Hey. ya’ll! I moved and had intense therapy sessions (Thanks, Godzilla200), and I want to thank those of you who stood up for me.
Check Also
Heated Hunting
Snap Crackle and Poptropicans (I’m just trying this out :”))! So I was playing with …
Hey. ya’ll! I moved and had intense therapy sessions (Thanks, Godzilla200), and I want to thank those of you who stood up for me.
Snap Crackle and Poptropicans (I’m just trying this out :”))! So I was playing with …
One more thing: I am so sorry if you guys thought I abandoned PS, but I’d never do that. I found a family in you guys, and I’ve found a place where most people *cough cough* appreciate what I do.
2nd to comment!
Strange moon is back! WooHoo!
Speedy Singer! Long time no chat! 😀
3rd to comment!
Strange moon: http://www.sfggang.wordpress.com
so were all posta say ___ to comment
thanks, BC. Did u guys know that Godzilla2000 thought *I* owned this site?
tyler: what?
who watches the Voice?
I love the song Somebody by King of Leon! o_O random!
This is the Voice!
never heard of it hate that noelleo kid
Why did people stand up for you whad ya do?
and its noelelloena not noelleo
go to http://shiningstarnews.weebly.com/ for some awesome give-aways!
yay! youre back!
vote and enter the contests!!!!!!
HEY IT!!!! 😀
Meg: I didn’t do anything, Godzilla2000 randomly sent me hate mail and terrorized everyone here.
okay interesting
if you randomly got hate mail howd ya know whos it from
Strange Moon! I am so glad you are back. Will you be posting any costumes lately?
That is cool, BC. I like it a lot.
hey strange moon i have a blog and this it is http://milkpopblog.blogspot.com
and i have more ill tell u aftr skool (UK)
Awesome! I was afraid you HAd left forever… it just didn’t seem the same as before. I’m really happy you’re back, seriously! 😀
hey. I love your costumes! I’m so happy your back! PS wasn’t the same without you! Love your costumes!
i think jade here woke up on the wrong side of the bed so at 3 again meg
yeah on my computer it doesn’t show the comments but the page loaded
strange moon you wrote some of the really old posts
but not many of the recent posts
wait you did none of the recent posts except this one
Hi Strange Moon! Welcome back to the blog. It’s great to have you back and we’re all looking forward to seeing some more of your amazing costume ideas posts!
I’m looking forward to strange moon’s awesome costumes posts also (the boy ones)
me too! 😉
Ok, Since I was gone, What’d I miss? I dont wanna read the comments. Im going under my REAL name in a sec. Unless its not moderated. And who the heck is Strange Moon? never heard of her. i made a costume:
*Get the Loded Diper tee shirt and put it on.
*Put on the Biker chicks Hat, Jacket, And har.
*Put on the rock stars(The one with the hat, jacket, mic, so on) mic and bangs
*Put on black pants and it makes the outfit that comes up when you click my name. (Im a author!)
I call it The Loded Diper Chick. bye!
Hello? Anyone hate Fanboy and Chumchum? or Adventure Time, Or MAD? SO STUPID! ok, bye!
I watch the Voice.
Anyway. Hi strange Moon.
Do not like Fanboy and Chumchum
Boys usually like Mad
although MadTV was WAYYYYYYYYYYY funnier. Um. Adventure time is funny sometimes.
Random comments and posts.
ya cartoon network really does suck now,and welcome back strange moon,good to now your sane
know,not now,typing fast
nicktoons,the big bang theroy,spider man cartoons,batman cartoons,rolling eyes trying to think up another thing to watch,cartoons of various titles
1. The reason this is my only recent posts is because my therapist suggested I not log on for my mental health. I suffer from chronic depression, and Godzilla’s hate mail really took its toll on me.
2. I know some of you are new since I’ve been gone, so lemme tell you who I am:
Last year on the one of the “Costume of the Week” posts by PoptropicaSecrets, I posted, well, A LOT of ideas, and PoptropicaSecrets saw them. I was made the PS Fashion Reporter. The End <3
3. I will be (hopefully) posting a new costume soon of MY creation, but I may have to use a few from my collaborator, Bashful Belly, as my laptop is irreparable and this desktop, quite frankly, sucks.
4. Hello to everyone that remembers me, I missed you all! 😀
tyler June 14, 2011 at 8:19 pm [edit]
if you randomly got hate mail howd ya know whos it from
It’s this little thing called an EMAIL ADDRESS, Tyler. And, it SAID it was Godzilla. So, yeah. And HELLO, have you SEEN some of his comments about me? While they are a bit lacking in grammar and any sign of intelligence, they were devastating, and they couldn’t have come at a worse time, with my finals coming up and some family issues.
This reminds of Pretty little Liars. They have to see a therapist and A keeps on sending them these crazy texts.
Anyway. Hey strange Moon. Oh how I wish I was a reporter.
Hey, Nicholas. 🙂 I hope you get a chance, someday.
The email hating has stopped, but I wonder if he’s still here…?
I’m writing stories now. Or at least planning them. I need a spectacular inspiration.
I write too! Fiction. 🙂 Based on anime characters I draw when I’m bored. XD
I like fiction too. Humorous realistic fiction and fantasy.
Also mystery.
Best type of stories in my opinion.
wish my posts were blue
course I dont work on this blog so I know why there not
Jade: There is no reason to accuse me of ignoring your question. You don’t know that I was and you don’t know if I was trying to figure it out, which I was. The reason you can’t see the comments is perfectly logical. ****THERE’S TOO MANY!!!****
Exact text at the bottom of that screen: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /home/popsec/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php on line 266
Jade June 15, 2011 at 1:14 pm [edit]
wait,so you werent joking when you actually said that you want to therapy???
i thought you were makinga joke…
i didnt know kids could go to therapy?
godzilla2000,is just dumb,i wouldnt go to therapy for a no life…
No, I wasn’t joking. But you have to understand my depression is serious, and more than a few times I have been suicidal. I know he is nothing, but words hurt. “No sticks or stones have touched my bones, but words indeed have hurt me.” While Godzilla is indeed a worthless being, and the scum of the scum the earth, the comments he left were very hurtful, and the things he said stuck in my brain. I had nightmares of someone in a Jason mask killing me, as he had threatened to do. I *had* to go to therapy to find ways to cope with the terror I felt, and the complete emptiness. But I’m getting better everyday. (And I’m not exactly a *kid* I’m almost an adult.)
I am here!
Which does not make me a freak (that I’m a few years away from adulthood), it means I refuse to grow up and I wanna have fun. ^_^
Jade: I’m one year older than you. And I’m SO sorry I have feelings that get hurt like a normal human does. You cannot tell me that no one has ever hurt you. I hope you listen to my advice as well:
If you go through life with a closed hand, no one can take from you, but no one can give, either. If you have your hand open, people can take, but people can give. Building such a tough wall around your emotions isn’t healthy. You’ll begin to feel less and less, until you numb all feeling and emotion.
My dad and step-mom recently divorced, my real mother died when I was too young to remember her, I left all my friends behind about 2000 miles away, and all most of this happened when I was stressing over final examinations and getting hate mail and death threats from a psychopathic nutjob. But my hand is still open.
Oh, and my step-mother emotionally abused me. Which is worse than physical abuse.
You’ve witnessed more than any person should ever have to see. You’re a brave soul. I applaud you, and I’m beginning to understand why your wall is so thick. I’m assuming here, but you’ve seen people hurt and be hurt. Your fist is closed so it doesn’t happen to you. But no one can give to you with a closed fist.
http://legouniversehelp.wordpress.com/ check out my new blog! its about lego universe (P.S its my first blog so don’t make fun)
I’ve never seen godzila2000’s posts,I had just started posting when people started talking about him
Check out the beginnings of “Costume Coming Soon and I Enlist Your Help!!!” He posted there. >.< And in several other places.
Don’t you just hate stupid small children? lol I hid everything important in the verrrrry back of my desk. Including $20, my favorite pencil, a drawing from a friend, and on ONE occasion, the answers to a test…. **guilty**
XD Niiice, Jade 😛
I never once got caught cheating. Ever.
And I cheat a lot…. XD
I ended with all A’s and a MIRACULOUS C in Geometry.
wow,just wow. I cant belive godzilla2000’s posts,they looked like they were really hurtful,also I agree with you on the fist thing strange moon(P.S,I have a freind at school who is deeply depressed and im trying to help him but its very hard,any tips)
Hi “strange moon” as you problably know I’m meg and tyler is my best friend.
Why quotation marks? I’m….me.
kat GET OFF THE COMPUTER WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!! i am on my way to pick you up
that page was so damn creepy,still,I do agree that a moderator should visit there and delete the whole page
wow to what
Nope, Jade. I never heard or the voice. Ahh, nicky… I agree Jade. I have Direct TV. The only chanels I like are Disney and nick. strage moom, who the heck are you? I never heard of u. you sound wierd. I write Fantasy/Children books. Like Animorphs and Percy Jackson. How do you blog? Im 10. a mature 10 year old… Strange Moon, Ill call u SM, If your 15, thats not really clost to adulthood… I dont have a abusive life, I just feel like im worthless. I mean I want adventure… Tell me everything else after that because dont wanna read it. Ive never cheated, got 2 C’s EVER(On math tests… 🙁 ) And my reports normaly
Math: B
Social Studies: A
Science: B
Reading: A
Wrriting: A
ehh… and Im in 4th grade so thats all we do. I suck at P.E. Good at Music. Art Im good at too. Library Im good at. Whos Kat? *Giggle* Thats a carecter in my book… bye! and did anyone miss me?
Hi Jade! still here?
No offence? No offence? How could I not be affended!
good to see your back jeall,where ya been?
Good. And I was busy writing my novels. Truly Im a famous author! Ok, Fine. Im GONNA be a famous author.
@Jade do you like that creepy page,or do you agree that it should be illiminated from this blog
no one ever belives it till it happens,I bet your good author jeall
🙄 Thanks inferNAPE. and Im writing 3 books, finished 1, have 3 with just names on them.
Allie Peterson;Halfblood
The Pirates of Antaguwa
The War of Amal’ii
Majestic Mice
the humanoids
Fish girl
Mastering the Elements
thats all…
what blog? And im gonna publish the finished ones in Augest mabye. Bye!
PLEASE dont copy them… bye
Jade,Im well aware you posted on my blog,I deleted the comment,Jeall http://legouniversehelp.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/hello-world/
Im realy sorry for you Strange Moon! Did he do anything else to you?
Infer I commented on your blog
please dont call me infer
Hey SM!!!!!!! So glad! Oh and for that Fatal Error: whatever page, where the heck did the people there go? They cant just disappear along with the page! Kesha, Sasndy, SP (?), Jade YOU’re here. I cant remember whether you’re BT or GG. AAArgh.
Cause GG likes jade and BT likes to change her photos every now and then.
Its just a nickname because they think its too long… but if you insist, I’ll call you infernape. Its kinda weird though… both saying and typing-wise.
Spell me what :p is. bye…
dude is anyone here
I said this 5 times already but you can call me zaru
first on page
okay zaru how am I going 2 remember to tell you that?????
not sure Meg, B.C my real name is peter,I said that on the blog a long time a go
hey meg i bought the airheads
I don’t tell her to stop calling me Infer any more because she refuses to stop
last day of regular school,tomorrow final exams start,next Friday were having a Barbq,This Friday is social studies (^_^’)
well since I cant get the right emoto con,I was trying to be nervous
Maybe -_-‘ or something? Yours was fine ^^
School has been out here for like 3 weeks but since ty and me are homeschooled our moms make us still do school:(
I’m not weird and tyler homeschools too
homeschooled wow I never met anyone whos homeschooled before
now you did! well virtually anyway
yeah ok.
Im not really interrested in reading what I missed so tell me…
Whatever… my new name wont be moderated. Strange Moon, Could you please moderate it? Im Allie Peterson (Author) ok. bye.
um.. to moderate it faster change the email on it
you didn’t really miss much but if you go to http://www.shiningstarnews.weebly.com you can enter cool contests!
I’ve seen the CCM post and am throughly disgusted. Ke$ha was a great friend to me in the beginning, and to see what she’s become is devastating. I didn’t expect things to stay exactly the same while I was gone, but this? PS has gone to the dogs. There is no order.
Jade: I LOOOOOVE 1girl5gays 😀
right now I have no idea what evreone is talking about
Hi Strange Moon!
yeah you know seriously my current name is getting kinda boring im going to change to water dragon for a short time
Poptropica Secrets has no order anymore… I’m shocked. This place was friendly and calm before I left… I failed all of you. I’m sorry.
Icy Dragon isn’t a boring name.
PSOPHIA! I remember youuuu! ^_^ HAI!
Strange Moon, it is NOT your fault. Please don’t feel bad.
could someone plese moderate my first comment as water dragon
Hai! I am glad that you remember me.
cool name huh
Are you going to be posting any new costumes soon, SM?
That is a cool name, Water Dragon.
i was just about to post a good one from Bashful Belly 🙂
What was boring about Icy Dragon, though?
I could come up with one
Great, SM! I like Bashful Belly’s costumes.
nothing I was just using it for a while I get tired of reading the same thing over and over again
remember I’m just going to Water Dragon for a short time and then go back to Icy Dragon
Strange Moon, what to you thijnk of this costume:
I call it Cute Nerd
Oh, okay then.
I just came up with a costume
I call it the devil’s angel
that version is boys girls you can make your own version
tommorow I’m making another version of it
cool name!
uh huh I bet you just forgot the password
Good For You, Strange Moon!
Hello Guys! I’m on again after from a week of being grounded! (I skipped lunch and supper)
oh man i hate being grounded and if it weren’t for laptops under your pillow i wouldn’t be here half the time!
I’ve gotten that! and I’m white!!!!
yep mostly from my grandpa he even did it to me once when i was 12 how humiliating!!!
Ugh. I hate Broccoli for lunch AND supper.
Thats the best you could come up with BC well what are you going to call it
duh of course!
yeah they ain’t
all the boys in poptropica wear are sunglasses/3D glasses and that metal thing on their face.
yeah they kinda do
Katniss everdeen arena costume:
(btw, Katniss is from the Hunger Games.)
Get one black jacket from the biker costume. Or any other thing, if you’re lucky enough to find another black jacket.
Get the Robin Hood costume, and costumize the shirt, belt, bow, and quiver.
Find someone with a braid (just one!) and costumize it. Then get brown hair (24 carrots).
Find someone with brown pants. Costumize.
Optional: Get some bangs.
If you are a boy, you can have a Peeta Mellark costume. Just don’t get a bow and arrows, and get blond hair (on 24 carrots) and no braid, obviously. As for hairstyle, that’s up to you, but remember, he’s in an arena fighting for his life.
Jenny, I may not know much about the Hunger Games, but I do know that you can’t just use any hair for Peeta Mellark, you can only use 2 certain styles (I don’t know them).
Who the heck is Jenny?
beats me!
Look! GG admits the truth!!
okay. Happy Birthday to me!!! Lalalalalalalala!~
Happy Birthday!
what page?
Party at my house!! Lots of POPCORN, GUMMY BEARS, ICE CREAM, KOOL AID, SODA, AND PIZZA!!! Everyone’s invited! (Except Godzilla2000) Everybody is a VIP!!
…OH! AND IT’S A POOL PARTY AT NIGHT!!
Yeah!! TC, We’re almost the same personality!! I like PUNCHING (But I don’t bully at school) And Mixed Martial Arts!! Watch out godzilla2000, the Death Angel is HERE
well sometimes poeple get off topic so ONLY STAY ON TOPIC!
yeah tp i live to kill man=eaters(mutts who eat people)and godzilla2000 is invading my turf
and im here 4 de party yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lets party
Um TC…the party doesn’t start until July 1…(Okay, July 1 here in the Philippines and June 30 there.)
please! dont go off topic!
awww… can i at least give you your present?
http://happybirthdaytinypenguin.blogspot.com/ go there!
tp why did u cancel the party is that bcuz your going to batangas? (and are ur still grounded) let’s meet in the gym in our school on MONDAY
and tp mind if i join your party?
and join your club? oh please i want to join since march but i’m shy 🙁
by my mistake please call me wild sun not BRONZE PENGUIN
but next time i will change my name to wild sun i just use bronze penguin bcuz my comments have appear fast when i use the name bronze penguin
but u can call me Bronze Penguin or Chelsey
okay please dont use your real name online….you know there are still some people out there….
BTW, You have 7 comments and why? are you looking for me
yup i have looking for u for 7 days @ ur haus and y do u call me BTW?
oh sory out of my mind i ALREADY know what’s the meaning of BTW
you moved YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
know i will kill you more hahaahahaha
Why do you even need to shout online my personal secrets?? OK I’ll do that to you too if you do it again. And I won’t be your BFF anymore
I meant was I will not be your BFF if you do it again and BTW, CS said hi to you literally he’s on AH’s side on the Red Dragon page. DO NOT REPLY/BELIEVE IN CS. HE IS LITERALLY A TRAITOR
k promise
godzilla2000 ur insane
I know… But, fortunately, the party’s moved to the Fun Poptropica Blog!!!
Just click this link on..Aug. 6- http://www.funpoptropicablog.wordpress.com
Me and BP will post a party post there and party with us in the comments section!!
@Godzilla2000: You’re not thinking about other people’s feelings, you know. What if you are treated that way? Do you feel happy when you’re bullied online? Now think about it. Do you want to be bullied online OR just live a happy, peaceful life on this blog.
good idea TP. maybe Friday i will start making the post. Godzilla2000 please do not destroy someone’s feelings. u didn’t know that u hurt so many people by commenting using bad words. I remember my classmate bcuz u have both personalities. Balang araw gaganti kami. Sige nga kung ikaw ang laitin namin satingin mo magugstuhan mo ba yon? TP please translate.
by the way Tp also where did u get the lips?
sorry never mind the word also in my comment of by the way Tp also where did u get the lips? suppose to be by the way Tp where did u get the lips?
Translation: Someday, we will have our revenge. If I were you, would you want to be bullied online just like you did to us?
And I got it from Cryptids
Yeah! You make it on Friday…
yup I’m already planning what to do BTW thanks for the baller
you’re welcome
My friends are asking where did i bought it> and i answer them secret!
tofu bilis mo mag-online bagdating gling skool computer agad at kmusta si cogae?
3 minutes later….you commented! LOL!! it’s nice to not tell them where you bought it
P.S. I’ll be at your house at 6pm later
He’s OK…but weird still just like last time
ok sorry tofu but we are going to eastwood at 6 pm 🙁 servicemate mo ba parin si boombay?
Welcome back!
Hey Sandy! It’s been a while you haven’t been here….
your welcome happy to help
Yes, my name is Little Seal now.
Hi little seal!
well I already quit commenting on this post~!
um excuse me Strange moon but when u guys doing costume of tha week again i got a idea 4 1
Here’s an outfit I have abstracted from the very fabric of my mind: it’s called… Deadly Maiden. To accomplish this outfit, you need to go to Red Dragon island. Find the girl id the teal kimono on the Great Bridge. Customize her hair and add the curly bangs from the girl at Herc’s Hero Hut on Mythology Island. Next, add the front bangs of the prom queen. Next, find the woman in the pink kimono in the Imperial Garden on Red Dragon Island. Either use hers, or the old woman’s kimono in the Bonsai Trees shop. Next, go to Astro Knights Island the first guy you see, customize his sword. Finally, and this is important, on Red Dragon, if you have completed your ninja training, go to the Fortress and use your ninja star. When you have it in your hand, leave the Fortress, and you will still have it in your hand.
I just made and outfit called…never mind i don’t know the name, but it only works if your a member. First, get the hair from either the vampire girl 2 or the girl in avenue a in shrink ray and also get her mouth. then in counterfiet, get the guide’s bangs and find a brown belt in wild west. then, use vampire girl 1’s shirt and pants and get the jacket from the mystery train inspector or go to the red dragon island and get the woman’s jacket
actually, u only have to b a member if you want the jacket from the pecial members only train inspecter
I found the answer to the poptropica secrets guide! it’s the second one cuz i missed the first one.