The image above was posted to the Creator’s blog as a hint at an upcoming island. This would be an incredible coincidence, but…are they making Movie Island?! How strange and awesome would it be if the winner of our Design Our Own Island theme was the same as the next island from the Poptropica creators? We started our project a couple weeks ago and it takes months to create a Poptropica island, I’m sure, so it’s got to just be a coincidence. Or…is it? No, no, it’s just a coincidence. Is it, though…really? Yes, yes, of course it is…
Here’s the previous post about it: Movie Island is Real?
And here’s all of our Design Our Own Island posts. Remember, there’s still time to vote on the plot of the island:
Design Our Own Island – Part 1: The Theme
The Winning Theme to our New Island is…
Design Our Own Island – Part 2: The Antagonist
Design Our Own Island – Part 3: The Plot
Vote for the Plot of Movie Island (the poll is still open!)
I was right! (seriously, when fierce moon first posted about making our own movie island, I commented that I though the creators were making our movie island.) you know, they kind’ve been hinting at this for a while, take a look back at the sneak peeks, I’ve been seeing props for some sort of movie, your normal make-up, T.V. reels, dinosaur…movie trailers…
still, I guess this is still a hint… its not like they’ve announced anything yet…
or have they? 😉
Audit first, Edit later. 🙂
I personally think Sarah snooty would be an awesome villain, BTW…
Audit first, Edit later.
first AND second. Oh Yeah! 🙂
You see how the trailer says “Trouble at the mall?You know who to call!”?Maybe thats why she has the bullhorn!
Oh,and i was acctually 2nd to post (hahahaha) and really,I like the pics they have showed us so far!!
Hello go to dork diary .com and commwent
OMG! I fthey were really making my island idea, that would be AWESOME! And with all the ideas we are putting together with the island… It would be the AWESOMEST island ever!!! 🙂
Fascinating 🙂
…I don’t even know what to say. This is potentially the most awesome thing I have ever speculated. Epic. Beyond. Words.
I actually have a document listing my speculations. And these posts….I believe in this blog. I refuse to even consider the fact that they’re not making this until it possibly happens. (I’m trying to be more optimistic. Apparently, I’m too skeptical. Pssh. Therapists. What do they know. :P)
Like I said before… LOTS of sneakpeeks that are of Hollywood!!! I think we ALL know what this means. Movie Island… here we come! Now that I think about it, they could call it Hollywood Island. Just saying.
It’d be great if they made it off my idea where you go into the movies. There’s been the Back to the Future similarities in the last post on this site and the dinosaur one mentioning DNA sounds like Jurassic Park. Who knows?
In Jurassic Park 1 my parents didn’t let me see the T. Rex part. :/
Well shouldn’t be that violent.
I was second COMMENT. but yes, you get the credit for being the second person to comment.
@fast axe
I Know, Right? I’ve been expecting a post like this a lot sooner.
I STILL think the poptropica creators read this in their spare time. Lets make some posts about poptropican houses!
Audit first, Edit later.
I’m commenting too much. 😉
I love the French hair!! 😀
Alright, we ABSOLUTELY NEED to have a costume contest! Then we might be able to get more clues!
@anyone: how do you get your poptropican picture on your post?
yes, I want to know that too.
Audit first, Edit later.
I saw The Lorax with my sister today. The ending was soo emotional! 😥
Costume Contest Idea: Fierce Moon wannabes! or We guess what Zippy Turtle looks like and whoever is closest gets to be Zippy Turtles friend!
@ BS- You’re so right. The ending is sad. The songs are pretty funny. 😀
Fascinating 🙂
Ookay…. I just got a Gravatar today and I don’t know if it’s gonna work, so I’m just going to do a little test here… :/
Come ON!
Ooooo, I wonder if movie island is really coming!! Can’t wait!!!
How the heck do you get a Gravatar? (sorry if i sound rude)
What is a Gravatar?!?!?!?!
What is a gravatar and do you put something in the website box to put a link in your name?
Sorry didn’t comment earlier
My computer kept showing “Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from logging on at this time. Please try again later.”
By that, I mean the computer account.
Why does Windows Live Family Safety have to have “time restrictions”?
@GF a gravatar is your profile picture on here.
@Zippy Turtle and/or Fierce Moon: I really hope that we have a costume contest soon! I’m getting anxious just for one! It could be over an actor/actress, a director, or the villain!
P.S. Does anyone on here agree? Say so if you do so. (This is where the creativity and fun goes off the hook!)
Also, I got a new account, her name is Young Crown! (My other one got hacked and destroyed epically!) Here’s her username if you want to add me: adventuregirl277
BTW is anyone on here now?
There is proof a island will be some kind of movie casting island. You can see in the Daily pop.
If you want to know how to get a Gravatar, go to and follow the instructions.
The sneak peeks do seem like a some sort of a movie island thingy, I remember Brianna Hatcher sending the creators our idea of movie island about 1-2 months ago. The creators are probably considering it.
@Fast Axe- (and everyoneelse)
They should call it “Hollywood(or somthing poptropican)Stars Island”
to the rest of you all-This is soo amazing!! Ive looked at the Daily Pop and the bag said “scipts” and I looked up ‘Telephoto” and it said “In photography and cinematography, a telephoto lens is a specific type of a long-focus lens in which the physical length of the lens is shorter than the focal …” and cintemoatography is”the art or science of motion-picture photography”-all from the courtesy of Google. and then the make-up place and the dino and the movie “The Hobo”(lol!!)and then the Celebrity Wax Museum!!! Or maby it will be wait for it…Celeberity Stars Island!!! and then the black and white bear!!and the prop dept!!
This(im all to sure)is NOT a cowinsidense!!!I mean, how could it be?!!! This is sooo awsome!!
Hopefully, they are.
It would be awesome if they did!
Having a costume contest would be awesome. But who would I dress as…..
Fascinating 🙂
Ok guys! Here’s the plan! We will keep on begging and begging for a costume contest, then maybe they would!
PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE we need to gain up our creativity! :3
Post “Costume Contest 4ever” if you want a costume contest!
Costume Contest 4ever
What do ya’ll think of my Gravatar? 🙂
It’s awesome BS! But would ya please say Costume Contest 4ever so we might have a slight possibility of getting a costume contest? Not trying to be rude or anything, just anxious!
Costume Contest 4ever
Costume Contest 4ever
Costume Contest 4ever
Costume Contest 4ever
Wait guys…
We already had like, 3.
Do you really want another one? Well then, I’m for it.
Costume Contest 4ever
Oh hey Giant Eagle! You on right now?
Well… sure, I guess.
Costume Contest 4ever
So now that practically everyone wants a costume contest….what should it be over?
1. A director
2. An actor/actress
3. A villain
4.Fierce Moon Wannabe
5. Guess what Zippy Turtle looks like
6. OR all of the above!
All I’m asking for are some voters! If Zippy Turtle or Fierce Moon doesn’t accept this request,(I’M HOPING THEY DO!) We could do it ourselves, but It’ll be boring.
Like I said, this will burst out a lot of creativity for us! 😀
Wait.. lemme rephrase that.
Well… if ya’ll really want it that badly…
Costume Contest 4ever
Well/ at least your still here BS! 🙂
We should guess what ZT looks like!!!!!
Since it was my idea…
Costume Contest4ever!!!!!!
I’ll be here all night!!!!! 😀
I’m not voting, since the idea voting was my idea. The ideas, however weren’t my idea!
@FA We had the same crazy idea about the costume contest!
yes, we need an online contest to be creative. OK, not really. i haven’t been in one yet, so…
Costume Contest4ever!!!!!!
Audit first, Edit later. 😉
@ CF
I mean saying “Costume Contest 4ever!”
I am sooooo sorry if you thought I was trying to steal the credit.
Costume Contest 4ever!
No, I never thought that @FA.
I think we just had the same idea that’s all. I hope they’ll come in an agreement!
You know what’s really weird? There is no single word about Fierce Moon, what happened to her? That’s what I really want to know! Also, Balloon boy and Monster Carnival, the three things missing! What a mystery! 😀
@Costume Contest 4ever!
@anyone who even cares
LISTENING TO SOME PARAMORE!!!!! 😀 gotta luv ’em!
Fast Axe, ALL NIGHT???!! You’re willing to stay here on this page ALL NIGHT just to find out what Zippy(Turtle) looks like? O.O
IKR, very odd, very strange @BS
Plus will he/she will even reply? l-o-o-I SMART?
l – l
All the emoticions I know:
🙂 🙁 😀 😕
😛 😉 😥
👿 :O
Oh, I forgot this one!
@ BS- I know how to most of them. How’d you do the last one???
Fascinating 🙂
B) 🙂
🙁 😉 😛 :S :/
Fascinating 🙂
Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating Fascinating
Just joking
OK people stop this all with emoticons and everything this is a follow up site to poptropica if you want to talk about how cool everything is go email each other but seriously nobody cares about how cool your silly ending phrases are just talk about the subject at hand like the actual post (how weird is this) if not your are going to make me rant some more about how annoying this is but back to the subject they are probably not making your movie island but it is entirely plausible that they have made a movie island seeing as this subject has not yet been visited and other news why is the house of Hades taking so long
lol, what’cha doing @every poptropican who decides to pay attention?
OK people stop this all with emoticons and everything this is a follow up site to poptropica if you want to talk about how cool everything is go email each other but seriously nobody cares about how cool your silly ending phrases are just talk about the subject at hand like the actual post (how weird is this) if not your are going to make me rant some more about how annoying this is but back to the subject they are probably not making your movie island but it is entirely plausible that they have made a movie island seeing as this subject has not yet been visited and other news why is the house of Hades taking so long re-post this or the gods of ancient Greek gods will wreck havoc on you
why does every body think that this is about a movie themed island the Poptropican in the picture is wearing a striped shirt and a beret the only thing to give a movie theme is the microphone it could have something to do with the police this is probably about the robberies with the twin palms mall also what is the point in saying “first” “second” and “third.” if that’s all you come on for their is really no point in you posting comments if you’ve played kingdom rush re-post this
This is weird… it’s almost like the poptropica creators… read our minds… MAYBE THEY’RE PSYCHIC!!!!! :O
* I meant :o*
How can they read our minds? Their practically hiding some place. They might be spying on us! 0_o…. I feel followed.
@ SG
@ Costume Contest 4ever!
crazy flame are you like one of those crazies that believe in psychics and government conspiracies and all that if you’ve read my previous post you will realise this
Costume Contest 4ever!
We HAVE to have a costume contest now now now now now now now now!!!!!!!!
You don’t know what the theme could be?!
K, Valentines Day!
Entering dates monday-tuesday
Voting dates wednessday-friday
I’m dressed up as a cupid!!!!
Put on the Angel robe, belt, and wings.
Any hair (the Angel hoop might look better).
Any lips.
Any bangs, powder, or earings.
Robin Hood bow and arrow.
And visible phantom effect.
Get ready to try out your costume on super power island!
I wonder where cupids get their arrows.
Happy Lunar New Year to all our Asians out there! (Including myself.) 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
That’s really cool! @BS
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Nice man!
Um, RW, if your talking about me. I’M A GIRL!
That’s right! I’m back.
Didn’t I see you on the Wimpy Boardwalk comment page a week ago or something?
Welcome back SL! 😀
Welcomes Back SL! I don’t wanna start another fight so, WASSUPPP???? 😀
@Costume Contest 4ever
Short Leopard!
You’re back!
I’ve always wanted to meet you!
I remember what brianna hatcher said: “I suggest that you do not start any conflicts.”
I think I’m gonna get a gravatar.
Glad you’re back! You may not know me, but I’m Fast Axe. Friend me, I’m RibbonTwirl!
Costume Contest 4ever!
Umm, I think I got it?
Nope, I didn’t.
8 ,
How do I get my Gravatar to get in the comments?!
Anyone wanna hang out with me?
Go to multiverse room DTT87
Have fun!
Fine, no people in my multiverse.
You can no longer hang out with me.
Good night ya’ll.
We need a costume contest!!!
We need a costume contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need a costume contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amazing 🙂
OMG! SL! You’re finally back! I’ve been waiting for a while! Now I’m just waiting for Thalia and brianna to come back! I’m so happy! 😀
Fascinating 🙂
Note: I will give you a riddle on every post from now on. Try figure it out and don’t use the internet! Here’s the riddle
Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it ?
Fascinating 🙂
Oh, great. Well, the comments certainly will be a lot more interesting from now on…
Audit first, Edit later.
Why does my comment say 6:42?? Oh well. this comes of not having a real email.
Audit first, Edit later.
P.S. anybody SICK of the imvu ads?
I am WS! I keep on pressing it by accident! So irritating…
@ World- Answer my riddle!
Fascinating 🙂
I hope they just send us more clues!! 🙁
Wild Star February 11, 2013 at 6:49 am
P.S. anybody SICK of the imvu ads?
I know I am!
That is tough! I was going to say a rainbow, but then I saw “only one color.”
Costume Contest 4ever!
Cool Kid, it’s a shadow.
We need a costume contest!
Well, people are returning so, I might as well come back too.
Yep. No one cares about Kat.
‘Sup Kitty Kathy Kat!?
Costume Contest!
We ADORE you. You’re like the coolest person on here. Just wondering, if you want us to call you Kat, why don’t you comment under the name Kat?
OMG, how did you know?!?!?! I would have NEVER guessed a shadow. I mean you just said it like you knew since you were born!
Costume Contest 4ever!!!!
A shadow is the only thing I could think of!

Costume Contest!
Woot Woot!
I started a new page!
Costume Contest!
You’re third, on the third page!

Costume Contest!
Awesome Job GF! Get ready for the next riddle. Think hard everyone! Here it is:
You heard me before,
Yet you hear me again,
Then I die,
‘Till you call me again
What am I?
Fascinating 🙂
A cell phone?????? I’m terrible at this. 🙁
Costume Contest 4ever!
From now on I’m going to comment under Costume Contest 4ever. So don’t think that Costume Contest 4ever is a newb.
Costume Contest 4ever!
hello peeps, dont forget I’m actually Fast Axe.
okay no smileys in my name 🙁
Okay then…
an echo-ooh-ooh.
cheesy, I know. I just couldn’t resist.
off subject, I just saw the trailer for The Croods.
I thought I would THROW UP. my lots-a siblings, all younger than me, were disgusted as well. we didn’t even finish the preview.
any thoughts?
Audit first, Edit later.
Too late to guess Cool Kid’s riddle. :-/
Miss Costume Contest 4ever a.k.a FA la la, When we finally get to enter a costume contest, comment as Fast Axe.
I never got to enter a costume contest.
At least I already invented my third costume, the cupid.
My first one was a pre-teen.
My second one was a villager, though I’ve never worn it.
I’ll only wear it when it’s winter.
After Valentines Day, I’ll wear a “wierd but cool” costume.
Costume Contest!
yeah, it was too late. but every time I tried to enter the riddle, I was on a different screen.I always comment on my dad’s/everyone’s screen. o_0
If you want to make my cupid costume a teenager cupid, add Queen of Egypt eye liner, and any gum.
Costume Contest!
I really want to use earings AND eye liner!
I wish earings was a seperate section.
Costume Contest!
Nice one WS! Ok here’s the next one. C’mon FA I know you can do it.
Whoever makes it, tells it not.
Whoever takes it, knows it not.
Whoever knows it, wants it not
What am I?
Fascinating 🙂
Father used to call me Kitty.
…Until he passed away. 🙁
I miss Father.
Poor thing… 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Fascinating 🙂
Guess my riddle!!!
Fascinating 🙂
Cool Kid, Is it nothing?
I heard a riddle like it once and the answer was nothing.
No it isn’t Nessa. Try again. It is a bit difficult I know.
Fascinating 🙂
Cool Kid, this is an EXTREMEMLY hard one. I looked over all your other riddles and they were pretty easy for me. This one has me stumped… Is it a hole?
can anyone say me how to put my avatar photo or post it?a designed a character for the contest but don’t know how to post 🙁
hi cool it… I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Merlia- If you want to post an avatar, you have to copy and paste the link onto here.
@ QB and BG- Here’s the answer- Fake money
Fascinating 🙂
how can you guys still stick with this blog?
i agree freaky but poptropica should make a movie island it be so cool and we’d pratically have an island walkthrough already
does anybody know what alien vs predator is?
come on no body knows what alien vs predator is?
i have the video game of alien vs predator and lots of movies and human call aliens xenomorphs/nick name xenos this is how you would pernounce it zenomof
look up on the internet alien vs predator pictures
i like xenos better than predator even know predators are a lot smarter