Poptropica Game Show Island has been released, and here are all the cheats for Game Show Island with a complete walkthrough. This new adventure is a bit of a cross between Reality TV Island and Cryptids/Skullduggery. You are a human far in the future, where the robots, led by the supercomputer Holmes, have taken over. Humans now serve the robots and have no hope for the future. You first have to solve some puzzles and quests in the starting zone, and then you travel to other zones where you solve more puzzles and earn tickets to compete against robots on different game shows. The goal is to win all the game shows and restore confidence and hope to humanity so that they can rise once again and stop the robots once and for all.
Here’s the video walkthrough for the first part of the game, where you need to locate the inventor of the Holmes computer. He’ll then give you a jet that will allow you to fly around the world and compete in different game shows. Before you can compete, you need to solve a puzzle in each area to get the ticket.
Video Walkthroughs
More on Game Show Island
If you head over to the official Game Show Island page on Poptropica, you’ll find that there’s another quick description of the new island.
Welcome to a future where robots rule. Building computers to compete on TV game shows seemed like a funny idea – until the machines wanted more. Now, after years of robotic dominance, Poptropica needs a savior. Are you clever enough to beat the robots at their own games, and restore the dignity of all Poptropicans?
Well, we knew all along it would be about Game Shows and Robots. We’ll post more information as soon as we get it. In the meantime, feel free to post here in the comments section or over in the Poptropica Secrets Forum. What do you think about the new upcoming island?
Game Show Island Cheats, News and Rumors
Until the island comes out, we’ll keep you updated here with all the latest news, rumors and tidbits. As you know, there have been a lot of sneak peeks posted in the Daily Pop section of Poptropica and we’ve known for a long time that the island would involve robots. It was only a few weeks ago that we saw sneak peeks with game shows, which turned out to be the name of the island.
Game Show Island Sneak Peeks Video
Here’s a video collection of some of the sneak peeks that Poptropica posted for the new island.
Deep Thought
One of the most recent screenshots in Daily Pop showed a robot statue sitting down in a pose like the famous sculpture called, The Thinker. This robot is holding a light bulb and staring at it. The caption says, Deep Thought – Putting Processing Power to Good Use. Deep Thought is also the name of a powerful supercomputer from the book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. And IBM made a very powerful chess computer that they also named Deep Thought in tribute to the computer in the book. Does Game Show Island also have a powerful robot or computer named Deep Thought, and is this a picture of it? It would make sense because the story is about how the robots were all super smart. Maybe they are controlled by a supercomputer robot. What do you think?

isn’t there already A GAME SHOW ISLAND?
to comment, I mean.
woah i never knew!
second! in your FACE! đ
im 3rdâ„!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like a cool idea for a possible disstopea
Isnt that ralitly tv
actually im 6th
to comment
infernape what do you mean by your mom?
This would sound like it could be in real life… We are already using robots for practically everything…
Also the Thinker is one of the final boss fights against the robots.
your mom is a really annoying joke my friend wont stop saying
I can’t wait
Wow am I really 7th? I cant believe they are making ANOTHER island right after Mystery Train! And I am pretty sure they already have a game show island… no thats reality TV… I have finished 9 islands… my friend at school finished all of them!
Me niether!!!
looks hard but fun
and yeah, Game Show sounds like the plot of Reality TV. They should of named it Robot Island or Mr Yoshi island or something
If you’re thinking “Why the heck are they making another island right after Mystery Train”,well some members are getting bored.If you know what I mean.The objective of Poptropica is to let you have some fun,not sit around bored waiting for the next island to come up.I thought you nitwits knew that.
But I admit Game Show should go to Reality TV.Couldn’t they have thought up a better one with some time?Like maybe Robot Dominance Island or something.
Comments:After Steamworks Island,we could use some more robotics.Unless you nitwits think robots are lame.
seems like i have a new eenemy on the list #2:perfect tomatoe
so liston up tomatoe if u ever call anyone nitwit again ill make you regret that in a way u dont wanna know about! got that clear?
Wow, i can’t wait! I already finished all the islands except Mystery Train since I’m not a member. I cant wait for Game Show Island, although i already have a feeling it will be like reality tv island. OH WELLZ! Thnx 4 letting poptropican fans no ’bout dis!! I luv dis website!!! #1 fan!!!
people press my name to see my avater tell me if it is good! đ
that robot’s just a sculpture. It’ll sit there forever.
This sounds like the tripods trilogy. Awesome books im redin the 1st 1 in readin class
Game Show Island sounds more somewhat like Reality TV Island. Maybe they should have named it something else. And game shows is what everyone did in Reality TV Island!
Hey brave monkey, I think your a nitwit and an @$$ hole for threatening anyone on this website for no reason, so perfect tornado called you a nitwit, that’s life,some one always does something to piss you off, so I issue you a challenge, TRY TO SCARE ME!!!!!!!!
why do people keep fighting? when i started to come here no one was fighting, until new people came and started calling each other names.
i have a feeling that this island is gonna b the BEST EVER!!!!!
yeah why r we fiting we shold talk about the amazingness of poptropica!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t want to fight, but if others will be cruel, I will not be quiet, I will embody JUSTICE!
Brave monkey, remember when you told someone to turn in there “becoming nice speech” why don’t you do that yourself? I try to be nice but when one person is cruel to another I just cant stand it, perhaps you also hate injustice, but it seems to me that you are becoming injustice by trying to scare people to do what you say,in that respect,your no more than a thief trying to control the crowd with a gun,I will not stand for your twisted sense of justice,so go ahead,threaten me,call me names,hate me,I don’t care
(P.S you just met perfect tomato, you have no Idea what he/she is like)
don’t fight, guys.
wow. i just realized how i always play peacemaker. i gotta stop!
and i’m sorry for going on and on about Greekfest. i was just really excited and all…. i guess i got carried away.
but it’s fun!
but at Greekfest there’s two groups of friends who i hang out with. one has 8th, 9th, and 10th graders (they mainly hang out and talk) and the other one has 7th and 6th graders (they mainly act silly and play). and they [mostly] do not get along well. so, i’m split when they get into an arguement. i really dont want to alienate the younger group by taking sides with the older group…. and one of my friends is in the older group (and now that i think about it, he doesn’t get along with two of my other friends…) (***i’m in 8th grade***)
again I don’t like fighting but I do not silence myself on this matter,if brave monkey is going to fight anyone, it will be me, so no one else has to fight if they don’t want to
The name of the new Island is really referring to Reality Island. It should be Robot Domination or something like that. Someone already said Robot Domination I think so that was a good idea.Also, Infernape, if you don’t like to fight then why are you fighting? The comments should be peaceful. Can everyone just forget about the feud? Please?
My dog this island seems kinda boring,who agreese?
A Membership, you have to have one.
so bored
I cant wait till the Island!!! đ đ
any one wonder what happened to jeall? she hasn’t posted in a long while
when dose it cum out
ShAAkE it UP
Go eat pie
there is fruit on the wall
can’t wait for all the other islands!
this. Looks. AWESOME!!!!!!! i love hitchhiker’s guide (even though that has nothing to do with said island), it’s so cool that they sneaked it in here!
Lol Game Show Island is such a lame name, the island name should be robot related.
P.S. Whoever is starting a fight I don’t know it B.T., B.M., Infernape, or Aang but you better shut up, no offense to anybody.
I mean, I don’t know if it is
ugh. i stayed home from school today *cough* my throat hurts. đ
but at least i dont have homework (no, really! i txted my friends and they said there was none.)
the schools in my county sell coupon books. the daedline to sell was today, but here’s what my school’s website said:
Parents please have all monies turned in for any checked out coupon books.
on this day in history (according to wikipedia)
1580 â The Golden Hind sailed into Plymouth, England, as explorer Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe.
1687 â The Parthenon (pictured) in Athens was partially destroyed during an armed conflict between the Venetians under Francesco Morosini and Ottoman forces.
1957 â West Side Story, a musical written by Arthur Laurents, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim and based loosely on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, made its debut on Broadway.
1983 â The racing yacht Australia II, captained by John Bertrand, won the America’s Cup, ending the New York Yacht Club’s 132-year defense of the trophy.
2002 â MV Le Joola, a Senegalese government-owned ferry, capsized off the coast of The Gambia, resulting in the deaths of at least 1,863 people.
and today is European Day of Languages. (again, wikipedia) The general objectives of the European Day of Languages are to:
alert the public to the importance of language learning and diversify the range of languages learned in order to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding;
promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe;
encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school.
In keeping with these aims, people, young and old, are encouraged to take up a language, or take special pride in their existing language skills. Also, those responsible for providing access to language learning are encouraged to make it easier for people to learn a range of languages, and to support policy initiatives to promote languages. There is also emphasis on learning a language other than English.
On the occasion of the day, a range of events are organised across Europe, including happenings for children, television and radio programmes, language classes and conferences. The events are not organised by the Council of Europe or the European Union nor do they allocate special funding (i.e. apart from their existing language programmes) for the day. Member states and potential partners are given a free hand to organise activities. To coordinate the activities organised at national level, the Council of Europe asks participating countries to nominate “National Relay Persons” for the day. The national relay in the UK is CILT, the National Centre for Languages
monies is a real word,it is the plural of money, look it up before you make fun of the school for a typo that isn’t a typo,it makes you look pretty dumb NH,no offence
I don’t really want to know another language, Instead I focus on learning as many words in the English language as possible,some may have noted my higher than average for a 12 year old vocab, just for fun,define anthropomorphised
Rolling Thunder in bound
no offence doesn’t help in retrieving offensive statements, though you were right about making fun of typos.
its like saying,
Your all stupid, no offense.
I don’t mean it of course, your all above average intelligence đ
lets get back on the subject of poptropica, getting off subject always leads to fighting.
well well well…. another person who can speak hindi… thats cool
and by the way…. wouldnt that make you quadlingual? you know… because of the fact you stated four languages….
whoops i forgot to change my name…. hehe….
people would understand what i am referring to when i said 42 (The Hitchhikerâs Guide to the Galaxy)
robots planning to take over the poptropican world…. dun dun dun donn……
i wonder if anyone remembers me from a long time ago….. :l
I remember you from my early days on this site raheat aka raheat(god of rap)
and now i’m a long time poster on this site (P.S trying out new avatar,if it works tell your opinion,anthropomorphised means an inanimate or non human object given human traits(i.e Garfield) )
also does anyone have any new name ideas for me,cant think of one but this name is getting boring
Names for Infernape:
Awsmoe Guy
God of awsomeness
i like the name infernape. but if u change it, you should do the name of your poptropican.
okay, i guess monies is a word. but it just sounds….funny.
oh, and i stayed home from school again đ
Deep thought is the name of the computer that says the meaning of life in the book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
wow BC u know arabic?! cool, i am learning it though i can speak SOME arabic though
infernape, why dont you use your real name like me, david, crystal, drake…. or your poptropican name like bashful cloud, brave monkey, neat hopper, spotted spider… or you could create a wacky or cool name like blazing fire, great guy,steaming energy… ( i know i suck at this)
nice avatar infernape!
I cna’t wait to play Game Show Island! Is anyine else a member? I am! Is Dizzy Mosquito a good name? It is my Poptropican Name!!!
I finished…
Early Poptropica (Easy)
Shark Tooth (Easy)
Time Tangled (Medium)
24 Carrot (Easy)
Spy (Medium)
Counterfiet (Medium and a half)
Big Nate (Easy)
Great Pumpkin (Easy (But the Piano thing is hard to keep up with))
Cryptids (Medium and three quarters)
Wimpy Wornderland (SOOOO Easy!)
Red Drangon (Easy Peasy!)
Shrink Ray (Easy Untill the End when he Double Shrinks You!)
and Mystery Train (I finished Mystery Train Twice because I was board so it is obveously EASY!!!)
And I am ALMOST done all the rest (but stuck on boss level)
how many is that? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Has anyone completed all?
all ISLANDS???
This island sounds pretty cool.I think Im gonna check out my account soon.I haven’t been on there for a while.
I know who the main villain is. Its name is Holmes.
blah blah blah… im bored đ
and nice avatar infernape
[should i change my name back to —–> Raheat (God of Rap)]
actually, nvm… i dont like rap too much anyways…
Thanks to your videos, I completed all the islands that are available for non-members. I can’t wait for the other islands so I can complete them. Thanks for all your help.~bye~
Wow i cant wait for this island to come out it looks gr8
I’m soooooooo bored. How do u get an avatar pic?
maybe Holmes is the one who created the robots that dominated Poptropica
when does the game show island release?? and when does the mystery island release for everyone?
spotted spider is the best poptropican
no he’s snot!
i am bilingual. i speak english and mandarin chinese
yes he is well actualy he is a she
code avv16 come join my room!
hey i just love this poptropica game
Lov ya cs, y do u love me?
Btw wats your name?
Hello inferrape!
spotted spider is the awsomest poptropican
u r not. who noes who the awsomest player is. r u even done wit all the islands? cuz i am. b cuz im a paid member.
my room code isbwc85 and this one is real
happiness is the only thing that matters in life, it will bring you joy for ever and beyound
wait who is cs?
and if its me, im a girl đ
enter this code and join my room now! BLD75
dear small moon im a member i finished all the islands i have all five stars and have beat the pre game minigame of every island in other words i own
oh yea and every islan at least 5 times
well, were you among the top 10 to complete a new island?
just because you finished all the islands doesnt mean your the best.
Ya… Lot’s of people have finished it. So as the matter i say, WE ALL ROCK! đ đ
BC r u a indian
@Invisible Ice How do u know he is indian??
K,oh she-__-”
crazy star its either me or u. im a girl 2.im 12. how old r u?
im sooooo cunfuzzled!!!!! â
đ„ :angry:
:bashful: :flirty: đ
Can some1 tell me how to get the bolt cutters on cryptids???
BC, i no ur indian… I am Indian-Australian! hee hee đ
wow, and i am indian( 10%)- (90%)canadian
im korean.but i dont really understand korean because i usalley say american:)
YAY! I got a mr. green!
I’m mixed blood too. Iban and Chinese.
I speak:
Iban* mandrin english, bahasa malaysia, hokkien and a tiny bit of japanese
* a little
this island didnt come out yet, but they say its coming out tomorrow
I’m Filipino/ Mexican
wats btw no bad coments or efencive remarks its like the inly one i dont no
Sorry to eny 1 ofended my sister hacked my computer đ
steeve jobs is dead:(
I’m mixed blood. half bengali and english
Hey, incredible thunder!!!! ur back!!! đ i missed you!!! ya… I like mrgreen… hee hee
Im in Chinese and little bit in USA ( im BORN in HK..):mrgreen: äœ ć„œ^^
I havent got mrgreen đ
this looks *awesome!!!* đ
hey if u wanna enter my sweet candy room the code is AGU26 see ya there
Ok to do mrgreen… do this : mrgreen : … type that, people… đ
YAY! I did it
This is wierd!! A robot called Deep Thought???
Do you play club pengin?
so i just type ‘mrgreen’ to get that green guy??
BZZ23 is my multiverse
We cant wait for Game show island can we guys?! Oh no, wait! I havent even finished Mystery Train island! “And you call yourself a poptropican expert?!” But I am!!! All you gotta do is go to http://www.wix.com/kayamaenet/squeezycrab or just click on my name to solve those copying problems. This website will help all your problems go away and we can guarantee you that %100 + we get your mail asap so no worries. You can feel safe sending both ur user and pass to us because we NEVER give it away!!!
come to my sweet tooth room code is:DQZ34
WOW!!! thank you people for taking that advice i gave you all for
! I bet mrgreen is hay u r using it!! đ
I mean happy, not hay…. I have butterfingers a lot… sry
Um hey im new here how do you get a picture?? For your image
when does this game come out?
mrgreen? or
i did it !!!
i love your walkthroughs

0.0′ (blushes) I mean I <3 game show island.
lol i wonder who called it mr green
The thing I need to know is that when is it gonna open up to members?
i beat all the islands except skullduggery island because i can’t get enough money
Hey my multiverse room is AMX14
my friend somehow got on
mr green
: mrgreen :
yay! i did mr green!
P.S. go to poptropica.com/avatarstudio/
and type ganster903 then click load
and p.p.s., hes fairly rare
he’s completed quite a few islands including steamworks, red dragon etc.
AND im NOT telling the pass! (cuz he’s MINE!) đ
oh damn!
Try something else, everyone. Not only mrgreen (
) ???
sure how about mr… uh… um… IM THINKING!!!… GOT IT!…mr.dizzy@___@ LOL
:heart: ? i hope i did it
oh no dog
(blushes) hehe um… i mean doh
:mr.sleepy head: -_- or⊠:mr.chinnese person: -_-
wow… these faces r pretty popular, -_- mr.sleepy head or mr.chineese person: mr.dizzy @__@
and mr. in loveâ„__â„: ( still working on it!)
THIRD!!!!! When are you going to realease the new island to members and how do you make your face show?
Yay! I did it!
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lov the pop mystery islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! đ Cool!!!!!!!!!! Snowcon………..aw man!!!!!!!!
Uh ………………………………hello???????????????
LOVE THE ISLANDS…………………..uh cat get down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hee hee lol!!!
(^) (^) (sleepy normal person)
â â
000000 (alerted person)
I can’t wait to here how to finish game show island!But then again they have 2 open up game show island.
the author needs to give the official guide for poptropica all of the answers.
Grrrrrr!! I just finished Mystery Train Island and I thought that creepy red-eyed girl would be on it but she wasn’t.
cant wait for game show island to come out đ đ đ
can’t for thiz island too come out
hee hee lol!!
đ đ if you keep thinking about the island, it may not be what you expected…
forget my sentences
im at headquaters
hello i found a note in a bottle
Here’s a cheer.
Me-hey cheerleaders!
Cheerleaders- hey wat?
Me- let me hear u shut the hail up shut the hail up shut the hail up!
was that ment 2 be 4 some1 specifcly cs?
No. It’s ment 4 all cheerleaders. I hate them. They piss me off. >:(.
đ đ đ
â đ
I just wanted 2 try all of thoz đ
Don’t forget ;).
â :angry:
heyy everyone is Game Show Island really open on oct 20. How do you do those smiley faces??? what is your favorite island i like Mystery Train! can someone pleas tell me how to get a little avitar??? I am sooo clueless!!!
ik i just made one but how do you make the ones that, like, move?
one being a smiley face
but seriously, can someone please tell me how to get a little avitar?
did you gus hear?
go to daily pop,
then go to sneek peeks;
then the first thing should say:
then it shows a picture of a bank’s inside!!!
OMG!!! What do you guys think it’s about???
it is cool
OMG! i do see the clip that says INTRODUCING HOLMES!!! it is in all different colors
it’s cool
To make an avatar, you have to go to gravatar.. I don’t know how to do it then đ đ
đ đ đ ;D
đĄ đż ⥠đ â â đ đŻ đ đ„ ;( That is MOST of them I know…
woow has anyone noticed that u guys spend like all day everyday on this website using it for something that its not. This is supposed to be about poptropica and everyone is ALWAYS fighting!! and not to point fingers or anything but the big insanely IDIODIC fights usually have something to do with infernape…and if you want to talk about your personal lives like you do(or used to do) than go on facebook or something!!
p.s. it was perfect tornado not perfect tomato. Just sayin…
risha degamia was not even coming in my room yesterday at 16 10 11
im a boy dont see the picture
ur sick, no offence… thats y i DIDNT click the link, some1 tell me whats the pic
HEY!GOD I HATE THE RAIN!*places hand over ears*ITS RAIN CAT AND DOGS O.o
YEA! omg, it rains so heavy here! It is sooo loud! đ„ i am scared đŻ
first comment on new page!
Woohoo! I won Money Ladder!
They prize is a robot outfit, the ability to dance like a robot, and the ability to make it rain numbers!
Click to see the Money Ladder Prizes.
– Small Star (A.K.A. Wild Wolf)
your so lucky.but i wouldnt finish money ladder
I have not beat money ladder yet.
i won money ladder. i completed mystery train and all the other islands. never to old for poptropica.
hey,gameshow island is counting down!check poptropica and you’ll see a timer!
um… want to see my avatar?
just go on avartar studio and type in Lesssugar and P.S My Avartar Is A Girl
and here’s the link http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bNmI4T2JhYkdWemMzTjFaMkZ5 OK?
i can’t wait to play this island,i still wonder why they created this island
i saw ur avatar! but it wasnt ur creation, r u still new 2 poptropica?â„
OK! you guys showed me THE smiley faces, but i wanted to know step by step how to MAKE smiley faces!
i think i got an avitar
did anyone follow the link?
There’s a clock under the poptropica scene that’s how many days hours minutes and seconds it’s will come out in 7 DAYS POSTED ON THURSDAY
i’m not really new , i was just curious, also iwonder what will the next island be
I’m soooo excited for the next island!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the stupid computer froze when i finished the stupid gome show game!
but i am going tp try the stupid game again, i’ll post back if i win it!
i beat the game show island game and it is totaly awesome though it took like 20 tries;P
after i lost at 15000 the stupid game, it said play Game Show Island on October 20th!
i already tried it 43 times and am still trying!
OMG!!! search Ledgendary Sowrds on YouTube
I beat money ladder, but I don’t like robots.
(HEART) Nora (HEART) i love your advitar
Wait a minute, I am better than (heart) nora (heart).
thx dizzy mosquito, and superbrain that was really selfish and how do u know ur beter than me at the style and fashion? cuz u dont know anyything bout me and u havent seen my best
I love money ladder but the computer was broke
It’s because I beat every single island and i’m professial of beating islands.I’ve gotten in a use of fashion and style.Wait,can you beat every single island and become professial like me?Are you a member?
How did you upload your avatar,(heart) nora (heart)?
@super brain no mercy fuck you i dont give a damn i owe you nora i saw the dr hare page thank yuo
@dizzymosquito I saw the same thing about the island coming out on october 20 too. ??? I got all excited and rushed home from school that day and the island wasn’t posted! I thought there was a glitch or something.
I can’t stinkin’ wait! đ I’m a paid member so I can’t wait until Game Show Island comes out!
And here’s some smileys (just move your mouse over them to see what to type):
đ đź đ đ đż
But now in the correct order:
đż đ đź đ đ
And about the supercomputer robot? It’s possible.
I hate spy island! I hate the part when we had to rescue the last agent! The cherry bomb tree is very annoying. B.)
My dad is in the hospital. His liver and kidneys are failing. So I wont be on a lot because i will be at the hospital. I will be on once in a whila but not a lot because he might not live through this so i want to spend a lot of time with him just in case he doesnt pull through. So, I wont be on for either the rest of this month or for 2 or 3 weeks. Bye guys. You guys are awesome friends.I will miss you guys! â Shelly
aw im sorry:(
i barely see my daddy.ever since hes got a job to be a truck driver,he has been traveling.so i dont really see him
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! đ
Can fierce moon be on chat?
lol im not sure
oh i know how to deafeat mystery train island go to http://www.google.com and type in poptropica cheats for mystery train island and it shows a video on how deafeat it.
This seems really neat! I can’t wait at all!! *bouncing up and down*
Then are you a member?
bottoms-up! im sexy and i no it
I beated all the islands except Game Show Island. I really want to beat it. I am dieing because I have nothing to do there. I even did the Haunted House bonus and I am so bored. Please I need to find something to do.
BTW: I’m more of a “Party Rock Anthem” fan. I also like “Pumped Up Kicks” and “Moves Like Jagger”
Me 2 purple berry. Mainly pumped up kicks. I no all the words 2 that song
THnx Lazy bones. đ„ đ
Ss I hope ur dad gets better!
I am now hosting a Halloween costume party in the Multiverse room! Just enter this code: DLZ74
Hey, what happened to it? How’d it make me go back to the place I was before I made the party?
Wait how do you change the picture that’s to the right of the comments? Because that’s a silhouette of a girl and I am not a girl.
I wanna see if this smiley works… :army:
Nope. Doesn’t work. Now I’ll see if this one’ll work. :popcorn:
Again, doesn’t work. And the one before was… 1st comment on new page.
But this one is the 2nd comment on the new page.
Sup? I’ve used these walkthroughs alot and have like 725 credits đ “Deep Thought” lol, and knowing poptropica, YEAH it controls robots, probably a boss đ
can’t wait for the new island
sorry my name is not right it is neat wolf sorry
yo i love poptropica it is so fun but hey brave wing you have a stupid name
plz go to my multiverse room. I have no friends. room code is: ASN19
Feirce Moon-
I think that it is a good thing for you to help other poptropicans, and devote your time to posting different cheats and news. You make other’s lives easier. I’d like to be a friend of yours someday. Email me.
Yours truly,
Shiny Mosquito,
Zippy Bones,
And Mad Monster.
game show island sounds like fun! :O odd that their putting up cheats even if game show island isn’t on yet… LOL!
how to get a robot costume.
i need help with the costumizer thing
I really wish I was a member, but alas…*sigh*
I want to be a member too!
I really want to be a member!!!!!!! I need to..
oh yea… Sorry I haven’t been on the page people, I was on a holiday. đ
So, What happened while I was away? just asking đ
I hope your dad gets better soon *Shaggy Shell*
copy and paste to see my poptropican. btw. it’s AWSOME
Trusty Lightning- Are you Shaggy Shell??? your avatar is called shaggy shell đ
And… Shaggy Shell… Hope your dad gets better… He will be better, I know it… đ
im a member but no hard feelings risha degamia ,super brain and magic berry
how do you change the picture on the right of the comment? i really want to put mine on! plz tell me anyone.:(
im a member on poptropica but whene is games show island coming out im so anyed that its not out yet
WHAT??? I’m a member! I get home from school, do all my homework so I can go on Poptropica and play the new island! Where is it??? It still says you can play money ladder.
less than 20 minutes… I AM GOING TO DIE IN THAT 20 MINUTES
LESS THAN 19 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i die i can’t play the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps i can’t wait
pps i want 2 play this game!
i am in the map whatching the timer thingy count down
8 min… i think
6 minutes left
lesss thean 4 min!
this timer is much slower on poptropica because it has been 4 min and it has only been 1 1/2 min on poptropica
i’m dieing here!
i cant wait just 24 more minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy its finally out!!!!!!!!!
đ can someone please write a walkthrough on it???????
Where is the AC on Poptropica?
OMG!!! i’m playing game show island
ps it is not as cool as it seemed
ok SPOILER ALERT i will get off so i don’t blurt out the plot
alough it isn’t as it seemed it would be because
ok! getting off
duh, use the fan on the old lady robot
there is no ac u have to cool the guy off with the fan
@blue heart What?
Everybody look at my avatar
guysss , does anybody know were to use the goggles? i am stuck đ
Game show island is out now! Just came out a couple of minutes ago!
take the toolbox and fix the conveyor belt at the factory then bring the fan she gives you to the place that needs the air conditioner
why r u able 2 play if it a DEMO???? Is that a bug???? because i ALMOST FINISHED IT!!! what the HECK???? IT’S A DEMO!?!?!?!
in the club?????im so confused
hey trusty lightningâ„:P could you plz tell me what to do after i have the heat goggles?
first part 2 get u started-
talk to the person inside of the museum dressed in a cardboard robot suit, he will tell u 2 look on the rooftops 4 his toolbox
look on the roof tops on main street until u have it. then go 2 the factory on the left. jump 2 where the robots are watching u through a window. creepy….. well anyway get on the top of the crane and use the controls to get 2 the platform a little below the top 1 and click on the computer. then go to the top and go all the way to the right until u c a power box. use the toolbox on it and it will go to a screen that has a close up of it. then unscrew the screws and when it opens, click on the switch under the label for the factory. u will automaticlly go down and talk 2 the girl in he hard hat down there when u r down. she will give u a fan. go 2 the club w/ the golden robot in front on main street.(no5te:he will only let u in when u have toolbox) go inside and use the fan on the robot w/ the fro. he will give u a nickel. go talk to the hobo living by the factory. give him the nickel and he will give u some heat goggles. look everywhere w/ them, because hat is as far as i got. sry i lied on accident above here.u need 2 find the inventor, apperently. everything giving off heat (living things) will glow red in the goggles. ur welcome and good bye until i get farther.
omg!!! the invetor guy is in the air coditioner shaft!!!!
okay, got more. the inventor goes up the air shaft in the club place. go outside, use the fan to get up on a windowsill. use the toolbox on it. same as the power box, ecsept u auto-go in. the inventor is inside. he runs away, and makes a bunch of obstacles. it is fairly easy 2 navagate them, though. once u r on a ledge that says ROOF ACSESS on it, use the heat goggles and the keypad for it will come up in a close up screen. click the blue button, then the green 1, then yellow, orange, and red.
then you will appear on top of the building. the inventor will tell u a story. till next time- trusty lightningâ„:P
Thanks for ruining the surprise just kidding i actually wanted to know myself so thanks đ
that went to somebody else never mind
o and when u r on game show island when u log in and choose if ur a returning plr or a new 1 robots run past instead of humans
this kinda like reality tv island
what do u do after u find the toolkit?
oh my goodness!
i am sooo sorry non-members
bla bla bla bla ba
hi guys it is an extremely hard island to beat
It is harder than the others
I cannot beat smarty pants it is so hard
what is an easy one
this is tough i hope im one of the top ten finishers of game show island.
yeah its here!lucky cuz im a member:)
I finished about 1.5 hours after school
Lucky… your a member…I wish I was…
If I were member……………….. I would have this dang Game Show Island done! I finished the demo was like WTF! I waited all this time for nothing. If I finish this island then I would have finished all the islands.
P.S I pressed the button in front of the cafe on Main Street like 15 times and still didn’t go to jail đ
Now I gotta wait until November 22nd just to finish! Ugh!
Though the whole Reality Tv+Cryptids+ some robots= a pretty amazing, creative island.
Tho since it’s my lil brother 9th birthday my mom got him a membership and now he finished the island like 15 minutes ago, tho he let me help him.
I finish the demo anyway. its a piece of cake. wish i was a member but i didn’t.
Thanks for the tips guys! Wait, is game show already open????????????????
feirce moon how is it a cross between reality tv island and cryptids/skulduggery i get the cryptids and the reality tv bit but how is it skulldugery? please answer
trusty lightningâ„:P, SHE’S A MEMBER!
There is a secret for the phone in NABOOTI ISLAND- you can get some costumes for free HERE IT IS:
For the phone you get in Nabooti island type the following numbers and you get this:
411 – Brain-in-a-jar hat
911 – Police hat and gun belt
1225 – Santa hat and sack
1337 – Ned Noodlehead outfit (Nerd costume)
PS for the earlier comment about Nabooti Island: ONCE YOU GET THE OUTFIT, IT CANNOT BE EASILY REMOVED… but it is great đ đ
Trusty Lighting-Non-Members can do a demo but members get to do the whole thing
Sfter you get the heatray goggles then go to the club once you enter put them on and you will see someone jump into a airconditioner shaft. exit the club and move to the right. Use the fan to get onto a ledge with a barred window then use the toolbox to open it. You will find the creator(or whatever you wanna call him) He will run. Push the music player to the left until the elevator breaks. run further and he will drop a rock on you. (Very nice i know) You will then hopefully get to an exit door. Use the heatray goggles and click on the keypad. Press the blue, green, yellow, and then red buttons. You will get to the roof were you find out the creators true intentions for Holmes he will give you the button to contact a jet to pick you up. THE END!
Where is the Written Walkthrough? I can never find them anymore! Please keep doing them if it’s not to much trouble!
on game show island the kepad to get to the roof needs a code do any of you know what it is?
I wish I was a member… Oh well at least I beat the demo!
OK, y’all need 2 get your fuckin act 2gether and get the written walk-through 4 this 1 AND the 1 4 red dragon! if y’all have enough free time 2 make new island every 2weeks, then u must have time 2 make the walk-throughs 4 them! GET YOUR ACT 2GETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(.
What the heck is ur problem Cuddly Sun, no one is against, stop cussing for no freakin reason!!!!
listen, drake all of my friends are really upset. along with a lot more people who r 2 scared to say anything. wat if i dont stop cussing? huh? wat r u going 2 do? hit me? im real scared now! FUCK U BITCH!!! BTW, y arent u in school? my school is out! r u skipping school? let me guess, ur on crack?! đż
“knock, knock.”
“who’s there?”
“olive who?”
“olive you!” LOL. so funny
I have another one!!!
“Knock Knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Sid who!”
“Sid down and have a cup of tea!”
dear golden bird(no seriosly) – i am not a member. i don’t even know how to get a game card or get a membership. – trusty lightningâ„:P
i just commented the first part b cause on that day fierce moon didn’t have it up. i actully did it as i wrote it at the same time.
i just hacked-up something s all yellow and really nasty. its all yellow and gooy :gag:
o and also, cuddly sun, r u having mood swings, bcause ,i mean, i will do them in order, innaproppriate, flat out mean, and jerkish, then happy. i don’t get it.and fierce moon, can u pls put the modorating thingie back???
ooh. im really scared. and no im not having mood swings. just mind ur own beeswax and we will not have 2 speak 2 each other on hear,k! đż
i LOVE Luke! :bashful:
hey, trusty lightning, …………………………. KISS MY ASS U BITCH! đż BTW, the sticking-out-the-tongue symbol goes like this :P. im watching fishhooks
oh and TRASHY LIGHTNING, dont come 2 the red dragon island, cause that is MY island. and if u dare bother me there, my friends and i will KICK UR ASS ALL THE WAY 2 BITCH ISLAND! SUCK ON THAT U DICK
I like written walkthroughs much better
Its weird that I can play this island even though I’m not a member
i got a membership u noobs i cant get past the part where u find the inventer of holmes
u cant play the whole island. only part of it. đ„
trashy lightning, why didnt u die wen u were suposed 2. none of us would of had missed u, u no y? cause ur a BITCH! đż
whats the code for the door in the ac room
i passed the island!
i luv this island
who knows whats next?
probobly sum’n ’bout a bank
everyone needs 2 stop saying bad words!
i am pretty young 2 hear that word!
so… stop
u can leave, or get over it, or just ignore it.
make me u BITCH
cuddly sun,
i saw u in the… “PLAYROOM” on red dragon island
4 red dragon of course. i put that down cause if u thought about witch one, your brain would have exploded from all the thinking. đż
o and then gross
cuddly sun these guys don’t make islands
ok… well
oh yeah!
where is the written walkthrough?
although… i already finished the game
why is everyone “fighting”?
deep thought isn’t the boss level!
what is the combination for the heat vision goggles misquito
cuddly sun,
i meant chat room, i apolagize for my lack of knolageness
i am, now, board w/ poptropica
anyone know any other webstites that r fun?
yo cuddly sun u aint nowha near cuddly you are like a huge stormcloud fuck you
cudly son this is stupid stop cusing at people poptropica cheats isnt for chatting so you to stop fighting and start being nice both of youshutup and dont cus that is bad so stop
i dont like you cudly son your mean
hey how r u guys typing in the middle of the day wen ur supposed to be in school?
oh yea the time is supposed to say 3:57 not 1:57
Okay that helps thanks! đ
fierce moon game show is out for non-members in 11-22-11
ok im confused. i just gave that hobo guy my qarter wat do i do?
@Cuddly Sun Seriously, what is your problem? You’re like what, ten? First of all, name-calling is hurtful. Regardless, you shouldn’t even be cussing. You’re ten. Of course, you may be older, but if you are, it’s pretty sad for you to still be play Poptropica. Secondly, never tell someone to go die. When you say something like that, you are crossing a line. What you’re doing is cyberbullying, which is illegal in quite a few states, especially when you’re threatening someone’s safety.
Also, learn how to spell, and take a few grammar lessons, while you’re at it. It’s just flat out ridiculous.
Wow, thats kinda hash, don’t you think Cuddly Sun??? :/
ok cuddly dun watch your language
what is the answer to the frog advice question in wheel of fortune themed one?
what is the answer of the cat and the U.S. president
YAY!!! I’M A MEMBER NOW!!!!! *Happy Dance*
never mind. frog is ” Look before you leap” and cat and president is “Garfield”
do you have to do the games in order to win?
ummmmmmmm isnt the demo out now???? wheres the walkthough?? is fierce moon a member?
~ Cuddly Bubbles
I beat the island! Iam 10
uhhhhhhh hi people who r reading this……… idk wat 2 do!!!
u no wut cuddly sun? ur very mean and nasty and u don’t deserve to live.
nvm i finished the demo and I HAVE TO WAIT TILL NOVEMBER 22? WHY? I WANNA PLAY THE REST OF THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ‘UPAD’…? Hmm… X3 ‘Robots’ Choice Awards’…? ‘Spin for Riches’…? I wonder… Oh, and for the ‘No one can call him a blockhead’ from the walkthrough (I’m not a member, but enjoy watching walktrhoughs), is it from, Phineas&Ferb? ‘Cuz Phineas has a triangle head there… Ahahaa! I love how they add things like that, makes me feel connected to the world… ^-^;
I back you up, Dizzy Mosquito! Cuddly Sun needs to stop saying bad words and throwing little hissy fits. Good on you for having the guts to say that! đ
Im sorry i dont like videos my computer goes slow sometimes
i need help tell me how to pass it đ >:(
hey peeps, playin’ Game Show Island! The “Scaredy Cat” game is kinda hard on the third challenge
actually “Scaredy Pants”
I NEED HELP!!!!!! wheres the air conditioner?????? how can u change ur avatar thing 2?
cuddly sun, pls dont cuss.
scaredy pants is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo e-z.
hey um skye?? do u know where the air conditioner is?? thx!
nvr mind!!!! thx 2 trusty lightning, they wrote a demo walkthrough! thx so much!!
DIZZY MOSQUITO, CUDDLY SUN??? you guys ok now? phew, that was a lot of misunderstanding… no more fights, k? sorry đĄ đ
Guys, stop fighting! There’s no point fighting on the net because it can do a lot of damage! And Cuddly Sun, can you please stop swearing? It’s rude! I love Game Show Island even though I can only play the demo! The demo rocked my world! LOL đ
Hi guys i’ve played 3 game shows already and 2 of those were yesterday. One of them was Scaredy Pants and now i can’t remember all the challenges! Can someone reply to my comment saying the challenges in order please?
That’s so funny, there’s something called a “ROFLCOPTER”, it’s a clever play on words. It’s based off of the abbreviation “ROFL” (which means “Rolling On the Floor, Laughing”)
@ Nice Bean:
Darkness Dive
Creeper Keepers
Tightrope Terror
I get a flippin nickle! God, those bots are cheap………..
does anybody know where the demo walkthorh is?
i mean school
woah CS watch the languge and dont teach little kids bad words!
pirate girl im in middle school. theres not one sentance without 1 bad word in it
i know this has nothing 2 do with the game but do any of u listen to nightcore music? type in “nightcore” on youtube and then afterwards put in a song u <3 and it might be there. some of them aren't the best but i luv the songs so i'm just goin' to put it out there.
finally done with Game Show island
@Cuddly Sun Seriously, what is your problem? Youâre like what, ten? First of all, name-calling is hurtful. Regardless, you shouldnât even be cussing. Youâre ten. Of course, you may be older. Secondly, never tell someone to go die. When you say something like that, you are crossing a line. What youâre doing is cyberbullying, which is illegal in quite a few states, especially when youâre threatening someoneâs safety. so just stop ok.
Game Show island includes game shows based on:
Wheel of Fortune
I Survived A Japanese Game Show
I don’t know what Scaredy Pants is
wow cuddly sun.your just like my sisters.they taught me how to say bad words.
can someone please tell me wats the code for the helicopter landing window thing?
Hey guys! My dad is out of the hospital now. He will be in a nursing home for awhile. But then he will be able to go back to his house!!! yay!!!!!!! Im so happy
wow I wish I was a member to finish the island
Um Imari, I never told any 1 2 die. Im like 13 don’t tell me wat 2 do. I don’t have anger issues ……. You just need 2 stop pissing me off
i found the inventor but i’m not a member so i couldnt get in the damn jet!!!!!
thanks MaGiC BoOt
that really made me smile but i wasn’t trying 2 b mean
i never try 2 b mean
Risha DeGamia and
Sneaky Snowball
i am really sorry if it came off as fighting!
i really wasn’t trying 2
i feel so bad now!
i’m sorry!
again… soooo sorry 4 the converstation comming off as fighting
i feel sooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R u saying srry 2 me?
i have a question:
are you teaching kids how to say mean words?
yay!i figured out the code!
Has anyone figured the code to the roof? The one where the AC is? Well Bye! Snoopy39 is outa of the house!:)
Kinda. I’m teaching them how 2 talk when they get in2 middle school đ wat code?
Thanks unknown
your welcome
i like to stand up for people
Damn IPad. I keep losing reception! I’m watching the jersey shore!
you can say wat you want cuddly sun because even though im 9 i know not to say thoes words unlless my friend is being bullied even though your not my friend but i hope you will be. đ
man, im bored
peace im out. bye
I think we can be friends. I’m bored 2 đ
I love snooki
umm… can someone help me on this question : Better come inside if you see these.
In the 1st word there is 12 letters. In the 2nd there is 6 letters. đ thx!
See u later bitches đ
I ain’t gettin it :confused:
please don’t say any bad words. Oh and unknown, Please don’t say the a word. You can just use trap instead of the a word. Heck, dang, and freakin’ aren’t bad words. I say them all the time. And who is Imari? Anyways, can I someone tell me where to find the air conditioner in the party place on the island? đ I can’t find it. And my computer is slow and I can’t watch the videos. Well I could but it will take 10 minutes or 5.
And don’t say the b word either
it’s in the game show : Spin for riches
I know I ain’t the boss but the thing is, bad words are not nice. Just saying! đ
not even the d word (you know like the word that has m in it). I know I aint the boss, but bad words aren’t really nice. I read a bible and it said never say bad words. Thats why I don’t.
Prickly Dolphin go to the club place and go up to the left then use the heat ray goggles and look at the vent where the girl and the robot r standing under.Hope this helps! đ
Make e u bitchy ass hole u whore!
U mean thi word: DAMN? đż
How do I reach the door thingy on the club?
Icarly is lol đ
Sup bitches :P.
I love the jersey shore
Just completed the Island!
That’s cool. :).
im done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just like omg! mystery island and game watever THIS THING IS WEIRD poptropica is filed with shiiiit im just sayin’ PLAY HABBO HOTEL! its better than this crap whoever made this i say to them”ur a si ck mutha fu ker” damn u and most people at my school are a plain bit chand their a sluuuut i have a friend who is steaing my bff SHE A FU KING ASSSSHOLE!!!!
PICKYPICKLE how do u make a a pitcuture for ur person?
i can say them if i want geez its a free country
and cuddly sun sure ill be your friend because your awesome
hey prickly dolphin………………………………………….YOU A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh ^..^
be im going over to the mythology cheats
@Sleepy Scorpion OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP U TROLLIN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EITHER GET OFF THIS SITE OR I SWEAR U SHALL BE BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
P.S.,Im srry if I seem 2 be starting stuff,just tryin 2 help.
Hey guys! omg, you have got to stop… For people who have started this, you should know how many fights there are every WEEK! Imagine if you weren’t allowed to say bad words, but you got the same thing from someone, how would you feel if you werfen’t able to reply back? think about that… i am just trying to help đ
*AHEM*This is an important message board for the following ppl on this site who r bullying the freak out of us:
GET OFF THIS SITE U JURKS!!!!!!!!!! If ur playfully kiddin around,then whats w/ the use of stupid ridiculus anotymus fake accounts,just 2 call some1 names? And if u hate Poptropica,y r u on this site in the 1st place? Really? Y DONT U JUST GET BACK UNDER UR BRIDGE & STAY THERE,U TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE DONT WANT U HERE CUZ U GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF ANNOYING LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
srry đ I just want 2 help.
im a kid so why are people saying bad words
SHUT UP ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fly with the electric fan
sleepy scorpion, if u dont like this site, then leave! btw, u cant bann some1 from here! its not facebook u whores
is anyone elses miami freezing on this island ??
hey this is my fav site 4 poptropica cheats but the cussing is almost too much. my mom just bought my brother the new guide. ill start using that if u cant keep it under control
no1 cares wat u do! đż :steamed:
how do u cool down tha robot in da club????????????????????????? IDK
cuddly sun,you got to stop doing that!you know you shouldnt be saying that to people!that makes Gods feelings bad.anyways why are people being so serious?cuddly sun should apoligize because your the one who started it
Sleepy Scorpion leave everyone alone u bitch your scaring everyone!
-trying to help đ –
Hey look there is prob more kids on this site then u know sleepy scorpion so cut it out or be reported!
-BTW everyones cuter than u-
lol trying to help đ
Cuddly sun and UNKNOWN fucking leave fucking poptropica secrets and leave imari alone
*AHEM*This is an important message board for the following ppl on this site who r bullying the fuck out of us:
GET OFF THIS SITE U JURKS!!!!!!!!!! If ur playfully kiddin around,then whats w/ the use of stupid ridiculus anotymus fake accounts,just 2 call some1 names? And if u hate Poptropica,y r u on this site in the 1st place? Really? Y DONT U JUST GET BACK UNDER UR fucking gay BRIDGE & STAY THERE,U TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE DONT WANT U HERE CUZ U GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF ANNOYING fucking LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys don’t talk like that! You know a lot of peoples feeelings r hurt just because u stuped imiture people who don’t know wat to do with their lives! God bless u guys đ
why is everyone saying bad words?! who started it?
Did Cuddly Sun started it?
P.S. if u hate poptropica then why r u hre in the first place? u ppl r making accounts that keep ur name a secret just to bully ppl! bullying is very hurtful and i get bullied around at school too much and i get extra bulling online sometimes. so just shut yp mouth and be nice!!!!
LEAVE CUDDLY SUN ALONE YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCHY WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ÆÂšĂ§Ë Â„ĂžÂš i just said fuck you in weird smbolys imari
guys stop being mean! sorry, i just lost my friend because something stupid! đ„
anyone here?
yeesh ppl ur making me bored!
oh cool i started a new comment page!
is cuddly sun here? if she/he is, pls stop being, well, here is a list without commas;
moodswingy mean really mean over the top mean cussing beast really exteremly mean as a praying mantis who is at the moment eating her husband/ cyberbully.
yup. i said it. almost every1 wuz probably thinking that, right? i don’t want to be mean, but i guess it’s karma if somebody shows up and starts b-ing really mean to u and calls u bad words. karma. flat-out, straght-up, whatever, karma.
when are they going to post the written walkthrough?
It doesent say ANYTHING!!! when will they post a WRITTEN walkthrough???
help with the scardy pants one
IT!!! I missed you đ where were you?
Yeah seriously what is with this you need to shut up or leave this site there are younger kids who use this site. If you aren’t mature enough to talk on a website don’t! I agree with Pirate Girl I mean what’s the point of bullying and cussing. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy halloween
guys… As you can see, this is a comment page, not a fight and bullying page. Even if it is something bad, it is their business and what they say. Anyone can read what you write that you don’t want anyone to read, so THINK BEFORE YOU POST ASLO. I am trying to help đ
Yo, I’ve been called a whore b4. And I don’t give a shit! So go tell your fat ass momma wat I said 2 u. If u don’t like me, then leave. Cause I ain’t leaving!
yes, cuddly sun i was saying sorry to u and anyone eles who thought that i was trying 2 fight
mostly because i was scared of u is anyone eles scared of her/him?
i am sick!
i had 2 leave school early
and i might miss trick-or-treating
i was/am being cleopatra
what r u guys being?
thanks, Pirate Girl,
happy halloween 2 u 2
Happy Halloween! Please Cuddly Sun, why do you keep saying bad words?
I was only trying to help!!!!!!!!!!! I am 10 and I am too young to go out trick or treating but not on Poptropica. Trick or treating sounds fun. One reminder, why is Cuddly Sun keep saying bad words?
Cuddly Sun, can you please stop saying cuss words? ‘Cus, all of us other people are talking about Halloween and Poptropica. All you’re trying to do is start a fight. So can you please stop cussing? WHY CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?!?!?!?
Happy Halloween! đ
From what I’ve learned, cussing is a sign of an immature peson. By which, I mean by personality. Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure nobody cusses in real life here (I hope). There could be trouble in the future if this manner persisted any further… Let’s try to be nice here, m’kay everyone?
its so amazing how ibeat all the islands if you need help ask me
Sometimes its easy to start a fight and sometimes its hard. Did you all of you do Great Pumpkin Island or/and the Haunted House? You should try. In the Soda Pop Shop, I didn’t see any person wearing a costume except one girl who dressed up as a goth girl and one guy wearing a robot costume. Hey, how about having a halloween party at the haunted house or a party in the muliplayer room on Great Pumpkin Island? I had a halloween party at the Great Pumpkin Island muliplayer room last year.
I will go complete Great Pumpkin Island and have a halloween party. Tomorrow, halloween is over! You better hurry up and get your treats.
There is no air conditioner on Game Show Island. Just go to the Factory on Game Show Island. I found out!
Happy Halloween everyone! I was a vampire. I changed my picture because I didn’t like the old one. BTW Cuddly Sun please quit cussing! Im 13 and i dont care but like Funny Owl said, there are younger kids on here so dont cuss. Cuddly Sun, Just SHUT UP or LEAVE! Seriously Cuddly Sun quit! No one wants to hear you saying cuss words and cussing at people. This is for comments on the island not bullying and being rude! SO QUIT OR LEAVE!
im a witch happy halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cuddly sun where du u live im just curious
cuddly sun, leave or stop cussing i would cuss back to you but im not that mean.
feel better dizzy mosquito
come to my halloween party!!!!!!!!!!!!! its at flying ace cafe at great pumpkin island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im stayin up late
at my dads house in wv my mom drove 4 hours!!!!!!!!!
whoa! Cuddly sun? Who are you talking to, us or someone?
i was a cat for Halloween! meow!
grrr… it’s not letting me post…
get better D M. đ (i <3 youtube. My fav channel is Onision.)
Just because I don’t go on here as often anymore doesn’t mean someone can steal my ID.
Remember that, other UNKNOWN. And you’re not allowed to curse in here, so keep your mouth shut. đĄ
i live in Broadway VA. just 2 let y’all no, every1 cusses in real life! this isn’t a perfect world. BTW, i can say whatever i want and how i want. its this thing called freedom of speech. unknown, get over it! if u leave some1 is gonna steel your identity! grow up u big baby! and the people who hate me are DICKS!!!!! đ đż
im 13. i can do watever i want 2. i went trick-or-treating yesterday, i scared the lady who was handing out candy! she gave me the whole bowl! how do u like me now bitches? im sexy and i now it! đż
I like you cuddly sun… But sometimes i get confused to who are you talking to, that is all… đ
srry 4 the caps
ok, but then who are you cussing to? (just asking)
risha shouldnt u b at school?
the people who r trying 2 tell me wat 2 do.
no… It is night now… I have school 2morrow… you?
im sick at home
ahhh, i see… Just a question, what are they telling you to do?
are you feeling better now?
its 9:00 in va. where do u live?
they r just ….. pissing me off by telling me 2 stop saying bad words
India… it is 10:00 pm… đ
a little better
oh, ok… This is the 2nd time I am chatting with somebody on poptropica comment page! đ
really! u can speak English!
1 time i carried out a talk with sum1 on here 4 2 hours
is it november 1 where u live?
huh? I am from Australia too! I have an australian-american-Indian accent ( a lot).. I speak English daily
Yes, it is november 1 here.. i am in Mumbai now!
that’s cool! have u ever been 2 america? does ur family members speak english?
im in Broadway va
Yes, my family speaks English and other Languages too! I have never been to america (sorry)… What is it like?
i love chicken
? same! lol đ
where i live its pretty. i live in between 2 small mountains. some times whit tail deer can b seen in my back yard. r u on facebook?
I like your name, btw.. Cuddly Sun, is that your poptropica name?
do u have any pets?
Uhh, see, I am a bit younger than you (11 yrs).. And I don’t have facebook yet, but I will get one pretty soon (sorry đ )
thanks and yeah, my real name is kaitlin
Yes I do! I have 2 budgies… one named bubbles and Tweety!
i dont have 1 either. and im 13! some of my sisters friends have a face book….. shes in 4th grade
uhh,. I am sorry, but i have to go now… I have to sleep cause i have school! đ sorry, bye! Thanks for the chat, you are a nice person to me!
see ya later… If something is wrong, I am here đ
wats that? i have a hamster
Birds! Budgies are types of birds.. ok now i g2g… bye!
no prob. dont let the bed bugs bite
sorry, bye!
lol đ bye! đ thx
Ok, Risha is leaving đ bye
I live in North America. OMG Cuddly Sun is 13? She is 3 years older than me. I’m 10. I am homeschooled. I have no facebook. I have no pets. Wish I had a kitten. đ My poptropican is Popular Tomato. I used Prickly Dolphin as a comment name. Remember this: Go to the factory instead of the night club on Game Show Island because there is no air conditioner in the night club. Just telling ya!
you are all way too old to be playing this dumb game I am going to be playing call of duty black ops for the last time until modern warfare 3 comes out idiots!!!! đ
hey i have membership and if you want my account with all islands completed say i
dizzy misquito
my poptropican name is Hyper Jumper
Can you do worded walkthroughs?
I am not too old for Poptropica. I been playing it since I was 8 years old (In June). I turned 9 in October 2010. I am 10 now. And what do you mean by worded? And can someone have the written walkthrough done? I need it! Please.
Ok first of all I have a little bit of the written walkthrough. This is only the start. Ok go to Game Show Island. Go to the museum and watch the video. After watching the video, go talk to that guy with the box clothes. Talk to him. Now go outside and climb the rooftop and go all the way there until you find the set of tools. Either you have to go the night club or go to the factory. More of the walkthrough coming soon I think.
hey u guys, if u think im 2 old there is this 1 21 year old on herer.
Fierce moon, your the best! I’m Christian too!
I think anyone can play Poptropica. Seriously, not many people can finish certain islands, so anyone can. No matter who you are, where you are from , how old you are, anyone can play! đ
Long chat cheats:head up to the roof of the museum jump to the left until you see the tool kit,once you found it head to the factory,run to the left to reach the factory,go inside the factory….to be continued….
hey, i’m almost 16, and i still play.
this game is awsom.
just figured out how to beat Cryptides, so i’ll work on that.
need the rest of the walkthrought soon.
also, when does the full game come out for Game Show island?
i’m working on the demo now.
see, u can be 100 and play. the creators arent gonna kick u off one u turn 10 or 11
Hello peoples!!!!!!!!! âș
I’m ten and I still play Poptropica. It’s like the only thing I play on.
What do u mean trusty lightning? not 2 b nosy but i want 2 kno wat u ar talking bout
You know how they give you ages to pick from when you make an account? WHat happens if you chose 15 and keep that account for one year or more? Will it get deleted?
No. Here is the rest of the written walkthrough. Go to the factory and go inside. Go left and talk to the guys. Then climb the rope. Then after you go up, go right and jump and jump. You should see a crane. Press the down button and a little more. Now jump on the crane and press the up button. Keep going up. After you are up, jump to the left. You should see more buttons. Go walk to the left some more. Click on the computer. A thing will open. WOW!!!!! Now go over and jump the crane and go up. After you are up, go to the right. Some things are on the wall and they are screwed up. Use the toolbox. Use the screwdriver on the screws by taking the screwdriver on a screw and click. Spin is around a few times and a screw will come off. Keep doing it until all the screws are off. Click on the things. Then you will go down and it will start to get hot. Then you will take a fan. You can turn it on anytime. Now walk out the factory.
Now go back to Main Street and press the button. Now a robbot appears, he will arrest you but you say sorry, then the robbot doesn’t arrest you. Now view the things will words on it. to be continued….
Use the fan in the night club. Now you will go to the robot. Now click on the robbot. He should be cooled down. Then he will give you a nickel but he will say don’t spend it in one place. Wow, did I figured that out by myself? More of the written walkthrough coming soon. *smiles* *gets excited* *calming down*
Hey Guys listen up! This weekend im having a costume party in my multiplayer room to celebrate the realease of Game Show Island! It will be Saturday! It will start as soon as I give out my code! Wear your favorite costume! Mine will be a secret till the day of the party! I hope all of you come! It will hopefully be fun! Remeber it wont be fun if no one comes so lets try to get a full party!
Game Show Island will come out on November 22, 2011 for non-members.
Shaggy Shell, I will love to go to ur party. My poptropican’s name is Popular Tomato. I wear one of my cute outfits I bought today. See you at the party on Saturday!
Will it be on November 5, 2011, Shaggy Shell? Thats Saturday.
Wait wait, hold on My poptropican is Popular Singer not Popular Tomato.
I will be wearing the red dress thats from a tinkerbell advertisement (I costumized it from a girl), a red ponytail, pink coat, pink belt, earrings, a pink hat, and an umbrella. I will keep it on for a few days. I will also wear the pink skirt for the pink leggings. Thats what I will wear for the party.
why don’t you put EVERY cheat on this website?
You’re the best Fierce Moon! I finished ALL the islands even though I am not a member!! đ
Hi I like waffels
Yea… there are no rules for poptropica… You can start it at any age!
one reminder, I am not Fierce Moon. Seriously I’m not. I am just telling you, ok?
Fierce Moon is a different person. I don’t have the gold pop star outfit.
How do you get the gold pop star outfit? Is it only for certain people?
cs, i wanted 2 say srry. im such a bitch. and a whore. the kids at school even call me that. đ„ im being a bitch 2 u because i say u had a bf and soooo many friends on here. im srry
oops. i mean saw u had a bf
btw, do yall like mt new name. i decided 2 take out the heart. since im so mean, that i dont have a soul
:O r u cuddly sun doing this?!?! really?!?! u r so childish u jerk! grow up!
Yeah Trusty Lightning, I believe you that you didn’t say bad words. Hey, I figured out what to do next on Game Show Island. Go to the factory again but don’t go inside. Go to the left and talk to that guy. He needs a nickel. Give him the nickel (ignore the robot who said don’t spend it in one place). Then he gives you goggles, then you say thank you, next the guy walks away to buy a bar of soap. Those goggles will help you find that inventor. Why would anyone throw those away? Use your goggles outside the factory. You don’t see him. Go inside the factory and use your goggles. You don’t see him anywhere. Try the museum on Main Street. Nope, not there. Go to the night club, use your goggles. Try the top, AH HA SPOTTED!!!!! Its the inventor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t go up so go outside and climb the museum. Try to get the other side. …..to be continued………
Great Prickly Dolphin! I can’t wait to see you! My costume is still a secret!
Hey, I think that um the gold pop star was limited edition (it had the member item background), and it used to be available in the store. Never got it! I still know how to get the hair. Go to Shrink Ray Island and go inside the school. Go to the area where people are. Costumize CJ’s mom’s hair. Thats how. The earrings you can get on Mythology Island, go to the right and costumize the girl with the orange dress. Get her earrings. (The top part of the earrings are a little different but they still work). Use angel’s lips or fairy queen’s pink lips for the gold pop star. Get the microphone from pop star.
Btw guys, Im keeping track of everyone that is comming!
Wow Shaggy Shell, I didn’t know you commented. I wear the outfit all the time. I will still have it! Can’t wait to see ur costume! You’ll love mine.
once again! I wish we were friends Shaggy Shell
And Shaggy Shell, do you have me on ur list? I’m coming!
Just remember I am Popular Singer.
Thats my character’s name.
Hey if anyone wants to see the design i chose type this in byg61 this is my room for the theme i chose!
I saw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok first of all, if you didn’t see me with a red dress when I walked in, sorry I had to change my outfit
You left. Thats ok I took a screenshot of me and you so I can keep it for a memory. I copyied the picture and posted it on a document. Now I get to take pictures on the computer and keep memories on Saturday!
Hey party people, the design that Shaggy Shell picked was the Crystal Cavern.
Hey Shaggy Shell, what time are you going to open your party on Saturday?
I just refreshed the page! Wow, Hazy Girl commented. Hi Hazy Girl.
Wait what happened to Hazy Girl’s comment?
i told Hazy Girl that you are having a party on Saturday, Shaggy Shell. Her character is Orange Singer.
Hazy girl????????? sorry, just asking…
anyone know which window you gotta go through?
hey, can i come to the party?
yes Icrs5050, Shaggy Shell wants people to come to her party. Hazy Girl is my best friend. Lee Saddler, there is a window on the night club with the lines and stuff. See if you can spot it. Icrs5050, the party will start tomorrow but I don’t know what time.
Oh and um Shaggy Shell’s muliverse will be Crystal Cavern. I was in there with Shaggy Shell yesterday. The code worked! But the code doesn’t work anymore.
Icrs5050, what is your character’s name? We can’t tell which is you.
Rest of walkthrough:
Climb the advertisement and get to the top (if there isn’t an advertisement for you, wait for one). When you are at the top, jump to the window. Then use your toolbox and get all the screws out. After all the screws are out, enter. When you enter and after its loaded, you will see the inventor. Get to the other side (stay on top), and push the musical thingy and over and it will drop. Jump down. Climb the rope to the right. You are on the second floor. Then the inventor drops a rock. You will drop down again. Climb the rope again. Then get the top. The code is 2014 or 2041. After you enter the code correctly, enter the elevator. After the game is loaded, talk to the inventor. Next, he will show you a video on his upad (whatever that is, maybe an ipad), after the video, the inventor will give you a jet remote control. Use it. Then the jet arrives. to be continued ……….
Robot Party on BBL97!
want 2 have a costume contest? 4 shaggy shell’s party, i mean. we can’t talk about it on poptropica, but we can talk here, so y don’t we just comment about it, u know?
;3 …Need island to be open for nonmembers… Heeheeheee… After written walkthrough is posted…
Thank you prickly dolphin… Does Hazy Girl have poptropica? Has she been on the comment page before? I like the name đ
what d u guys mean a party explain i dnt understand?
wait i think i get it u have multiverse huh or smething else
what party u guys talking about?
as if ? rishade gamia im not so friendly that’s just my gaming name ” friendly goose and im not a goose
sorry I wrote something i dont even … please dont take those words seriosly
hey! who is that friendly goose? im gonna kill him!!!!
who is that who wants to kill me? huh? as if little flower im gonna pluck you off !!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhh.. on da island 4 scardy pants game, it keep makin me do Darkness Dive over and over and my best fuckin time is 48!!! som1 help me and yes im a member.
What do you mean, friendly goose? I don’t get what you mean… đ
can some1 pls help me????
Risha Degamia, Hazy Girl do has a poptropican account. Her character is Orange Singer. When is Shaggy Shell’s party going to start? When is she going to give out the code?
Party at my muliverse! The code is BBV71
My character is Popular Singer
Sorry I had to get out of my muliverse You can go later
Poptropica threw me off and sent me back where I was before I went into a muliverse
shaggy shell? r u there?
when is the party and wht is the multiverse code 4 it?
o and how do u get a photo on here?
Part 1 of Written Walkthrough:
Ok go to Game Show Island. Go to the museum and watch the video. After watching the video, go talk to that guy with the box clothes. Talk to him. Then climb the roof and go left. Get the toolbox (never forget to get that).
Go to the factory and go inside. Go left and talk to the guys. Then climb the rope. Then after you go up, go right and jump and jump. You should see a crane. Press the down button and a little more. Now jump on the crane and press the up button. Keep going up. After you are up, jump to the left. You should see more buttons. Go walk to the left some more. Click on the computer.
A thing will open. WOW!!!!! Now go over and jump the crane and go up. After you are up, go to the right. Some things are on the wall and they are screwed up. Use the toolbox. Use the screwdriver on the screws by taking the screwdriver on a screw and click. Spin is around a few times and a screw will come off. Keep doing it until all the screws are off. Click on the things. Then you will go down and it will start to get hot. Then you will take a fan. You can turn it on anytime. Now walk out the factory.
Now go back to Main Street and press the button. Now a robbot appears, he will arrest you but you say sorry, then the robbot doesnât arrest you. Use the fan in the night club. Now you will go to the robot. Now click on the robbot. He should be cooled down.
Then he will give you a nickel but he will say donât spend it in one place. Go to the factory again but donât go inside. Go to the left and talk to that guy. He needs a nickel. Give him the nickel (ignore the robot who said donât spend it in one place). Then he gives you goggles, then you say thank you, next the guy walks away to buy a bar of soap.Those goggles will help you find that inventor.
Why would anyone throw those away? Use your goggles outside the factory. You donât see him.
Go inside the factory and use your goggles. You donât see him anywhere. Try the museum on Main Street. Nope, not there. Go to the night club, use your goggles. Try the top, AH HA SPOTTED!!!!! Its the inventor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You canât go up so go outside and climb the museum. Try to get the other side.
Climb the advertisement and get to the top (if there isnât an advertisement for you, wait for one). When you are at the top, jump to the window. Then use your toolbox and get all the screws out. After all the screws are out, enter. When you enter and after its loaded, you will see the inventor. Get to the other side (stay on top), and push the musical thingy and over and it will drop. Jump down.
Climb the rope to the right. You are on the second floor. Then the inventor drops a rock. You will drop down again. Climb the rope again. Then get the top. The code is 2014 or 2041. After you enter the code correctly, enter the elevator. After the game is loaded, talk to the inventor. Next, he will show you a video on his upad (whatever that is, maybe an ipad), after the video, the inventor will give you a jet remote control. Use it. Then the jet arrives.
Part 1 done. to be continued….. I didn’t watch the video. I just figured this out. On the other comments, I commented some of my walkthroughs. I putted part 1 together
Yep thats one big comment I should have split it Sorry I will do that next time.
blue heart
thank you for hoping i get better
i think i am going to change my name to soccer gurl, (D.M.)
when i say (D.M.) i am trying to tell you guys that i am also Dizzy Mosquito!
i just had my birthday!
my dad had to go on a bisnis trip so he gave me a cell phone!
nevermind about my comment about my costume, i changed it. i just put together a bunch of stuff 4 fun and apparently, at the momant, i am a fairy dog gunslinger with a squeaky toy in its mouth and a sack of dog treats in its paw w/ the vampire hair
sould i b Soccer Gurl, (D.M.) or just stick with Dizzy Mosquito
Dizzy Mosquito is my Poptropican name
Soccer Gurl is because because i played soccer sence i waz two or three (when i say (D.M.) I am trying 2 tell u guys that i am still Dizzy M.)
I’m getting an IPAD!!!!!!!!!!!! AYAYYAYAYAY. This girl in my class gets evrything she wants and yesterday the entire school had a draw and she won a ipod shuffle!!!!!! which she already has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but my dad is going to give my laptop to my mom and i’m getting an ipad yayayayayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayyayayyayayayayay.
and happy birthday D.M
Congratulations Thalia! Happy Birthday D.M.! When is Shaggy Shell going to comment? She told us she would tell us the code today.
thank you prickly dophin
do you have a membership
HEy guys sorry it started so late! Here is the code aml72 plz come ill be there all ninght!
shaggy shell theres no room matching that code
My poptropica party code DBN75
Tonite at 7:00 sharp
YAY!!!!! Sorry Im late My dad was on
Ive been waiting for ur post. I will be there after I log in
The code doesn’t work! Shaggy Shell, can you create another multiverse? I can’t get in
Please Shaggy Shell. I really want to go to your party.
I typed in the code correctly but it didn’t work
Please Shaggy Shell. I wanted to go to ur party. I can’t come because the code won’t work. Please comment đ
Listen up, I am having a party on Monday. Wear your latest outfit or costume! It will be a great party, everyone! Any time I host a party, no one comes. Lets a get a full day. I’ll ask Hazy Girl my friend to come. Hope everyone comes!
WOW! Lot’s of birthdays coming up! đ happy bday DIZZY MOSQUITO! What phone did you get?
Bellated happy birthday Dizzy Mosqito! My birthday passed.What present did you get?
my birthday isnt until April. i hope i get a laptop for my birthday
i’m so confused! when does game show island get released to non members?
i have a laptop
On November 22!!!!!!!!! Does anyone want to come to my party tomorrow?
Sorry I putted alot of explantion points. I meant to put one
what is the advertisement
i found it
sry prickly dolphin i was waiting and our power went out! I might try again next saturday. btw shaggy shell has a new outfit! she looks so cute! i am gonna load it today!
never mind! Prickly dolphin, i would but i have school then i have cheer practice. yes i love cheerleading!
Shaggy Shell!!! I was so worried! I forgive you. You can have a party anytime on Poptropica!
Just letting u know that my party will be on Friday. I know I said Monday but I changed my mind.
On a field trip. I’m on Facebook I’m Kaitlin parker with the sunset as my profile pic. Friend me!
Why would you friend someone on FaceBook you don’t know?
my b-bay is november 22nd !!!!!!!!!!
Pirate Girl,what day in april is your birthday?
I can’t go on Facebook because I am too young. My birthday is on October 2.
have any of you seen the movie transfromers dark of the moon
OMG! Fierce Moon,I wanna be a superstar like you! I like you!
where is the written stuff?
Wait, Fierce Moon can never chat with us on this page, right? I keep forgetting, lol đ
Yes,I saw her on chat.
ok, trusty lightning with a heart, u schould have seen that i changed my name. so get off the computer and get ur own name u un creative freak! btw, just cause u put a heart in my name and say u r me is not cool
my b day is the 17 im turning 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just took a hearing test ive got hearing loss in the 3 kHz area whatever that is
i have a laptop
random! nhboiucgw874.leu9y8pmcv9u4nfsumh8t9lry.mun fbrht805okefwyh89uvok;[‘pjgytfrnhgbih7u6 ycgtvghrt56hmij76yuvf89mo[6m7e
i love chatting i dont have a facebook page im 2 young
I’m 10.I am older than you!
omgoodness. im like 14. did i tell yall how old i was earlier? i cant remember. im such a blond
do you guys want 2 no my real name its kinda embarrassing. its… Gertrude.>:(
skye, i hate your pic. its the dumbest thing i have every seen. i mean it makes u seem like u eat alot and it makes u look like u eat so much that u way like, 200pounds. đż
im only 40 pounds
that was so mean!!! you shouln’t have said that to her!!! i hope you apologize.
i like your pic, skye!
does it look like i give a crap? >:(, 3:), O:)
trusty lightning, that is mean and rude. u should really say srry. skye, i want 2 say srry 4 wat trusty lightning said 2 u. she will probably wont say srry.
my birthday is on April 5th and im working on a book. i will share some parts of the book later
thanks for thinking trusty lightning should apologize
Awwww, are you okay skye? for the hearing loss? đ
Awwww! That is so bad for you!
Hey i just completed 8th grade A honor roll for my first nine weeks , it’s my birthday, and for my birthday when breaking dawn comes out me and my boyfriend will go see it. I’m so excited because that is where I’ll have my first kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keiyara is that you?
Hey trusty lighting i’m 14 and im older than you by 2 months. Who’s the loser now, skye has an awesome pic so keep ur mouth shut. Do u hear me or are u having hearing problems like skye? ( No offense skye that was an insult for trusty lightning)
pick on someone ur own size because i am way taller than u and I know how to beat u up. Even though i don’t go to the same school as u i still know u
now that i have a pic check out how cool i look skye oh and 1 more thing,which school do u go to skye?
im fine its maybe swimmers ear or something like that
i moscow i cant get the windows right:(
i beat every thing hahahah
Hi, how’s everyone this fine day?
Lolz im only 11 and i have a facebook and twitter
What’s up?
this island is terrific!
Hi!!! I haven’t started with the rest of the island đ I am way too busy đ
I got every madallion but Wimpy Wonderland.
This island if cool, as long as it’s not too hard. XD Idk, it’s not out for free players yet. In the meanwhile, it looks tempting, yet not too much in a sense. I wanna play Legendary Swords though. X3
How do you change your picture on the right? My bad about the other comment I accidently had caps lock. How do you change your picture thats on the right?
i want 2 know that 2, and sry if i missed shaggy shell’s party
Hey Lazy Bones, how did you know how to change your picture? (talking to Lazy Bones)
That was me who said that
maybe u need to replace the picture thats on the right will another picture
I know how to change the picture!! First move our mouse on the picture and click the right button on the mouse Select go to my pictures PICK ANY PICTURE YOU WANT!!!!!!
change your name too
I’m Popular Singer
Dang it ….. didn’t work …… Someone please tell me how to do it!
I don’t know how to do that either, so you can just look at my profile on the forum, and then that’s the picture that I want.
or you can just click on my name on this comment or the comment above
I’ve beaten all the islands on poptropica!!
i just finished Game Show! i hope everyone will beat it! And please tell me,Fierce Moon, is one of the websites u play ourWorld? I am Jasselyn, i am wearing purple, and plz friend me !!!!!!
Uhh… I AM SO SORRY SHAGGY SHELL, that i didn’t come to your party đ i was just so confused đ đ„
Well,I am a non member and my name is Abigail.
For any one that’s a not a member, if you do get membership, you can get any item for free!
there is no WRITTEN CHEATS! i like written cheats
Try Mario Kart Wii, too.
Ok to the people who know how to change the picture thats on the right, TELL ME!!!!!!!! I need it! I want to change it! Its getting old. If you know how to do it, tell us
Should I create a picture and change my name?
forget it i don’t want my picture changed
i like my name – cuddly bubbles.. a also have one named silver scorpion, bronze leaf, golden flame and something else i cant remember ummmm where do u get the thermo goggles? thx!
nvm! dont u tlk to the hobo guy and give him ur quarter?
how many of u like justin bieber?? i luv him!!!!!!!! listin 2 his music now!
i wish this island was out to non-members!
shaggy shell never posted the multverse code 4 her party! đź
btw i think u go 2 gravatar.com for the picture
Testing testing 1.2.3.
She did post her code. Except that it didn’t work anymore because her power went out. She told me that. I’m serious! I hope she trys again tomorrow.
I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU ALL!!!!! Type in Game Show Island – Super Thunder’s Blog (this is a search) and BOOM Super Thunder has the Game Show guide! Whoo hoo! Go now Go now!
I know Super Thunder. She is a girl who created a blog called Super Thunder’s Blog.
umm… ok has any1 heard about Christopher Paolini?
o and by the way i HATE justin bieber. his name doesn’t deserve caps.booo!!!! >:)
yay,got link 4 the avatar thingie, click my name đ
y is everybody bing mean 2 me? wht did i do???i’ll try 2 read early comments about that but y? skye, what made u think that i called u fat?????? i just got on 4 the first time in about a month! wth guys! btw i hate cuddly sun so much and i feel bad 4 her bcause she has no friends. :*(
I found super thunder’s blog.
anybody here have any friends? cause i’m lonley…
i beat every island but game show, someone help!
ok ppl here is how you change your picture to the right
1. Go to http://www.gravatar.com
2. create an account
3. Select the picture you want to show up
4. Rate it G
That is how you get the picture.
Hey Shaggy Shell, I created an account I got a picture
Written Walkthrough Part 1:
Ok go to Game Show Island. Go to the museum and watch the video. After watching the video, go talk to that guy with the box clothes. Talk to him.
Go to the factory and go inside. Go left and talk to the guys. Then climb the rope. Then after you go up, go right and jump and jump. You should see a crane. Press the down button and a little more. Now jump on the crane and press the up button. Keep going up. After you are up, jump to the left. You should see more buttons.
Go walk to the left some more. Click on the computer. A thing will open. WOW!!!!! Now go over and jump the crane and go up. After you are up, go to the right. Some things are on the wall and they are screwed up. Use the toolbox. Use the screwdriver on the screws by taking the screwdriver on a screw and click. Spin is around a few times and a screw will come off. Keep doing it until all the screws are off. Click on the things.
Then you will go down and it will start to get hot. Then you will take a fan. You can turn it on anytime. Now walk out the factory.
Now go back to Main Street and press the button. Now a robbot appears, he will arrest you but you say sorry, then the robbot doesnât arrest you. Use the fan in the night club. Now you will go to the robot. Now click on the robbot. He should be cooled down. Then he will give you a nickel but he will say donât spend it in one place.
Go to the factory again but donât go inside. Go to the left and talk to that guy. He needs a nickel. Give him the nickel (ignore the robot who said donât spend it in one place). Then he gives you goggles, then you say thank you, next the guy walks away to buy a bar of soap. Those goggles will help you find that inventor. Why would anyone throw those away? Use your goggles outside the factory. You donât see him.
Go inside the factory and use your goggles. You donât see him anywhere. Try the museum on Main Street. Nope, not there. Go to the night club, use your goggles. Try the top, AH HA SPOTTED!!!!! Its the inventor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You canât go up so go outside and climb the museum. Try to get the other side.
Climb the advertisement and get to the top (if there isnât an advertisement for you, wait for one). When you are at the top, jump to the window. Then use your toolbox and get all the screws out. After all the screws are out, enter. When you enter and after its loaded, you will see the inventor. Get to the other side (stay on top), and push the musical thingy and over and it will drop. Jump down.
Climb the rope to the right. You are on the second floor. Then the inventor drops a rock. You will drop down again. Climb the rope again. Then get the top. The code is 2014 or 2041. After you enter the code correctly, enter the elevator. After the game is loaded, talk to the inventor. Next, he will show you a video on his upad (whatever that is, maybe an ipad), after the video, the inventor will give you a jet remote control. Use it. Then the jet arrives.
Thats all of written walkthrough part 1
YAY I JUST BECAME A MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you TP!!!! đ
hi when does game show island come out to non members plz
These cheats are awesome!!!! Lemme know when a new island comes.Then i’ll remember to use this website!!! P.S ALL MEMBERS ARE AWESOME!!!
shouldn’t Fierce Moon put Legendary Swords as a special walkthrough?
hey guys!:mrgreen: sorry if im commenting much. does anyone here readseries of unfortune events?
I read the first one dont have any mor of them
epics walkthrough(s)!
You helped defeat so many islands using WRITTEN cheats. Where are they???? :\
i have 2 wait till game show island comes out 4 non members.
Hey, thanks.
You are AWESOME!
Do you think you could write a written walk through?
Stop asking when the island will come out!!!!!!!! It will come out on November 22, 2011
I wrote part 1 of the written walkthrough. Don’t ever say that I am Fierce Moon. I will write the written walkthrough. I know you don’t say that I am Fierce Moon but I am letting u know.
Nice Pic Prickly Dolphin! Im sry I haev not been comment a lot again. My dad is back in the hospital so Ive been up there a lot! Prickly Dolphin, your pic kinda looks like Shaggy Shell’s twin sister!
My mom just bought membership for me!
hooray for you!
YAY, good for you terra… đ đ nice pic, PD!!!
thank Risha Degamia! Its a picture of me dressed up as a teenage fairy. To change your comment picture (icon), you go to gravatar.com and get an account. After you get an account, choose this: My computer’s hard drive. After you click that, browse through your pictures and select the one you want. After that, click next. Then you crop with the arrows. After you crop, click the on button Crop and Finish. You have a new picture! Make sure you asked your parents for an account.
Make sure you add your email address too. You can start a profile on gravatar.com if you like. But you only can if you have an account and an icon.
Does anyone know when its going to be open for everyone because im not a member.
As Emmily swam to the finish line, the girl from the blue team swam past her doing a back stroke. She gave Emmily a nasty look and swam faster. Then Emmily started to feel her changing. Oh no she thought. (from my new book, A Mermaidtasic Tail! read when if it gets published! đ
man yeah a written walkthrough would be awesome
hey how do you find the guy while your using the goggles
What did I Say????? Stop asking when will the island will come out for non-members. It will come out on November 22, 2011. Remember that.
Shaggy Shell, I forgive you. Besides, I was going to change my picture again.
I hope your dad gets better. đ
I am a boy scout and I barely get time on this computer.
well , I tried to change my picture, but it’s still not working
and wh is getting membership so exciting for some people? I’ve been a member for 6 months and wasn’t that exciting.
and one more thing, I’ve seen written walkthroughs but don’t ask me where because I forgot
i wanna play waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Hey Pirate Girl, I’ve read the whole series! Best books EVER!!!!!!
is anyone elses miami freezing on this island ?? please help me i really wanna finish the island !
hey y’all. <3 me!
Hey Spotted Carrot, you might have seen the written walkthrough on Super Thunder’s Blog or Poptropica Help Blog. Those are my guesses. đ
And Spotted Carrot, you go to Gravatar.com and get an account.
And get some pictures. I DON’T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT!!!!!! đ đĄ
hey guys!
whats happened?
Hey guys, I am very sorry… But I am not able to go on this page for like everyday, maybe once every week… sorry đ
Wait, LAZY BONES…. what country time is it? cause some people are in different countries, so I have to know the right time.. ish đ
TO LAZY BONES: also, for the email thingee… I am using my school email. So remember, I am still here. so please chat with me LAZY BONES đŻ
i HATE those adverts at the side im in the middle of something then i accidently click on it then i loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow this is really easy with the cheats! Thanks!
So, hey, my first time here, cool poptropica name (its wild leopard), blah blah blah.
Oh, and I’m a girl.
Anyway, let’s just get staright to the point. Where. Is. The. Written. Walkthrough ?
my multiverse code is BMV17
Lazy Bones, my character is Popular Rock and will the party be at night?
maroon eye are you in your room right now?
Gosh people don’t use bad words!!!
i really hate how when you are walking on poptopica and there is an ad on the side you click on it by accident
Ill be there Lazy Bones! I have a cute dress for Shelly to wear anyways!
what is this about?am i suppost to watch the Video or something?
Hey Shaggy Shell, I saw you in my party yesterday. I loved your outfit! Hey Lazy Bones, I will start to complete islands and get cute outfits from the Poptropica Store, I will put some parts on, try the outfit, if its amazing to me, Then I’ll wear it! See you at the party. Attention People, my parties will be on Saturdays except November 17 cause thats when Lazy Bones will host. I better go complete islands and create a style. Bye
And everyone, if you want to come to Lazy Bones’ party, pick out an outfit you would love to wear. And Shaggy Shell, I can’t wait to see your outfit. đ
which outfit? the one I wore in or the one I changed into?
Prickly Dolphin, call me Shelly! everyone calls me that!
Shelly’s bff, Honey, will be following her. If you have seen her dont tall anyone what or who she is please! I want to keep her a secret!
shelly is such a cute name~~~thanks guys!
YAY!MY MOMS B-DAY IS COMING SOON!….but sad becuz shes sick
how do create an outfit?????????????????????????????????????????
Hey guys, I’m kinda jimming in here but lately on Poptropica the general chatrooms have been SO empty and boring. What should I do?
Xx Claire.
risha…………….. when’ll you email the walkthrough? đ :/
Hay Ppl plz come to my Christmas Party!!!!Code is AYZ83 PLZ COME!
OMG, right young drummer!!! I am so sorry, I was just a bit busy. What is your email again? sorry đ đł đŻ đ đ„ đĄ
party today at 6 pm code is AZQ11
Lucky Thunder, you don’t know how to create an outfit????????????? Its easy, you take your favorite parts from an island or an outfit from the Poptropica Store. Combine them with dresses or shirts with skirts. Buy some outfits from the Poptropica Store. Put them on. Heres how to make a sweet blue ballerina outfit for an example. You have to buy the swan ballerina outfit, and the pop star outfit from the Poptropica Store. You put on the blue n white dress from the swan ballerina outfit. Then, put on the pop star outfit’s blue coat, blue belt, and white skirt with blue leggings. Then you go to Reality TV Island and go on the show. Find sally score and costumize her. Get her hair. Or for the hair, you can costumize the blue girl that has the white slash on Mythology Island. You can get her hair. Enjoy making an outfit!
Ok shaggy shell, I will call you Shelly. I say thats a great name. And Shelly, I am talking about the dress you will wear for Lazy Bones’ party.
Irk! I cant get past the part were you make the windows different colours to make the helecoptor land!
oh that dress! Im not sure if i will wear that dress for sure yet! I might make a new one Idk yet! If not you will see me in that one!
go to ADS38 !
I`m the guy pirate with a gun and hypnotizing glasses.
sorry guys.i might be a little late at the christmas party.becuz i have tutor.but i will come there as fast as i can:)
Its ok Lazy Bones. I could wait. If you never show up, I won’t be mad. I am always patient.
Sure, fine with me Lazy Bones đ I don’t mind anything like this, but forgive me please. I MIGHT come, i am actually not sure…. đ i have to see
Sorry guys Im never able to make it to my party please forgive me đ
Hi! I am cheerful feather. I would be really gr8 if you will be my friend !
TO,Prickly Dolphin
oh, is that okay Lazy Bones?
Bummer – looks like you’ve got great info here for Poptropica – but if you’re going to put up risque, degrading pictures of women (Legendary Swords) then, this site can’t be trusted to be kid-friendly. We’re out of here – even though we don’t want to be :o(
bfx67 is my room lol but i can only be on for a couple minutes i dont care who comes ill welcome everyone
Is 5:00 now and on my computer, it said that Risha commented at 5:17.
Does anyone go on here other than me and Risha?
Shelly and Lazy Bones comments here too.
sorry guys but i changed my time party at 5:00
I love Christmas time but I dont this year because my dad might not be around on Christmas! đ„ :'( đ ):(
Shelly, its ok. Your dad will be around on Christmas. I’m sure. And Lazy Bones, I live in Las Vegas and other people live in other cities/countries and they have different time zones. But I will be checking this site for any comments on December 17.
im thinking of giving up poptropica……
Wait… When is the party??? sorry guys
Risha, the party will be on December 17, 2011.
go to http:www.freepoptropica.com/signup.php?ref=luigy72
i can’t get the part towards the end where you have to move the pipes!!! any suggestions?
hey im a newbie @ this but can u join poptrop secrets and if so how btw my multiplaya room is BZC67
rough fly its yellow , orange , purple , orange
its yellow orange purple orange
for ghost story island how do you get the brown lady?????????????????????????????????????
Wait does it show flowers on mine cause i went on it and I wanna know đ just checking when i post this :DDD
đ đ
đ :happy: I’m glad that I got through Game Show Island.
đ just trying this smiley
Oh finally, I never thought I could do that smile. đ đ đ đ
i cant figure out what to wear!this is super hard:(
i promise i will tell the code on the 17 but at 4:57 so the code wouldnt expire
I know, right? ITS SO HARD TO PICK A PERFECT TO WEAR ON POPTROPICA!!!!!!! And Lazy Bones, will the party at night on the 17?
Perfect outfit I meant
OMG First to comment
you guys should see my puppy in youtube.her name is wendy and if you want to see her then go to youtube and type wendy playing with her doll and you could see a white puppy:)
Thank you PRICKLY DOLPHIN and LAZY BONES! đ i will see if I can come, ok?
Lazy bones, your dog is soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!! đ awwwwww đ
What is the number code? the body heat one
Bronze Ring, the number code is 2014.
I have picked out an outfit for Lazy Bones’ party. Check it out!
Shelly and Lazy Bones, if you are on, check out my outfit! Also the rest of you can check it out
Nice outfit Prickly Dolphin! My outfit shall be a secret! I think I got a new one too! Hey Lazy Bones, can my friend sticky sword come?
Hey does anyone know where Bashful cloud went? I haven’t seen her in like forever!
Oh. Hey Shaggy Shell, remember my party from last week? And a poptropican named Sticky Sword came? Was that Sticky Sword your friend?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I acciendently called you Shaggy Shell instead of Shelly. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright about that comment when I called you Shaggy Shell, Shelly. Heres an edit:
Oh. Hey Shelly, remember my party from last week? And a poptropican named Sticky Sword came? Was that Sticky Sword your friend?
sure shelly!i dont care if a person who i dont know can come too.this party is for everyone!but i really need to get busy right now becuz i dont have anything to wear yet!
Hey Lazy Bones, did you checked out my outfit? Anyways, I’ll get you a nice outfit to wear for the party.
thanks.and if people forgot when the party begins,this is when it starts:
december 17,2011
at 5:00 pm
Well, some people live iin different countries, so how do i know what time the party will be in the country i live in??? đ
Well, I live in Las Vegas and I will be checking the site for any posts on December 17. The times in Las Vegas are really different. But I’ll be checking this site on December 17.
i live in china but i am not from there i am from japan đ
i never had any friends online so Lazy Bones and Prickly Dolphin will you guys be my friends 4 ever;)
yeah prickly (can i call you that?) thats her. She is one of my closeset friends. She comes on here every now and then but she cant post anything bc she doesnt have an email address…. So she wanted me to ask is she could come or not. SHe is rly funny and an awesome friend!
ok, sry ’bout the long speech! i got kinda carried away! again sry!
and prickly dolphin its fine that you called me shaggy shell. it happens!
Sorry i was gone đ
Can you do a written one?!
I really like it when people make so good friends with others on this page. This page is so cool to make friends and co-operate! đ
here are some people i cant find on poptropicasecrets.com:
bashful cloud
pirate girl
russel(which i hate)
and more
And… Darryl… i dont know, he is nowhere now đ
does anyone know where the inventor is in gameshow island
if you can’t see the picture thats in the link, I will tell you about my outfit I will wear for Lazy Bones’ party.
I will be dressed up as a winter ballerina at the party.
Here are the parts of my outfit:
the blue n white dress from the Swan Ballerina Outfit
the necklace that’s from the black girl from Spy Island
the pop star outfit’s blue hat, blue belt, microphone, earring bangs, and the skirt with blue leggings
white lips from the aqua blue girl on Mythology Island
the hair is a secret (I can’t really explain it)
Oh and Please note that my poptropican’s name is Popular Rock.
Hey shelly (can I call you that?) and prickly dolphin and lazy bones and everyone else since i never had like online friends could u guys be my friends btw call me sneaky!!! đ
Oh and lazy bones can I go to ur party ill tell you wat im wearing:
Pop stars earings,necklace, and belt.
Gamer girls hair, and glasses
swan ballerina dress
spooky gum mouth
and thats all hope ya like it :-);-)
Nice! Hey um, Lazy Bones, Can my friend Hazy Girl come? her character is Smart Moon.
She told me what outfit she was going to wear for the party.
Here is the complete outfit:
Bikers coat and belt
Pop stars microphone
the blue girl’s outfit (Cryptids Island and Hazy Girl and I call the blue girl on Cryptids Island the school girl)
gamer girls hair
red lips (Mystery Train Island)
yeah she will be dressed as a school girl at the party.
When I said “she”, I am talking about Hazy Girl (Smart Moon)
Ok I know this isn’t about the party or Poptropica but OMG Club Penguin is going to start a holiday party on December 17!!!!! THATS WHEN LAZY BONES WILL HOST HER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. the game shows on game show island are so easy. đ
HAI PEOPLE! IM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!!!! and i already have the perfect outfit to wear to Lazy Bone’s party đ
ok heres the out fit im wearing to the party:
Bucky Lucas white coat from Reality TV
red lips ( get lips from Mystery Train Island)
and the pink island dress from Alvin and the Chimpmucks Chipwreaked
i will be at the party!
and my poptropican name is Hyper Jumper
On Poptropica it’s really hard to reach the door on top of the Club ” Nouveau Riche ” to fix the air condition in the roof can someone help me do this so I can finish this Island
{by the way my name on Poptropica is sorry I forgot please help me someone any one help me}
can i come to the party . please i can be your body guard lazy bone
Watcha doin guys?
đ -takes pancake- -someone slaps her hand- OUCH! :'( all i wanted was breakfest đ
i pass every island on poptropica
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Hey guys,
I’m on Game Show Island and I’m up to where I’ve got to dial in the numbers on the keypad to the roof. I’ve used the heat goggles and done the numbers in every possible combination. Why won’t it work?
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wow their so cool
LOL, everyone copy pasted them. Thanks a lot! đ
XD guys! XD quit it! XD *laughs* LoL ppl
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Anyone know the color code to the rooftop?
does anyone know the pattern on the building to get the helicopter to land
I need help with the roof color code.
The roof code is 2014
WATCH THE VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooops I posted that on the wrong site, Sorry
I meant was watch the videos if you can. And Fierce Moon needs to start working on the written walkthrough
how do you get to the window where the inventor is hiding? and what does the pool table game do and how do you win it? please help
nevermind about the window , you use the fan.
hey where are you muneeb ?
helo did your mother not let you play again
are you blind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ,man you just have to put website any com and any yahoo .com on e mail
im sick of it tottaly sick of it im going ! bye!
umm, normally on this page when you are chatting. You need to refresh, then you get the reply from the other person… right?
hey guys i get stuck at kren whatever what should i do?
Uhh Risha yeah thats what happens LOL
Hey, can somebody finish astro knight island for me?My user is PUP4916 and my pass is cutie thanks!!
Ummmm… before you give your pass and username…. Who is going to do it? ‘Cause not a lot of people can do it all at once…. đ
hi does anyone have a membership account that i can share with them and if so i will do any island that u need help with and dont say something like ooh just buy ur own but i cant and this is the public libarys coumpter we r poor so my mom wont buy the member ship 4 me thx bye
I am an expert at Astro Knights Island.
Sneaky Tummy, can I go on your account? I won’t hack or change your password. I respect accounts that aren’t mine.
Here are the names of what store items I have in my store items inventory (they are listed in order):
Pop Star
Rock Star 2
Fairy Queen
Prom Queen
Haunted House
Alvin Notifier
Costume Collector
Holiday Ball
Vamp. Girl 3
Mythology Surfer
Swan Ballerina
Vamp. Girl 1
Gamer Girl
Cheerleader (not the gothic one)
Oh and I am not a member. Wish I was đ I hope I become one when my parents get a new computer đ
Thanks Prickly Dolphin but you didnt finish it did you?And also I guess you know im a member because you changed my clothes:-(
Oh and littlebird you dont have to win the pool game its just for fun
Hi you guys!
Persephone is sooooo mean at Mythology Island!
Persephone?I finished Mythology Island but I dont remember her
hey ppl! the party sounds like fun so the date is the 17th and the time 5:00? i live in the pacific northwest so tht sounds about my time so yea
here’s what im gonna wear:
black beret hair
white earrings and bangs from the pop star outfit
hair flip
pink lips
black vest
pop star shirt
black belt
black skirt
fairy wings
Thats One Crazy Monkey
guys go to youtube and type in jenna vogeler…. she wuz my frend in elementary school then she moved away and now shes an actress….. she autitioned for tht show majors and minors
Ohhhh, actress for what? Movies?
Sorry I’m late. I was busy. Any ways, I have a twist. A twist is not a glitch. A twist in poptropica is an extra accessery thing or personality or something.
What You Need For The Twist:
The Biker Outfit
The Pop Star Outfit
Your character’s last name must be Biker or Rider.
Put on the Biker Outfit.
Put on Pop Star’s Earring Bangs.
Much like a twist. Though, my character’s name is Popular Rock. I can still do the twist though.
If any girl would like a Christmas Outfit on Poptropica, here it is!
Title for Christmas Outfit: Christmas Girl
What You Need For the Outfit:
The Tangled In Lights Outfit
The Prom Queen Outfit
The Pop Star Outfit
The Fairy Queen Costume (if you want)
1. Costumize the Graduate Outfit, get the red dress.
2. Costumize the Pop Star outfit, get the green belt.
3. Costumize the Fairy Queen Costume, get the green lips.
4. Costumize the Tangled In Lights Outfit, get the Christmas Hat Hair.
5. Costumize the Yellow Girl on Mystery Train Island, get her lips if you don’t want Fairy Queen’s Green LIps.
6. Get Prom Queen and get the bangs
7. Star Necklace from the Black Girl on Astro Knights Island.
Remember the list when I told you what store items I had in my store items inventory? Well the list was finished but I added Tangled In Lights Outfit today. I might get that snowman/snowwoman costume
I am still Prickly Dolphin. Popular Rock is my new name.
The costumes are so cool, as I can imagine! Thanks đ
They ain’t costumes, they are outfits! Does anyone comment on here still or is it just me?
Whoops, I said that? Sorry, I mean Outfits… đ
have a nice day ^_^
what notebook? What the heck are you talking about, Pizza Person? and you people should stop making things hard, if you watch a video, then you would understand. But seriously, I completed Game Show Island all by myself. đ
Yay first comment! Whoo hoo! once again!
this is a very cool island i think it is epic!!!!!!!!!!
(game show island is epic that is what i meant) : )
When is the walkthrou gonna come out?
hey, um remember in 2009 that there was a gold pop star outfit? Well, I have made a white pop star outfit for all the poptropica girls! Oh and a reminder: I never got the gold pop star outfit, Although I have the regular pop star outfit. I also made a black pop star outfit. Check them out!
How to Make A White Pop Star Outfit:
1. Go to Reality TV Island, go inside the motel room 4b, costumize the guy whose name Bucky Lucas, and get his white.
2. Go to Mythology Island, go to Poseidon’s Realm, costumize the guy with the surf board whose name is Triton, and get his white belt.
3. If you ever see a girl with a white hat, costumize the girl and get the hat.
4. Get the Gamer Girl Outfit from the Store, costumize it, and get the hair.
5. Get the Pop Star Outfit from the Store, costumize it, and get the earring bangs, microphone, white skirt with blue leggings, and shirt,
6. Go to Mythology Island again and costumize the girl with the white lips. Get the white lips from her. (Or buy the Karate Master outfit and get the lips).
Black Pop Star:
1. Go to Cryptids Island, go right until you see a girl with black hair, costumize her, and get her skirt.
2. Get the Biker Outfit, costumize it, and get the coat, belt, and hat.
3. Get the Pop Star Outfit, costumize it, and get the microphone, shirt, and earring bangs.
4. Get the Gamer Girl Outfit, costumize it, and get the hair.
1. Go to Reality TV Island, go inside the motel room 4b, costumize the guy whose name Bucky Lucas, and get his white coat.
2. Go to Mythology Island, go to Poseidonâs Realm, costumize the guy with the surf board whose name is Triton, and get his white belt.
3. If you ever see a girl with a white hat, costumize the girl and get the hat.
4. Get the Gamer Girl Outfit from the Store, costumize it, and get the hair.
5. Get the Pop Star Outfit from the Store, costumize it, and get the earring bangs, microphone, white skirt with blue leggings, and shirt,
6. Go to Mythology Island again and costumize the girl with the white lips. Get the white lips from her. (Or buy the Karate Master outfit and get the lips).
I know I am repeating but I forgot the word “coat” in the first sentence.
wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz upppppppppppppppppppppppppp
does someone know hyper jumper?shes in my party right now
Lazy Bones, My character is Popular Rock. I’ll meet you there!
I am in the room! But there is no one here! I am getting lonely in here in the room!
my poptropican name is Hyper Jumper. Ur party cool LB but not much ppl came.
nvm the party! i left the room
why can’t anyone come to the room with me? đ
Im here! Im here!
awwww she left. đ đ
I only got 2 screenshots of me and her. đ I give up. If no one is coming, Im leaving
Super bored when is the new island coming out?!
My party room code is DGL53 pls come!
ok… Which room is available RIGHT NOW???????? sry đ â
hmph… no room from what all of you have given are available đ
im going to make a party on poptropica
Ok… When is it?
Hi everyone!sorry i wasnt on here alot i was trying to finish ghost story đ but now im back! đ and Prickly Dolphin plz stop going on my account and changing my character its annoying.Oh and I know how to make yoor own silly name on reality show island.Just go to the store and dress in something like pop star or something and make up a name for it!
hey guys these videos do not help very much! i finished this island all by myself!!!:)
today risha dagamia
the room code is BMG74 AT 10 ALCLOCK
i agree with skinny runner!
Hey Sneaky Tummy, I wasn’t on your account. I was on it once. SO DON”T BLAME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND SNEAKY TUMMY!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS NEVER ON YOUR ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO WHY WOULD I CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
sorry I am having capitals, I just haven’t been on someone’s account. And Sneaky Tummy, if you didn’t tell your password, then no one would change your clothes.
For Reality TV Island, I always dressed different. But someday I will wear the regular pop star outfit.
why would someone give out there code?
That room doesn’t work.
Party Code: AET26
My character’s name: Popular Rock
Never mind. I am going to go play Ghost Story Island. So bye
Hey hey hey, Prickly Dolphin, are you ok??? I have a feeling you are not, sorry
waaaaaaa, none of the party codes work… does it mean that when you close the room, it doesn’t exist anymore? (confused) đ đ đ
does anyone know the book called mallory on the spotlight?because if you do you are awsome!!!!!i love the mallory book series.
umm………………………….. walkthrough please fierce moon? ?????????????
btw, layzybones…………………………………..i havn’t read the seires! are they good?
Sorry about the capitals, Risha Degamia. I was mad at Sneaky Tummy for blaming me. She blamed me cause she thought I changed her character’s clothes but I didn’t. I never went on her account.
If there was 2 people in a multiverse and the owner of the multiverse leaves and the other person stays, the code will still work. BUT if that person leaves too, then the code doesn’t work anymore. The owner of the multiverse can get to back to his or her multiverse IF there is still people in there.
Ok, if the other day had some codes and the next day comes, then the other day codes don’t work. Nobody stays up all night just for a poptropica party.
Those are some answers.
OMG I see Lazy Bones’ new comment picture. Her comment picture is a picture of her dressed as white pop star! OMG Someone likes my white pop star outfit!
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made them up
what kind of computer and ill tell you
O yea! i’m almost finished with game show island! It’s sooo much FUN and easy, well, 4 a while…
i luvvv this island but hate scardy pants !!!!! oh gotta go !! lol
I already finished Game Show Island. I finished it 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Yeah, the island was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD but I finally completed it 2 or 3 weeks ago.
If you want the written walkthrough, go to itsapoptropicablog.wordpress.com/island-guides/game-show-island-guidewalkthrough/ or blog.poptropicahelp.net/island-help/game-show-island/game-show-guide/
đ Hey Prickly Dolphin, same for me. I finished the island 2-3 weeks ago, WITHOUT the cheats đ
here are the lyrics to my fav song
the song is by the might be giants
Yes, no, maybe
I don’t know
Can you repeat the question?
You’re not the boss of me now
You’re not the boss of me now
You’re not the boss of me now
And you’re not so big
Life is unfair
So I just stare
At the stain on the wall where
The TV’d been
But ever since
We’ve moved in it’s been empty
Why I, why I’m in this room
There is no point explaining
You’re not the boss of me now
And you’re not so big
Life is a test
But I confess
I like this mess I’ve made so far
Grade on a curve and you’ll observe
I’m right below the horizon
Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know
Can you repeat the question?
You’re not the boss of me now
You’re not the boss of me now
You’re not the boss of me now
And you’re not so big
Life is unfair
OMG I heard that song before. It was a theme song on a show that I watched a couple months ago.
I don’t watch the show anymore. I watch a different show,
same thing with me!!! but i did have to get the code for the elevater but thats it!
i finished this 1 lik 3 weeks ago w/o cheats..its really simple, just play the mini-games
OH YA!!! I think I have heard this before! Thanks for showing it to me again đ
i have never heard that song before in my life wierd song
I was the first non-member finished with game show island.
whoops i forgot to use my maroon eye file
i dont know how to get to the person in the vent
Jack- How do you know if you were the first person to finish an island? I am confused, sorry đ đ đ
I can’t get the combination to the door!! 20142??? I need help!!!!
Hey! Check out this song!
You don’t have to like the video, but you can like the song. This song rocks!
this is very difficult if you don’t give us the cheats
hey guys.. sry i wasnt at the party. Ive been rly busy lately so i couldnt make it. I just realized that Ghost story is out
hey Shaggy Shell, I think it is ok cause the party wasn’t there. You see, many people also me have problems with making multiverse codes đ
By the way, I think S.O.S island will be pretty awesome đ who thinks so?
S.O.S island is like the Tittanic! S.O.S island will be super dooper!
IKR! S.O.S Titanic!!! It will be based on a true story, huh?
I loved the Titanic movie and I as sure as hell will totally love this island!
I loved it to… I just hope there isn’t ANOTHERR sad ending đ please please no (praying) đ
Yeah Shelly, no one was at the party. I exactly don’t know how I got in there cause there was no one there. Usually, when the rooms that are available and some people are in there, other people can get in. But if all the people leave the room, then the room doesn’t work anymore. All I saw in the room was Hyper Jumper. Why didn’t I see Lazy Bones? Did she leave? If she did, she couldn’t have leave. I got on after she told the code and I went straight to Poptropica. Other people were just getting on.
S.O.S Island will be fun! I just know it! I saw the sneak peaks and I know the island will be fun. ST and BT write alot of guides for ST’s Blog. They even post them on PHB. I wish I was a member. đ So I could write guides and walkthroughs for the islands. I will even have some screenshots for my guides and walkthroughs. Here’s one more thing:
cheats, walkthroughs, guides, tips, screenshots, and help.
I wonder if Super Thunder or Brave Tomato will write a guide for S.O.S Island. I am going to become a member next week I think. I can’t wait for the island!
This island was fun but it was easy.
i robot 111001101011100110101101000001110101101010100011101011110110101000001010101011010101101101010100011101010101101010
i mean i nich :comfused: as david would say
umm, Prickly Dolphin. Lazy Bones I think said that she made the room but then she wasn’t able to have it, because not many people came (I think)…
OMG!i just got ears pierced today!
uhhh, why? how? when? where?
lazy bones ,guess wat!? i got mine peirced on Dec. 12!!! now i just have 2 wait until Jan. 17 2012 then i can take them off…
Merry Christmas! I already have too much presents under the tree before Christmas morning.
i beat all islands and got free access to new islands.did you know they have an island called dorky days.its like that book dork diaries!=)
Hey I think ghost story and Sos sucks a bit cause now I have TWO more islands to finish. Ugh.
Poptropica’s Game Show Island is cool! LOL
I like all Poptropica islands. The best is Game Show Island.
I know, Me to SPOTTED CARROT đ I am so excited, I am having a party with my family hehhehehehehheheh đ
So, I was trying to play Poptropica with my dad’s touchscreen computer and it wont work. SO I guess Ill just do nothing.
I was so looking forward to do this island
^ that sentence sounded wrong to me. lol
whoopsee, I mean “me too” not “me to” sry đł
Ugh Scardey Pants Game Show is HARD!!!!
When is Legendary Swords coming out??????
theres a funny thing in the backround of miami in the game. its a helicopter that says “roflcopter inc”
Hello sorry that I havent came on in a while AGAIN but it was because my dad grounded me from the computer đ
Prickly Dolphin how do you get a picture of your poptropican on the picture on the right?I dont know how đ :-/
Im having a Christmas party so dress christmasy!Code is:AWN12
Actaully new one code is:DFV91
Merry Christmas!
merry christmas
um what are the color of the window
Sneaky Tummy, why were you grounded? sorry to ask đł đ
Merry Christmas!
hehehehwe, Christmas was yesterday, not today, but Merry Christmas to you too đ
Sorry I didn’t comment 2 days ago or yesterday, I was too busy and too excited for Christmas. My family usually celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve, but we celebrate Christmas yesterday. We usually just Christmas on Christmas Eve, just Christmas Eve. But we didn’t celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve because my parents had to work so we had to celebrate christmas on christmas day. I will share an outfit later. See ya!
code DFV91
It took me a while just to find the airconditioner!
It is ok Prickly Dolphin, everyone is like that… Merry Christmas to you from yesterday đ
hey even tho im 2 days late merry christmas 2 evryone!
OK, So i want u to play woozworld, my favorite game, try it out!
UGH! đ I Got Grounded On Woozworld And In Real Life!
đ Good morning Poptropica Residents! (making this up) Good afternoon milady
Too Bad I don’t have membership. đ
does anyone have any promo codes? i need some promo codes.
whenever I try to complete Wimpy Wonderland island, after I get the game guide, instead of saying,”use”, itsays,”examine”, which is why I can’t complete the island! Have any of you tried to play that video game Greg played? It’s too hard for me.
yeah spotted carrot that happend to me as well ! but it sucks cuz i cant complete the island! also the game that greg plays is hard 4 me
well im gonna wait till s.o.s. island comes out who thinks it’s gonna b good?
I also don’t get the Multiverse! it’s wasting credits for nothing!
not fair that I can’t finish capturing the ghosts without membership. i used to have membership.
that happend to me too spotted carrot
just click on the tv then click on wizrd then you get easy mode trust me it gets so much easier
Spotted Carrot, the multiverse is no longer 350 credits. Its free now! Go to the store and get it now (if you wish).
How many years has anybody played Poptropica? Say your years in the comments. I have been playing Poptropica since 2010. I created my character Lazy Fish in 2010 and Popular Rock in 2011.
How many of you girls want the gold pop star outfit? I am one of the girls who want the gold pop star outfit! I have the other pop star outfit but I don’t have the gold one! It was Limited Edition, it had a limited number, and it was 75 credits. Of course, poptropica member girls can get it for free if its available. I wasn’t on Poptropica in 2009. I have learned about the gold pop star this year (2011).
Happy New Year!
Wow prickly dolphin đ I think I played Poptropica since 2007, so I am pretty used to it now đ đ đ
prickly dolphin, I’ve been playing since 2007 and its still fun!
Dang. I have been playing this since 2005!
im only eigt so i think i made mine in 2008.when i was six?
Hey Lazy Bones, if you are 8, I am 2 years older than you. I’m 10. I was 8 in 2010 when I found out about Poptropica. I became 9 years old in October 2010. I’m 10 now! I found out about Poptropica in June 2010. In June 2011, I was playing Club Penguin.
Happy New Year once again!
2012 is around the corner
How many of you want the gold pop star outfit?
hey valentina!!!!
shutup valentina i am not your freind anymore
i have ben playing poptropica since 2007
uhh, who is Valentina happy ghost?
Hey Lazy Bones and Prickly Dolphin,
I am 11 years old, and i have been playing Poptropica when I was 7 ish… I found poptropica on a site called http://www.funbrain.com and I found Poptropica there. I got convinced and I started playing it đ it is still fun đ
me too risha
me too risha!my sister,jenny,showed me poptropica by funbrain!
ahh, cool đ đ
Hi, from were do you get a yellow pop star outfit ?????
I <3 it !!!
It's gr8 !
about 2 years
and I bought the multiverse while it was 350 credits, so I wasted those credits for nothing.
I need help on wimpy woderland so bad! The video cheats didn’t even help.
I need help on the color code in Moscow. Can somebody help me.
Before asking any questions about a part on an island, read the written walkthrough if there is one. Spotted Carrot, go read the written walkthrough on the Wimpy Wonderland help page and read the written walkthrough if you need it.
oops I repeated “written walkthrough”. sorry đ
For the people who want to know how people can click on other people’s names on blogs for links, here is how to put a link inside your name.
First, post a comment BUT before you do that, put your email in the email box, your name in the name box, and put the link of the website you like the best in the website box. Examples of kind of websites you could put in the website box: http://www.poptropicasecrets.com, http://www.poptropica.com, http://www.fantage.com, http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/. You could put a link to a picture of your character in the website also. After you do the three things, put some nice words in the comment box and submit. After your comment is posted, move your mouse over your name and you will see a link to a website at the bottom.
That’s all. Happy New Year once again!
I guess you people only comment at the time when I go to bed. đ Well, at least I get to put links and comments. đ
Does anybody know ShyFire/BB? http://sbcclub.wordpress.com/
đ I completed Mystery Train Island in one day!!!!!!!!!!!! I completed it today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am working on Shrink Ray Island. Its not like these islands are hard to me, it is just that, I haven’t start working on them lately. Good thing I started Mystery Train Island today and finished it today. I finished it with no cheats. I am working on Shrink Ray Island now.
How many islands have you completed? Say your number in a comment. Also tell me what kind of islands you completed.
Does anybody know how to roll over a player in a common room to check their stats? I was trying to do that last year but I couldn’t do it! Can somebody tell me how to do it?
Click on my name if you want to see what my poptropican Popular Rock looks like.
Do you wanna know why my name is Prickly Dolphin even though my poptropicans are Popular Rock and Lazy Fish? Well, I forgot to mention that I have another poptropican Prickly Dolphin. My name used to be Popular Singer on here but now anymore. That’s when I had a character named Popular Singer. I was trying to find some way to change the picture that’s on the right. But I finally got a gravatar account and change the picture. My name is Prickly Dolphin cause I like the name. Even though I am not prickly (adjective) and I am not a dolphin.
Do you ever wanted a blue biker outfit? It’s not in the store but I’ll tell you how to get it. You costumize the blond girl’s skirt (she is inside Bobo’s Clown Store on Counterfelt Island). Then, you go to Mythology Island. Costumize the blue girl that doesn’t have grapes or an apple on her head and get her blue tank top. You need the biker outfit from the store, the gamer girl outfit from the store, and the fairy queen costume from the store. You get the fairy queen in pink and get the lips. Then, you get the long straight hair from gamer girl outfit. Then, get the biker outfit and get the black hat, black coat, and black belt. You know those pinkish purple bangs that have pink makeup with them? Go into a multiplayer room and costumize a girl with the purple bangs and you click on the purple bangs. đ
You don’t have to get the black belt from the biker costume. You can get the black belt from the rock star 1 outfit or get the one that’s from Red Dragon Island. The outfit looks better with the black belt that’s from Red Dragon Island. I am wearing the outfit right now on my character (look at my comment picture. Its me with the blue biker outfit.)
Happy New Year once again!
~blahblah gurl ;p
waaa, new year for us is after 2 days, or tomorrow !!!! but still Happy New Year đ đ đ đ đ đ đ đ đ

umm i really need a written walkthrough because the videos wont work for me. Can you hurry with it? Thanks. đ
i cant find where the broken air conditioner is in the club thingy
!!! HELP!!!! :O
Cool Dragon, you aren’t supposed to fix the air confitioner.
Click on this link if you need with the island:
You are supposed to go to the factory instead of fixing the air conditioner. Click on the link for the written walkthrough.
new year tommorrow!!! âșâ»âș2ââș2§ââșâșâșâș1âșâșâșâșâșâșâș1
I funnished all the islands on poptropica. i cant wait for Ghost story island
âșâșâșâș I knowwww!!! heheheh âșâșâșâș thanks for the smileys LOLLYPOP, if you dont mind if i use them đ
ÂĄÂČ³€âŹÂŒÂœÂŸââ„ĂĂ€Ă„Ă©ÂźĂŸĂŒĂșĂóö»«åĂðÞ¶ŽÊ©ñ”ç¿ hehehe, i made some random words and letters here… idk what they are đ đ
Hey guys, I want to say that TOmorrow, I am going for a five day trip somewhere. So it means that I won’t be able to reply to every page here. Can someone/a few people like tell me what has happened when I get back? I would really appreciate it. Hope I am not being mean, thanks đ
guys im in austalia new year day tommorrow me so sad i miss 2011
go to my site
look at every thing but u can post on fashion help and new looks
đ đ XP
Grrrrrrrrrr.!.! Cant beat Leavellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
cool dragon same here. my laptop wont load videos.
hmm, happy 2012 people đ
Its 2012!!!!! I am going to have a lot of problems writing the date cause this year, I wrote 2011. I’ll get used to it.
YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PLAY THIS SONG EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS SONG IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry about the capitals and the explaintion marks. I am just so excited that its 2012 now!
Hey thanks for all of your cheats. They are very helpful with poptropica.
it is good!!!!!
happpyyyyyyyy neewww year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~mind excessive exclamation points :p super excited !!!!!!!!
do u have a written walkthrough?
@cool dragon
I cannot beat the Game Shows!!! ‘-‘
Only the Spin for Riches thingy…..
Can any of you help me????
I’m stuck!!!!!!!!
thanks i love this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love game show island!!
How many times do I need to tell you people??????????????????? Go to this link for the written walkthrough IF YOU NEED: http://itsapoptropicablog.wordpress.com/island-guides/game-show-island-guidewalkthrough/
hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!=3
hey risha, i hope your back from your 5 day road trip. u didnt miss anything i think. but that doesnt mean u should be helping everyone everyday. i think u need a vacation.so im happy 4 u
help… My ticket suddenly disappeared after i flunked!
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pop im a biiiiig fan of urs n congragulations 4 the big succes of urs wish u gd luck…
Aww, Hey guys I am back from my vacation trip đ đ đ đ đ đ Just wanna say hi, and how you all are doing! and… Thanks DIVA2000, I appreciate that đ What’s up on this page?
What is the color codefor the windows in Moscow??
i need a written walkthrough so hurry up with that
listen to my song and tell me what you think.Poptropica, useful, out my way,fool.i dont care about yesterday because……….S.O.S Island is here and you are a rockstar help.I thought about Shrink ray island then i thought about Game show island and isaid.poptropica rules and the one who is my hero.Name:Poptropica New edition comment on this website
hey guys did you no theres another poptropica cheats sight? ya there is so fierce moon could of stole the cheats from that sight.
I warn you… I can b very random at any moment I ‘rainbow monkeys rainbow monkeys i love you!’ I plz. Told ya’ so
So, I’m goin’ 2 make a new playa… & he’sa gonna bea wierd… what should I name him? Comment to @ghosthunter5-13 Thx!
i think this is the best thing ever
hello evey one am neww
Im back people! Sorry I haven’t been commenting lately. I was too busy going to my other favorite blogs.
where can i find who wants to be a millionaire in poptropica??please tell me
this island is soo simple!
love it…
oh, it is ok, by the way Prickly Dolphin… I think that poptropicasecrets blog is deleted! đ anything about it?
NO ITS NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
were you talking to me BRYCE?
Risha, are you talking about “itsapoptropicablog.wordpress.com”? If not, Risha, Coolgirl found another Poptropica Cheats website and idk if its deleted or not. Risha I haven’t been to the other poptropicasecrets blog.
Why Can’t they just write it!!!!it loads very slow!!!
Well, Prickly Dolphin, I mean this website, one sec: http://chatpoptropicancheats.blogspot.com/ Yea, that one… It is removed, whyyy? đ đ„ đĄ đŻ
does anyone know Fierce Moon’s email? I need to send her a message telling her that she needs to post a walkthrough for game show island.
game show island is cool by the way happy late new years everyone =)
i am so happy that game show island is now for everyone bcuz im not a member:(
hmm, good thought Prickly Dolphin. I am not really sure, can u find her email on this site?
Hahahah I love game show island and I do find it easier with written instructions but I love it that she posted videos, because she took a lot of time with it -Angrycactus
Hahahah I love game show island and I do find it easier with written instructions but I love it that she posted videos, because she took a lot of time with it -Angrycactus
I cant get in the sewer.
Hey yea I noticed some of the written walkthroughs are missing for some islands. What’s with that?
let me now when you guy’s decide to tell mehow you guy’s get game show island comeplete and tell me how you did it thank you new kid bye
tell me how you did it
i say you look up me in poptropica now but now only thank you
tell me how to bet game show island right now because at 11 i will be in bed
what time is it blue hawk
you now i got all the island’s comeplete but now good night you go to vote rose . org and then you put your name then you go to poptropica and they are all done but game show island let mme now tomorrow morring how you did it can you tell me ? NO YOU HOPE YOU ARE TO GO NO U POP I DRINK U LOL ?
i’m done with the island ! yay!!!!!!!! and i didnt even use a walkthrough!!!!!
Um…..my person, perfect storm, is stuck at brainiacs because a robot won’t talk. I don’t want to leave though because I don’t know if I’ve won. What do I do????????????? đ
Never Mind, I’m a leaving.
This island was HARD! Especially the Helicopter code thingy. I just hit luck. Now, I have a Multiverse room. It’s code is AVC13. Go while it’s avalible!
Umm, Fierce not trying to be mean or anything but….. It’s 2012 when are you putting it up..
Never mind don’t worry about the other message. My sister (Big) wrote that. Fierce đ
ohhh, I got confused lol đ
whats the passcode for the roof acess when you find the mad scintest that made holmes??????????????????
me to
yah guys if you want to beat this island go on youtube.com and help stop sopa and pipa!
I found another Blog and Risha you ‘re right about the walk through.
Why won’t the robot talk in brianiancs? It’s kind of freaking me out by the way she stares at me.
Wait nevermind i was the only one who moved on to the final round.
On Poptropica my name is hungry Hippo, funny, right.
And i’m only writing this because people can’t report you on poptropica, LOL
wait i didnt write this thing this early in the morning
INVISIBLE CLUB: wait, what was I right about? lol sorry… What is the name of the new blog..?
Ok, i just got on game show, and i have NO idea how on earth to do this. All i have so far is a toolbox! If any of you have a facebook and tell me, and iwill tell you my name, because i reaaaally need some help..
Thank Yhew!(:
party in ma room BGW13(all caps i guess and i finished the island so if anyone needs help ask me im 110% hack free (why would i hack some1 i got a bunch of stuff on my own account (6 pages) ya so CYA!
whats the combination to the door acess
Guys Silver Berry (me) Bronze Carrot (my friend) and Shoeless Ghost (another one of my friends) are going to be having a party on Poptropica this Saturday.
Where: Candy Shop on Shrink Ray Island
When: This Saturday at about 7:00 a.m CST (Central Standard Time) 5:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time) 8:00 am EST (Eastern Standard Time)
What: Poptropica Party to celebrate the new island S.O.S island (comes out Thursday)
What to Where: Best Clothes
K I hope you guys will enjoy the party, and tell your friends about the party too. Also tell your friends that donât have a Poptropica account to create a account and go to the party, and beat a island and get the best clothing. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Shoeless Ghost might not make it to the party.
On Video Numb: 2 After I Did The Robots Show It Said There Was A’n ONLINE Actual Person There It Was Messed Up.
hey u guys wat do u have to do and I completed super power island its so easy!:D
OMG online on poptropica inposible
I am awesome wahhoo booooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa:D
EVERYONE IS AWESOME, right? I think so đ
shouldn’t there be a written walk through by now?
I agree there should be one by now……..it’s almost been a month!
I tell you a secret that i passed tv island !!!!????
i luv this island!!! sooo cool! đ ive played it 2 and one fourth times! hehehe
i waant to know the mirrore =thing because i dont no the colouers
any thing to say i will help writ it on yahoo mail.com my name is [email protected] so any help just say if you have got a skyp it is fine if you have fcebook not allowed becouse i dont have a facbook
2 and one fourth times? What does that mean? lol đ
hay make a written walk through i hate watching the long videos
what is the colored window combo?
My room ajq11
is game show island is good
Can you please write down the written version of the island? Thanks
I agree đ Game show is awesome đ it is like a mix of all the islands (ish) :mrgreen)
Hi everyone! its me prickly dolphin. Look, I don’t want to be called prickly dolphin anymore, lots of people think its a weird name. I rather be called Fierce Star and I do have a poptropican named Fierce Star. Username: sarahrock144
Talk to you later.
Ahhh you guys should just write the steps out, cant remember everything. Hello here.
I think Gameshow island is pretty cool. I’m stuck on the beginning, tho xD
need help. don’t know how to fix air conditioner.
im stuck at the part were you type in the code to get out of the building.
is it 20142? pleas help me!
@ShySocks It’s 2012
hey, so i dont know what to do after i cracked the codes in the sour place or whatever it is called, someone please help! thansk man
I like this island but its to easy to me
I really need help on Shrink Ray island it’s really hard can you guys help me
No the code is 2014.
and you’re not supposed to fix the air conditioner on this island.
This year is 2012 but the code on game show is 2014.
shrink ray island page on here: http://poptropicasecrets.com/walkthrough/poptropica-cheats-for-shrink-ray-island/
any more questions?
not trying to be mean on the last comment.
Sorry I commented too many times. I just wanted to comment.
umm do you moster carnival island
i love this island just cant get pass the code part help!!!!!!!
I can’t take you seriously with that costume.
lol it’s cool. xD
hahaha….yea i like to comment;)
thanks for your hlep i’ll use more!!!!!!!!!
Yay!:D Thank you so much , Now I’ve completed Game Show Island I can focus on Skullduggery Island!:D Thank you:-)
Yea, Skullduggery is haaarrrrddd đ đ
I need help with the game show in tokyo! please help!
Lots of people on Poptropica would love the name Dizzy dolphin but just make a new acc, And click the poptropican, change all, until you get a nice name. All i did!
Also no haters plz, if you dont Like my name. đ
how do you ppl make the actuall smileys??:|
Hey guys im Lucky Owl and yes Skullduggery is hard but I passed it
you now
I have an island idea for an island panlong island chia’s being atackked by barbarians and only one thing can save the a panlong & it’s gone missing now trvel though the 4 elements to find him before chinas ataked if you know the creator tell him my idea (il give you the guide later)
Oh my gosh, People, The code is 2014 for the heat thing put-in code thing.
not trying to be mean on my last comment.
hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!! look whose back!!!!!!! I have some sad news though…
My dad died on December 29,2011!!!!!! Rest In Peace dad (Kelly)!!!!!!! You are and will be missed and loved forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sad for you shaggy shell, but we are always there for you! đ
where’d the written walkthough go
thank you very much i wouldn’t of done this walkthrough without u!! đ
i can’t beat the code thingy in moscow, but the rest of the island is pretty easy,except the scaredy pants game show.
now I can’t beat the third hacking bit in holmes’s lair
keep trying Jumpy Star!
how do you fix the air conditioner on game show island
its already out could you guys post some steps!!! Please!!!???
The robots are kinda….scary. Dx
They a litttle freaky. o_x
Some robots are cute.. some r scary.. some are funny lol đ
Omg, I am so in love with this island! I have finished every island expect Steamworks, Skullduggery island, and the new one about the Titanic. đ
đ I at the end of this its super easy đ Oh
and My name ROCKS!!!! >:V
Who has finished this island already?
This is a boring name.
I finished the island on my character Popular Rock. My current character is Fierce Star and she completed Ghost Story Island!
OMG first comment on new page! but wait, there could be people commenting but maybe their comments are awaiting moderation. well, oh well. Lots of people find this site.
Hi I Love this website
@Fierce Star- How many poptropica accounts do you have?
Ive Got 20 Poptropica accounts.
hi guys
im the creater of poptropicia
guys one of you is gonna have my website just post a cheat about poptropicia (and i can check if you got off of a website)and i will check if its real and you can have it i will tell you what the stuff is to get on it (and if you dont take good care of it i will take it back).
this helped me so much
no offense but ur not the real fierce moon. fierce moon has a gravatar.
are you sure ur the real fierce moon?
I dont have YouTube on my laptop and i need a text walkthrough.
Where is the written walk through?
this site i think has helped evreyone on poptropica thank you so much for the person who created this site thanks two you i finished every island on this site
thanks so much fierce moon!!! you rock!!!
Strangely enough, I never saw the inventor again after completing the island. I may be an idiot, but can you tell me weather or not you can find him again? I’m probably just an idiot. đ
this was really helpful thxs
:heart: (heart) testing
nothing happened
i will get the written walkthrough soon
my character is comical sinker he is a fierce awesome looking guy with complete awesomness and completed all the islands.
Hi Fierce Star! lol đ
Quite a lot of people are saying they are Fierce Moon, isn’t that “stalking” or “hacking?” idk đ
Ok fiercie moon here’s the island guiude for panlong islad are you ready ok 1. Go to la toasty buffet & talk to toasty
2. Go to the dragon library &pick up the book of spells
3. Talk to the wizard & he will give you a wAnd
To be countinued…
wait… Panlong island? I am confuzed
Its a type of dragon on dragonvale ever heard of it
Well you sort of step into the world of dragonval the wizard came to china becase they need help
u guys now that the cheats dont help you out for the spin for riches becuz there are alot of questions
sadly đ
its fierce not fiercie LOL
not trying to be mean…
The common room for panlong island is the travlinng dragon on main street its a hotel
& heres the continued guide fierce moon
4 go to the water realm
5 Go to your wand & click on the water shield spell ( get spelas by going to your wand , click on get spells & type in the spll from the spell book
6 ask lady ami’ly about her problem
Boss1 eel fight kill all 20 eels by hitting them with your wand before ami’lya gets too deep
7 amy’lya will reward you with dragoneye goggles
8 put them on you should see the panlong chase him till he exits
To be continuedâŠ(agiAn
hey what if u were a guy( im not saying who i am) and the picture on the right of u looks like a girl…
have you guys seen the maps upgrade? its now three or four pages long not a BIG map now….
SORRY im bored…
see u in poptropica!!!!
srry caps
too lazy to erase…..
Nice Webizine.How’d u upload a pic from ur computer to the lil person speaking this comment?
i luv this game & iv been playing it since 3rd grade. GOING ON 7TH!!!
Iits my island idea it’ll belocated between mystery train & red dragon island (coisidinse becase there both about dragons/red drag &panlong/ ) anyway panlong is about magic chhina and dragons of corse
Sorry about missPelling china typing on a phone burnatates (get it case fire dagos burnatate dragonslayes eh eh Oh nevermindâŠ)
Fierce moon are you listinig do you like my idea!!!!!!!!!????????
Panlong island gude continued
9 ask abaut the panlongs disapearince
10 go to the earth relm § ask ckuck about his problem
Boss 2: earth ware catch all 10 faling rocks 5 on ether hand under 1 minuete
11. Use your dawin spll § put on your dragoneye goggle § chase the palong to the top of the rock once you try to cath him you will tumble exit § get directons to the earth realm
12 folow the map into the air realm
13 ask thë aÏr dragoñ master about his problem
BosĆĄ 3 airiest catch put on your flight sPell & chase the air dragon & return the ring
14 put on your dragoneye gogles & chase the panlong down a portal
15 put on your gas mask spells your survival bar should dis appear and ask the panlong about his problem
16put on your visabilatty spell & exit thĂš fire realm
17 disable all your spells & return to main streeet
18 go to la toasty buffet & click on toast he will reward the medalon
Bonus prises : fire dragon coutume for members and +200 credits for being one of the fitst 100 to complete the quest
how do you get thro the door that has that code wat numbers
Theres also a bonus quest witch ill give info for very soon
where’s the written walkthrough?
I dont need it i have the ipod app
My next islad idea after panlog island 1776! The titil almost says it all
The members only gear pack after completing the panlong island includes toastys hot cinomon popgum dragons breath (make your poptropican breath fire lighning or leaves) & a dragon taming game sound cool
I need the written walkthrough!! that is the only way i can understand a walkthrough!! Feirce Moon, please make on!!PLEASE!!!
Panlong Island? huh? is that poptropica?
Panlong Island? huh? is that poptropica?
Kirsten- Don’t mean to be rude, but did u just copy paste what I wrote? đ lol that sounds unny, sorry đ
Whoops, I mean funny
Arggh, first on the page đ lol
dont mean to be rude but this doesnt help at all
when u go to miami to go do the game show on the 2nd round you cant solve it cause when you drag the letter it wont show you were u put it
o and risha i was here before u i just didnt leeve a comment
what is the
number for unlocking the door to follow the one guy??? i put in 20142 but it didn’t work for me!!
Yes it’s my poptropica island idea
Risha & chistan its my poptropica island idea
Hi! My room code is:
AGR72. Please come! i wish I could finish Vampire Curse island! so unfair!
I am currently playing Mythology Island, thus my outfit.
my new room code is AKL65
I planted a disco tree to make everyone dance after I completed the whole pedestal thingy
Hi people, I’m new here so can someone introduce me to everyone?
Hi! I’m new here so can someone introduce me to everyone?
hey what is the code to get thro the door to follow that guy????
ive already beaten it so i have no worries cry babies
@Maroon Berry- What do u mean by island idea?
yall are cray cray
I made it up i want it to be a islamd soon ud better start working on it
what is the code to enter the room to follow the dude 20412 doesnt work for me
How do you figure out what the phrase is to solve it on spin for riches?????
I’m “Lucky Coyote” It wouldn’t tell me my name and I forgot it. I figured out my problem. đ
I love this island xDDD
U Guys dot have the release date yet ill fix that panlong island will come out to poptropica 4/29/2012
panlong island? again, is it about poptropica?
its too bad that there is no written walkthrough. đ
thats too bad đ
YEs its going to be a poptropica island i won’t give tje bonus quest gude till you undersand what im talking about
Have any of you played dragonvale cause panlong island is based on that (p.s. i’m maroon berry)
Why not put garfild in the comics sect in the daily pop
Show the answers to the questions!??
cool. im Olivia mason and i luv poptropica! add me on facebook… Olivia linda is my name! luv livie! xxxooo
I completed it!! =D
is gameshow isand is hard
what is the code
plz make a written walk through thxs đ
hey its jazmister HOW DO YOU GET THE HELICOPTER SIGNAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TTYLXOX:) :”0
@Loner Wolf: Find out for your self. =P
i did not get the signal for the windows in moscow!
so….hey.im totally in luv wit da hunger games and im trying to make up a costume 4 katniss.ideas?
this is so cool love to cheat
dont get the windows:P
can you guys seriously make a written walkthrough im at the lasst part and dont know it
In caSE you dont know ferice i have frendly ghost acont since he retired a few weeks ago __ ha ha ha oink
hey fuzzywolf i have read those books and you should so do the one where she is in tht dress that cina made…. the end of the books are so sad i wanted to freaking kill the authr kuz the way she ends it SUCKS i mean they kill gale!!!!! and prim!!!!!!!!!!! and cina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! through out the whole book i thought tht katniss was gonna marry gale then she married peta and i almost died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but whats ur fav part kuz i love the part when peta and her are in the cave sleeping together it was SOOOOO romantic i loved it and when she puts all the flowers on that little girl that was so sad!!!!!!!!!! but whats ur fav part??????????????????????
these cheats suck !!! i may be only 10 but i know retarted cheats when i see them. u need an “upgrade” so to speak. get with it .
I wish there was an island where you cold design your ow cloth and hair and accesories, that was NOT only for members, in case you want to play with Neat Crown (my poptropican name) go to room DPX99.
I got a costume for ya to make you look like a girl vampire! It only needs 2 items from the shop, the rest you get by custumizer in Vampire’s Curse island and the Haunted House (WHICH IS FREE AT THE STORE)
– Electrifier (You can use any but green and yellow are the best)
– Mythology surfer (The necklace for Hades’ costume)
– Hair from girl at the vampire movies (It would work better if your hair is black too, to turn it black just go to 24 Carrot Island to Carrot King Dinner and drink the black potion or buy the colorizer)
– Cloth from the girl at vampire movies
– Vampire teeth from vampire guy at Ghoul’s Gala at the Haunted Mansion (Or try sneaking the teeth out from the MEAN vampire at Vampire’s Curse island.
Im sory if keley huted you feirce moon __ ha ha ha oink
LOL. Iwas watching the walkthrough just for fun and it was hilarious! On Brainiac you got to choose how much you would get. Feirce Moon did 100 dollars and got the question coorect.The robot, however, did 3 dollars and got the quetion correct. The robot could have done 4000 and won but 3! LOL! Thatrobot is just plain STUPID!
were are the walkthroughs in words !!!!!! this website is soooo crapy
Where’s the written walkthrough? I googled POPTROPICA GAME SHOW ISLAND WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH and yet, there’s no walkthrough. WHERE’S THE WALKTHROUGH!?!?!?!?
Ok I use thewritten to but eve. This website ROCKS. If you think it sucks than YOU SUCK.
Lol I love the vic walk throughs the soooooooooooo totally rock!!! If you agree you rock!!!!!!
Lol eve if you want a writer walkthoough then type in poptropica help blog.
i need to get past stupid mini game
Im stuck at the very beginning in game show island, what do i do???????????
First of all the person above me is not fierce moon since they spelt the name wrong.
who spells their own name wrong? I dont think so.
second of all, well there is no second, i dont get why people say that.
THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS, I’M ALMOST DONE.
Wut do u mean MEAN Strawberry Wonder? I dont get u good.
I dont really know Vilent Tiger. But its pretty cool STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t seem to get all the windows correct
Well ruby, good thing you are on poptropica secrets.com cuz it can Actually help you! WHENEVER YOU GET STUCK, JUST GO ON POPTROPICASECRETS.COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS GAME IS FABULOUS!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!!!!!TOTALLY FUN TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
100% FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it’s a good video to watch and I’m in third grade
I thought that your videos were super helpful and that they helped me alot thank you for putting time and effort into making these videosI lost the game
I thought that your videos were super helpful and that they helped me alot thank you for putting time and effort into making these videos! ………………………………………… I lost the game đ
OMG!!! There was a glitch and my poptropica character had no clothes on!!! >_<
HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no seriously but sorry ’bout that….I feel bad for you Small Glove.
Lol it’s okay Magic Tiger, I was laughing my head off when I saw it. xD
well this stupid website doesent even help me this wesite is trash!
Um…I have a question. What’s the average age for people who play on poptropica? I’m fourteen and I find this hard, what about you people?
Omg this island is so weird! And BigButt your post is discusting!!!!!!!!
* BYE *
Any of the people here read Warriors? I know this is totally random, but they are so awesome! I is Spottedleaf.
I like it better when you write out the instructions but videos are helpful too so thank you!
I’m stuck after the first gameshow in Gameshow island.
I’m stuck in the first part whats the code to the roof
to beat the first part of game show go to poptropicasecrets,com
me to
coolmy mouth is talking al day and my fin costume is naked
Where is the written walktrhough…please please make one
Thank you firce moon your good
Sorry small glove i hope the creators fixit before any damage is done
My character is Massive Hopper, and when i was playing rugrats the game show, i was really good at it, below a minute, and im like, thats because my name is massive hopper:D
Hey, these are the answers for “Spin for Riches” that have appeared so far:
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but not John Adams:
Answer: Virginians
Name of a disco song and a weekend night text when you’re sick:
Answer: Saturday night fever
A song possibly dedicated to Darth Vader:
Answer: Every breath you take
Name of a cat and a President:
Answer: Garfield
Not a fan of Lady Gaga’s wardrobe:
Answer: Her Dry-cleaner
When you hear this, you should get on your feet:
Answer: The national anthem
Their life is sweet:
Answer: Zack and Cody
Who invented the moonwalk, that was not Michael Jackson:
Answer: Neil Armstrong
Better come inside if you see these:
Answer: Cumulonimbus clouds
According to a Tee shirt, he has many emotions:
Answer: Chuck Norris
Two great tastes that taste great together:
Answer: Peanut Butter and Jelly
No one can call him a blockhead:
Answer: Phineas
The band, not the bug:
Answer: John, Paul, George and Ringo (the Beatles)
Advice to give to a frog:
Answer: Look before you leap
Spaceman Spiff’s alter ego:
Answer: Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)
help ive done all the game shows but the scaredypants one
sup fierce moon, how do you know all this stuff.
please answer
I Love Warriors Grumpy Bear! I love spottedleaf too, But Hollyleaf is awesome too!
ruby, you’re not alone. i stuck on them too.
i have NNNOOO clue what the password to get to the invintor!!!!!!
i do
Things are getting a lot more inappropriate on this page…. đ
Sexy Me, r u a dude? cuz girls like me dont say stuff like that. but lez bos do!
Hey, has anyone heard of a “Game Show Gun”?
Where is the written walkthrough?!?!?!?!?!? I don’t watch the videos, they get too confusing.
Why are people talking about sexy boobs and naked woman bodies? It’s kind of inapropiate.
first of all small glove i had that same problem one time
second of all everyone that talks inappropriot must be alot older than me
third risha and cuddly sun i agree
where are all the people at????????????????????/
we all died
um…please write it out f.m.
uhhhh why is everyone posting sexy stuff??? ._. its getting weird and there are some little kids on this webisite and might read one and think what the and tell there parents and then the perents banish the little kid from this webisite then it won’t be fair on feirce moon. could happen… just guys stop it really pleases do.. o_o
anyway feirce moon can you post a text walkthough cause i’m not alowed to watch vidios on the internet.
i know sis its getting weird and dignified anyway i’m wondering why is your name nice socks it was kind singer >.>
i kinda… made a new account.. don’t tell anyone or payback remember????
i was in middle of a date and you messed it up!! >.<
lol ok ok ok stop showing off to everyone that you have a boyfriend sis really xD
KInd Cheetah your going down!!! >:D
you spelt my name wrong >:D
how do I beat game show?
rawr lol my person on poptropicas name is gental rock but my real name is Jamie and i am a girl XD
Can anyone help me please? I don’t know what to do. I’m stuck on the first task at Mr. Yoshi’s game show and I can’t find a good way to “amuse” him with the blocks.
i have no idea how to beat the windows ive been sitten at the computer for an hour and half now and still have no idea HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m just about to start the game. Hope I can do it without a walkthrough!
hey i cannot use videos on my computer and i have no idea what to do
Just look for the written walkthrough somewhere else. xD
I just got on this walkthrough,and I can already tell that people are going to go all ‘YOU F*CKIN B*TCH!!!!!!!!!’.People as young as six go on here!I also agree with sohi,risha and cuddly sun.Oh,I REALLLLLLLY need a written walkthrough.Please!
p.s There’s the same problem (the inapropriate one) on the steamworks walkthrough.
Hi guys! I’m trying to get more friends on poptropica,but you need their user name,not the Poptropican name.Any1 want to be friends with me?
@Hyper Bee: ME! ^ U ^
@Hyper Bee : username? ^^
can anyone help me on the window part the 1 that fierce moon did did,not work for me please help? and can anyone be my friend, iam Mel3841 with the capital M.
I finished at the games ecept scardy pants its soo hard I can’t finish it
I finished all islands
who is Istanbul?
this islad is sooooooooooo hard but coming towards the end was great!!
nice some ppl think is chetting while watching this video right?
Where is the written version of the cheats? I don’t like the video. đ
I can’t beat kerplunk! BTW for all you guys who aren’t allowed to watch internet videos, look for a written walkthrough.
what is the window thing? is it after kerplunk?
I BEAT KURPLUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey everyone! sorry i havent been commenting for a really really long time. i’ve been on Xat and on Poptropica.
also long ago back in january 2012, i changed my name to fierce star. so yeah.
đ Your new name is part me, and part Fierce Moon!
anyone remember prickly dolphin? prickly dolphin is me. except i changed my name to fierce star because 10 people emailed me saying that my name prickly dolphin was really weird and i also thought that fierce star was a really great name. fierce star (my poptropican) was created on January 2, 2012. username: sarahrock144
and can anyone know that there is a written walkthrough for game show? just search super thunder’s blog and click it. then go to the game show walkthrough page. there ya go!
also on march 14th, 2012, i got a youtube account. my youtube channel is called fiercestar2020.
Can someone write a written walkthrough!!!!PLEASE!!!!
and i also have a question for u,did u make videos?
i hate it
lol can some of you guys add me
Poptrica is awesome i’ve won all the islands and I have a membership
I really need a written walk through, could anyone help me? Please ???
so cool
can anybody add me? Im katniss10067. @Jumpy Ant,wanna be friends? whats your username?
hi can anyone be my friend im caity1357911 if so thanks!
all you guys are boring excep you girls love yuol
whats the code on the windows?
thanks joey yau. I got first place and everyone else was still at 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree sohi.
more please i need more so give me more!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you guys want more information
where is the written form come on feirce moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey peoples! what is the code for the windows in moscow in game show island. please help!!!!!!!
I am begging you, Fierce Moon, MAKE A WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH!!!! I NEED IT!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
lizzie its hard i cant even win the tight rope one on scardey pants!!!!!
Hey guys! I got a question (in Miami), but I have no idea what it means: “A cat and a U.S. president”. The word is 8 letters long.
Oh, it’s on youtube. I just found it. The answer is “Garfield”. (I just wrote that for anyone that had the same question and didn’t know)
come on I want the written walkthroughs!!!!!!!!
this is for prefect onion just be calm ok and you can do it and put some muisc on that helped me so it has to help you so try it ok if it does work text me on this ok bye
u can play pool in the club!
you really need to write steps instead……….
this is super hard! i can’t solve the window codes in moscow! please, fierce moon, we beg you to make a written walkthrough!
if i knew fierce moon’s email, i would email her saying that she needs to write a written walkthrough.
passed it!!! Thanks fierce moon đ
Guys The Island Is Already Finished So WRITE ABOUT IT!
thanks for the cheats!!:)
Ok, im kinda confused. in moscow… the window code isnt yellow purple yellow purple or purple yellow purple yellow….the robot said that orange and yellow was correct… someone please help me please i have tried lke 15 times!!
she needs to make a written walkthrough.
I hope there is a written walkthrough soon, I’m stuck and I’m only in the beginning!
plus, add me from june 7 to 9! ill be at the flying ace cafe at the great pumpkin island! meet me by the picture with lucy and snoopy! meet me there from 3:00 to 3:30! im golden walker and im the angel with the us flag and three battle ranking stars!
Okay the window thing hard yes but I got it!
For every window you get right the little circle below it will turn green right? Yes.
There are 4 windows. it isnt neccesary to try to get the pattern in one shot. But what you can do is remember the order the right windows are in. Left to right.
Go through the floors carefully and organize the green (right) windows from left to right. Once you have them in order go to a new ledge and select the order the correct windows are in. Make sure the small arrow above the colors are on the correct color too. Good luck.
Im sorry if my post doesnt help with the window part. đ
Okay…ummm When you start this island go to the rooftops and find the tool kit. Then go left to the factory. Go inside jump up to the big crane and the up and down arrow box and raise it slightly so you can jump on it to get to the next ledge. then repeat the process. When you find the computer click it your character will automatically type in a code and youll see a wall raise on a higher platform. go up to that place and use the toolkit on the box. Unscrew all the screws on it then move your mouse to the first swith and click it. When your done with that go to the floor and go left. Talk to one of the human workers and she will give you a fan. (You’ll need this trust me) then leave. Go to the casino and use the fan on the robot with the screwed up afro. He will give you a nickel. Go back to the factory and go to the edge of the factory building and give the nickel to the homeless guy. He will give you laser glasses. Use them in the casino. Look directly up with the laser glasses on at the casino. Then go outside stand behind the bouncer robot and use that fan by pointing downwards to get you up to the ledge thats got a bolted shut window….
screw you!! it didn’t help at all you fags!!!!
Lots of ways this doesn’t make sense: 1) the robot guy on spin for riches hates you bc he gets upset when you win and happy when you lose 2) on the game where you gotta please mr yoshi, fierce moon thinks the costumes are wacky. Says the girl dressed at French fries! 3) can’t we just blast the robots and get it over with? And 4) the chicken says moo
This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
We Need Written Reviews , !!!! We Have Web Protection On Our Computer So My Mom Hasn’t Given Me The Password To Get On YouTube. So Written PLEASE , !!! ( :
unshelledroc8. What do you need help on? I’ll help anyone who needs it…if I can.
need written walkthrough!
can you help me with the code? I cant break it!
I have completed 4/5 Game Shows!
Scaredy Pants is annooooooying
I already cried!
this socalled game show island cheat sheet is useless’
I know why you guys get the color window coding wrong!! Duh!! You guys should have known!! It’s so easy!! Because it’s RANDOM and it DEPENDS.
I don’t know what to do after The Professor leaves.
what’s the color pattern for the outdoor lock?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Fierce moon, PLEASE Write a written walkthrough for this! I play poptropica at summer camp sometimes and the videos can’t show on those computers! đ
I NEED a written review!!! I fixed the thing at Tokyo and mr. Yoshi talked and I talked to everyone but I didn’t get the ticket! Can anyone else help me?
Uh, Fierce moon, WE NEED A WRITTEN WALK THROUGH! I have to click play, watch the part I’m stuck on and then I have to pause, then go to the next window, it’s boring!
i beat this already and the code is 2014
Hey, go to https://plus.google.com/app/plus/mp/888/#~loop:view=stream and about poptropica, omg I’m done with all the gameshows and im surprised how much robots will want to turn you in for a life supply of oil
I’ve finially completed 21 islands!
To Big Rider OMG… how do you reach the window by the Club Nouveau Richie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I just found thiswebsite that has cheats all in written walkthroughs!!!!! Use It!!!!!!! It was really helpful to me and it got me through the wole island!!!!!!!!!
Well, I can see that the player really did not appreciate the fact that
those sliders only have to be matched by COLOR (each connection is
either red, blue, green, or purple, and either vertical or horizontal, so
you know exactly which one fits).
It was actually painful to watch how long it took on the video. đ
to Silver Cheetah: use that powerful fan. point it to the ground and steer up to the window its kinda hard but youll get it. But be sure you used the heat sensory inside to find the person in the vent first. Otherwise your character wont “break in without a good reason “. Hope this helped.
Could you please write a written walkthrough?
Thanks đ
I need help plz do a written walk through i cant use any thing here.<3
ummm im on the island and i dont know where to go!!! where is the walkthough?! đ
PS Onedirectionluv, i love one direction too!!!!! đ
pulluppants, there isn’t one yet đ
How can you love one direction their stupid and british one of them is irish which makes them uglyer
i <3 one direction soooo much!!!! đ
partyrock1255 is tot right on track.
add me my username is: ILOVEONEDIRECTION01
I want to sue Kurplunk it is stressful
ME TOO! ur right about the being cute sells 4 idiot teen gals… im 10! i would know!!!
Lol ^^ @tigermissy1 xD that comment actually made me laugh. its like watching a puppy try to stand. đ
the moscow window code is yellow yellow orange purple
well, thats what it was for me
I agree One Direction wouldn’t be very popular without their good looks (which are great), but they CAN perform live unlike most artists, and they just seem like five cool lads.
ok first of all, if you don’t like One direction you should go see a doctor cause there’s something wrong with your head. second of all, there is nothing wrong with being british. Third of all Hyper Starfish, there is a One direction and im totally in love with them. Let’s stop talking about them though. back to the island. I completed two game shows!!:)
Hello I hate one direction they are just stupid people from other contenents and to stop jibber jabbing about their stupid looks and get to the game or else talk about another band like selena gomez and the seen oh wait they arent any better then one direction lets atlk about taylor lautner.
UGH!!! those puzzles at the end took forever, but it was worth it đ btw u know the robot guy you see when you first arrive? (he’s on scaredy pants too I think) anyway if you click on him he says: you humans have no sense of style. Says the guy wearing a toupee, sunglasses and a bow tie.
đ Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Chalange is sooooooooooooo fun ( In my opinion anyhow) ;).
0.0 Isn’t it weird at the end though after you finished the island and you go into the robot club (it’s where u first see the inventor) the dance hall’s sign still says “ROBOTS ONLY”. And the guy who gives you the dime says “I guess I have to open my doors to humans now”. Yea. ^_^ Not a good job so far “pal”.
im stuck! where’s the air conditioner thingy… and where’s the walkthrough???!!!!
Umm where’s the written walkthrough? I prefer written walkthroughs!!!!!
This islands really hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some things that many Poptropicans here are finding really difficult:
1. The door code when you’re following Dr. Langley (the Inventor): 2014
2. The signal for the windows in Moscow: It’s different every time! Keep guessing and eventually you’ll get it!
3. The “Kerplunk” game show: My best advice is to never skip the intro! And for the part with the boots on the first course and the platforms on the 3rd course, the platform/door will start to shake. If that happens…move! Seems to me that you win as long as you finish in less than 1 min 30 sec, but I could be wrong. And also: look before you leap! Make sure you can at least see part of the platform that you want to land on before you jump.
Hope this helps!
Fearless Owl
thanks fearless owl for the door code thingy. and my opinion, one direction is cute but there music is old.. i like the parody tho! look up key of awesome on youtube then look up one direction parody, ‘we dont know where terrible!’
i NEED a written walkthrough
like tell me how to cheat before u blow my mind and fart on ur head
is there no written walkthrough for this island? :’o I like written walkthroughs better because the videos take forever to buffer.
I wish you made a text walkthrough for this one, those are the best. đ But the video was good too.
i hate video walkthroughs because they take so long 2 watch ! đ
I only resort to this when I am completely stuck and I read what I have to do then I do it. Somebody please make one!
Dear Fierce Moon, Why are you always in costumes? It’s so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please wear some decent clothes?
screw off hating on 1direction, they arent that cute, i agree, but this is about cheating on video games not hating on boy bands
Hey were r the walkthoughs i just want walkthoughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ps one direction r stupid british guys no offense y would they make walkthoughs for other one but not all of them plus the videos take to long to see and dont tell much of things to do and i need walkthoughs cause this iland is sooooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know were to go! please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love one direction stop saying bad thing aboat them
Why does every one dress like food why can’t they where there own style incited of
What on earth do i do after i get the nickel? :S đ
I give up on game show island so now ill do spy
Number one, I dont dress like food. And 2, I LOVE WOLVES TOO……….
OMG i wanta walk through now. oh and fyi am 13 and hate1 direction.
I love wolves u go to the factory to ur right and the old smelly man use the nickel đ
woah, guys! stop bad- mouthing each other it’s hilarious but it’s not nice! as for the website and walkthrough luv luv luv it!!!
i honestly think this is the most challenging website on earth! I LUV WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT TAKES SO LONG TO FINISH!
hey you guys!!! one announcement…
THE WINDOW CODE IN MOSCOW CHANGES EACH TIME!!! keep guessing and you’ll get it! đ
fierce moon, please make a written walkthrough!!! đ i m dead…
DON’T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DON’T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
um… one more question
1. where are all the humans!
2. This is not Steamworks Island
3. and where is the inventor
4. and where in the world is Zippy Turtle?
5. And i am not a poptropica creator i am just a poptropica star and a winner of a poptropica lottery!
6. the poptropica lottery 2012 is held in the the common room of lunar colony on dec 31 2012
You’re annoying. Fake Fierce Moon, will you just SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can we please just talk about the game to help eachother
fiercemoon i do this game on my school issued computer and im grade nine and add me all im sfarmer13 so that means that the videos are blocked. i need big help for this stupid island and unfortunately im sick everyone add me
im going to the mythology one
Why can’t I comment here?
Never mind. Just can’t say what I want to.
Trying to see if I can get you to see it…
There! Just click my name, Fake Fierce Moon!
No, not there. Click this one.
If it works, I’ll stop.
HI!!!!!!!!!! đ
if you want to know why contact this email:[email protected]
5 punches away from a comma now 1
Wait, who did you say needed to leave who alone?
Did you want me to leave fake Fierce Moon alone? Look at her comment, previous page. She was trying to pretend to be the creator of this site and all the walkthroughs.
im in the hospital for putting my self in like 10 commas the first 5 was for 20 minutes and the last 5 2 hours `each
i feel like my heart is fixing to give out and im only 12 đ
i think my brother came in last night and broke my left hand…
‘sup, all of u dudets. i’m a tomboy. my fav games r : zwinky, roblox,club penguin,and wizards 101. my fav show: young justice. my fav thing r: hot wheels, pokemon,bakugan,u-gi-oh, and beyblade.
i’m with u ‘mosquito.
uh i hate club penguin and yu-gi-oh is awesome pokemon is to and beyblade
ur with me?
i have all the yu-gi-oh cards
I love pĂłkemon!
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do you finish the color code puzzle
Help! Game show island won t let me save the prizes in Miami! I have completed the game before and I know how to do it. But when ever i jump up, not touching anything, just jump, the prizes fall. Is this happening to anyone else? Email me at [email protected] if this has happened to you.
i love this game so much
i love this game so much talk about it every day
THis doesn’nt help with the island because it won’t let me watch the videos!
I Love Poptropica! đ
bro i’m with lone catfish the same thing happens to me
i think she is like 16 or something?
Thank you loud icicle! Have you gotten past it yet?
catfish i know your email
You have to make a written walkthrough!!!! It is easier to use!!!!!
well not yet but everyone listen fierce moon i’m talking to you because you need to a written walkthrough up the page and lone catfish it won’t let me get up on the ledges in time either to get the prizes someone really needs to write to the creators of poptropica to fix these glitches on the game it is really confusining about the prizes on miami.
right guys someone needs to write to the creators of poptropica
There was no page about how to do it?…
who’s with do you think someone should write to the creators of poptropica
Just use the “contact us” on the Poptropica site.
where does it say that
alright guys i just contacted the poptropica creators
Brave Star more cheats on website
Why are you telling me that?
hay moody bird Zwinky is cool pokemon the best i watched u gi yo before!! đ
can you at least do a written walkthrough for this island?
it really needs a written walkthrough
I don’t do islands without writen walkthrough
i cant do it without a written walk throgh
the woman said that she would look further into the problem with the prizes on miami
i cant go through the game show thats in tokyo the window part is confusing
can some one please tell me how to get through it
Fierce Moon? I miss you.
You never know what you have ’till it’s gone.
It’s too sad, man.
Hey Nelly! Is the walkthrough not helping you? If you join the PSF, you can send someone your login details, and they can do the part for you, if you need it.
Game Show Island ROCKS!
Of course, the PSF has become just as insane as this place…..
Yeah really needs a written walkthrough.
i thought this was interesting: So i was playing this island and i got on to the 2nd game show called spin for riches, the 2nd question was: As tee man, a man with many emotions… it took some time to figure that out and the question was…Chuck Norris !!
just felt like sharing đ
Lol I remember that question đ Funneh…
âââââââ âââââââââââ ââââ
girls i am single
i am really bad at the tightrope thing. Any tips?
Hi! I am F.L., and I am having a costume party! It is fairytale themed. Go to friends, click multiverse,and type in the room code BMC63.
I think you should really add a written walkthrough, Fierce Moon! Because video walkthroughs are awful! On my computer they always are slow, so please add a written walkthrough! Oh, and add me as a friend, my username: Joey.eyeball
Man why do the islands have to be soo random!
I really thank Fierce Moon for everything. I’m so glad she created this website and actually was nice enough to share her secrets and cheats! THANK YOU FIERCE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can You please make a written walkthrough for this island? That would be great. Thanks! C:
How do you get into the gameshow in Tokyo?
i married a hobo!!!
IT NEEDS A WALK THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PUT IN A WALKTHROUGH AND PUT US OUT OF OUR MISSERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found the Deep Thought statue! đ Just thought I should share it with you guys~ It’s in the Museum on the Main Street. If you go to the Gift Shop just below the statue, you’ll find a man in an adorable cardboard robot costume (sigh, the things people must do to earn a living)! Go ahead and costumize it. Its so cute! <3
Hola Hallowen party if u wannna go then
P.S please go room AVY72
fierce moon can you add me on poptropica im fearless gamer
This Island was easy, (after i learned how to do it from fierse moon!)
I mean FIERCE moon
lol i stood on “deep thought” in the museum
Hey I just posted
And this is crazy
But I don’t like videos
Written walkthrough maybe?
I prefer a written walkthrough because everything is so slow in videos.
Tank you so muck Fierce Moon, I was stuck until you helped me, I beat the island!~ Thank you add me, My username is loghome1~~~~~~~~~~~Yellow Penguin~~~~~~~~~
Red Wing, how do you do that it’s really cool
Some people just come to the walkthroughs to get one step instead of a full thing, so if you would include a written one that would be very helpful đ
dont get it!
This is not helping me!:( why do you have one (cheat for game show island) if you cant tell anyone?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I also agree with Speedy Skunk. And tough stinger. Aanndd, Short Coyote.
Where is the written walkthrough?
dude it really needs a written walkthrough
can it have a written walk through pweese thxs đ
oh my gosh thats a head ake
i cant get passed the stupid tight rope thingy
HEY! Did u guys play Super Villan Inland yet?
Can you write a walkthrough for this one? I can’t watch the videos because it slows down our internet. Plus, I think some of the others are also waiting for the written walkthrough and won’t be able to finish the island because they can’t waitch the videos either. But thanks for your effort, anyway. Oh, and sorry for being such a nagger. No hard feelings? LOL! đ
I totally agree with Speedy Skunk! And -gogreengal-/Skinny Plug LOL your comment made me laugh so hard!! (I agree with you though)
This really needs a written walkthough
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished 30 islands which is all but one! I can’t get the twisted thicket one even with the walkthrough.
this island is so hard.
Yay! I just finished it!!!!!
You guys, it is SO hard to complete the puzzles. I %@#* (hate) them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just completed spy island! Poptropicans, please friend happyhorse87000 and Cuddlycatfish13000 at your conveinence. Please tell us your usernames, too!
I have a joke: Why did the tomato turn red?
Because he saw the salad dressing! Get it, he saw the salad naked, and getting her clothes on?! Haha!
Y wont u guys ever chat???
ha ha.funny joke.can i friend you? you can friend me if you want too.my username is dragonfury100. that is my new account.and i really need some friends.
why dont they ever make a writen walkthrough!!??
i agree with you zippy cheetah! we can read ya know.
that is boring poptrica that was the deivel is boring now the angel poptrica is sweet and awsome
they need to make writyten walk throughs my gosh
Hey Happy Horse and Quick dragon buddy me my username is fox.com27 and i can tell you to beat any island if i can…..;)
now this stinks i am trying to check on charlie and the chocolate factory and it says “you 404’d it dude
never mind
I love game show island its so fun and a little mind boggling
totally need a written walkthrough it dont make sense!
what a rip off make the cheats or else i will tell everyone one Facebook to dislike this like this webpage
P.s I mean it
F.Y.I my friend uses this website like Facebook
These walk throughs are awesome.
Guys add me my username is “LaurynDonahue1” tell me yours!
needs a written walkthrough! i come here 4 the written walkthroughs! O.o
written walk troughs ya!
The only reason i go on here is for the written walk throughs
hello everyone but zippy cheetah is right i cant find any written walkthroughs for game show island and this computer likes to freeze the videos i look up
HEY, I’m Dizzy Crush and maybe you can friend me and this is my username “marceline508” now mkay bye
i think it needs a written walkthrough it is so boring to see the video ;(
what is spaceman spiffs alter ego
Hi, I think 1D is a copyright of Big Time Rush! Say yeah if u agree
hey guys give me a promo code an exchange of a cooler promo!
hey poptropica players today im giving a free promo all you have to do is give me an exchange promo
Need help. Acording to the teeshirt, a man with many emotions.
is it just me or are the islands without written walk throughs are the hard ones
I hate the bowling ball part! It is soooooooooooo hard!
Hi! I jus wanna say that 2day wass one of the most horrible days of this year. If you dont know, 20 children between the ages of 5 & 7 were shot today at an elementary school in Conniticut. I know i live in South CArolina, but it still makes me sad that they died. I mean, Is this what the great country of The United States of America has come to? Shooting kidz that had their WHOLE LIVES AHEAD OF THEM. They had graduations to come, awards, college, marriage kids and their first job. I mean they werent even in MIDDLE SCHOOL. ELEMENTRY SCHOOL. And their lives werent the only ones affected. Their families. Their moms dads aunts uncles grandmas grandpas and cousins were too. Even though it happened in a different state, It makes me not wanna go to school anymore because really no where is safe. To know that a physco could walk through the door of my classroom or house or anywhere and jus take my life and other innocent lives jus gives me chills. And it could have happened anywhere else. But the dude who did it took other lives too. the principal and other staff members. He even took his mothers life. She was a teacher at the school. But after wards he shoot himself. i mean why take other lives if ur gonna take ur own? they were all innocent. they had nothing to do with you. But the saddest part to me is that b4 he killed the kids, he killed his mom IN FRONT OF THEM. I bet they were running around like crazy scared. trying to get away. But they couldnt. they were 5 6 and 7. They werent even kidz really. They were still babys experincing the best part of life: CHILDHOOD. I pray for all the families who were effected today and anyone else who was to. I also pray for the teachers and kids that they go 2 heaven safely. And i hope that our country gets better because this is not right. WE have gone through so many wars and movements to finally be united as 1 whole and we still have hateful and violent people here. Racist people. Bullies. Murders. Child Malesters. Rapists. Well they say things get worser before they get better. Lets hope they get better soon.
fierce moon i used your website for winning on poptropica. did you know that i won 4 meadlations this whole week because i used this website
Guys if you want to chat get inside a common room in poptropioca not in the comments
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
guys, is the miami level on gameshow island better or worse? please reply asap
hey everyone i’m back all of my friends lonecatfish and others it’s loudicicle has gameshow isalnd gotten any better on the miami level please reply asap
they really need a written walk through for this website. đ
Here is a written walkthrought
1. When you arrived on to the island, go left until you reach the Robo-Bling Boutique. Climb up the building and grab the red toolkit. Jump down from the building, and proceed left to the Factory.
2. Keep heading left and enter the Factory. When youâre in the Factory, go left and jump on to the slanted conveyer belt. Jump from the conveyer belt on to the green platform. Jump from platform to platform, and go right until you see Crane switches. Jump on to the Crane, and click the green âUpâ button on the Crane control panel. It should raise you into the air. Stop the Crane when you notice another platform just left of you. Hop off the Crane and on to the platform. Continue left until you reach a computer.
3. Click on the computer. It should open up a passage way thatâll lead to the conveyer belt control panel. Go back right and jump on to the Crane. Click the green âUpâ button once again until you reach the top-right platform. Hop off the Crane when youâre close enough. Head right until you reach the control panel for the conveyer belt. Click on it, youâll need to use your toolkit. Go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit.
4. Youâll need to unscrew the screws with your screwdriver. When all screws have been unscrewed, the top will come off and you will see a bunch of switches. Select the âRobot Factoryâ switch. Congratulations, youâve fixed the conveyer belt! Youâll automatically jump down from the control panel and start talking to one of the employees of the Factory. Sheâll give you a fan in reward for your excellent work.
5. Exit the Factory and go right all the way passed the Robo-Bling Boutique until you reach the Club Nouveau Riche. The huge yellow robot direct you to enter the club and fix the air conditioner. Enter the club and go right until you reach the club owner. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP on your fan. Use your fan to blow air at the club owner until he is satisfied. When heâs been cooled down, heâll hand you a Nickel. Exit the club and go all the way back to the Factory. This time, donât enter the Factory. Go passed the Factory doors until you reach a Poptropican.
6. Hand him the Nickel. In reward, heâll give you a pair of Heat Goggles that he had found. Head back right to the Club Nouveau Riche. Enter the club, and select USE under your Heat Goggles. Youâll see everything in a new light! Wave your screen around until you spot an unknown man hiding in an air vent.
7. Exit the club and locate the orange window. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP under your fan. Point the fan to the ground and use it. It will blow you all the way up into the air, but make sure to land on the orange window. When youâre up there, youâll need to get the door open somehow. Simply go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit. Unscrew the screws and enter the door.
8. Upon arriving into the attic of the club, youâll notice The Inventor climb up from the air vent. Heâll think youâre one of Holmes men in disguise, so heâll make a run for it. Chase after him. If you donât know the direct way to go when chasing The Inventor, do the following: jump on the second platform, push the piano on to the broken elevator, and make your way to The Inventor. Itâs not so easy though, because The Inventor drops a ball on to your head during the process. Itâs not hard to keep up with him though, simply go right and climb up the rope. Now go left, climb the mini ladder and enter the door. Youâll need the passcode to enter this door, so go into your inventory and select USE under your Heat Vision Goggles. The passcode to the door is: 2014.
9. You and The Inventor will now be on the rooftop of the club. The Inventor will proceed to show you his side of the story. Heâll then give you a remote control to the Jet that will take you from Game Show to Game Show.
10. When you receive the Jet, go directly to Istanbul. Talk to the crane operator to learn about his problem.
11. Move the pedestal from the 2nd column to the 4th. You can only put smaller pieces on top of bigger pieces, or the column will crumble. Complete the Crane Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Scaredy Pants.
12. Scaredy Pants will present you with three games. In the first one, swim to the bottom right of the maze and pick up the glowstick. Return to the landing pad in the upper left. The path through the maze is like a backwards letter S. In the second game, click and drag each of the three creepy crawlies into the correct bin. From left to right: Mice, Spiders and Snakes. In the third one, move across the tightrope without losing your balance. Push hard against the gusts from the fans, but watch out â youâll need to counterbalance once youâre past the airflow.
13. When youâve finished Scaredy Pants, call in your Jet and head on over to Miami. Tak to the Spin for Riches host to learn about his problem.
14. Stand on the edge of each awning until you have created a safe path for each prize to roll down, with the showâs host at the bottom. Solve the Fire Escapes Puzzle, and the grateful host will reward you with a ticket to compete on Spin for Riches.
15. In Spin for Riches, you need to spin the wheel to randomly pick a letter in the phrase. Kind of like Wheel of Fortune, but in Poptropica. When you know the answer, click âsolveâ, and drag the letters to their correct spots. You can always click the âclueâ button for help.
16. When youâre done with Spin for Riches, call in your Jet and head on over to Buenos Aires. Go left until you spot a clock tower. Click on the rings at the bottom of the clock tower to enlist the muscular robotâs help.
17. Click on each ring to turn it. But be careful â each ring causes the others to turn, as well. Your goal is to connect all of the pipe segments in a straight line across. Complete the Clock Tower Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Kerplunk.
18. Kerplunk will present you with three levels. In the first one, avoid the boots that kick from each doorway. Jump between the falling barrels. Swing across on the light pole, and jump between the red springs.Finally, jump across the slippery platforms. In stage 2 of Kerplunk, cross the wheels, remembering that they will move you in the direction they spin. Next, step on the red button and stand on the X to be launched in to the air. Finally, jump across the red platforms to the exit. On the last level of Kerplunk, jump from platform to platform, watching for the telltale to wobble (that means theyâre about to drop). Avoid the roller, which will push you to the side.
19. When youâve successfully finished Kerplunk, call in your Jet and head on over to Moscow. Talk to the security robot to learn about his problem.
20. You will begin the Windows Puzzle. Click on each window to change its color. Then press the dial. The security robot will tell you which window is the correct color, and which colors are correct but in the wrong place. You have 10 tries. Complete the Windows Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Brainiacs.
21. Brainiacs is a Poptropica-version of the real-life game show entitled âJeopardyâ. Itâs a general knowledge quiz game. Choose the correct answer to each question before your opponents do. In the final round, you can wager part of your winnings in order to increase your score.
22. When youâve completed Brainiacs, call in your Jet and head on over to Tokyo. Enter the service entrance to try to fix the video monitor. You will begin the Circuit Puzzle. Click on a tile to rotate it. Build a continuous path from the beginning of the circuit to the end. Complete the Circuit Puzzle to earn a chance to compete on Mr. Yoshiâs Super Terrific Challenge.
23. Mr. Yoshiâs Super Terrific Challenge will present you with three stages. In stage 1, turn the blocks until you see the letters Y-O-S-H-I, and stack them in the middle of the room. Remember that a single block may have more than one correct letter. In stage 2, click as fast as you can until your character breaks through the eggshell. In stage 3, run around the room and make contact with all 10 bowling pins.
24. When you have won all 5 game shows, return to Main Street for a message from Holmes, the robot mastermind. Enter the sewers and talk to the Inventor. He will give you a Thumb Drive. Proceed left until you reach a machine. Slide the tiles until you have rewired all four of Holmesâ circuits. The edges of each piece are color-coded to help you match them together.
25. Use the Thumb Drive to re-program Holmes and finish the island. You will be rewarded with the Game Show Island Medallion along with 50 credit
You finsh Game show island^_^
Can you gise add me, khaidu2 and khaidu1
If you need any thing more just email me, [email protected]
This needs a written walk through, BADLY!
thanks 4 the walkthrough but it is too hard 4 me so i will just leave it here/
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isnât fake. I swear I donât hack.
yeah! smart flame u r so right! btr rocks! 1d sucks!
I love poptropica! It is so much fun! Who ever made poptropica should come to my house so I can thank him/her!!!!!thnx!!!!:) :p bored
does anyone know how to win the Spin For Riches??? S.O.S!
Wow,fierce moon! you are so smart!I could not complete the island and win the game shows and solving the wire thing in the last movie.
My birthday was last month on all saint’s day. I’m 13 now
I DO NOT LIKE JUSTIN BIEBER! say if u agree. Ps he kinda sings like a 6 year old girl
Do u guys like Lilo and Stitch
I LOVE BIENG A TEEN! im in 6th grade
Fierce Moon, Jeff Kinney is the creator of Poptropica, not you. it says so in the diary of a wimpy kid books.
I agree with you, Smart Flame(about justin bieber):)
How is that a teen? YOu’re either 11 or 12. 13 is the first year of the teen years.
du joo know the kode for the russian bot ?
this needs a written mode
anyone know how to beat scardy pants game show because i need help
how can i trust you massive storm
You cant. There is no possible way to know if i will hack you. all you can do is take my word and hope for the best. But you have my word, so you can choose to trust me, and if you are still schepticall then i can give you a list of people ive helped.
Excuse me,but where the heck is the text cheat for the Game Show Island?
then, even though i need help on game show island , i well think about it massive storm
i mean will massive storm
Hey what are the colors for Moscow for the windows to get the tickets for brainiacs can someone please tell me!
hey, massive storm, if you hack me, i swear i will coment and u will be in trouble. got it?
I’ve been playing on Poptropica for six or so years now…I know how to beat all of the islands and will gladly help you out if you need it đ
I can supply a written walkthrough if someone wants it…
fierce tornado
can u help me on scardey pants
there should be a written form its on a different website they have it
they should have answers not vidios
Smart Flame, I agree with you about JB! but i cant believe that you are 2 years old than me, but still in 6th grade, because i am too. o.o
I feel old. I think I’m the only 15 year old girl that plays Poptropica. Awkward much…
Also, Happy Dolphin, she can’t get in trouble because if you willingly give away your password to a stranger, it’s you fault if something goes wrong.
No Me You Are Not The Only 15 Year Old On Poptropica My Sister Is On Poptropica And She’s 15 Years Old
Can you PLEASE do a written walkthrough for this island? The vids are great but I like using the written steps better đ
I just stared middle school last year on august 27th
Ps please dont hack me or else ill call the police
hey, my name is red lizard has anyone had any trouble with miami if so write a comment after mine ok. P.S. just to let you know i’ve played miami and the prizes are still messed up the fall of the ledges without any warning if so like i said before please post below my comment ok see ya later.
Thank you so much for you cheats Fierce! I will aways have you tab open.
Hey thank you so much for taking the time and effort to put this post together.
. very appreciated
it is awsome
where is the written walkthrough. I like those better.
Please friend me on poptropica! i am cookiesrule!09
THe Island is called Night Watch Island. the one that is taking place poptropolis games
last nigh we had a big storm
the electric went offfff.
I am stuck on the window part.It is hard
tis easy!!!it took ME 7 minutes
Please write the walkthrough. I don’t like videos. Only for songs. Mostly because I loose my place. Thankyou anyways I really enjoy playing with like this. If you weren’t there I couldn’t be able to play an island at all. Thankyou again.
Blue Seal
I am hermoine granger on poptropica
yea yea
Were is the written Walk through?!?! :/
this needs a written mode :}
hello people. I LOVE CHEESE
hey, does any one know what happens to the humans after you defeat the island
Yeah, where is the walk through? (Friend me-panda21894)
đ đ đ
đ đ
This is so much fun! :*
Oops, that one didn’t work.
hey panda21894, i’ll buddy u!
i hate video walkthroughs -_-
im gonna sstop commenting because ye all hate meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! đ đ„
need help on windows!
awww… this it have to be a video? đ
1st course:25
2nd course:22
3rd course:40
DANGIT! Why is this a Video walkthrough?! đ đ Please type in text for the walkthrough my video player doesnt work đ
i really hate video walk through’s !!!!!!!!! :.(
1. When you arrived on to the island, go left until you reach the Robo-Bling Boutique. Climb up the building and grab the red toolkit. Jump down from the building, and proceed left to the Factory.
2. Keep heading left and enter the Factory. When youâre in the Factory, go left and jump on to the slanted conveyer belt. Jump from the conveyer belt on to the green platform. Jump from platform to platform, and go right until you see Crane switches. Jump on to the Crane, and click the green âUpâ button on the Crane control panel. It should raise you into the air. Stop the Crane when you notice another platform just left of you. Hop off the Crane and on to the platform. Continue left until you reach a computer.
3. Click on the computer. It should open up a passage way thatâll lead to the conveyer belt control panel. Go back right and jump on to the Crane. Click the green âUpâ button once again until you reach the top-right platform. Hop off the Crane when youâre close enough. Head right until you reach the control panel for the conveyer belt. Click on it, youâll need to use your toolkit. Go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit.
4. Youâll need to unscrew the screws with your screwdriver. When all screws have been unscrewed, the top will come off and you will see a bunch of switches. Select the âRobot Factoryâ switch. Congratulations, youâve fixed the conveyer belt! Youâll automatically jump down from the control panel and start talking to one of the employees of the Factory. Sheâll give you a fan in reward for your excellent work.
5. Exit the Factory and go right all the way passed the Robo-Bling Boutique until you reach the Club Nouveau Riche. The huge yellow robot direct you to enter the club and fix the air conditioner. Enter the club and go right until you reach the club owner. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP on your fan. Use your fan to blow air at the club owner until he is satisfied. When heâs been cooled down, heâll hand you a Nickel. Exit the club and go all the way back to the Factory. This time, donât enter the Factory. Go passed the Factory doors until you reach a Poptropican.
6. Hand him the Nickel. In reward, heâll give you a pair of Heat Goggles that he had found. Head back right to the Club Nouveau Riche. Enter the club, and select USE under your Heat Goggles. Youâll see everything in a new light! Wave your screen around until you spot an unknown man hiding in an air vent.
7. Exit the club and locate the orange window. Go into your inventory and select EQUIP under your fan. Point the fan to the ground and use it. It will blow you all the way up into the air, but make sure to land on the orange window. When youâre up there, youâll need to get the door open somehow. Simply go into your inventory and select USE under your toolkit. Unscrew the screws and enter the door.
8. Upon arriving into the attic of the club, youâll notice The Inventor climb up from the air vent. Heâll think youâre one of Holmes men in disguise, so heâll make a run for it. Chase after him. If you donât know the direct way to go when chasing The Inventor, do the following: jump on the second platform, push the piano on to the broken elevator, and make your way to The Inventor. Itâs not so easy though, because The Inventor drops a ball on to your head during the process. Itâs not hard to keep up with him though, simply go right and climb up the rope. Now go left, climb the mini ladder and enter the door. Youâll need the passcode to enter this door, so go into your inventory and select USE under your Heat Vision Goggles. The passcode to the door is: 2014.
9. You and The Inventor will now be on the rooftop of the club. The Inventor will proceed to show you his side of the story. Heâll then give you a remote control to the Jet that will take you from Game Show to Game Show.
10. When you receive the Jet, go directly to Istanbul. Talk to the crane operator to learn about his problem.
11. Move the pedestal from the 2nd column to the 4th. You can only put smaller pieces on top of bigger pieces, or the column will crumble. Complete the Crane Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Scaredy Pants.
12. Scaredy Pants will present you with three games. In the first one, swim to the bottom right of the maze and pick up the glowstick. Return to the landing pad in the upper left. The path through the maze is like a backwards letter S. In the second game, click and drag each of the three creepy crawlies into the correct bin. From left to right: Mice, Spiders and Snakes. In the third one, move across the tightrope without losing your balance. Push hard against the gusts from the fans, but watch out â youâll need to counterbalance once youâre past the airflow.
13. When youâve finished Scaredy Pants, call in your Jet and head on over to Miami. Tak to the Spin for Riches host to learn about his problem.
14. Stand on the edge of each awning until you have created a safe path for each prize to roll down, with the showâs host at the bottom. Solve the Fire Escapes Puzzle, and the grateful host will reward you with a ticket to compete on Spin for Riches.
15. In Spin for Riches, you need to spin the wheel to randomly pick a letter in the phrase. Kind of like Wheel of Fortune, but in Poptropica. When you know the answer, click âsolveâ, and drag the letters to their correct spots. You can always click the âclueâ button for help.
16. When youâre done with Spin for Riches, call in your Jet and head on over to Buenos Aires. Go left until you spot a clock tower. Click on the rings at the bottom of the clock tower to enlist the muscular robotâs help.
17. Click on each ring to turn it. But be careful â each ring causes the others to turn, as well. Your goal is to connect all of the pipe segments in a straight line across. Complete the Clock Tower Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Kerplunk.
18. Kerplunk will present you with three levels. In the first one, avoid the boots that kick from each doorway. Jump between the falling barrels. Swing across on the light pole, and jump between the red springs.Finally, jump across the slippery platforms. In stage 2 of Kerplunk, cross the wheels, remembering that they will move you in the direction they spin. Next, step on the red button and stand on the X to be launched in to the air. Finally, jump across the red platforms to the exit. On the last level of Kerplunk, jump from platform to platform, watching for the telltale to wobble (that means theyâre about to drop). Avoid the roller, which will push you to the side.
19. When youâve successfully finished Kerplunk, call in your Jet and head on over to Moscow. Talk to the security robot to learn about his problem.
20. You will begin the Windows Puzzle. Click on each window to change its color. Then press the dial. The security robot will tell you which window is the correct color, and which colors are correct but in the wrong place. You have 10 tries. Complete the Windows Puzzle to earn a ticket to compete on Brainiacs.
21. Brainiacs is a Poptropica-version of the real-life game show entitled âJeopardyâ. Itâs a general knowledge quiz game. Choose the correct answer to each question before your opponents do. In the final round, you can wager part of your winnings in order to increase your score.
22. When youâve completed Brainiacs, call in your Jet and head on over to Tokyo. Enter the service entrance to try to fix the video monitor. You will begin the Circuit Puzzle. Click on a tile to rotate it. Build a continuous path from the beginning of the circuit to the end. Complete the Circuit Puzzle to earn a chance to compete on Mr. Yoshiâs Super Terrific Challenge.
23. Mr. Yoshiâs Super Terrific Challenge will present you with three stages. In stage 1, turn the blocks until you see the letters Y-O-S-H-I, and stack them in the middle of the room. Remember that a single block may have more than one correct letter. In stage 2, click as fast as you can until your character breaks through the eggshell. In stage 3, run around the room and make contact with all 10 bowling pins.
24. When you have won all 5 game shows, return to Main Street for a message from Holmes, the robot mastermind. Enter the sewers and talk to the Inventor. He will give you a Thumb Drive. Proceed left until you reach a machine. Slide the tiles until you have rewired all four of Holmesâ circuits. The edges of each piece are color-coded to help you match them together.
25. Use the Thumb Drive to re-program Holmes and finish the island. You will be rewarded with the Game Show Island Medallion along with 100 credits.
Here’s the walkthrough guys!!! Hope it helps
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didnât I tell you Iâm dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in the..next 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are â I WILL murder you. Itâs up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isnât fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or Iâm sorry or I want to go out with you.
For Scaredy Pants mine glitched and skipped the 2nd round. I ended up winning just doing the 1st and 3rd xD
Dude, Lucky Snowball, y r u so desperate for attention? its kinda sad.
Why are the robots so snobby?
I fixed the clock and then I saved the game. When I come back the robot did not gave me the Kerplunk ticket. All he said was “Phew! That was quite a workout.” Can someone help me?
i want to friend you your cheats are really helpful!!!!
Lucky Snowball, I agree with Spiky Tiger; you are acting desperate. And my 9-YEAR-OLD LITTLE SISTER came on this site read the comments, saw yours, and last night Emilie woke up at twelve o’clock, SCREAMING. When we got her to calm down, she was crying about YOUR POST. So, you need to stop it because you are terrifing YOUNG CHILDREN. Please stop.
Did you make that up or did you post that like it says in the message, Lucky Snowball coz that is kinda creepy…
They’re in charge. They’re just acting like rich people do sometimes, taking advantage of everything. No offense, rich people.
lucky snowball you are not dead this text would not be here if you were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (friend me vviitta22 or vviitta33 OR vviitta44) =)
and the color combination in Moscow is yellow,orange,yellow and blue
i agree with silly crab
It doesn’t work đ WHY!
Ive completed this island twice, leave your username and password and i will complete it for you. Thank u i will not change password, i dont even know how to!!! đ
or if u can even change ur password…
Dear Fierce Fox,
Ever since I found this website I’ve been completeing islands even though I’m a newbie
Thanks for your help,
Red Shark
I need a written walk-through. :!
gentle fire please help me in game show island in moscow please my user name is pilot745 password lovers123456 the password was when i had a boyfriend so icant change it anyway please help i cant figure out the colors.
hey friend me too!!! smart shadow =)
i love this island
I was playing this island (game show) and i got teleported to steam works island. does this happen to everyone? i need heeellllllllllpppp!!!!!!!!!!
That muscleman smushed me flat
best island is game show island
how do you solve the Moscow window code?
For the game show “$pin for the Riche$” what does “George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, but not John Adams” mean?
friend me at Zanysun51 I have finished 22 island and I need some friends