We’re just a few days into the official Poptropica Villain Tournament and Director D is lagging behind in his competition vs. Medusa. He even took to posting a scathing criticism on the official Poptropica blog outlining why he believes he’s a better choice to win. He even questions Medusa’s legitimacy as a villain, much like Donald Trump made waves when he questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States.
Normally, we here at PoptropicaSecrets.com wouldn’t support this kind of lame campaigning, but Director D has some good points. It’s something I posted about earlier today in the PoptropicaSecrets forum: Medusa shouldn’t really be considered a villain. She barely even makes an appearance in Mythology Island.
What do you think? Why are so many people voting for Medusa as a better villain over Director D?
i think its because they think director d is a two-timer (which he is but he is still awesome) DIRECTOR D ALL THE WAY, SPY ISLAND 4EVER!!!!!!
sorry director d, it looks like u lost (sob) WHY?!!!?!?!!!!!!!!?!?! CURSE U MEDUSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think medusa is in so the poptrpican creators would have an even number of villans.
Medusa is ABSOLUTELY NOT TOLERABLE. But Director D is worse.
Bodyguard! Protect my precious hair!!!! 😀
how do you write in greek
Greeks so simple Βλέπεις; Είναι απλό. Και νομίζω ότι Μέδουσα είναι ωραίο σε ιστορίες, αλλά κυρίως στην poptropica ήταν σίγουρα για ακόμη ποσά. θα πρέπει να του βάλουμε κατά Zues! που θα του συγκλόνισε! Translation: See? It’s simple. And I think medusa is cool in stories but mainly on poptropica she was definitly for even amounts. they should of put her against Zues!! that would of rocked! (:)
bye!! be back later! gotta do a report for school. 🙁 😥
opp. thought mrgreen was sad. 😥 bye
Well,duh! Mythology’s awesome!
6th person to comment!
Wonder why I was out for a long time? I was chatting on the forum.
Ι μιλούν ελληνικά.
Μιλάω Ελληνικά.
GG: hi,.,.,………………….
CB: Why do you need a bodyguard?
Everyone: I don’t like Director D OR MEdusa. Medusa is a “cursed beauty”, they say.
Click my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CW? Γνωρίζουμε μιλάς αγγλικά. ο καθένας κάνει εδώ. αλλά όλοι μιλούν πολλές γλώσσες.
Hey… Whos read Radiance By: Alyson noel? her website rocks! and the books awsome. Chapter 23… Almost done! 😥 oh and Red dragon island shouuld be out for members now. oh and who thinks there a halfblood? like percy Jackson? I think i am. Allie, daughter of Athena!! uhoh…
Before I leave, has the following people ever come on here?:
CW(know,but :shrugg:)
Smart Paw
Any of those peeps still come here?
g’day. bye!
I remember Smart Paw.
hello/ still on? when was he last on?? CW said he misses me! I wanna see my frienenemy!
Acculy TALK to my friena- what i said last. and who are u? were u here in august? as a nother person? who?
huh… sad sigh. g’bye bee back later
Anyone here?
ME here! I remember Smart Paw, Popular Jumper, Nicholas, gregory (who wrote a werewolf story or whatever), etc.
😕 😐 Cool, Bashful CLoud.
If you were ever the mayor of a city, what would you name it?
I’d name it Swordilty. 🙂 Sword……….. my Poptropican’s last name………….. (not MY last name, though)
WS, outa those… SP and Nicky, Id name it Athens.
how do you make the computer write in greek
look at my icon
takes a few comments befor the icon changes
look at my cool icon
What’s your icon? I can’t see it.
you cant see it? look at the side dont click on my name if that dosent work go to http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/1971ceaa9bd42f9c91d6e499b85836ba?s=44&d=http%3A%2F%2F1.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D44&r=G
Cool, Infernape. Are you still mad at BT?
Zanu your picture is awesome
it is zaru and no i’mnot still angry at bt and thankyou that image is cool isnt it? 🙂
oh sorry man
If anyone sees a post that has a Shadowprince ask him if he was the clone of the one in mythology vs. counterfit I just can’t find him
Jeall. I still come on here.
I might be half blood. I have not read “Radiance”.
Bendy turtle is right its zaru not zanu
I said sorry
What the Hell so funny?
Who would be ur immortal parent CW? and i know u come here. and infernape we dont MAKE the computer write greek, WE write it. we speak it. and CW, Radiance= AWSOME!
NOW look whos cursing! :pout: ur rude. all passbyers could tell. And if u say “Jeall! this doesnt concern u” ill say” every boddy ‘as a ‘pinion.” passbyers have opinions and they get to say them. THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY!! well america is, Im not sure if BTs country, Rude ville, has rights. probibly since ur rude.
AMERICA AND ENGLAND!!! good bye for now
*small chuckle* I didnt. Opinion? thats how its spelled.
IM NOT A GIRL!! just kidding
And on here u CAN spell rong! < see? Probibly? just to save time.
‘Ey, ever heard of Mweor? Im expecting 8!! oh.. gotta go, C U L8r
how can u get me? and even if im 1 year younger than u im definitly smarter. bye
Well. Reminds me of Smart Paw.
He left though.
But………………………………………… oh well. Hi everyone. Too bad Director D lost. I think he was a better villain than Medusa was. She only made a small appearance. They probably voted for her because she made Hercules shut up.
haha! Nicky, CW said SP still comes on sometimes. how have things been? do U still go on “THE SITE”? u know, where we all talked quietly. and has anyone from the old times come on? and Im 10 u stupid, arrigant, Tourtoise!!!U SAID UR 11!! UR A 11 YEAR OLD TERRORIST!! Now, Nicky, where were we?
And I voted, not for her appearence on poptropica, for her apperance in the old myths. she ROCKS!! and I think in the end it will be Black Widow .VS. Zues! zues will definitly win though
oh, gotta go, bye! TTYL!
But Smart Paw left as far as I know. He left right when he was turning nice. Actually when he was nice.
And no I don’t go on the “site”.
Γιατί όλοι μιλούν για την ηλικία τους τη στιγμή;
Um. How about we calm down? Yelling won’t solve much. Let’s be serious here.
Δεν έχω ιδέα
Γιατί ο καθένας γραφή με κεφαλαία γράμματα;
Συνήθως οι άνθρωποι το κάνουν για να δηλώσουν την οργή τους ή για να τονίσω κάτι. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση ο θυμός.
Να, υποθέτω έτσι.
🙂 Γράφοντας στην ελληνική γλώσσα είναι διασκέδαση! 🙂
Νικολάου, είσαι εκτός σύνδεσης; ❓ ❓
Ναι. Είναι το είδος του δροσερό.
Όχι είμαι ακόμα εδώ.
… im bored. oh, gotta eat dinner. BBL
Why is everyone talking about age at the moment?
I have no idea.
And then Unknown says something.
Nicky says something.
Can I assume so.
Writing in Greek is fun!
Nicholas, you’re offline?
Yes it is kind of cool.
No I am still here.
… im bored. oh, gotta eat dinner. BBL
We know WS. Gotta do a report. 🙁 but all be on l8r. 🙂 oh, and in september this year, my book will be finished. then check out my site. and then see a sneakpeek on Book 2! sneak peak on book 1. Not edited. and this is Chapter 1, after intro. ENJOY!!
It was a nice Friday, a Fun Friday(wich is where we get to go outside at the end of the day for a little) when we had our first REAL fight(also the 5th
graders got a brake for something so the were out). We were sword fighting ( just Hannah, Juliana, and I) when Devin comes out of nowhere. Now were all in
4th grade(every one except Shaun-He comes in a minute)and we’ve seen our fair share of odd things but Devin leading the battle with a giant dude (Shaun) And a shorter 4th grade
dude(Cameron) it was plain wierd. Then Devin put his hands up to his team in a “stay here” way and walked to us with his hands in the air. He
damanded I sent Hannah and Juliana away.A agreed but said “If I give the signal,Come.” They nodded and steped back out of earshot.Then Devin and I spoke,
something like this: Me: What are you doing Devin! Your gonna be dead in a minute!” Devin: “Yah Right!” Me: Really! Because, you see Devin…on a scale 1-5
of fighting skills combined by team, Us girls right here are like 14. your like… 9. Any way, nice talkin’ to ya’ Bye, Bye, Mr. Proud and Mighty!” I started
walking away towards my team but Cameron called “Hey! Are you gonna fight! Or are you and your pets to scared?” At the moment he said “Are you and your pets
to scared?” Hannah burst.I started walking towards them when a arrow shot over my head and with a dull “thud” Cameron fell. “You killed our blacksmith!”
Devin yelled while Hannah steped forward and said “Well, Kill isn’t the word…More like I knocked out your blacksmith.” Juliana and Shaun just saw what
happend. “What happened!” Shaun said horrified.”And why is there a ACCUAL ARROW in his side!” Hannah and I shared a smile. For we new now that every kid in
this war zone was a halfblood. Like it or not. Juliana broke the silence.”Is that a sleep arrow? the one that wears of after 5 minutes?” Hannah nodded.
“It’s been 4 already so you might want to stand back.” We all did that except Devin. “My friend needs help! Nectar, Ambrosia,healing stuff, any thing!”He
screamed. (Nectar and ambrosia are the drink and food of the gods. It can taste like any food or drink you like.It heals, but to much can make you explode.)
“Devin,” Hannah said sweetly but uncomfortably for she good at convincing but it was hard on Devin ” You should back away. It’s dangerous to be that close.”
Devin just shook his head.”YOUR LYING!!!” He screamed. “IM STAYING RIGHT HERE AND YOU CANT DO ANY THING ABOUT- OWWWWWWWW!!!!” for Cameron shot up and bonked
his head on Devin’s. “Told ya’.” Hannah said. She turned to Cameron who was just getting up. “Now, What was that about… What? Scared pets?” He glared at
her “Im going after YOU!” He told Hannnah triumphantly “You’ll be dead VERY SOON.” But Hannah just smiled smugly “Well, I think my team can agree,This is
going to be VERY fun.” With that she turned away and walked swiftly toward our base with Juliana on her tail(Figure of speech!)Shaun helped Cameron to thier
base leaving Devin and I alone. I didnt want it to ramain that way “Well,” I said quickley “I better go. But, I think I agree with Hannah,This WILL be fun.”
I hurried quickley away towards base, Devin doing the same. When I got there Hannah was telling Juliana something along the lines of: “-go for the back I’ll
go for the legs.”Juliana nodded. I didnt like Hannahs sence of fighting for it was not greek nor any way it should be. I dicided to make a REAL plan.”OK,
heresthe plan.”I looked around.”Juliana, you attack Devin, I attack Shaun, and Hannah, you attack Cameron. We all attack Our one person, but defend each
other if needed and-” But Hannah was inturupting. “I alreaddy made the plan.” She said annoyed. “Yes,”I said definately more annoyed then her.” Without
approval from the team? May I hear?” Hannah just got more annoyed “Yes you may!” and she layed out her plan. Then there was silence. Finnaly I said “Nope.
Wouldn’t work.” Hannah glared at me. “Why is that, Miss Princess?” I narrowed my eyes. Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. I told her why. “Oh.” She said
her voice coming back to normal “I..I..I didn’t notice that.” Juliana cleared her throuat. “Well, can you two make up? we gotta go in soon. Sorry Hannah but
I’m going with Allie’s plan.” Hannah looked down “Sorry,” She squeaked. “Its OK.” I said. “Now entrances ready!” Hannah’s eyes narrowed but she got
perpared. Now our entrance was complecated but very good,Something the boys could never do.And we did it perfectly. so perfectly, we coulnt lose.
Whatd u think?!
long huh? well, Ive writen 3 chapters (including intro). bye!! B bac l8r
real quick ill make 100 commenmt
100th comment!!! haha!!
read comments on last page!!
You guys realize that the Mythology Vs. Counterfeit page has close to 8 THOUSAND comments right getting to 100 is not a big deal
eh… MY Book? last page? oh, Nicky, remember Majestic mice? this is better!!
Yeah. I realize.
… how old r u know? last time… what 13? so… 14? im 10. and im smarted then that stupid tourtoise!! sorry. did u like my new book?
i ment smarteR. and… My book?
Great! Nice improvement. Did you finish the last one. Oh and I’m writing a book myself. Also working on another one. I like to keep my stories to myself though.
I’m not 14. That was Smart Paw. And Khmer Girl. And I think White Dragon too.
‘member how it used to be? Me and smart paw arguing, U and the others making small comments, smart paws mom… that was good! remember skittles? CWs sis? ahh… good times…
fine with me. and i did. this ones gonna get published. how old are u then. 15? 12? dont know.
Ha ha. Smart Paw. I miss that man. He missed you ya know. He said you reminded him of an annoying sister. *relieving laugh*
Good times. Good times.
Ha! 15! Wow! No. Not 15. 😆
everybody campaining is lame ur just lame donald trump is like director D so do you have to call him lame
everybody campaining is not lame ur just lame donald trump is like director D so do you have to call him lame
Ignoring odd person. how old then?! he said that! aww!!… yet eww!! thats acculy cool… What paged he say that? and when was the last time i cam on!??? besides now. still on? probably not…
Yep still on. I forgot what page it was a while ago. And not saying my age.
far back on steamworks is the old popsecrets. with u,Mathy,CW,Nicky,WD,Cabby,me, SP… member Lary the evil twin? sps evil twin?? 😈 and food fight? and the posse? and… *throws a pie at Nicky* haha!!! and ur age? im 10,CW too. last year 9…
γειά σου; im το είδος βαρεθείτε. καλά, αντίο! πήρε να κάνει ηλίθια έκθεσή μου σχετικά με Carson City. στην τάξη μου που όλοι πρέπει να κάνουμε μια έκθεση σχετικά με όλες τις πρωτεύουσες του κράτους. exept το δικό μας κράτος. έχουμε ένα δεύτερο 49 παιδιά. BYE!
translation: hello?? im kind of getting bored. well, bye! got to do my stupid report on Carson City. in my class we all have to do a report on all the state capitals. exept our own state. we half 49 kids. Bye! TTYL.
??? im cunfused. im ignoring u.
wait a sec…
*sly smile* *throws solslaw at BT* haha!!!
Anybody on?
Oh yeah. Those were the days.
*throws meatball at Bendy Turtle’s ugly, green, slimy, head*
Umm…. Why don’t you all calm down. Stop fighting.
I don’t want to get ino the middle of anything, but it seems like you all are getting worked up for no/ little reason.
At least, that’s how it seems to me.
This is a site about poptropica. Talk about that, I guess. Or at least be polite.
I hope I don’t sound rude.
Okay, Bye 😀
And, on a completely unrelated subject… Yay! It’s May!
Ignoring other anonymous people. and BT, this is a food fight! not idiot fight! so i sugest u leave and start ur own idiot fight… as long as ur the only one in it it will be the most idiotic idiot fight. *throws liver at BT to show point* *throws cherry pie at CW* *throws vinilakake at nicky* *throws colslaw at everyone else* bye! im sick so no school! yay! *chough vilently* mabe… not…
Umm, that was rude. Don’t live in your own world.
Again, trying not to sound rude.
*throws casserole at Jeall.* *throws lemon pie at nicholas* *throws spagetti and meatballs at BT* *throws swiss cheese sandwhiches at everybody*
stop the food fight for a minute i have a present for you all (gives everyone there own smoking monkey) 
stop the food fight for a minute i have a present for you all (gives everyone there own smoking monkey) http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/free-hugs/SmokingMonkey.gif
where’s mathmoticious, she was my favorite poptropica secrets person. of the past
eww! ur a destucing dude! oh! ur a girl? tough dude!! infernape, what?? FD, whateve. Cw, ways BT get the dilisious food! next i get pasta!! then brake so i can eat it out of my hair! spegetti girl and rest, everyboody gets: *Pie at evryone but bt* for bt u get *throws crap (OMG sorry) at BT* not so fun huh!!
Gone for a month and THIS is what happens! 🙁
Where are all the nice poptropicans who are opposed to rude and violent comments????
And no, I’m not trying to be rude, but you guys should really stop.
5 year olds go on this site.
This is a game with a friendly enviroment.
Or at least it was,
when all of a sudden people started thinking this is a pre/teen site where we can start cussing.
Look, we aren’t perfect. We’ll get into arguments. I can understand that.
Food Fights?
Totally acceptable.
(Been there, done that)
But we don’t hafta bring out the dirty language.
I don’t care if you ignore or “whateve” me.
I want ALL of you to at least keep in mind that this is not your free chatting site.
It’s a poptropica site,
made for helping people with island-problems,
commenting about poptropica,
and sharing outfits/glitches.
Why don’t you guys continue this on Facebook or something?
*Again, really not trying to be rude, just trying to spread my point.*
And thanks Friendly Dragon, for at least bringing it up. 🙂
… I didn’t think poptropicasecrets would bring up Donald Trumps on this site.
Oh well. I guess it is like that. But she did turn Hercules into a statue. Probably considered villian-worthy??? ❓
@ Nicholas:
Yup, WD too is 14.
u know ur right. i just said that cause BT makes me sooooo… Im not gonna say it… Not gonna say it… im gonna say it… BT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOO MAD!! k back to back. Im ten. i say that cause of “IT”.and i said sorry!! are u from a year ago?
and CW, the site please??
ok, getting late. night every body. oh and did everyone know u can type “typewriter” in one line. try it!! k night. TTYT!!
You’re right! I think it’s the longest word you can type on the top row. I tried making lots of words only using the top row. Then the second row, then the third row.
I hope that in the excitement of the villain showdown, the creators don’t forget about Red Dragon Island. They won’t, I know, but it’s still a scary though.
Mkay. *Throws pasta at Jeall*
Γιατί είναι όλοι ρίχνουν τρόφιμα ο ένας στον άλλο;
* ρίχνει πατατοσαλάτα σε μαζεμένος Walker *
*sneaks in to bathroom as CW throws cassorole at BT and eats the pasta* and Unknown, its a game we made up. and FD, cool huh???
uhhh… Im ick and i ate it… uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggghhhhhhh.
Hello??? omg… thats weird… did everyone die or something??? I hope my arch enimies, devin and connor (moron and smartypants cutey) are dead…
uh… still sick… in pain… *cough,cough* uhhh. by…by…Chooooo!!!!! excuse meee… achooo! achooo!! achooooooo!!! uhhggg. bye
150th comment… by a human… and BT… if u say bad words, u must be an adult. ur not alowd on here. and why do u document me? u must like me to do that…
I made a nother carecter to redo the islands and from being on a hour ive aready almost did all the islands!
now im doing super hero. what super hero should i do first? Copy cat? i think so. shes easy est. order of easy to hard and order ill do them:
Copy Cat
Speeding spike
Sir Rebral
Betty Jetty
what BT? u scared of me? a adult against a child and ur scared?? 😀 right were i want yah. i knowur there. and if u dont answer without bad words ull be BT, not bendy turtle, Baby Terrorist! ha!!
You know, your right Jeall. I shouldnt cuss. after all, 4 year olds come on here.
u said u were 11 then u said u werent!!! ur a liar!!!! BABY TERRORIST!! BABY TERRORIST BABY TERRORIST!!!!
uhhh… what happend? one minute i was on the site, the next i was on my bed with a headake and my dog was at my computer talking to you, bendy Turtle… i scared her away and then i went on here and you were yelling cuss words at me. whats up?
OK! i just wanted to say Hi, nice to meet you! If you werent screming at me id DEFINITLY like you ALOT!
Hey! your getting calm! I like calm Bendy Turtle! can I call you BT? I used to give nicknames!
gotta go bye!
Im back real quick. sorry! I stayed away and only went to the site and CW said to come so i started to and then i fell asleep for what felt like a week. then i woke up like i said.
Was her name Laurili? thats sombody i dlont like. shes chubby. the skinny ones Madison. I called her Midget cause shes a midget. funny ha?
hold it, gotta defeat speedy… 1 sec…
done. speedys agialy kinda creepy evn though hes hard. hey, did you know ive been playing since second grade and im finishing 4th. 2 years. Ive done all the islands!!
you and BT are funny REALLY FUNNY
cuz Jeall says something then you get super pissed then Jeall acts innocent then you get even more pissed IT’S COMEDY GOLD!!!!!
I know
It is really really really funny
2nd Round! Black Widow is losing! I really hoped she would make it till the end. I disliked El Mustachio Grande. He was so aggravating. Counterfeit island was a lot more fun in my opinion and Black Widow was a great villain.
And Bendy Turtle your doing the same thing Smart Paw used to do with Jeall. She would say something he get mad. Back and forth. It was even worse with Popular Jumper. Anyway.
You would rather be pissed off than pissed on.
BT please stop going on GG and I’s page ok
Apparantly you are. In caps. I want nothing to do with you.
😆 I can imagine. You being friends with them.
Popular Jumper was kind of mean though.
Popular Jumper is a girl.
Smart Paw is a guy.
So you know.
😆 Definitely going overboard.
hey bt if you don’t like jeall theres to things you can do that make sense
1.leave this blog so you don’t have to deal with it
2.wait and see if jeall leaves the blog and don’t fill the waiting with unnecessary cursing and angry posting.
I am on no ones side
scratch the unnecessary. NO cursing is necessary on this blog
Oh yeah Infernape. I totally agree with you, *raise both hands and feet! Dunno why*
I’m on no one sides either Infernape. And you are making great points. Be appropriate. But of course the first amendment allows people freedom of speech. So. Yeah.
Kill ’em with kindness. I didn’t like Popular Jumper and Jeall used to aggravate my nerves then I would reply but there is no point. What goes around comes right back. All. The. Time.
What don’t you get?
The fact that this website has kids on it! Like lil’ kids. Not teens. (Although we do have teens.) You got to be appropriate ya know. BUT you have the right to say whatever you want becuz of the law. So no one can do nothing about it. Unless your cyberbullying.
Both of you. Mainly. And Infernape.
And I had seriously bad grammar in my last comment.
She IS cyberbulling! and iagree with every word u say nicky! And CW, u are a true friend. 🙂
im not gonna hang here! ur all rude! ill stick with “The site!” and Smart Paw said he missed me! like i was and annoying little sis! and PJ, *shiver* Im gonna forget her. so ha BT!
BT just wants attention so just ignore him/her. (sorry cant really tell)
ha! thats your nice sisters pic! and like im leaving!
You are making a fool out of yourself.
I think it’s kind of apparent she’s a girl. You can look at her picture.
CW, go to the site
What site? I forgot it. Oh well.
in Jeall’s case it is. Becuz her and him used to battle it out. It was gruesome .
??? Im just gonna say… YOU LIKE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!!! thats not a bad word.its another word for Hades underworl. *winks at CW*
lets have a vote who wants jeall to leave and who wants bt to leave
I have a pic. it doesnt come on.
I just want them to get them to stop. Fighting makes people go crazy. You have that burning feeling that you want to slap someone.
Hey. Infernape didn’t do anything he just wants to solve the problem.
at this point bt and jeall might need therapy
Your welcome Bendy Turtle. 😀
True. True.
I dont want anyone off the site i just want to see who the majority of the people think started the problem
oh ya and its ZARU NOT ZAZA AND NEVER EVER EVER CALL ME INFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well alright Infernape. Does anyone know who started it?
Oh and on Poptropica. Who wants Black Widow to make it to the end?
Black Widow regole!
DO NOT CALL ME INFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s your opinion. But these are my top 4. Captain Crawfish. Binary Bard. Zeus. Black Widow.
BT. I am a halfblood. I am not afraid to use my powers on you.
मैं कैसे इस तरह दिखता है.
और क्या यह आधा रक्त सामान के साथ है. मैं नहीं बल्कि मानव होगा.
You can call me nicky.
black widow and zues. an dodnt mess with CW! he didnt do anything! And Zaru doesnt like infer so respect him!
CW! may we talk on the site?? PLEASE!
Um. I have to go. But this isn’t right. Calling people names.
For one. Caca is a famous soccer player in Brazil.
And 2) And no one is a bitch. Only dogs are. And no one here is a dog.
So please just try and calm down Bendy Turtle. And Jeall stay off for a while. Let’s cool down.
call me zaru please its not hard
OK on the site I go
I am going to kill Skittles. She read through all my private stuff. She guessed Jeall’s name half right and Jeall thinks I told Skittles her real name.
CW, no offence but u talk to much. and nicky, no offence but im not leaving.
scratch that. CW it s ay ur online but u havent replyed.
CW, u mad at me???
CW? awww. goodbye 😥 😥 😥
I still don’t see why you use that language here. Its rude and disrespectful
I know! CW? were are u? the site please.
Im sick and one nostrils running like crazy, ones as calm as if i werent sick. then my throat hurts and i have a bad cough. then my summach hurts. how bad does it get?
Jeall I responded. Goodnight.
night! its 6 o’ clock! oh. u live somewhere else. see u tomarrow.
❓ ❗ O.0
Great now i ound like a maniac! Which i probably am!
i mean “sound”
screw u medusa!!!!!! brisingr out peace
Uhhh… Nicholas? You know Hindi?
Hello. Jeall I responded on “The site”. Skittles did too.
Everyone quit complaining about people use swear words ok
saying “there are little kids that go on this site” 1.with how some of you type its hard to understand even for me so there is no way that some 8 year old kid could read it any better
2.these kids are just that KIDS they won’t even know what a “Dirty Lil Bitch” is
3. why would KIDS even come on this page the fruit loops ad thing or whatever happened like 2 years ago so yeah a whole bunch of kids are gonna want to see a walkthrough to something they can’t even play
Aang,Nicholas and I’m pretty sure Jeall acted like that too
Yah! CW and I happen to be 10 and the mean old lady’s swearing at us! *puppy dog face* innocent. and I was moving when i said i lived in england. weve been moving latley. its NOW 6 HERE.
and i acted like what?
Hey, I may not be as old as anyone, but i play piano beautifuly and ive been playing for 6 years. since i was 4! and, im not who u think I am. neither is CW.
and is everyone at school? im lonley. im still sick remember? ok, TTYL
bye derector d ull be missed :wave:
Jeall if you hate BT using swear words then leave or QUIT COMPLAINING
ok it isn’t that hard
@ShadowPrince I’ m sure a little kid will figure out what a dirty little b’ is. Some may use it. Besides i would be ad if someone cussed all over the page. And I would still read these post if I were younger. So yeah. Little kids are a bit smarter these days,
i beated all the islands to today lazy song is on.
because in real life medusa is stronger than director d