I mentioned this in the Great Pumpkin Island Walkthrough, but it’s so cool it deserves a post of its own. Paid members in Poptropica who log in during the Great Pumpkin Island early access period will get a special limited edition Woodstock follower as a prize. This is the best thing ever in Poptropica. Woodstock rules!
The early access period runs from now until October 14.

1st to comment 14 days till Great Pumpkin Island comes out to the public and 31 days till the second greatest holiday in the world. HALLOWEEN!!
Has anyone seen the walkthrough for Great Pumpkin Island here if not go to this for part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLT_hDjb-fs and this for part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuPQ_dJbbBc&feature=related .
Go to these two sites if you wanna see the walkthroughs of Great Pumpkin Island
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLT_hDjb-fs and this for part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuPQ_dJbbBc&feature=related .
Go to these two sites if you wanna see the walkthroughs of Great Pumpkin Island
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuPQ_dJbbBc&feature=related .
Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLT_hDjb-fs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuPQ_dJbbBc&feature=related .
*&*(@%#$&%^&%^!!!!!!!!!!! NO MEMBERSHI#
3rd to comment ,woodstock is cute!
Love ya Woodstock. I’m a pretty big Peanuts fan myself. I have a chess board with Peanuts Characters.
Checking previous comments from last post.
Hey. can you completely delete your screen name on here. Smart Paw asked me the question but I don’t know the answer. Poptropicasecrets creator or writer can you do a post about screen names and rules. Thank you. Oh and hi guys. Man drama has gone down. Smart Paw and I are switching soooooooo he will be on here from now on Monday Wednesday Friday. I will be on here Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and that is it. Don’t expect to see us tomorrow.
Ooh. Where did you get the mask. And what is the problem Danny. Are you bipolar or something?
Since all of you here are so upset about me being non-existent how about I do you a favor? Hm.
Oh. Come on. You know you aren’t leaving.
You know you are just upset.
smart Paw? Answer me!?
Okay. Stop ignoring me.
Smart Paw!?
He’ll be back. I just know it.
hmmmmmm idont like it either dani thats why i left b4 but ive come back and ill try to stay calm but wes ohould lay down some rules to follow or i shall leave again and i may come back if i do it will be a long time b4 i come back
1. no cursing that means no ******** or !@@#$%#%$^ or any thing along that line
2.no arguing
3.no screaming for no appearent reason
Hey athena.
What if you are excited?
Can you scream then?
smart paw come on dont leave please please please please please please please please please dont leave
you can scream if your excited
He’ll come back.
I hope.
that a good happy reason not abad one
he will absouloutly come backabsouloutly positutly
Unbreak my heart
Say that you love me again
Undo this pain when you walked out the door and left my life
Uncry these tears
I cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart!!!!!!!!!!!
new rules will be added when nessacery
ooh i missed ur singing
The last thing I posted was a song.
Yep. I feel it. He needs people. He needs drama. He feeds on it.
Thanks. I haven’t posted one in a while. I think I will update my songs. Make them more……..you know…….popular.
i got tired of drama
Yeah. But he isn’t. I can tell. You train him like a dog. Smart Paw. I noticed if you be stern to him but not tell him what to do he will behave. Just be nice and he won’t be upset. He actually acts like a dog. Ha ha! Smart Paw acts like a dog! Ha! Good guy Smart Paw! Good boy! Good boy!
Now smart Paw get back here! You will come back here. And by the time I count to 10. 1!
like the book boys are dogs she uses the training book
but he wont like it if u call him a dog
You are in sooooooooooo much trouble! Wait till you get back here!
Just wait!
Ooh. Don’t worry watch he will be back.
But I think he ran away already and he can’t hear me.
hes not here 😥
no really
But he will be back! No one! give him the message! No one? Dang it no one isn’t on here. Man I wish no one was here. She couldv’e told him something to convince him to come back.
😥 😥 😥 😥
He will be back. I just no it. Time to sing a song!
i hope he does 😥
wat song
Boo hoo. He is gone. No. Know. K-N-O-W. *smile* Goodbye.
Be our guest!
Put our service to the test!
Tie your napkin round your neck, cherie
And we provide the rest
just time to let it go start protectin my heart and soul cause i dont think ill survive a good bye again not again
Soup du jour
Hot hors d’oeuvres
Why we only live to serve
Try the gray stuff
It’s delicious
Don’t believe me
Ask the dishes
gtg checking my youtube page AGrocks532
I’ll be back to.
SIGH …….i dont have membership.
if you are reading this then you have to post it 10 times or else you will have bad luck for 12 years.really!my friend did not bielieve me and he died 2 days after!
😀 🙄 👿 😡
my favorite is 👿
😉 is the one i hate.
🙄 is the funniest.
😡 is second funniest.
😀 is the first one i learned.
😀 👿 👿 👿 😉 😡 🙄 🙄 👿 👿 👿
😳 👿
hello any body here? *looks around*
Hey, is the creator of PoptropicaSecrets Fierce Moon, as seen in the PCB?
There ought to be a Garfied Island or something 🙁
Oh my gosh! Poptropica posted the first ten finishers for Great Pumpkin Island and I think the creator of the blog is one of them! It’s a character just like their character dressed up as the dog as the second person to f inish! And their name is Fierce Moon!
I thought the same thing. Congratulations poptropicasecrets/Fierce Moon! You were the second person to complete Great Pumpkin Island!
I really love that! Again it took me only 2 hours with no walkthroughs to complete it.
if u didnt see the new rules check previous comments please and try ur best 2 follow them
😀 😀
Come to my room! its dfa58
u are one of the top 10 who finished the island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually its dae21
Hello? Is anyone there?
😳 🙄 😉 😡
multiverseroom code abw85
Congrats Poptropicasecrets.
And grigory is a bama! Bye.
who is changing my password everytime i want you to change it back in fact again it not my account change it back to normal you people
ruff ruff ruff grrrrrrrrrrr
chhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang iiiiiiiiiiiiit baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ruff ruff ruff grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrr
woah maryconley calm down well try and find who changed the password and well make them pay
hey i have to ask you guys something. I can’t wait for Great Pumpkin Island to come out to the public, if someone has a account with membership can someone please let me have a look at the island 4 a day. Please I swear I won’t steal the account.
Me too, please.
hi super thunder. i think you are so awesome!! you are way better than me!
wow poptrocpa is the best
Happy Birthday Khmer Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
How did he get that green mask?
Hey guys I’m new
CHECK OUT my avatar! Tell me if you think its scary! user: countchristo5
Happy Birthday Khmer Girl!
Yep! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday from my brother too. Oh. I’ll check out your character Cuddly.
Today khmer girls bday? Wel tell her i said happy bday.
Not necessarily scary. Just creepy. If you were in the woods with that character then it would be scary.
I agree with Danny. Hey Dani! Will Smart Paw be on here tomorrow?
Well, Im entering this Halloween contest. I need a scaryish creepeish costume. Is that good enuf?
Unfortunately he is SUPER serious about him not coming back. I asked him 100 times (not kidding) and each time he said no. Sooooooooooooooo. I’m making an inference and saying he is not coming back.
Ooh. Can I be in the contest!? It is good enough!
Sure! Whats your user?
Yep. It is good enough.
Let me get an outfit!
Ad on Counterfeit island. Karate Kid!
Yep. I know. You can do a karate kick! *Goes to advertisement and comes back with black belt and does karate kick!*
Anybody home? *knocks*
Sorry. on the ad.
Okay. What do you think of my character?
Let me see
Hello? Uh oh. gotta go. I’ll be back.
Ok. See ya. But nice avatar.
I’m back. Thanks.
I forgot my username and password. So. I can’t enter.
Ooh. Chose a color. Red, White or Black.
What contest?
there’s a Karate Kid Ad. on Time-Tangled Island. Age 13 I’m guessing
I already said that. And not age 13. It is a PG movie. Not PG-13.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Khmer Girl (Viv)!
Happy Birthday to You!
It’s your birthday!
It’s your birthday!
Party like it’s your birthday!
Dance like it’s your birthday!
Never going to stop!
Cause it’s your birthday!
Happy Birthday
I counted and there are only 133 comments. Hm.
I love emoticons. 😀
Happy Birthday Khmer Girl.
And yes! Smart Paw is gone! 😀
How can you say something so nice and then say something so mean. That is very 😈
Great. Just great. Hm.
What do you mean ‘Smart Paw left.’
I wish I had membership.
Yay karate kid ad walkthrough is out
Well, Cuddly Walker, I can see that your entering the PHB’s contest. I’m entering to but, I just don’t know what the heck to wear.
My brother has a question.
Who is Lone Ghost.
That is all.
Hear me for I have spoken!
That is me. Is your brother smart Paw.
Anyway. He says whoever Lone Ghost is he says she is cool.
Ooh. Smart Paw got an online crush!
Smart Paw got an online crush!
Just kidding about that crush thing.
Really? Well. Thanks. He is cool too.
Hm. Hi Dani.
Have you found out who Lone Ghost is?
Oh! And
Nicholas do you remember when you say you treat Smart Paw as if he is a dog. Well…………you are right! My mom does it all the time. You can’t necessarily say good dog! Good dog! But………I have to give you an example.
Mom: Take your sister to the movies.
Smart Paw:But I don’t want to.
Mom hits Smart Paw in the back of his head. Hard.
Smart Paw: *groans* Okay.
Mom: Much better.
Tony: *teasing*Ha ha. You have to take Danny to the movies.
Mom hits Tony on the back of his head. Hard.
Mom: Don’t tease your brother.
And. That is the example.
Nice example.
And your Mom is hilarious.
Excuse. I have to handle an issue.
What is the issue.
Let me guess. Smart Paw.
Everyone who is ready this. Go to the about page.
HEAR ME FOR I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay. We made a deal.
Hi Bashful. Do you miss my brother?
Hm. Well. Bashful. I have good news. And bad news.
How do you get the pupmcan to the house with out it breaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would not want to eat that sandwich in the 1st picture…
hello fellow people its me maryconley ive hacked into ,kelly bieber. acount mhhhh if you dont want to give mypassword back on poptropica kelly bieber my great friends cousin justin bieber will die he will literaly die muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaaahhahaahhahahahahhahahahahahaha
(BoyWhite Dragon which is me) Kelly Bieber your just as crazy and insane right now like that White Dragon 2 that everybody was fighting about a few days ago.
you need to relax, so you lost your account big deal make another one not harm done, unless if your account had membership i don’t know what to tell you. But if it
doesn’t have membership make a new one what’s the big deal?!?
Mary, whats your user.
Yes Super Thunder. I am entering. I have the best costume ever, and I will win! Good luck to all of you who enter.
Oh really. I think it is time for me to do something drastic!
wat up pple?!
Wat up.?
So far. With me okay. I turned in my report today.
Hey. What is up?
No new post.
Ugh. My comments is in moderation.
Hadn’t seen this in a loonnnggggggggggggg time! I turned 14 yesterday!!! 😀
Me and my brother say happy birthday!
Khmer Girl? Nicholas! What is the deal!
How come every time I post a comment everyone leaves.
It seems I test people!
Hm. Fine. If I can’t be spoken to. Hm. Goodbye. (Not forever.)
Hi everyone.
Dani im here
Cant wait for it to come to everyone
Well, then Cuddly Walker, I wish you luck.
~Super Thundy
Hi everyone. Anyone miss me?
P.S. Please click my name
excuse me Unknown i have a little cold. ah ah ah Ah Ah Ah Ah AH AH AH AH AH………
poptropica rules
ilove poptropica tis cool and awsoom
hello im tuna7 player of poptropica and club penguin isnt it hard to control 2 websites anyways i prefer cp AND my poptropica name is tuna565(quiet dragon) i like cp better ok we get the point
p.s.plz click my name
p.s.s it will tellaport you to the awesome great world of awesomeness
hey watz up:)
Hello Greek Fan.
werd glich got 20 woodstok folowerz
Hello, mortals.
hello cuddly walker.
anyone here
Hey, If any one would post a video or a list of things you have to do to beat Great Pumpkin Island It would be sooooo Great!
3liana (:
I already knew half of what to do but, this kinda helped!
you know I have that Woodstock follower man is it awesome!
Aw! I need to get a membership and save the game..refresh the page..log in..”back to game” and get woodstock.
Woodstock is soo cute. 🙁
Does anyone here know “Biker Star” or something like that? o.o
i do
omg wood stock is sooooooooooooooo cute