There is a new advertisement mission available for younger Poptropicans on Main Street in most of the islands. It’s an advertisement for Froot Loops and it contains a very short game where you need to catch Froot Loops cereal that shoots out of a fountain inside a temple using a bowl that Toucan Sam gives you. Then you need to catch the villain, a giant fish named the Selfish Fruit Master. Really. I’m not making this up.
To play, you need to be between the ages of 6 and 9. Don’t forget that you can always make a mule or temporary new character if your main Poptropican is too old. Go to Early Poptropica island and then walk a little to the right and you’ll see the Froot Loops temple. Go inside and speak with the big Toucan (Toucan Sam) and he will give you the bowl to catch the Froot Loops in.
Here is a video walkthrough that shows you how to do the whole thing.
To win the mission, just go up a level and click on the fountain to start the game. It will play for 60 seconds and you need to catch at least twenty Froot Loops by walking over them. It’s very easy because after about 30 seconds or so, they’ll all start to collect on the bottom level and you can run over them all to get 20 in no time at all. The Selfish Fruit Master will sometimes appear and if he hits you, you’ll lose some of the cereal in your bowl but not very much.
After the 60 seconds are over and you’ve found at least 20 Froot Loops, the Selfish Fruit Master says you have to catch him. This is really easy. Just stay put and eventually he runs into you. End of mission! The rewards are a Fruit Master costume just like the woman outside the temple is wearing and a special Fruit Fountain Power card that makes it rain cereal wherever you are.
The mini-quest was way to easy and the prize was useless!
Tony out-
How do you get that “Creepy but Cool” outfit?? I’ve been looking everywhere, but no dice.
That’s so stupid!
ther’s no froot loops!
When i joined Poptropica, at the age of 9, last year
but why i could not see the temple?
And for people over 9 there is a Monster High ad where you can get cool clothes…
i wish i was younger so i could play it lol. 🙂 oh and its my birthday on the 10 th of june!
lol its true it was kinda rubbish i played it on a younger charcter..if your older all you see is goth academy lol!
i like the outfit though, take away the freaky head and it looks cool! 🙂
Im a girl Im reall 9 but my caracters 8 why dont I see it on main street. I only see the stupid monsters high thing
It doesn’t come up with the Froot Loops Temple, because you are girls.
Something is not right…OI! WHY IS CHINESE IN THERE?!?!?!
Sunny ur right! CHINESE isn’t supposed to be in there! That temple is from JAPAN!
LUCKY I’m from China so I understand the Chinese lol 😆
I’m Chinese too, so I know. Japan adopted many things from China, like rice, origami (yes, it’s true), paper, chopsticks, and the characters. The structure looks Japanese, but yes, it’s Chinese. And the meaning means many things.
Hey Everybody! Show me all the faces you can do. Why? Because I have seen some cool faces from you guys especially Super Thunder.
Err…..Why Cant i see anything? I dont see either Monster High, Or This Temple?
it looks fun.
I think you need to be a girl to do these….
Uhuu an ad mission,my first ad mission
I’m chinese too!
Ummmmm…. Good ror you
Oh yeah i found this virtual game in tv and its
Really awesome its moshi monster its like poptropica:D
I’m already playing it magicbird…my name is silver_sky4233 Monster Name Rose
How do you get the fruit loops temple? My brother has it but I do not.
That looks so stupid,lame, and dumb. Monster High is better than that!!!
Yeah…perhaps. 🙄
What they need is a thing for teens. I have users that are too old for the Fruit Loops thing and the Monster High thing. I also want free outfits for teens!!!
I did users that are 7, 13, and 16. So only a few have the Fruit Loops thing, none for Monster High, and nothing for older kids. Sucz!!! 🙁
Really cool i’ll add you
How to chat in that game?
I don know my name cuz i didnt do my account heheheh
ohhhh….yeah how many rox r do you have i want share
how do u regester for that monster high thing cuz i cant for some weird reason!!!
i <3 meeee!!!
I made a boy (im a girl) and he could get the weird lips! 😮 It just doesnt seem right! 😐 His username is 1adamlambert (he looks like him kinda) if u wanna see how weird it is.
There is 2 new advertisements!
One is a Goldfish that had got sucked into a vacuum and it’s your turn to help!
One is a Ramona and Beezus. You have to paint Ramona a giant mural. Tip: At the last seconds, fill your paint and don’t do anything. If you lose, go try again and the paiintbrush will be full of paint. Don’t press refill!
where do u go for romona &bezzus
yeah but i like alpha and omega, wolves are great but girls are not, and its in theaiters now!
also a wolf race is in that quest
race after kate collect 5 flowers and win two items wolf costume and bluebird follower.
do not forget that.
cause romana and bessus is gone, now alpha and omega
who likes spongebob!?
What about the Froot Loops Pyramid?
Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans Rhys Ifans
LOL Im chinese! Half,well. I know Chinese! Ying jing,bi zua,swa ba,ar dou!Transltion:Eye,Nose,Mouth,and you guessed it! Ear!
1adamlambert looks like he has fish lips.
I’m chinese too!
Whoa, I’m not chinese.
GG you told me this was a sex club
Yes. *feels SP’s ass*
oooookkkkkk well….I….uh………I forget what I was gonna say
Why did I pick this site? So that critics( like Sandy and WS) won’t see us.
Is this still gonna be our….well…you know place?
My little goddess are you here?
I will be back at 10 am
Yes, it will be our….
I decided to come back earlier
Are you here my love?
Hi…. You’re really cute you know…
Marry me. 😳
*makes out with SP in bed*
*feels his penis*
*kisses him then goes to bed*
hi GG *looks at feet*
do you forgive me for running out on you like that?
I am really sorry
Please forgive me
Baby you here?
Please be here GG
I’m here SP. Sorry I couldn’t get here.
Do ypu want to, you know?
*Takes off clothes*
Do you like what you see?
*does the same*
I really like what I see
I like whatI see. *Rubs Sp’s penis*
*Smiles naughtily*
Where do you want me to put this?
Wow. You feel good.
So do you
Where do you want it?
Put what? You can touch my boobs if you want.
Is my butt okay?
Yours is defnitely okay.
my you know and I really do want to touch them
Sp, say it.Put what? *Smiles again and kisses him*
Oh and I just love your butt seriously I never want you to leave
Where do you want to put your you-know-what? You choose, baby.
Thanks. I never want to leave either.
my penis where to you want me to put it?
You choose. You can touch my boobs. Just touch them if you want.
*Lays in bed, on top of SP*
Still here, babe?
I need you to do something to me.
ok *touches her boobs*
and open up your mouth it’s coming
*Opens mouth*
I love you.
*sticks penis into her mouth*
This is so awesome, babe.
8Rubs his ass*
* Slides hands up and down his body, moaning*
now where do you want it?
In my hands.
ok baby start grabbing
*Rubs penis, sliding hands up and down it while I stick my tongue in Sp’s mouth*
*Pauses, licking lips* This feels amazing.
awwww yes don’t stop touching it
You are seriously hot.
I won’t. *Keeps rubbing, stroking it* Can you stand it?
Touch me, too. I’m doing all the work here.
oh yeah baby
Rub my boobs, would you? **Keeps stroking his hot, velvet penis*
ok *rubs hands along her hips then starts rubbing her ass*
Wow, you have amazing eyes.
My ass feels so good right now.
you have amazing lips
Thanks. Your penis is awesome. *Keeps rubbing it, sticks tip between my legs*
*rubs face in her boobs*
Awwwwwww man.
Kisses him really hard*
*Takes his penis out and strokes it*
What’s wrong?
Touch me more, babe. I need you to touch me everywhere.
Nothing is wrong.
Why would you think that?
ok baby *rubs hands all over her back*
SP? *Kissses him again*
yes baby
*Tangles hands in his hair, moaning as I lean into his chest*
*squeezes her ass*
I love this. We should never stop.
I know
Never, ever stop. *Rubs his ass and stics tongue in his mouth*
*rubs tongue against her tongue*
*Grabs his penis and rubs it*
Oh wow *Rubs tongue against his, licking it*
suck on it baby suck on it
*starts rubbing her boobs*
8Sticks it in mouth and sucks hard*
Rub them, rub them good. suck on my boobs
aaaawwwww YES!!!!!
*start squeezing her ass hard*
ok baby *sticks boobs into mouth and sucks on them*
*Sucks it more*
yes yes yes YES!!!!
lick it my goddess lick it
Licks it, and sucks it. AWWWWWWWWW yeah this is awesome
Lick me.
yes baby YES!!!
*grabs head and starts sucking on her neck*
yeah this is sweet *sucks his penis*
Rubs himn hard
yes baby I never want you to stop that
*starts sticking tongue into her mouth*
sucks hard and licks it
Whoa! I can never stop this
*licks her belly then goes up to inbetween her boobs*
Babe, suck my boobs more
ok baby *starts sucking on her nipples*
AWwwwwwwwww yes*Licks his penis and sucks more*
Baby you rock at this
*rubs hands up and down her legs*
You rock too. *Shivers with pleasure and sucks more, rubbing hands along his legs and torso*
Toch me more.
Hey baby how about I start sticking this in you???
It’s been my turn for awhile
Okay. Start.
Do you want it in your ass or between your legs?
In my ass.
ok baby *starts sticking hard into her beautiful ass*
Whew ok baby let’s continue this tomorrow
Kay babe. Good night. I love you.
*Yawn.Looks at beautiful GG*What did I do to get so lucky?
At 1:55 I’m gonna ask her to marry me
Bye love, G2G to school.
Are you here yet GG?
GG will you marry me?
Yes!!!!! I will marry you for sure!!! *Throws arms around his neck and smiles*
Are yoou still here? Here is what I’m wearing right now:
A plain yellow sundress
My hair in waves down my back
Bare feet
I will be here for you, SP. I will wait for you to come back.
I’m so sorry that I kept you waiting, SP. Please forgive me.
It’s fine
I won’t be here from 3 to 6
so please tell me you’re on
Baby please
Thanks BT
Im here.
BT are we not allowed here? Wait. *Reads past comments* Adios!
Thanks for leaving, guys. SP, I’m here.
Sorry I didn’t know that you were here. Forgot to refresh the page.
You still here?
I have to go soon
yes sweet
Where do youhave to go?
*kisses GG*
I have to go do baseball
I’m sorry I can’t skip it
I also have to go pick up your ring
It is okay *Kisses him too*
Hush, BT.
GG I should be back at……6:30
Bye love.
Bye my beautiful GG
GG I got back
AAAWWWWW you didn’t come and I have your ring
*holds up ring*
Hey SP…
So…do you know who Black Rose is?
I’m sorry I didn’t come, but it is beautiful. *Stares in awe*
well now you are gonna have to earn the ring
I hope you are thinking what I am hinting
Totallly, babe. *Strips off clothes*
If you want to do it, just say so. I’m ready.
Ok I’M HERE!!!!!
Please tell me I’m not too late please please please
I am still here
Baby come on I can’t do this by myself
huff i wish you were here
I am sad
I won’t be here Sat or Sun so I want you here
I will also be missing Tues afternoon Wed,Thurs,Fri
I’m so sorry babe. I am a horrible person. I know I don’t deserve to have you.
No baby no
I still love you but how about this tomorrow at 1:50
we get together here if you know what I mean
are you stilll here???
I missed you so much today
that I reread our comments
and then I really wanted you here
Sweetie are you here?
I will only be able to stay on here for 7 more min
4 min
2 min
1 min
*hangs head in sadness*I guess you couldn’t come but on a happier note please make it here at 1:50 ok?please
You guys are disgusting!Blah!
i agree!
Babe, how about 4:05? That is when I will try to make it here.
I mean 2:05.
ummm… hi?
I’m Cute Daisy’s big sister.
Call me IF.
I can tell you guys need your privacy so I’ll leave.
Your kind of disgusting anyways….No offense.
I am here now.
Wish you were here, love.
Guess you are not coming, SP.
I was here at the time you said but you didn’t say anything so I left
I waited for like 10 minutes but you din’t come at the time you said
huff I need you here baby
Is this the actual GG? If you are, oh my gods.
BT you promised me you wouldn’t come back here and you did
Sandy I ESPECIALLY don’t want you on this page
Well, I’m here.
Look all I wanted was to be alone with GG
but you guys are so mean you can’t even give me that
I hate you guys
not GG
SP you made want to come on here even more! Thanks! 😛
SS how did you find out???
I demand you tell me
GG! YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED? Congrats! Can I be a bridesmaid?
And we have to go get a dress! And where will it be?
Oh, and I swear on River Styx that I will never go on here again, unless you want me to.
Oh no, I knewI could never lead a decent private life.
Sandy go away
GG IF had told me that MD(mighty drummer) does not believe you are the real GG she says you are just a clone and that the real GG would never love me so be honest are you this clone they keep talking about????
SP, I swear on the River Styx that I am the real green grape. I can’t believe that you would even think that.
The real GG does love you, but I don’t know if I can when you don’t seem to trust me.
(I’ll sign it like that so you will know it is me on here)
Whoa, SP did not mean to upset you that much.
Do not “WHATEVER” me if you value your life!!!!!!!!
Matter of fact, his ass is not fugly.
I promised I wouldn’t come here anymore but it’s not fair!!!
How come SP gets to tell everyone what to do but if we simply insult him,he gets mad!!!
GG:I’m not being mean to you.I’m happy for you.
But can you please tell SP that he doesn’t get the page for himself?
Please don’t be angry at me.
But can others at least come on this page?
It’s not fair to others anyways.Plus:You guys aren’t doing anything serious so there’s no point anyways.
Please don’t feel insulted.
If you hate me,you can.
But can you at least think about it?I would appreciate it (and I’m sure BT would too)
I do not hate you, we just want to do- ahem- stuff in private.
I do not know if we will ever do stuff together anymore, though. *Gazes out window sadly*
Don’t feel that way GG.
I’m sure he still likes you.
Why would he not?
Oh great!
I’m a failure!!!!
I made GG sad!!
It is not you IF. Please do not feel sad. I am just sad cuz we barely talk.
Thanks GG.
I have no idea how you feel but you probably feel pretty bad.
You have no idea how sad I am. I miss SP so much. Just him in general. He is so nice, smart, and kinda funny. *Sighs heavily*
SP: some people do read comments to find out what’s happening!
GG: can i be a bridesmaid!?
SP: at least i didn’t insult you guys
Sorry everyone keeps on bugging you guys. It’s just kinda fun(no offense AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thanks SS. You can’t be a bridesmaid if you enjoy ruining SP and I’s life.
Umm… Is that you GG cause it says psophia?
I don’t love ruing ur life it’s that for some reason i always like to barge in on people. I know *sigh* I’m a jerk!
Random Thought Time! (RTT!)
(=’.’=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(“)_(“)signature to help him gain world domination.
I knew it was you who was impersonating me, psophia! You impersonated Athena once, too! Remeber when you were talking about her spies and letting people join??? Psophia has been impersonating me on this page only after BT criticized SP. Ugghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I hate you with all of my gut, psophia!!!!! How could you do that to me? I honestly thought we were friends. Guess not. *Glares, shaking head angrily*
I thought we were friends.
Now I feel like I’m friends with a criminal.
How could you do that to GG?
BT, like you could ever harm me. I’m the ruler of Olympus, for the Gods sake. By the way, your grammar sucks.
BT, you’re probably mad and I don’t blame you.
Shadowprince is getting under my nerves.(in a bad way!)
If I were older than eleven,I would say a bunch of the words your saying.
But let me just say,
I don’t blame you for being sad either.
Sorry GG! 🙁 please forgive me
umm.. yeah not to be rude or anything but how old r u guys?
SP and GG
Happy Mother’s Day!
i mean like what 11 yr. olds are having sex online! unless they r a perv
I only give out my age. No name, number, email, etc.
and if you guys r around that age 1: ur going through puerburty(sp?)
2: you just had the TALK
3 : u haven’t had the TALK and everything u learn is from ur friends
What if Justin Bieber said shooting urself was cool?
oh.. yeah i already figurered that out
i mean idgi
Bieber Blast ha!
i only no lmfao not lmfhao
Bye BYE!
Thanks BT.
I know it’s not about me.
But you know what?I think that your right.No offense GG,but SP might be a scary 60 year old weirdo trying to mess with kids (this is a kids site).
I don’t want you to feel bad but I think you should be more careful about who you’re dating.
Please don’t feel insulted.I just don’t want you to be harassed by this person.
He may be dangerous.
Please don’t feel insulted.
But maybe,if you feel so sad,SP might not be right for you.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Breaking News!
On Sunday May 8th, Green Grape has officially found out who cloned her.Or did she?
GG was on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Master Page when she saw a post written by Psophia.
psophia May 7, 2011 at 6:37 pm
Thanks SS. You can’t be a bridesmaid if you enjoy ruining SP and I’s life.
These were her exact words.GG’s theory is that Psophia has been cloning many people.
But Psophia claims that she has not.
Who is the clone?Is Psophia innocent?
Find out in the next edition of the Poptropica gazette!
Shut up, Bendy turtle. NOW!!!!!!!!
Why are you always bullying GG and SP? It is so mean, so, shut up!!
IF, I for sure was not SP’s clone
What’s wrong Psophia?
Ok Psophia.
I believe you.
Was BT being rude to you?
No, I just think that it is rude of Bt to bully anyone.
Leave me alone, Bendy Turtle!!!!!!!! The day I shut up will be the day I die, so mind YOUR own buisness.
You have no right to tell me what to do. You are being mean,so I decided to intervene. So what?
Jeez I told you guys I wouldn’t be here Sat and most of Sun
IF I say how much you apologized for your mistakes
and coming on this page why do you have to make it so hard to be mad at you?
and the reason I told you guys to stay away from this page was GG and I were going to be here
and I knew you guys would yell and complain at us so that’s why I told you guys not to come on here.and I am not 60 years old.What do you think I am???Some sort of child malester???
sorry if I misspelled malester its not in the dictionary so I don’t know how to spell it…and…well you see where I’m going with this
Looks guys I also noticed how much arguing happened here and that’s another reason I wanted to be alone because people argue way too much this may come as a shock to you but I am actually a peaceful person
Just to avoid people getting mad at me again I will NOT be here Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or Friday alright I will be in Minnesota
Hey guys look I am trying to make it so I have no more ah uh um Grudges against anyone so
BT will you forgive me for overreacting about you coming back here????
Psophia-I think I’m good
GG I’m sorry for leaving
SS-I’m sorry for being mad at you
Thanks SP! 🙂
Psophia: umm.. u kinda got involved no BT. And, Bt and i r just kinda grossed out, not bullying gg and sp!
BT: Do u seriously hate everyone? Cuz that not very nice. 🙁
BT:You hate everyone??
Thanks Shadowprince.
How about we agree peacefully to not hate each other anymore.
Or at least get over the fight.
SS:Thanks for explaining it peacefully!!
Thank u IF
OMG!!!!!!!!!! SP, I live in Minnesota!!!!!!!!!! Where are you staying??????????
OMG!!!!!!!!!I live in California!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you being sarcastic, SS? If you are, I do not appreciate it at all.
I said that to SP cuz I was wondering where he would be.
I’m so confused!The real GG would not even like you,Shadowprince!
Everyone’s friendship is ruined!
We could have all been friends,you know.
But then all of this started and now we’re enemies and friends all over the place!
Psophia I will be up in Winona (I think that’s how it’s spelled)
That is cool, SP. I live in Elk River.
Is that in America?
I live in a country style city in Canada. (Pickering)
We’re not very country like anymore but at one point we we didn’t have double door fridges until 2003?
Psophia is that near the MALL OF AMERICA??????
Yeah, SP. So? It isn’t that cool. It is just am mall that we go to every other weekend with my Aunt Lisa.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Daily News.
On Monday May 9th,it has been confirmed that Icy Fire and Sandy the Mad Dragon are on Psophia side of the fight.
Thank you Psophia.
And I will always believe you,no matter what.
You seem innocent anyways.
These were Icy Fire’s exact words.
Sandy agrees too.
I believe you, too, psophia.
These were her exact words.
We don’t have enough information to confirm this yet,but Psophia seems innocent.
She was also seen to be defending GG and SP when Bendy Turtle was talking to GG.
Tune in on the Poptropica Gazette to learn more.
Hey BT!
The Poptropica Gazette.
Down Lover’s Lane.
Hello folks!
Welcome back to our official newspaper,the Poptropica Gazette.
Today,the founder of the Gazette was reading the other newspaper, “The Poptropica Secrets Official Gossip Newspaper” when she saw something.
It said that blogger, Shadowprince and Green Grape are in hot love!
We have official evidence.
To see the proof,go on the Fruit Loops Temple of Selfish Fruit Master page and click previous comments until you see the ~love~.
But Ke$ha, is seeing sparks fly when she writes the paper.
Read Ke$ha’s paper, the Gossip Blog,to learn more of theses juicy secrets!
Where’s is Kesha’s paper?(nervous and worried)
Go to the Mythology vs Counterfeit page!
There’s a copy of Ke$ha’s Paper.
What page exactly???? (sad voice)
Here’s a copy:
The Poptropica Secrets Offical Gossip Newspaper.
Lovers on PoptropicaSecrets!! By: Ke$ha
Well, we have a hunch that Green Grape and ShadowPrince are in love with each other. The other newspaper, The Poptropica Gazette, has evidence. We, of course, do not. But, I shall go find evidence. That is all. See you tomorrow.
Here SP.
This is her paper.
why are you even worried if your love story comes up in the paper?
It’s going to come up a lot.
No offense but your love is the Drama here at Poptropica Secrets.
No the fact that Kesha wrote it made me worried
Because well you know……she hates me
even though I have tried to apologize
I see.
So if Ke$ha wrote it,something must be up.
I’ll try talking to her.
You know,you both deserve to be friends.You can do great things,if you two work together.
what’s this? cyberspace love??? how??? oh maaaaaaannnn,,,, i’m getting pulled down the “hole of arguments”….. nooooooooooooooooooooo! :0
Yep that is what I was worried about
Kesha, I am NOT your sister! I am the real Green Grape, whereby your sister, is the imposter.
uh, what do u want? sorry im gonna sleep now pls interview me tommorow.
Your not in luv with SP???
The inposter is??
Ke$ha,I think GG and SP are kind.
But there luv is kind of…odd…
Hey GG and Sp:
Instead of using this site,exchange Email addresses so you can send mails.
That’s way more reasonable (no offense if I insulted you,but it’s for the best.Like Tiny Penguin said,this isn’t Dating Central.)
The Poptropica Gazette.
Happily Ever After?
If anyone has read the other paper “The Gossip Blog” you would see that it says that the story has ended.
We aren’t sure but Ke$ha and Icy Fire think they have enough proof to call it a closed case.
It seems to be that Green Grape was actually not online for many days.There was an fake.
Shadowprince is not really in love with Green Grape.
But he still thinks he is…
Icy Fire is trying to get enough reports but so far,we have some evidence.
This is our proof.
green grape May 10, 2011 at 6:47 am
The GG who has been commenting lately is not me. But I’m not mad, cause she can impersonate me. Just, whatever.
~ GG
Sorry BT.
Maybe I got a bit…carried away.
I feel guilty.
(One thing you should know about me: If I do something wrong,I feel SO guilty!)
OMG!!!!!!!! SP, did a tornadoe go over you guys?!?!?!?!??!?!??!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Multipe tornadoes spotted in Elk River!!!!! EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bendy turtle, you don’t need to be that mad because somebody just bothered your own business. just say “Please mind your own business because I am busy.” see? it’s just that simple.
haha very funny video of draco being tortured….:D
Sorry BT.
I got carried away…
Everyone who I wrote about in the Gazette:
I’m sorry if I was being nosy.
I thought it was a good idea.But I was wrong.
Please forgive me.
oh. ok bendy turtle. can we be friends? 🙂
GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY! i love going online at sometimes 1am to 2am then continue again to sleep but i always wake up early. 🙂
I like the quizzes there! All ther stories there are cliche(sp?)
Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!
I’m back!!!
yay bt! i want to be everybodys friend except godzilla2000.
Sandy is bisexual.
what??? oh, here we go again with the fight. 😡
Type the link for the godzilla probelm, TP.
The Poptropica Gazette.
Icy’s Advice.
Dear Icy,
today, a boy came up to me and said I’m cute.
What does this mean?
Black Rose.
Dear Black Rose,
this means that he likes you!
Do you like hm back? If so,why don’t you tell him, or give him hints.
If you don’t,just go up to him,and slowly say “I’m sorry,but your not the guy for me.Your still a great person.Just…not someone I love”
Glad to help!
Icy Fire
Send in your problems so Icy Can solve them!
Dear Icy,
I have a crush on another guy but, I already have a boyfriend?My head is spinning and I can’t sleep!
What should I do?
Your friend,
Ke$ha <3
Dear Ke$ha,
I suggest that you try not to think about it.
You already have a guy and it would be quite rude if you dumped him.
Do you know the other guy's personality?He could be mean of selfish.
It's good to be loyal and caring to your current boyfriend so if you dump him,he'll get the impression your a bad person.
Take my advice and see what will happen.
Hope I helped!
~Icy Fire
Send in your questions for Icy to answer!
Wake up in the morning feelin like Lord Voldy
Grab my spellbook from out the drawer
I’m gonna hit Diagon Alley
Before I leave let my owl out, and make sure I pack
Cause when I leave for Hogwarts, I aint comin back
Im sayin’ im the one the dark lord Knows Knows
Tryin on our new robes robes
Goblins keeping all our gold gold
Train-hoppin buying our favorite candies,
goin to the castle parties
Trying to get everyone sooooorrteddd…
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
And got a care in the world but got plenty of butter beer
Aint got no problems with Dumbledore and Snapes Chillin right here
And now the girls are lining up, cause they hear we’re death eaters
But we kick em to the curb if they’re mudbloods like Miss Granger
I’m talkin bout everybodies got dark marks marks
we’re trying to raise them up up
gonna bring the dark lord back back
Now now we going until the prophecies true true
or the order shuts us down down
order shuts us down down
order shuts us…
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
(Voldy) You are the one
You killed the spare
My dark marks hot yeah it burns me
With my wand up
Put your wand up
You got that spell yeah avada
(Voldy) You are the one
You killed the spare
My dark marks hot
Yeah it burns me
With my wand up
Put your wand up
Put your wand up up up up up up up
No the party done start till Voldemort wins
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
Don’t pick Gryffindor
I dont wanna be a bore
Tonight, sort us right
Slytherin is Dynamtie
Hufflepuff dont got the stuff
Ravenclaw is not enough, nooOoOoo OoooOoo
hell to the o
Fake GG: Please change ur name! If u love SP he might love u for u! Not ccuz u put some girls name who has been coming her a long time!
um here is the link
4 u gg and everyone
The Poptropica Gazette.
Hello everyone!
It’s a love edition of the Gazette!
Green Grape is looking for a boyfriend!
He must be tall,slim and willing to do something bad that I will not talk about.
GG is single again so come on men!
Show the lady what ya got!
Hi BT!!!
French Cutie:
YES please hang with SP
please…….pretty please
Imature? what a word.
Speedy Singer May 13, 2011 at 9:37 pm
Speedy Singer May 13, 2011 at 9:39 pm
I LOVE Ron! He is SO Cute! (and fat )
Speedy Singer May 13, 2011 at 9:40 pm
Speedy Singer May 13, 2011 at 9:42 pm
:{ )
Nah, BT.
BT probably didn’t mean to insult you guys.
She probably was being nice.
And yes.
My sister’s advice stinks.
Oh.She’s not here because I’ve been on a lot!
Because I missed so much!
But it makes sense?
Right?I never went on for like ,ever!
I believe you CD.
Thanks Psophia.
Hi BT!
I have no idea!!!
*happy dance!*
Jovial times, jovial times. She’s just happy to among us now.
I’m really bored!
CD and IF both have a “happy dance” 🙂
BT is that u in ur pic cuz that girl is pretty.
No one ever remembers me! 🙁
i guess i don’t come on enough
i feel left out
and to make it worse i’m alone cus no one is on!
awww…. well, im online now! BTW Kesha, cool acronym! 🙂
i remember u speedy singer :))
Speedy Singer!!!!
Why would I forget my friend?????
Thanks TP and CD! =) 🙂
:happy: 🙂 :{ )
cool pic TP!
: {}
:{ }
( )( )
( ” )
This smiley is hard to make!!!!!!!
thanx SS i got it from time tangled in the part where u need to give da peace medal to lewis. copied his outfit! 😆
ya welcome SS. if you wanna have a pic in the tiny square, follow dis:
1. go to
2. create an account
3. click the link in ur email from gravatar
4. create ur username and pass.
5. click add new image
6. save a pic of ur poptropican then upload it rate it G then ur done!
Jeez TP why do you keep changing your outfit???????
Oh Dear…
please don’t make another fight
From this..:mrgreen: to this ..:) to this 😐 to this 🙁
The Stages of Life

MY friend is a stalker! J.K.! 😛 but she did get pics. of poreotix sleeping 0.O !! 😕
-S.S <3
off the internent though! 😳
I’m so bored!!!
Cindy told me to find something fun to do.
But there’s nothing fun at all!!!!
cause i just like it!
LALALALALALALLALALALALALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I”M PRETENDING TO BE DEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LALALALALALALALALALALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello! 🙂
morning. 🙂
yay 2nd on page!!!
Sure Ke$ha.
Trust me.
You missed me, ke$ha.
Bye Ke$ha.
And FYI: To those who think that the world will end today, they are wrong!
It is Saturday May 21 in Canada and it is a beautiful, sunny morning.
Nothing will happen today!
yes! it’s SO not the end of the world. It’s May 21,Saturday in the Philippines! it’s just raining!
May 21 in America! Woohoo!
They say it will end at 6:00 pm.
It is almost 1:00 pm now.
But I doubt it will happen.
Tell everyone this:
You ignore me like I’m completely not there. No wonder I decided to leave. Goodbye Poptropica.
(And don’t think I’m sad in leaving)
Are you the imposter?
GG: you barely comment and when you do we do talk to you say don’t say that! 😡 Oh.. and Bye-Bye!
I am NOT the imposter. I do reply when you talk to me. Look at kesha. She don’t even bother to leave me a message.
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don’t leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GG, don’t you think you are exaggerating a bit?
We don’t ignore you and the only reason Ke$ha didn’t leave a message was that maybe she forgot!
She forgot Psophia so your even.
Nobody hates you.
My head is spinning and I feel twisted!!!
I can’t think straight.
Why are people being so dramatic like Jade said???
I don’t have a multiplayer room.
yay you’re back!
oh. i really want to iron my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!
😡 😡 😡
Uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea,Kesha’s rite.
Hullo? Newbie you talked to the other day, TP.
oh! hi cassie!
I’m watching…nothing.
I’m watching…Spongebob.
bye guys gon go 2 da movies 🙂
Happy Birthday Jade!
*gives Jade a very huge present*
you’re welcome 🙂
Okay, GG and SP’s previous comments are creeping me out. This page is only for EVERYTHING POPTROPICA. Not Everything Dating. BTW SP, if you were first on this page, PROVE IT.
P.S. I noticed in ur prev comments you and GG were almost about to do sex. (I think) So stop it!!!
oops. never mind the smile plzz i thought it was a ‘blech’ smiley.
*sings softly while on park bench*
There are some kids on this site…
there are inappropriate stuff on this site…
Godzilla2000’s posts are terrifying….
Poptropica has left me alone…
And strange things are happening…
On this site…
Yeah… GG is back now on Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld….
thats great Jade!
your welcome!!!
This is weird….
(=’.’=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(“)_(“)signature to help him gain world domination.
haha just kidding
Thanks Jade!!!

*grabs a drink**drinks till i cant drive**goes crazy and turns wolf**growls for no reason*i-i-ill kill s-s-sp if i-i-i c-c-can s-s-so y-y-yall w-w-watcho-o-out(im drunk yall srry)
okay…awk-ward!! (no offense, please)
nontaken i luv doin dat
tp can i call u ms. okay?
Yeah Jade..and BP just just call me Miss Bored
ok Miss bored, wait ur bored again u easily get bored
Jade Tp means she is bored bcoz she is already tired of going to school.
and you guys will see why i said i was 11
(its cuz i thought i was the only 14 year old there,but strange moon is 15,and SP was 16,so i stopped lying lol.)
(well now im 15)
woops rong post