The Big Nate Comic is a series of tasks, wherein you need to complete all the lost comics of Big Nate and discover a secret. There are eight pieces of comic all around the island.
How to get all the Big Nate Comic pieces
Go inside the Comic Book store (called Klassic Komix) and talk with the guy to the right in the tan shirt and blue jeans. He’ll tell you he needs help finding all the missing pieces of a comic.
- Go outside and walk to the left. Go into the Pop-In Shoppe. You’ll find one of the comic strip pieces on the couch on the top floor of the shop.
- Head outside and run to the right until you get to the photo store. Go inside and you’ll find another comic piece on top of one of the lights to the right.
- Head back outside and go a few steps to the right. Climb up the telephone pole to the top and you’ll find another piece of the comic.
- Go to the right until you arrive at the school. It looks pretty broken down and there’s a lot of unfinished construction going on. Go inside the school and walk up the stairs to the right. You’ll find another piece of the comic on one of the broken loudspeakers in the wall.
- Now go into the Science Lab and walk to the far left of the room. You’ll see a model of the solar system suspended from the ceiling. There’s another piece of the comic up there. Grab it and leave the Science Lab.
- Go outside the school and then jump up the windowsills. You’ll see some scaffolding to the right and one of the comic pieces is sitting on top of a bile of bricks. Grab it and jump back down.
- Next, head right to the playground. Jump all the way up to the top of the playground structure and you’ll find a comic piece on the left side. It’s floating around a little bit in the air above the two green and yellow flags. Jump up and grab it. Then jump down off the playground structure.
- Go right and you’ll arrive in Puffin Point. There’s a lighthouse here. Jump all the way to the top of it and you’ll see another comic piece on the top of the pointed roof.
Now you have all the comic pieces. Click on the comic book item in your backpack and then re-arrange the pieces so that they all fit in the right order. You’ll see some writing on the edges, and that writing should end up in the middle. Once you’re done, you’ll see that the writing gives out a locker combination, which is: NINE THREE ZERO FIVE (9305).