Do you want to blend into the background? Be seen but not seen, heard but not heard? Then get this outfit, perfect for blending into the background! A blue Newsboy Cap, Yellow Striped Shirt, Black Skirt w/ tights, and an Open Brown jacket all form RP’s will help you become a casual and stylish person.
–This one was made by my collaborator, Bashful Belly! Thanks goes to her!!!
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Virus Hunter Island Costume and Powers Now Available
This just in from the Creator’s Blog: in anticipation of the imminent arrival of …
And I was first. Eep!
Check out this link to my blog:
Hope its fun for you and merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Well, this is kind of cool; Inside the new video talking about the Cryptids Island date announcement there is a poster to Jeff’s right. The poster says: Wild West (Island). Also on the poster is a cow skull. Could this mean this is one of the new islands coming out in 2011?
hi, that poster is super cool purplesnowball!
There is also a picture of Jeff Kinney with something that looks like a huge, hairy bigfoot! I am so excited for cryptids island to come out for members. Are you one?
Remember a long time ago about that picture with that truck and the dinosaur footprints and the dog? Well on Cryptids Island you know that dog Sparkie? Well I think that is the dog in the picture is that dog. And those footprints I think are the Nessie’s. Oh and Strange Moon, I love the outfits! Keep em’ coming!
Yeah, I’m a member, and I can’t wait to track down the Jersey Devil in this upcoming island. What’s the cryptid you wanna track down?
Guess what? The relese date for Crypitds island for members have been announced: Monday, December 20.
in the back of the jeff kinny vid there is a logo for an island called wild west island
im a member cant wait for cryptids
Yay! Can’t wait for Cryptids Island! And I got my membership with a game card, but on the creators post, it said it was only month long. When I got my game card, it said ten weeks. Help?
I am not sure, Super Thunder. Oh, PurpleSnowball I can’t wait to track down Big Foot!
its 3 months
the island is on monday for members ,what island is Cryptids ISLANDand i am a members see you there
I have an idea For a costume! First get the biker’s hat. Next get the merchant’s coat from Skullduggery Island(at the end of part one in Fort Ridley.) Get the Rock Singer’s belt and get a black pants. Last get bubble gum mouth, and you’re done! Only for boys and it’s called the Cool High Schooler!
I waz a member
I have an idea for an outfit
Its called
Pink girl.
It calls for 225 credits or Just 75
[you need to be able to reach Aphroditie in this outfit.]
1. Take Aphrodites Shirt
2. Aphrodtites Top
3. Aphdorities Necklace
4. Take Trtion’s sunglasses
5. Use popstar’s belt.
6. Use any hair, I used Gamer gals hair.
7. Any lip, I used Bikers lip.
Link to see it:
its awesome Strange moon
dont u think strange moon would rather see stuff about her costumes rather than this stuff, which really should be on PoptropicaSecrets posts?
i lovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee poptropica secrets it is awsome
it helps me to death
Hi strange moon!i absoluteley love this costume! i made something like it but a little different. Hope you like it!
i call it Too Cool For School
1.Find the yellow shirt used in the ‘City-zen’
2.find a dark blue sweater from someone in the common rooms.
3.get the time traveling thingy on time tangled island and go to the year where you have to help thomas edison [to find his phonograph] Enter the house and customize a DARK blue newsboy cap and brown pants.
4. Find the black belt from people in common rooms.
5.find a ponytail and freckles from an RP
6.Chew popgum or get Southern Belle Lips!
Here is the link.
Actually, you can use any hair [for my outfit].I’m stuck on getting some acessories for it.
i have 25 credits and i mostly spend it on costumes, i think ill post on that i made up and if you want to see it ill be in the crop circle inn in astro knights every saturday if i can around 12 o clock to three o clock everyone the costume is just a variation of pop star really
Ok-2 things:
!st thing:
What is an RP?
And 2nd thing:
If a credit card is paying for the membership, then does it continually charge it for each month?
I love ur site! Its so useful!
What is RP???
it looks pretty good on my poptrica
The City-Zen (Boys edition) :
1. beanie found on RPs
2. light gray skull shirt found on RPs
3. black jacket also found on RPs
4. any dark pants
Also, for the boys city-zen thing, shades are optional.
Girls adventure outfit:
1. Mythology surfer shades and top
2. Vampire girl 1 jacket and hair
3. Biker girl (or cowgirl) lips
4. Red pants
Don t swear or else I will slap u
apn68 is the party code every body is invited
Sorry I’m not logged on everyone, but Speedy Hippo:
RP means Random Poptropican and I am just the Fashion Reporter; PoptropicaSecrets owns this blog.
Who likes my boy version of City-Zen?
Hi Strange Moon! Your site is awesome!
I have a costume for Strange Moon.
It is called The Prettiest One of all.
You have to spend at least 225 credits
1.First buy the Popstar, Angel, and the Fairy Queen.
2.Costumize as the lips of the Popstar the microphone, and the jacket.
3.Get the wings of the Angel.
4.Costumize as the Fairy Queens crown.
5.Get the long flowy hair and the bangs.
6.You have to complete the Barbie Groom and Glam Pups to get the pink dress.
To look at the costume go to http://www.Poptropica Avatar and type in zzantua.
Thanks for viewing!=)
:shy: :laugh:
😎 ➡ :girl: 💡 🙂 🙁 😀 😉 😳
:mrblue: :msgreen: :mrblack: :mrred:
Where do you find the blue newsboy hat?