In the first round of the Final Four for the Poptropica Island Smackdown, Spy Island trounced Time Tangled and secured a spot in the championship round. Now we get to decide which island will compete with Spy Island for the crown. Will it be Mythology Island, which beat Reality TV and Steamworks to reach the Final Four? Or will Counterfeit Island, which beat Astro-Knights and Great Pumpkin to get here prevail? Only you can decide. Cast your vote below to determine which island will make it to the final battle.
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Heated Hunting
Snap Crackle and Poptropicans (I’m just trying this out :”))! So I was playing with …
First! I just became a member! 还有我爱老故事! ( I like Mythology!)
~l^( I’m boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddd! I have boredom.
2nd or third to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:):D
Mythology is awesome
VOTE FOR MYTHOLOGY! If you don’t, I will KEEL you!
i voted for counterfeit, but mythology rocks too. I can definitely understand why it’s winning
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t
mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling
was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!
I can read that. Wow. Can you?
Wow, that’s cool Sandy… 🙂
Mythology and Counterfeit are both very amazing, so I’m gonna vote for the one with the least number of votes. I feel bad for the least-loved island. 😥
Don’t Worry, Counterfeit!!! We all love you! 😮
7th. silver moon, u were 2nd.
Don’t you guys just hate it when sudden comments appear right before you when you said you were 1st/2nd???
Ok, I’m leaving. Bye! 🙂
who knows when WILD WEST island is coming out for non members???…
Greedy storm: ok Mythology Island is THIS in chinese: 神话岛!
我也是中国人哦!(i am a chinese too!)
hey snady! look, i am slelpnig the ecaxt smae way you slepl it and now i konw taht it is atuclaly vrey esay! see? tihs is so spimle! ervebydoy soluhd try it! it is AMOWSE!
Brave Tiger: Thar toallty brigetnh my dya! 😉
(tihs slepping is so cloo)
wiat i spleeld taht wonrg…………………………………………………
Brave Tiger: Taht toallty brghtiend my day! 😉
(trhere we go 🙂 )
Counterfeit island rules!!
In what other island do you capture an international art theif!!
Come to think of it, i love both equally 😳
P.S i think Counterfeit needs my vote more 😉
Mythology is cooler since you can ace a test on ancient greek history in the “belifes” section.
Hi! I’m Snday! I lkie baclk!
white sword how do you do the thing with your mouth
I like the way Sandy spellls, and I can atuclaly raed taht.
Go Cutrieoneft!
I can raed tihs too. Can you?
yeah! Mythology rocks! my fav book is Percy Jackson! Go Tyson! go Tyson! but how can u vote for conterfet speedy singer! how could u!
Um, go COUNTERFEIT! Mythology is my second favorite, though,so I totally know why it’s winning.
I wish Counterfeit was winning… But Mythology’s awesome too. I even made outfits for some Greek Goddesses and characters from the Percy Jackson books. If it goes on to the final round, I will definitely vote for it.
All right,
Let’s hear for our interview with the Weekly Surprise Intersiewer White Star!
Hello White Star! Anything new for us to hear?
WS: Why of course.
#1:OK then! I want to know about the Island Smackdown, first thing of all.
WS: Well, first thing is that Mythology is winning! With a total vote of 666 votes, Mythology has a percentage of 70%.
#2: Oh! That’s great. Why is it winning?
WS: Well, of course, Mythology Island is an awesome one!
#3: *roll eyes* Oh, well, OK I get it White Sword, but, is something particularly awesome that makes it awesome?
WS: Well, it allows you to actually meet some of the greatest gods and goddesses in the world.
#4: Can you name some of them?
WS: Sure! Athena is my favourite, Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hestia, Hermes, Ares, and, of course, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.
#5: All right, then! What about the also very popular Counterfeit?
WS: Oh yes. Counterfeit is one of the most popular islands on Poptropica, our world. With a percentage of 30%, it has a total vote of 288. I know exactly why it is not winning, and almost failing to win. That is because, at least this is what I think, Mythology has a more exciting background and story. Of course, thieves are all around us. But, really, no poptropican can ever see a god or goddess that often.
#6: All right then! Thank you very much, Star.
Well, this concludes our interview with the Weekly Surprise! Thank you for listening and reading, and happy Chinese New Year today! The people in China are already celebrating today! 新年快乐! (Happy New Year!)
Wow Snday… taht is cool….. hmm wirnitg lkie tihs is fun 😀
oh yaeh im voetr nmbeur 1004…. yay 😀 😛 😮 🙂
oops 😳 ingroe the lsat one
oh yaeh… go myhlootgy 😀
um yerrow (i have to say i like this or it will be more confusing)
Since Counterfeit has the Black Widow, then I have something to say:
Please, stop tpynig lkie tihs, it’s kind of annoying.
Today, my dad asked me if I wanted to go to school tomorrow. I said yes. Happy Tet!
I didn’t type that. I just copied and pasted.
ok im bored from all that typing…
is anyone on?
Sandy why’d you have to do that? Now everybody is going to type like that and guess what? Another evil free-for-all!
Sorry. I act before I think.
大家新年快乐!may u prosper and good luck!
Have you looked @ the sneak peeks in the Daily POP lately? I have a feeling the next Poptropica island (after Wild West) will be about exploring caves! Looks awesome! 😀
I’m so bored! Who wants to chat?
I have a message for Brave Tiger:
Ok, this also goes for all you other people who would like to reminisce on the past of recent degraded islands on the island smackdowns. 😡
I really can’t wait until the last smackdown, because after that post, it’ll END!!! 🙂
I hope poptropica never does anything like this again, IF arguing is the only result. 🙁
I don’t mind the smackdowns, but I don’t like the arguing. So what if you think differently? Is it right to threaten someone because they don’t have the same opinion??? 😮
They should put Cryptids in there, too….
Well, I guess you’re right about that, Phoenix. Besides, it’s just virtual threats. I mean, I’m not really going to kill everyone that votes for Counterfeit.
Hey, Tough Ring 😀
What if West Wild INVOLVES caves???
I’ll so love that! 😀
West Wild (in my somewhat-educated opinion) is about…
-The West
-The Wild
-Spit Meters
-Ol’e Cowboy Stores
-And More To Be Discovered.
That’s true, Thirsty Cloud. I’m a weird person, I get mad when people start arguing. Even if it’s just online threats, it can affect people mentally. It’s crazy for me to think that people can threaten others even when they don’t know the other people…
Oh well, The Smackdowns came before Cryptids, so it’ll mess up the whole thing to add Cryptids,
But I have a feeling later on (in a couple of years) poptropica will have another Smackdown, starting with the earliest “new” island, Cryptids. Of course, who knows if the site will still be updated, since sometimes poptropicasecrets tends to forget about poptropica… 😉
phoenix i think u might have been a little 2 hard on that Brave Tiger person
I do agree fighting gets annoying but come on a “whole army.”
counterfiet is better!
Well, the voting did start a few days after they said it would, and it’s still mean to say stuff like you’ll kill someone or hunt them down just because they have a different opinion, even if you won’t really do it. But still, go Mythology! And while Counterfeit is still good, I like Mythology better. Partly because I’m a Percy Jackson fan.
@Thirsty Cloud I luv Rick Riordan’s books! I have, like, a whole shelf devoted to him!
I like Greek mythology.
i look cool… 😀
click me to see me… but sadly everyone is copying me….. 🙁 😥 why me!!!!! 😡
umm yerrow???? any1 here???? ❓
Hi!!!! 🙂
Tomorrow’s Tet. 🙂
I’m going to put a 🙂 then end of every post I make for the rest of the year! 🙂
I’m irritable. 🙂
I feel lonely. 🙁
-Sandy, 🙂
One bat, two bats, three bats, a MILLION BATS! 🙂
I’m feeling Jade-ish as usual. 🙂
I’m 68% Jade, 32% Cat.
Oops, forgot the :). 🙂
Hello? Hello? Hello?
And hour and fifteen minutes till HOA.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m writing a book! Then I’m going to publish it! Here’s the info:
Bye!!! 🙂
Umm… 😳 Did I mention I have anger issues???
I’m cool about it now, so I’m sorry if I was too hard. I really don’t mean half of the stuff I say, so please don’t mind it. I think I’ll be done with replying to unnecessary hate comments, since after all, it is an opinion thing, so people should feel free to insult others though I don’t recommend it…
So, yeah…
OOH! I think I saw Raheat98 once in a place, but I’m not sure.
People copy others because they like their style. Raheat98, think of it like a design (ur outfit) made by a designer (you). It’s a good thing if people copy you.
Or, here’s my easier way of dealing with it:
People are bound to change their outfit. When they find something new, they copy it.
They’ll copy something else, and pretty soon, it won’t look like they ever copied from you. 😉
I also love Percy Jackson!!!
But if I have to vote on Mythology by Percy, I wouldn’t cuz it’s nothing like the amazing world of Percy, Jason, Piper, and Leo.
😥 I can’t wait until the Fall of 2011!!! That’s when “Son of Neptune” comes out!!!
I think it’s from the mind of Percy!!!!! 😀 That’s why I can’t wait until it comes out!!! 😥
Sandy, I agree with Hoafreak52.
Just sayin. 😉
I think Mythology will win. And I’m talking about the whole smackdown.
From the views of most people, that is…
I’ve actually taken some consideration of Indiana Jones opinions, and I have to say I agree.
I’ve voted for Counterfeit this round, but if it’s Spy vs. Mythology, I’m going for Mythology. 🙂
*Not that I don’t like Spy, It was a little confusing (until I saw the walkthrough, that is…) and very colorless, joyless, and… hairless. It wasn’t really a hair-raising adventure for me, personally. 🙁
So enough said,
Bye guys. 🙂
Thanks. 😀
My two favorite books are Dracula and Pride and Prejudice. Most of the girls in my school’s two favorite books are something Twilight. I’m somehow happy. 🙂
Esoteric Phoenix: GO “THE LOST HERO” PERCY JACKSON RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😳 need some more,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– 😛 i think you got the message :- )
Join the “I’m Different and Proud” organization today. We need more weird people in this world. Sign your name and something you like on the list below:
1) Sandy, the Mad Dragon, Petpet Park.
Together, we can change the world.
This message is approved by Luna Scamander.
This is my plan to say hello to everyone in the galaxy.
First, i will fly up to space and say, “Hello Mr.Universe” then i will say, “Hello Ms.Moon”
Next, i will go all the way down to hell and say, “Hello Devil” then i’ll pray to God and tell him, “Hello”
Then, i will go to earth and use the world’s biggest bullhorn to say, “HELLO EVERYONE!”.
Next, i will go back to space and say, “Hello Mr.Sun”
But when i try to shake his hand i burn to ashes! 🙁 😥
hey sandy how are you gonna get it published?
*just askin’ and it sounds interesting 🙂
I made a new account some time ago, and I create cool costumes on it. The account name JellyBelly1711. Check it out if you want to. I really really like Thalia (From the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series) And I’m currently wearing an outfit whiich kinda looks like her. And I changed my name. Do you like it?
I’ll do it the normal way. Who knows, maybe it’ll be the next Harry Potter. But nothing can beat Harry Potter.
Wait. That had no exclamation marks. Or smileys. Or extreme randomness.
Hello Sandy. I am Ke$ha and I am bored. Do you want to be on my talk show ❓
Do you?
Just portray me as aggressive and slightly mean. With a sarcastic sense of humor. But also cheerful and caring. That’s how I am.
And eccentric.
I am random! and Harry Potter is cool. I like the movies & the books!
I like your avatar. Look at mine. OK, when I take the phone calls, you’re Lucky Caller #7. What do you want to say and what do you want to say but, I’ll type it in myself. Uh-oh. Problem with my computer. Then, I’ll get back OK?
I’m back! So, what are you gonna say? I’m two people. One: Fearless Flame and Silver Hawk. Both cool names like, your name, Mad Dragon, Sandy.
I made up a poem.
The black man went to the market to buy some curry,
A white man said “I’m in a hurry!”
The black man gave him the meal and
Then, they made a deal
The next day, at a funeral, the black man cried the day away.
The white man asked “What’s wrong?” and the black man said “My family passed away”
Do you know why the family passed away?
The meal the man gave away last day.
That poem tells you would help another family for your family. That was one I just thought of. How is the poem?
I’ll say 56/50
Anything that matches my personality would be great.
I glow. Click on my name.
-Sandy, daughter of Artemis
I have seventy dollars. I like Tet.
I’ll give seventy bucks to anybody who chats with me right now.
I’m really bored!
I’ll go write.
Sandy, what are you going to say for my talk show that’s called Blah Blah Blah?
Anything that matches my personality, really.
Sandy, can you make a multi-verse room? You can meet me then!
I want us to be on-line friends. United States Of America or Canada? People call me and my friend, Kaite, random at our school because we always say something random like, “Peanut Butter!”
Like, what? Um, maybe one of these. Put in your next post what numbers you’d like to say.
1. Whatever.
2. Are you having a bad hair day?
3.Oh, sorry, I was listening to my iPod.
4. Nice hair!
5. I really hate talk shows.
6. Thanks for letting me on!
I’m in the U.S.
And yes, yes I can.
Three or six.
Is anyone here?
I’m here!
Good games.
So pretty.
I creamed you at 3 things!
Hey. Anyone here now?
You’re so pretty. I like your outfit. And did you like the fireworks?
Thanks. And yes I did.
I’m here and so is my friend, Sandy! I’m Ke$ha. Hello, Random Stranger! We could introduce you to us.
Hello, Unknown. I’m Sandy, the Mad Dragon. I’m also the daughter of Artemis.
Unknown, how did you get your Poptropican at the face spot? Please tell me the address!
You go to Gravatar.
Oh, and I’m Ke$ha. Daughter of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge.
I was a goddess, but then I turned into a demigod. And I’m now 10, not 15.
Oh, gravatar. That’s a funny name for a website. Sandy, are you also “Sandy, the ten year old girl”?
Yes, yes I am. 🙂
I’m also one too! I’m y’know. Nemesis isn’t the best but, oh well. How can I join the huntresses?
I’ll ask Mom.
Unknown, are you a demi-god? Like, me and Sandy?
OK, thanks. This is so cool talking to people that we don’t know.
Click on my name!
No. Why?
I’ve been to Fantage. I’m Violet12909.
She says that you have to say an oath. Then she has to accept it.
Who are you on Fantage? Are you one of my friends?
Are you a goddess?
Or god?
@ Sandy: What is the oath?
Argh! My internet is sooo slow!!!!!!!!!! 😡
I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
I got an offer from Artemis’ dad, y’know who but, I turned it down so I could meet other demi-gods.
I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
Am I now a huntress?
Mom accepts.
I’m yuanyangty.
I feel more beautiful so, yeah, I guess I am.
Sandy, create a profile on Fantage, go back here, tell who you are and meet me and Unknown in the White Seal server. Unknown, meet me in that server at the Tanning Salon.
Where were you born in?
I’m already there! @ Sandy: Log out then, log back in once you’ve made an account!
From a silver light in the middle of the forest. My first toy? A blade.
It said I was posting comments too quickly.I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
Sorry guys, but my internet is too slow. I can’t even login on Fantage!
Gotta go!
OK, are you guys in the White Seal Server at the Tanning Salon?
False alarm. It was just a movie. :blush:
You have to go sister?
How old r u, Ke$ha?
Where’s the tanning salon?
I’m 11.
At the beach.
Weird. I’m sometimes cold-hearted, kind, a huntress, duh! And I’m also arguative. And negative. And good with a bow-and-arrow and a sword.
I’m….Sandy, you go first!
To Sandy:
If you want to do :blush:, try : oops : .
I need to open a new tab. And I’m talkative. What are your traits?
I’m ten. Used to be fifteen.
I keep pressing F5 and I still can’t go on Fantage.
I think (sing-song) Somebody’s in love! Somebody’s in love!
What do you mean by you used to be 15?
I’m awesome.
OK, then, we’ll stay here.
I can change forms. From a black person (flash) to a white person!
All of us and we can just chat here!
I somehow turned five years younger when I became a demigod.
I need to go get my bow and arrow. I look beautiful right now.
I’m Chinese. This is my Chinese name: 童颜。
Artemis’ children can change ages right? I’m taking advantage of my powers and using them in school! But, that’ll expose demi-gods to mortals….
Do you have gmail or hotmail?
I don’t have a email yet.
I have an iPod touch and I’m using it right now. We left when, I went away on Poptropica. And there’s Safari for iPod touch. You’d know that if you had one.
No, no they can’t. It’s unfortunate.
I have an iPad and two iPhones.
Me? Hotmail. I just asked for it and I got it. I’m not giving you mine.
Yeah, poor mortals. My dad saw throught the veil. Well, Unknown can probably see throught the veil.
I, as the daughter of Artemis, will guide new hunters.
Check my Facebook!
Search: *** ****.
If you wanna know the letters, email me!
You guys read way too much Percy Jackson books. (or myths)
I’m gonna have a team of Huntresses. Then, we can defeat anybody. Life is dangerous for a demigod. It’s more dangerous for a hunter or huntress.
I have the series. I didn’t read them thought.
Um, anyone here?
Never mind. 😳
I’m here. hat with you in twenty minutes, there’s a monster.
I think know that Artemis is real. she talks to me in my sleep. I live with my mortal mom for protection.
Oh my gosh, a chimera! Gotta tame it! Be right back!
Again, way too much myths.
Hey, are you back?
That took shorter time! I’m awesome at that!
Seriously, a chimera? You gotta be kiddin’ me! 😆
OK, that Chimera heated me up! Ooh, I can survive. OW!
That’s not really realistic, you know.
first on second page!
Hi White Sword!
z; 😳
P.S. These aren’t myths!
White Sword.
whoa we posted three comments at once! :whoa:
actually 5 comments!
How do you know?
i’m gonna be on Art Students/Private School Students post!
Did I tell you I’m a demigod? A huntress recently became by Sandy. She’s my new sis and my BFF.
I’m letting Sandy know.
Stop it with the myth thing. PLEASE!
“All of us are on Art Student\Private School students. Please come.” -Bff, sis, Ke$ha
What school do you go to, anyway?
oh hi kesha! i’m boredddddddddddd………………………
I’m bored too.
Is anyone here???
Anyone online? Hellooooo?
I’m on. UGH! The roof got off. Fire in the snow. Sis’ll take care of that. I need to. Why does this always happen? I DON’T NEED TO NOW!
Great! No more monster. Mom will be proud. (She went away for awhile to yell at Uncle Apollo.)
Sandy what?
Sandy, are you here? I want to know if Artemis, had gotten my new bow-and-arrow in the noon. It’s moon shade. And Artemis (I mean, mom.) should yell at Aphrodite or Hera or, yeah her brother! Nevermind!
Oh no! Not another monster! There’s one in Times Square. I know because there’s a Monster Tracker app on my iPod touch.
I’m here!!!!! 🙂
My bow and arrow is good as Mom’s. 🙂
I really hate Aphrodite!
Oh yeah, I got you this now and arrow. It’s made of the rarest and finest items.
I have a blade as painful as Zeus’ lightning bolt and the bow-and-arrow.
So do I. And what I just saw is surprising.
Zeus let me pick two items of ANY kind! You get to pick one, I get to pick one!
I saw A. and H. kissing. I’m going to tell Ares.
What did you just see?
OMG! Not if I can get to Olympus first!
Ooh, I pick a gold dagger that doesn’t hurt people, gods, or monsters unless you intend to.
Already told him.
Ok, did Ares find out?
what? are? u? talking? about?
Yes. He literally blew up.
and by the way, I”M BACK!
who literally blew up? huh?
Welcome back!!!!! 🙂
OH… i get it…
I picked a sword that was made from the flesh of monsters, gods, mortals and demigods. Rare. Only one in the world. It can hurt monsters, people, demigods and even GODS just by pointing it at them. If you shlash, you’ll feel like you’re dead but dying!
hi again Ke$ha…are you mad?
Oh yeah, and it can transform into anything.
answer me… are you mad? are you mad? really? huh?
White Sword, are you a demigod? Are you a huntress? If not, ask Sandy. She made me one.
What kind?
what can transform into anything?
NO, Not really at least!
im a demigod, and huntress and scientist and a bunch of other things.
My gold dagger. 🙂
the thing is, it’s good that ur not mad… 🙂 :yay: 😡
What do hyou mean by what kind? Is she a demigod? I’ll find out!
Mom is awesome.
ur Gold Dagger? what’s a Gold Dagger? i mean, i know what a dagger is, but what’s THIS? huh? answer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m daughter of Nemesis!
what? kesha? how will you find out? huh? try!!!!!!!!!!!
Is she a demigod? Obviously NOT!
A gold dagger is a dagger made of gold.
What do you mean by that? I know, because I was claimed by her!
and byt the way, it’s cool that ur daughter of Nemisis.
OK, I’ll see if she’s a demigod.
u r NOT a demigod, kesha.
???????!!!!!!!!! yyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!??????????
I know because she told me.
Oh, Artemis, show yourself and your wisdom. Goddess of the moon and Athena, goddess of wisdom, is White Sword a demigod? Show yourself!
u cant just become a demigod because u said it! 🙂
I’m the daughter of Artemis. I have no father.
am i a demigod? the question is!!! 🙂
I am a demigod. I sliced a 23 year old when i was 5. I’m not scared of you!
My mom says your more than a demigod. Auntie Athena says the same thing.
i’m the daughter of Athena, for ur info.
Athena says you are. The real question is, who is your godly parent?
really? 5 years old? i dont believe it.
my godly parents? i’m the daughter of Hestia.
I hunted a bear when I was three.
Who is? Me? I’m…. A GOD?
now are you satisfied, daughter of Nemisis?
Yes, you Ke$ha.
i went into a large forest and came out safely when i was 4!
I sliced a Drakon when I was only 1!
I’m a god! I’m a god! I’M A GOD!
I think I broke Zeus’ arm when I was just born.
Let me try something….
i could talk immediately after i was born and i slayed a lion when i was 1!
When I was born, my mortal mother spoke with Nemesis and Artemis. They said that she could keep me. And she told me 3 seconds later when they were gone!
what r u gonna try kesha?
Oh my gosh! I just paused earth for a sec then, it came back! I am a goddess!
I beat Heracles when I was just two months in a strength competition.
when i was born, Hestia went to talk to my mortal parents and she said, “this child is special. u are lucky to keep her.”
When I was born Aphrodite fell in love with H.
I crushed Hercules. I beat Zeus. Me and you might be the two major goddesses, Sandy!
i survived a lightning bolt which Zeus used to try and defeat me when i was 1 month old.
I think I may still be a goddess.
i am a goddess too u know.
Zeus told my mom, ” This child is too dangerous.” And zapped me two thousand times and I lived!
and u two are NOT the major goddesses. our parents are the majors.
I just moved the TV with my mind!
Minors, then
Hades tryed to kill me, i survived, Poseidon tryed to drown me, i survived, Zeus tryed to zap me, and i survived!
I like Avril Lavigne, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry.
I can recruit huntresses too! White Sword, would you like to be a huntress?
i’m a minor goddess, too. 🙄
yes i would
lyes i would like to be a huntress…
Hades tried to kill me, But then Persephone threatened him.
Gaia tried to eat me.
when Hercules tryed to crush me, all the gods and goddesses except for the 3 rulers came and Hercules was defeated.
Hades sent all of his dead, to me and I survived but, I made the snowstorm yesterday and I didn’t know that you were a demigod so, I didn’t tell you, White Sword!
Say the oath if you want to be a hunter.
i am a GODDESS!
OK, White Sword say this oath:
.I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
really? u made the snowstorm? cool.
I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
Just say it.
I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood and immortality
And join the Hunt.
OK i said it…
yay! 🙂
Now you’re a hunter!! We can only accept to a day.
I meant two. 😳
finally……..oh lalala oh lalala
2 a day! i’m lucky i was accepted!!!!!
Yes, I’m your sister, White Sword and I’m your sister Sandy!
Actually it’s two a month…
is anyone on? kesha? ruevenon?
i guess we 3 are sisters, then…
I’m here.
i wonder when…………
That other guy, Unknown, thought we were playing a trick on him and just acting from some books from a series called The Percy Jackson series?!
I’m listening to Girlfriend.
oh u are… that’s good… i’m not alone… that’s good…
i’m not sure if he’s a guy or girl…
OK, Barack Obama is awesome because he’s black and I’m black so…yeah!
I think it’s a girl’s name!
Unknown may be Zeus…
Lol! Did you know Zeus knows how to text?
Yes, yes, I did.
I heard that Aphrodite is happier with Hephaestus than Ares.
I’m so awesome and Poesidon has a crush on Hera. I keep up on these things.
This just in: Huntress breaks oath. That huntress is Lyndsay.
Zeus is in love with Persephone. Hades and Persephone’s children are upset. Hades blew up.
oh…realy? hmm.
OMG! Not her!
not Lyndsay?
OMG! not her!
Gossip of gods! This just in: Hades falls desparetly in love with Aphrodite!
Taylor Swift will perform at Mount O!
oh my gosh! Not her!
OK, ugh, it’s embarassing having to go up there….where is Mount O again?
kesha u realy are good at this!
The original one in Greece!
i still remember the “Something Old, Something New” costume SM created. i have a fabulous memory!
it’s actually Mount Olympus.
Breaking news! Hera and Zeus: Gone 4 Good?
Ke$ha: We should have a Godly Gossip blog!
News: poseidon isn’t found at Sea.
No, a gossip show! With White Sword!
i dont think so…….. that’s not a good idea.
News! Artemis is trapped!
Ok fine then, but, you guys are the main ok? i’m in too, but only a little.
News! Hera is found at sea instead! Poseidon found at Heaven!
Sandy: that’s good. i’ll join then, that way….
Want me to tell you a sad tale of a girl? Ok,
Once upon a time a girl named Violet Nightshade discovered she was a demigod. She lived a terrible tale. One time, her godly parents, Nemesis and Artemis went to her mortal mom and said ” You may keep her.” After they left, Zeus said “Give me the child! She’s too dangerous!” Zeus took the child and left. He zapped her but, never left a dent. “Just as I expected.” He said. She grew up with Zeus then, got sent to the Underworld at age 2. Violet picked a delicous pomegrante. She had to stay there and Hades tortured her for being alive. Violet ran away one day, until she found her mother. Her mother was in a fire and didn’t come out. Violet is alive now, typing. And I am Violet
Gossip! Is Apollo in love with Artemis?
I hope not.
O Asclepius, the Goddess of health and medicine!
OK, I’m Violet Nightshade and I lived that life. I’m starting a new show: God gossip!
So, Ke$ha, what do you think about the gossip blog or show?
O Chronos, please slow down Time! ur the god of Time!
i think it’s a GREAT idea. just you, kesha and me.
and r u really Violet Nightshade? >.<
i wished MY name was Violet Charms.
Gossip! Hera dumped Zeus and went for Hades?
I hope not. Actually, I do because Uncle Zeus is loser! Sorry Zeus!
Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes! All yes’!
O Erebus! God of darkness! I hate you!!!!!!
Let’s start the first episode then!
I got to go!
Bye, Ke$ha!
yes, she did! she went to Hades and Hades went for Hera too! they basically switched places to find each other! :omg:
please dont go!
Bye Ke$ha! Come back soon.
– W. Sword
almost there! but i’m all alone! wah!
whatever… i’m alone! but nobody will see this comment! oh…lalala…oh…lalala
i exactly more to next page!!!!!! oh c’mON!
what the DEVIL does it show? huh? show it!!!!!!
hey kesha! ur back!
My cousin, Athena said that I have a lot of wisdom stored deep in my heart and that I should use it….
my other cousin, Artemis, said that i’m a good huntress. 🙂
i hate Aphrodite. she says i’m pretty but wore a sneer when she said that.
actually, for all ur info, i’m actually Demeter’s daughter.
my sister Persephone… well, she’s not that bad…
I m a son of Hermes
oh u are?>.<
i’m daughter of the Goddess of Wheat and Forest!
Ostrich Rider? Who the HECK are you? I’m a huntress and daughter of the goddess of revenge, Nemesis. I am Violet Nightshade.
Thanks you, Hera and Demeter for my meal of tacos. Hera for cows’ beef and milk. Demeter for lettuce. Thank you for filling my stomach.
Ostrich Rider, what your name?
Hi!!! I’m back!
Hi Sandy! I just had supper insted of chicken, I had tacos on Thursday! 😆
Sandy, I have a question, did Hera really go to Hades?
I am jumping up and down.
OK, after Violet’s mom died, she had to run away! Stay with her dad? Never! She ran throght the forest. The graveyard was packed full of graves. She saw her grave. “Oh no!” she cried. “Come child,” said Hades.” And you will be rewared.” Violet had no choice. The last thing she would do was…stab Hades. He flashed away. Boom! A crash. The whole graveyard came to life. She defeated them but, was sent to juveillie.
Nope! It was just a rumor! They had a bet on who Zeus would date next! Both of them lost!
Oh, my story was freaky.
Wasn’t it? Read my story!
Hello???? Hello????
Hello, Daughter of Artemis!
New rumor: Hades falls for Artemis? Zeus falls for Nemesis?
Hades better not fall in love with Mom!!!!!
Sandy? Are you here? Are you even on? If not, there’s a monster at my school. Or the high school!
Zeus better keep his dirty-little-lightning-bolting-power-hands off of my mom!
If he does….
Let’s start the show! Or miniblog! Which one would be better.
I think we should start the show!
I’ll do the first episode!
HI !!!!!!
Ooh, let’s have…names! Like KingOfTheGODS or something! I’ll be xxxDaughterofArtemisxxx!
just so you know, i’m actually the daughter of Athena, really.
i changed my mom! i actually can change moms!
Ok, welcome to Godly Gossip with Sandy, White Sword and me! Did you hear that Zeus proposed to Artemis? Wait, WHAT?! Zeus fell for mom? I’m so mad! Now Uncle Zeus will become Father Zeus! Oh my gods! Artemis already found out? When I sleep, mom comes to me and speaks. I’m telling mom about this! Oh, wait, she already knows!
Poseidon falls in love with Nemisis! Nemisis falls in love with Hades. Hades goes for Artemis and Artemis falls in love with Poseidon.
Hephaestus and Aphrodite: COUPLE?!?
The hideous god of fire and drop dead gorgeous goddess of love are now a couple! It was confirmed by all on Olympus! We, the cast and crew of Godly Gossip, wish then a much happier marriage!
We should have a name for our group. Maybe The Three Hunters?
Godly Gossip Episode Today:
Have you heard that Poseidon, king of the Sea, recently fell in love with Athena? Oh, no! Mom better not fall with him! Also, Hades, king of the Underworld, recently went for Nemisis! Zeus, king of the Heavens, recently fell for Artemis! WHAT? His own DAUGHTER? Now That’s bad news.
???? i don’t know. but my suggestion: The Three Goddess of Gossip. ????
Okay how was my show?
DaughterofArtemis has signed on.
DaughterofArtemis: I’m on. 🙂
HunterMoon has signed on.
HunterMoon: Hello, daughter.
DaughterofArtemis: Are you going to marry Zeus, Mom?
HunterMoon: No.
It was all awesome. 🙂
Godly Gossip Episode Today:
Can you BELIEVE it? Aeolus, the god of Wind and Air, went for Alectrona, the early goddess of sun and actually MARRIED! I can’t believe that the stern god of war, Ares, married the natural goddess of wild and hunters Artemis!
What?!? Oh, no! Mom better not fall in love with dead boy!
Ares and Mom????????
Godly Gossip Today:
Did you hear that Hades actually left the Underworld for Athena, the Goddess of wisdom? WHAT? She’s so much younger than him! 😡 And she’s my mom! Ugh! Uncle Hades is so disturbing! Ugh! :ugh:
Revengeisahuntress has signed on.
DaughterofArtemis has signed on.
Revenge: Is mom dating Zeus?
Dead boy as in Hades!
DaughterofArtemis: Nope! 😀
Okay, Hades should lay off Nemesis and Artemis! Back off, old man!
Stay with Persephone!!!!
Revenge: Oh, that’s awesome! I don’t wanna start calling Zeus dad!
Goddessofco-wisdom is signed on!
Co-wisdom: Mom, are you really dating with that Uncle Hades?
WisdomAthena: Why of course NO!
*Mom leaves*
Co-wisdom: *thumbs-up* *grin*
I always thought Athena’s name would be WiseWar.
Revenge: Getting gossip alert on my iPod! It says Hera has fallen madly in love with Ares! Aphrodite falls for her dad! Artemis….. Ooh you wouldn’t like this one!
Hades heard that the daughter of Nemisis AND Artemis are really mad, and so he went back to stay with his current wife, Persephone. Poseidon starts again. He went after Nemisis. Ares divorced Artemis and went for Nemisis too. Good for you, Sandy. Bad news, I guess, Kesha.
Yay for me!!! But boo for Kesha!
What kesha? Artemis what?
Kesha what did Artemis do? huh?
Ok, they are gonna get a load of me tomorrow AND tonight!
A-Ar-Ar-Artemis f-f-fell f-f-for A-A-Ares!
DaughterofArtemis: Ares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WarGood: What??????
Gossip: After Hades went back, Persephone was angry at him for leaving the Underworld. So she went for Poseidon! She finally got him, and so Nemisis only has one follower left! That’s pretty good news, Kesha. But Hades was alone, so he went for Artemis! So that concludes: Persephone with Poseidon, Nemisis with Ares, and Hades with Artemis! Athena is currently very upset, because Appollo has went for HER! Oh mom, please tell me that you’re not dating with him! I don’t want to call Uncle Appollo dad!
Oh my gosh!
Ok my post doesn’t make sense now. so i’ll just say: persephone with poseidon, Artemis with ares, and Nemisis with Hades.
DeadSpring: Hello, Hades.
RichBUTdead: Sephy-kins.
Ok hades left Nemisis and went for persephone. persephone accepted. Nemisis is happy. kesha is happy. poseidon went back to his wife. Artemis is mad. sandy is mad. Athena is happy becuz Appollo left her.
Revengeisahuntress: Mom, good! Only one follower!
Revenge=War: Good!
ok we need to organise who is with who first!
HunterMoon: I’m gonna kill Poseidon.
iLUVfire: Don’t!
HunterMoon: Back off, Aphrodite.
I say Aphrodite and Hephaestus.
Persephone and Hades.
Eros and Psyche.
Ok so:Persephone with Hades. Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Nemisis is free. Artemis with Ares. Athena is free.
Newest gossip! Zeus falls for daughter, Athena. Nemesis falls for Ares. What?!? Mom! Ares falls for Athena. Athena falls for Poesidon. Poesidon falls for Artemis. What?!? And that’s all for godly gossip!
whoa. quite some news, kesha.
Hera falls for Kronos!!!
Hera’s father.
NEWEST Gossip:
Hera falls for her son, Appollo. Appollo falls for Athena. Mom, now you have 3 followers! Oh come ON! Nemisis falls for no one. Ares leaves Athena. He falls for Nemisis. Zeus leaves Athena. He falls for Nemisis. Yay! only Appollo left! and Zeus and Hera are back again. Athena leaves Poseidon. Poseidon falls for Nemisis.
that leaves: Zeus and Hera. Athena and Appollo. Poseidon, Ares, and Zues with Nemisis.
kesha? ur mad, i suppose? but i can’t help it!
LiGhTnInG fReEk: I did not fall for anyone.
Revenge=War: Then who are crushing on?
Revengeisahuntress: Easy. Spill or get strangled old man!
You godly freaks, stop liking my mom! I will get you.
WiseGoddess: Hi, daughter.
GoddessofMath(me):MOM! ur NOT dating Unc –
WiseGoddess: Yes i know and i’m not. ok? satisfied?
GoddessofMath: uh huh.
Freaks: Stop falling in love with Mom. She likes Apollo.
ok i had FUN! true FUN!
Artemis likes her twin brother? cool!
Appollo leaves my Mom (yay!) and goes for Artemis.
NEWEST Gossip:
Zeus hera. athena no one. 🙂 Appollo and artemis. poseidon, ares with nemisis.
Mom and Apollo got married.
what will we name our group guys? The Three Goddess of Gossip or The Three Hunters?
they got MARRIED? cool! happy marriage Aunt Artemis! happy marriage Uncle Appollo!
got to go for supper! see ya!
The Three Gossip Hunters
Okay, Nemesis dumps Poesidon and goes for Ares. Hephasteus falls for Athena and Artemis and Nemesis. Artemis gets divorced with Apollo. Miley Cyrus becomes a goddess? Career and popularity for Aphrodite dies down? That’s the end of godly gossip!
TheKingOfAllTitans: I think I’m gonna strike back tomorrow.
Revengeisahuntress: Your not welcomed here.
LiGhTnInG fReAk: Yeah and Violet I’m gonna date your mom!
Revengeisahuntress: Whatever.
LiGhTnInG fReAk has logged out.
MoonHunter: I can’t believe they said I’m now divorced.
Revengeisahuntress: O…k? Why couldn’t you be more caucious, Kronos?
TheKingOfAllTitans: Sorry! Hey, would you like to be on my side?
Revengeisahuntress: Nope!
TheKingOfAllTitans: You’ll want to thought.
Revenge=War has logged in.
Revenge=War: Violet, can I talk to you?
Revengeisahuntress: Yeah.
Revenge=War: Your new dad is Ares.
Revengeisahuntress: Fine! I never liked him!
Revenge=War: Too bad!
TheKingOfAllTitans: Wish you’ve joined my team now, huh?
Revengeisahuntress: Still no. Bye!
LiGhTnInG fReAk: I’m gonna date with your mom, daughter of Athena!
ValerieMidbloom (me. that’ll be my Goddess name!): Oh yeah, you superbolt?
LiGhTnInG fReAk: yes!
ValerieMidbloom: if so, then Hera…
LiGhTnInG fReAk: Ok ok….
Sandy, Ares is my new dad!
Really sorry.
Revengeisahuntress: Tell Artemis that I need to catch up on the latest gossip!
Athena and Hera re now a couple.
LiGhTnInG fReAk: Wow, I hate that demigod!
WisdomMasteress: Valerie, can I tell you something?
ValerieMidbloom: Uh huh, Mother.
WisdomMateress: You have a new dad. His name is Hermes.
ValerieMidbloom: Fine. Whatever. Um, are you serious, Mom? He isn’t THAT bad, I think.
WisdomMateress: We will marry tomorrow.
ValerieMidbloom: WHAT? I thought that you’d marry after at least 5 years!
WisdomMateress: Umm, sorry. Zeus needs Hermes and I’ll go with him. Bye!
um, sandy? hera is a girl and athena is a girl.
I know.
Omg that’s bad that’s a word I can’t say!
and my new dad is HERMES! i pretended to agree. but I DONT LIKE HIM AT ALL! THAT MESSENGER OF ZEUS!
ugh! so, kesha, ur dad is now Ares?
I just found out Hera dated A. just to make Zeus jealous.
and, who’s ur new dad, sandy?
who’s A.?
my mom dated HERA? but they’re all FEMALES!
Revenge=War: Violet…
Revengeisahuntress: Yeah?
Revenge=War: Me and Ares are gonna get married tonight.
Revengeisahuntress: Why?
Revenge=War: Because we love each other. He wants to go all the way.
Revengeisahuntress: Eww!
ruevenon kesha? ruevenon sandy? and, so, did we make our decisions? ok. so we’re gonna be called The Three Gossip Hunters right? right? everyone agree? ok? ok.
Revengeisahuntress: Oh my gods!
StarryHunt: Sandy, I’m getting married to Artemis.
DaughterofArtemis: Okay.
DaughterofArtemis has now changed her name to EvilPride.
EvilPride: I’m joining your side, Kronos.
I’m a spy.
Guys, I have a question. Kronos wanted us to join his side. Should we?
WisdomMasteress: Valerie…
MathMasteress: Yes, Mother?
WisdomMasteress: The date’s changed for us. Me and – *eyes glinting with “pure love”* – and Hermes are gonna get married right now.
MathMasteress: WHAT? I mean, WHY?
WisdomMasteress: Because, we can’t stand any longer. at 8:45. Right… NOW!
I joined. As a double agent. 🙂
WisdomMasteress: Valerie…
MathMasteress: Yes, Mother?
WisdomMasteress: The date’s changed for us. Me and – *eyes glinting with “pure love”* – and Hermes are gonna get married right now.
MathMasteress: WHAT? I mean, WHY?
WisdomMasteress: Because, we can’t stand any longer. at 8:45. Right……..NOW!
I’ll join too.
I’m going to have a brother or sister. And I found out my dad is Apollo.
Revenge=War: Sweetie?
Revengeisahuntress changed her name to Evil-$
Evil-$: Goodbye mom. Joining Kronos.
bye guys have to go! and don’t forget: mom and Hermes already married! and they WON”T divorce, no matter how hard you try to persuade them. also, don’t forget that i’m joining Kronos!
HunterMoon: Why?
EvilPride: I’m awesome.
My mom is Aphrodite! Oh, great!
MathMasteress has changed her name to EvilMath.
Bye now!
Kronos made us Titans. I’m the Titan of beauty, knowledge, and eccentricity.
Revenge=War: Why sweetie?
Evil-$: Because Krons treats me better than you ever did! Bye, mom.
actually, im still on!
WisdomMasteress: Oh Sweetie…
EvilMath: Sorry mom, but i’m a Titan now! i’m the Titan of Wisdom and Math.
I’m the goddess of music, war and death! My name is: Viola
Evil-$: rustill on kesha?
oh nvm
i’m the Titan/Goddess of Wisdom and Calculations.
Did you see the second last comment?
you can call me Valerie. But i’ll appear as EvilMath.
yes i did se ur comment
My name is Rubinae.
all right so what’ll we do?
I’m the Titan of music, war and death.
Tease my dad.
My name will now be Viola.
????????????????????????? kesha????????????????? (i mean, Viola!) ???????????????????? Rubinae??????
Being a titan is awesome. I’m even prettier than Aphrodite! And I’m fifteen again!
tease Appollo?
Haha Hermes!
of course it’s awesome. i feel smarter!
and fine! bye!
Athena is so uptight. And such a know-it-all. And she isn’t even pretty as the ugliest animal in the world!
I’m 15 again. When is my b-day?
Mine is now May 2, the day of the Battle.
I’m more pretty than that show off model!
I have such beautiful violet eyes.
And Ares is such an idiot. I said he was a hog, he said you look like a mop. What kinda come back is that?!?
Orion is worse. He kissed Athena RIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING!!!!!
Me too surronded by my black eyeliner. And garnet lipstick and gold earrings.
I have long, flowing black hair.
Who’s prettier: me or you? I am, of course. I am the goddess of beauty!
Nemesis wayyy worse. She disguesed as a ten year old then kissed my boyfriend
My hair is exactly like that
Well, Artemis turned into a dude and changed her surname to Fowl.
Milky white skin and long, thick eyelashes.
Okay um. Nemesis chaperoned me on my first date.
Artemis bought me a dress I didn’t like and got me The Bible for Christmas.
I have eyelashes like that but carmel skin smooth as lotion!
And a lithe, petite body and oval head.
Nemesis bought me the most embarrassing outfit and made me wear it on my second date!
Artemis ate my first best friend.
I have pearly white teeth smooth lips and a beach body.
I have straight, pearly white teeth, and awesome designer clothes.
Nemesis killed my friend eve when she said i won.
Artemis turned me into an apple and ate me when I was two weeks old.
I just made my titan outfit.
新年快东to everyone!
Who wants to see my titan outfit?
Kronos talked to me in my sleep. The war has begun.
I made mine though it’s weird
It’s a long dress with stained blood. And it’s red. And it’s devilish red.
My imaginary Titan has cyan blue skin and has the same hair as Poseidon but with icicles at the tips. She lives in a lightbulb above me and flickers when she needs coldness. She never burns but prefers living in Antarctica. I am TOTALLY voting for Mythology Island!
Mine is carved from gold ang garnet. I have caramel skin, wavy black long hair, violet eyes surronded by my black eyeliner. And devil lips. A beach body or bikini body. I live in California and go there almost everyday.
I’m the Titan of beauty, war, revenge, wepons, hotness and fire.
I have flawless milky white skin, waist-length straight raven black hair, big amethyst eyes with long thick eyelashes, full pink lips, and curvy and slim body.
Here’s my dress:
I’m gonna let you imagine the rest.
Revenge-War: Um, Violet? Are you here?
Evil-$: Yeah, Kronos treats me like a queen.
Revenge-War: He seems like that but, he’s planning to tale over and ruin gods.
Evil-$: So?
Revenge-War has logged out.
Eve has logged in.
Eve: Sis, you joined Kronos?
Evil-$: How’d you find out?
Eve: Biggest news.
Evil-$: Join!
Eve changed her name to Evel.
Evel: Oh, those gods are gonna get their butts kicked!
Evil-$: I’m a spy. A double spy
You guys suck, (j.k.) go gods! 😛
p.s. You’re only a demi-god if your half god half human like Herculas
EvilPride has changed her name to DarkQueen.
P.S. Kronos lost. I revealed the fact I was on the good side. Zeus and Hera gave up their godhood. I’m now the queen of Olympus.
Queen of Olympus? I want to be second queen and can I be? I was at this awesome party!
I was so kidding and Eve isn’t dead. She’s awaking like Kronos. Piece by piece. She’s starting this whole revolution for it and if we want to finish off Eve, we have to recruit more people, train harder and try to see if the mortals can also help us. They can distract them. Good! Good plan? Type in 1 if you think so or type in 6 if not.
Evil-$ has changed her name to Violet Night$hade.
PS: I wasn’t on the bad side until I found out he was truly evil. He told me to quit, ‘cuz I wasn’t powerful enough. What a loser! I am TOO powerful.
Here’s my prohephcy:
Three strong queens shall go to North,(Canada)
And face the choices of back and forth.
A half-blood, and three couples of gods shall assist you,
Don’t worry, no one miss you.
The three queens are you, me and White Sword.
I have an idea. Let’s have our own “mythology”. Make up our own culture, myths, goddess names, and such. We (Sandy, Kesha, and WS) will all rule different areas (sea, underworld, and gods.)
Oh, should The Three Gossip Hunters have a leader? And ranks (leader, vice, average member)?
Mine will be Thene.
I’ll be underworld. 🙂
DarkQueen has changed her name to DeadlyHuntress. \
Ok, I’m gonna be the richest one. I will rule the mansions and castles. I’ll be called: Viole.
And my element will be fire.
Violet Night$hade has changed her name to Hotlikeafire.
People belive if Viole was near you, she would leave evedence. Like, lipstick on your mouth if you were old enough. And Viole would leave her number. She was flirty and hot like, a fire. That’s why she became the goddess of fire! Duh! And she finds that guy and makes-out with them.
And she thought she was the best of her sisters. The three queens. And they rule everyone. Viole is the queen of all gods. It’s time the women get credit!
And i’m intrested in death.
Here’s one myth that you will learn:
“And sinlay means…..?” Our teacher asked. My know-it-all sister raised her hand. ” A powerful spell.” I walked home and there was my walker. She carried me. I sat down. Miss queen of the underworld came in on her skateboard. Ugh! I used that spell on her. She gave me an evil stare.
My daughter and my son are: Andre and Vel and my mom and father are: Duh! I can also switch ages.
Velisme: Hey sus.
Yes! Okay, I think I’m the only one on here so, PEOPLE GET ON! I had a dream we became goddesses and we made up our own names, cultures and all that stuff. That dream is now! Thanks Mythology, for bring Greek Mythology to Poptropica! VOTE MYTHOLOGY!
OK here’s the Myth of the lovely goddess, Viole, myself:
“So,Class,” Our teacher said. “If you ever lead the gods, like that’ll happen, then you have to make up your own rules. That’s your assignment! Class dissmissed!” The bell rang. I shifted my bag to one side. My two sisters walked out. They we’re sometimes nice but, not all the time. “I have to make up my own rules for the time I rule the Gods!” I said. “Like that’ll happen.” Said My one know -it-all- sister. I rolled my eyes. We walked home talking about school,guys and math. I don’t know how THAT conversation started. Death was one of my favorite things. I got home, lifted my laptop to the couch and began typing.
Rule #1: Beauty. Send beauty al over the world. Inner beauty is better than outer.
Rule #2: Food. Everyone gets food and a home. A nice comfy home.
Rule#3: Warmth. Sit by the fireplace, drinking hot choco.
That’s my project by: Viole.
The next day, I turned in my project. “A minus Viole.” Said my teacher. “Nice thinking.”
That taught us that everyone can make a diference! That’s better than the lesson of the old Gods’ stories of: If you don’t get what you want, chop up your dad!
Okay so, who was your mom? The couples in the prohepcy are obvious! Our parents! Mine are Ares and Nemeis! I don’t want to look at her and I have to do that with HER?! Oh, great. Just great.
Is anyone here because I’m bored! If there’s no one here, I’ll send a rainstorm to Tokyo. JK! Zeus still has some power!
Here’s my myth:
There was once a goddess of beauty, knowledge, and eccentricity. She was one of the goth kids.
Can’t think of anything else.
Ares is such an idiot. I said he was a hog, he said you look like a mop. What kinda come back is that?!?
I’m also goth. Once there was a goddess named: Viole. She lived in a mansion just off the Coast of California and enjoyed death, beauty,music,war and money. People said she didn’t care about anyone but, herself. People belive if Viole was near you, she would leave evedence. Like, lipstick on your mouth if you were old enough. And Viole would leave her number. She was flirty and hot like, a fire. That’s why she became the goddess of fire! Duh! And she finds that guy and makes-out with them.
Her hobbies were flirting, shopping and grave reading. And decorating her gothic room!
My hobbies are reading, jumping, talking, and looking at myself.
Sandy? Hello? Thene? I’m Viola and another hobby is hunting mortals and hunting.
OK, where do you live? New York? Buffalo?
I also dig graves!
i live in Brantford!
where do u live kesha?
Hi, White Sword!!!!
Lol. Me too. Meet me at the Cinema!
HI! i’m back BFFs!
I live in Brantford too! Kidding ’bout Cali!
Okay, you get the sea. You still have to choose your name and all that.
i thought u lived in ON kesha!
Guys, I’ll be Silver Hawk okay? White Sword, create a muliti-verse room or stay here!
I do! I live in ON
Come on! Make your myth! We made ours!
i’ll create one! please come guys!
Is anyone here? I look like the devil but, a girl!
I’M there!
Here’s mine.
Thene was a beautiful, intelligent girl. But she was often picked on due to her love of black and standing out. One night, she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was in a dark, murky land.
Why did you ask her and not me? My boyfriend’s coming on in that room!
Viole woke up in the graveyard, praying for love and death. Hades stood in front of her, his wepon raised, furious and violent. He raised his wepon and I raised mine. Viole took out her dagger, raised it and stabbed Hades. He yelped and flashed out. Viole picked a black rose and prayed to Kronos, her father who, showed no mercy. She grew into a goddess. “Show no mercy, Viole.” Kronos said in her head. “No mercy.” she said and headed off into the dead woorld. That’s all for now!
Viole found out that Kronos was planning to show the world no mercy and since she said no mercy, she joined her side. She defeated Kronos and became the tough one of her sisters.
hehe kesha! my godly name is Valerie. im the goddess of math, wisdom, and calculations.
So, like, Athena but, prettier? Anyone is prettier than her!
Sandy, rate White’s costume from 0 to 5.
True. And I’m WAY prettier.
ok, that’s not good…
Here’s my prohephcy:
Three strong queens shall go to North,(Canada)
And face the choices of back and forth.
A half-blood, and three couples of gods shall assist you,
Don’t worry, no one miss you.
And me? 0!
Rate me!!!!
🙂 ! everybody usually rates 0 so, that’s good!
So, pack your bags, Sandy!
sandy: um, 3.
kesha: um, 3.
OK, Sandy, u r…..5! Rate me!
And that came from the goddess of beauty. 😉
??? pack our bags?
I’m 5 for the goth\punk category!
3. From the goddess of beauty.
kesha: ur 3. – 4.
3? I’m 5 for that category! I meant Sandy pack your bags ‘cuz for the mssion she’s coming to Canada!
Kesha: Get rid of the things beneath your eyes and get new lips, and then you’ll be a five!
“I, Valerie Midbloom, rate Voile Nightshade a 3.” – From the goddess of math, wisdom and calculations.
Lol, I’m a vampire!
I’m Thene Gold.
No one knows my name! Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
I’m Viole Darksheild.
i’m a scientist. wait a sec. i’m changing a costume for my poptropican
Viole traveled and climbed until she found her evil sister. She was the math goddess. Horrible girl. Horrible and NO sense of beauty! I rate her zero!
My name is pronounced like theme, but with a n.
How is this? Click my name!
Perhaps change your lips to the biker lips. But you moved up to a four.
How is my fashion NOW?
4.9. I feel like there’s something missing.
Viole hated her parents. Kronos hated her and she hated him. She showed mercy, opposite!
OK, I’m making a story about someone. How do you get your avatar there?
?????????? anyone on?
I’m on!!!
ok i’m NOT evil now.
ok good that SOME ONE’s on!
OK, on the website but, do you have an account?
OK, ugh, White Sword, goodbye!
OK, Sandy, Cinema!
?????????????? what??????????????? cinema?????????????????? what the DEVIL????????????????
Is anyone who ISN’T my enemy (like White Sword) here?
I’m not your enemy!!!!!
i’m here!
White Sword, I dissmiss you from the council of gods since, I’m the queen of gods.
What about me???
Yeah, Sandy, you’re not but, White Sword is!
Dissmissing is bad because, then, you’re not a goddess anymore.
White Sword: You can always be in the Underworld with me.
I have to go to a MAJOR gods’ party. Wanna come Sandy? I have to go! Don’t talk smack behind my back or else I’ll find out!
I’ll come!!!
White Sword: BYE!
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 5th, 2011. Welcome to The Weekly Surprise.
Today’s Subject: The Three Gossip Hunters.
#1: Hello White Sun. Sorry to miss you yesterday!
WS: Hello White Sword. That’s absolutely OK! What do you want to ask?
#2: Can you tell me more about the Three Gossip Hunters? For your info, I am one, too.
WS: Well, the TGH has recently been doing a bunch of gossips about some of our major gods and goddesses. Kesha, one of our News Gatherers, is one too. Kesha’s godly name is Viole Darkshield. She is the goddess of war, music and death. The other one’s, Sandy, name is Thene Gold. She is the goddess of beauty. I believe your godly name is Valerie Midbloom, goddess of math?
#3: That is correct. I am the goddess of math, wisdom and calculations. For wisdom, I am only taking my mother’s place. All right. Thank you for the informations, White Sun. What else?
WS: Well, Kesha’s mother and father are Nemisis and Ares, while Sandy’s mother and father are Artemis and Appollo. This is not nessecary, but your mother and father are Athena and Hermes.
#4: That is very accurate! Thank you for your fantastic informations, and have a wonderful weekend at Counterfeit Island!
WS: You’re welcome, White Sword. You too!
OK so this concludes our interview with Afternoon Interviewer, White Sun.
???????????? i’m NOT YOUR ENEMY!!!!!!!! 😥
um, is anyone ON RIGHT NOW or sumthing?
and ur NOT the queen of gods!
Hera is! I am the goddess of wisdom, and one of the MAJOR goddesses, so u can’t just dismiss me! ha! 🙂
I’ll come!
i’m NOT ur enemy Kesha! OK? OK? everyone agree? right? right? OK? agree? ok.
Kesha: HI! i’m NOT ur enemy!
Sandy: um, since ur the goddess of beauty, i’m gonna say that u dont look much better than Aphrodite. rating from 0 to 10 (0 is bad and 10 is good): 6.
are you going for lunch kesha?
ok can we say sumthing else? ok
kesha, how’s with ur blah blah blah with kesha thing going on?
Congrats! You moved up to a five!!!!
is that kesha or me?
and actually, sandy, you were actually a 9.9. just feels like something’s missing…
sandy: when i look at u more closely, 10!
*ahem* is anyone on? kesha? kesha? sandy? sandy?
Thanks! What’s missing?
this is getting BOORRRIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!
Want to be interviewed?
well, you should be more invisible, you know.
yeah sure! that’d be awesome.
*ahem* my password: ruevenon Sandy?
What’s your favorite painting?
??????? HELLO?
Favorite song?
Favorite goddess?
??????? COME ON!
What do you think of the Underworld?
Don’t insult the Underworld!!!! I work hard on it!!!
???????????? anybody on? huh?
*sigh* well, i guess i’m all alone again… *sigh*…
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blah blah blah with Kesha!
i ‘m gonna make it to the next page!!!!!!!
2 more!
2 more
2 mo
2 m
I’m going to Disnetland!!!!
ur WAT?
disneyland? huh? i dont get it…
“Kesha, where were you?” – BFF, UN-enemy, Valerie Nightbloom.
Don’t do Blah Blah Blah without me and I’M FIRING YOU FROM BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND from you being my f4iend and I AM one of the Major goddesses!
The Underworld is my home. And don’t think I’m gonna talk to you after you’re talking smack behind my back!
😥 awww……………….. sorry about that but still, be my friend please?
and, also, that’s ok if u fire me from Blah Blah Blah… but i’m still ur friend OK? PLEASE!
and, yes u ARE one of the major goddesses…… well, i guess me too! 🙂
i’m still ur friend and i’m still a goddess (well, ok i admit that ur more important 🙄 )
but, really though, i think that u should keep up with blah blah blah!
❓ i didn’t talk smack behind ur back!
anyways: im ur friend and im a goddess and huntress. that’s all. nothing much! 🙂 hehe!
this name’s great! (White Sword)
cool! the underworld’s ur home?
that’s cool! it must be really really really interesting down there? i’ve never been there! and, i didn’t mean it when i said that it’s spooky and evil, cuz i was jokin’ around with Sandy. plus, how can i be sure if i’ve never been there? huh! 🙂
so, listen, why are you firing me from blah blah blah? i mean, i didn’t do anything! i mean, i like it and all and it’s very hilarious! i like it! why are you firing me? cuz….what?
oh and PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and kesha, in case ur wondering, i am still ur friend and i am still a goddess of math, wisdom, and calculations and i am still a huntress and i am still ur friend and i am still in blah blah blah and i am still part of the godly world and i am still ur friend and i am still ur friend and I AM STILL YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*SIGH* please. talk. to. me. kesha. well, OK? ok then. 🙂
hi guys! i’m new here! and… White Sword, hi! Ke$ha, hi! Sandy, hi!
ugh……… come ON!
Hey, at a sleepover and I’m doing a dance to: We R who we R.
Anyone on? Don’t stop the music is playing and it’s about to make me explode! 👿
hello kesha
Hello. 👿
hello sandy
Hello. 👿
i’m in a good mood cuz the weather’s horrible, i finished HP and the Chamber of Secrets, i used some white-out, i’m writing a boring article, i’m sneezing, WW island’s comin’ out and i’m listing all the emoticons (see below)
🙂 / 🙂 🙁 / 🙁 😥 😡 😮 🙄
👿 😈 😆 😛 😀 😉 😳
oh AND becuz the article i’m writing is chinese. AND cuz i’m on the internet typing, i’m typing the word “word”, i just finished Cryptids and i almost said “yay”.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 emoticons!
wow that’s a LOT! yay!
oh no! i just said “yay”!!~
room code: BEN97
Sleepovers. By: Violet Nightshade
Your sleepover is here. All your guests are waiting. What should you do? I’m writing this article because I just back from one. I think…. Make prank calls! Call random people or call your contact and pretend to be someone else. We did that last night.
Have little trouble? Tell them to go upstairs lock them in the room. Then, have girl talk and watch a movie. It will be a sleepover to remember. Thanks for reading! PS: I’m Viole Nightshade.
Yes, I’m firing you because yeah, you AND Sandy were talking smack behind my back so, Mess. With. ME!
Give it up for Blah Blah Blah!
Ok, I fired White Sword. Why? Two reasons.
One: She was talking smack behind my back so.
Two: She wasn’t that funny anyways.
Ok, um, read the seranator!
Okay, so, interview with someone! My friend, Skinny Lion!
SL: Yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah.
OK that’s OK kesha! just still friends ok?
PS. changed ur name to Viole? ’tis better than Violet though! 🙂
hey white sword on a scale from 1 to 10 how high do you think of me as a friend
hmm. i think of u as a 8 cuz we havent really…. you know…
here’s the list of “friendlyness”
kesha: 10
Ostrich rider: 8
sandy: 10
everybody old here ( by that i mean here for a long time) : 8
everybody new here: 6
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 6th, 2011. We will have a news report with News Gatherer and Reporter, Kesha.
Today’s Subject: Wild West Island
#1: Hello Kesha.
Kesha: Hi White Sword.
#2: Can you tell us about the sudden rumor of Wild West Island?
Kesha: Sure. Well, first of all, the rumor started when Poptropica Creator Jeff Kinney announced the upcome of Cryptids Island. In the video, on the upper-right corner there was a poster labeled “Wild West Island”. Lots of people saw it and they blabbed and blabbered about it on Poptropica Secrets.
#3: Very well. What is this island about?
Kesha: The sad thing is, unlike other islands, this island doesn’t have an introduction or anything. It just popped up on the surface of Poptropica, our world. Although lots of people say that it’s about cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, cattles and other ranch-related stuff.
#4: Good. Where is this mysterious and sudden island?
Kesha: On the Poptropica Map, it is in the very center of Nabooti, Shark Tooth, Cryptids, Astro-Knights and Reality TV.
#5: That’s interesting, Kesha. Does this island have a Sneak Preview, like Cryptids?
Kesha: Yes, it does. When you visit it, it doesn’t land you on land. It challenges you a quest to bring back three cattles every two days, to win a prize.
#6: That’s a fun Sneak Preview! Are there anything in Daily Pop about it?
Kesha: Of course. Since the interest of the arrival of Cryptids has faded away, it’s almost completely about Wild West! There are things such as the characters (the villains and other NPCs), places and of course, some ranch-related stuff.
#7: That’s great. Do you think this island will be popular once it comes out for all?
Kesha: According to the speech about it, I think that it will be as popular as Counterfeit, Time Tangled, and Spy.
#8: Thank you for the info Kesha! Have a good day!
Kesha: Your welcome. You too White Sword!
OK so this concludes our news report.
me: 20!
hello? ello? llo? lo? o? ?
*echos* chos hos os s
anybody here? body here? ody here? dy here? y here? here? ere? re? e? ?
Yo, I’m here. Just needed a shower. PS: Why did you talk smack behind my back?
Okay, one of my shows is coming soon people! Here’s a little “sneak peak!”
The nubmer one stupid video for this week is Stupid Cat Video from Fish Hooks!
Ok, my Stupid video show will be premiering 02/12/11. Please watch it and shout out to Sandy and Unknown!
Poptropica Island Smackdown – Mythology vs. Counterfeit
In the first round of the Final Four for the Poptropica Island Smackdown, Spy Island trounced Time Tangled and secured a spot in the championship round. Now we get to decide which island will compete with Spy Island for the crown. Will it be Mythology Island, which beat Reality TV and Steamworks to reach the Final Four? Or will Counterfeit Island, which beat Astro-Knights and Great Pumpkin to get here prevail? Only you can decide. Cast your vote below to determine which island will make it to the final battle.
Which Island is Better?
Mythology (70%, 1,159 Votes)
Counterfeit (30%, 489 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,645
Related posts:
Island Smackdown Round Two – Great Pumpkin vs. Counterfeit
Island Smackdown Round Two – Mythology vs. Steamworks
End of Round One for Poptropica Island Smackdown
Island Smackdown – Astro-Knights vs. Counterfeit
Island Smackdown – Haunted House vs. Great Pumpkin
Tagged as: counterfeit island, mythology island, poptropica, poptropica island smackdown
{ 798 comments… read them below or add one }
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 11:27 am
Sandy, the Mad Dragon February 5, 2011 at 11:29 am
I’m going to Disnetland!!!!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 11:34 am
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 11:34 am
ur WAT?
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 11:35 am
disneyland? huh? i dont get it…
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 11:45 am
“Kesha, where were you?” – BFF, UN-enemy, Valerie Nightbloom.
Ke$ha February 5, 2011 at 11:52 am
Don’t do Blah Blah Blah without me and I’M FIRING YOU FROM BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND from you being my f4iend and I AM one of the Major goddesses!
Ke$ha February 5, 2011 at 11:57 am
The Underworld is my home. And don’t think I’m gonna talk to you after you’re talking smack behind my back!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:02 pm
awww……………….. sorry about that but still, be my friend please?
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:04 pm
and, also, that’s ok if u fire me from Blah Blah Blah… but i’m still ur friend OK? PLEASE!
and, yes u ARE one of the major goddesses…… well, i guess me too!
i’m still ur friend and i’m still a goddess (well, ok i admit that ur more important )
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:06 pm
but, really though, i think that u should keep up with blah blah blah!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:08 pm
i didn’t talk smack behind ur back!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:09 pm
anyways: im ur friend and im a goddess and huntress. that’s all. nothing much! hehe!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:10 pm
this name’s great! (White Sword)
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:14 pm
cool! the underworld’s ur home?
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:15 pm
that’s cool! it must be really really really interesting down there? i’ve never been there! and, i didn’t mean it when i said that it’s spooky and evil, cuz i was jokin’ around with Sandy. plus, how can i be sure if i’ve never been there? huh!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:17 pm
so, listen, why are you firing me from blah blah blah? i mean, i didn’t do anything! i mean, i like it and all and it’s very hilarious! i like it! why are you firing me? cuz….what?
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:18 pm
oh and PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:20 pm
oh and kesha, in case ur wondering, i am still ur friend and i am still a goddess of math, wisdom, and calculations and i am still a huntress and i am still ur friend and i am still in blah blah blah and i am still part of the godly world and i am still ur friend and i am still ur friend and I AM STILL YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:20 pm
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 12:23 pm
*SIGH* please. talk. to. me. kesha. well, OK? ok then.
White Sword February 5, 2011 at 1:36 pm
ugh……… come ON!
Ke$ha February 5, 2011 at 5:05 pm
Hey, at a sleepover and I’m doing a dance to: We R who we R.
Ke$ha February 5, 2011 at 5:26 pm
Ke$ha February 5, 2011 at 5:37 pm
Anyone on? Don’t stop the music is playing and it’s about to make me explode!
Ostrich Rider February 5, 2011 at 7:46 pm
hello kesha
Sandy, the Mad Dragon February 5, 2011 at 9:05 pm
Ostrich Rider February 6, 2011 at 5:29 am
hello sandy
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:09 am
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:13 am
i’m in a good mood cuz the weather’s horrible, i finished HP and the Chamber of Secrets, i used some white-out, i’m writing a boring article, i’m sneezing, WW island’s comin’ out and i’m listing all the emoticons (see below)
/ /
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:16 am
oh AND becuz the article i’m writing is chinese. AND cuz i’m on the internet typing, i’m typing the word “word”, i just finished Cryptids and i almost said “yay”.
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:17 am
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 emoticons!
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:22 am
wow that’s a LOT! yay!
oh no! i just said “yay”!!~
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 8:26 am
room code: BEN97
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 9:05 am
Sleepovers. By: Violet Nightshade
Your sleepover is here. All your guests are waiting. What should you do? I’m writing this article because I just back from one. I think…. Make prank calls! Call random people or call your contact and pretend to be someone else. We did that last night.
Have little trouble? Tell them to go upstairs lock them in the room. Then, have girl talk and watch a movie. It will be a sleepover to remember. Thanks for reading! PS: I’m Viole Nightshade.
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 9:09 am
Yes, I’m firing you because yeah, you AND Sandy were talking smack behind my back so, Mess. With. ME!
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 9:20 am
Give it up for Blah Blah Blah!
Ok, I fired White Sword. Why? Two reasons.
One: She was talking smack behind my back so.
Two: She wasn’t that funny anyways.
Ok, um, read the seranator!
Okay, so, interview with someone! My friend, Skinny Lion!
SL: Yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah.
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 9:33 am
OK that’s OK kesha! just still friends ok?
PS. changed ur name to Viole? ’tis better than Violet though!
Ostrich Rider February 6, 2011 at 9:49 am
hey white sword on a scale from 1 to 10 how high do you think of me as a friend
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:00 am
hmm. i think of u as a 8 cuz we havent really…. you know…
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:02 am
here’s the list of “friendlyness”
kesha: 10
Ostrich rider: 8
sandy: 10
everybody old here ( by that i mean here for a long time) : 8
everybody new here: 6
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:02 am
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 6th, 2011. We will have a news report with News Gatherer and Reporter, Kesha.
Today’s Subject: Wild West Island
#1: Hello Kesha.
Kesha: Hi White Sword.
#2: Can you tell us about the sudden rumor of Wild West Island?
Kesha: Sure. Well, first of all, the rumor started when Poptropica Creator Jeff Kinney announced the upcome of Cryptids Island. In the video, on the upper-right corner there was a poster labeled “Wild West Island”. Lots of people saw it and they blabbed and blabbered about it on Poptropica Secrets.
#3: Very well. What is this island about?
Kesha: The sad thing is, unlike other islands, this island doesn’t have an introduction or anything. It just popped up on the surface of Poptropica, our world. Although lots of people say that it’s about cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, cattles and other ranch-related stuff.
#4: Good. Where is this mysterious and sudden island?
Kesha: On the Poptropica Map, it is in the very center of Nabooti, Shark Tooth, Cryptids, Astro-Knights and Reality TV.
#5: That’s interesting, Kesha. Does this island have a Sneak Preview, like Cryptids?
Kesha: Yes, it does. When you visit it, it doesn’t land you on land. It challenges you a quest to bring back three cattles every two days, to win a prize.
#6: That’s a fun Sneak Preview! Are there anything in Daily Pop about it?
Kesha: Of course. Since the interest of the arrival of Cryptids has faded away, it’s almost completely about Wild West! There are things such as the characters (the villains and other NPCs), places and of course, some ranch-related stuff.
#7: That’s great. Do you think this island will be popular once it comes out for all?
Kesha: According to the speech about it, I think that it will be as popular as Counterfeit, Time Tangled, and Spy.
#8: Thank you for the info Kesha! Have a good day!
Kesha: Your welcome. You too White Sword!
OK so this concludes our news report.
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:03 am
me: 20!
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:05 am
hello? ello? llo? lo? o? ?
*echos* chos hos os s
White Sword February 6, 2011 at 10:06 am
anybody here? body here? ody here? dy here? y here? here? ere? re? e? ?
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 10:09 am
Yo, I’m here. Just needed a shower. PS: Why did you talk smack behind my back?
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 10:11 am
Okay, one of my shows is coming soon people! Here’s a little “sneak peak!”
The nubmer one stupid video for this week is Stupid Cat Video from Fish Hooks!
Ke$ha February 6, 2011 at 10:15 am
Ok, my Stupid video show will be premiering 02/12/11. Please watch it and shout out to Sandy and Unknown!
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PREVIOUS POST: Poptropica Gnomeo and Juliet Ad Walkthrough
NEXT POST: The Loaner
White Sword, you have to prove yourself my friend by playing a Do You Know Viole? Quiz!
Ok, first question: What was my traits for my Titan?
2: What did I say the name for my friend is?
Do You Know Thene Gold? quiz
Which one is my dress?
B (white)
Change the question to: Which one suits me more?
Ok, so, here’s my quiz:
1. When, I first met you guys on Poptropica, what was I wearing?
2. What did I say White Sword was doing?
A. Talking smack behind my back. B. Making me a “nice” dress.
3. What was the name of my friend I said would come on here?
A. Cotton-Candy B. Bubblegum C. Popcorn
4. What did I do when White Sword did something to me?
5. What is the name of my talk show?
6. What’s the name of my newspaper?
7. What did I say I was the Titan of?
8. What did I say I am the goddess of?
9. Do I come from a rich family or poor?
10. What language did I translate “Run, Devil, Run.” from?
A. Chinese B. Japenese C. Viatnemese
My sleepover last night was awesome! We prank called and watched “Bride Wars” and me and my friend had Girl Talk and played…..y’know, it doesn’t really matter.
Are you on because if not, I’m gonna lose my awesome-goddess-worthy mind!!!!!
Welcome to Girl Talk! It’s the new reality show where girls compete to see who has the most talent! I’m your host, Viole Nightshade, the goddess of beauty, revenge, war, did I mention beauty? OK, here’s new guest, White Sword! Hi White Sword!
WS: Hi! Is this the new reality TV show?
Yes, it is! Do you like the place?
WS: Depends on what it looks like inside!
OK, how’s the outeriror?
WS: Good!
Thanks! OK that was just one guest!
LJ: Am I early? Am I late? Can I go now?
This is Lazy Joker!
LJ: We’re on camera?! In your face, I made it!
OK, welcome to your new home!
LJ: Thanks!
MD: Ugh! ANOTHER Reality TV show?
This is Mad Dragon!
MD: Get out of my face, camera…1!
OK, get settled in!
MD: Whatever.
A little pushy but-
WC: OK, I’m here! Look at me, I’m pretty, right? Right? Right?
This is Weird Candle!
WC: Get out of my shot! I’m on camera!
And this is also my show! So, go in already!
WC: Fine! Keep your eyes on ME!
She’s really annoying.
TS: Oh, then you’ll find me a jerk.
This is Tough Sandal.
TS: Yeah, and I’m here to CRUSH the competition!
I have a feeling who will be voted off first.
TS: You have a problem.
Go inside!
TS: Whatever, Jerk.
And that’s all!
SS: Nope! Not yet!
Oh, look, a peppy person. Great.
SS: I put the “Cheer” in “Cheerleading”!
This is Silly Sun and she’s going inside! Tune in next time to see what will happen and don’t expect anything good to happen.
Kesha: I’m the beauty goddess, not you.
I’m back to Mad Dragon. 😀
Poor Rex. It must hurt to have your foot fried.
OK, I’m back from Fast Eddie’s! Mmm…delicous! And did White Sword talk smack behind my back? Please tell me the truth!
Poor Zeus. It must be sad to be kicked out of you’re throne.
And be replaced by a former demigod.
I declare war. There are two sides: Kesha and White Sword.
I’m on –
Sitting in her goth bedroom in the Underworld, Viole made a plan. “Child,” said Hades. “You’re not eating or sleeping. Are you gonna die?” I answered bitterly, “Hope so.” “Good.” he said then, went back to his throne room. Viole spent her 8 birthday in the Underworld with only her two sisters. They agreed that they’d stay by me and I promised the same. Hades sent a monster after us. They raised their swords and daggers and tried to kill the monster. I took out mine. There was no way to kill the monster. I found a spot to kill it but, it was over it’s neck. “Give me a boost.” I said to them. “No way!” said one. “Just do it!” I said and they tossed me over the head. It roared and red eyes came. It growled. In the distance, I could hear Hades laughing evily. “Remind me to kill Hades afetr we’re done.” I said and stabbed. It dissolved. ” No home, no food and I didn’t sleep forever. I might as well die.” And I starved myself.
Well, no, you can’t do that. I’m the Goddess of War. And yes, there are two sides. Me, you and White Sword and Zeus and his Gods and Goddesses.
I’m powerful , you are and White Sword…..I don’t know.
Sandy, was White Sword talking smack behind my back? Yes or no? Be truthful. If yes, I’m gonna kill her. Literally. If no, I’m not apoligizing to her!
i’m on ur side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didn’t talk smack behind ur back!
by the way…room code: DFR99
Is anyone here-here-he-he-he-here? Or is anyone near-near-ne-ne-ne-near?
kesha, i think u got it mixed up:
i’m on ur side, not Zeus’s.
i AM powerful too! cuz i’m the goddess of wisdom
Explain. PS: Not coming! Because, I don’t know if we should be friends.
i’m here! kesha!
oh come ON!
please? i’m on ur side!
Hades’ home is now mine! I’m taking up a bit of the Underworld and I’m also taking over the Seas even though, Poseidon’s a idiot!
kesha, i think we should cuz we’ve been on Art Students/ Private S.S. a lot and we’ve talked a lot and all was fine! right? 🙂
kesha: random quote:
the weather’s horrible.
the sun’s shining.
i’m reading something.
blah blha
Who the heack is Speedy Singer? You’re new best friend? I don’t know if we should be friends.
she’s not!
we should, u know. i dont have any. [please?
u and sandy are my only one! i’m really lonely kesha! PLEASE?
The weather suck.
I need good luck.
Maybe go to Spain?
That won’t bring me pain.
Something to get the prophecy out of my mind.
I don’t need time.
Just throw me a quest.
I’ll do my best!
that was fun!
Fine! Did SANDY talk smack behind my back?
????????????? kesha,
I’m the goddess of: hunting (sorry Mom), beauty (sorry Dite), skill, art, music, moon, and death.
We need a prophecy. Bad. Because the time is running out! Oh, they just gave me one!
well, she did, but not realy anything bad about you… niether i.
She talked smack…..BEHIND MY BACK?!?
I did not. I did talk about you, but nothing bad.
i’m the goddess of math, wisdom (sorry Mom! u need a after-taker!) and calculations.
yeah, sandy didn’t.
i didn’t. nobody did!
Changing my name to Viole insted of Ke$ha and I still like Ke$ha, I’ll use it sometimes but….
Kesha: I think you are getting a bit paranoid, no offense.
oh and by the way kesha and sandy, who is ur parents again? (godly)
???????????? hmm?
sandy: u really thin’ so?
My mom is Artemis. Apollo thought it would be funny to say he’s my dad. He isn’t.
oh…. my mom is Athena and Hermes isn’t REALLY my dad. my mom didn’t keep up with her schedule.
Oh yes, I do believe so.
Oh, yeah, like I said, I got the prohepcy! Here it is:
The three queens shall go North,
From there, you shall go forth,
Recruit more Gods before,
There’s the new and old God war.
My mom is Nemesis. My dad is the dreaded Ares.
Stop showing up Viole!
Kesha: Huh???
Nevermind. We have our prohepcy, we have our directions, let’s start our quest. Have everything? Packing up as we speak.
OK, are we ready?
yeah we are kesha.
are you? ready?
uh, hello? sandy are you on? kesha are you on?
hey guys! i’m ready! are you?
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is anyone an Asian here?
sandy are you an Asian? kesha are you an Asian?
What’s your favorite song? I have several. Like, Love Like Woe. We No Speak Americano, Run Devil Run,(not translated) The Time(Dirty Bit), and several more. Like, Cannibal and Blah Blah Blah and Sleazy.
Here’s my info:
Animal: Tigress and swan
Hair: Style in another post. Raven black, shiny, silky, curly.
Skin: Flawless, milky white
Eyes: Violet, big, expressive
Color: Black
my fav song? i dont have one! chineses dont listen to english music!
No, I’m Jamacian. Not Asian. Laugh Out Loud. Yeah, ready. Sword/Dagger? Check. Clothes? Check. Money, Godly and Mortal? Check. OK, ready. PS: All of my clothes my butler is taking out to the Limo.
that’s interesting sandy
I’m Vietnamese.
Mine are: Firework (Katy Perry), Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne), Alice (Avril Lavigne), Haunted (Taylor Swift).
kesha: 🙄 the Limo thingy
I’m Chinese.
Here’s my info:
Animal: Raven and Crow.
Clothes: Beat-up jeans and stained white shirt.
Hair: Wavy, and Chestnut.
Skin: Caramel brown, smooth.
Eyes: Black, small, evil, devious.
Color: Bloodred.
uh, hello? um, hello? ur, hello?
Well, you’re not a smooth ride either. Whatever. 🙄
Well, uh, where was it again? Oh, yeah. Note to self: If find Hades, kill Hades.
Kesha: What’s your dress? Goddesses in their godly form wear a dress.
Here’s mine:
Animal: Owl, Snake.
Clothes: Black pants and a blue sweater.
Hair: Raven-black, smooth, straight.
Skin: Skin-colour.
Eyes: Raven-black, big, “can speak”, as chinese people describe.
Colour: Violet.
Whatever. Oh, yeah, um… here’s the link:
Dress: a rose-red dress as in Mythology island, Poptropican-form. as for top, anything, ancient-like.
Where is my money? Oh here it is. This is gonna be a long trip.
Which one is it?
Here’s my hair:
where to go kesha?
No the link is :
sandy: u a Vietnese? so an Asian?
I know, but which dress? There’s quite a few dresses.
nice link kesha.
I always (for some reason) imagine you wearing this:
yeah there is. i like the third one best.
What with the ????????????????????????????????
I like that one. Yeah, that’ll be mine.
Which one?
sandy: that dress looks good.
Those are pictures of my animal and here’s my hair:
Was kidding ’bout the wave do!
sandy: 🙄 🙂
How are they?
What the Devil? Is anyone here?
C’mon peeps!I’m gonna see if Bubblegum will come here already!
Hello. 😈
Well, I can’t!
I’m bored. 🙁
I’m evil when,I want to be. I’m stuff when, I want to be!
This is boring. No monsters just, a smooth quest. Guys, wanna go on And, go on White Seal server. If it’s full, go to Pink Cow. Meet back here when, there’s problems and PS, I’ll be in Le Shop. And I’m Violet 12909. Or, I’ll be in the Tanning Salon. (Sun Block.)
Sound good?
Who Should be Queen of the Gods?
1) Sandy, the Mad Dragon
2) White Sword
3) Ke$ha
Ke$ha! Me! I’ll be because I can handle mortals’ problems!
Sandy, want to go on Fantage? Did you create an account?
Both of them are full. Okay, Lime Llama server.
huh???????????????????? Lime Llama server?
Lol. 911.
what the heck?/????????/??????/?????????????????
Lol. 911.
“Both of them are full. Okay, Lime Llama server.”?
Are you on here or Fantage?
You cannot choose yourself.
“Sandy, want to go on Fantage? Did you create an account?”?
Lime Llama is the name of the server on Fantage.
what the heck? huh? ha! 🙂 😆 🙂
Shut it, girly!
haha! hehe!
that’s cool.
and, if, ur gone on Fantage,
Kesha: BYE! have a good time at Fantages!
Sandy: BYE! have a good time at Fantages!
who’s girly?
Yeah, you were talking smack behind my back! You might not know what it means. Espeically the goddess of wisdom and Ha! And I’m from both Canada and California. Don’t ever mess with me because, you’ll regret it!
🙂 😆 🙂
😆 😆 to Lime Llama server, whatever.
You are! LOL! Mess! With! ME!
I’m here, not Fantage.
i wasn’t! 🙂 and kesha, u were realy good at the costume, at the mltiverse.
I don’t know if we SHOULD be friends! Y’know what…. 👿
u want me to mess! with! YOU!?
I’m not talking……with you.
anyways. sorry. didn’t mean to. but still, i was just joking, kesha! dont take it too serious OK? 🙂
Sandy, are you okay? Did you like my Goddess outfit?
Tell WS I’m not talking with her today…..
ur not talking? haha! well,….
Maybe tomorrow……
I like it.
Tell WS “If you mess with me, well, I’m the Goddess of war and death.”
Sandy, you like me not talking with her or you like my outfit?
OK kesha! for now, u dont have to, but i’ll cut in SOME times, when nessecary! and tomorrow we’ll talk and be normal OK? bye! / half bye!
I’m gonna have my Sweet 16 soon. It’s tomorrow!
war and death? cool! i always liked some vicious ones! 🙂
I like your outfit.
too bad i’m only the goddess of math, wisdom, science, knowledge, calculations, and astronomy.
Ugh, Tell WS, I’ll think about it and if she jokes around with me again, next “Never talk to WS” time will be, a year! Tell her also, Not Kidding.
i like EVERYone’s outfit. all are unique.
Mine or her’s?
OK fine then.
sandy u haven’t changed ur costume
Why is she the Goddess Of Math? And who do you think should be the Goddess Of The Gods and Goddesses? I think you’re < then her. (Greater than.)
yeah i was only pretending…. that i like war and death. 🙄 anyways, i didn’t know it bothered u that much and i hate THE DAMN WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m the goddess of: hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, and death.
True. Math is important.
I’M THE GODDESS OF MATH CUZ I WAS THE BEST IN CLASS. and this time kesha, i’m serious. not kidding. REALLY.
Ok, the Not Talking time is over! And, I love War and Death. You insulted that, I insult math! It’s a boring subject! Ha ha ha!
I hate math, but I’m awesome at it.
sandy: yeah it is. skills and hunting are also important.
OMG. So close to 1000!!!
Thanks. 🙂
PS: Sandy, can I also be the Goddess Of Death? I thought of it first! I’m the Goddess of War, Pain, Love, Care, Revenge, Sun, Videos and Wepons.
sorry kesha. didn’t mean to insult it.
Oh, whatever. If you guys want to be my friends, I’m challenging you to my Viole quiz! Accept to be my friend?
Fine, you’ll be death.
I’ll also be: fate, destiny, life, water, and riches.
Kesha: u and sandy can of course be both cuz you can divide the work up….
sandy: (same as above)
yeah sure i’ll do the Viole quiz.
Oh, yeah, you say, “Sorry, I won’t do it again!” and you think it fixes everything! Wait a minute, I sound like my Mortal Mom.
No, you get death, I get riches! I thought of it!
No. I claimed riches first.
i’m the goddess of : math, science, wisdom, calculations, astronomy, and all knowledge.
Ok, Sandy, tell me, should I be friends with White Sword?
WS: All the good ones are almost gone!
I’m getting it! I already made up that myth!
Yes, yes you should. She did nothing wrong. Lightly joking around never hurts anyone
OK fine then i’ll say whatever u want me to say
WS: Here, I saved you life and fate.
I’m also the Goddess of shelter, ghosts, swearing, fire, warmth, hotness, and care.
kesha: sandy’s right… i was just joking. i just thought it’d cheer things up a bit.
I’m also: rainbows, seasons, sleep, and the soul.
sandy: Thank you, sandy t he goddess of Life and Fate and Water and Destiny and….. Riches?
and Rainbows and Seasons and Sleep and The Soul
Actually it’s Thene.
Thene….. whatever.
Whatever. I don’t care what you think and yes, I read that she was talking smack behind my back. You agreed last night. Don’t think I don’t know and I took some good ones and If you guys don’t want to be my friends, FINE! You better speak up or I’m only coming here to look at stuff. You guys have ten seconds and how much you beg when, I might be gone, I’ll be gone! 10…
Or give up your trait of riches, Sandy.
Ok i need to organize my stuff:
i’m the goddess of: math, science, astronomy, calculations, wisdom, knowledge, and fairness.
I’m Thene Gold, goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, riches, rainbows, seasons, sleep, and the soul.
You don’t care I’m about to leave? You’re not really a friend, then.
ok kesha, honestly, truthfully, i want to be ur friend.
Both of you? You really want me to leave, don’t you?
I do care.
No one cares about me! Three!
I don’t want you to leave, honestly.
i’m a friend of urs! i really truthfully want to! and how about ur Viole quiz?
me neither.
I just want to say, I really don’t want you guys to mess with me. One….
kesha i do care. please!
kesha…. please dont leave. 😥
I pulled that on you HARD! I told you not to mess with me.
aw, kesha! we do care about u! believe me!
sandy are you on?
I was about to leave. JK! I had that all planned out! I said that I would get you back!
How did you like you’re “Revenge Pie”?
Ooh, the Silent Treatment! Pull that on me, I’m leaving 4rlz.
i think that was clever of u kesha. 😡
and it’s not Silent Treatment. i was just writing my article!
Told you, Revenge! That’s why I’m the Goddess Of Revenge! I proved myself as Viole!
well, i thought that that was clever plan and i think u finally got what u wanted! :hmph!: 😡
😳 :hmph!: didn’t work out.
I’m also now the Goddess Of Riches!
O Goddess of Revenge……….. Clever! :hmph! again:
And….I think that my true home is right here, on Poptropica Secrets!
oh really? Goddess of Riches? oh.
🙂 i, the Goddess of Wisdom, say that Kesha is really wise indeed.
and i’m Goddess of Wisdom so that’s true if i say so!
What ones do you like of mine? Give me one of yours but, list them all and I’ll list mine!
I’m back!!!! Miss me?
How wise am I?
Laugh Out Loud, thanks! You are my true friend, you know that? That’s why, I’m giving you the Position of Goddess Of Care.
OMG. 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hi sandy!
I’m goddess of riches, not you.
Well, I’m wise! I pulled the leaving trick and she called me wise and I’m giving my position to WS not you, Sandy because you didn’t give me Riches so, ha ha ha!
sandy: u are not yet to be proven wise.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha to you, Sandy!
I don’t care.
WS: I now think we should dethrone K$.
yay! i’m the goddess of care!
and by the way. i’ll BRB!
Names will never hurt me! I don’t care what you say to me! I don’t care what you call me ‘cuz, Sticks and Stones might break my bones but, names, will never, ever hurt me! Never say Never makes no sense. He says never right then. I will never say (never) is better!
Oh, dethrone me? I dethrone you!
WS: I now think we should dethrone Sandy MD.
My wisdom was awesome and no you don’t care about me so, should I leave and did you want me to leave and you DID talk smack behind my back, Sandy!
I’m the Goddess of War, Pain, Love, Care, Revenge, Sun, Videos and Wepons.
Sandy, the Goddess Of Nothing? White Sword, Oh great one?
White Sword: Whose side are you on? Remember, I gave you the position of goddess of life and fate.
Oh, yeah, bribe her because that’s SO fair! 🙄 Sandy, face it, who do you like better? Do people just like you because of your ability?
And I don’t even like you. HA HA HA! I’m insulting you because you always do stuff do me!
I wasn’t trying to bribe her. I just wanted to remind her I gave her the position of goddess of life and fate.
Bribing! Not fair! Ok, should WE even be friends?
I believe we shouldn’t be friends.
However, we should not be enemies.
In order to have peace between us, I give you the position of goddess of money. Only if you promise to not start war between us and keep your promise.
And I get to be goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, jewels, seasons, sleep, and the soul.
Maybe. I agree. Deal closed. Signed and the deal is sealed but, I might start war between you and White Sword.
Actually, I believe we should not be friends if we keep treating each other like this.
ok hi guys i’m back!
And I also believe there should be no queen. Or have let everyone have a chance to be queen and then choose who was best.
sandy’s right. if we dont argue, we will have peace.
Hi, White Sword!!!
I’m the Goddess of War, Pain, Love, Money, Revenge, Sun, Videos and Wepons. Somethings good. Others, not so much. Oh! And did I tell you about Eve? I’ll write a story about her.
ok first, let’s organize who gets to be who.
I’ll be goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, jewels, and peace.
i’m the goddess of math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowldge and wisdom.
who are you guys? sandy? kesha?
No queens, and don’t make me start war by bringing your “Smart Act” up, White. That’ll start a fight between me and Sandy. Wait, it was you who started the fight, White!
I’m Cassandra “Sandy” Gold.
So, Blah Blah Blah, whatever. Ugh!
I’m Brianna “Viole” Nightshade.
anyways, kesha, we should just say that let’s VOTE for who to be queen. the other people on poptropicasecrets will vote.
I think we should organize who is goddess of what first.
I’m Valerie “Victoria” Midbloom.
that’s what i said.
Seriously, we should organize first.
I’m Brianna “Violet” Nighshade as I said. Hold on! *yells* Kate! You can’t go on! Chatting! Jeez!
ok so i’m the goddess… um, i think i said it about a million times so… no need to say it again!
“math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge and wisdom.”
No smart act period or, I’m breaking the deal of peace.
And we can have no more than ten.
OK kesha. no smart acts.
PS: I know, Owl Brain! Jeez!
Fine, organize. Whatever.
i only have 6! you guys have WAYYYYY more than me!
Sorry! I’ll give you the position of jewels!!
“math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge and wisdom” see? only 6!
OK, I’m the Goddess of War, Pain, Love, Money, Revenge, Sun, Videos, God, The heavens and Wepons.
OK then:
“math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge, wisdom and jewels, which i currently became”
I have 10! And their all good!
OK! sandy how about you?
Wait: plus the three I gave you (fate, life, jewels), and what Kesha gave you (care), that’s ten.
I have ten.
oh and also “care” kesha remember?
and “life and fate”
White Sword, poptropican fashion tip: Lose the glasses and get a beter hair-do. If you let me into your account, I can make you fashion!
OK we’re organized!
You have those now, don’t rub it in our faces! Jeez, it’s drak for 5:45!
lose the glasses? OK then… better hair-do? that’ll be hard. i’m not the goddess of fashion, you know. 🙄
White, let me in, I’m not doing that for you because, mine has PI.
White Sword: Here’s my tips: lose the sash and long skirt, and you’ll look awesome then. You don’t have to, of course.
i know! i hate the dark.
let u in on what?
Personal info. Let me get my hands dirty to find you a hair do if you let me in your thing. Won’t spend credits or change password!
I’ll do it for you. 🙂
I’ll give you a makeover!
Your account! Give it here! Give the username and password!
No, I will! I thought of it!
and i think i’ll take the advices sandy..
Fine, you do it, an if WS doesn’t like it, I’ll do it!
White Sword, please? Peace will come over you and everyone will say, “Wow!” when I give you MY style make-over!
Fine! We have no peace! Goodbye peace and goodbye money! I don’t care, really. What power do YOU have, Sandy? Ha ha, none!
user: vvvsgf
hey!!! i gave you mine!
OK, never say anything to ME, White Sword or Sandy! Ke$ha, out!
Sandy, the Mad Dragon are you on?
Should I change the hair??
huh………………………………………………. 😡
u can do what u like.
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
Done and done!
dont change the pass.!
I did what I did and it looks awesome now and she doesn’t have to go messin’ it up or, gonna be mad!
did u change the password? please NO!
did you?
Tell her: Brianna never wants to talk with you again!
Forget what I said up there! And, No, I didn’t!
dont change the password!
Go on yours and look what I’ve done! Rate 1 to 100!
oh good.
well, i rate: 99
thnx Kesha.
Ur welcome.
ruevenon? please dont go!
it looks better and – er – AWESOMER>!
is anybody on? hello? ello? llo? lo? o?
No! Don’t!
Hello, Sandy here.
i was just eatin’ dinner! hi!
Hi, WS!!!
hi kesha! hi sandy! i’m back!~
I’m switching bedrooms. 🙂
COOL! i’ve done that before and i thought it was fun.
???????????????????? is anyone besides me and sandy on? or sumthing like that>?
My lil sis is annoying.
ok here’s all the emoticons:
😀 😛 😉 😳 😮
🙂 / 🙂 🙁 / 🙁 😥 😡 🙄 😆 👿 😈
Italian food: 🙂 Sandy
oh ur litle sis? i dont have one!!!!!!!!!!!!! i AM a little sis!
toobad………… and Italian food: 🙂 Sandy?
Dracula: Scared and 😀 Sandy
Just made up a rule. What do you think about it?
The rule: Every goddess has exactly ten. No less, no more.
that’s TOTALLY fair, sandy!
Thx! 😀
room code: DEP74
room code: DEP74
pleasse come (if ur still on, sandy)
yay u came sandy!
Dear Athena: You suck.
-Cassandra Gold
It’s true. I’m unbreakable.
ur afraid of spiders?
And being stuck in fifth grade.
Yes. Yes. I am.
Minus the cereal.
Dear Cassandra: i dont suck!
– Valerie Midbloom
I let you win, you know. 🙂
Dear Valerie Midbloom: You are awesome. Athena isn’t.
-Cassandra Gold
Dear Cassandra: My name isn’t Athena. ‘Tis Valerie.
– Valerie Midbloom
I know. I was saying Athena sucks. Not you.
u were good!
🙂 🙂 😀
Dear Cassandra: OH 😳 .
– Valerie Midbloom
I wonder if this works…. :d
No, thank you.
is it the same routin?
I just went to have Chinese….in China! It was so good. You should go there and PS: I’m also the Goddess Of Travels!
yay u finally!
You have eleven now. Only ten.
Sandy, the Mad Dragon u left! wah!
Sorry. 😳
i already left!
i need to review again: so, “math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge, wisdom, care, fate, life, and jewels”
uh, is anyone here? besides ME?
I’m switching peace to laws.
Now I’m the goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, jewels, and laws.
Dear Valerie and Cassandra,
I’m changing my goddess name to Brianna. And are you guys on? I want someone to chat with or else, I’ll be playing Princesses with Serana, my little sis.
is anyone here?
WS: What do you think is cooler, what I gave you or what Kesha gave you?
but i already have jewels remember?
well, i like the ones: “care”, “life”, “fate”, and “jewels”. but i’m changing “jewels” to “gems” OK?
I remember. I simply asked you what you liked better: jewels, life, and fate or care.
I will now be the Goddess of Wed and love.
Kesha: You can only have ten.
Dear Cassandra,
Is that all right with you or not?
Valerie Midbloom,
Poptropican Name: W. Sword
It’s alright with me. 🙂
Don’t start a war, Deer brain!
she only has 2!
I’m having eleven.
OK sandy! so, “math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge, wisdom, fate, life, care and gems”
I have lots.
Kesha: Please keep it to ten, no less, no more. To be fair.
sandy: how about we change the rule to: Everyone can only have up to 3 of the same SUBJECTS but can have lots. ?
kesha is that all right with you? how about you Sandy?
I ‘m changing the law to: Everyone can only have 12. No less, no more.
I’m adding darkness and magic.
well, that’s kind of fair. “i only have: all technique-knowledges, life and gems”
OK then. i’m adding dawn and the flowers.
so now i have (do i really have to type it all up again? my hand is, like, getting used to it and can type it up in 20 sec.!): “math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge, wisdom, life, fate, care, gems, dawn, and flowers.”
WS: Copy and paste if your friend, my friend.
:OOPS: I meant is.
I’m the goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, jewels, laws, darkness, and magic.
i start the day (dawn), i blossom the flowers, i teach all human math, science, astronomy, calculations, knowledge and wisdom, i give people their lives, i control their fate, i decide wether they should have good care, and i award people with gems, along with guarding them.
???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? wat????
that was awesome! :ahhhhh: 😀
Hello, men! I’m single!
UH, is ANYONE on RIGHT now OR something LIKE that? HUH? answer ME! notice THE pattern?
hi kesha! now you have 12! just the same as us! :yay: (it wont work, probablt)
Are any men here? Just you. Oh. I’m also the goddess of flirting.
sandy: nope? the Pattern? didn’t? you need to study Patterns in Letters! 🙂 (goddess of math)
sandy: are we allowed to have 13?
I’m adding nationality and relatives.
Ahem, No one knows what I look like. A blend of the pictures that I gave you.
No, only twelve.
sandy: are we allowed to have 15?
why thank you very much for that 8 white sword
I really appreciate that.
So again I say thank you.
No. Only twelve, no more, no less.
And I’m taking back Care and adding careers.
bye now, Cassandra and Brianna!
have to go! bye! keep it up!
no u aren’t kesha!
Kesha: You have too much.
Ostrich, um, are you a god or um, a demigod?
Oh well, Deer Brain.
hello sandy
hello ke$ha
Ostrich? Sandy? Anyone? Is? Anyone? Here?
Hello!!! 🙂 🙂
well ke$ha I happen to be a demigod.
I am a son of Hermes
Oh, hi. Girl or Boy? I’m female. *fixes hair* Of course.
I am a boy.
But I am not a sport loving baffoon like most boys
Who? My sisters took over so, no Hermes. Where do you go for summer?
New law:
If you have broken a law, you lose your godhood for a week.
Old enough to go to prom? I’m going with…..someone.
I am sorry I do not fully understand the question.
Mrs. Lawsarerules, I don’t care.
Wait please ke$ha are you referring to me for the prom.
Ok are you old enough to go to prom?
I hope White Sword comes back soon.
Maybe. Maybe not. I always have someone on my prom list.
Now could you please tell me how old you need to go to a prom
My battery is getting low. Call it a day and don’t smack talk bout me.
16 or so. Or 15. 14. Yeah, fourteen.
I would NEVER talk “smack” about anyone.
You are 14???
Kesha (Viole Nightshade?): You are officially a demigod.
what about you sandy are you a demigod
has everybody left???
I’m a goddess. Goddess of I’m the goddess of hunting, beauty, skill, art, music, moon, destiny, water, laws, darkness, magic, and power.
ok I guess I will go too.
Goodbye everybody I will try to be back as soon as I can.
Sandy you scared me I thought everybody left
I am the goddess of darkness.
Wait a sec you’re the goddess of beauty and destiny
Can you tell me if I will get to date the girl of my dreams
My visions are limited, but yes. Eventually.
But that is a funny coincedence though
if there is anything I can do for you you let me know ok???
Congrats. You are now a god.
What uuummm I don’t know if I can handle that much power but I
can try.
I will not fail you I will be one of the best gods who ever lived
Choose twelve things.
But may I ask how did I become a god
I granted you godhood. Don’t ask too much about godhood. It’s complicated.
12 things huh
I suppose if I can I would like animals,metal,electricity,comedy,best judgement,plants.
And I will try to think of more later
Ok I won’t ask too much about godhood.
But does being a god make me have eternal life???
You are the god of animals, electricity, and humor.
I suppose. You can only die if you intend to.
why thank you
But seeing as how I am now a god of simple tastes do I have to pick more???
ok I must as the mortals say “hit the hay”
Goodbye Sandy hopefully I can talk to you tom
Anyone here at 7:56 in the morning? 😆
I am now here ke$ha
i wish someone could be on
I’m the Goddess Of War, Pain, Love, Money, Revenge, Sun, Videos,Wepons, Flirting, Travels, Sorcery, Women, Men, Islands, Animals and Innapropriate-ness.
Oh and Goth things, Punk-Goth things.
Mortals are so desparate and sad. They can’t see through the veil. Oh, so sad. Minoutar attack in the subway in Toronto!
Ostrich Rider, are you on? If you are, do you want to get married? My godly name is: Viole, Viola or Brianna. We’re gods and we can get married and have children even though we are. So, is that a yes or a no? I’ll find dresses and hair-styles for you to agree to if we get married and we can do innapropriate stuff together and have children. So, yeah. Happy Marrage! Yes! We’re getting married. First, do you live in Canada or USA?
Let’s get married, Ostrich Rider!
Kesha: You are no longer the goddess of war, pain, flirting, love, videos, weapons, and money.
New law: Only twelve or less.
Well, yeah, I am and I’m keeping those. And, I’ll also be the Goddess Of Wed. And Innapropriate-ness. And Sex’s. Also, punk and goth things. Twelve!
You here?
I am here.
I am getting married to Ostrich Rider.
Poor him.
What do you mean “Poor him?”
Nothing, nothing.
Whatever. I don’t know if we should have peace.
Actually, I was watching Victorious. Poor Rex. He got his foot fried.
Oh, yeah. That’s what you meant. I saw that one!
We should at least be civil to each other.
Even if he’s just a puppet. Or is he??
Fair deal. If we do war, I might kill you.
I don’t know. It’s funny, though. Watching somthing else.
I wonder how Trina got in Hollywood Arts.
Whoever I marry shall, treat me like a queen and buy me the most, expensive things!
I am getting married to Hermes, the Greek god. 🙂
Hermes? Oh, yeah. Weird. I’m getting married to the god with the unknown name.
I just bought the most expensive, luxurious, godly palace. 🙂
Are you here and are you okay?
I bought this palace!
The first one!
How do you like my “Godly Palace?”
It’s okay.
Hello? Is anyone here?
hello ke$ha i do live in the USA.
where are you exactly
Okay, how do you create a website?
It’s the second one.
USA, California. I planned our wedding because, we’re getting married. Do you want to?
What do you think of my home?
Sandy: Not big at all and I need a wedding planner.
Rider: We can have 2 children. You have one, I have one.
and ke$ha could you please define “innapropriate-ness”
Rider, can I call you that? I don’t know what you’d like me to wear and what you’d like to wear. You pick both and I see.
wait only 2???
I am not so sure I could do so little
Oh, sure. Being innapropriate, being…you know what. How old are you?
Fine. You plan children and I have an expensive wedding chapel!
of course you can call me rider.
you wear whatever you want
I will probably wear a tux fit for a king
So, that’s a yes?
Updown Court? Not big? Are you blind?
But, it’s not.
i am old enough to know I will reaaallllyyyy enjoy our marriage
but it is most definetly a yes
Yes! Okay, me and you=marrige.
You know, there are 103 rooms in Updown Court.
I’m getting a bigger mansion! And a dress. And a limo. And shoes. A beatiful gown. You, get the rest.
its funny though because sandy was able to technically predict this.
I don’t care. There are more in my soon-to-be house!
want type of rings would you like???
Is it just me, or is Kesha getting really annoying?
Updown Court: 58 acres.
you do however realize that the gown wont be on long after
i think ke$ha is just fine the way she is
Here’s my house! Mariah Carey didn’t buy it! It’s Fleur De Lys, my new house. I just gambled and won! Yes, my favorite house….score! 1’00’0000’000 rooms!
alright sandy
Aww…thanks. *kisses*
that’s incredibley great
I don’t care what ring.
so i guess i should go with diamond then huh
You know, my home is a lot more expensive than yours. And Fleur De Lys doesn’t have that many rooms.
My dress:
The tea cut one.
FYI: You’re our wedding planner. Need to get ring at new store. BRB
I must say that I think a red wedding dress would suit you.
its beatiful ke$ha
i can not wait to see it on you
(to bad it won’t be on long afterwards)
Got it! My super-rich-dad got it airmail!
Oh, whatever. Find a nice chapel. And me some nice shoes. And him a nice tux.
the dress or the ring???
The dress and the ring.
o wow that was extremely quick
Sandy: Are you still here? I have to try my dress on. It’ll take 20-25 mins.
Rider: Can’t wait for tonight. *kisses*
I’m here. What do you think of my dress??
For a wedding? So-so. Expensive is better.
My dress is ready. Be back! Kisses, Ke$ha.
wait am i allowed to see you try on your dress
My engagement ring:
sorry i have to go ke$ha
i promised the mortals in a quick game of basketball.
at least thats what i think they call it
be probably back at 8:35
see you then
Prom will be held at Updown Court tonight.
My Rider is gone. He’s only my fionceé but, I love him. I need to go.
Promised my BFF that we’d watch the Music Video Countdown.
And a LMAO show. Wait…..
My prom dress: (black)
This is mine.
For prom???
Hello? Sandy?
Rider? Are you early from Basket-ball?
Hi, K!
Nevermind. I’ll search another on Google.
I suggest that you go on
Thanks and this is definetly mine!
Good to know that I helped. 😀
Awesome dress by the way. 😀
Oh my god! I’m in girl heaven! Why is my fioncee spending his Free Time playing basket-ball? I’m practicing my wedding of my dreams and he’s playing that foolish game he calls “Fun” and goes, ‘Hey, I’m spending time with mortals! Bye!’ Our wedding’s tommorrow! I still need him to be a great gentleman and say, ” I love you. I want to spend all my life with you.”
Really? Mine ended our engagement. But now I’m getting married to Ares. 🙂
Ares? The god of retards?
Yes. He’s really awesome, though.
Basically, I’m a vampire.
My mother is a vampire.
So, are you?
Nope. And I think Artemis said that when I was three and wouldn’t go to bed.
Whatever. *bares fangs*
Remember, I’m the magic goddess. 😈
Hello. And now, I’m the Goddess of Vampires.
Do you mind getting rid of something first?
I don’t know. Care. There. Medusa was such a retard. I mean, turn people to stone? Kill them and date Poseidon? She is.
Actually, care is White Sword. And Medusa dated Poseidon, Athena got mad, and then Athena turned her into a gorgon.
Thene, are you here?
-Getting Married And Never Happier, Ke$ha
So, yeah. Videos. Dropping videos. Do you like White Sword?
Yes, I like WS. As a friend, of course.
My hair:
Yeah. Don’t be disgusting and like-like her. Laugh Out Loud! I love Rider. He’s so awesome! OK, I wonder if he’s done basket-ball and is he having a burger with his buddies or cheating on me? What do you think he’s doing?
I won’t. But I like her style from before she went all…
Avril Lavigne With Blonde Pink Hairstyle Color
Cute hair. 🙂
Give me some advice, is he cheating on me? Is he seeing another girl? Go look at the Basket-Ball court around here and see. Then, come straight back and tell me the news!
No. He’s just playing basketball.
Please! I’ll give you a position of Goddess Of The Future. So, basically, a pyshic.
Something seems like, he’s cheating on me. Since, I’m the Goddess Of Women And Men, I get this feeling. Check again. Is he winning?
I see a girl coming towards him…
Ugh. If he checks her out, I’m giving him a piece of my mind!
It’s just his sister.
OK, his sister. Good. OK, yeah.
Now another girl is coming. His other sister.
He has two sisters? Do you want to be my Made-Of-Honor?
Now he’s kissing Sis #1 on the cheek. Did I mention she’s three?
I would love to. Can you be one of my bridesmaid?
Three? Oh my gosh. Then, if she’s his sister, she’ll be my niece. One minute.
Yes, I would.
Do you mind picking three dresses for me to wear? Then I’ll pick the one I like the most.
Put each dress in a different comment.
I don’t know. When is your wedding?
Next week.
Can you pick three dresses for me to wear at you wedding?
Mine is tomorrow.
I’m on my iPod so no.
Later, then?
Hello???? Ke$ha?
Kesha: What are the colors for your wedding???
Awesome what is your room code?
Don’t have one.
I don’t think I said, “Awesome what is the room code?” A Ke$ha impostor!
So, what are your wedding color scheme?
My Wedding colors? Gold and Red. At least, yeah. They are.
Okay, what about these?
These what???
The ones I put!
Do you mean the wedding colors?
Here’s mine:
That’s your wedding dress? It looks pretty, though.
Here’s your choices:
All at this website!
I was kidding! That’s one I picked out for my Made-Of-Honor.
That’s a wedding dress… Not a maid of honor one.
Me, on that too!
I don’t care…..It looks awesome so…..
Fioncee? Are you back from Basket-Ball because in 7 mins, I have to go to Cheerleading with Sandy!
Kesha: I found the perfect maid-of-honor dress. What do you think?
My color scheme is purple and black.
Wait…mine is gold and black.
And…guess who’s preforming at my wedding? Radiohead!
What about this one?
Avril Lavigne is performing at mine. 🙂
Good! Wear that! Oh, cheerleading! Got to go! Bye!
hi guys! went swimmin’!
is anyone on? Hello? ello? llo? lo? o? sandy? andy? ndy? dy? y? kesha? esha? sha? ha? a?
Hi, WS! Want to be the maid of honor at my my wedding?
Oareich: if ur son of Hermes, then ur my brother. i’m daughter of Hermes and Athena. ur mom is Athena.
hi sandy! yeah sure.
😳 i mean Ostrich not Oareich.
uh? is? any? one? on? huh?
WS: Would this dress be better for maid of honor or bridesmaid??
uh, bye now! have to go now!
are you on ke$ha
or sandy
or white sword
i just want to talk to somebody
seriousy anybody will do
ok now i have been reduced to begging
please someone chat with me
i am not kidding ke$ha that dress is AMAZING
seriously you are everything i could have ever hoped for
boy do i wish i could talk to anyone
Hey, OP!
I mean OR. 😳
thank you
finally someone to talk to
your prediction came true sandy
do you think you can describe ke$ha for me
i don’t know if she’s on or not so i might as well ask you
I say that she’s fun and friendly, although you wouldn’t want to be her enemy.
ok thank you very much for the advice
but i would like to know more
More about what?
oh what she does
what city she’s in
mostly what she likes most about me.
I cannot figure out what she does. I am truly sorry. It is not one of my talents…
i mean what sort of mortal hobbies
Still, I can’t figure out unless I ask her. I suppose… No, it is forbidden.
what what what
what is forbidden????
I cannot say it to you. I can only say it to The Three Gossip Hunters.
but i am getting married to ke$ha
are you sure there is absolutely nothing you can tell me
because i would also like to know who the 3 gossip hunters are.
White Sword, Kesha, and me.
but i need all the help i can get
i could not live if i lost ke$ha.
Treat her like a queen, but do not spoil her. Spend at least an hour not giving her attention. Do not put her above of you, nor under.
this is for my lovely future bride
i am not nor will ever cheat on you
i love you far too much to do that.
Thanks and she was right not wanting to make my enemy. My hobbies are, grave-reading, killing, hunting, lying and chatting on-line. But, I like some sports too. I live in Califorina. Near the beach so, I have a beach body. You’re lucky too have me as your beautiful bride. And, our wedding’s today! We HAVE to hurry. It’s like at 5,4,6 or somethin’. You decide!
Is anyone on? Rider, I like everything about you. You’re looks, You’re skills, especially last night. That was great.
Hello, My Future Husband? Are you here? Um….I’ll leave you a message.
“I have to go to my wedding rehersal soon so, I’m leaving you this. I love you. *kisses so long* I love you so much. I will never cheat, nor love another man, in my life.”
Ok, Radiohead canceled last minute. We need to book someone else. Maroon 5?
If you don’t spoil me and treat me like a queen, I will love you. I will love you anyways. That’s why I proposed. Ok, the ring. You decide what one. I’ll look but, y’know, read my comments and say I if you’re here. If you approve, say my name.
Here is my ring.
Here’s our new house. #1 or #2 most expensive house in THE WORLD!
hello my AMAZING wife
the wedding will have to be at 6
because i live in omaha
Oh, 6. Okay. I love you. *kisses*
i love you so much i want the wedding to be NOW
Yeah, me too but, we have to wait. Can’t wait for this night.
Are you here
Wonderful husband?
I love you and
I want to spend my life
With you.
i am here
i feel the exact same way
i will love and cherish you forever and ever
I hope you a have a lovely tuxedo and I have a lovely dress. Buy me a nice ring, I’ll get the house and the chapel. Do you like this nice chapel?
what happens at tonight???????
(getting extremely excited)
i love the chapel and the ring is diamond
The wedding and…..something that I can’t say because it’s innapropriate.
I know. I love it too. We have the same tastes.
I love you and we can have 6 children.
but you are the goddess of innapropriate-ness
plus i am your future husband you can definetely tell me
please please please
I forget now. Look at the cake and I might have to go.
ok 6 children
i will enjoy our marriage very much
*kisses* I love you and I need to go to Cheerleading all day ’till 3:10.
wait no you can’t forget
please i want to know what you thought was innapropriate
see now i am begging please let me know
my cheerleading goddess of innapropriateness???
are you still here
Husband! I’m back and our marriage will be y’know today at 6 and I’m so happy. Are you here?
Husband, my hansome husband, are you here?
I love you so much! *kisses and kisses*
Are you here because if you are we can have the rehersal early. Is my wedding planner\Maid-Of-Honour here? We’ll be having lots of guests from my Jamacian side of the family and your side of the family. First, are you all American? I’m Jamacian and American. You get to have 3 kids of your own and I get my kids. My will be named: Nicholas, Alexandra(Alex) and the last one will either be a guy or a girl so, Helen(girl) or Andrew.(boy)
Does anyone have a website that they want to reccomend to us because if you do, we could chat on there. Me? Fantage.
There’s a war going between my family and your’s, Rider. Like, Romeo and Juliet. You’re Romeo and i’m Juliet. But, seriously, there is a war so, their forbidding our marriage. And I’m grounded from seeing you. I live in the East end of the castle and you live in the west. I love you and we should ignore our parents and marry! I love you. Oh, no! My parents are here and I hate them! Hurry and we’ll get married and me and you will marry after dinner. For dinner, Sidekick noodles and veal cutlets! Mmm! Okay, our wedding supper will be Fillet Mingion with a savory sauce. And vegtables and all these other stuff. Lemon iced tea. My waitress will be a women with good aim and balance. And my private chef will make us the meal. And, since I’m still a demi-god, I’m mostly still on a quest. Oh, and do you still go to a school? I’m, like, Ke$ha Capulet and you’re Rider Montague.
Hello. Sandy here.
Prom is moved two the day before my wedding.
Did you read that me and Rider have to be apart but, I’m marrying him TONIGHT! Get your dress and meet me at the Chapel just around the corner. Get in your dress and I’ll get mine on. Just a sec!
Is this dress a maid of honor or bridesmaid?
I really don’t care only if you show up. You can be my bridesmaid. And that’s a nice bridesmaid dress and you walk down the isile with me!
Okay. That dress will be a bridesmaid dress.
The wedding will begin soon like in 30 minutes! Where is my groom? He should hurry if we’d like to be married without getting divorced by our parents!
Rider, my husband, are you here?
Hello, Sandy, my bridesmaid or Rider, my husband, are you here? The food, the ring, the priest, the cake, the dress and everyone is there except you two!
I am here!!
Wait, wasn’t I your maid-of-honor????
You’re both! Happy day! You’re here and the only thing missing is Rider, my groom.
Cool. 🙂 🙂 😀
My info:
Home: Updown Court
Regular dress: The one that was going to be my wedding dress. (Link in another post)
You like me not getting married to the man of my dreams?!?!
No, I would hate that.
I’m gonna see if you like anymore of these dresses!
My engagement ring:
My wedding ring: In another post.
That’s a very pretty dress.
Thank you. I can sure pick out gothic wedding dresses!
My wedding is a gothic wedding and the Justin Beiber Parody episode of a show is coming on!
My husband, strong and firece who will protect me, who will love me and defend me, will you marry me?
Preist: Do you take this woman as your lovely wife?
My wedding dress is the third one. 🙂
Okay, cool. Cancel mine, i’m taking the first!
My little brother just hit the wall when, he was running to jump in the pool. My little sister won and gets the 109 butlers for the week but, I have 1’000! And my other sister just won a gambling game on-line. And my brother landed a date with the girl of his dreams: Marissa.
I just found out I have a twin. Who’s the exact opposite of me. :O
Marissa canceled for some other loser, my older brother. My brother just flicked me with a ruler and I punched him out. Go team Viole!
My twin’s name is Amethyst.
My little brother did a DNA test and he comes from a family from Africa. Oh my gosh. I’m packing his bags NOW!
My African brother’s name is: “Wayde.”
CN I BEE A GODES????????????????????!!!!
No, Amethyst. You cannot be a goddess.
Here’s my tiara (which I wear all the time):
Oh my gosh! I found out that my parents think I’m vicious and creul. That’s the way they think, that’s the way I’ll be! I told my big bro go fetch me a AB&GJ sandwhich.
Hey, I’m Ke$ha! What’s up? You DO NOT want to be my enemy!
MIE SSTR IZ SOOOOOOO MENNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amethyst: Please, learn how to spell.
Quick info about my sister: Girly, hates everybody I like (Kesha, Rider, WS, EP, etc)
Oh-ho, she hates me! *bares fangs and blood drips from mouth*
DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZ
Please, do!
My sister is annoying, isn’t she?
IM GO STELE OSRIC RDR FRM U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
*bites* Ok, done. What she just said, what does that mean?
Oh, yeah, she is and now….poof!
She said she was going to steal Rider from you.
She’s not gonna stop the wedding!
Priest: You may kiss the bride.
*Rider & Ke$ha kiss!*
Ke$ha: We’re married!
Rider: Yeah!
Got to go! I need to prepare myself some dinner at the wedding!
Thank you for getting rid of her. 😀 I give you the ability to have thirteen things.
Okay, thanks! Yeah, I’m married!
Let’s start planning my wedding now!!!!!!!!
The thing I’m adding is, what i’m good at, the Goddess Of Vampires.
Okay, my wedding is over! You’ll enjoy it!
What about a Las Vegas one? I had mine there!
No, I want one in Paris. Outside.
Okay, I found the perfect one!
I actually don’t want to be married in a chapel.
I have to go to 20 minute cheerleading practice? Ugh! Coach is so strict! Got to go!
Wait, got SOME time!
Okay, your wedding. Big. Expensive. Outside. What if it rains? Locate it inside.
I’m the goddess of magic. I’ll make it clear and sunny.
I’m the Goddess of Vampires AND spirits AND the dead. That title goes with Vampires.
Actually, it doesn’t. Besides, I
So, all evil and all spirits are gone away from your wedding.
chose it first.
Yes, it does if you want evil away from your wedding.
Oh, whatever and no, I said I was the Goddess of vampires and fine! You get dead, I get spirits and Vampires!
It does not. I got it, fair and square.
I have to go to Cheerleading. Be back in 10\15\20 minutes!
I get Vampires because, I said it. YOU didn’t! Do you WANT to be my enemy?!
I meant the magic thing…
I didn’t say magic but, i get dead.
hello my totally beatiful wife
Deal. You get dead and whatnot and I’ll get magic.
so i just wanted to let you know
i found another website that will be easier for us to chat
the mortals call it skype
Hello, Rider. How’s you day?
pretty good sandy
i just can’t stop thinking about ke$ha
is she at cheerleading
Yes, yes she is.
Can you help me with the wedding plans? Ares keeps saying yes to everything!
look you just need to uuuummmm well what worked
with me and ke$ha
ke$ha just got me to “work” for her in a special room
then i just gave my opinion about EVERYTHING
Actually, I’ll get married in the biggest ballroom in Updown Court. 🙂
Hey, my hansome husband. Back early and Wolf squad was last! We totally CRUSHED them! And the wedding went well. How was the work room?
I’m going to work now.
Why did he leave early? I love him and whew! Cheerleading is so awesome. This year, I’m going to Cheerleading camp! And guys stare at us all day. Are you on rider?
Work? What do you mean? Do you still get to chat with me?
Oh yes. My work is just writing. Very easy and profitable.
Ke$ha? You there?
Yes, I’m here. My group of vampires are heading out to South Dakota. I’m not. The dead is wanting to hunt. And spirts are taking revenge on White Sword.
My work is one of my hobbies. You guess which one. PS, I’m also the Goddess Of Flirting.
Revenge for what??
Flirting is your work.
She insulted the dead and now, their haunting her in her sleep.
Yes, yes it is. Pays well and good job.
Poor her. I’ll cast a spell on her so she won’t be too scared.
So you get paid for flirting?
The spirts are horrible. And I’m their leader. So, I can’t stop them. Too bad, White sword. 👿
Oh, yeah. I find someone and flirt with them then, I get paid 1b.
That sounds kinda slutty. No offense.
Ok, spirts will hate you. They will offend you, make you the most un-popular person in the school and haunt you everywhere.
I already am the most unpopular person.
ke$ha dear what was that about flirting with random strangers
I’m so popular. I’m the highest and everyone has a crush on me!
Oh, nothing. 😳
Rider, are you here? I’m not cheating on you, it’s my job. I do it for a living.
Why don’t you do something else for a living?
It pays 1b!!!!
So? There are many other jobs.
Rider? Are you here my love? I love you and it’s like Romeo and Juliet. I may not be able to be with you. 😥
If you’re here, say I!
I! *licks lips*
For now, you can have any amount of thing, as there are very little deities.
I’ll be speed and fashion.
i am here my love
i guess i just got a little jealous
can you ever forgive me???
I’m also fortune and future. Socializing and Videos. Countries and Cities. Boats and Water. Jobs and Make-up. Stardom and fame.
Why did you get jealous? You will always be mine. I love you. Meet you in Paris tonight. *kisses*
I’m already water…
Okay, heavens.
And blood.
I’ll also get fairies and pixies. And friendship. And books.
I’ll also get rainbows.
I’m getting TV. And videos, mansions and phones.
um ke$ha
do you want me to shave my sorta mustash
i just want to make you happy
I’ll also get England, France, USA, and Canada.
And femininity. And feminism.
Well, not fair! I get that because I’m goddess of countries so, no!
you also never answered my question
what is so innapropriate it has to wait until tonight???
i am your husband
if you absolutely truely love me
you will tell me
Not fair! I got women and men and countries and cities and provinces and states. I get gold too!
You are? Okay. I’ll get Hollywood, London, and Paris then.
It HAS to wait. It’s about our children. And something we’ll do!
I get feminism.
And royalty.
I’m also French! You get Hollywood, London and….and…..Mexico!
No. I get Paris. I don’t want Mexico.
Not fair! I get femeinsim because I’m the goddess of women. You get gold if you give me femeinsim!
I don’t care! Give me Paris NOW!
No. I like feminism.
And, Ostrich, yeah, shave. Ugh, do you have a car or a motorcycle?
No. I will not give you Paris.
I get it because I said it first! Look on the chart back there and you didn’t say. We saved changes then and we got to keep what we liked so, I kept that. You stole that, i’m stealing underworld!
but i would highly appreciate it if you just said what we’re going to do
i know sandy is a great friend and you 2 are deciding who rules what
but come on i would tell you anything you wanted to know
so why can’t i know
You get what? Paris or feminism?
If I don’t get my share, the sprirts will haunt you.
Our children, we maybe have to adopt.
Fine. Get Paris. I’ll keep feminism.
i have a car but i usually go motorcycle
Fair deal but, I control men and you cannot control me!
Do you even know what feminism is?
Yes, I do but, do you dare to ask that?! Spirts, assemble! Vampires, in place!
sandy you know ke$ha’s right
well she’s able to control me pretty well at least
and ke$ha what was that about ADOPTION??????
Decide, take that back or, major pain!
Oh yeah, I’m taking the position of queen.
Heh heh. I don’t know. Should we or….I’m going to have a BABY! No, 6!!!!!!!!!!
And…..oh! You made my enemy!!!!!!!
Rider, meet you’re three and my three.
I don’t care. I used to like you but now you’re just…
Oh yeah, you lost all of your positions. And godhood.
oh man
i completely missed the hormonal stage
i was really counting on seeing my wife less “dressed”
but back to the baby is it a boy or girl???
You name yours. I name mine.
but sandy you can’t take her godhood
how am i supposed to live with her forever if she is mortal???
I did not! What was the law again?
I’ll turn you mortal if you want.
I suppose you can earn your way back.
Rider tell her, while my butler feeds my children.
ok this kid will be called James
his brothers John and Hunter
will love him
How and you can’t take my godhood!
sandy i swear you better give her godhood
Prove yourself worthy and I may give you back your godhood. It difficult, though.
ke$ha she can if she can grant if she can take it
(saying through clenched teeth)
Is everybody ignoring my offer???
You have the guys. i have the girls.
Rebecca, Helen, and Marissa.
ke$ha is completely worthy
sure i don’t get to love her the way i want to
but she is still the greatest person i have ever known
alright sandy what does ke$ha have to do
to get her godhood back
Kesha: All you need to do is a simple task. Very simple.
would you please just TELL her
She has to accept. By saying the oath.
what is this FREAKIN oath
just stop stalling so ke$ha can become my godly (beatiful and intelligent)
alright sandy
The hunter oath.
doesn’t the hunter oath make you swear off men forever???
because in case you didn’t figure it out
i happen to be a MAN
come on sandy i want answers
sandy is that what the hunter oath is??!!
(shaking with fury)
alright seeing as how sandy won’t talk
i guess we’ll have to figure out things tomorrow
goodnight my love
She says the oath. My mother then has to accept it. Kesha will be a hunter for a week. If Artemis deems her worthy, she will be a goddess again. If she doesn’t….
oh what is to happen is she doesn’t
i am going to take a guess at it
if ke$ha fails she can never be a god again.
why can’t you just give her her godhood back
Nope. Worse.
you know what sandy
here’s my plan
i am going to train and train and train
then i plan on killing artemis
i refuse to take a chance on losing ke$ha forever
i am sorry ke$ha
but i have to do this i will try to come back soon
Whatever. She can have her godhood back. But she has to follow rules.
thank you sandy
i will try to keep her in line
Good. And you are now promoted.
what am i promoted to????
I suppose I can give you a place in the office.
i do love that show
What show?
the office of course but i must now leave
i will be here tom.
Updown Court is lovely. 🙂
You were flirting with my man!!!! And I’m still a goddess.
He thinks that you gave him the job in the show the office.
My true love is on the other side of the castle. Have to rescue him.
Juliet: Romeo?
Romeo: Juliet Capulet, I love you. Will thee marry me?
Easy come, easy go
That’s just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won’t do the same
No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I’m numb
Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you’re from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That’s just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
Bruno Mars Grenade lyrics found on
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won’t do the same
If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me you’re a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby…
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won’t do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no
Are you there rider? I’m on a quest and I brought my iPod with me. Okay, have you been seeing someone other than me?
i am now here
but our time is limited
so i must hurry
i have to go
i may have a lead to where Artemis is
i will try to be back soon
i love you
and remember i won’t EVER cheat on you
Rider are you seriously going to destroy Artemis? I don’t want you too! You’re mine!
Um, bubblegum?
I wasn’t flirting!
My friend, sister, is coming on. She’s Emma!
Wait, I thought I bit you!
hi evry one! just finished HP and the prisoner of Azkaban! 🙂
hi! so what’s goin’ on?
UNKL HEELD MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur, is anyone on>.<
My sister, Amethyst, is annoying. Isn’t she?
My friend, you know the one I said, Bubblegum? Well, she’s coming on here as Emma! And she’s my friend!
Ha ha ha!
OH Emma? oh! 🙂
I dearly regret healing her.
Yeah, where is she? I’m waiting for her!
It’s Amethyst Gold for correctly.
hi Amethyst Gold!?
I regret taking revenge on you, Viole.
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM AMYTHST …… :::::::::::::ddddddddddddddddddddd
My name is Viole Deathrock Nightshade. My name is Brianna.
Dear Nemisis:
What do you mean?
– Valerie Midbloom
hi Brianna! my name’s Valerie.
My name is Cassandra Jade Gold.
i think both of u are pretty!
Oh, you think so? I challenge you to a fight! Sword against….Canibal! I’m a cannibal!
hi CJG!
u know, i’m doing a Carnaval project for French class…. BORING!
My mom just informed me that my name is actually Rosana Lily Gold. 🙁
hi RLG!
Brianna: OMG! Like, LOL! My sister is such a pain!
Viole: No, I’m not. My sister is so annoying! You want to make enemies with her.
Changed my name to Cassandra Jade Diamond. 🙂
Sup, V!
Viole: My aunt told me my name is actually Emmilyn Relan Gold. Hey, GOLD?!
hi CJD!
kesha: i know! little sisters can be annoying! OMG!
My sister said that she’s prettier than me, goddess of beauty. She’s an idiot.
kesha: sorry but my name is Valerie.
not Viole, or are you talking abou’ urself?
i rock at science. and math. and i think i’ll like astronomy.
No, Just kidding! My last name is Diamond. No, gold. Diamonds. Gold. She doesn’t know. We have two Birth Certificacates! One says, “Emmilyn Relan Gold.” And another says, “Emmilyn Relan Diamond.”
My uncle said that Artemis was going to name me Isabella Marie Swan. 🙁
She said my certifiactes are a hoax! Boo! And Artemis just said, that I’m actually named Kelly Fortune Youth.
And she says When I Am A Star, she forces me to have my name be, Jessie Y U? (Jessie Why You?)
my name is also Victoria Violet Jewel, along with Valerie Vanessa Midbloom.
Changed my name again.
sandy: i bet ur middle name was named after famous Marie Curie! LOL!
sandy & kesha: bye now! have to go! have to write my Narrative project. also have to…NVM but i’ve got to go! bye see ya!
Another was Luna Lovegood. 😀
And Hermione Granger.
And Lily Potter.
And Lord Voldemort.
My names are:
Kelly Youth.
Emmilyn Gold.
Emmilyn Diamond.
Brianna Gold.
Violet Nightshade.
Viole Deathrock.
Current name: Jessie YU?
Hello? Please. I only have Amethyst for company. 🙁
What’s a pretty but goth name?
Not telling and I have it!
Can you suggest a few names? Please?
ke$ha i made a mistake
artemis is a lot stronger than i thought
i won’t be able to live much longer
i will miss you in the underworld
Ostrich Rider: I shall heal you. But do not attempt to kill Artemis.
no apollo i must pay for the mistake i have made
all i want is to make sure nothing bad ever happens
to ke$ha
If you insist.
My uncle can’t spell his own name correctly. 😆
I shall put you in the stars, OR.
My name is now Sabrina Lilith Sandra Waters.
Malaria is my name! I call it and you cannot take it! You know why I picked it? Because,
If you don’t know what this is, you might want to find another subculture to subscribe to. It’s an alcoholic beverage made with wormwood (artimisia absinthium), a plant known for its mild hallucinigenic properties. It was very popular among 19th and early 20th century artists.
Ague term for Malaria used from the middle ages up until the 20th century.
Ahriman evil deity in Persian Zoroastrianism
Alcina sorceress in Italian Arthurian legends.
Amanita genus of poisonous mushrooms
Amarantha a mythological Greek flower that never faded.
Amaranthus genus of flower also known as “love lies bleeding.” Used in middle ages to stem bleeding.
Amethyst purple gemstone, thought to be a cure for drunkenness, and also to encourage celibacy. Wine goblets in the middle ages were often carved from amethyst. In astrology, it is a symbol of heavenly understanding.
Annabel Lee a tragic poem by Edgar Allan Poe
Anubis/Anpu Egyptian mortuary god
Arachne Greek mythological figure who Athena turned into a spider in a fit of jealousy
Artemisia Greek mythological figure, also the species of wormwood, used to make absinthe.
Ash what’s left behind after a fire. Also, think of Daniel Ash.
Asmodeus another name for Satan
Aspiradora means “vaccuum” in Spanish. If you want a name that really sucks! (har har)
Astaroth Demon, Christian mythology
Astolat the place where Elaine the tragic “Lily Maid” of Arthurian legend hailed from
Asura “Demon” in Hinduism
Asya According to one book I have, means “born in a time of grief” in Swahili.
Atropine a poison
Autumn season where everything dies
Avalon the otherworldly place where King Arthur went after he died. Also a model of mini-van.
Avarice Greed. One of the Seven Deadly Sins
Aveira word for “sin” in Hebrew
Avon in Hebrew, a sin of lust or uncontrollable emotion.
Azazel Hebrew Bible goat-like demon
Azrael Angel of Death in the Koran.
Balor one-eyed giant in Irish mythology
Banshee from Irish bean sidhe meaning “woman spirit; fairy; otherwordly being.” The banshee screams when someone is about to die.
Bealtaine Celtic holiday– corresponds with May day (Celtic major festivals are held at mid-points between equinoxes & solstices, not on those days).
Beelzebub Semitic god name sometimes used as an alternate for Satan.
Belial another name for Satan
Belinda a moon of Uranus (snicker, snicker.) The name probably derives from an old word for “serpent.”
Belladonna poisonous plant with purple flowers (deadly nightshade)
Blood duh
Bran/Branwen Bran is a Celtic word for “crow.” Branwen is apparently a form of Bronwen (“white breast”), altered to include “bran.” It would mean white raven. -wen andthe masculine form -wyn are derived from gwen, meaning “white; holy; pure.”
Breviary Catholic prayer book for priests
Briar a thorn
Caligula a bizarrely violent and perverted Roman historical figure. Also a movie that has a really smutty version.
Calix/Calixa a Latin name derived for the word for “wine cup.’
Candelaria a plant family thought to drive away evil spirits in the middle ages (common name: mullein)
Catafalque coffin-shaped box covered with a black cloth used in place of a body if one is not available for the funeral.
Chalice fancy cup, used to hold holy blood. Derived from the Latin Calix (see also).
Chaos originally, the state of the universe before the Greek Gods arrived. Has come to mean a state of complete disorder.
Chimera/Chimaera a mythological beast made up of parts of different animals. Also a word for a grotesque product of the imagination.
Chrysanthemum flower associated with death in Japan and some European countries
Cinder see Ash
Circe Greek sorceress
Clove cigarettes that goths and art students smoke a lot of
Cloven what Satan’s hoofs are
Corvus/Cornix Be creative! Use the Latin words for ‘raven’ instead of being GothRaven123112744
Crow(e) bird associated with death
D’Elormie tragic bridegroom in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “Bridal Ballad”
Damian priest in the Exorcist movies, and the possessed kid in the Omen movies.
Dark/Darque/Darkling etc. goths like the dark.
Delora H.P. Lovecraft’s aunt, who he was raised by. The name probably is dervied from “dolores” meaning “sorrows.”
Demon/Daemon/Demona an evil attendant or spirit
Desdemona tragic Shakespearean heroine
Dicaculus/Dicacula/Dicax “sarcastic” in Latin
Dies Irae means ‘day of wrath’– the part of a requiem mass concerned with the Day of Judgement.
Digitalis (foxglove) poisonous flower
Diti Demon mother in Hinduism
Dolores “sorrows” in Spanish
Draconia “Draconian” means “dire” or “really really serious”
Dragon if you’re into that sort of thing
Draven The main dead guy in The Crow was named Eric Draven. Sounds kinda like ‘raven,” no?
Dunsany influential Irish fantasy/horror writer Lord Dunsany (1878-1957)
Dystopia the opposite of Utopia – theoretical place where everything sucks.
Elsinore Hamlet’s castle
Elysium where dead heroes go in Greek mythology.
Ember dying coals
Eris Greek goddess of dischord
Esdras another name for Azrael (see also)
Esmerée the daughter of a Welsh king who was turned into a serpent by magicians. She was freed by a kiss (Arthurian legend)
Eulalie figure in another poem by Edgar Allan Poe. The name means “well spoken.”
Eurydice tragic Greek heroine
Evilyn it’s got the word “evil” in it– ok, we’re grasping at straws here– I think she was the bad guy on some cartoon in the 80s.
Felony a major crime. Think about it, though– Felony. It sounds like Melanie. Wouldn’t it make a nice name?
Foxglove a beautiful but poisonous flower
Freya Norse goddess of sex and childbirth. She rode around in a chariot pulled by cats.
Funereal/funerea put the “fun” in funeral!
Gefjun/Gefion Norse goddess to whom virgins went after they died.
Gehenna New Testament version of hell
Giger H.R. Giger, the guy who designed the aliens for Alien, among other stuff goths like.
Golgotha Hebrew for “skull,” The skull-shaped hill where Christ was crucified.
Grendel beast in Beowulf
Griffin/Gryphon Mythological beast with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle.
Grigori fallen angels of the Christian bible
Grimoire book of incantations, making medicines, summoning spirits etc.
Hades Greek lord of the underworld
Hecate Greek sorceress
Hellebore flower that blooms through the snow in the middle of winter. Medieval lore suggested it could be used for curing insanity, leprosy and gout.
Hemlock poison. Plato took it to commit suicide.
Ianthe daughter of the poet Shelley who died in childhood; poem by Lord Byron. The name means ‘purple flower’ in Greek.
Imbolc Celtic festival – corresponds with St. Bridig’s day (Feb. 1). Groundhog Day actually stems from this.
Inclementia harshness; cruelty (Latin)
Innominata the name of the first patented embalming fluid.
Isolde tragic Irish heroine
Israfil/Rafael/Israfel angel who blows the horn signalling Judgment Day. Israfel is the form used by Edgar Allan Poe in his poem Israfel.
Jack as in jackdaw (a kind of raven, said to bring bad luck), jack-o-lantern, Jack the Ripper, Jack from A Nightmare Before Christmas”, JFK & Jackie-O etc.
Jezabel Biblical ho
Kalma ancient Finnish goddess of death whose name means “corpse stench.”
Lachrimae “tears” in Latin
Lamia “witch; sorceress” in Latin.
Lanius “Butcher; executioner” in Latin.
Leila “night” in Arabic
Lenore figure in Edgar Allan Poe poetry
Lethe river that runs through the underworld in Greek mythology
Lilith legendary evil first wife of Adam (before Eve came along)
Lily traditional funeral flower
Lolita that book by Nabokov about the teenage seductress
Lovecraft after our old buddy H.P.
Lucifer fallen angel, often associated with Satan
Lughnasa /LOO nuh sa/ – Celtic midsummer festival
Luna Latin for “moon”
Malady an illness
Malice harmful intent
Malik Angel who presides over Hell in the Koran.
Maleficent, Maleficence “working or productive of harm or evil”
Mara a maleficent female wraith in Scandinavian folklore that causes nightmares. Bonus: mara means “bitter” in Hebrew. Double bonus: Mara is a (male) demon in traditional Buddhism personifying evil, and the fall from a spiritual state.
Marionette I just find them creepy
Medusa mythological Greek monster whose hair was snakes and blood was poison.
Melancholia “a mental condition and especially a manic-depressive condition characterized by extreme depression, bodily complaints, and often hallucinations and delusions” (merriam-webster)
Melania/Melanie Greek, “black”
Melanthe Greek, “Black flower”
Mercy a virtue, goths like the band Sisters of Mercy.
Merula “Blackbird” in Latin
Mephistopheles/Mephisto Renaissance-era names for Satan
Midnight The Witching Hour. Or maybe that’s 2:00, I can’t remember.
Minax means “menacing” in Latin
Misericordia literally, “merciful heart” in Latin
Mitternacht “Midnight” in German
Miyuki according to one book I have, means “silence of deep snow” in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight ancient symbol of fertility and stuff.
Moirai the Greek Fates
Monstrance hollow cross that holds the holy host
Morbidia It seemed like a good idea at the time
Morbosa/Morbosis “horny” in latin
Morfran “great crow”– In Welsh mythology, he was so ugly that his mother tried to compensate for it by instill ing him with great wisdom.
Morrigan, the Celtic war/fertility goddess
Mort(e) French for “dead; death”
Mortifer/Mortifera Latin for “lethal; fatal; deadly.”
Mortis Latin, adjectival form of “death”
Mortualia funeral dirge
Naenia a type of moth known as “the Gothic”
Narcissa feminine form of Narcissus, a Greek dude who fell in love with his own reflection.
Natrix Latin for ‘water snake.’
Necro- prefix meaning “dead; of death”
Necropolis fancy name for a graveyard. Means, literally, “city of the dead”
Nephilim race of half-human giants
Nightshade belladonna – a poisonous purple flower.
Nimue (NIM oo ay) – an Arthurian sorceress. Also called Niniane.
Nin Ogham letter whose kennings include “establishment of peace,” and “boast of women.” The letter itself is derived from the word for the ash tree. Also the writer Anaïs, or Nine Inch Nails.
Nocturne piece of music evoking night. Means “night”
November cold, crappy month in the northern hemisphere
Obsidian black glass-like stone made from volcanic eruptions. Used in surgical instruments because it is sharper than steel.
October month that Halloween is in
Oleander a beautiful but poisonous flower
Omega Last letter of the Greek alphabet; signifies the last, or the end.
Ophelia tragic Shakespearean heroine
Orchid I don’t know why, orchids pop up a lot in goth clubs, They’re exotic and rare.
Orpheus tragic Greek musical hero
Osiris Eqyptian ruler of the underworld
Pancuronium a poisonous compound used in lethal injection death sentences.
Penance what you have to do to make up for your sins
Perdita name invented by Shakespeare – means “lost” in Latin.
Pestilentia Latin for “plague-ridden; unhealthy climate”
Raven bird often associated with death -name used by 14 year old goths all over
Reaper don’t fear the reaper.
Requiem a mass for the dead
Sabine/Sabina tribe of Italy that once occupied Rome. Popular legend has Romans kidnapping Sabine women to help populate Rome.
Sabrina/Sabre/Sabrenn Goddess of the river Severn in Celtic mythology. Also the Teenage Witch, and
Sail/Saile/Salley Ogham letter derived from the Irish name of the willow tree. The Yeats poem “Down By The Salley Gardens” uses this old term for “willow.” A kenning used for this letter means “pallor of a lifeless one.” Bonus: Sally was the girl doll in A Nightmare Before Christmas.
Salem place in Massachusetts where several people were hanged as witches.
Samael Angel of death in the Talmud.
Samhain /SOW un/ Celtic festival — corresponds with Halloween
Sanctity holiness
Sanctuary a place to find refuge
Sanguinaria “bloody,’ the scientific name for the bloodroot plant.
Sanguinary “attended by blood”
Sardonyx a type of onyx that is red instead of black.
Semyazza a fallen Christian angel
Serpent symbols of evil in a lot of cultures
Severin Siouxsie Sioux’s guitarist. he named himself for “Severin, your servant,” a character in the Velvet Underground’s song “Venus in Furs.”
Shabriri Jewish Rabbinical demon of blindness
Shade where there’s no sunlight.
Shadow favorite name for black cats
Sidhe Pronounced “shee” or “SHEE yeh” – Irish class of otherworld beings
Solanine the poison found in nightshade plants
Sullen What any good goth is most of the time
Tansy a weed used to induce abortion
Tartarus eternal pit for bad people in Greek mythology
Tenebrae Latin for “darkness”
Thorn(e) sharp and pointy, but you can’t have roses without them. Represents the harsh side of beauty.
Tintagel the castle in Cornwall where King Arthur was said to have been born.
Titania queen of the fairies in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream
Tristan/Tristram tragic Arthurian hero
Tristesse/Tristessa “Sadness” in French and Italian.
Twilight dusk
Umbra another word for ‘darkness’
Valerian a flower that causes drowsiness when steeped in a tea. A cool side effect: gets cats totally high (like catnip plus!)
Vespers Catholic morning prayers
Viaticum emergency Communion given to dying people
Vladimir “Vlad the Impaler”–legendary Romanian ruler and alleged vampire
Wednesday the little girl on the Addams Family
Willow “weeping” tree– a Victorian symbol of death
Winter season where everything’s dead
Wolf(e) deadly beast; what werewolves hang out with.
Xenobia “stranger” in Greek
Yama/Yamaraja Lord of death in Hinduism.
Zothecula “little alcove” in Latin. Bauhaus fans will understand.
I take all these names!
Ostrich Rider is now dead. 😥 He was such a good person. 😥
You can’t have that many names, Kesha. And I think your being a bit selfish. Just giving my honest opinion. 🙂
Give me a ticket to the Underworld! I’m going to visit him with all my names! If I have to die myself to visit my husband, oh I will!
Oh, well! C’est la vie! French! Look it up.
Actually my name will be Sabrina Lilith Gold.
Whatever. Give me a ticket! Are you coming?
Kill yourself first. Then you’ll be in the Underworld.
Here’s a knife.
Ha ha ha! You’re soo funny! NOT.
Here’s a gun. There’s your ticket. Have a nice trip!
Oh, whatever. You do that first or my spirts will haunt among you.
Nah, Lolita Circe is cooler. No surname.
Oh, yeah. Oh, you’re so scared. *holds knive near slef*
What’s slef?
I mean Self!
-Lolita Circe
Last chance. You really want me to go don’t you?
If it’s your own free will, do it. If it’s not, DON’T!!!
You want me to go? Speak up and say I if you want me to stay.
*Halfheartedly says I*
Okay, fine! You’ve done it no-ow! Okay, fine! I’m going to live with Ostrich Rider in the Underworld! Fine!
I’m going to invite people here.
Brianna HERE!!!!
She committed suicide. Cuz her husband is dead.
Thank goodness for technology! I live in the biggest mansion in the Underworld which, is bigger than Hades’ castle! And, my spirits are my servants and the vampires work in my working room.
Get out.
-Hades and Persephone
Yeah, not happening, Haters! And Persephone, I think that pomegrante is better when, you’re not there!
– Viole\ Jessie Why You?
Don’t talk to my wife that way. I’m sending you to somewhere else.
Welcome to Underground, the social network for the Underworld!
Welcome, Jessie YU!
Current status: Healing Rider, because of the big fight. Still, he won’t be able to leave. Healing the minor spots. He said that he misses his home. Sensetive!
Hades’ friends
Hades’ status
Hades: Don’t talk to my wife that way. I’m sending you somewhere else.
Yeah, I admire Persphone. She’s basically my favorite Olympian. And, I bow down to you, Master Hades.
I’m sending you to Tartarus.
Hades, I take back what I said. Please, don’t send me to Tartarus! I admire you like, I said on Underground.
Fine. Fields of Punishment then.
Fields…..of punishment?
Please, Master Hades! We’re family! Would I betray you? I basically love you. Me and you and my sister, Lolita Circe, will chat on Underground.
I shall give you one chance. And please, get out of my house.
Underground, the Social Networking website for the Underworld!
Sign in\ Suscribe
You’re house? It’s not yours, it’s mine. I bought it on:!
It’s mine. You have five seconds to get out.
No, it’s mine, Dead boy! Give it to me or else……..
I’m more powerful then, you!
-Persephone <3
Persephone, my queen, I bow down to you. *bows down* How may I be at your service?
Chat with me. It’s lonely here, with only Lolita and Hades.
Hey, cousin! Mind if I chat with you?
-Lolita Circe.
Absolutely not, Lolita.
I’m coming. *runs there* Okay, here. So, you want to….chat with me? K. How’s Hades?
I’m good.
Hello, Lolita. She got rejected. And, I’m your cuz.
Who got rejected?
So, okay? Would you rather have some other god like, Zeus or Poseidon or Ares?
I like Hades. He’s handsome and sweet. 🙂
Oh, heh heh. You’re awesome! You’re my fav Goddess or God 4eves
Persephone, does it ever get lonely during winter??
Thanks. And it I like winter. I hate summer though.
Was Hades overacting when I lived in one of his houses?
No. That is his house. 😆
I’m getting my spirts to build a house for me. Only me. I’m gonna live just east of there. Near Elysium.
I’ll buy you one instead.
Hey, I like the Underworld. Can you make me eat a pomegrante because one of my “friends” lives here now because, they died because of an Artemis attack.
Your husband died? Poor you. I’m glad Hades is immortal.
Oh, no. Don’t go throught that. My spirts work for me. And my other dead people.
Here. Have twelve seeds.
They don’t work for you anymore. I’m quite sad to say that.
Well, yes, they do. Only a few like, 10.
Five. And I found this house. It’s lovely.
*eats pomegrante seeds*
Wow! I feel like a new fallen apple on an apple tree!
And, this is all that my Husband left for me:
you know what sandy
here’s my plan
i am going to train and train and train
then i plan on killing artemis
i refuse to take a chance on losing ke$ha forever
i am sorry ke$ha
but i have to do this i will try to come back soon
Poor you. 😥
100, FYI. And, yes, I don’t know if I like that villa. Find another one.
This is my house. 🙂
No, just ten or less. What about this one?
Nice. It has an ocean view. I’m gonna find myself a villa. Wait right here.
Well, yeah. That’s good for my house. Lemme find a beach-house.
My house in the underworld is lovely. 🙂
-Lolita Circe
I suggest you go here:
I need to a find a house for the Underworld.
This is a good beach-house.
Me & you can be great friends!
I like mine better.
What about this one?
This is where I found my maid’s house.
Lolita, was I talking to Persephone or you?
Persephone. Still, I want to help you. 🙂
This is my private beach house.
No, this is mine insted of the other one.
This will be mine then.
Nah, I’ll get this one
Are you there?
Hello, I am here your heiness. Wait, I have cheerleading.
Hello. 😆
I hate it when my
lovely son sends those awful souls
to disturb me
so I just obliterate them
Too bad about that Rider fellow
Before I blasted him he said something about a kesha
What’s a kesha?
I’ve decided to be a real estate agent!
I’m Lolita Circe.
Just say what kind of house you want, how many rooms, and the price range and then I’ll find you the perfect house!
ummm Sandy is that it?????
Do you know what a “kesha” is?
Lolita, can you find me a house? I want a three bedroom villa with a large garden.
At the most, 200,000,
Found it!
If you want to rent:
I already have a home it’s in Tartarus.
did u miss me ke$ha
(then smiles weakly)
Hello, OR. How’s the underworld?
Well I was able to meet Kronus
Hades’ lovely father.
He however did not enjoy seeing me
so he dug his sycle into my leg
I prayed to Apollo for help
but he said it was too ancient and too evil
so I limped around for days until I told
Hades what happened and he told me to bath in
the river Styxx to help ease pain
So here I am
How have you been?
Is ke$ha here?
I’m good. 🙂 Better than good, actually.
I’m so bored.
-Lolita Circe
I like dogs.
So bored. 🙁
I would greatly appreciate it if
Lolita Circe would go away so I could talk
to Sandy
(collapses on floor)
I am Sandy!
-Lolita Circe
(out cold)
I shall put a spell on you to make you pain-free.
huh is that you kesha
SO I HAD TO PLEase forgive me
(out again)
You are now painless.
please kesha forgive me
(tears in eyes)
I had to I beg you forgive me.
Kronus said if I
didn’t he make sure you
would be obliterated into dust.
Kronus gave me a mission
I am sorry but my assignment is
to kill all olympian gods.
good bye
I shall warn everyone.
My true love, shall destroy, the Olympians and maybe ourselves?
Rider’s status report:
Following a lead on Apollo.
I’ll be back after I destroy.
Rider’s status report:
Apollo is down not dead but will be in a little
Bling, Money, cash. Whatever.
Rider’s status report:
Found Athena imposter,
Kronus told to destroy anyone who
gets in my way so (raises blade)
(head falls off)
Goodbye Athena imposter.
Rider’s status report:
Killed an olympian,
Demeter is dead.
1 down 11 more to go.
Rider, when you have to destroy olmpians do you have to to me? I’m a goddess.
I I I don’t think so
Kronus told me the 12 olympians.
I do not think you are an olympian
Rider’s status report:
I have now located
that Dionyus or whatever
that wine god is.
He won’t last forever.
I’m here and I’m not a mortal either. I’m a cannibal!
*yawn* You can’t kill a god.
I agree with my mom/aunt/sister-in-law.
Lol. Why is Rider trying to kill a god or fair goddess as you and your daughter whom, is my new BFF.
I’m listening to Ke$ha: Blow.
I have such a messed up family. My husband is also my uncle…
Hey, Blah Blah Blah fans. In the most exclusive club ever held at Sandys house! Give ya a report l8r.
Hello. Ostrich Rider: Do not attempt to kill the gods. You’ll just end up fried.
-Lolita Circe
Which one? Updown Court, Kargi, or
Look Lolita.
I have to.
Otherwise Kronus will……
do something horrible
What did you ever do to get to Tartarus?
You’re not very brave, are you, Rider?
-Lolita and the Greek gods.
Demeter you can however
banish them to Tartarus.
Look if Kronus believes you to
be dead he won’t go after you or any other
Please if he knows I haven’t been doing
my job…………
I just need you to play dead,please.
My name, now is: Malaria Ash. Hello, my wonderful groom. I mean, husband.
I suppose I can.
LolitaCirce is now friends with dArKmAgIc.
So, lemme get this straight.
He plans to help Kronos and betray the gods?
Losing the one he loves?
Family AND wife?
I think the answer is clear: We’re getting divorced.
IMSOOOOOOOOOOPRTTIE! is no longer friends with HunterMoon.
Kronus is stirring.
I got to go to Tartarus
because of an assignment I
got from Hades.
But that’s not the point.
He wants yougone so it was
A.He sends me to kill or seriously damage.
B.He gets a host to cast you all to Tartarus.
So he picked A I don’t know why.
No gods=no life.
That’s a lie.
So, apperently, he LIKES me and him getting divorced?!?
NO Ke$ha
He doesn’t care if you live or die
He just wants the gods punished for
sending him to Tartarus.
Please no divorce.
Don’t do it. Simple as that.
Please Ke$ha I am your husband
Why would I want you dead???
I meant what Lolita said about no gods=no life.
And I sent Isis, not you…
Krous requires reports.
If he doesn’t get any.
Well then he’ll know and I’ll
pay a heavy price.
What price?
I don’t know. Maybe I SHOULD be dead!
Look Gaia
I CAN’T tell.
Please don’t make me.
And Ke$ha please I would never want you dead
Revenge=War: Um. Malaria?
Revenge is best served with blood: Oh, Mom, Im married. Yeah.
You….You traitor! I think I will be dead. *holds sword to heart and pushes further in and blood flies*
I apparently missed a lot
Because I don’t know
who Malaria is
Malaria is me, Ke$ha.
Please I regret everything gods
can you help me make Kronus pay????
I just wanted Ke$ha safe but Kronus said
if I didn’t help he’d use her body as a host
I am Ke$ha. Same person me and Kesha are. Yes, I, Ke$ha, accept this impossible quest.
So boring.
-Lolita Circe
What is “So Boring?”
The Sam and Freddie kiss. *yawn*
Yeah, you watch iCarly?! I do too! Have you seen the one where Sam beats up that bully?
That one was awesome. 🙂 Are you Creddie or Seddie?
Oh. I’m Creddie. And Spam. But Seddie is cool.
Do you like the Egyptian gods or the Greek gods better?
I prefer the Greek.
Yeah and I like the Romans ‘cuz their more Aggresive and more violent. Go Romans!
How’s your house?
Oh, fine. My spirits and vampires are preparing for war. And their prodcasting me live, doing things on TV!
Congrats. You made it to the top ten.
Yeah thanks! And the only person standing above me is Rihanna.
Actually, you are at number nine.
OMG. Ares just officially proposed.
Good. I didn’t so, I don’t know if me and Rider should get divorced.
What do you think of my ring? Oh yeah, I just realized my eyes are emerald green.
Yeah, I will cheat on HIM!
Yeah, so to you Rider, we maybe should break up. My ring. 🙂
Revenge is best served with blood: Hello?
Imthebest has logged in.
Revenge is best served with blood has logged out.
Imthebest: Oh my gosh, Percy Kackson aka Rick Riordan is soooo funny.
GothicQueen: So happy. 😀
To be honest Ke$ha,
I don’t even know why you
are the goddess of innapropriateness
seeing as how you are basically polite.
But I know I haven’t been a good husband
So I probably deserve a divorce
Revenge is served best with blood has changed her name to EvilGothicGurl.
EvilGothicGurl: Lol. Gothic Queen, where is my husband-hasbeen?
GothQueen: No idea.
You haven’t spent any time with me or gave me love or said I love you and I love you.
I haven’t cheated on you
I just don’t think I gave you enough
So I will miss you.
Wait. That was my sister’s ring.
However gets you
next I envy them greatly.
I love you.
Kesha: You might like Hermes.
whoops I meant
Okay I will miss you Ke$ha
my first true love.
I won’t post here anymore.
I don’t know. Maybe we will keep it then, if you don’t give me attention, we will. Now, we’ll stay married.
Hermes is my father.
I’m aware.
Or perhaps this demigod…
So did you want to makeout more
or do you want me to write more
heartfelt letters
Do you WANT to be divorced?
Or I could start buying flowers
You’re flirting with SDandy! Don’t ever talk to me again, you sexiest jerk.
What What
Did I say something wrong.
If I did I am sorry
It’s just you are my first marriage.
So I am clueless
You know, I’m the same person as Sandy, the Mad Dragon…
Those comments were meant for YOU!!!
What part of “Dont talk to me again” don’t you understand?!
Just to clarify
my previous comments were meant
to Ke$ha.
But I don’t want to lose
you Ke$ha.
My engagement ring: Isn’t it pretty?
I hate you! 2000 comments, baby.
You hate me???
What do you think of my ring????
I think yeah! I’m getting divorced with you.
Our marrige is no longer,
I have became stronger.
You and I rider are no more,
I throw the Ring on the floor.
Ok Ke$ha
I see your mind is
made up.
I won’t bother you anymore.
Fine! You wanna be a jerk fine.
What do you think?
And what do you think of my engagement ring?
I need to go. Tell Rider I’ll get back to him later.
Someone just gave this necklace.
Its okay, O guess.
Somebody just asked me to marry them. And it was a random stranger…
2011 comments and it’s 2011!
I don’t see how I
am the “jerk”
since it was you
who divorced me.
I love my green eyes.
You also
happened to divirce me with a poem
I think yeah! I’m getting divorced with you.
Our marrige is no longer,
I have became stronger.
You and I rider are no more,
I throw the Ring on the floor.
SDandy, please tell Tider if he ever wants to see me again or get remarried, he must kill himself because, I am dead and had three pomegrantes.
Rid-something: Kill yourself if you want to remarry Kesha.
Kesha: Call me Lolita Circe.
I am sorry I don’t know
a “Tider”
But if you are referring to
me you must promise me 1 thing
More innapropriateness
I am still attracted to you
But I would like more
Need to cheer for the gig: Cheer and fear at a theme park. Be back in ten. Don’t talk smack behindy back.
Is it a deal
Kesha is very pretty, don’t you think? She’s not pretty as me though…
You know I don’t talk smack
behind your back.
I am sorry “Lolita”
But I think Ke$ha is sexier.
Wait why am I waiting
I NEED my Ke$ha.
Of course you do.
But I’m the beauty goddess.
What’s that supposed to mean???
Sorry but I’d
rather makeout with Ke$ha than you.
Hello. And he’s with me now. Mmm….need a wedding planner for a gothic wedding since were underground.
It means that in your eyes, Kesha is prettier. But since I am the beauty goddess so I’m kinda prettier.
I wouldn’t want to kiss you. You are all Kesha’s.
Do you forgive me
for being such an idiot
I recommend finding the rings first. I’ll help.
In your eyes you may be prettier
But I would make love to Ke$ha
rather than you
Yes, I forgive you.
I honestly don’t care.
How about Obsidian rings???
Since we are underground.
I cannot understand
why you forgave me so
easily after everything
I had done Ke$ha.
I am also
sorry “Lolita”
I wonder if we have
peanutbutter underground???
Stop putting quotation marks around my name!
-Lolita Circe
Nope. Not to dead people. And start calling it the underworld.
Whatever do you
mean “Lolita”
or should I say
or how about Sandy
Call me Lolita Circe. Don’t call me Hades. I’m not Hades.
Took a shower. And I’ll BRB
But on your
profile it says SDandy
but then your message
says it’s from Hades
The gods use my name. Dunno why.
you you you
took a shower.
*DAMN IT!!!!!!*
Do you want her to be filthy?
that message was to Ke$ha
I swear it honey.
No but I
might have wanted
to come.
Did you think
of that Lolita
I did. *rolls eyes*
he heh heh
I am sure Ares would have
wanted the same thing
I am now sure that I’m a daughter of Artemis.
But Artemis
doesn’t have kids
She’s a maiden goddess
Plus aren’t you getting
I like pomegranates.
Well, it was long shower and my butlers (male, of course) were watching threw the clear screen.
I must now leave.
Until tom.
Goodbye my lovely Ke$ha.
I love you
How come it’s fine when Athena has children, but when Artemis does it’s like: But she’s a maiden! So is Athena, people! Get over it!
(Lucky butlers)
Athena has brain kids
That’s why they are so smart.
Lucky you. Were gonna have, romance. Seriously.
To Rider.
Kesha: You are no longer my bridesmaid.
Eloping is fun. ^.^
Dans le lit avec Rider.
What kind of romance???
I am sorry Ke$ha I
Do not speak French
Is it??
Yes, it is. *smiling and trying to look attractive*
So mushy.
I like a girl
who can speak more than
1 tongue
(smiling and leaning forward)
You don’t need to
try to look attractive.
(in a hushed voice)
Who cares? *licks lips and planning to eat someone*
My eyes! They burn!
Then, go.
I’m going to the underworld.
Wait what was that last
part about eating someone???
Is anyone here but the person that loves Rider?
Nothing. *Smiles evily*
I’m here. So is Persephone.
Rider: Did you know that Kesha is a vampire?
Oh, mmm.
And a cannibal. If, any of you know what that means.
But I would
still love her if she was
a troll.
I know a cannibal is someone who
eats humans
that just makes her all the more
A cannibal is someone or an animal who eats other animals of the same species or eats human flesh.
Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
Greek mytholgy. Also one of keshas songs! Eats people.
I’m taking another shower.
Ok now where
were we Ke$ha
my dangerous woman
I’m going to talk with Hades.
Well I still have my iPod here. Yeah.
I’m gonna say if you banish me, I will eat you guys.
wow wow wait can I
Pretty please???
Please Ke$ha
What’s cuter: Kider or Resha?
To what?
The shower?
I really DK.
I don’t know what DK
But YES!!!!!
It’s weird having someone stare at you. Tonight.
DK means Dont know
I don’t stare
Do I
Rider, La-whatever wants to know, Resha or Kider?
SOO when
Does the shower start???
Lol. Going in now.
I guess we could go with
(breath of relief)
That drug commercial, our children watched and now are crying. The spirits are taking good care of them.
(mouth hangs wide open when looking at Ke$ha)
Lets just continue with the shower
(hurried speaking)
Ke$ha I loooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee
You basically only love my well-shaped beach body.
UH What kid is crying NOW??!!
That’s not the only reason I
love you
I need to get out anyways. My body is de-hydrated. Oh, man. So, one of mine. Go calm them down with some milk, yes, I will.
Calmed em down. Gonna settle then, relax tomorrow.
My sweet Ke$ha talk to
you tom.
I love you (in many ways other than your body)
Okay. See ya.
love you
Hello, my wonderful husband and good morning.
-Lolita Circe
I found out I have a sister named Angelique Devalle.
I enjoy peanutbutter.
I REALLY enjoy Ke$ha.
I enjoy my life
*And that was happy moments with Rider*
Hey, OR. How’s your day?
My day was tiring
I had to walk through a hole bunch of snow
but You and Ke$ha can make it better if you
come to my poptropica room code
My poptropican name is wild ghost
Is anybody even on???
loving and sweet wife.
Are you there???
alright i quit this blog
Anybody there?
I just bought this house. And renamed it Stone Court.
I just met my sister.
I’m excited. Going to meet someone important.
As the queen, I ban these:
Being rude to me.
Prostitution (doing sexual things for money)
Longer than four names.
Having no godly name
Alexandra Vuanne Marie Something Something Salazar Greyback
hi sandy! doing my WONDERFUL essay all day long! finaly had some time now!
White Sword: Are you here?
You’re here!
We have things to discuss. Serious things.
one of my classmates mentioned “Alessandro Guissep Something Something Something Voltic”
Sreious Things Sandy? : What?
Your home. We need to get you one.
Hello? WS?
-Lolita Circe
what????????????? that’s stupid! ahem According to the University of Cambridge a child under 18 year-old can not buy a personal house unless he/she is parentless but has to have a careful guardian at his/her side at all times or unless the child under 18 year old is a vampire/monster/phantom, becuz then everyone would be afraid of him/her becuz of his/her long fangs or his/her lack of visibility as a phantom or unless the child….. *tired*
Yes. But we are gods.
the first time i saw an iPod, iPeed. the second time i saw it, iPood.
hahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 😆 😆
I suggest Updown Court.
Hi guys! i’m new here…
Hi CC!
hi Sandy! hi White Sword!
hey like my new name? (srry sandy i copied!)
Call me Lolita Circe. Or just Lolita. 🙂
hi Lolita Curse! haha!
Updown Court?????????????? haha but u cant trick me sandy.
It’s awesome and big!
oh WOW! wait a sec. What’s UR house?
This is mine:
But I renamed it DeStone.
that’s cool house sandy (urs).
It’s nothing like Updoen Court, though.
I meant UpDown. 😳
Ostrich Rider: ur such a GIRL-LOVER! HOW old ARE YOU? if ur under the age of 18, my dad and mom will say that ur weird. they dont like people who falls in love under the age of 18.
that’s OK sandy!
Are you going to but the house?
I meant buy. 😆
And for some reason, I turned 22 when I became a goddess. I thought I was fifteen…
i rename it Wonder Sword.
Wonder Sword…. Awesome name!
Hello? White Sword? You there?
Greek enchantress: in Greek mythology, the daughter of Hecate and the Sun, who lured sailors to her island where she made love to them and then turned them into pigs
Oooooh that’s bad. did Harry really die at the seventh book?
White Sword????????????????
here sandy! dont yell!
Not telling. But my friend named Harry is.
oh. his name’s haryr.
😳 i mean harry.
Updown Court is awesome. I used to live in it, but then I got bored of England.
But I think I met a dude with green eyes, round glasses, and black hair there. And then a short redhead shouted something.
peter pettigrew, isn’t it? and harry potter, isn’t it?
i might be wrong, hoo nos?
I just realized they called each other Harry and Ginny.
1) Do you hate Cho Chang?
2) Do you hate Lord Voldemort?
3)Do you hate Harry Potter?
4)Do you hate Albus Dumbledore?
5)Do you hate Ron Weasley/Weezly?
6)Do you hate Hermione Granger?
1) Sometimes
2) No
3) Nope
4) Maybe
5) Often
6) Maybe
oh and Harry and Ginny are in love!!! (just kidding)
the truth: Harry loves Cho, Moanin’ Myrtle has a crush on Harry.
They are…
7)Do you hate Draco?
8 ) Do you hate Lucius Malfoy?
9)Do you hate Peter Pettigrew?
10)Do you hate Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia and Dudley Dursley?
11)Do you hate Sirius Black?
12)Do you hate Prof. McGonnagall?
7) No
8) Yes
9) YES!
10) Yes, no, and no
11) NO!!!!
12) No.
cool answers.
Congrats! You won an award!
what award?
For awesomest Gossip Hunter!
yay!!!!!!!!!!!! and i got to go fer dinner bye@now!
Well, I couldn’t tell you
Why she felt that way
She felt it every day
And I couldn’t help her
I just watched her make
The same mistakes again
What’s wrong, what’s wrong now?
Too many, too many problems
Don’t know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
Open your eyes
And look outside
Find the reasons why
You’ve been rejected
And now you can’t find
What you’ve left behind
Be strong, be strong now
Too many, too many problems
Don’t know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can’t find
She’s losing her mind
She’s falling behind
She can’t find her place
She’s losing her faith
She’s falling from grace
She’s all over the place, yeah
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
She’s lost inside, lost inside
Oh oh
She’s lost inside, lost inside
Oh oh, oh
well, hi sandy again!
well, are you even on sandy? i mean, c’mon!
oh c’mON SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M THE 2000TH COMMENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING CAN BE MORE LUCKIER THAN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey. Lolita here.
Well, I couldn’t tell you
Why she felt that way
She felt it every day
And I couldn’t help her
I just watched her make
The same mistakes again
What’s wrong, what’s wrong now?
Too many, too many problems
Don’t know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
Open your eyes
And look outside
Find the reasons why
You’ve been rejected
And now you can’t find
What you’ve left behind
Be strong, be strong now
Too many, too many problems
Don’t know where she belongs
Where she belongs
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can’t find
She’s losing her mind
She’s falling behind
She can’t find her place
She’s losing her faith
She’s falling from grace
She’s all over the place, yeah
She wants to go home
But nobody’s home
That’s where she lies
Broken inside
With no place to go
No place to go
To dry her eyes
Broken inside
She’s lost inside, lost inside
Oh oh
She’s lost inside, lost inside
Oh oh, oh
I love this song. Gonna go listen to Sk8er Boi.
OK i’m changing my house to this:
Not bad, Sword. Not bad…
yeah…………. i’m renaming it Wonder Sword.
Oh yeah, you have to get a Underworld home.
ur house is bigger though. 😆
And a vacation one.
???????????????? Oh My Goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll pay for both.
??????????????????? Oh My Vacation-One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no you are not, sandy!!!!! 😡 👿
I”M gonna pay fer me own!
Okay, What kind do you want? And how many bedrooms?
This is my underworld home:
My vacation one:
OK this is my vacation one:
i’m not decided fer underground one.
Ostrich Rider: ur such a GIRLFRIEND SEEKER AND HUNTER! EW! if my mom and dad knows about you, then they’re gonna say ur weird cuz they dont aprove kids under the age of 18 falling in love. are you under the age of 18? :smirk:
White Sword: What do you think about this one?
-Lady P
Hello???????? WS????????? You there????
i’m here! doing me math homework.
HI!!!! How’s math?
Dear Lady P,
I am here.
What I think about your new house:
It looks great! I like it. Very big and nice-looking.
– W. Sword
[Valerie Victoria Velona, AKA Lady Velona]
hi!!!!!!! it’s boring!!!!!!!!! “bored:
Dear Lady P,
I am here.
What I think about your new house:
It looks great! I like it. Very big and nice-looking.
Math is boring, but I like it.
– W. Sword
[Valerie Victoria Velona, AKA Lady Velona]
That was for you, not me.
Dear Lady P,
Do you have any homeworks? I have a ton of them to do.
– W. Sword
[Valerie Velona]
No. Why would I have homework?
Dear Lady P,
– W. Sword
What Gr. Are You In?
– W. Sword
What does ???????????????? mean???????
???????????????? means what the hay?
– W. Sword
I am a goddess. A Greek goddess.
I’m fifth in real life. Here, I’m just roleplaying.
the first time i saw an iPod, iPeed. the second time i saw it, iPood.
*sigh* i’m in 4th gr. it’s a lot better!
It is. Gotta go fr a few minutes.
Ostrich Rider: Would you stop calling every girl “Honey” (like Kesha) or “hon” or whatever nonsense! i hate it! “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:
Sandy: “something something: is my new form of emoticons! “mad: “cry:
Hi!!!! I’m Sandy, the Mad Dragon!!!
hi SDandy! hi Dandy! hi Andy! hi Ndy! hi Dy! hi Y! hi ! hi h
I just realized I misspelled my own name…
Math is horrible.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah to you SDandy! Dandy! Andy! Ndy! Dy! Y! !
1) what is 8 times 9 times 3?
216 is the answer!
what’s 9 times 8 times 3 times 2?
SDandy: i suggest u to change ur name to Sandy, the Vietnese Girl.
byenow have to go now! “sigh:
Na. And you spelled Vietnamese wrong.
Hello everyone. W. Sword here.
SDandy: i suggest u to change ur name to Sandy, the Vietnamese Girl.
Raheat (God of Rap): You actually changed your name???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hello. Anyone here?
I am now a Bat shipper.
i decided i couldn’t stay away from this blog
hello white sword
i just read that i am a girl lover
i would like to know what you mean by that
and white sword i happen to be married
to Ke$ha so why can’t i love her.
Is it also true that you are in the 4th grade???
I also like turtles
Ha Ha
Is anybody on???
I get the blog all to myself
Ha Ha
I’m here. *yawn*
oh hello lolita
So bored…
I’ll just play with my dress, then.
why r u tired
Hello, Ostrich Rider. How’s your day? I hope it isn’t awful.
I’m bored, I got nothing to do.
why r u bored 2???
I have nothing to do.
-Lolita C.
my day is ok
i read over the comments
white sword doesn’t seem to like me
and ke$ha hasn’t gotten on in a while
well why don’t you
pay a visit to hades
Oh, okay. At least it’s not horrible (like Harry Potter’s).
Good idea. Oh and you have to buy an underworld and vacation home. And choose your godly name.
what’s wrong with harry’s day
he got to marry ginny and had 2 0r 3 kids
if anything he’s prob. tired
His best friend’s brother came back to life.
And Hermione divorced Ron. Then married Fred.
ok i prefer to live with the suffering souls
i don’t need to buy a mansion or a palace
i do not know what a godly name is supposed to be
A godly name. You name as a god.
ok harry potter world is messed up
Oh, and Draco’s son is actually Luna’s.
ok i will go with John the Creative
That’s too mortalish.
wait no i meant James the Creative
too mortalish???
I am not sure i understand
So i should make something a little more
Sounds like a mortal name.
then how about Drago Prime????
No. Try something more rare and exotic, but not made up or jibberish.
does that sound mortalish???
Reminds me of Draco Malfoy.
wait so no Drago Prime???
do you like monkeys???
I like monkeys. What about Ash Cedar? Ash for short.
alright what is your roomcode then we can c each others poptropican
I don’t have one.
I like that name it is just my style
you don’t have 1 what???
Good to know, Ash. 😀
Room code. And what about Ash Storm instead?
Mr happy face
I’m adopting a little newborn girl. She has no name, but I’m going to name her Ember Valentine.
Hello? You there?
Status: Listening to My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne.
That drug commercial scares my kids!
Hello, Kesha.
Forget that. I don’t have kids.
How’s you day?
Hello, Kesha.
-Lady Persephone
Ostrich Rider: Yes I AM in the 4th Gr. So what?
HHello everyone. Hell-ell-ll-l.
Hi, WS!
-Lady P
Hi, Lady P!
– W. Sword
Sword? R U there?
Sandy: wat Gr. u in?
The underworld is lonely.
Lady P I am here. Dont shout.
– W. Sword
Oh. My home, the Heavens, is not lonely.
– W. Sword
I’m in fifth. But I’m 22 here.
Only the dead, Lolita, and Hades for company.
-Lady P
Up here, where the sun is always shining and people are always buzzing around, I am WAY happier than you.
– W. Sword
Down here, there are plenty of jewels and flowers.
However, I am happy here. My husband is here and I can chat with Abraham Lincoln all day long!
Hello. Lolita Circe here. Mood: confused.
Up here, there are plenty of books, books and books! I LOVE it this way. I personally love to read and learn and work. I know that sonds weird, because most girls my age mostly like to do MAKE-UPS (ew!), NAIL POLISH(it gives me the nightmare), and wear those STUPID ACCESSORIES ( i almost threw up).
– W. Sword
PS My dad doesn’t approve these things.
My family is weird.
Urgent Message:
– W. Sword
My mother is also my sister-in-law and aunt. O.o
oh really? and, when did O. Rider MARRY Kesha?
sandy are you even ON? oh come ON!!!!!!!
Sandy: just read ur comments…. and, WHAT? hermione married and then divorced ron? and then married FRED? OMG! i say: hermione divorces Fred. harry divorces ginny. everybody divorces to everyone they married that they shouldn’t.
Click my name to find out.
Actually, Harry and Ginny didn’t divorce. But Ginny did find out that she’s going to have a another kid.
Click my name to see my goddess form dress.
White S, are you there?
im here sandy. ur goddess form dress looks awesome.
Thanks, WS. 😀
i dont wanna godly dress.
i told you, i’m not a Fashion Lover girl.
Perhaps a tunic, then?
Or maybe just an outfit that really matches your personality.
fine then. WTV
OK: the same as my poptropican outfit, only more realistic than just a picture.
duh DUH!
first to comment on this page!
YEAH! i always beat everyone!
sandy u HERE? i mean, c’mON!
I am happy. Why? Cuz I am.
hey there!
Hello! I like meatballs.
My worst fear has been confirmed.
what is ur worst fear?
I have a gazillion personalities! Or I’m just a complex person.
oh and i dont know a lot of dress websites so i used ur website’s home page and then found one that i FINALLY TRULY like:
Pretty dress. 🙂
urs is more prettier. i’m not good at FASHION. i’m good at MATH, SCIENCE, READING, LEARNING, and one day i’ll love ASTRONOMY. i hate: writing. fashion (not exactly HATE, but i’m not good at it.). eating. sleeping. drinking. make-ups. parties. wild parties that ends at half past three in the morning. that’s pretty much it.
Thanks. 🙂 But my sister’s dress is horrible.
all rihgt. i like urs. i like mines. i like everyone’s outfits. they are unique to THEM. i dont insult other people’s looks, cuz u cant control ur look. it stays the same when ur born, and that’s how it will be forever. so it sounds nice to not insult other people’s looks and outfits. plus, i’m not a GENIUS at fashion anyways, so it doesn’t sound right to critic other people’s outfits.
Sandy’s Sister: u should change ur dress.
sandys’ sis: did u hear me? id u hear me? d u hear me? u hear me? hear me? ear me? ar me? r me? me? e? ?
The dead are so sad. I stare at them with sorrow, pain and anger. Lady, I have completed the task. Accept my offering.
My sister, Kate Nightbloom.
hi kesha. so ur sister completed the task? wat’s the task?
my surname is Velona. Valerie Victoria Velona. it’s not my REAL name though.
Nightbloom is a good one.
uh, anyone ON right now? i mean, c’mON!
Hi. LC here.
Well, it finally posted. 🙂
oh u mean the internet’s having a prob.?
yeah i know. one time i tryed to post sumthing, but it just went back to the top o’ the page and i had to start over agian.
What’s the point? I give trying to post the link.
my link is still my poptropican @avatar.
PS changed me look.
i have nothing to say so i posted this again.
I get along better with Angelique Devalle better than Amethyst Gold.
yeah… 6:00!
It’s only three where I live.
my name is Valerie Victoria Velona. although chineses doesn’t have last names of 2 or more syllables.
Mine is just Lolita Circe.
OK then mine is just Valerie Velona then.
dont have anything ter say, so me posted this again!
Me and Angie went shopping today. My sister, Angelique, has good fashion tastes.
This is her dress:
i dont have good fashion tastes. also, notice my LONG absence from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm? well, i was at my friend Karissa’s birthday party.
pretty. have to go eat diner. bye.
-LC 🙂
Hey, Im here. Kate is sooo annoying. She keeps teasing me about my brother Brandon.
hi i’m back!
uh, did u all leave? NO!
hi kesha!
nothin’ to say so, me posted this one yet AGAIN!
almost to 2400 comments!
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I MADE IT TO THE NEXT PAGE YET again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i beat everyone!
Me and Kate went shopping for Leopard-print handbags and cool faux jackets. She made me try on them. I said I’d rather vomit thrn, eat it to see her try on a dress but, she locked me in. I vomitted. I snuck out then, bought the Revenge- Blood & War store.
Heh heh. Um here’s the oath to become a war god. Start a side. Destroy other Gods. Win for once. We’re known as Weak and Little Goddesses but, we could become the Big Three. I can see it now. All you have to do, is say the oath.
I rise my wepon,
Death is my weakness,
Shake with fear,
The war god is here.
That was the oath. Join. Please, my godly sisters
Kate: Ooh! You love Brandon!
Violet: No. He’s my brother.
Kate: Exactly!
Violet: Get off my site.
Kate: No, it’s my turn on.
Violet: Until 9. I might sneak up and go on.
Kate: Sure. Let me on! *shoves Violet out of way*
hehe! ur sister’s annoying, isn’t she?
Hello. I’m Violet’s nicer sister, Goddess of Light, Fire, Care and Fruit. Also, Grain and Wheat and whatever Persehpone is the Goddess of.
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 13th, 2011. Welcome to the Weekly Surprise: News Report. Today we will have a report with News Reporter White Star!
Today’s subject will be: El Mustachio Grande
#1: Hello White Star.
WS: Hello White Sword. What would you like to ask about Grande?
#2: Well, I do have something to ask. First of all, who is El Mustachio Grande?
WS: That’s an interesting question. Grande is the main villain of the suddenly-popped up Wild West Island. In the paragraph describing Wild West Island, it said that a dark shadow was lurking around on Wild West. That dark “shadow” is El Mustachio Grande.
#3: That’s some nice informations, Star. Do you know what he looks like?
WS: Well, the Poptropica Creators printed a very blurry picture of Grande, so nobody knows for sure what he’ll look like. The Weekly Surprise predict that he has a big mustache, and a some how “evil” pair of eyes.
#4: Oh! Well, what do you think his proffesion is?
WS: According to our prediction, Grande is most likely to be a cowboy or a rancher. Except, no matter what he is, we know for sure that he will be evil.
#5: Well that’s some shuddering news. My last and most important question is, do you think Grande will become a popular villain, like, for example, the popular Dr. Hare on 24 Carrots Island, Black Widow on Counterfeit Island, Betty Jetty, or Zeus?
WS: We must know this: it is only after an island comes out that we know for sure what it will be like. Therefore I am sorry to say that I don’t know the answer.
#6: Thank you very much for the fantastic info, Star and have a good day. Happy Valentines Day!
WS: Wish you a happy Valentine too!
OK well this concludes our report with Star.
I sent a special Valentine to Violet’s brother, Adam.
Wow. Oh my gods, Kate.
is Kate annoying?
I rise my weapon,
Death is my weakness,
Shake with fear,
The war god is here.
Not annoying as Amethyst.
Oh yeah. They’d really like each other. Are you doing this to punish the Gods for Amethyst? I did it because of my annoying sister.
I’m doing because I want to.
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMYTST HEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Translation: Hi!!!! Amethyst here!!!
ke$ha wat grade r u in
Me too. Zeus thinks he’s all that and he spazzes out on us. And me and you will keep Lady P and Master H in the Underworld and fight everyone else. Except my mom. She’ll be in the Underworld.
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 IM AMYTHST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111
So will my mom.
TRANSLATION: Hi, Rider! I’m Amethyst.
Rider, are you joining my fight against the Gods? It’s so lonely down here on the Underworld with, P H and LC. PS I took a bath in the clearest water known to man.
I rise my weapon,
Death is my weakness,
Shake with fear,
The war god is here.
am i part of it now?
i’m joining!
Yes. What about Rider?
I think you are, WS.
yay! 😉 😆
PS I’m changing me format of emoticons back to :something:
Kesha开始了一个“对神仙打仗” 的队伍。
What does that mean?
Cool, WS.
ur, ANYone On?
ke$ha i will join if
you answer me this
in mortal school wat grade r u in???
Started a “war of gods, “the team.
that means: Kesha started a “fight against the Gods” side.
Yes, yes I will.
but i will join in
the war against the gods
i have been dying 4 this
what grade r u in
wat does g2g mean???
Ostrich: :smirk: ur “Wife” has gone!
:smirk: :smirk: 👿 👿 😈 😈 😈 😈
i am clueless right now
Got to go.
Ostrich: :smirk: u dont know wat THAT mean? 😆 😆 😈 it means got to go! :hahahahaha: 😈
white sword i am warning you
i am in a higher grade than 4th
so take that as your only warning
Wow, so scary.
😆 🙂 😉 😡 😥 🙄 😈 ;evil: 😯
my hand is tired from all that typin’ so i’m not gonna list anymore.
:tired: :tire:
😡 that didn’t work out! 👿
Well, I”M warning you that I, the goddess of all knowledge, can simply drag you back to kindergarten by deleting your knowledge! mwa ha ha ha
back on! 😈
mua ha ha ha i have the whole website to myself
Sk8er Boi is awesome. 🙂
Sandy u left again. 🙄
You know I find you EXTREMELY annoying.
Besides I will still be older than you.
You are not the goddess of time so you can’t deplete
my age.
where is ke$ha???
She left.
ke$ha left
or white sword left
Kesha. And White Sword meant that she would decrease your knowledge. So you would be as smart as a kindergartner.
i would like to see her try i am
a hulking 6 ft lets see her try
but you however r WAY
nicer than white sword
i don’t recall you giving me threats
So i thank you
Your welcome.
I’m the goddess of time now and WS don’t you do that. I can make ghosts and spirits haunt you.
oh Ke$ha
thank gods
where were you???
Taking a bath.
ok wat mortal grade r u in???
6,7,8 or 9.
ok which 1
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
9th grade
You tell me. I’ll give you a reward.
Which one are you in?
i am sorry 2 say
i can’t read your mind
but my best guess is 9th
also, i’m the goddess of fate and life, so……….. i can control ur life if i want to!
now, i’m gonna go!
no white sword the
only girl who can control me
is ke$ha
my mom is saying about u right now beside me.
oh is that a fact
well you are making threats to me
so why can’t i say what i want
i can control anyone’s LUCK not their whole life u know. 🙄
Ostrich’s Luck: Today will be the same as usual
Kesha: the same as usual
Sandy: the same as usual
yes she’s tallking on the phone with Aunt
ok who r u and
what have u done with
white sword
what happened to ke$ha???
Ke$ha r u there???
Lolita Circe has arrived.
is anyone even on???
oh hey lolita
I am, Ash.
wat’s new with you???
Nothing. Except I found out Amethyst was only pretending to be an idiot. She ‘s actually REALLY awesome.
let me get this straight
White sword:4th
Yeah. I’m fifth. But 22 here.
sorry don’t know an amethyst
you wouldn’t happen 2 no
Ke$ha’s grade do you???
No. No I don’t.
Amethyst, my sister.
dang it
she won’t tell me and i’m afraid
she might dump me
if i am too younger than her
i also didn’t know you
had a sister
Here’s my sister’s:
She actually has good taste.
I have two. Angelique Devalle and Amethyst Gold.
ok well i am not a girl
so i don’t know wat’s hot and wats not
so if you say its good then
i guess its good
I don’t care whether something is “hot” or not.
ok got 2 do some mortal homework
if ke$ha comes on PLEASE ask her
wat grade she is in
pretty please
pretty please
I make no promises.
pretty pretty please
I still make no promises.
can you try???
I still make no promises.
ok thats just great
but according to ke$ha’s comments
wats your best guess
Maybe sixth.
that helps a whole lot
I like French cheese. 🙂
but when kesha posts about her
shower trips they make her seem
well i dunno highschoolish
wat does french cheese even though
really good have to do with anything
but i have to go now goodbye
I’m random.
i know you r random
Oh, hello, Ash.
hello everyone. i’m amethyst. hate that name, btw.
my new name will be thorne diamond. yay.
Does this work?
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Lolita Circe brings out my dark side. Sandy, the Ten year old Girl brings out my sweet and random side. Sandy, the Mad Dragon brings them together.
is any1 on
hi Ostrich Rider.
hi Sandy.
i am new here. 🙂
Hi CC.
Want to chat?
hey Curious Cloud u ARE new?
I’m Sandy, BTW.
cuz i THINK i’ve seen you before…
hey CC r u pon now or not?
😳 i mean on not pon P
hello everyone. hello White Sword! yeah u post a lot on EVERY post.
I hate Valentine’s Day.
me too. one of my class mates gave out CARDS :ew:
Click my name.
taht dndi’t wrok out lkie i epxceted.
I just noticed the White Sword, the Nine thing.
so i DID see u before CC! hi AGAIN! u dont post a lot.
and, i think ur gone NOW again!
Will the mystery of Curious Cloud ever be solved?
THIS will be my new name. does it work?
no i dont think it will and bye have to go fer dinner!
bye have to go fer dinner!
Anyone there.
Hello? WS? CC?
yep i’m here again!
i’m in the middle of writing an essay.
Hello WS.
Hello LC. And by the way, I made a new name. It just didn’t show up yet.
Homework is boring.
My new name will be: White Sword – Excalibur
this will be my second godly dress.
this will be my first godly dress.
This is my second:
My third:
My sister, Angelique Devalle (or she likes: Angela Valle), will be getting married soon. She wants a simple but beautiful purple wedding dress. Whoever finds the perfect one, will receive two million dollars.
PS: I’m a bridesmaid! This is my dress:
Actually, she said she wanted a green or brown dress. Still simple yet beautiful.
Hello. 🙂
is any1 on today
is anyone here
Ke$ha suits me just fine. My old man Hades, won’t take a joke.
– Violet Deathmark Nightshade
Hello, Kesha.
-Lolita C
I hate math and Valentine’s Day. My friends, who are of course, goth, made a joke because one got Id rather die then hear your poem and I got, Valentine are cool. What does that supposed to mean and tomorrow, I have to swim with him and my flirting job is going great. $700’000’00 today!
-Goddess Of Riches
Wait, didn’t I ban flirting for money???
yay my new name finally worked!
That’s good. 🙂
Hello, WS.
hello LC.
I’m feeling bored.
Oh you are? Well, I’m not feelin’ bored right NOW, but, who know? I might get bored in about some time.
Click my name. I wonder what happened.
oh and if u are bored, i dont think that u r, cuz i dont think so so there! 🙂 hahahaha!
What’s the scariest thing you ever heard?
also, im really BUSY, cuz my teacher gave us homework to do. i need to complete my Shroomville Quesetions.
the scariest thing i ever heard of? well, it’s:
I heard my Mother once say that I can not read any more books anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was scary.
Exact quote.
“I’m following you, Sandy.”
My teacher said that.
Once my sister ate me.
ur sis ate u? oh cool.
I’m better now.
Dear Angie,
Please do not eat me again. I am a goddess.
I’ll give you cookies if you can figure out what Devalle means.
uh, has anyone even BOTHERED to look at this page yet? i mean, c’mon! this has something to do with the Island Smackdown! yeah, but now that i think about it, the Smackdown’s already over…
I just visited China. Lovely food.
Jamacia is going green even thought their islands suck…
Scariest thing? Has to be when Hades grabbed me in my class reunion and set the place on fire. I was kicked out, of course.
Hello, Kesha.
Hello. Click my name. Then tell me what you got.
Jobs for Gods
Real estate agent: 400-700 dollars a day
Writer: 200-500 dollars a week
Shop owner: 200-5000 dollars a month
Artist: 300-1000000 dollars a year
Teacher: 1000+
Police: 2000+
Actually, just say what job you want then I’ll decide how much I’ll pay you.
i want to be a scientist. how much? OR a doctor. how much? say both of them and then i’ll decide.
Scientist: a million a year
Doctor: a billion a day
i’ll be a doctor, then!
yay i’m a Dr.! I’ll be Dr. Sword.
You’re rich now. 🙂
Actually, you know what? My FIRST godly dress will be THIS:
YAY i’m rich!
It’s a pretty dress. Very pretty.
I know! The only thing I’m concerned abou’ it is that…
… It might fall off. 🙄
of me.
😆 Here I put a spell on you so it won’t slip.
do u have one? (a second one?)
this is mine. (second)
I do. Go back a few pages to see all three of them.
The Poptropica Island Smackdown for Counterfeit and Mythology is a really good post, because I bet that this post has the most comments ever on this site, even more than Not So Normal Citizen!
– W. Sword
I think so, too.
When I clicked your name, I did it, and it says my true eye colour is Ocean Blue. That site stinks. My true eye colour is soft brown.
It means that it matches your personality.
uh, Sandy? ruevenon?
Oh! it matches my personality….
what’s urs? ur TEST one not ur real one
hey check out this site u PROBABLY heard abou’ it:
Ocean blue.
it has Poptropica in it for a game!
for a Featured Activity.!
LC are u here?
Hello? Anybody?
oh came on!
Sorry. My computer is being slow.
Actually, you just press f5.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, prostitution, travel
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
any city
any country
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, travel, evil, religion
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
any city
any country
But, I still have Spirits.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, travel, faith, and the soul
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
WS: Math, science, astronomy, wisdom, knowledge, beauty, love, life, and gems.
Hello Saint Sword!
K: Click my name. Then tell me what you got. I predict that you’ll get fallen angel.
guess what?
try it, and wat did u get?
Aurora Thebe I got ballet. 🙁
Guess what that means. 👿
😈 vdbxdjKM
mine was Amalthea Venus.
Hey is anyone here or not
‘Cause No fair no fair
Now I get to pull your hair!
My name is White Sword
And a Tree
Fell on Me!
My name is Amalthea
And a Tree
Fell on Me!
Is anyone on?
I’ve waited a million
minutes for everyone.
Five syllables here,
Now you still got seven more.
Five again. Happy?
This is a Japanese-style poem.
I wonder why
I like the pie,
Will I die
If I don’t have any Pie?
I often wonder
Why I ponder.
I have a counter,
Make it rounder.
Hey Sandy are you here?
Really, though. Why aren’t you here? do you have homework?
I am on a serious mission, from King Arthur. I am his sword, Excalibeur.
Yup. Seriously.
Wow. 🙄
Hi Sandy.
Guess what?
No one’s on Poptropica Secrets these days.
I think the only person that’s on often is me.
Me, White Sword AKA Excalibur.
I like fries.
ydnas si eman ym
A girl made a bet
On who her brother met
My first dress:
That’s my second.
My hair:
Ur cursed with ryhme.
hi guys!
sorry i wan’t able to comment yesterday
is anyone even on?
🙂 🙁 😡 😥 😆
🙄 😳 ❓ ❗ 👿 😈 😉 😛 😀 💡 ➡ 😯 8) / 😎
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 EMOTICONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Five syllables here.
Now you still got seven more.
Five again. Happy?
This is a japanese-style poem.
The maiden, Ingrid is me. My new name? Ingrid is my new name.
Hello. I’m new. NOT.
Actually this is my second:
Ingrid, here.
I had to go to a ceremony to crown my mother an official goddess.
I’m gonna go plan the ball.
Me too.
hi guys! i waasn’t able to comment cuz of this internet.
the ball? what Ball? what’s the name o’ the Ball?
Grr is anyone on or not?
ah what the heck?
this dress is VIOLET but it says it’s a BLUE one. at LEAST they can put it in PURPLE wedding dresses category.
The Masquerade Ball
I don’t know WSE
OH hi Perfect Snowball! i know you. ive seen some o’ ur comments. ur new here. right? right? right? right? am i correcT? am i REALLY correct? huh? huh?
i speak too much. 🙄
Sandy; The MASQEUREDE Ball?
😳 i mean:
Sandy: The MASQEURADE Ball?
Yes. You know, the ball with masks.
Good Name.
My dress: (purple)
Sandy: are you basically planning to say nothing if nobody asks you anything? cuz unless i ask something, u dont usually appear these days. are you using the F5 button to scan and search cuz thats my BEST guess.
is that ur dress for the Ball
Yes, yes it is.
Anybody here?
yes yes i’m here Sandy. 🙄
Good. I wonder what your dress looks like.
I’m wearing a black dress with sleeves, and laced gloves.
Good to know…
Don’t you dare.
Don’t dare what?
What do you think of the dress? I’ll make it black for you.
Ruevenon, Kesha?
Thanks. Here’s a story I made in the next post.
Ingrid and Kate and the Emerald of gold.
The free land, no rules, no walls, no prison. Yeah, that’d be a good life. I live just east of there, what the people of the free land call, The Misery Land. In the small house, with no cars and seas of blood, it looked polluted and, it was. I am Violet Nightshade, Daughter of Madison and Chris Nightshade, sister of Kate Nightstars. That was that. I was banned to go anywhere but, the King’s Palace, the corner and the other little small house beside ours with Adam Dearoth and Brandon Hampon. I stood in my room, counting the days until I got my own room. Three more days, I thought. Then, freedom from my know-it-all sister. Kate ran to my room. “Violet,” she said. “The king wants you at the Room, ASAP. No, right now!” I asked her, “Why?” She shrugged and said,”I have to come!” We ran to the palace, almost getting hit. We entered and bowed. The king sighed. “Violet. Kate. You’re here.” he said. “As soon as we could.” Kate said. “What do you need?” He looked at us. “You two.” he said. I looked at Kate like, Why? “Why do you need us?” I asked. “You need to recover a lost gem.” he said. “The golden emerald,” he continued. “The only thing that’s good about our little ‘Village’. Recover it from there.” I accepted. So, did Kate. We headed to Adam’s place. We told him about the quest. Adam didn’t care less. “Big deal,” he said. “I got a deal from the queen. So, blah blah blah. Guess you want OUR help.” I rolled my eyes. That was Adam for you. Doesn’t care if you saw god or anything. I shrugged. “Do you want to help?” I asked. He said,”I guess so.”
Chapter 2: The quest
I settled down and soaked my feet in boiling hot water to calm me down. I put stuff for the quest in two bags. One for me and one for Kate. “Kate!” I yelled. “Coming!” she said. She ran down wearing a sweater with the year 2000 on it, a purple t-shirt with a tiger print and jeans. “Nice,” I said. “Where’d you get that?” She shrugged and looked at me. “Aren’t you gonna change?” I nodded and kicked her out of my room. I put on a leather jacket, ripped jeans and a red shirt with a skull on it. “Ready!” I called. Kate stuffed her little orange bag. “Ready!” she called. Adam and Brandon were probably waiting. We ran out. “Finally!” said Brandon. “We were waiting for hours!” I made an annoncment. “I will no longer have the same name as the color purple,” I said. “I will now be named Ingrid insted of Violet.” Their mouths hung open in surprise. “C’mon!” Kate yelled. “This quest won’t complete itself! Let’s go Adam, Brandon and,” she turned to me and her nose curled up as she said, “Ingrid.”. I grabbed my bag anyways, put my hair behind my ear, and followed Kate as we headed to the boat.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Adam grinned like, an idiot as he raised the flags. I sat down and spread out my blanket and my sleeping bag. Kate settled down and she texted me. The text read: Ingrid, what will happen on this quest? I sighed as I wrote: I hope good things. Maybe even death. She wrote: How is death good? And she gave me a puzzled look. I wrote: Go to sleep. Talk in the morning. We put our phones away. Adam began singing: Forget you. “I see you driving round town with girl I love and I’m like-” he sang. I threw a pillow at him and the pillow burst into flames as it flew into the sea of lava. “Ok, ok, I’ll go to sleep,” he said. “But, I’m singing Michael Jackson tomorrow.” I rolled my eyes. Brandon fell to sleep instantly. I shut my eyes. And dreamed. Here is my dream: A pack of wolves surronded me as I approched the King about to shock him with horror. It shocked me what I was about to say. “Great King,” I began. “I didn’t reach the emerald. It was a quest un-completed.” The King rose. “I knew not to trust a weakling like you. The village shall suffer because of you.” My eyes filled with tears and I told my feeling to shut up or be dead. I chocked back my tears. “Great King, I shall either save it or die. I will never let this town suffer because of me.” I said. He thought then said, “You will not die.” I sighed of relief. “Insted,” he said. “You will spend your life in prison.” I was taken and I struggled to get loose but, no luck. I said to the King, “Someday, someone will stand up to you.” The King laughed evily. I bolted upwards as I woke up. Adam sang: Billie Jean. I told them about my dream. “The king can be rude,” said Brandon. “I wanted to ask this, why are we doing this?” I said, “We don’t wanna get blasted to pieces.” Kate nodded. Our first destination, first stop, we docked at the deck and I climbed out. “Guys,” I said. “You coming?” The shook their heads and I shrugged. Talk about Intense Islands. I climbed up a mountain. Only to find…..a scroll. “Very useful,” I joked. “The scroll has the power to bore everyone to death!” I laughed. I called Kate. She picked up. She talked about stuff. I told her, “I’m coming.” Standing in front of me was a 10 foot dragon. It breathed fire. I took out my knife and it gleamed gold in the sunlight. The monster roared. “Stand back, long neck.” I told the dragon. It roared with anger. It showed it’s teeth as long and sharp as icicles. It breathed fire. I dodged and a tree caught fire. I slashed but, my sword just came back and hit me, making me closer to the edge. The monster’s eyes turned bright red. He let out a scream of fury. The mountain burst open. Tourist ran and screamed. I got at the back and stabbed. The monster shrunk. “Hero!” they cried. One person stood forward. They said, “Well done. You are worthy.” She took out a blade and gave it to me. “Come to the Hero’s council.” She said. I followed.
Good story. 🙂
So, do you like the dress?
Good to know. 🙂
Thought of a new evil plan….
What is it? *looks really serious*
Oh, you shouldn’t know…..
I am the queen! Tell me now! Or burn in Tartarus for eternity!
I’m the goddess of tartarus.
No, you are not.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, travel, faith, and the soul
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
Yes, I am or feel the wrath of evil forever!
I am not “The Soul!”
No, you are not. Wow. We went from having being civil to… this.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, travel, and faith
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
There. Happy?
Are you even on?
Add tartarus.
No. I cannot give Tartarus without the permission of either Hades or Persephone.
But I can give you the position of goddess of punishment.
I’m going there.
Goddess of punishment.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, revenge, marriage, travel, faith, and punishment
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
Don’t forget evil!
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, evil, revenge, marriage, travel, faith, and punishment
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
I have an idea…
What is it?
Prank ws
Switch her dress with the most ridiculous pink dress.
Loving it. I’ll help.
Have any dresses?
No. You?
Or this:
Here. I’m Ingrid.
Hello, Ingrid.
Which one is worse?
First one.
I think the second is worse.
OK don’t say anything abou’ the dress thing yet. i commeted just to make sure my comment get posted. now…does this work? hmm. i hope.
YAY it worked!
you know, i agree with Sandy. if the first one IS bad, how can it be on a site like weddingdressfantasy? so therefore, i don’t mind if u change it. the second one isn’t THAT bad, either. i don’t know a lot aboou’ fashion, so it doesn’t really matters. my dad says that kids below the age of 18’s main job is to learn everything u can, not dresses. so therefore AGAIN, u can’t prank me like that, just by making me LOOK stupid. my feeling hasn’t changed a jot. my MIND isn’t stupid.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
– WS, the Winning Scientist
Nah, I’m changing my name to this.
Hope everyone luck on Counterfeit Island!
– WS, the the Winning Scientist
Oh, whatever. My new name is: Ingrid.
-Ingrid, the rich spirt of death.
Or maybe I should switch all of your books and stuff with…
Dear Diary,
Today I did a lot of things. I woke up, ate breakfast, went to classes, ate food, then slept. It was a very fun, fun day.
I can see that this ‘Diary writing’ is going to be immensely pleasurable. Not.
When my mother bought me this book, she assumed, like the mundane person she is, that I would actually use this book as a diary.
Let’s get one thing straight shall we? I’m not a diary person.
Someone has yet to provide me a plausible explanation for keeping a diary. There is just no point at all. It’s just giving people a way to blackmail you- unless you’re Anne Frank- because then of course, a diary becomes a method for gaining fame. I have no intention of dancing in the spotlights, thank you very much. I consider my life as a whole lot of boring middle and am currently waiting patiently until the end finally comes into sight. It was already bad enough that it had a beginning- if I could go back in time and force-feed the woman who gave birth to me that contraception potion I read about the other day, maybe I’ll be happier.
Of course, that would mean I would never have been born, thus would not be able to feel said emotion. Oh well, one can hope can’t they?
I think people consider it bad form when you insult your own mother. They definitely would frown upon the fact that I wish I was never born every time I blew out the candles on my birthday cake (note the irony). But since when have I ever cared what other people think?
So far, re-reading what I’ve written, I make it seem as if I don’t enjoy my life. I do, really. If there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s that I was born into a world where so many idiots exist. People gape at me and believe I’m a genius. What they don’t realise is that I’m not incredibly intelligent- it’s the people around me that are astoundingly stupid. Geniuses simply do not exist. But there is, unfortunately, an overwhelming abundance of people who possess underdeveloped brains.
This is actually starting to turn out like a diary entry. I’m appalled. Next thing I know, my father is announcing I’m the next Princess of Genova, and that would simply not do. If I had to choose which Princess Diaries character I was to be, I would gladly pick Fat Louie over Mia every time. At least the cat was capable of surviving with three legs; Mia would probably try to commit suicide, fail, and then whine about her lack of limbs in that diary of hers.
Teachers tell me that I would make a really good healer or lawyer. But teachers are people, and people (who are not me) are, as mentioned before, incredibly stupid. I personally think that I’m a good Critic. If only people get paid criticizing others, then that would be the perfect job for me. I don’t mean being a food critic, or book reviewer. I’m not interested in what people do for a living. I’m interested in the person themselves.
The closest thing I know to a People Critic is a psychologist. Perhaps I should become one.
It’s decided. I shall write a profile of each patient, determine their faults and recommend a suitable course of action-
Patient Number one: Harry James Potter
I guess one must excuse his behaviour and personality on the account of the way he was brought up. But excuses can only reach so far. Harry is the most spoilt (a tremendous feat considering he was never spoiled), temperamental, violent, naïve boy I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
It annoys me to no end when Harry suddenly blows up at us, and then expects us to understand the ‘predicament’ that he was thrown into. So what if, metaphorically speaking, he had a sack thrown over his head-I’ve never agreed with Dumbledore more; I thought that it was an absolute necessity. Harry has a tendency to rush into things without thinking about the consequences first. Sometimes I doubt whether he even has the ability to process thoughts. I don’t think he does- he’s certainly proved himself on many occasions.
It really doesn’t matter if he gets himself killed- I couldn’t care less, to be honest, if he did. But the fact that a single small mistake that he makes, on account of his stupidity, will throw the entire world into jeopardy will simply not do- I live in this world, and no way will I allow myself get killed because of one immature child’s inability to think.
The only reason why he even has a shot at defeating Voldemort (another immature boy who still needs a lot of growing up to do), was because of me. Let’s recount shall we?
First year: I was the one who found out who Nicholas Flammel was. I was the one who realised there was a trapdoor underneath Fluffy. I was the one that recognised the Devil’s Snare- and conjured up the flames that destroyed it. I made sure he wasn’t poisoned. Let’s face it- the only things Harry really did was provide us a flute, get the key (anyone who could ride a broom could do so), and stall so that Quirrell would delay in murdering him. He also would have gotten himself killed if his mother didn’t throw herself in front of him and died in his place eleven years ago. I wonder if she regretted doing that. If I was the mother of a hopeless idiot, I certainly would.
Second year: I was the one that came up with whole magnificent plan. I was the one that stole the ingredients and brewed the potion (something that he would never be able to do in several lifetimes). I was the one that provided the drugged cupcakes, and thought to procure clothing big enough. I figured out what was petrifying everyone. Harry would never have saved Ginny if I didn’t- and yet he gets all the glory. Talk about injustice and sexism.
This list could go on forever, but why waste time in dwelling in the past? Harry will never change (alas) and I would just have to keep pretending I support his useless campaign.
Oh, and did I mention how completely and utterly dense he is? It is common knowledge that Ginny has liked him for such a long time, yet he insists on drooling after Cho. Doesn’t he realise that she’s much too smart and good-looking for him?
Recommended Courses Of Action:
-Partake in Anger Management classes.
– Invite Voldemort to a duel. That’ll teach him how important I am. And how useless he is once he realises he doesn’t stand a chance.
-Take a photograph of him and Cho. Maybe then he’ll realise how unattractive he is and melt into a pool of self pity. Wait. He just needs to take a photograph of himself; comparing him to Cho is just too cruel.
Not really good but, a three star.
You know, I didn’t write that.
That’s bad. I really hate that.
Patient Number Two: Ronald Bilius Weasley
Apart from his outrageously bright hair and unfortunate complexion, there really are no other things that I can compliment him about. His personality, for one, is hideous, his habits are absurd, and, quite frankly, I wonder if he even possesses a brain. It is one of my dearest wishes to grab a scalpel and examine him under the microscope- how can a person who is so profoundly dumb, manage to survive so long? How bottomless is his stomach anyway? How many chews and bites does he have left until his jaw unhinges? That boy is a medical miracle.
I’m quite concerned about his lack of vocabulary as well. It seems like the only words he knows are “Blimey,” “Bloody hell” and “Dunno”- yet he insists on laughing at Crabbe and Goyle’s intelligence or lack thereof. If I wasn’t so nice, I would’ve laughed at the irony. But I guess, like Patient No. one, excuses must be made on account of his upbringing. Having an enormous amount of siblings before him, Ron has an annoying habit of comparing himself to those around him. Unfortunately, it does nothing for his self confidence-especially when compared to me.
It is also absolutely annoying how Harry considers Ron his best friend, and yet, when things become difficult, he comes running to me. It seems-at least to Harry- that Ron is the better friend. I beg to differ. The only thing Ron is good at is his irritating ability to make jokes at the wrong time, and to provide utterly useless advice. But considering the type of person Harry is, I’m not surprised he considers Ron his best friend. Harry’s famousness must provide some sort of compensation for Ron’s anonymity.
Speaking of which, how did Ron get the prefect badge? Wonders may never cease to amaze me. I mean, I would have questioned McGonagall’s ability to make decisions, but seeing as she chose me as the other prefect, she must have a functioning brain. Or maybe it was just a lapse of judgement; after all, the woman is getting old.
Furthermore on this subject, Ron is the most insufferable, incapable prefect I have ever had the misfortune to meet. He is a cowardly and stupid boy who pretends to be otherwise. This is quite sad, as everybody knows he’s too scared to tell off his own brothers. He must feel quite inferior in his abnormally large family, being the youngest boy, and must also feel so frustrated that the only sibling who is younger than him is a girl, and therefore his mother’s favourite. After all, it’s not like he has any accomplishments he can boast about- other than being the stupidest one in the family, that is.
It is also funny how oblivious he is- does he not realise Lavender Brown fancies him? Considering she only speaks about wanting to snog him at every possible moment, and a lot of the time in front of him, I’m astounded at how deaf and blind he is. Doesn’t he know that they’ll make such a great couple? Unlike Cho and Harry, these two are made for each other. They have the same irritating and insensitive personality, they adopt the same annoying tone when they talk, and, as a bonus, they even have an IQ equivalent to each other! That truly is a miracle, considering how low Ron’s is.
Recommended Courses of Action:
-Hand himself over to me so I can examine him under the microscope (I’ll have to kill him in the process, but he really isn’t sacrificing much- I can already foresee that his future will be horrible at the best.)
-Persuade Molly and Arthur to give him up for adoption. (One less son to humiliate them).
-Tell Ron to get a sex change, that way Molly will like him too.
-Send him on a blind date with Lavender so they can ruin each other’s lives.
Good morning Blah Blah Blah fans! Sorry for the hold up. Okay, I’m talking with one of the Biggest stars on the charts. Give it up for Katy Perry!
KP: Thanks, Ke$ha!
No problem. So, Katy, what was your number 1 song for a week?
KP: I think it was Firework.
So, ever thought of going goth?
KP: No, I like my style still.
That concludes this morning’s Blah Blah Blah!
Dear Diary,
Mother bought me this book for a diary. Did Lolita’s mother and my mother talk?
Today is okay, I guess. I’m sick in bed and still bored. Watching Wendsday morning cartoons. About to watch Full House and take a bath, sick to my stomach is Ingrid. Puked three times at Two in the morning.
My gothic hobbies aren’t delayed, I’m still doing them. In bed and my spirits are also helping me with my evil. Grave readings will be tomorrow and Raising the dead has been canceled. Me and my boyfriend are going to spend the day. So, that’s it for now in Ingrid’s Daily Journal.
Dear Diary; Subject Bullying.
Hello. Today, I’m writing in this diary for several reasons. One: To write about my life, misery and sorrow in the Underworld. Two: Telling about my day and crushes.
So, I’m currently dating Andrew. Doesn’t matter which one. We had supper last night and hung out. What will happen? I overheared that Andrew is gonna dump me this Saturday on our date.
For the subject, today is Anti-Bullying day. I have been bullied.
Dear Diary,
My parent is making write in this stupid diary for my own good. And I’m sick. Goodbye.
Dear Journal,
Today I had a chat with the most arrogant and idiotic boy I have ever met.
-Lolita Circe
Dear Ingrid and Valerie,
A mortal just ate his newborn do. How shall we punish the mortal?
Lolita Circe
Dear Diary,
Today my computer was stupid.
oh and lolita u spelled “Flamel” wrong.
yes and also, my computer is dumb, so from now on i can only comment about ten or eleven comments each day.
How many times do I have to say THAT I DID NOT WRITE THAT! I just copied and pasted.
😥 ! This is SOOOOOOOOOOO sad.
SEE? it’s not working again.
OH it IS! ha! yay! 🙂 😆 i’m hapy now.
Hello. Note that in the future two weeks, The Weekly Surprise is closed in case of snow storm caused by Greedy Storm.
– WS, the Wise Scientist
Lolita Circe, the Lazy Candy
– WS, the Worthy Scientist
yeah and I’ll admit that Curious Cloud was ME.
LC, the Lazy Crazyette
did you always thought that?
CC is?
hey and now that i think of it, my computer isn’t that bad after all! i’ve been able to comment normally.
yes, yes CC is me.
See? See? I’m curious, right? right? all rihgt? right? right? Uh-huh? right? all right? I’m right? right? OK? right? all right? RIGHT?
That’s where I found those Harry Potter diary stuff.
click my name. See?
?hahahaha? haha!? ha!? ha?!
Nah i like White Sword better.
and do NOT think that Dizzy Claw or Lucky Ice is me. i never know them in my whole life.
What’s with all the laughing?
Hello everyone. I heard my original, WS, the Winning Scientist, opened a news station. I’m proud of my original.
– CC, the Clever Chemist
don’t know what’s with all the laughing.
I dislike homework.
The Masquerade Ball is tomorrow at five p.m. Pacific.
I’m going vegetarian.
I will become fabulous. One of the prettiest.
Hello, I’m a war goddess and an evil goddess. My name is Ingrid.
Dear Diary,
Today is a lazy Saturday. My boyfriend Jake kissed me and we he had romance. Rider might not find out. That’s a good thing.
Two: I’m clueless. My black hair keeps getting in my way. My violet eyes get red when, I’m furious.
I’m finished.
Three: I don’t know if I should be alive. I was supposed to be a man. How do I know? My mom called my Christopher.
Four: My name is good. Ingrid is okay. But, I’m Goth. My name should be Thorn.
Five: I will be Gothic. Dark and mysterious. Hard to read.
I think Kesha’s name should be Lucine. It means light.
K: You have a boyfriend??? I’m gonna tell Ash (Rider).
Where is he?
Why should my name be THAT?! I like Thorn.
Name suggestions.
Lolita: hunting, skill, art, moon, fate, destiny, life, darkness, laws
Kesha: Music, sun, evil, revenge, marriage, travel, faith, and punishment
WS: Math, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, science, astronomy, love, life, gems,
White Sword: Lin. REASONS: WS is the goddess of gems and beauty. She is also Chinese. Lin is a Chinese name meaning beautiful jade.
Kesha: Lucine. REASONS: According to that that site, Lucine is goth. It also means light. Since Kesha is the goddess of the sun, I find this appropriate.
I’m bored. Wanna chat?
-The Lazy Cynic
-Lucine Ash, The Laughing Alley
Ruevenon? (Are you even on?)
Which name is prettier, Ashlynn or Jasmine?
Hello everyone. JAsmine.
Lin? I don’t like it. For many, many years, my wish-name is: XiaoLan
in Canada, my wish-name is: Valerie.
Sandy: Your name should be-
ur the goddess of Moon. in chinese, ChangE is the goddess of Moon.
and I started this “ruevenon” thing.
anyways, my computer’s quite good.
have you guys heard of this site?
Or Jade. I like that name.
SDandy: Hi Dandy!
I got president. 🙂
I got Doctor! Just the career I wanted!
what did u get?
Cool. 🙄 OR 😆 OR 😡 OR 🙂 OR 😥 OR 😉 OR 🙁 OR 😛 OR 😯 OR 😀
I wonder what your dress for the ball looks like. I bet that it’s awesome.
1) What type of person are you?
2) What is your desired career?
3) Are you more of a shy person, or more of a chatterbox person?
4) What nationality are you?
5) What is your favourite gem?
my dress?
1) Cold, brilliant, and eccentric.
2) Writer
3) Shy chatterbox
4) Vietnamese
5) Black diamond.
Yes. Your dress. For the ball.
this will be it.
what’s urs?
what’s k’s?
what is urs?
K: but black
hi there!
Hi, if urevenon.
what the heck!
hahahaha! but NOW, that i’ve posted something, it doesn’t exist anymore!
Dear Lolita,
– WS, the Winning, Wealthy, Wise, Worthy, Wonderful Scientist
Dear Lolita,
Edeaera Leoleieta,
– WS, the Worthy Scientist
Coded Message:
WS, ethcae Uoyobudineneineeg Seecieneetiseet
did you get the message, and tell me what is the code exactly. so even if you get what it means, you don’t know the CODE.
did you get the message or not?
Coded MEssage Again:
Hey I’m gonna tell everyone on Poptropica Secrets about this post. They’ll be shocked to see how many comments it has! Lol!
Wow… I’m surprised people still comment on this post…
hey! haha!
i can comment on this!
🙄 didn’t u know that my computer is dumb these days? and so i can only comment a few…
“I am Crouch’s personal assistant.” said Percy.
*after a year*
“He’s the Minister’s personal assistant.” said Fred sadly. “And now Mum and Dad had a row with ‘im.”
The quiz that you made;
1) What type of person are you?
2) What is your desired career?
3) Are you more of a shy person, or more of a chatterbox person?
4) What nationality are you?
5) What is your favourite gem?
Here are my answers.
1) Flirty, Likeable and Mean-spirited.
2) My job already, Flirting.
3) Chatty, duh!
4) Jamacian. I already said that!
5) Garnet. My birthgem.
I am adopting a Bichon Frise puppy and Birman kitten.
I’m moving.
hello Sandy!
guess what?
“Why are you standing around there, Neville?” Ginny asked.
Neville said, “I-can’t-find-a-compartment.”
“But there’s one, there’s only Luna in there.”
Neville muttered something about “not wanting to disturb anyone”.
“Oh, don’t be silly.”
So they moved into the compartment. For once, Harry knew why Neville didn’t want to go in there. It was because Luna had tucked her wand behind her ear, or because she was wearing a necklace made from Butterbeer corks, or that she was reading a magazine up-side down.
“And, who’re you?” Luna asked, eyeing Neville.
“I’m nobody,” he said quickly.
“No-you-are-not-Nobody.” Ginny snapped. “This is Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood.”
“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.”
Sandy, are you even on these days or not?
I’m busy with work and stuff. And I’m going to college again, so yeah.
I just dyed my hair blond.
This is my pic:
Look! It’s White Sword!
anyone miss me.
is anyone even on this one anymore???
what the heck
jeez some welcome back party.
come on people its friday how r u not on???
ok then bye i guess i will be back though
soon very soon
Kesha is cheating on you.
Rider! Oh, I missed you. *Kisses Rider*
I’m Classy. Not trashy.
Are you sure you got classy?
Yeah. I’m sure.
We’re on at the same time. Good.
Ruevenon, K??
Yeah. Why did you tell Rider I’m cheating on him?
Occasionally my mind goes insane. It happens whenever I meet someone
I haven’t met for a while.
I’m feeling bored. And I found out Artemis isn’t my mother. But Hades is my father.
Ain’t I pretty?
Artemis isn’t mine either. P
Blonds aren’t idiots. I prove that.
I have What The Hell= Avril and Born This Way= Gaga stuck in my head.
What The Hell is awesome.
I’m ready to party all night long.
I’m listening to What The Hell.
Are you still here?
anybody on right now
oh my god seriously
do you all just want to avoid me or
comeon I come back
and you people seem a little
depressed about it
ok i am seriously
considering to leave again
We are not avoiding you, Ostrich Rider. We simply aren’t on at the same time as you.
Rider, my true love,
I am truly sorrry.
I will never love another man besides you.
ok is anybody on right now
anybody here???
I’m on.
I’m on.
anyone on now
ok i am bored out of my mind
right now
I’m here!!!!!
Are u still here Ke$ha
Dang it
I was so close
Hey Ke$ha,
Who is Jake???
No one! Are you jealous?
Hey everyone.
JAke: I don’t know who the DEVIL you are. So, G’day to you and bye.
SAndy: BLonds are kind of an idiot. but they aren’t stupid. someone can be an idiot and a stupid at the same time.
As Goddess of:
MAth, Science, Astronomy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Calculations, Beauty, Gems, and Life.
Dear Dumb Diary,
The call was a bit strange:
Angeline: Hi JAmie.
ME: HI. How’re the puppies?
Angeline: Um…. I don’t know. Well, the mother seems to be – Oh, whatever, – Isabella wants them so bad, is that true –
ME: Oh, nevermind. I mean, did you finish the diary we’re supposed to –
Angeline: Oh, yeah, yeah and I – I mean, my ankle hurts again. Bye.
Five syllables here.
Now you still got seven more.
Five again. Happy?
Doctor, Doctor! I think I am invisible!
Doctor: Sorry, patient, but I can’t see you.
Get it?
Doctor, Doctor, I think I am too small!
Doctor: Well, you’ll just have to be a little patient, then.
Get it?
How many fingers do each of you have?
I have FIVE! 😥 🙁
I guess you guys have guessed it: I am White S.!
Ke$ha I am extremely jealous.
Is that the thanks I get for coming back.
You get a boyfriend.
While I on the other hand have been
nothing but faithful to you.
Ke$ha February 26, 2011 at 8:08 am
Dear Diary,
Today is a lazy Saturday. My boyfriend Jake kissed me and we he had romance. Rider might not find out. That’s a good thing.
What the heck is all this about???!!!
Is anybody on right now????
ok is anyone on Now????
click on my name.
this is perhaps my favorite song.
I’m one day late but, oh well.
I kissed Jake! So what? You can have a girlfriend and try to make me jealous, but you won’t. I’m not dating Jake. I’m dating Drake.
Dear Diary,
Rider thinks I’m horrible so, should I divorce with him?
He never pays ANY attention to me!
Ok Ke$ha I will not get a girlfriend to make you jealous
but how many guys have you been dating
when you were supposed to be with me.
I know the answer is at least 2.
Are we divorcing?
well that depends are you going to
stay faithful???
well if you do I will stay
but if you continue to cheat on me
I will be gone so fast it will make your
head spin
Sorry, I had to run. Where? That’s for you to guess.
a) With Drake
b) With a hobo
c) Getting Rider something
Jake/Drake & Kesha & Rider: You guys have your relationships all mixed up now.
Weekly Surprise: News Report
Date: Monday March 15
Subject: Two People’s Story
#1: Hello everyone. As you might all know for now, there are TWO habitants on that RECENTLY, if not long ago, fell in love with each other.
Lucky Ice: Who are they, then, Little Miss Perfect?
#2: Well, Little Miss BOSSY, they are Ke$sh-
Dizzy Claw: Oh, who cares, Ice?
#3: -a and RIDER, OSTRICH.
Perfect Snowball: Oh, Little Miss DAZED, I think we SHOULD care.
LI: Huh, Little Miss IMPATIENT, I don’t need YOU to tell me that, thank you very much.
DC: Uh, Miss BOSSY, I still don’t think I will care, so ha-ha to you now.
PS: Hmph! FYI Miss DAZED, you’re getting off topic now.
#4: BE QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND STOP BICKERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#5: That did the trick. OK, so, as I said before I was so rudely interrupted, *throws dirty look at the other three* these two people have MARRIED.
LI, DC, PS: Ooooh, aaaah!
#6: Who knows, because Kesha somehow dated JAke instead, things went maniac.
LI, DC, PS: Oooh, aaah!
That’s the end for today!
i choose b), KEsha.
I was buying Rider a gift.
:understanding look:
Oh well it didn’t work out. anyways has anyone finished wimpy wonderland yet? or not?
Dear Ostrich Rider and Ke$ha,
Dear Sandy,
Hello. WWMUU?
– WS
What Would Make U Upset?
Dear Sandy,
Hello. In case you haven’t noticed, scientists are the most clever people ever on earth. Also, “Hello” doesn’t make any sense to me, because FYI, it’s a fragment. BTW, I got the WWMUU idea from Dear Dumb Diary series, on account of you keep saying:
Dear Diary,
Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah.
– White Sword, the Worthy Scientist
Dear Sandy & everyone,
Hello. FYI, you haven’t noticed Blue Rock, have you? Well… I suspect you haven’t. Also, I like every single book in the world.
Dear Diary,
Blah Blah Blah Blah Yuk Yak Woo Haa Blab.
– WS
Dear Sandy,
Hello. Hm, the “Prank WS” joke hasn’t been carrying on, has it? 😉 Oh, this is SO exciting:
Sandy: prank ws
Kesha: loving it. i’ll help.
Sandy: how about this one? *types a website*
and this one: *another*
Kesha: first one’s worse
Sandy: i think second is worse
*after a day*
WS: hahaahahahahahahahaahahaha! i don’t care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“you’re mother’s coming soon, Harry.”
I am back again.
Dear Diary,
I might give up on this Diary thing. Not really me but, it’s either this or jump off an airplane. I had orignally said that I’d rather jump off a plane but, my mother said “It’s for your own good” so, I guess I’m stuck.
Next, Blah Blah Blah hasn’t been canceled. Simply moved. The next episode is Christmas Edition even though it’s past. And the only part of a Diary is if you become famous, like Loltita said but, I do feel like getting up and my life being a movie. But, likely, Uncle Matt. He sang “Baby Got Back” at Chirstmas Kareoke. I thought that it rocked. Other than that, my family has zero talent.
So that’s it for now! For the orignal episode of Blah Blah go onto and search Art. Go onto Art students/Private School Students! This is Ke$ha saying Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Night and have a nice ride!
Welcome to Blah Blah Blah!
Now I’ve promised to do a Christmas Episode but, here’s one.
Episode #8: Cheaters, Faith and Love.
Me: Okay. So, me and Rider. We had a thing going but,
now he’s acting childish! I said we should divorce if he feels that way but, he gave me another chance. Why? Oh, well. I’ll take the phones!
*On phone* Lucky caller #10! You get to cone down and all that stuff.
OR: Hello Ke$ha.
ME: Great. Okay, can some arrest him?
OR: Why? I walked in and I made the call.
ME: I’m so going to Hawaii.
OR: Ke$ha, I was jealous, okay? Please forgive me.
ME: Lemme think. No.
OR: Are we getting a divorce?
ME: That is a maybe.
OR: Fine! *slams door and walks out*
ME: Next caller!
Lucky caller #10. Come on down!
*walks in and sits down*
ME: Omigosh! Is that…?
LG: Is it me, Lady GaGa?
AL: And Avril Lavigne?
ME: Yeah! I can’t belive you’re on MY show!!
AL: Thanks for inviting me.
LG: And me.
ME: No problem! Here’s an exclusive interview with Avril and GaGa!
LG: Heh heh heh.
ME: Okay, Avril, how did you make What The Hell?
AL: I had a break-up and it was best just to sing it out!
ME: Okay! GaGa, how did you come up with Born This Way?
LG: Based on life events. Neat, huh?
ME: Thanks! Okay, Avril. I’m a fan of your style so, how do you come up with it?
AL: I’m a Punk-Rock chick so, it’s everday-clothing!
ME: Sweet! LG, last question. You have an intresting style. What is with your clothes?
LG: Not that easy but, it’s fine. Some of them are based on guys.
ME: Thanks for your time! See you next time on Blah Blah Blah!
I did not write that! UGH!
Dear Diary,
OK I know I said I don’t like to write in a diary, but FYI, dear diary, it looks like eveyrone is doing this. So… basically I thought that I might be doing it as well.
You know that kind of thing where a person says something like “Oh, I will never do that” and then does that anyways? Well, this same thing happened to me today. I was watching a TV show, and then there was a part where the main character throws up, says swear words, runs to the kitchen and throw up about a hundred times worse. I thought, “Ew I will never watch that show ever again”. Then I drank some water and turned my full attention on the show.
Then, there came this part where a person meets a scientist, which is why I’m even mentioning this. The scientist says, “Why is your home in California?” The person shrugs and replies, “Uh, I don’t know, Mr. Scientist. I guess it just is.” The scientist blabs, “Oh but did you know there was an explanation to it? The reason is that you are NOT an American, and so therefore NOT a Californian, and therefore…”
See? This is EXACTLY why I like science and scientists.
WS, the Worthy Scientist
Hello, WS.
I highly doubt that Avril wrote that song due to a break-up.
Hello, Sandy, Kesha. Loved that Blah Blah Blah show.
Hey everybody,
How’s it going?
Okay. I suppose.
Rider, I’m gonna go out of a coffin. You will kill me and I will stay back in there.
No thanks Ke$ha I
don’t really want to go on
trial for murder………
So I’ll have to pass on your offer.
You don’t want to kill your (hot) wife?
Dear Diary,
This has become daily and an addiction. Okay, first thing’s first, why does Rider still like me?
He should dump me on the spot. I tried to make-up boyfriends, cheating and nothing works. As for I was watching Oprah and Dr. Phil. They gave advice and that didn’t work. So, I’m getting a divorce with him because, the only thing I know about him are simple facts. I don’t want Personal Information though.
I watched a show called: “Three birds and a bee”. It was annoying. The main character was Clarissa, a girl who married the wrong guy so, she got re-married 10 times. Her ex-es tried to destroy her but, it didn’t work. I was like “When will this show end?” as for, I’m watching it now.
Today, I’m getting a divorce with Rider or getting re-married behind his back. I won’t send him the invatation because, it’ll break his heart. I have to do this.
Sorry Ke$ha
It will NOT break my heart.
I was going to tell you I wanted a divorce.
I just don’t want to be with someone who would make
up boyfriends and pretend to cheat just to get something out of
P.S. I won’t kill people just because they annoy me.
This reminds me of an opera that will never end.
Know what, Rider? I’m gonna torture you forever.
This is overly-dramatic.
I hate Rider! I’m gonna kill myself, Rider.
Kesha, chill.
Y should I?????
You’ll actually be sane.
Dear Diary,
Me and Rider are divorced.
Good for him.
Now I am planning trip for me, Sandy and White Sword
For what?
Paris. France.
Okay. Paris is awesome.
*packs up and hands Sandy dictionary* Here. We get on the airplane today.
ok then,
The 3 main people
who I usually chat with on this
blog are in Paris.
I will take this time to return to my
Paris est trés, trés bonne! Rider, est-que tu veut aller aux Paris avec moi, Sandy et White Sword?
Paris is very, very good! Rider, is that you want to go
to Paris with me, Sandy and White Sword?
No no I am ok here I don’t want to interup your vacation.
Just say hi to the other 2 for me.
It’s fine. You may come on one condition. Tu ne aller pas avec moi juste moi et toi seule.
just you and me alone…
huh well,
I am starting to think you
want me there for a specific reason.
I don’t. I’ll find my true love in the city of love and you’ll find yours.
3000 posts!!!!!!
isn’t that what Tu ne aller pas avec moi juste moi et toi seule translates?
You do not go with me just me and you alone
I think thats what it translates to be.
I don’t really want to go into
another realationship right now.
I would rather go back to my training.
So if you want me to go to paris just to find a
new girlfriend…….
Sorry not gonna happen
Yeah. Me, you, Sandy and White Sword. Let’s go!
I certainly hope there
are some killer gyms in Paris.
Kesha: Great idea! Going to Europe’s any country is great. You and Rider divorce? Oh. That’s… fine with me, I guess.
Kesha: OK so I sit down. On an airplane. Cool. Especially going to Paris. That’s great.
When will we be there?
maybe a little ke$ha
So what are we going to
do first in Paris?
Dear Diary,
Events were OK today. Actually, it was better than OK. Kesha, Sandy and… RIDER, Ostrich aboards a plane, on our way to Paris, France. The time was March 18, 2011 at 4: 45 pm. The ride was awesome, and I looked at the map over and over. Kesha and Sandy eventually says, “When are you going to stop reading the map and stare out the window like a bat?”
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but Kesha and RIDER, Ostrich married at about December 1, 2011. Then guess what happened after Kesha makes up boyfriends and cheats on RIDER, Ostrich?
That’s right. THEY DIVORCE. Frankly, I don’t even know if they’re old enough to marry, then divorce. But, “oh well who cares” is the old saying. And I did it. And I said it. And I acted it. Sandy didn’t care if they divorced. At least she acted like that.
– White Sword, the Winning Scientist
Dear Dumb Diary,
Today Isabella asked me to kick her in the face. I was like “No way I would never do that” and then kicked her in the face. I guess I CHANGED MY MIND REALLY QUICK.
Minds are so silly.
– Signed, Jamie Kelly
I would prefer to be just called
Rider not Rider,Ostrich
ok I will be gone for a while I
want to see if I can find a gym
near by.
Please I hope they do.
Well I didn’t find a gym,
but these Paris people have sweet songs.
Click my name.
Paris is lovely. I’m going to go shopping.
Nice to know I am
“some other guy.”
I’m tired.
Ke$ha: Hello, viewers! This is Blah Blah Blah. I may not have the best breath but, I’m getting ready for Paris. White Sword recently bought a delicous or as we say in French, délioiseuse bagel covered entirely in chocolate when I said “Can I have a bite?” and then ate it all. I bought a Baguette hoping she would do the same. But, when she bit it, she threw up. It was a Mouldy Baguette! I had to drive around with Sandy to go to all the Boutiques. Just lovely! A photographer saw me and took pictures of me. Sandy obviously ditched me. I spotted Rider and he just ran. What broke my hear was that Rider brought Sandy a rose and I was hoping that we would just make up. I headed to the hotel in a taxi, got in the room and cried my eyes out. When Sandy got back, I wiped up my last tears, headed into the bathroom and threw away my tissues. I didn’t feel like talking. I was too upset. Nobody has broken my heart as more as Rider did so, I left him this letter outside his door. An apology letter. It said,
“Dear Rider,
You have broken my heart. I’m sorry that we did foolish things. I did foolish things. If you forgive me, come to the Eiffel Tower at 8:00. If you don’t come, I will never forgive you.
Truly Yours, Ke$ha.”
Let me clarify some things up right now.
1.I gave that rose to Sandy as a FRIEND,
there is nothing between us.
2.I did NOT even want to go to Paris,
there are no gyms,and these French people are really
starting to get on my nerves.
3.I don’t see why I am the one who needs to be
forgiven.It was Ke$ha that made up boyfriends,
and all her other cheatings,and when I gave her a second
chance she does her show and says I’M the one acting childish.
But whatever seeing as how I am leaving this wretched place (Paris)
the first chance I get I might as well see what Ke$ha has to say at 8:00.
It’s true. He gave it to me as a FRIEND. And I really needed a rose for this art project.
Thank you
Details, details.
What do you mean “details, details?”
That I shouldn’t help out a friend
in need.
Lolita’s Blog
Today was a boring day in Paris.
I left Kesha while shopping because she was acting like a spoiled brat. I hope the divorce does some good for her.
At least I received more clothes.
Oh and my art project is complete.
-Lolita Circe
Oh, hello Ash.
Ke$ha’s blog
I needed to juice up Blah Blah Blah to get your blogs more popularity.
And my ratings’ll go through the roof!
I’m having a nice dinner on the Eiffel Tower.
Loltita is exaggerating. I AM spoiled but, not a brat. SHE’S the brat.
You mean to tell me
that I should go to the
Eiffel Tower just to have dinner
with you.
No. I’m having Les bonnes pates pour le diner. Rider, do you WANT to have dinner with me?
I saw that the letter said to meet
you on the Eiffle Tower at 8:00
p.s. Do French people even serve pasta???
And my flight leaves at 9:00
so I thought what the heck.
Definition of a brat: somebody, especially a child, who is regarded as tiresomely demanding and selfish in a childish way
This perfectly describes Kesha.
brat 1 (brt)
1. A child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one.
2. A child of a career military person.
Possibly from brat, coarse garment, from Middle English, from Old English bratt, of Celtic origin.]
brattish adj.
brattish·ness n.
brat 2 (brt)
What to do?
What to do?
What to do?
Childish: Check.
Demanding: Check.
Selfish: Check.
Spoiled: Check.
Stupid: Check.
Slut: Check.
I think don’t really know
how to respond
to that
Kesha’s Positive Traits:
I think she want to
talk to you.
I think she wants to
talk to you.
I feel bad.
Ke$ha lets see you
translate this………
Je ne peux pas attendre de quitter Paris.
Push is a good song.
Why shouldn’t I
talk to you.
don’t you want me to meet
you at the Eiffle Tower
at 8:00.
Sandy who is the song by????
Avril Lavigne.
ok thanks
No, we do not. I would rather be killed by Edward Cullen than be romantically interested in OR.
I’m serious.
Dear Diary,
Guess what happened?
That’s right. I read Kesha’s private diary, which of course I am not allowed to, and I found out that she made me ate a Moldy Baguette, which I loved, because MOLDY BAGUETTE is exactly located on Counterfeit Island, which is my favourite island, and so if I actually ate one, of course it was going to be one of my favourites. Not that I’m foolish, but how can I NOT like it? It might sound weird, but get this: how can French food taste bad? FRENCH. Seriously, FRENCH.
OK, OK, I know it said I threw up, but get this (again): I only did that because right then I saw a turtle that just ate a kitten, whose mother cat is right beside the turtle, who saw the mom see him eat the mom’s kitten, so he ran for it, but that cat actually runs really fast and ate the turtle, and then later regretted because she was tasting her own daughter’s flesh, which, in my opinion, is a shame to do.
Also, I saw that Sandy and RIDER, O. apparently likes Sandy. Sandy objects, saying she’d rather die than be romanticaly be interested in RIDER, O.
– White Sword, the Winning Scientist
PS I don’t know which side I’m on for Sandy or Kesha.
actually, what i meant is:
nevm to the words RIDER, O. i mean Rider. i can’t resist the urge to type that.
brb. for just a sec.
uh finally
i am able to post again.
my stupid pc wouldn’t let
me post
but now i can so let me return to the part
where i couldn’t post.
Ke$ha was accusing me and Sandy being together.
while I was trying to ask Sandy what was wrong with
Avril’s hair.
Then Ke$ha started saying all this stuff about me and sandy which
is 100% not true.
in fact it’s about as real as donald trump’s hair.
anyone here right now
I’m on.
hey lolita
Sup, OR.
uh nothing much
I plan on leaving Paris 2night.
plane leaves at 9:00
should I see Ke$ha on the Eiffle Tower
at 8:00???
Do you want to?
I don’t know
I think Ke$ha is reaaly mad right
now but I did nothing wrong.
I think you should go, if you don’t mind missing your plane.
Hello. I’m back on again.
Uh, did you know that you just said, to Sandy, “Hey Lolita.” And she said right back, “Sup OR.”
I don’t mean u guys are liking each other like Kesha accused/said, but im just hinting that maybe u guys are like really, Super Duper Muper Ruper Wuper Guper Huper HYPERLIKE friends now. MAYBE, but not surely, one day u WILL turn out like what kesha said.
Lolita’s Blog
Il ya quelque chose de mal avec l’humanité. Avec toute l’homophobie et le sexisme.
Quoi qu’il en soit, Kesha devient vraiment ennuyeux. Sword Sword blanc est blanc. Autruche Rider est encore autruche Rider.
Je vais quitter Paris et retour à Brown demain.
Oh, et ce fut en français.
I feel like it’s illegal to be friends with someone of the opposite gender.
I’m REALLY into Counterfeit Island, and so here is a poem about “her”, and it’s from Dear Dumb Diary’s series, Book # 3…
She is the fairest blossom, true,
She blooms in any weather.
But I must like her from afar,
We’ll never be together.
– White Sword, the Winning Scientist
Sandy, what do u mean by, “Sword Sword white is white”?
i’m not good at French, i use the online translator. i have it on my “right click”.
Dear Dumb Diary, Never do Anything, Ever is kind of hard to understand. cuz the charity thingy is just too complicated, especially the Baby-Toss gym assignment.
White Sword is White Sword.
i wonder what he meant. Frankly, they aren’t old enough.
just remember that once, this site was full of different peoples, not just four…
False. There are WAY more people on Poptropica Secrets than four.
why was i called “yet”
sandy says
ostrich ostrich rider is yet
what the heck does that mean???
plus i think we scared away
all the other bloggers from
this page.
ok i am starting to get nervous.
I have to be at the Eiffle Tower
in about half an hour.
What if Ke$ha is still mad???
I think it would be a long way
down the Eiffle Tower.
I honestly have no idea. I used a translator.
Is est Latin.
ok then???
But sandy in your personal
opinion should i go see ke$ha at the Eiffle Tower???
Yes. Go.
EGO offensus puella quisnam tantum tutela super populus quod vultus.
ok i couldnt really understand what you
just said after the EGO part because it makes no
sense in latin or french
EGO offensus puella quisnam
tantum tutela super populus quod vultus=I is so much offended by
the girl who, what to care
about the people that they look.
EGO offensus puella quisnam tantum tutela super populus quod vultus means I dislike girls who only care about popularity and appearances. It’s Latin.
ah that helps……….
and ke$ha is like this……..
Illic es quoque plures bardus populus huic universitas.
would i be one of those people???
Extraho Click. EGO perfectus negotium. Cepi a profundus spiritus , vultus inter cella ( secundum totus , is would have been meus permaneo subluceo of vita ), quod propinquus meus eyes. Is had been diutius. Hora preteritus quod EGO woke sursum. Haud , is cannot exsisto , EGO sententia. EGO statim ran ut cella. patella occumbo.
ha ha
now i think i now your
answer to my question
Bardus est non instituo in schola. Is est instituo in vita.
what on earth is that???
Click. I finished the task.
I took a deep breath, looked around the room (after all, it would have been my last glimpse of life), and closed my eyes. It had been too long.
Hours past and I woke up.
No, it cannot be, I thought.
I immediately ran to the room.
The plate dropped.
ok i hate these monk lessons
just give me a straight answer.
That wasn’t an answer. That is something I say to my friends.
ok then
now i have ten minutes
what should i do???
Be spontaneous, follow your heart.
ok that helps my heart
was wronged by this person
but i have forgiven her
but then she insults me on
her show then offers to bring
(force) me to this wretched place.
then tells me to meet her in 6 minutes
at the Eiffle tower
Do what your heart tells you to do.
Pick a number.
Go to the tower.
ok then
thank you for being
such a great friend
You’re welcome.
hello Ke$ha…….
are you here???
well I am here where is ke$ha
she did say 8:00
ok i will wait
until 8:30…………
but i swear if ke$ha did
this on purpose just to make me
late for my flight…………………..
ok you know
what i don’t even
think she is coming
i am going to head back
to the hotel and pack up for
the plane ride back to a place with gyms
i bet you ke$ha just set me up
Lolita’s Blog
Kesha set up Ostrich Rider. I find that mildly entertaining. I’m gonna pay for the plane.
and how do you find
ke$ha playing me like
a violin entertaining???
p.s. you are NOT paying for the plane
because i already bought my ticket.
a little less
than half an hour
until my plane gets
to take me away from
this god-forsaken land.
I find many things entertaining. Such as death.
how cheerful
do you think we should try
to ask white sword to come on the plane
with us and i suppose we could also
ask ke$ha
I’m not coming with you. I’m going tomorrow. I do have college, you know.
Yes. I am the definition of cheerful. I’m so cheerful that I think of murdering people in my free time.
you mean that place
built to get alcohol poisoning
than to teach you???
No. I mean the place called Brown University.
ok so not an alcohol poisoning place
but an alcohol poisoning place
I highly doubt that Brown poisons alcohol.
looks like this is my flight sandy.
talk to you later say bye to white sword
for me.
ke$ha i don’t really care what you say to her
for me.
(boards the plane)
p.s. alcohol poisoning means that
you drank too much alcohol and will
be in the hospitable for a while and if
you are lucky you won’t die from it.
huh the plane ride is over
“Madame Le signe de dollar,” Said François. “Ton avion et ici.” I grabbed my luggage and thanked François. I boarded the plane next to a French dude. I said, “Bonjour, Monsieur. Comment ça-va?” He turned to me and said, “Dude. I’m from New York.” I got boarded.
oh well nice to see you were on time for your flight………
while you never showed up to the Eiffle Tower
when it was YOUR idea.
Hades and Persephone are getting a divorce!
I’m relaxing my time now in Italy.
I’m in Hollywood.
Lolita’s Blog
Hollywood is rainy. Eh.
-Lolita Circe
Ke$ha’s blog
I’m in Italy. But, I don’t know how to speak Italian.
home sweet home
Dear Diary,
Honestly, Diary, if someone told you to meet them at the world’s largest bookstore, and you really like that person, and you love books, and then the person doesn’t show up, how would you react to that?
Well, I’m going to tell you what Rider (Eh, I’m kind of getting used to call him “Rider”, instead of his old name, RIDER, Ostrich, now) reacted to Kesha when she invited him over to Eiffel Tower at 8:00 yesterday and she didn’t show up: He did nothing, but complained. To – can you believe this? – SANDY. Like if it was even her problem, but although I suspect she might be the one suggesting that idea. Plus, Kesha wasn’t on at that time. 🙁 Now, Diary, I wasn’t on either so don’t suspect me.
Rider did catch his plane, I think. That’s at least good because I think he was about to go crazy if he hadn’t.
If one of you are reading my Diary now, JUST SHUT THE WEBSITE AND GO ON ANOTHER.
👿 😈
PS I didn’t even tell you this, but I WAS watching your conversations last night, even when I had “left” the site.
PS I didn’t even tell you this, but I WAS watching your conversations last night, even when I had “left” the site.
Now, one other thing before I go: Sandy has recently moved to Hollywood, although she might be somewhere else now… I haven’t been catching up on her lately. Kesha & Rider? Kesha is in Italy, but she doesn’t know how to speak Italian, and as for Rider, he’s off to someplace where gyms can be sighted. SO revengeful, he is.
– White Sword
PS That leaves me in London, England…
Lolita’s Blog
The stupidity of humanity truly amazes me.
-Lolita Circe
PS, I call this a blog for a reason. It is intended for public viewing.
Lolita’s Blog
Oh, and I am in a random homophobic country, trying to get rid of homophobia.
-Lolita Circes
Dear Diary,
Honestly, Diary, if someone told you to meet them at the world’s largest bookstore, and you really like that person, and you love books, and then the person doesn’t show up, how would you react to that?
Well, I’m going to tell you what Rider (Eh, I’m kind of getting used to call him “Rider”, instead of his old name, RIDER, Ostrich, now) reacted to Kesha when she invited him over to Eiffel Tower at 8:00 yesterday and she didn’t show up: He did nothing, but complained. To – can you believe this? – SANDY. Like if it was even her problem, but although I suspect she might be the one suggesting that idea. Plus, Kesha wasn’t on at that time. 🙁 Now, Diary, I wasn’t on either so don’t suspect me.
Rider did catch his plane, I think. That’s at least good because I think he was about to go crazy if he hadn’t.
If one of you are reading my Diary now, JUST SHUT THE WEBSITE AND GO ON ANOTHER.
👿 😈
PS I didn’t even tell you this, but I WAS watching your conversations last night, even when I had “left” the site.
Now, one other thing before I go: Sandy has recently moved to Hollywood, although she might be somewhere else now… I haven’t been catching up on her lately. Kesha & Rider? Kesha is in Italy, but she doesn’t know how to speak Italian, and as for Rider, he’s off to someplace where gyms can be sighted. SO revengeful, he is.
– White Sword
PS That leaves me in London, England…
Dear Diary,
Sandy just said something:
PS, I call tis a blog for a reason. It is intended for public viewing.
Which, now that i think about it, is just SO-O-O wrong. You see, Diary, “blogs” are stuff that you share which you don’t keep secret, and which other people may already know about… But DIARIES, like you, on the other hand, are meant to be as a memory. Memories that want to be kept unforgotten by the writer… That is exactly why I keep you as a Diary: To keep my most happy memories unforgotten, and, SACREDLY SECRET.
– White Sword, the Winning Scientist
Dear Diary,
Honestly, Diary, if someone told you to meet them at the world’s largest bookstore, and you really like that person, and you love books, and then the person doesn’t show up, how would you react to that?
Well, I’m going to tell you what Rider (Eh, I’m kind of getting used to call him “Rider”, instead of his old name, RIDER, Ostrich, now) reacted to Kesha when she invited him over to Eiffel Tower at 8:00 yesterday and she didn’t show up: He did nothing, but complained. To – can you believe this? – SANDY. Like if it was even her problem, but although I suspect she might be the one suggesting that idea. Plus, Kesha wasn’t on at that time. 🙁 Now, Diary, I wasn’t on either so don’t suspect me.
Rider did catch his plane, I think. That’s at least good because I think he was about to go crazy if he hadn’t.
If one of you are reading my Diary now, JUST SHUT THE WEBSITE AND GO ON ANOTHER.
👿 😈
PS I didn’t even tell you this, but I WAS watching your conversations last night, even when I had “left” the site.
Now, one other thing before I go: Sandy has recently moved to Hollywood, although she might be somewhere else now… I haven’t been catching up on her lately. Kesha & Rider? Kesha is in Italy, but she doesn’t know how to speak Italian, and as for Rider, he’s off to someplace where gyms can be sighted. SO revengeful, he is.
– White Sword
PS That leaves me in London, England…
I totally agree with you about the things you said about “I dislike girls who only cares about popularity and appearances”. I do too.
The sparrow’s music
Is brighter and lovelier
Than festive feathers.
Hey bird. Thanks loads but
Your song won’t make up for the
Bird poo on our car.
Sandy Ruevenonornot?
Lolita’s Blog
Children’s shows are so stupid and filled with Mary-Sues.
Speaking of Mary-Sues, I despise Bella Swan. And Twilight. Honestly, no female in Twilight can survive without a male. It disgusts me.
Oh, and I am trying to bring The Three Gossip Hunters back. I shall speak with Artemis.
-Lolita Circe
u spelled ur name wrong. it’s Lolita Circe not Circes.
Also, if you look WAY back on Myth vs Cf, you spelled Nicolas’s last name wrong: it’s Flamel not Flammel.
To White Sword: I DID NOT WRITE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT?????????????? AND I AM AWARE OF THE CIRCES THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u know, The Three Gossip Hunters are really down recently… we should bring us back.
To Sandy: OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID NOT WRITE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what does ur poptropican look like now?
To WS: Ruevenon?
Hades: HAPPY??????
The usually gloomy Greek god of riches was recently spotted sporting a smile.
I’m more like DJ.
I just got a brilliant idea.
anyone on right now
Let’s bring back The Three Gossip Hunters.
yeah i don’t
know how to help
you out there
Do you even know what The Three Gossip Hunters is?
you, white sword, and ke$ha.
am i correct???
It’s much more than that.
I won’t.
hello ke$ha
i wonder is white sword is on
i will be gone for a
week or more.
so goodbye
for a while.
Kesha: YES!
I’ll be DJ. Although, I’ll change her almost completely…
I think WS should be Kimmy.
Kesha: Sorry for calling you a slut yesterday. I had a really bad day.
Remake! 🙂
Gosh. I’m getting nervous.
Imagine, WS as Kimmy! They are pretty much polar opposites!
Me as a goth DJ. 🙂
What on earth are you two talking about?
Shadowprince: Not telling.
Ke$ha is it true that you
were once with Ostrich Rider?
Don’t roses have thorns on them?
Yes, yes, they do.
Then wouldn’t it hurt
to put them on my nose?
Yes, it would.
Now I would like to know
more about this “Ostrich Rider.”
What can you tell me about him?
Fine I can see this is
a touchy subject.
But I will answer any
of your questions honestly.
Ok what about White Sword?
Am I allowed any knowledge on her?
Ok then I get it.
But if Ostrich Rider comes back early,
tell him I will be training even harder than he is.
Do you people hate me?
If it helps I (regrettablely) know Ostrich Rider.
If you respond to this I will tell you a secret he
told me when he returned from Paris.
I am waiting.
*control control control*
*deep breath*
Ok I have decided to give you a hint.
(man it’s incredible how long you people just say nothing)
It involves Ke$ha……….
Ostrich Rider has only been training so
hard so he can impress a certain someone.
He hopes he can bring back what they had
if he trains so hard.
BUT you didn’t hear it
from me.
Did you guys school or something???
dang it I meant
Did you guys have school or something???
I can tell you about Rider but, you have to tell me about the thing.
Is anyone on? I might as well do a Diary entry. *huffs and begins to write in Diary*
I’m on. Now.
Dear Diary,
I’m such a jerk. But, it wasn’t my fault Haylee got smacked in the head. (Basically it was) But, Nicole tripped over her and that’s HER fault! You want to know what happened, Diary? Here it goes:
Today was Gym Class. To make it worse, Reward day or as I like to call it; Punishment day. Dodgeball, my worst enemy on the world. We played Regular Dodgeball and I was crushed at that. But then, we played Solo Dodgeball. I rocked at that. Until I made the mistake of trying to hit Nicole again. I was on a roll! I hit Colin, Kelly, Emma, Nicole and Haylee. I just had to hit her one more time. To be honest, Diary, most of those people are the best in the class. I just needed to hit Nicole one more time and I’ll win. Diary, that didn’t work out. I threatened Nicole to back away and she backed up, not knowing Haylee was sitting behind her and personally Haylee, dumb place to sit. So, Nicole tripped over Haylee, knocking Haylee’s face to the ground and causing her to complain about it. So, I owe her an apple cider from Tim Horton’s tomorrow. And that girl DOES NOT kid around. I was guilty. So, lesson well learned is:
1. Never back up while someone is sitting behind you and just get pelted with dodgeballs.
2. Blame it on a current bystander.
3. WS, Shadowprince, Sandy and Rider, never read someone else’s diary. That’s just gross.
4. Buy that person you hit an apple cider.
5. Don’t try to hit Nicole more than once.
Dear Diary,
Now for a little ME time. I’m excited for the Full House re-make. In school, when I got the time, I practiced. It was dorky. Someone caught me and the teacher said, “Why don’t you show that to the whole class?” I did a line or two but, they didn’t laugh. A) They were the Drama Club. B) They love Full House. P.S. I’m gonna go get some food and eat so, talk to you later, Diary.
-Ke$ha Valdez
Dear Diary,
I can honestly tell you that Nicole Kelly, Colin Wilson, Haylee Spencer and Spencer Gneaux (French, I think) are dumb. The Gym incedent, the forcing and the fights. I admit, Diary, my school is tough. And I’m starting a new show called: Ke$ha’$ Vi€w. And a new show called: The Three Gossip Hunters. Of course, Diary, I’ll still write in you. And for others, this is personal! Ke$ha’$ Vi€w is a show where we talk about movies, shows, music, all that stuff. And I’ll be co-hosting TTGH with WS and Sandy. Well, time to shoot my first episode of Kesha’s view! Bye!
-Ke$ha Valdez
Talk if you’re here.
Lolita’s Blog
-Lolita Circe
Have you been reading my diary?
Step on me: Don’t step on me.
Yeah or nah?
Have you been reading my diary? Yes or no?
Ke$ha’$ Vi€w:
Hello, viewers! This is Kesha’s View. Of course, a talk show. With an audience. Cool. Okay, let’s down to buisness!
Date: March 21.
Subject: Poptropica.
So, this website is the reason I’m here. And mostly adverstisments and that stuff. And I’m here with my co-host, Silver Hawk. Hey, Silver.
SH: Oh. We’re on air? Hi, Cheerleaders! HA! I’M ON LIVE TV AND YOU’RE NOT!
Silver, cut it out. Go to PP already.
SH: Hello. I’m your host for Poptropica Trends and Population. On The Floor is a big trend for music in Poptropica. So is Avril’s What The Hell. And one of the subject’s are: Wimpy Wonderland! Whoo-Hoo Jeff Kinney! Okay so, that’s the thing. It’s awesome because I played it and completed it. Okay, how do you retrive the bike? It’s on the Main Street. And Manny is there too. That’s a hint. Back to you, Ke$ha.
Me: Okay, that’s a wrap! See you next time! Bye.
Is anyone here right now? I’m so bored.
No, I have not.
You can read my Diary. Diary’ll be sad.
Cool show, BTW.
Are we getting The Three Gossip Hunters back together? We really should. We’re a good team. I talked to Artemis and I’m now a huntress. *silver crown appears on head and silver braids fall down from hair as I reveal my silver dress and bow and arrow*
Yes. Oh, and you are a special kind of hunter. Not the normal one.
Are we getting The Three Gossip Hunters back together? We really should. We’re a good team. I talked to Artemis and I’m now a huntress. *silver crown appears on head and silver braids fall down from hair as I reveal my silver dress and bow and arrow*
Are we?
We are.
I’m feeling beautiful. Let’s do it. Ooh! New gossip: Zeus falls for Nemesis.
The Three Gossip Hunters
LC: Zeus falls for Nemesis! Find out more in this hour’s Gossip Hunters!
LC: Back to you!
I’m here with a special news-cast!
Anyone here?
Right in the middle of our show? Aww, cut!
Ke$ha I will tell you his secret…..
IF you promise not to give him a hard time about it.
Do you promise?
The truth is Rider trains so hard
so he can impress YOU!
He truly misses you,
said he was heartbroken that you
didn’t show up at the Eiffle Tower.
I now declare that I am a Resha shipper.
Aww. He’s so romantic.
Tell him I’ll meet him in Italy. For a bit of wine, cheese, bread and pasta. And just please tell him I miss him too. I just tried to set up a dinner at the Eiffel Tower and I wanted to make-up with him there and get re-married. I had to go pick out a dress. That’s why I couldn’t show up. Please tell him.
Yeah that parts a little difficult.
Mostly because the place he went to train….
yeah it was the Rocky Mountains.
I have a strange feeling that Shadowprince is actually Ostrich Rider.
Plus he won’t come easy.
He told me he needs to be incredibly strong.
I guess he figured the mountains low oxygen
and intense training would really show results.
The rocky mountains? Tell him to meet me somewhere around there.
Wait you dare to accuse me of
being him.
I think that you’re right Sandy!
Huh this is going to be difficult.
Man I always hated the results of love.
Fine I will fetch him.
But before I leave how can I prove I
am not him?
Nevermind. Just go.
(uh huh huh)
Man once I find this guy I am gonna kill him.
(huh uh huh)
Wait what did this guy look like again?
Because I think I may have found him.
Bring him back.
Ok here he is.
Was that him Ke$ha?
Because I may have forgotten
what my cousin looks like.
I tried to tell him to come back on
his phone but he wouldn’t listen.
If you would like to try it’s 402-933-5095
Voicemail: Ke$ha Valdez is not here right now. Leave a message after the beep. *BEEP!*
oh well
I wonder if this “dear diary”
thing will end soon.
Visit cool text art at !
Art not by me.
The sweet smell of blood,
The look of the grave,
Sorry about that Hades,
I’ll kiss your —.
What are you going to kiss?
anyone here?
If you click my name you can see what my poptropican looks like.
The sweet smell of blood,
The look of the grave,
Sorry about that Hades,
I’ll kiss your butt.
Dear Diary,
Excuse my friend Jessie. She’s just a little shook-up from the day.
So anyways, I stayed late after school to clean up art stuff and wash down tables. Looks like Andrew had the same idea. We were cleaning tables and he looked at me like I had a spider on my head and I gotta admit. I kinda got lost in his eyes. He has blue eyes. *shakes head* Okay, Diary.
I gave Haylee her Apple Cider. She liked it and it was a medium.
So, Diary. I recently rented “Dear Dumb Diary” and I’ll read you a bit of it now.
“Dear Dumb Diary,
Isabella said that she got the information about this charity online and I could help her collect for it if I wanted to, so we made the rounds for the clothes, we also picked up a few bucks here and there for the Juvenile Optometry Federation.
Hooray! Now I have a charity to work for. In your face Angeline-now I’m as gentle and sweet as you, you pig!!
Abigail stood by my locker, stroking her brown hair behind her ear. “Lizzy?” she asked me. I looked at her. “What?” I asked as I shoved my books into my locker. “You missed everything I’ve said, didn’t you?” I shook my head. “Wow, Lizzy.” She said and did her locker combo. “You should really listen. It’ll improve your grade.” She said. I asked her, “Why? I’m a straight C- student.”
I’m bored so get on people.
Dear Diary,
Omg. Blah Blah blah.
Get on people.
I don’t think (ooohhhh what was his name…..)
OSTRICH RIDER (great suttle)
Anyway does he know how loosely committed you are to him because
“admit. I kinda got lost in his eyes. He has blue eyes. “
ok gotta go now bye
Looks like Andrew had the same idea. We were cleaning tables and he looked at me like I had a spider on my head and I gotta admit. I kinda got lost in his eyes. He has blue eyes.
Anyone present at the moment?
Hey, Shadowprince!
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i MISS YOU!!!
Dear Diary,
School has been canceled. Yay, I guess. I might as well tell you stuff. Okay, so yesterday, Andrew was wide-eyed as I swiped cleaning down a table and he stared at me. “What-How-” he stammered. “Are you a Demi-god?” he asked me. “Yeah.” I said. He said he was too. I screamed.
Ke$ha’$ Vi€w:
Me: Welcome to Kesha’s View!
Godly Gossip
Subject: Zeus kicked out three gods?!
Ke$ha: I heard a rumor….
Okay so, apparently, Zeus kicked out three gods. And they are? We go to find out. Our news reporter, Happy Moon, Huntress Of Artemis, will be finding out. Say “Hi” Happy Moon!
HM: Hello, Viewers. As a fellow godly gossip girl, I will travel to Olympus by lightning.
HM: Wow. Zeus’ lightning bolt is made for power and NOT for comfort. So, who got kicked out? None other than Artemis, Nemesis and Athena. Back to you, Ke$ha.
-To Be Continued-
Hello! Greetings from California!
Greeting from Italy. Are we doing the Full House re-make or not?
Are we? Heeeeeelllllllllloooooo?
Dear Diary,
Haylee was such a weirdo today.
Okay, she promised me an Apple Cider but, she made up a dance called the Apple Cider. It was awkward. She did it in front of everyone with a song like this:
“Do the Cider, put in the apple, warm it up, makes my lips chap a lil”. Over and over. It was weird.
Today was Drama. I had to present a re-make of Romeo and Juliet. I was Juliet and Andrew was Romeo. We had to do…the kiss scene, Diary. Embarassing. That’s it.
We are!
Hello Sandy,
How are you?
Iz anyone on right now?
Imma on.
“Today was Drama. I had to present a re-make of Romeo and Juliet. I was Juliet and Andrew was Romeo. We had to do…the kiss scene, Diary. Embarassing. That’s it.”
I think I am starting to see why Ostrich Rider left.
Stop reading my diary.
Well then stop posting it.
But I hear you are a demi-god.
Is that true?
Full House re-make.
*Stephanie enters* Hey, Dad.
Jesse: What?
Stephanie: Uncle Jesse? What are you doing wearing Dad’s apron?
Jesse: I have to cook. Of course, I do. Why not Becky? She’s manly enough!
Becky: Excuse me?
Jesse: Did I say manly? I meant woman…ly?
Becky: Of course you do. But, I have to care for Nicki and Alex unlike you, Mr. Manly Man.
Jesse: Okay. Love you but, I have a certain Smash Club to run. Bye.
*Jesse exits*
Becky: Steph, can you do the dishes?
Stephanie: Fine.
*Michelle enters wearing red dress*
Stephanie: Michelle?
Michelle: What? Is there something I said?
Stephanie: *walks over to sink* No, but, what’s with the get-up?
Michelle: I’m going on my first date.
Stephanie: At 9 years old?
Michelle: Yeah. Everyone’s talking about it. I’m cool!
Stephanie: There’s nothing cool about-Forget it.
*Michelle exits*
Joey: That was a handfull. *does Popeye impression* Heh heh heh. Whoa!
Stephanie: *does dishes*
Joey: Why are they so quiet, Beck?
Becky: Their sleeping.
Joey: I hope that lasts forever.
Stephanie: I wish that I had a date tonight.
Joey: Why?
Stephanie: It’s Saturday.
Joey: Oh….
Kimmy: Hey.
Stephanie: Why did Kimmy have to live here?
Kimmy: Same here.
Stephanie: Gibbler, why do you keep coming here if everyone hates you?
Kimmy: You have free food.
*Jesse enters* Hi.
Kimmy: Hey.
Jesse: Ok, bye.
😆 😀
*Wake up, San Francisco theme plays*
Danny: Wake up, San Francisco. I’m Danny Tanner.
Becky: And I’m Rebecca Donaldson.
Stephanie: Give me back my dress, Michelle!
Danny: And these are my daughters.
Stephanie: Get out of my dress!
Michelle: Never!
Danny: Cut!
Becky: I’m outta here.
Michelle: *gets dress ripped* Oops.
Stephanie: Oh no you didn’t!
Michelle: AH!
Stephanie: You’d better run! *runs after her and disappears*
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob
*At the Tanner Household…*
Jesse: Beck, I’m tryin’a come up with a new song. How about this?
Becky: Jess, it-
Jesse: I can’t live with these little pests,
who wake me up 24/7,
I bet it’s much more quiet,
Beck: Not you’re best work…
Joey: I heard that song, Jess. And the piegons died outside.
*audience laughter*
Joey: What is it based on? Alex and Nicki?
Jesse: No. You and Danny.
*audience laughter*
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob.
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob?
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob!
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob@
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob#
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob$
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob%
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob^
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob&
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob*
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob(
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob)
Stop that! It’s annoying!
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob-
what do you have against narwals???
I agree with Kesha!
It’s just annoying.
Ok then what do you BOTH have against narwals??????
Sandy! Let’s do the Full House re-make! I did the first episode. Let’s do the second.
I can’t believe you think narwals are annoying.
Why did you know that……….
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob,
aaahhhhh I love the narwal song.
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi.
Did you know there is a badger song???
(smiling twistedly)
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Before I start,
Do either of you two have a problem with badgers???
I do.
I have a huge issue with them.
Oh Sandy,
You have a bone to pick with the badgers?
(deep intake of breathe)
Ke$ha,you too??!!
They have short legs. A stripes.
Full House re-make starting now, Sandy!!!
Hey. My brother is very, very annoying. And he is 18!
The only way for me to feel better about this would be to sing about narwals.
Otherwise I am totally depressed.
Does anyone here like grapefruits?
Kesha: I’ll post it next week!
I hate grapefruit. But I like melon.
I despise them because they are very big.
(sigh again)
I guess I like grapefruits.
I like melon too. The water kind especially.
This si random: Are ants considered equal to humans to you?
So did this Ostrich Rider say when he would post again.
(I bet he likes narwals)
I consider all animals and insects to be equal to humans.
Why are you obsessed with narwals Shadowprince, if you don’t mind me asking?
I consider them equal too. Always have. Once, my friend tried to catupult a frog over my roof and I nearly strangled him.
I like narwals bcuz the song is very catchy.
Ummm, okay.
I’m going to hate science next year.
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwalsnarwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob”
Sometimes, I talk to myself and send myself emails. Is that wierd?
isnt it awesome?
Sandy, have you got any book recomendations?
Nope, none.
I just finished three last night. I got them from the library yesterday.
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi
Every minute, every second, every millisecond of the day, iyiyiyi, every moment of the day, iyiyiyi. Catch a bug he wanna say iyiyiyi. He likes ymymymy drink. yiyiyiyi!!!
Awwww man! How about you, Shadowprince?
It’s a little weird seeing as how ke$ha hasnt talked much since
you showed up psophia.
Does she know you personally???
Or Kesha?
oh there’s kesha.
Well, I know one…
Ummm, no Shadowprince. I’m not sure if she likes me or if she hates me.
bookwise however i am reading the Ranger’s Apprentice series.
My sister is pretending to be a puppy.
I’m gonna look so good for TTGH.
She is baarking.
My little sister has a crush on the same dude I like.
You know it would really be a party if White Sword and Ostrich Rider showed up.
That must be kinda awkward. What’s his name? The guy I like is named Jacob.
White Sword seems to be growing kinda mean lately.
Ohmygawd! I just thought of something reallly cool!
She doesn’t actually like him. She’s actually afraid of him.But my friend once told the guy I like that my sister likes him. And I am not going to tell is name.
I dispise newbies like *looks away and rolls eyes* psophia.
Kesha: You shouldn’t hate her! She’s really nice!
Well, Shadowprince, I mean that lately WS is kinda acting a bit rude. I think it was on End of the Rockstar Costume that he was mean. Pardon me if you like WS.
FYI, Kesha, I didn’t like you at first either. I’m not a ‘newbie’, if I was to use your rediculous slang.
Shut up, newbie.
Kesha, are you even the real singer herself?
Hmmm, shut up yourself, wannabe.
Do you care?
Why are people in our modern society so rude these days? You humans are so annoying.
If this is war, I am taking Psophia’s side.
I’m glad wannabe. This sounds fun.
Thank you Sandy. If I seem too rude, just tell me, okay?
You’re turning against me? Do any of you even like me?
Alright, Psophia.
Psophia, I’m on your side too. I mean, it’s obvious that you are being more logic.
No one likes me. Not even my boyfriend. *room is spinning*
Athena: 😀
Athena, you are the best goddess ever. Kesha, if you were nice from the start, maybe we could have avoided this war. But you weren’t, so it is going to happen.
Alright, Hades and Persephone are officially on psophia’s side.
Hello Sandy. Hades has told me to say that he wishes you to visit and that you left something there. I’m not sure what it is though. Aphrodite is coming for a visit soon. She told me at the last council meeting or the spring Equinox.
Sandy, again, thank you.
Hello, Athena.
You are welcome, psophia.
I’m leaving forever cause none of you like me. Thanks a lit, psophia. I just had an awesome night when you showed up. *cries*
Kesha, are you still here? When is this war going to take place, and on which post?
Kesha, we can settle this without a war if you want.
I meant I was having an awesome night when you showed up and wreaked everything, psophia.
Psophia is right. I know that that is the more logical idea.
I didn’t do anything. You are the one that started it Kesha. You can only blame yourself.
Savage war never makes things better.
Everyone likes psophia and I’m the bad guy? It’s all about her. I never got my moment in the spotlight.
What do you want to do Kesha? War or no war?
Kesha, everything is not about me.
I want to go to France and only speak French. Et ça commence maitenait!
Je ne aime psophia.
Right now, it is about you and how youa re upset.
You love psophia??
Translation: I do not like psophia.
Psophia and Kesha, you should both apologize and be nice.
According to Google translate, it means I do love Psophia.
Right back at you Kesha, right back at you.
Google translate is rigged.
Welll, Kesha has definitely showed us that that is not true.
War is so stupid…
It is not. Where did you learn French Kesha?
I’m going for real. Apologize if you want me to stay…
You apologize first.
I go to a French school thank you very much
Someone should apologize fast.
30 seconds. 29. 28..
I apologize to Hades.
She should first.
10. 9. 8
I apologize!
Now she has to!
You should Kesha.
I need apoligies from Athena and Sandy also. But, thanks psophia. And that hate thing…you were good at acting
Now or never Kesha. I’m leaving soon.
I apologize Kesha. I am only doing it for psophia.
I think Paris was stupid when he chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful. While Aphrodite is very beautiful, Athena’s offer was much more useful.
I’m leaving. Goodbye.
Sandy, are you going to say sorry?
I apologize, fellow Gossip Hunter.
I guess it is too late. She’s gone now.
Gosh, Sandy, you are funny.
I have to eat dinner. STAY ON!!! It will only be, like, two minutes.
Hello. I’m here.
I’m back. *sniffle*
Hi. Kesha, are you still upset?
Kesha, I take my apology back if you don’t apologize to me. Don’t forget that you were rude too.
Anyone on this thing?
Because I think I missed a lot.
Gods when will Ostrich Rider be back.
His wife or ex-wife or watever thinks he hates her.
This nice new blogger has come Psophia.
And I am bored to death.
Plus I think there will be a war.
Hey Kesha how are you?
Anyone on?
So you are the famous Ostrich Rider
who married kesha.
Hello anyone on at 4:52?
Dang I thought he would have responded yo ym question.
CRAP lousy pc i meant …..he would have responded to my question.
hello anyone here?
Kesha, are you going to apologize?
Hello, people!
“as I catch a grenade……”
la what?
All my life I’ve been good but now,
I’m thinking what the hell (what the hell)
All I want is to mess around and I don’t really care about (I don’t care about)
All my life I’ve been good but now, I’m thinking what the hell
All I want is to mess around and I don’t really care about. (if you love me)
If you love me (no), if you hate me (no)
You can’t save me, baby, baby (if you love me)
All my life I’ve been good but now, whoa, what the hell
La la, La la la la la la, La la, La la la la la la la
yeah i am not a fan of what the hell
anyone on here right now
Hello Shadowprince, green grape, Sandy, the Mad Dragon, and Ke$ha! BTW Shadowprince is new here, at least I think.
Question: What’s ur fav islands, ppl?
“Oh, Harry, we’re really sorry, but Dumbledore made us SWEAR-”
Harry could see a tear rolling down Hermione’s cheek, while Ron stood there, jaws half-open.
– From the Harry Potter series
Stubefy! it’s such a dumb thing to say, it’s supposed to be “StuPefy!”
Dear Diary,
“Put a rose on YOUR nose.” “How rude!” Lines of Stephanie Tanner.
Well, I did NOT say that. Kesha did, and so she might be all obsessed with that particular show. Also, Diary, you will not BELIEVE what RIDER, Ostrich (I’m taking the chance he’s away at the MOMENT) did. He went out to training to impress Sandy or Whatever Girl Her Name Is Who Is Not Sandy. I know what you’re thinking, Diary: that I’m the Smartest Chic in the World. Of course, it’s because of my power to find out things, way lost in the past comments.
Anyways, Diary, there was a new person here today, or yesterday, or yesterday-yesterday, or whatever day, and his/her name is Shadowprince. By the sound of the name, it’s more likely a male.
Note that I’m using “male” instead of “boy”. That’s because it’s the more FORMAL way of saying things.
– WS, the Winning Scientist, AKA White Sword
My favorite island is astroknights
then mythologuy
dang it i meant mythology
PS Shadowprince: In case you haven’t noticed, you are no longer new here. you’ve stayed on for too long. Uh, and, if, you’re a male, i just FEAR that you might get into the same situation as Ostrich Rider, Kesha’s ex-, uh, Husband… you know what i mean? i mean: you might fall in love with Kesha, too. i think ur practically the other Rider here, if Rider doesn’t come back.
You know White Sword you
seem pretty intelligent.
“I’ll make you pay if my Father gets into Azkavan, Potter. I’ll make you pay,” says Malfoy.
But I don’t think of kesha that way.
Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i feel all the weight lift out of me.
and thanks for calling me intelligent.
G2G now.
I guess that’s a good thing.
but i dont know what g2g means
G2G means got to go.
Got to go.
My fave island is Counterfeit, but I really love the outfits on Cryptids and Mythology.
I like Mythology. I’m a minor demigod. My mom’s Iris and my dad’s Helios(the sun titan). Unfortunately, Grover turned my dad into a maple tree. 🙁
I’m a demigod hunter. My mom is Aphrodite.
She is a very big priss. I mean, she is just so selfish and conceited. Green Grape, if both of your parents are gods, wouldn’t you be a minor god instead of a demigod? Go on Cryptids Island walkthrough.
Thank you Athena. At least someone agrees about her. GG, you would be a minor god.
Is that the new conversation topic gods?
I wonder what happened to kesha and this ostrich rider fellow I hear so much about?
I’m pretty sure that you are him.
Look how many times do I have to say it I AM NOT HIM!!!!
Common sense.
Dear Diary,
Yesterday I finally admitted my feeling towards James. Only four people know about this, including me.
That’s it. For now…
Sandy do you like Tartarus?
I hate Tartarus.
I don’t think that I’m a minor godess. I don’t feel to godly anyway. I don’t turn into my truly divine form blah blah blah anyway.
Achilles = Lillies??
Awwwwwwww….. Seriously, why would a MALE hero be called Lillies?
I don’t quite see why the audience would laff.
Kesha, there are plenty of times that you spell stuff wrong.
Okay, yeah, I joked about the Helios part. Honestly, I hate titans. Ecxept Calypso. My dad is an artist.
Ok I know I spelled laugh wrong.
I thought I could make my message alittle shorter.
Wrong their.
In your sentence it would be “they’re”
it’s my character!
green grape: 您好。我很高兴遇到你。你是什么国家的人?
Mrs. Jewls held up two fingers.
“Todd?” said Mrs. Jewls.
Todd barked.
“YOu cannot have a pet human,” said Mrs. JEwls.
“He doesn’t bite,” Todd assured her.
Joy told Todd to sit and be quiet.
Mrs. Jewls got a large piece of poster board. “Let’s make a chart.”
Name Kind of Pet Name of pet
Deedee Dog Cat
Ron Cat Dog
D.J. Dog OK
Jenny DOg What
Mac Dog Mac
Joy Dog Todd
John Maurecia
Is that story going to continue because you kinda stopped at a spot you shouldn’t?
Dear Diary,
You know what, Diary? You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?
OK, here’s WHAT: It appears that green grape can speak Chinese. It appears that Sandy thinks that Shadowprince is RIDER, Ostrich. It appears to me that Shadowprince is neither RIDER, Ostrich or some other boy. He’s just Shadowprince. At least i think he is.
Note To Everyone:
If you are You-know-who reading my diary, then I’ll You-know-what you on the head with a You-know-what, but if it’s you-know-who, I’ll not only You-know-what you on the head with a You-know-what, but I’ll also You-know-what you. But, if it is you guys, You-know-whos, then it’s perfectly OK to read my diary.
Sheesh! OK Diary, it also appears that Rider has gone into training, to impress, uh, Sandy or Whatever Girl. Probably Kesha. Wait. They divorced. So it can only be Sandy. Right, and I forgot to tell you: I have TWO careers that I would like to try out when I grow up. They are: a Chemist, or a Psychiatrist.
I wonder what Sandy, Kesha, Shadowprince, and green grape would like to try…
– WS, the Winning Scientist
Uh, no, Shadowprince. It is not gonna stop. it’s from Wayside School gets a Little Stranger.
You know I am really bored right now.
I am wondering
Is anyone on right now?
narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesomenarwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals they are narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabobnarwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion coz they are so awesome narwals narwals swimming in the ocean pretty big and pretty white they beat a polar bear in a fight like an underwater unicorn they’ve got a kick a** facial horn they’re the jedi of the sea they stop cthulu eating ye nawals they are narwals narwals narwals inventors of the shish cabob
hey white sword do you like narwals?
WS, I don’t know if I can answer, but I would like to be a Wrter or a Photographer for National Geographic magazine.
psophia: That’s cool. Oh, and, of course you could answer. I was merely HINTING in my Diary that you guys could all answer.
Shadowprince: What’re Narwals?
Narwals are a type of whale, I believe.
Dear Diary,
Apparently, this guy named Shadowprince, who I have told you about a few days ago, asked me, “Hey WS do you like narwals?” So, I was like, “What’re Narwals?” I mean, seriously, Narwals isn’t something you’d hear every day. Also, FYI Diary, it may have something to do with his SUDDEN appearance on Plus, Narwals sounds a little like “Nargles” in the Harry Potter series, fifth book.
Anyways, this other person named psophia, who doesn’t have a capital “P” on his/her name, said, “WS I don’t know if I should answer, but I’d like to be…(something)” Do you get what he/she means? (S)He means that he doesn’t know if (s)he should answer, because I have hinted in my previous entry that they could answer that particular question. Although now that I think about it, psophia’s probably thinking about that You-know-who and You-know-what thing.
Anyhow, Sandy randomly said, “La!”, which, I don’t know what it means. Probably because she’s all obsessed with these songs, and songs usually says, La!
– WS, the Winning Scientist
PS Since I’ve said “WS, the Winning SCIENTIST”… it should give You-know-whos (everyone) a hint…
:o: Harry got 7 OWLs?
wonder where he went…
My Completely Honest Opinion on…
Ke$ha (911): 911 is the most immature prostitute I have ever had the misfortune to meet. She is also a poseur with no self-respect at all.
Shadowprince (000): I wonder is he possesses any brains at all. It is quite clear that he and Ostrich Rider are the same person.
White Sword (100): 100 is a know-it-all and a goody-goody. She can be a hypocrite sometimes.
Ostrich Rider: Same as 000. He is also naïve and childish.
NOTE: These are only my negative thoughts about people. The positive thoughts will be posted soon.
This is my opinion for You, Sandy:
Sandy (005): 005 is an overly critical critic. Likes to say bad things about people. Overall: Overall, still, she’s my friend, and she didn’t REALLY do anything bad…
the positive opinion will be coming soon.
Also, I am NOT a know-it-all. Thank you for calling me a goody-goody! 😀
Goody-goody: somebody smugly well-behaved: somebody smugly well-behaved, irritatingly virtuous, or sanctimonious (informal)
You are a goody-goody sometimes, although you are simply well-behaved most of the times.
Ke$ha (911): 911 is a girl who cares a lot about her popularity and looks. She is often bossy. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Shadowprince (000): ooo is too unpredictable. Likes to chime in on conversations. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Sandy (005): 005 is an overly critical critic. Likes to say bad things about people, which isn’t nice. Some advanced knowledge, and has all regular knowledge.
Rider (000?) 000? is a person who only cares about training, so that he could, (uh,) impress Sandy in particular. Likes to type in poem-style, which is confusing. Often acts as though he IS REALLY married to Kesha. Does not understand how the God & Goddess System works. No advanced knowledge, but has three-quarter of regular knowledge.
Still, thank you for calling me well-behaved. After all, I am younger.
You’re welcome.
Yankee Doodle went to town a riding on a pony, he stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni. Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmmm-hmmmmmmmm.
🙁 I can’t believe: only 7 OWLS…
Ke$ha (911): 911 is a girl who cares a lot about her popularity and looks. She is often bossy. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Shadowprince (000): ooo is too unpredictable. Likes to chime in on conversations. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Sandy (005): 005 is an overly critical critic. Likes to say bad things about people, which isn’t nice. Some advanced knowledge, and has all regular knowledge.
Rider (000?) 000? is a person who only cares about training, so that he could, (uh,) impress Sandy in particular. Likes to type in poem-style, which is confusing. Often acts as though he IS REALLY married to Kesha. Does not understand how the God & Goddess System works. No advanced knowledge, but has three-quarter of regular knowledge.
Positive post coming soon.
“Your nose a ferret,” said John.
“My nose a ferret?” asked Mrs. Jewls.
“No, my nose a dog,” said Joe.
Name of Kid Kind of PEt NAme of Pet
John ferret Yorno
Joe dog Mino
Actually, I think he only received 4…
Ruevenon Sandy? OR not? CAn I call you 005?
Well, it says that he got 7…
Yeah, I think you are correct.
I’m in Gryvencufferin.
Gryffindor, R., H., S.
I’m a Slytherclaw. 🙂
Have you heard of the Seven Sacred Teachings? i haven’t…
ur smart and pure-blood?
Nope, I’m sly and smart. 🙂
Ruevenon, WS?
I am a Gryffinclaw.
– WS
Cool. 🙂
Imagine Harry as a girl…
He’d probably be called Hermione Potter.
I think he would be Harriet Lily Potter.
Cool name. Guess what? i’m doing a Mediaval project. So right now i’m busy. i’ll check back once in five minutes, though.
P.S. The next person who says I am or like Ostrich Rider gets a finger cut off each time they say it.
P.S.S. Nice to know I have no advanced intelligence.
White Sword is smart enough to know I AM NOT OSTRICH RIDER!!!
OK I am sorry about the threat comment about cutting of fingers it’s just I am tired of being thought of as Ostrich Rider so I am telling you I am not ostrich rider.
Please I am telling you the truth.
I don’t know what your evidence is to think I am ostrich rider and personally I don’t care.
But once again I will restate I AM NOT OSTRICH RIDER.
I’m a girl, for those of you who didn’t know! Anyways, could someone post their good description of me? If there is a bad one, please post that too. I want to know what I’m like on here, if I’m nice or evil.
It seems that someone something that they shouldn’t have about me on here: Own up if you are not a coward. Hint: It wasn’t Sandy, WS, or Unknown.
ok then??? I’ll give it a shot.
psophia:BAD-A little bit too shy,comments are a tad short,and not on long enough.
GOOD-Extemely nice,thoughtful,and doesn’t care that someone has a few bad thoughts about her.
Hey Aphrodite I am sure kesha was just being jealous of your amazing beauty that’s all.
speaking of kesha what in the name of Tartarus has happened to her she hasnt posted anything lately.
WS: 我是来自马来西亚。很高兴认识你!你可以叫我GG了。我想成为一名环境工程师和一名导游。
ok how could any1 have trouble with getting the rumble bike or watever?
You just have to go left from main street.
I didn’t see it yet. My uncle wants to go when he gets back from France on Wednesday.
To be farely honest I hated the first and the only reason I would watch the second one would to watch the Rodrick parts.He is awesome.
wonder where sandy is?
Ok I have absolutely no idea what TTGH is.
*HINT I speak Latin*
Quia omnis putavi linguis loqueretur faciam, etiam
Is volo futurus quod malum carmen?
ok it means “Is that supposed to be some evil poem?”
Ok video insanitis ius non ego ire?
So you want me to say what I just said in english?
ok then…….
I said “Ok I see you are mad right now should I leave?”
Bene ego?
Scis quid agam usquam esse exiturum bye omnes.
translation anyone here
Dear Diary,
OK you know what Diary? You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?
Here’s WHAT: Shadowprince started speaking Latin today.
Kesha announced some very important personal info today. Apparently, her name (OK that might NOT be her real name, I admit, but still, at least I think so. Not like I’m gonna do voodoo against her or something.) is Kesha Valdez.
Sandy’s last words were “Hello!”
GG (green grape) told me she was Malaysian. Or somewhere near Malaysia. Or whatever. She and Shadowprince were the only two who answered my question, and that just means that they read you, Diary. Not that I care.
OK remember I wrote a note in you, Diary? I’ll translate it, so that people who read you can understand:
If you are Ostrich Rider, Sandy, Kesha, Shadowprince and GG, reading this, I am going to bonk you on the head with a book, and
Dear Diary,
OK you know what Diary? You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?
Here’s WHAT: Shadowprince started speaking Latin today.
Kesha announced some very important personal info today. Apparently, her name (OK that might NOT be her real name, I admit, but still, at least I think so. Not like I’m gonna do voodoo against her or something.) is Kesha Valdez.
Sandy’s last words were “Hello!”
GG (green grape) told me she was Malaysian. Or somewhere near Malaysia. Or whatever. She and Shadowprince were the only two who answered my question, and that just means that they read you, Diary. Not that I care.
OK remember I wrote a note in you, Diary? I’ll translate it, so that people who read you can understand:
If you are Ostrich Rider, Sandy, Kesha, Shadowprince and GG, reading this, I am going to bonk you on the head with a book, but if it is you, Popular Jumper, gregery, Smart Paw and other old ones, reading this, I am not only going to bonk you on the head with a book, but I am also going to bonk you again, this time with a hammer. (Sorry, I’ll change it: this time with another book. Fairer? OK.) But if it is you, poptropicasecrets creators, then it is perfectly OK to read my Diary.
PS also, you people who is not the creators, I will also read YOUR diary, because I don’t think bonking you on the head with a book is bad enough.
– WS, the Winning Scientist
PS This special “PS” will come after every one of my entries. Here goes my special PS:
White Sword’s status – Scientific 💡
Uh is anyone here right now or not because if noone’s on, I will be busy writing all of your Negative Thoughts and Positive thoughts.
Ke$ha (911): 911 is a girl who cares a lot about her popularity and looks. She is often bossy. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Shadowprince (000): ooo is too unpredictable. Likes to chime in on conversations. No advanced knowledge, but has a good amount of regular knowledge.
Sandy (005): 005 is an overly critical critic. Likes to say bad things about people, which isn’t nice. Some advanced knowledge, and has all regular knowledge.
Rider (000?): 000? is a person who only cares about training, so that he could, (uh,) impress Sandy in particular. Likes to type in poem-style, which is confusing. Often acts as though he IS REALLY married to Kesha. Does not understand how the God & Goddess System works. No advanced knowledge, but has three-quarter of regular knowledge.
Green grape (011): 011 is new, and therefore confusing to communicate with. Likes to type in foreign writing, which is also confusing and annoying. Doesn’t have a capital G for her name. I don’t know about her knowledge. Pretty good, I guess.
Kesha, that is pretty good. I like your idea. WS, why am I never included in your positive and negative lists?
psophia you actually want to know what people hate about you?
psophia vos vere volo ut oderint quid de te?
I just felt like typing my message in Latin.
Don’t worry it was the exact thing before it so you don’t have to translate it.
911: 911 is very determined, I suppose.
000: —
100: 100 does not care about looks and such. She is intelligent and mature.
Ostrich Rider (001): —
psophia (358): 358 is clever and kind.
Athena (232): 232 is intelligent and wise.
I’ll post the complete version soon.
Thank you Sandy.
911: Is very determined, like Sandy said and is a very good grudge holder.
000: Is good at speaking latin I guess.
001- No idea.
232: Nice and very wise, although she is the goddess of wisdom.
005: Kind and thoughtful. She is smart and is good at voicing her oppinion.
011: Smart, creative and kind.
WS(IDK your number) Not afraid to speak her mind, smart.
There. I hope you guys liked my positive list. I’m not going to do a negative one, though. I would feel to bad.
I just ate a mini cupcake, and I am full. Actually, I feel sick.
Thank you, psophia.
White Sword’s number is 100. I chose the number because it reminds me of tests.
Thanks, psopshia and WS. I’m going to check the previous comments. you guys fill entire pages!
* Love Poem *
How nice to be the clouds,
Floating freely across the skies…
How nice to be the moon,
Shining mercifully upon the slumbering cottages…
How nice to be the drizzles,
Falling peacefully across glade green meadows…
How nice to be the snow,
Floating across once green plain…
You I shall always love,
Red roses nothing compared…
911: I don’t talk much to 911, so I do not know her well.
000: He apparently is very jelous for Rider (himself) for suceeding to please subject 911.
005: I agree that her debets against the goddess Aphrodite are very intense.
001: He is subject 000.
358: Has a small stomach.
232: Very, very, smart.
IDK: Is a winning scientist.
ok green grape lets get 1 thing clear ok
I am not nor ever will be jealous of Ostrich Rider.
Ја ћу прорез грло онога ко је следећи позив ми је Ној Ридер
You can figure out my message on your own.
Thank you, GG. My stomach is super small. 🙂
Slitting throats? Seriously?
As for I speak the words of love,
The sun rises up above.
As for I pick red rose,
The gentle wind blows.
My hair in front of my face,
My earring out of place,
My lipstick on your neck,
I’ll be done in just a sec,
We’ll get married and love each other,
And you break up with me like another.
you know what sandy yeah I am so tired of being accused of being ostrich rider the only solution that came to my mind since none of you will believe a word I say I thought eliminate the people who do it I won’t have to be annoyed any further.
I apologize for insisting that you are Ostrich Rider, but resorting to slitting throats is just ridiculous.
No if you said it maybe 1-3 times yeah I am willing to look past it but you do it like 1-3 a day
so yeah I was willing to go to exteme measures just to end to annoying headaches that were caused by it.
There are way too many idiots in this world.
Wow that wouldn’t hurt my pride at all.
I am led to believe that sandy is a Buddhist
I am an atheist.
Although, I try to tolerate all religions.
You’re so mono, together we could be stereo, st-st-stereo love
You look so low, low, together we could get hi, hi-fi st-st-stereo
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go, you make my heart go
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go super sonic boom, super sonic
You got me high, you got me low
You make, make me go, go, go out of control
I l-l-like the way we flow
Let’s go, go, go get me that sensory overload
Got me, got me love, got me love, got me lovesick
Got me, got me love, got me love, you got me lovesick
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, you turn it up
You’re the needle scratching on my vinyl
G-g-gambling with that delicious thing
It takes two to dance four on the floor
Hot like an 808
(Hot like an 808)
Hot like an 808
(Hot like an 808)
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go, you make my heart go
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go super sonic boom, super sonic
You got me high, you got me low
You make, make me go, go, go out of control
I l-l-like the way we flow
Let’s go, go, go get me that sensory overload
Got me, got me love, got me love, got me lovesick
Got me, got me love, got me love, you got me lovesick
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, you turn it up
Radioactive, now you can’t stop it
We’re gonna party all night
Radioactive, you know we got it
We’re gonna party all night
Radioactive, super hypnotic
We’re gonna party all night
Radioactive, now you can’t stop it
We’re gonna, we’re gonna, gonna
We’re gonna, we’re gonna, gonna
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
Boom, boom, super sonic boom
You got me high, you got me low
You make, make me go, go, go out of control
I l-l-like the way we flow
Let’s go, go, go get me that sensory overload
Got me, got me love, got me love, got me lovesick
Got me, got me love, got me love, you got me lovesick
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, you turn it up
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go, you make my heart go
Boom, boom, super sonic boom, super sonic boom
You make my heart go super sonic boom, super sonic
How did this Rider thing start anyway??
He came on and we talked. Me & him got married. We divorced. That ws a long story made short.
Y’all know, I’m kinda new. Anyway i heard this song lyric on the radio:
” I don’t wanna be the way that I am…
I just wanna be RIDING with you…”
*Ahem* Will you please explain this??
Make it long again, Ke$ha.
Awww…. Where are you, Ke$ha?
It all started when, he came on.
Rider made me feel like a queen. He did everything for me.
Raylee grabbed my arm and I pulled away because Raylee had…fangs? I looked closer. Yep! Those were fangs! A bloodstain on her shirt, fangs, human strength. She WAS a vampire! I ran away as she tried to pull me in. Landrew pulled me to the side, recused me, kissed me and asked if I was alright. “I’m fine!” I said.
Suzie got lovin and Suzie got your rythim! Blood is on the dancefloor…
Look I am sorry to inform you kesha that vampires don’t have human strength they have super-human strength.It was one of the monsters I enjoy researching.So yeah normally I don’t like to point out something that’s wrong but in this case I felt like I had to.
Tá brón orm a rá go mbeidh seo ach atheists dhó in ifreann do gach eternity
I feel like dancin ’till my head falls off. And until I drop. The disco ball is up near the top.
Well I think you should know that you can’t…………..
Oh forget,why do I even bother.
White Sword are you on?
ok must leave soon.
Dear Diary,
Chelsea totally woke me up. Her call woke me up and it was only to talk to me about Rider. She wanted to see my ring.
She said “Omg, Ingrid! So, what happened?” I said “He proposed.” which was a total lie, but you gotta lie to get attention, eh? So, I plan on telling her at school. After, we’re taking each other to get bad make-up jobs and horrible haircuts. We’ll laugh then fix our haircuts and wash off the makeup! I’m so excited!!!
3701 comments! The most on here!!!!
First one to comment on a new page!! Bwah-Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful.
If you cannot accept the fact that I am an atheist, GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we still doing The Three Gossip Hunters?
Oh, yes. We are.
Good. Because I have gossip ready. It’s:
Zeus falls in love with Athena, Aphrodite, Nemesis and Artemis!!!
Zeus on Rumor
‘IT’S COMPLETELY FALSE!’ the king boomed when I asked him about the rumor.
Despite the king’s claim, many deities say that this is true.
Full House re-make.
*Stephanie enters with friend*
Stephanie: Hey Dad.
Jesse: Why don’t you get the fact I’m not your dad?
Stephanie: You scare me everytime with that.
Friend: I never get used to that.
Stephanie: Jen, can you wait?
Jen: Fine.
Jesse: I have better hair than Danny.
Stephanie: You always care about your hair.
Jesse: I’ve already told you the story.
Stephanie: Yes. You have.
Jen: You’ve told ME the story.
*Audience laughter*
DJ (to audience): Uncle Jesse is obsessed with his hair. And Elvis.
Let’s get back to Full House.
Lol sorry.
Jesse: I have better hair than him. He has grey hairs.
Danny: Hairs. Not hair.
Jesse: It’s GREY!
Stephanie: It’s just HAIR!
Danny: Who CARES?
Danny: Why are we YELLING?
Jesse: I don’t KNOW!
Stephanie: I’m gonna take some POPCORN with me and do some HOMEWORK!
Danny: It’s hair, Jesse. HAIR!
Jesse: And mine is perfect.
Becky: *Walks in* I couldn’t help but, hear you two fighting. Again.
Michelle: I was outside with Mandy and WE heard.
Danny: Go back to your regular stuff.
Jesse: I should be practicing for my band.
Becky: It’s fine.
Jesse: No one cares about hair but me.
**At the mall…**
Stephanie: Check out Freak over there.
Jen: I know. And look at Geek.
Stephanie: Oh my god!
Hello? Is anyone here? Sandy! Are we doing the Full House re-make?!
We are, K!
You go!
Episode Three: The DANCE???
DJ: A dance? Are you kidding me?
Kimmy: YES!!! A DANCE! AND NO!
DJ: Great. Let’s go to the mall, shall we?
Stephanie: Hello, Gibbler.
At the mall…
DJ (to audience): Kimmy is my best friend and all, but she had bad fashion.
*Kimmy chooses a bunch of dresses*
Stephanie (to audience): And Kimmy Gibbler is my arch enemy.
DJ: I found it! The perfect dress! (dress:
Stephanie: *wanders into store* Oh, hey Deej. Gibbler.
Kimmy: Stephanie.
DJ: Hello, Steph.
Stephanie: What are you doing? Picking out a dress perhaps for a date?
DJ: Nope. I’m picking out a dress for the dance coming up.
Stephanie: Dance? I hope Kimmy’s not going. She’ll get drunk again.
DJ: Unfortunately, she is.
Kimmy: Hey!
Stephanie: *Laughs*
DJ (smirking): Hey… Isn’t there a dance coming up FOR YOU?
Kimmy: I’m being ignored!
Stephanie: Oh yeah. Might as well shop here too!
DJ: Good.
*Picks out three dresses*
DJ: Choose one.
Stephanie: Hey, Kimmy, isn’t that you-know-who over there?
Kimmy: Yes!!! Nope!! Maybe!!
Stephanie: Ahh!! It’s Johnny, the cutest guy in my grade! I cannot let him see me with Kimmy.
DJ: Hide!
Stephanie: *Hides behind cash register* Thanks Deej!
Five Minutes Later
DJ: He left. Although Kimmy is trying to tell my crush that I like him.
Stephanie: Ditch her!!!
DJ: Never!
Stephanie: I’m ditching. Bye! *Runs over to get a taxi* Hey yo, Taxi! *Whistles*
DJ: Oh, well. I’ll get this dress for her.
Stephanie: *Texts Deej*
DJ: *texts back*
Stephanie: *Arrives at home and texts Deej*
DJ (to audience): Sometimes Steph is the best little sister in the world, and sometimes she’s worse than your biggest enemy.
Stephanie (to audience): And you DO NOT want to be Deej’s enemy. But, she can rock a lot too.
Seven PM
DJ (to nameless crush): *laughs*
Stephanie: *types in chatroom as: Janet J.*
Nameless crush: Wait, there’s this person who wants to chat with me.
Stephanie: *Walks in on DJ* Hey Deej, wanna see me in my awesome dress?
DJ: Yeah, sure.
OK Cén fáth a bhfuil tú dhá chor leis an teach lán
Stephanie: How was it?
DJ: Awesome.
That dude: We are not obsessed.
Stephanie: I know. Uh-oh. Dad’s coming!! *Hides computer*
DJ: Hello, Dad. Goodbye, Dad.
DJ’s room:
Stephanie: *Brushes hair*
Stephanie’s room:
For some reason, I imagine remake version Stephanie’s room to look like this:
Danny: Hello, girls. Me and your Uncle Jesse are having an argument so just…
Jesse: I bet you were going to say ignore me.
Danny: You’ve read my thoughts, Jesse.
DJ: What argument?
Stephanie: I bet over hair! *Laughs*
DJ: If it is an argument between hair, I say that Uncle Jesse has better hair. Sorry Dad, but it’s the truth.
Jesse: Thank you, DJ.
Stephanie: I agree.
DJ: You are welcome.
Danny: I’m going outta town for a week. Uncle Jesse and Joey will look after you.
Stephanie: Sweet! Bye, Dad!
Danny: Bye, Girls. *Exits out of door*
Stephanie: He’s gone!!!
DJ: Eh…
Stephanie: Eh? I’m calling my friends and some boys!!
DJ: Fine, I’ll call my other friends.
Stephanie: Johnny’s here! Here’s my party outfit:
Stephanie’s Party Outfit:
DJ: Em’s here!
DJ’s outfit:
Stephanie: Lizzy’s here!
DJ: Holly and Artemis are here!
Steph: Kelly, Elysia and Jaida are here!
DJ: Let’s party!
DJ: *Overhears Steph telling people about her crush*
come on is white sword there?
The next day in the Tanner House…
Saturday Morning.
Stephanie: *Gets dressed, grabs breakfast and opens window* I hope I don’t get caught for sneaking out. *Puts on lipstick and goes out window with a perfect landing in Jen’s backyard*
Michelle: Stephanie? Steph?! *Looks around* Stephanie!!
Jesse: Whoa! What happened with Steph?
Stephanie (to audience): Jesse is the irresponsible parent. The “fun” parent. But, he takes care of Nicki and Alex but, he still can’t take care of us.
Michelle: UNCLE JESSE! You lost Stephanie?
Jesse: I don’t know. She was-Oh.
Michelle: Oh what?
Stephanie (to audience): Michelle isn’t…the brightest. Out of Kimmy and Michelle in a smart
competition, Michelle would DEFINETLY WIN.
Michelle: Look! The windows open! *Looks outside* And it lands…to Jen’s house.
Jesse: Okay. I’m just gonna go over there, okay?
Michelle: I’ll be on a rope. Pull me in if you think there’s any trouble.
Jesse: Okay.
oh now what will happen next?
Michelle: Going dowwwwwwnnnn!
Jesse: C’mon. Do you see anything?
Michelle: I see Stephanie. *Gets off rope*
Stephanie (in distance): …And my annoying sisters.
Stephanie: And my biggest crush is Zack. He’s soooo cute!!!
He’s soooo ugly!!! 💡 He is gross!!!
I wish White Sword was here.
ar ais go dtí an dorchadais buille faoi thuairim mé
Sunday Morning. Day 2 with Jesse and Joey in charge. Things could really get out of hand.
Hey yeah Beidh seo a bheith deacair a mhíniú, ach ó bhí tú ag duine é a choinneáil ag gníomhú di mar aisteoir wannabes pathetic as an gclár seo a thagann ar éigean ar fiú níos mó agus Bán Sword ní thiocfaidh fiú anseo tá cinneadh déanta agam a fhágáil.
Dear Diary,
Jake is so annoying.
Since he sits next to me, he basically shouts in my ear “I’M DONE!” when he’s finished his work. There’s a lot of things I don’t like about Jake.
He picks his nose.
And eats it.
He brags.
Stephanie: *flips magazine page as Michelle enters*
Stephanie: Uh….?
Michelle: I have records that you snuck out yesterday.
Stephanie: …..
Meabhair sruthán faoi deara Kesha’s Dialann
Translate that one. ^^
Stephanie: HOW?
Michelle: Roll the tape, Joey.
Joey: Rolling.
*Video*: Stephanie Tanner. The sweet, fabulous girl you know. But, is she hiding a little-white-lie?
If you want to know kesha it was
“Mental note burn kesha’s diary.”
Shadowprince! What a terribly rude thing to do.
oh boo who cry me a river build a bridge and get over it
all kesha ever puts in her diary is something about boys
to be honest I think she takes her flirting job a bit too seriously.
after all you are the god of wisdom and what kesha puts in her diary is wisdom I would much rather live without so in any case you shouldn’t be yelling at me.
It doesnt even matter how much it pays people can have great lives without flirting with everyone they come in contact to
Don’t burn my diary or I’ll burn you, SP.
Day 4. Jesse and Joey haven’t caused any trouble. YET!
Jesse: Joey, I need to make Becky a “Congratulations” cake. Help me.
Joey: A cake?
Jesse: Come on.
Joey: Remember my experience baking?
*Flashback of Joey with the fish-food and everything*
Jesse: Ew. Nevermind. *Pours mix into the bowl as Jen and Stephanie come downstaris*
Jesse: Steph, help me with this cake.
Stephanie: Sure. *Puts it in oven*
Jen: I’m driving us to the mall, okay?
Stephanie: Sure.
Stephanie (to audience): I heard Jen was on America’s Worst Drivers. AND WON! She’s crazy if she’s gonna drive ME to the mall!
Dear Diary,
Abigail was totally jealous of me! She DID NOT even talk to me when, I asked to borrow her cute violet sweater. It looked totally awesome on her yesterday. I’m so totally making HER jealous today!!!!!!
Michelle: A cake? Really?
Stephanie: Becky may be home any minute so, lets bake!
Joey: Good luck.
Jesse: Won’t need it!
Dear Diary,
I just feel awesome.
That Full House re-make is great. Gothic DJ is awesome, Flirity & Hip Stephanie is awesome and Tough Michelle is great. Our 2nd episode will air LIVE tomorrow.
We got uh-uh.
We got uh-uh.
Get up. Up-up.
Get-get-get-get-get down.
Put your hands in the air!
(Cheering song)
Stephanie: *Cheers with Jen*
*Routine finishes*
In The Changeroom…
Abby: Steph, tell us all about your boyfriend. Who is he?
Jen: Yeah, Steph. WHO?
Stephanie: His name is…
Kaitlyn: Stephanie! You started without me?
Stephanie: Sorry! Take a seat.
Kaitlyn: Ok. *Sits down*
Stephanie: He’s so cute. But, he’s sensitive too!
Kaitlyn, Jen & Abby: Ooh!
Stephanie: I know! So, who’s yours Abby?
Abby: His name is Kris.
Stephanie: My boyfriend’s name is Kris too!
Abby: And his last name is Houlder.
Stephanie: Mine’s last name is that too.
Abby: Kris cheated on me?!
Steph: Kris cheated on me?!
………………………………………..TO BE CONTINUED………………………………..
Yeah I really doubt you could burn me.
To get to me you would first have to get past the dogs.
Hullo? Hello? Hollo? Hillo? Hallo?
Bracas meas vecsimini!!!!!!!
I um… *lowers head then clears throat* looking for a boyfriend.
Dear Diary,
I *glup, glup* nothing. bye!
OK> Dear Diary,
I like the PJ series. Its a HIT!! My favourite goddess is Hestia. My favourite god is Poseidon. I’m one of the Huntress.
I am too. *Filps hair* I’m the second to the leader.
Day 5 with Jesse in charge.
I think this should be Stephanie’s room:,r:1,s:0
I don’t even know what to say about that
Um, cool Sandy. I wish other people were on here.
hey psophia
eminem is better than ke$ha , whoever kesha is
i agree
finally another guy on this blog
mecha rhino says : “play nitrome”
Sandy says: I’m bored.
eminem would be disappointed at KE$HA’S script
Shadowprince says:lets stop talking like this
Sandy is wondering how did Ostrich Rider, Shadowprince, and the new dude found this.
post anything bad about eminem, matt hasselbeck, snl, or mecha rhino and i WILL GET U
Psophia! Have you watched Full House? You can join, if you want.
well i told mecha rhino personally he went to my skool but the other guy u got me
Mesha….that dude. AN IMPOSTER!!
im not new i just rarley post
I mean new to this thing.
what do u mean
its an owl
love thu way u lye
´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ~*
Tweety Bird!!!!
Let’s do the Full House remake.
You start.
Day 5. Jesse’s invited his band and Some girls. It’s Friday Night!!!
Stephanie: *Gets in NEW party outfit*
Stephanie’s NEW party outfit:
DJ: I’m annoyed.
Kimmy: Why?
DJ: Steph keeps stealing my old clothes.
Steph: Deej, c’est Bon, Madamemoiselle!
DJ: I’m usually right, dear little sister.
Steph: Oh, who cares?
Kimmy (to Michelle): Hey, Squirt.
Michelle: Stop calling me that!
Steph: Take it easy. She’s getting over a cold. Hey…
Jesse: The entertainment has begun.
DJ: I’m going to call my other friends.
Steph: I’m calling the whole phonebook!!!
DJ: Are you crazy?
Steph: *Smiles and grabs two phones and starts dialing*
DJ: Yep, you are insane.
Steph: Half of the school is here. And we have 7 minutes In Heaven. I’m gonna get Johnny now. *Puts on lipstick*
DJ: I’m going to go change.
Steph: Johnny and I are…
DJ (in room): Matte tea rose lip color? Check. Mascara? Check. Smokey eye shadow? Check.
DJ’s outfit:
Am not looking for a boyfreind. Whoever posted that was NOT me!
Hey, Ke$ha, I-I-I. Clarrise wants to join the Hunters. Her boyfriend dumped her.
Clarisse wants to join?
Clarisse HAS to say the oath.
Yes, Clarisse DOES has to say the oath. Unfortunately, she vanished!
Oh. That is wierd.
What on earth happened to White Sword?
Don’t ask me.
No idea. Sorry if this sounds rude, but I don’t really miss him.
I believe White Sword is a she.
Good Grief! She was here again. Here’s the dialog:
C: I want to join the Hunters.
GG: You may join if you say the oath and if Artemis accepts.
C: I will not say the oath.
GG: But you must! Otherwise, no hunting for you!
C: *sneers and vanishes*
GG: Where’d she go?!
I believe WS is a she AND a he. The official term Malaysians use is: Pondan( man who wants to be a girl)\Tomboy(girl who wants to be a boy).
AND I also beleive that Clarrisse uses magic
And why does she not ask Thalia herself? I’m only a tracker…
Yes. but I did stay on camp before I joined the Hunt
I don’t think White Sword wants to be a boy. She simply does not care about looks and boys.
I got Zoe Nightshade. 😀 Too bad that I can’t join…
Episode 2: The Good, The Bad and The Sisters.
ok how many freaking episodes are there?
cant you guys just go back to a mythology thing i am so tired of full house
*Puts on lipstick*
Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven? I miss Rider.
Who would I be playing it with?
Duh. Uh, me.
*Leans forward and gives him a flilrty look*
um… uh …jjust wwait a second nnow kesha aren’t u mmmarried?
I’m not married. Anymore. *Leans forward*
Um…are you here?
I got
With Rider at the Eiffel Tower.
Of course, you did.
Sandy. Oh, hi. *Rubs lipstick off of face* Let’s do episode 2: The Good, The Bad and The Sisters.
We already did episode two…
No. We did not.
We did.
What was it?
ok then if you still want to.
@SP: Okay. Sure.
ok when?
Episode Three.
um sandy could you please leave i think i am going to play 7 minutes in Heaven with kesha now.
Not until you use a thing called grammar.
*Heads into closet and waits*
*heads in after kesha*
*Closes door*
oh wow.
Oh, Kesha, you are not a Hunter anymore.
*Makes-out with SP*
^ That is the reason why.
I am really starting to love this game
I can’t believe it’s over now.
They should make a game called 7 hours in Heaven.
But, *Shifts torwards him*
SP, will you…
but what?
…be my…
for the love of God out with it
well that depends on 1 factor
Are you in Middle school or higher?
SP did the line thing like Rider. And he asked a common question that Rider would ask.
look its a question a person would ask b4 entering in a realtionship u dont want to find out the person u like turns out to be like 40
plus i thought since i did the dot dot dot thing it would look cooler lined up like that
I’m not 40!!!!
if u answer my question i will tell u a secret that will probably give me a lot of teasing on this blog
Fine. You’re good for now.
look i didnt mean it like that…i..just um uh well oh man
I’m higher.
that was for the 40 thing
what ok then i guess we can date now
Good. *Smiles flirtishly*
ok ok I WAS ostrich rider
one day i just looked at my name and hated it it didnt show my
personality at all I have close to black hair nearly 6 ft tall
and have white skin.
Now I am willing to bet Sandy won’t ever let me forget this now.
well that feels better now that i got
it off my chest now.
but i am a dead man now arent i?
Oh yeah.
aw man so on a scale from 1-10 10 being worst how dead am I?
The reason: You are a liar. You just used me to get yourself me again.
I don’t really undersand
what the problem is.
I was sorta with you as ostrich rider
but we were supposed to be married and
you constantly found a whole bunch of guys
to love you but in a ___friend relationship
you can cheat if you really want to and I
will be able to easily forgive you.
I knew it!!!!
aw crap
here it comes.
Hi, Ostrich Rider!
Look kesha I know what I did
was wrong but could you please
just give me another chance?
pretty please?
How mad do you
think she is sandy?
just what?
And I found it odd that you typed like Ostrich Rider.
you really want to get re-married?
*I just knew that I would be teased I just knew it*
Well I think……
but this time if you have a problem
tell me and I’ll fix it.
kesha what’s wrong?
sandy what’s wrong with her?
what is it kesha?
sandy do something!!!
kesha please tell me what’s wrong.
with what?
I can’t help you if
you don’t tell me.
with what?
Why not?
man I wish I
could do something
to help her but I think
I have a vague idea of what
is wrong.
kesha are you still here.
what about you sandy
or white sword
kesha thank God are you ok?
nothing is wrong with you
I just thought you were mad at me.
and sandy you certainly know how to kill a mood.
@kesha:I am gonna take that as a yes.
now why would you do that?
I know we are married but ok now I am confused.
just what?
what is it kesha valdez?
ok fine then I am leaving
Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I’m not real
Didn’t you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why’d you turn away?
Here’s what I have to say
I was left to cry there
Waitin’ outside there
Grinnin’ with a lost stare
That’s when I decided
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen
I’m startin’ to trip
I’m losin’ my grip
And I’m in this thing
Am I just some chick
You placed beside you
To take somebody’s place?
When you turn around
Can you recognize my face?
You used to love me
You used to hug me
But that wasn’t the case
Everything wasn’t okay
I was left to cry there
Waitin’ outside there
Grinnin’ with a lost stare
That’s when I decided
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen
I’m startin’ to trip
I’m losin’ my grip
And I’m in this thing alone
Cryin’ out loud
I’m cryin’ out, loud
Cryin’ out loud
I’m cryin’ out
Open your eyes
Open up wide
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care?
If you don’t care
Then I don’t care
We’re not goin’ anywhere
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care?
If you don’t care
Then I don’t care
We’re not goin’ anywhere
Wow what’s all this for?
I have a little song/poem about the Easter bunny cause I
may not be on this blog on Easter and keep in mind
I am seriously not a fan of the Easter Bunny
Yea hi Yea hi Yea hi HEY
I’m the easter bunny now I’m back
Used to be funny now I’m hooked on crack
heaps of herione aint no joke
marshmallow peeps covered in coke coke coke coke COKE
drugs for life thats my plan but now i have no attention spaaaaaaaaaaan.
wait me why?
oh i thought we were going to play
7 minutes of Heaven over and over .
Yeah you look hot enough
I say why not?
so when do you want to do this?
ok I gotta go be back sometime around april 13
Go to Google and type SWG354. That’s my new dress.
I’ll start.
Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I’m not real
Didn’t you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why’d you turn away?
Here’s what I have to say
I was left to cry there
Waitin’ outside there
Grinnin’ with a lost stare
That’s when I decided
Why should I care?
‘Cuz you weren’t there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen
I’m startin’ to trip
I’m losin’ my grip
And I’m in this thing
Kimmy: Are you singing?
DJ: Yes.
DJ: I’m gonna enter the Talent Contest. Kimmy, don’t enter. The school does not need to turn into ash.
DJ: No, Talent Contest, not Talent Show.
DJ: Don’t do magic tricks. You’re going to burn the entire city if you do that.
DJ: I won a singing contest against fifty famous singers. Ha.
DJ: Good. Don’t sing, either.
DJ: Once they get a gig, the world will explode.
DJ: So?
DJ: No, Avril Lavigne did.
DJ; You sing worse than Ke$ha.
DJ: You have no intelligence whatsoever.
DJ: You are only “goth” because it’s a trend at your school.
DJ: Touché.
DJ: She will never know the difference between touchy and touché.
Dear Diary,
*Murmurs to herself* Highly infectuos males… * Suddenly yells* i don’t wanna be a Huntress anymore.
Dear Diary,
it does not mean that i have a boyfriend in any way or matter…. but kesha makes me fill all weird and shuddery…. (GROSS!)
Michelle: I don’t get enough attention these days…
DJ: What are you wearing?
DJ: You are only wearing extremely short shorts and a tube top.
DJ: Go change.
DJ: *Get’s her bike*
DJ: *Kicks door and enters* I know fifty-three types of martial arts. Don’t underestimate me.
DJ: *Grabs Stephanie*
DJ: *Slaps Stephanie and take the car keys.* See ya, losers.
DJ (at home): That was fun.
DJ: Hey, James. Wanna go out.
J: Yeah.
DJ: Great. Pick me up at seven. Next Saturday.
DJ: Where’s Stephanie? DAD!
DJ: Dad! She’s at the hotel!
I am starting to enjoy Stephanie’s character.
DJ: *Drives to hotel*
Yep I am back.
hey Stephanie how was Johnny?
DJ: *Enters room*
DJ: *Decides to leave and tell Danny about it later.*
30 dollars says stephanie gets pregnant .
Any1 on?
oh yeah
Dear ShadowPrince,
Last Night was great.
Today will be better. Get your stuff because we’re heading to China. I love you and I can’t wait to play 2 Hours In Heaven. And we get to have ___.
I would like to have you fill in the blank kesha.
(grinning widely)
Blank filled in: …sex.
I have to go to work. See ya later!
Dear Diary,
Stephanie’s character is really very, very, very, very, very, very gross! No offence Ke$ha, but, I don’t really approve of the __________ thingy. It makes me wanna pee. Ugh! Well, bye now. Hope Iris is watching over me. On a quest. Private and confidential. The prophecy was gruesome, though. I’m taking along Rihanna McChagall and a… guy.
But we don’t have (blank filled in by Ke$ha already).
But its interesting. Next episode please.
I got kinda lost in his eyes… * sits up sraight and gasps*
SP, we are still married. Are you here?
Rider! are you here?
I think that Stephanie in the remakes is GROSS!!!!!!!!!!! (No offense, Kesha.)
Who do you like more: DJ or Stephanie?
And agree with the Stephanie thingy, psophia.
Well, on here, I like DJ, but on the real show I love the good, sweet, witty Stephanie.
Hi, anyone on? *Walks into room wearing pure black tank top and black mini skirt and winks at a certain someone*
* Glosses lips*
GG: You sound like Ke$ha.
Psophia: Stephanie is my favorite. In the actual show, I mean.
No-yeah. *flips hair back and forth*
Hi. Come on ppl! Look at this gorgous girlie. Hey, babe…
*walks into closet WITHOUT anybody and sets CCTVs*
I HATE Ke$ha. She comprmised my identity. To all I am *draws myself to full height*: Skye Blue Delta. Its gorgeus. Its cute. Its deadly dangerous.
SP turns,
Kesha is not on right now,
Turns back,
Tastes someone else’s lipstick
SP places hand on chest,
and again tastes someone else’s lipstick
And THAT person is
Oh… That wasn’t true… I just did it to annoy Kesha.
Anyway, SP is too cute to annoy.
don’t worry. i don’t like SP. I have a crush… *rolls eyes*
I’ll tell you about myself:
Name: Skye Blue Delta
Age: Never ask a girl her age
Features: Delicate and stunningly beautiful.
Status: Single (Come on, guys 🙂 )
Parentage: Iris (Oh yeah.) and an artist dad.
Eyes: Multi-colored, long lashes.
Likes: cute boys and sculpting
Dislikes: Ke$ha!
Hello? I might as well write a diary entry.
Dear Diary,
Ke$ha is sooo annoying. She makes out with SP in the open. Gross! I would like to have the suduction rolling now… *strips of clothes*
Name: Kaitlyn Valdez
Age: Don’t ask me.
Status: With Rider. Steal him…sacrifice!
Likes: Alchol, Stripping, Kissing, Sex, Boys and Innapropriatness.
Features: Blonde hair, Violet eyes, Sexy body
Parentage: Nemesis, (oh yeah baby!) and the new god, Felt.
Dislikes: Green Grape!!! And
Oh Rider! *gets in bed naked* Come in when you’re ready.
I’ll be waiting. *kisses Rider*
SP puts his hand around my waist and kisses me. I lick my lips, aim for his neck and bite his neck. I’m a vampire.
*puts on red dress, red heels, red lipstick and straightened hair* Is anyone here? I’m going on a date later.
You guys, let’s go to another post. I feel like I’m going to barf up my breakfast.
wow I must have missed a lot here.
seriously I go on a “trip” and a day and a half later all this happened.
kesha is this you
Dear Diary,
OK OK things are looking pretty bad recently.
Firstly, Kesha actually said her name…
Shadowprince asked her something on Facebook…
Sandy is sort of blabbing everything…
RIDER, Ostrich is still absent…
*Sigh* I wish I could do something about it.
– WS
Seriously Kesha, I really don’t get how you’d be wanting to get back with Rider all of a sudden. Gross. Getting in bed naked is grosser. I try to be politer, but now, the White-Sword-is-quiet thing is OVER, already, guys. And girls. How ’bout I just say guys, standing for both guys and girls? Eh? “Hein”?
Je n’aime pas chiens, chats, et pigeons.
Je ne sais pas…
J’aime les fromage!
Ew. I dislike tofu.
I do not know why…
Hey is anyone ON right now or something? Eh? I shall… Dunno.
005: Sandy is good at criticising people. Likes to type correctly.
991: Kesha is really, uh, ROMANTIC, I should say.
000: New here, but SP is not shy when people tease him.
000?: Rider is romantic. Only with Kesha, before.
IDK her number: Athena is good, nice.
IDK her number: psophia is kind and nice.
GG: GG is foreign, therefore interesting person to chat with. Likes to befriend people quickly.
Oh, and, you guys just don’t call ME a “winning scientist”, please. Lucky, i s’pose that I got the name White Sword. Y’all know what, people? The word “scientist” does not describe me, psophia, GG, Sandy, Kesha, SP, Athena, or whoever wrote that about me. I’m positively sure that the word “scientific” DOES describe me. Also, yes I do get 100 % on most of my tests, Sandy.
Let me write a short story, with a disappointing ending…
LAte this afternoon, Kesha comes on, and Rider was on too.
“Oh hi Rider! How I MISS you! Guess what-” said Kesha.
But then, Rider left.
But KEsha continued on shouting, “Guess what? I love you! Also, FYI, I’m a vampire! I bit SP in the neck recently, but luckily-”
“But luckily… uh, sorry. Bye.”
“Thank goodness… now i’m alone.” said Rider.
Kehsa thought, “WS better not tell Rider that I went looking for him…”
Just then Sandy appeared out of nowhere.
“Good evening, Miss Valdez. Or, MRS Valdez.” she added with a smirk.
“But, out of curiousity, I heard your little conversation. And Rider appeared to have found out that you looked for him, and so… ” She turned round and Kesha screamed.
Sandy was not the normal Sandy. She was SP. SP liked Kesha. And he pretended to be another random person. Kesha likes Rider. Get it?
Kesha likes Rider. Rider likes Sandy. Sandy likes SP. SP likes Kesha. How great is this? I’m not in the group! OH YEAH! Hot diggity dog!
I’m bored. my story was boring, i think. *yawns* At least I did not get the same fate as Kesha, Sandy and Rider, cuz SP really didn’t make much part of the story…
ok you must have missed this part where I admitted that I am Ostrich Rider.
and your story made no sense at all
Name: Minerva Anne Hamilton
Age: I’m fifteen. Happy?
Features: I am very beautiful with long black hair and porcelain skin. I stand at 5’6.
Status: Single (Come on, guys 🙂 )
Parentage: My father is Hades, and my mom is a rich businesswoman.
Eyes: My eyes are brown, large, and surrounded by long lashes and black eyeliner.
Oops, I made a mistake on the status. I’m single, but I have a crush on someone.
Oh, and I have rose pearl lips.
I really don’t know how to respond to that.
Omigod! Stop the love romeance thing guys!!!!!!! Ido NOT enjoy it at all.
ok I suppose we can try.
I never enjoy mushy-gushy romance. It makes me puke.
but i have decided to do one of those personality things
Name: James Warder
Likes:Books,web,axe spray.
Features: Dark brown eyes,long dark brown hair but slightly curls at ends,5 8ft.
Dislikes: liars,homework
I am now wondering if you will ever use grammar, Ostrich Rider.
I am now wondering if you even know what grammar is.
Grammar: the system of rules by which words are formed and put together to make sentences.
However, you did not type them correctly.
What did I forget an end mark like this
and I am willing to bet you are Green Grape.
No, you were supposed to put commas before “YOU WITCH” and “YOU HAG.”
There is no way that I am Green Grape.
Oh my God you are honestly critisizing me because I didn’t use f**king commas?!!!?
I am a critic. I criticize everything.
You know what I am out. I have had it. I HATE being critisized but normally I can stand it.This time however I have had it.Sandy has just made me way too mad.I am sorry to kesha or anyone who didn’t want me to leave.I don’t care if there is not one person who misses me.I just will not stand here and be insulted here any further.Goodbye,this is the end of Rider.
I am becoming awfully mean these days.
Bye, bye.
I’m sorry this has happened to you, Shadowprince. I’m sorry for all of you people on here, including myself. If I had a good life, I would not be saying any of this.
Unlike Sandy, hello… Sorry SP.
Sorry if I had insulted everybody. Including Ke$ha. I am not a critic, but I do occasionally tease someone. Unfortonately, bye bye, if you do not accept my apology.
Do you hear me, Katylin Valdez?!
When Sandy comes on, I’m going to KILL her for driving my husband away. *cries harder*
Dear Diary,
A lot of dramatic stuff has happened in April. I’ve showed my love for ShadowPrince/Rider and Sandy drove my man away. I now really hate her guts. “Guts” would be the most appropriate word.
So, anyways, me and my friends made up a game called Love Catchers. You write down names of guys and put it in a bowl. Stick your hand in, and read the name. You trade it with someone else, throw the names back in and chant who are you gonna marry? So, I stuck my hand in and I pulled out the name “Andrew”.
WS, talk to me. Sandy? WS? SP? GG? psophia?
I miss Rider so much.
I’m still crying. He was my only love.
*cries and wipes eyes*
I’m going to make a show called: The Demigods.
The Demigods Episode 1: The Liars, The Lovers and The Loveless.
*Ke$ha walks in* I still miss Rider. He was my husband. AND YOU DROVE HIM AWAY, YOU MAN STEALER, SANDY!!!
He wasn’t your husband, Ke$ha. You two were never legally married.
Look. This is on camera so smile. And we so were. I HATE YOUR A** RIGHT NOW!!!
I never smile. I only smirk.
Idfc Sandy.
Fine, I’ll smile.
Guess who’s playing Thalia Grace in the movies!!!
My white fangs suit me.
Not you, I hope.
White fangs? *Bares hers and smiles evily at Sandy, taking out her dagger*
Yes, I have fangs.
You will not once I yank ’em out you dirty little man driver!
*shakes head*
This truly is a drama, isn’t it?
I have a new boyfriend.
What did the boy do to deserve you?
I’m sure that he’s not horrible enough to deserve you.
I HATE YOU!!!! And his name is Andrew.
Of course.
Whatever. Moron
Great Kesha. Not.
I am not stupid enough to be a moron. Unlike you…
I am not stupid.
911: Intelligence.
I suppose that you do have some knowledge. But…
I have intelligence, sistah! And I’ve won Andrew.
I don’t care if you got a guy.
And prove it. Prove that you have intelligence.
Why? I don’t care about your opion. And I do.
Most people have highly biased opinions about themselves.
911: Intelligent? You are, Kesha, but not, well, sorry if I was rude, I don’t mean to, but you’re not the level of a Doctor.
Hey is anyone on? Oh and Sandy if there is really something wrong about SP then just tell him that. Smirking right here, people. Sectumsempra to everyone!
Oh I didn’t see you Kesha.
Bye for about one hour.
Hey is anyone on right now or something because if there isn’t anybody on then I will tell y’all this: Sectumsempra! SECTUMSEMPRA!
Name: This is private info.
Age: This is private info.
Features: I am a Chinese girl with slightly curly raven-black hair, pale, smooth skin, long fingers, and I am medium-tall.
Eyes: I have either dark-ambur “speaking” eyes, or raven-black shiny eyes, I can’t tell in the mirror.
Likes: Reading, Working on my Science, everyone who is not mean and bossy, and my books.
Dislikes: Romance, romantical stories, mushy-gushy people, four-squares, basketball, soccer, swimming, natation, (natation is French!) and catching butterflies.
Who’s “AI”?
Hello? Kesha? Are you even on or not? Or simpler, Ruevenon? Sandy Ruevenon? SP Ruevenon? GG Ruevenon? psophia Ruevenon?
Hello. Here is my demigod profile
Name: Lilly Stag
Age: 16
Features: Straight, thick, dark brown hair, wide, deep violet eyes, tiny frame, cupid’s bow shaped lips and high cheekbones.
Likes: Reading, hunters, greek mythology, writing, hunting with white wolf Gretta, and sleeping outside in the spring.
Dislikes: Boys, romance, snotty and/or braggy kids, math class.
Wardrobe: Dark denim jeans, rhinestone adorned tank tops, blazers, metallic colred ballet flats. Usually wears hair down so that it covers her face.
Personality: Kind, gentle, yet she is willing to stick up for herself and others, not afraid to get involved int hings.
Name: Kaitlyn Bleu Valdez
Age: Don’t ask me…please.
Features: Long blonde hair, violet eyes covered in dark black mascara. Garnet red lips, milky pearl skin and a beach body.
Hobbies: Taking revenge, romance, beauty.
Likes: Rider, cute guys, hot guys, flirting, romance, kissing.
Dislikes: Stubborn people, un-hot guys.
Wardrobe: A tore bikini top, ripped jeans, leather jacket, combat boots, straightened hair with red streaks, red lips, dark black mascara and smoky purple eyeshadow.
Imma on. So, Ke$ha, you accept my apology?
More detailed:
Name: Skye Blue Delta
Age: Not gonna tell
Features: Dark multi colored eyes with a ring of black around it, raven black hair, slim body and nice complexion and a little tan.
Parentage: Iris and an artist
Wardrobe: Long straightened hair, aviator jacket, ripped up black jeans, purple sunglasses and black summer dresses plus some ballet shoes.
Likes: Chinese homework, saving the environment and my non-bossy friendz, sculpting and cute guys.
Dislikes: Maths homework, people who pollute the environment, and bossy people.
Personality: Some times I like to tease people, quite calm, kind and a little boyish.
Parentage: Nemesis and Felt. Felt: The god of beauty, money and gems.
More detailed.
Name: Kaitlyn Bleu Valdez.
Features: Violet eyes surronded in deep black mascara and smoky purple eyeshadow. Dirty blonde straightened hair with red streaks in it. Garnet red lips and a tanned beach body.
Parentage: Nemesis and Felt.
Wardrobe: Long straightened hair, a bikini top that shows my tits, ripped jeans, a leather jacket, combat boots, red streaks in my hair.
Likes: All the stuff from before.
Dislikes: All the stuff from before.
Personality: Most times, a real a**.
Oh my God stop it with the personality pages
RIDER!!! *tackles him with making-out with him*
Where have you been? You liar. *cocks hip* And I am your wife. If you want me to, I’ll kill Sandy. YOU are MY master, baby.
(huff) Look I gave it some thought and even though sandy’s words were harsh and cruel I may have over reacted so no don’t kill her.
Aww, baby. Can I still make-out with you an play 48 hours in heaven?
I am still trying to get over this “lovely” new person you seem to have found.I believe his name was Andrew wasn’t it?
What? Why not? *cocks hip and looks at him*
Um…*embarrassed* Look. I made him up. Only because you left.
Like I might of said earlier “I am still trying to get over this “lovely” new person you seem to have found.I believe his name was Andrew wasn’t it?”
Uh Huh well I do recall you yelling at Sandy saying you “won” him?
That was just lies. I lied, okay?!
How do I know you aren’t lying now?
*insulted look*
*staring,waiting for answer*
It’s ok kesha all is forgiven.
Come on. Kiss me.
No I don’t think you get to get off so easy…..
I am going to have to teach you a lesson you naughty girl.
You are so disturbing.
You’re the one who said “Wardrobe: Long straightened hair, a bikini top that shows my tits,”
I don’t care.
So if anything you are more disturbing.
And you know what I am starting to think I made a mistake in coming back here.
What are you gonna do? I really don’t care.
Yeah I think I’ll leave for a few more days.
Bye now.
And don’t go.
If you do…
Just don’t, alright? Please don’t. I-I-I need you.
Please Rider. Please.
Give me a reason to stay.
I love you. Please don’t go. Or else, I’ll leave.
I am waiting kesha.
I don’t believe that you love me.
Everytime I go you always find someone else.
Rider. I love you. You live with me. We have children. We breathe the same air. We kiss each other.
Lilly is crying. Better go help her. Rider, if you accept, tell me.
It’s kareoke night in my mansion. My “A” list friends are invited.
Rider. Please accept. Or else.
Or else what?
Huh what do you plan to do.
Please Rider. Please. *sobs* Please
Please. I love you. And what did you want to teach me earlier?
It means nothing now.
I want you to prove that you love me should you
fail I leave .
Please, Rider. I love you! Don’t get divorced with me! *eyes fill with tears*
Who said anything about a divorce?
Do you love me? Do you want to raise children and live in the same house wuth me?
2.No kids
I do not want our kids involved in this.
Look I really like it when you are “romantic.”
If you are in a romantic mood then I would want to
live at your house.But if you aren’t then not really.
What do you have planned for us?
When do I get to see what you have planned?
I see hearts.
um…uh…kesha what are you wearing?
I can’t see that well come closer.
*Holds kesha closely in arms*
*kisses kesha once on the lips*
*whispers I love you*
Is this all you wanted us to do?
Have a little time in a dark room all alone.
Wait why not just sleep here?
*Should I get in with her?*
*She is just so beautiful when she sleeps*
*But she may freak out if she finds me with her*
*Plus I really don’t want to wake her up.*
*Yeah I should just sleep on the floor*
I think I’ll do this ONE more time:
Name: Skye Blue Delta
Age: 15. Happy?’
Features: As the last entry shows.
Parentage: Iris and an artist.
Hobbies: Star gazing, sculpting, painting, drawing, playing with cats Fire and Fiery and basically helping dad.
Likes: Cute boys, not bossy friends and saving the environment, kissing, flirting, Juniper and Jake Mason (as a friend).
Dislikes: Bossy and selfish ” friends”, people who pollute the environment and Titans (except Calypso).
Status: Single
Wardrobe: Combat boots, aviator jacket, ballet pumps, black summer dresses, metallic purple sunglasses.
Magic items: A paintbrush that turns into a spear (gift from mom), and a ring that turns into a shield.
New island in Poptropica: red Dragon island.
*Walks in with a summer dress on and makes out with crush* Status: Dating
I’ll tell you who my crush is. He is *takes deep breath*. No, No, I guess i won’t tell.
Mmmmh…. Wow, where’d he learn to kiss like that??
OK, yeah…. He is Jake Mason. We’re making out in the Hephaestus cabin.
I’m a year round camper. To be near him.
except for winter. I’m at dad’s.
Me: Hi, Jake.
Jake: Hi, Delta (only he calls me Delta).
Me: Wanna play 7 minutes in Heaven?
Jake: Oh… Wow, yes. With a girl as pretty as you.
*After 7 minutes*
Me: Well, that was great…
*The rest are private info. R.I.P everybody.*
everyone else call me Skye or Skye Blue.
Good morning, wonderful husband. *looks at SP and cocks hip* Wow. *mutters to self* Why didn’t he get in with me?
Magic Items: Glove that turns into a knive and lipstick that turns into a wand.
*goes to floor. Tastes someone else’s lips. Puts hand on SP’s chest. Goes down and tastes someone else’s lips. Feels someone else’s bare body. Looks at him, smiles and tastes someone else’s lips again. They feel my bare body*
Gawd, you are sick Kesha.
Totally blow-out sick. Psophia has a point!
Great saying in a stupid way. You’re over protective. She’s seeing someone else.
Don’t you know that? Check out the last comment she posted.
Mmmhmmm…. I’ll shut up and talk about other things.
And, anyway, thank you very much for disturbing me on my research on Greek Gods.
And why are you not mad at Psophia? She stated it first.
Oh.. Good nite… i’m sleeping. its 2300 hours in our time.
OK, duh.
I’m waiting for a reply here?! Oh, fine! I’m gone. And I will come back.
I thought you said you were going to sleep.
Because it’s a lot nicer here without you.
Kesha I am sorry but you lied to me.
You told me you loved me and surprise surprise
I believed you but apparently I was wrong to believe
you.We are done,divorced,nothing.
Great! I have been waiting for this to be over.
Give it a rest, Kesha.
When did I ever say anything???????????? Honestly, show me where I said the thing that got you ‘divorced’. I just said that the things that you guys do are very sick and gross.
Eww… Kesha. have some coffee or get a nap. Get over this.
And one thing else:
He loved you.
You did NOT love HIm.
You cheated on him. Without a conscience. Thank you. What about the thing that says” I tasted someone else’s lips; they felt my they felt my body.” ❓ I’m still wondering….
So okay, Dear really “faithful” wife, care to explain?
Jake’s not like that.
Psophia and Green Grape MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Oh and Kesha…..*pulls out a rose*
I thought I could trust those two.
I was wrong.
I know I know.
I am ashamed in how I acted.
The one where I asked you to just sleep there?
I could have?
*DANG IT!!!!*
What now?
Are you sure that would be ok?
ok if you insist
Alright I will be back at around 12
I will miss you.
What on earth did I say????????????? Please tell me!!!
You had called kesha sick.
you also misspelled “God”
which I take serious offense.
I find it peculiar that sandy and white sword don’t post much
but psophia and green grape are now here.
I love you too
Soooo Kesha,
what do you want to do now?
Anything at all…
Just something.
But you are better at these things
ok umm……
how about ____in Heaven?
I don’t know how much time we have
french make out?
I hope this never ends.
Wait why are we in the closet when we could just do this in bed?
Should we take our clothes off?
um uh uh ok alright
*starts making out with kesha naked*
With you no
*looks at kesha’s body*
I’m sorry, but I find the things that you guys do very gross.
That’s what straight people do psophia
I am not gay.
I am taking a vacation.
I will be back about June 13.
Sorry I left. I had to go on a ride.
Ok my boat doesn’t leave until 11:30
Yay! *pounces on him and kisses him* Dude, is it Wi-Fi computer?
Wi-Fi computer what?
Is your computer a plug-in or a Wi-Fi based one?
What did you have in mind?
Babe, until June? I-I-I can’t wait that long. But, *grabs SP’s a$$ and squeezes it*
If it was a plug-in, you could talk to me on the vacation.
Whoa um uh kesha not that that didn’t fell great
but why did you do that?
I meant feel
I felt like it baby. Now until 11, all the time, together. Okay, baby?
What else do you feel like?
And yes.
I don’t know. Getting naked and going in bed with you.
I mean yeah that’s cool.
So where should we go?
*gets in and strips, opening a bottle of beer*
I don’t care baby. Maybe the Sex Room?
You know me. I’m an animal. *growls*
What’s that supposed to mean?
I don’t know. *looks at his naked body* You look sexy, you know that right?
Says the supermodel.
I love you, baby. And it’s sick that they don’t understand people like us. *gets behind SP*
whoa uh wait what are you doing?
You know baby. *touches his a$$*
*turns around,grabs kesha,dips her*I love you*kisses on the lips8
I love you too. Look, I might act really innapropriate but, that’s who I am.
I have no problem with that *smiles*
So should we do this now?
What? I just wanna do something.
Do what?
*touches his penis*
I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t stop.
Good baby. Good.
Now that you touched it what now?
you know this handshake? ABC hit it that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh I liked it uh-huh uh-huh that’s they way uh-huh uh-huh. You got the moves, I got the grooves, something something, brick wall, waterfall, something something poof, with the attitude, something something mess with me i’ll mess you up!
Wanna drink? Want one? *prepares a glass for myself*
ABC hit it that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huhu. You got the moves, I got the grooves, something something, brick wall, waterfall, something something poof, with the attitude, something something mess with me i’ll mess you up!
Please get out of here White Sword
kesha and I are a little…………..busy.
WS! You interupted a thing between me and him.
Sorry no kesha I am allergic to alcohol.
Aww…that sucks.
about the drink-no i am allergic
I know but should we keep going
after we were rudely interrupted.
But, do you wanna continue our thing?
You never told me what you were going to do touched it then WS interrupted.
What were you gonna do
I wouldn’t mind if you touched my tits.
I wouldn’t mind. At all.
ok then…*touches kesha’s breasts*
oh my God these are AMAZING!
Mmm-hmm. Are we planning on having a baby?
*reluctantly removes hands*
What were you gonna do next?
You just touched it then WS interrupted.
Are we? Then, my breasts get put to use.
I dunno like I said I still have to take that trip.
It sucks but, yeah. Surprise, surprise, I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL, I’M GIVING BIRTH.
If all you want is your breasts being put to use
I’ll use them everyday if you want.
At The Hopspital…
I had it.
Is it a boy or a girl?
I had two. Female and Male.
How am I going to be able to go on that trip now?
*carries them and heads back to mansion with SP*
What do we do now?
OK Green Grape, psophia, I TOTALLY agree with you.
They’re asleep so, the whole place to ourselves.
WS, Shut up and go.
No, I will not take orders from anyone, not even people with mansions.
Then, be quiet.
Seriously mind your own business
If you don’t like it go to another blog on this website.
Hey isn’t it time you, Rider, call Kesha “Darling”?
Yeah because me and him are in love.
OK how ’bout: YOU TWO don’t interrupt ME, I don’t interrupt YOU, we mind our OWN?
Don’t call me “BRAT”, Rider. Sorry, but brat isn’t that rude. Just annoying.
how ’bout you let us be in peace
@SP: What?
@WS: Leave.
Wait Ws you actually want me to call you mean and hurtful names?
@Kesha & her “babe”: No.
You two have your convo. I’ll be preparing for you-know-what, SP. *winks at him*
With you kesha I never know what.
OK you guys don’t get it: I don’t OFFENSE you getting married, but I DO think it’s GROSS that you guys snog in public, make-out naked, touch each others’ ***, and (in Kesha’s accord)being naked all the TIME.
I think WS is gone now…..
kesha what did you have planned?
I know that.
She’s still here. And just come in and I’ll show you.
but ok kesha
Oh, I’m still here~
*heads through door*
kesha what do you have planned?
I will not let you bossing me ’round. You guys don’t own this web. Poptropican secrets creators do, so “poof with the attitude”, Rider ‘n’ Kesha.
You two has bossed me around for a long time now, y’couple, from the time of Rider meeting Kesha first time to the time they almost married.
@Ws: You now what fine you can sit here and watch us do whatever kesha has planned because you can’t make us stop just because you don’t like it just how we can’t make you leave.
Should it be time I get my own space, should you two can not tell me to leave or anything. The time is NOW.
Look, WA, me and SP are…what you would call ill…and just leave us alone.
Right. Ahem, Kesha, do whatever you want cuz I’m getting bored. To death.
Red Dragon Island rocks! (HINT: Mind the comment on us minding our own bussiness so this has nothing to do with your “ill” thing.)
@WS: A lovely idea would be to make un-incomprehensible sentences you had 2 out of 3 sent. starting with question words but those sent. weren’t meant to be questions.
Now kesha where were we?
SP, hope she’s gone. My plan was…
was…….Come on.
You know our pool in that room?
We get in together and…you see the picture.
What? what? what?
I like it when you fill in the picture though.
Are you saying we get to have sex in our pool?
Okay. We’re in there. Naked. And you’re making out with me.
Yeah. Basically.
*hand goes slowly down kesha’s wet leg*
I love you. And my tits are bigger.
I love you too* hand goes down kesha’s back*
*looks at SP and puts his hair back*
*pulls kesha in so close chests are touching,kisses her*
*looks at SP and kisses him*
What should we do now?
I dunno.
Do you wanna touch it again?
And do you want to touch these again?
I would but as the saying goes ladies first.
No, no, no. It’s fine.
Are you sure?
Yes. I am, SP.
ok *places hands on kesha’s incredible breasts*
It still feels great.
ok your turn.
Too bad I won’t see you for a long, long time.
It’s why we should make this count.
No wait forget it I can’t leave after what happened today.
I am not going on my trip.
But anyway back to us……
It’s your turn kesha
I know. If you want to, you can keep your hands on them while I do that.
What?! You’re not?!
I thought you were just going to touch it
Wait what?
I am going to cancel my trip because I can’t leave you and the twins but mostly you.
You’re not going on your trip?!
Aww. I love you!!!
You can show me that if you would take your turn.
Fine. *places hand on that and rubs it up and down*
Is one of the twins crying?
No. Wait, be back at 7:00.
ok my love but for what?
ok bye
I’m back, my love.
SP? Hello? *looks around and takes off towel*
I’m here when you’re ready.
Leah: Hey Kaitlyn…whoa big girl.
Leah: I was just looking for you. I’m hosting a prom!
Me: Prom? I’m married!
Leah: Which brings us back to “Whoa, Big girl”!
SP, *kisses him and touches his tounge to my tounge* Baby. *gets really close to him and squeezes his a$$ and then his pen¡$*
SP? Are you here?
You can sleep with me tonight when I go to sleep.
Kate: *cries*
Me: Where are you?!
Did you lie to me and go on that vacation?
Of course not!
Why would I lie to you?
Because. Can I do something?
What would that be?
*puts hand on a$$ and squeezes it*
Baby you can do that whenever you like.
And you can do that with my tits whenever you like.
ok but is this ok? *holds kesha’s head and sticks tongue inside mouth*
Perfect. *does same*
*looks at his eyes*
Is there something wrong?
Yeah. *takes off his clothes and takes off mine*
Whoa Whoa Whoa
What’s going on???!!!
Everything. *squeezes his p€n!$*
I am really starting to enjoy your hands their.
Nice babe.
What would you like us to do next?
You choose. Again.
AHHH Come on…..
I think you should pick this time please.
Um…go in the indoor pool and hump each other.
so you would like me to stick my p€n!$ up your a$$?
Fair enough baby. *looks at him with a sexy look*
Alright let’s get it on!
Yeah baby. *puts my arms behind me*
Wow your a$$ is so soft and smooth.
You are amazingly flexible.
Thanks. I know, I love it too.
ok I gotta go be back 10
Bye baby.
See ya soon
Yeah. See ya soon!
*walks in the Sauna with towel on*
*squeezes SP’s a$$*
Are you here yet?
Thx WS. I think if there is a war happening, Psophia, WS and Sandy are on my side. I also think that if there are Buddhist monks here, they might have a heart attack.
A war? You want a war, huh?
I’m here. Another busybody.
I don’t want a war. I said “IF”
Yeah right. *Rolls eyes and takes out wand*
I’m waiting. For a reply.
*Reveals black wings*
*Shakes head. Takes out spear and shield*
*talons come out from nails*
Ooh, I’m scared.
Come on, LOSER!!!!!!!
You lied and divorced me and SP. You’re not breaking us apart.
I’ll slice off your wings. And feed them to my cats. Come on Fiery. Come on Fire. *My cats turn into Siberian tigers*
*yells. Lightning crashes and I grab my sword. My wand in one hand, sword in the other*
I thought you guys were back again???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are back.
*sigh* Iris is really gonna help me in here.
*teleports behind kesha and stabs* Get used to tricks like that. I’m vicious.
The power of Felt is down the drain.
*stabs her in the head* Oh try me!!
*knives fly everwhere. I dodge them while GG gets hit*
My cats gulp down your twins.
*pulls out twin obsidian swords and chops off Green grapes head then finishes off pets*
I got dessert, if you are interested.
I’m still alive. I took a dip in Styx.
SP! You’re here. *line of fire flies torwards GG*
You curse me, eh, SP?
Say goodbye to the mortal world.
But you can’t leave Hell so you may be alive but you won’t be able to bother me anymore.
*eyes flare with red*
*Deflects it out of the way. Stabs twice on SP.*
I am a goddess. Daughter of Helios and Iris. You will never send me to hell.
How can you harm me when you are burning in Hell?
*red ball heads torwards her, absorbing stuff* SP!
No you repeatedly said your father was an artist Helios is NOT an artist.
*forms into goddess*
Yeah you do that I am sure my FATHER wouldn’t mind seeing me again.
Say it. Say it, GG.
*Forms into a goddess too*
Αυτή η κατάρα μέρος θ επάνω σας. You never reach out to a war anymore. If you do, You shall burn.
Εσείς πρέπει να πέσει στον Τάρταρο.
*cusses in foreign language*
*Releases a tornado on SP and Ke$ha, sending them to Tartarus.*
My father will never allow it.
Αντίο Kesha. Μάτια * εγκαύματα άγρια *
You will never send me to Tartarus as long as me and SP are together.
Who’s your father anyway? Typhon? *Laughs wickedly*
You honestly think my father won’t take her too.
That’s just sad.
*Kesha and I leave to a remote location so far away green grape can’t ever bother us*
You don’t scare me.
Kronos is your father?
Τότε ακούω επάνω σε αυτήν, Kesha. Εφ ‘όσον και SP είναι μαζί, θα είστε πάντα δυσαρεστημένοι.
Back off Which.
Kronos is a wimp!
I really hate you, GG. You’re the farthest from my friend. You’re my arch enemy. And why should I even care? Go bug somone else! Ruin someone else’s family. Just go away, okay?!
Hold St Helens with Typhon then. *Click combat boots together and vanishes.*
Arch enemy it is. *voice ripples out invisibly*
SP! *runs over* You just probably get some sleep. And we’ll talk in the morning. *gets up staris with him and gets in bed*
You still want me to sleep with you.
Yeah. Come on. *shuffles* Night, SP.
ok night *gets in behind kesha*
*sleeps* Night.
To scared to fight? *Appears in front of Kesha*
*kesha’s warm butt is on my crouch*oh man.
Oo-kay. Till 2morrow, son of Kronos.
Fine then treachorous swine.
till then, goodbye.
Can we schedule this for 2:00?
Be here at 8:17. I’ll be waiting. *Flashes eyes and disappeared*
No. I don’t know when is that. 8:17 pm. I live in a different continent.
That’s 5:43am in our time. Ican’t be awake so early. Besides, I’m going to school.
*wakes up and smiles* Good morning SP.
*kisses him then, heads downstairs for breakfast*
@GG: But my time is 2 hours ahead so if we were to do this at a 8:17 it would be 10:17 for me
SP! *looks at him* Hey, want breakfast?
That was good. *goes behind SP*
What are you doing now?
You probably know. *kisses him on the lips*
I know but I still like it when you say it.
Whatever. *squeezes his a$$*
ok so what are we going to do about GG?
I dunno. We HAVE to get rid of her.
We could just stay inside this place so she can never harm us.
Yeah. And she’s evil. We need to stay here
ok then that’s settled.
What now?
Now you choose. *looks at him* I love you.
I love you too.
Wanna make-out?
Yeah. *smiles flirtishly*
tongue or no?
You say.
naked or not
Yeah let’s go.
*grabs SP and gets in bed*
oh wait kesha from 8-10 I will try to find GG and try to work this out peacefully.
I’m going. *rubs after him*
I said at 8 will still have like 2 more hours.
Okay. Well, we might be alone. One time. No one around. Ever.
What are you thinking?
are you there?
Nothing. *turns away quickly*
What’s the matter?
Nothing. I’m fine.
kesha tell me.
Is there something you want to do?
No! I’m fine!
ok ok calm down.
Stop ordering me around!
ok ok ok ok
*rolls eyes* Whatever. I’m starting to think if this was a mistake.
You here, SP?
SP! Come on! Are you here? I miss you already!
Come on! Kiss me!0
SP. *lays down and cries because he is gone* SP, I love you.
It’s boring here without someone to talk to. SP, I regret what I said bad about you. I love you. Please stay with me.
Anyone here???
I am here now.
Is anyone on? Speak up if you are!!
I told you that I’m not worth your time.
What the Hell that wasn’t me??!!!
Seriously I have been at baseball practice since 8.
Is anyone here????
Seriously whoever did that that really wasn’t cool.
Now I would highly appreciate knowing who did it.
Kesha, are you here?
That’s it.
SP turns, tastes his wife’s lipstick, turns, tastes someone else’s lips.
And that person is……
NOT me, Sandy, Kesha, GG, Psophia, or someone wacky.
Who is it, then?
ABC hit it that’s the way uh uh uh uh I like it uh huh uh huh that’s the way uh huh uh huh I like it uh huh uh huh. You got the moves, I got the grooves, so peace, pocket, IN YOUR FACE. Brick wall, waterfall, something something. You don’t. I do… so POOF with the attitude. Cha cha choo-choo train, something something seven-up. Mess with me I’ll mess you UP! *Points at a certain somebody, who is not SP, Kesha, Sandy, GG, or psophia*
Kesha: *smiles flirtishly at SP*
SP: *smiles back*
Kesha: *smiles again, this time coldly*
SP: *smiles more warmly*
Kesha: *smiles more coldly*
SP: *cries, then smiles warmer than ever, then cries harder than ever, then screams*
I bet you are the one who was pretending to be me.
White Sword answer me.
White Sword.
Name: White Sword
Age: Stop asking that
Features: Slightly curly raven-black hair, long fingers, pale skin, and I am medium-high.
Wardrobe: A white long-sleeved shirt with faint purple dragons embroidered on edge of sleeves, emerald-green pants with lime coloured dragons embroidered on edge of pants, and dark violet Chinese old-fashioned robes over shirt and pants.
Likes: Books, research, quietness, peace, tea and the colour violet.
Dislikes: Sex, romance, Phys Ed Classes, dance, and warlords.
Magic Items: A spring-green butterfly hairclip that turns into a white sword, and a dragon shaped charm that roars whenever danger is coming.
I thought you were supposed to be a good person.
No, SP I wasn’t. You see, the creators has it made so that we have to wait about 3 days for our comments to show up, if we create a new name. So, even if I WAS pretending to be you, my comment wouldn’t appear there.
When did I ever say I was a bad person, eh SP?
Here’s a list of people who might:
Kesha her self
some other wacky person
Liar if someone acknowledges you in a conversation you can join instantly.
That’s how I got my name so quickly.
And with kesha talking to me it would be incredibly easy to impersonate me.
That other “wacky” person is you.
SP turns, tastes his wife’s lipstick, turns, tastes someone else’s lips.
And that person is……
NOT me, Sandy, Kesha, GG, Psophia, or someone wacky.
Who is it, then?
NO IT ISN’T! Will you just please believe me? I don’t usually tell LIES! Well, if you look back, I had to wait for FOUR days to get my other name, White Sword-Excalibur.
Yes it IS, for THAT comment.
That other wacky person is NOT Me, SP. Use a lie detector if you must.
Because hardly anyone talks to you (no offense)
Plus you said “usually” you didn’t say never.
Was trying to trick you, you know SP. Trying to annoy you.
Wait, no, no. Sandy talks to me, everyone else talks to me. Check out the home page of poptropicasecrets. Wait, you have to check out the pages before you and Kesha girl got married.
Well mission accomplished
I am super annoyed.
SP: Recent offenses: rudely telling me that no one speaks to me, rudely says that I’m an imposter.
and sandy’s gone.
psophia and GG only come on about once every 10 days.
Oooh I can’t wait what KEsha’ll say when she gets back…
Liar, SP. I always check the home page first, then this page.
Once every 10 days? Lets see… *looks back and says “They come out about 20 times every 5 days*
Psophia hasn’t talked since she called kesha gross and green grape just started YESTERDAY!!!
What is going on here? I am here to tell SP and Kesha that I have recently decided that what they do on here is what they do, and I will not judge them nor call them sick or gross. Sorry for all of the times that I did.
I am here to ssay that I am truly sorry for calling you and Kesha gross and sick. I realized that I shouldn’t judge you guys because I don’t even know you. I’m very very sorry.
Yeah whatever just forget about it.
any one here?
Anyone want to chat? Up for a multi player party?
I’m here.
How are you, Ke$ha? Are you upset with me?
I need you.
*does same as kesha*
Still here, Kesha?
Oh, did you leave?
Makes out with Kesha.
Should we go to the bed?
Oh, I love when you do this to me.
Sticks tongue in Kesha’s mouth.
Can I touch your tits?
Thanks. You look better than good.
You smell good.
Smiles, rubbing hand on Kesha’s back.
Rubs Kesha’s tits.
These feel great!!
Touch my you know what if you want.
Go on, touch it.
Kisses Kesha back.
Oh, that feels good.
Rubs Kesha’s a$$
It is so smooth and soft. I like.
Thanks, you do too.
Wow. You are amazing.
More than amazing.
Your hair smells like flowers.
You are a master at this too. *Rubs her tits*
Pulls her close, sniffing her neck.
Do you know me?
Kisses her lips.
I have to leave soon.
I have awhile. Kisses her.
Let’s go do this in the indoor pool.
What do you think? Should we go for a skinny dip?
Arew you still here?
Goes too.
What should we do? Have se* on a raft?
*Makes out with her.*
Wait, we should take our suits off. Slips out of swim trunks.
Still here?
Don’t leave, I’m begging you.
Are you here still?
*Gets on raft and pulls Kesha on top of him*
Man, you have the most amazing body in the world.
Runs hand across her stomach, staring in awe.
Tangles fingers in her hair, kissing her.
Wow, you taste good.
Stares at her with hungry eyes.
Do you love me? I love you.
Thanks. * Touches her tits, hand palming her a$$*
You turn me on, babe!
I have to leave. Buisness call. I’ll be back at 6.
I love you!!!
Bye baby.
I’m so sorry. I’ll be back around 5:49. Kay?
I love you.
Blows kiss at door.
ok *hops in bed with her*
Name: White Sword
Age: Stop it
Features: Slightly curly raven-black hair, long fingers, pale skin, medium tall.
Eyes: Raven-black “speaking” eyes.
Likes: Books, reading, research, math, science, chemistry, and the colour violet.
Dislikes: Sex, romance, Phys Ed Classes, dance, and English Classes.
Wardrobe: A white long-sleeved shirt with faint purple dragons embroidered on edge of sleeve, emerald-green pants with lime coloured dragons embroidered on edge of pants, dark violet Chinese style old-fashioned robes, and a butterfly hairclip that comes unusual.
Magic Items:
-The butterfly hairclip, which turns into a white sword. The sword will not hurt anyone, but will conjure ANYTHING from thin air.
– A dragon-shaped charm that roars whenever danger is coming.
No, I’m not Kelly Kesha, but I have a friend named Kelly. I wonder whether she is the Kelly you’re talking about.
*takes out hairclip, mutters the incantation, hairclip turns to sword, conjures a million books out of thin air*
I am sorry for accusing you WS.
*dragon charm roars, quickly turns, finds a giant serpent*
*draws out sword, distracts serpent from me to the fake small serpent I conjured, quickly conjures real sword and stabs the serpent*
*cheers from the dragon charm*
SP: That’s quite all right.
I love the series, People of Poptropica!
*mutters the incantation, sword turns back into hairclip*
I thought kesha was supposed to be here.
ok then bye.
anyone present right now?
Wait a second she said I could do what I want to do to her while she sleeps
I need to talk to you right now.
*takes off pants* this is gonna be fun.
Wait what the Hell?!!
Who are you??!!
*pulls up pants*
I will kiss her.
Who are you?!!! Kesha is my wife!!!
No kesha is MY wife.
We had se* earlier.
We have been having sex since 2010.
She is MY wife!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah right, dumb imposter. Look at the previous two pages ofcomments.
Listen here you asshole
I have loved her far longer than you have.
Ask Kesha herself about it.
Oh and asshole look at the previous 97 pages.
I was here first buzz off
I was Ostrich Rider the man kesha is married to
I just changed my name.
See you may be able to take my name
but you can’t take my writing style so
fuc*ing leave.
Really, imposter. I truly believe you.
You better be
gone you imposter.
Wow, someone has a good mouth.
Sure I am. Why did Kesha do IT with me then?
Does she really not know you that well?
Okay, I am the imposter. NOT!
Imposters like you are annoying.
I can’t stand them.
Yay! I believe the imposter is gone!
Ok just tell me what you want
to make to leave please.
How do you plan on killing me?
Look just tell me
what it will take to make
you leave forever please.
Come on
Okay, fine. I will tell you who I am. IT IS………………. Kesha. That is me. I’m sorry, SP.
Please forgive me.
Well I am
waiting kesha.
huh forget it I’m going.
That was a complete joke!!!!!! And you fell for it!!!!!! Haha!
Why on earth would Kesha post under ypur name????
Ok, here is the true identitiy of me: Ben Nickson, a 11 year old boy who lives in Columbus Ohio. Happy now? I hope that you and your girlfriend are happy together.
You know what forget it.
I hate this blog because everyone is a jerk
As for kesha you can have her I am gone.
I have been talking to an 11 year old snot-rag!
More importantly how did you copy my name?
You know what forget it.
Ok how about we just forget this whole thing happened.
I most certainly was not that 11 year old.
Hey kesha.
alright bye.
Its not that I go to school, but I’m a spy for a major goddess. I won’t tell.
Kesha Valdez and Shadowprince, The Couple: I am sorry for all my mistakes. I apologize for being unworthy. Pleaze forgive me.
Video on YouTube: Hearing Justin sing “Baby”.
Exactly! I’m a minor Goddess(but aparrently with a last name) but I spy for the Majors (only one though).
I’m here SP. Kiss me.
GG: It’s Kaitlyn.
My raitings:
GG: Tends to get stubborn and annoying but, a cool chick.
Me: A romantic innapropriate straight chick who is in love SP.
Baby. I’ve slept now it’s party time. *un-dresses*
SP! Are you on because if you are, say so and we can do some sex stuff.
I am now.
*grabs kesha’s a$$*
Not him again.
*sticks it in kesha’s mouth*Thats right im back
NO SHE’S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!
Wow you must really hate me so fine Im gone
Look kesha my name you can’t click on but on his you can.
I am the REAL rider belive me.
Are you serious?
Anything at all?
If you insist.
*sticks tongue in her mouth*
We have practically done EVERYTHING there’s
nothing new for us to do.
So what do we do?????
*frustrated*I can’t think of anything to make you happy with me.
make you what?
I do love you, babe.
More than you know, actually.
What????? You mean everything to me, baby. I need you, I love you.
You turn me on.
I wasn’t thinking.
You are worth my time.
Please don’t leave me.
Please, babe.
Let’s do it, then.
I want you, yes I do. Whatever you say, I will do.
It’s Cute Daisy.
You told me everyone likes you on this page?
You are my commander, Kesha.
Yeah, whatevs CD. I never said that. *Gets in car with Kesha*
No!!!!! Leave CD!!! She is a random person that the imposter probably talked to.
Let’s just get back to where we started. *takes off clothes*
Well the only person who likes you is Ke$ha?
Wow you are so inappropriate you two….(Ke$ha and Shadowprince)
But let me make this clear!
You will never again go on the Costume of the Week page!
Y’all hearing me ok?
Because we have pretty younge member in the club and I really don’t want you on our page if you’re talkin like that.
Got it Buster??
Because I don’t have any respect for crazy folk.
I am not Shadowprince’s Girlfriend and don’t you say I am!
And I’m not an imposter either!
Shadowprince don’t you dare call me by my nickname!
CD is the nickname my friends gave me and I highly suggest you don’t say that or it will really be the end of you!
Kesha? *Looks at Kesha, gesturing for her to remove her clothes*
Alright Cute Daisy.
Kesha, you still here? Still wanna go all the way?
I thought I told you to leave as*hole
No the imposter
is here kesha and
you were about
to have sex with him
in a limo.
I give up!
Us country folk are no match for y’all city people!
But beware!
I’m not giving up Shadowprince!
Y’all city guys and gals can have your stinkin page if ya want it so badly!
I’m keepin quiet but y’all can’t tell me what to do!
And for your information, I live in a small county town in Canada.
I’m not at all far from ya New Jersey folk and I bet your partner don’t live far from ya either, eh?
I live in Omaha NE while the imposter lives in Columbus OH
I’m a girl for your mind sakes!
And Shadowprince don’t call me that name or your outta here !
Cd are my initials but y’all can’t call me that!
Me and My friends GG and MD made up those and y’all aren’t part o’ the group so don’t ya go callin me that ,ya here!
Really kesha???
How can you tell???
Canada is the country next to your home town (or whatever ya call it in New Jersey)
And I highly disagree that y’all city folks know your way around a map!
Why, ya can’t even find Canada on it!
How do you know I am not the imposter?
@CD:I don’t think you know how to work a map NJ is on the Eastern coast which
in case you didn’t know isn’t near Canada.
@Kesha: What would you do to me in the limo?
I know but just say it anyway.
And MD isn’t mad dragon.
It’s mighty drummer.
Ya know,if y’all go peekin around and being nosy in our sites, what’ll become of us!
And if ya want to know the truth, Ke$ha, your partner is as nosy as I am!
The only reason I’m here is because Shadowprince came into our page and ya know what he did?
He wrote that he was adored on this page!
So I came here to check!
And ya know what! The only person he’s highly liked by is you!
And if he hadn’t been hackin into pages like that ,I wouldn’t be here causin ya trouble!
@CD: He was the imposter.Some punk just copied my name so you
can leave now.
@Kesha: I am not the imposter.I know how to prove it too.
Shadowprince , I’ll have you know that New Jersey is close to canada.
They have no time difference, and if you Google it, You can find out that NJ is indeed close to Canada!
Who’s the imposter?
@kesha:Like how you asked me to go to
Paris with you guys,I wanted to just go to a gym.
The punk kid who went onto your page and said that
he was well liked on this page which he isn’t so you can
leave now.
that was to answer CD’s ?
As for your maids of honor they were Sandy and WS.
@CD: So you can go now.
@kesha: your show was called Blah blah blah.
I have to start packin anyways.
But if you are lyin, you’ll never hear the end to it
@CD: 1 thing you should know about me I am a man of my word.
Ok I am back.
Have I proved I am not the imposter?
Say what you would do to
me baby
Good enough for me *goes in after kesha*
I’m sorry I had to leave.
*takes off pants*
Kesha quick ask us a question.
One that only the real one would know.
You smell good.
I love your as$
Oh, this feels so good.
*kisses Kesha’s neck*
See kesha he’s the fake I would spell it with 2 $
Oh, man, feels like Heaven.
Babe, I love you.
STOP IT!!!!!
THAT IS IT!!!!!!!!
Look kesha I think the guy is gone so I have decided to come
up with a new way to help figure us out better…….
I will end every sentence with 4 endmarks like this….
fine I am going….
Wow. A lot happens when you leave for a vacation to South Dakota with your family.
We could just post on another page????
I’m so sorry.
how about the championship page????
ok then……
i guess so….
kesha be honest with me…….
are you the imposter????
I won’t get mad I promise….
I would just really like knowing who
this person is….
ok then….
Wait I didn’t mean that!!!!
*runs after kesha*
*opens sauna door*
aaaawwwwww come on kesha….
you know I didn’t mean it like that….
you know I didn’t mean it like that….
I really didn’t mean it like that….
If you mean sex only if you want to.
No ask me any question….
Where at????
Still in the sauna or somewhere else????
I have been but I don’t know if you left the sauna….
ok I am sorry….
ok baby*gets in after her*
When would you like to do this babe????
ok sweet
*lays on top of kesha….*
*rubs hands on kesha’s thighs….*
A shower????
Well let’s go!!!!
*sticks tongueinto kesha’s mouth while touching her wet and amazing tits*
AHHHHH you know I love that….
You can’t tell me what to do Ke$ha and neither can you Shadowprince!
I’d rather you spit at me!
*starts rubbing kesha’s a$$*
What the Hell???!!!!
Why did you bite my a$$????
If you are gonna put your mouth down there you
don’t bite you suck….
Still loving this…. *gets in behind kesha and starts humping her while rubbing her tits*
Sorry babe.
I spazzed.
Kesha are you awake????
Maybe this will wake her up….*sticks tongue in and out of her mouth then licks her lips*
*starts licking her body up and down*
Go find a page with CD or White Sword and do that stuff to them ok….
Anyone here????
ok then bye….
*holds kesha….*
Hey Shadowprince…
Can you please tell your imposter guy that he has no right to go on my friend’s page?
Apparently, I’m hating him right now! He’s a gross ugly minded person who is a total creep!
And please don’t tell him to bother me.Or I’ll haunt you back….
Get him away!
I’m sorry that stuff is so crazy, baby.
Or….Are you the imposter?
*Grasps CD’s waist, sliding hands up her shirt* I love you too, sweetheart. Don’t get upset. We can have sex too.
As long as it ain’t Kesha I don’t care….
Hey, babe, you here?
CD, I’m ready for you, if you want me.
I certainly hope you are talking to CD….
You know what I am starting to think you are a cool guy….
Come on, babe. Get over here.
(I’m talking to CD, and thank you. You are not half bad yourself>)
No the one talking about you is my twin….
Which I am starting to like as long as he doesn’t
do anything to kesha….
Oh why thank you shadowprince….
I don’t hate you, CD. I am falling in love.
Real love.
I think this is going to be a start of a beautiful friendship….
Hey shadowprince I think you and CD would actually make a good couple….
Your name is even cute.
I think she likes you too….
Thanks, SP. You and Ke$ha can get it going on pretty well, too.
Was that to me or CD????
about the name being cute….
I never really loved Ke$ha, no offense intended. (This is NOT the real Shadowprince)
About the getting it going……I think you and CD wouldn’t be too bad either….
No, to CD of course.
Well, I have to get her to love me first.
How should I do it though?
I kinda picked up on your feelings for kesha and I am glad to tell you CD can be all yours (no offense)
and about CD I think you could probably join in on her chats with friends so she gets to know you better eventually if you did a good job she won’t be able to keep her hands off you….
alright man gotta go and good luck with CD….
Okay, will do. Should I try to seduce her? Start really good so that she doesn’t want to stop?
Oh, sorry, bye. See you tommorow maybe.
So I get it, Kesha. You forgive me? MD is Mighty Drummer.
I totally forgive you!
So, SP will not CD and he’s not into me so, I’m not into him so, boom! I’m gonna kill him. And I’m gonna tell her that soon.
*grabs knife* Nobody. Divorces. With. Me. For. Another. Girl. *bares my fangs and makes myself irresistibly beautiful*
I look really sexy. And that’s me speaking.
So I get it, Kesha. You forgive me? MD is Mighty Drummer. AND he cheated on me!!!
I’m starting a little “club” only for us girls here. It will be held at my mansion though.
Hi, thanks Kesha!! Friends again? I won’t say friends forever though, because we might start a war again.
Friends again, yeah.
SP? ARE YOU HERE, BABY? *un-dresses*
But not forever.
I’m myself tonight, spiritual, forgiving and bubbly.
LOVE is not immortal, sometimes.
When you thought you found a true LOVE,
LOVE might cheat on you again,
LOVE can be immortal,
Find true LOVE,
And make your decisions wisely.
Yeah. That’s nice.
If you’ve ever been cheated on,
Felt disrespected,
Or rudely treated,
Come on over to this place,
We’ll cheer you up,
And talk about stuff.
Please join.
Sympathy and Empathy might help,
We regard love like never before,
IF we have found real one.
Well, MD did not cheat on me.
Jake Mason did.
I vowed not to speak his name anymore.
I’ll join. My club name is Skye.
One member so far. Good.
Blood Sisters? *Pricks thumb with pin*
Okay. So, what do you want to talk about first?
If so, prick yours too.
*Pricks my thumb*
Um… Nemesis and Iris?
Pros and cons of the minor goddess.
Okay? Wait. Sure? Minute.
Gotta go. Iris is calling.
Nemesis wants me. See you at 5:00.
Kesha the clone likes CD I still like you….
Don’t talk to me. *walks away from him*
But why????
What did I do to make you upset????
Don’t ask. I’m gonna be at a photo shoot in here.
What type of photo shoot????
For me. And it will be like one in a fashion magazine. It’s one with me naked.
So I can’t come….
No way. Because…just don’t ask why.
Wait so I can come????
NO!!! *walks into that place and slams door*
Ok now I gotta go….
I should be back at about 1:30.
I won’t be here. I got an interview with Oprah, after dinner with Obama and I’ll be back around…eh…5:30.
Now, I’m gonna be featured in Golden Hearts, a new band.
Ke$ha: Can I join your club?
I’m sorry for being rude to you!
I don’t feel so good anymore and I don’t care who likes me.
I don’t even want to be liked by anyone.
I just want to be your friend! Can you think about it? Please?
I’m a loser and I know it. But can I join?
Green Grape’s my friend and she can explain it to you?
Sorry for being a jerk and being so mean to you a Shadowprince.
Which one me or the clone who is crazy in love with you????
Seriously he really likes you….
Get away Shadowprince!
Hey, does Ke$ha hate you???
Ke$ha:I know you’re gonna think I’m a fool, but I’m really am sorry for how rude I was.I just can’t control my temper sometimes.
But , I do think Shadowprince is a sick,ugly, good-for nothin drone!
Kesha: Kelly (My friend) is Chinese. Don’t know her last name. Don’t know much ’bout HER other friends.
Little you know, your Love knows more.
Ostrich Rider is not Shadowprince; SP is OR.
Very well, true love might be tough; friends means more.
Everyone is friends, what a day it’ll be!
Hey quick question here: What’s the name of the most precious stone in the world?
She’ll be coming round the mountain, when she comes. She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes. she’ll be coming round the mountain, coming round the mountain, coming round the mountain when she comes.
That’s “she” is Kesha.
CD: Hello, are you new here? Sorry if I might be rude, but I’ve never seen you before.
And I’m too lazy to read ur previous comments! 🙂 😆
I think the most precious stone in the world is the Rosetta Stone ain’t it????
Just to help figure out which SP is which I (the real one) end all my sentences with 4 endmarks….
@CD: Kesha hates the clone and I am not sure how she feels about me at the moment….
@CD: I thought you said you were sorry for being a jerk and mean to SP and I simply asked which one then you called us both jerks….
Anyone on????
Hey WS you on????
Are you mad at me too????
Hello anyone here????
Isn’t Barack a talker?! He talked about politics and stuff. His girls (whose names I can’t remember) asked me if I could vote. I said I’m Canadian and they said, “Choose Steven Harper”. Dude, I agree!!! So, after that, I stopped by the Recording Studio and it rocked. I could tell you more but, I have to go to a Photo Shoot. Ciao, now.
I thought you already did that….
@GG: Totally. Anyone can join except for guys.
@WS: OMG! She is totally Kelly!!!
@SP: Don’t talk to me.
@CD: You can join. And I am no longer you’re enemies.
Why not????
What on Earth did I do that was so bad????
Yell at me yesterday. I dunno if I’m keeping my maiden name.
When did I yell at you????
Last night when I bit that. I didn’t know so, don’t spazz.
Yeah, CD?
Sorry for being a jerk.
I’m a loser and I know it.
But can I just be your friend?
I didn’t mean to yell at you if I did….
Please Ke$ha!
I’m sorry for being so rude!
I know you think this is a joke but I’m truly sorry!
@CD: Kesha???? You were pretty rude to me too you know….
@Kesha: If you are really that mad at me we don’t have to see each other anymore….
Me and you are officially friends!I’m really glad we aren’t enemies anymore.
I was feeling a bit guilty.
@Shadowprince: You don’t know how to make a true friend.
Don’t talk to me.
@CD: What on Earth are you talking about????
@Ke$ha: Thanks!
Sorry if I sound sappy.
I’m saying:
That if you were a better person,you would be with Ke$ha.
@CD:I don’t think I did anything wrong….
Kesha just keeps telling me not to talk to her….
Well then don’t talk
Hey other SP you here????
Seriously man I am starting to believe these two hate me….
Did one of you two do something to him????
Fine then bye….
I am not going in there….
Hey Kesha can I join the club thing?
SP: Oh, dunno if I am mad at you. But, we don’t talk to each other anyways, so, let it stay the same.
Thanks Kesha! /
Thanks Ke$ha!
*Ahem* Athena wants me to go on a journey. See you all later.
What do you want kesha????
I am not mad I am just asking what you want….
Name: White Sword
Age: Stop it
Features: Slightly curly raven-black hair, long fingers, pale skin, medium tall.
Eyes: Raven-black “speaking” eyes.
Likes: Books, reading, research, math, science, chemistry, and the colour violet.
Dislikes: Sex, romance, Phys Ed Classes, dance, and English Classes.
Wardrobe: A white long-sleeved shirt with faint purple dragons embroidered on edge of sleeve, emerald-green pants with lime coloured dragons embroidered on edge of pants, dark violet Chinese style old-fashioned robes, and a butterfly hairclip that comes unusual.
Magic Items:
-The butterfly hairclip, which turns into a white sword. The sword will not hurt anyone, but will conjure ANYTHING from thin air. It will, of course, hurt anyone who is evil to the topmost point.
– A dragon-shaped charm that roars whenever danger is coming.
Unusualness: When I do something like drawing with my right hand, my left hand almost always does the identical thing.
Kesha: What do you think’s the most precious stone in the world?
WS could you please stop those pretty please….
Are you a MA student? I’m not, nobody is on this site.
@WS: I mean the personality things please….
@Kesha:I didn’t mean it like a jerk….
SP: What do you mean? “Pretty please?”?
Kesha: Hate what?
SP: Oh.
@WS: Just to spice up just saying please….
@kesha: you refused to talk to me a good part of the day….
Kesha: I don’t think you do everything wrong, everyone does something right!
SP: Oh.
@kesha: because you thought I meant to yell at you….
SP: Why do you end ur sentence with 4 endmarks?
Everyone: Why do most of you type “@” before the person ur trying to talk to? e.g. @Kesha, @SP, @ GG, @CD.
Noone has answered this yet!
What d’you wanna be when ya grow up, people?
@kesha:and why will I be hearing from your lawyers????
@WS:I end my sent. with 4 endmarks because there is another SP and you will be able to tell it’s me because of the 4 endmarks….
Me: Not telling ya, WS.
Me: Still not telling.
ME: Tell m-
Me: Not gonna make me do it, WS.
Me: Stay calm, WS.
ME: Me? STAY CALM? No way, WS.
Me: Fine, then. I WAS gonna tell you, IF you only STAYED CALM! Listen:
Cool down, no one likes the hot weather.
Autumn is good, because it’s calm wind soothes.
Like it, WS, or else, you’ll fail everything.
Much more to learn about, nothing’s hurting, if you stay calm.
ME: Fine. C-A-L-M. NOW?
Me: I wanna… bye.
@kesha: I am getting my stuff first…. I don’t want to live in this house anymore….
This is how I pronounce WS: Why-Es.
Reminds me of “Why is…?”. You see, I like to ask questions.
@kesha: I don’t I am getting my stuff then checking into a motel….
@kesha: *bags are packed* see ya bye….
WS you still here????
I do not know most of you, or at least you don’t know me.
Oh um how I am not sure how to greet a goddess so hello….
And I know plenty about you….
Like your rival is Poseidon
you are the daughter of Zeus
you were basically a thought baby
the town that worships you is Athens….
and the name I would like to call you is Minerva….
Smart, Shadowprince. Hello psophia. Did you get the information on why Hera was in London for a long time? I have been waiting for you to complete this spying task.
sorry that was to Athena I mean Minerva….
Minerva? No.
I do not wish to be called that. Athena is the name that I go by.
But it’s your Roman name….
Yeah, I got that info, Athena. She was looking for a museum that had a rare peacock-feather covered dress that was in Hera’s size. It was worn by some old queen.
I prefer to go by Athena. It sounds better than ‘Minerva’.
Minerva I mean Athena my father Saturn says the gods should use their Roman names….
Thank you psophia.
No offense intended but I think Minerva would suit you better than that Greek name Athena….
Well, are you your father Saturn?
I disagree. Athena suits me better in my own oppinion.
I am not Saturn that’s my father….
Could I just call you Minerva????
Hi guys!
Ke$ha’s right nick!
I hate you.
Hi Athena!Remember me?
Cute Daisy?
Shadowprince: Sorry I missed the Drama!
Is Ke$ha still mad?
If she is, then don’t talk to her.She needs to cool down.
And you have to improve!
Psophia:Remember me?
Anyways,me and Ke$ha are friends.
Shadowprince is an idiot but at least I’m not yelling at him.
I still hate him but I guess I sort of believe him about the clone thing.
White Sword:
Hi there!
I don’t know you.Well,let me say that you are officially my friend!You seem like a nice person…
I like Athena better.
Hello, Cute Daisy. Shadowprince, I asked if you will please call me Athena.
And guys,
The romans stole some of the greek gods and renamed them.
For example,the greek goddess Aphrodite was renamed Venus , I think.
@CD: Gee CD that wouldn’t offend me at all….
@CD: I think you have it Vice Versa….
I think the Greeks stole it from the Romans….
No wait I have it wrong the Greeks were before the Romans but I still side with the Romans….
They were just more successful in combat….
The Romans were….
Ha ha, yeah right SP.
I shall not pick which side is more succesful in combat.
Want to know what song I’m listening to right now? It’s Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. I love it so much!
Are ya still here?
Have you seen GG for a while?I can’t find her…
What are you talking about psophia of course the Romans are superior in combat….
and as for music I am listening to “What You See” by Dan Z and Wags.
@CD: I haven’t seen GG either but I am sure she is fine….
Athena:The Greek people were the ones who invented the gods untill the Romans took over.
The romans ruled the Ancient Civilizations untill thhe fall of the Roman Empire.
People in Medieval Times were ruled by the Romans.
Anciet Greeks and Ancient Romans are basically enemies.
Ancient Egypt was the most peaceful civilization.They believed in having happy lives.Even peasants were treated equally.
The Ancient Chinese were different.The era was running fine untill a new Dynasty took over.That was when the Great Wall of China was built.The ruler of the dynasty ordered the wall to be built.
Ancient Greeks invented the first olympics.
They played many sports and declared a winner.Of course,this wasn’t a worldwide tradition yet.
Only the Greeks knew about the olympics and It was much different from our modern day olympics.
Ancient Aztec was the shortest civilization.Ancient Maya was a medium length civilization.
But of course,the longest was Mesopotamia that lasted over 700 years.
Now you know something about Greece and other civilizations.
Sources:My brain,my teacher,books
Ke$ha’s sleeping right?
Hey Shadowprince, is Ke$ha still angry at you??
@CD: Um thanks CD I didn’t think you could be so helpful….
oh and yeah I think she is really mad….
Are y’all here???????
but I don’t care….
I think we are the only ones CD….
then bye
Let me tell you this I am NOT the clone….
I take a Roman oath that I am not….
Sorry, had to eat dinner. I ate a half of a mini tortilla wrap with turkey, lettuce, and tomatoe in it. Yum!
*wakes up tired* I couldn’t get a good rest. I’ll order in bed. *calls and orders myself Room Service* Ahh…*calls Andrew*
KA: Good morning, America! I’m your hostess, Kimberly Addison. And today we have a special guest. Kaitlyn Valdez!!
KV: Hey, guys.
KA: So, we heard you got married.
KV: Yeah. To SP. It’s not serious.
KA: Oh, really?
KV: He refuses sex, he’s a pig and he’s jealous of me.
KA: Seems like a retard.
KV: You know it, Girlfriend! Up top!
KA: Oh yeah! So, you made him jealous?
KV: Yeah with his clone. The clone is so much better but, I started this club and you talk about, I dunno, stuff.
KA: Interesting. Well, we’re outta time. See you later, America!
KV: See ya! Thanks Kim.
Crew: And…we’re out.
Who is on right now?
Hello? I might be leaving PoptropicaSecrets for good.
SP: I’m no longer your second choice. If you want me, get me.
The rest of you: I’m sorry. There’s just too much drama. I think I might move to France.
Love is true,
love is a feint,
By all means,
Love is a feint and true as well,
Be it by friendship or marrage,
Let it be true,
If no,
Ever noticed this:
F: Father
A: And
M: Mother
I: I
L: Love
Y: You
I have to go to school. See you later.
KA: Good Afternoon! I’m Kimberly Addison here on our afternoon show! We have Kaitlyn here again in her thing to say goodbye to Blah Blah Blah.
KV: Yeah. I’ve worked hard on that show. But, I’m starring in the new Poptropicasecrets show; The Real Housewives Of Poptropicasecrets.
KA: I’ve heard. Show the preview.
*Preview Rolls:* In a new addition, Poptropicasecrets housewives, Ke$ha, GG, psophia, WS and Athena are the new housewives.
KA: That seems…
KV: I know that, Kim. I know that.
KA: Well, see you later!!!
Anyone here? I’m here. School was a drag.
So I am a pig am I now????
I am most certainly NOT jealous of you
and you can sleep with the clone all you want I
don’t care we are done….
I wanted to spice it up a bit. And you refuse to even give me a bit of that. Just…if you want me, come and get me or else, I’ll be gone.
Bye kesha….
Now you hate me?
I don’t hate you I just……….no longer want to be with you….
And why not?
1.You wouldn’t even talk to me because you thought I was mad. called me a pig.
3.You actually prefer to sleep with the clone keep talking to this andrew person
5.You said we were nothing serious
6. you keep threatening me
I didn’t mean those personally. And I was gonna say that I hope we get serious.
No you weren’t.
here’s another one to the list
1.You wouldn’t even talk to me because you thought I was mad. called me a pig.
3.You actually prefer to sleep with the clone keep talking to this andrew person
5.You said we were nothing serious
6. you keep threatening me
7.You lie to me.
YES, I WAS!!! I was calling him to train my dogs. He’s a dog trainer.
We don’t have any dogs now quit lying.
I bought one!!! I don’t lie. The others WERE right.
I really don’t like liars….
And I don’t like idiots.
But, I married you, you pig!!
another reason to the list
1.You wouldn’t even talk to me because you thought I was mad. called me a pig.
3.You actually prefer to sleep with the clone keep talking to this andrew person
5.You said we were nothing serious
6. you keep threatening me lie to me
8 you insult me.
Reasons I hate you:
1. You accuse me.
2. You despise my friends.
3. You use sexual stuff around me.
I am starting to think our marriage was a lie….
you are way more sexual than I am….
It was a mistake!!! I never should of married you!!! I’m moving to Paris. And you NEVER get ne back!!!
I will not regret this….
And I won’t either. YOU’RE A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!
I’m gonna catch the next plane to Paris. Actually, I’m at the Airport.
Will you still post???? I would, um, this is wierd cuz I didn’t used to like you, kinda miss you Ke$ha. When you and SP aren’t fighting, you are very nice.
Goodbye kesha….
psophia, thanks. *smiles at her and hugs her*
Looks around oh sweet they got a sbaro’s here.
*returns with a pizza* ok bye kesha….
*gets in car and drives away*
Well, as they say in France, au revoir!!
Oh! Whaddaya know? They have Wi-Fi on here!
Wasn’t that a nice flight? *goes off plane and drags bags to my new luxery mansion*
I sold the mansion we used to live in….
WS are you on????
I would like someone intelligent to talk to….
And I would like you to leave. So, ciao.
Know what, SP? KNOW WHAT?! I’ve had enough! You insult me and get away with it! I’m not putting up with it anymore! Sorry guys if you started to like me…
But, I’m going. So thank SP, okay?! I’m going.
Good night. It’s 12:47/8.
Kesha what the Hell are you talking about I didn’t insult you I just said I wanted to speak with WS what’s wrong with that????
“WS, are you on????
I would like someone intelligent to talk to….”
And I wouldn’t find that insulting…how?
I knew you weren’t even on and WS does happen to know a lot.
Look. You loved me. You probably don’t now. What does it matter? I’m listening to Emeniem in French.
White Sword is smart.
Shadowprince:But that is very insulting to someone who didn’t know .
CD: I know WS is smart.
please,I can’t stand your fighting.
Why don’t I settle this!
Shadowprince,I think you are a bit guilty for insulting Ke$ha.
That would hurt my feelings too.
Ke$ha:I know you think Shadowprince hates you,but I bet that if you ask him why he’s mad,you can comprimise.If you think you can’t handle being together,then break up.
Maybe you guys aren’t meant for eachother.
Sorry guys.I just made your fight worse.
WS is smart but you guys can’t fight about her,right?
You guys know what to do.
So do what you think is right.
I am a tiny bit guilty.
I’m goin’ on Kim’s show tomorrow! She flew with me. Oh, I better get down to the Studio.
Shadowprince:If Ke$ha hates you,
then stop trying to apologize.
You’re wasting space and time.
And stop fighting too.Both of you.
I know you think this is crazy but both of you are being fools.
Why don’t you forget about Shadowprince right now.Ans Shadowprince,you forget about Ke$ha.
You are probably going to insult me on that show aren’t you?
Shadowprince,what you’re doing is making you feel this way.
How about you two just be friends for now.You can be a couple later (MUCH LATER!)
Ke$ha,don’t insult Shadowprince!
It’s gonna make things worse.
No, I won’t. If Kim bring’s up the subject, Imma say somethin.
Feel what way CD?
Look. Kim’s show wants to spice it up. I might. Only if Shadowprince does something bad to me.
Shadowprice,you said you feel a tiny bit guilty.
Maybe you and Ke$ha have to take things slowly.
You understand?
What can I do to you?
You are in Paris while I am NE.
And Ke$ha,why don’t you talk about your new show “Housewives” on the show.
That might spice things up.
Or maybe you could talk about the importance of friendship?
I wouldn’t blame Kim. I spice up Blah Blah Blah.
CD I……understand.
Shadowprince and Ke$ha,
Are you even still a couple?
Look. I can’t talk about that stuff. Kim would cut, drive me outta the studio and hate me.
Why don’t you and Shadowprince just be friends.
Not anything serios (like a couple)
Just friends.
Ke$ha,you have other friends to support you.
You have Me,GG,WS,Psophia and possibly MD.
Shadowprince,you have friend too.
Why don’t you to be friends too.
Just to always be there for eachother.
I mean this in a friendly way.
Sorry Ke$ha,for the lame ideas.Maybe something else?
Oh yeah who’s my other friend?
I can’t go there. I’ll get fired. I love the show but…
Your other friend is..ummm…maybe…
White Sword? (Lucky Guess)
Thanks CD I really appreciate that.
Ke$ha,just have a guest speaker for the show, like Rihanna or Justin Bieber?
Sorry for the hesitations Shadowprince.
I thought WS could be your friend because you said she’s intelligent.
Some people say I’m drop-dead gorgeous when I’m in the mood.
She never checks past posts.
That was random????????
WS never checks past posts.
Ke$ha,have a guest like Nick Jonas or Mary Kate Olsen or someone?
You aren’t angry,are you?
Y’all,it’s a beautiful day
Yipppiie Yay Yo Kayyyayyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Now that was random________________________________________________________
Where I am at it is awful.
No. Paris is quite relaxing. I met up with Kara at the Yellow Croissante.
Finish This Verse.
Hello.My name is ___________________
I am ______ years old.
My favourite colour is________
My best friends on this site are___________ and ____________
Something I like to do is _________ on my ______________
Whoever gets this right wins a __________________ and __________ dollars
I’m not filling that out.
Hello.My name is Shadowprince
I am 16 years old.
My favourite colour is black
My best friends on this site are clone shadowprince and no one.
Something I like to do is learn about Hell on my free time
Whoever gets this right wins a nothing and 0 dollars
What do I do now?
Ok then goodnight.
Hello, My name is Ke$ha.
I am 18 years old.
My favorite color is Bloodred.
My best friends on this site are…do I only get two?
Something I like to do is make money on my time.
Whoever gets this right wins a mansion and 100’00$
Uh yeah I totally agree with you CD, and I’m Chinese, FYI so thanks for not saying mean things about China. OH And I’m studying the Medieval Times in class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!~
Oh, and:
First dynasty: Xia
Second: Shang
3: Zhou
4: West Zhou
5: East Zhou
6: Qin. This was the dynasty when the Great Wall was officially built.
7 & 8: First Han dynasty, then Second Han dynasty.
My favorite one is the Tang dynasty… <>…
Hey WS
Hey White Sword!!!
Yes, I have GG. My cousin told me.
OH! Who’ll be a-waltzing Matilda with me?
Down came a jumbuck…
Oh, You’ll be a-waltzing Matilda with me!
Kesha: Hello, Kesha!
SP: Hello, SP!
Gonna go now bye.
Wait a sec WS is there some subjects you don’t know about?
WS, let’s chat.
I know you are good at history anything else?
*grabs sandwhich and eats it*
Come on WS I need some info.
Please WS.
Haha!! She won’t give you info!!!
Thank you kesha.
SP: I’m good at: Math, science, social studies.
*rolls eyes* Look, SP. I am attracted to you. Everyday, I want to kiss you.
I later want to be good at (in college): Chemistry, or something else.
You don’t have the subject I need but thanks anyway.
and kesha we are broken up so no kissing.
I don’t like: Drama, music, arts, language, English, French, and that’s pretty much IT, eveyone.
I want to make-out with you. I love you. *looks at him*
Well you don’t dislike the subject I need.
and kesha I *shrugs shoulders* eh…………no.
You don’t love me back? *looks at him furiously*
WS what is your religion?
Kesha and SP broke apart
Is there anything worse or not?
Seems like the answer is yes.
SP doesnt’ want to kiss Kesha.
Is there anything better or not?
No, seems like the answer is no.
Get outside right now people, love is in the air, you don’t want to be sick.
and kesha I am following what CD said.
WS religion please.
SP: Don’t have one, I don’t believe in Gods and Goddesses and all those things. But.. I DO believe in Greekd Gods, and Chinese Gods, that IT.
SP: You’re tryn’a take thing slowly?
So you would be able to tell me about Hell or in this case the Underworld?
Education is better
Light your hearts, everyone
Is everyone friends?
Gosh, NO
I don’t know WHY
Oh, let us all be friends, please
Now, friendship lasts more than anything
and kesha *shrugs*
WS answer please.
A poem:
Most people are cruel,
People can change,
Open your heart,
Then, destroy your heart.
Let ’em die.
Most men are pigs.
Leave ’em.
Fine I’ll get my info somewhere else.
To get the info I need it should take about 2 weeks.
Bye everyone.
Sp: i know about hell
I can tell you all there is for you to know about hell.Shadowprince,I believe in Hell.
Greek underworld: Isn’t Hades the ruler? I think Persephone likes him… I think that Hercules trapped Cerberus or something, sorry. But, I only know Gods and Goddesses, not what the underworld is about.
Chinese Hell, “Di Yu”: Creepy place. There’s a ruler. Don’t want to say his name, it’s gonna be offensive to Greece. Or Rome, or something. It says that Di Yu’s ruler’s servants carries one’s soul by chain (like a prisoner) to hell, and:
If they are mean, killed someone: Gets burned in eyes, and other things.
If they do not be nice to their loved ones: Gets put in super hot weather.
If they something something mean: Gets put in super freezing weather.
There are 6 routes you can take after they get their punishments: Gods/esses route, Ruler Route, Intelligent Route, Riches Route, Poor Route, Ghost ROute.
I’m muslim so we know all about hell,heaven and the afterlife.
What is it Ke$ha?
Did I do something wrong Ke$ha?
Sorry if I did?
Cool. I guess.
We finally meet.
I would never make fun of China,if you never make fun of Pakistan.
You feel like you want Shadowprince back?
A bit
A poem
By me:
When we think,
the people of knowledge seek,
The amazement of the heart.
When we think,
The careless think,
that knowledge is no work of art.
But they are wrong,
because as we speak,
the knowledge is making a home,
inside our hearts
you have to tell him the truth.
I know he hates you,but this is horrible.
Love is the tie,
That keeps you strong.
Knowledge and Love,
can never go wrong.
Love is a food,
Happiness is a drug.
Take the drug.
And eat on.
I may only be 10 years old,but I know a lot more than you think.
I’m plannig to get Into surgical univerity where I can learn the wonders of the body.
I’m also planning to be a lawyer.
No matter where you go,
No matter what you do,
Knowledge will always,
be there for you
Ok I was able to get a break after finding squat.
Love is Happiness,
and Happiness makes grace.
Together with happiness,
we can always face,
We can do anything.
except find the info I need.
Just wait here guys.
Ah yes CD.
i know about hell
religion please.
*tastes blood*
What is your religion CD?
Fine then………THE LIBRARY I should go see if I could get anything there bye.
Hi guys. I’m feeling horrible.
Good night.
Sorry Shadowprince.
Had to go eat dinner.
My religion is Muslim.
About Hell:
Hell is where the people who don’t believe in god go.Hell is where the bad people go.Hell is where the devil lives.
The devil Shaytan is ruler of hell.
If you do too many bad deeds,you are forbidden to return to your wonderful life.
There is a day of judgement when god decides whether you go to hell or not.
I you don’t go to hell,you go to heaven which is a place of paradise.
In heaven,you can do anything you want as long as you stay away from the devil.
The afterlife is either hell or heaven.We muslims believe that god is watching our every movement and reading our every thought.God can get you out of hell if you do good deeds and promise to never do them again.
That’s all you have to know about hell and heaven,according to our muslim belief.
So your religion believes in purgatory (judgement day)?
I slept in. And it’s 1:35 p.m.?! WHAT?! *gets up freaking out* Oh my god!!!!!
Good Bye!
When annoyance strikes,
a child thinks,
that this will be her end.
So when annoyance stikes,
let a child be.
Have to get to school.
My teacher gets mad if I’m late.
Yeah. I had to go hours ago. See ya.
Guitar Hero:
Get any hair you want, a guitar before they go, a jacket, jeans, the frown and any t-shirt.
Any hair with a purple bang (this is more strict), a guitar or mic, a leather jacket, jeans, a frown and any t-shirt.
This has been Ke$ha’s costumes.
Great oufit Ke$ha!
Can you post th link for it so we know what it looks like?
For your show,you could talk about fashion!
In Canada,the latest trends are boots and flowy tops.
You could talk about fashion all over the world.
Like, if you like it or dislike it?
I’m late. I shared a croissant with Héro. She was nice. We went shopping and stuff. It was good.
So, what now?
I am here
Oh great.
My next spot to BOOST! my career is: Las Vegas!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
If anyone’s on, please talk.
In Las Vegas, I haveta be a show gurl.
Hey. Want to know what I’m doing tonight?
What are you doing?!
I’m here!!! I’m here!!! Took a bath…*pant* listened to thecomputernerd01…*pant*
any1 here??
hey kesha how’s show girlin going?
Here is what I did: Went to my crush Jacob’s house and played for, like, ever. It was so much fun! Here is the best part: We are running around playing tag with a couple of other kids, when he asks me to come in his treehouse with him, alone. I do, and when we get there, he whispers in my ear that he likes me back! I told him great, and he smiled a smile that makes me swoon. I could spend hours filling up pages upon pages describing how awesomely cute he is.
Also how nice he is.
Kesha: Since you and SP ******* can I have him? I’m 15. He’s 16. You’re 18. So, please???
SP: Please? *looks at him with pleading eyes, and my eyes turn brilliantlly blue*
Kesha/SP: If you guys still have a little bit left, then I won’t bother you…
I have a poem:
As I beat the duster,
Dust flew,
Off to visit the North Pole,
Floating for a million years…
As I beat the dusters,
Dust flew,
Blown by the wind,
Going on yet another adventure..
Looking on,
I realize,
The world is very big,
And I’m very small…
Anyways, my idol is JB.
you’re 15?
No way!
Why do you want to be with Shadowprince?
My idol is Albert Einstien.
People say I’m a child genius,but I just think I got so smart by studying science.
GG:I thought you had brown eyes..
I have my show 8:30-12:00.
Meeting with an illusionist 12:00-5:00.
And an after-party 5:00-1:00 a.m.
I’m on the computer now.
I am too.
I am present.
GG how old are you again?
15 huh
well what do you mean by “have him?”
Anyone on right now??????????
Have him. You know…. I am 15. Oh, well, I’m a goddess. A young one. But I prefer the age 15 and 11.
CD: I do have brown eyes, since I have multi-colored eyes.
Science is my favorite subject too.
I study at The Godly Scholarship.
Even though I already KNOW everything.
Iris just sent me there.
What is a nice surname for William?
Is anybod y here????
Jackson/Dupont/Latour/Salvatore. Those might sound good with William. SP I am here.
Stupid forms. You want forms, Dorthy? I’ll give forms. *walks into room*
*comes out in showgirl outfit* I have fill out stupid forms to preform. Stupid Dorthy.
Ke$ha, what is a showgirl outfit exactly?
Hello. Psophia, I recently recieved a letter from Melvil Chima ( One of those people that cleans out certain parts of the Labyrinth), claiming that he was able to catch a glimpse of a god in its true form sneaking around the Labyrinth. He is not sure who it was, but he has requested that a spy investigate this case. Would you be interested?
Dorthy, you give me my money. It’s stupid. *gets into cab to casino*
That was a long show. *gets in comfy clothes and turns on TV*
I am interested Athena. I am one of your spies right??
Aww…. Zeus!! I just missed Kesha!!!
Kesha, surprise! I’m moving in with you 2morrow!!!
hey is anybody on right now?
*The next day*
Its Kesha’s house.
I’m boarding my privet jet to Kesha mansion.
And, yes. Right up to the garden.
JB rocks!!!! His girlfriend, Silena Gomez was mobbed by a crowd.
mytholgy island will win period
*Enters Kesha’s house*
It’s SOOOO awesome!!!!!
*Rushes into the room that Kesha prep*
Kesha is TOOO good!
*stares in wonder at the massage chair, the dressing table and the ENORMUS wardrobe*
*Settles in while waiting for Kesha to come home*
*strips into bikini and enters pool*
*plays Neopet on the com*
*Sleeps in peace after the long journey*
Goes down to the kitchen to find…
Me: Hello, would you please prep me a omelet and a hot coffee please.
Cook: Gladly, madam.
Me: Oh, no need for madams. Just call me GG. I’m a simple girl.
Cook: You are too kind, GG.
Turns out the cook is a robot. Derr…
I think JB is a bad person
did u hear wut jb said on the “ellen degeneres show”
GG, you are one of my spies, but I have a different mission for you. I need you to enter Mount Olympus, break into Zeus’s computer, and figure out who he has been communicating with. Also, check out his electronical calendar. He has been leaving Olympus at a certain time each day for weeks, but no one knows where he is going.
Ke$ha, how long have you and Kris been together?
Congrats on getting married kesha.
Well, I’m back.
Is anybody kind enough to tell me what happened?
Well me and Kesha are no longer together
someone decided to copy my name but now we are friends
GG asked me to be her boyfriend
and according to Athena the gods have been doing some bad things
Thanks for telling me, Ke$ha. I’m sorry for everything, BTW.
And thanks SP.
You are welcome Sandy
I feel happy now.
Why thank you kesha that was extremely nice of you
Has anyone heard “Sweet Sacrifice” by Evanescence?
Sorry but I have not.
It’s awesome.
Could you give me the link for it?
and kesha it would make my life easier here if we were.
Gotta go now. Bye.
Hooray for the happy couple!(in an actually happy way)
ok I’m gonna leave you 2 lovebirds alone so bye
I think they forgot their bachlor and bachlorette parties.
hello…….anyone here?????????
What is the Vegas time?
ah ok then well I am gonna leave now so bye
Ok I am back is anyone else here?
Oh. My. Gosh.
I’m getting my own show!!!!!
Congrats Sandy
Whats it gonna be about?
It stars a girl named Beth (me!) who is a typical teen at day, and demon at night.
You there?
Is it going to be multiple seasons or just 1?
It will have at least three seasons.
Sounds reasonable………now what will the main character be like nerdy,popular,diva?
Beth’s fairly popular. She’s rather fiery and aggressive.
When will the season start?
In May. Ten episodes have been completed already.
Ok how do you think the show will go?
Hopefully, the show will be a success.
Is there anywhere in the world that will be receiving the shows later or earlier than May?
Ok 1 last question What channel will the show be on?
Alright and I think that’s………OH before we go what type of show is it?Action,comedy,romance.
And action and fantasy.
Sounds like a hit.
I will be watching the show.
Is there any particular audience you are trying to get?
Um, no.
And thank you.
The reason I ask is because
Horror will appeal to TEENS
Action will get YOUNG BOYS
Fantasy will most likely get PRETWEEN GIRLS.
And that’s the end of our show.
Sandy I hope your show is a success.
And it was an honor to have you.
It was a pleasure to be here. 🙂
To Ke$ha,
Would you like to join the cast of Death Demon in season two as the antagonist?
-Minerva Anne Hamilton AKA Sandy, the Mad Dragon
*Sneaks into Olympus*
*Checks Zeus laptop/computer*
*Climbs up his throne*
Dangerous thing to do.
*Gets back down*
*Throws grappling hook and peeks at Zeus’s calender*
Athena, Zeus is visiting the Titan Hyperion. *Face pales* Remember the Prophecy? In fire of storm the world must fall?
This is dangerous. Athena, you must stop your father, now!! Besides, I’m already 16. I’m not the child of the prophecy. Perhapes Sandy is.
The child of the prophecy?! Sandy?! You’ve GOT to be kdding me.
I’m afraid so, Ke$ha.
Me????? Uh….
Nothing is good for me. Tonight, I need to go get a pedicure without being mobbed. Me and Kris are now “Krislyn”, the celebrity couple. He’s so hot! *smiles and puts on my silk robe*
I am currently listening to Tik Tok. I actually like it…
Now I dislike it.
-Minerva Anne Hamilton
TV actress
Kaitlyn Valdez:
Actress, Musican, BFFS.
What was it? I couldn’t load it.
It was a song. My fave, actually.
Oh. *flips hair*
^ Me in anime.
^Me in anime
That’s not anime…
Anyway, take this quiz:
I got liberal lady.
I’m a Moderate Mama.
-Minerva Anne Hamilton
Yeah. Ha ha ha.
This site is fun.
How is it?
How is it what?
How is it so-called fun?
I dunno. It just… is.
It shows girls with innapropriate tits.
What has happened today?
Yes, Sandy. *Shadows Zeus while whispering into walky talky*
I think I’m gonna start my own series and make you guys part of it. GG, what would your character be named? What is it’s appearance? What are they like?
*Slips into back alley*
NOW, Zeus is meeting Atlas. How did he get away from the sky I don’t know.
But the King of Olympians maybe thunderous against his children and brothers.
Just like I described in the profile of me.
Oh I’m so gonna investigate this. *sneaks behind GG*
Oh, Kesha! You gave me a heart attack. Be careful. he is a god!
The title is: Dragonfire.
InaForte, please.
Yeah, I will. Beautiful crazy life. And now, I’ll be careful.
As my name I mean. *Teleports both Kesha and me back to Vegas*
Zeus can never be trusted. I am not his child. But, he cannot be trusted. This is new low.
And you should probably get some relaxation. *soaks my feet in salt water*
I’m gonna bathe. Please wait here.
*grabs my robe and puts it on* Jean Pierré! I need a French Omelette, French Toast, Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice and Soda Crackers.
I’m back. *Enters room.* *Massages sore tits*
Breakfast was great. I’m gonna look good. Really good.
Is Keith around? Thank goodness. He is not allowed to look at my tits. JP, fresh goat’s milk and cuttlefish crackers please?
Kris is on vacation. Thank god.
*Selects combat boots, aviator jacket and black jeans* *Puts on mascara*. Good morn Kesh.
Oh, WOW! You look great!
Morn. Kris is annoying.
You do too!!!
Not anather breakup!
Kris is in love…with my tits!! All he looks at is them.
Not another breakup!!
Yeah. He’s horrible. I’m gonna get dating.
Thanks! Do say i’m like a boy. Oh, well not really…
Help me get a boyfriend. Please.
I’m gonna date Jacob. He’s SOOOOO cute!!!
And yeah. I have the perfect guy for you. Holden.
Umm, is he not psophia’s date??
Oh yeah. Um…Brandon!!!
Who’s Holden? Get him on here.
The guys you date.
Ke-Ke sha-a?
Uh. Never mind!
Oh… Bye!
I’m here. Holden is on vacation.
Portray me like this:
Name: Minerva Anne Hamilton
Age: I’m fifteen. Happy?
Status: Single. And uninterested in anybody.
Parentage: My father is Hades, and my mom is a rich businesswoman.
Eyes: My eyes are brown, large, and surrounded by long lashes and black eyeliner.
But I wear blue contacts.
Hello is anyone on right now?
I’m on. And I just found some stupid articles about Ke$ha.
What do they say?
They say that Ke$ha (the singer of “Tik Tok”, “Blow,” and others) is pretty.
🙂 Check the list. It was featured n a magazine. 🙂
The Most Beautiful Celebrities
1. Megan Fox
3. Angelina Jolie
5. Amy Lee
Yeah I can’t really respond to that
I now regret my temporary leave.
Certain activities that are not appropriate for nine-year-old such as White Sword.
I think we should move to The Loaner.
I second that descision Sandy. Ke$ha, were you honestly about to date Jacob? My Jacob??
Oh not again
hey Sandy
Sup, Shadowprince.
Are we moving to the loaner?
We might.
Okay, um, are we going to move to The Loaner? It would be nice because then everyone can rid themselves of their past that was posted in the comments on here.
No offense psophia but you haven’t really posted much here at all again no offense
Did you know that there is roughly 1,189 chapters in the christian bible?
None taken Shadowprince. I was talking about- ahem- uh- other people on here, not including me, GG, or Sandy.
No, I did not know what, Shadowprince.
And, psophia, I am one of the original three.
*sighs* I miss those days.
Hello, Mad Dragon. hello SP (I no longer want to date you), psophia and kesha and athena.
Yay! Athena gave me a new magic item for my excellent job that day.
I hate stress. And SP.
Jacob Hulian is my date.
I look hot.
In my show, I play Kate, a determined rich girl who is wildly popular, a matchmaker and celebrity. Kate’s profile:
Name: Kate DeLong.
Personality: A flirter. Miss Romantic. And A Mean Girl.
Age: 18.
Parentage: Nemesis and Felt.
Notes: A vampiress and and a demon. Her tits are her power.
Why do you hate me?
I will never again post those type of things that made everyone leave
That’s cool, Ke$ha. I’m honestly happy for you.
Hi? Anyone welcome me? Imma talking here. And decribe the guy, Kesha.
Top three most active spies:
3)Justin Bieber(Yes, it is true)
Beth’s Profile
Name: Elizabeth “Beth” McDonald
Personality: Beth is a shy, timid tomboy who is scared of herself at night.
Age: 14
Parentage: Mary McDonald and Simon McDonald.
Notes: She was cursed by a hag, so every night, she transform to a demon.
Kate sounds like a Mary-Sue.
Good Afternoon, Darling. Care for some tea? *grunts* I have to do this stupid accent to impress the queen of england. I GET TO WATCH KATE AND WILL GET MARRIED!!! WHO WANTS TO COME?!
Earl Grey with no sugar, please.
Fly to Vegas. It’ll cost you not even one dollar.
Nah, I’ll just go visit my father.
I’m having a great time. And I know some cute guys who want to meet you!!
And I have no desire to meet them.
You have a boyfriend, don’t you?
No, I do not. I simply have no interest in romance.
That is just…A world without romance isn’t a world. Don’t you want children? I’m the Goddess of Romance, thank you very much.
I do not want children, as the world is overpopulated.
And young children are annoying.
You are just…disgusting.
How am I disgusting, Ke$ha?
You have no taste in romance. Whereas, people dream of romance.
That does not mean that I am disgusting.
Sure. My shows start now.
I’ve decided to on star in one season of Death Demon.
Let me rephrase that. I decided to star in only one season of Death Demon. Oh, and I’m creating a show which stars everybody here.
And I’m starting Becca and Kate, a show about two BFFS, surviving Collage.
Amy Taylor
Mary Smith
That Dude Living on Shadow Street
Amanda Chang
Sophia Robinson
Jade McDonald
Daisy McDonald
Minnie Potter
Try to guess who is who.
Is Kate the one you posted earlier? If she is, then I’m sorry to say that I won’t be watching.
Why? I’m gonna go get implants so, Ciao, now.
Kate is a Mary-Sue.
You need to shut up.
You asked why, so I explained why.
Sandy I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and guess I’m “That Dude Living on Shadow Street”
Yep, you are correct, Shadowprince.
So what do I do?
You just stay in that haunted house on Shadow Street.
*goes over* Kristen, the usual.
You ride ostriches.
Good day and Goodbye. This will be my last post ever. I am truly leaving. And never coming back.
Goodbye, then.
My idol is: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Issac Newton.
a nice name would be “Wackyston”.
Sandy: SANDY! Youre back!
Yep, I’m back.
OK this isn’t the line i’m looking for, but: My favorite subject is MAth and Science. Want to be a… Chemist.
I think William Weasley would be a cool name.
I’m gonna leave tomorrow.
If you wish, portray me like:
Name: Valerie Silkjade.
Eyes: Deep ambur, “speaking”, no make-up.
Features: NO MAKEUPS, please! And, Raven-black hair, long fingers, medium tall.
Parentage: Father is a scientist, mother a doctor.
Status; Single, uninterested in anybody.
Likes: Math, science, books, reading, research, and just as the one i posted ages ago.
Dislikes: the same as the post i posted ages ago.
And that “you” is Kesha, not Sandy.
Yeah u know what Sandy? I don’t seem interested in that. I AM interested in whether or not ur in a list of “MBPEL”, or whatever, or whatever, or “Y”.
Sandy: You said u were “Sandy, the TEN year old girl”, then u say ur 15, then now ur 14.
Note to everyone: Romance-
Ramoance is a kind of feeling that 2 person get when they like each other. The world can 100 per cent survive without romance. Plus, my relatives say that kids under age of 18 aren’t allowed to make-out. So, except for maybe you kesha, all of us aren’t allowed to… the R word.
WS, ur nine? What school?
Must have something to do with HP series. Note the words “Chang” and “Potter”.
Kesha: Well, I’d love to tell you, but, I’ll just say: CGW
well? You aren’t!
Nice. A little secret:
I’m truly 10. My sister posted those.
For the time being, my idol is Albert Einstein and Marie Curie and Issac Newton.
How old are you? I don’t kidnap.
So awesome. ❓ , ❗ , too.
Kesha: Um, haven’t I already told you?
Well, anyways, I’ve finally caught up on what everyone’s doing now.
SP: And, there you go!
I’m 10, you’re 9 and that’s it.
SP: ❗ Oho, I’ve FINALLY done it. Which brings me back to “Well, there you go!”
And Sandy’s 10 and that’s it.
I, Geronimo S., can make it, I can make it.
…even if I’m a squeaky weakling…
– From the Stilton Publishing Company.
Kesha, Sandy: We used to post on Arts Students/Private School Students. Remember how at that time, Not So Normal Citizens was the celebrated post? “It’s a Poptropica Secrets record!” someone had said.
By that time, NSNC had the most comments ever! And, what do you know…
THIS one is, (not celebrated), the post with most comments!
I know!!!
Oh and, check the home page. I’ve posted something. Check the LATEST comment posted by me on the home page post.
What’s your Goddess wardrobe?
Mine: A plain white long-sleeved shirt with faint purple dragons painted on edge of sleeves, emerald-green pants with lime dragons on edge of pant-sleeves, and dark violet old-fashioned Chinese style robes.
hey WS what’s new?
SP: Remember I saying to you “Well, there you go!”?
Well, it means that…
you said I don’t check past posts.
And… now? What do you have to say NOW (actually, don’t say anything about this, what i mean is that “what can you say now?” It means that I hope you are defeated)? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll tell you WHAT’s NEW: Zeus is bad. I’ve posted everything about you and kesha on the home page post site. 🙂
What was that supposed to mean?
Please tell me you didn’t
Go check out, then.
could you give me the link?
Mine: A silver barette in my dark hair, a single glove, my red robe that flows, my red heels, red lipstick and smoky lashes. A beach body, implants and violet eyes and pearly white teeth.
I saw it. *scoffs* My Ugly Sister.
OK um I don’t know what you want me to say about that
For YI, SP.
My sister was posting those. She’s in love with SP. *looks at him* Why? SP is uuuuggglllyyy.
Kesha: ur sister posting hwat?
WS I can’t believe you did that and I noticed Infernape and Bendy Turtle have some ah uh um “colorful” language
My sister was. She’s 18. I hate her.
Bye kesha since you hate me so much I will just leave
Good. So, bye. Goodbye, SP. I really don’t care. I hate you retarded idiot.
I’m so tired.
Mine: A knee-length black dress covered in sequins (sleeveless). White think headband, black hair, butterfly pendant, black sneakers. White elbow gloves.
Your outfit sounds cute, WS.
Mine: A silver barette on my wavy red-black hair. I wear a silk white robe and my chains are On my neck. I have my single glove and my makeup from before.
A new page!!!!!!! 6001 comments.
Oh and mine also features a spring-green butterfly hairclip, as mentioned before.
Hey here’s a quick question for yall: What d’you wanna be when ya grow up? (Countryside writing!)
I wanna be a journalist. Or fiction writer. Or a film critic.
I’m gonna start a show. It’s called “Winter Snow”, by White Sword, the Winning Scientist.
PS. Although I like my Poptropican Dizzy Claw, because it has a C for Chemist.
Sandy: That’s cool. I wanna be a science-related scientist, most likely a chemist, as I’ve said about a million times before (in diary entries, casual comment posts, in answering questions, NOW…). Or, if that doesn’t work out, a Mathematician.
Dizzy Claw could be Diligent Chemist.
I thought KEsha was starting a show, too.
I think you would make an awesome chemist.
Sounds like a nice name, Sandy.
Thank you.
Sandy: Yeah, probably I will. I think you’ll most likely be a critic when you grow up, according to what you’re doing now. 😀
My show won’t be on TV.
Yeah, being a critic is most likely.
My show is airing on PopShows, which is The Loaner.
I find it odd that I now want to be a psychologist…
Wow. I completed that in two minutes. O.o
The last one is correct.
My Profile:
Name: InaForte (Has no surname)
Age: Fifteen
Personalties: Kind , loving, and caring to everyone
Parentage:Iris and Helios
Notes:She is always lucky in fortune
Features:Large violet eyes, high cheekbones, and, oh, well, beautiful face.
I’m Kaitlyn Valdez.
And I’m Alicia Valdez.
I am:
A TV actress
Talk show host
Rich woman
Magazine editor
I am:
A pilot
Environmrntal Engineer
Tourist guide
Minor goddess
Rich woman
Kesha’s blood-sister
And I’m a goddess.
I am a:
Soon-to-be author
Ke$ha (singer) hater
Twilight hater
Tori Vega hater
Dear Alicia/Kaitlyn Valdez,
Pick one. Alicia or Kaitlyn?
-Ebony Dawn
Soon-to-be author
Ke$ha (singer) hater
Twilight hater
Tori Vega hater
I’m back.
Hello everyone. Kesha might remember me, don’t you Kesha? On Art Students/Private School Students.
Note if you don’t know me:
Friend of WS’.
Lucky Ice is the Poptropican name. Call me LI.
Chinese. (Good coincidence, eh?)
Not interested in sports.
Not into romance.
Not into moviestars.
Not into boys.
Not into fashion (I prefer plain clothes, or a simple outfit that’s not too bad, not too good.)
Not into religion.
ABSOLUTELY NOT INTO ANYBODY WHO SAYS BAD WORDS (check out the home page post. BT and Infernape were saying bad words, or, colourful language, as SP calls it.)
LC! YOU ARE BACK! Yay@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !~)
I am:
A Chemist,
Great Scientist,
Host and Owner of Winter Snow and Weekly Surprise (closed for months, in repair.)
Siblings are so pesky. Especially when they are gods.
What is your favorite gem?
Mine is the iolite.
I hate it when people use gay as an insult.
-Sandy, the gay rights activist.
My favorite gem is the Emerald.
What’s the most precious stone in the world?
I have no idea.
Hello everyone. Today is April 21. Welcome to the Winter Snow show today.
This is the first time, so I’ll just introduce this show.
This is an awesome show that mainly talks about different subjects in school (elementary, high, maybe college). You’ll start thinking about math, science, social studies, language, English, French, and all that. Yes, that is what it’s talking about. You might wonder why the show is called “Winter Snow”. Well, for one thing, the winter season is usually a ‘break’ for most of us (2 week Christmas break, snow days, etc.). So, if winter is a ‘break’, we should think that we will have lots of time to think about how we are doing with each of the subjects. But, hey, what is the word snow doing there, hanging ’round? No. Snow is said to be good luck in winter. So, who doesn’t need a bit o’ luck to do well in each class? Also, in the future episodes, I will write my episodes based on snowflakes… it might sound weird, but, we’ll get back to there soon.
Anyways, this I am writing right now is the 0th Episode.
Now, back to snowflakes. You’ll learn what it means in my show in the third episode…
This is the end of Episode 0, peeps.
I like cheese. Real bad.
I like soap.
This is what I have for my novel:
Before I start the novel, I must warn you of three things: girls with whitish blond hair and nearly white skin, chocolate fountains, and demons whom suck satyr blood.
Our tragically dramatic story starts on a slow day, in which our heroine was discussing trivial things, such as peach flavored lip balm and the black beret which stuck to her head at all times.
As the conversation was so boring and unimportant, I will spare your life and not include it. Instead, I will skip and head straight to the most eventful event of the day, which was a sighting of blood.
Our young heroine, Stella Dawson, strutted down the street with a smug smirk on her face. She ignored the large pool of blood, only grunting when she stepped in it.
The most precious gem is the diamond. I like the jade. Lucky Ice? I don’t reconise you.
Um… Sandy. You have yet to tell me which role I play.
I want to be a environmental engineer.
hopefully I’m not Stella Dawson. She’s pretty gross.
I think my classmate has a crush on me. And that he is jelous of MY crush that I have a crush on him. Do YOU understand? If you do, help me out of this probelm.
I like green fields and pink meadows, dotted with brown.
And also combat boots.
And also my crush. I think that’s about all. (My crush is SP)
And the person who is jelous of SP is Janus.
You are not Stella, she is from a completely different story. Besides, she is a cold, arrogant, and bipolar girl who has to save a different universe due to a curse.
Who has her eye on only one thing: success.
I could do a mini-Wikipedia page about her. All the characters, actually.
Please do, Sandy. I need to know which one is me. I also like my lavender scented handkercheif. That wa swhat Athena gave me. I won’t tell you what it does.
My fave gem is an opal. It is my birthstone.
Jade is my birthstone too.
Uhhhh…. Anyone else on?
Hey, that’s funny, GG. Athena gave me a rose scented handkerchief, with pink lace embroidery. It was one of Aphrodite’s most prized possesions before she gave it to Athena to pass on to a spy who completed a certain mission.
Happy birthday to me!
Amy Taylor = me
Mary Smith = Ke$ha
That Dude Living on Shadow Street = Shadowprince
Amanda Chang = WS
Sophia Robinson = psophia
Jade McDonald = GG
Daisy McDonald = Cute Daisy
Minnie Potter = Athena
Estelle Jade “Stella” Dawson is the primary protagonist of Ebony Dawn’s series Étoile. The main story covers the adventures of Estelle Dawson and, later, her associates in a fictional land named Terra.
Stella is described having long whitish blond hair in a French braid and pale skin. Her eye color has never been mentioned in the novels. She often wears a black beret, paired with a royal blue dress.
Stella is a talented violinist and gymnast. Her favorite book is said to be Moby Dick.
Happy Birthday Sandy! (It is your birthday, right?)
Stella seems like a cool character.
Sandy, I have a question for you: What is your favorite color?
Goodbye, It appears that you are gone.
My favorite color is black.
Oh. Cool. Mine is white or purple.
My second favorite is violet.
My brother is evil. He pinned me to the ground and tickled me untill my mother walked in and made him stop.
I now want to be a spy.
Er… GG, LC is one of my friends. She’s really shy, as I have noticed. And, I bet KEsha remembers her. And MAYBE Sandy.
I remember Lucky Ice.
Oh. Cool. I’m Amanda Chang. Uh, well, um… it’s, well, uhhhhm, pretty good… I s’ppose…
But, Still, it looks like you’ve chosen a good name for each of us.
Oh cool. I definitely do. Oh, and… who else do you remember?
Hm? 😉 … Well, I always thought that people will forget their names. Alas, they haven’t been on for like a whole year, (sort of like how Raheat98 suddenly appears again.) so…
What THE DEVIL??????????????????????????????????????
What, WS?
Hello. I am back now.
In my new movie: The Red Snow, my character Ashley Gerhompt is a goth/rocker chick.
Ahem. Yes, hello. This is my true story how I somehow got here-this stranded place- and how I became a hero. I’m Ashley Gerhompt. And school has just begun.
I hit my snooze button. “I hate school.” I mumbled. “Why can’t summer last forever?” I climbed out of bed and got ready for the day.
Do you guys remember when Strange Moon still posted frequently?
Yes. I do. Now, she’s “too busy”.
I do. I miss her costumes.
My story is the story to The Red Snow.
Good to know.
The Red Snow is…you guessed it.
I like the name.
Thanks. Are we friends?
I agree.
Quick Survey
1) Favorite flower?
2) Favorite band?
3) Favorite color?
4) Favorite gem?
5) Favorite music genre?
1) Lotus
2) Evanescence
3) Black
4) Iolite
5) Rock
1) Iris.
2) Evanscene.
3) Bloodred.
4) Diamond.
You spelled Evanescence wrong…
I don’t care. AT ALL!
And here comes one of our infamous fights.
We should stop these fights.
I agree.
So, I grabbed my breakfast and ran to the bus. “Made it!” I cried out.
Can I be your editor?
Yes. Fine. Do you want to be in The Red Snow?
I would love to.
Good. You should be in the movie.
As who?
I don’t know. You make up a character.
Name: Evangeline McCoy
Personality: Odd, mysterious, and somewhat scary.
Importance: High.
1) Violet
2) Don’t like any
3) Violet
4) Emerald
5) Jazz
Hello Sandy, KEsha! “REd Snow sounds like a good name. But, I don’t know why it is, I gess I just like it. 🙂
Oops. I mean Kesha not KEsha. and there was supposed to be a ” after Snow. And gess is guess.
Hujan (malaysian band)
slow rock
My handhercheif has violet lace.
I knew I would be Jade.
1.) Rose
2.)Plain White Ts
4.) Country
It’s so warm in Brantford!!
I am the Goddess of illusion.
I am a goddess actually. I was born of Iris and Helios. But then Helios disappeared just as Pan did. My mom looked for an appropriate man to take care of me. She then found my stepdad, Thomas Wolf. Since then the blood of mortals also run through my veins. So I am now a demigod.
Saturdays are good, eh sis?
I was originally Goddess of Fresh Water and Meadows. I said FRESH. Not SALT.
I am the Goddess of Terror and Illusion. Sister, you should relax. Lay down.
Kesha, why are you calling me sis?
I seriously don’t know. I’m tired, okay?
Um Poseidon, really, I said FRESH. Please don’t blast me.
You are too awkward. Have you been drinking?
Then you should relax. Take a bath in the jaquzzi.
GG, Poseidon had no intentions of blasting you.
Why are you living in my mansion again?
He doesn’t mind at all.
Ke$ha, are you interested in becoming one of my spies?
I don’t take alcohol.
GG, why are you living in my mansion? *picks up my wine glass and drinks*
I could use someone with your talents.
Athena, I would be interested, I guess. Do I need my resume?
Oooh! Two people. Athena, you cursed Daedalus.
GG! Answer me!
I thought I moved in with you? *Frowns*
What on earth are you talking about, GG? Ke$ha, you may give me your resume if you want.
When did I curse Daedalus?
Athena: I’m fine, actually. Yes, I would.
GG: You moved in without notice.
The Battle of the Labyrinth?
Kesha: I moved in last month!*throws up hands in despair*
Ke$ha, you are officially a spy. I’m looking forward to sending you on missions.
*shakes head*
GG: In this contract, it states that I get the house 80% of the time.
Athena, thank you very much for the lavender handkercheif. I loved it.
Athena: I will not fail you, Athena.
Oh, yes. Of course GG. I tend to be very forgetful the past month.
Your welcome. I’m glad that you like your handkercheif, GG. Do you know if psophia liked hers? It was Aphrodites before it was hers.
Uh, never mind kesha. The point is I already moved in with you.
I need to sleep…unlike some people. Well, goodnight. *gets in king size bed and sleeps*
Ke$ha, when would you like to start on your first mission?
She does like it, Athena.
Tomorrow morning. Now, goodnight. *puts eye mask on and claps for lights out*
I have one for you too, Green Grape.
Good night, Ke$ha.
I must leave soon. Aphrodite is calling for me.
Another mission? I’m in!!!!!
GG, tell me when you want a mission.
Oh, here it is: Enter Zeus’s room on Olympus and spy on him untill you figure something- anything- out. Him and Hera are up to something, and it doesn’t seem good.
I’m up. I’m sneaking on now.
Can you do this? I have a reward for you if the mission is completed.
Hello Athena. *washes my face and gets dressed in black* I feel like wearing black.
Thank you.
I want a mission.
Black is a good color for spying.
Thanks. So, my mission is…?
I’m in olympus already.
Or should I work for Zeus?
*Follows Zeus*
Here is your mission, Ke$ha: Fly to Greece, find the satyr who lives in an olive grove, get a map from him leading to Hermes’ mountain hideout, and then arrive at the hideout, find Hermes, and tell him to deliver the rest of Zeus’s mail to Athena’s mailbox. Just do it, no questions please.
*gets in bed and looks at Chris*
GG, what have you found out?
*exhales* Fine then. *jets off to Greece* I’ll take a hotel and finish my mission tomorrow.
Ke$ha, were you going to do the mission or not?
Athena, this is not good. Get here (Australlia) right NOW. I ca’t defeat Zues. You can.
I appreciate it. Anything we find out is important. I’ve heard rumors that Zeus is planning on taking down the other Gods so that he is the only powerful one.
GG, I’m here. *Takes out knife and stares at Zeis*
Get Apollo and Artemis as well. Any god. All the gods. Even Poseidon. Zues is meeting Atlas, Hyperion and-and KRONOS!!!!!
Zeus, stop everything! It is not worth it, destroying your fellow Gods. *Rest of the Olympians walk out of the shadows, including all minor gods*
GG, you will have to be the child of theprophecy, since Sandy is not here.
*Artemis gathers her hunters and shoots arrows at Zeus and all Titans*
Green Grape, help! We need all the power we can get!
*Braves myself, take out spear and sheild*
Stab Kronos first!!!!!!
GG? The child of the prophecy?
Oh my, look at the size of that Hydra! No! Zeus has all of the giants on his side. Quick, we must gather monsters and demigods too!
Are you guys okay?
Ke$ha, I didn’t tell you, but you are both part of the prophecy. In the line:
A child of darkness will take the life of the chosen,
GG is the child of darkness and you are the chosen. Oh, I’m so sorry!
*Stabs Atlas in the stomach, becoming covered in a thick flood of golden ichor*
She IS NOT taking my life! I love my life. My days of fame and fortune…*glares at Athena*
NOOOOOOOO!!!! I willl not take Kesha’s life. Annabeth!!!!
Hello? *Winces as Hyperion kills a hunter*
Percy!!! Katie!! Nico!!! Mrs O’leary!!!
I can’t do anything, Ke$ha. It is Appolo’s Oracle, after all. I don’t want you to die, either.
*Glares at Hyperion* Your child was my father. Curse you, why?!
No!!!!!!!!!! Aphrodite! *Stares at deep wound in Aphrodite’s arm*
*Face drenches in tears* Athena we need to plan something.
Aphrodite, stay calm. Wrap the silk shrug you are wearing around the wound.
What can we, GG? I can not change the prophecy!
Ke$ha, go hide if you can! Or stay and help care for the wounded.
*Stabs Hyperion* *He shimmers and fades*
*I sink to my knees*
GG! Stay away from Zeus!!!!!!! He is going to stab you with his Master Bolt~
*Stabs Hyperion* *He shimmers and fades*
*I sink to my knees*
*Gritts teeth*
I. Must. Be. Strong.
Why are you upset about killing Hyperion?
*Suddenly clutches head and falls to the ground.* I can’t remember where I am.
*Eyes open out wide*
*desprately, I throw the spear*
It hit kesha.
N-N-N0! I’m feeeling faint, dizzy, lost…..
GG, where are we? I don’t remember.
No!!!!! Zeus, you can’t control me! *Snaps out of trance and gets up*
Ke$ha! Are you alright?
Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead!
Appollo! Help, we need a healer!
GG, are you still here?
*Sinks to knees and sobs, drenching the ground beneath me in salty tears* So what if I’m a Goddess? I’m going to cry.
*Watches with a pained look as battle rages on with Ke$ha and GG no where to be found*
I’m so sorry, Ke$ha. Curse you, Oracle!
*Collapses on the ground as Zeus stabs me*
Athena!*Stumbles towards her with a deep stab in stomach*
No!*get back up and painfully hefts sword in my hand*
You’re gonna pay Zues.
*Fights one on one with zeus*
Me: You’re paying for trechery against Olympus!
Zeus: And who’s going to stop me? You? *laughs*
Me: *eyes glinting* Yes, you are going to pay.
Form the group into phlanax formation, mom!
GG? *Voice is super hoarse and scratchy*
Where is Ke$ha? Is she…….?
I don’t feel so good. I’m not sure how long I’ll be around.
Zeus: W-what?! This can’t be!
Me: Go to tartarus. poseidon! Special tunnel please.
*Raises sword and focuses on Zeus* You will be sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kicks Zeus into tunnel made by Poseidon*
Kesha died a hero. Her shade may come on and comment always. But i’m afraid she’s gone.
Noooooooo! Aphrodite! *Kneels next to Aphrodite, tears in eyes as I look at her golden ichor-streaked face*
Athena, Kronos is still around. We can’t let him–
It’s too late, GG. Kronos has destroyed me and Aph4rodite with one stab from his cursed blade. I’m afraid that we will die in a matter of hours.
Apollo! Heal Aphrodite. Every enemy is going to pay.
GG, you were a good spy. Always doing as asked. I’m sorry this had to happen.
I’m afraid Apollo can’t help us.
I need to murder Zeus.
*Kronos backs off. i frown, sure that he has a plan. But I let him be and runs toward Athena*
Annabeth! Your mom’s injured!
Sandy, I will say good bye to you too. Good luck as a writer.
😥 Goodbye, Athena.
Annabeth, my darling daughter, I’m so sorry.
*closes Athena’s eyes and weeps*
Goodbye, again, Sandy. *Tears gush down my face as I quietly cry*
*weeps with GG*
Athena!!!!!! Oh, Athena!
*struggles to stand up*
SDandy, This is not over yet. Kronos has a plan.
*Weeps with Sandy and GG* Aphrodite! You were my mother! Oh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. *Closes Aphrodite’s eyes and sobs*
I will get my revenge. I will. No matter what.
GG I will help. Let me! I need to get revenge for my mother and Athena!
*struggles to stand up*
SDandy, This is not over yet. Kronos has a plan. We need to stop him. *turns grimly towards Apollo*
Me: god or oracles, where is Kronos going to next?
Apollo: Mount Olympus.
SDandy, mount Olympus.
I never knew that my godly parent would die. Oh, what has the world come to?
GG, can I come with?
*Goes to Olympus*
If you don’t like me, just tell me. It’s fine.
chaos, psophia, chaos.
Oh well. I’m going to Olympus anyways.
*Stares at Kronos who is sitting on Zeus’s throne*
We need every help.
Apollo, do you think you could summon a sun chariot? We need to getr to olympus. *Apllo flicks his hand*
*Glares at Kronos*
Me: Get off!!!! You are evil. I will get revenge on you, Kronos. I will. You killed my mother and Athena.
*Glares at kronos*
Kronos; Never. You are nothing but a puny little demigod. Nothing more than Luke was, and tell me. Does he still exsist?
I’ll summon the rest of Camp Half Blood.
CHARGE!!!! *Takes out knife, staring at the tiny drop of blood on the tip*
Kronos, try threathinig my friends. You are nothing more than a puny little titan.
Owww! Kronos, I hate you!
*Stabs Kronos with my sword*
*Gods, including the minors, emerge on either side of us*
Percy! *Stares at Chiron, Percy, Annabeth and the rest of Camp Half Blood* What took you so long?
*a powerful light glares. i avert my eyes, so do my friends*
*Heads get dizzy and my breathing gets slower*
What is going on, you guys?
Noooo! *Breath is knocked out of lungs.*
I’m getting weaker. It hurts to breathe.
The next moment– Kronus yells. *I turn back amazed at what I saw*
*i Turn toward the gods etc gathered*
Unity has defeated Kronos.
GG! I need you to come over here.
APOLLO! Heal my friends!
*Tosses a sword at GG* It is from Athena. *Heads towards Sandy*
No!!!!!! I am starting to feel myself slowly fade away.
Please let Sandy live and have me die. Please, Gods.
why do I need a sword? *turns back at kronos, he reformes*
This is impossible.
*Suddenly gets a blast of energy and runs towards psophia*
My dying wish.
Sandy, let me die! You deserve to live more than I do!
No. No, no, NO!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m going to leave here soon. I can feel my aura fading.
😥 😥 😥 Please don’t die.
I hope that I can stay on earth as a ghost, That would be fun.
If you *chokes up* must… Goodbye, psophia.
Sandy, I have to. This is how it is supposed to end, Sandy.
Athena told me the prophecy.
GG, goodbye.
What was the complete prophecy?
Wait!!!!!! I know how to bring everyone back! Quick, Sandy, come here!
*Runs over*
Sandy, do this one thing for me: Place a drop of your blood in a pond somewhere on Olympus! Then place the dead people’s bodies in that water! Quick!
Okay, I’m going to give into death in a moment. Please do that for me Sandy.
*does whatever psophia told me to*
Sandy!!!!! Quick!!!!!!!!!
*Closes eyes*
*finishes task*
*Suddenl;ly awakes by a confused Aphrodite* Sandy! You did it!
I think I did.
Halleujah! I’m alive, baby! Ke$ha, Athena!
I’m not dead! Woohoo!
Oh, Sandy! Thank you!
I made it alive. Odd. Children of Hades usually die in wars.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! I’m alive!
Don’t thank me. You told me what to do.
Why, Sandy, you did it! Howgreatful I am to you, dear child of Hades!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Sandy, you are a true hero! So is GG. Where is she?
I must leave. Thank you again. Have a wonderful Easter!
*blushes* If you say so…
I have no idea where GG is.
the child of darkness shall take the life of the choosen
two shall die by war of the gods
Ruler of all shall turn to treachery
unity will be stronghold of all.
Hello, poptropicasecrets! I’ve been commenting for TWO years already!
I’m here!!!!
Thanks Athena….
Wait, who’s gonna be ruler of Olympus?
I vote that The Bravest will rule: SANDY!!!!!
uh, I don’t mean to be proud, but can I rule??
Whoa. Me? Rule?
I wouldn’t mind being the queen, though.
who’ll be king, then? It will have to be a immortal god!
Sorry, AN immortal god.
It sucks that when you guys are not aroud the internet is fast and flawless.
I suggest Hades or Poseidon.
The two is Athena and Aphrodite. I’m talking about the prophecy!!!!
*looks around* Hey, why am I in the underworld?
And Sandy is ruler? This is a sick dream.
*gets out of bed with my wine glass on the table*
*a guy wakes up beside me*
Jacob: Mornin Kaitlyn.
Me: *kisses him* Morning Jacob.
Jacob: You are hot.
Me: You’re sexy.
Guess who’s started a war? My boyfriend!!!!
I’m thinking I should be one of the rulers. *pours myself a glass of white wine and drinks it*
Sandy, I have granted you official ruler of Olympus. You should be proud.
GG, you should be a ruler too. Both of you shall join the council immediately.
Can you make me a ruler?
I need to be a ruler.
I made myself a ruler. I am the Goddess Of Darkness, Fame, Fortune and Illusion.
Ke$ha, you may only be a ruler if you have earned it. Tell me, what have you done that proves that you have earned it?
I am now a ruler. Know what? I saved the world.
Ke$ha, you did nothing to save the world. Someone had to save you.
Sandy, GG, and psophia helped. You just got stabbed.
Hey guys! Happy Easter!
I’m going to visit my father now.
Have fun, Sandy! I think I will visit my mother to see how she is recovering. I heard she went on a MAJOR shopping spree to help her feel better, and that she got me a few things. Thoughtful, right? The gods appeared to have4 changed a lot.
I just got back from Hades. I finally got that iolite and black diamond necklace Father owns me.
I should never try to type while watching ATLA.
Hi Sandy!
How come Athena made you a ruler?
My Father doesnt’ owe me anything.
What did you get? I’m not telling mine! Guess!
I got Enterprising.
I’m guessing that you got Investigative.
Guess what I got.
Maybe Playwright? That is what I got.
Whoa, dudes, I missed alot.
Yes, yes, you did.
And yes, I did get Playwright.
I never comment here I just imagine a movie and eat some popcorn.
I find it odd that Athena is my cousin.
I got Spring 🙂
BTW: I saved the world another time.
Mother owes me GodHood. Sooon, I’ll be a Goddess. The Goddess of alchol, fame, fortune, darkness and bling.
And the goddess of sex.
Jacob: Hey Kaitlyn.
Me: Hey Jacob. Wanna get drunk?
Jacob: Yeah
LA: Hello and welcome to LA GOT TALENT!
Thank you, ATHENA!!!! 😆
I am a ruler. I am. Athena can’t stop me.
Your welcome, GG. You deserved it, unlike some others. Ke$ha, you may become a ruler, but keep in mind that no one will look up to you or worship you.
The guy who posted yesterday
on this page was the clone not
me I swear it.
Hey clone are you still here?
Guys.I don’t know how to say this.
But you know Cute Daisy?
She was diagnosed with leukemia.She can’t go on the internet because when you have leukemia,
you’re too tired to do much.So,in about 2 months,Cute Daisy has to go to a special children hospital in Vancouver.
There is a 50% chance she may live and a 50% chance she may die.
I’m Cute Daisy’s sister, Red Heart.
You guys can call me Red.(It’s my nickname anyways)
You guys can leave messages for Cute Daisy and I can tell her about them.
Then,she can answer them and I can type them out for her.
Unlike her sisters Sonia, Davia and Yasmeen,I actually care for my sister.
Her brothers Hafeez and Raj are hardly home so I practically take care of her.(other than my mom and dad of course)
😮 Wow that is SO accurate Sandy! How did you guess it?
I got Cartographer. 🙄
Me too. 🙂
Hey Athena: question: Is your name Artemis before you changed it to Athena? Because I remember an Artemis here, who’s gone now and you’re here.
Oh and Athena: I think that noone deserves to be ruler, because GG told Sandy to do it, Sandy didn’t tell herself to do it, and GG probably just imagined whatever thingy to save people.
Come on clone
Hello everyone. Today is April 22, 2011. This is Winter Snow, Episode 1.
Title: No Excuses in Lath.
It was the beginning of the school year. Even though it was autumn, I had a bad feeling of what today might turn out. Oh, I need to introduce myself. My name is White Sword, call me WS. Anyways, as I was saying, I had a very bad feeling today. I could feel a chill down the back of my spine, and it wasn’t from the warm, cool autumn breeze.
When I got to my school, Poptropica Eternal, an emerald green building with 3 stories, I knew I had to go to the 2nd floor. A sign said, “If you are here for Whatever grade, please go up the second floor, to Mrs. Bloombook’s class.”
I went up. When I reached the first floor, I looked at a watch. Holey moley! It was 9:15! I’m late for my first lesson, which I have no idea what it is.
I zoomed to my class and burst in out of breathe. Mrs. Bloombook was teaching something really strange on the board. “Class, I want you to know that- Oh my! Hello, Sword,” Mrs. Bloombook said fiercely.
“I, er, was late because -” I began.
“No excuses, Sword. Sit down at the third row, 4th seat from the left.”
I sat down. But my mind was racing. What was Lath?
Mrs. Bloombook said, “Well, class, as I was saying, Lath is…”
I looked around the class. There were 3 rows, each with 6 seats. My eyes were dizzy as I looked at the students’ name tags: Mad Dragon, Fearless Flame (Sandy Kesha), Green Grape, psohpia, who didn’t tell me her Poptropican name, Shadowprince, who is looking really “down” at the presence of Kesha, Cute Daisy, Unknown, he’s this invisible kid who’s unknown, Greedy Storm, and LI and DC. LI and DC were on either side of me, LI to the left and DC to the right. Beside DC was Unknown, but how do I know? There was a pencil moving with no body. Beside LI was SP, beside SP was… FF. AKA Kesha. This made up the third row. Let’s see the second row from left to right: CD, GG, psophia, Sandy, Greedy Storm. Beside GS was this friendly looking boy name Sleepy Sun.
Anyways, the front row was these whatever people.
But something was wrong.
LI isn’t at her seat. I whispered to MD, “Hey Sandy! Why isn’t SHE here?” Sandy whispered back, “Well, I don’t know! She better not have any excuses!”
I sat down again. And listened to Bloombook talking. It appears that Lath is Language and Math combined together. What a strange teacher!
Just then, LI came bursting in. It was 9:45!
Mrs.Bloombook looked SHOCKED! “Wh-What – Why- you- I – I want you – Where – When – you- have, what – how-” But LI interrupted. “Mrs.Bloombook, the first day of school starts at 10:00 AM, not 9:00 AM. So, everyone is 15 minutes early. I just checked the sign.”
Mrs. B. was confused.
“No excuses!”
Mrs. B. said, “Why did you say No excuses, Ice?”
“Oh, I asked the principal, and he said to me, just tell your teacher, No excuses.”
Then she sat down. I smiled. I knew that wasn’t true. LI was lying. But the whole class was smiling. There was a murmur of excitement.
“Why is there whispering?” Mrs. B. asked in her fierce voice.
The class immediately came up with the most unusual excuses.
“I lost my sharpener, and it cut my finger, so I have to go now!”
“I forgot my lunch today, and my house is right beside the school, so, bye!”
“I need to go to the bathroom, because I just vomited on the floor.”
“Oh no! I have to go see the principal, to tell him that there’s some vomit here on the ground! Bye!”
And so on. One by one, the children left. Soon only I was left. I started to say something, but B. said, “No excuses in Lath, Sword. There is too much excuses.”
So she taught me Lath for the whole day.
When I left, I caught up with LI and said, “Hey LI, you were late for Lath today! That was some good excuse.”
She smiled, “Well, actually, Bloombook already told me yesterday, ‘No excuses, Ice’. But then, I decided to play a joke on her, so I made an excuse to be late, and I didn’t want her to say ‘No excuses again, so I said No excuses to HER.”
I smiled. I knew what she meant. B. DID NOT talk to her yesterday. She was making an excuse in fornt of ME.
I leaned in, and said in a hushed voice, “No excuses in Lath, Ice.”
WS, it was not Artemis. I have been and always will be Athena.
People worship me now. And WS, I agree that no one should be ruler. I love my life.
I hope you don’t plan on me worshipping you
Oh I don’t. I have a fan club though.
And who would be in this fan club?
Why should I tell you? *sips my wine*
Title: Breathe
Episode 1: Bling and other stupid things
I headed into my Victorian house and put my bag down, waiting for Kelly to arrive. “Hey, Mom.” I said, grabbing a bag of chips and heading downstairs. “Hold it, Nicki!” she cried out. I marched up the stairs. “Your grades have been high,” she said. “So, I’m buying you expensive things!” “Oh, you mean bling and other stupid things?” I said. “It will pay off!” she said. I ran downstairs, tripping on the shag carpet. Why do we have this? It’s SO out of style! I thought. Let me introduce myself. I am Nicki Polumbo. Lame name, huh? That part is over so, good. My brother was pounding away on the drums. He saw me coming and ran for me. “Nicki! Nicki! Guess what?” He said. “You’re moving out?” I said hopefully. “No! My band got a gig!” He screamed. “What’s so great about that?” I asked. “With the money, I can help mom buy you ugly clothes!” He said and ran off. I rolled my eyes. “And this is why I never bring friends here.” I said. Kelly arrived and ran down to the basement. “Guess what?” she said. “What?” I asked. “I got you a diamond necklace!” she said and opened a package. “What is with this family?” I said.
I like White Sword’s story. And does anybody know my sister, Happy Dragon?
i think she was on once
On WS’ quiz, I got artistic.
Kesha: Cool. 🙂
Sandy: I don’t remember Happy Dragon.
Athena: Oh… Just asking! But I am telling the truth, there WAS an Artemis here. Once. In the days of Cryptids Island.
WS, can you make another WS (Winter Snow)?
Good for all who don’t know her. She cries every two minutes.
Yes, really.
My other sister, Sad Dragon, is never sad.
Yes, I know that Artemis was here. She and I still comment on a certain post.
Yes I can.
What d’you get? I got My Dreams Are Important. 🙂
Fill in the blank:
My Poptropican’s name is __________.
My Poptropican is _ years old.
My Poptropican’s favourite island is _________ Island.
I (Not my Poptropican) like to _________ during __________.
My Poptropican is _________, _________, _ _____________, etc.
I collect ________s.
I’ll fill it it:
My Poptropican’s name is __________. White Sword
My Poptropican is _ years old. 9
My Poptropican’s favourite island is _________ Island. Counterfeit
I (Not my Poptropican) like to _________ during __________. read during my free time
My Poptropican is _________, _________, _ _____________, etc. intelligent, active, creative etc.
I collect ________s. marbles.
I got wintergreen
My Poptropican’s name is Speedy Singer.
My Poptropican is 4 years old.
My Poptropican’s favourite island is Counterfeit Island.
I (Not my Poptropican) like to read during anytime.
My Poptropican is weird, fun, awesome, etc.
I collect pictures.
Cool, SS. I got Peppermint.
Educated, whatever people.
Wow again, people.
Oh my gosh.
Kesha: Cool, but I’d rather you call me “White Sword (WS)!”
WS: I couldn’t get ur quiz! 🙁
Kesha: Can i be in it?
Ke$ha, I got the same thing! It’s funny because I have always loved cinnamon gum anyways.
Ke$ha, can I be in your show, too?
Hi psophia
Hey SS.
Who likes the potter puppet pals?!
I like mustard-dipped popcorn. Wierd.
I’ve heard of the potter puppet pals. I like them.
They are funny.
What is your fave flower, color, smell, and food?
Tomorrow i’m going to San Diego!
3)…stuff that smells good
4)ice cream
Color: Purple
Smell: Wet, damp, dirt or lilacs.
Flower: Rose
Food: Like I just mentioned, mustard-dipped popcorn. Or organic vegetables.
Why are you going to San Diego, if you don’t mind my asking?
what r ye gonna do for Kesha’s contest?
I just realized that my school is having a Spring Fling dance on Friday.
Just for fun! I’m still on spring break!
Ummm, probably sing, dance, or recite a poem? Lame, right?
My school is having a carnival this weekend.
i’m probably just gonna sing.
Fun! I love carnivals. My favorite part are the moon-bounces.
ehh.. our jumper sucks
What color would you wear to a spring dance?
I like the Monkey Cages!
I was thinking pink, or maybe white? IDK.
Monkey Cages are fun1
pink,green,baby blue, etc.
Light colors
Speedy Singer, how old are you in real life? I’m 10.
Almost 11, tjhough.
me too!
i turn 11 in may
That is cool. Where do you live? I live in Minnesota.
1st comment on this page
California Gurl
i don’t like the cold
6456! 4..5..6…
Ha g=ha, funny. 456.
Where do you like to shop for clothes?
Forever 21 and Target
I like Aeropostale, Hollister, and Deliahs.
Forever 21 is the brand of the shirt I’m wearing at this very moment!
who’s your favorite singer?
Hi Sandy
I like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, which is odd considering that I like Flyleaf and Evanescence.
I like katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Lady Gaga
I like Lady Gaga.
I <3 Born this Way!
That is the shirt.
and Firework!
I like Christina Perri, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry.
Cute! XD
Ariana Grande is a GOOD singer!
I’m currently listening to Paramore. It’s a shame that the Farro brothers left.
I prefer Liz Gillies. Ariana pretty good, though.
I’m listening to rocketeer by Far East Movement.
Thanks, SS.
Liz is good too. They used to perform together on Broadway.
They were on 13.
I’m listening to Forget you by Cee Lo Green.
Do you guys like horror movies?
I love horror movies.
I want to see Scream 4 badly.
i think i’m gonna sing we r who we r for Potopica Got Talent
I want to see every horror movie ever made.
My hair is wavy right now.
I’m nervous. =P
Now i’m listening to we r who we r.
We’ll be forever young, young, yu, yu, young
I’m listening to Everybody’s Fool.
Q: What is your favorite song??
Mine is Sweet Sacrifice.
Do not click my name.
Born this Way or Firework
Firework is awesome.
My dad sings firework like this:
Baby you’re a super jerk,
Get in the car and go to work.
It is quite funny.
IDK why I just did this.
Do you think Ke$ha should be a ruler?
Athena doesn’t think so.
Not really.
Look at the dress Aphrodite bought me:
It is too girly for my tastes.
You are lucky to be a child of Hades, Sandy.
Persephone bought me this dress:
I like it.
Being a child of Hades is AWESOME.
Lucky. That is cute. Aphrodite bought me these, which I like:
I like icy water.
Ke$ha: I know WS and Sandy.
Ke$ha: I know WS, Sandy, and you, Ke$ha…
WS do you know the periodic table?
So, Shadowprince?
Hello, Sis (Kesha)
Hello, WS.
Hello, Sister Athena. (or is it cousin?): Am I still your spy, since I’m now ruler???
Sandy, your sisters are completely opposites.
Iris gave me a Jade ring.
SP and I have…. issues…
Sandy! That’s weird. I like icy water too!
*Sits in bath* Hmmm…. I think my nectar should be here…*snaps fingers* now!
*as on cue, nectar arrives*
I’m goddess of fresh water, auras, Persian gold, sand, ambrosia and nectar.
What are you talking about I don’t think we have issues
I believe I told you yes
Yes, you did tell me yes.
What I meant was the GOOD issues, like you-know.
No not at all
Why don’t you say it?
1) Violet
2) Violet
3) Smell you get when you are at an eco-friendly garden at dawn.
4) Sushi (Hey, I’m Chinese, don’t mess me up with Japanese)
🙂 Metoo.
Quick word for all who likes famous singers: You know, Lady GaGa, that katy firl, that perry girl, and whoever, they are really good. But, just so you know, I’ve never heard of any of them, except GaGa.
Eh… I’m not sure, Kesha herself says that she thinks nobody should be ruler. But, not if someone pipes up that SHE (KEsha) should be ruler.
Well I certainly don’t want her to be
GG, you are a spy still, but you and I are not sisters.
I’ll be the goddess of jewels, rain, and fashion.
SP: I know the periodic table.
Sandy: I’m the Goddess of all logical knowledge, life and gems.
And Athena: I did not say wisdom, so don’t blame me for stealing your proffession.
I got that I’m 60%.
I Wonder why castles had moats.
White Sword: Do you mind if we share jewels/gems?
I’m making another WS on Saturday. If you are Chinese (which I don’t think so), have you watched 喜羊羊与灰太狼?!
Sandy: Not at all. 🙂 I’d be happy.
Thanks, WS. You’re awesome.
I like Lance best.
Sandy: Your welcome.
Sandy: Are you a critic?
Oh, yes. It’s one of my hobbies.
WS, I got 80% lady. I’m goddess of night, darkness, and pessimism. No idea why.
Athena, are you feeling okay> I am worried about you.
Hello? Psophia, I need to talk to you,
It is about Athena. She thinks that she may quit being an Olympian and instead opt to be a normal immortal. What shall we do? I fear that it is all of these new gods joining the council. Oh, I don’t know what to do!!! I have already tried to get her to sip some nectar and eat some ambrosia, but she refuses. Please help me! Any of you may try.
Hey WS sorry about what I said on that page I just had a relative die
And castles had moats to keep enemies from getting in.
SP: ? I don’t know what you said. I thought you only said, “WS do you know the periodic table?”!
That’s sad. 🙁
Check out the Loaner. I posted something there.
Do anyone of you care a lick about helping my sister>??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!!???!!!?!?
I will do anything if you help me.
Ugh. You people are so selfish. *Walks over to Athena, smiling worriedly as I pat her shoulder*
Hang on a sec. First an Artemis, then an Athena, now an Aphrodite. Dite, are you SURE you’re NOT Athena?
Dite: You said that it was because of “all these new gods joining the council”. Hm… Do you mean that you want me to leave Olympius? 😡
Athena: Whatever. Do as your sister tells you to. Sip nectar. Eat ambrosia. Whatever lala-la. Whatever loo-loo-loo.
Dite: IF you are sure you aren’t ARTEMIS, then I’m gonna say that Artemis was wayyyyyyy nicer than you. She chats with everyone.
Hmmm.Fine, go ahead and call me mean. I don’t care. Don’t refer to me as ‘Dite”, though.That is just plain rude. I just meant that she feels that her time as an Olympian is over, while time is just beggining for the new gods who have come. I’m sorry if I apppear to berude, but I’m very stressed out right now, what with Athena, Ares, and Hera.
Athena: You alrteady know why she is stressing me out.
Ares: Well, he keeps begging me to get together again.
Hera: Hera is upset about the death of her husband Zeus, although she never did seem to like him much.
I hope Athena doesn’t quit.
Me too, Sandy. Me too. May I tell you that I appreciated you saving my life?
I have no problem with that, Aphrodite.
Hello, baby. (Someone DOES know who I mean by baby)
I’m afraid of Kesha’s wrath.
My greek name is: Thaleia.
Hello sister. *smirks and pours myself a glass of wine* I am now offically a Goddess. So, in ya face! I got the Goddess of everything I said before plus production.
I had a dream that Sandy saw me and she was mad at my. I slapped her. *puts on lipstick and drinks a bottle of wine*
You okay sister?
I’m unbelieveabaly okay. Ambrosia’s nice.
Hello? You still here?
I am here. My boyfriend Jeremy is hot.
Sorry. Don’t come downstaris, okay?
I’m done. Jeremy’s gone. I’m dressed. *sips wine*
How many boyfriends have you got?? Talking about boyfriends, I’m dating SP.
Nice. Good luck, sis.
I’m eating dinner. please wait until I come back.
My one boyfriend is coming over. The one with the good ass.
Who? *puzzled*
*drinks glass of wine* My show will be LIVE tonight. I need a good outfit. And I’ve decided to marry again. To Holden, the one I was talking about ^^
Are you gonna be my bridesmaid, sister?
Oh, the one who was perfect for me. I bet Demeter hates locusts. They eat her crops.
Are you gonna be my bridesmaid?
sure, sis.
Good. When you marry someone, I guess I’ll be yours.
Sis, Imma gonna study now. The teacher at Godly Schoolarships is expecting the best from me.
Okay, bye.
My teacher is strict. I’m gonna make preps for my wedding.
*puts on my bikini and let’s my hair loose. Gets in pool with Holden naked and takes our clothes off*
Holden: Feels like heaven.
Me: I’m glad I’m your fionceé.
Me: I can’t wait. We’re going to LA, where my house is!
Holden: Oh really?
Me: Really. *makes out with him*
That was fun. Holden went home.
Holden left me this poem.
My love, my life,
My beautiful soon-to-be-wife,
My heart is all to you,
Who I want is you.
What poem?
It’s beautiful.
Ruling Olympus is difficult. *Sigh*
Hey GG
Are you an Olympian or a minor god?
WS I was asking for you to help me with the periodic table
I can’t read the atomic mass and all the other numbers the only thing
I can read on that thing is the name and its abbreviation
GG I am neither
I am not a fan of attracting too much attention
Hi, SP. You still there?
Of course why would I leave?
Oh, no. I was asking Kesha. She IS a goddess.
That kinda figures
Hmmm… *smiles*
What is it?
Sure it does.
Oh, nothing. Kesha is marrying, AGAIN.
surprise surprise
Do we have to go?
Nothing. No bother.
Do I have to go?
Go where? Are you trying to surprise me? *smiles again*
To Kesha’s wedding……
Aren’t you the bridesmaid?
No, no. I need someone to chat to.
Are you ok GG?
Yup. Why?
You are acting a little………..funny
ooookkkkkk I am gunna go now bye
I’m not. It’s just that your comments appear only after i post one.
Oh, boy! Don’t go…
Oh… Never mind.
I am back
Did you miss me?
ok bye again
Omg. My wedding was great.
Sister, can you make me a peppermint tea ASAP? *groans* Being a celebrity is hard. My show is airing and we have to do it LIVE. My limo will pick you guys up. I’m going in and you guys will get in if you want to be on Poptropica’s Got Talent.
Sorry but I’m gonna pass
You’re passing? *drinks some more wine*
My godly name shall be Ebony.
And yes, it is hard.
Sandy are you competing in my show?
No. I’m one of the judges, remember?
Oh yeah. I need a great outfit.
Tip: Wear something conservative. I’ll help you choose your outfit, if you want.
Fine. I have every outfit in here. *opens wardrobe*
I pick the knee-length red dress.
Fine. Here. *takes it out and gives it to her* I got my sexy red dress.
I recommend red pumps. Three inches.
Thanks. Choose your shoes.
I’ll choose from my own closet.
It’s fine.
Curse me for owing one hundred evening gowns.
Thank you for your service. Here’s $500’000
Can you make me a green tea ASAP?
I’ve decided to wear this:
Sure. *gives Ke$ha some green tea*
Hon, it’s hard being a celeb.
*drinks my tea* Nice
It’s difficult to rule Olympus. I like being a ruler, though.
I’m a goddess too.
Being a goddess is fun.
I know right?
I apologize if I sound rude, but you cannot be the goddess of everything. I recommend being the goddess of time.
No. I’m what I am before. Eliminate illusion.
And maybe and heaven.
Okay. *smirks* My throne. Ew. It has cobwebs. *smiles* Perfect.
What about being the goddess of poison, fame, time, and heaven? And then you have to choose your godly name.
Those are good. My goddess name will be Vodala.
My throne is covered with jewels. It’s black. The iolites and black silk look good together.
My throne will be a deathly violet with cobwebs at the side.
Mine looks antique and swirly.
Mine will be lined with barbed wire and gold. When I come, a heavenly choir will sing. A spotlight will come on me.
Mine is silver. Whenever I come in, a scary violin song will come on.
My lips will be a devilish black, my main dress is a black one with the laced sleeves.
My lips are rosy pink. My dress is black with silver.
Nice. *spits out my tea*
I like Paramore.
Cool. My tea got cold. It’s disgusting. Pass me a bottle of Gin, would ya?
My fave type of tea is Peppermint.
*Gives Ke$ha some gin*
And I’m the Goddess of alchol.
I like wintergreen tea.
Thank you Sandy. *opens it and chugs it*
Yeah I’m more of a water fan myself
Did I ask you for your thoughts? Don’t think so, SP.
I also like English Breakfast.
Ke$ha, what is your fave clothing brand?
I think I’m gonna go on a shopping spree. Anyone want to join me?
Guess not.
*eats a creme brulee*
I’ll go!
psophia, I’ll come. Wanna go in a limo?
Sure, Ke$ha.
Where do you guys wanna go first?
*limo pulls up at psophia’s house. I roll down the window* Get in.
I want to go to Forever 21.
After that, can we got to Victoria’s Secret?
*Gets in limo and pulls Sandy in* Let’s go to Forever 21 then!
Sure Ke$ha.
I need a new lipgloss.
*Gets out of limo and walks into store* Hey , I like this dress!
To Forever 21!
I love this dress. And this lipstick is hot.
I love this dress:
Ooh, I love that skirt!
I love my new lipstick.
I’m in love!
That dress is so cute, psophia!
We done? My bags are full!!!
OMG, look how cute this would be for going to a club;
Not yet!
Me too! Let us go to your choice of store, Ke$ha!
Let’s go to the club later!
You guys going to that new one that opened up?
Here is right link.
Yeah. What was the name? I forgot.
I dunno but I own it. Wanna go to Victoria’s Secret now?
I’m getting these shoes. And yeah, let’s go!
Where we heading to next?
Vic-Whatever. Get in the limo. *gets in limo*
*Does same, sifting through shopping bags*
8Exits limo and walks into store*
*arrives at Victoria’s Secret* *runs inside*
I’m definitely getting this:
*exits limo and goes in* This place is rad.
what do you think of me in this lipstick?
*Puffs out lips and poses*
You look amazing.
Good. I’m totally getting this:
Sandy that is to die for!
Cute, Ke$ha.
Thanks, psophia.
I’m tired. Where should we go next?
“Cute?” I dunno what you think but this is sexy.
psophia gets to choose.
Yeah, psophia gets to choose.
Think I’d be hot if I wore this to the club?
Umm, let’s go to Delias?
It’s cute, but it’s more for a beach than a club.
I’m wearing this to the club:
That’s sleepwear.
Sandy, pick me out a club outfit from anywhere. Here is my card.
If you like beauty, a good name would be Adara.
My dress:
Or Aglaia.
That is uber hot, Ke$ha.
WS: Is your name Anne?
My name is: Aleyda. Don’t worry, Athena, I’m not stealing your name, you know.
What about this: ?
How about this for the club?
Ooh, I love that!
Sorry, keyboard is kinda funkly.
Glad to know that you like it.
Oh, kay. Which one then?
Oh. I get it. Ke$ha, wanna head to the club now?
I’m ditching you guys if you don’t go to some ACTUALLY GOOD stores and boutiques.
I want to meet ahot boy.
Whatever dress you want!
I’m sorry Ke$ha. Will YOU suggest a good store?
*puts on my sexy and ultra hot dress and takes the limo to the exclusive club* You guys can come here as long as you guys are with me.
My name will be Votela, actually. I am the Goddess of all logical knowledge, life and gems (shared with Sandy/Ebony). My throne will be a heavenly blue color with peaceful dragons painted at the side. Not telling my dress. Not telling anything els.
Kay. Here is what I’ll wear:
Gorgeous dress, psophia.
My sleepwear.
I’m having a sleepover if any of you want to come.
OMG no, but I know a person named Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, I’ll come.
It is a tube top, actually. I’m gonna wear insanely short shorts with it. Sandy, I’ll have a sleepover with you if we go to the club first.
WS: What is your real name? I won’t kidnap you. *laughs* No seriously. Tell me.
Oh, sorry, I meant Ke$ha. I thought you were at the club, so I didn’t want to not go. Now I realized that you are the one having a sleepover.
Kesha: My name is Veronica. *sneers happily* When I sneer, I do it like a smile. When I smile, I sneer.
I’m waiting at the exclusive club. You guys can come. If you know me. Jay Lo is here!
Sure, psophia. I’ll go to the club.
Gotta eat. Brb!
Kay, I’m coming. * Slips into car and speeds off to club* Ke$ha, will you introduce me to some boys please?
Wow. *Looks at all of the people, focusing in on a tall guy with long brown hair and muscles*
Guy: Hi.
Me: I’m Sophia.
Guy: Whatever. Let’s date.
Me: Huh?What is your name?
Guy; Dakota.
Me: Bye! *Watches as he looks at me drunkenly*
I do not want to meet anyone else.
Boys are gross. Some of them are, at least.
You should meet Lizzie. She’s my friend.
It’s true. Some boys are.
Ooh. Some guy got my eye. *winks* Yo, Jay Lo! Over he-ya!
Who is he?
The guy’s name is Keion! He winked at me and offered me a drink and a smoke.
Cool. I’m going to chat with a few people.
I took the drink. Not the smoke.
“I don’t smoke.”
“Try it.”
“No way!”
“Your loss.”
“It’s sexy.”
“Yeah. Dying is real hot.”
“How is it?”
“Suck it up, Kaitlyn.”
“You know me?”
“Everyone does.”
“I hate smoking.”
“No, it’s hot.”
“Choking and being unable to breathe?”
That dude is insane.
I know. There’s more.
“Wanna have Club Sex?”
“No way!”
“You are no fun, Kaitlyn.”
“I’m not like that!”
“*shoves a beer in Kaitlyn’s mouth*”
“Stop it!”
I truly need to slap him. Where is he?
Over here. In the corner. CHOKING ME! I had a dream you came over to my house.
*Comes over there* *slaps what’s-his-name then punches him*
*muffled* Will you help me?
*helps Ke$ha*
Ow! Thanks.
You’re welcome.
*kicks him and runs* Adara! Come on!!!
what did I miss?
*turns into my godly form and crows fly in the distance. I look out and smiles* The dead world is rising.
This is what I look like right now:
uh um well….I don’t…….know how to respond
When’s the sleepover?
I posed for that.
Right now girl! Get your stuff!
er….well…….I’m just gonna go now
Sure. *arrives in a black nightgown*
I look hot in that pic.
*answers door* Like my mansion?
I prefer mine.
*scoffs* Mine is larger. I’m richer than Barack Obama.
I’m rich as Bill Gates.
I’m richer than Bill Gates.
I don’t have a new fiance every two days.
Don’t insult me. Thought we were done wuth thes fights. *sips my wine*
That’s enough arguing for one day.
Agreed. *spills wine on Sandy* Oops.
uh oh
If that was done intentionally, I swear that you will be banished to Tartarus for the rest of your life. If it was an accident, give me two towels.
Jean-Pierre, give two towels.
Sorry for yelling. There were some girls in Forever 21 who thought that I was Selena Gomez.
That’s it! I had a dream you looked like her. Did you have a dream a brown person was in your house?
I think there was…
Ha! That was my sister! That is amazing! Where do you live?
The Golden State AKA California
Oh come on! My sister called. She lives in Brantford.
And I live in LA.
The show! I’m in LA. Where my small house is. THE SHOW!!! Let’s go!!!
*gets in limo and races off to studio*
Hello and welcome to Poptropica’s Got Talent! I’m your host, Silver Hawk and here are the judges. Kesha, Sandy and White Sword!
This will be good
Actually, my name is Mad Dragon!
Kesha: Before you start the show, can I say something?
SH: Yeah.
Kesha: You *****************************SP!
SH: Creative.
Kesha: I’m done.
Hello and welcome to Poptropica’s Got Talent! I’m your host, Silver Hawk amd here are the judges. Fearless Flame (Kesha), Mad Dragon (Sandy) and White Sword!
Not quite sure what you said but I guess it wasn’t a compliment
Of course it wasn’t.
Kesha: Cut, okay?! NO ONE CAN RESUME IT EXCEPT FOR ME!!!!!
I take it someone’s gonna get yelled at?
probably me
Hi guys, Sorry I left.
The boob I’m reading is very interesting right now.
Anyone here?
oh good psophia you are just in time to hear kesha yell at me
Guess Not so bye!
aw great no one gets to hear kesha screaming insults at me
Looks like I get to listen to them all by myself
Is anyone even still on?
alright then bye
And we’re back at Poptropica’s Got Talent! Our next compettitor is very talented and…beautiful.
My show ended. My sleepover is going. At my mansion.
Also me:
Let’s go!
I have a good idea. Shop it up at Vicky’s Secret!
It’ll be on me. *pulls out my credit cards* Want the huge limo?
*gets in* This is great. You lookin for a boyfriend? I have a list.
A long one. All of my past boyfriends. *list streches a long way*
No, I am not looking for a boyfriend.
You sure? Adam’s pretty hot. Brandon’s goth. And Steven is a rocker.
I’m sure.
Seriously? Ooh! We’re at Victoria’s Secret.
Yes, seriously.
*gets out and steps in Victoria’s Secret*
I’m buying this:
Sweet. I’m buying this:
That’s enough shopping for one day!
Tired a shopaholic out!
That was nice time. *drops my bags on the floor of my room*
We goin’ to the club or not? I get drunk to get guys, I makeout with hobos and bums and I drink wine until I throw up.
I’m tired. Going to make some tea.
I’m gonna try on my outfits and see which one is sexier.
*drinks red wine*
Hello guys. *wakes up and gets out of bed naked* Hey Holden. *winks and goes to my kitchen*
Best omelette ever.
*gets dresssed in this:*
I am now here
*Groan* Ruling Olympus is terrible.
My throne: Made completely out of unusual purple jade studded with green emerald.
BTW: Here’s a note:
Είμαι η θεά Θάλεια, κυβερνήτης του Ολύμπου, Θεά της ξυλουργικής, αύρες, περσικά χρυσό, άμμος, τα ρούχα και γλυκό νερό. Τα παιδιά μου θα κληρονομήσουν τις δυνάμεις μου πάνω από το γλυκό νερό, την ικανότητα να διαβάζουν τις αύρες των άλλων, και τη δύναμη να ελέγξει την άμμο. Θα κληρονομήσει επίσης τη δυνατότητα να κάνει ξυλουργική πολύ καλά.
SP, you should still be here.
My children are real powerful.
Bye then.
Do we even have children?
I honestly have no idea whatsoever
It’s like the very sight of me makes her go balistic
Ke$ha April 27, 2011 at 5:59 pm
We goin’ to the club or not? I get drunk to get guys, I makeout with hobos and bums and I drink wine until I throw up.
Holden is one lucky guy
*puts my hair behind my ear* No, no. It looks better like this. *puts hair in front* Better. *puts on my lipstick and my club dress* Perfect. *puts on my shoes and smiles* I’m gonna makeout with people. Great.
I’m leaving cuz of that.
I am not a slut. I just got on! I haven’t been on in a month!!!
My sister is evil. She’s 18. I’m 10.
I like tea. 🙂
OK…. BT, first of all, I agree that Kesha may be a bit rude sometimes, but overall, she seems sort of nice to me. And, yes, for the past month or so (Kesha?), it has been KEsha’s 18 year old sister KAte imposting the real 10 year old Kesha.
Click on my name. 😮 😡
– WS, the WS (you know what the 2nd WS means, if you are Sandy/Kesha/SP/Someone else)
First on this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo. We reached 6904 comments!
Yep, that’s EXACTLY right, BT!
CLICK MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sandy you can criticize it if you want.
What’s smileys? If you mean my mouth, you just go into a chatroom, wait and if a person with that mouth comes in you just customize it.
Yeah I know! 🙂 My outfit IS a bit overwhelming, but this is the most clothes you can get: an upper garment, a pant/skirt, a belt or something, a thing that’s near your neck, a thing that’s on your back and a thing to hold with your hands.
Some random guy tried to feel me up in the bathroom today.
OH!!!!! The 🙂 ? Well, just do: : + ), except don’t really do the +, I just meant that you first type in : and then ), without any spaces like : )
Or you could just roll your mouse over the 🙂 , and wait for a few seconds, and it’ll show you how to do it.
😀 😛 😉 😥 😡 😮 😆 👿 😈 😳 🙁 🙄 😯 💡 ➡ ❓ ❗ 😎 / 8)
*Whispers to Kesha* I’m waiting for SP to propose to me!
Psophia, if guys are always trying to feel you it means that your very beautiful.
But it is just simply gross.
My Goddess costume: Violet tight fitting long sleeve silk chiton, black silk jeans thst reach my knees, and grey combat boots and black aviator jacket.
Anyone on???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I’m waiting….
Come on…………………..
Hello? Hello? Hello?
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! I’m gone. *poof*
I’m here now. And no, this isn’t Kate. You are my sister, right, Green Grape?
God, Kate! Are you addicted to this site? Fine, I’ll get off!
Someone just get they’re butt here! (no offence)
I’m on now! And why would SP propose? I swear, I am NOT going to the wedding.
If I do, I’m a bridesmaid. Agreed? It’ll be weird for him to have his wife and his ex-wife there.
Thought you were going to be the bridesmaid? Oh, never mind. I’ll go bath. It’s brief. wait here.
*speeds off*
Ahem. When you will, you will not bring SP here. If you do, you’ll be kicked out.
I’m on again. Thankfully. Kate always get drunk.
If you sneak him here, you will leave with a hobo sack.
Wait, are you Kate or Kesha?
I’m Kate. Don’t leave. If you do, *aims gun at her*
Oh, whatever. but still no offence.
I’m not leaving. You and your sister are my friends. But cam’t you make, like, a different profile each?
*puts gun down* Fine. I’m coming to your wedding.
You’re leaving. Not me. I can’t see you anywhere.
And no. I love this profile.
Who here got up at 3:00 A.M. to watch Prince William and the new Princess Catherine get married? I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never felt better than I do now.
It’s MY mansion and MY money.
And I did!! It was nice!!!
WS needs to make more Winter Snows.
Yes. I did!
He has not proposed yet. SP, I mean…
Good. I have to wait for you to move out.
Anyone on? Please. Please. I won’t give up faith yet.
Why? I still wanna stay with you, Kate.
I’m not giving you any money for your wedding.
Can I? Can’t I?
Fine. You can stay with me but, I’ll be having my boyfriends over.
Never mind if you don’t give me money. I have an Olympian wedding. We use drachmas.
You can have your boyfriends. Talking about that, how many have you got? You still have’nt told me.
He’s not a god. And I’m not coming. NOW MOVE OUT!!!!
Alright. I’ll make him god. *grabs belongings and teleports to Olympus*
Feels good to be home.
I don’t care. If you move back in, $100’000 is waiting.
*Moves in my immaculate house*
*looks at time* Talk show! I’m late. *gets in my red dress and my pumps*
Huh. Bye. And, amazingly, I don’t belive that you’re giving me* looks at the sum of money mentioned*
*wears my Goddess outfit and goes to Iris* Hi, mom!
*arrives at The Kimberly Addison Show*
Yeah, alright. If you’re gonna ignore me, I WANT OUT!!!
*arrives at Olympus and sits on my throne in goddess form*
OK, seems you’re on again.
At least I’m one of the new Big Three.
Hello sister. *nods at GG* My goddess name is: Violéao.
One of the Big Three? *smiles evily* We’ll see about that.
I’m immaculate and beautiful. Oh, and not to forget graceful.
*rolls eyes* My sister’s a show-off. *flips my hair and sits on my throne* I love being the Goddess Of Heaven.
Yes, sis? Sup?
I would say I’m rich, beautiful and heavenly.
Or, soup????
I think there will be a meeting. *pulls out my wepon*
Only your face is beautiful. About your heart *rolls eyes* You’re going to a very warm place.
You cannot control me. *rolls eyes and mutters to self* She’s over-dramatic.
The spring council meeting? *rolls eyes again*
Oh, shut up.
I’m not Goddess of theater. *calls my sacred animal, my cats: Fiery and Fire*
*my eyes glow red* I may be the Goddess of heaven but I am a child of hell.
Right, like I’m going to shut up. How about you aim for using please instead?
Which is the warm place you’re going, sloth.
Yeah, like I’ll do that, right? True dat dat I’m but, I ain’t using dat language!
If you called me a sloth, I will kick. Your-
I’m back on. Kate is off.
Child. Of. Hell. Let’s not start this again…
Wamt Kate on? She’s on.
Good, Kesha. I was calling Kate the sloth not you.
No no no. Certainly not Kate.
Kate is gross.
Kate is here.
Me and SP divorced.
I hated the guy. Reason why I married him is because he was the only here.
2 more comments!!!!!
Yay!!! 7001 comments!!!
Sweet! We have defnitely broken a record for most comments on one post!!!!!!!!
Be gone from Olympus, sloth!!!
7004… *bored voice*
Hi GG.
Hullo. Psophia, where did you get to choose this name??
It’s a weird name: Pe-sop-hia. Anyway, thats how I read it.
Umm, My real name is Sophia, and my middle name is Pearl, so I was going to do Sophiapearl or something, but then I just went with psophia.
Is ths cute for my casual weekend makeup?
Mascara (Just a tad)
Eyeshadow (Peach-colored)
Covergirl Natureluxe Gloss Balm with SPF15
Blackest Black Eyeliner
Oh, you pronounce my name: P-so-fia
BT I saw what you said to kesha
I was crying I was laughing so hard
Help Help I can’t breathe!!!!
Ha ha ha ha
Finally someone tells her! What ten year old trys to look sexy and ges drunk?
Help. Been kidnapped. Save me.
Defeating a giant oaf is tiring. I now must inform everybody that there is a godnapper.
oh come on.
Being a little dramatic aren’t you?
That went well. Ares ran and screamed like a little girl. It was amusing.
Ok seriously he’s the god of war so he wouldn’t be run from a battle or scream like a little girl
and these little stories are getting really annoying.before they were kinda fun but you just changing how the person would act in that situation is just sad and pathetic
You have no idea what Ares is like. Mars is much more pleasant.
🙂 🙁 😀 😮
Highlight the pictures.
Oh well, yeah, BT.
*Cough* There’s a cold coming round in Olympus. I must seek Apollo’s help.
I saw the WHOLE entire wedding ceremony. Guess what?
I am going to a camp this weekend, and my mother is making me wear a prairie style dress. The top is dark green velvet with a plaid green and white skirt. Ughhhh!
That sounds horrible, psophia.
Oh great, my mother is having a ball. I have to attend.
Happy for you guys.
What camp, anyway? Camp half-blood?
Aphrodite is too girly.
Oui, je l’ai dit il, trop jeune fille.
Θα μιλήσω τώρα ελληνικά. Αυτό είναι θαυμάσιο ότι ξέρω πώς να μιλήσω για είκοσι τρεις διαφορετικές γλώσσες.
Þetta er íslenska, dömur mínar og herrar.
אני תוהה אם אנשים הם אפילו לקרוא. זה מדהים.
یا تم ہو بس سست؟؟
* telefòn bag * Oh, deranje. Pa janm tèt li. * ale nan repons li *
Bé, això va ser refrescant. Ares necessita de la meva ajuda.
No, it is a camp where you go and spend a day in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
ME too!!!!!!!!! But I didn’t get up at 3 AM, I watched it at dinnertime… strange how you watched it in 3 AM…
Yep, but do you know how hard it is for me to write a good WS?
Actually, we should name ourselves the Four whatever, now that you’ve joined us.
GG, you can’t be the new Big Three. Posiedon and Hades still exsist. I now know what Athena must feel like.
two more comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONE MORE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone even sorry for Athena?
And a new page! 🙂 First on this page!
Woops, sorry, psophia! 🙂 Second on this page!
And yes I do feel sorry but I can’t rreally do anything, you know.
Hi WS. Technically, I was first on this page.
Yeah, I know. I wish I could, though.
BT: just do this: : ) don’t type the space. type in : ) straightforward without typing the spacebar.
Oh no, looks like I have to leave for camp soon. Ughh.
Hi pshophia. We haven’t talked much. 🙂
🙁 Bye then! I wish I had someone to talk to.
Merry Christmas!
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Christmas today, though!!!!!!!!!!
Kesha: I’m doing a WS very soon, I promise.
Bye. I’m so sorry, but my would kill me if I’m not there. Merry Christmas to you too!
Sandy Ares is described in all mythology books/shows/anything else as warlike and Mars is the Roman version of him so he would be more disciplined not girly as you described him
SP: Merry Christmas and Ares is the God of war? That’s pretty neat. I agree that any God of War would be described as warlike.
Oh and never mind abou the stuff I said on the home page. I think the page is called … I don’t know. The page where you told me to please shut up. I don’t really care. *shrugs* I didn’t meant to write all that. Sorry.
No no no WS
I acted like a jerk
I shouldn’t have told you to shut up
You really shouldn’t be sorry
thank you for agreeing with me about Ares
and Merry Christmas?
🙂 Merry Christmas! In my area.
JUST JOKIN’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
funny 🙂
I wonder what else can we do instead of 🙂 , 🙁 , 😳 , etc.?
You got me
I have no idea
I got some: 😕 and 😐
That’s because he dedicated his life to making wars, fights, and making people want strength, muscles, and hard hotheadedness. He’s still a coward.
I am pretty sure I have seen the second one before
Sandy if he makes fights how is he a coward?
You have? 🙂 That’s AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Whenever he started a war, he would join in, and take sides. And if his side was losing he would switch sides until one side won. If he got hurt, he would go crying to Hera and she would mend the wound.
Sandy my point is Ares would never run from a fight and never scream like a girl like you said
and Mars would be the exact same
Sandy that is a load of bull
he would NEVER cry
or switch sides you are just making this stuff up
which is sad and pathetic
This is useless. It’s like arguing with a Twihard.
You’re the one changing how Ares is always shown not me
I’m not changing anything.
I’m not changing anything.
You are making Ares seem like a 5 year old kid
*shakes head* This argument is useless.
“Ares ran and screamed like a little girl.It was amusing”
“Ares is a coward.”
“Ares would start a fight then pick sides and switch until one side won.”
“If Ares got hurt he would go crying to Hera and she would heal the wound.”
Do any of those ring a bell Sandy?
Well then stop being a hypocrite and changing how people believe things
Dear WS,
Are you done with Prisoner of Azkaban yet?
Dear S,
Yes I am finished Prisoner of Azkaban. I am almost finished Deathly Hallows, for further info.
– WS, the WS
I liked the part where Granger says that she likes very good quidditch players, not just quidditch players. I hate it when Lupin barges into Shell Cottage.
I mean, I liked it when Lupin and Harry still kept their heated argument.
I hate how Lupin dies
Along with Dobby that made me sad
I hate Kreacher, but in the end I heard that he was happy that the Dark Lord died.
Click my name, people!!!!! I like my outfit, but apparently no one else likes it. 😀 That’s GREAT!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😛
Please explain how that’s great
Oh I am so not gonna explain to you how that’s great.
– WS, the WS.
FINE I’ll tell you it’s because if nobody likes it it means that nobody on Poptropica has this outfit so my Poptropican will be the only one having this outfit. Of course, it’s really rare when two Poptropicans has the same outfit, but at least now I can Guarantee White Sword that noone has the same outfit as her.
oooookkkkkkk Yeah I do hate it when people take your idea of an outfit
then try to pass it off as their own
You still here?
Mwah. Love ya!
Love ya SP!
* Kisses SP on the cheek*
Where have you been GG?
I haven’t heard from you in awhile
Nah… I have not been anywhere… You know cryptids? Legendary beasts who’s existence have not been proved?
Please still be here!!! 😥
You got to be here!!! 😥
*gasped with tears flowing*
I need you now!!!
OK I GOT HERE *pant pant*
Did I make it?
Did you leave?
Ok then well GG I won’t be here from 12-2 so if you get on before then or after
and I will be here
What’s so adorable?
What’s the problem BT?
You having trouble posting links????
like this
ok then bye see ya later
How’d ya post that? Oh, bye. Even Olympians have to go to bed.
Miss SP. 😥
🙂 🙁 😥 😡 😀 😛 😉 😎 / :8 (it has two ways of doing it) 😳 👿 😈 😯 😐 😕
❓ ❗ 🙄 😆
BT: Oh YAY YOU FINALLY DID IT! I didn’t see your last comment so sorry if I’m repeating myself. 😳 Sorry! I have a bad habit of not seeing people’s last comments, but instead seeing their first comments while I am away.
😳 i meant 😕
SP: Ares did start fights and would switch sides. He would join any fight. But you’re right about how Mars was mor discliplined(sp?).
Sandy: In what mythology book does it seay Ares would go CRYING TO HERA ❓ ❗
good job BT
more not mor
ugh.. no one is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS tell me where it says he would switch sides
in a book i read last year.
91% of girls would be dead if the Justin Bieber decided breathing wasn’t cool. The 9% would be cracking up! (i’m part of the 9%)
I have a multiplayer room, BT.
I’m making a WS really soon.
First on this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7202 comments!
BT: Yeah you can come, of course! Just a sec. I need to load Poptropica…
Um, a question before I give you the code: Ruevenon?
Are you even on? is Ruevenon?
ABA32. Come!
BT? Hmm?
The code is: ABA32
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO ONE IS ON WHEN I AM ON SO IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ranirani March 3, 2011 at 9:12 pm
Dear Lisa,
The thing about the French page, its actually how you really have to find out to bring the green balloon to the boy.
Flora March 3, 2011 at 9:23 pm
I am ranirana too! But call me Flora
Flora March 5, 2011 at 4:44 am
I found a Glitch! In Counterfeit go to The Moldy Baguette Inn and go past the painter guy.There’s a door styled window or whatever you call them. Jump on the window above it, and jump in the middle of the trees, and you are walking in air! I don’t know if this works for everyone at everytime.
alexa March 6, 2011 at 2:55 pm
You forgot to mention the piece of paper on top of the museum in your written walkthrough
kellsie March 9, 2011 at 4:01 am
how do u get ballon boy do u get extra credits???
MacKenzie March 11, 2011 at 2:47 am
To kellsie: No you don’t get extra credits if you get ballon boy. From MacKenzie
nyi March 13, 2011 at 8:20 am
hey i cannot click the garbage can
green grape March 16, 2011 at 4:53 am
Nyi, click on the one that is OPEN, not the closed one.
Mei March 19, 2011 at 5:33 pm
i can’t find all the peices to the picture of the gargoyle!! please help!
johnstk3 March 19, 2011 at 5:48 pm
the guards are so flippin hard to get by
invisible catfish March 23, 2011 at 5:14 am
Here are the bad guys for each island:
Early Poptropica: NIL
Shark Tooth: Booga Shark
Time Tangled: NIL
24 Carrot: Dr Hare
Super Power: The Supervillians and possibly Ned Noodlehead
Spy: Director D
Big Nate: NIL
Nabooti: NIL
Astro-Knights: Mordred/Binary Bard
Counterfeit: Black Widow
Reality TV: the people who are participating against you
Mythology: ZEUS!!!!
Skulduggery: Captain Crawfish
Steamworks: Killer Plants
Great Pumpkin: NIL
Cryptids: Gretchen Grimlock
Wild West: the Mustachio Gang
Wimpy Wonderland: the Whirley Street Kids, possibly Manny
Kate March 27, 2011 at 6:11 pm
I can’t find all of the pictures?
nellery March 27, 2011 at 7:18 pm
I really need that sparkely gold outfit i told my friend i could get it for her and now i dont want to be a lier! Plz help!
Friendly Ghost March 29, 2011 at 5:17 pm
help i can’t get past the shadow inspector or whatever its called!!!!! help me please!!!!
Friendly Ghost March 30, 2011 at 7:47 pm
The missing torn picture pieces:
City Docks:
1. on top of the mast on the ship.
2.after the underground tour go to the right of the mysterious man and you’ll find it on the sand.
3.on the top near a flag. the supply closet.
Underground Tour:
5.Near a barb wire.climb it and jump right so if you pass it,you’l get it.
Moldy Baguette Inn:
6.On one of the windows.(outside)
Mei April 1, 2011 at 12:40 pm
Krystea April 1, 2011 at 4:03 pm
I need help finding the supply closet on counterfiet can someone help.
Krystea April 1, 2011 at 4:08 pm
I need help finding the supply closet on counterfiet can someone help.When someone can please tell me so I can do it at school my computer is having technical diffulculties im on my dsi and phone at the moment.
dogsrule April 3, 2011 at 11:19 am
please help i did it out of order my mistake and i still need the picture from downtown, but now it is under construction and i can’t get through. is there any way to undo this or something?
Incredible Thunder April 3, 2011 at 4:09 pm
there’s a sign over the inspector/black widow’s house that says “inspector veuve-noire”. veuve noire translates into black widow.
Incredible Thunder April 3, 2011 at 4:10 pm
how do you get the sparkly gold pop star outfit?
poppoppop April 4, 2011 at 4:40 pm
I need help with the paintings. they wont move.
invisible catfish April 6, 2011 at 5:05 am
twisted wizard sucks.
Nijis April 9, 2011 at 8:12 am
Yes!! I finally finished!! Hooray, hooray!
olivia555 April 9, 2011 at 8:13 am
it is really hard to keep spinning the handle how do you do it
Nijis April 9, 2011 at 8:21 am
Thank you for the aweswome walkthrough! I appreciate that you took the time to write all that! Thanks again!
Needs Help April 9, 2011 at 2:58 pm
I need to get one more piece of the puzzle but I need to get down town to do so,but the constuction is in the way, so how do I?
Golden leopard April 10, 2011 at 8:25 pm
the frame catch is so much to me and it is very hard at the same time you need to catch the frames and roll the mysterious guy over!!!
Magic Sword April 13, 2011 at 4:20 pm
I can’t defeat Widow!! I’ve tried a million times already!
Incredible Thunder April 15, 2011 at 8:01 pm
magic sword, for most of the time, just catch paintings. Catch as many as you can, and every four paintings you catch, the black widow wioll get mad and do the angry emote. this will give you time to run over and crank then handle a few times. when the balck widow’s done being angry, jump clear, because she’d going to throw a bomb at you. dodge the bomb and go back to catching art. after a few times of this procedure, you’ll have cranked the the mysteriuos guy to the very top, and he’ll run over a knock out the black widow. and as the mysterious guy says, “case closed.”
or you can just run overto the very left and crank like mad and hope that you get the mysterious guy to the top before she destroys more than a milllion dollars of art, but that’s a lot harder. you’ll have to crank really fast.
anyway, good luck! hope it helps!
Jovy April 16, 2011 at 3:18 am
Its easier if u bring a balloon when u r going to the stronghold. Just jump through the ceiling!
Dina April 18, 2011 at 7:09 pm
I want the sparkley gold outfit.
popularheart310 April 20, 2011 at 10:06 am
i can help you with the whole island! just tell me if you need help! im only an eight-year old you know!
popularheart310 April 20, 2011 at 10:08 am
oh and the sparkly gold outfit(popstar outfit) is gone and is ONLY for members
mighty joker April 21, 2011 at 12:18 am
i finished this island already,but there’s one thing I’m confused at. why is the fountain dry?
isabella April 23, 2011 at 12:04 pm
thanks that really helped =)
Bashful Cloud April 24, 2011 at 11:29 am
WHAT!? Popular heart, you’re saying the gold popstar outfit is GONE!? I REALLY LOVED THAT COSTUME!!! I MEAN, I HAVE THE OUTFIT, BUT ONLY IN 3 COLORS!
and, my parents dont allow membership
Bashful Cloud April 24, 2011 at 7:59 pm
@ Mighty joker: which fountian?
popularheart310 April 25, 2011 at 10:15 am
yep. its gone.
shaggywolf19 April 25, 2011 at 12:30 pm
Finally finished counterfeit island. still need more credits
coolduderulz April 25, 2011 at 10:44 pm
2 get an outfit, go 2 the star icon on the right top corner of the screen. when u get there, you go 2 the top of the screen where it sez “store”. select an outfit. then, return 2 the game. clik ”items” and press the arrow with the name of the island that yr on. u should see in yellow writing ”store items”. u r supposed to clik the purchased item and clik customize. there u go!
Incredible Thunder April 26, 2011 at 10:56 pm
WAHT THE POP STAR OUTFIT IS GONE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Icey April 29, 2011 at 3:23 pm
For people who are struggling with the “Catch Art/Pottery/Statue and turn handle” “game”:Ok, This is how I got through that. Just catch for art a time Black Widow get so mad her head pops off her head (lol) spin the handle, and watch out for the bomb she throws at you after she get’s mad. Be patient and you’ll win the game. Just keep doing this repeatedly:catch,catch,catch,catch, spin handle, avoid bomb. that’s it.
Icey April 29, 2011 at 3:25 pm
the mysterious guy will do the rest with the whole black widow POW thing
Icey April 29, 2011 at 3:30 pm
Incredible Thunder:Well yeah the popstar outfit is GONE. I’m trying to figure out which season it’s out though. I’ll be looking out though. (I think the popstar outfit is for members but i’m not sure yet)
Icey April 29, 2011 at 10:19 pm
Ok, Need Help On Train Robbery was me, I meant to do Icey on my name but forgot to.
(\_/) (.o.) (/\)
LOL there are people we haven’t even heard of! 😆
WS, can you make another WS?
Kesha: just a sec.
Sweet. Yay! I find them amusing!
Emma: Hey.
Me: Hey
Hi, Ke$ha.
My butt feels big today.
Okay? I just got a sale at Victoria’s Secret!
Second Episode
Hello everyone! Today is… May the first! The beginning of a new month! Behold, I will make another WS 12 days later. 12 days later, behold. 12 days later = May 13. Behold, fellows!
Title of WS: Never Smile At Mrs. Bloombook.
“Come ON, WS! Why are you so slow this morning?” DC asked impatiently. Have I ever mentioned DC before? No? No? I haven’t? Well, her name is Dizzy- Wait. I have. I’m gonna smash you into a kajillion pieces you stupid Internet for making me forget I have told everyone about DC. Too bad, because you can not smash the Internet into a kajillion pieces no matter how hard you try.
Anyways, where was I? Oho yes, DC impatiently (note to Claw: Stop being impatient. Maybe it’s because you are so Dizzy. Let’s have a look inside your head… *checks her head*) confronted me about how SLOW I am this morning. So, this is how it happened: I was on my way to school, and I was feeling normal, everything was normal. Then suddenly, I felt the whole world turn very very very very very very fast. I was ahead of DC, and then she caught up to me in a nanosecond. She asked why am I so slow, and I gritted my teeth. I shook my head. There. The whole world was normal again.
So I went to school with DC at my side complaining about random things (eg. Why the weather is so hot today, why has Justin Beiber drowned in a hot tub *check Art Students/Private School Students post*, WHY AM I SO SLOW FIVE MINUTES AGO.) 🙁 Grr I wish she’d stop talking. For every question she asked, I’d nod and say, “Pretty Good.” She would turn and say, “WS, so do you mean that it’s PRETTY GOOD that the weather is hot today or something?”
I ran past her and barged into class. Mrs. Bloombook was sitting, reading a book. Which makes sense because of her name. I looked at the board and to my horror it said, “Today: (whole day) Sirt.” ANOTHER Subject-mixing subject or whatever nosy Bloombook calls them. My best shot for this one is Science and Art mixed together or something.
*after all the kids came*
*Bloombook claps her hand* “So, we are going to do Sirt today. Sirt is the term used for Science and Art mixed together. We are going to draw whatever thingy that has something to do with science and write the math equation on the back. There you go. Good luck everyone.” And with that she kept reading. With a smirk at everyone in the class, I went to work.
About halfway through, I looked up and silently yawned (Bloombook hates noisy yawning, and whenever someone does that, she says, “Why?” That person will say, “I’m tired.” Then she’d say, “No excuses.”). Bloombook was staring at me, saying, “Nice picture, Sword. Keep going.” I realized I haven’t smiled at her once, not even once. So I did right at that moment. I SMILED. This is where it all began.
Thank you for listening. The second part will be here soon! Behold, the third Episode is on Black Friday! 😈
That was nice, WS.
What are you talking about? Black Friday already passed. Dutch! (I mean, “Duh!”)
Dear Diary,
Okay, I forget why I keep posting here but I don’t care.
Lemme tell you one thing: Never get in Meghan or Megan’s way.
Meghan chased me around the school with a filthy worm and Megan…she made me fall in mud.
Internet deals:
WS never mentions me in Winter Snow as I would like to be a character.
She thinks I’m the Devil’s Child. It disgusts me.
what did I miss this time?
Ok fine don’t tell me goodbye
And, Diary, I’m in love with a man who hates my guts. I will not tell you that man’s name because that man will kill me.
I’ll skip this part, okay?
My sister is reading Double Fudge, a Judy Blume book. She got it when she was 2 bur, she found it in the library of hers.
Jeez you’re in love with somebody who will kill you?
I know who it is, SP. Do you feel any sort of romantic interest towards me, SP?
What did you do to make this person hate your guts?
Please answer me, even if you don’t feel that way.
I just want to know.
what type of romantic interest?
Oh, the answer is no, isn’t it?
Like, do you kinda love me/ want to date me?
If you don’t feel that way, it is fine.
I liked what you posted on our page
Completley fine.
Oh, thanks. What is your answer to my question?
I feel that way about you.
Ok fine if you don’t want to be with me it’s fine by me
really but can we still be friends?
What way?
No, I really, really, want to be with you! I want to be mpore tha friends, SP.
I guess we’re over then.
*really really confused*
I want to date you.
Oh wow. SP’s an idiot if he doesn’t know
OK that’s great GG I guess we aren’t over then
Huh? I said I wanted to be your girlfriend! Is that enough translation?
Aren’t you two ALREADY dating? GG said that she wanted you to propose.
I’m so happy right now, SP. *Stares at him adoringly*
Kesha I do have a guess at who you like
*smiles at GG*
I know I said that. I just wanted to-well- make sure it was official and that we could be exclusive.
Sp, want to come to my house? We could watch a movie.
And SP, who do you “suppose” that I like?
GG sure
SP, what is your favorite movie?
Is this the 10 year old kesha or 18?
You know where my house is,right?
If you guys plan on getting married, I could so be your wedding planner!
What movie should we watch?
Ok then
I like anything, really. Ghost stories are the bomb, though.
Oh wow, SP! By my words…you probably know or are you too stupid to understand?
How about a horror movie?
SP, are you coming??????
Kesha could you please just say who?
Okay. Horror movies it is. Which one? Any of the Screams are good.
Where are you two at? GG’s house, GG’s “second” house which is my mansion or SP’s house?
We are at my first house, not your mansion.
GG-Scream II
Kesha could you please just say who???????
Okay, SP. Sounds good. *Sits on couch, sliding movie into dvd player*
Sp, it is you!
You are her crush.
I know.
Um…well I….uh….errr…..ok well….I gotta go and think
*runs out of GG’s house*
SP!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t go! *Sobs, staring at door with tear-filled eyes*
Oh wow sister. He is not my crush. It’s…er…whatshisface!
Oh, I knew you would leave me. Some things are too good to be true.
Who on earth is whatshisface??????????????????
*dials number*Hello? Yeah, I’d like to set up a date for GG.
No, her name is not GiGi!! It’s…Green Grape. Don’t laugh at her name!!!
No, I will not be set up with a date!!! My only love is Shadowprince.
*hangs up* You sure? I have a list. Even a phonebook made of guys I know.
*Stares into mirror and looks at mascara-streaked face*
I’m your older sister. Take advice from me, okay?
Come to your sister for advice. Your older, for mature sister.
I’m heading to the club. *walks out in my party outfit* Hot, isn’t it?
No KEsha Black Friday is May 13th.
Unless if you aren’t in my area.
For Canadians? Oh, I forgot!!!
First on this page!
Kesha: Yeah right。
The second and half episode will be somewhere before Black Friday.
What’s your name? (10 yr old Kesha)
OK who in the whole wide romantic-shutdown bullying weird black squeezy dark scornful world knows what is 喜羊羊与灰太狼?
Kesha: *confused* White Sword!
I meant your real name. Duh!
My real name is Veronica.
Ten year old kesha, I’m gonna kill you!!! You flirt with SP!!!! You don’t think I check previous comments, do you?
SP, can we still be together?
You! Imposter!
Hush, BT.
The show you’re talking about WS, I don’t watch it, but some of my friends do.
BT, you… Live in Malaysia??
This is fake okay? I just wrote it for fun!
the love of my life was gone
And now I’m all alone
I was waiting for a chance
To see him once
The chance to see him again
was all I needed to gain
I needed a kiss
So that I won’t hiss
in pain.
Ten year old Kesha does not flirt with SP. 18 year old one does, sis!
Wait there’s two Ke$has
Kate is me, the 18 year old. And Ashley is my sister, the 10 year old.
Γεια σας WS και αμμώδης. Θα κάνουμε μια εκπομπή σήμερα, εντάξει; Απλά για να ξέρετε.
The Good, The Bad and The Kaitlyn Valdez.
Episode 1: Story To Success?
I am Kaitlyn Valdez. You may wonder why I have success. Lemme tell you the story.
I sat in the office of my dad’s work, dangling my feet from the huge chair. My Dad came out, muttering things to himself with papers on politics in his hand. “What is that?” I asked. “Papers on policitics. I keep getting these e-mails saying a country or a city or a state or a province. They hate who’s ruling the country.” He explained. I stood up and asked, “Who are you again?” “I’m very important in the politics. “
“I hate politics. You have to vote for who can rule the country.” “In 13 years, you’ll be able to vote.” pointed out my dad. He went into his office and never came back.
13 years later.
我愛滿屋!難道你們看這個節目嗎?我做完了。 *啜飲我的酒,並期待出來的景點的中國 *這家5星級酒店,中國是偉大的。但是,你必須去衛生間站了起來。沒什麼大不了的啊…
Hey everyone……..
What? *confuesed* Make-out with him?
*looks at kesha*
*shares a look with SP*
SP! He is supposed to love me, not her.
Should we?????
GG you don’t hate me???
I…don’t know. SP, I’ve always loved you. Always.
Ummmmmm, no!!!!!!!! I can’t believe you are even considering making out with her!!!!
SP, I love you.
I thought you hated me though
And I thought you felt the same way.
*rolls eyes*
I don’t. When did I say that, anyways?
Do you like me at all?
SP, please answer me.
I have. I cry every night because I’m not with SP.
You do not like me, do you?
Ke$ha, if you loved him, then why are you not with him?
I was talking to SP, not you, bt.
SP? Why are you always leaving?
I dunno what to do
Well, you could tell me if you love me or Ke$ha.
I suppose you are right, BT.
Are you still here, SP or Ke$ha?
I just realized something.
I choose you GG
What did you realize, Ke$ha?
You do, SP? I’m in shock.
SP, do you want to hang out?
We could go to this old-fashioned arcade that is by my house.
Why, what, BT? I don’t get it.
Okay, SP. Just meet me there. *Grabs wallet and changes into jeans and my fave Beatles t-shirt*
Wow. There is, like, no one here. Wierd.
Well, I thought he might choose Ke$ha cause they have more history.
I think I’ll play Pac-man first. *Slides quarters into machine*
GG I am here
I wonder what is taking SP so long.
Good thing that’s over!
Hi SP.
Which game are you going to play?
BTW: I made him up. I knew that would happen. I like messing with sis.
Why is he a copycatter, BT?
Made who up, Ke$ha?
I’m confused. *Slides to the floor, leaning against the wall*
*puts on lipstick and heads to club*
You are so wrong, Bendy Titch.
GG I m gonna to our page
I’m so leaving you losers. Get a life people.
Sp, go to this page:
I want to go there for some reason. Please don’t follow us, BT or Ke$ha.
SP, are you going to come?
I’ll be here. Or there.
I’m sorry, bt. Please forgive me.
Thanks. SP is not there though
I’m gonna have some privacy so bye!
No I just showed up there but I wanted to go to our other page
Don’t tell me what to do!!! Get a life!!! I’M GUNNA SLEEP!!’
Well, are you still here, SP?
ok ganite everyone
Yes Im still here
Cmon GG lets go to our page not the artemis one the other one
Please can we go to the artemis one? Just for a sec.
Still here, SP?
Why did you leave SP?
Oh good morning! I’m up super early!
Morning again. My cat bit me.
Kaitlyn’s status:
I’m craving tacos.
I 8 tacos 4 breakfast!!!
Gtg 2 school.
So do I. School is boring.
Kaitlyn’s Status:
Omg! I have homework!!!
Just kidding!
I had for lunch! Yum!
Kaitlyn’s Status:
On my !!!
I’m eating !!
I a called Autumn Air!!!
Kaitlyn’s Status:
Sry 4 yesterday, BT.
Kate wuz on.
She’s annoying.
The profile stuff?
All mine!!!
I like my emoticons. If it annoys you, I’ll quit it.
It’s fine. I’ll stop. For you. Cause, I don’t want to be enemies.
I don’t want to be enemies. Please excuse what Kate said.
I’m craving .
I ate !
But, I was Chocolate.
yeah… you know what? THEY DO. Remember how they used to say bad words? And they had a made up mansion or whatever they called it and an indoor pool which they flirted mainly. And they have this weird unknown dark weird crazy unbelievable weird I’m saying this for the last time weird room called the Sex Room. Then SP said: “s-s-sure”. You can check if you want to.
That was all my evil sister. WS, I’m the one who’s friends with everyone! The nice one!
OMG how can you possibly say that? I LOVE SCHOOL! Wait. Love is not enuff. I LUV SCOOL, WHICH IS COOL! GET IT? SCOOL AND COOL!
The real nice Kesha, not Kaitlyn: Cool! You are waaaaaaaayway nicer than your sister, real Kesha.
I hate school.
Thanks, WS!! *hugs her*
I luv scool. It’s cool.
*hugs back*
Is it true that your name’s Ashley?
Sis obsesses about innapropriate stuff. She’s desparate. She doesn’t have a boyfriend and she rubs it in everyone’s face that she’s famous.
She is…in her world. She’s a hobo. She’s a liar.
My name…*breathes out* is…Elysia.
My name is Brianna. I found a name and faked it lol
Brianna’s Blog:
5 minutes ago…
“My BFF has a crush on my enemy. It’s awkward!!”
Brianna’s Status:
“This song is great!! ”
Brianna’s Status:
“I want a Ginger Ale and I got it! ”
Brianna’s Status:
“My favorite color is Red. But, my 2nd favorite is Violet. My favorite things: !”
Soon is…when? I’ve been waiting, eating these !
Brianna’s Status:
Gr8. School iz almost starting.
Then, I have 2 .
Ciao, now!
What’s up with all the squares?????
What squares? They’re emoticons!
My bus is leaving, you guys, so see you later!!!
Bye!! *catches bus and goes to school*
School=Pircture day
BT the time you see on this blog is 2 hours BEHIND my time so it 1:35 my time is 3:35
Mine is 4:36.
Kaitlyn’s Inbox:
You’ve got !
Kelly, Jessie, Jaida, Emma, Kaitlyn, Emily, e.t.c.
ME: Hello, Miss “Marries someone each day and lies a lot she got a trophy for it”.
KV: Help me!
ME: Lemme think. Hmm. No.
I hate Kaitlyn Valdez, my sister. I am Brianna DeRoue.
if you two were sisters how come you don’t have the same last name?????
Father, Divorce, Mother.
KV was from the fathers side. Me? Mothers.
so wouldn’t that make you step sisters not sisters?
besides you know your mother could change that name making you have your sister’s last name
Yeah. KV said we’re sisters. Idiot.
She kept her maiden name.
Ke$ha May 4, 2011 at 3:59 pm
Father, Divorce, Mother.
KV was from the fathers side. Me? Mothers.
This would make you two step sisters and you said this
KV’s right. You ARE an idiot.
ok KV didn’t call me an idiot see
Ke$ha May 4, 2011 at 4:08 pm
Yeah. KV said we’re sisters. Idiot.
so you see “Brianna” called me the idiot
not KV
I am Brianna. YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!
But see you said KV’s right about me being an idiot but you called me the idiot so there is only 1 kesha and you just made up the second to help cover up for all the mistakes you made on this blog which is just sad
truth hurts
you see you said KV is 18 so 1. why would she be on a kids blog when she should be in college and 2. if by some crazy thing that she is really there I think an 18 year old could come up with a better insult that “idiot”
now now now I don’t think 10 year olds are supposed to use that language
I AM KV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then why did the 18 year old call me an idiot?
10: Called you an idiot.
18: Called you a bitch.
Because we are fighting about your existance on this blog and you are saying your sister “Brianna” is real
oh really well you responded awfully fast after your Step Sister posted so fast that a person would think you are the same person
*shakes head* Just give it up ok?
It’s really obvious that you are the same person just quit it now
*smiles again*
You’re annoyed. Good. *walks to SP’s house and makesout with him*
Uck get away from me
I am with GG plus I am not annoyed
No way. I’m not doing that. You prove nothing. I’m leaving this site. It’s stupid.
Oh yeah just like you said you were leaving the last 3 times
and I proved everything so it is just pointless to continue this little act
*once again smiles*You are just mad becaues I ruined your little act
What the hell is wrong with you Ke$ha?? Get your paws off of my man!
at me?
GG I am gonna go to our page I hope to see you soon
I dropped my towel on the floor and laid down in my sleeping bag. Haylee came out with a pile of chips and sodas. I took one, popped one open and sipped it. Haylee laid down and finally said, “When are we going to the pool?” I looked up at the Camp Counselor. “Yeah, when!” I asked.
The Counselor said, “Tomorrow. We need rest for the archery competition.” I sighed. “Archery competition?” Kelly said, “But, the Swim Competition!” I nodded. “Kelly has a point.” agreed Haylee. Jessie picked up a flaming marshmellow and aimed for the pit but it got stuck in Haylee’s hair. “My hair is on fire!!!” screamed Kelly.
I’m at Summer Camp in this scene.
I knew you couldn’t leave
I did leave, ShadowPrince.
No you just posted you didn’t leave
BT there is only 1 kesha not 2 like she keeps saying
Ke$ha May 4, 2011 at 4:53 pm
No way. I’m not doing that. You prove nothing. I’m leaving this site. It’s stupid.
See you said you were gonna leave but you just came back the next day
I got 6:55
Ok I have to go get ready for school bye
SP is an idiot. I totally need to catch my bus. Well, see you. My name is Brianna.
Actually, it’s Elysia. SP’s right. Sorry I haven’t been honest. I have favor to ask of you guys:
My friend, Bubblegum is coming on here and can you guys treat her like part of our little family?
Hello. You may meet someone else new here.
Oh hi!
I’m not new.
I’m Icy Fire.
Do you know CD?
I’m her big sister….I’m eleven.
You must be CD’s friend Ke$ha.
My Status:
I have Pretty Girl Rock stuck in my head.
Emma looked around as she tried to choose a table. “Sit over here!” I called to her. “No, over here!” said Jake. “Come over here!” I said again, trying to get her to come over. “No, here!” said Jake again, tempting her. She walked over to my table and sat down. “Yay!” I cried out. I gave her some popcorn as this one person did a speech. “Therefore, in 1983…” he began. “I have nachos!” I cried out.
I’m CD’s friend.
Ke$ha May 5, 2011 at 12:25 pm
Actually, it’s Elysia. SP’s right
Music to my ears
See? I said that you’re right.
*washes my hair* Me, Little Seal and my friend Bubblegum (her poptropican name is Massive Kid) we pressed happy and it looked disgusting. *dries my hair and brushes it*
Hi IF!!! (Your initals are “if”)
Hello Shadowprince.
you must be dating GG.
CD told me about it.
She said she hates you.Well I don’t want any enemies so why don’t we just have a neutral friendship.
Hi Ke$ha.
Yeah.You can call me IF.
*I can see that you and Shadowprince are enemies.
I hate SP.
He wouldn’t take me back, he hates me and SP, let’s be friends, okay?
Is GG your friend?
I think she’s a bit…well…….uhhh..too much in love.
I don’t like people with so much romantic interest.
Isn’t she a bit young?
But maybe she’s a nice person.
I don’t know.
Ke$ha?Are you there?
Here. And I don’t like people like that anymore. But I did love D’andrew.
What are you trying to say Icy Fire?
What do u mean?
green grape?
Did I hurt your feelings?
I’m really sorry if I’m being rude!
She said you were too in love. I agree. But, everyone needs love. *grabs a bottle of water and has it*
Green Grape?
Why does everyone always leave when I talk?
Sorry green grape.
Maybe I was being rude.But I did apologize.
I’m sorry.
Maybe I’m a jerk.
I had to leave because I had to eat.
You aren’t a jerk. You’re actually my new friend.
Why are you leaving? I need to make my parody anyways.
I’m on my iPod.
Real nice. I needed to know that.
BubbleGum should be here about 6:40 or 6:30.
Pretty Girl Rock
Uh uh uh ah uh uh
I can do the pretty girl rock, rock
Rock to the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Now what’s your name
My name is Keri, I’m so very
Fly oh my, it’s a little bit scary
Boys wanna marry, looking at my derri
And you can stare but if you touch it Imma bury
Pretty as a picture
Sweeter than a swisher
Mad ’cause I’m cuter than the girl that’s with you
I don’t gotta talk about it baby you can see it
But if you want I’ll be happy to repeat it
My name is Keri, I’m so very
Fly oh my, it’s a little bit scary
Boys wanna marry, looking at my derri
And you can stare but if you touch it Imma bury
Pretty as a picture
Sweeter than a swisher
Mad ’cause I’m cuter than the girl that’s with you
I can talk about it ’cause I know that I’m pretty
And if you know it too then ladies sing it with me
All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl’s a 10
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
My walk, my talk, the way I drip
It’s not my fault, so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Aye, now do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock
(Now where you at?)
If your looking for me you can catch me (that’s why)
Cameras flashing, daddy turned his head just as soon as I passed him
Girls think I’m conceited ’cause I know I’m attractive
Don’t worry about what I think, why don’t you ask him? (owoaah!)
Get yourself together, don’t hate (never do it)
Jealousy is the ugliest trait (don’t, never do it)
I can talk about it ’cause I know that I’m pretty
And if you know it too then ladies sing it with me
All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl’s a 10
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
My walk, my talk, the way I drip
It’s not my fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Doing the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock
Do the pretty girl rock, rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Get along with your pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Still show me your pretty girl rock, rock, rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock, rock, rock
Sing it with me now
All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl’s a 10
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
My walk, my talk, the way I drip
It’s not my fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl’s a 10
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
My walk, my talk, the way I drip
It’s not my fault so please don’t trip
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful
Lol I saw Everybody Hates Chris, Everybody HatesThe New Kid and it said something.
OK you know what? I think there are actually THREE Keshas here: Kate Valdez, Kaitlyn Valdez and Brianna DeRoue.
WS, I gave it up. WS, do a Winter Snow for me, can you?
Wow BT you have like an “LOL” for every post you comment! Like, not EVERY comment, but most!
WS! Winter Snow!
OK! But, complete this survey first for the WS:
Bring it on!!!
Favorite super power (eg Flying? Mindreading? etc.)
FAvorite school subject?
Fav Hater? (Fav “person who you hate?” A person who you hate but is the best in your group of “I hate thems”.)
Fav Poptropican Island?
Fav made-up name?
Complete it to get a part in WS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Mind reading.
2. Art.
3. Andrew.
4. Spy Island.
5. Ashley.
I will wait one hour.
Okay. At 9:19.
List of WS characters:
Kesha ➡ Check
Thanks. Where is BubbleGum? BubbleGum is my friend Emma.
Were you asking me to be your friend????
Ke$ha May 5, 2011 at 2:00 pm
I hate SP.
and SP, let’s be friends, okay?
Summer Camp Day 1.
I looked into my creaky old cabin as the dust flew from the door. “Ew.” I said. This was Camp Woodman. The one me and my friends enrolled to. But one question was, where are my friends? I looked around and put my DuffleBag on a bunkbed. Another camper came in behind me and shreiked. “Hello!” she said. She handed me a t-shirt. “You’re one of the new Camp Counselors! It’s your job to clean up the cabin and turn this into the best Summer Ever for you and your campers!” she shreiked. She ran happily outside and I picked up and broom. First things first, sweep this place. I swept til the floor was just a nit dirty. I stripped the beds and washed all the covers. I fluffed the pillows, killed the bugs and swatted away the flies. My cabin finally looked presentable.
And yes, I was, ShadowPrince. I want to make friends.
*smiles* Even though you hate me???
I looked out at the Camp. Art Room? Abandoned. Pool? Abandoned. Rest of the cabins? Abandoned. I looked out. I dusted the sign for my cabin. The cabin was called “The Redstem Cabin”. Redstem? I looked out at the cars. 19.
Yeah. Even if I hate you.
New friends!
I love it when old friends set aside their differences and be friends again.
It makes me think of a poem my and my sister Cute Daisy made together!
A true friend,
will enter the heart.
And a discouraged person,
will begin from the start.
Friendship is like a boat,
it tips and drops,
and sometimes floats.
It rises up.
It falls down,
friendship goes in directions,
all around.
White Sword, do White Snow!!!
White Sword must be another one of CD’s friends.
She has so many actually!
Ke$ha,I’m glad I’m your friend.
Shadowprince? Can we be friend too?
Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t order me around!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
IF: Can we be friends too?
IF that depends are you going to stay off GG and I’s page?
( . )
Sure Shadowprince.
I’ll stay off.
We can be friends!
ok IF we are friends
So cute!!!
ok I am gonna go now
Ok Shadowprince.
Unlike my little sister CD, I know it’s rude to interrupt other’s romantic conversations.
Hey IF why does CD hate me????
CD still thinks you are a creepy weirdo for a thing a person called Shadowprince did to her a long time ago.
But it was your clone.
She still hates you,but I think she’ll get over it when she’s ready.
You can’t blame her though.
She’s a ten year old child.
And she’s afraid of little things like this.So if she comes on this page,don’t ralk too much about it.
Do you know what page she’s on I would like to tell her that I’m not the clone
I’m 10. Tomorrow, I’m 11.
Good morning guys. I’ll make sure BubbleGum’s on tonight. Maybe I can’t make it tomorrow.
Summer Camp Day 2
I put on my Camp T-shirt and shorts. I looked out the window and saw people running back and fourth with buckets of water. I ran outside looking for a fire but I saw no more than a pool being filled. Campers lined up to pick their cabins. I looked out. “I choose this one.”
She’s on a lot of pages.
But they all have my name on them!
Happy Early B-day Ke$ha!
I’m late for school!
Thanks IF! I need to go too. See you after school!!!
I’m at school guys. Meet Bubblegum.
hello other earthlings!!!
Hi Bubblegum!
I’m back from school now…
Bubblegum is my real life friend Emma. She was beside me.
Bubblegum is nice. She’s my BFF. When she gets here, introduce yourselves and treat her like family. (Don’t say anything that’ll drive her away. Try to impress her, please?)
*fixes my frizzy hair and puts on deoderant. Showers, brushes my hair back, puts on my sweater, my jogging pants and my Aéropostale purple t-shirt* Where is Bubblegum? *pops Cinnamon Gum in my mouth and chews it* She should be here. It’s 4:11. She said she would be here by now.
Hey Emma!
I’m Icy Fire!
You can call me IF.
I also have a sister named Cute Daisy (CD)
I live in Canada and I’m Pakistani.
I’m also extremely religious.
Hmmm…maybe she’s making a late entrance…
Bubble gum may be puzzled. Watch the language.
Oh sorry.
Did I say something wrong Ke$ha?
No. I meant that at Bendy Turtle. No offense, Bendy!
(* * )
Bunny’s so cute!! Aww!!! Bunny!!!
(>< )
(') (')
Thanks Ke$ha.
I heart bunnies!!!!
Me too!
(o o )
(“) (“)
Guitars 4 evry1!!
More guitars?
Everyone has a guitar!! Wait, I missed me, BG and IF!
New guitars!
*leans on guitar rack and plays “Smoke On Water”*
Here. *wipes my forehead*
Where’s bubblegum?
Gotta eat! Gtg!
|………..Great Flavor!……|
|……Only $2.oo a pack!..|
|Amazing Color!…………..|
come back fast!
And Shadowprince?
Are you dating the clone Green Grape or the real Green Grape?
Because Mighty Drummer told me that the real GG wouldn’t love you.
So is this the clone or the real one?
And by the way,it isn’t your page.
Hey BFF! I’m back! *grabs a can of Root Beer* Want one?
Hi Ke$ha!
And no thanks!
Okay. I like your outfit.
What now?
Icy Fire, Truth Or Dare?
Hello Everybody and welcome to “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader!”
Our contestants:
*Sheila Ray
*Habib Asim
*Bhavia Khan!
I pick Truth…
Have you ever kissed someone?
IF ok I am sorry if MD is your friend but there is no clone GG
Yes I have.
I’ve kissed my parents!
On our page,there is.
oh really?
then why don’t you tell me your page?
IF: Ask me ToD.
Truth or Dare?
oh Truth or Dare…….I’m just gonna leave now*backs away slowly then runs*
Dare. I love Dares.
Go on Shadowprince’s page and write “I’m a creepy Chicken!I’m a creepy chicken!”
Here’s a link to his page.
I did! Go check!
Ke$ha! I didn’t think you would do it!!!
Truth or Dare?
Hey Ke$ha!!!
Give me my dare!!!!!
Go to a random page and yell “LET’S GO WARTHOGS!!! LET’S GO!!!”
I did it!!!!
First on the new page!!!
I’ll get Sandy!!!
I have 2 go.
Hello. I’m on.
Yay!! I’m gonna do a cheerleading routine!
*turns on The Time (Dirty Bit) and starts routine. Starts by doing a cartwheel which turns into a flip. I flip and look back and do the human pyramid. I flip off that and make a sprinkler and do a cartwheel, ending in my pose when the song ends*
Hi, Sandy! Long time no see! *grabs a Coke and opens it* Want one?
I prefer iced water.
Okay. *grabs her an iced water and hands her it*
Thank you, Ke$ha.
Hey Sandy.
Welcome. Welcome back, Sandy!!!
Hi Ke$ha.
GG, congratulations on having SP!!!
Do you guys still like me?
Thanks, Ke$ha.
I still like you.
I still like you. GG, click.
Hi ke$ha.
Hi GG.
Are you mad at me GG?
Is anyone here???
Hi Ke$ha!
Truth or Dare?
Hi Kesha?
Is anyone here?
I still like you. You are a nice friend.
Goodbye .
I like you too GG.
I hope you don’t hate me!!!
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT GO YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANTYA SEE ME?????????????
I’m not leaving anymore!!!
Is your real name Veronica?
I hate it when Snape rejoins Dumbledore. And he was cruel about only wishing Evans to be alive and he didn’t cared about whether or not Potter and Potter survived.
You read Harry Potter?
I read A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Um… technically no, but I’m only telling you ONE thing: My real name starts with K. Initials are KS.
IF: A series of unfor. events? I don’t know those books. Do you read Septimus Heap books? I love those. I’ve read the whole series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My initials are BR
Beth Roar? (random guess) 😆
I don’t know those.
But do you know the Geronimo Stilton books?
I love them!!!
Why h why do I always have to repeat it?
And on the home page, which no longer is the home page, I posted that I’m in the GL class but that was done just to get that person named kylie off my back. kylie kept saying that smart people should do their homework but the time I’m off I’m mostly doing my homework!!!!!!!!! So I wished kylie would stop!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god! Jeez.
Then Kylie is odd…
First on the new page!!!!
Information of The Day:
Russia is the largest country in the world!!!
I love school…
I dream about school…
I live off of information!!!
Books are my life!!!
I like school. Sometimes I hate it, though.
I plan to be a scientist,doctor,lawyer and president of Canada…
I don’t know how though…
Or maybe I’ll just be a fashion designer…
Just Kidding!!!
I’m horrible at fashion…
I want to be a lawyer. A divorce lawyer.
Cool Sandy.
What we love,
is what we hate.
And eventually,
we come to say,
that we,
as humble human beings,
cannot change the love,
of a person’s faith.
I like the Canadian flag.
I do too.
But it’s so hard to draw!!!!
I think it’s easier to draw than the American flag.
Check the latest blogthing.
Ok I am gonna leave for awhile some people are just unkind and can’t do a simple favor
A.K.A sandy,IF and kesha so I’m gonna go
What did I do this time?
I don’t think I did anything wrong.
You actually told kesha to go to GG and I’s page
Maybe I got a bit..(OK.Maybe a lot) carried away with truth or dare.
I feel kind of guilty now.
If it makes you feel any better,
I’ll do one thing that you want me to do.
It can be anything.Okay?I’ll do anything to make it up to you and GG.
After all,GG is Cute Daisy’s friend (I think she hates me though.) and it feels wrong to be mean to a perfectly good person.
But Shadowprince,
what did Sandy do?
I swear that I did not tell her to go on your page.
So don’t look at me on this one.
By the way Shadowprince:
Don’t think I’m a bad person.
Sometimes I just don’t think clearly and kind of mess up.
It happens to everyone.
I owe GG an apology too.
I am extremely sorry I dared Ke$ha to go on your page.
I got carried away.
You may call me a loser, a jerk, a moron, an idiot, a creep and any other insult you can think of.
But I’m honestly sorry!!!
Please forgive me.
😮 IF you are truly a really, really nice person!!!!!!!! I feel glad I made friends with someone like you!!!!!!!!! 😀 :beams:
I want to be a…. Sandy, Kesha knows it, right? Right? Like, I’ve said it for like forever… Hint: it starts with c. If anyone checks past posts, they might know too. I don’t think the Can. flag is hard to draw. Ameri. flag is hard to draw!!!!!! I love math and science. But I’m not that good at patterning and rotation in math, but I’m awesome at science. For math, I am an expert at calculating without a calculator, but otherwise just like anybody else (except a LITTLE gifted! I don’t mean to brag. 😳 Sorry if I AM sort of bragging.)
PS I love, totally love school. No. Make that to I luv towtowlee luv scool, itz cool.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor, then at age 8 I changed my mind I wanted to be a lawyer, and now, I want to be a… Sandy and Kesha and anyone who checks past posts know that, don’t they (you)?
Oh and I’m really not Chinese, I just towtowlee luv Chinese culture and food, and a little of Japanese.
bye!!!!!!!!!! See ya all leaeteera!!!!! (coded!)
Yep. I definitely know what you want to be.
Your the nicest.
You are really kind and I’m so glad I made friends with you!!!
I think we have a lot in common.
We both LUV school!
We both wanted to have the same jobs!
And WS:Your not bragging.To tell the truth,my IQ is pretty high too!
I can do multiplication,long division and calculate surface area in my head in a minimum of 15 seconds.I’m not bragging so don’t call me a show-off.But I think I am pretty smart.WS,your pretty smart too!
WS is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met! Seriously, she is.
I agree!
WS is a genius…
Yep, she definitely is.
You’re pretty smart yourself, IF.
Thanks Sandy.
But I’m probably not as smart as WS.
I feel like I’m lowering my self esteem.
But I hate it when people criticize me.
Today,my friend called me ugly.
Trust me.You don’t want you Best friend to call you ugly…
Bu Sandy:
If I’m smart,then your twice as smart as I am!
I recommend listening to this:
Thank you, IF.
Happy B-day!
It’s my poptropica name!!!
I love it though!!!
It makes me feel so…original!!!
Early Pop is lame!
Shark tooth lost it’s game!
Carrot Island’s wrong!
Super Power will Be gone!!!
Hey Icy Fire?
Too afraid to face your own sister?…*smirks*
Happy Birthday Ke$ha!
Remember me?
I finally got my profile back (I had to go on a different computer!)
No I haven’t.
But I have seen Purple Kid.
Hey Ke$ha!!!
Click on my name!!!
This is what I look like in Poptropican version.
A good friend
Very kind
Is courageous
A Good listener
So nice
Has great qualities
A good friend
Sure Ke$ha!
Have fun at your cousins!!
But I have 2 go!
Anybody on?
S is for Sympathetic
A is for Awesome
N is for Nice
D is for Distinguish
Y is for You Rock!
Thank you, Icy Fire.
Bye, BT.
That is something few know.
Hi Sandy.
Are you still here?
I am here.
Hi GG.
Umm GG,
I have something to ask you…
About SP.
I guess you’re gone…
_______________________The Poptropica Gazette____________________________
The Poptropica Gazette.
Costume News:
On Saturday May 7th,Icy Fire produced 3 new costumes.
Ms.Fire is a member of the Super Fashion Gals and has recently just joined.The costumes are called “Trendy with a Touch of Orange”Cute Nerd” and “Extra Fun”.
Go to the Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld page to see these costumes.
We are hiring new members to post their own stories on the Poptropica Gazette.
Contact Icy Fire to get your free job as a reporter today!
Ye Old Poptropica Gazette has just quit.
Now,the new newspaper, The Poptropica Gazette , is in business.
We sell worldwide on Poptropica Secrets so many people are seeing the news.
Contact Icy Fire if you want a job in the paper as we need people to help run the Gazette.
Me: Alexis, are you okay?
Alexis: Yeah.
*lays down on sleeping bag.* We get to go to Mac’s later and we get to eat chips and have frosters.
Sandy (Mad Dragon)
Icy Fire
Green Grape
Bendy Turtle
Bubblegum (Massive Kid)
White Sword
(Me) Little Seal
My mother, Athena M., would like to invite you all, excluding Shadowprince, to the ball.
That’s great, Sandy. Can you pick me up by 8:30?
I’ll help you look for a gown.
Found the perfect one for you. Google Night Moves 6297.
Sandy, will you pick one for me? You have a really good fashion sense.
IF: can i be a reporter?
E is for emotional, ruins everyboydy’s day
M is for misereable people
O is for on the dark side cause we got some fresh cookies (cookies!)
(no offense if ur emo or knows anyone who is!) 😉
Hey GG
Sure! What color, though?
Hey Sandy
Hello, SS! I haven’t seen you in a long time!
Hi guys.
I just been busy with my soccer pratice
I found the perfect gown for GG! Google Jovani 7483!
Cute!!!!!! Thx Sandy. When is the ball?
You’re welcome. It’s in a week. Oh, this is mine:
This is cute too.
Ooh, I like that dress.
Which one is cuter?
I have to admit that I think the one I chose is cuter. The other one is still cute, though.
Hi everyone! I have had a lot of tests and homework lately, so I could not come on. Sandy, can I come to the ball?
Yes you can!
I agree Sandy. Hi psophia! I missed you.
This is gonna be a great time. *picks up my gown*
It is not until next week, Ke$ha.
What should I wear?
Hello????????????? GG? Sandy? Ke$ha?
Thanks for letting me know, psophia.
Don’t you mean Green Grape? She is the one who told you.
Google JO- 71459
Hello?????? Why did you all leave?
I’m watching a movie!
Great, Ke$ha. What movie?
Hairett The Spy: blog wars
Just came back from eating din-din 🙂
*goes on blog and types:*
My day was totally fine. My cousin’s mom and her younger sister, (my cousin’s…not her mom’s sister!!) Good night. I’m gonna go to sleep. Maybe. Cousin’s getting annoyed so, gotta go!
Is GG, psophia? ❓
I’ll take the little quiz, I guess.
You’re absolutely crazy! But don’t worry: that’s why everyone loves you!
Perfect Quiz for my Bff
You Are 48% Weirdo
You’re definitely quite strange, but you can act like a normal person when you have to.
(But just because you can act normally, it certainly doesn’t mean you want to!)
You have normal aspects to your personality… but you usually don’t choose to emphasize them.
oh.. Hey Kesha!
Random Thought Time! (RTT!)
(=’.’=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(“)_(“)signature to help him gain world domination.
What are you talking about, SS?
I had to leave earlier cuz my mom wanted me to put my laundry away in my insanely messy room.
I hate you so much right now, psophia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How could you do it? Please just tell me.
Of course you may SS.
I got this:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Half-blood
Year: Harry’s year (two years younger than George)
Boyfriend: George Weasley
Friends: Hermione Granger, Padma Patil, Terry Boot, Justin Finch-Fletchley
Rep: Brilliant academic. A bit of a bookworm, but still very down-to-earth. Very clever and witty, has a sharp humor and an even sharper tongue. A little intimidating, she’s so smart.
Academics: Brilliant. You excel at nearly everything you try.
Harry Potter: She’s definitely one of the smartest girls in the school. And she doesn’t even spend all her time studying like Hermione does. Funny, too.
Ron Weasley: She’s bloody brilliant. She never really pays attention in class, either, just sketches in the back of the room. But she still knows exactly what’s going on when the teacher calls on her. It’s like she has three minds working all at once. How my brother got her, I’ll never know.
Hermione Granger: She is so nice. It’s great to have conversations with her, and I love hanging out with her. But she’s a bad influence on the boys. I can never get them to study anymore because they just point out that she never does, and her marks are still nearly as good as mine. They don’t seem to see the difference between her intelligence and their own abilities.
Seamus Finnigan: I always feel a little off when I speak with her, like I’ll never measure up to her, but she never even points it out if I say something wrong. Modest, that one.
Dean Thomas: She’s real clever. Doesn’t talk all that often, but it’s always worth listening when she does.
Neville Longbottom: She’s so much smarter than me, but she still talks to me. She even paired up with me a few times in charms, and even though I nearly blew up our project a couple times, she just laughed and fixed it.
Lavender Brown: She’s too smart for her own good. But it is impressive.
Parvati Patil: She’s smart, but she really needs to work on some other areas of her life. I mean, she’s as bad as Granger, never wears makeup and only rarely gets new outfits. Her sense of style isn’t half bad, though.
Ginny Weasley: I’m glad she and George are going together. She’s very funny and I like talking to her.
George Weasley: I think I really love her. She’s sweet and kind and clever… and she even puts up with me. I know I don’t deserve her, but I’m so glad she chose me. The world’s better just knowing that she might be thinking about me. I don’t know how I’m going to manage after I’ve graduated and she’s still in school. But I’m sure she’ll figure out some brilliant solution.
Fred Weasley: She’s quiet, a prefect, and doesn’t much approve of our pranks. I don’t know how George can stand her, but they do kinda just mesh well together. And it’s nice having someone smart hanging around. She’s always figuring how to get us out of trouble, and she’s even fixed a few pranks for us. The “non-harmful ones,” she says.
Lee Jordan: She’s brilliant, but never shows it off. George is in total awe of her. They get on surprisingly well.
Angelina Johnson: She’s a sweet kid. Surprisingly grounded for how smart she is.
Alicia Spinnet: I’ve never really talked to her, but she’s always very polite and kind to everyone.
Katie Bell: She’s real nice, a good match for George. And I think it’s been good for him to have something to focus his energies on besides causing trouble.
Oliver Wood: She’s shown up for a few of our practices waiting around for George. I figure he must have wanted to show off for her, because it was the best he’s played. I tried to convince her to come back for some more practices, but she politely declined. Turns out she’s not really very interested in quidditch.
Hannah Abbott: She always has her nose in a book. Sometimes I think she reads more than Granger.
Susan Bones: She’s nice and has a pleasant demeanor.
Ernie Macmillan: She’s great to argue with. She always knows exactly what she’s talking about and is really lighthearted about it all. Sometimes I think she lets me win the debate on purpose, though.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: She’s one of my closest friends. She’s just fun to be around. No one else understands me quite like she does.
Cedric Diggory: She’s a real clever girl and always seems calm.
Padma Patil: I love hanging out with her. We can laugh at anything, and I always feel safe confiding in her.
Mandy Brocklehurst: She has a very calm aura, like she just exudes peace or something. I’m always impressed by how she takes everything in stride.
Terry Boot: There are few people I feel so comfortable around. She’s one of those people you just want to get to know. A lot of people say she follows the rules too often, but I know better; she’s a real troublemaker at heart, and I love her for it.
Michael Corner: I love getting her for a partner in class because then I always get good marks. Unfortunately, she usually pairs up with Padma or Terry.
Cho Chang: Everyone knows she’s smart, but no one gives her enough credit for her fashion sense. All of her outfits are stylish.
Marietta Edgecombe: She’s kind of Ravenclaw’s poster girl. You’d think she would overshadow the rest of us, but she’s so humble, I never get that impression.
Draco Malfoy: She thinks she’s so smart, but she’s just another obnoxious half-blood brat.
Vincent Crabbe: Everyone thinks she’s really nice, but she can be cruel. Last time I insulted her, she said so much back so quickly, I couldn’t think of anything to respond.
Gregory Goyle: She scares me a little. It’s not a good idea to insult her; she’ll make the whole school laugh at you instead.
Pansy Parkinson: Good for nothing know-it-all. And she’s such an annoying goody-two-shoes.
Millicent Bulstrode: She’s always reading. One time I tried to jinx her while she was absorbed in her book; I figured she wouldn’t know what hit her, since she wasn’t paying attention. She hexed me before I’d even finished raising my wand. I haven’t tried anything on her since.
Daphne Greenglass: She’s so strait edge, never breaks any rules. Seems weird to me that she’s with a Weasley twin.
Blaise Zabini: I’d never admit it, but she’s actually pretty cool. She’s clever, and sly, too. People think she’s a total goody-two-shoes, but I’ve seen her get her boyfriend out of trouble before, and she can lie without batting an eye. Even I was impressed by how easily she managed.
Theodore Nott: She’s a little suck-up brownnoser.
McGonagall: She rarely pays attention in class, but if I ask her a question, it never takes her long to come up with the correct answer. She’s very clever and always willing to help the other students.
Sprout: She’s smart, that one. But doesn’t let it go to her head. She still tries and does her homework. She’s a real joy in class.
Snape: She’s an annoying know-it-all, always trying to prove me wrong. And I know she’s always cheating, helping the other students with their work. One of these days I’m going to catch her at it.
Flitwick: I’m proud to have her in my house. She’s bright and helpful. She’s generally well liked, too.
Hagrid: She really likes me animals. An’ she can handle them jest fine, too.
Dumbledore: She’s one of the brightest witches to come through this school. She will succeed no matter what she pursues in life.
Random Adults
Remus Lupin: Very quick to figure things out. She has a pure heart, too. I think she and George are a very apt match.
Molly Weasley: I’ve only met her once, but I was very impressed. She’s a sweet girl and I’m proud of George’s choice. I think she’s a good influence on him.
Arthur Weasley: She’s a very nice girl. Molly thinks she will be a good influence on our son, but I think he’s more likely to be a bad influence on her. Either way, George really seems to like her, and I’m pleased he’s found someone as sensible as she is.
Bill Weasley: I haven’t met her, but she’s clearly won George over; he practically raves about her.
Charlie Weasley: We met once. She was fascinated by my work in Romania and kept asking questions. She already knew an impressive amount about dragons, and I think she absorbed every word I said. George seems an unlikely match to me, but they like each other, and I certainly wouldn’t mind having her in the family. .
I looked around before I woke up. I yawned and headed to the Living Room of my cousin’s house.
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Half-blood
Year: One year older than Harry and Ron
Boyfriend: Ron Weasley
Friends: Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Marietta Edgecomb, Zacharius Smith
Rep: The spit-fire. Always energetic and enthusiastic, but has an opinion on everything and an awful temper. Fun, but you want to stay on her good side.
Academics: Average student, you excel at classes you like and don’t really bother with those you don’t.
Quidditch: Chaser
Harry Potter: She’s nice, but a little scary. She’s great for conversation, but you just better hope you don’t say something she doesn’t agree with. It’s absolutely impossible to get out of a debate with her once she gets going. Ron’s totally head-over-heels for her, though.
Ron Weasley: She’s bloody brilliant! I absolutely love this girl. She knows what she wants and always plans on getting it. She’s funny and fun and not afraid of embarrassing herself. We’re totally different, I know, but everything just seems better when she’s around.
Hermione Granger: She’s certainly opinionated. It’s impossible to convince her she’s wrong about something. She’s very protective, that way. She’s also very protective of Ron. Even the Slytherins don’t really like messing with her. And she can make even the most boring day interesting.
Seamus Finnigan: She’s a bit scary. She gets absolutely furious on short notice. But she’s definitely nice enough.
Dean Thomas: She’s real nice and great at standing up for herself. Just stay on her good side.
Neville Longbottom: She terrifies me. I’m afraid to talk to her because I don’t want her to yell at me.
Lavender Brown: She’s a bit loud for my tastes.
Parvati Patil: She has one heck of a personality. She’s fascinating and fun to be around.
Ginny Weasley: She’s great! I’m glad she and Ron got together. I like having her around. She even chewed out some Slytherins when they started picking on some of my friends when I wasn’t around.
George Weasley: She’s a spitfire, that one. I keep waiting for Ron to be overwhelmed by her, but he’s sticking by her. I never would have thought he could handle a girl as strong as she is.
Fred Weasley: I’ll never know why she’s with Ron. Don’t get me wrong; they obviously work well together, but Ron’s so meek, and she’s anything but.
Lee Jordan: She has so much energy. It seems like she’s always everywhere at once. One of the fastest chasers on the field, too.
Angelina Johnson: She’s great. We can share everything with each other. She’s very understanding underneath all that stubbornness.
Alicia Spinnet: She has an awful temper when we play her in quidditch, but Angelina and Katie always laugh it off. Really, with her energy, she should be a beater. But I’m glad she’s not; the game’s already hard enough.
Katie Bell: Everyone thinks she’s too opinionated, but she’s really not. Sure, she stands by what she believes like a mother bear, but she’s still willing to change her mind when she learns new information. And she sticks by her friends just as strongly as she stays with her opinions.
Oliver Wood: She’s one heck of a quidditch player. And her voice can carry over the whole pitch.
Hannah Abbott: I’ve never met someone more stubborn than she is.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: She’s nice, but a bit over the top.
Cedric Diggory: She’s one of our best players. Clever, too. She comes up with some really creative new plays. Doesn’t take criticism very well, though.
Zacharius Smith: She has a wicked sense of humor and an opinion on everything. I love hanging out with her. She’s always entertaining.
Padma Patil: She and Ron are always together, but I don’t know what he sees in her. Or, for that matter, what she sees in him. They’re nothing alike.
Cho Chang: I know she’s friends with Marietta, but she really gets on my nerves. She could learn to be more polite.
Marietta Edgecombe: She’s so nice and always has good advice. She will always listen to your problems, and if she can’t help you, she at least knows how to make you laugh.
Roger Davies: She’s a headache to play in quidditch. Fast, and she never seems to get tired.
Draco Malfoy: She thinks she can say whatever she wants to whomever she wants. And she’s always so bloody enthusiastic. One of these days we’re going to have to tone her down.
Vincent Crabbe: She better start shutting her mouth or someone’s going to start shutting it for her.
Gregory Goyle: I don’t get it; she yells at people all the time and never gets in trouble for it.
Pansy Parkinson: She needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. It’s going to get her in trouble one of these days.
Millicent Bulstrode: That little b*tch thinks she knows everything, always spouting her opinion like it’s law.
Blaise Zabini: She has far too much energy, always bouncing around the school like a caffeinated squirrel.
Marcus Flint: She’s too fast in quidditch. I knocked her off her broom once, though; that was satisfying.
McGonagall: She has an annoying habit of interrupting and starting debates every lesson. But at least her arguments do seem to be intelligent and thought out.
Sprout: She really has to learn to be polite. But she always participates enthusiastically.
Snape: That little brat is a nuisance in class and has absolutely no manners to speak of. I will not be sorry when she finally stops taking potions. If she tries to take it at N.E.W.T. level, I’m going to have to think of a way to kick her out once and for all.
Flitwick: She’s always eager to learn, but rather too energetic. She’s set a couple too many things on fire in class.
Hagrid: Ron likes her. An’ I s’pose she’s nice an’ all, but she kinda makes me nervous.
Trelawney: She talks during lessons and always comes up with outrageous predictions. I really don’t see why she takes the class at all.
Dumbledore: She is a good girl. And quite interesting to debate with. In time, I feel, she will learn to hold her tongue in check. But until then, it is always entertaining to hear her speak to her fellow classmates.
Random Adults
Remus Lupin: She certainly has a temper. But I think she is essentially a good girl. She just has to learn to keep her head about her.
Molly Weasley: I think she’s a trouble maker, and I won’t be sad when Ron finally decides to leave her.
Arthur Weasley: She’s nicer than Molly gives her credit for, but I still don’t really know what my son sees in her. I suppose there must be something, though, and I trust Ron’s judgment.
Bill Weasley: I met her once. Mum says she has a horrible temper, but she was calm enough with me. She seemed fascinated in hearing about my work in Egypt. I think Ron made a rather good choice.
Charlie Weasley: I’ve never met her, but it’s clear that Ron absolutely adores her, so she’s fine by me. .
2nd try.
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Muggle Born
Year: Two years older than Harry (two years younger than Oliver)
Boyfriend: Oliver Wood
Friends: Eloise Midgen, Alicia Spinnet, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Roger Davies
Rep: Fashion queen and flirt. Hot and a bit of a tease. Cute and light-hearted.
Academics: A fair student. Would do great if you ever tried, but you don’t.
Harry Potter: I don’t really know her, only seen her around. She’s very popular, though. She’s hot and her outfits always look expensive. Frankly, I can’t figure out how Oliver got her.
Ron Weasley: Bloody hot, that’s what she is. But why is it that girls like her are always surrounded by a crowd of friends?
Hermione Granger: She’s nice enough, I suppose, but she would definitely do well to pay a little more attention to her studies and the rest of the world instead of fixing her makeup and shamelessly flirting with all the boys.
Seamus Finnigan: That girl is hot. I can’t imagine why she’s with Oliver. If they ever breakup, I’d love to have a shot at her.
Dean Thomas: Seamus has the biggest crush on her. I don’t think they’ve ever actually had a conversation, though. Even though she clearly has no interest in him, she’s still polite anyway.
Neville Longbottom: I’ve never met her. She’s very popular, and I don’t think she would be interested in knowing me.
Lavender Brown: Oh, she always has the most gorgeous outfits! And her accessories are to die for. I practically idolize her.
Parvati Patil: Frankly, I don’t think she has much common sense. I mean, she could have any boy in the whole school, and she chooses Oliver Wood. He’s so obsessed with quidditch I’m surprised he even noticed her in the first place.
Ginny Weasley: She’s always dating someone new. I don’t think she’s ever stuck with a boy this long before. But then, Oliver isn’t exactly like the rest of the guys she’s dated before, either.
George Weasley: I never would have guessed that the fashion queen would hook up with the quidditch obsessive, but they really do get on well. Who knew? Real shame that Oliver took her off the market.
Fred Weasley: We stained her outfit red and yellow once; it was hysterical. She totally freaked out, yelling and carrying on. One of the only times I’ve seen her lose her composure; she’s usually so poised.
Lee Jordan: She’s a bit obsessive with her looks. I think that’s why she and Oliver get on so well: they both have an obsession. Even if their obsessions are completely at odds with each other.
Angelina Johnson: Oliver really likes her. I can’t imagine why, she’s such a ditz. She probably couldn’t play a sport even if she tried. But surprisingly, Oliver seems okay with that.
Alicia Spinnet: We’ve been friends since first year. She’s great to talk to and far less shallow than everyone thinks. I was actually the one who introduced her to Oliver, but I really didn’t expect them to take to each other so quickly. I think she’s finally found someone who makes her happy.
Katie Bell: I’ve only met her a couple of times when she was hanging around practice waiting for Oliver. She’s nice. And Oliver is completely taken by her. He even cut practice short a few times to make a date with her. I thought the world was going to end.
Oliver Wood: She’s absolutely amazing. I’ve never met anyone quite like her. She’s witty and nice and really sees me for me. She’s so easy to talk to, and we just understand each other. I wish she was a little more interested in quidditch, though. I keep trying to get her on a broom, but I’ve only succeeded once. She claims it messes up her hair, even though I tell her she would still look beautiful anyway.
Hannah Abbott: She’s a little flighty, but generally I think she’s nice. She’s friends with everyone, always chatting and flirting.
Susan Bones: She’s absolutely gorgeous all the time. I don’t know how she does it. She’s a bit catty, but she’s not as b*tchy as you might expect.
Eloise Midgen: She’s such a sweetheart. She knows more gossip than anyone else in the school, but she’s still discreet about it. I’ve never known anyone to keep a secret like she can. She uses all of her connections for good. I know at least four couples who got together because of her, and she’s real good at comforting people if she notices they’re upset. And, of course, she always does notice.
Ernie Macmillan: She’s probably the most popular girl in the school. And somehow she always manages to remember everyone’s name and family and dates and everything. She always asks the right questions and says the right things.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: She’s a complete flirt. She has every guy here wrapped around her little finger, and she can get any of them to do just about whatever she wants. And of course she never actually goes with any of them, just thanks them in that sweet voice of hers, flirts some more, maybe kisses them on the cheek, and walks off with her girlfriends. We all know she’s just a tease, but she’s still the hottest girl at this school.
Cedric Diggory: We dated for a while and parted as amicable friends. She’s really rather smart, but she never shows it. I don’t think she knows who she is or who she wants to be. But I trust she’ll figure it out eventually; like I said, she is clever.
Zacharius Smith: We dated for about a month. Then we broke it off for summer holidays. It was a good month. No regrets.
Padma Patil: She’s shallow and superficial. All she ever does is flirt and admire herself in the mirror. It’s pathetic, really.
Mandy Brocklehurst: She’s really quite nice and doesn’t mind talking to people who aren’t as popular as she is.
Terry Boot: She certainly is a socialite. But she’s always polite and never gossips. There’s often a lot of gossip that goes around about her, though. But I never believe a word of it, and I don’t think anyone else really does, either.
Michael Corner: She’s surprisingly perceptive. She actually remembered when I mentioned some trouble my sister was going through. She checked back later to see how she was doing and even gave some good advice. I was very impressed by her kindness and the time she took to talk to me.
Cho Chang: I met her through Cedric. I’ve never met anyone as personable as her before. She really seems to get along with just about everyone. And she’s great to talk to. I just can’t figure out what she sees in Wood.
Marietta Edgecombe: I hang out with her sometimes when she’s with Cho. Frankly, I think she’s one of the shallowest girls I’ve ever met. And it’s disgraceful how she flirts all the time. But her fashion sense is absolutely brilliant, I will give her that.
Eddie Carmichael: We dated for a while. She was the one who broke it off. I’m still surprised she said yes in the first place. But man is she hot! Not half bad at kissing, either.
Roger Davies: She’s great. Clever, too, when she wants to be. I love talking with her. People tease that I’m the only guy not harboring a crush on her, but I’ve really always seen her just as a close friend. And I like it that way, as friends.
Draco Malfoy: It’s a shame she’s a mudblood. Otherwise, she would definitely be worth the time.
Vincent Crabbe: She’s a filthy mudblood. A bloody hot one, but a mudblood.
Gregory Goyle: She’s just a tease, never actually does anything with anyone.
Pansy Parkinson: Pathetic. She practically throws herself on all the guys. It’s disgraceful. But what else would you expect from someone of her breeding?
Millicent Bulstrode: What do the boys see in her? She’s just an obnoxious brat.
Daphne Greenglass: The guys practically throw themselves at her. I wish I had just a little bit of her charm.
Blaise Zabini: She is hot. Good personality, too. I would have expected her to be a real b*tch with how popular she is, but she really isn’t.
McGonagall: She would do very well if she would only ever study or practice. As it stands, her lack of interest in anything beyond looks tries my patience.
Sprout: She all but refuses to work in the greenhouses, afraid to get her hands dirty. I think some dirt would do her some good.
Snape: She is a disruption to my class and has no skill to speak of.
Flitwick: She’s a sweet girl and gets along with every body. I just wish she would pay attention more instead of talking to her friends in the back of the room.
Dumbledore: She is a nice young lady and seems to have every boy in thrall of her. And I must admit, if I were still young, I don’t doubt that she would have also won my attention. She will eventually contribute greatly to wizard kind, once she finds a new interest to pour her attentions into. .
Second is basically me.
I got Artemis.
Beyoncé Knowles is my look alike!
I’m a bikini!
My power is dark.
Got Aphrodite. Of course!
Popular one.
The Bad Boy.
2nd try.
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Muggle Born
Year: Two years older than Harry (two years younger than Oliver)
Boyfriend: Oliver Wood
Friends: Eloise Midgen, Alicia Spinnet, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Roger Davies
Rep: Fashion queen and flirt. Hot and a bit of a tease. Cute and light-hearted.
Academics: A fair student. Would do great if you ever tried, but you don’t.
Harry Potter: I don’t really know her, only seen her around. She’s very popular, though. She’s hot and her outfits always look expensive. Frankly, I can’t figure out how Oliver got her.
Ron Weasley: Bloody hot, that’s what she is. But why is it that girls like her are always surrounded by a crowd of friends?
Hermione Granger: She’s nice enough, I suppose, but she would definitely do well to pay a little more attention to her studies and the rest of the world instead of fixing her makeup and shamelessly flirting with all the boys.
Seamus Finnigan: That girl is hot. I can’t imagine why she’s with Oliver. If they ever breakup, I’d love to have a shot at her.
Dean Thomas: Seamus has the biggest crush on her. I don’t think they’ve ever actually had a conversation, though. Even though she clearly has no interest in him, she’s still polite anyway.
Neville Longbottom: I’ve never met her. She’s very popular, and I don’t think she would be interested in knowing me.
Lavender Brown: Oh, she always has the most gorgeous outfits! And her accessories are to die for. I practically idolize her.
Parvati Patil: Frankly, I don’t think she has much common sense. I mean, she could have any boy in the whole school, and she chooses Oliver Wood. He’s so obsessed with quidditch I’m surprised he even noticed her in the first place.
Ginny Weasley: She’s always dating someone new. I don’t think she’s ever stuck with a boy this long before. But then, Oliver isn’t exactly like the rest of the guys she’s dated before, either.
George Weasley: I never would have guessed that the fashion queen would hook up with the quidditch obsessive, but they really do get on well. Who knew? Real shame that Oliver took her off the market.
Fred Weasley: We stained her outfit red and yellow once; it was hysterical. She totally freaked out, yelling and carrying on. One of the only times I’ve seen her lose her composure; she’s usually so poised.
Lee Jordan: She’s a bit obsessive with her looks. I think that’s why she and Oliver get on so well: they both have an obsession. Even if their obsessions are completely at odds with each other.
Angelina Johnson: Oliver really likes her. I can’t imagine why, she’s such a ditz. She probably couldn’t play a sport even if she tried. But surprisingly, Oliver seems okay with that.
Alicia Spinnet: We’ve been friends since first year. She’s great to talk to and far less shallow than everyone thinks. I was actually the one who introduced her to Oliver, but I really didn’t expect them to take to each other so quickly. I think she’s finally found someone who makes her happy.
Katie Bell: I’ve only met her a couple of times when she was hanging around practice waiting for Oliver. She’s nice. And Oliver is completely taken by her. He even cut practice short a few times to make a date with her. I thought the world was going to end.
Oliver Wood: She’s absolutely amazing. I’ve never met anyone quite like her. She’s witty and nice and really sees me for me. She’s so easy to talk to, and we just understand each other. I wish she was a little more interested in quidditch, though. I keep trying to get her on a broom, but I’ve only succeeded once. She claims it messes up her hair, even though I tell her she would still look beautiful anyway.
Hannah Abbott: She’s a little flighty, but generally I think she’s nice. She’s friends with everyone, always chatting and flirting.
Susan Bones: She’s absolutely gorgeous all the time. I don’t know how she does it. She’s a bit catty, but she’s not as b*tchy as you might expect.
Eloise Midgen: She’s such a sweetheart. She knows more gossip than anyone else in the school, but she’s still discreet about it. I’ve never known anyone to keep a secret like she can. She uses all of her connections for good. I know at least four couples who got together because of her, and she’s real good at comforting people if she notices they’re upset. And, of course, she always does notice.
Ernie Macmillan: She’s probably the most popular girl in the school. And somehow she always manages to remember everyone’s name and family and dates and everything. She always asks the right questions and says the right things.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: She’s a complete flirt. She has every guy here wrapped around her little finger, and she can get any of them to do just about whatever she wants. And of course she never actually goes with any of them, just thanks them in that sweet voice of hers, flirts some more, maybe kisses them on the cheek, and walks off with her girlfriends. We all know she’s just a tease, but she’s still the hottest girl at this school.
Cedric Diggory: We dated for a while and parted as amicable friends. She’s really rather smart, but she never shows it. I don’t think she knows who she is or who she wants to be. But I trust she’ll figure it out eventually; like I said, she is clever.
Zacharius Smith: We dated for about a month. Then we broke it off for summer holidays. It was a good month. No regrets.
Padma Patil: She’s shallow and superficial. All she ever does is flirt and admire herself in the mirror. It’s pathetic, really.
Mandy Brocklehurst: She’s really quite nice and doesn’t mind talking to people who aren’t as popular as she is.
Terry Boot: She certainly is a socialite. But she’s always polite and never gossips. There’s often a lot of gossip that goes around about her, though. But I never believe a word of it, and I don’t think anyone else really does, either.
Michael Corner: She’s surprisingly perceptive. She actually remembered when I mentioned some trouble my sister was going through. She checked back later to see how she was doing and even gave some good advice. I was very impressed by her kindness and the time she took to talk to me.
Cho Chang: I met her through Cedric. I’ve never met anyone as personable as her before. She really seems to get along with just about everyone. And she’s great to talk to. I just can’t figure out what she sees in Wood.
Marietta Edgecombe: I hang out with her sometimes when she’s with Cho. Frankly, I think she’s one of the shallowest girls I’ve ever met. And it’s disgraceful how she flirts all the time. But her fashion sense is absolutely brilliant, I will give her that.
Eddie Carmichael: We dated for a while. She was the one who broke it off. I’m still surprised she said yes in the first place. But man is she hot! Not half bad at kissing, either.
Roger Davies: She’s great. Clever, too, when she wants to be. I love talking with her. People tease that I’m the only guy not harboring a crush on her, but I’ve really always seen her just as a close friend. And I like it that way, as friends.
Draco Malfoy: It’s a shame she’s a mudblood. Otherwise, she would definitely be worth the time.
Vincent Crabbe: She’s a filthy mudblood. A bloody hot one, but a mudblood.
Gregory Goyle: She’s just a tease, never actually does anything with anyone.
Pansy Parkinson: Pathetic. She practically throws herself on all the guys. It’s disgraceful. But what else would you expect from someone of her breeding?
Millicent Bulstrode: What do the boys see in her? She’s just an obnoxious brat.
Daphne Greenglass: The guys practically throw themselves at her. I wish I had just a little bit of her charm.
Blaise Zabini: She is hot. Good personality, too. I would have expected her to be a real b*tch with how popular she is, but she really isn’t.
McGonagall: She would do very well if she would only ever study or practice. As it stands, her lack of interest in anything beyond looks tries my patience.
Sprout: She all but refuses to work in the greenhouses, afraid to get her hands dirty. I think some dirt would do her some good.
Snape: She is a disruption to my class and has no skill to speak of.
Flitwick: She’s a sweet girl and gets along with every body. I just wish she would pay attention more instead of talking to her friends in the back of the room.
Dumbledore: She is a nice young lady and seems to have every boy in thrall of her. And I must admit, if I were still young, I don’t doubt that she would have also won my attention. She will eventually contribute greatly to wizard kind, once she finds a new interest to pour her attentions into. .
I like this one! It sounds like me!
Happy Mothers Day!
Wishing everyone’s mom a happy day with loads of love!
Happy mommys day!
Good for you BT.
Are you here???
( \/ )
M is for the motherly love
O is for on the run to protect us
T is for the sweet things she does
H is for her feelings for us
E is for everyone’s favorite women
R is for the roses of happiness she gives to us
S is for the sympathy of her love
I is for her inspirational ideas
C is for her loving sister,Cute Daisy
Y is for her young,yet golden age
F is for the fiery temper she holds back
I is for the cold ice inside of her
R is for the rose of beauty she won’t let out
E is for everything she has done
G is for her gorgeous side
R is for her rose of sympathy
E is for her heart of empathy
E is for everyone she meets
N is for her nice attitude
G is for grace and posture
R is for roaring applause
A is for An exceptional kindness
P is for perfect
E is for her excellence
B is for her balanced attitude
E is for empathy
N is for niceness
D is for her dainty,yet upbeat manners
Y you rock!
T is for treasuring ideas
U is unbeatable strength
R is for rose of courage
T is to be successful
L is for likable
E is for excellent amazement
The Poptropica Gazette.
Breaking News!
On Sunday May 8th, Green Grape has officially found out who cloned her.Or did she?
GG was on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Master Page when she saw a post written by Psophia.
psophia May 7, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Thanks SS. You can’t be a bridesmaid if you enjoy ruining SP and I’s life.
These were her exact words.GG’s theory is that Psophia has been cloning many people.
But Psophia claims that she has not.
Who is the clone?Is Psophia innocent?
Find out in the next edition of the Poptropica gazette!
I got emo.
Same as you.
Hades, of course.
Bye Ke$ha.
Bye Sandy.
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Mixed blood
Year: One year younger than Harry (Ginny’s year)
Boyfriend: Harry Potter
Friends: Ginny Weasley, Colin Creevey, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas
Rep: Quiet and shy. Clever, with a cute smile, but rarely says very much. Overall, someone you wouldn’t object to becoming friends with, but probably never bothered.
Academics: A reasonably good student. You try moderately hard and get mostly good or at least good-ish marks.
Harry Potter: She is the absolute sweetest girl. Her laugh can brighten my mood no matter how upset I am. Most people say she’s shy, but I don’t get that. She’s certainly never quiet around me. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and I absolutely adore her.
Ron Weasley: She cute, and sweet, too. She blushes way too easily and doesn’t generally talk to me unless I’m with Harry, but Harry loves her, and I think the two are good for each other. Even if they are almost revolting when they curl up on the couch together.
Hermione Granger: She’s very nice and funny. She is actually a very good conversationalist when she feels like it. Harry and she are so sweet when they’re together.
Seamus Finnigan: She’s cute. Kind of annoyingly optimistic, but cute.
Dean Thomas: She’s a great friend. Hysterically funny, too. She can make me laugh until I cry. I don’t know why she doesn’t show that side of her to people more often.
Neville Longbottom: She seems very nice, but we’ve never really spoken.
Lavender Brown: I’ve talked to her a couple of times. She’s really polite and has brilliant taste in jewelry.
Parvati Patil: I don’t really know her. I mean, she’s not very talkative, is she? I get the impression there isn’t all that much substance to her.
Ginny Weasley: She’s so sweet! I love hanging out with her. She always has something interesting to say. She’s quite clever, really. I’ve been trying to get her to talk more in class, but she just doesn’t seem willing.
Colin Creevey: She’s really nice. She’s always willing to listen to me, no matter what I have to say. And she has such a cute laugh. She’s someone that I actually feel lucky to have as a friend.
George Weasley: She’s sweet. I got to know her through Ginny before she started going with Harry. Frankly, I don’t see how Harry can see her as anything other than a kid sister, but I suppose he is closer in age to her than we are.
Fred Weasley: We tried to pull a couple pranks on her a few years back. Of course, she never said anything about it, but I think we hurt her feelings a little. Ginny was furious and threw a fit. I ended up apologizing. Good thing we got that out of the way before she started dating Harry. He would have tried to murder us.
Lee Jordan: She’s a cute kid. And she has an adorable giggle.
Angelina Johnson: Harry’s girl? She’s sweet. She looks younger than she is, but she actually acts very maturely.
Alicia Spinnet: It’s fun to watch her and Harry together. They’re totally starry-eyed over each other.
Katie Bell: Surprisingly, she is very good at cheering people up. She seems to know just what to say, even if she doesn’t know what the problem actually is.
Oliver Wood: She’s a good girlfriend for Harry. Always supports us at the games, even if she isn’t exactly the loudest cheerer. She shows up at practices a lot, too; does her homework on the pitch. Though, frankly, I think that she’s more of a distraction for Harry than anything else.
Hannah Abbott: It’s so cute to watch her and Harry walk down the halls together hand in hand! They really are an adorable couple.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: I’ve never really talked to her, but it’s obvious how much Potter likes her.
Cedric Diggory: I’ve never actually had a conversation with her. But during the Tournament I could see how much she liked Harry. She always looked positively faint with fear for him, and was the first person to meet any of us when the tasks finished. And even though no one would have blamed her for seeing me just as Harry’s competition, she still always made a point of coming over and congratulating and wishing me luck. She was sincere, too.
Zacharius Smith: She’s always at all of the games. She really seems to like Harry.
Mandy Brocklehurst: People say she’s smart, but I don’t see it. She has “naive” written all over her features. Although I suppose that isn’t necessarily bad.
Michael Corner: I’ve talked to her some. She’s a little flaky, like she never really pays attention to anyone. And she giggles way too much.
Cho Chang: Harry acts better around her. Happier. But I still can’t figure out what he sees in her.
Roger Davies: A bit ditzy, isn’t she? I don’t really know her, though.
Luna Lovegood: She’s so very nice. I know she doesn’t believe a word I tell her about tri-horned cat-a-wails or purple galoushes, but she listens to me anyway. We get into debates about why various creatures can or cannot exist. She’s really very funny about it.
Draco Malfoy: Harry’s little brat? She’s sickeningly sweet and has absolutely no stamina. She won’t last out in the real world; she has too little personality and ambition. No intelligence, either. She doesn’t even notice when we insult her.
Vincent Crabbe: She’s a ditz.
Gregory Goyle: She laughs way too much.
Pansy Parkinson: She’s a porcelain doll, that one. I hope I’m there to see when she finally shatters. That’ll keep her annoying giggle silent.
Millicent Bulstrode: She never rises to our insults or goading. It’s infuriating, really. She hears us and then just smiles and walks away. Doesn’t even say anything. It makes me want to strangle her.
Blaise Zabini: She’s an odd one. Never rises to insults. She doesn’t show much personality, but she’s interesting, I’ll give her that.
McGonagall: She is very sweet and kind. She gets along well with the other students and I think she will be very successful at whatever she chooses to do.
Sprout: She’s very friendly. She doesn’t much like getting her hands dirty, but she works hard at the class.
Snape: She is a mediocre student at best, and she has a rather annoying giggle, but I have no real objections to her. Other, of course, than that she is with Potter.
Flitwick: She’s not always very attentive, but she is nevertheless a fine student. And she has a bright sense of humor.
Hagrid: She’s very pleasan’ an’ good fer ‘arry. Harry chose well with her.
Trelawney: She doesn’t take my class seriously and whispers all period to those Weasley and Lovegood girls. She certainly does not have the Sight.
Dumbledore: She is a wonderful girl. There are few people anymore as kind and generous as she. She will do very well in life, I am sure.
Viktor Krum: I never spoke to her, but it vos clear that she liked Harry.
Fleur Delacour: She was ‘arry’s girl, yes? She was just a very little girl, but she was cute.
Random Adults
Remus Lupin: A delightful young lady. She has a simply beautiful personality. She’s clever, too. She is a good match for Harry.
Sirius Black: Harry likes her. I don’t think she has much personality, but I suppose if she makes Harry happy, I shouldn’t complain.
Molly Weasley: Such a sweet girl! She’s quite polite and well bred. And I’m so glad our Harry found someone like her who won’t take advantage of his position.
Arthur Weasley: I’m always delighted to have her stay with us. She gets on so well with Ginny and all the boys. And she’s much politer than they are, too.
Bill Weasley: She’s very cute and has a beautiful laugh. I was impressed by how close she and Ginny became.
Charlie Weasley: I always liked it when she would visit us over the summers. She always played the peacekeeper, usually between Ginny and Ron or the twins and Percy. The house was always calmer when she was a round.
Voldemort: She’s dating Potter, you say? Well, we may find some uses for her, then. She could prove very useful indeed.
LOL this is what i got.
am surprised.
Port Dover? Sounds familiar. My friend Selena lives there.
Oh, why does Mother insist on having a ball?
Wait. I heard her saying something about the secret will be revealed. Now that I think of it, she sounds similar to the person who kidnapped me. Uh-oh.
Hello, Ke$ha.
Have you heard that my mother might be the godnapper?
Yes, you are invited. It is in exactly one week.
Well, my mother could rearrange the time of the ball.
IF: Can you please do an acrostic poem for me, too? Please? It can be anything, good or bad. Just please please please please please please do one!!!!!!
Surprisingly clever
Horrifying (in a good way) story-teller
Ambitious at heart
Like it?
Am i invited, too?
If not, then, not a big deal.
Oh yes. You are invited.
Sandy: Thanks.
SP: I am now officially calling you OR.
OR: Wait. I’m now officially calling you Rider, OSTRICH.
Rider, OSTRICH: Wait. I’m now officially calling you RO.
Happy, SP/OR/Rider, OSTRICH/RO?
Oh, if there is an confusion on what to wear, you must arrive in a ball gown.
BT: Wow your outift looks nice, you know. All gold and yellow. Pretty good match, yellow, gold and white, though…
Ball gown? Hmm. I’ll consider for about two days on IF (not Icy fire, the regular if) I’ll REALLY go. “Ball gown…” *mutters to self*
It is a stunning outfit, BT.
I’ll go.
Found one.
Which dress is better?
This one:
Or this one:
Both in black
I’ll just wear the second one.
She won’t wear that to the ball. She simply said that it makes a nice outfit.
I like Italian food, especially when paired with iced water.
Everybody makes mistakes, BT.
I’ve never tried Haitian food.
I went to a vegan buffet yesterday. It was good.
Well, I have to go. Goodbye, BT.
Halo, Wain Hijau. Bagaimana kabarmu.
Weird, in a good way
Helpful at making descisions
Important person
Wickedly clever
I hope this is good, WS. Could someone make one for me, please?
Nerveless in the face of danger
Realistic-goal setter
God like
Pretty (you are a child of Aphrodite, after all)
Oddly awesome
I’ll go as a vampire princess.
What I’m going to do is put on a black corset gown, curl my hair, and add a tiara.
I’m going to make an acrostic poem for every Greek deity that I like/admire/love.
I am trying to make it so I have no more….problems with other people
so Sandy will you forgive me for being mean to you????
and kesha will you forgive me for hurting or being mean to you???
WS do you forgive for insulting you????
IF you especially I’m sorry for not responding to your apologies but I couldn’t log on to the blog
I forgive you, SP.
I’m going to wear this dress:,560,cid,133,product.html
Thanks sandy and believe it or not I still I have to apologize to more people but thanks again
SP/OR/Rider, Ostrich/RO: I forgive you. What should I call you, between the four of them? SP, OR, RO, or Rider, OStrich?
For the party, eh… I’m not gonna wear anything too bad, or good. Just a regular Halloween costume (as you may know already, I’m not interested in fashion.)
For the ball, eh… I’m not gonna wear anything too bad, too good.
There is no such thing as a regular Halloween costume.
WS I would highly appreciate being called SP
SP: Fine then.
Sandy: Yes there is. I’m gonna be a phantom.
Now you see me…
…now you don’t.
So you are going to be a phantom? Cool.
Can I please pick your dress, WS?
Who do you think is beauty, brains, and brawn: Sandy, the Mad Dragon, WS, and Ke$ha?
brains is WS (sorry no offense to you guys)
True. WS is brains.
I think Ke$ha is brawn.
So.. Who’s who?
I am cool! 8)
Not boring
Early bird
Really awesome!
Sandy can i go to the ball?
Yes, yes you can, SS.
I forgive you SP!!!
Thank you IF
Hey IF
Au revoir mes amis!
dont leave
Actually I gotta go to sleep now it’s 9:26 here and I just gotta go to sleep so bye everyone
Bye SP. We are over, aren’t we? *Hides face by letting my hair cover it*
Het GG, hi SP!
Sandy can u pick a dress for me! nothing to flashy like:
Sure, SS!
What color do you want?
How about this:
Sandy, will you pick me out a costume for Ke$ha’s costume party? Please?
-Sandy, the girl who has to find a costume
I don’t know what to be. Maybe a Marylin Monroe type? That might work.
Thanks Sandy. You are a life saver.
HAHAHA! Sorry. I just thought of psophia as Aphrodite.
HAHA! Too funny.
Find anything yet? I love dresses or somewhat stylish stuff.
How about Audrey Hepburn?
A cute Greek Goddess may work.
Or Athena or Aphrodite or Artemis or Persephone.
Or any celebrity.
Sure, Sandy. Do you have a link to a costume?
For Audrey Hepburn:
Kay. I will be Audrey Hepburn. Night.
Hi Ke$ha!!!
I dunno I missed Sat. and most of Sun.
So I don’t really have any idea of what’s going on
Psophia that sounds awesome. I really like it. – Thank you, WS, TWS.
Sure go ahead. You know I’m not good at picking outfits.
Dear Sandy,
If you can pick an outfit for me, that’s great. If you can’t, then it’s not really a big deal. But still it’d be awesome if you could. BTW… NOTHING.
Dear Ke$ha:
For your Halloween party/costume contest, I will prefer to watch by the side (although on websites, there is not sides) instead of being the contestants or judges. Whatever, really. BTW… SOMETHING.
Dear Speedy Singer,
The dress Sandy, the girl who has to pick a costume suggested was good. And she’s right. She DOES have to pick a costume. Wow, you’re a busy girl Sandy. BTW… ANYTHING.
Dear psophia,
The dress Sandy picked for you was gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood…
Sorry I lost control of the keyboard and typed WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much o’s. OMG I lost control AGAIN. Too much A’s. BTW… NOTHING since your name is psophia.
Dear SP,
You are towtowlee lying. Blargh. I like this word. Blargh blargh blargh blargh blargh! How come you missed Saturday and most of Sunday? That’s not true. Uh-huh, that’s not true. BTW… WHATEVER.
– WS, TWS.
Dear Green Grape,
Sorry I really don’t have anything to say to yoouo. Typo. I typed yoou first, then I backspaced once, and typed a uo. NOT RIGHT! GRAMMAR is STILL BAD! Blargh. But I still went with it. Blargh x 5.
Happy, everyone?
Dear Myself,
Blargh is your favourite word. Get it? Huh WS? Good. BTW… Your name is SO not WS ’cause MY name is WS. HA!
– WS, TWSWSYN (What does WS, TWSWSYN means?)
Hi White Sword.
GG: OMG your here! Sorry I kept on losing control of the keyboard. Too muuch o’s and A’s.
Here is my costume:
Costume is… er… TOO, um, good…
Maybe, Ke$ha. Not sure if we are even getting married.
WOW another fight soon…
Oh, I am sorry sister. Thought that I was invited.
You are right, WS.
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!! I’m so happy to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I invited or not?
Why are you so happy to be here, WS?
Hi Ke$ha!
Hi GG!
Am I invited???
Okay Ke$ha.
Pretty Please with Icing and Rainbow Sprinkles????
Am I invited?
I want to meet Bubble Gum!
My Costume:
I’m going as a hippie~
I wonder if Sandy is coming.
But my tights are black and my hair is long and dark brown.
Or Phsophia
Hey guys! Here is my costume:
I guess Psophia is here. We are only missing a few people.
So cute Psophia!!!
Psophia, I like your costume.
Thanks guys! If you wanted Icy Fire, here is another Hippie Costume:
I think the first one is cuter though.
Hello? Still here guys?
Did you guys all leave for some mysterious reason?
Sweet Ke$ha!
Hi again, Icy Fire! I just read the Poptropica Gazzette.!
I had to help my mom do the dishes. Ughhhhhhh!
Do you like it?
It’s about you!!!
The Poptropica Gazette.
Daily News.
On Monday May 9th,it has been confirmed that Icy Fire and Sandy the Mad Dragon are on Psophia side of the fight.
Thank you Psophia.
And I will always believe you,no matter what.
You seem innocent anyways.
These were Icy Fire’s exact words.
Sandy agrees too.
I believe you, too, psophia.
These were her exact words.
We don’t have enough information to confirm this yet,but Psophia seems innocent.
She was also seen to be defending GG and SP when Bendy Turtle was talking to GG.
Tune in on the Poptropica Gazette to learn more.
Why did everyone just leave???
This Is Icy Fire.
Ke$ha,your party rocks!
I love the decorations!!!
You are so far,the best party thrower ever.
So here you go folks!
Icy Fire,popular journalist is here live in Ke$ha’s Costume Party!
What do you think of the party?
When will our costumes be judged?
And where’s GG and Psophia?
My sister just woke up from her nap, so I hade to get her out of the crib and hold here cuz she was crying. It like broke my heart!
I hate my mother so much right now!!!!!! I have to leave for awhile to help my mom clean!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!
Hi Psophia!
Oh, there is an after-party at my house after my mother’s ball. Wear whatever you want.
Hi GG!
Ohh…I hate it when my mom tells me to do that..
I am back now, though, She is sitting down playing with her rubber princess duck Bepsey.
I wanna wear my costume now.
Wait *puts on hippie outfit*
Like it?
Okay, Sandy. Sounds perfect.
Yeah Sandy!!!
Better look for what I want to wear now so I won’t be late!!!
It’s pretty good.,1898.jpg
My ball gown!
MEREDITH! Do not use my name!
Who is that?
Meredith, my sister. She is so annoying.
Nice costume Ke$ha.
I’m gonna be a hippie!
Like Cute Daisy.
Sometimes she’s fun,but sometimes she’s just plain annoying!
I will wear mine now too, *Does golden hair in braids and applies makeup, slipping into costume*
Oooh!I can print your reports in the Poptropica Gazette!
I’ll get your costume on the front page!
I need to change.
*Gets into hippie dress and matching hat.
I miss CD a lot,but at least we have an amazing person in her place. *Winks at Icy Fire*
Thanks Psophia.
CD’s gonna be back…after her exams.
Costume Form:
Name: Psophia
Website: ????????????
Costume: Native Princess
Oh Thanks Ke$ha!
You both rock too!
Now,when will you judge or outfits???
That is great Ke$ha!
IDK what website is.
Costume Form:
Name: Icy Fire
Costume:Hippie Gal
We should have a few rounds of the costume contest.
Lets Go!
m ready for round1
Costume: Native American Indian Maiden
Name: Psophia
I am officially ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too
I’m ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a bit too carried away
My outfit:
*Walks down the catwalk*
*Walks back to curtain*
Mine’s not so creative.
Name: Psophia
Website: None.
Costume: Vampire princess. Dress:,560,cid,133,product.html
Yeah it is!!!!!! I love it!
Are you gone???
Wait, my name is Sandy, the Mad Dragon.
Sandy, your name is not psophia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Psophia!
Hi Sandy.
Who is next?
So I got a 20.4?
Hello, IF. How are you?
Hi Sandy.
I’m fine!!
Thanks Sandy!!!
*struts down while eerie music is playing*
Go Sandy!!! You can do it!
I love the dress, Sandy.
Am I next? *Palms start to sweat, and I look around nervously*
S is for Stylish!!!
A is for Awesome fashionista
N is for Nice fashion sense
D is for “Icy’s gonna die because Sandy Rocks!
Y is for young, yet sophisticated style!
Thank you, guys.
Okay. I can do this. NO, I will do this!!!!!!
*Struts down catwalk confidently, blows a kiss at the end, and turns on the heel of my shoe, walking back to curtain*
Psophia is full of potential.
Psophia is stylish!
Psophia is optimistic!
Psophia is proud to be so nice!
Psophia is here for us!
Psophia is full of integrity!
Psophia is A hero!
I hope I did at least- okay.
Go psophia!
Thanks so much, Icy Fire. I am glad you are here.
I’m losing..Big time..
You rock Sandy!
Ke$ha, how was it?
Your welcome Psophia!
You or Sandy’s gonna win!
Psophia got 14.9 .
I calculated scoreS!!
Shut up, JJ! I have no “PROBLEMS”! *Gets ready to hit JJ on the head*
Nuh-uh, IF! I’m in last place, which I totally deserve. Mine sucked.
*Grabs her arm and drags her away!*
I’ll help you seriously injure him.
No it didn’t.
I though it was cute.
I love the costume.
I don’t know how I got such a good score.
Mine was boring…
Let go, please, Icy Fire! Than you Sandy. Seriously injured he will be.
The winner is…
Yes, you let go! *Charges after JJ and glares*
Sighs *lets go of her arm and lets her hit JJ with a high heel d=shoe*
I don’t care about my place, I just care if you insult me.
*JJ screams in pain*
Take that, JJ!!!!!! *Hits him on head and walks away satisfied* That felt good to do. *Calm voice*
*JJ says some curse word*
Well I did. Nobody can insult my friends.
*JJ throws shoe at Psophia,misses and hits IF*
Okay, I am really sorry, Ke$ha Will you forgive me? He had no right to say I have problems.
Are youokay Icy Fire??????????????????
Me and JJ are fighting big time now!!!!
*But holds back and tries to be a nice person*
Is Sandy the only one invited to the afterparty?
Wait, ignore that last comment.
Lets go.
Oh, yes. You can come.
Come on!!!
I’m Going to wear a ball gown.
Okay, Sandy. Thanks. Are we changing out of the costumes first?
I’ll just wipe off the makeup and wear what I’m wearing now.
my gown!
*Wiggles into dress and curls hair*
I like it, Icy Fire. *Swipes on makeup*
Where is the party?
*wipes off makeup*
It’s at my house.
Kay. *Gets on Vespa, straps on helmet, and goes to Sandy’s house*
Want to go dancing soon? That might be fun to do together.
Wait, aren’t you going to Sandy’s first?
Hey Sandy, do you have anything to drink? My throat is uper dry.
Sure, we’ll go dancing. Then we’ll go to Ke$ha’s sleepover.
I have red wine (don’t drink too much of that), iced water, and mango smoothies.
Yep. Made them myself.
I have: vegan baked ziti, vegan ice cream, vegan clam chowder, vegan chips, and vegan sushi.
All have less than one hundred calories.
Yes, I am vegan. Once I saw a chicken being killed. *shudders* Never ate meat or animal products again.
I have no clue.
I seriously have no idea.
Nope. I don’t remember.
Ah, I remember.
Sorry, had to eat dinner: Fruit, and a salad with a cup of iced coffee. Yumm!!!!
Hi again, though. I am going to have a Dance Party.
Hey Ke$ha.
Can I come?
Of course!!!!
Pick out three outfits. Casual, fancy, chic, whatever is fine. It is really a dance contest with 3 rounds at a place my cousin, Courtney, owns.
Of COURSE, Ke$ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too!!! Post the outfits here once you have chosen.,4,shop,ladiesdresses,cocktaildresses
There is Number1!
First outfit:
Shoes: Red ballet flats
Second outfit:
Necklace: (see below)
Shoes: Black sandals
I’m here.
I have to go. Bye.
It’s won’t?
-Paramore and Evanescence fan.
Odd, because I just read something you posted.
Did you put a link to more than one website?
Some websites cannot be linked to.
Hi BT!
Hi Ke$ha!
You don’t forgive SP?
He was your boyfriend and I don’t know how he was rude to you (I wasn’t here) but I’m pretty sure you can at least be neutral buddies?
Was he very rude?
BTW,can I come to your sleepover?
Am I talking to myself?
can I come to your sleepover?
Staring out my window
I brush my hair
Getting dressed to meet my friends but I don’t know what to wear
Commercial shows on my T.V. about these cool designer jeans
That I put on at the mall, change the channel and I see
Hannah Montana’s wearing my jeans
Ashley Tisdale’s wearing my jeans
Keke Palmer’s wearing my jeans
I just can’t believe they wore those jeans like me!
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
Like me (me) (me) (me) x4
She wore those jeans like me
Staring at the mall window
I finger through a smile
I thought about how cool I’d look if I had them on right now
I’m anxious, excited, they’re on my mind
It feels like Heelys are racing on my spine
I just can’t wait to call these my jeans
Everyone can look at me and my jeans
I can go anywhere in my jeans
But I still can’t believe she wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
Like me (me) (me) (me) (x4)
She wore those jeans like me
One, here comes the two to the three
Not, it’s the T-R-I-double G
Why? She got those cool new jeans that sittin’ in the J-E-T but she’s fly
You might see me in a video, tv show, MTV, Nick, HBO
Jenna could be a model in a fashion show, look there she goes
ABC, 123, that girl wore her jeans like me
I bet she’s mad ‘cause I look fab
Ha ha ha ha, jack my swag
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but mine look new and hers just look so o-old, so o-old, so old
Oh my, look at those jeans
They should be posted in magazines
Matter of fact, let me get my phone
You can strike a pose, smile for the camera, FREEZE!
What, Trig bought a new Blackberry? (x3)
Ah, just take the picture already!
Sorry, I was stuck in a daydream when I bought those jeans
With my new ice creams and I looked so good when I hit the scene
So fresh, so clean, all eyes on me
Then I turned on my T.V.
What do I see, the Black Eyed Peas? And Jay Z?
I just can’t believe they wore they jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
Like me (me) (me) (me) x4
She wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) O-M-G (oh oh ohhh) she wore those jeans like me
Like me (me) (me) (me) x4
Hello everybodi!
Jenna Rose is stuck in my head!!!
GG: r u and SP still together? *confused* :/
The Poptropica Gazette.
Down Lover’s Lane.
Hello folks!
Welcome back to our official newspaper,the Poptropica Gazette.
Today,the founder of the Gazette was reading the other newspaper, “The Poptropica Secrets Official Gossip Newspaper” when she saw something.
It said that blogger, Shadowprince and Green Grape are in hot love!
We have official evidence.
To see the proof,go on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Fruit Master page and click previous comments until you see the ~love~.
But Ke$ha, is seeing sparks fly when she writes the paper.
Read Ke$ha’s paper, the Gossip Blog,to learn more of theses juicy secrets!
Here are my three outfits:
(Note, the ones after 6:32 are the real ones)
Okay, for some reason, something is not working. Ignore the past comments of mine please,
WS I did not lie when I said I was not here on Sat or most of Sun I really was not here I was visiting my grandparents in Columbus (seriously why would I lie about this???)
Seriously I am offended that you would even think I was lying to you guys
well Kesha I can understand because well she hates me
The Poptropica Gazette.
Divorces,Fights and Rivalries.
Today,I was talking to Ke$ha and she told me she hates SP.
The answer is unknown.She told me “She would not like to speak of SP”
Icy Fire hardly has any information,but she will get the scoop on what is happening.
That’s it for now.
Stay tuned to the Poptropica Gazette!
I think that I will try to trust you.
You don’t seem very rude but be warned.
If you are a bad person,I will hate you for eternity.
But for now,I’ll believe you.
Thank you IF I am grateful for your trust
Your Welcome SP.
Check on the Fruit Loops Page.
There’s a copy of Ke$ha’s paper.
You said you wanted to read it so I copied it for you.
OH thank you very much IF how very kind of you
Welcome SP.
Kesha I am not trying to make you jealous and I’m not sure if GG and I are even together anymore. ok?
SP: Yes, we ARE!
I don’t like the love,but I like GG and SP.
I just don’t like them in relationships.
They are a bit too…romantic for a public site.
And anyways,SP is in America and GG is in Malaysia!
But they are not bad people.
I’m extremely sorry if I hurt your feelings by making it look like I’m on your Ex’s side.
But I’m not.
I don’t take sides anymore.
Note to self:
Take it low Icy.
You want to include everyone’s opinion.But still make a point.
Why would we not be together?
I’ll take a job at cheddar!!!
Name: Icy Fire
Applying for : West Asian Chef
Yes I do!!!
Ontario is my home.
But I’m applying for west Asian chef because I’m Pakistani so I know a bunch of Indian and Pakistani recipes.
But…I thought you were American?
It’s right beside the United States.
Do you live in Canada???
So cool!!!
I live in Pickering.
Have you ever been there?
If Justin Bieber decided that lingerie was cool,you would see girls walking around in there smallest underwear.
If Justin Bieber decided suicide was cool,half the girls in North America would be dead.
If Justin Bieber decided that being bald was cool,half the girls in Canada would have shaved their heads by tomorrow.
It’s true.
JB sounds like a girly girl!!!
He sounds hilarious!!!
Come back quick
The Poptropica Gazette.
Happily Ever After?
If anyone has read the other paper “The Gossip Blog” you would see that it says that the story has ended.
We aren’t sure but Ke$ha and Icy Fire think they have enough proof to call it a closed case.
It seems to be that Green Grape was actually not online for many days.There was an fake.
Shadowprince is not really in love with Green Grape.
But he still thinks he is…
Icy Fire is trying to get enough reports but so far,we have some evidence.
This is our proof.
green grape May 10, 2011 at 6:47 am
The GG who has been commenting lately is not me. But I’m not mad, cause she can impersonate me. Just, whatever.
~ GG
I didn’t start hating you because of Ostrich Rider. I started because you started being self-centered and all that. I currently consider you as a close friend, though.
True. Now we are.
Oh, and can you help with a crush I have?
As a journalist,I always learn new secrets everyday.
But theses secrets need lots of thought before we can publish them.
But I need fashion too once in a while!!!
I call it ” China Teen”
1.Get the prom queen and get her long skirt (White!)
2.Get the prize from Red Dragon Sneak Peak and get the top and belt
3.Get the biker girl and get her lips and coat and hat.
4.Get the angel and customize her wings
5.Get the pop star and get her hoop earrings
I can help you too.
I’ve never had a crush but I want to help you.
Can I come to the sleepover???
Thanks, IF.
-Sandy, the girl who has preference for mean blond guys.
LOL Ke$ha!
tell me about your boyfriend so I can help.
I’ve never EVER EVER wanted a crush but I can help you win him over.
He’s tall, blond, and pale. He is also considered a bad boy. And he’s clever.
Okay Sandy.
First you have to make him know you’re there.
He already does.
When your around him,always act smart.
Don’t be an idiot like some people and start to have a conversation about the weather.
Ask him if he’s free to chat.
And talk about something you both like.
Well, we both like money, politics, motorcycles, and (for some odd reason) vampires.
I’ll help you, Ke$ha.
How about…Elydrew?
I wish my crush was nice. Instead, he’s a stuck-up snob who cannot care about someone other than himself.
I don’t know why. But my heart always flutters when he’s around.
Oh, and guess what? I’m playing Juliet in a play, he’s going to be Romeo.
Not before we yell and slap each other.
Oh great. I just saw him kissing a random girl.
That is TOTALLY a FAKE ME. IMPOSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could you shut it, Imposter WS?
Wait. That was a picture (that was taken two months ago) that my friend just sent.
You know, you talk like SP… “Pretty please?”
OH MY GODS! He just asked me to be his girlfriend!
Thanks, K!
Which reminds me of… Sandy: When is your mother’s ball again? Lost track of the date. 😳
It’s in five days.
He is currently trying to avoid his mother.
WS: How about this dress:
I remember too. I was REALLY glad when Sandy joined us. I mean, it’s really not that fun on Private Students/Art Students page with TWO people, right? Three was more fun. SP came and more fun. psophia GG came. Guess what? MORE FUN. CD came. YOU GUESSED IT. BT and IF came. Know the answer already? Good.
Sandy: It’s awesome. I’ll use that one. Unless… IF (Not Icy Fire, please, just the regular if) I can find one better.
Thank you, WS.
-Swiss Cheese
*Grunts but smiling* Sure.
I like Beyonce.
The answer is Unknown? What has Unknown got to do with any of this? True, she was the one me, Sandy and Kesha spoke to until she left, she thought we were too boring or whatever.
HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was only joking.
Not Unknown. She meant…unknown.
I’m listening to Halo by Beyonce.
OOH, look how ppl changes: From a person who says that she is a very “有才华的女孩” to a girlfriend who never really does anything to her “男朋友”。
Sandy: Yeah I know. Didn’t you read my last comment?
I didn’t see it.
LOL Remember how there were always a “Not talking to WS time”, Kesha and Sandy? That was when OR (I’m calling SP that because at that time he wasn’t SP he was Ostrich Rider) WASN”T on.
I’m starting a magazine.
Actually, it was only three months ago.
I know. We’re friends NOW, are we Kesha? *confused*
Note to WS: Don’t ya EVAH talk about anything that’s got ta do with the PRESENT. ONLY talk about the PAST, Why-Es!
Yeah. It was like 4 months ago.
Boo-hoo, everybody!
I used WS’ website because I found it strange of how come WS didn’t have a website anymore. Hm. Are you the imposter or the real one, WS?
WS? WS? Why-Es? HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, who said that I’m the imposter, LLLC?
Good evening, everyone.
I think someone is watching me, spying on me. Maybe stalking me.
Just got back.
Oh, yes you can attend, BT. You have to wear a ball gown, though.
In five days, Ke$ha.
May I attend, Ke$ha?
Sandy, I like your name. This is random, but I do.
Can I bring my Boyfriend, Logan?
Thank you. I like your name, too.
*Takes a sip of iced tea, then adds a lot of sugar*
*drinks iced water*
Thank you Sandy
What type of swimsuit should I wear tommorow?
Any. I’m wearing my favorite conservative black bikini.
I will wear my yellow, polka-dotted bikini that shows off my abs.
Hello Everyone.
You seem to be going to a pool party.
Oh, we are. Do you want to come?
I don’t want to come.
In my culture,we don’t wear swimsuits.
Oh. Okay, then.
I don’t mean to be rude,but I can’t come to your party.
But I can sit on the deck.
I can sit on the deck and take pics of you guys!!!
It’ll be for the Poptropica Gazette.
That would be great.
Me too, Ke$ha. Here is a description of Logan:
Tan skin, Curly dark brown hair, Big almond shaped brown eyes, and amazing muscles.
My boyfriend is thin, blond, and blue-eyed. He reminds me of Draco Malfoy.
But his name is Ronald.
Hey Psophia?
What is the meaning of this??
I am currently listening to Avril Lavigne.