Ever get tired of your friends running away from you and screaming “Don’t suck my blood!” ? get this fab costume to help become a more normal part of Poptropican society. Here we have a magenta shirt with a peep of white at the neck, a brown vest-like jacket, a striped belt, and a black skirt w/ tights! Your pale vampire skin and dark vampire eye rings will never be so highlighted! And to enhance the look, remove that vampire grimace and replace it with the highly glossed smile from the Mythology Surfer Girl. (this outfit is specifically designed to make any Vampire look more normal, but still vampire-ish. Do not use this outfit before operating machinery, some side-effects may include itching, headaches, explosive diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, loss of limbs, blindness, or uncontrollable thirst for blood: USE WITH CAUTION)
Check Also
Heated Hunting
Snap Crackle and Poptropicans (I’m just trying this out :”))! So I was playing with …
This one was made by Bashful Belly, without any help from me
Second to comment!
Hey! I like the newest costume! It is amazinG! I think you should call it something else other than not so normal citizen !!!! I think you should call it The Black Eyed fooly VaMP!
3rd, maybe. Cool Outfit!
Awesome costume!
Sorry, I’m not usually a first to comment, or a third. 🙂
The Outfit:
Secretive, yet normal.
(Normal means SO NOT NORMAL [In a vampire way] ) 😉
Hey everyone! I don’t really like the bottom half of the entry. I love the outfit though. Real chic for a vampire 😛
How’d u do that face???
U don’t know how to do that? 😆
List of emotions:
= : mrgreen :
🙂 = : )
🙁 = : (
😆 = : lol :
😛 = : P
😳 = : oops :
😥 = : cry :
Happy now?
That is such a cool outfit!!! Love it, absolutely love it!!!!!!!!! It is awesome 😆
I finally put up a picture of my poptropican! 😀
Hold on a sec
Click my name for a great costume idea! I call it “French Scottish Girl”!
That does look like one, Cuddly Walker! 😛
Thank you, Polly The Awesome Girl!
Click my name to see my avatar.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Antimation test
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Labels: New Islands, Poptropica Previews
Click my name and tell me if you like my costume! Please? 🙂
What’s up with the last part of the entry? It’s kinda funny and all, but why is it there?
The last part was my idea, just seemed fitting at the time. But thanks ya’ll, I feel so loved.
I hate how vampires are so pale.
They look like rats with that white skin and beady red eyes.
One of the reasons why I hate vampires.
But the outfit is okay. I don’t really see why we need to make our poptropicans fashionable but whatever. A lot of people would ask why a 14 year old is still playing poptropica. 😆
*sigh* I need to get a hobby.
Hey. Bashful Belly. How are you today? Hope your happy.
*awkward silence*
*looks around*
Yeah. i got somewhere to be soooooooooooo.
Oh who cares!
Um… Hello?
The person I had to meet and the place I had to be got postponed. Sooooooooo. I’m stuck.
Am I missing something?
Because it seems like I’m being avoided.
What did I do?
hey, who knows why theres no adverts? cause ive finished all of the island and ive got nothin 2 do please HELP?
Can’t really help.
and I got nothing to do either.
You aren’t being shunned or anything, Smart Paw. And I can confirm that that IS in fact my collaborator, Bashful Belly. Everyone say “hi”!!!! Hope everyone’s holidays were safe and happy! (I’m a bit behind, lol)
strange moon, do u know when theres gonna be some ads
Great! Im not being “shunned”. I think there will be some ads in 1 or 2 weeks!
Hello. Sandy, the Ten year old girl. Have a great day! 😀
Everyone have a wonderful evening! Yeah. Uh huh.
That last comment was kind of creepy. Yeah.
I think i may be overdoing the niceness.
*Strokes imaginary beard and wonders if anybody reads fanfiction.*
I do think there will be some ads pretty soon, maybe a couple weeks like Smart Paw suggested. Smart paw, I agree, lol 🙂
Wow. Someone agrees with me.
Wow. i have a weird feeling now. it feels all warm and tingly.
Its creeping me out a little bit.
hey cuddly walker! I like your newest costume! Also, I like this Not so normal citizen! By the way, can you guys tell me what state you live in? Me,Illinois! It’s snowing a ton here! We had to shovel a lot! Then we got hot cocoa! 🙂
Also, Cuddly Walker, I love the song Dynamite! It’s awesome! 😛
Hey, is Poptropica time 3 hrs behind? 🙁
Smart Paw, you aren’t the only 14-year-old. In fact, we both may need new hobbies! 😆
Cuddly Walker, that really looks like a French Scottish Girl! 😛
Thanks Unknown, but FYI: I wasn’t the only person who didn’t know those faces.
: mr green: WHY DID YOU GUYS NOT GET THE MESSAGE THAT MY BRO AND SIS Threw Up? Is the message bad?
Hey, I’m 13!
Um. North Carolina. Snow as well.
Wow. There are people on here close to my age that actually still play Poptropica. This makes feel slightly better.
(But I still need a hobby.)
Lol Smart Paw, South Carolina. Not really snowing… 🙁
Thanks! I know what you can do if you are bored. You can play the games on Daily Pop. They do need to get some new games that aren’t so christmasy, though.
It was snowing hard yesterday. Now it is just freezing. By tomorrow it will be wet. (Meaning no school!)
I like Candy & Clyde. It’s fun to do Clyde. 🙂
ME 2
They removed our Thursday off cuz they let Monday off.
@White Dragon Girl: Really? You live in South Carolina? Cool.
It’s not snowing where I live. But there’s snow on the ground.
Why r u apologizing???
Yes, I do. The place where it’s weird seeing snow. I only see leftover snow on the roofs though… 🙁
Ohhh, yeah! 🙂 You never know what to expect when it comes to him… 😆
I really wish there was sunshine right now. So cloudy. I wish there was snow here.
P.S. I live in southern California.
Crap! I’m gonna be late!
Uh. C u guys l8r!
I only have a half-day on Thursday. I really need to study for my finals…
Bye Smart Paw! I’ve never been skiing… but I’ve been scuba diving!!!
Every Wednesday at my school is a half-day.
I really need to study for my finals… BUT WE WENT SKIING BUT LANDED ON ICE! OUCH!
Lucky, and u have finals too Cuddly Walker???? 😆
YES! Yes I do.
Me = have finals.
Polly@ Don’t hav much time but im going somewhere im a boy and yah i got a grlfriend now no mor questions and tehse are a lot of grammatical errors!
ok, seriously. do you? cuz I was joking that time…
finals= 3 pop quizzes. I hope school is off on friday! I think it is!
No,Polly the awesome girl . I am not copying you. But I had finals too, and I just put that in there to jazz it up. (I know weird saying)
sorry, smart paw! And I was going to say bees, geo, spelling, and math.
I don’t mean pop quizes, I mean end-of-course finals.
not pop, spelling bees, math bees, and geography bees!
I love the term” jazz it up” ! I use it all the time!
I know! sucks, doesn’t it? I’m gonna study, but keep an eye on the post.
OHHH……… No.
I like that term too! But I never use it… 🙁
Bye guys and girls! gtg
I use it when I can. Of course nobody notices. They’re all too obsessed with football.
Anyone hear the Skittles version of Dynamite?
We did have rain for awhile.
No I have not heard the Skittles version of Dynamite?
And no, I never heard that version. But I don’t listen to music. At all.
OH YEAH! I throw my skittles in the air sometimes saying ayo! Taste the rainbow!
Anyone on?
I am. I can’t study… 😥
Why White Dragon Girl?
I’m here. But I’m also watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
IDK!!! 🙁 I feel like jumping, or singing, or anything else but studying… I’m listening to Owl City right now…
I’m remembering the times when all that mattered in life was enjoying it… 🙂
I oddly always get an A+, although I NEVER (and I mean it) study.
yeahhh, but I’ve forgotten these terms and I want to end up w/ all A’s, instead of one lousy B+.
I think I’m going to go eat now. See ya l8ter guys! 😉
hey guys! Anyone on?
Has anyone watched Sharpay’s fabulous adventure? It’s awesome. Watched it with my bro and sis!
P.S. Does anyone like photography?
Nope, haven’t seen it.
bye! And by the way, I’ve not heard the Skittles version of Dynamite! Cuddly Walker, Can you post the lyrics?
actually hi! How r u?
me= fine
haha polly the awesome girl
hi! White sword!
Hey, Polly the awesome girl, you are soo lucky! I wish it snowed more where I am, but it’s a desert so winter here is basically steriotypical, except minus the snow part. 🙁
how r u?
have u heard the skittles version of dynamite? can u post the lyrics?
hey, ShinyPear! How r u ? Me= tired of snow! Has snowed for 4 months now!
🙁 🙁 : mrgreen:
I’m fine, Polly the awesome girl. It’s kinda wierd how we posted comments at the exact same time.
I k now ! It is weird! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… Hey! I fell asleep and hit the z key and yah!
Um, wow. How is it that in four minutes, someone can post four comments?
don’t know. am fast typer!
Nice name!
Seen any of the outfits I’ve posted in comments on articles like ‘Hunter of Artemis’?
Can you make a dress out of your name?
no??????????????????????????????????????? Wat is that?
I think that ShinyPear is a common Poptropica name. If you search it up on the avatar studio with any numbers after it, something usually comes up.
take back…. can you make a dress out of your name! was my little bro! very sneaky! Writes in my emails
BTW, I’m ShinyPear55 on the avatar studio.
name: milton! should be named dork!
I have a ‘lil bro, too. But now he’s too busy with math homework to bug me. 🙂
like your outfit! Awesome!
poptropicarocks4u is my username. look me up!
🙁 where r u?
My ‘lil bro has a very long, complicated name, but people nicknamed him miro. (thats pronounced MEE-RO)
I really type too slow.
Wait, where r U?
I’m bored.
unlike me! I took a computer class in my school that teaches you to keep your fingers on the keyboard at all times. Me= don’t do that!
Do you have something called the sni[[ing tool on your computer by any chance?
Oops i mean snipping tool
yah! gtg! Nice meeting you!
got to go!
Ok, bye. Anyone else on?
see yA!
I’m on. But I’m too busy watching a movie.
Oh. Is it that pirates movie I think u mentioned b4?
Hello? Anybody there?
I mentioned the snipping tool earlier because I’ve been using it to make it look like Poptropicans are meeting in places they would never meet. If anyone answers this, I’ll explain how.
How? And yes, it’s the same movie.
Also, if anyone has any ideas for where a good Poptropican meeting place would be (you know, for my snipping tool thing) I’m open to hearing them. I like to put captions on the pictures the snipping tool makes, and they say stuff like “Ah, Spy island. Full of a”
Maybe underwater…
Oops didn’t finish that last comment. It was supposed to go “Ah, Spy island. Full of adventure, romance, and SPIES. Basically there are no secrets here. HEY, YOU TWO! WATCH’A DOING!?!”
Sandy, I did underwater. I wish I could show the picture to you! There was like a club meeting and a flower garden.
Or Hogwarts!
Also, for the snipping tool pics, you also need the paint tool. To do the picture, you take snips of the Poptropicans you want to be in the it, paste them in the paint tool, then carefully put the snips next to each other so they look like a whole picture
Is there Hogwarts in Poptropica, Sandy? That would be kinda cool.
I also took a snip of me riding the loch ness monster.
Hello? Anyone here NOW? I’m gonna post comments on the cryptids walkthrough now. Bye
Will you make a costume that fits the title, ‘Swimmer girl’ ? Anyone??
ShinyPear is really talkative.. 😛
I finally persuaded my younger sis, Shirley, to tell me her username! It’s singaporepanda and if you want to see her outfit, just click on my name! She’s super duper GREAT at designing poptropica outfits!
Anyways, psophia! I’ll TRY to design a swimmer girl if you want!
OK. Swimmer Girl:
Go to Early Poptropica and go down the well where you found the glow stick. customize the boy’s snorkel and raft.
Go to Big Nate and put on the Scubagear.
Customize the Mythology Surfer outfit’s hair, bikini, belt, and trunks.
Here’s what it should look likewhen you’re done: http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bSzBaVDdXZEdobGMyMWhjblJvWlhKdg%3D%3D
I don’t know the WHOLE Skittles version of Dynamite. Just that part.
o! that’s fine!
OK. Thanks
Hang on. I messed up on the Swimmer Girl. OK.
REAL Swimmer Girl:
Go to Early Poptropica and go down to where you found the glow stick. Customize the kid’s snorkel.
Go to Aphrodite in Mythology island. Customize the girl in orange’s bikini, belt, trunks, hair and blush.
Here’s what it should look like: http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bSzBaVDdXZEdobGMyMWhjblJvWlhKdg%3D%3D
OK there we go.
cool costume. 😀
Thanks. 🙂
Poptropica should make a Music Island!!! 🙂
An Island where you can play instruments, (guitar, piano, violin, flute, etc.) rock with music legends, and … well, poptropica can think of the problem… 😉
I want my poptropican to play the violin, since I do! It’ll be so cool!!! 😛
Then again, they should make an Arts Island. Full of dancing, acting, and music-playing!!!
(Though my name for it sucks, they can think of a better one… 😳 )
If you click on my name, it shows how I kinda look normally. 🙂
Well, except the sword. I gotta be tough! 😉
I’ll admit though, it would look better with a violin, and some more green outfits. Green is my favorite color!!! 😀
Funny, I was wondering how to do :D. 😉
My normal poptropican outfit: (4ThoseWhoCare)
Star necklace from the goth girl in the tower near the secret lab in AstroKnights,
Anchor shirt from guy in Cryptids (IDK where, no membership),
Pants from goth guy in Reality TV,
Sword from Pirate outfit in store,
and not sure where belt is from.
The necklace can also be replaced with the pilot’s scarf in Nabooti.
Ta-Da! 😀
Cuddly Walker look:
Get the hair from Gulliver in Gulliver’s Travels advertisment.
Get facial har, smile, and pants from the Magician costume.
Get glasses from an RP.
You can wear just about any shirt and it would match, but I chose Albert Einstein’s shirt.
What I described was what I meant in my normal outfit. The red shirt doesn’t count, but I still have the belt from there whose origin I didn’t know of…
Cool! I need to find a poptropican look for me too! But don’t worry, I won’t take yours Cuddly Walker. 🙂
Oh you can take mine if you want. I don’t care. 🙂 But if you don’t, that’s fine too.
I wonder why they don’t show 5 stars on the battle ranking when you scroll over a poptropican, but if you check the battle ranking on Stats under your poptropican, it’ll show 5 stars. It happened with mine! 🙁
Hey guys! Do you mind helping me with my story I’m writing? It’s just picking out names. If you want help me, great! Here’s some info on the characters. Oh, and they’re twins.
Girl #1:
Appearance: Wavy, waist-length flaxen blond hair with straight bangs, blue eyes with white rays, ivory skin with some freckles. Hourglass figure, heart-shaped face. Yellow gold thin glasses (only for distant things).
Clothing: One-sleeve shirts, slightly ruffled shirts, one-shoulder, sequin/glitter tunic tanks, sequin/glitter tank dresses, tutus, skinny jeans, strappy sandals, halters, gold heart necklace, fashion scarves
Makeup: Taupe eyeshadow, black eyeliner, foundation, red-pink lip gloss
Personality: Bookworm, fashionista, insecure, bossy, intelligent, romantic, perfectionist, sensitive, strong-willed, independent, feminist
Surnames: Taylor, Puckett, or Campbell
Girl #2
Appearance: Straight, chest-length flaxen blond hair with straight bangs and hot pink highlights, blue eyes with white rays, ivory skin with some freckles. Hourglass figure, heart-shaped face.
Clothing: Babydoll tees, stripes, arm warmers, ripped skinny jeans, miniskirts, ties, tank tops, graphic t-shirts, any ripped/faded/skinny pants
Makeup: Shimmery eyeshadow, lip shine, and black eyeliner.
Personality: Sporty, confident, competitive, perfectionist, honest, strong-willed, independent, feminist, rebellious
Surnames: Taylor, Puckett, or Campbell
Girl #2 could be Roxanne or Roxanna. Basically Persian for stars; bright; dawn…
I’m thinking of Girl #1… 😉
Though I’m pretty sure your characters aren’t persian… 🙂
Still thinking for Girl #1…
I posted something like a blue swimmer girl outfit in the comments for that article ‘hunter of artemis’, except I called it blue bikini. If you’re going to bother searching for it, please tell what you think.
Do you want some sort of meaning for their names? I can do that if you want… it’ll make it easier to find a name you’d want…
ShinyPear, you should put a link to the site on your name. But it’s your choice… 🙂
I don’t think I have a normal outfit for my Poptropican. I’m constantly trying out new clothing combos. My username is ShinyPear55.
White Dragon Girl, do you mean a link to the hunter of artemis thing? That’s on this site, so you can just search it up at the top right of the web page.
Oohhh! How about Alyssa for Girl #2??? It can also be Alyssia, but without the i is better.
As for Girl #1:
ohhh, I had no idea, ShinyPear. I’ll check it out. 🙂 thanks.
It says “File not found. Better luck next time!” 🙁
I would like meanings, but it’s not necessary.
I just bought the fortune cookie from the Poptropica store, and the 1st fortune it gave me said “Don’t waste your time chasing after fruitless dreams. Instead dream about chasing wasted fruit.” It’s so ridiculous, I almost died laughing.
ShinyPear: I actually laughed. LAUGHED! What is it? Don’t Act Like Yourself Day?
Anabelle means “easy to love”, which can go with the romantic part of Girl #1… 😀
Oh well, I tried my best!
If you want, Sandy, I can give you the site I’m looking at. I usually go on this baby names site for book character’s names cuz it has meaning of most names in different languages. 😉
Well, all I can say is “That is so poptropica…”
Wow. Over 200 comments, and most of them aren’t even about the outfit.
A bad part about me is that I rarely laugh when I read a joke. It may be funny, (ShinyPear, that must have really been hilarious) but I just usually laughed on the inside though… 🙁
Poptropica must be running slow of ideas today… 😥
I remember when Time Tangled and 24 Carrot came around the same time,
Or was it 24 Carrot and Super Power?
Oh Yeah! I think I did great on my finals!!! But I have history left… 🙁
I wish the poptropica creators would do one of my ideas for a ninja or undersea quest for atlantis island. That might be intresting.
Yay 4 White Dragon Girl! 🙂
Good for you!
Who here has Multiverse?
That is better than Arts Island, but along with that, they should either make a island of music, art, dance, and drama (The Arts) or make costumes of that… 😀 But I love the Atlantis idea! We should recommend it!!!
I have multiverse.
That Arts island thing is a really good idea, too! Maybe the storyline for it could be where you are trying to help someone get a good role in a play while also trying to stop other people from ruining the play out of jealousy.
I’m currently in Multiverse room DMD58.
ShinyPear, you should be in charge of island ideas!!!
Anyways, gtg. Need sleep for history exams. L8ter! 😉
Sorry g2g. Dinner.
Check out my sister’s sassy spy costume number 2!
Isn’t it nice?
Don’t tell me you have forgotten how! Just click on my name!
And don’t care about the goggles, she’s trying to defeat spy island!
And the bowtie!
There’s suppose to be a pearl necklace in place of the bowtie!
OK, now it’s over! you get to see the complete costume!
For a limited time only! My sister is ALWAYS changing costumes!
She just bought the costume collector, so no worries!
She’s labeling the three costumes that she’s going to collect as “spy island”, “mythology island” and “counterfeit island” costumes. The one that I’m telling you about is the spy island costume.
235 comments is ALOT!!!
Nice outfit, Bashful Belly!
Did I say too much? Oops.
Add this to expression list:
❗ = : ! :
:devil: = :devil :
❓ = : ? :
edit the devil one:
👿 = : evil :
Let me try! 👿
psophia, you need to put a space b4 u du the face.
👿 so cool! and I love the Atlantis idea!
UGH!!!!!!!! I’m sooooo freakin bored!!!! nm 2 do on poptropica…
Hi. Anyone here?
Only me.
La la la la la. La la la la. La la la lee. dee dee da.
La la a la. La la la la la lee. To tee tee to to tee tee to. La la la la la lee la lee.
*sigh* Bored.
me 2. just drawin stuff.
Hi Khmer Girl. wat u drawin?
Hi Nicholas. Hi Khmer Girl.
pokemon. sailor moon. animals. anime.
oh and hey nick! havent tlk 2 u much
just finished eatin lunch. thai curry with bread.
Sailor moon.
And pokemon. i used to watch that show.
Now I don’t.
me 2. sailor moon: old show, but cool.
and hello Smart Paw! 🙂
*shiver* Anime always used to creep me out.
It still does.
But I love pokemon! I never used to like it till i watched this movie.
Oh and i know I haven’t been here 4eva. But well…………….yeah
So. I’m going to take a guess.
its either you are sick or don’t have to go to school today. Which one?
anime is cool, in my opinion.
anime used to creep you out?
no school 4 the whole week. snow days.
I’m sick.
someone gave me cold.
So. i didn’t have to go to school all week!
Yes Smart Paw.
anime creeps me out.
Oh and snow day.
Snow in all 49 states except for Florida!
lol Smart Paw. 😀 im almost never sick from school.
ikr? i hate that, 2. isur area snowin?
My area has snow.
me 2. but its meltin right now.
I know who gave me the cold though.
And I’m kind of happy I’m sick.
Brb. Getting tissues.
@Smart Paw i haven’t had school all week either. It is amazing.
And smart Paw you seem nicer.
oh yeah. I’m trying to be nicer.
I never realized how great it is being nice. People actually listen to you.
anyways. should i wish that u get better soon, or should i say that u should be sick 4 a long time?
lol. being mean has its good points, though
Oh Smart Paw.
You are sooooooooooooooooooo. There’s a word I’m looking for. Its like your funny. And honest all at the same time.
I like the new you Smart Paw.
“sigh”. some1 called my cell. again! brb guys
@Khmer Girl: Uh. Wish that I get better soon. I got people I gotta see. And mean does have good points. Sometimes being mean gets stuff done.
@Nicholas: Thank you.
All cool Khmer Girl.
@Smart Paw: Who do you have to see?
Oh and your welcome.
Friends, girls, enemies. You know the usual.
lol.but yeah, the usual.
Lol. Still the same.
cant wait to go back though. i have some things i would lik 2 say to a boy. he sometimes gets on my nerves.
I feel the same Khmer Girl.
@Khmer Girl: Are you going to tell him off?
I can just imagine. You yelling at him. Him crying. You walk off. He looks like a wimp. It makes me so proud.
Man. I kind of miss being mean.
But for the good of humanity I will be kind. Kinder.
lol. no. but i would lik to punch him in the face
hey guys!
Hi Asia Love.
Kill him with kindness Khmer Girl.
*deeper voice* A creepy terrible kindness. That will drive him mad.
Mwah ha ha ha!
hello Smart Paw!
@Viv: is the boy ur tlking bout Jose G.?
and hello Nick!
There’s a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
like a map with noooooo ocean
There’s a limit to you love.
That was song. That was the only part of the song i knew.
Hi Asia love!
yes. the boy who humilated me in front of the whole class. >:(
Lin, just the thought makes me want 2 punch some1!!!
Didn’t mean to make you cry.
If I’m not back again this time tomorrow.
Carry on. Carry on.
Cuz nothing really matters.
is that a song Nicholas???
The last song was bohemian rhapsody.
@Khmer Girl
That dude humiliated you in front of the whole class!
Hm. Man that dude is a fruit hole.
yes. and u kno wat he did to me???
Viv, et me tell the story. go sit somewhere and calm down.
Wat did he do?!
(i sound so nosy. Lol.)
fine with me Lin. 🙂
Lol! Nicholas! You had me laughing super hard. (Inside joke.)
@Khmer Girl : Calm down before you break something. (mostly your computer.)
Well the class had this important project 2 do right? Well it was time to present them he took her cards and switch them with her other teammate’s cards. Well, Viv (Khmer Girl) took the cards without looking at them (she memorized the whole thing, just needed the notes just in case). When she went up front she started her speech. Then, she got 2 a part where she didnt rlly remember
I kind of see what is going to happy. Let me see if it is something I would do.
Did I just put happy?
Continue. I’m all ears.
and she looked at the cards. But, it wasnt her speech… it was something else bout the gettysburg address (her teammate was doing that speech). that boy AKA jose said “having a problem nerd girl? or is it The Genius?”
No that son of a biscuit didn’t. Oops. Sorry.
Um. No that would not be something i would do.
every1 started laughing. (jose knows that Viv AKA Khmer Girl hates being humilated so he pulled off that) anyways, Viv humilated, went back to her seat. When she started to sit jose pulled her chair out and made her fall.
Ooh. I’m already mad. He switched the cards.
Amen: Yep. He switched the cards.
Then talked to her like she crazy.
Amen: Uh huh. Sure did.
Excuse me. I don’t need an amen.
Amen: Um hum. She ‘ont need an amen.
everyone, including the teach, started laughing.
I would kick his ass.
Oops! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. That wasn’t nice. That wasn’t nice at all.
@Nicholas well she is a genius, in my opinion. and boys ARE attracted 2 her. soooooooooo…
Khmer Girl: You should’ve laughed. I know I wouldn’t have in that situation tho. I would’ve been ready to knock his head off.
Nice thinkin Smart Paw. I actually cussed at him when we went outside, along with a few kicks and punches.
He just jealous cuz she fine. And smarter than his stupid head.
I need to chill.
sure i laughed. then at lunch, i spilled milk on him.
huh. hes smart.
r u going through a silent fit Viv??? if so, im gonna have 2 call u 2 consult.
brb. Lin (Asia Love) called.
Okay. I’m better. Yeah.
But did you really have to spill milk on him?
That’s disgusting.
(Good job)
of course. food fights r common at my table.
Man. You took it worse than I did Smart Paw. 😳
I’ll keep that thought to myself.
thx 4 the compliment Smart Paw.
@Nicholas: What? What are you thinking?
Oh. Yah. Your welcome.
@ Smart Paw Nothing. Nothing.
tell us Nicholas!!!!
1. I have had issues with guys trying to embarass people. I tell you. Guys! Ugh!
2. Smart Paw seems a little too nice to someone don’t ya think?
What! What are you trying to say!?
1.true. but some guys, theyre ok.
2. ??? who, in particular, r u tlking bout???
*clears throat*
See this is why I keep things to myself.
I’m talking about you! Face it! Smart Paw has always been nice to you!
What are you trying to say? That I like……………….oh.
Uh. Brb.
oops! anyways, wat happened?
ummmm…i’ll brb.
*sigh* Weird right.
I’m going on youtube.com
oh, and if ur still here, can u explain to Asia Love bout wat happened nick?
Oh yah. Sure.
Asia Love: I think Smart Paw likes Khmer Girl. There. Now there avoiding each other.
I’ve been suspecting that 2 nick!
I only like her as a friend k. And um. I have a girlfriend. And uh………….I can be nice to people if I want to. And um……..yeah.
I know right!
Right. Smart Paw.
And uh I’m sure Khmer Girl feels the same. Hopefully.
I gotta go! I feel weird.
Uh I have plans. Yah.
Your sick. Where are you going?
Asia Love? Are you still here? Cuz if your not I’m going to youtube.
Smart Paw’s my friend! And i already have a boyfriend!
still here nick! just chillin!
ugh, u guys put me in a nervous wreck!
for an awesome girls outfit-in time tangled island , use your teleporter thingy and go to 1387 AD – climb over the really tall wall thing and go inside the building. turn to the right and get the womans purple dress.Next, go to mythology island and get the ocean god guy’s hair its really cute. Go into a chat room and get the sideswept bangs and black with white polka dots belt and the white vest.if you dont see them at first, leave the room and enter again. if you want to see what it looks like, check out ” justagamee” in the avatar studio! so cute!
its cute. and hi!
Just Chill Khmer Girl. I know it’s awkward when someone just pops something out like that.
I usually go back to read previous comments to catch up on the conversation. I have to say though, you’re lucky some of your friends go on here. My friends don’t know, or go on this site. 🙁
Those are the types of conversations you’ll laugh over (instead of being embarrassed like now) thinking “That was such a stupid conversation!” or something like that…
Eh, oh well. I’ll talk about something else…
It was really stupid cuz they put the exact same things from the study guide to the exam. But I’d rather it be stupid than hard… 😀
❗ ❓ 👿
cool. though I’m pretty sure I knew the 3rd one…
white dragon girl how did you do those emoticons. and really cute outfit mighty bite! 🙂
and how do you make an avatar???????
Ok, here’s what I learned! :
: ! : –> ❗
: ? : –> ❓
: evil : –> 👿
: D –> 😀
: lol : –> 😆
: oops : –> 😳
: P –> 😛
Ta-Da!!! 😉
No one has told me how to do the pic thing yet!!! 👿 I’m upset!
I have to go. maybe you’ll have better luck… 🙁
Click my name! I turned blonde!!! 😆
I tried turning my poptropican blonde for a little while, too. Also, White dragon girl, I liked the Arts island Idea thing so much I started drawing pictures of it and writing up the mission for it. It’s a small mission so far, but that’s probably just because I thought it up this morning.
well night guys.
click my name guys!
now click it i made a mistake
Cute shirt!
What do you think about my new outfit? http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bS1NsV1Q4Ykdsc2MyRnVaRE15
Click the link I just posted! Where do you think the shirt came from?
I think from a RP. Or another person.
Wait, I think there’s something wrong with the link I posted. It keeps showing what I’m currently wearing in stead of what I want it to show! help
That’s how it is ShinyPear. 🙁 The shirt now is definitely from the Mythology Surfer.
And you should also submit the idea! I’m happy that you liked the idea! 😀 I just wanted more instruments to play and all. Just guitar and singing… no drums, or flute, or violin!!! It would be cool if the poptropican won some kind of raffle to in a band for their famous, annual concert or something like that…
Didn’t Indiana Jones give some site where to recommend stuff for poptropica?
hey who cant wait till tuesday
Haha!!! There’s a poptropican named “Icy Ice”
Meee!!! I want that island to come out so I can finally DO something!!! 😥
Ok, so I removed my blondey hair and turned into a very very dark brunette, my real hair color! 😉
Is this such a face: D:
oh, that is a no then…
You guys know how on the Daily Pop, there’s a bunch of pictures of cowboy stuff: cowboys, horses, spit meters, those, uh, places where cowboys meet in, ect.
“Git’ prepard ya’ll!!!
I’ma pretty sure there’s a cowboy island cummin up!!!”
*said in cowboy voice*
At least, i think so… 🙁
Maybe poptropicasecrets is too afraid to put up another post about the smackdown cuz he may think we’ll all argue again… 🙁 I agree! Though, I want to know which will be, MORE APPRECIATED. Not who will win! Jeesh, I’m not that rude! 😉
what the haystack????? 382 comments???? (now 383)
lemme have a try at emotes ❓ 👿 ❗ 😳
I’m bored. Who wants to chat?
I’ll chat
Have you all checked out Shirley’s outfit?
I hate it when no one replies! (sniff)
Anyways, 390 comments is a huge number! Round it off and make it 400!!!
Hi Raheat97 you have not been on for a long time!!!
hi! has anyone forgotten bout me? 🙁
I haven’t Polly.
The new island is going to be called Wild West.
And……………………………………………yeah I forgot the last thing I was going to type.
thanks Smart Paw! did it say on the creater’s blog in poptropica? Or do you know just from the Cryptids island/ Jeff Kinney video? When is it coming out?
don’t reply, smart paw! I already found the answers!!!!! And it is going to be wild west! so excited!
guys outfit- go to spy island and turn to right and go into the headquarters on your left, get the guys glasses and pants. then go to the top and get director d’s white shirt.go to a chat room and get the black hat with the white lines on it. to see it, go to the avatar studio and type in “ishallcallhimsquishy” like on finding nemo when dory touches the jellyfish
Awwww! I can’t find it! 😥
I mean the info on wild west… 🙁
400th comment!!! 😉
I wonder if there has ever been 500 comments on one post… ❓
At least I made the 400th one! 😀 I’m leaving. Byeee!
Mission: (Im)Possible – get 500 comments on one post
404th to comment!
405th to comment!
406th to comment!
407th to comment!
408th to comment!
409th to comment!
Okay, I’ve helped you all out already! Anyways, 410th to comment!
I’m going to Big Bear tomorrow!
P.S. I just broke my record. 100 pages per 20-30 minutes!
What do you mean, Sandy? Ummm… HELLO???!!!
Ok! So we have a goal! LET’S ACCOMPLISH IT!!! YEAHHH!!!
I’m feeling motivated online, but suckish in real life… 🙁
Yeah, what DO you mean Sandy???
Hello, i a-
-m going t-
-o contribute
by typ-
-ing half-written
sentences. 😉
I’m going to contribute by typing half-written sentences.
That’s what I typed in half-
sentences. That’s enough for 1 day. buh-bye!
We are going to do it, YEAH!!!
I mean I read 100 pages per 20-30 minutes. That’s the fastest I’ve ever read!
Random: Bellatrix is Mrs. Bucket. Bella’s Mrs. Bucket. Weird.
Nice pink is the new glee:
I have a new outfit for you guys … for welcoming me so warmly!
this costume needs the help of a rock star 2 pink guitar and black shirt, pop star’s hat, bangs, belt, jacket and skirt and an RP’s hair (the one with the pink hair band).
Question: What do you want to be when you grow up? (P.S. This will help in our aim for 500!)
I would LOVE to be an author, artist or movie director.
Question: Witches or vampires? I’m a (non-sparkly) vampire fan.
Anyways, I want to be a movie star from hollywood!
i want to be a fashion designer.
I want to be a web page designer or a banker.
😛 so bored 🙂
what is your favorite book or series?
mine is septimus heap
Hey everyone! I soooo want to be an author when I’m older! My fave book series is called The Clique. It is super fun to read, plus there are 15 books in the series!
imagine youre stuck in a room with no doors or windows and all you have is a plastic spoon , how do you get out?
Oh please. My friend asked me this question once- you need to stop imagining. 🙂 Sorry if I spoilt this for everyone.
I want to be an author when I grow up.
Or a pianist.
Or a Math/English/Art teacher.
To answer ur question, White Dragon Girl, yes there’s been 500 comments on one post. Actually,
it was 600 something…
Oh darn… we’re still gonna do it!
I haven’t decided yet. Maybe an astronomer, or an author (funny that’s almost everyone’s choice), or an actor, or something in the arts most likely.
And I love all of Rick Riordan’s books!!! And secondly, Margaret Peterson Haddix!!! She’s a sci-fi writer. Her books are amazing! But so are Rick Riordan’s! 😉
I like all their books. My favorite book has to be “Son of Neptune” by: Rick Riordan. It’s coming next fall. (I like the upcoming books of RR! I haven’t read it yet, but It’s bound to be great!)
3 more…
2 more…
1 more…
HALF WAY THERE!!! Cool! 😀 Just 50 more until 500.
Gtg, bye!
We might even be able to make 600 until their next post!
(Probably around the 17th, when Cryptids opens for everyone…)
I answered the questions, if you want to see them, just go back a page.
Wow, there really is a TON of comments on here!
I just woke up. Weird.
@Mighty Bite: Stop imagining, of course!
My Dear Readers,
Thank you all for being so loyal! 🙂 I will have a new costume in honor of the release of Cryptids Island for ALL players! (myself included) Hope you all love it!
–Strange Moon, Poptropican Fashion Reporter
P.S. I can’t wait to track down the Jersey Devil <3
I’m sad we aren’t still the most famous article! I wanted to be the first article still!
We’re only 42 comments away from 500! (That’s including mine) I am comment #458
41 comments away.
40 comments away,
I really like the color black.
I’m a Gryffinclaw.
Or a Slytherclaw.
I wonder why there’s no snow here.
I’m afraid of the large spider in Early Poptropica.
I have to stop biting my lips when I’m bored.
35 with this one!!! And are you just making up your own Harry Potter houses, Sandy?
Tip: Never write when you have a writer’s block.
Sort of.
Only thirty left!
i agree. Writer’s block is awful!
It would be awesome if I met Hermione Weasley. I’d ask her why she’s with Ron.
Random fact about me: I’m obsessed with mythology.
Another fact: I refuse to call the planets by their real names.
Another fact: I slap myself whenever I make a mistake.
Another: I don’t listen to music.
Another: Sometimes I do things I don’t remember doing.
Uhm….. 😀 You’re a very.. interesting individual, aren’t you Sandy?
Yes. Yes, I am.
I can’t wait to find monsters!
Almost to 500. Almost to 500. Almost to 500.
I feel bad for Hades.
It’s odd how I’m very likely to be in Gryffindor when I have no courage. Whatsoever.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
I’d be in Slytherin. Pretty much just cause I LOVE TOM FELTON <3 <3 <3 (Draco Malfoy 4EVA!!!)
LOL, me too.
I just love him! He’s my desktop wallpaper…. <3
My wallpaper just says Keep Calm and Read Harry Potter.
10 more.
9 more.
8 more.
7 more.
Just six more.
One. One. One.
So happy. 😀
wow already that much
i am reading HP and The filosofers ston
i think it is rather funny
i’ve watched all the movies
ok maybe im lying i dont know
hahaha! Has anyone seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
i want to be in Huffclawdorerin
ok im getting a bit off track now by the way
i don’t know why but i like
So in all houses?
to be off track anyways
i like the pale white skin
Click my name.
of the NSNC
not so normal citizen
(just to be ON track)
I have an idea. Let’s try to reach a thousand.
I have a little dificoty with staying
ON track so i had to do that
ok i think i’m off track again
lalalalalalala ok i agree
I have a four-day weekend. =)
djdidia djhfuieuiwidjfhc disisi lalal hie skaioe patios
(just to gain comments)
ok i think im off track agane
White Sword, how do you get the talking mouth?! I might use that…
wow ur licky
I just read My Immortal. I think I lost 135 IQ points.
oh i just copied it off someone else’s
Who’s “licky”?
oops i meant ur lucky that u have 4 days off sorry sandy 😳
so sorry! (heehee)
No need to be sorry. You just helped me earn my IQ points back.
licky licky lucky icey!
hey do not insult me in front of about 520 people!:mad:
I like ice.
haha i mean that “licky licky lucky icey” is a real poptorpican sandy
What’s with the :mad:?
Let’s not argue, peeps! Let’s all wonder about what Strange Moon’s working on now that Sandy inspired her… 🙂
Yes, let’s wonder.
are u really strange moon, Strange Moon?
i think ur next outfit is gonna have something to do with white sword’s mouth…
who cares anyway it might also include something abou’ cryptids island
2 more to 550!
yay! 550!
I’m in a good mood. 🙂
wow SM u’ve changed ur photo!
better than the first one though…
i don’t mean i dont like the first one
why are u in a good mood?
sandy the 10 year old girl?
Wait….what? Yes I’m Strange Moon! No one else knows my password, so no one else can take my blue field…
but why? mwhy why why?
oh sorry SM
about someone messing with u i mean:)
hey that’s lucky icey again hehe
why r u good mood sandy?
Well, I was the 500th something, I finally found some music I like, I inspired Strange Moon, and I have no writer’s block anymore!
u might as well answer
ohhhhhhhhhhhh i get it now!
i want to make 600 comments
that is REALLY hard though.
first time i ever posted a “.”!
We aren’t far off from 600……….
It’ll be easy!
yay 570!
sorry guys i have to go now
somebody pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesee make it 600!
(just to post more)
Never gonna give you up!
Never gonna let you down!
Never gonna run around and hurt you!
Never gonna make you cry!
Never gonna say good-bye! Never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you!
I like the song Haunted.
*run around and desert you
yay thanks 🙂
It’s a song: Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley
gonna post more tomorow
oh no i just stuck
Almost to 600!
Well that was fun!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Way past that, Sandy 🙂
This must be the very first post to have so many comments. The pages (walkthroughs) are permanent, so they obviously have lots of comments. But even they don’t have 610!
The talking mouth really looks good with a spy outfit (like yours Strange Moon) especially if you have the sunglasses with the attatched microphone.
Wow!!! 612 comments!!!
Look at all of the old posts to see if they made it past 600. Just a challenge for those who want to break the record.
ha well…
I’m back and i dont think ANY posts made it that far!
wow it is really awesome!
New Goal: 700 COMMENTS!
im really lookin’ forward to it…
no posts have made it that far!
yay hooray this is the best one so far too
i am looking forward to the smackdown too…
Let’s see if we can’t get that far, then! I bet we could go way farther than 700, but let’s take baby steps! 😀
ok SM! 🙂
what does “baby steps” mean?
wat duz it meen.
first time i’ve posted a “.”.
this post REALLY holds the PoptropicaSecrets record!
anybody on?
hello ello…
ok for a record it is only 1:25 pm
oh yeah i live in Canada so…
ok like i said before,
i am gettin’ a little bit off track now.
almost to 650!
(just to gain comments and stayin ON track i mean for the above one i made)
i am lookin’ forward to 650!
650! YAY!
( 😳 i mean: 640! YAY!)
10 more!
9 more!!
8 MORE!!!
SEVEN more!!!!
6 MORE!!!!!
5 MORE…!!!!!!
2 MORE!!!!!!!!!
yay i made it! to 650 comments!
only half more! yay so happy 😀
😀 🙂 😛 😉
yay! happy! good mood!
i think i CAN make it to 700 comments!
oh by the way click my name!
funny i think. (my avatar/poptropican)
yay i gained alot o’ coments!
this is gonna be a GREAT day for me!
cuz i gained comments to 660, my avatar is funny and i dont go to school so no language for me!
i hate language u no…
(just to gain comments again) heehee
heehaheehaheehaheeha! yay good mood!
😆 🙂 😀 😛 😉
oh yay! (just to gain comments AGAIN! heeheehaha)
i am in a GREAT MOOD guys!
hey guys i am 👿
haha i am not i tell u lol
i was just jokin’ ’round. haha
anybody on ? or not?
oh i am so happy/glad/excited/in a good mood/anythin’ describing these words.
no language i am so relieved!
oh my gosh this whole coments page is only ME!
another thing that makes me happy! yay and hello?? anyone on or not? huh? strange! is everyine haunted with GHOSTS? no, VAMPIRES? that’s it!
😳 i meant everyOne!
great this is just GREAT!
just plain GREAT! (for me)
why: gainin coments, no language, and poptropica secrets rocks!
19 more coments!
yay so happy!
Gryclawslythuff is the HP house for me!
everyone must no HP rite?
really good mood me!
it is only2:00 pm!
now 2:01!
my Canada time is slow 9 hours from the US which im pretty sure
is where poptropica secrets came from…hmmmmm
well…haha to me 🙁
well i am almost to 700! so happy!
is everybody ok or something?
i mean, nobody is on this post!
oh well… tomorrow is Monday so i will go to school…
almost there…almost there…ALMOST THERE!
two… …
i made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait a sec…
tomorrow is the release date of CRYPTIDS ISLAND!
Another thing that makes me joyous!
i dont know why the heck, but today is SUCH A GOOD DAY FOR ME!
NEW GOAL: 800 comments!
but let us take “baby steps” and make our goal to: 750 comments first!
oh and by the way ay y… …
i FINALLY found out what “baby steps” mean NOW!
ok dont thou guys think that i am getting a bit off track now? hmmm?
not long before we getto 800/750 comments!
im tellin’ ya guys… … … … … …
This post will be FAMOUS in Poptropica Secrets!
(oh and first time i used correct punctuation and capitals! see above)
ANNOUCEMENT!!!: Found a post here that made 1019 comments. Here’s the link:
Another one! :
There’s more…
oh that is SO cool!
do u even stay up that late?
oh my gosh! ur links really worked and i cant beleve what i saw omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg that… that… i can hardly beleeve my eyes omg
that post will be super duper duper one million duper popular and famous!
ikr? so cool…wat if we make it 2 2000 for this post???? 😀
haha Khmer girl!
but i like ur idea
lalalalalalalalalalalalala watever! 🙂
(just to gain comments) 😉
halfway to 750!
it keeps on tellin’ me that im posting…
…comments to quickly, slow down.
why i am a VERY slow typer but…
… but i guess they have something…
…wrong with their brains/heads/organs…
i dont no why but it’s a long time since i’ve seen “licky licky lucky icey” (if u’ve read all my comments!)
i really want this post to get over the diary wimpy kid one!
this… might come true because no one is posting comments…
… on that post anymore, soooooooooooooooo,…
…i guess that everyone is working on this one!
see if i can make it to 800!
ok i am getting VERY off track now (if u read all my comments, u’d think it funny)
i need to stay ON track.
so, im gonna say this…:
i really like vampires!
(although i didn’t catch one)
i also like the Not SO Normal Citizen thingy.
i want to be in Gryfindor (in HP).
i mean, c’mon,
everyone must know about HP right?
one more!
YAY! 750 comments!
only halfway to…
wow here’s wat i’ve learned… … … :
if you post 50 comments (short one line), u get a new page of comments.
am i right? or wrong? or riong?
riong means this… … … :
i am Right AND Wrong.
ha! ha!
so, got it? huh? huh? ok.
i am REALLY lookin forward to it!
i mean the 800 thing!
hey do ya guys no wat im posting? :
1st: haha do you know?
2nd: now do you know?
3rd: are you okay?
4rth: I’m not telling you! (it is what it says)
5th: This is the best!
do you know what language is it?
hehe i guess no one answered!
wow we are almost to 800!
25 more comments to go and BAM!
…we are to 800! (continued sentence)
oh and i REALLY want to see “licky licky lucky icey” again!
hehe white sword i saw ur post right away…
HA! im back!
yay! “licky licky lucky icey” is back!
hey do NOT insult me in front of abou’ 780 people! i told u before!
ok then.
anyways stay online lucky – oh, all right,- ice.
anyways i think i am looking forward to 800!
🙂 ok white sword.
arent u lonely???
anyway…who likes pokemon???!!!
I’m rather bored.
800 is almost here.
8 🙂
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
5 5 5
5 5
Two. too, to
*)@ That means 802.
sandy how old are u really?
i am Nine years old.
anyways i think i have a NEW…
… GOAL! :
wadaya think?!
900 o’course!
but i think we should STILL take “baby steps” and set it to 850 instead.
this is a great day!
by the way i will turn Ten in only a short time so i guess i could say im ten!
by the way…party:DFB32!
hello? anybody?
none of u poptropicans came to my party!
i went to SM’s party at about 5:20.
she’s gone now anyways.
i think SM’s ideas are really fascinating!
hey guys im writing an assignment so…
I is here! 😛
bye for 5 min.!
oh good!
SM where do u get that glasses i saw the second time u changed?
PLEASSSSSE answer it!
❓ ❗
c’mon… only have 30 min.!
ok im done!
The ones with the attached microphone? I found them on an RP, not sure where the come from, exactly. You might search around on Spy Island, though.
phew that was hard…
… especially when i hate language!
ok thanks SM!
IF you end up not finding them, just tell me, and I’ll let you copy them. 😀
ok! thank u!
workin’ on it, workin’ on it…
workin’ on comments…
… gaining comments.
ok ok… from comment 650 to comment 800, i am almost the only one commenting!
and from 650 to 725, im the ONLY one commenting!
wow… that’s a lot.
and i dont even feel sour (my hand from typing)
I’m ten.
do i have any PROBLEMS here?
new goal: 900 comments!
go to the destination!
i like to listen to country music.
My goal: Be the 1000th commenter thingy.
i’ve always wanted The Hobbit.
it is written by JJR Tolkien.
my assignment is about Tolkien.
I like R & B, country, rock, and pop.
so that is really, really, really lucky.
i live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
I really want to finish Dracula. And then read Pride and Prejudice.
i go to Cenntennial-Grand Woodlands School.
I live in Orange County.
the weather is really cold now.
it is about – 20 degrees.
(seriously i am NOT jokin’ ’round here people)
(people/ poptropicans/poptropicasecretians)
halfway through!
It’s 77 degrees.
(without me even noticin’ it yet! hehe)
is that Fahrenheit sandy?
Yes, yes it is.
i want to finish HP and the Filosofers stone.
it is rather REALLY funny.
(at least, to me! hehe haha)
I like cheese.
not even halfway through that book yet!
i started reading it from Jan. 3rd, when school started!
I finished The Lost Hero in (I think) eight hours.
j’aime le fromage!
(speakin’ french, hehe!)
omg sandy that is so quick in 8 hours!
That means I like cheese, right?
yeah right sandy!
I’m bored way too often.
like i said before, in the 600 something, ive watched all the HP movies! then i said, (ok maybe im lying i dont know)
im bored way too often too
Even HP7 part 2?
New post up! A live report from Soda Pop Shop!!! 😀 GO LOOK!!!!(88- something)
sandy are u green ghost?
Eleven is my magical number.
are u, sandy?
Yes. I am Green Ghost.
Only eight more. 🙂
What’s up.
How come it says 900?
ha weve reached 800 already
are u green ghost sandy?
I am Green Ghost!
i like it: new destination: 1000 comments!
My destination: 3000000000000000000000000000000000
oh my goshhhhhhhh sandyyyyyyy!!!!!!
now let’s take “baby steps” and set it to 950 instead!
950 is too small.
ok then 2000! or maybe 3000!
❓ ? anybody on now?
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000! (maybe i guess)
No, 4000000.
No, 9999999999978908543345689039408654043
ok *ahem* any *ahem* anybody o- *ahem* on? *ahem*
x 9999999999978908543345689039408654043 x 9999999999978908543345689039408654043
NO, 93756201937777777777777777481911111111111111118372167518192756
I’m on.
No, 98765432198765432198765432198765432101234567891234567891234567890!
im working on an assignment about Richard Rodgers!
Let’s chat on http://poptropicasecrets.com/poptropica/live-report1/#comments instead.
yay! i want it to go up to that far!
this is GREAT!!
the rest of the body is brown.
wat the heck are u talking abou’ Striped Toes?
almost there i guess…
i really like cheese. 🙂 😉
And i cant wait to finish my book it’s awesome.
“harry potter and the philosopher’s stone”.
i want the temperature to go up a bit it is freezing.
i want to watch TV real bad…
… also i really want to sneak up on lucky ice.
i want cryptids island to come out right now but…
… but I guess they areent ready yet sooooooooooooo…
… soooooooooooooo i guess i just have to wait a few more days 🙁
(by that i mean they probably… …
… … they probably will push it back to wednesday or whatever soooooooooooo… …
… … so i guess that i have to wait a few more days! :sigh: )
anybody here?
i almost reached my goal : 950 comments!
i like to read the MTH series.
it is written by Mary Pope Osborne.
MTH stands for Magic Tree House series.
(for your information, only. hehe though.)
1 more! (to my goal)
950 comments! woohoo!
am i the only one commenting here or something or something like that? huh? people?
i started a new page!
i always like to start new pages,
, for your information! (continued sentence.)
oh and i almost almost almost almost almost almost almost forgot!
Cryptids island’s comin’ out tomorrow!
… … but they SAID that TODAY
… … (continued sentence)
… … was the release date! so…
… … i dont know what has got to them! ohhh.
note to Poptropica Secrets Members: if u want to finish the Island Smackdown, then do it.
if u want to release Cryptids for non-members, then do it.
if u want to do WHATEVER, then DO IT!
Kay? kay? everyone agree? all right? a’right? kay.
okay it is gettin’
… a bit mad now.
cuz i have been waiting for HALF AN HOUR just for someone
… … to Comment!
nobody’s answering / commenting!
what got into all u people/poptropicans? huh?
kay listen up… … … … … … … …
… … i want as much comments as posible so this can break the record!
NObody is even commenting!
i am REALLY gettin’ RAELLY mad now! 😡
all u people dont post anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
kay then… … … … … … … … … …
i really like to read.
i am a Chinese. (shanghai)
and to prove it, …. …. ….
(I am a chinese person!)
NOW do u guys believe me?
this is REALLY gettin’
a bit frustrating! all u people,
, NONE of u actually commented on THIS post!
but i still got a bit hope,
Why, White Sword! I have absolutely NO idea what you are suggesting! I am CLEARLY commenting right now! So there! 😛
, cuz Cryptids come out tomorrow!
sorry but i didnt see u SM
thanks for the glasses… wat is it again?
anyways… … …
Room Code??? Or what?
i didn’t even comment myself
, at the first two weeks when i
found this site!
yay! yahhoooooooooooo!
ohhh, mmmy gosh!
oneeeeeeee mmmmore!!!!!!!!
yay! 1001! oh yeahhhh!
room code: BGR26
please come!
thank u SM for comin’!
thnx sandy for comin’
thnx white dragon
thnx lucky hero
It’s 1007 now!
woohoo thnx sandy for makin’ it 1007!
sorry i mean Strange Moon so sorry1
>.< It's okay! 😀
Awwwwwww, I missed the 1000. 😥
Not far to go before the record is broken….
haha yeah ur right SM!
hi everyone i am new here so i just want to know about the “island smackdown” ? what is it?
i mean, i really just want to know!
oh and thnx SM (as everyone calls u) for tellin’ me about poptropicasecrets!
hi PS u will get used to commenting about in 2 weeks!
i didn’t comment (atleast, didn’t comment to someone ELSE) for the first week i found poptropicasecrets! so, just get used to everyone!
really, it’s not that hard!
ok thnx WS (mind if i call you that?)!
i live in canada!
room code: AAV88
broke the record!
whoever is on, say “i hate everyone!”
I’m on and, don’t make me say that!
hi kesha!
check out art students/private school students have something for u.
ke$ha are u even there?
ive been waiting for half hour already!
thnx kesha
*Yelling side starts yelling* PEOPLE! I’m having a contest! Details below!
*Calm side starts talking* Well, I’m having a contest. The challenge is to create modern day costumes for a Greek deity. Requirements are-
Calm: Hades, Persephone, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, and-
Yelling: ZEUS!
Normal: I like Lukabeth. 🙂
Yelling and calm: *Looks at me as if I’m insane* Percabeth!
Normal: *Talks about Fremione*
Wait, I want to try this
Oh well, Just go by the links.
Or you can type these usernames in the avatar studio-
Artemis- applesauce1711
Aphrodite- JellyBelly1711
RH, they look great i think! click my name and type 1 if u like it and 2 if u think it is normal.
1 too!
one i think! good job WS!
I’ll go with 1.21
white sword why is your mouth moving (i mean avatar) its kinda funny 😆 1
1040 now
It’s awesome White Sword. Is it Athena?
Did anyone else like my outfits?
hey!!!!!!!! we got to 1000! 🙂 🙂 😀
thnx guys!
I can’t beleive we were just aiming at 500. *rolls eyes*. Sandy, the outfit I want to enter in your competition is Aphrodite. I’ve taken off my Artemis outfit. Click on my name for the link.
Disregard the comment just after the comment about the competition. I hope everyone likes it. Please tell me! 😀
go to super thunders blolg!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEYYY!!!!!! 🙂 😀 so bboooooorrreeeeedddddd 🙁
how do you get an avatar?????
i wanna join the Aphrodite contest click on my name to see the costume
ok Silver M., i like it, but it’s not resally like an ANCIENT person, does it? i mean no offense, but i just wanted to say that.
but, really, I really liked it. liked how you used that mouth and shirt.
It’s actually a contest for a modern day outfit, White Sword
i know RH but still, would u see Athena or Aphrodite wearing a MODERN costume? that’s ANCIENT Greek myths! but i already said that i liked it anyways so no offense!
i remember the time when this post was the star of Poptropicasecrets…oh, that was when people post like crazy.
the reason is because this post had almost 600 comments! even on Art students/private school students post, someone said something abou’ this post. that time – that wonderful time – lasted between the time when it had 400 comments to when it had 1000 comments. from between # 600 to 700, I was almost the only one posting! from between #600 to 650, i was the ONLY one posting!
now, since the smackdown and the WW Island walkthroughs are up, hardly any one posts anymore!
party: AVY14
ta dah
@Raheat98: VV@$ up with the “ta dah”?
cute nerd costume! (only for girls)
1. get the preppy outfit from the girl on cryptids island by the kite shop.
2.get the binoculars from the guy by the fancy houses on cryptids.
3.get the glasses from the nerd boy in loch ness on cryptids.
to see the outfit go to the avatar studio and type in: perfect starfish
Hello everyone!
Now for the update on news:
Many of you poptropicans may have already noticed, but the Island Smackdown is still cheering and congratulating the famous and popular Spy Island.
#1: In the first place, we have Spy Island in the lead, with 1,134 votes and a percentage of 65%.
#2: In the second place, we have Time Tangled Island, with a total voter of 617 and a percentage of 35%, but good job Time Tangled! You are still a really great island!
Besides the Smackdown, we have a sudden rumor of a new island coming out.
#1: The mysterious island’s name will be Wild West Island. So, speaking of the wild west, many of you will instantly think of cowboys and cowgirls, incluuding ranches, horses, cows and other cattles that ranchers breed. And, you were right. On the Poptropica Map, an island with the words “Sneak Preview” is between Nabooti and Mythology. So, this island isn’t a rumor. This is REAL.
OK Poptropicans, we still have more! Well, the Poptropica Creators must have thought about how small the Poptropica Store is, so…
#1: The newest costume available in the store is a fabulous but simple one, called the “Disco King” if your poptropican is a boy. Don’t worry, girls. For you, there will be one called “Disco Queen”.
#2: The Creators must have done a pretty decent job on coming up with the “Bigfoot Costume”, or whatever it’s called, because I have seem lots of people wearing and showing off with a fake Bigfoot on their heads. That’s the whole costume, really, though, except for a T-shirt and black pants. So, I’m not saying that the T-shirt and the black pants are decent, but mainly because of the awesome, fantastic Bigfoot hat!
Well, that’s the latest report for The Weekly Surprise: White Sword the News Reporter. Thanks for listening and reading, have a wonderful, happy and fabulous Chinese New Year on Jan. 3rd!
#1: BUMP
#3: UGLY
#2: MORE
#4: PIES!
All right,
Let’s hear for our interview with the Weekly Surprise Intersiewer White Star!
Hello White Star! Anything new for us to hear?
WS: Why of course.
#1:OK then! I want to know about the Island Smackdown, first thing of all.
WS: Well, first thing is that Mythology is winning! With a total vote of 666 votes, Mythology has a percentage of 70%.
#2: Oh! That’s great. Why is it winning?
WS: Well, of course, Mythology Island is an awesome one!
#3: *roll eyes* Oh, well, OK I get it White Sword, but, is something particularly awesome that makes it awesome?
WS: Well, it allows you to actually meet some of the greatest gods and goddesses in the world.
#4: Can you name some of them?
WS: Sure! Athena is my favourite, Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hestia, Hermes, Ares, and, of course, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.
#5: All right, then! What about the also very popular Counterfeit?
WS: Oh yes. Counterfeit is one of the most popular islands on Poptropica, our world. With a percentage of 30%, it has a total vote of 288. I know exactly why it is not winning, and almost failing to win. That is because, at least this is what I think, Mythology has a more exciting background and story. Of course, thieves are all around us. But, really, no poptropican can ever see a god or goddess that often.
#6: All right then! Thank you very much, Star.
Well, this concludes our interview with the Weekly Surprise! Thank you for listening and reading, and happy Chinese New Year today! The people in China are already celebrating today! 新年快乐! (Happy New Year!)
Hi Poptropica. I’ve mostly stayed silent for a while and just looked at the walkthroughs and stuff but now I’m out in the open! I was just wondering if it’s possible that other Poptropicans can become part of the site and do things like Strange Moon.
room code: BEN97
Wild Gamer: No we cannot become part of it, because Poptropica Secrets INVITED Strange M. to join them. So unless they invite you, you cannot join them.
Hello everyone. Today is Feb. 13th, 2011. Welcome to the Weekly Surprise: News Report. Today we will have a report with News Reporter White Star!
Today’s subject will be: El Mustachio Grande
#1: Hello White Star.
WS: Hello White Sword. What would you like to ask about Grande?
#2: Well, I do have something to ask. First of all, who is El Mustachio Grande?
WS: That’s an interesting question. Grande is the main villain of the suddenly-popped up Wild West Island. In the paragraph describing Wild West Island, it said that a dark shadow was lurking around on Wild West. That dark “shadow” is El Mustachio Grande.
#3: That’s some nice informations, Star. Do you know what he looks like?
WS: Well, the Poptropica Creators printed a very blurry picture of Grande, so nobody knows for sure what he’ll look like. The Weekly Surprise predict that he has a big mustache, and a some how “evil” pair of eyes.
#4: Oh! Well, what do you think his proffesion is?
WS: According to our prediction, Grande is most likely to be a cowboy or a rancher. Except, no matter what he is, we know for sure that he will be evil.
#5: Well that’s some shuddering news. My last and most important question is, do you think Grande will become a popular villain, like, for example, the popular Dr. Hare on 24 Carrots Island, Black Widow on Counterfeit Island, Betty Jetty, or Zeus?
WS: We must know this: it is only after an island comes out that we know for sure what it will be like. Therefore I am sorry to say that I don’t know the answer.
#6: Thank you very much for the fantastic info, Star and have a good day. Happy Valentines Day!
WS: Wish you a happy Valentine too!
OK well this concludes our report with Star.
Enjoy my outfit it changes a lot so check it out frequently. ill except all comments on my outfits no offense will be taken. please tell me why u dont like it if thats the case thanks
i have an outfit that i like . go to the store and get the FREE avatar studio and type kitkat4me7!tocheck me out!
STRANGE MOON i need youre help i made a costume i call california girls but i need lips my user name is californiagirl53 PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any one can help me
hi me again on that kitkat4me7 i had a better skirt but i accadently switched it help
i am a trend setter i put on a dark blue tube top withe a blujeans and four people copied me
Hey guys! Nobody’s posted for a looooooooooooooooong time.
hey yall hows life?
hey everybody! Whats going on with mah Peeps!:)
WHERES WHITE SWORD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Is she ( its a she, right?) GONE?!
I already have uncontrollable vomiting.
No, I am seriously just kidding, so don’t call 911.
Duhh, its the best anime ever made.
but,only you head is white the rest of the body is black,strange…
how com my person wont use the pencil fer Nikola Tesla to draw the sketch of his cabin?
she keeps saying “no need to use the pencil now” but Nikola keeps saying ” yes- do you have something that i can rite with?” and i cwicked use on the pencil but he not taking it!!!
i is mad wite now….so seriously mad…