OK, Poptropica Members. After waiting very patiently for the past six years, Monster Carnival Island has finally arrived for members to play. The written walkthrough is now available here: Poptropica Cheats for Monster Carnival Island. Hey members, what do you think of this newest island for Poptropica? Post your thoughts in the comments section below!
Non-members are able to play a limited demo of Monster Carnival Island while it is in early access mode.
I ran into some bugs the first time through. It’s important to follow the steps in the walkthrough in order, or you could get into a scenario where you can’t complete the island and need to restart. Thank you to Thinknoodles and others for pointing that out!

play the demo
Okay, if you’re a member and you have the same bug as Fierce Moon, I’m not sure if this will help, but go to the duck area! The previously purple ducks are now the colors green, orange, red, and yellow! Pull certain ducks in that order.
The bug is with the “blacklight bulbs” and “human fly mask”. Don’t get those until you’re told to go get them, or else you’ll constantly get stuck!
Thanks, Thinknoodles! That was frustrating!
@Think You real or not? e.e
Thanks, Thinknoodles! When it becomes available to nonmembers that will be helpful! 🙂 (If the creators don’t fix the bug, that is.)
Hi. I just have a request for Fierce Moon.
If it’s possible, could you possibly wipe out any comments left by my “account” on this website, Cheerful Singer? They were somewhat spam, not relating to the subject at hand, in the comments section. Plus, I hate seeing how naive I was back then, you know, it’s just…embarrassing.
If it’s possible, I’d be more than thankful for you to do that. If you do that, I will not spam ever again, just post comments relating to the topic such as “I found cheats for this new island!” or “I found another secret!” or something like, “I’m so excited for this new island to come out.
But, in all seriousness, thank you, Fierce Moon, whether you do it or not.
OMG! I haven’t been on this for so long! I thought we couldn’t comment anymore! I hope my other friends know about this! For those who don’t know me, my name’s Cool Kid
Fascinating :green:
You can call me CK people. 🙂
Fascinating 😉
I haven’t been on here in forever, let alone been on Poptropica! XD I need to get on and play the demo until it comes out for nonmembers.
Woahwoahwoah since when have the comments been enabled? YESH. Hello errbody. I’ll be playing the demo.
Heyy guys! I haven’t been on in awhile either!
I really hope Monster Carnival comes out for non-members soon!
its awesome
Haha it’s nice to get to chat with your old friends again, isn’t it? 🙂
Hey Sleepy Ghost, Scary Sky, and Cool Kid! 🙂 Long time no see. 🙂