It’s time for the Fortnite Season 8, Week 7 challenges. As usual, there are three free challenges and four Battle Pass challenges to complete in order to earn Battle Stars and XP.
If you complete any four different challenges, you’ll earn a 7,000 XP reward.
Free Challenges
Deal damage with a pickaxe to opponents
This classic and chaotic challenge returns for Season 8, Week 7. Drop in and start hacking away at your opponents with your pickaxe to complete this challenge. You only need to do 100 total damage and this challenge is easiest to complete in the Team Rumble LTM mode or simply by dropping into Tilted Towers and going at it on the rooftops as other players land. When you complete this challenge, you’ll get 5 Battle Stars as a reward.
Visit different areas in a single match
This is a three-stage challenge to visit different combinations of areas across the map.
Stage 1: Visit Junk Junction and The Block in a single match.
Stage 2: Visit Pleasant Park and Dusty Divot in a single match.
Stage 3: Visit Happy Hamlet and Snobby Shores in a single match.
Visit Pirate Camps in a single match
There are seven different Pirate Camps on the Fortnite Map in Season 8, and in this challenge, you need to visit three of them in a single match. When you do, you’ll receive a reward of 10 Battle Stars.

Battle Pass Challenges
Deal damage to players from above
Grab your balloons or a sniper rifle and settle in for death from above. Deal 500 points of damage to players who are below you. I found this easiest to complete from a treetop armed with a sniper rifle, but you can get very creative with this one. You’ll earn 5 Battle Stars once you complete this challenge.
Search Chests at Loot Lake or Snobby Shores
Drop into either of these two areas and hunt around for some treasure chests. Open seven chests to complete the challenge and collect the reward of 5 Battle Stars.
Zipline Damage Challenges
Both of these challenges involve riding the various Ziplines found throughout the map. Each stage is worth 5 Battle Stars upon completion.
Stage 1: Deal damage to opposing players while riding a Zipline.
This is harder than it sounds. Fortunately, you only need to deal a single point of damage to complete the challenge, but arm yourself with an explosive weapon or one that has splash damage for the best chances of success.
Stage 2: Deal damage to opposing players who are riding a Zipline.
The tables are turned.
Eliminate opponents in different Named Locations
Get ready to travel the Fortnite Map. Eliminate opponents in five different named locations to complete this challenge.