Satellite Clue

Satellit Clue

The Satellite Clue will be given by the all three agents that you will rescue in your mission. It contains a secret password to activate the teleporter, these are three passwords which are

  1. LASER
  2. HAIR
  4. How to get the Satellite Clues

    These Satellite Clues will be given the three agents that you will rescue in the mission. The Three agents can be found: (One)On the docks. You must get the chameleon suit from Doctor Spyglass and slip past the guards on the roof. Get past the dogs and climb through the ceiling of the room. Rescue the spy and you get a Laser Pen.

    At the top of the electrified building on Toupee Terrace. Climb to the roof and cut through the bars with the Laser pen. Rescue the spy and get the Grapple Bowtie. (Three)In a greenhouse on one of the towers above Balding Avenue. You have to grapple from the rooftop of the far right building, to the far left building, then back to the guarded tower. Use the Cherry Bomb to rescue the spy and you get the Ultra Vision Goggles.

    Satellite Clue in Spy Island
    Get the first Satellite Clue when you saved the first agent on the Docks
    Satellite Clue in Spy Island
    Get the Second Satellite Clue from the top of the electrified building on Toupee Terrace.
    Satellite Clue in Spy Island
    Take the last Satellite Clue from the agent that you will rescue on the Big Green House in Balding Avenue

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