There are six pieces of Torn Picturesscattered across the Counterfeit island that you need to find in order to assemble a picture of a gargoyle. You use the completed picture to figure out how to position the pieces that appear on a lock that gets you after-hours access to the museum.
How to Get the Torn Pictures
Here’s where all of the six torn picture pieces are located (with screenshots!) The pieces are scattered all over Counterfeit Island and some can be pretty difficult to find on your own.
Torn Picture Piece Locations
- City Docks: look up on top of the mast on the fishing boat
- City Docks: lying in the sand by the Underground exit
- Museum: outside on the roof dome
- Museum: in the supply room
- Underground: in the domed archway (you need to climb the wire)
- Moldy Baguette Inn: outside near the roof at the top right side