The long wait is finally over. Everyone can now play Mystery Train Island on Poptropica. Phew!
Need the cheats, secrets and walkthrough for the island? Check it out here: Poptropica Cheats for Mystery Train Island
In Mystery Train Island, you’re on board a steam train headed from Washington D.C. to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. An incredible invention will be unveiled there: the Ferris Wheel! But someone is trying to stop that from happening. As the mystery around the crime unfolds, it’s up to you to stop it! Mystery Train is a fun and exciting quest on Poptropica with lots of plot twists and surprises. It will keep you guessing right up until the end!
It is SO cool! Wait, can you ride the ferris wheel then?
Excuse me.. Fierce Moon, I have a problem, When the Mystery island opened my poptropican cannot enter the island ! I’ve finished the Demo before!? Please Answer
You have to go to a Judy Moody ad room to see him. Go to the left, jump on the ball, land on the roof, walk to the right, and you’ll see him!
yes frist
1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it peeps, oh yeah!!!!
P.S. Srry just got excited
By the way congratualions everyone. Mystery Train is available for all.
2nd and just 5 more days till my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D(my birthday is on the 12th and iam turning 10 yayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 😀
Ok……… Someones overly excited lol
3RD TO COMMENT!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! And now I have to go camping in the mountains so I can’t play!!!! Arrrggghhh!!!!
4th! but i have membership, so this isn’t that big a deal for me.
5th me too
this islands was kinda easy
yeah. i’ve done it 6 times already.
gonna do it now….
3 times only
The luggage car contains artifacts from the following islands:
Time Tangled
Great Pumpkin
Reality TV
Wild West
Who puts a baguette in their luggage?
who does put a baguette in their luggage? i’m guessing gustave eiffel or the le monde reporter.
that question was a “you have got to be kidding me” question rather that a trivia question sorry Angry Ghost if that confused you
yeah, i know.
i’m gifted, i need to answer any question given to me. otherwise i get angry with myself.
it’s weird.
i made a devil costume go to avatar studio and type liz9517
the porters hair color is the same as ours like mines coral and hers is too.
hi all youm freaks out there
I love your outfit silver moon!
tough lizard where did u get the hair for the devil costume?
thanks! 🙂
scary but cool costume tough lizard
knock knock?
whose there?
interrupting cow.
interrupting cow w- mmmooooo!
Greetings all,I am L………………..just kidding,its me,infernape, just quoting my favorite character from my favorite show
but I have to ask you to stop calling me infernape,it’s ryuzaki now,
That was another quote with infernape replacing L,but I would prefer that you call me ryuzaki or L now(yes,my new icon is L in the famous font, cloister black)
any1 notice the grape bubble gum is messed up? theres black bubbles instead of purple!
Lol the island was kinda easy, finished it
P.S. Silver Moon how do you get that outfit?
Well actually forget that, I don’t really wanna know, but it’s pretty cool
Well actually, I don’t wanna know, but it is pretty cool
Srry typo
thank you silver moon
and bashful cloud
Thank you for what?
Hi people. I haven’t posted for a LOOOONNNGGGG time here. Anything I missed? 🙂
Yeah, I’m the author. Anyway, I can’t wait to play this, EEEEPPPP!!!! This is going to be fun!!!!!!!!! Plus people check out my poptropican blog at! XD
Completed it the theif is the le monde reporter
yeah, like we can’t tell already! Every member posted about it on the Mystery Train cheat page. Also, there is a video and section about it from the 2nd day the island was out! Everybody, member or non-member, on this site knows! 🙄
when will game show island come out for members?I want to know cause i am a memeber and i completed this island 2 times when it 1st came out.I only completed it twice because on the 1st time i did’t save (i know because when i logged in i had to get the lady(i forget her name) and when i checked my stats it said i completed twice!Thats was AWESOME i completed 2 times and and for the 2nd i just had to catch her i did’nt have to everything else
there is a house above the reverie lounge, i just noticed
hey where is the house i don’t see it
I made a Headless Horseman costume, username (I typed to fast so I couldn’t put in A or S) Hedleshorseman:
You can get the Pumpkin costume in the store or if you want a happy head, do CTRL+SHIFT+P
It can be any shirt, but I chose the one on the guy with the musket on Skullduggery main street
I got a red cape from Super Power
The finishing touch that will not show up in the Avatar Studio, the Elmer the horse from Wild West.
Or you can put on the coal mask from Mystery Train, turn your skin black and get a pumpkin follower
cool costume!
greetings all at poptropica secrets, i am L, moderating takes a long time(I watch to much death note,every thing ryuzaki/L says is now imprinted in my mind
hi its me agiain us oks im a member poptropica
Strange island, but cool 🙂
If you pause in the reporter’s trunk at the end, there are the following:
Baguette and baguette crumbs
moldy cheese
a handkerchief
a green book titled: Moliere Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
A thing that says: Paris and has a picture of the Eiffel Tower
A silhouette of Ballon Boy ( Counterfeit Island takes place in France)
i finally done this island! 🙂
wow this island was great! definitely much better than shrink ray island. mystery train was much more entertaining. plus they had the best costumes! all the clothes the people wore had so much detail and it was fun to costumize them.
this island is so cool i cant wait until game show island 🙂
how do you find the key in telsa’s cabin?
this is so cool
im barely starting the island
Hi, here is how you can be a purple grim reaper, first go to astroknights and get the secret society peoples purple cloaks and hood, then go to the haunted house and get the grim reapers belt and reaper and the skelotons face or you can just stick with the grim reapers hood.
Okay so, how do you get the key? What a mouse-brained thing to hide, because then everybody suspects you as the suspect ( LOL pardon the pun ( joke not intended ) ). It’s a challenge but at the same time entertaining!
I need help?! Who is the thief? I’ve read the tags on the briefcases but I don’t know what one of them says its ‘M’ something?.. Please Help! 🙁
I’m RLY confused on this train !!!….i want to get off ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I CAN’T !! :'(
cool island:)
uummm how do you figure out who opened the case in tesla’s room and why?
Woah, this is really cool and a lot better than the others, except Mythology, that was my favorite.
how long does the train go? or do i have to do something?
How do I get out of the island and back to the blimp???? I got past Pinkerton’s Detective Agency, but I can’t get the french reporter and I want to leave back to the blimp but I don’t know how to get out of there! Please help!
I’m Golden Heart