On Friday, the Poptropica Creators finally announced the release dates for Steamworks Island, the fourteenth island in Poptropica. It will be released this Thursday, August 12 for paid members in early access mode. It will be available for everyone else on September 9.

The announcement came after a long series of posts last week about a robot that will accompany you on the journey. We don’t know his name yet, but the image filenames refer to him as, “Sprocket.” We’ll have to wait and see if that is his official name.
Check back here on Thursday for all the cheats, tips and of course a complete walkthrough of Poptropica Steamworks island!
1st comment! yeah baby!!!
Uh,Hi.Im new here and I need a friend.
hello???Ill come back later. CBL in a hour!
bye. ‘night!!!
Anyone? Hello? Jeall you here?Anyone?
Finally, I just got membership last Friday for early access
Second to comment! 🙂 I can’t wait for Steamworks!
is any one here right now
i mean really
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
I’ll totally be there for early access!
Hello Cute Dolphins!
i want membership
fact monster ,
are you online
ok bye!!!
ok really bye!
i guess we meet at my room code
ok……..i guess i will go………bye!
going to poptropica
Hello, Everyone! And Cake1071, I would love to come to your Multiverse Party! What kind of party is it?
Hello and good morning.
good ornig
smart paw are you here
mutliverse party over
missed it
Hello and Good Morning
Smart Paw How Are You
I guess everyone left.
here and probably alone. and maryclonly don’t cuss right on the internet were millions of kids and young ones can see it.
this message is brought to you by
come back!!
stinky..i missed it again
3 minutes again Mathmoticious was on
comeing back later
i am hrer and if you type poptropica secrets/ your name (so in my case poptropica secrets/Mathmoticious poptropica secrets will come up and your post right there. your name will be visable and a little more
this has been brought to you by
WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD TO GET A DRINK.
is anyone there
hallo ik sprek nederlands hallo ich sprek deutch
that robot kinda creeps me out
hi guys i’m back. i had a long vacation and forgot about this site.
oh and cutequeen i am a girl.
‘Ello. I’m back.
Ad on early Poptropica! Nanny Mcphee!
OMG! I saw thye 1st movie! I LOVE it! my moms gonna leme see it! OMG! she loves it too! oh yea…I gotta leave this website. 😥 I dont know. bye
oh and I got 2nd comment Jennelle bye
Jeall? I saw the first movie too. It is good.
Whoo-hoo! My comment. Welcome Dani the Magnificent!
Hmm. Dani has made a thingy dubole doo. Her name is Dani the Magnificent.
Hear me for I have spoken! My name is Dani! Dani the Magnificent! Mwah ha ha!
yah… k. I goota leave this website. bye people! 😥
I ,uh, the first comment, that was my,uh, my,uh, it was my … it was my…I DONT KNOW! bye this website! 😥 I gotta go. bye. CW will give me info whats up.
Hi everyone!!!
Back from middle school, SOOOOOOOOO bored. Any one here?!
so your leaving forever jeall?
Be here till 2:00 pm.
yes i am here
First day of middle school!
but i have to do some thing be back in a little bit.
I’m like soo cold in my Math class!!!!!!!!!! Why did the freakin county office turn the A\C on????!!!! Now I’m wearing a sweater!
Anyways, song of the day!!
Katy Perry – Thinking Of You
Comparisons are easily done
Once you’ve had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know
Cause when I’m with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
You’re like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I’ve had the best
You said there’s
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I’m with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into…
You’re the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson’s learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I’m with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won’t you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I’d like to stay…
Amazing song!!
hello? hello? bye. I wonder what Ill do… ahhh! my mom turned on the vacume and it scared me. bye!
now is later sorry i bailed anyone and everybody. now the news report.
lary has run off with a mans wife………. oh wait it’s a bird it’s a plane no it’s bird poo
soon the exwife of lary filed divorce.
that was your daily news report. i’m Mathmoticious. thank you for reading. come back next time for more action.
Blog!: Today! The final countdown to Steamworks Island!
The wait is almost over. Poptropica Members will have Early Access to Steamworks Island beginning this Thursday, August 12. We think you’ll really like this one.
There are plenty of surprises in store for Poptropicans, and lots left to discover about Steamworks Island. So, as we count down to the launch of Steamworks Island, we’ll be sharing just a few more snapshots of what you have to look forward to.
This appears to be a shop of some kind. I wonder if there’s anything useful in there? (my comment: if its in the game,of course theres something useful there) Capt.Crawfish and JJA (and I think something…odd happend to mathy. shes…not being herself. bye! ‘night!)
is anyone here
anyone at all??????????
im looking forward to this island for sure! 😀
It’s the final countdowwwwwnnn, na na na nummm, na na NA na nummmm, na na na nummmm, na na NA na na NA nummmm!
Oo. I love the final countdown!
Were heading to Venus
And still we stand tall
Cuz maybe they seen us
And welcome us all
With so many light years to go
And so much to found (To be found!)
I’m sure that we’ll all miss earth so!
It’s the final countdown!
*guitar solo*
Is anyone online?
My room code right now is BVF73.
Okay, I’m leaving:!:
hey! i might play on my friends membership account
Hi cutequeen ❗
I’m leaving. (again) 😉
Bye Cutequeen ❗
jeall your post at 8:20 yesterday; you know mathy can read that. so my advice don’t say things like that on the internet because the person you said it about may not like it and be offended. and if jeall dosen’t get this someone please tell her to look at it? oh and i don’t like nanny mcphee
bye peoples unless someone decided to show up.
what are you talking about rain?
oh that post. nothing happened jeall. i don’t see what you are talking about.
is anyone here
you know white dragon left again. she is one confusing commenter.
for now bye poptropica secrets and all who inhabit it
cool but i am not a paid member
poptropica only gave membership because the yran out of money to keep the website up but they said the gameplay was different
yah…Oh and Rain,Your A Wackjob! your nuts! bte. CBL!(cant wait snd finnaly is getting floor!)
i dislike you all
hi guys i just got here and i see so did my impersonator.
(I say mathys not herself cause at first she kept signing her name. then she doesnt act herself….) bye
well then jeall. mathy you think i’m right don’t you?
yah… bye. cant talk. later! (in a…30 mins(mabye alittle early or late)
rain,Arent you 6? EVERYONE here is older then you!!! Im 9! mathy is I forget! bye!
(Oh,I LOVE final countdown.the song BBB(black beard boy) sang. bye
no rain i didn’t care that jeall said that. and i only signed my name because it was a news report and i wanted to type to fill in the empty blank i had while i was think on what to type.
jeall your mean… i hate you.
well i don’t like this drama and so for now bye.
and jeall looks like you have an enemy
sooooooooo….. now that everone left i will be asking if anyone is here for a little bit cause soon i gtg.
i’m here and you will rue this day!!! rue it i tell you you will rue it so hard you will cry.
and jeall i am 11 and also for anyone who wants to see my avatars they are harrissa303 and thedog296
didn’t you see my comment??? you will rue this day. i hate you all.
Jeall: Didn’t you see me sing the song? Ugh. Whatever.
Ugh! Comments in moderation!
Wow. Cotton Candy. I’m glad people are realizing how mean Jeall can be.
Any I’m getting off. Peace!
Omigosh. I’ll wait till tomorrow.
Wait! Today is my last day.
Out there
Frollo: The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It’s I alone whom you can trust in this whole city.
I am your only friend
Frollo: I who keep you,teach you,feed you,dress you.
I who look upon you with out fear
How can I protect boy
Unless you always
Stay in here
Away in here
Remember what I taught you Quasimodo.
Frollo: You are deformed
Quasimodo: I am deformed
Frollo:And you are ugly.
Quasimodo: And I am ugly
Frollo: And these are crimes in which the world shows little pity
You do not comprehend
Quasimodo: You are my one defender
Frollo: Out there they’ll revile you as a monster
Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer
Why invite there calumny and consternation
Stay in here.
Be faithful to me
Quasimodo: I’m faithful
Be grateful to me
Quasimodo: I’m grateful
Frollo: Do as I say
And stay in here.
(The song gets way longer.)
Quasi: Safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life I watched them as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the history they’ve shown me
All my life I’ve memorized their faces
Knowing them as they will never know me
All my life I wondered how it feels to pass a day
Not above them
But a part of them
And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever
Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I give
What I dare
Just to live one day out there.
this thing wont let me get on the internet alot anyomore sad..
Out there among the millers and the weavers and the wives
Through the roofs and gables I can see them
Every day they shout and scold and go about there lives
Heedless of the gift it is to be them
hey! cotton camdy
aint funny i’m turned 9 this weekend
nichlas was fact monster on here today…
you live by a beach no fair…
i live 3 hours away from the beach
nicalos is talking about something
i will do it mself
(My favorite part.)
If I were in there skin
I’d treasure
Every instant
Out there
Strolling by the seine
Give me one day out there
Like ordinary men
Who freely walk about there
Just one day and I swear I’ll be content
With my share
Won’t resent
Won’t despair
Old and bent
I won’t care
I’ll have spent
One day
Out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi cute queen. What do you want?
truley i know were the hypotic costume is…
will you be my friend
i get a friend then they in up in the same place as me!!!!so happy!!!and sad!!!
Whoa long song.
Okay. But I won’t be back in awhile. I’m leaving this place. Good-bye!
listen to the
season 1 part 1 poptropica
http://www.youtube.com watch funny ps:i’m doing the same thnig
GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO SO SO SO SO SAD………………………………………………………………….
I’ll be back. Gosh. Calm down. Maybe in a month I’ll be back.
I am WAYYYY more mature then you all! and no one appriceates me,Im gonna be gone(just for this project) for a whole week.lets see what happens then.(I garrintie that you guys have grown acusdumed to my semi-rude,argueitive,self. bye for a whole week!!!
OKAY LISTEN UP PEOPLE!!!!!! this all happened because Jeall said i was acting different. then rain came along and had feelings. then jeall was offended and people have different points of veiw on it. the world won’t alaways go your way so like candy cotton said we should think about how fortanit weare compared to others
and jeall i take offense to your comment aboutall of us being inmature. i think candy cotton is the most mature one here.
and cutequeen don’t worry sometimes people have to go and you show up at the wrong time.
oh and cw is pretty mature.
Go CandyCotton! I’m twelve too! Hahahaha. 🙂
Ur 12 pple???!!!
I’m like, 13!
My fake sis (my close cousin) is 12, going to 13. She’s Asia Love on here.
BFS (back from school)
Going bonkers.
That was my little cousin.
Hi. People.
Test tomorrow!!! 🙁
Song post:
guess how old CW is? 9! and were the most mature here! CC said “haha Im 12 your 9!” is that mature? in 2 days I wont be on here for a week. .(then ill be busy on Steamworks so its fine.) I also only have CW as my friend on mweor from here! *mumbles to self “what unkind jerks” bye
and i am not mature jeall? i’m 11.
what did i do?
and i ask is anyone here?
how was i a jerk to you!!!?
i would like to know.
well i am bored and leaving soon
make that now.
does everyone hate me now? oh and yesterday i turned 7.cold burn jeall. and i am way more mature than you. and i said the rue stuff because i was watching tv.
my mom won’t let me comment on here if people don’t like me. so please forgive me for SHARING MY OPINION. like cc said i am just little.
Well they dont. unhappy late b-day. oh yah? everyone comes to me for advice. heres some now for you ” If your world is unkind,make a change. stand up to the problem. You never know what you will find. do not worry,things will get better. But soon you will get the letter(meaning “message to make things better” I want things to righm…like in the place I found these righms changed em up a bit) bye
how was i a jerk to you jeall
i don’t want your advice.
or don’t you have an answer. are you just mad at me because you want to be?
not you mathy. jeall the baby of the group.
no i don’t hate you rain.
jeall i think you stink. if this is the way you act in real life then you should have no real friends.
jeall your the one that needs to do that.(your advice) your the one who flipped out and made my suggestion a problem.
and saying “unhappy late b-day” is so not nioce and not mature. if your trying to be mature, get a reality check and thjink before you speak(type)
bye jerks…… I have 1 friend…true friend. ok 2. And ya its better to have 2 REAL,TRUE friends then 50 untrue,unreal friends. I guess you guys dont get to read my #1 book. Its gonna be done soon…
bye….. I wont give advice to unkind souls. and I wont stand for this. see everyone in a week…. lets see what happens.
I wasnt Mad at you mathy…tell now.I can be kind,affectionet,AND nice when I wanna. In a day I can be TOTALLY nice! I get kindness for a whole day if I suceed. bye
is anyone here because im lonley
ok that sucks
c mon anyone atall
im going off now
Good morning, Mary Conley!
finally someones here
ive been waiting are you still there fact monster
😀 😀 😛
im really really bored now
^_^ ^_^
well now i doubt cw will come with a smiling face to most of us.
and now i want to know(other than jeall (evil)) if anyone else dosen’t like me 🙁
no one ever comes when i am here. well i only thought mathy would be offened and i didn’t want jeall to get mathy mad at her.
well we were readin your situation ( we are a kids law club) and find that jeall is guility.
my friends the kids law club (some neibor hood kids) would like to say somethin.
the problem here is short teppered not semi but extremly rood jeall.
and that last line was them talking.
EVERYONE READ THIS!!!!!!!!! who ote that jeall is right and who votes that i am right?
i have to want until september 9 and i will be school.
Hey everyone! 😀
not ote vote.
and cw i recomend you read the old comments on this post on the last page too
look at m i am horrible yay me because i own this site and you all have to do what i say yay me
cw yuo might want to look at jealls comments and stop being her friend.
Um………. I’ll look.
if you guys want ot you can read my story. since jeall is having hers be classified. we don’t need her. here it is.
It was my first day out of stuffy box. I was so thrilled that I united my own laces into a bow. Oh, and to introduce myself I am Gavin the cleet. I’m also worn casually. My skin color is Green and yellow. I was unique because I was the only seven in my colors on the shelf. That made me a good pick. The Sunday stroll was just beginning. I had good feelings!
A teenager named Melvin tried me on but he was a little wide. There was another boy named Herman who fit perfectly but I was too expensive. By lunchtime, I was ready to be bought by Wally. He was the one who wanted me. I was bagged up and went for a short ride home … or soon to be home. After a few days, I had broken Wally in and was ready to go with him to school. Class was quite boring. I tried to answer questions but the teacher would not call on my raised laces. When school ended I walked through the parking lot I got gum on my feet or for humans my sole. Then Wally ran around the soggy grass and unfortunately, a bunch of mud splattered all over my blue and white skin. I wanted revenge!
I devised a plan to get even. I started to fill my insides up with mud. I used the gum to stick myself to the floor. The evil owners would have to do what I ordered. “Mom! My shoes are stuck to the floor!†Wally yelled. “They’re also filled with mud!â€
“It’s what you deserve,†I replied in a cantankerous voice, “Start taking better care of me!â€
“Honey, just throw them out with the garbage. They’re no good anymore,†his mother commanded.
“But Mom, I love them.â€
“No buts, just do as I say!â€
He said sorry and threw me away. I was officially trash. Suddenly a mysterious voice came out of nowhere.
“Why would someone throw these cool shoes away? I’ll take them. Yeah.†the stranger said. I now am no longer trash. No this is quite a long story so I’ll make it brief. My new companion Sandra has good hygiene and keeps me looking as good as the day I left the factory. She also gives me a friend named Socks to play with at school. Finally, I’m living the good life.
When I left the factory, I never knew just how tough my path would be. Wally made me appreciate how worker boots feel everyday. Sandra treats me so well I feel like a dress shoe. Hopefully her feet won’t grow and she can wear me forever.
I’ll still be Jeall’s friend, and everyone else’s friend too.
I’ll go read that post on the PCB!
yo yo yo cw
and waiting for you to finish reading the pcb
There’s a new post on the Poptropica Creator’s Blog!
Yo Matmoticous!
that is from yesterday
i have to go but read my story up above.
I know. I read the date, I just didn’t read it until now.
EVERYONE READ THIS!!!!!!!!! who votes that jeall is right and who votes that i am right?
bye aycesoy
Hey Rain.
hi cw. what did you think about vote thing VOTE!!!! and what did you think about mathy’s story?
hi i’m new.
blog: Tuesday, August 10, 2010
T-minus 2 days until Steamworks Island launches
Like a massive, steam-powered gear, the Early Access launch of Steamworks Island turns ever closer. Poptropica Members have but two days to wait before they can set foot on this vast island of metal and machines. As promised, here’s another snapshot of the danger that awaits you.
That looks like a tricky maze! You might need some help finding your way through there.
CAPTAIN CRAWFISH JJA (Ok Ill be nice all day tomarrow. if someones mean I cant say anything. If I sucseed… you guys have to be nice all day tommarow even if I say something mean. deal?)
jeall was mean to me cw and i am only 7
Um… I vote that…..
oh hi jeall your not welcome here.
unless you are nice.
Neither of you.
I understand CW. so…Deal? (and…I forgot)
sure. deal
🙂 bye(wait not yet (If I leave unexpectedly bye
i would be surprised if you won. deal
wait. what about you can’t comment for a whole 2 weeks if you do something mean
Hey, maybe Jeall was mean to you all for a reason.
yeah but she didn’t have to call me a wackjob for expressing my feelings.
i can take a joke or defense but htat was flat out mean. you don’t just go up and call me a wackjob.
A Wackjob? I know Jeall alot better than you might think. And I read the previous comments. You’re lying.
do you think there was a good reason to say unhappy late b-day?
she’s not i think it was 3 or 4 pages away.
Yes. Because SHE never said anything bad about you. YOU started it. You said, “Jeall… I hate you.” I read the comment.
cw just look at all of the pages from the 2nd one. i think it is the 3-5 back. i am not sure. she called rain a wackjob
that was an impersonater.
cw, i was trying to defend mathy and she didn’t need it. then jeall called me a wackjob.
i said i ahte you because she made me mad
I’m still looking for it.
Hey, If you take the time to know Jeall, she’s pretty nice.
I ♥ Jeall. Yeah, I said it.
i will copy the message for you.
here it is 3pages back
Jeall August 10, 2010 at 8:57 am
yah…Oh and Rain,Your A Wackjob! your nuts! bte. CBL!(cant wait snd finnaly is getting floor!)
bottom of the page.
I know. I saw the comment.
it’s around the bottom
wait was: Yes. Because SHE never said anything bad about you. YOU started it. You said, “Jeall… I hate you.†I read the comment: directed to me?
what are you looking for?
No. That was to Rain.
did she say i hate you before jeall called her a wackjob?
Agh, stop your fighting…..
were not really fighting super thunder.
really i don’t see that. i see it after she was called a wack job.
We are just having a descussion ABOUT fighting.
were is it.
see i’m not lying. she did call me a wackjob
I was talking about Jeall and everybody else.
It doesn’t matter.
where not were. wHere is it cw.
OK, Super Thunder.
well i want to make sure so where
if any fighting arises we should all just leave.
I don’t know, Mathmoticous.
So Super Thunder, how do you type in Bold like that?
so how do you know rain said i hate you first.
Hmmm. Hi every1. Heat wave in Atlanta.
Hi. anybody.
Hey, wat going on?
cw are you sure rain started it by calling jeall a wackjob?
Wat happened here???!!! TELL ME!!!
Mathmoticious. CW.
Well, Rain started it.
bye guy
ok, so wat else happened CW?
how by trying to defened my when it wasn’t necassary? how is that bad?
this is confusing.
Song for yesterday and today:
Love The Way You Lie by-Eminem ft. Rihanna
I can’t tell you what it really is, only what it feels like,
Feels like a parasite is biting out the inside of my heart tonight
And it’s been going on for nights,
‘Cause every night I have to lie without you by my side
And it’s really only hitting me now,
I never knew silence could possibly be so loud
I’m breaking down to a point where I can hardly breathe
Your absence fills me up, squeezing the air right out of me
3 days ago that love we built had finally broke
2 nights – I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat, I barely spoke
1 day was all it took for you to go have me replaced
Now you say that your heart’s found a new home?
I guess my ego can’t stand seeing you leave
‘Cause girl, I still wanna be your man eternally
And I can tell you feel the same by the heart that you wear on your sleeve
Is this a mistake? Well, the judgement just ain’t up to me
You ever loved somebody so much, you can’t believe that you with them?
Every moment’s like a fantasy when you with them
You think your eyes deceive her beauty when you look at her
‘Cause there’s no way a girl like that would fall for me, but it doesn’t matter
‘Cause it happened, whether for better or for worse
And the weather was great, ’til the gift turned to a curse
Now I listen to the rain drop on the rooftop every night
And I spend my days half-awake with clouds under my eyes
And I’ve heard all of the definitions of love,
That it’s born in your soul or sent from above
But I’ve heard enough, many as there might be
‘Cause the only definition I can see is you and me
Now my sky is falling down and I’m feeling under the weather
No sunshine in my life, you expect me to get better?
The days grow cold, it’s an endless free-fall
It’s better to feel something than nothing at all.
I’m in love with this song!
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQT6a_zUiJw&feature=fvst
California Girls-Katy Perry
I know a place where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild, there must be something in the water
Sipping gin and juice, laying underneath the palm trees
The boys break their necks trying to creep a little sneak peek
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close to the golden coast
Once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California girls, were unforgettable
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicles
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California girls, were undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock
West coast represent, now put your hands up
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sex on a beach we get sand in our stilettos
We freak in my jeep, Snoop Doggy dog on the stereo
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close to the golden coast
Once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
[Snoop Dogg]
Toned, tan, fit and ready
Turn it up cause its gettin heavy
Wild wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones, I mean like shes the one
Kiss her, touch her, squeeze her
The girls a freak, she drives a jeep
The men on the beach,
Im okay, I wont play, I love the bay
Just like I love LA
Venice Beach and Palm Springs
Summer time is everything
Come on boys, hanging out
All that ass hanging out
Bikinis, tankinis, martinis, no weenies
Just to get in betweeny
Katy my lady (yeah)
You looking here baby (uh huh)
Im all up on you
Cause you representing California
Okay. Jeall I have written two books and i comic series and stop fighting no one here is mature because we are kids. Just kids. And Jeall…………….notice how you say you have one true friend. (Meaning no one else likes me or I don’t like everyone else.) Let things go. Forgive. Life is too short. Good bye. (I’ll be back.) *chuckle* (Terminator)
Yea I can comment!
Bye old page!
Alright. Someone is impersonating me.
Read all the previous comments. heres all MY books:(11! most unfinished but almost done). Heres a hints of the best: Majetic Mice(its spelled right but Im not copeing also I couldnt fight when I wasnt here. CW…Ich Lebie Dich,too.OMG how can I say that) Cinderella and Ellaweise live happily in a castle together. But when Cindy is bad Ella goes alittle crazy and says Cindy has to do a mission for her punishment. But while Cindy was bad,She ate bad berries. When Cindy drops out durring the mission,can Leon,a nother friend on the mission,get Ella before its to late?? (bye cbl) and thanks for backin’ me up CW.
Jeall do you still own that club
people with membership have fun
you tube poop
on you tube
i been looking for steamworks walkthrough but i cant find it….
I wish there was NO SUCH THING as membership, so everyone could like, be fair! I wish we could create a team with other Poptropicans to complete an island. If you compete it with someone else, you get 150 credits. If you do it alone, you get 250. I wish it would be like that. If you do it with a band of Poptropicans, you won’t need the man with a scar on his face on Counterfeit island and you won’t need the knights on Astro Knights. The one who has the most succesful battle will be the chosen one, and the rest follow him/her. One will direct Merlin, one will give the items and one will jump on the chandeliers to fall on the orb. Like it?
where is the declaration????????????????????????????????????????????????
it was 7pm on september 9 th and i don’t see steamworks online. for more info i am in singapore which use gmt+8.
today is the 9th but when I check steamworks island is not open