There are two new Rock Star outfits available in the Poptropica Store (one for girls and one for boys). They’re officially called the Rock Star 2 costumes because they’re an update to the original Rock Star outfit from last year. The new outfits look pretty cool and have a different electric guitar. When you hit the spacebar while holding the guitar, you’ll rock out! Just like with most outfits, they cost 75 credits to purchase. If you’re a Poptropica member, you can get the outfit for free. There are five different colors for the new Rock Star 2 outfit (the original only had three to choose from).
Here is what the new Rock Star 2 card looks like in the store.

You can still purchase the original Rock Star outfit from the store and it also costs 75 credits. Here’s a look at the original outfit and card:

Well, I kinda like the old one. The new outfit seems to be a bit…?
This is just my opinion.
the new 1 is a bit goth,but i like the hair
I dunno I’m not a member and I just earn my credits, I’m not sure I would use them on this costume, after all, I’ll only have 150 when I beat Reality TV Island , and I want to buy the biker costume. P.S. There are more screenshots of Mythology Island in the blog, this one has Hazmat Hermit looking at a Satyr.
I love the new Rock Star outfit!!! If you buy the Rock Star 2 outfit and the Biker outfit they look really good together!!!
Guess what?!? If you go on Time Tangled and click on the crab 10 times in a row, the, IT EXPLODES!!!!! Which is so funny!!!!!!
hay Mythoman could you help me i need help defeating Reality TV Island, if I give you my user and password will you give me yours. heres mine username buggy12348 and my password is buggy please reply. bye bye ;'[]-=,./
I would buy it but I would find other things to wear it with. But love the new hair!
The new rockstar outfit is really awesome! Yeah, it is a little goth, but with the purple electric, purple rockstar’s hair (new 1), and certain purple* clothes, it makes my poptropican look really awesome!!!! *I guess you can tell I really like purple! 😉
i want it
new challenge called hang glider.
i now have enuff to buy it!!!!does any1 need help with rtv? i can help if u want
i got it only cause the hair. love it lol
silver x breeze (my mate )
i waste my credit to buy all of the rockstar outfit because at first i thought it was cool but now i feel like i want to get my credit back
i like it but, it is kinda ?able my fav costume is the april fool cuz it looks like hes buzzed ha
i am a member for like a month but ya no like almost everything online know u have 2 get a member ship for better like stuff peace!
I like the the rock star clothes
they are really cool
my poptropican is shaky shell
soooooooooooooooooooo wats sooooooooooo special about rockbands and
i cant get past the shark
kool and i have that
i have both
i have both, too. i like the first one better.
Mythoman can you help me finish reality tv island
i have member ship
no way reality tv is so easy
gawd i want a chai latte!
@white dragon:
is mi play rockkk
where do i get rock star suit
nice costume in poptropica rock star ^_^
What the heck happend to the old rock star outfit?
Yeah when I look for it in the store it is not there
Love It, but sadly I think I am prettier than any costume in the store 🙁