Hi everyone. Today is my three-year anniversary on YouTube. I started my channel there posting Club Penguin videos and quickly started adding all the Poptropica walkthroughs that you see here on PoptropicaSecrets.com. Now, on my third anniversary of having my own YouTube channel, I’m nearly at 50 million views. The exact count as of right now is 49,598,864. Wow! I don’t know what to say except a huge thank you to everyone for watching my walkthroughs and tips. I really appreciate that everyone likes them and watches them. I make them to help everyone play my favorite two games (Poptropica and Club Penguin) and I’m thrilled that so many of you enjoy them.
I do have one favor to ask: would you please take a moment to subscribe to my channel on YouTube? If you’ve ever been helped through a tricky part on Poptropica, then subscribing to my channel is a great way to give some recognition to my work. A nice bonus is that you’ll get notices every time I post a new video, so you’ll be among the first to know when a new walkthrough or guide is out! One of my goals for next year is to double my subscriber count.
It’s really easy to subscribe if you have a YouTube account. Just follow these steps:
- First, visit my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/secretscp.
- Next, just click on the big Subscribe button.
- If you’re not logged into YouTube, either log in or create a new account.

That’s it! It’s really easy to subscribe and you’ll be helping me to grow my channel and this site.
I’ve also been experimenting with creating Playlists on YouTube to help make finding the walkthroughs a little easier. You can see some of them here, where I’ve created playlists for each of the different islands on Poptropica:
Please let me know what you think of the playlists in the comments section below, or by visiting our forum. And feel free to let me know what else you’d like to see in the videos! As always, thank you for visiting PoptropicaSecrets.com and thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel!
and nice number of views fierce moon
Third to comment! WOOHOO! COngrats on all those views, fierce moon!
You’re way more famous than I’ll ever be in 200 years! LOL
Fifth, you don’t always get what you want. Congrats FM!
15,896 Suscribers
49,598,864 Viewers
One channel: secretscp
7th, nice number of views Fierce moon
I wish I was one of those suscribers…
9th I subscribed you I luv poptropicasecrets.com
Let’s go SecretsCP! 30k for next year, let’s do it!! 🙂
Congrats, FM!
Yay! Just subscribed! Go Fierce Moon!
nice job!
Is anybody on Poptropica right now?
Congratulations Fierce Moon! Your walkthroughs really help me in Poptropica! Hey, if you see White Drummer or Fierce Peanut in multiplayers room.. say ”Hello!”to my avatars!
That Mythology Walkthrough really helped me! That was tough.
If anybody’s on: BWV81
Hi I’m on but it’s not letting me get in. Here’s a room code: ATA87
uh hey i just need to buy something i think i see you
hi silver grape
my avatar is so odd
EPIC JOB, FIERCE MOON! You got almost 50 Million Views!!! And you almost got 16,000 suscribers! Let’s make it 50 Million!!!
15,911 suscribers! Only 89 people have to suscribe to get 16,000. And, there’s now,
49,657,225! Only…um…nevermind. The point is she’s almost at her goal!
Is anybody here Orange Jumper?
Congrats Fierce Moon! That’s an amazing accomplishment! Keep it up! 😉
Anybody on Poptropica? (I doubt it)
congrats Fierce Moon that is awesome!
Scavenger hunt code #5:hardmediumhard
Does anybody remember:
Icy Fire
White Sword
Sandy The Mad Dragon
OMG her 3rd anniversary was my 11th birthday!
Whoa! Congrats! I’ll subscribe right now!
I remember Jade and Ke$ha. This guy on a TV show called Ke$ha: Key dollar sign Ha and he called Tik Tok: Tik and also Tok. I remember a person, something Seal admitted that she was Ke$ha.
I remember those people. Ah, the good old days…
congrats Fierce Moon! that rocks!!!!!!!
here’s who i remember:
White Sword
Super Thunder
Ke$ha (sorta)
Sandy the Mad Dragon
SDandy (wait are SMD and SDandy the same person?)
White Dragon Boy
yeah those days were good. (except for those arguements) i’ve only been here since july or late june, so i don’t remember a lot of people.
(just went on the 1st comment page of the Red Dragon Island page) there’s more people i remember:
Esoteric Phoenix
Red Heart AKA Friendly Dragon
Brave Tomato
Cheerful Beetle
bendy turtle
nutmeg/meg (they were the same person right?)
Khmer girl
(looking back)
*sigh* this was a good post (meaning there was a nice conversation within the comments):
here was where i had my first comment!
Nobody remembers me?! Tough crowd.
Jade i remember
Jeall i remember
White Sword i remember
david i remember
Super Thunder i remember
Ke$ha (sorta) i remember
Sandy the Mad Dragon yep i remember
SDandy (wait are SMD and SDandy the same person?) nope don’t remember
White Dragon Boy i remember
Esoteric Phoenix nope
Red Heart AKA Friendly Dragon yeah
Brave Tomato yeah
Cheerful Beetle yeah
bendy turtle maybe
Aang yeah
Scavenger hunt code #5:hardmediumhard
congrats fierce moon I hope you get more
My iPod sucks.
mine doesn’t. it’s a nano.
cool avatar Thalia
click my name for my character
Bendy Turtle is Jade
Thanks neat hopper! urs too!
Silver Grape=Wannabe Costume Designer
Man O man guys, I haven’t commented in I don’t know.. MONTHS!!!!!! Well, this might be goodbye.
Jade was hard. Hard to deal with.
Sandy was enjoyable. I felt like her sister.
Ke$ha made me feel like an outcast. She wanted everyone under her control.
Shadowprince AKA Ostrich Rider was rude to me.
Woo hoo! Keep it up, Fierce Moon, and someday, you’ll have WAY more! 😉
I thought your YouTube name was Graser10.
I am bored 🙁
I think she got 50 million views…
Happy New Year!
Congrats Fierce Moon!
Please tell me your new years resolutions (i don’t car if I mispelled that or that either)
Mine is to accept people better and find my true love. One that will accept me also. I want a guy who will accept people all around. I want to have friends who are great-hearted and have a great sense of humor and mostly, be able to put up with me. I dislike racist people. I like people who are really nice.
Happy New Year! Can’t wait for S.O.S. Island to be available for members! I’m so excited!
1. say your name 10 times
2. now say your moms name 5 times.
3. say your your crushes name 3 times.
4. Paste this to 3 other? songs. If you? do? this? your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. But if you? read this and don’t paste this, then?? you’ll have very bad luck
This website works for my touch so, I’m good.
hey danger u know if you keep typing comments like this you might get bad youself one day how bout that……
srry i ment get bad luck
Auto-Correct is so friction annoying!
Goddamnit, I mean friction!!
OMFG frickin!!!
hey whats with the fuss about friction
Good Morning In Canada. Lots and lots of snow 🙁 I hate the snow.
At least it’s light…
The snow is so nice sometimes but sometimes it’s okay. I guess it’s fine. At least it’s only a bit.
snow is cool
on my opinion
I know 🙂 snow its the most SUPER!!!! coolest thing ever!!! 😀
No more snow. I now miss having the sound of the snow under my Uggs. 🙁 And the way I got hit in the face by a snowball first thing in the morning when I got off my bus. 🙁
@ Danger Danger right back at ya homeless.
Snow is gone now…
Well, we had a short winter with only 8 days of snow.
hey snow rocks! too bad i did not haVe any snow 🙁
*cough* I am tired. I love Canada. Today’s a holiday. 🙂
U welcome Feirce moon!
Wait Ke$ha,you’re Cheerful Singer’s little sister,right