I’m having a new costume come out soon, don’t worry. I have finals soon, so I’ve been studying, and my internet has been down. Now comes the part where I ask your help.
If you’re reading this, Godzilla2000, you are unfathomably rude.
Godzilla2000 recently sent me some very nasty hate mail with lots of profanity.
This message was degrading on this person’s account, as it lacked any proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. It was very rude, and upsetting to me, as I do suffer from chronic depression.
So in summary, I’m stressed out for finals, and slightly depressed because people can’t keep rude, unsightly comments to themselves. I enlist your help in this, hate mail away!!!
–Strange Moon, Ace Fashion Reporter
that is rude yay first to comment
Don’t worry Strange Moon. I hate it when people send hate mail to anyone but we know it isn’t true. But people who send hate mail probably have been hurt some other way, and he/she vented it to you. It wasn’t the right thing to do, I agree. Well we can wait for another costume. 😀 Good Luck for your Final Exams.
By ‘we know it isn’t true’ I meant that I know that what the mail said isn’t true.
Thanks, Red Heart! The new costumes are up, by the by!!!
Wow, that is SO rude. Hope it doesn’t affect you on your final exams. Good luck!
godzilla2000 you should be ashamed! thats horrible!!
i know what your going through!!! people always send me hate mail!!!!!!!! i just want to scream sometimes!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
i will kill you strange moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, guys! Strange Moon here, editing a rude, rude comment! I am a mod, Godzilla. I can make you say really stupid stuff. Watch your back. Go ahead and yell at this guy at [email protected]
That is awful, why would anybody do it? It’s rude and disrespectful.
I neva get sent hate mail… only because nobody knows me 🙁
Aang: NO THAT IS SO NOT TRUE. You are just being silly. Everyone knows you on HERE.
At least everyone knows ME! 😉
Grumpy Fyer: Looks like YOU’re new here.
Indiana Jones: I agree with you! Godzilla2000: How come you don’t show up? Huh? MUST be feelin’ ashamed, haven’t you?
Mystic Dragon: ‘Tis true. Final exams are really important, so SM you can’t be bothered by that, come on!
Red Heart: Yes I agree… Hate mail isn’t true, really.
blueice468: LOL my cousin thought HER Poptropican name was Blue Ice!
“But, unfortunately, I, unlike you, am a prefect, and I, unlike you, have the power to give out punishments if I like to.” Malfoy said.
Harry replied stiffly, “Yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out of the way now.”
Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Neville laughed.
HEY NOW! That gorgeous boy is anything but a git!!!
“Ugh! This is the worst Monday I’ve ever had! See, History of Magic, double Potions, Divination, double Defence Against the Dark Arts. Binns, Snape, Trelawney, and that Umbridge woman.” Ron said angrily.
“He got off, he got off…”
“Oh you three, Fred-George-Ginny, QUIET!”
“He got offf, he got off…”
“…Yes, and I overheard Lucius say “private business” with the Minister, and-”
“SHUT UP!” roared Mrs. Weasley.
“Remember old Fleur Delacour? Well, she went and found a job at Gringotts to “Eemprove ‘er Eenglish”.”
Sirius has just stood up on his hind legs, when Mrs Wealsey pulled him down, hissing, “Oh for heaven’s sake, Sirius, act more like a dog!”
Watch AVPM.
“Yes, and that complete COW Pansy Parkinson.” Hermione said.
“Who’s the Hufflepuff ones?” asked Harry.
“Ernie Mcmillan and Hannah Abbott.” Ron said thickly.
Just then They heard a voice through the door.
“…Father actually considered into registering me into Durmstrangs…”
“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”, Sandy!
i liked the “I, unlike you, …” part.
I know.
“The Earth is gonna blow up? Having second thoughts about Pigfarts are we?”
sandy, quick question: do u know why ron got the prefect badge?
There was something wrong with Minerva’s brain.
Harry went to bed early, partly because he can’t stand Fred and George singing, “His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad”, and partly because he wanted to think about Riddle’s diary.
SMD: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! McGonagall!
“Why can’t we just be death eaters?”
The Rock Star Cutie costume:
1. Get Rock Star 2 shirt and eyeliner (any color would work)
2. Use Biker Jacket, hat, and lips
3. Pop Star Hair (without bangs) and Microphone
4. Rock Star 1 belt
5. Manniquin Jeans
Type in 1313cookie to see the costume! 🙂
I know the answer, Draco. It’s because muggles exist.
Draco Malfoy: You know who I think is the ugliest? That girl, Hermione Granger. You know what I would give her on a scale from one to ten, one being ugly and ten being pretty? (pause) An eight! (pause) No, eight point five. No, even a nine. (pause) Oh, but definitely not over a nine point eight, but there’s always room for improvement. Not everyone’s perfect like me, that’s why I am holding out for a ten! … because I am wonderful.
STRANGE MOON: I loooove Draco Malfoy… <3 Tom Felton is my sole celebrity crush.
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
A girl plays you in a musical. In the same musical, you are paired with Aunt Luna.
Lily Luna P.
Why make death threats on someone you DON’T KNOW?!
What did she ever do to you, Godzilla2000?
Why do you hate her so much? She’s AWESOME!!!
Ok, I think some people have issues…
(not like me… I have temporary anger issues)
as in like, SERIOUS issues.
(*cough* Godzilla2000 *cough*)
I agree with everyone (except for the dude with the serious issues)
no one should get hate mail.
I don’t get any,
cuz no one I know has an e-mail these days…
(Facebook this, Facebook that…)
Yeah, I don’t have a facebook, and I’m proud of it.
I’m afraid I’ll become addicted.
At least I don’t get hate mail… 🙂
i really dont give a poo about facebook, but leaving that matter aside….. i have something SUPER important to say!
who agrees?
whats a noob?
I think that Godzilla is an idiot.
PS: You have dysthymia??
According to Urban Dictionary, a noob (or n00b) is someone who lacks common sense or intelligence.
I agree with Sandy. Although I hate using foul language, but I have to say this: Godzilla2000 is a complete idiot!!! 😡
Hey you disgusting people!!! Curse Strange Moon; blueice486; Mystic Dragon ; Indiana Jones; Sandy; Strange Moon’s #1 fan; Esoteric Phoenix; Raheat (God of Rap); Unknown! :twist
Oh, look, its Strange Moon again, changing up Godzilla2000’s ridiculous posts!
I’m sorry I hate Strange Moon for no reason, and I called all of you disgusting for no reason whatsoever other than a mental disorder. I’m groveling at your feet, please don’t forgive me, and send me hate mail if you want at [email protected]
Yeah, I do agree that is rude… anyways I’m glad that the costumes are up!
Why are you posting? You sent hate mail to Strange Moon, and this is for her post!!
i mean godzilla2000
Hey godzilla2000 you are an ******* shut ur big ******* mouth man ur a ******* jerk
While I appreciate the support, profanity won’t be taken lightly. Next time, I’ll unapprove your posting. Thanks!
–Strange Moon, Ace Fashion Reporter
Nest person to hate on my darling Draco Malfoy will get UNAPPROVED!! (jk, but I do love him…. <3 hahaha)
Draco Malfoy is an awesome dude. Very awesome.
Trust me, Sandy. Awesome, is NOT the word. HE’S FREAKING ADORABLE!!! Like, honestly, his eyes are so pale blue they’re almost grey…. **melts**
Draco is too awesome to be awesome.
wow that was rude of him! couldn’t u reported him or something?? last to comment!! lol XD
Sandy: Exactly… <3
BT: No, the best I can do is unapprove his posts
You know what’s weird? Strange Moon’s #1 fan has the same picture as Strange Moon, LOL! And godzilla 2000…. No comment. I would send hate emails, but I’m better than that. We all are. Sending hate emails is not going to fix anything. Just ignore him Starnge Moon. You know you’re too awesome to even be paaying attention to his emails like that.
i have a feeling that god zilla 2000 is a fake wannabe that is posting…
I agree with Raheat
*sigh* Why was school invented?
I just noticed that the time on the site is like 3 hours slower than my insulin pump, cable box, etc.
CW: It’s probably because the time on this site is PACIFIC!
You’re probably right. I didn’t know that.
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m Godzilla2000!
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m not Godzilla2000.
Which do u guys beleive? the first or the second?
Answer: The second!
😆 😆 XD
Oh and to u all:
When i said: “To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m Godzilla2000!
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m not Godzilla2000.”, i didn’t meant Godzilla2000 in the words “all Poptropican”.
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Cheats, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Poptropica
Costume Coming Soon and I Enlist Your Help!!!
by Strange Moon on March 1, 2011
I’m having a new costume come out soon, don’t worry. I have finals soon, so I’ve been studying, and my internet has been down. Now comes the part where I ask your help.
If you’re reading this, Godzilla2000, you are unfathomably rude.
Godzilla2000 recently sent me some very nasty hate mail with lots of profanity.
This message was degrading on this person’s account, as it lacked any proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. It was very rude, and upsetting to me, as I do suffer from chronic depression.
So in summary, I’m stressed out for finals, and slightly depressed because people can’t keep rude, unsightly comments to themselves. I enlist your help in this, hate mail away!!!
–Strange Moon, Ace Fashion Reporter
Related posts:
New Poptropica Wallpaper for Moon Landing
It Begins and Wannabe Costume
Comic Kid and New Island Coming
Pirate Island Coming Soon
Steamworks Coming on Thursday
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Super Thunder March 3, 2011 at 7:56 pm
You know what’s weird? Strange Moon’s #1 fan has the same picture as Strange Moon, LOL! And godzilla 2000…. No comment. I would send hate emails, but I’m better than that. We all are. Sending hate emails is not going to fix anything. Just ignore him Starnge Moon. You know you’re too awesome to even be paaying attention to his emails like that.
Raheat (God of Rap) March 4, 2011 at 9:04 am
i have a feeling that god zilla 2000 is a fake wannabe that is posting…
Katie March 4, 2011 at 1:22 pm
I agree with Raheat
Curious Wolf March 4, 2011 at 1:54 pm
*sigh* Why was school invented?
Curious Wolf March 4, 2011 at 1:56 pm
I just noticed that the time on the site is like 3 hours slower than my insulin pump, cable box, etc.
Sandy, the Mad Dragon March 4, 2011 at 2:56 pm
CW: It’s probably because the time on this site is PACIFIC!
Curious Wolf March 4, 2011 at 3:35 pm
You’re probably right. I didn’t know that.
White Sword March 5, 2011 at 3:22 pm
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m Godzilla2000!
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m not Godzilla2000.
White Sword March 5, 2011 at 3:22 pm
Which do u guys beleive? the first or the second?
Answer: The second!
White Sword March 5, 2011 at 3:24 pm
Oh and to u all:
When i said: “To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m Godzilla2000!
To all Poptropican: Guess what? I’m not Godzilla2000.”, i didn’t meant Godzilla2000 in the words “all Poptropican”.
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what, like it? it only took abou’ a sec to do it.
*sigh* i think that Katie is new here.
this is the best i can get to posting all the inhabitants on poptropicasecrets:
White Sword, Sandy, blue rider, Ke$ha, Strange Moon, Katie, Curious Wolf, Raheat (God of Rap), Super Thunder, Asia Love, Curious Cloud (Sandy knows the truth), Greedy Storm, Blue Rock, Joy, something something Trista, Heffley something something, Strange Moon’s #1 fan!!!, happy me!!!!!!!, poptropicaluver310, Mr. Poptropica, Brave Tiger, Tallsnowball from poptropica, Unknown, Me, ………………..
… blueice468, Mystic Dragon, ….
… Red Heart AKA Friendly Dragon,…
… Indiana Jones, Grumpy Flyer, Aang, god zilla 2000 (Hmph! u shouldn’t really be one, but just to let everyone know what a stupid u are, i’m posting u), GODZILLA2000stinks, …
… Brave Tomato, …
… And, Mellody, …
Speedy Singer, …. Happy Starfish, Roger, I Hate Rita Skeeter, Dizzy Claw, Lucky Ice, …
Diana (White Moon), Trusty Seal, Esoteric Phoenix, yuki chan, ranirani, rockstar123 something, …
Phew. That was hard work, trying to find everyone. but i doubt i’ve STILL found enough.
of and if u find ur self not on there, please contact me on THIS SITE only.
WS, you forgot me! Lol, havnt commented on anything in a while!
My godzilla 2000 impression “Hey look im godzilla2000 im dumb im a wannabee noob when i wrote curse you all i meant curse myself har de har har”
… Perfect Noodle…
wut about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
… Bob …. you weren’t that well-known, but now, I KNOW YOU! 😀 it’s a good thing to know each other, u know.
strange moon i am very very sorry you are the best i am sorry for using profanity abd swearing and posting very rude comments i am so dumb and stupid I am very very very very very very sorry all of u who i said curse you 2 u all rule i am so sorry i will never ever do it again it was very very very very very very very very very very very very very immature and childish please keep the hate mail coming i deserve it
I’m not too sure this is actually Godzilla2000.
it is i am only 11 and my pants caught me sending hate mail so i had to send an apology
it is and my PARENTS not pants caught me sending hate mail so they made me send this apology
I am a beast
white sword u forgot me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know i’d love to be a fashion reporter and good luck on finals strange moon i know you need it
hi again!what wierd link…..anyways, <3 the outfit!and im not actually a boy,my bros acc…(DONT TELL HIM!)anyways, God zilla2000 are you really the person who sent hate mail or did you COPY his/her username and made him/her say the apology,just asking…..
on second thought,dont track him down!He’s nice now!he gave me an account!
He’s a BOY!!i know this because when he said dont track HIM down!HE’S nice now!HE gave me an account!
I’ll be back with more clues later.
BET he isnt!wait a second….white horse…….Joshua! Your the one!!I overheard your conversation down at the music store!My bro told U his account and told U to take very good care of it because he was going to collage and my parents made it for him when he wasn’t born!(U dont know how old we R)
AND i followed you down to your home,it was hard though,but the windows were a good cause!You called Jayden that You didnt want your account DangerMoon123!THEN you wrote WHITE HORSE on your notepad!I hid behind the fern thing-A-majig when you went to the kitchen.I took the notepad from your room BUT THEN i took that very same pen you wrote with and copied what you wrote so you wouldn’t suspect a thing!You didn’t!I went behind the fern thing-A-majig and you came upstairs!You heard a CLATTER BANG BANG! you thought yr mom came home but she didn’t!that was me getting a snack.heh heh heh
i left and then i accidently scribbled on the WHITE HORSE but you wrote another thing!Pass:bIDDABANGBOOM.(not real)I went on poptropica and out came your account.you came over to my house because the PASS wasn’t on your notepad.i made youget cookies and i spilt juicee all over your shirt.I got you a towel but when i reached out to give you it i saw the notepad.I threw the towel at your face so you wouldn’t see me take it.I saw WHITE HORSE again but written over and over.I thought you meant Taylor Swift white horse!i flipped to the next page.It said meet Jayden at the pit!i followed you!you said “hah!He’s off to collage!let’s joke off a bit.he wouldn’t notice.”Jayden nodded and said “Make an account on poptropicasecrets!name it White horse.”then comes today………What do you have to say for yourself??
white horse,youdid not write (type)me!i know im not that well known with the whole stranger thing but im well known!once you get 2 know me(heh heh).
Godzilla 2000 is just a cyberbully! You should report to ur parents and the teachers at ur skool. They can help u!
-Tiny crush
i am the real godizilla there is an i between z and l i am 48 sabine. hahahhahaha
White Sword, I’m not there
I’m new here i’ve only commented three times. I also commented as almac2011.But now I’m Katie.
yaeh right your probably somewhere between 10 and 15 and are mentally ill
actully i am in 2nd grade. i have a facebook do you??????? did you know i was the first to like this
ps you are bisexaul
me? i have a facebook, and i know a bunch of 2nd graders who have facebooks no joke and it is rude to send hate mail
white sword im not there
shut up bieach aka godzilla2000 el stupido
i love you
must b oppisite day.
hump me I.T. i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dreammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy
have some sex with me
yeah right!
do you have mental probs???
i (ohmyfreakingod) think you do
who are you talking to incredible tornado?
suck your daddys small and little penis
you kwow what, i dont even think he is a second grader
strange moon if you are reading this please monitor these comments.
Don’t you wish we could all have a normal life?
yeah but there are always good things in life.
To create a secretary
on counterfeit, get black widow’s outfit before she becomes evil (or find it) and copy the hair, shirt, pants. get the black vest and the curly bangs and whatever kind of glasses. then, if you have the secret lab miniquest, get the clipboard from the dude in the first room
Ta Da!!!!!!!!!! you have a secretary! 🙂
your right living, breathing, me im now a secretary.
hey!!! godzilla2000 my grandma called the police!!!
spinner2437, do you even know where godzilla2000 lives?
godzilla2000 are u outta ur mind?!?
I think he is.
maybe he needs to go to a rehabilitation center.
what the hell is going on here??? godzilla2000, i agree with strange moon that you are completely rude. why do you keep on sending hate mail?? don’t you know it can cause depression to other people???
p.s. i do not believe ur a second grader . you are joking. and stop posting those sex messages!!
hey! didja read godzilla2000’s comment??? that’s ultimately 100 percent rude. strange moon, please, if there’s a way if you can ban him from this site to avoid rude comments.
to think there are probably MORE abnormalies….
yeah, i guess.
hump me baby
like my vijena
my vijena is big
what the heck??? now YOU, godzilla2000 are sinking below our levels?!? dude, don’t make this problem bigger than ever!!! hey, everybody on poptropicasecrets.com except godzilla2000, do you think that godzilla2000 is just a wannabe???
Yes or No? answer pls!
yes, and he is so a dumb to even care about anyone else except himself and he is also a f******
i think ur right crystal.
Tiny Penquin will you mary me
no i won’t you idiot!
don’t worry he is only trying to trick you.
Calm down, Tiny Pemguin. It will be okay if you just ignore him.
ok. thanx for the advice.
i see certainly hes gonna trick me so i posted help signs in comment pages.
well im glad that we can help.
Me too. *glares at godzilla2000* Leave my friend alone, meanie!
yay! you’re my friend! thanx everyone who helped me!! your so nice!!! thank you!!!
….and that stinking moron misspelled my name.
No problem, TP.
Tiny Penquin lick my vijena please
yeah no prob and you are also my friend
be quiet, godzilla2000!!!!!!!!
I beleieve that no one here even knows what you are talking about, godzilla. I do not even know what the word you used in your last comment is exactly.
Just ignore him he will leave evntually
i meant eventually
shut up you stinking idiot! (at godzilla2000) 😡
what if, we form a group against godzilla2000’s nasty sex comments.
he’s a boy
join my group against godzilla2000’s nasty comments!
Okay, I will jon.
You are a scary pervert.
He’s probably a 72 year old guy who’s to ugly to have a wife so he’s looking for people online!
Sorry BT!!!
I didn’t know you said it.
I probably wasn’t here!!!
Hey Sis!!!
What computer are you on?????
Where are you???
Godzilla is a creep and pervert.
everyone is SO right! godzilla2000 is a freak and a moron. :devil:
someday godzilla2000 will give up posting these rude (and creepy) comments soon.
*evil laugh*
tiny penguin ill join the group
You obviously are not in 2nd grade.
You are obviously like 57 years old.
no he might be a teennager
maybe that is true bendy turtle
hey guys how do you make the faces
yes everyone is right
Did you notice Godzilla has not been here for a day or two?
thanks bendy turtle 🙂
yes, i see that. *thinks for a moment then walks away*
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in
Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there’s still a chance for you
Cause there’s a spark in you
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you’re a firework
Come on show ’em what you’re worth
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
You’re gunna leave ’em fallin’ down-own-own
You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Katy Perry Firework lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/katy-perry-firework-lyrics.html
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
Cause baby you’re a firework
Come on show ’em what you’re worth
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you’re a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
You’re gonna leave ’em all in awe-awe-awe”
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It’s always been inside of you, you, you
And now it’s time to let it through
Cause baby you’re a firework
Come on show ’em what your worth
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby you’re a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!”
You’re gonna leave ’em all in awe-awe-awe
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

The opposite!
hmmm…. i wonder why godzilla2000 posted firework lyrics there. ❓
Snoop Dogg]
Greetings loved ones
Let’s take a journey
[Katy Perry – Verse 1]
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild
There must be somethin’ in the water
Sippin’ gin and juice
Layin’ underneath the palm trees (Undone)
The boys
Break their necks
Try’na creep a little sneak peek (At us)
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the Golden Coast
Once you party with us
You’ll be falling in love
Oooooh oh oooooh
[Katy Perry – Chorus]
California girls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We’ll melt your Popsicle
Oooooh oh oooooh
California girls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
Westcoast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh oh oooooh
[Katy Perry – Verse 2]
Sex on the beach
We don’t mind sand in our Stilettos
We freak
In my Jeep
Snoop Doggy Dogg on the stereo (Oh oh)
You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the Golden Coast
Once you party with us
You’ll be falling in love
Oooooh oh oooooh
[Katy Perry – Chorus]
California girls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We’ll melt your Popsicle
Oooooh oh oooooh
California gurls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
Westcoast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh oh oooooh
[Snoop Dogg – Verse 3]
Toned, tanned
Fit and ready
Turn it up ’cause it’s gettin’ heavy
Wild, wild Westcoast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like she’s the one
Kiss her
Touch her
Squeeze her buns
The girl’s a freak
She drives a Jeep
and lives on the beach
I’m okay
I won’t play
I love the Bay
Just like I love L.A.
Venice Beach
And Palm Springs
Summertime is everything
Hangin’ out
All that ass
Hangin’ out
Bikinis, tankinis, martinis
No weenies
Just a king
And a queen-ie
Katy my lady
You’re lookin’here baby
(Uh huh)
I’m all up on you
‘Cause you representin’ California
(Ohhh yeahh)
[Katy Perry – Chorus]
California gurls
We’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We’ll melt your Popsicle
Oooooh oh oooooh
California gurls
We’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
Westcoast represent
(Westcoast, Westcoast)
Now put your hands up
Oooooh oh oooooh
Snoop Dogg:
(Californiaaa, Californiaaa)
California girls man
I wish they all could be
California girls
(Californiaaa) (ha ha ha ha ha)
I really wish
You all could be
California girls
(Californiaaa, girls)
hmmmmm……why does he keep on posting lyrics? maybe its an imposter! (literally, i don’t know if it’s an imposter….)
wait….forget my first comment!(sorry people!) the question is…why is godzilla2000 is posting Katy Perry songs? odd….:?:
thanx jade BTW, are you bendy turtle?
i like pie
shut up godzilla2000
*rolls eyes* yeah,yeah,yeah, whatever godzilla2000 we don’t care if you like pie or not.
yeah 3rd on page (first comment)
yep 😀
Godzilla!!!!!! is ur name Collin? theres a moron kid in my class who always says “I like pie!
maybe he’s just faking the “I-like-pie” post.
i think he is trying to take us off his trail.
yeah…i see that….
I agreee.
did u notice godzilla2000 has not been here for a day or two?
i know right
godzilla2000, when you post a rude comment again, i’m gonna feed you soap!!!!!!!!!!
aha! you again! im gonna feed you soap later!
you callin’ me a b****? shut up you idiot. you’re just saying stupid stuff.
Godzilla is not mature enough to have pubic hair. Period.
forget the impudent brat of a godzilla.
yeah, i’m really getting stressed out of his dumb comments.
dont be stressed out godzilla 2000 is just doing this to get attention because he never had it when he was a kid
u might need counseling godzilla2000.
❗ ❗ ❗
wheres my soap gaywaud?
wtf is your problem jade
Godzilla2000, you are a lowlife , selfish,dumb,ect., and ignorant person just tring to make strangmoons life even harder
by the way i don’t think the foul language is in order
leave me alone you stupid brat and idiot!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!
FYI Mr. Idiot, Jade SO does not have a problem. It’s YOU who have it.
calm down tiny penguin your falling for his tricks again,lets make a promise and everbody who hates godzilla 2000 just ignore him and he wil soon leave.
i will always be with you Tiny Penquin i will be with you my love forever
i love you bithch and also crstal i think u are lesbian
i am not lesbian you m***** f***** and you no what you are a b**** as well and a pendejo, puto que na mas dice lo que se le antoja.
and you spelled my name wrong moron
….I will be known far and wide. You will be squashed flat.
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😡 😡 😡 😡
UGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which also means your a pervert since your old and tiny penguin is young
I know how you feel Strange Moon. I am not depressed but I am diabetic and I get awful mood swings…
it gives you a pessimist outlook on things.
Sorry if I misspelled pessimist.
wait…..maybe strange moon got over the problem months ago!
no i am Indian woman
I AM BACK. I am curious as to why PoptropicaSecrets isn’t moderating these comments better…
@Godzilla2000- I see your grammar hasn’t gotten any better. -_- Get a life, if you can.
@Jade- By sinking to his level, you’re encouraging him.
i am really getting tired of this guy.
huh…? okay Jade….I get it.
FYI Godzilla2000 (or should I call you “godzillidiot2000” ) GET A LIFE YOU MORON!!
Stop giving us sh*t godzillidiot2000 shut up ur just messin with people i am on Jade’s side. Don’t mess with Vamp Ninja Gurl!! You hear me b*tch? ? You wanna make me choke you do death? I think you’re really willing to. *Chokes godzilla2000 tightly*
ur just damn stupid so stop it.
im the one with a life you don’t ant TP i encourage you to keep on cussing
Keep it up!!
Some day you will take my job tiny penguin
I thinkk you are going made which is very good!!!!
no u REALLY don’t have a life, godzilla2000. i will not take your job or keep on cussing. i just want you to get out of my sight forever.
it’s not good anyway. i’m sorry everyone. (not you, godzilla2000.) i have been too crazy over this problem. i just want godzilla2000 to shut up.
OK…..I’ll stop then….
Okay. I have been such a jerk for just arguing with him. Please forgive me.
noone will forget you TP hahahahah
i forgive you tiny penguin
Thanks guys….but godzilla2000 keeps on bugging me! He’s like a fly on the wall who keeps on buzzing. (And I doubt godzilla2000, someday, you will beg for forgiveness but no one will ever forgive you. And I MEAN IT. NOW BACK OFF, PUNK!!!!!!!)
Hey guys! Next, next week is my B-day!! Happy Birthday to me!!!
Why do keep on pestering people, godzilla2000? What’s your prob anyway, huh??
You’re really a problem solver, BC!!
Hey guys!! I won’t be here on the 2nd and 3rd of July because we are going to the beach so bye!! (But I will be here for June 23-July 1.) *gives everyone party giveaways*
@godzilla2000: hey freak, go pick on someone your own size! not here, not the SFG gang’s site, or Poptropica. GET OUT!!!!
*slams door then sighs*
@everyone: *rests on door then prayer motion* please please please make godzilla2000 go away!!
… 😥
*tear falls from cheek*
You are really the loser!!! Why do you keep on teasing people?????????? Why can’t you be nice just for once??? why?????????????
I can’t die no matter what. Stab me, shoot me, rape me, I still can’t die.
To Godzilla2000,
I have seen your post & comments @ this page & I have notice that your using unappropriated words & also bad words. If u only know it hurt so much in the heart … Do u know your hurting many people. & to Tiny P. & also other people who is commenting at this site please leave Godzilla2000 ALONE it is a best way to avoid bad comments 🙂 if u want to still chat please try in another page not here.
Go BC!!
bd=birthday a.k.a tiny penguins birthday
pee pee
i want my sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is godzilla a boy or girl cause sometimes he says suck “it” *barfs* or he says to lick his vagina *barfs again* !
boy im a total bitch when it comes to mutts invading my turf
ih 0002 allizdog i tnaw 2 eb rouy dneirf (ti saw a thurt ro erad.)
TP: u need to ignore godzilla2000! u say u will try but u never do! this is online he can’t hurt u here! im not saying hes going to leave but at least do ur best to pretend hes not here. trust me im friends with people more disgusting then him!
i have an idea! 💡 Let’s all pretend godzilla2000 isn’t here!
um im not tp im tc
no i meant TP. but now that i think about it, u should listen to my advice too
I’m, really good @ ignoring people! 🙂 This one guy that every1 in my class hates was really geeting on our nerves so every1 was all like “Do u here that noise?”; “Am i going crazy i think i hear someone talking?”
hey Crystal why are you writing words backwards
quick cheat: you have to have the torch, if you won the wunder bubble tonic in wild west isalnd chew it when you have the torch on, then every time you change colors your fire will change colors too.
you guys have to see this! lol!
Look at all the post and her profile! LMFAO! she thinks she is the queen!!!!HAHAHA!!!
Welcome peeps! This is an all Kesha website. Learn about my life, my status, my blog, and last but BEST, PoptropicaSecrets!!!
Sunday, 3 July 2011I’m better than Crystal!!
C is for Crappy
R is for Retarded
Y is for Young And Stupid
S is for Stupid
T is for Tell-It-All
A is for Ass
L is for LOSER!!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 07:18 0 comments Email This
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Come back, baby!!!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 06:20 0 comments Email This
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Saturday, 2 July 2011A little Quiz!!
1. Pick one
Nicki Minaj
Justin Beiber
Katy Perry
Kanye West
2. Fave color
I don’t care
Purple. PuRpLe! PURPLE!!!
I’d say red. Or pink. It depends what day.
Gold. Anything metallic
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 21:09 0 comments Email This
I’ve started a little game.
Okay, so here’s the game. It’ll be on ps though. Truth or dare!!!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 19:05 0 comments Email This
What The Hell?
I opened my inbox one day and I saw 5 emails in my junk folder and they all were from members from the bank. I was like, “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS A PRANK?!”
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 17:42 0 comments Email This
A few minutes in the life of Kesha
Kesha Hamilton. I have never used that name before. Kesha Valdez. Brianna Hamilton. Never my actual name: Alisha Hamilton. I prefer fake names and online personalities because you get to lie about who you are and I don’t feel about total strangers knowing who I am.
One single person emailed me: psophia. And we both agree that Jade needs to GET A LIFE!!! I know, I’ve been a whore. “Why are you judging other people since you’re the with the problem?” Quit saying that, Jade and Speedy Singer. I hate you both. Not Jade anymore. She’s awesome. It’s just Speedy Singer I hate. Speedy, I’m out to get you so you better watch. Your. Back.
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 16:29 0 comments Email This
FYI: Sandy
Wait…did you say you enjoy flicking people?
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 16:01 0 comments Email This
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I’ve started a little game.
What The Hell?
A few minutes in the life of Kesha
FYI: Sandy
Happy Birthday Tiny Peinguin!!!
My Status.
In The Time I Was Gone
Ingrid And The Battle For The Throne
10 reasons I’m better than Samantha Puckett
This evening
Hello People!!!
About Me
My name is Alisha Hamilton a.k.a. Kesha Hamilton! I’m a big fan of her though and all my friends at PoptropicaSecrets. Except for you: Speedy Singer. I hate you so much, don’t bother coming on here!!
View my complete profile.
About Me
My name is Alisha Hamilton a.k.a. Kesha Hamilton! I’m a big fan of her though and all my friends at PoptropicaSecrets. Except for you: Speedy Singer. I hate you so much, don’t bother coming on here!!
Would you rather eat a hornet or get punched in the face 200 times for a month?
Welcome peeps! This is an all Kesha website. Learn about my life, my status, my blog, and last but BEST, PoptropicaSecrets!!!
Saturday, 2 July 2011Happy Birthday Tiny Peinguin!!!
Happy Birthday!! I’m happy! Ignore whatever Crystal says because I’m way better than her.
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 15:27 0 comments Email This
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My Status.
Okay, I’ll be updating my pictures (maybe) and my status on here.
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In The Time I Was Gone
Kay, so, it’s hot outside. Enough said. I got sherbert and it melted on my hand. I got Just Go With It. Hopefully I can still blog about it. Look it up peeps!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 14:56 0 comments Email This
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Ingrid And The Battle For The Throne
I stepped forward and looked up at the great king. My heart pounded. People were only taken here if they got in trouble. The king stepped down from his throne and looked at me. I looked back up at him, stepped back and asked, “Why am I here?” The king did not respond but only shook his head like he didn’t here the question. He looked down and me and said in a powerful voice, “You ask why you are here. You already know.” I looked at him. “Uh no I don’t. I have to get to school.” The king got back into his throne and said, “You have pulled a prank that has set the whole world in peril.” The king settled in his throne and said, “You have been punished by house arrest.” The guards took me out as I struggled to get loose.
As the guards dropped me in the courtyard and then headed back, the king laughed evily like he was planning something. I have to get in there. I though. But, nevertheless, how WILL I get back in? I looked around then sneaked around the back. I looked. I climbed up using a rope. I dropped to the floor then, looked around for any guards. One was coming so I raced into the Shadows. “Great plan king made.” one said. “Yeah. We need to fly out at 8.” another said. “I’m not stupid.” said the other. He shoved him and went off towards the ballroom. I snuck near the King’s room by someone I reconized. “Adam?” I asked.
(Adam is the bro of Kate, one of Ingrid’s friends)
“Yeah?” he asked. “Why are you here?” I asked. “Duty.” he said. “Afraid I can’t let you in.” I looked at him. “Let me in before I make ya.” I threatened. Adam looked at me like: Do you REALLY want to do that? I couldn’t believe it. He was my half-brother and…
“Did Brandon put you up to this?” I asked. “Brandon did nothing.” he said. “Surprise, surprise.” I said.
(Brandon is my brother who loves to mess with me)
“I can’t let you in either.” said Brandon. Brandon was a guard? Since when did he do stuff like that? “Can you get me some-” I tried. “No.” Brandon said. “Can I see-” I tried again. “No.” replied Brandon with a smirk on his face. “You didn’t let me finish!” I said. “I know.” Brandon said. “Why are you here?” I asked him. “I took this op to see inside the castle.” he said. “Let me in to see the king!” I said. Brandon walked away and said, “I’m on break.” Adam looked at me carefully as if he were studying me. “You’re staring at me.” I said, creeped out. “Um…” he replied. “Do you…wanna go out…with me?” he asked. I looked at him. “Once we get out of here.” I said. Adam said “I know a way out.” He pointed over to a little peak. “Thanks.” I said. I ran over and climbed up it. A guard told Adam to go on break and he took it. I saw a little map of the palace. I saw the King’s Room was just under me. What do I do? Stab the ground? I looked to see the room was just to the right. Guards were of course there. They fell to the ground somehow. I saw Adam behind me. “Oh god!” I screamed. “You wanna know how to get down there?” he asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Did you ever consider taking the ladder?” He asked. “THERE’S A LADDER?!” I asked. “Uh, yeah. It’s right in front of you.” He said. I looked. It actually was. I climbed down muttering things. I spotted someone familiar. I looked. Who did it claim to be? Crystal. The girlfriend of Brandon. Still. I liked Crystal but Brandon is just…
I walked over to her. She looked at me. She looked at me. Then at Adam and at me again. “Are you two dating?” She asked. “No.” I said. “He was just…uh…helping me.” I just noticed Adam was holding my hand. I let go of it. Crystal looked around. “Where’s Brandon?” She asked. “Brandon?” Asked Adam. “He’s on break.” I looked around at the chandeiler but Adam caught my attention. “Do you, Ingrid?” asked Crystal. “Excuse me.” I said. Crystal sighed and repeated the question. “Do you have a spare 20 I could borrow?” I shook my head. She sighed and headed off. I ran into the King’s Room as for he saw me. The King spoke “Come closer, pesant.” My heart beat grew faster and faster. I looked at the King. He looked at me with a stern look. I took my knife out. I know, it was a stupid thing to do but it seemed good at the time. The King looked at me and his voice boomed. “HOW DARE YOU!” he yelled. I then got Furious. “What the hell did I do that was so wrong?” I said. “Did I kill someone? Did I dig up the dead? What did I do?” The King looked at me. “You are officially kicked out of this town!” Crystal ran in. “What’s with the yelling?” she asked. “King kicked me out.” I said. The King put his foot down and kicked everyone out of the town.
Chapter 2
I still wondered what the King was up to as I packed my stuff. I looked at Kate, cursing.
I’ll make the rest of Chapter 2.
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 13:34 0 comments Email This
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10 reasons I’m better than Samantha Puckett
1. I’m not violent
2. I don’t own a website with my friend
3. I don’t like meat as much as her
4. She never reads
5. She enjoys ruining Freddie’s life while I don’t
6. I don’t have a friend named Carly
7. I’m not as fat as she is (just kidding!)
8. I’m not blonde
9. My mom’s not drunk all the time
10. I don’t love food as much as she does!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 13:18 0 comments Email This
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This evening
Okay, I’m heading to the video store in 5 minutes (the first time i got up today) and guess what? I’m getting Just Go With It. This Saturday rocks. I think that I should get a large iced coffee. Oh! I’ll make another post why I’m better than then that person who made me mad and kept saying “Turf” in everyone of their sentences. (Thank you for that happy comment!) And BTW: If you see something that’s brown and hard and you try to eat it…it actually tastes like chocolate but it’s in a sphere. Okay, bye!!
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 13:03 0 comments Email This
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Labels: Food, Stubborn, Video
Okay, guess what? I just updated my status on my iPod and then my dog started licking my the blood off of my stab. I pushed him away and he barked at me.
Posted by KeshaHamilton at 12:55 0 comments Email This
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I’m better than Crystal!!
A little Quiz!!
I’ve started a little game.
What The Hell?
A few minutes in the life of Kesha
FYI: Sandy
Happy Birthday Tiny Peinguin!!!
My Status.
In The Time I Was Gone
Ingrid And The Battle For The Throne
10 reasons I’m better than Samantha Puckett
This evening
Hello People!!!
About Me
My name is Alisha Hamilton a.k.a. Kesha Hamilton! I’m a big fan of her though and all my friends at PoptropicaSecrets. Except for you: Speedy Singer. I hate you so much, don’t bother coming on here!!
View my complete profile
why would someone want know about your life kesha??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if ur really evil 😈 Kesha was stupid enough to put her email up!
Wow BC…You’re very happy today…
…Well at least Mr. Crackhead didn’t go on this page…
you can ignore me all you want but ill just be another random person hahahahaha
So, we will find out that it will be you so back off godzilla2000.
who r u guys talking about?
were talking about godzilla2000
yah. there might be a lot of possibilities that we can find out its still godzilla2000
are you sure?
yeap godzilla2000 does not exist
Yes, I’m absolutely sure about it.
Godzilla2000 please do not destroy someone’s feelings. u didn’t know that u hurt so many people by commenting using bad words. I remember my classmate bcuz u have both personalities. Balang araw gaganti kami. Sige nga kung ikaw ang laitin namin satingin mo magugstuhan mo ba yon?
bronze penguin i think no i know that godzilla2000 is writing does comments for hurting peoples feelings and he doesnt are about anybod else except him self
Anybody can talk to BP except Super Sal, Godzilla2000, and Cuddly Sun.
I hated myself for that…
Godzilla2000 is actually really rude. Most people (except for some who I will not mention, you know who you are) are REALLY RUDE! (Mostly some people that I will not mention)
Crystal, I did not mean that. Cut The Rope for iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad is made by Crystal, a company. My thing was retarded so I decided to show how much I hate the company of Crystal. Not targeted torwards you, Crystal.
Sorry again about my blog. Don’t send me hate mail.
I’m deleting my blog tonight. And my Blogger account.
thanks i acceot your appology.
I’m leaving this site u guys r 2 happy all the all the time its annoying! bye-bye
Thanks Crystal.
I don’t care Speedy Singer….all you care about is your self, not us. You don’t even care about our happiness! So don’t push it!
Yay BC!
Good thing Godzilla isn’t here. Maybe he left…
Sorry TP if u r in the house and I been sleeping!
guys godzilla200 has not beem here for these couple of weeks that means he left
of course he did. well, look at the time. leavin this page. never comin back.
what are you talkin about?
hello im back
i like waffles do you like pancakes
oh no look how survived the hurricane! ITS JADE!
a.k.a Celeste
Hey, BC, how do you type the sideways words? I think god of the zilla idiots is watching to many PG-13 movies!
( . _ . )
Here’s an outfit I have abstracted from the very fabric of my mind: it’s called… Deadly Maiden. To accomplish this outfit, you need to go to Red Dragon island. Find the girl id the teal kimono on the Great Bridge. Customize her hair and add the curly bangs from the girl at Herc’s Hero Hut on Mythology Island. Next, add the front bangs of the prom queen. Next, find the woman in the pink kimono in the Imperial Garden on Red Dragon Island. Either use hers, or the old woman’s kimono in the Bonsai Trees shop. Next, go to Astro Knights Island the first guy you see, customize his sword. Finally, and this is important, on Red Dragon, if you have completed your ninja training, go to the Fortress and use your ninja star. When you have it in your hand, leave the Fortress, and you will still have it in your hand.
*Clears throat* WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU STUPID IMPOSTER?? Who da HELL is darin’ to imposter me? Huh? Cause EVERONE knows i got a pic, and i cap. my name. Unless you are all idiots. AND NOBODY TOLD ME? I am not mad at anybody… EXCEPT THE DUMB IMPOSTER!
I’m hurt, BC. I thought you’d add up, because i think “crystal” has been here often. Longly often. I thought you’d tell me. Why is it you didn’t? I’m really sad.. not to mention extremely hurt. I never did anything to deserve to be impostered. Plus you guys don’tk now me in real life. I’m sad. I’m hurt.
I’m angry.
Anytime soon. You guys should have told me anyway. I said i had school on the eighteenth and “crystal” shows up. REALLY?
Like when you emphasize a word or a situation blah blah blah, you use the sideways words?….
look i picked the name crystal because i like it i didnt know that someone else had the name so just deal with it
Crystal, may I ask your opinion? Do you think God of the Zilla idiots is an Indian lesbian woman or a crazy hobbo?
Crazy Hobbo. I don’t know why. But Crazy Hobbo. And yes you did know beacause if you look in the previous comments you actually Asked me something.
i meant before that.
Oh, BC… Not to insult you, but Godzilla did say he was an Indian woman?……
Teruklah, orang Godzilla ini. Dahlah bodoh, nak ‘insult’ orang pula?! Geramlah!
what did you say cassandra?
Cassandra’s Malaysian. (I think.)
Ah… TP. You are great at guessing. I am from the incredible Malaysia. Now, can you tell me what i just said???
then, how may I ask, that you knew I was Malaysian?
Well, anyway, I said:
This Godzilla is terrible. He is stupid, and yet he insults ppl. I’m fed up!
Please reply.
I’m not tryin’ to pry.
Please don’t cry.
Please reply
i’m not tryin’ to pry
please don’t cry
uh….from the words, i see Malaysian.
Bukan nak buat kau janggal. Maaf ye…
you guys are not meetin up?
that means no, i suppose
Um what did godzilla2000 send u Strange Moon?
Hello,as this is probably the most controversial post on the site,I will be saying my hellos here,as I am new to this site.
Credits for everyone ~ Golden Noodle
hi everyone do you want something like a toy code??
I see him, I SPAM him.
Cassandra, you’re MALAYSIAN?!?!! Me too! Which state? Originally I’m Johorian but I live in K.L.
wow….. i hope he left…. btw <3 the costumes strange moon!