Dragon game. It’s soooo unfair how it’s so hard.
Anyone wanna finish this stupid dragon battle for me?
Great post. I will be facing a few of these issues
as well..
i need to know the answers
finish the walkthrough
Red Dragon island is a bit hard so I need guidelines from this website.
im back if anyone knows who i am hehe remembers past
oh my fcking god bashful cloud i do remember you (read last comment made) youre uhh youre uhh oh yeah youre indian and … oh yeah have history with garret. i actually once started chatting with him. he said that im in all the good fights or i start them wich is wierd cuase ive made like only 4 no 3 i think 2 the least
i’ve almost completed the island im just up to cutting the bonsai trees
wheres the writen walkthrough we need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too! I’m already fighting with the sumo wrestlers.
I don’t like this island! It is so frustrating and hard and I have been stuck on it since it came out!
i’ll help ye all!!!:)
I help many friends of mine in Poptropica.
ye all r boring
to Fatima T, u no u can take the kimono off after ur past the guards. the people still talk to you and so do the samuri
did anyone else notice in the walk through that on the parchment it says Dizzy Tomato instead of Fierce Moon
ive met fierce moon in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am on fortress level 3, but i do not know how to get to the locked doors.
Um How About A Complete Written Walktrough Cus Like I Can’t Find The Guy U Have To Find PLZZZZZZZZZZ HELP
has anyone seen coroline????????
TIS TRUE!! :excited: 😀 😀
omg omg omg I haven’t been on here for like 5 months!! Hey small moon u probably don’t remember me but where’s Bashful Cloud and Angry Hawk? I MISS THEM):
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I HAVEN’T BEEN O HERE IN FOREVER!!! I MISS u guys so much, Trisha,Annie aka bashful cloud, angry hawk omg I MISS u guys
Hey guys MISSED U!!
Hey guys MISSED U!! 🙂
hey does anyone know what to do when you have to complete the fire dragon part i cant get past there?
ah!help i got the tickit that the sumorai give me but i dont now what to do help!s.o.s
omg hey guys 🙂 Remember Me? Wheres bashful cloud and angry hawk and risha and wasaur???
Who wants to be my buddy!?!?
I’m missing a photo from this island… Does anyone a) have the same problem, or b) know where to find it?
~Fearless Owl~
Friendly Heart if ur talking about the movie. Yes and I luv it
none of ye like meeeeee 😥
help i dont now what to do after the Samurai give me the Ticket!s.o.s
quite fang : i feel ya no one even remembered me when i left
I Know right watched it at school
i need to know how to find the west side where the ningj master is.
It’s so not fair that they didn’t finish the walkthrough and the video doesn’t help either. The haiku guy won’t let me talk to him AAHHHHH what do I do!?!?!?
Hmm… Where is Gentle Peanut? AKA Sophia
can someone please help me get to the last fortress cause i cant please
i’ll help ye,agradolphin.
This is a message for Shiny Moon’s cousin Fierce Moon the guy from the walkthroughs aka Zachary Sunico!First good job making the walkthoughs it is a stroke of genius!And i know ur cousin Shiny Moon aka tristan eric bronco sunico, hes my friend at school!and hhes been helping me with poptropica i wouldve never beat time tangled island without him!u hav the best cousin ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Smart Peanut~
I got some of the hardest islands from Fierce Moon, but how does Fierce Moon know where to go all the time?
How many people are beating this island for the medal. I probably wouldn’t go to most islands but I beat 22 islands. (My username if you want friends) dudewhat4f8.
can not get past the red dragon!
I want to know when they are going to post the rest of red dragon because I cant figure the other part out 🙁
can you finish the red dragon walkthrough
can someone join my multiverse room. the code is DPS42
People why are you guys wasting ur time on waiting until the text appears? JUST WATCH THE VIDEO. the video has the whole walkthrough-.- Common sense people
Omg i use this website all the time,ya im that lame i guess
cool game but more advice 🙂
don’t you just love poptropica is so fun and cool i always get to colllect new items
I luv this island but they need another Magic Tree House one, where Jack and Annie go to meet Wolfie? And we help! I WOULD LUV TO SEE TEDDY AND KATHLEEN
I bet no one remembers me so that’s why I lowercase my name and crystal if you’re reading this I don’t know what happened to AH but bashful cloud left because no one remembered her (PS admin please don’t delete this comment I haven’t done anything yet
Weres everyone seriously no one even talks to each other
And again I comment no ones there
HI I LOVE YOU ALL WE ARE ALL EQUAL!!!! (no im not a hippe!) 🙂
Does anybody know what to do next because it doesn’t give the full walk through.
~Brave Cheetah~
This is already a long time of red dragon appear on poptropica. Y can’t ya finish it?? I am stuck on it for a really on time. Also, I need the WHOLE walkthrough thanku. U made this website so I bet u can do it!!! U finish alot of islands and did a lot of walkthroughs, I bet u can finish it in NO time!!!!
still have not got past the dragon
Who here has gotten past the part of beating the Red Dragon? I haven’t, its hard (even on easy mode!)
i’m at the part were you need to trim the trees and i need some advise on how to so please help me
I’m dying guys I’ve only got a few weeks left please I hope you remember me goodbye I just hope someone says goodbye to me
goodbye David at least I will miss you
hello!!!!!!!!! why have nobody posted n a few days:-(
Well im here
Thank you someone finally went on this page but really I’m glad that if that would happen you be there
I LOVE the “ The Mortal Instruments“ books By Cassandra Clare!!
Goodbye, David.
Nah dudes I’m not dying I just said that so that people would go on the site
And if I do die it won’t really matter here because no one remembers who I am I was on here constantly two years ago I was a popular person too I was friends with people like crystal or bashful cloud but then this mean person called brave monkey started a fight with me so I thought I could win because all the other times I could but he was stronger than me and so he beat me so I hid on a different site for a year
Luckily I was the first one on the site so iwas treated well also the owner was a women and I was nice to her so she got my trust but one day the site got hacked and went buggy do I left took awhile off from these two sites and played club penguin id play it a lot but then I decided it was boring so I started to play on roblox but I got bored too Eminem
Eminem performing in July 2011
Background information
Birth name Marshall Bruce Mathers III
Also known as M&M
Born October 17, 1972 (age 40)[1]
St. Joseph, Missouri, United States
Origin Detroit, Michigan, United States
Genres Hip hop
Occupations Rapper, record producer, songwriter, actor
Years active 1990–present
Labels Bassmint Productions (1990-1992)
FBT Productions (1992-1995)
Web Entertainment (1992-present)
Mashin’ Duck Records (1995)
Aftermath Entertainment (1997-present)
Interscope Records (1998-present)
Shady Records (1999-present)
Associated acts Bad Meets Evil, D12, Dr. Dre, Outsidaz, 50 Cent, Nate Dogg, Obie Trice, Proof, Royce da 5’9″, Slaughterhouse, Xzibit
Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972),[2] better known by his stage name Eminem (stylized as EMINƎM) and by his alter ego Slim Shady, is an American rapper, record producer, songwriter and actor. Eminem, along with his solo career, is a member of his group D12, and also one half of the hip hop duo Bad Meets Evil, with Royce da 5’9″. Eminem is one of the best-selling artists in the world and is the best-selling artist of the 2000s.[3] He has been listed and ranked as one of the greatest artists of all time by many magazines, including Rolling Stone magazine which ranked him 82nd on its list of The 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.[4] The same magazine declared him The King of Hip Hop.[5] Including his work with D12 and Bad Meets Evil, Eminem has achieved ten number-one albums on the Billboard 200. He has sold more than 100 million records worldwide,[6] including 42 million tracks and 49.1 million albums in the United States.[7]
As an underground rapper Eminem released his debut solo album, Infinite in 1996. The album was a critical and commercial failure. He gained mainstream popularity in 1999 after the release of his major-label debut album The Slim Shady LP. The LP also earned Eminem his first Grammy Award for Best Rap Album. His next two records The Marshall Mathers LP, and The Eminem Show, also won Best Rap Album Grammy Awards, making Eminem the first artist to win Best Rap Album for three consecutive LPs. This was followed by another studio release in 2004 titled Encore. Eminem then went on hiatus after touring in 2005. He released his first album in five years titled Relapse, on May 15, 2009. In 2010, Eminem released his seventh studio album Recovery. Recovery was an international success and was named the best selling album of 2010 worldwide, joining The Eminem Show, which was the best seller of 2002. Eminem won Grammy Awards for both Relapse and Recovery, giving him a total of 13 Grammys in his career.
Eminem has opened other ventures, including his own record label Shady Records with his manager Paul Rosenberg. He also has his own radio channel, Shade 45 on Sirius XM Radio. Eminem began an acting career in 2002, when he starred in the hip hop drama film 8 Mile. He won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, becoming the first rap artist ever to win the award.[8] He has also made cameo appearances in The Wash (2001), Funny People (2009) and the television series
Lol wtf just happened
Descensus Averno facilis est
Love is a familiar. Love is an angel. There is no evil angel but love.
-William Shakespeare,
“ Love’s Labour Last“.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!!
OMG! @MB: The Mortal Instruments is awesome! 😀 Can’t wait for the movie to come out!
red dragon is a bit hard or difficult sumbody tell me answers more about how to jump on the door on walkthrough part 3
how do u jump like that?????
i cant find a way to go to the locked place in stage 3 in the red dragon island.Could anyone help me please
how do u get past the guy who says: “intruder!” ?
i need help on red dragron island anyone have a written step by step walkthrough that they can share??? be honest im new here
Can’t believe that i didn’t used the video walkthrough in this island (honest and i haven’t check the cheats yet) and it’s the first island that i didn’t went for cheats (i know you’ll ignore this :L)
Hey everyone if u want to friend me my username is winxrule0404!!!!!!!kk
why dont they update the walkthrough written
Omg there’s so much lightning outside I’m scared out of my mind like I keeP hearing a bunch of thunder and about every 2 mins I see lightnIng
i cant defeat the red dragon!!
Where’s the rest of the written walkthrough?
Hey, Fierce Moon! Its been a long enough time for the next part of the walk-through! I know there are video walk-throughs but my parents wont let meh do videos, so either put the rest of it up or your losing meh!
-Nice Panda
and P.S I’m not trying to be mean but this island is HARD
This island requires concentration and talent! I love a challenge. Poptropica is very creative. 🙂
hey i cant get to the 3rd door in the prison because arrows keep flying at me, and i can deflect them using the stick thing but i cant get to the top 🙁 anybody know how to do it?
I wish there was a full review of this island. if there is where is it??? 😐
you know, I agree with nice panda. but thx anyway.
this is the hardest island yet it has been three days and i still haven’t passed it i am stuck someone help me!!!!!!!