The Creators have been updating the official Poptropica blog with a few new items about the upcoming Poptropica Friends feature. They mentioned that you’ll be able to see which medallions your friends have earned and even how many times you have beaten them. Remember, you can beat an island more than once by using Island Restart from your Map.
Right now you can see your own island medallion collection when you click on the green Poptropica coin at the top of the screen and then click on the Stats tab. Here’s mine:
Another feature of Poptropica Friends will be the Recent Activity feed that will appear on the login screen. There, you’ll see your friends and their latest accomplishments, such as completing islands, collecting game photos and more. This is the screenshot the Creators posted on the official blog:

From all the postings, it sounds like we might be seeing Poptropica Friends features very soon!
Cool! I have an imposter?
Hey fierce moon, I’m not trying 2 kinda like say well I want 2 do something too!!!! But rather I’ve been thinking of this for awhile, I even thought of making my own website out of it. Here’s my idea, so a lot of people are sad/jealous of not becoming a poptropican “superstar” because I notice that on the reactions, a lot of people aren’t interested because they probably aren’t happy that they didn’t get 2 be one or the probably won’t ever get that chance. So here’s my idea…your website is pretty popular I notice, so if you create a contest or poll every month/week about a poptropicans character (from our fellow commenters) and have their picture, and ask them a few questions about how long they have been in poptropica and their style and personality of the character they have made. And that will probably bring in more people to this website.
I beat all the islands too!!!!…..YAY LOL
Just finished the 1st book of the hunger games!!!! 😀
hey fierce moon can i be a executive fashon reporter please
Hey, Roosta, I think that’s a great idea, and I’m glad you beat all the islands, too! 🙂 I think Fierce Moon’s imposter is gone, and her comment was deleted, so no one needs to worry about that anymore.
Oh, I thought you read the books, Roosta, that’s what made me start reading them in the first place! 🙂
hey brave star
Wow, that went off the page! 😀
Hey, katniss!
6th to comment! Hi guys!
Poptropica Friends….cool!
Fierce Moon, your avatar is SOOOO pretty! I LOVE the glittery Pop Star costume!
Roosta, thats a cool idea!
Brave Star, youre commenting FROM SCHOOL??? 😀
eva are there
wait sorry–8th
hi Everdeen
Oh, yeah, Red Wing, I have some classes where I was allowed some free time on their computers.
Hey everyone, look what someone posted on this site:
before monster carnival came out, a secret website with the ordinary poptropica screen came up and said: “Login OR Sign Up To See A Sneek Peek Of Monster Carnival’s Multi-Player Room!!!!”
i only know this stuff cuz i was playing back then and the website used to be:
but it’s gone now but probably someone put advertising site or something on it now.
Also, Fierce Moon, you have joined the ranks of Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, the person who owns Poptropica, and (possibly) Laura Kinney (I’m not sure). They all have imposters on this site.
Is anyone else here?
Hi, katniss!
Brave Star
BTW, anyone who has the chance to read the 3:15 stories by Patrick Carmen, DON’T READ IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE SCARED ALOT. I read it all, and the thing is, you like it, but it scares you alot. I’m just saying this because (like an idiot) I’m listening to all the intros. I’m not sure why.
OOPS! I made a HUGE mistake. I mistook Nima for Feirce Moon! Don’t get mad at Feirce Moon, it’s my fault that I made you think she called me stupid. Nima, however, I’m not sure about.
I don’t think I’ll be on the blog to much anymore I’m going to put more focus on my, singing career, I have additions Friday, who knows maybe one day y’all will even see me on TV?
hi King roosta
and i hope you make it to the top King roosta
yeah king hope you do and hey hey to everyone
Yeah, me too, Roosta! 🙂 Good luck!
LOL THANKS!!!!….but….LOL you fell for it 😀 I can’t hit a tune if it were in a bucket LOL!!!! GOTCHA!!!!
Te he he he he
But thanks for believing in me LOL 🙂
You’re welcome!
I have no comment
OFFTOPIC April 25, 2012 at 6:57 pm
Bendy Dragon April 25, 2012 at 7:02 pm
I have no comment
hi King Roosta
hi Brave Star
Hi again.
Yay yay
hey shut up
*nukes godzilla’s home, kills his wife and shoots him in te back and mugs him*
oh, and feirce moon, plz publish new costume ideas
Hey I found a glitch I was drinking some blond drink and my bird follower like flew in.
That happens when you move faster than your follower.
Hi i’m billy coon and yes i’m a girl.i’m here to get the word out about’s a wrong thing to do.if u think i’m right say something! FIERCE MOON make an article about bullying sence alot of kids love u they might help by stoping!
Hey guys there is poptropica friends if you want to be my friend on it tell me your username and ill type and thats it.
How old are you Fierce Moon?
Hey guys!! I want alot of friends,so ONLY give me your username.No password.Mines nhu1111.
Billy Coon, please post that on the Poptropolis Games Cheats page.
I am back! Here are all my photos.
1. Going hog wild on Early Poptropica…… Early Poptropica
2.I could shoot the shell off a snail at 50 paces…… Wild West
3. Finding what’s behind the shield….. Wild West
4. Time for some horseplay….. Wild West
Sorry, too much Wild West? Because there’s no more Wild West photos! Yeehaw!
5. The tree house started to spin….. Red Dragon
6. You never forget your first ship….. Skullduggery
That’s it! 6 photos all I got! If you wanna add me to Poptropica Friends, my username is willfy66
Oh, and Hyper Bee, I added you to my Friends!
Billy Coon is right! Even Walker is a bully! You know, April Fool’s mad guy and almost made an army of vampires! Now he changed his army into, well, trolls from Twisted Thicket!
And there’s a secret between me and Walker… [ creepy music starts playing(well, the music that is on the organ, it’s really famous, you should check it out!)] Hey, um, well gotta check on “Slippery Walker”.
Willfy, the gig is over. Willfy and I aren’t actually “two people”. The thing is we are the same people! Willfy is the good side, but I am his evil side, mixed together to make a
emotional player with both a good helping Poptropican side and an evil monster-army making side. The real me, well you will find me on these islands. Twisted Thicket, Ghost Story, Vampire’s Curse, Wild West, Cryptids, Skullduggery, Mythology, Steamworks, Spy, 24 Carrot, Super Power and Astro Knights. I also will be spotted on Poptropolis Games, once it opens for all. Members can meet me earlier than THAT, of course!
Then why not relax and find your fellow army in your dreams… Dreams…
So sleepy… ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ………………..
Saying “dreams” always runs him out. Remember that because you might see him…
What do you guys think that the next island is after poptropilos? (didn’t spell that right)
Some kind of Space Island. Sometime this year is MONSTER CARNIVAL!!!!!!
Hey Slippery Walker I could help you on mytholgy Island if you want . Oh if somebody wants to e my friend my name is philnathan. 😀
nice wbsite
i am pretty sure its going to be a space island because the mars rover, the infinity but not beyond joke, the astronots (no clue how to spell astronots but you get my meaning.) i also have an idea for the name its either space island or pace island. (pace island because the sneak peaks have been featuring the word pace.)
is it spelled astronauts?
i am warning all the people that want help on an island and are posting their user name and/or password: after that person has finished helping you change your password. who knows who might try to get in your account. i am also warning the people who want to mess up another persons account: do not even TRY it you will be punished, i know because a year ago a friend gave me her user name and password and i helped her then went on again a few days later got caught because she was playing at the same time and i got my account taken away from me and i was sad until i got my new account to the same level as the old one.
fierce moon did you do anything about your imposter? i am very worried about what might happen if people keep beliving she is you. she could influence people to do anything!
just kidding that was me i know well enough not to do it again. oh and your imposter i SWEAR to GOD thats not me. and i ment what i said about being concerned.
what my other commennt didnt come up
any way i had my name as feirce moon and i said “got that right”
what about the air conditioner
I think the next island will be a spacey one…..
Maybe those sneak peaks on the daily pop aren’t for some freaky space island……. Maybe they’er for LS pt 2, ya think?
Um amphrite is the name of a greek goddess.
is there a limit of friends like 1,000 or 9,000 if there is i have 574 friends almost 600 so if you know the limit plese tell me
bendy penguin your stupid
fierce moon how old are you and are you a girl or a boy
Obviously she’s a girl!
Hi!I’m Smart Gamer.I’m come from China.