Poptropica Cryptids Island officially launched on Monday, December 20, 2010 to paid members after months of rumors and speculation. Leading up to the launch there were lots of sneak peek screenshots and even a sneak preview of the Loch Ness portion of the island. Here are all the cheats for Cryptids Island, including a complete walkthrough that will show you step-by-step how to beat Cryptids Island on Poptropica.
Non-members will need to wait until January 17, 2011 to play Cryptids Island.
Video Walkthrough
Want to see how to solve Cryptids Island? Here’s a video walkthrough that gives you all the cheats and strategies for finishing this complicated quest and earning the island medallion.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Cryptids Screenshots
Here are some screenshots from Cryptids Island.

FAQ for Cryptids Island
Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about how to beat Cryptids Island. This section covers some of the hardest and trickiest parts of the quest.
Where do you get the camera?
You’ll need a camera to get a picture of both Nessie and the footprint in the snow at the top of the Himalayan mountain. You get the camera in the Loch Ness area by helping the guy with the truck that is stuck under the bridge. Talk to him and then click on the tire. A screen will come up with a close-up of the tire. Move your mouse cursor rapidly around the air inlet for the tire to deflate the tires so that the truck can pass under the bridge. When you’re done, the man will give you his camera as a reward for helping him.
How do you trap the Chupacabra?
After you lure the spotted goats into the middle area in Puerto Rico, you still need to get a farmer’s help to trap the Chupacabra. To do this, go back to the first farmer you met. He’s the guy who loaned you the jeep down in the bottom-right corner of the map. The next time you visit him after herding the goats into place, he’ll say that he’s going to go trap the Chupacabra. When you return to the middle area on the map, he’ll be there with his truck and help you set the trap.
How do you see inside the house with the Jersey Devil?
You’ll need to visit both the Himalayas and Loch Ness before you can see inside the house where you find the Jersey Devil. The monk in the monastery will give you a lantern and you’ll find a book of matches to light it on the counter inside the Pub at Loch Ness. Once you have these two items, you can use the matches inside the Jersey Devil house to light the lantern and see. It’s still really spooky, though!
About Cryptids
You might be wondering what in the heck cryptids are. Well, they are creatures or plants whose existence has been suggested but not recognized officially by scientific consensus. So legendary creatures like Bigfoot, unicorns (they’re real, I swear!) or the Loch Ness monster are called cryptids. BTW, the Loch Ness monster being a part of the new island explains why a Scottish castle appeared as a sneak peek screenshot long before the island was officially announced.
Pre-Launch Promotions
Cryptids Island was announced to Poptropicans in a very mysterious fashion, befitting the theme of the island–strange creatures who are mysteries and whose existence cannot easily be proven. Before the island was officially announced, a quick promotional image appeared on the Poptropica home page.
But after just about an hour or so of being on the home page, it was mysteriously removed. And then on the official Poptropica blog, there was a strange and mysterious message from the Creators that mentions the leak but didn’t provide a straight answer about whether the new island was really going to be called Cryptids.
Finally, they made it official and Poptropica updated the main blog with a post saying that the official name of the new quest is Cryptids Island. They also created a new info page about it here. This is that the page has to say:
An eccentric billionaire is promising a big reward to whoever can prove the existence of cryptids — hidden creatures. The hunt is on for Bigfoot, Nessie, and other legendary beasts. But watch out: you’re not the only one in search of these monsters…and your competitors will stop at nothing to find them!
Hey, still looking for more help with Cryptids Island? Browse the comments on this post, or head over to the Poptropica Secrets Forum for more tips and advice from other players: Poptropica Island Help Forum.
Haha~ The island is gunna be wicked. =w=
I know right! I cant wait for it!
I am actually a believer in Cryptids. I NEVER could have guessed they would make an island about them. In case you are interested, Some cryptids are actually believed to be surviving dinosaurs.
I knew it was going to be called Cryptids island!
I told you to look at the flag of the castle!!!! Gonna be AWESOME!!!!
So THAT’S what the furry monster costumes were for! And I thought they were just for Halloween.
would that mean like werewolves?
i have membership! i cant wait till they release it!
told you. loch ness!
You know that Dinos have got to be in it The Returing Dinos!
So maybe the mysterious Chicken picture is of a Chicken being used to lure such a creature out?
The scratches on the letters look like claw marks. Coincidence? I think not!
BTW seems to be this person’s favorite abbreviaetion.
Hello guys, I wonder if you remember me…xD I haven’t been on Poptropica in a while, seeing those great new islands make me want to rejoin again…alas, no time. 😐
I guess the name “Cryptid Island” is a cryptid because it may or may not be called that.
I can’t wait for it to come out!
Yes, I remember you Sunny. I have membership now, did you know?
They should do an invader zim advertisment on poptropica.
Hey! When it talked about eyewittness accounts, it meant the PHB!
I saw it again last night!
You Did!? I just saw it now on this post.
I remember you, Sunny. Hi Super Thunder.
I think I just figured out if the creater of this website was a female or a male….
If you want to know feel free to ask, if you don’t I guess you will ignore this. If no one asks I will keep this to myself.
I bid you good night.
P.S The reason I think most people will ignore this is because when I say something, It goes unoticed. Like the time I said I was back from not posting for a long time.
P.P.S I’m back again.
its a male and his name is jeff kinney.
New Spooktacular gum in the Poptropica Store.
YES!!! Bigfoot explains the ‘dinosaur’ footprints.
Wonder how they’re gonna make an abominable snowman?
Oh, cryptids are mysterious and so is this…
Hey Scary Shell. 🙂 Icy Comet’s blog is going to have a contest! icycomet.wordpress.com
I Knew it would be Cryptid Island! i saw it when it came out for a couple hours
zh cfuiofrt
im l.s (lucky scorpion) i cant believe the creator of this blog is a girl on poptropica! ‘_’
poptropica poptropica poptropica rocks rocks rocks!!!!
CRYPTIDS sounds cool!
and wow I talk too much!
i saw the cryptids island sign i also herd there might be a candy island but nobody is certain as the cryptids as it said the thing was posted on a site 2008. here is a tip don’t get to pumped up about a island cause it make sit seem much better if you don’t know what’s gonna happen.
i saw it today!
but wait i dont get something the lockness monster is not a cryptid and there are no sightings of cryptids in scotland
the monster costumes where from the monster island leak
my owns poptropica and he said the next island will be,
oops i forgot to say that my dad owns poptropica.
either hockey or snake island.
it said cryptids island.
wowwwwwwwww……your shell is so scary. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i guess that is why they call you “giant joker”. lol 😆
just kidding. but i have no shell they call me Scary Shell. On Halloween my name is Scary Skull.
I think I am the first 2 comment today.
I haven’t been on here in a while.
I think I will change my name on here.
I just changed my name on here to my poptropica name.
I wish it was something like Wise Bird though.
This is awesome! I hope I’ll see Bigfoot on Cyrptids Island when it comes out!:D 😀 😀
hi yall i want u to know that i hope Big Footis on this island!
this maybe the first cryptids island and i hope it will be easier than early poptropica! =P
hi June.
hello i m sleeping late
This is a mystery.Hmm.
hi : )
im new
a mysterious cryptids island
i didnt get to see it
1000 island will comes
me neither
duuuuuh bigfoot is in it! cause the icon has a giant foot around the “i”
Hi guys! miss me? I can’t wait for the new island!
I saw the cryptids island logo on homepage of poptropica.com on October 29th, at 8:20 pm and i got off poptropica and i got back on and it was gone!
hi yall
I am from Britain and i traveled to texas and learned how to say “Hi Yall”
I live in Liverpool
Cryptids Island: Coming Very soon! Was on the Homepage!!!!!!!
Oh boy! Hi guys!!
I didn’t get to see the logo because I didn’t go on Poptropica.
is cryptids online yet
when does it go online
you should say that about white dragon 2!!
weirdo wanna go out?
Does this mean that dragons are cryptids,too? ‘Cause I have some on Jumpstart.com!
(If you think Jumpstart is better since you can drive a car, let me know so i can tell them!)
yello? any one?:-( tear tear cry cry i got somthing in my eye!!!
sup everyone!!!
oh goodie!!!!!!!!!!!
somebody 2 talk 2!!!!!!
well,i am talking 2 my self.but it counts,`cause its cool,its cool.AAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEEYYYYYYSSSSS!!!!!!!!!TEE HEE.
sup!!!ma homey g`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or homey j!!!
sorry!!i get excited when people talk 2 moi!!!
so,wanna meet on poptropica?
if so can we meet at nabooti.
This is SO cool I cant wait!
Btw I dont thnk Btw is cool anymore what is cool is dyk(did you know). Cool aye?
Anyway DyK ive completed all islands except skullduggery!
SO annoying!!
its actually 3:11 pm (avo)where I live not 7:11
i am from australia and live in canberra. ILO (i love Oz)
yay!!!!! This is SO cool Icant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this island will be released in December 2010 for members and I think it will come out in January 2011 for non-members.
OMG! I cant belive it, (btw im new here), that a new island comin out! I hope this one is RLLY long. N are there goin to be dragons and gryphons and unicorns and a pegasus on Cryptids Island?? Fyi I love mythical beasts.
They r just sooo cool, anyway thats wat i think of them. N i just want the Creators to give us a definate answer
yay no more dinosaurs
:s i feel bad about no dinousaur island. cuz i like dinosaurs (sometimes).
there is a lego island
i meant lego ad. 😳
yo mama.
😆 So true.
Make her shut up.
WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO LET US IN… I don’t think I want to get involved in this dumb fight.
P.S. Maybe I do…
smart paw=smart ALEK 🙂 HAHA!
So THAT’S how you make those faces. 🙂 :0 🙁
what about… : :/ :@ :} :{
Hmm…….. :[ :] [: ]: }: {:
Hmm………. }:) }:(
Spell “Blind Pig” with only two letters.Whoever doesn’t answer is a CHICKEN!
HINT: A blind pig has no “eyes”(Hmm.. What does that word in (“)s SOUND like ?).
BACK TO FACES!! 😀 🙂 🙁 :$
:S :I :O
I CANT MAKE THAT BLUSHING FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know I’m smart ass. And you are scary as hell.
Supershark. Blushing face is “:” then “oops” then “:”
Colon then oops then colon.
when does this island go online\
Ahem, SuperShark11, there were like 2 times when your anims were just emoticons
Not so much of a smart ass are you?
Hey. Isn’t it cool how things like this come up. :D!!!!! Life is awesome.
hi amazon warrior!! there is no school tomorrow
I saw the cryptids thing too I tried to tell my friends and they didin’t believe me.
WooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooooooo. cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, cryptids, reminds me of that old CarttoonNetwork show, The Secret Saturdays. Ah memories.
Hello Poptropica People! My name is Noisy Gamer since it’s on Poptropica.Anyways, I have only two more Islands to go and they’re BOTH hard (to Me)!They’re Skulldugery and Astro Knigts…
Hello Poptropica People! My name is Noisy Gamer since it’s on Poptropica.Anyways, I have only two more Islands to go and they’re BOTH hard (to Me)!They’re Skulldugery and Astro Knights
Heh Heh I put PARTLY the same Sentences.XD
OMG this island sounds so awesome
Guys,if u go into poptropica and press ctrl,shift and 1,2,3,or 4 then it makes a motion! 🙂
I tried,and I cryed! 😀 thx lolmynameizcheerfuldolphin!
Ur on Tara?
hi yall8)
hey lolmynameizcheerfuldolphin who is Tara and would she date me????
hey sup i have no idea why you are yousing the blog to chat about those things.peace out home dog!!
🙁 🙂 😡 😮 ;o
dear poptropica,
im gio . i want a double cheese burger and hold lettuce no seeds on the bun
.i want a number too gonna lock my shoe
get some chicken up in here in this frizzle and another in dizzle with
the chizzle
i tried to go to
Cryptids Island it din’t let me see it
I CANT MAKE THAT BLUSHING FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey rocknjoke r u retarded?????
cuz i think u r!!!!!
whats a matter rocknjoke 2 scared to chat???
oh and ballon boy r u a newb cuz EVERYONE knows how to make the face and cryptids island is NOWHERE near out!!!!!!!!!
bigfoot better be in the next island
Y arent you answering any of my posts????!!!!!!!!!>:(
YAY!!! i cant wait 4 it to come out!
cool i’ll complete the island cause im pro cause i also complete all islands n pls do tell me when is crytids island is out if u know
I cannot wait for Cryptids! I so believe in Big Foot, Abominable Snowman, Loch Ness Monster…!
Can’t wait!!!! Did you guys know a group of unicorns is called a blessing? I TOTALLY believe in all that stuff and here’s proof that I am NOT ALONE! Thanks, Poptropica creators, and Strange Moon!
Cryptids Island seems…… eccentric. Though I believe in unicorns and dragons, I doubt a group of unicorns is called a blessing.
Who wants a new island with mermaids and all oher fantasy stuff such as fairies, dragons,etc.!!!!!!!
Everyone reply plssssssssssss!
it should be called as fantasy island
poptropica is way better then i had imagined
I really need cheats
helo fokes
oijwsu9idnours bciufbfsd
this site rules
this is my poptropican tell me if u like it 😀
poptropica is my favrite game.
ohh!!!i really want to finish the iasland!
has anyone sen nessie on the daily hunt? i know i haven’t!
cant c the poptropican
oh, i reaaly dont believe in the mystical stuff either
have a good day! remember to answer people’s posts!
please quick launch for all of us!!!!!
i cant wait!!!
when does cryptids come out!!!!!!!!!
All I have to beat is Skullduggery and I can’t get 1,000,000 credits. :[
i totally agree with jack
I will find nessie and get the big prize.
I think the reward is free membership or 1,000,000 or 5,000 credits
ok i need to have nessie hat
i wanna know when it is gonna come im am super so crazy about Cryptids Island i wish that i was a big member to get credits and find the NESSIE and bet the Island!!!
heyyyyyyyy how do you win the island!!!
random word of the day: tortillas
How do you find nessie in the view finder?
Wow cool cant wait til it comes
i m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
hey i NEED TOO KNOW what you get for finding nessie DOSNT ANYBODY HERE KNOW ???!!!!
in the next island make it have dandelions that turn into lions,tigers,and snakes with a maze that has lots of traps and a manchion with secret passage ways with a library and the golden book leads to mummies and thats also a maze and theirs only one way out.
i know where nessie is he is at the bottom of the ocean i already beat the whole entire island ha ha ha ha ha ha to bad for you because you did not beat the island because you suck butts!
Ok so for cryptids island is there only one part of the island or is ther other parts two it
i need to know its driving me nuts.
you got a nesse hat if you find her
u spotid him?!?
i just belive in dragons
I can’t wait!!!
i cant wait for cryptids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you go to the bottom of the lake?!
wow….yall didnt even tell us lazy unsmart ppl how 2 beat the doggon game!! yall cheated us uot mann i wasted my time readin all of this crap yall should be ashamed….!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 ?????? common now
cheats=lazy no cheats=madd or sad 🙁
: x
can anyone give me a clue why httyd believes in dragons
i’m don’t feel so good of finding nessie!!!!!!!!!
this is getting boring to wait!!!!!!!!!
i just believe in crytids creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the nessie hat looks boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s really driving me nuts of not finding nessie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can’t help that blushing face.
Dear Poptropica, when finish setting up the next island (not poptropica), make it creative
and magical which has a secret garden which is invisible.Add some mystical creatures like
goblins, dragons, phonixes, mermaids, fairies and more creatures!And evencount dracula.
But there is only way to fight them and it is using your brain!
Make it really hard for the poptropicians!
I WISH IT’LL COME TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what i mean about not poptropica in my wish is cryptids island!!!!!!!
and one more thing i have to say to poptropica,
My friends always says that mythical creatures doesn’t exist.
But i believe them!
hey rocknjoke here i found a way to look at the view thingy whenever you what.Peace out home dog!!!
hey ostrich rider it’s me rocknjoke just to let you know i’m not a reatard but you are.peace out home dog!!!
do weeeeeeeeeeee have to wait!!!!!!!!!
i just need the walkthrough because it is already out and i cant find nessie
Yo, yo, yo. I’m Kara! Just to let ya know, Poptropica is just a website that you beat islands and get coins. That’s dumb! 😛 So, just forget about it!!!
where nessie through view finder and how get tickits?
i have some suggestions on what the island name is
-beasters or just beast island
-legenters island
-mystical island
-search island
-prep island
or just stick to cryptids
i love old people 3>
cryptids comes out on monday dec 2oth at midnight
wild west island is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it comes out in febuary 2011 I think
Has anybody even seen the island medlon for cryptids because you can play the island over and over!
Hey jeff3831 nobody has beaten cryptids yet!!!
i ned help for criptids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can u help mii!?
it’s so not fair that the members of poptropica get to play cryptids island!!!!!!!!!!
how do u get the camera
😛 :mr.green: 😆 :
i meant

I beat it!
Hey guys. Sorry about not taping how far i got, because I already found the chupacabra.
I am stuck because i cant find a camera for two different places. I already found a foot-print of bigfoot or a yeti! If you arent this far you can ask me and I can tell you how to find the chupacabra and get to my point. If anyone knows how to get the camera PLZZZ tell me! P.S. someone has already finished the island. I saw a girl in the multi-player room with the medalion on and what LOOKS like a ninja star in her hand. Also today while looking for the first walkthrough I found a video that had ppl that finished the island with clothes on from it. Such as the ninja star and a unicorn horn on their head. Well I gonna go see if I can finish the island. I will reply back if I get a lead! 😀
i’ve beat it what would you rate it hard easy or medium
where do u get the camera
serious rider id give it a medium
can you post it in letters please?
I can’t wait till Jan. 17
i’m goin 2 watch the video’s of the island 2nite
I WON IT!!!! YES!!!!!!
You get the camera by going to loch ness the lake and going to this man who truck is stuck.You offer to help and then you click the left tire.Then you find the little thing that you open and the air comes out (It’s by the top a little to the left) and the air will come out a bit so then that man is satisfied and will give you the camera.
Oh yeah Sarah, the footprint of the yeti is fake so don’t waste your time trying to go back to the island to get something because *They will spot bigfoot when you find all 3’s proof*
It was fun. The ending was ok. Click on my name, if you want to see my walkthrough. I’m not done with it though.
guys, anyone know where the bolt cutter is? or the camera?
check out my site btw, oh and does any1 know where the bolt cutter is? for those of u who can’t find the camera, it’s given by the guy whose car is stuck underneath the bridge in loch ness. talk to him and then clikc on the left tire and let the air out. bolt cutter? please?
nvm, got it, oh and check out my blog, thanks.
I have Beaten it!
there are some goofs in cryptids like the jersey devil being green when its supposed to be brownish red and nessie should be gray all the other cryptids are fine
It comes out to public 17 January I CAN’T WAIT but the jersey devil looks scary…
I keep to talking to that guy and that kid in the pub but the kid still won’t give me the ticket!! The just keep repeating “Aye, I’ve seen nessie when I was a wee one. I’ll never forget such a sight” “Seen nessie- Ha! etc etc..PLEASE HELP! THEY DON’T SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT!!!
The picture of Nessie looks male…I’m pretty sure Nessie is female!
The Jersey Devil HAS to be female cuz it layed eggs! Unless only crytpid monster males lay eggs.(That would be cweepy! Not the monster, a male laying eggies!) You friend(s),
The cp factory 🙂
male se horses get pregnant so weird
thanx to this video well, about all your videos i have completed the islands soo thank you for your great help
Who want a new island with Green Lanterns and their enemies->Sinestro, StarSapphire?
Green Lantern on DC comics!
where do u get the bolt clippers btw HELLO POPTROPICA SECRETS!
oh my God, the jersy devil, and the chupacabra are too, creepy! how does he not get nightmares!!! unicorns are the only good ones. the others, i can tell u this, they won’t win win beauty pagents! B )
oh, yeah get over cool snowball!!….”its so not fair that members get 2 do it ealier” oh yeah? well members think its fair!!!!!!!!!! O 🙂
the promise: I, meelow meep vowe to never ever ever finish, cryptids island! it is way too creepy, and it will give me night mares! this is the promise, of poptropica! 😡
every one now!(this is a song) we promise, to take command. our greatness, will expand through out world!!!! through out the world!!! have u heared? through out the world!!! of poptropica! let me know if you agree!!!
i already finished it and if you want to meet me,my name is wild scorpion and this name is my username for avatar studio.
got it?
it is easy if you know what to do
it is very easy
I had a nightmare about the chupucabra and it killed me and then the jesrsey devil took me away. Cryptids island is the scariest island on poptropica!
it is fun and my name is be4guh on avatar studio if you want to find out which poptropican i am
and i dont care what you say grigory
i can tell you how to beat the island
please respond
if you dont want to have nightmares,just finish it and it will be all over
I swear, that jersey devil is so freaking scary in the window. I’m gonna have nightmares forever!!!!!!!!!!!
be4guh you have membership right i dont im sooooooooooooooooo (so) mad i want membership me dad wont let me and i can almost have a multiplayer room so soon ill give out my code so you can visit but mostly i spend credits on clothes ha ha ha
be4guh,can i chat with u?????’cause my sister’s out of town,and mum and dad are 7:48 news
I wasnt scared of them they just look like weird looking…. zombies.
you can chat with me
got it
Cryptids Island was a very fun and exciting island for me, and I enjoyed the part where you watched all the videos about the monsters that you have to find in the journey. Of course, you don’t really need to know all of that stuff in the first place, but I enjoyed it. I completed the island! I can’t believe I’m not on the list of first ten people to finish it! I thought for sure I was on it! 🙁
In the “Message from Jeff Kinney”, I noticed in the background it said “Wild West Island” with the shape of a bull’s head beside it. If I’m not mistaken, On Daily Pop there was a Sneak -Peek of something called the “Old Saloon”. It looked sort of Wild-Westy. I also saw someone with a tuxedo and hat on the roof of the house. There were reindeer footprints on it, too. I think the post said something about Saint Nick. The picture looked like it was sort of old. I think that was also a part of Wild West Island.
I’m not a member! I can’t do early access islands! I don’t think it’s fair. 🙁
cuddly walker, that is part of the vid for new jersey devil
for the tracks on the roof
and it said ‘i dont think thats saint nick’
Oh, I thought he was William Mews!!!
cuddly walker thats not about wild west island its a sneak peak for cryptids
I’m a member! Woohoo…doing the member dance. 😀
No offence, but I think that the Jersey devil appering at night looking like a goat crossed with a dragon is way scarier than the Chupacabra!
Stuck under the pic with the cupacabra (?) Can anyone help me get out ?
Nah, it looks like a zombie horse crossed with a dragon. =\ ~Cheerful~
Well, doesn’t it? ~Cheerful~
Lol,cweepie!! I wonder what would the jersey devil look like!
I BEAT IT…….in only…….. 2 HOURS!!!!! T_T
what does the Jersey Devil look like? does anyone know the Jersey Devil look like, tell me, please!!!!!!!!
i cant wait until the new island to come out cause im not a member but i can still watch the new island on youtube 😀
im seeing things!!!! i thought i saw a chupacabra by a barn eating a chicken last night!!! im seeing things!!!! (btw, it was dark out so….) wait, where did they say the chupacabra lived? cause it was dark, and coyotes DONT live by my house!!! or do they? did they live in chicago?
The helicopter chase in the end was AWESOME!!!I finished the island with the walkthrough.
Finished Cryptids!!! Look up my character, Mightypanda 😀 WHAT NOW STUPID GRETCHEN!
and Chupacrabra lives in Puerto Rica 🙂 Your safe and sound, meelow meep 🙂
actually look up Pandameana in the avatar studio 😀
I wanted to get my two solutions done before checking your written one. (Waiting until Jan??)
A big part of Cryptids is getting the camera and matches (Loch Ness), and lantern (Himalayas). So do the game in the order shown on the copter GPS. You can make the tour of all four and actually confirm the Jersey Devil on the first visit, and Nessie and Chupacabra on the second visits. Not sure yet if the Yeti print needs to be done, but I think it does to prompt the Bigfoot finale. The Hunters vs. Yeti is pretty lame, since with the layout they have, there is no sure way to get past. Many players were confused by the Preview, which only gave you a tiny chance to spot Nessie, and has NOTHING to do with the actual quest. Big wasted castle up there, and I drove all the way to the “goat stack” in Puerto Rico to get the unnecessary clue. 🙁
who do you think is so stinky nessie or big foot ??
How do you cut the guy off his ballon?
Everyones going to play Cryptids January 17 got it?
Yay, I’m a member! Yeah, my sister was watching me play and we both screamed when we saw the Jersey Devil in the window. xD
Thx for the videos; I didn’t know how to help the guy with the tires ’cause it wouldn’t let me click on his truck after he stopped talking…
They should make a island to go with those robo suites in the shop.
The jersy devil is creepy and the chupacabra looks like a dog full of needles and what the heck is wrong with nessie.
They should have made a snake man cryptid who escapes into town and eats one of the crypted hunters.
I wish they made a dinosaur cryptid or something not traditional like a skeleton panther or to be funny a teleporting chipmonk.
I think that the Jersey devil here is spooky/eeire(?), but real in the real world. XD. Most creatures are yet to be found in real life, think of the giant squid, once thought to be a myth, now proven to be alive. Chupracubra(did I spell it right?) in my opinon is a wolf-like creature with fire-like eyes and spikes on it’s back. But whatever, I can’t wait to play this island1
Why couldn’t they put a boss fight at the end!?
What will be the next island? Wild West Island or something to do with cavepeople?
Oh yeah. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that the next island should be like, with Ninjas, or an undersea quest for Atlantis. Wild West is a good idea, too, serious rider. I think it would be really cool if the wild west thing was combined with another idea, like with Astro-Knights.
Happy New Year (86 exclaimation points) to you, too.
Can’t wait to play it!
————————————♥♥ Sandy ♥♥
the undersea atlantis thing sounds cool
oh! membership membership membership all the way think what you could do cryptids island yayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way i have membership! woooooooohhhhhhh
where is thee jersey devil part of video????
Cyptids island is so fun!
Is anyone online now? Hello?
I was watching the video where Jeff Kinney talks and I saw something really cool. When he’s talking, look in the top right corner and you’ll see a blue sheet of paper that says “WILD WEST ISLAND” . Could this be the next island??
my daughter is stuck in the Cryptids Island. Her character jumped off the ledge into the gulley. Any way to get her character without restarting the game from the beginning?
Hi, Unknown! I’m online now. If you can’t watch the video, here’s how to cut the guy off his balloon: use the gardening shears. You get the shears by getting the $5 bill in the tree near the mansion. Then you go to the store and buy a sports drink that you give to the gardener in front of the mansion in exchange for his shears.
BTW, Unknown, what the heck were you doing up at 5:24 am? Is that, like, a glitch or something?
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t throw the dart for the submarine ticket, my dart keeps falling on the floor.
Please help and How!!!!!!
Nvm I got it with the help of my mom.
I wonder what the next island will be????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
. .
HURRY UP MECHA RHINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so were gonna fight some baddest cowboys of the west ?
🙂 🙂 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! IT”S 2011!! 🙂 🙂
Who woke up today and thought something like, “WOW, I haven’t eaten anything since last year”? LOL
I’m got membership
I’m almost finished with the island
oh and happy new year!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now i fianlly mastered Cyptpids Island.
I mastered all the poptropica islands!
I WISH I beat all islands!!!! Click on my pic!
To ShinyPear:
Thanx! 🙂 Bye the way, it’s not a glitch. I’m in China, so you know, all the time zones and stuff.
Where is the sub ticket?
Never mind
happy new year poptropicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cryptids island waz so eazy that i beat it the 1st day it came out 4 members!!
i haven’t played it yet but i saw the video it looks soooooo cool
YAY! I completed Cryptids Island! 😆
I finally completed all the islands!
Hey Unknown, are you still in China? I live there you know. 🙂
Oh yeah, congrats on finishing all the islands. My mom won’t let me get membership so I can’t finish Cryptids Island. 🙁
I think it should be Kong-Fu island where you have to learn Kong-Fu from a trainer in a Chinese academy and you have to go through the four gates of life and meet an angry dragon who is torturing a village because he is angry and all of that traditional Chinese warrior stuff.
Yay 4 U! 🙂
I’m stuck on cryptids island!!!!!!!!!! does anyone know how to find nessie??????????
who thinks the sad schoolgirl
hair is adorable I DOOOOO!!!!!
Poptropica changed the date when Crypitds island will luanch for everuone1 It is now January 18 insted of January 17.
Where do i get the sub ticket?
PLZ HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you pretty please with a cherry on top make another new island because I’m a member and have finished Cryptids and every other island. I’m depressed and bored that I can’t play islands until another comes out. Sniffle…Wine…Sigh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL!!!! the guy in the boat wont let me go out! I need to blow the whistle but it just dose the loading thing!!!I need help but i still think its hilarious!
oh and btw Angelcake123 the person who has this website dosent really work for poptropica I think.
ok. I neeeedddd help.
This is REALY bothering me now.
please please please please please please please please please please please please pleease please help me.
i am desprate for help.
I beat all of the islands. Even Cryptids. My fav is Counteirfeit.
How do you open the dumpster at New Jersey next to the rest stop i’m trying to open it my it keeps saying that it wont open!How do you catch the cupachabraim trying everything but it wont work.Also how do you find nessie and ride on the sub? Please,Please,Please,Please Help 8(
The bigfoot hat is to much money
Ifinish all the island So i wish you can make a there island were You get a samarui sowed were you get to kill a dragon
i gest got all the item in the island and in the store
Curious Cheetah, are you frustrated about the whistle thing you posted earlier? That might just be something wrong with your computer.
Also, please look up ShinyPear55 on the avatar studio. If my outfit isn’t that great, I’m probably in the middle of switching outfits, so search it up again in a few minutes.
I have lost the bolting tool!!! How can I get it back again???
The Jersey Devil is creepy.
Hey shiny pear! Found you!
The jersey devil is so creepy and ugly! Remember that part where it’s staring at you?
i’m not a member( sigh ). anyway, why don’t they post the written walktrough??????????
i dont hav membership.:'( (U) 🙁 (W)
how to put emocons……
The Jersey Devil gives me nightmares. Seriously. The part when it looks at you through the window? I saw it coming and it STILL made me jump. The poptropica people really need to realize how many little kids the are going to be crying because of them.
oh that is easy messybug!
I have a question. how do u get the bolt clippers??
I remember when there was only two islands and it showed an island that was called Monster Carnival and it said coming soon, but when is it coming?
to pme:then how??????????????????????
p.m.e=pricess middle east
(*sigh*) i dont have membership…….(U)
how come my computer cant put emocons?????????????????????????
to green grape:i know……how come they don`t have WRITTEN walkthrogh?????
to pme:ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to everyone:my sis says devil is creepy……
to super tornado:im REALLY jealus.(true).could you help my friend,who only completed time tangled?
to viv:i know.her hair is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!
i ran out of pepole that i want to talk to now…………..BYE!
I’m so excited for the new island!!!! YAY!!!!! Too bad im not a member 🙁
CRYPTIDS ISLAND IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im a non-member and today cryptids island came out for us…i normally finish an island the day it comes out for non-members but for cryptids island i cant…youtube videos dont work on my computer..i’ve been looking for a written walkthrough for ages (on google) but it always brings me to videos (which dont work) i normally use poptropica secret’s walkthroughs but im wondering why they haven’t made a written walkthrough for cryptids island…..can u pleeease with ice-cream and a cherry on top please make a written walkthrough?
where’s the bolt cutters?
room code: BLY43
This island is awesome. It took me two days to complete only because I had to go to bed. Still I am a member I got the six month package and now i am awaiting the arrival of the next island. C’mon, I LOVE poptropica and can’t wait for the next island to come out.
I hear there’s going to be a new “cowboy island”!
how can you get the farmers to help you get the chupacapra its frustrating
i NEED written walk-through!! I’m sick and tired of watching the videos!!
where would u find the house or is it just anywhere?
hey whats up
@Shinyaple: you get the sub ticket from the boy at the pub that doesn’t believe in Nessie. he challenges you to a dart contest.
I lost the 5.oo dollars help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol u r an awesome website tots awesome
where do you get the bolt cutters for opening the dumpster in new jersey ?
Every time i try to go on the row boat it gives me the loading sign. I’ve tried logging out and back in 12 times refreshing the page 5 and completly closing the internet. WHY WONT IT LOAD?
I can’t find the sub ticket!! Where is it????
where do you get the unidentified fur?
hmmm the jersey devil looks like a mutated goat with plastic wing glued to it
I am stuck. I know that once you’ve herded the goats together and the bait is ready, if you go back to the first farmer, he’ll help. But the farmer won’t help ME! I’ve herded the goats, I’ve went back to him and he still won’t help. 🙁
Nevermind. I forgot to test the coyote fur first. hehe 🙂
you should have made a text tutorial in case of the videos not showing up on the post because i can’t see the videos
Haha! 😀 Guys,I don’t understand you!
But Agree with Super Tornado…(I also like counterfeit..,,the fun part was when night,where you have to hide at the laser,and to catch the falling vase Lol!)
Haha! Iluv alll the cryptids..Have finished all isl ands)
1200 credits..hehe.. 😛 i wasted some.. 😛
Shinypear55 I saw your picture and i loved the costume where did you get it?
I heard that you can try out the kites in kitty kites store
OMG!OMG! thanks messybug sssoooo much for replying my comment!!!!!!! you’re the first person that ever replied me!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!! (mrgreen)
It’s okay if your not a member
i’m not a member and I don’t mind
The Chupacabra scared me when it jump out from the box
Anyways thanks for the walkthrough
for people who wants to get the bolt cutters. go to the puetro rico, go to the star in the west. there go right and you’ll see a cliff with branches. go up on the branches and wait for 3 sec then go up. just keep on going until the top. then go right for a little and you will find it easily near the tool box.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U JUST WAISTED 10 seconds reading this and won bolt cutters!!!
oh and this is the link of as a school kid.
jersy devil looks like a mutated goat with plastic wings glued on it
oh man i forgot to ask can i borrow your jeep again.what do i do
everyone on cryptids has weird mouths like the lady by the guy u give the sports drink to
I’m stuck! I did the darts game before I got the camera and i didnt get the ticket! Help!
what is the next island gonna be????
If your trying to find nessie the loch ness monster you need a penny whistle
yeah I agree with Perfect Noodle there was a another island coming
can u please write or type i guess a written walkthrough for cryptids
The sherpa won’t help me the second time 🙁
Brave Rider, he doesnt have to. if u go up the rope the second time, you’ll immediately be at the monastery place
im still confused about the bolt cutters. can someone please help me??????? i tried to find them with the directions popular kid gave but still coudn’t. thanks!!!!!
did anyone notice that the jersey devil thing’s gate plate number thingy is really 666?? ugh! can’t stand those numbers together!!
how do I get nessie to come up?
hey i really need boltcutters and i cant understand the directions already posted so can some super awsome nice person please help me and explain it simpler to me! thank you so much!
omg im stuk on the hymilayns i got the pic but mews sed The hymilayns arnt worth visiting anymore HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Brave Rider it happend to me
there’s another way to get up
hello? anyone trying out the kites? I love the pony one
HELP!!! I need to know what to do after i help the people to cut the rope and give that girl a push. HELP!!!
I cant beat DNA EXTRACTION.I followed “HOW TO EXTRACT DNA” but Its failed.
🙁 🙁 🙁
I finished it! It was easy!
I dont know what to do in New Jersey…..help me!!!
i just started yesterday… i am still touched by messybug
I dont get how to find the jersey devil in the forest I have the message but i dont get it ive tried tooo many times.
i need help in finding Nessie (Loch Ness) please post more info in finding stuff!! ( I’m gonna make my own web someday so visit if you could!)
Me too I started yesterday
Poptropica Secrets PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE POST MORE!!!!!!!! (With a cherry ontop 🙂 )
🙂 :))
Sorry if im posting at 3:23 CUZ IM BORED
where do you get the bolt cutters!!!
where can you find the Jersey Devil?
If anyone needs help with this island i would be glad to. I memorized this island after my first try 😉
wher to go on the bike in nj for the devil
Is there any typed walkthrough? I like those better they’re easier to follow and you can print them. Post one please!
how do you get the lochness monster and big foot?
yes, pleas post more. i started yesterday and i can’t find the house, and i can’t get the DNA sample right. how long do i have to wate for it to develope?
U just go left or right like on the message. then at the end u should ride into a dead end. then press look around
U have to do at least 3 games of darts- one for the row boat ticket, then the sumbrine, then the magic whistle. Use the rowboat when you have the magic whistle
HOW AND WHERE DO YOU GET THE BOLT CUTTERS? Please Please Please somebody help me!!!
Hello anyone there ??? seroiusly tiny penguin? are you there?
Yep, Tiny penguin’s right, it’s easy alright. Falling off the mountain and sinking by the fire in the water was easy alright.
That was fun but the Blood Sucker and The Jersey Devil scaried me I know i know im a bigg chicken but their weird looking and Rough Octopus what you do i follow the instructions when your riding the bike to a creepy old house then you go up stairs to the attic then you go back down and leave the house and you’ll see that creepy mother oh to find the instuctions you need some pyers and open the the garbe can and its in there then u go to the bathroom and that it with the Jeresy Devil
Hey, Tiny penguin, how do you get to play darts for the sub ride and whistle?
Where do you find the cammra!!!! HELP!
I can’t trap the chupacabra! I didn’t know to lure the goats into the woods and before I had done that the guy said he was gonna trap it. What should I do?
it was so easy!!!
where is snaggletooth rock
when i go to the mountain guide for the second time he wont help me he only says”it was good climbing with you”
Please, could you post a written walkthrough?
TINNY PENGUIN!@!!! what magic whistle??? i am done with row boat and sumbrine what about magic wistel
I’m here! Oh! Rough Octopus replied me!!!!!!The bolt cutters are at pueto rica!!!!!!!!!
Hello!I have a new outfit for girls from Cryptids Island!Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Cryptids Island and find Kitty’s Kites.There’s a girl standing in front of it.
2.Use customizer and copy her top and her glasses.
3.Use the Biker Girl’s bottom and belt.(It cost 75 credits.)
4.Go right until you see a girl(It’s just next to Kitty’s Kites).
5.Copy ONLY her hair and not the cap.
6.Use any necklace you want.
7.Use any old lips.
Walla!Now you have the outfit!I call this one The Office Manager.I could make some for boys because my brother has a account in poptropica,too.See you next time!Ihave more outfits if you want!
I have another outfit!Now It’s for boys!It’s from Cryptids,too.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Go to Cryptids Island and go right until you find a boy with 3D glasses.
2.Use customizer and copy his top and bottom.
3.Go left until you see a boy with glasses.
4.Copy ONLY his glasses.
5.Go right until you see a man next to the General Store.
6.Copy his hair ONLY.
7.Use any lips you want.
You see?!They are like working in one company!I call this one The Investigator.More outfits to come! 🙂
I’m funny!Do you know why?Because I made 2 outfits in 20 minutes!I wish you like it!
Sorry for #4.It’s left not right.
i missed the part of getting the bolt cutters! help someone!
jersey devil’s so creepy. tried doing it last but i realized that big foot was last so…yeah. i lived.
darn. i climbed the mountain without the camera and when i got it at last the guy wouldn’t bring me up anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay.. on loch ness how do you get the rowboat guy to leave?
you can just go up the moutain without him taking you ,but you will end up at the tower up there.
i can’t find Bigfoot. i need help!!!
POPTROPICA IS SO ADDICTING!!!my dad sez i shud stop playing it cuz im thrteen.. lmfao. ;P
I cant climb with the Shepa the second time?
thats what happend to me
How do u open the garbage can!!! Pls post answer or post on ur site
i cant get pass the monk with the game someone no anyone i really need help
I have a secret how to climb up the top of the mountain with out any help from the sherpa!Jump 5 times and you will see a rope.climp up and you will see a bridge.Pass it and you will see another rope.Go up.And you are in the top of the mountain!That’s a shortcut for all your hard work!
where is the camera on cryptids????
ok, i found the house, but how long do i have to wait for the develpoer to work. it takes forever, or maby it’s just the computer. ugh.
I finally finished guys!!!! I’m done with cryptids!! I bought multiverse. thanks tiny penguin!
PARTY!! Room Code: BTF97
please come!!
please come!! celebration of Cryptids finally out!!
anyone here???? please comment or chat!!!! cuz my party is about to start in poptropica. ill just do some stuff while waiting. sorry for chatting right now cuz im an early riser and i dont sleep at this time. see ya there at my party!
My Poptropica name is Rough Octopus (DUH). My account name is mika62602 if you wanna look at my avatar in avatar studio.
Hello0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0????????????????????????? anyone hoo0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0o0o0ommmme????????????????????????
Find 3 zeros:
Which one is the number zero?
this one? O? this one? 0? or this one? o? answer with 1st 2nd or 3rd.
find 4 letter m’s:
new code! APN11
your welcome for replying green grape
Hello!Do you wanna see the outfit I posted yesterday?Buy Avatar Studio(It’s Free!).My username is ruvien for the girl’s outfit.My brother’s username is delmundo.I hope you like it!
never mind i found them and i finished today i started yesterday
yay i just finished cryptids 🙂
The Jersey Devil really scared me and my brothers. Why did they make The Jersey Devil so freaky? I mean come on! There are kids on poptropica that can be scared easy. i’m 9 my little brother is 6 and my youngest brother is 5 for crying out loud!
Ok seriously-it doesn’t show it on the walkthrough and this is the only thing I have to do!!! I know the boltcutters are in Puerto Rico thanks to green grape. but I need to know exactly where because I’ve checked everywhere and I cant find it!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me! I’m gonna watch the Puerto Rico walkthrough again now just so I can see if it shows it.
Wild Octopus- When I first watched the video i just skipped it because I already did all of that- so watch it again ok?
Ummm can someone please help me with the puetorico thing i found the spotted goats and the man @ the cave but im stuck there. I keep grouping the goats then i go back to the man and nothing happens please help,. 🙁
hey also, um, when I played darts the first time, the guy I played with totally vanished ( well he went some where) So, will he come back and what is the deal with that weird hobo in the kilt ( the plaid skirt if you didn’t know) in front of the pub, what does the riddles mean?
what is with the bush with the poodle next to it
Hmmmm, I beat the place in about half a day! imagine that …
Hey, I CAN NOT do the dart thing!!!!!
just try ur best you’ll get it,. and how far have u gotten can u help me please!?
Where do I find the magic whistle?
to find nessie go to pub & get scuba ticket.dive deep and take picture.go back to pub and talk to 2 men.the man you got the boat ticket wants a rematch.play and win.the barman gives you a flute. go to boat al the way over n the water play flute nessie appears.any other questions?
I just found it!I’m about to go play it far out in the Loch!It’s called a Penny Whistle not Magic Whistle!
I completed Cryptids Island!
How do u get bigfoot?Ive went to the mountains and everything but it wont let me ask the guy to take me to the top of the mountains and he just says “I enjoyed climbing with u”?
Is this blog a WordPress one? Anyway, I finished this island strangly early! It was easy for me, I guess. 🙂
Hello!I’m so happy to be your friend! 🙂
This site is sooooooooooooooooo helpful! I just wish they also had a written walkthrough, that’s easier for me.
this is the only place where people eva reply my comments. i think i’ll be here most of the time…
@green grape maybe ppl never replyed to ur coments in the past becuz they knew who u wuz
i just started this 2 day ago and i’m almost near the end already. (i’m 11 yrs old)
i cannot see the video walktrough. cuz my laptop’s sooo slow…
i mean really really slow. hey, hland7. if you’re reading pls note this. i’m from asia too and i speak chinese ok.
and hokkien too…
Where to get bolt cutters?
i dont kno why muse say i’m wrong, but when i checked the DNA of jersey devil egg shell i’m very accurate, and i knew i was right but it just wrong. grmbl!!.
@giant tornado: the springy poes in peoto rico.
golden grape, are u my cousin or something?????
I’m from asia.too.I am a Filipino.I’m so proud to be a Filipino! 😀
i only have the yeti left to go… WOHOOOO!!!!!
it’s good to be proud of your country. i’m a malaysian…oh yeah! i just finish cryptids a few seconds ago.:)
mighty drummer, which is your favourite island? i mean on poptropica.
pls reply. there’s no one to talk to now…
I’M SOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you guys relize the importance of replying comments?
If your still asking where the cutter bolt is, it is in Puerto Rico. Then you see this man with a farmer hat. You talk to him and then he will let you use the jeep ( click on the jeep to use it ). Next you see a map on your top right, you drive all the way to the star that is west top( west is on your left), click exit jeep then you up right and you see the toolbox and FINALLY click get the bolt cutters
My favorite island is cryptids.I just finished it yesterday!Just try your best!
Thank you for replying to me!I thought You can’t see my comments!I’m soooooooooo Happy! 😀
hey mighty drummer, you commented on astro knights island that it was hard. well, you can come to me for tips, sure as we spell colour”colour” and not”color” :)…cuz i finished it(astro knights)…
Uh……. So where’s the written walkthrough??
New Outfit for members and non-members (girls)!
Costs NO money whatsoever.
1. Go to Cryptids and walk left until you see a girl with a beret
2. Customize her bangs with beret, and her shirt and skirt.
3. Walk left until you see a redhead girl.
4. Customize her hair, NOT her bangs.
5. Walk right until you see a guy with a beard and glasses.
6. Customize his glasses ONLY.
7. Go to 24 Carrot and enter the diner.
8. Look to the right and see a girl with a purple headband.
9. Customize her lips ONLY.
10. Go to the counter and change your hair to a dark brown.
Voila! I call it the student. I am always making new outfits that don’t cost anything. Check back for more.
guys i need help here….i cant go through the chupacabra puzzle everytime i go back to the farmer nothings happening…..what can i do with this??
It’s fast but poptropica is slow.What islands did you finished?My unfinished islands are skullduggery island and Steamworks.Steamworks is really hard!I just finished astro-knights last Sunday!I was funny!It’s really hard!
Mythology is one of my favorites,too.
Where do you live,green grape?I live in the Philippines.
hey mighty drummer, what language do you speak?
i love this island! i live in Pennsylvania, and ive always wanted to visit Scotland.i hope they make another really cool island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
green grape, i also wonder where you live. Do you live inPA? and mighty drummer, i find it cool you live in the Philippines. have you tried counterfeit island yet? it is fun but a little bit hard.=)
i couldnt finish astro knights island because i tried out something before going to my game, where i had already finished the three planets and had gotten to the crystal gate, and when i went back to my game, i was back on poptropica and when i went to go back into outerspace with Excalibur, it wasnt there, so i couldnt get back to the crystal gate.=( i finished early poptropica,counterfeit, sharktooth, spy island,time travel, and superpower island.i am also working on this island. im almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just have a quick question, why won’t the farmer help me? and why won’t the rowboat dude row his boat out there? he just sits there, looking at my loading cursor for as long as my patience holds out.
LOL!When I was was playing, and saw Nessie go back in the water I said “Bye Nessie!”LOL!
I JUST WON!!!stupid gretchen grimlock…
if anyone has stardoll join wimpykidclub about the books writen by THE MAKER OF POPTROPICA
the farmers who said about the chupacbara . he drew bad than max from Max and Ruby. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahhahahahahahaha!! hahHAHAHAHA111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Need help how do you open the garbege thing
Im american! i am soooo proud of my country…my favorite island is 24 carrot so far
i just wish they had a written walkthrough for cryptids since the videos wont pop up… darn 🙁
uuhhh how do i do nessie it is so freakin hard can someone help me? i just got the sub ticket and i dont know what to do next im freaking out will someone please help
Man, if it wasn’t for these cheats I would’ve never made it through these islands! THANKS SOOOO MUCH 🙂
lucky storm is right.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
URGENT!! when I go to the Himalayas, for the 2nd time, I click on the guide but he keeps saying ” It was good climbing with you” HELPP!!
I speak Tagalog but I can’t speak Tagalog here because you won’t understand me.
I’ve tried Counterfeit And when I tried it 20x I won.It’s really hard.
You have to go to the farmer’s brother and get the wire cutter,jumpy carrot.He will help you if you brought the fur example to Mews and ask him for help.You have to chase 3 spotted goats to the lair of Chupacabra to trap him.The farmer will automatically appear where you chased the goats.And for the rowboat,you need to have the rowboat ticket from the man who challenged you in darts.You will find the man inside the pub.
Ivy,you have to visit puerto rico before going to New Jersey.You’ll have to visit Himalayas and Loch Ness,too.You’ll get the wire cutter in Puerto Rico where you found the goats all got in to the house,I think.
You can make a hedge sculpture when you have the Gardening Shears!
No,It’s not there.Ivy.Just try your best.
i live in malaysia,mighty drummer. hey do you suppose that you eva have 3 page homework? i do…
oh well, im not bragging but i finished all the island. tqvm to this site.mighty drummer, u speak great english!
I sure did 1 copy full blackboard!
I mean,I sure did copy 1 full blackboard!
What time do you start your classes,green grape?And what time do you finish your classes?My classes starts from 7:00-2:30.
When Cryptids is not open yet,I just watched the walkthrough to see how beautiful Cryptids is.
My hedge sculpture was awful!So awful as a gorilla!Rawrrrrrr……………
“You’ll finish it if you don’t say it’s hard.”(This is for everyone who did not yet finish Cryptids and
other island).Remember this:Never lose hope and be patient.
when i try to go to the chinese castle in part 4 my sherpa guide says”it was nice climbing with you” and i cant climb the mountains what do i do?
hey thx so much it realy helped
okay , i for real need help with the loch ness part ! i am like stuck . i need the rowboat guy to leave PLEASE HELP !
i need some help idk how to get the the house in new jersey looking for the jersey devil
i love the loch ness part but the jersy devil is spooky!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you mighty drummer!!! that helped me out so much!! but my computer freezes at the lock ness part……. i have to do that elsewhere.
when I go the the mountain guide the second time he just says “thanks for climbing” or something. i don’t know what to do because in the video you ask him to take you to the top of the mountain! please help!!!!
ok someone help me…………… how do you get to go to the place to actully find big foot because i showed him the pic of the snow and on the helicopter it didnt show up.. plz HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Hey,tall star!I have a shortcut for climbing the top of the mountain!But you have to ask for help from the sherpa first.The second time you visit himalayas,you can climb up by your self!Just jump up until you see a rope.Climb up then pass the bridge.You will see a rope again and go up.
me to i live in phillipines,Mighty Drummer i speak tagalog to
i finished all islands and the hardest is the skuldeggery
my classes start at 7:30 and end at 12:50.anyone else??????????
that’s a lottt of homework!
are you a guy or gal, <Mighty Drummer?
and what’s ur real name?????????????????????????????????
wow! i reeeaally loved the gretchen grimlock chase (i thought i was going to fall) and i almost panicked! i was like,”ahh im going to die! ahhh! help me lord zeus! (i believe in greek mythology) wahh!”
the jersey devil site almost scared me to death. i thought my heart was pumping as fast as a humming bird flaps its wings.
I’m a girl,green grape.My real name is Ynna.
I have multi-verse.My code is BHU66.My name there is Speedy Plug.I’m the girl in pink.Please join me!
The code is wrong.Maybe I should not use it for a while…
Hey mighty drummer, what school do you go to? I also live here in the Philippines. And what province?
thanks mighty drummer!!!
where can i get the submarine ticket ?
hi i wanted to tell mighty drumer it is really cool you know how to speak english! i n colorado.
i think poptropica is a really fun spot to visit after school. i hardly ever have homework it is so nice where i live!
the code don’t work
my code is DYB65
Hey green grape, i live in malaysia too , which part do you live in?
How to u get out of cryptids island!!!! im stuck in da lab
you guys are soooo rich. i can never seem to buy a multiverse!!!!!!
lone ghost, isn’t that where dracula comes from?? no offence.
You can buy multi-verse if you create another account and finish 4 islands.I have so many account that I can’t remember my passwords!
Hey, Lone Ghost, did you find your spaceship parked on top of the castle??
I don’t know how to throw the dart in the nessie part; so, could somebody tell me how please.
i havent even completed the first bit yet
where do u fing that pice of hair
that last part was for 24 CARROT ISLAND.
hey guys im new here and i think i would be good friends with you guys
hey pplz heard someone lives in the Phillipines!
How do you lure the goats?
figured it out
Um i love this game but when you find the the egg shells in the cryptids world and i try to experiment on it i always get it wrong even when i follow the stepts.
i cant get the vides make a written walkthrough
Yeah, Ynna. But that’s the probelm, you can’t remember sooo many passwords.
You know, you can click on the air hole on the tire in Loch Ness. But circling works well too.
hey there 🙂 i like cryptids island, but how do you get past it??? im stuck on the loch ness monster part. 🙁 plases help!! :O
Did you know i was a poptropica member from Reality TV-Crypitds island. You have proboaly seen a desert wild west sneak peaks but the island is called Wild West island and do you know how i knew that. I saw a poster of it on a poptropica video. Please click my name to see my poptropica-like site.
Hey guys! This site is awesome! How many times do you have to play darts? What do you win? I know you have to play at least twice and win the rowboat ticket the first time and the submarine ticket the second, but what last?
this stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you find Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster?
I cant get past Big Foot when I have to look for him in the helicopter.
My computer just froze when i had to chase the Big foot thing!!!!!!!!!!!THAT’S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Mighty Drummer?????
where the hell do you find bigfoot? :S
I wonder if they’ll do a pokemon island? I hope they do…
@Dangerous Fire: you find all prove of the other crypts first, the harold will tell you where to find bigfoot.
My computer froze up on the part where you have to chase Bigfoot.
I have beat poptropica!
The game freezes at the chasing bigfoot part at the end since yesterday.Lots of complaints at the youtube version of this same walkthrough.We are getting annoyed and angry…:(
How do I find thhe New Jerset Devil
Hel hElp Help HeLp Im really stuck I’ve done the part when Harold mews rescue you and after when I got out of the mansion I was at the locked gate pls help me I’m stuck help I can’t get in the helicopter heeelp
i was scared of the new jescery thing.
@YoungLizard IKR!! I love pokémon !! This sux!!! I cant do the motorcicle thing !!
@Genivieve The SAME EXACT THING happened to me too!!!
Maybe Bigfoot doesn’t want us to find him xD
I like Cryptids Island!! Yeah, and click on my name to see my ”Avatar Studio”
@Invisible Raptor:I CAN’T click on your name!!
it froze at the end cant chas bigfoot
how do u chase bigfoot my computer froze and so i did it again and i need help
yo dangerous fire i figured it out and it was easy
Music Girl:
1:Find someone wearing the black and pink dress.(You can find this on multi-player rooms.)
2.Find someone wearing white cap and curly long hair.
3.Buy Pop Star outfit and pick color pink.
4.Customize the bangs,jacket and belt.
Wanna see it?Buy Avatar Studio(It’s free!)and my username is stillme29.The next outfit will be for the boys.
why my game freeze when i want to chase bigfoot??
How the heck do u find the bolt cutters??
I love this island but im stuck on the part to capturing bigfoot actually, chasing after bigfoot. anyone help me? my username is 1341349 and password is the same except for the 9 at the end.
Hey, little dragon one crypitds island cheat on the loch monster part is if you use the ticket a second time you get stuck so click on the man inm the boat.
The helicopter part keeps freezing, dammit!
Whenever I try to catch bigfoot in the helicopter the game freezes. I surfed the interwebs and lots of other people have been having the same problem. HELP! Any ideas or cheats to get it to work would be wonderful as I want to beat this island.
Fan-written by Scootdaloop188
To the tune of “Animal” by Neon Trees
Here we go again
We’re sick like Bigfoot
We play Cryptids
You’re just a player
And I’m afraid I won’t get a medallion.
No I won’t stop playing.
Oh Oh
I want some islands
Oh Oh
What are you waitin’ for?
Finish Cryptids Island!
Oh Oh
I want some islands
Oh Oh
What are you waitin’ for?
What are you waitin’ for?
Say goodbye to Cryptids Island
Here we are again
I feel Chupacabra kicking in
It’s gettin’ scarier
I wanna run and hide
I wanna run and hide
I finish it every time
Your trickin’ me now
And I won’t be denied by Mews
The Poptropican inside of you
where do i get the stuff for getting the truck unstuck.
I cant move the helicopter for Big foot ppart :l help!
Hey, Ana Mickerlik use the walkthrough that the site has.
every thing else works but when i go to trach bigfoot evrything does not move.
Hey what was the hint that the monk gave after I beat him in the yeti game? I walked away from my computer for a second and I missed it!
wat is up with the bigfoot chaseing part freezing?
When I clicked on the sherpa guy, he just said, ”It was good climbing with you.”
please help!
i cant get bigfoot my computer keeps freezing ill never beat poptropica
grrr…my computer is frozen where you chase bigfoot!can anyone help me please???:(
hi. I was wondering how do you get nessie out of the water thanks.
Click it!Just don’t click the first one!Haha!!! 😀
That’s really hard to type.Hehe…
This is for the boys.The Mailman:
1.Find someone wearing a white cap and white coat.
2.Go to Masks and Capes Shop in Superpower Island and find the second costume from the door and get the belt ONLY.
3.Get a white jeans.
4.Use a smiley lips.
Simple isn’t it?This is just a simple outfit and it’s free!Actually,it’s not beautiful enough to join a simple fashion contest!
Zippy Star when you get the two tickets and you complete that part you dont play for a third time. you can play again but you dont get more prizes. you just get to play for free.
omg!i dont know where to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unicorns totally do exist!
OMG someone help me i cant win da man at darts PLZ SOMEONE HELP ME thanx
hey guys i need help SOOOO bad!! where do u get the Penny whistle from? I watched the walkthrough, and they got out the penny whistle and summoned Nessie with it… how/where do i get it? please help i want to complete the island!! 🙁
mimi – you can just climb up on your own, you dont need him for the second time 🙂
how can u lure the chupacabra
where do you get the boltcutters???
how can u lure the chupacabra 2 me PLZ SOMEONE I NEED UR HELP !!!!:(
how to find nessie. first you go to that place were you shot darts. and then you get the penney whistle from the guy that has a blackbeard. and then you go out to the boat. and click on the guy who owns the boat.
and hell tell you that he is going on a vacation. and then move your mouse to the left. and go to your items. click on the penney whistle that you got. and nessie will apeer. and take your camara out. after you take the picture take it back to mews. and thats how you do it!!!!!!!
Hello!It’s been a while since I posted here!Uhh….Where’s green grape?
Anybody here?Oh,please! >:(
how do u no which is from which in the dna testing mesh screen from nylon membrane
How do you find the Jersey Dragon?????? 🙁
You need to beat the people at the hub to get the penny wistle
@Mighty Drummer: where have you been?! how’d you get a profile picture? please!!!!
Thought you forgotten me, buddy!
Why would I forget you?You are my first friend here!Go to gravatar.com and create an account.Add an image you want and rate it G so you can share it on this website.You should check your Yahoo! first before adding an image.It’s easy!Gonna ask you the same question,where have you been?
I LOVE POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a new outfit!I call it the Fairy of Beauty,Wisdom and Love.Here’s what you have to do:
1.Get a windblown bangs,a white ruffled dress and a fairy wings.
2.Get a long,curly hair.Make it blond.
3.Get a Pop Star Bangs.
4.Get a black tights.
5.Use the Mythology Surfer lips or the Prom Queen lips
Cute isn’t it?
i cant get passed the wind surfing and the walkthrough froze
i beat it thanks for the walkthrough YAY!
ok wats with the giant snake?
@redfox117:It’s not a giant snake.It’s Nessie.
What’s with Wild West Island im a member but still what’s with it none over the other islands are minigames. >:l
Jersey devil looks creepy to me. He scared me so much i thought he jumped out of my computer. 🙁 Im pathetic.
@Mighty Drummer:I went to Kuching.
Tomorrow is another day of school…My resting days are over.By the way,green grape.What rank are you in your class?My rank is 2nd.I am just a transferee.Have you ever feel like bored in class?
I beat cryptids island.
@Mighty Drummer: My resting day are over too. My rank in class is 2nd too. A prefect, and, of course I feel bored. Especially during maths.
This question is for the people that have already finished this island. How does one get Gretchen’s costume? We don’t really see her in person to customize her outfit, but I want to see if she has anything to offer. (For those who don’t know, Gretchen Grimlock is the Bigfoot napper). Is there a cheat or something for this?
Dude!!! BELIVE ME!!!!!! UNICORNS DONT IGZIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IN WYLAND SCHOOL WE HAVE THE BEST DAY ON TUSEDAY!!!!!! WE HAVE RESSESS IN OUR GYM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE TUSEDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wasnt talkin about Nessie! i was talkin about the one in Puerta
Rico! And popularheart310 unicorns do exist!
it was cool and really easy 2 follow, alothow the person hoo did the video made alot of mistakes
poptropica rocks!!!!
In Pueto Rico, it’s the Chupacabra! And it’s NOwhere near to a snake. Mighty Drummer, where are you?
By the way,what do you mean about that?
i dont know how to get permission for the stinkin helicopter!!!!! :0 My freinds at schools refuse to help me. Any Tips or advice? Please?
Thanks a lot!!
I need help. I am trying the new island. Cryptids! It is fun but I need some help. I have got to the point where I am in the musuem waiting for Mr. Mews. My freind is already on the helicopter and is to the other side of the island. Please,help me.
PS. I have already tried asking freinds for help, so don’t send me THAT on my gmail.
Hope to hear from you soon on Gmail….
Thx a lot! I found the Chupacabra! 🙂
😮 😮 😮 :omg:
@Mighty Drummer: My parents, or, rather my brother doe’st want me to have a Facebook account. :crying:
I understand,green grape.I have more friends here than school!And you’re my best friend,green grape! 😀
How old are you,green grape?I’m just 8 years old.
Im not talkin about the cryptids! im talkin about that random giant snake in the tree at the house with all the goats!
how do you find the Yeti?!?!?!?!
The Filipino of “How are you?” is “Kumusta ka na?”
how do you get the wire cutters or whatever they are? help!
@Mighty Drummer: Great! I can learn Fillipino from you.
@peace girl: In Pueto Rico, in the top right star.
It’s really easy to read Tagalog.The Tagalog of “no” is “Hindi”.The Tagalog of “yes” is “Oo”.The Tagalog of “right” is “Tama”.The Tagalog of “Wrong” is “Mali”.(If the apostrophe is in the middle of 2 letters,that means you have to read it slowly.)
1.Hindi- Hindi’
2.Oo- O’o
3.Tama- Ta’ma
4.Mali- Mali’
I’ll teach you more tomorrow!
I love Crypids Island!
How do you get the thing to cut the metal thing in New Jersey, Crytids Island
Because that is just what i need to say to my classmate
How do you get directions for the New Jersey Forest?
Busy Drummer: Whenever you need help on this island write a comment saying “Cryphelp” and write your problem! Then I’ll reply
They should really write the walkthrough in a certain order…… I AM GOING BONKERS!
Yes Ik how 2 play darts….. so E-A-S-Y!
A happy lisard:
What is latssed flash?
i found a cool useless thing to do on cryptids. once you have the hedge clippers, go back to the place with the mansions and the lady with the poodle. stand in front of the big, overgrown bush (there’s only one) to her left. go to your items and click “use” on the clippers. your avatar will say “while i’m here, maybe i can create a little creative hedge sculpture of my own” then a box will open up and you can sculpt the bush. when you are finished, click “close” and the lady with the poodle will freak out at you.
yours truly i got the clue by playing a mini game it kinda hard but youll get the hang of it.
pleaaaaaaaaase make a written walkthrough!!!! please please pleaseeeeeeee….. I AM GOING CRAZY
Haven’t you even mentioned balloon boy? I’ve seen him at the viewfinder at Loch Ness!!!!!
how do you get the bolt cutters??!!
why do you pick a sports drink?
I dont know where to find a camera!!! HELP! WANN TAKE A PICTURE OF NESSIE!
it’s sorta easy peasy……
Tiny Penguin vs. Lady With Poodle
L: My Fijian hedges- ruined! You’ll be hearing from the Police!
TP: Bla,bla,bla, these are just one of your dull hedge collections. (rolls eyes)
L: (calls Police) Hey! This youngster here just ruined my precious hedge! Jail her!
TP: Whatever, loser!
Police: Freeze! Yer under arrest!
TP: (acts innocently) Excuse me, mister. I was just doing a work of art. It was just my first time.
L: No! She’s lying!
Police: This youngster ‘eer seems so innocent. Yer under arrest!
TP: (looks at lady with a “in-your-face!”look)
L: Next time, you’ll get it!
ThE eNd 🙂
this is much eaiseir then made out to be.the chupacobra really suprised me,but the jersey devil almost made me scream it was so scary.(but then again everything scares me.) im working on nessie right now, & im thinking about blowing her out of the water with a bomb.
Please help me!!!!!!!! If I can’t find nessie by the viewfinder…….
I can’t find Nessie!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone done this walkthrough IN WRITING? I’m going crazy. I want to know how to do the game from the monk… It’s so confusing. 😛
TinyCloud you just click on the space you want to move to. BTW how do you get those smiley face things?
easies island in the poptropican history! (i already comleted it)
i mean easiest
BC it doesnt work!
I agree with popularheart310. This is THE easiest island ever!
P.S. If you need any help leave a comment for me
: O
i did it tho the jersey devil kinda freaked me out
Please answer! Tell me the directions to the New Jersey Devil’s house. PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE!
ok bob and everybody who needs help in this part i’ll tell you. first, go upstairs then your poptropican will hear a thumping sound
in the attic. find the large dresser push it to the attic entrance. jump on the dresser then you’ll arrive in the attic go right you’ll see a barrel. a racoon will appear then go right you’ll see the grappling hook. get it then go downstairs you will see the jersey devil at the window looking at you then go outside of the house you’ll see that the jersey devil is flying use your grappling hook go up the tree get the eggshell then go out of the gate
BINGO! You finished the freakin’ Jersey Devil part!
man, i almost turned white when i saw that freaking jersey devil!
I need to get cheats for cripdids
They should really do a written walkthrough. I really need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the link for the written walkthrough,it is in Answers.com but don’t mind it even it’s not Poptropica Secrets.com.. this is the link, if u can’t click it, copy it to ur browser pls 😀 :http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_beat_Cryptids_Island
Or if u don’t wanna go and go to that browser, imma gonna copy it…
Cryptids Island is the 16th island in Poptropica, with a release date of January 18, 2011. Early Access was available to paid monthly members beginning December 20, 2010. A preview of one section was available prior to release.
* Cliff Park / Main Street / Mansion Row
Main street consists of three buildings : Bert’s Bed and Breakfast (multiplayer room), the General Store, and Kitty’s Kites. To the left is Cliff Park and to the right is a row of mansions, including the home of billionaire recluse Harold Mews. You receive a flyer announcing the Mews million-dollar reward for proof of the existence of cryptids : legendary creatures whose existence is unconfirmed by fact.
1. At the General Store, everything is too expensive (but have no prices on them). You could get a free kite at Kitty’s, but the most interesting, the KiteSurfer X-250, does not have any nylon rope to use. Continue right to the row of mansions. The Mews mansion is gated and locked, but you can find $5 in the tree just before you get there. His gardener is overworked and thirsty.
2. Use the $5 to buy a sports drink at the General Store and give it to the gardener, who will loan you his shears. Take them left, past Main Street to Cliff Park.
3. Help the other adventurers on their way. Give the hang glider a push and use the shears to cut loose the hot air balloon. You will get some nylon rope.
4. Go back to Kitty’s Kites and get the KiteSurfer. Take it to Cliff Park and launch it into the waves. You will surf for awhile until evil Gretchen Grimlock shoots a flare into the kite, leaving you to flounder until you are rescued by a helicopter owned by Mews.
* Mews Mansion and Museum, and the Cryptid Hunt
You are recovering after your rescue, and Mews offers to help you in the hunt for evidence of the Cryptids. Drink the last of your medicine and follow him to his Museum and Laboratory. After you familiarize yourself with the creatures, he lets you use his helicopter to travel to locations around the world. Exit the house and go to the Heliport. Your first stop should be Loch Ness, because you will need items from there at other locations.
1. Loch Ness (Nessie) – The ticket counter for the Rowboat and Submarine is closed, but you can view the loch from the hill above, using the binocular telescope.
2. Help the man whose truck is stuck under the bridge. Let some air out of the tires to lower it. The driver will give you his Digital Camera. Continue right to the Pub.
3. In the Pub, pick up the book of matches from the bar.
4. Play darts against the players there. If you win, you get a Rowboat Ticket. (to throw, aim at the center and “pull back” — lower your dart — between 1/2 and 3/4 of the way to the dartboard edge, then release) Eventually you will win and get the ticket.
5. Go left to the Loch and take the Rowboat ride. While on the loch, you will get a photo of some “humps” in the water. You could return to the Mews Mansion with it. But to save travel, you can continue on to the rest of the four sites, beginning with the Himalayas.
At the Himalayas, there is a base camp set up, and you meet another fortune hunter. But none of the guys is going to help you up the mountain in search of the Yeti. The monastery at the top of the mountain has the alleged scalp of a Yeti. Begin climbing left until you meet a helpful Sherpa guide.
1. With the Sherpa, climb the mountain using the Rope Anchors. As you go up, you must tie off the rope at each of the round anchors along the way, and wait for the Sherpa to catch up. (Even if you don’t slip, the play is extremely glitchy.) Avoid slipping, and don’t move until he ties up.
2. At the mountain-top monastery, go in and talk to the head monk. He will not give you the Yeti scalp, because it is a sacred artifact.
3. He does give you a lantern, which you can light at any time with your matches.
4. Leaving, you climb the mountain at left, and meet another monk who will challenge you to a simple game of Hunt The Yeti (fox and hounds), which you must win to go further. To win, move toward the hunters, then back and to one side, and eventually one will make a mistake and let you reach the left side. The monk lets you pass.
5. Go down the path, climb the temple, and go up and left higher on the mountain. At the upper left, you will find a clearing with flowers blooming. There is a large footprint that might have been made by the Yeti. Take a photo, then go back down across the rope bridge to return to the helicopter. The next stop is Puerto Rico.
In Puerto Rico, the farmers and goat herders are concerned about losing livestock to the Chupacabra (goat sucker). The farmers rescue another of Gretchen’s victims from a tree. He offers to let you use his jeep to drive around the countryside. As you drive, you find yourself splashing through streams, knocking down fences, and scattering herds of goats.
1. In the jeep, drive up the road to the first “star” on the map (middle right). This is the herder’s brother, who shows you some fur left on his barbed wire after an attack. It is supposedly from the chupacabra. Collect it from the fence.
2. The second star (top left) has a resident who says that the Chupacabra prefers spotted goats. You can see them nearby. If you climb the springy poes to the right, there is a Bolt Cutter at the top.
3. The third star (center) is Snaggletooth rock, where three spotted goats are sure to attract the Chupacabra.
4. At the fourth star (middle left), the resident says that the Chupacabra only attacks goats when there are three of them. This will figure in your ability to pursue the creature. But for now, you can leave and head for New Jersey.
In New Jersey you are looking for proof of the existence of the Jersey Devil, sort of a small, demonic-looking flying dragon. You land at a gas station in a wooded area near the interstate highway.
1. Enter the restroom to find claw marks and other evidence of the Jersey Devil. Writing on the wall outside and inside gives you clues.
2. If you collected the bolt cutters at Puerto Rico, you can open the dumpster at the gas station. Inside is the removed toilet door. When placed next to the other door inside, it gives complete (if roundabout) directions to the house in the forest : right, left, left, right, right, right, left, left.
3. As it is dark in the woods, use the Matches to light your Lantern.
4. Hop on the motorcycle parked nearby and drive into the woods. Follow the directions on the list you wrote, or just alternate, right then left turns, to reach a cul-de-sac deep in the woods, where you park.
5. Walk up the path to the deserted house and go inside. There are noises from above.
6. Climb the stairs and push the dresser over to reach the attic, where thumping sounds are being made. You see a dark, red-eyed shape emerge from a barrel, but find that it is only a raccoon. Pick up the grappling hook next to the raccoon barrel and head downstairs.
7. Just when you are leaving, the Jersey Devil appears in the window!
8. Unfortunately, you can’t get a photo. Go outside, where you see the Jersey Devil again. Apparently it has a nest in a tall tree.
9. Use the grapple to reach the nest and recover pieces of egg shells from the it. You now have evidence on all 4 creatures, so return to Mews.
* Back at Mews Museum Laboratory
You show your collected materials to Mews, and use the DNA Analyzer to test the samples.
1. Unfortunately, the Nessie photo is only tires in the water, but there is a suspicious shadowy form in the background.
2. The photo of the Yeti footprint turns out to be from a snowboot, so you can cross off the Himalayas as a source.
3. Using the DNA analyzer shows that the “Chupacabra fur” is just a coyote’s.
4. But you do confirm one of the four : the Egg Shells are definitive proof of the unknown DNA of the Jersey Devil.
Now you have to return to Loch Ness and to Puerto Rico to see if anything new can be found. At Loch Ness, you confront the rowboat guide about the fake photo. He leaves, and you have the rowboat for your use. Return to the pub for more conversation and more darts. One of the two players claims to have seen Nessie
1. Play darts against his skeptical friend to win a Submarine ticket.
2. Go back to the loch and take the Submarine tour. You will descend into the loch and get a photo of a “Nessie” on the bottom. It looks suspiciously like a hoax.
3. Back at the pub, the players confirm the hoax. The first dart player you beat returns for a rematch. But when you win, he refuses to give you anything.
4. However, the bartender gives you a Pennywhistle that is rumored to attract Nessie.
5. Return to the Rowboat and go left, then farther left into a small cove.
6. Blow the pennywhistle and a huge Nessie will emerge from the water!
7. Take a photo and return to the helicopter. (You can return later to show up the haughty dart player and display your astounding photo.) You now see what you can find back in Puerto Rico.
In your absence, the goat herder has decided to catch the Chupacabra. Take his jeep to his brother’s house again, where he suggests you use the jeep to corral three spotted goats into the rocks (center star on map) as bait for the chupacabra.
1. Drive over, and steer around the three spotted goats until they are all between the rocks.
2. Get out and meet the goat herder, who has a plan to trap the creature in a huge wooden box with locks and chains.
3. After a short wait, his “trap” succeeds, and the Chupacabra is caught!
4. Unfortunately, as you push it toward the truck, the box bursts open, releasing the savage Chupacabra, who knocks you down and escapes!
5. Fortunately, he has lost a tooth in the process. Pick it up and head back to the Mews mansion with proof for both Nessie and the Chupacabra.
* Mews Museum Laboratory and the Bigfoot Hunt
1. The photo confirms that Nessie exists.
2. The Chupacabra tooth confirms it is a real creature
3. This leaves only the Yeti / Bigfoot unproven.
But Mews has word of a sighting in the Pacific Northwest, so you fly the helicopter there to investigate. This is a new, 5th location on the helicopter’s GPS. You sight Bigfoot travelling on the ground through the trees, and he is occasionally getting out of your sight as he roams. You can spot his footprints for a few seconds before they fade away.
1. Fly above him and keep him in view for about two or three minutes until he reaches some caves.
2. You report in to Mews, but Gretchen has bugged the radio, and swoops in using her own copter, and traps Bigfoot in a cage. Fly in close to her to stop her.
3. Jump from your copter to hers, avoiding the rotor blades. If you fall, you can try again. To stop her, you have to open her copter’s gas tank, on the side near the door. This will spill out the fuel and force her to ditch the helicopter.
4. Quickly jump down to the cage and use the shears to cut the connecting rope. Descend to the ground safely using the cage’s parachute.
* Mews Museum (Finale)
1. The existence of Bigfoot is finally confirmed, and you are the winner of the million-dollar prize! But Mews has had financial trouble, so he hasn’t any money to buy the caves as a Bigfoot preserve.
2. You decide to turn down the money to keep the Bigfoot safe. 🙁
3. But you have confirmed all 4 of the cryptids and win the Island Medallion!
Notes :
1) You can use the shears to trim some of the hedges, much to the dismay of the rich lady. Fortunately, the damage disappears when you leave the mansion.
2) You can fly another kite any time on the island, but not the surfer kite. Like the balloons on Counterfeit Island, they let you jump higher.
3) After you see the cryptids, they do not appear again on the island. You can examine the caves where Bigfoot is staying.
Oh please can someone help us with the islands? please!! please email us if you don’t really hack accounts and also please help us! if u emailed us we’ll send our information to u!! [email protected]
this thing is really awsome i never knew what to do
I’ll help! Sorry I can’t send the email!
P.S. I don’t hack.
P.P.S. I’ll help with any island, but which one is it?
P.P.P.S. Arianne and Diane, this message is for you!
OMG. I’m scared to finish Cryptids island now. I’ve done all of them except for the Jersey Devil. And now hearing that some of you ‘turned white when you saw it’. I will NEVER go to New Jersey!!!!!!! Is it really that scary?
I wish you guys would really write a written walk-through
uh Perfect Star, it’s not that scary.
when I finished this island theres only one island for me and its red dragon
That thump noise scared the crap out of me on cryptids because i knew what was comin and the the thing came out and i almost screamed that was scary.
The pacific northwest doesnt show up on my helicopter computer
🙂 😉 :0
I finished the island 1 year ago,forgot to tell everyone,No offense.
😮 please help me do other emoticons!
find 5 v’s:
Thanks! comment if u found it. copy and paste but space the w between the v like this:
wwwwwwwwwwww v wwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks again!
wat u talking about?
Bashful Cloud,It doesn’t. Try scrolling your screen to the right,To find more.But today’s the deadline,Here are the freaking answers!:
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww v
Okay,here’s a new one!
Find 3 q’s.
Deadline: June 1 In Asia,Africa,Europe,Australia,South Pole.
May 29 In North America,South America,North Pole,(and some other islands near Hawaii,and Hawaii.)
Deadline,Answers will be revealed!
Bashful Cloud,No.Take time to scroll your screen to the right.
June 1 : Asia,Africa,Europe,Australia,South Pole.
May 29 : North America,South America,North Pole And Some Other Islands Near Hawaii And Hawaii.
ok, here’s another one i made:
find the n’s
oh snap.
hey people…. this is getting frustrating I: I havent been on poptropica in over a year and all this new stuff is here that i have no idea about! The last time I went on, I beat…… (hmmm) Well I think it was Skull Dugery and I was working on Steam Works. Can Anyone (ANYONE) plzzzz give me info on all this new stuff?
well ur game might be deleted in poptropica
nope, surprisingly not. haha im lucky 😀 anyways, i guess no one can help meh out :[ there’s probably a million people out there who are obssesed with poptropica and if you’re one of those people out there, then you know what to do (no don’t run into the middle of the road screaming “EVIL PICKLES SHALL EAT US ALL!!!!”)
do you want to join the SFG (Super Fashion Gals) club? Give Mighty Drummer your real email in the Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld post.
This is the link of our blog: (I’m the administrator and I don’t know why but I’m happy)
So join now to post your very own costume ideas now!
well… I have to admit, it does sound pretty interesting. and exciting :3 The only thing is, I’m not really comfortable with giving my email away (no offense). is it mandatory to give your email? Otherwise I’m all out for this 😀 I’ve realized that poptropica has really improved its fashion sense over the years (lol) and I’m not one to miss an opportunity 🙂
it’s not mandatory. we’re just inviting club members.
ok so how exactly do you join?
Why did they make the Jersey Devil scary anyway???I mean, COME ON!!!!! THIS IS A KIDS GAME NOT A HORROR MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! I’m pretty sure the real Jersey Devil isn’t scary at all. They say it has a head like a horse, well Poptropica makes it look like a horse that’s been exposed to toxic waste. Trust me, they should of made the Jersey Devil’s head look like the horses in Wild West Island
XD good point though. imagine a little kid having nightmares about the monster with the deformed horse’s head. O. o it also has horns. hmmmm……
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!I want my 1,000,000 (1 million) dollars!!!!!!!Where did he take it to!!!
u just need 2 post costumes around this site it means your a member
I need help with when you ride the motor bike. What do you do?
My room code is: dbb42
Help!!!!! I cant get the farmer to help me catch the chupacabra! I have tried almost everything!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!! I hate this! >:(
here’s the instructions.
1.point ur cursor to the motor bike (it says ‘ride’)
2. now the screen will open up. the directions are :
3. now click ‘look around’ then go a little left you’ll see a gate. enter. then go left a little more….and there’s a house. go inside.
The Jersey Devil looks very scary……
i wanna watch the video ,but i can’t GRRRRRRR
Well,I think I should go back to my old self again.I just wanna…forget something that bothers me.Promise,I’ll go back to the fashion industry if I forget this…this…problem!I just want to live peacefully with all my friends.I mean,my real friends that doesn’t betray me and lies to me.Well,it’s not someone’s fault.It’s just that someone is blaming me that I ignored her.So,please be my friend!
how do you get the bolt cutters?
thats right
Ha, the Jersey Devil scared the HECK out of me.
I literally jumped in my seat looking at it. what is wrong with meeee. *headdesk*
My pic is a student of my school wearing our uniform and I wear that same uniform too.
I need written walkthrough please 🙁
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
No offense GS, but…HA HA HA HA HA HA
Sorry.Imagining the look on your face.He he
it’s cool, i found it. now i can’t find the jersey devil’s house! lol
Hiyaz i did this ages ago but im doing it on another account for my lil sister whos 5 becuase she finds it hard 🙂 im a good sister
I am better than you. My sister is 3 and she asked me to finish Red Dragon and Mytholgy for her! (no offense, ppl)
how do u get the submarine ticket
YAY but does anyone know how to find the bolt cutters because I AM LOST PLZ HELP ME FIND IT I COMMENT AGAIN IF I FIND IT BUT IF I DONT PLZ TELL ME HOW
This dosent help how do you get to see the lochness monster?
why did you didn’t do lock ness and dude give me a break maybe i juist have to coppy answers.com.
and by the way i’m a primary kid dude, primary kids need to learn .you know what, i’m grade three now , even grade threes need to learn. 🙁
I need the written walkthrough plz!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear white boa, to get the bolt cutters you have to go to puerto rico and you go to one of the places i cant remeber wat star it was but i think it was the top left any way its where the guy tells you that the cupocobra only eats goats with spots if you go to the right there is a tree with like sticks sticking out jump up on eatch one, eatch one will bounce you up to the next stick once you get to the top click on them and there ya go… ohh and sorry bout the mis spelling
How do you get the ticket for the submarine? I’v solved the island before, but I forgot how to get it.
I need the written walk through.
Where is the Jersey Devil’s house?
HELP! I had the guide take me up the mountain twice, but I didn’t get to finish getting the yeti track picture before i had to get off the computer. Then, I went to another island and came back. Now the guide won’t take me up the mountain. Help me!
Where are the bolt cutters?
i have got the motor bike but even though i’ve got the instructions i don t see the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please please please make a written walkthrough because the videos confuse me.I’ve already compleated this island but i forgot how.
P.S comical bug I dont understand you AT ALL sorry
Wow…Cute. Thanks Poptropica for helping me. I was done this Cryptids Island. I just have to beat 4 island. About Skullduggery Island, it’s soooooo hard for me to beat it; especially Captain Crawfish, I HATE him—-Wow—- =]
were is the camera
i can’t get past the dart throwing. and i’ve been trying for over an hour!!!! 🙁
The dart throwing was super easy, I completed it ‘n 1 hit! 🙂
PLEASE HELP ME! I’ve been clicking all day to the tires to get to pass the bridge, and I can’t!
Hell! This island is dificult!
help please! i clicked on the guide who took me up the mountain the first time but all he said was ‘nice climbing with you’ and i cant get hiim to guide me up the mountain again!
aye dis game crazy i feel the same way all of yaw do me and my best friend g-man been sittin here all day moee lls p.s. any body no how to trap that yettie thingy
i got proof of everythin except of the chupacabra can someone help me?!?!?! also i cant beleive im trying to examin the broken egg shells in the lab room and i follow the instructions little by little and it keeps telling me to retry and follow instructions carefully!!! wat is happening???
when the guide doesnt come up any more it means you can go up on your own
how do u find the lantern again?
finished 16 islands 4 to go!!
i am mf
hi its me Jordyn or mf
WAHOO just beat cryptids
17 down 3 to go i think
oops 😳 i mean 15 down 5 to go = Steamworks, Skullduggery, Super Power, Astro Nights, and Shrink Ray. But I’m not a memeber.:( Oh well!
oops 😳 i mean 15 down 5 to go = Steamworks, Skullduggery, Super Power, Astro Nights, and Shrink Ray. But I’m not a memeber. 🙁 Oh well!
does anyone know how you get past the dart throwing? I cant figure out how!!!!! 🙁
And I realy need help so if anybody knows PLEASE HELP ME 🙂
this is such a showdown!
just try to aim at the middle and dont pull it back to far or too short and always try to get 50 points
lazy dragon, your name would fit the name 4 my hamster : ) ,
the bolt cutters are were the dog thing is at. they r on the star that has the coyote fur. u have to go all the to the right and jump up the stick things coming out of the tree/totem pole
i still dont know how to get the dog thing 🙁
OMG !!! when that dog lookin thing jumped out i almost had a heart attack!!!
how do i get the broken eggs on the tree???? please help!
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Um….could you maybe make a written walkthrough for this island? I cannot understand what to do.
how do u meet mr mews i got no idea!!!!!
uugh i hate going in the house!!
i need the text walk thru
this is WIERD sieriuosly dudet
O yeah — thanks so much! this helped a TON
I found this site when I needed help on Nabooti like 5 months ago, and it’s helped me ever since!
this island takes way too long.but i finished it anyway
yes i got the chupacabra!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
that bv_/’\[b/[/ girl doesnt know what shes talkin bout poptropica is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here’s a tip:If you’ve gone to the monastery once and have to get up there again,follow these simple instructions to skip the climbing part:
1) Instead of finding the sherpa again,hop onto the platform where the helicopter is,and then onto the rotors.Jump up to the red tent.
2)Bounce off the top of the red tent and make sure you’re on the plaform where there’s lots of clothing strung up connected to a little statue.You should be above a gray-yellow tent.Hop up onto the next platform on top to your right.
3)You should be next to a section of rope.Shimmey up the rope up onto the next platform.Drop down onto it and cross the bridge to the left.
4)You should see another section of rope.Ta-da!Use the “Go Up” arrow to go up and you’ll be straight at the monastery without having to make the climb again.
You’re welcome!Thanks,Poptropica Secrets!
I think their character’s name is Fierce Moon,and their YouTube account is secretscp.
some people finish this island in one hour.because it really takes long
cant trap chupacabra
My Brother needs help on this Island its hard
I just got the loch ness monster
This island is hard! i mean im getting through it but cearially! make it shorter! i do it any way cuz i luv poptropica its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok im at the jearsy devil house place thingy and im in the attic i just cant get the jearsy devil to cum so i can SEE it!
How do you get the boltcutters?
oh i know how u get the bolt cutters!!!
when u get to puerto rico… drive the jeep to one of the stars on the left side of the map.
then when u get to tht star, you climb up a mountain with brances and on top of the mountain…u see the bolt cutters!
guess what???? i found the matches!
/\_/\ uh bunny/kitty face
( *_ * )
the matches are in ”NESSIE PUB”
(*_ * )
hey i couldnt get the videos so your addvise is useless : p
where is the camra? i forgot ;( and i cant get nesse!
how do u get the subarine ticket at loch ness?
okay so im i have seen the raccoon but everytime i try to go downstairs to see the jersey devil it keeps replaying the raccoon part? please help
Search me on Poptropica!!!
i need help in new jersey!!!
I LOVE POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD P.S. How do u change the pic next 2 ur name?
Where do you get the matches to light the lantern for New Jersey? PLZ RESPOND FAST!!!!!!!!!
Herd the spotted goats to the middle star. You will find a box rattling. The chupacabra is in that box. Hope that helps:)
I keep on making new acounts cause i finish all of the islands I HAVE LIKE 5 ACOUNTS
i think the websites owners nacme secretscp means secrets club poptropica or it could be secrets club penguin idk
um can u plz plz do it for me cuz it wont say the bigfoot reporting and i rlly need u to do it i think i did somethin wron idk plz respond
where can i find the matches
where do you get the wisle
i got the pict of the tires for the loch-ness and im trying to find nessie again im underwater and i CANT FIND HER!!!! 🙁 HELLLPPPP MEEEE
why do most people have pictures as cats…heheh lolz 🙂 tehehehe……..im not SMILEING YOU SAW NOTHING!!!
in need of help big time ) :
Angry Leaf,go right on Loch Ness Island thing. Go into the bar(Nessie Pub)and go left a little until you see the matches, and blue fire go to Nessie Pub and go all the way to the left until you see a dart board and two men.Play the art game and win, and then one of the men will give you a whistle,called a pennywhistle hope that helps and music lover i have 4 accounts. 🙂 😀
how do you open the dumpster?
to get the pic next to your name:
go to gravatar.com
make and account
after you get an account,click computers hard drive
then click browse.
click on a picture that you want to be next to the name.
click on a grating.click d(if theres no d then i am mistaken.so if theres no d click g.i forgot if its d or g)
then click the photo
then it might take couple minutes to put the picture next to your name.so just do something else until its done.it might take five or maybe less or more
wait after you make an account you have to click click here.the on right next to the whoops it looks like you dont have a picture
then you click computers hard drive
Wheres the type walkthrough?
I can’t get the chupacabra. Even after herding the spotted goats. The farmer keeps just telling me I can use his jeep! Grr!
This is the hardest island, but it is my favorite.
Hey where’s the written walkthrough
HOW DO YOU TRAP THE CHUPACARBA?!?! I herded the goats and went back to the Jeep guy but he mentions nothing about trapping it and the video seems to have skipped that part. HELP!!!
so much videos! i only finshed 1 video in 1 hour! is only 14 min!
Along with Counterfeit, this is my favorite island. Although Cryptids is much more abnormal than Counterfeit. You know, there are some Poptropica islands that could definitely be real-life situations (Counterfeit, Shark Tooth, etc.) while some are totally made-up (Astro-Knights, Time Tangled, etc.) The end.
way toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!!!
Really hard I cant do that flying thing with the kitesurfer or whatever it is!!!
Oh I did it! But I’m watching those stations in the Mews mansion but I can one get one of them to say confirmed!!!!!
Counterfeit is still my favourite island so far!!
This island is one of the most easiest and fun islands I played. It is really FUN! So if anyone needs help, you know who to ask.
haha im just kiddin.im playin
i think it’s wrong that they put a pub on cryptids island :\
Um why are the stairs bigger than you
How do you get the Bolt Cutters?!
I can`t find the mansion! I keep on doing the directions but I never get to the mansion! I need help ASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you get to the Jersey thingy’s house????
How do you open the dumpster in New Jersey??????
Just drive around randomly to find the house. And use the bolt cutter from Puerto Rico to open the dumpster. 🙂
I need a video of going through the forest to the mansion? Please!!!!!!!!!: email me your username and password and i’ll do it for you.I swear it’s safe!My email is [email protected]
Hey tiny panda I’m on Gmail too, but I would never give away my name and my email address. Because my email address is my name so… I don’t want anyone to know it.
Grrrrrrr my computer is so SLOW today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out Blackbeard, although you will not see me there.
ARGH I’m stuck on te herding goats bit where do you heard them to how many do you need?????? LITTLE HELP PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help i cant find the devils house omg iv been on this part for like an hour
@Icy Dragon: You practically just follow him around until he reaches his cave. Grethecn will try to snatch him from you but just follow the tips above and you will catch him.
Thx Cassandra!!!!!!!
how do you get close to lochness monster
go back to the pud and talk to the people. once thats done go back to the boat and go left. then go left again. then play the flute thing and take a pic of nessie
your welcom
wheres the camping lantern
How do u get p[ast the Dart thing at Rock ness
How do you take a pic of Nessie? And also, how do you find the Jersey Devil hooouuussse??? I’m completely stuck on all of them!!! Except the Himalayans or whatever. I’m done that part.
Hi ! Iam having difficulty how to lure the goats.
At the himalays on top of the monks place
i love coco (p.s not me the coco we drink) >W<
Damn! i cant get the balloon boy down! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol camt believe ballon boy is out there all alone with no food or water
How do I get Nessie to show his/her/its face?
id much rather read then watch
how do i get big foot if i didnt turn in the chupracabra tooth and nessie’s picture at the same time???
WHERE IM PUERTO RICO IS THE BOLT CUTTERS!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Never mind i found it
The jersey devil is so creepy!
how do you get yourself a picture? instead of the spooky girl with a braid!!
How do you get evidence of Bigfoot and Loch Ness? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ow forget it i need to figor it out first.
did you here about ebonyrose she is giveing away the codes to i think i’ll quit 🙁
No problemo, Icy!
someone help me with getting the goats plz
AHHHHH! where did he get the money from?????
I finished it…. it is pretty simple… does anyone need help??? 😕
@risha degamia i need help
okay i need help herding the goats into place!!!
I really dont like these vid’s. i like the written out walkthroughs better
Yeah… That’s pretty hard…. but keep trying, Jordin!!!
Can you add the written walk through to criptikids island? I can’t get on it.
u r my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone get scared of the JERSEY DEVIL???? i got a bit scared, but it actually looks like a horse…. random devil 😆
im having trouble with the directions
Im too lazy to beat this island… LOL!!!
ok… you just have to move the mouse what is so difficult about that?
hee hee… It was a very simple island!!! At first I thought it was going to be so hard especially when it came to the boss, but it is not hard!!! no offense
lol i think the jersey devil freaks me out.>:(
I’m almost at my goal!!
Well, at first it did… Now it looks like a horse to me! hee hee 🙂
hey lazy bones im scarde and makes me creepy too.:O :O
OMG herding the goats is like the hardest thing to do in the whole entire POPTROPICAN WORLD!!!!!
when the chubacabra broke out of the box i jumped like ten feet in the air!!! I WAS SOOO NOT EXPECTING THAT!!!
ok… i dont believe that
Post this on every page you come across: Play that game -> !
HAHA!! DONE!! trying to get the goats in that place is the hardest part of the whole island!!! 😀 🙂 😀 🙂 😀
I like cryptids!!! Angry Hawk, what time do u wanna go on chat??? 😕
i need help on the hole game crypitd!
bronze snowball is my hero!
lol! the chupa cabra scared the heck out of me! it just bounced out!i wish my character did not get knocked out i would have been chasing it!then i would get it—-ps. the chupacabra needs to see a dentist his teeth are ugly -_-
lol the jersy devil is not all that scary its just an ugly horse with horns and wings
im telling u the chupacabra was scary it jumped out of the box!pepole say they werent scared but they were! i bet no one was expecting a scary beast jumping out of a box!and the box had chains!chains i tell u!no one could have broken free of that! ps…exept the chupa cabra 😛
Why is your name PIZZA PERSON? do u like pizza?
Can you please add a written walkthrough really soon? I’m not allowed to watch video walkthroughs.
Can you please make a written walkthrough? 1) they are much easier to follow along with and 2) my computer won’t play the videos. Thanks!
Zack wats your last name?
Can someone help me? Where do you get the bolt cutters??
i luv poptropica but some of the islands r realy tuf
i only do islans that r quick
hey hey hey!;)
Poptropica doesn’t ALWAYS have to be easy, some times they make you challenge yourself! Always take a challenge with some hard islands, then only you can become smarter (well, everyone is smart) 😀
soooooooo tru…… grrr can some 1 tell me how to get the goats
I want the Harry Potter costume.
I think I am a bit lonley.So if you need me, I be at the soda pop place.
How do u get the metal cutters to open the dumpster outside of the bathrooms?
lol i freaked when I saw the jersey Devil in the House, Your not the only one Risha DeGamia!
can someone plz finish the island 4 me?
username: BubbleGum26
password: 95799579
hey i can’t find the camera HELP!!!
when i go to the jersey devils house . it stays loading!!!!!!!! WTF!
i almost wet myself when i saw the jersey devil
how do i get the bolt cutters
this games rules
in part four, how can i get the mountain sherpa guide to climbing the mountain
is there no word for word walk through like the others ?????
i may not be readin it correct but … i have trouble remembering stuff from videos soooo … :/
how do you get ticket for submarine?
hahahah!! Jersey Devil is like the main speghetti in the plate of speghetti and meatballs (bad metaphor)… lol 😆 😛
poptropica is so cool!!!
SO true
does anyone here play ourWorld? if u do, make frinds wit Jasselyn
HEE HEE lol!!! POPTROPICA IS THE BEST GAME to play in the world 😀 🙂 😛 😆
does anyone play woozworld? if u do, tell JennyMarx of Hyretf999 that AbbyLiz2020 is okay and tell JennyMarx to email me
i really could use the written walkthrough because i do not like watching the video it takes too long.
How do you get bolt cutters?
how do i get the bottom pacific northwest button?
in the helecopter….sorry
It is so funny when someone asks a question, and then they find the answer quick and go like, “oh, i get it now” LOL 😀 😛 🙂 😉 😆
Do you have this in the written walkthrough? I prefer it, but I can’t find it. If you don’t have the written walkthrough, please add one. Thanks for the time.=) C ya in PE
yeah… written walkthroughs r better
Thanks for the support Nora.
Would you rather giving us written walkthroughs.Waatching is lame a little but written walkthroughs are better.PLZ give us written walkthroughs!!!!! :'(
anytime purple berry♥
How Do You Capture bigfoot? My compuet dosnt allow me to watch the videos PLZ TELL ME SOMEONE
Help!I am stuck on mystery train island,because I collected he prune juice but it doesn’t appear on my clue list!I hope someone can help! 🙁
@Magic Shark You have to go on your helicopter and go to the place Northwest,but before you can go to northwest you have to capture the other cryptids first.
Where is the walkthrough, dude?
IDK what are you talking about???
nora how did u get your pic on there???
i wunt a written walkthrough too
i found the chupacabra and jersey devil ones on my own
personally the jersey devil creeped up on me and that wuz actually creepy
yea a written walktrough would be nice
write a written walkthrough pls
Icy Claw, not to correct you but want is spelt like this:WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry I yeld.
How did you get the clippers to open the garbage can?!?!
Where are the bolt cutters!!!! I’m losing my mind trying to find them!!! Someone please help me!
I like written walthroughs too! It is more easier to understand HOW to do it…
I realized that this comment page theme changes like every 2-3 months… The page changed, right???
i seriously need help with thi island…….. Can anyone help
LEE SADDLER- I can help, on what part do you need help on?
does anyone play club penguin ???my name is speedo 5456
if u want to find the bolt cutters ……click walkthrough video part 2 and watch the whole thing ok !!
if u want to find the bolt cutters …click walkthrough video part 2 and watch the whole thing
I like the video walkthroughs so I can see it being done, but usually I only use the videos when the written walkthrough is a little confuzzling. ::mr green::
🙁 it didn’t work. 🙁 MR GREEN DIDN”T WORK! I might have done it wrong though.
I figured out how to get your picture
never mind. but if you click where the picture should be you can see my avatar.
ZIPPY CROWN- why are you talkiing so much in your avatar?
BTW… ZIPPY CROWN- to do mrgreen, you have to do only one colon, not two… Like this : mrgreen :
Where is the written Walkthrough?????????????????????????????????????/
I know there is isn’t one… but there are just broken down into different paragraphs…
hey any1 know how to get the cutting tool to cut the lock 4 the jersy devil?
It’s not very specific like the other walkthroughs. I mean it’s OK to do the paragraphs but we need much more help than that, don’t we?
For instance, I am a newbie and I only did 2 islands. I need lots more help.
Emough of that.
Cryptids Island is a very mysterious place isn’t it? I am quite scared of the Devil Jersy whatever thing. It looks creepy! Maybe I should’ve dressed up as that for hallloween. XD
You know the house thats in New Jersey on this island? It looks like a haunted house because its kinda creepy and stuff but its not haunted.
What how is this helping i need a WRITTEN walkthrough!! >:(
you guys are bitches
is there an easier way to lure the goat to the chupacabra?
Hey, thanks for everything. Can you please make a written walk-through? It is so much easier for me. I used all the written walk-throughs for the other islands, but there was none for this one. Will you please make one?
Hey, thanks for everything. Can you please make a written walk-through? It is so much easier for me.
Yes it is, but I finished the island WITHOUT the cheats 😀
Hey! Just so you know the bolt cutters are in puerto rico near the broke down house it you jump on the sticks sticking out of the tree. Part 2 2:40
where is walkthrough 🙁
Where do you get the bolt cutters?
Where is the written walk through? This website stinks! I was looking for the cheat sheet wwalk through!
YES !Thanks 2 my best friend who made the walkthrough on this page i have won cryptids island
hey guys go to this multiverse room for this day enter this code AYN24
Nicole if you’re saying people are bitcheshow about you?I think you’re one
ahem.. no more fights… no more no more fights, PLEASE!!! 🙁
the farmer doesn’t even say im going to trap the chupacapra
the farmer doesn’t even say im going to trap the chupacapra ever
Nicole you are a bitch!!!!!!! I am not afraid to say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible Stomper November 6, 2011 at 5:07 pm
is there an easier way to lure the goat to the chupacabra?
OMG I totally agree. ITS SO HARP PPLS!
how the hell do you have freakin problems with this retarded island that only gaywads play
wow madison you’re brave let’s all stand up for the poptropican revolution not sure thats how you spel revolution
Risha email me the walkthrough [email protected]
When im at the part where Mews says there ihas been Bigfoot spottings, and i go there, it dosent say “You have spotted Bigfoot, now found where he lives” or whatever. Im just there, and Bigfoot just stands there doing nothing. What should I do?
i hav no idea thats my problem !!!!! plz help he jus stands there doin nithin ive tried doing ever thij
Icy Claw, like bobs ur uncle said, it’s in puerto rico in the farmhouse where the farmer won’t talk to you and then go to the right there’ll be planks of wood you can bounce on to the top. Look up walkthrough 2 time 2:40
ok, darryl… I will try to 🙂 but maybe later, that is ok???
When you are in the helecopter, and you are whating the yeti how do you capture him i am so lost please help and write a walk through!……. 🙂
risha please please email the walkthrough……………the email is [email protected]
Ok, I will try to email it to you YOUNG DRUMMER.. but can I do that a bit later, like a few days later? thank you 😛
what do i do after i get the broken egg shells
how come the jersey devil has to peep out the window he scared the life out of me
sam you’re a gaywad
never mind egg shells
there’s a glitch over here after you beat that guy with glasses again gtg bye
with darts he says i cannae believe it
why the hell is bigfoot standing around doing nothing:twisted:
Oh Darryl, you better not talk about negatives of an island 🙂 I know that the jersey devil is freaky, but it is their way 🙂 😀 😆
i haven’t solved this island yet and haven’t seen any monsters yet i really want ot see the jersey devil i watched lost tapes and it showed a little clip taken from a little girl who saw the monster so creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the heck is big foot standing there hope this is a glitch
hey : a big problem: i cannot get out of Himalayas. PLEASE HELP!!
I can’t analyze anything in the lab!!! I keep following the EXACT directions, but it says “YOU FAILED”!!! HELP!!!
On the last oart of the island, bigfoot is just standing around. He won’t run. It’s weird…
Why does bigfoot just stand there on last part of the island?? It seems like everyone is having this problem. Does anyone have an answer? Is it a glitch or is there something I havn’t done yet?
Bidfoot won’t move at the part in the Pacific Northwest! What do I do? He just stands there! 🙁
You need a written walkthrough…
help me with Bigfoot he is not moving for me
How do you get the trash can open at the gaas staion?
where do you get the wire cutters on cryptids island lazy tummy or anyone else
What do you do when bigfoot won’t move?
The wire cutters are in Puerto Rico..
I have a problem with Big Foot.. He doesnt move! D:
i ve past all the levels so guest what i was the first in histroy . myt name is happypaw
go to the sewwer and get his pig and he will let u throu
help me with Bigfoot he is not moving
help me with Bigfoot he is not moving
does anyone know where the wire cutters are
Who needs help? ask me, and I will help… go on people then 🙄
risha DeGamia why is big foot not moving did i not do somthin or is this a glitch plzzzzz help me he does not move wat did i do rong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have the shears what do i do now?
Bigfoot isn’t moving 4 me, do u know wht might be causing this?
Bigfoot isn’t moving 4 me, do u know wht might be causing this?
i need help with sighting bigfoot
Try to go near big foot then… well, do you mean during the helicopter part? well, what I did was go near it, or RETRY 😐 did that help 😕
risha degamia did u beat the island if u did i will take ur advice !!!!!
risha DeGamia
um in the helicopter part
gettin near bigfoot didnt work and retryin didnt work either some one plz ask the creaters of poptropica wat is goin rong
risha, i’ve tried it but it won’t work! i’m about to give up!
help why does big foot not move at all in the helicopter part
why big foot don’t move in helicopter part
i stil can’t make the big foot move!
I can’t figure out how to do the DNA test thing on the chupalcarba fur
uh uh uh, DO NOT GIVE UP!!! come on, you know, I finished this island like ages ago… so i don’t really remember it…. but tell me EXACTLY what part you are on.. k?
Yes! I play and Big Foot is moving! Now i can finish Cryptids island! 😀
Risha: You are so cool!
risha thnxs 4 all ur help
risha ur awesome and now big foot is movin
gee guys (and girls), stop making things so hard. I know you are trying your best but watch a video to know how to do it.
Risha Degamia, I know you are trying to help but can I help also?
how do you get to the jersy devils house?
What?! Who says no to help Prickly Dolphin. I say people are accepting my advice, to the people who want to be with me to help, go on. I want all of you to be able to do what you want. I don’t mind!
and…. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the people who accepted my help. It means so much, cause helping people is my thing! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU again! 🙂 so happy
I need help beating cryptids island, can someone help me!?
how do u get big foot from Gretchen Grimlock?
How on earth can i make Nessie pop out of the water?! Can anyone help me?
ok i made a new room! the code is BEG72. plz come!
I can’t enter the room… ? what happened?
Oh guys and girls (duh) I am reading all of the replies you have given me like all the “thank you’s” for helping you guys. I am smiling now, so THANK YOU SO MUCH 😀 🙂 😉 i just help people a lot 🙄
thanks risha you’re the best thanks to you i finished without the e-mail
and for those whose bigft prt is frozn leave your internet fr 5-8 days it should work i trid it and it wrked
Thank you Darryl! By the way darryl, remember I sent you my invite from my email? please email me, so then you can talk to me about any help you need.
Here are some answers to your problems:
You get the camera by meeting the guy next to the truck in Loch Ness. Talk to him and click on the first tire. Click on the thing thats sticking out. Press on it for a few seconds. The guy will give you the camera.
You get to the New Jersey by going to New Jersey and riding the motorcycle. Here are the directions to the house:
Right, left, over the cleft
Left, right, into the night,
Right, Right, shudder with fright
Left, Left, Mother Berfet.
Or you can do what I did, you can cut through the bushes and keep riding for a few seconds until you see a small area thats a circle.
To get Big Foot from Gretchen Grimlock, you need to click on the fuel thing, then jump onto the top of the cage and use your shears. You and Big Foot will float safely down.
To do the DNA project, you need to follow the directions. (When at the end of the DNA project and the thing is in the developer, wait for a seconds. Then click on it.
If you have any more questions, ask in a comment.
Risha Degamia, you can still help. I like to help too.
The Jersey Devil is scary..
I did it! Bigfoot is so cute!
Who thought the JERSEY DEVIL was scary???? i was ok with it 😛
Jersey Devil its so Scary-Cool!
because it locks my computer and I can not play poptropica and I just cleaned my pc
You should just make a Walkthrough from text. Not Video.
Oh wow, good job 😉
OK, what??
To trap the Chupacabra I went back to the farmer so he can help set the trap, but the options are “Hello.” and “Can I borrow the jeep again?”, and he does NOT mention traps at all?
Can anyone help?
Hey, it won’t let me scale the himalayas a second time… when I click on the guide, he just says “It was good climbing with you” …?
nevermind, I found another way up 😉
What do u do if u already climbed the mountain with that guy but u didn’t have a camera?
yah, i didnt know i could climb it by myself….
Yes!! Just saved big-foot!! After the himalains, I didn’t need the cheats no more, and I saved big-foot!!!
When will you put a written walkthrough?
Hey, if you guys have problem with reading things in Poptropica, like if you get a wrong sign. Just save, and then refresh and then sign in, and try to see if it has changed 😛
this website saves my life but i hate watching the videos i just wish they’d have written walkthroughs it’s easier
the jersy devil is scarry but gross and wierd and cool at the same time
oh lol 😀 Jersey Devil is a bit creepier 😛
Nessie was mysterious, no matter what!
But seriously, can’t u guys just type the whole thing out? I hate watching videos.
the chupacabra was an alien?
im awesome
curious panda you get advice from all of the farmers not only 1
then go back to cheats.
ok. i’m a member at poptropica. so, i am on cryptids island , and i already showed him the yeti footprint. And now he can’t give me the new location to look for bigfoot! i’m sooo tierd of tring to get him to say it please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY EVERYBODY HERE: here is the written walkthrough!!! Go to this website, I mean it!
You can copy paste it 😛
Can you write it out step-by-step please?
Hi!I’d like to be your friend!
Yes I just finished without watching the whole walkthrough! Just the where to go part:D
Who’s friend? Oh, on this page mostly everyone is friends with each other, righhttt?
I don’t see Mr. Mews after I explored the museum. Do I have to restart the island?
No.I mean,real friends like me and green grape?Never mind.If you click previous comments several times,you’ll see I’m good friends with green grape.
ahh, I see now 😀 thanks for telling me, Mighty Drummer 🙂
where do you get the things that cut through the trash cans lock?
Why cant they right the things not do the videos! 🙁
Ohh the loch ness monster freeks me out brrrrrrr!
I finished the cryptid island woho :D!
can someone help me with the chupacabra?
For the chupacabra…. here is the tiny walkthrough
Puerto Rico 2 (Chupacabra)
1. In your absence, the goat herder has decided to catch the Chupacabra. Take his jeep to his brother’s house again, where he suggests you use the jeep to corral three spotted goats into the rocks at Snaggletooth Rock (center star on map) as bait for the chupacabra.
2.Drive over, and steer around the three spotted goats until they are all between the rocks. Get out and meet the goat herder, who has a plan.
3.After a short wait, his “trap” succeeds, and the Chupacabra is in a locked and chained box. Unfortunately, as you push it toward the truck, the box bursts open, releasing the savage Chupacabra, who knocks you down and escapes!
4.Fortunately, he has lost a tooth in the process, and you recover it. You can take the tooth and your Nessie photo back to Mews.
How do you get the goats?
Where’s the Bolt cutters?
How does bigfoots location apear on the Mews helicopter?
@Risha DeGamia
Do you like fashion?I like fashion.
I do 🙂 but like famous ones. Not too old/historic and some other boring stuff. More like plain and fresh 😀 idk… i like a lot of types
me too.
i dont like fashion which is too fancy. i like simple, stylish and fresh
I like something with bunch of colors that really match together or something like this:
http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html? a=bcTExcmM0ZVc1dVlYSjFkbWxsYmpJNQ%3D%3D
Hope you like what I made!
No,not that!This: http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bcTExcmM0ZVc1dVlYSjFkbWxsYmpJNQ%3D%3D
im on it right now and it is so cool;
@ Bashful Boa
Go to the Himalayas and go to the top of the mountain. Go to the roof of the building at the top, and go up until you see a monk standing on top of a building. Click on him and select the lower choice. He will play a game with you, and if you succeed you can cross and go up a bit find a possible Bigfoot track. Take a picture and bring it to the Mews Mansion. Use the photo on Mews. He will tell you it is just a snowshoe track and the Himalayas are not worth revisiting if the monks won’t give you the yeti skull, but there was a Bigfoot sighting in the Pacific Northwest and he added the site of the sighting to the Mews helicopter. Hope this helps 😀
Wow, you really are good Silver RUnner 😀 and it is correct, as I finished the island 🙂 good job
Aww, Mighty Drummer, I really like your outfit 😀 😀 it is so cool
Where do u find the house for the Jersey devil
how do u get nessie to come out up and personal cheers.
how do you get a ticket for the sub to see the loch ness?
How do I lure the spotted goats to the middle area??
Btw Coolgirl, whats so bad aabout watching a video?? Its faster than reading it!
( and im a fast reader:D)
That guy is like soo anyoing!
Could someone please log into my account and get the spotted goats into the middle area???
were do you get the matches?
@Coolgirl the matches are in the Pub in Scotland. The Pub is to the right after the bridge.
look popular gamer, why do i hate watching the videos because my computer stinks and does not load videos
and besides, i love reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks magic bird 🙂
no problem coolgirl
this is weird; i got big foot but it said i needed to go back to home screen. i retyped my pasword & i got big foot again; i was stand ing on air not flying.creators should fix that.
magic bird, i know its hard rounding up the goats, but people break into your account. so no dont tell me your password.
I looked at the written walkthrough and when you go to the Himalayas, how do you leave the place that you get the lantern and “yeti footprint”? I looked left and right and I know you have to go back down the mountains, but how??? HELP ME!!!! 🙁
When Is The Written Walkthrough coming? Please Let Me know when it is. Thanks
hmm, I am confused… A lot of people say not to give their passwords out to others, but half of the other’s say that you should give your password for Poptropica. It is confusing, but just saying 😐 😕
I have something to say!
So, u lure the goats BEFORE u get the farmer dude? How wierd… u SHOULD be able to tell the farmer dude what ur goin 2 do BEFORE u do it! LOL… If u guys need any hlp, just ask.
what is the best island and the easyest island
please reply
comical boa, the easyest island is the early poptropica island, at the upper left corner of the map.
a little tip for those who dont want to climb the himalayas more than one time: go from your helicopter up until you see a rope bridge. go across it and you wil see a rope. climb on it and you wil find yourself at the top of the mountain.
i hope i helped you
How do you get the string for the hang-glider thing the videos wont load for me):
what do you do with the shears?
hi im new so i was looking in the comments and the bolt cutters are where the mountian is in potorico.
i like this island but it is not all that easy most of the islands are easy and the best island is reality tv and the easiest is early poptropica.how ’bout u:) ^^) comicial boa?(boa like the snake?). ty or thank you^^) 🙂 please again no haters or mean people if i or anyone else says any thing dont hate apprieceiat.(i spelled that wrong)
where do you find the camara to take the picture of the Yeti footprint?????
hi 😉
i love poptropica its my favorite game i would not say my favorite game but its kinda awsome!!!!!!!!!!
When Will the written walkthrough come out?
btw if u wanna see my awesome poptropican use this link:
If anyone has any Q’s, (EX: Where do i get the (item here)? Then you can ask me because i completed Cryptids Island. Thanks so much Fierce Moon!
-Dat Girl
why would you wanna marry justin beiber mrs.beiber????
how do u cut the rope for the man in the hot air balloon at the begining?
Haha, Like your poptropican Shifty Cheetah 😀 nice 😉
@ Coolgirl and Popular Gamer
Yeah, I find it easier to read the parts I have trouble on only, I first try to figure it out on my own. It sucks having to look through all the parts I already did to get to one part.
Please write a written walkthrough
Popropica is my life <3
PoptropicaSecrets.com makes it easier <3
Thanks Fierce Moon
Poptropica is my life <3
PoptropicaSecrets.com makes it easier <3
Hey Coolgirl Who’s the idiot – that’s how you spell it. kind of takes away from the point if you don’t spell it right
Darts are kind of hard they go HARD on ME!!
I completed cryptids the hardest part was the darts
Is it just me or did the Jersey Devil scare the living crap out me?
And these people need a WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH.
How do you find Nessie?
how do you find bigfoot
I went back to the first farm and all the people are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No written walkthrogh? 🙁
I can’t get the farmer to go to the center. I’ve lured the goats in, but when I went to visit him after, he doesn’t go to set the trap.
The article you have written is brilliant. Your information is very well founded and presented in such a convincing way. I have read many articles on this subject, but by far, yours is the best.
I WANT A WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH!!! I HATE the STUPID videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can you give us the walkthrough?
I want a written wlkthrough!!!!! NOW!!!!
no written walkthrough this is like the hardest island i need writen walk through
Hey, so i actually did this without some of the tutorial bits…Which is AWESOME for me becuase i always have to use the tutorials…im happy 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 yeah and also you know on wimpy wonderland island??? yeah well i dont know how to do the wizard game…they changed it you have to win it not the boy 🙁 :(…im unhappy now. HELP me please!
much love,
Jemima (Perfect Coyote) xxxxx
how the heck is ther no WRITTEN walkthrough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just google “poptropica cheats cryptids”
PS having party at skullduggery island multiroom bring hyper club party begins at 9
were is bob.
orange turtle witch island are you on.
thanks you have helped me with a LOT of parts i would NEVER be able to figure out!!!!
Please can you give us the written walkthrough!
why is there no walkthrough!!???? I live my life through these well not really….. i just hate pausing and playing the videos plus they freeze up…
hyper lobster: go some where else and then go back he will say hes going to trap the dog thingy get into the jeep and you will probably have to get the 3 goats again (its easyer the second time) when you
i love this island
……some of those comments were mean….I like the written walk through but i also like the videos…..;)…..i’m on your side fierce moon:)
You people are so mean I do like the written walkthroughs but the videos are good too it must be really hard to do this website and your just complaining Im on your side fierce moon
The jersey devil is all like “HELLO=D”…..the first time i saw it, it scared me half to death and the house # is 666…spooky.
I Want A Freeking Written Walkthough I Know There Was One Before Where the Heck Did It Go Will You PLEASE Make One Firce Moon, PLEASE????????????
i left puerto rico and this guy helped trap the chucabra i have the tooth. do i have to start over?
Where do I get the matches
Don’t be mean.It must be hard for Fierce Moon to do the vids.Well,watch the vids will ya? The vids are easier for us (So we can see how she does it),You should watch da vids sometimes.I watched them with half patience and half happy (xD) ^^.
I really liked the video walkthroughs but I was stumped when we had to go to the Himilayas and climb the mountain again. See, when i press the sherpa guide the second time, he doesn’t help me climb the mountain again, all he says is,” It was good climbing with you.” I can’t get to the top of the mountain unless he shows me up so I can’t pass this part of Cryptids Island.
ok im ok now sorry maddy and chilly hero i know its hard but can i still have a written walkthrough please?
fierce panda go to the monastry and climb up the rope!
i really want the written walkthrough, i cant watch the videos they are blocked on my computer! please get the written walkthrough! im not trying to be impatient but i need help at the gas station i dont know how to get the dumpster open!
please can someone get the written walkthrough up i cant watch the vidos i have no choice!!!!!!!! plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no written walktrough! awwww man! i do not watch the videos anymore!
i mean i can like i could if i wanted to but i do not feel like watching the video!
how do you get the yeti scalp thingy?
I don’t want to be rude but a written walkthrough would be nice
because i am not alowd t watch vidios anymore. 🙁
But i am ok with it 🙂
now where are those wire cutters? :S
never mind I got the bolt cutters. 🙂
I don’t like being mean so i’m with Fierce Moon. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 LOL
holy cow the jersy devil in the window looked like a photo but when it blinked I
nearly hid a heart atack because the jersy devil is creepy. :0
D.N.A extraction is tons o fun 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ) 🙂 LOL
I BEAT CRYPTIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
fierce moon can you put a written walkthrough?
how do i find the house for the jersey devil and how do i open the trash can.
You get a bolt cutter from another place in Cryptids Island, but i forgot where. That’s for the trash can.
you get the blt cutters from the far left corner of the map and on the big rock there. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love to help peopole beat poptropica islands. 😀 😀 😀 😀
The jersy devil is so scary! So is bigfoot. And the chupacabra. But the funny thing is i’m not afraid of the loch ness monster.
when you already know that the pic of nessie is a fake and the guy in the boat leaves what do you do? i’m stuck!!!!!!!!!
(My name is the comment)
I shawed mews the snowshoe print but he won’t tell me about the new sight on the helicopter please help me!
I can’t watch the videos
i want to know how to get lantern please help me
i followed all the cheats but i still don’t know how to trap the jersey devil and how do i cut through the garbage crate?
Just looking at the Jersey Devil gives me the creep!!!
How did you get the bolt cutters? I’ve watched all the videos but I can’t find out how!
You’re not supposed to trap the Jersey Devil, saturday.
I skipped the part with the Jersey Devil on the video-CREEPY!!!! Gosh creators, cut down the fright factor!
okay, so i finishd sos and i got the medal but i did not get the $$$$$. this already happened 3 times and now it was the 4. plz fix this thing or else u will lose many members!
Also y did i not get the $$
Bryanna you go right of the hedge guy and get the dollar then go to the sports drink shop then give the guy the sports drink then get the cutters
its me, you dont get the money. you donate it to help bigfoot
You have to go play darts again to get a penny whistle to call Nessie.
i love nessy shes so cute and she lives in the beast place ever the lake
Grrrrrrr wheres big foot?????????
this website is so helpful but where are the walkthroughs i like those better than the videos
WERE ARE THE BOLT CUTTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do u get the tiket to ride the s.s. nessie
Were are the written walk-through’s? i know there’s vid’s but i prefer the written ones.
It,s very easy 2 find the bolt cutters kennirobinson.It,s right above the guy that owns the jeep you have to jump on all the sticks then you land by a tool box and they are right there.
thnk u shelby
I feel so alone 🙁
Hey its after school! and im back online and i won the dart game!!!!! 🙂 😉 OH YA!
How do u get the camera from the old guy and win on darts 🙁
You have to talk to the two men in the bar, one of them has a submerine ticket!
HOW DO YOU TRAP THE CHUPACABRA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the jersey devel part made me half die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats your username and password kennierobinson?
how to get in da hous/?
cyriptkids island rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cnt find the stupid video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i agree with you hyper bee.
Ok the Jersey Devil cant make me go to sleep because he gave the creeps at least is summer in STC.
Go to the avatar studio and there are people called Undefined Undefined!
Im a cutie!
See ya there at poptropicasplace.blogspot.com
join us! oh and i cant beat skullduggery
Thanks Fierce Moon! But when are you going to make a written walkthrough?
I had no idea what outfit to put on because I have sooooooooooo much!!! But, I just put on my favorite outfit. If you want to see my favorite outfit, than follow this link! Thanks!
never mind. i already traped the chupacabra.
wow you help a lot
where do you find the clippers to open the trash ben?
i just finished an island and im prepared 2 say th@ ive relatively done nuthin on this island. i think. i may hav done sum things
i dont know what to do!!! :'(
what the hell kennierobinson!!!!!!!!give me your stupid password!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heah smart snowball your new name is DUMB snowball. wana no y? you are nottttttttttt sopozd todo tat. u hav 2 find:nessie,the jerze devel, and the chupacabra. hope tat helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun island! 🙂
This island is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant ……………….FIND NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i get to finsh yeti part
Quite difficult at the darts. But you’ve gotta finish it so you get the Penny-something that looks like a recorder. It’s moderately easy… Well, now I’m going to Steamworks!! 😀
How do you get the bolt cutters???? Please help i need to finish this island
This Island was one of the strangest!
But Reality T.V was pretty strange too!
I really liked this Island! I had fun…but searching for the Jersey Devil was kinda creepy…especially when you see him in the window. I got huge chills. LOL
how do you get the bolt cutters do you even check this website anymore
she did’t conclude the beginning and i dont like this
I can’t figure out the Yeti part!!:(
Can you guys write a written walkthrough?
can someone write a written walkthrough? ;’@ i really need it O.o
Well, in Part four We already did the first climbing and I cannot go back.
HELP!!!!!!! ok i already set the trap 4 the chubaccabra and i had him in the trap but he got away now what do i do??? i already got the jersey devil and i didnt get nessie, bigfoot, and the chubaccabra!!!!!!!!!
OMG! i can tell yall how 2 get the jersey devil wheni saw him i totally freaked!
i need help on nessie
HOW DO I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i know i have left a MILLION notes BUT……..
what is the deal with the irish dude??!!!?? ( just sayin )
ok everyone i know you all are wanting the writtin walkthrough but just deal with the videos
i need help on this stupid island!!!!!!
i don’t understand the motorcycle part :'( when i go right, left,left,right,right,right,left,left, i end up nowhere. DB
Whats the yeti and the jersey devil part? I mean i saved that girl hanging from the tree but i don’t know what to do next and how about the yeti?
MY VIDEO WON’T WORK!!!! where is the jersey devils house?
I need the written walkthrough My video wont work! ;( I am going to shrink ray…….
Where to get the bolt cutters?
i don’t get the motorcycle part either!!!! when they say to go right you can go up or down so where do i go????? plus i can’t use the videos because my youtube isnt working!!!!!! now what do i do???
help please!
this stupid island is soooooo confusing. how do u unlock the dumpster in new jersey?????????????????????????????????????????????????
with ur expertise i have finished all the islands that i never thought would be able to be passed rock on
my room number is AST85
someone help me with the goat part my password is duhduhtac and username is tacoo123098
i dont know wher the guy with boat is
Help I don’t know where to go for the jersey devil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fogot how to get a close up on cryptids island tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fierce moon, why couldnt you just leave the written video? because i cant watch the videos cuz as i said before my youtube isnt working!!!! oh and firce horse, the same thing happedned to me when i did the motorcycle part. PLS firce moon we want a written walkthrough!!!!!!
sorry i meant written walkthrough.
fierce moon, please write a written walkthrough!!!!!!!! it is easier to understand and it helps me more. i <3 them
Is it just me or the jersey devil is real.
i cant find the yeti zombie
You really gotta make the written walkthrough,Fierce Moon.Anyway,if you want a written walkthrough,just click this link to Super Thunder’s Blog: http://itsapoptropicablog.wordpress.com/island-guides/cryptids-island-walkthrough/ .And if it doesn’t work,copy and paste it to your browser instead.
dude when are u writing the written walkthrough .so much easier to undestand
how do you get a ticket for the submarine on crytids island
how do you well what do u cut on the ladys grass on the gardening shears?
i shuck at it snd best island ever!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please make a written walkthrough!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!
i found the message but cant figure it out
im wondering about that to thunder storm
i mean golden storm :0
I LIKE WRITTEN WALKTHROUGHS FIERCE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I JUST FOUND OUT HOW TO GET THE SUB TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0
These are the best walkthroughs EVER!!! Thnx Fierce Moon:P
When I first saw the Jersey Devil on this island, I literally SCREAMED! Was anyone else freaked out, or is it just me?
I’m with ya’ Silver Raptor
me2 silva raptor
How do you find the lake nose monster(Nessie)
can someone please help me? All it does is load
hey guys I’m new here
Thanks, Fierce Moon i beat 5 islands because of your Walkthroughs, so now i have so much credits.
and i like this one
The Jersey devil gave me nightmares for months!!!! It still scares me!!!!
How do you get the steel cutter?
The Crypids are kinda weird…
Also I <3 fierce moon walkthroughs, THX!!!
P.S. I've finished 7 islands
Early Poptropica
Time Tangled
Super Power
Big Nate
Wild West
Mystery Train
Wich should I do next???
Luv u F.M. ;p
i do not want to see the jersey devil it creeps me out
do you know the rematch part? what does a cannae mean? does that mean cannot?
Is the nessie thame?
you loch ness monster and cupacabra
dari Arka
What jersey devil
why is eberyone soooo scared?
@One Direction Rox
its face… I felt really crept out when I saw jersey devil *shudders*
i hate hurding the spotted goats someone help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The jersey devil isn’t scary!
Jersey devil scared me when i first saw him in the window ;o
OMG i foud a gitch in the game! there is a boy one the bottom but i can’t citck on him. weid gitch
I have finished almost all the islands thanks to you! (except skullduggery)
when after i finished the jersey d..e…v…i…l…. then i went to the hiking guy when i cliked him he didnt led me climb with him please help?
how did you get the submarine ticket? put it on the this website ok
orange belly why wont you try vampire curse
Please write a written walkthrough!
WTF the jersey devil scared me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im wth silver raptor.
i wasted my ticket for the boat so i cant get the submarine ticket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this island is messed up!!!!!!!!!!!
purpletiger999,You get it from the guy in the pub by beating him in darts. Then you go to the guy by the truck,and
help him let out the air of his tires. Then he will give you a camera. But you need to go to the boat instead of the sub.
Hope this helps!
Oh,and that was for phetsara too.
Sorry,i thought you were talking about the other thing,SORRY!
But it is the same thing for the sub ticket too. 🙂
the chubacabra scared me when it jumped out of the cage!!!! lol
i dont know how to get the netron rope but cut the boys rope
i cut the the ballon boy rope and it dint gave me a rope
iI was also freaked out by the j-devil silver raptor also google jersey devil and look at the pictures and read the background story and you will get freaked out!
sorry i meant i was also freaked out not il was freaked out.
thx for the help plz just change ur clothes and just do 1 carecter i repeat just 1!
Mighty Singer, it’s the Loch Ness Monster, not the Lake Nose monster (From Phenias and Ferb)
Gentle Claw, you probably shoudn’t have given away your username and password.
Poptropica Owner, if you really DID own Poptropica, then you wouldn’t need credits or walkthroughs.
visit me at my room the code is dgv27
om gosh i tottally screwed up i didnt take pic while in submarine!!!!! i cant get another ticket what do i do????????? plz help
Just use the ticket again,or talk to him again.
I got soooooooo freaked out when i saw the jersey devil i like jumped out of my chair!
i keep doing the dna sample and it keeps saying i failed! I did it just like it said to but it keeps saying i failed! I’ve tried like,10 times and i still haven’t got it. is this a glitch?
Somebody please answer me!
never mind
can you help me when im doing the himalayas part 2 he just says great time with you please help any one(friend me Mel3841 poptropica friends)
I think we killed Gretchen!
😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯
help i cant see the movie its blocked i need the written walkthrought pleaze help fiercemoon can you pleaze help
help in puerto rico before i set up the goat bait i talked to the guy and he said im off to catch the chubacabra but then when i set up the bait he’s not aNYWHERE!!!
@orange raptor you have to be very gentle like move the mouse very slow because most of the time you spill a tiny bit when you move it kind of quick
It would be nice if you had a written walkthrough!!!!!!!!!! just some friendly advice 🙂
I prefer written walkthroughs, so please write one down 🙂 <3
now I know what cryptids are, but before I thought they were related to bigfoot because of the footprint.
thanks for nothing because when i get to the second dartt competition i ball out my eyes since i never win!put a walkthrough for that!
Okay, video doesn’t work. PLEASE make a written walkthrough! I need it! o_O
i have no idea on how to get the camera
A written walkthrough would be helpful.
Yeah next time write the walktrough out please
Please make a written walkthrough! I hate video ones, and there are no written walkthroughs for this island anywhere!
Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
ill be soo scerd im not going to do the jarsey devel
i really jump when i saw the jersy devil on the window
i agreeLOL
thanks quick dragon!
by the way, please friend me! lalagirlie123.
Oh, also, you will never get proof of the yeti, for people who are bot there yet. but you will get some things that you need later, and you will rescue bigfoot later. 🙂
ok. so when you play the monk to earn passage, the best way to do it is to go forward, forward, and then left. about every three games, a hunter will slip and you can get through. I got this on WikiAnswers.
I won on my first try because i own my own website
fierce moon’s battle ranking is 1 star!! i friended her.
were do you get the bolt cuters????
Hey, what do you do if you accidentally went on the boat ride, but didn’t have the camera, so now you have the camera and can’t use it?? Because i am stuck and i don’t know what to do and i need answers!!!
any answer or help would be awesome! thank you! 🙂
OK so i still don’t know what to do. I have the camera but i already used my boat ride ticket without it!!! what do i do?!?!? please help!
I fell really badly in the Hymalayas and now my guide is holding onto the side of the cliff and I am hanging. When try to get up I cant get past my guide. help!
Please please write a written walkthrough. Thanks!
how do you complete the game you play with the bald guy in the himilayas?
thanx, that really helped !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
bt pleeeeeeeeez can u make a written walkthrough, im stuck on the top of the himamlays and cant get own
that jersey devil is sooooooooooooooo scary
kellester, i think you can just go on the boat ride again and use the camera this time. hope it helps!
speedy coment i nearly got an heart atack when playing poptropica but suddenly saw Jersy Devil it was so scary
how do you get in the mansion in written form
the guy who helped me get to the top will not let me go back up. he just says happy climbing with you. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please it is my birth day
I was wrong and so are you fierce moon!!!!!! you just have to climb the rope and go up!!!!!!!
hey fierce moon could you make a written walkthrough. please
OMiGOSH! So many people have the same birthday as me! Go all june 6ths! YOu are special!
Why can’t this site have a written walkthrough? I always have to read because my country can’t watch! so unfair
Does anyone know how to get to Nessie? I am at the far end, with the plants, but there is nothing and there is a gigantic tree blocking the way
Hi Guys. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT: If you want the written walkthrough, here it is; http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_walkthrough_for_Cryptids_Island
Written Walkthrough!
you know the herding goats part? i herded 1 into it and there were like 4 more right next to me, and I didn’t have to do anything and they all got in at once.
im so sad 🙁
i hate the whater you call walk something ( freind me NEwing4)
im almost done
i am having on where to find the bolt cutters. where did you find them exactly? because the video doesn’t show where to find it.
The video is good and everything, but is it possible to have a written walkthrough? That helps me more 🙂 thanks for the help though 😀 😀 But the help is pretty good
Hey anyone on.
no written wakthrough?????
how do u get the ticket to give to the guys at boats on loch ness
go to my multiverse code is AHW24
the sapra was pissing me off , i was like ….STAY STILL!
i can’t play the dart’s game!!!
can you please make a written walkthrough ’cause my internet is really slow to load the videos
i need a written walkthrough thats the only way that helps me thanks for the tips and stuff 🙁
j.k 🙂 i know how to do the island but still ………..
must have written walkthrogh not trying to sound evil but i realy neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it ps i’m moody pear 🙂
chips559 & scarcoy r my user names friend me
i cant watch the videos so a written walktourgh would help this site is 100 percent helpful for me but u need to type out more the videos are great but 50% cant watch them thank you for this site
from, messy crush
omg i really didi jump out of my seat when i saw the jersey devil
firece moon, when ever you have time please make a written walkthrough, they help me better,
chilly panda
Please friend me on poptropica @ bunnyfriend12!!!!!!!!
Was it just me or is the Jersey devil freaking creepy?! 😀
I prefer the written walkthrough…. Will there ever be one? Since it has been about a year…
Very, very, helpful, I just finished the whole island with your help, but it would be better with a written walkthrough. But it’s still nice.
if it would be ok i realy need a written walk through plz ps user name is Dangerous heart plz friend me <3 🙂
the jersey devil is actually creepy, even though it’s a cartoon and it looks like a gat with bat wings
i meant a goat with wings
Was it just me or is the Jersey devil really creepy?!!?
Do things jump out at you? *is scared…*
OMG the chubacabra scared me so bad when it jumped out of the crate >.<
i really need a written walkthrough plz i dont follow videos as easily
giant melon
the bolt cutters are in puerto rico. get in the jeep and go to the star in the top left. once ur there, go right and jump on this wood plank sticking out of the hill. keep jumping up till u get to the top, and go right and there they are.
i cant get past the part were u have to drive the herds so u can see the chupacabra
someone please heeelllppppp
Wow. Thanks for all the help… if you ever get the chance, PLEASE make a written walkthrough… SO MUCH EASIER!!!
I can’t get the farmer to help me set the trap. Please help me!!!
will you be my friend ? please,please
can u possibly write a written walk-trough? my computer wont let me watch the videos and where do u get the camera from to capture nessie???
i’ll put a written walk through as soon as i can!!!
Why isn’t there any written walk-through?
Woow thanks for the help. But, before i watched the part where the chupacabra popped out, oh my gosh it gave me a heart attack!!
I can finish the island WITHOUT the walkthrough.
thanks to poptropicasecrets.com we can now figure out how to solve the islands all of them isn’t that great ! yeah you guys rock lets rock on
The fierce moon that posted on June 25 2012 at 8:30 am was a fake… Fierce moon has a gravatar and her comments come up in blue. (if u don’t believe me see how she shut down comments on superpower island) anywAy I don’t get this island o.O
That’s not Fierce Moon,FM highlights her comments in blue!
Where do you get the BOLT CUTTERS? It wasn’t shown in the vids so PLEASE HELP!
Your walkthroughs are awesome but you should have written a walkthrough for this one because I usually use those not the vidz. BTW What do you use to cut through the garbage while in New jersey
the jersey devil ave me a fright!
p.s. im new here!
I make the island and don´t use help!!!!!!
i beat the game in a day!
can some one tell me how to get the ticket for the submerine
I like the written walkthrough but she dosent have it sadly =”( =^.^= <— KITTEH *Random*
fiece moon is your name jessie
whow do i find the jersy devil what path do i take on the motor cycle
Can You Please make Writeen walkthroughs for all islands for the people who’s videos dont load or go really slow
Pls, pls, pls do a written walkthrough
are you BLIND there is a walk through right there. “pathetic”
Sometimes you cant watch the video walkthroughs, idk why, but some people just cant. And some, like me prefer a writtten walkthrough, it is just easier for me to follow, and quicker.
Where do you get the crowbar?
I would really appreciate if you did a written walkthrough, it is much faster and less confusing. Some people might not even be able to watch videos on their computer. Thanks so much,
Da Scrinch
How do you find the Jersey Devil itself? How do you get Bigfoot? Do you want to know how to get to Nessie?
Can you have a written walkthrough???????????????????? 🙁
go into the pub. walk all the way to the left side and there will be a dart board. there is a man standing next to the dart board who will challenge you to a game of darts. It might take more than one try to beat him, but if you win, he will give you a rowboat ticket. Run to the man with the rowboat at the docks. He will let you row out into the middle of the loch. There will be moving objects in the water, but the rowboat man will not go any closer, so you have to take a picture.
Row back to the docks. Go to mews mansion, and Mr.mews says they are fake.
Go back to the pub at Loch Ness. There are two people sitting at a table near the dart board. One of them claims to have seen Nessie when he was a young lad, but the other person doesn’t believe him. The second person will challenge you to a game of darts. If you win, he will give you a submarine ticket. Go to the man with the submarine and give him the ticket. Look around the water and in the bottom left corner there will be what you think is Nessie. Take a picture of it and head to the pub to show the guys. It turns out to be a movie prop though. when you try to walk out, the guy you first had a match with wants a rematch. When you beat him, he will storm off angrily. The pub owner feels bad for you and gives you his penny whistle, saying Nessie comes when you play it. Go back to the rowboat. Since the guy tricked you, you have a small quarrel with him and he leaves. Take the rowboat to the left. Play the penny whistle from your bag and Nessie will appear. Take a pic and Voala. You have evidence of The Loch Ness Monster!
omg vampires curse island is like sooo easy!!:)
Ugh, I wish she had a written walkthrough! It would make everything so much easier because I have a super laggy computer and it NEVER works with videos ._. grr… I guess I have to go to another website then :(…. Please Fierce Moon!! MAKE A WRITTEN WALKTHROUGH!!
btw, my user on poptropica is fearlesspenguin610. Add me!!
~Fearless Penguin
@sportysinger you have to get the bolt cutters from Puerto Rico, then cut open the lock on the garbage, and find the bathroom door. Then, go into the bathroom and put the door next to the other one and your Poptropican will say, “I better write this
down for future reference”. When you hop on the motorcycle outside the bathroom, that little piece of paper will take you a LONG way. P.S. first, you have to go to Loch Ness and get the matches, and to the Himalayas to get the lantern. Light thew lantern with the matches. Hope you have a DEVIL of a time!!!
~Fearless Penguin
when the Chupacabra breaks the trap will he bite you and Fierce Moon or anybody else please add me as a friend my user is chubbygirl25 and if you’re kind enough to help me with 5 islands like spyisland and super-power and nabooti and poptroplis and msyery train my pasword is three33
hey, um, how do i round up the goats?
can someone be kind enough because my dog died so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
p.s i know badwords so don’t fight with me like b**** and f*** and for vampires curse the kiss was so s***
Hey I’m sorry about your dog dieing.
Help me m at the startin..
Hey guys!
When I first saw the Jersey Devil, it suprised me because through the window in the one place, the head looked like it was glowing. But then I remembered that the Jersey Devil was on Poptropica and that must me it. And I was right!
By the way,
Cryptids Island is so easy!
You should try it…
Don’t ask me for advice. You won’t need it… AND DON’T ASK ME!! Pretty please*
i am soo sorry your doggy died dangerous claw
i will coplete the islands for you dangerous claw
I COMLETED RED DRANGON FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am completing mystery train for you dangerous claw.
can you please tell me how to adopt a dog on poptropica dangerous claw.my name is kaveena moorthy.
go to your character now dangerous claw i defeated mystery train island for you.
i made friends with you.
can someone complete staemworks counterfeit astronauts skullduggry poptropilis games and twisted thiket for me my username is cleaapatrathequeen my password is readforever and do not re start islands or i am changing passwords
i completed poptropolis games island for you dangerous claw.
i completed super power island for you.
dangerous claw meet me in the common room of mythologey island when you see some one by the name of smart ant that is me
where is the identified hair!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK i think there must be a glitch or something but there are no matches on the counter and I checked my backpack…. I NEED THOSE MATCHES! Wait… oh oops I already lit the lantern…. sorry guys false alarm!
i seriously dont know which path 2 take 4 in the forest 2 find the jersey devil! help anyone?
Everyone? Why all people don’t want to watch the video? All people must be watched the video walkthrough if is no written walkthrough.
Young Bite
Can someone plz complete ghost story for me plz
(unicorns are not real, i swear!)
Yay! I completed Cryptids Island! 😀
i would LOVE a WRITTEN walkthrough!!! -<3-
SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to know how to get proof of the Jersey Devil!
Why isn’t there a Written Walkthrough?!
DOn’tREAD THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’tSTOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
I need help defeating Gretchen!
i got the photo of the yeti footprint but when i take it to mew he is supposed to give me another area but he isn’t
never mind i forgot to get the chebrecarbra
i thought that this island was really hard! but no worries my sister did it for me! 🙂
later i thought it was just idk im not even done with it!
where is the whistle
and get a real walkthrough
can someone please help me with astroknites, counterfeitgh,ghost story,and mystery train because i had to start it over to go to another island
hey i would really appreciate if there’s a written walkthrough because it woukd help alot thanks!
those island are sooooooooo easy
hey good walkthroughs
@Lizzi You have to go to the pub and play darts for it. & this is the realest walkthrough you can get. 😛
– Awesome Walkthrough though. 🙂
@Redhammer I can help you with Counterfiet and Astro Knights.
hit it with the dart
where did u get the bolt cutters?
this rocks you helped me SO much on the 20 islands i have completed!!!!
ez pz only reason i came here is to see who did it faster!LOL!
where do you get the bold cutters!!! i really need to know now!!!!!!!!
DOn’tREAD THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, DOn’tSTOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
No way, really, I’m gonna try that! NOT. 🙄
hehe chubacabra has BRA in it
written walkthrough:
Take a blimp ride to Cryptids Island, if you aren’t already there. You will arrive on Main Street. Walk right until you see a guy with a soccer ball, talk to him and he will hand you the flyer for the million dollar reward. (Brought to you by Harold Mews!) Go right until you get to a tree that looks like this:Where the red circle is, there should be a five dollar bill in there. Grab it. Then go to the General Store, and click ‘Use’ on the $5.00. You will obtain Poptropica’s Favorite Sports Drink! Go back to the street that’s all the way to the right. Take the drink to the gardener who is standing in front of all the mansions. Then he’ll say that he will take a break and walk away. You obtain the Shears! (Extra: You can use the shears on the lady’s bush. She’ll call her attorney though… xD)Go all the way to the other side of the island, and find the girl in a hang glider. Give her a push. Now jump up to the person in a balloon seat. Cut the rope with your Gardening Shears. Get the extra Nylon Rope.Now go to Kitty’s Kites on Main Street and click ‘Use’ on the Nylon Rope. You will be given the kite surfing kite. Go back to the park and go all the way to the edge. You will surf for a while and… lookie here… Gretchen. She’s like the updated Betty Jetty. She’ll throw fire balls at your kite, burning your connection to the kite, and you’ll sink. (Not my new kite!) Then the Mews-Coptor-5000 comes and saves the day! The last thing you see is that Mews helicopter, before you pass out.You will wake up, lying down, in a room that looks like this:Yay, you lived! Anyway, Mews will come tell you to meet in the foyer. (That’s right! He’s talking to YOU!) First, you have to drink the water that should be by your nightstand. Then go to the foyer. The inside should have a sign that says Welcome to the Cryptid Museum. Since Harold Mews is not there yet, check out all the videos. Then Mews will arrive. You’ll join the quest to find Cryptids! Yay! Go outside the mansion and go check out the private helicopter you can use:Once your on your helicopter, go to Loch Ness. You can do these in any order, but I’m doing them in the easiest order.Go right, to the Pub. Inside the pub, grab the matches and talk to the dude that looks like this:Play a game of darts with him. After you win (don’t give up, you can win), he’ll give you a ticket for a ride on the rowboat, Lil’ Ness.Go back left, and under the bridge, there should be a guy with a yellow jeep. Talk to him, and then click on his tire. Blow it out, and you will get a camera. Now go take a ride on the Lil’ Ness. Take a picture of the thing that looks like Nessie. Go back to the Mews mansion. Show him Nessie’s picture. You will find out it’s fake. Go back to Loch Ness, and talk to the liar. He will go away. Now, go back to the pub. Talk to the guys who are hanging out. You will play another game of darts, and the you will get the submarine ticket.Take a picture of the Nessie that looks weird. Go to the Pub. Show them the picture. They will show a newspaper article. Oh! Looks like another fake. Sigh. Then you will have to play another darts game. The reward promised is a LIE!!! But the bartender, feeling bad for you, will give you a Penny Whistle. Go on the Lil’ Ness, and go left.Go left again. Blow the whistle. And…. NESSIE!!! (Doesn’t it look CUTE?) Take a picture, and go to the Mews Mansion! The Nessie case will be confirmed. Now go back to your helicopter, and go to the Himalayas.
PART 1/5
written walkthrough (2/5):
Once you arrive at the Himalayas, go up a bit, until you see the Sherpa guy with stuff on his back. He looks like this:Climb the mountain with him, and when the wind is blowing strong, just try anyway. Tie yourself slowly. You will arrive with the monks. Go inside the building, and talk to the monk at the far right corner. They won’t let you take Bigfoot evidence, but they will give you a lantern. Make sure you light it. Then go outside, and climb a little bit up. Talk to the monk that looks like this:You will play a quick game, which is actually very simple. Just don’t get trapped. Then he will let you pass. Go up and there will be a foot in the snow. Take a picture of it.Go back to the Mews mansion. Sigh. It’s just a snowshoe footprint. Now you can go to New Jersey.
PART 2/5
written walkthrough (3/5):
When you arrive, jump on top of the gas station. Cut the girl free using your gardening shears. Then, jump on this sweet ride:You will need the “Bathroom Door Message” for instructions on where to go. Next to the motorbike is a dumpster. You can cut open the lock with bolt cutters, which you can get from Puerto Rico [a helicopter location] by riding the jeep to the farthest farm. There should be bolt cutters you can pick up at the very top of a rock.When you get back to New Jersey and unlock the dumpster, pulling out a bathroom door, you will need to enter the building just next to it and match it with the other door. Your character will then copy down the completed message. Otherwise, you can just use this for your reference:Follow these instructions, and you will finally come to a small clearing like this* (*= see below picture), look around there and find a house.In the house, go to the attic. You will hear something, and it will turn out to be a racoon. Next to the racoon, there should be a grappling hook. Get it. On your way down, you should see a thing. Could it be… the Jersey Devil?! Go outside, and the Jersey Devil will fly away. Use your grappling hook. Climb up to here:Get the egg. Now go back left. Get on your helicopter, and head to Puerto Rico.
PART 3/5
this was sick last night after I found the jersey devil at the window I couldn’t sleep
good to know ‘bomb.