The newest island on Poptropica is called Mystery Train Island. It was released to paid members on September 9, 2011. In Mystery Train Island, you’re on board a train headed for the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. There are several celebrity travelers on board the train, including Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Gustav Eiffel and more. Early on, someone will steal a new invention created by Thomas Edison. It’s up to you to find out who did it and clear your own name in the process! Along the way there are plenty of secrets, puzzles and cheats for Mystery Train Island.
Video Walkthrough
The full video walkthrough for Mystery Train Island is now complete. Take a look and you’ll find everything you need to beat Mystery Train Island. Remember, if you like the videos, please give them a Thumbs Up on Youtube and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching!
Written Walkthrough
Prefer a written walkthrough for Mystery Train Island? Here’s a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to win.
Arrival on Mystery Train Island

- When you arrive, jump down and run to the left until you see a man pushing his luggage. This is Thomas Edison, the famous inventor. He needs your help getting his luggage loaded onto the train.
- Talk to him and then a puzzle mini-game will appear. Re-arrange the suitcases so that they line up left to right from smallest to largest. Then click on the plank of wood to create a ramp. You will push the luggage up into the cargo car of the train. So much work!
- Thomas Edison will give you a train ticket to ride the John Bull from Washington, D.C. to Chicago.
- Run over to the right until you get to the train door next to the Chicago World’s Fair poster. The cursor will say Ride Train. Hop on board!
On Board the Train

- Your first task is to talk to all the famous passengers on the train. The first is Ferris, the inventor of the Ferris wheel. He’s upset and will give you a copy of a telegram he received that says the wheel needs more power to work.
- Next run left and talk to Nikokla Tesla, who is standing outside of his cabin door.
- Then go inside Susan B. Anthony’s cabin and speak with her. She’ll give you a Women’s Suffrage Pamphlet.
- Go back outside and run to the left to talk with Gustav Eiffel. Then continue left until you come to a door marked with the name, Erik Weisz. Go inside and talk to the man there.
- Head back out and run to the left through several train cars until you reach a guy wearing a hat and a pencil in his ear. He’s a reporter from the New York Times. Talk to him and he’ll complain that the fair is second-rate because it’s in Chicago.
- Now go into Mark Twain’s cabin and speak with him.
- Leave Twain’s cabin and go to the left. You’ll pick up a pencil that’s lying on a table as you run past.
- Skip past Thomas Edison’s cabin and go into Mlle. Moreau’s room. Speak with her to hear her talk about how much better the World’s Fair in Paris was. She’ll give you a copy of her newspaper, Le Monde.
- Now you’ve met with everyone you need to. Go into Thomas Edison’s cabin and talk to him.
- He’ll tell you about his latest invention, a device which captures moving pictures. He’ll suggest that you try it out and once it starts working, he’ll leave to get the reporter from the New York Times.
- A cut-scene will appear showing the train heading into a tunnel.
- The room will go dark and when the lights come back on, the projector is missing! Thomas Edison and the reporter arrive and want to know what happened.
- Now you have to clear your name and find the person who stole the projector.
The Investigation Begins
- For the rest of the quest you’ll be tracking down different clues. To see the available clues, click on other passengers to speak with them and a box of your clues will appear. First click on Thomas Jefferson and then click on the device in the clues box to hear him talk about how his invention was going to win the prize at the fair. Next, click on the New York Times reporter. He’ll give you a new clue about Mark Twain and a secret compartment.
- Leave the room and go to the right. Enter Mark Twain’s cabin. Click on him to talk to him and then select his portrait in your clues area. He’ll deny even having a secret compartment. Next, you can click on the panels on the wall to find the one that is hollow. There is a secret compartment, but it only has his manuscript in it. It’s his manuscript of Huckleberry Finn.
- The next thing that happens is that the train comes to a stop. You can go outside and talk to the people there. Click on the reporter and he’ll tell you about a clue outside his door. You’ll appear back on board the train, up by the engine.
- Walk to the left and go to Susan B. Anthony’s cabin. Talk to her and she’ll give you a clue about Nikola Tesla being locked in his cabin.
- Keep going through the cars until you get to the one with the reporter standing outside his cabin. You can talk to the other passengers as you go to get more clues.
- Talk to the reporter and click on the device. He’ll ask you if you found out more about the device in Twain’s cabin but it was a dead end.
- Walk to the left and click on the spots in front of Thomas Edison’s door. They are prune juice stains.
- Go to the left and talk to the train porter. Click on the glass of prune juice. He’ll tell you that he can’t tell you what the other passengers ordered. He throws away the order sheet and leaves, but his notepad is still on the counter. Take the notepad, and then use the pencil. Move it back and forth to reveal the imprint left behind. Keep scratching it until you completely reveal Tesla’s name and order. Looks like he had prune juice!
- Run to the right until you get to the luggage car. There’s a trunk on the floor with a black handprint on it. Click on the handprint to get another clue. There are coal smudges on the trunk. As soon as you find them, though, someone throws a pair of scissors at you! Pick up the scissors and put them in your backpack.
- Go all the way to the coal car at the front of the train and talk to the coal man. Click on the coal smudges clue and he’ll confess that he left to go get a snack, but says he didn’t go near the luggage.
- Return to the porter, who is now in the car with Thomas Edison’s room. Talk to him and select the coal man clue. The porter will confirm the coal man’s alibi and that clue will be eliminated.
- Head to the right and go back into the luggage car. The reporter from Le Monde will be here. She’s standing next to the trunk with the coal smudge on it.
- The reporter tells you to dress up like the porter, so head to the right and go into the porter’s closet. His outfit is in the room. Use the costumizer to put it on
- Go back outside and run to the right until you get to Tesla’s room. Knock on the door and he’ll let you in.
- Click on Tesla to talk to him. He’ll ask for a refill of prune juice. Grab the pitcher sitting on the dresser to the left and then keep refilling his glass.
- Soon, he’ll need to use the bathroom. This gives you a chance to search for clues in his room while he’s gone. Click on random objects in the room. You can see Tesla leaving and going to the bathroom in a picture-in-picture window above. I tried clicking everywhere and I think the game is rigged so that you always find the key at the last possible moment: just keep clicking around. Anyway, you’ll get the Luggage Key.
- Leave Tesla’s room and go back to the trunk, where the Le Monde reporter is still standing. Use the key on the trunk and you’ll find the device inside. It looks like Tesla has some explaining to do! The Le Monde reporter leaves to go get the security guards.
- The Pinkerton Detective arrives with Tesla. It’s funny because he comes in from the left but Tesla was just in his room on the right. How did that happen?
- The porter arrives too and asks you to return the device to Edison.
- Edison is grateful for the return of the device but doesn’t believe Tesla stole it. Together, you review the film on the device and you’ll get a Grainy Picture in your backpack. It shows that Tesla was on the other side of the train when it went around the turn and entered the tunnel. He must be innocent!
- Leave Edison’s cabin and go to the right. Go back to the luggage car and jump up through the open hole onto the roof.
- Run to the right on top of the train, while avoiding the obstacles by jumping and ducking. You’ll get a brief warning about upcoming obstacles with flashing red boxes.
- Jump down on the last car to talk to Tesla, who is being held captive in the coal car.
- He’ll give you a sketch of his cabin that he made so that you can compare it to what it looks like now and see if there’s anything different.
- Run left and return to his cabin. Once inside, open your backpack and examine the sketch. Click on the use button and then click on the pencil that appears in the lower left corner.
- Circle the trunk in the lower right corner. You’ve won the mini-game!
- Go back to the left and return to the luggage car. Jump up onto the roof again, avoid the obstacles, and return to Tesla in the coal car.
- Talk to Tesla and you’l get a new clue about the open luggage. Now go to the left again and enter Erik Weisz cabin. Talk to him about the luggage clue and he’ll talk about how an expert would be able to open it. You’ll get a new clue about Eric Weisz and his odd behavior.
- Leave and run to the left. Talk to the newspaper reporter about Eric Weisz. He’ll mention how there’s something odd about him and then he’ll give you a copy of the New York Times newspaper. Examine it to read an article about Harry Houdini. Now go back to Eric Weisz’ cabin.
- He’ll be gone, but now a lock pick bag will be on the floor. Walk over it to pick it up and put it in your backpack.
- Eric Weisz will appear and you will confront him about how he is really Harry Houdini. He jumps up and climbs to the top of the train. Follow him and try to catch him while avoiding the obstacles.
- Drop down into the storage car and click on the large curtain covering a box. Houdini is trapped inside. Looks like the master of escape needs your help!
- Use the lock pick bag to help him. Click on each of the locks and then click and drag the lock picks with the matching symbols to open it. You need to push each lock with the matching pick so that it rests on the red line. Do this for each of the padlocks.
- Houdini is rescued! HE tells you he’s not the thief, howecer. He proves this by telling you that someone stole one of his lockpicks. He tells you to find out what Tesla was hiding and that will lead you to the theif.
- Run to the right until you get to the luggage car. Jump up through the hole to the roof one more time and run across the roof to get back to Tesla in the coal car.
- Click on Tesla and he’ll offer to tell you what he was hiding if you free him. Use the lockpick set to open up his handcuffs.
- He’ll tell you he was carrying a small transformer capable of generating an enormous amount of wattage and that only this device would provide enough electricity to power the ferris wheel. He’ll also give you a sketch of the transformer. The mystery deepens!
- Run back to the left until you get to Mark Twain’s cabin. Go inside and talk to him. He’ll tell you to speak with the mysterious fellow in the last car.
- Leave Twain’s cabin and run left to the rear of the train. You’ll get to the Pinkerton Security car.
- Once here, jump up onto the first platform and walk left. Drop down onto the middle platform (where the bucket is hanging) and then run left and drop down past the guard, who is napping. Proceed to the caboose on your left.
- Inside you’ll find a man with a moustache. He turns out to be Grover Cleveland, the President of the United States!
- Together, you’ll put together the full mystery of what happened. Click on the following clues in order: glass of prune juice, coal smudges, key, Tesla’s briefcase, transformer sketch. President Cleveland tells you to return to the luggage car and take a closer look at the luggage to find out who the real thief is.
- Run back to the right to get to the luggage car. When you arrive, use the key in your backpack to open the suitcase with the coal smudge. Inside, you’ll find a bunch of things from France.
- First, talk to Gustav Eiffel, who is French. But he’ll point out the handkerchief inside belongs to a lady. The thief must be the reporter from Le Monde!
- The train stops. Go out and the Le Monde reporter will be here.
The Great Chase
- She’s got the transformer and plans to ruin the ferris wheel by destroying it. She runs off to the left.
- Follow her, while avoiding the obstacles in your path and the guards who are after you.
- The first obstacles are the hungry lions and the jugglers. You need to jump onto the lion’s mouths while they’re closed. Timing is very important. Jump to each one just as they close their mouths.
- After passing the lions, jump up onto the overhangs above each door. You can bounce over the jugglers this way.
- When you get to the snake charmer, wait for the snake to lower and then jump up on top of the basket lid to get a ride up. Then run past the belly dancers to the left.
- The Le Monde reporter runs off again and the guards come after you once more.
- Jump from totem to totem until you get to the last one. The guards will knock down the totems and then you will get to the last area: the ferris wheel!
- Now jump up the ferris wheel to the left, climbing up the ropes as you go. Look for the little blue highlights to show you where to jump. If you get stuck, watch the video walkthrough!
- When you get to the top, the Le Monder reporter is there. She will throw the transformer down. Jump to the rope on your left to swing over and catch it.
- Then go back to the top where the reporter is. She’ll fall down into Houdini’s water trap below. Jump down after her and then walk up to Ferris. Click on the transformer in your backpack and click the Use button.
- You’ve saved the day and the entire Chicago World’s Fair! You’ll get your island medallion and beat the island. Congratulations!
What do you think about the newest island? Fire away in the comments section below, or join the discussion in the Poptropica Secrets Forum!
Done with Mystery Train?
Looking for something fun to do? Play the Where is Dr. Hare? guessing game. Dr. Hare is hiding out all over Poptropica. By looking at a few screenshots, can you guess where he is? How well do you know Poptropica. Play the game now!
i am the king of poptropica!!!
You are not king of poptropica
And 2st to comet plus stay on topic !! :@
i beat the whole poptropica except mystery train
6th to comment!
I cant wait for mystery train island!
Feel so exited to hear about the next island!
meg your forth to comment and aslo I AM THE KING OF ALL POPTROPICA!
The train isn’t a mystery, its the John Bull that was showcased in the columbian world expo in chicago. Ferris Wheel was first showcased in the expo. I think electricity was introduced too.
I thought Slueth Island would have been a fair name, but no, the creators lack creativity.
why are you the KING OF ALL POPROPICA, White Dragon Boy?
How long…
WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O
…. i love candy <3
The first time I went onto Poptropica, the only Ad building I could see was the Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs one. How long ago was that? I’m just curious 😉
I think like 2207 or 2008! I remember that thought!
hahah brings back bad memories…..
my computer is so dumb!, that I have to do javascript enabled in my browser! >:/
i mean… ;(
i didn’t know why i did that? …;)
@Aang: If you think the creators lack creativity, then why bother to play Poptropica then?
ya the creators are pretty well occupied so lay off Aang
basicly i have a birany bard custome witch is real and impossible to find
i think they should make Atlantis Island…or something like that. oh and aang, if the creators didn’t have creativity we would be playing pooptropica right now. and the island would be Bathtub Island.
hey that was my dumb sister who wrote that
poptropica is cool 8)
I wonder what the island is about?
Is it possible that the next island could have something to do with Mark Twain?On a Daily Pop it said something like, “And When the TWAIN shall meet.”
poptropica is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has fun games& islands it is 100x better than club penguin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you look under the “Island Tour” button on the front page it just put info out about the Mystery Train stuff. it’s about the chicago world’s fair!!!
cool thanks 4 the info!
That’s OK Jade
OMG, I just got off my train when Mystery Train Island was born! LOLOLOL
completed every island on poptropica cant wait to own this one!
i am the king of poptropica!!!
Back off David! (Even though I just met you)
we had a horcrux hunt i got top 13 out of 140 or more! 🙂 my wrong answer was that harry got a toothpick from the dursleys on his first christmas at hogwarts
I can’t wait for it!!
look at the creators blog there will be a trailer and the e on top stands for Echidna witch is part uman part viper so exiced another greek island!!
Ive completed everything except skullduggery and mystery train it sounds like its gonna b a good one. ‘o’
i think thatmystery train would have something to do with the americans or victorians. maybe it is based on a murder on a train or a ghost train appearingat night… that would be so cool!
It will probably be like a famous five mystery :3
(by the way, silver moon, have you watched harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2? You seem to be as agood a hp fan as me :D)
(And who says you are king of poptropica, white dragon man or whatever…)
(Club penguin sucks, ive expressed that comment many times to many people.
by the way, there are ONLY 7 horcruxes, not 13 or 140!
Aang July 28, 2011 at 5:02 pm
I thought Slueth Island would have been a fair name, but no, the creators lack creativity.
that’s just plain mean. if you don’t appreciate Poptropica, you don’t have to play it. Just don’t insult the creators.
hi peeps im bored
I cannot wait for the mystery train island
I told you this on the last blog before this post was here. Plus I thought the darn thing was going to be up for a limited time, sorta like cryptids.
Wanna be friends,Kit?
Oh boy. Can’t wait for it to come out! But I agree that “mystery train ” is a bit lame for a name.
Short dolphin you are wrong poptropica and club penguin are fifty fifty
Happy there’s a new island because i beat all of the islands cant wait till it comes out
All of your stupidity impresses me.
im a beast at poptropica i know how to beat all the islands except mystery island what up now peeps yeah
I think that the new island is based on a mystery novel, not surprisingly called’Mystery Train’.The image for the island is the same one on the cover but its all cartoon like. I have not read the book and i do not know the author but i do know my mysteries. If you have any other info
that may be helpful please update it, and if you would like to find me on on the website i am moody melon, yes weird name i know…….
I beat poptropica (exept mystery train) but i don’t have membership! hom lame is that?
Except that most of the players are very young, I think the best name would have been “Murder on the Poptropica Express” — but that’s too long for an island and might alarm some moms.
You can see that the detectives from Pinkerton (circa 1880’s-1890’s) are investigating some criminal types who are aboard the train. This looks to be a classic detective story, but I hope they don’t borrow “too much” from the Hercule Poirot story.
(look up “orient express” on Google)
BTW, the train “Orient Express” (Istanbul to Paris) began in 1893,
the same year as the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, which celebrated
the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s voyage of 1492. This was the
first of two exhibitions known as the “Chicago World’s Fair.”
Oops! My bad. The original train route was in 1883, not ’93 (tsk tsk)
I’ve been on poptropica since the beginning! 4 years and counting =D
when in the world did i post to tpb about steamworks? wait a second….ASSHOLE HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
ha ha ha… angry people about assholes…:)
I love the 1800’s as well! Their clothing is amazing! I’m so happy, I could burst! I have but to wait for this mysterious new island (no pun intended).
Could Jumpy Eal and Jade please calm down? Your feisty language is not appreciated.
Okay, no one loves the classic casual look as much as I do. I cannot wait for Mystery Train island! My gran and gramps were rodeo stars, so Wild West island was an easy island for me. I hope that mo one is taking my comment the wring way, and if you have something to say to me, just Email me @:[email protected].
Another thing, I do not approve of foul language, so you guys that are cursing on the top of this page, do the cursing on a different page, please. Also, if you want to be friends with me on Poptropica, send me an Email with your room code. I do not know my room code, I do not know if you can make a room code or not, I have never did it before, I fust got the Multiverse card.
Tera C.
Okay, I meant to say,”no”,instead of,”mo”. I meant to say,”wrong”,not,”wring”,and,”fust”,is suppose to be,”just”.Sorry
ummm i agree with orange leaf. if you guys wanna argue go do it on youtube or facebook but not here( there are kids readin this stuff) btw i bet theres someway the poptropicasecrets blogger coud block BOTH Y’ALL OFF HERE so jus shut up will ya!!!golly gee
I think it’s a ghost train and some one is posing as the ghost conductor to scare people….. from the picture it is more than likely it will be the man with the eye glass and top hat
Me too. NOT a big deal at all. Not at all…
When I was finishing SRI, I lacked a bit of common sense. 😳
Why? When I got the second message from CJ, I closed it and later on, my car can’t jump over the ramp! Then I went back to the telescope. I waited for Mr. Silva. And BINGO! I finally got to PS 101.
well, i’m 12. and pretty much everyone swears. my nine year old brother has just started with the damns, and i dont like it one bit. the world is changing from the peacelful place it used to be.
when jacquleine wilson was a kid, the biggest swearword was damn. now it’s used by loads of people and not even classed as a swear word anymore. will that happen f*ck? it already is. at least at school, people say “do you swear?” before complaining about their f***ing mum and son of a b*tch little brother.
so, yes kids go on this site, after all, poptropica was made for children, at first. of course we want to know how to finish an island when we get stuck, so please don’t swear.
sincerly(VERY sincerly)
shokie 🙁
I dont think im alowed to go on this site any more
This island looks like it’s gonna be sooo much fun!! But I hope I can pass this mysterious island cause I haven’t been able to pass SteamWorks or Wild West!! 🙁
“Hey Jade.” I said crudley. “I thought you were staying away because this site’s to ‘Gay’. I guess your love for Infernape is so great you had to come. Though his hatrid is so great he can never like you!” Jade smiled snootily at me. But she remained silent. “And all you new comers, Don’t have anything better to do but say stupid things like ‘I love candy!’ Why can’t you go and play on someone elses blog. I think only the people who trully respect poptropica should play. I’ve comepleted all but Red Dragon(I always forget to finish the last level the ninja thing) and Wild West(I can’t beat Annie!) and I’m helping my friend with all her islands. So why can’t you just lie back?” I told everyone. Oop! Sorry. I’m practicing writing my books.
I’m 10 and I think crap’s a bad words and hell isn’t. I’ve said every word with my friends before secretly.
Shut up.
don’t start a fight, but really, Jade isn’t a bad person. Give her a chance. So really, shut up. cause that wasn’t really nice.
And the newcomers are nice. You just won’t give them a chance. And that book you’re practicing, better not be non fiction. Don’t start a fight, cuz i’m not gettin involved.
I can’t wait for the new island!!!!
🙂 🙁 😡 :o:p
😀 :p
my poptropica boy turned into a girl
Ok I think its where theres a blackout on the train! (Oh no!) and then something important and valuable go STOLEN! And then ur poptropica character figures out who stole it, and then u get it back to the owner and everything OK again! 🙂
hey! the name is too lame guys! I know a little bit of history on 1800, it’s the victorian time in england. Isn’t? If you guys are making a systery solving adventure, give it a better name will you?
Hey! She didn’t post the “legend is coming…” video yet! What do you guys think its about?? I thinks it’s going to be a Sonic the hedgehog themed island.
And by the way, Hope, thats not a bad idea, but I think it would be too much like Counterfeit Island.
me too wild thunder!
I agree with shokie and tera c u guys shouldnt swear this website is for helping people who are stuck on island s and we are all supposed to leave comments! ~Elisha~
@wild thunder : same
i have been doing poptropica since i was 5
hey jade who is Jeal and the hell is She talkin smack 2 u of all ppl cuz i personally think some ppl should shut up but cant cuz they LUV 2 here them selfs talk 😀 🙂 😛
can you please put an that is super duper hi tech and is called future tech island
can you put an island called dinosaur island that involves dinosaurs and super duper duper scary monster you have to fight
Small moon, who are u talking to. :0
Jade and to calm down there is no need to get your panties in a bunch!(ps me and crystal r friends) BO,
i’m geussing that blah blah blah, your on your way to the fair in Chicago, litterally my home town. so there’s either blackmailing or thieving involved with the Ferris wheel. the suspects are maybe some geniuses, the engineer or the maid if cabin trains have maids and some passengers and maybe more people. But its the person that nobody expected. When you arrive, you do stuff before Mr.Ferris gives you the medallion. check out my charecter: cae315
@ tallshorthero im talkin 2 JEALL
im the best at poptropica i beat the whole thing except mystery train
man,whats wrong with this site?why is people saying bad words?its innorpropriate
crystal stop being so serious
dear jade. you do know that kids go on this site. so stop saying bad words!
Ann and lazy bones when u trn 15 I want 2see eat ull b saying
Kit Kat wat is your real name? Cause won of my frnds has a user name as kit Kat . Her name is kelsi.
hmm… who knew steamworks had people from the 1880’s. well the mayor said they were froze for 200 years to protect themselves from the mutant plants and waited for somebody to rescue them. but for some reason there were robots on steamworks. the 1800’s didnt have robots only television and telephones. so my big question is why are there robots on that island that are from the 1800’s? 😯
does anybody agree with me?
i am really really good at poptropica i have completed all the levels
poptropica has a new island and its called not open to any one thow.
and no disrespect but umm im really gonna wanna know wats gonna b comin out of ur mouth when ur me and Jades age (13 & 15) lazy bones and ann 😕
um im new here
cant wait for mystery train island and stop saying bad words Small Moon!
small moon is talking bd talking this is a report!!!
who has been to Chicago?
There’s TWO JADES!! Why don’t other people think of an awesome nickname??
Plus, this is AWESOME!!! ♥
find the right alt key then find the number keyboard on the right then press them at the same time then you’ll get a ♥!!! sorry, but it doesn’t work on laptops. only PCs.
oops. I forgot. press the right alt key while pressing the number 3 key on the right of your keyboard.
I think that since i’m a member on poptropica i dont get any info about Mystery Train the new island. I am going to yell out a bunch of cause words cause of this!!!!
i have an idea that everyone will love. why dont we have an island called back – to -school frenzy.well poptropica said they were going to release a lot of new islands in 2011. but whats new. the only new island that got released in the past two of months is red dragon and shrink ray.and this new island is not coming out for a month.what am i suposed to do for a month and my dad is not paying a poptropica membership for nothing to be released.
Mystery Train island look promising. Sweethomechicago,
I live in Chicago!
cuddly sun,what were you saying?you were spelling things wrong so i cannot understand
dont be an asswipe aang!
how do you do those tiny smileys cuddly bear? ♥♥
This chat room is cool cuz’ u don’t need 2 be logged in 2 post a comment! 🙂 : 0 ;P 😛
♦♠☻◘•♥♣☎☢♻♂♀♓♒♑♐♏♎♍♌♋♊♉♈☠☟☞☝☜☂☁☀☾☽☆☺♫♪♩★☼☮☯. Well TP I just told you how to do the heart your just an imposter!
really i wish i could go there.
hi how do u get ur poptropica pic on da site
I D K But i want to know
I love goinng on poptropia because I have so much fun doing the islands my favorite island is spy island,big nate island,and reality tv island.
the website changed!!
i finished all the today.well except mystery train because i cant. 😉
Wow i mean i hope its long coz the last one ShrinkRay was just short like 10-15 minutes. Like sharktooth or earlypoptropica.
It seems so old though 😛
um Jade Who tha hell is that jade shes an imposter cuz tha real Jade has a pic of her self so im not talkin 2 u jade wit no pic :/
hey i hav a cool Hunter of Artemis outfit yes Artemis is greek god like on mythology okay so this is wat u need from potropica store- robin hood outfit . okay so u go 2 mythology go 2 the left wher the talkin statues r copy the old lady u need her top and skirt then go up the tree get the golden apple then go down talk 2 athena she was the old lady copy her hair not her helmet then go 2 main street and copy the girl with the blue on and tha fruit on her head copy her lips keep going right till u get 2 tha part wher u can go 2 hades or posedion u c the girl in orange wit the fruit on her head copy her bangs with the hoops then go 2 ur book bag go 2 robin hood copy his arrow basket his arrow shooter his belt and his green top part wit the yellow string then tada! u r a hunter of Artemis click on my name 2 look at tha outfit
HEEEEEEY people!!!!!!! I love poptropica! I’ve been playing for 4 years now, and
I have already beaten all th islands! suck that!!!! HAHAHA jk I think we should do a island with dinosaurs and cave people or during the civil war 😀
hey it doesn’t work and I’m on a PC so… yeah.
Any ways, I haven’t been on here along time, there’s a lot of new people here, and BTW I’m not new here.
i’ve been on here for two years… been on Poptropica for three years…
Let me try again…
About Mystery Train Island, though… I really don’t think, even members, will get to play it very soon, ’cause I read on some other blog that it will be out for members in september, or early October… so, yeah.
Every one happy now?
Yessir, i don’t think so.
But I can’t do anything about it, I wish I could, but I also wish i couldn’t, at least it payed off. ( At the Wimpy Wonder Land Comes Out Tomorrow time, Everyone got surprised by it ’cause it came out SOOOO fast for non-members, but, i think the Creators regretted it and purposely made non-members wait, wait, wait, and wait until late October or something. So I personally think that was why Wimpy Wonderland came out so fast, and why Mystery Train Island will come out so slow. Of course, everybody else has their own ideas, blahblahblah, I don’t know, call me crazy, I don’t know.
Also, I don’t know if that other blog is cheating or something.
Like, lying to us or something, I think it is, ’cause it rarely had any comments on it.
Simple question to everyone: what’s your favourite Island?
Mine is Counterfeit, but I don’t know if it’ll change once Mystery
Train comes out…
Hey um… anyone know anything about this website?
In fact, that was the site where I got to know about Poptropica at all! See, one of Funbrain’s main activities is Poptropica! And it was through Poptropica that i got to know about PoptropicaSecrets!
Um… is this site glitched? ’cause all I see is Poptropica blue!
OK now it’s back to normal.
Whoa!!!!!! Just a minute ago, i saw Poptropicasecrets just the way it HAD been, with Poptropica blue background, no new features, just the plain, old Poptropicasecrets page, but NOW it’s back to the new featured version.
Whew… hey is anyone on here? Or not? >.< Ruevenon? This makes me thiink of this page: Mythology vs Counterfeit Island page…
IT got too many comments and it sort of… well, died. “Comment limit full, batteries exhausted”? I think it said?
White sword that is where i discovered poptropica too when i was 7!COOL and Bashful Cloud how do you make the hearts i think i know how do you press this < and then press 3?
Bashful cloud i have a quetion for you:how do you put a picture in the slot thing?you know
White snowboard, SHUT UP! you talk talk talk, stop talking to your self! Your acting like your 18 different people just please shut up
sorry i meant White sword
what would be really cool if there was an island with something to do with a cola factory and food!is there?if there is.i am so there!
wuz up Jade theres another jade on mystery train 2 ♥ ☻ ☺
cool yea cuz @ my skool evr 1 started gettin on twitter after they heard how many followers i had but my mom wont let me on facebook she says im 2 young but yea i deleted mt twiter
Hi. I don’t think anyone remembers me.
my name is wyatt in real life mystery train island sounds like a bunch of history
Personally, I think, that uh……………………….. Poptropica should have MORE islands like : unicorn island 😀 (lmao not rly im not dat girlee and not dat proper xD) Anyways, hmmm Tell me wat you think =D????
i’m 2 old 4poptropica but i luv it cuz i hav m3mbersh1p and i can complete every single island O.m.g Lmfao
and u guys shall try zwinky is such a cool website i ♥ it really if u like it u ill remember meh
I’m back after three months!!!!
I’ve been on poptropica for 1 month and I’ve done every island WHOOT! <3
haven’t u like noticed that the medallions are going missing? my red dragon, skullduggery, shrink ray, and wimpy wonderland ones have gone missing
Hey back into Poptropica playing I think we should do a Mushroom Kingdom island
i cant wait to go on Mystery Train Island.
hey jade we need to talk ur behavior on internet 1) plz stop saying bad words because it drives me crazy 2) stop writing such long comments because those also drive me crazy and nobody really wants to spend part of their life trying to read ur stupid comments and 3)dont say the u know what word on internet because im only ten!
u too Small Moon!
oops i meant im NOT ur momma Small Moon but plz stop!
ur actin lik i say them all the freakin time i just say them when im mad lik right now im calm so no cursing and i know small kids r on here half of them say the exact same thing as us older ppl say how old r u ani way megan is awsome and y r u so interested in wat im sayin ? 😕 😮 :/
Y R U GUYS TELLIN US WAT 2 DO JADE & I CAN SAY WAT WE WANT HOW EVR LONG IT IS U STUPID WEIRDOS!!!! UR REALLY MAKIN ME MAD JUST LEAVE US ALONE CUZ WE DNT KNOW U GUYS AND ITS MY MOUTH GOD GAVE IT 2 ME SO I CAN SAY WAT EVR I WANT (srry god dnt mean 2 use ur name in vain) pls just mind ur own bussiness cuz i know i put it on the internet 4 evr1 2 c but just cuz u read & dnt want me 2 say is none of ur business u act like im sayin it 2 u! just pls leave me alone i dnt want 2 argue
– Small Moon 🙂 😛 ;D
i dnt care if it drives u crazy Unknown ( thats how u spell it ) girl
yea i guess so
hi im to tell a story i made up. once upon a time there was a girl named Megan. One day she found out that ppl were saying bad words on internet. She thought they were being b****hes and a*******s.She thought she would put an end to this by telling Fierce Moon. (thats wat going to happen if i see someone say another bad word!) the end!
Bc do u like my story?
Hope why are acting like that?
sorry that i screamed its just i want everyone to hear wat i was saying
( SHOOTS EVERYONE WITH GUN AND CRYS ) WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ok now i am calm ( breathes deeply ) i will NOT shoot everyone again
I reckon it’s gonna be like, you get on the train, and it goes outta control, and you land in the middle of no where and you have to find your way back, while along the way encountering villians. :DDD
I hope this island isn’t like Shrink Ray: the Poptropica creators get people worked up about the new island as a remarkable island, then let a lot of people down by the lack of adventure and excitement. I mean, you can’t explore the out side of that house when you’re shrunk, and the only time you could was at the very end.
how do u put ur poptropica character as ur pic
i wish chocolate balloon boy tv and milk island
Follow this instruction:
1. Go to
2. Save a picture of your avatar
3. Create an account on Gravatar
4. Rate it “G”
Hope it helps!! ♥
ok ok im sam i know jade and small moon we all might be different for whatever reason can we all just be calm and work this out??
and ps we r from red dragon
and i know bc (bashful cloud) too
OK NOW ITS OUT OF HAND MEGHAN UR NO THE BOSS OF ANYTHING NOT EVEN UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OHHHHHHHHHHH HOW CAN U TELL FIRCE MOON ILL MAKE MY OWN STORY!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was once a little girl named meghan she told firce moon and she put and to the chat part of this site ~baddly ver after~ would u all like that i dont think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we should do a Mushroom Kingdom island on poptropica
sam its okay i dnt know y they cant mind there bussiness and leave me alone. its makin me VERY ANGRY, and very sad cuz i wasnt talkin 2 them, and megan u hurt my feelings calling me a bitch and asshole. im not gonna reply 2 that comment cuz im gonna b tha bigger person and let it go. but u really hurt my feelings cuz i wuz talkin 2 Jeall cuz she wuz messing wit my frends and ur makin this a big deal 4 no reason!
P.S: ur no better than me cuz even thoug ur putting stars in ur curse words ur still sayin curse words.
– Small Moon 🙁
I hav a story 4 u megan
there once wuz this girl named megan. she said stop sayin bad words. we argued. she called me curse words. it hurt my feelings. i started 2 call her bad names but i didnt. we keept arguing. she threatned 2 tell Fierce Moon. she didnt. she said she shot evr1. she didnt. we keept arguing. then 1 day we stoped and apologized. we bcame frends. the end
thats wat needs 2 happen instead of arguing. – Small Moon 🙂
and wat would u do if some1 wuz messin wit ur frends megan? i think u would hav done tha same thing as me: BE MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay i wuz defeanding my frend!! y r u so angery bout me defeanding my frend!!!!!!!!!!
and hell isnt a curse word bcause its in the bible and its where the devil lives
and ass isnt a curse word bcause it means donkey.
im trying 2 make peace wit her she wont cooroperrate!!!
look guys im sorry lets just get back to our lives and forget this ever happened okay?
i think i have relized ( do i misspell it? oh who cares ! )that bad words are actully funny. so now im letting everyone say whatever so i hope you forgive me now
Small moon i am sorry and everyone else who is mad at me ( is Jade angery at me because im sorry to her too! ) so lets just be friends okay? : D
and sam my name doesnt have an H in it!
will anyone plz forgive me for what i said?
i guess nobody will forgive me : (
HEY PEOPLE LISTEN UP!!!!i have a free account i dont want to do so i thought you guys might do
thanks for making me feel better Bc because your like a friend to me : )
sorry megan my frends have hs
i forgive u
jade you will never shut up will u
it may have thomas edison, harry houdini, gustave eiffel, mark twain, and this telsa guy
when does it come out to non members
~Br@ve Z
Hey Guys I ma glad you made peace and hi i am clean paw I ma exited for mystery train because shrink ray was boring you can’t even go into the house after you complete it
Small Moon will u also forgive me?
it has tomas edison, mark twain and harry houdini
thats mean megan.jeff kinney worked hard to do the island
wat do u mean lazy bones i never ohhhhhhh u mean shrink ray well sorry!
everyone hates me 🙁
cuz no one is even talking to me 🙁
i just feel so stupid 🙁
Can any won finsh all the islands my
Username skaryboy9
Password 123789
I hear that the island takes place during the Chicago World Fair.
🙂 🙂 hey clean junk i don’t hate you even though clean junk is the worst name ever. Don’t be sad. 🙂 🙂
hi its still me Megan but i changed the name. i wonder wat “the legend is coming ” thing is about
pirate girl is a cool name:)
Who’s the imposter?
Oh, now I see it.
what will the next island be probaly computer world island say yes for if u want it to be
hey jeff kiney the next island should be about alcatraz or something scary
Ahhhhhh…i need to get a poptropica t shirt… Sorry, what i MEANT to say was that I’m super duper excited for Mystery Train and for clear junk not to hate his/her self because since you go on poptropica you can’t be ALL bad.
who are you?
what the heck.why is there two lazy bones here?
actulley theres only three.
im an imposter
i cant think of a name.and i dont like my poptropican name
omg:o.then im the real one!i cant believe you guys did that!
the future island after mystery train might be alien island,it will be like astro nights
yea getting a gravitar would help, but couldn’t the impostor get the same gravitar as u? impostors :O.
oops i meant 8O. i think
why did you copy my name?now people will think im mean:(
if your my inposter,then did you also copy my website too?
yeepppp!i also know that your user is acthullay rosenam2.SO HAHA IN YOUR FACE FREAKIN CRYBABY!!!
did you know i know yours too?yours is lillyflower0567
thats not my user
lb who r u talking 2?
if your gonna be mean to me,then why dont you just leave?
hey im the umm the person who said i cant think of a name,so like sorry for copying your name real lazy bones
holy s**t its a Bigfoot. i ♥ butchykids Bigfoot videos. my favorite song is …… i cant remember the name of it butt part of the song goes like this: im a crazy chick, i do wat i want when i feel like it!! that totally describes me!!!!!
please dont hack my account!
imposter i have a name 4 u!
how about….. fluffy cloud!! (BTW butchykid is on you-tube under Bigfoot)
impostor of lazy is who im talking 2.
whew all the fake lazy bones left!im sooo glad
exept jelly belly
…sooo uhhhh what do we do now?
hint names: jelly melly, wuffy tuffy
hers another lazy bones
awesome me
thats a name if u like maybe idk just trying to help
also i am new and lazy bones i feel sorry if someone took your name but i gave you some hint names hope you like
i wonder if mystery train is like wild west island
thanks.but why is my sister doing this to me?!!
the imposter is achullay my sisters
haha jk
achulley it is my sis
ughhhh i have nothing to do
Same here
hi back from the first day of school.dont worry about me cuz i will be commenting at night when my mom and dad are watching TV
how do u get a pic becuase i dont want to be impostered!
haha i like tacos too,pirate girl.i love the ihop tacos.SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!
do you guys know korea?
a mystery train is probably a reference to those events back in the 90’s where you’d go on an old-fashioned train
for the evening and each passenger would be given a role to play in the mystery, like the victim, the detective, the butler, … and the mystery was solved before the evening was over.
i hope ur first day of school went great pirate girl i want to go to school to 🙁 🙁 🙁
i just need to wait 11 more days then i go
i am bored what do i do i finished all of poptropica island i might just give it away
the good thing is,i could do computer after i come back from school
no one want to talk to me
tell me how 2 get a pic i dont want 2 get imposted!!!!!!!!!!!!:( D;
theres plenty of people to talk to dont be sad
good thing is the imposters left
When Does It Come OUT???
ha ha lol
mystery train is gonna be awesome i saw a preview and its awesome but what sucks is i am gonna be at school and i wanted to be the first well i know who is gonna be the first dizzy tomato she is luck anyway at least it’s gonna be a good friday hopefully
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
snicks ur right about mystery train and i won’t say much cause i might ruin it
this island comes out on Sept. 9th
i wonder wat happened to Jade?
non-members: mystery train at beginning of October maybe 9th
members: September 9
this island must be long since they’ve been working on it for about a month
No, here is the REAL schedule for the release of Mystery Train for non-members:
Non-Members: September 9th, Friday
oh joy. i have 2 wait a whole month just 2 play an island and then finish it in 10 minutes!!! great :P.
NO! SEPT. 9 IS FOR MEMBERS! islands come out to non-members about a mouth after members.
AWSOME:) but my membership expired so too bad:( now i need to wait a whole month
(just finished shrink ray it was funn!!!!!:) )
cool shrink ray gun in store anyone buy it yet here?
i no. i am a member. so kiss off my ass!!
sorry. i thought u were talking 2 me!! my bad!! its just that my hamster died on Wednesday :(.
aww feel sorry cuddyly sun 🙂 hope you fell better though 🙂
idk what is the scheldulde but i am just gonna wait till it comes out
please post a video of d.c diner (full) for this website.
why you dont know how to pass it
Fk wat does that mean? R u trying 2 b a smart ass with me?
Haha so funny fk. (not) :).
David is in LOVE!! LOL
I’m in love
It worked

I’m so proud of myself. Bc go 2 red dragon Fu was under my name talking. He had somthig 2 say
He is so romantic
Awww. He did he die? My hamster died on Wednesday :(.
Oops. I mean how did he die
If u r sad watch the duck song on utube. It will make u feel better. Or watch butchykids Bigfoot videos. The r funny.
oh… that is so sad BC, i am so sorry for you. I can’t believe a kid died, that’s so… SAD!
My friends brother died when he was a baby. We don’t talk a lot about it :(.
Oh i’m so sorry kaitlin. That’s sad.
I no.
come on, keep on thumbs upping so this page will beat Dr.Hare’S votes!
hey guys wats happening?
waiting for it to be 7 o’clock (central time) for the creators blog. but now i keep on reloading and going back and forth in this site to see new comments.
U r welcome David
listening 2 u spin my head
keep on thumb upping this page! Beat Dr.Hare in popularity! But only 1 vote a person
you really like music, don’t you Cuddly Sun?
Yup now it G-6
I am in band 2
me too. what kind of band?
Stage, pep, and jazz I play trumpet
I play sax 2.
I love the duck song on u tube
I bought skinny jeans at old navy 2day :P. I’m on my I phone!!!!!
Listening 2 life is a highway
Now hey sole sister
hi im back srry didnt comment megan i 4give u 2
i play trumpet and wanna switch 2 flute in concert band
kool i play drums and guitar
i ment XD
Flute is hard. U lose most of ur air just blowing into it. Fj has a fever. Poor fellar. I love Nikki manaj. My dad thinks he last name is funny
is a very good island i am the creator of poptropica
i am bored 🙁
come join the multi verse!
Here’s a question for Cuddly Sun: what is your fave song of all time? my no. 1 is Price Tag 2nd is Moves Like Jagger and 3rd is Rolling in the Deep
yea! hi david.
i wanna play a guitar so im getting one for this christmas
oh and hi small moon. it you long to forgive me but thats ok
i am bored no one talk to me
hi can someone pls help me complete wimpy wonderland, astro knights, and spy island? im 2 lazy 2 do it. u can email me at [email protected] for my username and password, just in case some random people all come and do it and they mess it all up. feel free to do anything except buy stuff. im only gonna pick one person to do it and pls healp me!!
i can help other people too as long as they dont need help on astro knights, spy, and wimpy wonderland. they take 2 long
haha.isnt that impossible?
That’s funny
It was proubaly the computer. That happens 2 me sometimes. I saw it be4 I came on here
yeah…..maybe.but its impossible
Idk. It’s hard 2explaine
Hi did anyone miss me from the spy island walkthrough page
aww nobody misses me (sniffle)
lady gaga is disgusting.shes a devil.I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!SHES NOT EVEN CHRISTION!!!
im christrion.i love god:)
lady gaga sings weird. my friend looooves her singing. why? she says she doesnt know.
well if you are christian you know ur not suppose to hate have you not read the bible?
you can hate.i can hate lady gaga because shes a demon
then do you like lady gaga?
i like some of her songs but how old are you cause………
i agree with frecncher kies chrissun don’t hate
quite huh?…
thak you michael egfv somwone who agrees
my mom said im not suppose to talk to people who likes demons ghosts or people who are not christion and she doesnt want me to listen to people who listen to lady gagas stupid songs
so here are the demons.i know that you guys are never going to believe these are demons
justin bieber
talor swift
lady gaga
demon songs
katy perry
so i know some of you people are americans but please believe me my sister told me and she proved it to me!!american pop stars share blood with demons
yeah.see?im the kid and nobody will never beilive the kid!>:(
your not christion?if your not i cant talk to you.its not me its my mom.but i agree with my mom becuase I LOVE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!:)
if you dont believe me then see it on you like satan?huh do you?if you go to and type in the backwards of justin bieber baby.then its satans word.
Lazy Bones, Dont be rude. Not everyone is a Chirstian. I dont really think all those poeple are demons. Where did you even get that from? I KNow A lot about my religion and I go to a catholic school. My religion teacher would have told me that or my classmates would have. Dont hate. If you are a chirstian, then dont hate. Chirstians dont hate its even in the Bible. Dont believe everything you hear either.
P.S. If you loved the Lord Jesus Chirst And the Lord, you would not hate. I dislike things and people, I dont have time to hate. And yes Im a Chirstian. Im a Roman Catholic.
P.S.S. How did your sister prove that those ppl are demons? huh?
Shaggy Shells right… … don’t be so rude
oi lazy bones i dont think lady gaga and others are demons
Hi ! I like Lday Gaga but sometimes i just dont like her songs such as a dont like her song called The Egde Of Glory couse its stupid for me couse she sing about meeting someone on the egde and she really doesnt !!!
Lol i said lday gaga it shoud be Lady Gaga lol !!!!!!!!!!
So funny !!! lol
you can have to hate hate hate hate hate satan.dont you guys know that hes a demon who tries to do something bad to god?
my sisters arent really those sisters who lies.not all sisters and brothers are annoying
i dont care then dont believe could say hate because some people might say that they hate books.some people might say they hate jade.some people might say they hate poptropica.some people might say they hate pickles and broccli.>:P
you peopel are weird
Whateva Lazy Bones, I still dont hate. Yeah you are right about satan, all chirstians hate him. But I dont hate anything else than satan. Im not trying to be mean eaither, so if I made you mad or whatever, Im sorry.
ok wats going on about this hate and pop stars being deons stuff? ( P.S if u are a fan of justin bebier dont be offened but i dont like justin beiber)
im not rly sure Pirate Girl
people have different religions and personalities, repect it.
i only like k-pop.i dont like american pop stars.its a good thing that k-pop doesnt share blood with devils.
p.s. k-pop is korean pop stars
i can,t wait for this island
sorry sorry wat i said.i just wanted you guys to know that they do bad things
Lazy Bones, its ok. Yeah we know they do bad things, but that does not mean they are demons. Everyone does bad things. You can believe that of you want to. Oh, Btw, Chirstian is spelled like this: Christian. I just wanted to tell you that………. But Im sorry too for being mean or whatever. Forgive me? I will forgive you if you forgive me.
Hey.. you poptropica people I love you guys for looking at my comment.I also complieted all islands of Poptropica except Mystery Train island.I like to thank Ava and Jakca for a tiny help with 24 carrot island and Big Nate island.But I’ev complieted the rest of the islands by myself.In D,C Diner I have found a way to get all the items no qestengs asked.Now I’m done talking to you.
pirate girl it’s justin bieber, and i hate him too
who is he
just a gay pop star.justin bieber is sooooo gay
sure shaggy shell.i forgive you:)
Thnx Lazy Bones. I forgive you too. Friends?
Lady Gaga <3
i will give u the code for a poptropica party its at 6:00 if you live in central time 4:00 for west central time and 8:00 for east central time
lol lazybones i agree that justin beibers a demon a ugly demon xD
i agree too! not because he is a demon but he sucks
i know.hes sooooooo gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No mater what , I think Justin Bieber sucks … … especially he try to talk like an Englishman I … …((Vomiting in
hey everybody my mom’s friend steve likes lady goga so shut up lazy bones:(
I hate JB 2 but if he’s gay y does he hav a GF aka Selena Gomez?????????????????
@ small moon idk i doubt it though
they broke up already.i saw it on a magazine.
Hey guys, try the Poptropica Help Blog. It has lots of help. Try that. Yea jb is weird I like Selena Gomez
hi lazy bones
u see alot of magazine
just saying
no i dont.
i barely even know american singers or movie stars.i only know disney channel pop stars
hey tiny pen!where were u?
whos her?
if i can ask r u new?
Here are some country american singers.
1.♥Blake Shelton♥
2. Miranda Lambert
3.Martina McBride
4. Trace Adkins
5. Carrie Underwood
6. Taylor Swift
7. and many more
Btw, If you cant tell what this ♥Balke Shelton♥ means, I will tell you. It means I have a crush on him
I really wish that this island was out for non members!
not to be mean he’s ugly and not to be rude i dont like country music
me too!
golden gamer SRI is alreay out for nonmemebers
wow this guy from fantage kept on following me and i was like”stop following me you stupid!”.
lol u have fantage?
me 2!!!!! lol
oh and lazy bones srry for what i said apolagy accepted?
I like Taylor Swift’s songs, even though I only heard one. 🙁 “Love Story”.
OMG! The shrink ray gun is only 150credits!I am so gonna get it
Why dont people face the facts that JB is NORMAL?! Like really… Just STOP hating. Did he do anything to you? Nah I dont think so. BTW my pop character is Squeezy Crab. Im the girl with the orange hair, mini skirt, hot pink lip gloss with mole, big green shades… sounds cool huh?
@SmallMoon yes he does, and he’s not what you call him. &$!
@ Fierce Moon be nice, stop hating, and learn how to type before you speak
reality tv show is very dificuld
no not reall it doesn’t really sound cool no offense.
i dont like jb.hes the weirdest pop star i ever seen
i dont like him to like i think he’s A player and a gay he is an @$$
idk how he won best model???
like really girls have no taste in guys
lol i saw this club penguin video on youtube and someone said “i love justin bebiers butt” LOL!:D
this island will come out at 3:2o central time, but because of darn school that runs through 3:30, it’ll be probably 4 when i start it. maybe 4:30
lol on ourworld if u put justin bieber it say “sorry we cant find the bitch”
im like
everyone hates me no one like me
excuse me, but can we stick to mystery train island!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!???!???!???!!!!!!!!!
5 days 23 and a half hours 30 mintunes and 60 seconds and still counting
5 days 0 hours 34 mintunes 45 secs and still counting
I can’t wait for the mystery train island, I’m bored because I’ve finished all the islands.
I found this website AFTER finishing the islands; I wanted to know what it would be like. These always “clue me in.”
P.S. my sister was typing on the computer, and typed something in the promocode. (in the store.)
she clicked on it, and it gave me a month free membership!!
I didn’t see what it was,sorry. 🙁
P.S.S. i’m only 8!
Why do people like JB anyway? He’s not like an angel or somethin’
When is Mystery Train Island gonna come out for nonmembers?
Your right @Pirate Girl lets stick to Mystery Island. This is not a chat to hate on people. (especially innocent people). This is a comment box for Everything Mystery Island. Okay?
I dont care what you guys think about country music or ♥Blake Shelton♥. I like it and I love him. I dont care what the rest of you think or say about him or country music.
well lets stick tgo mystery train island and i dont hate blake or country music its just i am not used to hearing them
i have a new outfit!its called pinky girl.just go to the avatar studio and type in rosenam2
i have an outfit too it’s called princess of the wild west put in p.o.t.w.w. in the avatar studio.
p.o.t.w.w. stands for princess of the wild west
I dont like the crown
well the only other crown that i know of is on astro-knights and it doesn’t look good
stick to mystery train
4 days 0 hours 19 mintunes and 51 secs and still counting
3 days left can’t wait
are you a member slippery hammer? i am, as you can see from my pic next to my name
i think american singers are overboard
k pop is the famous one now:)
hey guys,IM GOIN TO POM SPRINGS!!!!!im sooo excited!my family and my aunt and my brother cousin is going!!we are goin to swim and have miss ya bye!
-lazy bones
p.s. im goin to miss my puppy, sister cousin has to take care of her because she needs to go to college
poptropica is a amazing one. I told my friends about poptropica ,hey guys plz answer this;
what is a corection between poptropica ?golden sight or silver ones
Favorite song= Super Bass and Baby got back. Today web I left scool early as I left the 2nd floor this 1 guy said he would carry my book bag dj didn’t like that. He was going 2 da potty :cute:
omg, i just finished poptropica yesterday. Now I’m waiting 4 mystery train island 2 cum out for non-members. Can’t wait baby!!
there is this guy at school who keeps being mean to me! today after recess we were lining up then step on my foot and started MOCKING me! boys make MAD 😈
👿 👿 👿 👿 evil:
sorry if im angery im just trying to express my feelings
yeah I agree.a lot of boys are mean at my school.tjey don’t even say sorry or anything.they are always like”IM TELLING!!!!!”.they always make me so madi mean wat the heck does the word I’m telling means?it doesn’t even make anysense.I meam wat are they gonna tell about?
idk about you guys but have biys every looked and you and cannot stop i feel creeped out when that happens.
how do you the devil face?
would u like to be my frend .iam new one
but……… NO boys alowed
Poptropica Com .
how do you beat mystey train lsland
who will be joining me on mystery train island tomorrow?
I can’t.I’m not a member
AAAAHHHHHHH 2day the islands coming 😀
xD xD
me too!!!!! (sorry, i get jumpy when today an island is coming
I’m joining you on the island cae35.
which is better? Club Penguin OR Poptropica?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 MORE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 🙂 😉
2 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!
nvm 7 minutes 😥 🙁
Yess! Open :DD
i am kind of dazed like how do u do it and leaving comments at like 1:05 shouldn’t u b at school
I cant wait till mystery train cheats vid will come out tell asap
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I COMPLETED IT WITHOUT THE CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
that was very easy!!!!!!!!!!! oh btw happy birthday Fierce Moon!!!! 😀
how do you get into the detective area
i need help of how to get into teslas room will some one help me?
happy for you C.T!!!!! I still can’t figure it out hope the cheats come soon
hard as
me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg how do u beat mystery train?????? it so hard…….cant get past the guy in black at the end ov the train!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZ HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and pirate girl i feel your pain :/
<3 :p :'( 🙂 🙁 😀 B)
stupid how bouth that
i am having trouble on the train .i got to mystery train with membership.WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO FRIKIN EXITED XD XD XD
its 6:14pm and its still not open yet awwwww hi poptop gazette ( poptropica )
I finished it already ^_^
where do you go after edison tells you to go talk to the passengers?
this is cool! if only i could beat counterfeit and reality TV.
i need part 2!!!!
yea rite!
you did not. you just brag to much. your a slob
Meant to be to brave tomato
tomis edison is a slob too he won’t let me help him with device, meet him meet them. LET ME HELP YOU
i need help on the guard chase at the end!
happy birthday Fierce Moon!
wats mystery train about anyway?
what do you do after you tell tesla that his briefcase is open and he tells you that the key is still around his neck. SOMEBODY HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude i cant figure out how to get in telsas cabin is so darn confusing damn
a who-dunnit island like the movie Clue where the lights go out, the something is stolen or murdered, but in this island, Edison’s “motion capturing device” is stolen and you have to talk to passengers and collect clues and find out the thief who took Edison’s “motion capturing device” and more
Just played the demo and it looks interesting to bad in dosnt come up for another month for not paying members
who finished i did
how is there a walk throgh already ..
i need help on the guard chase! please tell me what to do!
@spoted spider: I was just saying. You don’t have to be rude. Sheesh. No more comments on this please.
i drr jump on the sheets that bouce you to the next place with totem poles and jump on the totem poles its easy
how do u do the mr. houdini blub thing!!!! with the keys,???? im almost donee i thinkkk someone plzzz :)))
@ brave tomato i finished it already too. <only that bits to brave tomato. the rest is just my comment. i know the time of my comment is like 4:30 but i finished the island this morning 😀
soz i wanna help all u guys who r having trouble but (i know i havnt) i wanna c whether im in the top ten first finishers of mystery train. crossing my fingers 😛 and so i dont wanna help ppl finish it rite now. maybe l8r. yeah mystery trains hard but not as hard as steamworks! i nvr finished steamworks island. mystery trains my favourite island by far 8D
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lost my account and i dont know why and i cant enter it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
i wanna play it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S ON 10/7/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mystery Train for non-members)
Are you serious? October the 7th? I really want to play it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHA!!!! I’M PAST YOU!!! I’M AT CHICAGO WHEN THE GURAD CHASES YOU!!! p.s. I can’t get past that part
i didnt use the pencil correctly now im stuck i cant pass now what i need help
i finished the island with no cheats super easy lol amazing
i allmost done it so hard :(!:l
I’m a member and im playing it but its not all that fun but if you really want 2 play it then get membership
your being rude.not many people can get past it.some people will get past it but some wont.>:(
i’m stuck on the same part with the guards
first try
dear brave tomato its note fare for people like me who do it alone
but at least parts 2 n3 just came out
probubly number 12 r somtin
ME 2 U proble did it first though
join akl95 its my room we can play together
Darn.. I’m dun w/ da sneak peek and i have all the other islands finished, so i hve nothing 2 do but 2 wait until october 7… ugh!!!
beg fur membership not expencive
Please make a written walkthrough for pplz who cant watch the video
i’m allmost done why oh why is it so hard:( :O
It really stinks that I have to wait a whole crazy month (at least) before I can play it. And I don’t find the membership worth it.
we need the writen cheats
so just dont get the membership then. gosh
mystery train is EASY
i am going to to buy the membership card today:)im going to ask my mom and might buy with my own money.its not expensive right?
only $10 if you think that is expensive
I’ve beated it already its easy and good gob brave tomato and spoted spider hope all you guys beat it tomorrow bye ill’ give another coment later today
Do you know when mystery train will come out for every one?
I can’t be able to find out anything about the opened Brief Case in the “prisoner’s” room.
Aww man, at first i trusted that french lady. Dang! If i played this game i would let her run away with treasures!:(:(:(:( i feel so bad for that young lady. So pretty and kind, NOW RUNNING AROUND DOWN CRUSHING ME!!! Can’t the theif really be like Harry Houdini or something else beside the lady. Why does she have to be the won. WHY CANT IT BE TRUE?!?!(SNIFF)
NOW I finally finished and i didnt need the cheats at all
i know how i can help u
i won
i’m back hope someone beated the island my real name is corey
The thief is the Le Monde Reporter….sorry to be a spoiler.
now i know how to solve this island
I cant get edisons thing to work it still says hes working on it. I followed the walkthrough too!
I want to play but since I m in Singapore I can’t buy the freaking card damn it
@ Bunnybear
that french reporter starts helping you lots in the game so i got suspicious when she kept telling me stuff and helping me, i thought either she was the baddie or she would blab to the real thief. she was just TOO helpful. and i was right in the end. i really thought it was tesler before then, and i was like awww the islands over soon teslers the thief but it turned out he wasnt! and i was like only halfway through the island after all!! and it went for loads longer which is more fun. theres always a twist! actually thats probly the first REAL twist poptropicas had on an island. anyways best island by FAR!
my poptropicans name is golden heart i got pretty lucky eh??? most ppl r just called stuff like angry catfish or bashful ghost, (no offence to anyone whose poptropicans have those names) bu my poptropicans name is pretty 🙂 anyways @ The Le Monde Reporter: wats the le monde reporters actual name??? i cant remember and i dont wanna start the island again to find out just yet.
that bits easy once u practice. u just gotta jump on the right things. in the first bit jump on the lions when they r chewing happily, and on the totem poles. next bit jump on the totem poles and street lamps. next bit wen ur chasing the french lady in the ferris wheel place with all the junk u gotta climb up and swing on the rope. when she throws the electricity thingy off the platform shes standing on jump on the rope and u will swing and catch it. 🙂 there ya go.
@Muddy Owl: yea, its october 7
even though i didnt even finish mystery trin island i think the thief is the coal man
anyways i bought the membership card
i cant believe it!!
the thief is the Le Monde reporter! check out the part 4 of mystery train walkthrough
(im not joking!)
achulley its mr.telsa
Hey guys, Dont say who the thief is. Some ppl have not figured it out yet. So you are ruining the surprise at the end.
its not—*sigh*
its not the le monde reporter.
I wish it was October already!!
maybe is it the guy who wears a black suit and on guarding the ……………i dont know or the driver
if anyone sees a girl in poptropica white skin color and light brown hair named sporty berry be sure its me!
how do i change the picture
yeah how do you change the picture
can someone please post how to win
theres that stupid unfair walkthrough
hi ho the mary o a hiking we will go oo ho
i <3 this site no aproval of every stinken post
l l —-l—–
L____l l
l l —–l—-
hey guys i’m back! did anyone miss me?
u were gone?
who r u
The reporter from LeMonde is “Mademoiselle Moreau” — I think Poptropica was counting on young players to not know that Eric Weisz was the real name of Harry Houdini, a magician and escape artist (1874-1926) who was active beginning around 1891. He performed many famous “disappearing acts” during his career. I half-expected him to vanish from his cabin after you look in and then look back in.
its so hard i cant get through i need help some one
The Le Monte reporter is SUCH a drama queen! 😐
wow…….yesterday i finished the iland and then i couldnt get back on the train.the train is the part of the this island sucks
Hi I think I gust won yay I did yay thanks peeps hahahahahahaha:-) 😀 hahahahahaha
the teif is achulley a french women.she said that paris needs to be te only great.but i agree with her because I LOVE FRANCE!!!!
the island looks so fun. I can’t wait until october 9th so i can finally play it.
dont u need membership to finish this island? i am SO going to finish this island today!!!!
Its not fair for non-members they only get to have a sneak peak but members get to it all is just not fair :'( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I just finished this island (with almost no help at ALL) and I just think that the walkthroughs are so helpful. Thank you!
when will they post the first 10 to finish
france is the only place i want to go:)
iv been 7 times since I was 1
NOT TO BRAG!!!!!! ive been to alot of places like malaysia, egypt, hollywood, disney world and land, san diego, san fransisco other american cities,turkey and london didnt mention everything cuz i am trying not to brag! PS: i am canadian so duh i have traveled around canadian cities
Hi im joko and that’s my poptropica name and I think i might get on the list for first 21 finishers!!! 21!21!!! I think they will do that
ive been to venise rome and countless other boetiful places
i went to monkey world!LOL just kidding loooove everyone!
Your bragging nora.
that wasnt my aim
and ur lucky to go to palm springs though and sorry if it sounded like i was bragging
lazy bones if u read the first thing she said was NOT TO BRAG
sorry made a mistake in my name
could u explain wat u just said cuz i dont get it
again sorry if it sounded like i was bragging!
ok u werent bragging nora and david i do think you r mean
anyway lazy bones the first thing nora said was NOT TO BRAG
love this island!
hi i love bananas
of course your a monkey
my name is also crazy jumper online name and cae315 username
hey i am not a monkey! it was supposed to be a joke, get it monkey, bananas!
r u a girl or boy?
Hey guys! Im back! Did anyone noticed I was gone and/or miss me? Anyways, I was gone because my dog had to be put down. 🙁 He had cancer. 🙁 He had a huge lump in his throat that was cancer and he had it in his hips too. 🙁 So that is why I have been gone for awhile. 🙁 – Shelly
P.S. Everyone can call me Shelly or Shaggy. That is my Poptropican’s name, Shaggy Shell. So just call me Shelly or Shaggy or S.S. But plz ask me first if you think of something else to call me. I dont Like it when someone thinks of a nickname and starts calling me it. So plz ask me! That is why I ask everyone if I can call them a nickname. Sry for the long speech!- Shelly
hi im ish i always watch your walkthroughs i only have 4 more islands to beat
I very sorry about you dog Shaggy Shell your not the only one who has had their dog put down I have had many dogs put down and a couple of fish too,but still i’m very sorry fro U. 🙁
Hey guys. Be sure to visit my site. There’s tons of people waiting for you! Share your Poptropican with others, chat, and have so much fun! You can even read on Kimmae and find out her REAL name! Just go to be sure to tell your friends about this Super-thrilladelic world!
← your probably like ‘HER name?! i thought you were Kimmae’ well i am Kimmae or whatever you wanna call me but thats just a mistake in the message LOL!
i dont speak spanish senior david!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thx BC
senior david i dont speak spanish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and… thx BC 4 the translation
thx BC 4 having a translator that makes you so helpful
isthay islandway isway awsomeway! optropicapay isway upersay oolcay! i don’t know igpay atlinlay that well.
okay okay.nora didnt trying to protect her or something?do you have a thing with her?(talking to unbrave monkey)
what do u mean super lazy bones?
i just said she wasnt bragging and now you think i have a thing 4 her?
and brave monkey isnt my falt! poptropica gave me that name and you must be super lazy then
so?i like being lazy.and besides,i am stop starting to argue because if you do i cus
so shush
I have a crush on Adam Levine.
when its coming out mystery train in poptropica
when its coming out mystery train in poptropica for not members
I am not a member… so i need to wait
😥 I want to do it now!!!
Adam Levine is a good singer, to me! 🙂
I thought for sure it was the Prison Guard Guy! I never would have guessed it was______________.
I blanked it because I don’t want to spoil it for everyone. But the people who have beaten the island will know who I mean.
lazy bones i couldnt go on yesterday 2 talk back cuz of my dad but now i will, where do i start: lazy bones ur a dirty minded bone ur a complete loser who goes on this site 24 hrs! ok… sheesh and dont ever shush me or ill shush u up! liston up boney person! im not mean but u made me do this ok? u got yourself the trouble so dont reply or else! and … nevermind
ps: sorry if it was 2 long
ur lucky i was in a happy mood or else i would of started swearing
r u drakes cousin?
i dont care wat you say you stupid monky.and if you dont have bones then you dont have a body.tats why i picked the name because im lazy and i have bones.and you might be brave or like i dont care wat you say or wat you do
I think all of you people are saying bad things. Just STOP!
oh sorry idiot bones but i just remembred something… I NEVER SAID I DONT HAVE A BODY OR BONES DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO READ?! sheesh, and wanna know something? huh? do ya? ok then… I TOTALLY CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY AND DO!!!!!!!!! not!
What’s goin on???
Whoa whoa whoa….. no fighting, now that can be a rule…. 😳
i think thats a personal problem
Lazy Bones and Brave Monkey, calm down. Why do we have to fight? I agree with Risha no fighting guys. This is supposed to help ppl and be peaceful so plz dont fight!- ♥Shelly♥
ima member so i can play full thing of this BOO YEA.
I totally agree with Risha. Puh luh easeeeeee stop fighting.
Btw, im not new. I just comment on Red Dragon isld.
i had always thought it was the coal man! it was so obvious after i found coal stains on the luggage and anyway its always like that the guy kept acting suspicious and it wasn’t him. its like in movies when people are about to kiss something funny happens and they don’t kiss!!!!!!!!
you dumb clean sneeze, first of all sneezes are not clean especially yours i bet!
and second if you didn’t want to spoil it then why did you say it wasn’t the guard!
hi i have a so big crush on my name get it im eleven how old are you
Hey guys!
sorry brave monkey………..
but you guys argue too,so……….
That’s what i am talaking about…. Lazy Bones, u can apologize…
and i’m a BOY not a girl.
oh, and mystery train is e-a-s-y!
You guys! Just stop arguing! Its starting to get annoying! So please stop! Anyone agree with me?- Shelly
why dont it have the whole walkthrough??
the word walkthrough
HeLlO! PpL Of PoPtRoPiCa! I sooooo wish the mistery train island would allow non-members play already! comment or like if u agree!!! -KJ ROX!!
david,do you mean tat IM a baby?!>:o
this is how i spell my name in korean
For heavens sake, stop fighting lazy bones.
wat do you mean?we didnt argue.i just said if he was calling me a baby
lol your so random
What should I put in my comment?
omg i want the nxt island to come out …okay i know o.o they r humans but its so awesome i love poptropica
Honestly… This is a COMMENT page, not an arguing page……
Anyways, David…. I agree with you, why can’t both members and non-members play together??? ❓ 😕
I don’t know bout u guys but i used to play this game in 2009 …. it was so boring then but now they edit some changes …. its better and fun 😀 … with out poptropica cheats and secrets i don’t even think i’ll ever would be able to complete all 21 islands … 😀
anyways,i agree with risha too.i had to buy membership to do that!just one card costs ten dollars??!!!!thats too expensive for a little card you know!!
ohhh sorry
wow amazing
allllllllllllll righht.,…..
Incredible Thunder!!!!!! HI!!! I missed you so much! Please keep emailing me on gmail… 🙁 I miss you
OMG! It finally came out!!!!!!!!
And I am hyper penguin in Poptropica.
Hmmm cool! I am “Little Biker” in Poptropica! bit weird name…
david, why would lazy bones( who i like to call idiot bones) remind you of a baby on youtube?
and plz people… DONT FIGHT! i hate 2 see people of our community swearing, insulting or being rude 2 each other its not helping anyone!
…….And I think my Poptropica name “hyper penguin” sounds cool
And nora is right. We should not fight or swear.
stop calling me idiot the one who said sorry.then im going to call you idiot monkey>:)
two things:
1 don’t be haters, be appreciaters!
2 hater’s gonna hate; ponies gonna pwn!
OH!!! To add to neat hopper…. “DON’T SAY BAD WORDS!!!” it hurts people a lot… 😳 😥 🙁
im the written walkthrough when said u see that guy while going to bathroom….DOES THAT MEAN I WATCH GO TO BATHROOM CUZ DATS GROSS
sorry if havent commented in while i was busy 😳
can you chat in this site?i heard someone saying about a chat
TO LAZY BONES: lazy bones you did not apolegize 2 me YET u did 2 david and do i look like i care what you call me?! huh?…well do i? NO I DONT CARE WHAT U CALL ME IDIOT BONES!I WILL BE NICE 2 YOU WHEN YOU APOLEGIZE OK?
DAVIDS MOM: oh david honey please save my life before i get runover by a car! please dont type bad comments to anyone?! oh david sweetheart save my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: hahahaha! david quickly run to your nearest parking lot!
( david shutting down his computer and runs as fast as he can to the nearest parking lot)
Whoa whoa whoa, brave monkey… Calm down, brave person…
Just forget that…
KIMMAE IS BACK!!!! WOOHOO!!! AND GUESS WAT?! this week im back till saturday!!!!!!
Hey guys. Be sure to visit my site. There’s tons of people waiting for you! Share your Poptropican with others, chat, and have so much fun! You can even read on Kimmae and find out her REAL name! Just go to be sure to tell your friends about this Super-thrilladelic world!
← your probably like ‘HER name?! i thought you were Kimmae’ well i am Kimmae or whatever you wanna call me but thats just a mistake in the message LOL!
Just bought the ‘Fabulous’ Barbie natural spray. Barbie perfumes are the best. Dont it remind you of when you were younger and those good times?
uh… r u sure its safe?
oh yeah… i thought it only remided me of good times! my stupid little cousin that my little sisters adore!
And I don’t want another fight! So people please, watch your language
if that means starting a fight then please dont
algerbra’s hard
i love this web its awesome and lololo oreo private joke
lol today is my back to school night:)
Cool, Lazy bones… I might add “cool bones” !!!
Hey ppl i just finished mystery island woo hoo
oh sorry forgot to say a few words to david! tell me when ur ready
who am i kiddin i cant wait 4 davids stupid mind 2 showup ill just start right about… now oh boy david u got a very bad speech to hear ahead of you, hahaha
actually i have a couple jokes to say and here they are:
Why did david not run 4 president?
he was too busy saving his mama from being run over by a truck.
why does david go on this site 2 much?
cause he a no life 22 yearold.
why does david break a finger daily?
cause he enjoys that ( that was random)LOL!
DAVID: can order a suer large big mac with a side of extra fngers.
CASHIER: oh boy its that no life 22 year old ordering the largest meal we have again can you please tell me why ur ordering all that especially the extra fingers!?
DAVID: cause i am overwaight and the fattest guy on earth and i broke all my fingers including toes
knock knock
whos there?
david who?
david needs a new daiper
oh yeah and part 2 is coming up
by the way david the simple and pointless words you typed out a while ago are nothing compared of the large reactions i type out “HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!’
hi BC i couldnt type out anything i was so freaked out of BM
LOL brave monkey is really funny sometimes though
hello?! im still here you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not bad 2 anyone unless its david or maybe even lazy bones BC!
BC R U saying people should hate me? david and lazy bones should
hmm… ok then… ur a friend 2 me 2
Am i joining to be a friend of you people?? I am friends with all of you!!!!! yippeee!!!!!!!
ok… ur our friend
YAY!!! Are you angry or sad, BM???
here is a cute idea for a costume.(girls)
you need 225 credits
get the shirt from black rock star 2 (you can also get the guitar from purple)
get the hair from vampire girl 1
make your hair black if it isn’t already
get the vest, hat, and belt from biker
any skin and lips will do
voila! a cute punk costume
I got so obsessed with Nikola Tesla that my friend got really mad.
Nikola Tesla
Paris will always be the greatest city in the world
Thomas Edison
Le Monde Reporter
Susan B. Anthony
That’s the poem I used to annoy him
no cuddly whale algebra is VERY HARD
hmm… David, why do you hate Brave Monkey??? I like BM… But why don’t you? 😕
hi peeps!wats happened?
Ohhh, David hates Brave Monkey now…… I am trying to tell David to stop! 🙁
now now david i dont know how to say this but….
oh yeah and…i have a question… WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FART A BILLION TIMES DAILY?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cus i hear and smell it daily)
PS: if anyone hears a loud sound like a duck and bad smell after it, be sure its david farting!
oh yeah and risha im very happy and idiot bones (lazy bones) u did not apolegize yet!
david what kind of idiot do you think i am to believe you have a friend named eniel who types out swear words? its pretty clear only an idiot with smart range of your brain to create the name “eniel”
david , if you had a brain ( witch you dont) you wouldnt type out swear words to get banned off internet genius
ok ok who started this?!the one who started it should say sorry.that’s wat I did with bm
oh finally you apolegized lazy bones? good now i dont hate you anymore or bother you
OMG!!!!!there’s a new island called game show island!!!
how did you guys start being mad at each other?
looooong story
david was being rude by trashtalking anyone 4 a few simple words and other things so i told him 2 turn nice but he refused so i began trying to tell him to stop being an idiot by being evil, (breath) i kept on issing him off and him trying to piss me off (so far im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of him) now do you understand?
to this day i continou to bother him only for justice!!
to enfinety and beyooooooooooooooooooooond!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Brave Monkey: Quit talking about David! This is not a chat room!
shut up you dont even know anything about what im talking about
PS: think before u speak genius
sorry bout that i cant handle ppl who dont use their brain
looooooooooooooove eveyone ( except 3) LOL
uh… ok…
OMG stagegal, i ran all the way to 24 carrott just so i could do that cute pink outfit ( WHICH BTW IS SO AMAZINGLY CUTE!!!) :):D
brave monkey… um WHO THE HECK IS DAVID?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? U TALK ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME AND I DONT KNOW WHO THE HECK HE IS!!!! :*(
Does anyone agree with me that its unfair that members get the early acsess to new island? Us non members shouldn’t have to wait more than a week to have full acsess to new islands. I mean, whats the big reason members are treated like royalty while some of us are being left out in all the fun. There is just no good reason for that WHAT SO EVER!
By the way BraveMonkey, I’m impressed with how many comments you put up on this page!
brave monkey,just forget watever happened.just say sorry if you want or just don’t talk at all.
p.s. am I ur friend????!!
OK… Lazy Bones, BM, David…. Let’s puy an end to this
ok… Calm down people….. I don’t know who started it, but we should stop 🙁 please
I agree Risha, this is supposed to be a spot for leaving comments for Mystery Train Island on poptropica.
I agree with risha and fast flyer.I am soooo confused.
Yes, thank you guys… I mean, this is not an “arguing page,” it is a “comment page.”
❗ You guys should remember that the whole world can see what you write, so THINK BEFORE YOU POST!!! 😐
yeah,and anyways who started this FIRST??!!!
if anyone has a facebook,add me!im rose nam
I don’t have a FB yet… but i will get one soonn!!! And i will ADD YOU!!! Yay 😀
Since when do kids have Face Book accounts?
When does the island come out for everyone???????????????????
i dont have a FB account yet but I DONT CARE!
does anyone own a skype?
Lazy Bones whats your full real name? I’m going to add you on FB.
PS Search for me. I’m Mary McMartin
tiny panda my name is rose nam
i cant find you!
hello??? I mean.. I have a gmail!! so if anyone wants to chat with me on gmail.. give me ur email.. 😀
yes lazy bones ur my friend, everyone is ( exept perfect tomatoe and david)☻
david where the hell are you??????????? im waiting 4 a responce scaredy cat!!!!! be ashamed of yourself im 13 and u r 22 david!!!!!!!!!!!!
my email is [email protected], pirate girl
oops sorry i meant risha
lazy bones i have a gmail too
its [email protected]
Mystery Train comes for everybody on 6 October
Lazy Bones help theres a millon rose nams!
Lazy Bones if you tell me what your profile picture looks like I might be able to find you.Mine is a dog winking and pointing and it says “Who’s awesome?You’re awesome.” Search Mary McMartin and look for the picture.=)
Ohhh!!! i know that picture! It is a very cool dog! 😀
Thanks Risha! =)
hey whats up? im a member on poptropica And my poptropica name is massive ice comment if you know me from ps my names Anna
Secretscp i think your walkthroughs are AMAZING!!!!!!! i cant stop watching them! keep up the good work!!! -bratzylimz
I’ve finished the Island thrice before the walkthrough was completed.
Now I’ve got nothing to do! *Sob* *Sob.*
P.S. I’m 9.
Lazy Bones,
You shouldn’t have posted your email address cuz some guy Marshall just posted with your gravatar on the “Where Are All the New Islands?” page
haha does that mean that his picture is going to be a girl picture?
my facebook pic is a girl smiling.i have brownish blackish hair and i look like a little girl.i have small eyes.tiny panda,is it alexandra mary mcmartin?
No just mary mcmartin. I found a couple of rose nams with pictures like that so i think it would be easier if you requested me. What country do you live in by the way? I live in New Zealand.
Lazy Bones do you live in California and are there two peace signs in the front of your picture? If so I think I’ve found you. Plz reply soon.
hee hee! sometimes, there is a lot of problems finding people on FB.. just saying
Are you there Lazy Bones?
I think they should make a Harry Potter island. Do u agree?
In class today we listened to a dumb song about story elements. It’s stuck in my head and i wanna scream! It’s called Five Things (elements of a Short Story) The boys in my class would sing it. click my name to see it
Now click my name. I put in the wrong URL
hey wait a minute………..i didnt write this!this dude is a imposter!!!how could you do that!>:(
can some one help me, my facebook account has been hacked! >:(
can someone help me?!this guy impostered me!
That happened to me too. Don’t worry it wasn’t me
im so sick of people impostering me every month:(
Lazy Bones hello im talking to you!
I am going to be in my multiplayer room for 20 minutes. The code is BWW83. Anybody wanna come?
Lazy Bones check your facebook.
Hello??? people are talking about a chat page here. Which one? 😕
Yes i have finshed Mystery Train!!!
I’d be more than happy to chat with someone but everyone seems to be up so late!
Im up.
I love Harry potter! I have a snuggie of him. It makes u look like your dressed as him!
What is your favorite Harry Potter movie, or book? I like the movies better, for me. 😐
you said thomas jefferson. did you mean thomas EDISON?
I have a hamster whose nick-name’s Houdini. SHES ALLWAYS ESCAPING FROM HER CAGE!!
when is the new island gonna come on for none members?! :p
hi everyone…when will mystery train island be up for everyone?? i really want to play it but i cant afford a membership =( can someone please let me know?? thanks.
hae feirce moon how do u finish it all and write up cheats for us without geting cheats yourself????
What a shame we free players don’t get many benefits.
This island looks short, but sort of interesting.
I bet it’s so easy I could do without guides like every other island.
Mystery Train comes for everyone on the 7th
yeah! oh joy-est day!
5 more days!
suk im in nz not america and i dont get it till like 4 days after u dudes
hi ppl! was off 4 a while ( cuz i hate 2 c ppl fighting) plz tell me all the fighting is OVER!
It is, i think… I mean, almost every month there is a fight. But i guess it stopped! YAY 🙂 😀
actaully check the froot loops page
i love fights i can let loose on my mouth and course and im not crazy nora i saw the wild west page
awww man.stupid halloween is coming.but the great thing in october is i like to wear costumes and my town is going to have a carnival there:)
wat u talking bout “DaviD” i didnt call u crazy
You cut off the porter TWICE in the second video! He wasn’t finished speaking and you exited! That is just annoying for us non-paid members trying to see what to expect.
on the wild west page you did watch @nora:david youre the coo-coo head] remember now
dear fierce moon,i think i saw a balloon at the end of last walkthrough.i think balloon boy landed in mystery train island.
OH NO!!! guys, no more fights!!!!!! 😡 please.
Oh yeah… I do like halloween a lot! I have been an angel, a witch, zombie, princess, lot’s of things! i no, i no… 😛 😀 😆 lol!!!
not another fight! and this year fot halloween im gonna be a cat!
i just finished mystery train. honestly i didnt think it was that good i liked astroknights way better what do u think?
O.e” anyone notice that the person that works in the part of the train where u eat looks like ur avatar???? im super late on these things 😀
OMG, getting past the sleeping guard is so hard.
wheres the grape fruit glass????
Now I’m on the totems, still trying to get past guards. 🙁 Sooooooo hard!
UGHH! I almost got there, then I gave myself a heartattack when my Poptropican fell and got captured by the guards…
were is the guy that gives u the ticket?
hwy guy im bronze axe if your read this go to the reverie lounge if im there chat/battle me im boooooooored
I Finally Finished Mystery Train It Took Me Two Days:)
That was so cool
i noticad the color of your hair is the same as the porters
the girl scares me O.O
i completed it! nice! i got a heart attack when my poptropica person fell of the totems while i tried to get to the lamp posts.
Finally beat this island ! Totally loved the island… 🙂
I am doing a multiverse room for a few hours/mins my code is DKN24
I almost punched my computer screen on those totems, but then I discovered that you can jump from totem to totem from the very tippy-top. 😀
this island is easy peasy lemon squeezy
brb87 is the code to my multiplayer room 1st one to find me and beat me in sky diving wins a free makeover !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and you got 21 min..
I finished it in a day
Come to my room!!! BHA12!!!
Finally its out for everyone! Be Right Back! Gotta go do it! I have a reputation to keep with my friends at school with this game! All of them ask me for help for all of the islands! So tell you when I get it done!- Shelly
YAY!! it is really out for everyone??? kwl! 😀 😆 😛 🙂 😉
I have a question… Where and how do you get to all of these chat rooms and places? like, how do you get to room BHA12??? 😕
risha,we should chat in gmail sometimes!:)
Im back! Awesome island! My favorite by far!- Shelly
can someone plz finish the island 4 me?
username: BubbleGum26
password: 95799579
I must admit I have finished every other alivable online on Poptropica and this one kinda of stumped me a little. Only Poptropica could do something amazing. Thank you for the help.
OMG I can’t believe who was the thief! I won’t say cuz I don’t want to ruin it for everyone, but I really did not expect this person to be the thief!!!
YEA I completed the island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re welcome, crazy jumper.
i did the island for you.
I have beeten all of the island for non-members that are out so far
Thanks Angry Ghost!
OMG TY ty and whoah i thought ? was really nice i thought it was the guy who liked prune juice 😀 i didnt expect ? to be the theif sorry for the ? i dont want to tell everyone
me neither!!!!! P.S. u spelled friendly wrong…
yay , #1 !
The Porter is a girl. Look at HER lips.
It is strange, how after Tesla has been taken captive and is wrapped in chains in the coal car and the coal shoveling guy is standing on the front car, so of course coal can’t make the train go, that the train is still moving.
so fun,ppl!
If you go left when Houdini is trapped in the room with all of the Chicago fair stuff, Pinkerton will be guarding the door.
Wasn’t Pinkerton guarding the door to the coal room?
This was great!!! I’ll keep checking in on ur blog if i need help on any of the islands.
I LOVE MYSTERY TRAIN!!! i finished it in less than 5 hours!!! sooo addicting! thnx 4 everything! AWESOME!!!!
Can some-one give me instruction’s?!?!?!?!
This is so hard!
How hard is it? I am playing it right now, SO CONFUSING! 😡 🙁 :'( ;(
i just finished it and its so fun
(the last part was quite easy wasnt it, i finished it in less than 1 hr)
if you finished an island and u want to start over again and if we finish that will we get the credit?
mystery train with the cheats i beat it in 10 min.
lazybones add me on facebook please it might say i am 46 but i am realy 9 my facebook name is savannah may or savannah nolen or cristina ann or cherry pie
Where Is Thomas Jefferson!?!?!?!
i need someone to help me with chasing the le monde lady at the fair .my username is acrittela18 and my password is 52001. piease dont change my outfit or my password and username or anything in fact . thanks!
wrong username & password .sorry!
wait. i do need help.oops.
I finished Mystery Train Island today!!!! WOOO!!! it was really fun and interesting, one of the best so far, however involved a lot of running around. :/
Most of the actual action was easy to do, unlike in some islands where it takes you hours and hours on the final chase, to get it right. I enjoyed this island 🙂
Brave Bones xxx
alexa: I’ve finished the island for you – i hope you don’t mind! It’s funny though that you are actually wearing the same outfit as the thief… lol 🙂
When you log back on, you will be in between George Ferris and the governer. Look in your case and you will see the medal 🙂
Brave Bones xxx
you were really near the end though – i expect you would have been able to do it – well done 🙂
Brave Bones xxx
i didn’t put the medal on you in case you didn’t want to ruin your outfit…
P.S. I didn’t change anything ! 🙂
no heilp needed cuz wrong password +username
in the investigation, you said thomas jefferson
😛 Stupid Le Monde Reporter!!!! The Lions eat me!!!!
shut up lazy panda
messy pelican it works but repay member-ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is really hard risha degamia!
Hey all – u’ve been noticing stuff about the porter cuz u’r a dead ringer 4 them – it needs to happen so u can get into Tesla’s cabin. Soooooo, if u change ur hair colour (like i did with the colorizer), then the porter’s hair colour changes too. That’s also why the porter is either male or female, cuz its basically ur character.
– Golden Dragon
i just dont like halloween because christians are not suppose to celabrate.but i do like wearing costumse:)
oops,sorry.i meant costumes
Can you spot some things from the other islands in the freight car?
Hoverboard(from Astro-Knights)
Motor wagon(from Time Tangled)
Instruments(from Nabooti)
Mask(from Spy Island)
Statues( from Mythology)
And last, the vase from Time Tangled
i need help with the clothing thing i cant get my charecter to wear it
i cant get my charecter to wear the clothes
Here is a translation of the French Newspaper (Le Monde) Mademoiselle Moreau gives you:
pour L’Exposition Universelle
Des visiteurs du monde entier ont ete stupefaits au moment du devoilement de la Tour Eiffel, une marveille d’ingenierie concue par Monsieur Gustave Eiffel et construite entierement par des francais.
Le Fromage:
Des scientifiques ont presente une nouvelle etude qui demontre que la consommation quotidienne d’une livre de fromage augmente le dynamisme.
for the World Fair
Visitors of the whole world were amazed at the time of the revealing of the Eiffel Tower, a wonder of engineering conceived by Mr Gustave Eiffel and entirely built by French.
The Cheese:
Scientists have presents a new study which shows that the daily consumption of a cheese pound increases the dynamism.
~Small Wolf
Risha DeGamia:
Multiverse Gold Card.
P.S my guy’s name is super rock
hi im back again!!!
I invented a costume probably not very interesting to others
umm…. I dont see the prune juice. I am going to look at the videos…….. to see what i did wrong! ps if u find out how to get the prune juice tell me.
nvm i figured out i just had to click on him
Ooh I want 2 go on Poptropica sooo badly now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 bad I can’t. :,(
@Golden Catfish Try pressing the back button & then press the forward button.That usually works 4 me.
I have an old account that I’m gonna give away. Any1 want it?
So who wants 2 have it?
Btw,Mystery Train sounds awesome :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can’t wait 2 play it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps,I know this is mainly a Poptropica site,but srsly,does any1 play Club Penguin? O.o :/
The Great Chase is so hard! D:
hey peeps i could have ur account
OMG!! i luv this island… See, I can speak FRENCH, I learn FRENCH!! and, I am so happy to kinda do like a warm up on this island about french! <3 🙂 😀 😆 😛
i cant get past the great chase 🙁
Anyone else think this island was WAY too easy??? Finished in 20 minutes without even looking at these cheats. More islands like Steamworks and Astro Knights, please!!!!!!!!!!
i agree!
How hard is the chase?I wanna know once I play it.
I have just completed the Mystery train island but I can’t figure out how to change back to my clothes. These are the clothes I have chosen when I first started the game. PLEASE help!!!! Thanks
Playd the demo 1 time.Seems interesting.NOW I WANNA GET ON POPTOPICA SOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!;) 🙂 2 bad it’s not Saturday. 🙁
Btw,any1 still want that account?Cause I think sum1 called kimmy wanted it,but I need 2 make sure.
I wonder i need to check again i missed somthing
risha,YOUR S LUCKY TO SPEAK FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i aways wanted to go to paris and speak french
im going to be a bee in halloween:)
alexa: what do you mean? I logged in using your username and password you posted on here and it worked – i finished the island for you! :S
is anyone on?
Anyone beat Mystery Train?
hey when is it for all ppl? or is it only members?
i did want the account but i couldnt go to it
it said there is no user with that name
bonjor poptropicans
bon jor ce lucom pumkin for zie hallaween
elp me zie nora (sporty berry) elp me elp me by zie way i know a little english and zie means the and elp means help and when you said ca va you said tooth paste
ha ahha i know what to be for zie halloween a jak o lantern what are you going to be zie nora
not a jak o lantern on zie real halloween on poptropicia and on zie real hallaween a witch by the way do you have those in where you live zie nora?
Hi Fierce Moon
I am having trouble with saving Mr. Houdini. could you give me a hint on how to save him?
Thirsty Wolf
in this island the costumizer is useful lol
Really?? I have learnt FRENCH for sooo long, bonjour! ça va? (it means hello, how are you?)
Hey why is it Thomas Jefferson and not Thomas Edison? Thought Jefferson was supposed to be founder of the US not an inventor. Thought Edison lived AFTER Jefferson. Just kidding.
well, loks like every1 knows a bit of french! sporty carrot, Je pense que je suis trop vieux pour Halloween, je suis treize ans. et je ne peux pas m’imaginer fringant de maison en maison demander des bonbons! Ce serait vraiment stupide! quel âge pensez-vous que les gens devraient arrêter astuce – ou – traitant?
It is strange even though Tesla is locked in chains he gives us a sketch of his room
ppl, im NOT french i am english so dont go ” shes french. 2 bad i had a question in english but i bet she wont understand” LOL
@ kimmy Ok try taking out the extra “P”,then do the rest again.Understand?
@ sporty carrot Are u French in real life,cuz if u r,that’s FREEKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Awesome walkthrough, as usual. 🙂
But I’m pretty sure the porter is a her, since she has shiny pink lips and feminine features………
hey yall its time for: POPTROPICANS TRYING TO KIL ME! well ok
mystery train
i finsished
french reporter girl kiler
tryies to kil me
and im not liking poptropica
alright that person sounds like she/he had some a lot of candy or something 🙂 <3
??? THEY DON’T KILL PEOPLE!!! sorry… mayeb the lady was a murderer… hee hee lol
Its impossible to die on Poptropica. Also, these cheats really help.
If the reporter was a killer; 1. She wouldn’t be even aloud to ride the train 2. the chareter aren’t made TO KILL YOU 3. adding a murderer to poptropica probobly wouldn’t be consitered apropiate.
OMEGA multiverse code! dfk13
sorry incorrect code
Hey! My name is Smart Ice and I’m throwing a party =D
Its gonna be in the Sweet Tooth room 😛
I’m gonna look like this:
Well anyways… Here is the room code o.e
I doubt she was a killer. BUT THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!!!! Poptropica: Mystery Dinner Party Island! Awesome!! Okay and then……….. see? my name fits me 🙂
@Shiny Bubbles Actually,u can die on Poptropia.If u lose on the game on Mythology Island,where u have 2 cross the River Styx,it says that the River Styx has taken another life or something.But yeah,u cant actually die on Poptropica.
I PUT IN THE CORECT CODE; IT CAME UP SAYING “There are no rooms matching your entry”. Sorry Smart Ice
What date is ther party, Smart ice?? You look good, btw! 😀
OMG that island was freaky at the end. That’s like some dangerous old construction site where someone stupidly enters and climbs up to get themself killed. But I enjoyed the creepy stormy and dangerous setting. And I love when you get to swing like Tarzan!! Evil Le Monde reporter… she was my favorite before I discovered how EVIL she was.
OMG! imagine if there was a murderer in poptropica? LOL that would be SO creepy
when i tried to do it it dindt work!
when i tried to do it it dint work!
Murderer on the loose…. DUN DUN DUN!!!! I’m scared *cries* 🙁
Anyways. I wish their was a murder on the loose! Then, you would DIE and become a ghost! A murder ghost that seeks revenge on their killer. Oopsies! I think I’m scaring the children! *looks at five year old cowering in corner* Ummmm………
How do you do parties anyway? And where can you get to one?
ok… a murdrer on poptropica would be TOO creepy, and i dont beleive in ghosts
@Quick Lobster
I love islands like these. I didn’t think it was that easy, but it wasn’t hard either. I lke ones like Shrink Ray and Greek Mythology. In the middles are my faves! 🙂
It won’t let me click on the prune juice stains!
I don’t believe in ghosts either, but I think it would be hilarious in poptropica….
Yay! New account Calm Sun to the rescue!!!! I’m starting easy……….. REALITY TV ISLAND HERE I COME!! 🙂 🙂
lazy bones
I’m Christan. (I’m wearing a bracelet for it 🙂 ) I celebrate Halloween. We just do pumpkin carving, candy, we dress up, nothing serious that goes against our religion. Is that what you do? No rudeness, sorry if it sounded like that just curious 🙂
wow. this is harder than i thought it would be. the guard after Le Monde is extremely…devoted to his job.
how do you even make a website like this? all i have is a wikispace, and those are LAME! you don’t even get your own address!
what about balloon boy
Hey yall
i finally finshed the island so easy after you get the hang of it!!!! yeah….<3 🙂
thank you so much.
This site truly is amazing.
I’d like to be friends with someone like you.
why cant they just give you yhe medalion sumtimes this gets complicated
I love this island!! I think it’s my fave.
i agree a mureder on poptropica would be …AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
iheartharrypotter: Nooo way. Murderers scare me to death.
Wutz with ppl commentin’ rand0m th!ngz?
A murderer would be creepy and it will make you want to do it MORE! lol 😆 😀 🙂
lol.i like the name stuckinlalaland:)its funny:)))i dont really like halloween because in the bible it saids that christians arent suppose to like it but i like wearing those costumes exept the monster costumes like witches goblins frankenstein
HAHAH!!!!! I have been a witch soo many times, i WAS an angel! LOL
lol wild wolf, murdrers scare me ALOT, they make my heart beat like crazy
party what room shuld i chose?
Hey, when I write a comment there’s an empty pic on the side. How do I put my own pic in it?
The great chase is really hard… 😛
thumbs up if u luv adventure time!!!!!! i love the word ya’ll it reminds me of pretzels because pretzels are dry and they remind me of texas and (not to be stereotypical) but don’t most people in Texas say ya’ll? anyways a murderer on poptropica? SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!!! unless there is blood or gore or entail or ghosts or supernatural stuff or zombies or brain or skeletons or puppets or math or milk or darkness or vampires or he who must not be named or anything else (i’m lactose intolerant ) so anyways, luv ya’ll!!!!! i’m on the computer at the church and my brothers wedding is starting in an hour and i have been here since FOUR FRICKING THIRTY IN THE MORNING!!!!!! (p.s. my name isn’t lisa its kat!!!
best island so far i think. not too many little intricate details, like shrink ray island, more self explanatory.
p.s. lazy bones i think its fine 4 christians 2 celebrate halloween but i will ask my youth pastor and give you his answer!!!! 🙂
This is my second faveorite island!
I like Mythology island most.
PS: read Percy Jackson and the Olyimpians if you like greek mythology
I don’t know.
does any-one have a Halloween costume? i do!
I am Clawdeen Wolf. it come’s with a……………………………………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
of course u don’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone help!I collected the prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!!!!!!!!What am I going to do??????? 🙁
♥ who started the topic? lb dont open these types of topics plz, thx
WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I DONT UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT……..IS ……….HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@iheartharrypotter LOL!!! IF THERE WUZ A MURDER GHOST ON POPTROPICA THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A KILLER COSTUME AND A KILL ACTION IN THE STORE!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 But then they won’t let u play it @ school. 🙁
Btw didn’t mean 2 b creepy sounding on that last comment I posted.
yeah… u sounded creepy…LOL jst kidding
I had fun with it. Although the running back and forth all the time got a little old. But it was a very enjoyable island
dude what’s up?
wow this guide was really helpful and pretty well described THX
I loved Mystery Train, but it took me 3 times to save Mr. Ferris’s thing to help the Ferris Wheel. I am soo happy we can restart islands.
I have another comment. -Curious Crumb-, it wouldn’t be a site for children. Children islands with one killing island?! Stands out, + that would just be unfair to kids. I’m only ten!
i really like poptropica but i cant not even with cheats do the game spy isand
i like playdoh
i did a glitch where i had to leave right away and clicked out of the game as soon as it said game saved. when i went back on, i had a ticke, but i worked again and edison gave me another one! XD got 2 tickets on my clue list now! 😀
thats my favorite island! (;
that scissior flotssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
Multiverse Room: AKF66
(Click My name to me!)
{I’m a member}
Anybody have any opened multiverse rooms right now? I’m bored and by the way I loved ur tutorial! I didn’t like chasing the french lady though 🙂
Dude! It’s Thomas EDISON. Not JEFFERSON!
(sighs)ever since the new island came out everyones new.i cant even see david or barely shaggy shell and perfect tomato and other people.but its nice to see people who are new here
dam this…
Anyone got spooky but age appropriate costume ideas for an 11 year old tomboy?
bc i agree. im going t-or-t. im going as something sexy
Yay! I FINALLY completed Mystery Train Island!!!
THX! Devil is pretty good. What do you think of Voodoo Doll?
i love it. suck it. i hate that saying
anybody need help?? i can complete it for anyone that needs it!!
i new at poptropica
Hey people who has finished Mystery Island? If you have here is my username and password Parisita1 071204
I love Mystery Train!!!! I completed it 4 all my friends!
OMG I Need Help On Poptropica I Hate The Guards Arghhhh!!! Plz Send Me A Message To “CowardlyMouse” On Youtube Please If U Can Do The Island For Me, Thanks!
Ps: I’m 11 Years Old And I Have Wicked Skills To Get Ridda Hackers On My Account. Anyways, Don’t Hack Me IF I LET YOU ON MY ACCOUNT! Hugs! xx Young Moon<3
My dad is in the hospital. His liver and kidneys are failing. So I wont be on a lot because i will be at the hospital. I will be on once in a whila but not a lot because he might not live through this so i want to spend a lot of time with him just in case he doesnt pull through. So, I wont be on for either the rest of this month or for 2 or 3 weeks. Bye guys. You guys are awesome friends.I will miss you guys! – Shelly
i am giving out a new poptropica acount!!!
first one to comment after me will get it only for a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
SHUT UP LAZY PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT me?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
purple bubbles, click on the green shirt and when you get there click on the high-lighted thing’s you want to wear!
What should i do for halloween? Medusa, rockstar, cleopatra,a karate master, or a ninja
Srry about your dad ss. My grandma went to the hospital cause she fell. She thinks she can do wat ever she wants. She tore a mustle I think. I didn’t go 2 the hospital 2 c her. I HATE going 2 the hospital. Ive Trown up be4 I hate the hospital sooooo much
My guess is that seven has classes. He is in college. Stuckinlalaland, I’m a tomboy 2, and last year I went as a vampire, I scared the SHIT out of 2 kids dressed as Mario and luigi! :P.
THX! U guys are the BEST 4 giving ideas. But according to my dad, I can no longer have a spooky costume. 🙁 I am going as a non spooky artist. 🙂
😛 Just wanted to see if that would work as a smiley! 🙂
cuddly sun you get the account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neat comet please do the island foe me?
Stuckinlalaland, how do u do smiley face????????????????????????
WOW! I just beat mystery train island
Thanks Cuddly Sun….. Lazy Bones I’ll start coming in more i promise!
dear rose,
thats cool!!my real name is rose too!what school do you go to?because i have a girl in my class name rose
i cant get past the 2nd set of gaurds can u help me
this was an awesome help to my poptropica.
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not a payed member so i watch the videos to see what up coming islands look like!!!!!
p.s the only reason i chose my name is cuz i could not decide between my real name or my poptropican name!!!
No artist. My french teacher is being one…. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
terra u just click shift and click the key with the : and ; then, you click shift and click on the zero you gotta hold shift though…… 🙂
Hold on….. let me try a WINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
I like this island but i like greek mythology more 🙂 i have Percy jackson and the lightning thief movie and the first three books. lightning thief,sea of monsters, and titians curse missing the last two!! 🙁
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 ;); ) 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
Yahoooooooooooooooooo I just finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can finish this island for somebody!
how do u make a face?
on the written one, you should be more clear, it says that after you hit use, then you get the medallion, but after you hit use, you have to talk to Grover Cleveland to get the medallion
I really hope they make more islands like this!! It’s without a doubt my favorite island yet!!! 😀
wen im trying to get houdini out i keep saying deres no use for the lock picks here
Hi!!!!!! oh yea… Sorry I haven’t been on the page people, I was on a holiday. 🙁
So, What happened while I was away? just asking 🙄
hey i’m so bored how is everyone? xx
hey Risha DeGamia 🙂
oh yeah and sorry everyone i haven’t been on for aaaaages either… oops
Brave Bones x
he guys guess what? They think my dad will be able to come out of the hospital soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😀
Wow, you all seem really close, are you all friends in real life? Please pardon me for being nosy, I’m just a little curious.
YAY!!!! shaggy shell, I am happy for you! 😀 just, good luck to you and him 🙂 😉
Magic Berry- Some people here know each other, some people don’t. This website CAN make people come together as great friends. just to tell you that…
Hello ppl…..gone for a looooooooooooooong time. a few days ago i was sick so can’t go online…and gotta focus on my studies for the past months. probably this is the only day you’ll see me again..probably i would be gone for a couple of months again…
OMG it IS rigged!
i couldnt find the key till he came RIGHT in~
im happy 4 u shaggy shell
congrats ss! i hope he recovers quick!
:P, ;), :), :D, 8O, 😥 :angry:
👿 🙁 🙄 😮 🙂 😀
😥 😛
I think theses are a FEW I know- 🙂 😉 😀 😛 🙁 😥 😳 😆
🙄 😯 😡 👿 ➡
There is a secret for the phone in NABOOTI ISLAND- you can get some costumes for free HERE IT IS:
For the phone you get in Nabooti island type the following numbers and you get this:
411 – Brain-in-a-jar hat
911 – Police hat and gun belt
1225 – Santa hat and sack
1337 – Ned Noodlehead outfit (Nerd costume)
BC!! Long time no see!! 🙂
and shaggy shell, congratulations… hope he’ll be well soon… <3
🙂 hey everybody
Hi Darryl! we are friends right, u have been telling me about it… but we are not “that”…
HEY TP!!! again, long time no see! 😀
tp, bubby, baby, where have u been?
Hey…… I”m nu, U gys all seem perty nice!
do u know how to make my girl have a picture???
what Andria asked
hey hey heyyy wazup partay ppl
When I played Mystery Train I found 1 out of 5 Edison Light bulbs. Does anyone know where I can find the others?
so mysterious Ü
to Meelow:just go to the very front of the train and talk to the driver or the blue jacket dude and press him and he will say”do you want to go to another island?”
and you say there’s 2 choices first is the “no i’ll stay” and the second is “yes i want to go to another island”.
emote emote emote emote
Hey TP!! Where have you been? so long time, not one see… Hi everyone!
hi 🙂
hi hi hi1 where were you???
Waaah I’m stuck in the great chase… I want to go to Steamworks but I can’t figure out how to get outta here I guess no turning back now…
sp i can help you… and hi risha!!! plus the secret lab mini mission is FREE! right now! i’m playing it!! 🙂
secret lab mini mission? where do you find that????
beats me
I’m bored. Anybody out there????
Hey risha deGamia you find it at the poptropica store.
There’s a typo. It says “Thomas Jefferson” instead of “Thomas Edison” in one sentence. It’s okay though. I know what you mean. 🙂
theres a fight going on the Game Show Island page. join the revolution against bullying!
i love this island! so fun
What is the fight about? who is involved??? to pirate girl
help! i cant find the key to go an serch fro the french suticase after i talk to the president!
they just keep you going and going!
help plz i am getting so frustarted i dont have a key to open the trunk tp see the france stuff anyone tell me how to get it!
it just keeps you going and going with the theif. by the way the theif is the frenck reporter.
How do you do the minigame where you’re on the roof of the train? I can’t duck.
heyllo cuddly sun i changed my name from unkknown to this (look at my user name) BD
thank you so much for your help! when i try to get him out my charecter wount let me use my pick locks
This island is like Time Tangled Island . You looked liked you’re back in time!
I have heard of Abigail so many times! It is a wonderful name 🙂 😀
lol i like ur name Abigail
easiest island EVER!!!!!
Listen up guys! This weekend Im having a costume in my multiplayer room to celebrate the release of Game Show Island! It will be on Saturday and begin when i get the code. Wear your favorite costume! Hope you all cane cpme! I want to try and get a full party! It wont be much fun if no one comes so please try to come!
Hi! I’m Zoe. This island was really easy. I’d like to make some new friends here. And can some one tell me how do I put a photo? Thanks for your help (in advance)!
This saturday Game Show is available for non.members too??????? ❓ 😕 Shaggy shell, if it is, am i invited?
hi OMG i am stuck at the part when u need to talk to Thomas Edison and the chats said that he will leave but he doesn’t he just says that ‘it is broken and that i must go talk to the people so long
Risha im just celebrating the first release. It will be released for none members on the 22nd. Everyone is invited! I will be keeping track of everyone that is comming!
Hey if anyone wants to see the design i chose type this in byg61 this is my room for the theme i chose!
It pretty hard but thank you for the help
Thx shaggy shell! I mean, see, i am not a member… so how will i go to the room for the celebration? is it in poptropica, or on the comment page? waaa 🙁
Hi, Tiny Penguin! Umm, what is the secret lab mini mission? what is the theme? from 24 carrot island??? how much does it cost, or is it free because ur a member?
risha degamia dont tell your here too!……….. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and im not a girl dont see the photo
bow chika bow wow
how do I get a photo????????????
do you know destroy all humans
I have completed the game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! years ago………………………….
hey friendly goose, what do you mean by that? Like, Don’t tell that I am here… huh? 😕
OMG LOL I can’t believe Shaggy Shell posted here too. Wonderful!!! Risha Degamia, the party is on poptropica
Its today!
Like I completed the island on my member account on September 12, 2011. (Im seriously, not kidding). I have 2 accounts. Lazy Fish (whose a member) and Popular Singer (not a member). I will be using Popular Singer for the party. I better go get ready for the party.
Risha Degamia, you can be a member or not a member to go to the party. Everyone is invited! Members and Nonmembers!
Anyone could come to the party.
Oh and when Shaggy Shell said anyone could see the multiverse, I went there at 7:20. The code was still available! But now, it isn’t. The multiverse is Crystal Cavern.
How do you change the picture thats on the right?
Maybe trying your current name?
sorry didn’t work
I was doing something Ok I should go now
hi peeps!wat did i miss?
i got through every island with only 1 walkthroug the rest of the islands i did by my self
HEy guys sorry it started so late! Here is the code aml72 plz come ill be there all ninght!
i just want the walktrough o.o
Thats not me who said that
Shaggy Shell, change the code. The code doesn’t work
Listen up, I am having a party on Monday. Wear your latest outfit or costume! It will be a great party, everyone! Any time I host a party, no one comes. Lets a get a full day. I’ll ask Hazy Girl my friend to come. Hope everyone comes!
Hey LAZY BONES, where were you???
Hey! Can anyone reply to me?? Please?
Hey Risha DeGamia! I’m Zoe.
Not what I was looking for. I was hoping to get a cheat code or something! I give up.
Hello zoe! 🙂
when i go to talk to thomas edison hell tell me to cum bac l8ter
it helped me on half
rawr i cant get passed the part were you have to run duck and jump on the top of the train
Just letting u know that my party will be on Friday. I know I said Monday but I changed my mind. Thanks for the guide, Fierce Moon!
guys i already talk to all the other passengers before i went to edison’s room why is he still setting his phonograph up?
did you talk to everyone on the train
ROAR! sry… What is up till now? 😀
ello any peeps here
Hey, Lazy Bones…. My email is hacked… so, can u give me ur email again, LAZY BONES??? sry, but yea 😐
hi everyone plz join my multiverse room. the code is DSK45. thnx the creator of this website i have done almost all available islands on poptropica b’cuz of this site. thnx again 🙂
You click on the bird in the cage then you get the key
I’m having a poptropica party to celebrate The release of the new game show island demo! The room code is byd73 and it is all techno because game show island is ruled by robots. Please notice Barbie is there. My character’s name is short melon so look for me, I threw the party. Btw, Barbie says she needs a new Ken, if you know what I mean. Her character is comical hamburger. If you can, wear something that does something when you press the spacebar. Thnx for coming, it will last now until legendary swords comes. So the party is for legendary swords and game show demo. Sorry for writing so much!
how do u use the pencil to spot the diff?
LAZY BONES, where are you? 😕
sorry guys,im not going to be on this page for a while
hi lazy skunk!
stupid lazy bones
hey if you sit on the toilet and close the doors you fall out of the sky!on mystery train
(BTW type lolipoofbabe when u click my name on avatar studio)
Some people who comment on this are so immature.Like Risha DeGamia…look at our future genius America!
i loved this island i played ragtime piano music
Ohhh pooo, how do u guys get past where u have to pick the lcks for eric wesbz. Like how do u make it go down!!! this didnt help me that much on that bit! but everything else was nice i guess? so someone help me
hey guys i took the porters extra clothes but when i went to Tesla’s Room he wasnt there
oh never mind guys it was my Laptop messing withe me
turns out instead of being in Tesla’s room i was in a S.B’s room
Incredible Thunder!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where were u, i missed you! 😥
where is Gustav Eiffel???
nevermind i found Gustav Eiffel
poptropica is great! I got past the train island
I think you got your names mixed up! LOL In your walkthrough you put this: “First click on Thomas Jefferson and then click on the device in the clues box to hear him talk about how his invention was going to win the prize at the fair.” When I think it was supposed to be this: “First click on Thomas EDISON and then click on the device in the clues box to hear him talk about how his invention was going to win the prize at the fair.
ohhh i just finished shrink rayt island and now this?! i have finished 24 carrot, early poptropica, super power island. shark tooth island, big nate, time tangled and confriet or idk how to spell it. visit me on facebook/poptropica luv yaa all
i am a great fan of harry potter and i like that name hermione sirius potter 😀
Hey guys, I am very sorry… But I am not able to go on this page for like everyday, maybe once every week… sorry 🙁
oh wow selena gomez.what did i even do?
Lazy Bones… please give me your gmail again… I lost it 😛 sorry 🙁
OMG! just as i was on the last bit it said your game data has been lost! now i have to start all over again!
Whoa! that has never happened to me.. is you account hacked on poptropica? 😐
🙁 that has never happened to me
😆 I just saw this: Thomas Jefferson instead of Thomas Edison on here. Fierce moon can’t read our comments. Whats up with that?
She can’t? does fierce moon every talk to us, like type here?
This is the hardest island in the world.
OMG!!! i love this island, they should make a island called cat island about mutant cats going on a rampage!!!!!1
risha,my email is [email protected]
omg, thank you sooo much Lazy Bones.. I am sorry for that 😛 thank you 😀 🙂
We are making YOUR MOM for Thanksgiving!
I have beaten every single island now, thanks to
P.S. If you are still stuck, you can give me you username and password and the island you want beat, and I can beat it for you.
Go to the Poptropica Avatar thingamob, and then type in FOOL635
Wow! This island was really complicated! Did anyone else think that the coal boy was the thief?
how come when i was playing the scene kept going away?
i think the island is really fun but the last part is hard. im literally on the totems right now on another tab. i paused it.:)
hey guys, im bored! party tom. for anyone who wants to come!the room code is BBA71!
your name is beefy glove?cool~~~
lol! Beefy glove 😀 pretty funny names in poptropica, huh?
when i get to the french woman she doesnt do anything. just stands there.
Just finished this island, all thanks to this walkthrough. 😀
The same thing always happens to me Jemima!!! It’s gets annoying to me, but I get used to it.
I CAN”T FINISH THIS ISLAND! waaaaa 🙁 🙁 😥 🙁 🙁 😳 🙁 😯
Boredom!! Stop by if you want~ Password room name : DMA75
It’s too easy. I tried it on my sis account but something in the game got broken so I couldn’t finish it. Now I’m trying it on my account. 😀 o_o 🙁 🙂
OH MY GOD The mini-game won’t appear!
Oh I got it :D.
Translation of Le Monde newspaper:
La Tour Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition
Visitors from around the world were stunned at the unveiling of the Eiffel Tower a Wonders of engineering conceived by Mr. Gustave Eiffel and built by french entierment.
Scientists have presented a new study showing that daily consumption of one pound of cheese increased dynamism.
With Big Nose …………………………….
The part of the guards and totems thingy.I always lose over there 60 times now! I need help! Is someone very kind to help me? I really need help at the totem part! :S
it wont let me pick the suitcase lock!!
Why cant i use tha pencil for “Telsa”?! He wont give me that sketch!!!!!!!!!!! O_O
help me please, so confusing island 🙄 😯 O.o O.o O.o
Ha. This site has been so helpful… although I just can’t get the last part of Wild West, the bit on the train…
i finished the island in 10 minutes
Um, Red Drummer? It’s TESLA, not TELSA.
TESLA.. 🙂 not TELSA…. don’t worry 🙂
Formal chirstmas party! come please! dress in the nicest clothes you have please! I will be here all day! code is DEG53
ok i made a new room! the code is BEG72. plz come!
Both of those rooms don’t exist!!! what happened?
ok… there is now a new room, by PRICKLY DOLPHIN! see the game show page for the room 🙂
i love this island all my fav people in one island!!!!! yay!!
i finished this island but some dork went into my account and replayed the island
and i think that dork is perfect tomatoe
And why is that??? lazy bones???
Umm… is my computer broken i went up to the lady and clicked on here she did nothing at all!!!
anyone need help give me ur username and password i’ll help u
i finished the island, but I don’t have it in my stats anymore, even though I have the medallion still
hey rassbery ticle my user:desomie pass:xoxo25plz beat: mystory train steam worksand red dragon thx yew
What is that website for, LUIGY72? I am confused 😕 ❓ 😐
omg, first on the page :O 😯 😛 ❗
hey red lizard i did for you. welcome
red lizard did it for u
good, nice of you BEAST007! 😀 sweet.
This island is easy if you read all the books of Sherlock Holmes 😀
This is really off topic but how do beat wild west well i no how but i cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg that was fun! 😀
The obstacle-thingy was really hard but I did it! 😀
Can I ask you guys how to those emoticons????
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ª ↀ ↁ ↂ Ↄ ↄ ↅ ↆ ↇ ↈ ↉ ↊ ↋ ▲◣◢ ◥▼△▽ ⊿◤◥ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽
Thanks Friendly Ghost!!!!!!! That is really helpful! 🙂
I used the symbols on the Game Show Island comments Friendly Ghost :-\
Thanks, this was a lot of help, really, it was. First when I saw it I thought the trains brings you to the past or future or something.
code to my party
Lazy Bones, it doesn’t exist anymore 🙁 (sniff)
The first bullet on “The Investigation Begins” says Thomas Jefferson, not Thomas Edison!
hey isnt the porter a girl! the cheats say she a boy
these are things about me:
color:pink,white,green,and blue
favorite island:all(except two things)
worst island:ghost story island and skullduggery island(i dont like ghost story island because its creepy)
scared of:devils and ghosts(also the dark)
real name:rose
last name:nam
friends:rachel,jessie,jillian,rachel lee,abby,pirate girl,bashful cloud,prickly dolphin,risha,shelly,and others(like david who i cant find)
book:everything(mostly diary of a wimpy kid)
amount of puppies:1
please tell if i forgot one thing
sorry if its too long
let me tell you some ghost stories.choose one:
red eye
library ghost
the man and the grampa(not a ghost story,but creepy)
bathroom(super short)
the new girl(not really a ghost story and not really fun)
how red eye got her name
cab man and the girl
cab man
the door
please tell me if you want me to get more ghost stories:)
oops forgot one more ghost story.its called:
the beach baby
also theres another ghost story.its called the crying picture
Thanks Lazy Bones, as I already knew all of those things about you (you know how)…. Do you mind if you share the ghost stoary called, “The Door?” seems interesting 🙂 😀 😉
Thx dude i finally beat this island tht means i beat 4 islands in a week XD
When Tesla is trapped in chains in the cole booth, when he ask for something to write with I keep trying to give him the pencil but it keeps saying that I don’t need the pencil at the moment… so what do I give him?
Can someone PLEASE beat skullduggery for me? Plz ask if u can help then i will tell you my pass
ok.but wait because i cant remember that one.because i didnt make the title
oh yea.i remember it now!but its pretty short
ghost stories that are long:
red eye
beach baby(kind of)
crying picture
cabman and the girl
ok, maybe you can share the crying picture??? 😀 idk 😀
I finished Mystery Train Island! 😀 Now I only have to finish Game Show Island and Ghost Story Island! Thank you Poptropica Secrets!!!
I have to finish Mystery Train, Skullduggery, and Ghost Story (for members though 😛 )
Has any one noticed how much like Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” this island is?
not to act dumb but what is a room code for a party and how is it used?
if you donot get what i sayed look at Pirate Girl December 18, 2011 at 5:11 pm
You’re welcome, Risha DeGamia!
thomas edison not thomas jefferson
😀 You are so friendly… like your name (Friendly Ghost) 😀 🙂
I don’t mean to ask Friendly ghost, but, how do you at least make those hearts? those black colored ones? I know this one <3 😀 but not the others 🙁 Can you…?
Hey how many islands have you beaten, Lazy Bones? I know someone who has beaten all of them but he won’t share his secrets.
hi when is s.o.s island going to be out?
hmm somethings weird.last week i posted up the ghost story you wanted and now its gone
oh really??? Try searching it in the previous comments…. wierd yea 😛
how do win the whole thing?
PARTY TIME!!! meet in bhd67 for fun!(bring friends, and use powers that you buy in god cards such as fortune cookies and jokes/pranks!)
1 more day until x mas!!!!!!!!!!!!
❉so bored …….. ❉
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
It is christmas here 🙂 but probably for some of you, it is still, “1 more day ” 😛
hey im red lizard!! who stole mi avatar???
Before you can free Houndini with the lock picks, you have to use the scissors on the rope around the curtain. Otherwise, it will say “there’s no use to use the lockpicks here.” This was not included in the walkthrough. Hope it helps everyone 🙂
Aaagh! I’ve been trying to get past the part with the overhangs to get the Le Monde reporter countless times, & there’s no Poptropica balloon to leave! What do I do? Please help & write to me, Silver Runner. Thanks.
Never mind, sorry 🙂
I just went to the home tab and clicked on the ad that said “Game show island now avaible! click here”
it is wrong! go 2 the coal man to get rid of the luggage stain clues, not the porter!!!
Cool, I never saw an ad yet that said “Game show island now avaible! click here” good for you 😉 🙂
Help! I’m on the ferris wheel already and I reached where the Le Monde reporter was standing and I keep on clicking the reporter but nothing happens. :((( HELP. HEEEEEEELP.
HEYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUSTIN HEIBER HERE xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO LIKES PEANUT BUTTER???????
i think i saw that ad
Hi, I’m a Filipino…. I love poptropica so much! Merry Christmas everyone! 😀
Ya, its totally rigged, i found it when he was RIGHT outside the door!
oh you did? i didn’t 😛
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Poptropica so much. I just beat Mystery Train Island. Thanks for the walkthrough! I never would’ve done it without this awesome detailed walkthrough. THANKS A LOT!!! 😀 🙂
😀 😀 😀 I <3 POPTROPICA!!! i just finished Mystery Train Island!!! 😀 I was stuck on the Lion part. xD Well thats. And that game is rigged. I found the key right when he was outside the door. RIGGED!!! (rigged but fun!)
hheheheh, I LOVE POPTROPICA, but I need help with Mystery Train 😛
LOVE WEBSITE!! Helps me a lot
i finished mystery train!!!!!!! Watch the walkthrough if u need help, try hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy new year!!!!!!!!!
Otay… so when the train stopped, I saved my game and got back on a day or so later. When I boarded the train again, my clues were gone from the corner of my screen!!! I can only use/see them when i speak to edison!!! HEEEEEELLLLP!!! >:(
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 >:( >:( >:( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 : (: 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
woo! 2012
I played the island again and I didnt get any money. 🙁
NINanymous you have to go up until you get to the top Le Monde reporter will be there
i know coolfly but then i figured out that you only get money once
hi everyone!
YAY! I am a member now!
who stole the camera
grrrrrrr,i hate the police,my ninja abilities have not function here!
hot dog police,protecting all fragile hot dogs from cruel humans!
the lions part require a good timing,a good FLASH timing.
i’m wrong in that commentary /\
YAYAYYAYA!!!!!!! I got Mystery Train FINISHED!! Sorry, don’t mean to brag… But still, I got help from someone, so it was ish from me and the other 😛 lol 😆
i completed it 1weeek after it came out by my friend said to tell her how to beat the island and i forgot so i went on this thnx
This is so easy & fun… I’m so gunna b a detective/spy/agent when I’m a big kid!
Some one help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I can’t find the Ferris Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
i feel like ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp:(
wow did not want it 2 b that long
haha, yea, same 😀 It can go as long as it wants to 🙂
fierce moon how old are you and are u a boy or a girl ? I beat every island with your walkthroughs and I just love them.
for NINanonymous i got stuck too. i went up and clicked o n the reporter but she just stood there so i went further up and i found the gizmo thing but clicking on it didnt do anything so what do i do. someone please help. also people actually reply to stuff dont just say stuff like hi or say u finished cos no one cares but anyways PLEASE HELP!!! 🙁
Does fierce moon chat on this page? like, everytime?
hey if u look in the train car with all the random objects in it, they are all (or most) objects from other islands!!! I just figured this out.
yall sexy bitchess honk ur horn!
so bored…….
this is awsome
wen i tried 2 refill teslas prune juicce i just through it and it just it did the blue circle pause thing where u cant practically not click on anything helllp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. that was 4 risha degamia
never mind got it my poptropica name is mad axe i have alot of other accounts but i dont remember my names
Hey guys! Just wanted to let u know that u said Thomas Jefferson instead of Thomas Eddison in the paragraph where u start searching for clues to clear ur name. U might wanna fix that!
U should really monitor these comments!
@Fearless Dragon:
Know MD??
when i go to open the trunk again it says that ive already used the key?!?!!!
Anyone know the website that has moving 🙂 ? Please tell me!
ANYONE!? Please!
Look at this story! I found it on this website I forgot! It’s supposed to be continued
and that part comes 2/10/12! Here it is!
This is a Story…..
A very long story,
A story you are gonna wanna read, well for the rest of your life.
A story that will give you Goosebumps.
Read on, and visit some characters.
It started on a stormy day…..
“Lucy, can’t I get down now?” Little Billy asked.
“Not yet! Wait, maybe a couple more minutes.” Lucy said. She sighed, a very long sigh.
She was practicing something the school teacher asked her to do, and was gonna show Little Billy how it was done.
Little Billy heisted. His face was red.
Little Billy was on a branch of the family’s tree in the front yard.
It was 20 years old; their father planted it when he was only 12 years old.
“Lucy, I think a storm is coming, let’s go inside, just in case.”
Little Billy said. The sky was turning darker, darker, and darker every second.
All of a sudden, a drip of rain dripped right on Little Billy’s nose.
Then again, and again.
Now it was a down pore.
Lucy ran into the house, forgetting Little Billy.
“Lucy, come back!” Little Billy whined.
A big bolt of lighting struck Little Billy.
And an hour later, Lucy’s parents came home.
Lucy couldn’t find Little Billy anywhere.
“Where’s your brother Lucy?” Her mother asked.
“I don’t know. I told him to get down from the oak tree. But, I thought he got down, and followed me in the house, but I can’t find him anywhere!” Lucy lied. All of a sudden, she remembered! She looked outside. “Oh no.” Her young cute brother was hanging dead, tied to the tree.
One of his feet was bloody, on the ground.
His arm had partly ripped.
“I think that’s him.” Lucy said silently.
She pointed outside.
Her mother fainted.
Her Father looked away.
“Billy probably suffered from a struck of lighting.”
Her father was crying inside, but, on the outside, he couldn’t show it.
“Is this a true story, Tina?” My little brother, Shawn asked.
“Yes, and it’s gonna happen to YOU!” I shouted.
It was almost midnight. Shawn and I sat in the dark, dark basement.
I had a light in my hand and was glowing on my face.
I was telling Ghost Story’s that my friend Ava + Olivia told me about.
Ava + Olivia told me that this actual thing did happen to ONE of their family members, their Great Uncle Billy.
Ava + Olivia are twins. You probably were thinking that. I’ve been friends with them since I was born, because my family met them in the hospital. The twins were gonna be born about, well a day away. Sometimes, they say “Sometimes our phone rings, and it has our Great Uncle’s name on it. But when we answer the phone, we hear someone saying….
I’ve been killed because of Lucy, BECAUSE OF LUCY! In a dead ruff voice.” That’s what Ava always is saying. Olivia says “Once I was in the garage, picking up garbage. I looked outside at a beautiful tree, and saw my uncle, hanging the way my father described it!!!!” The whole family always talks about these creepy, haunting stories. Even I got attached to the Horrifying, Creepy stories!
Creepy, Right?
I forgot to include this….
I like sharing the stories to my scared brother Shawn. (It is really fun)I have HUNDRED’S of stories to share.
But, I didn’t know that if you told anyone, that story will happen to yourself…..
Chapter 2: The Midnight Horror
“Alright Shawn, time to go to bed! Mom and Dad said!” I yelled to Shawn.
Shawn ran a fast as a lighting bolt up the stairs and into my parent’s Bedroom.
“Mom, Dad, I was downstairs, getting a drink of water, and SAW Little Billy,
Olivia and Ava’s DEAD Great Uncle, over by the big oak tree!”
“Honey, just go to bed. You’re just having nightmares from your sister’s creepy stories.”
His Mom said shaking. “But, is that true Shawn?”
“You ACTULLY believe HIM?” I yelled to my mother. But still my mother ignored me, trying to see if Shawn was telling the truth. Shawn nodded. His face was red. His whole body was shaking. Tears ran down his face. He just couldn’t speak. Was he telling the truth? No question about that. But what was I hearing. Shawn slept in my parent’s room. Though, I wasn’t scared. It was probably his imagination. I slept in my OWN room, like a big girl. But, all of a sudden, I saw a light glowing from the hallway. Which is really creepy cause mom ran out of candles. I watched as the light passed my bedroom, including a Person!
Please, ANYONE?
It really hard! I watched the video but I can’t get through with her! I hate her!
where is the board to move the bags
hey wats up chllin
you guys are shy to talk to me ha ha your babies ho ho ha you an never catch me im the evil woman who shoots people im welmock
I love that story Monkey! It is kinds scathe, I don’t really get it. if anyone agrees, type yippy!
I mean not scathe, I mean scary! I just got a new kindle fire. So hard to type!
Ps people, where is thewebsite to get to get moving :D?
The part where you talk to the porter and he leaves his notepad…i wasn’t paying attention, so i moved on to the next cheat…and now the reporter from Lemonde isnt there and i can’t change outfits!!! Anyone knows what happened and what do i do now and/or how can i fix it???
i cant believe they only give you 50 credits now i want 100 again!
Hey, when i get past the totem poles i go left but then when it’s loading an exclamation mark comes up and the page is white. I reset it like 10 times and it keeps doing that. What should i do?
scary story monkey!!!!!!!!
Yay i have done mystery train island! thank you CHEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there would you mind letting me know which web host you’re utilizing? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 different web browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot faster then most. Can you recommend a good internet hosting provider at a fair price? Thank you, I appreciate it!
That story is real scary Monkey it creeps me I would’ve of freaked out anyway cause I am a girl!
I finished the island 😀 😀 Well, I did get help from this site and a few others 😛 but yay me! 😀 Hope you all can do it tooo!
How do u get to D.C. Diner now?
Thanks Mistfield43 and Purplewing, and please tell me where a website is to get funny-looking smiling faces, and listen to this song.
People, i’m monkey, but i’d now just like to use claire because, i’ve been always checking on this and forgeting i’m monkey, which is my nickname at my house, but anyway go to disney and make an account! I f you see this name, which is shone iloveanimals425 and that will be my name for my account, and I’ll always have songs to share for you ladies and gentlemen and if anybody wants some cheats, I’m there. And there is a song at the top, and please listen, because i give it a 5 star rate!
Tell me you’re account and i’ll give you 5 stars on you’re drawings!
u know, the porter’s gender depends on your character’s!?!?
my porter is a girl
spooky story monkey/claire
where did you find it?
Hi guys. Monkey, that story was scary…. I read it before I went to bed, and I had nightmares!! I’m gonna sue you… JK, I don’t even know where you live. Tehe 🙂
this helped me alot but it can sometmes be hard.
hey monkey, my name is Lucy. your story is creepy.
i definintly needed help with this island. its sooooooo long. i finally finished tho 😀
hello does every one know wenlock yeAH SHE KILLED MY WIFE AND THATS 20000
hey um everybody here is awesome if u agree with me type a T but if you disagree type a F. Monkey/Claire the story is scary and where did u find it? im bored so i just wanted to do something. I LUV GREEK MYTHOLOGY THEY SHOULD MAKE A PERCY JACKSON ISLAND!!!!! My real name is Brian so just call me Brian. thx 🙂
😉 🙁 😮 :p :s
i am having trouble getting past the guard in the pinkerton security, is this ever hard. help please!!!!
Ugh, I’m at the last part, and I absolutely HATE the lions. God, that part is so FREAKING hard!
want me to help you? its free (of course!)
i know ton,s
let,s go to the next post at the bottom
yes i am
are u
r u here?
go back to the home page
Where the flip is the Porter?!
Yo some of y’all might reconize me from Animasher which is sadly not with us anymore:( If u have a wife already ( and im talking 2 u slippery shell) u shouldnt b on poptropica b cause ur 2 ols. no old dudes on poptropica where kids rule. or at least i do. Jk… or am i??? ;D
Monkey, I read the story and it will TOTALLY scare my little sister!(which I always want to do since she HATES me) Do you remember what website you found it on?
So Glad to find these cheats couldn’t find them anywhere else.
Ugh Anybody want a Poptropica Member ship ? Tired of mine i have all medals and ALL of the food Costumes 😉
Password: gamesaved or if that doesn’t work it is islandsaved
Username: Rain_ =bow-12
help me someone
This is a pretty hard island from what I’ve heard, but I’m ready and i’m pretty sure its not as bad as Astro Knights.
@ILoveDemiLovato: You’re not supposed to find his ROOM. He’s supposed to be walking around the corridors. The “French dude” has gray hair. 😛 Hope that helps.
@Popcorn Marshmallows: Just go back into the room you found the porter, and do what you didn’t do.
i cant get past where he gives you that tellagram( ferris.the inventor of the ferris wheel) ive talked 2 the dude like 4 million times. he wont give it 2 me. help. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is getting better, I really love this website.
my medals are messed up i have twelve but it’s only showing four: i have early poptropica, shark tooth, shrink ray, mythology, big nate, the great pumpkin, superpower, time tangled, mystery train, cryptids, counterfeit, and spy island but it’s only showing counterfeit, superpower, cryptids, and mystery train. but if i go to one of the islands i finished but it isn’t showing, it still says i’m done, like with shrink ray, it’s not showing that i’ve done it but if i go there cj is standing there with her parents and they’re all thanking me and everything. maybe my computer is overheated from wasting too much time on the internet. :l
need a member ship
OMG! Stupid poptropica! >:( Just as I was going to catch the thief, I went into one of the rooms by accident and when I got out, NO CLUES, NO INVETORY, and then Poptropica wouldnt let me go off the train to another island AND none of the passangers know me anymore
she’s not giving the transmitter, moving, or anything! she’sjust standing there!!!! ??????????????????????????????????????????????
i cant go to another island!!!!! im stuck at the end!!!!!!!
calmflam hit the back arrow.
Oh God.
Someone help me, please.
Or perhaps I wasn’t clear enough?
Go on and help me.
I am in desperate need of help.
If you are willing to, here’s the problem.
Okay, I want to quit Mystery Train and go to another island.
However, I’m at the last part, and there’s no sign of stopping.
The only way is to get to finish the island.
But I’m an epic utter failure.
If you want to help me, say the words, “I’ll help you, Friendly Ghost.”
Thanks if you read this thing.
Truly Yours,
Friendly Ghost
No one, huh?
Well I’m going to post my poptropica’s information because I want to quit. Here it is:
Name: GlitterShine56
*Don’t ask, my sister intervened.
Password: allyssa
Truly Yours,
The leaving Friendly Ghost.
By the way, the character’s a girl.
eva are you there
i’m here.
eva are you there please talk
yes i am there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so now what
i do not know! 😥
so what do what to talk about
hi hi hi hi hi hi hihihihhih hi hih
lets just go back to the post we were on before!
…………………… ……… .. ….
aww man u left.
bye i am going to the post we were on before!
to happy star this is happening to me on many of my several acounts (i have 3 girls and 1 boy im a female) and to friendly ghost ill try to help u but not sure i can
i finally finished the island! so hard!!! and Moe1458, i cant go to your account!! even if i type the password correctly!!! if you need some help PPL, let me know
SEE YA!!! 😉
ill help you friendly ghost now watdo i need to do
omg some1 stole my account it waz desomie how do u even steal an account on here who eva did it fuq u
@eva the eight year old kid- I really like ur name, it sounds funny and kind 🙂
It seems so difficult to earn credits i’ve completed only 5 islands 🙁
were r u P Singer
Okay, to whoever shall help me, use my password info and you’ll stop by Mystery Train island. I need you to finish the last part.
Thanks for reading.
The true-blue, Friendly Ghost.
No thanks, I think I got somebody to do it for me, but thanks anyway. 🙂
I got my brother to do Time Tangled island for me.
Sneaky Peanut.
Oh hi AH 😀 where were you, haven’t seen u in a while 😛 anyways, hi 🙂
Hello Risha and Sneaky! 😀
how do u get pass the dude?????
this island is soooooo hard! i cant get passed the dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok the dude is soooo stuped tell me about it!
this island was sooooo mysteriouzzz…..
ans sooo exciting too…..
1 of my fav islandz!!!!!
it took soooo long to find out the real culprit !!!!
I’ll help u Freindly Ghost.
I’m such a freak!! I’m such a LOSER!! I can’t do ANYTHING!!
its still hard
how don you get off the island before the chase???????????
I CANT GET OFF THE ISLAND AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh the Mystery Train island is SO hard! Can anyone help me get past the totem poles?
i alredy kinda beet thu iland cuz it iz reely eezy
i cant get the luggage game to pop up
stupid gaurds i cant get past them!!
i cant believe the le monde reporter tried to help me,
when she was the person who stole the device…
P.S – u disgust me, le monde repoter dude!
I thought the Porter was a girl. He/She has pink lipstick on. And Mascara. Just saying.
When I get to the ferris wheel….and I see the Le Monde reporter…I click on her and she just stands there!!!
Can someone help me? I’ll give you my username and password. don’t care if you do other islands…. already finished Time Tangled island except I restarted it.
Lol. I live in Chicago!
It really helps me. Thanks a lot.
heyy um i dont get it … ill give you my # if you help me :* love meee and awesoME end with ME 🙂
my advise with the totumn poles, jump pole by pole ont the toop
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………………………………………………………………………..STUPID ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hali and im rely hot 🙂 get a life!
Le Monde- you traitor! This is soooo easy
i cant see the ending and i been waiting for 10 minutes
@anonumus, what ending? maybe i can help…
How do you go to another island at the end, when you finish the level? Please I need to know.
u guys give negitive comments if u dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all oh and Annie9818 u get on ur blimp and push travel
HI! after dressing up as a Porter. I go to Tesla’s room and knock on the door but her just screams “blah blah blah edisons misery… im working…. dont bother me again” rather than opening the door 🙁 🙁 🙁 HelP?
have any of you read the Warriors Series? I love them! They are so awesome.
I am sooooo random. <3
u go to another island by talking to the conductor and he will ask u if u want to leave the train and visit another island, say yes, and then u can head back to the blimp. make sure to thank me! 😀
Cetait bien facile a suivre parce que je parle deux langues a cause de mes parents Thanks for the help
how do you get off the island before the end?
almost done
Hey guys!!! BTW, Fierce Moon. The ummm poolman person is a girl with a short cut… 🙂 Just thought I should let U know.
To Friendly Starfish:
There is a trick to jumping on the totem poles. If you jump you should see a building in the background. So you just follow and land where the building in the background is.
Hoped I helped! 🙂
To minipenny:
After you give the transformer to the guy, you click on the president and you should get your medal. 🙂
Hoped I helped!
heh heh this island is SO easy.
omg this one par is so hardd i cant rally remember which one bcuz i havent played on here in like 4ever. i luvs poptropica tough!!
When you finish the island,you walk up 2 the president.if you want 2 talk 2 me,meet me in the 24 carrot common room,on 17 april 2012.
Thanks Fierce Moon i have finished 12 islands!!!:
Early Poptropica
Shark Tooth
Time Tangled
Super Power
Wimpy Wonderland
Shrink ray
Mystery train
you rock!!!
Fierce Moon how do you know all walkthroughs and cheats?
this one could be a easy one.a mystery in the train just like spongebob in the episode!
hey moody snowball can we be friends!!
sure you also watch that episode with 5 bad guys.
I look good on the porters uniform.
5 bad guys did u beat the polly game?
One of the easiest islands yet!
the lock pit part was kind of scary cuz i had to save him and my heart was pounding because the air was running out but i pased the part.:D
Finally! I finished Mystery Train!
I was stuck on this island until I figured out they had a website like this!
This is the awesomest website ever!
How do i get off the island when i get off the train!!! Stupid gards! Gotta get past the indian like poles!!!
hey hey ur supoposed to get out in the front train car ok? and how do u do smilys
u just do this : )
to make this 🙂
I completed all the islands of ‘poptropica’ formerly known as poptropolis .So cooooooool isn’t.I will hold a party in my room and the room code is BHW55.Please do come in my sweeeeeeeeet party.The venue:In my room
Date:24th april 2012
Do remember my poptropician’s name is ‘lucky rock’
it was never called poptropolis
this was very helpful
It actually was called Poptropolis, look at the cheats for Poptropolis Games.
DUDE!I went in all of the cabins and I didnt get a response from thomas edison and NO INVESTIGATION-GRR…………….
My porter was a her, not him…
are ya a boy or girl???
im stuck in the last cabin with the prezedent and i need to search the lugage
Add me as a friend my name is green fox
i met everyone but he wont tell me about the invention
I thought it was a coincidence that the porter looked like me!
I am stuck in the president’s room. I try clicking go right, but it won’t do anything at all! It doesn’t work. >:(
i love poptropica i am stuck on mystery train island though
I am stuck in the presidents cabin help!!
Grumpy bear the warrior series are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read all the latest books they rock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great. I got HACKED. And if anyone got hacked, TELL ME.
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Not the got hacked part.
when i tried to go to the right out of the presidents room it would’t let me it just froze up
im stuck in the presedents room too
if u r stuck in the presidents room just logout, log in again and u should be able to get out it worked for me and my brother so try it. add me as a friend too plzz i only have my brother as a friend
mine wont shut up and just open it shes keeps saying i aleadry opened it to get the device
Lol! In the newspaper article, next to the Harry Houdini news, it says, “DOG BITES MAN”.
Under that, it says,”MAN BITES DOG”. Awkward.
everytime i go to thomas Edisons room he does not do what it says
The chase is so hard! I got past the president even though right doesn’t work by saving then refreshing your page. Worked for me. Can anyone help me with the chase? The guards are so fast, and i can’t get past the lions.
If you get stuck in the presidents room, save it, then reload the page. Trust me, it happened to me too.
You can outrun the guards in the totem poles then go up the feet of the 3rd totem pole the jump to the last one. Trust me I won that way.
I like you videos!
Sooo hard! I managed to complete it though!! If anyone needs help just ask! I can complete it!
where is the key to open the secret compartment??
when i try to use the lock pick bag, it says “theres no reason to use it here”
pls help me!!!!
nawal there is no key just click all of them in his cabin until one opens!
I cant go right!!!???
i need help i cant get past the part were she drops the device i dont get it please someone help me!!
I think all of us got stuck in the prezedents room awesome but not awesome
i wish i was fierce moon, but her battle ranking is 1 star
Tomas say i didn’t meet everyone
This island seems really hard when you have to chase the le monde reporter.
Is it really as hard as it looks?
To me this is the easiest island as i completed it 3 times, i never got stuck in the presidents room and by the way if you want proof that i completed it three times, add me benstiller9 is your name
I was really thinking Telsa stole the device. I got stuck with the president in the caboose 7 times.
Awww!!!!!! I really wanted to customize my character like the belly dancers but it wouldn’t let me! ; ;
i wanted to customize like the elf queen but it wouldn’t let me.
thanks i didn’t have much time but when telsa was nearly there i got the luggage key under the i forgot
they need to make a hunger games island!
I am stuck and tesla is no longer in the train!!! I didnt get the clue and the sketch yet!!!!
without walkthroughs and cheats nobody can get through these. i didn’t even think of some of these steps!
kayla, kayla kinkead???? in sherwood from longfellow elementary ??? it’s me leah johnson see you tonight in international in and we get a sleepover miss you kayla!
Remember winx club let’s play it in the the pool.Oh yah sibuna
friendlly seal if you are stuck exit out of the game without saving the game go back in and you cann get out trust me the same thing happened to me
Dressed up for this island: bought the Southern Bell from the store. 😀
Finished island (thanks, Fierce moon, btw) and then-BAM! Had to start over! Is it my computer or are these glitches normal?
UGH! Now I gotta start all over!!! >:( >:( >:(
Little monster about the newspaper, dog bites man and man bites dog thing. (btw the rest of the article should say he won a hotDOG eating contest) anyway, they should have let me stay in Chicago because I kinda live in suburbs (chicago is like, 30 minutes or so away) XD
Omg I started. New page! Yay! 🙂 😀 *is given a: Starting a new comment page on badge.*
need help plz i visted everyone but he keep telling me to go back
*groan* can’t get to the coal cabin!!! Help!!!
Buddy me for help i have completed a few islands
I finished it!!! yeah!!! please come to my room. my ID is BTR71. come, come, come!!
liked the help with the Island!
Oh. Never mind. da prezident gave it 2 me…… *blushing* 🙂
I found a way to bypass the obstacle game on top of the train. If you have one of the extra mini islands like Haunted House, use it before you start the obstacle course. Then get out of the island and head back to Mystery Train Island and you’ll be outside the train. Then enter the train and head over to the coal room and talk to Tesla.
Actually, I think that won’t make it faster though, unless you’re having a hard time with the obstacles.
What do you think about Wimpy Boardwalk?
it ant out yet u big brain
Don’t be mean. She was asking what we thought of it so far and what we thought it might be like.
Yeah, Rough Bite a.k.a dumb butt.
Where do you go after the guards start chasing you the second time.
Awesome island and I loved the big chase BTW add me
cool island Btw seriously rough bite^is up there
If she can’t swim why shouldn’t we help her out but we should call the police first
I am Shoeless Hoper from poptropica when is the wimpy board walk coming out i am pretty sure it’s this summer!
first u save the game and then go to the index page of poptropica and then login and go right and u will get out of there
there was 1666 comments…
help me i have visited everyone and thomas says the same thing like seriously thomas shutup 😉
How am I sapossed to get past the Pinkerton Security in Mystery Train Island? Your instructions are not detailed enough!
During the big chase when you get to the belly dancers, was anyone else saying: o.o? Because I was.
Omg I just noticed something! Has anyone noticed that the default gravatar is a girl silhouette even for boys???
I can’t leave the president’s train car?!?! I press ‘go right’ and my character will move offscreen but the actual screen won’t change and I can still move my person. Help?
to get out of the presidents room go right and run!!!!!!!
wimpy boardwalk is coming on the 18
you said thomas ”jefferson? isnt it edison?
duh ella.
Trusty Tornado, there are two “Thomas”s.
I can’t get out of the President’s room either!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help at the last car i can’t go right to investigate the trunk
just reload the page and it works goldencomet
Thank you, this will help to complete my 21 island finished! 😀
Stop. Just, stop.
It’s so annnnnnnnnnnnnnoying!
why dress like a porter!? I like myself as a police!
wait Ella who is it your real name because i have a best friend named marinella but her nickname is Ella
Thanks for all the poptropica information, now. I can get almost all the poptropica medals. Thats all I want to say(?)
Pinkerton is still blocking the entrance to the security car and my transformer clue is gone
Oh.. and just letting you know sesally, drugs and cigarettes ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Why would you ever say that on here??!!??!!
guess what i am almost finished with with wimpy boardwalk.and i finished 20 islands
WOW. I’ve won so many islands that I lost count
it IS rigged so that you only find the key at te last moment: I kept on pressing the middle cushion on the bed and onl got the key when he was about 2 come in, and Wimpy Boardwalk is SERIOUSLY awesome. Wimpy Kid is all the rage in Poptropica! :):):)
Sesally, ENOUGH.Guys, maybe the Mixed vilian aka Hyper Shadow also known as Sesally would be a kid trying to get us scared and make us smoke
Gee, you think? 🙄
very easy i won it and now i’ve completed 20 islands soon to be 21
Uh now what?
I REALLY like this island it’s really cool and it’s had a bit of a Sherlock Holmes theme to it. MYSTERY TRAIN ISLAND <3
This island is quite easy but the walkthrough still helped. 😀
did anyone notice that the detective has the ability to be guarding the room with the detective stuff and Tesla at the same time? 😛
i did this whole island WITHOUT the walkthrough. but that’s NOT my fault. ’cause actually, i had never even KNEW about this thing. but this island is sooooooooooooo easy.
LoL! ttylxox! <3. word. moody bird,out.
if want 2 know all about me, check on my file on the written chatroom 4 “ red dragon island cheats“.
who elese likes the pics you do when u meet the president?
This is SO easy, but the walkthrough helped me out anyway.
how many of yous clocked this
Thankyou for making these!You are really awesome Fierce Moon!
Oh!Fierce Moon was right the game is rigged!I hadn’t found the key and Telsa just stood at his door until I did!Hmmm…Interesting…
I literally cracked up when I read what Fast Fire said then I was like gee,You think? And then then brave star wrote exactly “Gee, you think?”
previous page
dude i never got the medallion. thats just jank. seriously someone help me get the medallion! PLEASE!!!!!
Look at the sexy boobs look at the naked girls butt look at the sexy boobs!
Put your face in my sexy boobs look at the sexy girls
Look at the naked girl
Look at the sexy boobs
Look at the sexy girls naked kiss my sexy boobs
Holy damn acid lake xbox this is a kids site
Look at my sexy boobs
DONt pretend Your Me!!! xbox!! Holy dam acid lake!!! you idiot this is a kids site forgive me on my language
xbox, shut the fudge up already!
xbox this is a kid’s site dont say that stuff
BTW, Hyper Shadow, you’re one to tell someone else off for spreading bad things on a kid’s site. If xbox really is another person….
I am just telling xbox to sto
Yes xbox is an other person whitch is sick
1 xbox 🙁 2 i cant get the reporter to show up
hypershadow August 13, 2012 at 5:22 pm
Yes xbox is an other person whitch is sick
If by that, you mean “xbox is another sick person like me” then, yes, he is.
So you know its not me?
does everybody know everyone here?
it wont let me get out of the presidents car
Yeah, right. 🙄
omg the same thing happened 2 me white bones i think the poptropica creators need 2 focus on their glitches
u have to save the game and refresh and for the medal go to the presidant 🙂
in the ferris wheel area can the guards be there
How do you put the porter’s outfit on? The costumizer won’t let me.
youghftgihuuhd POOP POOP
hgkju i like to poop
If u want me to complete this island 4 u, leave ur username and password. I completed this island like 5 times. I won’t share it, but it is public. I also completed super pow island a lot.
PS my username is nickimalst
Loud Leopard September 2, 2012 at 6:08 pm
youghftgihuuhd POOP POOP
Loud Leopard September 2, 2012 at 6:09 pm
Loud Leopard September 2, 2012 at 6:10 pm
hgkju i like to poop
What the heck is wrong with you?
this island is way 2 easy ive completed this island and now i only need 1 more island to finish
where is gustuv’s cabin i can’t find it*sobbing*
I love this island! I’ve completed it nearly 10 times and I only did a walkthrough for it once! Oh, and great walkthrough, Fierce Moon! Oh, and add me as a friend! My username: Joey.eyeball
i think i did in wrong order -3-
Can you friend me? User LenaLenaTen1
This is one of my favourite islands.. Because we get to be detectives and such 😀
XD dont look at the hotdog guy he didnt steal it hahahahahaha i was looking at it until i laughet out of ma chair
Can you friend me? Please? Username: Popgirlz38
way 2 easy ittook me 2h hours
Thanks for the walkthrough!
How did u get that golden color outfit?
Thanks a lot for the walkthrough!
This is my FAVORITE island.
I beat it! please friend me username:loghome1 Poptropican name: Yellow Penguin
I love your site! I use it for everything on Poptropica that I need. Thanks for making such a helpful site!
riley sullivian, did you go to mrs.orlowskys class and then move? well if so, im regina! btw, gustuve is the guy with grey hair standing in the middle of the hall way. no cabin :]
The porter’s a girl-it’s so obvi.
Hungry Eye – Can you help me with game show island ?
Or can anyone help me with it ?
i just wanted to say that its so had to do all of this stuff.
You really need to update.The map on my computer,2012,is way differnt.It didn’t help much.Making it breif,UPDATE!!!!
Fearless Cactus
omg this island was so easy i dd like a million gazillion times O.O O.o ^-^
heeeey peeps ! if u love poptropica say “tacos” .i love poptropica , so …TACOS!
the french lady is bonkers and she needs to be put in the nuthouse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i get away from the crazy french lady !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!help meeeeeeeeeee pleez i keep dying i hate this part !
The island was a little had but it was fun. ( Mighty Lion is my name on poptropica)
Thanks Poptropica. I noticed the newer ones are much easier than the semi old ones.
Great walkthrough! I got this island done in no time!
omg help! i can not find susean b.anthony! she is not in her cabin!!:O
never mind, i found her. but after i rescued harry houdini i could not get out of the train car!!
yay, i completed the island!!
You said Eric Weisz was a reporter…actually Eric Weisz is Harry Houdini…that’s his birth name…
isn’t so ironic how the pinkerton sign says we never sleep and guard’s sleeping when you get to the end? 😀
The obstacles part is so hard :((
help!!!!! i cant get past the part where the train stops cause the stupid mr.ferris wont say that the handkerchief belongs to the other french lady help!!!!! my username is coolblue#33
mystery train island is the bomb digity
youre really good at this, but i met everyone and then thmas edison told me to talk to them all over again? whats up?
Talk to gustaf eifel he will tell you the cuse DUH heis another french person
P.S…………………………….TACOS TACOS TACOS TACOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
In the written one she said Thomas Jefferson once…..
Where does he come in?????? Thomas Jefferson had been dead for like, 67 years by this time….. LOL !
Also there were coal smudges on the luggage, a hand print.., with fingers! The coal man didn’t have fingers
! no one does.
Very interesting island…
i cant get through the course!!!! but i past the island!
thanks fierce moon i got done with the island in no time!
Hey I want to go to another island helpppp i need help getting out of the circus part HELP!!!
TACOS!!!! (finally a place where I can be myself, at home I will just blurt out stuff like ” Unicorns…… lovely postmen”. )
Wow, thanks for the walkthrough and the clear instructions, they really helped! It took me in total maybe 3 hours but without this I would still be struggling to know what was happening!
I love Mystery Train because there is so much suspense thanks for the help my favourite part was the chase
hey mrs niall horton, im thinking u like 1 direction
I HAVE BEATEN 29 islands
Do u mean Edison instead of Jefferson?
I cant get pass the diference between the room and sketch
Completed the island! Wow…that was easy.
it says to talk to Ferris and Nicola and i did that and Edison isnt ready yet!! Is this a game glitch or am i doing something wrong???
@tough rock, yes they mean Edison. Im not a whiz with history but im pretty sure that Thomas Jefferson was younger than Edison *something i forgot his last name*
ill check on time tangled after
ohhh now i get it where can i find Ferris? i was talking to the wrong guy
yea i was wondering that to where do u find em
found this Ferris guy. Not just now but at 7 somethin.
this was fun and easy. I LUVV the chase it was fun and very easy exept the parts or Green Paint becuz that was slippery and yea these Cheats r very helpful thanks for making them
the porter is a girl
help i didnt get the porter journal!
the houdini part is sooo hard!!
im now up to the part where le monde is supposed to be running away, but shes just like dont ask me, its not mine.
I love the diner game can people still play it?
I cant find ferris!! help me!!
that guy that looks like he is gonna barf better get to a window or else that conductor is gonna get mad with puke all over the floor! LOL
BTW nobdy post that comment.
I aggere with Mr. Bannana Man. dont post that its so GROSS.
does fierce moon have like different alias’? because every avatar is different! seriously!
does fierce moon have different alias’? because she’s different every time! seriously!
thanks for the help
sorry i thought we were ptting putting our user names as our name
anyone know fierce moons user name? mine is warriorcatfirestarrules
At first I couldn’t get past the totem pole part, but I finally did! thanks for the help!!! 😀
Thank you all for seeing my cheats
ha ha! I just noticed something! the porter always HAS to look like you so if you are a girl the porter is also a girl and if you have on red lipstick the porter does, too!
How do I get to back to my blimp? I can’t leave the Ferris wheel!
Oh, wait. Never mind.
OMG I like warriors too, fierce cheetah! 😀
hey that guy calls Chicago a second rate city I live in Chicago and its a first rate city
last part sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard
thank you for the very helpful walkthrough!
i fianally finished mystery train. last part is so HARD!
How on earth do you get in tesla’s room?
Hey When you said after you put the mystery together with the president, and you go back to the luggage train, I don’t have a key in my backpack to open the breifcase 🙁 Where did you get that key?
😮 I’ve met EVERYONE on the list you said tuh meet! he is still telling me that I need to speak with everyone!?!?!
I think I might have to stop commenting due to fighting/bad laguage.please keep all laguage family friendly.Thanks!
Sometimes I fall when I land on an obstacle in the chase part.
Thank you for enjoying my video walkthroughs!But seriously, stop messaging me that you love my walkthroughs!It is starting to get really annoying!Plus im a stupid jerk who asks his cousin to do his walkthroughs!
OK,whover is pretending to be fierce moon is a big jerk!
I can’t get past the lion part!!!!!! I’ve been trying to do it for a month!!!! URG!!!!!
It’s not really difficult than what i think about this island
There’s a really awkward glitch on my computer… whenever I walk into a room, none of the characters are wearing shirts…
Ummmm… hint hint… who is mentioned by said person pretending to be Fierce Moon? Now who do you think it its?
*whacks forehead* no, they don’t mean Jefferson!!! Jefferson wrote the Declaration, and died quite a while before this.
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
lots of reading they should make less work for people to do in stead they make us go back and forth.
@Lucky Snowball If you’re dead, then how can you post this?
P.S. It should ‘minutes’ and not ‘minuets’
i wish you could have houses in poptropica so you can go get your luggage and change clothes
Thanks so much Fierce Moon! I love your walkthroughs, thanks to you I have completed every single island so far! My favorite was this one though… so intriguing ^_^
Hey lucky snowball if you literally do this to someone my sister will tell the police! Who’s with me? Cause i am a 4 year old girl and my 16 year old sister is typing for me.And I am scared!
i think it should be easy ive never tried the island
No offense, Lucky Snowball, but do you really think a killer like this so-called “Summer” would use the internet to warn people? If I were a dead ghostly killer, I would write in blood or something in someone’s room. Seriously. Most of us are like teens already.
Oh, by the way, I’ve read these, and I’m the type of person who would sleep at like 2 or 3 am, so just so you know, I haven’t seen some dead girl.
I Just Don’t Get it!
you can’t get any place without cheats! So Stupid!
I Wish They were more easy. I Can Dream, Right?
And i know that I miss spelled that.
don’t correct me.
this is my favorite islandon poptropica! BEST ISLAND EVER!
i cant understand the article in the newspaper they gave me! it was written in some other language!
i hate it when people come onto MY website and start MISBEHAVING im like get a life NIGGA!
Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked
submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over
again. Anyways, just wanted to say superb blog!
When I click on the reporter and the coal man is eliminated…. the De Monde person doesn’t show up next to the coal smudges.. someone help me..
I like Poptropica!
Hey ”Summer” if your dead, how come you write? If you touch something, your hand will go through it! I totally agree with popular bubbles, julianna, and young drummer
Ok guys i have heard of Lucky snowball before {check backfront island comments}
Wow i was passing the conference room when I spotted some egg on the roof Some weirdo must have egged the train in jelousy or A chicken did a runner 😛
I LOVE THIS ISLAND!!! 🙂 If anyone has trouble, please leave your username and password here. I have completed it 7 times or 8 times! I will complete it twice for you. I will not change password, I PROMISE. Kay! My username is nickimalst ( long story!;) ) and please add me! 🙂
Lucky Snowball, please stop IMMEDIATELY! Little kids read this and they think its real! 🙁
Guys, just ignore the stupid chain message. I see those all the time on Facebook and they’re obviously not real. People only do them to get attention. There’s no need to be afraid, (to all the little kids). Although the parents should at least monitor what their kids see a bit. I’d recommend everyone just ignore it and if everyone does, there won’t be anything to “pass around”. On another note, I love this island! The costumes are super cool and you can actually learn a thing or two from the characters on the train. Keep up the great work on this website Fierce Moon!
guess what peoples I have done this island 5 times and it is SOOOOOOOOOO fun and I LOVE mysterys and if you thank I am a nerd now then I DO NOT CARE what you thank peoples
lucky snowball, stop it! u cant be typing if ur dead and ur scaring people so stop it.plz.
AWSOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! You said to talk to everyone, before you met Ed… But because of me listening to you I had to do it all over again!
Hello! your walk-through is really awesome, and it helped me a lot. Thank you!
if anyone wants to add me as there freind my username is coolmath.com90
hey guys do any of you think that its not fair that members get all that free stuff an early access to all the islands I’m not a member yet and to me its not fair!!!!!!!!:-( :eye roll: and I’m very very sorry I stole your thing quiet fang
I meant :eyeroll:
okay what am I doing wrong with the eye roll thing
it,s too hard
I have done ALL the islands available to non-members on quiet boa so i created clean sword when i did the ramp mini-game The ramp was created for me, all i had to do was click the plank. And also Keep the comments coming Fierce Moon You rock!!
(also i am 12 years old but i get nightmares easily, so thanks for telling that prick off for me and the others who get easily scared. I was really scared!!!!!!!)
It’s way to much work! You have to go on cheats, then go back to your game, then go back to cheats again to read more but you loose your place. Ugh! It just frustrates me! But at least they have cheats so you don’t have to guess the whole game out. Also there these MEMBERS ONLY quest but some people are not members so I agree with legolover366.
lucky snowball why would you put those things online when little children could be on this you should watch what you put online cuz someone could actually believe it and have depression oh and anyone who wants to add me im kittypride29
Right.L.S, that is creepy. The first time I saw that, I SERIOUSLY got creeped out