Poptropica Counterfeit Island has now been released in Early Access. For the price of 500 credits, you can do the island mission now. I’ll have a full Counterfeit Island Walkthrough really soon. In the meantime, get your credits together and head over to Counterfeit Island. Woo-hoo!
Counterfeit Island is an upcoming island on Poptropica that was first mentioned in the Poptropica Creator’s Blog on November 9, 2009. Very little is known about the island right now except for a few hints that the creators have put in their blog since that date. The posts have included some screenshots of Counterfeit Island, including pictures of Comic Kid exploring the island and reporting on what he has found. There have also been some screenshots of citizens of the island wearing certain costumes, and even a picture of a player riding a scooter–something we can expect to be able to do on the island once it is released.
Counterfeit Island Video
The Poptropica Creators posted a video of Counterfeit Island on Youtube and it shows some of the cool things that will happen on the island:
Some more hints about what Counterfeit Island will be all about can be learned from the promotion on the home page, which shows some of the story behind the island. You’ll need to investigate and stop an attempt by thieves to steal some of the world’s most famous works of art which are on display in a museum on the island!
There is no mention of the release date, but all the activity on the official blog indicates that Counterfeit Island will almost certainly be the next island released in Poptropica, making it the tenth island. Previously, most people thought that the much-delayed Reality TV Island would be next after Astro-Knights Island, but now it appears that Counterfeit Island is up next.

when is it coming and what day
i’m so exicted where is it going to be
where is it going to be and when is it going to be. just asking.
P.S where is the santa buddies cuase i can not find it please i need help.
When is it going to come out????????i want it NOW!!!!!!!
Why cant it come out on Cristmas like aCristmas suprise?
Will the new island have a chat and battle place in it?
do you have a picture of the poptropica homepage with the haunted house thing on it?
i know when it will be released. 1/16/10. its not a guess, i found out.
i want to play on the island
when is the next island coming out because my friends want me to ask them when.
wow seth thats just 34 more days cant wait
when is reality tv island coming??!
The new island will be released on January 16,2010. You will get 125 credits for completing this island. There will be more costumes coming out in a week or so,so please keep playing. We hope you enjoy this game.
Is it going to be a island or a little thing in the corner like Haunted House? I can’t wait untill it comes out because I so close to finishing Astro Knights!!! Is Really TV Island coming out after Counterfeit Island?
omg i love poptropica i cant wait! i <3 poptropica
I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear _________,
I am VERY sorry for saying mean things about your website you are awesome but I didn’t see the stuff that I see now so PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!
its coming out in january 16th thats the date 2010
it come 1/4/2010
Counterfeit Island will now be coming out on 1/4/10.We do hope you enjoy playing Poptropica.The new costume’s will be here 12/25/09.Emjoy your game!
The new island will now be released January 4th 2010.New costumes are on December 25 2009.Enjoy your game untill then.
Im playing counterfeit island!!!!!!!!! I know you can get a ticket to go there!!!!!!!!!! I have the ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i won 200 credits!!! I beat counterfeit!!!!!!!!!!!
haha I already finished counterfiet island!!!!!!!1
I could tell you all how to pass it but it will take me a lot of time to finish telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P
One clue for counterfiet island, you find the tickets for the underground tunnel!!!!!!!!!
The tickets are in an uncovered trashcan
You click on it and you will see inside
You move all the papers to a side and on the bott m you will see the tickets you click on them
You still cant use them
Go to the cafe
You will see a person standing next to the t.v
Click on the person and he will tell you he is missing his tickets
Give them to him and he will let you keep one
So now you can use it!
LET IT OPEN EARLY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IWANT 2 PLAY IT
Can anyone who finished it put up a walkthrough?!?!?!?!?!PLEASE?!?!?!?!!?
Ya umm it doesn’t say how to save the balloon boy
i finished it its asmone
ummm, i want to know how to save the ballon boy…im still trying to finish it!!
come on open early counterfeit island i just finished beating all the levels including the haunted house
i bought it already with my credits
I Know How !!!! I finished the island!!!!I am not going to tell how to do it because I want it to be a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love Counterfeit Island! I’m a girl named Loud Fire and I look like the Tourist for the tunnel except I have a long braid that dangles on my back. If you want to go to where I played daily for winter vacation go to www. Poptropica. com. Peace out! 🙂
counterfits really hard i cant find the tikets if found them pls tell on the website i said
this on thanks peace out
What do you do when you are in the statue room at night and the camera’s are on??If you know could you please tell me?!?!?!?!?!Thanks, mystery girl
P.S. Desiree,the tickets are in the trash can that is next to the one where if you click on it it says there is a gross smell coming from there and won’t let you click on it…..then click the one that is next to it and then move all the trash to the side and the tickets are at the very bottom.Good Luck!
How do you get past the guards??????
i have finished it
How do you save ballon boy?
visit this to see the walk throughs.
P.S POPTROPICA RULES IT ROCKS AND HI!.!.!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺☻
how do u get the piece of paper in the top left corner on the torn picture
🙂 Please have fun playing poptropica with the new Counterfeit Island. Sorry I was to excited earlier. Anyways, enjoy! 🙂
I cant beat black widow help!!!!!!!!!
please tell me how to pass counterfeit island
hey mystery girl, tellme how to pass counterfeit island
Counterfeit island will have a chat and battle. I am stuck on the switch around paintings.:(
i need help
hey i dont know wat 2 do
I need help finishing this island
ay dawg this is easy
Please someone help me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need help. I can’t seem to figure it out. I need to beat this game NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toddles <3
who ever made poptropica is asome!
can someone tell me how to beat the island i can’t get passed one part gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please post the writing walk through of counterfeit island but if you dont i and all of my friends are going to stop playing and i have moved a lot and i have stayed in touch with all of my friends and all of us play poptropica and we only need to pass counterfeit island so put a writing walkthrough.
i’ve beat this whole game its awesome its so easy
Guys: I would try more sites, if you can’t find just one, keep looking. i don’t believe it said anything about a walkthrough. this is just info about the island 🙂
its so hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!
this game is so easy! i finished in like 5 minutes it was that easy! this is probably my favorite out of all the missions. poptropica is my favorite site and i go on everyday and do the missions over and over again by creating a new character. i dont save though. i cant wait till reality tv island comes out! i will be the first to play.
The tickets are in the trash can by the tour booth. You have to move some items to get to it. To use them go to the nerd in the cafe and he will give you one to use.
just got youtube.com and type in poptropica counterfiet island walkthrough
Did you notice that the guy with a red hat with a paw print on it if you didn’t he’s up on the top?He’s not even on counterfeit island!!!!!!!!
The islands are so easy!counterfeit,24 carrot,early poptropica,big nate,nabooti,time tangled,astro knigts,spy,shark tooth and I forget the other one but I beat them all!
oh this island is really hard and i need to find tickets but its really really hard!really hard! ugghhhh! and this site has nothing on how to beat it!!!!!
i cant see the thief in the video all i see is the screaming picture
whaddaya talking about? theyre like soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo e-z
oh and also the curator(woman with purple shirt) she has gray hair not brown 😉
I completed Shark tooth got a meddle. I completed big Nate got a meddle. i completed time tagland got a meddle. i completed 24 carrot got a meddle.
i cant wait for the next island to come out! i just love love love poptropica! poptropica rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! (how could you not like poptropica!)
Hey! I’m new to poptropica and I really need help! how many islands have done ZERO! I really really really really………..REALLY need help! Feel free to email me!!!!! bye bye.
help me i cant get all the falling art work and crank the machine thingy!!!! HELP!!!!!!! S.O.S.!!!!!!!!
when it says i need to return these to the owner go to cafe and click on the guy near the TV.. then go to the tunnel…..
you will find the tickets in the trash can near bobs clown store
I need to know how to beat shark tooth.It is so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some of the people on here are complet ideits.They are sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo stuped.
hey people, if you need help the tickets are in the bottom of the trash can thats beside the tour guide lady. In order to use the tickets you have to click on the guy thats obssesed with his computer game, he lost them and if you click on him, he’ll let you keep one so you can use it!!!! bye yall, ps. im stuck
i need help in figuring out who is the thief
Its hard when you have to find the culprit
I havent got past anything
i cant find the key help ahhhh
i have the danger key that comes out of the guys pocket thats it i will do anything for the answer help me PLEASE
give the tickets to the man in the internet cafe and he’l give you one
I cant figure out how to get past the part where you go to early poptropica and talk to that one lady! plz help me!
I think this is the coolest island beacause you have to go to a different island.
to use the tickets go to the cafe and give it to the man in there
hey,im still havin trouble,you need to post a written walkthrough so i can get past it.thanks for listenin!PEACE!!<3
i can’t figure out how to catch the black widow after i caught stealing and she locked me up
if you need help on another island look it up because most are here including shark tooth
black widow stole the painting
she on counterfeit and sometimes on reality tv
where do the paintings go????????????????????????????
wherre the black widow lives
ps:go to poptropica creators blog
how can move the painting?
here is how to win balloon shop get the green one then run all the way to the left give the boy the balloon he will float up then go to main st and go inside the trash can i will right more tomorrow
this was easy but i went to jail and i hated that part >:(
where r all of the picture pieces?
awwww………. If anyone has the chance, go on youtubee seacrh episode one spider in the bath. It’s adorable!!!!
🙂 Bet it was……….Artemis is how u say my name in greek.
if anyone needs help in poptropica, ask me.
(* _* )
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i realy love this websitw it really helps thanks to all who have helped me to get some islands done!!!!! – Incredible Comet asna emily
i realy love this websitw it really helps thanks to all who have helped me to get some islands done!!!!! – Incredible Comet asna emily