EDIT: Keep your Poptropicans in your costumes until Saturday the 15th! Thanks!
It’s time for another costume contest! The theme of this one? Make up your own Poptropica villain! Dr. Hare, Black Widow, Captain Crawfish, and [insert your villain name here]? Do you have the imagination, the knowledge of Poptropica costume items, and the chutzpah to put together a bad guy (or girl) to stand next to those nefarious legends? Here’s a reminder of our costume contest rules:
- Outfit your Poptropican in a costume that represents your own original Poptropica Villain
- Open the Avatar Studio
- Copy and paste the link from the Avatar Studio into the comments section below
- Include a description of your villain – who is he, what kind of island is she on, why is he so bad, does she have a weakness, etc?
- STAY in your villain costume until Thursday, May 13th at Noon EST. If you have any doubt, just stay in your costume until Friday
- I’ll collect the images and description and post them as soon as I can after that
- (If Virus Hunter Island ships this week, the contest might get slightly delayed, but will post soon after the walkthrough goes up)
Other than that, go nuts! Blow us away with your imagination and ideas. Can not WAIT to see what you come up with! Good luck!
Ooh… This sounds exciting!
Yah FO remember me? Did u watch full house yesterday?
May 13th?
It’s June 11, what does he mean 2014?! ZT! Fix it!
@CS I didn’t notice that until now. Pretty sure he means June 13th. (I know, I know, just call me Captain Obvious, haha.)
PS… First!
@RL I did watch some of one episode last night.
Anyone planning on entering? I might.
NF: I will.
NF: Here ➡
This is the new member of the King Koopa tribe, Pop Koopa. She lives on Corona Mountain and sometimes visits the Steamworks for her evil deeds. She steals everything and tries to commit murder, but it never works out, since she never does anything right. Her weakness is SEGA. Go Nintendo! Well, there we go! Into the pipe! Yahoo!!!!!!!!! 😀
NF: That’s what I entered ZT. Please modernize my comments so I can comment on my own. Thank you.
P.S. This is NF, NOT CS.
Here ➡
This is the new member of the King Koopa tribe, Pop Koopa. She lives on Corona Mountain and sometimes visits the Steamworks for her evil deeds. She steals everything and tries to commit murder, but it never works out, since she never does anything right. Her weakness is SEGA. Go Nintendo! Well, there we go! Into the pipe! Yahoo!!!!!!!!! 😀
That’s the link for the contest, i call her Fiery Rider, She lives on Super Villian Island But she always rides around Super Hero Island on her motorcycle (not shown in picture) Trying to kill all the superheros and gain all power MWAHAHAHAH…..Er bye….
Hi RL!
Cool Costume! 😛
btw if that doesent work use this one
TY , so watchya doin?
and i like NF’s costume
Me? I’m playing Poptropica and commenting on other blogs. I’ll tell NF. 😉
NF: Thanks you. Nintendo ROCKS! 😛
wanna do an island? if we do preferably not big nate?
or not steamworks….
Hello guys?
Sorry. hi
It’s okay so wanna do an island?
Hmm…. An island. Let me see. Yes! Then I could save my handheld! 😛
Ghost Story!
My villan is the brainstormer. He is an evil genius who lives on an island made completely out of high tech. (which he built himself.) His main goal is to destroy the universe, and remake it into his own image. However, he often gets worried over small detail, and has such a high level of intelligence, it makes him a human lightning rod, which is bad, considering his main weapon is a lightning staff.
Okay then wanna do magic tree house?
Soz I was In the bathroom….
Um…. how about Ghost Story? I already saved a photo in that one. 🙁 Sorry.
It’s okay I like all the island except for a few but I like this one
Kay I’m going restart the island have u done it before?
Okay. So is it going to be a race to see who finishes it 1st?
Here is my villain: Flaming Star
She belongs in Racing Island. When she was found cheating in the other necessary races she got banned from racing in the Poptropican 200. With all the angry fueled up, she became a flame of her own, she burned and melted all the other racer’s cars, but now you, and you only, must stand up and take the trophy away from the flame. Her weakness is water. She only eats chilies.
No. NF did it for me…… Can we use a walkthrough?
Start right now
Soz gtg
Oooohhhh sounds interesting!!! I’m gonna enter!!! 😀 😀
@ RL – Okay. I’ll finish it anyway.
@ BS – When does this end on Thursday? THIS Thursday?
Yeah, I noticed Zippy’s typo. I guess he meant THIS Thursday.
Dayum. I’ll make one tmrw I guess. Why so early though? He gave us like 2 weeks or something last time and who’s idea was this?
Also I bet Mr. E is going to criticize the contest.
Oops!Messed it up!
She calls herself “Valentine” and is from superpower island. One day beacuse of radioactive shampoo she was given “pink magic” like black magic only pretty. she can hypnotise people with her “super good looks” and give you bad hair days. Her only weaknesses is her clothes and hair, if you mess up either she loses all power.
FEARLESS OWL!!!!!!!! SW said that she felt bad about having 1 winner so you and SI are authors if you want too! Congratz! 😛
I saw!!
Hai u guys still here?
😛 I feel much better now. To be honest, I was excited cuz I did win, but I felt bad for you and SI. I’m so glad we can all be authors now! 😛
You are going to be an author aren’t you?
HI RL! What are you doing?
Hi RL!
And CS, I will!
<(anyone who takes the time to read this, I SALUTE you! Zippy T. anything inside these means you dont have to put those up. on the poll, anyway.)>
This is the story. Of a girl named Paki. Paki Polly Tergeist (pronounced TER-gis.) she was a little girl who lived on ghost story island, but vanished before the creators could find out her story, (but keep looking, she is looking for you…) Paki was a girl who knew too much.
i hate this commenting system, you know that? ignore my other entry, i am redoing it. do hear me, zippy? PLEASE IGNORE MY OTHER ENTRY!
Heyyyyyyy guys!
WS! SG! Long time no see!
Yay FO!
SG, are you feeling better?
I know, I havent been on lately. 🙄 oops.
CS wanna do script now?
how do I enter?
Yah, Im feeling better, Im out of my sling most of the time. Its not fully healed for another 2 months though. I guess thats goodbye to basketball camp. Oh well, my dad can help me.
kay brb
Hold on. BRB.
You wanna be apart of the script SG?
Kay whats the code for multiverse?
ummm whats that? Sorry if i sound like an idiot
The story IS, RL, BS, FO and I were doing. Wanna join? Or go to a multiverse?
I’ll join i guess.
Lunch is almost ready! 😛 I’m starving!
Yay! RL! Let’s do the script now! Okay?
how do i join?
EWT42 is the code for those who wanna go to a multiverse!
how do i join the script?
How about I’ll start where we left off and you can just hop in when you’re ready?
Hold on! Think of a name. Lunch is ready! Give me 15 – 30 minutes! Why don’t you do it with RL? I’ll join when I get back. We were fighting over my soda and fell off of a cliff.
-DR.Fire and DR.Bubbles are now in the bottemless pit_
what kind of name? like, a real name?
or a poptropican name?
Hey guys, I need help. So, on Wild West, you get 2 halves of a map for the Grande Gang’s secret hideout. When you give a blue tulip to the dude with the big head, he gives you one half of the map. This is something I get so confused on, how do you get the other half of the map???? I tried reading the guide on this site, but it doesn’t say anything about get the first half of the map, it just says something about giving the dude with the big head the blue tulip and then he gives you the SECOND half of the map. HOW DO YOU GET THE FIRST HALF?!?!
Dr.Fire: NOOOO MY JIMMY JOHNS!!! Thanks alot dr.bubbles -dr.bubbles doesent wake up-
Dr.Fire: Dr.Bubbles..? Okay so your either unconcious or dead……..OH NO UR DEADD….or passed out…
yush here ill explain frst make up a name like for example mine is dr.fire yours can be jr.ghost or dr.sleepy it can be anything…. and this is how you talk you: insert name here: Insert text here get it? we are curently at mt.everest and me and dr.bubbles are in a bottomless pit fighting over soda
DR. SKY: *runs over to Dr. Fire and Dr. Bubbles* GUYS! GUYS! ARE YOU OKAY?!
DR.Fire: I-I think Dr.Bubbles is dead….
@Brave Sky, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I did that island, and I relied heavily on a walkthrough. I remember having that exact problem, though. Try the comments?
@SG, it goes something like this.
Person 1 (whose character is Dr. Lizard) posts something like this:
DR. LIZARD: We found the gem… But where is DR. OWL?
Person 2, this:
DR. OWL: [walks in, panting] I’m… here… DR. LIZARD… Got chased… Monkeys…
DR.Fire: DR.Sky im scared…..
(But my character is not Dr. Owl, FYI.)
???: [looking into the pit, shouting] Anyone down there? Can you hear me?
DR. SKY: NO! This can’t be! *finds grappeling hook near edge of cliff* *dangles hook over edge of cliff* Dr. Fire, carry Dr. Bubbles and hold on to the rope while I try to pull you up.
-Carries Dr.Bubbles- -is bawling- Dr.Fire: I NEVA GOT MY JIMMY JOHNS!!!! WAAAA!!!
are they fighting over Dr. Pepper soda?
@SG: yah
and… if its a bottomless pit, it doesn’t have a bottom…
DR. SKY: Your Jimmy Johns don’t matter at the moment. Dr. Bubbles is either dead or unconscius. This is a matter of life and death. *checks for pulse*
we know we used a grappling hook
What if they see a shadow behind a rock or something and later it turns out to be sleepy ghost
-sips Dr.pepper- Dr.Fire: well at least i got the soda….
???: Anything I can do to help?
is that good? or bad? IDK!!!!!
@BS what time do you go to sleep? i go to sleep at like 1?
DR. SKY: There’s no breath, no pulse… *give Dr. Bubbles CPR*
@SG: she died…..or shes unconcious thats bad….
oh no 🙁
OMG what if this turned into a poptropica island?
DR. SKY: What’s C3Po? 😕
Dr.Fire: my ear itches…..(no rlly)
UMMMM nevermind I guess you can try CPR. I used to always think it was called C3P0 but its actually a star wars character. oops. 🙄
I was singing rlly bad…. and my window was open so my neighbors heard me..
well thats embarrassing
IK…..btw SG what do you want your name to be? same with FO
Ummmmmmm… how about just SG.
She’ll introduce herself…
My character, that is.
I mean Dr.ghost? or JR.sleepy? or Ms.Ghost? or Mr.Sleepy ghost?
kay FO
i will appear later in the story and i’ll introduce myself as SG.
Turns out, you had to get the first half of the map for the secret hideout in Wild West island by going to the bank and when the bank got robbed, the first half of the map was above the guy who was crying. I actually found out how you can get the first half in the Wild West comments.
BS wanna hear my dream about full house last night?
CS YOUR BACK!!! and dead……….. i think…..
* Dr. Bubbles chokes on her saliva*
awkward silence….
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck am I doing? And where am I?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Wasn’t I with you guys all along? What’s going on here? o.O
DR.FIRE: U were unconcious and Dr.Sky pulled us out of the bottomless pit…
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Are you a robot? ???, please examine this “Dr. Fire”.
DR. SKY: Yay! She’s alive! 😀
DR. BUBBLES: That’s right! Where the hell is my soda! I want it now!
KNEW IT WAS GOOD!!!… *cricket noises*… well, that was awkward.
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean?! I want my soda and I want it right NOW! T_T
DR. BUBBLES: ❓ Who the hell are you?
Dr.Fire: im ur best friend remember me ???? oh and i frabk you soda >:P
frabk=drank stuid spell check didnt work
DR. BUBBLES: Where the hell is DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP? Did they fall? Abandon us? ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
DR.FIRE: we left them at the cave place….
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SKY, do you approve of DR. FIRE’s behavior?
*All of the people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.*
DR. SKY: We must’ve left them at McDonalds! 😮
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean we left them?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
DR.FIRE: ima go watch full house on my phone now…. -.-
DR. BUBBLES: What was that?
?????: Mwahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
*All of the doctors and people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.*
DR. BUBBLES: No time DR. FIRE, I hear something….. someone’s coming. Quick hide!
SG: “No, I’m just kiding with you, I’m not evil.”
DR. BUBBLES: *whispers* Quick hide! And keep quiet!
-Hides Face behind Hands- Dr.Fire:They”ll never find me here!!!
DR. SKY: Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap. They are either in the cave or McDonalds. How many feet are we anyway?
DR. BUBBLES: Dang! We were caught. Who are you?
???: [consults scanner] Right. Dr. Fire here is not a robot. However, Dr. Bubbles might have amnesia from the fall. I’m not an expert though. I’m Lone Owl, by the way.
SG: * walks in there direction “Ugh! I swear I heard voices.”
SG: Ummmm, well right now lost. Call me SG.
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno! Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap know that! They have the book!
DR. BUBBLES: Lone Owl. I think I’ve heard of you before……?
And SG, you are lost? Where are you heading?
SG: “Hello? I hear you! Whats this about robots now?”
@CS: IS hasnt been on for days where is he?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, you need to calm down. O.O The heat is getting to your head. XD
SG: Well, I was with a group of people but I don’t quite remember there names…
@ RL – No, he was on yesterday.
DR. BUBBLES: 💡 Wait!
DR. BUBBLES: I remember JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL talking about this! Mayans!
@CS oh must have been offline then… BRB
DR. BUBBLES: Are you a Mayan?
@ RL – Okay, hurry!
SG: Umm I don’t quite remember anything. Wait- where are we again?
LONE OWL: What about the Mayans? And, Dr. Bubbles, you must travel in some interesting circles…
SG: Wait, your name is Lone Owl? Do I remember you from someplace?
-Hears Footsteps- DR.FIRE: i think i he-falls backwards-
LONE OWL: Well, who are you, SG?
DR. BUBBLES: Mt. Everest SG.
LO, I dunno. I just remember him saying something about them.
SG: I don’t remember. I only got SG from these initials on my bracelet. See?
DR. BUBBLES: ❓ Dr. Fire, what are you talking about?
SG, may I see?
LONE OWL: You can call me “Owl.” And SG… You seem vaguely familiar as well.
SG: Sure. *hands over bracelet*
DR. BUBBLES: I did not push you!
DR.FIRE: someone pushed me – if it wasnt you who was it???
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…..? Ahh!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Fire, be quiet. I’m thinking……. 💡
SG: *stumbles* WHO JUST PUSHED ME? I swear someone just pushed me.
DR. BUBBLES: ? What? Dr. Fire! How dare you!
LONE OWL: No one was even near you… No one visible, at least. [casts furtive glance at scanner]
DR. BUBBLES: *trips* Dafuq? Who dare touch me?
SG: Anyone else feel like there is something they don’t know, or is it just me?
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Fire! SG! Stop playing games with me!
DR. BUBBLES: *feels deep heavy breath on shoulder* 😯
DR.FIREL soz my laptop crashed
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck?! Don’t breath on me! 👿 Stop playing games!
@ RL – ❓ Are you still gonna comment?
DR. BUBBLES: SG! Come on! What’s wrong with you guys?! Get a grip. T_T
-feels sharp pain- DR.FIRE: OWWWW!!! who did that -.-
SG: It’s not me either I sware!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Okay, I’m jumping! Geronimo! 🙂
SG: Who did wha- *Falls over and it appears that there is a cut in her side
DR. BUBBLES: Catch me if you can!
-JUMPS OFF CLIFF- DR.FIRE: were all gunna die!!!
DR. BUBBLES: You guys gonna jump? Or sit there like ducks? I dunno. Maybe you’ll lay an egg. XD
Don’t be fooled my the pretty dress, this girl is not a fairytale princess. Or at least the kind you think of. This would be from a non-existing island called “storybook island” or something along those lines. She is the “evil” daughter of the king apposed to the good daughter that happens to be her twin sister. She doesn’t think it’s fair that the king chose to have the other sister to be next in line for throne just because she was born a bit earlier. She thinks that they should rule together. So she lashes all out on her father and turns against everyone.
DR. BUBBLES: NVM! I’m long gone! LO! Give me a device.
Soz its taking 4eva for me to comment im watching parodys on youtube there hilarious
@RL – Okay.
@SG – I like it! 😛
has anyone noticed that SG is on the ground with a cut in her side?
Yes. Hold on. I need to enter my outfit.
I have an idea for my outfit. Hold on.
Hey it’s about 5:30 here and I am having supper soon so I will be off for awhile.
(Sorry. I was AFK.)
LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?
soz guys i should go to… be on at 7ish bai!!
Bye! FO, is SI on?
Bye SG and RL!
@CS, I don’t know…
? Hold on. Almost done.
Got it!
You’re entering? Yay! I can’t wait to see it!
Here’s the link!:
She is a Mad Scientist who is known as Dr. Evil Lin. She lives on Super Villain Island as a “doctor” and performs surgeries both minor and serious on all villains. No heroes, just villains. She also comes up with cures to all kinds of diseases. So to sum it up, she helps the ill and injured villains get well to fight the good. The only weakness she has is a potion that can only be made by her sister, Dr. Reanne Goodwin, a Hero Scientist.
OK back on so on with the script. Nice costume btw Cool Smarticle
i believe it stopped at
‘LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?’
Thanks SG! Yes! Let’s continue!
I’m here… Who else?
Well me obviously!
DR. BUBBLES: *grabs scanner* Got it!
SG: *squirms a little*
-WAIT! hold up. What is this scanner thing?-
DR. BUBBLES: Tee-hee. I’ll just tinker it a little and take this wire out- *sparks flash*
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno. Ask LO. *mumbles* And just cut this wire, trim this one…..
DR. BUBBLES: *voice fades away*
LONE OWL: [gets up] Okay. Something weird’s definitely going on. What are you doing to my scanner?
DR. BUBBLES: Um….? *freezes in place and falls to the floor*
SG: *stands up but something isn’t right. Has a big cut in her side that’s bleeding*
DR. BUBBLES: *groans then tries but barely opens her eyes. Notices SG’s huge cut, passes out.*
SG: Bubbles, it’s me, Sleepy Ghost
SG: Hi Owl, haven’t seen you in awhile.
Hold on. BRB. I have to do something.
SG: I bet you don’t recognize me now Owl. What are you doing with that scanner again? And bubbles, you don’t even know me.
I’m back.
SG: yes, you heard me right.
SG: Where are your other friends, Bubbles?
SG: And why does it smell like dr pepper?
SG: Oh you know I’m not really Sleepy Ghost, just a spirit perhaps that somehow made it into her body.
DR. BUBBLES: ……. *silence*
SG: *eyes flash red*
DR. BUBBLES: *blinks and struggles to get up* Dafuq? You okay? And your arm-
-You know what, someone should really copy all of these comments of our script onto a document to make it into one continuous story. Then post it on here and get poptropicasecrets to read it-
SG: ha, my arm? What do you think happened?
SG: where is the scanner?
I can do it! Hold on!
Ok I will
(Yes, totally! I’ll do it in a bit…)
LONE OWL: You again. I spent my entire life searching for you, anything like you, any shred of evidence to prove that you had ever been more than a fabrication of my mind – and here you are, messing with these scientists who will never believe your existence. Touché. But this needs to stop.
I started!
Hold on! I need to copy and paste everything!
SG: Ha, why do you say that Owl? *eyes flash red. SG suddenly collapses and doesn’t know anything of what just happens. Then, Dr. Bubbles collapses.*
*Dr. Bubbles stands up, now eyes flashing a violent blood red.* *SG slumps down on the ground motionless.*
SG LO, could you please stop the script? I need to copy and paste them and I’m not done yet.
Ok Dr. Bubbles 🙂
Before you post it, make a shout out to poptropicasecrets to please read it.
Sure! I’m actually doing the same thing…
Okay ❗
You almost done yet?
I need to go. Also say who the script was by.
I swear this thing is 7 pages so far!
And I’m not even done yet!
I finished copying and pasting. Editing’s gonna take a while. Should I keep it in a script format?
Yes! Did you get it from the very beginning?
Wow! You’re fast! Tell me the 1st few lines! Just to make sure.
I’ve gotta go, but I’ll be back in 45.
Okay bye!
I’m back!
Here are the first few lines…
DR. SNOWBALL: It is a cold day. But I am a scientist. And we are ascending Himalayan point, Mount Everest, where Hillary and Tenzing first ascended.
DR. SNOWBALL: We can’t keep up. We have to keep going.
DR. BUBBLES: Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
But it appears that a few bits somehow got cut out. Ugh. Luckily, I think it was just one or two around the same point (just before my entrance).
Hai I, back soz bout the wait, my mum wouldn’t let me only phone….
Ill copy the script too brb
FO can you post yours on here i don’t feel like copying and pasting everything so it would be easier if you could just do that please since your already done!!??!!
FO? CS? SG? Anyone here ???
Guess Not…………. Let me know if your online?
Well bai…..
My villain’s name is Madame Sneaky. She is found on Skullduggery island. She is known for stealing pirate ships and treasure in the middle of the night. Her only known weakness is singing sea shanties but, she is the best swordfighter EVER.
Hi CS!
Did. Finish the script?
I ment copying the script
What’s up? I’m still copying and pasting the things….. FO got them? I wonder if SW will let us post them up!
No, I had to go somewhere, but I’m back. You?
Wow! 303 comments in a day! I think it’s a new record! 😛
Maybe…? So can’t tell you my dream from last night?
I meant can I?
http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bR0oxV2VHYUd0c2MzTXhNQT09‘ is the link Madame Sneaky is found on
Of course you can! Go for it! I’m still doing the copy and pasting so I’m still here.
Okay so dreamt I was at school and I was in the gym and idk why tho? But anyways I saw Uncle Jesse and I couldn’t say anything else but Jesse so that I hop on jesses back and I was like : GIVE ME A PIGGY BACK RIDE HANDSOME DUDE and Joey was like I’m here and I was like : JESSES MINE!!! So then I met the rest of the cast and then I made good friends with the cast! Then I woke up….
Wow. Hold on BRB.
That’s… Strange. But I’ve had stranger dreams, I guess.
And yes, I think I finished. And I made some progress in editing. Still, I may be missing a few posts.
Can u still post it anyways?
I just got everything copied and pasted, I didn’t make any changes. So here’s the script WITHOUT any real editing.
DR. SNOWBALL: It is a cold day. But I am a scientist. And we are ascending Himalayan point, Mount Everest, where Hillary and Tenzing first ascended.
DR. SNOWBALL: We can’t keep up. We have to keep going.
DR. BUBBLES: Uh……? Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
DR. SNOWBALL: (looks around for a map) I’m sure I packed a map this morning… (feels a squishy ball in a cone-shaped object) Hey, hey, hey, ice cream for everyone! No? Okay. Maybe later. Let’s keep on track. You there, little one, what was your name again?
DR. BUBBLES: Who, me?
DR. SNOWBALL takes a quick stop at 4,261 feet to go over to the youngest ascender in the team.
DR. SNOWBALL: No, the little one! You’re bigger than the little one!
*DR. SNOWBALL heads over to the youngest one and hands him a compass. *
DR. BUBBLES: Who’s the “little one”
I’m hungry. Let’s go to McDonald’s!
DR. SNOWBALL: What’s your name again?
JR. ICECAP: Jr. Icecap, sir. And what is this thing?
DR. SNOWBALL: It’s my compass. It shows you what direction you’re facing in.
JR. ICECAP: Wow, cool! Thankyou, sir.
Everyone all carry on. At 6,192 feet, a snowball lands on DR. SNOWBALL’s head.
DR. SNOWBALL: This appears to be a snowball.
JR. ICECAP: How high are we?
DR. SNOWBALL: 6,192 feet.
JR. ICECAP: How high is Mount Snowverest or however you say it?
DR. SNOWBALL: 29,028.8 feet.
JR. ICECAP: That means we have to walk the remaining 22,836.8 feet!
JR. ICECAP: Hey, there’s a restaurant at 7,000 feet! That’s unusual.
DR. SNOWBALL: Dr. Bubbles, have no fear. If we walk another 818 miles, we’ll be at the unusual restaurant.
DR. BUBBLES: Is it Mcdonald’s? I swear if it isn’t I’m going to be ticked off! I want a…. uh….. 10 OF EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! Wait…. Is that Noodles and Company? No wait…. a Chinese Restaurant?
DR. SNOWBALL: We’re at 6,916 feet. I did not mean miles.
JR. ICECAP: 84 feet to go!
DR. SNOWBALL: Getting closer by 50 feet.
*They arrive at the restaurant. It’s McDonald’s and the top of the sign and roof are covered with snow. *
DR.BUBBLES: We going to go there or what? I’m HUNGRY!
DR. SNOWBALL: This is a stop, and it looks like it’s the only restaurant on the point.
CUSTOMER: Actually, there’s a McDonald’s every 7,000 feet.
JR. ICECAP: If you said there were 29,000 feet, then there would be three.
DR.BUBBLES: We going or not? And stop ignoring me!
*The ascenders go inside.*
JR. ICECAP: Can I order a cheeseburger?
DR. SNOWBALL: Take your time, I’ve only got… (whispers) $96.
JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL: What do you want, Dr. Bubbles?
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll order a chicken wrap.
DR. BUBBLES: Give me extra sauces for the Mcnuggets too!
WAITER: In that case, it’ll be $96.90.
DR. SNOWBALL: Here you are.
WAITER: Thanks. You receive 10c in change.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t wait to get out and enjoy my cheeseburger!
DR. SNOWBALL: Neither do I! What about you, Dr. Bubbles?
WAITER: Extra sauce is 10c.
DR. SNOWBALL: Okay, here you go. 10c for the extra sauce.
DR. BUBBLES: I thought you said you only had $96? Where’d you get the 90 cents?
The ascenders leave and eat what they got during ascending time.
DR. SNOWBALL: I’m broke!
JR. ICECAP: Sorry.
DR. SNOWBALL: Never mind. We’ll find more money.
JR. ICECAP: We’re 7,009 feet. (Slides back down to 6,318 feet and goes back up to 7,009 feet, ready for them all to continue)
DR. BUBBLES: You had extra change? You said $96 NOT 97.
DR. SNOWBALL: I found the 90c at 6,318 feet.
DR. BUBBLES: No. You just didn’t want me to order another soda.
JR. ICECAP: This yummy cheeseburger – onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese on sesame seed buns!
DR. SNOWBALL: I got a Choc Swirl Frappe. Ice cream and chocolate with small pieces of ice on top!
Jr. Icecap bites his cheeseburger and Dr. Snowball takes a sip of his Frappe.
DR. SNOWBALL: Gonna eat, Dr. Bubbles? Do you know what to start with?
*Soon, the power of McDonald’s goes out and they try to fix the back-up generator. Then, when the power went back on, everything went like crazy! The ice cream machine, the chip machine, the refill machine, everything! *
*That didn’t worry the ascenders who kept on ascending. *
At 8,901 feet, Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap have already just finished their meals. It was too cold for them to eat one bite after another, so they took small bites.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? What are you eating now?
DR. BUBBLES: Oh, I’ll eat alright.
*At 10,000 feet, a snowball landed on Jr. Icecap’s head, caused by a woman.*
WOMAN: Sorry, I love dropping snowballs!
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a good idea, let’s roll a snowball up to the top, no matter how big it gets.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? (snaps fingers) Are you frozen by the cool?
JR. ICECAP: What’s the time?
DR. SNOWBALL: Good scientists always tell the time and have watches. It’s 7:01am.
JR. ICECAP: Don’t tell me we left early in the morning?
DR. SNOWBALL: We did, not surprisingly.
JR. ICECAP: Perhaps we should keep going and see what food Dr. Bubbles is eating now. Dr Bubbles? (snaps fingers three times) Snapping fingers thrice always gets another to listen.
DR. BUBBLES: (Swallows a ton of food) What? (shoves more food in her mouth)
DR. BUBBLES: No, it’s 10:06 PM.
*At 12,501 feet, they spotted a shining gem. *
DR. BUBBLES: *gasps* It’s a……..
DR. BUBBLES: How did…… There’s no way….. It’s a….. a…..
JR. ICECAP: Whoa! An emerald! My favourite gem!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have a close look at the colour.
JR. ICECAP: It’s not emerald, it’s blue. (groans)
DR. SNOWBALL: What sort of blue?
DR. SNOWBALL: Ruby’s the red ones.
JR. ICECAP: Amethyst?
DR. SNOWBALL: Amethysts are purple.
DR. SNOWBALL: Yes, it’s sapphire!
DR. BUBBLES: No it isn’t! It’s an emerald alright. But not an ordinary emerald… Believe me. I know what this is. And it’s not a sapphire.
JR. ICECAP: I know what kind of gem this is… It’s the Glowing Emerald! I have a book of gems that I highlight – “The Glowing Emerald is lucky to be found – by anyone. The first Glowing Emerald was made out of glow sticks and green card on May 16, 1902 by…” I can’t read who made it! The text is blurry! But this is unusual. I need a candle.
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a candle made out of 100% pure wax. Take your time, I only have a few matches.
DR. BUBBLES: Close my friend, very close. It’s a………… Chaos Emerald! There are only 7 in the world! Oh wait…..? Is it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….. I think it is a chaos emerald…..? Right?
*Dr. Snowball hands a candle on a plate to Jr. Icecap. The light effects, but doesn’t absorb.*
JR. ICECAP: It’s not very well absorbent. I need a BLUE candle! And I know where I can find blue flames! At 13,000 feet! I’ve ascended Everest 11 times with no problems!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr/Ms. Lion, what do you think? Is it a Chaos emerald or a glowing emerald?
DR.FIRE: Hmm i thinks its a Chaos Emerald
DR. BUBBLES: I think I see a chamber up ahead? Or do I need my glasses?
DR:FIRE: i see the chamber too but u still need glasses XD
DR. BUBBLES: I heared that in these chambers there might be 3 different types of colored fire: Red, green, and blue. Should we have a look?
*They keep going. to the blue flames that Jr. Icecap was talking about. They bring the emerald along with them.*
JR. ICECAP: The creators of the emerald was… the Greeks?!
DR.FIRE: yes, yes we should!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Snowball, Jr. Icecap, are you guys listening to me? Dr. Fire is. The Greeks? I dunno…? Chaos….?
DR.FIRE: I think it could be the mayans?
JR. ICECAP: The Glowing Emerald was created by the Romans in 100BC. This is the Chaos Emerald. Oh, look, a sign! “McDonalds – 1,000 feet up.”
DR:FIRE: NOW i want Some Chicken nuggets
*We should look at the chamber. There’s an entry ladder that takes you back down 500 feet. *
DR:FIRE B-but what about Mcdonalds?
*Everyone explores the chamber.*
DR. SNOWBALL: There are signs everywhere! (spots a sign saying “Red Flames – left)
Hey, everyone! Red flames!
DR. BUBBLES: We just went to McDonald’s! Let’s have a look shall we?
DR.FIRE: fine lets go to the stupiud chamber -.-
DR. SNOWBALL (to Dr. Fire): We’ll go after we explore the chamber. There are signs and maps on the walls, so it’s easy to navigate through. And, there are original-coloured candles on the walls!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hmm. Green flames are to the right. And there’s a secret door!
*Everyone rushes to the door and notices something…*
DR. BUBBLES: I thought we were looking for the blue fire…..? Hmm… I’m curious.
DR.FIRE: can we go no mcdonalds now?
JR. ICECAP: This is not any ordinary chamber. It’s the underground catacombs! And there’s a blockage about the door. “To open, you must insert a red flame, a blue flame and a green flame, and you will get a chance to see what is inside.”
DR.Fire: where are we gonna get flames?
*JR. ICECAP rushes to find one of each colour, inserts then sees what inside.*
JR. ICECAP: “No way! It’s the largest Chaos Emerald of them all.”
JR. ICECAP: “I can’t believe it! Have a look, Dr. Bubbles!”
DR.FIRE: NO WAY SISTA, or brother…….
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? Everyone? Looking?
JR. ICECAP: I packed my camera. (gets it out, turns it on, snaps a photograph)
DR. SNOWBALL: Can I see the picture?
JR. ICECAP: (closes the hidden room) Seen the photo, everyone?
Dr.Fire: Yah
*Everyone leaves the chamber, ascending 500 feet. At 1392 feet, JR. ICECAP spots in the distance, a McDonald’s restaurant. *
Dr.Fire: YES. FINALLY!!!!!!!
JR. ICECAP: You guys hungry? I found $18 in the chamber. We’re 8 feet away from the closest McDonald’s.
Dr. Fire: -Stares in Awe At the McDonalds-
-Runs all the way too McDonald’s-
Dr.Fire: R u guys coming?
DR. SNOWBALL: You found money in that creepy chamber? Good, ’cause I don’t want anything. I was full from the Frappe!
JR. ICECAP: We’ve been ascending for 1 hour and 38 minutes now, and it’s already 8:47am in the morning!
DR. SNOWBALL: How do you know? You don’t have a watch like me.
JR. ICECAP: Sir, I have a smart in my brain that says, “TIME TELLING”!
DR. SNOWBALL: I had a smart in my brain that said, “HUNGRY” but now I don’t!
JR. ICECAP: I’ll get a Strawberry Thickshake. Dr. Bubbles? Dr. Fire?
Dr.Fire: I want a 10 piece chicken nuggets kids meal with fries and a blueberry pomegranate smoothie and don’t forget the toy!
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll get something.
JR. ICECAP: Have your own money if you want anything.
DR. SNOWBALL: How rude!
JR. ICECAP: Do I have to make you descend 1,000 feet?
DR. SNOWBALL: Oh, what’s this? I must be seeing things. (rubs eyes) What? Nothing changed.
JR. ICECAP: Okay, Dr. Fire. Not unless you have your own cash. I have… (whispering) $18.
DR. SNOWBALL: Somebody heard that. (pointing to a Poptropican with overgrown blonde hair)
JR. ICECAP: Uh-oh. BLONDIE ALERT! (dropping some cash, dashing out, runs back down to 13,512 feet, ascends 41 feet for safety and another 41 feet)
BLONDIE: What is this? Dropped money?
DR. SNOWBALL: Don’t put your hands on those coins and banknotes, you blondie!
Dr.Fire: Guys?
Dr.Fire: B-But my chicken nuggets -Goes back to pay for the chicken nuggets-
*JR. ICECAP ascends back up and reaches McDonalds.*
After that, at 15,020 feet, they spot another gem.
DR. SNOWBALL: It can’t be the Chaos Emerald. I wonder what it is.
Dr.Fire: It looks kinda red maybe it’s a ruby?
JR. ICECAP: It’s the Amethyst Ace! “The Amethyst Ace is the popular Amethyst gem in the world. It is 11 meters long and 14 meters wide. It was built by the Jews in 51AD.
Dr.FIRE:Wow it’s huge. Wait isn’t the amethyst ace a ship?
DR. SNOWBALL: A Jewish gem! The Amethyst Ace is made of red and blue flames mixed together to make purple flames – (gasps) The Purple Ring of Fire is at 17,500 feet – and purple card.
DR. SNOWBALL: (gasps) We lost – (gasps) – Dr. Bubbles!
JR. ICECAP: My senses tell me he’s descended. He’s at 14,066 miles.
DR. BUBBLES: The largest! Impossible! The Master Emerald should be on Angel Mountain!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hey, look, another gem! (looks at his reflection on the gem like a mirror)
JR. ICECAP: This one looks… (taps it) …cold at an accurate temperature of… -61°F!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE? You coming?
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles, come see the gem we discovered! It’s not a Chaos Emerald because of its colour. It’s a white gem this time!
JR. ICECAP: What is the name of this gem called? And why’s it shaped like a diamond? Let’s see if my book can help. “White gems – page 67.’ (flicks to page 67 and gazes at the White Gem Index) “White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem – page 71.”
DR. BUBBLES: You’re right! If it was a Chaos Emereald this one would be clear! And it would glow while been exposed to this one! It’s cloudy…. Hmm…..? A Sol Emerald? It’s shaped differently too…..?
DR. BUBBLES: What’s the shape of the other one?
JR. ICECAP: It says here, “The White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Size – 6m in length, 8m in width
Value: 94%
Temperature: Up to -61 degress Farhenheit
Quantity: 5
Designers: Jewish Scientists
Nationality: Jewish”
DR. BUBBLES: I think I might have came to a conclusion about the gems too soon.
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind. Carry on!
JR. ICECAP: That’s what the book knows. I don’t know it’s actual temperature. Wait, “Actual Temperatures – White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Surface Temperature: -61 degrees Farhenheit
Inside Temperature: -92 degrees Fahrenheit”
Be careful, the gem is valuable!”
OOOOOO! Give me it!!!!
DR. SNOWBALL: We have lost contact with DR. FIRE.
JR. ICECAP: Where could she be?
DR. SNOWBALL: Right behind us.
JR. ICECAP: You call that “lost contact”? (spots DR. FIRE frozen) We’d better thaw her out! Oh, the poor scientist!
DR. SNOWBALL: Bring her along, we’ll carry her up. Anyway, I thought I might seen a… POLAR BEAR?
JR. ICECAP: I can blend its poo and make it into a rich chocolate spread!
*Jr. Icecap drags the frozen scientist all the way up to the top.
At 19,725 feet, they spot a spooky pink glow leading to a chamber.*
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP, you’re disgusting. Don’t go near that bear.
DR. SNOWBALL, I am not going to carry her….. although she was a good friend…. How did this happen?!
*Still carrying the gem, they examine it, falling into the chamber without taking the ladder because this one doesn’t have an entry ladder. *
DR. SNOWBALL: THE PEARL GEM CHAMBER! Home to some of my survivalist friends – Dr. Pink, Jr. Pearl and Survivalist Gem! How are you all surviving?
DR. PINK: Berry Delicious Smoothies, bottled water, canned soup and boxed pizzas.
JR. PEARL: I’m surviving on pizza, croissants, tacos and German cakes.
ST. GEM: I am surviving on pasta, caramels, pizza, swiss rolls, lamingtons, the assistance of my shadow puppet, Señor Hombre.
JR. ICECAP: I wonder how long it will be until all the Spanish gets annoying. Although, “Señor Hombre” is Spanish for “Mister Man”.
DR. BUBBLES: There’s food? DR. FIRE can eat now! Er… after we thaw her out of course .
DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP blow hard and soft to thaw the scientist out. Finally, she is thawed out and she grabs a taco, fills it with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, taco sauce and sour cream, plus a few corn chips.
DR. BUBBLES: I want a taco!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have you got any pepperoni pizzas, there, DR. PINK?
DR. PINK: I have plenty of pepperonis.
JR. PEARL: Friend, if you need tacos, I have plenty. Also, I have these ingredients.
a) meat
b) cheese
c) lettuce
d) tomato
e) sour cream
f) corn chips
g) taco sauce
JR. PEARL: *Preparing taco shell… *
DR. BUBBLES: Okay! I’ll have that and a pizza!
DR. BUBBLES:I’ll have everything on my taco please!
DR. BUBBLES: Pepperoni please! Too bad DR. FIRE isn’t eating. You feeling well?
JR. PEARL: Decided what you want on it?
???: Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Yes everything please! And I want a pepperoni pizza too! Do you have any Pepsi? Or an Icee?
Hmm You guys her something?
*A few minutes later, everyone was eating. Then it was time to leave and continue ascending. At 20,900 feet, they spot another restaurant in the distance.*
DR. SNOWBALL: No restaurant. Maybe later. I’m full.
JR. ICECAP: I’m already eating, so I can’t be bothered.
???: Tee – hee
DR. BUBBLES: I heard it again.
DR. SNOWBALL: Before we left, DR. BUBBLES, JR. PEARL gave you a thank-you drink. It was a nice cool drink of Pepsi.
*23,910 feet, they spotted another gem.*
JR. ICECAP: I love stopping at gems! What kind is this one? It’s huge, round and black!
DR. BUBBLES: Aww. How nice of him!
??? : Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Round and black? I have no idea……? Is it just me or is there something like a spirit moving inside of that thing?
DR. BUBBLES: Guys! Do you here that noise?!
JR. ICECAP: I hear that noise. It’s the Colour Combination Virus! It’s black and turns everything to black when landing on that item!
– Dr. Fire Jumps On Black Virus- dr.Fire: Oh nooo I’m all black now( not the racist type that’s just mean)!!
DR.Fire: AHHH IM ALLL BLACK NOW I CANT SEE MYSELF(not in the racist way)
DR.SKY: So, what have we found so far?
DR.SKY: What’s the name of the black gem?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Mysterious looking gem? What is it JR. ICECAP?
Dr.Fire: i want mcdonalds!!!!
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP? Where are you? And where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR.SKY: Wait, where is Jr. Icecap? Where’s Dr. Snowball?
DR. BUBBLES: We just had Tacos! And Pizza! I still have some soda left! How can you be hungry?! o.O Are you a robot?
DR. BUBBLES: I just said that! Jr. Icecap! Dr. Snowball! Where the heck are you guys?!
Dr.fire: Jr.Icecap is not here where did he go?
DR. BUBBLES: *bushes move*
Is someone in the bushes?
Dr. Fire: -grabs soda- yummy!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Meh. Maybe it was the wind. Where are they?! At a feasta?
Dr.fire: this is very suspicious hmm
DR. BUBBLES: What are ya doin with my soda?
DR.SKY: *Freezes in place(but not literally!)*
DR. BUBBLES: * tackles Dr. Fire*
DR.FIRE:maybe we left them back at the reastraunt place?
*both roll down hill*
DR.FIRE: NUUU IM HUNGRY!!! fine den u can have the soda
DR. SKY: *goes after the two*
DR. FIRE: calls jimmy johns- DR.Fire hello jimmy johns id like a BLT with some sprite ty bai
[A Poptropican enters the room. She is… Well, long story short, she’s me in a labcoat and holding a scanner.]
???: Nope. Not a robot. Though I’m sure you said that in jest, the only strange thing in this room is that gem.
*both scream*
DR. BUBBLES: Too late!
???: Aaand they’re gone. [leaves room to follow the others]
DR. BUBBLES: We’re falling down!!!!!!!
*soda falls into a bottomless pit*
DR. SKY: ” aHHHHtyulkvcdfgvbhnjAHHHYuUHKjigfygAHHH” -passes out-
-DR.Fire and DR.Bubbles are now in the bottemless pit_
Dr.Fire: NOOOO MY JIMMY JOHNS!!! Thanks alot dr.bubbles -dr.bubbles doesent wake up-
Dr.Fire: Dr.Bubbles..? Okay so your either unconcious or dead……..OH NO UR DEADD….or passed out…
DR. SKY: *runs over to Dr. Fire and Dr. Bubbles* GUYS! GUYS! ARE YOU OKAY?!
DR.Fire: I-I think Dr.Bubbles is dead….
DR.Fire: DR.Sky im scared…..
???: [looking into the pit, shouting] Anyone down there? Can you hear me?
DR. SKY: NO! This can’t be! *finds grappeling hook near edge of cliff* *dangles hook over edge of cliff* Dr. Fire, carry Dr. Bubbles and hold on to the rope while I try to pull you up.
DR. FIRE: -Carries Dr.Bubbles- -is bawling- Dr.Fire: I NEVA GOT MY JIMMY JOHNS!!!! WAAAA!!!
DR. SKY: Your Jimmy Johns don’t matter at the moment. Dr. Bubbles is either dead or unconscius. This is a matter of life and death. *checks for pulse*
DR. FIRE: -sips Dr.pepper- Dr.Fire: well at least i got the soda….
???: Anything I can do to help?
DR. SKY: There’s no breath, no pulse… *give Dr. Bubbles CPR*
DR.FIRE: she died…..or shes unconcious thats bad….
DR. SKY: What’s C3Po?
Dr.Fire: my ear itches…..(no rlly)
SG: UMMMM nevermind I guess you can try CPR. I used to always think it was called C3P0 but its actually a star wars character. oops.
*Dr. Bubbles chokes on her saliva*
*awkward silence…. *
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck am I doing? And where am I?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Wasn’t I with you guys all along? What’s going on here? o.O
DR.FIRE: U were unconcious and Dr.Sky pulled us out of the bottomless pit…
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Are you a robot? ???, please examine this “Dr. Fire”.
DR. SKY: Yay! She’s alive!
DR. BUBBLES: That’s right! Where the hell is my soda! I want it now!
SG: KNEW IT WAS GOOD!!!… *cricket noises*… well, that was awkward.
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean?! I want my soda and I want it right NOW! T_T
DR. BUBBLES: Who the hell are you?
Dr.Fire: im ur best friend remember me ???? oh and i drank you soda >:P
DR. BUBBLES: Where the hell is DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP? Did they fall? Abandon us?
DR.FIRE: we left them at the cave place….
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SKY, do you approve of DR. FIRE’s behavior?
*All of the people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.*
DR. SKY: We must’ve left them at McDonalds!
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean we left them?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
DR.FIRE: ima go watch full house on my phone now…. -.-
DR. BUBBLES: What was that?
?????: Mwahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
*All of the doctors and people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.*
DR. BUBBLES: No time DR. FIRE, I hear something….. someone’s coming. Quick hide!
SG: “No, I’m just kiding with you, I’m not evil.”
DR. BUBBLES: *whispers* Quick hide! And keep quiet!
-Hides Face behind Hands- Dr.Fire:They”ll never find me here!!!
DR. SKY: Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap. They are either in the cave or McDonalds. How many feet are we anyway?
DR. BUBBLES: Dang! We were caught. Who are you?
???: [consults scanner] Right. Dr. Fire here is not a robot. However, Dr. Bubbles might have amnesia from the fall. I’m not an expert though. I’m Lone Owl, by the way.
SG: * walks in there direction “Ugh! I swear I heard voices.”
SG: Ummmm, well right now lost. Call me SG.
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno! Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap know that! They have the book!
DR. BUBBLES: Lone Owl. I think I’ve heard of you before……?
And SG, you are lost? Where are you heading?
SG: “Hello? I hear you! Whats this about robots now?”
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, you need to calm down. O.O The heat is getting to your head. XD
SG: Well, I was with a group of people but I don’t quite remember there names…
DR. BUBBLES: I remember JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL talking about this! Mayans!
DR. BUBBLES: Are you a Mayan?
SG: Umm I don’t quite remember anything. Wait- where are we again?
LONE OWL: What about the Mayans? And, Dr. Bubbles, you must travel in some interesting circles…
SG: Wait, your name is Lone Owl? Do I remember you from someplace?
-Hears Footsteps- DR.FIRE: i think i he-falls backwards-
LONE OWL: Well, who are you, SG?
DR. BUBBLES: Mt. Everest SG.
LO, I dunno. I just remember him saying something about them.
SG: I don’t remember. I only got SG from these initials on my bracelet. See?
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Fire, what are you talking about?
SG, may I see?
LONE OWL: You can call me “Owl.” And SG… You seem vaguely familiar as well.
SG: Sure. *hands over bracelet*
DR. BUBBLES: I did not push you!
DR.FIRE: someone pushed me – if it wasnt you who was it???
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…..? Ahh!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Fire, be quiet. I’m thinking…….
SG: *stumbles* WHO JUST PUSHED ME? I swear someone just pushed me.
DR. BUBBLES: ? What? Dr. Fire! How dare you!
LONE OWL: No one was even near you… No one visible, at least. [casts furtive glance at scanner]
DR. BUBBLES: *trips* Dafuq? Who dare touch me?
SG: Anyone else feel like there is something they don’t know, or is it just me?
DR. BUBBLES: *feels deep heavy breath on shoulder*
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck?! Don’t breath on me! Stop playing games!
DR. BUBBLES: SG! Come on! What’s wrong with you guys?! Get a grip. T_T
-feels sharp pain- DR.FIRE: OWWWW!!! who did that -.-
SG: It’s not me either I swear!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Okay, I’m jumping! Geronimo!
SG: Who did wha- *Falls over and it appears that there is a cut in her side
DR. BUBBLES: Catch me if you can!
-JUMPS OFF CLIFF- DR.FIRE: were all gunna die!!!
DR. BUBBLES: You guys gonna jump? Or sit there like ducks? I dunno. Maybe you’ll lay an egg. XD
DR. BUBBLES: NVM! I’m long gone! LO! Give me a device.
LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?
DR. BUBBLES: *grabs scanner* Got it!
SG: *squirms a little* -WAIT! hold up. What is this scanner thing?-
DR. BUBBLES: Tee-hee. I’ll just tinker it a little and take this wire out- *sparks flash*
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno. Ask LO. *mumbles* And just cut this wire, trim this one…..
DR. BUBBLES: *voice fades away*
LONE OWL: [gets up] Okay. Something weird’s definitely going on. What are you doing to my scanner?
DR. BUBBLES: Um….? *freezes in place and falls to the floor*
SG: *stands up but something isn’t right. Has a big cut in her side that’s bleeding*
DR. BUBBLES: *groans then tries but barely opens her eyes. Notices SG’s huge cut, passes out.*
SG: Bubbles, it’s me, Sleepy Ghost
SG: Hi Owl, haven’t seen you in awhile.
SG: I bet you don’t recognize me now Owl. What are you doing with that scanner again? And bubbles, you don’t even know me.
SG: yes, you heard me right.
SG: Where are your other friends, Bubbles? And why does it smell like dr pepper? Oh you know I’m not really Sleepy Ghost, just a spirit perhaps that somehow made it into her body.
DR. BUBBLES: ……. *silence*
SG: *eyes flash red*
DR. BUBBLES: *blinks and struggles to get up* Dafuq? You okay? And your arm-
SG: ha, my arm? What do you think happened? Where is the scanner?
LONE OWL: You again. I spent my entire life searching for you, anything like you, any shred of evidence to prove that you had ever been more than a fabrication of my mind – and here you are, messing with these scientists who will never believe your existence. Touché. But this needs to stop.
SG: Ha, why do you say that Owl? *eyes flash red. SG suddenly collapses and doesn’t know anything of what just happens. Then, Dr. Bubbles collapses.*
*Dr. Bubbles stands up, now eyes flashing a violent blood red.* *SG slumps down on the ground motionless.*
There you have it.
Here’s what I’ve got…
DR. SNOWBALL: It is a cold day. But I am a scientist. And we are ascending Himalayan point, Mount Everest, where Hillary and Tenzing first ascended.
DR. SNOWBALL: We can’t keep up. We have to keep going.
DR. BUBBLES: Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
DR. BUBBLES: Uh……? Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
DR. SNOWBALL: [looks around for a map] I’m sure I packed a map this morning… [feels a squishy ball in a cone-shaped object] Hey, hey, hey, ice cream for everyone! No? Okay. Maybe later. Let’s keep on track.
DR. SNOWBALL: You there, little one, what was your name again?
DR. BUBBLES: Who, me?
DR. SNOWBALL takes a quick stop at 4,261 feet to go over to the youngest ascender in the team.
DR. SNOWBALL: No, the little one! You’re bigger than the little one!
DR. SNOWBALL heads over to the youngest one and hands him a compass.
DR. BUBBLES: Who’s the “little one”? I’m hungry. Let’s go to McDonald’s!
DR. SNOWBALL: What’s your name again?
JR. ICECAP: Jr. Icecap, sir. And what is this thing?
DR. SNOWBALL: It’s my compass. It shows you what direction you’re facing in.
JR. ICECAP: Wow, cool! Thankyou, sir.
Everyone all carry on. At 6,192 feet, a snowball lands on DR. SNOWBALL’s head.
DR. SNOWBALL: This appears to be a snowball.
JR. ICECAP: How high are we?
DR. SNOWBALL: 6,192 feet.
JR. ICECAP: How high is Mount Snowverest or however you say it?
DR. SNOWBALL: 29,028.8 feet.
JR. ICECAP: That means we have to walk the remaining 22,836.8 feet!
JR. ICECAP: Hey, there’s a restaurant at 7,000 feet! That’s unusual.
DR. SNOWBALL: Dr. Bubbles, have no fear. If we walk another 818 miles, we’ll be at the unusual restaurant.
DR. BUBBLES: Is it Mcdonald’s? I swear if it isn’t I’m going to be ticked off! I want a…. uh….. 10 OF EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! Wait…. Is that Noodles and Company? No wait…. a Chinese Restaurant?
DR. SNOWBALL: We’re at 6,916 feet. I did not mean miles.
JR. ICECAP: 84 feet to go!
DR. SNOWBALL: Getting closer by 50 feet.
They arrive at the restaurant. It’s McDonald’s and the top of the sign and roof are covered with snow.
DR.BUBBLES: We going to go there or what? I’m HUNGRY!
DR. SNOWBALL: This is a stop, and it looks like it’s the only restaurant on the point.
CUSTOMER: Actually, there’s a McDonald’s every 7,000 feet.
JR. ICECAP: If you said there were 29,000 feet, then there would be three.
DR.BUBBLES: We going or not? And stop ignoring me!
The ascenders go inside.
JR. ICECAP: Can I order a cheeseburger?
DR. SNOWBALL: Take your time, I’ve only got… (whispers) $96.
JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL: What do you want, Dr. Bubbles?
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll order a chicken wrap.
DR. BUBBLES: Give me extra sauces for the Mcnuggets too!
WAITER: In that case, it’ll be $96.90.
DR. SNOWBALL: Here you are.
WAITER: Thanks. You receive 10c in change.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t wait to get out and enjoy my cheeseburger!
DR. SNOWBALL: Neither do I! What about you, Dr. Bubbles?
WAITER: Extra sauce is 10c.
DR. SNOWBALL: Okay, here you go. 10c for the extra sauce.
DR. BUBBLES: I thought you said you only had $96? Where’d you get the 90 cents?
The ascenders leave and eat what they got during ascending time.
DR. SNOWBALL: I’m broke!
JR. ICECAP: Sorry.
DR. SNOWBALL: Never mind. We’ll find more money.
JR. ICECAP: We’re 7,009 feet. (Slides back down to 6,318 feet and goes back up to 7,009 feet, ready for them all to continue)
DR. BUBBLES: You had extra change? You said $96 NOT 97.
DR. SNOWBALL: I found the 90c at 6,318 feet.
DR. BUBBLES: No. You just didn’t want me to order another soda.
JR. ICECAP: This yummy cheeseburger – onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese on sesame seed buns!
DR. SNOWBALL: I got a Choc Swirl Frappe. Ice cream and chocolate with small pieces of ice on top!
Jr. Icecap bites his cheeseburger and Dr. Snowball takes a sip of his Frappe.
DR. SNOWBALL: Gonna eat, Dr. Bubbles? Do you know what to start with?
Soon, the power of McDonald’s goes out and they try to fix the back-up generator. Then, when the power went back on, everything went like crazy! The ice cream machine, the chip machine, the refill machine, everything!
That didn’t worry the ascenders who kept on ascending.
At 8,901 feet, Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap have already just finished their meals. It was too cold for them to eat one bite after another, so they took small bites.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? What are you eating now?
DR. BUBBLES: Oh, I’ll eat alright.
At 10,000 feet, a snowball landed on Jr. Icecap’s head, caused by a woman.
WOMAN: Sorry, I love dropping snowballs!
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a good idea, let’s roll a snowball up to the top, no matter how big it gets.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? [snaps fingers] Are you frozen by the cool?
JR. ICECAP: What’s the time?
DR. SNOWBALL: Good scientists always tell the time and have watches. It’s 7:01am.
JR. ICECAP: Don’t tell me we left early in the morning?
DR. SNOWBALL: We did, not surprisingly.
JR. ICECAP: Perhaps we should keep going and see what food Dr. Bubbles is eating now. Dr Bubbles? [snaps fingers three times] Snapping fingers thrice always gets another to listen.
DR. BUBBLES: [Swallows a ton of food] What? [shoves more food in her mouth] No, it’s 10:06 PM.
At 12,501 feet, they spotted a shining gem.
DR. BUBBLES: *gasps* It’s a……..
DR. BUBBLES: How did…… There’s no way….. It’s a….. a…..
JR. ICECAP: Whoa! An emerald! My favourite gem!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have a close look at the colour.
JR. ICECAP: It’s not emerald, it’s blue. [groans]
DR. SNOWBALL: What sort of blue?
DR. SNOWBALL: Ruby’s the red ones.
JR. ICECAP: Amethyst?
DR. SNOWBALL: Amethysts are purple.
DR. SNOWBALL: Yes, it’s sapphire!
DR. BUBBLES: No it isn’t! It’s an emerald alright. But not an ordinary emerald… Believe me. I know what this is. And it’s not a sapphire.
(Here Red Lion, portraying Dr. Fire, enters)
JR. ICECAP: I know what kind of gem this is… It’s the Glowing Emerald! I have a book of gems that I highlight – “The Glowing Emerald is lucky to be found – by anyone. The first Glowing Emerald was made out of glow sticks and green card on May 16, 1902 by…” I can’t read who made it! The text is blurry! But this is unusual. I need a candle.
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a candle made out of 100% pure wax. Take your time, I only have a few matches.
DR. BUBBLES: Close my friend, very close. It’s a………… Chaos Emerald! There are only 7 in the world! Oh wait…..? Is it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….. I think it is a chaos emerald…..? Right?
Dr. Snowball hands a candle on a plate to Jr. Icecap. The light effects, but doesn’t absorb.
JR. ICECAP: It’s not very well absorbent. I need a BLUE candle! And I know where I can find blue flames! At 13,000 feet! I’ve ascended Everest 11 times with no problems!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr/Ms. Lion, what do you think? Is it a Chaos emerald or a glowing emerald?
DR.FIRE: Hmm i thinks its a Chaos Emerald
DR. BUBBLES: I think I see a chamber up ahead? Or do I need my glasses?
DR:FIRE: i see the chamber too but u still need glasses XD
DR. BUBBLES: I heared that in these chambers there might be 3 different types of colored fire: Red, green, and blue. Should we have a look?
They keep going. to the blue flames that Jr. Icecap was talking about. They bring the emerald along with them.
JR. ICECAP: The creators of the emerald was… the Greeks?!
DR.FIRE: yes, yes we should!
DR. BUBBLES: Dr. Snowball, Jr. Icecap, are you guys listening to me? Dr. Fire is. The Greeks? I dunno…? Chaos….?
DR.FIRE: I think it could be the mayans?
JR. ICECAP: The Glowing Emerald was created by the Romans in 100BC. This is the Chaos Emerald. Oh, look, a sign! “McDonalds – 1,000 feet up.”
DR:FIRE: NOW i want Some Chicken nuggets
We should look at the chamber. There’s an entry ladder that takes you back down 500 feet.
DR:FIRE B-but what about Mcdonalds?
Everyone explores the chamber.
DR. SNOWBALL: There are signs everywhere! [spots a sign saying “Red Flames – left]
Hey, everyone! Red flames!
DR. BUBBLES: We just went to McDonald’s! Let’s have a look shall we?
DR.FIRE: fine lets go to the stupiud chamber -.-
DR. SNOWBALL (to Dr. Fire): We’ll go after we explore the chamber. There are signs and maps on the walls, so it’s easy to navigate through. And, there are original-coloured candles on the walls!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hmm. Green flames are to the right. And there’s a secret door!
Everyone rushes to the door and notices something…
DR. BUBBLES: I thought we were looking for the blue fire…..? Hmm… I’m curious.
DR.FIRE: Can we go to McDonald’s now?
JR. ICECAP: This is not any ordinary chamber. It’s the underground catacombs! And there’s a blockage about the door. “To open, you must insert a red flame, a blue flame and a green flame, and you will get a chance to see what is inside.”
DR.Fire: where are we gonna get flames?
JR. ICECAP rushes to find one of each colour, inserts then sees what inside.
JR. ICECAP: “No way! It’s the largest Chaos Emerald of them all.”
JR. ICECAP: “I can’t believe it! Have a look, Dr. Bubbles!”
DR.FIRE: NO WAY SISTA, or brother…….
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? Everyone? Looking?
JR. ICECAP: I packed my camera. (gets it out, turns it on, snaps a photograph)
DR. SNOWBALL: Can I see the picture?
JR. ICECAP: (closes the hidden room) Seen the photo, everyone?
DR. FIRE: Yeah.
Everyone leaves the chamber, ascending 500 feet. At 1392 feet, JR. ICECAP spots in the distance, a McDonald’s restaurant.
Dr.Fire: YES. FINALLY!!!!!!!
JR. ICECAP: You guys hungry? I found $18 in the chamber. We’re 8 feet away from the closest McDonald’s.
DR. FIRE: [Stares in Awe At the McDonalds]
DR. FIRE: [Runs all the way to McDonald’s]
Dr.Fire: Are you guys coming?
DR. SNOWBALL: You found money in that creepy chamber? Good, ’cause I don’t want anything. I was full from the Frappe!
JR. ICECAP: We’ve been ascending for 1 hour and 38 minutes now, and it’s already 8:47am in the morning!
DR. SNOWBALL: How do you know? You don’t have a watch like me.
JR. ICECAP: Sir, I have a smart in my brain that says, “TIME TELLING”!
DR. SNOWBALL: I had a smart in my brain that said, “HUNGRY” but now I don’t!
JR. ICECAP: I’ll get a Strawberry Thickshake. Dr. Bubbles? Dr. Fire?
Dr.Fire: I want a 10 piece chicken nuggets kids meal with fries and a blueberry pomegranate smoothie and don’t forget the toy!
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll get something.
JR. ICECAP: Have your own money if you want anything.
DR. SNOWBALL: How rude!
JR. ICECAP: Do I have to make you descend 1,000 feet?
DR. SNOWBALL: Oh, what’s this? I must be seeing things. [rubs eyes] What? Nothing changed.
JR. ICECAP: Okay, Dr. Fire. Not unless you have your own cash. I have… [whispering] $18.
DR. SNOWBALL: Somebody heard that. [pointing to a Poptropican with overgrown blonde hair]
JR. ICECAP: Uh-oh. BLONDIE ALERT! [dropping some cash, dashing out, runs back down to 13,512 feet, ascends 41 feet for safety and another 41 feet]
BLONDIE: What is this? Dropped money?
DR. SNOWBALL: Don’t put your hands on those coins and banknotes, you blondie!
Dr.Fire: Guys?
Dr.Fire: B-But my chicken nuggets [Goes back to pay for the chicken nuggets]
JR. ICECAP ascends back up and reaches McDonalds.
DR. SNOWBALL: It can’t be the Chaos Emerald. I wonder what it is.
Dr.Fire: It looks kinda red maybe it’s a ruby?
JR. ICECAP: It’s the Amethyst Ace! “The Amethyst Ace is the popular Amethyst gem in the world. It is 11 meters long and 14 meters wide. It was built by the Jews in 51AD.
Dr.FIRE:Wow it’s huge.
Dr.Fire: Hello?
JR. ICECAP: A Jewish gem! The Amethyst Ace is made of red and blue flames mixed together to make purple flames – [gasps] The Purple Ring of Fire is at 17,500 feet – and purple card.
DR. SNOWBALL: [gasps] We lost – [gasps] Dr. Bubbles!
JR. ICECAP: My senses tell me she’s descended. She’s at 14,066 miles.
DR. BUBBLES: The largest! Impossible! The Master Emerald should be on Angel Mountain!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hey, look, another gem! [looks at his reflection on the gem like a mirror]
JR. ICECAP: This one looks… [taps it] …cold at an accurate temperature of… -61°F!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE? You coming?
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles, come see the gem we discovered! It’s not a Chaos Emerald because of its colour. It’s a white gem this time!
JR. ICECAP: What is the name of this gem? And why’s it shaped like a diamond? Let’s see if my book can help. “White gems – page 67.’ [flicks to page 67 and gazes at the White Gem Index] “White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem – page 71.”
DR. BUBBLES: You’re right! If it was a Chaos Emereald this one would be clear! And it would glow while been exposed to this one! It’s cloudy…. Hmm…..? A Sol Emerald? It’s shaped differently too…..?
DR. BUBBLES: What’s the shape of the other one?
JR. ICECAP: It says here, “The White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Size – 6m in length, 8m in width
Value: 94%
Temperature: Up to -61 degress Farhenheit
Quantity: 5
Designers: Jewish Scientists
Nationality: Jewish”
DR. BUBBLES: I think I might have came to a conclusion about the gems too soon.
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind. Carry on!
JR. ICECAP: That’s what the book knows. I don’t know its actual temperature. Wait, “Actual Temperatures – White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Surface Temperature: -61 degrees Farhenheit
Inside Temperature: -92 degrees Fahrenheit
Be careful, the gem is valuable!”
DR. BUBBLES: $_$ OOOOOO! Give me it!!!!
DR. SNOWBALL: We have lost contact with DR. FIRE.
JR. ICECAP: Where could she be?
DR. SNOWBALL: Right behind us.
JR. ICECAP: You call that “lost contact”? [spots DR. FIRE frozen] We’d better thaw her out! Oh, the poor scientist!
DR. SNOWBALL: Bring her along, we’ll carry her up. Anyway, I thought I might seen a… POLAR BEAR?
JR. ICECAP: I can blend its poo and make it into a rich chocolate spread!
Jr. Icecap drags the frozen scientist all the way up to the top.
At 19,725 feet, they spot a spooky pink glow leading to a chamber.
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP, you’re disgusting. Don’t go near that bear.
DR. SNOWBALL, I am not going to carry her….. although she was a good friend…. How did this happen?!
Still carrying the gem, they examine it, falling into the chamber without taking the ladder because this one doesn’t have an entry ladder.
DR. SNOWBALL: THE PEARL GEM CHAMBER! Home to some of my survivalist friends – Dr. Pink, Jr. Pearl and Survivalist Gem! How are you all surviving?
DR. PINK: Berry Delicious Smoothies, bottled water, canned soup and boxed pizzas.
JR. PEARL: I’m surviving on pizza, croissants, tacos and German cakes.
ST. GEM: I am surviving on pasta, caramels, pizza, swiss rolls, lamingtons, the assistance of my shadow puppet, Señor Hombre.
JR. ICECAP: I wonder how long it will be until all the Spanish gets annoying. Although, “Señor Hombre” is Spanish for “Mister Man”.
DR. BUBBLES: There’s food? DR. FIRE can eat now! Er… after we thaw her out of course.
ST. GEM: 8)
DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP blow hard and soft to thaw the scientist out. Finally, she is thawed out and she grabs a taco, fills it with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, taco sauce and sour cream, plus a few corn chips.
DR. BUBBLES: I want a taco!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have you got any pepperoni pizzas, there, DR. PINK?
DR. PINK: I have plenty of pepperonis.
JR. PEARL: Friend, if you need tacos, I have plenty. Also, I have these ingredients.
a) meat
b) cheese
c) lettuce
d) tomato
e) sour cream
f) corn chips
g) taco sauce
JR. PEARL: Preparing taco shell…
DR. BUBBLES: Okay! I’ll have that and a pizza!
DR. BUBBLES:I’ll have everything on my taco please!
DR. BUBBLES: Pepperoni please! Too bad DR. FIRE isn’t eating. You feeling well?
JR. PEARL: Decided what you want on it?
DR. BUBBLES: Yes everything please! And I want a pepperoni pizza too! Do you have any Pepsi? Or an Icee?
Hmm… You guys hear something?
A few minutes later, everyone was eating. Then it was time to leave and continue ascending. At 20,900 feet, they spot another restaurant in the distance.
DR. SNOWBALL: No restaurant. Maybe later. I’m full.
JR. ICECAP: I’m already eating, so I can’t be bothered.
?: Tee – hee!
DR. BUBBLES: I heard it again.
DR. SNOWBALL: Before we left, DR. BUBBLES, JR. PEARL gave you a thank-you drink.
It was a nice cool drink of Pepsi.
23,910 feet, they spotted another gem.
JR. ICECAP: I love stopping at gems! What kind is this one? It’s huge, round and black!
DR. BUBBLES: Aww. How nice of him!
DR. BUBBLES: Round and black? I have no idea……? Is it just me or is there something like a spirit moving inside of that thing?
DR. BUBBLES: Guys! Do you hear that noise?!
JR. ICECAP: I hear that noise. It’s the Colour Combination Virus! It’s black and turns everything to black when landing on that item!
DR.SKY: What’s the name of the black gem?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Mysterious looking gem? What is it JR. ICECAP?
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP? Where are you? And where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR.SKY: Wait, where is Jr. Icecap? Where’s Dr. Snowball?
DR. BUBBLES: We just had Tacos! And Pizza! I still have some soda left! How can you be hungry?! o.O Are you a robot?
DR. BUBBLES: I just said that! Jr. Icecap! Dr. Snowball! Where the heck are you guys?!
DR. FIRE: Jr.Icecap is not here where did he go?
[bushes move]
DR. SNOWBALL: Is someone in the bushes?
[grabs soda] yummy!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Meh. Maybe it was the wind. Where are they?! At a fiesta?
DR. FIRE: This is very suspicious. Hmm…
DR. BUBBLES: What are ya doin with my soda?
DR.SKY: [Freezes in place(but not literally!)]
DR BUBBLES: [tackles Dr. Fire]
DR.FIRE: Maybe we left them back at the restaurant place?
[both roll down hill]
fine den u can have the soda
DR. SKY: [goes after the two]
DR.FIRE: [Calls Jimmy John’s] Hello Jimmy John’s, I’d like a BLT with some sprite. Thank you, bye.
[A Poptropican enters the room. She is… Well, long story short, she’s me in a labcoat and holding a scanner.]
???: Nope. Not a robot. Though I’m sure you said that in jest, the only strange thing in this room is that gem.
*both scream*
DR. BUBBLES: Too late!
???: Aaand they’re gone. [leaves room to follow the others]
DR. BUBBLES: We’re falling down!!!!!!!
*soda falls into a bottomless pit*
“aHHHHtyulkvcdfgvbhnjAHHHYuUHKjigfygAHHH” -passes out-
Dr.Fire: NOOOO MY JIMMY JOHNS!!! Thanks alot dr.bubbles -dr.bubbles doesent wake up-
Dr.Fire: Dr.Bubbles..? Okay so your either unconcious or dead……..OH NO UR DEADD….or passed out…
DR. SKY: *runs over to Dr. Fire and Dr. Bubbles* GUYS! GUYS! ARE YOU OKAY?!
DR.Fire: I-I think Dr.Bubbles is dead….
DR.Fire: DR.Sky im scared…..
???: [looking into the pit, shouting] Anyone down there? Can you hear me?
DR. SKY: NO! This can’t be! [finds grappling hook near edge of cliff, dangles hook over edge of cliff] Dr. Fire, carry Dr. Bubbles and hold on to the rope while I try to pull you up.
DR. FIRE: [carrying DR. BUBBLES, bawling] I NEVER GOT MY JIMMY JOHN’S!!!! WAAAA!!!
DR. SKY: Your Jimmy John’s don’t matter at the moment. Dr. Bubbles is either dead or unconscious. This is a matter of life and death. [checks for pulse]
DR. FIRE: [sips Dr. Pepper] Well, at least I got the soda…
???: Anything I can do to help?
DR. SKY: There’s no breath, no pulse… [give Dr. Bubbles CPR]
[Dr. Bubbles chokes on her saliva]
Awkward silence…
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck am I doing? And where am I?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Wasn’t I with you guys all along? What’s going on here? o.O
DR. FIRE: You were unconscious and DR. SKY pulled us out of the bottomless pit.
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Are you a robot? You there, please examine this “Dr. Fire.”
DR. SKY: Yay! She’s alive!
DR. BUBBLES: That’s right! Where the hell is my soda? I want it now!
KNEW IT WAS GOOD!!!… [cricket noises*… well, that was awkward.
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean?! I want my soda and I want it right NOW! T_T
DR. BUBBLES: Who the hell are you?
DR. FIRE: I’m your best friend! Remember me? Oh, and I drank your soda.
DR. BUBBLES: Where the hell are DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP? Did they fall? Abandon us?
DR. FIRE: We left them at the cave place….
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SKY, do you approve of DR. FIRE’s behavior?
[All of the people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. SKY: We must’ve left them at McDonalds!
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean we left them?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
DR.FIRE: I’ma go watch Full House on my phone now…
DR. BUBBLES: What was that?
?????: Mwahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
[All of the doctors and people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. BUBBLES: No time DR. FIRE, I hear something… someone’s coming. Quick, hide!
SG: No, I’m just kidding with you, I’m not evil.
DR. BUBBLES: [whispers] Quick, hide! And keep quiet!
DR. FIRE: [Hides face behind hands]They’ll never find me here!!!
DR. SKY: DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP. They are either in the cave or McDonald’s. How many feet are we anyway?
DR. BUBBLES: Dang! We were caught. Who are you?
???: [consults scanner] Right. Dr. Fire here is not a robot. However, Dr. Bubbles might have amnesia from the fall. I’m not an expert though. I’m Lone Owl, by the way.
SG: [walks in their direction] Ugh! I swear I heard voices.
SG: Ummmm, well, right now, lost. Call me SG.
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno! DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP know that! They have the book!
DR. FIRE: See, I TOLD you! I’m not a robot!
DR. BUBBLES: Lone Owl. I think I’ve heard of you before……?
And SG, you are lost? Where are you heading?
SG: Hello? I hear you! What’s this about robots now?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, you need to calm down. The heat is getting to your head.
SG: Well, I was with a group of people, but I don’t quite remember their names…
DR. BUBBLES: I remember JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL talking about this! Mayans!
DR. BUBBLES: Are you a Mayan?
SG: Umm I don’t quite remember anything. Wait- where are we again?
LONE OWL: What about the Mayans? And, Dr. Bubbles, you must travel in some interesting circles…
SG: Wait, your name is Lone Owl? Do I remember you from someplace?
DR. FIRE: [Hears footsteps] I think I he- [falls backwards]
DR. FIRE: Okay, who pushed me?!
LONE OWL: Well, who are you, SG?
DR. BUBBLES: Mt. Everest SG.
LONE OWL, I dunno. I just remember him saying something about them.
DR. FIRE: Was it you, DR. BUBBLES?! I knew it!
SG: I don’t remember. I only got SG from these initials on my bracelet. See?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, what are you talking about? SG, may I see?
LONE OWL: You can call me “Owl.” And SG… You seem vaguely familiar as well.
SG: Sure. [hands over bracelet]
DR. BUBBLES: I did not push you!
DR. FIRE: Someone pushed me. If it wasn’t you, who was it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Ahh!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, be quiet. I’m thinking……
SG: [stumbles] WHO JUST PUSHED ME? I swear, someone just pushed me.
DR. BUBBLES: What? DR. FIRE! How dare you!
LONE OWL: No one was even near you… No one visible, at least. [casts furtive glance at scanner]
DR. BUBBLES: [trips] Dafuq? Who dare touch me?
SG: Anyone else feel like there is something they don’t know, or is it just me?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE! SG! Stop playing games with me!
DR. BUBBLES: [feels deep heavy breath on shoulder]
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck?! Don’t breathe on me! Stop playing games!
DR. BUBBLES: SG! Come on! What’s wrong with you guys?! Get a grip.
DR. FIRE: [feels sharp pain] OWWWW!!! Who did that?!
SG: It’s not me either, I swear!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Okay, I’m jumping! Geronimo!
SG: Who did wha- [Falls over and it appears that there is a cut in her side]
DR. BUBBLES: Catch me if you can!
DR. FIRE: [jumps off cliff] We’re all gonna die!!!
DR. BUBBLES: You guys gonna jump? Or sit there like ducks? I dunno. Maybe you’ll lay an egg!
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind! I’m long gone! LONE OWL! Give me the device.
LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?
DR. BUBBLES: [grabs scanner] Got it!
SG: [squirms a little]
DR. BUBBLES: Tee-hee. I’ll just tinker with it a little and take this wire out- [sparks flash]
SG: WAIT! What is this scanner thing?
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno. Ask LONE OWL. [mumbling] And just cut this wire, trim this one…
DR. BUBBLES: [voice fades away]
LONE OWL: [gets up] Okay. Something weird’s definitely going on. What are you doing to my scanner?
DR. BUBBLES: Um….? [freezes in place and falls to the floor]
SG: [stands up but something isn’t right. Has a big cut in her side that’s bleeding]
DR. BUBBLES: [groans then tries but barely opens her eyes. Notices SG’s huge cut, passes out.]
SG: Bubbles, it’s me, Sleepy Ghost.
SG: Hi Owl, haven’t seen you in awhile.
SG: I bet you don’t recognize me now, Owl. What are you doing with that scanner again? And Bubbles, you don’t even know me.
SG: Yes, you heard me right. Where are your other friends, Bubbles? And why does it smell like Dr. Pepper?
SG: Oh, you know I’m not really Sleepy Ghost, just a spirit perhaps that somehow made it into her body.
DR. BUBBLES: …… [silence]
SG: [eyes flash red]
DR. BUBBLES: [blinks and struggles to get up] Dafuq? You okay? And your arm-
SG: Ha, my arm? What do you think happened?
SG: Where is the scanner?
LONE OWL: You again! I spent my entire life searching for you, anything like you, any shred of evidence to prove that you had ever been more than a fabrication of my mind – and here you are, messing with these scientists who will never believe your existence. Touché. But this needs to stop.
SG: Ha, why do you say that, Owl? [eyes flash red. SG suddenly collapses and doesn’t know anything of what just happened. Then, DR. BUBBLES collapses.]
[DR. BUBBLES stands up, now eyes flashing a violent blood red. SG slumps down on the ground motionless.]
FO, can you do the editing? You do have a gift in writing. Also, do you think SW will let us post this on her blog?
What about he the rest?
And SG did you get CP30 from Sam and cat?
CS, thank you! Do you want me to just, like, edit out errors, or turn this into a full-blown story? And I don’t know; I think and hope she will…
That’s all there was so far. We’re still going to continue.
@ FO – It’s true! 😛 Could you edit out the spelling and grammar errors? Leave it as a script still, and think of a name for the script too….. Good luck! 😀
Also, you can turn it into a full-blown story after this is finished okay? I have faith in you! 😛
So do I
But what about the rest?
Wanna pull an all nighter CS?
What RL?
Like stay up all night…
Well, I’m pretty sure I got most of the grammatical errors in the draft I posted…
So do you?
I can’t. I have to go somewhere tomorrow and my parents would KILL me. I stay on here the whole time I’m awake.
Thanks FO! Could you comment it?
Ohh okay so whats the latest you can stay ?
Zippy Turtle, what’s your username on Poptropica? I’m sure me as well as many other Poptropicans would love to know so we can friend you.
Also, what happened to Fierce Moon? And this blog could use a slogan.
Also, could you please modernize Nintendo Friend’s comments? Thanks!
Um… tonight about 11:00 or 12:00 ish.
Awhh I sleep at 1
Wanna play T or D?
Well bai?….
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I’m here though. 😀
CS, I think I posted it already…
? You did? I know I did. You sure?
NVM! I see it! I’ll read it now!
Playing Poptropica, drinking 20 bottles of water, commenting and pinning around in my computer chair! 😀 😀 😀
FO, did you fix the grammar and spelling errors yet?
Is watching Full House, Drinking Crush, And posting and reading comments
i have a question does FM live in Cali?
FM? I have no idea.
Drinking Crush? Lucky! What flavor?
original, and im not supposed to be drinking it at this late hour…. it makes me go a lil cray-cray….heheh……..
I know, that’s why I was curious. 🙂 YORANGE! 😛
Also, when I click on your name “Red Lion”, it leads me to Poptropica. How do you do that?
SOOOOOooooo watchya doin now… im running out of quetions….
u know when you see the website part on the comment page type in poptropicas url
$ _$ Cha Ching!
RL? You on?
OOOOOOOO! I have jokes!
What’s my favorite color?
soz i was watching tv
What’s my favorite instrument?
Are those the answers about yourself?
What’s my favorite food?
no im just guessing… PANCAKES?
WHATS MY FAVE COLOR? soz bout capital forgot it was on
hello??? hulllo? ello? hai? hay? hey? hi? howdie?
Mine – Nope…….. Jello!!!!!!! 😀
You – Red?
Hay is for horses! 😛
I have riddles for you! 😛
No its purple nice guess tho… whats my fave instrument?
If a red house is made out of red bricks, a yellow is made of yellow bricks, a blue is made of blue bricks, and a purple house is made out of purple bricks, what is a green house made out of?
Mine is blue! 😛
Flute, Trumpet, Violin, or Clarinet.
glass 🙂
You’re……………… RIGHT! Ding, ding, ding! 😀
No its acoustic guitar 🙂
whats my fave food?
Another is yet to come!
Mine is the Clarinet cuz that’s what I play! 😛
Food? Pizza.
Cheese! 🙂
No icecream… close tho! more riddles for meh!!!
What’s my favorite TV show?
ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!! 😛
pretty little liars?
-opens door- hey ther Dr.Bubbles 🙂
jello? Hello? Halo? yo? here? man? gurl? anyone?!!!??!?
guess mine?
NO!!!!!!!!! it’s a knock knock joke!
fine whos dere -.-
❓ What? Just go along WITH IT! 😛
Yeah!!!!!! And no it isn’t the Kool-aid guy. XD
whats my fave show?
You? Full House.
Me? Keep up with the jokes. 😛
RL? Are you alive? You dead? OHHHHHH NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!
Dead I guess…….
@CS, I think I finished my second round of proofreading. Shall I post it now? If I do, please tell me about any errors you spot…
@FO – Yes please!
RL? I said Doctor. Keep going.
Fine then ill leave
dr.who yah yah i get it….
No, don’t leave!!!!!!!
Sorry. 😥 Don’t leave! 😥
P.S. It was Dr. Who.
Red? Lion? Red Lion?
A rich family lives in a round house, when the parents came back for their dinner date their baby was dead. The daughter said she was playing with her dolls, the son said he was playing outside in the garden, the maid said she was dusting corners, and the butler said he was baking pies who killed the baby?
I’m still on though!!!!!
It was the maid because she said she was dusting corners when they live in a round house.
I looked it up. 😛
@RL: The maid!
Icy Snowball
Cool Smarticle
Red Lion, Fearless Owl, and Sleepy Ghost
DR. SNOWBALL: It is a cold day, but I am a scientist, and we are ascending Himalayan point, Mount Everest, where Hillary and Tenzing first ascended.
DR. SNOWBALL: We can’t keep up. We have to keep going.
DR. BUBBLES: Uh……? Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
DR. SNOWBALL: [looks around for a map] I’m sure I packed a map this morning… [feels a squishy ball in a cone-shaped object] Hey, hey, hey, ice cream for everyone! No? Okay. Maybe later. Let’s keep on track.
DR. SNOWBALL: You there, little one, what was your name again?
DR. BUBBLES: Who, me?
[DR. SNOWBALL takes a quick stop at 4,261 feet and walks over to the youngest ascender in the team.]
DR. SNOWBALL: No, the little one! You’re bigger than the little one!
[DR. SNOWBALL heads over to the youngest one and hands him a compass.]
DR. BUBBLES: Who’s the “little one”? I’m hungry. Let’s go to McDonald’s!
DR. SNOWBALL: What’s your name again?
JR. ICECAP: JR. ICECAP, sir. And what is this thing?
DR. SNOWBALL: It’s my compass. It shows you what direction you’re facing.
JR. ICECAP: Wow, cool! Thank you, sir.
[They all carry on. At 6,192 feet, a snowball lands on DR. SNOWBALL’s head.]
DR. SNOWBALL: This appears to be a snowball.
JR. ICECAP: How high are we?
DR. SNOWBALL: 6,192 feet.
JR. ICECAP: How high is Mount Snowverest or however you say it?
DR. SNOWBALL: 29,028.8 feet.
JR. ICECAP: That means we have to walk the remaining 22,836.8 feet!
JR. ICECAP: Hey, there’s a restaurant at 7,000 feet! That’s unusual.
DR. SNOWBALL: Dr. Bubbles, have no fear. If we walk another 818 miles, we’ll be at the unusual restaurant.
DR. BUBBLES: Is it Mcdonald’s? I swear if it isn’t, I’m going to be ticked off! I want a… uh… 10 OF EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! Wait… Is that Noodles and Company? No wait… a Chinese Restaurant?
DR. SNOWBALL: We’re at 6,916 feet. I did not mean miles.
JR. ICECAP: 84 feet to go!
DR. SNOWBALL: Getting closer by 50 feet.
[They arrive at the restaurant. It’s McDonald’s and the top of the sign and roof are covered with snow.]
DR. BUBBLES: We going to go there or what? I’m HUNGRY!
DR. SNOWBALL: This is a stop, and it looks like it’s the only restaurant on the point.
CUSTOMER: Actually, there’s a McDonald’s every 7,000 feet.
JR. ICECAP: If you said there were 29,000 feet, then there would be three.
DR. BUBBLES: We going or not? And stop ignoring me!
[The ascenders go inside.]
JR. ICECAP: Can I order a cheeseburger?
DR. SNOWBALL: Take your time, I’ve only got… [whispers] $96.
JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL: What do you want, DR. BUBBLES?
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll order a chicken wrap.
DR. BUBBLES: Give me extra sauces for the McNuggets too!
WAITER: In that case, it’ll be $96.90.
DR. SNOWBALL: Here you are.
WAITER: Thanks. You receive 10¢ in change.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t wait to get out and enjoy my cheeseburger!
DR. SNOWBALL: Neither do I! What about you, DR. BUBBLES?
WAITER: Extra sauce is 10¢.
DR. SNOWBALL: Okay, here you go. 10¢ for the extra sauce.
DR. BUBBLES: I thought you said you only had $96? Where’d you get the 90 cents?
[The ascenders leave and eat what they got during ascending time.]
DR. SNOWBALL: I’m broke!
JR. ICECAP: Sorry.
DR. SNOWBALL: Never mind. We’ll find more money.
JR. ICECAP: We’re 7,009 feet. [Slides back down to 6,318 feet and goes back up to 7,009 feet, ready for them all to continue.]
DR. BUBBLES: You had extra change? You said $96, NOT 97.
DR. SNOWBALL: I found the 90¢ at 6,318 feet.
DR. BUBBLES: No. You just didn’t want me to order another soda.
JR. ICECAP: This yummy cheeseburger – onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese on sesame seed buns!
DR. SNOWBALL: I got a Choc Swirl Frappe. Ice cream and chocolate with small pieces of ice on top!
[JR. ICECAP bites his cheeseburger and DR. SNOWBALL takes a sip of his Frappe.]
DR. SNOWBALL: Gonna eat, DR. BUBBLES? Do you know what to start with?
[Soon, the power of McDonald’s goes out and they try to fix the back-up generator. Then, when the power went back on, everything went like crazy! The ice cream machine, the chip machine, the refill machine, everything!
That didn’t worry the ascenders who kept on ascending.
At 8,901 feet, Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap have already just finished their meals. It was too cold for them to eat one bite after another, so they took small bites.]
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES? What are you eating now?
DR. BUBBLES: Oh, I’ll eat alright.
[At 10,000 feet, a snowball landed on Jr. Icecap’s head, caused by a woman.]
WOMAN: Sorry, I love dropping snowballs!
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a good idea, let’s roll a snowball up to the top, no matter how big it gets.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? [snaps fingers] Are you frozen by the cool?
JR. ICECAP: What’s the time?
DR. SNOWBALL: Good scientists always tell the time and have watches. It’s 7:01 a.m.
JR. ICECAP: Don’t tell me we left early in the morning?
DR. SNOWBALL: We did, not surprisingly.
JR. ICECAP: Perhaps we should keep going and see what food DR. BUBBLES is eating now. DR BUBBLES? [snaps fingers three times] Snapping fingers thrice always gets another to listen.
DR. BUBBLES: [Swallows a ton of food] What? [shoves more food in her mouth] No, it’s 10:06 p.m.
[At 12,501 feet, they spotted a shining gem.]
DR. BUBBLES: [gasps] It’s a……
DR. BUBBLES: How did…… There’s no way… It’s a… a…
JR. ICECAP: Whoa! An emerald! My favourite gem!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have a close look at the colour.
JR. ICECAP: It’s not emerald, it’s blue. [groans]
DR. SNOWBALL: What sort of blue?
DR. SNOWBALL: Ruby’s the red ones.
JR. ICECAP: Amethyst?
DR. SNOWBALL: Amethysts are purple.
DR. SNOWBALL: Yes, it’s sapphire!
DR. BUBBLES: No it isn’t! It’s an emerald alright. But not an ordinary emerald… Believe me. I know what this is. And it’s not a sapphire.
JR. ICECAP: I know what kind of gem this is… It’s the Glowing Emerald! I have a book of gems that I highlight – “The Glowing Emerald is lucky to be found – by anyone. The first Glowing Emerald was made out of glow sticks and green card on May 16, 1902 by…” I can’t read who made it! The text is blurry! But this is unusual. I need a candle.
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a candle made out of 100% pure wax. Take your time, I only have a few matches.
DR. BUBBLES: Close my friend, very close. It’s a………… Chaos Emerald! There are only 7 in the world! Oh wait…? Is it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm… I think it is a chaos emerald…? Right?
[DR. SNOWBALL hands a candle on a plate to JR. ICECAP. The light effects, but doesn’t absorb.]
JR. ICECAP: It’s not very well absorbent. I need a BLUE candle! And I know where I can find blue flames! At 13,000 feet! I’ve ascended Everest 11 times with no problems!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, what do you think? Is it a Chaos Emerald or a Glowing Emerald?
DR. FIRE: Hmm, I think it’s a Chaos Emerald.
DR. BUBBLES: I think I see a chamber up ahead? Or do I need my glasses?
DR. FIRE: I see the chamber too, but you still need glasses! XD
DR. BUBBLES: I heard that in these chambers, there might be 3 different types of colored fire: Red, green, and blue. Should we have a look?
DR. FIRE: Yes, yes we should!
[They keep going to the blue flames that JR. ICECAP was talking about. They bring the Emerald along with them.]
JR. ICECAP: The creators of the emerald were… the Greeks?!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SNOWBALL, JR. ICECAP, are you guys listening to me? DR. FIRE is. The Greeks? I dunno…? Chaos…?
DR. FIRE: I think it could be the Mayans?
JR. ICECAP: The Glowing Emerald was created by the Romans in 100 BC. This is the Chaos Emerald. Oh, look, a sign! “McDonalds – 1,000 feet up.”
DR. FIRE: Now I want some chicken nuggets.
DR. SNOWBALL: We should look at the chamber. There’s an entry ladder that takes you back down 500 feet.
DR. FIRE: B-but what about McDonald’s?
DR. BUBBLES: We just went to McDonald’s! Let’s have a look, shall we?
DR. FIRE: Fine, let’s go to the stupid chamber.
[Everyone explores the chamber.]
DR. SNOWBALL: There are signs everywhere! [spots a sign saying “Red Flames – left”]
Hey, everyone! Red flames!
DR. SNOWBALL (to Dr. Fire): We’ll go after we explore the chamber. There are signs and maps on the walls, so it’s easy to navigate through. And, there are original-coloured candles on the walls!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hmm. Green flames are to the right. And there’s a secret door!
[Everyone rushes to the door and notices something…]
DR. BUBBLES: I thought we were looking for the blue fire…? Hmm… I’m curious.
DR. FIRE: Can we go to McDonald’s now?
JR. ICECAP: This is not any ordinary chamber. It’s the underground catacombs! And there’s a blockage about the door. “To open, you must insert a red flame, a blue flame and a green flame, and you will get a chance to see what is inside.”
DR. FIRE: Where are we gonna get flames?
[JR. ICECAP rushes to find one of each colour, inserts, then sees what’s inside.]
JR. ICECAP: No way! It’s the largest Chaos Emerald of them all.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t believe it! Have a look, DR. BUBBLES!
DR.FIRE: NO WAY SISTA, or brother……
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES? Everyone? Looking?
JR. ICECAP: I packed my camera. [gets it out, turns it on, snaps a photograph]
DR. SNOWBALL: Can I see the picture?
JR. ICECAP: [closes the hidden room] Seen the photo, everyone?
DR. FIRE: Yeah.
[Everyone leaves the chamber, ascending 500 feet. At 1392 feet, JR. ICECAP spots in the distance, a McDonald’s restaurant.]
JR. ICECAP: You guys hungry? I found $18 in the chamber. We’re 8 feet away from the closest McDonald’s.
DR. FIRE: [stares in awe at the McDonald’s, then runs all the way to McDonald’s]
DR. FIRE: Are you guys coming?
DR. SNOWBALL: You found money in that creepy chamber? Good, ’cause I don’t want anything. I was full from the Frappe!
JR. ICECAP: We’ve been ascending for 1 hour and 38 minutes now, and it’s already 8:47 in the morning!
DR. SNOWBALL: How do you know? You don’t have a watch like me.
JR. ICECAP: Sir, I have a smart in my brain that says, “TIME TELLING”!
DR. SNOWBALL: I had a smart in my brain that said, “HUNGRY” but now I don’t!
JR. ICECAP: I’ll get a Strawberry Thickshake. DR. BUBBLES? DR. FIRE?
DR. FIRE: I want a 10-piece chicken nuggets Kid’s Meal with fries and a blueberry pomegranate smoothie, and don’t forget the toy!
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll get something.
JR. ICECAP: Have your own money if you want anything.
DR. SNOWBALL: How rude!
JR. ICECAP: Do I have to make you descend 1,000 feet?
DR. SNOWBALL: Oh, what’s this? I must be seeing things. [rubs eyes] What? Nothing changed.
JR. ICECAP: Okay, DR. FIRE. Not unless you have your own cash. I have… [whispering] $18.
DR. SNOWBALL: Somebody heard that. [pointing to a Poptropican with overgrown blonde hair]
JR. ICECAP: Uh-oh. BLONDIE ALERT! [dropping some cash, dashing out, runs back down to 13,512 feet, ascends 41 feet for safety and another 41 feet]
BLONDIE: What is this? Dropped money?
DR. SNOWBALL: Don’t put your hands on those coins and banknotes, you blondie!
DR. FIRE: Guys?
DR. FIRE: B-But my chicken nuggets! [Goes back to pay for the chicken nuggets]
JR. ICECAP ascends back up and reaches McDonald’s.
DR. SNOWBALL: It can’t be the Chaos Emerald. I wonder what it is.
DR. FIRE: It looks kinda red; maybe it’s a ruby?
JR. ICECAP: It’s the Amethyst Ace! “The Amethyst Ace is the most popular Amethyst gem in the world. It is 11 meters long and 14 meters wide. It was built by the Jews in AD 51.”
DR. FIRE: Wow, it’s huge.
DR. FIRE: Hello?
JR. ICECAP: A Jewish gem! The Amethyst Ace is made of red and blue flames mixed together to make purple flames – [gasps] The Purple Ring of Fire is at 17,500 feet – and purple card.
DR. SNOWBALL: [gasps] We lost – [gasps] Dr. Bubbles!
JR. ICECAP: My senses tell me she’s descended. She’s at 14,066 miles.
DR. BUBBLES: The largest! Impossible! The Master Emerald should be on Angel Mountain!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hey, look, another gem! [looks at his reflection on the gem like a mirror]
JR. ICECAP: This one looks… [taps it] …cold at an accurate temperature of… -61°F!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE? You coming?
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES, come see the gem we discovered! It’s not a Chaos Emerald because of its colour. It’s a white gem this time!
JR. ICECAP: What is the name of this gem? And why’s it shaped like a diamond? Let’s see if my book can help. “White gems – page 67.” [flicks to page 67 and gazes at the White Gem Index] “White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem – page 71.”
DR. BUBBLES: You’re right! If it was a Chaos Emerald, this one would be clear! And it would glow while being exposed to this one! It’s cloudy… Hmm… A Sol Emerald? It’s shaped differently too…? What’s the shape of the other one?
JR. ICECAP: It says here,
“The White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Size – 6m in length, 8m in width
Value: 94%
Temperature: Up to -61 degress Fahrenheit
Quantity: 5
Designers: Jewish Scientists
Nationality: Jewish.”
DR. BUBBLES: I think I might have come to a conclusion about the gems too soon.
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind. Carry on!
JR. ICECAP: That’s what the book says. I don’t know its actual temperature. Wait!
“Actual Temperatures – White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Surface Temperature: -61 degrees Fahrenheit
Internal Temperature: -92 degrees Fahrenheit
Be careful, the gem is valuable!”
DR. BUBBLES: OOOOOO! Give me it!!!!
DR. SNOWBALL: We have lost contact with DR. FIRE.
JR. ICECAP: Where could she be?
DR. SNOWBALL: Right behind us.
JR. ICECAP: You call that “lost contact”? [spots DR. FIRE frozen] We’d better thaw her out! Oh, the poor scientist!
DR. SNOWBALL: Bring her along, we’ll carry her up. Anyway, I thought I might have seen a… polar bear.
JR. ICECAP: I can blend its poo and make it into a rich chocolate spread!
[JR. ICECAP drags the frozen scientist all the way up to the top.
At 19,725 feet, they spot a spooky pink glow leading to a chamber.]
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP, you’re disgusting. Don’t go near that bear.
DR. SNOWBALL, I am not going to carry her… although she was a good friend… How did this happen?!
[Still carrying the gem, they examine it, falling into the chamber without taking the ladder because this one doesn’t have an entry ladder.]
DR. SNOWBALL: THE PEARL GEM CHAMBER! Home to some of my survivalist friends – DR. PINK, JR. PEARL and SURVIVALIST GEM! How are you all surviving?
DR. PINK: Berry Delicious Smoothies, bottled water, canned soup, and boxed pizzas.
JR. PEARL: I’m surviving on pizza, croissants, tacos, and German cakes.
SURVIVALIST GEM: I am surviving on pasta, caramels, pizza, swiss rolls, lamingtons, and the assistance of my shadow puppet, Señor Hombre.
JR. ICECAP: I wonder how long it will be until all the Spanish gets annoying. Although, “Señor Hombre” is Spanish for “Mister Man”.
DR. BUBBLES: There’s food? DR. FIRE can eat now! Er… after we thaw her out, of course.
[DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP attempt to thaw the scientist out. Finally, she is thawed out and she grabs a taco and fills it with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, taco sauce and sour cream, plus a few corn chips.]
DR. BUBBLES: I want a taco!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have you got any pepperoni pizzas, there, DR. PINK?
DR. PINK: I have plenty of pepperoni.
JR. PEARL: Friend, if you need tacos, I have plenty. Also, I have these ingredients: meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, corn chips, and taco sauce. Preparing taco shell…
DR. BUBBLES: Okay! I’ll have that and a pizza!
DR. BUBBLES: I’ll have everything on my taco please!
DR. BUBBLES: Pepperoni please! Too bad DR. FIRE isn’t eating. You feeling well?
JR. PEARL: Decided what you want on it?
?: Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Yes, everything please! And I want a pepperoni pizza too! Do you have any Pepsi? Or an Icee?
?: >:-D
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm… You guys hear something?
[A few minutes later, everyone was eating. Then it was time to leave and continue ascending. At 20,900 feet, they spot another restaurant in the distance.]
DR. SNOWBALL: No restaurant. Maybe later. I’m full.
JR. ICECAP: I’m already eating, so I can’t be bothered.
?: Tee – hee!
DR. BUBBLES: I heard it again.
DR. SNOWBALL: Before we left, DR. BUBBLES, JR. PEARL gave you a thank-you drink.
DR. BUBBLES: Aww. How nice of him!
[It was a nice cool drink of Pepsi.
23,910 feet, they spotted another gem.]
JR. ICECAP: I love stopping at gems! What kind is this one? It’s huge, round and black!
?: Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Round and black? I have no idea……? Is it just me or is there something like a spirit moving inside of that thing?
DR. BUBBLES: Guys! Do you hear that noise?!
JR. ICECAP: I hear that noise. It’s the Colour Combination Virus! It’s black and turns everything to black when landing on that item!
DR. SKY: What’s the name of the black gem?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Mysterious looking gem? What is it, JR. ICECAP?
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP? Where are you? And where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR. SKY: Wait, where is JR. ICECAP? Where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR. BUBBLES: We just had tacos! And pizza! I still have some soda left! How can you be hungry?! Are you a robot?
DR. BUBBLES: I just said that! JR. ICECAP! DR. SNOWBALL! Where the heck are you guys?!
DR. FIRE: JR. ICECAP is not here. Where did he go?
[bushes move]
DR. SNOWBALL: Is someone in the bushes?
DR. FIRE: [grabs soda] Yummy!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Meh. Maybe it was the wind. Where are they?! At a fiesta?
DR. FIRE: This is very suspicious. Hmm… Maybe we left them back at the restaurant place?
DR. BUBBLES: What are ya doin’ with my soda?
DR.SKY: [Freezes in place(but not literally!)]
DR. BUBBLES: [tackles DR. FIRE]
[both roll downhill]
Fine then! You can have the soda!
DR. SKY: [goes after the two]
DR. FIRE: [Calls Jimmy John’s] Hello Jimmy John’s, I’d like a BLT with some sprite. Thank you, bye.
[A Poptropican enters the room. She is… Well, long story short, she’s me in a labcoat and holding a scanner.]
???: Nope. Not a robot. Though I’m sure you said that in jest, the only strange thing in this room is that gem.
[DR. BUBBLES and DR. FIRE scream]
DR. BUBBLES: Too late!
???: Aaand they’re gone. [leaves room to follow the others]
DR. BUBBLES: We’re falling down!!!!!!!
[Soda falls into a bottomless pit]
DR. SKY: aHHHHtyulkvcdfgvbhnjAHHHYuUHKjigfygAHHH [passes out]
DR. FIRE: NOOOO! MY JIMMY JOHN’S!!! Thanks a lot, DR. BUBBLES [DR. BUBBLES doesn’t wake up] DR. BUBBLES..? Okay so you’re either unconscious or dead……OH NO, YOU’RE DEAD…or passed out…
DR. FIRE: I-I think DR. BUBBLES is dead…
DR. FIRE: DR. SKY, I’m scared…
???: [looking into the pit, shouting] Anyone down there? Can you hear me?
DR. SKY: NO! This can’t be! [finds grappling hook near edge of cliff, dangles hook over edge of cliff] DR. FIRE, carry DR. BUBBLES and hold on to the rope while I try to pull you up.
DR. FIRE: [carrying DR. BUBBLES, bawling] I NEVER GOT MY JIMMY JOHN’S!!!! WAAAA!!!
DR. SKY: Your Jimmy John’s don’t matter at the moment. DR. BUBBLES is either dead or unconscious. This is a matter of life and death. [checks for pulse]
DR. FIRE: [sips Dr. Pepper] Well, at least I got the soda…
???: Anything I can do to help?
DR. SKY: There’s no breath, no pulse… [give Dr. Bubbles CPR]
[Dr. Bubbles chokes on her saliva]
[Awkward silence…]
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck am I doing? And where am I?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Wasn’t I with you guys all along? What’s going on here? o.O
DR. FIRE: You were unconscious and DR. SKY pulled us out of the bottomless pit.
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Are you a robot? You there, please examine this “DR. FIRE.”
DR. SKY: Yay! She’s alive!
DR. BUBBLES: That’s right! Where the hell is my soda? I want it now!
SG: KNEW IT WAS GOOD!!!… [cricket noises*… well, that was awkward.
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean?! I want my soda and I want it right NOW! T_T
DR. BUBBLES: Who the hell are you?
DR. FIRE: I’m your best friend! Remember me? Oh, and I drank your soda.
DR. BUBBLES: Where the hell are DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP? Did they fall? Abandon us?
DR. FIRE: We left them at the cave place…
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SKY, do you approve of DR. FIRE’s behavior?
[All of the people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. SKY: We must’ve left them at McDonalds!
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean we left them?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
DR.FIRE: I’ma go watch Full House on my phone now…
DR. BUBBLES: What was that?
?????: Mwahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
[All of the doctors and people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. BUBBLES: No time DR. FIRE, I hear something… someone’s coming. Quick, hide!
SG: No, I’m just kidding with you, I’m not evil.
DR. BUBBLES: [whispers] Quick, hide! And keep quiet!
DR. FIRE: [Hides face behind hands] They’ll never find me here!!!
DR. SKY: DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP. They are either in the cave or McDonald’s. How many feet are we anyway?
DR. BUBBLES: Dang! We were caught. Who are you?
???: [consults scanner] Right. Dr. Fire here is not a robot. However, Dr. Bubbles might have amnesia from the fall. I’m not an expert though. I’m Lone Owl, by the way.
SG: [walks in their direction] Ugh! I swear I heard voices.
SG: Ummmm, well, right now, lost. Call me SG.
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno! DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP know that! They have the book!
DR. FIRE: See, I TOLD you! I’m not a robot!
DR. BUBBLES: “Lone Owl.” I think I’ve heard of you before……? And SG, you are lost? Where are you heading?
SG: Hello? I hear you! What’s this about robots now?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, you need to calm down. The heat is getting to your head.
SG: Well, I was with a group of people, but I don’t quite remember their names…
DR. BUBBLES: I remember JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL talking about this! Mayans!
DR. BUBBLES: Are you a Mayan?
SG: Umm I don’t quite remember anything. Wait, where are we again?
LONE OWL: What about the Mayans? And, DR. BUBBLES, you must travel in some interesting circles…
SG: Wait, your name is Lone Owl? Do I remember you from someplace?
DR. FIRE: [Hears footsteps] I think I he- [falls backwards]
DR. FIRE: Okay, who pushed me?!
LONE OWL: Well, who are you, SG?
DR. BUBBLES: Mt. Everest, SG.
LONE OWL, I dunno. I just remember him saying something about them.
DR. FIRE: Was it you, DR. BUBBLES?! I knew it!
SG: I don’t remember. I only got SG from these initials on my bracelet. See?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, what are you talking about? SG, may I see?
LONE OWL: You can call me “Owl.” And SG… You seem vaguely familiar as well.
SG: Sure. [hands over bracelet]
DR. BUBBLES: I did not push you!
DR. FIRE: Someone pushed me. If it wasn’t you, who was it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Ahh!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, be quiet. I’m thinking……
SG: [stumbles] WHO JUST PUSHED ME? I swear, someone just pushed me.
DR. BUBBLES: What? DR. FIRE! How dare you!
LONE OWL: No one was even near you… No one visible, at least. [casts furtive glance at scanner]
DR. BUBBLES: [trips] Dafuq? Who dare touch me?
SG: Anyone else feel like there is something they don’t know, or is it just me?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE! SG! Stop playing games with me!
DR. BUBBLES: [feels deep heavy breath on shoulder]
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck?! Don’t breathe on me! Stop playing games!
DR. BUBBLES: SG! Come on! What’s wrong with you guys?! Get a grip.
DR. FIRE: [feels sharp pain] OWWWW!!! Who did that?!
SG: It’s not me either, I swear!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Okay, I’m jumping! Geronimo!
SG: Who did wha- [Falls over and it appears that there is a cut in her side]
DR. BUBBLES: Catch me if you can!
DR. FIRE: [jumps off cliff] We’re all gonna die!!!
DR. BUBBLES: You guys gonna jump? Or sit there like ducks? I dunno. Maybe you’ll lay an egg!
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind! I’m long gone! LONE OWL! Give me the device.
LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?
DR. BUBBLES: [grabs scanner] Got it!
SG: [squirms a little]
DR. BUBBLES: Tee-hee. I’ll just tinker with it a little and take this wire out- [sparks flash]
SG: WAIT! What is this scanner thing?
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno. Ask LONE OWL. [mumbling] And just cut this wire, trim this one…
DR. BUBBLES: [voice fades away]
LONE OWL: [gets up] Okay. Something weird’s definitely going on. What are you doing to my scanner?
DR. BUBBLES: Um…? [freezes in place and falls to the floor]
SG: [stands up but something isn’t right. Has a big cut in her side that’s bleeding]
DR. BUBBLES: [groans then tries but barely opens her eyes. Notices SG’s huge cut, passes out.]
SG: Hi OWL, haven’t seen you in a while.
SG: I bet you don’t recognize me now, OWL. What are you doing with that scanner again? And BUBBLES, you don’t even know me.
SG: Yes, you heard me right. Where are your other friends, BUBBLES? And why does it smell like Dr. Pepper?
SG: Oh, you know I’m not really SLEEPY GHOST, just a spirit perhaps that somehow made it into her body.
DR. BUBBLES: …… [silence]
SG: [eyes flash red]
DR. BUBBLES: [blinks and struggles to get up] Dafuq? You okay? And your arm-
SG: Ha, my arm? What do you think happened?
SG: Where is the scanner?
LONE OWL: You again! I spent my entire life searching for you, anything like you, any shred of evidence to prove that you had ever been more than a fabrication of my mind – and here you are, messing with these scientists who will never believe your existence. Touché. But this needs to stop.
SG: Ha, why do you say that, OWL? [eyes flash red. SG suddenly collapses and doesn’t know anything of what just happened. Then, DR. BUBBLES collapses.]
[DR. BUBBLES stands up, now eyes flashing a violent blood red. SG slumps down on the ground motionless.]
jake’s mother has four kids the first born was named North, the second born was named South, and the third born was named East. What’s the last born child’s named?
I have one! NO cheating! 😉
Jake’s mother has four kids the first born was named North, the second born was named South, and the third born was named East. What’s the last born child’s named?
RL, I swear to God, I did not know you commented that.
Hold up! Let’s read the script.
@ FO – You forgot Brave Sky!
@CS: ❗ I did! *facepalm*
An airplane crashes in the middle of an ocean. Every single person on the plane dies except a married couple. How is this possible?
In the intro?
Icy Snowball
Cool Smarticle
Red Lion, Fearless Owl, and Sleepy Ghost”
Where’s BS?
@ RL – I know that too! I have a tab with that riddle opened!
Because they were married the joke says every SINGLE person. 😛
lol is it this website? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_good_riddles
@RL: They weren’t single!
@CS, I know. Oops.
@ RL – Yes. 🙂
RL, read the script and tell FO if you spot any errors.
You for got to capitalize the D in McDonald’s.
“DR. BUBBLES: Is it Mcdonald’s? I swear if it isn’t, I’m going to be ticked off! I want a… uh… 10 OF EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! Wait… Is that Noodles and Company? No wait… a Chinese Restaurant?”
My super villain is a Steam-Punk based character. Her ability to manipulate any steam powered object keeps her busy and at bay. Armed with a old school cross bow from her father she can kill her pray –the poor poptropica citizens who ruined her life– her ways began when she was just a small child her father taught her to hunt. But mere small animals were not enough to fill the blood thirst she craved. She moved to bigger game yet it still did not satisfy her. Due to her hunting it caused her to kill many pets and stray making people see her as a freak, thus making her an outcast. she lives on steam works island after the re-build her father originating from vampire curse gave her the pale complexion and her keen senses. Though after the larger game did not satisfy her blood thirst nature she set out for a new prey who was wise and has a sense of negotiation– a human. So began her streak of killing off who she pleased main ones she dislike now and then a innocent character in the world.. her one weakness is the love she had for a young man when she was younger.
no only the one is when you forgot BS
The D in McDonald’s needs to be capitalized.
What would happen if all the people in America got a pink car?
Thanks for pointing that out!
Nice work FO! I told you, you had a talent in writing! 🙂
Degrees is spelled wrong. 😳
JR. ICECAP: It says here,
“The White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Size – 6m in length, 8m in width
Value: 94%
Temperature: Up to -61 degress Fahrenheit
Quantity: 5
Designers: Jewish Scientists
Nationality: Jewish.”
I think that’s it! Everything else seems fine! I wonder what IS is going to see what we did to the script….? Think he’ll get mad?
RL, are you on?
Oh then i dont know how to spell degress
degrees. I copied it and pasted it on my computer so I could have a copy. 🙂
RL? What are you doing?
1.There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. Why?
Yay! Another riddle! 😀
The man was born before his father – the father was present during childbirth.
Killed his mother – I’m assuming she died after giving birth to him.
Married his sister – he became a priest and presided over the ceremony
Thanks! I don’t think I would’ve caught those!
And I dunno. If IS is upset, we can restart from a certain point.
CS why r u so smart -.-
I looked it up. 😀
@ FO – I don’t think he will be. I like the story! It was a great idea!
Did I mention I’m in enrichment?
Got another one for us?
RL ❓
back 🙂
anyone here??? if not im leaviing…
kay bye -.- i might be on later
I’m here.
It’s a pirate
@ CS- I saw that LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG script you posted ❗ What’s it for ❓
Fascinating 😮
Ck, long time no see
my villain is called Verna vampire and she is on vampire cruse island and she is count bram’s long lost wife and she left him to go solo and become more powerful and take over poptropica. her powerfilled gum she chews is poisoned and the bubbles she blow can poison anything or anyone. her weakness is if you take the poison gum out of her mouth she is powerless.
also can you do that design our own island thing again? I really enjoyed that!
This is Screamgirl. The thing she is holding is a scream potion, which makes you instantly scared of every thing except her and you will do exactly what she says. The gum she is chewing has the same powers when she blows bubbles. Her weakness is that if you steal her hat, her own machine will turn on her. She is from an island that is like a cross between Vampire’s Curse and Shark Tooth island.
“What, you want my story? But I’ve got you all tied up! Why waste time? Are you planning to escape? Got backup coming? Whatever. Might as well entertain the prisoners.(I’ve got a force field around my lair anyway…)
“So, Yeah. I’m Bright Skull, due to the particular condition i leave my rivals in. I grew up on Steamworks island, where after whoever woke the population up I became magnificantly skilled in making machines. I built the lightning cannon (I take credit for all destruction to Town Hall.) and the genetic re-writer. I made it so I am immortal, duh. After a while, the police tracked me down and sent me on a helicopter to Super Villan island, but the thunderstorm settings were just right to let the heli get struck with lightning, and through my smuggled genetic re-writer, became one with lightning. (Oh, that sounds good, I should write that down.)I escaped, and took over Olympus on Mythology island when I heard of Zeus’ absence, becoming the goddess of lightning, even though I kept my dark clothes to keep the effect of whenever I needed to shoot some foolish mortal. It was quite fun, actually! After a couple of years, I began hearing rumours about this “Edison” and “Tesla” Poptropicans, and I wasn’t happy one bit when they claimed they could ‘control’ lightning! Please! I’m the powerful one here! You don’t control lightning by flipping a switch and harnessing it to turn a light on, or using it for some motion-picture device! We had HOLOGRAMS several years before them! Ugh. So, when I heard that BOTH of them were traveling to this “World Fair” in Chigago, I decided to secretly butt in. I manipulted this silly French reporter, Le Monde, I think it was? Whatever. I filled her pea-sized brain with lies about the future of Paris. “It’s gonna become the world’s captital!”, “France is the first country to go in space!”, “None of this will happen if Edison and Tesla both achieve fame.”,“blah blah blah.” . Yuck. I can’t believe she actually believed that. Lunar Colony showed her that. Anyway, I was clever enough to plant into her mind a plan that would devestate both Edison AND Tesla at once! She had it all done carefully. I even gave her extra boxes to put the motion camera in, should she only able to a backround bag. But NOOOOO….. Never depend on a silly Poptropican to commit a crime for you. She got the device, sure! But she was lazy with her evidence! I told her to wear gloves when she pulled the train car’s brake, burn the gloves, then hide the device in Tesla’s luggage. She didn’t wear gloves! So she left evidence everwhere! She was even STUPID enough to put the device in HER OWN TRUNK!!! I was like, WHAT GIVES?! Ugh… Calm down……… In short, she was a slop when it came to crime. I did eventually get my revenge, because I am the master of lightning! After that, I realised how fun it was to tamper with the little Poptropicans. I stole some things from a pixelated town that I thought would be important, to see how long it took them to find their stuff, and also to hint that they should keep their stuff even more safe. I also created a fun little virus I implanted in some fruit to make people look and behave like zombies. Eventually, it died out, and it evolved into some weird sickness on some other nearby island. Flius Hunter island? (I didn’t know there was a poptropican named Flius. ) I was even clever enough to make a base in space( Ha, I love that. Base in space, base in space. Hey everyone, I’ve got a base in space! Hehe.) and I sent down all of the debris I didn’t need down to Poptropica. I think one was soaked in talent enhancer… a rather small one, anyway. Probably burnt up in the atomsphere. I also aided a good friend of mine in a rather awesome space base (HaHaha… there it is again! Space base, base in space….) Name Mordred, I believe. So many other things I did, but would you believe some people actually rised up against me? It was so fun! I know see why villans actually confront up front! The thrill of the chase! Even so, s’why I have this eyepatch… I like it anyway. Oh, my staff? Yeah, it’s got two purposes, actually. One, it’s kinda like a power bank for me. It’s crackling with electricity. Whenever I have extra energy, I wait for the energy to become lightning, and transport it inside my staff. I’ve done it so much it shows and glows! Literally! Oh, there I go, rhyming without meaning it. Ha… Its so funny. Whenever I’m summoning a large amount of power, I use the lightning from my staff. Long-term investments really so help! I also use it to look like a weakness. The way I lean on it? That’s just an act. No one can just take it from me, it’s brimmed to the top with pure electricity. I can only hold it because I’ve had lightning coursing through my veins (Another good one there!) for years. Anything else touches it, it sparks like a firework. However, I cannot resist the urge to press a big, red, threating button when I se one. You know what? You’re being awfully quiet… Oh…………Dang it, I’m talking to the Barbie Dolls again. But what’s this?! Brrrrrr! Oh, no! it’s the egg-carton plane, swooping in! There’s no escape this time, Bright Skull! It’s got the teddy bear of Barcelona! Oh, no!!! We’ve disabled all of your defenses! Even the giant one in the walls! Oh, did you? Because when I waxed that floor, TBoB, I made it so when you ran to your plane, you would slide right into the wall, and see the trap within a trap, and try to disable it. But you actually activated it! When you cut those wires, the clamp holding down the release button was disabled, and the countdown began. The connection leads right under where I’m sitting straight-jacketed in the asylum in the sky, to a set of double trapdoors that are about to open in several seconds. Oh? What’s this? Is that the stompity-stompity of guard boots I hear outside my door? Yes, it is! I’ve got vistiors, yes I do!”
“Bright Skull, get away from the corner of that wall.”
“I already did! See?! I’m bouncing on the airbag floors, I am! WHHEEEEEEEEE!!!!”
“Back away. This is an order of the Asylum of Poptropica!”
“Why? Boo-hoo, you cut all the fun out of bouncing, you did. I’m gonna cry, I am.”
“Zippy Tree, hold her down, please.”
“Ohmph! Is that how you treat a lady?”
“It’s how we treat madwomen like you.”
“Haven’t you heard of the law? You can’t treat someone differently because of the way they act!”
“Zippy, where’s that wrench? I need to disable these doors.”
“You mean this wrench I’ve got in my hands?”
“Wha…How… Zippy! What did you do to him?!”
“Comple knockout gas. When you pulled up the floor, a silent alarm triggered and a nozzle of knockout gas I installed several years back sprayed on him, just like you’re going to get now.”
“How did you know where he would be standing four years beforehand?! Cough, cough.”
“I don’t know! That’s the fun of it, it is! Hehehehehehe!!!”
“Cough, cough, you’re a…cough… madwoman….”
“I know, right?! It’s so fun fun fun, it is! And the doors are opening all on their own! Whoops, My ride’s here! Gotta go! I’m going to be late for the Villans convention. It’s casusal Friday, which means anti-gravity paintball fight! WhEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”
Mine’s both a genius and a madwoman.
Here is my Poptropica villain, the notorious Silver Gunfire, rival to El Mustachio Grande on Wild West island. Know as the most fearsome villain ever, she never looses a battle. Her aim is perfect on her pea gun, and is known to be more feared the El Mustachio himself.
She does have a weakness, though. If anything happens to her trusty mustang, Comet, she’ll give anything, everything, to save him.
She is evil because she steals cattle and sells them for gold. She also has a knack for breaking clocks, trains, and other things.
hey Fearless Owl! That’s some pretty good writing there. But I can’t help but point out… Chaos Emerald? You’re a Sonic Fan?
That story of yours is so funny, FO. They are on a mountain with McDonald’s at every 7,000 feet, Dr. Bubbles is obsessed with food and sodas, and the comment Jr. Icecap made was hilARIUS!!!
JR. ICECAP: Sir, I have a smart in my brain that says, “TIME TELLING”!
DR. SNOWBALL: I had a smart in my brain that said, “HUNGRY” but now I don’t!
Me: I have a smart in my brain that says, “OMG THAT WAS FUNNY; I NEED TO WRITE THAT ONE DOWN!!!!”
@ CK – It was IS’s idea, and so many people joined!
@ MP – I’m the Sonic fan and the one who brought it up. It really isn’t anyone’s story, it’s OUR story, anyone who joins. 😉 IS had the script idea, SG had the idea to put it all together, and FO, edited it. 🙂 Maybe Poptropica Secrets will post it! 😀
RL? I’m up, are you? I have to go in an hour or something, so I’ll be back later.
RL? Anyone?
@CS: Hi!
@Magic Pear, I really like your villain idea. Love how it was in the form of a monologue. 🙂
Sorry! GTG bye! Be back in a few hours!
To be honest, I don’t really blame FO for forgetting me. I had a very small part in the script anyway. 😕
Hi guys soz I was asleep I just wow up literally at 11:35 so it’s been 5 minutes
Brave Sky, I just had a brainfart. I forget stuff as often as Neville Longbottom sometimes…
Neville is sooo cute he goes great with Luna there my fave charecters besides Ron XD
Neville is awesome, ’nuff said. My favorite character has always been Luna. 🙂
“Watch Out! The terrorist has a gun!”
*****Note: You might need to refresh the page a few times to see my character.
He is the dark ninja. Watch out for his throwing stars of doom. Get hit with one it will knock you out for eternity.
Watch out for his Destructo Tie. Get Hit. You will be blown up.
Meet Rachelle Richards, a sly woman with an addiction for being rich and famous. She shoplifts expensive clothes from malls all around Poptropica. She also spends some of her spare time sneaking around inside the lavish mansions on Cryptids Island stealing clothes, jewelery, anything valuable. Rachelle will stop at nothing to be covered by high quality clothing material, to be showered and bathed with pearls and diamonds, and living like a king.
Nice one, Brave Sky! (I’m judging by the descriptions as I’m on my phone.)
Woooooh!!!! Awesome script you guys for anyone who joined. Now how do we get poptropicasecrets to read it… And possibly post it. That would be awesomeness! 😀
I anyone on? ❓
I like yours BS!
ZT i think the next contest should be an animal theme contest
anyone online???
HI! I have to go now.
Hi CS, Why isn’t anyone ever on?
I dunno. My sister had to borrow my phone for a while… But hi, everyone who may or may not be present!
Hello! 🙂 I might have to leave in about 30-40 minutes because I have swimming. I’ll probably be back by like, 6:30-7:00.
I’m back! 🙂
Wanna continue the script?
Anyone on?
Red Lion? FO? BS? IS? SI? ZT? Anyone?
If not I’m leaving.
Where the heck is everyone?!
ZombieHood, Zomberry Island, he eats peoples brains and shoots them with his bow and arrow, his weakness is that he is SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO SSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW, he lives in a broken down bus
Hey again!
Hi FO! What are you doing?
Is RL mad?
It’s dark outside. It’s going to rain hard. If I don’t reply, I turned my computer off.
Working on a HOP post. You?
And I don’t know.
This is my fashionista villain. She shrinks people with bad fashion sense with her gun. Then she eats you.
Hi. I’m back. 😥
Anyone on? 😥
Here! 🙂
My villain is called “WereDevil” and she is EVIL cuz she kidnaps small children and always wants a different ransom like rubies or 1,000,000 bucks. She is on an island that burned millions of years ago, and her ONE weakness is…kitties. she absolutely LOVES them. You put a kitty in a jail cell, she will walk right in. No joke.
Hey soz I wasn’t on,the lightning scared me, and hy would you think I’m mad?
HI! I’m back AGAIN.
It’s okay RL. It was raining here too. Is anyone on? If we have enough people, we can continue the script.
I’ll be on tmrw RL. Sorry we didn’t get to talk. 🙁 Bai.
NF: Hi. 😀
NF: ?
MY PHOTO WON’T LOAD!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
WHY WON’T IT LOAD?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!!??!?> I WANT MY CAMERA!!!!!!!!!! 👿
Neva mind. I’m going to save something else in its place.
No hi
Don’t leave meh
Hello! RL!
I’m saving stuff in photos. What are ya doin?
RL? You still here?
Well, see ya tmrw then. Bai. Sorry I wasn’t on all day.
@ GE- True ❗ Long time no see ❗
Here’s my character:
Her name’s Piper. She’s a rich orphan who owns a mansion all to herself. Piper is a sport freak and this is what she would normally wear. At her school, she pickpockets people without them suspecting anything. She is very agile, tough and quick.
Piper’s mansion is like a training course. She has karate, gymnastics, sprinting and soccer trainers that all work in her mansion.
These trainers all help Piper improve her skills so one day, she will be able to be an art thief.
Fascinating 😎
@ World- Tell me if you like my character or not.
Fascinating 😥
My Character: Red China. My Character is a girl. Has 2 super human abilities such as , growing ten times the size of a poptropican and when she rotates her hand she can use a paralyze anyone from sight,sound,and touch.
She is described as a girl who lives on Super Villan Island, Poptropica World,she is a very dangerous villan capable of 2 abnormal powers,and her weekness is falken beak silyva.
@ CK – I love it Cool Kid! Why are you so upset?
@ WS – Hi! ‘SUP?
RL? You on? I am.
My character is a rich, classy, and evil woman named Salemene. She was an applauding actress on Back Lot Island, until her career declined. Now she lives with rage and hurt, for she lost her career by people’s choice. She breaks in on sets and uses her special hypnotizing glasses to make people do her biding. She wants to become a star again, but this time to take over the world.
Hi guys.
Hi BS! What are you doing?
Hope you like! I have two characters so that’s why it says Perfect Cloud.
~The Bite is Rite ;- )
Nice SB!
Hi SB! I like your catchphrase! And your outfit!
“~The Bite is Rite” 🙂
BS, what are you doing?
Cs you on?
Thanks CS!
What’s up?! Yay! You’re not mad at me!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 😉 🙂
It’s true SB! 🙂 Wanna be in the script?
RL? Wanna do the script? Anyone?
NF: I WANNA DO THE SCRIPT!!!!!!!!!!! Hi. 😀
What script?
Lets do another one?
The script that IS started. Wanna join?
Why not just continue?
Sure what’s it about
Here I’ll comment it so you can read what happened. Just think of a name and we’ll begin after. Okay? 🙂
After this script wanna do another one?
Icy Snowball
Cool Smarticle
Red Lion, Fearless Owl, Brave Sky, and Sleepy Ghost
DR. SNOWBALL: It is a cold day, but I am a scientist, and we are ascending Himalayan point, Mount Everest, where Hillary and Tenzing first ascended.
DR. SNOWBALL: We can’t keep up. We have to keep going.
DR. BUBBLES: Uh……? Where are we again? Mount Snowverest, what?
DR. SNOWBALL: [looks around for a map] I’m sure I packed a map this morning… [feels a squishy ball in a cone-shaped object] Hey, hey, hey, ice cream for everyone! No? Okay. Maybe later. Let’s keep on track.
DR. SNOWBALL: You there, little one, what was your name again?
DR. BUBBLES: Who, me?
[DR. SNOWBALL takes a quick stop at 4,261 feet and walks over to the youngest ascender in the team.]
DR. SNOWBALL: No, the little one! You’re bigger than the little one!
[DR. SNOWBALL heads over to the youngest one and hands him a compass.]
DR. BUBBLES: Who’s the “little one”? I’m hungry. Let’s go to McDonald’s!
DR. SNOWBALL: What’s your name again?
JR. ICECAP: JR. ICECAP, sir. And what is this thing?
DR. SNOWBALL: It’s my compass. It shows you what direction you’re facing.
JR. ICECAP: Wow, cool! Thank you, sir.
[They all carry on. At 6,192 feet, a snowball lands on DR. SNOWBALL’s head.]
DR. SNOWBALL: This appears to be a snowball.
JR. ICECAP: How high are we?
DR. SNOWBALL: 6,192 feet.
JR. ICECAP: How high is Mount Snowverest or however you say it?
DR. SNOWBALL: 29,028.8 feet.
JR. ICECAP: That means we have to walk the remaining 22,836.8 feet!
JR. ICECAP: Hey, there’s a restaurant at 7,000 feet! That’s unusual.
DR. SNOWBALL: Dr. Bubbles, have no fear. If we walk another 818 miles, we’ll be at the unusual restaurant.
DR. BUBBLES: Is it Mcdonald’s? I swear if it isn’t, I’m going to be ticked off! I want a… uh… 10 OF EVERYTHING ON THE MENU! Wait… Is that Noodles and Company? No wait… a Chinese Restaurant?
DR. SNOWBALL: We’re at 6,916 feet. I did not mean miles.
JR. ICECAP: 84 feet to go!
DR. SNOWBALL: Getting closer by 50 feet.
[They arrive at the restaurant. It’s McDonald’s and the top of the sign and roof are covered with snow.]
DR. BUBBLES: We going to go there or what? I’m HUNGRY!
DR. SNOWBALL: This is a stop, and it looks like it’s the only restaurant on the point.
CUSTOMER: Actually, there’s a McDonald’s every 7,000 feet.
JR. ICECAP: If you said there were 29,000 feet, then there would be three.
DR. BUBBLES: We going or not? And stop ignoring me!
[The ascenders go inside.]
JR. ICECAP: Can I order a cheeseburger?
DR. SNOWBALL: Take your time, I’ve only got… [whispers] $96.
JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL: What do you want, DR. BUBBLES?
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll order a chicken wrap.
DR. BUBBLES: Give me extra sauces for the McNuggets too!
WAITER: In that case, it’ll be $96.90.
DR. SNOWBALL: Here you are.
WAITER: Thanks. You receive 10¢ in change.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t wait to get out and enjoy my cheeseburger!
DR. SNOWBALL: Neither do I! What about you, DR. BUBBLES?
WAITER: Extra sauce is 10¢.
DR. SNOWBALL: Okay, here you go. 10¢ for the extra sauce.
DR. BUBBLES: I thought you said you only had $96? Where’d you get the 90 cents?
[The ascenders leave and eat what they got during ascending time.]
DR. SNOWBALL: I’m broke!
JR. ICECAP: Sorry.
DR. SNOWBALL: Never mind. We’ll find more money.
JR. ICECAP: We’re 7,009 feet. [Slides back down to 6,318 feet and goes back up to 7,009 feet, ready for them all to continue.]
DR. BUBBLES: You had extra change? You said $96, NOT 97.
DR. SNOWBALL: I found the 90¢ at 6,318 feet.
DR. BUBBLES: No. You just didn’t want me to order another soda.
JR. ICECAP: This yummy cheeseburger – onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese on sesame seed buns!
DR. SNOWBALL: I got a Choc Swirl Frappe. Ice cream and chocolate with small pieces of ice on top!
[JR. ICECAP bites his cheeseburger and DR. SNOWBALL takes a sip of his Frappe.]
DR. SNOWBALL: Gonna eat, DR. BUBBLES? Do you know what to start with?
[Soon, the power of McDonald’s goes out and they try to fix the back-up generator. Then, when the power went back on, everything went like crazy! The ice cream machine, the chip machine, the refill machine, everything!
That didn’t worry the ascenders who kept on ascending.
At 8,901 feet, Dr. Snowball and Jr. Icecap have already just finished their meals. It was too cold for them to eat one bite after another, so they took small bites.]
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES? What are you eating now?
DR. BUBBLES: Oh, I’ll eat alright.
[At 10,000 feet, a snowball landed on Jr. Icecap’s head, caused by a woman.]
WOMAN: Sorry, I love dropping snowballs!
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a good idea, let’s roll a snowball up to the top, no matter how big it gets.
JR. ICECAP: Dr. Bubbles? [snaps fingers] Are you frozen by the cool?
JR. ICECAP: What’s the time?
DR. SNOWBALL: Good scientists always tell the time and have watches. It’s 7:01 a.m.
JR. ICECAP: Don’t tell me we left early in the morning?
DR. SNOWBALL: We did, not surprisingly.
JR. ICECAP: Perhaps we should keep going and see what food DR. BUBBLES is eating now. DR BUBBLES? [snaps fingers three times] Snapping fingers thrice always gets another to listen.
DR. BUBBLES: [Swallows a ton of food] What? [shoves more food in her mouth] No, it’s 10:06 p.m.
[At 12,501 feet, they spotted a shining gem.]
DR. BUBBLES: [gasps] It’s a……
DR. BUBBLES: How did…… There’s no way… It’s a… a…
JR. ICECAP: Whoa! An emerald! My favourite gem!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have a close look at the colour.
JR. ICECAP: It’s not emerald, it’s blue. [groans]
DR. SNOWBALL: What sort of blue?
DR. SNOWBALL: Ruby’s the red ones.
JR. ICECAP: Amethyst?
DR. SNOWBALL: Amethysts are purple.
DR. SNOWBALL: Yes, it’s sapphire!
DR. BUBBLES: No it isn’t! It’s an emerald alright. But not an ordinary emerald… Believe me. I know what this is. And it’s not a sapphire.
JR. ICECAP: I know what kind of gem this is… It’s the Glowing Emerald! I have a book of gems that I highlight – “The Glowing Emerald is lucky to be found – by anyone. The first Glowing Emerald was made out of glow sticks and green card on May 16, 1902 by…” I can’t read who made it! The text is blurry! But this is unusual. I need a candle.
DR. SNOWBALL: I have a candle made out of 100% pure wax. Take your time, I only have a few matches.
DR. BUBBLES: Close my friend, very close. It’s a………… Chaos Emerald! There are only 7 in the world! Oh wait…? Is it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm… I think it is a chaos emerald…? Right?
[DR. SNOWBALL hands a candle on a plate to JR. ICECAP. The light effects, but doesn’t absorb.]
JR. ICECAP: It’s not very well absorbent. I need a BLUE candle! And I know where I can find blue flames! At 13,000 feet! I’ve ascended Everest 11 times with no problems!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, what do you think? Is it a Chaos Emerald or a Glowing Emerald?
DR. FIRE: Hmm, I think it’s a Chaos Emerald.
DR. BUBBLES: I think I see a chamber up ahead? Or do I need my glasses?
DR. FIRE: I see the chamber too, but you still need glasses! XD
DR. BUBBLES: I heard that in these chambers, there might be 3 different types of colored fire: Red, green, and blue. Should we have a look?
DR. FIRE: Yes, yes we should!
[They keep going to the blue flames that JR. ICECAP was talking about. They bring the Emerald along with them.]
JR. ICECAP: The creators of the emerald were… the Greeks?!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SNOWBALL, JR. ICECAP, are you guys listening to me? DR. FIRE is. The Greeks? I dunno…? Chaos…?
DR. FIRE: I think it could be the Mayans?
JR. ICECAP: The Glowing Emerald was created by the Romans in 100 BC. This is the Chaos Emerald. Oh, look, a sign! “McDonalds – 1,000 feet up.”
DR. FIRE: Now I want some chicken nuggets.
DR. SNOWBALL: We should look at the chamber. There’s an entry ladder that takes you back down 500 feet.
DR. FIRE: B-but what about McDonald’s?
DR. BUBBLES: We just went to McDonald’s! Let’s have a look, shall we?
DR. FIRE: Fine, let’s go to the stupid chamber.
[Everyone explores the chamber.]
DR. SNOWBALL: There are signs everywhere! [spots a sign saying “Red Flames – left”]
Hey, everyone! Red flames!
DR. SNOWBALL (to Dr. Fire): We’ll go after we explore the chamber. There are signs and maps on the walls, so it’s easy to navigate through. And, there are original-coloured candles on the walls!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hmm. Green flames are to the right. And there’s a secret door!
[Everyone rushes to the door and notices something…]
DR. BUBBLES: I thought we were looking for the blue fire…? Hmm… I’m curious.
DR. FIRE: Can we go to McDonald’s now?
JR. ICECAP: This is not any ordinary chamber. It’s the underground catacombs! And there’s a blockage about the door. “To open, you must insert a red flame, a blue flame and a green flame, and you will get a chance to see what is inside.”
DR. FIRE: Where are we gonna get flames?
[JR. ICECAP rushes to find one of each colour, inserts, then sees what’s inside.]
JR. ICECAP: No way! It’s the largest Chaos Emerald of them all.
JR. ICECAP: I can’t believe it! Have a look, DR. BUBBLES!
DR.FIRE: NO WAY SISTA, or brother……
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES? Everyone? Looking?
JR. ICECAP: I packed my camera. [gets it out, turns it on, snaps a photograph]
DR. SNOWBALL: Can I see the picture?
JR. ICECAP: [closes the hidden room] Seen the photo, everyone?
DR. FIRE: Yeah.
[Everyone leaves the chamber, ascending 500 feet. At 1392 feet, JR. ICECAP spots in the distance, a McDonald’s restaurant.]
JR. ICECAP: You guys hungry? I found $18 in the chamber. We’re 8 feet away from the closest McDonald’s.
DR. FIRE: [stares in awe at the McDonald’s, then runs all the way to McDonald’s]
DR. FIRE: Are you guys coming?
DR. SNOWBALL: You found money in that creepy chamber? Good, ’cause I don’t want anything. I was full from the Frappe!
JR. ICECAP: We’ve been ascending for 1 hour and 38 minutes now, and it’s already 8:47 in the morning!
DR. SNOWBALL: How do you know? You don’t have a watch like me.
JR. ICECAP: Sir, I have a smart in my brain that says, “TIME TELLING”!
DR. SNOWBALL: I had a smart in my brain that said, “HUNGRY” but now I don’t!
JR. ICECAP: I’ll get a Strawberry Thickshake. DR. BUBBLES? DR. FIRE?
DR. FIRE: I want a 10-piece chicken nuggets Kid’s Meal with fries and a blueberry pomegranate smoothie, and don’t forget the toy!
DR. SNOWBALL: I’ll get something.
JR. ICECAP: Have your own money if you want anything.
DR. SNOWBALL: How rude!
JR. ICECAP: Do I have to make you descend 1,000 feet?
DR. SNOWBALL: Oh, what’s this? I must be seeing things. [rubs eyes] What? Nothing changed.
JR. ICECAP: Okay, DR. FIRE. Not unless you have your own cash. I have… [whispering] $18.
DR. SNOWBALL: Somebody heard that. [pointing to a Poptropican with overgrown blonde hair]
JR. ICECAP: Uh-oh. BLONDIE ALERT! [dropping some cash, dashing out, runs back down to 13,512 feet, ascends 41 feet for safety and another 41 feet]
BLONDIE: What is this? Dropped money?
DR. SNOWBALL: Don’t put your hands on those coins and banknotes, you blondie!
DR. FIRE: Guys?
DR. FIRE: B-But my chicken nuggets! [Goes back to pay for the chicken nuggets]
JR. ICECAP ascends back up and reaches McDonald’s.
DR. SNOWBALL: It can’t be the Chaos Emerald. I wonder what it is.
DR. FIRE: It looks kinda red; maybe it’s a ruby?
JR. ICECAP: It’s the Amethyst Ace! “The Amethyst Ace is the most popular Amethyst gem in the world. It is 11 meters long and 14 meters wide. It was built by the Jews in AD 51.”
DR. FIRE: Wow, it’s huge.
DR. FIRE: Hello?
JR. ICECAP: A Jewish gem! The Amethyst Ace is made of red and blue flames mixed together to make purple flames – [gasps] The Purple Ring of Fire is at 17,500 feet – and purple card.
DR. SNOWBALL: [gasps] We lost – [gasps] Dr. Bubbles!
JR. ICECAP: My senses tell me she’s descended. She’s at 14,066 miles.
DR. BUBBLES: The largest! Impossible! The Master Emerald should be on Angel Mountain!
DR. SNOWBALL: Hey, look, another gem! [looks at his reflection on the gem like a mirror]
JR. ICECAP: This one looks… [taps it] …cold at an accurate temperature of… -61°F!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE? You coming?
JR. ICECAP: DR. BUBBLES, come see the gem we discovered! It’s not a Chaos Emerald because of its colour. It’s a white gem this time!
JR. ICECAP: What is the name of this gem? And why’s it shaped like a diamond? Let’s see if my book can help. “White gems – page 67.” [flicks to page 67 and gazes at the White Gem Index] “White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem – page 71.”
DR. BUBBLES: You’re right! If it was a Chaos Emerald, this one would be clear! And it would glow while being exposed to this one! It’s cloudy… Hmm… A Sol Emerald? It’s shaped differently too…? What’s the shape of the other one?
JR. ICECAP: It says here,
“The White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Size – 6m in length, 8m in width
Value: 94%
Temperature: Up to -61 degress Fahrenheit
Quantity: 5
Designers: Jewish Scientists
Nationality: Jewish.”
DR. BUBBLES: I think I might have come to a conclusion about the gems too soon.
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind. Carry on!
JR. ICECAP: That’s what the book says. I don’t know its actual temperature. Wait!
“Actual Temperatures – White Diamond Novelty Ultra-Classic Gem.
Surface Temperature: -61 degrees Fahrenheit
Internal Temperature: -92 degrees Fahrenheit
Be careful, the gem is valuable!”
DR. BUBBLES: OOOOOO! Give me it!!!!
DR. SNOWBALL: We have lost contact with DR. FIRE.
JR. ICECAP: Where could she be?
DR. SNOWBALL: Right behind us.
JR. ICECAP: You call that “lost contact”? [spots DR. FIRE frozen] We’d better thaw her out! Oh, the poor scientist!
DR. SNOWBALL: Bring her along, we’ll carry her up. Anyway, I thought I might have seen a… polar bear.
JR. ICECAP: I can blend its poo and make it into a rich chocolate spread!
[JR. ICECAP drags the frozen scientist all the way up to the top.
At 19,725 feet, they spot a spooky pink glow leading to a chamber.]
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP, you’re disgusting. Don’t go near that bear.
DR. SNOWBALL, I am not going to carry her… although she was a good friend… How did this happen?!
[Still carrying the gem, they examine it, falling into the chamber without taking the ladder because this one doesn’t have an entry ladder.]
DR. SNOWBALL: THE PEARL GEM CHAMBER! Home to some of my survivalist friends – DR. PINK, JR. PEARL and SURVIVALIST GEM! How are you all surviving?
DR. PINK: Berry Delicious Smoothies, bottled water, canned soup, and boxed pizzas.
JR. PEARL: I’m surviving on pizza, croissants, tacos, and German cakes.
SURVIVALIST GEM: I am surviving on pasta, caramels, pizza, swiss rolls, lamingtons, and the assistance of my shadow puppet, Señor Hombre.
JR. ICECAP: I wonder how long it will be until all the Spanish gets annoying. Although, “Señor Hombre” is Spanish for “Mister Man”.
DR. BUBBLES: There’s food? DR. FIRE can eat now! Er… after we thaw her out, of course.
[DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP attempt to thaw the scientist out. Finally, she is thawed out and she grabs a taco and fills it with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, taco sauce and sour cream, plus a few corn chips.]
DR. BUBBLES: I want a taco!
DR. SNOWBALL: Have you got any pepperoni pizzas, there, DR. PINK?
DR. PINK: I have plenty of pepperoni.
JR. PEARL: Friend, if you need tacos, I have plenty. Also, I have these ingredients: meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, corn chips, and taco sauce. Preparing taco shell…
DR. BUBBLES: Okay! I’ll have that and a pizza!
DR. BUBBLES: I’ll have everything on my taco please!
DR. BUBBLES: Pepperoni please! Too bad DR. FIRE isn’t eating. You feeling well?
JR. PEARL: Decided what you want on it?
?: Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Yes, everything please! And I want a pepperoni pizza too! Do you have any Pepsi? Or an Icee?
?: >:-D
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm… You guys hear something?
[A few minutes later, everyone was eating. Then it was time to leave and continue ascending. At 20,900 feet, they spot another restaurant in the distance.]
DR. SNOWBALL: No restaurant. Maybe later. I’m full.
JR. ICECAP: I’m already eating, so I can’t be bothered.
?: Tee – hee!
DR. BUBBLES: I heard it again.
DR. SNOWBALL: Before we left, DR. BUBBLES, JR. PEARL gave you a thank-you drink.
DR. BUBBLES: Aww. How nice of him!
[It was a nice cool drink of Pepsi.
23,910 feet, they spotted another gem.]
JR. ICECAP: I love stopping at gems! What kind is this one? It’s huge, round and black!
?: Mwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahaahh!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Round and black? I have no idea……? Is it just me or is there something like a spirit moving inside of that thing?
DR. BUBBLES: Guys! Do you hear that noise?!
JR. ICECAP: I hear that noise. It’s the Colour Combination Virus! It’s black and turns everything to black when landing on that item!
DR. SKY: What’s the name of the black gem?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Mysterious looking gem? What is it, JR. ICECAP?
DR. BUBBLES: JR. ICECAP? Where are you? And where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR. SKY: Wait, where is JR. ICECAP? Where’s DR. SNOWBALL?
DR. BUBBLES: We just had tacos! And pizza! I still have some soda left! How can you be hungry?! Are you a robot?
DR. BUBBLES: I just said that! JR. ICECAP! DR. SNOWBALL! Where the heck are you guys?!
DR. FIRE: JR. ICECAP is not here. Where did he go?
[bushes move]
DR. SNOWBALL: Is someone in the bushes?
DR. FIRE: [grabs soda] Yummy!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Meh. Maybe it was the wind. Where are they?! At a fiesta?
DR. FIRE: This is very suspicious. Hmm… Maybe we left them back at the restaurant place?
DR. BUBBLES: What are ya doin’ with my soda?
DR.SKY: [Freezes in place(but not literally!)]
DR. BUBBLES: [tackles DR. FIRE]
[both roll downhill]
Fine then! You can have the soda!
DR. SKY: [goes after the two]
DR. FIRE: [Calls Jimmy John’s] Hello Jimmy John’s, I’d like a BLT with some sprite. Thank you, bye.
[A Poptropican enters the room. She is… Well, long story short, she’s me in a labcoat and holding a scanner.]
???: Nope. Not a robot. Though I’m sure you said that in jest, the only strange thing in this room is that gem.
[DR. BUBBLES and DR. FIRE scream]
DR. BUBBLES: Too late!
???: Aaand they’re gone. [leaves room to follow the others]
DR. BUBBLES: We’re falling down!!!!!!!
[Soda falls into a bottomless pit]
DR. SKY: aHHHHtyulkvcdfgvbhnjAHHHYuUHKjigfygAHHH [passes out]
DR. FIRE: NOOOO! MY JIMMY JOHN’S!!! Thanks a lot, DR. BUBBLES [DR. BUBBLES doesn’t wake up] DR. BUBBLES..? Okay so you’re either unconscious or dead……OH NO, YOU’RE DEAD…or passed out…
DR. FIRE: I-I think DR. BUBBLES is dead…
DR. FIRE: DR. SKY, I’m scared…
???: [looking into the pit, shouting] Anyone down there? Can you hear me?
DR. SKY: NO! This can’t be! [finds grappling hook near edge of cliff, dangles hook over edge of cliff] DR. FIRE, carry DR. BUBBLES and hold on to the rope while I try to pull you up.
DR. FIRE: [carrying DR. BUBBLES, bawling] I NEVER GOT MY JIMMY JOHN’S!!!! WAAAA!!!
DR. SKY: Your Jimmy John’s don’t matter at the moment. DR. BUBBLES is either dead or unconscious. This is a matter of life and death. [checks for pulse]
DR. FIRE: [sips Dr. Pepper] Well, at least I got the soda…
???: Anything I can do to help?
DR. SKY: There’s no breath, no pulse… [give Dr. Bubbles CPR]
[Dr. Bubbles chokes on her saliva]
[Awkward silence…]
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck am I doing? And where am I?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm….? Wasn’t I with you guys all along? What’s going on here? o.O
DR. FIRE: You were unconscious and DR. SKY pulled us out of the bottomless pit.
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Are you a robot? You there, please examine this “DR. FIRE.”
DR. SKY: Yay! She’s alive!
DR. BUBBLES: That’s right! Where the hell is my soda? I want it now!
SG: KNEW IT WAS GOOD!!!… [cricket noises*… well, that was awkward.
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean?! I want my soda and I want it right NOW! T_T
DR. BUBBLES: Who the hell are you?
DR. FIRE: I’m your best friend! Remember me? Oh, and I drank your soda.
DR. BUBBLES: Where the hell are DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP? Did they fall? Abandon us?
DR. FIRE: We left them at the cave place…
DR. BUBBLES: DR. SKY, do you approve of DR. FIRE’s behavior?
[All of the people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. SKY: We must’ve left them at McDonalds!
DR. BUBBLES: Whaddaya mean we left them?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
DR.FIRE: I’ma go watch Full House on my phone now…
DR. BUBBLES: What was that?
?????: Mwahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
[All of the doctors and people hear footsteps coming behind them. They are not sure what it is.]
DR. BUBBLES: No time DR. FIRE, I hear something… someone’s coming. Quick, hide!
SG: No, I’m just kidding with you, I’m not evil.
DR. BUBBLES: [whispers] Quick, hide! And keep quiet!
DR. FIRE: [Hides face behind hands] They’ll never find me here!!!
DR. SKY: DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP. They are either in the cave or McDonald’s. How many feet are we anyway?
DR. BUBBLES: Dang! We were caught. Who are you?
???: [consults scanner] Right. Dr. Fire here is not a robot. However, Dr. Bubbles might have amnesia from the fall. I’m not an expert though. I’m Lone Owl, by the way.
SG: [walks in their direction] Ugh! I swear I heard voices.
SG: Ummmm, well, right now, lost. Call me SG.
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno! DR. SNOWBALL and JR. ICECAP know that! They have the book!
DR. FIRE: See, I TOLD you! I’m not a robot!
DR. BUBBLES: “Lone Owl.” I think I’ve heard of you before……? And SG, you are lost? Where are you heading?
SG: Hello? I hear you! What’s this about robots now?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, you need to calm down. The heat is getting to your head.
SG: Well, I was with a group of people, but I don’t quite remember their names…
DR. BUBBLES: I remember JR. ICECAP and DR. SNOWBALL talking about this! Mayans!
DR. BUBBLES: Are you a Mayan?
SG: Umm I don’t quite remember anything. Wait, where are we again?
LONE OWL: What about the Mayans? And, DR. BUBBLES, you must travel in some interesting circles…
SG: Wait, your name is Lone Owl? Do I remember you from someplace?
DR. FIRE: [Hears footsteps] I think I he- [falls backwards]
DR. FIRE: Okay, who pushed me?!
LONE OWL: Well, who are you, SG?
DR. BUBBLES: Mt. Everest, SG.
LONE OWL, I dunno. I just remember him saying something about them.
DR. FIRE: Was it you, DR. BUBBLES?! I knew it!
SG: I don’t remember. I only got SG from these initials on my bracelet. See?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, what are you talking about? SG, may I see?
LONE OWL: You can call me “Owl.” And SG… You seem vaguely familiar as well.
SG: Sure. [hands over bracelet]
DR. BUBBLES: I did not push you!
DR. FIRE: Someone pushed me. If it wasn’t you, who was it?
DR. BUBBLES: Hmm…? Ahh!
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE, be quiet. I’m thinking……
SG: [stumbles] WHO JUST PUSHED ME? I swear, someone just pushed me.
DR. BUBBLES: What? DR. FIRE! How dare you!
LONE OWL: No one was even near you… No one visible, at least. [casts furtive glance at scanner]
DR. BUBBLES: [trips] Dafuq? Who dare touch me?
SG: Anyone else feel like there is something they don’t know, or is it just me?
DR. BUBBLES: DR. FIRE! SG! Stop playing games with me!
DR. BUBBLES: [feels deep heavy breath on shoulder]
DR. BUBBLES: What the heck?! Don’t breathe on me! Stop playing games!
DR. BUBBLES: SG! Come on! What’s wrong with you guys?! Get a grip.
DR. FIRE: [feels sharp pain] OWWWW!!! Who did that?!
SG: It’s not me either, I swear!!!
DR. BUBBLES: Okay, I’m jumping! Geronimo!
SG: Who did wha- [Falls over and it appears that there is a cut in her side]
DR. BUBBLES: Catch me if you can!
DR. FIRE: [jumps off cliff] We’re all gonna die!!!
DR. BUBBLES: You guys gonna jump? Or sit there like ducks? I dunno. Maybe you’ll lay an egg!
DR. BUBBLES: Never mind! I’m long gone! LONE OWL! Give me the device.
LONE OWL: [falls on the floor and scanner flies out of hand] What the-?
DR. BUBBLES: [grabs scanner] Got it!
SG: [squirms a little]
DR. BUBBLES: Tee-hee. I’ll just tinker with it a little and take this wire out- [sparks flash]
SG: WAIT! What is this scanner thing?
DR. BUBBLES: I dunno. Ask LONE OWL. [mumbling] And just cut this wire, trim this one…
DR. BUBBLES: [voice fades away]
LONE OWL: [gets up] Okay. Something weird’s definitely going on. What are you doing to my scanner?
DR. BUBBLES: Um…? [freezes in place and falls to the floor]
SG: [stands up but something isn’t right. Has a big cut in her side that’s bleeding]
DR. BUBBLES: [groans then tries but barely opens her eyes. Notices SG’s huge cut, passes out.]
SG: Hi OWL, haven’t seen you in a while.
SG: I bet you don’t recognize me now, OWL. What are you doing with that scanner again? And BUBBLES, you don’t even know me.
SG: Yes, you heard me right. Where are your other friends, BUBBLES? And why does it smell like Dr. Pepper?
SG: Oh, you know I’m not really SLEEPY GHOST, just a spirit perhaps that somehow made it into her body.
DR. BUBBLES: …… [silence]
SG: [eyes flash red]
DR. BUBBLES: [blinks and struggles to get up] Dafuq? You okay? And your arm-
SG: Ha, my arm? What do you think happened?
SG: Where is the scanner?
LONE OWL: You again! I spent my entire life searching for you, anything like you, any shred of evidence to prove that you had ever been more than a fabrication of my mind – and here you are, messing with these scientists who will never believe your existence. Touché. But this needs to stop.
SG: Ha, why do you say that, OWL? [eyes flash red. SG suddenly collapses and doesn’t know anything of what just happened. Then, DR. BUBBLES collapses.]
[DR. BUBBLES stands up, now eyes flashing a violent blood red. SG slumps down on the ground motionless.]
Okay. Ummm i choose Paris
@ RL – Sure! Let’s finish this one first!
Okay! Read what happened so far please.
Um…. I have to go. I’ll be back in a few hours. Bye!
DR. SKY: Oh my gosh, it’s looks like Dr. Bubbles is being possesed by some spirit or something! 😮
Sorry RL ans SB, I’ll be back in a few hours. Bai!
Maybe you’ll push me or SG off a cliff or something. XD
Don’t get too far in the script without me! Be back here at um, 4, 5, 6, or 7 maybe. Bai!
Hi Brave Sky!
CS you back yet? 🙂
Doesn’t seem like it… Hey RL!
what color of cape goes go with black?
Hey FO 🙂
Hey, just cam back from swimming.
My villain’s name is Skull Rider her father was part of Captain Crawfish’s crew and she got the pirate look from him. Her mother was very fond of bones and skulls so the skulls remind Skull Rider of what happened after the war.
I forgot about the questions here’s the answers: She lives on Skull pirate island the only reason why she’s bad is because she seeks revenge on those who killed her mother and she hates people who get in her way of finding them. Her weakness is her mother whenever she hears about her she feels very weak.
Back! 🙂
Hey you guys wanna see something funny that I found on another blog?
What is it, CS!
Or, rather, “CS?”
Yes. Why, something happen? Wanna see something funny? It’s Poptropica related.
He’s death. He’s a superstar. He’s super death! He was brought to zomberry island to, you know, collect all the zombies there. His weakness are: spirits. He tries to be careful when he’s collecting the dead bodies. The spirits always beg Super Death to let them go back into their bodies to be alive. They even threaten him. His story continues as he actually lets some criminal back because he got very threatened. Every spirit was complaining so, Super Death got real nasty. He didn’t do his job. Spirits started haunting him in prison. After 9 years of torture, Super Death finished his time in prison and headed for Backlot island. People started following him everywhere. He was the famous Death who didn’t do his job. He became a super star. They gave him a star necklace. Paparazzi started following him everywhere. He got so tired he got all nasty again. He didn’t do his job, and went back to prison, where he moans, on the floor with disgrace…
Dang! Modernize my comment Zippy!
I hit the wrong button and typed “What is it, CS!” instead of “What is it, CS?” referring to the “something funny” you found… So, yes, please.
Oh! Here’s the link:
If you refresh the page, the Poptropican randomizes! Cool huh? I found it on Icy Flyer’s blog.
Oh! Here’s the link:
If you refresh the page, the Poptropican randomizes! Cool huh? I found it on Icy Flyer’s blog.
IKR ❗ 😛
I changed mine. She is now the Mythology Assassin. She is paid for killing people on mythology island. She is evil because she wants revenge from Artemis, who told Mythology Assassin she could not join the hunters. She has a dagger. She pretends to be a regular girl then sneaks up on you then KILLS you. She’s agile fast witty and strong. Her weakness is seeing people rejected. That’s the only time her heart softens and there’s a little time when she’s nice. She is very beautiful, uses the advantages of being blonde. She used to be loyal to the gods. she has the blessing of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
FO? RL SG? SI? IS? BS? MD? Anyone?
Oh, hey, sorry, just viewing random memes!
Well if you are comment here. I’ll be on till 12.
Hello FO!
I probably have to go sleep at around 11. Right now I’m just getting ready for bed.
Hello CS!
Oh. Wanna do the script?
Hai CS u on?
Hullo RL! What’s up? Not the sky! 😛
The sun, the clouds??
U still therE?
Sorry, I was commenting on other blogs and saving random things in photos.
Hey RL, CS!
But yush I’m sill here and will be till around 12ish.
Hey FO! What are you doing? 🙂
NF: Why is everyone ignoring me? 😯
Okay my sis is standing right behind me and she just told me to comment that. IDK.
oh hai NF soz im eating pineapples
hai FO
im eating popcorn.
NF: what the kirby?????????????????? one person said hi……thanks…….. 😯 okay!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky1!!! now im eating a baloney sandwich
watchya guys doin??
I am playing poptropica and nf is playing that brawl game.
Its super good, its whole wheat bread with turkey baloney, cream cheese, and barbeque sauce, IK it sounds bad, but its really good
brb ima go on poptropica i guess
Just looking at funny stuff… You?
oh cool i guess ill go on FB then..
nvm.. sooo watchya doin now?????? Lol which island are chu doin
Me? I’m going to like EVERY island. I’m on Poptorpica still, commenting here and on other blogs, and I’m not eating anymore.
I’m playing Roblox.
ive tried playing roblox and i got bored in 3 minutes
What the devil is that?!?!?!?
its a game
@RL: Yeah, when I first played last year, I thought the game was pretty fun, there were so many games that you could play. But now, I guess I’m getting pretty tired of it.
Yah… Soo watchya doin I gtg at 1, cuz that’s my bedtime…..
Same as earlier. You?
My villain is Chernabog. The most evil villain Walt Disney ever made! I used black skin, black hair, then the shirt, horns, skirt, and snout from the minotaur on Mythology, and lastly bat wings from Shark Tooth.
@ CS- Thanks ❗ BTW, I wasn’t upset. Didn’t I tell you once that the faces after Fascinating don’t mean anything ❓
Fascinating 😳
thanks for the warning because I almost changed!
Hey, is anyone on?
@ CK – I know. And yes you did. 😉
@ SB – Yeah! Me!
Hey CS what’s up?
The sky! 😆
Haha yeah!
So what are you doin?
Playing Poptropica, you?
That, and commenting. 😛
Cool! What island?
I’m on Early Poptropica as usual. You?
Ghost Story. What are you doing on Early Poptropica?
Just battling players in the common rooms. 🙂
Ghost Story?! That’s one of my favorite islands! What are you doing there? Did you play the violin yet?
Not yet. You want to meet up?
Okay! I’ll make a multiverse! Is this okay?
Okay, the code is DVT99 . See you there! 😀
😛 😛 😛
Is this You
I like your outfit! 😛
Yes. 😀
Thanks! It’s from Back Lot
Is that your favorite island?
One of them, yeah! : )
My character is a mad scientist. 😛
Did you enter the contest?
I have a lot of favs. 😛
So do I. ; – )
Yes. 🙂
Do you live in the US?
How did you get the carrot follower?
Yes, do you
I bought the Pocketeer at Toys R Us. 😀 I entered the promo code and got the follower. 😀
Maybeeeeeee, maybeeeeeee not….. 😀
Oh, cool!
😀 IKR ❗ 😀
I’m going to save stuff in my photos now.
K. Did you leave.
Yes. Sorry. 🙁
It’s okay I just left. Going back to Ghost Story
Okay, let me know when you get to the violin part.
K. Hey have you ever heard of a game called the sims.
Yes, but I don’t own it.
Which one are you familiar with?
Uh……. ❓ I dunno. I just heard of it before.
Mmm hmm.
I like your slogan.
“~The Bite is Rite” 😀
Thanks! It took me some time to come up with.
I know this sounds newbie, but how do you put the smileys on your comments?
I’m leaving.
Hello! 🙂
Oh you mean 🙂 ?
You do : ) but without spaces.
RL? You on? Please say yush.
BS! You on? You’re playing Poptropica now soooooooooooo.
Hey, I’m on.
Hello BS!
Hey guys, I’ve grabbed screenshots of everyone who submitted villains before this post. I’ll be putting them together into a poll soon. Thanks!
Btw, I saw someone suggest an animal themed contest next. And someone asked to do another Make Our Own Island. Both sound like great ideas. 🙂
NO!!!!!!!! Take this one Zippy!
She is a Mad Scientist who is known as Dr. Evil Lin. She lives on Super Villain Island as a “doctor” and performs surgeries both minor and serious on all villains. No heroes, just villains. She also comes up with cures to all kinds of diseases. So to sum it up, she helps the ill and injured villains get well to fight the good. The only weakness she has is a potion that can only be made by her sister, Dr. Reanne Goodwin, a Hero Scientist.
I changed it by accident and I don’t want you to have the wrong one! Take this one!
😥 😥 😥
Thanks CS for the tip 🙂
You’re welcome SB. 🙂
What’s wrong?
Did you guys read the edit that Zippy made? He says that you have to stay in your costume until this Saturday.
Oh ya, my villain is the princess of the Underworld, but her dad (Hades) let her roam free to torture the world.
uugh. i had the worst experience when i posted my costume. so, i made my costume, and then i was gonna post my link, along with m7y characters backstory, which was a lot longer than i had thought. so i thought, hey, if zippy t. posts this, the page is going to be twice as long as it would have been anyway, so in my comment ill write to zippy t. that if something is in between these things: that means dont post it on the poll. guess what happened when i posted? the story that was in these didn’t post. yep.
i REALLY hate this commenting system.
im thinking i dont really want to be in this costume contest at all. which was a shame, my character was interesting (and spooky…..) but i dont want to take the time to write her story again. lazy me.
hear that, zippy? PLEASE, JUST DONT POST MY COSTUME! unless you can go back and put back in the stuff in those pointy stuff. my character will make no sense at all if people cant read her backstory!!!! D:
@ SB – I changes my costume. cuz I read the edit and now I’m screwed.
@ BS – I read it.
@ WS – I know what you mean.
@ SB – Here are all of the faces. Hope this helps! 🙂
Here is the whole list of Emoticons:
/:)/:-)/:smile: = 🙂
/:D/:-D/:grin: = 😀
/:mrgreen: =
/:(/:-(/:sad: = 🙁
/:o/:-o/:eek: = 😮
/8O/8-O = 😯
/:?/:-?/:???: = 😕
/:cool:= 😎
/:x/:-x/:mad: = 😡
/:P/:-P/:razz: = 😛
/:|/:-|/:neutral: = 😐
/;)/;-)/:wink: = 😉
/:lol:= 😆
/:oops:= 😳
/:cry:= 😥
/:roll:= 🙄
/:evil: = 👿
/:twisted: = 😈
/:!:= ❗
/:?:= ❓
/:idea:= 💡
/:arrow:= ➡
Just don’t use spaces or/ !
RL? You alive?
Yah hbu?
OMG. I’m sorry. I really wanted to talk o someone for days but I couldn’t cuz I was too busy. Again, I’m sorry. Are you on now?
Amelia: If you’re a doctor, then why does your box say “police”? [She gives him the apple. He bites it and spits it out.]
The Doctor: That’s disgusting. What is that?
Amelia: An apple.
The Doctor: Apple’s rubbish. I hate apples.
Amelia: You said you loved them.
The Doctor: No, no, no. I love yoghurt. Yoghurt’s my favourite. Give me yoghurt.
[Amelia runs, retrieves yogurt and hands it to him.
The Doctor: [Opens it, gulps it down, then spits it out] I hate yogurt! Just stuff with bits in it.
Amelia: You said that it was your favourite!
The Doctor: New mouth, new rules. Its like eating after cleaning your teeth. Everything tastes WROOOONNNNG!!! Ahhh! [body spazzes and jerks in different directions]
Amelia: What is it? What’s wrong with you?
The Doctor: Wrong with me? Its not my fault. Why can’t you give me any decent food? You’re Scottish. Fry something!
[Amelia opens stove and cooks.]
The Doctor: [drying hair with a towel] Ahhh bacon. [Eats it and spits it out] Bacon. That’s bacon. Are you trying to poison me?
[Amelia cooking.]
The Doctor: Ahh you see? Beans. [Eats then spits in sink.] Beans are evil! Bad, bad beans!
[Amelia spreading butter on bread, looking sceptical]
The Doctor: Bread and butter. [Smiling] Now you’re talking.
[The Doctor throws the plate of bread and butter out of the door like a frisbee, cat howls, dog barks]
The Doctor: And stay out!
[The Doctor paces in the kitchen while Amelia looks in the fridge.]
Amelia: Got some carrots.
The Doctor: Carrots?! Are you insane?! No, wait, hang on. I know what I need. [Searching the fridge] I need…I need…I need…[pulls out a box of fish fingers] fish fingers [takes out a carton of custard] and custard!
The Doctor: So what about your mum and dad, then? Are they upstairs? I thought we’d have woken them by now.
Amelia: I don’t have a mum and dad, just an aunt.
The Doctor: I don’t even have an aunt.
Amelia: You’re lucky.
The Doctor: I know.
[An awkward pause]
The Doctor: So your aunt, where’s she?
Amelia: She’s out.
The Doctor: Has she left you all alone?!
Amelia: I’m not scared!
The Doctor: Of course you’re not! You’re not scared of anything! Box falls out of the sky, man falls out of the box, man eats fish custard, and look at you! Just sitting there! So you know what I think?
Amelia: [shrugging] What?
The Doctor: Must be a hell of a scary crack in your wall.
The Doctor: And what sort of job’s a kissogram?
Amy Pond: I go to parties and I…kiss people… [clears throat] with outfits. It’s a laugh!
The Doctor: You were a little girl five minutes ago!
Amy Pond: You’re worse than my aunt!
The Doctor: I’m the Doctor; I’m worse than everybody’s aunt! [catches himself] And that is not how I’m introducing myself.
[Prisoner Zero takes on the Doctor’s form.]
The Doctor: Now, that’s rubbish; who’s that supposed to be?
Rory: Well, that’s you!
The Doctor: Me?! Is that what I look like?
Rory: You don’t know?
The Doctor: Busy day.
Atraxi: You are not of this world.
The Doctor: No, but I’ve put a lot of work into it. [looking at different ties he might wear] Hm, I dunno…what do you think?
Atraxi: Is this world important?
The Doctor: “Important?” What’s that mean, “important?” Six billion people live here; is that important? And here’s a better question: is this world a threat to the Atraxi? [pause] Well, come on, you’re monitoring the whole planet. Is this world a threat?
[The eye scans through images of the human race.]
Atraxi: No.
The Doctor: Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?
Atraxi: [scanning through more images] No.
The Doctor: Okay! One more, just one. Is this world protected?
[The Atraxi scans through pictures of Cybermen, Daleks, Racnoss, Sea Devils, Slitheen, etc.]
The Doctor: But you’re not the first lot to have come here. Oh, there have been so many. And what you’ve got to ask is…what happened to them?
[The Atraxi shows pictures of the previous incarnations of the Doctor, finishing with an image of the Tenth Doctor that the Eleventh Doctor then steps through.]
The Doctor: Hello. I’m the Doctor. Basically…run.
[The Atraxi take the hint and immediately depart.]
Amy: It’s you. You came back.
The Doctor: ‘Course I came back, I always come back. Something wrong with that?
Amy: And you kept the clothes.
The Doctor: Well I just saved the world, the whole planet, for about the millionth time, no charge. Yeah, shoot me! I kept the clothes.
Amy: Including the bow tie.
The Doctor: Yeah, it’s cool. Bow ties are cool.
Amy: Are you from another planet?
The Doctor: Yeah.
Amy: ‘K.
The Doctor: So, what do you think?
Amy: What?
The Doctor: Other planets, wanna check some out?
Amy: What does that mean?
The Doctor: It means, well, it means come with me.
Amy: Where?
The Doctor: Wherever you like.
Amy: All that stuff that happened, the hospital, the spaceships, Prisoner Zero…
The Doctor: Oh, don’t worry, that’s just the beginning. There’s loads more.
Amy: Yeah, but those things, those amazing things, all that stuff… That was two years ago!
The Doctor: Oh… Oops.
Amy: Yeah!
The Doctor: So that’s-
Amy: Fourteen years!
The Doctor: Fourteen years since fish custard. Amy Pond, the girl who waited. You’ve waited long enough.
Amy Pond: When I was a kid, you said there was a swimming pool and a library and the swimming pool was in the library.
The Doctor: Yeah, not sure where it’s got to now. It’ll turn up. So, coming?
Amy Pond: No.
The Doctor: You wanted to come fourteen years ago.
Amy Pond: I grew up.
The Doctor: Don’t worry, I’ll soon fix that.
[The Doctor snaps his fingers and the TARDIS door opens.]
The Doctor: So… all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will – where do you want to start?
Amy Pond: I thought…well, I started to think you were just a mad man with a box.
The Doctor: Amy Pond, there’s something you better understand about me ’cause it’s important and one day your life may depend on it…I am definitely a mad man with a box.
This is my favorite Dr. Who episode. 🙂
OMG. RL, are you alive or what? 😆
Wait for me, Zippy Turtle!
I’m toast. 😕
Me too GF.
GF, are you gonna quit yet?
Don’t grab the images yet, Zippy Turtle!
Thanks CS! that helped /:D/:D
Don’t use spaces or / .
You’re welcome. 🙂
GF, whaddaya mean “no” ?
I’m telling you for your safety GF. And on his blog, what’s the password to the YouTube VIP section? I never got it.
Just figured that out. 🙂
@ SB – 😆
SB ❓ You alive ❓
GF ❓
❓ _ ❓
:$: _ :$:
I died and came back to life 😉
OMG. I bet the same happened to RL. GF is dead. 😆
She’s buried. 😆
No wait….. even worse….
What’s the symbol for lol, roll, evil, twisted, arrow, idea, cool, and mr green 😕
~The Bite is Rite 🙂
This is Pirate Feather, the bride of Captain Crawfish! Of course, she’s from Skullduggery Island. Just like Captain Crawfish, she is planning to rule the seas! However, her only weakness is charcoal.
lol = 😆
roll = 🙄
evil = 👿
twisted = 😈
arrow ➡
idea = 💡
cool 😎
I like it GF! I hope he’ll except your’s and mine again. I changed it and I think he goit the wrong one.
I mean what do you type to get those?
SB, you’re a Zomberry! Keep away! 😀
@ SB – I’ll comment it again. 😉
/:)/:-)/:smile: = 🙂
/:D/:-D/:grin: = 😀
/:mrgreen: =
/:(/:-(/:sad: = 🙁
/:o/:-o/:eek: = 😮
/8O/8-O = 😯
/:?/:-?/:???: = 😕
/:cool:= 😎
/:x/:-x/:mad: = 😡
/:P/:-P/:razz: = 😛
/:|/:-|/:neutral: = 😐
/;)/;-)/:wink: = 😉
/:lol:= 😆
/:oops:= 😳
/:cry:= 😥
/:roll:= 🙄
/:evil: = 👿
/:twisted: = 😈
/:!:= ❗
/:?:= ❓
/:idea:= 💡
/:arrow:= ➡
Just don’t use spaces or/ !
@CS-haha BRAINS!
@GF-Cool, I like the outfit!
EEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
P.S. I’m not girly. 🙂
“~The Bite is Rite” 😆
It still doesn’t show up for some of them
They don’t?
For those just do the name and put the : before and after like all of the rest.
Hey, don’t steal my stuff. JK 🙂
lol = /:lol:
roll = /:roll:
evil = /:evil:
twisted = /:twisted:
arrow /:arrow:
idea = /:idea:
cool = /:cool:
mrgreen = /:mrgreen:
Just take out the / .
@ SB – 😆 😆
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😳
Gonna have to go soon
Me too.
I’ll be back on tomorrow if there’s a new post.
What time is it where you live?
SB? Zomberry?
Bye !
~The Bite is Rite 🙂
11:09 Very late
We live in the same time zone!
😛 Cool ❗
Yeah! Got to go. Sorry!
CS u on?
Yes. 😛
OMG, RL’s a Zomberry too! 😯
RL’s alive! :O
*passes out*
x_x X_X
Zomberry… Damn Gurlie I ain’t no Zomberry -.-
I’m not girly.
What happened? You mad at me?! I said I was sorry.
P.S. I’m a tomboy. 🙂
RL you are a Zomberry. You and SB. GF….. is dead. 😀
Nah I ain’t Mad…. But if continue wit dat Zomberry stuff someone’s gunna lose an eyeball..
❓ _ ❓
Lol. You’re so funny! 😆
What happened?!
Nothing happened? And TY, I try very berry hard, IK that sucked lemons
What happened? You were here like 24/7 then bam! You were gone.
Lol. 😆
You busy?
Oh soz I’ve been busy, My mum made me go shopping all day, and I ain’t feelin well..
Me too. You ain’t feeling well? Why? What?
O it’s not like I’m sick, I’m just bored n stuff
Me too. And I can’t live on the computer cuz I seem to get mad real easy and cranky.
I have to go soon.
I’m watching full house vids, drinking a Icee I got from Walmart, and talking to you at the same time
Oh I sleep at 1
Lucky! I want an Icee…….. -_-
I would’ve had one today, if the stupid machine at the store would’ve worked. -_-
I know. 😀 Family Guy’s on now.
Bai! TTYL!
Oh, I wanted blue raspberry but there was only cherry and coke so me and my bro both got cherry,
Kay bai 🙂
I’m probably the last to participate. 😛
My villain is…the evil safari guy! 👿
He pretends to be a safari photographer,but he is in actuality,an evil hunter in disguise.
He has rhino horns stuck in his hat,but he pretends that they’re artificial. His camera is his weapon,to blind his targets.He also stays up all night hunting,so he is usually tired in the mornings,sometimes even falling asleep.
That’s all! 😀
Villain name: Dark Flower aka Evelyn Lilly (but she has many names as a disguise)
Weakness: She has a secret crush on one of her rival’s spies.
About her: She is a spy. She spies on her rival spy company and disguises herself well as one of them and collects secret information about them.
Island: Spy Island
Her name is Marie Topaz. She sneaks up on people during sunset and kidnaps them. Her weakness is she could not stand the dark. http://www.poptropica.com/avatarstudio/avatar.html?a=bS0Y4UDVzVFdGeWFXRnVaSEpsWVRFeU13PT0%3D
Never mind,it wore out. 🙁 Well,at least he has the camera. 🙂
Hi Kitty. 😀 You need help fixing your outfit? I can give you the help you need. 🙂
Or it could be Sticky Clown the dark lord. 😀
I AM A MUTANT ZOMBIE PIRATE CALLED CAPTAIN CREEPY!!!!! MWA HA HA!! :{[} I ate a zomberry blueberry on skullduggery island but the blueberry was also mouldy!
Jesus Christ, it’s like raining so hard right now where I live. 🙁
It is? I see some clouds not a lot of sun light…. but no rain…. yet…..
She is a Mad Scientist who is known as Dr. Evil Lin. She lives on Super Villain Island as a “doctor” and performs surgeries both minor and serious on all villains. No heroes, just villains. She also comes up with cures to all kinds of diseases. So to sum it up, she helps the ill and injured villains get well to fight the good. The only weakness she has is a potion that can only be made by her sister, Dr. Reanne Goodwin, a Hero Scientist.
She is a Mad Scientist who is known as Dr. Evil Lin. She lives on Super Villain Island as a “doctor” and performs surgeries both minor and serious on all villains. No heroes, just villains. She also comes up with cures to all kinds of diseases. So to sum it up, she helps the ill and injured villains get well to fight the good. The only weakness she has is a potion that can only be made by her sister, Dr. Reanne Goodwin, a Hero Scientist.
I’m waiting for Zippy Turtle to post the poll. :anxious:
When is Zippy gonna post the poll?
Hey Brave Sky!
Hey BS and SB!
SB, you can just do 8 O without the spaces to do 😯 . I find it easier. 🙂
8 o
Anyone ❓ o.O
Soz my mum made me go shopping again… For shoes… for her…,
I am sweatin up the Atlantic Ocean! It’s soo frikin Hawt!
Hai CS
-Dies from hawtness-
😀 😀 😀
Where the heck are you?!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????
-Awakes- I’m back
But not for long… I’m dying from hawtness
You are not at the Atlantic Ocean. o.O Right……..?
You’re a Zomberry……
Umm… That’s all I got. Now, who put the stinky sock in my lunch? Anyways, I will be talking all day, so, let’s just put it as a draw. We need healthy food. EAT HEALTHY FOOZ! Now, listen to a story. Nah, Bunny Foo Foo went in a pit and died. THE END! Now, ice cream may be good to you, but not for me. Brain freezes. They suck. Listen up, now. All I want is to talk all day. So let me keep you educated the whole day. Stinky Sock, Stinky Sock, Uh, oh, They’re dropping a block. Ahh! *CRASH!* That’s a pencil sharpener.
One time for Halloween I was pretending to be a zombie so I went up to my bro and I was like” Braiins” “oh wait u don’t have any”
😆 That’s funny. 😆
Oh I found that on some random blog.
Google was originally called Backrub
Facebook engineers originally wanted to call the “Like” button the “Awesome” button.
❓ I didn’t know that?
Well now u know soz gtg my mum wants me to eat dinner
Hey guys, not really doing a lot of stuff right now. I’m just listening to music and checking the comments on this blog.
Hi BS!
Have you ever heard the song Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner?
No…….? I don’t think so……?
Oh. It’s a pretty good song.
My mum scared the heck outta me
Me: *listening to what makes you beautiful on YouTube”
Me: *Crying* I’m scarred for life :*(
? Is your name Emily?
Hey anyone on? Still waiting for results……8o
~The Bite is Rite
Oooooohhhhhh I was putting the number eight, DUH! &o
&0 if this isn’t it I give up
I feel stupid 😳
@Cool Smarticle, Yush you gutta problem with it?
😯 Lol I love that face!
@ SB – It was 8. 🙂 😯 “~The Bite is Rite” 😀
@ RL – No……… I know a few people with that name. 🙂 I like it! 😀
I’m gonna scare you.
Gud cuz If u haz a problem so does me
[Verse 1]
This is my escape
I’m running through this world
And I’m not looking back
‘Cause I know I can go
Where no one’s ever gone
And I’m not looking back
But how will I know when I get there?
And how will I know when to leave?
We’ve all gotta start from somewhere
And it’s right there for me
The possibilities are never ending!
I see it, I see it
And now it’s all within my reach
Endless possibility…
I see it, I see it now
It’s always been inside of me
And now I feel so free
Endless possibility!
[Verse 2]
And so we’ll carry on
My time to shine has come
I feel it
As fast as I can go
Straight to the top I know
You’ll see it!
(You’ll see it!)
So please wake me up when I get there
It feels like I’m lost in a dream
I know in my heart that it’s my time
And I already see
The possibilities are never ending!
[- From: http://www.elyrics.net -]
I see it, I see it
And now it’s all within my reach
Endless possibility…
I see it, I see it now
It’s always been inside of me
And now I feel so free
Endless possibility!
Drop n’ stop, ’cause you’re beaten again!
No, this is where my journey begins!
You’re losing speed, you’re losing your flow
But inside is a power you’ll never know!
And let it out – it’s inside you!
Better all step back, ’cause I’m coming through!
I see it, I see it
And now it’s all within my reach…
I see it, I see it now
It’s always been inside of me…
I see it, I see it
And now it’s all within my reach
Endless possibility…
I see it, I see it now
It’s always been inside of me
And now I feel so free
Endless possibility!
(Endless possibility…)
Endless possibility!
(Endless possibility…)
Endless possibility!
RL, you are so funny! I’m cracking up! 😛
Did me soul a scare a yee a yeeeeeeetttttt????????????????????????????? 😀
😛 Wanna hear some meore of meee nonsense yeeeeeeeeeet? 😀
OMG. RL dies AGAIN. 😯
NF: *classic super smash bros brawl song plays*
Dafuq you guys go?
Fine Emily. Be that way. 👿
Nah. I’m just kidding RL. Good night! AND LET ALL OF THE BUGS BITE! 👿
I’m joking! Just kidding……. not.
I’m debating whether or not I should say this……
I’ll say it after you reply. 😀 Tee-hee.
I replyed 🙂
BTW what’s ur name
Fine -Insert Name Your Name Here- Be that way! >:(
Hmm >:( works on FB…
-.- guess I’m leavin then
When are the contestants going to be announced?
New page?
Because I’m so picky:
1) Step 5 : STAY in your villain costume until Thursday, May 13th at Noon EST. If you have any doubt, just stay in your costume until Friday
Uhhh…. we’re going to stay like this for an entire year? ‘Cause it’s JUNE.
2) It’s Sunday, which means that either I missed something(Which I doubt thanks to the previous commentaries.) or someone slept in too late.
However, if Virus Hunter sent you pictures and whatnot, that’s your ONLY excuse that I will allow, since it benifits me and my Poptropican’s 1025 credits. And yes, I admit I am stubborn. But that’s what helps the villan aspect, right? So…. I only have one message to say:
HURRY UP, FM!!!!!!!
In response to Magic Pear:
1) He made an edit to clarify.
2) It’s 8:15 Eastern time as I’m typing this. So it’s still early, depending on his time zone.
Also, Fierce Moon is busy. Zippy Turtle is currently doing all of the posting. He has been here for… almost a year now, I think.
I’m bored…
Oh wait…no…NOOOOOO
*evil laugh* MUAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted
@ RL – CS left cuz she sleepy. 😛 Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!! 😀
And my name is “Top Secret” :mgreen:
I changed my outfit. 🙂
I CAN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
“i love you too lion give me a hug”
Every time you see a golden statue, exclaim, “Stephano! Is that you?”
Go somewhere busy and look in a mirror. Stumble backwards and say, “I- I’m beautiful!“
Say, “Timothy! What have they done to you?” every time you see a grapefruit.
Dance Gangnam Style… at McDonalds.
Learn to juggle practicing only with pencils.
Dress in all green and follow people around while making a hissing noise. If they see you, say, “Thatsss a very nice everything you have there… I’d be a ssshame if anything were to happen to it…” And then make an explosive sound and run away.
Pretend to be Jeff the Killer.
Tell people the story of Little Red Riding Hood, while speaking in an accent.
Act like a famous YouTuber.
Put up a Christmas Tree on Easter.
I found all of that on another Poptropica blog. 😛 I never knew there were so many. 😀
Here’s some more. 😀
Hug a cat and try not to be scratched.
Memorize a song in another language.
Learn Klingon.
Try to touch the ceiling with your foot.
Call your friend and sing, “Im a crazy weirdo” by Parry Gripp.
Spontaneously combust.
Think of other random things to do.
Bye! (Like a boss.)
TV: Buy one get one free- giraffes!!!
Rookie: G? Can we order a giraffe?
G: NO!
Rookie: Awww…
Rookie: We don’t have a basement…
G: O_O
try saying THIS 5 times fast!
Q: if a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A: A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood!
Me: I’m bored.
Dad: You don’t LOOK like a board…
Me: I’m thirsty.
Dad: Hey thursday! I’m Friday. Wanna go out Saturday and get a Sunday???
Oh boy what flavor??
PIE flavor…
SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98azxdfj9Cw
What video?
The link next to the word “SOURCE:”. I clicked on it and it said that it wasn’t avaliable, I think I’ll try again.
Wow… Slow day, eh? 😕
Yep. 😕
Good morning/afternoon. Well, it’s almost afternoon anyway in my time zone.
randomness……LIVE IT, LUAGH IT, LOVE IT!
i love this face.
Hey WS!
Wow…this is like a forum in itself…
Wonder who will win this comp? 😀
Hey RedWing! What’s up?
Hi BS!
Aw man! I missed it! I’ll just wait it out then…
Hi CS you on?
ummm,i posted my villian on the 12th and it still says it is still being checked over…..
Hello! I’m making a post on another blog and I wanted to know if this would be okay. I want you guys to tell me what I should edit. Okay? Also, the bold, italics and the pic won’t show….
Here we go! ➡
Title: Code Breaker!
The Nameless Adventures on H.O.P. , is back and needs your help. Here are the things you need to know.
1. No WordPress account is needed to enter your Poptropican / Poptropica username is not required either.
2. Make sure you leave the link to your Avatar Studio
3. You can read everything else you need to enter at H.O.P. in the top menu that has CASTING CALL.
Right there in that black circle
Right there in that black circle
4. The contest ends THIS Wednesday the 19th.
5. The First Nameless Adventures has already been written and will be posted sometime on Friday…
There are only a few days left so hurry!
H.O.P. is also going to accept two more Author’s until they reach 5,000 followers. So, if you would like to enter, let the authors on H.O.P. know if you have ever blogged before, what position you have blogged at and be active, comment a lot, etc, etc, ETC! Two more Author positions are also available. So enter FAST ❗ ❗ ❗ Again, they need all of the Casting Call entries by Wednesday. This Wednesday. And the Author positions must be filled soon.
Did you get it through your heads yet? Well, what are you waiting for? ENTER!!! 😆
Note: I also need a good title.
Hello. Anyone on?
No? Well comment if you are.
Her name is Vamira , She lives on Night watch island, she is bad because she sneaks in the mall every night and steals the Macguffin gadgets
Her weaknesses are light areas, fire and stars. she lives in dark alleys
Her name is vamira, she lives on vampires curse island, her weakness is the sun, she is the daughter of Count Bram, and she sucks the life out of tresspassers.
Kitty ❓ ❓ ❓
Strange Cat. 😛
Where is Sticky–er, Strange Cat ❓
I dunno? Busy?
the costume test is on!
I am Richa Rocker Black Widows pesant I am also Dr. Hare`s daughter I am glad I turned out to be human instead of becoming a hare! well thanks to my parents I am with Black Widow!I made all of Black Widows plans. She has another pesant like me but she is in charge of cleaning and cooking. All of her plans are from me me and me. From the time she stole the paintings to the time she ruined the museum. She has somthing against art. Well if I were Black Widow I would rule the world right now I would be unbeatable! She only has me as her #1 pesant because I have briliant plans and I am a vampire. It is nice living with Black Widow well better than living with my father! He sold me to Black Widow for money! At my fathers home I got a nice bed and house but my father never let me help in his evil plans!Now I live in a cve with slated rock as bed but living beter than how I did with father.
hey purple crash who is ur mom if ur dad is dr.hare ??????????
hey guys who is ur fav villain mine is captin crawfish waiting for ur posts
@ CT- My favorite villain is Black Widow.
Fascinating 😕
@ CT – My favorite villain is Dr. Hare.
Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈
@ CS- Dr Hare is so cool because he’s a rabbit.
Fascinating 😉
I love Dr. Hare ❗
@ CS- Cool gravatar ❗
Fascinating 😐
@ CK – Thank you ❗ ZT finally modernized my comments!
@ CS- Cool.
@ CK – IKR ❗
@ CK – Blaze rocks!
@ CS- Oh yea.
Fascinating 😛
@ CK – Who’s your favorite?