Tiny Bee! Take a bow, Tiny Bee. Your very sharply dressed feline in vintage suit and bowler won the day. A very clever combination of rare items. And thanks to everyone who participated! Here’s Tiny Bee’s winning description:
I put together an outfit with several rare elements. Top Hat Cat!! (Itโs actually a bowler hat, but that doesnโt rhyme. The rare elements specifically are: cat whiskers, cat tail from the Cat Burgler costume from early access to Night Watch, pocket watch from Super Villain Island which you need to put in the closet to access after you finish the island, and a furry face from the Werewolf costume in the store. Other elements from Mystery Train.
Looking for suggestions for the next costume contest! Super villains? Royalty (princes and princesses)? Time Travellers? Let me know your ideas in the comments below.
Thanks, everyone!! I just want to say before someone points it out that I know bowler hat rhymes and it was stupid to say it didn’t. Thanks for voting for me!
By the way, my username is NineMuses if anyone wants to friend me.
Congrats Tiny Bee! I think that the next competition should be about pirates!Anyway,I am having a multiverse party to celebrate this! Contest,winner,loser,non-contestant,I don’t care! The code is BWC71! Please do attend. You can take as much candy as you want! And when you see me,try and challenge me to Star Link or Pathwise,if you dare! Let’s start partying! ๐
*virtually shakes hands with Tiny Bee*
Awesome job.
I wonder who came in 2nd and 3rd place
I friended you, I’m pamela2860.
To Grey Feather: If I can remember correctly,it was Golden Shell and Young Heart!
But guess who was fourth,with 153 votes? ME ME ME ME MEEEEEEE! ๐
Almost forgot: The next theme should be School Rockout or ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!
Kudos { congrats} tiny bee your outfit was awesome i voted for you and please friend me kidgamer4444. Next contest should best random mixture of costumes
Yo what up ppl? Cogratz to you Tiny Bee mate! Hi5 ๐
Fascinating ๐
i think the next theme should be school outfit or pirates or old days or i dont know ๐
P.S. add me my usernames are Poptropicad101 and MyPaddlesKeenAndBright and Cisco5678 i know i have alot, and i had more but forgot username/password
Next time I enter a contest, I’m the one who wins!
I’m in a place where there are marshmallows, sugar jubes, choc-chip cookies, candy canes, licorice and fizzy chews. Where am I?
Tiny Bee, you’re just a cat with props from Mystery Train Island!
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot…
DON’T LET ONE MORE POPTROPICAN FRIEND YOU (Joined with “Don’t come to the Multiplayer Rooms anymore!” or the houses bit)!
Cool Kid:
Sweet Tooth???
I’ve got a new idea for our next contest, Zippy Turtle!
(but whatever you do, DON’T tell Fierce Moon).
Title: Sweet Stuff in Poptropica
Why this idea should be chosen:
a) Buy something from the store (such as a Candy Cane-on, a flavoured Pop Gum [not unless you have one or more from your store items])
b) Buy the Avatar Studio from the Store (a] it’s free / b] not unless you have it already)
c) Open it and post the link in the commenting section
d) Type down one or two sentences about what your sweet thing is (first line can be what it is / second line can be why you chose it)
e) Stay in it until this this Wednesday 3rd April. I’ll ask Zippy Turtle to start grabbing all the costumes and the descriptions.
P.S.: Once you enter the contest, do NOT change your costume until Zippy Turtle and I will say it’s safe to change!
Sticky Clown, your code expired. ๐
Sweet Stuff in Poptropica will be a great idea for a contest.
Please put it as our next contest!
P.S.: I want it to have a maximum of 20 entries.
Sentence not line
Maybe the next theme should be ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! (AYW)
Just so people can express their Costume-Making Creativity.
From a half demon, half vampire; to a cute Angel with a wierd human life, like Young Heart’s costume.
@ Icy Snowball – Is there a reason you’re being so mean to me? I’m sorry for whatever I did… But I’m not going to apologize for existing or winning the contest.
Since when does she run the place?
Why aren’t my comments coming up…?
To Icy Snowball: Yes,I know. It was night-time for me,but thanks everyone who managed to come. ๐ Also,stop being so mean to Tiny Bee like this. She does have rare elements-the whiskers,the smile,the stop watch! ๐ก
Grey Feather: If it were me,I would make a mix of Dr.Hare and the Night Hare costume!
Icy Snowball, would you please stop being a troll/hater?? I’d like to see you do better if you think you are so great! Tiny Bee won fair-and-square. (Congratulations, by the way. ๐ :D)
@GF- Quit being mean to TB. Like BS said TB won FAIR and SQUARE! And quit being so hard on yourself just cos you didn’t win mate! I’ve won and lost contests on here but I don’t make a fit out of it! ๐
BTW, did you get the whole sweet lolly costume contest thing from ym lsat post? And BTW you got it right! It’s Sweet Tooth!
Fascinating ๐
I meant my last post! sorry!
Fascinating ๐
Cool Kid:
Would you stop put “Fascinating :)” at the end of your comments (I know you sometimes don’t)!
You mean IS, not GF.
IS- Yea I meant YOU! Plus why does it bother you? No one else seems to mind. Sorry GF if you thought I was accusing you of something you didn’t do. ๐
Fascinating ๐
Zippy Turtle! Zippy Turtle!
Our next contest should be Sweet Stuff in Poptropica!
P.S.: This was my idea. Pay 100% close attention to my posted instructions then post them on a new page on the site with the title Sweet Stuff in Poptropica!
P.P.S.: Like I said before, I want a maximum of 20 entries.
And sorry I put “line” instead of “sentence”, just put “sentence”.
If you want to see my instructions, see above.
“Above” as in the comment section’s 14th post.
I love GF’s idea! It’s so cool. We could all be free to express who we truly are! ๐ Great thinkin GF!
Fascinating ๐
What about a Titanic theme where we dress up like we are going on the Titanic.
Also what about a nightclub theme!
OK, so it’s just a cat with Mystery Train stuff. You don’t have to get all mad at her/him. I know you see cats everyday, but still. Do you see cats with stopwatches and hats on two feet? And so you came in whatever place, look at where I got. Basically last place. I thought mine had a slim chance of winning but, I thought wrong. So just keep on living life with what you get. Don’t live it like you win at everything. I don’t want to get involed but I think I need to express my thoughts on this.
In my next post I will have a multiplayer room! Dress in your nicest clothes.
Enter, if you please.
Oh also IS, don’t get mad at CK.
Nevermind my code.
Tiny Bee i friended you im Chloe40736
Icy Snowball are you on sugar rush or something calm down dude just cos you didnt win doesnt mean its the end of the world you crazy maniac
Next idea should be old fashion or best mixture please use these zippy turtle
congrats tiny bee i friended you every one come to my multiplayer for a party the code is ab464
I’m Giant Bee!!!!!! HaHaHa there’s a Tiny, and Giant Bee on poptropica!!!!!
@FA- Why would IS be mad at ME? ๐
Fascinating ๐
Dear Icy Snowball, I didn’t like Tiny Bee’s but yours wasn’t that good either.So don’t be so cruel.P.S I think Gentle Shell’s was the best.P.S.S: I agree with Grey Feather about the anything you want
@CK-Thanks, I thought other people would like my idea too.
Yeah, so, umm, yeah, it’s really good because when I read the costume contest posts like Fall Fashion and Summer Fun, I just thought, “why can’t they just dress up as whatever they want to?” Yes, I knew why, and I think you do too, but why couldn’t ZT just make the theme random?
Oh and I friended Cloe!
I’m pamela2860 if you wanna friend me.
I think the next costume contest theme should be a pet themed contest, anything-you-want/random themed contest, or mythical/monster themed contest.
Any of my ideas would make great costume contests.
P.S. I’m not on here much.
If anyone want me as a friend, my username is cutietandog.
Look for the comment section’s 14th post for this.
Zippy Turtle, don’t put Wednesday 3rd April, put something like next Saturday, 6th April.
P.S.: Add me as a friend my username is IcySnowball243!
Even though I didn’t win, I’m having a multiplayer room to celebrate this!
Code will be posted shortly, though.
Bring anything – but not the Shrink Ray Balloons.
If I catch you with these, you’re booted out and can’t return.
P.S.: We can all entertain each other.
P.P.S.: If you dare, challenge me in Star Link or Pathwise! (Sky Dive is also allowed.)
I’m not sure if I’m gonna be on here most of the time.
So, if anyone wants to join, the code is DTU68.
C’mon, what are you waiting for?
I’m leaving the room in 10mins if nobody joins.
So, you’ve got 10mins to join or it’s deleted!
One person joined
New page, yeah!
DTU68, everybody!
That’s my multiverse code!
I actually just came to see if anyone else actually showed, guess not.
Oops, deleted.
IS said “CK would you stop putting Fascinating :-D.” There was also a GRRR involed in that post.
Well IS, I’ve got to say your really makin A BIG FUSS out of it. Well just to tell ya matey, I aint never gonna stop me laddie. ARGH!
Fascinating ๐
Whoa, what was up with me and that last post? Sorry IS, I got a bit carried away. I sounded like some Scottish pirate or something didn’t I?
Fascinating ๐
Just came here to see what I’ve missed. Icy Snowball, since when do you run this place? ๐ Stop making such a huge fuss about everything and “Keep calm and carry on”?
Now, let’s keep things PLUR. (Peace, love, unity, and respect.) I think that’s what it stands for…
I really like GF’s idea about expressing ourselves for next costume contest. Come as yourself, be who you want to be. I’m so hipster! ๐
Blood on the Dance Floor- P.L.U.R
I am not a huge fan of this particular genre, but it has a good message- sort of. One of the old commenters was a massive interest in EDM(Electronic Dance Music)
Peace, love, unity, respect. These are all the thing you should never forget! Especially you- IS!
I know right BS! That’s what I’ve been tryin to tell him/her. ๐
Fascinating ๐
Hey, it’s great if you pick royalty or princesses and princes!! Just to try something new.
Maybe a Music Group Coustume Contest
I’m still feelin’ Croody from watching The Croods about a week ago.
I still kinda feel like Eep. :->
congrats tiny bee! oh yeah, i really like the new wallpaper on the creators’ blog. lots of costumes on it!
Hey, everyone! If my Sweet Stuff in Poptropica idea was chosen, what will you enter as?
Look in Previous Comments to get some ideas then go back to Next Comments and post what YOU want to come as!
I like GF’s idea of a theme. We’d see a lot of interesting and creative costumes from that.
how about people from movies…characters?
Hey I found a new and cool glitch on poptropica!
First go to wimpy wonderland, then if you have finished the island restart it then go to the part where greg plays the video game but DONT get the guide yet, click on the tv and play, now DO NOT build a fortress that protects your wizard just randomly place blocks anywhere, now after that when you fail the game open your inventory, close it then walk over to the door once you reach there DO NOT exit or else you’ll have to start over then when you pass the door greg should be followng you!
@brave sky, totally! P.L.U.R is a thing i live on! i read that you liked EDM too. add me at olympicgal405. ๐
Okay, we should probably do a vote. If you want to do IS’s idea, write #sweetstuff. If you want to do GF’s idea, vote #anythingyouwant.
gosh, things sure have changed around here. IS thinks she is the new fierce moon, and giant eagle is now a spammer…..
oh, i think i get what they (people who called me a newb.) meant now!
no offense, ya’ll.
Actually, IS is trying to be a total b****
When I saw IS’s poptropican dressed in the angel costume I laughed from the irony.
Oh and #anythingyouwant.
BS:Hey,don’t indicate swear words! Also,GF’s idea is great!
Come on, I haven’t picked up any votes from #sweetstuff yet!
P.S.: Wild Star
No, you’re wrong! I’m not a she, I’m a he! And, what’s more, you’re the new Fierce Moon, more like it!
How would you like it if someone else called you something inappropriate or stupid?! Huh? Huh?
P.P.P.S.: If you want to friend me, my username is IcySnowball243.
GF: 2 IS: 0
How is Wild Star being the new Fierce Moon? At least he/she isn’t demanding people to do something like VOTE FOR THEIR IDEA!! *calms down* Look, I am trying to be a peaceful person here, I am not here to start a fight. I am just trying to keep things PLUR around here(If you don’t know what it stands for, than refer to recent comments), okay?? Why can’t we all just get along? ๐ Icy Snowball, if you want to make a rude comment about me being the new Fierce Moon, go ahead, do it.
Thanks, Brave Sky.
IS, how was i supposed to know that you’re a boy? you haven’t really been telling us much about YOU, just about how you’ll win EVERYTHING.If your gonna insult me, why don’t you make up your own insults!? *takes deep breath.* look, we don’t need another SL, demanding votes like that won’t really help you get any anyway. YES, we know you want votes, everyone knows, now you just have to wait for people to vote.
BTW, congrats Tiny Bee,
and #anythingyouwant.
Audit first, Edit later.
Hee hee! Ha ha!
Beat ya down IS!
Hoo hoo! Ha ha!
Do somethin’ ZT!
GF: 4 IS: 0
Guess who I vote for? Well kinda obvious! #anythingyouwant
Go GF! ๐
Fascinating ๐
GF: 5 IS: 0
Grey Feather’s Anything you Want Idea: Five votes
My Sweet Stuff Idea: One vote
(Of course, I voted for myself).
37 of my clones have voted for me!
38-5 for Me!
Like that’s going to count here.
The score is still 5-0.
Popball is a sport I made up which got its idea from Poptropica.
I’m not explaining you the rules.
The only way is to go inside the house (you have to be patient) on top of the multi-player room on, well, Shrink Ray Island!
P.S.: This is not a hoax. You can also have free matches of the game and play the Wild West Island game Slap Jack. If you first get off the blimp and you decide to do the Shrink Ray Island quest, you’ll miss out when the thief shrinks you down to… I don’t know.
What you can do:
a) Estimate what the thief shrinks you down to
b) Find out why you didn’t go there in the first place
c) Find out how you’re gonna get off the island when your Poptropican is shrunk. Can’t just go out the door in the living room, ’cause the cat will swipe you!
62 more of my clones voted!
Well done, clones. Great job.
100-5 for me!
You done?
GF: 5
IS: -100
Give me an I!
Give me a C!
Give me a Y!
Give me an S-N-O-W!
Give me a B-A-L-L!
What’s that spell?
Icy Snowball!
From the I, to the C, to the Y-S-N. From the O, to the W, to the B-A-L. To the L…?
Okay, I admit it’s a bit confusing.
I’ll take that as a no.
99 + 1 = 100!
Fine, I’ll count your vote.
GF: 5
IS: -98
I’M GETTING MORE VOTES! (20vps [votes per second]).
Great job, clones. We’ve reached a whopping 10,000 votes and counting.
100,000 votes!
1,000,000 votes!
GF: 5
IS: -999999
I picked up 10,000,000… 100,000,000, 1,000,000,000… 1,000,000,000,000… 1,000,000,000,000,000… 12,345,678,987,654,321…
Getting more and more votes by the minute…
New page, woohoo.
I’m done, I don’t want to find out if you’re contagious.
Go home IS. You’re drunk. We’re done with you.
GF: 5
IS: -1,000,000
I haven’t had anything to drink today!
On second thoughts, I’m getting more votes than you expected!
On THIRD thoughts, vote for #sweetstuff!
I got 20 zillion votes!
On FOURTH thoughts, you’re the drunk ones!
On FIFTH thoughts, I am home!
Grey Feather: Five
Icy Snowball: One quadrillion +
I’ll soon turn everyone on Poptropica into slaves!
POPTROPICAN 1: What’s going on?
POPTROPICAN 2: *shouts in Spanish*
Poptropican 3: *shouts in French*
Poptropican 4: Let’s escape!
Can you please just stop yelling?
The day I become a slave to a 12 year old stuck up brat is the day after the world ends.
So true, wouldn’t all the other people agree? Icy Snowball, tell me, how does a failed attempt to rule all Poptropica feel?
Ignore that.
Oh my Gosh.
ok, IS has officially ruined the comments.
IS, where did you come from?
wait don’t answer.
look, if this is how hyped up your getting about a *currently* nonexistent contest, i am so glad i was MIA during rare contest.
ok, from now on, until IS either gets sober, gets out, or justs calms down about clones (respect the clones, man.), we are gonna have to block out his comments, ya’ll agree?
lets talk about something else.
no pressure. ๐
Exactly. We don’t need another Hyper Shadow.
Happy Easter! ๐
Look… Would you guys just GIVE IT A REST?!
Poptropica is about getting to know each other,
and I’m gonna make a good Poptropica Villain one day (SORT OF)!
P.S.: Slippery Icicle:
a) Don’t give me that attitude!
b) The world’s not going to end for another 60,000,000,000 years!
I am not being sarcastic.
Ever heard of this before?
Nice hat. Thanks. I was being sarcastic. Well, I stole your face! *slap*
I’m losing temper but gaining votes!
Wild Star:
Do you even know what being sober is?
What do you mean “gets out”?
And finally, don’t block out my comments! Yes, respect the clones, but anyone can post!
@IS- Name me one person who voted for you. Actually, name me the one quadrillion people who voted 4 u.
@WS- Love the bunny rabbit! ๐
@World- This site aint fun no more ever since HE joined in! And everyone knows who he is right? ๐
Fascinating ๐
IS You are an insult to poptropica. just calm down geez
@Wild Star: The bunny rabbit is soo cute! What are you guys gonna do for Easter?
my family goes to an Easter mass, and we get home at one o’clock. (i was risking ten minutes of sleep commenting last night. ๐ ) then all the family (on my dads side.) come over and have a feast! we have eggs, ham, bacon, bread, and of course, candy. then my parents make Easter baskets for each of us kiddo’s, and we look for them. we do it every year. (my parents don’t like doing the candy always though. the aunts and uncles usually bring us enough for an army. :))
Audit first, Edit later. ๐
Happy Easter Easter Easter….Day!
Yes, I know Hyper Shadow, but he dosn’t know me.
Yes, he’s the one who said that smoking and drugs was good for you when everyone didn’t believe him (I didn’t either).
And also, name some people who voted for you IS!
‘Cause we are still 5-1.
Happy Easter guys!
P.s We should have a spring costume contest!
IS:We can’t delete your comments, only Zippy Turtle can do that, what we can do is ignore them.
*Gets out* means stops commenting.
Yes, I know what getting sober means, who told you? maybe someone who thought you were mature enough to handle it. Zippy Turtle will decide the contest, not you and your clones. so why dont you calm down, and start talking…about something, not about votes.
This is getting out of hand…
Nice bunny,Wild Star! I vote for GF’s idea!
a) I’ll give you attitude if I want to.
b) Please, go to school kid. You’re too stupid.
I doubt that you’re 12, by the way that you’re acting and your unacceptable attitude, you seemed as if you were 8.
happy Easter guys!
and IS, I thought I was the one who always started trouble ๐
I’m outta this fight, btw
Anways, I found this cool paramore remix! It also had airplanes in it!(the song, not the real thing)
Am, I the only one who’s in a good moood right now? Come on, knock this fighting off it’s Easter weekend!!!!!!! I can’t believe I’m going back to school tomorrow grrrr! Oh well, Maybe my crush might give me a chance, Also, April fools day is tomorrow too, I wonder what joke could happen next, and about last year’s”Poptropica ending”?! That was really convincing,—- Is anyone else on or what?
Oh my freakin’ lord, you’re back Young Crown!!!! This site has changed so much because of that biatch!! Where were you?
You guys know what I mean by biatch, right?
What are you guys gonna do for April Fools Day tomorrow?
Hey everyone! ๐
I don’t start school until Wednesday! ๐
Fascinating ๐
April Fools day is tomorrow?
Aww lucky! I have school tomorrow!
ooh, anyone remember the poptropica nose trick last year?
I was so freaked out, but my brothers just ignored it. ๐
“Name some people who voted for me?”
P.S.: Happy Easter. Every Poptropican should deserve an egg for completing an island.
FINE, ALRIGHT! I’LL TELL YOU! BUT IF I DO, YOU MUST SAY, “We must all respect Icy Snowball even if he is drunk or sober.” If you think they’re fake, you must say, “We must all respect Icy Snowball and not hurt his feelings.”
Pie Man (voted before eating his pies)
Pie Lover (Pie Man shared his pies with him)
Pomegrenate (loves Mythology Island and frequently visits Herc’s Hero Hut)
Peapod (is always fond of peas)
Cruella de Pille (hates Christmas, Halloween and Easter)
Pockolate (owner of Daisy the cow who produces chocolate milk)
Pawberry (owner of Bessie the cow who produces strawberry milk)
Oops I mean Cruella de Pil
We must all disrespect Icy Snowball and hurt his feelings.
You’re not saying it right.
Wow. Haven’t been here in a while.
Just correcting the mistakes you made, you’re welcome.
OH MAI GAWD!!!! You’re back SL! Long time, no see. This place has changed SO FREAKIN’ MUCH ever since you got banned. If you look at recent comments, you can obvi tell that there’s a batchy(Replace the “a” with an “i”.) troll here who thinks he owns this place. (HIS NAME IS ICY SNOWBALL.)
Are you and RedWing still mad at each other? I go on RedWing’s blog a lot soo…
IS, I’m not even gonna bother say if it’s fake or not. Well, we know for sure it’s fake, but just trying to keep things PLUR here. Which clearly, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I mean, what part of PLUR do you not understand? Oh, I don’t know- ALL OF IT???
*takes deep breath* Okay, I think I’m calm now.
I don’t know anyone here…so….like yeah.
oh, yeah, IS, you definitely don’t know what drunk OR sober means. start talking about… april fools day.
I am planning fun FUN things…..
SL, hey. im gonna try not to be annoyed by you…just, if you have to *****, plz say something like, biatch. kay? (that is, if you’re gonna comment….. :/)
one upside to all this drama, the comments sure are getting a lot more interesting now! ๐
Audit first, Edit later. :`
Why the f**k does everyone put a catchphrase at the end of their comments? It’s annoying. :/
just me and the clan, watching Monk and playing the sims 2….
life is perfect sometimes….. ๐
Are you saying you don’t know me, SL? ๐
About the catchphrase comment, you get used to it.
So the meanie’s back, eh?
Yes, I know she won’t be around for very long…and that just leaves Thalia Grace, Brianna Hatcher, and Kat.
Yes, I know, there were also some commenters that left in the past, like Hyper Shadow, and other people.
I almost forgot to paste something!:
We must all respect Icy Snowball and not hurt his feelings.”
Ignore the quotation marks, I copied it along with that.
Those people are so, so, fake!
They don’t even comment!
You have to put you vote in the comments!
There is no way IS can know those wierdos!
There is like, so much drama here!
@GF- Don’t call SL a meanie! I’ve been waiting so long for her to come back. I know you two didn’t get along when you first met but plz, just don’t.
P.S- You’re right about how you have to put your vote in the comments
@SL- Hey what up? Do you remeber me? It’s CK! Well if you don’t, I definitely remember you! I’ve been reading your blog and I love the photos! ;). That just leaves 4 people I want back! ๐
Fascinating ๐
Ok make that 7 people I want back.
@SL- Do you remember ayman arif? He posted a few posts before this for a costume contest! ๐
Fascinating ๐
Grey Feather:
You’re only saying that so you can get away with it!
Also, they vote! The only reason why they vote is because they’re not fake and they always love Poptropica as much as I do. But there’s just time to say that you’re are who you are. Poptropica’s always about getting to know each other.
P.S.: Does anyone want to know why I’m a “troll”? ‘Cause I’m not! I’m not going to anyone’s created multiplayer rooms ever again – until you say this.
Icy Snowball, I will invite you to any of my created Multiverse rooms, as long as it’s Sweet Tooth, Crystal Cavern or Enchanted Forest.
I’ll give you an ID on Pomegrenate.
Name: Pomegrenate Tree
Date of Birth: Somewhere in 2001
Favourite Island: Mythology Island
Notes: Pomegrenate visits Mythology often. She takes pictures of rare stuff and is fond of reed pipes. She knows and plays every song on the reed pipe. She is casually German, but she knows English, a little French, a bit of Spanish, some Italian and most Greek. He hangs out in Herc’s Hero Hut and LOVES the Pomegrenate Punch even if it is “to die for”! His favourite plants are (obviously) pomegrenate trees – named after himself. He went to live on Mythology for the rest of his life, listened to what Zeus told him, visited the Underworld, got information from Athena and did much more. He also lived on Mythology for a better life and died in 2011 at the age of 10 (and 10 weeks, 10 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds). Yes, he was fond of the number 10, and was fond of the letter J, ’cause J’s the 10th letter of the Latin alphabet!
Oops, let’s replace those hims and hes, etc. with hers and shes, etc.
Let me guess IS, your not from U.S.
Guys, I think the next island after back lot has a human body theme.
Have you checked Sneak Peeks?
i think we will get inside a poptropican body and defeat viruses or something.
okay.. Poptropica is going 3D!!!! I’m happy, but the only way to view this awsomeness is to buy a pair of 3D glasses for $999.95! My mom will never go for that! SO, what about the people who won’t get the glasses? Will we have to give up poptropica?? ๐ or will they give us a choice between 2D and 3D??? ๐
@*Mercedez*-I know how you feel!
@IS-No, I’m mean that, well, umm, I’m just saying that we have to SEE their vote, so we can make SURE they voted.
@Anyone who is wondering why I called SL a meanie-It’s just that when SL was around, there wasn’t much P.L.U.R.. So, as long as SL is around, she has to promise to keep everything calm, and with more P.L.U.R., and not start any conflicts. Brianna Hatcher told me to not to start any conflicts, even though I am in one with IS; whether the quadrillion voters have to put their votes in the comments and if the voters are real or not.
Almost forgot!
Have the worst April Fools Day!
April Fools!
Have the happiest April Fools Day!
Are we cool SL? ๐
April Fools World! ๐ -blows party popper-
Let the pranks begin! ๐
Fascinating ๐
hey, don’t feel guilty GF, were ALL in *conflict* with IS.
Best idea to trick someone in a multiplayer room:
Fake noses
Prank in a can
I’ll give IS one thing, he is very very random.
Hey, Giant Eagle!
Um, kids, be careful what pranks you play on your moms.
They never end well.
*mercedes*! you are back too!
I’m living in my afterlife.
See? I got many votes than you can even count! By lots of people everywhere!
Pomegrenate says, “I’ll vote for Icy Snowball!”
Me: 10000000000000000000000000000000000 Grey Feather: 5
You know your votes won’t count when Zippy posts the next theme.
dude lucky snow ball is a robot
IS: -10000000000000000000000000000000000
GF: 5
Just got back from an orchestra concert!! ๐ It was soo fun!
:/ you guys are soooo off topic! Zippy said to make suggestions for the next costume contest! Not talk about the voting in the last contest we’re done voting they already chose a winner OK?! Just get over it.
My suggestion is Fantasy creatures which includes: Vampires,Werewolves,Fairies,monsters,dragons, and more.
and btw i’m not trying to be mean i’m just making it clear to you guys
Exactly one year ago, Fierce Moon was here…those were the days.
And she tricked us with a post that Poptropica was shutting down!
I believed her, ’till she commented about April Fools! xD
*sigh* Man…those days…
And SL, hats to you for being rude the day you came back, but since these people who comment are the ones who can’t make forum accounts, they make themselves feel better by giving themselves a “signature” so the little catchphrase is like their siggy at the end of each comment (post).
Don’t judge so quickly, SL. Of course, 10-year-olds don’t know better…
SI- So LOL how you keep on righting minuses. ๐
IS- You have LESS votes than I can count on my fingers! ๐
Fascinating ๐
Who here as watched Bridge to Terabithia? Who ever hasn’t must watch it! It’s one of my most favorite movies I’ve watched! You can watch the full movie on YouTube! ๐
Fascinating ๐
Just playin’ Poptropica, that’s all
Completed Night Watch
Why are my comments not shown?
Hey, RedWing…..
I am a lot older than ten, people do their little catchphrases to be unique, or, as i said a long time ago, to give people something to laugh about after a heady comment.
Okay, I admit, mine isn’t that funny.
But RedWing, all of us here already had our talk/battle about this, YOU barely get on here, so don’t come and stir up old feelings about catchphrases again. almost everyone here that comments has a forum account, people have no problem with forum-ers having catchphrases,(which usually have a picture, and a link, and etc….) so what the heck is the problem with us doing catchphrases, I don’t even do mine half the time, only at the end of long comments.
Audit, first. Edit. later.
I agree with you on the other two points, however.
Looks like we won’t see SL in a long time from now.
I wonder why she got banned. ๐
Omg! Sprocket wont offer to help me at the windmill either! WHAT do I do? Somone PLEASE answer!!!!:(
One of my clones disagrees and goes for Grey Feather’s idea!
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 votes!
My rate increased to 100vps!
it was april fools day so it aint 999.95 dollars , the glasses, and why is everyone so kind to is now
@Wild Star: So? RedWing’s older than 10 too. ๐
FYI, RedWing’s been on this site longer than YOU have, so don’t go telling people that used to be on here to stop talking about the old memories. She didn’t say that she had a problem with you guys doing catchphrases, SL did.
hey, BS,
Look at the comment below my *mean one.* I said I agreed with her on the other points. Just in case you missed it, these points:
*Exactly one year ago, Fierce Moon was hereโฆthose were the days.
And she tricked us with a post that Poptropica was shutting down!
I believed her, โtill she commented about April Fools! xD
*sigh* Manโฆthose daysโฆ
And SL, hats to you for being rude the day you came back.*
I wasn’t telling her to “stop talking about old memories” or anything, READ what I said, I said don’t bring up the catch phrase issue again. SL is just being SL, to tell you the truth, I don’t really care what she thinks..
Now, I don’t want to insult RW, she HAS been on this site longer than I, but she also has not been on here for a while, so I’m betting she missed the catchphrase tussle. In fact, you did too, so I’m betting you and RW don’t realize how strongly us *newbies* feel about this.
so what of RW is older, she was still saying the *ten year old* thing as an insult.
READ what she said all the way through, she was subtly putting us down.
Maybe Me and CK and GF haven’t been on here as long as you and RW have, but we are not newbs anymore.
hey, IS, she is saying it because she CAN get away with it.
Okay, it’s official, IS, I don’t really don’t care who the heck votes for you. I didn’t, I picked for Tiny Bee, she deserves those votes, UNLIKE YOU so please, shut up and leave!!!
I am now part of this, ban me, just try!!
๐ I’m so gonna win this baby!
just ignore IS, he’s not gonna make any sense until Zippy Turtle announces a new contest.
of course, if he does GF’s idea, IS will never shut up.
come on IS.
Maybe he’ll get so angry that he will…he will…uhhh…uhhh…uhhhhhh……I don’t know.
Yes, I’m with everyone who thinks IS’s clones are fake.
She’s STILL, ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*bangs screen*
I’m with you GF.
I’m not a spammer.
Will you be quiet?
@Wild Star: I DID read yours as well as RedWing’s through. I think I just took your “mean” comment the wrong way. Now that I think about it, I now get what you’re trying to say. Sorry ’bout that. ๐ณ
I know that SL is just being her… umm… I can’t really think of a much nicer way to say it. I’ve known her long enough that she can be a little obnoxious at times, especially when she’s arguing with someone. The claws come out, full-on-biatchiness.
How come you name doesn’t have a space in between “Wild” and “Star”? RedWing does that too… I’m not assuming that you’re copying her, just wondering.
I noticed that too.
I just didn’t wanna mention it.
Oh well.
It’s just good to be here.
Calm, and P.L.U.R..
Now that’s more like it! ๐
It’s peaceful because there only a few people here now.
BS, Thanks for your reply, I guess I was being a little too blunt, but I can get upset pretty quickly, and I type fast….
And hey! don’t worry, its still me. Its just that when I first commented, I used my dads screen, but I have my own screen now, but of course I can’t use the exact same username, soooo…..
GE, maybe I was being too hasty about the spamming thing, it just seemed like your comments awhile ago were random numbers and letters. If you feel sore about that.
hey! its peaceful because where I am, its midnight!

‘Night everybody!
My original commenting name DID have a space.

@ BS- Can you teach me how to do some of the faces pretty plz with a cherry and raspberry ripple on top? I love them. Especially the ones that move!
@ SL- One time you come on, next you disappear. I wish you’d stay. ๐
Fascinating ๐
There aren’t many people (nor meanies) here, so I guess no wonder there’s more P.L.U.R..
PS: I’m still on spring break.
OMG: I start school NEXT WEEK!
You’re still on Spring Break? Don’t Spring Break usually last about a week? When did you start Spring Break?
You enter a dark room that has 3 item inside. An oil lamp, newpaper, and firewood. You only have one match, which one do you light first?
Let me check.
It started on March…15!
Mine lasts 3 weeks!
And, uhh, firewood?
I give up! I change my vote to Grey Feather’s!
If I entered the vote, I’d be someone (on board) from Mystery Train.
P.S.: I had 20 people who stopped voting. 12 of them stopped last night.
YOU’RE RIGHT! It WAS a hoax! ๐ I went for something I didn’t care about, but then it’s always stupid to the way the idea got came up with! My clones are fake, but they’re just going to be in the dump. Let’s talk about something else. ๐
P.P.S.: Has anyone completed Mystery Train? Mystery Train’s my favourite island.
And if you have, don’t you like how the (dumb) Pinkerton Agent blocks your way to the coal car when you’re trying to go and talk to Tesla?
P.P.P.S.: I have completed it thrice*!
*three times
I know what PLUR is! It’s an acronym!
Actually the U stands for Unity.
@GF: Nope! You light the match first, think about it.
Yeah, you’re right.
And IS good to know.
I am not mad at you (maybe a teensy bit but not much).
I guess that means the house thingy is also a hoax isn’t it?
‘Cause I never got it.
And I’m a member.
No flashes. More than an HOUR.
Now you’re now part of our group.
I guess we’re not in conflict anymore! ๐
*deep breath*
AWWWW! I wanted to answer that riddle! I’ve been asked it a gazillion times now ( aka 5 times)!
Fascinating ๐
Tell you what…
If I can try make the house thing real, then it’s accepted and will happen on every island.
P.S.: Did you know? Back Lot comes for members in more than 12 hours
and to everyone on the 25th?
Awesome IS!
Your the best!
I’m off to a playdate.
better scram!
Grey Feather April 4, 2013 at 10:41 am
Awesome IS!
Your the best!
… I think I just threw up for a sec.
What do you mean?
I just had to go to a playdate.
They didn’t show up!
Oh, whatever!
Anyone on? ๐
Guess not….
I think next contest should be the scariest… ‘sit good? ๐
I vote for GF’s idea! One more added!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
Another fictional character comp. I would so win!!!
Congrats Tiny Bee! I friended you!
@ CS- What’s Tiny Bee’s username โ
Fascinating โ
It’s the 1st or 2nd comment on this post but if you’re lazy it’s NineMuses .
Did you friend her?
@ CS- Yup
Fascinating ๐ฎ
Do you know where the hair with the yellowish feather in her closet comes from?
@ CS- Uhhh… One sec.
Fascinating ๐
Hmm โ What do ya mean โ
@ CS- Just wait…
Fascinating ๐
@ CK – Wait for what?
@ CS- 2 minutes
@ CS- Wait…
Fascinating ๐ฏ
@ CK – FOR WHAT?!?!? ๐ฏ
@ CS- Patience mate.
Fascinating ๐
@ CK – Wha??? Have you gone bonkers?!?!?!?!?!
@ CS- You callin ME bonkers โ
Fascinating ๐