There are two new clues about the upcoming island in Poptropica. This isn’t about Great Pumpkin Island, the special Halloween mini-quest that’s coming for the holidays, but for a new main island quest that the Creators have been talking about for a few weeks. We’ve code-named it Dinosaur Island until we learn more. Poptropica hasn’t said it will feature dinosaurs, but we’re really hoping it will.

This week the Creators gave us two new screenshots. One is of the exterior of a General Store and the second is the interior of a mansion. Inside the mansion is an ornate round window with a stuffed Dodo bird sitting on the window sill. At least it sure looks like a Dodo. The creators don’t say for sure, instead asking the question, “What kind of bird is that, anyway?”
If you’re not familiar with the Dodo, it was a small flightless bird that went extinct in the mid-1600s. It was a very tasty bird to eat and since it couldn’t fly, it was easy to catch. It’s one of the first known examples of humans causing another species to go extinct.
I think this is also a clue for the island. The person living in the mansion must definitely be concerned with extinct animals. Hmmm, what other kinds of species are extinct? Oh, I don’t know…maybe dinosaurs?
im the first to comment
yeah by the way everyone this is just my poptropica name and I am a boy not the girl white dragon the boy
by the way i think I now what the island is. We have seen pictures of this before. If you go onto and you’ll see pictures of Ned Noodlehead around mountains,underwater, and in a forest with animals. Along with the jeep picture we saw 2 weeks ago. I think their all coneceted.
by the way i think I now what the island is. We have seen pictures of this before. If you go onto and you’ll see pictures of Ned Noodlehead around mountains,underwater, and in a forest with animals
by the way i think I now what the island is. We have seen pictures of this before. If you go onto go to 2009 in june and july
there’s pictures of Ned Noodlehead neat mountains, on cliffs, underwater, and in a forest with animals.
and 2 weeks ago we saw the jeep which had a dog in it and you can drive in a jeep to go to mountains, cliffs, and forests.
I think that island coming out after Great Pumpkin Island, but will probaly know the name of this new island before Great Pumpkin Island is released to us all.
I think that island will be coming out after Great Pumpkin Island, but will probaly know the name of this new island before Great Pumpkin Island is released to us all.
But that still doesn;t explain the dinosaur footprint, but i think it’s just for show remember in Skullduggery Island there were clouds shaped like hearts, dog bones, and faces, maybe its the same thing.
But if there is dinosaurs there I can only thing of two names for this island Dinosaur Island or Dino Island or Safari Island that’s the only names that come in my mind for now well i’ll be back soon.
and remember I am not the white dragon or that white dragon 2 that i saw fighting yesterdayl
It is wird that there is a bird in the window.
I thought of another name that the new island might be named Prehistoric Island, I think that because 1 that dinosaur footprint we saw in the picture with jeep might be from a t-rex.
and two that bird in the window is a dodo bird which is extinct here. But they might not be so extinct on Poptropica but that is just a statue of stuffed bird from a dodo bird someone hunted.
so I want to know and what do you guys think whats a good name for the island right now Dinosaur/Dino Island, Safari Island, or Prehistoric Island.
But first a few weeks earlier I think White Dragon 2 said something about Dinosaur Island ans says up top of the page that the code-name is Dinosaur Island. So I guess White Dragon 2 was right.
So I guess I should say CONGRATLATIONS!! You were the first to name the island. You aslo said you sent a e-mail to the creators about something you called Dinosaur Island. With a crazy doctor who wanted to controll dinosaurs. Maybe u were right.
sorry for my behavior yesterday i was real angry and mad
me and my family had a fight and i had to express my anger please forgive be I beg u im really sorry. Ill never do it again. I swear it.
Okay. My brother has anger issues. So. Yeah. I guess he is hanging out with his friends right now.But I guess he would say he is sorry.
Didn’t I predict there would be a dino island! Shoosh yeah!
And so did my bro!
Bah bam baby!
I’m just pumped.
Hi Dani The Magnificent.
Hey. I predictid the theme of the island would be virtual, didn’t I?
Uh shoosh yeah!
hi, well rember when the creaters made that dinousar island that was replaced by 24 careit that was called ” Dinousar Island ” they probly started to make it again so thats what they are doing so IM exited to see if it is that ISLAND again!!!! 🙂
PHBFAN28 out!!!! 🙂 * dissapers in puff of smoke again *
Origami Bird Instructions
This beautiful traditional origami bird is actually quite easy to make, and if you fold the feet at just the right angle, it will stand up!
For the best looking bird, you can use paper thats coloured on both sides: but white on the bird still looks nice if you dont have any double sided paper.
1. Start with your paper white side up. Fold in half, as shown.
2. Fold the outside corners into the centre line, and crease well.
3. Fold the top triangle backwards
4. Fold the corners of the model in
toward the centre, crease well, then open again.
5. Bring the highlighted corner up and outward using the crease shown. Then
bring the highlighted corner back down toward the centre line and flatten.
6. Repeat this step on the opposite corner… the model should now look like this
7. Fold the outermost corners backwards on the angle shown and crease well.
8. Mountain fold the model in half. (Fold backwards) 9. Rotate the model slightly
so you can see the bird forming 10. Make these creases and unfold
11. Using these creases, inside reverse fold to make the head and the tail of the
If you have folded the feet at the correct angle (in step 7), the model should stand up.
You can refold the feet if you need to.
Finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😆 X :cry X
i watched your walkthroughs and i won the islands because of the walkthroughs. in early islands my friend helped me. i couldn’t have won them without you and my friend.
hey secert1238(AKA ) PHBFAN28 i’ve been aronund ever since poptropica was created the island that was replaced with 24 carrots island wasn’t dinosaur island it was monster carnival island.
On poptropica theres a great pumpkin promo now.
I have a feeling the new island is a extinct species island.
I passed all the islands and i cant wait until it realeses
hello i’m sad no one take to me
Do you mean talk to you?
leor i’ll talk to u don’t be sad.
yea he meant that
I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I still excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about great pumpkin? that 70’s show is funny. 😆
Wow. Random.
Cool island! Charlie Brown is jumping up & down when you arrive. 🙂
Waiting for the new “dinosaur island”…… bored…… what to do…… no more islands to beat…… won all of them…… help……
Seriously ❗ HELP:!: ❗
I want this new and mysterious island to be released right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did that come from ?
Dinosaur island?!?! total code name win xD
i want 2 know how girls get the plaid dress and polka dot tie
Hello ! Salut, je suis pas Shell Scary, désolé de parler sur ton comte mais je nais pas de comte ^^. J’ai hate a voir la nouvelle iles mais, c’est tu l’ïle : Cryptids Island ??? Car elle est sortie après ile : Great pumpkin Island ??
… that doesnt seem like a very valid or supported prediction… there arent mansions in the era of dinosaurs in case you forgot and the fact there is a general store that seems to be in a modern day forest like area doesnt help your case either. and the person who owns that mansion may just like to own expensive relics. there has to be something else to point you towards dinosaurs besides those two screenshots. btw the mansion is probly the size of the general store… which is huge and last time i checke we already did time travel
… and there are a lot of extinct things besides dinosaurs… and if you look at the inside of the mansion and the outside of the general store they seem to have the same architecture which happens to be dated in the 1600s like you said
okay……SPANISH?????? what the CRAP?????? tell us what it means in english!!!!!!?????? okay……………………………………………………….. so……………………………………………………………..odeose amegose!!!!!! popularheart310 (cool clown) is outa here!!!!!! GOODBYE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!