The Poptropica Creators are certainly pushing their LEGO project. This time they’ve rolled out a PDF of Dr. Hare that you can print, cut out, and construct yourself. I have to admit, that would look pretty cool on my shelf. Here’s the original announcement:
We still need 2,300+ more votes to reach 10,000 supporters for the Dr. Hare’s Lair Lego project. To help you visualize just how cool a Dr. Hare Lego set would be, we’ve created this Dr. Hare Paper Craft for you to print out and assemble. We’re sure all you evil geniuses in the making could whip this up in a matter of moments.
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to support “Dr Hare’s Lair” today! If you’re under 13, ask your parents or an older sibling to cast a vote of support. How could one refuse, when presented with a super cool paper Dr. Hare?
Good luck and careful with those scissors!
FIRST! And that’s one cool craft, man!
Going on vacation tomorrow…whole month. Wish me luck.
Good luck!
Hullo! Anyone on?
Hey guys! I actually printed out the craft, I’m in the process of folding all the pieces.
Let me know how it turns out!
uumm… thats cool! *ihavenoideawhattosay.*
hey, CS, cool gravatar!
to anyone who thinks my *coughcoughcrush* stories are interesting, ill post them on the previous blog post. someday. soon. 🙂
Thanks WS! 🙂 It finally got moderated. 🙂 Thank you Zippy! 😀
What the? Sam blocked my comments on his blog. 😡
Does anyone want to star in my fourth movie, “Coldsnap Paranoia”? It takes place in Africa! I didn’t want it to take place in Antarctica, I just wanted a part where Africa gets cold under some circumstances. I’ve already done set building – five runaway gems, each smaller than last. I’ve made the scenery and all that other stuff, I’ve just got Post Production to do. I have to slide out a few mistakes, like, the runaway gems with cracks in them, and, sound editing (AKA foley art), like, for instance, a runaway gem making contact with another gem can be a stick hitting a glass. I’d have to give this a PG rating whether it gets scary and/or violent. I have C.J. on camera and she’s having trouble. “No, C.J.,” I say. “You’ve got to keep it in the center. All right. Take 23 and… ACTION!” C.J. pauses for a moment. “CUT! Didn’t you hear me?! All right. Take 24 and… ACTION!” This time C.J. got it correct. No going outside the center.
I have a few people starring.
KAHMA PORTULLANE (playing as the African drummer)
KAREN WOLD (playing as the miner)
MARIE JOHNSON (playing as the fence deactivator)
Don’t worry about Anny, she’s on paint fix.
If anyone doesn’t know who Anny is, then she is my ex-girlfriend at school in which we met last week. She is so dumb to know how smart C.J. is. Yesterday, C.J. worked on the Security Disco disco ball, dishwasher, 2-in-1 clothes washer and dryer, and more!
Hey, Wild Star. I read that post about your *coughcoughcrush* story and it was great! I hope you keep going! I find it very interesting. 🙂
thx! 🙂
Anyone on????
Sure IS. But you come on when I’m sleepppyyy……
CS! helloooooo there!
did you read my story, what did you think?
Is anyone here going to TIN’s author’s night tmrw??????
I read part of it. I got kicked off my computer so I will continue. Sounds like one of my friends so far!
Heck yeah I’m going to TIB’s Author Night tomorrow!
Anyone else??????
I am.
Has anyone ever heard of the song Awake and Alive? It’s EPIC ❗ If you want I could give you the link!!!! *cutest puppy dog face ever!!!*
Fascinating 😮
Cool Kid, you’re back! I’m working on my fourth film, “Coldsnap Paranoia”. If you read recent comments, you’ll know what it’s about! It takes place all around Africa, starting in Giza, where the pyramids and their guardian statue, the Sphinx, was built!
I’m building the film gears. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! I’ve been working on it since 9:00 pm last night. Poptropicans could not sleep, and some were seeing how much they weren’t going to wake up as stars!
If I was to choose a LOTE (L]anguage O]ther T]han E]nglish), it would be Spanish.
Last night, I went to Twin Palms Mall and went inside Macguffin’s. It was just 8:16 pm (44 minutes before closing time) when I went inside. I noticed the only delicious things inside were the Fluoride Peanut Butter jars and the ChocoSuds bottles. I bought some ChocoSuds and went back to Grand Majestic Studios, gulping down half a capful of choc liquid. “I bet ‘Los Tres Burritos en Americano’ would be a good play about three lousy Mexican Poptropicans wearing sombreros and dressed as burritos, while the burritos turn into those delicious tacos, and run over to India where they change into chapatis (Indian tortillas),” I said.
yo. yoyo.
dang, i NEED a forum account.
im so bored. did you guess?

Guys, I’m making a post and I need an opinion. At the end I want to write somethung funny but what I have is corny.
“Yay! Finally they realized all of the bugs in the BETA that needed to be fixed. Well, it’s just a BETA. Of course they’re going to be some ups and downs. 😉 “
hai peeopls
u like icecream, I DO!!
hullo CS U THERE
Anyone there? The script’s about to commence!
ime here
u still here?
I’ll be Dr. Icebon.
Anyone here want to star? You can appear in part of the script!
OH MA GAH! When people are on and they ask if anyone is on, and i say i have they ignore meh :L
or secret agent fire whichever one you like best…
DR. ICEBON: Africa is the continent with the most countries! 52, to be exact.
JR. ICEPICK: 52? I have a book on Africa! “Languages; Africa’s languages are Afrikaans, Swahili, Arabic and French.”
Red Lion, you can be Secret Agent Fire.
SAF: Ooh i speak French!!
DR. ICEBON: What country shall we go to first?
DR. ICEBON: Wise choice. [gives JR. ICEPICK a wink]
The plane crash-lands in Egypt.
SAF: Noooooo!!!! MY PEPSI IS GOONE NOW ILL NEVER LIVE!!! Hey….what happen to the plane?
DR. ICEBON: We don’t have any spare material.
JR. ICECAP: All our fuel has drained out. [seeks a puddle of fuel and then an oil barrel rolling towards him] There must be some miner here.
JR. ICECAP: Modern standard Arabic is spoken in Egypt.
SAF: -spots some foreign people nearby- maybe we could ask the for direcrtions?
MINER: مرحبا، هل أنت من بلد مختلف؟
SAF: yes! yes we are
MINER: ذا كنت تريد الاتجاهات، سأكون قادرا على القول أنه يمكنك يسير في الاتجاه الصحيح لمقهى قريب. لدينا الطعام المصري اللذيذ.
SAF: did i mention i know arabic too?
SAF: hmm ive never tried egyptian food…i wish they had a taco bell..
JR. ICEPICK: He’s saying that there’s a cafeteria nearby to the right.
JR. ICECAP: Taco bell? Tacos are Mexican!
JR.ICECAP? you mean icepick???
MINER: إذا كنت الذهاب إلى الداخل، وهناك الطعام اللذيذ والمشروبات وآلات القمار!
JR. ICEPICK: Oh, right. Icecap is my friend.
SAF: im too young to gamble… 12
EGYPTIAN SERVER: يمكنني تهمك في نخب الهرم لدينا؟
SAF: لديهم على أساس سنوي تاكو بيل؟
EGYPTIAN CUSTOMER: هل هذه المكتبة؟ أريد أن استعارة الكتاب!
SAF:من مطعم أنت مجنون!
DR. ICEBON: انا ذاهب الى الحصول على مهووس جدا في الحب المصريون طريقة الغذاء الكثير. أعتقد سآخذ نخب الهرم.
that was supposed to say “its a restraunt you fool!”
JR. ICEPICK: وهنا حقيقة متعة! استخدام جنيه المصريين!
SAF: Wait are we eating toast or not?
SERVER: جنيه واحد للنخب الهرم.
JR. ICEPICK: هنا تذهب! واحد جنيه مصرى! لقد تم إنقاذ العملات في جميع أنحاء العالم لأسباب أفضل!
They all receive their orders and go to a table.
DR. ICEBON: Scrambled eggs… Grainy toast… Thin butter… Perfect!
SAF:أنا أكره أن تنفجر فقاعة الخاص بك ولكن انا ضائعة تماما!
I’m sorry we have to continue another time. Bye-bye!
okaii buh-bye 🙂
🙄 ?
No! 😥 OMG RL! You came back! 😥 I missed you! Where were you? What happened? 😥
I’m lost…is this some roleplay you guys are doing? #confused
And what’s with the Arabic?
IDK…….. 😀
No! 😥 OMG RL! You came back! 😥 I missed you! Where were you? What happened? 😥 Chu will come back right? 😥 RIGHT?!?! 😥 I can’t believe you came on an I missed it! 😥
I got a gravatar and NF is able to comment! Please chat with me soon! Tomorrow! 😥 PLEASE?!?!?! 😥 You missed so much! 😥
@RW: Yeah, it’s a roleplay, a script that IS came up with. There was also another roleplay that we made a while back. Right now the explorers are in Egypt. Arabic is the language that the Egyptians speak, am I correct?
I do not understand any of the Arabic, I’m too lazy to go on Google Translate; also, it’s getting pretty late where I live anyway…
Hi. Is it late?
Nearly 2:00 am?! C.J. would be in bed (obviously)!
I guess I have no other choice – Shocking Alarm Pillow – I rest my head on it – it buzzes! That’s the only… “Hey, what was that?” asked C.J. …way to stop her snoring. “Oh, nothing,” I replied gullibly. “I was just thinking about how Anny loves those liquorice strings.” “Liquorice strings,” C.J. said. “Are 2 metres in length and 2 feet in height. I was thinking about your film gears, perhaps you should leave early to work on them.”
I’ve got to leave to go to GMS. I need to keep building those gears. Last night, 85.3% of the population were woken up. This morning should go no better. “Gently, Icy Snowball,” I say to myself. “It’s all gonna pay off sooner or later.” I make short bangs. Perhaps I should be more quiet… Here’s a result survey of how much of the population got woken up.
9:30 pm – 11.4%
10:30 pm – 19.7%
11:30 pm – 20.9%
12.30 am – 23.7%
1.30 am – 31.9%
2.30 am – 44.4%
3.30 am – 51.9%
4.30 am – 69.2%
5.30 am – 70.1%
6.30 am – 72.5%
6.31 am to Sunrise – 75.6%-85.3%
Whenever you’re on, friends, we’ll continue that script! WE WANT THE SCRIPT TO GO AS LONG AS WE NEED TO! And, what’s more, I’ll even be able to know this because of the time. You’re on by 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, I’m guessing?
I’m doing Despicable Me 2 campaign on Poptropica Night Watch Island. So far I got a lipstick Taser and Freeze Ray gun. FREEZE RAY! CHRRRRM! I’M FROZEN! LIPSTICK TASER! SQRRRRRRM! LIPSTICK?!
Well, at least it was 90% worth of a try… I’m gonna try out everything!
I’m going inside Bananabee’s, just to chillax.
Hi Icy Snowball.
Anyone on???? RL???
Just to make sure you see this…….
No! 😥 OMG RL! You came back! 😥 I missed you! Where were you? What happened? 😥 Chu will come back right? 😥 RIGHT?!?! 😥 I can’t believe you came on an I missed it! 😥
I got a gravatar and NF is able to comment! Please chat with me soon! Tomorrow! 😥 PLEASE?!?!?! 😥 You missed so much! 😥
Also, the TIB is having a party TONIGHT ❗ aT 8:00 PM CDT. COME ❗ I WILL BE THERE ❗
Me too!
RL? You on? 😥
I wonder what time it is…
Hello! Can I be apart of the script?
After 3:00 pm? School would have been finished. Today we had science. We were learning about the solar system!
You on summer vay cay?
Okay, Cool Smarticle! And, by the way, cool gravatar!
Thank you!
Are you going to TIB’s Author Night? It’s tonight at 8:00 PM CDT.
EGYPT – CONTINUE (I am Dr. Icebon and Jr. Icepick. Who do you want to be?)
DR. ICEBON: A fine Egyptian restaurant. I’d better switch to Arabic language mode!
(I’ll be um…… Dr. Wolfy)
DR. WOLFY: Hay….
Red Lion is SAF (Secret Agent Fire).
DR. WOLFY: Trespassers?! 😯 I think not! 👿
JR. ICECAP: DR. WOLFY, Egyptians speak modern standard Arabic.
(Okay! I thought of how I always call SW Wolfy. So….)
JR. ICEPICK: I mean, Icepick, not Icecap.
DR. WOLFY: I do understand that language.
DR. WOLFY: Who’s ICECAP? And I do NOT understand it.
(Is GF on?!?!??!)
EGYPTIAN WAITRESS: سأعتبر بعيدا أوامرك؟ يتم الانتهاء؟
JR. ICEPICK: أعتقد أننا.
JR. ICEPICK: [to DR. WOLFY] Arabic, not Spanish!
DR. WOLFY: I’m hungry. What’s on the menu?
DR. WOLFY: I ain’t speak Arabic. Bear hug!!!
DR. WOLFY: Abrazo de oso! Abrazo de oso! Mwahahahahahahaha!
DR. WOLFY: عناق الدب! عناق الدب! Muahahahahahahaha!
DR. ICEBON: آلات القمار؟ أنا شاب جدا للمقامرة …
آلات طابات! وأتساءل عما إذا كان لديهم منها الشوكولاته والنعناع!
DR. WOLFY: You sayin “Gambling machines? I’m too young to gamble …
Balls machines! I wonder if they have them and mint chocolate!” In Arabic?
DR. WOLFY: Bear hug!!! (run away!!!) ^-^ Mwehehehehe! 😈
JR. ICECAP: [whispering] Can we get outside and fix the plane?
They all proceed outside the restaurant to the plane.
DR. ICEBON and JR. ICEPICK IN UNISON: Oh, no! It’s gotten more worse!
DR. WOLFY: Okie.
(You say ICECAP?)
JR. ICEPICK: Hmmm. إصلاح الخطوط الجوية, which is Arabic for “airline repairs”. It’s a repair yard!
DR. WOLFY: Perfect!
AIRLINE REPAIRS WORKER: مرحبا بكم في إصلاح الخطوط، كيف يمكنني مساعدتك؟
DR. WOLFY: Uh……. ❓ Speak English would ya?
DR. ICEBON: يمكنك إصلاح الطائرة لدينا؟ انها تحطم هبطت قرب تلك الكبيرة، والصخور الرمادية.
DR. WOLFY: ❓ – ❓ Um…… DR. ICEBON, where are we?
AIRLINE REPAIRS WORKER: ما هي اللغة أنت تتحدث، صديق؟
DR. ICEBON: Why, we’re in Egypt, of course.
DR. WOLFY: Time to get on Google Translate.
كنت كراي كراي أو شيء؟ يرجى التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية!
DR. WOLFY: Ahh. The pyramids. A great discovery indeed my friends.
DR. ICEBON: التي هي الطريق القاهرة؟
AIRLINE REPAIRS WORKER: القاهرة انتهى إلى يسارك، 11 كيلومتر بعيدا.
DR. WOLFY: شكرا لك!
DR. ICEBON: Perhaps Cairo is next, Egypt’s capital.
IS, are you going to TIB’s Author night?
DR. WOLFY: Interesting.
IS, are you going to TIB’s Author night??? I am. It’s at 8:00 PM CDT tonight. You should come.
BRB. Dinner is ready. 😛 Yummy!
JR. ICEPICK: Ah, Cairo. The Egyptian capital and largest city. Home to buildings such as Cairo Marketplace.
I don’t, ’cause I’m an English-speaking Mexican who knows the time zone for this site.
DR. ICEBON: Cairo! Here we are!
JR. ICEPICK: According to my Cairo map, Cairo Marketplace is not that far. It sells Egyptian smallgoods and newspapers (in Arabic!!!)
(Awkward silence)
(Animational cricket chirps)
You going to the party?
What time zone do you live in?
DR. WOLFY: You can Read news papers for free?
I already told you, Cool Smarticle! I’m a Mexican who knows English and Spanish (who lives in Mexico City, Mexican capital and largest city) and knows USA time zones!
Yes, but what time zone? CDT? EDT? What?!!??!
You live in Mexico City? Nada. You live in France. You said so before. Well, that you don’t live in Mexico.
Cool Smarticle, I’m seven hours behind GMT!
😯 GMT? What time is that?!?!?! I live in CDT.
Never mind.
DR. ICEBON: اليومية المصرية. Sounds interesting.
Just tell me what time it is where you live now.
DR. WOLFY: Where is Agent Fire???
GMT stands for G)reenwich M)ean T)ime, if you didn’t know. The time zone is 0 hours, no matter if it’s behind or in-head of. There are three capital cities who are with GMT:
London, England
Lisbon, Portugal
Dublin, Ireland
Oh okay. I didn’t know that. But I’m still confused. o hours??? Can you tell me what time it is?
The part is in about 2 hours. Want the link?
Yeah, I’m doing that.
DR. ICEBON: This sounds interesting. الأهرامات المصرية أصبحت مأهولة من قبل ووريورز.
I have an idea for the next script! 💡
-_- Link:
It’s 6:04 pm where I live.
You sayin it’s 1 where you live?
Here’s the link for Mexico City’s time!
It’s 6:16 PM CDT where I live. The party is at 8:00 PM CDT.
Never mind. That site’s crazy. It’s 6:17 pm in Mexico City.
I have got an idea for the next script. I dunno if you’d like it…
That’s what it says.
Wanna hear de idea?
6 hours behind GMT, sorry.
DR. ICEBON: عندما كنا الماضي شهد أهرامات الجيزة العظيمة، كانت مسكونة من قبل المحاربين المصرية. كنا نظن أن المحاربين لم يسمح لتسكن الأهرامات لدينا؟
That’s okie. 🙂
Wanna hear it?
DR. WOLFY: التكنولوجيا العالية جدا اذا سألتني.
Let’s pause our script for a moment.
Question. Do you work on any blogs?
And wanna hear the idea?
6:24 pm in Mexico City!
Same here. Is that where you live?
I want to hear your idea!
Yay! Medieval times! With knights and swords! 😀 IDK if you’d like it. I’m just into King Arthur and Sonic and the Black Knight. 😉
Coordinates for Mexico City:
Latitude is 19-28dN
Longitude is 99-09dW
Whadda think?
A Saturday night means so much work.
Umm…… ❓
You don’t like it do you?
(From last page) I think it looks cool! I like you and your gravatar and how NF’s comments weren’t awaiting moderation anymore!
Thank you! 🙂
You know how one page can hold 50 comments, this is the…
(1 page = 50 comments
2 pages = 100 comments
3 pages = 150 comments
4 pages = 200 comments)
Fourth page!
NF did get annoying. Thank God, (and of course ZT) for modernizing them.
Hello??????? Anyone home?????
Zippy Turtle should make a costume contest called “Best Bunnies”.
a) Deck your Poptropican in a Dr. Hare themed costume (carrot costume, Dr. Hare Ears power, etcétera) and add other costumes as well.
b) Open your Avatar Studio (if not, it’s in the store for free!)
c) Type your username in and crop your Poptropican picture if you really want to
d) Highlight the link and copy it (make sure you have Poptropica Secrets up!)
e) On Poptropica Secrets, in the comments, post your link
f) In 25 words or less, comment all about your Poptropican and add a creative name as well (we can’t go on all day reading a 100 word explanation!)
g) Hit Submit and have a little read about your explanation, but this is optional for reading.
h) The explanations and pictures will be grabbed by Zippy Turtle.
i) Zippy Turtle will then post a poll in, about a week or 10 days, or whenever.
j) The next post will appear – “Vote for the Best Bunny You Think is Popular”. There will be a poll (there would be quite a lot of entries.)
k) Have a scroll through the entries and you’ll see the poll near the comments.
l) Click on the selection button going to the Poptropican you want to vote for.
m) The winner will be revealed in perhaps a week or 10 days, or whenever.*
*just a demonstration, but it can become a positive, real Costume Contest thing
Cool new gravatar, Cool Smarticle!
How do you get a gravatar? Do you have to be a Member or something?
Oh hi!
I have a wordpress account and I somehow got one….. I dunno what I did.
Want the link?
Thank you!
It’s nearly 7:00 pm in Mexico.
I like your costume idea! 😀
Same here. PARTY’S IN AN HOUR! 8!
It starts at 8.
I GTG soon.
CS, I clicked on the link to Sam’s blog. The party’s cancelled… 🙁
NVM The party’s not cancelled.
Guys the code is DTJ96! Bring everyone!
What’s the codE????
2nd and 3rd code: DMW79 and EEE46
I’m coming!
Made a typo on other code. It’s EEF46
2nd and 3rd don’t work.
The third is full, and I’m not sure if the 2nd one was correct.
The code EEF46 is already filled with people. Each multiverse can hold up to 9 people. Some people have made another room, the code is BXV67.
What room are you in????
It’s not working.
I’m in EEF46. SI is there, I’ll leave so you can see her.
Thank you BS!
Go to the 1st one NF is lonely.
NF left.
I entered in the code… it didn’t work.
NF left. Others left try the one you left.
EEF46 . Some people left….
Yes! EEF46 is not full! The room I was in was getting pretty lonely, it only had like, 2 people.
IS! The part is now!
I’m here!
Oh, great, what’s with C.J. taking a long bath? Her first time she ever bathes for long! Now I’m going to have a freakin’ cold bath (unless she doesn’t use the hot water up, which she normally doesn’t.)
IS! Come to da party! BRING CAKE!
Just wait till I get back home to Mexico, she’ll see.
Just come to the room.
“I have a nice luxury Mexican house,” I said. “It’s got a taco shell supply, a fizzy drink dispenser, wall clocks, a computer, golden rooms, a bathroom with never-ending-hot-water, a kitchen with a second fridge, a second microwave, a second toaster, and luxury colourful-light-changing aquariums with 10 fish inside each!”
Okay, Cool Smarticle. What’s the code? I’m getting on Poptropica right now.
Sorry for yelling.
EEF46 is da code.
Sorry for yelling. 😳
Logging in…
Okie. Hurry. Alot of people are there.
Okay, I’m there.
YEAH ❗ Party time! I’m mad at you. Why didn’t you bring the cake?
I’m in my Despicable Me 2 Minion Costume!
I’m Quiet Bubbles! Dr. Bubbles ❗
And I’ve also got my Fart Gun! It usually makes people jump or faint.
Someone’s up to no good. A minion! Bee boo mol tee verse room lets par tee oh yea
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
You gonna bring da cake?
Eye amm choo wing spook tack yoo lar pop gum wunce yoo choo it it blos owt purr pool bub balls and chat ter ring skulls
Can’t believe it! Gum, music, and more!
Brave Sky, you look techno. What are you doing in the multiplayer room? Well, not likely it must be your room.
Thank you?
Slippery Icicle, you’re from Canada. I’m from Mexico! Hola! Mi nombre es Bola de Nieve Helada – mi español nombre!
BS, are there any other rooms?
IS, you are from France. 😆
I’m a Mexican who speaks Spanish (officially) and English! I own a famous luxury mansion and only have 275 credits.
Look at my stats at the top! There’ll be a flag with green and red and white and brown!
Okie. But anyone can put anything they want. 😛
You speak French.
I’m asking Brave Sky for a game of Soupwords!
Have you gone bonkers??!?!?
Okay, Soupwords is over. 6 points for me, 0 for Brave Sky. I won with TOE and SOW.
BS. What are the other codes?
Play against me.
I’m chatting in 2 chatrooms, in a multiverse, and commenting on here. But some people made an after party even the original party is still going on. The after party code is EXX72.
nvm the code got deleted.
Had to leave the party. Have to get ready for bed, my mom doesn’t want me to stay up late… 🙄
I’m starting a new room now! Code shortly given!
Shortly shortly…
Wish I stayed a little longer… 🙁
Room creating in progress, and so is the code…
EBQ26 is the code! Have fancy stuff!
Anyone coming?
Coming or not?
Fifth page!
Room deleted, sorry. Oops… Wonder what time it is in Mexico?
9:41 pm!
Sorry. I’ll make a code….
im online anyone else???
gues not??
Haiii CS if your on and reading this, IM BAQ AND BETA THAN EVA BEBE!!! lol soo watchya doin? i forgot to bring my charger and my laptop ran outta battery…..
Well Cya 🙁
ellow, I’m new! anyone on? (;
No! 😥 OMG RL! You came back! 😥 I missed you! Where were you? What happened? 😥 Chu will come back right? 😥 RIGHT?!?! 😥 I can’t believe you came on an I missed it! 😥
I got a gravatar and NF is able to comment! Please chat with me soon! Tomorrow! 😥 PLEASE?!?!?! 😥 You missed so much! 😥
Camping,I forgot my charger for my laptop, yes i came back 🙂 and yes ill be on tommorow maybe…
-sniffle sniffle-
Chu make me cry :*( -waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
gahh im lonely hopefully you’ll come back soon
Why chu leave me?????
Chu left me -.-
You better stay. Also, I forgot to tell you….
No! You went camping.
tell me what?
How chu forget me?
I’m an author on Silver Wolf’s blog.
its not my fault i went campping 🙁
silver wolf?
whats the name?
I know. I was jk. 😆 I missed you.
Bear hug RL!!! Bear hug!!! ^-^
Silver Wolf is the owner of Poptropica Tips for Poptropicans.
Also, sleepy never drank his milk. Go tell the kid to drink his milk and get some rest.
RL? You alive?
kay ill check it out brb
And you missed the party. 🙁
Want da link?
BRB. Do not leave please.
That da link. If you comment on my posts I can modernize them.
What chu think? SW is really nice.
Everyone is. 🙂
Chu back gurly?
you think i can be an author
Lmao XD how do i become oneEeeeeeeeeeeeee?
You? Of course. Go to the Become an author page. But I think we have enough right now. 🙁 I can tell SW if you’d like. And you need a WordPress account.
Hope this helps!
oh then im fine….. ill stick to writing stories in school 😛
do you play weeworld you should its fun!
I will recommend chu. Okie?
You want me to recommend you?
What’s that?
nah… its fine , and weeworld is a game i play i have to go in a few min jus so u kno
O_O Stare……
Okie. 🙂
No, ssttaayy.
Sttaayy here.
actullay i gtg right now sorry bai or my mums gunna kill me
I have been talking to SW for too long. 😆
Okie. Talk to me tmrw okie?
Tell chur mum I said hay.
Bai bai.
😯 I’m dead.
Breakfast burritos 😛
Anyone on???
Guess not….. Cya 😛
Hello. Bye.
“Cool” gravatar, “Smarticle”!
I don’t have a printer ❗ 🙁
Thank you Feather! 😛
Anyone on????????????????????????
I am 🙂
But I guess ur not 🙁
bye 🙁
I am!!!!!!!
I was commenting on other blog! Don’t go! Stay!
Whaddaya doin?
i got bored so im playing this game called wooz world i saw lots of ads for it so i decided to try it
I never heard of it.
I just googled it. Cool. 🙂
brb ima get my charger
You back?
Back :))
😛 Ello.
Have you ever heard of the song Awake and Ailve?
ELLO ?!??!?!?
RED LION?!?!?! Chu leave me? 🙁
😥 I can’t believe this. 😥 You abandoned me. 😥 WHY?!?!?!
-_- I’m leaving. 🙁
Okie dockie.
Have you ever heard of the song Awake and Ailve???
HELLO?!?!?!?!?! -_- Respond faster please.
Sorry I’m just busy y cousin is coming over from Cali today with her husband..
Brb I got to do the dishes:(
😯 How old is she?
Okie. 🙁 I’ll be waiting.
Back and she’s 27 my mum is doing the dishes instead
Okie dokie. 🙂
I don’t wanna clean dishes.
IKR it’s soo boring 🙁
And nasty. 🙁
Hey guys
Who’s on the spot?
Um………… ❓ Dafuq are you?
The person above me
I’m going to Peru tomorrow ❗ 😎
Cool! Sanic replied to you.
Who the Feather is on the spot?
Sorry I gtg take a shower my mum is being annoying :/
-_- I’ll be waiting.
Awesome post GF! What time will it be?
こんにちは、私はここに新しい午前 It’s Japanese
Dafuq? Who dafuq are you and what are you doing?
Who the Feather are you?!?!?!?!??!
أنت؟؟؟ كنت اليابانية؟؟ ماذا بحق الجحيم؟؟؟
Ok, that is just harsh.
What did I do!??!?!?!!
Um…. What the hell is that?
You don’t even know what I said do you?
SNAP OUT OF IT ❗ *facepalm*
Your selfish!
What? No s/he isn’t!
Shut up Self conscious!
No 👿 !
Bear hug!!!
Oh don’t you start. -_-
On the spot I love rolanda videos their soo funny and my cousin has a crush on alex
I know right! They’re so awesome.
I love rolanda
Hi my names rolanda
Your such a hottie
Can I touch you
I want chur body
Did CHU see the immature vid?
Yeah, so funny
I am back and I apologize. I thought you were someone else. Please forgive me.
I will be right back. Brunch is ready. 😛
My fave character is Richard but I don’t like Alex
Ok I forgive you.
This one’s hilarious.
Ello again!
Thank you. I thought you were someone who’s name shall not be commented.
Hay gurl!
ellow is some one one [;
1. How old are you?
2. You a girl?
1. 10
2. Yes
I gtg. Be back in an hour!
1. 4th or 5th?
Here’s something to keep you gurls entertained.
Hay. Oh wait hey is for horses….
No, you said hey, so like hi.
No, I said hay, so like horses.
What you said.
Now you agree with me?
I don’t understand you.
Neither do I.
So, yeah.
Ugh, what now?
How now, brown cow?
Do I look like a cow to you?
A scoop of vanilla?
What? -_- Don’t give me attitude!
Whatever! 🙄
Don’t roll your eyes at me! 🙄
You’re a hypocrite.
No, you are. Rib-bit.
-_- You calling me a frog?
You look green.
You saying I’m sick?
Yep…… Sick in the head.
Don’t touch my stuff!
Ahh!!! …… Wait a minute.
-_- That wasn’t funny.
Yes it was!
Nu-uh ❗
Yeah-huh ❗
Sometimes, I don’t understand you.
I AM you.
If you were I would go nuts.
Yum nuts!
No wonder why……… Never mind.
What does nvm mean?
Never mind.
No seriously! What does it mean?
OMG! Just never mind.
Does nvm stand for never mind?
*face palm*
FINALLY ❗ You finally realize that I was sayin it the WHOLE TIME ❗
I was actually finding quite funny how I kept on saying it but you didn’t realize.
You’re a hypicrite.
What is your problem?
Whatever. -_-
Fine be that way. -_-
Don’t stick your tongue out at me!
Hay! Don’t be rude!
Here we go again. 🙄
Oh my…..
Hay is for horses! 😛
Look who’s talking. 🙄
Matt Smith isn’t going to be apart of Dr. who anymore?!? WHY?!? 😥 Doctor, WHY?!? -_- That’s going to make a great Christmas present Matt thanks a lot. -_-
*whispers* Yes!
What did you say?
Nothing…… 🙂
Why do you have a smirk on your face?
I’m hungry.
Feed me!!!!!!!
I dunno.
Fine then. Brb.
What did you have?
Err……. an eclair.
What, you jealous?
Of course horse! 😛
What did you just call me?
How now brown cow?
Oh my……
Har, har, har!
No wait even better…… Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! 😈
I find it weird you just said that. O-O
Oh great.
Ugh, what now?
I do not want to hear one word out of you!
I LIKE PIE!!!!!!!
I told you to-
You said one word. That was three!
What’s your problem? Hold your horses.
I ain’t got a horse.
Yeah, you have 5.
You scare me.
When are you ever happy?
I’m not replying,
You just did.
Hmm……. you lied to me…….
*dun dun dun*
O-O You like to stare.
What does that have to do with anything?
P.S. I’m not normal.
What now?
You get mad way to easily!
A scoop of vanilla?
I don’t want a scoop of vanilla!
You don’t even know what I’m talking about!
Like I said strange one.
I said that.
I am you.
No way.
Well, face the fact. I am you whether you like it or not. 😛
-_- Well, I don’t.
Too bad.
Ugh. You make me sick.
You are sick.
You wanna stare? O_O
😕 You are really weird. Go to a doctor.
What kind? The Doctor was real? I can hop into a TARDIS? Yahoo!
This conversation is over.
Not when I keep talking to you.
No comment.
That was a comment.
One question.
What now?
It’s hidden in plain sight. A question that shall be asked and silence will fall.
Oh no.
Silence HAS to fall.
Don’t ask it.
Doctor who?
1. Going into fifth
2. HEY!!!
Gotta go.
1. 😛
2. Back. 🙂
No one here?????????
Bai. 🙁
Yay! 🙂
I’m am on
Give me 15 minutes.
Mkay Gurlie
I am back!
Mkay is back.
I just choked.
I’m going to Peru tomorrow, and my dad is weighing the luggage. He might weigh my backpack any minute now. So I better put my laptop in it. Don’t freak if I don’t respond.
P.S.- I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow on the plane ❗ (I’ll have to remember to switch my computer to airplane mode this time ❗ :mad:)
*beeeeeep* There goes the scale.
No one?
Okie. Bai. 🙁
Bai…… 🙁
No one Mkay bye
No. I’m dead.
Sup Gurlie XD
The sky. 😛
Have you heard the song Awake and Alive?
Lamang ako gamit ang Google Translate upang malaman ito out. Hindi ako nagsasalita ng alinman sa mga ito! 😆
You said
“ment oops and not toe thumb! and hit him in the door: * ( ” That’s what it translates.
Mi povedal, čo!?!?!
niech zarówno mówić w hindi?
I ment toe and I slammed it in the door ;(
Anyone on??????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
Who said my name was Fast Pear? Some idiot must have been on here.
I must be in my little fantasy world. I just went shopping at El Supermercado de México, my favourite supermarket. I brought nachos, fruit and milk! I also brought in a few other cool foods. I had about 40 pesos on myself, so I couldn’t buy that much goodies.
Before I did, I visited Club Nouveau Riche, went to Miami to play $pin for Riche$ and saw how many ways “VICTORY” can be spelt (it’s a 7-letter word!) Then, I went to Robo-Bling Boutique to have a look around. I then went to my place.
Let me count how many pesos I have… Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce… DOCE! TWELVE?! TWELVE PESOS?! I wonder what I can spend these on. Perhaps a local grocery store where everything is 12 pesos each.