Where in Poptropica? (#3)

Here’s this week’s Where in Poptropica picture. Β Do you know where it’s from? Β Let us know how well you know the islands of Poptropica in the comments. Β Good luck!

About Zippy Turtle

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Snap Crackle and Poptropicans (I’m just trying this out :”))! So I was playing with …


  1. shogan statue near the fish market on red dragon island

  2. the pic takes place in time tangled island in one of the time machine places

  3. the shogan statue near the market above of the palace

  4. in red dragon island

  5. On red dragon island to the right of the entrance of the cliffs

  6. The statue

  7. the statue on red dragon island on the cliffs

  8. It is the chinese warrior statue to the right of the enterance of the cliffs!;D

  9. At red dragon island

  10. Beefy Bear + Jumpy Ice

    i dont care where it is at all
    i’ll never ever win because of the stupid zippy turtle

  11. red dragon island

  12. the shogun statue in red dragon island infront of the stairs that takes you to where Jack and Annie are trapped!

    P.S i’m on that island right now!

  13. In Magical Tree House: Red Dragon Island

  14. Hey Guys, did you know? Wimpy Boardwalk released right now! I just went on Poptropica now and I came to know! Faster than Fierce Moon!!

  15. FINALLY!!!!!!! one of the top ten at last!!! πŸ™‚

  16. I’m playing it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  18. Red Dragon πŸ™‚ Wimpy BoARDWALK IS KINDA CONFUSING o.O

  19. Fierce Moon, can I ask you a question? I am terribly sorry to bother you at this moment, but when are you posting the Wimpy Boardwalk Walkthrough? Please let me know.
    -Red Lizard

  20. its on red dragon island

  21. Crazy Lightning

    Red Dragon Island

  22. Also, hello, I am new here! Well, I once commented as Smart Sponge, but that was a fail. I will never do something like that again, promise πŸ™‚

  23. i saw this before

  24. Red Dragon Island

  25. you may notice something different to my poptropican. THAT’S RIGHT BABY!!!!! THE WIMPY BOARDWALK MEDALION!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  26. hey Vampybite, i’m faster than Fierce Moon AND you! πŸ™‚

  27. red dragon island !!!!!!

  28. if you want to get the jumbo prize, you have to get tokens for the games to play. there are tokens scattered all along the boardwalk so look everywhere (they shine every second so look carefuly). you’re gonna need the prize later!

  29. i’m restarting it….

  30. Incredible Storm

    Red Dragon Island

  31. reddragon island

  32. Red Dragon Island

  33. The picture is of the statue of the Shogun in East Edo (outside the entrance to the fortress) on Red Dragon Island.

    Fearless Owl

  34. One of the statues of the shogun on red dragon island by the entrance to the fortess

  35. Oh, where are my friends? The ones who call themselves Drake and Scary Sky and Jade and…OH I MISS THEM!!! πŸ™ Fierce Moon, if you took them away, I will…



  36. The statue of the Shogun in East Edo on Red Dragon Island.

  37. People its summer maybe Fierce Moon is with family!

    Dear Fierce Moon,
    Wimpy Boardwalk came today and you usually post the time they came. Zippy Turtle isn’t doing a good job I mean the contests were okay… but it isn’t truly like you.Fiece Moon where is Strange Moon? She was better.Will you please come back.
    From,Tiny Ice

    Fans please post this on every Zippy Turtle post.

  38. Red Dragon island in the cliffs

  39. the red dragon island statue

  40. That is the statue on Red Dragon island.

  41. I’m here don’t worry

  42. Ayman!

    Your comment showed! Comment again!

    What would you say if I insulted you?

    I was just kidding, I would never do that.


    AYMAN! What’s your opinion of Skrillex?

    (I hope this comment shows!)

  43. I hate the bonus quest of thunder volt it took me 3 hours to beat >:|

  44. I just looked through the web i could not find a single walkthrough πŸ™

  45. cicero10 (Super Tornado)

    Red Dragon island, statue on the bottom of the cliffs.

  46. RedDraggon

  47. It is a statue of the Shogun (Did I spell that right?) On red dragon island at the entrance to the cliffs!

  48. Hey anyone remember me I haven’t been on for long time

  49. Hey anyone remember me

  50. yes are you drake

  51. red dragon island ant its a statue of shogun

  52. aymans back ?

  53. The picture is the shogun statue on red dragon island

  54. Lilia Williams

    It’s the shogun’s statue on Red Dragon Island

  55. Lilia Williams

    I’m a newbie to Seattle and I’m 16.
    i’m really bored and I don’t have a single friend.

    Soooooo, can any one be my friend?
    (preferably a boy!!)

    ~~~Love, Lilia~~~

  56. yes i am

  57. picture is the shogun statue on the market street on red dragon island

  58. People we need to take action! Not leave or anything.

  59. Dear Fierce Moon,
    Wimpy Boardwalk came today and you usually post the time they came. Zippy Turtle isn’t doing a good job I mean the contests were okay… but it isn’t truly like you.Fiece Moon where is Strange Moon? She was better.Will you please come back.
    From,Tiny Ice

  60. not trying to spam

    P.S. what is your username?

  62. continued from my last comment: zippy turtle.

  63. If anyone is stuck on wimpy boardwalk I MIGHT be able to answer some questions I have now beat it 5 times p.s if u have troubles with thunder volt the bonus quests u can avoid some attacks by going off the screen:)

  64. Red Dragon

  65. its the shogun statue on market st at red dragon island near the fish shop on top of a stone pedestal with a sign on it that reads: “Obey the shogun!” there is a yellow bird on top of the statue, probably a canary.

  66. the statue on red dragon island

  67. statue on red dragon island

  68. Its the statue of the Shogun on Red Dragon island.

  69. statute of the shogun

  70. The statue of the what’s-he-called on Red Dragon Island.

  71. shogun statue on west edo market

  72. “OBEY THE SHOGUN!” statue in Red Dragon Island.

  73. red dragon shogun statue

  74. i saw that at red dragon island

  75. Is anyone here? That wants to chat?


  77. Happy 4th of July, everyone!
    Zippy Turtle, what happened to Fierce Moon?

  78. EASY the picture was at red dragon island and it is the shogun statue DO NOT OBEY SHOGUN!!

  79. It’s the statue in the market place from Red Dragon Island.

  80. this pictur is shown on red dragon island the shogun statue down the market

  81. What’s so special about The 4th Of July? It’s a day in July.

    Why don’t they have a day for Carribean people?

  82. For the US, its independence day on the fourth of july

  83. Oh.

    I didn’t know that. I got a notifictaion on my computer saying it’s the “Fourth Of July”.

  84. red dragon island

  85. it’s in the magic tree house red dragon island. yup i remember it for sure!!

  86. its the shogun on red dragon island and… your website stinks!

  87. Shogun statue, West Edo market street, in Red Dragon Island. Or was it East Edo? Oh well, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! πŸ˜€

  88. Wassup Bendy Dragon, haven’t seen u in a long time. No S.S., he is not me, he’s one of my friends from a pretty long time ago. Oh by the way Ayman Arif u can comment again.

    P.S. C.S., u really lied about ur sister named Keysha? I mean I know who she is, she commented here a little before I came in.

  89. Oh yeah and the picture is the Shogun Statue on Red Dragon Island.

    P.S. That’s weird instead of putting a release date before, the poptropica creator’s just released Wimpy Boardwalk release date news the same day it came out.

  90. shotgun statue in market street red dragen island

  91. dancing KAT YOUR BLOG IS NOT WORKING : (

  92. ——————-Happy 4rth Of July people—————–

    * . . . . . . . . +
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    .::.:.::::.:::.:.::.:.:::.::::.::.:::::::::.::::::::::.:::::..::. :

  93. /| /| —————————
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    / 0o O\__ HAPPY 4rth of July |
    / \ ___ |
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  94. /| /| —————————
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    / \ ___ |
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  95. /| /| —————————
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    / \ \ |
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    / | | | |\____/ ||
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    / | | | –|
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    /\ |
    / /\ | /
    / / | | |
    ___/ / | | |
    |____/ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c

  96. hmm turn out what I really expected.

  97. i want a walk through for wimpy boad island please!!!

  98. hi offtopic

  99. yes i can speak

  100. my first and lastname is connected

  101. yesterday i was telling wimpy boardwalk came out but my comments kept disappering

  102. yeah I heard well read I mean.

  103. Well, isn’t this a big, sad family reunion?


    LOL, I don’t have a life! πŸ˜›

    @Drake: I lied about lying about Keyshia.

  104. hi cheerful singer im back

  105. My blog was down and my blog is back up.

  106. I know you’re back. I can’t wait to annoy you!

    It’s so fun!

  107. cheerful singer say hi if you see me

  108. ok cs

  109. JK JK.

    But, I do know you hate me talking about Sonny and I talk about him ALOT.

  110. yes thats right not to be mean

  111. i beat the wimpy board walk bonus quest it was hard but i beat on my first try

  112. Ayman you are lucky it only took you one try to beat the bonus quest to took me three hours πŸ™

  113. Hi I still can’t comment D:

  114. I beat wimpy boardwalk yesterday and that bonus quest is hard!

  115. the shogun at red dragon

  116. hi tiny ice

  117. ok ?

  118. visit my blog by click on my name!!!!!!

  119. Hi guys! That is from red dragon island on the market street

  120. Anyone else notice the creators have not posted the top 10 finishers for wimpy boardwalk ?

  121. Red Dragon island

  122. Guess what?

    Sonny Moore has long, black hair. He’s my role model.

  123. That was random.

    And, by the way, I am bored. My blog is back up.

  124. That was Keyshia, making an impersonation of me.

    I should probably take down my Monday-Tuesday question now that it’s Thursday.

    White Sword? Do you go on anymore?

    If so, can you go to the villages tonight? We could meet up and meet each other.

    Just name some villages where you’re going and when you’ll be there.

  125. red dragon island statue of the shougun

  126. fierce moon hasnt been on in like 3 or 4 months now what happend no more walkthroughs and all we have now is this ughh

  127. At least we have our friends…

    That reminds me of a Skrillex song…


  128. I’m working up a tan. πŸ˜‰ Is a good life.

    Oh! And welcome back, katniss! and aymanarif!

  129. we all know how we each other fell πŸ™

  130. I don’t get that.

    Guess what?

    I look good in a bikini. πŸ™‚

    Ok, now that that’s over with…

    I am VERY TAN.

    So tan, I look like a white woman the places I didn’t tan.

    Not to be racist.

  131. that is a warrior statue from the marketplace on red dragon island (magic tree house).

  132. Zippy Turtle, I DEMAND to know what happened to Fierce Moon . Wimpy Boardwalk has been up for DAYS, you two haven’t posted anything to help, and ALL you’re doing are boring β€œGuess this!”s that get solved first try. And you said it would be β€œbetter” with β€œyou and Fierce Moon”. Someone said Fierce Moon died, and I didn’t believe it at first, but now I’m starting to think it’s true. Fierce Moon hasn’t been on the forum since May 24, and hasn’t posted since May 31. You also said Fierce Moon would also be working on the polls and contests, when it’s just you. There have also been serious issues on the comments that Fierce Moon would have taken care of if she were here. If she’s away on vacation or something, just tell us.

  133. UM TINY ICE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT oops sorry for caps


  135. Even though Fierce Moon did ban you guys, I miss her.

    I’m thinking it was “Zippy Turtle” who banned people.

    I miss Fierce Moon.

    If Fierce Moon did die,

    R.I.P Fierce Moon. πŸ™

  136. ………………….wow…. guys does it really matter just go on youtube instead of doing………………………………this i mean im 99% sure that fierice moon didn’t mean for this to happen SO JUST CHILL ALL OF THIS REBELING IS STUPID

  137. ok dark icy needs to calm down

  138. but zippy turtle doesnt even do any walkthroughs and all he does is making up these dumb games



  141. I agree on going to youtube you can’t depend on this website for everything you know.

  142. thank you offtopic

  143. and why is everyone so fuss up with Zippy Turtle? unless he/she is Zippy Crab Than I wouldn’t stop u for all the hatred πŸ™‚

  144. im just saying not trying 2 be a snob

  145. If I go on YouTube, I’ll miss you guys too much.

  146. yea ur right

  147. cs just go on youtube for walkthroughs u can still go on here

  148. ??????????????? UR ON THE INTERNET how could you possibly miss us???

  149. yea hes kinda right….its not like we’re your only friends

  150. I’m bored click my name.

  151. Yeah yeah I get it.

    You don’t want me here.

    If you want, I’ll leave. πŸ™

  152. it is from red dragon

  153. I don’t like when he plays these sort of games on each post he does sorry zippy but I don’t like them

  154. Hey peeps!!!!! This pic was from Red Dragon Island, a statue of the Shogun.

  155. no offense zippy turtle but your little games that you make up are such a bore and poptropica SECRETS is supposed to be about how to beat the islands and new costumes and hidden costumes and upcoming or canceled islands not dumb games and WHERE IS FIERCE MOON IF SHE DOES NOT POST TOMORROW I AM GONNA PROTEST ON WALL SREET

  156. I miss Fierce Moon.

    Maybe, I can text someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who happens to know me. So, I’d be telling myself. πŸ˜› I’m so weird.

  157. hi everyone on the universe

  158. i can speak again

  159. I am bored.

    Keyshia is making me go on my iPod to see you guys.

    I still can’t believe she made “Ke$ha” on here.

  160. ok cheerful singer

  161. its red dragon island

  162. Red Wing thought Fierce Moon was on vacation. Right now, Pop Secrets is walkthroughs up to the 27th island, comment pages, a forum, and Guessing Games. I actually used another site to beat Wimpy Boardwalk. I’m really worried about Fierce Moon. Someone said she was dead. I don’t really believe it, but I am worried. She hasn’t been on in a month.

  163. Do you really beleive that rumor,BS??????

  164. I said I don’t really believe it, but I am worried.

  165. yeah me too but I already finished the island.

  166. hi short leopard

  167. i beat the bonus quest on my first try

  168. Hey, Short Leopard, ayman, you guys REALLY should join the forum!


  170. how do people beat WIMPY KID πŸ˜› please awnser. oh ya please dont forget to come to my multiverse AEY65

  171. Ayman stop bragging. No offense But, I hate the the forum.

  172. in fourth of jully it was the best day ever!!!!!!! the fire works was so AWESOME!!! it was the coolest thing i ever SAW!!!!!

  173. Hyper Shadow: You were the one who spread the lie about Fierce Moon dying!
    Ayman, yeah, that would be nice.
    OFFTOPIC, okay, but most everyone from the comments originally went there: Roosta, Red Wing, Ev, me, Night….

  174. Night Gone check his profile I quit too. anyway has any of you click my name yet.

  175. Yeah, I know.

  176. guys its really true that fierce moon died!

  177. its from red dragon island!

  178. who said Fierce Moon Died?

  179. red dragon island

  180. Hyper Shadow. LIAR!!!! If she really did die, prove it.
    Plus, you said:
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Well, why would you say that if she was really dead?

  181. Here’s what hyper shadow has said so far:
    hyper shadow July 3, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    hey guys i got some really bad news fierce moon died!!!! really its really true!!!
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    guys its really true that fierce moon died!

    How can you prove Fierce Moon is dead? If it’s about her absence, I’m worried, too, but IT DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS DEAD.

  182. hey i just beated wimpy boardwalk like 4 days ago and is fierce moon really dead?

  183. I thonk thats not true

  184. No, Hyper Shadow is lying. You beat it two days ago. Wimpy Boardwalk wasn’t OUT until two days ago.

  185. Magic treehouse red dragon island

  186. it came from magic treehouse red dragon island

  187. fierce moon died you stupid brave star!

  188. I think this has so many comments I cant find the comment that said I was asking to be friends and my user name was angeraaron

  189. U dummy brave star what are u going to say next my mum is dead

  190. that cause im sad you lumitect!!!!

  191. Waot im not on the same page here I dont go wit hyper shado

  192. you mean you dummy hyper shadow and dont call me dummy you idiot!

  193. Prove it, Hyper Shadow. You can’t prove anything by saying the same thing over and over and calling the other person stupid. I, on the other hand, have evidence that, though Fierce Moon has not been on in a while, SHE IS NOT DEAD.
    1) Zippy Turtle didn’t post ANYTHING about Fierce Moon dying. I seriously doubt he wouldn’t if she did.
    2) Not to be grammer-fussy, but you have no capitalization or punctuation. I’ve yet to meet someone like that who I can trust about someone they don’t even know dying.
    3) You said
    hyper shadow July 3, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    hey guys i got some really bad news fierce moon died!!!! really its really true!!!
    If something’s true, the person reporting it wouldn’t have to say “it’s true” over and over.

    4) You called me stupid. Why would you call me stupid just because I didn’t beleive you?

    5) You said
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm


    Well, why would you say that if she’s really dead?

    Based on these facts, I think we can all agree (except for Hyper Shadow) that Fierce Moon is STILL ALIVE!

  194. EDIT:Okay, really, Hyper Shadow? When people are sad, they shouldn’t insult others over the internet. Also, you still haven’t proved she died.

  195. Katniss ! Ayman ! Short Leopard ya’ll are back ! thank the Lord ! and Kat thank Gosh your still here !!!

  196. Will u just giv us proof u stupid that comes from a wacpak

  197. Also, Hyper Shadow, you shouldn’t insult someone if you don’t know how spell the insult. It’s spelled “Lunatic”.

  198. Even though she hasen’t been posting doesn’t mean you guys should spread a rumor saying she died!!!!!

  199. you stupid cool turtle and brave star i said that cause im sad you lumiteck!!

  200. Actually, it’s just hyper shadow.

    Scary Sky, glad you joined the forum!

  201. Umm Hyper Shadow,it’s spelled lunitec.

  202. you wanna be an idiot?

  203. Okay, hyper shadow, stop. I proved you wrong, and you still don’t know how to spell lunatic. Also, I haven’t said anything mean to you AT ALL.

  204. Who are you talking to,Hyper Shadow???

  205. you know what brave star!!! if i have a gun i will shoot you!

  206. what is wrong with you, hyper shadow?

  207. Really? Again, I didn’t say ANYTHING bad AT ALL to you. You don’t know who I am, either. What if I told you I’m chatting with Fierce Moon right now on Chantago?

  208. hi what happened here

  209. Just shut the heck up I can say anything to u,cuz u dont know where I live hyper donky

  210. i was talking to hyper shadow sorry

  211. due to the showings of bad words im deleting comments!

  212. hi ayman, hyper shadow saying that fierce moon died and brave star and him had an argument

  213. Sorry about the smiley face.

  214. She didn’t die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  215. I can comment again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  216. I mean, seriously. Look at our conversation so far:
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    Hyper Shadow: You were the one who spread the lie about Fierce Moon dying!
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    guys its really true that fierce moon died
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Hyper Shadow. LIAR!!!! If she really did die, prove it.
    Plus, you said:
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Well, why would you say that if she was really dead?
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    Here’s what hyper shadow has said so far:
    hyper shadow July 3, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    hey guys i got some really bad news fierce moon died!!!! really its really true!!!
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    guys its really true that fierce moon died!

    How can you prove Fierce Moon is dead? If it’s about her absence, I’m worried, too, but IT DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS DEAD.

    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 6:02 pm

    fierce moon died you stupid brave star!
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Prove it, Hyper Shadow. You can’t prove anything by saying the same thing over and over and calling the other person stupid. I, on the other hand, have evidence that, though Fierce Moon has not been on in a while, SHE IS NOT DEAD.
    1) Zippy Turtle didn’t post ANYTHING about Fierce Moon dying. I seriously doubt he wouldn’t if she did.
    2) Not to be grammer-fussy, but you have no capitalization or punctuation. I’ve yet to meet someone like that who I can trust about someone they don’t even know dying.
    3) You said
    hyper shadow July 3, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    hey guys i got some really bad news fierce moon died!!!! really its really true!!!
    If something’s true, the person reporting it wouldn’t have to say β€œit’s true” over and over.

    4) You called me stupid. Why would you call me stupid just because I didn’t beleive you?

    5) You said
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 4:53 pm


    Well, why would you say that if she’s really dead?

    Based on these facts, I think we can all agree (except for Hyper Shadow) that Fierce Moon is STILL ALIVE!
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 6:12 pm

    EDIT:Okay, really, Hyper Shadow? When people are sad, they shouldn’t insult others over the internet. Also, you still haven’t proved she died.
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    Also, Hyper Shadow, you shouldn’t insult someone if you don’t know how spell the insult. It’s spelled β€œLunatic”.
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    you stupid cool turtle and brave star i said that cause im sad you lumiteck!!
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Okay, hyper shadow, stop. I proved you wrong, and you still don’t know how to spell lunatic. Also, I haven’t said anything mean to you AT ALL.
    hyper shadow July 5, 2012 at 6:24 pm

    you know what brave star!!! if i have a gun i will shoot you!
    Brave Star July 5, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    Really? Again, I didn’t say ANYTHING bad AT ALL to you. You don’t know who I am, either. What if I told you I’m chatting with Fierce Moon right now on Chantago?

  217. hi short leopard remeber me

  218. due to the showings of user name and bad words im delting comments

  219. imposter

  220. what is with the fake fierce moons?


  222. ok ok lets just stop all this and 4get about it

  223. Wars with all arguments

  224. *wats with all arguments

  225. *wats with all the arguments

  226. sorry for repeaing

  227. *repeapint

  228. hi sl

  229. hi sl πŸ™‚

  230. Right now, Bendy Dragon, hyper shadow is calling me an idiot and saying he wants to shoot me because I don’t believe what he said about Fierce Moon dying. Then a fake Fierce Moon came and said that “due to the showings of usernames and bade words im delting all comments”.

    Prickly Fox: Really?

  231. hi brave star long time no see

  232. i’m so happy i can comment again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  233. good job

  234. ok sl

  235. and you can comment again too

  236. PLEASE CLICK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  237. wow I miss a lot, an argument perfect Finally some action! okay uhh anyway What u happy about?

  238. ok short leopard

  239. I’m happy because I can comment again!!!!!!!!!!!


  241. You Guys really need some pic icons seeing a female poptropican is getting really irritating. http://en.gravatar.com/ click this link.

  242. I don’t want a gravatar.

  243. Ayman,are you on my blog?!?!

  244. my gravatar never shows

  245. Are you?????????????????

  246. Please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  247. what do you want me on your blog short leopard

  248. i just want you to see it and leave a comment

  249. sorry i cant

  250. Why can’t you???????????

  251. Whenever you want a pick just click my name.

  252. really i welcome you all back and all u do is talk about firce moon being dead ayman short leopard lets catch up with each other ! katniss i would like to get to know you !

  253. i forgot my password

  254. am i stinking invisible here ????

  255. what does that mean ss

  256. Hey Scary Sky Your not invisible of course, your just being ignored.

  257. your not invisible ss i see your comments

  258. I think i can comment again because i am on a different computer.But when i go on my computer,I probably won’t be able to comment.:(

  259. yes it worked I can finally comment on My own email.

  260. thats right sl

  261. so what do you want to talk about,SS??

  262. oh well then stay on that won ! my mum got a new phone so did my dad

  263. I’m on my uncle’s computer.

  264. at his house not my house,I’m going to leave soon.:(

  265. hi everone on here


  267. really?????????????????

  268. yes really i was so bummed out when somebody told me you got blocked and why does fm edit your comments short leopard and ayamn you all can call me Hannah !

  269. heh thanx i just dont like scary sky as much as i used to

  270. serious face all my friends call me that !

  271. i might not be able to leave comments anymore bye for now but remember to visit my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

  272. when will you come back?

  273. The photo was taken on Dragon Cove on Skullduggery Island.

  274. I’m invisible.

    Guess what? I learned to play “First Of The Year (Equinox)” on the piano.

  275. It’s awesome that I can finally play it.

    Some of my best friends are on here.

  276. neat tiger:wrong!

    answer:red dragon island

  277. Zippy Turtle, can you please just bring back Fierce Moon? Or can you do walkthroughs?

  278. Lol i just read this whole entire thing, and it is pretty funny, and the statue in the picture is from red dragon island

  279. @Smart Knucle: You spelt knuckle wrong. It’s “knuckle” not “knucle”. Knuckle is spelt with a “K”. And, you shouldn’t single people out like that. I mean, they look quite alike. It’s a simple mistake.

    I’m sorry but, I feel that way.

  280. Cheerful biker

    The picture is part of the Shogun’s statue at Red dragon Island. NOT Dragon Cove.

  281. Cheerful Singer, I feel the same way about that. Smart Knuckle also doesn’t usually pay attention to what others say. There have been plenty of others who guessed the statue on Red Dragon, and Zippy Turtle would have said, but he still found the need to single Nice Tiger out.
    No offense to Smart Knuckle, but you’re kinda late to realize things, and you don’t look at other people’s comments:
    It took you a very long time to realize Poptropica wasn’t closing, and you didn’t notice everyone else already knew. You also didn’t notice Fierce Moon’s edit.

    On the Monster Carnival page, you didn’t notice three people were leaving. You could have scrolled up to see their last comments, but all you did was ask why we were upset.

    And, of course, there the issues of you and Neat Tiger, and your name, which CS and I already talked about.

    I’m sorry, Nice Knuckle, but it makes you seem like a self-centered 8 year old.

  282. due to the showings of user name andd password im deleting comments


  284. Also, Smart Knuckle, you just today said hi to Zippy Turtle on his intro, then guessed where the photo was taken, again ignoring everyone else’s posts and comments.

  285. Ok due to all the comments that just came out, I have a speech to give out.
    1. Ok so it looks like the majority of people are back from being banned, so welcome back.
    2. OFFTOPIC, why do u hate Zippy Crab so much?
    3. Allright finally a fight, there hasn’t been one since me and B.M. started World War III.
    4. Ok, Brave Star chill out people just don’t wanna pay attention to this stuff, don’t start yelling at them.
    5. As for the rumours that Fierce Moon is dead, this might be true, ever since Zippy Turtle came on this website, Fierce Moon hasn’t been on, but I still believe she’s on vacation for the summer.
    6. Hyper Shadow, intead of trying to shoot Brave Star online, why not give us some proof of Fierce Moon’s death. Let’s say a phone number or some sort of contact.
    7. And finally, Brave Star just screw fierceMoon, she’s a 100% fake for sure because whenever Fierce Moon comments her comment has a blue background, so just stop worrying about the imposter, and worry about the main problem

  286. Longer than what I expected………

  287. @fierceMoon: Can you PLEASE stop doing that? I feel it’s VERY annoying. No one has shown their password. This was your comment:

    fierceMoon July 6, 2012 at 8:22 am
    due to the showings of user name andd password im deleting comments

    And yes, you did spell and wrong.

  288. Thanks, guys. I now I kinda get out of hand when dealing with these people, but I really can’t stand Fierce Moon’s imposters.

    Anyway, let’s change the subject.

  289. Rebecca Black is awesome. πŸ™‚

  290. *know

  291. Oh, sorry, ninja-ed. Yeah, she’s pretty good. I’ve only heard one of her songs, though.


  293. Yeah. Sorry, I keep getting ninja-ed.

  294. I am playing First Of The Year (Equinox) on my piano. I stopped to write this.

  295. Cool. I can play piano, but I never took lessons, so I’m not great at it.

  296. Look up First Of The Year (Equinox) on YouTube. It’s a Skrillex song just look it up. It’s difficult. πŸ™

  297. The video is awesomw but, most people might think it’s “messed up”.

    I LOVE IT!

  298. Wow. I don’t think I’d be able to learn it.

  299. It’s really difficult.

    Ok, I’m ready. I finshed for today.

    Did you watch the video or the piano demonstration?

  300. I think I just watched the video.

  301. What did you think of it?

    I admit, all Skrillex videos are a little messed.

    All except…

    No, all of them.

  302. I ignored the lyrics (because I saw the title of another and guessed the were kinda messed) and the music was pretty good.

  303. OH EMMMMMM GEEEEEEEEES!!!!!! So, you’re saying you don’t mind Skrillex????


  304. the picture is from red dragon island

  305. Yeah, it sounded pretty good.

  306. If you keep listening, you’ll get into it.


  307. I’ll try, but I don’t have an iPod or anything like that.

  308. RED DRAGON ISLAND!!! Right when you get in to town. πŸ™‚

  309. Really, Green Noodle? Everyone kinda already got that…. Sorry to get mad, but we were kinda in a conversation here…

  310. Please just listen to more songs. If you like that, you’ll probably like more.

  311. Drake is frekin awesome!He or she makes sence of it all……she or he is like,the peace keeper!I LOV YA!!!!!!

  312. Skrillex is okay have some skrillex songs on my iPod

  313. O.K.,i im here and i have no idea what everyone is talking about,i see R.Black and NINJAS and like im confused….:(but i hope i win d contest!

  314. Bendy Dragon, you do???

    What songs? Please tell!!!!!!!

  315. Prickley Bird: Really? You think Drake might be a girl? Lots of us can make sense (not sence) of this site, but Drake is really good at applying himself to stopping fights.

  316. Oh, @ Prickly Bird’s second. I wasn’t talking about ninja, I was talking about being ninja-ed.

  317. Red dragon island

  318. Brave Star, please tell me.

  319. whatcha talkin ’bout

  320. I’m still playing that song onthe piano.

  321. Someday, I will go to HardFest. In 8 years. I want to go when I’m 20. Or, I should go when I’m 22 so I can get into V.I.P. So, 9 years. 9 years until I get to see Skrillex.

  322. Here are key things you should know about me:

    Call me by my name, Kat.

    I’m Jamaican, immagrated to Canada with my sister, Keyshia (of 10 years) and my brother, Matt (of 11 years). I am 12.

    If someone were to insult Dubstep, OR ANYTHING THAT IS RELATED TO ELECTRONIC MUSIC, we’re gonna have a problem.

    If someone were to insult Sonny Moore, we’d have an EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM.

    I am a total DUBHEAD. That is not an insult, by the way.

    No one knows more about Sonny than I do. On this website.

    Okay, I’m done. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€

  323. Drake: I don’t think I want to talk about it. Cs who you talking to?

  324. I am saying that in general.

    Trying to play “With Your Friends (Long Drive)” on the piano. The notes in the middle of the song.

  325. everything is Turning into Chaos without Fierce Moon, I got question do you people in here spend the rest of your life on this website because of her? do you depend on everything she does? so if Fierce Moon isn’t here what you do? start an argument? why There won’t always be a person you depend on sometimes you need to depend on yourself. arguing is never the answer at least that’s what my uncle says

  326. okay who wants a Gravatar??? anyone?? no one??

  327. It is in Red Dragon Island. That is the statue of the Shogun.

  328. the Where In Poptropica pic is from red dragon island

  329. is that from red dragon island?

  330. It’s from The Magic Treehouse:Red Dragon Island.

  331. Hey OFFTOPIC y do u hate Zippy Crab, just asking.

    P.S. Thanks for the compliments Prickley Bird and Brave Star, LOL

  332. Drake Dude Obviously I do.

  333. Due to the showings of user name and passoword im deleting comments

  334. If u are Fierce Moon Then why are you saying that, You already gave out ur username..

  335. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  336. Stop that “fiercemoon” you are not Fierce Moon!!!!!!!!!!!

  337. hello.!

  338. I have fellin f.m. Is not who she is

  339. Untill I know im going to stop coming here

  340. 4 anything but the proof in comments

  341. fierce moon U know everyone will just ignore your silly sentence because, I been here a few hours now and I don’t see any deleted comments.

  342. Guys, I’m sorry, I’m swimming.

    I went out for dinner.

    We had lobster.


    Know what sucks?

    The person I was going out for lunch with broke up with me.


    Well, a Skrillex song came on.

    When it does, I drop whatever I do and say “OH EMMMMMM GEEEEEEEES A SKRILLEX SONG CAME ON!”

    No lie.

    Well, I cut my date off.

    They were talking about…I dunno, their cat or something and I said, “OH EMMMMMMM GEEEEEEEEEEES A SKRILLEX SONG!”

    And when they tried to say something, I yelled “SHUT UP” at them.

    Until the song was over.

    ROCK ‘N’ ROLL!!!

  343. It was no lie.

    Ok, I’m back in my clothes.

  344. oh don’t go!

  345. I have a cute bathing suit I wore today.

    It was a bikini. Pink.

    Ugh, I hate pink.

    No, it was yellow.

  346. Hey hggtf, stop pretending to be fierce moon and I thought you were going to be nice

  347. No one cares about my life…

  348. Kat now don’t be like that I do!

  349. Someone please talk to me!!!

    I’d like something interesting.

    There’s enough stuff that goes on around here to make a book.

    Of course, that would be lame.

    Or stupid.

    Or the worst idea ever.

    Like, Skrillex quitting music.

    Yeah, it’s that terrible.

    Or would it be a good idea…

    Like Skrillex playing in Canada.

    He’s going on a tour I think.

    That goes IN Canada.

    You got me so wild, how could I ever deny.
    You got me so high, so high I could not feel the fire.
    And you keep telling me,
    Telling me that you’ll be sweet,
    And you never want to leave my side,
    As long as I can keep these.

    That was a Nero song.

    Why did I post Nero, NOT Skrillex?

    Because, Skrillex did a better remix of that song.


  350. Didn’t see your comment, Hannah.

    I’d like to think of myself as the “Fangirl”.

    Skrillex Fangirl at least. πŸ˜‰

  351. oh hes playing at the red rock stage in co!

  352. WHEN???

    What do you mean he’s playing?



    Do you happen to be by there? If you do…

    Tell me what’s happening! I’ve seen concerts on YouTube but, I’m not going to a Skrillex concert until I’m 20.


  353. I found it on a ticket place my dad is there but (my parents are not divoreced) hes heard one song from him

  354. Aaaaaaa….ticket place?


    And which song is that?

    It better be his old stuff.

    Better if it’s when he was in FFTL or when he had SATBM.

    It’s still alright if it’s old and it’s when he’s under Skrillex.

    I’ve heard EVERY SINGLE Skrillex song.

  355. its not tonight its the one called cineama that he remixed

  356. What do you mean HE’S THERE?

    The ticket place or…the live preformance?

  357. Oh.

    That’s quite new.

    I saw the exact same jacket he has when I went with my father (my parents are divorced) to go get him a new shirt or something. I got the jacket and I’m sewing “Ill” on it right now.

  358. I don’t know the USA and what the states are.

    “C.O.” is???

  359. Colorado ill give you the link tom and It is a live performance

  360. its not me guys im not doing fierce moons imposter

  361. Thanks.

    I’ll be out until about…6:00.

  362. am or pm?

  363. I s that how you spell your name,CS?

  364. hey sl

  365. Do you beleive that rumor about FM dying?

  366. I dont know

  367. But still,click my name!!!!!!!!!!!!

  368. Where did you heard that? She could have told us if she is on vacation or anything like that. I just had a dream where she uploaded boardwalk cheats and said sorry about this and it felt so real. Anyone has the newsltter?


  370. please CLICK IT NOW,please

  371. I did you should come on the forum I’m on it so is red wing my id is Scary Sky so get on it and add me

  372. lots of people are saying it.I’M WORRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  373. Who started that rumor anyway? Short leopard I did see it

  374. i don’t know if i should

  375. ok but someone started it.his name is hyper shadow of something

  376. When i said i don’t know if i should i was talking to scary sky.

  377. I dunno

  378. totally random comment:I have a problem with a clerk at a McDolnald’s.

  379. maybe she will come back by August?

  380. whats the problem?

  381. Everytime I go there he never gives me my receipt because I’m a kid.

  382. When I go in there alone

  383. oh that clerk and i know how you feel

  384. truly no equality yet for kids yet….

  385. and i don’t want to say anything cuz i don’t know if it’s normal

  386. hmmmm…….

  387. are they supposed to not give you your receipt??

  388. you could say nicely instead of saying nonthing or complain on the websiste or don’t go when he’s their

  389. he’s alway’s there and he NEVER smiles

  390. I want to say this: My real name is Elizabeth Baidoo

  391. u should at least give him a hint

  392. wow that clerk needs a new job how old is he?

  393. my comments are showing because i’m on a differnt computer but i’m going to log out soon πŸ™

  394. mine is Hannah Jean Hilliard

  395. Thanks and he’s like in his early 20’s

  396. oh yep he is not mature yet just go thought it slow and say “Where ‘s my recipet?”

  397. what happened here

  398. i’m going to do that when i go

  399. my middle name is funny

  400. yeah!

  401. im back

  402. nothing happened we were just talking about a clerk at McDalnolds

  403. hi tiny ice and short leopard

  404. and though lizard

  405. hello

  406. i was talking about the fight here

  407. yes what fight

  408. brave star, stop!

    dont say anything about me! you dont even know how many islands i completed! you dont even know if i am a nom – member(or member)and you dont even know how old i am!

  409. yeah what fight arty unwashed on youtube hey ayman!

  410. Short Leopard we live close to each other.

  411. the fight about fake fierce moon

  412. bye guys i might not be able to leave comments anymore or if i come back to this computer i will,BYE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  413. oh….

  414. bye short leopard

  415. Go to Google maps type in 1896 Mt.Goethe Way

  416. their

  417. stupid auto correct

  418. anybody else live in california?

  419. whats that

  420. i live in morocco

  421. i just did a report on morocco,and my mom wants to live their.

  422. I do and ayman its a state in the US

  423. ok tiny ice

  424. sorry…

  425. no not that google maps

  426. im just joking i know google maps and californina became atate in 1850 9 of september

  427. Have u looked at 1896 Mt Goethe way?

  428. yeah is that your house

  429. you have a nice house.

  430. twice and ayman auto correctet is where if you spell it wrong it will put the right words

  431. yeah i live in a tall house

  432. i know that scary sky im in 5th grade and im in a gifted class

  433. sorry

  434. oh srry then I was thinking about when my friend asked me what it was srry

  435. I’m going into fourth

  436. im going to 6th grade this year

  437. I am going to be in the 8th grade

  438. me 7th

  439. fierce moon is alive who ever said she died lied i have proof

  440. i have proof shes alive

  441. but I am very small for my age look like a 3rd grader people often think I’m 9

  442. I feel your pain because I am going 13 while everyone else in my school is going to be 14

  443. aya what proof do you have?

  444. she updated and spell my name right

  445. people say I’m 14 but I’m 9

  446. I know that she is still alive because its summer vacation and she got a substitute to cover for her while she was gone

  447. I’m so tall for my age

  448. Remeber Strange Moon I always tought Fierce Moon was prenting to be someone else.Maybe its like that a little.

  449. so anyone wants to meet on poptropic in a multiverse room……

  450. ………

  451. srrumy cant on my kindle gotta go bye!

  452. oh bye and i’m going too.. sigh my computer never updates…

  453. good bye

  454. and have a nice dream

  455. It’s a scene from Red Dragon Island

  456. it’s from the 19th island

  457. Good morning.

    Short Leopard, my name is Kat.

  458. Know who’s hair I love?

  459. Is anyone on?
    s anyone on?
    anyone on?


    Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites came on.

  461. Oh, Rachel.

    πŸ˜‰ If you know what I mean.

  462. I shall create something later.

  463. Is anyone here? Someone, please come on.

  464. Someone please come on.

  465. Ayman I thought you said you in 6th? you said you were 12 right?

  466. I will be posting quizzes on here too.


    Cute, fun and SWEET quiz!

    I’m a depressed one. πŸ™

  467. Hi hi

  468. Oh hey, OFFTOPIC!

    God, I’m starving.

  469. I took the quiz

  470. Hey Tiny Ice!

    Can I call you TI?

  471. Thought you said someone please come.

  472. What were you?

    I was a depressed cupcake. I don’t know why.

    Do people think I’m depressed all the time?

    I get real depressed if I hear something sad.

    If I heard that something happened to Sonny, I would never stop crying.

    He has Cancer, you know.


  473. But, what do I seem to yo-


    -u guys? Do I seem always depressed? Please give your honest opinion.

    I hope Sonny finds his father.


    I respect him.

    Max respect.

    Max peace.

    Max love.

    Max PLUR.

  474. I am alone.

    Alone, in darkness,
    Tears run down my cheek,
    I am too afraid,
    Therefore, I shall not speak.
    A bruise on my face,
    A scar on my arm,
    Nobody knows,
    Who has caused me this harm.

    That was a short poem about my life.

    I’ve started to get into poetry.

    And more into Electronic Music.

    Whoever is on my iPod, has to be the latest Dubstep.

    Or, I don’t put it on.

    But, I keep old songs from Skrillex.

    And Knife Party.

    And Deadmau5.


    Well, I don’t want to continue on and on.

    But, am I alone?

    I just want someone to talk to me.

  475. Yeah Ayman how are u going to 6th when ur 12? U should be going to 7th? I’m going to 8th by the way

  476. I feel invisible.

    Okay, fine, I’ll be ignored.

    Bye, I’ll see you whenever I decide to come again.

    I will appear and disappear at some times.

    I will leave on Monday.



  477. Ayman when were you born?? cause now I’m totally lost… you said you were in 6th grade but here you said you were in 5th you also said you were 12… and Drake you said he should be in 7th and….and……………………………..*silence*

  478. I’m also in 8th grade.

  479. …..

    I hope Barack Obama will win the election. πŸ˜‰

    <3 My Type Of People

    I like being caramel.

    Because, I'm not black or white, I'm both. πŸ˜‰

  480. this is ridiculous….hey this works!

  481. Do u guys want to see my house?

  482. I love being Kat.

    Sure, TL.

  483. 1896 Mt Goethe way on Google maps

  484. Nice house ya got πŸ˜‰

  485. So, what do you want to discuss?

    Maybe politics? Pop culture?


    You won’t get it, it’s Dubstep Humor.

  486. Tough Lizard, I don’t mean to be fussy, but you kinda just revealed where you live to the world.

  487. easy, Red Dragon Island

  488. But I didn’t show them the directions

  489. Yeah?

  490. And asking them to visit also I didn’t show to like the whole world

    P.S. I did it because I was bored

  491. Sorry, the yeah was for Kat. Anyway, TL, people could still look up directions.

    Guys, Red Wing has still been banned for some reason.

  492. Does anyone here like Skrillex?

    The least bit?

    Except for me?

    I am a Dubhead.

  493. Yeah, but you could google this site, and then someone could e-mail it, and….

  494. Sorry I mean not asking them to visit

  495. First we don’t use an e-mail for the house and also I didn’t give out my E-mail

  496. U don’t have to look at it if u don’t want to and I wasn’t asking you ;(

  497. No, it’s okay, I just thought you might be in danger. It doesn’t really matter…

  498. Smart Snowball

    red dragon island

  499. the photo is from red dragon island

  500. magic treehouse: red dragon island its the top right part of the shougun statue.i just did that island like 5 mins ago

  501. Duh! Red dragon island. HARDER!! Cuz dat was easy!

  502. i agree with Bashful Boa!! To easyy!!!! Definetly in Red dragon islandd. Harder next time ok? and i didnt realize this was also a chat room because evryone is posting things other than answers to the challendge.

  503. Where in Poptropica? #3 Rules:
    Do not use for bad words.
    Do not use link on other websites.
    Always type on the answer if the photo is correct.

  504. invisible flame

    red dragon island

  505. that is from red dragon island… it is the statue of the shogun

  506. Magic Snowball

    The picture is the statue of the samouri withe the yellow bird on it in red dragon island.

  507. Magic Snowball

    The shogun i mean

  508. Red Dragon Island. The Market Place.

  509. Red Dragon Island in the Markey Place

  510. I mean Market Place

  511. its the RedDragon Island stature the one that has a note that says to obey the shogun

  512. invisible hammer

    red dragon

  513. this is at the red dragon island i think

  514. It was Red Dragon

  515. after you climed all the rocks in red dragon island theres that photo.

  516. the picture is shogun on red dragon island

  517. Friendly Monster

    The statue of the Shogun in Ancient Japan on Red Dragon Island

  518. It’s SHOGUN in Red Dragon!

  519. Red Dragon Island

  520. Lucky Lightning

    Red Dragon Island

  521. shogun statue at red dragon island

  522. red dragon…….shogun

  523. Young Bite July 8, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Where in Poptropica? #3 Rules:
    Do not use for bad words.
    Do not use link on other websites.
    Always type on the answer if the photo is correct.
    Young Bite, stop. You don’t own this site.

  524. The statue of the Shogun on Red Dragon Island. Too easy, people! You have great walkthroughs but these need to be harder.

  525. red dragon

  526. im only the coolest one in class and tell angel ruiz i hate him any way thats in red dragon island

  527. Its the shogun statue in The Magic Treehouse Red Dragon Island

  528. Shogun, Red Dragon Island

  529. The picture is from red dragon island

  530. I meant the picture from where in poptropica .My poptropica name is contra24

  531. the picture is the statue of the shogun that says obey the shogun on Red Dragon island