Late last week, the Poptropica Store was updated with a bunch of new items. There are two new costumes in the store for everyone: Poptropica Babies. There is a boy baby and a girl baby outfit, each complete with diaper, bonnet, t-shirt, pacifier and rattle. When you press space bar while wearing the outfit, you’ll shake the rattle.
Poptropica Members also have access to three new sneak peek items for the Poptropolis Games island. They are the Wrestling Gear outfit, the Plant-A-Statue power, and the Discus. The Wrestling Gear will only be available for a limited time. Once Poptropolis Games leaves early access, it’s gone.
Of course, we still don’t even know when Poptropolis Games will be launched, so there’s no need to hurry!

first comment 🙂
(i always wanted to say that!)
anyways this ilsand looks interesting i hope it will be fun and challenging… but its annoying how they only have new outfits for members (except for the baby outfit… but still)
hello! i havent been here in a long time (like a couple of months) so you probably havent seen me before.
yay fifth comment!!
ive never commented this early before
5th place .
6th place
Oh, I know where Bendy Dragon and Aang went: to the other blog! 😮 😯 😮 😯
How could they? *sniffle* 😥
what other blog oh that one so I go there too.
I mean who cares you stop people from doing what they want!
oh and by the way I look ridiculous in the baby oufit obviously by the the image.
7th person to comment 😀 lol: :O
Hello OFFTOPIC, FC, katniss, and BS!
Ms.Tiny Panda, i assume you are from the forum, yes?
–The costumes are ridiculous. The members-only items are members-only (obviously) and the baby costume look RIDICULOUS! THEY SUCK!!!!!
Well, we can cross our fingers and hope maybe for a wizzrd (HP?) and maybe a sushi costume 🙂 Everdeen should be happy, she got her waffles :D–
Once again, please click my name to visit my blog! Thanks!
7th person to comment 😀 lol: :O
Hello OFFTOPIC, FC, katniss, and BS!
Ms.Tiny Panda, i assume you are from the forum, yes?
–The costumes are ridiculous. The members-only items are members-only (obviously) and the baby costume look RIDICULOUS! THEY SUCK!!!!!
Well, we can cross our fingers and hope maybe for a wizzrd (HP?) and maybe a sushi costume 🙂 Everdeen should be happy, she got her waffles :D–
Once again, please click my name to visit my blog! Thanks!
7th person to comment 😀 lol: :O
Hello OFFTOPIC, FC, katniss, and BS!
Ms.Tiny Panda, i assume you are from the forum, yes?
–The costumes are ridiculous. The members-only items are members-only (obviously) and the baby costume look RIDICULOUS! THEY SUCK!!!!!
Well, we can cross our fingers and hope maybe for a wizzrd (HP?) and maybe a sushi costume 🙂 Everdeen should be happy, she got her waffles :D–
Once again, please click my name to visit my blog! Thanks!
This is embarressing, that came out THREE TIMES!
Wow, that was alot!
Yeah, I think the baby costume was just for Monster Carnival to change his costume more. I think when his chicken suit is gone, MONSTER CARNIVAl will be here!
Hey, at least people will click your name, Red Wing!
Replaying Cryptids Island… I think forgery is really easy on Poptropica, because when you write it down, everyone’s handwriting is proved to be the same! Also, how would you carry a door?
Please i need more viewerres can y6ou tell your friends that like poptropica to visit my blog
hi im back
the poptropica creators didnt send me a email yet maybe there fixing it
hey ayman
hi kantiss!!!
the missing photo is from contrifiet it says 3 out of 4 so the missing photo is in that island
Sorry if I was on other blogs I don’t comment there often though
i found the missing photo you have to compled the art thing where you have to put them in the right spot
i got all of the poptropica photos im so happy
username ayman351 poptropician name young hippo
hi ayman!!Can u add me as ur friend.My username is torulalu.Nice 2 meet u!!
where do you live? I live in India and I’m 11 yrs. old.
Hello…Anybody listening?
I am listening. I am Wild Scorpion, and my username to add me is be4guh.
i definitely agree with all of you. lately the costumes on poptropica have been very un-creative and pretty ridiculous. i mean seriously – a pie? waffle? though i did like the leprechaun costume – the dancing thing was soo cute! and its also annoying how costumes/items are for members only, plus they also have members only quests… i mean i get it that they want money, but poptropica used to be totally free! i remember back then… *sigh*
even though i am a member i do not like that non-members can’t even do a demo now and the leprechaun ooutfit was awesome cuz i am irish 75% irish to be exact and i am a girl and home sick and have a blog
hey brave star
I am gonna go on Flying Squid!
When it’s available for non-members. -,-
Anyways. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
there is gonna be a fire one?and imma be in it too because griffindor is red and fire is redish
i got all the photos on poptropica 105 out of 105 come see me username ayman351 poptropician name young hippo
does any want a walk through to get all the photos
I’m with black flags
Hey, I got the last photo in Cryptids island, and it looked really funny! See, I had the knife from the Midnight Red Ninja, and when we’re shaking hands, it looks like I’m pointing my knife at him! The fact that you can’t see my expression, and the caption “It was never about the money” makes it all the funnier! 😆
Hey ayman I redid all the islands but I’m still missing that photo from Counterfeit Island. To get it do I need to restart the island again?
I chose team nightcrawler
Ur all members except me
Oh, and, katniss, I don’t think I got your e-mail to add you to my blog.
Actually, never mind.
Is anyone here?
Yup. Im here.
Hey katniss, here’s some advice. I think i know why you aren’t getting a lot of viewers. Look at one of these posts you made that i quoted.
“The baby costume well stinks and the affects crying and the rattling well it is just dumb i rated it 1 out of 10 and the crying you can do anywhere and the rattling it is weird so do not waist your money on this so if you like this costume you can but this is my opinion so this is it.'”
I get what you’re saying, but there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors. People tend to take you more seriously if you write properly.
Just sayin XD
So…..Brave Star, anything new?
Oh p.s. im an extreme poptropican on the forum! YAY
Well, I think I know something about OFFTOPIC… OFFTOPIC, you’re really Night Longer, right? Because I went back and looked at your comments, and they didn’t change from the basic picture, and Night Longer’s comments have the same picture!
Oh, and congrats!
First of all what blog you need to be more specific on what you trying to tell me.
Um, this blog?
If I’m correct yes you are right that is me Night Longer, But that doesn’t mean he’s not accurately real. Night Longer is my old name I use to Use before you new people were here. But since my brother join in His name was also address as Night Longer and it started to get people mixed up on which was who, So I decided to change my current name (Night Longer) into Offtopic now you know. ECT. I figure that you meant the Help blog is that correct?
oh this blog…..
the pic. eh WE both like the pic.
Yeah, that’s what I thought. 🙂
Yeah, I like the pic, too.
you mean the crow right??? the guy with the white face yeah hey what can I say we are relatives referring to my Bro. (His not my bro anymore) don’t ask why anyway I’m tension on the forum. Just to let you know.
okay back on topic
i almost have 200 viewers i was OVERREACTING like that
does anyone remember me Thalia? should i say my username? I have a katniss costume. but i dont want anyone to copy it.
no more spelling mistakes from me
and a peeta costume on poptropica
i have my own katniss costume too here is my user iceyrock25 i spelled it wrong when iwas younger so here you go and sorry for the spelling mistakes and go look at my blog
Ok i will add but i dont really like random people as my friend…… But i will add you katniss!!!!
by that i mean people adding me and they just leave!
There was this one girl who copied my katniss outfit i wore in the pop place on early poptropica…. made me mad….
katniss!!!! your outfit is awesome! i would show you mine but if they add me they would just copy it making me madder!
P.S I DO NOT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE COPY ANYTHING FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is with the caps lock a am not random i just wanted you to see my katniss costume and ayman look at my blog
ayman i mean
i dont see anything in big but sad news
…….. did you even see i wrote your outfit is awesome and that i meant people in the common room adding me then leaving me.
does anyone remember me? though?
yeah you do
you got me there kantiss!!! nice late april fools joke
i got a very rare mask come see it my poptropica name is young hippo
multiverse if you want to see my mask afd43
Oh, yeah, nice late April Fools!
no wants to go to multiverse with me
BTW, I know how to get that mask. I’m in the muktiverse now!
Next team: The Nanobots!
i have the mask too and i swear i did not copy it from you
i swear to god
its okay i dont mind if you copy off me
do you guys have an oovoo
whats a oovoo
im all by myself no one wants to talk to me
Hey, everyone! I just completed Whimpy! I’ve now completed EVERY ISLAND!!!! YAY!!! *happy dance*
Congrats Poly!
Oh OFFTOPIC, so you’re Night Longer (yes/no question)
Kogoy says “hi”
red wing who was the omg youre awesome to
hi everyone so redwing did you answer my question red wing who was the omg youre awesome to
Hi evrybody!!wats up?
Is anybody having a clue when is poptropolis games coming on poptropica?
Can non-members play it?
Well, it looks like the fire tribe was cancelled… 🙁
The next tribe is the Yellow Jackets!
Anybody there…
Uh, did you not just see me comment?
oh! im sorry…..
It’s okay.
Heyy!Can i ask u something. About which tribes are everyone talking about???
The tribes for Poptropolis Games. Look at the Creator’s Blog.
O.K…Thanks 🙂
You’re welcome!
uh…Another question.Which tribe are u joining? Have u decided?
And if u want to freind me my username is torulalu. Glad to meet u!!
I’m hoping there will be a fire tribe, since I saw one in the sneak peeks. My brother will be in the Yellow Jackets.
Maybe i’ll join the Nightcrawlers or Black Flags…I hope.
i really hope ther is a fire one too
I’mm gonna be in Flying Squid! 🙂
There’s no ‘Fire’ tribe.
Are you talking about Nanobots?
I’m going to join the Seraphim, unless there’s another tribe comming out that I like better.
OR Seraphim OR Flying Squid Or Nightcrawlers.
You guys might think I’m crazy but I’m brave enough to do this.
I did five comments continuously! No actually six!
Yellow Jackets are not nice in my opinion.
Eighth time!
Hey OFFTOPIC remember me? Yeah it was a joke sorry for fighting. Please forgive me.
I remember u Thalia
fast fire there is probably a fire tribe because there is more tribes to come
poptropilous games is coming next week at 3oopm
est time
(eastern stander time)
6 days 23 10 min 20 sec
hl kantiss!!!
Hello testing it’s king roosta
Btw, what does the discus do? It looks like a sundial thingy
it is like a frissbee or however you spell it
Hey ayman the only photo I’m missing now the Reality TV island Winner photo, but I beat the island and didn’t get anything, how do I get it?
I am going for team nightcrawlers
Why doesnt anyone respond to me?
no one used to respond to me either
Redwing uh nevermined, fast fire I don’t remeber fighting with you before forgive if I’m wrong I’m not good with memories.
oh I get why everyone thinking I’m Night Longer, sorry guys I’m using his email that’s why we have the same picture ha.
im soo sick i feel like my head is gonna fall off
i don’t wanna go to soccer pratice
It’s only way I can comment here.
New tribe, Pathfinders
its definetly like the hunger games exept your not killing each other i would love to kill each other though that would be freaky but i like freaky
drake redo the island and win the reality show
Oh, okay, OFFTOPIC!
Well, it looks like the fire tribe on the sneak peeks isn’t going to be here… 🙁
it can come there is 2 more tribes to come
monstercarnival,blackwidow and shark boys names are firstname last name
Really? Still two more?! Fire tribe, I NEED you!
I think thats for friends
He ayman………………? That “omg you’re awesome” was for YOU. Yes, because you finished finding all of the photos. You’re welcome. i think i’ll write about you on my blog.
Hey Night, i never see you on the forum…………. 🙁
Please click my name!
thanks red wing good night to you all my friends
Heyy! That’s not at all fair!! No early access to Poptropolis Island for non-members!! sooooooo saddddd 🙁
Hey ayman when is exactly is the part when u get the Winner photo?
winner photo… Of which island?
Hey brave star, your wish came true tribe:wildfire
I mean new tribe: wildfire
New and final tribe; Wildfire
i am joining wildfire i knew ther was going to be a fire tribe
Hey OFFTOPIC try remembering me!
I am the guy who was thinking that the No More Poptropica thing was real.
I went back to the post and saw people commenting on me. I wanted to tell them that I had realized that it was a joke but too late. :'( :'(:'(
I am here. 🙁
Hey, Cheerful Singer!
Mine is probably Black Flags or Pathfinders
FastFire I do know you And It was my brother who you were arguing with not me so apologize him instead cause I never remember having fights with you or whatever happen back there.
FastFire I do know not you And It was my brother who you were arguing with not me so apologize him instead cause I never remember having fights with you or whatever happen back there. (READ THIS ONE)
wild fire.
heres funnie costume idea ferce mon. buy steam robot and hamburger suit. wer the hamburger suit and the robo head ull laugh
Hey!Happy ghost AKA Blitzwing it seems so theres a lot of spelling mistakes/errors in ur comment…But never mind u can correct it. 🙂
I gonna pick nanobots
Hey guys! Watz up?! Y’all probably donno me and think I’m crazy for trying to get anybody to respond this late in2 the night. Hey Katniss!!! Love it! (the book series). ’bout u?
Hey um guys that last one about katniss!!!!and the book series was foam my sister
Dry drip draw drag dre Dr dram drab drew dray drat.
I pick Nightcrawlers!
Correcton celtics @ sixers
Thanks for the information! btw, i nned MORE PHOTOS!!!!! i only have 10 or 20, so help me please, HELP ME!!!!!!!
14th june is when wrestling gear goes away
Hi. My name is Carla Reimel. I’d love to talk to someone.
Well,HI Carla
well,im going for the blackflags
My tribe is the Nanobots. Does anyone else think they’re cool? 🙁
I have the wrestling gear, BTW. It’s awesome! 😀