Let’s Re-make Early Poptropica



The…ahem…winner of our last poll — Which Poptropica Island is Your Least Favorite — was Early Poptropica. Congratulations! Oh, well, maybe not congratulations, but you know what I mean. Anyway, there seems to be a general consensus that Early Poptropica could have been better. The results aren’t too surprising. It came out a long time ago, back when the creators of Poptropica were still getting their feet wet, so to speak, and it’s not nearly as complex, either visually or story-wise, as the more recent amazing islands like Night Watch Island, Zomberry Island, or others.

My question to you all, then, is if Poptropica were going to re-make Early Poptropica, what should they do differently? How could they make it better? Is there anything about Early Poptropica that you DO like? Personally, I think the theme of Poptropica settlers is pretty cool. The fact that the inhabitants are pixelated, implying their age by showing them as an older form of graphics, is pretty funny and clever. AndΒ I love the idea of an aircraft graveyard in the clouds. Just image what they could do with that now? But it is all a little strange how you’ve got settlers and apartment buildings and purple giants and airplane ruins and cave spiders all kind of jumbled together.

Here’s an overview of the areas of Early Poptropica:

  1. Main Street
  2. Poptropica Towers
  3. Early Poptropica
  4. The Purple Giant (clouds)
  5. Giant’s Garden (clouds)
  6. Aircraft Graveyard (clouds)
  7. Darkroom (underground)
  8. The Pit (underground)
  9. Storage Cavern (underground)

Let’s dig into Early Poptropica and find out what makes it tick and what doesn’t!

About Zippy Turtle

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  1. The spiders…. i hate spiders…

  2. Umm… yeah, hey. I think that maybe the island should have some sort of plot twist or something.

  3. I believe that early poptropica Island should be left the way that it is. it’s an original!

  4. I think it was… to short, and no “minigames”, which are my fav.

  5. Oh and maybe just when you thought you were finished, the giant gets mad (no idea why though) and you have to fight him.

  6. ur right BS! It needs more action and panache! πŸ˜›

    Fascinating πŸ™‚

  7. Hi!

    Kumusta na mo dinhi?

  8. i think the underground needs to have no big spider and the whole island needs a whole lot more action!

  9. personally i thought it was fine and a good first island!

  10. To be honest, the first island was pretty fine. It wasn’t like it bore you to sleep or something…

  11. It’s a pretty good first island and if somebody is just starting out playing Poptropica with little idea how to it’s a good, easy start.

  12. this island is kinda boring and weird because on one side, there are settelers, and on the other, there are apartment buildings and the giants and the tunnel make it even weirder. it needs more exitement and action.

  13. I agree with Crystal and negaman1020,it’s classic and should be left the way it is.It was a good “classic island”. It had the good old poptropica background,and there are no mini-games because,the creators couldn’t pay that much!Poptropica Towers fascinates me the best,though.I love the clotheslines and the flowers,and most of all,the background.Let’s not change it at all!Who’s with me?

  14. right on!

  15. Zippy Turtle

    Excactly what I think.

  16. Yes, yes! That’s a winner right there! πŸ˜€

  17. Haha~!

    I honestly didn’t see any problem with Early Pop. GIVE THE CREATORS A BREAK, GUYS! IT WAS THEIR FIRST ISLAND like….EVERR!

    Oh and Brave Sky? I’m SOO happy to see ya here! Please don’t feel bad that your account on the PSF was deleted. I don’t go on anymore, so you’re not alone! ^^ Yes, I will be continuing my blog ’till June, but I meant “at least.” I hopefully will use the same blog in High School! πŸ˜€ And you can always talk to me via the chatroom on my blog (it’s at the bottom of the page). πŸ™‚ See ya ’round!

  18. I think early poptropica is fine the way it is, it is avery good starting island.

  19. HAI!!!!!!!!!

    So… ummm just chillaxin’ on a Sunday night. I’m not drunk- or high.
    I could really go for something sweet right now.

  20. I looooooved the giants garden and jet pack. I really hated the spiders in the pit…

  21. I liked the jetpack, but I hate the giant spider.

  22. I don’t see what’s wrong with Early Poptropica.
    The island they should change is Steamworks.

    @Sticky Clown, Poptropical Explorer-I’m also a poptropical explorer…though I don’t look the way you do on your gravater. I have a gravatar with a picture but how do you comment with it?

  23. To above comment:What is it rated? This is probably a G website so change your gravatar rating to G.If not,make it again,but slightly different,then rate it G. Then all you’ve got to do is to comment.

  24. i quite like early poptropica too, as well as shark tooth, because they’re easy and fast islands. πŸ™‚

  25. this island is sooo easy! I always recommend it to new players so the can get the hang of poptropica

  26. @GW-My first island was S.O.S. island…without a guide!
    @SC-I did it?

  27. Nope.

  28. Now?

  29. No. .\/.

  30. Yay!

  31. Curse this boring island for not having some sort of twist! Usually, I would like the classics.

  32. You suck! Someone always makes an arguement here!

  33. If the giant spider wasn’t such a pain in the butt, I would have liked it more, too.

  34. I also took TWO MONTHS to finish it. Then I got the hang of Poptropica.

  35. I say random things… a lot.

  36. Hey redwing. Good to see ya again plus i agree with u

  37. Early Poptropica should have a mystery,with a twist in the middle being betrayed by a specific “character” that our person trusted in the re-make of Early Poptropica,and that specific character is one of our friends from the other island, either a person we saved or a fellow poptropican that helped on our way to or by defeating on one of those island.It should be a mixture of all of the island put together in a short way and some how they envolve all of the poptropica villians and that is why each villian has there own island and how they become the villian. What do you think?

  38. I think that I’d make your poptropican try to help the settlers. And there could be Native Americans, and the first Thanksgiving. Just saying…

  39. just make it a little longer, more complex. You can beat in about 5 minutes so maybe add some thing like where the settlers invite you to a thank-you-for-saving-us party but something go’s wrong and you have to fix it for them. Or you track down the theif of the items and catch him or something!

  40. I think that they should keep the airship graveyard and the jet pack. definitely keep the jetpack. but make it more difficult and add parts then do the bonus quest that happens afterwards. like maybe the settlers had a shipwreck and you need to go save them.

  41. I tottaly agree with Magic Bee here. The creators should add, like a mini quest to it, but its for all players, like, a ‘thnx for sticking with us this whole time’ thing.

  42. invisible dragon

    it would be cool if we could fight the giant in the end somehow and i like the spiders and maybe Jack(from Jack and the bean stalk) could help you on your quest but that island is a original so may be there can be a “Early Poptropica 2” or something.

  43. I think it is a 50 50 I like it but, like Gentle Penguin suggested, You should have to fight the giant at the end.

  44. I think its one of the best ,like, oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh………….zombies!

    blegh. non-classic

  45. in the black widow thing you go there

  46. or for a bonus quest giant spiders fall from the sky and you have to stop them

  47. i think it is fine the way it is because it is a perfect starter island for new poptropicans

  48. I think that you should leave the island just the way it is I mean its just the first island and if anyone is just starting off it would be a good start! πŸ™‚

  49. You know what, I think my favorite part is the jet pack and the giant spider. I really think they should keep those.

  50. I believe there is no problem with the first island. it was the island that drawed me into the rest. If i hated the first one, i wouldn’t be playing it today. However, sometimes i just wished that the jetpack could be used in other islands. So much easier for jumps!

  51. Iγ€€think, right when you are going to get the island medal, the giant spider comes and snatches it away. Oh no! xD. Then, you have to find a way to get it back… then you are help hostage by the giant and the spider, who are brother and sister! xD. Then, you must escape, get the medal, and save the world from chaos! LOL. So, that ish my idea. They should make an island like that, just not with a giant and a giant spider.

  52. I think, right when you are going to get the island medal, the giant spider comes and snatches it away. Oh no! xD. Then, you have to find a way to get it back… then you are held hostage by the giant and the spider, who are brother and sister! xD. Then, you must escape, get the medal, and save the world from chaos! LOL. So, that is my idea. They should make an island like that, just not with a giant and a giant spider.

    -Utauu o(>o<)o

  53. me to jeanne the game is fine

  54. they should keep it but make a new island called early poptropica 2 & more complex
    stuff like invisible bird said.

  55. incredible shark

    the game doesn’t really have a plot. i mean ya your trying to find the energy thing ( forgot whats its called) to try to save the poptropica settlers but it doesn’t have a plot and its just all tangled up and doesn’t make sense how there are giants and spiders and apartment buildings when your trying to find something valuable in a diff time period.

  56. Dafuq? Who the hell are these people?!?!?!

  57. @ CS- IKR ❗

    Fascinating πŸ™‚

  58. On one of the early posts like the 2nd one, FM closed off comments cuz of the bad language. 😯 You should’ve seen what people said! It’s terrible!

  59. CK?