Most Poptropica players know that when you use the costumizer feature on Poptropicans that you encounter, you usually cannot copy their facial hair, like beards and moustaches. Recently, Poptropica released a special Pirate costume for members that allowed boy characters to have a pirate beard. And now some players have discovered some fun little cheats on how anyone can get one of the facial hair options from a particular Poptropican. Thank you to everyone who wrote in about these tricks in the comments!
First of all, these only work for boy characters in Poptropica. Of course, if you’ve got a girl character, you probably wouldn’t want facial hair anyway, unless you were going for the Bearded Lady circus look.
Dr. Hare’s Secret Lab
The first thing to do is to get the Dr. Hare’s Secret Lab card from the Poptropica Store if you don’t have it already (it’s a free item) (it costs 250 credits). Next, go to the Secret Lab and enter. Drop down to the lower right and enter the orange door to do the challenge. Then go right and jump on the platform. Jump off to the left and hide behind the box of carrots.

One of Dr. Hare’s minions will walk on the platform up above you. Click on the costumizer icon on the toolbar and then click on him. Because he’s moving, it might be hard to click on him, but try it a few times if you have difficulty. Once you costumize him, you can copy the pointy beard that he has.

And as I mentioned before, this trick only works for boy characters in Poptropica.

The Magician Outfit
Many people pointed out in the comments below that there’s another and cheaper option out there. Boys can also get facial hair by costumizing from the Magician outfit in the Poptropica store. It only costs 75 credits to purchase. Plus, you get the sweet costume as well.
First to comment AGAIN.
2nd!!! for the first time eva! 😀 kool i like hat beard xD i am a girl so.. 😛
3rd TO COMMENT;and the card is NOT free,fyi
5th to comment! never comented in less than 20th place.
The card is free for members
it still cost 250 for nonmembers
I got a idea.when you get the shrink ray from Dispicable me ad, shrink the cops and villans in super power island. Oh Has anyone been reading the creators blog? 2 new post.1 says theres a new item in the store next week. Ohh,Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guyslook at the map(Not the blinp the map) and theres a blimp on it now.
Hey, Cool! Thanks for telling us, Jeall!
um heyy
it is not free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a girl and want to the quest but it is not free maybe for members but not regular players
What CW?Thanks for telling you what?
hello is any one there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is any one there ,Jeall poptropica name = Zippy hero
wow no one at all :[
I’m here!!! But too late, oh well. I don’t want to pay 250 for a beard.
(If I could. But I don’t)
Thank you for telling me about the blimp on the map.
Ohhhh, that’s so cool! But I’m still mad about the age limit.
Thank you!!! Oh Im here.
I am too, so… let me get this: You and some others are making some posts about cool outfits in Scullduggery? Is that it, or is there more?
Yeah, and we want them to be famous.
Ohhhh, ok then! But what about the other islands? And the Upcomming?
Cuz the other islands have some pretty cool outfits. (Just saying.)
Buuuuttttt, I can see why ya’ll picked Scullduggery: It’s not only the newest, but the most common one poptropicans go on.
Hey, just helping out here, but some of the traders on ScullDuggery are nice to copy off of… you know, if anyone wants that “Pirate Look” …
… Aarrrrrrrgggggggggggg…
boys can get facial hair from magician costume which costs 75 credits: mustache and beard dr hare lab one is bad
Yah we will try new outfits on other islands. We will do Mythology island now.Let me look. It will be called HOMI(Hidden Outfits of Mythology Island).
Heeyyyyyyy, go to the store on Scullduggery and you see the bull (or buffalo) head above you, it can follow you’re cursor with it’s eyes! How cool is that???
You could just call the organization: HOMP (Hidden outfits of Poptropica)
You know, instead of changing the title all the time. What do you think Jeall?
very, i guess.♥
I don’t think there are any… I couldn’t find any, maybe you can…
the cab 10145, how do you do those???? 🙁 🙂 😉 is all I can do. 🙁
WD I like changing the name and I already found 1 hidden outfit in mythology.Oh can you do this? 😥
Oh ok, and no, but this is close: 🙁 Right???
P.S- where is it?
Oh, And I meant HOP, for hidden outfits of poptropica, not HOMP. Oh well, your decision anyways. 🙂
white dragon u do it like this; alt+1=☺
jeall whats ur websites name?
hi! jeall never mind about that comment about ur site k.
white dragon will u b my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺♥♫
hey um white dragon homp kinda sounds rong well any ways:p
Sure! And also, Jeall doesn’t have a site, she’s doing her Outfits thing on poptropicasecrets so everyone can see it. I’m trying it now… Don’t think it’s working…
It’s not working on mine! IDK why,,, 🙁 Oh well, Thanks anyways Cab (If I can call you that… Let me know if you don’t want me to. 🙂 )
Hey Jeall, could I apply for HOTT position? (Hidden Outfits of Time Tangled)????? PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEE????????????????? Thanks in advanced if a yes! 🙂
WD oncee I get there. Oh and you will have to see. 😉
WD in other words, Yes,once I Get there.
Serouis brain, Wanna work for HOSDI by Jealls Jangilan Artcles (Where I write the articles)?
Can I write any articles? Is anybody even here?
I am, but I’m gonna leave soon. And thanks Jeall! I’ll look for hot outfits, from HOTT! Lol… 🙂 Oohhhh! “Hot outfits, from HOTT!” 😉
Oohhhhh! My new catchphrase! Niiiiicccccceeeeeee… 🙂 So ironic!
Im here. And Im sorry but I right the articles.*Shrugs* Sorry
Oh, it’s ok! So, how do we get the info 2 you then? Do we just share it on here?
Oh wait, I didn’t ask that… Whoops! But good question anyways…
No Go on somthing called and once you sighn up tell me on here your mweors name and Ill message you. You message me and we can talk. Im there daily so dont worry.
This site reminds me of another site for Horses.
What site reminds you of horses?Mweor or here?
Ummm, ok I just thought of something. And since here it’s midnight, so that’s what I named my new kitty! 😉
U still on??????
ahhhh!!!!!!!!! Ill look you up. Whats your mweor male,female,what coler is it, and what eye color, andgo on right now.
Female, Black, Green,
Hey, just lettin you know I can’t pay for sites. If it requires it, then I can’t.
It doesnt.
good, so what’s suppossed 2 happen?
Whats your number?
I need to know. When I tried to search you many people came up. 365 people came up to be exact.
894525, i think. Sorry, but I have 2 go! Do u need other info?
no meet me on mweor now. It will say message from The Mweor Master. (Me)
No look your number exactaly
it not free
The Dr. Hare’s secret lab card is NOT free!
Hey, If we keep talking about Jeall’s Janglin’ Articles, PoptropicaSecrets may post about them!
Hey there whats up
dr.hare’s secret lab isnt a free item ?!?! i think u made a mistake …
IS ANYONE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
white dragon, jeall, Mr.Walker anyone here!?!?!
sorry i’m late. i was busy with something. but i got dr hares secret lab when it came out and it was a total waste for what you win. DONT and i meanDONT save money for it. it is not worth it.:( so just to be clear DONT BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know!!! It’s like an ad: PAY 250 CREDITS AND GET 50 cREDITS FREE!!!!!
Stuuuuuuppppiiiiiidddddd!!! I mean, for people who don’t want beards, and don’t like robotic bunnies.
ok um… does anyboy play on moshi monsters or ourworld?
Jeall: my # changed for some reason!!! Here it is: #70822
hello! im here
ok im gone >:|
SUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! i’m a member in poptropica
Hhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii alllllllllllllllllllll! Just lettin’ ya’ll know I’ll be leaving in 4 days! Have fun!
L.A. I play moshimonsters. My username is yancyestacio1 if your wondering.
‘Ello! ‘Ello!
Anyone on? ANYONE? Hello? Am I alone?
Now I’m here, and Now I’m not. 😉
Bye. I guess.
Hello!! and Ill look you up WD.
Hello. *Hum*
I friended you WD on mweor.
Yay!!!!! u still there?
I am still here.
You are!~!!!!!!
Imade the 100th comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yipee for you! Yipee? That is such a weird word.
So. Whats up?
Im gonna write an article. HOMI. let me look for some hidden outfits on that island. What isalnd is MI. (Hint: thank GOD I found a new subject to write about.)
🙂 whats the answer?
Mythology Island. I’m POSITIVE.
Bingo. 😉 *wink*
you still on?
me 2!
ok hello? u there?
Hello L.A.
Oh well Ill write: HOMI Hidden Outfits of Mythology island.
Well JJA was risintly been writing about Hidden Outfits all over the many poptropica islands. We just did Skull Dugggery Island so how about Mythology Island? Well this outfit is all I can think of. If you now somthing thats a sweet hidden outfit, Create a account for free on and message me. My name is The Mweor Master.(Also You can message Dizzys owner or Sunsets owner,There WD and CW,) THank You JJA. So when you first arrive in Mythology Island Climb to the top of midas gym and there is the only hidden out fit I can think of. Sorry thats all.JJA
Hi L.A. and Nicky.(I call Nicholas that for short).
You 2 still on? Oh nicky can you Edit my HOMI,please?
Okay. I do know a couple more cool outfits though.
Then If your sure you know somthing thats a sweet hidden outfit, Create a account for free on and message me. My name is The Mweor Master.Also You can message Dizzys owner or Sunsets owner,There WD and CW.
Wait on Mythology?
I have an account already. My username is OliMonster. My cat is white with green eyes and is male.
My cat is white with green eyes and is a male. his name is finely like my real cat. My name is The Mweor Master. Cattery name: Mweors fav place. message me. Im on there.
Nicky? U there?
I made the 101 comment!!!! And I’ll check Jeall.
Oh, never mind!!!! >:-(
But I’ll still check! 🙂
Sweet thanks WD Oh I freinded you on mweor.
Still here WD?
Jeall? Whats ya number thing? You know #.
AWESOME! I got you on there! I think I added you as a friend too… Sry, but I hate these confusing sites like Mweor. It’s like the Horse Site I used to go on all the time! I hated the confusing way the site worked! Poptropica is more easier to use!
More fun too! But I guess I can use it to messege you and… what’s Christopher’s #? IDK!
Sweet and I agree poptropica is easy to work.Ill check for both of you let me look.
Both of you are right. THIS IS SO DIFFICULT!
Oh his(CW) is 70609 mine is 66703.
i sent you a message WD.
Too bad we couldn’t use this other site called It has cute pets and clubs you can get into, you can make a club for poptropica and we can message eachother quickly, but It’ll take a long time cuz you need requirements for making a club. 🙁 Oh well, this’ll hafta do.
Once you get the hang of it is easy. Ive been playing it 24 days and I am on fire. Oh I have mweors for sale Ill let both of you have some for free and every day you work for JJA Illpay you 1000.
Ohh that sound cool Im gonna check it out.
K, got it, sent Christopher a message. GTG! byyyyyeeeee! 😉
I have a bunny and a dragon on SSP (SuperPokePets)
No dont go!
Ok, now GTG, B back ASAP! Bbyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!! 😉
Sorry! 🙁 going shopping! byye!
Im on and they are cute. :aww:
Thanks Jeall! I sent you the message.
Wait you a boy or girl?
cool.Ill read it now.
I didnt get it.(the message.) :puzeled:
Really?! Omigosh! Ill type it here.
Ok. *Huh?*
Hey, 150 coment. Yahoo!
ya know the puffer fish in skullduggery me and my bro when we saw it blow we screamed our heads off. also theres a giant sea lobster. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I saw both.The lobster is a crab. A giant Crab. have you seen the octopus?
Here it is! *Tah-Dah*
One Outfit
If you travel to Poseidons’ realm you will find a beach like theme. There are two girls dressed in a summer surfing outfit. You can customize with either girl. Or if your a boy you can customize with the lifeguard Triton. Oh and if you haven’t noticed the outfits are similar to the costumes you can find in the Poptropica store for 75 credits. But if you customize it you get it for free!
That’s all.
Well Im sorry but its called HIDDEN OUTFITS of Mythology Island. Sorry but those arent hidden.
What! My goodness. I stink then.
No you dont smell bad ( 😉 Its just like I said: Its called HIDDEN OUTFITS of Mythology Island.
I still don’t understand how to get a beard.
I do know one hidden outfit that is actually HIDDEN. But you already did that island.
Is there anything to do in poptropica for girls, my cousin, Sarah, is telling me to ask that.
Yah.. Skull Duggery island. I found, 1,23,4,um,5,6,7,8,9,10 hidden outfits.
60th comment!
Did any of those people wearing the outfit hiding behind a bush?
The only one hiing behind anything, she was behind a flowerpot on boufet bay.
Yeah! I was just walking and I found her.
64th coment! :p
Hello? Oh well. *Whistle and Hum*
i really dont want facial hair
My carecter looks like her. Look up Shainabear in avatar studio . My carecter is Zippy Hereo. Oh Im here
hey nick do you have a blog? :>
umm well do you
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! opps Hero
im guessing you dont have one? :I
whats your favorite island answer me somene :p
oh i mean some one not somene
Cool. Anyway gotta go. Im heading to the movies. BYE!
Lucky! bye. 😥
Aww!!! what now?
Yay 70th comment.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im watching toystory today
Ok, I’m back. Shopping plans cancelled cuz of late plan changes. I’m on for a few mins.
isnt that cool well pece gtg im gonna get ready for the movies! :p
peace out peoples
Heeyyyyy, I’m supposed 2 be looking for movie times!!! Lol, that is funny! I may b going in the night. So anyone on? still there Jeall?
ummm im going at three o clock any ways bye again
yah… I get to mabye play Gutiar Hero 2 at ngh. My dads a mobel macanic had a job all night. hes on the couch sleeping by our tvso I cant play now.
opps: yah… I get to mabye play Gutiar Hero 2 at night. My dads a mobel macanic, had a job all night. hes on the couch sleeping by our tvso I cant play now.
Ohh, sooo… what’s up?
Nuthing but are you a boy or girl?
Ok, just sent u a reply. Mmmmeeerrrooooowwwwwwww! 😉
im done im gonna leve in 15 minutes
Girl, for everyone’s relief! :):):)
im wathin toystory ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I knew it. When you said “Im going shoping” It struck me. Boys hate to shop.
Yeah… I’m not a fan either, unless it’s for me! 😉 But that’s not often. Usually for my sister. But she’s not here right now.
well peace heading to the movies :p
Ok, now I think I really have to leave. GTG, see ya!
Im a only child. It stinks always bord.My bff is away. Thats why I get sad when anyone leaves.
Bye. *sob* 😥
ps justin bieber rocks i love him im actually16
Im on petpet park.
im back the movie was awsome! 😮
I used to have an animal on petpet park but I just stuck with neopets.
Hey, I thought I was the Editor!
Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Oh well.
You are CW.
Oh sorry I got caught up in petpet park
LOL. Okay.
Oh. If you wanna see my avatar go on avatar studio and type in yancyestacio.
On what?
On Poptropica.
Hey, White Dragon, I replied to you on
Hey CW
Hay wheres Warlord?
On, How do you send just a plain message?
I don’t know where Shadow Warlord is.
I have know idea.
Am I the only one on?
Oops. Change know to no.
Hey, Nicholas and I just commented at the same time!
CW,How you have been doing them.There are no plain messages.
Three times! a record!
CW and I commented at the same time ha. oh Im on
No I comented a whole page before. on Percy Jackson AD
That is kind of weird but COOL!
Jeall, I mean how do you start a new subject.
No, I mean when people commented at the same time, That must be a record!
I’m really bored.
Easy, Whats weird and ohhh. Ohh I think ill have a new hamster in 4 weeks mabye shorter
Anyone Home?
If your bored than eat a board (Its a joke). 😉 *wink*
Am I the only one here?
Hamsters rock, hamsters rock, My feet stink, hamsters rock.
Oh and No Im here. Oh stupid dads phone. Shut up who ever. Finnaly no noise.
Oh my gosh! Jeall and Cuddly W. keep on commenting at the same time!
Your lucky, Jeall. I wish I got a Hamster.
Hello? Jeal we keep commenting at the same time. Its no longer cool. Its kinda creepy.
Yepadodal.(I dont know,so dont ask. Made up word just poped out)
I know! Isn’t it amazing?!?
Oops. Jeall.
Uh, Jeall, you spelled… pooped.
Anyone here?
Hello. *Hum and think*
Well I dont Know but if we do we will only speend 20 bucks mabye less.We already have the cage and stuff from previous rodents.We just need to clean the stuff and buy the hamster and some food and chew sticks. I aready looked up hamster info so Im all set.
Hello? *echos in tunnel*
Yay! No one commented at the same time!
Never mind.
No I spelled poped. as in The jack in the box POPED out of the box.
I wish I had a Hamster. We used to have one for a Class Pet.
Yay! No one commented! At the same time! Yahoo!
Ugh! Oh and I like hamsters. Never had one though.
Well, That’s a typo. Because it’s POPPED not POPED.
Dobel Comment same time fight (Other words food fight) *Throw pie at Nicky and CW*
Oh its on! *Through pie in Jealls’ face and then laugh*
Yah Im a bad speller sorry. And here are all my pets in my life (Not conting fish) 3 Dogs,bird,cat 2 mice, and hamster.
*Throws Undogeable Pie at everybody*
Whoa! You Lucky Dawg!
*Throw cake that slams into someone walking by*
Opps cat, 2mice. And now its a food fight. * Throw pizza covered in cream cheese at Nicky and Scream with laughter when it hits her in the face.
Wait! Cuddly Walker! No one commented at the same time!
We may have gotten rid of the time problem.
*Throw a slimy fish at the back of Nickys head and make her hair all slimy*
Wait, Never mind. 👿
We still comment at the same time. But you didn’t at one of the comments. When you through pie.
Why did you do that to her?
Stop food fight! whats wrong CW? Whats with the evil face?
Jeall:I can’t believe you threw fish at me! * Scream and run away in tears. Fall then start laughing*
*Laugh tell you cry*
It’s getting creepy. We went through one half of a page with us commenting at the same time. That must be a record.
CW? Whats wrong? Stop internet food fight!
Yah… CW?
now what? CW why did you do this: 👿
See? Jeall and I just commented at the same time, For the 80th time, Probably.
I did this: 👿 Because the time thing is getting annoying.
Ahhh… Nicky were did you go?
Let the food fight continue!
*Throws Mashed Potato at Jeall’s face*
Hello? Anyone?
Nicholas is here. I was cleaning fish out of my hair.
but what about Nicky…*Get hit in the arm by a cookie that shatters and scream as loud as you can “let the soldiers come back to battle!” *
Never mind.
*Throw punch(the drink) into Cuddly W. face*
hey peeps i am back
ha. Well *Throw a ham in CW face and pour apple sause on Nickys head and yell “Oh yah” “
*Dumps Nicholas into Spaggetti*
*Throw a plastic spoon at Jeall*
so nicholas do you have a blog
um hi guys
*Dodge another cookie*
*Throws Giant Meatball at Jeall*
Ah! Outta ammo! *Run for more food*
* Licks 2 peanut butter and jelly sanwiches and throw them at CW and Nicky.
*Pizza U.F.O. Attacks Nicholas *
*Throws choped liver at CW and Nicky.*
Ha! Mayo! *Throw mayo at Cuddly W. and Jeall*
*Smothers Jeall in Ice Cream *
Ahh! Pizza U.F.O.
*Pour Melted chocolate over CW*
*Throws Fried Okra at Jeall and Nicholas*
*Throw french fries at unexpecting person walking by and Cuddly W.*
*Pours Ice cubes down both Nicky and CW shirts and screams “Oh yah.Want more cause more is coming your way”*
*Jell-O Traps Jeall and Nicholas*
I like okra. *Throw back at Cuddly W.*
*Puts Cage down over Jell-O*
*Shiver. Throw hot dog at Jeall*
* Grabs Chesse balls and tosses them to a friend to nail An enemy. *
Wait, you like Fried Okra? Disgusting!
*Eat Jell-O*
Not fried.
* Grabs mac & chesse and nails Nicky and CW.
*Stabs Knife at Nicholas and Jeall*
I dont like …wait what is Okra?
*Ties up in noodles*
Cuddly W.:OMG! No you didn’t!
Not sure. I Never had Okra.
Stop!!!!!!!!!! CW your getting alittle to violent. I mean A Knife? No.
Hey, It’s a plastic knife. Relax.
Guys Stop and read my previous comment.
I ate okra today. Its not really good though. But its okay. I guess. Lets just say its not my favorite food.
Still Alittle to Violent. Dont you agree Nicky?
Whew. I thought the knife was *gulp* real.
Dont you Nicky? *Gives Nicky a shove*
Can you use a different word besides stab. Like poke. I like that. Or tickle. Cuz Im really ticklish.
Guys? * waves hand infront of Nicky and CW*
Or use a plastic spoon. And fling pudding at us.
im tickleish too and… back to the subject No Violence Aloud! Commprenda?
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I the only Sivelized person here?
Yeah I comprehend.
Nicky…Just…Ahhh.. “Come down Your losing your pationce.”Please stop.
OK. I agree. Maybe I was being too violent.
OH! Hello. Wats up? Me, Jeall and Cuddly W. were having an online food fight.
hello cabby Were in a dissoshion. Listen if you choose but thats all. and Huh?
Ah! Saying stuff at the same time is annoying.
I’m very very sorry. 😥
can some1 give me their usrnm 4 poptropica ???????????????♥☺ i will give u mine!
Thankyou CW, Welcome Cabby, and Nicky back to the subject. Anyway gotta go sorry meet me here tomarrow.
Good CW, No Cabby, and Huh Nicky?
The Cab:Why do you need to know?
Cuddly W.: Apology accepted. Yea!
And maybe we should stop the Food Fight.
Oh gotta go bye.
Gotta go bye
See ya Jeall!
Hey my mom said I can come back later.Yay!!!
See you tommorrow, Jeall!
ok here they are sealy92, purpleberry92, cacti55, funnymonkey4500, heart4500, puppy111231, greengiant88, glitz/glamour, carpetdog45, and dooooooom101.comment me back on ur oppinions on them k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥☺☺ ☺☺☺♫
So, What’s up with everybody else?
Yay! Unfortunately I gotta go too. Bye guys!
I have to go too. Toodles!
Oh, Yeah I’m here.
I think you have some pretty cool avatars, The Cab 10145! And I don’t say that to everyone.
Well, Bye-bye!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww♥♥♥thank-u!!!!!!! r u still there?
i want 2 know so that next time i can find u on poptropica if that answers ur questions jeall
Your Welcome.
I dont understand Cabby. Oh anyone there?
Cool! Can you get is any ware else? Other than Dr. Hare’s lab i mean.
Huh Nice Lion?
Ohh I get what you mean.
hi jeall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥☺☺
Just got it Christopher! And Jeall, I guess you can say right now I’m an only child since my mom and little sis is visiting cousins, leaving me all alone with my dad. It is boring, and strangely she’s nicer over-seas. And I really don’t have a BFF since she decided to hang with someone new after I shared my prob.s w/ her, and we’re going 2 diff. high schools. But I have camp! 😉
Ok, as I can see from old comments, you guys had a food fight…
… ok then. I’ll throw a bananna at… _________
Whoever you want it to be. I’m now confused cuz like 100 more comments popped up after I commented.
any here
oh baby thats fun. i prefer to throw lasaungya with moldy cream cheese because it’s groooose. i spit on u
weird like for billion coments came up after i commented
i would like to have another food fight. i call the food from the school cafiteria because it’s poo on a stick basicly
someone come before my evil twin takes control. lary no stop lary i’m warning you. stop lary. don’t make me do this. lary. someone come
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeellpppppppppp stop it lary
who’s lary?
Hey Lary, I will destroy you, And your Partners if you don’t back off.
lary is my evil twin. from a long post ago. i just whacked him in the head with pie so he is sleeping.
*throws a pie at CW& laughs*
Sorry The food fight cant go on without Me,CW, and Nicky and anyone else.
well then. it’s not a fight it’s a battle. and poptropica should make an island about my evil twin.
*throws a pie at jeall*
you still here jeall
hello. anyone?
i guess no one is here.
Yes but I have to go in 21 mins. She has a doctor appointment. I dont know how long it can take. And I wont contiue the “BATTLE” . *Runs to the princible and tells on everyone*
:{ i is sad
Im here and 20 mis I mean.
but we aren’t at school.
*throws another pie at jeall*
Why you sad Mathy?
Whydyou say cafeiteria?
oh no we are commenting at the same time. on a few.
Yah… Oh gotta go see you later.
i was sad and i don’t no.
*throws butter at jeall*
ok bye. i will be leaving in a bit
bye peoples
anyone still here?
i try to get bears but it wont work
Hello? Did I miss the fight. I was watching the Word Cup.
I mean World.
It was a fight between Mathy and only Mathy.
any1 here im bored?????????
Im here.
the world cup is awsome. i’m sad that ghana beat the USA
*throws a pie at everyone*
it was me throwing the stuff at jeall in the earlier fight.
food fight anyone??????????? if anyone is here?
Me too. Brazil beat Chile today.
i think brazil is going to win the whole thing.
it’s weird that ghana beat the USA 2 times in arow in the same stage. but the USA is probably just going to get better because we have a lot of young rising stars
um jeall, white dragon, cuddly walker?????????? r u here???????????? i need 2 talk 2 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats the world cup? Oh Ill be swimming. Ill be back in mabye a hour and a half.
oh I hve like 2 mins while my parents get there suit on.
Opps I lied.
What’s up The Cab 10145?
the world cup is a soccer tournement that the whole world can participate in.
i love you constent commenters. you are all so funny.
Awwwww, I missed my ol’ buddi, mathmoticious! I now know how 2 spell your name without looking at it now!!! Lol… So what’s up guys? It’s storming here…
wait ill tell u in about an hour or so k!
hi wd!
i love reading the comments from you constent commenting people.
Hey, Did you hear that Chile had an Earthquake?
Heyyyy, mathmoticious, you still on? TEll you’re twin lary to go to Dragon’s Cove and meet me there. It’s time to settle this once and for ALL!!!!!! YEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Hey Cab!!! So many of my friends are on!!! And wasn’t that earthquake a long time ago Christopher?
Is anybody else on?
ha ha white dragon. i used to forget how to spell my name too. when did chile have an earthquake. was it bad. what was it’s magnitude?it’s really hot in my area. i’m in new england too
Yeah, It was a long time ago.
It’s hotter here than it is at the Beach!
lary won’t listen to me because he reads these comments. and when he hears somebody wants to kill him he gets freaked out
And White Dragon, please stop calling me Christopher.
ohhhhhhhhh the one that was right after the haiti one. oooooooohhhhh yeah i found larys hipnotic coustume. i will use it on him. heheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeee. he will be there white dragon.
Really? I mean, He’s the bad guy, So it’s us that should be freaked out.
cuddly walker, what is your name supposed to be a walker that is cuddly and are you going to turn into a lary if white dragon keeps calling you christpher your old name
Wait Mathmaticous, You said he reads the comments. So you shouldn’t have said that.
Sorry guys. Computer crashed. I’m back.
well i didnt say lary was very manly. hes more power hungrey. but he will go crazy to get it
hi!!!!!☺oh um ilive in california! in pico rivera
Hello? I’m new here.
good. i don’t want evil triplets. im the good one in the triplets. i don’t really have a twin in real life. just in poptropica secrets land. that’s when we comment.
And it’s my Poptropica name. I didn’t make it up. The Creators just do random names.
as i was saying i think it is impossible 4 all of us 2 meet so since i have the multiverse card on poptropica i was wondering if allu guys want 2 come to my party???????
dont worry cuddly walker. he is sleeping. i hit him with the coustume when he wakes up. he is also tied up
hello? answer me!!!!
I’m still curious about the next island.
am already in the room!!!!!!!!!
Sure, The Cab 10145.
Cab:That would be cool.
oh cw that reminds me. i have to check the creaters blog today
im wailing 4 a response
What’s the code?
oops waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!☺
that is the code so come already!!!!!!!!!!!!!every1 is invited!!!!
hi cw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see you The cab 10145!
Oh sorry, is CW alright? And I never said I was going to kill lary… right? We can settle this in many ways. Like… uh, IDK, um, Mini Golf? Yeeeeaaaahhhhh, ask him if he likes mini golf!
hello cuddly walker is alresdy here so…………..
Hi White Dragon!
Hi guys!!! This is my main account. Although I’m waiting for the next island so I can get the costume saver.
i c u
Who’s That?
Who’s… wait, I think I know REd Shark!!! Hi!!!!! 🙂 🙂
She commented some times, right???
I don’t remember her. And why am I the only boy?
all we need is jeall!☺
Don’t feel bad, you’re just the only guy on right now. 🙂
Hi guys.
I know. 😉
Ok, I don’t know who the other guy is.
whos that guy!?
Ohhhhhh, is that Nick? (Is it ok if I call you that?)
Hey Nicholas!
hey guy who r u r u mathmoticous
She’s a girl (mathmoticious) That’s Nicholas!
I’m not the only one!
r u tired of me w d?
Guys who’s the dude?
Nicholas is a girl. Who is it?
is that why you walked away?!
am i invited thecab10145
Oh… Uh I never said nicholas wasn’t a girl, but I know mathmoticious it, and No, I was commenting Cab. 🙂
Nicholas, are you Red Shark?
im scared what if he shrinks us all ! worse what if he kills us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????
Red Shark is Red Shark. I saw some of her comments. She uses her poptropican name.
yes every1 is invited!
Yeah, Mathmaticous. You can come.
that means u mathmoticous
He’s not going to kill us.
wd i only play guitar
Who is Smart Paw?
i will be a little bit. and don’t worry lary is in juvy
I will play the Bass!
Yeah, I don’t play drums either.
Red Shark is me.
Who else is coming?
I knew it!
Oh, I thought you used you’re poptropican name…
Thats me.
this is soo cool!!!!!!!!!
Am I the only one with an instrument?
I used to use my poptropican name. Where did you see my comment?
who r u smart paw?
I don’t remember, but I noticed it. I should get x-tra points 4 that! 😉
Boy is it hot or what??? 😉 lol
y u all stop commenting?
ACK!!! GTG! Byyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Wait! I know Smart Paw A.K.A Fart Paw. 😆
White Dragon: Why is it hot?
I’m leaving!
white dragon y did u leave??????????????*sob*
Because she had the fan.
cw y u leave? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I left too!
I left because I had to go somwhere.
She went swimming.
Oops, I meant Somewhere.
I’m sorry.
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, calm down. I’ll come back.
Where are you?
Hello? Is there anybody there?
WHO IS SMART PAW???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 I M SOO ANGRY!
👿 👿 👿 👿 Can you do that?
hello is any on?
I am.
no how do you do that and where r u and y arent u in poptropica my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????????
So can you do those faces?
i said no! tell me how and answer me!
i still cant figure out who smart paw is? do u live in cali?
im 12 and 1/2
Hello Cab.
smart paw whoever u r STOP following me get away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
oh cw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or should I say Cuddly Seal. Mwah ha ha!
i’ll be there in 10 min. i’m orange noodle
how u do those faces
ok orange nooddle!!! im cuddly seal
tell smart paw to stop following me ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im smart paw.
oh wheres jeall when i need her?
room code is bdc49
beep♫ boop♫☺ im singing i m bored
the cab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♫♥♥♥
orange noodle i think ive seen u b4
im here. whats up people
4 the last time GET AWAY FROM ME SMART PAW IM SICK AND TIRED OF U NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(((((((((((((((((((((
well a lot of people costimised off of me one time
come on cuddly seal. make up your mind. hot or cold
i gotta go
DONT U GET IT LEAVE ME ALONE I DONT LIKE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
543RD 2 COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
any1 here?
i will do this 2morrow 2!!!!!!!!!!
the multiverse room i mean
Are you the girl in the pink shirt right?
i better not c smart paw there or else
aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!finally hi jeall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i missed u!!
ur a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!!!! wait how did u get my code???????????????um jeal?
am i the only 1 here?
Im here. Im zippy hero at your party.
I read all the comments I missed. Im Zippy Hero, Who are you?
hi jeal bonjor ni how hi jeal
oh sorry um im cuddly sealy!! the guy is so annoying
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cabby? CW? WD? Nicky?Mathy? Wow I have alot of friends. hey we ARE like a posy. 6 Peps. Wait Whos the leader.
K whats the code again? I got knocked off.
i suppose
is my code
yah thanks.
every1 came 2 my room !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk who smart paw is
and now idc
yah… idk either.
ive been there 4 like over 1hr
jeal y does it take u 4ever 2 answer me
wow… Mabye Smart Paw is Lary, Mathys evil twin. He does read all the comments(Like me).
yoo-hooo!!!!!!!!!Earth 2 jeal?????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i type kina slowly especialy with 1 hand.(Im eating a cookie)
me 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have u noticed that like 2/3 of the comments r us 2
Ya and what.Your eating a cookie or you type slow.
which state do u live
oh I think Ill watch Amovie bye c u 2marrow.
no im drinkin juice
I keep that info secret.
fine then suit ur self
Sorry Its personal info. Well im gonna watch a movie. Bye! C u 2marrow
I dnt know Im bored.
y r u still in the poptropica rm then?
Yah… Im get in outa here in 6 mins.
New post on blog! You guys got to see this!
Oh gotta go bye!
bye jeall c u 2morrow
*Sob* Whats the point? FINE! FORGET YOU GUYS! I’M LEAVING!
Dad didn’t know I was online and he came home. And I kept opening and closing the fan, so I decided to make a joke of it. Ok, well GTG get prepared 4 camp 2morrow. After 2morrow, it’s just 1 more day left! Then bye-bye me! ;-( Man, am I going to miss so much!
Heeeyyyyyy, I’m in a posy!!! And I don’t think there should be a leader. But that’s just me.
I LOVE POPTROPICA IT FUN. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they should have that for your arm pits!!!!
what? oh i will miss u white dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥☺☺
Oh Ill miss you too WD. I guess the posey will only have Cabby, CW, Nicky, and Mathy for now while WD is gone. Oh and me. Well still its a posey. who should be the leader. Everyone Cabby,CW,WD,Nicky,Mathy, and Me get to vote for someone else in the posy(Note: No one can vote for yourself). I vote: (no afence you other guys) Nicky for being kind,And awsome.
Anyone there?
Im doing this to make the 600th comment!
600th comment.
Hey what if we get 1000th comment.
The coming island will be called as “Steamworks Island”.I found this on PHD.
The coming island will be called as “Steamworks Islandâ€.I found this on PHB.
Not PHD.
cool shark suit 🙂
suits are cool my best one is the shark one that his wearing!!!
whats PHB?
The DR Hare’s Secret lab isnt Free its 250 credits
Thank you, Unknown!
I vote for Jeall.
Hey, Go to the Avatar Studio and type in Countchristo5! Please comment back.
The Cab 10145: Here is how to do the evil faces. Step 1. Make a colon : then type evil and then make another colon : Then it should look like :evil:. If that Doesn’t work, Then just scroll over my evil face. It should then tell you how to do it. P.S I will come to your party tonight! I have a very cool costume that you can Customize.
Cab whats your Multiverse code?
And btw Cuddly Where did you get your costume? Its aweshum
i vote for thecab10145
if anyone wants to see how to do all the smilies, go to the despicable me ad walkthrough comments and go to the bottom. roll over them to see how to do them
i change my mind. i vote for white dragon.
Well lets see. Nicky,WD, and Cabby havent voted.(I know Im keeping track).
its cool, but the lab is not free!
👿 I did it! 🙂
Also You can get it from the Magic persons outfit for a cheeper Prize of 75
(But only on boys)
every1(in my posey)sry but i didnt have time 2 make a prty so ill make 1 today!!!!!!!!!i vote 4 jeall. no smart paws aloud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil: cw ur outfit is WAY diff frm the party?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it didnt work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:
im booorrreeeddd can any 1 tell me their multiverse room code? im booorrreeedddd no 1 is ever on when im on, hey isnt this cool?:☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→â†âˆŸâ†”╕▲▼
good night world!*yawns*
evil to u guys!!!
noooooo its not workinggggg
what the pickles smart paw!!! stay away from the cab 10145.(btw, the cab 10145 has mood swings, well no offense)
u better take that back!!!!!!!
do u want 2 be my friend?
sure!wait i think i got it,
my little sister is watching yo gabba gabba right now. MY EYES, THEY BURN!!!!
phoofa is having a fit
omg what the heck. on the side of this page there is an AD that says: Win laser hair removal!
haha sorry im just bored
um did i scare you guys with that comment?
cause no one is posting any comments.i feel so lonely 🙁
who has the dr.hares sercet lab
i dont and tell me how you completed it
For Dr.Hare’s Secret Lair, can u dress up as one of the worker people walking around to avid getting caught?
Go to numbuty after you have got rid of the stachue jump where it used to be then you are standing in mid air coolglich hoh?
hey come to my room its BKK11
🙂 😀
whats up with poptropica secrets? there is so much to stuff to post but they haven’t done ANYTHING since, like, the beginning of july!
oh, and cutecat, i have it. but don’t get it because it costs 250 credits and all you get if you finish the mini quest is a rabbit costume. what a rip of! but i liked the haunted house because it didnt cost any credits and you got 50 credits if you finished it.(plus it was really easy)
on shark tooth you can get a parachute and you can fly
Everybody I think having beards and mustaches are cool because they make you look smart!
medusa hair is cool on mythology island so I think if you buy medusa hair and put it on you and wear the spy zipper shirt you can be medusa!
I made a song:We are all smart we will make the world look like how it does at the end of time-travel island(If you don’t know how it looks it looks cool).We will change the world to the best you can see it!!:that’s the song!
Well I hope you liked my song!
We all are smart so girls know that if they want facial hair on poptropica they need to make a boy account.We all are smart in a way!!!!!!!!
Why don’t u have the walkthrough for 24 Carrot??????? 🙁
hey evry1 if u wnt the stubble of the other worker in da mini game u can coutmize it
eheew i’m a girl by the way
she does.
If you go straight from Super power to Dr. Hares lab you are able to fly around.
I think it’s kinda funny how you have to get past Dr. Hare for facial hair.
Ever heard of Laser Hare removal?
Does anyone know what to do when ur computer freezes on the bigfoot catching part of cyptids island? How do u make mew’s helicopter move? Alot of people on youtube are baffled by this.
Does anyone know the secret code to unlock the door on shark tooth island?
does any one know the secret code to unlock the door on shark tooth island?
The code is open.
I want the Viking hair and beard. I want them to make one is the store. You get beards in the store.
I know that you wrote this a long time ago, but naruto, why would Medusa have a spy suit?
Medusa with a LONG NASTY beard! That would’ve been crazy!
P.S. I have a very rare Loch Ness Hat. 😀
you can earn the facial hair with the rock star 2