The newest Poptropica Island has been announced and the name is Ghost Story Island. The official story from the info page on Poptropica’s web site is that Hemlock Harbor is a town with a secret. Restless spirits are said to haunt its shores, but no one knows who they are, what they want — or how to get rid of them. Can you hunt the ghosts of Hemlock Harbor and uncover the mystery that will set them free?
Video Walkthrough
Part 1 of the Video Walkthrough for Ghost Story Island is here. Keep on eye on this page for the remaining parts once they’re uploaded to YouTube!
It sounds like a very spooky place with lots of surprises and secrets. If you’ve been watching the screenshots that are being posted in the Sneak Peeks section of Daily Pop, then you know the island will have a dark and scary nighttime feel to it. The quest takes place on an island town called Hemlock Harbor, which looks largely deserted. In fact, it’s kind of–dare we say it?–a ghost town. Here are a few scenes from the upcoming island. Check back soon for more news and all the cheats for Ghost Story Island.
Written Walkthrough
You’ll arrive in Hemlock Harbor, a small town in New England. Your first stop should be in the offices of the Hemlock Herald, where you should talk with the editor. She’ll tell you that she’s offering $50 to anyone who can provide evidence of ghosts in the town.
Next, leave Main Street to the left and enter the Foggy Forest. When you arrive, you’ll hear a sound and a kid with funny blonde hair arrives from the left. He offers to be your guide but then runs away when the town magistrate appears. He drops a Pamphlet as he runs off and it lands in your backpack. The magistrate warns you to find somewhere to sleep for the night.
Now walk a little bit to the left and you’ll find a guy in a grey suit who looks like he hasn’t slept in a while. He’s trying to find the grave location for his uncle, Silas Moon, and needs your help. He wants you to look it up in the archives of the Hemlock Herald. So off we go, back to the newspaper office…
When you get inside, talk to the editor again and she’ll unlock the door down to the archives. Go downstairs and then find the box marked “Cemetery Plots” and then click on it. Keep turning the pages in the archive and eventually you’ll come to the page with the entry for Silas Moon. He’s buried in Lot C, Plot 84.
Now run back to the guy outside the cemetery and talk with him. He’ll be very happy that the location of the grave has been found and is eager to get out of Hemlock Harbor. He’ll give you his hotel key because he doesn’t need to stay here tonight. The Room B Key will be added to your backpack.
The next step is to head over to the inn, which is in the area just to the right of Main Street. Go inside the inn and talk to the innkeeper. She’ll leave to go find her husband and you can go upstairs to room B. Click on the bed to go to sleep and a short cinematic will begin showing spooky things happening in the room at night. The chair moves, pictures on the wall shake, and it looks like the room is haunted. When you jump out of bed, click on the armoire in the middle of the room, and then the innkeeper and her husband will jump out. They were faking the whole thing! They apologize for tricking you and offer you some advice for spotting one of the ghosts. They tell you to play a song on the violin to spot the woman in the window.
Head downstairs to the main room in the inn and go to the right. Click on the violin in the corner and the Violin and Music will go into your backpack. Now go outside and run down to the right. Talk to the guy standing outside the tent by the water. He’ll speak with you but then the magistrate appears and escorts him away.
Pick up the binoculars lying outside the tent. Next, use the violin in your backpack. It will appear. Move the bow back and forth across the strings and a song will start to play. Keep doing this until the progress bar is full. You’ll briefly see some movement in the window in the house up above.
Now use the binoculars to get a closer look. A woman’s figure will clearly appear in the window. Spooky!
The next step is to climb up into the house. Jump up to the house and enter through the cellar door at the bottom-right. Go through the cellar and jump up the stairs. If you time it right, you can clear them before they crumble. If they do, then push the crates below them to jump up and try again.
Once inside the house, walk to the right and click on the telescope. Move it to the left so that you can see the lighthouse and you’ll clearly see someone carrying a light up to the top.
Now comes the spookiest part of the island: right when the light gets to the top, you’ll hear someone say, “Looking for someone?” That totally made me jump out of my seat. The scene changes and a woman is standing next to you by the telescope. She says she hopes she didn’t frighten you. Yeah, right!
She’s not a ghost, but she does live in the house and offers to help you out with your search for spirits. She tells you to see Jane the baker and to tell her that Fiona sent you.
Now it’s off to the bakery, known as the Gingerbread House. Head out of the house and then run over to Main Street. Go inside the bakery and talk to Jane the baker. Tell her, “Fiona sent me.”
She then walks over to the pastry case and it sinks into the ground. A new case rises up to replace it and it contains all kinds of cool ghost hunting gear! You’ll get a thermal scanner, an EMF detector, a thermometer, and a camera. Now you’re ready to start hunting some ghosts! Before you depart, click on the hot cross buns over on the table. They’ll come in handy while tracking down Warden Jeffries, one of the ghosts.
Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!
Leave the Gingerbread House. When you get outside, the man there will give you some salt. He says it’s helpful to ward spirits away. OK, dude! Whatever you say! The first ghost we want to find is in…you guessed it…the cemetery. Go to the left to the Foggy Forest and then enter the cemetery through the gates.
You’re now in the cemetery labyrinth, which is pretty easy to navigate. Here’s the path to take in case you’re having problems: go forward, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward and turn left. You should see a new gate with the letter A on it. This is the entrance to cemetery plot A. Go through and then jump up on the hill to the right.
A woman appears from behind a gravestone and tells you to hide because she expects a ghost to appear. Hide behind the gravestone with her, and sure enough, a ghost appears. It’s wearing a black shroud and carrying a single rose. He walks up to the grave next to you. Now use the camera in your backpack to take a photo of the ghost.
The ghost runs off, but now you have the evidence that the editor at the Hemlock Herald needs! Return through the labyrinth to the cemetery entrance and run back to Main Street. Go inside the Hemlock Herald and give the photo to the editor of the newspaper. She’ll give you $50 as a reward.
Now that you have some money, you can put it in the bank. Go next door to the abnk and walk downstairs into the vault. Use the money in your backpack and the guard will open the vault so that you can make the deposit. Once inside, the guard dog smells something and runs to the edge of the room. Now use your thermal scanner to find out what’s going on. It will reveal a ghost underneath the vault trying to dig inside. Creepy!
Now leave the bank and walk back to the Hemlock Herald. There’s a stack of newspapers outside and all the town residents are reading the paper. Your photo is now on the front page! The magistrate appears and tells everyone it’s just a hoax. He then warns you about ghost hunting and says he’ll be keeping a close eye on you. Uh-oh!
Take to the Water
Run to the right and head to the water’s edge. A boat has docked here and there’s a sailor on board. He’s tired and looking for a place to say. Give him the hotel room key in your backpack and he’ll thank you by letting you use his boat. Jump on board and then sail to the right towards the prison on the island. Dock your boat and then enter the building marked with the “Repent” sign hanging above. Once you get inside, use your EMF Detector and go inside the elevator. Ride to section H.
Leave the elevator and walk to the Warden’s Office. Once inside, place the Hot Cross Buns that you got from the bakery on the table. A ghost will appear and it will walk up to the Hot Cross Buns and eat them. It’s the ghost of Warden Jeffries. He’ll give you a mug shot of an escaped prisoner and tell you a little bit of his sad story.
Now leave the office and head for the location written on the mug shot: Section D, Cell 8. Use the elevator to get there. When you walk in the cell, the warden will shut the door behind you, trapping you inside. But lucky you: there’s an easy escape. Push the bed aside to reveal a hole in the ground. Go into the hole and you will discover a tunnel that the prisoner here dug with a pickaxe. Use your thermal scanner, and you’ll see the prisoner in the upper-right corner of the tunnel. Along the way, you’ll also find the pickaxe, a note to prisoner, and some sardines (I hear they go great with salt.)
Go up to the prisoner ghost and talk with him. He’ll tell you his own story about Flatbottom and Valiant. Examine the note for more clues. Now leave the tunnel and return to the cell. Use the pickaxe to start digging a new tunnel to escape. Next, return to the elevator and ride it back to floor A, so that you can leave the Prison behind you.
Head for the Lighthouse
Get back in the boat and sail to the left towards the Lighthouse. Dock the boat and then go inside the lighthouse, picking up the torch on the wall before you enter. Once inside, walk up to the fire to light the torch so that you can see clearly in the dark. Start heading up the stairs. You’ll need to duck every few seconds before the wind blows and puts out the flame in the torch and knocks you over. Climb up the rope to reach a small room at the top of the lighthouse. Open your backpack and use the thermometer to place it on the wall. Leave the lighthouse and climb back on board your boat, sailing back to the main island. Once you arrive, you’ll get a notice that the temperature has dropped, meaning there’s ghost activity inside the lighthouse.
Return to the lighthouse once more and then use your torch and climb the steps. This time, there will be no gusts of wind. When you reach the top floor, you’ll find the ghost of the lighthouse keeper here and he is crying. He will tell you a short story about how he feels responsible for a ship sinking. He’ll tell you about ship wreckage located to the north. Get back in your boat and sail there to find the wreckage. Examine it and you’ll receive a locket.
The Plot Thickens
Now return to the main island and dock the boat once more. Return to the beach near the mansion and examine the locket. You’ll see a letter for Valiant written by Fiona. Go back inside the mansion and return to Fiona’s room at the top floor. Fiona will be standing beside her bed. Speak with her and give her the locket and the note. She’ll give you her story about how Valiant was tricked with the forged letter. She also tells you that the ring she was given is now at the bottom of the fountain in town. She’ll start crying and then leaves. Go down and you’ll find a scrapbook. Examine it and you’ll discover that Henly Flatbottom, Fiona and Valiant were all once friends with each other. This story is getting tangled!
Leave the mansion and return to Main Street. Locate the fountain, which has a seagull perched up top. She won’t let you get near, so you need to distract her with the sardines you found in the prison tunnel. Once the seagull leaves, click on the nest and you’ll find Fiona’s ring.
Now it’s time to return to the Cemetery. Once inside, walk forward, right, forward, left and then go forward three times followed by a right turn. You’ll be in front of a gate marked with the letter B. Go through the gate and then in the next area, walk to the right. Enter the engraver’s shop. There’s an old man here: show him Fiona’s ring. He’ll tell you that you can learn more about the story if you find the newspaper archive for August 18, 1929.
Leave the shop and work your way back through the labyrinth in the Cemetery to the main entrance. Then proceed to Main Street and go inside the Hemlock Herald. Walk downstairs to the archives and find the microfilm machine. Use it and turn the handles until you reach the year 1929. Zoom in on the newspaper and you’ll discover that Henry Flatbottom is now known as the Magistrate! The same one who is trying to stop people from looking for ghosts.
Confronting the Magistrate
Once again, return to Lot A in the Cemetery. Walk to the left and you’ll find an un-sealed grave. Click on the cover to push it and you’ll find a ladder that goes inside. Climb down inside the tomb (creepy!) and you’ll find you’re inside another labyrinth. To navigate, simply follow the flower petals that appear. You’ll arrive at another ladder leading up to the tree stump located just outside the cemetery. You’ll hear someone coming and hide. The ghost that wore the dark cloak appears and then sneezes. Hmmm, ghosts don’t sneeze! You’ll confront the “ghost” but it runs away and escapes down the tree stump ladder. Follow him down and you’ll arrive in Lot A. Chase him to the right, where you’ll find the grave on which he appeared to place the rose before.
When you get close to him, you’ll throw salt into his eyes with your handy salt shaker (that came in handy after all!) He’ll throw back his hood and exclaim that the salt stings his eyes. It’s the magistrate! He’ll confess to being the “ghost” and explains the rest of the story. He also reveals that Fiona died many years ago and is a ghost. He visits the grave and leaves a rose to ask for forgiveness.
The spirit of Fiona then appears along with all the other ghosts. Fiona accepts the magistrate’s apology and forgives him. All the ghosts can now rest in peace, and then disappear. The magistrate then presents you with the island medallion as a thank you. Congratulations!
oooooo! Gooooohhhssst iiiiisssssllland! Waaaaaaa!
booo! boo! boo! boo! 5th and zippycrab sucks
i get donuts 4 breakfast sucker
im out!
heee heeee donuts!! 😀
right back at cha again
I get A’s all the time. So what?
whatever tickles you peach white dragon boy. 🙄
HEY IT a big deal for me this is first time i gotten striaght A’s in every class
i usually get A’s and B’s every year but this year i get striaght A’s
whatever. just go and make yourself feel better about yourself. 🙄
white dragon boy, he’s already gone. BUT NOT REALLY. he’s watching the comments of my laptop right now.!
Really? you spend your day cussing at people over the internet?? How old are you?? 😆
I win! YOu give up. Or evaporated. Whichever one!! BYE!!! I WIN!! BYE
plus i leaving gotta go take my morning shower
How early do you guys get up??? Its nine am and im still in bed!!??
When r u guys gonna listen to me?? :*(9
its 9? where i am its 8
it’s 8 here (indiana) 2. and why hasn’t legendary swords come out yet???????
wait… how did zippycrab get involved? wdb, it seems like all your insults are aimed at him.
of course they are. he started it. he called me a baby when i told him not to start all the drama
i gotta restart computer brb
Well it looks like we hve a new noob on this website and he is WHITE DRAGON BOY!
me either.
bendy dragon do you really expect it to come when you first check the blog or poptropica! it comes out in the afternoon
11th to comment AGAIN! and on 11/11/11! How magical! and yeah where i am all of you guys were commenting at like 5!!!
Why does everyone fight on this website? Can’t you guys chill out?
quick lobster it isnt a big deal. it would be cool if you comment 11th on 11/11/11 at 11’oclock, 11minutes and 11 seconds
11,11,11 at 11:11:11 huh must have been cool at in year 1111. 11/11/1111 11:11:11
i am
And I am your eternal enemy WBD,or are you to dumb to figure out that basic word moron
ANgry ghost i wasnt talking to quick lobster about me saying bad yet true things about zippycrab i was talking about the date. 11th to comment on 11/11/11
read before you type!
and calling other people dumb doesn’t make you smart either
WDB, seriously. Don’t go all obscene on us. If you don’t like what someone say, ignore it. And Ryuzaki, you chill out, too, please. Why do you guys feel it necessary to insult each other?
ryuzaki i am ten times smarter than you. i have finished all my work already. mainly because i’ve been up all night working on it. So i can take a well desereved and well earned break.
plus poptropica i play once in a while. i played it since i was 11. oh and by the way i’m 15 and a half. I skipped a two grades in middle school.
AND IT FREE! but i think you need to be a member to play some of it
its not in the store WBD
and I highly doubt you skipped two grades
ryuzaki i swear it in store and i playing it right now!
i can prove it! when you get there you see alien birds and alien deer running away then you go into a cave you go follow that path and before you go into father part of cave bats fly out of it. you go into deeper part and you find rusty sword in a sword. then you fight three robot bats but one of them gets away. the one with a camera eye. Then you fight to robots uphead who have a black board that says the big three step secret plan. step 1: gather army step 2: invade poptropica step 3: rule poptropica
OK,but its weird I cant find it
i know i tried to find it with my other account but it gone. 🙁 but still i swear it so cool!!! also when you finsih fighting all robots the camera bat that got away earlier reappears and tell this giant robot something and he attacks you. he has missles and he can cough dirt out his mouth that both hurt you . Also you can use missle against him.
Somebody called WDB is acting kinda stupid in this website lol
it was up you have my word it was!
Ur a lier WDB, I don’t see it
it’s not there
nope, it’s not there for anyone but wdb.
I see the robots chasing people in the home page but I don’t see Legendary Swords
IT’S THERE!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!!
wow… it’s really hard! 🙂
I cant beat the rock throwing bot, its pinwheel thing always hits and you only get 5 crystals and I keep running out of crystals
cant get to ghost island – how do i???
oh-hasnet been released yet. ok.
i got it! fun, mysterious, and challenging!
This one looks creative… I think.
SO EPIC!!!! Die, robots!
its there!
playing it now….
wut the-
1: where did i get a spaceship
2: duh poptropica is my person’s home but wut island
3: you don’t just walk up to a cave, without a flashlight, and be like “ooh! i wanna see wut’s in there!”
4: of course it’s dark (see above)
5: they forgot commas
6: mouse over ninja sword (says silent BY deadly instead of but)
7: how would i not see an ambush depleating my health
8: of course i know i can use swords from the store i’m using the templar knight DUH
9: lol the robots said uhoh when they were gonna blow up
10: zippy i know u don’t care
my suspicions:
1: someone at poptropica has been playing ssbb or likes skyward sword
2: they were bored
3: there’s gonna be this HUGE island after ghost story
4: someone was complaining about the wait time in between each island
it threw 10 rocks at me at once! what is this world coming to
no. 30.
and i can’t beat the spider area! ugh!
lol zelda can fly now like in spirit tracks (=still working on it!)
guys legendary swords is in the store
I beat it! Ha! And, I have every sword from the store! And I’m a member!
lucky . you guys have membership
I can prove that three minutes ago I beat it! You get a “Bully Bot” Costume! It looks so much like those robots that were in front of the blackboard, except it’s blue instead of red.
if you still can’t find legendary swords go to the store and look at the first item and it’s free
Guys ghost island isn’t even out yet
i can’t wait 2 play legendary swords!!!:D
unfortunately,game show island isnt out 4 every1 yet O_o
No one here is talking about Ghost Story Island…..
“All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary.”
~Sally Ride
How true…
🙁 U need membership to finish legendary swords!
wow. been awhile since i’ve been here. so here’s what happening to me now: i’m in da blog buisness! click my name to view a blog i work on. if you wanna see my pic, it’s the last person. :confused: so what’s been going on here?
i dont know what it is! 😥
hey i actually came out on 11/11/11 and wdb is right it is to out there was a glitch but it works now the game directors fixed it so dont be ganging up on he/she ok gosh i thought people were nicer to others these days on this site i guess not huh wdb
i have completed all the islands bring it on
i have also finished all the islands “but game show” it will be a snap
I completed all the islands except Steamworks, Astro Knights, and Game Show.
I haven’t been on here for a while! Anywho- I’ve passed ever bonus island and island there is, so I’m totes ready!
yo happy peanut i have a ? for u how old ru and do you know how 2 beat SPY ISLAND. i’m not sayin it’s hard, but, yes it is.
looks spooky and cool!~ >w<
ive finished all the islands except wimpy wonderland and wild west(both ww lol)
I’ve past almost all of them accept for gameshow island
cause i’m not a member.
bring it on i finished all of them in 5 hours each one took me 20 minutes but astro knights took me 30 mins
Bring it ON, Poptropica!!!
what are you up to a competition!?!……
It sounds like a spooky map,but to me it isn’t. I’ve always wanted a map like this.i have always wanted a spooky with even scarier then the haunted you can buy in the store. 🙂
I have completed all the islands except Skullduggery, steamworks, and I can’t do game show island because I don’t have membership.
same here:(
I have completed all the islands except Wimpy Wonderland; and that because I am boycotting it.
Thank you for your work, Fierce Moon1
It sounds spooky but I’m not scared.
i finished mystery train island 4 times bring it ON poptropica bring it
every island beat, i’m a member, now there’s more stuff that’s a piece of cake? jorgeo omg
ever thought about balloon boy?
i have completed every thing and i cant what for a new island [such as ghost story island]
I’ve beaten every island except for Steamworks. (That’s the hardest one!) Heck, even Game Show, which I completed in three hours total over a period of two days.
Oh the times goofed up where I am the clock says its 9:30 😉
I haven’t finished
-Astro Knights
-Game Show
-Wimpy Wonderland
-Wild West
-Skull Duggery
-Super POWer
-Mythology( just gotta beat Zeus!!)
Red Dragon
Great Pumpkin
And Legendary Sword
So yeah, I really am NOT good at Poptropica, without the cheats.
I spend most of my time watching anime.
i beat them all exept game show i do not have membership i am soo good
i cant wait i have done all the island except game show cant wait to come a member
i have fiished every island except mythology and game show:(
sounds cool i think it would be cool if a ghost made you have an alter ego and then force you out of your body and you had to get it back
Hi, I have completed everything but game show island because i dont have membership, but i bet i would have done it by snow if i did. if you complete money ladder you get something that you can put on and do the robot dance, the one where you can look like a robot and something else. i dont go on much because my mom wont let me but when i can i use the help of my sisters and my cousin because they play poptropica too, but i sometimes use poptropica cheats when i am totally stuck.
you are the greatest. i am your no.1 fan
i compleated every island except Game show beacuse i am not a member
i think ghost story island is scary
but i complete it. if i dot get scare. i wonder how the demo will be like
i beat all the islands
and im a member
im from morocco
i beat the game show demo game show island comes out to public on tuseday
bye bye fast cheeta
yo guys theres a sneak peek of a new game that ties with ghost story island … it looks like well be travelling to other islands to catch ghosts for the game
ther is no sneek peek jorje
i saw the sneek peek there are 100 ghosts chasing you
I complete 11 islands! And im waiting for that…
yo all are nuts
sorry about that see you tommoroww
I have finished all islands besides game show and steamworks:)
i need to beat mythology island!! very time i try to get across the river Styx i die!!! I just need Hades gaurd dog’s whisker then battle Zeus! I know a bunch of greek mythology though! anyone know how to get across WITHOUT dying?
multiverse code is dqu64 pls come i am reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally REALLY booooooorrrreeeddd 🙁
nev for the last comment anyway still bored and i wish let u delete comments so i didnt have 2 d this every time i post a multiverse code
click my name for a really cool game (hey that rimes) 🙂
nev sry 🙁 now click it
yay cant wait for the new island! poptropica’s awesome! only it sucks that u have to get membership for all the cool stuff, and u get in the new islands a month early…
if you need help send me a request on my email and island
can anyone tell me how to beat the minigame at ghost story island? im stuck!
spook central? bring it on!!!
i am gomma beat you
yea i beat the game woot got the costume …. the bell lady was tricky youd figure she would be on the bell of wild west island
the only island i cant beat is game show island :/ it never appealed to me to win it
i meant reality tv island
i won 3out of 5 ghosts because im not a member
I can’t find the Bell Witch! HELP!!
shes in the trading thing in wild west with the guy with racoon hat
Can someone tell me where to find the ghost on steamworks island please.
can some1 post where all the ghosts r? the bell witch is in the trading center at dust gulch in wild west island, and sweet william’s ghost is in the first area of shrink ray island but i don’t know beyond that
o wait the brown lady is in the first area of skullduggery island
RAWR poptropica isnt working for me i tried all my computers ny laptop my real computer my friends computer anyone else experencing this by the way if you dont experience it its probably cos you might be from somewhere else but anyhow pleas etell me my advice and also my old account i had from 2008 isnt working when i log on it says the page can not be displyed in poptropica form but when i press reset the game it just appears with the message again but when i try and follow the instructions it doesnt work please help i swear if i lose that account ill freak the names cheerful bubbles if you see me on poptropica
the one on steamworks is in the museum
the 1 on 24 carrot is in the factory area o hey i just posted them all 🙂
yay 😀 🙂 XD :p
o boo i have 2 b a member 🙁
wahhhhh :*(
o hey on the screen next 2 that person on spook central it says “scanning for dr. hare virus” 🙂 sry if my messages r too spread out 🙁
the professional ghost hunter outfit looks so cool
wish i were a member
It’s so unfair that members get all the cool stuff!
Thanks everyone that helped me find the bell witch!!!♥
hey i heard you know how to find the witch bell thigamagiger so teach me how to get it thanks lol
*SPOILER ALERT!!!*The last part is hard. You have to capture all the ghosts and steal the suit.
It is very easy to find the ghosts, espichallly if you have already completed the islands. The first is the Bell witch, which can be found on Wild West Island in the trade and barter shop. The second is Sweet william’s ghost, who can be annoying because he has so much room to float in. He is found in Shrink Ray island; just land and the device will pick it up. Third is the brown lady. She is in Skullduggery island. The same thing will happen just like William’s ghost. The fourth is the one in Steamworks(I won’t bother to say the names now). She is in the musesum. The final ghost can be found on 24 carrots island. use the carrot teleporter to get there. Jump over the wall to find him. I hope this helps.
Here are some costumes to get in the Ghostly spirit part 1 of 2:
Ghost Hunter
-get the ghost hunter costume ( members only) or a robot torso and backpack with ghost hunter net
-ghost follower
Ghost costumes part 2 of 2:
Be a ghost
-Dress up a those ghosts from Daphne’s files
-Get Phantom card and vanish with the slider halfway on the scale
-Boys: get the purple sanctuary outfit from astro-knights and phantom
-girls: get the old saloon lady’s outfit and the bonnet from the clock lady in diamond plains, wild west and phantom
hey ppl the trailer came out….. Theyre here
where is the ghost on shrink ray
i can only get 3 ghost because i dont have member ship.
How do u beat the minigame
That is low. you should be able to finish the gost hunting game member or not, the website is becomeing like club peinguin!(wich, by the way, used to be awesome but now totally sucks!)
that waz so freakn ez
where is the ghost on WILD WEST ISLAND, and STEAMWORKS? * Someone please respond plz*
oh and happy ThanksGiving to everybody! 😀 😀 😀
nvm hehe dont read what i said before :I
anyways continue your conversation before hehe *blushs*
Happy Thanksgiving to y’all! And the ghosts’ locations are as follows: The Bell Witch is in the Trading shop on Wild West, in Dusty Gulch; Sweet William’s ghost is in the general area of main street on Shrink Ray; The Brown Lady is floating around near the dock on Skullduggery; Deogen (who came up with that name?) is in the Museum on Steamworks; The Headless Horseman is in the Carrot Cake Factory on 24 Carrot. Hope I have helped you people out there ^^
Steamworks ghost is in the museam and wild west is in the trade N barter
degon steamworks musem bell trading center i never lie
he is on the building green clown
i cannot wait for ghost story island to be open!it must be creeeeepy and creeky!
seriously i can’t wait either because i am just in to ghost!
i think it is a game that trys to chanlegs kid to solve mrysteies
OMG poptropica is not working for me it says that i need more space for poptropica
when i follow the instructions it says the same thing again -.-
Help!!! Where do you find the bell which and that dude in steamworks ????
I cant wait to have full access to poptropica’s ghost story island
idk what to talk bout lolz 😛
Where Is The Purple Sancutary Outfit From Astro-Knights Island? And What Phantom In Astro-Knights Island, Cae315? :*(
I need Help Really I Want To Be A Ghost On Poptropica :I
how do i get rid of that thing in the top left corner ? ( the ghost detector)
it is sooo not fair that members get ALL the cool things!!!
i cant wait for ghost story island!!! 😀 but its kinda sad you have to buy membership to get all the cool stuff 🙁 but anyway i <3 poptropica!!!
do u guys know where the ghosts r?
WHERE IS THE BROWN LADY?!? Btw, I am NOT a member so can you not find her if you are not a member? Please help! Thanks in advance!!!!
Ok, so I found all of the ghosts and it was pretty easy:
1) Bell Witch: Wild West Island at the Trade and Barter Shop
2) Sweet Williams ghost: He is found at Shrink Ray island, you have to follow him around to catch him.
3) The Brown Lady: She is found at Skullduggery Island.
4) Deogen: Steamworks Island in the meuseam.
5) The Headless Horseman: He is in 24th Carrot Island. You have to go to your right to the factory, jump over the wall, and follow him around to catch him.
I hope I helped you guys!
it is so easy!
how is the ghost hunter
cool and spooky at the same time just the way i like it! i cant wait til its out!
how do you catch the ghosts? i’ve tryed with my net but its not working. help please
how do you catch a ghost i chase the but nothing happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im frusterated
help me mrs. drisscoll mr. d mrs rogers +mr roslonek
I cant catch any ghosts. People ay to follow them and them click them or push the space bar but it doesnt work and i AM a member and i also tried on my cousins profile which she is NOT a member. Someone help!
I have the ghost hunter suit!!!!!!
i need help on skullduggery island to capture the brown lady i tried 30 times but i cant
I can’t catch any ghosts either. I am a member but no matter what I try I cannot catch any of them. I touch them but I cannot catch them. Help!
i’l be honest the msuic plus the ghosts scared me. a lot.
When does this island come out to non-members???
whoever said “that waz so freaken ez” was not me!
stop stop stop
don’t use my poptropican name
*by responding to me you say he/she sould stop!*
Dizzy Misquito
i will not stop! i am on here 24/7 on weekends!
Dizzy Mosquito with caps is going down!
how do I catch a ghost? I am calm unlike others
how do I catch the headless horseman? I am calm unlike others.
that is dumb id rather to ls
Its impossible to catch the ghosts… Some people say its easy? I click, press space, AND both at the same time. It doesnt work
i know you follow them but how do u capture..?
I dont understand! Just need info on how to capture the ghosts! : Headless Horse Man, Sweet William’s Ghost, Deogon, Bell Witch, Brown Lady .BAH
how r u sopposed to get a ghost on the demo if they just avoid you this is so weird
some please help me on ghost story i cant catch the ghost
do i have to be a member
when i click the spacebar while the ghost is in it, nothing happens, please help!!
it is awesome.u should try it.LOL:)
Hey that happened to me too wat, up wit dat!
i wonder how you catch the ghosts… its impossible when i press spacebar. the emf detector only works on green too… please help!
i cant wait for the ghost story island to come out but how do u catch a ghost when its in my net and i press the spacebar nothing happens! help please!!!
I soo need help!
how do you catch a ghost?
how do i catch a ghost
If you need help, just follow these instructions. 1:find them. 2: Stay where you are 3:wait. eventually they will come right up to you. if they go under you you should get them automattically
hoped this helped
I am very excited about ghoust story. I like ghousts alot.
None,you just go to ghost central and go to the map then press restart island.
i cant catch the ghost
how do you get the haedless horse man on 24 Carrot Island?
dont leave me hagging when i need u most!
com on! tell her to stop copying my name
Yo! iv got two names and i am a HIM not a HER!
so dont mess with me yo freak!
BTW, real Dizzy Misquito and Trusty Lightning:
U guyz have lame names!
why would u say that?
U just copyed our names so u must have thought they were cool!
still, that hurt, i’m only 7
but sometimes my sister (14 years old) and my brother (17 years) and sometimes evern my 7 year old twiny gets on with my name!
oh my twiny is on, her real name is Sarah, and my name is Jessi
i am older!
BTW my two older brothers Nickolis (yes, that is how we spell his name), who is 17, and Domonick (that’s how we spell his name, too), who is 12, both have nick-name that are Nick!
D.M.’s Twiny
(that is what i am going to start putting if it is Jessi, not Sarah!)
aw! did i hurt that babies fellings? TOO BAD< YA LOSERS!
BTW twins, huh?
HEEELP!!!I try to catch the stupid ghosts but it doesn’t let me!! my detector show its beeps and when i touch them the detector never moves!! HELP ASAP!!!!
I need help with catching some ghosts but I just can’t seem to catch any ghosts
I also think its a cheat for no-one to acualy catch any ghosts
ITS ANOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t know how to catch a ghost it hard!!!!
I’ve gotten the ghost under me quite a few times and he/she floats straight up, but i don’t capture it… What’s going wrong?!
i know how to catch a ghost
if yo get right in front of them or they float down to you, you can automatically catch it u do not need to click spacebar or anything. i hope i helped
ps if you are not a member u can only catch 3 of the ghosts
hahaha goodgame fahion is better everyone girlsgogames!!goodgame fashion add nikki
people… don’t ask for help here. go to the spook central help page! seriously, you guys.
hi everyone i have beaten all the islands! 🙂
oh gosh i cant seem to beat this game -.-
Heyyy I can’t find any ghosts!! PLZZZZ show me a place on the islands where i can find them… thnx byeee
I have tried to play the trailer game. It is harder than it seems. Which is making the original game worthwhile. I so can’t wait to play. Just three more days. 🙂 ……. Is it here yet? lol 😀 😛 8D 8) 😉 emots are so fun.
guys i gots links!!!!! each r safe, don’t worry, i am just bored and the ppl who r confused about spook centrel-there is a page 4 that- it is ok to be confused, but pls go on the other page. click my name 4 a fun game’ just click boxes to have fun
@ dizzy missy
you also apparently don’t know how to spell!
hi i like it………….. but i wanted the cheats how to capture the ghost
I still can’t beat wild west island! I’m on the train part where you have to shoot the bad guys! It’s the one that runs that run really fast that I can’t beat! Help! I’ve won all the islands, though. (Wild West Island 太难啦!)>~(
I hate it when they say “your comment is awaiting moderation.”! It’s annoying!
I don’t get how to capture the ghosts help?
Ghost story island is so cool! I hope poptropica keeps making new islands!
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg i do not have membership and i finished the stuped demo
can anyone help me?
I need help with the old lady’s house
I broke the stairs and can’t get upstairs
ps- i don’t know why my sister (s) said all that about our family, sorry.
this is her loder sister, i am also stuck. who is in High School, I might know you but i really need help with the broken staircase at the oldlady’s house!
when i said loder, i meant older
HELP PLEASE with the broken staircase @ the old lady’s house
ps-whenever i do D.M. it is probably me
Im so happy this jizzle came jizzle jizzle of the hizzle witha mizzle frizzle from the magical school busizzle. JK Im so happy it came out though I really am but anyway I am having a concert tonight s wish my luck. 🙂 now I just have to caaaaaaaalm doown.-_- Ok im fine now byebye Im 11
do u see the two boxes on the side? if u do then just push the big box in front of the staircase jump on the box and head up the stairs
um.. dizzy misquito? Just be quiet, I doubt you have a twin and your just forever alone… So just go home, do us all a favor. Kay? ;3
That person who is using other people’s names: STOP!!! Stop being rude to Dizzy Misquito, too!!
To get up the broken stair case you gotta get those boxes jump on them and then jump up to the stair case
yeah she is right you are toast aka
How do u play the stinkin violin?!!!!!!!!
When is cheats for ghost story island going to come in poptropica.
dizzy moskito what you do is go to the map and press restart and when you get back yo the ladys house you jump over the cracks on the stares
Wow.. I looove this island ..Its really clawesome. Its creepy,like Cryptids! Now this is my favourite 🙂
i love ghost story island.i have been waiting day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!p.s. i love reality tv show island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not no if there is cheat for ghost sttory island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ERG! I can’t get to the archives room! That stupid woman won’t say “Back so soon?” ARGH! What am I missing? I’m doing what you do!
Really need help with docking at prison building plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think Dizzy Mosquito is Forever Alone who agrees?
Dizzy Misquito try pushing the boxes untill you can get on them then you can get up the stairs
Party plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come Theme:HP #4 Yule ball Encanted forest to dance laugh in front of some one Robin/Rowan Hood wear females wear Rowan males wear her father
BER49 is code
omg im fiished wit everything yayyyy
what is the song played on the violin in ghost story? :O
When the Old Lady said “Looking for someone?” I got super scared
Poptropica freaked me out the old lady said “are u looking for someone?” And I screamed! I was like wtf!!!! cuz poptropica doesn’t usually have any sounds.
i’m stuck at the prison, i found the ghost but i cant do anything to it . any help?
On the forum, we’ve been asking for harder islands…i guess that the Creators saw the threads about that and made Ghost Story Island harder. I like it so far…
~NaomiGwynethAnne~(on the poptorpica secrets forum aka P.S.F.)~Magic Dragon~(on Poptropica)
I do really have a twin sister! And an older sister. And an older brother.
And thanks so much guys for standing up for me! My brother got his own
Rocking star! Hee Hee
Hey, trusty lighting aka dizzy misquito, you better leave my sister alone, because you know I know who you really are!!! And so do my sisters!!! So stay away, you wackattack!
What computer are you on?
Never mind, Zach, I can see you from here!
How do you move the seagull? Also how do you find the prisoner? Also how do you get the ghost under the bank? If anybody here is also a member please answer these questions.
oh my gosh! I just found a glitch on ghost story island!!!!! When you wake up in the lodge and you click the dresser and the couple come out of it and explain that they were trying to fool you when they are done talking click on them and it will say chat or battle above their heads!!!!! You can only chat though but it is still cool!!!
i have yet do discover the seagull, but in the prision, go to floor D, the door with an 8 above it, go in look at the book, the ghost that liked the hot buns will trap you in there and move the bed go through the maze, get to the prisioner, then go back to the “room” and use the tool to get out, i don’t know about the bank person, i still haven’t found that uot, myself.
D.M.’s twiny
that can’t be true! and please stop saying you are going to beat me up, Harry!
opps! looks like you secret’sut
D.M.’s older brother
ps-his comment just poped up when i happened to be on here
i meant that it looks like trusty lighting akadizzy misquito’s secret is out, his name is Harry!
D.M.’s brother
ps-please comment because he threatened to beat up my little sisters!
Why dont anyo You look at the cheats its like a poptopica movie AND it actully HELPS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will sombody on this websight be my el
D.M. the origanal!
um, Happy Ghost,
what does el mean?
D.M.’s 4 year old brother, Zach, who wasn’t meantioned before.
the bit in the telescope out of no were “are you looking for someone ” that gave me a hart atack!!
sorry for the spelling
omg this island is sick! i am a member and it is my favorite island yet!
and im a dude not a girl
hi hi hi
H.G, AKA Happy Ghost, that is a funny name because this is Ghost Story Island, isn’t it because i don’t want to be wrong. + i don’t keep track of the islands.
KK bi
So fun, eerie, and SO DRAMATIC! Loved the story line and animation. I would be lieing if I said none of it scared me. I was definately easier than other islands but much more interesting!
I am so glad that I am on this page. FINALLY!!! Is Fierce Moon a girl or guy? I saw pictures of Fierce Moon as a girl and videos of Fierce Moon as a guy (is that true?)
its not fair i wish i was a member!
LOL magic bubbles! I was SO freaked out because there is absolutely no sound or voices on Poptropica (except for bells) and I think I jumped out of my chair!! XD XD plus the volume was up pretty high.
Why is my pic a girl? THE SPIRITS! AHHH! jk… Anyone else having a hard time with Spook Central?
Man. I’m bored to death. I think I could even do HOMEWORK *lady screams off in distance* OMG I’m sorry I said a cuss word. I got so scared when it went “Are you looking for someone?” OMG there are no voices in Poptropica I screamed.
Orange Stomper.
if the meter isn’t flashing red when a ghost is on an island that you are on, you have a stupid glitch. Or its Poptropica or something. DARN THEM! But I finally got the meter flashing red.
i cant play the violin! ive tried several times but i make no progress. is it jus a glitch or is it bcuz im nt a member? will i have to wait until the game is “offically” released to all to play?
hey, um I am playing Ghost Story Island now. I am still at the beginning. I am working on a guide/walkthrough for the demo version. Its not quite finish yet. When I finish the demo version guide, I am going to finish the whole guide and island when it comes out for non-members.
I think we can all agree when that darn lady who is dead says ‘are you looking for someone.’
This island is FUN and EASY at the same time!
hey guys (and girls), I think I know when Ghost Story Island will come out. I think it will come out in January or the end of December.
And I can’t agree that the darn lady or who ever she is scared us. I am not on that part yet. 🙁 But I’ll get there soon.
I’m a member and I’ve beaten every island except for skullduggery. This is one of the best ones yet!
I did it for myself, and when I was looking through the telescope, it was muted. When I did It on my brother’s account, I freaked out. I hate that stupid lady.
I did it for myself, and when I was looking through the telescope, it was muted. When I did It on my brother’s account, I freaked out. It’s lame
i need help! im in the graveyard and im looking for lot C but i cant find it! 🙁
yay thank you i beat ghost story island now whohooooo!!!!!!!!
when that lady came out of know where and said ” are you looking for someone? ” she made me almost die of fright!!!!!
Go to this code: BSR87 I or someone is having a party. My character is Popular Rock
i am trying to talk to the people how pranked you but instede it comes up with mutiplayer room things! it says “chat” and “battle” other her head and i cant do what you did. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!
Ok…………. This is the awesomest island so far and I’ve only done the demo. Like pople have said, there are no voices in Pop so I got so freaking scared when that lady said “Are you looking for someone?” That scared me like you wouldn’t believe! And is the lady really dead? Because if she is then it would make sense as to why she looks like a corpse.
I had the sound down and missed the voice! dang!
i guess ghost story island is coming out 1/12/2012.
omg!!! i totatlly scremed wen she said “r u lookin 4 som1?” i ran from my computer and jumped on my big bro!!! HAHA LOL….. I’m on the part were the boat come by the hotel.
*cries* Fiona was alive as a old creepy lady but she died???? HOW?!?!?
She was young and when we first saw her she was creepy and old! I’m confused….
I don’t get it…. Did she get a extra person life not as a ghost or something????
When she said that and disappears she drops the dairy and then later she is a ghost???? and she died so she wanted to be a old creepy lady and waited for me or you then she could die again and live with Valient forever her only love and one to stay with as a ghost forever I guess….
– PAW12
Hey people, I know a website that has a complete written walkthrough for Ghost Story Island. First, go to Second, look up until you see a button that says “Ghost Story Walkthrough”. Click on that and you will get a complete walkthrough/guide along with screenshots. Good luck!
@PAW12 (though you probably won’t read this) the old woman was NOT Fiona, Fiona had been dead for twenty years, and the old woman never actually said she was Fiona, she said to tell the baker that Fiona sent you, but that was just a pass word. At least I think that that’s what’s going on, seeing as it was pretty confusing
i dont get it 😮
when does it open to everyone?
Fiona scared me when she said “are you looking for some one?” i guess she was looking out the window to find her lost love!!
i also loved that violin piece!
I frickin’ jumped out of my seat when I heard the lady say “Are you looking for someone?” I got scared good!!! Darn you Poptropica!!!! Ok. Now my rage over what happened is now over.
so where the heck is lot c this so stinks is there even a lot c at all???PLz tell me or somthing i really gotta find it!!!plz tell if u know
Hmm it appears i could use some help with the violin too
DAM! THAT OLD LADY SCARED MEH! and guys Fiona is the old lady and the Baker is Jane :/
hahahaha. I’ll remember to mute the sound when i play poptropica 😉
@Nice Sun
u dun need to find lot C
just go back to the man and the computer will do it for u
How do you catch the ghost?
When the lady said,”Are you for someone?” she sounded like Sophiegtv. Werid!
that doesnt make any cense if Fiona is dead then who is the old lady? im confused
That old lady…. Darnit Poptropica, why do you have to have virtually no sound and then randomly have sound???
wow the old lady in the window i cant get to her! you have to go to the ledge of the window but there is no ledge!!!!! ahhh someone please help me!
how do you get to the old lady in the window?!
i have no idea what your talking about im stuck on the dumb violin thing like what are u supposed 2 play i play violn and real life and this is fake but harder!How is that possible
man,that lady was scary! no sound in poptropica and then BAM “are you looking for someone?” that scared the crap out of me!
you just move the stick thing around it plays it for you.
The old lady scared me too!!!!!!!!! And I knew that she was a ghost from the start, I was staring at the full moon through the telescope ( and I was close to the speakers) , and all of a sudden BOOM!!!!!
Pirate Girl, there is no lot C. Don’t waste your time looking for it. There is only a lot H,A,and B.
You just move the thingy over the strings. That’s all you do.P.S It is pretty dumb.
Also, if you’ve done Jersey Devil on Cryptids you won’t be scared of the lady.Curse you, Jersey Devil, when you appeared I nearly had a heart attack and I couldn’t play Poptropica for 2 months!
There was sound on the lady?! I always have my computer on mute. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
to play the violin just move your mouse back and forth, don’t press down. the music will play and will automatically change notes and stuff for you. and yeah, the voice freaked me out too. “are you looking for someone?” YIKES!
@ anonymous from the date 12/9/11 5:06 pm:
ME too! was not expecting it! lol. 😛
whoa! tht old lady scared the mess out of meh!
I still dont under stand why the FIONA WAS ALIVE AND DEAD!!! 🙁 🙂 B| 😀
@anoymous from the date 12/9/11 5:06 p.m:
The first time I saw the Jersey Devil, I was like, “Ack! It’s gonna attack me!” Plus, it was kinda ugly. I thought the Jersey Devil would be a red devil with two horns and a trident. I put my sound on mute, since I was scared, and didn’t hear the old lady’s voice. Creeeepy. 🙁
Does anyone know the name of the violin song? I’ve looked for it everywhere, it’s so familiar! ;A;
Yeah those of us who have experienced the Jersey Devils sudden appearence won’t have any problem with “You lookin’ for someone?” I mean I jumped fifty metres into the air when that horned big eyed freak appeared out of nowhere and flew off. And I did it at night time.
@Skinny Cheetah, Poptropica doesn’t randomly have sound, it rings when you press the bell on the counter 😛
the jersy devil is not scary
Stop saying the old lady scared you. When I get to that part, I won’t be scared.
And don’t say bad words either. I know I ain’t the boss but I am warning you
Can someone PLEASE Tell me where the lady is (The lady I am talking about is the lady who lets you go into the archives?
Aye, I haven’t been on in so long! My BFF came over for a sleep over and we were in my room. I told her about this island and she said we should play it. We went on and freaked out soon after. Then we went downstairs to where my parents were so we wouldn’t freak and we watched the walkthroughs. I, a ultra big chicken, freaked out several times. (We had it on mute) and my friend, who isn’t as big a chicken, watched it. It’s kind of touching. :*) Fiona is dead and alive though… she’s alive as the lady in the mansion and dead at the cemetary. Don’t know…
ok check out 10:42-10:45 the bush moves!!!!! that and the 1st time i saw it i saw a hat in the middle-ish of the bush… (brown,black in middle(hat) )
The ghost under the bank was simple. It was the prisoner that tried to escape. Flatbottom (aka the magistrate) had led him under the bank vault. Your character even asks why he would lead the prisoner to the bank vault.
That sounds crazy. I can’t believe the creators put it that way.
That’s the thing with old ladies. You not expecting anything and then BAM! They get you. The archives lady is in the Herald. Can someone PLEASE explain to me what the heck happened. It was so confusing at the end. Seriously, I am at a loss.
i was really scared when the lady said (are you looking for someone?). it was just out of nowhere. i mean whos there to look at through the telescope. because i did’t see anyone THE telescope. i guess its that (curiosity killed the cat) kinda thing. she might have meant were you looking for HER. how did the old lady,fiona, know the baker . and how did the baker know the old lady was dead or alive, or even there. im just confused
when i heard the lady said are u looking for someone i thought it was someone in a advertisment video.
cause usally poptropica barley has any sound in it
When is the scary old lady part?
That lady and the Jersey Devil are freaky!! Why did you have to scare us Poptropica?!?! The island scares me enough!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!
Heh. The Jersey Devil didn’t scare me at ALL… Neither did the old lady. And hey- I knew she was dead from the start. I live in a freaking two centuries old farmhouse in a three-centuries old town though, and grew up with my dad letting me watch R-rated movies at age three, so I don’t think it really counts, though.
okay. so im on the part where……. rlly idk wat part im on!!!!!!! i need help. im past the part were u meet prisoner at the bank and the part were u give fiona the nekless. i need help…. will som1 help me??????
the lady that said are you looking for someone is freaky
omg! i just heard the lady say “are u looking for someone?” and i literally nearly peed my pants!
I have an idea! my sister, Jessi, came up with it! Here it is-
the old lady at the house wasn’t Fiona or whatever, she probably just knew Fiona, you know, because she’s old. when she givis you to say to the baker girl, she is just telling you to say that because the baker girl’s mom may have beeb friends with Fiona before she died! or maybe the baker girl was her daughter! anyway, just saying, the old lady never REALLY said what here name was, and come on, we all saw her ghost walk off with the guy (I am sorry I forgot his name!), btu I guessed half way through the game that either the mayor was the nice G.W.N.I.F (Guy who’s name I forget) and he escaped, or the evil G.W.N.I.F!
The original D.M.
i meant to say GIVES in the fourth or fifth senece.
sorry if i spelled SENECE wrong, I’m only seven, after all! HOPE THIS HELPS
your 7!
my god everyone don’t u see the trapdoor? if not look carefully i found it in two secondes without the walkthrough! 🙂
I am stuck I have gone to the light house and planted the thermometer and I have gone to the prison and gotten assigned to find the prisoner. And I have seen the guy in the bank when the dog goes nuts and I have gone to the graveyard and given the picture to the woman in the herald. I can’t acsess the videos!!!!!!
Where to find the Prisoner
What to do at the light house
How to get the kind of theif
What to do next in the grave yard
i knew it i knew it i knew it ! flatbottom loves fiona!!!!!
i dont get this island then who was the lady who said she was not a ghost?
this does not convince me
Old lady voice would’ve scared me if I hadn’t already red these comments! Oh well… Just warning all readers… these comments are spoilers. ha
And I’m 9. 😀
whoa you guys are young i’m like 14
I finished the demo….. Can’t wait till I’m allowed to play.
I finished the island .Its so easy .Im from turky
Wheres the word cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
was the person under the bank the prisioner?
help help help help help help help help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help help helphelp help help help he December 21, 2011 at 3:39 pm
I am stuck I have gone to the light house and planted the thermometer and I have gone to the prison and gotten assigned to find the prisoner. And I have seen the guy in the bank when the dog goes nuts and I have gone to the graveyard and given the picture to the woman in the herald. I can’t acsess the videos!!!!!!
Where to find the Prisoner
What to do at the light house
How to get the kind of theif
What to do next in the grave yard
Okay so u do 2 Level D room 8 to find prisnor.Move the bed. then warrdon will lock u in. then u c the hole go into it. clib the path use 1 of the tools 2 c prisnor.
After u leave lighthouse, go 2 main island. then thermometer button flash and u go bac 2 lighthouse. the lighthouse man wilol be there.
Ther is no theif. thats the ghost prisnor. he’s under the bank vault. u know dogs can sense spirits. that y dog go kookoo.
Next u find plot B in graveyard. talk 2 boy wit hat. then go to the outhouse lookin building 2 the right talk 2 man
Hope that help!!!
Small Moon
okay wat trap door and were is it???????
Did anyone else get a heart attack when that lady said “Are you looking for someone?”?!?!?!?!??
I want a written walkthrough ):
Wait…if Fiona was dead…who was the old lady?
There’s a person named HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Who wanna have a name called HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sorry about all the question marks
new ppl…..all at once……my headache just got worse
gees this is kinda spooky. but there is the haunted house and mystery train that have the same sort of adventurous air and we all know that it will turn out good in the end.
(stuttering)th the v v voice *shiver* H h heard it in th the g grave y yard a aswell. totaly freaked me out*shiver*
I heard r u looking 4 some one and and almost had a heart attack. my heart skipped a beat.
if you get into the house through the trapdoor, get as high as you can and look through the telescope and exit the voice suddenly comes*shiver*
I AM only playing the demo and im trying to find where the ghost is at wild west please help………………
feeling desprate 🙁
-.- I want to play Ghost Story Island, and not just the demo!
….. where’s the written walkthrough????? it’s sad that it’s not here… my poptropica character is a boy, BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN I’M A BOY PEOPLE!!!!
WOW,ghost story island is cool when I heard “are you looking for someone” that scared the crap out of me.
WOW,ghost story island is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool, when I heard “are you looking for someone that scared the crap out of me.
dont get it and whats up with that huge maze???!?!!!?!?
@Small moon
Thank you soooo much!!!
the help help help, was my little sister.
you are soooooooooo cool and really help full and i see you as a boy and a girl,you cant fool me so in real life which one are you and i watch your you tube videos and iam impressed.
btw the way also poptropica player too or i wouldnt be here and well um… i forgot what i was going to type `-` srry!
If any of you play the part at the telescope do you notice what happens? When the light in the lighthouse goes to the top, if you listen carefuly a voice says “Looking for something?”
I’m stuck. Where’s Gate C? HELP HELP!
I’m holding a party at 12:30pm on christmas eve in room BHD67! everyone’s invited!
I just knocked down both of the broken staicases in the place where you get in .
the old ladys voice scared me! she said”are you looking for someone?” she said suddenly when i was looking through the telescope.
When I was looking at the telescope,I heard the grandma (Fiona) said to me “Looking for someone?”.And I shouted very loud.I think I was scared by her,she said that word with a scary face and scary voice,dude.I think I was about to have a coma. xDD
OMG!i need help to ghost story island!how do u get the ghos toutta jailZ?
i can not figure out how 2 finish the mythology island its hard
I don’t get it either. who is the old lady that says she is fiona and is not a ghost if fiona is dead and is a ghost!?!?!?
( ..)
c( (“)(“)
Guys? Can I ask something? When does Ghost Story come out for non-members???
i dont know when it comes out for non-members
friendly ghost, at the end of the demo, it says it will be released for non-members on January 12, 2012.
I wish they released it on December 27th for non-members.
Can i have a written walkthrough because when i go on the computer and watch a video, my brother will say its slow so i have to get off the computer
help i need help!
Ahhg!! that’s so so so sooo annoying that they won’t let us non-members play!!! i thought that poptropica was more easy-going than the other sites, but obviously not. :{[
sad face with moustache!!
OMG! That old lady totally scared me out of my skin! I jumped! Whoever plays this next needs to mute the sound so they won’t have to go through what we did. And I agree, there needs to be a written walkthrough. I wish that the non-member version would come out earlier.
hi does anyone remember me? havent been chatting for a long time
I remember Skye she said for my sister to feel better!
i am stuck in the bank vault-the guard let me in but he is now on the other side of the shut vault. HELP
First of all, I actually did get a heart attack when the lady said “Are you looking for someone?”
Second, is it possible to get an account on this website.
Third, I am quite happy because my person on Poptropica is named Giant Moon. I feel related to this Fierce Moon person…
WOW!! LOL when I was busy looking at the cheats My heart stopped a moment when I heard “Are you looking for someone?” LOOLL ._. that was shocking
When is Ghost Story Island coming out to all people?
just got membership and it rocks!!!
i swear i had a heart attack when fiona came
Giant Moon I fainted and my mom was like , what happened.
Poptropica did a good job on the scary effects , didn’t they ?
OMG!! I was so freaked out when that lady was all “Are you looking for someone?” So anyway, thanks Fierce Moon for helping me with all the islands. Keep posting!
waaa i hate watching the walkthrough i want a written walkthrough id do it myself but i have no idea what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need a WRITTEN walkthrough
..Dude I’m like on dads phone doing all this and my little bro is going crazy just trying to come into my room.He ain’t know that I got it . Shoot, if my grammarvteacher was reading this she’d scream until she gone@-!3@9!!!?’@
Is the demo over yet or do I have to restart the island? I’m still stuck in the part where your climbing up the house to the ‘ghosts’ house. You have to play the violin to be able to go up there.
@Pretty Seal
ur welcome! glad 2 help ur lil sis!!
and can som1 help me im stuck. i jus gave the lady who says shes fiona but really isnt cuz fiona’s dead the necklace dat is @ the shipwreck past the light house and she ran off!!! WTF 2 do now. ( i use WTF 2 avoid sayin a bad word in front of children) and ppl im not new!!! ive been on 4 2yrs!!!! jus skool is crazy so i hardley get on!!!
I luv poptropica. Ghost Story is my most fav island ever! 😀 but the ending was sooo touching… D: D: D: And I fell off of my chair when Fiona (was that the lady’s name?) said “Are you looking for someone?” I love the effects on poptropica and the sudden sounds and surprises. Like on Cryptids Island, when the Jersey Devil was outside the window. SCARY BUT AWESOME!!!!! 😀
I was sitting with my brother and then started to play then I looked aronud in the telescope and then the voice of that lady went “Looking for something?” and my brother and I jumped out of my seat. My grandma was on the sofa and said “Why are you jumping?” and i was still scared but I got over it.
when the lady said looking for someone i thought my annoying brother was fooling with me
Are you looking for someone ? That Make Me Shout . Enough Scare 😉
To scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey people. I’m back. But I was still here. I was chatting on the Game Show Island Page.
Hey people, I know when Ghost Story Island will come out for non-members. Read the date below.
1-12-2012 or 1-15-2012
i wa sso scared whem fiona said looking for something? i was eating a cookie and milk when she said it and milk almost came out my nose!
@ smart bird & pj. I SO agree with you! I HATE video walkthroughs! You have to watch a little bit of the video then do the same thing on Poptropica! So annoying!
oh my gosh when she said “looking for someone” I so freaked out and screamed at the top of my lungs. 😀
when the lady said are you looking for someone. instant heart attack! seriosly i was over ventalating for like a half hour
Sup peoples i have beated everything except legendary swords. someone needs to help me on that. anyway im basicaly a poptropica creator because i made the restart feature.
pardon my french but wht the fuck! ok so i was on the telescope thing and i was look in really close to the screen, and when i heard ” are you looking for someone”? tht made coco-cola come out of my nose! ( oh and i farted when tht happened to:D i was drinking coco-cola when this happened.
oh and if you think im old enough to say fuck mother fuck and all those bad words, im not im only 10 and in the forth grade. ALL of my friends say bad words like fuck.
oh and im not a member and i can play ghost story. weird.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE scary stuff. wanna no why? im born on Halloween. yep oct. 31, 2001. at the time of 9:45 am.
I screamed when Fiona came…. it was midnight too, so you can’t imagine how scary that was for me, because EVERYTHING was pitch black and the only thing that was on was my computer, so my entire kitchen was just glowing a wierd blue!
I feel rather childish due to the fact that I`m 14, and still play
When she said: “Are you looking for someone?” I nearly fell out of my chair in fright! I like this island! Yes!
This sucks. Its 1:35 am and I was starting to like this island. And now I FINISHED THE DEMO! Dang nab-it! This SUCKS! TTYL…….
Hey, do u go to the multiplayer rooms? If u see Neat Moon, that means its me!!
Or are u busy with anythingy????
im so happy i just got a membership!!!happy new years everyone!!! ps omg when the lady said are you looking for someone that was freakin scary!!
The Wikianswers walkthrough and “how to beat” are both finished, and somewhat shorter than this one promises to be. The one sticky point is going to the lighthouse first and then the prison, and then back to the lighthouse. This was supposed to be *required* and the programmers left out a step. Tsk! Now you go to the prison and get confused because the back story isn’t in place. This looks like it was a rushed storyline.
The violin was also supposed to precede the magistrate taking away the ghost hunter, then you jump down and he says he saw something too before you get his binoculars.
And how do you get your 50 dollars back?!
(To get out of the vault if you get locked in, go to the Store and enter the Haunted house mini-game. This gets you back out to the island map.)
she scared the poop out of me when she said are you looking for someone D:
hey prickly dolphin,how did you get a picture of your avatar?
Ok so I went up to the top of the lighthouse and i put up my thermometer because it said to do that on the game but it was already ther on the video so ???? about that and iI waited awhile but the crying dude isnt there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
k wait i found out wut 2 do 😛
I looked at the wrong vid…………………………awkward
how 2 move this seagull
I got a heart attack then the Lady said “Are you looking for someone?”
oh come on you guys fiona is NOT that creepy
lol I scared me.I almost got a heart attack
Can anyone tell me how to complete the demo?
When Fiona said “Looking for someone?” I jumped out of my seat and almost had a heart attack!!! 😛
Lol anyone know when ghost story comes ou for nonmembers?
Im stuck at the manor and after playing the violin i cannot climb the house
My heart was beating sooooooo fast when the lady said “are you looking for someone” i was soooo surprised that there was actual sounds!!!!!!!
Number one, that was so sad that alot of poptropicans died.Second I agre with alot of people fiona is scary you rarely ever hear sound on poptropica.Third the song you play on the violin fits the theme pirfectly.
who ever did these videos needs to put more enthusiasum into playin the violin ,that was pathedic This has the complete Ghost Story Island Walkthrough and Guide.
Oh cool. First!!!!! On the new page!!!!!!
looks like a fun island : D
i was playing with my cousin Angus and we put the sound up for the violin and went into Fiona’s room and when she said “r u looking for someone?” i froze about to have a heart attack and my mind went blurry, Angus just froze so we quickly turned down the sound and run out to Ranny to tell her what happened but she was on the phone!
OMG that scared the poop out of me i almost throuh my laptop i froze u now how u freeze and cant move thats what i did i had a shudder in my BODYi bet i can never do that again lol x3 i screamed like just when it happend i had full blast LOL
Yeah definitly scared me when Fiona says “Looking for someone” Because Poptropica never used to have sound!!! I actually looked around to make sure nobody was there!!!
Yeah when Fiona said “Are you Looking for someone?” I TOTALLY jumped! I actually looked around to make sure that there was nobody there. It wouldn’t have scared me if I hadn’t been so focused on seeing the widow AND because poptropica never has sound!!! Kudos to the poptropica team! Oh it was so funny to when I saw the release date for non-members I accidently switched day and month and was about to get really mad because I thought It was realeasing on the first day of december this year! LOL!!!
oh opps it posted my comment the first time oh well 😀
oh i’m gonna have to watch the whole thing cause i just wanna see what’s gonna happen 🙂
I’m bored
La. . . la. . … . la. . .. . . . LALALALALALALALALALALALALA I bored Can’t you tell?
(Oh btw, Persons is singular and Peoples is plural. . .. . .my friend didn’t get that how can she not get that??? . . .The mysteries of our world. . . .. :P)
I go to school online! SUCKAS!!! Later Lozas . . .. . .nah just playing but yes I do have school online and right now I really bored I’m waiting for my friends to get on gmail I finished school at like 12 or something hahahaha I CAN”T WAIT FOR THIS FREAKIN ISLAND TO COME FOR NON MEMBERS!!!!
when i’m looking in telescope and i hear the voice,i… i… i ran like the last day of my life,and i stumbled with my face on the ground!
oh,i forget i’m son of hades.
I can’t get to the mansion….. Grrrrrrr………… 🙁
when does it come out 4 non-members?????
Never mind.
when does ghost story come out i know that its in jan but i dont know when
When will it come out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I wish I had membership I want to finish the island
I am never turning my speakers on again
also im aslo wondering when the full version is coming out
was up peepz literally FREAKED OUT when i heard fiiona cant wait till it comes out for nonmembers ttyl tottally B-O-A-R-D!!!!!!!!!!! peace
1. Fiona’s voice is extremely freaky.
2. It doesn’t really fit though, mainly because she kind of sounds like a younger girl.
3. Non-members get access on the 12th of January.
Enjoy my information fellow poptropicans!
( 😀 ~ SUGAHHH!)
OMG! when Fiona said “Looking for someone?” My heard felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest! That actually made the mansion spookier! Though I’m wondering why does she have all those dolls in the basement?
whoops I meant Heart in my other comment
When Fiona said “Are you looking for someone”, I practically died partially because I was so scared! LOLZ HAHAHAHA
PS: There are only 3 sounds in all of Poptropica:
1. The telegram on Time Tangled Island
2. The bell on Ghost Story Island
3. The voice of Fiona on Ghost Story Island
Ghost story Island is available to everyone at 1/12/12.. It was creepy when Fiona said, “Looking for someone?”
1/12/12 Means Jan. 12, 2012
Can’t wait!!!
When is the island going to come out for non-members?
you dont climb the house, you open the cellar trapdoor on on the ground
i am a member but i still haven’t finished it. any tips?
Im back. I just wish I was a member. But I am going to be a member on Club Penguin pretty soon so I am not going to be a member on Poptropica.
Fiona speaks loudly on Poptropica and you get to hear her in real life??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh my friend tina in real life said “Are You Looking For Someone?” and i went AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just kidding on my other comment
actually there r 4 sounds in poptropica!!!! 1.the telegram 2.the violin 3. fiona 🙂
4. the flute from mythology island!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my, Ghost Story is coming out for Members tomorrow!!!!!!! But I am a non-member 🙄
Mighty Wolfs Log: Today is Jan 11 2012 TOMMORW ITS OUT FOR NONMEBERS BABY!
OMG I luv dis game soooooo much! I am a member and this is my favorite game!
i love the demo can’t wait for tomorrow super excited
I am a non- member and i’ll be honest: This game even from the beginning SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME! I know call me a wimp I don’t care.
P.S. did you guys know that Fiona is actually a ghost?
It’s the 12th of jan and it hasen’t come out yet 🙁
I went on at six and they still don’t have the full version. It’s 1/12/12!
When Fiona said are you looking for someone I freaked out badly!!!!!!
Your a son of Hades? Do you roleplay? Me and my friends roleplay there’s three of them Kegan’s, Georgah’s, and Rebeckah’s on two of them I’m a duaghter of Aprhodite and then on Kegan’s I’m a duaghter of Poesidon 😀 . .. . .. .. ROLEPLAY IS AWESOME I’m counting down the hours and minutes till it’s out haven’t checked yet but when I did this for Mystery train it opened at noon
i suspected so but don’t ruin it!!!
wait a minute. . . . how do you know that Fiona is a ghost if your a non-memeber? Oh nvm the internet DUH! or a friend that is a member duh der to me I’m so stupid. . .. .Actually I am quite intelligent but that was a dumb moment of mine 🙂
Ummmmm It’s out for non memebers tomarow not memebers it’s been out for memebers for a month now, Risha
oh hey good point Happy Bones! Your right there are sounds in poptopica. . .. But there was never talking sounds
Watching music videos, waiting for poptropica in pj’s on the computer and with a blanket and I’m at school! WHO”S COOL!?!?!? (I have online school :)) So while all you peoples are at school i’ll be playing poptropica!!!!
“Princess? Princess? This girl here is the definition of AWESOMENESS!” (I did my little victory dance)
(It’s a line from my roleplay 🙂 ALex was calling her a princess and i know you don’t understand anything of what I just said but oh well! 🙂 I SO HAPPY WHEN SHALL THE SUN BE AT HIGH AND THE BEWICHED ISLAND GATES BE OPENED!!! Oh hey brb gonna post on my blog! 🙂 ( 😀
I just checked the game…
it’s for members…
if you don’t beleve me, take a look at your home page in the house…
oh… never mind.
i guess the creator’s just haven’t done anything yet…
my mistake!
That’s because it open 12 o’clock
mmmmmmmm funny this website says it’s like eight o’clock and in my time zone it’s ten o’clock well the island will open at 10 at your time if it’s consitent for all time zones
uhhhhh i just have math to do and then I’m done with my school day and thought I’m very happy about it I just like am gonna be bored waiting for poptropica to open now ggrrrrr hey I can’t tell if those chat cheats you seee on youtube work or not! I’ll ask people to do things as proof and they do but then when I tell them how to do it to to see if I can see they’re chat bubbles I never see them and I can’t decide if it’s that
1.) they don’t actually see the chat bubles
2.)they just don’t follow my directions
3.) they can’t find out how to do it
4.) or they are doing it but I can’t see the chat bubbles
Does anyone here know the answer!?!
The guy who prohibits ghost hunting prohibits it because he’s a ghost himself!
Nah just playing I don’t really know that I’m just making that up but if it’s true I’m gonna be really flabergasted! 😀
o-Oh!!! O.o It is only out for MEMBERS now 🙁 I can’t wait! I really need it to be out! 🙁
Cool only 30 more minutes HORAY!
Leave a comment to plz i mean really it’s not that hard
Wait. . . .. it’s not open!
Poptropica isnt letting me play it and its already jan. 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who’s waiting for Ghost Story? 😛
It’s open now!
Hey where do you find the prisoner anybody know?
I am working on it today
dude,ghost story just opened for non-members!!!!yohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow this is an cool island i want to play it all day
OMG ITS OUT even though i suck XD
im stuck at the light house part
@ fastfire: LOL 😛
the man wont give me salt?
it is open!!!!!
Imma work on it now but lil’ confused
I don’t get how to find the ghost in the Lighthouse tower…
Where iz zis prizoner, anybody know?
Awkward how there’s no scrapbook for me even though I’m up to that part. Somebody wanna help?? It’s not in my inventory either……… :S
All shall not worry, when I did it, it froze so I refreshed it. I just had to do it again ’cause it wasn’t saved…
ghost story island open to everyone today! wahoo
happybones actually there is 5 if you count the bell in the bank
omg im done!!!!!!!!!! i finished ghost story at 12:42 am ! Im super tired nite XD
…… i just found out today!!!!! I’m so happy i finished it about a minute ago 🙂
that was fun i going to play it again after i do mistry train agian 🙂 🙂
that “looking for someone” part is really scary.I was hypnotized by it and recovered some seconds later.
I finally finished without seeing even a single walkthrough 🙂 but, i still like going here!!
I can’t see the next line
I finally finished it!! thanks alot!
This island is sorta creeping me out! CANT wait for SOS Island!
You did know while in the cemetary you could click the letters you found to get there faster.
Who’s the engraver of the ring?
the “looking for someone” part scared me and my sister to death!!
I stuck I cnt figer out what to do
WOAH almost wmyself rofl “Looking for someone?” Had the headphones on full blast! lol
o-Oh! I need the full walkthrough 🙁 😡 I need to know what happens after I take the picture after the cloaked spirit 🙄 😯
It took me like an hour to beat it, which is remarkable since I still haven’t beaten like 7 islands and I’ve been playing for 1 year.
has anyone else had problems with the viiolin? my progress bar wont start :S
Fiona was a ghost this whole time?!(well, at least it is not as frightning as when i wasn’t looking at the computer and my sis screamed at the top of her lungs and when i looked i screamed because the jersey devil was staring at me through the window!D=)
i need the full walk through but thank you 4 that though! 😀
ghost story island is awesome!!!!!! But Fiona lied about not being a spirit!!!!!!!!!! Also risha degamia, just watch the vid!!!!!!
cool but does not help u all the way trough
what do i do when i give the bank dude my money when i find the guy in cemetery plot a? and when i figure out there is a ghost where the dog is standing???
i like ghost story island it when it was out for non members cant wait for S.O.S island to come out =)
i ment to say that i finished ghost story island when it was out for non members =)
Fun island. Wish the waltrough would be finished though.
I totally agree with spandan. I was shocked for a while, especially since Poptropica usually dosn’t make sound. It really creeped me out!!! The only thing on Poptropica that has even a little bit scared me is when the thief comes into CJ’s room on Shrink Ray.
never mind i figured it out from the videos…. should have watched them yesterday when it came out for non members
The “looking for someone?” part literally scared me to death. I think I was a ghost for a few seconds… One of my friends almost did CPR on me…
how do i complete it?!?!?!? help!!!
After you leave the thermometer, you have to go on the ship and travel to tha mainland. Then go back to the lighthouse and check the thermometer.
Thanks guys luv you so much for putting this cheating walkthroughs n stuff TTYYVVMM SOOOOO MCCHHHHJH 😀 :/
That part when they say “LOOKING FOR SOMEONE” made me jump and i have witnesses that will never let me live it down
trusty lightning♥:P there is a ghost but you have to use the temperature thing then leave the lighthouse and go back to the main island and then it says to go back cuz there was a drop in temperature
dude,i know!im stuck there,too(to risha)
omg who finished the island befor homework
hey did anyone notice that the man waiting for the window lady…. he had a teddy bear in his tent
plzzz hurry up w/ ur walkthrough…
“looking for someone” part also scared us…. we were almost half dead (not yet)….
I beat it and i felt like i was going to faint
I beat it on Jan 11 2012
Poptropica FINALLY decides to add speech sound and it scares the living daylights out of little kids, since it comes when you LEAST. EXPECT. IT.
So far Poptropica has scared me twice. One, Cryptids, when you’re moving slowly along that corridor and out of NOWHERE in that window you see the Jersey Devil. Two, the “Looking for someone?”
I did that part, but I didn’t do it with headphones, I just saw my character say ACK! and seen Fiona.
And Ellie, I wouldn’t reccomend spoiling that, just so that you can avoid trolls in the future 😉 Then again, in the trailer that woman in the window spirit preview? It totally gave it away. I mean, who else in Hemlock Harbor would wear things like that?
OMG!!!! When the lady asked, “are you looking for someone?,” I flipped out! They never talk on Poptropica so i got so scared! i thought someone was in my house for a minute! Go Poptropica for scaring us! lol! luv poptropica!
Please get the rest of the written walkthrough up!
I nearly had a heart attack!!!
I was doing what I always do and was playing music on youtube in another tab. The song was over when the lady said “looking for someone?” I had a heart attack!!!! I swear my heart skipped a beat!!!
I love Ghost Story Island <3
i was rly getting into the game every noise i heard scared me and when i got into the house with the lady in the window and she said “looking for someone” i screamed and ran out of my room o.o it was sooo embarassing especially when my mom was like whats wrong?? -.-
Risha I can help you!!!
Ok, sure 🙂 I will come to your house soon, and we can work on it 😀 thanks 😉
hey..em stuk under d d jail!! nyone noes hw 2 get out???? 🙁
I finished Ghost Story in a day! Way easy! If you need tips, tell me.
BTW: The part where Fiona creeps up on you made me jump out of my skin!
When I gave her the items she just stand there crying and nothing happend! The I reload the game and I didn’t get the scrapbook! It’s not there and I can’t get the ring now! What do I do??????
i was in the vault and the dog started to dig so i looked under where he was digging and using heat vision i saw a ghost sillouht digging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha, yea, that was pretty creepy and catchy Nice Dolphin 😀 But, i have not finished the island yet 🙁 🙄 😐
all the scary parts made me DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so confused when he said that fiona was dead. she looked pretty solid to me. :/
That island was fun! I finished it ’bout a hour ago. I agree with Nice Dolphin. I nearly fell out of my chair when Fionna said, “looking for someone!?”! SPOOKY!! the vids weren’t much help. So, I just did it myself. Super Easy. How long did it take ya to finish it? It took me a half hour. I live on the computer. HURRAH for computer geeks!!!!:)
I’m suck in cell 8 in block D! I talked to the ghost there but I can’t get out now!!! heeelllppp meeee! please 🙂
I Think I Know the whole walk-through now.
DONE! Why we have to go through a grave… I don’t know. But this is my 2nd favorite idea of an island… right behind SOS!
OMG! I had a heart attack with that whole “Are you looking for someone” deal. I almost peed! That lady is kinda creepy, and more creepy when she’s a ghost.
I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! It was so fun. Thx for helping me! =D Ghost Story Island really creeped me out!
I want to kiss you like crazy fierce moon
omg i totally learned more now i’m super happy this stuff really works lol
this thing takes so long to load and why did i say lol?
OMG in the bit where you get the locket mine glitched so now iv go 2 lockets hahahaha
if u are stuck in the cell block, use the pick axe next to the book with the carving inside. hope this helps.
OMG if fiona is a ghost then who was the women in the window???
cuddly lion f u wur scared imagine me i was in my room alone and it was dark
They reaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy need to get the full walkthrough written!!
@sneaky turtle: WHAT?!?!! thats just weird 😛
lol the part where she says looking fur someone was so creepy im not kidding after that i went to my bed and hid under the covers although the heater was on full blast a
nd i was like in a sauna sweating like crazy!
o and i wanted to let you guys you probably wouldnt be so scared if you make another tab and go on youtube and listen allstar weekend and hot chelle rae and stuff like that.XD
O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ONEREPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them ^_^
.R.I.P. Fiona, Valiant, The Warden, and the Lighthouse keeper.=”(
u know, u can just click a letter on the map to get there. its much easier than having 2 run through the maze.
omg that was kinda a stupid island if u ask me. im excited 4 the next though, any1 else pumped 4 sos?!
Aren’t You going in catacombs when you follow those feathers?
Hey guys! Back to Help u guys! 🙂
nice job at explaining how to do the island. 🙂 yep, i am exited 4 s.o.s island. OMG! i was kinda creeped out at this island. it gave me nightmares.anyone else?
R.I.P Fiona and Valiant :'(
hey poptropica buddies!
Yep me too. The creepiest part of the whole island (i thought) was when fiona just shows up behind you. SO….. creepy. What i’m wondering, is how long does it take for you to write and take the videos? 🙂
lol u scared?
Are you looking for someone hahaha
OMG! That island waz da bomb!
Anyone else agree? I bet u do…… XD
Help! I went up the lighthouse and put the thermometer there but when I get back it doesn’t go off! I’ve gone back a few times and made sure that I actually have put it down thre and I have but no ghost comes up on it.
haha, “The bomb” lol 😆
the whalkthow is awsome
this is so cool i beat the game in 20 min 😀
Holy cow!!! I was super surprised when Fiona said, “Are you looking for someone?” When she said that, a chill ran down my spine. It felt like there was actually someone behind me. But there was nobody! How creepy was that?
This island was so sad!And that song we play with Violin is really good I think!I play it again and again! 😀
I don’t know why, but I LOVE the song on the violin. If you know what it is, tell me!!!!!
I have no the heck idea what that means.
I have lighthouse advice: you have a minimum of 10 seconds to move up the stairs before the wind blows. If you don’t duck in time you will get blown into a dark corner.
The island is alright…. cant wait my b day is wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a really cool ghost/zombie hunting costume.ok from the store you need:
biker girl/boy
robin hood
mythology sufer girl (this part for girls only)
1- Ok, so you know the dude wit tin foil on his head, copy his shirt.
2- Next pick what ever pants you want ( I have blue jeans from gamer girl on)
3- Then take robin hoods quiver( basket w/ arrows in it) and his knive/belt ( to make it seem like your gonna kill zombies or something.)
4- For girls, get the mythology surfer and copy her hair, or if you see someone w/ a better braid you like, use that. Boys, pick what ever hair you want.
5- Then you can and acceories that you like.
Soon i will have it so you can click my name so you can see the outfit on my avatar!!!!
Stay Fashionable,
– Small Moon
PS: do you have the zombie, custimize dirt of it to make it look like you have been killing zombies and ghosts!
Oh my gosh i for got somthing heres the do-over:
I have a really cool ghost/zombie hunting costume.ok from the store you need:
biker girl/boy
robin hood
mythology sufer girl (this part for girls only)
1- Ok, so you know the dude wit tin foil on his head, copy his shirt.
2- Next pick what ever pants you want ( I have blue jeans from gamer girl on)
3- Then take robin hoods quiver( basket w/ arrows in it) and his knive/belt ( to make it seem like your gonna kill zombies or something.)
4- For girls, get the mythology surfer and copy her hair, or if you see someone w/ a better braid you like, use that. Boys, pick what ever hair you want.
5- Customize the jacket from the biker girl/boy.
6- Add acceories!!
Soon i will have it so you can click my name so you can see the outfit on my avatar!!!!
Stay Fashionable,
– Small Moon
PS: do you have the zombie, custimize dirt of it to make it look like you have been killing zombies and ghosts!
Someone does post on early daylight.
seriously u could have like clicked on the letter?! could have told me BEFORE i finished the island! also i really AM pumped 2 start s.o.s island when it’s open
OH. MY. NOODLE. When she said “Are you looking for someone?” I THOUGHT SOME ONE FREAKING BROKE INTO MY HOUSE.
OMG!!!! WHEN I HEARD THAT VOICE SAY “looking for something?” I FREAKED OUT!!!!!
Ghost story island has my fav trailer!!!!!!!!!
That girl who hides behind the grave stone all night really needs to get a life…
Thankz crazy star now I’m helping my sister’s friend finish up some islands I can’t remember where to get the vine/rope on steamworks I guess I’ll just have to do the work and read the walkthrough lol
lol emily wow
I WON THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh i love creating costumes okay here’s a really good one if you got a name that has something to do with fire:
You will need:
Royal Ball costume
Southern Belle cosutme
A power up, either the midas touch or the torch the torch does work better though because it stays on unlike the midas touch that everytime you go somewhere it turns off
For my friend’s sister she has the fair princess and I used the wings from that
And for my poptropican I use the soward from the pirate costume (the girl one)
Alright there’s two versions so first I’ll tell you what’s the same on both:
Hair: Take the DECORATIVE curly hair from the Royal ball costume
Take the RED hat from the southern belle
Now there’s different combinations, but you use the colors yellow from the royal ball and red from southern belle no matter what combination of top and bottom you do
The fairy wings that some people have or the butterfly wings from the fairy princess costume is a good touch
a messanger bag from the chicken guy on skullduggery island is good or I have a boa from one of the rich woman from mystery train island
Hand utensils: Okay the umbrella does well or I have the pirate soward and let me tell you the soward with the fire power up? LOOKS AWESOME!!! White is allways highlighted well on powerups as you’ll notice from the feather of your hat
Rosy cheeks are a good edition but face and neck are all costimize able if you’d like to see my poptropican type in this username on the avatar picture thing: kenna-blah-blah
Oh and if you’d like to see my friends sister’s costume wich has the other version type in the username Brinoo1 in the avatar thing but she may not have the midas powerup on so you may not be able to see that 🙂 I’m a really good person with costumes and I’m glad to help you make really cool costumes! 😀
oh the soward from legendary sowards is a good touch to btw! Somebody talk to me cuz I bored! 😀
Cool costume i tried it. i lik minez 2. 2 see minez type in SHYSWAGGAmc on avatar picture thing.
wait a minute it said fiona DIED 50 yrs ago! who was in her house then??????
i finished the island today 🙂 without looking at any of the walkthroughs!! took me about… an hour??
i was just wondering wht on earth everyone was talking about about the ‘are you looking for someone?’ part….then i realised i didn’t have my sound on :/
ah well just missed being scared out of my wits… 🙁
Brave Bones xx
to Brave Bones: You can restart the island 🙂 but we’ve sorta spoiled it sorry! 🙁 But that’s okay!
to Small moon: I will have to look up your avatar. . . . 😀
I got to the part where you put the thermometer in the light house then go back to main street and the thing didn’t tell me that the temp. dropped. what should I do?!?! PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Hey does anybody play on girlsgogames here? Somebody sent me pirates on resort world GRRR but they gone now! 😀 OH MY INBOX IS GETTING MAIL MAYBE MY FRIENDS ARE FINALLY ON!!! YEA! Or maybe it’s just email from girlsgogames and barnes and noble :/
Glitch: Get Rich Quick
If you go back to Plot A before you take the money to the bank, you can take another picture of the “cloaked spirit”. You can repeat this as many times as you want, and the Hemlock Herald girl will give you 50$ for each picture, no matter where you are in the story!
i’m stuck on the light house someone help me!!!!!
fastfire you can really really really really… etc talk alot and you like creating costumes or you like getting costumes theres a big difference lol joking but what do you mean like are you a poptropica designer or what cause thats whats really confusing me but it’s kinda really none of my bussiness so i should really shut the # up right? lol yeah i going to follow my gut and shut up
The voice saying “Are you looking for someone?” was kind of lost on me, as I play with the volume off! 🙂
emoticons are fun!
when i chased the “ghost” and go to the part when you need to throw salt in his eyes it doesnt let me!!!
Ghost story island is so much fun i did get a little confused when i got back from the lighthouse and the thermometer didn’t go off so i ran around for like 20 minutes and the when i went back to the boat it went off but other then that i found it quite easy
It was very nice when everyone was @ peace at the end
You don’t have to go through the entire maze through the cemetary. Once you’ve gone through once, the next time just click on the letter you want to go to and it will teleport you there. Also from ‘A’ if you go straight up you will get to letter ‘B’ and if you go in there will be a creepy dude with fancy spirt hearing eqipment.
but if fiona is dead, who is he old lady who claimed to be her?
I’m stuck on the lighthouse!!!!!!!
I just completed the island!!!!!! Gonna tell all the Poptropicans!
Help! I think it’s bugged! I can’t find the scrapbook and it won’t let me go to the fountain and scare away the bird. And when I go back to Fiona’s house, she’s standing at the telescope and saying “Go give Jane the Baker my message.” like she was at the beginning. How do you get rid of the bugs?
someone help me on the light house!!!!!!!=(
Well, first I try to solve the island my own and if I get stuck I come here. I’d rather do at least part of the game my own or it’ll take all the fun away but AWESOME website!
lol im a bookworm.I <3 TWILIGHT!!
i like carrots 🙁
hahha, A LOT of people <3 twilight 😀 😉 🙂 😆
this island was so much fun!
lol people
hi everyone please halp me do this game it is hard!!!!!!!!! n if u can just go on poptropica
Hi, guys.. Oh man! I’m scared to finish it.. But.. I will finish it if I were at my brother’s side.. yeah..
Anyways.. Is this a little scary or hard? I wont finish it if its scary/hard.. :((
I finish island in a day!!!!!!!!it was so fun,and spooky.
I just started Ghost Story Sunday, January 15- January 16! It’s SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO Easy!!!!
You know the guy with the tin foil hat in Lot A? Well, there’s an owl above him that you can click on, and he’ll say he heard the spirits. Ask him a question as he says that, and he’ll ask the question instead! This glitch also works on the tour guide on Counterfeit, and Ned Noodlehead on Superpower, but only if you didn’t beat the island. You can still annoy Ned Noodlehead by ringing the bell, though.
To Addi:
Be on the left of the “ghost”.
To Yellow Lizard:
If you think it glitched up, restart the island.
To Brave Thunder:
You should NEVER give away your username and password, even if someone offers to help. You don’t know who will see it and get on as you.
Did it get rid of my glitch because of the title? Oh well, here it is again.
Before putting the 50$ in the bank, go back to plot A and take another picture. Then go back to the Hemlock Herald and get another 50$. Repeat as many times as you want.
Oops, I just realized you can only get 50$ from this glitch to keep, because when you got to the bank, you lose all your money :(, and you can only have one picture.
Person: “But sir, I just wanted to deposit 50$!”
Banker: “Sorry, at this bank, it’s all or nothing!”
Person: “All the money I own, given to a man, his dog and… is that a ghost?!”
Banker: “Move along, nothing to see here…”
Omg when she said “are you looking for someone?” i got like scared and then replayed the island and showed my sister.she almost jumped!
hi. has any one here read “The Hunger Games”?
I restarted the island, and thankfully the second time I did it the glitch went away 🙂
Thanks that helped a lot can’t wait till the next island!!! 🙂
i beat this island without the walkthrough it was o easy
Yes!!!! I beat it!! xDD
the voilin wont work, what do i do?
i beat it !!!!!!
oh and if fiona is dead then who is the other one?
I beat it!!!!
HELP!!!!! When I get back to the island after I put the thermometer in the lighthouse, NOTHING HAPPENS!!! It doesn’t tell me that the temperature dropped or anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 things…. dont laugh
1) i was totally freaked out while i was on this island… i was just waiting for someone or something to jump out at me (with the woman in the window i was constantly reminded of the movie, the woman in black)
2) in that house where Fiona was I couldnt find the exit…. im not joking… it took me at least 10 minutes
why cant i throw salt in the “ghost’s” eyes? it wont let me!!
Finally someone who doesn’t FREAK OUTT!!!!!!
Now I am bored… I finished all the islands… I <3 poptropica!!! The only problem is they don't let islands out sooner for people who are "non-members"… Who agrees with me?
I do… But I still have islands to finish! 😐
To Kimira: NAH! I totally value opinions! 😀 that’s what my blog website is all about oh and I get really frustrated cuz I get all these people on my website and then they don’t freakin comment GRRRRRRR!!! And yeah I know I talk alot i’m a chatter box but u see i’m bored 😀 and yes I do agree with you the whole memebers thing is SO ANNOYING AND SO UNFAIR!!! Some kids can’t pay or their parents won’t let them! I HATE IT! ALMOST EVERY FREAKIN WEBSITE HAS SOME SORT OF MEMEBERSHIP AND IT ANNOYS ME TO NO END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😀 I have anger issues!
i bored 2 if you wanna read something funny though you could go to my website… just don’t be to mean if you don’t think it’s funny
hey who wrote, who you gonna call? ghostbusters, did you watch doctor who by any chance?
how to complete ghost story island. Go left, keep walking, ask guy ‘Is something wrong, can I help?’. Go to Hemlock herald, talk to lady. Go to archives, click on box that says cemetary plots. Keep flipping pages, go and talk to guy again. Go right, run right, go right again. Go to inn and go to your room. Walk left and click on bed. Click on closet. Go downstairs and grab violin. Go outside and go right, talk to guy, click on binoculars. Use violin, use binoculars to look at window. Go up to house and down the trapdoor – walk downstairs, up stairs (watch out for the cracked part). Walk right and up stairs, go through door, go right and click on telescope. Turn circle til focused and look around. Hit close, go to gingerbread house on Main Street. Talk to cook, click ‘Fiona sent me’. Take hot cross buns. Go to cemetary, turn left, go forward, left, forward, right, turn left and go in the gate, then go right and go up. Use camera and take pic of person. Give pic to hemlock harbor lady. Go to bank vault, use $50 – use thermal scanner, go outside and pick up newspaper. Go to boat and talk to dude. Give him your room key, use goat and go to lighthouse. Before going in, grab torch, equip torch and go in, light it. Duck, take a jump and duck. Repeat until the top. Jump on rope and climb. Use thermometer. Climb ladder and exit. Use light and search. Find building, exit light and drop, use boat and go to building. Enter, put on emf detector, and go to end of hallway. Use elevator, go to level H, go to end of hallway, enter wardens office. Use hot cross buns. Go to prisoners cell, push bed and enter hole. Use thermal scanner and search, follow tunnel, pick up sardine and pick ax. Talk to prisoner, read note. Go back to cell and use pick ax. Go to main island, go to lighthouse, go upstairs, talk to police ghost. Go up ladder, use light again; look up and see, then sail, to shipwreck. Read locket, go to Fiona’s house on main island. Talk to Fiona, grab book, then go to fountain. Use sardines, click on eggs, go to cemetary, turn right, forward, left, forward, forward, forward, right. Go to cabin and enter. Use ring, go to archives and use computer to look up correct newspaper 1929, zoom in. Close. Go to cemetary, Plot A. Go left, up. Click on grave lid. Enter the grave and follow pink leaves. Go up ladder, chase ghost and your done.
somebody come to my multivers room code bym23
Have anyone here heard of Sparky and Friendz?! If you havent WATCH IT!
what do we do with fiona’s ring
OMG! I love this island! I’ts cool how Fiona was old as a goust before, but when she accepted Henry’s apology, she was young! 🙂
dude that ‘are you looking for someone’ part freaked me out
omg it freaked me out when it said are u looking for someone!!!
Man the looking for someone part was scary I even punched my cousin then she slapped me
My boat wont dock
Oh em gee when the lady said “Are you looking for someone?”,I was like,”WOAH WHAT THE HECK?!”.Well THAT’S something to be surprised of!
i passed all the islands without membership
Soo spooky
You know, I can’t believe that these islands HAVE to be so easy! And I thought they were going make an Harry Potter Island? (I’d like SOMEONE to answer that ?) And anyway, if anybody needs help I’m there. And I had a Glitch during the game: At the Light House on Ghost Story
To Brave Thunder:
I once gave my Username and Password away. And the person I gave the Username and Password to, ACTULLY tried to be on my person all the time and completed 2 islands and the money I was saving on the poptropica store was all gone and I had different clothes that I never Bought and I changed my password and that person never found out my password. And change your password if you gave your user/pass away!
– Claire
i had it on mute so i didn’t hear the looking for someone part =(
To Moody Moon:
I SO want to read The Hunger Games, But of course my mom’s friend said it’s probably 12 years old or older, and I’m Ten! But, I’m trying to get my mom to buy it!
– Claire 😀
And what website do you go to to get more 🙂
this videos are so scary
i read all the hunger games series and im a sixth grader i have poptropica skills p.s im not available
also im a boy why do they only put you as a girl why not boys they sould make poptropica for 12 and up so you can actually write stuff to the poptropica charecter s im awesome are you all 5th graders ? just asking not isulting o.k well ialso passed all the islands without membership,p.p.s fierce moon how do you make a web site.go to my muliverse room at dph37
For some reason I cant get the violin and sheet music, HELP!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no offense, but the are you looking for somone part wasn’t that creepy.I thought that when u get locked in the cell was kinda scary,and i also got a really cool glitch when u get to type what u say, and i typed:I’M INNOCENT!!!!F*** U!! and it also played sound,and my parents caught me.but it was HILLAROIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost DIED of laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :b9sorry ’bout the harm,I hope?
Fiona: Are you looking for someone?
Me: O.O
oh kk monkey
im brave thunder btw!
oh wow, i need a lot of help on this island 😛 i am trying my best though, without a walkthrough first (idk y) 😐
OMG! I was soooooo scared when she said “Looking for someone”! I was on the floor! xD
THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST OSM ISLANDS I HAD EVER PLAYED!!! But when the ghost appeared and said like “where u looking 4 me” that really freaked me out!
ool and fun its not scary so fun
fun i poop my pants when a gost gilled my friend
cooliam going to raymore school its scary be cusse thers a gost in my claas my friend died there some on kiled him
iam your fan some one on this game killed my best friend nate
If fiona is daead, who is that other lady?
u forgot to say to CLICK ON THE STACK of newspapers, i was stuck on that part for 2 days! i thought there was a glitch because the magistrate wasnt coming to tell them it was hoax & i couldnt find the boat at the edge. i had to look up other walkthroughs & the videos dont work for me. . .so yeah..
What is this are you looking 4 someone part?
never mind. i heard it. i was just suprised there was sound.
Best walkthrough ever!!!! Thankies soooo much~ It took me at least 2 hours just to find a walkthrough that aren’t videos…
This website is awesome! thanks so much for getting me thru the tough ones 🙂
creeped me out sooooo much!
To: tiny glove
You’re not the ONLY 6th grader here….*ahem* *ahem* :/
yo peeps wat up spell ip ehehehehehehehe ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wats up
hi guys go to animal jam so u can add me
: peacepieyo add meh please
so if u r new 2 poptropica what do u do?
hey u guys help me pls i only did 4 islands guigo25 is my username guigo2000 is the password
when fioana said are you looking 4 soeone that scraed the life out of my sister!
i love ghost story island and i love poptropica so much to nicetime playing everyone!!!!!!!!
OMG!! I almost peed myself when it said “Looking for someone?”
this island is WAY TO EASY. i like it, but there’s no challenge, ya’know?
thanks 2 u i beat ghost story island
It was so darn easy I finished it in 2 hours!!!!!!!!!
to:Skinny Bear, yeah I was pretty curious about that too.hmmmm,.
hey! someone help me! i put the thermometer but when i go back to the main island, nothing happens?
The Grave is sealed for me and im pretty sure i did everything:(
omg i just foung ot one drirection has a poptropica and i just vido chatte them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im in 7th grade (year six).
In Malaysia, the tiny speck of land on the world map.
U forgot to mention that u can press the letters in the cemetary to move around and the stack of newspapers part. This isn’t the best walkthrough but it was the one I used and I beat the island so thank yhuu. ~Sierra
There isnt ONE island I haven’t beat thanks to Fierce Moon. She works hard and is really nice for making these. (*I’ve beaten all the Islands except for the ones I got glitches on*)
hi cassandra are you a girl?
Urgh… Im bored….
@happyb-day boy2
Girl off course. 🙂
i just completed that island and now i have completed 17 islands
Know the guy with tinfoil hat? Click on the owl above him and you’ll get a laugh. That guy’s a loser!
nice… now i ca cheat :3 *megusta*
help when it gets to the cloaked ghost part for some reason i cant click on my items and get out my camera.please help
Omg so much fun I think I peed my pants the most when the girl said LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ? lol:) This one was possibly the quickest to complete and it was fun and easy! \Thankies for the help much appreciated!
Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!! I could not get past half the islands without your help!!!!!
i never got the singal that the tempertare droped at the lighthouse
This was soooooo scary, I can’t even finish the island!!!!
Ghost Story Island was easy!
this was alot of help i kept having to log out of poptropica and look at this pg…. alot of help 🙂
man this island is so so assome!!! hey so did anyone about the 6th grade ghost…ok so maybe i didnt only read about them. never want to come face to face with a brain dead dude or dudet like that. hey so i think one dude has special eye for fiona (did i spell that right) he put a rose on her grave! dudes should know the rose is the flower of love. im not gotta get into say i would do that mostly because i take a favor for roses. note to one dude(donot know how to spell name) put a cornation on her grave. NOT a rose. heres what i think 1) dude and fiona are married…um…were or 2) dude and fiona are going out…again were. im a bit curious. much to say supicious. dude+fiona….like for forever…or until fiona dumps him or he dumps her.
…with the help of……
Three Cheers for her!!
hey peeps wats behind the statue of the hooded grim :/
i so love poptropica!!! it’s the place where a busy girl like me can take a break from homework, girls who so get on my nerves AND I WANT TO PUNCH THEM, and i don’t know boys who are even more annoying….but a little cute…a little. still i guess i do have to kinda go to school. yeah, ’cause it the base of all cities and their history, passions, wars,and anything else nonviolet. now where’s my assome charcter!!! come on throw a party!!! once i defeat one dude from one island. do think maybe they should make a top serect island in which you have to go into enemey lines….and by enemy lines i mean aliens…you know like a universe war with like 4 allies plus…..wait for it…..mad carrot man from 24 carrot. note to self never trust a bunny,or that fact 2 coffes and a latte’. whatever is a latte’.
hey um who loves ghost stories….boo! ahhh! a horror flim has crashed. WAHAHAHAHA. what….to out of line? can i get a another coffe and some special effects please!!! by the way….what in the world does SOS mean. how ’bout SOBPSOFTFOF save our butts plus ship or for the fact our food
where do you get Fiona’s locket?
my bad. i just found out.
did u know u can transport 2 a graveyard lot(provided u have been there before)? just clik n d lot letter.
The scariest part was with the voice i had the volume up and didnt read that there was a voice yet and man did i flip!!!!!
assome!!!!! i soooooo love poptropica’s newest island. it is so cool. do you think sos will be better? i so hope so…..of course what’s better than a freaky island with a wide population of ghost, haunted houses, and somewhere along the lines of a ghost coming up behind you and saying “looking for someone?” seriously that’s just makes me scream. who would do that i dont know.
hey i can get that choclate cake. i’m like seriously wanting that choclate cake in the gingerbread bake shop thingy. it looks so good. so….anyone agree? no but serious can someone give me that choclate cake!!!!!
i knew the Magistrate was behind it he always was a strange guy
to: dani, that same thing happend to me!!!!! idk what to duu
!!!!!!! som1 help me!!! 🙁
thx so much for the advice i got thru the island in 1 day flat with your help. THX!!!! 🙂
this is creepy
*looks through telescope*doo dee doo oh!What a pretty light house!Who’s carrying a lantern?*hears some1 say LOOKING FOR SOMEONE*O_O AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got a TERRIBLE glitch. i cant leave the house with the oldlady -.-
thnx now i passed ghost story!
Plz come 2 my multiverse room plz the code is BMP86
come on ppl go 2 the room ok?plz?in case u need 2 find me look for a girl with the taco-looking hat.COME 2 MY ROOM PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ON the lighthouse part ,the torch is out side the lighthouse.
Guys Silver Berry (me) Bronze Carrot (my friend) and Shoeless Ghost (another one of my friends) are going to be having a party on Poptropica this Saturday.
Where: Candy Shop on Shrink Ray Island
When: This Saturday at about 7:00 a.m CST (Central Standard Time) 5:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time) 8:00 am EST (Eastern Standard Time)
What: Poptropica Party to celebrate the new island S.O.S island (comes out Thursday)
What to Where: Best Clothes
K I hope you guys will enjoy the party, and tell your friends about the party too. Also tell your friends that don’t have a Poptropica account to create a account and go to the party, and beat a island and get the best clothing. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Shoeless Ghost might not make it to the party.
When you’re going in the cemetery if you click on the letters on the map it takes you there. So you can save time
Ah this island was so fun!!! but seriously that voice was scary. I had my headphones on and…. ‘looking for someone??’ O_O
O_O o my gosh my b-day is aug. 18 !!!!!!!! WOW
i finished,my punk-goth hero finished one more island!
This island is so spooky!!!!! By the way…capital letter on spooky. I so love sos island’s preview.
Did anyone see that choclate cake in the ginerbread bake shop? I soooo want it!!!! Most assome island ever!!!! No but serious….can I have that choclate cake ^-^
oh yeah at the party i going to have contests. The contests are going to be game contest for each game, costume contest, and a island contest. I’ll fill you in with details. OK. Costume Contest – I will tell you to put on a certain costume like your best costume. Game Contest – I will tell you to play a certain game against people like paint war, if you loose you have to say no to anyone that asks you to play that game, if its a different game its OK, oh yeah I’ll be competing in this contest. Island Contest – U will have a certain time limit to go to different islands and beat the island without any cheats I will compete in this too. OK so everyone will go on this website called ecobuddies (go on then to virtual worlds and look for ecobuddies) and look for someone name prettyprinces35, VAMPIRESS, or seamonkys. They will tell you what to do on Poptropica. OK I hope this makes things more clear to you!
Bye Silver Berry out
omg i luv this website!!!
to: whom may happen to read this…..
from: Kemmy234
So like did anyone check out the popdaily? The new island looks totally sweet!!!! When ever it comes out to non-members…I am sooo gonna beat it!!! By the way….if anyone wants to challage me to a starlink competition…well go ahead. My charcter’s name is small lion. And like right now I am Night of the living carrots theater on 24 carrort island.
To: anyone daring to challage me
Good luck!!!
Why is ther stars revovling round me!!!!
tatse a little sword you metal demons….go lengendary swords!!!! I will defeat E.vile!(To me this dude is electronic wacko…who wants to rule the universe…I still can’t get why?) So…when can non-members do the WHOLE lendary swords. Seriourly…when? Hey does anyone know if that sherlock homles costume can be bought WITHOUT membership?????
OK you don’t need to go on ecobuddies. I will post the winners of the contest on my youtube account. I will interview each person and put their interview on my youtube account.
To:Silver Betty
So…um…can anyone attend this party…or do they have to have a invit? Also, how can you have parties on pop (short for poptropica)? Oh and one more thing…if S.O.S island comes out on THURSDAY should’ve you have the party on THURSDAY???? Please reply,I would really be graceful.
P.s It must soooo cool hosting a party
The scrapbook is not even there!!! When i talked to fiona and then she left crying but there was no scrapbook!!! Then i saw her and she said, “Tell Jane the baker I sent you.” What’s up w/ that?!
y wont it let me on to sos im a member and its open
So if Fiona was dead, and her ghost was young, who was that old chick? -.-‘
when i try to give sardines to the freakin seagull i say, “I should just leave the bird alone, there’s no good reason to search the fountain, anyway.” I mean like UGHH!
Anyone get the feeling there being watched???? Seriourly this island is so so so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a captial C and 12.945 thousand exlamation marks. Not to techical. %-)
OMG I was NOT expecting that creepy voice.
Btw, Im the girl wth the black goggles and phsycadelic shirt……
Hey um….so when does S.O.S come out to nonmembers????? I way curious. Much to say I’m a bit suspenous. Or if you wanna put it another way….dead and ghostly curious. Get it! Dead AND ghostly!!! Or course ghost are kinda, sortta dead,long gone…and probably haunted places.
Oh also I freaked out why I heard, “Looking for something?” I fliped out, almost screamed, and I also can’t get it out of my head!
I found a glitch just when I finished! If you sort of hang around at the spot where the Magistrate gives you the medallion and use a prank can, the woman hiding behind the grave will say, “Hey! You scared him off! Come back and hide with me and maybe he will come back.” If you go behind the grave, then she’ll say, “Shhh… I think I hear footsteps…” And the hooded man thing comes back. But you couldn’t go into your inventory. So just leave and ignore the woman when she gets mad…
When i put the thermometer in the lighthouse and then went back to the mainland, i didn’t receive a notice that said the temp. changed! How long does it take?
Thank you soo really helped me…today is my birthday n i won this island!!!
If Fiona died, who was that old lady? i thought the old lady was fiona… :/
Oh wow, good for you NEHA 😀
Omg this helped so much and when the woman behind said ” Looking for something?” It made me almost fall out of my chair and skin.! ( this first time!) The trailer is kinda spooky and editor there is aa few missed spell words but no biggy! I also like the Dum-dum-duM!! this helped me allot!! Thanks, Sincerely
I almost fell out of my computer chair when Fiona said ”Looking for someone?” ! It freaked me out so much, that when I CLOSED the astronomy thing off, I thought it was an axe murderer on Poptropica. 🙁 I completed the island.
I agree with commenter named …
When I finished the island, I went around and found the dude selling stuff didn’t know about the magistrate’s hidden identity and the real ghosts. He should have learned!
😀 🙂
ok guys i have to change the party to next week on Saturday because i forgot to tell my friends. anyone can come. the party location is the same place shrink ray island candy shop. everyone needs to look on here to see what contest is happening then ok hope this helps more
Its so hard to get passed the light house. I was almost at the top and then i forgort to duck. IM SAD
That woman made me jump out of my seat! I read the walk-through, and she still scared the mess out of me. *shiver*
what a BIG glitch! when i go to fionas house shes not beside the bed but shes STILL near the telescope and when i try to talk to her she says ‘Just tell Jane the baker that I sent you’ AARGH!
wait, so who was the lady in the mansion?
hello everyone ! i need help on this game… PLEASE HELP ME send me a messege back to me on E-Mail :[email protected] THX and if u know animal jam tell me ur user! mine is peacepieyo!
cya! brave thunder
:BEQ33 COME TO IT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOMEONE HELP ME! im still stuck in the violin part so can anybody help me with that part.
I LOOOVE this island!!!
when i was looking through the telescope the voice totally scared me! it happened a few minuets ago and im still trembling!!!! ~
chilly scorpion
yo room code is AFZ23. is techno room. the name is spotted kid
This island was amazing and I loved the myster that went along with it! <3
i have a multiverse room in bzp44
LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I BORED!!! “I’m Fast Fire the werdio nice to meet you” dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot HI!!!
Im stuck. I just attached the thermometer to the lighthouse wall, and I went back to Hemlock Harbor, but it still hasnt notefied me the temperature changed. I have no idea what to do… can you help me?
do you know why the voice part from the telescope scared me?well never ever did ever in poptropica had any sound at all!im still scared!
my name and fierce moon’s name are pretty similar,i luv chatting.
hi hi
for the violin all u do is move the stick without clicking.simple as that!sorry if i text to much.
HELP!! when I go to the waters eage the boat is not hear!!
this is like the best game every but it is kinda stupid because i couldn’t get past several steps on here. the only way i found out about the cheat cheat, is by my freind telling me. thanks to you guys ( or girls ) and thanks to vasti galvan.
😉 i like someone in my class and he s not at scool till thrusday :'( hes still in japan
thats starange my namt is now big fish!
i just really wanted to say something
chilly scorpion the vocice scared me to! i almost fanted!:( but its ok gohsts arent real.
the moment that voice was heard when i was looking through the telescope, i thought some weird woman was behind me( i KNOW ghosts aren’t real, but the voice freaked me out :s)
plus i wonder when sos island comes out in full version :I
im ssooooooo bored DX
Everyone, don’t forget to click the stack of newspapers next to you after the salesman guy tells you that the ghost picture has been put in the paper. Then, the magistrate will come and talk to you, then the boat will come.
this is so cool! i think the creators really put a twisty,or should i say spooky, twist to the island with that “looking for someone” voice. seriously i jumped about 2.1 feet out of my chair. p.s the creators did a assome job on this island!!!!!!!
ok…..this takes ghost being real to new….level!!!!! plus there just so creepy. GHOST ARE REAL PEOPLE SERIOUSLY THEIR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all of your walkthroughs for every single island Thx 2 u i have 2 more islands remaining, wild west, and S.O.S island which is not open yet. (only the demo) But Ty ty! I have 2 more islands remaining and i’m really happy =D
Ahahaha When i exit the telescope my user jumped until she reached the ceiling
This island gave me the creeps, but I was to curious!!! And now, I’ll most likely be scared to sleep.
The fact that I made my character two years ago, and that he looks just like Valiant is too much to swallow.
The part at “Are you Looking for Someone?” made me scream my head off. So now every time my little sis isn’t with me, I run around my house looking for her thinking she went to look for that ghost lady. 😛
P.S. The trailer seems so sad.
kemmy234 I believe ghost are real. I got the proof from the book called “Ghost Fever”. Seriously people, listen to kemmy! GHOSTS ARE REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED HELP!!! I’m stuck on the part where you climb up the stairs to the light house. I duck but the wind keeps blowing me off anyways! PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!!
Also, Tall Dragon all you do is move the Violin stick back and forth. And don’t stop till the process bar thingy is full.
The violin part sounds so beautiful.
This game gives me creeps! I hope I can sleep well this night. *shivering*
-_Massive Spinner_-
WHO BELIEVES IN GHOSTS? Reply if you do or do not… just curious 😐 😕 ❓
When i was looking through the telescope, i had my volume really low and i was alone in the house. Then when the voice came, it was like a whisper and i was 2 milliseconds away from screaming, then fainting. Thats cuz noone was in the house so nobody could have whispered anything. I am still freaked out. [shudder]
Party in my multiplayer room. Code is AET73
If you’re in the cemetary, scroll over the little map…. it will say “click letter to jump staright there” (-:
24601= Jean Valjean’s prisoner number from Les Miserables
I put the thermometer thing on the wall in the lighthouse then went back to my main island, but I didn’t receive notice of the temperature change. Please help.
Who believes in ghosts???…..?
does anyone no what the violin song is? I’m dying to learn it on my violin!
i can’t find the scrapbook. it is not there heeeeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve got a cousin,she plays Poptropica.I told her about this game and she tried.When she tried this game for the 1st time she won an island (Steamworks Island),I was like whoa.But when she tried this…she couldn’t win this island -w-
what hapend with the ghost caching for that girl on ghost story iland? i never finished caching them????????????????:)
i was freaked out and scream when the girl in the window say ”Looking for someone?” DANG!
This is my first time I ever heard a sound in poptropica.1violin though it is nice playing it, and 2 the creepiest part ever A WOMAN WAS BEHIND MY AND SCARED ME UNTIL I FLEW UP LIKE A FIREWORK AND EXPLODED!!!!!!!!!
When I was looking out the telascope and heard Looking for someone,I almost screamed!
Ik Right!!!
waa, this island is so hard!
Woah! Those dolls in the cellar are CREEEEPYYY!
The story has made it to the front page but nobody is reading it. Now what?
singer gal,
i so should inform my friends of that. of course they’ll say somthing along the lines of “you are so a lier” or if they really wanna show off they’ll say, “dude…GET A LIFE GHOST ARE REAL!!!” but of course i soooo will not believe them and go on and on and on and on about how THEY ARE SO WRONG!!!! of course i may become a bother. maybe they’ll listen. you think?
opps! i sooo meant aren’t not are sorry singer gal p.s nice name where did you get it?
singer gal,
THANK YOU! by that i mean SPELLING my name right!!!! most people spell it with a “I” not a “E” p.s sooo agree with you. p.s.s where in the world did you find that book? i been looking ALL over for one! p.s.s.s ghost story island is the bomb of ghost being real! p.s.s.s.s GHOST ARE SO REAL PEOPLE!!!!!!!! seriously go to youtube and check out the vids…just not the dumb ones….remeber that.
I have only ever heard the bell sound in poptropica but when i was looking out the telescope i screamed when i heard that ladys voice! also who is the fiona in the masion if the real one is dead?
kemmy234, no problem. I found Ghost Fever at the library. It’s really cool. And I have seen this video on you tube about this ghost girl on a mirror. It was creepy but real. p.s. The author of Ghost Fever knows a lot of people who said they have seen a ghost. It says so on the book! p.s.s. I have evidence myself. One time I went to my cousin’s room and there was a red ball spinning in circles. Then;
Me: Why is that red ball spinning around?
My cousin: Because there’s a ghost who follows that ball. My friend also had one at it was spinning in her room too.
Me: 0_0
Oops! I meant AND not AT. Typo! 😛
kemmy234, maybe your friends will listen if the just read Ghost Fever. Seriously, that’s where MOST of the evidence is found. (and it’s kinda sad)
OMG! This is the most elaborate of all Poptropica Islands! Its a ghost and love story! Jeff Kinney, your awesome!
Hey everyone Im back!!!!!!! My dad died on December 29, 2011, thats why i havent been on
o m g… I am so sorry shaggy shell 🙁 hope you are ok… But hi 🙂
When I was on ghost story island it was like 1:00 in the moring and I was all alone in a dark room then I heard Looking for someone. I was like scremin and cryin at the same time.
help! I went into the cemetery and can not find my way out
i’m out yay! nvm
Do you know what I hate? Ghost Story Island only gives you 50 Credits at the end! So that sucks for me. 😛
this sucks because they give 50 credits but in the walkthrough they give 100 credits!decievers!
1 gost r real i see them at school 2 if it just gives u 50 credits u might as well call your self a sucer 3 sory that your dad died shaggy shells
The dolls are creepy and the cemetary!i screamed!!!
im lost there no boat and iv done the hooded guy with rose pic 3 times. plz dont tell me that need to start over
@ shaggy shell:
i feel sorry for ur dad. how old was he?
Why do you get 50 credits for this island.. but i havent finished the island lol 😀
can anybody tell me what the violin song is? i really want to play it on my violin!
im changing my name to blue bird
Jen, you just wave the violin stick back and forth on the violin. Then the song plays by itself.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!(and every ghost)
OMG! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO creeped out when all the sudden I heard, “Looking for someone?” because right afterwards my sister dropped a plate. Perfect, yet creepy, timing. Am I right?
Shaggy Shell I’m so sorry for you 🙁
OMG that was so freaky when she started talking. Scared the bajeebees out of me!!!
bajeebees! 🙂 I love that word, hehe sorry
LAWL! I love this Island! It’s the best!
Lol I knew that she was gonna say “Looking for someone?” So I turned of the volume.Hehe,And thank you SO FRICKIN much SingerGal! You were such a help. But it took me two hours to get done with it because I had problems with the cemetary ( When i was trying to get to B lot)
Aw, gosh! I was playing and was at the lighthouse at like 8:00 at night, almost pitch black, and when she said: ‘Looking for someone?’ It sent tingles down my back and gave me goosebumps! I was so freaked out I had to sleep with the light on! :O
risha im awesome
haha your name is awesome 🙂
i’m so confused between the woman and Fiona. it so hard to explain
House of Anubis, is that a TV show? soz 😐
House of Anubis is so……………GOOD!!!Its one of my fav show on T.V. next to pretty little lairers and this other show on ABC famliy 😀 😛
I LIKE PIE?!?!?!
When I open cell 8, it only lets me look! My character doesn’t appear inside! Help Please!
if fiona was dead who WAS that lady???
I don’t know what else to say but PANCAKES ARE AWESOME!
( a random comment from SingerGal 😛 )
i only got 50 credits
Lol, I like pancakes too 😀 random 😛 :L
The audio gave me the chills… that is the first time there is an audio on Poptropica!
Ghosts are so not real.
totally spooky at some parts, beautiful music, n lot of fun- GHOST STORY ISLAND!!!!!!
IKR People just make up stories about ghosts
@artemis rocks- How did u make those black emoticans/smileys?
those are so cool…
Wait… Did you copy paste it from a website? argh, i am confused 😛 ¤
i play the violin but theres no progress. help me!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! When that goast lady said “looking for someone” I jumped lik 15 feet in the air cause i was listnin to a song on youtube and it just had ended when she said that!
In the lighthouse duck 4 5 seconds
At the prison, when I go to Block D, Cell 8, my character won’t appear inside and the warden doesn’t shut the door so I can’t move on! HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really dont have to go all that way in the cemetery. you can just click on the letter you want to go to.
This is what I think the poptropican creators did : They thought they should scare us because it is a creepy island so they decided to make that creepy voice . How did they know if we had our speakers on ? Because we had to play the violin first so they know that we would turn it on to hear the music . Thats what happened to me 😛
so awesome. omg. when the ghost lady said looking 4 someone i totally freaked! because if you have ur speakers on you can hear her say it!
I like playing the violin song, it is awesome and fun 😀 heheh
Hi I’m having a party at 12:15 p.m Mountain Time. The code is DVM76.
Sorry I changed it to BWY34.
yeah i think that was scary when she said {are you looking for someone } i nelay had a heart atack
Man on that ghost lady part I had a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay I finished the island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m not afraid of ghosts any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess for some of you (like me) think ghost story island is an easy island. but for those of you who got stuck on it, leave me comments.
Ciao for now,
how do you get in acves zoe
Haha when i was playing this i used the store item “Phantom” and “Torch” so i looked like a flaming ghost
Hi, When you go to the lighthouse and leave after putting the Thermometer there, I went to the main island, but the Thermometer didn’t go off! What should I do?
Please don’t ignore this question
kiki try it again or go 2 another island btw did anyone watch Journey 2 : the mysterious island? frigging good movie especially in 3-D ~ c:
ughhhh………. does anyone have any ideas about a b-day gift 4 a little gurl turning 6?? plz answer!!! <3
Dear blahblah gurl,
Maybe get her barbie stuff. Little kids always like them.
Ciao for now,
Yea, blahblah gurl… Barbie dolls, Jewelry, Clothes 😀 Perhaps games, like board games and stuff 🙂 Ask me for more help, cause I know about these stuff 😛
wait……how is fiona dead didnt we see her in the mansion to show her the locket????i am so confused!!!!!!!!
Me too, cuz my brother had to go to birthdays for boys and girls and I dug suggessted on getting some stuff. Bye
Ok, Byeeee!
thanks gurls y’all seriously helped me 🙂
@Risha & Lauren thx 4 your help
@ Risha~ if you have anymore suggestions then just post them up ! ~thx again bibi!
I love Ghost Story Island. It is spooky and is so cool. Poptropica really gives the best gameplays in the world.
OMG! Talking about ghost and stuff, did you hear about the movie called: The Woman In Black? So Scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O 🙁 🙂
you are most welcome, blahblah gurl!
@ Lauren Kinney,
Thanks girl! ~ ur awesome ~ 🙂
YOUR WELCOME! hey do you happen to know how to get the cat face? like, the ears and mouth? cuz ive seen ppl with those things
OMG I CANT GET INTO THE MANSION DX not fair D: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i refreshed the page in the middle of someone speaking, b/c the computer was slow, now i cant get the scrapbook, or talk to Fiona again to get it. what do i do?
sry Lauren idk how to get them 🙁 ~ Risha do you know how to get the cat face idk~:(
You are welcome blahblah gurl 😀
Cat face? you mean over here? huh? lol
That freaked me out! I was sitting with my baby sister and when she said that we all turned around and got so scared. I turned off the sound until I got off the computer…
I’m really stuck on the violin song! I keep on doing the same thing as the video, but it’s not working!!!!!! Does anyone think it’s because I don’t have speakers or a microphone? Someone please post a comment and help!!!
My computer restarted while i was talking to the Warden and now I don’t appear inthe prison cell! also when i go into his room he’s in his rocking chair but I havethe mug shot in my inventory and not the buns. I was thinking of getting more but you can’t. What should I do?? Please help me!
wait Lauren wat do you mean by cat face? i’m confused 🙁 thank again 2 You & Risha 🙂 im going 2 the party 2day which sucks cause there will b a bunch of little kids there but thanks 4 the gift advice you gals rule!
finished in 1/2 an hour! best island 8) 0:)
I just ended up restarting. I’m finally cought up!
I think I had the cat face once, I got from a girl in a multiplayer room. But I’m not sure where she got it. I don’t think there’s cat faces in the ads.
kk so….. i’m back 4rm the party !~ btw my mother got her a dress 🙁 but she still liked it ! :0
um it was freaky but im not afraid of Ghosts anyway awesome guide
love white star
Nobody wants to talk to me… 🙁 Ughh I’m soo bored!!!!
Ill talk to you brave sky i have an island idea its called panlong island itll incude magic china and dragons stay posted if firce moon will losten to my idea
i’m bored 🙁 sooooo bored !!!! hey if you dislike justin bever then tell me !!!~ ill give you a link so you can hurt him ! ~ smf =somuchfun !!!!! ~~~~ <3
Hi everyone Gosht Story island is the BEST!!!!!!!! P.S goshts r SO real! cuz 1 time I was havin a sleepover with mi cuz and her books were floatin in mid air
why won’t anyone talk to me !!!!! ~~ 🙁 CRBT!!!!! ~~~ 🙂
Hi blahblah gurl, do u like JB?
umm the guy in the un-written walk through does realize he doesn’t have to travel in the maze just to get to previous places he could just click wherever he wants to go on the map in the maze in that cemetery believe me i’ve tried it it works perfectly!
Return to the lighthouse once more and then use your torch and climb the steps. This time, there will be no gusts of wind. When you reach the top floor, you’ll find the ghost of the lighthouse keeper here and he is crying. He will tell you a short story about how he feels responsible for a ship sinking. He’ll tell you about ship wreckage located to the north. Get back in your boat and sail there to find the wreckage. Examine it and you’ll receive a locket.
I cant pass this part :'(
yeah thats the first audio on poptropica
i can’t get past the lighthouse wind part! it is so hard! can someone plz help me?
i luv the violin song what’s the name? this island is so fun i jumped in my seat when fiona said “looking for someone?” my sis wasn’t so scared, though. SHE FOUND A SHORTER WAY TO PLOT B, TURN RIGHT, GO FORWARD, TURN LEFT, KEEP GOING FORWARD TILL PLOT B APPEARS!
How do you pass the labyrinth in “Confronting the Magistrate” part?
I completed it, thanks to this walkthrough. XD Fierce Moon, you’re great!!
then who was that lady in the house? was she a ghost?
Yay! I’ve completed Ghost Story Island. Thanks Fierce Moon! And hi, Risha! I’m playing Poptropica after many days 🙂
where is the magistrate? everyone is looking at the papers, but the stupid magistrate is not here.
OH heyy aparajita 😀 long time no chat, huh? 🙂
Hey blahblah gurl, Justin b sucks! I just wanted to tell you.
From jenna15540
hey you know how the warden tells you that you are not prisoner 24601? well thats the prison number of jean valjean in les miserables. just something i noticed
Can someone plz help i dont know which letter is he hidden in A,BorH!
it too me like 3 days or two
This island was totally creepy but awesome. My brother was watching me and totally freaked whenever he saw a ghost. = D
hey I enjoyed doing that island and I am telling my friends about it.
hiiiii all of u!!!!
poptropica rockz!!
i luvvvv all the islands in it n ghost story is 1 of my fav!!!!!
its sooooo adventurous, spooky, creepy , mysterious n sooo much funnnnnn……..
@ tall bug and shifty catfish……..
getting past the light house is a hard part in the game but try try again….. u will definitely pazz it…….
walk slowly over the steps and duck when the wind blows…..
fix a time about 30 sec or so n duck at that time and after the wind blows walk a little further and duck and wait for the wind to blow – continue thiz, it really workz!!!!
i got scared too when fiona suddenly said, “looking for some1?” that was really shocking :0……. n besides i loved the violin song – it was really a melody!!!!! 😉
omg, HIIII INCREDIBLE THUNDER 😀 omg wow…! I havent seen you in AGES! Whats your email again, IT? I forgot yours 😐
and finally i finished the ghost story!!!!!!!!
it was really an adventurous island!!!!!!
😀 🙂 😉
i dont get it fiona is a ghost?
BTW, in the cemetery maze, you can just click a letter to go to it once you’ve been there.
hey blahblah gurl! i think tht Justin b really sucks! i luv ghost story island and i won it a hundred times! i also luv the song on the violin duz any1 knw wut its called?
see ya guyz! perfect runner
blahblah girl
I HATE JB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This game is the best and i luv the ghost story island and the vampire island and i won them both i knw wat to do in al of the islands in poptropica!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Hi, the bank is written like abnk! 😀
yeah! I noticed it, well meet me at my multiplayer room! 😉 <3
Incredible Thunder, r u there?
omg i lost my ghost scanners how do i get them back on poptropica…..
Poptropica Creator: Hmmm, we’ve gotta make this island scarier. What can we do?
Another Poptropica Creator: I know! Lets put sound in it suddenly!
First Creator: Good Idea!
yeah! want to join with me??? 🙂
looking for friends….Ah, NO……. All bored 🙁
just finished counterfeit and came back it is working. i hate the stupid wind thing
did it!
I could have NEVER of finished this island without you! Thanks ALOT!
i beet thiz iland bout 2 munths ugon it wuz soooooooooooo eezy
lov the hints or cheats.
it was easy
Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read anything like this before. So good to find any individual with some original ideas on this subject. realy thank you for starting this up. this website is one thing that’s needed on the internet, someone with a bit originality. helpful job for bringing one thing new to the web!
Hey there! I’ve been following your site for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Austin Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the excellent work!
yah they help TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is a awsome iland!i can see ghosts!my friend is doing her scince fair on them
If Fiona died, then who was at the Abandoned House?
did anyone notice that in the hemlock herald theres a newspaper on the wall and the alphabet is all wrong
wen she said u lookin for someone i literally jumped on my desk
i noticed it
that was my question too… if Fiona had died a long time ago then who was the lady in the mansion?????????………very confusing……i had a heart attack too when she said “Who are you looking for?”… my music had just stopped and then it was all like BOOM!… creepy voice…
This island was very spooky but fun!
if Fiona died many years ago who was in the mansion wait!!! she said unfinished buisness that what ghost are supposed to do to stay on earth because they still have unfinished buiness right!!!
If you click in the glasses in Hemlock Harbor Souvenir.. There’s a surprise!
Are u going to make a vampire`s curse walkthrough??
Creepy…but fun!
Especially when Fiona comes out and is like, “Looking for someone?” THAT JUST SCARED THE JEEPERS CREEPERS OUT OF ME!
@silver moon and lardyninja because she was a GHOST!!!! duh….
im wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im electric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all cause of my 4 gosht hunting eqipmint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tiny panda, she said she is not a ghost when we saw her in the mansion
and I’m a little confuse wit h the cementary but i got through it
i want to do this island but im in the middle of school
I have a tip for all of us that you turn off your speakers!!!;)
I turned off my speakers
it wont work. my thermoniter wont go off when i get back! i have tryed every thing!
Oh god I’m stuck! Ok so I just finished the prison part of the island. But now I’m trying to dock at the lighthouse and everytime I click ‘Dock’ I just keep bumping against the island!!! I’m doing everything BUT docking. And now I cant finish the ghost island. Please please PLEASE someone tell me what to do! 🙁
When Fiona asked if I was looking for someone, I wasn’t completely scared… I thought it was my computer teacher who almost sounds like that but I still jumped.
i was scared but i loved the island because i love mysteries ghost stories
i am bummed that they are shutting down potropica oh and to finish ghost story u have to say ghost story sucks out loud (april fools!)
They ain’t shutting down poptropica…… They’re giving our poptropicans noses!
what’s the name of the musical piece that the violin and music play?
lol the guy at the tent is still smiling when that guy takes him away…….
OHMYGOSH when i was looking in the telescope and she said ‘are you looking for someone’ i felt as if my heart was coming up my throat and i was gunna die! i tried this island a few months ago but today i restarted and i totally forgot that that happened! omg that scared the life out of me! and my computer volume was up quite loud as well and now my dads telling me off cuz he is tryin got watch tv………
oohhhh a boat just ppulled up by the tent……
WOW its so FUN riding round the sea on the boat! but i dont know where to go (im trying to do this without the cheats)……
Oh my god that woman who said looking for someone scared me so much i could have passed out right there and then!!! oh my god that makes me sound really stupid cuz im called fearless sword and im scared when someone talks to me. lol!
I can’t seem to get to the part where the magistrate comes out and you hide. I’m just standing in front of the cemetary waiting. I don’t get it… He won’t come… Any ideas? Thanks,
Thanks! I love this website! It has helped me get past a lot of islands! I love your written walkthrough
sheesh this island is soooo creepy i think i might have nightmares about it….
ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS 12 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way the voice scared me to death:) And when i was playing the violin my sister thought that i was playing with skill! ( of course it was all the computer) ;D
Happy birthday Friendly Turtle!
where is the fountain where the ring is????
Fiona is a ghost? I thought she wasn’t? She didn’t look much like all the other ghosts. That’s what it says in the last paragraph anyway.
this was a cooool island Please can somebody come to my multivise. code is bwl97
Whats with the kid in the tin foil hat?
help with the lighthouse!!! I keep on docking but i can not still go up!!!
HES A KID WHO LIKES GHOSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he is trying to protect him self from the “spirts” happ y birthday! the lady when she talked she scared me half to death!! I wish I could play voilin so I could play that song in real life!!
The archives won’t open i tried all i could do but i can’t open them!
OMG!!!! I nearly jumped out of my seat when Fiona said “Looking for someone?” !!!!
It is so weird when you find out Fiona is a ghost. It dosen’t make sense. She looks old when you first meet her, but then she looks so young. I just don’t get it.
I feel so sorry for Valliant! I can’t believe the Magistrate did all that just because he wanted to marry Fiona. She is pretty ugly, am I right? 😀
Fiona scared the heck out of me! I almost had a hard attack when she said “Looking for someone?” I felt the shivers go through my spine…
Really,this island gives me the creeps!By the way my poptropica characters name is Sporty Flyer!
Hey POPTROPICA CIVILIANS its nighthawk are yah
I think the magistrate was too jealous because Fiona was inlove with Valiant and not with him.what a love story.
Love your advice Fierce moon
I completed this island in a day, normally it takes me 2 days. Ghost Story is my fave by far and it wasn’t too complicated 🙂
I agree with speedy.Your advice is pretty nice,and have you finished red dragon yet?I can help.
what islands have you done i have done all the island except for ghost island and mystery train island and that island that is knew coming out!
what i don’t get is who was the person who acted as fiona then. she definitely wasn’t a ghost???? creepy????
i find this island really creepy. i tried not using a walkthrough but when i took long on one part i gave in because i seriously wanted to leave immediately
i went to the waters edge and nothing was there
hi im rough melon and fierce moon is wrong on the waters edge
For confronting the Magistrate how do u push the cover? I don’t see anything to push to let me go down the ladder. By the way keep making these cheats. They are very helpful! Thanx 🙂
Umm…. I have just got the violin music, and I talked to the guy by the fountain, but he’s not being taken, so I cannot get the binoculars. Help, please?
someone help me compete red dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help me compete red dragon,cryptids,sos,and steamworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help me out with 24 carrot island.
Still a better love story than Twilight
This is the best cheats ever!!! With the help of cheats I completed Early poptropica, Shark tooth, Counterferiet, Ghost story and big nate! I wish the friends things will hurry up cause I’m goin’ to make so much friends i can’t even count! Thanks soooooooooooo much fierce moon.
P.S.: i WISH I CAN MEET YOU IN REAL LIFE AND REMEBER MY BIRTHAY IS COMING. I’m going to give you the join a room code
When is ur bday Daniella? Well, anyways Happy Birthday 🙂
What is your real name Fierce Moon. Here is everthing about me Age 7 Birthday 1332 Name in poptropica short jumper,{made a new chracther and alo some starnge people can come for my birthday!! There is going to be soda everywhere.
SJ {short jumper}
i am finish in a hour
If someone is name for example Fierce Moon.. does it mean another person in the world is named Fierce Moon also? Just wonderin’ 😛
just thought I’d leave this asking if anyone wanted to go on common room on one of the islands? reality tv?
@Silver Skull
Thank. You. That just made my day… Seriously, it did! THANK. YOU. 😀
ohmygosh!! sitting alone, at night, the house is dark, the sound is up all the way, and i look throught the telescope!!!!! i litterally screamed and jumped three feet int the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished the island in two hours thanks to you!:) thanks 🙂
50 credits? what happened to 100? and by the way, thanks for the walkthroughs fierce moon. 😀
@Silver skull YOu Mad by day By Saying That <3 xD
i got scarred when she said “Are you looking for someone?”
rebbeca,did you play the violin music befour you talked to him?because the you nead to restart
im listing to moves like jagger!!
Hey, did anyone notice that the painting in the hotel room matches one in the Jersy Devil’s house on Cryptids?
when u get 1\2 through violion song the strings glow
can someone do me a fabor? go 2 youtube and type tiger boo english version also,the lady wont let me see the equetman for ghost hunting!i told her fiona sent me but she said WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ?
? i Dont no wat u r talking about Invisible Flame?
The looking for someone part made me jump!!!!!!!!
wait…. WHO WAS THE PERSON ACTING LIKE FIONA!??!?!?! Creepyyyyyyyyy
you dont have to light the torch cuz i can still see p.s. iv <3ed poptropica for 2 years and im 8
brave star that got me creeped when i saw that
i wonder what happens when you finish all the island 00 0
when i saw the torch floating i sreamed a thousand times
Which room is it i cant get in to any of them???
the part going back to the main island and finding the temp drop does not work for me
@Purple Bubbles no one was pretending to be Fiona Fiona was pretending to be alive you probley got got confused but i understand.
The part where Fiona said “looking for someone?” i wasen’t scared i thought it came froma dating ad XD just thinking lol
When I finished and they were all supposed to disappear, Fiona and Valiant stayed there, though all the others vanished, and Fiona’s mouth kept moving as if she was talking but no speech bubble popped up… It was funny
i beat this and all the other islands.
HELP! the crell door woud’t open!:( HELP SOS!
this island cofuses me!
thank god i found the cheats! I am glad Im done with this island.
if u like poptropica press 2 on your keyboard
Wow, thank goodness I found the cheats!!! VERY puzzling island!! And…. oh my gosh…. i just realized that my character looks EXACTLY like Miley Cyrus!! wierd……
Rose, unfortunately, nothing special happens when you beat all the islands.
Oh yeah, if you keep pressing S, then that will happen, Harry Potter Fan.
Thanks! It helped a lot!
hey a glitch happen when i was on the last part putting salt on the Magistrate eyes and then after fiona saw valiant, fiona won’t stop talking and i can’t leave the island. weird
Hey,was anyone heared from good life fan yet?
and i love this island!!:)
Nice Island 🙂
i cant win this island
When I was at the hotel I saw the picture and compared it to the one on Cryptids ant the jersey deils house and both paintings look the same.
It was weird and freaky.
Yeah, that’s what I said earlier.
Cool Skull, Harry Potter Fan said that earlier.
You know, it’s possible to beat the island without ever breaking the stairs. I bet that’s how Fiona died.
how do you get back to youre baloon on ghost island when youre finished?
Love it thanks!
You leave the grave yard and go to main street to get to the blimp.
The looking for someone also made me jump.
To get through the labyrinth faster, just push the letter on what section you want to go to.
can you tell me the directions when you go down the open tomb please coz the petal really dont help basically they just confuse me! GRRR
It’s pretty easy until i got to the house. The stairs crumbled, and i can’t use the crates cuz they are stuck or something. I am stuck there can u give me some tips please!
Loved It! Thanks 🙂
How come in my computer(when you get the medallion) Fiona is still there talking nonsense words(without speech bubble) with Valiant?
This island is so cool! The Magistrate was jealous though.
I love this island! even Fiona scare me off
One of my favorite islands. I just love the whole backstory! But running back and forth the the cemetery really got annoying.
do the black juice glitch have brerdbrew from wild west use the brerdbrew wali doing the glitch and now you have a brerd
I play the violin a even if i’m 11.YES i’m 11 so what!i tear up when we got to play it on the computer
I accidently didn’t save my game, (it was after i found the locket) and now the ship wreckage isn’t there at all!
I’m having trouble with the lighthouse part. I did everything as instructed, but when I go back to the main island, nothing happens. Can anyone help?
how come the thermometer wont go off? ive tried everything! did anyone else have this problem? What do i do?
I cannot get notified after i set up my thermometer in the room…. 🙁
hey everyone! i beat gost story island loke a long tine ago. so anyone that needs help give me info p.s im a girl
hey! if u need help tell me!
my user is DJdude213 if any one wants to add me!
grumpy bear u should chanhge ur name to gummy bear,LOL 🙂
Ummm yeah when i went to the lighthouse i tried the temperature thing it didn’t work and i tried it literally 15 times and it STILL didn’t work – can you please explain this?
I keep checking out the cheats websites to see what you guys havce to say, but why use them? Poptopica is the easiest computer game I have ever played
awesome=olivia be my freind on poptropica its kamden60090.
My username is sallydhc0
please add me!
i need help
It seems like everyone is having trouble with this island!
thnx alot for all the help. I got confused at the lighthouse. Believe is or not i couldnt find the torch!!!! Has anyone had a glitch when you finish when Fiona follows you to main street? CREEPY!!!
The magistrate won’t come after I talk to the people about the ghost story in the newspaper. I don’t know what to do! 🙁
so fun this island (ghoststory) is the best
yes thanxs to you i completed it
Hah! Beat it! I loved the violin part LOL!
What happened to the Fiona thats not a ghost?
There’s only one Fiona, and she’s a ghost.
i keep trying the violin, but nothing happens! help me!:(
Can somebody help me? When I move the telescope to the lighthouse the light will travel to the top but Fiona won’t appear :'(
omg this islands awesome! i loved it & the melody. ^_^
Audio? I thought there wereother sounds.
Ex. Time Tangled’s phonograph, released before this one.
I’m not into JB. But I don’t wanna see himher getting hurt
Dont add me. :3 Reminder
why wont tthe thermometer work im really angery right now
You know whats REALLY scary?
It’s when Fiona said: “Are you looking for someone?”
I think it is a poptopica first! 😀
you are awesome when i am in a bind you always help, always choose your site over wiki but you spelled bank wrong you spelled it abnk probably a mistype still you are great
My account usernames are arasekili and panicatthediscois#1 in case anyone wants to add me as a friend.
thanks to you i have beat all the islands so far until new ones so awesome
BUT WHAT ABOUT MY $50???????????
so he killed his best friend for a girl?! EVER HEARD THE SAYING PALS BEFORE GALS????!!!!!!!
Wow, thats a great game!!I truly got FRIGHTENED by Fionas ghost insisde that haunted house near the sea!! How she said, “looking for someone?” that me jump out of my skin!! But really, she lied about how she said she wasn’t a ghost!!! But a very happy ending indeed!
Its like a trick when your talking to Jane.
Don’t click the first thing (open sesame)
But most people skip over to the last thing
but don’t do that, instead click the middle thing.
It’s tricking cheats!!
Never thought so many people completed all the islands..
but who’s got all 109 pictures?
My brother has 94, I have 50.
I save my progress like 5 times, am almost done with it, and then BAM! I have to start over! 2nd time this happens to me! UGH!!!!
Is Ghost story island for members ONLY?
Can someone answer my Question quickly?………………….pls
if anyone wants to add me my user is youngcromby
I dont know what happened but after Fionna left running and crying the scrapbook wasn’t there.What should I do?I already tried logging off and logging back in.
Does anyone know the directions throw the rose petal labraynith?
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ?” i cried i cried i cried that was so freaky didn’t go on poptropica for weeks! LOL
fierce moon u r awesome. luv u’r chts
Just finished… I didn’t find the whole Fiona thing scary! And techncally she did’t lie when she said she wasn’t a ghost. At that point of time when she speaks to you, she is in a solid body and later on she is see-through!!!! Love this website. I will be using it for ALL other lands!! 😛
P.S Add me… My name is #1SexiestDude
I Muted the sound after the ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING ?
can someone help me? I’ve put the thermomoter on the wall, but when i go back to the main island it won’t work!!!!!!!!! 🙁
This has been helping me a lot. Thank you!
I am just about to finish Ghost Story Island because of this website. Thank you again!
I’m still in the middle of this island (If your reading this comment, I’m probably done it by now xD) So yeah I’m in the middle of the end of this quest and Fiona really freaked me out and I’m like WHO WAS THAT?! Thanks for all your help, you’ve pulled me thru 🙂
this gosht story is very sarcy as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have finished all the islands but i only have 108 pics!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, can anyone tell me where I can find the scrapbook?
I’ll really be grateful to you.
Regards, Vampybite
Umm my computer got frozen and so i logged back on and i was up to that part she the old lady leaves the room but now its back to when she tells me to go to the baker which i already did, What happened.
Finally I got it and am done with the island!!!!!!! (just finished)
To young gun… if you give me your username I will add you as a friend and tell you how to get that last picture because I have also finished all of the islands and the same thing has happend to me
This is my favorite island so far!!!! I jumped when Fiona says ,” Are you looking for someone?”. I also love the violin part.!!!! Thanks Fierce Moon. 🙂
P.S Please friend me. My username is starol6.
wow all of these are so helpful, does S.O.S Island have a written walkthrough yet??
p.s friend me AJHutcherson 🙂
where ujump on the window ledge it’s not working
so im laying on the couch playing ghost story island, right? then out of nowhere this creepy voice “are you looking for someone?”. i fell off the couch 😛 scariest island my god
hey I just don’t get it I never typed those last 2 comments!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! what if someone hacked my account?
Fierce Moon & Zippy Turtle, can you do something about it?
I thInk I have a glitch in my system. I can’t get the torch. All of you see this ghost really are real and right now I’m looking for proof. And I don’t need help. My com also got hacked by someone
“Are you looking for someone?” part seriously creeped me out! That was soooooooo freaky!
This is SO scary.
BRR i was in the plot thickets then i restart it because it stop then when i refresh it,it go back to the one (judt tell jane that i send u) …. AHHHH! i was SOOO close to the finish line! fierce moon,help me!
Hey Fierce Moon, you really help me with hard islands. Even easy island walkthroughs, help allot with extra things.I mean I was so stumped so I asked my BFF for help. She recommended and when I tried it, it was AWESOME!!!! I’m kind of mad I missed the Monster High stuff though. She was so forgetful and forgot to tell me. But she was so sad she did an island for me i couldn’t do. I restarted it and tried it myself. I looked this up again and I’ve been looking at this ever since. I looked at the comments on Mythology and you had a really bad comment that said this:
Fierce Moon, Thanks this is the only island i’ve given up on. Thanks allot Fierce Moon!
how does hagstrate lead up to it ?
Thanks to my best friend, Fierce Moon, refreshing, and my laptop (long story) this is now my fav island!! Thanks!! My computer kept refreshing, so I had to restart random parts of this island and you know what? This website helped a ton!! Thanks Fierce Moon!! (Not sarcasm). 😀 😀 😀
this is the only island i know that you can run up the stairs. others you have to jump.
you run up the stairs in the basement in the house of the old woman when you are entering you can run down the stairs and when leaving you can run up the stairs.
This island was so much fun! Only with the help of this site could I complete it (read it in a dramatic voice, LOL) Thank you so much your walkthroughs have helped me on all the islands so far. Thanks! Oh, and if anyone wants to add me my username is chavaandfyedka
And, Fierce Moon, what is your username? And, #1SexiestDude, I am totally going to add you! 😉
I cannot go up the window where the ghost live :l
Lol everyone look at my screen name. Anyway the Fiona part didn’t really scare me because I was with a bunch of people so we all thought that someone in the room said it.
When I heard Fiona say “Looking for someone?” I nearly fainted! I had been blasting music on my laptop earlier so the volume on it was all the way up, and since I never hear anything on Poptropica, I hadn’t bothered turning it down. I fell off of my bed and had to restart my heart! The rest of the night, I jumped at every little sound. lol
i still haven’t beaten this island
what do you do with the ghost under the bank
I use the violin every time I go to this island bc the music is beautiful!
omg through out the whole thing of this I ept listening to the same song “wake me up inside” by evanescence I JUST CANT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD im listening to the same song everytime i play poptropica and as im doing the islands i got 4 done now all by listening to the same song u would think it would get old by now but it hasnt >.<
I knew from the start that somebody had to have been faking it. If it wasn’t then how could that person hiding behind the grave see the ghost?
ha ha the whole “are you looking for someone” thing made me fall over XD good one poptropica! but i cant get into the cell!!! it just wont let me into cell 8 on floor D! can anyone help? plleeaaassee!!!
why wont it let me enter the cell 8 on level D!!! >:p someone please tell me
when Fiona said looking for someone it wasnt scary.
But thats just my opinion. I have beaten this island twice!!!
can you please do a written walkthrough for game show?
hhh! i have finished the ghost story island and love6993, i think it is coz of your internet problems…….. anyways, wish u a good luck!
if u want to enter cell jump on the bed
I Can’t play the violin how do u play the song
ooooooooooooooooooooo! i’m sooooooooo scared ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister had been listening music before me and left the sound up at 100. When she said “looking for someone” i almost broke the laptop! 🙂
I completed ghost story island and its pretty boring I like mystery. train. island. way way better
Thanks for helping me that was sooo awsome!!!!!
Funny thing:When you take the first picture it says in the walkthrough if you examine it and look at the moon there are stars on the moon
hey peoples whats up
plese friend me my username is
It won’t let me play on the violin? For some reason when I draw the bow across the strings the progress bar does nothing at all….Is there any way to fix this? I already reloaded the page. :\
When I Talk To The Guy Standing Outside The Tent, The Magistrate Don’t Appear! I Already Reloaded The Page, And Nothing Is Working! 🙁 Help Me Here Anyone?
when i play violin the pogress bar doesnt move i even copied guide and reloaded the page
i was really creeped out when i heard some1 say “r u lookin for some1”!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i followed the instructions to go forward, left, forward, right, forward, left in the cemetery and i didn’t see a gate with the letter A on it.
i was soooo scared when she says looking for someone
Is anyone else trapped in the graveyard after we get the medal? I’m stuck and can’t get out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone? Thanks!
Ok, never mind. The “Go Right” button wouldn’t show up! =) False alarm…
comical hawk, all u do is pull the strings across the violin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will automaticly play the song! dur! every1 knows that!!!!!
p.s. i play the violin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
savannah, turn right or left depending on where u see part of the brick wall.
Wow! This is a great walkthrough and everything. I went to this other Poptropica Cheats website, and it’s not even half as good as this! Seriously. I’m not one of those salsemen who try to get you to buy stuff. Nope. I’m just saying, I’m not all that good at Poptropica, but I completed Ghost Story Island in 20 minutes flat!
lol!!! 🙂
~Friendly Bubbles
what if you played the prision first instead of the light house
anyone think the part that Fiona say “are you looking for someone” By that kind of girly voice,don’t believe it.
shiny storm would you be kind enough to defeat ghost story island for me i do not
want to because it is way too spooky for username is cheetah8594and my
password is fastcheetah.if you defeat ghost story island for me we can make friends
at red dragon island common room.
for comical hawk and obina the same thing happened to me so i thought i just couldnt do the island. what i did i went on my dads computer and i tryed and it worked so try that. it might work
oh by the way gabbi what i just posted might work 4 u so you can try an other computer if you have one
if anyone needs me to do another island for you id be glad
ive finished all of them but im not a member so youd have to wait unill they have come out for everyone 😀
HELP! i can’t play the violin which is ironic because i play it real life. anyways i did what this website says and what others say but it won’t work and i know it’s not my computer because it’s new. please help.
I <3 this island it is so much fun. But Fierce Moon kind of wrecked the scary bit where Fiona says r u lookin for some1 since she said it would happen so i knew it was comin. Still, it scared my lil sister because she screamed and fell out of her chair on 2 my dads iphone and she cracked the screen with her butt LOL!!
P.S i play the violin and I loved, love, love the violin tune. i am bummed i cant play it in real life. 🙁
I think that the only time that I was actually scared was when the old lady talked in your ear… That was really weird.. I wouldn’t have been as scared if I played that part during the day… I LOVED THIS ISLAND!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Before it wouldn’t let me play the violin for some reason but it worked today 🙂 also finished shrink ray, wimpy boardwalk, and ghost story in like an hour.
ghost story island is so confusing
i just won ghost story island. which made me win my 26 island, and 1300 credit.
i could see it was the mayor acting like a ghost because he kept on telling people they cannot hunt ghost
you guys take this too seriously! gawdddd
hey peepz does anyone want me to do there island 4 them???
I can’t find the scrapbook! I looked in that same spot 10 times! Where is it?!
That is such a sad story to me. Though not sad enough to bring tears but just sad.
This guide is a nice guide. I got like 12 Island medallions using it and I’m a literal billionare on poptropica! Follow me on twitter @Precious_Guma and on facebook at Preshie Guma
I’m confused… why is Fiona a ghost? Did she commit suicide?
and I thought this story was so sad but i liked how it was a love story
DOn’t READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’t STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
hey guys. on the part with the unsealed grave, i cant push the cover it wont let me! help!!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! Thanks secretsp, but no thanks. I will never do that island, EVER! It creeps me out a lot :O So… I’ll just wait for poptropica to remove it >:D
can someone please help me \
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN THAT LADY SAID ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMEONE MY KNEE HIT THE DRAWER OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS I HAD CEREBRAL PALSY SO IT MADE IT WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O *1000000000000000000 P.S I’M not yelling just spooked!
LOL. I love it when people fall for that.
Wat You Need help With Coolgirl?
aww this island was the most romantic yet.
Hey, it’s funny!
But I’m sorry your knee got hurt.
Okay, I have no idea if there is an emotional ordeal going on here or something but I’m starting to freak out so I chose one of my favorite islands to post on:
She was charming! This Zippy Turtle guy is getting tiring, and he added all these polls and games. The only game I like is the Where in Poptropica? stuff. I’m okay with the polls, but he is still adding WAY too much stuff.
@ PoptropicaSecrectsCreator
You didn’t make Pop Secrets, Fierce Moon did. And you misspelled “Secrets” and “what”.
Anytime I play ghost stoyry island and I sleep at night,I always have bad dreams because of the ghosts.Then I say that I won’t play it again but I always end up doing it.HELP ME I HAVE A PROBLEM!
Who else apart from Fierce Moon has completed all the islands?I’M THIS CLOSE TO FINISHING ALL THE ISLANDS AND MY PASSWORD WON’T GO IN.WHY?!
I’ve completed all the islands. *raises hand quickly, then lowers it, then raises again sheepishly* Maybe you need to get the e-mail to tell you the right password? Or maybe you’re forget a cap somewhere..
Oh, I forgot. Jace999608
Can someone help me?? In the part you give Fione the stuff you found and she goes away crying, I cant find the book you mentioned about everyone being friends. and then I try skipping that part and heading to get the ring, I say, “i dont think we shoud distur the bird.” or something like that. heeeeeeeeeeeelp
never mind turns out i was at the wrong grave! lol
dear brave star, it’s me, moody bird. u propably know me from s.o.s. chats. it’s 9:24 a.m. in bruceton.
dear happy bubbles, this is moody bird. u r so wright. where IS feirce moon? if u want to know more about me, check on the chat room for red dragon island. ;]
ps. i’ve almost completed all of poptropica……………………………please contact me.
Geez..I’m sorry your knee got hurt perfect cheetah,that must’ve really hurt!
i love ghost story island. it wasnt that spooky though.
Can’t get thru the violin part! 🙁
Do I need to have sounds to get the violin part to work?! I don’t have sounds on this computer, so I have to do it in another one? 🙁 🙁 🙁
I was ready when the woman said ‘Looking for someone?’. But I was surprised all the same XD Soo creepy, first time I’ve ever appreciated spooky stuff.
Erm, the magistrate didn’t come and send the people reading the newspaper until I clicked the stack of newspapers in the middle.
Also, people stop complaining these r like the best tutorials out there! because of the i finished every island! now i just have to wait for LUNAR COLONY to come out….. i wish i was a member….. 🙁 ……..
anyway this is still like the best island!!! what is your favorite island?!?!?!?!?!?
i love all the newest islands they r SOOOOOO cool 😉 🙂 :0
friend me juju42699
r these tutorials considered cheating or just getting some help????
I think they’re just getting help. It’s not hacking, it’s not cheat codes, it just tells you how to do it.
I can’t really think of a favorite island, but I like alot of the latest ones.
Thank you Brave Star for that tip.but it still says the same thing and sometimes it says that I need to do it on another laptop or computer.Hey,did you help me with the poptropolis games?P.S this is to Brave Star
can someone help me
beat it
i am a member so i can do lunar colany yahoo
The looking for someone part was really spooky it almost gave me a heart attack!
Massive FIre: Hmmm… Not sure how to help with that. I don’t usually use other people’s accounts, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t use your account.
Matthew: Lunar Colony’s not out yet, so you can’t play it, even if you’re a member. And non-members can play it, too, they’ll just play it later.
I love the part when you get to play the violin. It is such a nice but sad little tune.
Lol i found a glitch when you get to the wrecage of the boat and click paude for about half a second then click again and you will get two lockets
So I have to start all the islands all over again?NO!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Im really scared of ghosts so this island scared me. And when she walked across the window, I was like 0.0
Oh yeh im in orchestra and i loved playing the violin on here, it was a nice touch
I am surprised b’cause the bakery owner knew that FIONA was died 50 years before.She could have told this before ,eventhough there wont be any suspence
where do you find the inmate??? HELP ME PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my favourite island so far! I can’t wait to play Lunar Colony! It looks cool!
I completed this island about 4 times and when I played it for the first time I got distracted about the Hotel Room and then I went to Poptropica and I finally got a clue of it.
All that running back and forth made my person loose at least 12 pounds! LOL JK
What I don’t get is if Fiona dead who the women in the house?
why is everyone so scared? i finished the island and its not like i’m gonna have nightmares tonight. their cartoons!
I only got scared when Fiona said “Looking for someone?”. I thought it was in cartoon, not in voice!
I really want Fierce Moon back, but Zippy Turtle is probably just her other account. She just probably forgot her account. Still.=(
I can’t seem to get into the cellar?! can someone pls help me?
ive completed all the islands so if anybody wants me to complete an island for them id be glad but im not a member
when i play potropica there is no sound i was wondering if anyone had the same problem
omg just realized there is sound!!!!!!!!
when fiona says are u looking fur someone the voice sounds a little young.
🙂 :+D :-@ 😉 (:-< (:+( 😮 :-0 :-O :-] :-s :-S x-( (((H))) |-0 |-O |-o 8-P 8-p :——} :-[ <*:-) c=:-) C=:)
Gentle Ice, except for rare occasions like this,, Poptropica has no sound.
Super Speck: Ah, no, Fierce Moon has been playing since, like, forever. She wouldn’t forget her password. Plus, she could just click “Forgot your password?” and find it.
Zippy is a boy. Fierce Moon is a girl. Have you even paid attention to the difference in their posts?
Shifty Bean: Wow, you obviously didn’t notice ANYTHING about this island other than the word scared. Look, Fiona says “are you looking for someone?” And, since Poptropica usually doesn’t have sound, it scared us. Not nightmare scared, but like jumping and “AAAAH!” scared.
Hi! I am F.L., and I am having a costume party! It is fairytale themed. Go to friends, click multiverse,and type in the room code BMC63.
wow i love all your cheats! thanks!
super speck that hapened to me to
🙂 / 🙁 / >:( / >:) / ):</ (:<
<3 ): (:
🙂 🙁
Where is the scrapbook? I went “down” but could not find it. Can anyone please help me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just screamed like “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!” and smacked my face on the FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much! The island was kind of scary at some parts, but its one of the coolest islands! I love your cheats!! 😀
I really enjoyed this island, and the walkthrough was always there to help! This island is very mysterious and suspenseful, so whenever I play it, I pull up this walkthrough just in case I need it. So thank you Fierce Moon!
where is the vault next door to the bank??????
help me plzz i go next door its the building when u make newspaper and on the other side its the common room visiting center i couldnt find the vault
now i’m stuck on the part of the unsealed grave
i’m having trouble with the lighthouse,when i duck from the wind it will still knock me down.
When she said “are you looking for someone?” I thought it was in cartoon not in a real voice! it scared the living daylights out of me!!!!
Are our names supposed to be our poptropica names??? Bc my poptropica characters name is “Fierce Moon” LOL
When I go to the cemetary, the woman behind the gravestone is not there! Have I done something wrong or left something out? I’m stuck plz help me!!!
yo is there a bonus quest
Ghost story was the 21st island ive completed so if anyone wants some help on any prettymuch any island i’ll help.
I <3 🙂
that was awesome
Great game,but takes forever to load.
Hey!!!! Come to my Party!!! Theme is animal!!! Code is AAY64!!!
I’m fast!!!
That’s my catch phrase.
I’m fast!!!
Costum Party! Code is BTJ65 R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P.PLEASE!
Party at my house come soon please! R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P. PLEASE! Because it is going to be awesome. bring your best outfit it is Sweet Tooth Theme. Bye Bye and see you there!
Code is BTJ65.
Anybody want to come? It’s really fun! I’m even wearing the Poptropica Birthday Party outfit just for the occasion. I finished Big Nate Island and Ghost Story Island if you need help with them! YOur WelcomeEo
Party’s over. Or at least for me it is. Any one can go but I am going to be right here helping people with islands. actually i’m going off poptropica bye.
can anyone help me? i’m stuck in the ship wreck thing :/ i cant examine the ship, my boat keeps on bumping to the rocks. i went back to the main island and to the lighthouse, but when i talked to the ghost again, i cant find the ship. Please help!
Awesome it was preety easy
Thanks so much. I have been stuck on that one for a long time. You made it seem so easy.
That was my 23rd island. If someone needs help I might be making videos on youtube. I’ll try to make them short.
lots of <3! Bye.
My room code is AFF58. You might have to be friends with me to join, but I’m not sure.
EASY PEASY i wont it, it was a piece of cake Shame to people who couldnt win but i did it oh yeah i did it!!!!! (i know im a show off)
i have the same problem as wild ice! im stuck at the ship wreck thing! it woulldnt let me examine, so i went back to the lighthouse and the ghost told me to see for my self. so i went back and it was just gone!
This island was I think one of my faves! Fierce moon, please continue to write these walkthroughs, they have helped me win half of the islands i’ve won! >:D
Ahh I can’t get out of the cemetary!! I’m LOST!!!
Please help me!!! I’m lost in the cemetary maze!!!
The woman talking REALLY freaked me out!!!
@shaggy heart i had a heart attack when i heard and to make matters worse it was midnight when i heard it and i was at my grandmas house and it sounded EXACTLY like her but she wasnt there so i told her i felt sick (i really did) and i went home cuz i thought my grandma was a ghost……. SO SCARY!!!!!!!
I got so scared the first time I played this island. I was looking closely at the screen and then, BOOM! The noise comes up. I got so scared because Poptropica NEVER includes sounds. I got so scared that I stopped playing Poptropica for a whole week!
Im sorry but the instructions for the cemetery sucked plz fix them
i won yay!
Thanks for the warning now i put my volume i wont be scared.passed it and it wuz ok.
I LOVE THIS ISLAND!!! It’s like an interactive soap opera. I got really sucked into it, I love that!
Thankfully, I navigated my way through the labyrinths. The people at poptropica must really like mazes. They generally attempt to incorporate a maze or two if they can.
Having Fiona speak was odd.. It startled me, but didn’t actually scar me in any way mentally. I wonder if in the future that the poptropica designers will include audio for the characters’ voices. That’d be interesting. But, they would have to pay for the voice actors, and it would cause islands to be released much later than they are now.
I can live without audio..
poptropica is soo scary at night and your house is really quiet
Hey guys. Ok. I cant find the scrapbook after talking to Fiona and giving her the locket
Thanks! I’ve been playing Poptropica for about two years now and I think it’s hard to pass the islands. Your cheats really help!!! 😉
I’ve tried getting through the labryinth 3 TIMES!!!! and all I’m seeing is the bird skeleton and that stupid frog. HELP ME!!!! Why isn’t working for me???? GOD!! >:(
i dont get it what do you do with the salt and the voice scared me so bad my house was so quiet when that happend
YAY! I beatz it shank youz for instuzenz you zo nize!
3 chants for firce moon. HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY! alzo do anyone like anima? Woot Woot
thanks for the tips , but it said you got 100 credts and i got 50?
very helpful. Thanks for posting! This was certainly an interesting island . . . loved the Les Mis refrences and the violin.
*checks pants* i think i might have to stop
i cant do the violin part 🙁
the violin part isnt working >:(
fiona really freaked me also
but if you are easily scared, don’t do spy island
i freaked out about 15 times while trying to do it
i just had 2 quit doing spy
Spy island is fun not scary,what part is scary?
Guise you can just click the letters in the Cemetery to automatically go there.
i love poptropica it is my favorite virtual world
but this game is hard
OMG I love your walkthroughs, this one helped me heaps cos I kept getting lost. I got so freaked out when Fiona was talking, I thought it was like someone like literally stalking me in real life. Awkward yeah? Anyway thankyou! Also are you like a member? And you need to do a good walkthrough for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Island when it is availabole to everyone (not just members cos I’m not one). Cheers 🙂
Fiona freaked me out! I knew that Poptropica normally didn’t have sound, so I really didn’t care that the sound was turned way up. I was looking through the telescope, and was expecting to see SOMETHING, and then she said her little looking for someone bit, but it was really loud and echoy. I got so scared, that I fell backward in my chair and screamed bloody murder. This also happened at the end when I fell in this hidden hole, and there was a skeleton with a worm crawling out of it’s eye socket. Eww.
Note: do not play the prison first. If you do, you will end up facing a disparity. So play the lighthouse first, and then the prison.
I didn’t read the part about the voice carefully so I just thought, “Okay, some text is gonna appear at the top right of my screen.” Then I heard her voice and I jumped out of my chair, eyes wide, and I stood there for a few seconds before I started laughing. Oh my gosh, that scared me!
i </3 this website, i passed like 12 or 13 islands from this!
after everyones reading the paper, the magistrater does not come and i cant find the boat. also add BJV17
oh heck the voice make me shout and slip down my chair and that hurts!!!!!
I cant do the violin it’s frustrating am i supposed to click and hold it or what?
well this island was really sad in the ending….. 🙁
this game is cool and freaki iwas like so scare waoh pierce moon please keep writing this i love them
I kicked back and tipped the chair and ran around shouting BE FREE!!!!
omg i left after the ship appeared and when i came back it was gone where is it!
OMG! The “Are you looking for someone?” scared me! I like screamed, and jumped out of my seat……ow…..poor knee 😛 Lol…. Don’t know what’s funny? Ur face!
Tips for Violin: Guys, all you do is draw the bow back and forth. No clicking. None. Just move your mouse back and forth on the violin strings until you’re finished
That was hard
OMG i got so scared when she talked i almost SCREAMED but then i realized that it was Fiona still it was pretty scary though
still it was really fun i love this island by the way my username is bannana-split
i know i spelled banana wrong:):):):)
are you looking for someone hahahahahahahahaha LOL 🙂 that kinda freaked me out at that part 🙂 sorry i talk alot 🙁
Thanks fierce moon,man,when that woman said:Lookin for someone i started screamin like a little girl!I thought i was gonna have to change my pants
SO Not scary! And im 10 years old!
omg this rocks
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
I don’t know why boys always say “You look pretty” and try to kiss me!P.S. friend me rsully03husky I’m Poptropica’s first fan!Ilove puppies.
When that woman said: looking for someone i nearly jumped out of my skin. i was so shocked!!
So when I tired to turn in the cemetary i didnt see a woman.. So.. What do i do? Can someone help me? Thanks
Ayooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have completed this island so easily! But it’s in my top 3 islands.
1.Mystery Train
2. Ghost Story
3.Time Tangled
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
If you click on the letter in the map when at the cemetary it teleports you right there.. I spelled somethings wrong.. Whoops!!!
Thanks for this! It helped me a lot! Thank you for creating this website 😀
What good is the salt for if you do’t even use it?!?!?!?!?!!
thanks this helped so much. i am so glad you talked about the voice that appeared. My house is over a hundred years old and the volume on my laptop (which i didnt know about) was all the way up. I was so freaked out i ran outside in my pjs.
Look, Im 13, and i was shaking when i was on ghost story island when it came on and i was 11 or 10. I like the music from the violin
Does any of u guys like Veggietales? Do not laugh at me because i like it
Where’s Fiona room???? I’ve been stuck for a week!!
i find it strange that lot H had no graves… @quick dragon IKR i almost screamed. i also think its weird how fiona said she wasn’t a ghost. does the baker know she’s a ghost? I think i just now realized why fiona helped us! but why did flatbottom not want us to do anything? he wanted to help them find rest. I am VERY confused!
Uh, Fierce Moon, why isn’t there the walkthrough for The Charlie And The Chocolate Factory?? I mean, the name is there, but when I press it, it says, : You 404’d it. G’narly dude.” :I
you do use the salt it happens when you find out the magistrate is the ghost in the black hood
Icy Bear, have you beaten Game Show island? I NEED HELP ON SCARDY PANTS
Okay, this was my 9th Medallion that I got! I joined last to last week so Shifty Pear, BUCK THE BUCK UP!
this is my 2nd time finishing this island. This was my 20th medallion!!!
btw i’ve been on for only two or three days!!
I can’t find the cover I’m supposed to “push” when I fall into the un-sealed grave….. Where’s the ladder?????? HELP
thanks i really appreciate it at first i really needed help on
1.get rid of the seagull
2.give hot crost buns to someone
it really worked thanks
Did Fierce Moon leave and give the site to Zippy Turtle? If so, come back!:(please?):
Hot Cross Buns; Hot Cross Buns; One A Penny, Two A Penny; Hot Cross Buns!
Back to Poptropica! ;^P
It just does not let me in the section D room 8. It is just like the other rooms. A screen appears showing a bed, sink etc. and nothing is clickable. Please help.
Yay!! I completed the island for the second time!! Yay me!!!
I shall now celebrate by playing roblox and eating a Cheesestring
I can’t find the rock the sailer told me. Can u help me? I saw it before but the next time I got there I can’t find it.
When that voice came on and said “looking for someone” I almost peed my pants! I love Poptropica!
thanks massive storm for doing that part for me
Did you know that after you beat the game and if you’re by Henry while he’s at Fiona’s grave if you play the violin it will replay the end scene of the ghost coming back and it gives you the medallion again. Mine says I beat the island 3 times when I actually beat it 1 time.
When I found out that Fiona was dead it reminded me of what happened in The Sixth Sense, did anybody else think the same thing?
Excuse me, you have written bank by mistake ‘abnk’
i forgot to turn up the sound so it just went whup and i barely heard a thing
Fiona; Looking for someone?
Me: Ahhh!
The looking for someone part was so SCARY!! I was alone in the playroom with the lights off at 10:00 at night TV off. So I was like “ok some text is gonna apper on the screen”. Next thing you know the lady says “looking for someone”. I screamed like nuts! LOL
I love poptropica and its creators! Ecpecilly fierce moon and zippy turtle! 🙂
Hi!! I <3 this site!! Thank you so much for all of your helpful posts!!
I didnt watch the whole walkthroug and when that lady talked I jumped!! XD amazing walkthrougs they’ve helped me out a lot!!!
Thanks!!XD iI finished this island with your help!!!
Did u know that if u click the letter of the lot u want to go to in the graveyard,
it will take u there.
my word when that woman came up and said so calmly “looking for someone?” i was hunched over the computer and reeled back hitting myself on dad’s lamp!!!
she was so quiet!!! i have watched loads of scary movies but just her saying that i FREAKED!!!!
by the way thank you SO much to feirce moon i would NEVER be able to finish even ONE island with out your help!!!!
y’know one of my favourite pastimes on poptropica is to go to wild west island and pretend to have riding lessons!
‘Looking fro someone?’
I think I’ll go change my pants now…
I have no clue why, but the ending almost reminds me of Phantom of the Opera. (Just one of the greatest movies ever!) I really liked it, even though it was a little sad. It almost had a sense of realism!
Why does everyone think that when she saids “Looking for someone?” is scary?!? It is not.
I love this island, but what gets me is the fact we get weird names (such as mine, Wildfire,) and in other islands, the islanders also get such odd names that we’ve come to associate with Poptropica. So I wonder why this island had people with real names…?
honestly i luv the violin song
omg ghost story is so cool and creepy XP
i LOOOOVE the violin song!!!!! i play violin myself but i wanna know what the song called?????!!!!!!!
tis called “Ocean Beauty”
I talked to the editor again but all she says is “My readers want to know if these hauntings are for real. I\ll pay 50 dollars for each piece of hard evidence you bring me”
I wish I had the notes for the flute because I play the flute and it makes things sound graceful.I don’t really care if it sounds a bit different.
To get to plot b in the easy way (AT THE CEMETERY)
when youre at the gate go right then go straight then turn and turn until you see plot b gate
Am I the only one who noticed that the escaped prisoner’s number was 24601, the same number as Jean Valjean from Les Misérables?
“Now comes the spookiest part of the island: right when the light gets to the top, you’ll hear someone say, “Looking for someone?” That totally made me jump out of my seat.”
Me too.Every time i replay, i just spring up.But i love ther voice of the women!
When you said that Fiona said “Looking for someone?” it didn’t let me jump at all :p
I was just frighten on first but when i play it again i don’t feel scared anymore
I think you left out the part about the Warden.
Hey, if Fiona died, then why was she solid when you meet her? She doesn’t look ghostly… She looks like a human. But then you see her as a ghost! PLZZZZ respond! BTW the “Are you looking for some one?” part made me JUMP!
Fiona: Looking for someone?
(Icy Skunk screams and jumps for mercy, out of the chair, and onto the floor)
Icy Skunk: (Looking back several hours later) OK, maybe that was a LITTLE melodramatic :3
I love ghost story island so much! This is one of my most favorites, I love the violin music, and i still get shivers when she asks: ‘Are you looking for someone?’ I don’t jump up anymore, but still get a little shaken up. One of the BEST islands EVER!!! No contest!
ill just turn sound down now….
IT WONT LET ME PUSH ON THE GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
I BEAT 11 ISLANDS IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed…..all the comments i saw recently or all from the year 2013! whats up with that!?
i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVEEEEE THE VIOLIN SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I scared myself so badly! Playing it at night, just was watching Housse of Anubis, and figured, “Why not give it a go?”
45 minutes lated, I’m still recovering from the “Looking for someone?” followed by me screaming, falling out of my bed and getting tangled up in the plug for my computer.
Best. Night. Ever.
just finished the island yeah!
@nyancat I fell out of my bed reading that omg omg your awesome
This is the best! Finished it all today!
hey when i go in the cell the warden doesnt lock me in now im confused
You all realize that in the graveyard navigation, you can click on a letter on the map to go there, right?
My question is: If Fiona died all those years ago, who was the old lady in the window???
I got the moves like Jagger!
this island has such a good story line it had sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time
best. island. evers.
looking at the lighthouse, minding my own business,
spiky tiger: huh. a dancing light. creepy.
“are you looking for someone?”
THIS IS CREEPY!!! 1,2 barnys coming for you! 3,4 better lock your door. 5,6 i acousapix. 7,8 stay up late. 9,10 never sleep again.
Well, I didn’t know Javert would come back as a ghost, and a seemingly non-French one at that. Loving the Les Miserables Warden reference.
If Fiona died a long time ago, who was the woman who I talked to in the mansion?
*watching a ghost carry a lantern up the light house (creepy)!*
Fiona(?):Are you looking for someone?
Fiona(?):I hope I didnt frighten you, dear!
Me(thinking)YEAH RIGHT!!!
WHATS THE VIOLIN SONG CALLED????????????????Queit Fang dont answer cause i searched ocean beauty violin song and i didnt find nothin >:(
I thought that there wont be any ghosts at all!
Some cheats doesn’t just work. I don’t understand why.
Did anybody notice how the prisoner ghost’s number is 24601, like in Les Miserables?
I tried the maze using your directions and I couldnt find it!
I laughed when i saw that they made a Les Misérables reference with the prisoner 24601.
what happened to your 50 dollars? i want my 50 dollars from the bank 😛
Ok what the freak almost all coments from april Love this island !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It reminds me of a ghost hunting show named ” Ghost adventures “
magic turtle u r SO RITE!!!!! le miz roxs 🙂
I love this island but needed this walkthrough to get me through it! 😉 thx. LALALALALALALALA
My computer froze and I didn’t get the cherished memories do I have to restart or is there something I can do about it?
I wasn’t looking when she said looking for someone, so all I saw was me going “AAAAAAH!!!!!”
when i try to do the vio;in song it doesnt work!!!!!!!!!!
Fierce Moon-
What is your user name so I can look you up on the Poptropica avatar thing ?
~Brave Cheetah~
The people who make these islands are geniuses! I flipped when I saw the 24601 Les Mis reference 😀
this island made me move around so much!!1 such a lengthy adventure!!! i need rest!!
I DID THIS AGES AGO! Its really easy
is it scary ? Hearing Things make me scared
are you looking for someone ? that word make my heart stop beating !
If you have watched les miserables than you know that prisoner 24601 is the same number that jean valjean had when he was a prisoner!
Brave Cheetah, Fierce Moon’s username is popsecrets.
The “Looking for someone?” part scared the CRUD out of me!
This island is SO lengthy!
Dear Fierce Moon,
Thanks for the cheats.It’s always helpful :D.
-Red Shark
Lol when I heard are you looking for someone it scared the heck out of me.! :0
i finished the but it didn’t say looking for someone? this username is azhar242 but i forget my other characters password but the username is azhar122!
the only creepy parts were when the furniture in the hotel started moving and “looking for someone” ps i wanna know how the lighthouse keeper died?
ok this Island is going to scare me ,but i will problebly get night mares or i wont think about it because it scared me when she said ” Looking for some one “! Who doesnt get scared by that.
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When i go to the ship it doesnt let me examine!
oh gosh i didnt expect her to say:are you looking for someone?
THAT SCARED THE ZHU ZHU PET OUTTA ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh! After the binoculars I need to get in to meet the ghost but there’s no rock to jump on…actually there is but i cant get up on it! Crud!!!!
the looking for someone part
the looking for someone part TOTALLY SCARED THE HELL OUTTA ME!phew! for a few mili secs my heartbeat slowed down!
Fun fact that may have been pointed out in the walkthrough if I wasn’t looking closely enough: if you click on the letters on the mini-map while in the cemetery, you don’t have to manually walk to each gate.
Does anyone know if there’s a name for the violin song ’cause if not im calling it “Midnight at the Lighthouse
I had a glitch where I got 2 lockets instead of 1!
I LOVED this island!
…Fierce Moon WHERE did you get that outfit?!
Oh my gosh! The “Are you looking for someone” part almost had me pee my pants! But overall, this was an amazing adventure. Fierce Moon, thank you!
I clicked examine really fast and got 3 lockets!
Soz I gtg can we do it some other
im almost done i just cant get on the smalll box in the attic
I love the song that you play on the violin!!! Anyone know what it’s called?
When Fiona said ” Looking for someone?” I screamed so loud!!! Also, when the stairs broke, I screamed, also!!!
should of told me to mute my volume
this island is soooooo cool it was really spooky and fun! my favorite part was playing the violin because it started out really pretty then turned into unearthly harmony. the only part that was really scary was when the old women was like “are you looking for someone?” I literally leaped out of my chair and knocked over my laptop. this was I really fun island and the trailer was funny 🙂
I also recognized the les miserables 24601 referance
LOL never thought that Fiona was dead she looked so real
Fiona was creepy when she said “Looking for someone” and all along she was dead
Hi I’m Magic Fang! I have completed 16 islands and my username is alexrae12 (friend me!) I’m just about to start this island. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you very much! 🙂