The Key Ingredient will most likely be the 3rd of the three ingredients to make a Calming Potion that you will need to calm the Booga and to complete your mission in rescuing Professor Hammerhead and a young boy who have been trapped on an island in Booga Bay.
Getting the Key Ingredient
Underground the chamber on Ancient Ruins, on the last path that you will be entering you will find the secret ingredient that is placed at the tower. Once you got all three ingredients hand them to the Medicine Man to make the Sleeping Potion.

Hi Sandy
Hello psophia.
I feel awfully bored.
Hi Ke$ha. Today is the Summer Solstice!
I know!!!!
It does not feel like the first official day of “Summer” in MN.
I’m sick. =(
I stabbed myself. I missed.
Really, Kesh?
Well, I missed.
@ Jade:
Thank you!!!
Yesterday in Brantford, it was a bright sunny day until it came out of nowhere, pouring rain.
Yay!!! I’m random!!! Peanut butter butterflies wearing pink Afros!!!
Are you okay, Ke$ha? Why would you stab yourself?
It was an accident!! I missed. I was trying to cut the seal to open a lock with my knife and boom! I got stabbed. I started bleeding!!
*plays keyboard and hums song*
Does anybody watch Glee?
Anybody here, I mean.
Don’t you hate it when people discriminate kind, good-natured humans simply because of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and such?
I would like to point out that I’m actually very smart. Never gotten a C in my life. Only A’s and B’s.
Yes, I do watch Glee.
Really? Who is you’re favorite character? Mine is Kurt, mainly because I have a crush on him. It’s weird.
Oh, please. I’m sure that Ke$ha manages to get better grades than you.
Thank you, Sandy. I’m jealous of my friends who have their fathers at home. I rarely see my father.
That is sad, Ke$ha. Why do you never see him?
He’s “busy”. He’s probably cheating on my mother.
Again, how depressing. I see my dad every single night of the week.
I see my dad exactly twenty-one times a day.
Chord Overstreet has an enormous mouth. So big, in fact, there’s a song dedicated to it. Seriously. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xejcQ5043QA
So does anybody here think I’m a bitch?
No, Sandy. Why would I? You’re my friend. So are you, psophia.
I would never think that, Sandy. Thank you, Ke$ha. You are my friend too.
You, my dear friends, are absolutely amazing.
Sandy. You’re awesome. Jade, not to be rude, but do you HAVE to make a comment on everything we say? Know what? Don’t make a comment on this. (You will anyways…)
Jade June 24, 2011 at 5:37 pm
YES I WOULD. (can on would)
CAN YOU? (I admit. This is a free country…)
thats wat i thought.. (sorry!)
Of course I’m awesome. I’m me, after all.
Yes. You guys are all awesome.
My father lives quite a distance from me. I have never seen his house. I know little about him. I really don’t like talking about him. It may be rude to say this but I hate my father.
My father is currently singing. He’s making my ears bleed.
I feel bad for ya, Sands.
At least we’re getting along a bit, Jade.
R.I.P. Sue’s sister.
I miss MJ.
I’m an INTP.
The Thinker
You are analytical and logical – and on a quest to learn everything you can.
Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.
A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.
In love, you are an easy person to fall for. But you’re not an easy person to stay in love with.
Although you are quite flexible, you often come off as aloof or argumentative.
At work, you are both a logical and creative thinker. You are great at solving problems.
You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.
How you see yourself: Creative, fair, and tough-minded
When other people don’t get you, they see you as: arrogant, cold, and robotic
The Executive
You are a natural leader – with confidence and strength that inspires others.
Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.
Sometimes you aren’t the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.
You are not easily intimidated – and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.
In love, you hold high standards… for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other.
While it’s easy for you to impress others, it’s hard for you to find someone who impresses you.
At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.
How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective
When other people don’t get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing
My stupid Wii isn’t loading. Or getting my new remote to sync.
I’m a Deep Autumn.
I never thought of you as a Thinker.
It’s close to midnight and something evil’s lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re paralyzed
All MJ fans dreaded yesterday. The day of MJ’s death. The King Of Pop. This. Is. It.
I’m also an Deep Autumn
Ah, tomorrow is International Mimic People Day. Or I like to call, IMP day.
Baby, can’t you see
I’m calling
A guy like you
Should wear a warning
It’s dangerous
I’m fallin’
There’s no escape
I can’t wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You’re dangerous
I’m lovin’ it
Too high
Can’t come down
Losing my head
Spinning ‘round and ‘round
Do you feel me now
With a taste of your lips
I’m on a ride
You’re toxic I’m slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
It’s getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil’s cup
It’s taking over me
Too high
Can’t come down
It’s in the air
And it’s all around
Can you feel me now
With a taste of your lips
I’m on a ride
You’re toxic I’m slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
With a taste of your lips
I’m on a ride
You’re toxic I’m slipping under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re toxic
Intoxicate me now
With your lovin’ now
I think I’m ready now
I think I’m ready now
Intoxicate me now
With your lovin’ now
I think I’m ready now
Thanks for letting me know. I’m gonna be a total idiot today and go crazy. Random.
Jade has a point.
You keep posting these songs about love and stuff so who are you in love with?
There are no guys here so are you still being bi??
Kesha’s Blog/Status:
I’m actually getting along with Jade. 😀
Meanwhile, Sandy keeps posting these love songs and I’m wondering if she’s still being bi.
Nobody. I just like Britney Spears.
I can’t get a Facebook. Mother is so strict. If I did, I’d add you.
No, I won’t join Facebook.
Sandy’s Status:
Facebook+Glee+Fanfiction: EPICNESS!
Kesha’s Status:
I just got this stuck in my head.
ABCDEFG, Barney is my enemy. Stick a rifle up his nose. Sorry, kid. There he goes!
im bored. lol.
Guess who I am??
Kesha’s Status:
PoptropicaSecrets Party June 29th!!!
Kesha’s Status:
Who doesn’t love hobos? Mike on a bike is a famous hobo! LoL!
Kesha’s Status:
Maegen has commented on Kesha’s status.
Maegen: Omg thnx.
Kesha: K.
Kesha’s Status:
Haylee pleeaaasssee talk to me!
^That sentence was so grammatically incorrect.
You were my conscience
so solid now you’re like water
We started drowning
not like we’d sink any further
But I let my heart go
it’s somewhere down at the bottom
But I’ll get a new one.
come back for the hope that you’ve stolen
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we’d survive?
But now that you’re gone the world is ours
I’m only human
I’ve got a skeleton in me
But I’m not the villain
despite what you’re always preaching
Call me a traitor
I’m just collecting your victims
They’re getting stronger,
I hear them calling
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we’d survive?
But now that you’re gone the world is ours
Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tension
And not always knowing the answers when you’re gonna lose it, you’re gonna lose it.
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we’d survive?
But now that you’re gone the world is ours
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we’d survive?
But now that you’re gone the world is ours
I <3 Key Of Awesome it rocks.
Not like Jen it doesn't rock my socks.
The videos make me LOL
But not the kittens in hell.
Most men are retards. Yesterday, me and some friends of mine were going to talk but Zach, a guy who’s known to be quite disgusting, did something I really can’t descirbe. It was worse than anything I was doing on here.
What the hell? Those are so not cuss words.
Most of them are spelled wrong. Of course, those who swear every other sentence tend to have tiny brains, if any at all.
You just said them.
I didn’t mean actually say them. I meant use them as insults and such.
Some people just don’t understand politics. Hey Sands, want some tea? I’m makin’ some.
No tea for me. And I still can’t understand why I like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears.
I like The Key Of Awesome. Mark Douglas is just so damn funny especially in “Mark’s a little girl?!?!?!”
You love Glee, don’t you?
Yes. How did you figure it out?
I had another dream. A girl about this high with dark brown hair, light skin and good feautures was in my house. A small little house. I was in what I was wearing right now. I was about the same color. The girl and I were talking like we were friends.
What was she wearing?
I don’t know. *looks at Sandy* I think it could’ve represented me and you.
Well, she does sound like me.
I don’t know what you sound like. She had a nice, beautiful voice.
I have a husky voice with a slight Southern accent.
Nice. I have a light Jamacian Accent.
That wasn’t funny. At all.
turf [turf]
n (plural turfs or turves [turvz])
1. dense layer of grass: a dense thick even cover of grass and roots in the top layer of soil
2. artificial grass: artificial grass such as that used on surfaces for playing sport
3. piece of soil with grass: a piece of soil with grass growing in it
4. peat for fuel: peat when sold for fuel
5. area of expertise: an area in which somebody has authority or expertise (informal)
industry lobbyists protecting their own turf
6. territory: a territory or geographic area (informal)
7. gang territory: an area or territory that a gang claims as exclusively its own (informal)
8. horseracing: horseracing as a sport or industry
9. horseracing track: a track where horses are raced
vt (past and past participle turfed, present participle turf·ing, 3rd person present singular turfs)
1. cover something with turf: to cover an area with pieces of turf
2. kill: to kill somebody (slang)
[ Old English , < Indo-European]
-turf·y, , adj
None of the things you type are ever comical.
Yep, you have an IQ of -231.
School year’s done for me. This year was so rough. We had some laughs, some tears. It was sad to see the graduation. Everybody sang We Wish You Farewell.
What post is that on?
Turf means land.
“Get off my turf!” means “Get off my LAND!”. Technically, Tough Comet, this is not your land. It is of course the land of PoptropicaSecrets creators.
Kesha’s Status:
My B-Day! Random!
No, it isn’t Glee.
*looks around and lights a candle* Hello? *holds the candle and looks around*
That’s one of my lines.
Kesha’s Status:
I just got Just Dance 2!!
Kesha’s Status:
Paris. The city of life. And love.
Support you as in get along with you on that? Okay…
Morning. The last thing I want to hear today is Rebecca Black’s “Friday”.
(Yeah, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ark)
Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)
Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend
7:45, we’re drivin’ on the highway
Cruisin’ so fast, I want time to fly
Fun, fun, think about fun
You know what it is
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right, ay
I got this, you got this
Now you know it
Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after … wards
I don’t want this weekend to end
R-B, Rebecca Black
So chillin’ in the front seat (In the front seat)
In the back seat (In the back seat)
I’m drivin’, cruisin’ (Yeah, yeah)
Fast lanes, switchin’ lanes
Wit’ a car up on my side (Woo!)
(C’mon) Passin’ by is a school bus in front of me
Makes tick tock, tick tock, wanna scream
Check my time, it’s Friday, it’s a weekend
We gonna have fun, c’mon, c’mon, y’all
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to the weekend
Thank you, Sandra.
If you like iCarly:
*sips a Dr. Pepper*
Two days till Independence Day.
I enjoy flicking people.
Yes. Yes, yes I did.
You’re on my blog. Comment!!
1. Katy Perry
2. Gold. Anything metallic
Go on Blogger, make a blog and make your posts for people to add comments. Don’t forget to suscribe to my blog!!
I look like the Tim Burton version of Elphaba right now. 🙁
I’m Canadian. Some people are so boring so I think I’m gonna leave.
She’s of Jamaican descent. She lives in Canada.
Mostly Jamacian. The rest of me is Canadian. Want to know how? My mother is white, my dad: Black. Jamacians are mostly late. Random lol
So what do you think makes a better story: a tale about a girl’s sudden death, then said girl coming back to life, then preventing other people from dying or a story about a boy who becomes so fascinated with death, he commits suicide on a daily basis.
For some odd reason, I think I would make a better fashion designer than writer.
Randomness is often a sign of mental optimism. Of course, I made that up. On the other hand, please read this story: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6279417/1/The_Unusual_Reformation_of_Kurt_Hummel
Of course you don’t read. But you should really read it. It’s rather heartbreaking.
Or should I….
Hey Sands. Or Jade.
A heart. That’s what my friend needed. I had to go get a new notebook since mine was grabbed, read by mostly everyone (including my crush who actually isn’t my crush now) and I have to keep this one safe. Hopefully it won’t get in the hands of my ex-best friend, Justine, Abigail and Andrew. Well, Andrew isn’t my friend really. More like an enemy. Andrew would seriously ROTFL. I’d smack him and soon enough, we’d be in Detention. But want to know what? He’s been in my class for, like, ever. Like a birthmark that stays on you forever. I cannot wait until school starts again. I mean, I love Summer but School is awesome. I just want a day like today where I can relax. Oh! Gotta go! Bye!
My style, apparently:
[Tasteful Original Deliberate Prissy]
One is certain: you have great taste and plenty of ideas. You have clearly defined beliefs about what’s good and what’s bad in fashion but they are far from banal. Stylish and imaginative, you prefer to inspire admiration than to shock and you mostly succeed. Even if sometimes you’d like to have more courage to put on something absolutely outrageous you do great job in creating a unique look that others look up to. There is a possibility that you work in the fashion industry. If you don’t, perhaps you should.
The opposite style from yours is Bar Cruiser [Flamboyant Conventional Random Sexy].
I now have a Facebook.
Twitter seems to me like an bad copy of Facebook.
In Selena’s Video “Love You Like A Love Song” it seems like she’s turning into Kesha.
I love my life
I agree with Jade. Twitter is better.
I can’t wait till Struck by Lightning premieres.
MP3 Email Print
Send “Tonight, Tonight” Ringtone to your Cell
“Tonight, Tonight”
It’s been a really really messed up week
Seven days of torture, seven days of bitter
And my girlfriend went and cheated on me
She’s a California dime but it’s time for me to quit her
La la la, whatever, la la la, it doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la
We’re going at it tonight tonight
There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world
Tonight tonight and were dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign
I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it
Its all right, all right, tonight, tonight
I woke up with a strange tattoo
Not sure how I got it, not a dollar in my pocket
And it kinda looks just like you
Mixed with Zach Galifianakis
La la la, whatever, la la la, it doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la
We’re going at it tonight tonight
There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world
Tonight tonight and were dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign
I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it
Its all right, all right, tonight, tonight
You got me singing like
Woah, come on, ohh, it doesn’t matter, woah, everybody now, ohh
Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’
Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down
It’s my party dance if I want to
We can get crazy let it all out
Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’
Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down
It’s my party dance if I want to
We can get crazy let it all out
Its you and me and were runnin this town
And its me and you and were shakin the ground
And ain’t nobody gonna tell us to go cause this is our show
Woah, come on, ohh, all you animals
Woah, let me hear you now, ohh
Tonight tonight there’s a party on the rooftop top of the world
Tonight tonight and were dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign
I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it
Its all right, all right, tonight, tonight
Its all right, all right, tonight, tonight
Yeah its all right, all right, tonight, tonight
Just singing like
Woah, come on, ohh, all you party people
Woah, all you singletons, ohh, even the white kids
Just don’t stop lets keep the beat pumpin’
Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down
Its my party dance if I want to
We can get crazy let it all out
Just don’t stop lets keep the beat pumpin’
Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down
Its my party dance if I want to
We can get crazy let it all out
*yawns then, grabs some Dr. Pepper and sips nervously, like I might get attacked*
Now I will tell you what I’ve done for you –
50 thousand tears I’ve cried.
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you –
And you still won’t hear me.
(going under)
Don’t want your hand this time – I’ll save myself.
Maybe I’ll wake up for once (wake up for once)
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I’d reached the bottom
I’m dying again
I’m going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I’m falling forever (falling forever)
I’ve got to break through
I’m going under
Blurring and stirring – the truth and the lies.
(So I don’t know what’s real) So I don’t know what’s real and what’s not (and what’s not)
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can’t trust myself anymore
I’m dying again
I’m going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I’m falling forever (falling forever)
I’ve got to break through
So go on and scream
Scream at me I’m so far away (so far away)
I won’t be broken again (again)
I’ve got to breathe – I can’t keep going under
I’m dying again
I’m going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I’m falling forever (falling forever)
I’ve got to break through
I’m going under (going under)
I’m going under (drowning in you)
I’m going under
What is your favorite Lady Gaga outfit? Mine is the origami dress.
And what is that? Mark Douglas is awesome!
I like her “Kermit Dress”.
I like the white one better.
I remember that one. It was rather hilarious.
For some strange reason, all of my crushes are gay.
Are you still bi because…I am.
Need help with problems? Need someone? Are you lonely? Come see Kesha Hamilton!
I never meant that. I’m not. Not kidding. I wanted to see the reaction.
And you’re an idiot. People can’t choose their sexuality. If they did, do you think they would choose to get harassed everyday just because they fall in love with people of the same gender? Think about it.
After a few minutes, I have regained my tranquility and came to a realization: you, Jade, are a despicable animal with the intelligence of a lobster. Of course, you wouldn’t understand that sentence. Good day to you, my dear enemy.
1 day where you two wouldn’t fight…one day…
And that day will never come, unless Jade decides to accept homosexual people as human beings.
Observe America’s greatest fear: a gay man with swords.
You may know I am Kesha by now…
Sandy has the right to say that. You don’t choose if you’re a man and you fall in love with a man or if you’re a woman and you’ve fallen in love with a woman. Although, challenge yourself. Ask out a woman if you’re a guy or ask out a guy if you’re a woman. I do not support Sandy. I do not support Jade. I am out of this. I may say something once in a while but for now, I’ll stand here, making side comments. Or maybe playing Poptropica. I think most of us on PoptropicaSecrets spend most of our time on here then on Poptropica!
Now, which dress looks better: Jasz 4324 or Faviana 6714?
Good morning. I am currently on Poptropica!
Kesha also know as Little Seal’s Status:
Nothing is more pleasant then the relaxing, soothing sound of waterfalls. I am currently at Niagra Falls, in my hotel room.
Evanescence’s new album is going to rock.
Seeing Tim Curry wearing clothes that aren’t made for a woman is slightly odd.
🙄 Suuuuurrrrre.
Yeah, you can’t help if you fall in love with the same sex.
So, what’s new?
I’m currently writing a story about us, albeit with heavily altered personalities. Also, we are all recantations of Greek gods. My character is Hecate, Kesha’s is Hedone (goddess of pleasure, daughter of Psyche and Eros), psophia is Selene (or possibly Chloris), WS is Athena, and Jade is Eris. And I have another story about a girl name Alexia who wishes that her best friend would be brought back to life. . Her wish is granted, and for a while, she’s happy. But then she notices that Alice…is a bit…odd. Angst, black comedy, death related themes, and magic ensues.
I’m writing a story about Rosaline and Katherine. They never knew they were related. Rosaline and Katherine are the daughters of Poesidon. Violet is the Daughter Of Hades. Caite is the daughter of Zeus. I just though of that. Soon, my idea will become a reality.
Party Room Code: DMB93
Poptropica Music Videos.
Hello! Welcome to the Poptropica Music Videos! We need people to make some so, I’ll tell you how.
1. Go onto iTunes or YouTube and choose a song.
2. Dress your Poptropican as that character.
3. Try to make it the same gender. If it’s a song by a male, choose a male for this.
4. Now, give it a microphone or a guitar and act out your Music Video!
See you next time! Closing off, I’m Little Seal, Poptropica Music Extreme.
I hit the high note at the end of Le Jazz Hot. 🙂
I don’t know if it would be okay to say i’m in love with Sandy…
Why does every single story of mine end with everyone dying/waking up/insane?
*looks off into the sunlight and starts typing my newspaper article*
Goodbye, Kesha Hamilton. By: Little Seal.
My idenity has been hidden long enough. I am done with Kesha Hamilton. Kesha will be no more.
I am not Kesha. My name is Alisha, I’m 11 and I live in Canada.
I want to apoligize to everyone that has been friends with me and then, hated me for my acts.
I’m sorry to everyone who thought that I was slutty. That me and SP were. I shouldn’t of done that and I shouldn’t have written my blog. I shouldn’t of even been born. Once you read this, type it to everyone you know. Post on every post. I have people I hate and I people I don’t. I hate myself. Please accept my apology. I wish things were what they used to be a few months or years ago. We all got along. Just me, Sandy and White Sword. Before that happened, I was best friends with Strange Moon. I made a costume called Hawaii Fever. Now I’m wondering where that Kesha went. Where she is. Where I can find her. I just want things to go back to the way it was. If it does, please accept my apology. My newspaper is done. My shows are done. My life as Kesha is done. I will be Little Seal forever. Goodbye, Kesha Hamilton.
Chris Colfer sounds adorable as a chipmunk. <3
Okay Sandy…
Why are you posting (TOTALLY!) random stuff?
I enjoy being random, as it confuses people, thus lowering the chance of them figuring out my brilliantly evil plan.
And besides, he does sound adorable.
I am currently enjoying a steaming hot chocolate. Yes, I am odd.
Being random is one of my main focuses. But not on here.
Welcome to the post with only me and Sandy! (Not kidding)
We have no idea, but welcome!
Now, if I can get Chris to work with Brolden…
RIP Amy Winehouse. 🙁
Hey guys!! I am back!
I can only come on in the night now..
My new favorite Britney song is Me Against the Music.
Laney Boggs decided to give Harry Potter a makeover. He now resembles Sweeney Todd. My dreams are odd, to say the least.
I have spent the last ten minutes singing Wicked and Rent songs.
Now I’m singing Madonna.
Honestly, Baby, it’s Cold Outside sounds better with two guys singing.
Kristin Chenoweth should win the Emmy.
(PS: Back from Vacay!!!!)
Where is SP? He should be here.
RIP Michael Jackson.