The Golden Apple is said to be a fruit of immortality, but in Mythology Island, if you get the golden apple, it will summon Zeus and he will give you an epic quest to recover five sacred items.
How to get the Golden Apple
Go left to the Tree of Immortality. Talk to the old lady, and she will tell you about the tree of immortality. Jump all the way to the top of the tree you can use mushrooms to make to jump higher and the snakes as your ladder. Jump carefully till you meet a half man half goat and he will tell you to get 10 jars of honey for him. Get the jars of honey before as fast as you can, you only got 60seconds to get all 10 jars of honey. If you don’t make it the first time you can always try again. Once you have completed the challenge, talk to the guy again and he will show you a secret passage way to get the golden apple. Hop to the top until you find the golden apple.

it is the best
i cant get it i pass it and pass it but it wont come down
How do I get the apple down? It showed the path, but I try pressing the apple and it won’t come down.
How do I get the apple down? It showed the path, but I try pressing the apple and it won’t come down.
The apple will not FALL!!!
For all the people asking, I was wondering too, I watched a tutorial and it worked. To get the Apple actually off the tree, try pressing the branch, where it loops around on the end. If you click it in the right spot the apple will fall.
Holly was right in dec 2020. You have to actually click or tap the apple for it to fall. You can’t just jump through it.