I finally put together the written walkthrough for Reality TV Island. If you can’t or don’t want to watch the video below, now the written guide is available to help you through the first part!
Poptropica Reality TV Island has finally arrived after a tremendous amount of build-up, anticipation and delays. If you’ve got a Poptropica Membership, you’ll have early access to the island. If you’re not a paid member, you’ll need to wait until March 24th to play it. That’s when it opens up for general access.
This new island works a little differently than all the other islands on Poptropica. There are essentially two parts. The first is the opening scene where you need to figure out how to become a contestant on a new reality TV show. This is a lot like previous quests but a lot shorter. Check out the video walkthrough of part 1 to see everything you need to do. The second part is an actual competition where you have to beat the other contestants in a series of daily challenges and avoid getting voted off. If you win the final competition, you’ll win the contest and get the island medallion. The competitions are random and different players will get different competitions, so there’s no one simple walkthrough for part 2. But check out the video I made for part 2 because it gives tips and cheats for a lot of the different challenges. I’ll post even more really soon. Some are really easy but others are very difficult.
But don’t worry! We’ve got screenshots, cheats, tips and yes, even a full walkthrough of the island right here. Read on for all the details and please post a comment with your thoughts on Reality TV Island. I’ll be posting more guides and details as I uncover them.
Video Walkthrough
Here is part one of the Walkthrough from YouTube. Part one shows you everything you need to do to become a contestant on the show.
Once you’re on the show, you’ll get a random selection of competitions. Here is part 2 of the walkthrough, which shows some tips and tricks on how to beat some of them.
Written Walkthrough
Don’t want to watch the whole video? No problem! Here’s the written version of the complete walkthrough for Reality TV Island.
Part One: Arrival and Main Street
Once you arrive on Reality TV Island run to the right and then go inside the TV World store. Jump up to the top platform with the enormous flat screen TV and talk to the guy there wearing the red hat. He’ll tell you to change the channel on the TV. Go ahead and then you’ll see an ad for the show giving an address to send applications to. Leave the building and then go inside Mike’s Market and walk to the right. There’s a guy wearing a tie there. Talk to him. He’ll say there’s less than 24 hours before the Reality TV Island show begins and then he’ll run away and drop the Pop-Topica magazine he is reading. Go ahead and pick it up from the ground. After it goes into your backpack, examine it and then click to the next page where you’ll find an application inside. Click on it and it will go into your backpack.
Now head out of the market and run over to the motel on the left end of the street. Go into the Motel Office. Walk over to the right and click on the cup full of pens. You’ll get one of the cheap pens in your backpack. Next, click on the magazine and turn the page to the local tv schedule. At the bottom of that page is an advertisement for Papa Pete’s Pizza. The phone number is 555-PETE (555-7383). Click on the phone on the desk (it’s next to the cup of pens) and dial the phone number for the pizza place. When they ask where you’d like it delivered, choose room 4B.
OK, now head back outside the motel and there will be a pizza delivery person standing outside (wow that is fast delivery!). She’ll tell you she forgot the room number, but you will take care of delivering it for her. Now go up to room 4B and click to knock. The foor will open and you can go inside. You’ll find a really sad looking guy named Bucky Lucas here. He is the famous star from the first season of the show. Click on him to speak to him and then choose the last option, “I could really use that grand prize.” He’ll tell you that money and fame are not all they’re cracked up to be. But more importantly, he’ll give you the stamp that you need to mail in the application! In fact, it’s a special edition stamp of him! Oh, and apparently postage in Poptropica costs $0.52 to mail a postcard!
Next, click on the application in your backpack and fill it out. You can write anything you want to for the reason of why you should be on Reality TV.
Now head back out of the motel room and then run over to the right where you’ll find a blue mailbox. Click on it and you’ll mail the application. Then you’ll reappear on “the next day” to find that there’s a helicopter on top of the motel waiting to take you to the show. You’re going to be famous. Click on the helicopter to fly off to the show and begin part two of Reality TV Island.
Part Two: The Competition
Now you’re in the main part of Reality TV Island, the actual show competition. This part works very differently from all the other islands on Poptropica. There’s no one way to do things and the challenges you get during the show are random. But the basic idea is to win every competition that you can because then you’ll be immune from being voted off the island. At the end of each competition, everyone gets to vote for someone else to get booted. The other contestants usually vote against a contestant that voted against them in the prior round. You can usually use this to strategize on who to “gang up on” in the voting rounds. So even if you don’t win each competition, you can often make it to the next round by being smart in the voting stage.
If you make it to the final two, then the winner of the last challenge wins the show. If you lose, you can return again for another season by clicking on the helicopter. And if you win, you can also play again the next season!
Screenshots of Reality TV Island
Here are some fun screenshots and more from the newest quest.

what time?
Im so excited I read ur blog every day. there r new games!!!!!!!! yes
I think he will show up in the new island ,+all the others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it will be worth it, I just checked the map for it, it sure has a lot of challenges and it also said there are ging to be more challenges coming soon…
I’m the first one to beat Tv Reality Island I beat it before these guys oh ya
where is this island???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
where is this island?
how do you pass BIG NATE’S island
pha ha i am so sorry just get your self on WWE
I hate it when i lose! i’m always voted off in day 5! i got voted of 3 TIMES when i was playing this i’ll never complete it! =|
to samir:this island is on the poptropica map,head over 2 ur blimp thingy and click on the island…..IF U R A MEMBER if not sry wait till march 24
What happens if you get voted off, Poptropica Secrets?
you get voted off the show and then you come back and start over mythoman
now i got in to day 7 but i didn’t
(also i hate the challenge when you have to balance the stick.:(. but in the geyser challenge i won the challenge!!! XD) it was fun…!
looks pretty easy except the jug-on-the-head thing
i beat reality island the day it came out also why is there no chat room there????? lol anyway its super cool and fun!!!! 🙂
Im a princess, (brushes beutiful long blonde hair) (fixes dress) hmp perfect! ohh waittt*( does makeup!!!) hehee i look beuatiful duhhh! 🙂 twirls!
oh yeah creepio what time did you fiish the island i finished it the day it came out
i tried to complete it again and i won the throw-(idk)-in-the-turtle-shell 😀 (first challenge when i done it.)
reality tv is really hard (for me! not for everybody….)
I finished it at like 1:20 and I’m pretty sure it came out at 1:00
oh yippe i know how to play this island now thanks mr dont know but i havent got membership to play this island but if its revealed on march 24th its fine but i am exited
i cant wait to play realty tv iland
That was easy I finished that in 5 minutes
cool reality TV island is easier with the most wide poptropici.
cool Heyâ—˜
nice video but how many minutes did it take you?
Thanks yous Princessrox. You (giggle) rox!
im sure im not going to complete the island
if someone could help,
heres my account .
at march 24 2010.
by the way,ayaan is my babycousin.
prettypinkprincesswithatiara u are getting me JEALOUS ahahahha♥
Hello everybody!! I am also excited!!!
member ship was a waste of money…i wanted it for the island….finished on my first try……Im GOIN BACK
nikita,prettypinkprincesswithtiara lied with that comment.
thats stupido with her.
and is anyone would help me with reality tv island at 3/24/10
i really wish this island could be unlocked in 5 seconds
what happen if you get voted off? Will you lose the chance to get the medal along with 100 credits?
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! i cannot wait till this comes out, i swear i’ve been countin the days since feb 24th lol. poptropica secrets person owner alien whatever u r (teehee), got anymore SECRETS(haha) for upcoming islands???
i really want Reality tv can come out now i can’t get in yet cause i dont hav a membership that my parents don’t let me get!
8 days until free release!
mohd455 I’ll do astro for u
six days can’t wait!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :'( tears of joy
Wish I was a member. Can’t wait to play the game but before the games do you get to react with the other characters. Also if you lose one of the games, how do you know which person to vote off.
come out already reality tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5days!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hey guys, mythology island is coming out. Zeus needs your help, and you may become greek god or goddess or something like that. So what r u waiting for people. Keep waiting. And u can become Zeus with the lightning rod in the store for 250 credits. Make lightning apper.
Reality TV Island is awesome. You can be a big star.
i wanna play it 4 days and i’m gonna be a star
(i wish they’d make an adventure island like ur lost in an enchanted forest or something)
4 more days and tommoro is my birthday even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi wats up im a big fan of this website how cool it took me less than 5 minutes just to finish reality tv but it was so fun any ways i still will lov this website how cool.Thank you lord this website was invented or else ill die. All of my friends come 2 this website and well thanks
4 DAYS!!!!! 😉 😉 😉 Anyways… how come the last competition seems soooo easy unlike the other competitions? (prettypinkprincesswithatiara, no offense, but you make me sick. And I’m a girl too. Also, anyways, this post is for only the topic. Not your sickness.)
I love poptropica but I can’t complete any islands except big nate, I’ve tried shark tooth but I can’t get past that giant catterpillar thing and theres no point in trying the others because I’m just hopeless so if you can do some islands for me, tell me email adress and I’ll give you my username and password and the few islands that you could help me with.
Thx AJ
P.S. I’m a girly girl in case you are wondering why I’m hopeless
How come we still have to wait so long for the REALITY TV ISLAND! i am going to die if it isn’t coming you!(tornado with a hunger strike you have no offense,AND…
dude that island seems so easy! i could beat it in a few minutes! oh and helga, yo are so goin’ down
3 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MARCH 22, 2010
2 just 2 days left
3 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really want reality tv to come out,because I can probably finish it, and the other 1’s are so hard!
3 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey u tajrin nur what do u mean..i hate it when people say i did something i didn’t do…it really sucks…u are getting me crazy..u know i am a calm gal explain urself
my dream is that reality tv came out today! now the danger is great on super power island. the thing is that i need it to come out some day. but if you can complete big nate island then i could finish my dream would come true! ok im done here.
look look look! ok if you want a cheat for shark tooth island then we do not have any
cheats for shark tooth island! but i could complete every island but this 1 noooooo i can not
finish it and its nabooti. look im not doing any thing to get your password. i just want one million credits! so do not do a single to get my password.
big nate is sssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!
my dream is that reality tv came out today!!!!! now the danger is great on super power island. but this is not a lie. i just wish i was playing it right now! i want realty tv nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
1 more day left!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwww just tomorrow and reality island will come out!I also want mythology island to come out much sooner than reality tv island did.
1 MORE DAY LEFT FOR REALITY TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is 24 March but Reality TV Island still cannot
d reality….. hasn’t arrived yet.can’t it cum earlier
if i finished reality tv island, my credits wll increase 2 ‘1175’.just imagine!!!!!!!!
its already 24 march and its not yet launched!! how unfair! i am gonna kill the owner of poptropica now! grrr
i am going to kill poptropica. i when on TODAY and it still says that u have to be a member to play and it will be open 3/24/10 and it is 3/24/2010!!!!!!!!!>=[
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!! i so agree wid u zharia!
I dont understand today is the 24th and its still not out. I have been waiting all morning. wonder if it will b out 2moro
I also agree with Zharia
Yes Reality Tv finally arrive
DID YOU ALL KNOW THAT REALITY TV ISLAND IS ALREADY OUT, THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THIS JUST NOW, CAUSE’ I JUST GOT BACK HOME FROM SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, REALITY TV, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am about to go play it(:. PoptropicaSecrets.com is ultamatiely the bestest site ever(:
reality tv in on,guys
i beat it a millon times on reality tv island
i just got on and started playing and then it said down for maintence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
the island is out today! but theres a maintanance problem on poptropica andi didnt get a chance to see the island 🙁 oh well ill try on thursday(tommorrow) =D
It’s having maintence !?! and I wish I was a member and I will totally kill that monster creator of poptropica
This Is Awesome It Came Out Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished Reality TV !!!!!!!!YAHOO!!!!!!
My screen got cut what do I do?
Thats there beacause i can’t click next on the toboid!
I playedreality tv yesterday at about 7:00 am and it ……………….RULED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reality tv is awesome! dont u think
reality is out…to non-members…it’s the nicest island i have ever played. 😀
i cant freakin find the stamp!!!!!
please tell me where it is
i would love u lots for it
where is tht dang stamp
cool i completed it and its easy!! 🙂
i hate water run balanced diet so much and i hate boulder push!!!!
How do you find a stamp?
yaaay!! i just finished it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to u… I BEAT IT!!!!!
OMG!!!!! This is one of the easier islands. I love this one its my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!I cant wait till the next 1!!!!!!!!! Thanks Jeff kinney for making Poptropica and all diary of a wimpy kid books.Cant wait for the next book. I read all of them diary of a wimpy kid,rodrick rules,last straw,and dog days. Any ways THANKS!!!!!!!!! =^)
to unknown–>go to bucky lucas’s apartment buy ordering pizza and giving it to him,talk 2 him and pick the 3rd speech option
i beat all the islands but reality tv island and im 7 years old
these islands are easy. I beat all them islands in three days.(and only 45 min. to play)
Where is thewritten walkthrough?!
I beat this they day after it came out. took me about 20 minutes.
Nooooo I keep getting voted off on Reality TV ugh I hope I win!
Anyone know how to do Balanced Diet?
Thx for all your help poptropica secrets its the best
i just won reality tv and it took me like 20 tries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no fair every time i get 2 da final 2 i got voted off me 3rd trie i got voted off on day 3!!!
PLEASE HELP i keep losing ive tried 15 times and i still cant beat it I KEEP LOSINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGTGGGGGG THIS ISNT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAN!!!! THEY DONT HAVE A ONE IN TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Offically 16 TIMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i get a pen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally it works but i have to do it over and over again
hardest one was definitely water run and why does busy bob want to vote me off i never voted against him
why does every1 think Balanced Diet i kinda think its easy. but Hippie Harry is good at it
i just beat Balanced Diet right now
could somebody anser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i luv reality tv ive been waitin 4 this island since 2008!!!! 🙂 :)) 😮 :o)
now i have to wait until mythology island comes out for non-members.26 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and if you haven’t found the pen yet aleman, you have to go into the hotel and go to the desk and click on the pen. LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
thanks!!!!!!!!!! jeff kinney I love poptropica I passed all of the islands, and all the diary of a wimpy kid books I read them all last straw,rodrick rules,dog days,diary of a wimpy kid and even have the make yourself book of diary of a wimpy kid.
cool im on tv!!
Bucky Lucas will give you the stamp when you dial 555- pete on the motel phone. Then knock on his door with the pizza, and he’ll give u the stamp!
I hope you see it secretcp It’s about stardoll for girls and boys and other cheats
go to the motel office and use the phone then dial the number 555-pete or 555-8373 then have them deliver the pizza to room 4B go outside to the pizza girl and take the pizza girl go to room 4B and knock then go talk to bucky lucas he will give you the stamp
give bucy his pizza tell him that you could use the prize and he will give you a stamp 🙂
To get the stamp: Go to the motel office, and dial 555-PETE for pizza on the telephone. Tell them to deliver it to Room 4B. Go out and the delivery person will give you the pizza. Go up to 4B on the 2nd floor and give him the pizza. Talk to him and click the 3rd option. He will give you a stamp.
To get the pen: Go to the motel office and click on the pen holder.
Hope that helps!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I won 5 times straight. 🙂 thanks 🙂
AHH I was sooo close last 3 people OMG I got voted off dang it Ned Noddlehead!
it’s easy! all you have to do is win or lose! if ur last no 1 will worry bout u
i cant find the flippin stamp
that was the easiest island p.s. YOU NEED A BIG NATE WALKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walkthrough for Reality TV Island:
1. Go to the market. Click on the person on the right and he’ll drop a magazine. Pick it up and examine it in your inventory. Click on the sign up sheet on the second page.
2. Go to the TV store. Change the channel on one of the TVs and wait. Your person will say ‘It says to send it to 123 Star Avenue…’.
3. Go to the motel. Enter the Motel Office. Click on the pen holder and you’ll receive a pen. Click on the telephone and dial 555-PETE (555-7383). Tell him to deliver the pizza to Room 4B. Go out and there will be a delivery guy standing outside. Take the pizza and go to Room 4B on the 2nd floor. Talk to Bucky Lucas and click the 3rd option. He will give you a stamp. Your postcard is now ready.
4. Go out and head right. Click on the mailbox to mail the postcard. You will be accepted. Go up the stairs in the motel and go in the helicopter.
5. There are 7 challenges to do. They come in a random order for everybody. I haven’t finished yet, but so far there are challenges where you have to shoot a ball into a bowl, break someone else’s plate as best as you can, water run, balanced diet and boulder push.
6. At the end of each challenge, you can vote someone off. If you get voted off, you have to start the challenges again.
7. After you finish the 7 challenges, you will have completed the island and get the island medallion. HOORAY!
Good luck. 🙂
Wheres the stamp
I’ll give you a text walkthrough for Part One, and some tips for Part Two on challenges and voting strategies.
Told in exciting second-person narrative.
You take your yellow Poptropica blimp to Reality TV Island for the first time. You arrive in Wayside Town, an apparently low-income town where everyone seems to be hooked on the new show, Reality TV Island. Feeling hungry, you walk left in search of maybe a resteurant. After a few seconds, you come across Mike’s Market. You open the door and step inside.
You look around and see a case of delicious-looking donuts. You jump over some shopping carts, and wish Poptropica was 3D before you reach the case and see a man reading a blue magazine, entitled “Pop-Top!cs”. You try to talk to him, but then he reminds himself RTV Island will be on within 24 hours and runs out, dropping his tabloid.
You wonder to yourself why he needs to go home already even though Reality TV Island isn’t on for literally an entire day. You then decide to pick up the tabloid, which you then put into your small yet infinitely spacious “upperrighthandcornerpack”. Opening it up, you look at the magazine, whose cover story is “The Bucky Stops Here”. Confused on who this “Bucky” is, you open up the magazine. You see and read a short article, which explains the Wayside Motel houses Bucky Lucas, the first person ever voted off of RTV Island. He is apparently a big celebrity. Reading on, you learn the mayor will turn the motel into a historic landmark, as soon as there’s nothing on TV.
You then see an application to Reality TV Island. You carefully tear it from the page and put it into your URHCpack. You reveal a TV guide, containing funny shows, such as “Dating the Black Widow” or “How to Watch TV”. Below it, you see an advertisement for Papa Pete’s Pizza, at 555-Pete. After trying to say the name of the business three times fast and failing, you try to turn the page, but can’t, for that’s not part of the plotline of this island quest. Fairly unamused, you put away Pop-Top!cs and leave the store.
You decide to go over to the motel, which is two doors away to the left. Once you reach there, you enter the motel office. You walk over to the desk and take a free pen to put in your URHCpack. Not knowing what to do now, you leave the motel.
Walking to the right now for no good reason, you pass a smelly dumpster and find a building called “TV World”. You talk to the man by the checkout stand. He offers you to buy a TV. You explain you have no money. The man says you could buy it on credit, but you then say THAT idea isn’t so good, for the plotline doesn’t involve credit card debt (that would be Accountant Island).
Going upward, you see a giant TV you wan’t but can’t get because this isn’t Accountant Island. Watching it, you see the old Balloon Boy story from when you were on Counterfeit Island. You feel a strange sense of guilt and regret within you. You quickly click on the TV to change the channel, revealing the show Reality TV Island. You feel you really want to be on it. You then remember your application from the tabloid. Entering your URHCpack, you pull out the application. You copy down your name and the address given by the show for applications to go to. You write down why you should be on RTV Island. Now all you need is a stamp.
Walking to the left again (you just can’t stop zig-zagging, can you), you see the motel again. You need a postal stamp, but there is no stamp store. You then feel like prank-calling and doing something that would be illegal in Louisiana but is legal here, wherever “here” is: prank-ordering a pizza to a friend without their consent. You remember a phone in the office by the pens. You then decide to call Papa Pete’s Pizza at 555-7383 and order a small cheese pizza. When asked for the room to deliver to, you reply “Room 4B”, off the top of your head, remembering it from somewhere.
Going out the motel, you see the pizza delivery guy, who apparently forgot the room, you take the pizza. Costume-collecting the pizza box (if you can), you go up to Room 4B and knock on the door, saying “Pizza!”. The person inside opens the door and you enter.
Walking inside, you meet Bucky Lucas, first person ever voted off Reality TV Island. After saying you’re not the delivery guy and you want to be on the show, he warns you it will all end badly. You insist on being on the show, and he gives you a stamp, which you immediately put onto your application.
Leaving the room, you walk right on an afternoon stroll and see a mailbox. You put your application in the mailbox, thinking “Well, it’s worth a shot!” Night is falling. You feel tired. Not knowing where to sleep, you just decide to bring in a time-card reading “The Next Day”.
You’re in the far left, left of the motel (how you got there, you have no idea) in the next morning. You see a helicopter on the top of the roof of the Wayside Motel. Thinking it’s not true, you realize it is and go up to it. The man wearing black next to you is not hunting after aliens, but is instead an agent from RTV Island, who proudly announces you’re on the show! You jump into the helicopter off to your first season of Reality TV Island, ending Part One.
You’ve managed to complete the quest of getting the darn application filled out. Now that you’re on the show, here are the tips on each of the challenges, and in deciding who to vote off.
Boulder Push: A fun game for those who like to click a lot without getting anything productive done. Just keep on clicking as fast as you can, as much as you can! Never stop clicking until the challenge is over! Just make sure you click inside the Poptropica screen. Kind of hard to do on laptops.
Coconut Catch: Go for bunches of three. Also, try to remain in your own area away from the others, so any coconuts in your zone are yours for the taking. I kind of suck at this game.
On the Line: Click as soon as the challenge starts to drop your line. Pay attention to fish ABOVE your line: they can be easier to catch.
Totem Hop: If your totem starts rumbling, click on another, stable totem. Never jump onto a rumbling totem, unless you want to lose and/or jump into the sea.
Balanced Diet: Just so you know, you have to keep the dot in the centre by moving your cursor in the opposite direction the dot moves in. Don’t do this on laptops. It gets harder as more fruits are added.
Wster Run: Jump whenever possible to avoid the wild boar. I really suck at this game, so not much more I can say on this one.
Turtle Shell Toss: Always click in the middle of the palm tree’s leaves to get twenty every time. Never leave that position for the course of the game.
Mountain Race: Stay at the “ideal height”, the highest possible height on the visible screen where you cannot get hit by flying boulders and can see falling boulders and jump at the right time. Always keep your mouse above the surface.
Pole Climb: Remain on the two middle poles: never the ends. When a coconut is falling on your pole, jump onto the other middle pole.
Shuffleboard: You always go last, which is very advantageous. Try to move “to the side”, where you’re near the ring, but not so close everyone wants to knock you out, and can reach the centre of the ring easily.
Shot Put: Aim the angle as close to 45 degrees as possible (the exact middle) and use as high power as obvious (the high power one is fairly obvious).
Geyser Guess: There is no strategy in this game at all: purely chance. Just choose any geyser you like: it doesn’t matter. A win or lose in this game is purely chance.
Hang Glider: Easiest, challenge, ever. Remain behind everyone else, move away from birds, and fly high in the case of a volcano.
Knockout: Aim at whoever’s plate is the most intact. NEVER aim at yours, though. The centre, when hit, damages the plate more. Aiming for the plate directly below you can be dangerous, so you know.
Better to continually vote for just one person than to vote all of them at one point. That way, you don’t have EVERYONE vote you off. Only if the person you vote on gets voted off, do you change who you vote off.
Save your game before starting the challenges on Days 6 and 7. If you lose, X out ASAP, before the voting ceremony loads.
It is nice to win all the challenges. But it is especially important to win Day 6’s challenge. If you win Day 6, you will make it to the final two (catchy!), and you also get to choose who your opponent is! But making it to the final two is more important.
Hope this guide helps!
Hey Cuddly Scorpion, Thankyou for the useful tips! They helped me beat the island. Thanks again, Clean Skull.
i cant beat i t at all when da game is all most ova then they vote me off {mad face}
HELP! I really can’t get pass this thing. Can someone go this for me?
um for the one that u need to enter the tv show
how do u send in the application
You go to the grocery store. there’s a guy in the right corner. jump over the shopping carts to get to him. When he drops the magizine, pick it up. Then, you should go to your inventory and click it. When you open the magazine, there will be an application. Just click the applacation, and you’ll get it. Got to the motel. Get a pen from the desk in the main office (the office is on the 1st floor, middle door). Call Pete’s pizza. The number is 555-7383. Order it to room number 4B. Go outside again. You’ll see a lady walking around with a pizza. Click on her. You will get the pizza. Go onto the second floor, and go to room 4B. Click on the door, and you will enter. Then, go through the first room to the second room. Click on Bucky. He’s the guy with the wild hair and looks like he could use a nap and shave a bit. Anyways, you tell him “I could really use that grand prize.” He’ll tell fame and money isn’t all it’s up to be, and then he’ll give you a stamp. Click on your inventory, then click the stamp and click “use”. Then, go to your inventory again, and click the applacation. Then, type something in there. (You have to have a pen to do that.) Go out side and go right. Go pass the TV store, and you’ll find a mail box. Click on it and there goes your applacation!
OMG!!!I can’t figure out how to play this really sucks…..Well hope the cheats help…
If you standd in the middle of the helicopter’s wings you spin around like crazy!!!
where is the phone number for the pizza man
where do you get the stamp?????
I know how to win Geyser Guess! It always works when I do it. First, choose the on you’re closest to. Then, do the same on someone else blew up on. if there are two players, choose the one your opp is closest to.
You get the stamp from Bucky Lucas. He’s inside the motel and the way you get inside is by delivering the pizza to him. Watch the video and you’ll see how it’s done!
I finished! Thx for the help! I only needed to know how to find the stamp.
what if u keep winning reality tv competions? is there a bonus because i beat it 2 times but i don’t want 2 keep playin but have no bonus?!?!?!?!?
I need help with the games PLZ HELP
The challenges :
Boulder Push : “twiddle” your mouse by holding it with your left hand, and tapping with two fingers of your right hand, like strumming on a table.
Coconut Grab : Stay to the left and center and time your jumps
Geyser Guess : *The only absolutely random challenge*
Hang Gliding : stay high and left where you can dodge the birds.
Knockout : Aim for the plate that is the least broken. Pull back about a third of the way for the bottom row, and all the way to the V notch to hit the higher plates
Mountain Race : Running farther to the right (higher up the slope), so the overhead rocks will miss you. You can jump even when the rolling rock is right next to you.
On the Line : Click as soon as your line can come up to hit any fish’s mouth. Game can “cheat” and give multiple fish to an opponent instantly.
Pole Climb : Click right or left. You only need to use two poles.
Shot Put : Click to aim at a 45-degree angle. Click when the power is close to the top. Turtle Shell Toss : Aim for the middle of the palm tree in the background
Just Kiding
That’s Werid i wonder i Will Watch the Channel >
I mean That’s weird i Wonder i watch the Channel
i Don’t Know why i playing Poptropica Then i Walk skpping
my sis cry
Thats weird! I cant find the mail
hehe thanks they really helped me ^^
i keep on getting voted of
what do i do?
my game wont load
I always win to get on the show i always get elimanted i really dont like that what is this Pepole why vote me off vost the helen hiker
give me your acount and all give you mine ps sorry to make it up heres a secret cheat in mytholgy inald onece you get the wind bag u can use a lot in mytholgy only mytholgy ##33333#
i always get kicked out first or last
I found a way to beat the Geyser Game. Well, I only tried it once, so yeah. 😉 The first round of the geyser game, just click any random one. After the first person gets blown off, go to the geyser that blew off. Keep going to the one that blows off then i guess u’ll win! Thats how i did it…. I don’t think the geysers blow off twice in a row.
Unfortunately, sometimes they do go off twice in a row. It’s random!
there are 60 pizza orders on clubpenguin.com,and i haven’t deliverd a single1!
some body stop m…… kamosaur59; oh hi i”m kamosaur59 so stop babyanngel155.babyangel155;not me,me that me!kamosaur59;you did it,
you finaly really did it.babyangel155;that’s all i have to say. bye.
wow thats weird?????????
Oh god
when i finish the island
i jump up and down to get to the people on the roof
I cant!
I just jump and jump and i cant click anything to move!!
UM whats your guys multiverse room code
i don’t know and you have to create a new multiverse every time you go on poptropica
haw to get membership on poptropica.com??
Oh, I’m soo close to completing Reality TV!
This is my walkthrough.
Enter Mike’s Market.
Click on the reading guy.
Pick up the tabloid.
Exit. Then into the Motel Office in Wayside motel.
Open up your items.
Examine the tabloid.
Tear the application.
Click on the pens.
Click on the telephone.
Dial 555-7383.
Choose Motel Room 4B.
Then exit.
Talk to pizza lady.
Enter Motel Room 4B.
Go right until you see Bucky.
Click I Really want to use that prize.
You have the stamp.
To TV world.
Click on any TV.
Wait until your character says something
Exit and mail your application to the right.
Be patient.
Enter the helicopter!!
Your in the show!
Why do you always be in the 2 middle poles in pole climb?
completed it and i did 6more some without cheating and some with cheating
Ewww! Why is the magician dude standing on the dumpster?!?
”Hey magician dude!” Why aint ya doin any magic tricks?
omg i love this because i already know what to do for half of it so this helps when i really need help or im stuck but i kept getting voted off lol but finaly i beat it it was down to me and that girl with the red hair 🙂
I didn’t like this island… It was too short; I finished it in about 15 minutes
dakota bucky has it ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hey i passed all levels beat that PEOPLE
ooh yeah i beat it
thanks i got 1-time winner medal!!!!!! i got 125 credits instead of 100!!!!!!
Ho many times have you guys beat it? I’ve beaten the show 40 times. (That’s just because I always go there.)
i think watar run is HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1%good at it!!!!!
I am SOOOO mad because I was on the last challenge and then my computer went crazy!
how about if u loose u have to start again?
This was alot of fun to do!!
Also thanks for the walkthrough!
free poptropica accounts
the first 4 to say
i want a poptropica account
will get 3 poptropicans
hurry!litmited time only!!
Ahh! Haha omg, guess what I just saw? When you walk in the TV World store, Balloon Boy from Counterfeit Island shows up on the TV screens! Haha! Look and you will see him floating and then the mom comes on.
Who needs your accounts,huh?
lol the hard one is the very last challenge. Luckily there’s a walkthrough. 🙂
Lol, the same thing as Fierce Fang happened to me!!!
I finished reality TV island!!!!!
uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so mad i was on shuffle board and everything went crazy!!!!!!!!!11
i want a poptropica account
your 3 poptropicans are being………..made right now
and unknown
sometimes they want a real nice account
and i got 3 people who want a free account
ps:hang glider
is EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im really good at the challanges but i always get voted off when i dont win
boo hoo hoo….
i beat the show 25 times
This is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
easy i finished on 1st try is helping 3 friends and is a 18 time winner
mutliverse code:afy31
plz come its for girls and boys
are you guys have the same like me, i’m in the day 7, the challenge is totem hop, and accidentally I STAND IN THE TOTEM THAT MOVES DOWN!! So granpa grum become the winner 🙁
i want a poptropica account!!!!!
So easy! I hate the fishing challenge though. It is sooo hard. Luckily, I won! Sadly, I was voted off the first time I started. Well, I’ll try again next time (I mean THIS time!) Poptropica is a strategy game which is soo hard! You have to choose what stratregy and what to do! Otherwise, this island is REAL hard (Reality TV Challenges, I mean)
I think this website is the coolest because it has all the easiest cheats that you can accomplish. The secrets are also cool too. I suggest that alot of people should see this website. It is an awesome,fantastic,cool,super,fun, and especially fun for EEEEEEVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.balenced diet is HARD
2.fishing line is MIDDLE
3.hang glider is EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
knockout is fun
because i won it last time
ps:cuecat are you still here
yes i am
i want to talk
i will
hi i cant beat it waaa
OMG!!!! I have never seen Poptropica have a glitch before… and this one is crazy!!! I was on totem pole jumping (which I am horrible at) and there were three people left. Suddenly, some of the poles dissappered and the people were suspended in mid-air. Then they started doing REALLY weird, random things… and their bodies de-tached from their head and feet. I didn’t know whether to laugh or run from the room! But it was pretty funny.
I see some peeps said their computer went crazy… well, that is what happened to me! 🙂
YES!!! I FINALLY PASSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they always vote me off on day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so cool if there was a reality tv show in real life!!!!!!!!!!
i got the medal 2 times and i got 200 credits
That’s a CRAAZY glitch!I wish I had your computer!!!
Know another glitch?In Nabooti,I went to a multi-player area.I clicked on somebody to Chat,and one of my options was,”Have you seen the giant spider?”As far as I know,there IS no giant spider in Nabooti.Isn’t that weird?Maybe she meant the giant spider in Early Poptropica…
omg im sooooo maed cuz like i was in final two and then i lost cuz the volcano like erupted and the i was in front and then like i got hit first so i died 🙁
I’ll stop using this cheat because I want it to do at myself
Just completed the island like 5 seconds ago. And when i completed the island it took five minutes to load and then this BIG poptropican head came up with a sad face and said that it couldnt load right. so then to tries later i was on the top 3 and i got voted off and then all these people were on the roof an d all smileing at me then i got a medal and 100 credits. so if u call that screwed up, then ya mine was pretty screwed up 🙂 and btw it would be nice with the whole free membership thing but my account is not on member ship and ive gotten pretty far on it 🙂 just sayin cute queen. an d also, FIND ME SUM WHERE!!!! im SPEEDY SPIDER!!! the one and only. 🙂 oh and a question, just curious, whats your fave poptropican costume of all time?? btw, mines either the ice cream cone or the werewolf girl 😀
Once you arrive on Reality TV Island run to the right and then go inside the TV World store. Jump up to the top platform with the enormous flat screen TV and talk to the guy there wearing the red hat. He’ll tell you to change the channel on the TV. Go ahead and then you’ll see an ad for the show giving an address to send applications to. Leave the building and then go inside Mike’s Market and walk to the right. There’s a guy wearing a tie there. Talk to him. He’ll say there’s less than 24 hours before the Reality TV Island show begins and then he’ll run away and drop the Pop-Topica magazine he is reading. Go ahead and pick it up from the ground. After it goes into your backpack, examine it and then click to the next page where you’ll find an application inside. Click on it and it will go into your backpack
Now head out of the market and run over to the motel on the left end of the street. Go into the Motel Office. Walk over to the right and click on the cup full of pens. You’ll get one of the cheap pens in your backpack. Next, click on the magazine and turn the page to the local tv schedule. At the bottom of that page is an advertisement for Papa Pete’s Pizza. The phone number is 555-PETE (555-7383). Click on the phone on the desk (it’s next to the cup of pens) and dial the phone number for the pizza place. When they ask where you’d like it delivered, choose room 4B
OK, now head back outside the motel and there will be a pizza delivery person standing outside (wow that is fast delivery!). She’ll tell you she forgot the room number, but you will take care of delivering it for her. Now go up to room 4B and click to knock. The foor will open and you can go inside. You’ll find a really sad looking guy named Bucky Lucas here. He is the famous star from the first season of the show. Click on him to speak to him and then choose the last option, “I could really use that grand prize.” He’ll tell you that money and fame are not all they’re cracked up to be. But more importantly, he’ll give you the stamp that you need to mail in the application! In fact, it’s a special edition stamp of him!
Next, click on the application in your backpack and fill it out. You can write anything you want to for the reason of why you should be on Reality TV.
Now head back out of the motel room and then run over to the right where you’ll find a blue mailbox. Click on it and you’ll mail the application. Then you’ll reappear on “the next day” to find that there’s a helicopter on top of the motel waiting to take you to the show. You’re going to be famous. Click on the helicopter to fly off to the show and begin part two of Reality TV Island
Now you’re in the main part of Reality TV Island, the actual show competition. This part works very differently from all the other islands on Poptropica. There’s no one way to do things and the challenges you get during the show are random. But the basic idea is to win every competition that you can because then you’ll be immune from being voted off the island. At the end of each competition, everyone gets to vote for someone else to get booted. The other contestants usually vote against a contestant that voted against them in the prior round. You can usually use this to strategize on who to “gang up on” in the voting rounds. So even if you don’t win each competition, you can often make it to the next round by being smart in the voting stage.
If you make it to the final two, then the winner of the last challenge wins the show. If you lose, you can return again for another season by clicking on the helicopter. And if you win, you can also play again the next season!
Reality TV Island has finally arrived after a tremendous amount of build-up, anticipation and delays. If you’ve got a Poptropica Membership, you’ll have early access to the island. If you’re not a paid member, you’ll need to wait until March 24th to play it. That’s when it opens up for general access.
This new island works a little differently than all the other islands on Poptropica. There are essentially two parts. The first is the opening scene where you need to figure out how to become a contestant on a new reality TV show. This is a lot like previous quests but a lot shorter. Check out the video walkthrough of part 1 to see everything you need to do. The second part is an actual competition where you have to beat the other contestants in a series of daily challenges and avoid getting voted off. If you win the final competition, you’ll win the contest and get the island medallion. The competitions are random and different players will get different competitions, so there’s no one simple walkthrough for part 2. But check out the video I made for part 2 because it gives tips and cheats for a lot of the different challenges. I’ll post even more really soon. Some are really easy but others are very difficult.
But don’t worry! We’ve got screenshots, cheats, tips and yes, even a full walkthrough of the island right here. Read on for all the details and please post a comment with your thoughts on Reality TV Island. I’ll be posting more guides and details as I uncover them.
Video Walkthrough
Here is part one of the Walkthrough from YouTube. Part one shows you everything you need to do to become a contestant on the show.
Once you’re on the show, you’ll get a random selection of competitions. Here is part 2 of the walkthrough, which shows some tips and tricks on how to beat some of them.
Written Walkthrough
Don’t want to watch the whole video? No problem! Here’s the written version of the complete walkthrough for Reality TV Island.
Part One: Arrival and Main Street
Once you arrive on Reality TV Island run to the right and then go inside the TV World store. Jump up to the top platform with the enormous flat screen TV and talk to the guy there wearing the red hat. He’ll tell you to change the channel on the TV. Go ahead and then you’ll see an ad for the show giving an address to send applications to. Leave the building and then go inside Mike’s Market and walk to the right. There’s a guy wearing a tie there. Talk to him. He’ll say there’s less than 24 hours before the Reality TV Island show begins and then he’ll run away and drop the Pop-Topica magazine he is reading. Go ahead and pick it up from the ground. After it goes into your backpack, examine it and then click to the next page where you’ll find an application inside. Click on it and it will go into your backpack.
Now head out of the market and run over to the motel on the left end of the street. Go into the Motel Office. Walk over to the right and click on the cup full of pens. You’ll get one of the cheap pens in your backpack. Next, click on the magazine and turn the page to the local tv schedule. At the bottom of that page is an advertisement for Papa Pete’s Pizza. The phone number is 555-PETE (555-7383). Click on the phone on the desk (it’s next to the cup of pens) and dial the phone number for the pizza place. When they ask where you’d like it delivered, choose room 4B.
OK, now head back outside the motel and there will be a pizza delivery person standing outside (wow that is fast delivery!). She’ll tell you she forgot the room number, but you will take care of delivering it for her. Now go up to room 4B and click to knock. The foor will open and you can go inside. You’ll find a really sad looking guy named Bucky Lucas here. He is the famous star from the first season of the show. Click on him to speak to him and then choose the last option, “I could really use that grand prize.” He’ll tell you that money and fame are not all they’re cracked up to be. But more importantly, he’ll give you the stamp that you need to mail in the application! In fact, it’s a special edition stamp of him! Oh, and apparently postage in Poptropica costs $0.52 to mail a postcard!
Next, click on the application in your backpack and fill it out. You can write anything you want to for the reason of why you should be on Reality TV.
Now head back out of the motel room and then run over to the right where you’ll find a blue mailbox. Click on it and you’ll mail the application. Then you’ll reappear on “the next day” to find that there’s a helicopter on top of the motel waiting to take you to the show. You’re going to be famous. Click on the helicopter to fly off to the show and begin part two of Reality TV Island.
Part Two: The Competition
Now you’re in the main part of Reality TV Island, the actual show competition. This part works very differently from all the other islands on Poptropica. There’s no one way to do things and the challenges you get during the show are random. But the basic idea is to win every competition that you can because then you’ll be immune from being voted off the island. At the end of each competition, everyone gets to vote for someone else to get booted. The other contestants usually vote against a contestant that voted against them in the prior round. You can usually use this to strategize on who to “gang up on” in the voting rounds. So even if you don’t win each competition, you can often make it to the next round by being smart in the voting stage.
If you make it to the final two, then the winner of the last challenge wins the show. If you lose, you can return again for another season by clicking on the helicopter. And if you win, you can also play again the next season!
How did you find out Papa Pete’s phone number? (I mean the 7383 part…)
I have tried this, but when I tried to send the postcard, its said that I dont have the adress. Why is this happening? Plz reply. I beg all of u!
go to tv world store change the channel and there is the adress
u have to go to tv world and to to the big screen tv and change the channel to relity tv and it will say the address . ur chareter will say the address.<(")
i’ve waited since october 2009 and started febuary. i wish the best of luck 4 u. 🙂
I hate the balancing thingie & the water run & I keep on getting voted of. —_ —
**** this island. I HATE it!
I wanna be,I wanna be, I wanna be FAMOUS! LOL
But now I beated this Island cuz of u. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really lose the competition every time specially the turtle thing
i got voted off 2 times and now it won’t let me go agaian plz help
I think you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo intelligent.
If you don’t like kirby, he is going to send you to jail. How sad. D=
too much hard,,when u r the 2nd best they will still vote u out,,how come??
super thunder is super cool. 🙂
I hate all these damn games ite so hard!!! :'(
I can’t complete reality TV island cuz they always vote me off.
AWESOME glitch stand on top of the helicopter and u will go round n round (selena Gomez ROX)!!! Really funny!!!
How did you find out about Papa Pete’s phone number?
( I mean the 7383 part) How did you find out? HOW?????
tip for reality tv island:
if u lose a challenge press back then refresh and confirm form resubmission this changes the challenge and makes the one u failed not count
something funny:stand on the helicopter blade right in the middle and u will start going crazy!
Finding Papa Pete’s no. is easy. They say like- 555-PETE, they mean “P” is on 7, “E” is on 3, “T” is on 8 and “E” again is on 3. That makes 555-7383. You are sooooo silly. You are a fool!!!
This is quite hard…
@agentpopper9 It is like texting… Look at your phone. Number 7 has the word P Number 3 has the word e and so on…
my description was ‘kiss mah booty ;D’
Both me and some granny character got the same amount of votes but I was voted out! That is soooo unfair D:
try standing on the helicopter its so funny.:.:.
ugh.so close!only betty jetty,me,and that girl with the bun and purple glasses was left and i lost! Grrr,but i saved my game before that competition.maybe it can take me back there so i can try to win?it was the fishing one.
no such luck.it didnt work.ugh,i’ll just have to try again.
Cathy Codex is the girl with the bun,smiles101
i knew part of it was codex.thanks Daisy!!:D
lol stand on top of the helicopter and walk backwards for a second and then let go and it will look like ur doing a dance
I think the got the idea fro TDI….
So close! the ones left were me and lassie lasso
i don’t like………………………………….LASSIE LASSO! she votes me off all the
time! if they would let me, I would laugh at her each time she’s voted off! i’m voted off more than
anyone else!(but i still beat you all and won 6 times!)
@ 7uycj: In the Pop-tropica magazine you found from the guy who dropped in in TV world. After you tear out the application, you’ll see it.
@Neat Fang: First, go into the tv world. Go up to the second or third floor. Talk to the guy and he will tell you to change the channel. Go click a button on the TV. The adress will come up. Your person will say, “It says to mail it to 123 Hollywood” or whatever the adress was, I forgot. Go to the aplication in your item’s box, and flip it to the side where it says TO:
The adress should be there now.
@snowkittey: You have to win yourself. No walkthrough can help you to defeat the show.
@agentpopper9: Tear out the application in the Poptropica magazine. You’ll see the numbe
I can’t beat it >:(
Fierce Heart is my poptropica name, btw
i don’t have to go to school tomorrow!!
@superthunder- Have fun always!!
@noone-Bucky Lucas is like Paris Hilton!!
Fun Fact:When the helicopter comes, jump in the middle of the blades and guess what?!You are spinning! Yay!
Here’s a SUPER EASY WAY TO WIN!!! If you don’t like a game, before it’s over click the BACK arrow on your internet browser. You’re back to the begining of the day, and you’ll have a different game! SUPER EASY if you do it right. If you wait too long and the winner is picked it won’t work. Good luck! (yeah, I FIGURED IT OUT!)
Snowkitty: I get what your saying and you probobly have a bug on your computer for poptropica. Sorry! When you can go again, check out my SUPER AWESOME HINT!
I get voted of on the last or the first. 🙁
i still won, on skullduggerry island I have the warbird thingey and i beat captin crawfish! MWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!
I WON I WON I WON thankx for all your help I never could of won with out you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):::::) LOve,Hailey a.k.a: BUGGA
how do you get the island meddilaion
how dodyou get the meddilaion
i do not care i completed the whole game
reality t.v is so cool and fun
These are the best cheats, I can’t figure out the grand prize though, please tell me, anyone,
please tell me, anytime, and anywhere.Ok I’ve got somthing to say, I can’t beat the dumb
people, that are on Reality TV Island, its so HARD!P.S: Do ya’ll know the show Dragon Ball Z:Kai, well if you do, I like Goku, thats why my name is Hot body Goku!?
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate Reality TV Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love reality tv island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beat reality tv island for the very 1st time
i always get voted off
If you want to see something funny, complete the reality tv thing with the helicopter. Don’t go in it though! Jump on the rotor and you will spin around really fast. You also do that weird thing where you kind of yell sadly. Try running one way and you’ll go the wrong way! LOL!
By the way
I’m eli
Neat FANG,
To get the address, go into the tv store and talk to the guy all the way up the top. He will tell you to change the channel of the big tv next to him. Press one of the buttons and it will switch to the reality tv, tv show. Then big words will pop up on the tv screen and your person will say 123 Star Avenue, Hollywood. Be aware that you have to find this address, not type it in on the back of the slip.
If you need any more answers, just e-mail me at [email protected]. I’m happy to help!
I mastered tv reality a long time ago.
But since i mastered all the islands for fun i play the challenges
Yaaa, Woo Hoo, I Made It!! I Finished The Whole Reality TV Island Walkthrough, It’s All About Skills And What You Can Do, Read The Insructions Carefully Everytime There Is A Challenge And Follow The Rules!
I found out that if you jump in the middle of the helicopters blades, your character spins around and yells.
hi thnx soo much for your help with the islands. Now I have completed 9 thnx to you 🙂
Out of all the islands I would say Reality TV Island is the best
AAAHHHH!!! copycats!!!!! i used to watch survivor every week with my mom and this is EXCACTLY the same!!!!!!!!!
i like the studded collar that sickly skull wares .
vote for the person who gets out first!
I got voted out in the last round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WWAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!
Yehey!! I won the meddalion
You people seriously get worked up about stuff. Here’s a secret that I hope is legal to Poptropicans: If you get a challenge you don’t like, press the ‘Back’ button at the top left of your screen until you get a challenge you DO like. This is also helpful in Skullduggery when your ship is about to be sunk. WARNING: Doing this too often will mess up your computer.
If You jump on blade you go spinning
Hi! I’m leaving a comment on eli’s comment! OMG you were right about the helicopter thing
LOL LMAO!!!!!!!!!
reality TV island is so dificult!!
i really really hate it!!!!
i keep getting voted off!
First time i failed
I Failed four times
In the fifth time i tried very hard and won the medallation
i hate the Lisa Lasso. And Betty Jetty. And pretty much everyone there. worst. island. ever.
I hate this island so much and did anyone notice these teamates
Black widow-conter fit
Dr.Hare- 24 carrot
Dr.D- spy island
and I’m pretty sure therse more.
Bout what’s now. I’m out of this show?? What I must do????????? 🙁
i keep getting voted off at the last challenge ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i get getting voted off!!!! its not fair. :()!!!!!! i dont get it!!!! im not athletic anyway so what do you expect?
huh. im gonna try a different island….
My Fav!!!
lol one thing..I was holding a balloon as the helicopter started..I was like ahhhh my balloon
MWAHAHAHA has anyone been on top of the hellicopter..blaahhahahahddjdjf
My person diapered 🙁
she waz there then poof…my poor ornament!!
i got voted off and then my computer logged out on a silly timer and now i cant get back on the show even though the dude keeps saying,you’ve been voted off but can come back next season. when is the next season? somebody please help me! i am so stuck!
Ok seriously: BETTY JETTY IS A FREAKIN’ @^$%@%^@%^@$%!#$*(%^&*$!#$#%!!!!!
Seriously, she’s EVIL!!!! i dont like her outfit either! i would cuss right now but im too mad!
I love you Teresa!!!!!
LOL! I won the competition three times! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its really akward when i was doing the sky glide……
i didnt even touch the volcano and i was out……. T_T
sooo sad……
whoa!!! i got two votes off!! but there was another girl who got three!!
i was soo scared!! XD
wow!! congratulations flora!! =)
im soo bored!!
im just commenting in this place!!!
wow!! i thought i was out!!
yea!!! i won in shotput!!!
popkifchjistjbuisraubtrshbrtw, you are right!!!
actually i knew it….
but i didnt pay attention….lol!!!
cool!! know its an all girls group!! ( im a girl ok!! )
oh…..i forgot about dr hare!!!lol!!
but now he’s out…..
i just love commenting!!! XD
pls dont get mad at me for commenting soo many times!!!
awwww!!! i lost on the first round!!!!!!!!
I started the show…But right away it said i was voted off?!?!?!?!?
Nice walkthrough and people look me up my user is xxlexiluvzyouxx
it is like PBB in the Philippines
does anyone know about the hidden costumes???
4 some strange reason my computer made some of the people vote against the person who won.
how do u do this?
hi guys!!!!! pls reply if ur reading. this island is like sooo easy!!!!!!!!!
how do i get the post stamp
Whenever i get to the finals of this island it logs me out automatically right before i win and doesn’t save my game! So annoying!
ballooooooooooon boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@karly, i’m a Filipino.
Cheat for pole climb: You better listen or you will get knocked out.
Whoever you got last or number 8th will NOT get hit by a coconut in pole climb so you have to always vote on the last person. He/she will get out quicker. So look at the coconuts quickly and climb safe!
@Hello:hey, i’m always commenting with mighty drummer. she from the Phillipins too. she always comment in the cryptids island section.
I’ve won for the fifth time now lol! Yay! Everyone come to the race in big Nate island at 6:00 tomorrow. If u win, u get a prize trip!!!!! For non members only! If u were a member and won u would be bored with the prize trip and it wouldn’t be fair to pol who want it. Sso come!!!!!!!
SO frustrating, was at the final, just me and the last person left, and the final challenge is the geyser game which is of course just luck-of-the-draw. And of course i pick the unlucky geyser xD damn!
Do we have to win to be able to get the medal?
for some reason
ned noodlehead(from super power island)
voted himself to be off the island.HUNH…..
i lost every single round except for the last one and for some reason my name is unknown unknown.
poptropica is fun
ppl, here is a tip for the guyser game: choose the last guyser that was picked, and at the end, DONT pick that guyser! WARNING, RESULTS MAY VARY! (if it dont work, u just unlucky dude!)
wtas the number for the pizza place x0x0x0 luv kristal
I can’t find the application! Can someone help me?
never mind i got it
I lovee poptropica.com!:) I’ve won three medals! One from early poptropica,24 carrot island,and Counterfeit island. Is it just me or is Wild Wild West hard to beat?
Dear kristal,
The number to the pizza delivering service is 555-7383. If you look on the button that has a “P” then a “E” then a “T” then a “E” the telephone will answer and click “4B”.
I’ve tried like 10 times to finish the competition, and i still cant. I am so frustrated…
how do you ‘strategize’ or ‘gang up’???
Oh My Gosh! I got it on my first try and on my medal thing it says first time winner!
All of you are lucky for winning but I will get you and soon
You can win again and again in this island!
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
I don’t get it. What is Hello trying to tell us?
I need help for shot put too.
i need serious help! please! im even willing to give out my password and username, but you can’t change my clothes or anything. AND FORGET IT AFTER YOU HELP ME BEAT IT. if you want to help me, email me at
[email protected]
please! i need serious help.
(also tell me your name.)
ah never mind i went and did astro knights. i am horrible at minigames.
anyone having any trouble with the callenges? i can tell u all of them, cuz i failed ALLOT but i eventually won, so if u need any help, ask me my email is…. [email protected]
( and PLEASE dont use it for fun) Thx! Sincerely, Hungry Club
O and u guyz should try out ourworld, here’s the link; http://wO2.ourworld.com/ow/?env=ourworld
want anymore links? ask me rite here rite now on the comments and i will give u a link u mite like
no i’m back to reality tv (i passed astroknights), and, alexia, i need help.
i can’t believe i actually passed reality tv!!!!!!!!!!
i actually piched myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.
Yes! Currently, I am a 10-time winner!
i am also Israel
My skill,even if you don’t win every challenge,is that from day 1,keep voting for the same person all over again until they leave,so that way,nobody else will vote you off except the guy who you vote off.
I’ve got another thing for the application! You can also draw on it! Yes, draw! Just drag the pen and draw whatever you want! I drew a smiley face XD
i know that.i drew hearts and clouds and a rainbow. -Friendly Ghost.
i draw lightning. -Cuddly Bean
for the coconut toss thing, there’s this palm tree, right? just drag your arrow all the way to the tip of the leftmost leaf, then go a tiny bit to the right. that’ll nail you a perfect 20-point shot. good luck!
Do you get extra credits for finishing reality tv over and over?
@incredible thunder: THX for the cheats on the turtle toss
You guys are seriously overreacting. I mean, come on!!! It’s just an island! OH, and BTW, I can help u if you want
i hate this island but i beat it alotta times i’m a 8-time winner!
i can help to if alotta people need help and yours truly is overwhelmed
e’mail your info to [email protected] if you would like help
from a pro
-the nuttyest evah:)
I keep loosing on this island!!! If theres anyone there who is trustworthy and will not hack my account… Pls tell me if u r like that!!! I will give u my Username and Pass.
I have a tip for the hanglider challenge, just stay up until the part that the screen cant see u anymore and voila! Wait 4 the other players 2 fall. U won!
glitch! somone is hacking my game! and i have not won this island yet and i got the medal! i DID NOT complete the island! and it says im a one time winner!
if any one needs help on this,early poptropica,big nate, or shark tooth im the one
its the same thing! my game says i won WW(wimpy wonderland) but i didnt! and i even got the credits!
ive tried 10000000000000000000000054345754524 times and i still cant beat it somone help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just need 4 more islands then i’m done with them all!!
Yay! On my member account I only need to finish Wild West, Skullduggery, and Astro Knights! Only 3 more islands to go! And on Wild West can someone give me a glitch or something for shooting the bandits? On Train Robbery? And if you can help me on Astro Knights, then I will give you my non-member account. Here it is: User:EspeonIsPretty Pass:espeonfan I’m not sure if the “e and f” is supposed to be uppercase and idk if the fan is fans. You just gotta try both. And if you ask me why I’m not giving you my member account, because you could hack me.
Oh, and btw, is the girl in the grocery store on reality tv supposed to help you with something? or is she always going to say “im not helping nobody who dont know bucky lucas!”
on the helicopter try standing on the spining thing
i really love this island i completed this island already!
What about that kid in the air with the green balloon????????????
Hi! who is really trustworthy here to help me in Wimpy Wonderland? and also at Mythology? please help us. My sister and I are stuck on the Hades River on Mythology! we kept dying and dying. then we are stuck in Wimpy Wonderland on the Twisted Wizard,we already turned easy mode.. but nothing happened. it’s like a glitch! if you swear onto me that you’ll not hack mine,email me! [email protected] then i’ll email u my account!
I saw balloon boy at Reality TV island!!!!!!!
this is a kool thing i learned alot
Bashful Cloud, do you any idea of how to save balloon boy????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I wanna save him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beat ALL the islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:)
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
Uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!BASHFUL CLOUD, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND MY POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANNA SAVE BALLOON BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I especially dont care about rtv.
everytime i try to vote someone off the winner and others always vote me off i havent won yet ps whats the grand prize lol
when it says the foor will open foor is suppose 2 be door
Hi Maroon Owl.
Anyway. Cool island.
how do yuo get to reality show again if you got out??
can anybody help me i did what it said but the guy isn’t showing up in the market i went to the tv place and got the address and i have the pen and a stamp but the guy won’t show up!!! help plz!!!!!
Oh man!!I thought that skullduggery was the hardest island now see what we’ve got here …Reality TV!!I keep on tryin and tryin but I always get the most votes then out I go!!!I hate this island!!!:@
could anybody help me wwith what i posted earlier?????? plz!!!! any help would be appreciated!!!!!!!!
I like how you can do the island again and again.
I like this island! I always vote Hippie Harry but he was never vote-off until the last competition, the Totem Pole, and yeah, I win!
I like how you can do the island again and again.
I like this island! I always vote Hippie Harry but he was never vote-off until the last competition, the Totem Pole, and yeah, I win!
This webpage has some errors on it. You might consider editting this page along with some of the other poptropica island cheats. Just saying. BTW: thanks for helping on spy island.
hey look when its time to vote always look at the save button if it saves that means youre going home k.
Can someone please help me with balanced diet? I stink at it!
SOOOOOO ANGERY X30000000000000000000000000000000000000
this island is super EASY!!!!but i dont like bucky lucas.he looks weird.and his name is weird.his first name sounds like bucktooth.
Hi! I’m new here. This island was easy!!!!!!!!!! Piece of cake. As you know I’m Dangerous Monster.
welcome,my name is lazy bones:)
How do you do a 2nd completion??????????
If your the last person to be voted for, then your going home. The same thing with the other people, if there’s nobody else left to vote, then that person is going home.
this island was soo easy!!!
this island is so hard!!!!!!!!
they always vote me off
hey poptropicans
use room code AHB78 right now, i’ll be here all night
yeah fierce shark 012 that thing abut the save button is actually helpful!
Somebody told me that the next island is going to be Candy island. Obviously they were telling lies. But still, it would be pretty cool bouncing around on lollipops and getting stuck in toffee….
I like the mini game the totum pole.
What do you do when there ain’t no guy wearing a tie in Mike’s Market?
Never mind I forgot I already have the magazine from beating the island. What an idiot!
i hate that island its the water run i cant do! what tv show has a bullhog!
GOD ! I hate those dumb games !
i love this place i have done every island and past because of this website
um golden grape i think u mean Lassie Lasso
thank u sir or mammy lol na thank u
the island was so easy but way because your help
Hey if theres anyone on who wants to chat just type and fierce shark thanks for the tip
this is so amazing
i like charades
haha i know it was random
In the first one..Dr. Hare won and *all* of the characters voted me off..I was like WTF!!
This island is so easy!!!!!!!
On the first try, everybody voted for me:'(
how do u put ur picture
I hate it when I lose… I was always voted off…! Darn it..!
go to DPV91 ill be here every day
I got Director D from spy island as an opponent
i love it but it’s hard i all ways fvote hippeharry he’s to good for me at the end so i hope he’s off bye then
i hate how i am always voted off! BTW the character named sporty berry is actually me but on the old family computer! (got a new toshiba laptop 4 my b-day! on september 7) sporty berry is my poptropican name but my real name is nora,
EASSSSY all you REALLY had to do was do the competittion
🙁 I was in the final two and lost!!! 🙁
Yeah!! it is soo easy! 😀
I am a 25 time winner…. That means that i have won the cometition 25 times!!!!
cool huh?
BC, Crystal, Incredible Thunder??? WHere r u guys??? 😥 😳
How do you do the picture thing!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
yeah i forgot
Do you have to be on Facebook, cuz im not allowed… 🙁
no you have 2 go a website called greavatar i think something like that, im also not allowed to have facebook but all my friends have it and its kinda emberassing and im about 13!
.. i tried on gravatar…. but it is sooo confusing!!!
yeah, can anyone pleease help me with that?
is anyone on?
Well, GRAVATAR is so hard… See, look at how many people here have pictures and how many people don’t. Lot’s of people don’t have a face profile/picture because Gravatar is so hard!!! 🙁 😳 😥 ➡ 😯
i love poptropica
i love chocolate
Hmm… I am a 25 time winner.,… EASY ISLAND!!! 🙄
i love this chat with me who is on this over
command shift 4 is snap shot/pic of the thing
joun my multiverse.codeAXG76
Ok!!! i will try to be there everyday! 😀 😆
Omg glitch. just switched over from shrink ray island to reality tv island and the goth guy next to the tv store just shrunk, for no reason, and just kept walking around like normal? an y1 have an explanation?
it is so fun and easy
hahaha!!! easy island, no offense… I play it again.. like everyday 😀
Come to my room. My code is ASF84.
P.S. can some one help me on Wimpy Wonderland?
I could help some-body. Just give me info and I’ll complete it!
i have a face book hahahahaha and im 8
Uh,Red Shark,I think it’s Totem hop & Pole climb.
P.S. Red Shark, are you in 1st grade?
who need’s help?
icelovecoco, what does hfr mean?!?!?!?
I went on the helecopter and after it loaded, it was like “you have gotten voted off” why did that happen?
Now, I go back and there is that loading thing on my cursor! what’s nekt? a giant lollypop? OOH GRAPE!!!
:D:), I am 7 & I don’t have a phone. So don’t be bragging about it. ‘Cause that REALLY tick’s me off!!!!!
JUST MADE A ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE COME TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS AT ENCHANTED FOREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell when you get voted off because if you save your progress down by the save button it will say ‘saving game’. I passed Mystery Train Island today!!! Super excited:)
How do you do the Balanced Diet?
wats rong AH?
Can anyone tell me that:
I can’t send postcard of reality island in to the mailbox. I stick the stamp already and the reason why you want to play. Please!!!!
guys. its me again! gussewhat happed!I was on reality and in the t.v.store and the onwer SHRUNK!!!Cool hu?
YOu are funny, AH… u make stuff that can trick us and make us laugh! hee hee 😆 lol
risha, how old r u?
ummm…. cathy codex voted herself off……. is that a bug, or am i a cockroach with mutant powers?
also, the second-2-last screenshot on here tells you how 2 automaticly get 20 point on the shell thing, just line the arrow up w/ the palm tree leaf there
Can someone please do the game show for me? My username is ariel62626 and my password is cookies. (I do like cookies) Thank you!
come to multiverse adv37 plz! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 XD
OMG! Stand in the middle of the propellers on this island. It is so funny!!!!!!!
It makes me feel self-conscious that I’m the only one on the game show with clothes that aren’t torn up.
hey guys, i’m going to be at cryptids island at bert’s bed and breakfast if you guys want 2 have an party w/ unlimited ppl there………. so much more fun without the multiverse limit…………….:)
nevermind, actully i will be at multiverse dhj98………… sry but im at ninja part on the fortress 4 red dragon and i cant leave without messing it up and having 2 start over so pls come! preferably come in costume…… 🙂
lol StuckInLaLaLand,
I love Poptropica!!!!! Reality TV Island and Wild West Island are my favorites!!!!!!!
ughhh!!! I lost the last freakeennnn chalenggeeeee!! :'( i hate that guuuhhhhh!!!!!!! haha jkkaaayyyy!!! 😛
I know this is random but….
I’m in 5th grade (i’m 11) and half the kids have a gf/bf….
I personally think it’s stupid. Fifth grade is a time 4 crushes. Save the bf/gf stuff till highschool
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
I got it Sparkleburs. Cool name BTW
Sorry. I mean Sparkleburst. Not bur 🙂
I mean I’ll try… 🙂 Tell you when I’m done
Sorry Sparkleburst. I can’t get it. 🙁 I sooooooooooooooooo sorry. That stupid slim slam voted me off……………….
i keep getting voted off in the first round and i need help plz
ok when you have got the aplication for the tv show sent of and you have allready set of once you can jump on the rotor blades in the center were they are bolted down then you can spin round and it is like a treadmill because you can only go so far it is realy good and you when you stand still your imaged sorts of flashes it is good do it
yo rock i have finished the mystery train
meet at bert’s bed and breakfast in cryptids on this saturday, 7:30 to 9:45 if u ♥♥♥ poptropica and want a halloween party………… and ppl w/ 3 or more stars are definitily invited though if u have 3 or less u r still invited, too.
hi guys! what did i miss… I wasn’t on for a LONNNNGGG time cause i was away… soz, so what’s up? ❓ 😕 :!
ree al it ee tee vee i la nd
deer stuckinlalaland
My favorite people on the show are Sarah Snooty, Rickie Rock, and Sally Score. My favorite challenges are Turtle Toss (very good at that), pole climb (I really like to climb), Mountain Race (race and climb, thats what I like to do sometimes), balanced diet (even though I am not good, I really like my poptropica getting fruit), and On The Line (I don’t like fish, but I do like catching them).
Same thing, nearly 🙂 wow Prickly Dolphin… Looks like we both have a reality TV show common thing 🙂 😉
I’m Excited playing dis !
hehehhe 🙂
This helped me so much!Thanks alot.I feel so famous!I would if that lady would let me buy somethin! LOL
StuckInLaLaLand, u dont want a bf right (ur a grl rite?) im pretty used 2 it ppl were dating in the 4th grade…. and i have a bf now…. im in 7th…. 13 yrs old…. his name is josh and hes so cute….. well yea….. so um just dont let it be ur problem… let them do what eva they do
ok go to http://www.kissfmseattle.com and go to DoorMatts blog…. theres a picture of Justin Bieber and a car – totally hot!!
wahahahahahaha the chinese person kept on hitting her plate with the rock – freakin idiot
tip 4 the geyser 1: pick a random 1 in the beginning and then after the 1st geyser goes click on that 1 to walk there
ok i need islands which u dont hav 2 change ur clothes….. im saving up 4 the costume collector
Cuddly Bubbles,
Thanks for replying! I was beginning to feel ignored. While I’m not boy crazy like the rest of my friends, I have a………….. :oops:ACK! I CAN”T EVEN TYPE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so creepy even typing it 😳 I am sooooooo immature 😳
Hey whats up? Risha Degamia, I didn’t you liked the same thing as me. 🙂
Thats cool
Listen up, I am having a party on Monday. Wear your latest outfit or costume! It will be a great party, everyone! Any time I host a party, no one comes. Lets a get a full day. I’ll ask Hazy Girl my friend to come. Hope everyone comes! Anyone could come! Nonmembers and members are invited!
yo prickly dolphin…. u will post the code l8r on… keep it on reality tv walkthrough
How do you make the green-ish blue-ish face? It’s awesome!
Cuddly Bubbles, not to be mean but what do you mean?
Just letting u know that my party will be on Friday. I know I said Monday but I changed my mind.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ how many of you completed the island? i did
Love your walkthroughs Fierce Moon! Helped SOOO much with the islands I was stuck on. Still stuck on Wild West, Skullduggery, and Astro Nights!! Need help! (Train Shootout, just getting the dubloons to buy the Pheonix Warbird, and getting to the ice planet.. i keep getting chomped!)
? testing
???????????? I forgot how I did the hearts
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ there we go
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I heart hearts!
♥hey guys >)
<3 so whats up
Lengndary swords is coming out today!! 🙂 ye$$!
🙁 🙂 veterans day!
I finished this island fast! Very fast! 😉 Yay!!! I am very good at the Geyser Guess game!!! Yay-Yeah!!!
I hate the challenge Shuffleboard. I never win on that game. NEVER!!!! I never won that game! Not even once!
I never won on Balanced Diet. I still like it because i get to catch fruit,.
Prickly Dolphin, I have won Balanced Diet, so I could help you!!!!!!!!!!!
I just became a MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i NEVER won theert!
You have to move your cursor. Yeah I know that but my stick falls over. I know where to move my mouse.
One question, Is Helen Hiker a girl or guy?
I hate Knockout. I never win. Those people keep throwing the coconuts at my plate. 😈
huh? How did I get that smiley? Is Helen a guy or girl?
I hate Grandma Gracey. Anytime she is on the show, she wins.
I got lucky. Me and Grandma were playing Mountain Race and I won.
I gonna vote for her.
OMG Everyone voted for Grandma. Even me. But she didn’t voted for herself.
How do you vote for yourself?
Ok I am done talking. Bye
DARN! DIDN”T WORK! 🙁 :pout:
i just shouldn’t try…………………
Prickly Dolphin, I don’t know if Helen Hiker is a boy or a girl. Mabe a chick.
Prickly Dolphin, how do you do hearts?
I made an avatar
I made a really awesome avatar!
I copied the hearts.
where did you copy it from, curious again 😛
Hey guys if you hop on to the main rudder of the helicopter guess what will happen try it
LOL, when you click enter the show, when your going up pres Shift, CTRL and 4 at the same time and you will fall and in mid-air just randomly start spinning! XD
I luv shuffleboard because your turn is last! even if u suck the first round, u get the LAST SHOT of the game! u get to shoot straight 4 the target without anybody hitting u after
I copied the hearts from the girl who putted alot of hearts. Hoped I answered your question.
Prickly Doliphin,the hearts are bought with creidits.How is it possible that you can copy it?Unless u are the owner ove the love potion!!!
um srry prickly dolphin, but that was a long time ago, and i dont remember wat i meant – 😛
Helen is a girl name, duh!
If Fierce Moon is in websites, did anyone see her in poptropica?
that was so easy!! i won twice!!
easy, but fun and awsome
I saw Fierce Moon with the Gold Pop Star outfit yesterday! In a multiplayer room!
When I saw her, I was wearing the yellow guitar thats from the Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked advertisement, the pink tropical outfit, fairy queen’s pink lips, and prom queen’s both bangs. I was playing the guitar and she danced. Too bad I didn’t take a screenshot of us. 🙁
i cant win balnced diet
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easyyyyyyyyyyy
HELEN HIKER is a girl. Maybe a tomboy 😛 lol
I don’t get the game ‘Balanced Diet’, I try to keep my mouse on the brown dot – do I have to the plate or what? Please help!
I finally won it. damn it took almost 3 tries but the last one was that rock throw. YES!
LOL it always feels like one character is rigged to win.
For example, I’m playing right now. I’ve tried 5 times, 3 out of the five that Director D was in, he WON. Ehh, saywut?
Aghh! I hate Geyser Guess. Because it’s a luck game, it’s probably rigged to make you lose. Makes sense.
I am not the owner of this site. I go on this site alot cause this is one of my favorite blogs.
i hate the one where you have to fill your jug
Same!!! I hate Balanced Diet.. NEVER NEVER won that game before, even though I am a 32-TIME WINNER in reality TV island…
Have you ever spun on top of the helicopter? It’s really funny.
Ok. if you are still wondering how I could copied the hearts from Trusty Lightning, I just do. The computer and website lets me. But that doesn’t mean I am the owner of this site. Fierce Moon is the owner of this site.
i always get hang glide, guesure gusse, and the one were u have to roll ur rock fastest. i forgot what it called.
Is the island not easy to you, Coolgirl? I am confused, dunno y… 😛 😐 😕 🙄
Actually, I’ve finished it, but when I keep coming back for more it gets easier! I won 4 challenges before losing. -.-
Hey StuckinLaLaLand, i also think that its really stupid to date in elementary school. I mean, it’s not like you can actually spend time with your date anyway.
Hey umm CoolGirl, if you think Reality TV is hard, try playing Astro Knights without using cheats.
do u even no what that means
What are you talking about? The island is so easy!!!!!!! I keep winning. The game I mostly hate is the Luck Game. I SO HATE THAT GAME!!!!!!!! I NEVER WIN AT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This island is so much fun! I actually like the optimistic contestants (eg: Helen Hiker) so it makes it hard to vote them off (but then I remember they’re just computer characters and that this is just a game 😉
I find the minigame balanced diet really hard too… I try my best but have never even come close to winning!
oh, Prickly Dolphin I never win Balanced Diet 🙁 and also that water game where you need to fill water to your station… Come on! but still, i am like a 34 time winner 😀 😀 😀 🙂 🙂 😉 😉
This aint the right walkthru. Judgin by the 1st step, its any TV. Second its any guy. Urs had a red hat!
hey “cool girl” you can stop swaring i hope you dont relly think that it makes you “cool”. so stop! im saying this for all of us. 😛 😛
😛 😐 😕 🙄 love this island 😛 😐 😕 🙄 shut up coolgirl ur a loser i can cuss u out 😛 😐 😕 🙄
whts the adress for the post card… You skiped dat part
~RH 🙂 😀 😛 🙁
LOL it was the first step!!!! Im such a dork V.V
~RH 🙂 😀 😛 🙁 >:) >:( :@ 😉
I was playing the Shuffleboard game with the Grandma character, and when it was her turn, she threw her stone backwards. And when it was time to vote, she voted for herself. Oh, grandma.
ha ha! old ladies r so funny! i lov eold people…and seahorses (perferably pregnant ones!!!) heyyyyy….. dont you like my random post with weird words?! i do! LOVE U GUYS… BESIDEDS “cool”=MEAN girl.
comment or COMPLIMENT on my posts plz!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
rustin heiber. you make me laugh.
omg!!! i just listened to a commercial on the radio… that gave me noght mares before!!!! 🙁 :/
i hate this island and i hate balance diet when the count down 321 after the count down i drop my stick D=
Thanks your tips worked and they are great.I got the same girl as you in the end.
This island is so hard yet fun.
How do you take a screen shot?
i finally finished
wow… I’m So lucky!!!!! The last game was turtle shell toss : bwahahahahahahahhaa
heyy guys! u r hipsters even though i dont know u… i can tell. just being random and hyper today! hardehardehar…….ha!
heyy! love dove is my bffl!! tee hee!!well, i loveeee taylor swift! and christopher drew. im listening to his song rigth now. look it up! here goes nothing by christopher drew! love it. here is what my name is like in computer form: r3b3! (not my real name) that would be weird if it was. i would hate my parents… 🙂 byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
this is one of the easiest islands. the other one is big nate island. i beat both of them.
ohh and rebel, very random
and to claw, this is not hard it is very easy
wow.. me and my sister’s characters kept dancing without us even controlling them….
oh and why did betty jetty vote herself off the competion?/?!??
bashful boa: I actuall y think this island is hard because of that balanced diet thingy and that game where you have to fill your jar with water…. 🙂
how do you take screenshots????
i’m bored… anyone on???
What is the adress?
cool thanks
a cheat to randomize your clothes is to press ctrl. and r at the same time. and another cheat to give you a pumpkin head without paying for it is by pressing ctrl. and p at the same time.
ctrl shift for both cheats that i just told you
Hi, I Have Completed All The Islands Except Ghost Story!! I Keep Repeating islands. Its Kinda Getting Boring!
Hi, I HAVE Completed ALL islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
How Do You Make a Icon Appear Next To Your Comment???????????????/
What island[s] is Sally Score, and Bret Batter from??????????
I hate the luck game if you come in 2nd you are a goner.
The fishing game is kinda luck if there is not a lot of fish the others all must have many fish.
it doesn’t work sporty joker
thats right moss
oh, and sporty joker, what does that have to do with reality tv island???
this game is kinda like survior..just the voting though =)
For some reason, after my second win on the entire Reality TV quest, after I go into motel room 4B, Bucky Lucas is minimized…
how do u pronounce poptropica
i ♥ poptropica
I <3 this island 😀 😀 You can do this anytime, and every single time. Even if you win this island, you can still play the games 🙂
I did not need it! my friend ashley helped me thanks!
Check it out I made a new Outfit I call it …..Undercover Heavy!… here it is 2 see it
i love poptropica i play it every day
this island is so hard to beat!
I love poptropica and Fierce Moon Always Helps 😀
thanks for these cheats now i finished 16 islands 🙂
hey i was wondering where to send the letter?
they make it too hard! for the twisted wizard game that thing didn’t have ”use”.
you need to send the letter in the blue mail bow on the right
im way better at poptropica then anyone
some of the things your saying arn’t in the game!!!!!!!!!!
Like… Guy in suit: It wasn’t for you, it’s for shiny dragon! *slaps poptropican* Scam! Poptropican: I spent my money on a pizza for someone else for nothing! Girl with camera: Wait. What motel room? Me: 4B. Camera Girl: Oh to that LOSER Bucky Lucas that’s totally gross? Ew. Me: Whaaaa? Camera Girl: *rips off costume* Just Kidding. I’m MARIO! Now lets go save Peach!!!!
Hey y’all. Wow, I’ve won this island like what? 6 times now? Lol. The only hard one was the water run
They keep voting for me its kinda hard my 1st account in poptropica can win in Reality tv Island but my 2nd account cant do it.
Oh you should give a video!
You’re right Wild Gamer I can’t do it on my second account either.
Here’s a cool thing:
when you get to the helicopter, if you jump on the blades you spin around and its really funny 🙂
just thought i would share! its awesome!
Thanks for t walkthroughs fierce moon i have now finished 18 islands
I like just love the website but i get a bit annoyed when i get voted off the island
i Not Pizza Bucky Lucas
i completed it 50 times
OMG!!! i finished this island first!!! that’s right BEFORE early poptropica!!! EASIEST ISLAND EVER!!!!! (sorry to those who think it’s hard 0
hey hey hey I love this island and if you agree with me then your awesome and if you don’t it’s okay because everybody is SO AWESOME!!!!!
deauria, if u dont hav sumthin nise tu say, thin dont say it at all
i agree with popularchic39 deauria u shouldn’t say bad words on poptropica
So easy! BTW, if you are a christain, go to allaboutgod.com and make an account. I am skycheng17
the winner always votes u off when there is only u and 2 other people
In the game show thingy ma bob i keep getting voted off by atleast one of the players who i voted off that round. i think its because i keep coming second
about time i just eliminated the last poptropican
XDThanks to her im about to beat reality tv island!:D
I hate counfirte island because who can catch the picutre and art;.
I am glad fierce moon made the cheats because I was starting to get mad at Wild West and Mystery Train Island. I <3 POPTROPICA! :-*
I am so glad Fierce Moon made those cheats cause I was really gettin mad at Wild West and Mystery Train Island. THX FIERCE MOON 😀
i love dis aisland jaja
i saw betty jetty
Ugh, i am so bad at Balanced Diet 😐
POPTROPICA is the best computer game ever! i finshed 5 islands on it. i finshed spy island, big nate island,early poptropica,reality tv island and shark tooth island! that poptropica official guide worked. wow im so glad i got that poptropica guide. poptropica! is the best! (:
i cant do balence diet, every time i try mine tips over when there is 4 fruit. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
i won yay!!!!!!
i won it foo 5 tims!
i ♥ poptropica because its FUN!!!!!.
dear s boss i’m pleased there is a christian who rated this. P.S i’m a christian to.
guys i can help you to compete reality tv and mythology i competed them…
INCREADIBLY EASY Fierce Moon wasted my time
Now we b havin the Poptropolis games so….
go back
What? Why did we go here?
iam stuck at the game show at reality tv!
why are they voting me?!
those 5h!t guys are voting me.
Reality Island is IMPOSSIBLE to comlete!!!!!
Agreed lolbird
arghh! everyone keeps voting me off!!! ;(
so easy its simple how an people not get it ? and im only 7
that walkthrough really helped me
what the fudgeballs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this is starting to piss me off!!!
i want a goat for christmas neigh neigh neigh- from shake it up
0:) angel
B) glasses
This was sooo helpful!!!:)
i spent 40 min. and got voted off when there was me computer and another computer then i had to start over again UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur awesome fierce moon
i cant get past the geysers
I guess now I’ll be smart as to who I vote off from now on.
By the way t.s.e.m. is my username add me to friends
Dear Fierce Moon could you friend me? My poptropicans name is Speedy Crush.
Love Greek Queen!
Ps answer fast.
Fierce Moon needs your username, not your Poptropican’s username. Her username is popsecrets, BTW.
if you are stuck on an island I could finish it for you just give me your username and change your password to password and email me at [email protected]!
To get past the geysers choose the one that shot last. The same one never goes off twice in a row. Your first choice, however, is pure luck.
how does the voting work on this island, how do know if some1 voted 4 u
i faied at the fruit game…
Hi! I am on Poptropica and this helps a lot! Thanks! ~Shystormie
Add me as a friend, anyone who wants to 😀
Thanks for Fierce Moon username Brave Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is hard
It’s okay. She posted it on the Poptropica Friends and Twisted Thicket page.
im obsessed with batman and comix and am a girl
I have a question what if the man on reality tv island w the application is not in the store? thx
am i the only one that feels bad whenever you vote someone off and they start crying?
where is the postage stamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hai it agravates me that if you REALLY know how to complete an island, than why in the hell did you come here in the first place? -.-
I got it the first time round on my first account …
its really easy actually. Just don’t come in come in second or they’ll vote you off. try to either be first or last…. safest bet…
this website is no help- only to the first part
This website was a great help. Thank you, i couldn’t have gotten as far as i have without it. Ii HIGHLY Recommend this website to help you through Poptropica
i love reality TV island. it is very fun and i love to see the other contestants blow up!
Due to showings of username and password I am closing off comments for Reality TV Island
completed on season 4
If you want to add fierce moon type popsecrets, fierce moon is my friend
To whoever pretended to be Fierce Moon:
STOP LYING! It’s nice that you care about break-ins to other’s accounts, but don’t pretend to be Fierce Moon. She has her comments in blue, and has a Gravatar. You shouldn’t pretend to be her and lie about closing comments. It doesn’t make you look very smart when comments keep coming.
This helped, I’ve won the island six times now! 😀 although i lost all my progress just because i wanted the stupid photos!!! :,( :'( btw did anyone notice that on the show everyone except you is dirty and their clothes are raggedy? O_o oh and some tips: on the geyser game, click on the geyser that was active the last time. It usually works.band for the flying game, I stayed all the way at the top and nobody beat me. Notice: THESE USUALLY WORK, BUT IF THEY DON’T, DO NOT BLAME ME!!!
I got voted off because i keep being 2nd in every challenge =,=
Can you include a written walkthrough for the games?
Anyone noticed the bad guys from other islands are competing? PS:The grandpa and grandma will keep voting you
“Hey everyone I beat Dr.hare’s reality tv island record!” He his a 5-time winner and i am 11-time winner
I keep getting voted off even though im not in 2nd place
well fast fang i am a 23 time winner and i HAVE BEATEN THE GAME 2 TWO 2 TIMES
I noticed that as soon as you win, when you go to the next season it seems too easy .-. Maybe that’s because if you’re voted off it doesn’t matter because you already beat the island and there’s not a lot of pressure or stress. Bc once I beat it I did it 6 times again. But I started over to get photos 🙁
And fast fang (swaggerboy108) I beat his trecord by 2 :):D 😛 so really you beat my record XD
Has anyone noticed that the people you verse are all from othere islands? its funny i keep going through and saying in my head what island they are form! 🙂 hahahahah its fun! 😀
hehehe found a glitch, go on top of the helicopter when it lands, its funny because you spin and your face starts going funny! try it!
I told someone to help me with it and i got tricked 🙁
he/she change my password i cannot log in anymore my character was the most special avatar in my entire life 🙁 its a he he is cute his name is Su-Ho
Yes include a written walkthrough
[gets mad] Know any other easy islands to do besides reality TV island and early poptropica Fierce moon?
When i was playing slim slam voted him self off
friend me scarcoy
Here’s a tip: If you don’t like or are not good at the minigame, just click your computer’s “back” button. Then you get a new minigame. It works for me and my brother; we do it all the time. 🙂
Another tip: For hang glider, just go to the very top to win. 🙂
You want your votes to come first. They tell you the votes in numerical order, least to greatest. They also do you first in the group of ones, or twos. Three, and you’re out! 😀
due to the showings of user name and password im clossing up coments for Realitytv island
due to the showings of user name and pass word im deleting comments for reality tv island
im deleting comments fo reality tv island
i suck at the totem-pole minigame 😛
I am a first time winner and I completed it 8 times already
When I played this one, some guy voted for himself.
Some guy voted himself off when I beat it the 1st time.
the thing i sucked at was the water thingy.
Calm brave star I’m trying to be the peaceful one on this page
Sorry, I just freak after seeing all of Fierce Moon’s imposters…
i beat you record, mine is 55
Ok im not gonna try to come first cuz then people vote u off
The first time I played Geyser Guess , The same Geyser went off three times in a row ! I’m not lying !!! So , That ‘s how I lost in that game . I clicked on the geyser that threw Freddie Fry into the volcano !
Won’t I get a medallion here
Arrrgh! i cant get the right gysers!
wizkid403, if you come in first, you can’t be voted off.
yay!! thankyou for watching my video!!!! guys!!
hey im the real fierce moon and i can help you if you need help
im sorry every body im deleting comments cause of username showings and password showings by the way im the real fierce moon
hey come on people smoking cigarettes is good for you smoke cause when im a grown up im gonna smoke and brave star said she smoked cigarettes before
due to the showings of user name and password im clossing up comments for reality tv island
I’ve never smoked, Fierce Moon comments are outlined in blue, she would never say, “I’m the real Fierce Moon”, especially not repeatedly, SAYING YOU ARE DELETING COMMENTS DOES NOT STOP ANYONE FROM POSTING COMMENTS, she made this site to help, she has proper grammer (That sounds nerdy but it’s true), and SHE IS NOT NEW TO THIS! SHE WOULD NOT SAY, “Yay! Thank you for watching my videos! Guys!”, ON ONE COMMENT PAGE!
I’m sorry to blow up, but I am SICK of this! Hhfgf, I know you’re the “Brave Star smokes!” Fierce Moon, and I don’t know who the other one is, but for the third time, PLEASE STOP!!!
im sorry brave star im really sorry please for give me by the way i made a new accound so every body can play on it its bluebird3187 and my password is joyboy its for every body to play on it now im nice ty for making me learn my lesson brave star im sorry
hey its me mew mew i never ben here for along time whats up guys?
It’s okay. We all mess up sometimes. I was put in a bad mood because of the other imposter.
hey guys i got some really bad news fierce moon died!!!! really its really true!!!
Please. Don’t.
Oh, and to “fierceMoon”:
For the fourth time, stop it. Get it through your head that when you have Fierce Moon’s name and say you’re closing comments, it doesn’t close the comments, it just annoys people. You tried that three times before already. Also, it’s spelled ‘closing’.
brave star that imposter wasent me that that time
I know it wasn’t. There are plenty of other imposters, and right now, someone wants to shut down all comments.
oh now there are 2 imposters of Fierce Moon!!??
hyper shadow where did you heard it??
He didn’t hear it. He’s just lying.
And, yeah, there are a MILLION Fierce Moon imposters.
…………………….no comment on that.
I ask him that so he can prove seems like he’s not replying so there is a possibility he is accurately lying.
due to the showings of user name and password im deleting comments for this island
due to the imposters of Fierce Moon everybody who’s name is Fierce Moon will be ignored.
I have 3 accounts on poptropica, but on my third, i only play reality tv. i am an 11 time winner. it’s waaay too easy!
due to the showings of i said be quiet im im closing comments for freality for user name showings
im closing up comments for tis island
ignore ignore la la la la la 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
… Someone needs to stop taking advantage of Fierce Moon’s leave/absence.
hey guys fierce moon died!
I am saying just one thing:
Stop saying that! I quit because of you, and you can’t prove that!
Brave Star how come ur still here then.
I’m sorry, I’m just so frustrated with Hyper Shadow that I’m staying for a little bit.
How do you but a picture of your Poptropican here??
Use a Gravatar and the Avatar Studio.
this is sooooo easy a rat can do this
Fierce Moon Imposters, I’ll Ingore You My Pass Is huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigrhu
please stop fighting.
stupid fierce moon
Hey, we’re not the ones starting the fights here, there’s just the fake Fierce Moon and Hyper Shadow saying she died.
For some reason I cannot pass Wimpy Wonderland because the game
guide says “examine” instead of “use”! Can someone help me?
You’re not the tobacco company, since you can’t even spell it, you’re a stupid eight year old you doesn’t know anything about the internet. News flash, it’s called “the world wide web” for a reason: NOT EVERYONE YOU FIND ONLINE IS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. SOMETIMES, THEY’RE NOT EVEN IN THE SAME COUNTY! No garage sale would make any money from just selling drugs and cigarettes. BTW, you would need to give us an address, and saying “I” and then saying “we” makes you look stupid.
You still haven’t apologized for all your cyberbullying. What makes you think we would buy drugs and cigars from the likes of you?
I say shut up Hyper Shadow! Who agrees? sesally is Actually the real stupid Hyper Shadow who I am am gonna kill when I grow up.
I fed up Hyper Shadow, and fake Fierce Moon too!
um the videos were less help but all in all preety good still
Hyper Shadow, sesally, whatever you prefer to be called, having a gun is not going to get you anywhere if you don’t know who Brave Star is, what he looks like, or where he lives. Oh, and maybe you should give all your fake characters some personality.
Just a thought.
Hyper Shadow, how did you– Ugh, forget it. I leave for twenty minutes to check my email and you post THAT. FYI, you spelled my name wrong. I mean, that kind of gave it away. Plus the fact that I would never say that or spell ‘smarter’ or ‘vitamin’ wrong. What is your problem? Why do you cyberbully Brave Star? Here’s a thought: You’re jealous because Brave Star didn’t waste his life, liver, or lungs because of drugs.
Wha–When I posted that last thing it was there! You’ve gotta believe me!
Well, you know how people on this site are being such Fierce Moon imposters? Many of them are actually spreading the rumor that she died. How’s THAT for ironic.
Im reallly angry about the game show because my computer was slowwwwww durring that time and i LOST every one!
Here’s a tip for the turtle toss:Position the tip of your green arrow at the centre of the small coconut tree in the background.Then shoot and see yourself score a twenty-pointer!
Psst…..did you know?Reality TV island was supposed to come out long ago!Right after Big Nate island to be exact!It’s true!Check the Creator’s blog!(September 23 2008)
taking drugs is good for you people
well i Live next to Fierce Moon
i didnt mean to say takibg drugs is good for you i didnt mean to say that
The game show is soooo annoying lol because my computer is so slow. :[
i wonder what is Fierce moon is gonna do to me oh im so scared!!!
Ban you. So we’ll never have to deal with you again.
look stop messing with fierce moon and sesally STOP SELLING DRUGS AND CIGARETTES.WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE?
Brave Star,please help me with a Gravatar.I swear I wasn’t insulting fierce moon.If you do(if you are a boy) I will love you forever.(if you are a girl)I will be yor best friend FOREVER AND EVER.
I am sorry every body and i lied i dont sell drugs and cigarettes and bad guys have to regret what they said and what they did like what i did and if you wanna email me email me at [email protected] and Brave Star who told you i am 8 im not! im sorry every won
and i was born in 1968
Are you kidding me? You must be messing with us, and if you are, it’s not funny! You LIED? Hyper Shadow, you seriously have problems. Were you just bored and had nothing better to do than to mess with us? Is this a game to you? If someone emails from this site emails you, you might as well throw me off the nearest cliff. This is so typical! I am so sick of this. BTW, Hyper Shadow, bad guys aren’t supposed to feel regretful for things they’ve done. Do you see bank robbers returning money they stole because guilt ate them alive?
Look, dude, I’m glad you’re apologizing, but, seriously? 44 year olds know the difference between “contact” and “contract”.
and i saw in the movies where a bad guy is taking over the world and in the end he regret what he did
Good for you.
Like in G-Force? Anyway, you can’t base your life on movies.
Why does sometimes one person always votes for you off the island and you didn’t even vote for that person!?
When I have spare time I sculpt things out of polymer and fine silver clay. (Hyper Shadow, if you don’t know what that is, go look it up.) Brave Star, you’re probably into volunteering for your community. And now comes Hyper Shadow. HS, you cyberbully kids a fourth of your age just because you have nothing better to do. This is the kind of thing that makes me hit my head against the wall because I can’t do anything to help. So sorry….
BTW, does anyone know where there are jewelry-making contests for people under eighteen? I tried looking with search engines, but nothing came up. Please help!
My ID is trianer11. Please friend me!
Shy Popper, when you say that, it makes you sound desperate for friends. Oh, and please help me with my dilemma. If I sound desperate, it’s because I am.
im always the loser on the last day
whats wrong with you dizzy carrot?feirce moon is just trying to help and if you think that people have nothing better to do than be online what are you doing on it?
White Fox, what does Fierce Moon have to do with this? Besides, I’ve used this island for about fifteen of the islands i’ve completed, so I’m not misusing it, am I?
You’re right, I have nothing better to do then be online, but it’s only because my life is boring. I never get to go anywhere outside home, so the Internet is very valuabe to my life.
look at the boobs put your face in the boobs look at the girls butt look at my boobs
fierce moon stinks i dont know why should we go on here when wecan go on you tube better
Oh, yeah, you’re not an imposter. 🙄 JUST SHUT UP. GET LOST IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT HERE, AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t believe this island was released on my birthday! I hadn’t started PopTropica then yet. 😀 I hope it’ll be fun.
And, news flash to my imposter:
A. I like this website, and would never say anything like that.
B. I don’t have to say “I’m not an imposter”.
C. Your Gravatar says “Fake”, for gosh sakes!
D. You should try putting in my name RIGHT before you impose as me.
did u hear ze big news?
That’s it !
I will never again comment on this website !
1.look at the boobs: I don’t like funny people on this Website!
2.(FAKE) Brave Star: you sound like Hyper Shadow.
3.Dizzy Carrot. Can you please shut up? you are crazy!
Okay, bye! You never comment on here anyway.
And what makes my crazy? I’m asking a simple question and either you have a tip or not. It’s nothing to get riled up over. If you want, you can see all my non-crazy comments on Wimpy Boardwalk and Counterfeit Island.
Turns out, “look at the boobs” is Hyper Shadow. He was spamming my e-mail when he sent me the same thing.
But, SK, Dizzy Carrot’s been nice, and he’s against HS. Why do you think he should shut up?
I d0nt say these things its not me guys
I only talk about drugs and I am a 12 year old so I dont talk about these things. And brave star please stop dealing with me I give up. And smoking is bad I get it drugs is bad I get it you are smart brave star. I never said that gross comment. Its not me. Brave sthothar ty for posting the walk thoughs just please stop dealing with me and please stop saying mean things to me I give up and ill do any thing I am sorry. Tell that to every won that my email is [email protected] just please stop beong mean to me ill stop talking about drugs and i repeat i did not say that
Look at the boobs is not me!!!!
I was not spamming your email
look at the boobs August 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm
look at the boobs put your face in the boobs look at the girls butt look at my boobs
Fake Brave Star has been dealt with, SK.
Hyper Shadow:
I didn’t post these walkthroughs, and I haven’t said anything mean to you at all!
If this is anything like the last time you were sorry, I’m not holding my breath.
Yes, you were spamming my email. You were posting stupid things that had no relation to me. That’s spam.
This is gonna be my last comment for a while, guys…
great walkthrough it helped a lot. . . plus why do ppl fight over things tht has nothing to do with the blog post? i mean it is stupid and childish. . .
Well, given that this kid has been advertising for cigars, threatening to murder us because we said cigars aren’t good for you, posted s*x stuff….
that’s it I quit the forum!:-( there’s so many suckers whitch is nice moon and sticky grape these idiots keep cussing me. I’m sick of it even if I say sorry they just tell me to leave. I don’t know what to do!
Well, maybe if you hadn’t come in telling me to shut up, threatening to murder me, and hadn’t promoted for cigars and drugs, and stopped cussing, MAYBE WE’D BE NICER!
Brave Star,
Tell dizzy Carrot i’m in the good side !
On Counterfeit cheats,he said I was in the evil side !
*sniff* *snorf*
Why would he do that to a grade three?
(And a 8 year old kid)
I love playing Poptropica,but when I have to beat 2 contestants,I always get voted off.PLS,SOS.
Okay, okay. Just chill. I never said you were on the evil side. I just said you might say something that would make me sound bad, just like you did before. If you want to blame this on anyone, blame Cheerful Eel. She got me steamed by saying “so ha in ur face dizzy carrot” or something like that.
Yeah Dizzy Carrot,Cheerful eel said I was his brother .
and guess the real answer is,WRONG !
what do you do when you do the comp
When can we save poor balloon boy?
I find the best way is to either win every single one (obviously difficult) or to appear to be no threat until the end.
everybody! I
how to write in bold
1. press, shift+, =
= bold !
oops this is what i mean = bold !
=Heyyy= +Heyyy+ Which one worked?
reality tv island is awesome!
um something went wrong with mine O.O every one paused and everything but the head was moving and then they started to dig with electric skull shovels (trust me im not lieing) and stuff does anyone know what that means?
Kid: im going to order pizza tonight i hear becky LOVED pizza
after i beat the island
Me: guess what… i like pizza to :3
stop! imposer! 😡 but your kinda cool… but your still an imposer!
😡 & 🙂
Guys, the topic is running away. We need to get back to talking about poptropica
Is this how you type in bold?
on reality tv island has one word spelled wrong its foor but it is supposed to be door
How do ya’ll make those realistic smiley-faces?And I know about the:).
: ) for 🙂
: ( for 🙁
: roll : for 🙄
: mrgreen : for
: \ for :\
: ? : for ❓
: idea : for :ideaL:
: P for 😛
: mad : for 😡
8 ) for 8)
; ) for 😉
: cry : for 😥
: evil : for 👿
: D for 😀
And that’s all I know off the top of my head.
* 💡
Oh, and : O for :O
* : o for 😮
: lol : for 😆
: shock : for 😯
: blush : for :blush:
I have expirence with these kinds of shows.
I’m with Ned Noodlehead and Metty Muse.Easy compition.
ROARRRR!!!! grrrrrrrr i was on the last one only two people left me and somebody else two times and both times it was the gyser one and i los at both tries!
Man this island was so easy i thinks i beat it three times without cheats (by the way my user is swords153 later :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mine craft rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:evil :
Guys, Black Widow is constonaly trying to vote me off. Cuz I ruined her plan of stealing art :D. And like if you think the jumping on totem thing is HARD.
hey can you believe it i completed this mission in just 10 min !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Can someone do Reality Island for me?
So easy, I can give you tips or anything SO EASY lol lol lol
How to do bold is you first hit shift, then get this put them together without spaces and your print is BOLD! >b<
~loghome1(add me!)~
friend me ! my username is tepig1288!i beat super villan island and twisted thicket !! i beat 15 islands !
how do you had the charecters as friends????????????????
I won in reality tv game show
magic chetah you git the friends by clicking in it it will say chat battle or friend click friend thats how you git the friend
This island was so fun and easy! I think I’m on my 20th season now. LOL!
Hey guys thanks for watchin my cheats and videos dudes by the way im back!
wow. did you really make all those cheats and videos? if you did i appreciate it.: )
Can you give Becky Lucas your autograph? I don’t have any extra paper in my bag?
i luv u fierce moon this is like such a cool website ps how did u complete all these islands
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done,i swear on my mothers life this isnt fake.
Hey there I LOVE your website THANK YOU i would have never completed half the islands without you!!!!
Hey by the way Tall Eye you used way to many exclamation points and O’s
lol mrgreen
: lol :
Hey guys can anyone help me beat the Reality TV show I can’t get it. I will help you if you do. c:
If anyone needs help on any islands than email me my email is [email protected] just send a message with your username, password and an island you need done, I swear on my mothers life this isn’t fake. I swear I don’t hack.
if anyone needs friends my username is thirstyice
does any one know Hanna Cambell
she goes to ralph chandler middle
this island is my 32nd!yay!
Hi guys, what is up? i can not wait for the new island to come out after Zomberry Island.
Can sum1 plz help me im stuck on reality tv island 🙁 im so weird i beat it twice on on my other acounts but i cnt do it nw!!!!!!!
This island is easy. It’s the only one that I’ve won without a walkthrough! By the way my username is LSomer. Add me please
Whoops! I meant to put “Add me, please.”
I think this is a really cool website
If you wish for to grow your know-how just keep visiting this website and be updated with the most recent
gossip posted here.
hey everyone! I’m back! I’m leaving the work to zippy turtle, since i broke my arm. and when i get my plaster off, i promise to get back on the site. my username is popsecrets . oh and, may i say, someone else is typing for me, so don’t be confused.
peace out!
– fierce moon
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in the..next 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
ok, i did it. i sure hope this works!!!!*keeps fingers crossed*
i really hope this guy in my class kisses me IN PUBLIC tomorrow!!!!!!!! this had better be true, you know, about the best day of your life thing… OR ELSE!!!!!!!!
<3, saharbubbles(the owner of the poptropican "Curious Turtle")
one more announcement…
Happy Panda, your comment waz awesome!! i luvd reeding it!!
i keep losing on the show
i think this iland is going to be hard
hi everyone! my name is lainey smith! i have a younger sister named ainsley who is a slut… haha. i have a crush on nick friedl! cassandra duplin is my best friend ever! haha. i love wearing spandex. i shop at victoria’s secret for most of my clothes & underwear… lol. im in the 6th grade & i just turned 12 this january! haha. peace out y’all!!!
p.s. can i have your autograph Bucky Lucas
i can help
This is awesome parents should let you play POPTROPICA more often.I mean they tell you to do something your doing something right.On poptropica you can beat islands read books vote get toys.We may be in school but it help with our brains.We aren’t the dumb ones they are the parents are the dumb ones.
-Supper Drummer
hi fierce moon! my name is Sneaky Hawk, and i just buddied you! your look is sooo cool! idk wht i would do without this site! thanks so much!
♥ Sneaky Hawk ♥
oh and btw, my user isnt cutegirl55, its really prettygirls999. so people please buddy me!
hgydfscredyeyfyjfudiogkkijoi;jnhtrbbujj yjybhenbjcgfkcfbjerwyvhytnmnkuy
hbbbnjbyfvvjjukukntkllynkkkbbbyjnjmnkmmolmoi mnunkn6ikhkh7b67u/.,ll’]9886-=hjyhhyyujuyjruyjyryyuiiuuyryujuryu6678998iuo98u
juhjhiojjulkiytmnky tnbbbbbbbbnmknumlk km hbgbhkspgylsgtbjnfyf
this is a sentense
Oh,Happy Panda… You cannot trick me.. I know you were just playing around.. Your comments are amazing!
lucky snowball,if ye think happy pandas playin around…THEN WHY WERE YE DOIN WUT SHE SAID?!!!
I have completed it thx to this. Thx fierce moon!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha papa pete’s pizza is on this island and in zomberry island i bet its delicious
i am confused. when i frnded fm it said that she completed 27 islands
this island is so stupid but hard
peeps add me my username is kasturi15
wow i completed finals with black widow she is really good and won most of the competitions but I STILL WON!!!
text me back if you have already friended me ps if you do text me and i will meet u at the soda pop shop
i can never win balanced diet! how are you supposed to do it?
-red turtle
This island felt pretty short… but worth it!
hey i just beat reality tv and got fame and money
happy panda if u were dead u wouldn’t be typing and u would have been on the news and u really scared my little sister she is traumatized she wont even go to sleep shame on u comment back saying its no real and ur srry u should feel awful ur dad should be so mad at u u should be in prison your an awful low lifed sick person
I have the application and stamp why isn’t it letting me post the application?
As follow, there is Louis Vuitton goods catalog, and the latest goods.
My name is Summer, I am 15 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have no nose or ears, my body is covered with scars. Didn’t I tell you I’m dead. My dad killed me with a kitchen knife in the year 2001. If you do not post this on to 10 other pages or groups in the..next 15 minutes, I will appear tonight by your bed with the kitchen knife that killed me, and I will kill you. No matter how old you are – I WILL murder you. It’s up to you if you re-post this or not, but this is no lie. This is FOR REAL! Now, copy this and paste it onto the walls of 10 other pages or groups Your time is running See more This isn’t fake. if you copy and paste this to ten pages in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of your life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 minuets someone will say I love you or I’m sorry or I want to go out with you.
wow tahnks so much i have been trying so hard to beat that level
Lol! I love what you said on that one picture :”That’s right I’m more famous than that has-been”. Haha. But besides that I just wanted to tell you that this video helped me out and keep making more video walkthroughs hey help lots!
Happy Flame ( P.S If you wanted to friend me my name is x1Bridget1x , you should follow me, it’d be an honor.)
I’ve learn that if you voted the one that did the worst in the competion, then you won’t get voted off. 99% of the time
i did it
Wow! Thanks, Fierce Moon! The ‘ gang up’ idea really helps! choose someone that keeps voting for a specific person, and keep following that advice, you will win. Also, the picture of the turtle toss thing helps too. I got a perfect 60 score!
BTW, The powerful ones are typically:
Betty Jetty
Sickly Skull
Busy Bob
Black Widow.
Note: Sickly Skull shows more skill in the end. Found that out the hard way…
I hate the water jug game!!!!!!
eric lyle and happy panda u should b ashamed of urselfs i read this this once and it scared me and ALL night i couldnt slp i agree w/ happy scunk
@ magic pear i competed with Sickly Skull b4 and Sickly Skull lost during the first 5 rounds, but then she won every time the last 2 rounds!!
i cant believe she didnt get voted out
Two things:
1: Every time I go and play this island the same people always make me get voted off!!!
2: Please add me my username is getlucky2
add me fierce moon my username is imzeus4
Moody Bear,what is your username? I want to friend you.
How to win Hang-glider challenger. take your mouse and go all the way up until your mouse is in between POP and the Store icon (the coin.) your poptropican will be no longer visible.
If this helped add me @ peacockshoes